The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | The Morning Show | CrossFit for Health Summit

Episode Date: November 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Hey. i didn't do it i there there was a thing on there where it said uh bam we're live caleb hey what's up one of the things and i was looking at those memberships one of those things that said like things you could offer and i wonder if that's a place to put the uh behind the scenes yeah that's what i was talking about yesterday when I said the timing of it. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah, release the, make the behind the scenes for people who are members, make it available to them for like three months before everyone else. Collect a shitload of cash, save money so we can go back and do it next year Pay the fucking editor or shit like that Mm-hmm Get the cameras, get cocaine Then flip that And then double down
Starting point is 00:01:35 Now we're talking Not to do It's part of our business strategy Yo, what's up? Good morning, girl Hey Uh Uh, Carter Thompson Oh, i didn't send car in a link i'll send it to her thank you uh carl thompson will be coming on today um carl thompson i worked with carl thompson over at crossfit she ran uh crossfit health she reported directly to greg she's doing a summit in Austin. It looks like Dave will be in attendance too.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I can't tell exactly what it is, but she'll come on for like 10 or 15 minutes and tell us about it. What's funny is I saw that text where she said, hey, do we have the link so people can track who bought the seminar through the podcast? who bought the seminar through the podcast. And I say this with all arrogance and zero humility.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I don't really care. I already know that this group is crazy. What's the word for vociferous? I don't know if that's the right word. But this group already influences. These people in this fucking chat over here already influence yeah they are the influence you know what's so funny too is yeah they say
Starting point is 00:02:54 versiferous vehement clamorous yeah this group like if yeah and I don't care if they If they go or don't go I want them to do whatever they want to do
Starting point is 00:03:09 Like I'm not like Hey let me Anyway I'm not going to get into it I wonder Remember yesterday when we We showed that clip of Lauren Khalil and Chase And Mr. Cotler and Mr. O'Keefe Yeah we showed that clip of Lauren Khalil and chase and,
Starting point is 00:03:25 uh, Mr. Kotler and Mr. O'Keefe. Yeah. I wonder if, uh, Joe tattled on us again to someone for that.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Cause we were making, cause we make in front of the morning Chaco. Uh, I wonder now, I wonder how often people tattle on us. Often. Matt Burns. We are the shit. I was looking at this thing.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I guess Lululemon has this... They have this scandal going on there. It's called Not Black Enough. And I guess Lululemon's being bossed around. They're getting in trouble because they have like some policies regarding black people i don't even know exactly what it is i started reading it and i just started getting started laughing because i started thinking about the whole george floyd thing because basically this article that i was reading said that after the george floyd incident people started realizing how poorly um
Starting point is 00:04:25 blacks were treated in the workplace or the systemic racism going on in the united states oh yeah let me see that blacks are off brand black people are being black is off brand it's like listen you fucking ding dongs that that your black community is equally if not a thousand times more racist against white people than white people are about black people. Don't act all fucking high and mighty. Like, you're fucking nuts. And then to think if George Floyd was the impetus, catalyst, fuel that made you think oh my god black people aren't treated right you're a fucking idiot that dude was a fucking douchebag you should be you should be treating people well because people deserve to be treated well not because some fucking
Starting point is 00:05:17 overdosing fentanyl motherfucker uh made you think all of a sudden he's uh what do they call him now a social hero the social justice hero wow wow it's a hell of a title thank you our black community save on thank you you heard uh that cop got stabbed in jail huh yeah poor chauvin damn hey guys there's a movie out there called, um, it just came out. Something Minneapolis. Someone will, someone will tell me the title in one second. Something Minneapolis. And it's the, it's the whole story of the, uh, George, it's the George Floyd story. And, um, wait wait what the fuck
Starting point is 00:06:08 is this John Ortega this black guy in my store yesterday was buying a gun what store do you work at in his first in it for his first date he was going on a date so he bought a gun and he said he bought a shirt for Lululemon for $200 and he wants to get three more.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That is a weird story. Wow. Oh, the fall of Minneapolis. Yeah. The producer of that show is coming on. I'm so excited. Thank you. The fall of Minneapolis.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome. Liz Collin they draw George so funny everywhere he's drawn it's so funny his lips are always disproportionate to like his lips are bigger than like his whole fucking forehead always like a caricature yeah it's all he's always a caricature
Starting point is 00:07:07 racist oh You run a gun store in Atlanta I Don't know what's cooler Wow My kids birthdays this morning, so so i gotta cut it short oh you guys do anything fun i scheduled we scheduled shows there's a birthday party at the park we scheduled shows i'm probably gonna get in trouble by my wife for saying that because she thinks the shooter is going to come get us we scheduled shows it's not at the park i sorry. It's at the roller rink. Go shoot up the roller rink.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It's a gay park. They hate parks. Go shoot up the roller rink. You can't help my wife out. I don't actually... There's no shooters. Uh-oh. I might be getting a little embarrassed
Starting point is 00:08:06 I don't ever remember having this feeling why? no no no I was just farting never mind just passing gas just passing gas got weird for a moment I want to send you this video damn
Starting point is 00:08:22 that'll be for the next live calling show I want to send you this video. Damn. That'll be for the next live calling show. My mom sent me this video. And it's supposed to be this like dig at Republicans. It's so funny. The digs on Republicans. It's like they show like Trump being crazy or they show like those Republicans who are groping in the movie theater. They just like they show like, you know what I mean? They show like, listen, listen, listen. There's no Republicans that are trying to normalize pedophilia.
Starting point is 00:08:56 There's no Republicans that are trying to make it so that there's racism in all the schools. There's no Republicans that are forcing our kids to take injections. There's like there were no Republicans that are forcing our kids to take injections. There's like, there were no Republicans who were slave owners. I don't care if you're going to show me Trump saying crazy shit or doing weird shit. That's all feeling stuff. I care about just,
Starting point is 00:09:20 there was no war when Trump was in office. I like the facts. I like the facts. I'm not worried about like i'm not worried about the other stuff not anymore not right now remember during the election recall and then run those commercials out here in california that would make it sound like uh shoot what was his last name larry elder elder oh yeah yeah yeah like he was some sort of like nazi cult leader yeah yeah yeah people storming the capital all these like clips of shit i'm not i'm not worried about um uh people acting uh you upset because um a mean tweet uh Trump made? I'm worried about your newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, calling Larry Elder a white man in blackface, thinking that it's okay. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah, that's what I'm a little bit like, hey, fuck you guys. That's wild. Yeah. I feel so close to this camera. The thing is, man, party over for the Dems. They hate black conservatives. Dude, they hate all black people, dude. Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Holy shit Dude That's LA Times God Of course it is Holy shit I can't believe I found it honestly Oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:11:00 That's a headline Hey so instead of holding this guy up as a role model, they hold up George Floyd. That's how I know the Democrats hate you. Sorry, me. That's how I know the Democrats hate my people. If you loved me, you would hold up Larry Elder as a role model. Hard working, puts on a suit every day, eloquent, passionate, honest,
Starting point is 00:11:35 willing to go mano y mano with any man. Is that something? Mano y mano? Did I use that right? Yeah, sure. Culturally appropriated that. Mano y mano. That's for my Hispanic constituents. mono did i use that right yeah sure culturally appropriated that mono and mono that's for my hispanic constituents that is that is that hispanic phrase mono and mono
Starting point is 00:11:51 hand hand in hand is that what it was hold on i know who i'm culturally appropriating that from i thought that's what that said you're fucking they're holding up my boy george floyd as a role model like fuck you yeah well that's what i would do if i hated you that's what i would do if i hated you you have a one fits the narrative that they need and the other one doesn't hey but i just think it's feeling stuff hand to hand thank you lupe that's close it's the same thing people keep sending me all. But what ethnicity? What nationality?
