The Sevan Podcast - Live Call w/ Danielle Brandon #927

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Offenders. Bam, we're live. That is not true.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Is it DBE because of Daniel Brandon Energy? Yeah. That is not true. Jeff, go to your room. Yeah, that is absolutely not true. Jeff, go to your room. Yeah, that is absolutely not true. Yeah, this is happening. You know the last time Daniel Brandon was on, Sarah Sigmund's daughter was on, I think, first for like 45 minutes. And then she left and Daniel Brandon was on and they were on in the same show.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, shut it. God, you guys suck oh sean you know what you suck oh my goodness you so know what you suck so it's early i came early came early fucking bats swatch you guys around a little bit let me do my um let me do my little uh normal beginning hi barry what's up dude fergie hello sema hey mitchell is mitchell new is he new like like last like 10 shows seems new yeah yeah well you're you're way too new to be saying is this actually happening you know you you got you haven't earned that right uh we need danielle brandon energy oh here she comes no oh shit here comes a text from danielle right now
Starting point is 00:01:45 i'm sorry i can't make tonight's show fuck why why i don't know why it says matt here oh oh wait i know why it says that because you haven't been back to your house in a week it says that because you haven't been back to your house in a week fucking a i'm putting on my toe spacers while you can pull your shit together oh my god talk about that's like getting that's like getting caught the parents caught you. Daddy caught you. Daddy caught you. Damn. No. Damn. I swear he's just over here helping me with my homework.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I swear to God. Nothing. What are you talking about? Nothing. He's just helping me with my homework. Why is your shirt off then, Miss Brandon? Oh, because I spilled some water on it. While I was doing my homework. What's up, girl? Not much. Good to see you. It's so great to see you.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Thanks for letting me come on. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you like how fast I responded? Anytime you fucking want. Anytime you want. I was just jealous of everyone else getting to come on i um i think basically i think what our process is schedule like two or three shows they fall through and then we get and then you know it's like quitting smoking getting you on the show you have to just like keep
Starting point is 00:03:21 i had to try like a hundred times and then i finally quit well that's what it takes to get me that's uh uh hector trina send her a link for every show it's it's actually not a bad idea how fun it's not about it i sent her a couple links uh during the um week while she's competing sprinkled her with a link or two. Yeah, you did. Unfortunately, we had to do the athlete briefing. Or unfortunately, like you're competing and you're like, yeah, like I want to really come on and talk to you knuckleheads. I did. I had to get an athlete briefing. I would have rather been on the show than that. Are you wearing toe spacers? I'm not right now.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Don't worry. I'm holding it down for both of us. You are. co-spacers i'm not right now don't worry i'm holding it down for both of us you are i sent uh i sent uh mary a uh text and she responded with you're really starved for sponsorship aren't you i said yes absolutely absolutely no you're not i know i don't want to disagree with her. Did you see Dave has an olive oil out? What? An olive oil? Like the stuff you put on salad or like you cook with it, comes in a bottle, you squeeze olives. Dave Castro, he has an olive oil. Is it like a flavor?
Starting point is 00:04:38 I don't think so, but he found a farmer. He's been talking about it for years, and he found a farmer with 1,100 trees. Look it, look it. He's putting labels on his first set of bottles. Wow. Wow, he's doing it himself too. Yeah, how cute, right? How wholesome.
Starting point is 00:04:56 A little bit of DNA, Dave Castro DNA on every bottle. Look at his hands trying to be so precise. Yeah, he got his first 90 bottles. And yeah, I think it's really cool. That is so cool. That's awesome. Wow, that's a wholesome video. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Street parking. Oh, it's a street parking? Is that a collab with them? So basically, he found a farmer near his ranch that has eleven hundred olive trees. Old dude. And I think eventually, well, I probably shouldn't say too much. But basically, Dave talked to the guy and like, hey, I've always been into olive oil. They talk, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Next thing you know, Dave's like, hey, can I harvest some of your trees and make my own olive oil? And then he started thinking, oh, shit, I'm having this event happen at the ranch this weekend,
Starting point is 00:05:45 so I'm going to rush to get the bottles done and make some labels. And then he kind of did that. He asked Miranda, he said, hey, what if I put the street parking label on the first hundred bottles? Oh, May 27th through the 28th. You know what I did see a video of is one of your kids hitting tennis balls. You play tennis? No, I don't play a lot of tennis.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I haven't ever. you've turned into a pickleball queen yep pickleball um well do you like um pickleball i do i enjoy it it's fun i live like a minute away from the u.s national pickleball courts of naples or something. And it's huge there because it's kind of an old person sport. It's huge. There's like 60 courts. Maybe more. And any concern that – so the other day I went to play tennis with my kids, and I just had sandals on, but I played with them,
Starting point is 00:06:37 and I ended up – because I had sandals on, tweaking my knee. I'm 51. I've never tweaked my knee, right? But like my foot kind of got twisted, and something weird happened to my knee, and my knee hurt for like three days. It was kind of weird. Any concern that that kind of stuff? No, no. Cause you're super competitive and you could do something stupid, right? Absolutely. I mean, there's a risk with anything that we do to do something stupid. You know, I think like two weeks before semis you know i had someone make a comment saying like lay
Starting point is 00:07:08 off the pickleball for you know two weeks out from semis and i did because of that i was like just in case whatever now i feel like i'm gonna like jinx it if i go play when this person told me not to play so kind of but not really worried uh getting some bars in honor of danielle brandon what is what are some bars getting bars yeah what's getting bars like getting bars thank you barry uh barry mccauchner that's a very nice of you yeah uh karina rain uh danielle are you cheering anyone on this weekend in the west or the taurian if so who do tell is that who you think what she what you think she sounds like damn no i think she sounds like uh this hi danielle are you cheering anyone on this weekend oh um on the? I really want to see like Ariel and Emily.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I want to see them do well. I think that's all. Emily who? Rolf. Oh, okay. Right? She's there. She is.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I believe she is. Yeah. And Ariel Loewen? Yes. The boys picked her to win. Really? And your old – it's weird. People throw this term around about you that they'll be like, oh, that's Danielle's training partner. And I finally realized at some point this year Danielle's never had a training partner, especially if it's a girl. some point this year daniel's never had a training partner especially if it's a girl she daniel doesn't have a training partner she doesn't train with anyone yeah maybe i think down's in the room
Starting point is 00:08:49 or james is in the room but they're like i would say if i've ever had a training partner it would be down only because i do um talk to him like but it is like workouts that i'm doing or workouts that he's doing um you know after a workout that maybe he watched me workouts that he's doing. Um, you know, after a workout that maybe he watched me do that, he was doing the same one after he'll be like, Hey, like, you know, you looked really good on that. Like your rounds looked consistent. Like he'll give actual feedback, which is great. Um, but it's, it's, it would be like, uh, people will, we're saying this weekend that emma carrie is your training partner emma carrie is not your training partner yeah i wouldn't really say that she trains at the same
Starting point is 00:09:30 gym she has some of the coaches you guys use some of the same equipment yeah absolutely but you aren't training partners it's just not true i mean yeah exactly i mean maybe more so leaning up to the games you don't want it you don the games. You don't want any female training partners. Yeah, I don't think so. I think I don't really. You're like one of those fish, you know, that lives in those little glass jars by themselves. I forget what they're called, like betas or something or alphas or do you know what I'm talking about? The little betta fish. Yeah. What a fucked up name, too. That's not the betta fish it's the alpha fish yeah guys this is my fucking interview okay
Starting point is 00:10:10 fine keep throwing uh money at it uh danielle what are your thoughts on putting shop oh yeah these these guys you're like one of these yeah dang i just saw a fucked up video of petco throwing away a whole box of betta fishes. No shit. On the gram? Yeah. It was this girl. She's like, first time dumpster diving and opened the dumpster
Starting point is 00:10:34 and there was literally like 50 betta fish and they were all alive. They were alive. Thrown in the dumpster with like very dirty water. I hope that was an accident i don't think so uh uh danielle oh you should have sent me that by the way uh danielle uh what are your what are your thoughts on uh putting shopping oh fuck just do it okay fine what are your thoughts on putting shopping carts away here we go i'm saying just do, just do it. Just put it away. Oh, just
Starting point is 00:11:06 do it. Yeah. Okay. Fine. You happy, Jeremy? Fucking happy? This is a theme on the show. I don't think it's necessary to put a shopping card away. You just don't have to leave it. You just don't leave it somewhere where it's going to hit another car or be in the way. But I don't think it's necessary. Nothing more irritating
Starting point is 00:11:22 than pulling up to a spot and there's a shopping card in it. Barry McC mccawkner easy buddy pace yourself we'll get there we'll get there we'll get there buddy give it a second we gotta buy her a drink first i really i really like the um i really i really like the uh you posted a video of you doing goblet squats oh yeah and someone posted sorry caleb i forgot to give this to you i forgot i forgot I really liked the, you posted a video of you doing goblet squats. Oh yeah. And someone posted, sorry, Caleb, I forgot to give this to you. I forgot, I forgot, I forgot all about this. And someone posted, Hey, can you do those on my face?
Starting point is 00:11:56 Really? Yeah. And you wrote back, it was fucking crazy. And you were, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. See if you can find it. And you wrote back, not even dinner first or something. It was, it was amazing amazing does that ring a bell it kind of does but i feel like there's so many comments i really try to look through a lot of them i think a lot of people would like block that person or not answer it you know if i really did that i'd be doing just blocking thousands the whole time on i'm on instagram and i'll block people i'll absolutely hey maybe it didn't happen maybe that was just a
Starting point is 00:12:31 a dream of mine that you said i do remember this uh oh here it is goblet squad on my face please oh there's a please yeah and danielle writes uh take me out to dinner, take me out to dinner first. Take me out to dinner first. Damn. It's really it's it's good. Yeah. You're a good dude. Educating, not educating, integrating, talking with the pond scum of the earth. You know what I mean? The lesser the grossness that is Instagram, you know? Yeah. Sprinkling a little recognition. And you know that made that guy's day. He can't even believe it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:10 He's stoked. I'm glad. I'm glad I could make his day. Is that your first idea for a response? Do you ever go on the other – like, do you ever be like, I'm going to write back to him? Like, ew, gross. Yeah, or fuck you, asshole.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And then you take a deep – you know, like, when someone flips you off sometime and you're about to flip them off and then you take a deep you know like when someone flips you off sometime you're about to flip them off and then you take a few deep breaths and you're like I love you like you kind of just flip the script it's like you don't even know where it came from but you're like god I'm glad I waited for answer number two yeah I mean I I guess I just haven't put much thought into it to think like just how maybe inappropriate it is or you know i guess it's disrespectful i i feel like it was sadly i've been getting it for so long that i don't really necessarily since you've been 12 oh that's so disrespectful i'm like whatever you know they
Starting point is 00:13:59 can say whatever they want they just open their mouth and they shouldn't like like i'm just not gonna let that affect me whatever like they're saying what a lot of people are thinking in their head like correct they're just saying it out loud correct and then and then you're just having being light-hearted yeah i know and i guess it could be mood dependent too right absolutely but i don't think i've ever gotten offended by somebody like saying i mean yeah i'll definitely be like like that's disgusting like that's really far but it's not gonna i'm not getting mad about it you're not like how dare you how dare you talk to me like that you misogynist no we already know where you know we already know and the truth is is that guy probably really likes you the truth is that guy probably really
Starting point is 00:14:51 likes you just he's just he's just he's like express it or he's just a thousand quite he's ahead of himself he didn't buy you dinner yet exactly um the uh the rad series yeah are you digging that are you enjoying that i do i love it i love that squad you're getting looser every episode yeah i feel like i am oh oh what's this let us see oh let us see what is this caleb you've found here oh my lanta oh here it is yeah oh this is oh this was a highlight uh episode 17 the rad uh uh behind the scenes with uh daniel brandon e semifinals just released hours ago and at 7 25 you can see a highlight where daniel brandon says you know who i don't want to beat me at the semifinals this year. And it was weird. It's like the audio drop, right? When you said the person's name or something. Oh yeah. For a dollar 99. Thank you. Mr. Dick
Starting point is 00:15:56 Butter. Whose name was bleeped out in the latest rad video. thank you god caleb you're a dollar and 99 no no it's no real beef it's never anything it's just i feel like every year you know i i don't know i'm just a competitor is she in your camp is she does she train at brute no danielle who uh did your ink uh keep crushing it Thomas Graves oh I got a lot of it done in Sacramento and in Vegas uh no one in Naples no are you done with tattoos no no no I don't think I'm done I just haven't really thought about much lately there's not any easy accessible places here in naples does that make you happy do you ever think it's good that you don't have access to the your favorite place or else you'd be like it would become like you'd have a subscription at the tattoo parlor yeah
Starting point is 00:16:54 absolutely sure it's a good thing it's not a good or a bad thing but i can see how like I could think of it as a good thing um what about one on your face no no it never entered your mind yeah it has entered my mind oh fuck I knew it I fucking knew it absolutely recently actually oh I knew it god I'm a fucking genius you might win the games this year yeah Yeah, maybe. You'll reward yourself with just a big old tattoo on your face. Yeah, why not? I don't approve. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:35 A lot of people didn't. Mary, oh, whoa. So you were in route to get the tattoo, and there was an intervention? I talked about it a lot. I said, I want to get the tattoo and there was an intervention. I've just, I talked about it a lot. I said, I want to get this. And there was an intervention. Yeah. Caleb, are there any, see, I don't see too many women with tattoos on their face. Thank you. What inspired me was, um, some, you know, famous model got some tattoo right here and I thought it looked really good.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Um, uh, I'm trying to remember the guy, there's a rapper. Oh, post Malone. Yeah. And I think he said he got tattoos all over his face because he was ugly. Really? And he just figured, um figured that it doesn't matter. What? That was his reasoning.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Hmm. But you saw it on someone else and you thought it looked good. Yeah. And what happened? What would happen to it? God, I did you. Oh, man. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Kind of like part of me kind of wants to see you get it just to be like, oh, shit. She did it. Right. Wow. See, mine would be even less aggressive than that. That girl's very attractive. Yeah. A pretty face.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Mary Mansour. Oh. Hi, guys. Hey. Look, Mary. Wow. oh hi guys hey look mary wow she looks really added up oh is that oh no i don't know who that is i had a great fighter on here the other day her name was Ty Emery. Can you see the comments? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It's an unhealthy addiction. Don't do it. Does anyone ever want to get the rogue thumbs-up pic with Danielle? What's that? I don't even know what that is. Rogue thumbs-up pic with Danielle? Does that mean the middle finger pic? Is that a joke? Yeah, I see people ask you to do that all the time i saw a lot of people like hey can we take a picture and flip the camera off together all the time uh liz uh marmesh daniel brandon what made by the way this isn't normal normally like i have
Starting point is 00:19:57 like i have notes here and like we would be like just shooting the shit and like marina but fuck always got to make some money yeah i'm really happy for you daniel brandon what made you smile so big on the 800 meter run that's a great question because i have some theories about that too okay what do you think what are your theories i think when you start hurting i think there's you you smile yeah i think so also too um i mean at first i thought it was because you think you're gonna win and I'm like no no no that's too easy no it's like oh shit something's going on inside you know I used to do that in high school we just had this thing where whenever it would
Starting point is 00:20:36 hit the 200 mark it was like if you smile then it just makes it easier do you know which games athlete also does that female fanny wow good job you know you're fucking you know your trivia look at you i didn't think you would you knew that uh savon starting from the up going down i don't know what that means do you know what that means i don't know olivia your face is too pretty don't do it well means. Do you know what that means? I don't know. Olivia, your face is too pretty. Don't do it. Her whole body is too pretty. She can never have enough. Take off the ones you have.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Your whole body is too pretty for a tattoo. When are you dropping the rad? Oh, yes, yes. I was going to get to this too. You guys are stealing all my good questions. That shirt is fucking cool. Did you see Cash on it too? No, I didn't see him.
