The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | Watch This

Episode Date: May 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. It's kind of weird, but I like being in my studio when I'm just farting by myself. You don't have to bother anybody with your fart. It's just fun. I just love stinking the room up.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Hey, you want to hear something really cool? Yes. I'm actually... Patrick Clark sent me three Tyson Bajan cards. Like NFL fucking... Rookie cards? I don't know if they're rookie cards or what, but one of them,'s only 1300 of them
Starting point is 00:01:06 printed and it's numbered no shit yeah it's number 33 better hold on to those or something like that yeah that's cool right so now I have four now I have four Tyson Bajan cards
Starting point is 00:01:21 whoa hey an agent reached out to me yesterday four Tyson Bajan cards. Whoa. Hey, an agent reached out to me yesterday. Oh, really? You tell him to fuck off? Um. No, I graciously thank them for thinking of me. Oh, what were they asking about?
Starting point is 00:01:55 At one point during the call, the agent said, so what's the name of your podcast? Awesome. Okay. All right. Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. So there was a point. why did you call me again there was a point when there was a point when um there was a there was a there was a while back when someone reached out to me and they said hey um i i see that you're, you belong to this network of guys. And how about I'm,
Starting point is 00:02:30 I direct all of them so that there's no overlap between the shows. And I like assign people to what they're best at. So let's just use, let's just use, I assume that they, they thought Pedro and I would think this too i consider this too that pedro and i are like in cahoots right which we are right and by cahoots i mean like if i know one of his shows is coming up i promote it or if i need a if i want someone
Starting point is 00:02:57 on my show he's on my on my short list of guys to bring on right right like like recently you can see like garrett glinton has um entered that fray like i'm trying to like pull garrett glinton into my like fray of like go-to people right right just different tools for different things right that the podcast needs right so like the podcast needs a new microphone you get that but but these are people tools. And I thought that was interesting that that person wanted to do that. And my response was like, hey, I think I'm the wrong person to ask because I feel like I'm at the top of the food chain in that network and because I have access to everyone that I would ever want access to. And so like what value, I don't understand the value that, um, I don't know. I don't understand the value. I feel like this, I feel like this person wanted to do, and I could be totally wrong, but I feel like this person wanted to do it for like maybe the wrong reasons,
Starting point is 00:03:58 right. Or not reasons that I'm interested in supporting. That would be a better way of saying it. Like they want to do it for themselves. Not for me. Right. Pat Lang. Brian Friend may be a baby. But he's still the most knowledgeable CrossFit guy. Out there by a lot in terms of athletes. I would definitely agree on that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Second part. God he knows a lot. Okay. And then... second part god he knows a lot okay um and then um and then so this person was like hey i can get you money send me your analytics and then i'm going to congregate all the biggest people in the space who have podcasts and i'm gonna like find sponsors for like once you know how like the athletes did the mush thing right so obviously someone grabbed all those athletes and it's like hey i got a big deal for a hundred thousand dollars we'll split the money up and then all 13 of you post that you eat mush simultaneously and whether they eat mush or not it seemed really
Starting point is 00:05:01 insincere and like i don't want to be a part of that stuff either because i feel like the only thing this podcast has is sincerity that's like it's driving that's its driving piece so right so this person's i'm like well my i don't really show anyone my analytics because my analytics are so weak and they don't depict really what the power, the strength of this podcast. And they just mowed right over it like I didn't even say that. And just the way they were talking, like they didn't hear a word I said. we talked about like money and all they were worried about was like how many views you get
Starting point is 00:05:49 and how much sponsors pay per view and just all of that stuff. And I just don't have that relationship with I don't have that relationship with any of my sponsors. Like the amount of money that CA Peptides and Paper Street Coffee give this podcast shit with any of my sponsors like the amount of money that ca peptides and paper street coffee give this podcast is fucking crazy relative to that person was not patrick no that person was
Starting point is 00:06:14 not you hi you're the person who sent me the down to like three others you're the person who sent me the tyson bay agent um cards hey i don't think it cards. Hey, I don't think it's a bad idea. I don't think it's a bad idea that I don't think any of these are bad ideas, by the way. I just think that it's like an unawareness. I think that there's an unawareness and I don't think that's bad either. But I think there's an unawareness of what's really going on with this podcast and with the people that I share this uh this network with or this co-op with i think there's like people who i think i think some people even inside aren't aware they just know it feels good um which is fine uh they know it's beneficial but i think that there's an unawareness i'll give you i'll give you guys an example of unawareness there was this idea that and it was
Starting point is 00:07:06 proposed by a lot of people inside the group and outside the group that hey maybe we should do an event um where we take the semi-final ass and i'm all for ideas this isn't a dig but there was this idea take all the semi-final athletes that didn't make it to the games but who are top contenders and throw an event for them right that's like that's not what we do that's it may look like that to someone on the outside that we do events but we do not do events no no the about we do people more than we do events like it was cool that it was dallin jason colton and taylor that's it right and it was cool piggybacking them yeah and it was when we
Starting point is 00:07:46 piggybacked the quarterfinals just off the fact that they were all doing an event together right anyway there's just there's just like nuances there like this you have to think of this show as more as promotion and propaganda for stuff than um like we're not um like i i admire uh jr hugely i'm super happy that he does events that's just and that's probably why he's in the group right jr's in the group for sure because he does events because that's an important tool that we need it's just not what he does them. Well, very well, very well. And so, um, and he's, and he's valuable to, he's valuable to the group in, in a lot of different ways. And so if we hype him up, then all of us benefit just by his, um, by his growth. I don't know if I'm able to articulate what's going on, even though I feel it and see it and just feel like I'm in the flow with it. Ken Walters, yes, he's a CF prophet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 By the way, you know what I was thinking about you today, Caleb, as I came in here? When I was a little kid, my favorite part of like The Incredible Hulk is when he turned into The Incredible Hulk. Okay. I don't know if you remember that show. It was with Bill, what was the guy's name? Bill Bixby was the Incredible Hulk. And Lou Ferrigno played the Hulk. Bill Bixby played like Bruce Banner.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And then, and then when I, also when I was a little kid, I loved it when Snuffleupagus came on, on Sesame Street. And when I watched Mr. Rogers, I loved it when the cable car came on on on sesame street and when I watched mr rogers I loved it when the cable car came on yeah oh yeah that's them right there and uh I loved it when the cable guard came on and mr rogers and and I thought oh you're that in my life now isn't that
Starting point is 00:09:38 weird like if I see you on the show I get that same feeling that I got as a little kid when um it's like that same feeling I'm like as a little kid when um it's like that same feeling i'm like oh caleb's here like i get happy like the cable car just came on mr rogers anyway i was thinking about that in the shower i wasn't touching myself i just you know i probably soaked my hair it's all good i probably i probably stopped uh soaping my my cock and balls when I thought that. Maybe. Anyway, so it was just interesting that even as I tried to explain it to this guy, and he's an LA guy, I could tell he just didn't get it. He didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:10:22 This show just puts out – so last year this show put on just 10 followers a day 10 subscribers a day and this year uh this show um just puts on um 20 to 20 now this year i mean i'm just making this up i mean it's it's it's the spirit of what i'm saying is right this year the show puts on 20 subscribers a day and and that's perfect it's like so perfect it's just so like there's no there's nothing going on here except that in terms of like the growth but all you got the cool thing is is like you guys are real you're you're like real fucking people and uh subscribers no or you're not here just to see me naked you know what i mean like if you're following someone just to see them naked you're not here just to see me naked you know what i mean like if you're following someone just to see them naked you're not a you're not a real follower for them right and um uh last 30 days 300
Starting point is 00:11:14 new subs oh on this station oh but i mean i think for the year it's like just 20 a day or something but just slow steady even 30 just slow steady i think a lot of people want like a thousand they like they're just so excited to get to like a million subscribers and don't get me wrong that would be cool but this is just uh this is just um this is all just unfolding perfectly with the sponsors with the shows we're doing and with who you guys are, who, who the participants are on the other side of the screen. It's just, um, it's just cool. So I just wanted to say that, um, I, I kind of, cause I kind of get excited when people reach out, but it's like CrossFit people. I don't think people get it. They don't, um,
