The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In w/ Glinton Things

Episode Date: May 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. No worries. I was just like making coffee, cruising around my house, thinking like, you know, at all the time in the world. No worries.
Starting point is 00:00:40 We're just hanging out. Got my big fat dog next to me. Wife's eating breakfast. Hanging out, chilling. Do you normally work on Fridays? Just for a little bit. I close the deli in the afternoon. Oh, nice. Good to have you. It's fun. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:00:59 How was doing the show? We talked a little bit about it, but how was doing the show? The background of your podcast, the behind the scenes of your podcast is so much larger than like ours is so you mean all the just the chaos like with the banners and all that stuff yeah yeah it was it was super cool to see though like it was a great like oh this is how you do this it's it's uh it's all will's fault will brandstetter's fault i know we have all of these it's funny what um yeah it's crazy back here yeah are you are you liking stream yard would you recommend stream yard to someone i like it i mean it's user friendly yeah go ahead sorry just because we didn't know what we were doing. So when we first started trying to figure out all the buttons and stuff, but yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:01:48 It's all I know. Well, I guess I did Zoom for a little while. I think I started with Zoom. And then I can't remember why we switched to StreamRare, but it does seem easy. And now we're using it for all sorts of shit, right? It's like a podcast, but we use it like to stream events and just all sorts of crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah, it's wild what you guys are doing. The fact that you can even put on these events like that from this type of platform. It's pretty cool. Did you see the Kill Taylor show? Of course. I live for this. Hey, I think that could be on Netflix. Yes, I would watch it and I would pay for it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Even if it was behind a paywall, I would pay for it. Yes, I would watch it and I would pay for it. Even if it was behind a paywall, I would pay for it. We could just go crazy. I want to show you this clip. Sometimes when I have Taylor on here, I'm just like, holy shit, I can't believe the stuff he's saying. And I kind of like that. I'm just like, okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I want to show you this clip that I saw the other day. I can find it. But once I saw this clip, I was just like, holy shit. If this is, do you know who that guy is? Pat McAfee. He used to have a podcast and then he got this $150 million contract with ESPN. Yeah, he's crazy. He had to get rid of Aaron Rodgers.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh, did he? He had to get rid of Aaron Rodgers? Yeah, Aaron Rodgers was going on like every tuesday yeah and aaron said something crazy which i don't think if it had just been his podcast and not on espn it would have been fine but because it was on a live espn show and then all of a sudden tuesdays with aaron rogers was gone oh is there uh aaron rogers kicked off mcafee it was it like officially he was kicked off or i think they just kind of quietly parted ways or whatever but he said something i don't know if it was uh oh there is a uh let me see this i didn't know he was uh kicked off i i did hear that um mcafee cut him when he got the ESPN deal.
Starting point is 00:03:46 McAfee cut him a check for $500,000, like a thank you. Yeah. Aaron Rodgers appearing on the Pat McAfee show is a wrap for the 2023 season. McAfee, host of the show on ESPN, announced Wednesday that the new New York's Jet quarterback will not appear on the show for the rest of the NFL season. Aaron Rodgers' season four is done. NFL season and Rogers season four is done. There are going to be a lot of people that are happy with that.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Myself included, to be honest, McAfee said he had grown weary of the constant drama surrounding Rogers and his controversial statements. Wow. Yeah. I forget what he said, but it was something that let me see this. What we do know is the guy that stopped by yesterday.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Cause quite a conversation. Now very usual. Not like that. The, uh, yeah. Oh, Rogers. And that was the thing with Jimmy Kimmel where he accused Jimmy Kimmel of being on. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That's right. Yeah. He was going to be on the Epstein list. And didn't, um, uh, Jimmyimmel fire back on fire back at aaron on twitter they went back and forth a couple times like he said hey keep this up buddy and we'll i'll see you in court yeah wow and he was afraid that his family was going to get you know he was going to get attacked or you know because he was being labeled a pedophile basically and uh and that didn't sit well with uh jimmy yeah so we wanted to like sue him off the planet i i remember um i remember during the whole floyd 19 thing with greg learning like you can
Starting point is 00:05:24 call someone a racist but you can't call someone a pedophile because racist doesn't have like a isn't a defined term and pedophile is and so if you call someone a pedophile and you don't have proof of it i guess you can get all fucked up well yeah i mean that kills your entire career right there's no coming back from that i mean people think you're a pedophile. Like, that's it. Pat Lang, it was not the Jimmy Kimmel thing. It was the Fauci thing. He said Fauci created HIV virus along with the U.S. government.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Damn. He said a lot of things on that show. Damn. Oh, okay. Vittorio, he never accused him. You guys sound like cnn talking heads all your info is wrong that's that hurts that hurt yeah that cut deep uh someone aaron and pat are best friends they ain't going anywhere oh yeah because i would want my best that's like saying uh jocko and rogan are best friends like i would want my best. That's like saying Jocko and Rogan are best friends. Like I would want my best friend saying I'm glad he's not here anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Do you remember when that that Rogan thing went down? Remember when they took all those racial slurs and they connected them all together and then they played it? And I just remember Jocko speaking out about it and he's like, yeah, he he's a good dude but i'm concerned about his drinking and his mushroom use and i'm like jesus crimey no no like i don't need to like not now's not the time to bring that up dude yeah who needs friends like you private time that's yeah that's behind those doors how about fuck off anyway i wish i could i want to i want to show you this clip that i saw um on the mcafee show oh someone showed me uh someone sent me another picture of hayley adams wearing a ceo shirt i like that oh there you go yeah damn where is that clip oh here it is okay it is okay uh damn oh here it is here it is okay here it is i saw this the other day and then and this reminded me of uh this reminded me of the kill taylor show and that's when i thought oh We're ready for primetime. Backers up! Backers up!
Starting point is 00:07:47 Backers up! Backers up! Hey, fuck the Lions and fuck Detroit! You guys are going to be chanting Head and Hooker in two years! Fuck off! I wonder if that crowd can hear him. I have no idea. I would assume so. They booed, right? Yeah, there's nothing keeping the sound in. You guys are losers!
Starting point is 00:08:13 And a third one. And then this next line coming up made me think of Taylor. Fuck the Packers! That's a lie! Fuck the Packers! That's a lie! How long have you been doing this? I've never worried about the fucking lines. I today will not be the day that I start Jordan Love's gonna put his big old dick on everyone's forehead for the next 20 years
Starting point is 00:08:35 that's bad right no one wants a dick on their forehead no that's not a good thing I was like when uh Kat did the Shaq Shaq put his you know hit his dick on his forehead no that's not a good thing it's like when uh cat did the shack shack put his you know hit his dick on his forehead yeah nobody wants that yeah no no what happened cat williams did that to shack he put his dick on it was a joke he had in one of his specials where maybe it was kevin hart but it was just you know all of a sudden he turned around and shack's dick was on his forehead or whatever he's just oh, right, because he's so tall. Yeah. We saw this on the show about three days ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Okay. It was funny then, too. So when I saw that, I was just like, oh shit, the show's ready for Netflix. When Taylor told Hiller to eat a dick, when Hiller was like, oh, he's going to beat you gonna beat you he's gonna beat you he's on pace or whatever that was i fell out i was dying i couldn't take it i
Starting point is 00:09:32 was like this is great um i uh what made me think of netflix too is i guess jake paul and mike tyson are gonna fight here in j. I can't wait. So then I Googled Netflix live shows, and I see that they've been doing a ton of live comedy shows. Oh, really? Or at least a handful. And then they got a bunch more coming, so then I was like, God, wouldn't this be crazy? We could use this exact format.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like, who cares if it looks janky? I think it would be endearing about the show, right? Oh, it is. And all the characters on your show either chat the everybody it's all just it's great makes the show uh asymmetric ears jaco basically said what's the big deal put the mask on most interesting he deleted that stuff later i just when when your friend's down isn't the time to be like, you know, let's say your friends being charged with some like being inappropriate with women and be like, no, I never saw that. Although sometimes he he would kiss girls inappropriately. And it's like, why do you have to throw that in there? Like, are you on like either fucking he is your friend or he's not your friend?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Hey, speaking of which, do you what do you think about the conspiracy with uh ryan garcia you think he was you think he popped for real or you think that uh that the matrix is trying to mess with him did you did you see the fight i didn't see it i saw the clips later he uh uh i don't know i don't like if you had to give me if you if i had to if you were like seven here's a million dollars you got to bet either way i'd say he was definitely on substance he's made it clear like he like he has a total i don't give a fuck attitude i mean like he never planned to come in at weight yeah and he bet two million dollars um on himself and he won 12 and so um i was funny i was talking with dave about this on the phone the other day and i was like god i wonder if you lose the money
Starting point is 00:11:34 if you don't win the bet if the athlete tests positive for drugs and i looked it up and you still win the money oh well then screw it i would do it too yeah right it's like hey get juiced up uh who cares if you lose the money and don't get the title if you bet two million dollars on yourself and you got 12 million somewhere else like you want like and at the end of the day all people are going to remember is that you won the fight right and if he did have to pay uh haney the money for coming in overweight so what you still walking away with like nine mil it's a win-win for everybody yeah okay and and he's a paper now he's gonna be a pay-per-view legend like i'll watch his next fight i will 100 get right yeah you want the controversy he just went he was on like world star or whatever talking
Starting point is 00:12:18 about how uh he is gonna you know drop everybody's name release the list he doesn't give a crap now the matrix matrix is out for him he's doing a whole andrew tate thing like uh the pedo list yeah so he's just gonna drop everybody he's like i'm letting all the dirt out now everyone has a pedo list apparently and it's always these people who were like thrust into fame at a young age and it's always these people who were like thrust into fame at a young age yeah i just don't think that that's good i don't see anybody coming out on top when they when they get that much money at that young an age and being around all those adults yeah and um and uh we know that uh did you know de a Coke-using cross-dresser. Yeah, I remember that interview.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And that's not speculative. The pictures and shit are all out there. Yeah. He just got into it, too. With Canelo? Yeah, he went off. Yeah, I saw that, too. I mean, Canelo called him out at a press conference saying,
Starting point is 00:13:22 Hey, if you're a boxer, get the fuck away from Oscar De La Hoya. He just steals money from you. Yeah. Yeah. I believe Canelo. I do, too. If I was De La Hoya, I would kind of just quietly back away and just use it maybe to promote some fights. And who's the guy who's the right hand man of uh de la jolla the
Starting point is 00:13:47 famous black boxer who fought till he was like 50 is it bernard hopkins hopkins um i used to think bernard was like the sober cool one but lately in the press conferences they've uh him and de la jolla both seem like crackheads they don't No. They really don't look good at all. No. You know what else I watched yesterday? Do you ever watch Bill Maher's show? I've seen a couple of them, yeah. So he's been doing this podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It sounds like he's doing it from his house. And every time I see it, I start to get a little – you know when you get embarrassed for someone when you're watching them? I start to get a little embarrassed for him. He had Dana white on the other day and he just wouldn't let Dana, like, I think Bill gets too drunk and too stoned and he couldn't keep the, um, he couldn't keep the, the, the podcast going. It was a mess. It was, it was bad. I was embarrassed for him and I was embarrassed for Dana. I mean, Dana was a gentleman, but it was bad. He did that a couple of times. He did it with Roseanne. I saw that one. He did it. The Dr. Phil one
Starting point is 00:14:48 was weird. Patrick Bet David fucked him up. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what he's doing. Does he still have his show or just the pod? I think he has both.
