The Sevan Podcast - Live Call In | We Know The Truth

Episode Date: March 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I'm not tired. I got really sick again. I don't know if I did. I was sick.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And then yesterday when I did the workout, bam, we're live. Yesterday when I did the workout, I thought I was fine. I mean, I felt. You know when you're sick but you're not sick? You're like, I feel great. I have symptoms but i'm like i don't everything feels good yeah yeah my eyes eyes weren't all squinty anymore but i last night at four in the morning i woke up and i'm like oh something's not right
Starting point is 00:00:55 i just blew my nose in the shower and all this blood clink came out oh i know i'm not a nose bleeder and I don't have the 49er. That's interesting. Maybe it was just dry or something. Yeah. Dry in your sleep. Dude, it rained at my house so hard last night. Yeah, it was crazy here too.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I mean, at one point I went outside. I'm like, what is going on? It felt like it was almost hailing. Yeah, the wind was nuts here. Grace is setting up like an obstacle course at the gym and inside of there. It sounded crazy. It's like a little tin roof and shit. You know, what's the deal with Livermore? You're in like kind of a wind tunnel, right? You're kind of in a little valley there. I mean, it's covered with windmills anyway, right? Yeah, it's coming just down off the Altamont Pass, too.'s like right into there into the valley god i'm so proud of last night's show it did awesome it was great i'm so proud of last night's show so yeah
Starting point is 00:01:58 man what a stud taylor yeah yeah unreal thank him and dallin or the fact that they did all that and and ask for nothing in return is crazy crazy i know dallin had to fly out there you know stay the night go go in someone else's gym as hard as he can yeah he's the fittest man in america so it's you know i mean he he acts cool but he's putting it on the line i mean you should be proud of his score sub six is insane oh i think he definitely was and i think he was stoked the fact that like uh um he got that fast and he got to go next to taylor who has the fastest time now you know crazy perfect for him i wanted to show you something that i thought was kind of important to talk about. There's this kind of a running joke here.
Starting point is 00:02:58 But let me see if I can hold it. Jeff Adler. He looks a little thicker than me. Refresh this a second so i'm gonna play this for you guys this is from uh hiller's instagram uh yesterday it's uh sporty beth and the first thing or bethany johnson whatever her name is bethany uh she says um it's funny when we call her sporty beth i feel like i'm making fun of her, even though that's her name, right?
Starting point is 00:03:25 That's what she wants people to call her. That's what she chose. Yeah. Yeah. That's funny. I feel like I'm being, you're being mean to her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Like it's facetious or something or sarcastic. Okay, here we go. Listen to this. I feel so sorry for this guy. It's never okay to comment on someone's body. How about Jeff Adler? He looks a little thicker than we've seen him.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Right? We saw him yesterday that was the first thing i noticed and we talked to his coach and porter caroline lambre and we asked him is he bigger and she said yeah he's a little chunky so i wouldn't call that chunky first of all i want kudos for uh hiller for letting this play out so that uh the lone ranger and annie can redeem themselves because if he had cut it there you know he could have cut it there and misrepresented but he didn't he let it play out so kudos to hillar for that if that's chunky i'm in trouble but i'll take like an example of like the person that we're talking okay but before we go there i just my stance on it i'm okay with the double standard this is going to be confusing for some of you
Starting point is 00:04:27 i'm totally okay with the double standard i i think that there's nuances between oh we'll come back to it hold on look who's here yo what's up dude what's up audio okay dude so good even better your face is good you were hurting last last night in that press conference, let's call it. Yeah, I am not going to be able to look at a perfect bar for a year. I think that's what it was. I had one an hour before. Dude, there's so much fat in those. The only other time I've thrown up from a workout was like seven years ago,
Starting point is 00:04:57 and I did a salt bike sprints after I had some almonds and cottage cheese, and the fat just – not a good idea. Hey, dude, in hindsight, when you reflect on that, like almonds and cottage cheese and the fat just not a good idea. Hey dude, in hindsight, when you reflect on that, um, what are your, like, you know, what are your thoughts just on anything, the night, the buildup, the actual workout, as you reflect on it, you had any reflections? Coolest part for me was our members getting to watch down, meet him. We have, you know, I mean, I saw the video of him playing with little kids that was dope we've i mean there are members here that have been here for 13 14 years that
Starting point is 00:05:32 watch spencer through his years of the games and they're just huge fans um so you know to be able to just have that really is huge to be able to you know put on a good performance for you um i'm so proud i'm so man just really appreciate the opportunity i think that uh truly was best case scenario for me sorry talon it was cool how how long before you the workout was like gone like before you were like oh i'm like after you were done you were like, oh, I'm Taylor. Like after you were done, you're like, I'm Taylor Self who just did a workout and it's fucked up. How long before you were just Taylor Self again? Oh, like an hour later, we were at dinner and I was fine.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I had tacos. Oh, so you ate. Yeah, I had three tacos at Condado Taco. Awesome place in Charlotte. I actually sent JR the address in Google Maps and i actually sent jr the address in google maps and we get there there's two in charlotte and i get there i'm waiting for five minutes i call him like where the fuck are you and he's like he's like you know what i didn't have the google maps app so i just searched it in iphone maps i think we went to the wrong one i'm gonna drive across
Starting point is 00:06:39 town but we had tacos it was good hung out um was cool. I am signed up for the Open, Christine Young, just so you know. For sure. Why? What did she say? Oh, is Taylor not signing up for the Open? Have you put your score in? No, I haven't. I'll probably wait, even though that video is public.
Starting point is 00:06:56 For everyone who goes, I hate when people gatekeep their scores. This is the thing. And what Dallin said last night is true when you know something's possible it makes it easier for you for you to do it like look at the sub four minute mile it was impossible one guy does it years later 10 guys do it now if you want a world record in the if you want to be good at running a mile sub four you have to be so just knowing something's possible makes it easier for you so all these little fuckers are probably going to go redo um watch that video whatever but no i'm not going to post it probably until monday because it is a bucket list item for me to win an open workout um oh that's cool
Starting point is 00:07:37 that would be that would be cool are they giving money away 2024 2024 i think it's whatever the year is oh fuck yeah dude that's uh i think that's a greg glassman throwback i think greg came up with that that's five that's five months of a car payment for my new car five months yeah yeah wait what is that 400 bucks wow wow is that that's yeah yeah that's yeah that's a cheap car payment that's good i like that good man yeah yeah checks out hey susan will your typical um uh gym goer be sore after they do the open workout oh yeah their back's gonna be that was a little sore i didn't think i would be sore at all my back's a little sore yeah yeah i mean obviously they're not putting in the intensity that taylor just did but in their own respective intensity they definitely are so i think uh
Starting point is 00:08:24 90 snatches will they'll be feeling it a little bit today and tomorrow oh interesting okay i i that taylor just did but in their own respective intensity they definitely are so i think uh 90 snatches will they'll be feeling it a little bit today and tomorrow oh interesting okay i i mean i mean i didn't finish the workout i don't feel anything i just feel like shit you gotta come down and do it in a gym the difference between you doing it with your camera set up at home and if you come down here to the gym and you do it with everybody when the music's cranking and everybody's all nervous and I'm there with the camera, you're going to go 10 times harder than you would at the house.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Oh, interesting. Okay. Uh, did you get that, uh, Taylor? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:54 you definitely, I, I, I watched the show back actually, but, um, I, cause I wanted to comment on something you are said,
Starting point is 00:09:01 I do a really good job of putting myself in a place. I don't think a lot of people can go when I'm alone. So when it's like cameras on you and everybody's around, you have somebody race against. It just makes it super easy to do that. And like, I'm normal. I quit workouts like their workouts. I start on literally their workouts where I'm like, I'm not going to go that hard, which is a form of quitting. And then there are workouts where I feel like I'm just stop.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I'm like, I'm not doing this today. So when the camera's on you, it makes it pretty impossible to do that for me. I'm like, there's no fucking way I'd rather die than be seen by anyone else. Do that. If it's just me,
Starting point is 00:09:41 you have nobody to disappoint. But if somebody else is there, if I'm training with a partner, I'm not stopping um well yeah for the most part but jr said on the show last night he was like i'm unique in that i can have come probably pretty high level of disregard for what it's going to feel like i was pretty proud of that i knew it was going to hurt and i got halfway through and it was really hurting and I was like, you're not fucking stopping, bitch. I basically had
Starting point is 00:10:12 zero intensity. I am not sore. I did not listen to music. Last night before I went to bed, I did 10 cals on the assault bike, 10 fucking, I don't know what you call them, tricep extensions, and six pull-ups for 10 rounds as i caught up on ufc videos so i worked out shirt by the way yeah they did a good job huh
Starting point is 00:10:33 dude i hope the backdrop looked okay and i'm gonna look great i'm gonna be in trouble because i was i was cutting the uh zip ties down this morning and i cut one of the banners but they sent a lot of them that was like half of what we used but my bad uh i i think they're really stoked you know it's interesting i was looking in um the that so that that video already has 14 000 views and so i went over to i went over to 24.1 to see how what crossfit games has and they have a million views and but i'm not even i know that people go there to um hear the announcement of the workout that's why they're going over there they want to hear what 24.1 is but also then i start reading the comments and the quality of comments are just so
Starting point is 00:11:16 different the group that's watching this show it's such an intimate show and the comments are like so well thought out and complimentary and those ones over there just like two yeah asshole comments the two two comments that stuck out to me the most um one last night i noticed it when i was on the stream someone was like damn i want to try sentinel training now so that like oh that's awesome yeah that's cool and then well you represented you represented sentinel training like a mofo right right? Um, yeah, you did. And then the other one was this lady goes right after that first commercial, she goes,
Starting point is 00:11:49 I just ordered a pair of one primitive savage ones. I was like, fuck yeah. That commercial was the, the, the tactical one. Nuts. That was so cool.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It reminded me of the movie act of valor. And that's like one of my favorite movies ever. Just such a bad-ass commercial. And someone put in the comments here uh savage ones versus the rad ones and i have completely truthfully i've not worn my rad trainers since i've gotten these to work out in except for rope climbs because i only have one pair of these and i don't want to fuck them up and they're already kind of dirty so you see see how dirty they are. I've had them for two weeks. That's how much I've worn them. They're fucking amazing. And also rad can suck a cock because two years ago when they, when they dropped, I liked at water Palooza, I like sent him a message. I was
