The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In Show | We’re Just Getting Started #975

Episode Date: July 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live hey hold on something's not right hello can you hear me oh there it goes great dude the microphones last night sounded horrible yeah that was weird because they all have the same setup each time yeah um grumbler sounded horrible i had to go in and adjust his mics manually yeah i never told him that john john sounded like shit yeah he sounded like he was in a bathroom or something brian spinstone is great but he i didn't didn't throw him enough questions i didn't even let him talk once crazy hey um there was a joke in there oh we got a good
Starting point is 00:01:39 thumbnail thank you whoever put that in that's's awesome. Yeah. Hey, what's up, Caleb? I someone in the comments, I think it was Ken Walters said he's mentioned the buttery bro six times, six times. I always give everyone credit if I watch their stuff. Right. I mean, I watch the Talking Elite Fitness stuff. Oh, OK. OK, good. All right. Always. Yeah. And I just watched it like literally an hour before i got on the show i mean i was on the assault bike just like watching that shit i'm i'm preparing i'm hopefully gonna we're gonna have um miss lambre and uh mr adler on the show yeah jeff and what's what's lambre's first name colleen caroline caroline caroline with an ine with an ine that's right not a yn Caroline? Caroline. With an I-N-E. With an I-N-E.
Starting point is 00:02:27 That's right. Not a Y-N. Rambler, good morning. Good to see you. Kenneth DeLapp. Inglés. Inglés. I think I'll watch while I work out.
Starting point is 00:02:37 It's always nice. All right. Travis B., good morning. Stephen Flores, and we're the three best friends that anyone can have. Good morning. Adam Blakesley. Blakesley. Adam, Good morning. Steven Flores. And we're the three best friends that anyone can have. Good morning. Adam Blakeslee. Blakeslee. Adam.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Good morning. Did I say good morning to you, Kenneth? Hey. Soccer Mom. Hey. Good morning. How about me? Stuntman Mike.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Good morning. Yeah. I really enjoyed the show yesterday. I did my first legless rope climb and i don't know how long i don't know if it's a year or five years or whatever i used to do a lot of rope climbs maybe a year ago last summer and then i i don't know why i usually stop in the winter because then the the rig's just a little bit colder you know it gets like 60 degrees here and then um and then yesterday after watching that video i I did a legless rope climb.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And you know what's weird is my arm hurts if I flex it. My bicep hurts, but all the activities don't hurt. Does it hurt today? That's what I was going to ask you. Does it hurt today? It feels great, dude. I feel strong as an ox. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So it's working. There's no way you could have done that before, right? I wouldn't have tried. I mean, before even just lifting my kids up or lowering them hurt. And they weigh 40 pounds and that's what two or 50 pounds and that's what two arms. That rope that I have from Rogue is so. Weather. The grooves on it are so thick.
Starting point is 00:04:04 It's not even like a rope climb. Do you know what I mean by that? My fingers disappear inside of those. I get nervous because those have been up there for a while, right? No, I got new ones. I got new ones. I got like seven new ropes from Rogue. I knew, I mean, six months ago.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But that thread on there that that um what's that called twine the weave the weave the weave is so thick my fingers like it's not it's nothing like climbing like a pole or anything i mean there's so much leverage you get on it with each finger it's kind of crazy yeah how do you rehang them you got a big ladder or something yeah i can't believe i work out in my long johns like like when i was 35 i'd never post a video of me walking around in my long johns i've just complete i'm like that old guy i just completely have just don't give a fuck yeah just throwing everything out the window like when i leave the house i wear the big uh sombrero hat to like protect my nose from the sun.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Like, it was like a staple. I remember, you know, he dropped that at the games. Yeah. Oh, I meant to ask,
Starting point is 00:05:14 uh, I need to send Katie that a note. Do I need to bring my own hat? If I were to go to the games this year, or will they give me a new one I really don't want to travel with that I'm gonna I'm gonna text her now Katie just wear it on the plane Katie or Katie what say yeah I don't really yeah I guess I'd have to Katie hey can I get a new hat this year at the games? I don't want to travel with my – What are you going to do with the one you get when you're there?
Starting point is 00:05:53 With any of the last three you've given me. With any of the last five I bet I have you've given me. At least you're acknowledging it. Thank you. Hey, can I get a new hat this year at the games if I go? I don't want to travel with any of the five you've given me. Thank you. Love and peace.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I'm working. Don't talk to me. I'm working. I'm practicing. I'm working.'m practicing i'm working ah yeah fuck dude i'm working seriously be cool i'm working uh rosie uh sebi i'll take it home with me since it i'm already in wisconsin okay uh you can hook it to your carry. It's big, though.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's a big hat made out of like chair material, like a weave. I don't know what it is. It's like leaves. Like a wicker hat. Yeah. What is that material? Is it? That's the same material like the brushes I dust cobwebs off of my fence in my front yard
Starting point is 00:07:07 with it's made of that same material right but those are it's weird i don't know what that material is flying spirit are you fucking kidding me i'm gonna be in first class with fucking two black guys on either side of me six Six foot five packing guns. Don't even fucking talk to me. Looks like they have some new style ones here too, huh? I I was
Starting point is 00:07:37 speaking of bodyguards, I was thinking about when I used to when I worked at CrossFit and I used to roll with Greg and the staff would – I don't know if they made fun of me. That's a little harsh. But if Greg got up to go to the bathroom, I would get up to go to the bathroom. I never let him go anywhere by himself. If he dismissed himself and was like, okay, because we traveled a lot, and he'd be like, I'm going to my hotel room. I would walk him to his hotel room every night no
Starting point is 00:08:06 matter what we were doing in the middle of dinner anything if he was going to his car i never let him do anything by himself i always walked with him and if he had people over to the house let's say this let's say the ceo fucking reebok was over or and um and it was greg and me and then like i don't know the ceo of some other company, fucking McDonald's. And we were all sitting down at his house. I would always get up and get offer people drinks. And the other the other executives in the company be like, hey, you shouldn't do that. It makes you look like a servant.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I'm like, I don't give a fuck. Then I am a servant, so be it. Yeah, exactly. No, we wouldn't hold hands. And he never said anything to me either. He would never be like, I'm telling you, I did this hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times. He would never be like, why are you out here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Or in the morning, like if I knew I would try not as much, but I would try to meet him like at his room to like so we could go together. I just always thought the first time I ever did it is I think we were in Arizona and we were somewhere in a restaurant and there were a lot of drunk people there. And he's like, hey, I'm going to the bathroom. And it was like it was a cantankerous crowd. And I thought, I'll just go with him just in case. Like, what if something happened? Someone bumps him in a fight breaks out. No one should be really hanging out by themselves in this scene.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And then I just always did it. Always, always, always did it look craig howard you're a good dude i don't think i ever who i never i don't think i ever slept in the same bed as craig i mean we did millions of sleepovers i lived in the same house as them oh that's right for a while right i mean like yeah for years i mean it was years like it like we were close like you know what i mean like like i could be taking like he'd be taking a shit in the bathroom i'd stand outside the door and talk to him or vice versa like i mean it was like that i didn't go in but like you know what i mean like like brothers that's wife shit hey
Starting point is 00:10:01 dude should i start up the car? I don't know. Yeah. What car do you want to take? Let's take the truck. Hey, could you bring me some toilet paper? Sure. Okay, I'm going to warm the car up, and then I'll run back and get you some toilet paper. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Thank you. Why does he have to push and talk at the same time? I don't know. I'm just trying to give you a show. That's how we were buddies you know what i mean oh that's awesome we're just friends good morning for you hi the democrat republican thing is just getting fucking absurd do you know what i mean by that no what do you mean like the distance between the two how is it that the republican is what do you mean? Like the distance between the two?
Starting point is 00:10:51 How is it that the Republican is the fuck you party to the establishment now and the non-censorship party? What the fuck is – how come everything that's fucking lame about society is now a Democrat? Yeah, it kind of switched. Yeah, like what the fuck just happened? Look at this. Look at this fucking shit in the – oh, I don't even know if I put this one in the notes for you. Let's just pour through these. It is – this fucking idiot keeps sending me links of priests who are um news articles of priests who are molesting people as if it's some sort of justification for all the tranny shit going on it's like dude
Starting point is 00:11:34 what i know well you know people like to do you know the thing it's like god bless any of you who have a fucking wife or a girlfriend like this you You're fucked. But it's the one that's always like, well, you did it. You're like, hey, dude, you just let the dog out in the front yard and he peed on our vegetables again. I thought we were going to let him out in the backyard. Well, I saw you do it yesterday. It's like, okay. But I hear you. We're talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Sorry. Yeah. Fuck. Just because priests are molesting people doesn't mean it's all of a sudden okay for trannies to start molesting people. Get all fucking, you fucking knuckleheads. What do we do with people like that?