Starting point is 00:15:02 When I see the show, I'm like, okay, this is the Bill Maher I like, but when I see him on the show, I'm like, okay, this is the Bill Maher I like. But when I see him on the podcast, I'm like, oh, this is not good. Bill Maher hates himself. I find, the thought of, Dave was in here the other day and we drank a bottle of wine. The thought of being drunk in front of my audience is horrible. I think that's the only time I've ever drank on the show or maybe on some, maybe after we've at the games,
Starting point is 00:15:28 maybe I had maybe at the games after we filmed, I had a margarita or six before I came on, but I just can't just, it seems like it should be separate my show and drinking. I also think too, he hasn't figured out what side of the aisle he's on he's like coming out of the liberal haze but is still in it but I think he's trying to figure out what side or what his thoughts actually are now I think they're starting to change and he's trying to figure out what it
Starting point is 00:15:58 what's happening um one of the topics that came up was religion, and both Bill and Dana were saying that they're not religious at all, and Dana was saying that religion is like the most dangerous thing out there in the world. I wish I could get Dana on so I could express some ideas to him or some thoughts. Two thoughts. One is basically what Greg's introduced me to is whether you're religious or not, it's important. And Dana wants to be an American, and so you have to realize that being an American, the premise of it is Christianity and having inalienable a, in alienable rights that basically, uh, Trump, uh, democracy, right? So no matter what, we should have free speech, right? Yeah. And, uh, in democracy isn't, isn't going to protect that. We need, we need inalienable rights. We need the, we need some of these things that people believe in that these rights that God gave us. But then the other thing, uh, Garrett, that I've been thinking about a lot lately is, you know, how like, it's undeniable that we have this bucket in us that's our sex drive right yes it's just undeniable it's there it's like just we all feel it it pops up at weird times like right before you go to bed when you wake up in
Starting point is 00:17:15 the morning it's fucking this thing is there and I think um I think that's I think we have a bucket that's religion and whether you acknowledge it or, it's going to fill with something. And I don't know if those things are values or behaviors or morals or what they are, but you're either aware of that bucket or you're not. And so when I hear people like Dana and Bill Maher not believing in religion, I feel like that they need help with their labeling of their self-awareness. You know what I mean? Like they, they need to be like, Hey, then what is, they need some help like pointing to that instead of just saying there's no religion, be like, Hey, it just doesn't come in the forms of Christianity and Catholicism and Muslimism. You know what I mean? It comes in other forms.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Well, I mean, religion, of course it can, it can be dangerous if you want to weaponize it and use it in that way. It's like your sex drive could be dangerous, right? Exactly. All the things, right. For sure. So it depends on how you want to look at it. Your hunger could be dangerous. Yeah. Eat yourself to death, right? mostly what it is meant for, which is forgiveness of other people, forgiveness of yourself,
Starting point is 00:18:30 loving each other, respecting each other, living side by side. If you want to use it in that way, then of course you'll be spiritually full. You know what I mean? You just have that love for other people. The way I see these kids now on these college campuses and how they're talking on TikTok and whatever, it's just like they have no regard for human life. It's almost like they think if they do something to somebody else, they can just restart the game over and it just starts over. It's like, no, you injure somebody else. You kill somebody else. You hurt somebody else that it's over. You just took somebody's father, son, mother, child away from them. They're never coming back. And these kids don't understand that they're just to them. It's just a freaking video game and an internet. You know what I mean? They,
Starting point is 00:19:12 they just don't have any regard for that, that, Hey, that life is over respect for that. There's none of that. It's, um, if you have a healthy relationship with sex, um, it can add a lot of value and fun to your life. Yes. It can, it can be, it can be so fun.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It can add so much value. It, um, I mean, everyone knows like, uh, you could be like having a rough two weeks with, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:39 your, your wife and then you have sex and everything just goes away. Right. It can be therapeutic. It's just awesome. Right. And then, but you can also see the harm sex does. And from the far extreme of rape to to cheating on someone. Right. Like it comes with it comes with pain, too. And then the same thing with food.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You can eat food, too. And I just choose these two because they just seem so like part and parcel with just who we are you can have food and it can make you flourish and be happy and uh um have healthy thoughts and move nicely and and fuel you throughout the day or you could have a shitty uh relationship with food and it's like a fucking nightmare right you weigh 500 pounds you're constantly thinking of food you're eating shit it's causing you health health issues i mean so religion is the same thing but religion is the same thing but it has a huge impact on uh civilization like if you choose the wrong i mean like you can see would you rather live in one of the 54 muslim nations or would you rather live in one of the christian nations based on how religion affects civilization well you, you always talk about boundaries
Starting point is 00:20:46 and your kids need boundaries and they play safely within these boundaries that they can do anything. They just have to be within those boundaries and they're safe within those boundaries. I think that's the same thing with everything, right? Like with food. Or food, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Religions, sex, just relationships with people. You have set boundaries where you can be friends, you can be lovers, you can be whatever, but they're within these boundaries that's safe inside the boundaries. You start going outside the boundaries, and then you get rape and world wars and obesity, all kinds of things. Right. Jake Chapman, Christianity is just 500 years ahead of islam i don't know what the timeline on it but uh uh yesterday i um someone in this instagram post i read a quote it was like saying all these quotes that are in the quran about killing people and beheading people and um i there were like 20 of them and i vetted them all i looked them all up like quran 247
Starting point is 00:21:53 and of the 20 that and this was just on instagram of the 20 i looked up only one was accurate the other 19 the person either misquoted them or i found the wrong quotes but they seemed like it was painting the quran in a bad worse light than it really is. But, um, there's a lot, sure is a lot of talk about violence in the Quran. Boy, there's a lot of talk about violence. I mean, it wasn't like just behead people for no reason, but there's like, it's basically like if someone doesn't agree with you, um, or, or they're pushing back on you that they're your enemy. Yeah. Yeah. And that's how it is right now. That's what it feels like right now. You go try to talk to somebody about your beliefs that might be different than yours,
Starting point is 00:22:32 and then they just want to scream and yell at you and tell you that you're a racist and a phobic and whatever. They don't actually want to have the conversation. It's just automatically, we don't like you. You're not with us. If you're not with us, you're against us. There's just no conversation to be had. And I remember being in that, in that headspace. And I remember too. Yeah. I remember just hating Trump. Yeah. And he couldn't tell me anything. Right. I used to have this line that I would
Starting point is 00:23:01 use all the time. Would you, it's so embarrassing. I don't think I've ever said it on the show. I would tell people, I'd be like, hey, man, it's just about character. I wouldn't let my kids hang out with Trump, but I would have no problem with them hanging out with the Obamas and the Clintons. And now I think, holy shit, I said that. I would never want my kids hanging out with the Clintons. No. I can do a little bit. Nope. Jonathan Ortega, I touched a Koran once in Iraq and got an AK-47 pointed at my face. Pat Lang,
Starting point is 00:23:39 the Old Testament might be the most violent book ever written. It's so bad they had to push it aside and make a new one that people might actually follow. All right. That's true all right fair enough yeah joe can't be around my kids either speaking of fucking creepy oh how's the podcast going by the way i saw that you had um jake i had never seen jake chap up close like that, only in this picture.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I didn't realize he looked like that, like a model. Dude, he's hot. Yeah, he looks like a Backstreet Boy, like a modern version of it. Someone asked me if I realized how, as a lesbian, if I realized how hot Chase was. I was like, yeah, I do. And I also realized how hot Jake Chapman is. Yeah. Yeah, it was fun. It was a good time it's like having
Starting point is 00:24:26 brothers um do you ever think about changing your look all together like i know i've i've attempted to get a haircut but another part of me is just like fuck it like i don't i don't know what i'm doing with my look right now but i'm just thinking and then i had a friend over the other day who had long hair so i was like maybe i'll grow my hair long or i don't know what i'm doing with my beard do you ever think like hey i'm just. So I was like, maybe I'll grow my hair long, or I don't know what I'm doing with my beard. Do you ever think like, Hey, I'm just going to shave my head bald, or I'm going to grow my hair to my shoulders. Do you ever think about changing your look? I tried to grow my hair to my shoulders with you that one time. And then it got annoying for me too. Cause all I ever did was put it in a ponytail and I was like, well, this is annoying
Starting point is 00:24:59 and time consuming. So then I just cut mine off. I'm fine. I like my hair short. Yeah. And do you like just having one look? Do you like waking up in the morning being like, Hey, that's me? Yeah. It's, it's easier when I want to fuss around with a bunch of different stuff. But yeah. Um, uh, Mike McCaskey, a 52 year old man worried about his look. Um, I think it's the exact opposite i'm a i'm it's even more it's worse than that i'm a 52 year old man that's worried that i'm not worried about my look how's that i'm worried that i'm not worried about my look you don't have to be worried about your look dude i'm worried i'm worried hobo
Starting point is 00:25:40 is making a comeback yeah i think so i think you're right you're gonna. You're going to do it again? I mean, I don't know. The thing is, I went to Supercuts the other day to cut it, and the line was too long. And then I was thinking, well, it's not bothering me. But mostly, it's just, do I want to present less hobo? I don't know. I mean, man, if you're going to go to Netflix, you can't be hobo Savon. I can't be?
Starting point is 00:26:09 You don't think so? Please don't be. You don't think I can? So you think I should get a haircut? Well, I think your hair looks, I mean, you need a little trim up. You don't have to cut it crazy. What about this look?
Starting point is 00:26:21 I saw this Jason Kalipas Savon podcast. What about this look? I saw this Jason Kalipa Sevan podcast. What about this look right here? Let me see if I can find. No, not. Oh, shit. Look at the man bun. God damn it. Don't ever let me do that again.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Where is it? Oh, how about this look right here? What about this look right here? what about this look right here this is like this is corporate savvy oh you look so young yeah what if i did that what if i just cut my hair like that and um i like it i mean that's real corporate savvy yeah color look at corporate savvy are you gonna do the collared shirt and everything that's too much that might be too much dude no no well i don't know i don't know what the clothes we'll have to we'll have to have another show to you can consult me on clothes i'm not good at that you need a straight woman
Starting point is 00:27:21 my wife dresses me does your wife dress you? Yeah, man. I don't know. Any of those pictures where me and her and our son are matching or whatever, that's my wife. I don't match things. Oh, my God. You look like you work for IBM. You're wearing a helmet in this picture.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Oh, you mean like it looks like I have Lego hair right now? That guy works for cnn all right um i don't know i i went into um the hairstylist one time and i took a picture or it was super cut i went to super cut and i took a picture of brad pitt with me just to see what they would say i'm like can you cut my hair like this and she held the straight face she's like yes i'm like you can make me look like this she's like uh-huh like wow did she no i was gonna say i was like and i always looked like something between stallone fonzi and robert de niro i always end up like some like they go stallone from cliffhanger yeah i can see that i did like um uh i did like looking at ryan garcia's girlfriend did you see her she has a huge nose and i and i really thought that that was a um let me see ryan garcia uh girlfriend
Starting point is 00:28:37 is that the dark-haired girl that's standing behind him in the uh i don't know but uh ryan garcia's girlfriend flirted with by streamers oh that's not a good picture of her hold on they were they were in a store getting a wedding ring together oh boy and i uh by oh yeah let me see if i can find that damn i, I can't find it. Anyway, she had a big nose and I felt like that was a win for my people. You saw yourself on the picture. I was like, you know what? Ryan Garcia might want to date me. I thought that was a win.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Every picture of her is just like if I look up images, they're all just skank shots. This is not what she looks like. They're just shots of her in a bathing suit and oh yeah yeah here she is here she is let me see if i can pull this up uh except look at this nose on this chick made me so happy to see nose is getting represented here we go. That's Ishnaz, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Okay. Oh, yeah. That is the girl in the video. Okay. Yeah. Yep. That a girl. Good job.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah. Representing. Yeah. Did you see this video going on or around about with uh where the comics are talking about dave chapelle no what is he getting crap for the the trans movement thing again no this this is this one's really fucking weird so this is uh oh no not dave i love dave well i i think i saw kanye the other day saying that it said um uh it was either kanye or kat williams said chappelle diddy and someone else are all controlled operatives and then i saw this and uh and this shit was just weird. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:30:48 What happened between you two? Did you fall out? Or did you just go different ways? No, no, no. I think different ways, but I'll put something out there that I don't know if he When we were filming, we were filming a movie and he also had a lot of pressure from HBO or not HBO, Comedy Central. Comedy Central, the worst bunch of people on earth.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Horrid. So they hate the people at Comedy Central. Okay. at Comedy Central. He then, while he was on the show, when it was blowing up, and we were, remember the Aspen Comedy Festival?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, that was fun. I did that too. He came there and he was freaked out. I said, what's going on? And all I could say is he was visited.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That's what I think too. What does that mean? I have no idea. Visited. So what are our options? The FBI? God? Angels? Aliens? CIA? The Illuminati? He was visited.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Executives? i have no idea i have no idea and when he told me who visits him i still my heart stops for a second i'm like get the fuck and i'll never forget he went you believe me right you believe me jim right and i could, he's like, they came to me. And he said the names. I'm like, get the fuck. They told him who's on the list. They tell him who's on the list. Oh, the Epstein list? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Fuck. And what happened? And then all of a sudden he went to africa yeah that's what i remember happening but they never really said what happened was he threatened i mean so the deal with africa is he i mean just what we know is just people from the outside right is is that his show is killing on comedy central i remember i was in my teens or something. Yep. And he was offered $50 million for a season. And he went to Africa because he said the stress was too much, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And everybody thought he was crazy. That was the narrative that he was kind of, he went crazy, went nuts. He had to go leave the country, whatever. I remember that. Okay. Not much. I don't have. You can't.