Starting point is 00:12:39 like, Hey, like, I'd love to try your shoes out, whatever. I just maybe won the swim workout or something. So it wasn't like I was a total nobody. I was kind of a nobody. And maybe a douchebag thing for me to do to ask for a pair of shoes. But I was like, is there anything I could do in exchange for you guys sending me a pair of shoes? They just read it and didn't respond. So you know what, Rad? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And I hope they get zero views with Talking Elite Fitness. Your guys' head-to-head matchups are gonna uh when when do those show when i thought they were gonna post their shit last night i was so kind of excited to go head to head no idea it was kind of this is funny asymmetric ears do you know who i am yeah you know who i am you know you know you know i'm gonna be after they left me on red i was was like, I don't blame them. But no, I love the Bournemouth. Do you like a wide toe box?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Is that your deal? Dude, they're amazing. They are so comfortable. The only thing I was a little worried about is the shoelaces. I double knotted them a ton because on my other shoes, I taped the laces. Because if they come undone in a workout, that's like all your fault and anything to cause that. But I didn't tape the laces. I double knotted them um so comfortable how about the stepping back thing uh taylor and
Starting point is 00:13:51 the burpee yeah yeah three two one go um someone in the comment says hey they didn't have their back to the barbell and um i yeah will kind of unfuck them will's like yeah they just didn't turn around they took a step back whose idea was was, uh, I asked someone if we could do that. Someone, oh, Bryson, when I was warming up. So like if I, if the dumbbell, if I was standing behind the dumbbell right now, and this metal piece is my dumbbell, uh, Bryson was like, don't even turn around, just reach through your legs and grab the dumbbell. So I like fucked around with that.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And then I was like, oh, can I just step back? And he was like, I think so. And I told down, I was like, Hey, can I just step back? And he was like, I think so. And I told down, I was like, Hey, we're stepping back. We're not turning around. Cause I don't think it said anywhere in the standards that we had to turn around.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It just says, start with your back facing the dumbbell at three, two, one, go begin your dumbbell snatches. So we stepped back and all the little ding dongs doing a little loopy jump. And sorry,
Starting point is 00:14:40 you're not as smart as me. If you followed my training program, you you've now. Yeah. That's a G move. Those insights. Hey, do you guys, do you know if Yeah, that's a G move. You'd have those insights. Hey, do you know if that – what happened to the people during the open announcement? Was their score valid?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Open announcement? Oh, because they didn't start with their – I heard they got three seconds put on, but I don't know if that's true. Yeah, invalidate their score so they can go redo. Jeff still won't beat that. No chance. Hey, isn't that interesting? There's all these videos out. Everyone's put out a video tips for uh 24.1 but i think that's the best tip i've heard right there um i would
Starting point is 00:15:13 disagree i think if you step back over the dumbbell this is my biggest tip if you are going to have trouble completing the workout in under 10 minutes you think you're going to be over 10 minutes or struggle to even finish it, break the dumbbell snatches from the start. And I would go eight, seven, six on the first set of 21s, eight, seven, six on the second set of 21s, then nine, six, nine, six. And then whatever you have on the last, I think breaking the dumbbell snatch up and taking two deliberate breaths between each set. So you do a set of eight, set it down one, two, pick it back up. Go is the way to go go and that would probably give you the best
Starting point is 00:15:46 outcome and step back burpees i broke all mine up but i but i kind of almost went to like failure i got to like 14 on the first set and i was like uh-oh bryson's here oh nice oh nice hey did how what did he say what did he think about your your performance? Can we – let's see. Yeah, totally. Okay, cool. Bryson, what did you think of that, dude? Were you surprised he got that time? Were you surprised Bryson got that time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Hell no. I was telling everybody. I was in the chat. Like the whole time he was warming up, I was like, hey, guys, Taylor's about to lay his dick on the table. I'll show you guys. Yeah, and I was telling jason before uh i told i told jason before they were both gonna go sub six and he was like dude you don't even know how hard that is and i was like
Starting point is 00:16:34 i know but they do jason before the workout was like oh i did it earlier um but i'm not gonna tell you my time because i'm not gonna give you you any help. And I was thinking to myself, I was like, he really thinks that him telling me his slow ass time is what I'm about to do. Yeah. Would have built your confidence that you could beat him. He didn't want to. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Or would have slowed me down. I know that it's a lot to ask a gym owner to bring in all those cameras to stay open, to let people, you know, extra 60 people come in or 80 people come in and use your shitter, make a mess, all that. How did, how did Andy's,
Starting point is 00:17:13 and he's been around the block. He's seen it all. He's probably not too excited by this kind of shit. How did Andy take it? I should buy him something to thank him. He really loves it. There's like's like one everybody the community loves it like one thing that i think we do better than most affiliates is our group of competitive people and like me and and or sorry our group of competitive people and like everyone who takes class are all really close and it's not like these two cliques. They really support the competitive group and are like attached to it. Andy's a hard ass, so they don't disrespect anything.
Starting point is 00:17:50 It's all class comes first. So they know that. And it's just a really good group. So when something like this happens, the whole community like galvanizes, they get behind it. They all show up. Everybody's drinking beer, hanging out. He loves it. And, you and you know i mean he took spencer through eight games right individual appearances like from through that gym that's
Starting point is 00:18:11 the gym that spencer took wow through that gym to start you know i think initially honestly i think spencer was doing handstand push-ups in the bathroom of app state because they wouldn't let him do it in the rec center so like that's what he's coming from so he just because it's dangerous it's dangerous to do handstand push-ups i don't know don't mess the walls up probably but he just loves the sport so he loves everything about the methodology of the sport that's the coolest part about working for him because he both sides of it and the fastest ever bryson how was taylor to the build-up as the days got closer did you see any change in him like could you could you feel him getting a little anxious uh he was definitely anxious like just a lot of like pacing and asking like you know changing his mind i think we talked i think we decided on step up burpees or jump up burpees
Starting point is 00:18:57 like seven different times like oh and we'd be like okay yeah i'm gonna step up and then 30 minutes later he'd be like dude i just don't know i don't know and he'd be like all right let's jump up he's like all right i'm then 30 minutes later, he'd be like, dude, I just don't know. I don't know. And he'd be like, all right, let's jump up. He's like, all right, I'm going to jump up. That's it. I'm done with it. And then he'd walk away. And then 30 minutes later, he'd come back for another conversation. I was tripping on how anal he got.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So we would be like, we would be talking to him and organizing it. We're like, okay, we're going to bring an extra cameraman. He's like, I'm not going to be responsible for that extra person. He knows about that fight, dude. I'm like, Jesus Christ, there's going to be eight. I would text Will on the side. I'm like jesus christ there's gonna be eight i would text will on the side i'm like what's going on he's like let's not fuck with him he's he's tripping yeah i mean i don't know and then also one more thing the start time he's like
Starting point is 00:19:33 it's gonna be at 5 15 we're like yeah he's like on the dot like uh-huh he's like no no 5 15 like on the top motherfucker he started getting like really uh precise and controlling and i was like oh he's he's feeling it it's going down before they went taylor like when me and will were trying to figure out what was wrong with the audio last night yeah um taylor came up to me and he was like hey let me know when we're like two minutes like two minutes from going i was like okay and then i was like damn i really didn't want that responsibility because it's gonna be like 90 seconds from going and then i'm gonna have to go tell him and then he's gonna be like fuck dude i thought it was gonna be too i had to get my lactate buffering correct you know the thing about it is hey you know why because taylor gives his wife a two
Starting point is 00:20:19 minute window before he lets go you got two minutes, listen, you got two minutes. You better start working up. 20 at least. Anyways, the reason why is a lot of camps, like there's someone to take care of all that stuff. And at our gym, it's 100% personal accountability. It's always my job to set up my camera, set up my tape lines, set up where I'm going, set up the clock, tell up my tape lines, set up where I'm going, set up the clock,
Starting point is 00:20:46 tell everyone when it's starting. So I feel like when I'm taken away from that and like, there's all this other stuff going on and there's still not anybody leading that. And not that somebody wouldn't, but I don't want to put that pressure on them any more than what I asked them to do. And if they fuck it up, then I'm so pissed at them. what I asked him to do. And if they fuck it up, then I'm so pissed at them. So I would just, I'd rather just do it myself and not be mad at anybody. So that's why I get stressed out is I feel like I've, you know, I don't know. It's probably a defect. I would say. I was also thinking this was a lot of stress on you too, because it is your home gym and you're a coach there. So you're like, fuck, there's other things you're thinking about.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Are those clients happy? Yes. Make sure we clean the bathroom before we leave tonight who's gonna do that like were you able were you ever able to let go and just be like i'm here to compete or no yeah yeah i'm able to i'm able to at some point but like leading what was tough yesterday like our heat started at 4 p.m and like i've got four hours to go so i'm trying to just lay down at the gym and not like have this anxious energy just sat me. And like, meanwhile, people are doing the open. I'm like, damn, I should be judging people. I should be cheering them on a little bit of that. Um, also the, the responsibility of feeling like, you know, it is Andy's gym, but you know, me and we're, I'm a big part of it.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And I always try to be a really big part of new people who come in. And like, I want them, I want the first impression to be amazing. So that's like the, the responsibility I feel more than anything is I want everybody watching, like to see the gym and be like, wow, that's an awesome place.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Anybody who came in and there were like a good handful of people who I'd never seen before there that were not members of the gym, which was cool. But I want them to have a good first impression. And so I feel stuff like that. Jeez Louise. Lance needing. I beat seven on age 53.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Thank you. I appreciate it. How about John Young? 41 seconds off of my time. Thank you. I appreciate it. How about John Young? 41 seconds off of my time. His prediction. I think he's going to hang up the hat on his expert analysis game. He did.
