The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Souza Goes Rogue #908

Episode Date: May 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Solo mission today. We're going to try something new, and hopefully you guys are nice about it. So I'm running the show solo. We got the live call-in number. I'm going to pop up in a minute here. And hopefully if all of our new contraptions are working correctly, you guys should be able to call into the show. Not sure what's happening, though, because I see comments,
Starting point is 00:01:27 but I don't see anybody coming in. There it is, 15. Okay. All right. So we're going to try things a little bit different this time. In a second here, I want to have one of you guys at least please test call it and don't just leave me hanging here without a call. I'll put up the number in a second.
Starting point is 00:01:48 New test here. Burning more brightly than those around you is a skill that no one is born with. You have to learn to attract attention. As surely as the lodestone attracts iron, at the start of your career, you must attach your name and reputation to a quality, an image that sets you apart from other people. This image can be something like a characteristic style of dress
Starting point is 00:02:17 or a personality quirk that amuses people and gets talked about. Once the image is established, you have an appearance, a place in the sky for your star. It is a common mistake to imagine that this particular appearance of yours should not be controversial, that to be attacked is somehow bad. Nothing could be further from the truth. To avoid being a flash in the pan and having your notoriety elipsed by another, you must not discriminate between the different types of attention.
Starting point is 00:02:50 In the end, every kind will work in your favor. Society craves larger-than-life figures, people who stand above the general mediocrity. Never be afraid, then, of the qualities that set you apart and draw attention to you. Court controversy, even scandal. It is better to be attacked, even slandered, than ignored. All professions are ruled by this law, and all professionals must have a bit of showman about them. Can you guys hear that?
Starting point is 00:03:23 That's the 48 laws of power. Law number six, court attention at all costs. Right? A little crazy. Okay, so we're going to get the... Oh, Jeff. Oh, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. Hey, just go ahead and ban Jeff.
Starting point is 00:03:40 He hasn't brought anything dope in a long time. He just kind of like BSs. Can you guys not hear me? Can you hear me? Loud and Jeff. He hasn't brought anything dope in a long time. He just kind of like BS's. Can you guys not hear me? Can you hear me? Loud and clear. Okay. Turn on your mic. Extra sloppy. I heard the mic was on. Good morning. Yeah. See, Allison gets it. All right. So we're going to drop the live call in line in here. And let's see. When do you guys want to call it to see if it works not banned anyone you moron that's what happens as soon as uh seven leaves i just start banning people from it all right good morning it's your sloppy david bruce jessica all the normal people except for now i'm saying your names instead of Settlin. So I got some clips
Starting point is 00:04:26 from it for the show. Unknown caller. We'll see if this works. Caller. What's your name and where are you calling from? Unknown caller. Oh, you gotta mute
Starting point is 00:04:42 the YouTube in the back. Caller. I'm calling to call him. Oh, you got to mute the YouTube in the back. Okay. Call him. What's your name? Hi. I'm calling from Holland. Yeah, you got to turn YouTube off in the background, brother. I did. There we go.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Fantastic. Calling from Holland. What's your name? Victor. Victor? Yeah, Victor. Okay, Victor, what's up, brother? What can I do for you this morning?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Not much. I just want to give a call, check if it works. Oh, you're the man. Thank you so much. Yeah, we set this up last night. Sevan gave me a hand setting it up. And so you're my first official caller. You did it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh, that's awesome, man. Yeah, yeah. So thank you for all. What are you doing today? What time is it there right now let me see it's five minutes past four 4 a.m. or 4 p.m. 4 p.m. yeah
Starting point is 00:05:34 yeah okay right on well thank you so much for calling and do you have any question anything weird or do you just want to generally talk trash about anybody in the chat no no I'm good I'm just listening Or do you just want to generally talk trash about anybody in the chat? No, no, I'm good. I'm just listening.
Starting point is 00:05:49 All right, fantastic. Thank you. You've been great. See that, Tevon? I just hung up on him. That's it. You don't even have to. I just went for it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 No, Heidi, I don't have a dip in. I tried that one time, and it did not go well. My mouth started watering. I felt like I was going to throw up. Okay, so we're going to jam it just like we normally do. I picked out some of these clips here. I hope you guys enjoy them. They're from the brainchild of my Instagram or from the algorithm, if you will.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So I'll do it similar. It was funny. Earlier I was talking last night. I was talking to Caleb and I was like, all right, hey, we're going to give this a try. Savon's out for the weekend, so we're going to keep the show rolling. And he's like, yeah, I can't make it. I was like, Caleb, you're killing me. So that's why I titled it in the deep end, because now we're basically just we're just rolling with it we're going straight from zero to 100 here and i'm just gonna rock the rock the show solo so i wanted to start the show with this clip here because anytime i see something get it of course it's it's like hard to do both at the same time now that i'm in charge
Starting point is 00:06:57 of both of them okay so i saw this i can't remember some of remember. Some of these are really old, too. And if you've seen them before, just pretend you didn't because it'll freak me the fuck out, and then I'll go into a spiral. So even if you've seen them before, just play along. All right, you too, Jeff, you fucking dick. So anytime I see something, especially like humans moving or traffic or as you fly in from the airplane, it always looks like humans moving or traffic or as you fly in from the uh from the airplane it always looks like cells moving i always feel like the further we zoom out from something the more
Starting point is 00:07:32 similar it looks and the suit and the closer you zoom in on something the similar it looks as in like cells moving across all right that was dumb good way to fucking start the show off also dude do you guys do you guys have any um do you guys have any questions you could write it in there and ask lots of people always have like coaching questions for me and stuff like that but i never really uh i never really see him that that often on the show are you going to show em Emily's post of the salt? I don't know what the... Okay, I got this one.
Starting point is 00:08:12 This one. Okay, this next one here. I always... Sometimes you guys see people around, and obviously majority of us are CrossFitters, right? So you always see somebody, you're wondering like, how are they able to kind of get around in life if they could barely kind of move? Like you see them kind of move around and like everything just looks hard. Like just getting from the car to
Starting point is 00:08:33 inside the store or anything like that just looks like a complete, like it just looks really tough and more difficult than it should be because you're just not comfortable in your own body. And so I found this clip here and sometimes that can be taken to the extreme and you need a lot of people to help you out. Okay, so to set this up, this woman here is already running. You guys can see where this is going to go. She's going to jump into the big foam pit there. What do you think is going to happen next? I'm not going to play it with any music.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Okay. So she jumped in the foam pit and there is, well, this other person, I don't even know what they're doing. She is that a guy or a girl? Holy shit. Doesn't it look like this person's hair is painted on in the top left-hand corner? What the fuck? It definitely looks like it is painted on in the top left-hand corner what the fuck it definitely looks like it's
Starting point is 00:09:26 painted on sorry my phone calls you out how you doing logan welcome to the show hey man how you doing oh you fucking steve-o see steve-o what's going on hey i just call just calling coming this weekend i need a body double oh i'm in i'm in perfect because we got wow we have this thing we have a king lizard we're gonna shove him up my ass okay is this a new thing i don't really want to do it it is yeah oh my goodness. So, Steve, what are you up to? People say I look like you.
Starting point is 00:10:07 What do you think? Do you agree? Obviously. Yeah, well, you kind of look like me as a bleached asshole, you know? That's the vibes I kind of get, you know? Yeah, bleached asshole vibes. Definitely. You could see it in my face, right?
Starting point is 00:10:23 That's where the resemblance comes in. Yeah, you don't quite have the resemblance comes in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't, you don't quite have the butthole eyes, but you know, it's okay. Hey, so how's, uh, how's life sober there? Are you still sober? Did you, uh, pick back up? Oh, I mean, uh, I mean, I don't like to talk shop.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Uh, it's, it's kind of touchy. Well, mate, uh, what's, uh, what's your ethnicity? I'm Portuguese. Oh, okay. Yeah. I kind of thought I could smell you from here. Jesus. You went from almost Steve-O to, uh, we're getting Marge Simpson now.
Starting point is 00:11:03 No, that's not the common thing you know yeah a lot of years a lot of years of cereal without milk it kind of really screws up my throat yeah definitely cereal without milk is not uh not recommended no no well hey i kind of thought you were polish-Irish, but I didn't really know. So I thought I'd ask because the people at the agency are curious. But we definitely might have to bleach your asshole if you were Portuguese. Yeah, that works. I'm Portuguese and I smell bad and you definitely have to bleach the asshole and everything above. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'll get the lizard ready, okay? You're the man, Steve. I'll see you later. Don't kill holy smokes all right yeah i gotta do that too my um i didn't realize that the ringer actually told everybody who called i don't even know how to uh how to fix that though do you guys know how to fix that of course trying to do it like live on air now it's going to be the best time to do it phone um no sounds uh classic there we go okay we'll try
Starting point is 00:12:18 that on the next caller hopefully it doesn't say your name it shouldn't say your name yeah you don't know who called it was steve-o it was steve-o i'm better i'm quicker on the uh on the off button there okay so she's stuck inside this foam pit there's somebody with a helmet some sort of soft helmet up in the left hand corner apparently just holding this along with this other gentleman they don't look like they're doing anything the kids are clearly laughing and making fun of her, which is hilarious. These kids are just swimming dads in there. You can tell he wasn't prepared because he still got the sunglasses on his hat. He just jumped in to
Starting point is 00:12:51 rescue her. That's it. She's stuck. Ain't nothing helping her out there. There's a couple guys. She just disappears into the phone pit. I don't know. Do you guys ever get into the discussion about two seats on the airplane?