Starting point is 00:33:24 That's none of my business. Okay. But I know for a fact... He was corrected. He said correct. Yeah. So maybe he got confirmation of the shit being weird. He was visited by something and then was corrected.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Oh, shit. Look it. CIA Public Affairs Office. Officially, we do not confirm or deny that we visited Dave Chappelle. Thank you. I appreciate that. He was paid
Starting point is 00:33:59 by whoever it was. Hey, we need to have a conversation. Would you like some of your own coffee in your house? What? I don't get what that means. What's that mean? Maybe he was a part of it, and then he was visited by someone who was like,
Starting point is 00:34:17 hey, you're going to get caught, or these people are, I don't know, you're going to be owned by these people, you're going to be owned by these executives, these weirdo people. So he ran away from it to get away from it. I hope that's what it was. But I mean, I never saw him in a dress. Was he ever did he ever start?
Starting point is 00:34:35 Oh, I guess on the show maybe once. But. They are watching and spying on him. But what could you have on someone? Like, what's the what's the i just can't imagine like so you have footage of me jerking off to porn like um you have ronnie teasdale tasting his own semen like so what there's always that conspiracy where they put like kiddie porn on your computer or they i saw that conspiracy too or yeah not even a conspiracy like they're legit doing that there was that late that was that lady who testified in front of
Starting point is 00:35:11 congress that said that they told her that that hey one of our plans to get you was just to put kiddie porn on your fucking husband's computer yeah or maybe just because he hung out with diddy or he hung out with i don't I don't know. That's weird. Like that lady said, it's planted. Yeah, I totally believe that they do that. I totally believe that they do that. You know Apple is, when you use their cloud, they have a bot that's going through all your photos looking for kiddie porn.
Starting point is 00:35:43 That's wild, isn't it? Just the fact that if you say a word around your phone and then all these advertisements start popping up someone even said like they just thought something and then all of a sudden the advertisements were popping up on their phone for whatever it was just that there's that even that technology i'm i'm sure that and you know how shitty the bots are because you write stuff on Instagram like, hey, that dude's a beast. And then you get a note from them, hey, you can't say derogatory things. And you try to refute it. You're like, that's a compliment.
Starting point is 00:36:13 You're saying that that person did good at the workout. I mean, you know the bots are horrible. So if they have bots searching through your pictures, it's only a matter of time before someone's going to get in trouble for something they didn't even do. Yeah, like you're kidding the bathtub or something i never did that his official oh right right you mean take pictures of your kids in the bathtub store it on your phone and the next thing you fucking know you're going to jail yeah like that was i remember when i was growing up you have all these little like black and white photos or whatever of you in the bathtub with your brother or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like when you're two and three and your parents always had those embarrassing bathroom kids running through the sprinkler on the lawn, naked going crazy. Yeah. Nope. Not one. I don't got one. Uh,
Starting point is 00:37:04 his, his official story is that he was told told he was told this comedy was too black he's spoken on it before they want him to make his comedy friendlier to a white audience and he didn't want to change yeah but what does that mean he was visited and by who and whoever it was why did it make jim brewer be like um why did it freak jim brewer out like the only the only thing if i were to tell you something garrett and i like and i would be like you believe me right like if i told you hey the fbi came to my house the next thing out of my mouth wouldn't be like you believe me it'd be like oh fuck like i hope that they're not going to plant shit on me. But I would have to say something like, hey, God visited me.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Or aliens visited me for me then to follow it, right? Yes. I'd have to say something crazy. Something supernatural. Yeah. Yeah. You believe me, right? The UFO landed in my backyard.
Starting point is 00:37:59 You believe me, right? Yeah, I would believe that the FBI came to your house. Yeah, totally. Me too. Hey, you know what's crazy? yeah i would believe that the fbi came to your house yeah totally me too hey you know what's crazy is um i i um i used to have pictures of my sons working out in the garage and i had like 48 posts reported as being uh like inappropriate child images right and it would be just three boys working out in the garage with their shirts off. So I started going at down and pulling them off. And then someone at Instagram who listens to the show said, Hey, you got to pull those.
Starting point is 00:38:32 You got to pull all those pictures down because that's someone's out to get you. Because if they get a certain amount of reports and they have to, uh, they reach a threshold and then they report it to local authorities and a whole investigation open. So you should pull them all off. So I started going through my Instagram account, pulling off any pictures with my kids working out with their shirts off. Well, just fucking a couple of weeks ago, I saw the fucking craziest, most inappropriate picture on the president of Instagram's page.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It's a picture of a bunch of kids with their shirts off and there's a bunch of girls with their shirts off too. And I'm thinking, they're just little kids, but I'm thinking I wouldn't do that. No. And it's kind of, they're not not working out do you know what i mean it's like a like this like this almost seductive like beautiful shot and i'm like wow how the fuck does that guy get away with this shit but i have kids like fucking slamming d-balls and running on
Starting point is 00:39:20 treadmills and my shit gets fucking punked yeah it was really inappropriate what he had i thought even i thought it was inappropriate what he had on there the the top one percent of the one percent with all that money they're just they're just weird when it comes to sex it's just weird all these underage girls all these underage kids it i don't it's all coming out now you can you know the nickelodeon thing the and it's all coming out now. You can, you know, the Nickelodeon thing, the, and it's. And the Disney thing, those people that you'd get fired from Nickelodeon and then go to Disney and get fired from Disney and go to Nickelodeon. It was like this kind of this haven for pedophiles. And it's all the, yeah, it's all the upper echelon. And I'm just like, what is it? What
Starting point is 00:39:57 is it when you get that much money and you have that much power? Now you want to sleep with kids. Yeah. That's what power does to you. It makes you want to sleep with kids yeah that's what power does to you it makes you want to bang kids i've been racking my brain with this and i just i don't know how you get that powerful and now you want children uh um no it wasn't on zuck's page um the president of um instagram i forget his name he's so fucking weird he was per and during the pandemic, he was parading. He's so weird during the pandemic. He was parading his kids around like, uh, in masks and out at parks and masks.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And he is a trip. And the people that I know that know him say he is a, not a good person. I was waiting for him to fight Elon. I wanted to see that really badly. Oh, uh, Zuck. Yeah. Yeah. I can't see that really badly. Oh, Zuck and Elon? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Someone will say the guy's name. He's a trip. He's been the president of Instagram forever. He's like this androgynous dude. Pat Lang, power doesn't make you want to ban kids. Being a pedo makes you want to ban kids. Nobody chooses to want kids. They're born fucked up animals. animals sure i can go with that but i also do believe that there's a certain thing
Starting point is 00:41:10 that happens when you have just been so rich and so powerful for so long i i just i think there's there's something there there's this is how many like everybody's a pedophile now that's come it's you know what i mean you you didn't hear about this 10 oh like it like it's a pedophile now that's kind of it's you know what i mean you you didn't hear about this 10 oh like it like it's trendy like um like from transformers all our kids are trannies now right yeah yeah it's it's insane like hey pat i don't i don't i don't think that's true let me propose this i don't think you're born i don't think that's true. Let me propose this. I don't think you're born a pedophile. First of all, I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I don't know any women pedophiles. I can't think of any stories of women pedophiles. Like occasionally you get the high school drama teacher who fucks the 16-year-old boy. But I don't think you're born a pedophile and um uh what what hold on and i'll answer this too i i think that i'm guessing the vast majority oh this guy adam uh yeah this guy this is the president yeah this guy is a creep. Adam Massori. This is a weird, weird, weird, weird dude.
Starting point is 00:42:27 They all are. The president of Victoria's Secret. Yeah, weirdos. Yeah. Pat, you don't think that the vast majority of pedophiles, it happened to them and that's why they turned to pedophiles, specifically men, things with penises? Like just your fucking radar gets thrown off on what's appropriate here's the thing here here's the thing too i had remember when i i don't know if you saw the show when i had caitlin harrison on here and i read her book about how she was molested from when she was eight to when she was 16 and basically her whole thing was is that she didn't like you don't even know yeah it's normal yeah like i never like um
Starting point is 00:43:08 i never once thought oh you know not that i was beaten or anything but i've been slapped around a little bit by my dad you know what i mean like just at the dinner table like he's like drink your milk i'm like no and i take one to the face but and i still don't think it was wrong i don't think it was right but i never once at the time thought it was wrong never once i was like fuck i better drink my milk well on the latest joe rogan podcast that he just put up with uh is a comic name i think his name is distefano or something from new york he talks about how he was like 13 years old and some 21 or 22 year old woman fondled him and he's talking about how great it was she was gorgeous i was I was like, dude, you're molested. Who, Rogan said that?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. Yeah, I had a friend. I know a 15-year-old boy who was fondled by an older woman, and at the time I'm like, what the fuck does he care? But shit went sideways, and it did fuck him up even at 15. I don't even think boys know or they know. No, they don't know. You don't know because you don't know because you think everything that happens to you as a kid is normal it was crazy he's just talking
Starting point is 00:44:11 with his buddy having a great time he's telling this story and i'm like wow i don't think kids should be having sex period i don't i think it fucks kids up i don't think i don't think that's like it's like um like i don't think you should eat glass i think it's like that i think it fucks kids up. I don't think that's like, it's like, I don't think you should eat glass. I think it's like that. I think it fucks your radar all up. I don't think you want to sexualize a kid. of responsibility around it. You could have a baby from it. You could get an STD from it. You could get AIDS from it. You could get, there's all these adult things that can happen to you if you have sex. So if you're a kid having sex, you're not an adult yet. You don't have the brain to be able to handle that. Here's the thing. I think that I would say that 90% of the people who have sex with kids, it's because someone had sex with them when they were kids or they're on drugs you're on shit and you're on shit loads all my friends by the way in college who turned trans transgender they it was all drugs all of them were into meth and it was
Starting point is 00:45:17 all boys all the boys i know who turned to girls they got heavily heavily into meth and then they ended up sucking dick and then they eventually like started painting their nails and growing their hair long and wearing makeup. And next thing I knew they were, but they were so into fucking meth. Does that comport with you? Do you, do you ever been around the drug scene, the meth scene? No, I really didn't. I was pretty sheltered when it came to that. The most I ever saw was weed. Um, you know, kids smoking weed out of Pepsi cans or whatever outside of school somewhere. But no, I didn't really see anything when it came to meth or heroin or cocaine, nothing like that. With dudes, I mean, I don't know this for a fact.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I'm just in my own operating system with dudes like you you want girls and then then you realize that you have to get girls by like doing like cool shit right like like setting the world record for juggling or getting a job or having shelter for it like get a house and then you know some girl will want shelter like you got to do something you got to like offer some service to the woman you know what i mean you have to be nice you have to like um the high risk stuff yeah i saw that that was mostly with alcohol though we actually my senior year we did lose uh a lot of kids uh they died because they were at a party and they were trying to show off for girls so they were drinking at the beach bonfire whatever and then they decided they had these cool like muscle cars and they were trying to show off for girls. So they were drinking at the beach, bonfire, whatever. And then they decided they had these cool muscle cars and they decided to
Starting point is 00:46:48 drag race them down a really small road. The turns are crazy turns. Even just doing 30 on them, you're risking it. And they died. And they hit a tree. They got shot out the windows. And they died. And they hit a tree. They got shot out the windows. And, you know, it ended up being that one of the kids' moms was on the ambulance that came. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So the high-risk behavior is there. But, yeah, alcohol mostly was out here. It stems from that. And then when people get into meth, they start prioritizing that over girls. And then that's when your shit gets all out of whack. Yeah. Like as a boy, you should be prioritizing wanting to impress girls in a healthy way and then motivate you to be a better person, right? Not to be a fat slob, to have a good job, to fucking get shelter, to like – Yeah, my little brother learned how to use deodorant when he was trying to
Starting point is 00:47:47 get girls that was the thing yeah there you go yeah shower good have good hygiene right yes i mean just like but but if you show up to a party like i i know i knew ugly dudes in college show up to a party with coke and it just rained pussy on them yeah uh yeah uh ryan tangway pat lang pro athletes talk about this all the time why do you think they like getting pegged fucking dudes even though they're straight they all had supermodels already that's if that's going back to the upper echelon like oh they get all this money at a young age and then they start and then they had power for a long time and they start diddling kids i do i think there's something to that i just i don't know and i agree they are straight guys like it's some expression of power yeah or they want the girl that's that no one's
