The Sevan Podcast - Madrid Classic with Brian Friend - BREAKING NEWS

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions link is above bam we're live again no necesito mas Brian amigo por favor ah ah here we go
Starting point is 00:01:21 where I don't see it oh shit you don't see it here uh copy paste Here we go. Where I don't see it. Oh, shit. You don't see it here. Copy. Paste. Now. That was, well, look at this. It says there's 10 people watching, but there's 10 people in the chat. How can that be? What has happened to this show? Kenneth, what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Why am I still awake? I don't know. Hope you don't have work tomorrow. I'll tell you what, Nick. You want to know about the power ranking. You have issues. You have problems. Wow, Brian, you got a haircut.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Yeah, in Chicago, Scott Polanski gave me a haircut hey don't take this wrong I like your hats but you look great without a hat you look absolutely marvelous thank you where are you you're in a hotel room it's
Starting point is 00:02:21 544 a.m. and you are in France Madrid so two of the three I was correct in a hotel room. It's 544 AM and you are in France. Madrid. So two of the three I was correct. Yes. And what are you doing in Madrid?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Madrid Championship starts tomorrow. That's crazy. And tell me about this event. This is one of the big daddies, right? I would say so. I think it checks that box on two fronts. It does have elite divisions that have Games caliber athletes and some Games athletes from this past year in the field. But it's also one of the biggest community events in the world in terms of total volume of participation. uh, like community events in the world in terms of total volume of participation.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Uh, in Europe, is this the biggest event in Europe, in the world, you know, even bigger than the semifinals, the regionals, is this like just sheer number of participants,
Starting point is 00:03:17 fans, et cetera. Yeah. In terms of volume. Yes. I mean, it's, it's in Europe.
Starting point is 00:03:24 There are competitions that are definitely like the biggest ones in each country you know so like that one that i did in finland a few weeks ago the last time we spoke that's like the big one for them there now in france the french throwdown is the big one even even for their community divisions but this one like you know those competitions will have uh less participants overall than this will have i'm gonna see um tell me some big names that are here sure um most of these are announced on their instagram but they were they put a post up a few weeks ago uh yesterday i was checking in with the guys here
Starting point is 00:04:05 to get an updated list to see if there had been any athletes who have registered since then or withdrawn since then. Karen Frejova is the biggest name that has signed up for this that was not on that origin. Probably the frontrunner for the women. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And really quick before you go on, how do we know Karen Frey over? Games athlete? Multiple times games athlete. This year she also won the French throwdown. I was meaning to check this actually. I think she was either the fourth highest finishing European woman at the games. And I think this was her best ever yeah she was she was uh oh fifth she was one spot behind annie she finished 14th
Starting point is 00:04:51 games this year but i think she might have i'm i was trying to remember this also i think she has one other games appearance that's close to that but it was it might have been in the online year oh she was 14 2020 yeah yeah 14th in 2020 and 14th this year. But this year, obviously, is much more impressive. And as individual elite women. Yeah. Where does she compare,
Starting point is 00:05:15 let's say, to an Emma Tall? Well, this year, she finished a couple spots behind Emma. But this is the first time that Emma Tall has beaten her at the Games. And Karen's been a little bit more consistent than her in terms of qualifying year after year. behind Emma, but this is the first time that Emma tall has beaten her at the games. And she,
Starting point is 00:05:25 and Karen's been a little bit more consistent than her in terms of qualifying year after year. So I would say they're, you know, their resumes are very much on par with each other. Okay. She, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:37 Emma tall has the better finish, but she has less appearances and Karen's beaten her more often than Emma has beaten Karen. All righty. Wow. Is Noah Olsen there? Noah Olsen's here with Chandler Smith, Sydney McAlishan, and Lena Richter from Oslo Navy Blue.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So they're called Los Ninos. They're probably the favorites to win the team division. I was looking through some of the other teams on the roster that could potentially challenge them. Why does someone, this is off subject, but why does someone like Noah go to Europe and do this competition? Is this to, I mean, outside of the fact that, I mean, he's a professional athlete. He wants to CrossFit. He wants to show the world what he's made of.
Starting point is 00:06:21 He wants to show what he can do. He's in shape. But why here and why as a team? Is this to prepare for going teams next year at the games? Is this to fulfill sponsor obligations? That is a huge name to leave the comfort of Florida, one of the best places on planet Earth. Absolutely. And obviously Chandler, it's even a longer trip for him. He's coming off of his best performance,
Starting point is 00:06:46 his best season as a CrossFit athlete, second place at Rogue, top 10 at the Games, and he lives in San Diego. So it's even a further trip to get over here. His wife came with him, Jessie, and she's not on their team, but she's actually filling in on a different team. I'm not sure all the answers to those questions, but I think there's 20 20 000 euro first place prize
Starting point is 00:07:05 money for the team so that's not like not terrible i think no that's great actually yeah i think then they are the favorites to win that so it probably covers the cost of the trip or close you know maybe a little bit a little bit of money in their pocket they probably do have help from sponsors but i also think that you know it's fun to it's fun to be able to do this sport in different parts of the world you remember that no's fun to it's fun to be able to do this sport in different parts of the world you remember that Noah traveled to the Middle East to do that team of three or was it three or four male competition last year kind of in the middle of the CrossFit game season so he's you know he's I think he's taking some opportunities similarly to we saw
Starting point is 00:07:41 Brent Fikowski go to Elphitt last fall and dominate the competition there, but just to have the chance to compete in Egypt and, you know, a unique place to be able to do this while you still can, you know, we, you know, Noah still seems young when you hang out with him, but he's 10 years deep in the sport. And obviously, you know, to maintain the level of fitness that's required, like that takes a toll on the body. So he may be thinking that, you know to take opportunities like this while I have them. What was the team prize money for the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'm not super well-versed in that. It's maybe at least $100,000, I think. No shit? Are you serious? I think so. Oh, wow CrossFit Games team comp prize. Wow Second place to fifth place teams at the games will receive 5,000 each more than less to 75. Oh 75,000 Wow, I had no idea it was that much Yeah, wow, oh well the team champion once again will earn 100,000 no shit, sorry Wow I had no idea it was that much Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:45 Oh well the team champion once again will earn 100,000 No shit sorry I'm wrong Oh I was right Yeah you were right Wow I had no idea Seriously the reason why I ask is I thought it would be less than 20,000 I had no idea that that was like
