The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Trish Revealed #939

Episode Date: June 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Oh, awesome. You the man. Oh, I see it. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning. Here we go. Big day, big day. Rambler, good morning. Always first. Rambler is always first. Seema Pussy.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Wow. Wow. Seema Pussy wow wow that's is that Indian? Hindu? no Trish no Trish don't ruin the illusion there you are oh you're in big trouble Trish today Trish pour yourself a shot of whiskey this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:07 You ain't fucking around. We have exclusive, exclusive Trish content. Exclusive. Look closely at that face. Josh. Josh Pettit. I don't want this, but I hope it's Haley. Someone asked me yesterday if it was – who did they ask me? I can't remember. Someone said, is it so-and-so? I'm like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I have no idea. Jake Chapman. It's Mal. She's retiring from competition to become a CrossFit forum chat star. I can't blame her. It is a – oh, I was talking to my mom. It is a phenomenon. The Trish thing is like a – this show is so lucky to have Trish.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Other people too. I was talking to my mom about it yesterday while I was watching Avi play soccer, and she's like all those people. And you know what she said? You know who my mom's favorite is me no just dick butter i go mom my mom's very classy lady i'm like mom that is so gross like well i don't think about what it means she's like i just like the words next to each other dick butter all right i wasn't supposed to share that um uh did you guys have to know like like you're not allowed to say words certain words in front of my mom like you're not allowed to say I'm pissed off my mom doesn't like that word pissed
Starting point is 00:02:33 very classy lady you have to like if you know you park the car you got to get out and open her door shit like that uh did someone take notes from Hiller on clickbait? No Oh Please Robert Myers Protect Prophylactic Trish at all costs Were you pretty impressed With the footage? I don't think I said
Starting point is 00:02:59 Oh the Trish footage? Absolutely That's John Young got that. He's just getting better and better as time goes on, isn't he? Yeah, John Young submitted that. John Young's a valuable player. Trish is an AI. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:03:15 When I show you what we got. We know now. The mystery will be over, guys. Don't you worry. Looks like Craig Howard as a little kid. It's funny. Anytime I see someone with a red shirt, not the face, the mystery will be over guys don't you worry looks like craig howard as a little kid you know it's funny anytime i see someone with a red shirt it does not not not the face but like when i close it and you just look at the picture it doesn't look like craig howard kind of i don't know why
Starting point is 00:03:33 the flat bill the red shirt it's yeah it's the hat the red shirt combo i wonder if craig's favorite color is red god these glasses make me look like a jew doesn't it it makes my nose look like it's a it's a it's a prank nose i feel like you got richer that's for sure with these glasses yeah my mom corrects me today you're very mad i'm like damn i'm 33 mad as fuck years old mad as fuck i'm 33 mad as fuck years old male female i'm 33 male female 33 motherfucking years old oh that one okay emma wines beans i don't mind pissed off but i hate when someone has to have to take a piss oh oh oh you look so rocky it's craig Ritchie. Oh, that would be cool. Hey, if I found out that Trish was Craig Ritchie.
Starting point is 00:04:30 You'd have a new best friend. Oh, my God. I'd have to fucking fly out to England and do his dishes for a week or some shit. If you want to have a baby, you want to be surrounded by good people with knowledge, birth fits your place. If you're thinking about having a baby, if you've already had a baby, you want to get jacked on coffee, go to Paper Street Coffee. Use the code word SEVON. You get some sort of discount on shipping. It's the only thing I drink. Oh, that's not true. It's the only thing I drink
Starting point is 00:05:05 oh that's not true it's the only thing I drink at home that's not true either I mostly drink it's the only thing in my grinder it's the only thing in my coffee grinder it's the only beans I have I drink it 99% of the mornings
Starting point is 00:05:21 sometimes the coffee machine needs to be descaled whatever the fuck that means and then I have to drink some the strong coffee I just went through a descaling myself Judy Reed
Starting point is 00:05:37 panic mode setting the fire alarm Judy please don't do this please Sevan similar to when our kids found out there was no easter bunny santa tooth fairy oh i think you guys are going to be very happy tripping right now exclusive trish content john young i didn't do it john young did it trish is tripping i have quick coffee i have quick coffee i do quick coffee i haven't quit it in a while but but I do quit coffee.
Starting point is 00:06:07 One time I quit it for like a year. I like to quit it for a month. My wife just quit it like for six months. I think she might be back on it. Just to quit it? Yeah, just to get away from that caffeine. And when I say coffee, by the way, i'm lumping up all caffeine like i don't just quit like i'm not quitting i would never quit coffee and then like take fucking uh what what's that stuff you drink before you work out what's that called pre-workout pre-workout yeah i don't drink coffee but i have two scoops of pre-workout stupid yeah john young did it uh we're coming oh here we go what's this uh we're coming out
Starting point is 00:06:48 with a product uh to compete with strong coffee oh good yeah because that to be honest with you those strong coffee packets i don't know how good they are for you but the little paper ones where you rip and you pour it in there those are fucking good that shit's legit uh And finally, I got my needles from Paper Street Coffee. I got my needles from California Hormones, and I got peptides. So there's one needle that you use to take the water out and then squirt it into the vial where the peptides are, and then you mix it up, you roll it, you don't shake it, according to Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And then I'm'm gonna grab this muscle that's hurt and i'm gonna inject the peptides into it you're gonna be cool with that you could just stick yourself with a needle i think so oh i thought so too oh oh oh i see i see yeah i'm still fasting but you know it's trippy chris i was actually i still felt yeah every every um in the last three years i've only missed three weeks three sundays they say i stopped eating saturday night i don't eat again till monday morning but my belt loop is the biggest it's been in my entire life right now and larges don't fit me anymore like i won't go out in this shirt because i'll be too busy pulling it off my body the whole time and i hate that
Starting point is 00:08:05 an xl guy now or what no i won't go to an xl but something has happened i've just gotten old and i'm not i'm not metabolized something has happened i don't know what my wife thinks it's because i'm drinking a little bit more sometimes because sometimes i won't drink at all sometimes i mean i was six months drinking. But lately I've been drinking a little bit. I feel like drinking makes people puffy. And maybe that's what's happened to me. But to go up to a larger belt size is kind of crazy. Because even when my belt's tight, I would keep it at the smaller size and just deal with it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Just be like, okay, well, just don't eat until it feels comfortable. That's a healthy relationship. You think that's weird?. You think that's weird? Do you think that's weird? Yeah. I definitely have eating disorder, but I'm okay with it. Not like,
Starting point is 00:08:51 I'm not like, I'm okay. I like it. Yeah. I embrace it. I embrace it. Grace found an old picture of us on her phone and she was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:08:58 Savan's really leaned out since this. And you've had. Oh, really? It was weird that you're saying that you have gone up a belt size yeah oh well i have a lot of muscle on me too there you go it's all that bench press dude that's how those shirts sticking and i've been doing five well yesterday i was running at the skate park and the kid skate instructor goes look at your titties bounce i was i didn't really like
Starting point is 00:09:18 that you let him talk about your body like that dude dad dad bod yeah it's it's it's it's it's it's it's not as good even as good as a dad bod but it goes it does shit like it's good it runs around and and does stuff it can it's good it's operation fully operational um this fucking morning it's you have to understand yesterday i got up at 5 a.m. to fucking accommodate Hunter. And then this morning, so I was going to sleep until 6. But no, not this morning. I hear my wife screaming. My eyes open and it's fucking dark in my room still.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'm like, what the fuck is going on? And she's yelling at the dog, no, no, no. And the dog runs into my room. It's a big fucking dog it's like five dogs in one not fat a four-year-old fucking borble south african fucking killer it's like a pipple on steroids comes in there and it's and i'm like oh fuck this dog has been sprayed by skunk again oh and it's gotten into the house the skunk had or the smell it's gotten into the fucking house the dog not the skunk but it's been sprayed and it's drooling everywhere and it can't see so at fucking 5 30 this morning me and my wife are in the fucking bathtub bathing the dog again
Starting point is 00:10:49 and i cannot stand the compassion my dog my wife has for the dog it makes me want to kill someone like you're ready for the dog to be over like okay well we just i just fucking pick this fucking thing up and throw him in the fucking bathtub she's like trying to gently coax them. My back's already fucked up. You know what I mean? I just grabbed one arm under her pussy and one arm under her fucking chest. I'm like, you fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And I fucking dive in the fucking bathtub with her. My wife's all fucking like, it's okay, it's okay. She's got the water on so fucking hot like the dog's a fucking human that would mean the dog are both panting i'm not on trt just a fucking stud hi athena good morning nice to see you i was actually thinking about yesterday i was thinking i was gonna call you or text you it had been a while i ran into a lady who knew you at the um more than knew you she loved you at the – more than knew you. She loved you at the Broken Science event. Okay, back to my story.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So get the fucking dog in there, and she's got the water too hot, and I'm trying to cool the dog, the water down. I'm like, it's not a fucking human, and now I'm talking to my wife in a way that I don't want to be talking to her. She's fucking already rattled, right, because the fucking dog is coming to the house. She's basically telling me, I can do it. I can do can do it and it's like no you can't fucking do it she's trying to grab the dog by the collar to hold him in there i'm like you can't fucking do that i got one hand on her fucking little snub tail my fucking knuckles up against the dog's anus you know she's like oh you fuck You know, it's like, oh, you fuck. Soap the dog.
