The Sevan Podcast - LIVE CALL IN SHOW - The Zombie Mind Virus

Episode Date: November 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Barry Bruckheimer and director Yoakam Ronan comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Bam! We're live. Good morning. Sunday morning. The Tsunami Show.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I have a feeling this one's going to get gnarly. This could be the gnarliest show ever. Because I'm just tired of cherry-picking my notes. I'm just going to go through my fucking notes today. One at a time. Bam, bam, bam. Bam, bam. After first, I do a fucking crazy, crazy plug for my sponsors.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Do I have a different view so that like, oh, there they are. There we go. Shit. Look at that. Audrey, what's up? Kevin, what's up? Mr. Flores. Paulina, hey.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Paper Street Coffee. Matt Sousa's in his house. What's up, Matty? Hi. Hi. I'm gonna let you bring yourself in. I don't even know if you have pants on. Nice shirt. Good morning, Karina.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Erica, hey, good morning. Seema Globes. Good morning. Oh, Seema, this one's gonna be a wild show for you, girl. Mr. Anderson, listen. Listen. a wild show for you girl mr anderson listen listen how the fuck is egypt not letting in those people those people are all going to be flattened i was thinking imagine if my neighbor's house was on fire and they started jumping over the fence and i had a broom and I pushed him back over the fence onto their side. That would be, Oh, I lost Susan. That would be fucked up, right? How jacked up would that be? Neighbor's house is on fire. He comes running
Starting point is 00:02:39 over boom with a push broom, push him back over onto his side of the fence get the fuck back over there How are they not? Bam i'm live bruce wayne How at what point is it like hey, dude, you gotta let these people in Mr. Birchfield, hi, good morning Mike artunian mike. Did you see a vivek Ramaswamy with Pierce Morgan? He's like, how the fuck is all this stuff going on in Israel? No one's talking about Armenia. Same shit's going on in Armenia to my people. That's happening to the to the so-called Palestinians. You know why it sucks what happens to George Floyd? You know why it sucks? Because every civilized or healthy person sees another human being die and doesn't like it. Remember when I had Rich Froning on here the other day, and he even said, yeah, like when you kill the animal, you get a little heart pang. No healthy person wants to see another person die or suffer. you don't want to see it and the closer that that creature probably looks to you the more you have some sort of superficial empathy right so if i saw an armenian man 51 years old die i would be like fuck dude i'd be like that would really hurt because it would kind of look like me right
Starting point is 00:04:00 it's like when i saw that vampire movie, I saw that vampire movie. The fuck was the name of that vampire movie? There's a vampire movie that came out like 10 years ago. I've talked about it all the time. And the father in that had to become Dracula in order to save his kid's life. Basically, he had to embrace Satan in order to save his kid's life. Dracula Untold. Dracula Untold. Dracula Untold.
Starting point is 00:04:28 That was the name of the movie. And I cried my eyes out like a bitch. Because I could identify with it. So you're a black dude. You don't like this. Even if you know George Floyd's a complete douchebag. But you don't want to see him get killed. You think it's you being killed.
Starting point is 00:04:45 You're a little piece of you. You fucking hate it. Completely healthy. Completely normal. Completely healthy. You should not want to see someone die. No one wants to see what's happening. No one wants to see what's happening in Gaza happen.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Not at fucking all. Seema. But we got to be done by 10 Pacific Standard Time To watch Tyson God I love your hair Dude we're on autopilot We're in the matrix You don't have to worry about time change anymore This thing does it
Starting point is 00:05:24 The Chinese made a slave labor made phone yeah i don't i don't like seeing george floyd be killed fucking hate it fucking hate it i hate seeing anyone be killed i hate anything being killed i am the dude that grabs the spider At 3 in the morning from the bathroom When I fucking like With my giant morning wood And I still capture him and go outside in the freezing cold
Starting point is 00:05:53 And throw him outside When I say freezing I mean cold Like 42 degrees cold Thank you Jeremy But those fucking Egyptians better open the border. Would you think it was fair if a group of people that was 1.8 billion, that's how many Muslims there are in the world, 1.8 billion. You know how many Jews there are?
Starting point is 00:06:23 15 million. You know how many Jews there are? 15 million That's like 6 times the United States Versus New York City 6 times The United States of America Versus New York City
Starting point is 00:06:51 465 million 64 million uh arabs adabs that's what those people are that they're calling palestinians they're they're all arabs they're like they're they're kind of peeps not palestinians we've already established we know what palestinians are right it's a kgb psyop from the 60s. Anyone can look it up anywhere. No one's hiding it. No one's denying it. It's a group of people that was turned into an ethnicity in 1964
Starting point is 00:07:15 by Yasser Arafat with the formation of the PLO. The only part that's in dispute is was that a Russian operative? Was he a Russian operative, but most people don't dispute it. But regardless, it doesn't matter whether it's a Russian operative or not. You can see right then when that's when those people were created. Just like we know this about Mexicans.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Imagine defending your Mexican heritage. imagine defending your mexican heritage it's like it's like it's defending your slave owner is defending the fact you were colonized it's bizarre fucking bizarre suza's having major issues why don't i just try to click you in hi oh i did click you in but oh you know what it is dude it's the window i've chosen look at oh shit damn player i chose in this window look at bye bye yeah that makes sense but you can still hear me oh shit yeah look at that we could still nice you know see suza see suza i'll just be the voice no suza's just a laugh track I'll just be the voice. No, it's not. It is Suza.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Suza is just a laugh track. Oh, yeah. No coughing. 1.8 billion Muslims. Bigger than China. 12 million, 15 million Jews.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Little Jewies. And dude dude imagine the ones that are left how savage they are I don't know you're educating me on all this I've looked into zero of any of it I get all my information from you the source a few
Starting point is 00:09:03 months ago I did California peptides you know I didn't do the TRT there's no fucking way I'm going to get on something the source a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:05 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:05 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:06 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:06 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:06 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:08 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:08 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:08 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:18 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:18 a few a few a few a few a few a few a few a few
Starting point is 00:09:18 a few a few a few a few a few a few What's up Casey What's up girl If I was 30 years younger Casey Let me tell you 30 years younger
Starting point is 00:09:29 Be over there working out with my Father-in-law Jeffrey Birchfield Bench pressing Bench pressing and dead lifting Make him do some burpees And what is our CA pep test? CA pep test. AC, I swear to God, I mean this from the bottom of my fucking heart.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Your dad is so smart, and him listening to this IQ is just gross indulgence and lowers his IQ. That's it. That's all I have for you. If you're concerned about – You know when you're concerned your relatives are doing something that's not good for your health? This is it for your dad. Fuck, dude. So, so I, I didn't do the TRT.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And, and so what's interesting is, is they still sponsor me, right? Still talk about it. Now just think about that. I mean, I would take a fucking Philip Morris sponsorship with the can. I'd have the camel up in the corner or whatever. You know what I mean? Philip Morris. Smoke your Philip Morris sponsorship. I'd have the camel up in the corner or whatever. You know what I mean? Philip Morris. Smoke your Philip Morris today.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I won't. But I love some nicotine, but I ain't doing it. Who wants to sell Tren? Please sponsor me. I just have to be honest about it. But then those fucking sneaky fucks over at California Hormones switched to California Peptides. Sneaky, sneaky. So I got me some CJC 1295. That's the one that was like the group human growth hormone one. And then I got the BPC 157. I did two, two, one or two bottles of the
Starting point is 00:10:58 BPC 157. And I did a couple of bottles of the TB 500. Those are like supposed to be heal you. bottles of the tb500 those are like supposed to heal you and then i did one bottle of the cjc1295 it was supposed to have you lose weight but um i think i put on some weight and then another friend of mine who's a who's a girl a young girl did it um and she said she put on some weight well she said she put on like four pounds i think i put mine on like here like in my i started like seeing traps in the mirror trap daddy and my skin changed like i started when i would come in in the morning i would look to see if i had a filter on stream yard like what's going on here so now it's been like a month or two and i haven't i haven't done any of it And Yesterday I called California Peptides And I asked for
Starting point is 00:11:48 The one that's supposed to The one that sounds like it's testosterone I'm going to try that one Jenna Talia I took BPC-157 orally for my shoulder And it helped a ton My bicep I can use my bicep but my bicep still hurts and i shot a lot of that shit right into my bicep oh oh sneaky i didn't experience any weight loss but my
Starting point is 00:12:14 ass grew huge on cjc 1295 but my skin glows and looks smooth and fresh yeah it's kind of crazy what happened to the skin my ass huge do you know who that is if you saw the keen person yeah yeah her ass is crazy I told you she's like a woman on top of a like horse legs and ass right
Starting point is 00:12:39 in the best way possible yeah who wouldn't want to be she's like a minotaur female minotaur. I have a section of minotaur too. Right between the belly button and the balls. Part minotaur. I'm putting this call number up or oh sure yeah call number is good so that what I'm gonna try
Starting point is 00:13:12 is if anyone wants to I don't know someone's scared like I am and wants a partner I'm actually gonna show you which one I'm gonna do next I'm gonna do instead of like book club it's like peptide club hey and you know what i guess and you know what and i did the cjc 1295 the one that's um i did the more expensive one
Starting point is 00:13:36 this hundred dollar one the five milligrams and i i have no idea what i'm doing by the way but i split that bottle basically people are like how'd you do it and i took it every other day for 20 days so i did it in 10 doses and and that's when i did those 10 clean and jerks at 135 and i had i literally had not clean and jerk 135 and fucking good i want to say i did it five times in the last five years so that was kind of cool i just felt a little more aggressive i would say even my jaw felt a little tighter this other person i know who did it said they were having jaw issues and they did the cjc 1295 and their jaw issues went away after they had them for years what do you mean josh he's like tmj like we're like pops like no i usually am very relaxed i'm like fucking supple. Ah, he's strong like mountain. He's soft like water.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And I just noticed that I was like biting down a little hard. I would catch myself like – clenching is a little too much, but it was a little tighter. Gritting down like you're on Somali? Yeah. No, not like that. No, no. That's kind of cool. Chewing on a Gatorade cap for the last six hours?
Starting point is 00:14:46 This one right here. I'm going to do this one. Tessa Moreland. I'm going to try this one. Increased growth hormone production. Reduced abdominal fat. Improved cognitive function. For those of you with giant penises,
Starting point is 00:15:03 we'll make it more manageable by increasing your hand strength Well there you go I like it how it's like related products Anyway Look at that jolly group Um If you If you Um Anyway. Look at that jolly group. If you... If you... If I were to do...
Starting point is 00:15:32 If I was thinking about having... When I got my wife pregnant, when my wife got pregnant, when my wife extracted my seeds from me, my wife took the missing link so she could grow a baby inside of her from me when i drenched that pussy with the baby batter oh wow uh impressive one of my friend's wives is pregnant right now and i'm like dude are you going nuts on that and
Starting point is 00:15:58 he's like she won't let me it's like dude i don't want to poke the baby around dude that thing is like um when women are pregnant the vagina turns into like what it looks like just a giant hamburger like with two buns and like the piece of meat in there not like like like you look at it you can't believe how swollen it is and it's always gushy like two sponges it's just it's just, no, I'm telling you it's good. Okay. It's, it's, it's like, it's always ready. Always. And I'm like, dude, you have to get her, you have to get like, pregnant women are like just straight fetish material. It's crazy. The vagina is like on a, on a pregnant woman is the most wonderful place on earth. I'm not joking. I'm not trying to be crass either.
Starting point is 00:16:46 It is. It's just, it is what it is. Those of us who know, know the Hamburg. The giant, uh, this is explicit content.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I don't know. Biology. It's the most wonderful hamburger in the world. And the texture of it and the shape of it and just the preparedness of it. Is that a word? Preparedness? We could roll with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It's like no warm-up needed. Like Kelly Starrett says, the supple leopard. It's preheated. Yeah. Adult Disney. Thank you. Thank you. Adult Disney. Yeah. needed like kelly starrett says the supple leopard it's preheated yeah adult disney thank you thank you adult disney yeah it's totally it's even funny when those comments come from chicks you you um we get it okay fine uh it's down for business yeah it's just it's just and it's just crazy it's um it's not like a delicacy like eating escargot or something we're like or you know what i mean it's not like or like you know like when you eat those weird much they grate those like that mold on your food at fancy restaurants and it costs like 80 bucks and the guy slices off a piece of mold on your salad you know i'm talking about you never been to one of those crazy fancy restaurants the
Starting point is 00:18:04 guy's like do you want some blah blah blah and he comes by with this thing it looks like a giant piece of mold and he's getting ready to slice it off onto your salad and it stinks like anus what is it you didn't ask me i want to say it's a mushroom but i think it's mold off cheese or something i don't know what it is, there's no con queso on it. On the female hamburguesa. That's what I was thinking. Truffle, but. Yeah, yeah, truffle.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah, that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. I had that in Italy. Like a black truffle pasta? Yeah. Would that be correct? The only time I've ever seen is I go to a restaurant and you spend 60 bucks on a shitty salad and then they come by for an extra 80.