Starting point is 00:22:53 He retired. You didn't see his post on his Instagram. A little bit of embarrassment. How about Don Fall getting a 10-0-3? Dude, that's... Yeah. I made fun of John a bit for that. I think... I don't blame him. It's hard to yeah, I made fun of John a bit for that. I think – I don't blame him. It's hard to know what I'm capable of because I'm a nobody, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Sporty Beth beat Sevant. My God. No, she didn't. Sporty Beth's getting capped. All right. So next week we – Jason Hopper. Bryson, are you his right-hand – are you Taylor's right-hand man, right-hand brain? I don't know which hand he used to jerk off.
Starting point is 00:23:32 For the next two weeks. Bryson, what do you think? Will he go just as hard? Do you think Taylor scarred at all from that? No, I would say the most impressive thing about Taylor, I've said this before since like being here and training every day with him, obviously like his fitness level is impressive. But the thing that is crazy is every piece is like a hundred percent capacity. Like there's a difference between a hundred percent effort, like on a bad day, you're still putting in a hundred percent effort.
Starting point is 00:24:03 That just might be like a lower level maybe it's less weight lower score slower time whatever but it's like it doesn't matter if he's having a bad day like he'll find a way to get 100 capacity out of it and then maybe pay the price after like last night when he was throwing up for 20 minutes right but it's like that's what and it's annoying too because i'll come in feeling like shit. And then like I know I hit like 70% and it feels like a one-hour max. I'm like, oh, come on, bro. And then he's just over there like hitting PRs after he was just telling me about how he slept three hours.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Right. So he makes it happen. Is he going to put it to Hopper next Friday? 100%. Yeah. That's going to be a fun one. The shit is he going to put it to hopper yesterday? Uh, next on, uh, next Friday. Yeah. That's going to be a fun one. Shit. Talk is going to be epic. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Hey guys, thank you so much for coming on Taylor. Thanks. You, you, you absolutely showed up. Thanks. Uh,
Starting point is 00:24:56 Sentinel training obviously is working. Bryson. Thank you. You guys absolutely showed up. Thanks, man. Thanks guys. Have a good one.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Taylor self Sentinel training, Bryson Del Monte, training partner. Crazy. That was nice of them to come on. Yeah, that was. Man, he was hurting. How come these ones aren't working? Oh, there it goes. He was hurting last night.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I was re-watching it on the big screen. I had it playing and stuff at the gym. I was like peeking in on it. But I was watching it last night on TV when i got home that was crazy you just sit there in such pain and you're asking him great questions but i was like this dude can't answer any of these torched right now torch you're just like torched and we all know that feeling we all know that feeling every everyone uh barry mcgogner seven what's up with this cough everyone in my town was sick last month and i thought i had dodged it like all my kids everyone i know everyone was hurting almost like it was like a combination between a not like flu sick but like a combination
Starting point is 00:25:54 between a cold and like allergies everyone's eyes were fucked up and then last week uh just hit me like i just i my uh it didn't go to my lungs at all, but my nose is just not working. It's just closed. Closed nose. The nose is closed. It's all that cloud seeding they're doing over there. Maybe. I can't believe how much it's raining.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Okay. I'm going to play this video again, but I want to say something, and maybe we'll see what Susan thinks. I'm perfectly okay with double standard. There's nuances to how you talk about women and how you talk about men. I'm perfectly, perfectly okay with double standard. There's ways that I talk to, maybe parents treat their sons and daughters different.
Starting point is 00:26:40 There's ways I talk to my male friends different than I talk to my girlfriends. I told you guys about how I was on this text thread uh travis bajan sent me a text about about his something about his son i can't remember what and i said um uh i said yeah he's killing it dude just make sure he don't drop a load in anyone and get him pregnant or something like that and then and then i and then i saw katie katie henniger was on the thread oh no i'd have never said that with a girl on the thread message unsent yeah not not enough oh shit i should have done that that would have been great and then or just edited it like changed it make
Starting point is 00:27:20 sure he doesn't get some nice young lady and too involved with some nice young yeah and it's like there's just it's just different so so i'm i'm okay with that i'm okay with that but also along those lines there's nuances of like hey if you're a professional athlete um uh i mean if we saw fat formula one driver, we would talk about it, but, but also there's no, there's no athlete. Um, there's, there's no at that level that every athlete needs to know and whether they do or not, I know they're just people, none of, no one's calling any of them fat. They're just different. They're different sizes. They have their thicker season and their unthicker season.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's the race car. Right. It is the race car. Right. It is the race car. You're right. So let me play this for you here real quick. It's not a big deal, but it's just fun. It's not a big deal at all, but I enjoy it because it's fun. It's weird that some people fall off the edge on this.
Starting point is 00:28:21 It's not even like walking a fine line. It's a broad landscape, and no one should be getting their feelings hurt okay here we go i feel so sorry for this guy it's never okay to comment on someone's body not true at all always okay to comment on someone's body never okay to comment on someone's body it's all it's always okay um that's that's just why would you have a rule like that in your life but there's nuances you're going to keep the there's nuances and there and there's and there's double standards and i'm okay with that but it's perfectly okay to look at pakowski's body right here and type in the chat whatever you want to say about it my god he looks yeah perfectly fine there's nothing even even a tiny
Starting point is 00:29:04 bit uh wrong with it holy crap her tits are huge you whisper to your friend as a girl walks by it's it's i would never do that because personally it's never okay to comment on a woman's body it's perfectly uh yeah okay oh my god i can't believe how broad his shoulders are oh my god i just don't look at anything or it's crazy that adrian bosman weighs 165 because he looks like he weighs 180 it's crazy yeah my dad thought it was a crossfit games athlete yeah he's so fucking wide this way but narrow this way he looks like a fighter okay here we go about jeff adler he looks a little thicker than we've seen right we saw him yesterday that was the first
Starting point is 00:29:41 thing i noticed when we talked to his coach and partner, Carolyn Lambre. And we asked her, is he bigger? And she said, yeah, he's a little chunky. So I wouldn't call that chunky. That guy is a genetic beast lobster. But I'll take an example. So that's fine. I'm perfectly okay with that.