Starting point is 00:12:33 My wife's trying to keep the dog like comfortable with the water. I'm like, stop putting water on the fucking dog and let me soap it. Losing my shit. My back's pulsating. You know that feeling? Yeah, it's from that aggressive grab earlier. Yeah. Fired it up.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And then I have that voice, that higher seven. Calm down. Enjoy your life. This is fun. You're with your wife in the bathtub at 540. Look at her body. This is hilarious. Enjoy yourself. You fucking dog.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Sit the fuck down. Those two things are fucking dog. Sit the fuck down. Like those two things are going down. It's a fucking nuts. I'm it's fucking nuts. That's, that's the problem with being enlightened. You know what I mean? Like you're just,
Starting point is 00:13:15 it's a fucking mess. And I'm fucking the tension. Oh, it's small man syndrome. Oh, I thought it was, I was enlightened. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Thank you. Yeah. I woke up this morning. I'm like, i'm too little to be dealing with this big dog the world hates me i'm too short i didn't even think that until you helped me out with it david i could take you out on the tennis court and fucking beat you at a game of short court, you asshole. Short court. Okay, let's stop fooling around. You guys want to see the fucking footage of Trish? Oh, we're getting right into it like that?
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah. Number 56. Did I send that to you? Yes. Oh, that would be fucking awesome if I was Trish. That would be fucking brilliant. Oh, no. No. No. No. No. No. The link.
Starting point is 00:14:10 No. Yes. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. How is that possible? Holy shit. go back to the go back to the original thread where that link came in is
Starting point is 00:14:31 that possible no people are gonna think this is like we did this on purpose fuck off the first person who says that no no it doesn't work text John Young and ask him what the fuck's going on
Starting point is 00:14:49 how can that be is that in the manhattan project thread or in the semi-finals thread in the uh in the semi-finals oh my goodness okay I still got it. I'm clicking it. You got it? I'm clicking it. Nope, I don't got it. Yeah, I got it too because it has a little thing. But I can see the account still.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Why would that be pulled down? I don't know. Oh my goodness, you guys. No, no, no. Not clickbait, Matosian. No. It was Trish. It was on the House of Highlights Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Right? House of Highlights? I'm just going to see. Wow. Look at Ken Walters. Sevan, you're an incredible storyteller. Keep it up. It's a pleasure listening to you in the morning. Thank you, Ken. Thank you. I'm a passionate man. Thank you. That's awesome. It's really cool of you to notice that. Some people say dumb shit like I'm a drama queen.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I got it. You do? Yeah. The actual clip? Yeah. Why do you think the clip was broken the link i have no idea that's okay that's actually really cool that that happened okay here we go bring it up yeah trish uh i'm sorry here we go here is uh okay hurry show it jesus crime
Starting point is 00:16:28 what you gotta take a dump dropping a deuce okay here we go uh this is at a toronto raptors game i have no idea is there a team called the toronto raptors and uh trish was spotted in the crowd while commenting on the Sevan podcast. So this is actual footage of Trish commenting. There she is. Look at her. Look at her. Look at her. She's watching the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Good freeze frame. There's Ron. There's Ron. Yeah, and look at Ron ain't doing shit is ron just protecting his face yeah ron's too interested in the game i think he's like what a douche look at the lady behind trish i'd never even noticed that she's ready yeah she senses uh some systemic racism coming her way holy shit here we go here we go action boom man and there's a never before seen trisha's daughter trisha's daughter
Starting point is 00:17:53 god anyway there you go first uh raw uh organic footage of trish in the wild we have ron we have trisha's daughter who she um had through vaginal birth listen to this asshole right here cornholio uh oh this is seven ones bond i apologize uh trish would never go to an nba basketball game if she did she would never sit that close to the floor she don't even know dude do not let your eyes lie do not let your thoughts lie to you uh trish is a throat goat that's rude uh trish used to uh is used to balls to the face that's well thank you god judy's awesome isn't she hey so look at look at her sweet attractive asian lady intelligent husband classy and she just went to on her keyboard and she typed in trish is used to balls to the face.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And then she leaned back and looked at her work. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to bring that up. Oh, this is everyone's. This is everyone's escape. Yeah, it was good. Right, Hector.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah. It was late. Trish sends her kids to daycare yeah she's old school she didn't she doesn't know better yeah all of her kids have been diddled at the daycare for sure it happens it makes them stronger it doesn't kill you uh dude judy is wild savvy in the best ways. Wow. Jeremy. She's taking Jeremy. Yeah. That's awesome. But I like to think that.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'm going to keep that in my head. I'm going to start visualizing and see what Judy is wild. Judy is wild. No, not that one. No, not that one. Do you have them marked which is which or do you have them memorized I just have the colors
Starting point is 00:19:48 Kenneth DeLapp I'm disappointed just like when my dad promised to be a chaperone on a field trip to a week of camp but when on a two day drinking bender and showed up five minutes before the bus left wow is that true that's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That's like fucking like textbook. Oh, that is amazing. Oh, interesting. I bet I Instagram pull. It was one of our people on the semifinal thread says, I bet IG pulled it down because of bodily harm to a person. It's possible. But it's back up.
Starting point is 00:20:32 That's funny. All right. So the other day, as you guys saw, those of you who follow me on Instagram, you saw that I identify with being a black man i didn't i did not i kind of knew i kind of always knew that i was culturally black like i was a hybrid i was raised in a i'm armenian but i was raised culturally black like just always listen to rap music always just like i just i just wanted to talk black
Starting point is 00:21:05 i just wanted to i just love i love fucking rap music i love music videos like utfo i wanted to around with a bunch of dudes and be like i didn't like the part where your pants sag i did not like that part i was never gonna do that and and uh and i like woofers in the in the back and i like lowered cars and i liked carrying guns and and just like just all the stuff that rap dudes do like i like that you know what i mean i just liked all that stuff like that street life dealing drugs i really enjoyed dealing drugs like selling drugs. Just the... Since then, I've learned that it's actually... Since then, I've actually learned it's... It's redneck culture.
Starting point is 00:22:02 The blacks stole it. All that rap shit is culturally appropriated. They pretty much have to stop. We should flush all that shit down the toilet. Did you know that? That that's all redneck culture? That basically blacks were stripped of their culture as slaves and they were given redneck culture just because it was all fucking rednecks that were working with them on the plantations?
Starting point is 00:22:20 Is it the rednecks or did it come from the Irish? Whatever. It sounds the same to me. Or is it the redneck? did it come from like the Irish? Whatever. It sounds the same to me. Or is it like the redneck? But southern redneck culture. Like the way some of our callers are who calls in. Like remember that dude who used to call in? Dick Margerin.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Hi. Like Gomer Pyle shit. That's like white redneck culture and somehow the fucking blacks got it in the south. And then they claim it's theirs. And then like version two of redneck culture is fucking ice cube i'm serious evolution i'm serious anyway uh yeah there you go that's it uh ken walters uh i went from armenian immigrant rosemary classy lady to someone want to be a gangster yeah totally i did some gangster shit that's still probably kind of want to be oh here it is uh lauren lewis uh thomas so well book black rednecks and white liberals read it yeah okay i will i heard that from
Starting point is 00:23:16 that's that's actually not true i am not going to read it but i am going to um um listen to it i'm gonna purchase the audio yeah audiobook uh i just got a book um two days ago what did you get economics facts and fallacies oh that's gonna be good have you started it yet i'm just like one page in with the preface. Did you order it online? No, I went to Barnes & Noble and got it. I still go to Barnes & Noble. I still like being in the bookstore.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Got it. Thank you. Thank you, Lauren. Okay. I'm listening to – I've always been obsessed with just books. I basically read anything I could get on the Black Panthers, 50 books on the Black Panthers. Angela Davis to Huey Newton, all those fuckers. And their lawyer was Armenian. That was the only white dude allowed in the group. That was kind of cool. I read everything I could on Malcolm X, everything
Starting point is 00:24:12 I could on Nelson Mandela. I was obsessed because some of you know, I was the only white dude in my neighborhood for a couple of years. The only one. It's crazy. And I'm barely white, like I said. it's crazy and i'm barely white like i said so anyway so so then so yesterday i'm in this market i in my instagram post i said i was in a liquor store but i'm going to tell the truth i was in this fancy because i was just in a hurry and i just wanted to write i was in this fancy fucking market this tiny little market and it's the kind of market where like cheeses are like hi trish how was the basketball game armenians aren't white, they're Asian. Yeah, which I think is closer to being black than white is. So I'm in this market, and it's one of those fancy markets, right,
Starting point is 00:24:54 where they hand-make the burritos and the sandwiches and the cheeses are five times as much as they should be, and they have, like, the wooden spoons and shit for sale and little rocks with crystals in them and just like fancy all sorts of fancy like sparkling waters you've never heard of you know what i'm talking about is it the one that's close to the ocean yes by the tennis courts yes yeah grace loves to go to that place yeah that place it's cool right it's fucked up everything's so expensive so i go in there and i'm in line and the line is slow as shit and there's five people in line in front of me
Starting point is 00:25:22 so i'm in line there with the sparkling water and i'm buying um obby something i can't remember what what did he get what did obby get a sandwich no the juices in there are good we don't drink juice please don't say that on the show no no it's like they like juice it like actual oh jews you like the jews are good in that store what uh yeah you read that malcolm's autobiography in one day thick book uh alex haley great book great book um who who uh anyway it doesn't matter and i'm in line and about two people before it's supposed to be my turn this kid fucking walks up and he doesn't get in line. And then it's my turn, and he's standing there, and he's come at the line from an angle that's clearly not the line.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And I look at him, and it's a black kid. And I say to myself, well, I'll let him go so this doesn't turn into a fucking international george floyd incident he doesn't say the white that he doesn't fucking go and say that the fucking white man fucking and so i go after you son and he goes no no after you i'm like god damn it racist piece of shit i was talking to myself not him i said oh thank you. Shocked. How dare he ruin my.