Starting point is 00:18:45 He'll fucking slice of this thing for you. He'll soup it up. It's not like that. It's not the pregnant pussy isn't like that. It's not a delicacy. It's for everyone. It's not like frog legs or snail or truffle. It's you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's it's it's or snail or truffle. It's... You know what I mean? It's... It's a fucking hamburger. The best cooked hamburger you ever had. You don't use your face to eat it. If you want to know things like this and more... Birth... No. Birth fit. No. Birth fit.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, it's like CrossFit. Thank you. It's not for everyone, but it's for anyone. If you don't, you are missing a tremendous opportunity when you have a pregnant woman if you don't learn to appreciate it it it's crazy it's better than human growth hormone the only bad thing about it is that then you just want to keep your wife pregnant all the time now i know i'm mike mcdonald is always so busy one billion served kids got like six kids so it i i do i do so when we when my wife got pregnant she we started going to birthing classes it was called
Starting point is 00:20:25 um lamaze uh no it was called um hypnobirthing and it was three hours one day a week and i would go and i fucking dreaded it but i always had fun and basically i would just sit on this little couch and there were other families and other couples in there and they would sit on couches too and i would sit on this couch with my wife and um that we they would like you would do stuff like little like okay you're gonna massage your wife's back for five minutes okay you're gonna you guys are gonna do an affirmations um to 10 minutes of affirmations and you would read from affirmation oh yeah it's fucking so cheesy and uncomfortable but i enjoyed it with my wife and after the end of every of those three hours, I was like, oh, that was cool. Or like they'd play music and you would stand.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, it was a three-hour class. Well, there's a break at the hour and a half mark, so you could turn on your phone and text your mistress. But other than that, it was great. Yeah, hypnobirthing. And anyway, somewhere in that class, every once in a while, you could ask questions at the end. And the lady said some incredible shit like she said an unconscious woman could have a baby meaning like if a woman like the body knows what to do regardless of the conscious level of the person that's yes
Starting point is 00:21:37 that basically there's chemical reactions that cause different contractions and muscle pushing and skin pushing and skin expanding. And you know what I mean? Like it squirts this out, which softens the skin around the vagina. So it opens more, it pushes this chemical out. And so that the, the hips can move and pop open. And there's all these things that it does and fucking a baby will just come out like, like, like, um, like, like, you know, like you ever sit on the toilet, like just the shit comes out, you take a deep breath and it just comes out the process just happens yeah the process just happens so so when she was saying that i was like that was the implications of that i mean now i
Starting point is 00:22:15 take it for granted but the implications were mind-boggling so i started asking questions my wife started asking questions i started asking questions to her ogbyn and next thing you know they're like hey you guys don't want to have a baby at the hospital. And I'm like, the fuck we don't. Of course we want it. We want it to be in the safest place ever. But we met with some doulas and midwives, and then we realized, no, actually, we don't. We do actually want to have – it's not actually a medical procedure having a baby,
Starting point is 00:22:39 and it's something that the woman needs a very safe space to do and a comfortable space and that everyone else needs to just chill and safe space to do and a comfortable space and that everyone else needs to just chill and shut the fuck up and support that environment and uh and we did that and that's why i'm so excited with people like birth fit because not only is it i think it's like-minded people like that um but it's a whole but it's a whole community of them and this they're not going to judge you if you don't, like if you do go to the hospital, but they'll, they'll have, they have people who've done every single, who've been through every single step. It's just a resource. You don't
Starting point is 00:23:15 have to invent the wheel. There's people there who started at home and probably got moved to a hospital. People who thought they were going to be in the hospital ended up going at home. People who went to the hospital and had a great trip, but this is how they mitigate it. Like, I'll just give you one more example and then I'll leave the birth thing alone. But like one of the things that they'll teach you is you'll talk to someone. Let's say you, let's say you do go to the hospital and your wife wants to have a natural birth there. Well, there'll be some point at which the doctor and nurse will come in and they'll be like, Hey, it's been too long. Um, uh, it's time to give you blah, blah, blah drugs. Well, birth fit,
Starting point is 00:23:43 they'll probably teach you like, Hey, at at that point the father needs to be the advocate and he needs to say doctor great thank you for your advice um can you give us five minutes alone and then they leave and then you you get it because your wife's probably written out her goals of how she wants to have the birth or she's told you and you know that she's like under no circumstances do i want to take uh drugs and so you give her a reprieve of five minutes to settle down because they got her all stressed out and and and those are the kind of tools they give you at a place like birth it they'll teach you as the husband you need to say this when they come in and say this and it's just cool and it's awesome and then and then of course all of the um they'll talk to you you'll have just resources for how to get back in shape
Starting point is 00:24:23 what you can be doing when you work out and and people who have done it, not doctors who are like, hey, don't lift up more than 20 pounds. Yeah. Importance of breastfeeding, just all that shit. If you can't breastfeed, where you can actually get milk that doesn't hurt your baby, that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it, just shit like that. Oh, great. Incredible question. Sleeky, can a pregnant man give birth while unconscious or just women? Great question. And things like that will be answered at birth.
Starting point is 00:25:00 When you said the task, the doctor for five more minutes, I thought you were going to say when he leaves and you take the chair and wedge it between the handle and stay out. uh then of course there's swolverine who uh stepped in um last minute and helped us with the behind the scenes with a very very substantial chunk of money which i clearly appreciate and then sent me their products which i am addicted to and it's caused me to triple down on my creatine usage and their creatine so i bought i was taking creatine from that bolt creatine you get that's like the highest ranked on amazon and it tastes like shit like really like seriously it tastes like how i imagine semen to taste like it smells like semen but this wolverine stuff doesn't you check where that was manufactured it doesn't taste like semen or smell like semen but it's still just white powder
Starting point is 00:25:49 it's just pure that's all it is oh there you go Molly I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first definitely going to check out birth fit now awesome yeah check it out it's good people the lady there the founder of that place she just had a baby
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm trying to get her on the show to hear her birth story The lady there, the founder of that place, she just had a baby. I'm trying to get her on the show. I want to hear her birth story. So ever since then, I've been taking the creatine. I take the pre-workout. And my favorite thing now is the BCAAs. I don't even know what those do. Branched chain amino acids.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh, and if you – they even have a program where you can sell it. Yeah, the collective. Yeah. Hey, you saw that email that the Southeast – I don't want to get into that. I don't want to get into that. I don't want to get into that. That's another show. That the Southeast affiliate... Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. Country coordinator sent. I kind of want to show that to Greg, but I know it's going to break his heart. He won't let me know it broke his heart, but he's not going to like that. Yeah, but nobody likes to see what they built kind of just slowly be... Destroyed. Yeah. Into what you defended it against for so many years i mean how tempting
Starting point is 00:27:09 would have been early on with all the money that people were throwing at him to try to turn those affiliates into as he calls them point of sale right yeah yeah i i i'm fu no you can't facetime me are you out of your mind who's who's pastTiming you? I don't know. Let's see. I'm probably going to hang up on you. Holy shit. Holy shit. Look at this. Oh, I wasn't even going to answer.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm so happy I answered. This is fucking awesome. even gonna answer i'm so happy i answered this is fucking awesome i did my my first one last year in bakersfield you like my picture i had the shirt man represent dude you the man i love you look at that girl we both do crossfit yeah you're my first iron man yeah oh my goodness iron man crossfit do everything from crossfit everything you guys teach are awesome good people motivate dude i love you thank you so much for calling you the man what's your girl's name hey renee hey renee Hey Renee Love you too brother Thanks dude
Starting point is 00:28:32 Okay call back and tell us how it was Good luck Thank you thanks for sharing the. What's your name again? Jason Palermo. Palermo. Good to see you, buddy. I've been calling you guys forever, man. You always message me back. I appreciate it. I do my best, brother. I feel like a celebrity when I talk to you guys. You look buff as shit. Are you too big to do an Ironman? You look buff as shit. Look at your neck. I'm doing one now. It's 7.3rd in New York, California. My first one, 70.3. Are you too big to do an Ironman? You look buff as shit. Look at your neck.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Damn. Crazy. All right, brother. Love you. Bye. What a weird show this is. Jesus Christ. I can't FaceTime in the middle of a show.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Especially this is going to be a bad show. This is good. This show is going is gonna be a bad show this is good this show is gonna be nasty this show like i'm just going through the sponsorship now i never do that but this show is gonna be nasty i got crazy shit to tell you guys oh boy oh no a philip kelly i was immediately turned off by birth it when one of their coaches referred to as a pregnant woman as a birthing person. Oh, no. Peace and love. Well, let's ask her about it. Wow. Yeah, that's stupid.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But, Sevan, why can't you just accept it and respect? No, I'm not. I'm not accepting it and respecting it. They can do that all they want. I don't want to hang out with those people. I like accuracy i'm okay with calling a gun a gun not a vehicle in which a uh cylindrical object is fired out and kills blah blah like i'm fine it's a it's a woman that had that was a bad example it was a it's a woman that has a baby that's it just a woman there's it's not it's it's
Starting point is 00:30:25 just a woman just say it's a woman and i don't want to hang out with people who say that um offended by who need me to say person i don't want to hang out people who say person too i don't want to hang out with people who are who kowtow to fucking idiots i don't i'm not saying you have to be mean to them in the slightest, but I agree with Philip Kelly. It's a turnoff. Sean Sullivan. Fuck. It's a little harsh,
Starting point is 00:30:52 but fair enough. I'll read it. Only women can be pregnant. Are you sure, Sean? Are you sure? Hey, it's,
Starting point is 00:31:04 it, no one's ever seen a pregnant man, but no one's ever seen every man. So could a man get pregnant? Maybe. But it's the same – it's like with the crows. No one's ever seen a white crow or all crows black. No one knows for sure, but I still am okay saying all crows but black no one knows for sure but i still am okay saying all crows are black i'm not stupid i can i can still think and be like uh that might be uh no one knows for sure but fuck people believe in god i mean fuck i'm if you believe
Starting point is 00:31:38 in god i'm all for fucking saying all crows are black and that only men can have it seems more grounded than that there's no such thing as a pregnant man and and then wow that's harsh too uh sandra mccaskey she looks like she's that's a real estate agent photo right for sure or or she mortgage she'll refinance your shirt uh sandra mccaskey there's no such thing as a pregnant man and here's the thing too it's not even the fact that someone would say pregnant person it's it's the fact that we know that the intention of it is just to add confusion and lie to people and fucking be a codependent of someone else's insanity. That's the part that really bugs me. I don't want to be a codependent on someone's. Tardation.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Where were we? Oh yeah. Birth fit. Yeah. Toast basers. Even on California peptides. These toast basers still fit me. And I've been greasing my meat.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I know everyone's like, what's Seve grease his meat with? Can we just get to that? We're 31 minutes into the show. What does Seve possibly grease his meat with? Funny you should ask. I grease my meat with grill your ass off. The habanero mango. So,
Starting point is 00:33:11 which one do you like? Can I tell you something? So the other day, we'll go to those, those, go to those olives. Do you see the olives? So the other day,
Starting point is 00:33:20 I made cheese quesadillas and I took those olives right there and i chopped them up and i put them in the cheese quesadilla it was pure gluttony those olives are so hot donkey balls i didn't even know they were called that oh my god their olives are called donkey balls and their pickles are called donkey dongs. Phrase. Anyway, those olives, those pickles are so fucking hot, like I don't even know who can eat them.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Olives are hot too, but I sliced them up and then laid them out in a quesadilla. Beef drink is good. Mother of all meat. I could call Travis and see if he'll answer. And we can ask him about the game today. Who are they playing, do you know? Oh, a beer salt? They're playing the Saints or the Patriots.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Are those the same team? The Saints and Patriots, is that the same team? Or are those different teams? Those are different teams. New Orleans Saints or the New the Patriots? Are those the same team? The Saints and Patriots, is that the same team? Or are those different teams? Those are different teams. New Orleans Saints or the New England Patriots? Yeah, it's one of those. It has the word new in it. It's a new team.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Saints, everybody's saying here. I feel like Paulina knows for sure. Yeah. Hello? I trust mostly what paulina says oh i i called them oh how come it's not could you hear me dialing that yeah i could also decode it too so everybody's got his number. No, I'm just kidding. There was a show when you had said that. I thought it was funny. Real funny. Hey, when I said I can't hear it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Can you? No. His voice repeats the number back. That's not good. Yeah, that's weird. Doesn't he know we're going to be calling him live on the air? Get it together. I heard that Noble hasn't paid.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh, okay. So, sorry. What are we doing? Toe spacers. Toe spacers. We did grill your ass off. Yep. I got my gains box Not an official sponsor
Starting point is 00:35:50 No not a sponsor at all I don't think the gains guy coming on here Was good for his business No I felt a little bad for him It was weird it was a weird interview It went sideways or something People were like Accus accusing him of being on
Starting point is 00:36:07 coke and all sorts of shit that's why i just aggressively sniffed the mic when you said it yeah noble there's some crazy noble shit going on crazy crazy crazy i can't tell i don't know what's verified and what's not because someone told me that they haven't paid the athletes for their t-shirts yet but then i called colton yesterday and he said he was paid yesterday but i also heard that athletes who are sponsored by noble which i think are like people like katrin and tia and justin madaris are two months in the rears meaning i think is that is that a financial term did i use that right two months in their rears yeah like you haven't been paid in two or you haven't paid in two months is that what that means rears i haven't heard that
Starting point is 00:36:43 statement before then scratch that because you know. I thought it was. Apparently I'm doing the Miley Cyrus thing at the end of each sentence. Why is Sousa doing the Miley Cyrus girly thing at the end of each sentence? Because that's his favorite artist. But the Gains box is
Starting point is 00:37:01 crazy good. In this week's Gains box, there were some pants in it, and they're from a company called the Barbell Cartel. And they're fucking sweat joggers, and I've never fucking owned a pair like this. And they are so nice. What's weird is you have to pull them up so fucking high, or I do because I'm short, that they kind of wrap around my stomach, which makes me think I have a gunt. It's weird. It's like gunt it's like like the whole time i'm like do i have a fupa but they they i just love them i feel like a stud in them i feel like a gangster they're so thick they're perfect for winter it's weird my wife likes She's like, hey, do you have to pull those up pretty high? I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:47 FitAid, these guys are fucking jackasses for not sponsoring me. Hey, you guys should be giving me $50,000 a year. And I won't drink any. I would never drink any FitAid unless it was the one that says creatine up there. So there's that. That flavor is really good. Oh, well, fuck that. I would never drink that shit anyway.