Starting point is 00:21:24 My dog was on it i but i honestly think there should be a more fierce one that like that's like like really like takes the whole fucking chest and it's more like it's even more game of thrones calise and you're fucking like fierce you know what i mean like the wings are like on the side of the shirt and it's just like oh wow massive massive and your head's like right here and you're riding this motherfucker like looking like this okay i'll take i'll can you see it yeah i can yeah i'd rock the shit out of that that's a cool shirt yeah it's cool uh when are those are any dragon shirts available not right now no no i think for the game this this girl i had on the show her name was ty emory
Starting point is 00:22:08 she's a fighter and um she's a bare knuckle fighter and after one of her after one of her fights she jumped up onto the onto the ring you know onto the ropes and she lifted up her shirt and showed her tits really yeah and the video went crazy viral like crazy viral like it was everywhere this is like six or eight months ago oh wow and um so like joe rogan talked about it was like on all the show this is her everywhere and and then so i had her on the show and i'm like hey that was just total impromptu right and she And she goes, yeah. And she goes, you know, I'm hot, I'm beautiful. I have this crazy body and I just did it just like, just as a celebration.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And I'm like, yeah, check on all those. And I go, but don't you, I go, it went so viral. Don't you wish you could have monetized it? And she goes, yeah, it was kind of a waste. It was a fuck up because she got so much attention, but she couldn't like parlay it into anything. What, why? Because she didn't like parlay it into anything. Why? Because she didn't have anything to sell.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Do you know what I mean? No. Do you know what I mean? There was nowhere to go and get a piece of – so if you win the games and you lift your shirt up this year, make sure the shirts are like ready at like – if someone's slinging like 5,000 shirts in the parking lot and you're there signing them.
Starting point is 00:23:25 A hundred bucks a shirt. Oh, okay. You get what I'm saying? Don't ever, don't get crazy and don't be able to parlay that shit. Like if you're going to do the double flip off again, have the double flip off shirt like Tupac. Wow. Right? Ready.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. Because when I saw that, I'm like, oh, Danielle Brandon could. This is smart. Yeah, there we go. All right. Dear Cooper. Dear Cooper Marsh. Dear Cooper. Dear Cooper Marsh. Dear Cooper.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Trish. Do you think when a middle-aged man has a sports car, it's kind of hot? What does that mean? It's kind of gay? Hot? I think it's girly. Girly? Do you think it's – what do you think about a middle – what's a middle-aged man, like 45?
Starting point is 00:24:04 I really don't care what kind of car a man drives. Oh, all right. Fair enough. early do you think it's what do you think about a middle what's a middle-aged man like 45 i really don't care what kind of car a man drives oh all right yeah you care if it's dirty no you don't mind like you don't mind like if the dude you're dating pulls up your house and you jump in the car if like inside the car yeah like inside the car like you get in and there's some like clothes on the in the where your feet go and there's like some a starbucks cup that's like been in there for too many days in the center console. Yeah, I wouldn't want that. No. Okay. So that matters. But like the car itself, like, yeah, I mean, if you drive, I want you to drive a solid car, but I don't care if you
Starting point is 00:24:38 drive a fancy sports car or a truck or whatever. Yeah. Like like that's a little over come on caleb come on buddy halfway meet me halfway i'm getting an uber meet me halfway i'll drive uh oh how is your car it's great you lost one in the flood and you got a new one. I did, yeah. What did you get? I have a Volkswagen Taos. Do they sponsor you? Uh-uh. They sponsor Sarah, right? Yeah, that's a mistake on their part.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I know. It's a great car. When you get behind something, when it is a great car, you like it? Yeah, I like it. When you get behind something like that and do you tell cooper right away like like as soon as i put on these toe spakers toe spakers toe spacers i tell suza i'm like dude dude he's like what i might contact these fucking people and get money from him he goes why i'm like i like this shit no actually it's usually the opposite way around they tell you like um you know i'm like typically advertising something, you know, for free.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And Cooper's like, yo, like don't be giving shit out for free. Oh, he does. Okay. He does say that. Okay. Yeah. Fuck your Volkswagen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Fuck that. I don't have one. I walk everywhere in rad shoes. Do you? Why drive a car when I walk everywhere in rad shoes? No, I'm saying that's your answer. Wow. Seve, if you had to put a roll of pennies up your ass, why me?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Can't you ask Danielle that? Would you put it one penny at a time or the whole roll? Wow. Wow. That's an incredible question. I have an answer. I don't really want to give it why it's just it's just he paid you 4.99 i know and he got to see me read it like a jackass one penny at a time i do i do one penny at a time i know it's one penny a time there's probably it's i know what if by the end i like it and i ask for another role that's
Starting point is 00:26:51 uh did danielle yell oh great question my god this is this is the easiest did you yell at any not unsolicited, not, uh, no, not on, um, um, uh, Linda. Um, what was the workout before Linda before we, what was the workout before Linda? The, was it the ring muscle up one? I mean, you did good at that. Um, no, I, I think I yelled at my judge. You got what? I think I yelled at my judge during that, during the second workout too yeah and the third workout no no just the second and third the second i just said um oh it was warranted thank you it was warranted it wasn't unwarranted it was warranted yes your judge needed to be yelled at they yeah they needed to be yelled at but the way the tone in which i was yelling at you know it's really loud it's chaotic out there
Starting point is 00:27:46 um but on the burpee box jump one the muscle ups that was my fault there was like a lot of um I just wasn't keeping track it was my fault but the burpee box jump overs um I landed like at the three two one and she didn't give me the rep, but she gave the person next to me the rep. And we were like the state we landed at like the same time. There was one judge for the two of you. No, but my judge didn't give me my rep. And the judge next to me gave that athlete the rep.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And I yelled and said, this person got the rep. Like, why aren't you giving me mine? And she goes, what? And I said and said, this person got the rep. Like, why aren't you giving me mine? And she goes, what? And I said, nevermind. So that was the extent of the yelling. And then the Sarah. And then the third workout on Linda, I go and I do three, like my first like couple reps really fast. And she's like no rep no rep no rep
Starting point is 00:28:47 and every time you know I'm like why no rep why no rep why and she's not telling me um and so I pause at the top and I look back on the bench and I'm like why are you like why what am I doing and she said you're not locking out oh shit i wasted like five reps and so did 15 reps on the first one um are are 60 pound dumbbells heavy they're not light and what's the most you've ever bench pressed with dumbbells probably like 70s okay i don't know that i've ever like had felt necessary to go heavier than like 70s right isn't that interesting and do you remember the last time you dumbbell bench press before that workout yeah actually matt was having me i was doing a lot of dumbbell bench no shit and complaining about it too and when you like, hey, dude, you're fucking up.
Starting point is 00:29:46 No. I was like, I want to do regular bench. But do you say, hey. I'm sick of dumbbell benching. And do you also say to him, hey, there's no way these are going to be in the games. You're out of your fucking mind. No, never said that. You just, what's just what you want.
Starting point is 00:30:04 You don't even put any logic or rationale to it. just fuck you it's what i want well it was just for like a lot of weeks i feel like i was doing a lot of dumbbell bench and i saw the boys doing regular bench and so i was kind of jealous i was like why do they get to do regular bench i want to do regular bench and what was the reason what that you had to do dumbbell and they got to do regular. They had also been doing dumbbell. Oh. And regular. Hey, is it pretty crazy?
Starting point is 00:30:33 I'm tripping on what Matt Torres is kind of doing over there. What are you tripping on? He said in an interview. Yeah. He's managing a lot. First of all, let's start there. Big picture. Sentence number one of the paragraph. Oh, it could be the whole essay. Matt Torres managing a lot. First of all, let's start there, big picture. Sentence number one of the paragraph.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Oh, it could be the whole essay. Matt Torres manages a lot. Yeah. That's a headline. And he has – and then recently in an interview he did on Brian Spinn's podcast, he said that Daniel Brandon and Emma are opposites. Yeah. And so he's got you oh yeah look at this crew i would say we're i would say the two that are most similar would maybe be like james and fee but you know i would say james and fear most similar
Starting point is 00:31:23 you know, I would say James and fear most similar. So, so when you, Emma and me, we all handle things much differently. And how, how is he doing it? And you guys kind of have to be kept apart a little bit, right? Only we have to, but it, um, it helps because I think it, it's makes it one easier for him and also for us to, you know, it's a lot, you know, training and training sessions that don't go well. Like, that's a lot to handle for one coach. Yeah, so when you are in the gym and Dallin's in the gym and Dallin has, like, you know, he's having his period and he has an emotional breakdown and he's and then and then he leaves.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Matt has to like fucking like be still not let Dallin's fucking crybaby bullshit like leak over onto you and to James. Right. And then you got and then the three of you leave and then he's got it. Then he has to be fresh again for fee and Emma and like just be able to compartmentalize all of this stuff. and Emma and like just be able to compartmentalize all of this stuff. It's like the difference, like he's a dolphin trainer and then a lion trainer and then a pig farmer. He's like, he's got an exotic animal farm park there. Right. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Do you ever think about that and be like, how does he do that? Or it's like, fuck him. I'm winning the games. He'd deal with your shit. I think both. So if it creeps in like, man, how's this guy doing? You just push. I'll worry about that later. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:57 I think we both have to sometimes. Who do you think Matt Torres talks to? Who do you think he vents to? You think his mom, you think, you think he calls his mom or his dad and vents to them? No, no. Hey, is Dom in that group picture? I think so. Is he? Can I see that again, Caleb? I don't even know what this Dom guy looks like. Who's the guy who looks like the Angelo DiCicco looking dude on that end? Oh yeah. A second from the left. Who's the guy who looks like the angelo de chico looking dude on that end oh yeah uh second from the left who's that guy oh that's fee's fiancee oh that's right okay we
Starting point is 00:33:32 figured out and who's the guy howdy duty looking guy next to cooper uh james sprague and um no that's benji right that no that's dc oh that's not ben. Does he look, do you know who Benji is? He's like an agent. That's Benji. Where's Ben? Oh, that's what I mean. That's Benji. Yes. Okay. And then that's DC. Is that, that's a trainer too? Yes. And he lives in Switzerland. Oh, no wonder. God, he didn't even, he didn't even look American. You ever seen like a golden retriever, like in a different country and they're like, look at this golden retriever and you're like, that's not a golden retriever.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Like in Ireland it is. Yeah. Yeah. He looks so different than regular human. DC is amazing. But DC is different than Dom. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And that's the crew. Yeah. Yeah. He came for quarterfinals and helped judge. Oh, yeah he came for quarterfinals and helped judge oh because you judge yourself in quarterfinals no well you know what i mean by judge yourself i mean the team judges itself yes yes yeah yeah what a trip yeah um it do you find anything remarkable about that um about that that situation that you're in? It's just – you did well. Emma did well.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Dallin did well. James did well. Fi did well. Nate's going. Did I mention James? James, Dallin. Are you like, wow, this is something else? You take it for granted.