Starting point is 00:09:01 I still thought that that was just a Just a podunk affiliate. Um, all right. No, no. I mean, uh, I think the games, the games, uh, team and the title sponsors or whoever's, you know, involved in creating the prize are doing a pretty good job with what they, you know, with what they have and where the sports at right now to make at least the top prizes in those divisions pretty good. Okay, so Karen Frejova is the big name in individual team. Obviously, Cindy McElishan, Chandler, and Noah. What about
Starting point is 00:09:39 on the boys' side, on the individual elite men? I'm not going to let you get away without mentioning Lena Richter. Please, please. Oslo, Oslo. Thank you. Sorry. You're right. Thank you. So she's definitely the most accomplished team athlete of the four of them. And she, you know, three consecutive years making the podium at the CrossFit Games. So very impressive. And I don't want to leave her out. I just want to, before we go to the men,
Starting point is 00:10:03 the interesting thing is Karen's the only female in the field, I believe, who was at the games this year, at least as an individual. But the other three women that, or four women who have, you know, maybe looking at a chance to win here. Actually, excuse me, Victoria Campos is in this field. And she competed at the games also. Mayhem athlete. I'm very curious to see how she does here.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Because if I'm not mistaken, and I don't spend a lot of time looking at this stuff, but someone told me that she's 13th on the worldwide rankings. So she should be winning this competition easily, right? The worldwide rankings are the CrossFit rankings. Yes. We should just call it that. Can we call it that? Can you help me out with that? The CrossFit rank. The CrossFit LLC
Starting point is 00:10:54 rankings. Basically, what you're saying is those rankings need basically a different name because they're not really a rankings of who's the best. They're rankings. They offer a function. They offer a function within
Starting point is 00:11:10 a formula that we know to be flawed. But it's not who's the best. It's not a ranking for who's the best. Here's the thing. CrossFit needs to, in my opinion, publicly communicate what their intent is,
Starting point is 00:11:26 not just with the CrossFit Games, but also with the World Wide Rankings. It probably does rank the number one fittest person based on a two-year picture of competition. And after that, I don't know. The CrossFit Games have always claimed to find the fittest person on Earth. And after that, i don't know you know that has been their claim so within that context maybe but it doesn't take into account a lot of things that uh uh a different system potentially could i haven't put out the rankings for 2024 yet because i'm learning a lot on this trip, so I want to do it after this trip.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Another side note, does Adler – Medeiros competed in the West, right? Yes, he was first. And Adler competed in the East, right? He was first. Will that – will Adler's win in the East, it'll bring that additional 10,000 points to the worldwide ranking. 4,000. 10,000 from the games, 4,000 from semis. Okay. And so,
Starting point is 00:12:34 is that enough to get the East an additional person? Do we know yet? That's kind of a rhetorical question. I don't expect you to have the answer for that, but that is the implication that there could be some significant movement there by significant. One would be significant if it added one. Right. In that system, yeah, adding just one is is quite difficult to do.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I think that there's going to be an overhaul of the system and a distribution method, at least based on what you banks have said in the past. He hasn't spoken publicly in a while. Already? We just started that one. He has said that there's room for improvement and refinement. We know that that's true. If you know that there's room to improve and there are methods that have been put out there and people who have expressed interest in contributing to that,
Starting point is 00:13:25 why wouldn't you try to make it better? okay i'm with you okay so so make it better maybe not uh maybe not an overhaul but some improvements yeah okay fair enough better better work better i thought you were going to be so proud of me and then you had to point out lena richter and and deservedly so i thought you were gonna be like good job. I thought you were smiling because you were like, good job. You're doing good here. Can we move to the gentlemen? Who are the guys? The guys is probably the more fascinating one.
Starting point is 00:13:57 It's very difficult to pick a favorite. I would say Yonikoski, Lazar Jukic, Travis Mayer, Uldis Upeneks are probably the top four guys, but there are some others, Jorgos Kerevis, Adrian Moonweiler, Luka Djukic, that we'll be looking to kind of make a statement maybe. I mean, Travis Mayer obviously also, but he didn't miss the games for lack of trying this year. He just wasn't – he needed to take some time to get healthy. I think Travis will be eager to show that I can still compete
Starting point is 00:14:24 with some of the top 10 guys in the world, which Lazar and Yona both were this year. But those other guys that didn't make it out of Europe, I think will, you know, and generally do better in these style of competitions. I think we'll have something to say as well. And if you remember from last year, Anyola Kai took second in this event. he's not competing as an individual this year, but it's certainly possible for someone who you, who hasn't had the tremendous success at the CrossFit games to do well in a competition like this.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Why, why are there so many big name men there? This is huge. John Akoski, Lazar Jukic, Uldis, Travis, Moonweiler, Luka. This is crazy. This is kind of crazy. This is, uh, as good as a, a semifinal. No, not,
Starting point is 00:15:11 no, no, no, not with the way that it was developed this year. I think maybe last year, the previous year, like it could have been as good as like, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:20 one of the two, you know, European semifinals, but you don't think these are all pipe. These are, these are big names. These are big names? These are all games athletes. I mean, I'm not even going to throw it.
Starting point is 00:15:28 They are. They are. Right. But this year, because of the way that it was designed, you had 15 games athletes in the field at the European championships or European semifinals. So this is probably, I would say, half of that. But the prize money for winning is six times as much as the semifinal. Oh, and what is the prize money here for individual?
Starting point is 00:15:50 $30,000 for first, $15,000 for second, $6,000 for third, which is still more than the European semifinal winner earned. Wow. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah, I like these names. That's going to uh tough to pick uh for sure oldest travis and lazar and yonakoski are gonna be like wanting to win this for a variety reasons and it is going to be interesting is travis mayer completely healthy i think so i talked to him at the crossfit games it was nice nice to talk to him it's interesting to get his
Starting point is 00:16:24 perspective jacqueline dollstrom is here also she'll definitely be a challenger to karen fray So I talked to him at the CrossFit Games. It was nice to talk to him. It was interesting to get his perspective. Jacqueline Dahlstrom is here also. She'll definitely be a challenger to Karen Frey. But both Jacqueline and Travis are athletes that I saw in Madison and spoke to them, and they said it was difficult to be there without being competing. They obviously wanted to be out there. But they also said it was motivating. And Travis in particular said,
Starting point is 00:16:45 I'm not done yet. And I got some stuff left to prove. And I'm going to be on, you know, trying to compete this off season. So you'll see me out there. Sure enough. Here he is. How does Jacqueline Dahlstrom look? Does she look amazing? Haven't seen her yet, but yeah, I mean, I think she's, I think she's still in very top form. Annika Greer is here. Annika Greer has been like, she was so close to making it this year to the games. I don't think she was impressed with herself or thinks maybe she could have done better at Rogue last year.
