The Sevan Podcast - ‘Magic’ Norbert Növényi Jr. | Bellator Dublin

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:47 Savvy. So home savvy. Bam, we're live. Norbert. Hey, what's up, man? You good? I'm so good. Hey, how are you with pressure and stress?
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Obviously, I'm used to it now. I've been doing this since I was quite young. So, you know, there is stress and pressure, but you get used to it. We had Jack De La Maddalena on the show. He lost his first two fights, and now he's been on a 15-fight win streak. We had Tyson Bajan on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:28 He was a Division II football player, never supposed to go to the NFL. Now he's the quarterback for the Chicago Bears. I say this to you with peace and love. Some people try to compare you to Stephen Wonderboy Thompson. That is a huge mistake. You are a mix of the stylebender Conor McGregor and Patty the Batty. You are truly something special, dude. Thank you. five years ahead and be that great what you want to be and then the rest of the world will then catch up to you it's not that you're gonna be great you're already great and then the world
Starting point is 00:02:10 has to catch up to you and i wonder if you know that that you will be the biggest thing in the history of mma just the world hasn't seen it yet yeah um firstly um thank you so i really actually like i'm not even just saying that like i really appreciate it means a lot you are you are so special dude there's a seriousness to you and a freedom and playfulness to you like patty has the chaos and connor has the chaos and stylebender has the seriousness but you bring like a humility to it all and kind of like a sanity and then present it it's wild dude it's wild thank you yeah i don't know if there are little interviews with me when i was 16 and stuff like that and since the beginning of it's a weird one to say especially now i'm getting to that that level where I might end up fighting guys like
Starting point is 00:03:06 Mousasi and these guys and it's a weird one, since I was a kid I grew up watching Hercules and not like a cartoon, even though the guy I'm fighting his name is Hercules but all my tales are Greek mythology and I always wanted to be one of these
Starting point is 00:03:21 heroes, these warriors, it's a quite weird one, also my dad was a fighter as well. And where I'm from, he's quite famous in Wonder Olympics. So I grew up in that environment where people were telling me since I was a kid that, even if you're going to be half as good as your dad, you're going to be great. And then he kind of, he's got that personality where he loves combat as well so i kind of grew up in like around warriors and fighters and everything that i watched and everything that i read was was about war and and combat and and heroes so all my life i wanted to be one and when i
Starting point is 00:03:59 discovered mma when my dad opened his gym at um i must have been like 10 uh obviously i did karate kickboxing uh sorry karate wrestling boxing i did all of that before but i never took it seriously and when my dad opened his gym that's when i was like this is what i want to be and every single day since then i've been waking up and telling it's like honestly every single day i have not missed the day of telling myself that i will be a world champion and I know for a fact that I will be one I've tested myself, I've sparred UFC champions I've sparred top guys
Starting point is 00:04:32 and anyone can research my whole social media and history and I know I'm that good I know I can be a world champion it's just like you said it's a matter of time and it's me putting in that work every single day and you're and but in it also appears you're having fun that's the crazy part
Starting point is 00:04:54 it looks like you're having so much fun yeah i mean i do once i'm in there I do have a lot of fun. My days are horrible. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. I train at a gym that's notorious for the hard work. London Shoe Fighters, we were the first MMA gym in Europe. And we're known to be super rough. Guys like Lee Murray, who came from this gym. Even Marvin Vittori. Yura Prochesko, who's from the gym, even Marvin Vittori, Gio Prochesco, who's trained here, Alexander Gustafsson,
Starting point is 00:05:26 everyone that's big in European MMA, every single big European MMA coaches and this and that, everyone's been here. And we're notorious for the hard work. And, you know, I know that my coach sees something special in me, so he pushes me to my limits all the time. And because of that once
Starting point is 00:05:46 i'm in there like that's for me that's freedom and and even just the fact that i had to take two and a half uh years out um because of injuries and covid this and that and before that year out before that before that year out so to me once i'm in there like everything did like i get to take it in. I get to appreciate a little bit more because I don't have it all the time. Sabre and Kelly, too much, Savon, too much. I know if you, as soon as you see him, I'm telling you, it is not, it is not too much. Hey, when you say that you cry yourself to sleep, literally you have cried yourself to sleep.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You've come home from the gym. I've cried myself to sleep a lot of nights, a lot of nights. It is that rough, you know. It's a weird one when you get to a level where it does drive you crazy, you know. And it sounds a bit mainstream because McGregor said that as as well like he lost his mind and vander and all that but it's true like when you wake up with it and sleep with it and this is all you sleep and eat and breathe and your dreams about fighting and and it does drive you crazy and uh you know you know i i feel like when i was younger i had low pressure on me um just when i was very young because of my dad.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And then as I started getting older, I had family issues, you know, and loads of stuff where it could have gone wrong. And I'm just grateful for the universe to put me into a good environment, to keep me with the sport all the time. And I've been through a lot like obviously like a lot because i don't talk about whatever people don't know me yet i had when i was younger it was a little bit rough not too rough but a little bit rough growing up and this sport was like my my um anchor my this i was i remember um i was my little brother and sister i was looking at them and i was telling myself I'm going to
Starting point is 00:07:45 you guys are going to have a great life because I'm going to work my ass off so I can be extremely successful in this sport and this kept me to the sport and I did lose my mind doing this sport so when I'm in there I have to enjoy myself
Starting point is 00:08:02 that's my fun time because every other day when I'm at the gym and I don't want to be there, it's drama. It's a real nightmare. Anthony Adams, this guy kicks fucking ass. Yes, he does kick fucking ass. Heidi Kroom, did
Starting point is 00:08:18 Norbert fart? It wasn't me. Someone farted. Did you fart? No, I got a message on my phone. That was a phone vibrating, not a fart. Thank you, that was i got a message on my phone oh that was a phone vibrating not a fart thank you heidi for your uh very important question hey um norbert how old are you 24 there's this um i have three little boys and there's this talk uh among parents that you shouldn't tell your kids that they're doing great that you should tell your kids that they're doing great, that you should tell your kids that they're hard workers. Cause if you tell them that they're great, then they supposedly the psychological phenomenon is if you tell them they're great, then they're afraid to
Starting point is 00:08:53 try new things because they're afraid to fail because they want to live up to the expectation that the parent says that they're great. But if you tell them they're a hard worker, then to please the parent, they, they, they know that they can please the parent just by working hard. Do you know what the – obviously you had a tremendous role model in your dad. Your dad has more world championships in more disciplines than any other human being who's walked the planet all in the fighting realm, in the combat sport realm. you know, in the fighting realm, in the combat sport realm. But was there a, and then you've already implied something else that a lot of great people had. You had something, obviously some really bad shit going on somewhere
Starting point is 00:09:32 in your life at home, and so fighting was sort of a way to manage that, that sport, right? But was there, could you sum up for parents out there what your upbringing was like that kept you working hard, that didn't make you afraid of failure? Yeah. It's a weird one because, firstly, growing up, I saw my dad train hard and work hard. You know, he's going to acting, and I've seen him do a lot of hard work. Like what? Like go in the gym and just grind? going to acting and you know i've seen him do a lot of hard work and um uh like like what like
Starting point is 00:10:05 go in the gym and just grind like do two hours of cardio and then fight for two hours and yeah you see him go to meetings and this and that um like you know just having the environment of of people doing something they love and actually put an effort into it and then um always my parents but oh there a lot of stuff going on and uh my my yeah long story short my mom end up having to come to come to uk or leave hungary just because of uh crazy eggs but um i was doing with my dad and i haven't seen my siblings for a long time and when i came to the uk i was worst case with my dad and I haven't seen my siblings for a long time. And when I came to the UK, I was, worst case, basically my dad said, like, worst case, go out for a year, learn how to speak English properly because where I'm from,
Starting point is 00:10:52 we don't speak English. And then worst case, I go back and I keep training there. And one, I saw my mum work really hard. You know, my mum was a single immigrant mother with three kids. So there was no joke for her and she really did have to work hard um but because of that you know we for for a long time we didn't really have that much money plus um seeing my mom you know she she kind of hit like a pretty bad low uh at the time which kind of messed up our relationship as well a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And all of that altogether kind of kept me working hard. And to be fair, looking at my siblings now, you know, they've got it okay, you know, they've got phones, everyone's got a new phone, everyone's got an Xbox, this and that. And, you know, they work hard. And I think that's, in my family uh we're very hard workers um so obviously my mom is pushing them now as well i don't live with them anymore but you know i still go and i see them and my mom does push them but i think just having that little hardship in your life kind of wants to make you uh
Starting point is 00:12:02 uh you work hard and it's not necessarily financial hardship because I've got friends who come from very good backgrounds, financial backgrounds with, you know, surgeon parents and this and that. I think it's something from within that creates a hardship for you, whatever it is. You know, if you look at something that to you is negative and you don't want to have that anymore in your life, I think that creates that mentality of working hard. But like I said, I saw my mom work extremely hard, doing two, three jobs.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And I had to, you know, when I was a kid, my thing was I took my siblings to school, then I went to school, then I picked them up from school, then I'd go home, get changed, two hours to the gym. I used to live quite far from the gym, so I used to take the bus two hours to the gym train two hours back home get home at 11 go to sleep and I did all my homework everything on the bus you know and uh like not seeing my dad for years and all that kind of stuff so um I think that I just didn't want to have that anymore like uh like I well no i don't i wanted something better even when i was like 14 15 you know and i realized for me fighting is something
Starting point is 00:13:10 that i really enjoy and i and i love and i'm very passionate about so why didn't i put all my effort into it and uh it seems to be working out yeah um so you're you you're born in hungary and you're a little boy and are you you're the oldest sibling it sounds like so on my mom's side so my uh my dad my dad's got three kids from three different women um yeah he had fun so i've got an older sister on that side she's like 40 something now uh and i've got a little brother there as well who's uh who's 14 and then on my mom's side i've got 13 and 14 year old little brother and sister so um with the same with the same father with the same father different dad different dad different dad that's why that guy because of that guy my mom had to kind of uh immigrate leave the country so um
Starting point is 00:14:00 so because of that i grew up with my mom So technically I was the eldest because I had to look after my little brother and sister, you know? Um, so you're the only, you're the only son, you're the only child that your, that your mother and father have. Yeah. And, um, and were your parents ever married or no? No, not really. No.