Starting point is 00:35:08 No, I wouldn't say I take it for granted. I wouldn't say take it for granted i take my wife for granted really yeah um it's okay to take some things for granted now i mean yeah it's crazy but i guess it's just it feels normal a year ago your shit was fucking coming unglued right oh yeah like are you saying my life i'm just saying the whole no no i'm just saying i'm just saying the whole thing i'm just tripping on just the dynamics i gotta have matt torres on here i had the wrong guest i thought it was i thought you meant you should have had us both. How is, how the, that'll be next. That will be fun. I will really enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Will you be on two separate computers? Yeah, we're on the same. It's just, it's just amazing what he's juggling there. It is crazy. Okay, good. And tell me why. That's absolutely crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Because the difference in personalities you know it's so many different intense relationships yeah i think it's a good thing i came this late because you know he's already so established with like dallin and emma you know and james and fee you know he's more established with them um so it's like he was settled in before adding on another crazy personality right they've they've peed on all the trees and everything before you got there and since okay and that's kind of yeah i think that i see what that adds some balance to it okay uh murph a leftover fried chicken do you reheat it or eat it cold oh i don't really
Starting point is 00:36:46 eat a lot of fried chicken how about how about uh how about pizza he paid 4.99 let's give him some food yeah do you reheat it or eat it cold i do like cold food yeah me too like if i get chipotle uh like a burrito i like the burrito cold. Oh. That's weird. You don't order it and tell them to keep it. So you just eat it later, let it cool down. Yeah. I feel like when it's hot, when food is hot, all the flavors blend together too much.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Do you care what his fran time is? Oh, meaning you don't care what kind of car he drives. Do you care what a guy's fran time is? No, because I don't even know my Fran time. Yeah, but that's not what he... Okay, fine. We'll circle back. I'll fix that for you, Fergie. I know what you're asking. I'll fix that for you at some point. No.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Daniel Brandon, let me pet her dog at Wadapalooza. Extra sloppy. Yeah, hello. Extra sloppy. Yeah, hello extra sloppy. She's protected from my antics for now. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:53 That's great. You let him pet your dog and so it's bought you some sort of space. Oh, I think this is an earbuds company. Yeah, I'm sponsored. Oh, by them? By ESC. ESC.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You ever broken a pair of those with too much sweat? Yeah. Oh. But it was my fault. I don't let them dry out. It was my fault. I'll literally be drenched in sweat and put them sweaty back in. That was the wrong answer.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I was trying to throw you a bone. You just threw me a bone because I get because i get the question all the time how do you protect it from that you let them dry out before putting them back in the case oh oh so they it's not like they stopped working when they were in your ear no no oh no no never like you sweat on them so much that they just stopped working yeah like would you no no no no never would you ever put like a dirty pair of underwear back in your drawer no god that is disgusting hey that's the kind of that's how you should treat it if you lose count that's a great uh metaphor there if you lose count when you're doing reps let's say
Starting point is 00:38:57 you're doing you're supposed to do 20 burpees and you're you get to 20 you're not sure if you're at 19 or 20 do an extra one do a fucking extra one always because you would never, if you weren't sure if you put a pair of underwear in the drawer, if it was clean or dirty, it's going back in the wash. You're like, ma'am. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Wow. That's a great, yeah. I like that. I clipped that 38, 48. That's, that's,
Starting point is 00:39:20 that's the best thing that's been, uh, we've discovered on the show. So are you sponsored by Paper Street Coffee? I am. I haven't had their coffee. Is it good? Oh, we've only sent it to you three times, but you fucking were moving so much you didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I would love to send you a – Is it a savant edition? Yeah, there's a – you won't like it. You know why you won't like the savant edition? Because it's 50-50. It's 50% decaf, 50% regular. Whoa. Why is that? What's the purpose of that?
Starting point is 00:39:47 I know, right? It's like doing half a line. I kind of would be into that. Really? It's so I can drink it all day. I really like that. But you do a quad shot. You do a fucking quad shot.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah. Yeah, quad shot. Are you ever concerned you might test positive for that? I think there is too much caffeine you could drink. Have you ever looked into that? Oh, yeah. But I don't really drink – like I'll never have usually more than one cup of that a day. Because I saw you order that in one of the videos, a quad shot with oat milk, and I was like, dang. I mean, what?
Starting point is 00:40:24 How much caffeine is that i don't know what one shot gets me just all it's probably like at most 300 milligrams it's one bang yeah you ever drink a bang i used to in college god they're gangster no one of the one of the kids my kids trains with in jiu-jitsu. He's seven years old. He drinks bang. He's seven. Is that inappropriate, you think?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, absolutely. He doesn't need that. Don't be a pussy and call in. Someone's texting me. I think they're texting me questions to ask you. It's like, dude, you got the fucking number you know what is it uh saying what huh i don't know what this is oh oh yeah yeah yeah very oh yeah oh yeah people are sleuthing they're giving me oh yeah yeah what well i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 00:41:26 if you want to know this i do want to know okay there's they sent me a screenshot the show is fucking crazy they sent me a screenshot and it shows matt torres you know that your coach yeah and he um he's sitting in a similar spot that you are where he did a podcast this morning. This morning. Yeah. Or it was yesterday. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I watched the podcast. Yeah. And so they're basically, you know, that people are just sleuthing. Yeah. People think that you guys might be dating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:59 What if we hang out? Yeah. That's what people are thinking. Hey, you're not live on YouTube. Yes, I am. What are you talking about? Am I not you're not live on youtube yes i am what are you talking about am i not are we live on youtube kayla okay
Starting point is 00:42:07 did you watch my semi-final dude i watched all of it did you watch it live yeah i watched it live and then i report on it you did yeah wow that's all i do all weekend oh really yeah and it yeah it's my life sucks hey but they didn't show you so what's crazy is is that we don't know that you yet like they don't say in the semi-final daniel brandon's fighting with the ref right now like there'll be whole events where we don't fucking see you really and like i'm in this text thread with all the fucking games dorks and everyone's like, where the fuck's Danielle?
Starting point is 00:42:47 And then someone's like, you listen, jackass. They only follow the front runners. And then we're like, dude, it's fucking Danielle. She won the last event.
Starting point is 00:42:53 She, she's yelling at the judge. Let's see it. We want to talk shit about her and judge her. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I want you to too,
Starting point is 00:43:00 as well. I do it for entertainment. You do it for us. Yeah. You don't want to yell at a judge but a tales from an average gay crossfitter number one fan of miss brandon oh i love it you you think i've been speculating lately that it's not um just men who are attracted to you but women so and it's not just straight men it's gay men and
Starting point is 00:43:25 it's not just gay women it's straight women i think like maybe you transcend um uh like if you were a dog your butthole would like attract all the dogs wow yeah like everyone wants to sniff with you you know what i mean like anyone would like what do you think about that is that really cool i think but do you think that that's an accurate depiction of what you feel from the world like wow i i'm i mean you attract what you attract but do you sense that about yourself no that maybe that maybe straight women and gay men are attracted to you which yeah sure i i know that yeah because of experiences yeah right yeah so that's accurate that's an accurate but but're also know that's not like for other people. What do you mean? That's not for other people. Like straight women aren't attracted to me.
Starting point is 00:44:15 But you know that about yourself. Yeah. I know that about myself. All the whole pantheon of human beings aren't attracted to me, but to you, they are, is what I'm saying. So, so like, like gay guys, it's probably usually just gay guys who are attracted to them. Yeah. But for you, it's like the whole world. For some reason, you transcend. Most cup of tea. More people want to be intimate with you that normally wouldn't want to be intimate with a girl.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. I mean, I must be doing something right yeah i guess were you born with that or you think it's a um cultivated uh a cultivated something you cultivated a swag you cultivated hello no don't talk yet hold on go ahead daniel i think it's a little bit of both. Call her. Hi. Hi, it's Tails. We'll grab his gay costume again because you brought it up. Okay. I'll call him back.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Okay, hi. So I am attracted to you, Danielle, and that was when we were talking to Savan the other day. That's the one person that I would. That's the one. You would touch Danielle's vagina? Absolutely. I am obsessed with her. She is amazing. Absolutely. I am obsessed with her.
Starting point is 00:45:26 She is amazing. Danielle, I'm obsessed with you. That is disgusting. No, it's not. Okay, fine. Hi, Danielle. I hope you win the games. I know you're going to.
Starting point is 00:45:38 We're rooting for you. Wow, thank you. That was so sweet. No problem. Okay, I'm going to send you $1,000 for confirming my suspicions. Thank you, Mr. Gay CrossFit. No problem. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Bye. Bye. That guy's probably not gay. Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. Favorite hobby outside of CrossFit? I would say right now.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah, and pickleball. Pickleball. That's cool. Can you have any really hobbies? You can't, right? You have to be obsessed, right? No, you can. Can you have balance?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Absolutely. Absolutely. I want to ask you a sensitive question. Okay. That I kind of just uncovered the thought today. Yeah. You competed against Mal O'Brien. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Was she spectacular? Absolutely. What do you mean? Like just her performance, like when you were there, you're like, oh, this is fucking bonafide, this is the real deal. This motherfucker is a spectacular human being. You felt her power, you felt her power you felt her presence yeah but i mean the times that i was ever at a competition with her i was speculating her as a competitor right okay i you know i don't i personally don't go to a competition and if my
Starting point is 00:47:00 competition is there i'm never like oh my god they're amazing i'm like fuck what do i want to beat them how do i beat them okay but yes she is an amazing competitor like you're a thoroughbred and you look at her you're like that's a nice horse too yes yeah yeah that thing can go nice car like you have a ferrari she has a ferrari you're like all right let's bang this out yeah okay um someone like you who's had you you had you've had a rough go of it you've earned you've you uh your life wasn't handed to you on a golden on a silver platter right and you grind it and i don't know what her what her upbringing is i don't know what her upbringing is but i'm sure she has absolutely fantastic parents her and what do you think about the fact that she's
Starting point is 00:47:44 like for you i'm guessing like this is an opportunity you can't pass no matter fucking what like you have to do this that's your perspective right and i was also thinking like sarah sigmund daughter who's been injured before like she has to do this like she doesn't have the leisure of having the perspective where she can pull out it's like fuck dude i could get hurt again and never have the chance again. I can't have like, do you, did you, did you have a first impression of what Mal's doing? Like if you were to say something to her, did you ever talk in your head? God, if I wrote, did you say anything to her when she pulled out?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Did you send her a private message or anything? Yeah. I sent her a private message. You did. Oh, that's really cool. Yeah. Like, uh, I think the. Wow, Danielle. We have a lot of the same people in our life. And, you know, from like the little bit of what I heard she's going through, like, it sucks no matter what. And, you know, she is really fortunate.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I was talking about this the other day. was talking about this the other day like you know a lot of these teenagers are really fortunate that like they have that choice to at so young to just kind of pull out of something you know and you can't blame her for that and she's just really lucky that she can you know at that age like I never could have been like you know going through something and just been like, fuck it. Like, I'm going to stop. Like my parents are going to support me. Um, you know, and we were, we're just in different situations, but you know, she is really lucky that she gets to do that and can do that. Um, and you know, not to say like, I've set myself up now to be in a position where, yeah, I'm sure. Like if I was going through something, an injury, like a year off wouldn't kill me, but I would, you know, I probably would feel that level of anxiousness of like, fuck, like this is how I make my living.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Like, how can I get back to making doing this as soon as possible? Because I don't have other people to necessarily rely on. You know, you correct me if I'm wrong. you correct me if I'm wrong you qualified for regionals or semifinals three times where you couldn't go because of that you probably wanted to go that you couldn't go to because of obligations you had to maintain your scholarship in college yep and I think I made regionals like 15 16 17 18 four times three or four years yeah and you couldn't go and you couldn't go yeah and i absolutely i really wanted to i mean i was not very passionate about puvop but that's what was paying for college so you know and there was a point where even before college i was like screw this i mean i was like i don't want to go
Starting point is 00:50:18 like i didn't even think it was impossible or an option um but my best friend was like fuck that like don't be an idiot you know you need to go to college you're going to go to college is that what you wrote to mal uh don't be a fucking idiot come to the semi-finals no oh okay no but i think she i i don't know if i were her i would go to college oh instead of do this what she's doing instead of what what is she doing instead of participating in the crossfit games crossfit world well I mean she already pulled out this season so why not just go to college oh just sack it up and just do so
Starting point is 00:50:54 yeah pivot for now why not tell me tell me tell you what what you're laughing at one of the comments Tell me. Tell me, Daniel. Tell you what? What you're laughing at. One of the comments. Daniel Brandon for president. Look it. Okay, I guess you didn't lose your sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:51:14 What? Oh, no. No, I didn't. M1, why are we pretending that Matt isn't right next to her? Is that Matt's secret account? M1? That tour is the secret. Okay. This is our study of one right here, or N of one.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Tales from an average gay CrossFitter. Do you run Daniel Brandon, your own social media, or do you have a team? There's no way she lets anyone touch her shit, I don't think. What's your ideal workout at the games for you? That's two questions. So no one runs your social, right? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:53 What's your ideal workout? I don't know. Ideal workout? I don't really have an ideal workout. Run 800 and then run back on her hands. Yeah. A backwards handstand walk a backwards handstand ramp walk you're loving adrian bosman aren't you yeah i do man yeah i enjoy it i mean it was a little i mean there were some things about this semiifinal that were, I feel like a little aggressive, but I don't really get much into, you know, the progressions of CrossFit and you know what I mean? Like, I just feel like the ruck muscle ups, you know, I feel like that's kind of like a games movement.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Like, I'm like, where can we go with that? You know, like, are we going to see those again at the games? Like, I feel like. What's next next a dead body on your back step like i feel like we should have just done the complex you know without the rock yeah i mean that's my only like comment on like i feel like there's no real like there was no progression with that hey um would there be anything matt would say to you when he sees that where he'd be
