The Sevan Podcast - Logan Ewing | Mayhem Athlete | Roman's Training Partner #1036

Episode Date: October 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:00:58 Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Hold on one second. Hold on. Yeah. Oh, I lost your audio. Yeah, that's money, Logan. Awesome. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:01:09 You getting a fight? A fight? You got like a, you got a little digger. Oh, yeah. That was a little dumbbell and it's kind of turned into a bit of a zit. Oh, dumbbell to zit. Wow. Okay. Wait, hold hold on you know what else i'm gonna do i'm going to um stick your instagram under there oh shit i fucked that up you got two underscores uh at the beginning and at the end yeah oh god triggered i'm triggered so triggered by an underscore underscored in numbers i don't know which i dislike more but you have symmetry though you have symmetry you have said i like symmetry it took me a long time
Starting point is 00:01:59 to be able to get a handle that didn't have a number in it so i took the first one that i could get did you have any underscore issues like me like i got underscore issues i'm like i don't a handle that didn't have a number in it. So I took the first one that I could get. Did you have any underscore issues like me? Like I got underscore issues. I'm like, I don't want to see an underscore. Uh, I'd rather see an underscore than a number. Yeah. Right. Okay. You didn't play football or anything. The people who play football are like, you don't understand numbers. The number's important. I did play football. I played football and baseball and my my number was always eight but in football i had 39 and so i had to use both of them in my uh instagram handle before apparently there's a lot of logan ewing's out there because i could never find a good username until about maybe a
Starting point is 00:02:39 year and a half ago what is ewing what's the um what's the origin of you the only i'm trying to think um i think there was a there was this famous show when i was a little kid called dallas yeah i didn't even know about that until someone told me yeah old it's an old ass show like when there were only three stations like literally it's kind of like yellowstone right yeah but not as good it was stupid it was it was a soap opera i guess i wonder if yellowstone's considered a soap opera hey dude what did you think about the phil piece i slammed the shit out of it but but everyone seems to love it i'm the only one i'm super cool you did like it yeah phil's a good dude i i i hear you i think phil's a good dude too i i think and i think
Starting point is 00:03:31 scott vanderslut it makes amazing content best in the biz but i just watched it and i'm like hey this this should only been four minutes long and um and it's it's almost like a eulogy it's just a bunch of look at look at these people. I'm getting tore up. Phil documentary was excellent. Look at it. Yeah. I thought it was really good.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I don't know how much Scott, Bennett, Ben, and like Frank, like the media team that people see at like the events. I don't know how much they had to do with it. There's another guy, Josh, that I think that was, it was his project. I don't know if he had help on it, but he, I guess he's worked on some like really big projects before. I mean, he knows what he's doing. Did you cry? I didn't cry, but I mean, I see Phil every day. Um, I talked to Phil, I talked to Phil every time I see him. I see Phil every day. I talk to Phil. I talk to Phil every time I see him. He's, I mean, he's just super cool. I, uh, last year I was taking care of somebody's cat and then they ended up that they weren't coming back. So we had to figure out where to take it and
Starting point is 00:04:34 took it over to Phil's and he's their vibe in there. So you hate Phil. He got the cat. You got the second one. No, I'm I, I gave it to Phil. Oh, I got the second one no i'm i i gave it to phil oh oh i give the second i didn't want it i i was supposed to watch it for like three months and then it was going to turn into like a permanent thing and i was like i don't really want a cat so listen if i hate you i give you a cat or use coffee machine and that's fair that's fair yeah i'm not a big cat guy so that was a little uh hard for me to take care of it for that long i would love cats i i would love cats i could really use it like i
Starting point is 00:05:15 would love to have like five cats but i live on this old highway and they'll just get smushed i just want them just because they would eat gophers and shit and i have so many gophers they are good for that um logan you're mayhem athlete yes and you're living in cookville correct and and your homeboy is roman that's like one of your uh main like hey you want to jump rope together with me he's like your playground buddy yeah that's one way to put it uh Yeah, he and I, I mean, we've had different people kind of come in and out at different stages and jump in with us like priests, like right before semis and then lead up to the games. Victoria was in with us, but since about maybe November of last year on every workout that I've done in Cookville has been with him and vice versa. Yeah. Can you tell me about that?
Starting point is 00:06:10 And by the way, I respect the fact that people like the Phil video too, by the way. And I'm glad. And it's doing great, by the way. And it's not a dig towards Phil. No one should know that. It's just a shitty film. And you guys don't have the guts to say it's bad because Phil's a's a good guy i understand okay you don't want to push back logan and be like no no i mean i thought i thought it was great so i'm just gonna stick with great but this is america
Starting point is 00:06:36 so everybody's entitled to their own opinion for the most part sometimes sometimes maybe not so much. Supposed to be entitled to it. Hey, do you watch this show very often? Yeah. Do you know who Philip Kelly is? I do not. I know when you have most of the CrossFit athletes on, I'll watch a lot of those. There's a dude in the comments named Philip Kelly,
Starting point is 00:07:01 and this dude right here with the hat on could be like his little brother. It's crazy. It's crazy. Who is that what what is that guy's name his name is dylan he's one of my best friends oh my goodness i cannot believe how much he looks like this dude philip kelly i'm friends with who's in the comments all the time it's nuts he looks a little more stout than um philip i mean philip's buff and all but this your your dude looks stout oh damn he would he would love that compliment yeah is he buff is that dude buff dylan he looks buff he looks thick sure i wouldn't say so but oh okay my stand is a little higher well yeah you you've been um you've been compromised. Your perspective has been compromised.
Starting point is 00:07:46 100%. Jeffrey Birchfield's opinions are like assholes. Savon has one. All right. Bruce Wayne. Hey, Logan. Hey. Audrey, you're making Logan uncomfortable. I'm zero uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:03 No, no, no, no, no. It takes a lot to make me feel uncomfortable. How did you, how do you, can you tell me the early, can you tell me how you ended up at Mayhem? And then I'm curious how you got partnered with, how that friendship with Roman sprouted. But how did you end up there? Yeah, so 20, it would have been late 2019 um i qualified for some
Starting point is 00:08:28 sanctionals um and i was i was 18 years old so like didn't really know what we were doing didn't really have like a strict program so i'd kind of reached out to hayley because i knew her from our teenage years and i was like hey like what should i be doing she's like just to sign up for mayhem athlete and then started doing mayhem athlete uh got connected kind of with jake i'd been friends with paige for a little while so just for through that page powers yeah so like through that through that covid the quarantine and all that i was just religiously following mayhem athlete like everything I did was mayhem athlete um and then later that year Logan sorry where were you living then uh still back home in Colorado okay yeah so then went out in like December to Michigan to train with Paige
Starting point is 00:09:20 um so it was Paige Darren JJ um and happy to be a time where Rich was in town and I'd met Rich at like strength and depth. Yeah. Right there. Like I met him there. Um, so that's a trip that Rich was there. He didn't go back there very often, but, but, but yeah, good timing. I think it was under like some unfortunate circumstances, like a family member passing, I think okay but worked out with him a little bit and then funny enough my dad played college football with Jim Hensel who does the mayhem mindset stuff and I guess Jim's first workout ever like CrossFit workout ever was with my dad so like we had that
Starting point is 00:09:59 really I just had a lot of relationships and Rich's cousins were telling me I should come down here sometime and then kind of just like a perfect storm, I guess. Like I kept getting removed from classes. I was in college. I still am, but kept getting removed from classes because I didn't have the jab and Colorado was going in a direction that I didn't love for all that stuff. So then I was like, I kind of want to see what else I could do. Uh, waited for my fiance cause she was just a little bit younger than me. So she still hadn't graduated yet. So once she graduated, it was like, Hey, like, I really want to move over there. Like, see, see what I can do if I dedicate everything to it and train in a
Starting point is 00:10:41 environment like that. Cause like my dad owns the gym I went to great great affiliate like I would say I'm biased but I'd say it's the best in Colorado um but we just it's the best in Colorado too fantastic gym what's the name of it CrossFit 970 yeah best gym in Colorado I agree there you go yeah I just there there's not a lot of athletes like up north, especially. So it was just hard, like training alone all the time. So then I wanted to move out here, kind of reached out to some people, checked it out and then moved.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And then to answer the next part of your question with Roman, we had like a big group question. Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Pump the brakes. That's you on the cover of 9-7-0. Sure is.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Oh, that's in the old space too. That's like, I think that might've been like right before the teenage games in 2018. Dude, that's a nice gym. Is the new one better, you're saying? The new one's better. They grew too fast though. Like they started getting so many, I mean, they had a good member base to begin with, but they got so many members over the last, like
Starting point is 00:11:50 maybe 18 months that, I mean, the space they're in, it seemed like it was never going to be too small. And now it's, it's too small. It's like 30 people at every class. Oh, that's awesome. I love to hear that. Your dad's a beast too by the way your dad's huge what a what is what a stud studly looking dude i've got i've got some good genes um yeah it's unfortunate on my dad's side i'm like the only one that's under six foot they're all like six three or taller yeah i saw some pictures of i saw some pictures of him in here and i was like holy crap what what yeah look at this dude he looks like a movie star well let's not talk too much about that because he's watching he's gonna inflate his ego yeah look at him i think i have that shirt that he has it's like that's issued
Starting point is 00:12:36 to every dude when he gets old yeah he yeah he used to Um, he made the games the year after I did. So he made it in 2019 and then he, he didn't have the videos and he didn't feel like redoing it cause he didn't really want to go. So he just didn't, didn't do it. He was like, all right, more important stuff to do. Does he want you to go to the games? Is that something he wants you to do? Does he ever talk you out of it? Like, Hey, stop fooling around with that. Nope. Nope. I mean, since maybe when I was like 15, it's always been kind of something that I've wanted to do. And both of my parents have always supported it. How close did you get to going as a team? I went, I went in 18. I missed it by one spot. I missed it by one point in 2017,
Starting point is 00:13:22 which sucked because my best friend who just happened to train at the same gym, he made it that year. And then 2016, I had some elbow surgeries and missed it by maybe two spots that year. And how did you do in 2018? Not great. I didn't really know how to climb a rope. Well, I knew how to climb it legless. And so I was trying to figure out how to do it with my legs. And when I touched the top, I just kind of free fall
Starting point is 00:13:49 and I fell onto the rope and like, they said it was like a little tear in my quad. So like, it just, that affected me more than, cause like we had yoke carries after it. And like, I was just like slowly going left the whole time because of that leg but it was I mean it was a great experience like I can't I can't be too mad I didn't really have a lot of competition experience going into it so what year did your dad open the gym Logan so the gym has been around since like 2010 is when it started but then um him and his friends bought it in 20 early 2018 and changed the name and then eventually did later that year okay so okay because i was gonna be like how did you not know how to climb a rope with legs but but your dad didn't actually own the gym till 2018
Starting point is 00:14:40 yeah i mean they'd all taught me the techniques and i just i figured if i can do it without my legs i'm cool enough that i don't need to learn how to do it that way yep and yeah that kind of bit me right in the ass yep yep i i can totally totally relate to that yeah um you put you probably just did the pinch method yeah i could always climb a rope easy and i just did the pinch method and then a few years ago i'm like i'm learning the other method too well my pinch i mean just that you know where you just put your two hands together and show yeah it does yeah yeah it didn't help that like back then people were still teaching the spanish rap a lot uh-huh like where you like rap it all the way around so i would try to do that and it was i honestly to this day i don't
Starting point is 00:15:24 know if i could do it that way yeah that's ridiculous maybe i maybe could but it would take me probably like two or three reps to actually figure out how to do it yeah that's funny i forgot all about that i don't see anybody do that no i mean unless you're no i can't i can't think of a time when you would need to use that. So you're in Colorado and you're in school and everyone there is taking drugs. And since you won't take drugs, they kick you out of the class? Yeah. Do you try to go anyway?
Starting point is 00:15:58 And they're like, show us your track marks. I tried. And then I was only able to get one professor to sign off on me. And this is the dirty thing that they did out there is there were a lot of classes that were offered online that once they made the requirement, you know, the jab requirement, once they made that requirement, they took those classes off from the online. So it kind of forced you to get it. So, I mean, there was one semester where I was taking maybe like three credits, so one class and then six credits. So it was like, I think I had three semesters, four semesters in a row that it was like, I basically wasn't even going to school. And even including when I moved out here, I switched to, uh, CU, which is Colorado switched online there and their admissions office for their online program and their in-person program are the same. So the day that the semester started, all my classes were gone because I didn't submit the vaccine paperwork. No shit. And then I couldn't get in for that class. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:17:01 No shit. And then I couldn't get in for that class. I was like, this is ridiculous. What am I supposed to do? How glad are you that you didn't get it though now in hindsight? You're like, whew. Well, if you look at my medical records, they tell you a different story. But yeah, I'm glad. I'm so like, I hear-
Starting point is 00:17:23 Well, sorry, I didn't mean to out you then. No, I had to get into Canada somehow last year. Oh, good. Was that for a CrossFit event? Yeah, for Atlas Games. Oh, OK, hold on. We'll get to that in a second. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:37 OK, so sorry. If you look at what? We'll get to that in a second. If we look at. Yeah, just a lot. I mean, a lot of people have it on their medical record now that didn't actually get it. Yeah, a games athlete already told me last year, hey, I don't have it, but to get in the country, to get in the United States, I had to have it. Yeah, it was a terrible time.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Is that easy to do? I can't speak for everybody, but if you know people people i'm sure it's not the hardest thing to do especially if you're in one of those states that had such strict requirements because they were probably doing it for tons of people anyways and their bosses and supervisors and everything probably didn't really care either but yeah i mean i know i know people like my age that um are have been athletes their whole lives, like basketball and soccer players that got the, got the jab and had heart issues from it.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And I was like, I'd had COVID and it wasn't that bad. So I was like, I'll, I'll get it again. And I'll deal with it. Even if I do get sick, like it's still better than in my opinion, it's still better than the potential long-term risks of what the jab could do. And like I told I got that thing. I wouldn't sleep well at night. I'd be tripping every night. I went to my last day. Is this my last day? I would be tripping. I would be freaking out. Like if I drank like too much caffeine one day and my heart was racing,
Starting point is 00:19:06 I'd be like, this is it. I'm going to die today. My heart's going to explode today because I thought I needed to get it. Yeah. I knew I wasn't going to get it though. I was in this coffee shop the other day. And granted, I'm in Santa Cruz. It's kind of like just imagine like one of those weird hippie places in in colorado that's where i live right yeah um but the hippies aren't hippies anymore
Starting point is 00:19:32 there are no more hippies they're all like think of them they're more like nazis it's weird like overnight everything changed but um and i love them as hippies but i was in there and there's a guy behind the counter and he's probably like 23 years old. And this lady walks up to me and she starts talking to me about this October 4th emergency broadcast system test. And she's telling me that when the emergency broadcast system sends out the signal, everyone who got the injection is going to turn into a zombie. And I'm just listening to her waiting for my peanut butter smoothie to be made. Right. I'm like, hey, dude, extra peanut butter. Don't be chintzy on that and the guy behind the then showed this lady walks away
Starting point is 00:20:10 right and then the guy behind the counter is like hey what was that lady saying i go just some weird shit about like emergency broadcast alerts gonna turn all the vax people into zombies he's like what and he starts freaking out he's a young kid you know and he's like what are you gonna do i'm like i didn't i didn't take those drugs and he's like i did i'm like i don't worry about it you're fine you won't even you don't even know if you get turned into a zombie yeah what are you gonna do well i'm not gonna turn into a zombie nothing sit at my house and shoot you come through the front door like this oh man you can you have guns out there in california you you can you can kind of okay okay you can i didn't know if they took that away from you guys or not or you just run to dave's house jave's got a bunch of guns there
Starting point is 00:20:58 you go that's smart how far is he from you close like 11 miles uh uh basically greg's like 11 miles south of me and then greg glassman and then another 11 miles past that is dave we're and we're along this corridor and then and then going the other way probably like 25 miles north of me is is if it were a straight line would be don don lives up here too don fall oh i didn't know that the new guy yeah yeah yeah uh yeah not the old guy not the old guy from boulder no not that guy that guy definitely got turned into a zombie that guy was a zombie double zombie i think i met him when i was 13 and yeah who rosa yeah you did meet rose when how did that happen oh because he's a um colorado guy yeah. Yeah, they wear their pants tight in Boulder. Every time I go there, I'm like, man, the boys wear their pants tight here.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, it's a different place. It's beautiful there. But, man, the people. It is beautiful. So that was a downer because of the Colorado thing. So then you go to Michigan, and you're hanging out with Darren, and you're hanging out with – Paige was there also? Yep, and JJ.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Who's JJ? Rich's cousin that – he's on a team right now. I can't remember their team name. So I would say he's the cousin that still competes. He's a bigger guy. He's like six, three, maybe not. Is he related to, so he's related to Darren too? Yeah. They're a part of that massive cousin group. Okay. And then, so you go there and how long do you train there? Is it just like a weekend or you stay some, spend some time? Um, I think I stayed about a week. Um, I mean, this was during like the height of COVID. So like
Starting point is 00:22:47 flights were dirt cheap then. So I'm pretty sure I like changed my flight to stay a little longer. Um, cause Rich was in town. So I want to say like a week. And there you get kind of a taste of the mayhem. Do you actually get to talk with Rich and like, and train with him a little? Oh yeah. Yeah. We were, I mean, me, him and his cousins, we were, we were lifting together. We were doing all of our stuff together. Um, it was super fun. And I mean, there's, it was good vibes. Like part of me was like nervous.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Um, I mean, I'd obviously been around like Rich, Matt, Tia, like I'd been around them before when I was competing and so it's like they are just people but they're still like that aspect of like oh my god it's rich froning um so i was like just trying to be normal and not like not starstruck and then yeah so like we were just talking and it was it was fun so then felt like maybe that was a good foundation to lay to uh go forward and maybe think about moving to tennessee yeah and and then here you are with matt is this it uh what games was this at uh this was strength and depth. So that was January of 2020 in London. That was my first sanction when I was 18, competed against him. He beat me, believe it or not. Oh, crazy. Oh, that's cool to say you got to compete with him or against him. Yeah. Yeah, that was a good time.
Starting point is 00:24:28 was a good time uh so you um so you go there you like him and then how soon after are you like oh shit i'm just gonna pick up and move to cookville so i had like a really fun living situation i was living with my friends so like it definitely took a lot longer than I would have imagined it would take. I want to say like maybe like four months later when stuff was still going down with school and everything. That's when I like really gave it like the, the sit down and think about it for a while thing. And then talk to my now fiance. I was like, Hey, you know, you're graduating. It would just be something that you would
Starting point is 00:25:06 be interested in and I was like fully expecting to have to have like a powerpoint ready and she's just like yeah okay all right so let's say is that weird like I think of Nashville's like another country like for me I might as well like move to spain like i'm in california and like if my wife was like you you and your chick are were colorado natives uh i was she moved i mean pretty much for her she moved there when she was like seven yeah so it's it's a trip to move to nashville right i mean just like i don't know whether it is or it isn't but it just seems like a different place it's the south you know what i mean like they cook they they take a pot and they put it in the driveway and they throw a Turkey in it for, uh, yeah, for, for me, I think it was a little easier because it reminded me of like a little bit more of what Colorado used to be. Cause we used to be known as like
Starting point is 00:25:58 kind of the purple state. So like Nashville obviously has, it's very diverse in the people. Like the rest of the South was very red. But Nashville's kind of both. So it reminded me of like what Colorado used to be before it became a second California. Really? Colorado's a second California? Oh, dude. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah. It's bad. Oh, I had no idea. Luckily up where like my parents live and where I'm from, it's not too bad. Like we're up north. And actually, the county that I was living in, Weld County, which isn't where my parents live, unfortunately, but I was living there before I moved here. always every time there's voting they want to uh become a part of wyoming because they say it reflects their values and beliefs better which i'd be for it they don't have a state income tax so you you like we like we like the blue states because we like a pesto and the theater and um parks we don't like the blue states
Starting point is 00:27:05 because we don't think you should chop off penises. No chopping. Yes. No chopping penises. And we don't think it's okay to rob small businesses under any circumstance, right? No robbing small businesses. And what about in California?
