The Sevan Podcast - Mainsite Programming // Shut Up & Scribble Ep 22

Episode Date: November 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 and then 7 reps of a wall walk plus wall facing one minute rest between rounds like sprint rounds ish so holly man then that then i did 13 11 975 clean and jerk 165 burpee chest to bar and then at the 15 seven rounds for time 11 bench press with 70s 15 ghd sit-ups annihilated so then i went mountain biking later that day like i went for like a 60 minute mountain bike yesterday yeah and the whole time my left tricep is cramping up every time i straighten my arm out on the bike sounds like you may have done more than you needed to do yesterday probably a lot of pressing for sure maybe maybe did a little more than i did the class workout with jason i don't know if you saw it. It was, um, two rounds for max reps.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It was three minutes. Yep. Yep. Yep. Love that. We just took the one minute rest out. He got there kind of late and I had the kids and I was like, Hey, we're just going to do, we're just going to go 30 minutes, 30 minutes straight. And it was still good because it was one works, one rest. And then I did a dumbbell bench toes to bar intervals. And then did my, and then did my strict pull-ups and pushups later. So it's a good combo. Um, yeah, I did one of Hiller's, uh, programming workouts this morning. What was it?
Starting point is 00:02:19 About 10 minute AMRAP, two, four, six, eight, 10, 12, uh, kettlebell swings, American with a 70 and pushups. Oh, how, 8, 10, 12. Kettlebell swings, American with a 70, and push-ups. Oh, how long? 10 minutes. Nice. Nice. That's simple, easy. Continue to ascend or just 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, repeat?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Simple, not easy. Did it continue to ascend? Yes. Okay. All right. did it continue to us yes okay all right um is main site a great program to follow uh is my apple mouse working yeah here we go all right so we're we're gonna get into boz's a couple weeks today we did dave's last week we will continue and do bins the following week i don't know next week we'll
Starting point is 00:03:05 see you competition starts next friday yeah we might not do a show next week but then after we got to do our how we program for our gym show i really want to do that um but we'll review ben and then i don't know how i feel out about reviewing dale king because it's just a fucking hero every day so do i even it's like not i still think i still think we should do it and it might actually be a really good experiment for us to do because we can go into it with the premise that we know hero workouts are already programmed as is and is there a way that you could possibly just take two weeks straight and can and make it what we would consider a really well-rounded program i think you could with i think you
Starting point is 00:03:53 could with heroes but i don't think that has been the start with this guy yeah so i mean it would it would be good to look into it we could just be like hey you know three out of the first five days there was running or because they're all 30 minutes a lot of hero workouts have a ton of running and like today's was an interval right so you have to look for those when you look for the hero workouts different formats because most of them like you said are are long grinders okay so boz went from well real quick we were just talking talking about the season changes. And it seems so ridiculous to me that they would claim that switching the open from five weeks to three weeks is better on affiliates. And that that's the,
Starting point is 00:04:36 that those are the guardrails that they're using to make their decisions is let's make things easier on affiliates. Then expand quarterfinals to top 25 percent how in the fuck does that make things easier for affiliates i mean that's what me and you were just talking about so that just seems like a ridiculous claim that uh yeah and i mean i listened to adrian and chase's podcast right before we went on yesterday to kind of give our initial reactions and And there was a lot in there that I could jive with. And I really did agree with, um, trying to make things a little
Starting point is 00:05:09 bit more simple, trying to make the season almost broken down into month blocks where you're like, okay, cool. March is going to be for the open. April is going to be for quarters. May is going to be for semis in June, but keeping it three weeks for affiliates. And I'm sure they reached out to a ton of affiliates. I don't remember getting a, like a survey of like asking how quarterfinals went, asking if there was any feedback. I don't remember getting one of those, but I imagine they reached out to a lot of affiliates that probably had a ton of participation in both the open and quarters. One of the things that was really surprising to me is the lag in between opening quarters like was was there feedback that that one week in between
Starting point is 00:05:52 was not enough to kind of like recoup and like rally the troops again as far as like volunteers go for judges or um figuring out a schedule because now there's almost a month in between. That was a huge thing that stood out to me. It's like, hey, I don't like the 25%. I think it makes it too easy to attain. But if your reasoning behind it is, hey, quarters is almost a continuation of the open. Okay, fine. If you don't want to make the open five weeks and you want to make quarters just kind of a continuation of the open for the people that are better then just continue it the