Starting point is 00:53:05 like hey make sure you keep your hands close to yourself and then afterward the event be like hey the reason why i told you that is because i wanted to make sure you didn't injure your labrums or does he ever express to you concern about you know what i mean that's a fucking pretty gnarly move oh um no i mean there's much different concerns i would say muscle ups aren't typically it's not a huge weakness of mine but it doesn't i just meant because there was a ruck on your back and you're gonna in the complex you know what i mean like or anything like that does he ever express concerns like hey this is fucking dangerous what you're doing right here be careful i uh i wouldn't say to me he wouldness i think that would i think he knows me well enough that that might
Starting point is 00:53:45 just annoy me i'd be like yeah i know right so he would give you another point it's like it's like um don't tell your kids hey don't fall from there instead you're supposed to say hey squeeze onto that bar tight yeah are you wearing a bathrobe me no i'm gonna sweat oh a hoodie all right um db uh e is daniel brandon energy that's what dbe is right rope climbs were um fire oh wow yeah wow thank you oh thank you they were fun thank you for the money i don't when the questions run out i mean it's gonna be hard for me to get back into my own shit i've just completely surrendered this podcast. Jeffrey Watkins, $5.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Do you want to say anything to her? I think you always need, you know. This is good. Yeah, this is fucking easy. It's nothing. I just want $5. I'm stoked you showed up. Okay, here we go. A Magnus Holmgren.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Oh, great. That's tough. About $25. No, it's Mexican money. That's like 50 cents. What? Yeah, that's from Mexico. For real?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Fuck, marry, kill. Sevan Dave Matt Torres. Damn. That's tough. The fucking kill are the hard ones. It's okay. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Matt Torres, $10. You can tell everybody about our relationship. God, this is a good group of people. Yeah, that was $1.40 that motherfucker sent. I love Magnus. I love you, buddy. Hola, amigo.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah, that's cool. Thank you, Matt. That's really kind of you. God, dude, the comments are savage. They are. Olsen, dude. Hello, Mr. Olsen. Always nice to see you in the voice.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Congratulations, Ms. Danielle Brandon, and sending all. Always nice to see you in the voice. Congratulations, Ms. Danielle Brandon, and sending all the positive vibes to you and at the games. Oh, wow. That's so sweet. Olsen dudes. A wholesome profile picture. Okay. Back to the interview at hand.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Okay. Do you think, so you were, you were a year ago today or a year ago around this time, things were boiling over at underdogs athletics. You picked up your shit and you came to the brute camp in Naples, Florida, and now you're here. It looks like your body composition has changed a little bit since then. You look stronger. I would think so. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I mean, you're looking bigger like up here. Wow. Really? Yeah. And your arms are looking bigger. That's what I'm noticing. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah. Totally. Your arms are fucking looking just savage. Yeah. You look fucking incredible. Boobs are still real? Boobs are real? Still real.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Okay. And because they look bigger than normal too which is weird right you shouldn't you're supposed to work your boobs off yeah i just don't do you have a secret to that no okay all right and maybe my balance of food who knows because you're you're crazy ripped too wow no thank you wow thank you these are just observations these aren't compliments i haven't even started to compliment yeah i mean sure yeah yeah thank you look at caleb just points right to your stomach ah look at that caleb please don't touch her there. That's inappropriate. That's inappropriate. So your training, I'm guessing your training is significantly different.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's changed since what you were doing in underdogs athletics? Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, really different. Legitimate question. Do you think, is everything calmer at at brute and do you miss sort of the tension that may have been there that maybe you thrive better and sort of like more of a chaotic hostile scene you know i i think i can bring chaos wherever you want if you need a little chaos to motivate you you'll bring it right to uh brute yes but um you know what it's
Starting point is 00:58:07 i actually really enjoy our brute um like our brute gym you know matt talks about you know wanting to grow the camp and like moving to a bigger space but having already been in a really big space like camp rhino versus now in the Brute Gym, I really love the small gym. And I always say, like, I never want to leave this place because it just it feels so much more intimate in there. You know, there aren't those distractions of having classes around or random people walking in. But, you know, that's just me wanting to live in my own little world. Yeah. She's the most jacked she's ever been. At least in these recent photos. I agree. John George, she's ripped. Yeah. It's fucking,
Starting point is 00:58:49 you've turned into a freak of nature. Matt for that. What are your, at your low, you were consuming some like 2000 or less calories a day. You explained that to us the first time you came on, you completely changed that. How, do you have any idea how many calories you're consuming nowadays? Is that even a metric you use? No, but my main goal is just to get at least three meals.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Okay. And I've definitely been getting three solid meals. What about being light? How do you want to be at the games? Just as a fucking regular jackass like me, I like to be as light as possible at 51 years old. So because everything's easier for me when I'm lighter, right?
Starting point is 00:59:33 Pull ups, muscle ups, just everything I do. Like there's nothing I'm trying to do that. I need to be heavy. Is, is that the same for a games athlete? Cause you guys are like lean,
Starting point is 00:59:41 like hungry dogs. Yeah. Um, you know, I, I wish i was more in tune with that like my body weight you know but i think i've never felt like i've never been like oh i feel really heavy um just because i have never really eaten enough as it is. So typically when I do start to eat more, I actually lean out and probably lose a little bit of weight. So maybe, you know, maybe once I'm a little more consistent with that,
Starting point is 01:00:13 I can really figure out like how much I'm weighing, you know, and tell like, if I'm 150, this is how gymnastics feels. Versus if I'm 155, like this is how gymnastics feels. But I, you know, I can always base it on gymnastics, burpees. But I would say for the most part where I'm at right now, I just focus on eating enough. Is it difficult to eat at competitions? Yeah, it really is. But I would say I actually did really well this weekend with eating.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Those nails I just saw you had on did you have those on this weekend i did yeah that's my real nail no don't know yeah you you know yep yeah i swear no yeah no yeah Those are your fucking real nails. I'm starting to think your boobs aren't real. What? No, these are real. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Someone said, um, my name is Matt. Actually didn't think they were real either. Yeah. No, these are real. And then I had like the, my gel,
Starting point is 01:01:20 like the color fall off and my nail still there. And he was like, Oh shit, they are real. How do those not break? Oh, they do. Absolutely. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:30 That's crazy. But do they bend back very often? Like bend back? No, they're strong. What are the strengths of a will? The willies. No, they're strong. no they're strong um uh the the when the games come um the whole team will go and will there be one specific coach for you you know i it was actually really cool this weekend we
Starting point is 01:01:54 kind of figured it we're figuring it out um in the warm-up area on what we kind of each needed and wanted um and i think we did come up with like a good game plan you know i i didn't realize but i i really liked to have somebody walk me specifically through my warm-ups and like game plan um and kind of have eyes on me at the whole time and you know we have dc matt uh al was luckily back there so he was able to take fee through her warm-ups and stuff and that really helped um hello hi garrett oh hey hi i was just hoping to ask daniel a question yeah go ahead if she can't answer it i'll answer it for her okay i will not is it about her nipples please tell me it's about her nipples it's definitely about nipples. Okay, go ahead. Okay. So also before I start with your nipples, I'm a big fan. Why?
Starting point is 01:02:50 But we kind of noticed – well, I mean we as like a bunch of like my friends sort of – Oh, this is going to be good because she's stalling. This is going to be a because she's stalling. This is going to be a hard question to ask. Brace yourself. We sort of thought that you had your nipples pierced. Because some of us have had our nipples pierced. Me and
Starting point is 01:03:18 some of my friends. And we were just wondering like if you do and if you do. Well, I just want to know if it, like, if while you work out, if it bothers you in any way, shape or form. We've had those kind of issues and questions as well. What do you mean bother you? Like you're doing burpees and they hit the ground or something?
Starting point is 01:03:44 Well, like sometimes you can get. You walk by a big magnet and you get sucked to it no but if you have like have your nipples pierced and you and you're and you work out and maybe your sports bra is too tight or like whatever you can get these kind of pimples like it's i didn't see this going anywhere on the do you have pimples on your nipples i mean it's a thing like yeah i mean it's like it's a whole thing and she like she's obviously a world-class athlete and whatever so i was just kind of wondering like does it does working out like that? Nope. With and does it bother you at all?
Starting point is 01:04:28 Does it give you any problems whatsoever? Like, it just like. Well, give her a hundred thousand followers on Instagram. And that's been bothering her for a long time. I mean, it's great during sex. Don't get me wrong. Like the nipple piercing during sex is fantastic but i but like i was just wondering about the workout thing because there are some of my friends like like they have
Starting point is 01:04:53 questions so i was just wondering if it was like does it ever any problems does it ever like just in case anyone's wondering this is really matt torres he said i'll hang up i'm sorry this is so awkward no i'm not i'm literally i i'm asking a woman a question like i get it like i had my i literally had mine up there as a teenager and then i had them pierced again later before i went to the army and like it was a thing so I had no I never any issues thank you for the call that was fantastic helping you out you're a good dude bye bye uh why did you why would why did you do that have a hole put in your nipple why yeah just for fun hey does he do it with it
Starting point is 01:05:53 piercing your ears pierced did you do did the dude do it with a gun i didn't pay the caller i did not pay the caller but i would like to Did he do it with a gun Or with a needle A needle So hold your boob with one hand And sticks the needle Through the Well congratulations The orange shirt The orange shirt
Starting point is 01:06:26 they were just the orange shirt was just exposing them it was just it was just a uh yeah i think a lot of people could answer that question for themselves uh perv julio barrentos no i don't think you're perverted are we 14 this is weird mel
Starting point is 01:06:40 oh you guys no bunch of fucking simpletons Mel oh you guys bunch of fucking simpletons okay I'm gonna cross this off the list nipple pierced oh my okay what do you think about the air runner
Starting point is 01:06:57 oh shit here we go caller hi caller hello go call her hi call her hello hey hi i was wondering if i could ask a question that's non-nipple piercing related hold on let me see uh danielle are you okay with any non-nipple absolutely oh yeah she's fine with it please go ahead okay great um i wanted some advice so um i am very new to the crossfit speaking working out for like a year and a half now. And I was wondering if Danielle, being sort of a girl in CrossFit, has ever run into the issue of people kind of giving their opinions too much, like how jacked and bulky she's getting. I feel like it's been a huge theme of people telling me every time I hit a PR, they're like, well, you don't lifting big weights you're like stay light for high reps like do you run into you a lot or did you ever oh yeah I mean what was it I was at um that was there we were at Whole Foods and I think the lady
Starting point is 01:07:57 indirectly but very directly asked me if I was on steroids because of how I looked. No shit. Yeah. I really don't. I don't remember exactly what she said or asked, but she essentially was assuming that I was only this big because I was on steroids. But yeah, all the time. How are you dealing with it?
Starting point is 01:08:23 Call her. Do you give a fuck? Yeah. Is it your friend your friend well it's kind of hard it's like my family so i've like members of my family call me while at the gym and they're like well i don't remember giving you permission to let you wait and like today how old are you okay so i'm 23 so i just graduated college so i That's, um, well, so today I hit a, sorry, you don't need permission. I know. Well, so today I had a 15 pound PR on my snatch. And again, like to put in perspective, I, it was a hundred pounds. Like it's not a lot. I'm not
Starting point is 01:09:00 the big girl out there, but I told him, I was like, Oh, this is so exciting. I, you know, it's not a lot i'm not the big girl out there but i told him i was like oh this is so exciting i you know team found pr and they were just like well don't get too muscly and i was like hey um maybe they aren't the people and then it launched into the stars maybe fine sorry maybe they aren't the people to tell about your prs you know they don't always have right they don't have to be your hype people you can find different hype people I know how would you suggest like not letting stuff like that like bother like just keep yourself like just don't share with the people around you if they're gonna react like that or I don't think that you should limit or stop yourself from sharing the things that make you happy um you know I think you're always going to run into those issues like that. If people not, you know, agreeing or supporting you, whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:09:48 but if you're so secure with why you're doing it and you know, you're doing it because you want to do it, you're not doing it to go tell your family. Isn't it kind of amazing that those people are just on autopilot is the truth, right? They're just on autopilot. It's kind of amazing that those people are just on autopilot is the truth, right? They're just on autopilot. It's so weird. It was like a whole conversation about how I'm not going to be feminine anymore if I like heavy weights. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Too weird. So I just wasn't sure if that's just a common theme or if it's just a weird thing. No, no. I bet you it's a common thing. We all live in this bubble, so we don't really know it, I'm guessing. Is that fair to say, Danielle? All we do is hang out with crossfitters and it like yeah i mean i think i think yeah like all the time i get comments like that but
Starting point is 01:10:32 i feel like i've lived in this world for so long that it's easy to it's easier and easier to brush them off oh right makes sense well thanks for your. I really appreciate it. Congrats on the snatch. Oh, thanks. Hey, thanks for your time. All right. Bye. Jeremy Eat World, cheers to the last time we ever have Danielle Brandon on the show. Nah, she's good. Don't. Don't. She's good.