Starting point is 00:17:15 So I think, again, she's got a lot that she'll want to prove. I think that she's going to come in in top form as well. So I don't think it's going to be a runaway for Karen Frey. I do think she's a favorite. but these games caliber athletes that didn't make the games this year, Turi Helgadotter being another one, Elena Caratala from Spain. I think all of them are going to come in off of, you know, probably a pretty good training session this summer, knowing this is one of the biggest prize versus available in terms of the top prize or second place prize. I mean, Karen Frey over over when the French throw down in June and that winning,
Starting point is 00:17:47 that was less money than it is for taking second place here. So, you know, there's a lot of money on the line. It's a big earning opportunity and a big chance for some of these, especially European athletes who didn't make the games like your goes get nervous. He didn't make,
Starting point is 00:18:00 he didn't make it this year after making it the last two years, you probably want to send a message to. So, uh, former French throw down winner. You probably want to send a message too. He's a former French Throwdown winner. Freova did June, then the games, and now this? Yeah. It's going hard, right? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:16 definitely. Damn. Do you have a pick out of these boys as a winner? The workouts are all announced already, except for one, the final. Um, and I think that it's going to make for quite a compelling competition. I was actually looking at them. I can't remember if I was doing it with Tyler or John or Jr,
Starting point is 00:18:38 but I was having a conversation with one of them over the last couple of weeks after they were announced. Cause obviously, obviously Tyler Watkins is uh pumping up travis mayor to uh we'll see if it's an appropriate level or not i think probably not for what he's saying but it's great uh anyway and these workouts look really good for travis um but at the same time like yona and lazar were training together yesterday i was actually invited to go train with them i just wasn't up for it after after the overnight flight uh and and you know lazar told me he's like yona is the king of europe right now and lazar will you know he will definitely want to take you know take yona in
Starting point is 00:19:15 this one um so i think it's going to be a good battle i actually uh i might put out some picks today now that i've seen the updated roster I'm obviously working with uh to update the stats based on the roster changes as well so I have some work to do but I might I might put out some picks it'll be one of those three guys uh meaning uh Lazar, Travis, or Janikowski yeah I think that they're the cut above not to say that the other guys aren't good but those are the three i would expect and travis mayor was here last year he had uh a kind of a slow start to the competition and in that the first event last year was a run that was advertised as a certain distance and i think it was a little less than that can you believe that would ever happen say say that again say that again that what would ever happen
Starting point is 00:20:03 that a competition would advertise a run of a certain distance I'm starting to think that the run was actually a 5k and everyone's watches were wrong yes
Starting point is 00:20:18 I mean I don't know this is the interesting thing about that I have two thoughts about this. One of them is pertaining specifically to the CrossFit Games 5K this year. If you've, if you've studied the history of the CrossFit Games and by studying the history of CrossFit Games, the best, the easiest way to do that is just to go listen to Bill and Chase as they've evaluated the programming year after year over the last couple of years. They'd say in almost every single episode,
Starting point is 00:20:47 the distances listed at the CrossFit Games are not accurate. They're not necessarily exactly a two-mile run, exactly a 500-meter ocean swim. There's a little bit of degree of variability to those distances, but it doesn't matter. All of the athletes are doing the same distance. So you have to get to the finish line first, and that's how you get the most points. Which is true, but the athletes are getting quite smart. The coaches and the training methodologies are getting quite advanced, and they'll take into consideration what is the actual distance.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And I might run a 2.7-mile run different than I run a 3.2-mile run. And I might be looking at my watch and looking at my heart rate and having a specific intent based on the listed distance. And we don't have a chance to run the course first to know for sure. And it's not on track. So we don't definitely know the distance or the laps remaining or whatever. Obviously, you know, so there's some element of strategy in there. The other thing that I didn't love about it is that they were promoting the global 5k this year. And so they were encouraging everyone to go on the app and log their 5k time. And so you would hope that especially everyone that maybe was doing it there on site would have an accurate distance to run. When you listen to Dave talk about it, and he says, dude, we wheeled it four different times
Starting point is 00:22:00 with, you know, over different days, different people, different wheels, all this other stuff, like what more do you want us to do? you can't really argue with him on that either and if the watches are reading something different than the wheel like i kind of i really like the fact that he's calibrating one of those things and going to test it in a different environment he's curious he wants to know he wants to get it right too you know dave he's a very exact person so he's not happy about that he probably hates this he hates this yeah he's not happy about it no but he's but he also is like but but i was there like i told the guys measure it again make sure it's right and so after the fact to then have many
Starting point is 00:22:37 athletes show the data the screenshots of their watches that shows by the way not exactly the same distance every time each one of those things is a little bit different as well right it's just you know anyway last year at madrid the reason why i brought it up is because there was a run there was a listed distance that the athletes afterwards said might not have been that exact distance and the times that they came back and were really tight like 20 or there was 80 80 something men in the elite individual division last year here and i think 40 of them were within 20 seconds or something and travis was a little bit jet lagged or didn't warm up well or didn't kick at the right time and he lost like 10 spots by like three seconds and it basically cost him a chance to win the competition so i think he'll have
Starting point is 00:23:21 something to prove at this competition in particular as well. And with the fact that the events, this is a cool, it's a cool competition in this regard. I don't think every competition could always get away with this, but it's four days of competition for the elites and they never take the floor more than twice in a day. So you should be getting a great opportunity to recover, rest, recharge, and have really high level output and intensity from all of the elite athletes in all of the events. I think that's to Travis's advantage. How many events, Brian? Seven scored events over four days. So it's like a 2-1-2-2 format in terms of scored events for
Starting point is 00:24:00 the elites. I'd also like to point out that other weird things can happen on the run too, that what we saw happen in Dubai that one year is that the course wasn't marked in there in a way that, that the athletes could follow. And I think it was the women, they cut the course in half because someone made a left-hand turn and everyone followed her. Right. Yeah. And the, and the, uh, ski Hill in the mall. Yes. Yeah. That was incredible. Hey, wasn't Roman at that event?
Starting point is 00:24:29 I don't know. And I think we saw Roman compete. I think we saw Roman compete against Ricky, and Roman was supposed to win that event with the ski. It was the skier and the run, and Ricky actually beat him, right? Came down the hill significantly ahead of Roman. Remember that? Ricky crushed everyone.
Starting point is 00:24:50 It was 2021. Roman was there. He ended up winning the competition, but Ricky won that event. The top five that year, Roman, Lazar, Ricky, Jeff Adler, and Willie George. Wow. What happened to Willie George this year? He didn't make it to the games?
Starting point is 00:25:05 He didn't make it to the games? Was he on team? Didn't make it to the games. Okay. How did you pull that up so fast? Do you travel with an extra monitor? No. I'm just using two windows right now. Oh, that's impressive.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Okay. Good event. Do the individuals start tomorrow or the team start tomorrow? Or both? Tomorrow's Wednesday It's Wednesday here already So when I say tomorrow I mean here local time
Starting point is 00:25:35 But you'll be sleeping I think when the competition starts Do you know where the competition is showing? I just saw this This is fucking impressive It might not be impressive to you because you're not familiar with this network? I just saw this. This is fucking impressive. It might not be impressive to you because you're not familiar with this network. I don't know if you're a fight fan.
Starting point is 00:25:52 But this is saying it's playing on DAZN. And for us fight fans, this is like, yeah, this is huge. Like all of us have subscriptions to DAZN. That's like shitloads of good fights. I mean, Canelo fights there. These are massive fights they put on. It's interesting that they got on DAZN. Did you know that? Are you familiar with that network?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Patrick educated me about it on the Be Friendly show that we did a couple days ago. And the Spanish broadcast will be on that channel. The English one will be through YouTube. Yeah, that's crazy. Congratulations. That's cool. And you're doing the commentary? For the English, yes, not for the Spanish. Okay, and who are you doing it with? Greg Langtoe, who I'm not sure if you'll know who he is or not. Okay, so I just want to review
Starting point is 00:26:44 where you've been. So you did Finland and then you did the team pit and now you're doing Madrid. It's iron games. Oh, and the iron games. Shit. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Oh, and I was going to throw a joke in there that I forgot to mention Lena Richter. And of course I forgot the iron games. Crazy, crazy, crazy knew it. And I was going to throw a joke in there that I forgot to mention Lena Richter. And, of course, I forgot the Iron Games. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. So this will be the fourth consecutive week doing the commentary for a CrossFit competition in three different countries. Are you just going from location to location or do you go back home and refuel?