Starting point is 00:13:14 Isn't that back in discussion now? Or is it just a popular topic? I don't know. I've heard people talking about it before that if you're a certain size, you have to buy two airplane seats. I don't know. What do you guys think about that? Cool.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I don't think they pulled their arms off. I think the most likely scenario would be she would yank them back into the foam pit. I think actually would be what happened there. Earlier, that little bit I read there is from this book. It's called The Daily Laws by Robert Greene. He wrote another book called 48 Laws of Power. And that's just each one of them a day kind of broken down. They're not all from the 48 Laws of Power book.
Starting point is 00:13:59 They're from some of his other books, Mastery, Seduction, that type of stuff. But if you guys haven't checked out Robert Greene, you definitely should. And I know a few of you guys have reached out and said something about a book list. I just don't know what that means. What does that mean? Odd, the other day, tried to tell me that it was the book of the top 20 or something like that the top 20 books but the hard part is is that in like what category what subject like i did just random fucking yeah bruce you're like bruce is big on it too and he's been saying book club and i just i
Starting point is 00:14:37 don't know what that means do you guys want like the top 10 all time top 20 of all time i don't know so far we got two callers in okay you guys have maybe seen this before but i just thought it was hilarious um if they got the uh if they got this right they got free time in class and as you could tell little man there really wanted some free time like look how serious he is. How old do you guys think they are right there? How old is that? Like nine?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Ten? Are they older maybe? Is that like his true reaction or is he just mimicking something? Maybe he saw his parents or something like that. I switched the thing. You guys can call it. It's not going to say your name anymore. And by the way, that was because I had the last gentleman's phone number saved
Starting point is 00:15:27 in my phone. 8 or 9. Yeah, Olivia, that's what I was thinking too. 8 or 9. I don't know. What do you think? Do you think that was learned by the parents? And guess what? He got his free time. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. That little boy? He got his free time. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 That little boy's life has changed for forever. Becoming a supple leopard is a top book for what? That's a fucking textbook, dude. Top three books. dude. Top three books. I don't really listen to a ton of or read a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:15 other books like that. The Heart of Racing, Gone with the Wind, that type of stuff. No. Usually mostly business books. Okay. Okay. usually mostly mostly business books okay okay so this one was interesting hopefully it'll open up a little can of worms of uh of discussion here but um oh here's a good question philip kelly wait that's the wrong one steve jobs just a book about him is him. Isaac Watson was a really good biographer. You should read it from him. So he's a serious question. How many banded bicep curls did you do before going live? None of them, but I'm pretty sure since I woke up this morning, my heart rate's been at like 150 or like 155. So that's cool. woke up this morning my heart rate's been at like 150 or like 155 so that's cool you know nervous before the show starts it's a lot harder to uh rock and roll this thing solo
Starting point is 00:17:14 super impressive so it all makes it look so damn easy and the thing is too like all these people that we have on like and i include myself in this mostly it's like you get on here and you feel like you're like oh yeah we fucking killed it like you get on here and you feel like, oh yeah, we fucking killed it. I destroyed it, right? And then you realize, no, it wasn't you. Because then you get on here by yourself and it's a whole different ballgame. You definitely don't feel
Starting point is 00:17:36 as cool, a little insecure, a little vulnerable, a little exposed while you're hanging out on here. So it's a little bit different doing it solo. Matt, you were parked across the street from my house the other day the box you moved from the trunk to your back seat that was all the stuff that i was bringing back to sevens i was going to make it sound like something cool and mysterious but it was just uh expensive stuff so i didn't want to leave it in the back seat
Starting point is 00:18:04 and then um have it get busted into because that would completely defeat the purpose. Okay, you need to brush up on your ADHD technique. Dude. Yeah, yeah. Okay, next clip here. This one's going to have a little noise to it. And I titled this one here good intentions good intentions you ended up in jail yeah uh i heard i heard this dude or it
Starting point is 00:18:36 was like 10 guys being a little girl and uh i was gonna grab a break and rush in the house and she was like she told me psychically she's like don't do that there's like 10 of them they'll just kill you and continue to rape me do this light the house on fire and when they go outside to put the fire out i'll be able to escape and get out so i did i lit the house on fire and they caught me they got me on camera was there a girl and 10 guys no no just schizophrenia that was your schizophrenia yeah you ended up in jail yeah for attempted murder went to prison for arson oh prison for yeah wow so okay so we talk about it all the time which is the road to hell is paved with good intentions right if you listen to the first part of the story he's literally like explaining that he was going to try to save the little girl. But then
Starting point is 00:19:28 it turned out that there was no little girl at all. They were chasing the boogeyman. So now, what I want you guys to think about is some of the topics that we discussed on this show. The majority of them start with this really great intention. But half the time, it's nonsensical. Meaning, there was no little girl to be saved, and half the people that these politicians are trying to save, they're actually harming worse.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They're lighting the house on fire while all these people are inside. Instead of fucking lighting the house on fire and assuming you're correct, why don't you just really try to understand what's happening? And also, too, have you guys ever met anybody schizophrenic one of my cousin's mom was um bipolar and she would do crazy shit and it's not my aunt because it's my second cousin i know somebody was gonna say oh you mean your aunt no and um when she would get on these really highs and become manic, she would do nuts stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I remember one time she dressed up in a bathing suit, and at the time, my family member was two years old, I think, three years old, so she grabbed her from the house, and they both got dressed up in bathing suits, one of which was three, and the other one was a grown-ass woman, and they showed up at the car dealership and bought a car and claimed that they had stolen
Starting point is 00:20:50 their dad's credit card. They were a couple of teenagers out to have a good time. One was a full grown-ass woman. One was her daughter. That's the type of weird shit that mental health does. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I got another clip on here for you. Okay, this one's not a video or anything. It's just essentially a quote here. Just keep in mind, the more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have. I really like thinking about things like this because anytime shit feels like it's getting out of hand or it's spiraling out of control, most likely we're just focusing on something that is completely without of our
Starting point is 00:21:40 control. So the best thing to do is to try to just slow down and figure out what it is you control and start to just focus and control on those. You've heard Sevan talk about it a couple of times and I have the same thing like that. When you drop the ball on something or shit feels chaotic, instantly just like kind of go internally and figure out like, okay, I can control this. I'm going to do this. I'm going to make sure that this is squared away. I'm going to prepare for this. And that way you can just start controlling everything
Starting point is 00:22:06 you possibly can. Wait, let me see. Something's coming. Your husband's mom was Olivia? Oh, shit. I bet you you have some crazy stories. Did anything weird happen during holidays and stuff? Did you guys get together? And it's like, well,
Starting point is 00:22:23 schizophrenic mom's coming over and she shows up with just like two randoms wait yes read a spontaneous order okay um extra topic i was schizophrenic for two years it was crazy i'm glad it didn't last for the rest of my life. I guess I was smoking a bunch of weed and a prescription of Adderall would do that for you. No shit. So what happened? You just started to like, you'd smoke a joint, take some Addies, and then you'd hear voices in your head or something. When you guys call in and talk about this.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Oh, it was a drug induced schizophrenia. Oh, she's talking to extra sloppy there. I would say. Oh, so Sean is claiming that it wasn't necessarily the combination of drugs but the dosage. So more Adderall than weed. Okay. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:18 you had to stop her coming over for your daughter's sake. That's trippy. You should definitely, you should call in and tell one of the stories it can't be it can't be any worse than some of these clips that i have here all right so next one okay so this one i really like this is a subject that we talk about all the time on the uh on the show and i don't have kids majority guys you guys already know this by now um but a lot of the members at the gym do and so you get to see a lot of people that come into the gym with their kids the way that they behave with
Starting point is 00:23:57 their kids the way that their kids behave in the environment but most importantly especially a lot of these kids that are are frequently in class times i like come with mom relatively often or come with dad relatively often you um you start to see the way that they or their parenting skill or the discipline and the boundaries that they set for the kids or maybe the lack thereof but more importantly and i was getting to this point is you see the other parents interact with the kids. So this is our friend of the show here, Jordan Peterson. No, we want new subjects for new hoes.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I know, but I'm just defaulting to what I know, Melissa. I'm just defaulting to what I know. If we make this a thing, I'm sure I'll definitely fall into a slightly different format or something. But until then, I'm just going to fucking mimic what I know. Jordan Peterson clip. Talking about parenting.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Talking about kids and parenting. The problem as a parent is to make your child socially desirable by the age of four. You want to burn that into your brain because people don't know that. That's your job. Here's why. It's easy job. And here's why.