Starting point is 00:12:27 What language? What's the origin? Spanish. Oh, yeah. Okay. So my Hispanic. I wrapped up my brothers and my Hispanios in one. God, I should run for office.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Your POCs? Yeah. People of color. Yeah. It's so funny. People of color. it's so funny people of color that's that's so convenient they loop in black people or brown people when they need them and if they don't need them they just like pull back that line just moves so nicely yeah remember when they tried to like slide it in there on the lgbtq flag too yeah yeah that little brown sliver and people like wait wait wait wait
Starting point is 00:13:01 a minute do you want mariah carey she's a female brown filmmaker no we don't want her bring the line in just black people no no we want a girl and a brown person move her out switch it up oh yeah this is perfect for this this i didn't even mean to rant on this today 333 look at this this is like no duh by by now we just know oh is this like um uh oreo armeniano is that what that is that's clever armenio may know china's leaning geneticist finds out his ancestors were african i fucking love this armeno meno China's leaning geneticist finds out
Starting point is 00:13:47 his ancestors were African I fucking love this okay before the project started I was hoping that I could identify or could be able to find the evidence that support independent origin of Chinese in China
Starting point is 00:14:02 because I'm a Chinese and came from China and Through the education process. I always believed that there there was some special about Chinese He singled out a male genetic marker which only appeared about 80,000 years ago in Africa so any man who carries that marker must have recent African ancestors and can't be descended from the more ancient Asian Homo erectus. Jin took DNA from over 160 ethnic groups
Starting point is 00:14:37 around East Asia. Over 12,000 samples. Over 12,000 samples. What did you find? When I was in China, I couldn't tell the people apart. Like if you're in Africa, I can tell. Like you see a Somali, you're like, yeah, you know. When I was in China, like said a different 160 different ethnic groups i'm assuming that if you went there long enough you could be like yep that's that kind of chinese person yep
Starting point is 00:15:10 that's that kind you know what i mean yeah you know like the three of us can tell the difference between all of us you're definitely not from where i'm from suza and we're definitely not from where fucking caleb's from his people right yeah what are you caleb you're just an english dude um i'm mexican a welsh hispanic and german and british all i heard was british okay you're british and matt's portuguese and i'm armenian i'm i'm like yes so you want to go way back you just call me spanish i'm an armenian like some jew arab hybrid or or or maybe jews or break off of ar me spanish i'm an armenian is like some jew arab hybrid or or or maybe jews or break off of armenians but i'm basically the same as those people over there i wonder what are brazilians what are portuguese people
Starting point is 00:15:56 portuguese no they've been colonized too they must be like some sort of well brazil brazilians came from Portugal. Oh. Alright. So they're Portuguese. Fine. They got the good genes of that continent. The Venezuelans
Starting point is 00:16:19 are pretty good looking too. Those chicks are crazy in Venezuela. Okay, sorry. Back to Chinese people are really black people. I like this. Here we go. We did not see any, even one single individual that could be considered as the descendant of the homoeractors in China. Rather, everybody was a descendant of our ancestors from Africa. of our ancestors from Africa.
Starting point is 00:16:50 We're all black. Checks out to me. Yeah. How dare you, Sebon? No, I'm not. Yes. That's going to be good news when those reparations come in, baby. Hook it up,
Starting point is 00:17:07 brother. Just bought this baby straight cash. Reparations would do to inflation. I don't think someone wants to know the history of Palestinian Israeli relations. He sticks with the Palestinian bad mantra. Here we go. this guy sent me this these guys there's a whole group of people in my dms who send me photos of like dead palestinian children i wake up to it every morning every morning every morning i'm like
Starting point is 00:17:39 yep i totally get it i know you feel horrible for the being the the root cause of that now because instead of making an effort to get those help those people and get them out of there Totally get it. I know you feel horrible for being the root cause of that now. Because instead of making an effort to help those people and get them out of there, you're having an emotional reaction to them instead of accepting what's going on and trying to find a solution. I totally get it. I totally get it, Tank. I totally get where you're at. That's what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel, buddy. The emotions live downstairs and they run up out of the basement. You're just kicking it like this, smoking some reefer and your emotions come up out of the basement and take you over. And I get it. So you have an emotional reaction instead of sitting with it and letting it pass or pushing it back down into the basement. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:18:26 down into the basement that's what i do um uh you you have a outward response and a reaction those people just like my relatives left and just like my wife's relatives left escape genocide just one generation or two generations back those people should also find a way out of there so that they can live and not listen to all the people who are chanting free palestine that shit's going to get those people fucking killed like we didn't need the united states be like get them jews do an uprising get them jews no we didn't need that we needed fucking ships and planes over there we needed fucking exit strategy from fucking uh nazi germany not not fucking uh stand your ground that's not the time that's not the time to stand your ground That's not the time to stand your ground Yeah more angel lettuce please
Starting point is 00:19:10 Whatever that means yeah Angel lettuce will solve this problem I don't need You want to sit around and talk about history History lessons And like But your honor Even even though i'm dead now i want to tell you it's still their fault like fuck you dude
Starting point is 00:19:30 fuck you i know what happens when you're dead you're dead and i know i really like fucking being alive and i'm so glad my relatives weren't sitting around fucking doing protests that they fucking got the fuck up and out hey your love for humanity starts with your love of your own fucking emotional discomfort you're saying my history started on October 7th. Cool. Fine. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I'll take that. Your reaction to this starts in between your ears and stays between your ears. In order to fucking make you feel good. Oh, look, my mom's catching up to the show. My mom's the one who sent me the video. I love Sevan, notwithstanding. You got to see this video, my mom. I know you love me, mom.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Are you coming to the birthday party today? Of course you are. Do the but Sevan voice now. That's a classic one Take tank tank tank It's still in turn to a zombie after October 4th or whatever it was How about these guys look look at look at the what's going on with these guys uh 328 famous dudes groping what the fuck happened here there was some law some i i don't i'm not sure i
Starting point is 00:21:14 really understand the story but something happened in new york city or the state of new york a new york law revived the window to bring sexual misconduct misconduct claims for one year regardless of the statute of limitations a new york law revived the window to bring sexual misconduct claims for one year regardless of the statute of limitations so i guess what if i understand that correctly there's a statute of limitations on sexual misconduct, and they basically – let's say it was five years, whatever. I guess they said, okay, for the next year, you can bring anything up from the past. And look at all these fucking people they got their shit fucking pushed in. Sean Diddy Combs, Axl Rose, Cuba Gooding, Jamie Foxx, Jimmy Iovine.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Damn. Bill Cosby again, huh? Bill Cosby. Oh, Bill. How did Bill Cosby get away? The Putin and the Putin. He got away, right? He's not in jail?
Starting point is 00:22:17 He got off? Yeah. Is he? I thought he, like, didn't he, like, do time and then get out or something because he was old and rich? Music mogul ceo neil port now you know what's you know what's crazy i was reading some of the details on him um one of one of them like axl rose like pushed his the helmet of his penis into some chick's anus i mean that's what the the claim is oh here we go in 2015 he was
Starting point is 00:22:47 charged with a felony aggravated indecent assault for 2004 incident involving andrea constan this is bill cosby during a 2018 trial cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting her he received a sentence of three to ten years in prison he was released after his conviction was overturned damn you put fucking drugs in someone's drink and then put your penis in them dude out of your fucking mind doing that uh so so so you axel put his penis in someone's butt uh jamie foxx put his hand in a girl's pants and touched her anus and her vagina at the same time or something these are like unwanted um touchings i guess uh but um cuba gooding um groped or forcibly or forcibly kissing three women.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Listen to this. This is such bullshit. This journalist should be kicked in the fucking cunt. Or balls, whatever. The complaint against Cuba Gooding Jr. stems from charges the actor faced in 2019 over groping or forcibly kissing three women. Or stealing a hamburger. Like, what the fuck is going on? What's this or shit? 19 over groping or forcibly kissing three women or stealing a hamburger like what the fuck is going on what's this or shit
Starting point is 00:24:09 they'll see which one sticks uh that ended with him pleading guilty to a single count of harassment uh jasmine abay claims goody forcibly kissed her while kelsey halbert harbert alleges he groped her titties. Groped her titties.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Fox, meanwhile, slid his hands into a plaintiff's pants and put his fingers on the plaintiff's vagina and anus. And then said, grab her by the the pussy i want to tell you something i know this is going to be hard for somebody to handle mom walk away oh no i've never ever one time i think i drank 600 beers and i still have never put my finger on anyone's anus never never never when i'm soaping my hindquarters if i accidentally brush my anus my other hand slaps my other hand the hand with the soap slaps soap right out of it oh my goodness you don't touch anyone's anus i know half the audience is like well i like that on a rogina zone this is fantastic i love the uh circular motion oh you're missing out yes
Starting point is 00:25:38 oh yes i'm missing out one of the pink two in the stink yeah yes of course or is it one of the stink two in the pink two in the stink yeah yes of course or is it one of the stink two in the pink either way the fuck the only explanation i've ever heard of it before um have you guys watched that the matt rife uh netflix special that comedy uh very little of it what What would you rate that, Caleb, on a 1 to 10? Hmm. Maybe like a 6? Yeah, I was gonna go 4 or 5 or 6. It's pretty bad, right?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Did you laugh? I laughed a few times, yeah. Someone told me if you get past that 45 minute mark, it gets good. Well, it's fucking an hour and 9 minutes, motherfucker. It's nine minutes. Motherfucker. It's the whole special. Yeah. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:26:32 Kenneth. Yes. Poop comes out of there. Yeah. Hey dude, if you saw like just every time you, if you stood in front of a bar for 10 years and all you saw every time the doors open was like fighting going on in there, would you go in there?