Starting point is 00:27:24 I spent – I had one night where i was in charlotte for like 11 hours okay and then i went uh from and then i was basically come back from finland went to sleep woke up and went to utah i went to chicago to visit some friends and family there because i was going to borrow a car in Chicago, drive to Michigan, take the car back and then fly out of O'Hare to Madrid. So that just kind of made sense as a nice logistically and obviously to see some friends and family that I left a couple months ago when I moved. little bit of a recharge but still kind of a life on the road not sleeping in your own bed you know not doing laundries recycling the same clothes having to like re-up on some uh necessities like you know toothpaste and emergency and stuff like that um so uh so you've been on the road, and now going back to where they're broadcasting, I don't see the show scheduled. Maybe I'm on the wrong YouTube station?
Starting point is 00:28:35 I will learn more about this today. We're having a meeting about this today, this afternoon, with Hanu, my friend from Finland, who brought me there for the Finland competition. He's working as a production manager for the broadcast for this competition. Actually, the organizer
Starting point is 00:28:53 of this competition, Alfonso Chumoro, invited us both to be part of it in Berlin at the semifinal last June. We'll be down here to the meetings this afternoon about that so have more information at that point okay so uh so nothing so for you today it's wednesday it's five it's uh 6 a.m 6 10
Starting point is 00:29:14 a.m you're in madrid um and you and there's nothing for you today today you're just getting your bearings straight trying to get over your jet lag and get prepped for tomorrow, Thursday. And that's when you'll actually start the broadcast. Correct. Okay. What, shifting gears here, we had Roman Krennikoff on today. Did you see the post Roman made today regarding his feelings? I think that's almost a quote from him, his feelings regarding what happened between him and Adler.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I did see the post. I did not see the show that you did with him. I was sleeping. So in a nutshell, he basically said that he made this post because it's been brought to his attention that Adler's been speaking about it on podcasts and that he's not upset with Adler and Adler's his friend and he sees him as his competitor and it's not like him and Medeiros have never said a word but him to each other but
Starting point is 00:30:14 him and Adler have talked and everything's cool um they talked prior to the games not not since the games and um he's been staying low for the last two months or however long it's been since the games, spending time with his family and licking his wounds. And that basically it's been brought to his attention that Adler's been talking and he just wanted to express his opinion, no hard feelings,
Starting point is 00:30:35 but that he doesn't think that this is a sportsman-like conduct. But he's not mad. He's just saying, hey, if Adler's going to talk about it, then I'll talk about it too. And it's not his opinion is that this shouldn't be sports like contact. And then he also alluded to the fact that, like, hey, I couldn't fucking throat punch the guy because I'm fucking visiting from a foreign country.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And I got to watch my P's and Q's with a little hyperbole. But that's basically what he said. I think that's a summation. If anyone thinks I took an hour and 50 minutes to get that. If anyone thinks I'm wrong about that, let me know. There were a couple weird things. Rosa said that she got some weird texts from Caroline during the games or just prior to the games. It was hard to tell exactly. It looked like just the only time Adler touched him
Starting point is 00:31:22 is when he was trying to get the crowd up and going, and he touched Roman during those times. But Roman said that he shouldn't. He should have had the situational awareness to know, like, hey, I'm too close to you to do this. And then maybe it was just an excuse to hit Roman. But either way, it's fine. I don't have a strong opinion. I like that the whole thing's transpiring and we get to talk about it as a community.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I'm cool with it all. But I also like trash talking but i'm curious do you have any um insights on the actual incident we'll start there and then uh we'll follow up after you ask about uh talk to me what your insights are on the actual incident at the games what you think about about it playing out in the community okay go ahead what do you know do you have any insights about the incident as it occurred at the games between roman and adler is there uh there's a specific incident that's being like focused in on or just the overall the well the primary the there's the primary incident is during the run um adler was chirping him and basically trying telling him run faster run faster run faster
Starting point is 00:32:24 and then roman was like hey dude what are you doing and wanting some space roman felt like he was too close to him so finally roman slowed down and let him pass um but that also adler went like this to get the crowd excited and hit roman and he didn't like it and that's the incident and it sounds like roman at the event also reported this to the crossfit game staff and Adler was chirping him in Russian, which makes which made Roman think, OK, this this is part of this guy's tactic, which we which we know it is because Adler since come out and said, hey, yeah, you know what I mean? Like I was working all the angles and, you know, and the the the popular talk on the Internet is, is that it's very interesting. It's like, hey, it's perfectly okay for Adler to talk shit, but there seems to be little tolerance for Roman to be like,
Starting point is 00:33:11 it's not cool to talk shit. But the truth is, that's cool too. They're both cool. It's cool to say don't talk shit, and it's cool to talk shit. You can do both, I think. Did you see Adrian Conway's comment? I did, and not even like that even adrian's was the only the problem is i didn't like everyone piling on but i did like adrian's comment well over a thousand comments on there so yeah i i didn't i i like if adrian's comment wouldn't
Starting point is 00:33:40 have been in there with like i felt like it was a melee of just a great like of just like people not being cool to roman here's another thing all you motherfuckers were on the roman bandwagon and now he doesn't fit in your box and so you're like throwing shit at him it's like dude and he did put it in context too um first of all remember people were cheering roman roman roman and grown men were crying in the stands and there's never been an event like that at the crossfit games this may have even surpassed the rebecca fusli i think not maybe it did Roman and grown men were crying in the stands. And there's never been an event like that at the CrossFit Games. This may have even surpassed the Rebecca Fusli, I think. Not maybe, it did.
Starting point is 00:34:09 And this easily surpassed the Julie Foucher thing walking on her hands. This was crazy. This surpassed Rich Froning falling off the rope. This was nuts. And so you've got to put that in context. And then he's also visiting from a war-torn country. He's away from his family. He can't fucking go back for political reasons. I where's the little bit of the like it's just like
Starting point is 00:34:29 don't be a pussy like my sin i agree with adler should be able to talk all the shit he wants i like that but there's like let's put this thing in a little bit of fucking context you know what i mean i think your thoughts well first i want to hear about what you think what you know about the incident i know you have some insights about by the incident let's just say the relationship as it evolved between roman and adler at the crossfit games at the games i i unlike you i spent no time in the athlete warm-up area all of the time that i'm spending at the CrossFit Games is preparing for each event with the broadcast team, and then we go to the field of play to do our jobs and broadcast the event.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So at the games themselves, I have very little opportunity to see anything from the athletes other than what they do on the field of play. But I do have an opportunity to talk to a lot of different people there. And I have been hearing from, I don't know, maybe a half dozen different people that would range from athlete to coach to manager to media personalities that would be that were in the athlete warm up areas before and after events. That basically my takeaway was kind of what you said is that, you know, Adler sees Roman as one of his biggest competitors and threats, and he's trying to get in his head and that he's
Starting point is 00:35:51 intentionally sitting on the rower next to him. He's intentionally taking the C2 bike next to him after an event. He's making a comment about, Hey, I thought you were good at that. How can I beat you? Hey, I thought you were supposed to be the guy who was the best at this thing what happened are you gonna give me this one too you know like these types of remarks um and i didn't think too much of it i was like you know the athletes like i have had opportunities to be in the back in the athlete warm-up areas before and uh and and i and you know and so i've had like some integration with that and their athletes I, and, you know, and so I've had like some integration with that and their athletes all have different approaches. You know, some of them like to be on their own.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Some of them have their friends that they'll go and hang out with. Some of them will spend time with their coaches. Um, sometimes their coaches are significant others. So they're just like kind of weirdly doing this romance thing in the corner. Some of them are taking naps. I mean, you see, you've been back there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Carl Saunders showed up at the Games in Love. Do you remember that? That was fucking amazing. So, to me, it's like in the warm-up area, whatever, it's like it's to each their own. But I also, like, for me, it's like I probably wouldn't, I don't know. And I'm not also, I'm not trying to win the CrossFit games. Like I don't love it. I guess I didn't like, like hearing that about Adler, but I didn't think, I didn't, it didn't feel like he was doing anything that was crazy and
Starting point is 00:37:14 appropriate. And so I, and then I just like kind of forgot about it, you know, I've, and then when Roman put that post up, I was kind of surprised because I was, I was like, huh, like I knew he was I was like huh like I knew he was upset about it but I didn't know that that he would make a post about it and so then I've just been sitting back the last couple days and seeing everyone's reactions and I do think that it's uh it's a little strange how quickly people will turn on a dime their opinion about something based on a thing that I mean you have to keep mind, he said a month to think about this.