Starting point is 00:26:49 You just thought I was going to cut the line, didn't you? Yeah. Yeah. What happened? Respectful, polite. Yeah. It was probably fucking Spider-Man, the new black Spider-Man, Afro Spider-Man. Fucked up my whole fucking story.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I said, okay, cool. And I paid for my shit. And that's when i gave the hundred dollar bill and that's when the dude starts examining it he's the first thing he says is i've never seen a counterfeit hundred dollar bill i'm like what the fuck this is counterfeit hundred dollar bill are the cops gonna show up is he gonna call cops am i gonna have to say something yeah am i gonna have to tell the cops that i did not know this was a counterfeit $100 bill and the whole time I'm going to be thinking I lied? No, he didn't cut behind me. He wasn't a homo. He was a black guy.
Starting point is 00:27:31 He may have been a homo. He came at an angle where the line wasn't supposed to be coming from. But in his defense, in the kid's defense, like the line wasn't delineated. The only way you knew where the line – it's not like laid out on the floor. It's not like a typical grocery store where you know the direction the line is supposed to to be he was actually probably standing in the spot that was smarter to have a line yeah the spot where i stand and i got in trouble and they said no it's over here oh yeah yeah it's fucked up over there right yes yes you're talking about yes yes that's cool that you know that yeah i'm just glad they finally put down took down the plexiglass.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Kids, listen. Dear, oh dear kids. Dear. Why am I listening to this guy beat someone's ass right now? Where am I going with this? Oh, here we go. Here we go. Dear, oh your kids. Go to your room.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Why am I listening to this weirdo? I'm passionate. You'll be lucky. Ode to your kids. If one day you have an eighth of the passion that i have okay uh so so i was wrong i i i i i was wrong about the uh the the the black human being the white human being was wrong about the black human being and and i did so then i paid a hundred dollars and i realized at that point like i'm i'm always freaked out about that i'm all anytime there's cops or like anytime there's any authority anytime i walk in anywhere like even when i go to the movie theater
Starting point is 00:29:14 and i buy a ticket and then there's no one there to show my ticket to you know what i mean they think you're gonna just cut it so i just think like the whole like i sit down from when i you know what i mean like you know it's a movie theater you know when we wouldn't i don't know you when i was a kid there were like plenty of people I sit down from when I, you know what I mean? Like, you know, movie theater, you know, when we wouldn't, I don't know you, but when I was a kid, there were like plenty of people to work in the movie theater. Someone you paid the money to someone you bought the popcorn from, and then someone you gave your ticket to. Now it's one person. It's one kid with fucking bunch of holes in his face, hair dyed pink. She sells the tickets to you.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Then she runs over to the fucking popcorn and then there's no one there to tear your ticket. You know what i mean yep chaos it's yeah look at blade we would have uh activated squad on your ass yeah that's what i mean i can't um stole that for that hundred dollar bill yeah that's what i i that's what i mean that's spoken like a cop i know you guys would so even then i'm paranoid i'm like how do they know that i paid is someone going to come talk to me when I sit down in my seat? And then I realized – but I'm okay with it. I'm not complaining about it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:13 No one would be like, he's complaining because of – no, I'm used to it. I'm used to always having a guilty conscience. I'm just totally used to it. And then I realized, oh, shit. That's the plight of the black man. And at that point I knew. I am – that's the cornerstone of modern-day black pop rhetoric, narrative. I always feel like I'm taking someone's seat that I shouldn't be taking.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Like if I'm at a restaurant. I always have that. I always have this like I'm just like a little – I'm just not quite adequate. I've slipped by somehow. I've cut a corner. I've been dishonest. I didn't – I could have done more. I had $20 in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:31:03 The ticket was only $10. I should have paid $20. I had it's dead do you feel me on that i do i know what that could talk about it's like anytime a cop gets behind you i could see a cop from five lanes over going the other direction i'm like oh fuck i don't even yeah dude at the rock. Stephen Flores said he fell into a liberal trap. I guess. Whatever it is. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:31:32 But I'm okay with it. I'm not complaining about it at all. I understand it's my full personal responsibility. I understand I just need to take a deep breath and chill. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm not blaming anyone. I take full... Matt Burns, our meetings are close close to black I tan like a motherfucker
Starting point is 00:31:49 anyway I thought it was funny and I'll tell you one more thing that I just was not prepared to share to you so I made that video and I was really scared to post it I was really scared to post it but it was true and I thought it was funny and I thought it was funny and it was true and then Adrian Conway commented funny, and I thought it was – it was funny, and it was true.
Starting point is 00:32:05 And then Adrian Conway commented on it with two laughing emojis. I saw that. And, like, he really is black. He's not fake black like me. Right. And I was like – I felt like some validation, like, from my people. You're like, okay. Like, he's like, welcome.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Come inside. Welcome. Yeah, come in. Enter, my friend. That's all you needed. Anyway. Speaking of black, there's a group called Antifa, number 57.
Starting point is 00:32:35 They dress in all black. They are the whitest people you've ever seen on planet Earth, which is bizarre. But they dress in all black. Oh, look, here we go. Here we go. Blade Walker, I feel you, Savan. Now that I think about it, I feel black sometimes, too.
Starting point is 00:32:49 There you go. Wad Zombie, I can say whatever I want. Don't fucking test me, motherfucker. Oh, no. I need to speak to Travis. This is crazy. Antifa member arrested following violent clash with parents outside la scored la school board meeting had prior arrest over child sex crimes now listen i'm going to say it again because you're going to like this part you guys antifa oh maybe i should get some rogue
Starting point is 00:33:16 equipment yeah can you scroll back to the headline so i don't accidentally buy something sorry that's okay it's not your fault i thought there's more too i didn't realize this update antifa member arrested following violent clash with parents outside la school board meeting had prior arrest over child sex crimes socal antifa member eric james boyd was arrested during a brawl against Armenian-American parents in Glendale, California. He was previously arrested on suspicion of two felony child sex crime charges with someone under the age of 14, by the way. Guess where this guy works. Do you have any guesses, Sousa? Where he works?
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. I hope it's not a daycare. Ah, it's close. Keep scrolling. Keep scrolling. This, keep scrolling. Let's go. Where does he work?
Starting point is 00:34:12 Start saying in the comments, where does he work, people? It's not good. It's not good. It's not. Yes, Jeremy, here we go. CrossFit. Uh-oh. No.
Starting point is 00:34:21 No. Uh-oh. No. Uh-oh. The crowd of parents, mostly Armenian, Hispanic and Christian, were protesting the school board's pride celebrations and indoctrination of their children into radical gender ideology. One of the Antifa members involved in the violent clash with parents outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California, on June 6th, was identified as Eric James Boyd. The childless 35-year-old was arrested for his involvement in the incident and charged with a misdemeanor. However, his $10,000 bail was quickly posted.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Keep scrolling. Hang on, hang on. He has a long history of organizing with Antifa in Southern California and is associated with Antifa extremists. Oh, I'm sorry. Are there Antifa people who aren't extremist assholes? Anyway, he works at a place. I think it's called CrossFit Survival. He's the fucking head coach. Yeah, it looks like that's like a background there.