Starting point is 00:12:23 That's just flawed thinking. What, I mean, you just have a fucking broken brain. Yeah, it's definitely not like trying to solve anything. You're just like making an excuse. I hate anyone molesting anyone. But I think – the thing is though is you don't see any – you don't see any Republicans trying to justify molestation of kids. But they molest them.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Okay. But you don't see any of them justifying trying to molest kids. But they do it. I'm sure they do. I'm sure there's libertarians. There's people who don't even know what a political party is who do it. I agree. But they're not trying to legalize it.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Or normalize it. or no thank you normalize it both the man bun is looking good oh you shouldn't have said that you shouldn't have said that fuck two hours earlier heidi i'm trying to go get a haircut today you You need it styled. What do you know? But I wanted to just cut it all really short because I have a, in a couple of weeks I'm going to be busy and I don't want to be worried about my hair at all. And I'm going to be working by two other filmmakers who keep their hair up in this, in this same exact look.
Starting point is 00:13:42 who keep their hair up in this same exact look. You're going to get mistaken for... The only thing is their combined age doesn't make mine, but still it's... Mary Mansour. Hi, Mary. Mary came out of – you go to rub the genie lamp to get three wishes, and Mary comes out. You got your first wish.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Okay. 108. Of course, this is what I wake up to this morning. This is Twitter. Imagine sending your kid to school. Do you remember, like, imagine giving your kid a test, and it's like there's someone outside, and they're bouncing a ball, and it's orange, and it says NBA on it.
Starting point is 00:14:44 What is the ball? And you're like, uh, and there's three choices, a basketball, football, baseball. You're like, uh, basketball. Uh, there's a man outside with a, uh, small white ball in his hand, a big old lip of chewing tobacco and a, in a suit that's really tight on him. And he's got a leather dead cow on one hand that looks like a glove. dead cow on one hand that looks like a glove uh what is that um hockey player uh baseball player or pianist baseball player right it's kind of cool multiple choice right like based on now look at this fucking shit that they're giving 10 year old kids this is just crazy oh uh sorry seve uh jake chapman uh. Jake's interrupting the show. Jake, what the fuck is going on with your profile picture?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Seve, is there any way of setting up the call-in line as an online one instead of a traditional phone line? Why? Because he's overseas. Oh. Oh. A Google phone. A Google phone.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I don't know, but it sucks that I have this fancy roadcaster and every show i have to reset up the phone okay robin feels like he she they is a different gender can you imagine making your kid read that robin feels like he she they is it by the way they're out they're banning um spanish in the united states did you know that no yeah they. By the way, they're banning Spanish in the United States. Did you know that? No. Yeah, they're getting out a lot. They're getting ready to out a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Like if you speak it, someone comes over and like pickets you? Well, because it only has two sexes. They're going to out. It's coming. It's coming. I did see that. Yeah. Robin feels like he, she.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Fucking Mexicans. Bigots by nature. Because they only have two sexes, scumbags. That's why they started using Latinx. Fuck. Remember when Rosa would use that? Latinx. I heard Kelly Starrett use that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Latinx. That's when you know you're white. Latin bigot. Now let's do 21. Robin feels like he, she, they is a different gender from Robin's biological sex. You're fucking 10. This isn't real. What's crazy is they're finally using the word sex correctly instead of gender,
Starting point is 00:17:06 but then they have the shit all fucked up at the top too. They're denying that there is a biological sex while they acknowledge it. Robin feels like he, to use vocabulary sensitively, Robin feels like he, she, they is a different gender from Robin's biological sex, the biological sex Robin was born as. Robin might be described as, if i was a 10 year old kid i'd tune the fuck out i would hope my son would get up right then and there and be like hey you want to see a uh sotagari they probably don't even know better that's the problem you want to see my spinning back kick you want to see my backside slash pansexual non-binary that's what the 10 year old kid wrote
Starting point is 00:17:58 the 10 year old kid picked a category after reading that. Smart kid. And it's... Dude. That's crazy. Dude. A 10-year-old kid knows pansexual and non-binary? It gets crazier. Number two, Chris has had a boyfriend and girlfriend before. This is for a 10-year-old kid.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Chris enjoyed spending time with both people. Chris is attracted to a person. By the way, that's a corporate talk right there attracted what does that mean chris is attracted to a person he she they think of as special without worrying about their gender listen if you're worried about someone's gender it should say without being worried about their sex by the way do you see how they're conflating the two? You've already established the boy-girl you're talking about. Chris might be described as bisexual.
Starting point is 00:19:12 San Franciscan? Oh, my God. What? Do we have intel on, like like what school this is from stew stew this ain't the 80s that ain't a player i'm i'm just tripping i'm tripping that you're teaching a 10 year old bisexual
Starting point is 00:19:49 I want to look up the deck bisexual means that you would eat a pussy or suck a dick that's what bisexual means that's what I think it means yes maybe even eat out of a bonus hole eat out of a bonus hole yeah you hear about that no i didn't even know what's the bonus hole bonus hole is when a transgender
Starting point is 00:20:12 female so a male to a female gets a hole and now it's called a bonus hole how come i can't understand that hold on hold on uh the term bisexual comes kick has come to mean slightly different things in popular culture culture it's a broad and inclusive term what is this written by chat gpt it's a broad and inclusive term. No, it's a fucking word. Words cannot be broad and inclusive. A bi person may be attracted to different sexes. There are many ways to be bi. Wow, this doesn't say anything. Just how they like it. This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I need to look up, like, in the Webster's Dictionary. I saw that the blue in the trans flag means... Oh, is this about bonus hole right here? Yeah. Okay, go ahead. Then we'll get back to what bi means. Sir Charity has been accused of dehumanizing women after advising medics to refer
Starting point is 00:21:32 to the vagina as a bonus hole. A bonus hole? Wait, okay, so this is trans men, so women who identify as men bonus hole wait okay so this is trans men so women who identify as men just happen to have oh that's not a vagina
Starting point is 00:21:50 because I'm a man that's a bonus hole a bonus for what I just get to have it it's a boning hole it's a bone it's the opposite of what I said but yeah now you know what a bonus hole is oh jake chapman bisexual is oh bisexual b-u-y i was spelling it wrong i was spelling it b-i okay bisexual is when you're addicted to hookers okay what a fun hole uh fun hole fun words hooker
Starting point is 00:22:27 jeez i got my words all fucked up yeah what a fun word hookers hookers hookers strippers hookers you watching those tommy g what uh shows with with the with the hookers no that ruins those shows ruin hookers for me yeah yeah yeah because then a human yeah how come every hooker's been fucking raped by her uncle and is addicted to fucking heroin there's no like just cool hookers none zero hey zero and by the way it's like that for trans people too i know you're gonna be pissed at that there's no there's no um every single hooker someone got to them and every single trans person something they got some fucked up story too there's no like cool there's no like normal trans person sorry yeah i'm probably right probably right on that one
Starting point is 00:23:20 um and i'm totally open to being wrong also thank you i'm very open-minded peace anyway okay so there you go uh you're but i can't pull my kid out of school seven i have to work i don't have the privilege that you have okay well your kid's gonna fucking know what bisexual is at 10 then. Or you'll have to work double time to teach them discernment when they get home. Your kid's going to be exposed to pedophilia 100% because it's on the CDC website now. And that's fucking the teaching ground for fucking all our public schools. By the way, I would like to also point out that no republican accepts that
Starting point is 00:24:05 in their kids school the teacher teaching that is not republican not one seven what have i told you about being extreme that's my wife talking to me no don't say every okay It can't be absolute. Okay, fine. But I'm just being serious. So the Republicans are just as bad. Okay, fine. Fine with that too.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm just telling you there's not a single Republican who's like, hey, let's fucking do multiple choice for kids on what kind of genitalia people want in their face. Yeah, that's – Zero yeah that's zero there's zero fucking religious nut job republicans who want that and i'm fucking all about that i'm all about not teaching my 10 year old that it's interesting on that look there's a boat with a bunch of nut job republicans on it who don't teach kids about sexuality at six right. I'll get on. Or there's the pedophile boat. I'm going to learn about God this week. I'm going to go hear about Jesus. I want to see 107 world record for number of push-ups.