Starting point is 00:38:04 We bought it when it first came out the gym, and it sold out hella fast. It has these in them. These are those things you put on the ground, and you put your feet on them, and you do crunches. You slide your feet. They're like those pads. Oh. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 You're in the plank position. You put these on your feet, and then you slide them up. There's this. There's this. This is called a caffeine bullet. Sounds aggressive. And each bullet has 100 milligrams of caffeine.
Starting point is 00:38:37 They're a pill? They're a piece of candy. Okay. 100 milli in the chamber? Is it good? It's weird. The texture is amazing. It's like taffy.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Biofreeze? I like stuff like that, but I don't really hurt my back anymore Put it on your elbow Put it on your bicep A jump rope Nice Something's unique about this jump rope I can't tell what it is like if it's got a counter Or what but something's up with the
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's called cross rope Oh I needed one of these I was fucking with Sean Pastuch's Shit the active life And I stopped doing it this is the thing you put one you put your legs on and like you do those sidestep things like
Starting point is 00:39:49 right yep yeah I've always so I stopped doing the Sean Pastuch stuff because you needed one of these but now I have one maybe I'll start again oh I got two of them do you do that stuff oh we do them in like warmups and stuff like that at the gym
Starting point is 00:40:04 I'll also do it like in my forearms put my arms on a wall You do that stuff? Mm-hmm. Oh. We do them in, like, warm-ups and stuff like that at the gym. I'll also do it, like, in my forearms. Put my arms on a wall and then, like, walk it up the wall like this. And then walk it back down. You do? Yeah, it warms up, like, your upper back, shoulders. I need to see that. A bar, I'll probably give this to my kids, like, for dessert.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Actually, I'll be playing in a tennis tournament today over the hill. There's a bunch of this stuff. It's called Hemo Rage. Hemo Rage? Yeah, I think this is a pre-workout. I don't know what it is. I don't know why that's a selling point to put like death on things, like that death water or like – Liquid death. Yeah, like I don't – I've never had a liquid death, and I never would. Why would I drink something –
Starting point is 00:40:56 Excuse me. You know you're drinking something that says liquid death on it, you fucking idiot. It's like it screams I have a tiny dick dick and i'm trying to be like cool by drinking something i'm facing my death by drinking liquid death yeah fuck you you're a dipshit you drink those uh it's it's supposed to be like killing plastic bottles oh that's what i take all that shit they put it a can yeah i've had a couple of them i'm not like a huge on them or anything but they're pretty good yeah and and you know what's crazy? It says it's killing plastic bottles, but inside of each of those cans is sprayed a really shitty plastic liner. It's the worst kind of plastic that you can use to drink stuff out of.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Do you know that? No, I didn't. Yeah. Really? So every can has a plastic liner in it, and it's this really thin plastic, and that's what gets you microtoxins and shit. Oh, bar soap. Good old bar soap i just heard a kid scream hi athena good morning mike hunt said it slays your thirst or mike hawk slays your thirst Sleaze
Starting point is 00:42:05 And then this I think Oh I have my rock pad down here 40 minutes to get through all my sponsors What a show I think anyone who uses these is a fucking jackass A shaker bottle? Yeah I have a shaker bottle
Starting point is 00:42:21 How many of these are so stupid They're gross They're gross. They're gross. I went to a really dear friend's house the other day, and I opened up their cabinet to drink, and their cabinet was full of plastic cups. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Like shaker bottles or plastic cups? Like plastic cups. And it was kind of plastic cups that you could kind of squeeze them a little bit. God, it was disgusting. Glass motherfuckers. What did they have? Like, was it a kid's thing? Did you open the kid's cups? It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like, even worse. Like, why do you have, like, like, yeah, this stuff is just stupid. Listen, you're not a fucking professional athlete. Just stir your shit with a fucking spoon, a steel spoon, and a glass cup. Isn't it all clumpy, though? Yeah, so what? I like clumps going down my throat. Part of the experience.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah. Keeps me young. No, I hate drinking out of mason jars. I don't like that rib-for-your-pleasure feel on my fucking mouth. I don't like that rib for your pleasure feel on my fucking mouth. It's like navigating a fucking landscape when I put my mouth on a – every time I put my mouth on a mason jar. My wife bought two of those. I'm like, don't ever fucking do that again.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Fucking stupid. Wow, what's this? What's this? Hey, hi. That's not real. I know. It sucks. We can pretend though. You's this? Hey, hi. That's not real. I know, it sucks. We can pretend, though. You're right. Hey, Jenna.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's Tolles. Oh, my God. You don't even know. The boys are out of the room because Ari's leg's better. Poor Haley. You don't even know. Okay, here we go uh i on behalf of um all of the uh arabs living in the gaza strip i plead to uh egypt to please open the border it's netanyahu is going to flatten
Starting point is 00:44:21 um that piece of land and when i mean flatten flatten, I mean flatten like a cross-fitting girl's chest. I mean like flatten that fucking thing. And he's going to flatten that and you got to open the border and let them out. Like you have to let them out. You have to. Or else you're going to be bummed. A lot of flies are going to come from all those dead bodies. It's going to be fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's sad. So we'll start the show there. Okay, you ready? Yeah. Do you want to do it or do you want me to do it? I'll do it. Okay, 258. I have mailed in ballots for other people that's a crime i've done it for
Starting point is 00:45:10 two people i've done it for my mom and i've done it for my wife and i at the time i did not know that that was a crime i did not know i will say that i did not know Hey Do we need volume on this I don't think so Watch this lady Dude who the fuck are these people in masks This is old by the way Yeah I was gonna say isn't this really old But look at Michelle Obama cruising up to the
Starting point is 00:45:38 Balloting box here And just watch this This is from Elon Musk's Twitter account Look at By the way who sets up the lines like that And just watch this. This is from Elon Musk's Twitter account. Look at it. By the way, who sets up the lines like that? That's set up to not even be practical. You have to move other people to get there.
Starting point is 00:45:56 But watch this lady. Just in broad daylight. Let's say she's putting in two at a time. Look at those old people. God, I never want to be old like that. Or just fucking walk around like a douche. Three. Is that three?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Four. Look at her. Five. Oh, he unsnapped the thing. Six. She just put six. That guy tried to duck underneath it and unclip the thing. Now he's trying to clip it back in.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I thought this dude was watching, but he's not. Does that lady have gloves on? Did the white lady have gloves on? My God. Yeah, probably. Anyway. Six. Six seems like a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It's more than one. Yeah, six seems like a lot. It's more than one. Yeah, six seems like a lot. All right. 257. We're going to cruise today. We're going to go through 100 clips today. 100. 100 clips. A dude called in running a triathlon.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah, that's pretty crazy. What was his name? He had some Mexican name. Omar? Filipino name? What was the guy's name? I don't, I can't remember. Jason?
Starting point is 00:47:18 No, no. 257, Logic. What was that guy's name? Paul? Prager from PragerU here we go a war to kill as many Israelis as possible pause pause so we know that that was the point right that piece of land those Arabs that live on there in Gaza they've had for the last 50 years
Starting point is 00:47:42 their plan for their government Hamas has been kill as many jews as possible we know that no no one's denying that can we just say that's the baseline there's arabs all over the world and muslims all over the world that chant that kill as many jews as possible we like it's funny it never hit me but in my 51 years on planet earth that that's the most aggressive thing i've ever heard said about another group of people except for a few rap songs i've heard like we want some pussies like pretty aggressive towards the pussy but they but that's a different kind of slaying yeah they those people have made it part of their agenda and they want the world to know that part
Starting point is 00:48:19 of their identity is to kill as many jews as. We know that. Let's just go with that as the baseline. Okay, here we go. What you see on the BBC and Sky News, as we see in America on our TV, is dead Gazans. That's all you see. I shudder to think if in World War II, the same media covered World War II, you would have seen far more dead German civilians than dead British civilians. But it takes a very, very frail moral mind to believe that you determine right and wrong by the number of dead. That's what we are told. Look at how many Gazans were killed and how few Israelis. Well, look at how few Brits were killed and how many more Germans were. Does that make the Germans right in World War II? That's the facile moral thinking that pervades our world.
Starting point is 00:49:16 How many Brits died in World War II? World War II, there were 385,000 soldiers killed in combat, but a higher civilian death, 70,000 as opposed to 2,000 in World War I. Okay, so 70,000 – oh, wait. German bombings raised during the – 40,000 civilians died in the seven-month period between September 1940 and 1941, almost half of them in London. Okay, so somewhere between 40, 70 000 brits died let's see german deaths and world war ii what's crazy is the jews were germans i wonder if they get lumped up in those deaths even though they were killed by the holy shit well if it's in the millions and yeah it's probably lumped up total civilian and military deaths in world war ii in germany were between 6.6 and 8.8 million
Starting point is 00:50:10 yeah so that's for sure you think that lumps up the jews who were killed in the concentration camps yeah sounds like it a study a study by german historian rudger overmans found that german military oh military casualties military so no 5.3 million military casualties in Germany, 900,000 from actual soldiers. The other 4.4 million were citizens. They got fucking bombed by – I don't know who, us, the Russians. Russians were our allies in World War II, right? Yeah. Yeah, Germans tried to ass-pound the Russians. I think the Russians were like, uh World War II right yeah yeah Germans tried to ass pound the Russians
Starting point is 00:50:47 I think the Russians were like uh uh we ain't doing that contentiously here's another one about 4.2 million Germans died and about oh 2 million Japanese died Greg was telling me that we fucking burned more Japanese than killed with the atomic bomb that we fucking napalm Tokyo. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I can say that on the other show. Oh, shit. David's saying 20 million Russians died in World War Two. Let's see. Russian deaths. I should have studied up for today's show. Russian deaths in World War Two. Soviet Union lost 27 million people during the war.