Starting point is 00:06:30 following week or just leave it one week in between now there's almost a month so you get ramped up for the open you do three weeks come down people move on you gotta wait you gotta wake another three weeks until okay now we gotta do the quarters then you, you know, there's some stuff in between there, right? Like teams will start a little earlier for semis and stuff like that. But yeah, it was, there were some parts of it that definitely made me scratch my head. And yeah, yesterday I was a little frustrated, probably just because, you know, the constant change and trying to make plans, you know, selfishly running a competition that I choose to do there kind of in the middle of that season, um, is, is difficult and knowing
Starting point is 00:07:12 dates well in advance makes it a lot easier. We still don't know the exact dates for semifinals, but we can kind of estimate when those will be. But then also too, yeah, just thinking to myself, man, like I have a really fit gym. I have a ton of people that want to compete. Now I'm just going to have a ton more people that I have to set aside time to make sure it's legit. Because I don't know how other gyms do it, but I mean, you have to have a registered judge. And that's not just like a, okay, cool, judge them. And then you can put me down as your judge. No, it's like you have to have that. If you're going to get videos set up, it's got to be legit.
Starting point is 00:07:48 There's nothing worse as a competitor than thinking you set up a video, right. And learning that something wasn't, and you have to redo the workout because then not only does the athlete have to do the workout again, the judge has to judge it again all that stuff has to happen so and the just any claim that they make that hey we listen to your feedback we're doing this for you blah blah blah it just is not true and i have no qualms about being fucking blunt and hard about this because it's just fucking ridiculous expanding to 25 a gosh just just the claim that, hey, we switched from a five-week open to a three-week open to make it easier on affiliates. Okay, that's a good claim. But now make it 10 times harder during quarterfinals?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Because like you said, it's not going to fall on the athlete to say, oh, it's my job to get a registered judge. It's going to be my job to tape the floors off. No, these people are paying a monthly membership at their affiliate. And the expectation is going to be that if I qualify for quarterfinals, you guys are going to have this set up for me to go. You're going to have a judge for me. That might not be right, but that's going to be most people's expectations that I pay $160 a month here. I qualified for quarterfinals. When can I go? You tell me when to go. So now you've given every coach at every affiliate 200%, 300%, maybe 400% more fucking work to do during quarterfinals for people that, to be honest, have no business
Starting point is 00:09:19 doing quarterfinals when the quarterfinals intent is to find the semifinal athlete. When the quarterfinals intent is to find the semifinal athlete. Additionally, how the fuck are you going to make programming that can properly find a semifinal athlete, not only in the open division, but in the age group division, while also being a test that is, that is safely prescribable to 25% of open registrants.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, this is – I mean – What the fuck? This is where the question is really – and we don't know. Clearly, it's hard to just kind of wait at this point. you're going from top 25% to top 200 in each age group, which is a lot, you have a lot more leeway for programming, but going from top 25% to top 40 in like North American and Europe, I mean, talking about like, and having that way broader net of athletes that, I mean, yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:10:24 it's a, I mean i mean hey from a programming standpoint if they know it and they're just like yep we know it and we're gonna crush it awesome but a lot of the feedback last year was hey this is top 10 percent um the programming was too hard and i i i understand what they're coming from when it's like, Hey, qualified top 10%, but I can't handstand walk that far, or I can't front squat 225 from the floor, or, um, it had 15 bar muscle ups as the third movement in the last workout. And I could only do singles or whatever, you know, I'm a little bit more like, Hey, after the open, it's now a competition. It's not, it's not for everyone. It's not for the community. You qualified for this. And the argument with a lot of people
Starting point is 00:11:10 as well, I qualified for it and I paid to do it. I should be at least able to do the workouts. Okay. So now you have 25%. So are all the workouts going to be gated formats or all the workouts going to be progressions where they just get harder and harder as the workout goes? the snatch ladder on 12.2, where it's just going to be like single modality type stuff where you're just like, Hey, this is simple. It doesn't require a lot of setup. All of you can play, all of you can snatch 75 pounds, but then some of you may not be able to snatch over one 35. And that's how we're going to filter. I mean, I'm, I'm really interested to see how they run it. And if it's still five workouts,