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's just funny to point it out because that's coming from the woke crowd. And they have all these rules. But do you have any issues with what they said none whatsoever yeah me neither yeah and and and as a viewer i actually appreciate it okay so i'm starting to think okay he's coming into the open maybe he is five pounds heavier because he's been working on strength and then he's going to lose that last five and get to almost emaciated status before the games right yeah and i mean there's still just incredible specimens of humans. It doesn't like they're all if they get a little thicker, if they get a little, you know, like you said, it's just. Yeah. And Dan Guerrero, I was I wasn't one of these guys, but yes, most guys like to be called big.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yes, I agree. I think most guys I know do have like that. They want to be seen as big. I agree. I think most guys I know do have like that. They want to be seen as big. Yeah. Okay. And so here we go. So, uh, and then this is, uh, the great Danny Spiegel. Here we go. Well, of like the person that we're talking about in his recent podcast decided that it was appropriate to first of all, completely inappropriate not to say who you're talking about. Like, like just say it's cowardice shit i fucking hate that it drives me i don't know it's commented on before but fuck i hate that shit it's worse than coward it's just like weird it's a holier than now it's like we're too good to even say the name no you guys look like freaking idiots and now you've fallen so far behind we're casting
Starting point is 00:31:18 such a huge shadow on you that it's you're almost irrelevant so if i were you i would spice it up and i would start saying shit by name so people click and watch yeah by the way danny you should come on the show we could be good friends i know okay here we go during my competition at rogue the one thing you wanted to talk about the one thing i wanted to talk about so that's already a lie because i gave her 99 compliments about was that my clothes weren't fitting properly. Her clothes. I did. There's no,
Starting point is 00:31:49 there's that's perfectly okay. I don't think her clothes were fitting. Probably. I don't think Hiller shorts fit properly. Andrew, Andrew shorts don't fit properly. Andrew and Danny have the same problem. They,
Starting point is 00:32:01 they go to the store and they buy everything. One size too small. And we've commented on Andrew short several times. Yeah. So, but, but that, but what bugs me is that if there's anything that bugs me about this,
Starting point is 00:32:14 it's that she's saying the one thing it's like, dude, I, I think you're fucking absolutely amazing. I can't believe your body's even a real human body with a vagina and boobs. You know, it's like, it's got, it's got, it's crazy. And to me, it doesn't like, it doesn't bug me. It's like, okay, well that was rude, but it was not rude.
Starting point is 00:32:39 How about just thank you? Oh shit. Or how about just like, no, it doesn't. It fits fine. Whatever. That dude, Bryson Del Monte. He's the guy who wears shirts too big. Mm-hmm. Yep. He's wearing his dad's shirt.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I look fabulous. You're like, you're looking homeless. You did look fabulous. And I did look homeless. Now, this is the part that I thought was pretty funny. Here's the thing. I'm going for that homeless look. I want people to think like i'm a wise man i'm going for that like barefoot disheveled don't care um seven guru yeah thank you thank you that i'm enlightened yes i want you to think that i'm like oh my god he's so wise look at look how shitty he looks but here's the thing does she know and i'm and i'm and i'm i'm open to being wrong but does she know that her look is the cover of a 1980s porn box remember when you had to go in the back of the room at the video place to see porn i never went back there i was scared i was scared i would what if someone saw me go back there but her instagram
Starting point is 00:33:51 account you could pick any picture and put it on like some sort of 1980s skin and max soft porn box does she know that's what she's going for i'm not and i don't have a problem with that but but i do know that i'm going for the homeless look and so that's the distinction i'm not defensive when someone says that i look homeless i'm like okay like i need to turn it up maybe just a little bit to more wisdom and less homeless grow my grow my beard a little longer but whatever it's the fact that other women young women might listen to this and be like oh my god he thinks that she doesn't have clothes that fit her properly that she is fat now that's the leap she's saying because i say that her shirt doesn't fit her that someone can construe that as i'm calling her fat i mean when she i heard that
Starting point is 00:34:45 i guess i forgot that from the first time i heard it that's a fucking what a leap i can't say anything then because anyone could read into anything i say yeah but potentially be harmful to this unknown group of people that's an amazing leap yeah i so so it's interesting philip kelly says she's so toxic yeah you don't want people planting those seeds in your head let's say i was calling let's say that was my way of passive aggressive calling her fat which it absolutely was not i've never even for a second thought danny spiegel was anything except perfect her physique overweight therefore because i don't look like that i must be absolutely overweight and this is
Starting point is 00:35:27 how this whole culture dude anyone who looks at you doesn't think that they're overweight anyone looks at you thinks they're underweight i don't know how you made some fucking crazy leap sure women with eating disorders and body dysmorphia and body hatred like hey that's just part of growing up everyone's tripping on their bodies when they're growing up that's just part of growing up different degrees of course but like this is how it gets propelled and this guy is in a space of fitness where a lot of women are just trying to enhance themselves and like i'm sure so many people listen to that and they were like dang
Starting point is 00:36:01 i feel sorry no no one was listening to that They're listening to you and going, dang. Well, what happens if we go over to Danny Spiegel's Instagram? What is she portraying that young women do? Oh, I see. She wants to overshare their bodies to get down into very small underwear, sports bra and thongs, and show it in a very seductive way. And then for Halloween, i want to put a pumpkin on my head and have a leash around another grown man's neck so if you're gonna take what the fuck do you want to have happen because in my opinion it just sounds like she is really confused and
Starting point is 00:36:37 surrounded by a bunch of yes people and i'm not and by the way and by the way i'm not i'm not i don't have a pro the the the wearing the shirt too small is a joke. It's supposed to be funny because there's some truth to it. But I don't have any problem with the way she portrays herself. I don't – if she's happy, I'm happy. I don't care that she's going for the 1980s porn box look. I'm not – Yeah, but don't become – then don't try to act like you're
Starting point is 00:37:05 the defender of young women in in body and you're going to protect everybody from these potential harmful thoughts that they might have because that's not what you're doing either so she's saying that when it suits her to say it when she feels offended and wants to be angry and take that out on somebody but then on the flip side of that her actions don't show that at all on somebody but then on the flip side of that her actions don't show that at all uh uh yes she's part of the nothing to see here group i want you to see reality the way that i see it and if you don't you must be an evil person you must be mansplaining because i want it to be this way i think she has used that word before yeah i, I know the bill. I know the type. We could bring up a handful of topics,
Starting point is 00:37:48 and I could tell you Danny Spiegel's position on every single one of them. Right. It's cliche as shit. Yeah. It's low-level intellect. Not to her fault, but it's low-level intellect. And there's no... With crazy leaps.
Starting point is 00:38:04 With crazy disconnected leaps. Well, you have to make the leaps like that because otherwise the puzzle pieces aren't going to fit. I can't find the photo, but someone sent me a photo of the – I guess the Nobles having issues at the NFL. I guess all their shirts, the lettering is peeling off. That doesn't sound like them at all. That's so weird. I figured when they were to advance the relationship to a larger crowd, somehow all the problems would be fixed. Go faster and harder, right? If you have bad
Starting point is 00:38:34 movement. And earlier you were saying like a double standard. I don't think, I don't know if that's the right choice. I don't view men and women as, as equal. Okay. Because when I am walking with my wife or when we were walking at the ranch with, with your mom, yeah, we're protective of them. But we're going down that Hill.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Both of us were like, Hey, watch your foot footing here. And then she ended up just leaning up against leaf and he just kind of like slowed it. So she could, that's not, yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:04 that's not equal. Like, no, no offense, but i'm not doing that our ages aren't equal either if you're 80 or 50 or 20 or 15 you're not going to be treated equal right right when my kids are running down the stairs i pulled to the side i don't want to get knocked over that's right or if i if i see if i see a woman and a child walking to a out of the grocery store and i just saw two idiots steal a bunch of shit i'm going to stand there for a minute i'm going gonna watch the mom and kid get into their car right right to make sure these knuckleheads don't go over there and mess with them because if they do right i'll go over there and help out but if it's you i'm not even giving it a second look i'm like oh those dudes sold some shit i hope that guy's paying attention otherwise he's gonna be next and i'm in the store
Starting point is 00:39:38 and and if i have a guest on the show if i saw taylor on the show like yesterday i'm like damn taylor's looking thick i'm not i'm not going to word it like that for a girl. Right. And I'm okay with that. And if someone says you have a double spandered, I would be like, you're right. I do. I'm also okay with that. I'm more protective.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm going to be more gentle around you. I'm going to use different vernacular that I would like to be a little more sensitive to the way that you're taking in the information, all of that. But I'm also not going to crush someone if they fuck it up. I'm also not going to judge someone if they were, if i'm also not going to judge someone if they were if someone had been like damn gazan's looking thick i'm not like oh right fuck i don't i still i don't it's it's on them it's like three young girls at eating disorder now yeah i don't like well now not because they did look thick right here i'm so excited look at look at here's the shirt that's pretty bad dude fuck that's just an iron-on so they just print a bunch of noble
Starting point is 00:40:34 shirts and then just try to like iron whatever the letters and numbers are onto it i don't know how shirts work that's not supposed to happen damn yeah oops uh oh wait hold on when men and women are not equal god made women from men men are the protectors of women and women are the givers of life like you guys have something that we wouldn't exist without you like and i just don't know why this whole like equal thing needs needs to like happen like i don't think they should be anybody should be treated less than for any reason but it's just not it's not the same well in us not being the same that's another way to say we're not the same doesn't mean that we don't we shouldn't have equal rights no but i'm not