Starting point is 00:27:23 They want to make it illegal to investigate the death of a baby up to seven days after it's born. We don't like that either, right? That sounds like it's okay to kill a baby, right? Yeah. I wish that was extreme. That's not even extreme. Yeah, that's not even extreme here. We don't like that.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, that's unreal. All right. Fine. That's good. But we do like pesto in the theater and parks. Fine, that's good. But we do like pesto in the theater and parks. I mean, I can't really say I know much about pesto or theater, but yeah, parks are cool. Yeah, it's cool. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Even the dudes who dress as women, it's cool if they don't do it at the schools or at the library, but they just do it at the theater. It's cool shit. It's fun. I'll vouch for you on that. Yeah, there we go. We'll leave back leave it there yeah yeah all right so we don't like stealing or hurting kids you and i can you and i could be neighbors just not in california once in a while i like to uh uh fill the chimney up with uh do you know what a chimney is i could not tell you what that's some liberal stuff too it's like a steel fancy steel thing and you and you burn wood and you gather around it and you smoke weed but i have a chiminea and at christmas time after christmas i like to
Starting point is 00:28:36 stuff it with the dead christmas tree and then get the leaf blower and blow into it so it makes crazy smoke so much smoke that like my neighbors will call the fire department and my and my wife gets really pissed you ever done a leaf blower and fire uh i cannot say i have oh dude we did used to light our hands on fire though like you'd spray it with axe body spray and then yeah that's fun that's fine well that's something to look forward to when you have kids a leaf blower and fire. I'm really disappointed. Your dad looks like the kind of dad who would have done a little bit of leaf blower and fire with you.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You do anything with fire in Colorado and people are mad because the state burns all the time. Yeah, it's a bad fire state. I'm not going to lie. David Weed, pesto is super gay. I use it sparingly, buddy. Just a little bit of gay. I just lather my pizza with a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I just have a little bit of gay. Is it like you have a certain amount you can have per week before it becomes like... One time I had a whole pest of pizza and I just craved dick for a month after that. Oh, I keep telling myself your dad's listening. I i hope your mom's oh dude he he doesn't care and she's used to it okay yeah how many boys are there in your family uh two me and an older brother um so you're you're uh so so so you go back to Colorado. She's graduating. And then it's kind of a four-month dance with her and you kind of cutting the cord with your homeboys in Colorado. And then how does someone make the leap to Cookville?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Are you like, hey, girl, what's your girl's name? Leslie. Leslie. You're like, hey, Leslie, we're going to go there. We got like three grand saved up. We're going to sell your car. We're going to drive across country in a honda civic and rent a place and just start a life there god that sounds bold is that how it works uh not i mean not quite but in a way yes like it was it was kind of like just take take the chance like we're young and it's it's cheaper to
Starting point is 00:30:41 live out here than it is there by a mile so there's that uh and then just it was more of like a hey we'll figure this thing out when we go like I still luckily like I have my last house that I was at uh in Colorado all of my furniture and everything was like kind of hand-me-down stuff from my parents so like I at least had all that like that was nice uh had their help had their support so it was it was a pretty simple move once it kind of happened it was just figuring out the timing so I mean I had Guadalupalooza on a team like with some of my friends back in Colorado so I and then finishing up the semester side to wait till I could have realistically moved like December of 21, but we waited until like January 2nd of 22 to actually drive everything out here. Okay. So this January will be two years.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah. Are her parents in Colorado? They are. Yes. Are they kind of pissed you took their pride and joy so far? So she, she's back there right now for a little while. So I'm sure that, um, they, they forgiven me for that. I mean, they, they forgave me enough to give me their blessing to marry her. So I guess can't be too mad. Are you married now? Uh, no, August 18th, year holy shit dude wait a second that's right after the games
Starting point is 00:32:07 yep are you going to the games this year i'd be the plan i'd love to i feel like i'm i feel like i have most of the physical capabilities to do it as an athlete rather than a spectator so just got to piece it all together at the right time the first time i think like you really came on my radar is you were at that you were competing at the zealous games that year we covered it yep that was a fun time and did you get yeah you got wounded there yeah that one i have some i have some regrets on my approach after that towards the injury. Like I, I got my MCL, ACL, like I didn't tear anything, but it was, um, like good level, whatever strains, um, ACL, MCL, um, meniscus, the meniscus was kind of the pain in the ass thing. And the week after Zalos,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I came back and my buddy that, uh, buddy that I grew up in the sport with, he flew out here and he doesn't really do CrossFit anymore. He's in the Air Force, but he was like, yeah, let's just hang out for a week. We'll go hang out in Nashville on Saturday. So we went, hung out, worked out a little bit. So I was rehabbing then. And then the next week with kind of no warning, I walk into the gym one day and I'm like, huh, it's like Roman's back. So I went over and he's like, Hey, he's like, let's do this. And
Starting point is 00:33:33 then we worked out together. And then I kind of just, honestly, that was, that was how that fell in, but he was prepping for water palooza. So I never really did like enough time off to rehab it. So that hurt you when you jumped in that workout with roman uh not that specifically but the the like that started a cascade of hard training yeah yeah because then i never i never let it heal and like semi-finals i knew like the pistol workout i was like i'm i'm. I can't really do a pistol right now on my knee. So I knew the writing was on the wall when they released that workout. I was like, muscle-ups are one of the things I'm like, I can do them with anybody. Like I feel confident in
Starting point is 00:34:16 them. I was like, sweet muscle-ups. And I was like, oh, but pistols. Oh man. Uh-oh. Have you been drug tested? No. Did CrossFit never send a drug Have you been drug tested? No. Did CrossFit never send a drug person to drug test you? Nope. You ever been in the gym and, like, the dude walks in and he's like, you, and points at Roman and, like, knocks him off to the bathroom? Last week he came for Roman.
Starting point is 00:34:38 The drug guy? Yeah. I think I saw Adler and Gazan got tested last week too or a couple weeks ago. They both made posts. We got tested. So, so they do them all at once. I wonder how good you have to get.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You never got drug, drug tested as a kid. Did you get drug tested as a kid at the games? No, that was a point. That was something that, uh, a lot of people have an issue with,
Starting point is 00:35:01 and I could see why you could just, what is you not testing the kids? Oh, yeah. They said, because there's no prize money and i'm like oh it doesn't matter it's there if you're in that stage if you're willing to do it then you're looking at it as a long-term thing anyways so you wish they did you were one of the people who's like hey test the kid test us come on test us yeah i mean not saying not making accusations or anything like that but i mean it just it gives you a it's it's a safer play i i only bring it up now because if i had an injury and i was a games athlete i don't know what the half-life is on on peptides but i also know that i think i
Starting point is 00:35:40 looked it up and you're not allowed to take peptides and if you look at why you saw it or you water or you your mama doesn't want you to take peptides they say it up and you're not allowed to take peptides. And if you look at why you saw it or you water or you, your mama doesn't want you to take peptides, they say it's because there's not enough testing on them. They're not like, Hey, it's performance enhancing. They're not,
Starting point is 00:35:51 they don't say any of that. It just says that there's not enough testing on it yet. But like, if I'm not in the fucking testing pool and I have an injury, I'm filling my, I'm using BPC one five seven, like till the fucking every day, a whole vial of it like i'm getting healthy just because i don't want to be an old man with a fucking busted meniscus you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:36:11 yeah like oh yeah fuck being good at the sport i need to get healed sorry go ahead yeah i was gonna say shout out ca peptides yeah always always yeah where's my where's my where's my link yeah no i i mean i messed up my shoulder pretty good in august i went and did a comp in utah and the barbells were slick and we had a three rep overhead squat from the floor and my hand just slid out so like i'm still yesterday was i was so pissed off and uh roman lazar calmed me down a little bit, but like I, I was, I hit two 25 for a triple on snatch and felt good and I just could not get two 45, which is not that high of a percentage for me to be failing it like that.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So, I mean, that's been frustrating, but I feel like that one, it's pretty much just snatching that bothers it. Like a long swim will too. But other than that, it's just snatching. And it's like, it's frustrating. But this one, I'm rehabbing it right. Like we were doing some like tempo handstand push-up stuff the other day. And after the fourth set, it started to hurt. We had like six.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And I was like, hey, I'm going to just take these next two off. Smart. Okay. So you're not young and dumb anymore. You're getting a little yeah i'm getting a little wiser yeah good on you uh look at listen this is a great line from fergie show uh jeff if you ever have uh ask for directions to cookville they'll tell you it's right behind mayhem that's awesome oh i mean hey it's that's not far off like yeah but i will say this like people say
Starting point is 00:37:47 cook feels like this tiny little town and all that it's not it's pretty big it's big for me it's bigger than what i'm used to like for me back you still don't have a nice hotel you still don't have a nice hotel hey take it up with people here but that's what i mean how small is like what's the nicest i mean like like applebee's is still where you go like on prom night and shit right i mean well i don't know about applebee's i don't even know if there is an applebee's actually well you know what i mean like like there is no like when i was there there was not a nice hotel there like there wasn't even like even i wherever i stayed it wasn't even it was like a chain but it wasn't even it was like a chain, but it wasn't even it was like a complete rundown.
Starting point is 00:38:27 There's not like a nice holiday in where you're like, yeah, this is nice. The hallways are clean. There's no broken glass in the in the parking lot. Like, I don't know. I don't know if it's that extreme, but there's no more seasons. No, but not even like there's not even a Hilton there. Someone look it up. Someone send me a link.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I feel like, I feel like there's, there's like a, there's a new home too. Nicest hotel in Cookman. Close to Mayhem. Hey, so when you went there, neither you or your girl had a job there? Nope. And does she work there now uh well she's working back in colorado right now she got her esthetician license so she waxes people and does stuff like that oh that that's huge i feel like my wife i feel like anytime i ask my wife what
Starting point is 00:39:18 she's doing she's going to one of those what are you doing today she's ever in colorado yeah okay so it says that there's a um it says there's a holiday in there that looks nice it says there's a hampton in i think i stayed at the hampton it was garbage there's a hampton by the movie theater yeah and wow so here they are claiming like here there's a fairfield inn and suites that actually looks nice what's going on maybe things have changed since i've been there i haven't been there since 2010 or 11. oh i would assume that it's changed quite a bit then i mean even even in the two years i've been here like there's been some some stuff popping up like last week was anarchy because there was a crumble cookie that opened up
Starting point is 00:39:59 out here and that a lot of people like that yeah everyone was like telling me like dude you gotta go i'm like i lived within 10 miles of two of them back home and yeah i didn't go much then like i'm i'm good it's all good yeah they're great they have they have uh one near my house the thought of going in there makes i would rather drink a gallon of covid than go in there i'd rather eat 37 meals in a row burger king than go in there honestly i don't know about that burger king's ass i hear you i hear you but i just have no desire to go into to crumble that's fair we went in there one time like i think it's bad for my brand i think i'll grow i think i'll grow a vagina. Sorry, go ahead. They were big-time masketeers.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh, they were? Yeah, of course. Oh, yeah. Well, they should be. I mean, it was only me and my roommate in there, but it is what it is. They should be. It's like I live with this guy. 12 years, Sevan. It has to have changed just with the mayhem influence all right
Starting point is 00:41:08 wait so have you never been to the the new mayhem gym the big one i think a couple years i think maybe in 2018 i passed through cookville with Dave or Greg, and I did see it for a minute, maybe. I can't tell if I'm making that up in my head or not. Man, you should come see it now. Like I said, even in the time I've been here, like having that athlete-only gym attached to it, it's nuts. Me and Rich were off on, me and Rich were getting along great.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I was thinking like, hey, maybe I should come out there for a couple months like i think our friendship's ready to take that and then then i had to destroy the phil documentary i don't know where we stand i had to destroy it yesterday but i'm happy for him i think even me destroying it gives a good publicity i mean it that means if the people that haven't seen it maybe don't watch it to see yeah go watch it yeah and no one's agreed with me like in my comment section everyone's like no seve it's great good i like phil i don't agree with you yeah there you go see no one agrees with me uh mr walkie and sevan i think if you grew a vagina it would be very good for your hip brand great hey they can do that surgery
Starting point is 00:42:23 pretty easily especially in california i'm sure they've got a lot of uh surgeons that are ready to do it they'll give me you might you might be too old they probably prefer if you're like 10 or 12 oh with crossfitters you get a little more life out of uh dude i got a healthy foreskin they can make two vaginas. Two years. So you go to Cookville. You get situated there. And you have some injuries.
Starting point is 00:43:00 You got like three or four things that you're attending to. And somehow, so you're there. Are you there before you have your shoulder and you have your quad and you have your elbow i'm listening well quad and elbow or nah okay fine just sure and that wasn't in cook that was like well the elbow was 2015 so okay i was just a wee lad okay i'll cross those off cross those off don't get in for those and then then, Logan, so when you get there, are you there before Roman? Yeah. You're a Mayhem athlete before Roman is. I mean, at the facility.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And then, so you're there training one day, and they're like, hey, Roman, can you tell me about that buildup? How he comes in and you guys kind of become friends? So it would have been in early 2020, so before quarters, right when he got his visa, he came out to the U S uh, he went somewhere else to a different camp. Didn't, didn't want to be there. So then he came here. What camp was that? I'm not going to say. Okay. Someone tell me.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Um, and then he came here and it would have been like for maybe like a month. So he did quarters with us. But then he had to go to Madison because that's when he had like. He just needed to be with Rosa for I don't know exactly. Maybe it's like his wife's visa to try to get all that sorted and stuff. And then just to have someone that's not Eric Rosa, but Russian Rosa. Well, Uzbekistan, but Uz but Russian Rosa. Well, Uzbekistani. Uzbekistani Rosa.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So he was here for that month and he and I got along really well from the three words that he knew. And it actually got to the point where Jake Lockhart texted me and he was like, hey, would it be okay if roman comes in and uh stays with you and your girlfriend i was like yeah that's fine and then the day you're supposed to would you have been comfortable saying no like was that presumptuous of jake lockhart i mean if if it would have been somebody that i didn't have a relationship with yeah i would have said no okay yeah but i i liked him he and i had we hit it off pretty well
Starting point is 00:45:07 um he he helped me with throwing like the first day he didn't he spoke no english by the way nobody's gotten it right from what has popped up so not gonna drag those camps or anything no he oh that's right that's right i forgot about that that was a good relationship though he had with nick fowler anyway it's not like it was bad right no i from every everybody i've ever heard talk about nick to this day they say he's awesome so right i've only heard good things about him too i part of me thinks i think i think there's i don't think it was a hater i think but i but i've only heard good shit about him And I met him at the games and he was cool as shit. I think it was like a problem that he had with like Florida itself, maybe.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like, I don't think it had anything to do with people or anything like that. Wasn't Root in Colorado for a while? Wasn't Nick Fowler? Utah. Oh, okay. Okay. But he's not. Is he in Utah still?
Starting point is 00:46:01 I think Nick is. Okay. I think Nick is, but he's not with Root anymore. Patrick Clark. Nick is amazing. Yeah, I got to have him on the show. Okay. We service that.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Yeah. Not because Logan did, though. Logan was good. He's just on the straight and narrow. But these people in the chat and the host, real scumbags, real drama. No, he – I mean, we just formed a good relationship with with him and then he was gone and i mean i was still still rooting for him i still wanted him to win last year uh being 2022 and then he just showed back up one day like i don't know how many people or if any of the
Starting point is 00:46:41 athletes knew he was coming to town and he actually knew some english that time so it was like it just hit off pretty easy then and then i mean he and i were we're just like constantly can i can i cast i'm allowed to test right a little bit we're just constantly constantly talking to each other yeah we're just constantly talking each other in the gym and working out together and i mean he's he's been great like i told him he told me yesterday not to let any of his secrets out or to talk about him too much and so i mean he's he's been a really good friend and he's been like an older brother like i'm sure he didn't he didn't ask for a little brother but he got one and um who's there in cookville with him it's it's it i know he got his dogs and he got a lady
Starting point is 00:47:32 and does he have any as a kid right yeah his wife and his kid so his so when he's there he doesn't have a translator he's on his own it's on his own and Rosa tells me to make him make sure he isn't using his phone too much which he he so I've I've been around what do you mean his phone to translate or just like yeah check out yeah so like I've been around like my fiance's family like they're from Mexico like I've been around people that don't speak English and or speak limited English and so I know how to like slow it down when I'm talking to them and use like words that they're gonna know so I think like sometimes when people like a lot of people around here have only been around people that speak English their whole life so they'll just come up and start like saying talking like
Starting point is 00:48:22 you were me and you and uh oh wow look at that and so i i feel like sometimes he looks to me to slow it down um but his english is very good his wife's english is really good which is that's a great outfit on her by the way my wife does that right there she does those boots and those pants and like a sweater like that. I like that outfit. Like you could see the hands. Very first started dating right there. Yeah. Where do you meet a Mexican girl at whose parents don't speak English so good? Where do you meet her? Her parents speak English.
Starting point is 00:48:57 How's her Spanish? Is she good at Spanish? I mean, I think so. It was her first language. I would hope she's good at it, but I couldn't tell you. She could be totally making it all up, you know? Have you seen her ID? She looks like she's 12 here. Well, she's like 15 and that. How old are you there?
Starting point is 00:49:19 16. Look at your beard. You had a beard already? My God. oh look at your you had a beard already my god yeah i was in denial about my beard when i was like 14 i would shave it and then finally i was like i have a beard why i was like this looks cool uh okay so so he moves in with you he's there rosa tells you hey make sure he's he's he's practicing his english he's practicing his english so his english is good yeah so the day he was supposed to move in with me is when he ended up just staying in madison for the rest of that summer year so he never actually lived with me um but yeah once i once i met rosa which was earlier this year she's like hey don't don't let him like cheat his english or whatever and i was like i mean it's pretty good like i think really the main reason that uh he uses her is just
Starting point is 00:50:14 to keep the conversation like faster when it's on camera and just it's more comforting like i'm sure if someone asks you to speak a language you don't really know in front of thousands of people, it's probably not the most comfortable thing. So I totally get it. Yeah. But she told him he's on his own next year, so we'll see if she stays true to that. Jeffrey Birchfield, Sevan, did I really just hear you talking about his girlfriend's butt? about his girlfriend's butt uh you heard me talking about her hamstrings but you heard but because that's what people do when they listen to the internet they spin shit the way they want to hear it and her butt was great too so i guess now you can say i talked about her but but
Starting point is 00:50:55 i i like my wife has jeans like that in those boots and i just like the way it makes her hamstrings look but if we can talk about her but i wouldn't know it's okay to talk about your girlfriend's butt a little bit right yeah? Yeah. She doesn't dress like that anymore, really. Cause now she's like all super into working out. Like she's been working out since we've been together, but now she's like, Oh, she lives in lemons now. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. She's like really working for it now. Like she's got muscle ups now. I mean, that was super cool when she got those.
Starting point is 00:51:27 That is cool um my wife just switched from lululemons to another brand because there's something in lululemons that's like bad for your vagina there's like some sort of plastic or something in there that you're not supposed to have you're saying you're wearing them you should definitely not be wearing them everybody always asks me when i'm gonna start wearing tights like roman and i said as soon as i figure out how to stuff them with something dude dude i've been wearing working out in long johns because i'm old and i want to heat i want to get hot and and every time i do i'm like oh wow now i know why roman wears tights it's nice leggings it's nice hey i'll wear tights under shorts. You do
Starting point is 00:52:07 it once and you'll never come back. I don't think so. All right. You'll see. Does your dad wear tights when he works out? He does not. Yeah. Well, he's old. He pretty much like glues himself for his workout, but no tights. Tapes himself up. Oh my God. Yeah god yeah he's got he's got every piece of equipment on and then it smells like old man lube when he walks out of the bathroom because he's just i'm here i i think he like just gets in the shower and just starts pouring it all over himself sorry do you know i understand uh so do you like training with him um is, is it too much? Is it a dream come true? Is it like, did you know he was going to be this good? Tell me what's your original impressions of his like fitness and his work ethic and his movement? Yeah, no, it's, it, it's like a dream
Starting point is 00:52:58 come true. Um, cause he just, he's so meticulous. He works super hard um and i i'm very schedule oriented um and a lot of people and this isn't just for our camp a lot of camps like maybe people kind of just show up around a certain time like there's not a specific time that they're going to show up but for him he's like no every morning30. And I like that because I don't like waiting till 930 10. I like being in there earlier. So I was like, Oh, that's perfect. Like even better. I would have made it work if he would have said anytime. But yeah, he just works super hard. And it's like, he doesn't, he doesn't like, look at a workout and go, Oh, I don't, I don't know, like, maybe we shouldn't do that because of this. Like if it's on his true coach, he's going to do it. The only time he changes the
Starting point is 00:53:49 workout is if he changes it to be harder. Like last week we had one that we had like 35 pound double kettlebells and he made us go seventies. And then we had like pinch carries with the plates. It's like, you just pinch on the plates and Facundo wrote like 25s and he made us do 45s which was it's hard to even get those things off the ground and pinch carry like that so just stuff like that like if if you can't feed off of his work ethic then there's something wrong with you like he just the dude just goes and it's really no it's no wonder why he's so fit because he eats sleeps and breathes uh his profession like he doesn't even after water palooza he wouldn't even like go out and get like a treat like ice cream or something like that like he
Starting point is 00:54:39 doesn't really eat anything unless here his wife cooks it so it's like he's just so so meticulous about it the only time he'll stay up is if it's to watch ufc fights oh really he's a ufc fan oh yeah he and i talked so much about that i was talking mad shit to him yesterday about uh islam i said that habib is way better than islam are islam and habib fighting I've been watching some videos. They're not because when I hear Islam, I haven't heard. I heard Habib has spoken out yesterday or something, but I watched a video with Islam a couple days ago, and it sounds like he sends some frustration with Habib. No, you haven't heard anything like that?