Starting point is 00:14:24 They worked together for a couple years but um when i was like six they split up so that was quite bad as well because of my dad my dad uh he's quite famous in hungary so it was all over the news and uh my mom my mom said a couple things that weren't true and i remember going to school and people asking me about it. And I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. But, like, we saw it on the TV. So it was kind of like that was quite bad. But, yeah, it's still good. So zero to six, your mom and your dad is in your life. Then at six years old, your parents divorce.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah. You know, I don't know how it is in hungary but in the united states that's a pretty common story right that's probably like 50 of the people nowadays yeah and then um and then at six years is that when your dad is does your dad actually leave hungary and go to the uk at that point and so you're just alone with your mom no i went i came with my mom so my dad was oh he stayed there okay yeah he stayed there so what happened was basically uh my often my little brother sister dad uh after my my yeah my little brother sister dad my mom's partner after my dad uh who's you know quite rough on my mom and uh well there was a big government change as well big government change in hungary as well and my mom
Starting point is 00:15:45 worked for the government uh so because he worked for the government there was a government change it kind of got rid of everyone that worked for the government so my mom was like i just lost a very very good job i don't know what i'm gonna do plus i've got this guy who's threatening to kill me like i need to get out so my mom moved out first um and then me and my siblings followed like my siblings were living with my grandparents i was living with my dad and then uh we all moved out when i was 13 so you know we weren't hungry until in those years from like 6 to 13 before you left was your dad still involved in your life yeah yeah to this day i still speak to my dad every day so so i've got a fairly decent relationship with my dad obviously it's hard to have a perfect relationship
Starting point is 00:16:31 when you don't see each other when you don't live with each other but um i speak to you speak to my dad every single day uh it was just it was just that when i moved out here that's when i was like i'm not seeing my dad anymore you know it's one of those ones um does does he does he trip on you what do you mean by that is um because uh because of just who you are does he is he like is he just tickled at your success and that you followed in his footsteps yeah he loves it he loves it he's actually he's he's a bit too much sometimes i tell him that i'm not very good at a certain area or something i did wrong and he's like he's you know he's one of his very uh uh was was the right word was the word he's uh basically he he thinks he's like no you're being stupid you're you're that good or you're you know he's very uh uh over supportive sometimes with his children
Starting point is 00:17:27 let me ask you this did you know he did you let him do this to you what do you mean this right here oh yeah yeah you know what i'm gonna say that yes i did because everyone thought it was being serious and it was brilliant and then it did hurt my ego quite a bit but yeah I knew it would go it would get a lot of views so we did that together but he's honestly to this day like when I wrestle with him
Starting point is 00:17:56 he's almost 79 he's like 68 and I've never felt anything like that when it comes to just having like a 50-50 position. He's so heavy. It's just, I understand, you know, that's the highest level of Greco-Roman wrestling.
Starting point is 00:18:12 There's no Olympic champion there, and I get it, because it literally feels like when we're standing, like, you know how we just clinch him standing up? It feels like someone's laying on top of you. I don't know how he does that. Even there up it feels like someone's laying on top of you i don't know how even even even there even there it feels like that honestly it feels like someone's laying on top of you and that's why you're pushing him away you don't like the position so you push him away
Starting point is 00:18:36 yeah nah he's uh he's very very heavy there yeah he's just super strong he's a very strong individual could that could that uh um could that what's that move called uh that one is like a lateral drop belly to belly suplex is a mixture of two beds about a suplex you can say that yeah could you do that could that happen have you ever seen that in in bellator the ufc or anywhere i've never seen that someone yeah my dad actually done he's never made fights um I've done it as well I know it fights but in training I think it's a it's a common move but you have to be very good wrestler a very good wrestler yeah you have to be used to it and the commitment's crazy and obviously he outweighs you here by 60 70 80 pounds right
Starting point is 00:19:22 uh yeah I think so that that was quite when was i think that was a 2019 so i was a bit five years ago yeah i was i was a bit smaller back then but yeah i would say so i would say it's probably like 20 kilos heavier than me 30 kilos heavier than me there but you know it's still though i'm still in that video i'm nine probably like what-94 kilos Which is like 210 I'd say 215 Something like that So I'm not
Starting point is 00:19:50 That light You know But yeah Just technique Is very very good Jan Clark Shale Sonnen And Damian Maia
Starting point is 00:19:59 Would lateral drop people often Wow Yeah see Yeah But that's This is like A belly to belly version of it It's You know You have to load them On your hip On your chest people often wow yeah see yeah but that's that was a little like this is like a belly-to-belly version of this it's you know you have to load them on your hip on your chest and you go a little
Starting point is 00:20:10 bit over but it's basically a basically a very good level of lateral drop yeah your dad won the gold medal in the olympics yeah so he won and then go ahead yeah so he won 1980 and then uh when they were supposed to go to um the states because it was always a cold war so that he wasn't allowed to so the soviet countries had their own like olympic games and he won that as well so you could say they want to but yeah wow in in in the And that really doesn't diminish the level. The level there is so high that just winning there, even just with the Soviet states, is insane. Well, to be fair, Greco-Roman wrestling,
Starting point is 00:20:53 America is, well, the U.S. is very good at freestyle wrestling, but in Greco-Roman, they're not top, top level. So most of the elite countries like Russia Bulgaria Romania Cuba um I know all these countries they were they were uh Japan and all these countries they were there for that 1980 Olympics so and I think my dad's like uh not NCAA but he went to like US nationals and stuff like that wrestling as well and he won those as well so in uh norbert the fifth uh what i learned from you from one of your other um interviews i didn't i didn't know this is that greco greco wrestling you don't grab the legs it's all upper body it's all
Starting point is 00:21:39 throwing so there's no leg grabbing and that's the distinction between greco and freestyle yeah so no leg grabbing no no leg hooking nothing the only reason you use your legs is to stand up but otherwise yeah it's all upper body it's horrible it's so hard it's the hardest part of wrestling because you get someone who draws it every day they cannot get an underhook on them and you have to get an underhook and take them for a ride so it's no joke hey when your mom meets this new guy do you quickly realize he's a piece of shit uh not really you kind of to be fair i was so young i was so young i was very young so to me it was like whatever it's cool and then you know over time you you realize and then yeah let me ask you this this this is a fucked up question but hard but is any part of you um emotionally um charged that you weren't able to defend your mom because you were too young
Starting point is 00:22:41 you were too little you were just a boy um yeah like you're like you're angry to be fair i don't know what i would do if i saw the guy i probably tried slapping but i'm too if i'm a quite like cool customer so i probably just tend to fuck off and that's it but um but i mean at the time at the time do you remember being like this fucking sucks i want to beat this guy up but i'm a fucking kid yeah Yeah, nah, not really. I don't think. Uh oh, you froze. You froze. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You froze. Sorry, you froze right at the good question. Oh, sorry. Yeah. So I don't know. At the time, not really.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I was like, oh, this guy's an asshole. But I wasn't, I don't think I understood. Cause I'm was like oh this guy's an asshole uh but i wasn't i don't think i understood because i'm like what seven eight eight nine at eight nine at the time i don't think i fully understood what it was that was going on like i understood that you know it's not right and the guy hit my mom blah blah, blah, blah. But at the same time, I don't think I fully understood it.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I think I started understanding it when I was, like, 12-ish. That's when I was like, oh, shit, so that was actually bad, like, you know. And he was gone by then? Yeah, like, that's when my mom, like, literally around that time, he left, and then my mom was like,
Starting point is 00:24:04 cool, now I need to start going out like leaving the country because he went crazy but yeah i i had an incident i was probably 15 or i was probably maybe 14 years old and i was and i was out with my sister and some guy completely fucking lost his cool and although he didn't hit my sister he was just an asshole for like 10 minutes right trying to spit on us. And I just, and it stuck with me forever to this day. Like, I wish I would have grabbed a fucking, like, I didn't handle it right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Like, I shouldn't have, I didn't want to get beat up, but I should have just said, fuck it. Like I should have thrown caution to the wind and got a stick or a hammer or something and gone out there and just fucking mashed them. And, and so I was just wondering if like that stuck with you too. Like, fuck, like someone told me that it doesn't matter whether you win or lose a fight you want to leave a fight emotionally feeling you did the right thing yeah um yeah it's it's it's a good question because i to be honest with you i never thought of it i never i know it never really crossed my mind until today uh but to me at, it's kind of in the past. And whatever, everything happened the way it happened.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And I feel like my family is a good place, better place than it would have been any other way. So I'm very zen about it, if you'd say. Obviously, if I saw the guy, I might slap him up if I'm in that situation. But I probably won't. Like I said, I'm a cool guy, I might slap him up, you know, if I'm in that situation. But I probably won't. Like I said, I'm a cool customer. I never get into education. I always walk away. I just probably give it to him, you know, like put on him a little bit
Starting point is 00:25:34 and he couldn't do anything. So it would be very funny to see him shit his pants. Norbert, you come to the United Kingdom. You don't speak any English. What do they speak in Hungary? Hungarian. Hungarian, okay. And so you come to the United States.
