The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In Show | The Godfather

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Damn, six seconds late. I'm in slow motion today. I have fallen behind.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I have been overrun by messages. If you are in the list of people that need the phone call or return text or something. I apologize. Or if you need to be scheduled, I invited you on the show and I haven't scheduled you. I'm sorry. Just been stampede overrun. Just can't keep up. Not in a bad way. I got this for my birthday. Judy Reed sent this to me. I swear I can't believe I have a trump hat that's wild to me absolutely wild absolutely wild uh you hate me that's why you ignore me you sound like one of my kids that is not true i don't i don't know if i've uh i don't know if i hate anybody
Starting point is 00:01:45 i'm trying to think i don't know if I hate anybody. I'm trying to think. I don't think I hate anybody. I don't think. Give it time. Maybe it'll pop up. I don't want my kids to say that word, hate. I was thinking about Jamie Simmons' husband Elliot who was on the Coffee Pods and Wads podcast last night I was thinking about what he said
Starting point is 00:02:12 about why I have a sponsor from a banned substance and I guess the presupposition there is he thinks because something is banned oh the mic is weird? thank you I'll fix it that's because I was hanging out with the boys in the studio yeah i think the pre i i don't understand the question
Starting point is 00:02:33 so i i apologize to elliot if i if i'm i have to read into it right why why why would you allow a band substance and CrossFit be a sponsor? Referencing California peptides. Oh, I think I should need to – I don't even have the right floor up. Let me see. I have the Sousa show. Ah. By the way, if you are interested in peptides,
Starting point is 00:03:03 They keep the lights on here for sure. And then if you want to know how to use peptides uh andrew hiller has tons of resources on his youtube page he got peptides for everything i think the presupposition that elliot is making is that because someone says you can't do something, you shouldn't do it. And I think that that's probably a very like Australian way of thinking. So like recently, a few years ago, the government mandated that everyone and their kids get injections or like in the United States for your kids to attend school, or at least in California, your kids have to take 18 different drugs
Starting point is 00:03:45 through 72 direct injections into their body before the age of 12. I'm guessing, and I don't know this, and I apologize, Elliot, if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that you think because the government says you have to do that, you have to do that. Or just like our government, my doctor says that I should use canola oil.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I don't do that. Or you're in, so I'm guessing that you did, you do take all those injections or you do, you do believe that you should do whatever someone tells you. And I just don't do that. And so that's where there's a disconnect. I hope that answers your question. When I would interview, when I would interview people, even, even, you know, pretty famous people, I had Alexander Volkanovsky, the pound for pound greatest fighter on the planet on the show. When he would fly back to Australia from the United States, they would put him in a camp. I think it was for three weeks or four weeks, isolated camp when he would come into your country. And then when he switched regions or districts or states
Starting point is 00:04:49 or provinces, whatever you call it there, he would have to stay in another one. And, um, I, I wouldn't do that either. There's just things that you do that you take orders from that I just don't take orders from. And so first, I think that you assume in your head because someone says something that it's the truth. Like you have some authority higher than your own discernment, and I don't have that. Why is it okay to inject peptides? That's totally for you to answer. That's totally for you to answer. That's totally for you to answer. Some people think it's okay to inject fentanyl, Robert Coutin. Some people think it's okay to inject
Starting point is 00:05:32 fentanyl. Some people think it's okay to inject peptides. Some people think it's okay to inject tetanus shots. Some people think it's okay to take saline. That's an individual choice. The question has a I guess a presupposition that you think that I'm saying it's okay or not okay. You could also ask that, why isn't it okay? If you sense yourself asking a lot of questions with presuppositions,
Starting point is 00:06:04 you're probably in the matrix. You are. And what I mean by that, hi Caleb. Good morning. And what I mean by that is that you are trapped between your ears and you don't know that. You're responding to yourself. trapped between your ears and you don't know that you're, you're responding to yourself. So you have a thought and you think that you're observing something in reality, but it's really just your own thought.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And then you're reacting to that and putting it to the outside world. That's in, in, in essence, that's the matrix, right? They feed you a program it's inside your head and you conflate it with reality and so um uh cory leonard when you're uh uh when your wife is as hot as elliot's you don't use your brain for much else. He is crazy attractive. He's crazy attractive. I think tactically assumed beforehand at the beginning of a line of an argument, of course, of action. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So this that's interesting. So the the definition of presupposition has a presupposition that it's a tactic people use. I don't think it's tacitly tacitly. Say that again. Tacitly is the word not tacitly. Oh, thank you. Jesus you probably I made a presupposition that I know how to read and Caleb unfucked that real quick tacit. Thank you. Jesus. Thank you In a way that is understood or implied without directly being stated. Yeah. I don't think most people know who use presuppositions know that they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And that's why they're in the matrix. So, Carolyn M., always thoughtful. I was going to follow you the other day but you're private and I always feel I always feel kind of weird like following people who are private like it's like I'm not supposed to do you know what I mean yeah like I'm walking on the neighbor's door to tell him like the only time I'll do that is if I actually know them like I've met them if you if like when I get packages from the neighbor like delivered to my house or if i have a shitload of extra passion fruit or anything you know what i mean i find the neighbor's
Starting point is 00:08:30 uh kid's bike in my front yard and i take it over there i never knock on the door i feel like even that's too much i just set it on the porch that's what the mailman does so makes sense yeah you should send uh take a picture of it and send it to him and say, hey, delivery. I do. Oh, I do do that. Yeah, I do do that. That's one of the coolest things about cell phones. You can do that, right?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Just take pictures. Arguably, we can't do anything but operate from our current matrix, but it can change from old forms to new ones. God. Do you have a boyfriend? I'd like to meet your boyfriend. Yeah, right there, that fluffy one in the picture. Just a dog? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:15 There was another comment from a guy who's always posting hateful comments. The Jen's Master guy. I think he's a foreigner. And he said, Sevan can't take criticism the thing is and maybe there is truth to that but in this particular circumstance that why i was just having fun yesterday and just um raging on the on that question was it's not it's not that i can't take criticism it's just I don't like the abstractness of it all. And it's good that the takeaway was is that Sporty Beth has more balls than most people. Because she was like, I don't like him because, and she just said it. And for whatever it is, it's like this Trump hat. It's so scary and so triggering to people that they don't even,
Starting point is 00:10:05 they're not even like, they just are just, Judy sent this to me. I was going to say, how did you get that? I know. Crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:10:13 I'm not appalled by this hat. I'm just appalled that you have it. I'm, I'm, it's amazing that I have it. I can't believe I have my hand shaking, holding it. I didn't even know that they made those.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I can't find one anywhere. Not that I care either way, but, um, it's that, um, I didn't even know that they made those. I can't find one anywhere. Not that I care either way. It's that... It's just the name calling. His most recent one is that Savon's a USA wacko. And I'm like... What does that even mean?
Starting point is 00:10:44 I know. Just say it. he's adamantly against racism that's ridiculous everyone knows jews suck like just say it you know that's not how they see that just just say it he's he's he's radically against chopping off penises off of boys how dare he people have that right like just say what you mean it's not the criticism it's it's the uh it's like that new york times article like don't just say oh my god he's a creepy ask that girl uh what she does when she's menstruating and having to perform at the games that i can't i don't even know why that's creepy's creepy. You have to tell me it's creepy because – like I'll tell you why you don't ask a woman. I'll tell you whether it's a double standard or not. I'm willing to reveal to you why you don't ask a woman why she's pregnant or if she's pregnant.
Starting point is 00:11:37 You don't walk up to a woman and say, is she pregnant? Because if she's not pregnant, the implication is that she's shaped like she's pregnant and that could hurt her feelings right and then you may have a comeback well you call people fat all the time and i can then i'll be like okay well um i then i have an inconsistency in my concern of hurting people's feelings and i'm working on it or i'm not working on it but i've made myself uh available to that talk it's the it's the it's the it's the ad hominem it's the lack of i guess intellectual capacity really i think it is people just don't want to be vulnerable they don't want to they don't it was like we did a phone call with an affiliate who attacked Greg and they're like, and you've said some really disparaging and racist things. And I was on the call and I said, can you tell me what? And she's like, well, I have to be very careful here. No, you don't. You weren't careful. You weren't careful in drawing your conclusion. Just say it.
Starting point is 00:12:47 careful you weren't careful in in drawing your conclusion just say it i think caleb is bald why do i think that because when i look at him i don't see hair up there yeah you can't see it i could see it though oh okay hair in the back i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna say caleb got a was wearing a jacket that looks like it was bought from the discount rack at REI. Why do you say that? Well, I used to go to REI all the time when there was one near my house. And that's one of the patterns that I recognize is not being so popular. So it ends up on the discount rack.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And that's how I ended up with it. See? And then we can go back and forth. And then we can go back and forth. Then he can say, no, that's actually a pattern stolen from a Gucci from 1974. And I've actually paid extra for it. And I'll be like, no shit. Well, I have to tell you, I'm not up to date on my fashion.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Unfortunately, I'm stuck always just wearing black like a douche. I defended you being creepy a handful of times and winning arguments always seems to be he checks out dudes and wieners just as much as it's always disarming. And if you think that checking out dudes and wieners is creepy, then I get it. I'm not like, hey, it's not creepy.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Or I might be like, hey, what's your problem with... Then maybe I'll take it to why do you think dudes and wieners are creepy. I personally have no problem with the penis. Oh, one of my boys was so excited yesterday. What happened? His foreskin goes back now. That's like a – that's like a, that's like a passage.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah. Yeah, totally. I know you Americans don't know that, but it's like a rite of passage. He's so excited. He was so excited. He's like,
Starting point is 00:14:34 it goes back now. I'm like, awesome. You teach him how to clean it. All that stuff. I'm a fucking dad. I go, okay,
Starting point is 00:14:43 now you have to pull it back every single day he's like yeah mike how'd you figure that out he goes i was just in the shower oh and then you know what else i taught him so here's the thing with foreskin so when i used to go pee when i used to pee with the other boys right in school you know how you like you all pee together yep um they could always and then they would stand back and they could always shoot their penis further than mine of their penis their pee their urine further yeah they could stand back dude they could shoot yeah yeah just shoot it yeah and you know you know you'd be outside and you in fact everyone's competing how far they can pee so my i asked my dad i'm like hey how
Starting point is 00:15:21 how can how can i pee further and i remember telling me, hey, just squeeze the end of your penis. You know? And I would be like, okay. Because what happens is, what happens is, is imagine if you put a sock over the end of a hose and then you turn the hose on, it blunts the stream, right? Right. So those of us with foreskin have our stream blunted, right? Like it like hits a sweater and it's like flapping around and the stream's getting interfered. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So yesterday when my boy said, Hey, I can pull my skin back. I go, Hey, now you know what you can do. And he goes, what am I?
Starting point is 00:15:49 You can pull your skin back and pee and shoot it really far. He went straight to the bathroom and his brothers went in there and watched them pee. And dude, they were laughing for, they must've been laughing for like 15 minutes after that. Now I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:16:02 You, if you think that that's creepy, I'm fine with that. For me, it's bonding with my boys and it's like a religious or spiritual moment for me. We're in different places. Do I think that you're missing out on life by categorizing stuff as gross yeah i don't find cockroaches disgusting at all do i think you're missing out on thinking they are disgusting yeah i think they're fascinating creatures just not when they're in my house i mean you don't want so speaking of weird things
Starting point is 00:16:52 you know I spent a lot of time in Africa I probably spent like I don't know a year of my life in Africa in and out of Africa and I saw some pretty wild shit and one of the things you would see there is I'm trying to think what country this was, if it was like Mozambique or – I can't remember where it was. But the boys there would put smoke and holes in the ground, and then mice would run out.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Oh, yeah. And then they would catch the mice and put them on sticks stab them and put them on sticks and then they you hold the stick up like this you probably can find an image of it um oh maybe it was malawi maybe it was malawi i don't know oh that's a great picture of you audrey maybe it's malawi but they hold the sticks up on the side of the road with all the mice stacked on them and they have everything though they have mice stacked on them. And they have everything though. They have like scorpions stacked on sticks. They have like everything stacked on sticks.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And then you stop and you buy it and you eat it. And you basically just eat it raw. You just eat it raw. I saw a picture. Yeah, like that. Yeah, totally. Oh, that's classy. The ones I saw weren't like that.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah, wow. Anyway, and so they stand on the side of the road. So, you know, like in in in California, like there'll be just Mexicans on the side of the road selling like oranges and shit and strawberries and you can just stop and get them right or cantaloupe or something. Or like when you go when I would go to the beach in newport beach a mexican guy pushes a card around I don't know if he's mexican. He's some latin and he and he's walking around and um, They have uh fruit in um, oh mice on sticks film four Oh, yeah, there they are yeah, no shit and those ones are cooked yeah Sometimes they're not even cooked. Only like rips the head off and then eats it.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah. Holy hell. Is that Roseanne Barr? Is that Roseanne Barr? That's crazy. Oh, she had to grab the dude's hand so recently I saw there was a guy in New York City obviously some sort of migrant and he was he had rats
Starting point is 00:19:18 on a stick dude it was crazy but they bring their they're bringing their culture to new york city how long do you think until that gets shut down uh sleaky i'm trying to be open-minded here but yeah i mean i i didn't i didn't need any of those i couldn't do that but i'm not but but i'm not calling them wackos um i just have to accept the fact that i mean we had the flat earther on and half the people in the comments were losing their shit i even had a dear friend be like hey why did you give that let that guy give that guy a platform to talk?
Starting point is 00:20:07 It's like... Why do I give any of you dingberries a platform to talk? Yeah. I'm pretty... In my mind, I'm pretty fucking normal. You know, I don't think the question is, is why do you go barefoot? I think the question is, is why do you put on shoes? If you were punching yourself in the head and you said to me, why aren't you punching yourself in the head?