Starting point is 00:55:20 I don't think so. Habib's back with him this time. Like the last fight camp, he wasn't there, so I feel like he's back this time. But I also talk a lot of shit to him because I've grown up a big Justin Gaethje fan because his wrestling coach used to go to my dad's gym. Dude, you look like you could be related to Gaethje a little bit. It's because I'm 25% Mexican.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Oh, and Gaethje's Mexican, right? Yeah, he's half, I think. He's like that Canelo ginger type though or how about brian ortega i think it's full mexican and he looks like he's fucking german yeah he didn't look mexican at all but he's straight vato like low rider like he's with his family and you're like yeah yeah they're like they're the cholo mexicans yeah crazy east la yep um uh so so he he do you watch the ufc with him or no he watches that shit by himself it's too late by himself i watch i watch pretty much every fight though like even the fight nights if it's a pay-per-view card i'm watching it for sure yeah don't tell me
Starting point is 00:56:23 i haven't watched last night's yet. I can't wait to. I didn't watch last night's. I was busy watching CU football. I'm going to watch it, though. I'm going to get on the assault bike and watch it. I want to see the Bobby Green fight for sure. I did see that. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You did? I invited him on the podcast. He's one of the only people who ever said to me. I think he's the only one who ever said to me it'll be $1,500. Damn, I should have said that. I did not pay him 1500 bucks i'm like go i'll take i'll take 15 just dollars all right i'll send you a ceo shirt how's that you like oh yes are you allowed to wear anything besides mayhem clothes oh yeah there's not a rule when you're there that was another thing about how go ahead that was another thing. Go ahead. That was another thing in the Philip documentary.
Starting point is 00:57:08 All the trainers there, their shirts are too tight. Everyone needs to move up one size. Just one size. Yeah, everybody says stuff about that with Josh. Primany. Just one size wouldn't hurt. Just one. He almost looks like he's like stuck in it
Starting point is 00:57:27 i mean there there's a like the trend now is the big oversized shirts right it seems to be what a lot of people are going with i don't know how people work out in it like that i can't but oversized yeah that's no good that's no good that's like lskd is big on the oversized stuff and i'm like just send me a size smaller than because i don't want to be swimming in my t-shirt are you sponsored by them uh no but i have a good relationship with quite a few people there so i get i get tipped from them before like semis and stuff i want to destroy them but uh but i haven't because my buddy pedro is sponsored by them one of the guys in who has a podcast peter from coffee pods and wads but i but the second woke
Starting point is 00:58:11 i mean but here's i'm gonna be nice i'm gonna be nice i'm gonna be nice that's okay that's okay do something bold like support support uh come out hard for gays against groomers or support like lesbians. Like I'm all about supporting lesbians like fucking a hundred percent. But this fucking conflation of gay people with fucking pedophiles is in there is fucking disgusting. And I'm all, I asked one of my friends who's a graphic designer. I said,
Starting point is 00:58:42 will you please create a new gay flag? I'll fly that shit. I'll make it my back banner. These are people who like same genitalia sex. Everyone else, get the fuck out of the room. We don't want you in here. I mean, it's crazy. You talk to people that are just gay.
Starting point is 00:58:58 That community has gotten a little wild. They've been hijacked. Yeah, they've been hijacked they've been honestly yeah they've been hijacked yeah they've been hijacked same with the same with yeah anyway yeah yeah we could start our own little political show i could talk for hours on that stuff oh good like a rambler gay people cool i like that it's a very simple sentence gay people cool yeah yeah people gay you could fix the people gay cool yeah you can put those three letters
Starting point is 00:59:30 three words in any order i'm down uh born primitive not woke yeah i'm cool that's true that is true yeah i didn't i didn't think of that yeah that's about it i mean everything else has a level of it, like Nike, Super Bowl, Noble. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Hey, so those companies actually enforced you to have to take drugs to work there. You had to go to a hospital and take a mandated injection to work at those companies. That doesn't even like…
Starting point is 01:00:05 Oh, yeah. You're an asshole to do that to people. You are an asshole. No, they were trying to protect everybody. I heard Rich did that. I heard Rich was making everyone take the injection in order to get in the door at Mayhem. True or false?
Starting point is 01:00:28 False. Never going to get in the door at mayhem true or false uh false never gonna get invited to cookville i don't know how many people in cook will have their injection to be honest with you they didn't allow many in there i heard yeah they tried to bring it in they got blocked i guarantee you there's some fentanyl and Mountain Dew there, though. Yeah, yeah. From what I understand, fentanyl is not as prevalent out here as it is out west yet. But, yeah, I mean, it's all over the country. That's another thing, too. So we'll put that on the Democrats. Democrats think it's okay to inject drugs on the streets in front of kids.
Starting point is 01:01:00 We don't – us red people, we don't think that, right? You got to go in your own house and do that yeah i mean if you want to if you want to make decisions that are gonna harm yourself but nobody else like that it is what it is you can't really stop people from that but you can't do it on the escalator on the subway you can't do it yeah do it away from people especially because if you do od and there's like a three-year-old that watches you od like yeah it's it's a wild world we're living in right now um when's the last time you had a mountain dew oh i don't even know honestly long time um but but when you go to mayhem do you
Starting point is 01:01:43 always see a mountain dew like see like someone walking around with a mountain dew red or something um every now and then you'll see like there's people that work there like in the apparel store slash froning farms department that don't do crossfit so they'll have like no food this is a scandal this is a scandal i mean they'll have like food. This is a scandal. This is a scandal. I mean, they'll have like, uh, there was like a McDonald's bag in there the other day. I was like,
Starting point is 01:02:11 yo, who would ever thought you'd see a McDonald's bag. And do you have a go-to fast food? If you have, if you have to, uh, uh, out here,
Starting point is 01:02:21 I'd say probably just like Chick-fil-A, but if it's back in Colorado, Qdoba for sure. Yeah. Um if i go to fast food i i make sure that when i come home it's embarrassing to say this because i'm a grown-ass man but i i scan the car for any sign of it even like straw wrappers and then i don't go in the front door i go go around the back and throw it away. So my wife doesn't see it. I don't want to be judged. I don't want to be judged. I had a roommate throw away a couple of bags in the outdoor trash one time. And I was like, dude, you can throw it away in here. We're not going to judge you. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah. I mean, but Hey, that's a good thing though. If there's that shame around it. I think it's a great thing. I have no problem. I think it's a great thing. I'm glad my wife shames me for that shit. Yeah. My fiance and I, we told each other, if the other one ever gets fat, you have to say something.
Starting point is 01:03:18 If I get fat, I want her to be like, dude, you need to get your shit together. This is disgusting. I will be okay with being fat shamed if i'm fat yeah but at least for i'm a healthy man i don't i don't mind my wife i mean my wife doesn't put on 20 pounds but like she's probably been like i don't know 135 for the last five years but when we were in college she was was probably closer to one 50. I like my wife at one 52. I'm happy with the, I'm happy with the, I'm happy with the 20 pounds of whatever that is that she puts on it.
Starting point is 01:03:51 It lands on there. Nice. Yeah. Mine's like, she's pretty short. She's a, she's a little thing. She doesn't always acknowledge that because she's, she's Mexican. So she's pretty big for her family. Oh, right. Yeah. That's like me i'm armenian i'm five five i'm an animal you're a giant dude i'm a fucking yeah so i mean she's like i don't know she's put on some like muscle weight like she's been lifting and everything so she got up to like maybe like 135 or something like that and she's like i need to be lighter because we're getting
Starting point is 01:04:21 married soon i was like no no no no no it's like keep keep it right there yeah no no no no no i was like you do you not want to be able to like flex out of the wedding dress like come on what are we doing here yeah she torn any pants or shirts yet lats torn any shirts or pants not that i know of oh i mean maybe i'm sure she wouldn't tell me i think there's like girls wouldn't tell you something like that, even though it would be a good thing. They still think it's bad. I saw Audrey, by the way, I'm going to circle before the show's over.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I'm going to call my wife and find out which pants she wears that are, that are, that don't damage the vaginas pH or whatever. Like she switched to like something that's like, you know, cotton made in Egypt or something. I'll tell you what it is. I was at i was at a wedding once uh you know who nicole carol is yeah and so she tore she was it was after the wedding and we were all like just sitting around
Starting point is 01:05:16 outside eating and she sat on a bench and she tore her fucking pants just the ass right open oh nice and then she went and changed she started she was dying laughing she was laughing so hard she was crying then she came back and she tore her fucking shirt dude from her lat was there all within 30 minutes it was crazy was there alcohol involved i don't even think she had she didn't have time to get alcohol it was just like we just sat down and what happened yeah it was awesome i would say the only time i've ever like lost a shirt entirely there was alcohol involved and it was my favorite shirt it was my favorite shirt this is my roommate's birthday we had a party bus and i took it off at some point in the party bus and it didn't make its way home and i was really sad about it oh it did but it didn't
Starting point is 01:06:01 get torn off whole kogan style no unfortunately oh no i've never torn a shirt i've tore a pair of baseball pants though that was pretty funny her hers was like a a dress shirt like not like a stretchy t-shirt dress shirt like a button-up shirt you know when there was no stretch to it and she did something and then it just fucking just ripped open in her lat it was i was so impressed i was crazy impressed um she's just flexed and it was gone i don't even i don't even know and she's not a big i mean she's yoked she's yoked but she's not like a big girl she's like no five two one thirty she's tiny but yeah she ripped that shit up hey um oh how did you lose your baseball pants those are those are all uh those shouldn't rip either those are flexible right yeah i don't know i just at some
Starting point is 01:06:50 point that day my teammate told me my pants were ripped and i had to find a new pair ripped down the ass uh yes kind of like the right ass cheek wow uh it could have been sliding or something like that this is a bad sign buddy i'm so sorry to say this andrew hiller uh looks like uh i'm okay with being fat shamed if i'm not fat uh if i'm fat uh logan ewing wow oh no hey hill are you gonna take this podcast and cut it into little pieces and destroy uh lo Logan forever and ever until the end of time? I texted him yesterday. Don't watch my podcast. I texted him F.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Mary kill the three the three people he just made videos on. Oh, my. I don't think that I don't think that the video i think he's made some videos that i think are like too much for me like i think oh shit if that was about me that would hurt but i don't think the one he did on i don't think the one he did on sporty beth a couple days ago was mean did you see it yeah no it was i didn't think it was i didn't think it was like there was nothing bitter about it like the one on b, man, he fucking he'd be right up. It went hard in the pain on that one.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah. But the one. That was fair therapy. Yeah. I thought it was fair. Yeah. I mean, she's like, take out the fact that she's overweight and just be like, it was just like, hey, it's not okay to put on 30 pounds and then tell the world it's okay. Yeah. I mean, he was just having a diet discussion with her,
Starting point is 01:08:28 like just two dietitians talking. That's the way I took it. She should come back with no, it's fine. She said that like, if you're a trainer, most people get into that so they can bully fat people. I'm like, yeah, that was crazy. Like what world do you live in? That that's what you think. I'm going to tell you the truth about that, by the way. The main reason that men become trainers is for one reason.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Oh, no. And it's the reason they get up in the morning. And it's the reason they don't want to die. And it's the reason they have kids. And it's the reason why they invented the light bulb. And that's the reason. And it has nothing to do with bullying people it's kind of the exact opposite if you can't figure out what it is dm me i'll tell you on the side fucking knucklehead bull yeah that was that one that was a good one that was a good one i'll give hillar credit on that video god i forgot that she said that that's crazy a bullying builds character it does honestly as long as it's not like overboard there's a line
Starting point is 01:09:37 like uh connor mcgregor talking shit about um home's uh uh wife calling her like a whore and stuff uh um what's the guys from louisiana uh doesn't worry that it has a little much well here's the thing wasn't as bad as when he was talking shit to habib what did he say about habib he say something about habib's life too i was going after like his whole religion his whole family and then like when when habib's dad died from covid he tweeted habib tweeted something about like good will always be evil and he said like covid good father evil and then added he tagged habib in it it's like yo that's some hey that's some like a lot he put logic to his uh
Starting point is 01:10:29 it's it's more i think it's more acceptable to talk like that in mma because they get a chance to hit you like in other sports they don't get to punch you in the face and knee you and beat the hell out of you so it's right right that's fair that's good context that's good that's good like so if you but here's the thing rapper boxers and um rappers and and fighters they can get away with saying some shit yeah like platinum kelly was uh mike kelly was doing all sorts of racial slurs and it was just cool you know what i mean and i'm cool with it too like yeah yeah you fight you could say all sorts of crazy shit but it wasn't saying them in a derogatory way but just like part of his vernacular mayweather punches some bitch out like his
Starting point is 01:11:14 like i love her that's just part of the game oh all right one thing like one thing with like different people that come through these doors that are learning english that i've realized is like trying to explain to them why you can't say certain words that start with an n they don't get it they're like but they say it all the time i'm like you just can't say it we know it doesn't make sense but a lot of that's true make sense yeah like but those urinals that are so high that only a seven foot guy could use them don't make sense i don's true make sense yeah like but those urinals that are so high that only a seven foot guy could use them don't make sense i don't know why we still haven't figured urinals that splash on us don't know why throw that in there with the n-word doesn't make sense yeah but it's like it's one of those things it's like cool lashes on us our culture just knows not to
Starting point is 01:12:01 yeah we have a spaceship that goes to the moon but we can't make a urinal that doesn't splash on us 100% of the time. This is fucking nuts. And you don't even know until you walk out in the restaurant and you're like, oh, fuck, and your pants are splattered. Like you ran through a sprinkler. Yep. Sorry. Okay. You're good.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Go ahead. What were you going to say about the N-word? Go ahead. Go ahead. Hang yourself on the podcast. What were you going to say? You want to say it? Go ahead. It's and hang yourself on the podcast. What were you going to say? You want to say it? Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:12:26 It's a safe place. Go ahead. Say what you want. I would say like culturally we know not to do that. But like when new people come in, they're like, it doesn't make sense to them. I'm like, it kind of does. But yeah, I get where you're coming from. I was like, just don't say it.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I was like, I won't say it. You don't say it. There you go. How about that? I got a uh i'm trying to get um i got this i have this great video of um anne hathaway singing a tupac song and i want to play it so bad but i want to have dawn on fall and so i want i need to have dawn on before i play because those when you do things like that you need some breathing room
Starting point is 01:13:03 yeah and so because people some people will get crazy they're not bent out of shape oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I'm surprised she hasn't been canceled oh it's so smooth no you can't cancel her for it so it's such a tribute to Tupac it's so beautiful the way she it's so beautiful but um uh yeah so I gotta like you gotta time those things out i gotta get all that stuff out of the way now and then let and then let it and then like a couple months before the game just start acting like an angel again oh no oh yeah lskd rainbow motherfucker you know that's my favorite flag yeah what are you talking about i don't think that i killed i don't think that guy killed tupac do you think that guy killed tupac yeah i don't know i don't think that guy killed Tupac. Do you think that guy killed Tupac?
Starting point is 01:13:55 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It was a little weird to me that just randomly this guy popped up that supposedly killed Tupac. And he wasn't really necessarily suspected of it, right? I don't know much about it, but I just I don't want to believe it. Well, they said that police knew that he was there and that he told them he was there. So I'm like, I don't know. That one's weird. I wasn't alive when that happened. I love Tupac, but that one's not like as culturally significant of a moment for me. I don't let my kids say say that word well when they sing songs the n-word yeah i mean yeah but i do but i do but like i when they're 18 they can
Starting point is 01:14:36 make the decision to too i just don't want it to be part of their vernacular you know what i mean i don't want it to get in trouble like they know that if they said it They'd be toast I would fuck them up But I sing that shit I'm not alone in my car And being like I ain't saying that I'm singing like a motherfucker
Starting point is 01:14:55 Screaming Baby got back LA face with an open booty Logan is a good dude Facundo Is it true that Victoria Camp campos is gay is that true yeah oh man i didn't think that was a secret well i don't think it's a secret i'm in denial the same way like i'm in denial that that dude killed tupac she's so hot and i wanted to set
Starting point is 01:15:21 her up with pool boy one of the listeners and he's like dude it's fat chance in hell he was i think he was more bummed than me so funny funny story about facundo one of the first times i ever met him i i like had i knew he was gay um and so i was i didn't ask him about his wife on this podcast he's like i ain't got one of those i was like uh-oh yeah yeah but he he like asked me podcast. He's like, I ain't got one of those. I was like, uh-oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he asked me if this, he's trying on a shirt, and he's like, Logan, is this too gay? And I was like, uh, how do you answer that? I was like, because it was flowers, so kind of like, yeah, it is a little bit.
Starting point is 01:16:00 I was like, but then he tried it on. You should have pulled your waistband out and looked at your penis, and if you were even chubbing a little, you'd be like, but then he tried it on. You should have pulled your waistband out and looked at your penis. And if you were even chubbing a little, you'd be like, yes. But then he put it on. I was like, all right, he actually pulls it off. I was like, no, man, it's fine. It's a great, great shirt. Dude, he's got a little bit of James Bond in him.
Starting point is 01:16:18 He's like really debonair. He's got like, you can't tell whether he's the dude, the butler or the dude who owns the mansion. You can't tell if he's Batman butler Or the dude who owns the mansion You can't tell if he's Batman Or the guy who helps Batman That dude's smooth He probably goes both ways I don't believe it He goes all the ways
Starting point is 01:16:38 He's such a fun dude to have around I wish he lived here I heard him and victoria campos are dating he uh he was on your pod and he was saying like lazar and roman he's like glad he isn't here i think that we were all expecting it to be like more tense than it was it's been super chill like both of those dudes are the i was kind of funny the first the first like bit that lazaro's here that came over to roma and he was like he and i were talking so like we were why would it be tense why would it be tense did they have some beef or oh no no no oh no beef just because a bike crash or something or why would it be tense was there some any history there's no history i i think from what
Starting point is 01:17:21 i understand they both have always liked each other just the talk funny that might like just like kind of like a friendly rivalry type of thing i guess okay but like they both have they both respect each other a lot and they both like this week's been awesome but like the first bit lazar was there he and i were like we'd been there for a little bit it was in the morning so he and i were talking and like our vibes were a little high. Roman gets there and he just like, you could tell he was like still waking up. And so he like comes over and he's like, he's on this level with me. And he starts talking and he's like, Roman.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And he's just like, hi. I was like, give it like 10 minutes. He needs to warm up. He needs to refresh some of his english and then then we'll be good and then it's been super fun since then like anytime somebody comes here to train like roman's talking shit to them the whole time so it's been no different with that i mean yesterday we went up to riches and we were doing like an 8ks it was supposed to be a zone 2 run right those two got out and i tried to stay true to zone two,
Starting point is 01:18:27 but even I was like, okay, I can't let them get that far in front of me. And then we finished and they were like, that was not a zone two. Like, yeah, that was like zone five. So in all honesty, all kidding aside, is that bad for training? Uh, no, not if it were year round like that, maybe okay but in prep for rogue it's great and i think that's i think that was a calculated decision by lazar to come out here when he did because then it's like you can you can push and be in a more competition mindset then like if you were to be here in you know march i don't think it would be great uh but i also think like lazar is very smart with his training and i think he would be able to step away and be like okay we're not competing
Starting point is 01:19:12 right now we need to just be training like even yesterday he was a little tired so he's like hey like let's do this workout not head to head to work on the things we need to work on rather than just trying to go. So I think it'd be good, but Roman, Roman just loves, he just likes to go. Where were you at the games last year? Were you at the, at the venue? Yeah. So I was, I was in the back for most of it. You were, you had, you had a coach's pass. Yeah. So like I went to bring something for rosa
Starting point is 01:19:46 did we meet oh yeah i told you remember i said you and facundo had to do the final event against each other that was gonna be the true final i don't fucking remember sorry yeah no so i i walked in to bring something for rosa and then the guy was like hold on he's like are you here for roman i was like yeah and he goes actually go back to that table there's another band you can just take that so I took it and like I have it on and I'm like somebody must have given somebody else must have given Facundo their band then because we're both back here like this I was like whatever I'm not gonna I'm not gonna question it I got a band he's got a band let's just do this thing yeah um but then we went to watch the Helena workout and one watch the helena workout and
Starting point is 01:20:26 one of the guys came over and he was like freaking out at both of us he's like i'm cutting your guys's bands because you're trying to cheat it and i was like bro we're we were both they made the mistake you kept your mouth shut and then you got accused of cheating yeah so then i just told the guy i was like just cut my band like this isn't a big deal just cut my band. Like, this isn't a big deal. Just cut my band. I was like, I don't understand why this is such a big issue, but it is what it is. I mean, it's not like I was coaching him. I was just there to help out with bringing stuff around. I offered to be his translator. I said I was going to say what I wanted to say, not what he actually said. Oh. I was just going to start talking shit to everybody on the floor.
Starting point is 01:21:12 How is Roman's ankle? It's good. He ran 8K yesterday and ran it fast. He has been jumping. Hasn't been doing high-volume jumping, but has been jumping hasn't been doing like high volume jumping but has been jumping so he should be good to go like i was telling somebody asked me yesterday at the gym like do you think he'll be able to be like fit enough for rogue i was like the dude even if he was at like 50 capacity in training hit with how willing to suffer he is and how perfectly he competes, he could still win. He doesn't need to be in his best shape to be able to win because he's got that dog in him.