Starting point is 00:41:20 talking i'm not talking about i know political socio-political policy here right you know i'm not all you're talking about biology i'm talking about biology i'm talking about human nature and i'm talking about human interaction right dude you are gonna absolutely clarify you are gonna absolutely love this uh this guy was on the show i wish i could remember his name i gotta have him back on this guy keeps getting younger and younger this is a a little long, but I'm telling you, this is worth it. You guys are going to absolutely love this. Here we go. The story goes back to the 1700s and a banker named Mayor Rothschild. And he made an amazing discovery that there was more wealth lending money to governments than individual people. And to stay with me, because this will explain why Gen Z can't afford anything.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Rothschild would have five sons who he would send to five different countries across Europe to start central banks. Germany, Austria, England, Italy, and France. And by the early 1800s, the Rothschild family was funding both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, which was the real World War I. And funding both sides of wars would become part of the business model. Well, Napoleon would be defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. And the Rothschilds had gotten the news before everyone else. They knew that England won the war. So they start selling off all their English war bonds and they make sure everyone could see them do it. And when everyone saw the Rothschilds selling their bonds,
Starting point is 00:42:57 they started to sell theirs. They assumed that the Rothschilds had information that England was going to lose the war. And when everyone started selling their war bonds, the Rothschilds bought them back for pennies on the dollar. And later that week, when everyone else found that England won the war, the Rothschilds basically owned the country. And as Nathan Rothschild said, give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws. The business model had become to get governments and people into debt. And when the Rothschilds saw a young America, they saw opportunity. And in 1816, they found their way into American central banking with
Starting point is 00:43:38 the second bank of the United States. And your money would be worth even less today if Andrew Jackson hadn't come along and saved the country. He started what are known as the bank wars. He balanced the budget, paid off America's debt, and ended the charter of the second bank of the United States. And although an assassin was sent after Jackson, he would miss both shots and Jackson would proceed to beat him with a cane. That's why Jackson is on the $20 bill. They're mocking him and they're mocking you and me. But 77 years later the Rothschilds would take control of the American banking system with the
Starting point is 00:44:15 passage of the Federal Reserve Act. That's what this book is about. It gave a small group of powerful bankers a monopoly over the printing of the American dollar and for every dollar they, they're paid back at interest. This is why the 16th Amendment was passed that same year, 1913. It established the federal income tax for the first time in American history. When they print this money, they get paid back at interest with our tax dollars. That's fucking wild oh what you know what's interesting too the the rothschilds that original guy i wish i could remember the city it was
Starting point is 00:45:02 it's some european city but the jews weren't allowed to live in the city imagine imagine now today if you were like hey blacks can't live in this city mexicans can't live in this city so the jews weren't allowed to live in the city they were just they were considered less lesser people god i wish i could remember if it was somewhere in hungary budapest maybe it was budapest maybe it was budapest and the jews weren't allowed to live in the city so they were put outside the city walls that's where they had to stay and inside the city walls there was no money lending allowed and so the jews were almost forced to go into that business because it was a business that
Starting point is 00:45:44 could be done outside the city walls and that's how they that's how the roth almost forced to go into that business because it was a business that could be done outside the city walls. And that's how the Rothschilds got into lending money. Because they were the oppressed, they were put outside the city walls, and they overcame because there were laws that were inside the city walls that didn't apply outside the city walls, and they became moneylenders. And they took advantage of it. Wow. Yeah. Interesting. But it's so bad to be oppressed it's fucking amazing right yeah and the jews are really resilient fucking people people are just resilient in general unless you take unless you
Starting point is 00:46:17 take that power away from them and you want to continue to limit their argued uh hey so so the implications i don't even know if what he said is true but the implications man uh man the implications are gnarly uh get land and hold on to it well it's kind of like uh what you were saying the analogy you always use about the stoplight, right? Red means stop because we all agree it means stop. Right. The bigger, more powerful constraint there is money is valuable because we all agree it's valuable. Right, right. But do we need that for a functioning civilization, don't we? Some agreement on things? don't we um you need a meet of a mean of exchange yeah but it doesn't need to funnel like in the
Starting point is 00:47:08 same larger system that it is now okay i do like the fact that though we can see it like the fact that like i heard trump say the other day he will not allow digital currency in the united states like i i do not want it so the government can see every single fucking action and control ship because they'll they'll just turn off our money to control us. How is that different than right now? I don't know. I got a big old stack of cash under the mattress. Until that value drops out. Is there a solution to that or are there some things we just have to be able to agree on for functioning civilization?
Starting point is 00:47:37 I mean I think that there's some things that, yes, you're going to have to agree on. But I also think that there's ways to set things up to make sure that there's checks and balances, like used to be with our government here. On the flip side of this, check this out. This is interesting. This guy poses as a black and white thing, but I think that there's a way bigger picture here. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Our problem is not remotely racism. Our problem is freedom. If you look at most of what we do, and you understand it's driven by this anxiety. Look at what happened the moment they passed the 64th Civil Rights Bill. Within months, Stokely Carmichael was screaming black power. The idea that your identity is your power. We just had won a civil rights revolution saying, no, we're citizens of a democracy. We have freedom. That's our power. We didn't have faith in that. It scared the hell out of us. So right away, we grab identity and we make a big deal about being black and being black as you look my hair was out to here my father would say what what's the word identity what's that what why can't you just be a citizen well we black people have begun to use race to hide out from the challenges of freedom
Starting point is 00:49:01 our problem he's not talking about black people he's talking about all people he's talking about that's a huge distinction between the left and the right the left does not want to be free they are terrified they're terrified of freedom yeah they're they're absolutely terrified of freedom they they they want to be taken care of don't forget also the southern this the south the south truly believed that the north was wrong because that if you set the blacks free they would die and the south had like hey we have to take care of them they can't live on their own they'll die that that was they really fucking believe that and they thought the north was abusive they not only thought that the blacks had to be taken care of they thought all farmers had to be taken care of they thought farmer even the northern farmers were too stupid to take care of themselves regardless of color crazy not much
Starting point is 00:49:51 has changed huh no no hasn't changed at all at all it hasn't changed at all yep and the crazy part is is like in order to have more, you have to be willing to sacrifice your security. You can't have both. Right. Right. And so many people, so many people want both. They want to feel. What's an example of that? What's an example of that? An entrepreneur, somebody who's going to step out and start their own business versus somebody who's just going to go work for, be a clog in a corporate machine. Right. You hate your job. You can't can't stand you know the alarm goes off fuck i gotta deal with this nine to five i'm gonna go in there hopefully there'll be some cool people that i'll talk to today but this job sucks i just can't wait for the weekend and then someone comes up and they go hey what would you really want to do i'd i really just want to write children's books it's been a hobby and a passion of mine for forever like hey why don't you start to do that i can't i don't know you know what if what if, what if, what if I got a, dude, that's Cooper's story. Chris Cooper told me that his parents were teachers. They, they now, you know, are retired in Florida. He lives in Canada and,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and they wanted him to be a teacher so that you could have a 401k and retire. And he wanted, and he wanted to be an entrepreneur. And most people are like that. I've had conversations with people at the gym and like, especially when I first started and they would see me there really late at night. Like they were leaving to the last class and I just started getting ready, putting stuff up. And I knew I'd be in at five 30 in the morning. And somebody like, man, this is so much like, aren't you like, what if it doesn't work out? I'm like, yeah, what if it doesn't work out? Like, well, I could never do that. I couldn't even sleep tonight. Like, how do you like, what's,
Starting point is 00:51:25 are you going to pay the bills next month? And are this or that, or what are you going to do for retirement? And, and don't you want to get a house someday? Are you going to be able to make enough to get a house? And it's like, so people just start swirling with that. And then to calm that down, to give them certainty, to give them security, they're just going to go sacrifice their freedom to a certain degree by getting involved in a career that maybe doesn't really fire them up, isn't passionate, isn't fulfilling them at all, but they just want to satisfy
Starting point is 00:51:50 the certainty and security of what they need in life. And in return, they give up quite a bit of their freedom and their ability to do... Which is basically almost all government jobs. Yeah, 100%. Because you know once you're locked
Starting point is 00:52:03 into a government job, like you... Shit, I don't even know if they're locked into a government job, like you – Shit, I don't even know if they'd ever fire you at this point. You'd get away with murder. Oh, dude, I saw something absolutely bizarre. Look at this. You're going to be like, no, Sevan. It's been like that for a long time.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Look at this. CrossFit has a page where they hire people what is this called um what's a pay what do these do these pages have names i think they do like like they have opportunities career yeah that job opportunities okay first of all i i say this with peace and love and zero humility there is no one who's ever been better at making educational content for crossfit crossfit than me and there never will be and i i i swear to that but i i don't think there's anyone besides maybe Greg who's made – I mean, Greg's obviously made the most potent stuff. He wrote the fucking actual curriculum. But the regurgitation of it and the spreading of it, no one's ever done it better than me, more of it than me, and there never will be, not in this lifetime. I take my fair share of the responsibility for spreading the message worldwide on the internet and being the first one to do it with the support of Greg Glassman,
Starting point is 00:53:28 his message. So, so it's crazy to me to just think that there's a job opening for this. I wonder if they're going to send the person to interview with me. This is fucking hilarious. But anyway, listen, someone sent me this.