Starting point is 00:37:46 He wrote a paragraph in a, in a language that he doesn't speak. Which is obvious when, which is obvious when you read it. Yeah. There's some, there's some grammatical mistakes that are like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:57 like the foreigners make, like you realize that it's like, he's trying to express something. You want to hear something else, Brian? I thought about this after the show. Actually, I thought about this during the show, towards the end. I think he was a little embarrassed. I think he was a little embarrassed that it turned into an hour and 52-minute conversation
Starting point is 00:38:18 about something he really didn't care that much about. I think. Oh, yeah. I think he was a little embarrassed like he was cool he showed no aggression during the show either he didn't seem upset even a tiny bit he was laughing he was jovial i told him he looked like a turtle he laughed did he understand the things you're saying in english or did rosa always have to translate for him? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I think his, I think his, excuse me. I think his comprehension of English is improving. I think he actually can say more in English than he wants to let on, but he doesn't have the confidence to. And I totally understand that. That's probably how it is for me being here in Spain. I could try to speak in Spanish, but as soon as I do that,
Starting point is 00:39:06 everyone knows just talk to this guy in English. Right, right, right. Anyway, I think that I think that the response that you had was a was a good response to like, well, there's obviously more to the story here. Let's try to find it out. He's taken the initiative to put something out there. But this isn't everything. Let's talk to the guy her try to talk to the guy and see what he has to say every you know adler's already had his chance to talk on several uh platforms and roman hasn't taken those opportunities he he flew to dubai to handle some political things he has to take care of his injury you know like you said he's spending time with his family so other than there's people that are like this is ridiculous why didn't he just say it right away it's like he had some other pretty important things that he needed to do.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I want to pull this comment up by Philip Kelly, Josh Bridges, Jason Kleber, Rich Froning. They all trash trash talked. It's fun. I can't remember the exact incident. Maybe Brian can remember, but someone did, I think, swim over Josh Bridges once or a lot of athletes talked about getting swam over, and I think Josh said that if he found out who did it or something, he'd beat the fuck out of it. And so, like…
Starting point is 00:40:11 That depends. If he finds out it's Chad McKay, I don't know. Right. That's a good name, Blast from the Past. Did you see him? Is he in Madrid coaching someone? Why did you come out with him? Good swimmer,
Starting point is 00:40:25 massive dude. And I don't know if Josh could kick his ass. Right. All fair. Yeah. Right. God, Chad's a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I, I, I, you know, Roman said something about like, Hey, I told the CrossFit game staff, is it okay if I elbow him in the face and fucking shove him to the ground or something like that?
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I, and I think he was being facetious, but the game staff said, please don't do that. And he wouldn't do that, but I think one of the reasons why he wouldn't do that is because he doesn't want to get kicked out of the country or punished and be forced to have to do a semifinal and fucking the gulag. So I like it all. Here we go
Starting point is 00:41:05 Gravitron33 yes Brian Adler didn't do anything wrong this is some sour grapes by Roman should have kept it to himself if he didn't want to talk about it I don't know hey for all we know it's a head game back to Adler we don't know I'm okay with it all I'm glad it all came out publicly for me
Starting point is 00:41:21 I mean fuck I couldn't get Roman on the show and now he came on the for me. I mean, fuck, I couldn't get Roman on the show. And now he came on the show. Yeah, so I liked it. We've been talking about that for probably two years, trying to get him on the show. And here we go. Jake Hoover, Roman, and Jeff Beef is going to get mentioned more at the Rogue Invitational than Annie Thor's daughter
Starting point is 00:41:40 being a 10-time Games athlete got mentioned at the Games. Yeah, that's cool. 12-time Games athlete. mentioned at the games. Yeah, that's cool. 12-time games athlete. Oh, there we go. Where did Annie finish? You just did her rankings? I updated my all-time rankings for CrossFit Games individual performances at the games.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, I've been doing that every year for a couple of years. Yeah, I'm trying to go to Be Friendly Fitness. And that's in totality. That's for people who are retired, current. That's for everything. Yes, but it only accounts for their individual performances at the CrossFit Games, which is something that, for some reason, all of the Rich Froning fans out there
Starting point is 00:42:26 cannot understand. I understand why the Rich Froning fans don't understand it. I totally understand why they don't understand it. It's somewhat insulting, though. It's like, and we even clipped a segment from the show of me talking about Rich's impact on the sport.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I know, I saw it. I wanted to throw up. I saw it. Don't ever be right. Don't ever be right and show up because it's, it's, it's accurate and it was on my phone. I want to live in my own little delusion. Well, but this is the thing. Yes, this is, uh, I don't know where it's right there. Top 40 male. Oh, okay. The female is it to the right of it.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Yeah, so these are not taking into their account semifinals, open, rogue invitational, do-bys from the past, any of that stuff. This is how many times did they go to the crossfit games as an individual and what did they do there. The one on the right is the updated one. Matt Fraser, Rich Froning, Patrick Vellner. So Patrick, why does Patrick have an asterisk by his name? The guys with the asterisks by their names are the ones that I either moved up or were new to the list this year.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Okay. I think there were only six total of those. Wow. Look at that. Medeiros has two CrossFit game wins and he's still seventh. Well, he had two CrossFit games wins last year also, and I put him seventh. And we talked about it, and I said, well, first of all, to get on this list at all, you must show up to the CrossFit games at least three times.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And I still think it's a really difficult thing to assess in sports in general, but specifically in this sport to assess, let's just say that Justin Medeiros never made the CrossFit games again. So he has a third place in the 2020 year that we know is a little bit weird. It's not his fault, but it was weird. Two wins and then a 13th. Okay. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:44:21 It's not that much different than Miko Salo's resume. Pat Barber is number 40. Not only is he number 40, he actually commented on the post. He goes, hell yeah, still made the list, number 40. Something like that was amazing. Wow. Logan Collins. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance,
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Starting point is 00:45:40 Book with your local travel agent or... Yeah, I mean mean this is for me this is a fun thing to do i'm not consulting with anyone else on it obviously people have their own opinions but it but it is i think really not a really a cool thing for people who might be new to this sport to look and say like who the heck is this guy who the heck is this girl and maybe be inspired to go back and watch some of the old games coverage watch some of the old behind the scenes because there's so much good stuff back there and you can still watch it all uh and so for i'm really what i'm hoping is that people who've been around for a long time will offer some educated insights of
Starting point is 00:46:20 their own and people who are relatively new will go back and be inspired to look at some other, some stuff from past eras. All the women on here. I am. Oh, no. Oh yeah. Wow. Tennille. Wow. That's an example of someone with a, you know, both Tennille and Kerry Kepler had relatively short games careers, but they were pretty good during the time that they competed there. And how do you balance that? I thought Neil was going to be a games champ.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And how do you balance that against someone like Stacy Tovar with eight games appearances, even though during her eight games appearances, she didn't have as, as impressive of performances in any specific year as to kneel or care dude carol carol antibo holy shit yeah you know what's crazy is i know the women better than the men i wouldn't have thought that i know all these women i can picture all these women. Really? You know every single guy on the list. No, but...