Starting point is 00:25:22 What? Yeah, some guy just broke the world record like like i want to say almost 3200 in an hour does that have a video are they legit like all the way chest to the ground arms no you just have that's it that's the bottom right there you just have to uh you have to just go parallel i wonder um i wonder how many no reps he got that'd be kind of interesting thing that he'd know right what is it 3200 and what i want to do the math on that real quick i have a calculator on here oh yeah calculator what was it 32 49 oh shit and one hour yeah what is that divided by 60? Fuckload?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Oh, yeah, that's what my calculator says, too. What's the number? 3,200 and what? 49? Yeah. 49 divided by how many minutes are there in an hour? 64? That's 54 pull-ups. That's 54 push-ups a minute. Continuously. That's crazy. So you're telling me this guy did a push-up every second for an hour dude look at that puddle of sweat that's amazing
Starting point is 00:26:35 oh this is uh this is a good question jake chapman uh in honor of tia toomey he's australian does he have a kid attached to his chest fair question so if you saw those during a murph what's your feeling on them i don't know but those aren't low enough yeah i'm okay with not going chest to the ground for this guy but those aren't low enough fuck he, he's yoked. Yeah. Still not saying it's not hard. Right. Those aren't low enough. Those are definitely not low enough. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Oh, shit. Yeah. I'm going to go with... Some people like to go with professors at Harvard to decide someone's sex. I'm going to go with Andrew Hiller. Fuck this guy. Who do you think is better at no reps? Do you think that there's anyone at Harvard or Yale or Stanford or MIT who knows no reps better than Andrew?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Because he doesn't have a degree. No. Oh, he's not an expert. He didn't go to school for no reps. Fuck. I love this show. We have the expert,
Starting point is 00:27:44 no rep. Mr. Andrew Hiller. fuck i love this show we have the expert no repper mr andrew hiller andrew hiller made a video about the um uh south african affiliates wanting a little bit of attention from hq oh you do have an exercise science degree wow you still are smart even with that shit that's great andrew hiller made a video about the 13 affiliates in South Africa who were deeply wounded and frustrated and expressed even anger, I would say, about the exchange rate and not getting the attention they needed from HQ to figure out what they're going to do about the exchange rate there
Starting point is 00:28:20 because I guess that country is tanking. Andrew made a video about it, and I guess it was brought to Don's attention, and uh andrew made a video about it and i guess uh it was brought to don's attention and don and the affiliates got together awesome yeah i mean it's a fucking happy ending unless don told those affiliates fuck off get an orange theory you met with him and he's like oh by the way fuck you guys for doing this and hey um uh in that in that uh tommy and sean interviewed, and I listened to the whole podcast. And although there were a couple questions that were absolutely amazing, there were fucking – so a lot of questions in there that I thought were just completely ridiculous. Is that at the beginning like you were talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah, the first 40 or 50 minutes. One of the questions they asked Don is they said – I'm paraphrasing, but Sean basically alluded to the fact that orange theory is significantly more popular in the psyche of Americans than CrossFit. And I was like – I've never even seen an orange theory. I wouldn't even know – I've never seen an F-45 or an orange theory, and I live in the Bay Area. or an orange theory and i live in the bay area now someone's gonna write well seve you never leave your house i mean but i've never seen i've never seen an f45 or an orange theory i can't i can't think for a second that anyone would think that either of those two brands are more popular well they definitely don't have more brand value when i think of f45 and orange theory i think of curves yeah for sure but they're just like curves they're in commercial um areas like around grocery stores and a lot of places other other other stores would be so people might see that way more often so you think that too you think it's probably got i i look there's like there's
Starting point is 00:29:59 like there's like 1500 um um i think there's like 1500 orange theories in the United States or in the world. I think there's less than 200 in California. We should do a sample size. Just ask a bunch of people, hey, have you heard of orange theory? Have you heard of F-45? Have you heard of CrossFit? Yep. Which one of these have you heard of?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Anyway, I thought it was weird that he asked Don that question. I didn't like it. I thought it was kind of a... I didn't like it. Sorry, go ahead. No, go ahead. I was going to say, it seems like one of those questions that has more to it behind it, right? So you ask that, so it's like a setup for another question?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Oh, like a loaded question? Yeah. Loaded question. Thank you. I just don't like the presupposition that Orange Theory is more popular than CrossFit. maybe i'm just defensive and the other one that stood out was he asked they asked don they said hey you have two youtube channels that are massive a million subscribers each or something and then you have another youtube channel that has 4 000 subscribers that the crossfit games podcast is on
Starting point is 00:31:01 why don't you put chase's show on the on the bigger platforms thinking you just ask the ceo that fucking question do you think that's an appropriate question to take don's time with probably doesn't even know he didn't know he didn't have an answer yeah that's like and and so you're kind of setting i wouldn't expect don to know that but there's gonna be idiots in be idiots in the audience who are going to be like, oh, Don doesn't even know that. Dude, because they don't understand the million fucking things. Don said he spends a lot of time basically dealing with the board. Yeah. And the great question – I will say this.
Starting point is 00:31:38 There were some great questions in there too, and at the end, they basically got Don to say – or don did say i shouldn't say they got don to say don basically said that uh 80 he he sees eye to eye with 80 of the him and the board see eye to eye 80 of the time and the other 20 that there's lively debate and discussion he also said he also said that the board realizes that this isn't a normal type of investment where you can squeeze it for everything that it's worth. He says that they know that CrossFit is not that type of investment. He said it better than I did too. I mean I believed him when he said it.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But they figured out – did they dig deeper and say, can you talk about what that 20% is? Maybe they did. Maybe they did. They were pushing. Yeah, did. They were pushing. Yeah, because that would be pushing. Where is the disagreements happening? And why, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 The thing is – okay. I don't know. Yeah. It was very nice of Don to do the podcast. podcast i will say that i don't i'm not even sure why he did it i don't think he's obligated to do it probably not mary monsoor i used to work at an f45 and quit because i couldn't morally coach people those kind of workouts morally what is it a lot of bonus hole stuff click the next one she put she gave an example why imagine doing reverse lunges while on a skier. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I'd love to watch that. Have you seen a Mark Wahlberg workout? Oh, my God. First off, he wears fucking gloves. So, red flag. Massive. And his workouts are fucking trash. Get rid of grips, too. Fucking gloves. So, red flag. Massive. It is workable. That's a fucking trash.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Get rid of grips, too. Get rid of grips. Here's my calluses. I ruined these. Imagine you are so immersed in CrossFit that you're blind to two things. We are still fairly unknown. To grow, we need to show what we really do. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Jake Chapman. It's nighttime over there in the aisle, man. He's drunk already. He's been sipping. 106. I want to post this on my Instagram. They tried to transition Jake Chapman out of an F45, too. Sounds weird.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I coached an F45 for a transition period last year. I can tell you all about it. What did you transition into? Do you think this girl's hot? You can tell me afterwards. Okay. You know who she kind of reminds me of with her hair is the lady from BirthFit. Mm.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Lindsay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Action. The best way to gain control of the most intelligent, powerful species on the planet would be to completely divide them from the love within themselves. As soon as they are old enough to begin creating an understanding of who they are, force them into a system that teaches them that it is wrong to be yourself if yourself is different from what is accepted as normal. Confuse them about their own biological makeup so that they think that permanently altering their body is the answer to happiness. Require their daily attendance at an
Starting point is 00:34:58 institution that makes them focus only on the information that is provided. Make them attend that institution from age five until an adult and repeatedly test them on the information that is provided. Make them attend that institution from age five until an adult and repeatedly test them on the information so that it becomes their truth. Give them an explanation to everything so that they never have a chance to make their own assumptions of the world. Scold them and humiliate them if they suggest an opinion that opposes that of their authoritives. Keep reminding them of how cruel their ancestors were to each other in the past and broadcast how cruel they are to each other in the present. Only show them tragedies on the news so that they live in fear and think the worst of one another. Convince them that their species used to be that of an
Starting point is 00:35:33 incognizant wild animal. Make them think that their very existence is so incredibly random that they lack purpose and struggle to make sense of a creator. Tell them that their kind is as smart as they've ever been so that they don't question the integrity of the system that they're in the best way to gain control it's crazy she fucking nailed it where she read that from is that like there's something there's no there's no end tattoo fake tits piercing chop your penis off dye your hair get high heels buy ferrari i wonder if i'll chop my penis off next then do coke there's no there's no end to the pursuit of um there's just no end to the pursuit of happiness if you go outward like that. There's just no fucking end.