Starting point is 00:20:40 You guys would think that that's a crazy question. You guys would think that that's a crazy question. So anyway. So that's Elliot. You just come from a different – you live in a different matrix than me. And then so you're projecting your presuppositions onto me. And then the fact that you DM me and I didn't respond to you. I mean, dude, if I – first of all, it takes – once someone has a presuppositions onto me and then the fact that you dm me and i didn't respond to you i mean dude if i if i first of all i it takes once someone has a presupposition you have to walk them back so that takes a lot more time so usually i call i in my circle of friends i usually take those people out
Starting point is 00:21:16 because communications with them is so slow it's like communicating with a woman the week prior to her period coming because you just have to walk everything back and try to figure out what they're really asking but that being said i mean i i do my darndest to answer all my um dms and obviously i don't have to and the way you said it had this implication that because you wrote to me, I had to respond. I mean, five people called me this morning and I received 70 text messages and it's fucking 722 a.m. There's no fucking way I can respond to all of them. Heidi, Heidi Kroom, me and seve communicate only telepathically that's
Starting point is 00:22:06 correct i've eaten that stuff i can i can say i've never had impossible meat or beyond me when i was in college i used to eat all that fake meat shit really yeah fake crab fake meat have you ever seen how fake crab is made no if you see it you'll never eat fake crab again it is disgusting yeah they had beyond me at the the burger truck that came by at greg's oh they did i don't think a single person got it though oh juanita wow look at that picture Oh she's doing the Sevi kills it always responds to my DMs Juanita well I have a filter That filters out all of the
Starting point is 00:22:54 Latinas I always answer them first What do flat earthers think happens when you're near the edge I'm not familiar with their way That's the thing so you know what's interesting Joey says that and he says that's the presupposition that we all make think there is no edge that's just a there is no edge because you're bringing your what's it called what are we called the people who think it's around globalists global globe non no globists yeah globists yeah it's because you're a globist and you're bringing your globist uh presuppositions to the argument it's not just like it's not just like a flat disc floating in
Starting point is 00:23:37 space he explains that you asshole joe you asshole joe hey and here's the crazy part joe i'll say this too about flat earther the at least the one we had on the premises is that we're surrounded by a giant ice wall and that on the other side of that ice wall there's just shit loads of more stuff right it just goes on there's way more land than we think and it's basically we're kept in here um because of uh limited resources so the elites are on the outside of the ice wall where there's uh way more resources and so they keep us in here with limited resources the whole thing comes goes around resources it's like multiple it's like multiple universes but we just can't get outside of ours yeah you
Starting point is 00:24:26 have to get over the ice wall uh savon ignores my uh dms because i love brian no no i love brian too brian listen do you guys want to hear the brian story does someone want to hear it i'll tell you i'll tell you the brian story you guys want to hear it? I'll tell you the Brian story. You guys want to hear it? And his story might be different than my story. I'm going to try to tell it very, very broadly. I'm going to try to tell it very, very, very, very, very, very broadly. I met Brian on Instagram. We became friends.
Starting point is 00:25:11 We started doing shows together. I left CrossFit. He's very passionate about CrossFit, all aspects of it, coaching, the games, everything. the games everything then when I came back and started making content again because so from 2000 19 and 20 I was just put on ice I worked at CrossFit but I was just put on ice and then when I came back and I started the podcast, I invited him on the show. And I say this with zero humility. When I embrace someone, they're just totally welcome to come on the show whenever they want.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And I let that be known. It's like Caleb. Caleb and I have never – I don't – Caleb, we've 1,500 shows in, and Caleb and I have never talked formally about what the deal is with the show, when he comes or when he doesn't come. I mean, I send him texts, hey, are you going to be on today? Because I want him to be on. But it's never – there's no schedule.
Starting point is 00:26:18 There's nothing. The door is just open to him. He has access to the StreamYard account, and he just comes on. And I had that same thing with brian brian you can i would love it if you came on with every single fucking guest you can come on as much as you want it was just like that there's no there was no you could call it there was no organization or i just have faith whatever you want to call it and so um let me see uh so he was welcome to come on every single show and he knew that i think i think and he he knew
Starting point is 00:27:00 that and he would um and he would and he did come on a lot of shows and there were a lot of shows he didn't come on. And he would tell me for a variety of reasons, a handful of reasons why he couldn't come on. Either he didn't want to be with the guest or he had coaching jobs or it was someone's birthday or he had disc golf or something. But he would be like, hey, he would just tell me, hey, I'm not coming on the show. We had great open communication. I'd be like, okay, you can come on every single show. Then at some point, he started letting me know that there were people. And I would always encourage him to – I was really excited because he would do morning chalk up shows. Is that still around, morning chalk talk chalk morning there was a morning chalk up shows is that still around morning chalk up i don't know i think they're like barbent now or something and he would do lone ranger shows and he would just do other shows there were a handful of other
Starting point is 00:27:56 shows he did and i was really excited that he would do those other shows because then when he would come on my show i thought it added validity to i wanted him to be big the bigger he was the better it was for my show right here like here's the guy he can go he goes everywhere like i was so excited i was i was super proud to know him like excited i was excited with what he brought to the show i'm so excited for taylor i'm so excited for Suza has his own show like I'm, so excited to see the heat one app grow like when my friends grow I grow I'm pumped. You know what? I mean? I'm so i'm so excited for him. He's fucking everywhere. He's the man Undisputed he had the mantle
Starting point is 00:28:40 And every show we did they were all big big shows, huge shows for the show. 10,000 views every show. 10,000 views on YouTube. 10,000 views on iTunes. They were great shows. But then what started happening was he was starting to let me know that there were concerns coming from the outside about him working with me. Let me know that there were concerns coming from the outside about him working with me. So every once in a while, but on a regular cadence.
Starting point is 00:29:22 This is the first time I've thought about not taking a caller. Caller, hi. Caller? Hello? Hold on, caller. Hold on. Jesus Christ. How much of your guys' life do you deal with watching me try to hook up the phone again and again?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Caller, hi. Hello? Hey. Hi. Speak your mind Hey why have I Yeah why have I never heard of Taylor Self before these last two weeks This guy's a fucking savage in the face of CrossFit He was in drug rehab
Starting point is 00:29:55 For the first 18 years of his life Yeah this guy is nuts He's a fucking trooper Yeah he's cool right Everyoper yeah he's like every time i watch taylor self work out i'm like this guy's got to get put on the face of crossfit i can't believe him i feel like all these other crossfitters are just like embodiments of i don't know i think they're real sad and i don't know they don't work as hard and i watch this guy this guy's a fucking savage yeah he's got issues and he's working them out right in front of our eyes through CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah. Hey, I hope Born Primitive picks him up as a, as a, as their athlete. He should be in his body's beautiful. He should be a model for like someone needs to pick him up. He's a beast. And he's, and he's real. He just says whatever's on his mind. No filter.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Like one of the drugs broke his filter. I could not agree more. He's so authentic. Yeah, he's dope. Great physique. Honest, clean, man of high values and morals, married. He's cool. He's a great mixture of extremely mature and well-developed and complete immaturity he's so awesome yeah i saw that uh i was like looking him up and i saw online that he uh was like a big advocate for aa meetings and talked about like crossfit like basically helping save him or like finding more purpose in life and i was like dang why have i never heard of this guy before this guy's crazy hey dude you know what's crazy too is when i told when i when i talked to born
Starting point is 00:31:29 primitive when i talked to bear i was like hey um uh we're gonna do this thing will you throw us some cash so we can fly the athletes out and he goes yeah and they go we have an athlete that's gonna represent you and he goes oh he goes dude this guy has like you know 1 000 followers on instagram whatever i'm like dude do not he will represent you so well don't even worry about that he's his one or his seven now he has 7 000 followers his 7 000 followers are more potent than someone who has a million followers i'm telling you and i think they're so happy they're like holy shit he's truly repping the brand you know yeah he's the kind of guy you want to have in your corner i'd love to drive across the country with him.
Starting point is 00:32:06 He's a cool dude. Yeah, my thing is this guy is competing against some of the top games athletes in the world with Dallin Pepper and then now Colton Mertens this week. Oh, yeah. This guy is a savage. And he's not only competing with them. In Jason Hopper's case, he's tying with them. And Dallin Pepper, he's smoking him. And he put down a sub- sub six minute time and still be him
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah, crazy crazy. Yeah, what the fuck am I watching? Yeah, I'm glad you love it. Yeah, he's the man dude You know his story was is he was headed to the games and then he got you know He was on trajectory to go to the games and then he injured himself a couple years ago And so he's been he's been he had a bunch of surgeries and he's healing his knee up but in the meantime he started a sentinel training program yeah and he's just getting back in the game he's great also side note this matuthean tooth powder is that stuff actually legit dude should i go and get this stuff dude because i keep seeing ads about it and like people talking about it dude it is so i don't know if I want to keep getting that fluoride stuck in my mouth. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Dude, completely legit. It's a must. It is a must. It is a must. You will never go back to toothpaste again. You will realize – just scratch the surface and do a little research on toothpaste and fluoride, and you'll see it's just – we've just been all duped. We're just tools of the man. The Matuthian's the shit. I highly recommend it also what's with what's with all these people talking about you asking if you're good for crossfit you're like one of the reasons why i'm
Starting point is 00:33:34 into crossfit i know i'm the greatest you're like literally i know i i can i could not agree more actually i don't understand why these uh keep seeing on YouTube all these headlines. Is Siobhan good for CrossFit? And then Daniel Brandon clowning or making jokes and stuff, bitching as always. I'm going to tell you something that no one knows. You ready? Daniel Brandon, she's my daughter. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I'm serious. And we're just going through some father-daughter shit we're just we're just having we're just having a hiccup it's just a hiccup and it's it's a little embarrassing that i'm fighting with tell her to get on that born primitive shoes man drop the rats i'm just i'm happy for her i hope the rats are paying her a lot of money i want her to be successful and you know like um i just i've just we're just fighting it happens she's she's at that age you know what i mean where she wants to spread her rings and wings and i'm a controlling father and i'm just just really i just i'm just struggling with her she's a powerhouse
Starting point is 00:34:34 all right all right i'm just glad she's not i'm just glad she's not into drugs and um and uh wild fornication so I should be proud of her. I guess. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you for calling. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Bye. I can't believe this show is full of all sorts of new information. Caleb, can I bring you back on or you don't want to be on with me? I see you down there. Oh, there you go. My camera just died. Oh, I can see you in the other in the other um oh look at this name wow this is a trippy name how are you doing my friend hello hey hey siobhan hi i was making fun of your name i hope you're okay with that
Starting point is 00:35:24 I was making fun of your name. I hope you're okay with that. Yeah, it's Rakesh. How are you doing? You do very well in the mathematics. You're a very smart boy. Yeah, actually, I'm a mathematics graduate. I would like you to go to medical school and make the family very proud. Nah, I'm good. I'm good. I have a quick question for you, Stefan. So, you know, I've been, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:49 reflecting on the dynamics between Dave Castro and the, you know, just the general thing. Oh shit, you really do have an accent. You really do have an Indian accent. I do, I do. Yeah, I don't put on American accents. God, I love you. You need to call in regularly.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Holy shit. Okay, I love you. You need to call in regularly. Holy shit. Okay, go ahead. So, you know, I've been reflecting on this dynamic between Dave Castro and, you know, just the general feedback from the community concerning the game season. Like he was on the weekly shows where he, you know, answers questions and all that, right? So it's clear we all know that CrossFit as a methodology and its community aspect remains unchallenged. I mean, I don't think anybody argues that and everybody understands it. Yet, there seems to be a disconnect
Starting point is 00:36:35 when it comes to constructive criticism during the game season. Now, CrossFit Games, as everybody knows, is a subset of CrossFit, right? It's not CrossFit. We are using the CrossFit to, and then we created a sport out of it. And that's what, you know, we are talking about. And that's what the game season is all about. Why do you think Dave tends to take a defensive stance regarding his team's decisions?
Starting point is 00:37:03 You know, when we get into the game season. Moreover, what are the potential avenues for feedback other than you guys talking on different podcasts and providing feedback? Just generally noticing things which is not correct. How do you confront or how do you provide this collaborative or how do you foster more collaborative and less confrontational exchange? What are your thoughts on creating the constructive dialogue?
Starting point is 00:37:33 And I think you guys, Coffee with Pods or others are the only avenues through which these feedbacks can be reached out to him. Otherwise, what are the other ways to give this feedback from general community to the games team or crossfit games team let me just say one thing really quick so the the it's interesting going back to about crossfit being a sport here's the thing it what what hat what what crossfit is is it's timed workouts and so soon as you put the clock as soon as you put the clock there there's competition so it's not so much that they're separate that's one of the things it's it's a it's a really fuzzy blurry line so i just want to be clear there it's not like all there was crossfit and then we turned it into a sport it's um it's not like hey i was running out to get the newspaper because it was raining and then all of a sudden i had this idea that we should turn into a sport it always had the sport
Starting point is 00:38:28 built into it by the nature of us being human beings and the fact that you put a clock to the workouts right i'm stealing that basically from greg right so he knew when he put a clock on there that that inherently um one of the um one of the characteristics once you put a clock to something is is that it is a sport. You can project sport onto it. So there's that. Then the other thing is I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly in terms of working together. But I love the fact if we said we didn't like the taste of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola would start working on a new Coke for us.
Starting point is 00:39:05 the taste of coca-cola coca-cola would start working on a new coke for us right if we said the fact that um we didn't like white people um uh the government would start kicking white people out of um uh stuff i i prefer i prefer the ufc model or the um uh let me give you an example let me give you an example so when rich froning first came on the scene and he would wear his religion on his sleeve, I was on the phone with him one time, and I'm like, hey, dude, you should probably tone that down a bit. And he didn't say yes or no, but he never toned it down because he stayed by his values and his morals. And in the end, flashback now 15 years, I love Rich for that. He's taught me so much about staying with his values. And so I like the fact that we're involved in a community where it's an international community. It's owned by private equity, and yet there's still a guy there who will be like, fuck you guys. For me, that's the charm. It's the realness of it.
Starting point is 00:40:01 For me, that's the charm. It's the realness of it. It makes me feel that I'm not just part of some fucking consensus, that the company still does actually have values and beliefs and stands for something. And so I don't see – I don't need there to be more collaborative. I don't need them to change. You know what i mean like i like the fact that they do something let's say let's just say they did something wrong and then we criticize it and then they say fuck you and then i i they still go back there there are people there and then they think okay maybe we should make some changes you know what i mean they're
Starting point is 00:40:37 not stupid and so it's like um yeah i I just, I don't see it. I don't see it. Like, I don't see, I see it the opposite. When people are like Dave soft, he can't take criticism. I see it the opposite way. I see it as, oh, Dave's a badass. He's not like grabbing his ankles like the rest of these corporate goons. I mean, like, okay, we'll work to have more Asian people as judges.