Starting point is 00:53:39 The position is CrossFit is looking to hire an experience head of EDU content. You will build and lead a world-class content team responsible for setting the fitness industry, industry gold standard for high quality written video educational content. You will, that you will, sorry, you will not set the gold standard. I, I'd done that and there's no reaching it. I'm the Tia Toomey of making CrossFit content while I was at CrossFit. I would argue that maybe there's people who do it better than me with the resources or what they're doing now, but not at that time. And there never will be.
Starting point is 00:54:09 But I want you to see this. I'm going to scroll down here and it says what we offer. This is a bullet point. Let me see if I can make this bigger. Nice. Mad computer skills. yeah unlimited paid time off empowering you to unplug whenever and however you need to
Starting point is 00:54:36 i mean that's what we offer here at the Sevan podcast. So I don't know. I read this to one of my friends. I'm not even sucking myself off. I'm telling you, dude. I'm not even sucking myself off. I mean, I know it seems like that. If I did it on accident, sorry. Like if I grazed my helmet, grazed my lips. Sorry, like if I grazed my helmet, grazed my lips.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But, dude, I was there from 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms, and there were some incredible workers there. But I had every position, and I fucking ruled. It just is what it is. But this is crazy. How can that be? Unlimited paid time time off i don't understand how that you know what that is right that whole thing i don't know what that is i i i'm i almost want to call don and ask him what that is i don't know what that i don't understand that's that's that's like when people tell me like my friends are applying for jobs now and they're like hey they want to know on the application what my stance is how i've participated in dei i'm like what you don't
Starting point is 00:55:52 think how you've been next layer of questions here down here no just after you hit apply oh oh but how could a job i don't understand this that's not a job unlimited paid time off like like dude so if you get hired can you just uh start your paid time off right then and not do shit i seriously don't understand that am i is that is there a nuance there what have you ever seen that one of my friends who who I showed this to is like, hey, I have that at my job. And how do they utilize it? Did you ask them how they utilized it?
Starting point is 00:56:31 No, I was scared. I got scared. Because I started thinking, what if the kids who work, what if the people, my kids all work with entrepreneurs, right? Every single person that they work with, it's their own business.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah. And if I don't bring them them they're mad at me and i like that right what if they could just be like nah i ain't teaching your kid to skate today nah i'm not doing your lit class for your kid today yeah i don't know that's it that's uh the unlimited paid time off is interesting because. I mean, it reminds me a little bit about like the Netflix culture book a while back, like the no rules rule, like that was like what they had. And basically they were like, look, no one's going to watch over you. You're not going to have some direct report report breathing down your neck. If you want to go take a vacation to wherever for however long you go do it, as long as all of these things are met and you're available.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Right. So the weird thing is there, cause now all of a sudden I know what you're going to say. Well, dude, that's not paid time off. You're just on call. Like you're still working to some degree,
Starting point is 00:57:36 right? Because you still have to make those deadlines. So I just think it's interesting wording there to make it sound attractive, but I, it's literally, that doesn's literally that's impossible. You can't have unlimited pay time off of a job because what if I decide to take two months off? Can you not fire me? And then if they say, no, you can.
Starting point is 00:57:56 You just have to get all your stuff done. Then that's not unlimited paid time off. That's just the freedom to do whatever you want. Listen to this line. Empowering you to unplug empowering so that's like up to you right empowering to unplug that means like i'm not i'm not arguing with you because what you said makes sense yeah but but unplug means that like you turned your phone off yeah yeah and you went to the Seychelles and are just fucking chilling.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Right. That's why I'm saying like it doesn't something ain't the math ain't math in here, dude. Whenever and however you need. This can't be true. This is just lying to you. It can't it can't even be whenever and however. So are you telling me that Dave could have been like 24.1 is? I'm on vacation, guys.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I'm going to hang with Rosa. Look what the cat drug in. Katie Gannon, what's up, girl? Long time. Hi, Katie. Sarah Cox, you get unlimited days off until you don't do your job properly. And then you get more unlimited days off without paying hey dude how
Starting point is 00:59:10 shitty and unfulfilling is your job if you can take unlimited days off well what type of person are you tracking to think about the implications of that I never wanted to take a day off I never want to take a day off i never want to take a day off and i and i'm
Starting point is 00:59:30 judging you if you do sarah cox goes to hawaii she's like i'm taking a week off to go to hawaii she can't she can't stop fucking working she goes to hawaii and just works yeah yeah but you're right that second line throws it off because it's your life it's your life figure out how to make it fucking awesome always Chinese so Sevan wasn't fired he's just taking his unlimited time off
Starting point is 01:00:08 oh my god hey are you gonna apply no why not there's some weird shit in here too listen to this i mean i don't even care about it but okay they're an equal opportunity employer employer that applicants will receive consideration for employment with regard without regard to and look at this gender identity or gender expression listen i swear to fucking god if you express any gender around me, I don't want to work with you. I don't want to be anyone who expresses any – like I'm not interested. Get back to fucking work. You can't say that.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I'm on my break. Get the – what? Why are you wasting your time doing gender expression? Just get dressed and come to work. And your clothes can be too small. I don't care. Gender expression. Holy fuck, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Apply with LinkedIn. Oh, wow. Fancy. I want to make a joke. Do you want me to fill out the application? I want to make a joke LinkedIn account. I want my LinkedIn account. I need to pay someone to do my LinkedIn account.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I want it to be funny as fuck. Oh, demographic survey. Oh, shit. And they do ask for this stuff. They can ask your fucking ethnicity on your fucking job application wait hold on how long has it been since i had a fucking job i worked at mcdonald's for a day i can't even believe they can ask you your fucking ethnicity wait did you just see what happened right there what in the line that you read right there it says that it doesn't care
Starting point is 01:02:06 about and then it lists like the 50 things it doesn't care about yeah but then you scroll down and immediately on the application they ask you all those questions that they just said that they don't care about so if you truly don't care uh you'll receive consideration for employment without regard to race color sex, sex, religion, national origin, age, pregnancy. Listen, fuck. Don't apply for a job if you're pregnant either. The fuck are you doing? This fucking chick applied for a job at CrossFit, didn't tell us she was pregnant, and immediately fucking then got us and fucking took us for $100,000.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Sexual orientation, gender identity. And she was from over the hill she was from tech I knew not to hire her fucking Leaf did that Leaf okay okay keep going with that that's crazy so they're just so they're just
Starting point is 01:02:57 so the age your ethnicity your sex if you're a veteran if you're disabled crazy dude Your ethnicity, your sex If you're a veteran If you're disabled Crazy dude Crazy I'm taking in information from you But
Starting point is 01:03:15 It doesn't matter But we need it But we need your information Other, I have a huge cock That could offend the women And men when they see it through my clothes. Damn, dude. I'm embarrassed for – the thing is this is probably just normal. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I mean that's probably like an outsourced thing that they use. Like even a recruitment company that probably like bolted onto their thing and did their stuff right man yeah that's crazy in the same they literally you scroll past it it tells you that they'll do it without consideration of but then has you answer every question that they said that they weren't gonna take into consideration i'm not gonna judge you i'm not gonna judge you i'm not mind judging i'm not judging i'm not judging you i'm not judging so when's the first time you did drugs you ever kissed a boy but i'm not just small talk hey if you were looking for somebody that was qualified for a job wouldn't the main concern just be the qualifications of them being competent in
Starting point is 01:04:25 the skills and tasks required of the job but but but just so you know even that like uh yes but even that like look at so i i suck at all these things um accounts for delivering against the strategic roadmap and calendar for all educational content. Probably can do that responsible for, uh, build high functioning. You can do that. Manage relationships,
Starting point is 01:04:51 establish, Oh no, demonstrate expert writing skills. I don't have that expert level knowledge of CrossFit training methodology. I mean, I don't have expert, but I'm a one person. I'm better than 99% of people who work there.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Experience working in content management because I've been around experts. My best friend is, is the expert experience working in content management because i've been around experts my best friend is is the expert experience working in content management related field excellent business acumen no but i don't have that provide ability to work against aggressive revenue and timeline targets self-motivated here's the sorry let me go back here they say they're going to build a team they're not building shit and it's not going to be the gold standard because i am the gold standard self-motivated highly collaborative hard working with okay i can do that i guess i can do more of this than i thought bachelor's degree or higher education literature writing instruction designer health nutrition sport no i don't have that five plus years of content strategist and project management experience i guess i have that i'm not cfl2 or
Starting point is 01:05:45 higher i'm not that i don't know what pmp is does that mean i can do mouth-to-mouth yeah i get i think so i don't know what that is either to be honest man so i can't even use photoshop really so good anymore should we apply or we still care about four year degrees lame I know I agree they don't
Starting point is 01:06:16 they just want to put it in the application and if they do they don't care about quality work then hey guys I last night i started a portuguese channel youtube channel yeah it's cool i'm going to we're going to figure out how to start using ai to dub the shows over in portuguese and then spanish portuguese AI to dub the shows over in Portuguese. And then Spanish.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Portuguese. You guys want to see it? It's pretty funny. We got some wise words from Mr. Mertens here. What'd he say? Oh, wake up, work hard, fuck the rest. Wake up, work hard, fuck the rest. Yeah. Wake up, work hard, fuck the rest. Yeah. Wake up, fuck hard, rest.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Everybody has their interpretations. Oh, project management certification. That's what the PMP is. Thanks, Dusty. I don't have that. Where's my... here's the Portuguese hey looking for the channel yeah I found it
Starting point is 01:07:38 okay here we go will we be across I haven't checked this yet I did the I did my interview with Dave here we go. Will we be across? I haven't checked this yet. I did the, uh, I did my interview with Dave. Awesome. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Okay. Saber. Se conseguires que o Dave te dê alguma coisa, há um diretor executivo que tenho visto há muito tempo, right ones que se iluminam, sabe? Sounds about right to me. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:08:08 How am I supposed to even know if it did a good dub? Oh, even the collar. It's a collar. Amazing. Katie. Damn, that's actually smart oh you wait katie kind of resent that that's actually smart i know you just wait wouldn't that be weird if uh i got the ear of the world outside of the united states we'd like to refer to those as emerging markets that are here at right thank you that's why we're we're we're executing against our strategic content plan in emerging markets
Starting point is 01:08:51 here's the thing right now i'm exporting all the behind the scenes i'm gonna i'm gonna start do we're gonna you know fucking if anyone wants to be a sponsor of this this thing is fucking expensive it's a dollar a minute yeah so like a show like this we're already at a hundred bucks to translate the show but if you know someone who has an international business reebok um dude uh holy crap i. We're about to be worldwide. Worldwide. Worldwide. Has four views already. Dope. I think they're all from me. Checking our translation to a language we don't speak. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Gabe Espy. What's that CF position for? Media makes sense after getting fucking owned by born primitive. Open announcement. Easily the best CF entertainment I've ever watched. Thanks. Here's the thing. They need doers.