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's the thing. You never once saw like a golden egg come out of the anus and you're like, well, maybe. No, it's all shit that comes out of there. Literally. It's like all crows are black. All things leaving the anus are dirty and poop. What would make you be horrible at being a gold
Starting point is 00:27:06 miner? You'd always pick the wrong cave. Thank you, Rambler. Jesus. First thing you've ever posted that makes you normal. I thought Matt Reif was like a chick comedian. He's like a rom-com comedian.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, yeah, I could get that. For sure. He, yeah, you know, Iota, I'll give you that. I saw, when I see him like on Reels, he's funny as shit. But that comedy was horrible. I thought it was horrible. But the only thing he said in there that was like, I mean, the thing that he said in there that was apropos to what we were just
Starting point is 00:27:48 talking about is he said that um eating ass is gross but he's gotten into such a frenzy that he just found himself eating some ass and like that when he said that i was like i could see like just getting into some crazy frenzy and like maybe you end up with your face in the ass. But not you. No. I've been in some crazy frenzies. My crazy frenzies end with eating a sandwich. My fair share of frenzies. If I told you how many.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I was at a friend's house yesterday and I was watching the fights, the PFL fights. I was at a friend's house yesterday and I was watching the fights, the PFL fights. And the host, host of the house brought out a whole platter of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids. So I was watching the fight in the garage, the person's garage. And I ate half of them. But they were for the kids. half the platter just gone there was like 20 half sandwiches in there you know they were like all cut up
Starting point is 00:28:51 crust or no crust I ate the crust everything oh my god come grab your sandwich to split tear it in half share it with your brothers Mr. Reeves Sevan your post on Dr. Campbell is going to shake some feathers crazy excess death tear it in half share with your brothers uh mr reeves uh seven your post on dr campbell's gonna shake some feathers
Starting point is 00:29:08 crazy excess death yeah don't get anything injected into your uh bloodstream miss thompson hi we gotta bring her hey hey what's up girl hello how are you guys good how are you oh good i'm super super annoyed with matt caesar though because it was
Starting point is 00:29:23 his birthday yesterday and he never said a word. Happy birthday, Matt. I remember. I think I said happy birthday to him. You did on the show. Yeah. Nailed it. Do you know how old you are? I mean, like twenty seven. I don't know. How old are you? Twenty seven. No. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Jesus Christ. I mean, here we go. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And listen. Oh, boy. Stay the fuck out of my DMs asking me if she's single or what her phone number is. I am. Fucking DM her, motherfuckers. Every time you come on the show, it's like they start swooning. Swooning. Oh, that's so sweet yeah great thanks
Starting point is 00:30:07 yes her clocks her clock's ticking she can't be taking this attention away from me wow yeah they went crazy look they're still going i can't see anything but her name is karen thompson she hails from uh south africa a fantastic woman i worked over at crossfit uh ink with her she worked directly underneath uh the founder and uh ceo running his pet project at the time which was crossfit health um and uh she is was brought on because uh greg met her at a conference big conference i believe don't ruin my story karen if it's wrong it's close enough then at a huge conference she was throwing i think at the san diego convention center was like a no carb diet, or maybe it was a huge convention center in Austin.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It doesn't matter. Some cool city. And they met and Greg was blown away by her knowledge. She's the author of the book, a sugar-free revolution, which I read and, or listen to the audio book. And,
Starting point is 00:31:03 and she's very, very, very well connected with everyone from the highest level, uh, PhDs and mathematicians, like maybe like the J Bata chariot types to these, this whole crew of influencers we have that are now parading through Joe Rogan,
Starting point is 00:31:20 who are also doctors, but you're seeing them pray through Joe Rogan and other podcasts. And they have reels everywhere talking about health and basically preaching to the choir as CrossFitters. Correct. Are we allowed to talk? And she, and she has been, and she's an addiction specialist. And, and she, she sees the power and strength that sugar has.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And she's made it, I don't know how long 20 years karen of oh yeah 19 well yeah 19 i'm in my 20th year but we don't count until i hit september 14th so so 20 years of of bringing the good word um you know as long as uh crossfit itself bringing the good word of keeping people away recognizing the potency of this and what you call it drug a sugar and uh and staying and staying away from it she's thrown many conferences she knows everyone and the newest biggest baddest thing she is doing is happening in austin austin yeah and it's in collaboration uh with uh crossfit inc yeah and uh the mr dave castro the the founder creator of the crossfit games and it is crossfit for health summit 2024 austin yep that's it so excited
Starting point is 00:32:40 um open to the public open to the public. Open to the public. Absolutely anybody can join. Aimed at CrossFit affiliates, coaches, the community, the people who really make CrossFit what it is. How many speakers? So right now we have six speakers. We have Rhonda Patrick, Kwajo, Tommy Wood, Gabrielle Lyon, Chris Palmer, Tom McCoy.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, and then special ones. And then Dave is going to be there as well. Dave Castro. Yeah. And so people can sign up for this and sign up for the workout with Dave. Correct. And in a way, I know you're not pitching it to this, but in a way, this is very similar to what the old affiliate gatherings would be like, like what we had in Montana. It's a gathering of like-minded people with some great speakers, and then people will be hanging out and working out and networking.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Absolutely. And then I think that in a combination with all ddc savvy right those minds together having those lectures learning sharing networking building community you know that sense of belonging that can only be experienced when you're in person right uh that that's a great point for some reason though i just see this as being um the ddcs were great don't get me wrong But it was at the gym at HQ. It was a little wild. It was cantankerous. This is going to probably going to be a little more scheduled and organized. And yeah, and these speakers are there. They're going to be preaching the truth. It's basically reminders for everyone in the community, right? It's like re-upping your level one, re-upping your level two. It's going to be reminders.