Starting point is 00:25:53 And what was that like? Are you immediately just put into a school where everyone speaks English and you don't and you just have to figure it out? Yes, I spoke a little bit. So in Hungary, actually our education is quite a big thing i think we've got one of the most per capita the most amount of like uh normal normal prize winners or something like that so in hungary education is uh it's pretty solid so like you have to learn two languages blah blah so i spoke a little bit of english but obviously not you know
Starting point is 00:26:20 i sounded like borat like proper you know it's proper like Borat, like proper, you know, it's proper, proper like that, and I came down, and it was quite funny, to be fair, because I remember I was the first month or so, like, I'm sitting in the class, and I don't know, like, I understand when people are slow down and slowly talking to me, but I don't understand what's going on, but then you're a kid, you pick it up, if anything, it was hard on my little brother. I remember my little brother used to get into a lot of fights when he was like three years old, maybe two. And like he was in kindergarten.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Or like that for you, he's kindergarten. Kindergarten, I think. Like here, it's called nursery. But he used to get in a couple of fights. I used to pick him up from school and they were like, oh, he got in another fight and another fight. So, you know know it kind of affected him the most i'd say but you know it was fine i enjoyed it i i didn't feel like in my
Starting point is 00:27:13 school i was i think apart from one american kid like one kid um i was like the only foreigner, I'm pretty sure. I grew up in a fairly English area. And yeah, it was fun. It was great. Were you in the big city? Were you in the... Yeah, so I'm just on the out... I grew up just outside of London. So it's called...
Starting point is 00:27:39 It's a country. But yeah, it's really like you see London. but yeah like you see London it's just the outside of it it's just one of those areas that was well at least my school was there a lot of English there so yeah but it's right next to London
Starting point is 00:27:58 but it was funny now that I get it because everyone used to do the Borat accents and all that and I didn't get it but now I do and it's quite funny. It's quite funny. And then, have you been in the UK ever since? Did you ever go back to Hungary after you came to the United Kingdom? And by go there, I don't mean to visit, but I mean, did you ever go there to live again? Oh, no, no way.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I like it here. I really like it here. You know, I know my friends are here now. My father, my family, my siblings. Like, for me, even when I speak Hungarian now, like, I've got, like, broken Hungarian. It's weird. Like, for me, I have to look for, like, words and, like, I have to translate stuff. Like, my brain just
Starting point is 00:28:45 switched to like english and um yeah like i said my friends are here look i love culture here i love everything here so uh when i go back it's just a bit it doesn't really feel like home anymore hungary it sounds weird but it just doesn't feel like home anymore. For me, London, England feels like home. So you've been here for 11 years and you never moved back? No. I'm not really planning to either. Okay. Sorry, you were breaking up.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Sorry to repeat the question. Sorry, I don't know why the internet. Where are you right now? Are you in Miami? No. No. No. I'm underground, but we've got Wi-Fi here. I've got two sessions already. I'm waiting for the third one.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Wow. Okay, for some reason from watching just your Instagram, for some reason I thought maybe you were training in Miami. Were you training in Miami a little bit? No. My teammate, Michael Paceeter was fighting in miami he made his ufcw there so i was out there with him you know uh but i'm planning on going back it's a very very fun uh city hey yeah crazy right and and you you're undefeated at this point. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Don't even keep it that. And I heard you say in an interview that you're scared to lose. Can you tell me, are you truly scared to lose? I've heard that before from other really high-level athletes. Like, hey, yeah, I have this fucking really strong fear of losing. Yeah. 100%. I wake up every day thinking about this fire i'm normally how i'm going to be about how it can go wrong and i always try to like you know uh make peace with what the worst scenarios and i'm definitely i'm scared of
Starting point is 00:30:40 losing and because of that i'm always in the gym i'm always I'm doing the best I can to be the best killer I possibly can be um I'm I am I am I'm not even gonna lie about it I am nervous of losing but I think that's what makes it special for me because I work extremely hard and then like I've seen other people and people who say they work hard and they don't work as hard as me And I know that for a fact because I've seen it So in are you seven and oh right now? seven oh, yeah in into your fights
Starting point is 00:31:17 Two of your fights are outside of Bellator and then five are in Bellator No, so one fight was five or in bellator no so one fight was about my first pro debut and then since then basically i had my product just before my pro debut bellator was doing a show they were doing a show in hungary and hungarian organizers they just um asked if i could be on the the prelim card or like whatever just because i that's by then, I started within the MMA community. I feel like MMA in Hungary only just blew up in the past two, three years. Before then, it wasn't really big.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Even though I was just having my first pro fight, I was a little bit known within the community. They put me on that card. Belator saw me and they wanted to sign me so and they were having the fight there in hungary uh or sorry in hungary and so they thought that they would you would be a good draw for the crowd yeah yeah so they were doing a show
Starting point is 00:32:17 in hungary and then the hungarian organized to put me on the card and i was the only prelim fight so they they put they contacted my coaches they put me on the card. And that was the only prelim fight. So they contacted my coaches, they put me on the card, and then that was just a one-fight contract. And I did quite well. So straight after my fight, Bellator called my coaches. You know, Bellator and my coaches
Starting point is 00:32:39 had a good relationship already because we had loads of guys in Bellator by then. But they called my coaches and they were like, we want to sign this kid. So they gave me a good contract. And I was 18 at the time. And this fight you have, it's on June 22nd. It's against Dalton Rosta.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Great guy, great fighter, great record. Is it going to be shown on cinemax where is that being shown i don't mean to be a dick but why is bellator so shitty at promoting fights are they shitty i feel like they're shitty i feel like it should just be easy your fight this week could be a main event like i would pay me i love dalton love Dalton, and I'm starting to fall in love with you, and I just can't believe this isn't like – this fight is huge. This is going to be a turning point for both of you. Yeah, I think it's because of this Bellator-PFL merger. I think it's because of that.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Shouldn't that help? Wasn't that supposed to help? Wasn't that supposed to help? Wasn't that supposed to help? Yeah, I think just because it's really, it just started happening. I think it's a bit messy just because it just started. But I'm pretty sure it's going to be on DAZN. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's going to be on DAZN.
