The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN SHOW | Jason Marshall | Sub 6 minutes on all the ERGs | 5 World Records on SKIERG

Episode Date: November 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:57 See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. Rambo, what's up? Good morning. Bam we're live Rambler what's up good morning Any good jean companies for crossfit people with big legs I have the Victos jeans I don't know if I would say I have big legs But I like them they're kind of stretchy
Starting point is 00:01:18 When I wear them people give me compliments I don't really usually get compliments on my clothes I need a new um i need a new floyd 19 shirt because look at my floyd 19 shirt you see it it's the black square i like the idea of it you know what i mean it's like making fun of the black squares. It's like, Hey, we all know who the real racists are, but this, uh, it's a, um,
Starting point is 00:01:47 I don't like the way this feels. And like, it's only a matter of time before the washes are just going to make it fall off. I just need a really nice up high Floyd 19. And then maybe even below it, RTR D 19, maybe like a few different 19 retard 19. what's up robbie myers good morning
Starting point is 00:02:06 how are you buddy good to see you uh does the wife decide on your clothes no if anything it's the other way around not that i choose her clothes for her but i've gone through phases where not in a long time before but before we had kids i i would really enjoy taking her clothes shopping and like just sit there and be like okay okay, get that, get that, get that. I really enjoyed that. Maybe that's a sign that I'm gay. But there's a lot of signs. You need a new blue square shirt for Israel.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Oh. Interesting. Someone, do you believe in chiropractic care? It's so it's crazy that you're asking that because in a little bit, we're going to have Jason Marshall on the show in an hour. He's not coming on till eight. And as I was doing research on him, he got oh, my goodness, I need to shave. He got some chiropractic care and he says it hurt him. I've been to three different body workers and all three of them I left worse than when I got there. And one in particular I think really, really fucked me up. The thing is, is I've only gone to them when I'm injured.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I've only gone to them when I'm injured. And I think that they have no fucking idea what they're doing. I went to three different ones. One guy put his thumb in my mouth and was pushing on the roof of my mouth. I wanted to fucking beat the fuck out of him, to be honest with you. Good morning from Sevan's head. Thank you. to fucking beat the fuck out of him, to be honest with you. Good morning from Sevan's head. Thank you. I'm looking for...
Starting point is 00:03:49 I started playing with my soundboard. I wanted to add sounds to it. I was kind of inspired yesterday. I mean, that's the story of my life. No respect. I don't get no respect at all. Are you kidding? A little Rod and Dangerfield clip clip but i need to find one where it's someone it's someone saying david shut up david i need one of those right wouldn't that
Starting point is 00:04:14 be good just every time he pisses me off i just push the button david quiet i need some like from some famous person saying that yeah um so so the guy today is one of the best erg guys in the world he um i think for 2 000 meters on the rower the bike and the skier he has sub six minutes i'm not sure what the metric is for the rower obviously it's two thousand meters i don't know but but he has like three so he he was the first guy ever and he may be the only guy ever to get some sub six minute time we'll find out the details on the rower ever uh on all three erg devices ever and um he went to a chiropractor and he said it fucked him up so when i when i was doing research on him and i heard him say that the other day i was like oh
Starting point is 00:05:11 yeah good that makes me feel better all my chiropractors only only used a device on me to adjust nothing else because of my herniated discs all my chiropractors only used a device on me a device yeah that's what i must have herniated discs or something i did a overhead squats yesterday for the first time in five years i did a hundred of them i know a little excessive but i got some really good i found her some really good position i use the 45 pound bar i did sets of 10 like i always do everything old school well as you guys know um as most of you know some of you haven't figured it out yet i know uh everything um and uh i don't i don't know call it a curse i even know what i don't know. Call it a curse. I even know what I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 But there was a comment on YouTube the other day. Three hours ago. Man, who's watching YouTube three hours ago? And it's from this girl. I think it's this girl. It says Jen Sentaster. Jen Zentaster? Jen's and Taster. Jen's and Taster.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Anyway. It's that top comment. I know you guys can't see it very well. Excuse me. Maybe I can make the screen bigger. Where's Caleb when you need him? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And it says, Sevan being wise every day on medicines, training, foreign policy, like he was a scholar. So I think that's like being facetious. Like. But I have to read into it, right, because it's passive aggressive. So I don't know. I'm aware I'm reading into it. It says, Sevan being wise every day on medicines.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I do like the way she spelled medicines. Training foreign policy like he was a scholar. It's that was thing that makes me think it's passive aggressive, right? And then it says, but hating on a person for not having an L1 telling us it's the end of the CrossFit world as we know it now listen
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm not hating on the guy with no legs I'm hating on the guy with no legs that's supposed to be riding in the Tour de France. Like, hey, he sucks. Don't get him on your team. You get what I'm saying? This is so bizarre.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I'm not hating on de Koonz for not having an L1. I'm hating on de Koonz, not even de Koon's, whoever hired him in the position of running all the affiliates, the fastest growing chain in American, maybe in world history, probably in world history, and running those affiliates who need an L1 in order to open an affiliate. That's the only requirement. And yet he doesn't have it. And then on top of that, the guy who founded the company and the methodology
Starting point is 00:08:31 and was in charge during this fastest growth, Greg Glassman says, the worst thing that you could have is an MBA. And this guy has that. It's so... I know this is just low-hanging fruit. I know it doesn't need any explaining. But this is a – you know when you go to a museum and they have a mummy there and they're like, hey, this is like the perfect mummy specimen. This is like the best specimen. We've uncovered 3,000 mummies, and this is the one that's most intact.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's like museum-pristine quality specimen. Well, this is that for just retards. You can just see the leaps this person is making, what they're omitting in order to like obviously i said something that's triggered them and they're just like scraping at the bottom of the barrel to try to put something to take together to attack the logic but it's it's um man it's just i'm just tripping on someone took the time to type that out seven being wise every day on medicines, foreign policy like he was a scholar, but hating on a person for not having an L1 telling us it's the end of CrossFit world as we know it. No, I'm telling you it's the end of your Tour de France team if you have one of your guys on the team with no legs.
Starting point is 00:09:57 That's it. That's all I'm telling you. Has nothing to do with the fact of whether he has legs or not. Has to do with the fact that he has no legs and he's on the Tour de France team. Now, if he's the guy that's like unpacking the sandwiches, you're good to go. But if he's that guy that rides in front of fucking
Starting point is 00:10:13 the windbreaker guy, the guy who runs ahead, the guy who does the what's the guy called in the front that you get behind, Lance Armstrong gets behind and drafts behind him. If you're that guy and you don't have legs, your team sucks. You're fucked. Matter of fact, whoever hired him is a fucking moron.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And then whoever's defending him saying, hey, you're hating on people with no legs, dumb as fuck ever. And that's who you are, Jen Sentaster. You're the guy who thinks that I'm being against people with no legs just because I don't think he's qualified to run draft for Lance Armstrong. Good. Great point, Pedro. That person also could struggle if the sandwich makings are on a higher shelf. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:00 But anyway, it's just – and the thing is is this is youtube reddit's just full of someone sent me a bunch of screenshots from reddit the other day and it's like 20 comments saying bad stuff name calling me but but not one of them like say like what i did it's just it's it's nuts but anyway anyway jen thanks for watching the show i need your views i need the the mula i need the ad revenue okay so back to back to my favorite subject. Me. Enough about Jen. There's this movie called Desert Runners.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Let me see if I can find the Desert Runners. Desert and dessert still. Okay, here it is. Desert Runners. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. So I was brought on to this movie to film this movie and direct this movie. And what ended up – and the director here, it says, is Jennifer Steinman.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And what ended up happening was I – during the edit, I had to go to New York and help them edit it. So they gave me a huge chunk of money that I'm no longer the director, which I thought was cool. Okay, fine. But anyway, during the shoot, I would say that I behaved like the director and I filmed it and I behaved like the producer. And that's not a dig on Jennifer at all. She was, she's fucking amazing. Jennifer Steinman's amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Oh, she got married, Sternen. She probably hates me now. I think she's, I think she's woke. But anyway, it's this movie. And basically what we did was we went to four different deserts. There's an organization that runs these races and they're called the four deserts. I guess that's the name of the organization, the four deserts. And we went to these four deserts in one year and people have
Starting point is 00:13:05 to carry everything that they need for survival on their back and they run. And I forget how far it is. Let's say it's 200 kilometers and it's in the four driest places on planet earth, right? So by driest, I think at least, least, least rainfall or something, least moisture dropping. And believe it or not, one of them was Antarctica. So it was Antarctica, the Gobi Desert. I think that's in China. The Sahara, that was in Egypt. And the Atacama. Atacama? Atacama in Chile. So those were the four deserts we went to. Coffee break. Get your Paper Street coffee now. 15% off with code word SEVON And It was crazy
Starting point is 00:13:53 It was wild By the way when I did this I was working for CrossFit That's a whole nother story I was working for CrossFit and I put in a request To the media director at the time Tony Budding If I could get two weeks off four times that year to do this. And I told them it would be better for, it's smart for CrossFit to let me do this too, because it will expand my abilities, it's practice. And it will, I can talk about CrossFit with these people and it will give
Starting point is 00:14:20 me new skills and will just make me a better piece, better filmmaker for CrossFit. They didn't like that idea and they fired me. Kind crazy right that was the first time i was fired and when i was fired from crossfit i've told this story before that was in two this is in 2009 or 10 i can't remember but they let me go and they told me that i would be put on a per video basis so i could still make content for crossfit but they weren't going to pay me a salary anymore I would be put on a per video basis. So I could still make content for CrossFit, but they weren't going to pay me a salary anymore because I needed four times during the year I needed two weeks off. Well, the year before that I was making,
Starting point is 00:15:01 I think I was making $4,000 a month. So I was making $48,000. I made $48,000 the year before that by turning in projects individually that year, I made $320,000. Crazy, right? And he, uh, he hated that. Is my mom in here? Hi. Oh, Rosemary, that was a good movie. Hi. Oh, Rosemary, that was a good movie. So yesterday, yesterday I'm at my kid's tennis tournament. Another crazy story. Wild story.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I went with my mom yesterday to my kid's tennis tournament. Anyway, and while I'm there, there's this dad there. It's all Asian kids. All Asian kids except for my kid who's, you's – my wife wouldn't want me to say this. But he's not Asian. And then there's another kid there that looks like they're half Asian and half white. And I didn't see the mom, but the dad is straight Jew. Big old crooked nose, long hair, pasty skin, just Jew to the gills.
Starting point is 00:16:07 You know what I mean? Dress like shit, but probably worth $50 million. You know what I mean? Like, don't give a fuck. Jews don't care. Yeah, Awasian. Thank you, Judy. Awasian.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Or Jaysian. Jaysian. And I don't know what this is. Is this a racist term? And on Rio, on rio is that like a half jewish i don't know what that is anyway listen don't jude to the gills yeah clip it thank you jude to the gills did i say that jude to the gills yeah just jude to the gills i mean you just know when you see one they stand out like a jew stands out like a black man you're like if you're walking through the mall you're like oh look there's a black guy you're
Starting point is 00:16:49 like oh look there's a jew oh look there's a dwarf like you once you know you know you just know so and he's having all sorts of issues with his daughter that part sucked that's a whole different story man his daughter was so fucking cute. Half Asian, half Jew. It should be its own ethnicity. And you could tell she was talented. But anyway, I was staring at him and this story came to my head that I can't even believe that I forgot to tell you. And it has to do with Desert Runners, this documentary. Right here, Desert Runners.
Starting point is 00:17:27 How come my name's not on here anyway? Does my does my name get to pop up on here let me see uh synopsis uh um shit i don't get i don't get nothing oh casting crew let's see uh um uh they paid me forty thousand dollars by the way i think i said that to not be the director anymore i really could use the money at the time too oh cinematography by sev amatosian look there i am okay so oh they have a can they have a camera department anyway we were in Egypt people listen we were in Egypt
Starting point is 00:18:14 and we're out there with all the runners that was crazy I got stopped at the airport for probably eight or nine hours at egypt everyone left without me even jennifer left without me we landed in egypt and everyone left and i couldn't get through customs because of my camera what was it it was a panasonic 150 is it was that a camera a panasonic and a sonic 150 n it was a 150 n i had like the really nice one uh no wow this thing that popped up is the panasonic 150 n is pretty cool though uh a uh oh here it is i found it yeah hmc 150 oh look here it is wow you can still get that camera for a thousand bucks i was
Starting point is 00:19:06 this is the camera i had i'll show you big old honker see this see that panasonic uh i should take that down jude to the gills a panasonic uh hmc 150 i think i had like the model up from it it was like an n or something I should take that down due to the gills. A Panasonic HMC-150. I think I had the model up from it. It was like an N or something. Greg bought that for me. When I filmed Every Second Counts, Greg bought that for me. Me and Kerry Peterson, each one of those. So I finally make it through customs.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I was so sick. I had crazy explosive diarrhea, crazy fever. I think I got food poisoning or something. And anyway, so the filming starts. It takes me a day or two to recover. I seriously thought I was going to die. I was just in the hotel shivering. Oh, and my clothes never made it.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So I had all my camera gear with me. My luggage never made it to Egypt. So I did my all my entire two weeks there with the first two days there with explosive diarrhea. And then two weeks there wearing all the same clothes. Well, someone, why didn't you go to the store and buy some new clothes? Cause I couldn't find, I didn't have the time to do it cause I was so sick. And then the shoot started. And once the shoot started, they take you out to the desert in the middle of nowhere and you have to go with the runners so at night I just slept on the ground in the desert with my like holding clutching my camera crazy right I'm telling you I've done it all I'm a bad dude
Starting point is 00:20:40 and and I did some of that shoot barefoot because some of the sahara some of the sahara when you're filming there um the desert uh it's it's just shells you you can't even believe it you're out in the middle of the desert out in the middle of nowhere and it's billions and billions of those little tiny shells and for some reason they wouldn't get hot so some days i would put my shoes in my camera bag and I would do the entire shoot barefoot Because the desert i'd be running in or walking and was just these little tiny shells. It was crazy And these shoots were 24 hours a day. These people were just constantly going right?
Starting point is 00:21:21 God my clothes were disgusting. We had to bring all of our own food too. So like we have – I lived off of rations where you just add water to it. And what I drank all day was I drank these one liter, one and a half liter bottles of water that I would have. And I would just put a Starbucks instant coffee in it. So I would say like mildly caffeinated the entire day so they're on the race and it's i don't know how many runners there are bear with me i could be totally wrong there's 200 racers yeah it is it is the atari 1200 of uh cameras yeah like one up from the 2600 yeah it was a bad camera during the day it was it was some shit and um uh the racers 200 racers from all
Starting point is 00:22:17 different countries now to do this race was really hard but the crown jewel was to do all four in one year and there were like two or three people who attempted it that the movies about that that kind of as i remember that was like the thing and while we were out in the desert running not me i was just filming the egyptian police showed up 20 they look like tacomas but they're not The Egyptian police showed up. 20. They look like Tacomas, but they're not. And guess what they wanted? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Guess what they wanted? Three days into the race, 20 Egyptian police showed up. Guess what they wanted? guess money matt burns no great great great great guess 200 people from all different countries in the race three days into the race the police show up what do they want my cock sex money they're all great great guesses bjs fair come on one of you knows uh yes yes yes yes hylux it was the toyota hylux damn you're good i'd have never in a million years remembered that yes it was a hylux ce CEO shirts. No. Passports. You're getting closer. My camera. Another great guess.
Starting point is 00:23:48 They thought you were a Jew. Now we're getting really, really close. I remembered this yesterday when I saw the Jew guy at tennis. I'm like, holy shit, how did I not tell this story on my podcast yet? not tell this story on my podcast yet there was a jew in the race a fucking filthy jew from israel and these motherfuckers these fucking hylux riding fucking arabs came and fucking extracted the Jew from the race. They took the fucking Jew. Hunk, hunk of a Jew. Looked like fucking Tom Selleck. A little shorter.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Boy, he was a stud. I'll never forget him. Thick fucking mustache. Crazy. He looked like an Adonis. He looked like what I pictured Dionysus to look like. Looked like a Greek god. Fucking had 10 pounds too much muscle on him to do the race.
Starting point is 00:24:51 You know what I mean? 5'9". Like Rich Froning if he had thick hair. Okay, not that cool. What made me think of it too is as i keep running through my head this thing about how they say israelis do apartheid when 100 000 palestinians are allowed to we're allowed to work every single day in israel and 20 of israel was was arab you know what they call these palestinians and yet jews have been completely kicked out of the all the rest of the middle east i told you yesterday about how when i landed in Beirut, the sign
Starting point is 00:25:25 if your passport has a stamp from Israel and they get the fuck out, we're turning you back. Bruce Wayne, the Hilux is the truck of war. Justin, so rich without Jesus. Yeah jew jew jew rich jew rich oh uh susan's texting with greg right now my my i don't know if you guys can hear it my phone's making noises and that noise it makes is i have a special ringtone for when Greg texts me.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And it's the Knight Rider sound, you know, like a Knight Rider. The front of the car. It's like we wish we wish we wish. They fucking wanted the Jew. They took him out. They kicked him out of the fucking country. For all I know, I never checked on him afterwards, but they they fucking extracted them just imagine a bunch of people in the middle of the desert running and the fucking 20 cops roll up they're like where's the jew uh-huh come with us
Starting point is 00:26:34 they're not stupid either you know i walk into a whole foods and some lady will whisper in my ear it's nice to see someone from the tribe because they think I'm a Jew, right? That does not happen in the Middle East. In the Middle East, I'm fucking Armenian. Like, they know. It's like going to Africa and, like, you would never confuse a Kenyan with a Sudanese guy. Like, or a Somalian. Never.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Kenyan guy's all buff and shit. Somalian's like tall and skinny and his face looks like a spoon. Like a black Asian dude. And same thing. Armenians like you just know. Yep, there's one of those fuckers. They know. We smell different too.
Starting point is 00:27:24 You know. And the girls. You know smell different too. You know. And the girls. You know the girls too. There's different. Nuances. But not. But yeah. Blasians.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah. Somalis are kind of probably got some Asian in them. They're like really tall black Asian people. They kind of flatten. They're flat mushed a little bit their face oh yeah you beat you beat uh judy to it blazing good job judy judy's too busy laughing at one of her other jokes she thought of yeah jews don't smell bad they don't even really have a scent to them.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yeah, Jews don't smell bad. They smell good. My wife smells good. She just doesn't smell like anything ever, no matter what. When she works out, she can be a little salty. Oh, Magnus, that's not nice. I can't even read that. So basically, Greg is 11 hours ahead of us.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And so... I'd like to have him on in the morning, which would mean nighttime his time. But then that kind of fucks up his day. I sure as hell would not want – I do not – Fridays are a struggle for me because we do the CrossFit Games Update Show, and that means I have to be on the straight and narrow all day. I can't be out doing cocaine or drinking. And so he's in Africa somewhere with his wife, and if I do a nighttime show with him, that means he has to just be on the straight and narrow all day. That seems like a lot to ask of someone.
Starting point is 00:29:23 But if I do it at night, then I can stay on the straight and narrow all day. And then for him, it'd be the morning. What if I called Greg right now? Just in Africa. It's kind of one of the only tricks I have on the show is calling people. Hmm. people all right I'm out of stories maybe I should just get off and come back in half an hour my kid played in a tennis tournament yesterday you just want to know the truth about it? The truth, like the real truth.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It sucks. I want to tell you guys the truth, but there's people in the audience like David who will just like use it against me for the rest of my life. Oh, good. You're leaving. Okay, I'll tell it. David's leaving. Then I'll tell it. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Good. All right, go work out. You guys are going to love this story. It's fucking awesome but david will use it against me he looks for every flaw that i have every flaw my family has ready you would like dave castro he's like that too he likes to point out all my flaws okay so in tennis there's three different kinds of balls There's an orange ball Has the worst it's for little kids because it doesn't bounce bounce much think of it as being flat, right? Then there's a green ball and that bounces a little better, but it's still a little bit flat
Starting point is 00:30:56 And then there's a yellow ball the yellow balls like what the pros play with like a novak djokovic, right? So when my kids started, oh no no and there's a ball before the orange ball sorry it goes red then orange then green then yellow so there's different balls and they basically they're just flat balls versus not flat balls and finally the yellow ball the adult ball is the least flat that's the one probably all of you know and what's crazy about that one is if you have a little six-year-old kid playing on a full-size court they can't get that ball you don't realize that as an adult but because they have to take 10 steps to get across the court and their reaction time's a little bit slower and they can't calculate exactly where it's going to be after the um the trajectory after the first
Starting point is 00:31:36 bounce they need a slower ball so that they have time to calculate all that shit and then they also make the court smaller they have different lines on the. So you use a flat ball on a smaller court, and a fucking four-year-old Asian kid can play tennis. Great, too. So my kids have all – my kids have progressed from red to orange, and the academy that we go to doesn't have the green ball. They skip. So my academy goes red, orange, and then yellow. The green ball. They skip. So my academy goes red, orange, and then yellow. But there is this ball called green ball. And there's green ball tournaments.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Right? All of these different balls have different tournaments, I guess. So my kid's in the adult ball. When he was eight years old or seven years old, he had graduated through all and he was playing with like the big kids. Like sometimes if you look at my Instagram, sometimes I'll post pictures and there'll be these like 12 year old girls that are like 5'10 and my son standing next to him at 3'8". You know, it's crazy. More than two feet taller than him. And he's playing with him.