Starting point is 00:34:33 These are like-minded people who are going to remind you, like Gabrielle Lyons, that the more muscle you have, the more sugar you burn. Yeah, totally. I think the biggest thing about this is with CrossFit Health, we very much focus on the mess, right? The ills of modern medicine. And that was exactly what CrossFit Health, we very much focused on the mess, right? The ills of modern medicine. And that was exactly what CrossFit Health was meant to be about. This is the CrossFit for Health Summit. So I don't necessarily want it to be confused with what CrossFit Health used to be or what CrossFit Health is now. Like this is the CrossFit for Health Summit. It is about
Starting point is 00:35:00 looking at Greg's article that was published over 20 years ago, what is fitness, and bringing experts to support this methodology that the affiliates and the coaches are preaching every single day and changing health in the affiliates is what is the only thing that's going to improve people's health. And so we have the experts supporting that in the lectures that they're giving. So every day in my dms no shit one a day someone says hey can you link me to an article i want my in-laws to start doing crossfit yeah can you show me a video where some i want to get someone into crossfit there's one a day every day it's fucking nuts it's consistent what you're saying is that this summit if you want
Starting point is 00:35:43 tools as a trainer as a person as, as an owner, you come here, you'll listen to these speakers. They're going to tell you what you already know, but they're going to articulate it in a manner and maybe do some, not maybe, and do some deep dives into it that will give you the tools to explain to people why they should be doing CrossFit. Hey, you should be doing it because it lowers insulin. Hey, you should be doing it because it puts on muscle. Like right now you go to the L1 and you become, you know how to train CrossFit. Hey, you should be doing it because it lowers insulin. Hey, you should be doing it because it puts on muscle. Like right now you go to the L1 and you become, you know how to train CrossFit. They're going to give you the why, and then you will be armed with that to impart to, uh, to new clients. Absolutely. And backed with by research,
Starting point is 00:36:17 right? Like we're not going to put on a conference that not, that's not going to be backed in like based in science. And that's what this is about. going to be backed in like based in science and that's what this is about eating is good thank you for coming to my lecture more than that more than that right oh my god so much more than that for sure and the speakers are phenomenal um tell me tell me about some of the speakers there's a couple people on there i don't recognize you do not recognize you introduce me to some of them uh what they've done or how you know them um you know ronda patrick i know i know of her like i know her from instagram right okay i know her i know gabrielle lion from instagram and her her her i like how she's really focused on building muscle she's that she's that lady right this one yeah she is incredible she is such she's one of the strongest most powerful woman i know
Starting point is 00:37:08 she's a physician an entrepreneur she's a new york times bestseller she is such a freaking badass and i'm actually organizing a conference for her in austin as well like three weeks prior to this event so um she is probably you say that i'm connected. Gabrielle is the most connected human I know. But anyway, back to her work. Yeah. She really talks about muscle being the organ of longevity. So the only way that the problem in the world is not that we are over fat, like we have too much fat is that we're under muscled. And so we're, we've been placing the focus on the wrong thing, which not CrossFit hasn't right. CrossFit has always been about building muscle just through the methodology. And so, so Gabrielle really like brings that home in such a beautiful, simple way where
Starting point is 00:37:53 the focus is not about losing weight. It's always about building muscle, being healthy across lifespan. And that's another thing. It's, um, you can start at any time and she really is going to focus on how we focus on muscle centric approach to living through, through our life. Let me ask Susie here, just a quick question. Cause I have a strong opinion on Matt, all the muscles in the body. If you had one that you wanted to say strongest, the longest, which would it be? I've gone deal with all the muscles, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah. I don't even know if it's a fair question. Yeah. Clearly my biceps. What's your second most? So then that way, you know, it's on the shirt. All right. What's the second one? Are you leading me down a hole of that path?
Starting point is 00:38:41 No, I just have one. Like if there's one, if there's one if there's one that like i'm like hey that you need to be doing this this one thing you need to be doing this oh squatting for sure squatting for sure yeah i get that better pain yep like glutes and those hammies baby listen guys my wife does 300 does this workout every week it has it's 300 air squats for time she does it once a week that ass is crazy what's her time oh it's always sub 10 wow i know it's crazy i've done it three times with her in the last year i have i can't break sub 10 seriously what's your favorite muscle that's the one that's the one that that you it's not even my favorite it's that's the one like if you're telling someone,
Starting point is 00:39:25 Hey, you got to maintain a certain muscle in your body. It has to be that ass. It's like, it's like the most important muscle in the body. 100%. I know someone else is like the heart. Okay. Don't get all fucking smart on me. I don't even think of the heart as a muscle. It is. It's the most important muscle without it. I thought that's where you're gonna go i was gonna say the heart no no yes and hey here's another piece of trivia for you uh um uh karen thompson's grandfather was the uh physician who did the very first heart transplant on planet earth yeah in it well in a human first transplant in a human yeah human heart transplant that's right I'm sure someone in China did it on from a pig first or something. Probably to a doubt, actually. OK, so Gabrielle Lyons, there should be.
Starting point is 00:40:13 She's amazing. You know, it's funny. So someone in here commented, Karin, about Rhonda Patrick. And that's how we know her from Instagram. Someone said, oh, she's the sauna lady because we have, we've seen these people just in, in bits. What's her deal. She's kind of everything, right? She's the one that reads articles from journals and then kind of breaks them down for us. Exactly. So she's a biochemist, PhD researcher. Um, she has a very popular podcast called found my fitness. Um, she talks a lot about exercise and, uh, very, very, very, very fond of CrossFit, um, does it herself. And so, I mean, she's has the wonderful ability to make difficult content and research accessible. And I think now, yeah, she has been focusing a lot on, on sauna,
Starting point is 00:41:03 but exercise. If I think about Rhonda Patrick, I think about how she talks about the benefits of physical exercise, high intensity in promoting health and creating health. Okay, Rhonda Patrick. So those are two big names. Now let's talk about my favorite name in the group, and I've never heard of the guy, Mr. Wood. You are kidding. You do not know Tommy Wood? No, but I love his name. Mr. Wood.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Dr. Wood. I used to be called Dr. Wood in college. That was my nickname. What? Just if someone needed something, they would just call dr wood and i would 24 hours a day be available to administer procedures
Starting point is 00:41:51 oh gosh tell me about it tommy is an oxford trained physician wow and researcher yeah he's phenomenal i think tommy's probably one of my favorite people in this space. Like he's so modest. He's like, like doesn't seek the spotlight at all in any way. His research is prolific. What I love about what Tommy talks about is right now his focus is very much on community. Right. And so the power of community in creating and shaping health. And that's something that CrossFit is so, you know, it's so powerful in the CrossFit community. It's one of the things that makes us so special. And so Tommy does a lot of work in longevity. He used to talk about optimizing health, but he's kind of moved away from that
Starting point is 00:42:45 um yeah but social connections social lifestyle yeah he's he's based in seattle now so he's not in the uk any longer but oh oh that's a ding that's a ding on him everyone shush everyone should um should know who tommy wood is without a doubt does he have have a book? He's going to write a book. I don't know if I'm supposed to say that. Okay, look at his Instagram. I want to have this guy on. Look at his Instagram. Look what he says.
Starting point is 00:43:10 You should, Sevi. Look at his specialty. His pediatrics, what was it? Neuroscience. Oh, neuroscience and pediatrics. He does a lot of stuff on cognition as well and how the only way to really boost brain power and stop the cognitive decline going
Starting point is 00:43:27 into like Alzheimer's dementia and those diseases is to learn new things, to constantly challenge yourself, to, to always be learning and to be a part of the community. So he, I just, like for me, like his message just fits so perfectly into what, what the community is all about. A man with a dog. Rambler, really enjoying, stimulated by Miss Thompson's shushing me.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Dan Guerrero, they always love me when I get pounded. Dan Guerrero, I know Tommy's wood. You do? Isn't he amazing? No, no, Carmen. Oh, I'm so glad to have met you. Let me know, Carmen. That's it. No, no, Karin. I'm so vulnerable and naive. Let me know, Karin. I'm aggressive. All right, leave it alone.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I ordered that Sean Wood walk softly and carry a big stick. I was going to try to repurpose this to your own. I'm not so sure that's going to work. I edited highly. I said, well, if someone was a hooker, that was his street name. Jeez. Mr. Jeez. Mr. Wood. Okay, let's go back up
Starting point is 00:44:29 and look at the guest. To the left of him was a gentleman. I'm going to try to say his name. Dr. Cuadwo Quirimenting. Quirimenting. So it's Quajo, but you did well with the second name.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Quaggio. With a J kind of? Quaggio? Yeah, like that. Okay, Dr. Quaggio. Yeah. So Quaggio is an ICU physician from Canada. He was one of the guys that spoke up the loudest during the COVID pandemic
Starting point is 00:45:00 because he was at the forefront of putting people on ventilators and having to make very difficult choices and being in a highly stressed environment and he said that every single person who suffered during covid was because of underlying chronic disease that could be mitigated by lifestyle changes i love this dude yeah and then he also wrote a book recently called something about leadership. I forgot. The Moral Courage to Lead. Unapologetic Leadership.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Oh, I like that look. I like him. Phenomenal. I like how he looks there. He is. And Sebi, he is honestly one of the nicest human beings in the whole world. He will do so much for others. He's so cool.