Starting point is 00:35:19 He's the head coach. God, that guy looks like he uses cock as chapstick. My goodness. My goodness. Orange Theory. I wish it was Orange Theory. It bums me out so much that he's a fucking CrossFitter. Boyd, who works in the fitness industry,
Starting point is 00:35:41 previously used Twitter to coordinate with other far-left extremists. How to best – he was releasing a guide on how to best engage in violence. God. Yeah, I think it's CrossFit. Let me see. I'm going to type in CrossFit survival, Eric Boyd. I tried to find stuff last night, but it looks like they're scrubbing. It looks like the gym scrubbed them across.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, as soon as I put in Eric Boyd, it offers up steroids to search. Excuse me. Yeah, Eric Boyd, head of CrossFit Survival at Delta State University, Los Angeles County. He's the head coach of CrossFit Survival based in La Crescenta, California. Previously, Eric was the owner at Interactive Fitness. I would like to lift some weights with you
Starting point is 00:36:41 and then go beat some parents who don't want their kids to be indoctrinated uh sexually you have to understand most people do not give a fuck of whether it's gay or straight they don't want any fucking sex talks in their school you have to understand that la crescenta la crescenta oh there's another ermin Armenian not an Antifa member of this one did I know cool picture he's like playing blackjack poker maybe poker
Starting point is 00:37:12 uh clock Greg Glassman after firing Russell Berger I'm crazy proud of the gay community in CrossFit I'm crazy proud of the gay community in CrossFit too I'm crazy proud of everyone in CrossFit I appreciate you bringing up the point dickhead anyway fuck antifa what a fucking mess it's a it's a direct parallel by the way it's it's state and state shit it's the same as the klu klux Klan. Hitler had those same dudes in World War II in Germany.
Starting point is 00:37:47 We have them here. It's just – it's step for step for when you get state and state. By state and state, it's when there's a state inside the state where the social laws start to become stronger than the actual laws. So we're underfunded. laws so i did and but i'm going to give you a really scary uh i'm going to read something really scary to you there's there's two really scary things about the that are could pass in california god i hope they don't pass uh one of them is uh there's a scott weiner who i met with greg who's a complete douchebag like one one of the most pathetic excuses for a man I've ever actually personally met out of San Francisco. I think he's a congressman, and he's trying to pass a law.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I think it's going to go to assembly. Is that what it's called? Where if your kid wants to transition and you don't get them gender affirming care, that's child abuse. That's crazy. I think that would be – I would have to leave – let me say that again. So if your kid wants to have his penis cut off and you don't help him go down that path, that's considered child abuse and your child could be taken away i don't think i could stay in a state like that i think at that point i might have to go i don't know it's actually past you fuck dude it's crazy it's basically saying so just so like
Starting point is 00:39:21 when i was a kid i wanted to be the six million dollar man that some people want to be pirates like imagine like going to your mom and dad and be like i want to be a pirate and then they don't chop your leg off and remove one of your eyes and get you a patch and so it takes you away yeah the state takes your kid away like you can't be like hey can we wait to my kid like i don't even want to have to ask they hey can i wait till my kid's 18 until he chops his dick off like just leave me alone until my kid's older. So your kid's a fucking adult. Yeah. Like, if I'm not feeding my kid, if I have my kid locked in a cage in the basement and I'm not feeding them, I get it.
Starting point is 00:39:55 You have to intervene. Yeah, there's abuse happening there. Man, it's bizarre. Okay, but look at this. This one's fucking crazy. Number 61. This one's fucking crazy uh number 61 this one's this one's crazy too a california taking a big step to legalizing shoplifting something has happened to where people like george floyd are heroes and i i don't i don't know what's happening but california is about to pass a law are you ready for this to where
Starting point is 00:40:27 if you see someone stealing something you cannot stop them it's illegal to stop criminals which is pretty much already happening now so so like i saw a guy steal a – I saw a guy steal a – I saw this homeless guy steal a Chinese immigrant lady's – I saw this drug addict with a blanket over his shoulders steal a Chinese immigrant's bicycle outside of a ping pong place a year ago. I was with my mom in Abbey two years ago. You witnessed him steal it yeah it was he stole it i was 10 feet away from him i saw him walk up to the bike rack um throw the blanket over the bike i was like this is really fucking weird he's got the blank blanket
Starting point is 00:41:15 over his head and then right then the chinese lady came out and starts like like being like hey what the fuck in chinese and then he rides away and when he's like 10 feet away or 15 feet away i realized oh fuck he just clipped her bike so i chased him i called i called 9-1-1 you know what's crazy i chased him yeah i chased him for fucking like a half a mile and and i called the cops 9-1-1 while i was calling them and they said where are you and i have no idea i'm in a marsh i chased him into a marsh on a dirt trail and And they found me. They pinged me. They pinged my phone and found me. The dude got away.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I did call the cops. And when the cops got there, when the cops got there, they told me, I said, I said, I said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:41:57 if I caught him, I was just going to push him off the bike. And then I was going to pick the bike up. And then when he came at me, I was going to throw the bike at him. And they told me, you can't do that. I go, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:42:07 They said he could press charges on you for hurting him. I mean, he stole this fucking lady's bike. It doesn't matter. I thought you were going to say the cops pulled up and then arrested you because you identify as a black man. Look, the only person who likes what I did is Judy, the Chinese lady. Everyone else is like, you're an asshole for calling cops. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Look, these are the tards that think it's bad to call the cops. Someone called the cops. I know I'm reading into that, but still allow me. And he's dicking me. Call the cops. Shocker. Like it's something bad. Like I should have helped the criminal. Like I should have kicked the Chinese lady in the cunt. Is that what I should have done? I should pull out my phone and filmed it. These are the people who like when a woman's getting beat on the street, they just pull out their phone and film it. Thank you, Judy. I know. Just pull it. Man, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Stefan is a real-life Batman. I am. I've chased down four muggers like that that's like borderline mugging yeah in my life don't do that in the last few years actually unless it's like in direct relation to something where you if you're like forced to like what if you're in one of those things you chase someone down and my fight just shoots you yeah you're right one time i chased a dude into a back of a house with – anyway, this is real. Will you scroll down a little bit? I want to read this to you. This is real. So basically they're going to say that, hey, if you – in California, if you see someone steal, it's against the law to jump in.
Starting point is 00:43:37 If California isn't already the nation's shoplifting leader, it soon will be if State Senator Dave cortez's sp553 became law according to some retailers the bill just passed the state senate and now moves over to assembly ostensibly aimed at curbing workplace violence listen to how they fucking a nice way of saying criminals who come in to steal stuff and create the conditions for violence california retailers so they come in and create the conditions for violence and we have to back down so that it doesn't cause a lot it's like not allowing cops to chase people it's nuts it says no employee can approach someone who is shoplifting so even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that now they're not allowed to approach someone so what does that mean
Starting point is 00:44:21 we're opening up the door to allow people to walk into the stores and steal and walk out. Opening the doors? Dude, it's done. Do you know how happy Amazon is right now? Oh, fuck yeah. Yeah, e-commerce all the way. I mean, in San Francisco, a lot of those major stores already are gone anyways. You guys, this isn't, like, here's the thing too.
Starting point is 00:44:49 If I read this to you five years ago, you guys would all say I'm a fucking idiot. But now it's 7 44 AM on June 10th, 2020. What? Three. Is that where we're at? Yeah. 2023. This is unreal. Yeah. Even my mom said to me the other day probably not supposed to say this but I was so happy she goes something's not right I I know I'm I'm fully thank you it meant a lot to me to hear my mom say that wait what the do you eat sleekies comment uh dude oh god this is really
Starting point is 00:45:28 pissed me off yeah uh dude trapped in me in my car and stood there jerking off while staring at me called the cops and no one showed no one's going to save you you need to learn my favorite jujitsu move it's called a concealed. Are you allowed to shoot someone for jerking off in your car? No. You can't be like, I feel like my life is threatened? You can't be like, I feel like my life is threatened?
Starting point is 00:45:56 Maybe. I don't know enough about the law to know. I cannot fucking believe that happened. You can't shoot somebody unless yeah you could prove that your life was in danger yeah the criminals will follow the law yeah it's crazy that is crazy that's nuts
Starting point is 00:46:21 That's nuts. I don't know what I would do if I found out that that happened to my wife. Wouldn't be good if you knew who it was. Jeremy, world, was Rosemary under a heavy barbell when she said that? No, but I had her in a rear naked joke a few weeks. Oh shit. This happened a few weeks ago, but no, couldn't shoot him without getting tossed in jail.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Oh shit. Sleeky does have concealed carry. Holy shit. I had a girl. You think that's a girl? Okay. Okay. I had a girl. You think that's a girl? Or a guy. I mean, doing the scenario
Starting point is 00:47:09 of trapped in the car with a dude jerking off, I would assume it was a female. But you're right. It could be a dude jerking off and you're trapped in your car. If it was a guy and a guy, would you just fucking like hit him with the car door? Oh, Jedediah Snellson.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Technically, he shot at you first. I'm a chick. Oh, my goodness. I mean, what would you do if somebody started jerking off and tried to trap you in your car? I feel like that's a much more scary scenario for a female. I don't know what I would do. Spit on it?
Starting point is 00:48:03 I don't know what I would do. Okay, let's get this over with.'re just gonna make it go faster let me oh oh my uh oh caleb's caleb sent the clip caleb where the fuck are you i've seen caleb in forever is he okay someone should check in on caleb wellness check hey i um uh my wife just texted me and said i was not screaming. Did I say she was screaming in the story? No. Oh. No, when she woke up maybe and you heard her yelling.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Okay, yelling. She was yelling. Maybe not screaming. Yelling for sure. Yelling for sure. How about yelling? This isn't the fucking interactive show with my family, with text people. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Shit. Here we go shit here we go i've been traumatized by a jerker offer walking to his walking to high school back in the day yeah hey dude i remember being in elementary school and there was a dude who would drive around the school and fucking and jerk off oh yeah there was one at our high school too it was kind of normal back then oh i did hear about gavin newsom's 28th amendment what a fucking shit show how he wants to fucking ban assault rifles he's such a fucking idiot uh number 60 and again that is that could be a deal breaker though for um would that be it would Would that be the...