Starting point is 00:12:25 But it's buy CrossFit. Street parking is the same way. You can't just – like I could go down and buy a TRX, and they're dope. I don't mean TRXs are dope, but you can't just buy street parking. Like Miranda and Julian had to make that. You can't just buy CrossFit. It has to like – You can't buy that community. no, I guess that's the way you can't just go up you can't buy 50,000 street parking members and say hey you're gonna
Starting point is 00:12:56 Follow this program and you're gonna all gonna love each other and you're gonna help each other and yeah Yeah, you can't you have to build it Yeah, I mean you would say you could say the same thing about or it has to build itself so it has to build itself right i mean you can't even you can't even plan i don't even think you can plan to build it you could pretend to plan well or i don't think you could successfully plan to build it anyway it's cool it's super cool and um i feel invigorate i mean i feel i would be like i feel so time has slowed down so much for me in the past two weeks and i'm so excited about kill taylor like time has really slowed down for me like i can't even believe how far away saturday feels saturdays are exciting where are the callers i don't know but they should they need to out here i'm disconnecting the phone
Starting point is 00:13:50 um there now i feel better like it's me not allowing them in um okay so there's that so i wanted to tell you guys that. Do you feel titillated? Yeah, totally. And it's been great. It's been great that Doc Spartan sponsored the first Kill Taylor and that Vindicate sponsored the second one. And we have people lined up, I think, for like the next five weeks. But some people have wanted to buy like months already and I just don't want to do that because I think the show deserves um a I think the show deserves a sponsor that's like gonna be all in like hey here's two thousand dollars a week here's ten thousand dollars a week and uh I've never felt that way before I I've never felt like, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:45 I felt like just if someone wanted to sponsor the show and they felt like it was a good fit, we would take anyone for the podcast. Right. And if I could have, and I wanted to have a relationship, so like I could call Lindsay or Sarah Cox or Gabe on a moment's notice,
Starting point is 00:15:01 but I wanted to. Yeah, Coke would be great for Kill taylor coca-cola just any just anyone like that show yeah that show is is uh something interesting did you put electrical tape on your earmuffs no they're just falling apart i have new ones i've just had these since i've been i've had these for these were like an ex-girlfriends of mine over 20 years ago i think i recall oh my god yeah and i just feel like or maybe she told or maybe she told she was like a filmmaker from new york and so and i think maybe she had these and i thought oh those must be the cool ones to have so uh brandon smith will be the one to dethrone taylor i have i have there's no way brandon smith
Starting point is 00:15:49 will ever get on again the fact that someone got on twice is unbelievable to me yeah that's pretty crazy yeah mcdonald's would be a great sponsor just anyone who has just a shitload of money anyone who just has a shitload of money. Anyone who just has a shitload of money. Because the show deserves it. Oh, for sure. No one is beating Taylor. Yeah, no one is beating Taylor.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I agree. It's going to be a long time. For sure. Long, long, long, long if we keep if i keep fucking up the clock then nobody will win get a little home cooking uh yeah thank you i appreciate that or no maybe they will win if you keep fucking up the clock um are those can't the cancer headphones i they might be it might have been this black stuff that came off onto my ear these might be the cancer headphones okay uh seve is someone from rx sugar still coming on yes they are uh dick johnson uh richard johnson's coming on he wrote the fat switch i'm actually
Starting point is 00:17:01 gonna hang out with him at greg's house on the night. Dick Johnson. Is that amazing or what? Is that amazing or what? No way. His name is Richard Johnson. Richard Johnson. Wasn't a mate. I'm so glad you thought that. Cause every time I say it,
Starting point is 00:17:17 I'm like, am I the only one that hears that a double dick DD? Oh my God. D wow. Yeah. That's incredible. Richard Johnson, MD. Sevan, thoughts on Amy Kringle.
Starting point is 00:17:37 You know, I saw her like four years ago on Instagram, and I thought, holy shit, this chick is so fucking hot. And she was from the Isle of Man. But now she doesn't live in the Isle of Man, but I never thought she'd make it to the games in a million years. I just thought she was from the Isle of Man. But now she doesn't live in the Isle of Man. But I never thought she'd make it to the games in a million years. I just thought she was hot. So who knows? Yeah, this is a... Yeah, she's cool looking.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Look at that belt vein. I don't have that. That's crazy. And that's a heavy rope? Yeah, it's like one of those red, like a nylon rope, I think.
Starting point is 00:18:19 She looks strong, right? Yeah, she does. She looks like a big shithouse. Oh, yeah, even there. Wow. Perfect skin. This is what's going to happen. Hillard guessed that Taylor would make it 14 weeks before Taylor takes some risk in the programming and someone beats him.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I hope he never does that. Okay, sports agents. We talked about them. I was also thinking about this today in the shower i don't know i i i don't think i'm ready to fully talk about this yet because i need more coffee or something i need to be in a special mood maybe it's a topic i should save for later but i was thinking about like what makes a good girlfriend. Okay. And if you had a really hot chick, let's say Amy Kringle,
Starting point is 00:19:32 I shouldn't use Amy Kringle as the example. Let's say you just had a really hot chick, but she didn't want to just fuck you nonstop. Like she just didn't fuck on command. Be kind of sad but it's point it's pointless it's fucking pointless it's a lamborghini with a flat tire it's completely pointless it's a lamborghini that won't leave the garage it is completely pointless it is useless Pointless.
Starting point is 00:20:02 It is useless. It's useless to have just even like a sort of a hot chick. It's, it's, God, this is going to fucking, I don't know if I should say this part. I don't know if I'm ready this morning. To have any chick that won't fuck on command is pointless. But to have a hot chick that won't fuck on command is, is even, uh, look at, even Heidi. I got Heidi to say, wow. You want a woman to capitulate with you on demand? Great question. No.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I want her to be like so fucking into me that she's pissed when I put on deodorant because it changes the smell that she loves. I saw a video the other day Of a girl sitting on the back of a motorcycle With her guy And she rubbed the back of his armpit And then smelt it That's the fucking girl you want That is the fucking girl you want You want a girl that smells you If you don't have that I just can't imagine I when I was a little kid someone bought me old spice for for my birthday I was like in the second or third grade and I remember I wore it to school.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Or maybe I was – no, I must have been older. Maybe it was junior high. And I remember this girl I really liked said I smelled like her grandfather. That's a knife to the heart. My new girlfriend is so into me. It's fantastic. Yeah. You want a girlfriend that um you you want to eat like you get concerned like you feel like you're jeffrey
Starting point is 00:21:53 dahmer and you want her you want a girlfriend where you have to say no you want a girlfriend where you there's some nights where you're like dude no i get no i can't i want to i have to go to sleep no i'm sleeping right now yeah and then you wake up in the morning you hate yourself well then you just do it in the morning you just wake up damn that was a bad idea olivia mutual desire there's nothing better yeah absolutely and i don't and i i don't mean to say that um i don't mean to say whoa what what oh my god i want to suck a fart out of her ass and hold it like a bong rip oh my god i mean i i want to judge you but fuck like i mean i also like taking I just can't um it's I mean it's weird
Starting point is 00:22:50 because at 52 like I'm more attracted to my wife than ever and I never thought that that would fucking be humanly possible yeah I just I just can't stop like uh so I'm obsessed with her right now yeah so obviously I've been i've not been with my wife
Starting point is 00:23:09 for the past month or so are you losing it yeah it's so you know what i mean by that feeling of wanting to eat them right like like literally like you want to eat them like hey i would take a fucking bite out of your arm right now yeah absolutely yeah you know what i mean it's just like fuck right yeah it's a you just yeah you just want to be with them and just like fucking devour them basically yeah consume them yeah yeah it's like i'm yeah it's it's incredible uh you need this uh sasebi you need the girl that puts her finger in your butt regularly but early on when i was with my wife she tried to push on that spot um between my ball sack and my butthole when we were having sex once and i was like what the fuck are i just what the fuck are
Starting point is 00:24:00 you doing so i read in the magazine shut the fuck up i don't give a fuck what you read in a magazine i ever fucking wander your hand down there ever again okay christine i don't think this is true at all if you talk about having if you talk about sex you probably aren't having it that is absolutely not true uh do the hand the hand does not the hand does not go past the deepest part of the shaft. You've got to explore more, Selma. I know. I'm pretty boring. I'm pretty boring. You take – I give some advice to girls if you want to make your man happy. This is what you do.