Starting point is 00:48:36 ever slept with before they go back to this whole virgin virginity thing i don't know i've been like like like wanting to shoot the last white rhino you have so much money like you don't know. I've been like, like, like wanting to shoot the last white Rhino. You have so much money. Like you don't give a fuck. Like I'm going to fuck little boys and kill the last white Rhino. Yeah. It's just, there's gotta be something. There's no way that all of a sudden all these multi-billionaires and CEOs of these humongous companies, it's all coming out that they want to sleep with 14 year old girls and 13 year old boys like here's the thing let's say even if you did want to do that there's so much other there's so much other like so like last night i walked by the fridge and and and i want to eat uh i don't know fuck i don't know what's in there but let's say instead i cut off a piece of steak and i eat that like you still you still make better choices.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Like that, you're really attracted to this 15 year old girl. What? Wait three fucking years. Go jerk off. Go find. You know what I mean? Like maybe it is the boundary thing. Maybe it's just I have so much power.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I have so much money. I have I can move however I want. No one's going to mess with me. And so you're just like i'm gonna go outside these boundaries that have been set uh like like you're saying like egbert egbert saying it's big dicking in the worst possible way yeah yeah good call look at me i bet you always regret that shit i bet you there's not one person who is proud of themselves. I can't.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yes, it's been proven. Books have been written on this. Once you have had all the stuff you always wanted, before you had the ability to get it, you turn into edgier and darker things. God, I hope Elon sticks to buying things like Twitter. I think you're over- over exaggerating how many of these powerful ceos are diddling uh okay i'm with you it's a few that have recently been caught because people are speaking up okay i hope you're right me too hey i feel the same way about the protest i don't think the protests are that big at the college campuses 100 kids there 200 kids here i don't think that they're that big of a deal at all i think it's just fun to watch on the news like just like you think that they're big i think it's a big deal i mean have you seen the pictures of the aftermath after they cleared it out yeah just all the tents and shit and like garbage yeah needles and shit everywhere nah that's a big
Starting point is 00:51:02 fucking deal dude i just don't think it's thousands and thousands of people um yeah okay fine i might be able to get with that but and i don't even the thing is is i don't respect the people who are like protesting like these scumbags that like like they they don't i'm not threatened by them at all these fucking people who were at the blm protest i'm threatened by them you know what i mean yeah flipping cars over burning shit that fucking destroying cities shooting people like i'm like fuck i don't want this in my town the the whole university protest it's like i mean i don't know how i don't know how pussies i don't know how yours are are going over there in uh ucla and whatnot but ours is pussies ours over here they were like
Starting point is 00:51:45 demanding water and yes and how can you let us starve and dehydrate out here and i'm just like you're never going to survive anywhere you want to protest but you can't get water uh why aren't the police protecting us like what the fuck are you talking about dude i can see that they can't even this. They can't protect anything right now. Okay, let's watch the end of this thing. Yeah, like that heavy shit. And that's the first time, you know, I would, I would, I would. And so when I saw him come back, um, it was a lot less communication and maybe he just,
Starting point is 00:52:30 you know, maybe he just grows, whatever. But I can honestly say, maybe I'm crazy for it. And I am crazy for saying this. Here it comes. When I saw him completely come back,
Starting point is 00:52:41 I really questioned if that was him. Yeah. Holy shit. completely come back i really questioned if that was him yeah holy shit so like he changed his mind or it's a totally different person like they aided him and brought him back that's exactly so i i watched this my wife sent me this clip and i watched it and i and i made an audible, like, what the fuck? Like, this hit me. Like, I don't usually do that when I watch Instagram. But I was tripping.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And then she goes, you're tripping on that? And I go, yeah, like, who visited him? Like, is this just a joke? Like, please tell me this whole thing's a joke. And when he says it's not him, yeah, X-Files. Yeah, like that kind of shit. Yeah, like, really? thing's a joke and when he says it's not him yeah x files yeah like that kind of shit yeah like who it like really because you could say okay maybe he went over there he got baptized found religion came back a different person but if you're talking like a whole new yeah like programmed
Starting point is 00:53:38 dave chappelle that's crazy. Yeah. It's, um, yeah. And my wife said, what do you mean? Like, what are you tripping on?
Starting point is 00:53:50 Like, he's not real. Like he's an AI. I'm like, I don't know. I don't, I don't know. I don't know what the PSYOP is capable of now.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I don't know what AI is capable of now. Like, is the whole, like, I don't know. They're definitely talking about it. They're trying to do it. They're trying to clone people. They're trying to do all this extra stuff so i mean or or what or or why what if you had an
Starting point is 00:54:10 ai doing on stage doing a comedy central show with an ai crowd and like we didn't even know and we watched the whole thing thinking that like he was performing in front of fucking 5 000 people the only thing is a lot of the end of his comedy is usually about like the trans movement and how you know what i mean like he really goes he got in trouble for that a lot and that would be against what what the government wants right now right they want everybody to be trans and he was like no you're not a woman and he did it and like i don't know how many specials so that would have went against whatever they were trying to program us with my my wife said something else the other day that
Starting point is 00:54:49 was interesting um how you could you can keep splitting the masses what was the example she gave so you have all these people who are like let's say you have two groups you have like a group that's like mandatory injection fuck you get keep your uh vaccines away from me right and then within the and then then you have the israeli palestinian conflict and then you those groups then split in half right so the people who are vaccinated they split in half and the people who are unvaccinated split in half and then you can just keep having all of these you can start manufacturing all of these conflicts um yeah conflicts um doing it with race right now there's there's a whole bunch of pages out there you can find where they tell you light-skinned black people aren't black and they're not part of us just ask the cops
Starting point is 00:55:36 you know what i mean oh oh who put that out it's just on instagram anywhere if you look at some of these pages there's uh usually dl hueley is good for something like that. But yeah, you can do it with anything. You do it with race. You can do it. Now you got women split up about who's a woman, what's a woman. You got, you know, they're splitting every, yeah. They're going everywhere.
Starting point is 00:56:01 When I was in the Dominican Republic, that was a trip because it's just all black people there. But they also have a hierarchy. Yeah, for sure. So the darker the black you are, the less the lower you are in the hierarchy. I couldn't even. The more oppressed you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah. Because if I get pulled over, I'm just going to get to go away. No repercussions. None of that. I'm just going to get to go away. No repercussions. None of that. But if a darker skinned person gets pulled over like my sister or my dad
Starting point is 00:56:29 they're going to get whatever this oppression is. Or me. Or you. Yeah. I get pulled over for all sorts of shit. Yeah, man. You've been pulled over a million times. I'm like Bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:56:47 No, right? I think that's that and i know that's really crazy i think those same things yeah i know that's crazy uh oh it's no crazier than that the trains are going off the rails i tell you what so they both think dave chappellelle isn't dave chapelle that's crazy oh jeffrey birchfield so do you have privilege garrett yes yes what kind of privilege do you have i don't freaking know oh i mean i i'm most of the time when I hear it, it's, I have privilege if I get pulled over or if I have to talk to the cops or whatever. How about going the other way? Do you have, do you lack privilege too?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Like, um, uh, cause you're not black enough. Yeah, I get that. I've always gotten that. Yeah. So now they just called me red boned or whatever the hell. Oh, I could see that. That's kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:46 they called Malcolm red. Oh yeah. That was later. Yeah. Yeah. He had, I think he had red hair. They called him red.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Did you ever read that book? Uh, Aldous Huxley's, um, autobiography of Malcolm X. Fuck dude. You gotta, you gotta,
Starting point is 00:58:01 you should listen to that. It's an audio book. Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome. He was a beast. It's awesome. It's an audio book, yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. He was a beast. They don't like when you tell their real stories. It's so incredible.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Actually, I read it in high school. It's fascinating to me. I read it in high school. Now that I think back on it, I was still, I still, cause he, he, he transitioned out of being a libtard and it's wild when, when he was in jail. One of the things he did is he,
Starting point is 00:58:37 he took a dictionary and he copied an entire dictionary by hand. Oh, wow. Yeah. That's impressive, right? Yeah. So that he could increase his vocabulary but now
Starting point is 00:58:46 that i think about it i read that book i loved him but that part never had an impact on me that he transitioned i mean he fucking he completely cracked the code on the democrats like he was like he completely cracked the code i just don't well i just don't see how they can't see it you know i mean it's like sure the right side they got people that go way too right you left side way too left i get it but how can you just not see that it's way too far on either side right forget us fighting over left and right or whatever but how can you just not see that that's way too far that way. And that's way too far that way, but they just don't.
Starting point is 00:59:27 So like way too far on the left is, um, minor attracted persons, right? Like you want to, you want to love everyone and accept everyone. Oh yeah. Did you see the new pride freaking flag with the umbrella?
Starting point is 00:59:39 There's actually a rainbow umbrella in this new flag. I was like, Oh, for the, for the maps is that really what it's for yeah okay so so we agree that's too far yes and then and then what's too far on the other side what's too far on the right uh i don't know killing people for what whatever i don't know, killing people for whatever. Yeah, I don't know. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:08 That's the thing. So, they didn't tolerate slavery. The North absolutely didn't tolerate slavery. The Nazis, yeah. What party did the Nazis belong to? They were socialists
Starting point is 01:00:26 They were fucking democrats Hey there is this one thing That the conservatives that are doing That scares me a little bit I don't know if scares me is the right word But they're trying to You know the left's against hate speech Now the right's against hate speech too
Starting point is 01:00:43 And that shit really concerns me Like fuck you and your hate speech who's going to determine what hate speech is pass that thing where if you mispronounce somebody that no they're going to say if you say anything bad about jesus or the jews it's fucking hate speech it's like you should be able to say all the fucking negative shit you want about jews and and um you should be able to say oh hey we should put no censorship on um on speech there's always going to be people that hate you for one reason or another there's i i don't know you should go to jail because you hate someone though and express yeah yeah i like to think if i don't like you i just don't like you because i think you're an asshole but it has nothing to do with anything else but there are always going to be people that have
Starting point is 01:01:26 like they don't like gay people that don't like white people that don't like black like it's you know what i mean that you can't mandate that people what they think and how they feel about things there are people that just aren't gonna aren't gonna like that it's okay the the left is like uh um you can't say anything about blacks because it's hate speech. And the right is like, you can't say anything bad about Jews. It's hate speech. And it's like, they're both wrong. Like, you can say whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Clock, I still hold out, hope that the law will be struck down fairly quickly. But these days, who knows? Domino Canes, nothing negative can be said about Jews. Oh, except for the fact that, uh, across the world every day in the streets on planet earth, people yell death to Jews. Shut the fuck up. Fucking hate that shit. When people say that dumb shit, you know, another line I don't like is when people are like the Jews rule the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 What the fuck does that mean? Like, so what? Like, okay. So, so they had like, and if it's not them,
Starting point is 01:02:34 who's it, who else is going to rule the world? Like, say what you really mean. Like it's some sort of fucking like derogatory thing that Jews rule the world. And like, what,
Starting point is 01:02:41 like what, like, do I have to be racist to understand that? You know what i mean like what if i said the blacks rule the world and i'd be like okay the blacks rule the nba cool is there something negative about that from how i understand it is just that if you say that all jews are in charge and they're in charge of all the you know all the money all the whatever that it puts a target on their back and that's why it's not okay to say that's
Starting point is 01:03:05 what i i learned that's what i say say that again explain to me one more time that say that explain it to me one way that i was taught it growing up was that if you did say that it was like you were you were putting a target on their back so because then you were telling people hey they're in control of the money they're in control of the money. They're in control of the banks. They're lawyers. They're whatever. So if you say that they run the world, it puts a target on their back and like world war two could happen again. Yeah. It's like propaganda.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Yeah. So that's why I was told not to say it. Yeah. So what if they fucking rule the world? So what if they were like, um, uh, Vietnamese people,
Starting point is 01:03:44 uh, rule, uh, dry cleaning businesses like like Middle Eastern people rule 7-Elevens? Andrew Sten, I don't know. I don't I sorry, Pat, like there's thousands of videos out there of people there. I've never seen any group even close there's not even a second place unless it's the same video they keep showing me over and over and over every day on the news you you can find someone saying death to america and death to jews and i've never heard anyone say death to the quran or death to black people or death to fucking chinese people like i don't see any of that so sorry dude not just once but you can find a bunch of stuff about white people being the root of all evil. And we have to learn better and do better and all kinds of things.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yeah. So you love all people, Trish. You like the maps to the minor attractive people. You love them. Oh, there are certain groups of Jews. Oh, there are certain groups of Jews. Hey, it's only the black Jews. The black ones are horrible.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Tell me about the podcast. How's it going? Are you still enjoying it? How long have you been doing it? How many shows have you done? It's fun. I think we have almost 130 videos. We just had Tyler on last night. He is such a gem.