Starting point is 01:21:54 He doesn't feel pain when he's on the floor. He needs to be careful. He did almost break it again the other day. He stepped on a foam roller and it started to roll over and i look at him like dude and he goes oh like bro you gotta be careful i i heard once you do damage that your um ankles that you are significantly more susceptible to having it again and it's kind of like something that builds off of each other like you do not want to keep twisting your ankle yeah i could see that his is more his foot like i know i know when hayley had her ankle injury in 2020 like there's she'll still roll her ankle over pretty good now so i mean it's just such a stability issue at that point hey with luke parker making it to the games was that pretty cool does that motivate you you're like oh shit, Luke fucking did it.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Showed up here, put in the grind, and made it to the CrossFit Games. Yeah, for sure. Before Roman came, Luke and I last offseason, early offseason last year, he and I were getting after it together. It was just him and I back there most days. We went and did Crash together. So, I mean, he's also been a really big part of my journey here um so yeah i was fired up for him like i knew he had the capabilities to make it he's got really honestly probably just like one weakness and he's hammering that weakness so it's
Starting point is 01:23:21 like it's been cool to see and then like i was i was there all what is that weakness what is the weakness swimming running uh no like like handstand push-up stuff okay yeah um but last year i was their alternate so i got to train with them a little bit uh i had a good relationship with sasha before she left so i mean it's just like it's been super cool. Like those, the different people you get to meet and train with, but then it's like, once Roman came to town, it's like, okay, like this is business. He and I are, we're going to get after this together. And I never knew it, but he said he'd never had like an actual training partner before.
Starting point is 01:24:00 And I told him, no wonder why it's because he beat the hell out of me every day. Roman. Roman. Yeah. What about someone like Samuel Cornway, who and I'm projecting who I expect to do better and doesn't do as well? Like I for some I see him as a top five guy. Does that demotivate you? You're like, fuck, dude, this guy's so fucking good. How come he can't break the top five?
Starting point is 01:24:32 Does it ever have the opposite of the Luke Parker effect? Like you look at Luke and you're like, fuck, he did it. I want in on that. Whereas Samuel, you're like, fuck, how could someone this good not be having more success? No, because i mean you you look at guys at semifinals that aren't even close to making it and you see how good they are and it's like how are they this good with no success like if you get stuck in that you everything could be like demotivating if you look at it like that um i don't really know like or even or even tyler
Starting point is 01:25:02 look at tyler christopher yeah yeah another one like you're like like it's like oh fuck really he's so fucking good and he had and he didn't get to go to the games yeah i mean like with someone like sam like i can't really speak too much to him because i don't know how he trains when he's not here like i don't know like style wise how how his training style is like what he's working on what he he's not working on. So, it's, like, it could, I'm sure it's not that, especially now that we have, like, these, a bunch of coaches here and, like, just amazing resources, but it's, like, who knows, maybe it could be that, maybe his training is more geared to be good at semifinals, maybe this, maybe that, but from what he said, it's more of, like, a mental thing, and if that's the case, like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:44 I understand, like, there is definitely a mental thing. And if that's the case, like, yeah, I understand. Like there is definitely a mental component to the sport to being able to put your fitness truly on the best display possible. Like for me this year at semis, like it used to be more like I would just go out and go and then crash and burn and be pissed off at myself and like get down. And I fixed that, but mentally I didn't fix everything because now
Starting point is 01:26:05 it's like I went out this year and I was like as long as I just stay like middle of the pack like I can have a fighting chance so I was like my mindset was more trying not to lose rather than trying to win and so it's like if someone like Sam who's got all these physical gifts maybe if his mindset is that way too like that could be holding him back but I don't know he's a like I said he's a great athlete so I'm sure I'm sure he's gonna do well and I mean he does do well like if you're top if you're at the games you're top 40 athlete in the world like you can't can't be too mad about that like you're still doing incredible things like even in North America for the men if you make a semi-final you're doing something right so I, I mean, for me, that's how it is for me. Like I was just trying not to lose rather than trying to win.
Starting point is 01:26:51 And that cost me big time. So maybe, maybe he has a little bit of that. And if he figured that out, then yeah, he could be dangerous. But that, I don't know if that's what it is, you know, maybe he was hurt. I don't know. Do you have a day job uh kind of yes like i have a like an online store with my buddy oh that's cool what is it what do you sell uh so he started it let me guess let me guess uh uh paraphernalia marijuana
Starting point is 01:27:23 paraphernalia. No. You don't think that. It's not anything you would guess. Underwear for gay dudes. I wear pumps. We got the tuck it underwear at Target. It's like Star Wars stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:42 There's a big market for it. I'm not a big Star Wars guy. You are a dork. I'm not a big star wars guy you are dork i'm not no i'm not a big star wars guy yes he is all right i guess i am now no i'm not but it works and it makes money dude you belong on the lone ranger podcast you don't belong on this podcast i want to show you this kind of no one knows this is breaking news right here hold on uh these are the uh these this is i can't believe i'm sharing this don't tell anyone this except for everybody watching yeah oh god their home page is brutal oh my god david you're gonna love this this is this is the uh this is oh god i can't even show it anyway if anyone wants to know what
Starting point is 01:28:27 kind of underwear i wear i wear pump i can't oh my god this website is you don't wear you don't wear those target ones no this is okay i'm gonna show you this is the gayest website ever this is gonna definitely confirm it for people that i'm gay these are the this is the underwear i wear this oh my god yeah I wear the pump brand. I don't have any of these ones up here with the assless. I don't have any of those. I don't like my ass floss. That's just like
Starting point is 01:28:56 anal floss. Yeah, I don't wear those. I wear more of these. I wear those red ones that guy has on. Or I wear the briefs. Let's see the briefs. I have a lot of the briefs. These aren't briefs. No, like, uh, like those red ones that guy has on or, um, or I wear the briefs. Let's see the briefs. I have a lot of the briefs. These aren't briefs.
Starting point is 01:29:08 No, no, not briefs. What are the other kind called? Underwear briefs and boxers. I wear the boxers. Yes. Bro. Those look more like briefs than I have. I have probably like 30 pairs of these.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Okay. I'm judging you. I'm judging you a lot less now. Thank you. if it was those last ones man those are like a cock thank you thank you cock see you know did you just make that word up uh is that like a tuxedo for your cock yeah we had a though back in my high school there was a there's a uh g string type thing that was a tuxedo that used to get passed around wow tuxedo i'm afraid to read the comments now i'm gonna switch subjects i'm so
Starting point is 01:29:54 afraid to yeah let's talk about manly stuff now like i want to go i want to hold on i want to talk about your star wars thing in a second but patrick clark did bring up a good comment i can't find it right now but um uh um well how are dom and emma doing do you see dom and emma the coach from the the brute yeah so they just like officially moved here the other day so yesterday or maybe friday was the first day that i saw them in there um but that's the whole squad was there the they're super cool super cool do Super cool. So if you see someone like that, do you be lying over to them and shake Don's hand, shake Emma's hand and say,
Starting point is 01:30:30 welcome, like give him like a little, throw a little love on him. And before you go, you do your shit. You don't like posture on him and like not talk to him or anything. Oh, absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Absolutely not. Every, everybody that, I mean, I'd say we're up to like maybe like 30 athletes that have come from out of town. Whether it's for a week, a month, like whatever it is that have come to town and in the time that I've been here. And I'd say pretty much all of them, I've formed a pretty good relationship
Starting point is 01:30:55 with, like, even when, when Ariel was in town, like I talked with her for a while and now like super cool with her and her husband. Like they're two of my favorite people in the sport. Um, Dylan's dangerous. Don't Um, Dylan's dangerous. Don't don't Dylan's dangerous. Don't hang out with him. You can pick up like a drinking habit or something. They were at the after party. They were,
Starting point is 01:31:13 they were a joy at the after party too. He's a, he, he parties. I like him. Yeah. Yeah. They're,
Starting point is 01:31:18 they're such cool people. Yeah. So, I mean, just anytime somebody new comes in, it's like I moved here to be surrounded by the best. And I wanted to test myself against the best and see what I could get. So it's like, why would I not want a relationship with these people? Why would I not want to pick their brain?
Starting point is 01:31:36 Even if it's something as simple as like what type of pillow they use that helps them perform their best, like any little piece of advice or like thing that i can pick up on from these people like why would i not and seeing seeing the way that they work like that that whole group there's four of them like they work so very like so differently than how we work around here um that it's it's just cool it's like you see like this different side of things like different camps have different styles. Like some, some camps have like they do a lot of their Metcons together and they have different coaches for their like skill work and stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Some of them do everything separate. Some of them do a hybrid. And then like we're, we're becoming like, it seems like we're shifting quite a bit this year because we've got all these new coaches. So all of our athletes now have a one-on-one coach like it's just cool seeing how how you learn from other people in the space like it's so that is a switch that is a switch at mayhem like this uh jake foster dude uh foster yes um mike i don't remember mike's last name but he's uh he's working with luke i remember who all he's got why the shift why the shift i remember a couple years ago when hayley was getting just when she's before she fell off her bike and i know she's back on
Starting point is 01:32:58 it but right before she fell off she was going to get like some individual coaching right yeah so it's why the shift all of a sudden i mean i can't really like 100 say that this is like what they like what what jake rich and everybody was thinking but it seems like ever since rich kind of stepped away from competing uh it seems like there was like this big void because he was doing all the programming for most of the people that were here uh because they all just worked out as one big group. So when he stepped away, it kind of left like a void for some people, it seemed like.
Starting point is 01:33:32 And then like Jake Foster kind of fell upon us. Like it was like, oh, hey, like this guy's available. We should work with him. And his style is very, very one-on-one in terms of programming and everything and it it just seemed like that was working and so it's like well we should start incorporating this everywhere um and yeah I mean it just seems like it's working like I truthfully I think that's what it was more is that there's just like kind of a void when Rich stepped away. Cause it's like, I mean, he's such a great programmer. And when we had that, what's that mean? He stepped away. He's just not in the gym as much.
Starting point is 01:34:13 He's still in the gym quite a bit. Not as much as hunting season, but like he's not hunting and biking and some other things. Like, I mean, yeah, so he's not, he, he works out, like he'll, he'll do stuff that isn't necessarily cross-fitting like he'll get on the stairmaster and that'll be his session something like that uh but mostly like in the lead up to his mountain bike racing he was definitely not in the gym as much because he was riding for hours upon hours a day so it's your master does he have i don't know yeah we have three of them at the gym i want to see the one that rich rides i'm gonna buy it today fuck it i'm doing it
Starting point is 01:34:51 if it's five grand or less i'm buying it today i don't give a fuck i'm getting it no idea how much those are how often do you use the stairmaster i just use it to warm up but he does sessions on it you'll see him him get on it and go to war with it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Especially for elk hunting. You ever see him holding the handles? Sides?
Starting point is 01:35:12 No. He freeballs it. Freestands it. Yeah. Anytime I get on the Stairmaster, Roman gives me shit, and he says it's a woman's machine. So I just – I don't feel like dealing with it. Right. Fine.
Starting point is 01:35:27 No, I don't want to be more – well, I do want to be more like Rich, but I just I don't feel like dealing with it right fine um no I don't want to be more well I do want to be more like rich but I just like that machine because it's something I could do and possibly like uh prepare for podcasts simultaneously yeah it's it's a good it's a good machine it's a great leg burn like you throw a vest on oh and my kids can and my kids can rock the shit out of it yeah I mean it's pretty safe like if you fall there's not a lot of repercussions like if you fall on a treadmill that has a motor the thing will throw you
Starting point is 01:35:53 yeah ok so Rich is still in there but before I so rudely interrupted you're saying before he was doing stuff that was would lead people to successful Crossfit competitions and now he's sort of swayed to stuff that would make him better for biking and hunting yeah well i mean it's last year he
Starting point is 01:36:16 was training to win the crossfit games again so his training was dialed for that reason and now it's different like he's training to go sub what nine hours in leadville and go kill elk so i mean it's still hard training it's i mean the dude the dude just still goes hard every day but it's just very different like it's it's not what he would be doing to win the crossfit games is it a great environment to train in mayhem oh yeah it's not what he would be doing to win the CrossFit games. Is it a great environment to train in mayhem? Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, everybody's like super, super cool with each other. Um, everybody's once, once you're in, you're in, um, like when you're new there, it's not going to be like this great big, like, let's make sure that they feel special for being here.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Like you gotta, you gotta earn your stripes there a little bit. Like nobody's like mean to you or anything like that, but they're not going to like make sure that you feel super comfortable. Like, oh, if there's any questions you have, like it's, we're here to train. And if you, if you train hard and you're nice then you're gonna fit in but if you're if you're a diva or anything like that you won't which luckily that hasn't at least since i've been here that hasn't been an issue with anybody how about carl saunders was she a diva no car was so cool scotty was here yeah yeah scotty's cool that's a cool little girl that was a fun that was a fun summer too because like lazar was here for that uh baden brown oldest oldest is one of my favorite
Starting point is 01:37:54 athletes he's so funny he and i send each other beetlejuice memes every day my dude my friends and i send each other uh wood videos you know who wood is it was the guy the dude with the giant penis the black guy oh my god yeah yeah we send those every day we're still doing that we're still doing that yeah from the keep keep that alive that was one of my favorite things in the pen yeah i just got another one a couple of days ago. Glad to know those are still around. Yeah. How, how,
Starting point is 01:38:30 um, the plan is to go to the game. How do you think it's a realistic goal this year? I think so. Uh, talk Roman and I were talking about it the other day. He told me, he's like,
Starting point is 01:38:42 you just got to get your mind around it. Basically, like I'm interpreting what he said. But he was saying that I work hard enough and I'm there with him every day. So I just need to piece it all together. Like what killed me is the lead up to semifinals. Like I was doing really well in training. And like there were even some that i was getting him on and it's like oh man that was such a boost of confidence and then it just didn't translate
Starting point is 01:39:13 onto the floor and so that was kind of frustrating but then my first workout back from semi-finals i absolutely just destroyed it and i was like, you've got to be kidding me. I don't want to be known as like – you hear these UFC fighters talk about these guys in the gym that are just so good in the gym, and then they lose their fight. It's like I don't want to be known as that guy. You want to be the opposite. You want to be the guy who gets beat in the gym in competition. There were three dudes in Graham Holmberg's gym who swear they could beat him every time. For some reason, they couldn't beat him on competition day, I remember.
Starting point is 01:39:47 Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, and then the other thing too is it's like I always have to remind myself. It's like there's a reason why like he's okay with training with me, like he being Roman. It's because I'm willing to work hard. I'm willing to show up on time. It's because I'm willing to work hard. I'm willing to show up on time.
Starting point is 01:40:09 I'm good enough at the sport that I'm not going to hold him back and I'm not going to just be another body. So it's like, I got to just carry that into competition and know that when the competition starts, that I'm fit enough that I need to trust it. Cause like the few times at some of my finals that like i was trusting my fitness i was doing really well and it's like just do that every time and good things will happen what does that mean trust your fitness you're holding a pace on the air runner and you start to get tired and so you slow down but instead of slowing down you're like it's okay buddy you
Starting point is 01:40:41 can do this yeah trust your you'll get through that's yes that but then also it's okay, buddy. You can do this. Yeah. Trust your, you'll get through. That's yes. That, but then also it's like, maybe you, maybe you over strategize and you're like, I need to break this. Say it's 20 reps. You're like, I need to break this into three sets, but it's like, in all reality, you really only need to break it into stuff. Just stuff like that. Little things like that where it's like, you're too conservative and too cautious. And that's, that's how I would define my entire season this
Starting point is 01:41:06 year is I was just too cautious it's like this was the first season that people were like talking about me saying like that I could do these things and see see where I end up and it's like in my mind instead of being like go for it like last year when I barely made semis I was like just go for it like I don't really have anything to lose and I felt like I did fine and then this year it's like people are talking about me so it's like I don't want to make an ass of myself I don't want to go out too hot and blow up on this workout but it's like in all reality it's like you just got to go like you can't you can't be concerned with like I said like my my mindset was don't lose rather than go out and win so it's like you got to be willing to push for it and go out on your sword like die trying i wonder what john young thinks i wonder if he thinks you can make it to the um to the games i hope he does but he also
Starting point is 01:41:59 said that alex kazan wasn't a top 10 athlete so i don't know how much i value his opinion yeah Dan wasn't a top 10 athlete, so I don't know how much I value his opinion. Yeah. No, I like John. John's cool. Yeah. I bet you he's at church. He doesn't know this phone number either,
Starting point is 01:42:19 so he probably doesn't even know how to answer this. This is from the show phone number. Yeah, senior analyst. Thank you, Patrick Clark, for the CrossFit game. Douche. That's your phone, douche. I didn't say that out loud, did I? No, it's just you and I here. Nobody else. Your call has been forwarded to an automated... Yeah, I would answer.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Did you ever see the show where – did you ever see the show where – I've called Rich probably a dozen times in the last two years. He's never answered. Did you ever see the show where – you ever called Rich and he answered? I don't know if I've ever called Rich. Yeah, it takes balls. Dude, I'll walk around. I'll pay for it. Yeah, if I text text him he answers too
Starting point is 01:43:06 but if i'm gonna call him like i have to i pace back and forth in the driveway for 15 minutes i have it all queued up and i'm like just do it just go fucking set and just call like like just call actually one time i was about to because one of the cows got out and it was just roman and i up at the barn oh yeah and then yeah and then i figured i figured out I'll just put the cow back in. We just put the cow back in. No shit. There's a gap. I'd call him and tell him I put it back in either too.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Just to get some points. Fuck you. Answer your phone, bitch. I ain't calling you for small talk. Don't big dick me, Rich. I put one of your cows back. I'd be so proud if I did that. Highland cows. I'd be so proud if I could help Rich like that. Hey, I put one of your cows back i'd be so proud if i did that highland cows yeah yeah i'd be so proud if i could help rich like that hey i put one of your cows away
Starting point is 01:43:49 and one of your kids was drowning i saved one of your kids fuck 50 off mayhem membership oh back in when i was training with rich at uh his cousin's place in michigan yeah the answer the phone he answered the phone no no his cousins loaded it wrong we were snatching one of them put a 15 on and one of them put i don't know what it was but one side was way heavier than the other and i was up and i went and i pulled it and i just started tipping over right and i dump it and it's the bar turns over and trice is standing right there i'm like oh no like i'm gonna kill trice and then it missed him and i was like oh thank god and then he was like who loaded that wrong and i was like oh thank god i thought he was gonna yell at me
Starting point is 01:44:36 i thought i was gonna just get ripped i was like oh i could have just killed that kid i like the videos where you see him getting angry like when he when he has to step on luke's dick i love that shit yeah i mean it fires you up like that a lot of people in our sport it's like just so one one emotion and it's kind of just like this mellow thing you don't see a lot of the highs and the lows and so when you see it it's like oh that's cool yeah it's so cool hey um we've featured uldis's uh uh hog on the show about a week ago and he's in a pair so does uldis know we featured it i don't know but i'll text him okay yeah it's a great oh that was on the one with Facundo, right? Yeah, probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Facundo just played it cool. Cause Hey, that was one of those things I spotted like about a month before the game, but I was going to do the behind the scenes and I didn't want anyone to be like, so my athletes hogs. So that's a crazy hog. That reminds me. I told my, I told my fiance and my dad dad I was going to tell this story at some point, but I did a USAW Youth Nationals meet, right? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:45:55 And I showed up, and I was underweight, and they didn't tell us that you had to be over the weight class below you. So I weigh in, and I'm like three kilos too light and i only had like 20 minutes so you're not gonna go put that weight on right so i my dad and i without even saying anything wait before you go any further why didn't you go to an under a lighter class because it was too late to declare it oh okay yeah this was weigh-ins so this is an hour before i lift so i like we didn't say anything we just looked at each other i was like 16 maybe anything. We just looked at each other. I was like 16 maybe. And we just like look at each other and we're like, all right, we got to figure this out.
Starting point is 01:46:29 And so we went and found a dumbbell, put it between my legs and kind of made it look like it was my, my Johnson. And I weighed in and I made weight. I meddled. I got third, third at nationals that year. Dude, that's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Hey dude, how many people have done that that's that you get no one does that no one does that no that wow how do you are you in a singlet when you weigh in yes that was the first meet that they ever required like after it's like touching your anus and the other hand it's like cupping your chode it's like a dumbbell just like rested on your yeah we just basically just made it's, like, cupping your chode. It's, like, a dumbbell just, like, resting on your – Yeah, we just – it basically just made it look like I was hung. Like – Wow.