Starting point is 00:24:44 You don't have to stick anything in his butt. You grab the bottom of his shaft, and you just pull down gently to where your ring finger and whatnot pushes into the scrotum and the ball sack. So you can get as much dick hanging out at the top as possible. And then you put your second hand on it so the head's still out. And you say to him, this thing is fucking huge. Now, my wife's never done that to me if she's listening. Even if it's still out. And you say to him that this thing is fucking huge. Now, my wife's never done that to me. If she's listening. Even if it's this big. Now, listen, if your second hand is going to go over it and make the cock disappear, don't use that trick.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Just stick with one hand. Now, listen, if there's enough, you even take the bottom hand off and you go and you grab the next hand up. You need a girl with a small with small hands, small hands. That's right. That's right. Jeffrey Bershaw, are we talking about intimacy or lunch? The thing is, my point is that all these things – in your best expression of your relationship, you're shitting with the door open. Your wife loves you for who you are and how you smell. My wife actually – this kind of stung yesterday. She was was leaving the house and she walked by the bathroom
Starting point is 00:26:07 and I was wiping my ass and she goes I'm not going to kiss you I don't think while you're wiping your ass fair enough that's the limit that's awesome I'll FaceTime my wife while I'm taking a shit yeah of course hey there's something I gotta tell you hey by the way I was just thinking about you while I'm taking a shit. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Hey, there's something I got to tell you.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Hey, by the way, I was just thinking about you while I was taking a shit. Yeah, I always turn the fan on. Jeff Baco says no one likes the smell of shit. Yeah, I agree. I really don't like the smell of shit. Clean up your diet if you need to wipe but you do you still wipe even though you if even though like if you don't have anything down there you still gotta wipe though don't you i would yeah yeah that's crazy clean up your diet if you need to
Starting point is 00:26:58 wipe i mean yeah i have clean like better poops if i'm eating well but yeah still gotta wipe my ass dude you so so you could get sucked into a relationship because a chick is really hot and for girls out there like feel free to i'm not saying that it doesn't go both ways you could i mean you could pick the same way do the same thing for men i just happen to know that um if you're picking a guy or if you're picking a girl because she likes you because like you're buff or you're tall or you're short or you're rich or I don't know I don't know what the reason is but you really you really want her to like you you want her to like like you for who you are like the you that's like your hair's all fucked up you haven't showered it's the kind of person that you just you don't really want to
Starting point is 00:27:54 hang out with anybody else but that person like i went and hung out with some people the other day and i was like yeah i would so much rather not be doing this i'd so much rather be hanging out with my wife oh yeah exactly right that's how you learn to appreciate your wife for sure uh the problem talking like this is that men will now go to their wife and say you should be having sex with me on command instead of looking in the mirror figuring out why okay well uh before you pick her well okay i think i mean it's like a natural thing right like it's you're not demanding it if it's a natural thing like i don't have to demand with my wife that we have sex all the time right but i just know i just know that the both of us are like we just want to fuck all the time yeah maybe it's not demanding it yeah like i don't ever walk in the room and say
Starting point is 00:28:49 assume the position i mean i do say that but it's always it's just like it's just there you could just be walking by me in the bedroom i'm like yeah we're doing this yeah yeah exactly it just happens that's that's yeah that's what i mean by demand. Yeah, Heidi. Of course Heidi has a point. Jeremy World, Heidi hates men. You might have a point too. Yeah, and the men who are demanding it, Heidi, are the fucking scourge of the earth. Those are the kind of people you don't want to be around. Christian Kettler, I hate myself when I turn my wife down.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah. I always hate it like a few hours later. I'm like, what the fuck was wrong? Am I out of my fucking mind? I don't think I've ever turned it down. I take a huge black dildo, veiny dildo, every time I turn her down and shove it in my ass to teach myself a lesson. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So you do put things in your ass. Got it. my ass to teach myself a lesson wow okay so you do put things in your ass got it i used to uh i used to um i used to when before i had kids if my wife was in the shower i would get in the shower with her oh yeah like no matter what at all at all times i just showered so i get back in the shower. Absolutely. Just hang out with her in the shower. I soaped her. I bathed her.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I talked to her. Everything. Like my wife and I would be on the same schedule. So basically we're just showering at the same time. So we just shower all the time. Do you have a big shower? Yeah. Bigger shower.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yeah. You need a big. The two of you are big humans. Yeah. For sure. My wife and I can shower under a fucking hose together. Let's faucet outside. This is really going to surprise you all because you know how selfless I am,
Starting point is 00:30:40 but I'm horrible probably to shower with. I am such the shower hog too. Like you use the whole thing or what yeah like i'm like like when i'm ready to like get the soap out of my hair i just push her out of the way i don't want to get in my eyes yeah okay okay uh so that's that that's taken off my list i wanted to get that off my chest uh so it's it's it. So you guys know this guy Goob. There's so much here what I'm about to show you. Do you want to open that? You see it says, look at the guests. These people got played. goob and he has an instagram account and if you don't follow this instagram account you should he i think he has over 600 000 followers i just want to start there this guy's followers are like real fucking followers and i was just talking with andrew about this the other day like these are people who've all started following him i, in the last year. And they're fucking real.
Starting point is 00:31:47 And his comment sections are just... The engagement is crazy. And these types of accounts are so different. You know the accounts with just hot bitches? Have you ever looked in the comments there? It's just like 500 comments of just hearts or fire emoji it's all bots and shit yeah i'm like god these this just sucks i i don't even know how to look at do you know i don't even know how to look at likes or views on my instagram account which is probably a good thing because i was asking someone in the locker
Starting point is 00:32:22 room the other day hey how do i see likes and hearts and shit like that? How many I have? But it's probably good because I probably don't have very many. But this guy's account is fucking insane. I love accounts that have real – this is the kind of guy you would want to sponsor. This guy – there's people out there who have 20 million followers who don't have the engagement this guy has. The engagement on this account is fucking amazing. I would guess that probably more than half the people that follow him are truly engaged.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Where I think is on those hot bitch accounts, the engagement is probably less than 1%. You just look at the titties and scroll by. Yeah, I've seen them a million times. Right. uh hot bitch accounts uh the engagement is probably less than one percent like people you just look at the titties and scroll by yeah i've seen them a million times right anyway uh this guy sean mike kelly i went to his account the other day and we'll go there in a second but but watch this uh watch this video that um goob makes here on this guy because i saw this guy's instagram account just two days ago and i was like holy fuck how have i never heard of this podcast okay here we go this is a cautionary tale that you can't just trust any asshole with the microphone sean mike kelly welcome to the show so today we welcome sean mike kelly he owns a podcast called digital social hour 11.2 million
Starting point is 00:33:41 followers wow now i'm a guy who likes reality. I see things for what they are, and I just kind of tell the truth. So Sean, if you're watching this, this is the hard and painful truth. And you did all this to yourself. Sean's got quite the racket going. He has a podcast. He invites guests in the podcast by reaching out to them via DM, something like this. Hey, we're the number one market. So that's what I do. reach out to people uh by dm and i say hey i always say the same thing hey i'd love to have you on the podcast and i do it for my account that has three or four thousand uh um followers but when i used to have an account i used to have an account with i think almost a hundred thousand followers and i had a blue check mark and I used to get way more response.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Like crazy, like crazy response, right? I don't even do, I don't do it from the seven podcast Instagram account because Sousa and the gang and you guys don't want me like posting stuff about vaccines in there and ruining it. And that's a good idea. That's smart. So I have to do it. And I already got two warnings this week already for shit I posted. So, so I, I, that's what this guy does. And he does it from an account with 11 million followers. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But when their target, I mean, guest accepts, they send them this questionnaire. Very normal questions in the questionnaire. What's your name? What's your email address? But at the bottom, if you're selected, there's a non-refundable $6,000 appearance fee that you have to pay to Sean to be on his show. Okay, sweet. So you paid him the $6,000. Okay. So trap it out to him.