Starting point is 00:47:26 Let me see. Let me see. I feel like there's some guys. I would have never thought Logan Collins would be on the all-time men's list. I would have never thought that. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I'm just not familiar with his career. Lucas Hoberg, I'm not familiar with his career um uh lucas hoberg i'm not familiar with his career what he made the podium one year right third place in 2018 which is actually i'm working on something with barclay right now where we're going to try to take each individual crossfit games in isolation with the athletes based on their performance up to that point in their careers and, and, and evaluate which was the strongest field at the CrossFit games. Logan Collins had four finishes at the CrossFit games of 15th or better. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Crazy. I had no idea. In four consecutive years. Well, not in four consecutive. In four consecutive appearances. Sorry, three consecutive appearances. 2007, 2018, 2019. How many games was Nico Salo in?
Starting point is 00:48:35 How many games? Yeah, three, four. Well, three. He qualified for four, but he withdrew from one. God, it's amazing that he's above Tommy. God, you're right. This is really hard to do. There was someone else on here that I'm not too –
Starting point is 00:48:52 Alex Anderson. I would have never thought he was on here. Not to say he doesn't deserve it. I would always see him at the games. I just never knew how he did. Yeah, because – and this actually goes back to the guy who made the comment about Andy Thor's daughter that's because he finished in a range that doesn't get a lot of attention
Starting point is 00:49:09 he made four CrossFit games four consecutive years his finishes were 13th 11th 8th and 13th and then those were 2015 16 17 18 which were four very competitive years you had Barber knock out Rob Forte and Lucas Parker. Yeah. James Fitzgerald is James the only. So the 2007 athletes are the only. They're the only games winners. Champions are the only winners who aren't on the list.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Neither of them. Did Jolie Gentry ever make any of the lists? I didn't go down to 40 and all the years prior, but, um, and the way, I mean, uh, so I, so I don't know. I've been building it as I do this more and more every year. I try to build it out a little bit. Like this year when I do the 2024 worldwide rankings for every athlete who can potentially be competing in the individual field, I think I'm going to go to 200. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I like it. That's a lot of work. It might be like I might rank one through 100, and then I might say here's the next 100 because I have less information about them. So it might be like alphabetical the next 100 or something. I don't want to poo-poo the Madrid championships at all, but the real only implication out of here that i'm taking is travis mayor that's going to be the biggest implication meaning this if yannikovsky wins we still have fucking eight months before the crossfit games happens again we're not sure if he's going to be able to sustain it if it was a fluke if he won what what we want to see is is travis mayor okay is he too old does
Starting point is 00:51:02 he still have the competitive edge can he still hang like right that that's the big story at the madrid um championships this year where's travis mayor gonna land would you say the biggest implication it's so far and obviously with the presupposition that the games is the crown jewel but it's come it's all the way around on the other side of the track still. And like you said, this is a community event. Go ahead. Yeah, I mean, that's... I'm sure for many people, Travis Mayer is of extreme interest here.
Starting point is 00:51:36 For me, there's a lot of things that I'm pretty curious about. You know, it's not as big of a name or as storied as a career, but like Luka Djokic made the games two years ago and he hasn't been able to, you know, he was close the previous year. He withdrew this last year. He's done all these competitions. Like I'm curious if he's going to round the corner in the way that his brother did. Right. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm curious. I like that. That's true too.
Starting point is 00:52:00 He's going to have to win it to make that statement or, or, or top two. He's going to have to, I would say podium. Okay. He's going to have to win it to make that statement or top two. I would say podium. Okay. He's going to have to – he can't just be – I want to see how Victoria Compost does. Okay. She's been the best in South America for two running years. She hasn't gotten a chance to compete against any meaningful competition
Starting point is 00:52:21 other than the CrossFit Games. She's done okay for a female from South America at the CrossFit Games, but nothing stand out. I want to see how she does against girls that just barely missed the game from U.S. and Europe this year, like Jacqueline Dahlstrom and Annika Greer. And in part, I want to see that because it might it might show some validity to the worldwide ranking system but it might draw into question it a little bit more but more than anything it gives her a chance to compete in what i would say is a like a relatively
Starting point is 00:52:54 a field that's relatively appropriate for someone that has her ability and give us some more insight into what how how good are you actually okay we take away the top 20 women from the world but we have one of them here in care and take away there's like one other girl from south america that's competing here valentina ron hell okay how can you do against the semi-final field from europe and what would that look like she needs to yeah she needs to podium to make a statement and and actually along those same lines annika Greer needs to do something too. For herself, but for us, as fans for us, but obviously for herself to rebuild her confidence, right? Hey, I belong.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I come over here to Madrid and look, I beat bitches up. Yeah, and especially for me, attempting to do these 200 deep rankings, those are athletes that I want to have some more information about. Let me ask you some quick questions here. Just some fun shit. Can we go one for one? You ask a question, I ask a question.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Perfect, yes. Cindy McAlishan fucks up the road qualifier. Devastated, right? We love her here on the podcast. Huge fan. Wouldn't it have been great to see her at fucking Madrid? She probably didn't go to Madrid because she's going to Rogue.
Starting point is 00:54:10 But wouldn't it have been great to see her go to Rogue and fuck some shit up? I mean, to Madrid and fuck some shit up. And when you see that, aren't you like, damn. I mean, you can't know in hindsight that she was going to fuck up some sort of tape measurement. But that is someone I'd like to see go there and go up against Karen Freova and Victoria Campos
Starting point is 00:54:26 and Annika Greer. But too late, right? She can't go. She can't get on a plane and go now, right? She's here. She's competing on a team with Noah Olsen and Charlie Smith and Lana Richter. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Good listening skills, someone. Okay. All right. Okay, so she was going to do both anyway. Can she pivot and do individual? No, she can't do that because that'll let her team down. Okay. Next name, Hannah Black. Any sign of her at Madrid? It's my turn to ask a question. Oh, sorry. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Did Tommy Marquez dye his hair? He did. I watched the Tonto. Tonto dyed his hair. I watched the Talking Elite Fitness podcast today with the Lone Ranger and Tonto. He did dye his hair. He looks good with it. He kept his hat on the whole time. He was in Marston Sawyer's bedroom. That was weird. Great show by them. I've opened up YouTube before I called you this morning and I saw
Starting point is 00:55:18 a thumbnail for the Roman show, a thumbnail for their show. I was like, did he dye his hair? He kept his hat on. I watched the show. It's a good show. It's funny you bring that up because once again they mentioned that
Starting point is 00:55:34 Roman was doing an interview tonight, but they couldn't say what show it was on. I'm like, what is wrong with you guys? Anyway, Hannah Black. Any big name made a big name for herself by winning a lift at the semifinal, right? Fill me up. When can we see her compete again, and is she in Madrid?