Starting point is 01:47:09 I was like, those guys at that weigh-in probably still tell stories about me, the 16-year-old, the hog. Wow. Wow. I was like, I'm going to start figuring out a way to incorporate that into my daily life. Like, when we go for a swim or something, just put a dumbbell in my pants what is your dad like what's your dad like he's like me yeah very not serious but then like when the when it comes time to be serious he can be um uh was he affectionate father yeah oh do you like carry you like did you ride on his shoulders shit like that Yeah Yeah My mom
Starting point is 01:47:50 Yeah I don't know if like crazy affectionate But yeah Definitely affectionate She's got like Like do you have aunts and uncles Like my family was crazy affectionate Like my uncles would squeeze me to a point where it's like holy shit dude i
Starting point is 01:48:08 need some fucking breathing room yeah i have really small families so we have like in total at my brother like my brother just had his wedding and our family count was like 20 people so wow which is the polar opposite of what my fiance's family is so our wedding it's gonna be like 20 mine and then like 180 family members well for mexicans it's a competition who can have the most kids yeah oh my i mean she's like the first one in her family that wasn't done having kids at 21 so we at least broke that trend but she's i already know she's like she's ready to have you mean start having kids at 21 no be done oh she has she has people in her family who are done at 21 they already got three kids like all of them her her grandma's like 55 wow yeah her great
Starting point is 01:49:02 grandma's like 73 and your girl's already leslie's already ready to start having kids uh yeah i think so oh that's cool wow you're gonna like i like i like kids so it's like i'm not you're gonna not yet like we gotta we gotta get through the wedding first but yeah you never know after that you're gonna love what happens to your mom and dad too would they ever move out to cookville no i'll my life like after crossfit my life will be back in colorado i i know that like for a fact this is this is temporary but this is gonna be like this is i look at this as like a fun chapter in my life like whether it lasts five years ten years whatever like as like a fun chapter in my life. Like whether it lasts five years, 10 years, whatever,
Starting point is 01:49:45 like this is a temporary chapter, but it's, so I'm just like trying to make the most of it while I'm here. Um, uh, Bernie Gannon, uh, Seve's pump shorts probably support dumbbell accoutrements.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Dude, these underwear are like made out of like steel. Like I've had pairs of these underwear for 10 years now. They're crazy you can't sleep in them your dick will fucking hate you you got to wear like silk boxes to sleep yeah a birth fit plug sure why not yeah home birth do a home birth i highly recommend it yeah you the birth fit plug would be nice if that dumbbell trains you trains your package to deal with that birth fit
Starting point is 01:50:25 um what else what else do we need to plug toe spacers oh i got a new toe spacers accoutrement nah that's this is an appropriate place to plug it um there was somehow someone to ask you about your family oh how did your dad raise you? Did you play a lot of sports? Was it tough? Was it, did he, did he push you? Yeah, we were always in sports. Um, I didn't mean to rule your mom out. How'd your mom raise you? Yeah. From the time we could sign up for sports, we were always in something. And then like in high school, their rule was like, if you wanted to quit a sport you had to
Starting point is 01:51:05 be doing something so like if if I wanted to quit basketball it's in the winter so like it'd be wrestling or you got to go work or something like that like you always had to be doing something like you weren't coming home from school and just sitting on your ass watching tv like you're always expected to be doing something, which I, from like, for me, like the people I grew up around, like that was normal. And then like, I see, especially now, like, that's not normal. Like even, even some of like the great athletes, like these really good high school athletes, like they do one sport. And when it's not that sports time, they just sit on their ass the rest of the year. And it's like, that's crazy to me.
Starting point is 01:51:45 Like that does not teach you a work ethic. And you see a lot of these people go, go to like a nice division one college because they were super good in high school, but they never learned how to work hard. So now that they're up against guys that are just as talented as them, they never do anything.
Starting point is 01:52:02 That's what I did. I just came home. I just watched TV. I wasn't forced to do anything. I literally just came home from school and watched tv until i went to bed that for 10 years and ate ritz crackers yeah it's like it was like forced but not because it was what we wanted to do like my brother and i both wanted to be doing sports anyways and we wanted to be active and doing fun stuff rather than just go home and do that because did your parents go to your sporting events did they watch them oh every every game that they
Starting point is 01:52:31 could like it got really hectic in the summer because my brother and I like sometimes one of us would be in my mom would go with us because we'd be in Arizona for a week for baseball like but and then weekends were a mess because i'd have a tournament in denver an hour away he'd have a tournament in wyoming an hour the other way so it's like it was it was hectic but there was always at least one parent at all of our sporting events yeah that's good shit you tell me about the star wars thing again you sell star wars action figures legos what do you sell yeah it's just like little lego figures my buddy found their website oh yeah what's the website oh i gotta look it up yeah you don't know you don't know your business's website what do you do you mail them out or what do you do beat people up who don't pay or yeah all of the above is that
Starting point is 01:53:22 we need you to collect someone bought three Luke Skywalker Lego figures and didn't pay Logan here's the address it's so B-A-C-T-A-A or just one A sorry we changed it B-A-C-T-T-A just one T
Starting point is 01:53:40 A bacta like something yeah so my buddy got like real into drop shipping and then it's ended up making him a lot of money so he got me involved and you'd be surprised oh back to start back to tank star wars uh no did you look are you No. Did you look?
Starting point is 01:54:01 Are you? Tell me the website again. Back to what? Dot store. Oh, dot store. Is back to like a kind of Star Wars figure? Because when I type in back to tons of Star Wars stuff pops up. Is that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:16 So this is. Yeah, it is. But this is where I tell you, like, I'm not a Star Wars guy because I only watched the movies. This is from one of the shows. I don't watch the shows. Like, I think after Disney took it it over it wasn't very fun anyways and it was more of like a childhood thing for me so it's like a nostalgic thing if i were to watch the movies oh yeah look at that ain't she pretty wow you would not believe how many star wars nerds there are out there
Starting point is 01:54:44 i love it. So wait a second. So someone can get this Anakin Skywalker Lego for $1.99? Yes, sir. My kids would love that shit. I hate to say it. Yeah, and I wasn't very educated on this at first. We had some figures that were like $5.
Starting point is 01:55:02 I was like, bro, that's expensive. And he was like, yeah, but if you were to like go on these other sites they're like five thousand dollars because it's rare i'm like okay never mind oh these aren't even these aren't even legos yeah i mean we don't pretend they are so i don't right right right is this illegal um it's a gray area wow this is amazing i'm gonna buy my kids all this shit and tell them it's the lego ones i have no problem doing that wow yeah you gotta you gotta find a way to make money you know like that's that's my thing is like you see athletes that are not quite games level athletes yet that are willing to do like just weird shit to get followers and deals and it's like for me i don't really care as much about instagram like that like
Starting point is 01:55:52 if it were up to me i wouldn't i wouldn't do any instagram like for for that reason like for me i just want it to be like actually stuff i care about. And so it sucks that that's how we make money as athletes, but it's like, I'd rather just make money somewhere else, keep my Instagram the way I want it. And then train. Like I talked with Jared Graybiel and he was like, the main thing that athletes need to focus on, like in terms of money is their fitness level. He's like, if your fitness isn't there, eventually he's like, unless you're like a super hot chick that has like 200,000 followers just because she's hot, he's like, the money is going to go. He's like, if your fitness gets high enough, you'll have a much better chance. And he didn't say it in those exact words, like the hot chick stuff, but I paraphrased.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I have trouble taking anyone seriously who in the same breath they're like hey this is how you get more followers and then they have some sort of cause that they're about so and there's people in the space who like are holier than thou and try like
Starting point is 01:57:00 to like I'm so authentic I'm so real and then they all their friends that I have mutual friends with they're like yeah they don't know, I'm so authentic. I'm so real. And then they, all their friends that I have mutual friends with, they're like, yeah, they, Oh, they, they don't know that I'm judging the fuck out of them. I don't, I just smile and be like, Oh, okay. But they're like, Oh yeah. So-and-so was telling me how to get more followers or this is how you get more engagement in your account. Or this is, and it's all just like, it's not real shit. It's not, it's like, Hey, I, I'm okay with you doing that,
Starting point is 01:57:22 but it's the dichotomy of doing like both oh you're just doing that because you're a populist 100 yeah and it's like hey um I I don't value anything you say now yeah and for me like you spent all your time in the last equity within the last few months like I'm starting to work for like other other stuff too like doing sales stuff because it's like I'd rather like I said I'd rather make money away from the sport so then I'm not like doing stupid things just to try to make money within the sport because if you're if you're not at that level yet you're you're not going to make money unless you do weird stuff.
Starting point is 01:58:06 And I'm not willing to do that because I don't care enough. Like this is fun for me. I love training. Like that's what I enjoy doing. When I'm at the gym, I'm happy. Like I like training more than I like competing because it's just a blast. And a lot of people aren't that same way and they burn out pretty quick. blast and a lot of people a lot of people aren't that same way and they burn out pretty quick hey um the i wonder do you know those people what does drop shipping mean you said your buddy
Starting point is 01:58:33 started in drop shipping what does that mean like you buy just like just like online stores like this so if it's like a big order like a starship or something like that yeah it comes we we never hold on to it so we just like so you basically make a website and sell other people's stuff on it for that yeah for the figures like i have an entire room full of figures here and you actually mail them out yeah i fucking love this hey the company that makes them could they how hard is it to make those could you make a rich froning bacta
Starting point is 01:59:11 or do you have to sell a million for it to make sense is there room to make a like I think a froning bacta I don't know how well it would sell but probably better than any other I'll tell you one thing I have another store I'd buy the shit out of
Starting point is 01:59:25 a bacta froning i have another not a phil bacta i ain't buying a phil bacta i like phil i ain't buying a phil bacta but i have another i have another store that i'm working on that we're doing uh bobbleheads of donald trump so maybe that oh my god bro. What store is that? Well, we don't have it. We don't have a site yet. So, oh my God, it's going to be, I think it's going to be called go woke, go woke, go broke, something like that. Just depending on what domain we can get. But yeah, we'll have that URL right now.
Starting point is 01:59:59 We'll have Andrew Tate. We'll have Andrew Tate bobbleheads too. Just anything that's not PC will be on there. What if there was an athlete in the CrossFit space who had this huge ass and instead of their head bobbling their butt? That would actually be kind of funny. Start doing that for like Instagram models models like sell it to them to sell on their own pages i was at that same wedding i was at where i saw nicole carroll terror shirt it was it was it was like a destination wedding i mean it was just close to my house but it was
Starting point is 02:00:42 like uh you spent the night there like a couple nights there at the wedding. Okay. Volleyball game going on. And my wife was sitting on my lap and like she stood up for a second and walk somewhere. And then when she came back, I was like, damn, girl, your butt's getting big. And and like 10 minutes passed. And it was a flow master at the time was sitting next to me across the trainer. And she fucking on like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 02:01:06 Like I could tell she got like she was minutes. Like I could tell she got like, she was stirring. Like I could tell something was wrong. Like 10 minutes, one, five, seven. She starts yelling at me,
Starting point is 02:01:12 telling me it was inappropriate. I say that to a woman. And finally, when she was all done, my wife's like, uh, I've been trying to grow my butt. I've been like squatting. It was awesome.
Starting point is 02:01:24 It's like, yeah, that person wouldn't get along with us yeah i was like what are you talking about there was one time leslie was doing like some shoulder to overhead or something and she was in like these super short noble shorts and they were kind of hiking up and she's like how did those look i was like i didn't watch one of those reps i'm sorry i was looking at something else yeah same thing i went into an rei once and i told her i liked i used to love going before i had kids i used to love going clothes shopping with hayley my wife i would just go like to anywhere lululemon rei nordstrom's whatever and i just like sitting in the waiting room and then she would i would get shit loads of clothes and then just have her come out and try them on and just buy shit for her i just loved that and uh she would uh and this one
Starting point is 02:02:09 time she we were at rei and she came out i'm like oh your butt looks tiny in those and the and the lady's like yeah it looks great and me and her look both like what do you mean it looks great that looks terrible talking about yeah yeah mine's an online online shopping addict so i don't get that benefit of seeing all the trying on and stuff yeah it's fun it's fun it's cool and my wife does not like going shopping at all she hates it so it's kind of cool yeah so um that's another thing recently she told me she's like hey i need a new bathing suit i'm kind of excited because i'll i'd love that it's cool it's fun just stand out there it's, she's like, hey, I need a new bathing suit. I'm kind of excited because I love that. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:02:46 It's fun. Just stand out there. It's like the love of your life just putting on clothes for you to watch. It's cool. We're such simple creatures, man. Yes. It doesn't take a lot to make us happy. I do think this is a great product, a dump truck hotties.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Oh. For a calendar, dump truck hotties.ies there you go or you know there were cabbage yeah there was cabbage patch kids maybe there should be dump truck hotties line of like action figures wow this is where the big bucks are i mean think about it if you're a girl that has a big ass and you post it on social media you make money that way so if you're a girl that has a big ass and you post it on social media you make money that way so if we make a figure that has a big ass shouldn't we make money but if you tell them they have a big ass then you're big then you're terrible you're terrible person you're the worst yeah um i posted a picture i posted a video the other day i wasn't even
Starting point is 02:03:41 paying attention but i was wearing long johns and someone put oh sebi's got junk in the trunk and i actually kind of like i read it like four times it's like no one's 51 years old no one's ever said that to me kind of like tickled by it it made you happy made you giddy yeah i was like whoa so i was just like someone looked at my butt thank you but fuck what they said that's true yeah i mean it's crossfit everybody has a big butt you're you should or you're not doing it right yeah you're probably not very good at it if you don't have a big butt no right right exactly speaking of big butts i'm going to brazil soon oh are you yeah i'm competing there victoria uh is it's like, it's the same thing, like the same organization that ran Copa is,
Starting point is 02:04:29 it's like their fall event. So it's- When is that? When are you going? I leave in two weeks. So you're not doing crash? No, I wish. I really do.
Starting point is 02:04:41 I have stuff going on that weekend anymore, or that weekend anyways. Like what's today? I think tomorrow. I have, I have stuff going on that weekend anymore. Like that weekend anyways, like what's today? I think tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow's my fiance's birthday. And then we have engagement pictures. Um, and then it's the week before Brazil anyway. So it's like, that sucks. I really, I love that event so far. Why are you doing Brazil then just to support Victoria or it seems like so far to go to compete? It's a, it's the only chance I probably foresee myself ever having to go to Brazil free of cost and compete. Like I, I, I competed there in 2020. I loved it.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Um, competing there. Cause like the people are so involved, like any of the foreign countries love the CrossFit competition there because they don't get a big one like Rogue Games, Waterpalooza. Yeah. But when we went, it was like landlocked Brazil. We were nowhere near a beach, and this one's on the beach. It was like, why not? Are you doing team?
Starting point is 02:05:39 Are you doing team? No, individual. Will Guy be there? No. Oh, what the fuck? Actually, I haven't looked at the roster yet. I don't know who will be there. I'm hoping maybe some of the guys that I competed against in 2020 will be there.
Starting point is 02:05:53 Kind of use that as a cool thing because I was 18 when I competed against them. Look, they could change the name of Brazil to Butzil. It's crazy. You see like the south americans that move here and like especially because we're in the south so it's like pretty conservative like in terms of like the girls wear like bigger bathing suits and stuff like that and then like you've got like the brazilians argentinians walking around with basically nothing on and it's like totally normal to them it's like this is a different world very different ugly chicks in brazil are hot i mean they're yeah you go to south america their asses are all out yeah yeah yeah um and who are the other guys uh
Starting point is 02:06:38 kayike cervini was from uh he was from south america was he from brazil he's from brazil yeah and who is the other dude who came from Brazil? I'm trying to remember who it was. Was it Sousa? Yeah. Oh, Caelan Sousa. Will they be competing, do you know? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Oh. Yeah. I don't know if they even have the roster up yet, so to be honest with you. Well, that'd be cool to go against those guys. Yeah, it would be. I think Kaike did the Brazil championship when I was there. I think, don't quote me on that.
Starting point is 02:07:10 I know Augustine did, but he won't be there. And he's Argentinian, not Brazilian. I liked what you said on your Instagram about how, like I had been leading you on for like the last year about coming on the show. That was good.
Starting point is 02:07:24 That's true. That's true how you said it. I've been fucking with you for a while. And I've been leading you on for like the last year about coming on the show. That was good. That's true. That's true how you said it. I've been fucking with you for a while and I've been conscious about it too. I'm like, I'm gonna fuck with Logan a little bit today. People would, people would say they're like, he keeps saying he's going to have you on. Have you guys been talking about it? I was like, we'll see. We'll see when it happens. Yeah. Yeah. I've been talking. I've been talking.
Starting point is 02:07:47 Hey, you are one of the easiest guests to have on. I'd love to have you on again. You're a cool dude. What a fucking fun conversation for a Sunday. I saw we had someone scheduled. I was like, why? I can't just be by myself on Sundays. But this was great. I appreciate it. And I didn't talk too much about Roman. He told me,
Starting point is 02:08:03 don't say anything. Don't give any of my secrets out. And I told him that if he's not nice to me, I would start making up fake rumors. So yeah. Anything, anything, anything, was there anything you wanted to share that you didn't say? or especially around here that are helping, helping all of us athletes out. And then just, especially like all the, all the fans of the sport, like you saw, you saw what it meant to people when, when Roman got hurt, you know, like I remember that morning, like before anybody knew, like I kind of went and tucked myself away and I was super devastated, super sad. And I thought that that was going to be it. I thought the emotions were going to be done after that. And then when he took the coliseum floor and these people that don't even know him
Starting point is 02:08:50 could feel the emotion like one of the one of the documentary cameras was in my face during that event and like usually I'd be like reluctant to say I was emotional but I was super emotional you know like I was crying um he gave me like a chest yeah he gave me a chest bump when right before they started that interview that went viral um and then as he was talking like i see how he is with his wife and his son and it's like it's inspirational honestly like he's inspirational as an athlete but it's like i want to honestly, like he's inspirational as an athlete, but it's like, I want to be that as a husband. And then as a father, like that dude loves his son so much. And so it's like, I knew when he said he wanted to be an inspiration for his son, like he wasn't just saying that, like he meant it.
Starting point is 02:09:35 So there's all these different people, like even now, like he's only here for a month, but like Lazar has been such a great, great person to have around and learn from. So it's like, I think my, my main message that I've learned and I would like to share with people is just like, be open. Like you can learn so much from other people and especially people that are from different culture and everything and just take it all in and use it to your benefit. It's awesome. All right, dude, stay in touch. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 02:10:06 I'm stoked to have you on. I can't wait for the next time you're a great dude man yeah i appreciate it thank you logan ewing across mayhem thanks dude now that was a great show fuck that dude's cool that was just like hanging out with the homie i'm kind of i'm a little bit jealous of his... I'm a little jealous of his business, Lego business. I want in on that shit. I would love to get in on that shit. I want to drop ship. I think I kind of understand what it is. It's like basically having your own online store, right?
Starting point is 02:10:44 basically having your own online store right oh i'm calling my wife to find out about the um hello users daily leave a message vagina safe um lululemons Lululemons. That dude's cool. That dude could come on for a CrossFit Games update show and hang, right? That dude's chill. You know why he looks like Justin Gaethje?
Starting point is 02:11:21 It's his eyelids. His eyelids. He got Justin Gaethje eyelids. Oh his eyelids. His eyelids. He got Justin Gaethje eyelids. Oh, here we go. Hi. Hey. Did you call? Hey, didn't... Yes. Hi. Thanks for calling back. Hey. Didn't you switch
Starting point is 02:11:37 athletic pants because, like, you heard Lululemon were bad for the pH of the vagina or something? Well, yeah. Paul Codino posted a video about Lululemon were bad for the ph of the vagina or something well yeah paul you know posted sitting about lululemon being kind of toxic i didn't necessarily i didn't make a full switch i just tried out a brand to see which brand did you try if i like them true feet f-e-a-t are those the ones i like that they look like they're really thick? And I was like, oh, those look crazy on you.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Yeah. True FEAT. Yeah, and those green ones that... Oh, I like those too. I'm pretty sure they're 100% cotton. I don't know. True Feet Premium Athletic Wear. Oh, oh okay i see them okay
Starting point is 02:12:25 oh yeah okay however jen schro is is launching her apparel line in november i wonder if that's gonna be does it um is it have the stuff that's not there was some oh yeah you have these green ones where's the black ones you have i'm looking for these black ones anyway i think it was like their basic legging it has like pocket i don't see anything woke on this account too i'm afraid to keep digging because i'm gonna see something woke you're gonna get turned off yeah like i'm gonna go to their equity page and fucking hate them are you looking for logan or what i was just telling him that i was just talking to him about it about those about oh you have these white ones but in black you have these yeah performance leggings with pockets it's the ones with pockets right you don't even i don't recommend anyone use
Starting point is 02:13:18 yeah that's what it is hailey doesn't use the pocket yeah no i don't need pockets anyway for anyone wants a nice fit for anyone who wants a pants that won't hurt the kazoo my wife is giving these a soft endorsement true feet t-r-u-e-f-e-a-t performance all right love you bye thank you yes i would check them out you're welcome bye yeah those are those are um i'm closing this window before i'm gonna see something i fucking hate i know it triggered i don't know board primitive cells Primitive sells toxic free pants. Toxic PFAS forever chemicals in my Lululemon active pants. Oh, this Spiegel character is a girl? I thought you were a dude.
Starting point is 02:14:16 There's no way you're a girl. If you're a girl, you talk like a dude. Toxic PFAS forever chemicals in Am I looking. But my wife doesn't use the pockets. And they look kind of cool. If there's nothing in them. So. All right.
Starting point is 02:14:39 I think I'm. I think I'm done. Going over to Caleb's Instagram account to the, to the Shattuck. Okay. Oh, let's go. I do want to see if I'm getting, let's go over to the mayhem,
Starting point is 02:15:05 uh, CrossFit mayhem. Let's see how, uh, Phil is doing. Let's see. Uh, the heart of mayhem.
Starting point is 02:15:19 Uh, now, uh, 32,000 views in one day. Very good. Very good. Even good, even good for mayhem standards and he said that the guy was like has made some stuff the list let me tell you something that the filmmaking is not good on this uh stuff like this is why i'm so proud to be a uh proud to be a mayhem
Starting point is 02:15:40 athlete shit okay that's one good one i'm not crying you're crying oh shit another good one uh everyone loves this unreal fantastic video all i can think of watching this is the body of christ uh i've never once thought of the body of christ that's uh sounds i don't know i don't think i don't know what the fuck that means that's's weird. I love this documentary. Geez, Louise, really? A Sevan stick. Oh, here we go. It may be possible that just because of this documentary, every member in CrossFit Mayhem is super nice and friendly with him
Starting point is 02:16:14 because they want to be seen as good people. Now he will not be able to determine who is sincere and who is being nice because of selfish reasons. It may destroy everything. Things that come from the heart. Oh, wow. This person is very, this Sevan stick is very paranoid.