Starting point is 00:35:17 So pause that a second. So in the documentary filmmaking business, it's considered extremely unethical to there to be any money transfer between the filmmaker and the subjects. Yeah, what the fuck? And when you look at his get, we're going to look at his guests in a second. And it's fucking crazy it's it's um a handful of these people i've i've invited to be on my podcast and have not received a response but it's just wild and every once a week now i was gonna say every day but it's probably once a week i get an email from some company that's like hey we'll help you find podcast guests or i get an email from some company that's like, hey, we'll help you find podcast guests.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Or I get an email – that's actually probably twice a week. The other one I get is, hey, we have this person. They just wrote this book. We would like to get them on your podcast. And it always starts with some cheesy shit like, hey, we admire your hard work. We know how hard it is to build a podcast, like some shit like that that just makes me delete it right away. Okay, here we go you filmed this podcast of 350 000 views one problem there's no comments and 350 000 people saw it here's another one with 350 some thousand let's see the comments there
Starting point is 00:36:37 they're all fake bot comments from indian accounts but wait his podcast is topping the charts let's look at the reviews all of these reviews are from spam accounts look at the names all of them look at the names nearly a thousand reviews do reviews help usually i think they help your ratings a little bit i think it just gives people something to look at when they're looking at podcasts they might find interesting i wonder if it helps in the rankings or in the distribution of your podcast. Maybe. I don't know. All right. Go review my podcast, please.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Okay, here we go. With bullshit names like this, if you look up his social blade, he was buying nearly a million followers a week. Okay, pause. This is what's crazy. And this is the kind of shit Andrew points out to me too. Oh my god. This is why.
Starting point is 00:37:32 This is what he did to Bryce. Bryce Smith. He went on social blade and saw that he was buying his. Subscribers. His followers. That's fucking nuts. A million at a time. How much does it cost to get a million followers i i think i looked it was five thousand dollars i want to start an account
Starting point is 00:37:52 and i think it's dangerous doing that because i think if you get caught by instagram or youtube they kick you off or they say at least that's what it says in the rules that you'll be kicked off for buying subscribers. I, um, uh, I wanted to start an account where I bought a millions of subscribers on Instagram, but then put in the bio, all of these followers are bought,
Starting point is 00:38:14 but then, and then get a blue check Mark, but then use it to invite people on. Yeah, I guess that people think you have a massive following and that you're going to help them in some way to. Yeah. And I understand, and I understand the sentiment, yeah I guess that people think you have a massive following and that you're gonna help them in some way and I understand the sentiment
Starting point is 00:38:29 I understand the sentiment oh we get the same cut and paste emails yeah so many cut and paste emails it's fucking crazy that's fucking I always start writing back to them in my head but then quickly go on cause I don't want to give them the time a day or energy but I always start writing back to them in my head, but then quickly go on because I don't want to give them the time of day or energy.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But I always start writing something nasty back to them. Tracy Hefner, Heidi is 100% a cheap Indian bot account. That's for sure. I could see it. Okay, let's keep going. And weeks in a row. And that's why there's no real comments or reviews. This is a...
Starting point is 00:39:08 Okay, now go to this guy's Instagram account. And... That's the fucking weirdo from the... That guy's cool. That guy used to work at Coca-Cola on the left that guy with the glasses is that fucking really weird guy He's such a trip Dave Asprey, yeah Dave Asprey. He's what he had like a candy bar. He put out or something What he put or he was the guy he he put like but he he released something with butter and coffee bulletproof coffee maybe yes yes yes yes yes that's it
Starting point is 00:39:54 fucking nuts then look at this this chick's from fucking la just some la fucking chick so that chick paid six thousand dollars to be on the show what's her name uh maybe go up to the top oh she's probably but it's just crazy that all these people paid these are all people who paid six thousand dollars to be on his fucking scam i wonder you know i wonder this more plates, more dates? It is. He fell for it? You think he would vet shit first?
Starting point is 00:40:52 It's also telling when they don't post, or when they don't let you see how many likes stuff has, I guess. Where is that? How do you see likes? So usually it's like right here, where I'm highlighting on the bottom underneath the heart comment share. Even on my own? Yeah, you'd be able to see the amount of likes you have. But if you just keep it...
Starting point is 00:41:14 What do you mean? It says... Where do I... If you just go to a post. Okay, it says liked by Haley Matosian. Oh, and 182 others. Right. So you get a you get a numerical value associated with it do all my posts have that oh yeah my shopping cart one has 181
Starting point is 00:41:33 my um my one uh about global warming has 171 my tyson bajan one has 221 my garden has 131 tyson bajan one has 221 my garden has 131 this guy okay doesn't show them so oh you can turn that off right oh my one with pool boy has 246 oh shit the one with me and my boys has 628 wow that's cool yeah oh shit my keychain one only got 91 likes that's bullshit this doesn't upset this makes me hate my followers not my uh not myself jesus christ you guys okay and all of their all of his comments are spam that's interesting okay all right professional professional professional professional yeah look at that just 10 people commented professional with the same emoji
Starting point is 00:42:33 okay let's keep looking down and see who else he's had on it's just fucking crazy that this is i just love goo because he does this and what and what's nuts is he has six hundred thousand real fucking people who see this like he's a true influencer not like hey where the bathing suit he's wearing but like he's influencing people's thoughts. Right. Yeah goobs goobs amazing. And he's just found his rhythm. Oh, yeah, look at this one. I watched this one. People from L.A. are actually genuine. Hit that one. Most of the people I actually meet that are from LA are actually super down to earth. And I think it's more so just like people that come here and think that everyone's stuck up in a certain way that they feel like they have to fit that mold of being that way. And so it kind of has this like pretentious vibe about it. For me, I feel like why I've gotten a long way is because I'm actually just genuine and I actually care. I don't know her and I apologize to her, but genuinely fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:55 That's that's the hive. She's talking about the fucking hive. I wonder if the guy pushes back. That's the hive. That's those are the people who voted for Newsom. Biden forced school closures. Those are the people who are racist they demand racism those are the Jews who are afraid to speak out I mean it is that's where UCLA is USC I mean it is like the full indoctrination cap it's where all the non-playable
Starting point is 00:44:16 characters are NPCs that's right yeah it is it is it is a it is a fucking horrible place does that mean 100% of the people there are horrible no Yeah, it is a fucking horrible place. Does that mean 100% of the people there are horrible? No. But it's just sleeping morons there, and you know it the second you go there. You just go into Trader Joe's there, and you're like, wow, this is bad.