Starting point is 00:36:28 105, more trans insanity. I will say this too. The Republicans and Democrats are equally at – they equally go outward. I don't think one of them has – they equally go outward. This is fucking absolutely nuts now remember again there's not a single republican who accepts this because they're close-minded about this subject there's not a single republican who accepts this now i'm not a republican but just remember remember that. This person is a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:37:05 You have to know that. Okay, action. The first trans woman. This is going to blow you away. To have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion. I will let a doctor who has successfully transplanted a uterine complex before cut the organs out of a willing, healthy, trans masculine donor, place them in my body. I will devote myself, heart and soul, to their aftercare.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I will have as much gay sex as it takes with as many trans women as it takes and let the transphobes and homophobes scratch their heads wondering what to make of it. And I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion. The first trans. who wants the uterus and eggs and ovaries taken out of a living woman put into him so that he could get pregnant and have an abortion not even so he can get pregnant have a kid i was thinking i was thinking it would be cool to invent the airplane or run a four-minute mile or pick up trash at the beach.
Starting point is 00:38:52 That's what I was going to say. That's so funny. I was thinking life goals might be cool to – none of the things that I really think are cool as a life goal revolve around ejaculation. So you're just not thinking big enough. That's the problem. You got to break those boundaries down. Black feelings.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I want to set the world. I mean, even Bobby Brady, he set the world record, him and his buddy, him and Cindy set the world record for longest, most time on a teeter-totter. I mean even that seems more – anyway, that's Democrats for you.
Starting point is 00:39:34 There's no Republican who's trying to normalize that, who's trying to make that legal, who's trying – like – But, Sevalin, you haven't said anything. Why is that bad? Why is that bad why is that bad at least in that video um that person was very like articulate as to like i will have somebody else cut open and do this so then that way you get the visual of like how that actually takes place i will have as much sex as it takes. Gay sex, gay sex. Gay sex, yes, exactly. You're right. Let's not miscategorize anything here. I don't think that this is healthy for our civilization.
Starting point is 00:40:16 What? I don't think this is good for our civilization. Why would you say that? I think we're evolving. I think this is great for us. Yeah, it's part of a natural evolution sebi how close are you to admitting evil exists it's not i just think evil is the word evil is um um intellectually lazy that's it it doesn't say anything to me i think that whenever someone uses
Starting point is 00:40:39 the word evil then everyone goes inside of their head and kind of has their own perception of it and it distances us from each other. And so this is truly – I guess part of it is just that we're on a planet with people like this. That's the part that's a trip. And I do believe that on some level we're all one organism. So that's like a piece of us. That's one of us. I also think human beings don't do anything unless there's an incentive.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Sorry, two of us. That's two of us. What did you say, Susan? There's got to be some sort of incentive for us to do anything so i'm just always curious what their incentive is yeah like why you know what i mean like why like you mean like attention or money or that's exactly where i go i go to like attention and you then you could be the the most oppressed class you could be like the you know the one with the most problems
Starting point is 00:41:46 or the biggest victim in the room. Tank Reeves, Seve, people need to wake up. Roseanne Barr, Seve. I just can't play that whole video. Send me a oh wow oh jeez I got a response from Katie already oh what'd she say
Starting point is 00:42:11 I can't tell you texting is private I just meant like yes or no on the hat I can't tell you I told you so was it like maybe I sent her I'll tell you I can tell you what i wrote i can't tell you what she wrote i sent her a heart back i sent her the guy with two two heart eyes you always send that though no i just to you caleb just to you i mean i've never gotten that
Starting point is 00:42:38 um yeah okay uh 104 uh bill gates this this sucks right here what i'm about to show you but i guess i have to show you a modern day hero old billy boy modern day rockefeller here we go one of the biggest mysteries in the organic produce world right now is how did the new appeal coating, this financial backing from Bill Gates, get approved for use on organic produce? You'll see these appeal stickers on lots of produce items now. It means the produce has a coating on it that seals it up tight against anything getting
Starting point is 00:43:18 in or out, preserves it longer, like the introduction of the refrigerator. Great. But what's in this coating? Well, it seems to be shrouded in mystery. The product intended to be organic listed as organapeel is registered with the EPA as a pesticide with a rather short and cryptic ingredient list. Active ingredient, citric acid at 0.66%. Other ingredients, not named, 99.34%. That's 100%. Great. It's all accounted for. Maybe it's listed that way because citric acid could qualify as organic if it's not from a synthetic source. But what about
Starting point is 00:43:51 the other 99.34%? Because I'm supposed to eat this coating. Oh, and get this, the EPA requires this caution on the label. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating. The certificate the Organic Material Review Institute issued to it that approved its use on organics lists it as a fungicide with no ingredients specified. Not sure what that's based on, but this is starting to smell. It reeks of influence peddling and the antiseptic for that smell is always sunlight with a liberal splash of transparency. I don't know about you, but I'm finding appeal rather unappealing. I don't think I'll dip my produce in this. One of the biggest...
Starting point is 00:44:28 Fuck, dude. Leave our food alone. Find your local farm. Join your local CSA. Oh, shit, Tank. If you all join Threads, you basically just gave your social media booster shot. Is that a good thing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Are those boosters a good thing? 103. How many of the normal, how many of these videos? Let's start with the bottom one. I don't care which one we start with. I don't even know what this is. What happened to all the funny stuff I used to show? Like comedians and shit. I don't have any comedians. Oh, here we go. This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So, this is California again. Here you go. This is California again. Just imagine raising kids here. Here we go. Here we go. Hey, officers. Am I legally allowed to have my penis out today? Do whatever you want. Okay. So that's not against the law? It's not against the law as long as you're not masturbating and you're not fully erect and it's not for sexual gratification. Okay, cool. Officers, am I legally allowed to have my penis out today?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Do whatever you want. Okay. So that's not against the law? It's not against the law as long as you're not masturbating and you're not fully erect and it's not for sexual gratification. Okay. Cool. Do whatever you want? That's the fucking cop's answer, you fucking idiot. Is that in San Francisco? that looks kind of like market street like or pal street i mean it looks like uh or uh washington or oregon to me but yeah no yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:46:16 that's portland that's portland no no san francisco his hat is the san francisco giants logo on it yeah because that looks like right at a market street Pal at the 5th when they do the turnaround on the cable car. Oh. Oh, okay. Spend some time in the city, boy. I know that place. Look at the signs. That's how all the signs are too. One way, no left turn, do not enter. It's just a fucking cluster
Starting point is 00:46:37 fuck everywhere. Yeah. My goodness. Okay, let's go to the other one it's fucking nuts how about no you can't have your fucking penis out yeah just like no hey you know that there's sexual offenders in california who they're on the fucking sexual offenders list because they got caught peeing in public and they're on like mandy's look at this hey do you know how many of these there i get one of these every single day now on my instagram a different one it is nuts they figured me out they know i love this shit it's crazy look at this uh oakland california the family of an suv was visiting from texas and heard about the auto burglary epidemic and were away from the vehicle for 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:47:30 This is what they're doing. Do you see what I'm doing? This is what they're doing. Yep. Hey, dude. yep hey dude do not come to if you come to california do not go to any of the cities do not go to la san francisco uh san jose oakland stay out of the cities it's great out here in the in the outside the cities it is a fucking great do not go in the cities a 102 robert kennedy by the way the people who are passing the laws that allow that to happen the people who defunded the police are not republicans they are democrats that's all democrats once again there's not one republican who voted to
Starting point is 00:48:23 defund the police there's not one Republican who wants compassion for those people who are breaking into cars like that. I'm not pushing any fucking political agenda. I'm not pushing any like – I mean I don't want my car broken into. I don't agree with those things. I don't agree with um uh hating on white people openly but i'm just telling you that it's not the reply if there's two political parties or three it's no libertarians or republicans or independents or or um listen to this the kkk the proud boys the white supremacist go fucking wherever you want they't even – they don't want any of that either. Hmm? I mean there's – think of all the people – the party – the things that you might hate, right?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Like Nazis. They're not okay with fucking people breaking into cars. White supremacists, they're not okay with people breaking into cars. All those things that we hate, even they know. Even they know. They might be okay with some breaking into cars. All those things that we hate, even they know. Even they know. They might be okay with some things that I'm not, though. Oh, absolutely. Hey, I will take, in the hierarchy of things, well, let's also be clear. The true white supremacists right now are also the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:49:49 There's no Republicans who are asking for graduation ceremonies based on the color of your skin. That is all coming from Democrats. There's no Libertarians asking for that, and there's no Republicans asking for that. None. Zero. You can go to every major college in california and you can have the graduation ceremonies are segregated now here we go here we go steven uh pleiler the republicans are responsible for the 9-11 holographs though okay like okay that was the republican republicans are also responsible for the priest who are molesting kids in the churches. Okay. Fine.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Savon Tank Reeves. This is more – Tank sees the picture more the way Jay Cooey saw it. Savon, the establishment wants our world to burn, not theirs. They are above it. And that's the thing with what Jay was saying. It's not a lab leak, not theirs. They are above it. That's the thing that Jay was saying. It's not a lab leak or a from a bat. They just give you those choices and we have to choose one. Matt Burns.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Seve, you're all about social constructs. The left-right political spectrum is a fallacy. That's also probably why they keep switching. Isaac Newton was a Republican. I went to UC Berkeley for my cousin's graduation. Which one did you go to? The white one? The Jew one?