Starting point is 02:16:32 I'll take that as one negative. Okay. Thank you, CrossFit Mayhem. This is beautiful. What an amazing story. I love that Mayhem doesn't forget the little people. That guy's not little. This is amazing.
Starting point is 02:16:48 That's the thing. I love it that crossfit doesn't forget the little people i just see that and then i i would never read anything else that you said because that the the guy is not little there's no one little in it that's like pure projection this is beautiful i laughed i smiled i cried the smile on his face this is 100 thank you mayhem great Great story. There's only one douche comment, and it's from a guy with the same name as me. This is amazing. Well, I didn't expect to cry so much. You cried in that? How the fuck did you cry in that? And I cry so easy. Mayhem family, bravo. Excellent video.
Starting point is 02:17:26 This is so beautiful. This was inspiring. So, so good. Y'all hit the feels on this one. The feels? Really? Really? Brought me to tears.
Starting point is 02:17:42 I cried when I saw the trailer for Free Willy. Phil, thank you for inspiring so many people. Yeah, I get that. I'll sign. Yeah, I'll give that one a thumbs up. It wasn't. I would say I could see how it being inspiring people. He could inspire people.
Starting point is 02:18:00 Thank you, Phil, for sharing your story. I had the privilege of coming over from Europe this summer for the games in my house shut it I love this go Phil and Mayhem more of this no not more of this down thumb no fine up thumb so amazing thank you for sharing very inspiring journey Phil awesome work love this this is one of the most moving documentaries
Starting point is 02:18:20 I've seen should I type in here do you think maybe it was just like a little too long like by 34 minutes moving documentaries I've seen. Should I type in here? Do you think it, maybe it was just like a little too long, like by 34 minutes. Look at Christian Kettler, our very own Christian Kettler,
Starting point is 02:18:37 CrossFit HQ better jump on this. You better. I'm going to write. You should jump on my dick. What's that? Oh, it says, if you're not sure whether the comment is appropriate, review our community guidelines. You can't say that? You should jump on my dick?
Starting point is 02:19:00 You should jump on my... I'll cancel. I don't want to, I don't want, I don't want to ding. This is the podcast YouTube station. I don't want to get like any like dings on it. Sorry, pussy. I know whatever.
Starting point is 02:19:16 This is my favorite mayhem video to date. Are you out of your gourd? Something's wrong with me. I think I'd go take two Tylenol and watch it again. Dang. This is so good. I love this. This was awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:34 Really cool. This was awesome. Halfway through. I realized that I've been smiling the entire time. Romans 13, eight. Oh, this was awesome. Thank you. Family. This was awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:45 Thank you. Family and faith and fitness. Mayhem is so special. Holy hell. This was a journey. Can you even write that? Holy hell. Seve, this is how you lost your blue checkmark.
Starting point is 02:20:04 uh sebi this is how you lost your blue check mark oh my goodness what a legend who dude these are everyone loves this i cannot wait for everyone to watch this nine ups i'm in you're in what for everyone to watch this. Nine ups. I'm in. You're in what? Look at this comment.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Give me a time machine. Like, how does that even work with this video? What are you talking about? Oh, man, I hate comments like this. I think this is a chick from our show too thank you for choosing to do some truly community-based media please all right well people like this what am i gonna do i mean phil's cool it's just it's just it's just it's just not maybe you're overthinking or maybe I'm thinking uh do not post that oh the ride my dick comment that's Christian though he would like it and he's and he's European seven did you watch cars home birth not yet I want to
Starting point is 02:21:24 I have it on my I was going to talk about it on my CrossFit Games Update show. Anyway, congratulations to Mayhem for all of the – Oh, shit. We're not streaming live on Facebook right now or Rumble. I wonder what happened. That's weird. Well, congratulations to Mayhem. Oh, hi. Hey. I was waiting to see if you'd see me
Starting point is 02:21:48 over there oh how long you been there five minutes i want to jump out of the mayhem talk oh shit what do you think did you like that video i wanted to know what you disliked about it so much it didn't move me and it didn't tell me anything i couldn't learn in four minutes and it's 36 minutes long there was no like i didn't hear any like i wanted to hear something from him i wanted to see i want like i'm enough of him being you told me he's a cool guy or he's the heart of mayhem or you cried or you've learned more from him than he's learned from you and it's a blessing to have him in your life and it's like dude all i'm hearing is sympathy shit i was surrounded by fake libtard
Starting point is 02:22:31 shit my whole fucking life's fake kindness i don't got none of that in me anymore so that's what it is yeah you think it's just kind of against the conventional message yeah it's just like oh he's nice he's got problems he's got a tick be nice to him no fuck that stop feeling sorry for people show the problem show the tick yeah or show his overcoming or show why he's cool I didn't understand why were all those dudes crying
Starting point is 02:22:55 right yeah I didn't right or show me yeah what did he teach you that made you cry and then I'll be for it like yeah then I'm all for it I can't I thought it was because he thought he was the heart of me as possible for it. Like, yeah, then I'm all for it. I can't laugh. I'm on just tower because he thought he was the heart of Mayhem. Es posible.
Starting point is 02:23:11 What did you think? And I thought it was edited horribly, by the way. Because? Because there was stuff in there that just needed, just huge chunks that needed to be cut out. Those, those, like, scaffolds and the stuff in his leg. You know how they showed, like, scaffolds and the stuff in his leg you know how
Starting point is 02:23:25 they showed like they had all these parts in his leg and there was an infection is do you think those were his actual pieces of metal from his leg or is that stock footage i'm not i'm not sure but let me ask you this how long do you think he served in the military do you think that that was like boot camp and he injured himself and he just like he was In the military for two weeks I wouldn't be Surprised Okay either way really I'd be good but we don't know right and that's kind Of what you're saying
Starting point is 02:23:52 We don't really know much about him Yeah I just wanted just a little more Uh Uh It's like it's like the, um, um, I like,
Starting point is 02:24:07 you really heard like that piece. Um, the, the video Dale King made with the, the, the Portsmouth CrossFit, like there's some shit in there. Like you go back to where like that,
Starting point is 02:24:19 that bitch was shooting drugs under the bridge. And like, you see her being like, yeah, I used to fucking sleep here. You know what I mean? And it's like, like, i just needed a little bit of that uh david weed stop being a hater old fuck okay i understand that was i think i think the way that you should look at it david is this is the dude who put out all the best content uh content in the history of crossfit and he's potentially giving them direction for the next thing
Starting point is 02:24:46 that they might do. For example. From the man that brought you Sisu. I really liked Niko Salo? Yeah. I'm just joking. I think it's fair what David's saying too though.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Like, hey dude. But really, the truth is, is that I'm just promoting the shit out of the video. You see how I'm doing it. Just like, yeah, that's the truth. I wouldn't have watched it.
Starting point is 02:25:11 I wouldn't have watched it because of what you said. I don't know how to click on it, but I know I clicked on it because you were talking about it. This is how it's like, I really want to support Rich Froning, but I really want to be true to myself. So this is how I'm supporting it because more and more people are not going to go over to it and watch it and weigh in so i kill two birds with one stone i get to be authentic and rich get and i get to like uh love on something that rich wanted me to love on do
Starting point is 02:25:33 you see any of those negative comments you thought that you would bring in there because you're like no no no no no the one the someone the seven stick guy said something but it sounded like paranoid schizophrenic to me so i didn't I didn't spend too much time on it. Same paranoid like it was like the logic. I understand the logic, though. It was the logic like, hey, if you let people say it was like the logic I was bringing actually to the Mal O'Brien situation. If you let people's good words affect you on social media, don't forget their bad words are going to affect you, too. So you better not let anything affect you.
Starting point is 02:26:04 you on social media don't forget their bad words are going to affect you too so you better not let anything affect you it's kind of like justin madaris is like i love hillar's video where i was um uh he found me as natty well be careful because next year he'll make one that says you're not you won't like that it's like i remember all that yeah yeah same shit if it was from a long time ago i was still tanning because i remember i listened to him say that on your show when i was in a tanning bed i love your timeline of life your tanning days and not i know i don't do that anymore what's your hair doing right now is it long or did you get a haircut i'm trying i don't recognize i got a haircut but i pushed the other direction i woke up and i pushed it that way usually i'll push it that way i don't know yeah that's important that's exact i'm gonna watch it
Starting point is 02:26:44 now to spite seven thank you how many views was it i didn't see that it's a lot 26 26 000 or 32 oh here uh excuse me 32 000 in one day it's it's average for you you watched uh rory on talking to the fitness the other day, right? Yeah. Don't get me started on that. I don't want to speak in a negative. You're talking about The Lone Ranger? I got one thing in particular.
Starting point is 02:27:11 I've listened to the thing twice. Wow. And I think in the first quarter. Does that mean you're going to make a video on it? Yeah. Oh, Nelly. But I don't know. When's that coming out?
Starting point is 02:27:22 When's that coming out? Probably tomorrow. What's the premise? It ties together what we were talking about this morning a little bit with the Craig Ritchie. Oh, okay. You like Craig Ritchie. The thing I want to ask you about it is Rory brings up the fact that you kind of have to let the past be the past and move into the future. He goes, the old CrossFit is no longer the way it is.
Starting point is 02:27:46 And I'm wondering if you're looking at this mayhem video with what he's saying is the old CrossFit. I don't understand. The message that they're putting forth on that is what CrossFit stands for at the moment. And maybe it's just something that you can't align it with your thoughts. Like, I don't know what they're saying. This is too long.
Starting point is 02:28:11 I don't get it. And everyone in the comment section loves it. Is there like a world and a turning of the CrossFit? No. Do you want to know what I actually think along that lines? I think there's this, I've seen enough athletes go through an evolution that they all go through the same evolution first we saw James do it then we saw Jason Kalipa do it and now I'm thinking maybe we're seeing it happen to Rich and it doesn't
Starting point is 02:28:36 sound so good but what do you mean uh there is this uh evolution like so so jason went to like i'm a games athlete games games games games games to fuck the games to kind of like balancing out a little bit to like it's all you know the community and health and you have to understand it's not about the athletes but then the whole time you're like dude the only reason why anyone's even listening to you say this is because you're leveraging your fucking games fame. Right. I mean, it was just so fucking perverse. It was so bizarre. But but but I didn't care. I love Jason. But it was just I was like, hey, dude, it's like. This is some serious inconsistencies and that you should explain if you're going to jump ship.
Starting point is 02:29:26 if you're going to jump ship and uh but then but then now it's coming back to like he's uh into make it seems like jason's into making money again and so now he's leveraging back to like his his you know his kids are maybe getting older and shit now he's back to like leveraging his game fame and interested in like being on espn and doing more games again so it's this cycle where rich is now coming out of games and now he's really going to start driving towards community for a little bit you know what i mean it's his first year out and all of a sudden there's this community piece dude let me tell you something that video the idea behind that video is amazing it's great yeah show people like that there should we i used to make one i had my team make one of those every single week for nine months until they shut down my media department. And it was the fastest growth we had for L1 sales between like 17 and 18,
Starting point is 02:30:08 October of 17 to September of 18 or something like that. Because we made those videos, one a week that showed transformation. But 36 minutes, no one's, listen, they'll never be able to make another one of those. That's 36 minutes that will do that good. No, all those people are like, it's great. It's great. It's great.
Starting point is 02:30:24 Dude, you ain't't gonna get 4,000 views on your next one they'll get 10 to 15 on accident I'm just saying no one's yeah like listen everyone at the gym's like oh my god did you see the Phil thing
Starting point is 02:30:39 80% of those views are so people can talk about it in the gym when they see the other people there I'm just telling you and the other 20 there. I'm just telling you. And the other 20% is because I promote it. You're probably watching Bachelor Season 15. Yes. All your buddies are watching, so you got to talk about it. Or Survivor. Do you see Survivor last night?
Starting point is 02:30:55 I'm just – no, no. I don't think anything's changed. I don't even see what your point is there. I don't even see what your – I see what your point is, but I don't even see it. That's – what he's showing is CrossFit. Well, Rory – That video is CrossFit. That video is CrossFit. That CrossFit's 2018. That Phil video is CrossFit 2018.
Starting point is 02:31:10 Okay, okay. I see that. You know what I mean? It's like there's nothing new there. Well, no, I was just trying to confirm that that's, I don't know, maybe your head was in a different time state than where Rory's is right now because Rory was sad on that talking about fitness. He was depressed.
Starting point is 02:31:25 It was weird. Well, they all are depressed, and here's why I think they're all depressed. Here's the thing. Here's why I think they're depressed. Those dudes are fucking all bummed because the media space has changed, and they're projecting it on CrossFit. I haven't looked at the Craig Ritchie video, but what you're saying, because of Google Trends, CrossFit's really low.
Starting point is 02:31:43 I wouldn't want Rory in there. Well, right. Rory has a lifeboat because he's on the Mayhem ship, and the Mayhem ship is sailing big and hard. They got their own media team. They got Rich. They got cool-ass people. They're like Logan. Yeah, Mayhem's like – and they got God.
Starting point is 02:31:59 Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying the lone the lone ranger people, they. They're just not happy with the way their ship is. They caught like we're all out at sea on these sailboats and they caught some dead air. Right. So like they're seeing like all these other boats are like catching wind in their sails and they got some dead air. Do you know like with the transatlantic like sailboat races, they cross the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean. They do that and it's a race and you really need you but if you get into a spot where there's no wind and someone else gets wind they might like they they start winning and so the lone ranger the lone ranger people are just a
Starting point is 02:32:34 little bum i mean look what's happening lauren khalil's i'm going off now interrupt anywhere you want but lauren khalil goes over there and and morning basically she took over morning chaka and now she's over at the lone ranger podcast and she's taking over there because and morning basically she took over morning chalk up and now she's over at the lone ranger podcast and she's taking over there because she's a fucking workhorse make make make make make like she wants to make shit right she fucked up by not coming over here i concur i think that was that she we were going to liberate we were going to liberate that chick instead of free and let her fucking get i'd put her in a rocket ship but anyway everyone's on their own journey and now she's over there and they got a little
Starting point is 02:33:08 more of a um they got a whole different like uh thing going there and they just can't catch the wind but mayhem's got like mayhem not only has mayhem is like the biggest sailboat in the water and it's catching all sorts of wind I love some Rory so Rory's happy in that sense Rory's happy
Starting point is 02:33:24 in that sense what'd you say I love some Rory. So Rory's happy in that sense. Rory's happy in that sense. What'd you say? I love some constructive criticism on there because I don't want to lump Rory into that. But Sean is talking about the business side. I can make an entire, this is Andrew Hiller talking. Can I read this? Yeah,
Starting point is 02:33:38 please. Uh, 50 38. Uh, this is from Andrew Hiller posting on the lone Ranger podcast. Uh, Shawnee talks about the business side. I can make an entire video on this podcast, but this is why you guys are suffering.
Starting point is 02:33:48 You think that CrossFit needs to get some things out of everything they do. You might be right, but you're wrong and where you're saying it. You were speaking about dollars in exchange for a service. The Buttery Bros made a documentary that got 400,000 views. You're worried that they didn't come from CrossFit's channel. Are you out of your freaking mind? God, you're so clean. If Mr. Beast came in and made a video that got 100 million views,
Starting point is 02:34:13 would you be saying the same thing? The Buttery Bros, Craig, Rick, G, and Savant have worked their asses off for their viewers. They're all media companies at this point. CrossFit should be paying them to come. There should be a symbiosis between the parties because the CrossFit is nowhere near the NFL. If the NFL goes away, Patrick Mahone has nowhere to play. Good point.
Starting point is 02:34:32 The effects may be similar for outside media in relationship to CrossFit, but outside media is all that has kept CrossFit going for the past three or four years. Patrick Mahone is not keeping the NFL going. Wow, that's a great point. And think of all the other satellite people like McAfee, Pat, is that the guy's name? Pat McAfee who exists outside. Like for me and you,
Starting point is 02:34:53 it doesn't matter if they don't let us go to the games, everyone who doesn't participate with me or with you, it only hurts them. That's where we're at. I'm not saying a hundred to 200,000 views By being at the games This year If I'm being honest Lost Lost Yes
Starting point is 02:35:09 Because you weren't Making videos from like Home assessing the games In real time Correct You could have just Sat at home Yeah
Starting point is 02:35:15 Yeah Yeah The same way that you Like in years past Have not been at the games I think Same can say for you At the moment
Starting point is 02:35:21 You've lost views Because the behind the scenes Hasn't come out yet Well It'll change Well but I Not true though for me at the moment you've lost views because the behind the scenes hasn't come out yet. Well, well, but I, not true though. For me,
Starting point is 02:35:28 I understand what you're saying, but I did that podcast every night from my hotel room buzzed. And that thing murdering it. You were murdering. Yeah. I murdered. I came out. So I had in the games,
Starting point is 02:35:37 but if the, if the games didn't let me come and do the behind the scenes or they tried to charge me or something like that, I would just cover the games the way I did the year before just from home and just send people there and and i would murder i don't care i mean i do care i had so much fun hanging with um uh all the homies uh that was how fun was that it was good i was on i was on the last show there i was in the airbnb from hell when it came to wi-fi but i mean just hanging with you guys at the venue like just like high-fiving people and chest bumping and all that shit was awesome did
Starting point is 02:36:10 you get what i was trying to say there on that that comment which is basically it was off the back of i know you don't have the context to that but sean was talking about how crossfit did the wrong thing by having people there from the meat from the business side of it and i just don't understand how sean woodland is giving business advice to crossfit it made no sense to me number one and number two he's trying to say that you didn't give enough because rory immediately says well we had to pay to be there and he goes yeah but you guys should have gotten more crossfit needed to get more out of that and and buttery bros are getting the views like well dude fuck 400 000 views from the buttery rose is better than jack shit which is what they would
Starting point is 02:36:52 have gotten let me put let me say something so that i have one thing that i have no idea what i'm talking about please in order to play in the campground you had to sign up for Mayhem. So who knows how many fucking sign- And those sign-ups were free, but who knows? Did they put on 1,000, 2,000? Like, to play in the campground, there was some Mayhem village you could play in. And in order to go to that village and play, you had to sign up for the Mayhem app and give them your email. For 50 bucks. And there was even a free version.
Starting point is 02:37:23 Right. But what I'm saying is those emails are worth money. For 50 bucks. And there was even a free version. Right. But what I'm saying is those emails are worth money. And did Mayhem build their email list by 1,000, 5,000, 10,000? How many did he – so Mayhem did get something out of it. I don't know what they're talking about. It was great. And they did a great job. And I don't know anything really about that.
Starting point is 02:37:42 But I think that it ended up being good for Mayhem is what I would say. That being said, say that again? Patrick Clark said there was a free for six days option that you had to sign up. They, if you, if you, the coverage that the buttery br Bros gave to the games,
Starting point is 02:38:06 they would have had to have paid someone $50,000 to get that. That's what I'm saying, man. Minimum. Minimum. Minimum. Maybe $100,000. Heber and Marsh fucking murdered it. Turned out high-quality content, long form. It would be fucking nuts to not let them do that in a week's time they put out what would i consider i don't know 50 to 60 percent of a top end documentary and listen and they're the what that is short thinking that shawnee's thinking because he's saying that
Starting point is 02:38:39 they're losing he's saying that they're losing views. They're not losing views. All they needed to do was hire another person to do the same thing as a Hebrew and Mars. And they could have had them. They could have gotten free publicity from Hebrew Mars and they could have gotten views on theirs. It's not a, um, it's not a duality thing.