Starting point is 00:49:25 If someone can just be like... Yeah, if the law can just say, hey... That's already happening, dude. If the law can just say, hey, you didn't chop your kid's dick off, we're taking your kid away. Oh, that one, not the shoplifting one. Yeah. Oh, this is crazy this is this was one of those ones i wasn't sure whether i should
Starting point is 00:49:50 share this or not uh this guy on the left his name is demarco demarco uh his his account is private i if this guy's account was public i would have contacted him and invited him on the show the guy on the left the black big, big black yoke, dude. I had a for sure. I don't think I'll ever talk about this. Sebi, weirdest place you jerked off. I'm not going there. But thanks for asking.
Starting point is 00:50:18 But I got a couple of crazy stories. Matt Burns. Are you a drinker offer? Nowhere where there was other people. I'll tell you that i've never never like that i've never like worked on the i never lived like in the 20th story and like looked out the window and jerked off to people walking by or nothing weird like that nothing like the top of people people's head to get me although that movie fast times at ridgemont high when he's jerking off with that girl in the in the in the pool it's funny i never thought of him as a creep for that but it's probably pretty creepy but i've never done anything crazy like that solo man okay here we go listen to this guy this guy's crazy mr marco fleming are you gay
Starting point is 00:50:58 i'm bisexual are you top or bottom i'm a top dom top aggressive top can you describe what dom top means dom top means which means i grab you describe what dom top means? Dom top means, which means I grab you by your back and neck, put your face down, ass up, and fuck the shit out of you, and have you walk crazy for days. Walk crazy for days? Crazy for days, which means you'll be real sore, and you'll be calling me on the phone, Daddy DeMarco,
Starting point is 00:51:17 I need help, I'm sore, give me some Tylenol. That's what that means. Alright, honestly, I don't think I can handle it, but I appreciate your honesty. I know you can't handle it. I can tell the way you walk, you can't handle it. My dick is big. They call me King Kong in my pants. I know you can't handle it, but I'll make sure I go real gentle with you. Because you're cute.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Thank you so much. I like it gentle. I got you on that. Thank you so much. I cannot kiss, though. You cannot kiss? No, I have a boyfriend. He has a boyfriend. I got a husband. What does that mean? You didn't see the engagement ring on my neck? It was the program. My name is Demarco Fleming, all right? Period. Thank you again. It's a pleasure. He has a boyfriend. I got a husband. What does that mean? You didn't see the engagement ring on my neck? It was the program. My name is DeMarco Fleming, all right? Period. Thank you again. It's a pleasure. My pleasure. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:50 You're awesome. My name is DeMarco Fleming. You're like, what did I just hear? Oh my gosh. That guy was camera ready. Aggressive top. Kenneth the lab.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Someone call Alex Stein. I think we found his next wife's baby daddy. Oh, that would be hilarious. Wow. Look, even Anita Dick in me is like, what the fuck? Holy shit. Olivia, they hooked up later. Christine Young. Okay, no thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:26 What? Not for everybody? Wow. It's almost like he's justifying being gay because I hurt dudes with my dick. It's okay because I'm a power top.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Just letting you know. I love his energy too. Yeah. I agree. Fucking crazy. Based off that, you'd hang out with that guy. Turntable, I think Stefan just identified with being black again. He says, you're a cool guy or you're interesting at the end,
Starting point is 00:53:04 but his body language is like – but I can't. But he was getting the hell out of there. Not only do I not have you ass-pound me, I can't even talk to you. I can't even handle talking to you. Wow. Yeah, over-explaining for a reason, yeah. Really painted the picture. Oh, Kenneth, you're not gay if you're on top
Starting point is 00:53:25 alright that's how that works alright well that that's one of those ones where I listen to I'm like does that go on the show or does that not go on the show it's funny how much of these like pop up in my feed too because I've already
Starting point is 00:53:41 seen like a few of them but just one of the same algorithm yeah yeah hey because I've already seen like a few of them but just one of the same algorithm yeah yeah yeah hey algorithm I was thinking about this today you know who's the most you know there's this
Starting point is 00:53:53 like gay people are marginalized and black people are marginalized and I don't know short people are marginalized and tranny trannies are marginalized and there's all this shit that's marginalized. Yeah. And it's a political movement, right? That's a political movement?
Starting point is 00:54:10 100%. Isn't it bizarre that the most marginalized people are the conservative versions of those? There's a weird irony to that. Like truly marginalized? What do you mean? Like if you're gay, if you're gay and you're conservative, you're the true marginalized group,
Starting point is 00:54:35 not the gay fucking liberal. If you're black and you're conservative, you're the truly marginalized. Because the people who are screaming that they're marginalized fucking hate you and if if what they're saying is right the white people hate you or the straight people hate you or whatever whatever whoever's originally doing the original marginalization hates you do you get what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah movements is a
Starting point is 00:55:01 fucking joke it's more just di fucking insanity i was just thinking about that they lay play 59 this is fucking it's crazy it's crazy basically the the old the identity the identity of the cultural identity of certain things like we were talking about yeah this guy's fucking brilliant this fucking guy here we go this is uh I think this guy claims he's gay here we go he has an organization called gays against groomers oh that's the guy I think this is him
Starting point is 00:55:34 oh his haircut is horrible I need to work on that okay here we go flag this flag does not represent me. When you're a conservative gay and you have conservative traditional values, it doesn't represent you. I am tired.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I am tired of this community trying to represent me and the millions of people that support people like me and the people in this building are upset because they think that they're being marginalized. Do you see Chinese people in here upset that we're not flying the Chinese flag on Chinese New Year's? No. You see my community, the gay people that want to be marginalized, that make victims of ourselves. This flag that I'm standing on no longer represents me. This is not your fault. I'm not yelling at you. I'm upset because people like this are constantly representing my community.
Starting point is 00:56:34 They make us look like fools. They make us look dumb. And I'm tired of it. This flag does not represent everyone. With liberty and justice for all. That flag, this flag, the American flag, 13 stripes and 50 stars represent us. Not this. Not this. And if the gay community would wake up, we wouldn't have this pushback. Stop indoctrinating children and these types of things wouldn't
Starting point is 00:57:06 happen. One more thing. One more thing. Do you know where I can find a trash can? The pride flag? Hey, do you think that there's any chance that's the majority? What do you mean? Who's the majority? Do you think that gay's any chance that's the majority? What do you mean? Who's the majority?
Starting point is 00:57:25 Do you think that gay conservatives are now the majority? And we just don't know it. Do you think most gays hate? Like, it's got to be like, I'm guessing if you were to poll people who were who are black, that 51% to to 99% said life was easier before them before the BLM movement. Like that kid in that liquor store that I said was a black kid, I would have never noticed that was a black kid 10 years
Starting point is 00:57:50 ago, 5 years ago. Never in a million years just would have been some clean, I would have just clean cut kid with a backpack. I would have never, I never didn't give two fucks if someone, now gay people like everywhere they go, there's this whole narrative behind them. isn't that kind of the point of why they push all that rhetoric so just
Starting point is 00:58:10 but if i'm gay or if i'm black i don't want that i just want to go about my life i don't want i don't want this media made narrative i'm guessing most of gay people are like fuck couldn't we just put the flag up at our house and party just and like – Yeah, throw it up at half the bar. Like they ruin their shit. Yeah, just go to the bar and just like – Yeah, that would be interesting to know. I used to go to the gay pride parade a lot in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:58:39 The Love Fest, I used to do all that shit in the city. You have to understand too like it was always a hyper sexualized event it's like no other event you've been to the gay pride shit it's not it's not um you know like you know like on christmas when you go on easter or when you or christmas when you go to church and everyone's all dressed up and it's packed in their shoulder to shoulder and like everyone's dressed and completely covered gay pride parade is not like that there's you always see dick you always see trannies you always see assless chaps it's a it's a sex party it's a hyper site it's a sex party and that's what the full flag was it was like what it is is like accept us because we like the same
Starting point is 00:59:15 genitalia in our face that we have in our pants that that's the premise of it i'm not even upset at you about that i I think that's cool. But I heard the United Nations has pulled down every single country flag and put up the gay flag there. Is that true? United Nations pride flags? Have you ever seen the United Nations in New York, Sousa? Fucking cool. It's a fucking incredible – I've never been to New York. You havenork you haven't no oh you should go soon you
Starting point is 00:59:49 definitely go before you have kids it's fucking awesome or used to be awesome new york city's dope especially if you're young shit i can't find this um oh yeah here it is united Nations replaces all 193 country flags. Oh, and this video is of a gay guy who hates it. Yeah, so we live in fucking bizarro world. Yeah, and San Francisco police storm put the gay flag. Yeah. Right. Gays are for degeneracy. Christians are for dressing well and worshiping God with your family. I'm not necessarily I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean it like gays in their totality. I'm just saying that there's a distinguished there's I should use a different example.