Starting point is 00:32:54 So yesterday, we went to a tournament and it was a green ball tournament. But my son's not a green ball player. He's a yellow ball player. So it's kind of like if you went to a jiu-jitsu tournament as a white belt but you're a collegiate wrestler you know what i'm saying like you're not a fucking white belt you never will be a white belt like you wrestled in fucking college yon clark philip kelly only plays with adult balls fair enough Yon Clark, Philip Kelly only plays with adult balls. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:33:30 That's smart. That's healthy. I like that. I'd prefer that all my listeners only play with adult balls, if you know what I mean. So he goes there, and he's the youngest kid there And He plays I probably even have some video of it Fuck it who cares
Starting point is 00:33:51 Devesh Maharaj 3 foot 8 He's only 6 inches shorter than you Asshole The burpee dude So your son has the edge on all those kids Asshole. The burpee dude. So your son has the edge on all those kids. He should obliterate them.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Dude, obliterated. I text my fucking tennis. I text his tennis coach the other day. I said that was completely unethical. I was joking, of course. I enjoyed every minute of it. I just like fucking with the fucking tennis coach. He's like borderline autistic.
Starting point is 00:34:28 He's so strict. He's like telling my kid before he leaves it's not about winning it's about having fun and going out there and giving it your best and all this shit my kid goes out there and fucking obliterates these kids all the other kids dude asian kids and when i mean Asian, I mean like imported Asian. Like they don't speak English so good. And dad's got like four cell phones videotaping every single one of his kids' shots. Goofy motherfuckers. Goofy. Hard working, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Those kids never quit. Man, some of those kids were hanging on for dear life against avi oh how old your son he good he hot it's so hard for me to talk back to him just in a regular voice i want to do their accent back to him you know what i mean like when foreigners talk to you you know like a russian starts talking to you and you're like hi roman nice to meet you i wanted to do that back you have to force yourself not to do that not because you're trying to make fun of them but you're just mirroring the people right man
Starting point is 00:35:34 all nice nice parents i didn't know douchebag parents of course there was a late one asian lady there had so much fucking perfume on, and she had a mask on her face that was so fucking tight you couldn't hear. Her face was like this tight. Just around her neck. Like, oh, hello, how are
Starting point is 00:35:58 you? It was crazy. Yo, bitch, you stink like perfume, and you got a mask on that's so tight i can't even hear you judy reed uh you know all those uh kids got beaten up by their parents at home for losing uh joking not joking i actually had to intervene one time i've told that story before uc berkeley there was a asian lady just beating the out of her daughter that was crazy
Starting point is 00:36:27 yeah asian people are good people they were good people they were nice they were easy the one kid was there was one kid that was just a cheating fuck it was crazy so anyway my son anyway the point of the story is my son went to a tournament where he played with a faster ball which means that he graduated into classes that these kids hadn't and then he went back down to their ball and when i went there i actually thought well this is stupid i should have bought green balls so he could practice no practice needed no practice needed uh coffee mountain mama uh when set when sebi talks to his black friends uh he says dog and calls them brother yeah so what yeah that's great what's up brother what's up player i did it to my white friends what's up g
Starting point is 00:37:19 but i do i don't i don't let my black friends call me Seve I make them like Really draw out the name like I'm one of theirs Savan Hey Savan You know what I mean like I'm black No black person is going to have any black person call me Seve Lamar Savan
Starting point is 00:37:39 Come inside You know doesn't that Like I could be like I am one of them You hear it? Tyrone Stop picking on Savon Savon, come inside Come inside, Savon
Starting point is 00:37:55 Have some grape soda and chips Come inside, Savon Oh, you little fat boy, come here It's not dark enough to be playing with those kids get over here savant you see it you hear it maybe my parents named me that because they they wanted a black kid savant yeah oh hey so Dave, Dave, so Dave, so Cave, Cave Dastro, stop picking on Savant. He'll call the cops on you. He's a white boy. Listen. sound effects I want. And I want to take credit for him.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But my wife told me yesterday after listening to the show, she said, Hey, the sound effects you need is I need a siren that goes, woo, woo, woo. Anytime someone makes fun of me for calling the cops. I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:53 Oh yeah, I need that. And then I need, um, uh, shut up, David. I need those two.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Those would be great. Little additions. So like you would say that, and then I would push it. What a stupid son of a bitch. Yeah. Oh, that's Biden. I did that one yesterday. Can you guys even hear that one?
Starting point is 00:39:17 What a stupid son of a bitch. Cave Dastro, stop picking on Sevan. He'll call the cops on you. Well, Cave? What a stupid son of a bitch. See? and cave dastro stops picking on sebon he'll call the cops on you well cave see not loki making fun of me david david weed hayley loki making fun of you not loki audrey i want to ew b. Oh, here's my mom. No, someone, you were not named to assimilate with the black folk.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You were named after a lake in Armenia. Oh, fuck, darn it. I'm choosing my own reality. I was named to fit in with the black kids. reality. I was named to fit in with the black kids. Oh man. Do you know that line from the jerk? Uh, uh, Steve Martin. I was born a, I was born a, what is it? Steve Martin, the The Jerk Black Boy. Oh, here. I think this is it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Oh, shit. It's on Facebook. I don't do Facebook. Fuck me. The Jerk Intro. There he is Googling again. Oh, here it is. There he is. Damn.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Damn. The jerk is a classic. What the fuck's wrong with my mic? Oh, my goodness. That is great Audrey I just put some whole milk in my coffee In honor of Brian This is a great
Starting point is 00:41:52 Response to that You ready guys So Daniel says Audrey I just put some whole milk in my coffee In honor of Brian And this is exactly what I thought From Christine Young Oh Daniel you must be poor Gross
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah Yeah I thought, from Christine Young, oh, Daniel, you must be poor. Gross. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you thought you paused the show because I was frozen? But you could hear audio, couldn't you? You could hear the Steve Martin clip? Oh, don't talk to my mom. Don't talk to my mom Don't talk to my mom Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:42:27 And by the way Gabriella Magawa could totally be Armenian Matter of fact I would She probably is Oh god Yeah whole milk's great not in coffee My goodness Disgusting That's ghetto
Starting point is 00:42:43 That's like you're desperate for like that's like you're desperate. I'll tell you, my mom will take any kind of cream in her coffee. She didn't care if she put nonfat milk in there. Oh, you just heard heavy breathing. You didn't hearve martin's saying all that shit you didn't oh i ruined that bit that was 30 seconds of nothing audrey i'll teach brian the ways of the world savvy just wait. He actually, yesterday, what's funny is he sent me a, this is a true story. This is a true, this is crazy. I was at tennis yesterday, watching my kid play tennis, and Brian sent me a picture of a carton of whole milk. And my mom was sitting next to me, and I teased her. I'm like, don't read my text messages. I was messing with my she's like I'm not I'm like yeah you were I saw you and I was just fucking with her and then I go and then I go what does this even mean and I showed her the picture that
Starting point is 00:43:51 Brian sent to me a whole milk because I didn't even get it right I totally forgotten that bit and my mom goes oh because on your show you were making fun of him for for using um whole milk and look here we are the next day. I don't know how you guys even remember that stuff. This guy, Jason Marshall, that's coming on. I think you guys are going to find him fascinating. He was recommended by Hunter, even though I don't think Hunter even knows who he like. I don't think Hunter's ever met him. But obviously he's a big, massive man yoked out of his mind. He's a steal.
Starting point is 00:44:46 relationship with the ergs and his favorite one is the one i that i don't own um that i think is disgusting i don't understand it but it's his favorite one it's the ski one i don't know if he's natty i don't know that stuff someone has to ask killer or something you guys want to see uh you guys want to see a clip from the uh wait uh oh shoot where is it oh oh yeah you you guys want to see a clip from the former president of the United States of America? Do you guys think that there are some things you could point to that would cause the situation we're in? I feel like there are three or four things I could point to that would cause like the situation we're in like like i feel like there are like three or four things i could point to like the big things that i wish we could go back and change um uh the whole the whole george floyd thing disaster the defund the police i think
Starting point is 00:45:58 that's what caused uh one of the reasons that caused a crime to skyrocket because people don't want to interact with criminals, specifically criminals if they're of with black skin. No, the cops don't want to interact with them and crime is run rampant. So we've gone soft on crime. And I think the origins of that are with George Floyd. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The way we reacted to that as a society. The straw that broke the camel's back. The way we reacted to that as a society. I think the second thing is a big thing, obviously, is our reaction to the to what people called the pandemic. COVID, not COVID itself, but our reaction to it basically to the two main things would be shutting down the country and and shutting down the country and printing all of that money.
Starting point is 00:46:46 So that made people lazy and people stopped working. So that's the second thing. I think those two things together created a crazy, massive dumpster fire. And then the third thing, I think, is the open border. And I think that's why we're seeing all of these things that we call homelessness. And, but, but really what we're seeing is this massive drug epidemic,
Starting point is 00:47:10 right? So we, the George Floyd thing basically flipped the script on racism and made it, made it so that the blacks that wanted to play victim could scream and play victim and that the whites could be the most racist they've ever been while pretending to not be racist and so we have that problem and then the cops got scared and don't want to go to jail themselves so they stopped enforcing crime and then the um and then covid the reaction to covid basically it shut down small businesses everywhere right thousands and thousands of small businesses closed all over it destroyed the middle class right it was a war on
Starting point is 00:47:44 the middle class and then the printing was a war on the middle class. And then the printing of the money made it so people didn't want to work. And then this. And I think the third major problem – by the way, we know none of those things would have happened under a Republican government, right? So – and then this. And what's crazy is I was a Democrat during that. So I don't know. Blame me. Seve, no one is listening to your monologue. Oh. Oh, good. That's fine. Perfect. Thank you. So this is from fucking four years ago. This was when Trump was in office. I'm going to ask him about the fucking damper.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm going to ask him about the damper. I'm going to ask him about the damper. I don't fucking think the damper does anything. But instead can have a conversation about what will really work and what the American people deserve from us at this uncertain time in their lives where they have that retention. One thing I think we can agree on is we shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute. And you want to shut it down. You keep talking about it.
Starting point is 00:49:09 The last time, Chuck, you shut it down. No, no, no. And then you opened it up very quickly. I don't want to do what you did. Twenty times you have called for, I will shut down the government if I don't get my will. None of us have said it. You want to know something? You've said it.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Okay, you want to put that on my list. You've said it. I'll take it. Okay, good. You know what I You've said it. Okay, you want to put that on my- You've said it. I'll take it. Okay, good. You know what I'll say? Yes. If we don't get what we want, one way or the other, whether it's through you, through a military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Okay, fair enough. And I am proud. And I'll tell you what. We disagree. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn't
Starting point is 00:49:55 work. I will take the mantle of shutting down and I'm going to shut it down for border security. You shouldn't shut it down. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you very much everybody I can't stand the way this Schumer guy even sits or looks or it just any he just vibes me. Yeah, Cuck Schumer. Yeah, it's bad A tank reef Savan any government is a bad government don't believe in false deities i don't i'm carnivore we can ask him about all that shit so i think that's the third piece i think that fucking border and i and and unfortunately i don't think we've um seen the uh the worst of it uh heidi i'm throwing back some of my Taoism in my face.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Don't think I didn't see that, Heidi. The thing is, is all problems must flourish before they come to an end. Seve, Savan, no one is listening to listening, yup, your monologue. Lower damper. Fuck your damper fuck your damper
Starting point is 00:51:12 i tank reeves keeping balance on the seven podcast at all times idolizing bureaucrats is one of the biggest sins you can carry let's not forget trump with operational warp speed Bureaucrats is one of the biggest sins you can carry. Let's not forget Trump with Operation Warp Speed. I don't know, Sloppy. This is – if you want to destroy cartels and the war on drugs, border crisis is all but solved with that one action alone. I used to think that, and I don't think that anymore because we legalized marijuana in this in this state and it caused all the problems got exacerbated like way worse like we have a real cartel problem in california like legit uh dildo uh higher damper equals much faster fatigue but do the calories or or the watts go up faster? Do the calories go up faster?
Starting point is 00:52:06 What are the implications of that? Does it just make it harder to pull? No, we're not talking about dampers. We're talking about hampers where you put dirty clothes tank. Are you guys all talking about rowing hampers? Yeah, haers. Like, I have a hamper in each of my bedrooms. I have two in my bedroom and one in each of my son's bedrooms. My twins share a hamper. Oh, Judy, don't talk sense, please. But he would not have forced everyone to get the injection. It would have been a choice tank.
Starting point is 00:52:52 People wouldn't be losing their jobs tank. At the Halloween party, I dropped a bomb. I dropped a bomb. I dropped a bomb. Oh, oh, oh, shit. Text message from the quarterback, Tyson Benjen. Yeah. God, I love you. God, I love you. No Tyson Tuesday
Starting point is 00:53:28 but now Friday I text with a quarterback I am better than most of you and I plant fruit trees dude ask all these questions ask all this shit when you come on this is great let's milk this dude's brain uh um do knees go inside or outside your arms when rowing i'm tall and struggle to keep my knees together when rowing when rowing you're tall there's tall indian dudes
Starting point is 00:53:57 oh you're not indian you're you're toboggan you're toboggan is that the name of the country what fucking country are you and you're toboggan. You're toboggan? Is that the name of the country? What fucking country are you? Trinidad. Trinidad Tobago? I still struggle to believe that that's a country. Is that like Gaza? It's not like a real country? It's just a piece of land?
Starting point is 00:54:24 No. Oh, kind of. Ooh. Wow. Wow. This is scary. No Kind of Wow This is scary Trinidad Tobago This is fucking crazy Listen to this guys Listen to this this is nuts Do you I think this is a question so i'm gonna throw a do
Starting point is 00:54:47 savan do you guys have a dirty hamper a non not dirty enough hamper and in between floor space wow this is fucking wild not exactly but i want to hear more about how you do that. Do you have some sort of like, hey, this is worn once. It could be worn again, hamper, but it also could be washed? Wow. Man. Man. We – this is kind of gross. I never thought of this, but our clean clothes hamper and our dirty hamper are the same hamper, meaning you take the hamper to the laundry room, and then you put the clothes in the washer.
Starting point is 00:55:42 This is the way I do it. My wife probably doesn't do it this way i put the clothes in the washer the clothes that aren't that don't make it in the washer like because i separate the whites and the colors or don't tell anyone i do that please uh clip it clip it i separate the whites and the colors and then whatever clothes don't make it into let's say that there's so many colors that i can't fucking get them all in then i'll dump the rest on the floor right because i don't like to do loads that are too big. I like my shit to get clean. So I dump them on the floor, and then I move the empty hamper in front of the dryer, and that means it's for clean clothes only.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So that hamper, although it was holding sweaty, dirty clothes, within a few hours, it will be holding clean clothes. I never thought of that so those clothes will do get some filth residue on them i guess i wonder what my mom would think of that she's pretty fastidious around those types of things so daniel garrity uh sebi uh check out the locker room survey conducted by players association Daniel Garrity Seve check out the locker room survey
Starting point is 00:56:48 Conducted by Players Association Before talking to Tyson Bears were 13th out of 32 best training facilities I'm just tripping on how When he threw a couple interceptions And then at the end there was that fumble And I was just fucking my heart was breaking for him Because I kept trying to think how he must feel And then did you end there was that fumble and I was just fucking, my heart was breaking for him because I kept trying to think how he must feel.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And then did you watch his presser? Did it look like he was going to cry? Or was I projecting onto him? I still think he did great. I'm so fucking pumped for him. Oh, look, there's Jason Marshall. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:57:24 How's it going? What's up, dude? Going all right. You? Thanks for doing this. Oh, I'm there's Jason Marshall. Hey. Hey. How's it going? What's up, dude? It's going all right. You? Thanks for doing this. Oh, I'm pumped. Yeah? Yeah, one shot of espresso and half a cup of coffee into my day.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Perfect. I'm a half a cup of protein shake down. Any caffeine yet? No, no. I probably need it, but I can survive. Let me check your mic settings. Oh, okay. Can you guys hear Jason okay?
Starting point is 00:57:53 If they can't, someone will say something. Okay. Thanks for coming on. Crazy. You know how I found you? Do you know how I found you, Jason, by any chance? Maybe through Hunter? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Do you know him? I don't think he even knows you right no no we uh just connected uh via instagram okay yeah he comes on the show periodically um he's one of my more frequent guests and we were just talking about freaks and he's like dude there's this guy and then he's just started going off about how freakish you are and i was like like, all right, send this guy a DM. He's a pretty big freak himself. So he's a good guy. Where are you living, Jason? I'm just outside of Vancouver, Canada.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So it's a city called Port Coquitlam. It's about like half an hour out of Vancouver. Do you know our guy, Patrick Vellner? No, I know of him I think he's in Alberta I think I don't know Where you are
Starting point is 00:58:54 Is you're on the western side of Canada On one of those islands I'm not on one of the islands But like right on the coast I can take a ferry to one of those islands. Okay. Yeah. I think he's on one of those islands.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Cause whenever we talk to him. Oh yeah. He might. Oh yeah. He might be on a, actually I think he is Vancouver Island. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I'm gonna ask you a stupid question. Is that Alberta? That's British Columbia. That's British Columbia. Yeah. Uh, and, um, are you born and raised a canadian yeah yeah i was actually born in vancouver and then i have uh i moved away for quite a few years but then kind of settled down
Starting point is 00:59:35 back here so i want to get into that to where your athletic career um took you but a little more in the beginning so you're you're born you're born Canadian from a woman who also had another boy, your two brothers. No, and a sister, actually, yeah. Yeah, so my parents were both born and raised in North Vancouver. I was born there with my brother and sister. They're younger than I am. I went to school there there went to university out
Starting point is 01:00:05 here as well to simon fraser university played football there and then after football then uh life got a little bit interesting where i actually moved to vancouver ireland for a couple years uh to pursue rugby and from there moved over like made the canadian national team then uh went over to uh played in the world cup then i got a professional contract to go play over in france for three years and went down to new zealand for half a year then went back to france for another couple years and came back yeah it it is a um you were in full i, you've been in full athlete mode your whole life. Let me go back a second to just after you were born. Was your dad an athlete?
Starting point is 01:00:50 Was your mom an athlete? Yeah, they're both pretty athletic. My dad played football. American football? American football. Yeah, American football. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. And then he's also a wrestler.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Like, yeah, he comes from a pretty wide range of athletics. My mom was a good runner. She's also a wrestler like yeah he like come from a pretty uh wide range of athletics my mom was a good runner she's also pretty athletic right so uh and then does like having a younger brother just a year younger than myself they needed to find outlets for us and they just threw us into sports so he has young kids so like played everything like played played soccer played baseball played uh hockey and then when once i got into uh high school that's kind of where i i found uh rugby football and i still played basketball but i wasn't very good at basketball tell me about um hockey when i think when i think of canada i think of it almost as being um mandatory especially for for men of your you know physical prowess to take that up how did that not become
Starting point is 01:01:47 your uh you know what or am i just misunderstanding that am i over generalizing you know what it is it's expensive so um yeah i didn't i'd like also my parents didn't have a whole lot of uh income when i was growing up so to put me in hockey was like a substantial amount of investment a lot of second hand or hand-me-down equipment and and nowadays well even back then for you to try and go far in hockey it was pretty much an all-year-round sport and where you'd have your your main season which would take up I don't know four months or five months and then from then you go in all these like separate all-star teams or like uh like training camps like for the rest of the year and then go right back into it so um like i loved hockey when i was playing it i didn't play
Starting point is 01:02:34 for too long uh but then i had like a bad run-in with a coach when i was maybe i was i think i was grade eight so i was maybe about 12 or 13 years old. And that was like the first taste of when, if you're not doing very well, they just sit you on the bench and you don't play. And I wasn't into that. So yeah, called it quick, quit pretty after pretty soon after that.