Starting point is 00:40:59 You know what I mean? It's like, fuck you. We couldn't find any Asian judges. We just picked the best ones. I just like that. You know what I mean? It's like, fuck you. We couldn't find any Asian judges. We just picked the best ones. I just like that. And so I hear what you're saying, but for me, it's a feature or a facet of the community that I like. Yeah, I mean, I understand that. And I'm just looking forward to the next show by Dave, where he will address the leaderboard issues. Yeah, even 24.2.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Right. It'll be, it'll be. Right. Think of that. Think of that. Even the fact that he addresses it is so cool. Like I just go big picture and I'm like, yeah, I'm like, fuck, this is great that he'll fight with us on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Like, I just love it. I absolutely, I absolutely do. And hey, dude, here's the thing too. I just keep imagining what if he's gone? Yeah, that is another thing. that would suck yeah we felt that for two years so yeah that would suck absolutely yeah i don't want to waste any more time thank you uh savan and looking forward to uh tomorrow taylor versus colton okay i want you to meditate i want you to meditate on this okay ready time cannot be wasted it is not ours to waste okay i love you all right thank you so much i'm caleb bye later dude um so
Starting point is 00:42:20 so uh so so then brian started getting feedback from outside people, making it – so he questioned whether he should be coming on my show. And I want to stay a little bit abstract here, and I'm not going to give you – what I – this is me projecting. And I'm not going to give you – this is me projecting. I don't know this for sure. But what explicit. He was straightforward with me. I mean, he wasn't diming people out or anything. He wasn't like talking shit about people. But he would tell me that and I would start hearing it like I feel like once a month. He'd be like, well, I don't know if I can come on your show anymore or these people don't really want me coming on your show. And and so that's there started being that tension there. Right. And at that time, he also said that he would like to get paid to come on the show.
Starting point is 00:43:28 So I talked to one of my sponsors and I started paying him to come on the show. And no one else got no one else gets paid to come on the show. Right. And so I I got a sponsor to do that. And we had a deal and he started coming on the shows. And this this this this back and forth of him like i don't know if i could be on the show and he would be very honest with me to me at one point i said no i said uh hey i might start um a bigger a bigger uh media company in the space and he let me know if someone else started a competing company with me, he would go with them and not with me.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And so I knew where he stood. I don't think he – he didn't say this to me, but I don't think he liked the fact that I would talk about the aspects of abortion in the same show that I would talk about um who has the fastest fran time and so it's not that he didn't like it on a personal level he just didn't think it was the avenue for him to grow in the sport he wanted to keep them separate so he was so i would hear that very frequently. So finally, he said to me, hey, I basically can't do anything. I'm going with someone else. And so, by the way, that would take a toll on me, right? Once a month or once every other month hearing that from him saying like, hey, I don't know if I can be on your show anymore. And here I am pumping all of this energy and um time into him right so eventually it got to a point where he said
Starting point is 00:45:15 hey i can't be on your show anymore doing i can't do any more crossfit shows with you and by the way there's tons of details i'm omitting and i apologize uh to brian if i got this uh wrong but i think i have the spirit uh spot perfect eventually he said to me uh hey i can't do your i can't do your any more crossFit shows with you. And I said, OK. And he said, but I can still do the Frisbee show with you. And I said, no, I don't want to do that. I don't want to just do the Frisbee show with you. And we parted ways.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And then. Look at this, Frank Jonas. Brian is not political. I understand he doesn't want to mix it up. No, no. Isn't that incredible? No, no. You don't understand.
Starting point is 00:46:13 He is political, and that's why he doesn't want to mix it up. I am not political. Do you get that? Yeah, that's crazy. He is political. He doesn't want to mix it up. I am not political. I doesn't want to mix it up. I am not political. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I don't think anybody would like the show if you weren't political, if you were political. Yeah. Brian wants to really contribute to the CrossFit media space. And the things that I were doing, he was hearing from outside people. I mean, he never told me he had a personal problem with it. He would always say it's outside people had a problem with it, and he was trying to navigate the two, people hating on me to him and then also being on this show. And, dude, I was – you have to understand how fucking nice and open I am to everyone. Whatever you fucking think about me on the show, I'm not sure how I present to you guys but like I am so fucking open like when he's like do you want to
Starting point is 00:47:10 do the frisbee show yes like he would just call me at any time be like hey do you want to do a show and I would stop what I was doing and do a show I do that for everyone and anyone I bend over fucking backwards I am a fucking powerhouse of fucking energy and ability. I have so much fucking energy to give. And so he makes the split. And I say, hey, I don't want to do the Frisbee show anymore. And I tell him at that point, hey, just so you know, if you ever want to do a show,bee show anymore and I tell him at that point hey just so you know if you ever want to do a show you can come on whenever the fuck you want still but you have to
Starting point is 00:47:51 know this I will never ever pay you to come on the show ever again I will never have a business relationship with you ever again. Never. Yeah, navigating sounds political. Yeah, he was navigating the politics. Oh, look at Frank Jonas. You're extremely political. He's there for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:48:27 He doesn't want his political views, clouds people's opinions. Dude, you're not looking at it right. You're in such denial, Frank. Maybe we need to define what political means. Maybe we need to define what political means. Maybe we need to define what political means. No, it has nothing to do with election concerns. That's not politics.
Starting point is 00:48:54 You and I have a different definition of politics. That's what it is. I apologize, Frank. I was about to fucking go off on you. Relating to the government or public affairs of a country. Relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party group. Yeah, that's it. There is that second definition he relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group i don't i'm not doing that he's doing that he's concerned about
Starting point is 00:49:14 the parties and groups in the crossfit space in order so that he can get accomplish his goals i am not i am not you don't understand what political means. We just showed you the definition. I don't think you understand what political means. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You don't understand political means. Dude. All right. Fine. Okay, fine. I don't understand political means. Anyway, so he was navigating politics that I don't have to navigate. How's that? There you go and so he was having to navigate politics that i don't have i don't have to navigate and so he chose that path and then after a month of being out he wanted to come back in but he wants to get paid again and at that point you have to also remember i'm leaving
Starting point is 00:49:58 out nuances and stuff but at that point but i never like – I was never mad at him. I was never angry at him. I was never like, hey, you made the wrong choice or I resent you or it was just – it was strictly a – it's strictly a resources thing. and I and I and I had to hand and he and he I have to handle his um uh his schedule and his desires and all that stuff and I enjoyed it I'm not complaining but after two years when he's like he's being so heavily influenced by he's so determined to I'm going to say it positive more positively he's so determined to get to where he wants to get that he made that decision and the door closed behind him in terms of i'll never pay him again never want to do business with him and then there were some other nuances that occurred and so that was that but to think that like i i to think that there's no – I don't have any beef with him. I don't – there's no – I don't hate the guy. I don't wish him ill will.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I want him to succeed. I enjoyed all the shows we did together. The shows were great. But now, like I told you, I'm fully into the guys that I have now. There's no animosity. What's animosity mean? I don't think there's any animosity. I wasn't offended. I was excited for him. He wants to be strong hostility. No, no, there's no strong hostility. Here's the thing. A lot of people want to be indoor dogs. I do not want to be. I was already an indoor dog. I don't want to get a job at HQ or I'm not interested in being on the commentate for the games. He is. He would love that. Those are his goals. He would love to be on ESPN and commentate for the games. He is. He would love that. That's his, that those are his goals.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Like he would love to be on ESPN and commentate for the games. And I, and working with me wasn't, he made the decision that that wasn't the best way to get there. And I get it. I get it. I'm not like, well,
Starting point is 00:52:43 that was stupid. I know that there's a fucking a lot of people that fucking can't stand the fact that I talk about male circumcision or the difference between that. I have very keen interest in people who make it their life goal to kill babies like. I want to hear from flat earthers. I get it. I'm interested in mitochondria. I get it. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Thank you. For those of you who didn't know.
Starting point is 00:53:15 And so that's it. So that's... It's always fair... It's always fair for you to decline, but you are missing out. It's always fair for you to decline, but you are missing out. It's always fair for you to decline, but you're missing out. Is that from – oh, you and Brian are good on a personal level, not a business level. Got it. It's not – but here's the –
Starting point is 00:53:37 God. Anyway, I don't know if I can explain anymore. You guys are – I don't think I'm explaining it very well. You guys aren't – I don't think you guys are grasping what I'm saying. I don't think I'm explaining it well though either. I don't – because I don't want to say anything. I don't want to fall into the – I'm trying to say – I'm trying to paint it in a way that no one's – no one can take – I don't want to – I'm not interested in anyone passing judgment on me or Brian for – based on the story I'm telling you. Well, I want you to pass judgment on me.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I don't want you to pass judgment on Brian. I don't – I guess that would be a better way. I want you guys to leave the story and be like, holy shit, that really is true. Stefan does really let everyone come on, and he's really open, and Brian chose a different path. Andrew Sten, Stefan, you talk about everything which is great just admit it that you do talk about politics sometimes whether you think it or not of course i talk about politics of course i talk about politics no one no one's ever said i don't talk about politics i love talking about politics i'm just saying that the reason why brian's not
Starting point is 00:55:00 here is because of his political views not not mine. It's not my politics. He was politically navigating the political landscape of CrossFit. And that's what got him off. That's the same with Daniel Brandon, but Daniel Brandon gets money from rad. So she's navigating the political landscape by not coming on here. It's I'm not navigating it. Maybe it's just, he's navigating the nuances of the relationship with CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:55:26 He's navigating the nuances of the relationship with, of course I talk about politics. How the fuck can no one understand this? I don't understand relationships. I get, I get, I get where they fucking cross. It's like when Greg used to say,
Starting point is 00:55:41 um, people would be like, well, Greg hates Coca-Cola. And, and no, he hates the fact that they're meddling in the sciences. Greg thinks that Coca-Cola should be banned. No, he's a capitalist.
Starting point is 00:55:54 He believes in capitalism. He just doesn't want them interfering with the health sciences, paying scientists to do false work. Hey, what's up, dude? What's going on, S dude? What's going on, Sadi? What's going on? Jeremy. Hey, Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Hey, I think we're having a moment. We're having a staring at the finger moment. We're trying to show them the stars. I don't know how at this point with the listeners, and those names sound familiar, how at this point people are still doing that.
Starting point is 00:56:25 When you're pointing something and they want to stare at the finger and not say, oh, he's not saying that he doesn't talk about politics. What he's trying to explain is so on and so forth. So the listeners right now that are just getting caught up on, oh, you do talk about politics. Sevan never said he doesn't talk about politics. Every single show, probably some mention of something political. But here's my thing.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I'm not a flat earther and I have flat earthers on. That's what I mean by like it's not political to me. My decisions aren't political like that yet. Not at all. And here's my thing. If a grown ass man cannot, is so worried about what people think about him that he can't come on a podcast that every now andquote people, whoever that may be, are telling you, you got some stuff to look at in your heart, inside you. It's not the host of the podcast's job to navigate around what you do or don't want to do. You're on this guy's podcast.
Starting point is 00:57:44 If he brings up something that you don't know about, guess what? You don't have to say anything. You could just make a joke or maybe actually here's a novel idea. Tell us how you feel about these issues. Some of this stuff is a little bit more important than CrossFitter who had the fastest time at the Lowlands Throwdown or whatever. We respect Brian for all that shit. Jeremy, why is your audio so bad?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Why is your audio so bad? Are you in the bathroom? Well, my voice sucks right now. Let me tell you this. Is this better? Yeah, a little bit better. Yeah. That crazy-ass flu or cold or
Starting point is 00:58:26 covid or something I've been fighting for the last week and a half but anyways yeah I just I don't know I got a little fired up there reading these comments and seeing people stuck on stupid it's like guys get with the program here no pun intended
Starting point is 00:58:40 please don't mention competitor shows on my show yeah I screwed up I'm sorry I just ruined everything I said here no pun intended uh but yeah please don't mention competitors please don't mention competitor shows on my show thank you yeah i screwed up i'm sorry i just ruined everything i said okay but yeah thank you you want to come on a podcast that you don't agree with everything the host says well this host kind of made you who you are and so you kind of have a you're kind of indebted there i don't i don't guess i don't be a man a man about it I don't want to attack Brian and I don't think he has issues with the things I talk about politically personally
Starting point is 00:59:10 I don't know that for a fact he yeah he made the choice I didn't make the choice and so I don't really need it and now once he made the choice I'm just putting energy into people. Like that's why I'm putting so much energy into, uh, John Young and spin and, uh, Andrew and, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:33 just whoever the people in my sphere, Caleb, I put energy into the people that I know that it's just, it's a, it's a good, uh, reciprocal, reciprocal relationship that I feel, um, has the highest value. And I only have so much time and energy to give so i want to give those people space on my show it's like i said yesterday i could probably invite josh or jason on to come on these taylor self versus the world and maybe double my views that's not what i'm doing here i'm not playing politics like that i'm just not doing exactly yeah exactly yeah exactly i think i think john once a week. Oh, my God, dude, you're my fucking rock. Thank you. I mean. And I was going to say, like, think about that dynamic with just John who is a clear follower of Christ, you know, a believer.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And then, you know, he comes on a podcast very regularly from a man who says he doesn't really believe in god and this that the next thing i mean if if john took the root of brian you're he would never come on your show you're like oh i'm offended every time you say that or it's blah blah blah but from what i see john doesn't play that game and he's he understands you know sometimes the host is gonna say that i disagree with that's life that's how it goes dude so anyways thank you that's my that's my rant today thank you love you see you guys what brings gives me the pleasure of having you on mr hiller look your skin looks beautiful your skin looks beautiful yeah because there's there's sunlight out right now it was all this computer like yesterday yeah did you want to say something or just hanging out uh i wanted to show exactly what you were talking about earlier i have access to stream yard and i can jump in whenever i want
Starting point is 01:01:16 and i don't i don't take money from you yeah and i can use you and i can come in i can chime in on some stuff and yesterday the political thing I think might be best put by somebody like Elliot Sidman's yesterday yeah on coffee pods and wads he says why why could you potentially be negative well you're affiliating with people like Hiller Brian didn't want to affiliate with people like you at one point in time I don't want to be on those shows right that's political because people like elliot simmons are going to say some crap right that's playing politics yeah you know who doesn't play politics froning right just goes wherever he wants
Starting point is 01:01:58 whenever he wants to do it which is right now if you're avoiding something because of somebody like elliot simmons opinion all of a sudden you're being political it happened yesterday oh what do you mean tell me the coffee pods and wads oh yeah brings it up yeah maybe maybe somebody hears that and they're like oh yeah you're right i shouldn't go on that show it might give you a bad image which might also be what happened on the train and think tank episode which i haven't watched yet but from what i've gathered they're like, I don't agree with everything he says. I was like, what the, what, what?