Starting point is 01:00:43 There's a distinguished – I should have used a different example. When blacks and Mexicans and Armenians meet on the streets in Los Angeles and they bring their cars and do donuts in the parking lot, they dress completely covered up in leather jackets and boots and pack guns in their waistband. It's a different event than the gay pride parade. I didn't mean to use Christians as an example. So you could word it like that. Yeah. I see what you did. Yeah. But you know what I'm saying? What's that called?
Starting point is 01:01:10 When they do the donuts and the cars sideshow, baby. Yeah. Sideshow drifting. Yeah. Compared to that. Yeah. There's not,
Starting point is 01:01:17 there's not, people aren't packing guns and bringing their fucking lowered Honda civic to the fucking gay pride parade. They're bringing their leather fucking chaps, lube poppers, mystasy, and alcohol. That's how those fuckers celebrate. Because the whole thing is accept us for whose dick we want in our mouth or don't want. And that's okay.
Starting point is 01:01:41 But that makes it so that that movement shouldn't be integrated into public schools uh what oh here we go what evidence do we have homosexuals don't love our new state religion aside from the few ig videos we don't well my friends but you're right you're i can't argue i'm just hoping i'm just hoping that like like if all the the Armenians started killing everyone on the planet, I would hope that I would be like, Oh fuck, that's not right. I wouldn't just be like,
Starting point is 01:02:08 well, if the Armenians are doing it, so I stand behind them. So I'm hoping that there's like people out there who are gay, who are like, yeah, this is fucked up. And I,
Starting point is 01:02:16 and I, and I want to say it's the majority, but I have no evidence of that. It's almost like all the cities and stuff go along with it meaning like for the for pride month and like hang like hang the flags and they do in the schools and they make this like super predominant thing because almost knowing that a certain group of people are going to be like hey why are we doing this i don't agree with it then we're going to then they're going to say see this is why we have to do it because people like you don't accept it. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:48 So it's like pushed, it's pushed at you. Whether you're totally cool with it, you don't care. Have no, no issue. Everybody does what they want. But now it's being like pushed at you and it's being put in front of maybe your kids and things like that. So then when you're like, hey, this is too far, then that gives the excuse of like,
Starting point is 01:03:01 see, this is why we have to do it. Because people like you are, you know, homophobic transphobic, and this is why it needs it. And you're like, wait, what? Doesn't it tell you something? Christian extremism is packed church on Easter for homosexuals. Extremism is pedophilia and transitioning kids. I can't do that because i i don't think pen i don't think uh um uh gays and um i don't i i don't have evidence that gays
Starting point is 01:03:36 have a disproportional amount of pedophilia like like i do not know if this is true i probably shouldn't say this out loud but from what i've heard is the state of utah has the highest rate of suicides i haven't vetted this because there's so much um uh pedophilia there incest there shit like that and and you know are those people gay i don't think so so so i can't i don't know if it goes i don't know if that culture don't get me wrong i know it's in that culture but i don't think so. So I can't – I don't know if it goes – I don't know if that culture – don't get me wrong. I know it's in that culture, but I don't know if it's like more so than Christians. I just can't say that.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Yeah, this is it. This is more – John George. I'm more – why does it have to be celebrated? You're gay. Great. Be happy. Yeah, that's it. And it can be celebrated with your community, especially if you feel marginalized. I don't mind fucking – I was straight and I went to all those parades. I don't mind having Black History Day and we all go down there and fucking you know it's maybe not appropriate for kids and we go down there and party i don't mind fucking jew day
Starting point is 01:04:49 and everyone brings their menores out i don't mind 420 i don't mind earth day yeah i mean we're all on the same page. It's clearly just overcorrected. It's just clearly overcorrected. It's fucking nuts. But if I have to fucking choose, if I have to fucking choose. Oh, here we go. So Jake's bringing some. There's a historical context to gays being hated and ostracized. Facts.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Low population levels needed higher reproduction at times of higher population. Communities accepted more. It's all on repeat. I didn't get that last part so much, but yeah. And so that's what we've overcorrected. The same thing has happened to probably Christians and everyone. Columbus Day, I'm totally fine with Columbus Day.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I love a Columbus Day. You can have Martin Luther King Day, can have fucking whoever found Jehovahhovah witness day i'm fine with all that shit i love pride festival i know me too i used to was fucking awesome it was so fucking cool yeah i would not take a kid definitely it's not i'm telling you it's a sex party it's cool it's fucking nuts and and i also understand that other people are like offended but like some guys don't like looking at other guys cock and balls and chodes and just all the crazy shit. It could get overwhelming for me too, but it's funny.
Starting point is 01:06:09 I think part of it is just funny and wild. See a dude walking around with a dick and a set of tits. Your brain's like, huh? I need another shot. You know, it's like – Yeah, the north and the south are confused i enjoy going to i the part of me enjoys being at disneyland and there's someone so obese trying to get into a seat that they can't get into enjoy i'm not like not even angry i'm not i'm just it's like just enjoy the i'm just
Starting point is 01:06:41 like wow i'm just glad i'm here to see like the skunk this morning like part of me is like wow here's my wife and i at 5 40 in the morning i'm fucking angry and pissed but i kind of want to just fucking rip her top off and bang her you know it's like i'm just i'm like the excitement of life like i'm seeing all her muscles get all crazy she's in the bathtub I didn't tell this part so I go back to the fucking bedroom and Joseph my son who's six doesn't even open his eyes and he goes
Starting point is 01:07:13 it doesn't help when you get angry I'm like I know damn asshole I know doesn't help when you get angry um uh someone answer honestly would you want your sons to be gay all else equal given the choice i'm not sure i understand the question because i i don't think it no i i don't want it's a misleading question i don't want my sons to be, but I don't want them to be straight either. I don't have that – I don't have that story in me.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. I watch zero porn like that. I don't do any – I've already explained that to you. I don't do any gay porn or weird – I don't do any weird porn because I'm afraid I might like it. I won't even. What if I chubbed up? I don't want to be gay. I'm just so happy
Starting point is 01:08:15 with the little niche I'm in. Kiss, feel titties, fuck, go to sleep. I'm so happy with my little niche. Doggy style occasionally. Cowboy. Sex in the living room it's my birthday yeah uh occasionally when my wife lets me do it without a condom i'm totally it's cool it's
Starting point is 01:08:39 chill i'm happy with the little treats i got. I don't have – where was I? I don't have a – if you would have asked me before I had kids, I would have said I didn't want my sons to be – I wouldn't want my kids to be gay, whether they're sons or girls, because I wouldn't want their life to be harder. I would have said that. But now I don't care. Like now that I have kids, something is happening. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Like now that I have kids, something is happening. I don't care. I don't care. So you don't have a preference between the marrying the mother of your grandkids or wanting other men. Those are equal realities. You don't have a preference between marrying the mother. I don't understand that. Marrying, that's a crazy family treat. Marrying the mother. I don't, marrying the mother. You have a preference between marrying the mother of your grandkids or wanting other men. I can't do that. I would need to draw that out. I'm not sure what that family, I'm not sure what you're saying. I just don't, I just don't, I don't think like that anymore. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I just have kids. Like, I just don't think like that anymore. It's weird. I just have kids. I just don't think like that. I want my kids to be healthy and strong and fast. I will tell you this. I don't know where this is going, but when my mom said to me in passing, I think my mom thought I wasn't going to have kids, and I think she was disappointed because she thought i was going to miss out on something in life and yesterday i was at a
Starting point is 01:10:10 fucking awesome awesome party at greg glassman's house a fucking amazing caller hold on a second my phone's not hooked up sorry we didn't have the thing going sorry hold on caller yesterday i was in an awesome party at greg glass's house, and I interrupted the party. Shit, what's going on here? Caller, hold on. Sorry. Bluetooth. I have to do this every show now.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Reconnect the phone. Really? Yeah, just because if you don't, it's a shitty connection. Oh, okay. Like reboot it up each time? Yeah, just reconnect it. Okay, caller, hi. Hey, what's up? So could you think of it this way, of maybe someone who is gay and practices being gay, more of a lifestyle than like a religion?