Starting point is 00:25:06 It's easy if you think about it carefully. So imagine you've got a three-year-old child, so sort of halfway through that initial period of socialization, and you take that child out in public. Okay, what do you want for the child? Who cares about you? What do you want for the child? You want the child to be able to interact with other children and adults
Starting point is 00:25:27 so that the children are welcoming and smile and want to play with him or her. And so the adults are happy to see the child and treat him or her properly. And if your child's a horrible little monster because you're afraid of disciplining them or you don't know how to do that properly, then what they're going to do is they're going to experience nothing but rejection from other children and false smiles from other parents and adults. And that's, so then you're throwing the child out there
Starting point is 00:25:52 into a world where every single face that they see is either hostile or lying. And that's not something that's going to be particularly conducive to the mental health or the well-being of your child. Your job is a... Yeah, exactly, right? conducive to the mental health or the well-being of your child your job isn't yeah exactly right so like a lot of the times some of the parents in there where the kids are a little bit less uh orderly or they might get a little like crazy in there you could see a lot of the parents immediately like walk in and all their kind of facial change change like oh shit
Starting point is 00:26:21 we got to deal with this kid today or like oh great we have to like deal have to like deal with this. By the way, caller, sorry about that. I want to let that clip play if you call back. I'll answer this time. I apologize. I'm definitely not in the position to be ignoring calls. So go ahead and call back whenever. But you see these kids walk in and you watch kind of the demeanor of the adults change. And the craziest part about this, and you guys that have kids, you could speak to this way more than I can, but they pick up on fucking everything. And rarely do they pick up
Starting point is 00:26:49 on exactly what you're saying. They mostly pick up on what it is that you're doing, the energy in the room, like they could feel it a lot more, right? That sense of nonverbal communication. So if they're always kind of feeling some sort of negative energy or something weird happens when they walk in the room, they're picking up on that and they're reacting to that. And sometimes a lot of the kids just react by, by acting out more. Like I've seen that happen quite a bit where they come in and like all the other parents kind of like, Oh great. There's so-and-so's kid. They're going to be like loud or whatever the case may be. And then all of a sudden the kid kind of changes and then they ramp up their volume because they're not really sure how to like react in the environment,
Starting point is 00:27:27 but they could definitely feel that something changes. They walked into the room and it sucks because if you have kids and you raise them to where the other adults really like them. And again, you guys know the difference here. I want to talk about, I'm sure you've experienced your life. Like you gravitate towards those kids. Like you see them and you just can't help it. You're just like unknown caller and and it's crazy because
Starting point is 00:27:49 then they get so much more attention they don't have to jump at it the uh same way you would if um if they did not get a caller hello welcome to the show what's your name where you're calling from so i was gonna share my schizophrenic story. Oh, yes. Please do. So it didn't happen to me, but I dated a girl once that we were getting kind of serious. And she was adopted. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:23 This is our college years and she had a, her biological mother was schizophrenic and bipolar. Did you know this before dating her? Did you like know the deal getting, getting into it? Yes. Oh, brave man. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Keep going. We got, we're getting kind of serious uh we're trying to figure out some banking information for her come to find out her biological mother had stolen her um her uh her like credit cards and all that and ran her credit up and she hadn't talked to her mother in a long time and so when she finally confronted her about it yeah did you guys wait one second did you guys see the charges like what was she buying we didn't see the charges but she had to call the credit number the credit line and try to figure out why she didn't have good credit okay um and we figured out that it was her mother that was doing this um and then uh so when she finally called her mother she um
Starting point is 00:29:38 she confronted her about it and then the very next, we figured out that she had took too many pills, and that was it. She ended her life. No shit. That's correct. Okay, so what you – okay, hold on. We got to unhash this again. Okay, so are you still dating this girl? Do you still talk to the chick?
Starting point is 00:30:04 No, no. we ended our relationship uh there's a lot of stuff involved with all of that okay okay so let's just get the timeline right so you're dating this chick it's getting pretty serious you you go in and and how do you guys exactly because you tried to get a credit line and they said no you have bad credit right correct and so she figured out she found out that her mom had ran her gotten her social security number ran her credit and uh to buy different things that she needed um drugs alcohol whatever else and then yeah ran her credit up wait so did she did she did she do you think that she uh committed the act because she felt so bad and couldn't control it or right right oh fuck so and you were still with this girl after this happened how how does she take it
Starting point is 00:31:00 uh she hadn't talked to her biological mom in many years and so it wasn't like she was very close to her but it was it was a pretty serious situation damn there was a there's a whole another backstory to where she was in this girl i was aiding she was the the family that she had adopted her her father was going to prison that father was going to prison for something else that he did um and so i had to help this girl through a whole lot of bad situations and then i quickly found out uh it was almost four years four years and then how long before you found out like the the history with her family like with her mom and stuff um that was about three and a half years after we started dating that happened with her family
Starting point is 00:31:57 all of that happened within a matter of six months her dad going to prison uh for something that he did and um and her mom her biological mom passing away um and then probably about three months later i figured out this is not the girl that i want to be a family have family with and so i ended that oh my goodness so you're like hey my bad about your dad in prison and your mom committing suicide, but I'm out. Well, not that I blame you anyways. Yeah. You're not married to her, right? I was talking on the show the other day. I was like, Hey, if you, uh, if you want to crystal ball into potentially women, potentially what their futures will look like, you, you basically just look at their moms
Starting point is 00:32:42 and their demeanor and behavior and stuff like that and chances are right i started i started to see a lot of issues in this girl and uh things that i did couldn't deal with and didn't want to have to deal with and later on in life yeah that's nuts was she good in bed we didn't we didn't do anything like that no in college no oh man so you just had to deal with all the crazy stuff but none of the uh none of the good side of the crazy huh are you celibate or something was it like a religious college you were holding it for marriage yes ah good on you and are you married now i am awesome and that's going that's going better than the other Yes. of crazy situations attached to stuff like that. I better go before chat gets too much crazy. They start throwing shit like that
Starting point is 00:33:50 at you. All right. Thank you so much for calling with your story. I appreciate it. Bye. Interesting. By the way, that was totally Sevan's question in the chat. I was thinking it, but I was like, I don't know. Should I ask it? Because everybody's thinking it, right? You're like is she like also crazy in that sense too you don't we
Starting point is 00:34:10 don't know we had to dig in there and ask so other callers sorry there was a couple people that called at the same time i tried to turn it off so it wouldn't uh repeat what people are saying but i will get that figured out so by the next time you guys call, it doesn't put you on blast. That one was just a number, though. It's only if I have your number saved or if it pops up as a name in the phone. Oh, you think so?
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, David, I think that's what I was thinking. We were not all thinking that. Yeah, right. You were. You were. You were. You were. So that Jordan Peterson clip, what do you guys think? Do you agree with that?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Somebody else in the chat said, no, don't make your kids desirable to people. I mean, you don't make them agreeable, right? You don't just have them to where they just agree to anything that strangers say. I got some candy. You want to come in my van? Sure. My dad taught me to be agreeable. No, that's not the case. But essentially, you make it to where they're polite and they're present
Starting point is 00:35:07 around other adults and i think a lot of times too when they start to feel like when kids start to feel that energy of almost like they're either not liked by the by the parents or they're kind of just one of those kids that everybody's like oh boy and they kind of move away the second they feel that energy they crank their like attention getting skills up so all of a sudden they get extra fuzzy they start to they start to yell a lot and uh then it just almost perpetuates that cycle and the real issue is is that the parent doesn't know how to like properly discipline them or or put in put in boundaries and so all of a sudden now the child is attempting to take control of the environment which is which is always interesting because you could tell or parents that try to change the environment for their kid.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So they show up to some party and they have to move all their stuff around before they usher their child in because they know that it's just going to run fucking rampant because the kid has no discipline and they don't know how to remove them from the situation. And of course, this is the best parenting advice that you could get from someone who's not a
Starting point is 00:36:02 parent. So take it for what it is. I don't agree that's... See, that's the problem. Not super friendly. That's where it's getting confused. It's not that they need to be super friendly. And in fact, majority of the kids are really shy. And a lot of the kids that are shy
Starting point is 00:36:17 could still be kids that are likable or liked by adults. For instance, if you have a shy kid and you're a parent there and the kid comes over and the adult stops and they go, hi, little so-and-so, are you the parent that steps aside? Doesn't shove the kid out because clearly they're shy, but steps aside and says, hi, mini Heidi, please wave at this adult because they're acknowledging you and we acknowledge them back as human beings. And we look up at them. Sure, the kid's afraid. Sure, it's going
Starting point is 00:36:44 to stand with a tan in its mouth and hide behind up at them. Sure. The kid's afraid. Sure. It's going to kind of stand with 10 in its mouth and like hide behind, but that's, that's fine. It doesn't matter. You still at least had the interaction. Um, yeah. Bro science and parenting science.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Exactly. Okay. I want to scroll back up for a second and go to Philip Kelly's cause he put fun in it. Thank you so much for donating the money and the calls. This is already like a 10 out of 10 for me because I was like, fuck, if everybody leaves and this thing drops down to like 20 people.