Starting point is 01:02:30 There was this insinuation that like, yeah. I think that's what you're trying to kind of say, no? Right, right, right. By the way, that is funny. By the way, I had no idea Hiller was coming on. That's his point. I get it. I think that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Sebon, you have a filter and focus on crossfit when you interview athletes so why not do the same for brian if he has dude i'm telling you for two years he could have done it all he could have come and gone whenever he wanted i'm just saying political he set rules he set rules that were limiting that he set rules for himself that limited his exposure on the podcast i didn't do it he said he said he set those rules i'm i was i accommodated as much as i fucking could and then finally he broke away he's like okay i can't take it anymore basically i have an offer over here i'm going over here and he was gone that's it just think of – think of it as an employee who would come back and forth like who's always just always changing their schedule.
Starting point is 01:03:31 This week they can work Saturdays and Sundays. Next week they can work Tuesdays and Thursdays. And then finally they're like, hey, you know what? I can't work at your bar anymore because I'm a Christian and I don't want to be pushing alcohol. That's what Brian said to me. Christian and I don't want to be pushing alcohol. That's what Brian said to me. And I was like, okay, I get it. And then, and then when he comes back and he goes, Hey, I want to work at your bar again. And I'm like, no, you can be a customer, but the door for you working here has closed and he doesn't want to be a customer, but it's not even really a cost. I'm not paying for anything. And then when he says, no, he's not – I'm not going to allow – I'm not paying Brian ever again. I'm not going to do business with him ever again. But the thing is this. It's like he works for free, but he got tips.
Starting point is 01:04:12 For him – he knows he hasn't been on the show in five months. And for him to open with he called me yesterday, which he texted me yesterday and said I offered to come on the show. He texted me yesterday and said I offered to come on the show. It's like, dude, there's no fucking – these are the biggest shows of the year we're doing, and you're just going to come in and do the show? This is what I'm thinking. He doesn't think that. I'm not saying – I think Brian's just completely oblivious to it, but who – there's only three squares over there. Who am I going to push off? John Young, JR, Andrew, Tyler? oblivious to it but who there's only three squares over there who am i going to push off john young
Starting point is 01:04:45 jr andrew tyler it's like these dudes have been helping me while while you made your decision hey dude you've been running out on everest for three years and he took a helicopter to the top and he goes hey i'm gonna finish this this with you yeah it's like but you have to understand i'm not mad at him for it's just i'm not mad at him for it you guys just i'm not mad for it someone if you have a so so so if he he's he's not asking by the way he's going that's not it at all and and i and i also think that for him to say yesterday um when he gave those numbers out about the show he said last year it had 130 this year had 117 this week first of all that's not even close to right but the second thing is is like i know how he operates and i know what he's probably saying to himself
Starting point is 01:05:35 oh you did better when i was on last year i don't even know if he was on last year but but that's how he operates and i'm not i'm not um i'm and I'm not fucking with that. Frank Jonas, Brian is most likely aligned with your political views. He chooses to separate it from his business life. Why is that an issue? That's not an issue. Hey, dude, it's not an issue for me. It's an issue for him.
Starting point is 01:05:58 It's not an issue for me. But listen, when you come on this show, it's still my show, but it's not an issue. There's no issue. There's no issue at all. Dude, I love doing some of my favorite all-time shows are the shows I did with him, but I'm not putting any more energy into that. I'm not putting any more energy into that. I'm not putting any more energy into the fact that he has goals that make it so that this show is waiting for him.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I'm not doing that. I'd much rather support the people who want to go full steam ahead. Glee, someone explained it earlier well, and Sebon basically said this last night. This is the Sebon podcast and just happens to talk about CrossFit a lot, but it's not crossfit podcast yeah my minivan i get why you think it's a toyota sienna but for me it's something totally different it's a vehicle for getting my kids what they need in life i get it and i'm not saying that you're wrong it pulls the foreskin back on their penises yeah the sienna pulls no nice try though i like the way you tried to integrate that. I just want to pee further. Adam, why – yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Why does everyone not understand the different use of the word political? It's a scope versus focus. There's people that see the world like this, and they can't pull out. It's a very difficult thing to do by the way i mean when you can do it you don't think it's difficult but when you talk to people uh sebon doesn't talk about trump or abortion when he interviews kerstetter he just refuses for brian it's ego simple as that he's just right how dare you brian was on like every other show, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Like. You first had her a couple of shows. She's in the she's in the fold. You're out of your fucking mind. You're out of your fucking mind. Chris said it didn't talk about much. Hey, hey, because I won't, listen, because I won't
Starting point is 01:08:08 accommodate what someone wants to talk about on my show, because I won't censor stuff on my show, it's my ego. That's right, it is. God, do you know what a fucking European cuck you sound like? You fucking
Starting point is 01:08:22 pussy. Fuck, you're such a pussy. The government told me I had to take the injection, so I took it. You fucking douche. You gotta remember this is your living room everyone's hanging out in, and they're like, what do you mean you have a sofa
Starting point is 01:08:39 and not a recliner? What's wrong with you? You knew I was coming over and I love recliners that's just all ego on your rearrange this your tv's too high it needs to be eye level you're a pussy live call her hi hey i agree that i don't understand how people are having such a hard time separating world government politics in the term of politics as it applies to Brian's world. It's mind-boggling to me.
Starting point is 01:09:12 The two things are mutually exclusive. Yeah, listen to this caller. Lilo says, Brian doesn't want to rock the boat and bite the hand that feeds him. Savon has been freed from the chains. Yeah. And I'm not even judging anyone for that, except for Cl except for clive that's fair brian literally said yesterday hey the dude met me in 2018 i would not be where i am without him today and then he moved on which was his own choice and then you made yours and people can't grasp that fucking concept, and that blows my mind completely.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I don't understand it. The moral of the story is even if you grab your ankles and let people fuck you in the ass, it's still never going to be enough. Apparently not. Apparently not. You've got to have a reach around, too. Too many dicks. Get you a reach around, get you a couple extra things in there, and it's still not going to be good enough.
Starting point is 01:10:05 I feel like the people that are bitching about it or think that you're just trying to suck Trump off in one hand and fucking Brian off in the other one have not been here since the very beginning of the show to understand how much Brian's actually here at the beginning of the show. Right. Listen to what this guy says. Listen to what this guy says listen to what this guy says he is a right-wing fanatic these days name calling no substance his instagram is literally one post after another pro trump pro anti-biden once again doesn't say anything all political which is fine but don't say i'm not political see so this guy can't grasp what's going on right and he can only do name calling why don't you say frank hey the
Starting point is 01:10:45 fact that he puts on there that he thinks injections kills uh the the vaccine has killed people like why don't you say if you think i'm a right-wing fanatic or whatever you're calling me um and you think that that's political why don't you just say what it is why get why stoop to the name calling why not just be like hey um you said this and you're totally wrong. But it's that's the way all the negativity towards me is. It's never like, hey, seven, you're wrong about red doesn't really mean stop in the abstract. It actually means stop. And everything in nature knows that. And here's five examples in nature where when animals see red, they stop.
Starting point is 01:11:22 And I'd be like, wow, OK, interesting point. point but instead it's like you're a fucking moron i i get it i get it you're in the matrix asleep and i accidentally woke you up from your slumber and you're pissed i get it i fucking get it well it's fucking textbook shit yeah to be fair his name is Frank. His name is Frank! His name is Frank! I'm sorry, brother. I just had to get that in there. The level of ignorance is mind-blowing this morning. I don't understand it. It's just myopic. They're myopic. They're just stuck like this.
Starting point is 01:12:00 They're seeing the world through a paper towel roll. 100%. A small one. Not even like a two-ply. Hey, have you ever done acid, dude? Quite a bit, yes. And you know how you ever had the trip where you're like, oh, fuck, when's this going to be over? And you have to tell yourself. It's never going to stop.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I'm going to be doing this for the rest of my fucking life. And then finally you have a come-to-Jesus moment, and you're like, okay, don't worry. Just take some deep breaths. This is going to pass. It's like those people cannot do that. They're just stuck like this. They at no part can pull their hands down and look at the world. They're just stuck.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah, I know. It's weird. Absolutely. Absolutely. No thousand foot view. No. Right there. All I see is the bark because my face is stuck in the tree.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah, there's no tree here. It's only bark. Okay. Yeah. You enjoy that, by the way, and go on about your fucking business. I don't get it. Anyway, peace and love, brother. I got to pee.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Thanks. Bye. Yeah, go pee. Thank you. Hey, that's how everyone should get off the phone with me. I got to go pee. That's how you know they watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yeah. That would be awesome. Has everybody had that moment? I remember the first time I had an edible, and I thought I was going to die. I wanted to go to the hospital. And then you're like, you just have to lay down, face down, and go, it's just the edible. First time I ever had one, freaking out. Was it marijuana?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Yeah. My buddy made these s'more things. And he goes, yeah, just eat the whole thing. And you shouldn't have eaten the whole thing. I thought it was just a peanut butter and stuff. And I'm not. Listen very carefully to this. This is really good.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Exploring anything authentically and openly is political. To not want to be political means to manage your authenticity on a public stage. And that's what Al-Hajj was saying yesterday. He doesn't – they say I'm political. The problem is they don't like the fact that I'm not political. the fact that I'm not political. And then you're like, but you talk about politics. It's like, dude, hey, if I told you that I stay in the present and because of that, I can't
Starting point is 01:14:12 ever make plans in the future. Do you realize how stupid that is? That's me. Because you can make plans in the future in the present. You can open up a calendar and be present and write down what you're going to do next week it's okay what do you do next week you um i don't know uh you and you're like but you wrote that down but you made plans in the in the future
Starting point is 01:14:40 yeah but i did it in the present it's like They're being – it must be so weird to be trapped like that. I guess it's when you're trapped in a world of – you know what it is? You're trapped in a world of nouns, and everyone's like a magician in anything they say you just believe. Like I could point to a tree and be like, that's a chainsaw, and everyone in Australia would believe it. It's like you're having a CrossFit season because of your mental health and not because of your current location. Oh, yeah, totally the reason. Totally the reason people are so dumb.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And I'm okay, by the way, if someone says this is a CrossFit podcast. I'm just telling you how I see it. You can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. I got ten and a half rounds. Oh yeah, totally. The judge, yeah. Mia Hesketh is the one who judged you. Not. Jason Miller, people are roninous to think abortion is political when it's just the people made it political. Another great example. People are wrong to think abortion is political when it's just the people made it political.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Another great example. If you're thinking about it politically, and I mean this with peace and love, you're a fucking moron. You're missing the entire fucking point. And that's the weird thing too. The majority of the people on the left are thinking of it as politically. The majority of the people on the right are not thinking of it politically. They're thinking of it morally. And that's just the way it is.
Starting point is 01:16:12 You can tell by the way they talk. Hey, are there Republicans out there that like abortion? Or like, not like it, but are into it? Like, think it's okay? I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. Okay. I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. Okay. I'm sure. I mean, if I had to categorize myself as Republican or Democrat, I'm Republican and I'm pro-choice.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Oh, okay. Same. Yeah. I'm pro-choice. But I'm not in denial. I'm not in denial either. It is killing a fucking baby. either it is killing a fucking baby and i and i and i don't and i'm not justifying it like well he was going to grow up poor or um i'm not i'm not i'm not going to justify it oh greg said yesterday was pretty good it's like when do you stop
Starting point is 01:16:56 and well and that's like a fine line right yeah when it when is it not okay to kill something careful we're being a little political here. Yeah, that's not even political. That's just trying to fucking understand. That's what people think it is. That's values and biology. Harry Paratestes. Brian wanted the resources. He wasn't interested in contributing as a personality.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I don't know if that's true. Hey, should I tell everybody when I turned on Brian? Or just turned off on Brian? Sure, sure i remember hold on hold on real quick i'm just one guy but brian was good for your podcast i agree if you aren't willing to filter for him that's your prerogative filter for him well hold up can we can we can we put this into context but you do suffer because of it oh my god oh my god hey hey that's what i'm saying but you do suffer for it holy shit yesterday you had tyson incredible yeah and you said you wouldn't ask him about pussy
Starting point is 01:18:01 or teammates yeah or just like any of the any i don't want to talk to him about um uh i don't want to talk to him about uh football politics because i don't want to jeopardize i want him to come on and be feel free so i i push those two away how is that brian different than that because maybe brian maybe brian was on a thousand times well first of all brian never said to me in brian's uh defense brian never said, hey, don't talk about this or don't talk about that. He never said that to me. He wasn't trying to he wasn't trying to censor me. He was telling me that other people just thought it was bad that he come on my show.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And, you know, and there was crazy. Those people were saying fucking people were saying absolutely insane shit about me. Just go over to Reddit and look. It's just fucking insane shit. But and that shit was being spreaded by people in his circle outside of me. And so those people didn't like me, and they probably didn't like the fact that Brian would come on the show and that the show did very well whenever he was on. And so there's no denying any of that. And so if Tyson comes on once every six months or once every three months, and I'm not going to talk about – I personally don't want to talk about – do pussy or – by the way, there's a lot of things I didn't bring up when Brian was on that I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable about. Hey, for all I know, Tyson didn't like being on a show where I said the word pussy
Starting point is 01:19:30 or I'm not going to talk about football politics. Where you said it as soon as he got off or what? Yeah, but let me walk that back even. Like, I don't care. Let's say I don't care. I'll make the decision who to bend for and not to bend for. It's your living room. Yeah yeah it's my living room but but it's a but it still also is a fucking crazy comparison you also don't and have never been asked to be paying tyson to be on the show no right no i think that's a major you have to understand it was brian's choice brian said hey
Starting point is 01:20:02 i'm not doing your show any more crossfit shows with you i'll do the frisbee show with you i said no thank you and then he came back a month later and says hey i want to come back and hey dude there's a lot of nuances i'm leaving out too tyson comes on and says and i said hey about pickleball and i said not a pickleball player and i said and i said hey right and i said hey you can come on whenever you want still and he basically said well i'm not i need to make money so i'm not coming on i said okay you did leave that out that's yeah and then after about six months that door shut too i'm just not interested in putting any energy into the guys into the guy anymore why would i why would i Why would I? Why would I? And if you think – you have to understand this show is twice as big now as it was a year ago, twice as big, 100% more.