Starting point is 00:34:01 But, yeah, man, it's going to be a good fight. It's going to be a fun fight. Well, not for that, but for me, it's gonna be a good fight it's gonna be a fun fight well not for Daryl Trump but for me it's gonna be fun Dazon let me see I wanna put in Dazon and then type in your name Norbert and I wanna see if it says
Starting point is 00:34:19 yeah like nothing comes up in the searches I just put in Norbert and Dazon and it doesn't mention anything about it. It's crazy. I think if you just put Bellator. Yeah, I think when they had a deal with Sky Sports before, that was good.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Sky Sports in the UK, and that was quite clear. But I think if you just put Bellator Championship Series, I think that's when it's going to come up. When you fight him, are you, like, for both of you, this could be the fight that takes you to the title fight? Like, that's accurate, correct? To a certain, I think we, because the next fight is Abelan versus Fabian,
Starting point is 00:35:09 and then Costello just beat Baben, and Costello's going to fight for the title after. So I think after I beat Dalton, I'm going to have to beat someone else, and then this title. But I'm right there. It's right there. So it's going to be fun fun are you jumping up the ranks
Starting point is 00:35:28 too quickly um for your like or is any part of you like hey that i'm they shouldn't be rushing me like this i should have more fights no no because i've done my rounds i know what level i'm on i've done those rounds outside the outside the cage right in the gyms and uh and i know what level i'm on if you asked me this question maybe two years ago i would have been like yes absolutely but now i'm just i'm very confident in my skill set because i've tested it have you your last two fights were they knockouts? Yeah And have you ever gone the distance? Once
Starting point is 00:36:10 Against Will Fleury Will Fleury actually ended up going to PFL He beat Chris of York He did quite well there but he just got popped for juicing But yeah That one, I was 19 at the time That was a big fight I dropped him probably 12 times i just
Starting point is 00:36:25 i think i was a bit inexperienced to know how to finish it so like i dropped him three times the first round dropped him in the second round dropped in the third round uh it was quite like i ended up breaking his orbital his um he broke his orbital i think i broke something else but then i torn his bicep uh muscle in the back. It was a quite rough fight for Will. And, you know, I've got a good relationship with Will. He used to train in London as well. So I knew him before.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But that was a good fight because he was Irish. And that was in Dublin as well. That was my first fight in Dublin. And that was a big card. That card, McGgregor was there because gallagher was fighting there then michael page was fighting there then benson henderson was fighting there then a bunch of irish people and i was in the main card so by the time i fought um the whole show was like the whole arena was packed and it's like a 30 there were 30 000 people
Starting point is 00:37:22 there so i remember imagine a 19 year old kid like you know that camp was horrible i was so so nervous the whole fight that was like a big step up in competition for me and i walked out and everyone booed me like imagine like you get 10 000 booze oh my it felt so good it felt so good i think that's when a lot of fans who actually follow me like Bellator as well like really closely that's when a lot of journalists and people like that started following me and and uh and kind of starting to keep it for me I think because it was even it went to decision it was just the experience uh but otherwise, it was just a great fight. I was dancing during the fight.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I was doing a floss and Fortnite dancing mid-fight. So it was good. It was very good. Hey, by the way, so I'm 52 years old, and I've been seeing that dance. The dance went away. The flossing dances kind of went away. But five years ago when it was really popular i never until i recently was watching you in interviews i didn't know that was from fortnight like i've never even
Starting point is 00:38:29 seen fortnight but is that that's something one of the characters do uh do they they do a floss dance i think it's so from like tiktok and then fortnight put in the game and then it became big in the game or something like that yeah so, yeah, yeah. So that's the thing. I wish I can't remember exactly where the video is, but you're in the middle of a fight, and you do the floss. And the way you do this. Yeah, when you did that, it's so different than when, let's say, Floyd Mayweather would buttfuckfuck people or you know when he would
Starting point is 00:39:07 do that move or no no not uh anthony broner is it broner broner would do that you know how he would buttfuck people in the boxing matches if they turned around he'd pretend i guess so yeah or um uh um or or the the way um uh stylebender does some of his dances or like or like the way some people will try to e-bag other guys. Yours is so different. It's like so – there's a – it's showboating, but it's not like derogatory. You're letting the world know how great you are without having to put the other guy down. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:40 There's a – i don't know there's just a different classiness and confidence to you that is uh that's absolutely a pleasure to watch absolutely pleasure were you gonna say something go ahead no no you finished sorry my bad my bad uh uh so uh listen listen look at saber you're you're coming around right he says i gushing and i'm falling in love i can see it. Yeah, I'm telling you. I'm telling you. This is the guy in a year you're going to be like, how the fuck did you ever get Norbert on your podcast?
Starting point is 00:40:12 This is that guy. You guys are going to be like, what was he doing? Hey, why are you doing – why do podcasts like this? I mean, this is the biggest podcast in the CrossFit space by far, but CrossFit community is a community um i mean it's worldwide you're a massive crossfit fan so june one of my friends on the crossfit gym so throughout the whole i started before i actually started doing crossfit while i was in kuwait for a couple weeks and then i really enjoyed it and uh i got into it and throughout the whole of covid i was doing crossfit the reason why i to stop, because I just can't balance the workload with CrossFit and
Starting point is 00:40:47 MMA training, but I love CrossFit. I used to do it like three times a week. I love it. But I'm actually a massive fan. I'm a massive fan. We've got a couple of Hungarians, like Laura Horvath as well.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Wow, so you do know. Holy shitarians like Laura Horvath as well. Oh, wow. Wow. So you do know. Holy shit. I'm a massive CrossFit fan. Like now recently I've been lacking. But honestly, during COVID, I was – because my friend had a CrossFit gym, so I was doing it every day. I taught myself how to program once.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I literally – I'm a massive CrossFit fan. Yeah. Hey, do you know Laura? I don't know her personally, unfortunately. No, you guys haven't met. No, because she's in Canada, I think. So I'm in the UK. We never really.
Starting point is 00:41:37 No, no, she's in Hungary. She's in Hungary. I remember at the time she was in Canada, I think, when I started following her properly. But yeah, I've never met her. But yeah, she's a beast. Hey, she's a tough cookie. She's been on the show and she's a tough cookie.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And she's very, in the interviews, she's like, I'll ask her a question. She's like, that's a dumb question. And she's very stoic. Is she typical Hungarian? Is that the way Hungarians are? Very stoic, straightforward? I don't know. I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Hungarians tend to be very miserable. Even our national anthem is like proper depressing. I think that's just the culture where everyone's – you see people walk on the street, everyone's, you know, like depressed. They're very,
Starting point is 00:42:27 it's a weird culture over there. That's why I like the British one because they, they quite, especially in London, they're like, everyone's a little bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:34 like serious, whatever, but it's more jokey. We've got a lot more banter, Joe, blah, blah, blah. Hungary is very like, maybe that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I don't know. But I don't know in person. I'm not trying to say, before it's don't know her personally i'm not trying to say before it's taken the wrong way i'm not trying to say that she's maybe wrong or i'm depressing or whatever i don't know her i'm just saying that's like culturally in hungary it's like that um but i think she you know what i think it is i think she loves me to death and she gets really nervous around me that's what i tell myself i think she's in. I think she loves me and she's just very nervous. Hey, how many amateur fights did you have?
Starting point is 00:43:19 So, officially three, but I had one MMA amateur in Hungary when I was 13 that was never recorded. And then I had loads of grappling and amateur and feel of pancreation so i actually you know christian lee who's the one fc who was the one fc champion yep yep he was 15 at the time i was like 13 we competed against each other uh so i know him uh i've i've been doing loads of karate competitions this and that you know so but amateur fights that's on my technology is free oh sorry i got another message you farted we know yeah um again uh 13 years old mma how does that work do you guys are you guys wearing headgear no no that was that was just reckless to be fair like i was basically i just had like puffy gloves but no
Starting point is 00:44:05 shin pads no headgear no nothing so that's hunger for you that now it's very different now it's very different and i remember my dad was one so firstly the basically actually funny enough at the time my dad was campaign dad and my dad and he's like friends whatever but they were campaigning because they were having really reckless fights like 12 year olds getting like edemas and and you know internal bleeding from fighting hungry it was nuts and then they used my fight as a counter argument but both me and the other kid we had international competitions and we've been training for a long time and he was like 14 15 at a time as well so you know it was it was one of those ones that we we were a little bit higher level for our age. But yeah, it was reckless, 100%. I'm going to send...