Starting point is 00:37:12 So I appreciate that. I appreciate the donations. Susa, how do you handle members who want to follow their own programming? Does the same apply to coaches? Okay, so this is an interesting topic and one that comes up all the time in affiliates. Okay, so the first thing I always go to with the conversation is, why are you trying to follow your own program?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Is it because you're competitive? You want to be competitive and the one you're getting from the class isn't necessarily, um, filling that need. Like you don't feel like the class workouts and the class programming is going to make you better at competitive CrossFit. Um, or do you think just the class programming and stuff sucks? Um, so the biggest thing that what I do is I don't, you have to follow the class, the class programming. If you want to do extra like accessory stuff because you're working on a, on a, um, on a, you know, personal goal or you want to get stronger or you do want to add in some stuff to make it to where you could do better, be better at, you know, the open or whatever your, whatever your goal is. That's one thing. But if you're completely just following your own whole entire program off to the side and you're not engaging with the class, you're not engaging with the, uh, with, uh, with
Starting point is 00:38:30 the, um, community and the coaches there, then you're not a right, you're not a right fit for the gym. Um, if you do something where you follow the class and then, like I said, you go off to the side and kind of work on some of your own stuff, you're maybe you're getting in some extra strength work, you're getting in some extra Olympic lifts, you're getting in some extra gymnastic skills or something like that. That that's totally fine. But outside of that, just completely doing your own thing. I've never been a fan of it because it starts to separate your community because next thing you know, the person who works out and does one like their own program off to the side, one person is going to look over there and go, huh, what's so and so doing?
Starting point is 00:39:04 And then maybe they'll want to follow that or I want to be competitive too. Or the person who is working out off to their side and following their own programming is now going to start recruiting others to work out with them because nobody wants to work out alone. And what happens is you have this divide in your community. So the second that starts to happen, the first thing I do is I just go and I like have a conversation with them because you don't want to start to create this like us versus them mentality. Because once that happens, especially for owners that not aren't heavily involved, meaning you're not coaching a lot of classes throughout the week. If you're not heavily involved in your gym, at the second that divide happens, you start to get the us versus them mentality. And if you're not involved, it's
Starting point is 00:39:43 going to create a lot of resentment towards the owners. Pretty soon your coaches are going to be recruited into that. And it's going to get real tough to get the community back on the same sheet of music and back, for lack of better words, under your control. So when people call in... Logan Mars. Since calling.
Starting point is 00:39:59 All right, let's see what we got here. I tried to open it. Caller, hello. Welcome to the show. Right. Parenting advice. Right it. Caller, hello. Welcome to the show. Right. Parenting advice. Right. Right. Perfect. Perfect. It's just great coming parenting advice
Starting point is 00:40:12 from a guy whose room is clearly a mess. Clearly trashed his sister and everywhere. I mean, you look like Steve before he even got into drugs. I'm just waiting for the shoe to fall. Well, thank you, Mr. Peterson. We liked your advice on parenting there. Do you also agree that people that don't have kids should be giving out
Starting point is 00:40:32 and do give out the best parenting advice? Right. Well, it's kind of like you know, it's like the princess in the story with the ball and she's chasing the ball, right? And she runs down the street, right? And she trips over her own shoelaces and it's chasing the ball, right, right, and she runs down the street, right, and she trips over her own shoelaces, and it's just a mess, and you wonder why, because princesses didn't even exist in a time with shoelaces, and then you sit there and you think, where is this even going?
Starting point is 00:40:57 And you don't know, because it's written by a postmodernist, and it's just a spiral. Question, though, Susan. Yes. written by a postmodernist and it's just a spiral uh question though susan yeah um being that nice that you yeah seamless no he's right here next to me i just grabbed the phone yeah he's rambling swoop it yeah don't let say in theory that i joined a new crossfit gym okay all right yep what are like the five things well actually let's say i'm just new to crossfit what are like the five things to like not piss off if i don't know the etiquette like five common sense etiquette things because because i did just get back or did just attend my first CrossFit class.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I'm like eight years. So congrats. You still, do you still have that thing where it announces who calls? Um, I hope I turned it off. I don't know. I think I fixed it. I don't know. I don't know. Cause my name's cause my name is Nick Fettuccine, also known as Watson. Okay, yeah. There we go. You just doxed in there.
Starting point is 00:42:10 All right, so the five things as far as etiquette, I don't think it really should be on you at all as the person walking in. I think you should be guided to make that experience comfortable, right? But just a couple of ground rules. Obviously, keep your chalk in the fucking bucket. Don't leave a chalk trail. I always say the chalk trail leads to the amateur. So don't get your chalk all over the place.
Starting point is 00:42:31 If you're brand new to CrossFit in general, don't drop the empty barbell. That's like nails on a chalkboard to every single coach. Pay attention. And the biggest thing for me, and this isn't five. That was like three or something. But just ask questions. A lot of times people will come in there and this isn't five, that was like three or something, but just ask questions. A lot of times people will come in there and they don't fucking ask any questions and you could tell their loss.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So they just look left and right and then they just kind of follow what the person next to them is doing. And that's just kind of a pet peeve of mine. So ask questions when you come in. Don't drop an empty barbell. Keep the chalk in the bucket. Awesome. What about if I have to puke?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Just throw up directly there on the floor. That's a sign of you tried hard. If I'm trying to build community, can I just turn to the guy next to me and puke on him? Yeah, yeah. That's a great conversation starter. And you guys will have a bonding experience after that. I mean, you'll try to clean it off his crotch by touching it with a rag. He'll get further embarrassed. And it just of this sort of moment for the two of you all right i'll give that one a shot i'll call and i'll let you know how that goes yeah please deal all right all right bye oh my goodness okay we got some other how you dropped in a couple of them, and so did Allison. Let me go back up. Creates division where there shouldn't be any.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah, exactly, Philip Kelly. And that just becomes the issue. People think that they want more out of their programming. And here's the deal. I'll fucking say it. Half the people that want to do their own programming off to the side or be competitive can't do any of the shit RX anyways. You see them set up, and they're going to do their handstand pushup and they have like three ab mats and you're like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:44:08 You don't need mayhem athlete. Well, maybe, maybe do not to, not to show the mayhem man to repair. We love them. But the point is, is you don't need this overly advanced competitive programming. You just need to do CrossFit and you need to be able to get yourself in a place that no matter what comes up on the board, you could do at RX. So what I mean by that is you could do bar muscle ups, you could do ring muscle ups, you could do handstand walking at least 25
Starting point is 00:44:29 feet, you could do handstand pushups, you could do all the weights that are normally listed in the prescribed workout, right? Like if you could do all of that, and then you want to do some extra competitive programming, that's fine. If not, you should just be working on your own to get those skills up to the place to where you can do that. And hopefully the programming that you're doing at the gym there, whoever is programming for the gym, is giving you enough of the program to where you're building that up naturally within it. You shouldn't have to go outside of it on your own. Okay, there were some other really good ones in here. Let me find them. your own. Okay, there were some other really good ones in here. Let me
Starting point is 00:45:04 find them. Don't wear stinky knee sleeves. Yeah, for real. You know what sounds fucked up? I don't think I've ever washed my knee sleeves. But here's the deal. Here's the deal. You don't have to worry about it because
Starting point is 00:45:19 Grace usually watches them for me. Caller, welcome to the show. I didn't dock steel i answered it before it said hey matt it's tyler hi tyler what's up buddy so john young and spin and i talked about this on on the last podcast we did for spin okay um and the thing it's funny, cause John, John was a little bit more ready. I think this is a failure of HQ to teach people how to funnel, uh, to deal with athletes that want more. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Like basically we went to our level one. We basically just learned how to coach athletes just regular. And then it's like, well, we never really got instruction on how to deal with anyone who wanted to do more and I've been part of like six different gyms in the last you know five years six years or four years and like we come in I do competitive programming outside and I always do feel ostracized but I work hard to try to not do that and so it's like i don't know if you remember this but a few weeks ago i asked chase and bill how they sort of deal with that yep i do yeah so what what do you do i guess my question is what do you do when athletes come in they are
Starting point is 00:46:37 good enough to do their own programming um and then make sure that it's not weird yes okay so you mean they have all the RX skills, like they are that person that fits that bill, they enjoy being in the community, but they do want more out of the program? Yes. Yeah, so usually I just have a conversation with them, and then we try to find some sort of synergy
Starting point is 00:46:57 that'll work between them and the class. I mean, that's the main thing. Okay. And I have a couple of people at my gym, like they like to meet on Saturday morning at 7 a.m. before a class gets in there. And they'll do stuff like pegboard workouts that we don't normally have. And they'll do more things with handstand walks that are normally not programmed that much into the class stuff. They'll do extra lifts.