Starting point is 01:20:55 You have to understand that the 27,000 subscribers on this show, I have very strong and compelling evidence that you guys convert at a way higher rate than anyone in the space do you guys know what that means by convert that means that born primitive sold more gear with 27 000 viewers not only ratio of 27 000 to the million two million views crossfitter had but we just more you guys understand what i'm saying here's here i got it there's it's it's fucking insane go over to born primitive right now and hey and everyone knows that and everyone knows that because look at who the guests who come on the show are so i i say this with 100 ego To think that this show suffers without anybody, you're out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Try to buy a pair of shoes. You can't. They're just completely sold out of the Savage one. And like the sizes that you would want to get unless you want a size 15 or whatever 14, 13, 14 and if you go out over to
Starting point is 01:22:13 go ruck they're fully stocked by the way you know what I'm so stoked I got a text from Sarah Cox yesterday saying that those are the best shoes she's ever had I love them yeah she said they're absolutely insane she's like you were right holy fuck yeah stoked she said I'm gonna send over
Starting point is 01:22:29 I'm gonna ask Bear if he wants peptides Glee can we give time for Hiller to give his true opinion on be friendly situation 7 wants to be careful but I would love to hear no holds opinion I just don't want to bash I just don't want to bash. I personally don't want to bash Brian. I think he's remarkable at what he does, and that's cool.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Oh, they got 13s for us men. Jesus, he wears a 13. Yikes, dude. I think I'm taller than Cristiano, too. He's got a big foot. Okay, what were you going to say? When were you done with Brian? When did you turn the page on him?
Starting point is 01:23:09 When were you? Rogue Invitational. I made a video, and it was titled, Tia Should Have Won, right? And I just made a video saying Tia was the most disrespectful woman in fitness. But then I also think that she should have won that competition. And the reason behind it was, I mean, 20-minute video gave all these points. I don't understand, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:23:28 How could you one week make a video saying she's the most disrespectful woman in CrossFit and the next video say you should have won? I don't understand. I can't have both of those things in my brain. Because they're both true, in my opinion. Oh, oh, oh. And in the opinion of a lot of others. Because you're not political. I get it. Okay. And if if i were i would only have shared
Starting point is 01:23:47 one of those sides yeah okay right right that's how that works exactly all right so true sign of intelligence true true sign of intelligence by the way to be able to do that thanks i suppose oh shit jake chapman great line having a threesome the ugly one says finishing me that's always weird in threesomes right who to finish in god that's a whole nother show we were talking about neither oh don't finish in either oh okay wow i'm assuming you're not wearing protection right i got to tell you about that i got to talk to you about that funny stories about protection and tensums okay go ahead and sums yeah go ahead video had a whole bunch of points about why I think Tia should have won. It had to do with the workouts being changed over and over,
Starting point is 01:24:29 and it really skewed it towards somebody like Laura Horvath, or at least her skill set. I think I laid it out real well. And of course, there's going to be people who disagree, and they do so in the comments section. But there's some people who have my phone number. One of those people is Brian. And we're on the phone.
Starting point is 01:24:45 He goes, you know, I know you like to do this sometimes. And you kind of circle back and go back on what you sedated. But you're clearly wrong here. And you should make another video. I made an article. And you should go look at that thing. And then you can make a follow-up video about why you were wrong. And I kind of tripped.
Starting point is 01:25:01 I was like, I didn't even say I agreed with you. You're just telling me to go make another video. And I think like you said, there's a lot of stuff that I'm leaving out. That was the stone that, or like the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm like, Hey dude, I make YouTube videos. I never go against saying that I don't, I want clicks. I want people to watch it. I state my opinion. I believe in the things that I put out there. If like totally beyond a reasonable doubt you can tell me that you're right
Starting point is 01:25:28 and I agree with you then I'll consider it and probably even make a video stating why you were right I haven't read your article I haven't agreed with you and you want me to do this and you're just telling me to do it like fuck you from the beginning it was very clear
Starting point is 01:25:43 you can't just do that from the beginning, it was very clear. You can't just do that. Like, he wanted from the beginning. I think I told him that. And I actually think he called you. I think you're all riled up. I think very clear since the beginning, he wanted to control you. And he was very and he was very frustrated. He could do this.
Starting point is 01:26:00 The Godfather thing. He doesn't just want to control me. Yeah. He wants to control everything. I told him that. Guys, don't get this wrong. I personally have had at least four one-hour-plus phone calls with Mr. Brian Friend. I'm like, dude, no one wants you to tell them what to do. You told me what to do. That was the last straw. You to tell them what to do. You told me what to do.
Starting point is 01:26:26 That was the last straw. You've told me what to do. Those were the last straws. And you do it to everybody. Hence, The Godfather. Stop telling people what to do. I know that should be his nickname, The Godfather. No, it is his nickname. Oh, The Godfather. Maybe we should title the show The Godfather.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Done. Someone in here said it should title this show The Godfather. Done. Someone in here said it's the best show of the year. Clive McLaughlin, never telling you what to do, just telling you I think you lose value. Customer feedback from Europe. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you, Clive. You know what Brian would always tell me?
Starting point is 01:26:57 I don't care. I always stand up for you. And I would always immediately come back at him with, hey, dude. Like he would say that to you. Hey, Andrew, I was just in the, I was just at the water cooler and four people are just walking down upon you. And I always stand up for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:10 He would always tell me that too. He wouldn't tell me, he wouldn't tell me who they were. Yeah. Ironically enough, but he would just tell me like, for all I know, he's making it up.
Starting point is 01:27:17 And I'd like, dude, don't do that. I don't, I don't need you to do that. Like, I don't care. And stop trying to hold that over my head.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Godfather. I was looking out for you i was protecting you yeah it would that would really piss me off i'm like dude hey cool do you do it i really enjoyed i lost your audio i lost your audio can you hear him yeah i can hear him somebody's somebody's calling that's probably what's going on with my audio it's patrick clark hold on calling you oh and now my audio? It's Patrick Clark. Hold on. Now my audio is back again. That was fucking weird. Caller high. No, caller. Caller high.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Hey, guys. I just thrown in and started catching your guys' podcast. I get most of your episodes. I miss a few here and there, and I know Brian's been out of the mix, so I assume some sort of drama or something that took place but uh i think brian's a good dude too but like i feel like you could we see he's very reserved with anything that rocked the boat with certain parties and uh
Starting point is 01:28:18 you know i i think a majority of your followers you were mentioning like it's the high converters for the most part support i think it's just you know folks that think for themselves and of course they're high converters and they're not you know if you say something and i don't agree with it here's but you know a lot of people don't have thought process yeah and and hey here's the thing i want to be clear brian was never like hey don't say this on the show. Well, maybe, maybe he, he one time asked me and I have no, and I have no issue with this. He said, Hey, can you not call Sean Shawnee? And I said, sure, no problem. That's the only thing I ever remember. Brian telling me, asking me not to do on the show. Hey, can you not say, but it may be towards the end, there were a couple more things he started getting weird about. but and maybe towards the end there were a couple more things he started getting weird about um i can't remember but the thing was it wasn't what i was saying on the show it was what people were telling him hey you shouldn't be affiliated with him and he would tell and he would get that
Starting point is 01:29:15 on the regular and he would come to me and be like hey i don't know if i can be on your show anymore and then finally he broke away he's like hey i can't be on your show anymore yeah listen to this sorry go ahead go ahead i was gonna say i could see where he would get some pressures like that just because if you know for example if he's and i don't even know this to be true but if he's spending time in the proven gym right and my guess t has probably got a little animosity towards uh hiller you got same group so you know i can see how he would have pressures from just some of the combinations you guys have but you know to the point it's your living room i mean who gives a shit i mean if you care i mean you shouldn't let that affect you and you know i think people are just very very
Starting point is 01:30:02 susceptible to that. Yeah. And I think he just had a better job offer somewhere. Shit, I lost my mic again. What the fuck is going on with my mic? Can you guys hear me? I can hear you. Yeah, you're good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Yeah. He just got a better job somewhere. He went there for a month and it didn't work out and he wanted to come back. And by then things had changed. I was watching. I don't think it's a new one. It's at least a week old. Watching the TTT podcast today and your name came up. And it was in the context, is Zavon good or bad for CrossFit? And I think unanimously he thinks good.
Starting point is 01:30:41 But, you know, there was some comments to just how some things you say, it's kind of like, you know, some people are pulling back a little bit. And, you know, that might cause folks to maybe not interact as much or, you know, what the case might be. But that's just it's just such a flawed way of thinking. You know, it really is. It's, you know, kind of like to know your audience, like what you were just saying, Tyson. Obviously, you're not going to say anything that's going to put them in a weird spot. You know, it's just it's kind of got to think a little bit. Right. And hey, listen, if Tyson did 500 shows with me a year or 200 shows with me a year, then eventually I would start talking about pussy and politics with him. But if he's going to come on once in a while
Starting point is 01:31:26 Yeah It's just yeah, there's just there's just new wants to do but I want to reiterate Brian Never was never like hey don't talk about pussy or abortion when I'm on the show It was just it was from the outside and finally he made the decision. Hey, I'm going to get a job somewhere else I'm not gonna work with you anymore unless you want to do frisbee shows and i said okay cool and then when he came back fucking a month later i'm like hey i'm never going to pay you again but you can still come on the show whenever you want and then he said basically said in a nutshell you know this could be disputed i'm sure but the spirit was is like well hey then i'm not going to come on because i need to make money
Starting point is 01:32:01 to put food on my table and i said cool fine cool, fine. But it really fucking annoyed me. Then out of the blue yesterday, when everyone knows this fucking station is fucking skyrocketing, he has to open his comment with, hey, I text someone and let them know I was available. It's like, fuck you, dude. Oh, so that's what sparked all this. Yeah, I'm just like, yeah, it's like,
Starting point is 01:32:25 uh, and then, and then for him to give the numbers that last year, the show is doing better than this year. It's just fucking tarded. And here's the thing, man, if you're going to put your flag in the ground,
Starting point is 01:32:35 stand by it. Yeah. Stand by it. And, and, and Hey, I'm loyal to a fucking fault. Everyone fucking around me knows that it's good.
Starting point is 01:32:42 And you're either in, you're either in the camp or you're out of the camp. And, and he, and yeah, and he chose to be out of the camp. It's, it was his choice.
Starting point is 01:32:53 And Hey, I know I'm, I'm not stupid. I know that this, this show is a, is a, is a wonderful platform. And so the people,
Starting point is 01:33:02 and I have limited time to be, to do that. There's only two or one or two or six or ten shows a day and so i want to make sure i use those shows wisely and right now right now i'm on john young's dick what can i say i agree man because with you guys like you hillar uh you you guys specifically because if there's controversy it would be you know more among your two because that sheet you say what you want to say the you know i think the thought process there is if you're in the space you got to be open doing business
Starting point is 01:33:37 interacting and talking with absolutely everybody because that's how you grow yeah and everyone is and everyone is welcome on here yeah yeah i totally agree man hey there's no other show i don't i'm not saying this is a good thing or bad thing there's no other show in the space where like someone like like i just said like hillar just showed up this morning i didn't know he's gonna show up he just fucking wrote he just used my login info came on and there he is in my podcast like well or even with your, just with the fact that I can click a button on my phone and just call you and the answer in a few rings. Right. You know, and nobody else can do that.
Starting point is 01:34:12 You're chirping in the comments. You're not, you know, some of these other shows I like, they're entertainment, but they're not, you know, you're going to hear whatever they want to pitch. You're not going to have open speech. We're going to herd you in a certain direction. Thank you. Cool, guys. Thank you. See you.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Bye. It's like this. You don't say a word about politics on your CrossFit review shows or Taylor versus the world. That's what Friend wants. Listen, Frank. You did. Listen.
Starting point is 01:34:40 You opened the last show hot. I opened 24.2 that is insane I read a comment I said yesterday in the comments someone said Sebon I had no idea you were a MAGA wacko nutjob and I responded with
Starting point is 01:34:58 well now you know and by the way I didn't know you were a liberal pedophile and now I know that's how I opened the fucking show dude everyone saw that and by the way I'm pretty you have to also understand
Starting point is 01:35:14 of course I talk about politics but I'm pretty clear in my descriptions I'm not just throwing out name calling like you were doing I'm pretty clear I'm not just throwing out name calling like you were doing. I'm pretty clear. I'm like, hey, if you think, by the way, Frank, if you think talking about whether a baby should be killed when it's six months into gestation in this politics, you need to rework your worldview. You must be a fucking miserable person. That's not a very clear, concise way of looking at things. That's in the abstract. I think I'm pretty concise. I don't think I live in the abstract.
Starting point is 01:35:47 And I do mix that shit up all the time. I thought the show, I thought Brian said the show had more viewership this year. Oh, well then fuck me. Then I'm an asshole. I had it in one year while I was playing tennis. He also said Instagram, which was confusing to me because it wasn't Instagram.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Those are the only public numbers. That's true. I don't know. Craig Paisley, the requirements to listening to this show is simple. You need to be grown up. Here's the thing, you guys. Here's the thing. His name is Frank.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Let me tell you this. I'm happy to have brian refute this brian never brian had so much fun fucking being on this show and he was so fucking good on this show he had so much fun and he would and he did so fucking good, and it was awesome for him in every facet except for one. He didn't like the outside pressure. People saying, why are you hanging out with that fucking misogynistic pedophile, homophobe, transphobe, racist, blah, blah, blah. I think he got tired of hearing it. No, he got tired of standing up for you.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Oh, yeah, sorry. He got tired of standing up. I think he got tired of hearing it. No, he got tired of standing up for you. Oh, yeah. Sorry. He got tired of standing up. Hey, this is my favorite comment I've seen in a little while. What? Braylon Tender is now Jan Clark's coach.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Oh, wow. Braylon Tender, fitness competitor. You are crushing your brother. You're ascending to the highest peaks of male performance and growth. He might be my favorite person in the chat. Braylon tender. He's pretty cool. He's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:37:29 I always, I always get a little, I always get a little sweat under my armpits when I read his comments, when Greg's on the show. Thanks Braylon. I listened to your mindset chance before each and every hard session. You know that, you know,
Starting point is 01:37:42 Braylon and Trisha fucked. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I know Braylon and Trish have fucked? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. God, I love Braylon Tender. I didn't know if everybody... I love more than anything how uncomfortable he makes Hunter McIntyre. Hunter trips when he sees Braylon.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. There's no doctor pulling out a viable baby just because. It doesn't happen. You're just lying if you say that. Oh, okay. I'm just lying. Braylon dominates Hunter's mindset. Extra sloppy.