Starting point is 01:02:54 If, if, if you, you have, you have a wife and a child now, right? Yeah. I got,
Starting point is 01:02:58 I actually have three kids. Yeah. So no shit. How old are your kids? Well, I got a two and a half year. Oh, she's turning three in January.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And then I, we actually have twin boys that were born in April. So your first one's a daughter. You have a daughter. That's no, no, no. All three boys.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Oh shit. You know, that's what I got. Do you know that I have that? Oh, I didn't know you had three, but I knew you had a son. I didn't know how many you had. Yeah. I got, I got a, um, I got a, know that I have that? I didn't know you had three I knew you had a son I didn't know how many you had
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah I got a boy that just turned nine And then I got two boys that are just about to turn seven That are twins Oh no way That's awesome Crazy Crazy yeah Were you going for three?
Starting point is 01:03:39 No we didn't want any kids We didn't want kids or to get married or nothing And then all of a sudden when my wife was was 39, she saw this other chick breastfeeding. And my wife was already 39 already. And she's like, hey, I want to try that. I'm like, we don't have any kids. She's like, I know. Let's get one.
Starting point is 01:03:53 So we did what people do to get a baby. And we ended up with one. And then that led to just us being completely careless. And then we ended up with because she's older women i guess start dropping multiple eggs and so we had twins dude i'm it's the best thing that ever happened to me oh that's good to hear because it's like right now it's pretty it's we're in like we're i don't know if i want to swear but we're in the shit right now so yeah um april um uh is your wife breastfeeding uh she's pumping so like uh yeah yeah so we're we It's all bottle fed but it's breast milk
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yeah how crazy is that So I didn't know this This is for all of you out there Women's boobs will make as much milk As they need So when a woman has twins The boobs get twice as big They produce even more milk
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah it's crazy, isn't it? Yeah. I feel bad for her. She is a good job. I didn't. Enjoy it. Don't feel bad. Enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Enjoy everything. My wife is like, if you get me pregnant again, I'll give you triplets. And all I thought was, oh, my God, your tits would be crazy. Oh, man. Yeah. That's just me. Yeah. No, I've promised her some type of a boob job once the kids are done.
Starting point is 01:05:06 So you promised her. Yes, I did. You're such a good dude. Well, she, you know how it is. They get used and abused for like four years and then she, she's just kind of worried about what they're going to look like. Oh, they'll be fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:22 They'll be fine. But we'll deal with it if, if, if there's a problem, um, in four boys is, uh, four boys or three boys is a lot. I wonder what in the winter it's going to be. Um,
Starting point is 01:05:33 I'm in California, so I can always just push them outside, but man, you're going to have to keep them busy in the winter that it's like, it's like living with three monkeys, dude. It's, it's absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Well, that was a problem. We only wanted two. And then our living situation kind of suits two and not three. So we're going to have to upgrade our living situation in the next couple of years for sure. So trying to keep it a little bit more manageable. But as you know, I'm sure you know What the property costs are like these days So it's like stressful
Starting point is 01:06:07 You know what's a trip also This might make you feel better too My kids We have two bedrooms The twins are supposed to share a room And the older one They all sleep in the same room They refuse to use the other room
Starting point is 01:06:22 Oh yeah So my oldest is nine And they still every single night They don't even go in the same room they refuse to use the other room oh yeah yeah they're so at nine my oldest is nine and like they still every single night they don't even go in the other room oh that's awesome yeah so you could keep them together for i mean they're boys well you got to keep one eye on them they'll do some crazy shit but yeah well i know well me and my brother got to no good but we're at that age so yeah so so is your dad a big dude how big are you what's your size um i've had many sizes over the over the years but uh i'm like right now i'm about 6 3 uh about 220 or 225 and what's the biggest you've been uh well i've always been the same height but uh no i got up to about 265-ish when I was playing rugby.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Yeah, I was really, really strong, but you could see my face was probably about double the size. I didn't really have much of a neck, so yeah, I was pretty uncomfortable. Yeah, that's crazy. So that's 45 pounds larger than you are, and did you keep that for years? No, literally the moment i realized i wasn't gonna play rugby anymore i was like okay i'm losing this weight like now like even i was in in middle of the season like i had quite a few injuries like it was like back to back to back injuries and at that point i was like okay i'm done and uh i i started losing weight like during
Starting point is 01:07:38 the season because i knew i wasn't gonna play at all the rest of the season and i knew i was done after so i ended up losing like 20 pounds like like during the season my teammates were like what are you doing like what's going on but yeah i was happy to get done but yeah that's it so that was so on the left there that picture i actually i ruptured my left bicep and uh that's when i was just and at that point and that was like my third or fourth injury in a row. So I was like, you know what, I'm done. Because my wife was over there, or girlfriend at the time,
Starting point is 01:08:10 was over in France with me. And she, obviously, we realized it wasn't going to be a long-term thing. And at that point, I'm like, okay, I'm 32, like out of contract. How much do you weigh there? How much do you weigh there with your arm broken yeah about 265 wow okay yeah and then and then how about on the right where you're all jacked and chiseled is that probably about that's probably about 230 wow okay oh that's that's a good shadowing there though yeah yeah yeah of course and probably you just worked out uh yeah well i like it was a huge journey in terms of how I got there. Uh, a lot of, like, I tried all the diets. I tried, uh, intermittent fasting. I tried, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:55 I was at one where it's just fat, um, keto, keto. I tried everything. And then pretty much just realized if I just track my calories that uh i lose weight pretty quickly and what did you settle on for cal for consumption yeah so actually uh hunter brought this up when i i think i gave him a crappy answer but when i was in that like a cut mode or like trying to lose weight i think it was around 3 000 calories 3,200 calories, but that included at least like a good hour, two hours of like working out, um, maybe an hour of cardio,
Starting point is 01:09:31 an hour of weight. So yeah, like, like I have people like, Oh, that's a lot of calories. And like literally my weight was like, just like shedding off of me.
Starting point is 01:09:38 So I can only imagine how many calories I was eating to gain weight. But Hey, and did that seem when you were doing that when you're on 3 000 or 3 200 calories are you still hungry oh yeah like that's the thing it's like i still try and keep that same diet now although i'm not really trying to lose weight but my brain will literally go into like overload mode and it will like i'll like go binge eat for like 10 minutes and then i'll be like what just happened and then i just had like a thousand calories or something like that just because i swear it just tells me hey you're you're starving
Starting point is 01:10:10 and go eat something hey is is that um i've heard this before is to to look like this do you do you think you just always have to be hungry like like if i like if i have rich froning on next time like do i i need to ask him i don't know why i've never asked i have rich froning on next time like do i i need to ask him i don't know why i've never asked him like rich froning's a crossfitter by the way yeah yeah i know who rich yeah i know who other big crossfitters okay maybe i should just ask him like hey like are you this picture where you're just ripped here are you hungry like you're you have to be always hungry so i did an experiment actually with that picture in particular that's probably the that's probably the leanest i've ever been and uh i did a one month of just a vegetarian diet just again i was trying
Starting point is 01:10:52 to do after rugby i didn't really know what i was wanting to do and i knew i was going to do like in the fire service but there's always time to do extra stuff on the side and i want to try and maybe grow like a youtube stuff or whatever whatnot so i anyway they made a video of like okay i'm going to only eat vegetarian for the next month and i'm losing like i think i lost like eight pounds and yeah i was because i was very strict about it like and like i had eggs and protein powder and stuff but no no meat um and did you eat any refined carbs during that like uh uh chips or pastas or no no like i was like like crazy strict like recorded recorded everything and uh but i find like once your body
Starting point is 01:11:34 gets over that initial like shock of like okay what's going on you almost like it like accepts it and like realize okay this is the new norm especially when I went to did the intermittent fasting like was I literally went from like eating like tubs of ice cream do I try to maintain my weight to like not eating at all from the moment I wake up till about until noon and then I have my last meal at 8 p.m. and then and I obviously the first couple weeks is like insane but after I can get used to it like the boys body's okay, what's going on. So it comes a little bit more comfortable and you're like, although you are starving, you don't really, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:12 It doesn't register as it normally would have. But yeah. When I, when I do fasting and I play with it a lot, there's always a couple times during the day. They're very short windows, but they're powerful, like five or ten minutes twice a day where I'm like – I catch myself like marching towards the fridge. Oh, yeah. It's like – And I'm like, whoa, whoa, buddy.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Are you sure you want to do this? And it's like they're becoming – and then once it's gone, it's gone. And it's small. It doesn't persist. But when those one or two times come up it's it's it can be nuts oh yeah it's like it's crazy it's like uh i don't know it's hard to explain you're an addict you're justifying it oh just just one handful of almonds just one handful of almonds yeah and then like obviously i try to research like tricks to trick the mind that you're not hungry and like i know
Starting point is 01:13:00 like a lot of water or flavored water or just to kind of give that like sweetness or like, or cinnamon or cinnamon would like, there's no, there's no, uh, calories in that, but you like add it to certain things and make it almost as if you're eating something like, uh,
Starting point is 01:13:14 like sugary or whatnot. Right. Yeah. So it, yeah. A big old dose of caffeine. We'll do it too, but that sucks because it's five o'clock at night and you're just like,
Starting point is 01:13:23 well, I can't do that. Yeah. At that point, it's just like, you're in survival mode you just don't get away from the caffeine but yeah to try and slam some water to make the stomach feel full yeah jason um uh what was the first um erg what was your what are your experiences with erg first of all i guess before we go there let's entice some people. You've done some crazy things on the ERG. Tell me about this sub-six minutes on the ski, row, and bike that you did.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Give me the details of that. You were the first guy ever to do it? Yeah, I think I'm actually the only person who's done it so far. What's-his-name's-brother didn't break it? No, well, he has it on the row and the ski but he doesn't have it on the bike yet wow that that's that's james hall that's eddie hall's uh older brother he's either i think he can do it on the bike i don't know what's like stopping him but again he uh he's a freak and he he has multiple world records on both machines so
Starting point is 01:14:23 or at least one record on the row and quite a few on the on the ski but yeah the first uh erg i got involved with was the rower and it was like introduced me through rugby with our fitness and uh i first hated it and then it wasn't until i actually went down to new zealand where they literally incorporated into like every like cardio workout or whatnot. What year was that? That was about 2014. I wonder if that's CrossFit influence why they did that. I bet you it is.
Starting point is 01:14:54 You know what? Well, yeah, a lot of the workouts they did were kind of like if you look at like some of the CrossFit workouts, they kind of like mesh quite a bit like for example the one workout i did would be that they always did was like a 500 meter row and go run like 800 meters or like half a mile and then and do like six sets of that so that was like the yeah that was like the one workout where i'm like oh i actually like this like good cardio and anyways i enjoyed it um and then i actually realized i was actually pretty good at the rower at that point just i don't know why but it just i guess longer limbs and and went on to have and i was quite strong at the time so and then it wasn't until after rugby when i got on with the fire service a guy at the fire hall actually Actually, we have like a one hour, half an hour, 45 minute time period during shift to
Starting point is 01:15:46 like workout. And he challenged me saying, hey, I bet you can't do a 1K under three minutes. And then anyway, it went crazy challenge. He must have known you were really fit. That's kind of a crazy thing to say to someone. You know what? I think he saw me on the roller quite a bit. And I guess he's just like, hey, can you do that?
Starting point is 01:16:07 Like, can you do a 1K under three? So I did it. Could he do it? Could he do it? No. No, I don't think so. Just kidding. And you did it.
Starting point is 01:16:16 He challenged you and you did it. I did it. And then at that point, it kind of got me curious. I'm like, oh, I wonder what a good time is. And that took me to the internet and found, and i end up finding this like crazy online community that like evolves around all of these ergs and uh i just started kind of getting into it like looking up times trying to beat it and uh at that point i looked up like what the what the golden test is on the rower and it was a two the two kilometer test and uh anyways
Starting point is 01:16:47 i kind of started training for it i had no idea what i was doing when i came to training posted i took a video of it posted on uh and i anyways i knew sub six was like the time to beat or like the time to try and get anyways i did it actually did it at the fire hall and i posted the video to youtube and then from there i got quite a few people calling like reached out to me and be like hey like do you want to join my virtual team or do you want some tests or do you want some tips and tricks and stuff like that so yeah from there it kind of got crazy jason marshall uh 2k youtube actually it probably would have been like December Of 2019 I think or May 2018
Starting point is 01:17:26 2020 This might be Multiple ones Yeah crazy dude Yeah so like my form Was crap I had the resistance All the way up to like 10 That one that right there is
Starting point is 01:17:43 My sub That's my sub 551. That's in my garage there. Yeah, your form looks amazing. That's the fastest 2K I've ever done, that video. God, you pull that string easy. Hey, that's just a regular Concept 2? That's just like...
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah, that's just the model E or D, I think it is. The one that everyone uses. And when you pop on the scene, are people saying you're full of shit when you post your times? I think at first, but again, usually what happens when you come out of the woodwork and they're like, oh, look at this steroid user coming on and so i got a lot of that which i like had mixed feelings about like one being like well like screw you you have no idea how much work i put into this and and second be like okay well almost take it as a compliment being thinking that hey well i'm obviously choosing achieving things that not a lot of other people have and whatnot so
Starting point is 01:18:45 is your are your mom and dad big people i mean you're big you got like i mean you're not tony robbins you're not weird big but you're big you got a big old fucking head and big old shoulder i don't got big shoulders i i got big traps but uh traps oh yeah um actually i got i get the joke when i was playing rugby because i was literally my traps were like this big. They said I was built like a fish because I have no shoulders. But yeah, my dad's a bit bigger. He's like 5'11", almost 6 foot, I guess. My mom, I don't know, normal size, I guess, for a woman like 5'7", 5'8".
Starting point is 01:19:20 But yeah, I'm quite a bit taller than both of them, obviously. But they are, again, like good athletic genes and I kind of just, uh, inherited some good genes. So, um, six minutes, sub six minutes, a 2k on the rower. What is it? What's what, and what is it on the bike? The bike I, uh, it's a, it's a 4,000 meter, uh, test. So you, you double the meters
Starting point is 01:19:45 for the bike. I only did it one time. I attempted it once because it was the last machine I had to do. And I got like a 5.58, I think. Just like kind of barely squeaked it under there. You do it all in one day? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:20:01 No, no, no. Actually, the closest I've done is like uh i did the ski 2k no i did the row 2k and like the next month i did the ski 2k um okay because the way i train i try and train like all three of them together i don't like technically specifically focus on one for a couple months and then go to another one um because i i enjoy all three of them and i get bored if i just stick to one of them so and then what what's the what's the ski the ski sub six minute what are the metrics around that yeah just again the same as a row at like 2 000 meters uh and yeah that is the heart by far the hardest one in my opinion. The ski is a different beast
Starting point is 01:20:46 when it comes to the endurance and strength needed to get the times down that low. It's by far my favorite machine. The hardest but your favorite. Weird to say that. It was something that
Starting point is 01:21:01 I'm probably the best at out of all the three of them so yeah yeah i just i don't know i love it i'm gonna ask you a question that i have no idea what it means i obviously have uh have machines in my house and i know i see the damper but i have no idea what the damper actually does is that what you mean is that what this question means when he says yeah so the damper and drag factor like they go the same thing they go hand in hand so the drag factor is you use it and you can find out your drag factor through the screen itself but you adjust the damper to find out what your drag factor is so um i'll just answer the guy's question so for the the ski for the majority of my workouts will be between a 122 and a 125 drag factor uh for the row i do a 135 for
Starting point is 01:21:54 like every workout and then for the bike it's a 125 as well and what is it so for before you come with the drag factors what is the damper really do? It adjusts the resistance, the air resistance that's going into the machine. So the higher it goes, the more resistance you'll have. And then obviously the lower you go, the less resistance you'll have.
Starting point is 01:22:20 So why would you ever put it higher if you're going for times? Because changing the air resistance Wouldn't make the metrics go up faster would it Okay again I should know all this But I'm just a little naive When it comes to these machines And how they exactly work
Starting point is 01:22:38 But a lot of the stronger guys Out there Can generate It's all about power output Again I could be completely wrong But that's how I understand it But a lot of the stronger guys out there can generate, it's all about power output. Again, I could be completely wrong, but that's how I understand it. You're allowed to be wrong. You're the best at it. So you can say whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Go ahead. So the more resistance you have and if you are able to get, again, I'm just going off on here, but I almost want someone from Concept2 to join in here and just say, hey, this is how it works. I might have Greg's number. Should I call him? What's the guy's name?
Starting point is 01:23:07 It's Greg something. Yes. Uh, Greg, uh, Hammond. Is that it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Yeah. Yeah. He'll know exactly what was going on. Can he actually explain it though? That we, to where we understand. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Like it is pretty like lame in terms of just, I don't know why I can't explain it, but I can't. So like the more resistance and like the harder you pull the more power output it is so that the lower your time is that really true that's the part i'm not i'm not buying so someone here writes it's like shifting gears on a bike i don't think it is like it kind of is though so like you know When you're on the lowest I love this conversation
Starting point is 01:23:48 You know you're on the lowest gear of your bike And if you want to Say if you want to go 10 miles an hour You're going like this But if you put on the highest gear On your bike And you want to go 10 miles an hour You can get that speed by going like this
Starting point is 01:24:04 So it's almost the same as the rower. Okay, so it does affect the output. So if you're a 400-pound guy, do you just put it straight up to 10 every time? Well, and that's the thing. A lot of these big guys do because they're so strong that the drag factor, the damper, doesn't really affect them like a normal person does.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Okay, okay. So it somehow does affect the metrics. It doesn't. It's not like that rubber. really affect them like a normal like a i'm gonna say a normal person does okay okay yeah so it somehow does affect the metrics it doesn't it's not like that rubber do you remember those exercise bikes from the 70s and it's just a rubber stopper that pushes against the tire it's not like that no no no no definitely a little bit different than that so for me on the rower i have my like i'll just talk in uh damper settings like My dampers were on the middle area there. I was once up at the top because I had no idea what I was doing, but I put it down in the middle area, which equates to 135 drag factor.
Starting point is 01:25:02 For me to generate the same amount of power or the speed that it was once at the top, my stroke rate is a lot faster okay yeah do you do you think you found what do you think you found on the rower when you go for a world record what do you set the damper at i don't have any world records on the rower but my but my damper is at 130 or drag cars at 135 130 but what's your damper at it's like a five six okay but but the important part that people need to realize that every machine is going to be a little bit different so if you have a machine at home and you're always working out on it and you're comfortable with the damper that it is find out what your drag factor is because when you go to a machine like say an event or a different
Starting point is 01:25:39 gym they're going to be a little bit different if you put and if you put the if you put the damper the exact same spot it's not going to be the same drag factor a lot of the time. So that's why I'd find out what your drag factor is, which you can find out through the menu options and then equate that to your, or use that drag factor at the machine, a different machine when you're using it. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:25:58 So there's an equation. Kind of. Well, the thing is like a lot of these, like flywheels get like a lot of dust dirt oh oh and which affects the how it operates or performs so um yeah that's why you want to find out what your drag factor is and then when you go to another one you can you can change it around a little bit where you'll still get the same uh resistance this isn't true is it same uh resistance this isn't true is it because because jason at 200 pounds damper 10 versus seven at 95 pounds at damper 10 will be a big difference but if seven were to lower his to
Starting point is 01:26:35 whatever he's comfortable with he may be able to keep up with jason i won't be able to because the damper actually does affect power output well the athlete affects the power output but to what the output is is you can control it with relative to the damper okay yeah but that being said i don't really agree with that quite that comment only because um again it's up to the the athlete you so if i if at level 10, I can still go really fast, but I get really fatigued quicker because it's almost like I'm trying to lift 400 pounds three times when if I lower it down,
Starting point is 01:27:15 it's like I'm lifting 300 pounds 10 times and it's almost a little bit different. I don't know. Again, I'm going off on it. I don't know if I'm really explaining it very well. No, no, it's fine. It's good. I like it.