Starting point is 00:47:18 They'll do a couple of the online type competition workouts that are going at the time. And that's fine. The main thing is that they can't be disruptive to the class. And it sounds like you're somebody who gets that and understands it, right? Yes. Yes. Yeah. So that's my main thing. As long as you're not, uh, as long as you're not disruptive to the class. And as long as we could find a synergy between myself, the programmer and the gym owner, and what you guys are looking for, then we're all good. The only problem is, is that once that conversation stops and people are kind of doing on their
Starting point is 00:47:48 own side and that you're building up resentment against the owner because they're not providing what you need and the owner's building up resentment against you because they feel you, they feel like you're trying to start some sort of revolution in their community. That's when shit starts to turn ugly. So as long as you have conversations ahead of time. And that's, that's the interesting part because oftentimes like we go to a new gym and then people become inspired i i don't want to
Starting point is 00:48:10 say that we're inspirational but they see what they're doing and then they want to do more you know what i mean yeah and then so all of a sudden we start having four people you know two people join us and then four people are doing and then it's like this thing and then it's like okay now there's an awkward conversation these happen we didn't do this on purpose right people just wanted to do and be more and and so it's like you know what i've always asked owners and coaches like how to handle this is like we need some sort of funnel to deal with these people i feel guilty for dragging these people over but they do want more right? There's a need that you're not servicing. So how can we actively sort of deal with it? And so it's like, that's when you think
Starting point is 00:48:52 about like, how do you feel about things like competitors classes? Like you, you hear about those from time to time. Oh, we have a competitor's class, stuff like that. Like, how do you deal with funneling those people into something else or do you deal with it yeah well right now i don't i don't have a ton of that need at the gym like most of my population is really like families just focused on long-term health um but the view that i do i i do exactly what i said like there's a there's a guy that works at the gym that's that's becoming relatively high level has a definite shot at at you know continuing to elevate in the sport and so i i work with them off to the side we talk about his programming we sit down we have high level has a definite shot at, you know, continuing to elevate in the sport. And so I work with them off to the side, we talked about his programming, we sit down, we have goal setting
Starting point is 00:49:28 meetings about what his needs are, if other people that want to join can join, we set it up, we make it cohesive with the week, the week's programming for the class, I'll even allow those individuals to see what I'm programming out ahead of time. So they could kind of make whatever they're doing work with it. And honestly, that's the that's the biggest, that's the only thing you could really do is have a conversation and try to find some sort of synergy, but you also need support from the right. So like if I had you in my gym, let's say this scenario was happening. Why have you in my gym? You wouldn't let me in in the first part. Yeah, I would have locked the door. So if you were in my gym and let's say there's a handful
Starting point is 00:50:03 of you guys and you're like, hey, we want to do some more. We're enjoying the class programming by and large, like the Metcons and stuff like this. But we want to do X, Y, Z. The first thing I would do is say, OK, awesome. Let's have a conversation about it. Do you guys think this should be a class? What is your time allowance? Can you support it? If I said, what do what does support look like for you guys? How can we make this work where it's not going to be disruptive? And we just have an open conversation because the second you feel that i'm supporting and i'm going to service the need that you guys are asking for
Starting point is 00:50:28 which is to be to do a little bit more to go outside the programming then once i'm empowering you instead of trying to keep it or push it away or become defensive about what i have then you can find this energy and it'll work no problem no problem that's the and that's that's the problem we usually run into is it's like, I'm trying to piss on your turf. It's like, no dude, it's like, I'm just trying to do my own thing, but this is going to be something that you have to deal with. And it's like a lot of people hide from it instead of being proactive and
Starting point is 00:50:56 like, Hey, how do I synergistically get you into our, our ecosystem? Like I have to do a lot of work to get our, so to get us integrated into the system. And I think it usually helps to ease over the owner or the, the operators a little bit better, but not every owner does that. So yeah, basically what you're saying is be a good gym owner and deal with it. Yeah. I mean, just communicate and then empower, empower the people, right? Just lay out like, Hey, here's the expectation that I want. This is what I need to happen. How could we take these expectations
Starting point is 00:51:28 or this standard and then how could we empower you guys to do whatever you want to do? And then if they're like, oh, I'm not going to write it or I'm not going to do something, then that's a different story. But yeah, that's what it's about. It's just about that open communication because that happens quite a bit at gyms. It happens all the time. And yeah, the worst
Starting point is 00:51:44 thing you could do is shut off that communication because that's when resentment builds. Yep. All right, man. You're doing great. I'll jump off. Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Thanks for calling. Yep. Bye. Do you guys have that happen a lot at the gym? I wonder if that's communication with the owner or the head coach. I've had quite a few conversations with people that we've talked about that are either wanting to open their own gym or are a head coach in their gym and are just aren't getting support from the owner. And the real question is, I always put it back on them. I'm like, hey, have you laid out exactly what the issues that you're experiencing are and have just been honest about that and then
Starting point is 00:52:25 given them a chance to either support you in that or explain some of the reasonings why they're not. And the unfortunate thing is, is sometimes owners just get either defensive or they're tired. And so once you come in with this new idea, they think, oh, great, sure, I'm going to have to do this for you too, and add it to the long list of shit I have to do. So, you know, just kind of just be patient with the gym owners and come from a place of like, not like, hey, everybody is saying we need if you say that shit to me, I'm like, who the fuck is everybody? And I don't want to hear it. So if you come and you say, hey, me, Matt, I wanted something more in the programming. This is what I'm thinking about doing. This is what I wanted to do. This is how
Starting point is 00:53:01 I think it would work. What are your thoughts on it? And then can we find something together to to work it out? So it works for everybody. Don't come ever to anybody and say everybody's been saying you play shitty music. No one said that about me. But whenever you see that, I just I think it's cowardice. Like if you have the issue, just just say you're the person saying you're gonna have the uh the say you have the issue and then try to work to a resolution otherwise it's it's never gonna go anywhere caller name and where you're calling from welcome to the show man what's up dude it's jeremy from milwaukee what's going you're doing great dude jeremy thank you i've been loving your uh story updates on the uh on the dating pool there it's amazing good good good i'm glad i i'm glad you
Starting point is 00:53:48 guys allow me to to call in and talk about it i was actually calling in about that i'm just kidding no not this time not this time um so i was actually just talking with Wes about this not too long ago about athletes you know your members wanting more okay now obviously with CrossFit in general there should be growth there should be progression if you don't have a pull-up guess what we want to help you get your pull-up you know stuff like that right you're going to be better suited at life if you're more physically fit all right so so there's that side then there's the athletes that uh maybe they see uh a west or a high level athlete and they want to they want to do that so what he and i talked about was if you're that athlete the high level athlete and you're seeing the you know the
Starting point is 00:54:49 newer members or members that have been there a while that they want to get really really really fit yep it comes down your job is to be brutally honest with them meaning you have to lay it out and i've had to do this i'm not like a games athlete but pretty fit 37 year old um you have to lay it out. And I've had to do this. I'm not like a games athlete, but pretty fit 37 year old. You have to be brutally honest and tell them, first of all, you touched on it sets, let's set some goals. What are, what are your goals? Do you just want to, you just want to look cool or do you actually want to achieve this level of fitness that you desire so set some goals what are your goals and then second you have to as that higher level athlete whatever you want to
Starting point is 00:55:33 call it you have to be brutally honest with them and not only tell them but show them what it takes like it's going to take this many hours of your day you're going to have to eat very well you're going to have to sacrifice a lot of uh personal fun you know uh social life stuff it's not it's not just oh i came to the gym i'm going to do a bunch of extra stuff you might get away with that for a while and i have an athlete at my gym very much like that um she she'll get after it but when she's not at the gym she's out boozing she's out she's getting after it she's getting after yeah she's getting after some other things you know uh and so she's still struggling in you know not not getting as fit as fast as a person who in the gym gets after it. Well,
Starting point is 00:56:26 I have to be brutally honest with her. Hey, look at your lifestyle. You know, like, do you really want this level of fitness or do you just want, does it look cool? You know? So you just have to goal setting and brutal honesty. That's right. Yep. A hundred percent in brutal honesty in the face of where, uh, it's, it's, you're not doubting their dreams, but you're just laying down an expectation. That's all. A hundred percent. It's not, yeah. You're not being a dick. You're not like, look, you'll never be able to do this. Like, no, it's like, if you want to do this, yeah, there you go. Realistic, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:01 And, and people often these days, you know, whether it's COVID, whether whatever, people just don't like confrontation. Yeah. So like you kind of, you kind of like have to be confrontational a little bit, you know, because if you just say, yeah, you can do this, let's go high fives. And, and, you know, I mean, it's not going to be as effective. It's not going to have the outcome that you, that they want, as opposed to being really honest and be like, yo, this is what it takes. Lay it all out. Do you want to do this or not?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's right. That's exactly, that's exactly the conversation that needs to be had. Love it, man. Keep crushing it. Good point. Thanks, Jeremy. hey and uh if you're not watching the show watch the show in a second here i got something for you i saw it one of my um uh one of my coaches at the gym sent it to me and i instantly thought of you instantly oh i'm gonna play it in a second here right so i can't wait all right thanks for calling. Thanks, man. Bye. No, I dude, I have to just keep playing with the mic.