Starting point is 01:05:15 What an amazing dude. That was as fun as I thought it was going to be. It was so cool. He really is. When you say 130 shows, you mean 130 live? You've done 130 live shows? Not live, no. The very, very beginning ones, which were absolute trash or whatever,
Starting point is 01:05:33 they're still up because I'm just like, it's fine, whatever. But live shows, we've been doing them for about three, four months now. And you do one a week? More than that. Usually two at the very least sometimes like last week we were on like four in a row um and tell me the origins of the podcast again about you and um did when you you're like hey i want to do a podcast and you were going to start it with colleen your wife yeah and i think idea, and it still is, is that I wanted to be able to find a way to talk about all the things I would always been afraid to talk about in public to like, you know, say, I don't really support the pride flag anymore to
Starting point is 01:06:16 all these things that you were so scared to say, you know, in 2020, 2021, I think it was just a way it started as a way for me to try to figure out how to be able to say these things out loud and how to be able to have conversations with people about it if i don't agree with you so it was kind of like why did you want to say you feel an obligation i do because i feel like if we don't talk about it uh and we can't show that we can talk about it in a like calm educated fashion or at least try to get educated if i don't talk about it and we can't show that we can talk about it in a calm, educated fashion or at least try to get educated if I don't know anything about it, then we're never going to be able to talk to each other. It's just going to be two groups fighting
Starting point is 01:06:53 forever and ever. And like you said, they're splitting all peoples like the gay community split. There's so many different groups down gate i have friends that just they don't like what i have to say and they don't want to talk to me and then i have friends that are just like hey i might not agree with you but i love you and let's why do you think this let's have a conversation and that's the origin of it and it's been very cool so um uh i the other day so for a long time ever since i went to the games last year i was tripping on just how many fucking lesbians listen to the show and when i was at the games i year, I was tripping on just how many fucking lesbians listen to the show. And when I was at the games, I probably took pictures with like a dozen different couple lesbian couples.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And and I was I remember telling Susan this. I go, man, man, we're really fucking like speaking to the lesbian community. Like there's part of this. This must be some part of the show that we're aligned. Like I'm on the same wavelength as them. I'm vibing with them. And, uh, the other day he was at a gym and this is three years or two years after a
Starting point is 01:07:52 year after I mentioned to him, he's like, Hey dude, I go, what? He goes, you're right. And I go,
Starting point is 01:07:55 what do you mean? He goes, uh, two or three different lesbians came up to me and like, they liked the show. And the other day I was at the beach and this lady came out and I don't know for sure if she's a lesbian, but I think she was,
Starting point is 01:08:03 she's built like fucking Jr. And she comes out of the water and she comes over and talks to me and goes, I love your podcast. Yeah, that's not surprising. Yeah, and it's an interesting thing when you say that there's a split in the gay community and it's not a shock. It's not a shock to me at all. It's not a shock to me at all. As a matter of fact, it must be really hard. It must be really hard. This is going to be a weird thing to say.
Starting point is 01:08:32 It must be really hard to be a normal gay man right now. Because the gay men are really fucking shit up. Yeah. They really are. And the gay men that don't want to be a part of that, they're just not as loud as the other half. Yeah. For some reason, that don't want to be a part of that. Yeah. It's not as loud as the other half. Yeah. For some reason. I don't,
Starting point is 01:08:49 I mean, some of them are like, you can find conservative ant. If you ever pull up conservative ant, he is super gay and he is very, don't fuck with my guns. Don't tell me what to say or what not to say. They need to speak up for kids.
Starting point is 01:09:03 And he does. He very much does. He's like, what is this shit? This is not what we, this is not what we they need to speak up for kids and he does he very much does he's like what is this shit this is not what we this is not what we march for this is not what we we march to just live regular normal lives that was it we didn't march for any of this other shit do do lesbians hate the idea of dudes and predominantly you think like what's the what's the poll on that of dudes in women's sports oh no we're not i've all the ones i know we're like nah i only know a couple people that are like no what's the problem blah blah and they're lesbians are they athletes no no and that's in there and lies the problem
Starting point is 01:09:40 they just they don't understand why there's a difference between men like playing in a woman's sport if they're on estrogen it's like estrogen doesn't change the size of your freaking knuckles or your you know bone density or your you know what i'm saying it's just okay and it's just the rules yeah it's just the rules it's just the way it is like shit's not fair girls can have kids boys can't yeah it's just not it's just not fair it's just the way it is uh speaking of gays uh philip kelly appears oh there you go um i saw uh do you know who douglas murray is uh sounds familiar you'll probably recognize him when um let me see uh if i can find him god there's so many there's so many good clips i want to show you
Starting point is 01:10:38 we're not even going to get to any of them hey so so you do the podcast oh sorry i want to go back to podcast so you do the podcast and you're doing it. And do you think you're touching on the topics you want to talk about? Yeah, I got in the last month or so. I've gotten a little bit away from it, but I want to get back to it. But yeah, we are. I mean, when we had that board of education meeting a couple weeks ago, that was terrible. Tell me about that. Tell me about that.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Act like I know nothing. I know you and I talked on the phone a couple weeks ago about it, but tell the me about that. Tell me about that. Act like I know nothing. I want it. Cause I know you and I talked on the phone a couple of weeks ago about it, but tell the audience about that. It's wild. So we basically got a new superintendent of schools and there's a, there's a vote and we had the board meeting and, and she was there. You have a kid, you have a five-year-old seven. You have a seven-year-old. Yeah. He's finishing first grade. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:24 And so we went and not even realizing it but the room was sectioned like you could see who was on whose side just by looking at the room and what were they voting on they were voting on the superintendent the superintendent this like to elect to elect a guy to elect this woman her. Her name's Fatima Morrell. She comes from Buffalo. And during the heart of like the George Floyd and all that. And she very much is into critical race theory and gender theory, ideology, whatever. And I went to the meeting really just wanting to find out what her curriculum was going to be, what her thoughts were, if that was going to be part of it. Is this her? Yeah. Yep. And the board started
Starting point is 01:12:16 talking first and they, if we went in there for it to not be about race, to just find out like, Hey, what is this woman going to teach our, our children? It very quickly became about race and the, all the, the president of the board, they were all just like, this isn't about race, but it's about race. And we, it just, it was immediate. You knew that it was going to boil over and of course it did and so when it was time for the public to speak it just you know this very nice white gentleman got up he's got three daughters in the school his wife's a teacher he tried to ask some questions um you could see everybody lose their freaking mind all of a sudden the chatter starts in the back and and what were the questions like like like he just was concerned about the same thing that we were just you know the critical race theory but at the minute that you say race or whatever everybody else is you know
Starting point is 01:13:17 it just it's back and forth like the reservation and the black kids are like no you don't understand our our oppression and and how things need to change and their systemic racism. And he's trying to just say, hey, I don't want my kids to learn X, Y, and Z when they're 10. And it just, it completely boiled over. And then this one lady got up and it's hard because all these people are people i know i either they're kids that i've seen come in and out of the deli millions of times or they're people i graduated with or were a year or two older than me it's these are all people my teachers from school are there like and it just it once this uh the lady from the reservation got up there and basically
Starting point is 01:14:01 told us that white people are bad and we have to figure out, you know, she said that she said that it was pretty much, I mean, we, we have to understand, we have to learn, we had to read, uh, black tears and, and all this stuff. And it, it just, it became someone yelling at us. And it, it was like, it didn't need to be about race at all. It wasn't, that wasn't what this was about. We just wanted to know what our kids were getting taught. That's what we came there for. Nobody was out to get this lady. Did she speak?
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yeah, at the end. And she was, well, the board gave her all the emails that people wrote concerned about her and what she was going to be teaching. Yeah. So they gave her all the emails. emails that people wrote concerned about her and what she was going to be teaching. Yeah. So they gave her all the emails. So she had all the emails that these parents had written to her or to the board. And then she got up and I think she tried to touch on some points, but she was also mad just saying like, hey, what did you expect me to do while I was in Buffalo? That school was predominantly black. It was like 90% black and brown kids.
Starting point is 01:15:09 And it was basically a different audience. So now that she's here, basically give her a chance because we're a much more blended community. Our community is probably 50-50. And we've always been at least since the 90s so did they say anything in there that that pissed you off it like her spit likes her so sorry not the parents but her specifically no i will see you i left the minute that day that it turned into an absolute fight and it was going to be about race and it was, and nobody was going to listen. It was very clear. Nobody was going to listen to
Starting point is 01:15:48 anybody. And it was just going to be people being hurt back and forth. And I was like, you know what? Like we had talked about homeschooling anyway, we're going to homeschool. And that's pretty much just going to be what we're going to do next year. Um, I watched it cause it was on YouTube. So I watched the end part there's two parts because the internet went down in the middle so i watched her get up and speak later when i was more calmed down and and less like sad and mad but and and did you like what you saw not really it she doesn't appear to be a peacemaker that you know what i mean like she doesn't seem like she she's just gonna be like hey watch me do this i'm gonna do this
Starting point is 01:16:32 and everything's gonna be fine and just deal with it and suck it up and i was kind of like i think i'll just did she flat out say that she was for teaching critical race theory? No. No, she didn't. Did she present anything that made her seem like she's going to support the victim class? Like just anyone who. Well, I mean, the people that supported her are bringing like literally said when they went up to speak that they brought her here to have somebody that looked like them, that them that you know what I mean so it just it was it was kind of already like okay it's about race it's about race it's about you're gonna teach my kid how to I I don't know what like have him feel bad about himself and he's got to you know bow down to a different race because he's bad
Starting point is 01:17:27 like that's what what did your wife think what did colleen think she was sad too yeah it was you never see it in front of you you hear about it or you see it on the instagram yeah but it's never right in front of you and it's never the people, or at least it wasn't for me. It wasn't the people that I knew. It's like some of those, dude, I was at your house all the time. You think I don't like you now because I don't want my kid being taught critical race theory or gender ideology. Right. But I mean, it was sides were drawn. It was it was and it wasn't even it wasn't supposed to be that. Right. So, yeah, it was sad. I just saw this thing the other day.
Starting point is 01:18:14 God, I wonder if I could find it. It was it was actually. Let me see if I can. This guy right here. This kind of fits along those lines. Here we go. Sometimes I believe that black people are searching for a key to an unlocked door, that the door to opportunity is wide open and will cost you little to get in. The resources necessary to succeed in this country as Africans in America are here. We have everything we need to succeed except each other. We have money. Oh, we're not
Starting point is 01:18:53 poor. We're just broke. Our money goes in one direction away from us. We've taken the art of consumption to a whole new level. We don't sell anything that we purchase and we don't make anything that we buy. We just consume. We are a $1.1 trillion annual economy. If we were a nation, we would be the 16th richest nation in the entire world. I have traveled to every place that black people have been dispersed, brothers and sisters. I've been to South Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, all over North Africa, and all over South America and the Caribbean. And there are no black people in the entire world doing better than we are.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Sometimes I believe that black people are searching for a. Obviously, black people don't have a monopoly on that. But you look who the richest people are in our country right now, and they are the Asians. And they complain, they complain the least. It's kind of like a complain scale and then they make almost twice as much money as white people but we know white people complain and white people make twice as much money as black people and it looks like just the way the media represented the black people probably complain twice as much as white people and so it's like hey but the asians aren't complaining at all.