Starting point is 01:38:20 If you want a seat at the White House press release, you have to toe the line. Same thing with CrossFit. Brian likes you, but you're not the lapdog for crossfit he wants you to be i don't even think he i don't even know if he wants me to be that but but i but i understand your sentiment in the simplest way to think about it, it was just, I want, I was, I was,
Starting point is 01:38:48 he was ready to go elsewhere. And I was, and when he was, I was ready. I parlayed my energy and my resources somewhere else also. So we both made a shift. We were pointed like this. He pointed this way and I pointed this way. And now we're pointed in different directions.
Starting point is 01:38:59 That's it. I got it. Yeah. Let's say you want to bang a chick. Okay. All right. Let's, let's say the chick is on Miley Cyrus.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Miley Cyrus ain't just going to bang anybody. You've got to probably make a boatload of money. You got to probably have a certain aesthetic. You have to be a certain person to make Miley Cyrus want to bang you. And the question is, are you willing to do all of those things to make that one thing happen? Or are you just going to want to wish that she wanted to bang you for who you were dude i have a friend did that not land shit no no it did land i have a friend who's married to this chick who she made him get a she got she wanted him to get a septum ring And he got it
Starting point is 01:39:45 He eventually took it out That's good okay it landed And his chick was crazy fucking hot With the fucking craziest fucking body Dude crazy So he wanted to continue Being here so he got a septum ring I guess but he told me he hated it
Starting point is 01:40:06 He thought it was a stupid idea Should you get pissed I don't know Did you break up with him I don't know No they're still together Oh Judy thanks for the hat Bad choice
Starting point is 01:40:24 I got the hat my desire is bad choice i got i got the hat there you go great hat i'm a trump i'm a mag a nut job i got kicked out of six flags once for saying sleeves are bullshit on a shirt i wore a shirt that said sleeves are bullshit yeah yeah take go, yeah, take that off. And then I took it off and they go, you got to wear a shirt. What did you do? Leave then? Like, yeah, we got to go buy a shirt.
Starting point is 01:40:54 I'm like, all right, I'm going to leave then. Did you buy a shirt? Oh, you didn't buy a shirt? No, I just left. Oh. It was like the end of the day. Oh. It was all right.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Like, get it. I don't want bullshit on a shirt and six flags. I get it. Oh, there you go. See? So I just left. And I don't care. But in this case, I'm Brian and I care.
Starting point is 01:41:18 And I want to come back in a six flags and I still want to wear my sleeves of bullshit T-shirt. And if anyone's... I don't know. i don't think that's dumb i don't think that's dumb to ask him to take off a shirt that has swear words on it no it's fine it's just that's their living room that's that's the same thing yeah totally it's a it's a kid's amusement park yeah that's how conservative you know I am I don't think you should chop penises off
Starting point is 01:41:47 that's the kind of MAGA nut job I am because what I imagine is all the kids are going to look at that shirt and go hey mom what's bullshit I'm not going to do that to a bunch of kids or just as fuck on it but here's the thing if I owned six flags
Starting point is 01:42:03 I would have handled it different I'd walk up to you with a six flag shirt and I'd be like, hi, sir. We apologize, but there's kids here and we just don't want the word bullshit on your shirt. Do you mind? We have a free shirt for you. That's what I'd have handled it. Sorry, Mr. 12 Daily Doses. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:42:24 That's how I would have handled it. Sorry, Mr. 12 Daily Doses. You know what I mean? That's how I would have handled it. Handled it. You can't do anything around him, so. Who? Greg? Oh, no, he's cool. You know what's crazy? There's a comment in the comment section where someone's criticizing 12 Daily Doses,
Starting point is 01:42:39 but yesterday someone called in, and the comment thinks it was 12 daily doses that called in so 12 daily doses takes an ass pounding for something he didn't even do like oh that's fucked up he's got a very distinct voice actually he's notorious yeah damn all right so that's it now you guys know i mean I know most of you still don't know after I told you just like you don't most of you don't know what wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki is oh we're bringing it back
Starting point is 01:43:11 it's like we never left the sun's just up we've been here all night the root of the clitoris is that's what the wiki wiki wiki it's rubbing the root the root of the catoris
Starting point is 01:43:27 do some people not understand that like they don't understand the catoris just drop the l it's now catoris kitty kitty taurus catoris oh yeah yeah sorry i forgot today's a big day this is supposed to be a born primitive show today's this one right now is? I think. I don't know. Is it? No. Caleb said no. We do another one in a few hours, and then we do another. Hopefully Frank connects those dots. Yeah, this is a born primitive show. Hey, my sponsors don't even tell me how to spend the money. That's how fucking whack this show is.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Just do a good job. Yeah. Please. We believe in you. Okay, so Can we go over to the CrossFit Games YouTube page and see what the... Oh, yes. My favorite past time.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Oh, no. That's how many followers they've had. Don't do anything that doesn't align with my politics and get me the political landscape, Hiller. Don't do anything that fucks with my politics. Damn. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Oh, look at that. 1.02 now. They put on 20,000 subscribers. Oh, nice. Okay. CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 live announcement. Is it 1.30? Central Standard Time. Okay, so that's 1.30. That's Central Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Okay, so that's 11.30 for me. Okay, yeah, so we'll come back. I think we should come back. I should call John. I should figure out what's going on. I think we should come on a little bit before. What do you think? They said that they were going to do that community workout
Starting point is 01:45:02 before the announcement. Let me see. Who am I having on the show? John and J.R. Hey, do we find out during the past hour or so that Brian's not coming on later? That who? Brian's not coming on? Brian's not coming on later?
Starting point is 01:45:21 No, I don't think Brian's coming on later. But he did offer you his services. Yeah, but I thanked him. I think that was nice of him until he said it publicly because I just see it as a tactic. He also texted me saying he liked my deadlift video and I said thank you. Thanks, homie, I think is what I said.
Starting point is 01:45:37 So I also responded. He said it publicly because I just see it as a tactic. He also texted me. Caller, hi. How was that? Uncle Seve. Hey, Matuthian. Who's this?
Starting point is 01:45:51 Hey, this is Dale. Hey, guys. Hey, brother. Really appreciate the foreskin hot dog talk earlier. That really got me going. Oh, good. Yeah. Foreskin's a remarkable phenomenon, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:46:10 Totally. Hey, I didn't want to take up your time, but community announcement. The man who makes Matuthian is going to be one of the guys throwing down. Is going to be what? Is going to be the guys throwing down in the uh community workout
Starting point is 01:46:26 oh shit the stir the stir the matuthean stir yeah yeah yeah so his name is ricky shaw the shout out to heather lawrence she's the one that reached out to me to get get ricky to come down there and be the guy so i wanted to give her some love and then everybody then wait wait ricky shaw's a ricky shaw's a boy or a girl it's a it's a dude it's a dude oh my god we should have got him a matuthian shirt holy shit fuck the pooch don't worry do we not know how to sell anything who's on the marketing team yeah that's what's going on that's the man that man so listen uh i fucking love this guy so ricky ricky is just one of the dudes like restores your faith in humanity um he literally went from making meth to making metuthian whoa wow metuthion hey that's a mouth yeah so here's some of the
Starting point is 01:47:27 strong points of metuthion a former meth uh cook is now making your metuthion and also only one out of 10 doctors recommend metuthion thank you holy wow boom awesome but yeah so i just wanted to hop on here let everybody know to tune in and cheer for him. He goes, dude, I'm going to go till my heart explodes. So that's what you're going to see here in a couple hours. Okay, that's awesome. Hey. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:47:58 He works for Doc Spartan, chief Matuthian production author, CrossFit level one. He now coaches at the prison that he, uh, he went to dude. So. Oh shit. Wow. Yeah, man. Hey, Dale, I'm going to call you later and we're going to work on some of our marketing tools, uh, uh, perfect live calling shows and sharing like the origins of the, the, the, the cook. I mean the stir, uh, yep. origins of the the the cook i mean the stir uh yep for the product yeah uh just so you know for now on i i want to be uh paid to come on the show just so we're clear thank you god you're a dick okay bye
Starting point is 01:48:38 all right shit emma weens uh uh um uh when you say doctors don't recommend it, it makes me want to use it more. I know. I like that. God, you have a nice armpit. Look at her lat. Yum. It's more of a pec, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:54 I mean, it's like both, I suppose. Look at her lat. Pec delt. Shoulder definition. It's both. It's pec delt, little bit of lat. Great arms. Look at that crap.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Wow. Good Lord. Dude. Oh, man. little bit of lat great arms look at that crap wow good lord dude oh man Emma you and I should meet out in the field with a box of wine Emma god I love a fucking lat did you see
Starting point is 01:49:20 that thing she's a stud she could bend over and pick up a fucking box of wine you know what i mean two boxes of wine put it in the trunk of my car she ain't using that fucking hand truck 24 bottles and i mean you need lights to pick stuff up that's not the first thing i think of i know i just like i just like the thought of her just like, ugh. Fuck. You know some guys flex their tits? I don't ever flex my tits,
Starting point is 01:49:53 but you know how men flex their tits gratuitously? What, they can make them bounce? Yeah, I flex my lats. They don't call me Dorito for nothing. I don't care, but I love it. When you flex your latsats you kind of turn into a triangle, yeah, you look like a fucking god Whatever the three doritos are triangular dude. Yeah fucking hold your dorito. I kind of like that. That's cool. Yeah, that's dope Dorito, I don't have to pee. I don't have to pee. I'm just chilling I'm i'm actually organizing the the show it looks like um uh
Starting point is 01:50:27 fuck we're stoked we got grunler on the next show 11 a.m so we'll come on like a half hour before they go live um we'll shoot the shit we'll get some workouts hopefully john will be there but we got grunler i mean be a dick you got Grendler, you don't need much else. He's like at the Swiss army knife. Okay. Um, my favorite clip of any podcast so far. Oh, here we go. I did the Frisbee show for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:50:58 Oh. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I would never be able to do that. The Frisbee shows? No. Dude. Hey, it's like nine.
Starting point is 01:51:21 I'd probably say 80% of the time I want to do the things I'm doing. And then the other 20% of the time I want to do the things I'm doing. And then the other 20% of the time, I know that it's going to drive attention. And like, like what? Like thumbnails. Like I like doing the shows. I don't like making the thumbnails, but sometimes, but I make thumbnails for the new shows. Is that 20%? Is that 20% like making thumbnails?
Starting point is 01:51:39 If you don't know what the thumbnail is and you don't know what the title is, you shouldn't even do the show. Oh, that's where I start. When I make the deadlift video that I made, I'm like, oh, I'm going to make the deadlift video. Because you already have the thumbnail.
Starting point is 01:51:56 It's the same thing. I'm going to make a video. What should it be on? It's like your skyscraper thing. It's the exact same thing. I'm going to make a video. I don't know. I do a make a video. I don't know. Hey, I do a show every morning. I don't know what the thumbnail is going to be. Or the title.
Starting point is 01:52:10 Or the title. You're just building a building every day. No. I mean, no. No, no. I know what the show is going to be about. You know what I mean? I have copious notes and research on guests and all that but i but i don't i i don't think of the thumbnail or the title i wish i did
Starting point is 01:52:31 i'm not the thumbnail but i wish i could come up with better titles so wait a second so you'll just be you'll just be sitting there and you'll see Bill Leahy taking a shower. You'll close your eyes and you'll be falling asleep and you see Bill Leahy in your mind's eye taking a shower. And you're like, oh my God, I'm going to go visit Bill Leahy tomorrow and make a video. Oh, I see the thumbnail. I see the thumbnail. It's Bill Leahy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Doing Farmer's Walk. I have to do a video with Bill Leahy. Cause I saw that exact thing. Wait, do you know, wait a second. You see the, you see the thumbnail.
Starting point is 01:53:12 So you don't even, you'll just see a thumbnail and it's Bill Leahy doing farmer's walk. At the end of it, I'll go, Hey, this is going to be the thumbnail for this video. But, but Emma Lawson video,
Starting point is 01:53:23 the thumbnail did not come first because you were fucking just walking around at Whole Foods and ran into her and then, and you just, you pivot,
Starting point is 01:53:30 you just started shooting it. I asked Nori if I could make a video immediately because I knew it would be killer. Right. I couldn't see that one coming to be fair. True, true, fair, fair, fair.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Then while I was recording an hour and a half later, I go, this is also going to be the thumbnail. That's pretty quick. Were you, were you frustrated that you didn't have the thumbnail ahead of time? No.
Starting point is 01:53:48 What am I doing? The sequencing of this creativity is all out of whack. Let's see. I could probably look at a whole bunch of these things and say, yep, the title and the thumbnail came first. Who said that? Wait, what? Pull that comment up. What?
Starting point is 01:54:05 What'd you say and then people say I do things for clicks and I'm like yeah actually 100% that's like the only thing I do I'm struggling I'm that's amazing it's almost like you're channeling you're being given orders from God on what videos to make by him projecting or her projecting
Starting point is 01:54:25 thumbnails into your head. That's dope. Dude. Dudes. TV footage. What? Jamie Doran. This guy's Irish as a motherfucker. Oh, I get it. Dudes, love the podcast. Long time watcher. First time comment.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Salute you. Thank you. Hey, Andrew. That 24.2 video was dope. Crazy to think someone from the box couldn't review CCTV footage or something. Like a security cam of the chick doing the workout. I got a message this morning from what I'm assuming is a friend of hers from Over the
Starting point is 01:54:58 Pond because it was broken English. It's like, you make fun of a friend. That's not cool. Oh, shit. I'm like, no, I didn't. I'm like, dude, she didn't do the work. I don't think you make fun of a friend that's not cool oh shit i'm like no i didn't i'm like dude she didn't do the work i don't think you made fun of her i don't think you've ever made fun of anybody yeah i don't think you made fun of her i continually stated that she didn't provide a video so i don't think that she did the work hey dude or just saying she didn't do the work and i sincerely don't think she made that up what are you talking about the chick claw
Starting point is 01:55:26 the claw chick who had an extra round in there yeah someone fucked up her counting that could totally happen that's a fucking lot there's a lot of shit going on in that workout she's not the only one i do there's people who under counted rounds and over counted rounds you are five foot eight i'm five five no you're five foot eight caleb tell you're five". No, you're 5'8". Caleb, tell him. You're 5'8", dude. You're 5'8". You come up to my shoulder. I'm going to get JR on the phone. He's going to tell you you're 5'8". Then all of a sudden, someone's going to walk up to you. Hey, dude, how tall are you?