Starting point is 01:10:58 She did a little nipple talk. She's okay. Right, Danielle? I'll text her after the show, if she responds i know it's good if not i'll be like oh shit uh that is uh barry mccalkin that's uh sporty beth okay that's sporty that's just one of the characters in the um one of the characters in the uh in the pantheon of the drama that is the Sevan podcast. Oh. Do you have anything competing with CrossFit, like any of your sponsors,
Starting point is 01:11:36 that's pulling you away from your training? Like you said, you're happy to be in a small gym and kind of stay in your loop and stay in your bubble. I feel like you have things that are competing or trying to pull you away in training. I don't mean like sentient beings or like people, but just your own temptations or requests to go fly somewhere and do, you know, photo shoots or. Sure. Yeah. There's always going to be that,
Starting point is 01:11:56 but I would say typically the sponsors and people that I work with are really aware of, you know, I think they're the ones to be like, Oh, well, you don't want to travel. Right. And I'm like, no, actually I do. It just depends. You know, if I'm, you know, there's going to be a point in time, obviously in the season where I'm not going to be as willing to travel. But I, I mean, I typically, if I want to travel, I'll travel. And now someone is saying my audio is cutting out. How is it, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:12:24 Is it good? I think that was just when the phone phone the caller was calling and someone's wrong something's wrong with the phone it's not perfect um okay thank you hey um there's no way in hell you travel now now you're like you're grounded right by grounded i don't mean like in trouble but like you are You are? Yeah. To where? Georgia. For? Like a wedding party. Are you flying? Yeah. Wow, no shit.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I think it's a quick flight. Will you partake in fermented beverages? Yeah, probably. No shit. Yeah. Don't you have to be just completely on lockdown and like committed and dedicated if you want to win the games you're sure yeah but you know my goal is to be as fit as possible by the games um but as we see a common theme here, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:26 a lot of people restrict themselves and think CrossFit is the end all be all and it's not. So I don't, if I want to have a drink, I will have a drink and I really don't think it's going to affect my CrossFit as much as people may think it does. Yeah. Um, uh, um, I love that she still just lives, but what about this? What about when you're out there and you're competing and if you, and you have to question whether shit, maybe I shouldn't have had that drink. Maybe I shouldn't have flown there. Maybe I shouldn't have. I mean, that was my choice. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Uh, air runner. What do you think about an air runner? Do you, or do you despise an air runner what do you think about an air runner do you or do you despise an air runner or do you like an air runner i don't mind them the only thing that i have with them is it was annoying at semi-finals to see it twice because the 800 meter run um if that was on the ground i would say the people that won would not have won it oh interesting okay so right like i don't i don't know but that is kind of where i was going yeah i mean like even even myself the way i took off on the 800 on the runner and like how fast i was running the whole time i don't think it would have felt it would not have felt like that on the ground you know i think i think a lot of people on the 800 took off really hot and they were able to hang on because it was on a runner versus if you were on the ground, if anyone's ever ran an 800 or even a 400, if you take off so fast and way too hot, um, you will significantly slow down
Starting point is 01:15:02 versus on a runner, But you wouldn't have. Well, I know how to pace it. I know how to run an $800. A lot of people don't. Even the year they had the 500 at the games. I had a big advantage because I was a 400 runner, so I know how to run a 400. And even a 500, I would say, may be a little harder than a 400.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Well, as a fan, i'd much rather see the athletes run than on a runner i can't i i've this this semi-final made me completely hate air runners how cool would it have been to see you guys race that last 800 yeah i think it would have been really cool around a track and girls trying to pass you and you like pushing them down yeah that would have been amazing and you can't see where and you can't see where the other people are right caller hi oh yeah it was really hard to race hey oh sorry caller hold on one second if you would have seen do you think that if you would have known where emma was you could have run
Starting point is 01:15:58 faster and not actually i thought it was emma lawson was emma. Right. But when the announcers in like the little placards, they kept saying Emma. And like, I saw at one point Emma's was moving up first and then like mine would move up. But then there was a point where like mine would move up and then hers. So I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:16:18 I'm ahead of her. But then it was Emma Carey, which I was like, Oh my gosh. Like, so you think you could have, right. If you would have known you known you would you would have made sure that didn't happen i mean i would like i think you know if anybody's racing right next to somebody they're gonna push that much harder caller hi oh my god holy crap i can't believe i just got on that. DB, I'm a huge fan of yours. I love
Starting point is 01:16:45 everything you do. You're awesome. And I just want to comment on the whole drinking thing and stuff like that. I haven't had a drink in five years. I still get my ass kicked in the gym every single day. So it doesn't really matter. I was a full-blown alcoholic though. So I'm like, I was a, I was a full blown alcoholic though. So, I mean, you know, either way, um, I was going to ask you like, you know, when you're in competition and stuff like that, um, and like, I get this, like I experienced this, I just turned 40, like, I don't know, four months ago and stuff. And, you know, I go up against some people that are in their mid twenties and stuff and man, they just blow past me sometimes. And I'm like, well, fuck it. Um, I was going to ask you, does it ever bother you? Like when you're
Starting point is 01:17:30 like in one of the workouts or, and you know, you see somebody like just kind of going past stuff like that. Does it ever like get in your head ever or anything? Or do you just kind of like in your own head, this is what I can do. I just got to do the best that i can do how does that work exactly do you ever feel that way yeah i mean like um linda you know there was a point when people around me were kind of speeding but i really could only keep doing what i was doing and it was only pushing me harder because i was like fuck i don't want them to beat me by that much more right like they're already if they're already going to beat me they're already going to beat me um how can was like, fuck, I don't want them to beat me by that much more. If they're already going to beat me, how can I
Starting point is 01:18:07 minimize that gap as much as possible? Oh, man. That's awesome. Okay, cool. All right, that's all I had. I can't believe I got on, actually. I was like, shit, I got to call this guy. Hey, why do you like Danielle? I just, I don't know. I just like her outgoingness, her wild personality.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I love this. You know, she kind of just marches to her own beat really. You know, she's doing different hair colors. She just, you know, tattoos and, you know, the nipple piercing. That's, that's pretty hot. I think so. Well, thank you. Good thing. Should she get any more piercings? Sure. Why not?
Starting point is 01:18:55 Do not do this. No tattoo on the face. Don't do that, Daniel. I'll think about it. Hey, we're fucked. Every time we tell her not to, then we're getting one step closer to her getting one. We fucked this up. Yeah, I was at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I volunteered there, actually, this past January, but the line was so long, like, you know, to meet you and stuff like that, so I didn't have a lot of time to really do that. But my friend George was there, actually, an Asian guyian guy actually that's wearing the rads all the time i don't know if you remember him met you a couple of times i think but either way she loves george yeah she remembers him he was there when her earphones he was there when her earphones stopped working dude she's he's met her probably like 15 times i think she was all these i don't know names as well i know either way all right thank you thank you bye bye
Starting point is 01:19:57 i love hearing his excitement he was so excited yeah i love hearing his excitement is it weird talking to strangers? No. Yeah, I don't think so either. Em, you are not fucking done with the Sevan show. That's bullshit. I know you're not done. When you finish the workout, it's workout seven, and you finish it.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And amazing work, great hot chick. Oh, Sarah Cox, California hormones. That's my best sponsor. Really? Yeah. Oh, um, when, um, when you, when you finish the workout and you're number one and, uh, no, when you're number two and Emma's number one, um, and you cross the finish line, it's a little, a little you guys don't even address each other. Like you don't even address that. She's there. She doesn't address you're there. And then you do the interview and the interview is over and you guys kind of always you never acknowledge her. I actually gave her a hug. Oh, you did? Yeah. After the interview or at the finish line? I forget if it was before or after, but I gave her a hug. I think it was after. I think it was before the interview.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Wow. Okay. Yeah. I was like, wow, this is intense. And in the interview, in a way, you said it was kind of – it was an interesting way to acknowledge her. You said, yeah, that won't – she won't be beating me like that again. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Wow. I mean, it's cool. I like it. It's not rude. It's like just like, yeah, that won't be bad. I said, you know, she let it happen this time. I let it happen this time. Yeah, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Man, look at you. You're a fucking brick shithouse. Look at that. That's a good pose. That's a good pose. I like that interviewer guy right there, too. That Mike Arsenault guy. Do you like him?
Starting point is 01:21:44 What's that? It's okay. Oh, okay. Call her hi. Easy, easy. I like that interviewer guy right there too, that Mike Arsenault guy. Do you like him? What's that? That's a good one. Call her hi. Easy, easy. You're coming in hot. Settle down, buddy. Settle down. Yeah, I'm on?
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah. No, you're not. I got to hear the question first before I put you on. Oh, I was just going to say, I'm in Naples where they are. Really stoked to see her. You're outside Matt Torres' house with a pair of binoculars right now? Yeah, I am. I know exactly where he lives.
Starting point is 01:22:14 What's your name? Mark. Yes, I met you at the brute force camp here in Naples. Yeah. You're being a good sport. Some of those questions were
Starting point is 01:22:29 a little gnarly, I guess, but you're doing a good job answering them. Oh, thank you. No, she's not. She avoided all the nipple talk and she contracted and now I'm going to get ass pounded in the comments for even bringing it up. You called a scumbag a pervert.
Starting point is 01:22:44 That sounds like a bad interview. Right, yes, that's all my fault. This is your issue. On my end, I'm doing good. Good job at the semifinals. I know a lot of people around here were watching and rooting for you. So we're all glad that your team did really well.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Matt did a great job, you you know being a coach myself not at that level to see how all of you guys performed was was fantastic and i'm sure uh he's really proud of everybody yeah yeah he is i think he's really relieved as well to have all five of us make it yeah that's awesome and i was so happy that you guys all came here because we don't get anybody we don't get a lot of uh world-class athletes in the small part of florida well now you got a shitload of them matt torres is a beast true yeah yeah and you're you're pretty beastly too i i grew up out in encinitas so i i got to see some of uh when crossfit was coming up going through santa cruz and
Starting point is 01:23:52 seeing all those guys so it's nice seeing everybody on uh something simple here like you're a beast pardon me uh no i'm just old now. What's your name? Do I know you? Do we know each other? No. When you talk about your moving to drive in and walk around town with your kids and stuff, I know all those areas because I grew up out there in Encinitas. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:24:19 How do you like Florida? Do you like Naples now that you're old? It took a long time. There's not a whole lot of culture out here. The sun's good. It's sunny and warm pretty much a lot. It's real motivating to get out and exercise and do stuff, which is nice. Danielle's always sweaty in her videos, I noticed.
Starting point is 01:24:40 She's enjoying herself, which is good. I'm glad that they're all here doing it here. Because now being in the sphere, we have somewhere that we can go and kind of check stuff out. Matt's been really, really nice about answering all my questions. So, you know, aside from that, being nobody and having someone like that be very receptive and and welcoming it's really nice i agree well thank you that's a very nice mature call you really lifted the show up out of the gutter thank you all right guys have fun we're enjoying it thanks okay bye uh barry mccauchner that caller was nate edwardson a big jesse trucking and i'm uh
Starting point is 01:25:26 in in honor of asian george do you understand that no i don't understand that either i don't get it oh god matt matt's spending all your prize money uh who's the guy breathing heavily outside my window that's that guy in naples he's uh he can see you with your pants down right now uh mr torres we'll put your pants on uh rob miller two dollars last time she's coming on here for sure easy come on guys ruthless are you kidding me they're all they wait wait till you see the comments i am gonna get fucking mashed on youtube are you oh my goodness all right do these comments go on to the under the youtube no but dude these people are usually pretty cool here in the comments they they've made it their favorite pastime to make fun of me they're on kind of their good behavior and when people like you are on they try to make fun of me a little bit more to like try to impress you um but uh you oh you have to pee me yeah you're doing
Starting point is 01:26:31 pee dance oh no i actually don't i was trying to like read the comments and listen oh so um yeah just but but the people who watch youtube they get all fucking brave and shit and they get they're on their keyboards and be like how dare you disrespect miss absolutely keyboard warriors okay uh we talked about uh i think we've gone through almost everything oh oh yeah i have a question for you what's that sled like have you ever used a sled like that do you guys have one of those like cloth sleds i've never used one you've seen a cloth sled before no it was a it was a the only like obnoxious thing was which i think matt talked about in a podcast was the fact that a lot of like the cloth on the front would roll under some athletes would fix it some wouldn't
Starting point is 01:27:19 um and i think mine flipped under and i like even i saw it flip under and i was kind of yeah it was like what i'm like do am i allowed to go fix this? Like, should I go fix it? Like, what's wrong with this implement? Is this supposed to happen? Um, so that was obnoxious, but you did well in that workout. Yeah, it was, it was actually fun. I like really enjoy monotonous things like that. Um, like I feel like with the sled pull once you figured out how you just had to like keep mimicking that um so it was kind of fun to like figure it out and then once you figured it out and got into a good rhythm um uh caller hi caller not hi you're not high okay i'm sorry you're not high? You're not high. Hello? I'm sorry. You're not high. Yes?
Starting point is 01:28:06 Hello? Salon? No. I'm scared. I'm scared. If this was just a regular live call-in show, I'd let that shit go through. But you got to be careful with when I got Danielle. We can't be fucking – Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Matt Torres, thank you for the – God, dude. You're spending all your – okay uh matt torres uh five dollars thanks buddy uh he must be sipping that he's a little drunk tonight and like spending all his money um or uh or we can talk a bit about how my camp crushed okay we can talk a little bit about how my crank camp crushed uh hard work pays off and proven and every other camp out there go Go ahead, Danielle. Tell them why we think we're better.
Starting point is 01:28:48 That's a little aggressive. Matt, what's Matt drinking tonight? I know. Poppy? I don't know. Do you guys think of yourself as a camp? He does, yeah. He does.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Oh, but you don't. i have a tough time going you know claiming brute squad you're more transparent what do you mean you have a tough time well you know like with under like ever since underdogs camp happened yeah it's, it's more of like a trust issue thing. Oh, no shit. Kinda. Yeah. It's me.
Starting point is 01:29:29 I'm it's Danielle Brandon. I'm it's the Dan. I'm training. Yeah. But it's tough when, you know, Matt Torres is brute strength. So.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Yeah. Thank you. It's the same guy. It's the same guy. No, I can see your fucking number. Thank you. Look at the same guy. It's the same guy. No. I can see your fucking number. Thank you. Look at Danielle Basel.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Danielle taking control of the show. I like that. How was London? Very fun. I can't wait to go back. I think I'm going back in the fall. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:02 For what? For a promotion? Rad promotion? Yeah. For some rad things. promotion? Rad promotion? Yeah. For some rad things. Hey, they really like you with the old necklace and the custom shirts and like. Yeah. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:30:15 They're making you feel special. Absolutely. You are special. Thank you. Yeah. Ben really takes care of me. When you were on the show last time you said that you think that you'd be a good mother and that you think you'd be it'd be fun to have kids and because you're um uh you could you could be a good caretaker which you know how you would take
Starting point is 01:30:35 care of them yeah i think so is there any chance you're gonna get pregnant soon i don't think soon. Like in the next year? No. You're using contraception? Yeah. What kind of contraception do you use? I'm on the IUD. Oh, does that have any hormones in it? What is that thing?