Starting point is 00:44:49 I'm sending Laura Horvath a link to the show. Please come on for 30 seconds and say hi to Norbert. Maybe she's going to tell me to fuck off. She probably regrets giving me her phone number Yeah but she's She's a beast honestly Oh my god she's so special She's such a special human Yeah but all these CrossFit girls are
Starting point is 00:45:19 Mad mad mad They're crazy I've got a couple friends One of my sponsors They're a brand mad mad like they're crazy i've got a couple friends one of my one of my sponsors they actually like um they they are branded some of the best supplements you're gonna ever gonna fight because it's not not like a big supplement company everything is natural when and the guy who puts it together is one of the best nutritional scientists in the world uh steve grant and uh
Starting point is 00:45:41 they actually do it for for um actors and and stunt people but they sponsor a lot of crossfitters so we actually filmed a whole session of me doing crossfit uh last february but just we never we never put it out for some reason but like i said i'm huge on crossfit i'm huge on crossfit did you. Did you know when you came on the podcast, did you know it was a CrossFit podcast? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You did? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Okay. Yeah. So you vet it. You're not just like, I'll come on any podcast. You actually vetted it. No, no, no. I checked you out
Starting point is 00:46:16 because when you messaged me, I'm going to mess with you before you messaged me, I didn't really know. And obviously I did my research and that's why I was like, oh yeah, I'd love to come on. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Sick. Oh, cool. Well, that's cool. You're like, oh yeah, I'd love to come on Oh, cool, well that's cool You're about to be big time, you'll never come on again Nah, I don't think so I appreciate it, I'll be back whenever you want me to So, let's go back to this Fighting your whole life But only three amateur fights
Starting point is 00:46:41 Three or four And then Including the one that got you the job with Bellator. And then five pro fights. But then there's other people like Israel Adesanya, and they have 13,000 kickboxing matches. You know what I mean? Yeah. So you're – and yet you're climbing the ranks quick. But there's no issue with that because of just the endless training.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah, I do all my rounds at the gym. So sometimes I had weeks when I sparred twice a day, every day. So I had a week when I did, we counted it it it was like over 50 rounds boxing rounds, MMA rounds as in still like even like Jiu Jitsu rounds I don't count or wrestling rounds I don't count it's only punching and kicking rounds that count as rounds
Starting point is 00:47:38 so I'd put over 50 rounds one week so I do like I got right now I started tapering down because i'm on that where i don't have to get all the experience in but i've done all the experience traveling around sparring everyone you know i've been you know anyone i can get a hold of i try to spar them all the time i travel i travel different countries continents just to get rounds in so hey that how about how i get my experience from
Starting point is 00:48:06 how crazy is this uh well let me see if i can find the picture this is crazy how did this happen right here hamza you sparred with hamza yeah yeah yeah that's crazy when I saw that I was like oh shit yes so basically um I wanted to get some rounds in and uh we like my coach is uh I know he's coach uh he's they've known each other for a long time so he was like listen we're coming out to uh to Dubai Norbert's good rounds for Hamza because he's got a similar start to whitaker let's get some rounds in so we did that first we did a couple days of sparring then uh they were like yeah like they realized i'm a great spot for hamza and hamza is great
Starting point is 00:48:58 spot we actually great rounds for each other so they were like i'll come out again so we did some more rounds uh Great rounds fun rounds Really enjoyed it. It just you know is Like I get to see where I'm at in the world, you know You guys might be the two of you the two of you could arguably be it's not a big It's not a big leap of faith to say the two of you are the future of MMA I Would say so I would say so. I would say so.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I mean, arguably, right now, he's the scariest middleweight or scariest guy in the world. So, to me, to be able to get those rounds in is just, you know, just to see where I'm at actually, you know, in terms of level and what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong, it's great. Obviously, everyone was hospitable and everyone was great hospitality from all the guys at TKMMA and Hamza and his team. They're all lovely. It was great. It was great. I really enjoyed it. Hey, what's the etiquette on filming when you're in there with
Starting point is 00:50:07 someone like him so you come in there with him and he obviously has i'm guessing he has a reputation to protect no filming i wouldn't i wouldn't want them to film like that was the first like no filming i wouldn't want them to film me i'm sure they wouldn't want me to film them so uh it's uh i think there's a there's a thing behind everyone's nose and no filming that's oh sorry i'm just gonna jam so somebody just came in let them get naked that will be good for the uh video a little nudity is always good for the uh video she said she said it's actually 20 create that's what she said She said it's actually 20 quid.
Starting point is 00:50:43 That's what she said. Hey, Norbert, so that's an unspoken. No one even has to say anything. That's an unspoken rule. You don't pull your camera out and start filming the round. No, you do have to say it. You do have to say it because people do get cameras out. And that's regular stuff that, you know, you're doing sparring and you have to tell someone, like, what the fuck? Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:51:02 What are you doing? You're not supposed to be filming it, you know. But, like, I think with us, we just, everyone knew, like, what it was about. Strict, everyone's strict, you know. We're going to try to kill each other for the next, like, 15 minutes, 15, 20 minutes. So no filming, no nothing, you know.
Starting point is 00:51:22 When you walked out into the stadium and they booed, you said you enjoyed it. What is that? You're able to take that energy, regardless if it's good or bad, and use it? What did you like about it? I just like to prove people wrong. I think that's a little – to me personally, I don't – sorry, I got another message. It's okay. It's probably something you ate last night norbert it's probably so probably all what what's your supplement but um yes uh the booze the booze personally yeah personally from within it feels like i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:52:04 if that's the actual case but that's how i feel from within i felt like I'm not sure if that's the actual case but that's how I feel from within I felt like for a long time only until recently I felt like a lot of people
Starting point is 00:52:13 didn't believe what I was saying understandably because I haven't had big fights forever I think only my last two fights when people started
Starting point is 00:52:19 clocking that okay this kid might be it but I felt like I need to prove everyone wrong especially in hungary i used to get a lot of hate for no reason whatsoever like as in like i just want to fight and you look at the comments and like eight percent of the comments is just hate
Starting point is 00:52:34 from hungary i was like what but yeah so um to me like i felt like i need to prove people wrong and and when i felt all those booze you know that this is this is my time to prove 30,000 people wrong i am i am just you know you don't get to do that i'm just a fan of the sport so if i speak out of turn feel free to unfuck me like i'm i'm no expert in fighting at all but there are these fighters who were just absolutely insane wrestlers uh tyrone woodley uh kamaru uzman um gilbert burns and and more and more we're seeing them stand up we're not seeing them go to the ground right i mean obviously tyrone's gone and and here we are you who is a world-class uh jiu-jitsu practitioner wrestler wrestler in many of the different disciplines,
Starting point is 00:53:25 and yet you're fighting in this karate stance. Do you think that we would – why is that? What's going on there? Why aren't you taking people down and ground and pounding them? I mean you obviously have the ability. Yeah, so my – And what happens to these guys? Why do they pivot to striking too
Starting point is 00:53:46 why did kamaro just pivot like now he just has straight stand-up fights and i'm like what the fuck is going on here you were ncaa fucking yeah so yeah so i think they're two different questions or i have to answer them differently okay regarding a lot of other guys lots grand guys wrestlers i think the the the game evolved so much especially the takedown defense side of it i think it's a it's a little bit hard enough to get um takedowns on a lot of people uh plus the guys you mentioned they they get a little bit older so i'm sure it's a lot harder for them to to have a nice drive or to have the explosion to take someone down. So I think that could be one answer for that. In terms of me, my coach.
Starting point is 00:54:29 So my coach has been a black belt for over 20 years in Jiu-Jitsu. He got qualified for, I think, the Athens Olympics in Graco Roman Wrestling. And he's got WBC heavyweight world champion boxers, he's been boxing since he was a kid my coach, both my coaches actually they're both very humble but the one I'm talking about right now is Alexis DiVincioli, so my other one is Paul Ivins, they're both amazing
Starting point is 00:54:56 coaches but I think having that having Alexis play with my striking plus I picked up if you me, you know that Michael Page, Michael Vanham Page, who everyone now knows, he's like a big brother to me. Like he took me under his wings when I was like 19.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And then, you know, ever since, you know, he's been looking after me. So I kind of, out of respect and my admiration for him, I picked up that Taekwondo star. And my coach is such a genius that he knew how to adjust everything. So because of that, I feel like I picked my striking. Like I said, my coach is amazing and he's a great. Yeah, so that's me when I tried one day in the porn industry. It didn't work out. But that's me when I tried one day in the porn industry it didn't work out
Starting point is 00:55:45 but that's a joke that was a joke by the way I didn't get it say it again one day you tried what that was my first day within the porn industry oh yes yes
Starting point is 00:56:02 I see it you know who you look like? You know who you look like? Yeah, one white guy and two black guys. I like it. Hey, you know who you look like here? You look like a buff version of who's the English fighter who took the world
Starting point is 00:56:18 by storm beating up Cerrone, but then he kind of has been struggling and he trained with Hamza. Everyone says that with Darren Till. Yeah, you look like Darren Till that works out. Yeah, you look like a buff version of Darren Till right there. A lot of people say that. Funny enough, the first time my mom saw Darren Till, my mom said the same thing.
Starting point is 00:56:37 But – So, okay, so age is one thing. The older guys don't want to go to the ground as much. The second thing is you think the defense has gotten so much better, which we saw Dustin – Okay, so age is one thing. The older guys don't want to go to the ground as much. The second thing is you think the defense has gotten so much better, which we saw Dustin show off against Islam. And then the third thing is that you train with one of the most unique style fighters in all of MMA, Michael Venn and Page, and you pick that up. Hey, what about this?