Starting point is 00:51:31 The black one? The Asian one? Which one did you go to? I don't know if I should slap Matt Burns around or not. I'm debating. When was the last time you've been to Berkeley? Your mom's a fallacy. Not for years.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Okay. uh okay um um um um okay athletes text coming in right now is that for today is that another podcast today no oh man do i have something exciting i want to share you got with you guys so fun so fucking excited i'm the most excited i've been in a while what a month it's been for us huh yeah it's cool okay uh dr shiva i i ad that i i add that i tank did you like the flat earth guy what did you think of him i was tripping i really liked how much it got people riled up
Starting point is 00:52:49 fuck i was just i cannot believe flat earth dude there's a movie out in the theaters now about child molestation and you're worried about fucking some guy thinking the earth is flat give me a fucking break the dude's enormous tits or sema tits sema enormous tits wrote something in the comments that she was disappointed that we gave that guy a platform you're disappointed that we let a guy come on here and talk about the earth being not moving like that like i can think of like 10 things i'm more disappointed like when i see people spraying weeds with weed killer that that fucking disappoints in their driveway
Starting point is 00:53:33 that disappoints me i'm like you're spraying poison onto the earth you asshole i watched a ton of videos from uh taking pictures of the earth from outer space after that oh you did yeah i'm a globalist i will say officially i am on a fish island it's no i'm a globalist i don't agree with i don't agree with what this guy said uh fergie flat earther is a guy is the internet version of a street corner preacher i i respect a street corner preacher a lot unless that's what you're saying but i i kind of see it almost the same too a little bit there i think i think uh uh if you're saying is derogatory i think the preacher inside the fucking church is is significantly more of a charlatan than the
Starting point is 00:54:22 guy doing it on the street corner i think the guy in the street corner walks the walk one has to keep all this stuff intact and the other one is just out on the street it's like one's actually walking the walk like hey like like my buddy um uh fitness lani he does alms he's not allowed to ask anyone for food he's not allowed to feed himself he's a monastic monk he puts on a fucking robe you're only allowed he's strictly disciplined he follows the rules you're only allowed to eat up till noon every single day if someone doesn't give you food you don't eat wow and you got to walk around with a robe and you fucking land in alabama and you have to walk around and hope that someone fucking understands and you have to see that the universe
Starting point is 00:55:11 is going to take care of you the irony is when you go somewhere in the south where these fucking racist hick redneck closed-minded motherfuckers are you get the most food and the most alms because in la no one wants to fucking look at you or talk to you because everyone's scared of everyone and you go to alabama and every fucking tom dick and harry's like hi son how you doing what are you doing what are you yeah sweet college time invites you to your house offers you something to eat i cannot i'll never forget when my sister married into southern motherfuckers, and they're the nicest, most polite. My mom walks in the room, and every fucking man stands up.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I like that. I go out to the farm, to their ranch, and half the dudes on there are black, and half the dudes are white. There were only two dudes, one black dude, one white dude. Don't ruin my story. You're still correct. Thank you. Statistics. Bless your heart.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Come here. Let me squeeze your face into these big, giant titties. Iced tea drinking titties. Did you feel that Sean was condescending? No. I don't think he was condescending. I do think that he – they contextualize stuff with, like, presuppositions a lot. They're like, hey, I'm about to – they contextualize their questions or – that's not the right word.
Starting point is 00:56:45 It's almost like he was playing the reverse role. It would be like every time. What do you mean by that? Like how people who are globalists, they're going to like fervently deny that the earth is not a globe and they're going to be super aggressive about like, oh, you're an idiot. Why would you fucking believe that?
Starting point is 00:56:58 That's ridiculous. And then so somebody who's on the opposite end of the spectrum, non-globalist or whatever, the realm people, they're going to act the exact same way in return. Oh. So he's just showing that he's fervently believing his ideology, just like people who believe that the world is a globe fervently defend their ideology. A globe. Perfectly. Defend their ideology.
Starting point is 00:57:29 The thing is. And. I believe this with 99% certainty. All the people who are upset at fucking flat earthers. It's because they're scared. It's the same reason why people are scared to know the truth about pharma. It is absolutely fucking terrifying. To think. That medicine fucking kills you. When. You've been programmed programmed your whole life like that pretty blonde girl was saying to believe one thing.
Starting point is 00:57:50 It's absolutely terrifying to think little bits of the truth fucking will bring down your whole fucking reality. Imagine the most square person you know who's never done any drugs and just walking up to him and not telling them and give them three hits of LSD and then just standing back and watching their shit unravel. That's what it's like. Yeah, right? Right? Right? Just watching. It's like fucking they look down and the fucking earth starts talking to them.
Starting point is 00:58:19 You know what I mean? Yeah, hard time coming back from that. They're just drooling, fucking thinking that they're talking to Bart Simpson. And that's what all these people are. Everyone who gets upset, they're just afraid. They're just so scared. It's like being afraid of the dark. Everyone's just – everyone's doing everything in their power to hold their fucking reality together.
Starting point is 00:58:42 That's why most people can't go anywhere in their brain like when you talk to him do you know what i mean i mean you know we were there it was even much for me like two hours and 40 minutes of this guy telling us the earth is flat talking to him is a fucking psyoping yourself i it made me look into it and then realize i don't agree with him i had a half half dozen people call me and be like, hey, I'm not really ready for that. I go, what do you mean? I'm just not ready for it. Yeah. Flat Earth book.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I mean, just imagine you were fucking Keanu Reeves in The Matrix and some dude's like, hey, here's the red pill or the blue pill. It really is like that. Dude, most people don't even want to know that there's two pills even that even the thought of there being some sort of complete misunderstanding and they're being trapped in their head terrifies them yeah well look here someone in the comments uh made the same point you were talking about earlier what that was your guest what mean? Hey, can you not let the dogs out on the side? Well, you did it last night. I don't get it, but how was that was your guest like that?
Starting point is 00:59:52 Remember? You just made the point. Yeah, but I don't understand what that means, that was your guest. What's the context? It's your fault. You did it. Oh, oh, oh. Never mind. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:01 It's your problem. You did it. I know. I agree. Couldn't agree more. But I do think Jan's your problem. You did it. I know. I agree. I couldn't agree more. But I do think Janelle was right. I definitely felt that he was on edge. Maybe not condescending, but he was ready to fight.
Starting point is 01:00:13 If you were like, well... And then it was funny because when you asked the question, why doesn't someone go there? And he was like, that's the most ignorant question of the night. I was like, bro, you just tried to say that the planes were holograms. And you think that's the most ignorant question of the night? Okay. Or how about when he told me I was like, bro, you just tried to say that the planes were holograms. And you think that's the most ignorant question of the night. Okay. Or how about when he told me I was a fucking, you're a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:00:29 If you didn't get nine 11, it's like, how is anyone supposed to learn? If that's the fucking entryway that you're a fucking idiot. That's like the way, you know, like just imagine putting on your doormat. You're a fucking idiot instead of welcome. Like, dude, I'm trying to fucking, I want to get on the same page as you. Flattered stuff was a little cuckoo. However, the education stuff in public schools I think he was dead on. Hey, I mean if you just get rid of – I mean you don't even have to get into any conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 01:00:57 If you get rid of Socratic method and teach people how to think as opposed to what to think, I mean, I don't think there's anyone even denying that. Even dumb people. This is interesting. The guest spoke about flat earth like CNN spoke about the vaccines. That's the concerning part, right? He needed to be heckled. How do you not understand that? How do you not see the parallel?