Starting point is 01:55:54 Oh, I'm 5'8". He's like, no, you're not. You believe it. I think that's what happened to Emily. Oh, yeah. You got 10,000 pounds. Yeah, you totally did. Totally capable of it. There's no way if she was going that hard either that she knew. I mean, like if you're eight or, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Were you able to count your rounds when you were doing it? No. Yeah, it's fucking. Well, yes. Oh, okay. But she's a girl. Oh, that was sexist. But she's a girl oh that was sexist but she's a girl call her hi hello caller hey hey good morning if you say so hey uh yeah i'm glad uh you took my call so
Starting point is 01:56:39 i'm thinking we're desperate we take every call we take every call we're desperate i you know you're you're uh yeah it's like the meth dealer i wonder if he still has all of his teeth but uh yeah there should be a hashtag i think for like you know former you know meth addicts in prison i haven't looked up those hashtags on the leaderboard yet but uh i would be up there pretty high you were a meth addict yeah do you ever do synex now or do you ever do um mucinex or any of that no did you know what i'm talking about because i was doing i was doing some synex this a few times in the last week it's the stuff you spray in your nose when your nose is clogged you spray it in there before you go to bed
Starting point is 01:57:22 and dude and it burns so much and every time i do it i get meth flashbacks i'm like you get a little nasal drip of like oh all that shit dude it's crazy hey and i start wanting to just do it more like but i cut myself off like three nights in a row and i'm done but i always want to do more yeah and it says one spray and i never do less than three like and just suck it i try to suck it into my fucking frontal lobe clear out the nostrils a little bit make sure you get a good breath before you take the first rip how did you quit did you go to rehab yeah i was arrested uh ari. Yeah, like 21 years old, alcohol, drug court, all that stuff. But yeah, I'm longtime sober now. But yeah, I mean, meth, it's one you look like a create, you know, you're, you're, you're creating toothpaste for people in the CrossFit space. So, you know, it's a, it's pretty wild, uh, even coming out of it, you know, what you end up doing with your life.
Starting point is 01:58:32 Yeah. Congratulations. Hey, are you one of the guys that's like, you know, some of the really hardcore meth guys turn to like endurance running shitload of tattoos and piercings. Did you go that route? Uh, well I'm 40 now I've been sober 19 years and i have no piercings no tattoos um i crossfit five six times a week up in portland main shout out to misfit uh shout out to hillar fit who uh i get the email every week and i love the workouts so um but um, but, uh, yeah, I mean, if I would have kept on going out, you know, I see what happens with people, you know, three, four, five, six plus years out there, um, you know, can just fry your brain. So the fact that I can still, you know, do what I can do in CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:59:18 you know, on a rower doing whatever the workout is. And I smoked and did all those things in the past just still um again i need a hashtag for that like i need my own division for you know one pack a day former meth addict uh you know father uh what did you smoke did you what did you smoke oh you know just uh one to two packs a day of filtered, unfiltered, Camel. Yeah. Lucky Strike. You ever do Lucky Strike without the filter? No, but I did feel very ethnic when I smoked New Force for about like three months straight.
Starting point is 01:59:57 How about, did you ever roll your own? Did you ever roll your own? No. I couldn't. I would like pack things into things but never roll my own i thought like uh that was just above my pay grade it's like someone who gives like good at music they just pick up a guitar and start playing like that same with rolling like i just never never worked for me it was all over the place i loved rolling it's a kind of it's a fun little thing for like a method
Starting point is 02:00:19 meth addict to do because it gives you like you know what i mean you can do that you can fiddle with your hands and shit yeah the uh the art yeah the just the ritual i mean that was the one thing was i don't even think it was the actual you know doing it anymore more of just the ritual of every day this is what we do and this is how we score and this is how we did you have an altoids can did you have an altoid cans with a credit card and razor blade in it? No Altoids, but yeah, cigarette pack, find anything hard, back of a bathroom toilet, anywhere that was hard enough to
Starting point is 02:00:53 do what I need to do. God, that shit was so fun. It was good for a bit, and then until it stopped being good, and then it was just a nightmare for uh a while i agree the ritual is so fun anyway all right yeah the ritual is and strangely strangely enough i and i still i saw uh email from crossfit the other day and then i saw something
Starting point is 02:01:18 from broken science who i follow on instagram as well and i really liked you guys being out um you know your your content from the other day but it's so strange because both of them are still listed in prescott arizona and that's where i got sober and i think i've called in here before but i used to wait on greg and his whole crew down at the restaurant downtown like when i didn't even know crossfit Which restaurant? Lone Spur Cafe. Holy shit, dude. Holy shit. Hey, he gave crazy tips, huh? Oh, my God. He would come in, and this is Greg.
Starting point is 02:02:00 He's the man. He would come in. He would get a drink and in his fam, you know, his family, all these people, if the bill was like 20 bucks, he'd leave 25. If the bill was 50, he'd leave 50. If it was a hundred, he'd leave a hundred. Like, yeah. Yeah. He always doubles the ballers. Crazy. Yeah. Oh my God. And he was always in just very humble and quiet. And I didn't even know who, you know, in hindsight now I'm like, dude, I didn't even know who I was waiting on. And I'd hear him talking about exercise or this or that,
Starting point is 02:02:29 but, you know, they, just great, great dude. But anyway, it's so strange because that was my CrossFit journey and I see broken sciences there, you know, as far as corporate, you know, headquarters, but that's where I got sober and I didn't even know. It was like the home, one of the homes of CrossFit. So strange. Yeah. That's awesome. Uh, the first time I ever went out to Prescott,
Starting point is 02:02:49 he took me to, to the, to the Lone Spur Cafe. And I remember he ordered an iced tea and a hamburger. And when the hamburger came, he put salt on it. And like I had been raised that that was so bad. I was like, how did, how is the fitness guy putting salt on his hamburger? I was like judging the fuck out of them. Makes, yeah. Makes you wonder, wonder but what did what did you get now you remember what you got i probably i probably got the same thing i just didn't put salt on it but now i salt everything i'm a fucking salt fiend yeah your midwest is shit now i love it yeah yeah it was
Starting point is 02:03:23 the best the biggest breakfast uh of all time i mean the french toast special the omelets uh everything it was amazing and then they got bought out it was uh after i had left by this like mormon family who unfortunately um kind of sunk it a bit oh yeah didn't they have a restaurant across the street they opened too then they opened another place across the street right that mormon family did like a dinner a dinner place or something right yeah yeah they did that but they had a bunch of places down in phoenix and uh it was it turned into like a small corporatey thing and just lost its charm and you know went to scale and and it just turned you know like anything just kind of turns to shit um but you know it was good memories i was there for like five me and my wife were
Starting point is 02:04:03 there for like five years and um but wife were there for like five years. And, but, but yeah, so yeah. Are you still married? Are you still married? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My wife, Jasmine, my lovely lady, we've been married since 12 together since 06. Wow.
Starting point is 02:04:18 Congrats. That's amazing. Thank you. Yeah. We're, you know, long-term marriages. How did you end up in maine how do you end up in maine so uh yeah i didn't know crossfit before i left in 2015 got out here because uh we had our son remy and uh my mother-in-law and you know whole family is out here in maine that's where
Starting point is 02:04:39 my wife's originally but the cool thing you know, talking about addiction rehab, but I said, listen, if we're going to go up to me, like we should, I worked in the addiction field for a little bit. And I said, we should, we should open a treatment center, a drug and alcohol treatment center. And we're just going to risk the entire, we're going to let it ride, you know, everything we own, you know, we're going to go into debt. We're going to either make it work or we're not. And so we came out here, uh, in the spring of 15 and essentially got licensed, uh, you know, got some properties and, you know, found our staff, our amazing staff. And from 15 up until 21, we just went from like two employees to over 40.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Oh, so you're rich now. You have, you're rich now. Well, uh, I'm, I'm doing okay. Yeah. Drug treatment centers do well. Oh, so you're rich now. You have, you're rich now. Well, uh, I'm, I'm doing okay. Yeah. Drug treatment centers do well. Oh, okay. Congratulations. They do. Yeah. All right. Yeah. COVID COVID is, is, is as shitty as it was, was, uh, really good for us. Yeah. We fell, you know, before it goes tits up. And luckily there was a bunch of, uh, you know, people out there that wanted to, before it goes tits up. And luckily there was a bunch of, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:43 people out there that wanted to, you know, it's up. So we didn't go to nothing. And now I cross it, you know, in my normal, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:53 life of, you know, five or six times a week and listen to your show. Thank you. Thank you. And Hiller, obviously I listen and follow you. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:03 Thank you. Great story. Thank you. Wait, wait, wait. No, no. One thing before I Okay, thank you. And I respect you. Great story. Thank you. Wait, wait, wait. No? No? One thing before I let you go. One thing I let you go.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Okay. What are your thoughts on video? Like, why don't the top 100 people have to submit videos? No, no, no. No, thank you. I love you. Bye. Augustus thinks Sevan is 5'8". Where'd he go? go ec i hung up on him he had two is a 10
Starting point is 02:06:28 minute mark ec that's crazy ecs sounds someone just let you know we're available to leave comments in the chat tomorrow night but we want uh pain see this company yeah this company's amazing how active it is in this chat why isn't this company afraid this company this is crazy this come i'm always blown away by this. This is the opposite. This company is wild that it hangs out in this chat. Anytime anyone hangs out in this chat that belongs to a company, I'm like, yeah, that brand must rock.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Like you have a set of balls. Hey, and isn't it funny? Think of the people that come on this show. Hiller, Chris Cooper, Katie Henninger, Dave Castro. And then I have to hear about someone being afraid. Just put it all in context it's crazy uh esc esc sounds you literally inspired the name of our company oh every second count sounds wow oh shit wow
Starting point is 02:07:38 i didn't even think of that wow I don't get it. Every second counts. Wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, trip i have to go because i i want to chill before the next show um oh here we go if you need an investment advisor with balls i know a guy graciano rubio you know he's got the biggest traps on this planet right i'd when he's in the room i stare i inappropriately stare gaze it's hard i don't caught gaze, but I Graciano gaze. It's crazy. When I was taking photos of the Broken Science event, I think I took, there's probably an inordinate amount of them, of him.
Starting point is 02:08:32 Like just gratuitous, like, hey, Graciano's over there. Snap a few of that. Snap a few of that. He's kind of a that. He deserves his own pronoun. You know I'm not a big fan of pronouns, but I give graciano just that each have the biggest traps they go all the way down basically his butt they're not supposed to go that low okay we'll call them trats down to his trap you know the trap muscle
Starting point is 02:08:56 these things that looks like these right yeah but they go all the way down yeah um one of those workouts 24.2 made my traps sore in a place i didn't even know my traps were but i still knew it was my traps when they got sore it was weird check it out oh yeah okay okay you see how they're kind of up here yeah let's go all the way down to here him and graciano and jake douglas should have a kid together i think he's got kids he said that his kids he said his kids are like big and they bully they like accidentally bully people because they're too big is that it was pretty funny like he said his kids are his kids are ms-13 what's that
Starting point is 02:09:37 see he's like he'll come on. He'll eat three bananas. That's cool. But he's seven. I go, dude, that's not that many bananas. I eat three bananas. And he goes, yeah, you're 30. He's seven. Hey, I could see Graciano sitting in a king's chair. Like a big old throne.
Starting point is 02:09:57 Yeah. Yeah. Like, Graciano has some, like uh piercings that he pulls off like it works for him is that what you're saying yeah it's like yeah like i'm not a fan of piercings but when i saw him on him like yep that works it's kind of like the dude like there's a dude who it works when he has his cigarettes rolled up in his sleeves like that's it yeah gross you know it's like whatever his look is like he's like I got no problem with it I don't even know what it is I'm looking at
Starting point is 02:10:30 I'm fine with it but not everyone can do that he did a video at Tillander recently at Graciano he was out at there was something going on in Texas did he make him cry did he make Tillander cry yeah dude there's no
Starting point is 02:10:47 fucking way my nose is bigger than fucking Bill Grundler's are you out of your fucking mind I think it's relativity because Bill's also taller than you so it looks smaller on him yeah Bill's nose is fucking huge Bill Bill has birds nesting in his nostrils. I hate birds nesting, dude. I got this log cabin.
Starting point is 02:11:14 It's like they think that they own the place. Dude, when I just... And you have little piles of bird poop like on the ground and you're like... There's birds everywhere. And like you look up and you're like, fuck, someone's got a nest up there. And everything on Greg's house has these little little the bird spikes to keep them out i gotta get some of those bird spikes i don't like those those are offensive i find those offensive to the to my liberal values liberal values my log cabin and bird spikes but bill is sexy uh here's a here's an interesting marketing strategy matuthian is really just seve's but Bill is sexy.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Here's an interesting marketing strategy. Matuthian is really just Seve's nose dust. No, let's cross that one off the list. All right. I think we're coming back at 11. The only, let me see. J.R. Howell's in and John's in. Okay. Oh,
Starting point is 02:12:08 um, this is the second time pressure washing has been brought up, but the first time it was in relation to additions. Yeah. I think Dale was on and they're like, Hey, if you think method is addictive, try pressure washing your patio.
Starting point is 02:12:25 You ever, you ever done that? Pressure wash the patio? Dude, I got a pressure washer and I sprayed it on the side of my motorhome and it just took off a huge chunk of paint. Oh, God. No. Much too much. Yeah. Did you sell your motorhome?
Starting point is 02:12:42 Yeah. Yeah, I wish you still had that thing oh god i every once in a while i think about buying a new one but i'm thinking about getting a motorhome dude if i could advise you against it i would i mean why would you do that my uncle's got one it's so much work dude what part of? You just drive it and freaking fuel it. It's just always falling apart. It's just, it's like. That's why you got to get a new one.
Starting point is 02:13:11 Yeah. What if you get like a pull behind or something? Okay, listen, Bill and JR and John, listen. We're struggling with communication right now. And I have a feeling it's my fault. We're struggling with communication right now, and I have a feeling it's my fault. Listen, in 46 minutes, I'm going to text you guys and tell you that we're doing a show in one hour. Right?
Starting point is 02:13:36 Is that smart, Caleb? Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm going to have to move the show, though. We're going to have to pull it up a little bit, but that's fine. Okay. So in 46 minutes, I'm going to text you text you guys and then I'm gonna be like, okay We have a show in one hour. Oh Shit, hold on. Sousa is texting me. She's usually too busy to text me. Hey, dude, you know, it's wild Sorry, oh I would love a jump rope sponsor what?