Starting point is 00:57:03 What about that calf kick that you know five years ago took mma on by storm and then people like you him wonder boy i'm even connor you guys stand with that wide stance is that something you always have to be aware of that like hey you have your leg you're one of your front legs is too close to the guy and it's just always vulnerable uh it's vulnerable when you're not ready for it but i think that's for everyone if if anything we're very elusive so the distancing is a bit different and all that kind of stuff so it's not actually that easy to get that low kick but yeah it's definitely something that um you have to be sweet on for is it's definitely like a lot of people try to locate
Starting point is 00:57:45 me before uh especially with my stance so uh say with say with michael um is something that you have to be sweet on for but like like i said i've done all my that's part wrestlers glory champions i've sparred everyone and you know people like i've i seen that, you know, so I know what to do in those situations. Hey, so I was I was I was thinking last night, I was like, what? Like, I don't know shit, right? I'm just fucking five foot four Armenian dude, little pussy. But I was trying to think of advice I could give Dalton to beat you. And these were the two things I was going to say to him.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I was gonna be like, hey, do not fucking let this guy get into his fucking rhythm and and dude you have to throw caution to the wind don't try to figure him out because we saw kevin holland try to figure out michael venom page and it's just there's just you just there's no figuring it out it's just fucking yes it's chaos and it's precise it's like there's no figuring it out. It's just fucking, it's chaos and it's precise. It's like, there's no figuring it out. It's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:58:48 if you don't have a, you better just throw caution to the wind, right? There's no, if you get in your rhythm or someone spends the first round trying to figure out, figure you out, they're fucked.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Huh? Yeah. So I'm going to do a whole break. Then you can give a daughter on how to be. Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. I'm ready. Yeah, exactly. Got my penarten on how to beat me now, yeah? Hold on, hold on. Okay, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah, exactly. I got my pen ready. Yes. Yeah, no, definitely. It's a very awkward style. Especially with me as well, because I mix it up. You know, like, you know, I've got a background and my striking is, I would say, it's pretty high level.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Awkward, but precise. but precise awkward but very precise very precise yeah smooth yeah so it's it's it's a it's a bit of a nightmare to get ready for and uh um i hope dalton is extremely extremely nervous because he's never seen anything like me before and you know he sounds cocky whatever but there's just the truth i wouldn't say like i will if i didn't believe it i wouldn't say it and i 100 believe it that he knows he's he's it's nothing he's ever come he's never seen this you know he's he said he's he's been you know using guys in his gyms whatever but i don't know anyone in his gym who's got that kind of style.
Starting point is 01:00:05 He said he was going to spar Wonderboy, but Wonderboy is just a striker. He doesn't mix it up. So it's a bit of a nightmare to get ready for me. And when you're in the – of these seven professional fights you have, have you ever just got into just like a perfect flow, Norbert, where you're like, oh, shit. Like you even know this guy's fucked like you're just moving around like the wind in there and you're not even thinking
Starting point is 01:00:30 yeah a lot of the times a lot of the times i feel like once i'm in there i'm just logged in i just you know it takes so i know what to do it's what are you doing what are you doing one of the guys from the gym tell her to stand up tell her to stand up is that a You can't be on your knees in there with Norbert, that's how rumors start Oh Felix good to see you, buddy. I'm a huge fan. He's actually the funniest guy I've ever met, but he's just got really weird... What can you do?
Starting point is 01:01:17 What's up, man? You good? Felix, what's up, brother? He's a weird guy, but he's very funny. Hey, what is that guy? How is... Is he Brazilian? There's an English guy named Felix? No, no, no. He's German. He's German. Oh. He's German. Yeah, he's a weird guy hey what is that guy how is is he brazilian there's an english guy named
Starting point is 01:01:25 felix he's german he's german oh he's german yeah he's but he's one of like you know he's one of the worst germans i usually call that's left and i that's it yeah he left i'm not gonna say shit about him now he left but he's uh he's he's extremely good he's got great he's uh nine and oh eight first round, and super funny. Like, as in, like, he's probably the funniest person I've ever met. So Felix Klinkhammer, if you don't know him, check him out. Felix, what's his last name? K-L-I-N-K and Hammer.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Oh, I found him. Felix Klinkhammer. Yeah. Okay, follow. I got it. Yeah, he's him. Felix Klinkhammer. Yeah. Okay, follow. I got it. Yeah, he's solid. He's solid. He was a UFC couple years ago.
Starting point is 01:02:14 And then he got a little injury, so unfortunately that kind of he had to abandon it. But he's very good. He's honestly, his jits is like we train with a lot of very high level jits guys here and and we adcc winners and finalists and this and that and uh even they say that he's got the i've all them guys i've ever rolled with he's got the best jujitsu like his jits is is crazy high level i've seen him seen him do crazy stuff to, to very well known jujitsu guys.
Starting point is 01:02:47 So he's, Oh shit. Is he fighting the karate stance too? Yeah. He's fights that. He fights that style as well. He fights that style as well. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah. I thought I saw him doing it. And does he fight Southpaw? No, he's Orthodox, but he switches as well. He switches, but he's not Orthodox.
Starting point is 01:03:04 But yeah, he's, uh, honestly is, is one to, uh, keep an eye out for, cause he's orthodox but he switches as well he switches but he's been offered but yeah he's uh honestly is is one to uh keep an eye out for because he's jits is amazing and he's extremely funny like as in like he's hilarious okay i'll invite him on the podcast i hate it when i have someone on here who doesn't talk by the way you're such a good talker what a nice if it's about me i love to talk about myself my favorite subject okay let's talk about my favorite subject then let's switch it up how um are you able to stay focused at your age i was smoking weed drinking alcohol and just chasing girls like just non-stop um and what's interesting is i i have well i'll let you answer that and i'll and i asked
Starting point is 01:03:46 nicky rod the same question when he was on the show how do you keep focused so that you don't fall into the vagina verse yeah it's hard it's very hard to be fair because it's my job so i'm also i'm a very um i would say i'm a I'm gonna have to go yeah what's up yeah go on yeah I feel wait you're gonna treat someone
Starting point is 01:04:11 yeah sorry can you give me like 15 minutes or you could take us somewhere else too do you wanna go walk somewhere else
Starting point is 01:04:19 this show is very flexible do you wanna walk somewhere else 15 minutes 15 minutes is alright come back. Okay. She can treat him while you're in there too.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That'll be fun. We've never done that on a show. Literally, I just came into the gym. We've got a treatment room. So I'm a little bit of peace and quiet while I'm in the gym. So I came into the treatment room, but I didn't think it was going to be this busy. But yeah, I feel like i'm a fairly selfish person um it sounds bad but like for me everything's about me about my success to me personally you know and uh if anything comes
Starting point is 01:04:57 in the way of that i'm out so uh i think most you know if anyone who's you know if you're a 24 year old kid who's got a little bit of name, you can fight, initiate, whatever, you know, you will get the attention from girls, blah, blah, blah. But I feel like I can manage it quite well. Like I do it when it doesn't come in between me and my goal, if you get what I mean. So a practical example of that would be like 12 weeks
Starting point is 01:05:26 12 weeks not speaking to one girl is five five count I do after I just Explain it's only to all the three months of my life. I can enjoy myself after so you don't I'll tell you what? Nikki rod told me he he said that alpha males don't ever chase women, that they – that basically he does him, and they come to him. And I said, but you have a girlfriend. He said, yeah. And I said, for how long? And I think he said 12 years. And I'm like – and so I said, does said does she ever i said does she ever come in the way but i think it was trying to go so i'm sorry we keep kind of sorry no no go ahead go ahead say what you were gonna say say it say it say it i think it was trying to go down a little bit of
Starting point is 01:06:16 you know that new super hyper masculine social media influencer route i think i think that is if you go get like you do have to chase girls. You have to be smart with it. What did you say? You said Nicky Rod is gay? Did you say he's gay? No, I didn't say. I said great. I just made that up. I just made that up.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Yeah. I don't know him personally. I wish I did. I could vent to him. I don't like to vent to people I don't really him personally. I wish I did. I don't like to I don't like to bet a lot of people. I don't really know. But yeah, he's here's here's what he said, though. Along the same lines of what you're saying, he said, I said, well, what if what if she has demands or something or what if she interferes? And he said, hey, if it's not, if then she'd be gone, I said, even after 12 years. And he said, yeah. And I guess you're right on one level he is he is playing that you know hyper masculine role but but there is kind of a truth to that
Starting point is 01:07:10 right so you're saying that that basically like if you did have it do you have a girlfriend no but if you did and let's make an issue man if you did, and let's say her sister was getting married, and it was in your fight camp, she just has to accept the fact you're not going to the wedding. These are just non-negotiables. Yeah, I'm not going. I'm not going. That's not even...