Starting point is 01:09:50 The thing they do and doers, a lot of doers. It has nothing to do with any of the questions they're asking. Like you have to find doers. And there's not a lot. Well, I don't know. I guess there are a lot of doers. But they but they're not. They're not management. And you saw know. I guess there are a lot of doers, but they're not management. And you saw the word management in there.
Starting point is 01:10:08 They just need doers. Listen, Dave could run the media team too. They should just fire everyone over there and just put one person in charge, and everyone below them actually has to own a camera and know how to edit. And then the ship will get up and going. That's the way it started in the beginning. ship will get up and going that's the way it started in the beginning so
Starting point is 01:10:29 they got a million views on their open announcement already we have 14,000 getting there but I'm so proud of the comments I'm so ecstatic the comments. I'm so, I'm so ecstatic. It's pretty fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:10:57 What's this? Man, I am falling apart. Oh, you, oh, the UFC's tonight. Can't wait to watch that
Starting point is 01:11:06 more on school say that again I said don't we have a show as well oh yeah guys holy shit okay I'll show you something we got some footage yeah we're doing a show tonight underdogs athletics I think we may even have
Starting point is 01:11:21 Ricky Garrard and Gazan and maybe what's the girl's name grace walton van ziel some guy named zane i think i think that there's a chance of that it's being organized by heat one app uh hold listen to this real quick and then and then i'll we'll go back to fun shit here we go a school choice is tremendously popular in the black community particularly among low-income blacks. Obama becomes president of the United States and spends eight years trying to shut down a school voucher program in his own backyard in Washington, D.C. Why? Why? The first black president could enhance this program that he knows, poll after poll shows, is popular in the black community.
Starting point is 01:11:59 The reason is that Barack Obama is no longer another black person. He's now a black president. He wants to be reelected. He has to indulge these special interests, one of whom are teachers unions who oppose school choice because many of these schools aren't unionized and don't use union labor. So Obama has a choice. Am I going to side with my political benefactors or am I going to side with this black constituency that helped put me in office? He made his choice. He sided with the teachers unions as you know school choice was tremendously
Starting point is 01:12:28 popular in the black community it's not that it was just popular all the kids were getting better education everywhere that they had it the kids were getting better better education and having having higher scores across i mean it was undeniable yeah but they don't actually like the government doesn't actually want to like provide help just wants to get elected and just wants to get elected and then we'll just keep the status quo for everybody else that's in power i'm oh wait what am i i'm trying to switch accounts again we have too many YouTube accounts now switch account to the Sebon podcast okay
Starting point is 01:13:11 I'm going to show you this footage I think Patrick Rios already started editing the clips for tonight oh yeah here I see oh yeah so these are the underdog guys look at Oh, yeah, here. Let me see. Oh, yeah, so these are the underdog guys. Look it.
Starting point is 01:13:31 We're going to get to watch the underdog guys go live. Well, not live, but they did it already. Ricky Mack, Zane Healy, Grace Walton or Grace Walton? I guess it's Gracie, yeah. It's Gracie now. Sure. And Caitlin Van Ziel Gracie. Yeah. It's Gracie now. Sure. And Caitlin Van Zeel. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:50 All right. Awesome. No one can see the URL on that. Don't steal that. So tonight, and I think we're going to send them links, and those dudes are going to come on. Yeah, so we have another show. CrossFit Open Underdogs Athletics.
Starting point is 01:14:03 That's Justin Kotler. What's the other guy's name? Who's the coach over there? Big blonde-haired dude. Kiefer? Kiefer. Kiefer. And he's dating – and Caitlin – and Caitlin Van Ziel, was she on the show?
Starting point is 01:14:17 She was on the show? Who's the girl who's dating Kiefer who was on the show? Kira? Kira? Kira Milligan? No. Kyra Milligan. Kyra? Yeah. Alright. Right? Somebody in the comments help us out?
Starting point is 01:14:35 Kyra. There we go. How come she's not in this video? Answers to those questions and more on tonight's riveting uh show that was so good this little like really keep got messed up and bugging the shit out of me i have that too i play with mine i never i didn't really play do you think though do you think the workout could have made me sicker? Like I was recovering and then... Could be. You just kind of like...
Starting point is 01:15:08 Had a little breakdown of the immune system there after that workout. Is CrossFit dangerous? Did CrossFit make me sick? I think so. Did you wear your mask when you did the workout? Yes. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Wow. The fight started at 10.30 this morning. Oh, okay. And it's a good card if you're a fight fan. Oh, I'm about to sneeze away here. Let me see. let me see um i don't need i'm not i'm not i've never been into like um you know some guys are into girls like kissing and stuff and like i was never into that like like you know what i mean like you'd be like
Starting point is 01:15:56 the guys in high school be like kiss kiss or shit like that never into that stuff i did nothing for me but but the algorithm picked this for me i'm like why did the algorithm pick this for me i'm not even into this hi oh my god at the end of the day ronnie i am a man a's gay. You like niggas, get that to your head. Hi. At the end of the day, Ronnie, I am a man who's gay. You like niggas, get that to your head.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I don't know why I like that clip that's so funny oh man at the end of the day susan you just like men what can i say you would you could but you're not going to be judged for that if you apply for a job at crossfit right after you tell us i want you to know now by the way do you like men doesn't matter at all doesn't matter to me at all but i just let me know let me know hey no one no one even looked at no one even looks at that stuff that's just copy and paste there's no one who cares it's just people in hr just like fuck i can't wait to eat my next bag of cheerios go home and sit on the couch and um not not blow my husband again right that's that job i just copy and paste i just went over to like i have some resources and i just i just send it over to the it team the fucking job
Starting point is 01:17:38 application and it's just like this is the most uh according to harvard's dei council this is the most uh accepted uh job application yeah application it's the stand industry standard i'm not into any hot shit i already i'm not uh sleaky this isn't hot lesbian stuff i'm not into any hot lesbian stuff i i want a chick with hair under her armpits i'm not into anything hot lingerie lingerie is so stupid from a kid i thought it was stupid stupid lingerie what a waste i i think it would be hotter just like if you just put a towel over your head and cut a hole in it.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And I just knew you were naked underneath. I'm a simple man. The next place I went to, our mascot was the Blackhawks. And it takes a linguistic specialist to tell the difference between somebody saying Blackhawks. between somebody saying Blackhawks and Blackhawks. And let me tell you, it was pretty wild growing up going to football games and watching a dozen cheerleaders shout to a stand of parents, We love Blackhawks, yes we do, we love Blackhawks yes we do we love blackhawks how about you and then watching everybody on the other team be like what the it's like the mating call of the kardashians like the mating call of the Kardashians.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Hey, you got to follow that up. That has to be three jokes. One joke, it's like fucking so 1980s. Yeah. Then she follows it up with what the fuck, and then it's the mating call of the Kardashians, brings it home, right? That's the punchline, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 A great joke is only told after a good joke. Yeah. I didn't make that up. I think Chaplin up i think and like the best comedians too will set it up at the beginning of their um of their show like that and they'll usually circle back around and have like a big punch line from a setup they use at the beginning of the show like a reference later yeah like all the great comedians do that and they do it really well right like so they'll set it up, do a ton of jokes, and then circle back around. Yep, Dave Chappelle. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Closes the loop on the storyline. I thought that chick was hot. Because she was on stage with a microphone? That's so funny you say that. I'm not sure. Maybe. Maybe. sure mm-hmm maybe maybe I hey it looked like she used it looked like she used matuthean most likely matuthean user her teeth were her teeth were like I could I
Starting point is 01:20:38 could see I could see the matutian. How about this? No surprise here. I met this piece of shit with Greg once. California State Senator Scott Wiener, complete douche, has proposed a bill part of the Safer California
Starting point is 01:21:00 Streets package that aims to electronically limit the speed of certain new vehicles to no more than 10 miles over the posted speed limit. Makes sense. The system would prevent drivers from exceeding 80 miles per hour in California. Dude, that's fucking insane. Dude, that's fucking insane. Hey, that's not even, like, that's just the start.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Oh, good to know. Emergency vehicles would be exempt from the speed limiter. Hey, dude, no one will buy cars in California anymore if they do that. No one with a brain. What do you mean, just the start? You mean when they make all cars electric and they can just turn that shit off yeah what was the thing uh greg was telling us about the driverless uh ubers oh yeah the wayfair yeah dude that that is gonna be the future it makes no sense to own a car when you do a car share because i think about our cars right now they're just sitting there doing nothing like technically they could be out and then you just
Starting point is 01:22:08 pressed it when you need it and if there was just every car was at your disposal you would have one within seconds there it is no driver no driver no ownership of the car then who owns the car then we've taken away our freedom to go far distances. Yes, you're right. Seve, are you trying to take a run at stand-up? Yeah. As soon as I'm over this cold, I'm going to have a Netflix special. Thank you for asking. We could do some improv in the city.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Go down there and film it? No, I'm a tooth powder baron. My shipment of Matuthean is shipping now. You're stoked. You're going to be stoked. Everyone's stoked. Listen, by the way, you take your toothbrush. Hold on a second. You take your toothbrush.