Starting point is 00:51:27 8.7 million military. 19 million civilian deaths. Wow. Wow. One quarter of the people in the Soviet Union were wounded or killed in World War II. Is that possible? And yet, American Jews vote Democrat. Mind blown.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Let's look that up too. Jews, Jews, Democrat versus Republican. I hate watching this show. It's just him on YouTube. It's just him on Google. Fuck off. In 2018 midterms, Jews were again the most Democratic group as designated by religious identity with 79 percent voting for the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Well, 17 percent vote for Republicans. Yeah, the the the Jews, unfortunately, the vast majority of Jews I know are complete fucking libtard. Just I know I don't want to use that word but this show is all out today fucking idiots they have no fucking idea how to think yeah it took me a while to figure that out but anyone you see is like we want peace and love everywhere and that's all we want we just want to accept everyone like i feel like i see that on my instagram once a day and it's like no you don't no you don't like you may you don't. Like you may want that, but you're not going to tolerate a pedophile to molest your grandkids right in front of you and be like, well, I just accept that. Although you saw that that what you see that people now,
Starting point is 00:52:55 oh, I don't know. You see that people now are getting like killed and raped by certain races. Like if you're getting killed or raped by black people some of these white people don't want to say what color they are because they think it would be racist not knowing that them thinking it would be racist is actually racist yeah well that girl that girl in new york that video that was went viral a couple weeks ago with her boyfriend getting killed on at 3 a.m on the on the on the bench on the bus bench. She didn't want to say that the attacker or killer was black because she thought it would be racist. And in Germany, there's a chick
Starting point is 00:53:30 who got raped who didn't want to say the five guys who raped her were black because she thought it would be racist. It's nuts. It's not racist. It's just identifying marks. It's racist to think that it's racist. You understand that. Call her. Hi. After everyone listening and watching, subscribe to the E7 podcast and hit the like button.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Like button and subscribe. Thank you. Go ahead. Without question. I know you're not so super about Ben Shapiro, but he went to Oxford. I haven't seen the clips, but he is just mowing down any pro-Palestinian person that debates him. It is comical. Okay, where is it?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Is it on his YouTube or on his Instagram? Yeah, YouTube. And there's actually, like, shorts. He does have, like, 40-minute shorts. But holy shit. A couple of people have come prepared. prepared he is like a thesaurus and like fact of everything having to do israeli and war wise every package every everything and he's just more than that and every single person that he starts off with he says two-state solution and trying to get this done not one pro-palestinian person will acknowledge
Starting point is 00:54:47 the israelis living in israel they want to take over the entire state 1.8 billion muslims 15 million jews one point more more muslims than there are chinese people and only 50 and then one one 15 million uh jews less than there are Mormons. Crazy. And they can't fucking give them that little piece of land. So this was the tipping point. This last Hamas attack. There's no way Israel can go back. It is done.
Starting point is 00:55:18 They have to wipe them off the map because not one pro-Palestinian person will ever support a two-state solution. So it's done. It's shocking. And you said it yourself. The hate is off the charts.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I never realized how much it was. And it's so weird. I saw in New York all these Asian people and all these, like, 35-year-old, old like moms, white moms protesting the streets. These people just jump on any bandwagon and they're all Democrats. You're right. They're all Democrats. What they don't realize is Jews represent all white people and all Americans. They're not saying death to the Jews.
Starting point is 00:55:59 They're saying death to all white people and death to all Americans. That means you black Americans, too. That means all you Americans. That means you black Americans too. That means all you Americans. That means you Arab Americans. They hate you too. And let me tell you, all you fucking homosexuals out there, they fucking, they don't hate you. They want you to live eternally
Starting point is 00:56:16 in hell. In one of those talks, in one of those talks, Ben Shapiro said, if put their guns down, the war would stop. Yes. If the Israelis put their guns down, there would be a second Holocaust. 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Let me rephrase that because you keep breaking up. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Let me... Hold on a second. Hold on one second. That needs to be... My apologies. No, it's not you. It's not you. It's not you. It's me. It me... Hold on a second. Hold on one second. That needs to be... My apologies.
Starting point is 00:56:46 No, it's not you. It's not you. It's not you. It's me. It's me. It's me. It's my fucking shitty RODECaster 2.
Starting point is 00:56:51 RODECaster... RODECaster 7. My fucking shitty RODECaster 7. Are you there? Say that again about Hamas if Hamas put its guns down? If Hamas put their guns down,
Starting point is 00:57:05 the war would be over. If the Israelis put their guns down, there'd be a second Holocaust tomorrow. Yes. For sure. Yeah, but guys, check it out. Ben Shapiro at Oxford, man, it's actually comical the way he
Starting point is 00:57:21 serves these people. It's great. Thanks for watching. Happy Sunday, guys. Bye. It's actually comical the way he serves these people. It's great. Thanks for watching. All right. Thank you. Happy Sunday, guys. Bye. No one's condoning the killing. Don't get it twisted either. No one is fucking condoning killing.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Okay. 256. This is a story that broke two weeks ago. I was very uncomfortable posting it. And I tried to verify it, and I couldn't verify it, couldn't verify it. And then finally I verified it. This boy right here was the poster child. Speaking of fucking morons, those fucking idiots in Israel all took the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:57:55 They were so proud of themselves. They were the fastest inoculated country. And I use the word inoculated loosely in the world. country and i use the word inoculated loosely in the world and uh the poster child for this uh for taking the vaccine in israel was this poor jew boy yo yo natan moshi erlichman well that's a fucking nice nazi name uh and uh this, both his father and his grandfather are doctors, and he had a heart attack at eight years old. He then, he was in a pool and almost drowned, and then a few days, they resuscitate him,
Starting point is 00:58:36 and then a few days later he died. An eight-year-old. By the way, that douchebag Ben Shapiro was pro-vaccine for a while too. An eight-year-old. By the way, that douchebag Ben Shapiro was pro-vaccine for a while, too. An eight-year-old. The eight-year-old poster child
Starting point is 00:58:53 for Israeli's vaccine program is dead from a heart attack. What more do you need? What more do you need? What more do you need? Well, Sevan, it's not completely unheard of for an eight-year-old to have a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Okay. They have an underlying heart condition. Heart attacks by age. Let's look. I hate this show. All he does is Google stuff. Hey, look. Live on X. Seve Matosian is hosting
Starting point is 00:59:39 a live call-in show. Oh, really? You see it? Right there. Oh, that's awesome really you see it right there oh that's awesome wow yeah yeah how rare is it for a 30 year old to have a heart attack Pfizer or Moderna listen listen to this it's rare for anyone younger than 40 to have a heart attack now one in five heart attack patients are younger than 40 years what the fuck kind of sentence is that here's another
Starting point is 01:00:05 troubling fact to highlight the problem having a heart attack in your 20s and 30s is more common dude i've never known any i i haven't i haven't known anyone in my i've never heard of anyone under 50 having a heart attack under 40 when i was a kid by the way um it was men who had heart attacks. Now it's like women and men. Mm-hmm. Oh, my God. Fuck. I knew this was true, too. Sleeky. Hospitals now have implemented new teams dedicated to pediatric cardiac events.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I'm just going to type in child heart attack and see what pops up child heart attack has a 16 year old had a heart attack that's one of the most common questions. Man. The only person when I was a kid who had a heart attack as a kid was that Len Bias guy, that college basketball player.
Starting point is 01:01:17 And he was high on coke. He OD'd on coke. Oh, so it was a drug-induced thing. And LeBron, although his whole family took the injection, don't worry about his son's uh cardiac uh event uh he had he had already a pre-existing heart condition please go fuck yourself that that's not even by the way an excuse like so what if he had first of all i don't believe he did but let's say he did so what that doesn't fucking mean anything. That's like saying you have a pre-existing cardiac – a pre-existing heart condition, and then you had a heart attack, and excusing the heart attack for that is like saying, well, excusing a rapist because she was interacting with a guy who had a dick. It's like, no, it's not a given.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It's not a given she's going to end up taking the dick just because you hang out with the guy as a dick it doesn't work like that ooh that that metaphor was a stretch but i like it i'm standing by it okay i'm standing by it there's a big difference every year that's a fallacy of a fallacy of the quadruple fallacy horse fallacy penis fallacy that's commonly used by people and no he didn't meaning lebron's son didn't have a have a pre-existing heart condition yeah i don't believe it either okay uh back to the show i spent too much time on that one where's my oh where's my notes i'm panicking uh 255 democrat i'm not panicking as much as caleb was when he realized what a piece of shit the shattuckin is you see that picture he posted like the other day which is hella mold in
Starting point is 01:02:59 there oh i was like oh no eight-year-old kid dies from the vaccine my god 255. did you ever look at the word democrat and see the word demon in it demon krat democrat demon krat there are no demons here it's only people let let the man speak action exactly how to bait black people because they use things like racism. The other day, Michelle Obama went on TV. She gave a whole speech, talked about how Trump was this and Trump was that. And at the very end of what she said, she made sure to say, and yes, it is racist. You know why?
Starting point is 01:03:38 Because the minute you call anything racist or you add race into it, black people get emotional and they come out. Kamala did the same thing because they know how to bait black people in. Here's my thing, and I've told black people this before, who are Democrat. I don't try to convince Democrats to be Republican. What I try to convince them to do is know your history and read a little bit. Do your research. If you still want to vote Democrat, do what you do, but being informed, being educated and an informed voter. Most Democrats can't tell you why they're Democrats. They just hate Donald Trump. They can't even tell you
Starting point is 01:04:09 what Biden did in 47 years, but they're going to vote for him. They can't tell you what Kamala did while she was in California, locking black people up left and right, but they're going to vote for him. When will the slaves get off the plantation? You know what happens when slaves get off the plantation? The House tells them. The left knows exactly how to vote. Whoa, you shouldn whoa you shouldn't beep that out this shows i'm okay with that word
Starting point is 01:04:29 you can say whatever you want on my show i hate background music though yeah background music to it listen it's annoying listen uh the kkk has killed more white people has killed more black people than white people but has killed white people in more states than it's killed black people the kkk the when when there were slaves when the southerners had black slaves the northerners did not have slaves the republicans did not have slaves zero the democrats were the only ones that had slaves and they were southern slaves you should also know that there were also black people who had slaves you should also know this that the southerners that had slaves they also wanted to enslave the northerners who were farmers and the justification for keeping slaves listen to this ready this is it here we go the southerners believed that the northerners
Starting point is 01:05:21 were barbarians because they said that black people couldn't take care of themselves and that the northerners wanted to set them free so that they would die under their own care and so that they lacked compassion and that the southerners were actually being compassionate by taking care of these people. Sounds a lot like now. It sounds a lot like now. In World War II when Jews were trying to come over and escape from Germany, the United States had reached a maximum of its immigrants coming in for a year, and there were Jews that needed exemptions who were trying to escape Germany, and FDR wouldn't give it to them. FDR is the one democrat who started the japanese internment camps fdr did not invite who was the black olympian that year jackie robinson get my black sports or is that the baseball guy baseball who is the olympian that year Who was the Olympian that year? These shows are getting complicated.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I'm going to have to study a mound of material in order to have any input. FDR basically invited all the white Olympians that year and didn't invite the black Olympian. Is that the one that stood like this? Jesse Owens. Thank you. There it is. They got the hand on the google It's always the democrats
Starting point is 01:06:49 Guys It's always them Now you're like There's shit loads of fucking racist scumbag Gay hating republicans For sure They're not trying to condone it There's tons of child molesters On the republican side Sure, they're not trying to condone it.
Starting point is 01:07:08 There's tons of child molesters on the Republican side. They're not trying to normalize it like the Democrats. Except on the church, it's horrible. They're not trying to normalize it like the Democrats. I'm not saying that there's anyone perfect on either side. I'm trying to let you know that no one on the Republican Party is trying to normalize it. They're sneaking around. The Republicans that went to Epstein Island are not trying to make it normal.