Starting point is 00:58:10 That's all I got. Like if you ever did, you guys should see when I'm on the phone with seven, I should put like a GPS tracker. It's just figure eights in the apartment. And if Grace is here, she kicks me out and I have to go outside because I can't normally I just can't sit still and talk. That's why I like when people are like, oh, let's do a Zoom meeting. I'm like, fuck, that means I can't like wander around and walk because I need to like move while I talk. That's just I mean, maybe just because majority of the public speaking and talking I do is coaching in front of classes.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And before that, it was like bartending and serving so there's just maybe that's just the way it was like ingrained in me that i have to like move there has to be something going on while i um while i'm talking while i'm moving through it okay there was some good stuff in the um in the comments here thank you guys so much for being like you guys have been awesome today we're above 100 people i've already reached my goal like i'm playing with house money at this point do you guys like the new um the, the new microphone? Does it sound a little bit better? I was listening back to some of the stuff with the blue Yeti mic. That was a mic I had prior to this one.
Starting point is 00:59:11 And it just, sometimes it sounded weird. Like it didn't really, um, it didn't sound as good as I wanted it to, uh, Jake Chapman competitors don't pay the bills. And from experience,
Starting point is 00:59:23 they're the ones who bugger off to the newest, shiniest gym. Core demographics need nurturing first and foremost, only then sharpen the spear. A lot of good points in that, Jake. A lot of good points. You're right. Usually the ones who come in that are like hyper-focused on being competitive, burn themselves out within the first year, do demand a lot, do put a lot of stress on you because they need all this other stuff or whatever,
Starting point is 00:59:50 and then they end up just leaving. What if you're already on a program? Okay, we got this one here. Oh, this is two names. Fuck, now I got to pronounce them. Sabier and Kelly. Spoken. Okay. What if you're already on a program when you decide to join a new gym then you're not deciding to join the new gym you're deciding to rent the equipment at a new facility i i basically view it as like if you're gonna join an affiliate
Starting point is 01:00:21 like join the affiliate go all in on it. Do their programming. Immerse yourself into the community. Hopefully, they got some other stuff going on, some other programs or some community events. Yeah, that's what you should be doing. Not trying to bring your program into their house. If not, just go to a gym that just offers open gym or something. Brandon Graham, should owners do classes regularly? Yes, they should.
Starting point is 01:00:44 They should. They should for sure be doing their own programming. At least that's the way that I see it. You should be taking your own medicine. You should, whatever you're giving out and doing to your members, you should, uh, have done or, um, or should be doing personally because right now I coach so many, uh, classes. I don't normally work out with the class as much as I used to in the past. I work out in the off hours between one and three of the gym is usually somewhere in that time period. I get it in with Albert, who is the full-time coach at my gym for me, holding it down and crushing it. Susan, how often do you talk to your class in general about nutrition? Right away. We talk to them on their first day of their intro class. They get a little homework each night. It's just something small. And the homework on the first
Starting point is 01:01:31 night is to go to their house, open their cabinets, look through stuff, read the nutrition labels. We have a little PDF that is like understanding nutrition labels that Grace made up. So we send them that PDF in an email. And then that day during class, as it's ending and we're kind of cooling down and debriefing, I say, go home, find something in your cupboard, flip over the label and look for something that had sugar in it that you didn't expect to have sugar in it, some sort of added sugar to it. And usually these are like condiments or something. People are like, oh my gosh, my ketchup is actually just sugar.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah, no fucking shit. But it'll start to bring their awareness up to like what they're putting into their body. And a lot of people don't do that. They're not, they're not reading labels. They're not flipping stuff over and looking at it. So that's usually where that conversation starts. So right off the get go. And then we have an in body scanner. And know some of you guys are gonna be like, Oh my god, anybody, it's not as accurate. It was it's really it's more fucking accurate than like your pinch tests, which is just excuse to touch other people's bodies. So we start that off right at their intro course as well, too.
Starting point is 01:02:34 So then we get a printout that tells us their skeletal muscle mass, their body fat percentage, and their body weight. And we sit down and we go over that together and we talk about ways that they can improve what they're eating and how much they're eating and what they're eating to get that to get that, that back in line, uh, to a normal, normal, normal, I guess is obese and sick, but we get it back into a healthy parameter. Um, Tim Brown, I'm looking for your question. You had one about, Oh, here it is. Boom. Okay. Tim Brown, would you recommend getting your body right before joining a CrossFit gym? I got a disc like a bold dish or a hurt disc. No, go to the CrossFit gym immediately. And if they're good at what they do, they will ask you immediately before you start, are you dealing with any injuries or do you have anything going on that we need to know about? And if they don't ask you that, that's already kind of a sign of like, maybe give them the
Starting point is 01:03:20 benefit of the doubt. Maybe they forgot that time. But before you get into a class, somebody, whether it be a coach who took you through the orientation of the coach before that class is, should be asking, Hey, are there any injuries or anything you're working around? And then in which case you need to be into that CrossFit gym. So you could start the exercises that are going to rehabilitate everything and, um, rehabilitate your hips, rehabilitate your shoulders, and then hopefully take that pressure off of the bowl dish and make sure that nothing is going to continue to bother, hurt it, or make it worse. Harris, Matt, better topic, Matt. Do you put your cart away after unloading the groceries?
Starting point is 01:03:56 I rarely use a cart to begin with. I must admit that Grace does all like the bigger grocery shopping. I just kind of stop every now and then at the store and just tell me, and she tells me what to grab and like little things here and there. But yes, I always put the cart away. And usually I put the cart back up at the grocery store, not even into one of those corrals, but that's just me. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:04:19 That is just me. Okay. We had another one here. I do have some more clips and I was going to play this. It's a YouTube thing, though, so I got to go like seven seconds at a time, and I'm afraid – don't worry, Seth, I'm not doing something crazy. But I'm afraid if I do it seven seconds at a time, it'll take away from the clip itself.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Hear me out. A member calendar like fighter fires. You're not the first one that has suggested that. It's gotten pretty close before in the FAF. Melissa, Susie, you found your affiliate coaching members programs, not as an athlete, but as a CF fitter? As a crossfitter? As a CF fitter, as a cross, as a CrossFitter, as a SIFter. Yeah, I knew, I knew eventually it was going to, uh, go to this topic just because this is where I'm comfortable talking about
Starting point is 01:05:12 affiliates and, um, you know, the business of CrossFit affiliates. I was hoping to kind of avoid it off for as long as I could. Uh, our affiliate show gives us straight up grassman type of nutrition lessons every three to four months. Sus do you remember randy vest y'all had him on the affiliate on our podcast with savant yeah i do remember him cool i'm glad he's uh doing the whole entire nutrition thing he gets a little uh a little beat down music and a little applaud yeah you guys like the sound effects don't you philip kelly why don't members slap each other asses more often after workouts like the way they do in other sports oh philip you know that's not gonna end well
Starting point is 01:05:56 okay we'll go on to this uh this next one we ended that discussion on the making sure your kids are liked by other people. That is important. Okay, so this story that I'm going to show you here, this guy has been filming this living across the street from, it looks like his apartment's here. It looks like his apartment's here. This guy, so this is in San Diego. And this guy who's filming has been calling,
Starting point is 01:06:36 and you're going to see in a minute, on this guy in the tent. And the last couple of times he filmed this, this dude was outside yelling at himself, doing just crazy. I mean, you guys see it all the time on the streets, right? They call it, call it homeless, but we all know it's, it's, it's drug addiction and mental illness. And so he sees this guy on the street with a knife and he's kind of talking to himself. He's yelling, um, at himself. And this is directly across.
Starting point is 01:07:01 It looks like it's from the balcony where he lives. And this is the guy. So he's been following this for a couple of days and he's been trying to get the city's attention to actually do something about this or to this guy and they the cops come down they won't arrest them it looked like a revoke tag up on the wall next to it but that couldn't be revoke it's like copying it someone else living there And this is what he does right there. And they can't do anything about it. They can't move that tent.