Starting point is 01:30:58 I think so. It does? Yeah. When you do that, do you look to see how it affects your performance? Do you go on Reddit and be like, okay, what what the fuck um no not with this one no i don't for some reason i don't think that that has that does affect your what is it kayla what's an iud isn't that does that go on before i think did what i easily lost like five pounds of unnecessary weight when i switched birth controls to to an iUD? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, that shit's so fucking scary.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Why not just use a diaphragm or a condom or something that doesn't affect your athleticism? You know, I've done it for so many years. It's just something I've never worried about. All right. Could I probably be... Oh, this guy's saying it's... It's copper. Do you know what it is, Caleb? Do you know how it works, the IUD works?
Starting point is 01:31:53 No. But it's a piece of copper wire. Is it in your arm? Is that where that thing goes? No. What do I know? Alex, Daniel Brandon all the way. Great show, Sebi. Thank you. Alex, straight or gay?
Starting point is 01:32:07 Thank you, Alex. Straight. Firefighter. Mustache. Wow. Nice. Street smart, Daniel. Manny Spiegel, 669. Daniel, thoughts on what happened with Brooke Wells? Do you have any insight on what happened when you were in the back
Starting point is 01:32:23 where you were like, oh shit, this bitch got fucked got fucked up her legs all fucked up something was going down it was i mean immediately like on day one yeah so legit like she was when she was we saw we saw fighter like she pushed through on do you think maybe she pushed through unnecessarily like she should have pulled out to come back and fight another day you think it was real what happened no i think it was real by real i mean physical there was it was a physical it wasn't like yeah i think there was like physically something wrong you know but without knowing all the details it's really hard to tell whether or not her performance was because of the injury or if it was just you know there was like there was a couple things like that I feel like I noticed and other people noticed that had nothing to do with
Starting point is 01:33:11 the injury that were like a little weird like um you know Linda like a really I think a lot of girls who did it well started with the dumbbells up and then like, cause your first rep didn't start until you were fully locked out. And a lot of, when I noticed when I walked out there, a lot of her reps started from the bottom. So then she would go up and like that wouldn't count. So she's already just like, Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:33:40 I just don't know. Like things like that. Like, I don't understand. I feel like that would have been helpful. Who's her? Did you see anyone from Proven there? Were Tia or Shane there?
Starting point is 01:33:52 I don't think. No, they weren't. You didn't see them there. Look at this. This show is like my own personal Google. It's an intrauterine device, okay? No, I'm your cervix. Oh, in your cervix okay look i'm learning all sorts of shit i sold uh mariana for 13 years it's not copper look at all these people this
Starting point is 01:34:12 dude sold fucking iuds for 13 years wow look at this guy can't believe you showed up nate holy shit she showed dude in all her glory she's here what are you talking about oh look at this wow Wow, you were close. Dude, I said firefighter or police officer. Wow, straight single and police officer. Holy shit. Wow. Just assessing it.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Wow. Yeah, that comment. There are some wild things that CrossFit was doing. I feel like. Tell me about the event where we were told the final event that you guys, the schedule said that the boys were supposed to go first. Yeah, so that was weird because it was like girls, guys, guys, girls. And then I feel like the only reason i knew was because i was back there watching dallin do his first
Starting point is 01:35:11 workout of the day and then i just happened to be in the warm-up area when they posted that and as well as matt so first things first is that normal for you to watch Dallin? Yeah, I really enjoy watching Dallin. Oh, that's cool as shit. Yeah. And so that doesn't give you – that doesn't like take energy from you or stress you out? Like watching your homie go? He killed it, huh? I just feel like –
Starting point is 01:35:38 He beat Roman Krennic off. Yeah, maybe I could be resting a little more, but I enjoy watching him and I want to support him. Yeah, that's cool. And he beat Roman. That's pretty crazy. Yeah. That was really cool. And this guy's called in like 20 times now. Wow. So then you're standing back there and that heat's going and someone walks up to you and says, hey, just this is event six. And someone says, hey, just so you know, girls are going to go first for event seven.
Starting point is 01:36:12 No, they just like posted, I think, like a piece of paper and like taped it up. And then I don't know. Me and Matt were just like happened to be standing right there or something. I don't know. Maybe Matt heard something, but we were back there when they posted it so we knew so our camp was fine but were you tripping did you know something was weird you're like oh that's weird that's not what we thought yeah i mean i was like well we kind of thought there was something wrong anyways like it was really odd to have the guys go back to back um it was more obnoxious that like we kind of had
Starting point is 01:36:44 warmed up and then you know oh because girls were late they were like oh pushing it back 10 minutes oh pushing it back another 20 like and it's the last event do you know why they did that why did they make the last message i've heard that the media team knew the night before really yeah i don't i thought it was like a mistake because that's so odd to do that. But I feel like at this point with some things like that, you just you question it, but nothing really happens. Did you ask to take a picture with anyone this weekend? No. Do you ever do that? No. I'm not a big picture person, actually.
Starting point is 01:37:24 You don't take pictures?'t you don't ever yeah you don't take pictures you see any famous people in naples i haven't personally but i think there's some like matt has seen some people at the pickleball courts so i'm like famous football player or baseball player there's actually quite a few athletes hanging around here yeah i believe it yeah good weather hot clean safe it's safe right yeah yeah very safe when you did the open announcement with mal did you see any signs or did you get to know her at all did you get get to talk? Did you talk to her at all? Did you ever, did you go out to dinner afterwards? Do you know her? A little bit. I wouldn't say like we one-on-one
Starting point is 01:38:14 talked a lot. I helped her. I did help her with her signature though. I will put that out there. Oh, you saw her sign something and you're like, Hey, you should work on that. Well, uh, so crazy. She'd never learned cursive cursive like she wasn't i don't think she was part of that generation to learn cursive um and so we were just like playing around back there and i like did something and we were like oh that's really cool we really like it so she was just back there like practicing her signature can you fucking believe that that they pulled cursive out of the school curriculum? That's bizarre, right? I know. You think they're going to pull something else like adding and subtracting out soon?
Starting point is 01:38:52 Adding and subtracting. Maybe. You know what? I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. I don't understand why. Did Danielle Brand – oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Okay, so this is a good question. We heard that they asked for your ruck straps back after they were supposed to give them to you or something did you bring yours back to the venue yeah oh right so originally that you were supposed to get to keep those that's kind of yeah but then apparently they didn't they uh what was it they didn't tell the west that we would have the waist strap or something like they told the west that they wouldn't have a waist strap but then we got a waist strap so now they have why would you keep the waist strap anyway did you get to keep your ruck yeah oh shit okay okay okay okay it was really nice okay did it say your name on it or anything no okay um uh well it must be really nice for you to say that too you got a lot of nice uh accoutrement
Starting point is 01:39:53 uh ferguson stolen but say that again i've had a lot of my rec bags stolen so it's nice to get another one from where random competitions like at rogue the year they gave it they gave us some or something like somebody took mine out of the back walked out with it wow it's a random random uh danielle hung out in the stands she is the real deal god that's not cheap either you did hang out in the stands? Yeah. You're a good dude. How many pictures do you think you took this weekend? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Not a crazy amount, I would say. 50? Yeah. 100? Maybe. Did you ever get annoyed like hey there's my car and i have to go from here to there and i'm gonna get fucking smashed and i got a key and i'm hungry i would say the people with me usually they're like oh my gosh so they usually try to come up with a like a good plan i'm really i'm like usually pretty bad at saying no uh after she took my box in the
Starting point is 01:41:08 warm-up area oh you took james townsend's jump box in the warm-up area is that true he was sitting down why does he need to sit down he wasn't working what did you say you say get up buddy i need this nice uh i appreciate you coming on thank you if you see that yeah dude anytime i'm fucking pumped oh good i hope you made a lot of money i fucked i think i had a $300.99 donations oh my gosh. What do you want? You know. Oh. I of course.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Yeah, talk to me. Oh shit, I hung up on him on accident. Tell Mr. Torres congratulations please. Tell the whole team I said congratulations. Give Emma a big hug for me. Fee Sagafi, tell her she's a fucking child of god she's a fucking shining bright light uh james sprague snap his bra for me uh nate ackerman tell him if he gets a little better he can come on the show uh tell dallin i can't wait to have him on he is uh when justiniros is done, I'm sure he's going to let, um, down and get a winner too.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Damn. Yeah. All right, girl, I'll be rooting for you. Thank you. Have a good night. You too.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Bye. Oh, that was you calling. I didn't even know that was you calling. You scared, but you scared me the first time. I didn't know that was you.? I didn't even know that was you calling. You scared me the first time. I didn't know that was you. Sorry. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:42:51 Sorry, Jeremy. I didn't even know that was you. Fuck. Rob Miller, great episode. Sorry for the nipple convo. No, it's okay. It really is okay. It is. Trust me.
Starting point is 01:43:08 It's okay to stumble around in the dark. It's okay to fuck up. It's it's it's fine. Everything's fine. Torian Pro is on
Starting point is 01:43:23 Caitlin Van Zeel doing work. Oh, that's cool. Ellie is competing right now at Torian Pro is on Caitlin Van Ziel doing work oh that's cool Ellie is competing right now with Torian let's watch the numbers plummet I'm going to bed I'm going to eat I'm going to eat pork chops my wife made pork chops in a slow cooker I gotta make my own dinner
Starting point is 01:43:39 it's kind of fucked up Caleb what the fuck are you wearing he was out for a bike ride It's kind of fucked up. Caleb, what the fuck are you wearing? He was out for a bike ride. My get hard hoodie. Oh, that's nice. Okay, CM, I told you you were staying. Guys like that are why straight girls go les.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Guys like what? It's okay. it's all it's just fun she's cool, she's a good sport, she can handle it it's remember political correctness is just a tool of the man to keep everyone
Starting point is 01:44:18 in line it's okay you can go out and purchase you don't have to follow any of the rules. It's generally interesting conversation. You going to do Murph? No, is that tomorrow? Monday, technically.
Starting point is 01:44:44 This weekend. What would I sub for pull-ups? Ring rows. I probably can't do those either. I could do some sort of rope pull. That would work too. Yeah, I could do some pulling like this. Wayne Lang.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Those of us in Australia are busy watching Torian Pro. Last heat for event one is happening as we speak. Also, two athletes from previous heat have already beaten Danielle's event one record. Dang. Shit. Jumping pull-up. You know what? That's maybe not a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:45:21 That would work. Yeah. You could do like bandit or something. That's me. One arm just cannot do shit. You could just do single arm ring rows. that would work yeah you could be like bandit or something that's me i just this i just one arm just cannot do shit you could just do single arm ring rose seven eights veterans you douche trish no i didn't have the balls to but did i miss the nipple ring combo no i didn't have the balls to bring up the nipple ring sorry the nipple piercing Totally dropped the ball on that.
Starting point is 01:45:47 I think I needed to slide it in. I think the collar, I mean, I'm not blaming the collar, but it was just the way it came up. I needed it to be more subtle. I think we could have done a better job of that. Yeah, but it happens, whatever. Thomas Graves, where, where can I get a ceo banner for our gym i mean like this one does vindicate sell those i think vindicate sells oh here we go here we go there he is right there
Starting point is 01:46:15 there it is right hey how cool is that? That a Madaris, his dad is wearing that at the venue. That's good. Here's the reason why I'll leave you guys with this. Uh, so on all bark, no bite.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Uh, um, all what, why, what did I do? I thought I, I was, I was good.
Starting point is 01:46:41 I'm happy with my performance. I don't give a fuck. Listen, the, the, the thing is this about this this guy it did this guy is on the same journey that i'm on and he's like 15 years ahead of me and so for this guy to wear that shirt means the fucking world to me you have to understand has nothing like i don't give a fuck what anyone says that dude raised kids in california stayed with his wife got a great boy i for him to that like i i know it's not healthy to get your your your identity or your satisfaction
Starting point is 01:47:19 or your acknowledgement or your validity from other people but let me tell you that uh uh that tickles my fancy to see that that's um i can't wait uh thanks i wrote thanks brother see you at the after party in september i am no i don't care give a fuck what i'm doing if they invite they invited me to their house last year and i can't remember what i was doing but after the games i am definitely going i think it was out of state or something i'm definitely going to lodi it's close to my house. I'm going to stay the night at their house. I'm going to sleep on their couch.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I'm going to do something. I sleep on their lawn, dude. You went? No, I would sleep on their lawn. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to do that. Yeah, I'm definitely going. That's my people right there.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I'm definitely going. I'm bringing my kids and my wife. I might even bring my mom to that party. Oh, shit. Heather Gray. that's what i need to do um somebody you know what sucks about james townsend he's on a fucking droid can't do it i know james what are you doing even though i respect it in the sense that um what's your mailing address i want to get james a and and shirt size oh what do you think james townson wears a large or an extra large dude he's xl uh and your shirt size i saw him last weekend he's big huge
Starting point is 01:48:41 he might even be a double X. No shit. With those biceps, dude. Yeah, it's weird. You can't really tell on Instagram. I mean, he looks jacked out of his mind, but you can't tell how giant he is. XL, that's what someone's saying. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Look at that. Someone said 3X. I'm going with Barry McOchner. I think he's a fucking shmedium i know how those if you have a nice body like james you do not um uh you do not uh you know fuck around with that extra large no matter what i thought um should we reflect on danielle today i thought she was a little demure today i don't think i ever got her out of her shell i don't i feel like she is taking things more seriously this year and i think that's part of it i don't know i feel like she's kind of like settled into a good um routine or a good community
Starting point is 01:49:46 I think maybe she's on a different vibe and Torres was sitting right there huh that's his house I looked up the podcast and I was going to pull it up but I didn't want to out her yeah I mean she's good with it she's like yeah we hang out
Starting point is 01:50:03 I think she still wants to keep it on the deal it's really hard when you have over half a million eyes on you all the time listen anyone who's going to write something stupid in the youtube comments either about just anything but the nipple ring section or like you just shut the fuck up i don't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:50:33 okay like i think i just i don't really don't just yeah okay never mind go ahead right i guess it's good for the algorithm right i guess it's good for the algorithm go ahead I guess it's good. Go ahead. That was good. No, I like her. I want to make a list of people I want to have on.