Starting point is 00:55:55 She's not in Madrid. Big name. I mean, she won a one-round max lifting event at the semifinal. Yeah, that's stuck in my head. I'm seeing her. She's the new Danny Siegel. Okay, well, I hope that we see her show up at an off-season competition. So far,
Starting point is 00:56:11 I haven't seen her on the Rogue leaderboard. She's not here in Madrid. I haven't seen her announce any invites to Dubai, which is the only way to get there this year. So that leaves Guadalupalooza. Okay. Fair enough. Hopefully we see there. What about this girl that I liked?
Starting point is 00:56:28 Something. I think she'll need to qualify. I think she'll need to qualify for Guadalupe. The qualifiers start in eight days or something like that. Oh, yeah. Hopefully she signs up for it. Do you want to do? Let's do a show together where we pump up the qualifier.
Starting point is 00:56:41 When can we do that? When do you finish this Madrid thing? Let's do a show and pump that fucking thing up let's have uh a dylan on or something dylan is difficult to get on but we can invite him okay uh oh she's doing crash she's doing crash hannah black's doing crash all right um um That's perfect. That's a great competition for her to do, actually. That will be a really good. I will not do the top 200 rankings prior to Crash either
Starting point is 00:57:13 because there's a lot of very relevant athletes in the 50 to 100 range that are competing there that are looking to take that next step forward. Can we get Michelle Baznett on? I hope so. She was great. I really liked her. I had fun with her on the show.
Starting point is 00:57:29 She's cool. I'm not just saying. You invited her back? No, but I actually enjoyed her. There's guests I like. I vibed with her. We were cruising. Who's the girl I like, Brian Carlson?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Is it a Hannah Carlson also? Yes, Hannah Carlson. Very impressive. Where is she at? When can I see her? Is she in Madrid? Can I see her compete again? I think she was supposed to compete here and had an injury.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And so she won't be. It was going to be, I think. Yeah, I can't remember. I don't think she's competing though I'm checking to update her roster now I went to their leaderboard and it was last year's leaderboard I think had points from last year still in it
Starting point is 00:58:17 yeah or then their qualifier will be online but the one for this week is not and like I don't think they've even announced that Karen Frey is competing, which is kind of crazy to me. Why wouldn't you announce that? Resources.
Starting point is 00:58:35 It's all resources. Okay. Finally, this one's just completely out of left field. I thought it was my turn to ask a question okay go ahead i saw a teaser recently for um it's very well made actually i appreciated the fine details of it for the behind the scenes oh yeah when's the when's the first episode coming out i i honestly don't ever know if it's coming out don't tell anyone all right wasted question i guess uh i really don't know where else i would tell you i have no idea i did hear i spoke to uh the guy who's putting it together you're just
Starting point is 00:59:13 stringing it you're just stringing everyone along then i'm stringing myself along yeah i'm stringing you guys myself i want it to come out it's not but it's like i'm too busy doing shows with you and raising my kids. And I've kind of just let it out to one of my buddies to put together. And he told me that he thinks episode one is almost done. No, no, no. Very, no. Very different kind of guy than Gary.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Okay. So we'll see. You should do a show with you, me, and Gary sometime. I'd love to do that you have to do it with land the plane here here is here's a weird one for you
Starting point is 00:59:52 why doesn't Christine Kolenbrander come out to this competition and just fucking destroy everyone and take the money home and bang her husband at some nice hotel in Madrid I did see some nice hotels, actually, when I was driving around yesterday. That was the least interesting thing I said. I know what you're doing. You're buying time.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Why? Why? A great athlete. Why doesn't she? Or let me even throw out one more question. Why doesn't Kelly Baker come back? She got all the fitness. Why doesn't Kelly Baker show up and put her foot down and build some confidence here, go beat up on some ladies? Great question.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Both women that would be absolutely fun to see in an environment like this. Cole and Brander would fuck shit up, right? You would think so. I mean, but her and Kelly ended up finishing very similarly at the game. So maybe you would expect them both to do quite well. Kelly Baker, teacher, schmeacher, sure fucking husband.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Her, she's the kept woman. I like Rambler. He intentionally spells every athlete's name slightly wrong. Yeah. It ain't cheap to go to Madrid. Like I said, Kelly Baker's are taking care of it. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Jared Stevens can sell, cut off a snippet of his beard and put it on eBay. Pay for that. Alright. Alright. Hey, thanks for doing this. I know it's a fucked up hour for you. You're having a great hair day. You don't look like
Starting point is 01:01:23 it's 5 or 6 or 6.40 in the morning. All right. I learned from the best. I took a shower before the show. Always. Good job. Are you going to work out today? Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:35 We'll work out today. Anne, you want to know something that's kind of cool that I found out yesterday? The best disc golfer in the history of the sport is named Paul McBeth. Paul McBeth has a foundation that puts disc golf courses in new countries around the world. He did one in Mexico. He did one in Croatia. And this year, he did one in Madrid. And it's a 15-minute drive from where I'm sitting right now.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And I will absolutely go and play it sometime this week. Wow, crazy. Do you have your discs with you? I brought four discs with me. I've been traveling with them everywhere Mason Mitchell Jesus What about Jesus? Mason Mitchell, by the way
Starting point is 01:02:14 I'm going to the United States Disc Golf Championship competition that's in Rock Hill, South Carolina If you want to go on Thursday I have an extra ticket, I'll take you to the game Does he live there? No But he's the guy on Thursday, I have an extra ticket. I'll take you to the game, to the show. Does he, does he live there? No, but he's the guy that no matter when we talk about disc golf, always listens and always says that it's basically killing him slowly.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Oh, good. All right, brother. Anything else you want to add to the show? Really appreciate you coming on. You want to try to get the new Disc Golf World Championship on for an episode? When is that? It just finished this past weekend. Isaac Robinson is his name. Oh, to get the champ on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Let me pull up his Instagram. Isaac Robinson. Professional disc golfer. Wow. Wow. Here we go. It's like Isaac WRDG underscore 19. Here we go. Two time major champion.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Okay. The champions cup at the start of the season. And he won the, the world championships last week in Vermont. And I did not think that he would be able to win on those courses. It was a – I mean, it was a – and he bogeyed the last hole and still won by two shots. It was really impressive.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I can't believe he only has 16,000 followers. See if we can get him. Yeah, I'm on it. I'm on it. I follow now. Okay. I've been talking with Ezra Ederhold, by the way, since we had him. I'm the only other guy we had on.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, how's he doing? I mean, I had a great time on that show with you and him. He's just a good guy. It's been fun interacting with him a little bit. I said I hope to be able to meet him in South Carolina next month. Is he still living in a motorhome? I mean, he's on the road for the tour, so probably. Isaac, I'd love to have you on on the podcast
Starting point is 01:04:27 just the podcast okay alright only nine comments on his most recent post Jesus I'm supposed to put something here like Isaac check your DMs please Isaac I'd love to have you on my podcast. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You have time to do podcasts like that? Scheduled podcasts? You're too busy traveling the world. When do you come home and just chill? I get back to my house on October 2nd, and then three days later, I'm going to the USDGC. That's the, some sort of, that's some sort of frisbee thing. It's a scoff championship. The one I just said. Yes. Oh, when is crash? When is crash crucible? When is crash crucible? It's the next week after that. Okay. Yeah. And we're doing the commentary for that, right? Right?