Starting point is 01:22:59 You run it under the water. You bang it out on the side of the sink so that the bristles knock the excess water off into the sink you open your little can of metuthion your little jar and then you gently tip you gently put the tip in rest the tip like the bristles on it don't you don't swath the whole thing it's just a little bit of dirt just a wee bit just a little bit of dirt. Just a wee bit. Just a little bit of the dirt, handful of dirt I put in your jar. And then you brush.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Just the tip, yes. Less than the tip. Yeah, promise. Something that would make a Mormon proud. Less than the tip. Oh, started using my Matutin yesterday. The lid is not hard to take off. It's not that it's hard to take off.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I don't like that it's jiggly like that, but you know what's crazy? I said that on the show, and then I went into the house, and Avi came up to me. He's like, oh, man, I really like our new toothpaste. I go, tooth powder? He goes, yeah, I really like our new tooth powder. He goes, the jar and the lid are awesome i was like what
Starting point is 01:24:07 like you like it he goes yes all of a sudden like that that was i was influenced i was like okay cool fine the lid's great fine it's like a child safety lid or something maybe it's like that because it needs to seal so that moisture can't get in i don't know oh that makes a lot of sense it does yeah the moisture got in there and fucked the whole thing yeah turn your your dirt into mud yeah yeah so it's got to be tight um um there's a great joke in there i think somewhere i i don't know if i played this already but uh if you haven't bought a cell phone for your kid, make sure you run out and get one for them now so that everyone can have access to your child.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Another young teenager has died after being sextorted on Snapchat. A man in Nigeria signed up for Snapchat pretending to be a young girl. He started chatting with a 14-year-old boy in Canada, then convinced him to send nude images. The man then demanded gift cards from the boy or the images would be shared online the boy was not able to pay and the fear of the images being shared with his family and friends was too much and he killed himself this entire interaction was just minutes long police were able to track down the 26 year old man in nigeria and he is facing several charges but if you haven't heard of sextortion before oh please they didn't track shit down time to get familiar especially if you have a son.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Thousands of teenage boys are getting targeted with sextortion schemes like the one I just shared, and the suicide rates are rising. Talk to your kids about this and keep them off of sites where kids are getting targeted, like Snapchat. Another young teenager. I wish I could show. I saw this movie the other day on. I don't know what the service was. It wasn't Beekeeper, but it was – do you remember The Wire with Stringer Bell? Anyway, there's this famous actor, this tall black dude.
Starting point is 01:25:58 He's British. In The Wire, he spoke in an American accent. He's fucking amazing. I can't remember his name. Idris? Idris or something? Stunning looking black dude. Tall. Anyway, he's in this movie and the premise
Starting point is 01:26:12 of the movie is there's this guy who has access to, this really rich guy has access to every single person's computer and phone and iPad and he sees what you do on it and then he collects that data and then uses it to extort people to do stuff to them and then he brings them together uh idris elba this movie by the way i am not recommend this
Starting point is 01:26:32 movie this movie is the most disgusting movie ever i can't imagine um watching this movie with uh with like my mom but um the this guy collects people extorts people and then kidnaps them and then does online murders of them so then he runs these events they're called red room events and you can tell and there'll be someone chained in the room and then you say what you want done to them it's it's fucking wow yeah i almost turned it off i was getting really close to turning it off i was like oh i'm not digging this yeah oh he's supposed to be the next james bond oh that would be awesome oh i was hating bond because i thought they were doing a black guy for dei but i'll take that dude i'll take that dude that dude. Okay. You better get juiced up, though. I like a Bond. I want to see a nice body.
Starting point is 01:27:28 I like my Bond to be, like... Athletic. Yeah, I want to see him with his shirt off and shit. Or anything. But I started thinking about, like, any of the porn I watched. And I started thinking, like, I was like, wow. So if you want to be safe you should like watch like like midget black girl fat black girl midget porn then you're like you're checking all the boxes for
Starting point is 01:27:55 dpi you know what i mean so if they were like if they were like if they were like uh if someone called me and they were like uh hey savvy we're, we're going to show the world the porn you watch. I'd be like, go for it. I'm inclusive as a motherfucker. Hired back at CrossFit instantly. But I really am. I don't even do, like when Sleeky was saying hot lesbian porn, I don't ever do any polished porn. I don't ever do any of hot chicks.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I just need like 15 seconds of amateur porn. It's like some fat black chick and some white guy in the back of a car in alabama and i'm like i'm good like i really like i really i don't do anything that's like remotely out you know why i think i do that too because i'm staying in my lane i'm not i'm not gonna have like seven i'm not going to have like seven I'm not going to be in a room with 12 black guys banging some white chick who's like so hot the hottest white chick I've ever seen in my life you know what I mean I'm just not I can't even like I'm just not
Starting point is 01:28:54 I'm never going to have just just those I'm not yeah so I just look at some random chick on porn I'm like yeah I could probably if you were drunk enough you'd fuck me and I'm like alright in the back of a car in alabama yeah it's just like i don't care i don't even care what your body looks like i if you have a vagina i'm not even so not i i wish everyone's porn could come out so my everyone could see what what i've watched it's
Starting point is 01:29:22 so it's so boring It's so boring. I'm so like, people are going to be like, really? If you're going to watch, you've taken that? Really? Like, yeah. He didn't even press play. He just watched the preview. I mean, the guy drops the camera. It's all on an iPhone. Like, you know you're a ghetto when you watch vertical porn. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:39 Like, I'll click the ones that are vertical. You know what I mean? You can't even make the picture the full size of your phone. Low res at the bottom just to bring back your childhood of scrambled HBO porn.
Starting point is 01:29:53 I don't watch any anal porn. There's nothing. Benign porn. I just watch benign porn if I watch any porn. Oh my goodness. So I was just thinking when he, cause this,
Starting point is 01:30:13 the movie, the guy was extorting people for the shit they watch. I'm like, God, please did someone do that to me? Oh, I want, what a great fucking.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Yeah. I've, I've watched midget porn. I don't even care. If it scrolls by, whatever. Whatever strikes his curiosity. I just think that there's just porn I don't deserve to watch. I'm just like, hey, that's not rolling into my life. I'm not ever going to fuck the Charlie's Angels in the back of a Bentley.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I'm not doing that, so I'm not watching that. The the Charlie's Angels in the back of a Bentley. It's just not doing that. So I'm not watching that. The back of a Sprinter van. I'm keeping it in my wheelhouse. Oh, shit. I got to go. Oh, yeah, you got to go. I got to take kids to tennis.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Although, hey, is it raining at your house right now? Nope. I mean, it's definitely like dark clouds and it looks it's coming in but no rain all right yeah pringle can porn i love it i'll watch it i like giant penis porn that's kind of fun relatable for you yeah just yeah totally i see myself in those ones what do do you like? I'm like, yeah, I do watch giant penis porn. It's fun. Watching someone handle that. Wow. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I love you. See you tonight. Um, there will be no porn talk tonight. Uh, underdogs athletics. Uh, I'm not sure who we're going to get on.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Um, this is, uh, brought to you by the heat one app. Uh, and, I think I'll have John Young on. We'll see who else we can get. I'll ask Andrew Hiller to come on and see what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Yeah, that'd be good. All right. Love you guys. Don't watch porn. Do something else instead. Do push-ups. Bye-bye.

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