Starting point is 01:07:31 This guy's not going to get in trouble for fucking anything. They're not going to arrest them. There's no reason to. Even if they did arrest them, they're just going to release them. These guys are here. Looks like they're getting ready to potentially haul some of this stuff out. And look, you could just go and set up on the street. And once I watched this one, here looks like they're getting ready to uh potentially haul some of this stuff out and look you could just go and set up on the street and once i watched this one the algorithm started
Starting point is 01:07:51 feeding me more and more of these kind of like homeless video clips and stuff like that and some of these setups that these people have is fucking elaborate like they didn't just build like it didn't just pop up overnight right like it took weeks. One of them had these pallet. Fuck, I forget the name of the... I forget what it is called now. But anyways, he had all the wooden pallets stacked up like this, like in an A-frame, and straight up built himself a freaking house on the side of the street. And so the reason why I bring this up and I titled it different justice systems is because we really do have three different criminal injustice systems
Starting point is 01:08:32 if you think about it. You have one for the ultra rich, right? They don't get in trouble for shit. They're loyal, handles everything, don't do any jail time, give minimum sentences, just throw a shitload of money at whatever the problem is, right?
Starting point is 01:08:45 Or on the bottom side of this is you have this situation where it doesn't even matter if you take that individual to jail because what are you going to do anyways? You're going to take them to jail. That's going to be our tax dollars. That's going to put them through the process. So they're going to be right back out onto the street. So essentially, there is no law for the homeless. I mean, outside of doing something completely crazy. And even then in California, they'd probably lock them up for a period of time. And then eventually they would just kind of wash back out into the streets. And so it's nuts that we sit here and we're like arguing over all these things all the time that divide us, you know, all the hot button subjects.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And literally we have birthed three, especially since the pandemic, this has really started to blow up here. We birthed three separate justice systems in my mind. The one at the very bottom where you're not held accountable for anything because why? Or at the very top where you're not held accountable of anything because of the inverse of that
Starting point is 01:09:37 because you have so much money, it doesn't matter. You could dump it to it. And then you have the middle class, which is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and shrinking, especially in California. Because if I go out there and I act like that, guess what? If I start walking on the street, if I go right now and I go to the fucking Home Depot on the other side of town here, and I start walking around with a knife and sliding it on the ground
Starting point is 01:10:00 and scraping it and yelling and talking to myself, there's going to be a shitload of cops that are going to show up. And guess what? They're going to take me to fucking jail. And once I go to jail, they're going to charge me with something. And they know that I have a job and they know that I have a bank account. They know that I have everything else and I'm going to need to be held accountable for the consequences of my action. And I have to, if not more stuff will come on me. And then guess what? Two things will happen. I'll either resolve the situation with the law, do my time, pay the fine, whatever the case may be, or it would just start rowing me into the system to start to push me further down that ladder to where then it doesn't even, it doesn't even matter. Now, all of a sudden I have another charge here. I didn't go to Joe. I didn't, I didn't go to court for this, and then I got another one,
Starting point is 01:10:45 and now I lost my job. And you could see how it could spiral out of control pretty quickly. So what's the solution? Here's the thing. I don't know if there is a solution. That's the fucked up thing about it. I think the main reason why, especially in California, we keep going back to this like homeless problem is because a lot of money gets thrown at the
Starting point is 01:11:10 homeless problem and it continues to get worse. So imagine, imagine you come to my CrossFit affiliate and I'm like, Hey, for the whole entire month, it's 50 bucks. And you're going to lose, you're going to lose five pounds. You're going to lose that five pounds you want to, I got you. I'll take care of it. So you, you pay me that for the month, right? Then the following month we checked back in and you gained another five pounds. Okay. So now you got 10 pounds to lose. How long are you going to do that? Now we go to the next month. Oh, another five more dollars. And I swear we're going to fix the problem this time. Okay. So you pay me again and then you go back and then you come back again and you've gained
Starting point is 01:11:46 more weight again. That this is exactly what's happening with the homeless problem. And so I think the first solution, uh, Heidi, to, to answer your question here, the first solution is we, we become really particular around the language that we're using to define the problem. Okay. Cause what happens if we defined my problem as, Oh, Matt just kind of falls asleep at random times. So I was like, well, well, why? Well, maybe he's got narcolepsy. Oh yeah, that's it. Well, have you been seeing a shit load of the prescription pain pills he's been taking? Do
Starting point is 01:12:20 you think it's that? Well, I think he takes that because of the narcolepsy. Oh, okay. So then all of a sudden we're having this conversation. Is it the, is it the mental health problem? Like, is it something that was going on with me internally or was it the, was it the drugs that got me there? It isn't the combination of the two, but the whole entire time we're just talking about me sleeping. We're not actually talking about the original problem, narcolepsy or the drugs that I'm taking now. And then we're continuously throwing money at the problem that Matt falls asleep, but we don't even have the correct language to first address the issue to begin with. So there we go. With the who'd you message? If you wing, he has solutions. He has the solution. solution he is him the answer is in probably one of those
Starting point is 01:13:09 books behind you it is not and that shelf actually creeps up quite a bit anyways um there's nothing about homelessness and i'm running a business maybe but not not uh not homelessness okay also too i know you guys we already talked about this on one of the other shows, but the fact that San Francisco closed that Nordstrom, or Nordstrom's closed its door in San Francisco on the Westfield Mall on 5th and Market. If any of you guys have been to San Francisco and the Westfield Mall, you know how massive it is.
Starting point is 01:13:41 It's a 312,000-square-foot facility. It was five fucking stories of a nordstrom and that is gone and so and i know seven already touched on this point but once that's gone all the little mini stores in that whole ecosystem around them is gone so i'd be willing to make a bet that within a four-year period here san francisco will become the new detroit as a ton of the tech industry has left out of there, as the problems with the drug addiction on the street, the problems with the armed robbery, the burglary, the break-ins of the cars and everything else is becoming so intense there that the city is just, once business leaves, that's it, the whole entire economy and that little ecosystem that revolves around all that major tech industry and all the people that travel in for those jobs and all the
Starting point is 01:14:28 people that live there for those jobs, as that's all gone, all that money, all that foot traffic, everything else washes out. And what happens is now you have this whole entire issue that was contained for a period of time in San Francisco. They were kind of able to keep it focused in just a couple of spots and everybody else kind of ignored it. And the second all that shit washed out and then that whole entire thing broke out and it got crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:54 I don't know if they could get that genie back in the bottle. I really do. I think all of a sudden people will become more desperate that live there. The ones who can leave will leave. The ones who definitely have a lot of money and are able to leave are already gone so then once you start to see that second layer move out because they're like fuck this kind of that upper middle class they affluent
Starting point is 01:15:13 people that could still live in san francisco once you start to see them leave or push further to david city south san francisco that downtown area is going to get bad and i mean it already is bad but it'll get really bad like shootouts in the street, like in Chicago type shit, bad. And then I don't see how they're going to get the handle on that. Yeah, I've actually... We had Tommy G on the show. You guys remember him? He had some great stuff. And he was buying a lot of properties in Detroit,
Starting point is 01:15:47 but that's how it is. It all goes in cycles, right? It'll just take a, it'll just take a little bit, a little bit longer for it to cycle back around. Will you be at the semis in Pasadena? I don't think I will be. I don't think I'm going to go there. When I talked to Saman about it, I think we were just, I mean i mean we're still gonna be definitely doing something with semifinals that's for sure
Starting point is 01:16:07 we'll fucking kill it we always do but i don't know i don't know if i'm actually gonna travel and and be the system uh brainogram thoughts on broken science rivaling crossfit i don't think it will i don't know if it'll go i don't i don't think it will. I don't know if it'll go. I don't know. I mean, you guys heard Greg was on the show. I don't think he has any interest in pursuing something in the fitness thing. And if he doesn't, I don't really see how it would.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I know you guys talk a lot about homelessness a lot. For those of us who don't live in Cali or something, it's different here like nobody's going to be homeless where i am um by choice it's too cold well yeah that's why they all come to california right because with the weather that's here even like our worst weather is still fine like you could still live out on the street uh plenty of homeless here in wisconsin they are 99 all drug addicts yes don't forget homes are two thousand dollars per square foot in san francisco that's one million dollar for a five hundred four in that's cheap yeah i mean i don't know how that's even gonna stay that way like if you guys haven't if you guys live in there and you haven't been, um, I guess,
Starting point is 01:17:26 but even downtown Oakland, so Jeffrey Bridgefield. So it'll be like Oakland. No, I think San Francisco, I mean, there's pockets like West Oakland's pretty bad. Like they got some really big,
Starting point is 01:17:35 like open drug market encampments there that are crazy big. But, um, but I don't know. I don't know if it'll be, if it'll be the same. What else we got here? Broken science is on a different mission yeah i hope brian science makes a homeschool curriculum that is uh is far more likely the right train of thought there heidi far more likely the right
Starting point is 01:17:58 train of thought okay so we'll get through a couple of these. Damn, I made an hour and 17 minutes. Yes. This is good. Okay. Have you guys seen, this is old. I think they might've even been on Joe Rogan about this. Have you guys seen this before? So that bear is stalking this family. And I'll play a little sound here so you guys could hear. Hey, bear!