Starting point is 01:01:24 A level with me so on yeah he was I totally see what you're saying by that I don't think that means yeah it was his way or the highway like there was no like I mean if you really know something I don't think you get that defensive about it
Starting point is 01:01:42 that's how I felt that aggressive really you're like you just presented something fucking crazy bro yeah back it with some evidence and then the evidence was like if you just do the research on it i think we've got to be the friendliest globalist podcast you could possibly go on yeah we've had two non-globists on the show now i don't think anybody else has done that hey that that other guy was really cool though definitely that guy the other flat earther dude was really cool yeah is sean a republican probably there's probably well there that's
Starting point is 01:02:21 i mean you could say that too there's probably no Democrats who are flat earthers. It's all fucking crazy Republicans. You're probably 100% true. That being said, do you want to live – I'm going to give you a choice. Do you want to live on a round earth filled with pedophiles and people who want to chop off – who encourage your kids to chop off their penises? And I mean encourage. who encourage your kids to chop off their penises, and I mean encourage, or do you want to live on a flat earth where Jesus says you shouldn't hurt your neighbor?
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm going to go with choice number two. Flat earth with Jesus. I don't think – no. Would you invite Greg to sit down? No. I think every time I brought up Flat Earth, it made Greg uncomfortable. I don't think he even, he didn't even like, he doesn't even like, I think he's insulted by the proposition.
Starting point is 01:03:16 I am not insulted by the proposition at all. I'm making that up, though. Maybe he's not insulted by it. 102, Robert Kennedy. I'm not insulted by it at all. Oh, did we play this yet? Okay, here we go. This guy kind of pisses me off right here. We'll talk about this.
Starting point is 01:03:31 This one's going to be interesting. I'm really curious how you guys are going to react to this. Look at Jeremy. Is there a choice number three? I don't know if there is. Yeah, the choice number three is you could become one of the people who is in control that Tank talks about or Matt Burns talks about. So now you have this fool, Robert Kennedy, who was a heroin addict, spit in cops' place, arrested multiple times, major drug addict. I'm sorry, he didn't get vaccine injured in his throat.
Starting point is 01:04:02 That is what happens when you do a ton of heroin. This guy's not a good human being. Look at his entire family history. His wife mysteriously hangs herself. I mean, I don't know a lot of people where their wives hang themselves. And you can read the Daily Mail article. She said, you know, he realized he wants to kill me. He wants me dead. So people forget all of this. Why? Because her name is Kennedy. How is this brainwashing taking place? So Kennedy gets involved in this movement backed by a guy called Mark Blacksall. And you look him up, a big pharma guy knows nothing about this, essentially reads talking points and overnight is branded as a medical freedom fighter. So I started looking into Kennedy's history.
Starting point is 01:04:41 And what did I find? He had endorsed Hillary Clinton not once, not twice, not three times. Now, this is no small joke. 2016, which was at that point, just three years ago, had endorsed Hillary Clinton. Now, why is this important, Ken and Tom? Hillary Clinton is the queen of vaccine mandates.
Starting point is 01:04:59 The whole family is. Clinton Global Initiative. In 2015, she had brought in one of the chief people at Monsanto to run her campaign. Now, what is Monsanto? Well, Monsanto is the one that's put glyphosate, which is one of the most horrible poisons, enslaved most of the farmers, created factory farming, and did GMOs. And Hillary Clinton was massively for that. clinton was massively for that so now you have this okay so this guy drops a guy's name mark blaxell that means nothing to me he says that he used to be addicted to heroin okay a lot of people have been addicted to a lot of fucking things and that his wife committed suicide this is like some weird kind of slander i don't want to like robert f kennedy i don't want to like someone who's fucking openly racist i only align with him on the fact that he doesn't want injections for our kids forced drug
Starting point is 01:05:51 injections on our kids but he's a fucking open racist he's straight up fucking liberal fucking fascist rotten person but this is a bullshit piece this is this is this is the kind of shit that just dumbs you down the music would you agree with me or no the music's fucking lame yeah like you're yelling you're being derogatory towards him because his wife committed suicide alluding to the fact that she that he somehow killed her like fuck off dude yeah but he invented the email he's credible who did dr shiva adari oh inventor of email email crazy i never even saw that jake chapman said he's addicted to shit videos uh 101 i found um all i know is that this is not a Republican.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It's the same video that we just played. Oh, it is? Okay. This one. Okay. Do you guys want to hear that again? No. That's disturbing, right? To me, that's significantly more disturbing than some guy who thinks that the earth is flat. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And I'm still able to just kind of cruise through this but this is a this is if you guys don't remember this is a dude who wants to take ovaries eggs and a uterus out of a live woman put it in himself so that he can have a baby so that he can abort it a flat earther i'm a flat earther over that over supporting that uh fragile and frail uh 100 fragile and frail global warming narrative. Here we go. Action. I'm curious, what percentage, if you could tell the people of Britain, what percentage of global climate emissions is Britain responsible? OK, so every country. Just answer what percentage, it's a figure. Every country is responsible for about 1%. It's 2%.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Apart from China and India, which we do our dirty work. Grow up! I'm trying. If we do what you want, which is spend £1.5 trillion, which is about eight years worth of the NHS budget, on net zero, if we do that, by what percentage will we reduce global temperatures about which you're so sure? But your argument is silly. You are saying, leading, leading, it's not a political question. You've got to tell the people of Britain, if you want to spend £1.5 trillion,
Starting point is 01:08:15 if you were to spend £1.5 trillion of British taxpayers' money, what result would you achieve? I think people would like to know that. What we need is deliberative democracy. We need participate with budgeting. We need people to... So you don't know. You don't know what the impact on global temperatures will be.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And we all need to take... I'm curious. That's a fair question, right? Great Britain is... She can't answer what Great Britain's responsible for for its carbon emissions in the world. He tells us it's 2% of the carbon emissions in the world. He then says you want $1.5 trillion to reduce emissions in Great Britain,
Starting point is 01:08:50 $1.5 trillion. How much will that reduce our carbon footprint, our carbon emissions? Why wouldn't she just say I don't know? Because that would be a missing link in the chain, and the whole thing would fall apart. Instead, she's just yelling at him. Sounds about right. She wants her $1.5 trillion.
Starting point is 01:09:18 What's this mean? This woman is an utter mong. What's a mong? It's a British thing. It's a mong it's a british thing it's a british thing person who has an intellectual disability especially one associated with down syndrome oh oh i see it i see it she doesn't she does look like a caricature she does look like a muppet right kind of like smushed in the fragile and frail global global warming narrative uh there's there's no republicans either on that side i've on yours you only believe in social constructs well within these social constructs what i'm saying is absolutely true Absolutely true. Hey, if you wanted to get the Republicans on board, all you'd have to do is be like, hey, there's the Orange County Mall. And you notice water creeping in right there. That's from global warming.
Starting point is 01:10:17 And if you give us $10,000, we can start showing you how we would reverse it and pull up some charts and show like how you would have cows fart less and and then your mall will be fine and then show a couple examples of that and then the Republicans would be on board it's that easy but you can't you fucking can't but to get the Democrats on board all you have to do is
Starting point is 01:10:44 make some sort of fucking emotional plea. Bizarre. It's bizarre. All the worst decisions I've ever made have come from a strong emotional place, usually. Do you guys remember last week when we showed Israel Adesanya step into the ring and completely
Starting point is 01:11:05 fucking go after the south african white guy well here this it's so funny this is this is why i'm fucking glad that um dave's back at crossfit this is uh the dave answer there this is i wish i i wish i had the israel adesanya clips i could show you before, but Israel was just swearing like a fucking rap star. Just going crazy. And up in the venue, everything was nigga this, nigga that, nigga that, just going crazy. And then at the press conference after the UFC, was it 290, they asked Dana, hey, what do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:11:48 Like, was that racially? And Israel Adesanya is black from Nigeria. He's not even American. It almost sounds weird coming out of his mouth, to tell you the truth. We're coming out of his mouth to my mouth. But anyway, here's Dana's response when the reporters ask him, hey, is that cool? Between those two and kind of the racial undertones and all those things, how do you— What were the racial undertones?
Starting point is 01:12:10 Driggett says he's the real African fighter, and so Israel dropped some N-words in there tonight. Some. So what was the racial— 20. Who did? Who dropped the racial— Israel was saying over and over, yeah. He's being black. He's being black. He's being black.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Did you hear what he said? He says he's being black. He says he's being black? I thought he said he is black. He just said he is black. No, the writing said he's black. Either way, I don't know if that matters, but what I hear him say is he's being black.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Basically, like, fuck you. Like what? Like, all of a sudden we're going to start calling black people out on that too? I just, play one more time. I just love it, how he just deals with it. Between those two and kind of the racial undertones and all those things, how do you... What were the racial undertones?