Starting point is 00:44:41 These are people who like – in my town, if you're walking and you make eye contact with someone, you nod or say hi. Right. And that does not happen in LA. You clutch your purse. You just never leave your house and you door dash everything. Seve offered to pay the identity doctor And then retracted so she got pissed That's not true Go back to the string of black guys up there
Starting point is 00:45:14 I want to see what they say Rolls Royce, we are poisoning ourselves Nevermind, keep going He gets paid 20k an hour anyway i just love goob i can't believe i can't believe also the other day he saw uh the podcast the clip someone must have sent it to him yeah they're not crazy yeah i would love to have mon i think i had already invited him on before he before he even posted that uh influencers oh yeah yeah yeah patrick thanks for reminding me so this connects
Starting point is 00:45:51 it back to what i was saying before influencers care about followers and will do whatever uh they can to gain more and feel like they're jumping on a podcast that doesn't even uh have to pay for it um the that's that's the thing like this agent who contacted me all he cared about was uh all he cared about was followers oh that's sad oh that that one only has 3455 likes damn well it's not let me see the one with the girl with the tits you know i love when people do the exact opposite thing that they promote. Hayley Khalil. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:46:32 So today we welcome Hayley Khalil, 5.7 million followers. If I was that guy, if I was Goob, every night I fucking got into bed with my wife, I would say that to her. Welcome to the show. Oh my God. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show. Haley. Not Haley Cleal. Haley Matosian. Welcome to the show. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Model a social media personality. I recommend you follow him. The Instagram account is goob underscore YouTube. And that, and I don't know this. I was kind of, I was kind of happy for that guy when it went two days ago, when I saw him,
Starting point is 00:47:18 I was like, wow, this guy's killing it. He look at all these people he's had on this. That's the Sam guy, the tall Asian dude or whatever that guy is and then uh i saw that and i was like fuck of course because it made no sense to me when i saw it i was like wow that's really cool um all right there's that okay now we got a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:47:41 we got to go through okay are you ready because i have to leave at 8 30 today i have to pick greg up from the airport oh boy um oh fuck it i want to start here uh um you have to go you have to go up kind of high caleb and it says if you can't be happy for other people's success you'll never be successful complaining about ticket prices is so pathetic do you see that one yeah it's okay let's play that watch i want to show you guys this uh twenty five hundred dollars cheapest non-resale tickets available for ufc 303 mcgregor versus chandler is twenty five hundred 2500 and the service fee is 481 and people are complaining and who gives a fuck what who gives a fuck why don't you just be so fucking happy for connor fucking mcgregor and chandler that they're going to get a cut of this pay-per-view this money does they don't collect this money and then burn it. This money goes out to people, and then these people fucking eat at restaurants, get hotels, put gas in their car, pay their babysitters.
Starting point is 00:48:53 It's not like – if you can't afford this, then just don't go or work harder. All that money just to get worse view than the dirty Russian link I'm going to use. I don't know what that means. All that to watch him lose. The dirty Russian link I'm going to use. I don't know what that means. All that to watch him lose. It's like posts like this are like shit that attract all the loser flies.
Starting point is 00:49:14 UFC, the gate was the highest grossing event of all time. Cheapest ticket going for 3K. Yeah, so what? I guarantee you these are all failures in life. All these fucking people. Why can't you just be like, fuck, awesome the fight industry is exploding good job connor i went to this um i went to i've told this story before i haven't told in a long time i'll tell it again i went to this fucking symposium and i was poor i didn't have a job. And I was making the movie Pulling John. And I had like fucking, I don't know, $40,000 in credit card debt, like two credit cards with $20,000 each maxed out.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And I was filming one of the arm wrestlers at this talk in New York City. And the guy said, hey, God is wonderful. God will give you whatever you want. Hey, God is wonderful. God will give you whatever you want. And so when a guy drives up in a Lamborghini and you think stuff like he doesn't deserve that or you feel any resentment towards him for his success and his richness. God will make sure to give you that. To get to make sure that you don't that you don't give you what you want, which is never to be rich, because you rich because why would the energy that you're putting out there or the message God is hearing, however you want to phrase it, is that you resent rich people. You resent successful people. And so why would he put you in a position or why would the energy that you're putting out attract those kinds of people to you or that kind of success to you? And for some reason, that really fucking resonated with me.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And so from that day on, I decided that every time I saw any money on the ground, whether it be a fucking penny, a nickel or dime, and I've had some embarrassing moments, I will pick it up. I will look at the coin and I will say to myself, I am a money magnet. The other day, my son picked up a penny, and he goes, I'm a money magnet. And then he handed it to me. I was like, wow, he's watching me. It was Joseph. He's seven. And there's times where I've pulled up in a fucking parking lot where someone's emptied their trash ashtray on the the ground full of change and there's like 60 pennies and i sit there and i pick every single fucking penny up seriously yeah wow and i say every time everyone i pick up i am a money magnet i'm a money magnet i let my autism express itself in its fullest form and a few weeks after that a few weeks after that i got put on um uh i started making money and then uh i started making more money and i started making more money and i kept making more money from there basically right after i switched my mindset and all and i just forced myself i
Starting point is 00:51:59 faked it until it became real and it became real to be happy for other people's success just so working on that yeah it's it's hard because we're trained not to be we're trained not to be happy for other people's success yeah so i'm i'm on a base with a lot of officers and there's like a a parking lot across the street from where I'm staying. And it's just filled with like BMWs, Corvettes, big F one 50 Raptors. Like nice. Mill guys. Those are their cars.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. Yeah. And so you've got all these guys that are over there with the really nice cars and they're driving all fast and being cool. And you're like, every time I walk by, I'm like, fuck you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Like I'm working like that. the one thing dear caleb please flip the script i'm working on it yeah like everyone's success yeah i don't know i don't know give me an example like am i happy for hitler's success not so much would you consider that success? I mean, but now if I see someone in a nice car, I smile at them and wave at them and I feel my happiness for them. Like I've made it, I've crossed to the other side and it's cool. It's such a fucking better life. It was such a great fucking lesson.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I learned. Kamala Harris' success. Fauci's success. Is it success, though? Anyway, don't be that guy. Like, so what? So what if the tickets are expensive? It's so much better to watch it at home anyway.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Invite Caleb over. Fire up the fucking margarita mixer and fucking. And get at it. OK, we have a lot. We have a lot to get through, even though that's a great subject. OK, let's go back down to the bottom and we'll just work our way fucking up. Democrats, here we go. When the evil governor of Florida was saying the exact same thing about kids and creepy stuff at Disney that liberals now find intolerable at Nickelodeon, he was dismissed as a hick and a bigot. But why would a kids content factory like Disney be all that different than the one at Nickelodeon? A 2014 CNN report discovered that at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children.