Starting point is 02:13:59 CrossFit Games goes alive and they get two hundred thousand live viewers and these live shows get a million right supposedly how come that can happen but then when they put up justin madaris versus colden mertens it only gets 12 000 views dave cashrow announces the workout 5.8 000 it's the same thing you think it would be good for at least 50 seth rollins announces workout 2.5 thousand that's terrible yeah and you know it's crazy when we just break out the workout from our show and put it on our sub clip station which only has like a thousand subscribers we get fucking 10,000 views
Starting point is 02:14:35 I think uh huh uh huh yeah something doesn't make sense I know something doesn't make sense I know if it looks like a duck something doesn't make sense. I know, something doesn't make sense. I know. Whether there's smoke, there's fire. If it looks like a duck... Something doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 02:14:48 And it quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. All right, guys. I got to get juiced up. All right, the show is on in two hours. Oh, by the way, hey, would you take a rain sponsorship? Would you drop C4 and drink rain? I don't have a C4 sponsorship anymore. So you would take a rain sponsorship? Would you drop C4 and drink rain? I don't have a C4 sponsorship anymore. So you would take a rain sponsorship?
Starting point is 02:15:12 So the thing is, I had a rain the other day, and it was pretty good. Oh, you did? It depends. Why wouldn't you? Here's the thing, dude. This space is so fucking hard to break into with fucking energy drinks. I would want a liquid death sponsorship. That's what I want.
Starting point is 02:15:27 I wouldn't want rain for the sole reason that everyone's got a rain sponsorship. No, no, no. Here's the thing, dude. This space is really hard to break into with energy drinks. The CrossFit space. The most authentic person in the space with energy drinks is you. Since day
Starting point is 02:15:43 one, you've been chugging energy drinks. If I want in this space, and I want to peddle that garbage, I do it to the guy who fucking is like, fuck you, I drink it. Yeah, the thing is that I definitely actually drink them. I mean, I've had rain, but it's nowhere near as many C4s or ghosts that I've had. But at the end of the day, they're all the same, aren't they? They taste different. But yeah, they're the same. They're all energy drinks, 200,
Starting point is 02:16:10 300. Hey, that's the thing Rain's got going for it, though. Why don't they just say, hey, Hiller, what flavor is your favorite flavor of C4? And you're like, Starburst Vagina flavor. And they're like, okay, we're going to make a rainbow Starburst Vagina flavor. And then they make it, and you're like okay we're gonna make a rainbow uh starburst vagina flavor and then they make it and you're like and then you dude i'm just that ass i'd probably do that it makes
Starting point is 02:16:32 no sense to me that you would ask uh no or danielle brandon to hold that when you're when like someone with a million followers is not going to sell more energy drinks than you if if they're not made if they're not cohesive with that brand. I started drinking C4 after I saw you, dude, I would have never drank a C4 if it wasn't for Hiller. Not in a million years. I've probably had 10 now in my life. Never. Athena's mom is drinking them now at like 830 at night.
Starting point is 02:17:01 I'm telling you, it's like, like I'll be at a gas station. It's eight o'clock and I have three more hours left in my drive. And I see a C4. I'm like, well, Hiller would do it. And that's, I justify it. And I drink one. I just, I don't get these fucking, I don't get who's marketing for these. No one's drinking a monster energy drink because the UFC fighters holding it in the ring like this.
Starting point is 02:17:20 And we all see someone hand it to him. I've never, I've never, I've never had a monster in my life never drank a monster they're kind of shitty nope never had one dude i usually love those bfcs oh that's not true i have cans with the twist tops yeah oh i don't that's interesting i don't like that vessel yes mason mason has this thing down. Hitler has people on steroids and C4. What a blessing to the community. Don't talk to Elliot, dude. You've been talking to Elliot Simmons. Hey, that's not even the point, though.
Starting point is 02:17:55 My point is, if you want in the space, just like, hey, if you wanted to do butt beads or anal plugs, you would choose Mason Mitchell. Like, hey, if you wanted to do butt beads or anal plugs, you would choose Mason Mitchell. Someone who authentically uses them before every bike ride. He shoves in 12 feet of anal beads and then jumps on his little fucking bike. Yeah, I mean, you know. Jesus.
Starting point is 02:18:21 All right. Hey, dude. Sure. They're the only energy drink really left out there other than Bang that's got 300 milligrams of caffeine. But Bang's kind of. As soon as they took off the word create numbers out. Right. Wow. 12 feet.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Wow. Yeah. 12 feet, dude. I'm really big on liquid death right now. That's my new one. Hey, dude, I was was at julie other day and i i got out of jewel i had like things that you can't get at costco that's what i go to jewel for it's a grocery what the fuck is oh okay i don't know what it is like a mariano's or whatever
Starting point is 02:18:55 i don't know what you got out there safeway uh but but i see a liquid death truck and i go stars of the line i walk right up to the thing and i knock on the guy's window and i go hey can you get me in touch with somebody that works with you guys i can't and he goes i don't really do that i just stock the store but i'll give you some uh liquid death and he gave me a couple cases of liquid death a couple cases yeah no shit flavors that just came out like this cherry flavor and this orange flavor hey is there caffeine in liquid death there is in the tea they have a tea but no not in the it's just like sparkling water isn't it flavored sparkling water but i don't think that's something i would have done if i were on testosterone by the way it's a thought i would have had like god i should totally walk up to that thing but i looked at
Starting point is 02:19:40 it and i go yep this is my shot oh so shot. Oh, so you're saying because you're on testosterone, that gave you a little more chutzpah. Yeah, dude. I drank my first few liquid deaths this past week at Greg's house, and there was 20 calories in the big can. I prefer just sparkling water. 20 calories in a gallon. I mean, I don't know why I mentioned that.
Starting point is 02:20:04 I just mentioned it because it's not I thought it was just water but then I looked and there is some like little bit of sugar I don't really care about sugar I just wasn't a fan of the flavor I don't need the flavor Heidi this isn't true and if it is cool
Starting point is 02:20:18 what does that even mean that's some shit Alexis would say she'll say stop cursing yourself What does that even mean? That's some shit Alexis would say. She'll say, stop cursing yourself. I break the word curse. That's what Alexis says. It's crazy. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:20:37 This is so crazy. I think I saw one of these the other day. Hey dude, it would be hard to be a single man on TRT. What? Or awesome. I don't know. Hey, dude, this is a fake girl. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:20:55 Obviously. No, dude, that's a real girl. No, this is an AI, dude. How do you know? Did you ask her? No, Sousa just told me all right how many oh dude she's killing it yeah for sure you should have her on the show i don't fucking try and you can't have an ai on the show can you i mean can you click on one of these and see if there's comments
Starting point is 02:21:21 on them uh killer's fucking killer smile. Good morning. Good luck. You got this. Oh, I love this. It makes me smile. Beautiful smile. Gorgeous.
Starting point is 02:21:29 How do you know she's fake, dude? Because Azusa told me it's a fucking AI. What? How does he know? Everyone in here seems to think she's real. She's not real, dude. No, she's fake for sure. Look at all the pictures, dude.
Starting point is 02:21:45 So what? You think that burger's real this burger was an absolute dream look being 23 never tasted so good dude she's real holy shit dude um uh she looks like um what's her name yes but her face doesn't look like that in the next couple pictures yes god Yes, God, wow. I think Suze is wrong. I think you guys are wrong. You're out of your fucking mind. If we're wrong, we're wrong. I hope you're joking, Hiller. Yeah, look at the picture next to her. That doesn't look like Gal Gadot.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Wrong. I thought I saw another. I thought I saw ask her for bobs and vagina. I think she saw another. I thought I saw. Ask her. Ask her for Bob's and Vagina. I think she looks similar. She's just going to. Her head makes her entire face look different.
Starting point is 02:22:33 What's crazy is it doesn't. What's her link tree? Business inquiries. What pops up when you click on that? Just another tab. Hmm. I don't know, dude. Amazing.
Starting point is 02:22:52 No one should follow any of the Hoochie Mamas. No one should follow. I don't think you should follow any of the Hoochie Mamas. It's a honey trap. I just think they're all fake. Hello? Even if I'm wrong, I'm okay with being wrong Hello
Starting point is 02:23:07 Hey dude I That chick is fake as fuck dude Oh yes get him get him How do you know Dude zoom in and look at the fucking fingers By the way The fingers It's always the fingers
Starting point is 02:23:22 Every single picture is a saved-act post. That account is run by a dude. That's the world we live in now. Hey, this account's run by Hiller. We just fucked Hiller's next fucking big money scheme. Influencers and shit is nuts. You know what's crazier than that? It's the dudes in the comments.
Starting point is 02:23:46 It's about as bad as the daniel brandon reel that we posted oh my god daniel brandon's as real as they get listen if you want to just look at hot chicks just follow daniel brandon and erase everyone else jesus christ already you don't need this chick if we have daniel brandon we don't need this chick hey what about her finger suza i'm looking at this i wanted to zoom in on her vagina on this one with the bathing suit on because it does it looks like it's like a stick on bathing suit it looks like yeah it's not it's not it's crazy but if you go through some of the photos you'll see the flaws and see the flaws in ai which is a similar uh thing happening with the royal family did you see what happened with that uh that's right yeah why do people care about the royal family thing who cares if she photoshopped it i don't
Starting point is 02:24:29 get i didn't get that one like this one i get she didn't photoshop it i heard it's because there's some sort of weird medical shit going she's like been gone and then they tried to say no look this is her photo check it out and it was all compiled by ai oh oh hey can you take can you put together a photo of my family together in the back seat of a car if she did that imagine what happens if you could go disappeared for a period of time but people would be sent because your online profile is still active with ai photos of you can someone make an uh photo uh can i make a photo of me and andrew in a bathtub together washing each other's backshing each other's backs?
Starting point is 02:25:06 Washing each other's backs. With one of those long wooden handles with the brush on the end? I can hardly hear you. Hold on one second, Sousa. Hold on. Fucking phone. Goddamn phone. Every caller goes whack I don't think hello
Starting point is 02:25:26 are you back Susa yeah yeah I got you I disconnected you and brought you back okay all right well thank you hey let's keep let's keep pulling up these fake women this is fun yeah yeah I just had
Starting point is 02:25:42 to call it because I could not believe that Hillary didn't jump on the fact that it was fake immediately hey I get no chub from this that's how i know i'm either gay or it's fake hillary will spot a no rep deadlift from a mile away but not a oh i bet you're wearing a barbell and you're black. You wanted it quick as shit. All right. Bye. Bye. It's called autism.
Starting point is 02:26:09 I only know, I know what I know and I don't know anything else. That is a real girl. Probably gay. Check the odds in Vegas. Okay. Hey, if anybody wants to get a whole bunch of engagement on something, do what Spin's doing and just post about the winners of 24. Okay. Hey, if anybody wants to get a whole bunch of engagement on something, do what Spin's doing and just post about the winners of 24.2.
Starting point is 02:26:31 Oh, is that the Claw Girl? Yeah. Let me see. What did he post? Let me read it up top. CrossFit announced Henrik Hapalainen and Emily Claus the winners of 24.2 last night, but it was not without controversy. Tudor Magda received a 20% penalty for lack of hip extension on his deadlifts white claw oh wall claw white claw did not record her workout for crossfit to review maga mag magda dropped from first to 8723rd from the penalty
Starting point is 02:27:00 clause score was upheld but will not receive the Hey, so they're not going to give the money to second place? That doesn't even make any sense. No, dude. Not only did they save $2,024, but no, that's all they did. I had nothing else to say, I guess. Hey, I wonder if Tudor, if he could go back in time, would it just be like, yeah, I'm not going to give you my video. Fuck yeah. That's what I would do.
Starting point is 02:27:24 You're retarded if you give the video now. You're retarded. Anybody who gives the video is just dumb. No, no one else. Someone said, did Medeiros get a major penalty? No one else got a penalty. Cameron, what's up, dude? Hey, baby.
Starting point is 02:27:37 Hey, baby. Hey, you know what I had to say to me this morning? What? In the rule book, there's a clause that states that if you want to move on to the next level of competition you have to have a video of all your workouts and it states quarterfinals and semifinals well yeah but not the open
Starting point is 02:27:53 from the open to the quarterfinals pull that up let's see I don't believe you I can no longer pull up the messages on my I've limited your I've limited your
Starting point is 02:28:10 no no no no not that darn it where is this Grace Walton put out a video boss yeah it looks great section 1.2 Carolyn M new CrossFit term hey you clawed that Cross. Yeah, it looks great. Section 1.2.
Starting point is 02:28:27 Oh, Carolyn M., new CrossFit term. Hey, you clawed that, meaning you miscounted your rounds. Oh, we should start a fucking CrossFit Urban Dictionary. You clawed that. Hey, nice claw, bro. No Merskiing. Merskiing is when you bounce the barbell. Oh.
Starting point is 02:28:41 Don't do a Merski. That's what Bronislaw was doing. He was Murskiing. I haven't vetted this yet. So after selecting their country, well, maybe not. At the conclusion of the Open, the athletes and individuals who will move on to the quarterfinal competition, athletes in high-ranking positions must have videos of their Open workouts upon request from CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:29:03 That's it. Athletes in the individual men's and women's division who are ranked highest on the regional leaderboard will qualify for the quarterfinal competition. Athletes in high-ranking positions must have videos of their open workouts available upon request. Damn. Wow.
Starting point is 02:29:26 Yes, and it says qualify for the quarterfinals. Everything under one, I believe, is for the Open as well. That's why people like Tia have a video of it, right? That's why all the top people have videos of it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:42 So this is moving on, and they asked for the video, which they did. She better damn well have a video. And she doesn't. It says right there. Thank you, Katie Gannon, for pointing that out to me this morning. You're friends with Katie?
Starting point is 02:29:58 We're friends with everybody. I wish I was friends with Katie. She's a nice lady. Katie's cool. Crazy, right? Isn't that crazy? Yeah. They said that and then they're like, oh, whatever.
Starting point is 02:30:11 Now last night's show is back up to 5,000. Weird. Okay. Yeah, I bought your reviews. Oh, thank you. Yeah. All right, guys. We will see you in one hour and 30 minutes.
Starting point is 02:30:22 Thanks for hanging in today. Good show. If anyone was offended by it, that sucks. i've seen liar liar jake you good bye

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