Starting point is 00:45:44 He's very popular on TikTok for others. He's so cool. He's very popular on TikTok as well. He's fun. He's, um, he's just, he's a really good guy. He looks kind of like, uh, strong in that picture, but he's one of the nicest, most fun humans. Like we're going to have a dance party off to this event because he's so much fun. Unapologetic. Oh, I don't see him in the audio books for on Apple. I was going to buy his book. An apologetic leadership. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I going to go all in on the loaded taco? No, sir. I'm keeping it simple. Starting small. That's trading on Kraken. Pick from over 190 assets and start with the $10 in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Easy. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See For info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. It becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Find us at dignity memorial provider find us at dignity yeah and so all of that that whole book is based on doing the right thing and how hard it is to make the right decisions when you're bombarded with oh oh i get it i was wondering what the i was wondering what the connection is between leadership and what he studies. I see what you're saying. Hey, everyone was swimming this way. He had to be a leader and be like, swim this way. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, is that, is that book on, um, is that book on Amazon? I want to get that audio and start listening to it. Right. Oh, I don't know if there's an audio book. I think he's self-published, but like, it's, it's on Amazon. I have it. I read it. You can read it you can you can read it you got this i can read
Starting point is 00:47:46 do you want me to read it to you and i'll be like every night at 9 p.m my kids and i my family will circle around the phone put on speaker and you read this a few pages a night okay i'm getting i'm getting this book. Add to cart. Good job. Okay. I love this guy. Boy, this is awesome. Okay. Tommy wood, a PD, a pediatrics, a smarty pants, um, uh, Kowando, uh, Kowando, uh, Canada. That's a tough place to stand your ground, dude. That is a tough place to stand your ground. that is a place to stand your ground oh he's
Starting point is 00:48:26 head of the ICU he's not you know he's he's just a great man he's got a phenomenal podcast as well CrossFit needs an entire uh um army of dudes like this needed an entire army of dudes like this needs one uh in case this shit ever happens again okay how about this mountain guy that looks like he eats meat a dr tom mccoy so that's tom you know him from crossfit he used to park his little airstream at the back of the dvcs oh my god that's him yes wow that's like one of the most beautiful men i've ever seen in my life isn't he yes so beautiful in every way yes so tom is um he's on instagram as vital human doc there we go yeah and uh panels uh he's very much about lifestyle but you know what he did. And I mean, I adore him and the work that he does. Cause he works with a lot of athletes.
Starting point is 00:49:29 He worked with Dale King. He was part of that documentary. And so we're going to talk about resilience and overcoming adversity and everything that was, you know, that, that, that Dale and them did at,
Starting point is 00:49:43 or still do at their gym. That's at HQq right there that's the old crossfit hq look at that shit damn yeah hey go back up there was a there was a picture of him um oh yeah what a cool dude okay you know so he's wonderful really sad And he's an affiliate owner now as well. Really? Yeah. He owns Sugar and Falls CrossFit with Jen Fischko and your favorite John Woolley. No shit.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Uh-huh. Oh, that's awesome. Sugar Falls? Sugar and C-H-A-G-R-I-N. Oh, oh, oh. Hey. I that's you pronounce it very differently yeah yes we do cotton um i we got to get this guy on too yeah guys that man i did an interview with him for her fighter fest and she was like oh my god tom i want to interview i want to interview you every single week yeah the stuff that he was saying that he's so smart
Starting point is 00:50:51 so in touch like he's just great yeah okay all right i like him i'm sorry we'll get all these people on on the podcast right okay let's go back and see the others. Should we save one for you coming on later or should we keep going? No, let's go. We only have one more. I feel bad if we leave one person off. Dr. Chris Palmer. Is he English? He has an accent for sure. He's from Harvard.
Starting point is 00:51:17 No, he's maybe got a Boston accent. He just wrote a book as well called Brain Health. it's all about how a lot of psychiatric diseases disorders mental health is based in metabolic dysfunction yes mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction and um he did a panel at the CrossFit Games. And I was obviously not there, but I did organize it.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And he was phenomenal. I haven't seen the full video, but it's on the CrossFit Games. Christopher Palmer. Okay. I'm looking to see if he has any books that are audio books. He should have an audio book. His was published by a major publisher. Christopher M. Palmer.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And he's an MD. Yeah, and he was on Huberman. He's my favorite. Brain Energy is the book. Oh, wait. Go back a second. I think we've had that guy. Who's that guy to the left of him with the Willie Nelson shirt?
Starting point is 00:52:28 That's what's his face. The comedian. Oh. Jack Shepard. Oh. Have you had him on? No. Matt told me you had somebody else on yesterday that I have such a big crush on, but I'm not going to tell you here on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:44 All right. You just broke the hearts of tell you here on the show. All right. You just broke the hearts of half the people in the chat. If they sign up. I can't see what they're saying. So, Karin, can we go to the, can you pull up, Azusa or Caleb, could you pull up the date of this event and the location? So, I've never signed up for one of these conventions. Like, I just want to stay in my CrossFit gym and work out.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Like, why? You're saying that I should get out and do this. I'm just putting myself in an affiliate owner space. Yes, absolutely. Well, let's ask Matt because Matt's an affiliate owner. Okay. I feel like he's going to answer this question beautifully. Well, I think the panel that was there validates everything you guys do in the CrossFit gym, like all of it, right? And so when you want to go there and, and, or when, when you listen to the people speak,
Starting point is 00:53:29 it'll give you the tools and stuff to articulate what's happening to your members in a way that is health forward, rather than just saying like, Hey, you're going to squat and you're going to get stronger. And so this type of event too, for me personally, it brings back like the philosophical direction of CrossFit. And and so you a lot of you guys know that i got super pumped and got into the ddc from sebon who karen let me in and that to me was huge because it's it's it's reaching outside of just the normal stuff that we see in terms especially last three years with crossfit which is either like being promoted through the games or that's it so by being around these people or listening to these things, for me back in the day at
Starting point is 00:54:08 the DDC used to just fire me up. It reframed everything that I thought about in terms of my business, the direction that I was approaching people and the conversations that I was having with them and what I had to offer. So if you're an affiliate owner or you're a coach, you should definitely be going to this event. Well, I love all the names that you're having there. Hey, who?
Starting point is 00:54:30 So it's two days? No, it's just one. One day. And then we have the workout with Dave the day before. And so, you know, maybe Dave will be on. We'll have some panels as well. So we'll slot in some other people um but uh it's going to be it's going to be a really incredible event with hopefully a lot of interaction and opportunity to network we
Starting point is 00:54:54 will have some sponsors and partners um and it's going to be fun and informative and everything that the ddc the whole energy but a little bit more structured, as you said, was we are also applying for CME credits. So continuing, so for the physicians, so that they can, they can join and it be accredited for them. Yeah. And, you know, I just want to give like big kudos to CrossFit because this is their event. They, they asked me to put this on. I didn't go to them and say, Hey, we should talk, we should do this. Like they were i didn't go to them and say hey we should talk we should do this like they were the ones that came to me and said we need this and will you organize it and i was like absolutely yes please so uh work out with dave so you could come and just do that no oh
Starting point is 00:55:42 in person so so if you do the in person um do you do you get to work out with dave too you get the option to work out with dave yeah because it is the day before so not everybody can join and space is limited to about 50 people oh but hopefully we will add another workout okay must be registered for him in person yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got to do two. He can limit to 50. That's stupid. Hey, roll down a little bit. Let me see this. No, no, sorry, up.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Sorry, up. I don't know my up from down. Oh, and there's live stream as well. Mm-hmm. Keep going. Keep going. I want to see this. I want to see the big daddy one.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Okay. Yeah, there you go. Can I validate your experience with VIP perks that extend beyond the standard admission? A continuing education, six credits. Does that work for anything with crossfit like do crossfitters need continued education like level one or level two or level three level three needs continued does this fulfill that yeah this is exactly for that and then cme would be full physicians so access to a private vip room for personalized interactions barbecue lunch opportunity to engage directly with speakers. So you're saying
Starting point is 00:56:46 that if I buy that, I can go I'll be like in the line next to the brisket trying to grab the spoon from Rhonda Patrick. Exactly. You're going to have to find Rhonda Patrick for the brisket. Yeah. And any other smoked meats we have there.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Smoke. Yep. Tommy Wood will be running the smoked meat section. Early registration to skip the queues and preferred seating to enjoy the summit and the best spot in the house, okay? Goody bag packed with offers from our partners. Two complimentary live stream tickets. Oh, so for like guests. How much are those going to cost?