Starting point is 00:54:37 And in 2021, Disney child star Alison Stoner confessed she only narrowly survived the toddler to train wreck pipeline. The next year, child star Cold Sprouse told The New York Times that young actresses at the Disney Channel were heavily sexualized from an early age. This DeSantis wasn't wrong, but we're so tribal now the left will overlook child fucking if the guy from the wrong party calls it out. Overlook child fucking if the guy from the wrong party calls it out. And by the way, that's like one of the things that like kind of made me flip the script. The whole child fucking thing, like I have no tolerance for it. I was in a conversation with someone the other day and they go, you seem like a really a one issue kind of person, all or nothing. And I was like, what do you mean? They're like, well, with the child fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And I was like, oh, yeah, you're right. I'm not. You're right right I'm not flexible on that one I'm not doing that why would you I'm not doing the the normalization of child fucking I'm not I'm not going to do what that would listen you could agree you could
Starting point is 00:55:42 you can be like hey I'm I don't agree with everything the Democrats believe. And I fucking hate Donald Trump. That's like that's like that's like that's like your typical stance from a fucking liberal. I don't agree with everything the Democrats are doing, but I hate Donald Trump. OK, and then you bring up to them. What about the minor attracted persons, the changing the definitions of words? Okay, and then you bring up to them, what about the minor attracted persons, the changing the definitions of words? Most of them are fucking oblivious to it. That's what all that shit is, by the way.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's just word fuckery. Minor attracted persons. Yeah, sorry, if you vote for Biden, you are supporting that. You can't just be like, well, I don't like that part. You just have to accept the good with the bad right i i accept donald trump for um uh shooting three pointers with paper towels now into uh remember that hurricane he was like in puerto rico and he was shooting paper towels into the crowd that wanted paper towels and he was shooting threes and it just looked a little funny i was like what a douche at the time but now i'm like well relative to child fucking i'm cool shoot all the threes you want
Starting point is 00:56:48 absolutely i'm good yeah that's the least you shake when you shake hands with other leaders you pull them in cool you lied on your fucking loan uh on your loan assessment or the valuation of your building, I'm cool. There were some documents that were released yesterday that basically four months after Trump got out of office, the National Archives sent a letter to Trump saying, hey, you have all sorts of shit still here. I don't know where, like at the White House or wherever he was storing his shit.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Come get it. And he went there and there were over house or wherever he was storing his shit, come get it. And he went there and there were over four or he sent someone there and there were 400 cases of documents sitting there. And so he took that shit back to Mar-a-Lago and now they're wondering, oh shit, was the whole thing a fucking setup. They put classified documents in the 400 cases. Holy fuck. and national art what's interesting is national archives claims that they never did that and that they were never communicating with donald trump four months after but of course
Starting point is 00:57:55 the emails have shown up they were communicating with them yeah of course yeah and of course and of course the the da in new york or wherever that case is being tried was trying to suppress those documents, and then finally yesterday the judge unredacted all the shit. Fucking crazy. Okay, Biden. Let's see Biden. I wonder if anyone in here is going to vote for Biden. By the way, did you hear what happened to RFK? What's happening to RFK? No, whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:28 He released a movie, I guess, yesterday. And then I saw that the Facebook meta was not allowing anyone to promote the movie. And then right when I was hearing that story, someone sent me a link to a post they made that was pulled down, and it was the trailer for the movie. It sounds like they are overtly trying to stop the promotion. And it's – I watched the first 10 minutes of the movie. It's just like a story about RFK. It's narrated by Woody Harrelson. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:58:59 That's cool. It's super weird Facebook's doing that. Very weird. How much liberal stupidity is just ignorance? I know. But what's crazy is, is even when you push them, if you push them into a corner, they start saying stuff like, I don't care if babies die. I don't they shouldn't be born poor or it doesn't matter. The baby like they start saying stuff like, oh, it's only a few trannies that are raping women in locker rooms. It's just isolated incident they have these
Starting point is 00:59:25 like it's all it's always justification it's just constantly justification facebook is censoring rfk yeah like massive censoring it's nuts okay here we go joe biden here the president of the united states here we go yeah was sort of of raised in the Puerto Rican community. I had a very close relationship with the Greek American community, for real. I am Joe Bidenopoulos. I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in a heavily Italian Polish community. When I say I got raised in the black church. He knows I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 01:00:05 The Persian culture is amazing. As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to shul more than many of you. I come out of a black community. The background of my family is Irish-American. Not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people. I am, you might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. Everybody in town is either
Starting point is 01:00:29 Polish or Italian. I grew up feeling self-conscious. My name didn't end in an S-K-I. Fuck this guy. Oh my God. I know. It's fucking nuts, dude. It's so fucking nuts. It's so fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:41 It's fucking nuts, dude. It's so fucking nuts. I mean. I was the only white guy. I was the only white guy in an all-black neighborhood. Well, 98% black. There were a few Asian drug dealers when I was 16, 17, and 18. Maybe it was three years it was fucking wild i had so much fun and i only i only hung out with the p diddy thing kind of was reminding me of it i hung out
Starting point is 01:01:17 with this guy oh and his name was joe johnson right and he had spent some time in San Quentin. And God, his house was so disgusting. He had this apartment. There was no furniture in it. There was nothing in the fridge. One time I brought some weed to him and he pulled out a crack pipe to smoke it with me. That was the last time I ever smoked weed with him. I smoked weed out of a crack pipe. The bowl on a crack pipe is so fucking tiny.
Starting point is 01:01:43 It's like minuscule. But anyway, I hung out with him. No. And it just tasted disgusting. It smelled like I was, it tasted like I was smoking, burning hair,
Starting point is 01:01:53 burning plastic. It was fucking gross. But I hung out with this guy on the weekends all the time. And, and I would, I would usually like find him like in front of like the liquor store, like at, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:02:04 11 o'clock at night. And I'd hang out with him till three in the morning i would buy 40s and um all his friends thought that he was fucking me and he would tell me he's like hey you probably just want to go with it but all the dudes think i'm fucking you he didn't use the word fucking me he had some like prison term for it like i'm his something i forget what the term was i was like yeah what the fuck yeah okay i got pulled over by the cops one time leaving his house it was in the middle of the day and um it was albany police and like six cop cars surrounded my truck and they told me to get out of the car. So I get out of the car and I'm just standing there next to my truck and there's all these cops around me. And they're like, can we see your driver's license?
Starting point is 01:02:52 So I reach into the back of my truck and I get my backpack out and I open it up and there's four ounces of weed in there. And they're all there in one ounce bags, uh, not Ziploc bags, but like this kind of sandwich. It was, it was dirty mexican wheat so it was already dry so you didn't have to zip it it didn't matter like it wasn't losing weight it was those bags you know where you fold it over so i'm digging around in my backpack and i'm like oh i'm fucked and i pull my driver's license out and they spend 15 minutes searching my car and asking me questions they don't find anything and they put me in the car and they never searched my backpack it's like there is a god wow i know they could not figure out what i was doing there i mean fuck i don't blame them what the fuck was i doing there i was the only
Starting point is 01:03:40 fucking i'm a fucking 17 year old fucking or 16 year old kid from fucking the east bay from fucking like the walnut i go to school in walnut creek area pleasant hill area and i'm hanging out in the fucking ghetto i don't know what i was doing there i was like an anthropologist i was ahead of my time i just hang out and listen to stories it's, fuck, I was like a podcaster back then. You know, but there was just no viewers. There was only dirty Mexican weed when Seve was young. They don't have that anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Do you know what dirty Mexican weed is, Caleb? It has seeds and stems in it and shit. Caleb's connection is horrible. Caleb. And I would listen to Stevie B. Do you guys remember Stevie B? Caleb's gone. Caleb's fucked.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Do you know this Stevie B. Spring, spring love. I would listen to music like this. No, I don't know who that is. Do you know this song? No, I've never heard that song. Wow, and I had
Starting point is 01:05:04 two 15s in the back of my truck Look at that hair Oh god, this song was so good I didn't even know this song had a music video It's like pre-mtv probably right I didn't even know this song had a music video. It's like pre MTV, probably. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Uh, it says 1988. I was listening. Yeah. And that's before. Yeah. And this is what's crazy is, is this is,
Starting point is 01:05:43 it was 88. I was probably like a sophomore in high school wow uh christian kettler that's when joe was putting his seve in his truck i didn't see the canelo fight i was watching ufc brianna sorry i read about it though i read about it last night before i went to bed but i didn't see it look at blade i love that song yeah stevie b was shit god i can't tell you how that just made me feel god i love stevie b i might i might uh download that album make my kids listen to it. I had the Radio Shack 15s first, I think, and then I upgraded to Rockford Fosgates. You know what?
Starting point is 01:06:32 I don't even think I ever noticed really the difference. I think the Rockford Fosgate 15s were stiffer, and they required a larger amp to push them, but I never feel like I got... I feel like I never got more bass out of them. But I never feel like I got. I feel like I never got more bass out of them. Maybe it was the box I had. MTV started in 1981.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Yeah. Yeah. Caleb. Because I remember I was a little kid. When Thriller came out. And. And I think it was on. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:04 We didn't have MTV. You had to. It was like expensive back then. You had to like. You had to have cable or some't know we didn't have MTV it was like expensive back then you had to have cable or some shit you had to have a box to get it on top of your TV and we just had that coaxial cable that screwed into the back yeah subwoofer thank you
Starting point is 01:07:18 look at all the redheads coming out fuck I love my show look at this chick's fucking hair and then that other chick, Brianna. Where's her comment? Look at her hair. But by the way, redheads, like, that's a strong correlate. Like, they fuck on demand.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Like, generally speaking. They make fucking incredible mates. I don't know why, but I don't think there's any science on that but they're fucking the best if you can get a redhead jesus christ it's it's what you want i wonder if the dudes are the same way i wonder if redheaded guys are good okay oops sorry i didn't mean to out you. My bad. Here's another thing. If you want to know, you need a – now, this isn't – you don't need this, but you want a girl who can bring herself to climax by herself without toys. Oh, look, Olivia. Yes, they are. Yeah are yeah thank you appreciate the confirmation oh you have a redhead yeah okay i figured the redheaded dudes were good too oh no redheaded guy yeah yeah but who cares redheaded men are hot headed with terrible
Starting point is 01:08:39 temper the thing is is like i hear you but people who are crazy emotional once they get that under control they're like powerhouses that's where like all the success is that is like, I hear you, but people who are crazy emotional, once they get that under control, they're like powerhouses. That's where like all the success is. That's like where the real, that's manifestation energy. Once you get your emotions under control, if you're a crazy emotional person, you get that shit under control. And by control, I mean like you watch it and let it pass, man, that's where all the power is.