Starting point is 01:20:06 So what are they doing with their time? Thomas Sowell said that the reason why the Asians got so much further ahead than everyone else is that the blacks and the Hispanics went into politics. And there's no wealth generating like avenue for them. The Asians didn't go into politics. They didn't try to fix the system. They just put their heads down and to fix the system they just put their heads down and worked in the system oh and trish says and that's because asians are extremely cheap whatever uh that's what that's what we that's that's what we need being taught in our
Starting point is 01:20:39 schools uh stuff that makes people believe in themselves and like points to the door you know what i mean like hey there it You can go, you can complain and your complaints might even be valid. Yeah. Your complaints can be totally valid, but are they going to get you what you want? We've all been there, right? Or, or it's like, um, you know how they, the CrossFit games athletes, like you hear them say it all the time. Like, Hey, you didn't do well in that event or you got no rep yet. My coach said I can complain for five minutes and then I have to stop. Right. We hear that over and over.
Starting point is 01:21:09 It's like, dude, you get two minutes. But unfortunately, people have made whole careers of complaining. And when I hear about like, I mean, I don't know the details of your superintendent, but she's made a career of complaining and she wants to teach complaining to your kids. And you're like, no, she also wants to teach us wants to teach them what scale they are on the minority hierarchy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How much currency do you have in the minority hierarchy? And it's like, why? For what?
Starting point is 01:21:38 Now you got a bunch of kids that normally would just go out and play together and have a good time thinking like, oh, this dude. Now they're looking for whatever racism or whatever they can use their currency for it's just you're never you're not even gonna fucking believe what i'm about to show you oh so this you know so hospitals have to buy shit from people right so let's say let's say you're a uh heart a heart doctor and you need to buy valves from someone let's say you change valves in people's hearts right this post is showing how the hospital chooses which company to buy the valve from and theoretically you would think that you would choose the valve based on whatever valve has the most success, right? So, we got 100 valves from Glinton Medical, and 99 of them lasted 10 years,
Starting point is 01:22:32 and we got 100 valves from Sebon Medical, and only 50 of them lasted 10 years. We're going with Glinton valves. Yeah, that makes sense. Glinton valves have less infections. The Mitocin valves have more infection. The Glinton valves are twice as expensive the mitosian ones are half as expensive but they also perform half as well so so look at they they have this they have this this hospital um this is their criteria sheet for picking valves number one price and best value, 20 points. Motion gets 20 points. Number two, the extent to which the goods and services meet the district's needs. You can get up to 25 points. The quality of the respondent's goods and services, 20 points. The reputation of the respondent and the respondent's goods and services. Up to 20 points.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Now look at this. The business that you're buying the heart valves from are owned by minority women and veteran-owned businesses. 15 points. Your fucking heart valve. Depends on minority- businesses females and yeah it's like the dude these aren't fucking pants it's like the boeing doors like what yeah exactly exactly this is fucking crazy This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Yeah, I don't know what's going on. I had to take a break from it for a little while. It was just depressing me. Yeah, don't. You definitely, I mean, you definitely don't want to harvest. The scale gives more weight to diversity and inclusion than to the reputation of the vendor's goods and services. When assessing providers of transcatheter heart valves, devices used to counteract cardiac failure
Starting point is 01:24:30 and keep blood flow throughout the body. It's, uh, we live in fucking crazy land. I always thought that the pendulum would start swinging back really really quickly and and almost ferociously and it hasn't yet but i still think it's gonna happen i think it is too i i agree i think it is too i hope it just doesn't over correct yeah me too like i did too uh when i was listening to um dana white on bill the other day, he was saying, I'm just a common sense guy. And the problem is with common sense, you're like, okay, we do need to leave room open for Native American kids to get into college, even at the cost of white kids not getting in. Let's do 10 scholarships a year.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Like, you get it, right? Sure. The problem is, is you have to then be honest and be like, hey, that's racist, but it's a little bit of racism that we're going to tolerate. The problem is, is it's gotten completely fucking out of control, and now it's like, fuck you, you're white, you can't get in. Instead of like, I mean, it's gotten completely fucking out of control and now it's like fuck you you're white you can't get in instead of like i mean it's just like well that's what you've been
Starting point is 01:25:51 taught your whole life right black people can't be racist yeah but well not in the bay area in the bay area i always knew they were racist oh yeah no it was it was a thing like we you really just you couldn't say anything back ever and i didn't well we couldn't say anything back but we knew it just so i we knew we knew we knew that they i'm obviously it's the minority of the minority but i mean it's just i live in santa Santa Cruz now this is the perfect example and the only people I see jaywalking are white crackheads
Starting point is 01:26:28 when I lived in the Bay Area all I saw were black people jaywalking never white people and when they jaywalk like white people when they jaywalk they scamper across like little rats black people walk really slow and look at you like you know what I mean it's a fucking red you have a green light and they walk across the street and look at you like what and it was like that was every day for me
Starting point is 01:26:49 then and now in santa cruz the white people it's like they're just i'm sorry these they're just these cultural um uh correlates that i fucking have observed the greatest you see people jaywalk where you live where it's too small out here. It's not really. It's not like a city city. If you do, everybody jaywalks out here. There's not really. Black people jaywalk on the fucking crosswalk. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:27:15 They just go against the light. Like, fuck you. White people, they don't even use the crosswalk. They just scamper from one bush to the other in Santa Cruz. You know what I mean? The drug addicts. Yeah, they just pop out. We see it more in the summertime, I i guess because then all the people start coming
Starting point is 01:27:27 out here and this place is really flooded with people so as some of them like yeah it's like a crip walk and make an eye contact with you do i do never make eye contact with you oh they just pretend like you're not there yeah the black dude looks at you like what you got something to say i always just be like no i'm good i chill i'm chilling seven on your shoulders are looking meaty thanks the greatest part about this show for me always when i first started like making like watching it all the way through to hear everything that you had to say was was just also your chat your chat didn't have to agree with each other, but they would keep talking to each other, right?
Starting point is 01:28:08 You didn't always agree with some of the people in your chat, but you would keep talking to each other and they would keep coming back and they would keep the discussion going and they might still keep disagreeing with you, but the conversation was still open. You were never like, oh no, we can't talk about this or oh no, you're stupid. Go away. Don't ever come oh, no, we can't talk about this. Or, oh, no, you're stupid. Go away. Don't ever come back. We're never going to talk about this.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Your chat could argue with each other, but they're still friends and they're still having conversations. You the same way. And there just isn't anything like that out there. I was watching the UCLA septum ringse and the other day on a live cam and I was watching the chat and I'm like, God, this chat sucks compared to the chat on the podcast. It's when you, do you, when you watch the, if you go back and watch a show, do you leave the chat open so you can look at the chat too? Yeah, absolutely. It was one of the better learning lessons for me about how to not agree with somebody, but still be able to have a conversation. You know what I mean? Like that epic fight with you and Pat Lang. Epic. Amazing. But taught me a lot of stuff about having conversations with people you disagree with for a while. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:20 That fight cost me a lot of money. He used to give a lot of money. That fight cost me a lot of money. He used to give a lot of money. It just, it, it's very cool to watch and it's, and I learned a lot from it in the beginning to now, even now I still watch it with the chat open because it just, the new players that come and go that want to jump in, chime in how everybody responds. Like it's, it, it's very awesome to see. And it doesn't happen in any other place really that i've seen when you do shows how is your chat what's your chat like your chat
Starting point is 01:29:52 it's your chat oh they go over there it's those people over there podcast yeah they're great they're awesome yeah um i like it when um i'm not gonna lie i i like it when i watch any games broadcast and i see this this posse in there and so and i'll laugh out loud at the stuff they're saying because then i get to really enjoy their chat i sit in my recliner yeah and i just watch them and i'm like i'm like a proud uh i don't know what it is it's like um i'm just proud yeah yeah it just makes me proud i don't know if i'm anyone's dad but i'm uh i'm makes me what's this what's a four-star lesbian what's a four-star oh god augustine this is this is from the uh this is no i don't know what that means this is five-star lesbian talk i don't know what that means this is five star lesbian talk i don't know what that means either this is from my this is from the chat appreciation day i did with uh jake yon and pool boy and i said
Starting point is 01:30:53 i was a five star lesbian and so they asked me oh does that mean you never had sex with a guy yeah oh wow i didn't and they literally like nothing didn't touch it didn't what's a four i wonder is our here we go four star lesbian is there really something like that i don't know if it's on the internet i don't know if you can google it probably but these were the rules when i was a kid yeah i like that that's a cool term rules when i was a kid yeah i like that that's a cool term that's a cool term so then of course pool boy asked me how many stars my wife has and i was like one uh uh david uh where are you buddy uh david gore said i called him stupid for asking a question on this on the um uh dave castor show hey listen without you i would not be me so thank you for asking those questions and thank you for coming back to the
Starting point is 01:31:53 show and i mean that i hate it when i have to face to face with someone i called stupid that sucks i'm a dick oh david uh gore okay fine good thank you i appreciate it thank you and then you'll fit in perfect here if you didn't take offense perfect fit in perfect uh scott way the hardest thing about coming into the show late jesus look at this this is like jesus christ himself scott way the hardest thing about coming into the show late wanting to go back and catch up but wanting to stay live to participate in the chat. Yeah, that makes sense. Hey, what do you think about
Starting point is 01:32:32 did you see yesterday the Hiller posted two of the workouts and then CrossFit's like, fuck it. That was awesome. I respect that. like fine as well yeah i think didn't you guys say if you're gonna or john said if you're gonna release it if you're gonna release it to one you gotta release it to everybody yeah and so maybe they listened and
Starting point is 01:32:57 freaking released it it's cool though um did we ever know when they were did they give us a date they were going to release them? Did we know the original release plan? I didn't see one. Yeah, I didn't see one either. Remember Spin put one out? Crazy. Hiller crushed it.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I do. I do. I do because I like Dave so much because I have a relationship with him part of me like not part of me all of me feels bad for him just in the sense that not like he fucked up
Starting point is 01:33:40 because who knows I don't know where it happened along the line but I'm sure he has this plan he's a showman he's a entertainer i'm sure he had this plan of how he wanted it to unfold like to create tension and and whatnot and now it's just all over so part of me like that's the only part like i like it that we i you know uh i like it that they leaked but for him i feel bad like like like like um i saw the I saw the Christmas present he was going to get me. Or like, you know, have you ever been to a surprise birthday party and the person knows, but they fake like they didn't know?
Starting point is 01:34:12 Yeah. It's like that. Yeah. I know Hiller will never tell you, because he'll never get any more information. But if you knew who it was that leaked it, like if it got leaked to you through somebody and you knew who it was, would you feel a sense of obligation to tell Dave who it was that leaked it, like if it got leaked to you through somebody and you knew who it was,
Starting point is 01:34:25 would you feel a sense of obligation to tell Dave who it was? I have a, if he asked me, yes. We have a relationship with each other where we try not to ask each other stuff so that the other person doesn't have to lie makes do you know what do you know what i'm saying so like i don't i don't want him to tell me stuff that and he doesn't want me to tell him stuff that then would require us to lie
Starting point is 01:34:57 to anyone else and so we we have that uh we have that boundary uh that being said i i like i trust him with like yeah like i trust him like like i trust my wife almost like probably like half i trust him half as much as i trust my wife oh uh joe westerland i'd love to be there when dave confronts the leaker oh me too me too you think he finds out who it is the last time there was a leak i think someone on his dave castro week in review someone asked hey do you guys know who the leaker is and i can't remember what he said um but someone will ask that again this week i'm sure i bet you i wonder what's going on over there i think someone i see someone just confessing because it's dave and like yeah i mean i mean on some level that'll just be the end of you.