Starting point is 00:57:18 The live stream ticket's $89. Okay, so you can give those back to your beloved coaches who aren't as bougie as you and can't go yeah priority and is that are those live stream will they be able to watch the live stream anytime they want no it's only live so um crossfit will have the content post event i'm not sure what happens then okay a priority option for any workout with d Castro. Oh, shit. Mm-hmm. So if he does two workouts, you could get into both workouts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Mm-hmm. Totally. Access to private lounge for lunch breaks. Okay. So you get fed. You get $200, let's say, in live stream. And then if Dave does two workouts, which I bends up and bet, he ends up doing, that's another a hundred dollars, which then makes it sort of the same price as the ticket below it.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Totally. And you know, here's the thing, like we will have other networking opportunities that will happen in the space that we have opportunities. Yeah. That we haven't announced that we are still working on opportunities. No networking, networking,
Starting point is 00:58:22 networking. What did you think I said? Net breaking. Every time Karin walks walks by you break your neck looking at oh damn oh my god that's like the biggest ego beast ever i need to go in plenty of those after this and jeffrey birchfield asked to like it jeffrey i was just talking about it from like an affiliate owner's perspective but this is this event is everybody. It's not just for affiliate owners. I was just going after them because if you attend this as an affiliate owner, the information that you come back, if you apply it to your gym and you find other strategies to apply this information to
Starting point is 00:58:55 your gym, not only are you giving the best information to your members, but there's plenty of opportunities to increase your revenue through stuff like this and increase the health of the people in your gym. But it is for anybody who wants to learn more and elevate and understand what's going on in this world of health here in the US. And here's the thing. Did you see Nicole's video the other day? Miss Carol? Yeah. No. Where is it? Oh my God. Matt, can you get it? Yeah. Is it It's on Instagram. It's on the affiliate Instagram page.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Oh, maybe I did see it. Oh, no, I didn't see it. No, not on her. You have to watch this. Is that Nicole Carroll's personal Instagram? Yeah. Holy shit, she's fucking upped her game. Look at those thumbnails her Instagram has now.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's the one at the top, Caleb. It's all the way over to the right. It just looks like words. Yep, right there. And then, yep, as you scroll through, it'll be her. Oh, I did see this. Okay, yeah, yeah. We can play a little bit of this. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Let's hear. We have a vision making the world a healthier place and I know that that can sound a little bit overly simplistic but I want to double click into it like we do on that page there and I'm a big Simon Sinek fan I don't know if you guys know Simon Sinek but I love him And what he said is before we can build the world we want to live in, we have to imagine it. And so that's what we did with that vision. And we said, imagine a world where 70% of the world's population, instead of dying from chronic disease, because that's how many do, instead of dying from chronic disease, because that's how many do, instead of dying from chronic
Starting point is 01:00:46 disease, actually have health markers in the best third of the range. And we have, and those same people, they can tackle any adversity or adventure that comes their way or that they want to take on well into their 80s and 90s. And then all of that in that middle paragraph there is supported by strong local communities who reinforce those healthy habits through a sense of accountability and belonging and finally that last paragraph it's when those healthy people more connected more empowered people right what, what do they do? They feel so damn good that they can't help but make the world around them better in large and small ways. So that vision contains the seeds of our definition of health, our definition of fitness, the ethos of our community,
Starting point is 01:01:40 and this phenomenon of a virtuous cycle that we can create as CrossFit. And those same people... Boom. Nicole Carroll. Is she going to be there? Yeah. She'll be at the summit? She'll be at your summit? Yes, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I mean, yes. Will she be up on the stage? I can't confirm or deny anything. Hey, listen, we had a guy on yesterday who listens to this show regularly. His name is Jethro Cardona. He's not a cartel guy. He's a cop. Doesn't that sound like a cartel name?
Starting point is 01:02:22 Jethro Cardona? No, it sounds like a billionaire's name because all I can think of is grant fair fair um uh so he was on the show and he said that he'd been thinking about opening an affiliate for a couple years and he met nicole and don and greg at the crossfit games and after meeting the three of them it it pushed him over the, and when he talks about meeting Nicole, he's like, he gets a little like, like lightheaded. Well, I mean, she is pretty spectacular. I agree. And the way that she speaks and the way that she just like her whole heart,
Starting point is 01:02:56 she wears her whole heart on her sleeve. Right. When it comes to CrossFit it's she's magnetic. And from what I can assess from looking at her she also thinks that the butt's the most important muscle in the body to maintain anyway the reason i asked you to draw to bring that clip up because you know i think thank you i was like what the fuck does this have to do with the summit thank you go ahead go ahead thank you Let's come full circuit, right? Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Like everything that she was talking about, like making the world a healthier place, the focus on health, looking at chronic disease, like that's everything that's happening in the summit. That's the stuff that we're addressing. That sense of belonging, the sense of community, the like, let's flip the script here and make the 70% the healthier people. And so that's what we're going to talk about. Awesome. Hey, thanks for coming on. What's the timeline for buying these
Starting point is 01:03:52 tickets? If I have you on in another- Okay, right now. Okay. Okay, great. Listen, I'm going to clip this section and I'm going to call it something like the CrossFit Summit and I'll put the date or something and there'll be a link that you can use to get it. You should use the link. I think that there's a link that gives us credit for it. We don't get money for it, but it just makes my penis get bigger. If you use the link. Yeah. Right now I put it in the chat a little bit earlier.
Starting point is 01:04:20 And it makes my heart get bigger. Thank you. So, so Karin, um, we'll just keep having you on every couple weeks. If anything, and just keep talking about it. And if anything gets updated, new speakers, or you find out what you're going to be serving on the menu at those meals, any of that, no minutia is too small. And you should have the speakers on as well because they are spectacular. I cannot do this justice.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Should I have them on before? Yeah. Okay, cool. Okay. Hey, I'm going to go to my kid's birthday party, and then I'm going to watch UFC fights today, and that's it. But somewhere in between there when I'm sitting down, I think I'm going to have to go guard the picnic table now for two hours.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Because I'll get eaten. Yeah, I have to go to the park early so other kids don't do their birthday there while i'm there i'll start texting with you and suza and maybe you can hook us up with some of these people oh my god i would love nothing more thank you guys you know i really love you all so much even even the guy who said nothing okay oh caleb yeah caleb caleb you are just have a really good poker face i have to tell you i'm glad working on it that was yeah that was exciting um thanks for getting up so early i know you're uh busy woman thanks for doing this thank you guys i went dancing last so I feel good. Did you even go to sleep? Did you stay up all night?
Starting point is 01:05:47 It doesn't look like I didn't go to sleep. Of course I went to sleep. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I do nothing. I'm so boring. I just dance. You are.
Starting point is 01:05:53 You're so boring. I can tell. Where's my outfit? Okay, goodbye. All right. Love you. Bye. Love you.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Bye. Karin Thompson. Jesus Christ. I'm in. It's too much it's it's crazy the dms i get after she comes on the show dudes are just like nuts over her oh my god yeah well jpe had to look at her energy is amazing right yeah hey are you surprised crossfit doing something like this she would you know uh yeah pleasantly surprised yeah me too i like when she
Starting point is 01:06:38 was talking to me about the event and stuff like that um i was i was surprised and then i was surprised to know too that they're kind of harpooning this health thing. And it came out right at the time as like Nicole Carroll, like articulates a vision. I mean, I think that's the first time we've heard the word, this is our vision of making the world a healthier place as she kind of articulated it. Like, I think a lot of it's been like the 30 million CrossFitters, right? So I was surprised. I was surprised the words that could be used is something like a revolution and we're focusing on the truth and health and things like that,
Starting point is 01:07:15 which was a good surprise. It's interesting. I know Nicole very well. She might tell you I don't, I mean just And she's probably right too But I've just been around her a lot so like I know I have I know her Mannerisms and shit like that
Starting point is 01:07:33 That did look like a new role for her If you like that clip of her That's like as bad as she speaks She is an amazing Speaker And that's like one of the worst presentations I've seen her give Not that it was bad
Starting point is 01:07:48 I just didn't see That was a new role for her When she said we have a vision Usually when she talks I'm like hypnotized But I could tell she was trying something new Do you know what I mean? If she talks about training
Starting point is 01:08:05 and its place in the world and all that shit, you'll just be like, but I can tell she's in a new role and she's trying that was new material. If she was a comic, that was the first time she'd run that. You know what I mean? She was working those jokes out on stage a little bit. She's great as a
Starting point is 01:08:22 presenter. She's a fucking 15 out of 10. How she presented that material was a 5 out of 10 So she still is a 10 don't get me wrong But yeah I'm curious Where she's going with that She's now the director of brand Or something right Or the chief executive
Starting point is 01:08:39 Brand officer She's no longer the trainer So she's in a new I wonder who's in education then. Dave. Dave runs the training department and games now. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Okay. And dude, Nicole, speaking of someone who walks the walk, her body's crazy. Oh, yeah. She's a fucking brick shithouse. Yeah. And she's done a lot of experimenting a lot like with diet and workout and training she
Starting point is 01:09:09 she's like she treats her body like a lab mm-hmm yeah it had an awkward cadence yeah I was gonna say it was reminiscent of uh kind of the white cadence and the way Dave speaks almost drinking from the same water yeah I was kind of ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 01:09:26 that is not a compliment hey karn's great man she's a beast yeah don't uh don't that's a that don't um let that smile uh fool you she is a savage you know what she she was she was cool with is when we would do uh work trips we did a lot of work trips um she would always walk with me because i was like i was i'm obsessed with walking and so she would always walk me like we would get there and i would call her like where are you she's like on my room i'm like meet me in the lobby and we would just fucking walk yeah she was cool as shit. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Love you guys and all the comments. What's up, girl?