Starting point is 01:10:59 Because I am friends with people who are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, people who work out, people who don't work out. And I think that's where we're blurring the lines. People like to think, you know, being gay is their end all be all and it defines them. It doesn't define them. It's just like you said, like I would love to go to Disney World and
Starting point is 01:11:20 see all these people doing that. Do I go to Disney World? No, I don't go to Disney World. I hate that shit. But I know people who I'm friends with who love going to Disney World. They have all the stickers on the car. I don't think any less of them. You know what I'm saying? Kind of, but I'm struggling with Disneyland because you triggered me. Just Disney triggers me, so we got to use during example. But what about um he he
Starting point is 01:11:45 the sex thing is i don't think that about the sex thing because it's such a powerful mechanism do you know what i mean like so you do agree with this that we want to breathe and then we want to uh fuck and then we want food and then we want shelter kind of like in that order i mean like fucking's like people want to uh i can't speak for women but dudes want to do that and so i feel like almost everything we're doing is if when we're not doing that is kind of centered around trying to do that yeah like like susan i have shelter so that our girl can sleep at night so that she can jerk us off in the morning i mean like that's why we go to work i mean it's a little crass and i know a little oversimplifying but you know what i'm saying like could it be this could it be the same way as
Starting point is 01:12:29 someone like media outlets showing the gay pride parade like i saw this clip of this guy in uh leather getting ripped by somebody uh can you can you see that as the opposite polar opposite of someone going to a firing range with AK-47s on the conservative side? Like the media shows this one side of the gay community. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. It's like total extreme polar opposites. Okay. Do they do that though?
Starting point is 01:13:02 I don't feel like the media ever really does show the gay stuff. I'm in New York, so they do show it, but not on the news. Listen, with your algorithms and your Instagram pages, a lot of my algorithm is very conservative stuff, but stuff will pop up that is more liberal and gay pride, stuff like that. Listen, I accept it. That's what's going to happen. But I just feel like as though people are really blurring the lines of, you know, what's what's normal, what's not normal. Listen, my wife's best friend is gay and he lives in Los Angeles, but he does not partake in that
Starting point is 01:13:43 type of culture of what we're, what we're talking about right now. Um, uh, that it's weird when you mentioned my algorithm, I felt vulnerable. I would rather, I'd rather you see new photos of me than know my algorithm. Isn't that weird? Um, Start posting them then. Uh, yeah, I, I, I hear what you're saying i i think i hear what you're saying can you can you see extremes it's too extreme okay
Starting point is 01:14:12 meaning there's just normal conservative there's just normal conservatives like maybe like me who just like just want to be just like left alone and there's just normal gay people who aren't like aren't hanging the flag up do you think the vast majority are like that they're just fucking just like hey yeah so i just did like dudes or i just like chicks like yeah whatever yeah it's just it's just like uh there's one percent on one side one percent of the other the one percent for the the liberal gays want to whip each other in the streets and and wear wear those outfits. And the 1% of the conservatives want to get those jacked up trucks, blowing out smoke, say,
Starting point is 01:14:49 you know, with, with a fuck Brandon stickers all over the place. You know what I mean? Yeah. This guy is very similar. This guy, Steven Flores says that's not shown enough.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Love, not lust. But, but I mean, you could say, well, okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Just an idea. Yeah. I like it. It's good. It's good perspective. Thank you. All right. Just an idea. Yeah, I like it. It's good. It's a good perspective. Thank you. All right, dudes. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Bye. Who's on the phone? Who's on the phony? I don't know. I didn't want to. I don't ask usually. I feel like I have a nose hair. Probably shouldn't use my podcast cam to find it.
Starting point is 01:15:28 He's not while we're live. Can you see those? Dude, you got the Manscaped 4.0 package at the house. What are you doing ripping them out? You can see those nose hairs. Can you see it? There's a gray one. Do you see it?
Starting point is 01:15:40 I can see the gray one off the purple of the shirt. Yeah. I just pulled out a nose hair. How many podcasts do you think it i could see the gray one off the purple of the shirt yeah yeah i just pulled out a nose hair how many podcasts do you think have done that i don't know but you did one to my mom will never forget it oh pulled out a nose hair pick my nose pick your nose oh yeah that's like he turned it on to watch it during a lot of clues and he picked his nose it was so gross. Oh, it happens. Number 58. Number 58, Amanda Nunes. She's right.
Starting point is 01:16:09 It is gross. Jonathan Ortega, Amanda Nunes fights tonight, and Steffi Cohen ring debut was yesterday, I think. That wasn't her. Oh, rug. It was her UFC fight pass debut. I wonder how she did. UFC Charles Oliveira and Amandaunez honored for clean test history if you scroll down a little more i think amanda nunez now holds the record for most uh
Starting point is 01:16:31 drug tests passed uh jeffrey novitsky ufc senior vice president of athlete health and performance was on hand to award nunez with a commemorative pin for reaching 75 clean tests under the USADA program. That's a first for any fighter aside from Henry Cejudo. Nowitzki pointed out that some of Cejudo's tests came from his Olympic days where he was also under USADA's purview. Amanda Nunes fights tonight. I want to say I could give two fucks about the fight, but the chick she's fighting from Mexico is something special. Aldana.
Starting point is 01:17:05 The fight on the card before that is Oliveira versus Dariush. That could end up being an amazing match. If you're into jiu-jitsu and grappling, that might be one of the two of the best grapplers, jiu-jitsu artists in the game. So that's going to be cool. But anyway, 75 clean tests. I guess that's cool.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Yeah. Number 55. Number 55. What happens when you see the truth, but you think it's hateful? This one was in my head. It was? Yeah. Yeah, this is something else uh if you if you uh here we go
Starting point is 01:17:49 uh action i think this is the right one i don't remember this clip their own money to go buy tampon if they're provided free in the bathroom it's it's a huge plus men do not menstruate only women menstruate now you can call yourself whatever you want straight but trans men do not menstruate only women menstruate now you can call yourself whatever you want straight but trans men do menstruate non-binary people only menstruating is not exclusive yes it is women no it's not yes it is so explain to me as to why my body you are if your chromosomes are xx and you're young you menstruate if you're xy you don't correct but what about trans men and non but we're including a whole group of they're women dressed as men you are not a man you can pretend
Starting point is 01:18:31 to be a man and that's okay that's perfectly fine live your life tell me what a man is well what's a man to you you define a man for me you have chromosomes that are x and y that's what a man is so why are we just looking at the the the science of this as an example when when we've learned sex and gender identity are two very they're completely different things they're not completely they are completely different words and sex is what you're born with the sexual reproductive organs you have gender is what you identify with why can't they why won't he he's he's on a roll why can't't he? He's he's on a roll. Why can't he just accept that?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Like he's on a roll. He's fucking her up. Mm hmm. Why can't he just be like, oh, they're they're fucking almost there. They almost got it. Right. Yeah. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:19:17 He fucks it up later. He says there is no difference between sex and gender, but there's a total difference. These are the first time. This is the first time the tranny side I've ever heard them fucking acknowledge it. Now he just needs to, once he's got them to say that he needs to let them know that that's completely fucking made up.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Okay. Keep playing. Keep playing. Please. Well, I don't accept that distinction. You have to argue for it. You're just giving a conclusion.
Starting point is 01:19:43 You're, you're just making it up. People, the people who hate the truth, people who hate the truth are because they see the truth as hateful. If you want to identify in any way you can, you're free to do so. But that does not mean that the rest of us have to join that illusion. You disagree. I disagree with you. And so you call it hate. But there's no hate in my heart at all. So that's fine. You are being hateful when you tell somebody that identifies as a man
Starting point is 01:20:12 that they're not a man. That's not hateful. That's a fact. Transgender boys who might not have their own. Yeah, that's crazy, isn't it? That's amazing. If I tell you, if so, so you're telling me if if someone said if someone said i'm not a black man i could call them hateful that's crazy yeah is that under that logic yeah yeah yeah why not
Starting point is 01:20:37 that's the normal logic uh hello uh you with the fancy birds in the background go ahead this is this is an instance the woke are more right than this guy he is saying that sex is merely reducible to biological reality which is true yeah i'm comfortable with that i like that well what you and he are missing is sex should also be defined by a social understanding of how a man and woman should operate. That's the gender part. That's the gender part. You think there should be that? I think there should be gender roles in society. Yes. Men do certain things. Now, would that be objective or would that be subjective truth? Of course, it's objective. Women objectively give birth and are more nurturing for children in the home.
Starting point is 01:21:32 So that's basically what they do. Why do you have to say that? That's a given, isn't it? Because we've turned into wackadoodles. We have to say that. I'm fine with saying, isn't that part of just going back to sex? That's not gender now. Back to sex is that women have babies. That's not a gender role. That's a fact. That's a fact.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Let's take it. Let's take it the next step further. OK, what else should women not do? They shouldn't be police officers. They shouldn't serve in the army because men protect, fight, and defend. Women are less capable of doing those things. And so we should craft society around the roles that make sense for men and women. Let me entertain this thought with you just for a second here real quick. You mean less capable or not meant to do it at all? capable or not meant to do it at all because there's i mean there's a ton of women who do stuff that like maybe in my gender role or my sexual i'm supposed to be able to do better than women but i can't like i can't do anything physically better than uh um than any of the crossfit games athletes or the first or the first 10 000 women on on that list. Yeah, go on. Yeah, go ahead. I try. So if one of your sons joins the military and they get wounded in Ukraine, do you want a man or a woman carrying them out of harm's way?