Starting point is 01:05:29 Dude, it's going to be really good. I'm getting some new equipment. I think we're going to have a four-camera switcher there. That's the plan. We just bought it today. We're going to run some tests on it this weekend. We found some adapters that allow people to hook Ethernet up straight to their iPhone, so there'll be no picture issues. We're also have cameras there and computers
Starting point is 01:05:47 there. I mean, so I'm, um, uh, I'm feeling good. I'm feeling like a big black, uh, I'm feeling like a big black man. I was talking with JR about it. You know, he's, uh, he has a one, one objective, but I think we can do really cool stuff that weekend. I think so too. Tell me, anything in specific? I think it'll be a cool environment to provide a consistent stream for everything that's happening there for as much as you want to, but also invite in some guests that will offer a really good supplement to what we're doing.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Anyone specific you're thinking? Yeah, a lot of people not Taylor self. Hey, you know who I want to hear? I want to hear Matt Fraser's opinion on the Roman Adler thing. That would be awesome to get his opinion on that. Yeah, just straight uncensored. I think it would be pretty great get his opinion on that yeah yeah just straight uncensored i i i think it would be pretty great have you asked him yeah i can't i i cannot confirm or deny but i would like i think a lot of people would really just ask him i think i i did ask him uh
Starting point is 01:06:59 i i i think a lot of people would really enjoy it. I think so, too. Have you asked Rich about it? I haven't. That'll be next. That'll be next. I wanted to give Rich a little breathing room. Oh, I will say this, though.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Roman was very clear that his coaches are Rich and Facundo. He was very clear. I know there's been some chatter that people don't get coached there. Rich isn't his coach. He just works out there. He's leaving, blah, blah. Listen, this motherfucker was clear as fucking day. Like, one of the few times he interrupted is to be like, yeah, Rich is my coach.
Starting point is 01:07:43 So, for anyone who's like trying to act like mayhem doesn't coach people like this guy feels like whatever he needs he's getting it from rich and facundo so i'd like to just throw that in there go ahead sorry that's great yeah you know this is great i think i actually think that one of the most fascinating talking points coming out of this roman and jeff situation is surrounding sports in general and growing up playing sports which obviously you know rich did a lot of that and so that's that's the main reason why i would like to get his perspective as someone who can relate to the adrian conway personality that's saying hey it's fucking sports dude you talk shit to your opponents that's what you do you get in their head you take any edge to
Starting point is 01:08:18 get the win afterwards you say good game see you next week or whatever and someone who also knows roman intimately well as a coach athlete relationship. It's a vulnerable, it might be a vulnerable topic for him, but I think that having the dichotomy of that perspective would be, would be kind of cool. No, I bet you rich and Angelo and Rory will talk about it on the podcast,
Starting point is 01:08:38 but they'll kind of be like, Oh, are we going to talk about it? Okay. Let's talk about it. Oh, it's kind of stupid, but okay, let's talk about it. And then they'll talk about it.
Starting point is 01:08:47 You ever watch that podcast? I've watched. I remember I watched the full episode. I think it was their second episode. I watched the full thing. I don't watch a ton of CrossFit podcasts, actually. It's worth watching. I like it.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I'm actually surprised how much I like it. I mean, I like Rory and I like Rich and I like Angelo, but together they're really good. Angelo was at the Pitt team throwdown last weekend. Was he there with Rich?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Sam Demeester and Zoe Jones. Zoe Jones' family maybe even owns that property. Was he coaching? No. I don't think they were. Jake Foster was there. He's a Mayhem coach, and he was coaching a young athlete there named Jacob Schaefer.
Starting point is 01:09:34 But I don't think any of the others were coaching. I think that Zoe was just home visiting her family. Sam is also from that area. And Angelo and Sam have become good friends, so I think he made the trip with them. And, you know, Angelo was one of the best teenage athletes ever to compete there. So kind of a cool environment for him to have a presence and show up. I think I rephrase that. I don't like the podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Sorry, Rich and Angelo and Rory. I just remembered I watched a podcast maybe a couple of podcasts ago where one of them alluded to like hey were you watching another podcast or the Sevan podcast and Rory like there were like someone's kind of stuck their nose in the air like I don't watch other podcasts
Starting point is 01:10:16 or no I wasn't watching Sevan's or something like that never mind fuck you guys I hate you guys I'll say this I don't like I said I don't watch a lot of CrossFit podcasts but i don't like i said i don't watch a lot of crossfit podcasts but i don't really like i i don't like the conflict like that like let's let everyone do their thing you know what's the big deal if there's a if if you're talking about roman and he's going on the podcast say it if there was a relevant topic and it came up on the barbell spin podcast say it like yes yes i agree dude i couldn't agree i couldn't fucking agree more and i wanted one of the one of
Starting point is 01:10:52 the themes of uh talking elite fitness tonight between um the lone ranger and tonto was is that um talking shit's okay a little a little sparring's okay it's part of sports it's part of the thing a little chirping people having fun. Grow some thick skin. No one's saying anything mean about someone. No one's accusing someone of eating babies. You know what I mean? It's just a little chirping.
Starting point is 01:11:16 What? That escalated quickly. Well, I'm just saying no one's doing that stuff like like in the space the most you're saying to someone that like no one's no one's saying anything bad for the most part there's no like character assassination assassination no one's like hey i saw that person fucking beating a guy in a wheelchair with a stick it's not like that it's not it's it's it's fine and i i try to reference anyone i steal shit from and i steal from all you people out there. Oh, by the way, speaking of stealing stuff from people, I was watching Clydesdale podcast today also live.
Starting point is 01:11:52 And it said that Sean said something about him, and I was in my garage doing some shit, and he said he's having surgery. Do you know what he's having surgery on? Is he okay? Do you mean Scott? Yeah, what did I say? Sean? Yeah, Scott Schweitzer. I do not know.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Okay. If he is, I hope that everything goes smoothly and that he's all right. All right, yeah. Speed of recovery. Oh, yeah. Good point, Patrick. Wait until Morning Chalk Up's new podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:20 You know that they're merging with Kettlebells and Cocktails? Great. Yep, you're a good dude. All right, love you guys. See you guys tomorrow morning. UFC fighter Blake Builder. I think he's 8-1 on tomorrow morning's show, 7 a.m. Talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Brian, thank you. Be friendly, fitness, and buh-bye.

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