Starting point is 00:12:03 they gave an extra day for testing. Does that mean we're going to have more scored workouts? Or does that mean that you just have more days to redo? Because that's probably going to be the case, more days for people to redo. And think about this. They're going to potentially. Last year, we saw what I thought was a step up in the programming. I like last year's programming a ton.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Loved quarterfinals last year where there was a lot of strength element tested not on its own um with the assumption that hey there are some people here who are super strong that probably don't deserve to show that strength because they're not fit enough to now you've expanded the field to 25 with dave back are we going to go back to a strength test where that you know just held my tongue a little bit where that athlete at your affiliate who is an expert squat yeah like right are you going to have that athlete at your affiliate who has who can't run a mile but somehow qualified in the top 25 percent and now they can just skew the leaderboard i mean and if that's the case then crossfit showing a blatant disregard for the people that work really hard to be at semifinals or work really hard to make 10% in the open where they just simply don't give a fuck about you.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And the only six people they care about in competitive CrossFit are one, two, three on the men's side and one, two, three on the women's side, which if it's going to be a professional sport, that can't be the case. And I also hate this notion. I just want to bring this up before we move on. I disagree so wholeheartedly. Like, we have such a – we have a membership base at our gym. I wouldn't even call it a base. We have an amazing variety of young people and old people, young people who don't have any fucking clue about competing in CrossFit
Starting point is 00:13:44 and old people who have watched Andy do it in the master's division. Greg do it in the master's division. Spencer qualifies an individual for eight years, me, and are a huge invest. They're invested in that competitive, competitive atmosphere, despite the open being a community event for them. I don't think there is a competitive affiliate and an everyday affiliate. I think they are one in the same. Yeah, it's just the way CrossFit is making decisions right now, anyone justifying that it's for the betterment of affiliates and it's for the betterment of the athletes
Starting point is 00:14:21 and it's for the betterment of the community, quite frankly, that's not at the top of their priority list anymore. Greg's not the owner of the business. It's private equity. And that means the priority likely is financial, which sucks. So we can carry the torch, though. So, yeah, once again, what kind of implications it has, we've already kind of discussed, hey, it's top 40 now.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It was top 60. It's going to be a lot harder for those fringe semifinalists. Money. Last year, sorry, last year, yesterday, I want to say that, and I'm sorry if I'm misquoting this, Bethany Flores and Yela Hosta would not have made their semifinal had they been using the top 40. So, I mean, huge implications, not only from a programming standpoint. He was 10th at the games, right? I think that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Or top 10. What the fuck are they thinking? While the Masters divisions are expanding greatly, and they're taking like 40, and they're taking 30 and 20 to the games, 40 for teams as well, which I think is awesome. It's giving them their own competition. They're going to be a full fields. They're going to have a ton of participation.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Great move. While a lot of people will argue, Hey, like the people who are 41st through 60th at their semifinal, like they, they were just kind of happy to be there to compete. Yes, they were.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And for a lot of them, that's a lifelong goal. And for a lot of people, that's a huge accomplishment, but maybe the thought process behind it was, do we really need these 20 more spots? Like you miss out on some outliers for sure. And Chase brought up this point on their show yesterday. Would those athletes that we have forementioned, would they have taken the quarterfinals process more seriously as far as redoing workouts, doing everything they could to make sure
Starting point is 00:16:09 that they're clearly above the cut line? Maybe. We don't know that. But chances are, this year especially, there'll be names that we all recognize that don't even make semifinals. That's tough. Top 40 is really tough. And I can say this. I would bet my fucking life that Yellow Host Day did not pull back in any sort of way during quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I would, I would bet a lot that every workout he was all fucking in on. And he probably just really struggled with a workout like the front squat workout or a workout like the heavy clean and jerk workout. Well, all I know is like, I know, um, from a programming, like a um having respect in