Starting point is 01:07:41 I'm sorry, but it's... Hey, I get it. This is my life. This is my whole life, innit? Like, and that's one thing for me. Like, to say that, oh, you can't chase girls, can't silly talk, you have to, you know, especially if you understand how women work, whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:58 You have to put effort into it. You have to be respectful. You can't just be like, oh, well, let girls come to me because I'm a big man. No, that's not how it works. But at the same time, if it it does if i do feel like oh it's going to be too much drama or i don't need this headache it takes too much out of my time i'm going to say i'm really sorry it's not going to work see you later that's just how it works unfortunately and when and when i'm done you know and when i'm older a bit more mature it's probably going to change you know when when
Starting point is 01:08:23 my priorities are different but right now my priority is to be the best in the world. Unfortunately, that's what it takes. Hey, if a man wants to be with a woman or a woman wants to be with a man and their mate is pursuing greatness at the highest level, that's what makes such a good partner because they assimilate to that and they they support that and nurture that instead of like for for you it's a practice in being selfish for them it would be a practice in being selfless yeah i think i think if you look around and and for my my uh surrounding the people that i've seen who are successful and can do not just this lifestyle but different different things in life and they're very successful i say usually like that that that person who's successful it's called partner that's very uh uh like i said very selfless and
Starting point is 01:09:17 and gives up their time uh for that successful person if you get what i'm trying to say yeah yeah totally a good example as well that mcgregor look at mcgregor's girlfriend's been with mcgregor the whole time and she's following him around everywhere blah blah and now you know they've got beautiful family and and they they've got billions of dollars and you know they enjoy life so I think it's one of those ones yeah you can if you're going to date someone who's on a mission for greatness like the way the world currently
Starting point is 01:09:52 is going down again I've got a message yeah yeah like you said it's a bit different especially with my age now everyone's like everyone's very entitled everyone deserves everyone everyone thinks that they deserve not just my age group sorry there's people in general but my age group especially everyone's
Starting point is 01:10:14 feels like everyone's entitled for something you know but that's not how life works unfortunately and uh when it comes to dating everyone you know i deserve this i deserve that blah blah but you know and that's when that's when if some someone like me who's got a very you know a very strict and obvious goal in their life like i can't afford to to be in that drama with someone else if if you're gonna do great shit your relationship isn't gonna look like a relationship that you see on the tv set or on social media it's like hey it's it's not like that it's yeah yeah but if you and if you understand that then it's cool like i i know that so i'm not stressed about it i know once i'm done you know i can focus on it but right now
Starting point is 01:11:05 you know whatever i'm doing it's working out so i might as well stick to it dude um i i like to use the metaphor that everyone's you see a bird in the sky right let's say a bald eagle right yeah and you love the bald eagle but if you catch the bald eagle and put it in the cage everything you loved about it is gone. And so it has to be a woman who sees you and realizes there's no catching this one. This isn't going to be – this is one that I'm going to have to admire soaring and figure out how – it's like my kids. There's a bird in our backyard that's been trying to get in our house last week.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And my kids are like, hey, let's catch him and put him in a cage. I'm like, why? Why can't we just enjoy them outside you know what i mean and there's this there's that phenomenon you are this soaring bald eagle and for people to be in your life they can't try to tie a string to you and pull you down yeah you won't tolerate that you're not going to tolerate that bullshit no i just i don't have time i don't have energy i don't have nothing for that like you know i can't do that unfortunately but you know it's it's something that comes with it and so be it you know some people can manage it i personally can't have i've that's my personality as well maybe someone who's got a different personality it's easier or different but you know is what it
Starting point is 01:12:20 is like i said i'm not too stressed about it i'll'll just do what I do. And, uh, and, uh, I've got one goal in my mind for now. And then I'm just going to try to get that. Uh, Jake Chapman. Look, everyone wants to make a metaphor.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Alpha men are like big Oak trees. They don't need to go anywhere to attract honey. The bees come to them. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know about that. I don't know. I've slept with a lot of girls.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I don't know how true that is. Uh, Matt Byrne. I personally like watching bald beaver. Do you guys have that word? Do you know that word? Beaver? You know what that is? Yes, I do know that, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I don't know. English is your second language. I don't know. These guys are making fun of me for giving the bald eagle metaphor again. I've used it on the show 200 times. All right, fine. It's a good metaphor. I like it.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Thank you. Thank you. You're a good dude, Norbert. I actually do like it. I do like it. Norbert, with Dalton on June 22nd, hopefully it will be on DAZN. When I looked it up, it said it was going to be on Max. That fight is in – where is that fight?
Starting point is 01:13:24 It's in a foreign land right it's not in the u.s it's dublin island so for me it's great because it's it's an hour out of flight so i'm not gonna have jet lag nothing like that so plus i don't have to pay extra tax for the irs so it's good i like it oh congratulations thank you um in your game uh every every fight is the championship right especially when you have an o yeah there's no like hey this is just a regular season game like for fighters every every time you fight it's a super bowl yeah yeah literally i'm taking it like it's it's it's that fight for me Every fight is the most important fight of my life. And that's what I'm looking at.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I've got this my last week of hard work, and I'm making sure that I did not leave any stones unturned. Is this, you think, the biggest challenge you've had? This guy? Will was quite good when I was in Dublin, but the last guy I thought he was very good as well. But definitely Dalton is listening, can box, he can wrestle. He's going to be very strong.
Starting point is 01:14:37 You know, you can see on him. And they're not show muscles. You know, the word on the street is that he is strong. Yeah, I'm sure he is. You know, they wouldn't call you Hercules, although I don't think he actually knows the actual mythology of Hercules because I've heard some interviews with him. He was saying that Pegasus was Hercules' horse and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I don't think he knows the actual mythology. But I'm sure he's going to be very strong, you know. So I've made sure that I bring in extremely strong people so yeah it's going to be fun the difference is like when people are in front of me it's a bit different
Starting point is 01:15:15 he's going to throw him off I know exactly what he's going to try to do and then when I land a shot on him when he feels my power because I carry a little bit of power in my hands, when he feels, I don't think he's ever been hit like that before, not in fights,
Starting point is 01:15:29 you know, he's probably been buzzed or whatever, but I don't think he's been hit like I hit, and I think that's going to make a big difference, he's going to, you know, get noticed, and he's going to make a mistake,
Starting point is 01:15:37 he's going to, he's, he's going to run into something, he's going to, he's not going to overthink it, he's going to be like, oh, I need to do this,
Starting point is 01:15:50 and, that's not going to work out for him, he's gonna he's not gonna overthink it he's gonna be like oh i need to do this and that's not gonna work out for him he's probably better off he's safer overthinking and not doing anything than than trying to fight me and i can't wait because i know he's gonna try to fight me um and what i've seen and correct me if i'm wrong is that a lot of people don't see the punch that's coming because you it seems like you wave with the with one hand first and then there's this other hand just shows up out of nowhere like they even though they've probably seen it a thousand times when they get in there and they see the one punch coming it that there's not commitment behind it they don't figure that out and then you leap forward yeah it's almost like your own version of a superman punch kind of yeah basically and that's why i hit people like, I hit them once and then again and again.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And then you look at the comments and everyone's like, this guy can only do one punch. And how stupid that person is. Honestly, I kid you not, most of my fights, when I look at the comments, the people are like, how can you be so stupid to get hit with the same punch over and over again? Trust me, it's a different... Somehow I managed to
Starting point is 01:16:49 get very good at it and then it's an awkward... The whole start, everything is awkward about it and Dalton would feel it. And you know, he tried to banter me online. I banted back with him. He didn't like it. But I've got no bad feelings for him. You know, obviously it's personal because he's trying to beat me online. I banted back with him. He didn't like it. But I've got no bad feelings
Starting point is 01:17:05 for him. You know, it's, it obviously is personal because he's trying to beat me up. But, I'm going to enjoy
Starting point is 01:17:12 every single moment of it. He's going to hate it. And he's going to regret getting this fight. But, without a doubt, whoever you are, you should watch it
Starting point is 01:17:22 because it's going to be a good fight. Did he, in an interview I saw with him, he said he asked for the fight is that true that he wanted to fight you i don't think he asked for the fight because i was asking for fights as well i think we were just uh i think he's just trying to say it to be like well look at me how cool i am i think it was just what offered to both of us because i was asking for fights as well as i just give me anyone and then they offered him to me i was like yeah cool i'll take him so i think it was probably the same with him as well how many more fights do you have on your bellator contract are you allowed to share that hello uh how many more fights do you have on your belt hello hi hello testing is this mic on
Starting point is 01:18:07 yeah now i can hear you can you hear me how many more yeah how many more fights do you have with your bellator contract am i allowed to ask that uh yeah i think two something like that including this something like that yeah yeah wow yeah norbert theth Will you pronounce your last name for me? Yeah Well I just say it the way English people say it Noveni And how do you say it? How would your dad say it if he yells at you?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Well he just says it Norby Noveni Norbert It's the other way around in Hungarian But I just Englishify that So it's Noveni Norbert there's another way around in Hungarian Norbert English-ified there so it's Norbenveni that's just how you see it for everyone
Starting point is 01:18:51 yeah hey dude what a great pleasure to meet you I'll be watching the fight on June 22nd the comments are clearly people fell in love with you thanks for doing this thank you for having me on. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah, dude, you're a great human being. Thank you, and I'll be in touch. Yeah, thank you so much. Take care. Cheers, buddy. Bye. Fuck, love, I know, fuck. And then I'm having Dalton on today, and I'm so in love love with Dalton too. Jesus criminy. I don't want them fighting my goodness What a fucking mess
Starting point is 01:19:32 What a mess What a mess laura horvat didn't come on the fuck Uh, wow Oh my God. Someone just sent me a picture of a catfish sucking on a man's penis. What kind of friends do I have? Jesus Christ. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I need to click away from that. I stared at that too long Sevan do you think people are surprised by your size when you meet them in person I don't know I never thought of that you mean like they're like holy shit he's tiny the only I think I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It's weird because I'm just getting old. And I don't feel like I'm getting old. And so I think maybe sometimes people are like, fuck, he's old. Or he really does look homeless. But I don't know. The only person who ever said anything to me that I can remember is Jason Hopper. When I saw him at the games, he was like, oh my God, you really are tiny. Yeah, Hopper was, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Oh, geez Louise, he's bigger than I thought. I'm really normal looking. I'm just like, I just look like, I look like an NPC. You know what I mean? I'm just like all my proportions. I'm just normal. You know what I mean? I'm just like all my proportions. I'm just normal. Even though I don't understand why I have to wear a large shirt and like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:19 But I'm just really normal, especially when I go out in public, like maybe like around town, I'll start to get a little pudgy. But like before any of you guys would see me, I'll start like fat. I'll like go into my body dysmorphia mode and I'll start like losing weight. Like if I'm going to be around a lot of people, if I know that ahead of time and I, and I can just change my body so quickly, like I can like around here, I'll be wearing 34 inch jeans. And when you see me, I'll be wearing 30 inch jeans. You know what I mean? I'll fucking just suck down.