Starting point is 01:10:10 Thanks for coming on. All right. I think that's... Who do we... Do we have a guest tomorrow? Yeah, we have Jed and I. We're going to be talking about... Oh, WheelWad. WheelWad.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Okay. Oh, great. First, we talked about a conference, and then now we're going to talk about about uh oh wheel watt wheel watt okay oh great first we talked about a conference and then we're now we're gonna talk about wheel watt oh two fantastic exciting days yay watch a bunch of guys in wheelchairs do crossfit woohoo the fuck someone get this guy pb and j oh my god that's so fun We promoted a conference on today's show. Yay. You liked it. I just like Karin.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And I just like Jedediah. That's it. That's all you need. That's all, yeah. Let's see. Maybe we should finish. You going to do one more before we go. Cave Dastro just tagged us in something.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I think it's a 20 rep back squat at some crazy weight. If you want to show that. Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's do that. I like that. Is that the real Cave Dastro? That's the guy that fucking threw the ball into the bucket from 60 feet. Douche nozzle. It was genius, too. He put rocks
Starting point is 01:11:26 in the bottom. Fucking so good. Mystery. Yeah, Audrey, it's the mystery meat. Mystery meat. Nicholas Flores. Hey, Stefan, I hope your podcast takes off. Yeah, when I launch those memberships
Starting point is 01:11:42 and gouge you guys, it's really going to take off. Holy shit, dude. Look at, he's already tired at four and he keeps going. You know, that feeling six, seven,
Starting point is 01:11:55 eight. I can watch this at regular speed. I don't need to spit up nine. He sped it up when he posted it. 11, 12. That's not even a big dude. He sped it up when he posted it. 11. 12. That's not even a big dude.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Look at that ass. 13. Is that 13? 14? Is he wearing leggings like I wear? Am I an influencer? 15. I think they're the same ones. I hope to use code 7. 17? 16?
Starting point is 01:12:24 What are we at now? I had 17. Oh, look at that chest pounding, dude. Oh. Oh, my God. Dang. Fuck that. I love that. Just a plate getting pushed onto a hard rod.
Starting point is 01:12:42 He knew what he was doing. That's 315, Jeffrey. Damn. 20 rep with 315. I did 20 rounds the other night, like at 11 o'clock at night with a 40-pound med ball, sets of five on the minute for 20 minutes. Nice.
Starting point is 01:13:03 40-pound med ball, just to test the old back out. How's it doing? Dude, it's doing great. I cannot believe how fast it's healing. Good. Yeah. I just got two bottles of CJC 1295 and two bottles of. PPC and TB 500.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Probably you guys are probably going to my skin's going to get all perfect again. I haven't done any of that shit in a couple months. I'm so excited. I don't have tulips. That's kind of a sensitive subject for me. I do not have tulips. Even before I had kids, I didn't have tulips. For those of you who know flowers,
Starting point is 01:13:45 you might be able to figure out what that means. I wish I had tulips to kiss these... Oh, shit. Ha ha! Oh, yes! Devon, do you have tulips? No. Do you have tulips to kiss these nuts? Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Atta girl. Do you eat at Wendy to kiss these nuts? Jeez Louise. Atta girl. Do you eat at Wendy's? Olivia, do you feel tingle and flush when you take the CJC 1295? No. Maybe I don't take enough. I'm pretty... There was a time in my life when everyone was doing meth. There was like this month period.
Starting point is 01:14:24 And dude, the lines i would do were like it would do the tiniest little lines tiniest i know you're like not what that knows but i'm telling you i am fucking i am scared. Hey, Riddell, Elise car, Riddell. That was better than the entire, uh, rife,
Starting point is 01:14:51 um, video, Matt, right video, that joke. And I started actually to reply to your email that you sent me telling me to watch it. Like,
Starting point is 01:14:59 are you kidding me? This is horrible, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings. But now that you put nuts on my lips, fuck you. Fuck you and your Matt Rife. Oh, let me know how that goes, Mike. Tennis elbow. Remember when you shoot the water in there, it's got to be so slow.
Starting point is 01:15:18 And use that technique that Hiller uses where he shoots it at the glass. A little cockeyed, as they say in the hood cockeyed uh i don't know if you still get a free consult that's a good question i'm gonna ask her oh i think that's not peptides i think that's what with the hormones you do yes with the hormones you do with the peptides you do not they won't give you any information about peptides it's it's the nature of where peptides are legally but if you use code seven right now you get free shipping 10 off my shoulders are like twitching um iota uh my penis was in the guinness book of Records, but then the librarian asked me to take it out Slater yes, Brooke did mine last week. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:16:29 Question though Slater yes Brooke did mine last week what does that mean Brooke was that who asked the question though yes Brooke did mine last week oh okay okay is that her name but it was also Brooke who asked the question you're right you're right Sousa yeah I mean she has three beautiful daughters you're stoked yes
Starting point is 01:16:43 punctuation needs some work but it's okay She has three beautiful daughters. You're stoked. Yes. Punctuation needs some work, but it's okay. Call me. Ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you with peace and love, those of you with kids. Stop sending your kids to school, especially if you can raise them. Stefan, not everyone has that luxury style. Okay, fine. It's like, I can't get out of Palestine.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Okay, fine. Well, then you're dead. A closet in my classroom, and I would have the kids one at a time go into the closet, come out, and share with the class what their sexual orientation is. I would give the kids that I could definey as 2SLGBTQIA+, a cupcake, a rainbow cupcake. The kids that came out and said they were straight, I didn't give them anything because they're just contributing to a heteronormative society. This is a fourth grade teacher. She locks her kids into a closet. when she opens the door when they come out she
Starting point is 01:17:45 asks them what their sexual orientation is if they say homo she they get a cookie if they say straight they don't get shit because they're contributing to the heteronormo nature of society now listen you you want to think you want to think this is some outlier shit. I know you want to. I want to. But it's not. My kids don't even know these words. Yesterday, my kids were around some other kids, and we were hanging out,
Starting point is 01:18:23 and a dog started humping. my kids were around some other kids and we were hanging out and, um, uh, a dog started, um, humping one of my kids and I pushed the dog off. And one of the other kids goes, that dog's gay. Cause it was a male dog, humping a boy.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And my three boys are like, no, that dog. And then they said the dog's name. are like, no, that dog. And then they said the dog's name. It's Maximus. And then I looked at my kids.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I'm like, no, that dog's a faggot. No, no, I didn't. I did. Come on, boys. Like my kids don't even know. They don't like they don't even know what they don't, like. And I'm not upset that they learned it there. That's where they're going to learn it.