Starting point is 01:50:54 I have a list for you and we haven't even done anything about it. Oh no, no. I mean like athletes like to crush, like beat like a shitload of people like at like specifically games athletes. Do you have that too? Yes. Oh,
Starting point is 01:51:02 okay. We made a list one day and I added you to it. Oh, is it a Google doc? No. Oh, where's the list? I think it's on the notes in like Apple notes. Oh. I'll add you to it again.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Okay, please. Look, I have notes on this computer. Turn on iCloud. Hey, I'm going to send you a Rodecaster. Huh? Yeah. No shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:39 And is that like permanently where you sit right there? Yeah, when I'm at home. And we could plug in. So is there a place to set a Rodecaster and then a mic like this on a stand? I guess that's none of my business. But yeah, we should do that. I want to do all that here in the next. Yeah, I got it all.
Starting point is 01:51:55 I got all this stuff. Caller, hi. Hi, I'm calling about the free nipple piercings. Yes, I will come by my house tomorrow at 10 a.m um you do have to bring your own needle and i will get that done for you well i heard there's free needles in your in california or no there are yes actually there are free needles uh swing by the needle exchange that's three blocks from my house it's right in front of the 12 million dollar home and um go ahead and pick up a needle and then swing by and um and and i don't wear gloves when i cup your breasts to do it i hope that's okay with you um uh okay i okay listen i do have blue hair and i will be wearing a hoop top okay so if i miss your if you have blue hair and i miss your nipple
Starting point is 01:52:45 it was on accident and accidentally hit my dick yeah accidentally hit anything besides your nipple like straight into your heart okay and you can't have the guy in the background laughing. They just hang up. No way. Do you know that I went to fucking Kaiser and Vallejo one time? Permanente? I was, let's say I was 30. And I had to get a physical.
Starting point is 01:53:18 I was going somewhere, like Africa or India or something. And I had to get like some typhoid shot or pills or something. And I got a physical and the dude held my dick with no glove no glove, that's inappropriate right? yeah
Starting point is 01:53:39 the doctor touched my dick with no glove as the infection prevention of the art clinic, that's inappropriate. You've never even heard of that, right? Or seen that? No.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Even the people who cut my balls in the fucking military physical didn't do that. All gloves. Even when they look at my butthole, they did with gloves. Yeah, well, I hope so. Hey, man, they do some weird shit.
Starting point is 01:54:08 They're in the military? Yeah. They still make you duck walk. Hey. They do something skivvies. Imagine that. That means all those dudes that we've had on this show, like Dave's had some dude touch his butthole,
Starting point is 01:54:23 like search his butthole. Josh Bridges, Andy Stumpf, Jocko time next time you're listening to jaco podcast just remember someone touched his cheerio oh my goodness that's exactly right yeah they've all had even my butthole has been touched oh uh sorry you look like you'd be a great soldier, but I touched your butthole and it didn't contract tight enough. Your butthole dilated. You're not getting in. Why? Who's on tomorrow morning? What the fuck's tomorrow morning? Do we even have a show tomorrow morning?
Starting point is 01:54:57 I think that's when we start our semifinal coverage. Oh, shit. We need to get those scheduled. I think the first one is scheduled, right? Yes. The rest of them I need to put on there. Oh, can you?
Starting point is 01:55:11 Oh, thank you. Fuck, I forgot all about that. What time do I have to get up tomorrow? What time is the first show? Let me check. Oh, do I have to go and watch Torian Pro right now? Mother fuck. Looks like it's scheduled for 9 a.m pacific standard our show so what time is
Starting point is 01:55:28 what time does the west start so they probably don't start till 10 event one individual oh i could go to the um games instagram account excuse me yeah oceania is going on going right now and then you know what happened jeremy the reason why is because i had that fucking weirdo call a couple days ago uh the truth is savon was not at the doctor he was in the alley behind the hospital the call-in phone is so bad is that what you're saying He was in the alley behind the hospital. The call-in phone is so bad. Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:56:11 Yeah, what should I do about that? Maybe I'll turn it. Let me disconnect it. What should I do? What should I do about it? Does someone want to? Oh, let me just disconnect all these. Let me see what happens. And then maybe someone can call in and we can test it again.
Starting point is 01:56:27 Someone want to do that? Sorry, I got a bunch of new equipment and I'm reworking all this shit. Forget this device. The reason why I got this is because people told me Sousa's shit was better. Search for all audio devices. Okay. Okay. Okay, will someone call in real quick? And let's see.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Pair. And let's see if it sounds better. I reset everything. Dude, if you think it was bad now, Heidi, you should have seen when Dave was on or this morning show. Shit was fucked up. How about someone in the comments wrote um someone uh
Starting point is 01:57:07 oh here we go oh travis travis is so good at that hey travis what's up dude he's calling in for my nightly ad read oh this is awesome and it's not popping right the phone stopped popping heidi thumbs up or thumbs down this is good this is travis this is travis yeah no but what i mean is heidi was saying the phone sucks and now you sound great i can hear you i can hear caleb when all the other callers were called in there was popping and there was some audio just constantly dropping caleb are you sunburned no but i was out in the sun a little bit last weekend this is just my face now it's windblown uh several most streamers run off of obs your stream deck might be incompatible with stream yard but i think i'm good now i think it was just like i updated the software
Starting point is 01:57:58 i reconnected i turned off i think everything's money i, roadcaster pro is pretty in stream yard or pretty mainstream. I mean, they should be able to touch, go hold a hole or, or pull the hole and work. That's a technical term. Seven. I'm sure that there are 500 people who would come over and fix that
Starting point is 01:58:17 studio situation for free. No, what do you mean fix it? Yeah. Well, what do you mean then? No one, no one can do it better than I know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Does anybody notice the biggest thing that's been fixed? Oh no, actually. No, what do you mean fix it? What do you mean? No one can do it better. They know what I'm doing. Has anybody noticed the biggest thing that's been fixed? Oh, no. Actually, no. I didn't get any credit for that. I didn't do that either. Nice. A friend of mine just came over and was just tweaking with some shit. All right, Travis, thank you.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Where did the cord go? Oh, I thought you'd never ask. Hey, Travis, do you want, do you want to hear this, this fucking crazy story, crazy idea? Sure. I have to still, I need to talk to Sarah about it over at California hormones and, and I don't, I don't, and I think I kind of want to pitch this to toe spacers too. Um,
Starting point is 01:59:00 but we're thinking about getting six high chairs, like collapsing high chairs. Like, you know, they would be like, like, high chairs, like collapsing high chairs. They would be like director's chairs and taking them to the RV area and setting up one of those tents. What are those things called? Those tents that go over, and it would say California hormones on one side
Starting point is 01:59:24 and then toe spacers on the other and Vind hormones on one side and then Toast Pacers on the other and like Vindicate on the side and then Paper Street on the side and then the Sebon podcast and then every morning and then everyone would have their own phone pointed at them and then we would have a computer there with like a wide angle with a nice camera and we would do a morning like
Starting point is 01:59:39 show from the games every morning from the RV area let's fucking go doesn't that sound crazy show from the games every morning from the RV area. Let's fucking go. Doesn't that sound crazy? Yes. Cause I was talking to Sarah this week and she was thinking about going to the game. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:59:55 we need to make that happen. I'm going to be up there on Wednesday. When do the games, we should do it. We should do it. Whenever the RV park starts, we should do it. We need to talk to someone like the Medeiros or Craig Howard or someone.
Starting point is 02:00:05 This isn't my idea. This is Brandsetter's idea. The dude who works with SMTP. But we could... Fuck, dude. If we had Spin there... Well, okay. Okay, so
Starting point is 02:00:19 figure that out. Talk to Craig also. I'm sure they would. You mean Howard? Yeah, we just got to find someone in the RV park. Rich may even be accommodating us. The Fronings. The Mayhem Empire.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Right. No, no. I'm not actually going there. Don't get fucking carried away, Mr. McCockner. Don't get carried away. Diablo and the Medeiros are next to each other. Oh, yeah. that would be awesome I'm sure they would
Starting point is 02:00:47 Shane would do it gonna need Starlink that's interesting I think that there is talk of bringing a Starlink there oh and Dick Butter will make a guest appearance that would be sick the only other issue is the security you cannot go into the RV park without a wristband.
Starting point is 02:01:07 If you're not staying in the RV parks, you would have to figure that out. What do you mean? And what's a wristband denote? If you, if you're, you have to actually be staying in the RV park to get access into that area. Oh, okay. But you, oh, you can't bring a friend or a guest in there. You can't meet some girl in the games and bring her back to your RV? I don't think so. I think you have to actually have access to get in there because so many people stay in that area.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Do you need tickets for the games to go to the RV in the RV park? Or can you just go to the RV park? No, you have to be staying in the RV park. No, that's what I'm saying. And how much does it cost to stay to the RV park? No, you have to be staying in the RV park. No, that's what I'm saying. Oh, and how much does it cost to stay in the RV park? I have no idea. It was sold out from what I've heard. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:01:51 Okay. Well, we'll have to figure something out. Hey, maybe we could do this shit in the parking lot. We'll figure something out because I think that's fucking cool. Listen to this. Jeremy, Seve, I'll pay for your flight and you can stay with Wes and me in Wisco Wisconsin
Starting point is 02:02:07 I'm not leaving anywhere I'm going anywhere you need to go it'll be a fun time I'm not fun I don't want to have fun I'm not Seve they won't let you bring in your sponsors what sponsors
Starting point is 02:02:24 oh you mean into the RV park on my tent it just says on my tent just big old cock and balls can't have that Madaris's are gonna be
Starting point is 02:02:36 at uh Greg's talk by the way oh that's right we can talk to him that's right yeah she can have a little chat yeah it's gonna be cool
Starting point is 02:02:47 I've never met them in person I'm actually I'm actually looking forward to that usually that shit kind of gives me anxiety but I think those are my people I think that'll be easy I freaking tried to get tickets
Starting point is 02:02:57 and sold out how are we gonna go I could get you in if you were in town by the way a thousand dollars to reserve a spot in the RV park is that for real to go. I could get you in if you were in town, by the way. $1,000 to reserve a spot in the RV park? Is that for real? Maybe
Starting point is 02:03:09 for an actual RV spot. Not like a tent spot. But that ends up being $100. I thought you were about to vape. That's $150 a night? $120 a night? Damn. Damn. From what I've heard, the RV is,
Starting point is 02:03:25 the RV park is cheaper than getting a hotel. I heard it's fun as shit too. Party. Manny Spiegel says $250 for the RV park and a festival ticket. When the Madaris's are at greg's talk to them about it
Starting point is 02:03:47 that's the champ they gotta have some pull right yeah they gotta have some pull oh oh the champ yeah yeah champ's parents gotta have some pull in the rv park i hope they don't i think the person has pull is hw Yeah, you're probably right. I already scheduled Dave to come and be on our show. How's that? Here we go. Manny Spiegel, can people come to and from the campground? Yes, people with game tickets can move freely between the campground and the venue.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Please note that only those with games tickets can enter the campground. Oh, so he has this the opposite of what you're saying. Oh, that's interesting. Okay, so you can't just go to the campground and camp and not go to the games. Oh, shit, James Townsend. I did it last year, and it was the best decision. Definitely cheaper than a hotel. Oh, shit. Okay, good fun.
Starting point is 02:04:41 See, everyone says the campground. Yeah. But people who get it this year get first dibs for next year, so trying to get a spot is really hard. Oh, and Adriana. God, Adriana, I love you. Hey, this is marriage material, anyone who's fucking paying attention. Adriana says 49ers card has to be laminated to enter the campground.
Starting point is 02:05:04 That is awesome. God, you're awesome. And she can hang from a pull-up bar. I can't confirm she can do a pull-up, but she can hang. Fucking that's fucking quality. That's mama material. Someone get her. All right.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Well, good show. Thank you. We'll figure something out. All right. You demand. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here. Well, good show. Thank you. We'll figure something out. All right. You demand. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's the thing I brought up to you. And all of those people on the show need to be wearing the same shirt. So they'll be in those chairs, and they should have a cool shirt.
Starting point is 02:05:36 You know what I mean? It's kind of like a spoof, but kind of cool. Someone was comparing to some ESPN show I hadn't heard of. I think it's called College Game Day or something is there a show called that yeah and so and so we do saturday morning show yeah and i should have my logo prominent on it yes with a caleb i got your black on black. It's going in the mail tomorrow, by the way. Dude, you read my mind. I put that on for this show,
Starting point is 02:06:09 and I thought I should be a little more of a white bright light for Danielle. But the black on black is awesome. But I was like, you know what? I'm going to go with something a little brighter, lighter. Damn. I saw Gabe with it. I was a little sad. That's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Thanks, dude. No problem. All right. Thanks, dude. thanks for calling in okay everything's fixed everything's fixed phone is fixed how's that heidi phone is fixed um uh stream is fixed uh nickel nipple talk check that was a complete disaster don't tell anyone that was a fucking complete shit show everybody's gone by now they're not listening I deserve to get ass pounded
Starting point is 02:06:54 in the comments oh I was looking at okay so sorry I'm going to the games Instagram CrossFit games so I know what time I'm going to see all you guys tomorrow. CrossFit Games, Instagram, and it is going to be myself and Spin and Tyler Watkins tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Thursday, schedule of events. Okay, here we go. Okay, here we go. Women's Indie Event 1 is at 9.55 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, which is why we're going to go on at 9. Okay, yeah, an hour before. Okay, so I'll see you guys at 9 a.m. That all makes sense. Sousa had it all worked out.