Starting point is 00:16:49 the community and among other coaches and athletes i think his coach andre jude is about as good as you can ask for sure so i'm sure he's i'm sure he's taking all this information and if you have and if you have an athlete like him and like i i lump you and some other people into this group where it's it's never going to be if you get to the games will you do well because you're good at things that are only tested at the games it's just getting to the games every year is stressful and it's like depending on what the programming is that comes out you could go one way or the other so someone like him in a lot of ways the quarters and the semis are a more stressful time than actually getting to the games when you get to the games you know you can do things that a lot of the people can't um question when they shrunk the
Starting point is 00:17:34 north american and europe semifinals to 40 was that to add space to other places um yeah so they actually took some spots away from the three you would call – Games qualifying spots? No, no, no, just the semifinal spots. And then they actually moved them to the – what some people would call less competitive regions. Meaning like I'm confused. So like more people are making it in the other regions and less are making it in the north americas which europe which so how many total will go in the other regions um the games allocation spots i'm not
Starting point is 00:18:16 sure but if that change but the scent there'll be there'll be bigger semi-final fields if that makes sense yeah but in which regions do you have that info or should i pull this uh uh i don't have it on me but you can look it up easily and see okay um here we go i don't want to misspeak i know it's i know it's 40s for those three oh i just want to be right when i shit on this part of the the update um season structure by division, semifinals. Semifinals are the final qualifying stage for athletes hoping to compete at the CrossFit Games. The top 40 men and 40 individual women from each region will compete. So for all the regions. There you go. But wasn't it already, like, I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Were the fields smaller before? Was it 30 in other regions? Were there 40 in Africa with Michelle? I don't think there were 40. I thought maybe it was 20 there. 20 or 30. Let me look it up. Leaderboard, semifinal.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So, yeah, and then also, too, you know, we'll get more information probably when the rule book comes out as far as um you know how this affects 30 strength of field how it affects uh worldwide ranking all that kind of stuff because you have to still assume that they're going to use that system to allocate games qualifying spots so like where north america east may get 11 north america west may get nine maybe this year it flips and west is stronger after quarterfinals do they still use the top 100 worldwide in quarterfinals to decide to shrink the field um all that information i'm sure will be tweaked a little bit and will probably come out it makes it makes zero sense to me why they would shave North America, East, West, and Europe to 40 spots to add 10 spots to Asia, Africa, and South America. Is it just simply like the whole global representation thing, the whole trying to push it in areas that it's still got that buzz more so than here?
Starting point is 00:20:24 I don't know. DEI, that's a DEI move. Do you care about the athletes that are the best, or do you want to look like you're being equal and representing everyone equally? It shouldn't be about representing every country equally. It should be about representing the talent equally, representing the depth of field with equity wow this is just a uh all right we're 20 minutes in let's get into boss park what a fuck show all right anyways uh to reiterate what a fuck show okay um and those are not jr's opinions Those are mine. Um, just to clarify. All right. Boz is programming. He started on September 11th. That is perfect. Perfect day for a hero workout of choice day for
Starting point is 00:21:12 a hero. And he said, hero workout of your choice. So we can't really analyze anything there. I think that's cool. I like that. You know, I think it's cool. This is is very small but like typically on dot com you'll see hero work out of your choice that's what it'll say and you'll say you can find the list here maybe this is boz maybe this is not but i think it's really cool that he wrote review a list of heroes and honor one with an all-out effort and like even that looks like Boz wrote it himself like hey don't just do the hero workout do it like you're trying to honor this person yeah don't hold anything back do it as hard as you possibly can because that's one thing like when we do hero workouts at the gym this week is a big hero week for us we're doing McCluskey tomorrow which I know
Starting point is 00:22:02 is one of your favorites because Caroline one of our members served with him who's killed in action we're doing Chad on Sunday for better or for Veterans Day on Saturday on Saturday we're doing a Marine Corps birthday workout okay we've got a lot of former Marines and then Sunday we'll do Chad so this week is like there's a lot of hero workouts going on and something that I always tell them when we do hero workouts is hey here's the's the deal. You don't want to complain about it. And you go into your finished. There is no time cap. That's it. Finish what you start. That's it. Cool. Love it. Next day. This is a classic strength format And we're not only going to see this in the form of a squat, but later on, we're going to see this in the form of going overhead.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Typically, if I remember correctly, the format here is flip-flopped where usually it's your most volume per set is for the back squat, the moderate volume for front squat, lowest volume for overhead squat so that the weights stay almost, there's less disparity between weight, right? Like you can overhead squat for five, a whole lot less than what you can overhead squat or what you can back squat for one. Whereas if the overhead squat were five reps and the, and, or sorry, if the back squat were five reps and the overhead squat were one rep, they'd be a lot closer. I like, I like this format better. You do. Yeah. I like starting. I like grooving the squat with the most technical one and then going for the really, really, really heavy single efforts