Starting point is 01:07:32 The Democrats are. I think they all should be round up. I agree. I agree. I agree. They should be fucking. The whole thing's fucked. Even this like discussion with like what's happening overseas. Like, I just think it's another ploy for divide and conquer and any chance there
Starting point is 01:07:47 is to divide and conquer, they're going to take it. And that's why you see more day. The Democrats are just all politicians, corporate media, corporate media, who's in conjunction with the politicians. I mean,
Starting point is 01:07:58 if people actually went around and said, wait a minute, you gave me a dollar, but that dollar was already taxed. And then since I achieved it as income, now it's being taxed. And then I'm going to pay for something over here and pay a tax on that. But they paid a tax on that good that came in. And wait a minute. And you trace your dollar and you realize that you don't even own anything. You're just circulating money around because they need the GDP to grow. So that way they
Starting point is 01:08:21 could keep spending the money that you think you have, but you don't. And we all decided, wait a minute, let's not argue about what may or may not be happening outside of our homes. Let's just focus in about our communities. We would realize that we're just fucking pawns in this thing anyways, barking at each other about the same shit. Should I stop the podcast? No. We should just continue to let people know that oh good yes audrey i love suza who doesn't because the whole construct needs to come down there's no there's no republicans trying to pass laws that make it legal for
Starting point is 01:08:58 a child a genital mutilation there's no republicans trying to pass laws That make it okay To kill a baby seven days after it's born Well that's preposterous, Sevan The Democrats have never done that No, actually they are trying to do that right now in California They're trying to make it illegal to investigate Any baby's death that happens in the first seven days After it's birth Which means
Starting point is 01:09:22 Which means That you're condoning the murder of babies After seven days after its birth which means i mean that's pretty which means that you're condoning the murder of babies after seven days after they're being born that's crazy i think manscaped and um i think manscaped is a sponsor and um there's three others sleep eight sleep aid and um draft kings eight draft kings better help but those aren't people that I talk to on the phone. No. Oh, and BetterHealth. Yeah, those are people that somehow come in through… Audio version only.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Yeah. But I would be friends with any of those people. They want to be friends. They should be our friends. Yeah. I think those people just kind of like… They wouldn't want to be affiliated with the truth of this show. They're more just like they just carpet bomb all podcasts.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Pretty much. Yeah. Just to get there. You know what I mean? They're not like. Whereas I think maybe the people who are affiliated with this show have or like, yeah, we – they're logical. I'm not saying that like – by logical, I mean it's logical to like anyone who's pro-life, even if you are pro-choice. Because you know their stance is they're trying to stop babies from being killed. And so no matter what you think about them, to not like them and think, well, that's a fucking person with integrity and values, you're a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 01:10:49 It's a total fair leap. It's like you are not thinking right. You are so wound up in your emotions. Oh, you hear the phone? Listen. Oh, yeah. Man, that thing's got to be hard. Just start it up.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Oh, no. I stopped it. Oh, did you just turn it down? It's like all that stuff. It's like what they're doing in Oregon where they're trying to make it so that like you could – they're just straight up saying they want to change the rules of graduation. They did change the rules of graduation because it's unfair to black people to make them have to read to graduate. What? It's fucking crazy. What are the implications of saying that? have to read to graduate what?
Starting point is 01:11:28 what are the implications of saying that? you're telling me that I can say that but it's not okay to say black people like watermelon and fried chicken? one is a fact a generalization and a fact the other is you're keeping those people down. You're absolutely – you are objectively hurting those people based on the color of their skin, which in terms is racist.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I want to let you guys know I flew into Lebanon a handful of times. I've been everywhere and done everything, including your mom. And I flew into Lebanon, and this one time I flew in, as I'm going through – get off the plane and I'm going towards customs, there's a sign on the wall. I just remembered this yesterday, and it said, no Jews allowed. It's not like a handwritten. It's like a big placard. No Jews allowed. And no one will be allowed into the country who has an Israeli stamp in their passport.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Damn. No, you didn't see that. The fuck I didn't. I looked at it fucking long and hard. This is probably 20 years ago. I was like, wow, that's fucking gnarly. That's aggressive. I was in a different mindset. I was like, wow, that's fucking gnarly. That's aggressive. I was in a different mindset.
Starting point is 01:12:45 I was like, yeah, fuck the Jews. God. Free Palestine. Yeah, it's 254. There's 17 million Mormons. There's more Mormons than Jews. Did you see all the protests in San Francisco and stuff? Against the homeless and drug addicts and i wish no against uh israel and then they went and blocked
Starting point is 01:13:11 the ship that was oh yeah yeah yeah hey dude i'm all for this is gonna be so fucking bad to say this is gonna this would really disappoint my dad if you block a military vehicle i'm all for um opening fire. Yep. I don't think you can do that. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away?
Starting point is 01:13:40 You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. We'll be right back. of life is prepaid in advance. It becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I don't think you can do that. Minimum water cannons with unabashed fucking targeting.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Minimum water cannons, whatever those sonic things are where they put out super loud noises. You cannot do that. You cannot interfere with the fucking military operations hey if you if you if we were going to go like protest like like baskin robbins i said yeah yeah and and i gave you 100 million dollars i said we need to have a campaign to turn baskin robbins evil how many people do you think we could get there paid to start a protest and then blast it on social media to where the amount of people that showed up on their own free will unpaid would like triple or 5x the amount of people that were there paid i could get 10 million people there quickly give you give each
Starting point is 01:15:19 person 10 and 10 million people would show up. That would be my whole budget. I could, I could make it so it collapses the entire fucking, like everything within 300 miles of there. I just, I want people to think along those lines. Do you think those people are being paid to come out? I think that anytime we see these protests, especially when we saw the whole George Floyd thing, I think with this,
Starting point is 01:15:42 these protests that we're seeing as well, I think that there's a certain amount of people in there that are pushing an agenda and that money talks. And I think people, when you have a lot of money or you have a lot of access to resources like that, I don't think people think in the same way that we do with money and how they want to use that money. We're like, oh, yay, we don't have to stress and I'm going to maybe own a home. And people that have real money that are like that are like, okay, how can we manipulate the system? Okay, well, here's $100 million. Let's make sure that these are pushed through these media things.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Let's get, you know, 50 people wound up and get them over there. And then that'll double, triple. Then we just sink back and let the other people just continue to push our message for us. And I think if you think that way and then you look at it that way, it might, the veil might pull back a little bit further. Tank Reeves, Sevan, you got a bit of the mind virus. Fuck the government. Fuck the military. Brown shirts.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And fuck the bureaucracy. Sorry, not sorry. Fair enough. I hear you. Fucking I hear you, dude. Remember all that weird shit? You're 50% right. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Remember? It just seemed really weird and then same with like the the capital stuff like there's known plants in there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and when you have a group and we use the analogy with like a group of boys all you need is that one that's like hey let's let's hit that window with this rock and then 50 rocks should start flying across but if you were to individually separate out any of those boys, none of them would actually throw the rock except for maybe the one troubled kid that threw it at the first place.
Starting point is 01:17:11 So all you got to do is just pay. Pay for the troubled kid. Brittany Ur. Hey, and you could pay them without them even knowing they're being paid. You could get them there without even knowing. Probably. Yeah. Brittany Ur Ur
Starting point is 01:17:27 is that related to Tietumi Ur I don't know there was something else in here. Okay. 254. Did we do Jews?
Starting point is 01:17:50 Jews. 1.8 billion Muslims. 15 million Jews. Think about that for a second. Oh, by the way. Oh, here. Someone said this. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Sorry. I just want to say this. You can leave that up real quick. I want to say this. Someone said something about white women yeah did you see um ellen pompeo say it's caucasian women's job to change the race discrimination for acting roles in hollywood yeah here's the thing what sucks is it does seem like white women are more susceptible to the mind virus but the truth is it's really the same it's really up to black people they have to fucking they in in whole
Starting point is 01:18:28 if we're gonna do it by skin color they're they're our only hope i've said that for the last three years the same way it's only if we fucking have to have obese and fat people the next time there's a fucking vac and old people the next time there's some sort of bullshit about um uh vaccines those people got to be like no actually we've made ourselves susceptible don't enforce that and we and we need people like that black guy that we played earlier to stand up and be like are you out of your fucking mind you're trying to fucking lower the standards for reading because of black people i mean that's just straight up saying you think people because of their skin color are retards and and and no no amount of
Starting point is 01:19:04 white people is going to people is going to fix that because they're scared. They're pussies. They are pussies. One of the most prominent people in the CrossFit community called me yesterday and they're like, fucking thank you for being honest. Like someone all you guys know, everyone knows.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Wish I could be more, wish I could do, kind of be more honest. was like not thank you but don't worry you're not black enough the woke fucking cancerous mindset it's fucking disgusting so every single one of these fucking black dudes wearing the MAGA hat like I just want them to fucking run for office. Okay, Mason Mitchell, we get it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Now, this is going to be just a show of this. I know you get it, but this is, I'm just going hard today. I got so much just like pent up shit. I did a week of no live calling shows. Ready? Yeah. That commission, that commission, that report, the Arab states from which we just heard, Egypt, Iraq, and the others. How many Jews live in your countries? How many Jews lived in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco?
Starting point is 01:20:19 Once upon a time, the Middle East was full of Jews. Algeria had 140,000 Jews. Algeria, where are your Jews? Egypt used to have 75,000 Jews. Where are your Jews? Syria, you had tens of thousands of Jews. Where are your Jews? Iraq, you had over 135,000
Starting point is 01:20:35 Jews. Where are your Jews? Mr. President, where is the real apartheid? Why is there a UN commission on the Middle East? Pause. Are you hearing this? If you just look at the facts, those fucking countries don't allow fucking Jews in them.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Egypt, fuck you Jew. Iraq, fuck you Jew. Iran, fuck you Jew. Jordan, fuck you Jew. Kuwait, fuck you Jew. Algeria, Iran, Syria. It's so weird when you look at the fucking facts. Who are the bullies here? 1.8 billion and 15 million.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Who the fuck are the bullies? Those people can't get out that's Egypt's fault that is Egypt's fault their Arab brethren those are all the same people Egyptians and fucking Gazians are the same fucking people Tank Reeves
Starting point is 01:21:48 And just for the record I love Jewish people I hate evil whether it's evil Jews Whites, blacks, Christians, Jehovah's Look at that Jehovah's Okay go on keep playing Include Israel From the 1960s and the 70s They refused to include Israel.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Where is the apartheid, Mr. President? Mr. President, why are we meeting today on an agenda item singling out only one state, the Jewish state, for targeting? Where is the apartheid, Mr. President? Yeah, motherfuckers. I'd like to ask the members. Yeah motherfuckers I'd like to ask the members If you're a woman I want to send all these fucking women
Starting point is 01:22:30 Who are protesting for Gaza To fucking go live there for a fucking year I know that's what I was thinking Why don't you guys go Segregation is on the grounds of race I just told you what it was like when I flew into Lebanon Lebanon, Algeria, Iraq Iran I just told you what it was like when I flew into Lebanon Lebanon, Algeria, Iraq, Iran
Starting point is 01:22:45 All the countries around there All have apartheid Do you know where it doesn't have apartheid? The greatest country in the world, David Weed The United States of America Okay, was there more? It's just It's so nuts if you just like spend
Starting point is 01:23:04 Eight seconds fucking thinking about this shit Was there more? It's so nuts if you just spend 8 seconds fucking thinking about this shit. 252. Skipping 253. Bernie, Egypt doesn't want Gazans. They're considered destabilizing and undesirable. Fine. Drop them off in Venezuela and we'll take the ones that make it to the southern border.
Starting point is 01:23:31 The resilient ones. Mr. Joe Rogan. Thank God they haven't done anything to him. What a gift we have. Here we go. Let's hear it, Joey. Some of the people they put up ventilators died. Yeah. So, in fact, I actually posted about that because I called doctors in Wuhan and said, what are the biggest mistakes that you made on the first wave? Those were early on. And they said, we put far too many people on intubated ventilators.
Starting point is 01:24:02 So then I actually posted on Twitter at the time and said, hey, what I'm hearing from Wuhan is that they made a big mistake in putting people on intubated ventilators for an extended period. And that this is actually what is damaging the lungs, not COVID. It's the treatment. The cure is worse than the disease. And people yelled at me and said, I'm not a doctor. I'm like, yeah but i do just make spaceships with life support systems what do you do i like that i twiddle knobs i'm like okay great yeah rock on dude i love that side of elon he did he have a little lisp is elon gay no i know he's got like 10 wives but yeah but there was something there i heard his lisp and i got aroused i think he he's trying to be gangster.
Starting point is 01:24:47 He's such a nerd that that's how it comes across. Oh, really? He's trying to do a little black vernacular. It came out homosexual vernacular. Yeah, he's just too much of a nerd to go gangster. He goes gayster. Oh, God. Elon, I love you.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Don't do that. Oh, God. Elon, I love you. Don't do that. Something Greg said from the very beginning, the cure is doing more damage. And we know this. The cure is doing more damage than the actual disease. The same thing with George Floyd.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Yeah. The movement that it caused to supposedly help people with melanated skin Has fucking ruined their lives Made it far worse Yeah The ventilator Oh David Weed Elon's playing you all
Starting point is 01:25:36 He's full of BS The ventilators were actually great I'm David Weed I love a ventilator I I love a ventilator. I suck on a ventilator so hard. Oh, I'm David Weed. Hold on, Spanish boys. I'll come out and play football with you in a minute.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Football. I'm David Weed. I'd use the ventilator. Football. I have four ventilators signed by Joe Biden and collector's items. The fuck up. Bruce got my joke.
Starting point is 01:26:15 What was your joke? I said he was going for gangster. Oh, yeah, I heard it. Thank you. I heard it too. That deserves a little nod. Yeah, good. Look at Mason trying to be contrarian again. Musk has his own agenda.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Everyone has their own agenda. Everybody does, dude. Everybody does. Dan Guerrero, David looks like he would eat you he'd a hot load out of my johnson down the tube of a ventilator how do you know what he looks like dan jeez i don't know if i can turn up suze's mic i don't think oh let me see maybe oh maybe all of my talk into it wait um let me see are all our uh edit audio edit audio avatar oh somebody was used for halloween it's amazing
Starting point is 01:27:18 uh savvy go to no rep news i can't tell if i like no rep news um hi jeremy i how come i can't oh that's what i was doing how come i can't fucking adjust your mic can you adjust your mic setting audio because i. Because I think I'm a ho. That's why. Oh. But.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Because you're a ho. Are you going to no rep news? I tried to search it, but I don't follow it or I don't know. Here, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I got it. Are you finding it?