Starting point is 01:36:13 This is his show from three days ago. Oh, look it. Already, this is the most recent post. Look at this. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions I have a double for you. How do you feel about the two semi-final workouts being leaked? How did Hiller get the leak? Well, hopefully we'll find out soon Oh shit And then we just gotta look for like the two people that get fired and we'll know who it is
Starting point is 01:36:44 I'm giving this a fucking thumbs up. Um. He. Uh. Be. Be. Be. Be.
Starting point is 01:36:56 He. Because he. He. He is very tight mouthed. And so people do tell him a lot of stuff. Like he's a man of. He knows a lot of shit. You know. Yeah. Uh. so people do tell him a lot of stuff like he's a man of he knows a lot of shit you know um uh and for all i know him and hillar have talked you know what i mean like for all i like
Starting point is 01:37:13 maybe they've talked like i know that people i know that those two respect each other and i knew that i know that they could have a conversation that we would none of us would ever be privy to like there's like people there's a dance going on you know obviously um uh daniel win i'll bet the leak came from some idiot hitting reply all i i liked what's his name's theory spin is basically saying on the show yesterday that like hey you have to start telling people so that equipment can be ordered and shipped and being moved around and fields can be set up and commentators need to be read in and just a shitload of people um a shitload of people have to know right yeah and so air runners yeah so uh so there's that uh i'm convinced this is one this is like one big m night shamalan movie and the big twist surprise ending is that hillar actually works for hq and this is all part of the plan oh that'd be
Starting point is 01:38:10 epic yeah all right thanks for coming on hey man thanks man. Thanks for hanging out. That was really cool. Great morning. Yeah. I'm excited to be gone again so you could do my podcast for me again. Oh, boy. I got to get naked, boys. Hey, what is the etiquette for that anyway? I'll just do a whole chat show. I'll just make it all about the chat. Sure.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Yeah, do whatever. just um uh johnny carson had joan rivers i just want i just want to have like someone that i feel especially now that suza has his own show on tuesdays i was telling suza i was like yeah what if i just had garrett whenever i'm gone just invite her to do the show and i would just love that yeah thanks i would just love for you to do that guy i probably shouldn't have said that out loud because next time i'm gone and you're not here people will be like they're fighting i know yeah he hates her what i do i probably hit reply all now i'm fucked and i can't do your show anymore look at look at this i get with programming i'll jump on and support you garrett you can pick on chase oh yay i'd be fire all right dear thanks dear. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Uh, tell Colleen and the boy, thanks for sharing, uh, sharing you with me this morning. Awesome. Had so much fun. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:39:32 All right, dear. Ciao. Garrett Clinton. Boy, that was easy. I got, I love easy.
Starting point is 01:39:43 What do I do here? How do I make it so you can see the sponsors? Love you, bye-bye. Yeah, she's great. Sebi's always mad at everyone. Fair enough. Today's Friday. I wonder if my wife is if i'm nope i'm uh today's friday i'm going in the yard to i fixed the the boxes uh the planter boxes they're all fixed and ready for the plants and i
Starting point is 01:40:15 went to home depot and got some plants and a bunch of seeds so i think my mom's coming over me and the boys are headed to the garden um yeah she has backdoor access she actually told me after the last show that um her guy needs back so backdoor access too because i i gave her access to the back door and then um usually she has a guy around her back end like caleb and he didn't have access so she said it kind of threw her off that was my fault so i recently actually just purchased a larger plan for stream yard so i can have more people getting in the back door uh seve what's the largest animal you reckon you could beat in a fight fucking hamster backdoor hamster
Starting point is 01:41:05 i am going to go to Home Depot too today. And get more mulch. Seve what did you think of Dave in the Capitol video? It's funny knowing his history. And the political stooges. Who have no idea. I haven't seen it yet. I need to watch it.
Starting point is 01:41:24 I'll probably watch it today. Okay, here we go. Now we're talking. Matt Yenchik. Yenchik. You sound like a fucking foreigner. Hey, Seve. For Kill Taylor tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:41:37 can we have three people on one live stream doing the workout, or does that break the rules? Oh. Shit. Wow. Wow. Wow. workout or does that break the rules oh shit wow wow i'm gonna have to consult i'm gonna have to consult i think you can have three but i think you got to choose one you know what i fuck, dude. That's a great fucking question.
Starting point is 01:42:05 That is a fucking brilliant question. David Gora, see? See? There's a brilliant question. Or I could just be like, you dumb fuck. It can only be one, you greedy son of a bitch. Let me see if I can get Taylor on to ask him one. You know, I should really ask JR.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Or should I ask Sousa? Fuck, I don't know who to ask. I need to ask someone who will give the answer I want. I think you could have three people on. Say mulch. Mulch. Mulch. Mulch.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Mulch. Mulch. Mulchy mulch. I don't even know what the right word is. I think you can have three on god I don't really want to hear anyone's opinion on this besides my own son of a bitch let me see I'll call someone I'm gonna call JR I just feel like that's the most sound um I just feel like that's the most sound I feel like that's the most sound advice here we go.
Starting point is 01:43:34 CrossFit Crash, this is JR speaking. JR, hi, how are you? This is Sevan Matosian from the Sevan Podcast. Sevan, so good to hear from you. Thank you. Nice to hear from you thank you nice to hear from you too i'm sorry to bother you in your busy day but i know you're a bit of the connoisseur of the organized event uh uh um you know world and i have a question for you i have this show called kill taylor and people compete against him they call in and compete against him and try to beat his score now some of my listeners interesting thank you um some of my listeners are getting greedy, and they want to, when they call in and they get the link, they want to have three people compete against them at the same time with one call in. How do you feel about that? I've been told that last week's episode was so fun because everyone got to just watch one person and pick them apart so i i i
Starting point is 01:44:27 don't know how i would feel about having three people on the screen at one time it sounds like a party though okay uh so if you were to vote on it if you were the authority on it would you say that it's one person at a time or uh multiple people i think it depends on the people, but I'm going to go ahead and vote three. Wow. And all three have a chance of winning the money? Correct. All right. JR has spoken. All right. Thank you, JR, for your input. That's how confident I am in Mr self all right all right thank you sir have a good day you're welcome fuck boy you know it's crazy now that he weighed in on that uh now that that's how easily i'm swayed like i think i just agree with him just like that
Starting point is 01:45:22 bam he said it and i'm like hey of course that's what i meant well um the thing is is only one person the best score that beats him gets the money so they wouldn't have to split the money but um if you had three people on although you know what's funny is i thought he was going to go the other way with it right because he said he just liked having one person so we could just rip that one person. Kevin Doyle, J.R. could seduce Jesus. Wow. Wow, that's the most blasphemous thing that's ever been said on the show. My sister probably turned the show off when she heard that.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Holy shit, Jericho could seduce Jesus. Damn. Okay. Okay. I should probably I feel like I should call Matt too find out what the fuck what he thinks Matt
Starting point is 01:46:35 Matt Souza I suspect tomorrow's show will be very workout if it's I saw some potential workouts it will be very difficult to film three people at the same time Very difficult We all know Suze is gonna say one person I know I agree at the same time. Very difficult. We all know Suze is going to say one person. I know, I agree. Savvy, when are you going to head and visit your sister? Never.
Starting point is 01:47:21 She has to come to me. But I'm trying to get her to come out. I miss her. I like having her around. You reach Matt, leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, we get along great. We're like two, it's kind of crazy. We're like two chatterboxes. Can you just imagine me and my sister? We just, like, we'll sit in a room and just talk for three hours. It's dope uh taylor herself like if i call
Starting point is 01:47:51 my sister i'm talking to her for an hour and sometimes i'll do that like seven days in a row some days i'll call her three times she's just a chick version of me kinda Some days I'll call her three times. She's just the chick version of me, kind of. She's the, I think, she has like a, I don't want to say she's more mature than me, but she's...
Starting point is 01:48:31 Yeah, she's more adulty than me She looks just like me She's like just a She just My sister's very petite She just So is my mom They're just like Female versions of me Just like hairless versions
Starting point is 01:48:42 Uh Seven Eat a box of peepees What are pee peepees i don't even know what those are those like hot tamales all right um we talked about heart valves at the hospital. You guys saw that the second whistleblower at Boeing died? Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:17 This is old, but it's good. It's so good. I'm sure I've played this on the show before. Nice, you said it, Juggs. Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris? I'll go with the white the white do you go with the white titties why is it that you take the like the white kazoombas over the black today's her ideology is not breast like um i actually thought i entered a time warp and went back a hundred years because i could not believe somebody was asking this question what question yeah you said
Starting point is 01:49:45 who's got the biggest the nicer titties elizabeth warren or kamala harris what did you think on the answer to that question i don't have an answer to that question i had to pick between the two sets of kazoombas by the question i know that mental illness can come in pairs of titties or what were you saying about a pair like that you guys are are paired together in this absurd um i'm an anti-porn activist as a matter of fact but you're not going to get an interview from me about the subject because i want what's your favorite anti-porn is it like is it people's ants your mother would be very ashamed you're doing this kind of work who do you think has a nicer set of jokes elizabeth warren or first of all uh that that black guy's completely retarded if he thinks
Starting point is 01:50:30 elizabeth warren's tits are nicer than kamala harris's there's like just fucking insane and Insane. And. I under I understand the absurdity of the question. I don't know. I just love that skit for so many reasons. God, it could just be broken down. Like those ladies are actually kind of cool for stupid as they they are like how they stay so calm and they film him and and like i just wish
Starting point is 01:51:09 at the end eventually they would have realized that what he's doing is so funny um so many people i think get upset i had that ufo guy on you remember remember and like there's half the comments and they're telling me that i'm a horrible interviewer and it sucks because they I say this with a peace and love it sucks that they miss how fucking just honest and brilliant the interview is if you have ghosting in your house are they are they like they see everything they see when you take a shit they see when you wipe your butt they see when you have sex with your wife they see like and i think it's a very fair question since we don't see those things happen in public at all those are things that are done completely in private that to ask like hey are you shy about
Starting point is 01:52:01 the ufo seeing you drop a deuce or premature ejaculate when you're fucking your wife or watching porn like i think it's a totally great question but the funny part is is that somehow people are offended by this question and then they think it's bad interviewing on my part because they're bothered by the question and that's what i see here it's like every single woman has breasts and for some reason now it's inappropriate for him to ask who has nicer breasts based on this other this guy with dreadlocks opinions and his them thinking it is absurd the only thing more absurd than the question which is pretty absurd is them thinking that it's absurd. There's just something wonderful about the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:52:50 I just love the dynamic. So. Kevin Doyle, Joe, Joe Rogan has turned into a terrible interviewer. Every podcast revolves around the same four topics. That's how I feel about my show sometimes. Don't you think that's what this show is, though, too? Let me write down what the topics are. You guys tell me what my topics are.
Starting point is 01:53:15 I'm going to write these down. Boobs. I'll write them down as you say. Oh, CrossFit. You're right. CrossFit. Totally CrossFit. Black people.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Hello? Hello? What do you think my most common topic is? Oh, vaccines. Let me see. Sorry. Dicks. Okay, dicks.
Starting point is 01:53:42 I'll call it hogs. You feel free to chime in. Abortion. Oh, abortion. Thank Okay, dicks. I'll call it hogs. You feel free to chime in. Abortion. Oh, abortion. Thank you. Abortion. Got a third CrossFit in there. Yes, yep. I got that. Trannies. Oh, vaccines.
Starting point is 01:54:00 For sure. Liberals. Oh, pedos pedophiles standees oh standees standees oh someone said homelessness
Starting point is 01:54:20 I'll put that in quotes since I hate that word but I get your point I like that okay so I get your point. I like that. Okay, so that's more. Oh, homeschooling. Oh, shit. So I got a breadth of topics.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Yeah, you do. I mean, I throw parenting in there, too, probably hanging home with homeschooling. Okay, yeah. Okay. All right. Oh, someone said it used to be heavy on Danielle. All right. Oh, someone said it used to be heavy on Danielle. I saw this video of Danielle, by the way, the other day. She's a. Did Goob talk about Hill? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:55:09 No way. Oh, shit. Talk about Hillary. Oh, shit no way oh shit talked about Hillary oh shit oh shit you guys holy shit fucking goob fucking took a clip from our fucking podcast holy shit oh my gosh that's amazing yeah hold on caller I'm sorry sorry i just gotta watch this holy shit listening this morning this is a crossfit podcast called the seven podcast and they put the wuhan press which is a lift that i invented in a crossfit workout they're talking about it here let's see what they have to say. The Wuhan press... He did say he was worried about the Wuhan...