Starting point is 01:09:02 That's where all the people who are the best in the world at what they do is. I got a real emotional kid, and I'm like, ooh, man, once he gets a little older and I teach him mindfulness practices, he's going to be un-fucking-stoppable. And he's the quickest to cry, and he's fucking undefeated at jiu-jitsu tournaments. Just destroys people. He's learning how to control it a little bit then. Yeah, yeah. And really emotional people like that too i i noticed are usually um well i don't know if that's true but
Starting point is 01:09:33 my kid's just unafraid he he's he's and by unafraid i mean he's not even afraid he faces his fears so when he's afraid he's not even afraid of his fear. Like, he just faces it. He's like, oh, I'm going to. That's cool. Yeah, it's crazy cool. Oh, shit. Redheaded and Latina. Am I crazy?
Starting point is 01:09:56 No. But, fuck, I bet you that kazoo hums. Hey, that's Canelo. That's Canelo. Was she the one who asked about Canelo? That's right yeah i think she was yeah damn i bet you canelo for all the success he had he's pretty fucking cool okay uh paul saladino back i'm getting all riled up i only have 20 minutes left
Starting point is 01:10:19 our boy paul look at Paul. Here we go. Look at the difference between people in New York in 1930 and people on the street in New York in 2024. The 1930 video, everyone is fit. Everyone looks healthy. Obviously, it's colorized, but it looks like a freaking CrossFit convention in 1930. People are fit. They're healthy. They look vibrant. They're skinny by today's standards standards people in New York on the street in 2024. oh my God I mean there's a lot of obese people now almost 100 years ago we were so much healthier as a population what changed this is not rocket science we eat so much more ultra cool right processed hyper palatable food today over six of our diet is processed food full of seed oils corn corn, canola, sunflower, safflower, soybean, full of ingredients that make you crave these foods that sabotage your society.
Starting point is 01:11:08 So how do we get back to New York from 1930? There you go. Let's just go back to what our great-great-grandmothers ate in 1930. That's all we need. Unprocessed, unprocessed. Bye, Paul. Thank you, Caleb. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Stephen Flores, Brianna got a little Irish in her You think Canelo got a little Irish in him? Probably Alright Alright Jared Bernstein Click the YouTube video No, click the Wikipedia first This is going to fucking blow you guys away All right. Jared Bernstein. Click the YouTube video.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Oh, no. Click the Wikipedia first. This is going to fucking blow you guys away. You're going to be shocked and not shocked. But here we go. I hope my mom's watching this segment. Maybe I should click it, too, so as you – I can read it on my computer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:05 This is from Council council of economic advisors the council of economic advisors is united states agency with the executive office of the president established in 1946 which advises the president of the united states on economic policy he makes the economic report of the of the president The council is made up of its chairperson and generally two or three additional economists. Okay. Do you want to see who's head of the Council of Economics for Joe Biden? Yes. Okay. Go ahead and click the link below.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Is my mom in the comments? comments no i haven't seen her yet oh wait oh look there he is jared bernstein an american yeah okay go ahead go ahead and go to the instagram uh uh post the youtube oh sorry youtube post you can play the whole thing i don't give a fuck if i get dinged for this. You can just play this. Fuck it. Here we go, guys. This is the chairman of... This is the guy who gives fucking Biden all his economic advice.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Here we go. And if you're wondering why the country's in its current affairs, here we go. The U.S. government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. It obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing in a currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, why do we borrow our own currency in the first place? Like you said, they print the dollar. So why does the government even borrow? Well, I mean, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money and then it lends that money by selling bonds.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Is that what they do? They, yeah, they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right? Since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah, so a lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money
Starting point is 01:14:33 and then it uses that money to... So, yeah, I guess I'm just... I can't really talk. I don i don't get it i don't know what they're talking about like because it's like the government clearly prints money it does it all the time and it clearly borrows otherwise we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation so i don't think there's anything confusing there no you don't really so i'm gonna explain it to you really simply and there's gonna be some people who are gonna get really fucking pissed at this but this is why you don't want to tax the rich
Starting point is 01:15:15 and you don't want to tax the corporations because when the rich spend money, it comes to us, the regular folk. They pull up in their Bentley at the Four Seasons, and 20 people service them and work on them, take care of their car, park their car, keep their car clean, bring them food, bring them their jacket. And jobs are being made fucking everywhere, and people are rewarded based on merit, and then those people see that and get lessons in life, and then eventually they climb up and be rich. That's what happened to me. I had a paper route. I worked at a place called Drug Barn as a cashier.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Shit like that. I was so excited. I would be nice to people and I would get rewarded. When you give them, when you tax the corporations, all that fucking happens, the vast majority of that money just gets fucking blown and it's like it's like it's like feeding seagulls it's like feeding seagulls making wonder bread and feeding seagulls as opposed to taking care of the ocean where they can fish for themselves rich people do not waste money there's no such thing as money. You have to fucking get your head wrapped around it. The only thing that would be – the only thing – if you ever saw someone burning money like in a dumpster fire, that would be wasting money.
Starting point is 01:16:56 It only hurts the people down – it only hurts the people down the food chain. There's never been a society ever in the history of this planet that's taxed into prosperity. Think about that. There's never been a society that's been taxed into prosperity ever anywhere. Ever That's not what does it That's not what does it That was Jared Bernstein But guys But guys I know you're like
Starting point is 01:17:40 Who gives a fuck Money's flowing Things are good As long as our nuclear weapons are safe we should be fine as long as we have a good relationship with people who got all nuclear weapons we're good it's kosher look at hey dude just so you know you betray yourself when you say stuff like this because
Starting point is 01:18:06 your first comment um was a seven on your smoking crack and then it's um uh okay don't tax the uh don't tax the rich and don't tax the poor fine yeah but you betray yourself when you say that because you don't have an argument and you're exposing what what your um your uh pathology let me i was talking to someone the other day and i was trying to talk to them about um abortion and like is it really killing a baby or not and they could not stop talking about they always shifted the subject to it all falls on the woman and it was like hey that's not what we're talking about we can get to that but that's not what we're talking about but this this lady could not have the conversation because she was so caught up in some pathology that she had about women's rights and it was like
Starting point is 01:18:49 and and i was just like wow she's it's like um it's like someone who's so focused on putting the ladder up while the fucking building burns down they can't assess the situation for a second and be like fuck it i'm just gonna use the hose and put the fire out it's like they read somewhere hey the first thing you do when you show up to a fire is you put the ladder up and it's a fucking grass fire i mean it's just fucking nuts it's like yo dude we'll get to that there's a sequencing that has to happen in your thinking that makes it so you can have a discussion or or else you that that's what makes you an NPC. You don't have the proper sequencing.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Yeah, you're taking a little extreme. It's not it's not don't tax everyone. I'm not saying you don't tax corporations. I'm saying you don't change the tax from whatever it is now to whatever Biden's proposing to be to go from 22 to 44 percent or some shit. Because then all the corporations then move overseas. We all know this, for example. And then all the jobs leave the United States and who gets hurt? It's really not rocket science. Okay. But let's go on.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Let's look at the Wikipedia page. Let's look at this next Wikipedia page. Brace yourself, people. This one's fun. This one is really fun. Here we go. I'll This one is really fun Here we go I'll click it too This one's gonna fucking blow you away This is the
Starting point is 01:20:32 Wikipedia page of The Undersecretary of State For Arms Control and International Security And the current person sitting in that position is Monty Jenkins. Holy forehead. She also worked for – so let me tell you about her job. The Undersecretary of Arms Control and International Security.