Starting point is 01:22:53 A man. A man. A man. Okay, right. A man. If someone attacks your wife and kids in San Francisco, do you want a man or a woman police officer? Right. A man. A man. Okay. But you're not giving me a lot of wiggle room there. You're manipulating me a
Starting point is 01:23:10 little bit, but you're not giving me a lot of wiggle room, but I agree with you. If all I have, your only choices you're giving me are a man or a woman, I have to choose man every time. But if you're like Tia Toomey or what's the guy's name that Hiller's always fighting with? David Hippenstiel to pull my boy out of a burning building. I'm going with Tia Toomey. So it's a – Okay, okay. But I know those are – what you're saying is those are exceptions.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Those aren't the rule. Those are exceptions that prove the rule. Okay. That if you're having to compare a 29-year-old woman to a 66-year-old man, then that proves exactly what I'm saying. All right. I'm with you. I'm listening to you. I'm listening to you.
Starting point is 01:23:53 I'll leave it there. I'm sure there are other people wanting to call. No, no. You're doing good. You're doing good. I like getting screwed up like this. You call and you get just a big dose of reality. It's just great shit.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Good point. Thanks for everything, guys. All right. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. If that's who it is, I think it is. He sent me a fucking text the other day and scared the shit out of me.
Starting point is 01:24:14 I should ask him if I could read it online. I like how there was like birds chirping in the background. So even though it looks like it. He's dumb. I don't know. I don't think he's dumb. know it was like he's dumb i don't know i don't think he's dumb who would you who would you rather have uh hill see hill who would you like if you only had a choice like if that that's the question burning building um are you getting a car crash do you
Starting point is 01:24:40 want a dude to stop and help you or do you want a girl to stop and help you, boy or girl? And your car is flipped over. Well, on the other hand – well, yeah. Sleeky sure as fuck didn't want – would have rather had a – like, no, here's the other thing too. Here's where I'm more concerned about gender roles. I don't have a problem with women being maybe so much, I don't know, police or military. I don't want dudes fucking around kids too much. Because that story that Sleeky told of a guy jumping in a car and jerking off, I've never heard, never, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:17 And I'm one of the most experienced human beings I personally know. I've never heard of a woman jumping into a car with a dildo and start just fucking working her twat but i've heard dudes jumping in and just fucking jerking their cock it's like i like you i can you can just go online i bet you if we thought masturbation in public it's like maybe you should google that female masturbating in public i don't i mean have you ever heard of that like a we should google arrested for yeah i'm not not just that title and so and so in that regards we definitely have gender roles the algorithm said hold my beer okay here we go see hill uh the last thing i'm worried about is if a man or a woman is about to save my life.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Like, that's not logical. Oh, so you're saying that his example is so extreme it's, like, biased. We would agree, though, as Jake Chapman said, that men and women are very different. Yeah, I understand the argument, too. Yeah, I understand the argument. I just think that we have to kind of like reduce it down to either the man or woman choice and then there's no other context with it because like you said you just did the hip and still versus tia and yeah so for me it's just like who's the most
Starting point is 01:26:36 qualified right for scenario yeah and by the way if you had to choose between me or hip and still you should choose hip and steel. I didn't mean to take a shot at him. He's just the most famous fit old guy I know. Anyway, it's not cool if you see the truth and you just say it's hateful. Tons of porn videos of women masturbating in public jesus christ i'm just saying you never hear i think that's a good example of men and women should be kept doing different things i i don't i don't need a preschool run by dudes straight or gay i do not
Starting point is 01:27:23 i'm totally happy being racist prejudiced discriminatory whatever you want to call me i'm so happy having a bunch of old ladies who slapped their kids and put pepper on their tongue then fucking um me and all your dads running a daycare yeah sorry i can offer that daycare yeah exactly hey that's a great that's a that that's a fucking great question totally agree thank you jake you don't yeah that's fucking nuts how about that i wonder i wonder if jessica's ever jessica's a cop right i wonder if she's ever been called you know she's been called to there's a man here playing with his dick she's never been
Starting point is 01:28:09 called to a scene there's a woman here with a vibrator yeah no never never yeah there's there's a woman here hey you know what else too because guys are saying hey no one's calling the police no one's calling the police on a chick who fucking flashes her titties and you know why because regardless of how weird that scenario is they have all men the reptilian brain kicks in they're just now they're just trying to hook up with her right right right it's not like you know that happens to you outside of your car you're like this is weird now i want a boner it's like if the guys do that to the girls it's like this is disgusting and how do i get my hell out out of here yeah once it was a trans woman interesting
Starting point is 01:28:47 now you made me pick my name on the show pick pick away it's fine when you pick just you got to do casual you got to like go back here and then just kind of roll one out i mean you can't like get in there kick a hardcore that's the craziest thing about kids you'll do shit that like you in front of them that you'd never let anyone see you do like fucking i'll just be driving just digging for gold and i look in the mirror and they're like like hey i don't even? I don't even stop. I don't even flinch. Just dropping a deuce and my boys are just in there talking about what we're going to do for the day. Just wiping your ass. I mean, just shit you never would do in front of anyone else, right?
Starting point is 01:29:41 Check the toilet paper, like mid-sentence. You wipe your ass in your mid-sentence and you're like, yeah, we'll go to the park. Totally. Hold on. Let me just finish finish up what do you guys want to eat you guys hungry yeah stuff that stuff that i don't even know if my wife's ever seen me check the paper but the kids are probably like a million times oh my gosh i i don't i i think that they've walked in on us, but nothing that's like memorable. Not to you at least. Yeah, that's true. I like Bernie Gannon's verbiage here.
Starting point is 01:30:20 If there was a 911 call about a woman flashing her wares. Her wares. Her hardware a woman flashing her wares her wares her hardware flashing her wares all right you know uh when hillar was here he's like fuck dude your algorithm is fucked up i was like why he's like dude every time i hear your phone it's tranny talk like all my my my whole Instagram. Oh boy. That's why I don't want anyone seeing my algorithm. Should we do one more?
Starting point is 01:30:54 What's this one? Uh, yeah, we wouldn't do, uh, let's do 51. We'll finish with Xavier. The racism talk.
Starting point is 01:31:00 He's killing it. This guy used to work out at, uh, Sousa's gym. He's too busy to work or he's getting his ass kicked too much over there this was a guest on the show oh he moved la to pursue pursue that yeah he had a bunch of opportunities and and um he made the punch he moved there uh when he left the gym shit yeah i think he's doing crossfit down there now too but he's a busy man the title of this clip is white men are lame okay let's should be just david weed is lame but go on do you think about white men i think it's just the term white man just immediate turn off what do you think of black men love do you think
Starting point is 01:31:38 it's racist to by default not like white men i mean i don't think so because i think there's a difference between like racism and this or not that's an interesting question it's an interesting question yeah because like i mean i don't dislike but there is a like a like nervous feeling i don't know so have you met someone who said that they get nervous around black men and that they've had bad experiences with black men would you still consider that racist oh yeah i see your point if you want to escape all the woke media then check out the new movie nefarious. You can watch it on voodoo Roku, Apple and Google play.
Starting point is 01:32:26 What do you, Hey, how do you find someone that retarded? You know, that girl's like one night in a fucking at the four seasons in a ride in a Ferrari away from getting gang banged by 30 white dudes. I mean, at least she was,
Starting point is 01:32:42 at least she was open to it it thought about it and just go defensive mode and like push back that's okay okay i'm gonna give her that thank you i'm definitely buying one of those mics and we're doing that at the games okay awesome perfect holy hell she's a moron it's beyond a moron right it's it's she she's a fucking liar to herself and everything. She's young. She's fitting into the current thing. You're such a good dude, Susan. She hasn't put that much deep thought into it. If Xavier asks her one question
Starting point is 01:33:15 and all of a sudden she tries to talk it through logically and realizes she fucking can't. There's still a lot of evolution in her lifetime. Toe spacers hey i should take a picture of my toes before and after the show so like you can i don't know if you can see yeah no oh but my my toes are not touching after i take these off.
Starting point is 01:33:47 They're spaced is what you're saying. They're spaced, yeah. And the space stays there. There we go. It's hard to see from the bottom. Well, you can see it. But they're not touching. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:03 And I'm not holding them apart. Just from them being in these that it's it's fucking crazy god it feels so good to take them off uh judy judy reed my 14 and 18 year old don't think and talk like that they are young okay last story uh two two quick stories i gotta take i gotta take my kid to tennis. Here we go. Okay. You're telling them I'm not playing anything, right? My sister – my wife took – the other day my kid went to someone's house, right? And they have four daughters, and they were at these people's house. And my wife was – usually we don't let our kids go anywhere without us.
Starting point is 01:34:41 My wife was – they had taken my kid from the skate park to the four girls house to go swimming and ride their skate ramp. And my wife was going to intersect them and meet them at the fucking house. But he was at this house for a little bit by himself. And when my wife got there, the husband who's a first responder walks right up to my wife and goes, wow, you have quite the son. He's eight. And my wife said, oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:03 She's like, he came in the house and came over and shook my hand and said hi to me. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's the only story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah. Done. Get your foreign life with that. Done. Trish, I love you. I'm sorry about your face. He'll soon. I'm sorry that Judy thinks you always have balls in your face it's not cool you deserve better from my group
Starting point is 01:35:31 guys I will see you guys soon sooner than you think love you guys bye bye

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