Starting point is 01:55:47 Hey, did Goob invent the Wuhan press? Did Goob invent that? No, some guy died in Wuhan, China, trying to do it and that's how they named it. You sound certain. I can't argue with that. It got on his neck. I tried to look up technique because I didn't know if I could do it.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Oh, really? Is that really what happened? Is that really a true story, John? As far as I know, that's what I looked up and saw. That's what I Googled. So the origin of the Wuhan press started during coronavirus. I invented it. It didn't start in China. We had a gym that was this outdoor gym called the Wuhan Training Facility. We trained in the pier every single day. And the only way I could bench press was to deadlift it into a bench press. This is the first known video of the Wuhan press happening. This was in May of 2020. This is the first time I ever tried 315 and I got it.
Starting point is 01:56:37 And that was that. And yeah, I almost died. But you know what? I almost died. All right, guys. Just so the coolest thing this morning. How fucking strong is goo? Caller, can you hear what? I almost died. All right, guys. Just the coolest thing this morning. How fucking strong is goop? Caller, can you hear that when I play the clip?
Starting point is 01:56:50 Did I lose the call? Yeah, I can hear that. Oh, okay. That's crazy. Yeah, that's how fun. I'm a big goop fan. Oh, me too. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Hey, does he ever go too hard for you? Like, sometimes he goes so hard, I'm like, holy shit. Like, I can't really take it. But I still love him. But you know what I mean? Like, it's my issue. But I'm just like, wow, he's so hard i'm like holy shit like i can't i can't really take it like but but i still love him but you know what i mean like it's it's it's my issue but i'm just like wow this is he's going hard right it's like hard to watch like you want to see the bar fight but you also don't yeah it's like a partaker yeah it's like someone needs to like it's like a ufc fight like oh the ref should step in i'm good i'm good right i'm good yeah i mean he's good. Yeah. I mean, he's,
Starting point is 01:57:26 I think he's doing good stuff though. Him and Joey Swole kind of have this really good, good cop, bad cop thing going on. Yeah, I agree. Oh shit. I don't even follow him.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Fuck. What a jackass I am. Well, now I do my, uh, my algorithm just knows to pop them up. Oh, he's huge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:42 He's got, uh, 641,000 followers. Yeah. Yeah yeah y'all should check the uh analytics tomorrow kind of see you know what kind of publicity the podcast gets because of that oh yeah good point good point fuck i always think we look so professional and then i saw that clip and it's fucking amateur hour jesus christ sorry i, I didn't mean to say Jesus Christ. Cheese and crackers. How are you? What's up?
Starting point is 01:58:09 Did you have anything specific or you just wanted to hang out? No, I'm good, man. I had one question for you and I won't keep you long. That's super cool with the shout out from you. But I was just going to ask if you had a multivitamin that you'd recommend
Starting point is 01:58:23 because I feel like you know a lot about this kind of stuff and it's such a crazy, saturated, messy, complex world. And I don't know, maybe some people say multivitamins are like a myth.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Yeah. What do you want it for? I don't, I don't have one. Um, I only eat salmon, sourdough and eggs. And I just feel like I'm missing out on a lot of micronutrients. So salmon, sourdough and eggs, that's really all you eat.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Those three things. Yeah. Um, for four months now, uh, eventually I'd like to be adding more stuff in. Um, but I, I think I need a multivitamin. Um, um, what about, um, finding something that's, what about eating some Oregon meat? God, that sounds disgusting. What about Oregon meat? Uh, yeah, yeah. I've done liver. Uh, I probably need to go back to that. I just, I hate the taste, but, um, that would probably be really good. So you'd recommend something like that as opposed to like the easy pill option.
Starting point is 01:59:31 I, I, I, I, for a long time I was taking those, um, when I was fasting a shitload, I was taking that stuff that the liver King had and that Paul Saladino had.
Starting point is 01:59:39 And I actually did notice. Yeah. And I actually did notice I felt significantly better, like very quickly. Um, And I actually did notice I felt significantly better, like very quickly. But then I stopped and I, then I stopped and I, and I, and I never missed it.
Starting point is 01:59:54 And I used to take a shitload of vitamin C when I was sick, but I don't even do that anymore. I've really just moved away for some reason. I'm trying to think if there's anything, I don't really swallow any pills anymore. my wife takes all sorts of fucking weird pills i know that the ancestral supplements work because i was taking an immune suppressant and anytime i took the ancestral supplements the immune suppressant didn't work so i figured i was like well these are definitely doing something but um wait explain that to me again what were you doing what is that
Starting point is 02:00:25 is that a bad thing or a good thing uh it's a good thing it means the pills were working um because they were counteracting the immune suppressant oh okay what's an immune suppressant like humera or whatever like what humera the the medication oh Oh. There's different immune suppressants. Just when your body's attacking itself, sometimes you need to take something that suppresses your immune system. You take those? I'm transitioning off of them currently. So I'm taking steroids and trying to move off of Humira.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Steroids like the kind Andrew takes? No, no, no. I'm taking steroids and I'm trying to move off of Humira. Steroids like the kind Andrew takes? No, no, no. They can help for a short amount of time, just as I'm finding a different medication. But as I'm moving off of you man i was just looking at multivitamins and what are you what have you can you tell me what you were diagnosed with or is this making you uncomfortable uh no i'm not too uncomfortable um just uh crohn's disease
Starting point is 02:01:37 oh crohn's disease and that's why you keep your diet really simple that's why you're on eggs salmon and sourdough yeah yeah that's my um i do great when i do that you know crushed ice some lemon juice um kind of have all that meat what's your body look like are you really lean yeah i've lost a lot of weight um really leaning out i think i probably look the best i ever have um for sure but uh you know it'd be really great to join the family on pizza night so um do you have a girlfriend a wife yeah oh what does she say about does she like your body yeah yeah i mean she um she's come up a couple times and like grabbed my shoulders or my stomach you know and uh she's made some comments so i mean i enjoy the the uh extra attention for sure yeah all right salmon eggs and sourdough why sourdough just so you don't get too skinny it's
Starting point is 02:02:40 a binding but no it's a binder so like some people will take clay um there's this different clay um that you can mix in with shakes and um oh like a bound a binder like for your shit so you don't piss out your ass like that kind of binder oh shit okay okay sorry i'm slow i got it okay i like it no you're No you're good man So my wife's a boss She'll make Sourdough She likes it Do you live in California?
Starting point is 02:03:14 No You know Dave Castro makes His wife makes crazy sourdough If you can find her Instagram account And I think she sells it It sounded like your wife makes it too and she she yeah i'm gonna screw this up but she buys she doesn't like buy the flour she makes the flour like she gets like the millet or the oats or whatever the fuck she she the whole thing is from crazy scratch she does everything but grow the wheat and it's all organic
Starting point is 02:03:43 and sourced and um it's a trip but whenever she sends bread to the house it's like it's gone in a second my whole family goes crazy but i think you could i think you can buy it i think my wife buys it from her and sends as gifts to people i don't know his wife's account i forget it's like fuck i probably yeah she's hard to find i can't i don't know but i'll try and find it. There's no sign of her as being Dave's wife's sour. Let me see if I just type in sourdough. I Googled Dave Castro sourdough. A lot of great results. I appreciate that man I'll check out I'll try and find it I won't take up too much more time so
Starting point is 02:04:28 alright multivitamin wise though you'd say like liver animal organs yeah I would just figure out yeah I think just from the people
Starting point is 02:04:37 we've had on the show I think it's important to eat like fat from you know from red meat and organs
Starting point is 02:04:44 I think for some reason those are my recollection is where all the healthy shit is yeah okay okay cool all right thanks dude all right well yeah thank you okay bye see ya uh oh maybe it is gypsy baker maybe it is gypsy Baker. Maybe it is Gypsy Baker. Good call. Gypsy Baker. God, I don't even know. My wife would know. I don't think this is hers. Gypsy Baker USA.
Starting point is 02:05:24 Let me see if I just type in the gypsy baker oh oh this must be it because it says my wife follows it yeah this is it I don't know if I'm supposed to share this fuck it here we go I'm telling you
Starting point is 02:05:51 it is crazy and she makes those designs on the bread it's nuts my kids go crazy she makes all this if you go to Dave's house you can see the kitchen it's like she got like a like a a legit professional kitchen where she look at that's the uh if you love my bread and don't want to miss my bake days but keep missing my menu on my story i can text you notifications just dm me i'll put you on the list
Starting point is 02:06:22 so those bags. Oh no, those are seeds. Nevermind. Let's see what this is. Oh man, it's crazy going to his house. If you ever get a chance. Oh, so here it is. You know, this is here's one of the machines.
Starting point is 02:06:50 This week's freshly milled grain selection is. I don't know what that means. This ancient grain is known for its nutty flavor and high protein content. House milled whole grain is part of what sets my artisan sourdough apart from the factory made store bought bread. The next day. Oh. Yeah, it's crazy there's so much good food at his house i don't know how he's not fat yeah anyway there it is
Starting point is 02:07:23 i don't know i don't know if you can if you don't live driving distance to her i don't know if she i don't know if she i i think that there's crossfit gyms in this area that like that like you can order through them and then she drives by and just drops the bag off at the gym i think that's how it works i'm not sure though actually uh when's the workout leaking for taylor self versus the world um uh that's a good question too i don't know i don't know when that is um i don't know when that is let me see uh the real seven maybe they've leaked it already No Oh grassy on a Rubio mate, oh, what is this grassy on a Rubio made it onto the Wow I Wow Wow, he makes that look easy. Jeez Louise
Starting point is 02:08:33 Dang Dang I want to see his Wuhan press. This is Graciano Rubio. He's close to me, too. He's like. I think I can get to his house in an hour. Oh, damn, I wanted to see him pick it off the ground.
Starting point is 02:08:59 All right, so this is a legit workout. Damn. a legit workout. Damn. Good job. That's cool. Yeah, we're all in on Kill Taylor. Tomorrow's show is going to be crazy.
Starting point is 02:09:22 This week has been the slowest week of my entire life because I'm just so excited for tomorrow Oh Please oh, please if Taylor gets beat by a teen would you double the pot? What planet do you live on dude? No one's beating him fucking pipe down teen Yeah, if a girl beats him we're gonna quadruple it No girl or teen Is beating him
Starting point is 02:09:48 There's only like two people in the world who can beat him We don't even know who they are yet Tell me someone's gonna beat him This pot's gonna go to like three million dollars Hey so the show will be on Netflix soon And the prize will be Ten thousand dollars And it will roll over every week.
Starting point is 02:10:07 So in three weeks it'll be $30,000. In a month it'll be $40,000. In four months it'll be $120,000. What if a transgender beats him? That'd be awesome. Bernie Gannon weighing in on the Graciano movement standards.
Starting point is 02:10:29 He says no penalties for him. Graciano meets the standards. Well, thank you. Thank you very much, Bernie Gannon. Always good. What if they identify as a teen girl? You're out of your mind. Get off the drugs.
Starting point is 02:10:42 Okay. So I think we're going to do a CrossFit Games games update show tonight i think i got john young and pedro on the hook i'll try to get hiller try to get whoever wants to come on and we're just gonna shoot the shit and uh just i just talk about the workouts maybe we'll pull up the leaderboard and just tell you straight up uh we'll find out if taylor's actually gonna make it uh to semifinals i mean to the Yeah, tonight we can tell you. Can I sign up for a yoga class at 12 noon? Yeah, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:10 Fuck yeah. Texting my wife. Fuck yeah. Oh, 3pm Pacific Standard Time. Wow. Okay. No Hiller. Sounds like Hiller's going to has a filming gig tonight
Starting point is 02:11:28 alright thanks guys there'll be another show today I just don't know when love you guys talk to you soon don't forget 10am pacific standard time tomorrow we'll go live on the 7 on podcast Susan will rally up the troops Ryan thank you good to see you On behalf of Matuthian
Starting point is 02:11:48 Toothpowder over at Doc Spartan Buh-bye

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