Starting point is 01:13:02 Drigga says he's the real African fighter, and so Israel dropped some n-words in there tonight. So what was the racial? Who did? Who dropped the racial? Israel was saying over and over, yeah. He's being black. 50 N-bombs in there.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Okay, he's black. I think he did say bean. He's being black. Who gives a shit? Yeah, who gives a shit? Who gives a shit the tension between yeah who gives a shit ends with who gives a shit uh it was very inappropriate and if anyone out there um with skin um darker than uh this mouse i'm sorry if you were offended by uh we will talk to israel uh will be suspended. We will be fining him. Shut the fuck up. All the rich white ladies that were offended by his speech.
Starting point is 01:13:49 He goes on to say, hey, man, it's the fucking fight game. Yeah. We do what we fucking want. Fuck off. It's so fucking good. He's so good. Thank you, Jeremy. Jeremy.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thanks for the text. Hey, are you good? I didn't even see if you responded. Did you go? Are you going to the games? He is.
Starting point is 01:14:12 He's on a fucking droid. So you know what sucks about him also being on droid is that every time I send a text message, it's like because I text with Bruce Wayne every day, too. And every time I send a text, I have to then go back five minutes later to make sure it went through. Mm hmm. And you can't do it from your computer which is a bummer yeah that sucks too racial tension at the ufc please how come is the phone on no one's calling hey daniel if you uh if you call in i'll let you you apology for my uh outburst the other evening he said he's still there what did you have an outburst about?
Starting point is 01:14:45 When I told everybody to be more respectful and chill out with all the personal attacks. My, uh, my, my, you were fine. My daughter did her first rope climb today. That's awesome. Did you, was she inspired by me? Inspired by those long johns?
Starting point is 01:15:03 Um, okay, 98, Driving Issues. I should erase this right away. Oh, this is amazing. I watched this like 20 times. This is fucking amazing. This is fucking amazing. This is so crazy. My Instagram feed is full of this too, by the way.
Starting point is 01:15:32 These. I can't believe this is real. Oh, damn. We're not going to get to see. It's not going to play well. This is crazy. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:52 There's a dude who gets hit that flies into another dude and hits him in the head. Boom. Look at the guy in the red pants and the red shirt. Watch. Someone gets hit and flies into that dude. It's amazing oh he hit that dude in the red clotheslined him and then i wonder if that dude in the red got like see how that tire almost runs him over. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Seve's Insta feed is hogs in Daniel Brandon's nipple bars.
Starting point is 01:16:32 You're welcome. You're welcome. Daniel Garrity. I'd rather drive to Livermore to accept your apology than be subjected to call and abuse by the chat. Dude, they don't make fun of callers do they oh my god no come on it's fine call in daniel let's talk let's hug it out come by anytime come work out uh 96 fbi what is this fbi stuff fbi how are we on time oh we're good i'm kind of tired i was so tired this morning i'm physically tired i feel physically weak that rope climb took it out
Starting point is 01:17:12 of me what so you need to walk out into the backyard it's like the life bar. It's like you do one rope climb, and it's like... Like, damn, I gotta... I gotta wait. Oh, we're doing the rankings again with Barbell Spin. Do you see this? I don't think... Oh, I don't know if I got an invite to that. It's in the group chat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Oh, is it? Okay. I'm always bad at participating at those things, so I just figured at some point they would stop fighting. Rambler, yes, anytime. Come visit Live More anytime. Okay, here we go. Annie Sakamoto's gym is gone, by the way. I don't think that's how you spell her last name either.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Does my hair look bad? No. It looks normal. Normally bad. Yeah, normally bad. You think I should get this bun cut off? I was just going to cut my hair short. I just can cut my hair like your hair, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Yeah. Or do you think I should go for the garrett a cut you know garrett glinton who's on the show she has the um viking viking diet cut i should shave it you think i should go for it so i so when people can't people can't tell the difference between me and the other two filmmakers out there i was surprised it would be a pretty it would be a pretty funny picture the three of us together if i keep my hair like this if you could get them all rallied up to do it oh please fucking so easy listen as soon as we get out there it's like it's everything goes away no one no one's gonna be no one's gonna be stupid okay maybe insecure
Starting point is 01:19:09 but no one will be stupid so on don't cut your hair i have to do something i have to do something i can't i can't i have to do something it's i have to do something what how are you gonna go i would just leave it long enough on top to where I can either wear it. Because I don't wash my hair that eventually it'll just stay like a little fucking helmet on top. I mean, nothing. Probably can go back like 20 podcasts and see it. 20 podcasts is last Monday. Let me see go back to episode 200 maybe is it really like that let me see um yeah dude it's really like that no here's i think i'm gonna be at a thousand episodes
Starting point is 01:20:03 here like this how about like this? Oh, yeah, this is pre-signed. Wow. Like that. I'm just calling. I've been street parking for two years, and I love it. So you think right now with this caller, someone's just – she's getting destroyed in the chat?
Starting point is 01:20:22 Yeah. Yeah, that's the haircut I would get, just like that. She's getting destroyed in the chat. Yeah. Talk to them. 1999. Yeah, that's the haircut I would get, just like that. That actually looks like it has some gel in it. I kind of don't want to have to deal with that gel, though, either. I just cut it with like a – it used to do a number three, and then when I grew it out, I stepped it down to like a seven, and then the last time I shaved it was at a five.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I'm with Bruce. Release the inner – I can't say that word. And Sevan can transcend into a maggot. Oh, you think that this is part of that – this is like the UC Berkeley camp, like I'm the UC Berkeley professor look? Residual UC Berkeley. No, you're missing the mask. Someone wants to make a good impression at the games.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I want to – yeah. I mean, if I were to go – every time, the games – when I used to go to the games, that's the time to, like, lose five pounds five pounds get your swole on throw in some curls don't eat don't stop eating before i go to bed you walk around with your hog out there not get in trouble if if for some reason you were to see me at the games and you see me and you're like fuck he looks he looks like shit. Just remember that's the best I can look. That is geek. Yeah, that's just remember that.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Like, I'm trying. I am trying. I'm not even joking. Call her. What up, Siobhan? What's up, dude? Oh, just love your show. Figured I'd call in.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Thank you. We need it. Just, yeah, just wrap up that flat earth episode oh yeah what'd you think i mean that was you know it was very entertaining yes it was entertaining it was very entertaining and some of that content around flat earth alternative history it's very entertaining engaging content are you opposed are you just like uh were you a hundred percent i'm not like oh my god he's crazy no not at all yeah not at all now some of the stuff i'm like dude you are too deep in the rabbit hole of like distrust of mainstream sources right but yeah a lot of that shit i'm totally with like what he was talking about with those cathedrals oh that's with the
Starting point is 01:22:44 giants you think a couple hundred years ago thereedrals oh that's with the giants you think a couple hundred years ago there were giants here that's where i'm just like come on dude i don't know about that there was definitely larger fauna like mega fauna that coexisted with humans that is no longer around what's fauna you mean plants and plants what's fauna uh like larger animals oh okay okay like you mean like uh um uh like that one the giant elephant or the giant tiger what was it what were those things called um the saber yeah the giant sloth the mammoth yes the mammoths yeah there's even like mainstream sources on that there's i think i still have the penis from the old giant.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Fuck yeah. Savant, my man. Always sneaking the dick joke in. Savant. Yeah, talk to me. No, it's great. You're my man. I love that episode. I'd like to see a little more content because that seemed to fit the brand of the show.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Thank you. What is the brand? Just at least talking with somebody, you know, it's not like you're endorsing him. Right. Hey, but what's fascinating, too, is like the Jay Cooey guy in the morning, right? Did you see that? Did you see that one? No, I didn't. I didn't. So that one's not on YouTube, but you should listen to that because that what's fascinating is is so people on the far left would like this put both of those people in the same camp jay cooey phd neurobiologist yes they would like to put him in the same camp as the person who believes in the sasquatch but what jay cooey is basically saying
Starting point is 01:24:18 he says it with uh with fucking intense fucking uh that, Hey, the, the, the COVID didn't come from a bat and it didn't come from a lab and, and, or it wasn't leaked from a lab and it didn't come from a bat bite, but they purposely put out both of those choices for you. So you'll be stuck in one of those narratives. But the real way it happened is I propose it happened like this.