Starting point is 02:07:39 I didn't have to figure anything out. Good, dude. All right. Hey, are they actually streaming event one and three? What's going on? Is that Chase and Adrian again? Do we know anyone?
Starting point is 02:07:52 I don't know. Chase, text me. Wait. How would you know that Chase text me? Caller. Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Hey. Hey. Hey. what's up dude hey i well i was i heard this was the phone number to call for jacob's ladders oh yes it is jacob's ladders i want one of those is that that's the thing that uh josh bridges has josh bridges has jacob's ladder isn't that what that is that's the thing that um uh it's like a stepper, a stairmaster, but instead you crawl on it? That is not what I'm talking about, bro. Oh. It's only Jacob's Ladder, I know. Is there a machine called the Jacob's Ladder, Chase? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:39 Yeah, and it's not, and you don't, and it's not powered. You have to manually do it. Fuck, dude, you look like you fell out of the 70s the fuck is your hair doing i was wearing a hat did you pull up the general lee and just jump out the window yeah one of the loop brothers just showed up the fuck is this oh chase ingram uses conditioner. Fucking busted. No, I use a head and shoulders. Two and one. Two and one. That shit is soft.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Caller, thank you. I know you want to just tear me a new one. Go ahead. Say it. What the fuck do you want? Oh, well, Jacob's Ladder is where you pierce your dick from top to bottom. Serious? Top to bottom? For real, man.
Starting point is 02:09:24 You got to stud it. Is that the Prince Albert? or is that just the head the helmut the helmut oh i know what's going on here caller thank you i appreciate it you've uh enlightened us um and we will google that thank you love your brother bye hey i know why you called you motherfucker you had a question no you're testing out your podcast gear for tomorrow. No. Why would I do that? I used your buddy Grundler today, so you're using me back.
Starting point is 02:09:54 You're like, okay, well, let's test out our shit and see if it works. I thought you had a question. No, I'm not. I am at home. Oh, you are? I am. Are you going to Pasadena? No.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Oh, okay. What's going on with show episode um um event one tomorrow still doing it from there yeah oh my god i can't i can't leave and i have a family reunion on saturday so i'm like we're gonna do it from home yeah you're a boss okay so you tell me how that works you'll be watching the iphones like zellos games like like we did yes exactly and that's where the whole inspiration came from which i've said before yeah fair enough indirectly on the feed i can see you know it's like i feel like if i said your name on the live feed for the podcast would just shut down immediately well don't make me ask why, but it's okay.
Starting point is 02:10:45 It's not like fucking rocket science, but no, it's a bit more challenging from here. Well, for you, it's going to be hard. Yes. Because we'll be on site. Who else? So Brian will be around Barclay Dale or Barkley Dale
Starting point is 02:11:06 one of his buddies I don't know who that is yeah he's some little numbers guru like Halpin statistics of like win percentage it's really fascinating stuff
Starting point is 02:11:22 it's some money ball shit for CrossFit and he's going to be a resource too. Say that again, Caleb? Brian's been trying to get him on the show. Yeah. To talk CrossFit. He's a nice guy. So how many iPhones will there be tomorrow?
Starting point is 02:11:36 So we're trying to take it up a notch. How many did you have last week? We had four cell phones last week. Oh, okay. Impressive. On a 5 last week. Oh, okay. Impressive. On a 5G network. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:48 With 3,000 people also on the same network, which is why it looks like it was- Fucking nuts. It is crazy. So we're going to try the same thing. We got this guy, Greg Gerardo or Gerardo. He watches the show. He's been on here. He's like, hey hey i can come down and
Starting point is 02:12:06 help he's from seattle uh-huh so like he's rolling down he hooked up some cameras so we're gonna try to actually have like camera video no promises right we'll see so will each camera be hooked up to its own computer and the computers then will be to laptops? Is that how that works? Sorry, guys. We're about to get kind of geeky here. Three. We're trying to make three cameras.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Problem is they all go into one mixer and we get one direct feed to the studio. So Greg is going to man the feeds based off like I'm going to be – he's going to be listening in. I'm going to be on the chat. based off like I'm going to be, he's going to be listening in. I'm going to be on the chat. And I was like, Hey, let's go to lane 16. And you might have a better camera angle that he'll, he'll switch on his side.
Starting point is 02:12:52 So like I can switch these things out as needed, but his camera one feed has three different cameras into it. I can't switch them. God, I would, I'd love to see what he's doing with that, how he's doing that. I really want to see them cabled in going to one mixer. And then that one mixer is feeding directly into the studio what's he do for a living he used to do like tv production now he owns an affiliate now churches have some crazy shit like that like big churches got some like and it kind of looks like a couple of those cameras kind of look like those like church cameras. Chase is censored by big brother. Dollar 99.
Starting point is 02:13:29 Just like we use 49ers for the word. Chase needs a word for seven on his name. No, no. Yeah. All the more. What about, what about Starlink?
Starting point is 02:13:39 Chase was that, is that, was that an option? Did you guys talk about Starlink? Actually, is that the like Elon Musk Starlink? Yeah. No, I don't even know how to tap into that.
Starting point is 02:13:51 A couple people I know have that. Greg has one at his house. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. I think you can just get one and put it in a suitcase and take it somewhere with you. Oh, that would be pretty sweet. All right.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Have you been watching the Torium Pro? No, I haven't. I just got done sound and video testing at the venue. Oh, with the setup. And what did you think? It's's good it's a nice big competition floor no but what did you think about that like you were you were doing a run through for tomorrow i mean i don't know man i'm not gonna sleep tonight like i'm gonna be so stressed out yeah yeah it's when i was like it worked you know what it's like it's like hey it worked tonight tomorrow morning before we hit live who knows you know what's cool though is it is it going to be on
Starting point is 02:14:52 the crossfit podcast uh website yeah in the upcoming streams already there so already i already um set it up it's it should be there for under crossfit podcast should be upcoming 9 a.m pacific. So we're going to cover team all the way through indie men and women straight through for four hours. So you can just type CrossFit Games Podcast into YouTube. Then you click on the
Starting point is 02:15:15 CrossFit icon. Oh, you guys put on a fucking 1,300 subscribers. Yeah. That's cool. And then notify me and I got all the subscribes on even though that shit doesn't even work um okay and so you're going on oh you're going on an hour early too no that's when it starts it starts at 9 a.m teams oh shit okay okay yeah yeah yeah we'll be we'll be live here at 9 a.m., and then we'll jump off at 9.55. Yeah. Well, shit.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Hey, people in the comments have your back. Dude, wasn't that crazy? So don't worry. Some people who aren't in the know, they were complaining, and they would just get their dick stomped on. Yeah. Like, fuck this feed. I'm like, at least you said this feed you're welcome uh greg glassman uh no one cares seven greg i love you buddy but we're gonna watch a little games this week not a lot thank you yeah yeah thanks greg love what you did for us thank you yeah love cross all right did you see dave on the show the other night i did i watched me and my wife watched the
Starting point is 02:16:25 whole show end to end how'd it go great cool i felt like eating something that i could use olive oil for afterwards yeah are you so are you gonna purchase a bottle hell yeah yeah as long as it ships to dallas and the other or i have to come out there and uh make him see me how often do you guys bottle buy a bottle of olive oil i don't know but that size that he had would probably last us a couple months not the way my wife fucking just pours that shit on everything oh yeah but um oh we're getting uh cotlers coming on heat one for the teams. Okay. And then I'm trying to get a special guest sometime during the individuals, which I can't say yet. If their audio sucks, don't be like me and hang on to them.
Starting point is 02:17:13 I thought something was wrong with Hinshaw's audio. Yeah, it was a little loud. We have an extra headset at the booth. Adrian's there in person. Everybody else is there in person. I'm the only one that can't be there. We have an extra headset at the booth. Adrian's there in person. Everybody else is there in person. I'm the only one that can't be there. We have an extra booth set. Kotler will come in the booth or booth, table, whatever,
Starting point is 02:17:34 and he'll be wired in. He won't be on a link. Dude, you know what else would even be crazier? You know what you could do? What? what you know what else would even be crazier you know what you could do what you could have someone facetime your phone with a wide angle of the whole venue that no one else can see and then you have your phone just off on the side so you always have a shot that no one else can see
Starting point is 02:18:00 oh did you know what i mean yeah if you wanted to like just off to the side on your monitor right just like you know just like right there and then anytime like you didn't you and if anyone's saying shit in the comments like hey you're missing this you're missing that or and you could even have a spot or you could even have a spotter in the audience who's banging the live chat chase who talks to you right and so you don't even have to do anything. The whole world can see that you have a spotter there, you know, God,
Starting point is 02:18:28 it's so cool. You can do so much shit. Yeah. You guys are going to get good at it. It's going to be fun. It's going to take over. Once you guys fix the picture, it's fucking game on.
Starting point is 02:18:36 It'll be, it'll be over for all other, um, kind of priority is getting good sound for the, uh, the post-production like they did where they redid test one with our audio. Oh, how did – use that – do you see the mic? Do you see the headset that Brian's using on Talking Elite Fitness?
Starting point is 02:19:03 No. It has a noise-canceling microphone. microphone okay we got it for zealous games oh is that the his flip down one yeah and i recently just got one for greg so when greg calls in and so if there's other shit going on so if you need if you need roamers that thing's only that thing's less than 300 bucks well we may be doing that tomorrow with Brian. And then where do you go after? So this week you commentate from home, events one and three. And then where do you go after that? So we'll try to pull off the same thing on Saturday. Adrian will run the show then.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Saturday's event three. Saturday event three for individuals. And then where do you go next week? Do you go to Europe? TBD. So you might fly there. And is it your call or is it their call? Their call.
Starting point is 02:19:57 Okay. I thought maybe your wife had grounded you. I know you got kids and shit. Oh, well, that is part of why I'm not in Pasadena. And I came home a day early from, from Orlando. You did come home a day late. Yeah. No early. Oh, I got an early flight shit. Cause it ended at like three or four and she joked, she's like, so you coming home? I was like, well, not really. And I was like, ah, shit, I should come back. Hey, that's all the veterans yep yeah it's
Starting point is 02:20:25 like i i got the last flight out surprised her let her sleep in oh you surprised her yeah oh that's nice and then but you know part of it was like hey let me bank some brownie points here so uh john george uh yeah in orlando yeah yeah yeah what'd you say i met caleb in orlando oh that's cool yeah it's really cool uh chase uh you and adrian killed it crossfit uh tried to fuck us and you guys saved the day oh easy hold on a second oh yeah hey they at the end of the day that's crossfit approved that right yep yep so i think i think if it all goes well it would be a it's a it's one of those like cool after party stories i think of how it all came to be will any of the phones this week be on gimbals like those little um man we tried and they all
Starting point is 02:21:26 died in orlando oh okay like even those cheap like 150 gimbals they sell at the apple store like the swerve ones or whatever they are called yeah apple makes one that's crazy for the iPhone yeah crazy it's so good well that's things like if we had six months to plan this right or two weeks how last minute was it last week yeah 24 hours yeah that's badass and and so that dude just didn't do his podcast the wexler dude yeah yeah he just i mean he did it while like he i mean we used it from you know a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, and then he got to do his things, and then from 9 a.m. to 11 on Saturday. So we hijacked his stuff for probably half the time he was there.
Starting point is 02:22:17 Are you guys using his equipment again? No. No, we're using – Adrian brought some of his recording stuff and this thing is like a little heads up like i've got plenty of things i could have brought myself i just didn't have them by the time i was there uh dji osmo sorry i said apple made it vindicates right travis is right it's dji uh i makes it okay crazy yeah there listen, there's a lot of things we would love to have and do. Right, right. You know, you just got to work with the caffeine-fueled hands
Starting point is 02:22:52 to hold the camera steady for four hours. I'm stoked for you. Thank you. And thank you for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thanks for hopping on. I just saw you. I was watching you on my computer after we got off,
Starting point is 02:23:03 so all my gear was on, and you asked a question, and I i was like i can answer that for you if you want me to come on and answer okay so events one and three will be streamed chase will be at home uh there'll be uh an attempt to upgrade some of the cameras and adrian conway will be there yep and um we're excited and you can watch it on the crossfit uh go to uh just crossfit crossfit games podcast that's what i typed in it says crossfit podcast here but i always find it by saying crossfit games podcast uh did i miss daniel brandon no she just uh has gone through a transition yeah did you see any of that interview i got clips from people that saw the interview oh okay they clipped the important stuff did you see the any of the nipple talk uh that's what i was sent
Starting point is 02:23:52 yeah that was a small hey there's potholes everywhere well yeah that that would be one where i would turn my camera off for the rest of the interview. All right. On that note. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in. I will see you guys tomorrow morning, 9 a.m. Chase Ingram. Thank you. Good luck tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:24:13 We'll all be watching. Caleb, I don't know what that popping sound is. You talked Daniel Brandon. I muted someone. That's Caleb. No, no. That's Chase. Is that Chase?
Starting point is 02:24:24 No. My hands are up here. Oh, yeah's Chase's. Is that Chase's? No. My hands are up here. Oh, yeah, it does sound like that, right? All right, guys. See you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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