Starting point is 01:19:09 But, like, that's why I'm watching fights, dude. And I'm there. I'm there. Daddy got to see that. I'm telling you, raise your fucking kids man raise your fucking kids those of you and you're worried about your kids saying fuck or dick or asshole or like you're worried about the stupidest shit raise your fucking kids that can't be real bro that's where I went to Zach
Starting point is 01:19:49 but I always do bro bro go outside right now and walk around you'll see people who took time out of their day they got into their car that they work all week for to pay the monthly payment insurance on they got in this vehicle and went to a pharmacy
Starting point is 01:20:04 they walked down the aisle. They pulled blue hair dye down. They went to the register and spent their hard earned money that they worked for. Three hours of their work time. They take it. They go home with it. They spend the whole day now dyeing their hair blue. Bro.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Bro. Bro. Bro hair blue. Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro. We need that as a sound bite now. They dyed it. Like imagine going out. Imagine working hard to make money so you could buy a car so you could go to the store to buy shit to make you unfuckable not unfuck withable but unfuckable and then after you died it's all blotchy and weird looking you're like yeah yeah i did it i can't wait i'm gonna work another 40 hours I'm gonna get a septum ring dude of course we're our teachers dude brah brah brah brah
Starting point is 01:21:10 I mean it's fucking nuts those man bun wearing unfuckable hippies I've been asking um uh who's our guy travis bellinghausen vindicate vndk how do you guys listen everyone buy a vindicate shirt for uh no not a vindicate shirt a ceo shirt this shirt's finally grown on me by the way i didn't like these no plan b shirts but they've grown on me i want to buy a ceo shirt for someone for christmas what are you gonna say
Starting point is 01:21:48 i said why didn't why didn't you like him i don't know i just i don't like writing on shirts i don't i don't want to i don't like reading i just like letters how do you not have a ceo shirt hey and and uh life is rx has some dope shit too. Some awesome CrossFit CEO shit. I have a CEO sweatshirt. I gave away all my TDC CEO shirts. TDC CEO. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Yeah. The moment passed. Yeah, lots of colors. No Plan B is a great pro-life shirt. Always thought you were pro-choice. I am pro-choice. Every time I put that shirt on, I always think about that. I'm like, do people think this is an abortion claim?
Starting point is 01:22:40 But here's the thing. I would rather be pro-life. And so if someone's going to confuse me for a pro lifer i'm cool you're comfortable with it yeah like some people like like i'm not like when i walk around in the normal world with normal people people would be like oh you're really fit what do you do to work out i don't tell i don't like be like no actually i'm fucked up and old my back's fucked up i'm like yeah thanks i do crossfit you know what i mean like if you want to think i'm a pro lifer awesome i'll roll with it oh yeah i don't kill babies smart uh troy martin ordered ceo sure wednesday smart guys listen i have to tell you what size are you
Starting point is 01:23:25 caleb xl or double xl yeah okay because i'm a large as am i yeah you don't want to wear and my shit's not like it's not tight on me like it doesn't hang on my gut you know what i mean like it hangs i got titties and so my titties kind of push it out and i got lats and it keeps it off my fucking muffin Jesus Christ uh Philip Kelly posted a before and after picture the other day like I it's like a picture of him sitting on a bed he's like I saw this and I was disgusted I'm like well that's exactly what my body looks like asshole I'm cool with it I saw this and I was satisfied yeah his before pictures like I'm like with it. I saw this and I was satisfied. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:05 His before pictures. Like I'm like, yeah, I look good. No, I don't want, I, I did not want everyone to know my large.
Starting point is 01:24:13 I don't want you to get a shirt. It's too long. Two years ago. Listen, go back. Let me read this shit. Two years ago. I sat up in bed and wish,
Starting point is 01:24:21 by the way, when I sit up in bed, I don't talk about that. I'm not talking about my body. Two years ago, I sat up in bed and i was shocked and disgusted by what i saw in the mirror i grabbed like shocked and disgusted that's hardcore i grabbed my phone and snapped a couple pics so that i could remember where i started from i'm ready to share my progress so far now look at what's wrong with that also why do you have a mirror next to your bed like that? That's a TV, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Well, the thing he's pointing the camera at. Oh. I don't even see a difference. Yeah, wait, go back. What the fuck? I don't even see a difference. He has a necklace on in that one. Better posture. Yeah. What are fuck? I don't even see a difference. He has a necklace on in that one. Better posture.
Starting point is 01:25:07 What are you talking about? Christ. Oh, there you go. You can tell the difference in that. He's got some quads. Squatting. Oh, this is great. Yeah, he's yoked. Yeah, shoulders look great. Yeah, he looks great.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Sub on Matt Beaver. Thanks for all you do. 20 rep almost took my life. Yeah, dude, great. Yeah. Yeah, he looks great. Sub on Matt Beaver. Thanks for all you do. 20 rep almost took my life. Yeah, dude, that was crazy. You're skinny. I can't believe how fucking lean you are. I weigh about 195, 11. Dude, love you guys. Dude, that was insane, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I like watching your chest like. That's a cardio workout at that point. I think his ass was growing with every rep too. It's visibly got bigger every squat. I love daddy PK. Yeah. Good dude. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:59 My joking about your kids. No, don't put any needles in them. In 2005 tank Hamas was created in 2005 with a charter to kill as many Israelis as possible and eradicate Israel
Starting point is 01:26:17 do you know what our US military was created for fucking shit up. They knew when they attacked Israel, Gaza would be destroyed. So stop blaming. Because I know you like blaming. I know you're not interested in saving lives. I understand.
Starting point is 01:26:36 But if you want to blame, now you know who to blame. George W. No. I thought we were still looking for weapons of mass destruction. They knew. They knew. They knew. And I know you're going to be like, well, actually, that was Israeli special.
Starting point is 01:26:55 That's a complete psyop. It was Israeli special forces that killed all those people. Well, then I go back to my other thing. Then leave Gaza because this shit's really fucked up then. Whatever conspiracy you want to run, whatever you want to say, if you care about those people, you'll try to get them fucking out of there. It's not a big deal. It's a fucking huge planet. Get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:27:13 But if you also want to play the game of you don't know the history and you don't know this, you don't know that. Listen, there's 15 million of those motherfuckers. And they are going to fucking flatten fucking Gaza because you fucking went in there and beheaded babies. And no one should be like, oh, that's like like you should get it. Yeah, and they're fucking leaders of fucking special forces guy who has a hard on to fucking kill to destroy Iran. God, are you guys seeing what's happening in New york city with all the fucking immigrants it's amazing no but i ran across one uh ran across one account that was just showing like a bunch of spots that were super dirty in the city they're like walking up the subway stairs and
Starting point is 01:27:56 they're just like you know ankle deep in trash and just crazy shit like that sitting dirty uh the democrats including your president wants to defund the police don't listen to his fucking bullshit rhetoric where now he's like i don't i never said that i don't want to say defund the police they want to get rid of the fucking police and they want to put in fucking social workers we don't fucking need that did you see these fucking sanctuary cities, these fucking Democrats, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago. These fucking cities are now complaining because they're fucking inundated with the open border policy. Once again, no matter what the fucking Republicans have have done how can you fucking tolerate that oh but i saw i saw trump do some weird dance and get all angry he called the democrats vermin
Starting point is 01:28:56 that's nazi talk who gives a fuck about nazi talk how about nazi behaviors we just went through an entire fucking administration that censored fucking our social media that still is new york city may be in a crisis at least the migrants are thankful dude last two years they have 140 000 um migrants uh have entered the city and their police force is being cut by 29 000 it's like 50 cuts they've stopped the next five police academies yeah that's just like hey i'm not going to be a democrat anymore well that's crazy you said that's in new york city they're cutting okay by 29 000 they're kind of police for they're cutting the police force in half they're they've canceled the next five police academies uh
Starting point is 01:29:43 in new york city and then they brought in to pay for the migrants that's what their fucking They've canceled the next five police academies in New York City. And then they brought in – To pay for the migrants. That's what their fucking douchebag mayor who's under investigation – By the way, for those of you who are like, Sam, that pedophilia accusation is fucking crazy. Did you see what happened yesterday? The chief of education for the fucking defense department has been fucking caught soliciting children for sex.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Listen, let me repeat that again. The chief of education for the defense department. That is some fucking high-ranking shit. Steven has something. If you put in Steven H-A-Z, his name will pop up. Like, dude, it's there.
Starting point is 01:30:35 The fucking former mayor of fucking College Park, Maryland also just busted for fucking pedophilia. Now here's the thing. You can make some other people do that too. Yeah, these motherfuckers are trying to normalize it. All right. Love love you guys Adios That's my rant Tomorrow we have Jedediah Snelson
Starting point is 01:30:54 He's gonna try to talk about wheel wads I'm gonna try to talk about sex drugs and rock and roll Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:08 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:08 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:08 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:08 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:09 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo
Starting point is 01:31:09 Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo

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