Starting point is 01:24:42 And it's like, it was some brilliant talk. It was some, uh, it was some brilliant talk it was some uh it was some very well thought out shit and with no sauce watch in it on some degree on some degree yeah so okay yeah it's interesting i'm glad you accepted the flat earth why do you think why do you think um uh and this question is a little insincere because I'm so dogmatic in my own belief. But why do you think so many people get freaked out when you bring up a flat earth? They become just hyper-defensive and aggressive.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Man, when you're indoctrinated, for lack of a better term, man, what is it? You just look at them as stupid, and you go, oh, man, this guy's a moron. He's one of those morons. Yeah. Why do they think that? Why do they go straight there? Just because that's a great question. Cause even at the start, when I first heard flat earth, I went, Oh fucking moron. Right. Right. And I, then I just, I just let myself listen to it. Oh, that's got some validity. This is just like the start of COVID. At the start, you just go with it and you go, man, that's not true at all.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Stefan, that's a great question. Why do people's minds immediately go to that? I didn't like it that he vaped. I felt bad for him. That was my biggest takeaway from that. I know. I kept seeing that. And then you're like, do you do jujitsu? He's like, nah, man, I don't like any of that stuff. And he doesn't doesn't he vapes he sucks from a a plastic thing that has a battery
Starting point is 01:26:10 in it that burns chemicals but he won't eat animals with assholes yeah yeah i question is the mental clarity yeah of like the individual but i didn't make me question his theories or anything like that. Yeah. More just like when you see people do that, I just go, fuck, man, you need a father or like a support system that clearly isn't present. And I just get this like inner sadness.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Yeah, vaping's crazy addiction. Not good for you. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, final question for you should i get my haircut oh no not at all savon you gotta do the cornrows like dave did at the games you gotta go to the games and do the cornrows all right thank you i don't mean now i regret asking thank you hey you want to touch on rfk sure go ahead i mean is this not a huge i know you've been loving the word psyop yeah dude they are gonna get him in nothing will change with public
Starting point is 01:27:17 health at all they can sense that people are like hey this covid was all fake bullshit we got to get somebody in there that's going to do all the Democratic platform stuff. But he's going to say in his campaign, yeah, COVID vaccines are bad because that's what's hot on social media. And then they're going to get him in and not dog shit will change.
Starting point is 01:27:40 That's just kind of where I'm feeling. Yeah, I kind of agree with that. I think the thing that he says about like the karma is like the worm on the hook. Yes. Nothing will change. People are like, oh, and they jump on it
Starting point is 01:27:55 and then really... Hey, I hope... The part of your story... You've been seeing, they're pushing Biden out. You see that every day. There's a new thing against biden they're trying to turn the tables on him hey did you see the work did you see they've they've abandoned they published a couple days ago that they're no longer going to um they can't figure out whose cocaine it was so they've closed the case but now but now now they've released that they found another illicit substance in there.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Have you seen that? It's like the balloons. One balloon, two balloons, three balloons more. Cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamines more. It's like hilarious. Are you a mouth breather? No. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I keep walking around like biting my lip. Is my audio horrible? It's just sexy. That's it. It's turning on some of the men in the audience. Jeremy started masturbating. Oh, am I getting eaten in the comments? No.
Starting point is 01:28:51 No, they've settled down. All right. All right. That's fine. But yeah, yeah, man. They're doing little news plants. So people like my mom and dad are like, hey, Biden has drugs in there just like his son Hunter.
Starting point is 01:29:05 We should go with RFK. SDF says it's the most secure place on earth, the White House, and yet they fucking can't figure out whose coke it was. Yeah, that's such bullshit. Dude, they know exactly whose coke it was. I know, yes. Why even entertain that stuff? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:29:24 It's kind of like when anti-Trumpers, when Trump was in, every little news article, did you see that Trump did this in the White House? I don't give a fuck, dude. All that stuff's stupid for people like my mom and dad.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Savan, you're a little psy-opt. I am a little psy-opt. Dude, you're always talking about the gender stuff like i know you're in california and i'm in northern what do you think i should pivot to what subject do you think i should pivot to right what should you pivot to bro like endangered species oh i don't even fucking know no no, no, I don't know. Like, what can, just raising your kids. Oh my God, that show would suck. Hey, it's funny you say that because the other day. No, don't pivot, don't pivot.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Okay, okay. Because the other day I. I'm going to say you're a little psyoped. I did a, God, I really hope they come to me and they're like, Savant, if you don't talk about this, we'll give you this much money and you could be the next Joe Rogan. I'd be like. Yo, the CIA is going to come to you and have you keep talking about it. Can I give you this much money and you could be the next Joe Rogan. I'd be like, yo, the CIA is going to come to you
Starting point is 01:30:26 and have you keep talking about it. Can I do lunch with you on? We need you to keep talking. Oh, yeah. Dude, I think you're next. Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone said to me. Yeah, dude, you're next. Okay, I have to take my kids to 10. One year from now, you're going to be advocating for RFK.
Starting point is 01:30:41 They're going to completely miss you. No. Oh, CIA gets just the sub on podcast. I love you. completely miss you. No. CIA gets just the sub on podcast. I love you. Now you're being rude. I'm just messing with you, bro. All right. Talk to you later. Bye. All right. Take care, buddy. I liked him.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Who was that? Settle down. Settle down, settle down. Oh my God. We need to pull some of Caleb's, what is it called? Authority powers. She just played that when Hitler was on sometime. Okay. Let's do one more. Hey,
Starting point is 01:31:30 you got to go quickly. Oh yeah. Okay. Let's do this one. Okay. Here we go. Who hundred and 78,000 times American citizens information was queried by your agency unintentionally.
Starting point is 01:31:44 That's your testimony? I would want to go back and check that, Senator. Will you commit to releasing this unclassified document that alleges that the President of the United States has taken $5 million or more in bribes from a foreign nation? The document, as you know, contains sensitive information, and I hope you would take that seriously, too. Oh, I take it very seriously. But I also take seriously the fact that your institution has repeatedly abused its authority, has repeatedly targeted political opponents. Your institution is the one that went to the
Starting point is 01:32:13 door of pro-life protesters with SWAT teams to try and intimidate people because of their speech. Your institution is the one that treated parents as domestic terrorists because of their speech your institution is the one that according to the court the fisa court ran 278 000 unwarranted probably illegal queries on americans right wow 200 and hey how great is jeremy hi hold on one second how great is it that he says the president he takes tells this fucking guy is that the director of the fbi he tells him hey you have a document that shows that the president took 10 million dollars from china for political favor can you why won't the fuck won't you release it and his response is well there's sensitive information on there it would uh expose us. Yeah. I'm kind of okay with that answer. I think that's a
Starting point is 01:33:10 It's the most honest one you'll probably get. I'm kind of okay with that. Jeremy, what's up, dude? What's up, fellas? How's it going? I was supposed to get off there two minutes ago. You get the last word today. What's Lauren Cleal say on her morning chalk up show?
Starting point is 01:33:27 What's the bottom line? What's the bottom line, Jeremy? What's the bottom line? The bottom line. So my Android phone wanted to call in and apologize for being an Android and not an iPhone. Good. Yeah, sorry. But no, hey, I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Whatever you guys need, rides or whatever, I'll be there uh whatever you guys need rides or whatever i'll be there i just want to hang out with you i just i need it i think you'd make an awesome like just bodyguard i'm down slash friend yeah let's do it yeah all right all right that was it okay and you're the only person that i've out of all if i do go, you're the only fucking person I want to say hi to. No one else. I'm working. Fucking busy. I love it.
Starting point is 01:34:12 I'll keep them away. Good. Yeah, just fucking, if Judy walks up, just straight arm her. Like, get the fuck back. Just give her the hi. Give me a fucking hug or some shit. Hope you're ready, Judy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Just pick her up and throw her back over like that security railing. You see that? I love it. Alright. Love you guys. Talk to you guys. I don't know. I have a feeling that there could be... We have so many... We, by the way, as of last night, at 11 o'clock last
Starting point is 01:34:42 night, Susan and I sent a request to every single games athlete, every single one for cowskies, the Laura Horvath, the Sydney. Well, every broke it. Well,
Starting point is 01:34:50 no, Brooke didn't make it every single Catrin, uh, David. No, you know, she's the only one. Catherine David's are the only one we didn't send a request to, but we sent a request to via her agents.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Yes. And her people. Yes. Uh, so everyone's been invited and, we're going to have a crazy two weeks. Jeremy, thanks for calling in and talk to you guys very soon.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Bye. Bye. Love you guys. Peace.

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