Starting point is 01:21:42 So I don't know. Oh, Christine Young saw me. Yeah yeah she's probably one of the few people i'm taller than yeah yeah look at vindicate uh your large shirt amazes me too i'm 200 pounds more large yeah and it's not even like it's it's not even like it's i'm wearing i'm wearing my long johns by the way Just like a normal So I don't know What are you gonna do Mike McCaskey 205 pounds and large too
Starting point is 01:22:15 And I have to like pull the shirt like off my gut too Like a lot like I do the fat guy dance a lot Like I'm like constantly like pulling my shirt off I'm taller than you. Oh, we should date. See if I can get a pass from my wife. Ernie Garza, probably taller than me too. I've seen pictures of you.
Starting point is 01:22:36 You're normal too though looking. Like I don't think like if your proportions, if you don't stand close to me, maybe you don't know how small I am. Your proportions, if you don't stand close to me, maybe you don't know how small I am. Okay. I should go. I haven't been home in three days. So yesterday when I came home, my kids like attacked me. It was like the greatest thing ever. Like they just dive bombed me.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Like it was nuts. It was like five greatest thing ever like they just dive bombed me like it was nuts it was like five minutes of just like love fest it was so crazy they just couldn't one of my boys was just bawling crying just bawling i'm like a i'm a i'm like a little bite next to graciano. I've been in the same room with Graciano now, I don't know, a handful of times. I'm like a little mini version of him. Little tiny, tiny, tiny. Like if there was a Graciano action figure, it would be my size. Dude, Norbert.
Starting point is 01:23:43 I'm trying to get Jack Dale and Madalena back on we've been texting a little bit I thought he was going to come on sooner and how about Tyson Bajan coming on I feel like you know when you get validated like you know like when you're somewhere and like you catch some girl looking at you I feel like I'm getting validated this week Norbert Dalton Russell Berger Greg Glassman Tyson Bajan on Saturday. Dude, do you want to see something? I've never said, you know, when people are like, we don't deserve him. We don't deserve him.
Starting point is 01:24:17 You know, when people say that. I truly, I truly believe we don't deserve Andrew Hiller. I am so... Can you guys believe how fucking good he's gotten? This is crazy. As you watch this, how did he... How did he... I wish I could have been with someone the first time i watched this because i couldn't even get my i was like what is this this is the craziest video ever how did he come
Starting point is 01:24:56 up with i'm gonna fucking call andrew right now i'm gonna send andrew a link fuck this i want to find i want to know how creatively he came up with this. This is the craziest video ever. There was a movie Quentin Tarantino made a bunch of years ago. I'm not a big Quentin Tarantino fan, but ironically, some of my favorite movies are by him too, but I hate a lot of his movies too. But, um, do you remember he made a movie and like halfway through the movie there were like vampires and shit in it all of a sudden you think it's the tism
Starting point is 01:25:29 you think it's like I mean this movie is so this video is so nuts there's a Quentin Tarantino movie and like halfway through it somewhere like there just became a vampire movie and you're kind of like what the fuck okay watch this video maybe Andrew will come on I sent him a link let's see it just became a vampire movie and you're kind of like, what the fuck? Um, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Uh, watch this video. Maybe Andrew will come on. I sent him a link. Let's see. We'd be great to have you back with some on. I miss Brian friend. Yeah, man,
Starting point is 01:26:02 that was fun. Brian and I had a fucking thing going, didn't we? Fuck. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I am really hopeful that at some point me and I can do something together again. We were crushing. I'm kicking ass and I can let off the gas pedal. I do think at this point that we're planning on doing Crucible.
Starting point is 01:26:19 We were crushing. I remember when Stefan brought him on the CrossFit podcast at HQ. Amazing day. Amazing day. Great day. What does it mean in terms of preparation for tomorrow? What does what mean? I don't know. We've been working together for like two days.
Starting point is 01:26:34 We are into this. Oh, Brian, yeah. You know, just super honest. There's some stuff that they're doing over there that I don't really want to be a part of. Welcome to Kill Taylor, the greatest show on the internet. The purpose of this show, Taylor, was that you don't lose. Peter, Peter, Peter. There are a handful of words that I've really made a strong oath to never say again, and
Starting point is 01:26:52 you're fucking testing me on every single one of them right now. How the fuck did he make that? It's Dusk Till Dawn. I stopped roofing my shed to type this. Oh, thank you. Oh, Dusk Till Dawn. Django is stupid. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:20 All my friends love it, but it's stupid. I just... I just... I don't fucking understand how he made that. That video... Really? It made no sense to you? Really? Vindicate, you're nuts.
Starting point is 01:27:44 It's great The video oh oh Django Is that your ad now You mean like do I own it yes I own it I've stolen it from Andrew Yeah masterpiece from Hiller Yeah it's No it couldn't have been just the final 30 seconds
Starting point is 01:28:03 No way It takes such a crazy and and the music choices with like the the scottish music and and how about pedro white when when i i always forget just how close and the trust between all of us is. For Pedro to say that to him live on the air, hey, you're supposed to win, and then for Taylor to respond to it like that, I mean, that's just – there's so much fucking – that's just – there's so many just amazing pieces there yeah Pedro Blanco thank you David yeah Pedro Blanco
Starting point is 01:28:51 proximity bias into the echo chamber shut the fuck up you don't know what you're talking about what goes through your head when you you see old picture yourself that one picture brian and i are at the regional in del mar someone should have told me i can't go out like that i look like i'm a lego character my hair looks like lego hair oh my god I cannot believe that video I just can't believe it I just can't believe
Starting point is 01:29:29 I wonder what the context is I don't even know if that clip he took of Brian is in context like I don't even know what Brian was talking when he says there's things they're doing over there that I don't like like I don't even know what that's I assume that's out of context just to like franken stitch this thing together,
Starting point is 01:29:50 but for them, him to say that, and then Taylor, instead of getting defensive, to respond the way he did introspectively, and then for, I mean, it's just, it's nuts, yeah, it's nuts yeah it's um no uh seven you look 15 years younger seven was the homeless look a bet you lost no a lot of people say that to me like hey i i i'd like the homeless look it's like it's like where i'm i'm comfortable kind of look i want i like the caveman look i know sucks to be my wife but and i'm enjoying getting older i like kind of like looking old hey when i had my big beard i should show you guys my i used to have a huge gray beard and when i would go out with my mom
Starting point is 01:30:38 like seven days a week people thought we were a married couple always just always and they thought my kids were my grandkids always and this is six years ago so um all right anyway thank you andrew for i mean you're you're a gift to the community that they don't deserve. They really don't. And I don't even like that word deserve, and I don't like that tacky cliche line, but that video is absolutely bonkers. God, I really don't know how to process this weekend's fight between Norbert and Dalton. Anyway, I'm going to see. Let me call.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Let me make one call here. Let me see what's going on. Because I think I need to. I think I need to. I think the kids start surf camp today. I got a job, by the way. I don't really want to talk about it, but I got a job. I have my first work meeting at 12 today.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I couldn't say no. I don't even need a fucking job. I was offered a job and I can't say no. Hello, you've reached Haley. Leave a message. Thanks. Let's see if she's going to answer. Hey, Pick up.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Hello? Hello? Isn't the iPhone cool now? When people leave a message, you can see it kind of like typing across the screen. Anyway. Alright. See you guys this evening. For those of you who saw the show,
Starting point is 01:32:26 you are this show. I don't think I've ever said this before, but you guys this evening for those of you who saw the show you are this show I don't think I've ever said this before but you guys are lucky you saw today's show this is truly this was truly an incredible show and we're so lucky to have Norbert what's his name Navini on the show I mean that was like and then in a couple
Starting point is 01:32:43 years when like he is bigger than Conor McGregor and he has the largest pay-per-views in the world you can be like oh I saw him on Savant Show look the dude already text I really enjoyed it thanks for having me on what a fucking class act god damn it I wish he would have been a dick son of a bitch hi Jody
Starting point is 01:33:07 good morning alright talk to you guys soon oh yeah Suze's on yes thank you thank you Ernie Suze's on I always forget Suze's on today 11am and then I'll be back with the great Dalton Rosta the beautiful one
Starting point is 01:33:23 at 6.30 tonight

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