Starting point is 01:20:56 In this capacity, the Undersecretary attends and participates at the direction of the president and National Security Council and subordinate meetings pertaining to arms control and nonproliferation and disarmament. Bonnie Jenkins is the current person holding this position. She grew up in the South Bronx. She has a Bachelor of Arts with a major in psychology and black studies. Oh no. You guys know that there's no science there, right? There's no science. Psychology is not a science. The first two steps of science are to observe and then measure. You know that none of that can be observed or measured. It's all just made-up it's all it's just surveys and she's the one in charge of regulation of arms
Starting point is 01:21:49 I'd like to pass out a thousand surveys and will those of you people tell me when you stop eating at night that's not that's not real measuring people anyway we shall go on she has a jurist doctor that's a law degree and a masters of public administration she has a jurist doctor that's a law degree and a master's of public administration
Starting point is 01:22:05 she's a doctor of philosophy oh my god uh she was pre-doctor fellow at harvard dude fellow at Harvard. Dude. Jenkins was selected as the U.S. Department of State's coordinator for threat reduction programs in the Obama administration by the Bureau of International Security. She went to the nuclear summit in 2012. In September of 2017, Jenkins was founded the nonprofit Woman of Color Advancing Peace and Security.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Hey, I would respect it so much more if it said, like, black chicks against bombs. It's a little cooler in november of 2020 jenkins was named a volunteer member of the joe byan presidential transition agency review team march of 2021 president byan nominated jenkins to be the undersecretary of state of arms control and international security affairs by the way she's uh grossly obese okay so that's that's the lady right that that's that now uh uh look at this instagram video of her here we go you're here representing support for a Palestinian state, correct? Yes, yes. Have you analyzed that support objectively? Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Who would you assess would lead that Palestinian state? You can name a group, but I'm saying Hamas, Palestinian Authority, Bata, some other group. Who would lead it? I think that has to be something that's considered. But I think I would have to have a little, I would, I don't, I don't feel comfortable saying that without. Have you not assessed what group would lead it? Have you, or have you not assessed who would become the leader of that Pell City? This is part of a larger discussion. Don't even say who it is.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Just answer. Have you assessed it? Have you assessed who would lead it? Put it this way. There, there will be an assessment. had you assessed who would lead it? Put it this way. There will be an assessment of the government
Starting point is 01:24:28 in terms of who we think. So you came here supporting something you have not assessed. I'm not in a position right now to say what that is because I think this is part of a larger discussion. Honestly, it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:24:38 When they say this is a part of a larger discussion, that's how you know they're absolutely retarded. This is a part of a larger discussion you don't even know what the discussion is you can't even like you can't even break it down into what you think it is it's a larger discussion you you don't go out and fucking drink like a fucking moron um the uh night before your sats even though i did if you care about your sats yeah that like
Starting point is 01:25:09 like that's the that we're back to the sequencing thing again interestingly enough she has all these opinions on what she wants to do over there in gaza but but she hasn't assessed anything there's no forward looking there's no she's getting drunk the day before um she has something important to do she she's the sequencing's all fucked her friend started crying to her about it saying that she needed to do something so she's like yeah i'm gonna do something and then she just walked into the room and said i'm doing something never said what never looked into it to begin with fucking crazy okay uh uh this is more important anyway what i'm about to show you next forget all into it to begin with. Fucking crazy. Okay. Idiot. This is more important anyway when I'm about to show you next.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Forget all that stuff I just showed you. Can you go up there and say, how big is your dick? Oh, good. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Here we go. This is a podcast. This is, when I see stuff like this, I'm so, I kind of, I'm envious because I wish my podcast
Starting point is 01:26:00 was more like this, but whatever. I'll get there. Here we go. How many inches is your dick? I don't know, but it's decent. It's decent. And I say that because I really
Starting point is 01:26:11 used to think I had a small dick because my little brother, I hate to say this, he going to kill my little brother, like 18 inches. So I used to think my dick was small. But I'm, you know, I'm blessed. I'm a ruler. How many inches?
Starting point is 01:26:28 Okay. Well, here's, what's crazy. I found his brother on the internet jumping rope. Here we go. Click the link below. I found his brother. Oh my God. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you.
Starting point is 01:26:44 I'm a ruler I know what a great line here we go here's his brother here we go oh my god fucking nuts oh my god
Starting point is 01:27:04 hey is that let me. Hey, is that... Let me see that dude's... Is that that dude's whole... That dude has a whole account? Yes. Wow, that's crazy. Damn, that dude's DMs must be crazy gotta be right oh my god
Starting point is 01:27:34 that's like unholy dude that's crazy let me see the one where he's balancing on that uh like that fire pole or whatever that thing is Jesus Christ you can see the outline of his helmet I can't believe he doesn't just fucking tape that thing down oh let me see the one with the flag wrapped around him
Starting point is 01:28:05 I want to see someone handle that thing Oh yeah that's exactly how I pictured Oh he's a stripper Oh he is yeah okay Holy shit Holy shit Get out of here Oh my god
Starting point is 01:28:23 That's a crossfitter for sure oh she's freaking her fucking boobs just fell out anyway there you go you can say you saw 18 inch cock today on the Sebon podcast there you go unbelievable let me see
Starting point is 01:28:41 um um bit of a bit of a pivot to uh Let me see. It's a bit of a pivot to... Oh, here we go. Here we go. My kids always... Okay, look at... It's mandatory.
Starting point is 01:28:56 My kids. Watch this. Watch this. I should have filmed the follow-up to this instead of just telling you. Okay, here we go. We're with Barron Trump. Barron's a very interesting guy, the son of Donald Trump, 6'7", 6'8". We're doing a podcast with Ryan Garcia. He stays there and he walks. He says,
Starting point is 01:29:11 let me walk you to your car. The son of a billionaire who's a president says, let me walk you to your car. He's working customer service. He walks us to our car and he's standing there until we get in the car to leave. He says, look, no matter what I do, no matter what my brothers do, no matter how much money we make, our success will never come close to what our father had to do because he really had the hard life, not us. We have an easy life. He just turned 18. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Like what a freaking stud of a kid to say something like that, right? Yesterday we were with Barron Trump. I showed that to my three boys. I saw that and I drug my three boys. I saw that and I drugged my three boys I was sitting on my bed and I saw this video I said hey boys come in the room. They come in the room march in there I play the video And ari my seven-year-old son
Starting point is 01:29:55 I show it to him and he goes what and I go. What did you see? And he goes I see a guy getting excited about something that he shouldn't be getting excited about and I'm like what do you mean the kid's fucking 7 right and he's like everyone should walk the guests out we always do that we always walk the guests out
Starting point is 01:30:15 and I was like yeah and he goes and I'm only 7 I said yeah that's fucking right that's fucking right. That's fucking right. My mom never leaves this fucking house without my boys walking her out to her car. As soon as it's here, we walk him out to his car. That's what you fucking do.
Starting point is 01:30:39 You walk your guests out to their car. You make sure they get in their car safely. Doesn't matter. You have to do that. If your kids aren't walking guests out to the car, the fuck you mean? You're impressed that an 18-year-old boy did that. My son just knew it.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I mean, I'm still impressed that Baron did it. I mean, it makes me happy. Like, Donald's raising him right. But like, for fuck's sake, if you're not doing that, start doing that. I don't care what they're doing. If they're in the fucking shower, they jump out and dry off and they walk grandma to the fucking car. That fucking lady birded me. How the fuck are my kids not going to walk her out to her fucking car?
Starting point is 01:31:20 Fucking nuts. But anytime anyone comes to the house, no matter what you're doing, you come in the room. Let's say if Sousa's there, you come in the kitchen where we're hanging out and you say, Hi, Sousa. Make eye contact with him. Give him a hug. Shake his hand. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Then you go back and play. Someone's in your house. Always hold the door open.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Yeah, you gotta hold the door open for people. All that shit But I was so happy that he knew it Now have them walk the lonely cart Back to the corral Alright I'm not perfect Alright love you guys see you guys soon Caleb thank you
Starting point is 01:31:57 Buh bye

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