Starting point is 01:28:03 No rep news. Here we go. Podcast. Oh, here we go. Here we go. That's a fucking great photo of me where's that from it's probably from a thumbnail that's fucking money look at that fucking slab of meat on my forearms i do have some fucking monstrous forearms my fucking little body um uh where's my grippers
Starting point is 01:28:43 google awards popular podcast host with honorary internet medical degree. Oh shit. Can you hear it? I can hear it. I'm just repping this motherfucker. Sounds like a squeaking bed. Remember the good old days when you couldn't trust
Starting point is 01:29:06 anything on the internet uh google awards popular podcast host with honorary internet medical degree philip kelly you like that you asshole can i click on all the people who liked it let me see yeah let's dox them hit the 18 we're going hunting oh Oh, great. Now we just feel bad. Oh, shit. Hold on. God, dude. 18 others. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:38 I don't know who any of these people are. Right. Big tasky douche nozzle. Philip Kelly douche nozzle. Who else? David, can you follow? Seema douche nozzle. Philip Kelly, you douche nozzle. Who else? That David guy you follow. Seema, you douche nozzle. Stefan Reckonite.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Oh, just Tom Work. Go back to your fucking job. Fucking Mexican. Google Awards popular podcast. at least I'm popular according to Mason he said what a symmetric
Starting point is 01:30:17 24.8k is popular I want to be popular so bad less than that text from my wife I want to be popular so bad less than that Text from my wife. I wonder what I said it was wrong Jethro good, dude. Oh Oh shit, my wife said my wife said you should have waited to the end of the show to eat the taffy meaning like I'm spun out of control. Oh
Starting point is 01:30:42 Are you I don't know I'm about to have another half though just because she said that oh you rebel um come on guys it's funny no it's not funny no it's not my no david bad david outdoor dog that's not david i bet you david looks pretty small because he's always has these larger than life characters as his avatar. Yeah. Therefore, it makes me feel like he's a pretty skinny... He works out in a global gym.
Starting point is 01:31:12 ...ball player. Ball. It's weird. Whoever is... I don't know who NoRepNews is, but whoever... I will say this. Whoever Whoever is, I don't know who No Rep News is, but whoever, I will say this, whoever, whoever it is, is, um, like that, like they're working. Like I, I, I respect the game.
Starting point is 01:31:35 You know what I mean? David, that is not you. Oh shit. That'srian bosman is their logo oh yeah i used to be the wrong link on the game site that's a no rep back when crossfit was cool what was it what say that again what was the link it was like if you if the link was like damaged or wrong or whatever on the game site yeah that page would chop oh right like that oh yeah it'd be aging like that dude what a fucked up thing to post look what magnus wrote did they did they fix seven's nose like like it's something's wrong with it dang oh fuck oh my god that one fucking hurt that was like a Oh, fuck. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:32:25 That one fucking hurt. That one almost fucking made me want to end the stream. Oh, my God. I almost had to run inside and get a hug for my kids to recover from that. Oh, shit. Dan's got a good point. Dan Guerrero. Why do we have more memes crossfit pages than regular crossfit
Starting point is 01:32:46 pages god damn the crossfit fucking um social media accounts are so fucking bad yeah they are running around with that halloween one how about someone pointed out like hey you just put Darth Vader next to Adler I was like AI like what whose idea was that someone someone at the game
Starting point is 01:33:22 someone from the media department at the games came up to me and said, hey, we're not all fucking idiots. And I like you, but I don't think it's cool that you call us all fucking idiots. I was like, all right. It was some lady. It was cool. What? No, you weren't with me okay it was issue it was like two fucking camera dorks passing like we were we were like in the warm-up area behind the north park and we were passing and she stopped me and it was it was it was it was
Starting point is 01:33:59 it was legit like she was like it was legit look at mason says two of them aren't idiots yeah i was gonna say she's like you know what you're right you're not but your boss is um the people you report to are but uh but it was um but they're trying their hardest yeah it was it was i liked it it was like i was like all right cool like i had to like face up to it. You know what I mean? Like, all right, maybe all of you are an idiot. No, training page actually isn't good to go. Fuck Joe. I wish you wouldn't have said that.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Let me show you this shit. Good to go or got to go. Oh, I think he means good to go. Oh, you're not going to like this, Joey. You're not going to like this. This is fucking Tardville. I just saw this the other day on there. God damn, this is so bad.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Look at this, dude. Joe, this is fucking just unacceptable for a fucking brand. I can't believe you brought this up, Joey. I'm blaming you. And so the story is. Look at this fucking brand. I can't believe you brought this up, Joey. I'm blaming you. And so the story is... Look at this fucking graphic. You have the greatest trainer
Starting point is 01:35:11 maybe who's ever lived in Chuck Carswell talking. And then this is the graphic. The person couldn't give me something that I... You're wasting my fucking time making me look at this. You're making me look at this and wasting my time. I can't read shit.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Do you know what would happen if Greg Glassman saw this when we worked at CrossFit? Do you know what would fucking happen? He would call you at 3 a.m. and ask you if you're a fucking moron. That is not the call you want to get it looks like they like screenshotted that off of like a google searches image dear dawn who the fuck ever runs your hr call the person in who posted this and bitch slap them i'm not saying fire them your quality sucks beyond fucking sucks. I would fucking destroy someone. Listen, my staff would have never posted something like this.
Starting point is 01:36:13 There's no fucking way. First of all, Leif Edmondson wouldn't have tolerated it. He would have fucking got on it even before I could. This is insane. You are asking people to look at your shit on social media. That's what you're doing. And they are representing your affiliate dollars. Sousa pays $3,000 a fucking year so that this can represent his gym.
Starting point is 01:36:37 You can't even read what's fucking being said on here. You just wasted my fucking time. Not me personally. I'm thankful to CrossFit because this is great content for my podcast. Wow. time not me personally i'm thankful to cross because this is great content for my podcast wow sorry joe but but maybe you mean uh what was the other gtg would mean got to go got to go yeah and hey i think i know who runs this page and the guy's an absolute fucking stud i love the guy And I know his team is small Like non-existent But this is fucking bullshit Complete
Starting point is 01:37:12 Fucking bullshit Yeah It is bad Look how right we are Well If you could see this you would see that we're right You would see that work Capacity across broad time and modal
Starting point is 01:37:27 Domains is like If you could see this Oh my god it's so bad Dude I'll be honest and I like I'm starting to I'm starting to have trouble like hanging with The mothership I really am I'm like losing my Shit
Starting point is 01:37:44 I know a thousand things like this by the way too That's what's crazy you see how that just popped off on the top of my to have trouble hanging with the mothership. I really am. I'm losing my shit. I know a thousand things like this, by the way, too. That's what's crazy. You see how that just popped off on the top of my head? Joe pointed out. I know a thousand crazy things like this. I'm sure Sleeky does, too. I could fucking unravel this whole fucking thing. Make Hiller look like he's fucking Mickey Mouse.
Starting point is 01:38:04 It's fucking a joke What a fucking joke Hey that's still better Than anything that's posted On the fucking crossfit games Fucking page in the last hundred posts though So I mean you're posting star wars characters
Starting point is 01:38:21 What's next lego figurines God You're posting Star Wars characters What's next? Lego figurines? God I hope Born Primitive I hope Born Primitive is the fucking sponsor For the games this year I know it's Goruck But I really hope Born Primitive's in there So I can fucking get on their jock
Starting point is 01:38:41 And ride them so fucking hard Compared to those fucking pieces of woke pieces of shit. I'm noble. By proxy supporting outwad, which supports fucking child general mutilation through fucking local laws. Yikes. Didn't they mess it up? I think the algorithm doesn't favor like the picture first and then the swipe for the video? God, Audrey, you're so cool.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Say that again. Sorry. Say that again. I said, didn't they flip flop it? I thought like the new thing with the Instagram algorithm was like you post the still first and the video second on the slide. Oh, I don't know. Is that? That's like the new thing.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Yeah. oh I don't know is that that's like the new thing yeah I mean if you just follow like you know like the made like sports center like ESPN or even like Gary Vaynerchuk like a lot of these people that are really deep in that social media thing and you just watch how all of a sudden all their posts favor one certain style you could make a pretty decent bet that that they're getting a higher output from those yeah so they already fucked it up excuse me i know i know someone should just grab you in a bag of fucking molly and just work out and and party for fucking three months you're so fucking wait did they announce it was GORUCK?
Starting point is 01:40:09 I don't know. I assume it's GORUCK. Someone told me it starts with a G. So we were like, I assumed it's GORUCK. And the president of GORUCK is Jimmy Letchford, who's a fucking stud. I used to work with that guy. Yeah. Fucking G. Fucking love that dude I used to work with that guy. Yeah. Fucking G.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Fucking love that dude. I'm stoked for that guy. Goruck's stoked to have him. And remember Born Primitive on the day on that podcast that Dave did was talking about like, hey, it was our 10-year goal to be the sponsor of the games one day. And they're at 10 years. And that guy's a fucking don't tread on me, dude. They're at 10 years.
Starting point is 01:40:44 And that guy's a fucking don't tread on me, dude. You and Audrey should start an OnlyFans page. I would subscribe. Yeah, I don't own any of the Go Ruck stuff either. I don't know if it's overpriced, but it's expensive. I don't know if it's overpriced. Everything's expensive. I've reached that age where I remember when it cost a nickel to go see a movie yeah now it's like 20 bucks for a big mac i wouldn't know
Starting point is 01:41:11 uh there's an article sent to us oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah which is funny because that was the minimum wage increase we need more money for low-skilled workers. Okay, here's your more money. Now everything's more expensive. Well, everything's too expensive, and now we need more money for low-skilled workers. Fucking idiots. Oh, we killed all the mom and pops along with that.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Have you read the article yet? I was aware of that article from something else. Oh. yet uh i i knew i was aware of that article from something else oh remind me afterwards to get you a subscription to that as greg said he gifted that to us so i want to make sure i get that for you thank you that'd be cool uh 250 george we haven't talked about george in a while george floyd we we always knew remember the sebon podcast always knew that george floyd did not die from a knee on his neck remember that that was our firm belief now how much do i know that i'm not willing
Starting point is 01:42:15 i'm not willing to bet my life on it but but if you're supposed to have a um if you're supposed to um there's it's not beyond reasonable doubt to think that this motherfucker did not die from a knee on his neck. There's like no fucking way. He had COVID. He swallowed fentanyl. He was high on speed, high on alcohol. It was his third time being pulled over screaming, I can't breathe, when he was pulled over. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Here we go. Action. What's going on george floyd story that just came out so it actually turns out pat that derrick chauvin didn't kill george floyd it was either china or mexico because new court documents reveal that george floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and not from asphyxiation or strangulation okay and the reason pat this is random that the court documents came to light is because Amy Sweezy, she's a former Hennepin County, Minnesota prosecutor who was suing her employer, alleging she was a sex victim of discrimination, retaliation. And P.S. Hennepin County is entirely Democrat. So we all know Democrats don't always find it necessary to follow their loudly
Starting point is 01:43:22 stated rules anyway. So the reason her lawsuit matters is because guess where George Floyd died? Hennepin County. And depositions in her case make it clear that the prosecutors always knew that Derek Chauvin and the other three police did not kill George Floyd. So she's pissed, she's suing, and she's bringing everybody down. I'm pretty sure the Democratic. OK, so for those of you guys don't know, a couple of things that have been brought to light recently is that I think it was either three or five of the DAs in Hennepin County refused to try the case because they said, no, that guy didn't kill George Floyd. And we know that because they saw the documents. But now what's happened is there's a lady there who is accusing the DA who tried that case for sexual harassment, and that's causing this shit all to resurface. Yeah, I think they got a free show van too, to be honest with you, Mr. Weed.
Starting point is 01:44:16 I think they got to free them. Yeah, I think they got to free them. 249. This scares me. I haven't written anything. 249. This scares me. I haven't written anything. 249. Oh, here we go. When that lawsuit, wouldn't that make his case an actual mistrial based off the evidence?