Starting point is 02:38:58 It's not like they get the views and they get taken from someone else. Everyone can watch both shows. No one's taking views from me. Even if you go on at the same time as me you're not taking views from me there's plenty for everyone yeah he's not i that's why i mean i think that there's a little i think the lone ranger people are frustrated with the current state of affairs in media and i do think that shawnee did try to balance it out a little bit he basically said whether you like them or not which is they're beneficial he threw a few like no no no that was roaring i'm saying that oh oh i think i i heard well it's also weird once again they were talking about you but couldn't say your name that shit was or you or both i didn't hear them talk we
Starting point is 02:39:40 don't know because they don't say anything. Yeah. But either way. I wanted your perspective on that. Yeah, the Lone Ranger people are there. What do you think they want? What's a perfect? And it's an hour of saying nothing because they can't say anything because they don't have the wisdom. They don't have the knowledge and they're strapped to what they can say. They're like political creatures. And so they're pegged a little bit and they don't what they don't say is is like like it would be so much cooler if they're like hey we're
Starting point is 02:40:12 not going to say these guys names because they're assholes then at least like you're being sincere or something or they don't say like hey we have to this is delicate because we don't want to lose our contract with crossfit like they don't say any of that they just they do the dance and hide shit and we all see it and it's embarrassed it's embarrassing. What's embarrassing for them and embarrassing for us and, and, and, and for everyone. It's like, dude. And then they also think I'm hearing shit. Like they've taken everything so seriously that they can't back out. It's like, Hey dude, none of us are taking it seriously. Like, like if you're offended by the fact that i call you shawnee or the lone ranger podcast or that you love masks then like we're not even on the same page like
Starting point is 02:40:50 stop being offended by anything it's all fun and games it's cool i went up to tommy and i spoke to him for like five or ten minutes at the games i went out of my way then a few days later or a month later he came and saved the name of my show on his show it's like what kind of weird shit are you playing like everything they do is good for us i agree i agree but i do everything do you ever feel sorry for them you ever feel like wow that's that would suck to be them do you feel sorry for sporty beth yeah i mean nothing yeah i feel sorry that someone has to like she because the answer yes yeah i feel sorry for just like hey dude your life could be so much better like dude like just go in a cave with this iphone and watch the video andrew hiller made
Starting point is 02:41:36 and then set yourself free the thing is there's so much ego involved now that they can't back out well that's what it is i gotta go backwards a couple steps to go forward Yeah Sporty Beth would have to retract Just like they would have to back off They'd take a hit for a little while Tommy and Sean They'd take a hit and then they'd go way further
Starting point is 02:41:57 Forward Instead of getting a thousand views a video They might get three to five Which is way better than they're gonna be getting Ever Feel sorry is not the right word i the thing is is i've been in their position before i understand what it's like they're caged maybe not feel sorry is not the right word sure i feel sorry for sporty beth i i don't want to imply that i feel sorry for like i think i'm
Starting point is 02:42:25 better than her but it's like she she's missing dude she's not healthy that's i agree i agree i agree with you i agree with you if i was convinced if dude imagine you're convinced that you're healthier than you used to be and just like keep on doing that for a decade or that someone's saying something bad about you when they're not she's so convinced that someone's being mean to her when they're not yeah it's like dude no dude no one is saying anything bad at that state yeah i feel bad for her for that and but the only way she's going to realize that she's going to have to give a piece of herself up like if i'm holding a bat if i've been holding a basketball for 20 years and then someone goes, basketballs are stupid.
Starting point is 02:43:06 I could understand. But all I have to do is put the basketball down and I'm free. Now I don't have to carry the basketball around. And what you say can't hurt me. And my life's so much better. I got both my hands back. And that's what she is. She's been she's holding something and she think and we're talking about it and she thinks we're fucking insulting her.
Starting point is 02:43:22 It's like, dude, put that down. Let your hands free. And we're talking about it, and she thinks we're fucking insulting her. It's like, dude, put that down. Let your hands free. And we're good to go. And we've all been like her because we've all held on to dumb shit. I like a basketball. Screw off. And she won't do that either. She's not comfortable holding on to the basketball.
Starting point is 02:43:43 So I can't wait to see your video with uh um i it's fun i i do i do enjoy kind of the train wreck effect of though like when when you engage these people like trying to unscramble their uh i feel you ever thought about being a therapist yeah yeah but i would never i would never go through the loops it would take to actually be considered one no but but if someone wanted to talk to you and like pay you you talk to them can you do that legally yeah i've done that but it was just like hey i pay a hundred bucks an hour and i'll chat with you on the phone i've done that i wow i wonder if that's illegal i wonder if like someone can say they get paid to talk i don't think so yeah you don't have license sure to talk to someone now i'll tell you what it was supposed to be fitness minded but it was never just fitness
Starting point is 02:44:36 minded stuff wow but yeah i've done that. And it was before YouTube. It was in between the time of the affiliate and making YouTube videos. I would do that. I can't do that anymore. Life coach. Yeah, sure. I don't think I really liked it. I like the idea.
Starting point is 02:44:57 Hello? Yes, Andrew Hiller is in Chicago, and he is offering people life coaching without a certification. Thank you. Yeah, I would never do all the stupid loops. I was talking to somebody yesterday about the nutrition companies out there and people recommending certain products to people with the dietician label of approval. Having that dietician been proven that there's a better product out there and they go, no, I like this product better just
Starting point is 02:45:31 because their morals align with mine. Dietitian likes products because their morals are better, that the company is what they stand for, but this product is far and away better by every metric and you can prove it, but they're not going to give that to their people who are, they are being trusted to be given the best product for. So why wouldn't they just say that? That's the part I don't. Tell me what to say. What? Why wouldn't they just say, Hey, this is a better product,
Starting point is 02:45:59 but my values align with the, the, where the money is being spent this one. So I'm torn. You decide for yourself. Why wouldn't you just be honest about that? That's like the dietician said this to this person. Oh, being purposefully vague. The dietician goes, yeah,
Starting point is 02:46:14 my morals aligned with this, but I don't care that your product is better. I'm going to continue to give this morally quote unquote, better product to all of my clients while the product is then they need to tell their clients that's what they're doing is what i'm saying if you don't do that then you're less protein per per gram of the g there's gmos and it's not grass-fed and then there's this laundry list of shit that i can pull up but you have a credential so you can tell people whatever you want dude it's the same thing of high.
Starting point is 02:46:45 That's the same thing of hiring people for the color of their skin or their sexuality or their, whose genitalia they want in their face based on what their capability is for the job. It's, it's, it's, it's the identical thing.
Starting point is 02:46:59 I heard someone the other day, an executive of a company, they asked her, what's your crowning achievement when you worked at this big tech company and they said uh my diversity hires take the private chat by the way that's that's crazy that that would be your crowning achievement that doesn't even make sense. Oh, my goodness. Oh, you're breaking my heart. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:47:29 I don't think you have the whole thing. Oh. And also, this is a video I'm going to make, too. It's going to be freaking incredible. Oh, oh, oh. The second one that I mentioned is the one with the proper morals. Oh, really? Wow.
Starting point is 02:47:48 Quote unquote. Wow. The first one is the better product. You can get on board with this. I know you'll be, you'll like this. Yeah. Well, that's the product I take. I want it to be the better product.
Starting point is 02:47:58 So I'm biased. I'm really, I've turned into a supplement junkie. I wonder, I'm in like a failure if i can eat i feel like i'm 18 years old again how are your peptides they're great you feel like you're 18 years old are you out yet no no no not like that my my i'm i i no i'm no i got too carried away i'm fucking i'm wounded again get carried away away. What do you mean you're wounded? From doing my yeah, I'm just beat up. I'm fucking old.
Starting point is 02:48:30 Boners are crazy. I've always had I have crazy boners anyway. I have crazy boners anyway. It's just that before I could like kind of like mentally get around them now. It's like they need to be serviced. But it's I was the show with Dave and Susanousa in there?
Starting point is 02:48:45 Was it awesome other than hot? Yeah, it was cool. It was cool. I didn't get – I'm ready to have Dave on again because there's so many questions I didn't get to. I'm excited to have Don in here. Yeah, I got a topic to address with you about the Dave show. I don't know if you want to do it on or off air, though.
Starting point is 02:49:06 Is it going to make Dave look bad? I'm sure that you have a way to look at it that I don't see. Is it going to make me defensive? Am I going to feel like I have to defend Dave? I don't think it's going to make you feel like you have to, but you might just do it because I don't see the way out of it. Okay, go ahead. What is it? At the hour 30 mark, you ask Dave.
Starting point is 02:49:32 It's on the top of my head. I have it in a notepad. I tried to call you yesterday. I couldn't get to you. At the hour 30 mark, you ask Dave why you should get the level one, and he doesn't tell you why. How crazy is it? This fucking guy calls me yesterday can't get a hold of me but he has the back end access to my show ah hey i gave you david eat a cock go ahead and i don't think it's bad for anything i don't think david anything wrong because he does give an answer. But the answer that I saw him giving was one of which it's the gateway to take the level two, three and four. But then he also at another point in there says that you don't have to take the level one or level two to take the level three.
Starting point is 02:50:16 And you also at that point in the episode go, hey, Susan, why would you take a level one? Yeah. And then Dave goes, hey, I didn't come all the way over here to let Sousa talk. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember that part of the show? Yeah, yeah. I liked it. I thought that was good.
Starting point is 02:50:30 Yeah. But I didn't really hear Dave give a reason other than there's a guy who asked the question. It was on the bottom of the screen. He goes, why should I get my level one? He goes, well, you're looking to do something. And this is the gateway into the club. Very similar to the answer you have about why. Oh, no,
Starting point is 02:50:49 no. You're talking about why would you affiliate? I was about to say, it's very similar to that answer, but it's like, it's, it's the gateway into the community. Uh,
Starting point is 02:50:58 it's like the individual version of. Okay. I'm remembering, but Hiller specifically, that guy said specifically yes i didn't like i didn't like the guy's question first of all because we needed more clarity or it was stupid or something he basically said hey i want a job in the fitness space i'm thinking about basically taking my level one but i don't see any jobs available and my response to him
Starting point is 02:51:21 would have been like hey motherfucker then there's oh no him and susan both said it there's tons of pico there's tons of gyms out there and i think you would validate this too who are looking for qualified level one trainers and that he's just out of his mind like so i've never been to a gym that isn't looking for coaches correct yeah so what's he talking about so what didn't you like well okay so take over again so what's the question you thought dave did david a couple of dave and susan if you want to be completely frank there were a couple times when i answer why would you affiliate and then there was another question someone asked suza afterwards and i fucking hit you helped a lot a lot dude i hit some fucking home runs on that show well and the reason people like let me ask dave and suza
Starting point is 02:51:57 and i'm like fuck it go ahead but then i'm like then i had to just be like pulled my dick out and be like yo don't forget i ain't just a talk show. I ain't just a standup comedian. Like you guys think I am. The reason I want to ask you about is because I thought you picked up on that. Like, Hey, come on,
Starting point is 02:52:11 Dave, tell us why you should get your level one. Yeah. And, and he didn't, he didn't give, in my opinion, the greatest answer,
Starting point is 02:52:18 but I don't know if it's because the question was fucked up though. Yeah. Maybe he got, maybe he got stuck in the question, but you're saving. Maybe he should have brought more energy to it and pivoted and redirected it well just tell people why like if you buy a water bottle it's because you're thirsty right if you buy i don't know if you go to the hair if you go get a haircut you want your hair to be shorter by the time you come out or styled
Starting point is 02:52:37 or whatever why do i get a level one yeah because you're looking to train people anyway. That was what I left with. And then I think that you probably, you have given thousands of better answers. And I'm not saying that like CEO shit, CEO shit brings up a good, but the room was very hot. He drank three sparkling waters when he's here. That was the best part of the show.
Starting point is 02:53:04 I'll be being the donkey. It's like walking in there with water. It's a when he's here. That was the best part of the show. I'll be being the donkey. It's like walking in there with water. It's a hundred degrees in here. That was bizarre. Is it that hot out there or no? We just had two crazy days, dude. It happens every time this time of year. It's like in everyone, it's windy and it's
Starting point is 02:53:19 hot as shit. And everyone's like, please don't fucking anyone throw their cigarette out the window. It's always like, there's a couple of days like this. I don't know if it's called Santa Ana winds or what, but there's always a couple of days and there's like please don't fucking anyone throw their cigarette out the window it's always like there's a couple days like this i don't know if it's called santa ana winds or what but there's always a couple days and there's um there's leaves everywhere from our uh redwood trees those it's it's fucking crazy here right now i had a huge party my leaves everywhere from the redwood i don't know i i was just describing the scene yeah there's just tons of heat and wind and yeah everyone's sinus maybe he was just uh congest scene. Yeah, there's just tons of heat and wind and, yeah, everyone's sinus. Maybe he was just congested and hot.
Starting point is 02:53:50 How was your party? It was great. Oh, Greg shit. I don't know what Dan's hearing here, but, yeah, that's what I did. I just stole all of Greg's shit. That's true, if that's what you're saying. You hang out with him enough. I'm sure you can pull shit from him all day.
Starting point is 02:54:05 Dude, it wasn't just hot in here. It was like my eyes were burning. It was seriously, I was as sweaty as when I did Murph. It was nuts. Don't SEALs hang out in the water? Aren't SEALs like water-based military? They're supposed to be Navy dudes. Yeah, so I mean mean the heat would get to
Starting point is 02:54:27 somebody who ain't on the water all day anyway so what do you do you're are you gonna make a video on it be like here dave let me help you out with answering why people should take the level one i i listened to the whole episode twice and at another part of that episode he talks about the important he has this line that i really like someone told me this once he goes i didn't have the time to write you a short letter so i wrote you a long one instead yeah that was cool he says that and then when he gave his example about the level one and why you should take it i don't think that he wrote a short message well he's critical of the podcast format in general for that correct but it doesn't mean that he can't just do what he said and it was in the same episode that he said it. So I heard him. And I don't want to beat up on Dave.
Starting point is 02:55:28 Oh, go ahead. Bernie Gannon. It's tough for Seve to interview Dave. Seve's trying to support his friend and business, support his friend and the business so hard, make it hard for him to put on the hook. That's true. He looks like Tony Stark. Oh, yeah. Good point.
Starting point is 02:55:42 Yeah, that's true. I definitely that that's a that's a fair assessment. I wouldn't say it's hard, definitely that that's a that's a fair assessment i wouldn't say it's hard but that it is what i'm doing you can tell that dave wanted to talk uh doesn't want to talk crossfit he spent a lot of time rerouting the coming topics back to cat in a tree while he was trying to talk about the topic or read a question yeah i don't know that's he was just kind of true he said before and he said before recently, but he said before in the last month, like, Hey dude, if I come on, do you think we could, that we could do a show where we didn't mention CrossFit once? Like just not, not because he, he wasn't saying like he wanted to do that.
Starting point is 02:56:14 He was just like, Hey, do you think you can jump that fence? You know what I mean? Just like a, like, and I was like, yeah, we could probably do that. And he's like, yeah, I'm not saying we should, but it would be, I wonder if you could. Hey, the best part about all that was he told you what it means to be a CrossFitter, right? We had a lot of conversations. Oh, that was, yeah, you know what? That made me hate both of you.
Starting point is 02:56:35 Because why? Because you don't do CrossFit? No, listen, listen. I did Murph the other day and I didn't time it. And no one can tell me I didn't do CrossFit. I fucking died. That was CrossFit as a mother. I wanted to thank you.
Starting point is 02:56:50 Yeah, fucking. The last mile took me 1242. I just remember looking at the runner when I got off the runner. I was like, oh, my God. Here's why I didn't time it, by the way. I did 20 minutes on the assault bike. And then I was like, oh, shit. I feel great.
Starting point is 02:57:02 I'm going to run a mile on the runner. And right when I finished the mile on the runner, I'm like, fucking A, I'm doing Murph. And so I just started doing 15, 10, 5. And I got to the seventh round and I'm like, what have I done to myself? I was running the mile all juiced up, so I'm just going to start doing Murph. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I think I did. I don't think it took me too.
Starting point is 02:57:28 To be honest, I want to say that the clock was around 1.30 something in the afternoon. When I finished, it was around 2.30. So I want to say I got it in an hour or less. But at the seven-minute mark, I went into the kitchen, and I got a glass of water. My fucking wife. And I drink a glass of water, and she wife and I drink glass water and she goes, are you done? And I go,
Starting point is 02:57:47 I'm doing Murph. And she goes, I've never seen anyone come into the kitchen and drink water while they're doing Murph. It's because Haley does CrossFit. It's because it's because your wife does CrossFit. Like it wasn't like good job or nothing. I'm like,
Starting point is 02:57:59 dude. And I looked at her and I was almost got in a fight with her. I was like, I never drink water when I work out, but I didn't. I was just took it like a man i would have said the same thing if i'm in the house and alexis walks in she's like i'm in the middle of doing uh linda like what the fuck are you doing in here no i didn't use the vest what round are you on i'm on the round of five i'm like you've only got what? 75 reps left. Finish.
Starting point is 02:58:29 I didn't use the vest. Yeah. I was in the seventh round and I was in big trouble. I was in big, big trouble anyway. So yeah. What he said is like, you can't look at somebody workout by workout and determine whether or not they do CrossFit though. That's what I thought. You got to look at the picture. Yeah. And you, I've always said, you got to look at the diet. Like if i've always you gotta look at the diet like if the diet isn't there you can't look at a workout because the diet you can't see what they're eating and while they're doing murph uh i i only i only work out barefoot john uh john wick unless i'm doing rope climbs hey um so did you do you think do you like that aspect of it though i don't want to dig too far into it but do you like that you can't, though? I don't want to dig too far into it, but do you like that? You can't look at... Someone can't do a CrossFit workout.
Starting point is 02:59:08 You're either... There's some like, hey, you have to do these workouts over two weeks, and then you now become a CrossFit. You say, okay. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I mean... But I'm okay with your...
Starting point is 02:59:18 You can't have broad-time and modal domains in one session. Okay. All right. Right? Okay. I mean, that's the i'd say i'd say at worst because i said hey if someone does murph every single day are they still doing crossfit and he goes yeah but it's a shitty expression so i would say at worst maybe i'm then yeah i'd say at worst maybe i do a shitty expression of crossfit but to say i don't do crossfit is targeted so i i love that you brought up jim yeah hey a guy who does mirth every day is he doing crossfit it's like sure
Starting point is 02:59:50 and in his defense i mean he really varied jim yeah he did his mirth yeah yeah he did some crazy shit dan bailey did that for a little bit too i think he did murph every wednesday for a while well the reason why i brought it up is i had that guy on who said i said you do crossfit he said no and then he does murph once a week or it's his favorite workout and it's like dude if you're doing murph once a week he does he does crossfit more than the guy who does murph every day in my opinion wow okay because of the change in Time domain he's not doing An hour plus of crossfit every day But then
Starting point is 03:00:30 It's and it depends on if he times His workouts and it depends On his intention behind Murph you can't just Half-ass Murph Hey Let me let me go in my Defense I was in the seventh round. I wanted to quit, and I told myself, okay, hit the reset button on that thought.
Starting point is 03:00:52 Take a chill. Just come back in. You only have to do one more round. And so, like, I got a glass of water. I came back in, and then I made it to, like, the 15th round. And then I'm like, okay, only five rounds left. I can do this. And then I saw the fucking runner, and I was like, holy fuck. five rounds left i can do this and then i saw the fucking
Starting point is 03:01:05 runner and i was like holy fuck how am i gonna do this and i got on it and i started like kind of like limping it along and when i was done i had a headache the rest of the day and i'm giving i'm giving myself fucking credit for murph well without the vest i think we can check like three of the four boxes which one didn't i get oh the timing timing it yeah yeah but you pushed you follow the diet model most of the time right you did constantly varied functional movements at a high intensity you followed it i'm kind of going into my video and then dave says you would need to look at what you did tomorrow and the day before christian keller i'd love to see hillary interview greg did you like the phil vid i'd like to see that too did you like the phil video i could see it being on like national geographic if that makes sense you thought it was good? You thought even it was edited good too?
Starting point is 03:02:06 Oh. I think it started off decent. Yeah. But then again, Froning was in the beginning of it. So maybe I'm biased because they're a star power. They totally threw Froning in the beginning to hook people. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 03:02:22 The thing that I really got held up on, I already brought up. The overlays of the stuff that i really got held up on i already brought up like the the the overlays of the stuff that i think had nothing to do with phil like this is not his doctor this is not his leg but but but if they would have had like pictures of the gear inside of his leg from his surgery that infected that would have been cool i i think it would have been a much better piece and maybe this is where they were coming from given directly to their community of people because there's the stuff of him walking into the coffee shop.
Starting point is 03:02:53 I did not like the interviews that didn't seem very genuine with his PT. It was weird. It's like, I walk up to somebody and Say hey I'm gonna start doing a piece on this guy That you've been working up with for a while And he starts crying It didn't
Starting point is 03:03:13 There was like a lack of genuineness To me about that You know like Do you know why though I'm not suggesting that Your kids start walking and you cry Because it's so crazy I'm not suggesting that it wasn't genuine tears
Starting point is 03:03:30 And that it wasn't genuine But if you're gonna just start crying You better at least tell us why Or show us why It's not enough to just be like Phil's done more for me Than I've done for him And then start crying Because now all of a sudden I now have 50 questions
Starting point is 03:03:42 On one side it's hey this is bullshit Or what's he done for you and then they never tell you and it's like like i'm not gonna make some shit up and you remember the last time you cried and then like why and if someone would have asked you about it a year later on a camera are you gonna cry because of it no like my dog my dog when i buried my dog i was sobbing and my wife talking about it right now you're not gonna cry no not only that my wife's like hey the dog's been dead for three weeks and you haven't brought the dog at once i go oh yeah i forgot we had him phil's still around so but you know what i'm saying right so that really like set me up for feeling odd about the rest of the film.
Starting point is 03:04:26 But that said, like the beginning of it, I think that they laid it out real well. But then, as you were saying, it didn't need to be 36 minutes long. It could have been six minutes, 15, 20, six. Ken Walter, Seve, an hour. It took you an hour and you're 60 years old. I did it in 65 minutes with a 20 pound vest but i had to do 50 pull-ups and the 50 ring rows hey dude if i did 100 pull-ups with a 60 16 16 pound a 20 pound vest i would be injured i think i could do it but i would be and i could probably do it pretty fast but i would be fucking injured i i don't think you're a pussy at all
Starting point is 03:05:03 it pretty fast but i would be fucking injured i i don't think you're a pussy at all a vest is gnarly dude who can is jacked yeah a bernie has a good point this reminds me of something you've done the point of the heart of mayhem would have been better if they featured three to four civilian athletes whose lives are made better it was over the top for one example and i was out of the pattern exactly yeah over the top for an example. And I was at a patent. Yeah. Over the top for an example. I just told you I watched our house the other day. Yeah. And you got three or four people.