Starting point is 01:27:27 And Ernie, I'm not hating on you at all. We we got to be wrong a bunch of times to figure it out so we're kind of weeding things out um uh heidi uh heidi oh thank you for the support heidi there's no way savon can keep up well thank you um how how long ago did you set those um did you do those and was there a time do was there a time domain that you had to do them all is it like hey you have to do all three of those six minute feats within a year or it's just in a lifetime well i i think if i look back on it i think i did do it all within a one calendar year but there's no like there's no rhyme or reason to it like you just can you can do it like i like no one's ever done it period like like done right row ski and then a bike two years later it was like but no yeah i did it uh like again the first
Starting point is 01:28:18 time i did it on the row was maybe back in 2019 i think it was or end of 2018. I can't remember. And then the ski, the first time I did it was, I think it was 2020, like February 2020. And then I did the bike. And then I did it again in 2021. And then the bike, I think I did it like June 2021 as well. When I think of those, so I spent a lot of time just on the assault bike when i think of those but i i just spend chill time on there like like i every day i every day i do 100 calories in 10 minutes right just like yeah so i come off and i'm sweaty and i can start working out. Yeah. When I think of those machines, the rower and the skier and the bike,
Starting point is 01:29:10 the C2 bike, that's what you did that on, by the way? That was the C2 bike? You did the 4,000 meters in 558? Yeah. Let me start back here. When you you do those do you feel horrible for the next hour like kind of like something doesn't feel right like you ate some bad food or something your brain's not right the first couple times i did it on the on the rower like you're in like a world of pain uh like i think that again that very first video i posted of it
Starting point is 01:29:45 like i'm on the ground for like 10 minutes afterwards like your legs it feels like your legs are like on fire and want to explode at the same time uh the one on the the bike it hurt and but i i did something to my back like it like because you're like near like that last like minute you're you're you're trying so hard to keep the the the cadence up that you're you're like near like that last like minute you're you're you're trying so hard to keep the the the cadence up that you're you're using muscles that you're you're almost like there's not much technique to the bike but you're if you're like you're gyrating getting every yeah you're my hit you're road you're pushing your hips down anyways i screwed my backups i literally couldn't like i didn't go on the bike for like another two months like two months after that i did that um but i think it all depends on how well conditioned you are like
Starting point is 01:30:30 now i i can't say i can do a sub six on the rower right now just because i haven't been using very much but when i get up to that or at least i know what i'm going to feel so like you can always predict what hey like it's going to suck but like, you'll get through it or whatnot. But, yeah, that's the bike there. You do not look like you're having fun. No, that's probably, that's, like, the last minute or so, I think. But, yeah, no, I'm hurting there. But you're pretty, you're not getting wild.
Starting point is 01:31:04 I'm wild enough. You can see I'm rocking in the hips there and that like messed my back up like royally like nothing good came of that and it doesn't look like you're pedaling fast which makes me think that thing's on whatever the I don't know resistance
Starting point is 01:31:19 no it isn't so you can tell on that screen on the bottom left there that's an app called ErgD. So you can tell on that screen on the bottom left there. Yeah. That's an app called ErgData. And you can tell my resistance was at 125. So it would be like near the middle, like right in the middle there. It has a pace on that screen. It says 132 because that's literally right at the end there. I'm dying.
Starting point is 01:31:41 But then in the top right of that screen, it says 125. That is the drag factor. I want to see you get off this thing. right at the end there i'm dying but then the top right of that screen it says 125 that that is uh the drag factor i want to see you get off this thing i don't know god that floor has seen a lot of sweat huh oh yeah that's nasty so you don't feel like you don't feel have you ever done mushrooms have you ever done any like there's this there's this entry period where you take the mushrooms and then – I mean I haven't done them in years, but I just remember that there's like this 20-minute period where you're like, oh, what have I done to myself? Like I just feel horrible. Like you don't feel like that. I don't know if I should comment on that or not.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Okay, fine. Is there – It's a different feeling. Yeah, it's a different feeling. It is. It's a different feeling. It's a different feeling. It is.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And is there a – how do you get yourself to – like I can't do that. I can't just go in the garage and just – for some reason I have a psychological barrier. I guess it's called being a pussy. But I have that. I have a strong case of vagitosis. I can't just go in there and be like, hey, I'm going to do 50 calories as hard as I can. You know what? It's just that you get in that routine. Like, obviously, anything that sucks is hard to start.
Starting point is 01:32:52 But once you get into it, so like my routine before I had the twins was I'd wake up around like 5.30. I'd stretch because I literally need to stretch to get moving in the day. And then I'd come down to my garage in the to get moving in the day. Then I'd come down to my garage in the morning and put in a good 30-minute, 35-minute of hard work.
Starting point is 01:33:14 By the time I'm done... On all three machines? No, I'd usually pick a machine in the morning. Throughout the week, I'd try and rotate and spend whatever amount of time on each one um and then i at the end of it i'm like okay well like i just did a really hard cardio workout it's like it's only 6 15 in the morning so i've already kind of
Starting point is 01:33:37 accomplished something it's kind of like you get that uh euphoria i don't know feeling of like hey like i've done something good here i like that feeling so i'm going to keep on doing that every morning to to achieve that same feeling you know what i mean so right yeah yeah i don't have a problem that i don't miss a day working out i mean i'll come home fucking from the restaurant 10 margaritas deep and it's 11 o'clock at night and i will work out i'll go out there and spit that shit out i love that but it's just going full tilt there's like a uh like you have to do you have to prepare yourself like oh like you just like you're having flashbacks ptsd do you think and also on top of that do you think you've done there's any damage you've done to yourself psychologically that like that damage might be too strong of a word but you altered your
Starting point is 01:34:20 interaction with the world because of some of the pain you put yourself in uh i wouldn't say so um how do i answer this question you've gone through some adaptation though that a vast majority has not gone through but i i try to accept that it's a good thing it's like okay right right okay i'm trying to put like a negative spin you're possessed yeah no okay okay give me the good yeah don't get me don't get me wrong like some people like a negative spin on it You're possessed Okay give me the good Don't get me wrong A lot of people think I'm a weirdo I mean you have to be No one's doing great shit who's not a weirdo
Starting point is 01:34:53 No normal people are doing great shit None But you have to accept the fact that you're not normal As well Why am I doing this Why am I so involved This is all I think about There literally was a moment where as well it's like okay like why am I doing this like why am I so like involved or uh like this all I think about like there literally was a moment where like I all I thought about were
Starting point is 01:35:10 these machines and like okay I need to like chill out here like this is weird but um again that was kind of like right in the like at the peak of my performance or whatnot and I don't know you get like addicted to it I guess I have no idea it's like an addiction like you just can't stop thinking about even if you want to stop thinking about it and uh but the thing is my poor wife like she uh there's a story where my because my parents have a like a summer place like a little shack like on the water up on near one of those islands that you were talking about earlier and uh like i'm like so addicted on the rower right now at the time and i was trying to figure out how i could fit the rower in my mazda 3 and fit her at the same time i literally told her i'm like look you might have to go with my parents separately because i need to bring my
Starting point is 01:35:56 rower with me she's like oh she looked at like worst death stare i've ever received but thankfully i was able to figure out how we just put us both in there but yeah it's like that that was the type of mentality i was in like i was like a lot of sacrifice and a lot of like weird behavior to achieve certain things and i look back right now i'll be like yeah that was weird but anyways dude all the great all the great people uh have that story and the people who want to be with great people have to fucking accept it like i i was hearing stories about lil wayne and just like everywhere he went he would set up his uh his recorder and a microphone like the first thing just like walk right into a hotel room and
Starting point is 01:36:34 set it up and just start rapping and a bottle of cough syrup like like like you know it's like you better be obsessed and then that's the thing i think a lot of people don't know what it takes like i'm not trying to say I'm on this other level or whatnot, but a lot of people don't understand what it takes to be great. I'm still learning what I can do to be great at being a father, being at every other aspect of life. aspect of life. But yeah, a lot of it's like sacrifice. And a lot of it's like just putting yourself through a lot of uncomfortable situations and, and just accepting like, Hey, this is part of the building process to achieve something that you, you've set out for yourself.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Why do you call it sacrifice? Just, okay, well, here's another story. Again, I see it as a sacrifice because well, other people would probably too. Like, so the winter olympics were in vancouver in 2010 and this is this is before the erg so there's like i'm at this point i'm trying so i was a i played quarterback when i played football wow so again about the same size i am now a little bit smaller and uh like played i was playing rugby like on the side and once football is done i should try it out out for a CFL team in Canada got cut pretty quickly.
Starting point is 01:37:48 So I went, okay, I'm going to pursue rugby. And the, the Canadian coach was like, Hey, look like your, your skills aren't good enough to be the position you want to be, but they're good enough to be this other position. If you want to like put the work into trying, make this become a prop, which is literally like the the big lumbering dudes that run around on the field or whatnot so i didn't have the body for that but uh there's quite a few sacrifices i put into this one like i literally all i did was eat and work
Starting point is 01:38:18 out for like three years to try it to which i did achieve this goal of being like this the starting tight head prompt for canada and also like um are there olympic team pretty much yeah like our international team wow wow that's crazy and then and then got a contract to play professionally in france all within like a three-year period like i graduated in 20 2008 from university and i played in the world cup in 2011 and got a contract like the next month so in 2010 the winter olympics were in vancouver and the canada was playing the gold medal match against the uh us and uh everyone's partying i could like during the game and on we end up winning so after the game and i remember like i was walking through the streets and i was walking to go to the gym because i like i need to get my workout in for this day because in my mind i'm like if i don't if i don't get this workout in i'm not gonna i'm doing myself
Starting point is 01:39:15 a disservice and i'm not gonna achieve my goal or whatnot so yeah that type of things like i missed out on one of like people were saying it was the best night of their life of partying and stuff and like i'm i'm there at the gym working out. Right. Did you see it as sacrifice, I guess is my question? Not at the time, no. Right, right. Okay. I just thought that's what I need to do.
Starting point is 01:39:37 People will say that about their... I get triggered by it. People will say that about their kids. I've sacrificed so much for my kids. I'm like, like like this is it man this is my life like there is no like i i don't know i think let me let me look up the word i feel like there's a negative connotation with it like um like i had to give something up it's like dude i like an act of slaughtering an animal or person surrendering a possession as of an offering to God.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Oh, OK. I like that. I'm not I'm not a big God guy, but I like to think of it as like I'm doing it for God. I'm doing I'm doing it for something like bigger than myself. Yeah. Well, I think a lot of people will say they're sacrificing with me. I'm just going to say the kid thing is because they're unable to achieve their goals anymore. It's more focused on your kids now. Right. You know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Yeah. So like now it's not about you anymore. It's about your family and your kids. So maybe that's what they think about the sacrifice. Like I don't see it that way, but I could see why some people could. Right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:41 And it definitely is like that. There's no, like yesterday I was with the kids all day, and yesterday was one of those days that I didn't get to work out until 8.30 at night in the garage. And it's like a half-assed workout, and I know it's shitty, but at least I'm doing it. But you gave your day to your kids. You don't get to do what you want, but it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:41:04 But it's fantastic. Did you ever make it to the olympics no well with uh rugby 15s it's not olympic sports it's like uh they have their own world cup but uh rugby sevens uh has become an olympic sport but yeah no i wasn't on that team is is rugby 15s are those different levels of competitiveness? It's just a different style of the game. Oh. So like, yeah, rugby 15s is, or rugby union is, there's 15 guys on each team. So 30 guys on the field playing and smashing in and whatever.
Starting point is 01:41:38 But sevens is seven guys on each side. And it's more of a fast paced, like skill based version of rugby. Is there one that's significantly more popular? Is there one that's like on the world stage? Like the one they play in Australia? Rugby. Yeah. Rugby union would be more popular.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Although rugby, yeah, rugby union more popular, but rugby seven is probably more, more fun to watch. Okay. Yeah. So you were quarterback on a,
Starting point is 01:42:05 on a American football team. Are you, were you a good leader? Some would say yes. Some would say no. I'm more like lead by example, not by through words or speeches and stuff. So,
Starting point is 01:42:17 I don't know. I think I'm, I'm pretty fair with like, you were going to be the hardest working dude on the team. Well, that's the thing like that's like my mentality is like i'll uh again i was never the best athlete growing up but like i always felt like i was the hardest worker and that's why i was able to kind of achieve certain things and uh some people like again i like i remember going to go to school certain individuals
Starting point is 01:42:41 were like literally way better athletes than i was in all sports and uh but they just never applied themselves to like make it to the next level and uh I don't know what it was for me or what the switch was in terms of like hey this is what I need to do to you know be good at football or be good at rugby but um I kind of like learned at a pretty young age like hey the harder you work the more you'll get out of it. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 01:43:58 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I was watching another podcast you did, another interview you did, and you were talking about injuries. And when I was, I guess when I was 30, I'm 51 now, when I was 37, I guess was the first time in my life where I had to actually start warming up. I had to be sweating before I could work out. And then, um, somewhere around 45, I started having some like injuries that were so bad that I was having to crawl to the shower. I had to pee in the shower cause I couldn't get out of bed. So I would slither to the floor and I would crawl and I would just, I would lay pee laying down in the
Starting point is 01:44:38 shower. And after a few of those incidents, and I had a child at the time. And after a few of those incidents, I was like, all right, I guess, i guess i guess i'm just gonna stop doing you know deadlifting over 150 pounds i'm gonna stop doing explosive movement i was just gonna pull everything back take all the crossfit workouts use the women's weight and cut it in half like literally right and then and not use time domains anymore basically bastardize what is CrossFit. You have three kids and you perform at, on these three machines that everyone who knows anything about fitness knows that they're the fucking death machines. They're the worst. They're horrible, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:19 And yet you're also coming up with age and injury. Is there, do you have a plan? Like, are you feeling around in the dark? Are you going to pivot? Are you going do you have a plan what like are you feeling around in the dark are you gonna pivot are you gonna surrender are you where are you how old are you you're 39 38 turning 39 in a couple months yeah but uh what do you do i mean you're performing at a crazy high level yeah so like i've been dealing with injuries like pretty much through my entire 30, like since like I turned 30 until now, obviously, um,
Starting point is 01:45:47 like I have, uh, with from, that's one of the reasons why I stopped playing rugby. So I have a herniated disc in my back and my neck. And, uh, I got like this when I was,
Starting point is 01:45:56 I think I was like, yeah, 31 years old. I had like the craziest sciatica and my lower back and my right leg went numb for like a month. I couldn't feel my right leg. Did you have to pee in the shower too? Like I'm talking like no i i know i know that feeling yeah i'm not there yet okay uh like i could i i've never understood back pain before i had it and i'm like how could it be that bad it is literally the most debilitating thing and i'm sure you know
Starting point is 01:46:21 like it like you literally can't do anything and and like this craziest pain yeah so it was been dealing with it for quite a long time I've kind of learned how to like manage it like although that being said I have gotten like cortisone shots in my spine before to help with like the inflammation whatnot so anyways like and also losing weight too. Like when I lost all that weight, a lot of that, those issues like decreased or went away. But it hasn't been, so I've been pretty, again, with these ergs, it's very low impact.
Starting point is 01:46:56 It's not like running where you're like, you're jarring your knees or your lower back or whatnot. Or Olympic lifting. Yeah, Olympic lifting. I realized like uh like quite shortly after stop playing rugby i'm like yeah i need to like chill out on these like i'm no longer doing any power cleans or or or whatever any explosive movements where i could put my back in at risk of like re-aggregating it um so yeah like over the last i don't know say five years
Starting point is 01:47:24 where i've really taken like these ergs seriously or like this is kind of like my the last i don't know say five years where i've really taken like these ergs seriously or like this is kind of like my thing like i don't do deadlifts anymore i barely squat over like i'll maximum i'll do on the squat would be like a 300 pound squat but even then now i'm only doing front squats and maybe i'll go like 250 uh like bench press i pretty much stopped doing no more than like 225 oh why bench bench is like so chill for me why bench because your neck well no well the bench because with a ski you're you're constantly like like working your like pecs and your arms and like so like the ski itself has kind of like made my pecs quite tight and uh like again i have again no problem with the bench usually but
Starting point is 01:48:06 since these ski i've i've like tweaked my pec quite a few times wow um yeah so again it's probably just because you're squeezing them together it's like a lat and pec tightening as you go yeah yeah kind of it's hard to hard to explain but you're like building up this whole area of muscle like your lats your shoulders your pecs your triceps um so anyways again probably just a lack of uh of warming up and stretching um but yeah the bench i i've had to like decrease in terms of like the weight and putting out and whatnot so i've been like on this maintenance weight program for like the last like five years again like when i say maintenance is more of like a slow decrease of like how much i can lift but
Starting point is 01:48:45 i've kind of just accepted that hey look like this is just how it goes like i don't want to like you're saying with kids and stuff like you don't want to deal with like these debilitating back injuries where you can't pick your kids up or you can't like walk to the couch or um i've i've recently been fine i've had a lot more back issues i think it's because i've been doing a lot of sitting with the twins, like breastfeeding, but like bottle feeding and, and rocking them on their chairs and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:49:10 And I'm trying to do a lot more standing up. So like, and because like when I wake up in the morning, I'm literally in like excruciating pain these days. So. Yeah. So you wake up probably the same as me. Like I get up every morning.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Cause like my back just can't take anymore. I'm like, Oh, time to get up. Like this thing has to start to be warmed up. This thing has to i get up every morning because like my back just can't take anymore i'm like oh time to get up like this yeah i start to be warmed up this thing has to be warmed up yeah and like and walking i like literally walking to the the bathroom or walking to anywhere and i'm like kind of like i feel like i'm at like a kind of a slight yeah yeah yeah like you already put your hand on the wall to take a piss like an old man oh yeah i've done that quite a few times yeah You already put your hand on the wall to take a piss like an old man? Oh, yeah. I've done that quite a few times, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:48 God, misery. Or to sit down on the toilet for a pee. Right. Damn. Back pain's no joke. Magnus Holmgren, $20 from Mexico. Well, thank you. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:50:03 So going back, I want to press you a little bit more on this. Will you continue? Do you have any goals set for goals like competitions or world records or anything, personal goals that you're still going for? So like last February was the world indoor rowing championship. And at that point we, I knew we were having twins and at that, so I'm like, Hey, I kind of asked my wife, I'm like, Hey, look, can I go to this is actually in Toronto and in Ontario there. And she that point, I knew we were having twins. And so I'm like, hey, I kind of asked my wife, I'm like, hey, look, can I go to this? It's actually in Toronto and in Ontario there. And she's like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Because in my mind, I'm like, okay, this is the last one I'm going to do where I can be as competitive as I can be. Just due to timing and whatnot. So that was kind of it in my pain of like my peak athletic ability uh and then going forward how did you do how did you do uh well i entered this competition it's called the versa challenge where it was like uh it was supposed to be how many workouts was supposed to be like think six workouts that weren't your normal type of rowing workout so they're kind of like like made up workouts that you we found out what we're going to do the day of okay i can't i end up coming second i lost out to uh um this finnish rowers a freak too so um and it's a concept to event it's a concept to event
Starting point is 01:51:19 yeah pretty much well it's a world rowing event but they use concept two rowers as their machine of choice okay yeah so that was again like in toronto it was a lot of fun enjoyed it um again meeting a lot of people you you meet online that you don't obviously could normally see in uh in person so that was that was cool uh but yeah moving forward though like i i'm well aware of my age and where what my body feels like again i, I use these things daily still, but I'm not really trying to set any world records. But when I turn 40 in, I guess, 14 months, there are age-grade world records.
Starting point is 01:51:58 I'm hoping that I'm still in a good enough shape where I can try and get a couple on the ski machine here. So that's the plan. Hey, does, does the, do any of these transfer to other sports? Like, um, you're, I don't know if there is a, a world bike riding, uh, climbing championships, but let's say, I'm guessing there's something where there's like, Hey, this is the hill. And there's, these are the times for the 800 meter rides or mile rides.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Like, do you do any stuff like that? Or for rowing? Like, could you do, did you, your rowing skills transfer to being on a world-class rowing team? I don't think so. No, like, no, like, so I've had quite a few people be like, Oh, you should try this or you try that. I'm like, man, I am 35 years old. I work out in my garage and I'm happy try that. I'm like, man, I am 35 years old. I work out in my garage and I'm happy with that. I don't want to go. Like, I just, I just know what it takes to be good at a sport. And I just know how much time that's going to be.