Starting point is 01:44:33 I don't know how that works. I hope so. Maybe there's some sort of law. You can't reintroduce evidence. I don't know. I would hope so. I'd hope that someone would be like, oh, shit, he did die of a drug overdose. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Next five years, high school students in Oregon will not need to perform proficiency tests, show a mastery of reading, writing or math in order to graduate. And this comes as the Oregon Board of Education unanimously voted to extend a pause on the graduation requirement yesterday until 2028. They're citing inefficiency and inequity. Joelle Jones going beyond the headlines tonight to find out what this pause will mean for students. This is a controversial decision and one that's facing a lot of pushback. While some say the decision will lower state standards and cheapen an Oregon diploma, the Oregon Department of Education tells me this policy simply didn't work and disproportionately harmed students of color.
Starting point is 01:45:30 For the next five years, high school students in Oregon. That didn't even make sense what she said at the end. I listened to that like five times before you, that didn't even make sense. Like we don't even know what she's talking about. Yeah. Students of color. Anyway, there it is. Oregon, the state that produces
Starting point is 01:45:50 fucktards. Liberty Twitcher. Even worse is what the pause will mean for society as more and more dumb people become adults and fuck up our country. That's their next generation of voters. Your kids aren't going to get
Starting point is 01:46:09 socialized if you homeschool them. Oh, darn. Pretty sure they'll be socialized just fine if you bring them around people. Make them interact with adults. 248. Man, make him interact with adults uh 248 man this is a fucking there's so many so many good things in the notes so many 248 the hardest hitting oh here we go this is great here we go look at this chick's necklace
Starting point is 01:46:39 what the fuck is going on with her necklace? Anyway, go on. Action. Dominant narrative in America is white people are evil, white people suck, we should be ashamed of ourselves, and... I don't think we should be ashamed of ourselves. I think that we should take responsibility for the system that we've created. The best system in the world? We do not have the best system in the world.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Who has a better system? There are many European countries that are much better off than us. Oh, you mean European countries with a higher density of whites, like Northern Europe? That's one way to phrase it, I guess. You don't mean Turkey. No. You don't mean Eastern Europe with the communists. So the only time you can come up with a system that's better than America, it's a country that's more white than America.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Mm. It's a country that's more white than America. Emotional damage. I don't understand. Hey, David Weed, the greatest country on the planet. Just because for some reason you're not allowed here for some crime you committed. You got caught jerking off next to P.V. Herman in a theater. the world mr weed oh my goodness fuck oh my goodness oh my it's just fucking just unraveling fools where's better start with me where's sorry where's better
Starting point is 01:48:01 oh sweden oh yeah because they have great diversity there. And it's funny because how many people you think that make that claim have spent any length of time or tried to start a business or raise a family or live in the community of those countries that they're claiming are better? Zero. It's fine. Carolyn, trying to take your job, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Clip emotional damage for one of your sound bite buttons. Carolyn, I would spec that clip in my DM. You can go ahead and send it to me, and then I'll upload it into the sound bite. Thank you. Fuck. I think I'm going to... That's a fucking great idea, right?
Starting point is 01:48:41 Yeah. Do you know how you record a sound on the roadcaster how i do it or how it's supposed to be done because those are probably two different ways like do you just hold the button down and then and then record into this uh yeah if you use the that's what i did yeah i just pulled this out into the computer and make sure yeah yeah that's how i would do it and then what do you do to what do you do to activate the button um fuck i forget offhand let me see if i just hold it hold it down for a second blank one and then touch it it'll say like empty and then if you click the empty one it'll say sound applause
Starting point is 01:49:17 whatever and then i think there's one for you to like record into okay i'm oh smart pads i went to smart pads i'd have to um and then i hit midi oh no i hit this one oh plus button uh mixer trigger sound applause oh here's a record holy shit let me see record testing one two three pause pause stop okay cord testing one two three pause pause stop Perfect So now I would have to switch Uh, uh, hold on, uh, because I recorded a few of them like early on That that oh, yeah, that one's good That Oh yeah that one's good
Starting point is 01:50:03 That one Oh that's a great clip too White people suck we should be ashamed of ourselves Oh my goodness Hey we crossed over the 1500 Uploads Yesterday Maybe it's time to start I start putting in some sound effects Hey, we crossed over the 1500 uploads. Yeah. Yesterday.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Maybe it's time to start. I start putting in some sound effects like white people suck and stuff. OK, Carolyn, thank you. What sucks is whenever I'm done with the show, I literally start running out of this room to get to my kids. Sandra McCaskey i love it when no makeup wearing dykey liberals try to sound smart by spewing some bs and then get slapped down with a big dose of reality yeah because they just live in echo chambers so the first time they get out in front of somebody that actually has logic and does what they're talking about they look like damn fools my goodness so this guy Googles and figure out sound bites on our time. Yeah. Your time.
Starting point is 01:51:06 It's our show. It's our show, Ken. I just collect the money from it. But I distribute it. It's our show. Okay, where are we? They want to keep you all illiterate.7 how do you oh that uh oh no we already did that one sorry that's just more of the same uh 246 violence violence violence
Starting point is 01:51:38 do you see that little kid i wish i saved it to send do you see that little kid that was uh joe biden for um halloween and then all of his buddies were like the secret service and administrative people they like filmed them walking up to us house like mr president mr president and they like kind of move them this way then he pretends like he's gonna walk off like away from the porch like mr president this way this way and then they're like come up and he goes they go what mr president and then everybody goes silent. He's like, trigger, trigger. And they're like, okay, turn it off this way.
Starting point is 01:52:11 All of them usher him off. It was hilarious. I haven't seen it. I want to see it. I should have saved it to send to you. Okay. It'll pop up. Especially now that we talked about it.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Hold on a second. David Weed look at david is such a stud he kills two birds with one stone makes fun of both me and ken easy seven on ken benches 315. just david swings one of those things around that has the ball and chain on it and just like takes out everybody it's two dudes at a time. One sentence, two put downs. Okay, here we go. Remember, it's a dangerous world out there. Here we go. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.
Starting point is 01:52:58 There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. You got to be ready to throw a punch. You have to be ready to throw a punch. Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. That I thought he should have punched him in the face. I feel like punching him. I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school. If you're in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. No, I wish you were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out now. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please get up in the face of some Congress people. People will do what they do. I want to tell you, George Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.
Starting point is 01:54:02 We're going to go in there and we're going to beat the s**t out of them. This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay. I just don't even know why the Trumps
Starting point is 01:54:20 Trump's lawyers played this video of Democrats inciting violence. Mm-hmm. What a world we live in that someone would say that. Can you imagine getting away with saying some of that shit publicly as a politician? It's nuts, dude. Yeah. Yeah, Cuomo is an idiot.
Starting point is 01:54:44 He's a world-class dipshit uh cuomo's an idiot first amendment the right of people to peacefully assemble all right yeah it's crazy 245 let's take a small break from all this political nonsense and talk about biology. Biology. Biology. Oh, I have a Colton Mertens video in here, clip in here. Oh, this is so good. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Everyone turn your ears on full blast. Listen to this. Watch this. This is amazing. This is amazing. Here we go. James Cluck. Here we go. I apologize. You're incorrect. Because we're talking about anatomy, biology. Like, if you were to have surgery, they need to know what sex you are. So women... No, I said I was crossing.
Starting point is 01:55:57 This is very serious what's going on in America. They're indoctrinating students to go against their parents. And this is Marxism. This is socialism. I'm very familiar with it. And I want everybody to educate themselves. What a trip, right? Two freaks. Two freaks. One of them knows biology.
Starting point is 01:56:18 One of them doesn't. Yeah. One of them just runs away. Wow. yeah everyone just runs away wow interesting biology 244 let's hear about our great president Joe Joe Bidden I can't believe he's the president.
Starting point is 01:56:46 My mom told me to respect our president. Our president. Here we go. The thing primetime has been saying about the FBI and the Biden family has just been confirmed. For years, we've told you the FBI knew everything the Bidens were up to. The cash, the Chinese diamonds, American policy for sale. Not only was Biden blackmailing other countries and other countries blackmailing him, but the FBI was blackmailing Biden. that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has had 40 informants inside the Biden family for the last 15 years.
Starting point is 01:57:33 What does that mean? It's exactly what you think. 40 FBI informants, going back to the time Joe Biden was vice president, have been providing criminal information to FBI field offices throughout the country. 40 FBI informants have been feeding the bureau exactly what Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden have been doing all over the world. Primetime isn't sure the FBI had this many informants working on the Trump campaign. So what does it mean that the FBI has had the Biden family wired? And what does it mean that the FBI Has had the Biden family wired And what does it mean that the FBI Hasn't done a thing Well it tells me that the FBI
Starting point is 01:58:11 Knows all of the president's dirty laundry And is blackmailing him Everything primetime What do you think about that You think that's true What part of that you think is true Probably all of it I think it all works that way hey we need this push through we can't do that that'd be ridiculous well let me show you this phone call we have on here
Starting point is 01:58:37 how would you like if this if this leaked you think it's that overt yeah what do you think about this um what clock says i'm surprised jesse can rip the fbi on fox news um does that take you back to um what they're they're playing us and they purposely are letting that out now to fuck with us like the whole yeah you think that it's orchestrated that big yeah because i think there's certain things that they'll that the news station might allow that as long as it's vague enough you know they didn't really like it when tucker was started going in too deep you know hey let's give them let's give them this piece of the puzzle because they can't
Starting point is 01:59:17 really figure out the picture anyways but it validates trust in us yeah that's a great idea okay give them this piece of the puzzle see check it out it out. This is what this looks like, guys. Okay, let's make it even more confusing. Bernie Gannon says, sorry, but Jesse Waters is not a credible source. Okay, so someone told him it's okay to say that, right? Yeah. You think that was passed through lawyers at Fox? I'm sure. Yeah yeah however that process goes do you think it was passed by don when they sent out the email that said the affiliate guy didn't have his l1 you fucking ding dongs yeah hey oh man oh man i mean, that's probably very similar there.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Hey, guys. I'm the board. Hey, Don, Dave, check it out. We have people for you to interview. Oh, we get to interview people for the new space? No, we have the people for you to interview. Oh, come on. Really? You understand that difference? But he has some butt buddies in there from Facebook.
Starting point is 02:00:26 Who? In the, their HR ladies, his butt buddy from Facebook. John's? Yeah. So what does that have to do with their black? Meaning he chose her. He chose, like. Yeah, but that's HR.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Oh. Like how much is that going to affect affiliates in like the direction of the company and different things like that forward facing at least very little when is someone from the board going to contact me and be like
Starting point is 02:00:55 yo listen never they're anonymous how many people are on the board listen listen fuck nut I got 20 million invested in this what if we give you 10% ownership of the company? I cannot believe how much I love Noble.
Starting point is 02:01:11 I wouldn't want ownership. I'd want money. Because who knows what that 10% is going to be worth over time. So the story is, I can only... I really want to fucking hunt— Will someone contact Hiller and find, like, all the athletes? Contact Hiller and tell them if they've been paid or what's going on at Noble. I really want to know. I don't think anybody's been paid from those jersey sales or anything.
Starting point is 02:01:40 I spoke to an athlete yesterday who said that they've been paid. Oh, they did get paid? Yeah. All right. Well, there you go. That they got been paid. Oh, they did get paid? Yeah. All right. Well, there you go. That they got paid two days ago, actually, for the jerseys. Okay. Why does it take them so long to pay the athletes?
Starting point is 02:01:53 I also heard that Noble basically went bankrupt a few months ago. That basically what happened was is they had to sell half the company. Man, people actually invite that todd guy to do shit like he's some sort of fucking thought leader or something have you seen that yeah it's crazy like like they'll they'll invite a speaker to uc berkeley and people will get upset but no one will think that the whole organization is shit right they'll they'll invite a speaker to uc berkeley and people will get upset but no one will think that the whole organization is shit right they'll be like well it's a big massive organization but when people invite him like that guy you know which guy i'm talking about the industry todd guy on instagram the noble like like when i when i think of him like when i see him
Starting point is 02:02:39 working with hwpo or go water wherever places i see shit. I just think, I think horrible of them. I think like, wow, you, you hired someone who worked for a company that enforced injections that supported by proxy, other companies that enforce child general mutilation. Fraser has a kid.
Starting point is 02:03:04 It's fucking weird, man. It's like, like at some point you have to have conviction or values or like it's it part of me although god knows it's putting my kids it's it's raising my the money i'm making from this podcast is helping me raise my kids but it also trips me out like that no like like literally we've had one person come on this podcast and apologized for what for what they said about greg and yet all these fucking people are still out there making a fucking living putting food on their table for their kids and they haven't said shit, they probably don't feel responsible for it. How could they not for the shit that they said?