Starting point is 01:18:27 Both mom and dad are like Do not run. Hey, bear! Mom starts to rest a little bit. Hey, bear! They got another kid with them. The mom, if you don't see because we're seeing it from the perspective of her camera, she's actually got another kid with them. The mom, if you don't see, because we're seeing it from the perspective
Starting point is 01:18:46 of her camera, she's actually holding another kid. So they got a total of three young children with them. And they're being stalked by this, I'm not sure what type of bear that is, a black bear maybe? So now they're moving a little bit quicker. And the little kid is asking if they can play dead yet. But I want you to notice something that in order to stay that calm under,
Starting point is 01:19:12 like I started, I started watching it and like my fricking, my palms started getting sweaty, just, just watching it. Right. And so you, you hear that the way that the,
Starting point is 01:19:23 that the little kid responds and he's like joking he's like do we play dead yet but i think that his response and being aware of the situation is a hundred percent the reason the only reason why he's calm is because his parents are both staying super calm because they even tell him all throughout the clip a few times here i'll let it run a little bit more and you guys could see it can we play dead now can we play dead walk faster please hey hey why hey you tell dad's gonna let it he's's not the time for you to ask questions.
Starting point is 01:20:05 He told dad's gonna let out. He's like, not the time to ask questions. But at the same time, they can't run because the guy turns and runs. No intention of. Can you give up? Hey, bear! Hey!
Starting point is 01:20:18 So three total kids, young kids. He wanted to see a bear. Okay, he's following you, babe. And the moral of the story is is that they're in british columbia so they don't have a fucking gun so they can't turn and blast that shit anyway so something went wrong you would be pretty much shit of a creep but uh the one thing i wanted to just point out and the reason why that clip kind of stuck out to me was just the level of calmness with the parents like shit could have really gone crazy there but the fact that both the parents were able to remain so calm that the kids were even like the oldest one who could kind of tell what was going on was even like you know do we play dead what's going on like he wasn't
Starting point is 01:20:58 freaking out because if any one of them would if that kid would have ran or that bear would have charged like he would have been on that family super quick. And here's the fucked up question. And this is what came to my mind when I saw it. And you guys are going to have to take a vote here on this, right? Okay. Bear charges the family. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:21:19 It charges dad. Do you just grab the kids and let dad fight with the bear? Or do you stay there with the kids and try to fight the bear off dad? What happens in that situation? Or even worse, what if you're the guy and bear goes to attack mom and she tosses you the other kid because you got homeboy strapped to you like a backpack and then goes after you as the guy there then now try to defend like the your wife with the bear because if you stay in that bear attacks that and then goes on it'll just maul those fucking kids in a second
Starting point is 01:21:57 sean m throw the kids out the bear and run. Give up the youngest. You guys are freaking jacked. Young Clark, get your kids to safety. Yeah, that's right. That would be tough though, right? How do you make that call? Survivor of the fittest. Not when it's your family, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:23 If it's me and you out there bruce like i'm shoving you to the ground i'm out boy i just i don't have to outrun the bear i just have to outrun you just kidding just kidding the slowest person loses yeah bear spray yeah you can get bear mace and hope that it stops it. Do you think Bear Mace would do it? Would you be willing to bet that the Bear Mace is going to work on your family's life? Wife is on her own. Grab the kids and go.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Dad always has to sacrifice himself. I mean, that's what I thought, right? That was instantly what I went to. It's like, okay, mom gets the backpack on. You stay there and throw rocks. You allow mom and the kids to get as much distance as they possibly can while you kind of still fend the bear off a little bit and just hope that they can make enough distance there to get away. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Oh, my goodness. Crazy. Crazy. One thing though, and I've already said it a few times, was just how calm they were able to stay. I mean, most people get cut off on the freeway and do a super big freak out, right? Like, so I wonder if, if you're able to not do that all the time and develop a little bit of space between what's happening to you and your response to it,
Starting point is 01:23:54 you're cultivating against some sort of crazy situation like that, that it might ever happen. You like how I just point over my shoulder as if like that clip is right back there. Okay. We got another one here um this is something that i think about in terms of do people really believe this shit so you have a room of grown-ass man we got like five guys here and they're uh they're sitting inside of a dojo here the three of them are on the ground the one that's the biggest out of all of them apparently is the uh sensei here and then we got this uh dude who's standing who i i guess is going to attack him and then he does this move it's the two finger
Starting point is 01:24:39 insert and twist move now i've seen that move before. It's made some people do some crazy things, if you know what I mean. But not quite like this. Okay. How does this happen? There's a room, like, are these other guys that are watching this taking this fucking seriously at all? Is this like a spoof? Is this like a spoof?
Starting point is 01:25:06 Is it like a joke? Or is like, what's happening? As long as they have 49 tickets, they will be fine, right? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I don't know. I see these type of things with like these fake martial artist people. And I just, I mean, hopefully this is just a joke.
Starting point is 01:25:25 But you've seen the ones that are like, that people are like real. And these guys are like going along with it. Like there's no way, like he's just making himself fall down. But here's the thing. We fall for dumb shit all the fucking time. We always, we're all participating in that.
Starting point is 01:25:42 I mean, we're participating in that same exact scenario when it comes to our money, right? I mean, if you think about it, money and the way we operate is just that fat dude pointing his finger and doing this, but yet here we are, Antifa self-defense training. Oh my gosh roy opening a uh sf box in san francisco fiori fiori fitness this month i'll keep the pod posted on the chronicles of opening an affiliate
Starting point is 01:26:18 in the apocalyptic city yeah please do dude as soon as you're open shoot me dm or shoot me a text or something and let me know because i'm i'll definitely make the trip out to the city um maybe if we get crazy we can get savannah come out there and we'll film some of the uh stuff we'll go take a little walk down market street and uh and film some stuff that would be cool but i know for a fact if we're gonna go make a trip out in san francisco then um i'll probably want to bring the boys and i don't know if we'll be doing any market street walking if we got them with us but that would be cool little san francisco trip okay this will be the last clip
Starting point is 01:26:51 last clip okay so half the stuff i see on the internet I can't tell if it was like staged. Like, well, we, I'm going to assume that 50% of it is staged, right? Like 50% of the stuff we see on the internet is like completely, completely fake. Um, and I can't tell if this is one of them or not. Like if they're just making this to make it, to make it suspenseful, to get a point across. I,
Starting point is 01:27:28 I do hate the fucking intense music too. Like that, the same conspiracy music that plays over every one of those clips. Oh my goodness. Maybe. I think it might have a little bit of it. We'll find out if it does, we can mute it and you guys could just see it.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Okay. So watch here. This woman, the floating the floating torso here is going to uh describe the situation to us if the music gets crazy i'm gonna i'll mute it and then we'll always be super super hyper aware whenever you are going in and out of your house and whenever you are getting in okay so mom walking in from the car she's coming up to the house. It looks like it's relatively like secluded area, but I would point out if she did come out of that car over to the top here, then that means she would have visual of like all this.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Out of your car, because these are both very vulnerable situations, especially if you have a child, this guy, you can see him. He's pulling down a mask. She's opening the door. You can see the baby is also watching. So paying. So what do you think? Do you think this was staged or you think this dude's really creepy? Attention to those kind of cues.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Like what's my baby looking at? Luckily she locks the door just in time. Make sure you always lock your house door and your car door right when you get in. First thing you do, don't put down your car door right when you get in first thing you do don't put down your keys don't anything lock it immediately luckily she was able to do that before this guy got to her and being a mom is hard enough it's very unfortunate that you have to also be aware of these things but it's just the world we're living in
Starting point is 01:29:00 the last comment was kind of funny being being a mom is hard enough the last thing you need is some creep chasing you down trying to run in the house well of course of course of course of course but i'm gonna end with this um i think awareness whether it's uh flipping over the label on what you're eating to becoming more aware what's going in your body or whether it's more awareness as in you're looking around and paying attention to the stuff that's going on around you or just being proactive in the sense of trying to anticipate what might happen, especially if you're in a new area. So cultivate some distance, cultivate some awareness, stay aware. I said this on one of the last shows, but if you only had tomorrow what you were grateful for today,
Starting point is 01:29:48 what would you be grateful for? I'm grateful for you guys. Thank you for hanging out on the first solo show. Thank you for everybody who calls in. I really appreciated you guys being, yeah, that's right, Bruce, situational awareness. It's your first line of defense and in most cases your only line of defense. All right, guys. Thank you so much for hanging
Starting point is 01:30:04 out. We did it just shy of an hour and 90 minutes. I appreciate you guys doing it. I'll find the groove. We keep this going. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe you guys hated it. We'll find out.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Thanks, everybody. Bye-bye.

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