Starting point is 01:52:54 And I just, I just realized I don't have that time. So I, uh, I, I enjoy my hobby of going into my basement, like for an hour a day and, and, and, and like, and keep it at that and and your day job is you're you're a fight what we call i think in the united states a fire marshal yeah so like i i got hired as a firefighter um and i did that for two and a half years and then within our department uh a fire marshal uh position presented itself and i decided to go for that just uh with the hours worked out a lot better with our our family life so yeah that's what i've been doing for the last four years and what is that like you'll get a call that there's like or someone will be like
Starting point is 01:53:33 hey we want to have a thousand people in this room and you'll be like okay and you'll be like okay you you need to put more doors or uh kind of yeah so like what i like my job is quite uh encompassing it has a lot of roles uh for one i'll do a lot of like uh if your business like we do annual and business inspections to make sure that you're like fire code compliant um if there's a fire i'll go and investigate it to try and determine the cause and origin of like why the fire started wow wow yeah so like that's probably the most interesting part of our job because it's like uh um we we don't take we're not as i'm gonna say serious as a as a state when it comes to this but we don't have the power to arrest anybody we will if we do find it suspicious we'll uh like pass it on to like we call the rcmp like our police and they will uh and we'll work with them
Starting point is 01:54:21 to try and like convict somebody but they're the ones who do the arresting and charging um and then also like if if someone's gonna build like a new tower i'll like review the plans and make sure that like hey look this is this meets the expectations of the fire department so yeah that's uh that's good i i like the job is challenging so yeah that's good is there always to do there always shit to do? There's always shit to do. Again, like I was saying, when it comes to inspections,
Starting point is 01:54:51 the city I live in, there's 3,000 inspections that need to be done within every year. We have inspectors that do it, but then I will help out with them as well if need be. It reminds me I can't remember. We had some housing crisis here in the United States I will like help out with them as well if need be. Yeah. It reminds me, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:55:10 We had some housing crisis here in the United States and there were like so many foreclosures that people were like, well, they're not going to get to my foreclosure for three years, so I don't have to pay shit. So I was just thinking, yeah, if you have, if there must be people who like get pushed off until the next year,
Starting point is 01:55:20 like a business that hasn't been checked in three years because the list is so long. Yeah. Yeah. Actually vacant houses are a huge problem up here well i would say up here just because uh but in general just because that's where a lot of like homeless will end up like gathering and and usually all the utilities have been uh shut off so then they'll create like a fire in the house to keep them warm and then ends up burning the house down so those are uh something
Starting point is 01:55:42 i would i have to deal with in terms of making sure like they're secure and stuff like that squatters yeah squatters yeah how did um uh did canada ever this country i don't think is recovered from uh the two years of giving people money and not making them work like like we're we're fucking and it's a our major metropolises have turned into just basically drug addict camps is that is do you get that but i don't follow too much what's going on in canada yeah like well we're like your smaller brother so whatever you guys do it happens to us as well um so toronto's a mess so toronto's a mess possibly like i don't like again i don't i don't know what the homelessness situation's like or like the drug use but like i know that people are like really hurting up here with regards to like
Starting point is 01:56:24 the interest rate hike so like when when the government was giving out all this free money like our interest rates went like to zero yeah so everyone everyone's like okay i'm buying a house now thinking that it's going to stay like this forever so that the house prices went like sky high and people are still buying and now that they've jacked up the interest rates to like these historical increases like levels right now people are like okay i can't interest rates to like these historical increases, like levels right now, people are like, Hey, I can't afford this. And like, so I think in the next year or two, again, I don't want to get too much into economics. I'm not an expert at all, but I think there's going to be some, some, yeah, it's going to be hurting.
Starting point is 01:56:57 People will be hurting for sure. When do you guys vote for a new president? When, when does that, when do you guys get, when do you guys get the opportunity to boot Trudeau? Yeah. You know, I don't know. I i i'm hoping sooner than later but um we don't work like you guys do where it's every four years and like i think that the way our government works again i don't really even know but um he like they can he called an election actually during covid oh he gets to call it that's right yeah or yeah again i don't know what the actual time frame is but but the thing up in canada though you can literally be prime minister forever like it's like there's no like there's no eight year maximum like you guys have yeah so um
Starting point is 01:57:36 but i think the way things are going for him at the moment i don't think he'll be if the if the election does come up soon uh i don't think he'll be hanging around too much longer have you seen the video of this dude um i think he's one of your guys he's being interviewed and he's eating an apple no have you seen that guy no what's the guy's name he's such a stud it's so classic but i was gonna ask you i was gonna ask you if you thought that video was real or not all these people were telling me it was staged it's a reporter who's asking him a bunch of questions and the questions don't make sense and he's a politician he's going to run against trudeau but he's just sitting there eating an apple just kind of slapping
Starting point is 01:58:11 the reporter around what's the guy's name you know god i wish i could remember i want to make a deal with you if you get rid of your would say it what's his name is it a french name i don't know yeah i think it is a french name he's cool looking he's got his hair all combed to the side and shit and he's just, do you wear glasses? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Like,
Starting point is 01:58:28 I think that's like his main competition. I don't know what the guy's name is. Oh, Pierre, this guy, they're saying his name's Pierre Polivare. Yeah. That's the guy.
Starting point is 01:58:36 He's actually, I enjoy him just because he's pretty like, uh, Oh, I loved him. Oh yeah. He's, he's,
Starting point is 01:58:42 he's, again, I'm not much into politics But I do see Him quite a bit in terms of like He's quite outspoken when it comes to Trudeau and like the government That we have in place right now
Starting point is 01:58:54 We should make a deal me and you You get rid of your guy we'll get rid of our guy Who do you want to go in? I don't care I think you guys have to have an age limit. That's your problem. I don't care. Anyone who will close our border and not close our country down ever again.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Yeah, that was, again, we were in some crazy times then, but I'm hoping they look back on it and be like, we screwed up big time. Yeah. Yeah. Well, hey, dude, I'll, uh, I put you in my Google alerts. I'll be watching to see, uh,
Starting point is 01:59:28 I know that someone of your caliber will not be able to sit still and, you are going to have to express yourself. Oh, that's what I wanted to ask you. Speaking about expressing yourself. What is this? What is it? You know what I'm going to pull up?
Starting point is 01:59:42 I don't know. Probably, you know, there's some know there's some there's some ghosts in the internet these days so i have no idea tell me about this thing what is oh okay so longer story but i'll try and keep it short no no keep it long i got all the time in the world you go ahead okay so so i was over in france it was like uh so i i signed with a team and it's called oriac france i played there for a season and a half and then i i signed with a team and it's called Aurillac France. I played there for a season and a half. And then I,
Starting point is 02:00:09 I signed with this team called La Rochelle or in the city of La Rochelle. Stade Rochelle, they're called. But anyway, I dated a girl in the sixth grade named Rochelle Richie. Fuck. If you ever go to France, go to La Rochelle.
Starting point is 02:00:22 It's like one of the more beautiful cities they have. There's on the West coast near board, near Bordeaux. Beautiful, beautiful spot. But anyways, it's like one of the more beautiful cities they have there it's on the west coast near board near bordeaux beautiful beautiful spot but anyways kind of a depressing story actually um anyways went there with a with big hopes of you know hey this is gonna be my forever club i'm gonna be here forever and needless to say within like a week or two i realized the coach hated me and i did anyways had like did not do well uh stopped stopped uh uh stop playing he stopped playing me so I kind of went through like this thing of depression and anyways my outlet was
Starting point is 02:00:52 like art so that's how yeah that's my wife and I we uh started doing it so anyways I found this artist who does uses cards and he paints things on the cards and then separates them and makes these like big murals or whatnot so I kind of took the idea and started doing it myself. And yeah, it was actually, you can see that picture where I'm coming out of the above the pumpkin there. Yeah. That's like the heaviest I was there. We're a dude. You have no neck there. Yeah. No neck. I look like a fish. Oh, my kids wear those sliders at jujitsu tournaments.
Starting point is 02:01:25 Those exact same ones. Amazon. We're on the same Amazon. Hey, dude, where did you – There's Trudeau right there actually beside the pumpkin. So, yeah, we went right there. That's him. I'm lifting him up there right beside the pumpkin.
Starting point is 02:01:37 No. Yeah, that's him. Oh, you got your thumb in his butt. That's what happened to him. That's right. Yeah, when we were playing on the national team, we did this publicity game. They call it the game on the hill.
Starting point is 02:01:53 And all the politicians came out, and we ended up playing rugby with them. So yeah, he wanted the best story, actually. So after this photo, he comes up to me and starts talking to me. And again, i'm not into politics at all so i go to ask me all these rugby questions answer him had a bit of a chat with him and he's like oh hey what's your name i'm like oh it's uh jason marshall and i look i'm like what's your name oh awesome he looked at me with complete disgust like literally wanted any literally didn't
Starting point is 02:02:22 say any you know he's like it's justin and i'm like oh and then my head like oh justin trudeau and he literally turns around and walks away oh my god oh shit yeah he uh was not pumped with me at that point so oh wow so you like like he's a pompous douche like hey oh yeah he he's as pompous as he gets like he uh yeah not my favorite wow yeah a bit of an ego wow um is your what is your wife canadian she is yeah she's actually from uh near toronto she's not from ontario that's where i met her actually okay so you didn't pick her up in la rochelle and bring her back no no no she um we met in toronto after a rugby game and uh that's the betty boop that one i actually like copied what from the original artist and actually gave that so i did it i've made in france i sent it
Starting point is 02:03:17 home to my mom she still has it actually but yeah just tell you something something past the time when i was going through a tough time and yeah that's uh why did your coach hate you he like you know what i don't know but in in france the way again if you did you know i'm going to try and explain to someone like with rugby in france it's all about like the the big brutes like just smashing and and just i don't know that's what your role is and their style of play there that it's very physical rugby very very physical where if you go down like new zealand or australia it's very skill-based and they're very fast and and whatnot so anyways i like excel more in the the skill-based game and when i went to france like i had to like learn really quickly like okay they appreciate the
Starting point is 02:04:06 skills I have but at the end of the day they want me to do the job that I'm I'm meant to do so the the the position I was playing like I was quite small actually although I looked big I was quite small compared to most of the other people anyways I was kind of struggling at my primary role but doing well on the secondary stuff but all he cared about was my primary. And he, I think gave me like one or two chances and I didn't do what his expectations were. And at that point I was like dead to him. So, and he treated me as such.
Starting point is 02:04:35 So there was a pretty tough time. And you had already signed a contract there. So you were stuck there. Yeah, I signed a two year deal there. And I, within like three months i told him that was like i wanted out like i'm like i can't and so i ended up having to be there for the whole year but in the meantime what he did he uh like pretty much the french community is pretty small when it comes to rugby he so he phoned around all the other coaches being like
Starting point is 02:05:00 this guy's a dud like don't sign him so i couldn't find another contract in france and so that's when i went down to new zealand for six months and played for a team down there and then did well and then i ended up was able to get another contract in france and so i went back shit so he changed he altered the course of your career he did he's one of those guys where if you have like a list of people like you'll always hate for the rest of your life, he's like on the top of it. So yeah, that's how, that's how I feel about him. A real douche nozzle.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Hey, um, uh, in, in that interview that I watched that you did, you guys were talking about, um, CTE.
Starting point is 02:05:37 Is that what it's called? Oh, like a concussion concussions. I didn't know there were concussions in rugby. Cause you guys don't play with helmets. I thought like, basically you guys just avoided hitting each other's heads well you try to because you realize that if you don't do or avoid hitting heads but the things at the highest level the the
Starting point is 02:05:55 game is so quick that it's very difficult to try and avoid a head contact although you want to do so with your bat like to the best of your ability. But yeah, the game of rugby has actually evolved quite a bit recently just because they are so against, they realize it's such an issue that any type of head contact, you're pretty much kicked out of the
Starting point is 02:06:17 game. Is it head-to-head contact or is it knee-to-head? Or shoulder-to-head, arm-to-head, head-to-head, anything is it knee-to-head? Yeah, or shoulder-to-head, arm-to-head, like head-to-head, like anything that involves like any type of dangerous play. Like the referee will, a lot of times if you're playing at a higher level, they'll have like replay. So they'll replay the whole like passage of the game and realize,
Starting point is 02:06:38 okay, he had like malicious intent. Like he meant to hit the guy in the head. He'll be out. He's out. Where obviously there's accidental head contact Where you'll be penalized For 10 minutes they call it a sin bin So it's like a 10 minute break
Starting point is 02:06:51 Oh I like that Yeah so you'll be able to come back on after 10 minutes If it's like accidental Does someone get Are there head injuries every game I wouldn't say every game but like It's a very common Yeah it's not uncommon.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Yeah, it's not uncommon. I've had my fair share. And I've seen some really horrific ones as well. It's just part of a contact sport, right? You can't really avoid it. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm trying to think of... Outside of the combat sports, I'm trying to think of outside of the combat sports, I'm trying to think of like a more risky sport because your head's not covered.
Starting point is 02:07:32 I mean, it's – Well, yeah, not the thing. Like at a young age, they really emphasize like good technique when it comes to tackling. Like with football, you're literally just launching your body in front of the guy like no matter what. with football, you're like, you're literally just launching your body in front of the guy, like no matter what,
Starting point is 02:07:44 but rugby, it's all about like trying to put your head to the side and, and lean and aim behind him, but with your, and hit with your shoulder. So you learn that at a pretty young age, how to do it properly. Are you still doing the artwork? No,
Starting point is 02:07:59 but no time, no time, no time. I like there, I do have projects on the go, but they, they're on pause right now with the kiddos. But that is something that hopefully
Starting point is 02:08:08 at a later stage in life I can get into just because I do enjoy it. Hey, I'm peeping at my notes and I wanted to ask you a couple more questions. Yeah. Thank you. I have all the time right now. Okay, you're awesome.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Hey, I thought I heard the other day someone say about a max deadlift. If you do a max deadlift, and it was some guy who could deadlift 1,000 pounds or something. I thought he said it takes his CNS, central nervous system, whatever the fuck that is, two weeks to recover. Is it like that with – is the erg like that? If you do something, a max effort is there um some really prolonged recovery time like to get really back up to 100 uh i would say normally yes but uh again depends on the train that you put in uh the way i like to train is like usually like high intensity for short periods of time where like when i was talking to hunter he was saying he puts in like four or five,
Starting point is 02:09:05 six hours a day in terms of like working out and that like, I don't have the time to do that. So I'm usually like a, an hour a day, but I'm making sure in that hour a day, I'm like going like balls to the wall type of thing. So by training like that, I feel that.
Starting point is 02:09:24 And, and usually that balls of walls, like for a half an hour period of time. So when I go do like a 2K row or whatnot, a shorter duration workout, whereas max, like I feel like my body is already kind of like, hey, this is normal. Like I can recover quickly from, it won't take me like a month to recover. Maybe, maybe take me two or three days. But besides that, like, I feel like the way I train, it's kind of like, uh, allows me to, to hit these maxes a lot more regularly or like, like without much, uh, um, I guess I don't like healing or whatnot afterwards.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Was it early in the interview, you were talking about a max effort you did where you were on the floor for 10 minutes. I think it was the rower. Right. And, and you were saying your legs, but so your muscular fatigue is your limiting factor, not your cardiovascular, not your ability to intake oxygen. I think my minimum factor is like my mental the mental state like the fact that you know that you're going to be going into this this like okay there's gonna be six minutes but it's gonna be six minutes of like well i would say it's not all pain but like the last like three
Starting point is 02:10:36 minutes you're like bearing down like that's the hardest part is like accepting the fact of what you're getting yourself into um and that's why i think with the training i do where it is like balls a wall for half an hour it kind of lets my brain shift into this like okay six minutes of pain but like i i know what it takes or what it's going to feel like or what how it's going to go and and how does that help i still don't get it how does that help knowing i would think that that makes it even worse that you know what you're getting yourself into Do you think you could kill yourself Uh Me
Starting point is 02:11:09 Yeah like do you think You know like You can put a dog and have him pull a You can run a dog to death Yeah so like my problem You think that you could like mentally get your head around Like hey I'm gonna pull on this roller so hard that I just fucking die I mean I'm kinda to pull on this Rower so hard that I just fucking die I mean, I'm kind of asking
Starting point is 02:11:26 It serious, you know, like I have like a bad case of OCD So, and one of the things I love doing with these ergs Because it's all data driven Especially when I'm doing interval work Is I'll try and make every interval The same, like the same time
Starting point is 02:11:42 The same strokes And do it for, and see how long and and do it for and see how long i can do it for and then that's usually because i have another instagram account it's called um next level or next nxt.lvl.athlete um it's i think it's in the bio of my main page there but uh i found it yeah so that's where i post all my earth screens it's a very boring content it's in the bio of my main page there. I found it. Yeah. So that's where I post all my erg screens. It's a very boring content. It's literally just erg screens. But if you look at them, a lot of them are just like this OCD,
Starting point is 02:12:13 like everything's perfect. Actually, so that one on the top, yeah, that one right there. So that's like one of my probably the best rower performance I've ever done. It's a workout called golf where it's one minute on one minute off you do 18 rounds and then whatever meter you get is uh there's like a score sheet that you you can use that like hey this is a like a par a minus one minus two or whatnot so anyways i'm i'm i'm i'm at a level where the score doesn't really matter because i'm like i'm i'm getting like albatross or like negative two every single time but that one right there where it's like I picked up I picked a pace that was way too quick but I'm okay I'm just gonna go with it and then at the end I'm
Starting point is 02:12:54 like okay that like I'm like my heart rate is like 190 which is way too high I should not be I I should probably quit but I've I'm want this perfect screen so bad. I'm willing to put whatever pain or whatever it takes to get it done. So that's my problem. So to the tenth of a second. Yeah. So it was 18 rounds and 17 rounds were identical. And one of the rounds was off by a tenth of a second.
Starting point is 02:13:24 No, no. So the very top is a weird, they call it concept two math, and 17 rounds were identical and one of the rounds was off by a tenth of a second no no it's actually just so the very top is that it's a weird they call it concept to math where it doesn't really add up for whatever reason but all 18 rounds are actually exactly the same but the overall or average time is off by a tenth oh shit yeah but i don't know how that happened but um and that's a score sheet that uh usually people usually people will use there. How did you do that? You know what?
Starting point is 02:13:49 I don't know. Outer body experience, I guess. I don't know. That right there was right before the world championship last year, or I guess earlier this year. So that was like my peak fitness at that point. And like I said, that's the best that's what i've ever done have you ever looked at the people who follow you it's kind of like a who's who in the athletic world
Starting point is 02:14:09 uh there's definitely some people that i'm like oh wow i was like crazy like people are tripping on you i went through the people who are following you it's fucking nuts like a couple like um um what's his name Chandler Smith he reached out to me I actually really like that guy he uh we've had some chats over the ergs and stuff like that and uh so like names like that I'm like man how did you find out about me like
Starting point is 02:14:35 I watch you on uh on the weekends or I watch you on the Netflix series when they cover all that CrossFit stuff there so do you think it's uh um cover all that CrossFit stuff there. Do you think it's I don't know what the right word is.
Starting point is 02:14:51 Do you think it's important to have all three machines? If you're an athlete, have all three? No. Which ones do you think it's important to have? I started off with just the assault bike. You could say my first love was the assault bike.