Starting point is 02:03:50 I mean, I don't know. I don't know. It's not the type of thinking that I want to try to understand. Just ignore it, I guess. Pretend you minimize your part. Justify it. I guess there was a point in my life where i didn't have values well i i didn't consciously have values uh t t lander was that rogue invitational getting no attention similar to the games was that rogue invitational getting no attention similar to the games yeah you're saying clock you're saying that's the kind of bullshit they say greg shouldn't
Starting point is 02:04:32 have said what he said at that time yeah like justify it right yeah they're justifying it yeah yeah i mean if you go to a jail and talk to every criminal in there how many of them them are going to just say, yeah, I was just a piece of shit and was wrong. And now I'm glad I'm in here because I deserved it for my actions. Like a very small percentage. I would say majority of them are going to be like, well, if you understood the full situation, you would see how I was right. I do like this. Han CFL2. Wadapalooza last year did a jersey sale for athletes.
Starting point is 02:05:13 I got my money three months later. Competed in January. Got money in April. Yeah, and that three months seems fair. So maybe I'm pushing too. Maybe I'm just looking for a reason to be an asshole to Noble. There's a bet going on. What comes first, the payout or behind the scenes the payout for sure behind the scenes no one should think that behind the scenes is coming out even though
Starting point is 02:05:30 i've seen two episodes now and they're dope when did it come out um when you used to make them in the past just for reference for all after january after january april right wasn't like april usually we would wait and there would be a lot of pressure from inside like they would be yelling at me the whole time and we would have people working on it around the clock and we had shit loads of resources but the thing is is i always thought it was smart to release it right like right before the open to get people fired up for the open yeah it definitely was and it was hugely anticipated so keep it in your pants people well i like it no be pissed and riot burn down the city we want the behind the scenes a 243 camilla princess camilla
Starting point is 02:06:17 princess camilla here we go Princess Camilla. Here we go. I can't use the words to describe in words the words I can't describe. Okay. I can't. How are there not more Kamala impersonators? Yeah, it's pretty low-hanging fruit, but she's not
Starting point is 02:06:55 very forward-facing anymore. She kind of just has disappeared, huh? I guess. It's like it's fun. I mean, she's just fun to impersonate as Trump Yeah Um 242
Starting point is 02:07:16 Immigration La Immigration 242 Oh is she the AI czar now Wow so she's border La immigration 242. Oh, is she the A.I. czar now? Wow. So she's border and A.I.? Oh, this is wild. This is so good.
Starting point is 02:07:36 This is probably the kind of shit that's been happening, just happens every day, but it's just worth noting. Here we go. This video out of San Diego yesterday afternoon, what you're looking at is three unmarked white border patrol buses. They pull up and they start releasing several hundred illegal immigrants to city streaks and sidewalks in San Diego across from a transit terminal. People work on this bus from as far away as China and Pakistan. And keep in mind, these buses are not from Texas. They're not Greg Abbott's buses. These are the Biden administration's buses. This is Border Patrol mass releasing people. You can see handfuls of them are
Starting point is 02:08:14 standing around not knowing where they are, what to do, where to go next. And there was a remarkable exchange between one migrant and a Border Patrol agent as he asked the agent, hey, am I okay to travel to Chicago? And the agent says, says yep you're good to go take a listen take a look at this video out of san Diego. I don't know about you guys, but I've never been helped across any border. I've been I've been to over 100 countries. And what happens is I buy a plane ticket and I fly there and then I get my passport stamped and then I walk out of the airport and there I am. Or I walk across the border or I drive across the border. No government has ever helped me cross a border. They're there to check to make sure my shit's in line, my paperwork suits, whatever criteria they need. are being used to facilitate buses bringing people it doesn't i don't know where what how what is making none of this makes any sense to me why can't those people just stay on the side
Starting point is 02:09:36 and then when they cross they have to show their paperwork and then it's like yeah you can come or no go back to your uh um what are those things called that we have in other countries uh embassy go back to the embassy and uh get get the right paperwork and try again good luck like why are those dudes being like we paid for those buses right that's that's our tax dollars yeah paying the payroll of the people that um are ushering them off the buses too yeah no no no real no immigrants are pro uh that's my sema my dad is furious because he did it the right way he's so anti-immigration yeah none of the people who came here legally the mexicans at the border fucking hate this shit well first of all these aren't fucking mexicans coming across no he calls the u.s a third world country it's happening aren't fucking Mexicans coming across. No.
Starting point is 02:10:27 He calls the U.S. a third world country. It's happening. Mm-hmm. Hmm. A bunch of our farm workers just went back to Mexico last week. We need more seasonal workers in Chicago to cook in our restaurants. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Yeah, why not? I want to show you – how are you doing for time? Are you good? Just a couple more minutes and then I'll run to the gym. Maybe I should skip this. What's this? maybe I should maybe I should skip this uh what's this uh um let me see this one real quick 230 oh 237 here we go 237 god I love videos like this this is my favorite kind of stuff I I feel like when I'm
Starting point is 02:11:24 scrolling through Instagram and I see stuff like this, I hit a fucking jackpot. Okay, listen structure and education. The median wealth of the average married, college-educated Black family is about $160,000 more than the median wealth of an average single-parent white family. So perhaps there are factors beyond just race that if we were being honest in this conversation, we could collectively tackle and come up with solutions. If the narrative for which you obtain and maintain power is based on this idea of a victimized community, then you have a perverse incentive to ignore all of this and just say that America is inherently racist and oppressive.
Starting point is 02:12:27 When you do... A perverse... What was the word you used? A perverse what? A perverse narrative? A perverse... God, this guy... There's so much fucking data like this.
Starting point is 02:12:43 It's fucking awesome you know Winston oh smart dude not even that smart just like a good dresser and he's just not stupid so wait a second you're telling me that married couples that are college educated, black and white, make around the same amount of money?
Starting point is 02:13:15 You mean when we factor in everything and not just skew the statistics to tell us what we want them to? Yeah. Okay, last one, and then I'll cut you loose, Sousa. Then we get into the real dirty shit. 236 Fruit Trees. Oh, this is a YouTube video. Shit, I hope this doesn't get us in trouble. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 02:13:46 This is BJ Penn. Greg developed the word fight gone bad for this guy. BJ Penn speaks on Hawaiian law banning planting fruit trees. Here we go. Actually, in Hawaii, that you cannot put any trees with fruit on on it anywhere then it just makes you wonder it just makes you wonder that what's the you know you you can't put tree you can't put trees with fruit on public lands trees with food i know that and and uh why and i know but that's everywhere but look over here look at all the trees you see why Why isn't there food? Because they rather push stuff like social classes, stuff like the EBT card and these different things. Why is there no food in any of the trees?
Starting point is 02:14:33 Just think about it in your head. Take a drive down the road and say, today I'm going to count how many trees I count before I see one tree with food. Will you see one tree with food? And that's what I've've been talking about i mean i talk about that all the time and it's you know it's it's to push these things it's it's a law actually in hawaii crazy right that by the way that like i said that's bj penn uh the workout fight gone bad greg made for him to prepare fights. All those guys like get punched that much in the head,
Starting point is 02:15:07 kind of talk that same way a little bit, huh? No, that's just, that's because he's from Hawaii. That's like pigeon that all the, I couldn't tell if he was like emotional or like, if he just like has a hard time like getting through that or what though this oh come on david's trying to agree with you the cte is real with that one no come on that's just hawaiian don't be racist no no come on my parents lived in hawaii for four years as hippies on a beach oh that's cool yeah in oahu on the north Shore. Wow. Yeah, we went back there like years ago.
Starting point is 02:15:47 They slept on the beach and shit? Oh, yeah. Super poor. Pretty sure they grew a lot of weed out there. And then my dad got a job at a construction company. My mom worked at the Pearl Harbor, like a bank on Pearl Harbor. Dude, that's so fucking cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:02 I like your parents more now. Not that I ever didn't like him more yeah my dad said like uh shortly after he graduated high school because my grandpa worked at like the general mortars plant um over in was like oakland oakland they lived in san leandro and so he said he packed up his clothes he grabbed a bottle of tequila that's when he could still take alcohol on the plane and he flew over to uh haw to Hawaii. And a few months later, when he and my mom were dating, she went and followed him out there. And they ended up living there for four years. Listen, God, Audrey, you can't get any cooler.
Starting point is 02:16:36 I want to do that with someone. Man, do it. BJ's running for governor of Hawaii. Oh, yeah, this is cool. I's running for governor of Hawaii. Hmm. Oh, yeah, this is cool. I used to know about this app. There's an app called Falling Fruit where you can catalog fruit trees in public spaces. Yeah, that's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Oh, that's cool. Go around and find your fruit trees. Falling Fruit app. Man, the liver king is not looking so good. No. Oh, map urban harvests. Wow.
Starting point is 02:17:16 Oh, but they don't have it in the United States? Oh, yeah. Yeah, they do. Oh, this is cool. Wow. 174,000 trees are mapped in um california interesting oh oh the people in la have really fucking taken advantage of it 4k and oh look at San Diego wow oh shit the Mexicans are crushing it dude look at this shit San Diego is where it's at 34 excuse me 34,000 trees
Starting point is 02:18:02 how can there be 14,000 trees? How can there be 14,000 fruit trees in that one little area? Yeah, it doesn't sound like a lot. Wow. There you go. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah. Look, there's a fruit tree by Petco Park. Sherman Heights, Chicano Heights. a fruit tree by petco park sherman heights chicano heights what is this little tree right here oh oh man look at i'm zooming it uh mexican fan palm Oh, that doesn't count. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 02:18:46 What fruit does that give? Mexican fan palm. Mexican fan palm. What is that, dates? Some sort of dates? I have no idea. Mexican fan palm. Mexican fan palm tree.
Starting point is 02:19:02 Wow, they're expensive. Robust. Known as common name as Mexican fan palm. A sky duster palm tree native to Baja Peninsula. I guess there's like a fruit on it. Hmm. It needs what potassium deficiency can cause leaflet what the fuck is the fruit on it i don't know i'm i'm not buying that that's that shit you're not picking food from that tree huh no no wonder there's fucking 34 000 trees there if they're counting ones like that i need something
Starting point is 02:19:42 i can just walk over and um pick up and eat yeah here look i'll show you a picture of the fruit they're claiming that comes from it this is the kind of shit like the shit that like ratsies i mean i hope i'm wrong i hope it's like no shit you can totally eat those yeah dates but you think that that i'm just when i think of a fruit tree i'm thinking of like i wouldn't i wouldn't consider an olive tree a fruit tree because you have to treat that shit before you eat it. You can't just eat it. I'm talking about shit you can just walk over and pick the food off of it. You'll get Hep B. Oh, don't eat in your Petco.
Starting point is 02:20:21 You'll get Hep B. Yeah, mate. Oh, it's cover for all the weed. The carnal's grow. Carnal. Carnal. All right. We didn't get through nearly what I wanted to get through, but it's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:20:37 Oh, tomorrow we have a tomorrow. Real quick. I want to tell you this guy we have on tomorrow. Tomorrow, this guy might be the fucking this guy's like one of the greatest rowers ever. Like just this giant man. name is jason marshall he has like crazy records on the machines jason marshall uh where uh oh i can't find him uh jason marshall instagram ball player came up It's a virtual
Starting point is 02:21:08 Is this him with 13,000 followers? No, damn Was uh, was that the guy that um hunter introduced us to Yeah, hunter. Oh, here he is. Here he is Ex-pro rugby man five world records on concept two skier Yeah, this's crazy. This is a fucking pain cave master. This will be fun talking to this guy tomorrow. Look at this fucking
Starting point is 02:21:32 animal. I don't even do that machine. Look it. He wrote, just in case anyone forgot who the king of this machine is. Added another world record to the collection. Who the king of this machine is added another world record to the collection Man oh man
Starting point is 02:21:59 Look at that's the pain cave face right mm-hmm Wow this dude is a beast Look at his fucking arms dude man all right anyway this guy'll be on tomorrow morning oh look banana hammock all right Banana hammock. All right. All right. Look at the people who follow him. Andre Houdet. Tanner Shuck.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Got the who's who. Some guy named Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Okay. On a final note um this is it i swear this is it this is um uh just just some words of positivity and love from uh lauren khalil from the lone ranger podcast here you go 10 things i've learned and actually accepted in the last year no one is going to advocate for you the way you will for yourself your voice is powerful Here you go. like everyone, but treat them with respect. Be aware of your circle, those who only care about
Starting point is 02:23:25 gossip or use you for their benefit versus who are your stable soldiers that walk through the fire with you. Social media isn't reality. You never know who's struggling and what someone is dealing with behind the highlight reel. Other success does not take away from your own deal with your emotions before they bubble up and you can no longer control them set boundaries not everyone gets access to you and it's important for your own inner peace be open you never know who you might be helping by telling your own story thank you a little bit say it again i said she should have just turned that music down just a hair ah all right love you guys talk to you guys soon bye

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