Starting point is 03:05:32 Yeah. In a house. Yeah. Showing what it's like to be in the house. Yeah. They could have done that. Yeah. That would have been awesome.
Starting point is 03:05:41 Yeah. awesome yeah um uh that being said um like the number of people that are saying that they i mean it has 119 comments and 118 of them are positive it's like i have 430 comments on my sporty beth video all of which are positive depends on who you ask uh but um good good on mayhem for making it i'm not like hey mayhem shouldn't have made that or it was stupid or i'm just i'm just being critical douche next time around you are there you're cute what do you do i support that film 100 just in the edit well first of all i try to get some i would try to get like some childhood stories of his from like his mom or his dad or something where i like i need to like i need i need some like stories like like what there's something else there there's something deeper there's something that's happened to him maybe he said it and he didn't
Starting point is 03:06:34 want to share it there's something there like something more than he just went to the military and he's tweaked and uh but on top of that if i couldn't get that um dig into more what what actually is going on with him i would just shorten it just way shorter like hey here's a fucking fat dude who fucking is training here and losing weight making his life better and i do it in six minutes i don't do and i wouldn't I give all the trainers, they're bigger shirts, slightly bigger shirts. The fucking ridiculous. I listened to everything, but mostly from the podcast. I have that earphone in and I'm playing it on YouTube in the background.
Starting point is 03:07:12 And I remember I opened, I was in Costco. I'm a, by the frozen meat section. And I like pulled it open when you're talking about the, the, the shirt. And I'm like,
Starting point is 03:07:21 yep, that shirt's too fucking small. It was, it's way too small small I don't know who it was that dude that trainer's like stuck in the 80s you probably don't remember this but he should roll his sleeves up in the 80s like all the kids used to roll their sleeves up
Starting point is 03:07:37 I don't know I've never seen that like to make your sleeves well now everyone just gets a tattoo but there used to be like an era where people rolled their sleeves up like that You ever did that? Yeah. Like to make your sleeves. Well, now everyone just gets a tattoo, but there used to be like a, people rolled their sleeves up like that. We pegged our pants and we rolled our sleeves. I mean, I never, I pegged my pants, but I didn't roll my sleeves. What does pegging plants mean?
Starting point is 03:07:55 Or pants? Pants. It's like you have jeans and you ask, ask your chick if she knows, Miss Kowalski, if she knows what pegging pants are. You know what pegging pants means? No. No. chick if she knows uh miss kowalski if she knows what pegging pants are you know what pegging pants means no you you you you you you fold it over like this and then you roll it up oh i have seen that yeah i think i think i think i've seen you do that like no no you've not seen me do that fuck off asshole it's like joggers, but you custom, you have to fold them over. What does it look like?
Starting point is 03:08:28 You just show it. You fold your pants over like this and then you roll it up so that they stay pegged tight. Like that. Okay, I've definitely seen it. I didn't know that was like the name for it.
Starting point is 03:08:45 Yeah. I don't think it's something else too. You don't see dudes do it too often. Oh shit. Max L. Hodge sent me a text. He was laughing his ass off. He said that when,
Starting point is 03:08:55 um, I made the comment about a pegging on the, I made a pegging joke with Travis Mary. He said, Travis didn't get the joke. It went over his head. I was like, no,
Starting point is 03:09:03 he's like, you didn't get it, dude. I didn't know where you were going. Pegging and Maxel Hodge. Name Maxel Hodge for pegging. You've been out here for three hours, man.
Starting point is 03:09:15 You're good. I can keep on bringing up topics, but I know that I can do that. No. My next video is going to be on Craig Ritchie's most recent video oh Paul you liked it right I did like it well because
Starting point is 03:09:32 it's the first time in forever where he's actually said anything usually he's at the talking elite fitness just pushing shit around and he and he's critical of Crossfit which usually he's not right usually he's he's like too scared to be critical he's looking at rainbows that's what he's usually
Starting point is 03:09:56 doing and you know what he did that was really really good and now i'm going to be giving away all my stuff, was he used his analytics to talk about the health of the ecosystem. Oh, that speaks to your language. He didn't post it like the backend, which I wish he would have, and he'd never do it. But he did say, hey, three years ago, I made a video at the games and it got 500,000 views. This year, I had backend access, way better access, and my best video only got 150,000. did say hey three years ago i made a video at the games and i got 500 000 views this year i had back end access way better access and my best video only got 150 000 and i made a video nine
Starting point is 03:10:36 months ago stating all the same stuff and you're suggesting that that's that's indicative of the state of affairs of CrossFit. Correct. To which everyone always pushes back on me with ESPN. Well, let's skip that. But let's talk about also the fact. So I watched one of Craig Ritchie's videos. And I was like, hey, this is completely unwatchable.
Starting point is 03:11:00 How's anyone watch this? And someone said, because a fan of Craig Ritchie's explained to me because during the pandemic they gave us we got to know them and we're part of their team and so we feel part of their community and so they have this core group of people that's into them and doesn't care so much about content the quality of the content or the depth of it or what they're sharing it's just being a part of their life it's kind of like the community on this podcast although i try to fucking keep adding shit to it there's people here who just like are addicted to this and like have to be here every morning at 7 a.m and like they know all the characters and all that and so but but i've tried to watch four or five of richie's videos and maybe it's just he's lost his way in the last couple of years and that's why his numbers are waning
Starting point is 03:11:45 and you think that it you think that he gains a whole bunch of very loyal people during the pandemic I mean that that's what I was told that people got into their lives like it became before it wasn't so much about him his shows they were about
Starting point is 03:12:02 CrossFit and I'm just going hearsay I don't know this and then during the pandemic he pivoted towards himself he did at that and at that point so then when someone like me it's like me if like i tuned into a soap opera if i turned into a soap opera i might be like oh this is fucking stupid but what they're telling but the people are telling me craig richie stuff's not stupid or vapid or empty. It's just that you're not on the train. You need to go back to where we got to know you're missing. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 03:12:30 that's kind of mind blowing to think. Do you think that there's any validity to that? I think there, there is. I think that there's a community of people like, like once someone said to me, I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 03:12:39 and I could see why people like him and, and, and schnaz like him and schnaz are like, I could see why you're there. They're there. Yeah. You could see why they like him and Schnaz. Him and Schnaz are cool. I could see why you're into their... Yeah. You could see why you're interested in them buying a house and her getting tits in the sauna. I could see
Starting point is 03:12:54 it. That made sense to me all of a sudden. I was like, oh. Hey, man. People have that with you and I, I'm sure, too. Yeah. Everyone's curious. You're on the testosterone. No one would care that you're on the testosterone or like no one would care that you're off the testosterone unless they knew you maybe when you were on the testosterone like they're part of the journey or at least i don't know if don't care but it's way more interesting now
Starting point is 03:13:13 like someone told me they were on the california hormones two weeks ago and they're oh they're feeling or sorry it was three weeks ago and they're just starting to feel better. Peptides or hormones? Hormones. CA hormones. I was going through my messages. I don't shoot my peptides in front of my kids. I would never put a needle in my arm in front of my kids. It's a good life lesson. So what does the whole Craig thing have to do with the health of his
Starting point is 03:13:46 youtube channel comparing it to the the best years so so what i'm saying is maybe the last two years he just hasn't made a like really compelling content that's that's because you're always shedding you're always there's always the cycling of viewers so maybe he's not making stuff that's really enticing like his early days That brought in new viewers Because it became the Craig Ritchie and Well you tell me this Craig Ritchie starts up his YouTube channel At the same time
Starting point is 03:14:14 Or maybe even a year before I did Does he have 340,000 subscribers I don't understand the question So he's got 340,000 yeah when did he start did he start way before you 2015 2016 okay so way before you yeah yeah and i i just think that he was covering a thing that was kind of exploding at the time okay okay that's fair and then also you could say this, how about this? I'll contradict myself here too,
Starting point is 03:14:49 or, or play the other side. How about this? If you looked at CrossFit's metrics from videos that we played in 2015 to versus now, holy shit. You're talking about road to the games. You're talking about just go back. Just You're talking about. Just go back.
Starting point is 03:15:05 Just, just any journal videos, articles, all that. Yeah. Just like how to do an air squat. I mean, yes.
Starting point is 03:15:12 5 million views. How to do an air squat. Yeah. And now it can't get 2100 views. So if that's, if that's what you're looking at, then fucking CrossFit's dead. And it's,
Starting point is 03:15:24 it's like, it's, it's beyond resusc it's it's beyond resuscitation it well that's beyond resuscitation hey dude and and you and i have two of the smallest followings in all of crossfit uh i don't think so here here here take this take this here no i got it i brought richie in 2015 16 years 340,000 subscribers if you cut him off at the knees at 2020 have him start a new youtube channel in the year 2021 and everyone else talking to the fitness training think tank uh hwpo for owning everybody
Starting point is 03:15:59 restart the new youtube channel in 2021 what does it look like well that's different i see what you're saying i'm not saying that we're not i totally agree with where you're going with that what i'm saying is is like we're i'm we're murdering we're like we're on it no matter what you look at at the end of the day the most important thing to me probably is my bank account right like for my magic i'm fucking the show is murdering um relative to where it was when i started it was fucking cost i was paying hundreds of dollars a month to host the show when i started correct just so i went from the negative to making money but what i'm saying is is like you look at our numbers compared to like anyone else in the space besides the the dorks we hang out with the dorks
Starting point is 03:16:46 we hang out with like we're all like everyone's shit has tiny numbers but i'm saying like you look at the lone ranger podcast you look at jason kleba's channel you look at josh bridge's channel you look at um hwpo you look at proven all those people have craig richie buttery rose they have massive accounts compared to us everywhere on instagram on youtube but for for whatever reason we're thriving and it sure as fuck doesn't look like they are well maybe hwpo is with its uh sales it's it's programming sales but you know i'm just talking about just in terms of just media viewership yeah i mean there's jason cleveland josh bridges did a podcast together it only got like 3 000 views that's Yeah I mean there's Jason Kleeman
Starting point is 03:17:26 Josh Bridges did a podcast together It only got like 3,000 views That's bizarre Damning thing that Richie said in that video Which I don't know if he knows he did it What I lost Hiller Did everyone else lose Hiller? I lost Hiller Did you guys lose me or Hiller Did everyone else lose Hiller?
Starting point is 03:17:47 I lost Hiller Did you guys lose me or Hiller? Either me or Hiller went down I can't tell who Is it me or him? Anyone? Bueller Bueller
Starting point is 03:17:58 Oh Okay so it is Hiller Thank you So Hiller's shit went down Alright thank you Well good It's fun to hear Hiller shit went down. All right. Thank you. Well, good. It's fun to hear Hiller talk about the numbers because he has all this software and shit that lets him see all sorts of insights into people's shit that I can't see. Andrew, I don't know if you can hear me or not i'm not saying i know we have all the influence
Starting point is 03:18:27 in the space yeah i'm not gonna play like stupid i'm not gonna play um uh stupid to that i hey um hey i'm not gonna deny that um we we don't have all the influence it's okay i'm not gonna deny that we don't have all the influence in the space I'm not saying that we don't have all We're running the space I'm not going to feign that we're not Or We're the earthquake, the tsunami, the tidal wave But what I'm saying is Everyone else's accounts crush ours
Starting point is 03:18:57 Except for the dorks we hang out with Whose account is crushing? And how do you define crushing? Just by sheer numbers I, no, by sheer numbers. I'm just saying by sheer numbers of subscribers. I mean, dude, between me and you, we don't even have fucking 30,000 fucking Instagram followers. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:19:17 Dude, mine and your YouTube account together is smaller than Kalipa's. Talking Elite, the Lone Ranger podcast has more subscribers than we do don't get me wrong i'm not saying that like like we're running the show i get it but i'm just saying like numbers are weird and and like something has happened to be i mean numbers are weird i think if we're around in 2015- 16 doing this exact thing we both have a couple hundred thousand subscribers oh yeah i mean i i've i've retired and someone else is doing the show i'm in a jet and you couldn't retire you'd have to run the podcast oh i'm gonna be so rich
Starting point is 03:19:58 in 10 years another another six years of this and it's gonna be crazy what's gonna happen what's up to happen. What's up with your internet? Another 10 years, you're going to be able to afford good internet. Dude, my internet. This is a bad idea. I got to do all the podcasts in the garage.
Starting point is 03:20:23 I'm between two routers and it likes to bounce. Do you have a mesh system? I do. Which one? Some Linksys thing. It's a legit mesh? Are both the routers, is it a booster or is it a mesh? Are both your routers hardwired? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:20:40 Gangster. But there's one in the garage so that I can operate. And then there's one in the basement. But they're both hardwired and they butt fuck each other and make the mesh. Yeah, that's dope. Yeah, I like that. I was getting in a fight with one of JR's net guys, like trying to lecture me on fucking how the internet works. And? Did you win?
Starting point is 03:21:01 No, but I just want to be like, dude, shut the fuck up. I know what I'm talking about. But I tried to be calm and let him explain it to me but then he kept referring to my shit is not i'm like dude my shit is hardwired he's like trying to explain like he was talking to me like how i talked to my mom like my mom doesn't know the difference between wi-fi and cellular and i'm like my fucking lord wait a minute i'm like i don't know the difference either but i can make up some shit so that i can distinguish from them you know what i mean like like like i can i can make up some stuff like i get it like cellular is what you use for your cell phone and there's towers all over that give people cancer and wi-fi is the wire that comes to my uh fucking house and i have
Starting point is 03:21:38 a router router and it sends a signal just from my fucking house and my friends with the my dog's password the password that's my dog's name. So, so what's this person not understand. So this person was trying to tell me that my shit, I was telling him I have a mesh system and he's trying to explain to me that there's no such thing as a mesh system. I'm like, listen,
Starting point is 03:21:54 motherfucker. Yes, there is. Yeah. He was trying to tell me it was a booster or an extender. I'm like, no dude, they're all hardwired.
Starting point is 03:22:00 I, and I have one, two, three, four. I have four. two, three, four. I have four. Yeah. Four routers to make my mesh system.
Starting point is 03:22:09 So that no matter where you go, it works for you. Yeah. And then he called me a boomer. Oh, my God. Who is this guy? I don't know. We're going to see him. I'm going to see him next week.
Starting point is 03:22:23 That is next week. Yeah. And he kept it for me. I had one more thing across on the Craig video. Okay, good. The CrossFit games champion this year has how many Instagram followers? Uh,
Starting point is 03:22:37 Oh, not a lot. 72,000, 240,000. I don't know. 130. Jeffrey Adler, the male champion wow
Starting point is 03:22:46 justin maderos the two-time champion and he played in 2023 played yeah five hundred thousand compare that to froning fraser palipa bridges uh ben smith all those people pale in comparison how about when i just typed in Adler Instagram? This guy's Instagram account is the number one pick. Fittest man on earth. What is that? He is on the top right. It looks like a laser.
Starting point is 03:23:20 How many followers does he have? 11,000. Adler. I just typed in Adler Instagram and that dude came up. I love it. He's not the second one or the third one or the fourth one. Oh, there's a Jonathan Adler that has 913,000. Oh, Jeffrey Adler is on the first page, though.
Starting point is 03:23:44 He's like seven down crazy aaron says that if jeff wins again it goes up and if uh the earth stays around for another day or two the sun will come up tomorrow yes it'll go up if he wins again yeah you can bank on both those hey um daniel brandon took i was surprised how long it took daniel brandon to skyrocket she's at 700 000 yeah and then she just kind of just compared to like brooke wells who's never i don't know i wouldn't say brooke wells is ever as popular as brandon is currently yeah of the the who would you say is the face of the women's like crossfit right now Who would you say is the face of the women's Like CrossFit right now Laura Horvath
Starting point is 03:24:27 No I mean you're not You're not even going to fucking believe when I tell you this I'm going to tell you you can never repeat this I'm putting it in private chat Okay The face of women's CrossFit right now Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 03:24:39 Damn I'm fucking Nostradamus dude Carol. Yeah. Damn. I'm fucking Nostradamus, dude. Look at those. We had this conversation. Those numbers are crazy. What's going on with that account? Go look at those fucking numbers or,
Starting point is 03:24:58 or don't even make sense. Well, I mean, but they don't make sense to do it. No, no. Pull it up. No, I want do it? No. No, pull it up? No. I'm not going to pull it up.
Starting point is 03:25:08 I'm just going to look at it. I don't want to be anywhere near that account for another year. Uh-oh. I see what you mean. I pulled it up, and I see what you mean. Is there a reflection in this window behind me? Probably. Hey, dude, that account had like 15 000
Starting point is 03:25:26 a year ago yeah man i think not not not and no one in the comments is ever going to guess who this is no i erased my history if i if i if someone even mentions that account to me i plug my ears i run the other direction i don't want to be any part of it for a while my favorite thing to do is give people a rabbit hole to chase i won't do it i won't do it right now how yeah how is alex gazan doing wow yeah i'm on the pulse dude you think if you ask anyone over at hq how their athletes are doing they'll know oh hey dude the best part of the podcast was when he talked about jeffrey adler and jeffrey adler being like a main site guy and what was so awesome and he basically he was being critical of me not listening or not being able to undercover uncover that in a
Starting point is 03:26:30 video and then later on while i'm sleeping in bed at night i'm like oh shit not only did i uncover it in this one but how come how come his own ship hasn't covered it how come the his so how come his media team isn't exploiting the fuck out of that? I'd be all over that. I did invite Carol. I want to have Carolyn Lambre on the show and ask her about it. Hey, I think I call bullshit on that,
Starting point is 03:26:54 by the way. You don't think it's true. I don't think he does 85% of main site workouts. And I guarantee you, he doesn't do that anymore. Now that, uh, half of them aren't even programmed by HQ.
Starting point is 03:27:05 Why would he do some random shit programmed by someone else? You think he does 50% of them? Well, let's say he did do some of them before. He's going to cut half of it. Just because of the fact that half of them are written by HQ. How many do I think he actually does?
Starting point is 03:27:24 I think it's probably similar to what i think jr does which is he pays attention and then every once in a while they'll be like oh we should probably do some of that because it's been frequent yeah i could see that but i don't see him saying hey we're doing dot com today or him and lambre no one in the comment section has guessed who this person is the most powerful woman at CrossFit yeah but the face of CrossFit hey but Kelsey Keel is a great guest what's her I can't
Starting point is 03:27:54 find her Instagram how do you find hers does she have a special name L E S K L yeah it's like Kelsey Keel or. I got Chloe Wilson. Kelsey Skeel
Starting point is 03:28:12 CrossFit K-I-E-L It's K-E-I K-E-L-S-K Yeah. I-E-L Oh shit, her boyfriend looks like fucking one of the Diaz brothers. K-E-L-S-K. Yeah. I-E-L.
Starting point is 03:28:26 Oh, shit. Her boyfriend looks like fucking one of the Diaz brothers who's, like, turned into a vampire. He's like a vampire. Do you know who the Diaz brothers are? They fight. Yeah. Look at that dude. Yeah, look.
Starting point is 03:28:40 Not just looking at nothing. That dude on the left? Yeah, that looks like one of the Diaz brothers. She'd be a good face for CrossFit. She looks cool. She is cool. When I was at Zellos Games, I remember she wasn't competing, but we got in early to talk judges stuff,
Starting point is 03:28:58 and she was in there running. She was just running, doing her Zone 2 stuff. And look, it says, just be a nice person and yeah she seems like everything i've interaction i've seen with her on the internet she's nice as shit i'm a fan of her she's cool hey i talked to her at the games before i couldn't talk to anybody else her and her and her team they're all cool she probably blocked me no that's all it's not broken it's not not yet not yet not now it's not usually yeah she has a cool instagram she got she got a good vibe she giving off good like she's cool she's strong i hope that she does well and think what she did in relation to Pedro's podcast
Starting point is 03:29:48 The other day was awesome Oh yeah He busted on her And she took it like a champ Just gotta get fitter Alright I can hear my kids outside Holy shit.
Starting point is 03:30:05 Three and a half hours. Yeah, just keep it going until tomorrow morning. Thank you, everyone. What is it? It's not Maui Vollmer. Oh, shit. Tomorrow's going to be awesome. Who is it?
Starting point is 03:30:23 Helen Taylor from Core City CrossFit. She has a kids program there that's crazy. I think that's at the gym in Detroit. This's going to be awesome. Who is it? Helen Taylor from Core City CrossFit. She has a kids program there that's crazy. I think that's at the gym in Detroit. This is going to be good. Oh, you mean the exact thing Castro said that you don't do on your platform? All you do is promote the elite athletes? Oh, yeah. That was just ding-dong shit.
Starting point is 03:30:37 But he can get away with it. He's my friend. He can see it. Once a week, you have an affiliate owner or something like that. Community support. Thank you. I'm so good at supporting the community all right phil congratulations on the movie dr phil for uh
Starting point is 03:30:53 crossfit mayhem oh yeah i hope you're stuff and take everything out of context i i think phil is a great person i don't think that he needed 36 minutes to get that across. I agree. Hiller is going to take that mayhem video and cut it up and ass pound you. I cannot ass pound Phil. I would just say good on you, Phil.
Starting point is 03:31:17 Next time I'll see you in two minutes. Good job. Bye-bye. Hey, thanks for coming on.

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