Starting point is 02:15:06 And then I feel like that like really like built the base for me to get to where I am now. But again, I love the rower as well. I don't use a rower nearly as much as I used to just because like with my back issues. my back uh issues um but now i like if i if i had the choice if i could pick three it would be actually be the rower the ski and the assault bike um because i don't i i do because i actually like the assault bike for what you're saying when you just go on go for like a like go easy or whatnot like i love the assault bike for that just to sweat just to sweat so you can like yeah yeah like again i'll probably do like 30 minutes on it but like i can do it like just like yeah what will you do in 30 minutes what will you
Starting point is 02:15:50 do in 30 like if you're like listening to like an audiobook what would your 30 minute assault type bike calories be like again ocd weirdness like i'll never try and go under 500 calories in 30 minutes holy shit yeah the most i've ever done was 627 holy shit yeah so that's the most i've done man but anyway that's like but to me 500 calories is like relatively like i'm like my my heart rate's probably in the 150s maybe low 160s and I like it's pretty chill 500 so I have that same OCD thing but my thing is like hey just do 100 don't be a pussy in 10 minutes and yours is 30 minutes 500 that's like kind of your baseline like hey you need to get that in order like to be able to look in the mirror today pretty much yeah honey i got 499 don't talk to me wow uh adam blakesley sebon having a vagetosis flare-up after hearing that yeah fucking nuts i am not changing anything that's
Starting point is 02:16:56 nuts wow that is uh oh again i i've spent hours on the self-bike, probably days worth of hours. But again, I built up to there. Like before, again, I think I brought this up in Hunter's podcast. The very first test that was given to me, again, I had a trainer who said that if you can get seven miles under 16 minutes, that's a good baseline. That's a high-level achievement on the self bike so when i first did like i wasn't even close but again over this like period of like okay that's all i'm gonna focus on i was able to like achieve that and then i started adding time to it and next thing you know like went to 20 minutes and okay what's what's good
Starting point is 02:17:43 for 20 minutes so 300 calories and and then anyways just started like adding to it and next thing you know like went to 20 minutes and okay what's what's good for 20 minutes so 300 calories and and then anyway just started like adding to it and then got to the point where okay 530 minutes is kind of like like my like okay i'm i'm happy with that on a on a on an off day or or whatnot or on my on my chill day i was trying to think like what like some of my my best assault shit is and I I can't tell if I'm lying or not, but I know i've hit 137 a few times calories in 10 minutes, but that still wouldn't even get me up to 500 if I You have to do you have to do 166
Starting point is 02:18:18 166. Yeah, i've definitely never done that in 10 minutes god And so you're looking at that um where are you at 10 minutes are you at 166 exactly if you're if you're like take an easy day or you like to be above like get some in the bank be like it well i i just know i need to be again when you become so familiar with these machines you know exactly what benchmark you need to get to get to something uh yeah but yeah i'll probably be at like one like i try and keep it like at like a 68 rpm it's kind of like my where. I try and keep it at like a 68 RPM. It's kind of like my... I just try and keep it there.
Starting point is 02:18:49 If I'm going to be at 68, I know I'm going to end up with like a 540 calorie total. Yeah. That's kind of like to keep it there. And so I keep it like at 58. Better than 48. Yeah, exactly. You ever ride the assault bike backwards? I mean, the last year I've been riding it backwards And so I keep it like at 58. Better than 48. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:05 Well, yeah, exactly. You ever ride the assault bike backwards? I've been, I've been the last year I've been riding it backwards like five minutes a day. No, no. Just chill. I go super chill. Why do you do that? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:19:16 Same reason you don't, the same reason I don't know shit about the damper. I just do it just to just chill, cool down. Just because I feel like maybe some sort of symmetry uh balance oh yeah but i go really light i don't want to hurt my knee or do something stupid but i do ride it backwards okay i'll have to i'll try it because we have one at work like i actually had one i had one for years but i ended up getting rid of it just to make room for everything else in here but wait like your favorite and you got rid of it yeah the only reason why is because so um i needed i wanted to try and get that sub six on the bike so i needed i needed the bike
Starting point is 02:19:52 so uh anyway they got rid of it it was during covid too so like i literally got more money for it than i ended up buying for it so uh or i still look for more money than i bought it for and then um but now well i i i won the that rogue challenge that enduro one and they sent me an echo bike oh and and i've always i've always wanted an echo bike but again i don't have the room for it right now so i ended up getting rid of it but that's something i'll probably when i do have the room i'm going to buy, rebuy that back and, uh, and use that instead of the, uh, the normal salt. Um, uh, do you, I, I, the concept to bike, I can't get my head wrapped around buying because I feel like shit. If I'm going to ride a bike, I might as well be using my arms too. And that's the thing. That's why I like the assault. It's more of a full body. Right. Um, but again, my wife likes the bike, so that's why
Starting point is 02:20:45 she likes it more than the assault. But that's kind of the other reason why I had to keep it or didn't get rid of the assault. You let her on your bike? You let her on your equipment? She only uses the bike. That's what she likes. I'm fine with that. You're a good dude. You don't tell her, hey dude, this is a precision piece of
Starting point is 02:21:01 machinery for setting world records. Don't touch it. Well, the thing is, you can calibrate it. So if have to calibrate it just recalibrate it we're good to go what about you ever seen anyone cheating on any of these like records or anything like i heard like you could take like a fan blade out of like an assault bike and like make it easier some shit like that or turn the angles or some yeah i think with these dampers they uh if you cover like the the hood or like the where where the fan is i think that like gives you misreadings yeah there again there are so many people who accuse people of cheating just because like their scores are insane uh either whether through uh performance enhancing drugs or they alter the machine in some way.
Starting point is 02:21:46 I try and keep out of that just because, again, this is a hobby to me. And I try and be as positive to the people who want to follow me or interact with me. And I don't want to try and call somebody out. Because people have called me out enough times where I'm like, hey, this is like... It brings a negative attitude towards this community that's supposed to be, Hey, we're here to work out and have fun. Um, so I try not to get involved with like accusing people of cheating, but like if, if someone can want to cheat and they're on something and then are able to look themselves in the mirror, they have bigger problems. You know what I mean? So. You should be careful going on podcasts where the host talks about a boob
Starting point is 02:22:29 size based on number of children and politics. That's all right. You know what? It keeps it interesting, right? You're going down a very slippery slope here. You opened a, a door. Well, brother, great meeting you uh hunter was absolutely right you're you're a great dude and a valuable uh resource to to people who want to get um strong and uh and use the ergs and supplement them for for all sports they're great for supplementing for all sports right i mean and and and injuries so like uh if you have like a knee injury like the ski is a great machine to get into like i know a lot of people have done that where they've like done acl or whatnot they have to get some
Starting point is 02:23:09 type of cardio in so ski's good for that uh the bike's good for our upper body injuries where you just or uh just using your legs right so yeah like they're they're good for rehab they're good for all sports like i know fire departments actually use the ski to like um replicate like movements that they'll use on the fire scene. So yeah, they're, they're amazing piece of equipment. They're,
Starting point is 02:23:29 they're built, you know, that Ford tough thing or what you would, you'd say like they're indestructible. So yeah, they're awesome. They're well, they're well worth the investment for sure.
Starting point is 02:23:39 C2 should send you out a couple of new free ones or send you some money. Cause I guarantee you this show will definitely sell them some with you on here. You know what i'm i'm more than happy to be a paying customer just because like they have given me so much right so yeah they are they're a great company they have great support uh actually like i'm refurbishing my uh my ski just because it's a little worse for wear at the moment. Like the, I need new strings, the new elastics and whatnot. And I remember I,
Starting point is 02:24:08 so I put an order in and I forgot to add something and I contacted him quickly. I'm like, Hey, can you add these things? I'm like, Oh, don't worry.
Starting point is 02:24:14 We'll throw them in there for no cost or whatnot. So like, and those are the, and that's the type of thing that I don't think they even know who I am, let alone like they just do that. It's like a, they're just a good company. They know who you are. They know who you are. That dude,reg's like a student of the sport too he's a cool dude but he knows
Starting point is 02:24:30 and he knows a lot of shit and a lot of people yeah he was really uh involved with the crossfit community is he not like i feel like he's always had the crossfit games and like he's the one that brings her like energy machines and stuff so now he he's pretty switched on and, like, pretty well respected amongst, like, the whole Constitute community, right? Yeah, very. The whole community as a whole. Yeah. All right, brother.
Starting point is 02:24:53 Thank you. Have a great day. Congratulations on the three boys. Amazing. You're stoked. And if you ever need anything... I'm happy to see where you're at now with them and seeing how good it is
Starting point is 02:25:03 or, like, how rewarding it is. Dude, it's amazing. It's my whole life. It's amazing. Yeah. All right, brother. Yeah, well, thank you. Yeah, well, thanks for having me on and it was a pleasure meeting you.
Starting point is 02:25:13 Yep. Have a great day. You as well. Okay. Take care. Ciao. Jason Marshall. Erg extraordinaire.
Starting point is 02:25:24 I don't even know. I want a Stairmaster know I want a Stairmaster I want a Stairmaster If I I want a Stairmaster And then maybe a second TV In the garage So I can put one in front of the assault bike
Starting point is 02:25:38 And one in front of the Stairmaster So I can watch Football so I can watch football. Football. Dude. I am so fucking excited about Friday. Dude. Dude. That's a cool guy, right?
Starting point is 02:26:06 Jason Marshall. He was easy as shit. He knows a bunch of stuff. I loved hearing the stories. I want to call Susan and ask him what's going on with Tyson. If he's going to be on Friday's show. Dude, Friday's going to be crazy. Friday we have the update show and we got Bill Grundler back.
Starting point is 02:26:28 So that's cool. I haven't got Taylor to commit yet, I don't think. Uh-oh, what is this? Oh, no. Oh, the behind-the-scenes editors are asking for show notes. Oh, this is a good sign. That was a good chat. Oh, nice meeting you.
Starting point is 02:26:51 Oh, yeah, for sure. Dude, you the man. You're so cool. Dude. What should I write to Jason? Dude, you are so cool. Thank you. Oh, cool. Thank you. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:27:08 So the editors for the behind the scenes. Did you send an email with notes for the second show? Oh, no, not yet. No. I am halfway and I don't really have any. Halfway, and I don't really have any. Maybe some close-up shots in the event cap. Recap B-roll.
Starting point is 02:27:45 Maybe some close-up shots in the event cap b-roll Oh Sorry Jethro Friday. Yeah, sorry. Thank you for asking. That's dumb when I talk and don't contextualize. So in the beginning of the show, I was reading, I got a text message from Tyson saying he can't come on tomorrow because they have a game on Thursday. And there were a bunch of people who DMed me and were telling me that. But then he said Friday he could come on.
Starting point is 02:28:21 So that means he would come on Friday after the game on Thursday. And I'm just loving watching him so much. It's like so awesome watching him play. It's stressful as fuck. Sevan, have you heard of the No Hate Tour? It's a collaboration between Marines and pro BMX riders. No. Oh, yeah. He didn't know. He asked justin trudeau what's your name that's so awesome uh seve is the slack block worth the money if you're gonna use it it's
Starting point is 02:28:56 totally worth the money i saw it like um and if you want to um if you're going to use it it's totally worth the money and if you're going to uh if you don't believe it too or if like you want to um if you're going to use it it's totally worth the money and if you're going to uh if you don't believe it too or if like you want proof um after you get it um uh take notes like try to set goals for yourself and take notes and you'll be blown away at how fast you progress um on it that guy jim klotman came to uh the ranch with travis i don't know, a month ago, and they were fooling around with some shit. And then afterwards, he came over to my house, and we fooled around with some shit. And, yeah, it's cool. It's – I love that. I love those things.
Starting point is 02:29:39 My kids use them all the time. And here's the thing, though, with me too. Here's the thing with me too so i say this with with peace and love i like new shit because i like to be motivated by it i'm inspired by it so if i get a new pair of shoes i might start running more or like if i i might not even want the salt runner but when i get it i'm gonna do more you know what i mean or um i have bar like new shit will inspire me to just do and i just like being inspired to do stuff inspired might not even the right word feel obligated because i spent money on something so like i'm not saying that the slack walk isn't great, but when I got it, I, like I used,
Starting point is 02:30:27 even though he gave me one, like I use it all the time because I have it and I was inspired to use it and I wanted to work on my balance because I have it and I wanted to get better by it. I accepted the challenge of it. Jedediah Snelson, you need to have Greg on. He's the rep for Supercross, Motocross, MMA and CrossFit oh Greg Hammond I thought he owned Concept 2 he doesn't own the company
Starting point is 02:30:53 I thought he owned it I assumed he owned it I've known him fuck dude I want to say I met Greg Hammond in 2008 and I've had the interactions with him have always been Fuck, dude. I want to say I met Greg Hammond in 2008. And I've had the interactions with him have always been 100, whatever that means. Seve, RB's post. What's RB's post? I don't know what that means. Go back and read RB's post? Hold on.
Starting point is 02:31:24 It's crazy how I have a guest on the show and you guys all of a sudden start just accusing them of doing steroids. Hello Caller hi. Hello shit. Hold on. I don't know what's going on System settings Bluetooth disconnect. It's crazy that this thing always is like this. It makes my show a joke. Hello Hi, oh girl, hold on hold on hold on it's a girl you're never gonna believe it's a girl called in hello hi go ahead all right so just a question that's been um talked about in the crossfit space you're a girl right you're a girl right right? I am a girl. That is correct. Okay. But we have been noticing that, one, Noble's partnership or deal with CrossFit is ending this year, correct? I don't have any confirmation on that, but I would suspect. I'm hearing that they basically are done, done. Like, that company's folding.
Starting point is 02:32:20 Right. That's what I heard because they sold the business, and this guy this guy's like not into CrossFit is what I'm hearing. I didn't hear that. Do you know who bought it? Is it like a dude who bought it or is it a… I have no idea, but I just heard that they're not CrossFit. And then I'm watching the Rogue Invitational. I saw that the last five athletes in the last workout, all but one, Tire to me are tier athletes oh yeah yeah tears tears swooping up everybody tears swooping up everybody the 2024 tier crossfit games i don't think so usually what's happening is i think that this is like so like night it's
Starting point is 02:33:01 the same thing with nike like they're going at They're going after athletes and not events, which I think is a huge mistake. I think basically what it is is they don't know how to use events. But you can use events and force the athletes to do things where you get what you need from the athletes without having to individually sponsor them. So I think they're just fucking up um right if there's any time to swoop now i feel like if there's any time to what to swoop in and steal the games from noble if tier wanted it they could have it right uh well yeah yeah but i don't know what their budget is because they literally have every fucking athlete right but it will be weird if they have every single fucking athlete and then all the athletes are out there wearing born primitive shit and exactly i i haven't worn
Starting point is 02:33:49 all of tear shoes but tear shoes are the born primitive shoes are for for me a thousand times better the pair of tear shoes that they were kind enough to send me i cannot wear i cannot my foot doesn't really fit them no they're so fucking narrow i don't know how here does not make here does not make a shoe small enough for me like i would love to buy it and try it but they do not make yeah they don't make they start at size six for women oh that's interesting because i saw born primitive i wanted to get a pair of size sevens for someone and they they they only start at size eight which is what size i am i'm an eight it's fucked up there's a lot of small crossfit athletes yeah yeah what did you think did you watch the show with jason marshall uh no oh all right that was the guy that was just on you didn't see him
Starting point is 02:34:40 i mean i saw like the tail end i i started tuning in when he said he biked at 500 calories yeah in 30 minutes like that's his standard assault bike ride this guy's crazy yeah just his standard what's your standard assault bike ride like if you're just going to get on just like like nobody just a warm-up what would be yours uh well i refuse to do that i don't like doing it but we had a workout earlier this week that was like a 50 calorie buy-in and it took me like almost five whole minutes yeah that's what it would take me to are you are you an aspiring games athlete uh i don't know yet how old are you 22 oh oh yeah you got time to figure it out i know i don't have my like woman strength yeah that's the only thing yeah but you better stop fucking around now now's the time when you can do the drugs and then get
Starting point is 02:35:29 off and when you're serious about it oh i should look into that little butt pellets of testosterone yeah butt pellets all right well i'll let you to it. Don't trust anyone who wants to give you butt pellets. That's my advice. Sounds kind of kinky. Yeah. All right. Thank you. Bye. Noble talk.
Starting point is 02:35:56 No, I'm not sick. I don't know what's going on. Could be breakdust. I don't know. RB, you should host a Bears live watch party. What does that even mean? Like I would just sit here and be like looking at the screen, like my big screen like this and be like, oh, shit, no way. And people calling in and sending links and I'm watching it with people.
Starting point is 02:36:25 How would I – what would I, do I get to listen? I don't know how that works. Do I get to listen to their, the commentators? I don't even know what that would look like. Okay. That guy's going to have three sons. He has three sons. He has twins.
Starting point is 02:36:59 Oh, awesome. I wrote in this Tyson Bajan. Did you guys see Tyson Bajan's presser? It's very short this week. It was intense. You guys here, listen, you guys want to do something cool? Go over to this. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:37:19 I'm going to put the do links work if I post them in in the. Go over. Can you guys click that and go over there and um like leave a good comment about tyson be like tyson's the man is that unethical to ask you guys to do that it's his presser it's his presser that is unethical to do that to ask you guys to do it I don't care fucking do it anyway
Starting point is 02:37:51 go over there Tyson Bajan post game press conference Chicago Bears 293 comments. Oh, look, I write Tyson's the man. We all see it. And then it already has four replies. I hope he gets to start six more games. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 02:38:17 Oh, that's cool. All right. Yeah, cool. Yeah, this dude's a stud man t-bagent i wanted to ask him too like if at some point um do you start to get gun shy because you've thrown because of the interceptions he has thrown. Like, does it compound and, like, make things worse? Or is he able just to push all that shit away? A bad game.
Starting point is 02:38:53 Zach. Fuck, man. He's so well-spoken. Yeah, he's great. It's unethical to skip the only real question for Jason. Oh, what was that? What was the real question for him well i asked him what he puts his damper on he said 5.6 i didn't even know there was a point
Starting point is 02:39:11 uh krista parham uh good to know i'm not the only 20 something year old girl watching yeah but let me tell you if you're're a 20-something-year-old girl and you're watching this show, something's wrong with you. Something's wrong. You're not normal. Could be something's good with you, too. But definitely you're not normal. You should be at some sort of rally and being offended by something if you want to be normal. Being offended by something.
Starting point is 02:39:42 If you want to be normal. Not over here just fucking getting desensitized by fucking junior high talk. Vittorio. This is Tyson's third start in his career. No, I think it was his second. People need to calm down. It's a huge learning curve. Fuck that. He needs to be doing good.
Starting point is 02:40:03 I ain't giving him a pass on that. No learning curve. Go Tyson.yson he's good he's great oh um can i call you back i'm doing a podcast. I'm podcasting. Oh, cool is this? Jeffrey Adler. Does he have a new video? It took me to my own live call-in show when I clicked a link to Jeffrey Adler's.
Starting point is 02:41:04 Oh, here it is. Jeffrey Adler training nutrition winning the tour. Oh, what is this? Oh, shit. This is crazy. Oh, shit. This is crazy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:41:32 There's this. Oh, no. Oh, no. Confession, I'm a girl, too. You're definitely not a girl. Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't want to complain, but maybe critique is a better word.
Starting point is 02:42:01 Let's go over to's YouTube page. Jesus Christ. CrossFit YouTube okay here we go brace yourself across the YouTube Jeffrey other this looks interesting Jeffrey other training and nutrition So CrossFit YouTube. Jeffrey Adler. This looks interesting. Jeffrey Adler training and nutrition, winning the CrossFit Games 400 views two hours ago. That's really, really, really bad.
Starting point is 02:42:37 I tried to watch this video too. Kai Rainey, who I like. She was on the original podcast for for uh um the crossfit podcast in 2018 which is kind of funny because in this video it says we were first introduced to you in 2020 which is not true you were introduced in 2018 but that's what you get when you have people working at crossfit who have no fucking idea what's going on and have no institutional knowledge. Hey, before you know it, they'll get rid of so many people there that people will just only be able to relate to it as like F45 or there'll be no institutional knowledge there. This is an interview.
Starting point is 02:43:21 I can't even believe this is real. Listen to this voice here. Listen to this voice here. Listen to this voice here. So we started doing zones because that's when I was over. It's been a while now. Tell us why that nutrition regimen. We've heard that you follow the zone diet. Can you tell us why that nutrition regimen works for you and how long you've been following it?
Starting point is 02:43:40 We know she's reading from something. Why does that matter, Sebon? Because it's... Thumbs up. Give that a thumbs up. Thank you. Because it's fucking weird. Yeah, so...
Starting point is 02:43:55 Because it makes it unauthentic. Oh, it's Annie Sakamoto. Shit. We've heard that you follow the Zone Diet. Can you tell us why it's fit game season? This segment is brought to you by Wild Health. Jeff, thanks so much for joining us today. This segment is brought to you by...
Starting point is 02:44:12 This segment is brought to you by Wild Health. Hi, Jeff. I heard you do workouts CrossFit style and do zone eating. Can you tell us? Hi. The fuck? The fuck is going on? We've heard that you follow the zone diet. Can you tell us why that nutrition regimen? People, you know, when people write, like some, some guy wrote to me the other day, he said something and I go, yeah, your mom rides my nuts. And he wrote, he writes down in the comments, you can do better than that. Savon show some respect.
Starting point is 02:44:55 It's like, dude, but it's just totally misplaced. Like, what do you mean you can do better than that? A mom, how do you do better than a mom joke? But dude, CrossFit, you can do better than this. Works for you. And how long you've been following uh yeah so hey they probably all on in all honesty see this graphic up here that says annie sakamoto with the little microphone so that you know it's her asking the question they probably had two fucking zoom meetings to decide whether they want to put that in or not and if i'm fucking presented if i'm if this if i'm
Starting point is 02:45:26 wild health and this is the best image you can give me this blocky atari 2600 footage of dave and fucking uh jeffrey adler the fittest man on earth i mean this is how you do how you do anything is how you do everything and this this is bad. Been following me. Yeah. Dude. So. How is his Zoom footage better than your fucking games footage? It's been a while now.
Starting point is 02:45:55 So we started doing Zoom in what? 2000. You can benefit. Wait, I think I saw Annie. Sometimes the people. So it's, I think, one of the programs. Workout. I won't say programmer but workout that so listen this is annie interviewing jeffrey adler they did not do this live all of
Starting point is 02:46:13 these podcast softwares the one she's using zoom and stream yard they have the ability to record to at the local computer a super high-res version that you can then later um upload to whoever's going to do the edit meaning someone just this is this is just half-assed this is someone who doesn't never made anything doing this this is like there's no media director there's no oversight there's no leaf edmondson there's no sev amatosi and there's no like whoever did this like had no fucking idea what they were doing like seriously i could teach avi to do this this is so fucking crazy bad yeah annie's bit was pre-recorded i know which is like how is it even bad then dan guerrero why do you have to be such a dick? It's come across over the last few weeks.
Starting point is 02:47:09 Yeah, so I... And this is good. Now we're back to some authentic shit. There's Annie being herself. And I like the B-roll. I do it. They push me to be a little bit better. So if I can put a little bit more time on something else, I'm weak at what I, I'm weak at or what I think I'm.
Starting point is 02:47:29 Something weird is going on, man. It's like, this is, this is what's going on. This is what's going on. So look at these videos that have just popped up all of a sudden. So they,
Starting point is 02:47:38 they didn't make any, uh, not that you guys care, but this is, this is my life. Uh, they didn't make any videos forever so all they had was like this stuff with like ben smith and adrian bosman talking
Starting point is 02:47:53 about workouts for months and months and months nothing they got nothing nothing nothing nothing for months and and why d why Dylan Francis does burpees on a private jet. People ripped on that. I thought that was actually kind of cool. I didn't think that was stupid. Oh, this is cool. The blind lady. Kim, we had her on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:48:14 She was dope. But then all of a sudden, after not doing anything for months, they've kicked it into gear a little bit. After not doing anything for months, they've kicked it into gear a little bit. They got, oh, no, they didn't. Never mind. Fuck. Never mind.
Starting point is 02:48:32 Fuck. Okay. Oh, look. Okay. They have something here from four days ago. But they've started some content here. CrossFit training But none of this I don't recognize and the way and any of these editing styles or the way this is being made
Starting point is 02:49:04 Anything else man November set that's a day. Yeah, this is a trip. And that Ky Rainey one looks like it was made out of house. I wonder who's making these. These are being, these aren't, I mean, they have no one there to make videos, so these must be being made out of house. They feel, there's like this cheesy commercial feel to them. Weed and tobacco. Weed and tobacco. Weed and tobacco.
Starting point is 02:49:27 I like that one. Actually, the small town strong one's good. Oh, that's the trailer for the documentary. L1 and 23 penny. Oh, okay. Okay. So, okay. I see what's going on.
Starting point is 02:49:43 So normally you'd go out and film with this lady, right? But times are tight and the budget's tight. you use a non-crossfit employee um the lone ranger to do interviews on zoom instead of going there and filming her and doing the interviews with real filmmakers and then just use b-roll from old stuff okay i get it i get what's going on here wow wow this is like remote this is like flipping a house they've taken old content and repurposed it but with cheaper materials meaning instead of going and refilming with her in person um they do it zoom wow interesting okay all right man man oh man put out some media sev dog i right now. What are you talking about? I do every day.
Starting point is 02:50:48 I just did that interview with Jason Marshall. It will have a greater effect on the community than everything that they do, than 10 of their employees will have. That will inspire 100 affiliate owners who watch the show to do some erg workouts. Maybe buy an erg. Maybe do an erg seminar at their gym that'll inspire fucking a thousand people today who watch that video to do some erg work to fucking lower the rower down in their garage they haven't lowered in a month thank you i appreciate it uh uh zach uh 49 would you still affiliate right now if you were opening
Starting point is 02:51:25 gym do you have any faith in the shit being righted also tell Sousa to read his text I can't answer that in a bubble but here's what happens right I can't answer that in a bubble, but here's what happens, right? I'm 17 years old, and I fucking find CrossFit, right? And I'm so fucking stoked. And by the 19, I've decided to take my L1, and I can't believe how amazing it is.
Starting point is 02:52:02 And by the time I'm 22, I'm ready to open a gym, and I affiliate. Yeah, I could totally see myself doing that I mean I could like yeah I could see the 22 year old version of me doing that the current version of me like at 51 years old what I know now fuck no but I'm like a special person like I I'm special in a sense
Starting point is 02:52:23 relative to the ding dongs there like I can do everyone's job I can do 99% of everyone's job at CrossFit HQ better than they can. And they all know that. Why the fuck would I fucking pay them an affiliate fee? There's no fucking way. I know more about the business than anyone there probably except for maybe one person, two people. And I say that with peace and love and all fucking humility yeah the l1 is fucking amazing yeah but if i'm some like fucking kid and i find
Starting point is 02:52:53 crossfit and just i'm fuck yeah i'm affiliating but not not someone like me dude i went to egypt and watch them extract a Jewish racer. I know shit. They have horrible shit internally going on there. Like, horrible. Like, stuff I can't tell you horrible. Because they're family members. Do you know what I mean? It's like if I caught two cousins fucking, but I just wouldn't tell you.
Starting point is 02:53:25 Like, I know stuff like that. Just not, I'm just like, ugh. But they're my cousins, and I love them. So it's like, what am I, like, I'm not, you know what I mean? I don't really think that's bad if cousins fuck you. Anyway, that was probably a bad example. Do what you want. I ain't judging you.
Starting point is 02:53:44 Cousin, cousin, especially if you're distant cousins distant cousins zach i'm 32 and right between both perspectives yeah i mean fuck i love fucking crossfit um i love what it's done for me my family the methodology i'm so happy that um i'm friends with dave i'm friends with don i'm friends with greg i'm friends with Greg. I'm happy. I'm, uh, there's a handful of employees there. I fucking really like more than a handful, dozens and dozens. Actually fucking love me some fucking Chuck and Todd Whitman and that all the OGs and, um,
Starting point is 02:54:14 uh, Jen fuck. I could go on and on forever. Mike Giardina. Does he still work there? Giardina, Nicole Carroll, Dave, Mike Giardina. Does he still work there? Giardina. Nicole Carroll.
Starting point is 02:54:29 Dave. All my homies. Anyone who's left in the media department. There was a graphics dude there who was a stud. Matt Bischel's cool. Cool as shit. He still lives in my town. I see him.
Starting point is 02:54:45 He was on the podcast with me. I assume he still lives in my town. I see him. He was on the podcast with me. I assume he's still there. Oh, Audrey. Fuck. I love me some Brian Friend cross fit. Sit on my face fit. Dusty Highland. I love Dusty Highland. I don't think he's affiliated anymore.
Starting point is 02:55:17 When can we open a Seve affiliate? Savan. Savan, Tyrone, and Lamar affiliate. Speaking of Tyson, earlier, I put $100 on him. That's a great profile photo. How come I never talk about your profile video? Look at that. That's so much emotion.
Starting point is 02:55:49 Speaking of Tyson earlier, I put $100 on him to score on that game two week ago and came back to find I made $1,400. No shit. Can you call in and tell me about that? I want to hear the sneaky details. How did you do that? Like through an app or you call like a dude in your neighborhood? You called like Lamar? Oh, Pimp Fit.
Starting point is 02:56:14 I would love to have a page. I would love to have a... I wonder if we had a... I wonder if I did programming, if anyone would do my stupid programming. You'd have to have an assault bike. I just wrote down what I did every single day. Somewhere. Seve Fit. Today, I watched three old UFC fights while sitting on the assault bike.
Starting point is 02:56:41 Then I went into the backyard. And I pulled my knee sleeves up over my ankles when I did 10 rope climbs. I accidentally stepped in shit. Lamar isn't a bookie? What do you mean? What ethnicity is the bookie? A race.
Starting point is 02:57:04 Is it Jew? Jew dude? What ethnicity is the bookie? A race. Is it Jew? Jew dude? Mr. Berkowitz, I want to put 100 down on the white trash kid from West Virginia, Tyson Bajent. Please, Mr. Berkowitz. Yeah, him. The D2 kid that everyone's got their tongue up his ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:31 Please, Mr. Berkowitz. A hundred on the Tyson Bajent boy. Oh, Italian. Oh, so not a Berkowitz, not a Jew. This is Tony. Did you? This is Tony. You want to put $100 on the Tyson kid? That's a good, that's a smart $100. That's a smart $100.
Starting point is 02:57:57 Take your shoes off when you step on the carpet. Or just stand at the door and give Charlie your $100. Uh-oh, I'm going to get in trouble or something. You have good money on the Tyson kid. He eats spaghetti. A spaghetti. A spaghetti. He eats spaghetti.
Starting point is 02:58:16 Piscetti. He eats piscetti. Hi. Hey. Hey. You there? Yeah. Could you turn my voice on?
Starting point is 02:58:26 Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry. I was trying to walk in the other room. Oh, yeah. You were talking about that. Oh, yeah. All right. Yeah, so I was on FanDuel.
Starting point is 02:58:36 Please take your Adderall before you call in. You're completely scattered. Please take your Adderall today. Thank you. I got two kids under three around right now oh shit awesome um by the way i love that line when people say that too i love that i got three under five that always because then you're like oh fuck like you know as a parent you're like jesus christ yeah you're busy one wants me to read a book right now so i I got like two minutes. Fuck reading. Yeah, so the odds were 1,400 to one or something like that, plus 1,400.
Starting point is 02:59:08 You can go on the Facebook app. And I was watching. Wait, hold on a second. I want to hear the story. Hold on, hold on one second. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Yeah. Don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 02:59:19 I know you got two kids. Sorry. I got to fucking reset my Bluetooth. You're fucking popping. It's my fault. I'm such a douche. I want to hear this story This is awesome. Okay. Hello. Okay. Okay, go ahead. So so you give me the juicy details So you're like, okay. I heard about this Tyson kid from the seven podcast. I'm
Starting point is 02:59:38 Gambling problem. Do you have a gambling problem? No, not really. So I do I like to bet one time a week and i'll pick a player or pick a game um i like the wolverines but they have problems right now so i was going with uh what what's the Wolverines that's football also uh michigan okay yeah we're in michigan oh that's college that's um yeah correct okay so i want i want pro um and i was looking around and i watched in that first game he played and i'm like well he's pretty quick on his feet, and he's a rookie, so I'm kind of predicting or guessing that at some point he's going to score somewhere. So I went to bed early that night after putting that bet.
Starting point is 03:00:16 I think it was plus $1,400, put $100 on it. Why did you go to bed early? Why did you go to bed early? Well, I have an affiliate up here, and I had to be in the coach at 5. Okay, okay. Yep. So three or four days later, I go on there, and I'm checking some of my numbers, if anything ever went through, and I just so happened to notice there was plus 1,400 in my account.
Starting point is 03:00:40 Wow. So I was like, where did that come from? Yeah. So I think it was the only one where it was seven to 28 to seven i think and he scored the only the only touchdown in that game so so you put so naturally you put 100 down and then it was like you got 14 times back yeah yeah yeah so it's on fan duel um an app you can put on your phone wow hey does your wife know you have that app on your phone no no yeah yeah hey dude i had a crypto app on my phone that was fucked i spent
Starting point is 03:01:13 like three thousand bucks in like three months and in and i i should look right now to see if i feel like if i and it was it's horrible it's a um it's called It says, do you want to allow crypto? I'm going to check. I haven't checked my... I haven't checked how much I lost. No, I'd probably... I can't even get into the account. I'd lose a few.
Starting point is 03:01:36 Yeah, I'd lose a few privileges if she caught that one. Yeah, okay. But no, hey, I'm up 1,400. Let's just say that. Wow, that's awesome. Are are you gonna bet on him again well i did um i did add to the hill or bet i think it's a plus oh man it pays out um 11 so i put 100 uh correction earlier i do have two bets in um i put them on for wait you're only supposed to do one a week you're only supposed to do one a week but this one i if you don't get into this one this is to win rookie of the year if you don't get in on this one early early enough if the odds start
Starting point is 03:02:15 to change yeah your profit goes way down so killer posted that he put on that so i put in for that one too damn that one will pay out real good if he makes it. So he corrupted you. Your email address is confirmed. Please proceed to verify your number. Tap anywhere to continue. Verify. Verify. Oh, 463-635.
Starting point is 03:02:39 463-635. 463-635. Does your wife work at the affiliate too? Yeah, we actually own it. Oh, look at it. Yeah, so here it is. I put in like $3,000 like, I don't know, two years ago. And now it says I have $422.
Starting point is 03:03:01 Fuck that. Oh. Yeah. You might want to delete that app. Yeah. Well, I should figure out how to get my money back out of there. Fucking I'm an idiot. Hey, and that was because some dude at the fucking coffee shop was like, dude, you got to invest.
Starting point is 03:03:16 You got to invest. I'm like, I do? Right. He's like, yeah, download this app. I'm like, okay. Next thing you know, I'm voting for Donald for donald trump right the fuck is going on with me i remember when i used to like like obama would never have invested in crypto when i was a fucking democrat you've been too tight with your money all right yeah but that's it the agent all the way
Starting point is 03:03:42 yeah that's awesome all right please keep us posted on your – please keep calling in about your betting. I won't tell you. Will do. Okay, thank you. Bye. Bye. Shit.
Starting point is 03:03:56 You can do better. Oh, I like that. That hurt. What a stupid son of a bitch. Thank you. What a stupid son of a bitch. That's it? That one? The only... I mean, that's the story of my life.
Starting point is 03:04:15 No respect. I don't get no respect at all. Are you kidding? You guys know who that is? Rodney Dangerfield? Dude, long-term, Ken. Ken says, Seve, you have to stay in for long-term. You have to stay in for long-term.
Starting point is 03:04:37 That's what my wife tells me. A little bit longer, buddy. Or sell it and take the loss, and you get to write off the loss on taxes. Oh. All right. little bit longer buddy or sell it and take the loss and you get to write off the loss on taxes oh all right how the fuck can you say buh-bye to this guy when he's telling us fucking a great gambling story i have no respect for the people who say hang up you and david go fuck yourselves flat bill hat wearing motherfucker want to be gangster bitch yeah no i have to leave oh oh sorry my bad i take all that back then god i'm sorry shit what a stud you you never do me wrong you fucking hooked a brother up
Starting point is 03:05:36 yeah that was cool he was a great dude man what a savage I'm so sorry Robbie that was completely now you know what my wife has to deal with just fucking fly off the handle like that just totally misunderstood what you said
Starting point is 03:05:59 my goodness hey Hunter how quick was he to say how quick was he to say um how quick was he to say uh um when i was like yeah so the world record you said on the road he's like i haven't said any world records on the rower i mean just like like he's just on the straight and narrow that dude didn't get to do all the crazy banging you get to do either like he found a hot chick and like stuck with her dude think about that you're a world champion and you've banged a lot of chicks a lot of dudes have to can't do that they got to get on the like the straight and narrow
Starting point is 03:06:34 i sent you a text Hunter excuse me three hours and four minutes what is going on I wonder if the jiu-jitsu instructor if the striking instructor is here I have no point it rained today so to be completely honest with you I'm a little dreading I have no plan. It rained today. So to be completely honest with you,
Starting point is 03:07:08 I'm a little dreading. I don't know what I'm going to do with the kids. I guess I can take them to go play out in the rain. I sent Hunter a link to the show. He doesn't have to slum it and call in. Hello? Hi, babe. Hi.
Starting point is 03:07:31 Hey, is McKenna here? Yes. I just texted you. I have to leave soon. But if you need her, are you going to the Free Palestine Rally rally how did you know sorry i didn't mean i didn't mean to that i know that struck hard
Starting point is 03:07:54 it's weird i have these crazy physical reactions whenever i hear that stuff even if it's a joke generations of persecution that have occurredations of persecution that have occurred. Generations of persecution that have occurred in your, and those are your brethren. I'm channeling my ancestors. You were separated in the Bible, Isaiah, that whole story with Isaiah. You and the Arabs are brothers and sisters, and you guys have been separated.
Starting point is 03:08:20 And it's painful for both of you. I get it. Painful, painful,ful times to be separated and now you're fighting with your siblings. Okay, enough of this heavy shit. I love you. I'll be in shortly. I'm doing God's work.
Starting point is 03:08:37 I'm doing God's work. Am I in a loop? All right. Bye. What? Bye. Bye. You want to say hi to Hunter?
Starting point is 03:08:45 Hi, Mom. Sure. Hey, what's up? Nice to hear your voice. See you soon. Is there a loop going on? Maybe you have a YouTube video. Oh, that's what's going on.
Starting point is 03:09:00 I've got the YouTube going on also. How many pairs of glasses do you own? Dude, I'm blind at both eyes, so I need to wear glasses at all times. Have you – dude, how well did the Rogue Invitational go for you? And I was wrong. I was really wrong. I feel bad about the Laura Horvath thing. She beat Tia.
Starting point is 03:09:19 I was wrong. Oh, what was your take on it? wrong oh what was your take on it i thought tia was just gonna come back and smash because she just got it in like just basically beaten to her bones at this point but maybe she just gotta get a little bit a grit back and you know you know when like you like scrape your knee and then your dad comes over and rubs sand into the cut no i don't know no i don't know that no i don't know. No, I don't know that. No, I don't know that. You had a soft dad then. Maybe she needed that. Maybe she needed someone to rub a little sand in her cut, and that's what's going on right now. So you're saying metaphorically that Laura rubbed sand in Tia's cunt. Is that what you said? Did you use the word cunt? Cut. You're adding extra letters in there to try to make me look bad. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, I wasn't actually. I thought I actually heard that. I actually thought I heard that.
Starting point is 03:10:12 I know my mom's at the gym working out. Wow, Cole Schwartz coming in here asking if George is my new sugar daddy. Cole is upset because I've got this bitch and ass sponsorship with this company he represents, and Cole basically gets sponsored by his dad. And he has to take beer cans out of trash cans and recycle them to keep his rent money. Do you know what kind of children you and Laura Horvath
Starting point is 03:10:36 could make? She's a thick bodied woman. I don't know how I'd handle that so well. But I think we'd make beasts. Are you kidding me? I've seen some of your only fans girls that you date they are fucking you dated some bowling balls I'm here for the adventure
Starting point is 03:10:52 okay dude Laura is amazing she has a perfect fucking I've never actually met her face to face I've never met her face to face have you seen her brother is he a beast dude he's a specimen dude really is he a crossfitter he is a yeah he's a crossfitter
Starting point is 03:11:13 he's just too big he's got he's oh he he he's he's massive he's he's he's uh uh he's not massive like um uh who's the self-help speaker tony robbins but he's got some of that going on you know like the gigantism shit like like christoph's got a like a head that he's got a huge head can you get me a picture of this dude yeah yeah he's a hunk he's probably just crazy pussy magnet let me see christoph horvath i'm into that dude and he's very nice he's a gentleman oh dude how do you use birth fit as a sponsor Do they coach you through morning bowels What do you guys use it for
Starting point is 03:11:50 No but They align with my values When it comes to God look at Yeah birthing children raising kids Look at this fucking guy's mandible Dude look at this guy's fucking jaw. I can handle that, dude.
Starting point is 03:12:07 This picture is courtesy of the Morning Chalk Up. He looks like a toddler. He looks like a toddler who's really excited at daycare. That guy could be handled. Look at his fucking hands. It's kind of creepy how you're looking at this guy. I'm not looking at his
Starting point is 03:12:24 cock and balls. I was trying to give credit to the person who took the picture, the hype machine. Man, I think this guy Jeffrey Birchfield is trying to defend Laura Horvath even though he has no clue who that woman is. He goes, and no worries, Hunter. After that thick-bodied comment, you won't meet Laura. Damn. Dude, zoom in on that guy's picture. I bet you he's trying to anti fat shame me because he's so fat.
Starting point is 03:12:47 Oh, be nice. Jeffrey's my boy. Do you know him? Yeah. He's my, that's the, he's my brother from another mother.
Starting point is 03:12:52 You met him. One of those BC clinics you guys call CrossFit. No, no. It's a fake relationship through the internet. I like that. I like that. Sometimes you got to keep those things alive because you just ain't getting it
Starting point is 03:13:01 at home. You got to create false sense of relationships on the internet, which I have too simultaneously we were in the 69th for a minute paper street coffee uh i love paper street they they sent me some coffee just recently i just don't have i have a starbucks sponsor okay hold on what's the nicest gift you've ever got from a fan? That thing is really dope. Someone got that made? I cried, dude. I cried. I wept like a baby. I came, they had it delivered to my house, and my wife brought it into me in the middle of a show without telling me.
Starting point is 03:13:41 But that morning when I came in to do the show, there was a box of kleenex on my desk and i don't allow kleenex in my office because i would i have this paranoia that people are going to think i come in here and masturbate so i don't want any kleenex in here and i saw a box of kleenex in here and i was like what the fuck is that that's weird and then my wife came in in the middle of the show and handed me this and she said your listeners bought it for you, and I cried like a baby. Wow. Crazy, right? Heavy, dude. Yeah. I had a fan of mine just gift me a Louis Vuitton passport case with my initials in it. Oh.
Starting point is 03:14:15 And then she also wrote me a very, very nice card with all of these quotes of champions and great thinkers. It was one of the nicest gifts i've ever gotten my entire life um uh i've i got a louis vuitton uh passport case once it was a used one that greg was uh had retired and gave to me that's just kind were your initials no his initials were so what so what he still likes me doesn't make me less cool than you hunter he just came uh uh onto mark bell's podcast and i think he he stirred the pot a little bit there yeah i thought it was good did you like it do you listen i watched a little bit of it i mean i've always been a really big fan of greg i think what greg did was amazing and ever since uh you know it's
Starting point is 03:15:07 like this you know when like the roman empire like has like a certain kind of family running it and if they've got like a couple hundred years of just like a great setup and then all of a sudden like the one leader goes and then after that that empire starts to fall i think that's kind of what happened with crossfit as soon as they be beheaded Greg and a lot of the people surrounding him, and then they started to put it in the hand of other people, they're like, we know how to do this thing. It's been ever since. What do you think about this term institutional knowledge? Define that for me. define that for me so for instance they just made a video and in the video they said here's kai rainey she owns an affiliate she lost 100 pounds you were first introduced to her in 2018 in this video and i'm watching that video on crossfit that they made a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 03:15:53 but really i know because i used to work there that she was actually introduced to crossfit community in 2017 and 18 and they were off by two years and they were off but they didn't have even the right video and so there's like millions of little things like that. You know what I mean about institutional knowledge? Just like maybe like where we came, why we had used the zone or, you know, just things like that. And as you fire people, you don't have that institutional knowledge. Well, I bet you, I don't know, maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but I bet you the majority of the people in the company do not know the core principles of where CrossFit came from and have ever even tried the zone diet or how many of those people actually in the office have actually done CrossFit these days. Right.
Starting point is 03:16:34 Yeah. So eventually it just becomes a business and it's no longer like a team and like a church. in like a church like you know like the true essence of a church and like also like certain cultures that they've studied after it gets a certain capacity of size that they have to like in the in the um amish culture they have to branch off and start a new thing and a new thing and a new thing i think cross it probably just got so big that its original message and its core values probably just were so diminished it changed to the point where it may never go back hey I'm going to ask you a really stupid question
Starting point is 03:17:08 that last supper someone in the audience will know that last supper when Jesus had his last supper were those all the apostles? so all the apostles met all the apostles? Yeah. So all the apostles met – all the apostles knew Jesus.
Starting point is 03:17:29 All of them met him at some point. They were touched by him. Let's just see who was at the last supper. I think the picture is great. It was the apostles. Yeah, they were the 12 apostles, his disciples. Who was the guy who turned his back on Jesus Who do you think was the number one person
Starting point is 03:17:48 That actually was the one to push out Greg Judas No one pushed him out He decided Thanks for what you do for the CF community Oh yeah You're very welcome That dude just won $1400
Starting point is 03:18:05 Betting on Tyson Bajan On Tyson versus who? Tyson is a quarterback In the NFL and he bet $100 That Tyson would score in a game And then got paid $1400 That's pretty good Yeah that's crazy
Starting point is 03:18:20 And he didn't even know it I don't really gamble that much Me neither I'd be terrified of it do you take your no one but no one pushed him out by the way he sold he sold the company you know what i mean he could have kept it and just been like he could have been like fuck you i wear a fucking i think it was like a forced sale no you don't think so at all you don't think that a lot of people are like greg you need to get out of here greg you need to go greg you need to go uh no not one person said
Starting point is 03:18:51 that uh one person i did i did hear i did hear a message julie foucher called greg and left a message on his machine crying greg i i think you're gonna have to sell it i'm so sorry will you sell it to my boyfriend? Really? I mean, I'm paraphrasing, but it was crazy. Why? Imagine walking out to your car in the morning, your TRX, and there's someone fucking on the hood crying,
Starting point is 03:19:19 Hunter, you have to give this to me. I know you love it, but I love it more than you. And so you have to give it to me. It was like that. It was crazy. From Julie foucher yeah nice just a balling i have it i have the message somewhere i i i grabbed a a recording of it i have it somewhere it's fucking absolutely not bat bat shit nuts the fact that someone thinks once you get to the effort zone you should play all these tapes yeah i should yeah just a thought where are you gonna i'm kind
Starting point is 03:19:55 of in this i'm in this weird ground space right like i want to keep it real but sometimes the best way i can keep it real is like hey i just can't tell you how i truly feel on that or i can't share that with you because like i'm just too much of a pussy and that's as real as I could be like, Ooh, I don't want to tell you this. Cause then I fucking won't be able to do this, this, and this.
Starting point is 03:20:10 You're probably going to have to play the game for a couple more years to the point where you're at such a size. Like Alex Jones, Alex Jones. Why, why, why Alex Jones? Why can't it be,
Starting point is 03:20:20 um, uh, someone else? Okay. Whatever. I know you don't like Alex Jones, but he is one of the realest dudes out there. He says whatever the fuck he wants. Whether or not it's true is
Starting point is 03:20:30 a question. Hold on. I want to tell you who I want to be. I feel like even Joe Rogan is castrated. Why can't I be like Kate Moss or Cindy Crawford when I get to Cindy Crawford's size? I don't think Cindy Crawford tells you how it is. Does she? I'm not worried about her telling her how it is.
Starting point is 03:20:45 I just want her status. Oh, yeah. Can I be like Kanye? Thank you, Dan. Thank you. Fuck, Dan. That makes up for all the negative shit I think about you. Dude, if you want to be Kanye, but he lost a lot, as long as you're willing to lose it all, then you're cool.
Starting point is 03:21:04 Are you willing to lose everything you have right now financially? Probably not. No. You're not in that effort state. No. Just saying. I'm right on the verge. So you think my trajectory is to sell out even,
Starting point is 03:21:17 like I just sell out more and more until I'm like Paula Abdul. Until you're like Oprah Rich, and then you can do this from like a, you get one of those called SpaceX satellites to basically broadcast from like a farm of you in the middle of nowhere doing the same exact show. Then you're safe. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:37 Where are you really? I'm in Malibu. I've got literally two weeks until I go compete in London. And then I got another week past that and I compete in Stockholm and I'm in Malibu. I've got literally two weeks until I go compete in London, and then I got another week past that, and I compete in Stockholm. And I'm just a fucking tank right now, dude. I'm going to smash it. Oh, so you tried to break the world record with your buddy for the tandem high rocks. The tandem high rocks. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:59 I think we broke the record, but I'm not allowed to get into details about it. It's whatever. Oh! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! It's bullshit. It's fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 03:22:14 I'm perfectly—I love you as a friend. First of all, since I do love you, I wanted to tell you December 10th to the 17th, I would love to see you and hang out with you for that entire week if you're around. Are you going to be in Southern California? No, I'm jetting back from Europe, so I'll be over. Okay, well, at least I get credit for inviting you. Now, listen, let me paint the stage. I found out you were going to go over the Atlantic to try to break the world record for the tandem high rocks. Which you hold the world record for. For the individual.
Starting point is 03:22:46 Which you've set many times. And people argue that you're one of the fittest men. Who's ever walked on the planet. And it's an easy argument. It's not like it's even hard to defend. Everyone hates you. Love you. Want to fuck you.
Starting point is 03:23:00 They all know you're the best at some shit. You're a wild man. Not that really anyone hates you. Now, you set your sights to, I don't know why, but you thought, I'll find another guy who's really good and we'll set the world record for tandem. And so you went to Europe. And when I heard about this, I went into panic. I'm like, fuck, he's going to do this in four days. I want to talk to him before he goes. We had a great time, too.
Starting point is 03:23:23 Shower him with some love. You came on the show. We showered you with some love you felt it you got all warm i saw you we we now you're back what we we absolutely dominated i don't have the data on it but the the thing that i'm i'm led to believe is that these courses are getting so big now when we first started racing and setting these records, there was like 20 sleds and 20 skiers. Now there's like 60 sleds and 60 skiers. And there's like a, there's a non-measured time between what's called the rock zone and the stations.
Starting point is 03:23:54 So they don't measure your stations. They just measure your station time. And I don't know, man, but we were fucking flying. And if we missed it, I'll accept it. But God damn,
Starting point is 03:24:04 were we flying we were okay so so so bear with me here because i don't understand this rock zone shit so three two one go only one of you goes yeah and then you get we all we both go we both go you both run i don't know how this math doesn't add up but i was tracking everything that we were doing and it just doesn't add up but here's how it works and i'm not going to argue about it. I'm just going to tell you how it is. And we lost is all I'm going to tell you. We lost. We didn't get the record. We won the race. You both go out, run doubles. You do two laps. You come in. I start the skier to 500 meters. Then my partner does the skier 500 meters. However you to break it up you go back out two laps both of you together come back in sled push go out two laps sled pull are you wearing a
Starting point is 03:24:50 chip are you wearing a chip yeah we're chipped up everything and are there split times and shit like people are at each station it's tracking your shit yeah okay um so basically there's timing mats everywhere so it's very accurate but the thing is the organization of the courses are different because of every single, every single arena is different, man. Based on my math, we had the record, but based on what ended up coming behind the score, we missed it by like 40 seconds and I'm livid. I'm fucking livid. But here's what I'm going to do is I'm just going to pistol whip these bitches when I get to
Starting point is 03:25:26 Stockholm and I'm going to do it like that as an individual, but I'm going to come back and get the doubles record too, but I missed it. I'm just going to tell you right now, I'm emotionally disturbed about the entire experience. Tell me what happened. The world record for doubles was 48 minutes and some seconds. 48 minutes and 40 something
Starting point is 03:25:41 seconds. We got 49.30. Okay. When you cross the finish line okay so when you cross the finish line so even before you cross the fit is the last thing you do a run no last thing you do is 100 wall balls so when you get to those 100 wall balls and you see the clock do you already know it's impossible something's wrong i was told that we were ahead of time if you watch if you go to my youtube and you watch us cross the finish line just go watch the video i literally walk across the finish line like I would walk across, like walk in a park. Like I thought we had it. I wasn't like there was no urgency in my step because we were told at the rower that we were 40 seconds ahead of time.
Starting point is 03:26:14 And I was like, yep, we got this. I'm moving like a million miles an hour. I don't know what happened, man. By the way, anyone from High Rocks who's watching this, they should be happy. This is what a sport needs. A sport needs this type of fucking intensity. Look at that video right there.
Starting point is 03:26:34 This one? Yes. All the way to the end. Okay, hold on. This is going to be good. Look how young you look here. You look refreshed. Go about maybe like last 10% of the video.
Starting point is 03:26:48 You watch us doing a little bit further back. Further, further, further, further, further. Right there. I really wanted to watch you drink water. I was thirsty. These are the guys. I guess we'd already beat these guys. Maybe go back another minute.
Starting point is 03:27:08 Because we'd already beat them. That's you, Hunter. Yep. So I thought we had the world record at this point. Look how smooth you are, dude. God, you're good at wall balls. Fikowski could learn a thing or two from you. Yeah, professor, why don't you come learn from a real teacher?
Starting point is 03:27:29 Oh, I like Fikowski. I like that dude a lot. He would do really well in this event. He would, huh? Yeah, I think he's just got a huge engine. He's a weapon. But if you watch, like right now, it should end in like a second, and you're going to watch this come across.
Starting point is 03:27:45 We came across, and I literally thought we had got the record. When I look up the clock, I was like, what the hell are you talking about? How did you split the wall balls, 50-50? He ended up doing 50-something, and I did 45. Because what ends up happening is you have to drop the ball. It's like we're fine. My heart rate's like like 80 of its capacity right now yeah you're chilling you're chilling oh did you find out you found out right there you didn't break it yeah and i was pissed i mean i was polite about it but i was like there's no freaking way we missed this record. But whatever, dude.
Starting point is 03:28:27 I'm a big believer in horses, not courses. I love going after world records. It gives me a boner. But at the same time, in sport, at the end of the day, you just got to beat the person next to you to win the championship. What does that guy think? My partner? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:28:42 No, my partner knows we were just annihilating it like this guy this guy right there with the wall ball in his hand was fourth in the world the guy behind him's eighth in the world the guy who was next to me was third in the world like we were we're as good as it gets like as good as it gets we're missing maybe a couple characters in the in the lineup that would have made it interesting but it doesn't get much better than us in our sport all these guys you know i think that guy with the buzz cut behind it runs like a 32-minute 10K and is like a wicked, wicked fit CrossFit guy. Graham, the guy in the background, owns a CrossFit-style gym.
Starting point is 03:29:14 He's a freak of a CrossFitter and a solid, solid runner. CrossFit-style gym? He doesn't want to pay his affiliate fees? I mean, listen, I just call all gyms CrossFit-style gyms if they have bumper plates and rowers. Let me see this. Let me see this there's an interview here the winners yeah baby
Starting point is 03:29:30 Jake doesn't feel really good and is he still not feeling good Jake? yeah he's not feeling good I'm just at the point where I want to set a world record he missed a world record today I'm just going the point where I'm like, I want to set a world record. We missed a world record today. I'm just going to pull it out. I'm just going to break it in.
Starting point is 03:29:50 Honestly. Oh, you are pissed. Yeah, I was livid, dude. I thought about it. It's pretty good. I'm not a sore loser. I'm just very determined. So I was a sore.
Starting point is 03:30:02 I shook everybody's hands. I respect the fact that the guys still hold the records ahead of me, but you fucking better know that I'm going to do all the work in the world to destroy the next time. Nobody has a damn chance this season. So what do you think, what do you think happened? The timer was off.
Starting point is 03:30:17 The running was longer. You think something was wrong with the course? I'm convinced that the running is longer because if you go and look at our times from this, where you're not really having to do as much work. So you're much fresher to go into runs. Yeah. My run time for slower as a doubles athlete by 15 seconds.
Starting point is 03:30:33 And they were for me as a singles athlete, which is crazy. It's crazy because also open the doubles way is lighter. We do a lighter weight. So it's, it's silly, but I don't know. i'll figure it out later you watch me do the real job when it comes to like london and um london's taco hey would you not be doing those if you didn't um miss the world record on this one no no no no i
Starting point is 03:30:59 have to start the season off like i think it's always fun um i think it's always fun to just get a couple races in i really like to disappear in the middle of the season and. Like, I think it's always fun. Um, I think it's always fun to just get a couple of races in. I really like to disappear in the middle of the season and take as much time as it is necessary to like get in really freaky shape. So, uh, I'm building my whole season off of like a cycling platform and trying to like, I'm studying all these cyclists and talking to all these cross country skiing coaches. I had this guy, Eric Murray, on who you should have on your show. The dude is the most winningest rower of all time, I think. Two-time Olympic gold medalist, and he had eight world championships in a row. Don't take me wrong about – Eric Murray, M-U-R-R-A-Y.
Starting point is 03:31:42 The coolest bro. He's a freak, dude. He holds a 135 to a 132 on the rower for an hour. Eric Murray. I'm 6'7"? He's 6'5", I think. Oh, there's an Eric Murray that has 600. The voice of the people.
Starting point is 03:32:04 Oh. No. No, no. Yeah, this is a different Eric Murray that has 600 the voice of the people oh no no no yeah this is a different Eric Murray is he black guy no he's a white guy he's a white guy from New Zealand oh yeah yeah got him follow oh okay Eric will you come on my podcast please as cool as you can get as a human being
Starting point is 03:32:20 I mean he is just so much fun and he's just like no bullshit he's not like this kind of guy. He's like, Oh, my life's hard. He's like, we just rode more. You're like, so what was your training? He goes, well, we recognize that if you want to get better rowing, you just row more. And I was like, well, what does that mean? He goes 220 to 260 kilometers a week of rowing. I was like, well, did you do weight training? He goes, goes no we just put hoses and tires around our rowers and we rode more like oh you're such a beast what do you oh i like the way you oh god you're a real athlete hunter you're aroused by other strong men that's like some i told him i
Starting point is 03:32:59 told him at the beginning of the show i was like dude there's a thing going around around the world called only fans and i was like i would never pay to see a naked woman. But if you had a channel where I could pay just to watch you train all day, I was like, any amount of money. Any amount of money so I could just watch you do what you do. Because, dude, that's just good. He has to be top five greatest cardio fitness athletes in the world. You can't. What did you think?
Starting point is 03:33:20 This guy, Jason Marshall, said, I was like, yeah, I like to get on and do 10 minutes, 100 calories. That's like my baseline to stay warm. He's like, yeah. I'm like, what's your baseline? He's all 30 minutes, 500 calories. If I do less than that, I have to do that every time. I'm like, does that sound crazy to you? Yeah, man, it's a lot of work.
Starting point is 03:33:42 But these guys, I want you to understand they are so big they are so so so big that every single time they move if they just fall forward they're skiing at a faster rate than you are right right i'm just fucking standing and fucking i've drinking three pre-workouts 900 milligrams of caffeine and i'm like at this guy just stood on it yeah dude he's those guys their bodies are designed for it it's um it's pretty he is he's like he is like a white um uh like an albino uh gorilla that guy marshall was a big dude he was beastly yeah at one point during the interview i should tell i should give him some advice on framing his camera because he's i think i have a feeling his body's really fun to look at but only one point during the interview, I should give him some advice on framing his camera. Because I have a feeling his body is really fun to look at.
Starting point is 03:34:28 But only one time during the interview did he raise his hand like this. And it was like a fucking meat hook. It was just like this. His veins blasting out of his arm as he's coming at the time. Dude. Dude, if you ever see me raise my hand up like this, like I'm pointing, I'm always flexing. I'm flexing as hard as I can even though I'm trying to act casual. He was acting casual, actually, and it was so muscular.
Starting point is 03:34:53 It was crazy. Hey, brother, I got to get to a meeting in two minutes. I got to bounce, I just realized. But it was good seeing your face. Let's catch up soon. Thank you for reminding me you're an adult. I always forget. Dog love, dude.
Starting point is 03:35:05 Bye. Bye. Hunter McIntyre, the greasy strangler. up soon thank you for reminding me you're an adult i always forget dog love dude bye hunter mcintyre the greasy strangler hooking a brother up trevor ottman uh sorry guys i'm late i was too busy hitting a new back squat PR tree fitty wow tree fitty nice work dude nuts alright oh shit
Starting point is 03:35:34 is it is it alright let's do it I will be back shortly to do Dave Castro's review of the weekend review love you guys guys. Talk to you soon. Thank you for the heads up. Probably in the next couple hours we'll do that.
Starting point is 03:35:53 Bye-bye.

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