Starting point is 00:23:31 on the one where you really don't have to think and be technical at all. Do you remember if Rich was the one that they made a video on doing this or was he doing the flip-flop? It's a really old-school video, but it's one of the ones I remember rich doing. I'm pretty sure it's front squat, back squat, overhead squat. You mean back squat, front squat, overhead squat? Yes. I think so as well. Yeah. That's what I believe. Um, cool. Love it. This is smart too. You don't know what people are going to pick. Someone may have done Randy on Monday. Someone may have done Mur murph someone may have done klepto someone may have done clovis like there's so many different workouts that people could have picked so doing
Starting point is 00:24:12 like a classic heavy day is like a really good move from a like hey let's be safe and let's not program a million pull-ups after someone did 200 the day before. I think a strength day after a choose-your-own-adventure type day is a really good move. This is a question I want to bring up. In general, to this point, I think three out of the four have been good programs to follow fitness-wise. I think the one we are currently on seems like there's not quite enough
Starting point is 00:24:46 variance for me to be CrossFit. I think to this point, Dave, Boz and Ben have all given what they think is best for a general like a GPP fitness program. And I don't think that what the guy programming now, I don't think he's, it seems to me like he's saying we're going to do this because we're leading up to Veterans Day. We're going to do a hero every day. But is that the right call for a program? I don't know. I wouldn't call that like, hey, this is a great program to follow. There are military programs out there where you can just fucking do a hero every day.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So I think to a degree, it probably is a little bit of a gimmick um to get eyes programming from an eyes on standpoint i think it's a great move i've been more um i wouldn't say i've been paying attention more because i look every day i make little notes when i see things that are kind of like huh like i've like the g like the hip extension toes to bar workout. Like I just made a note of that. It was like, that's about as programming as it gets. And that's an amazing stimulus that I never do. And I should probably do that. Like that's, I look for knowledge for sure. And guidance a lot of times, right. That being said, I have paid attention more to the workouts, but more so who's programming them than I have the actual workouts.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I've looked at the workouts more so as like Dave, Boz, Ben than I have just looking at the programming for what it is. So maybe knowing it, going into it, I thought about this. What if they would have done the two weeks and then told you on the last day the last two weeks have been programmed by adrian bosman that would be cool i think the week that what we're on now you would be able to look at and be like what the fuck who's programming this a hero every day you would you you would you would you would wonder though like is it dave doing it like you would it would give you it would give it a little bit more suspense and a little bit more like, you know what? I had this bias in my head. Like for instance, let's just say, um, let's say Rich is one of the guest, uh, programmers. I
Starting point is 00:26:54 remember Dave saying that they would definitely ask him. And if he was interested, they would love for him to do it. What if you, what if you got Rich's programming for a couple of weeks and you found out it was his and all the preconceived notions that people had about how rich programs were just like, whoa, I never would have thought this was riches. That would be pretty cool to learn after the fact. Okay. Next day, rowing intervals. So we've got whatever you want as a hero, heavy day, monostructural. Typically with the hero, you're getting a blend of movements.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's not just like single modality. So we'll say a blended CrossFit workout. That's probably a grinder, a heavy day, single modality intervals in the rower. I like, I like the row intervals so far. So good. Thoughts there. And this is another big intensity day. Like This is a workout where it is really easy to just bury yourself in the dirt. Yeah, and once again, there's so many unknowns with that first day of programming that if you picked one, is it Mannion that's got the sets of 29 back squats in it? Yes, back squat. Farmer's carry, is it?
Starting point is 00:28:01 What if you pick that and your legs are just trashed and you come in and you got to go heavy? Like you take a rest day, brother. The row is exactly what probably is probably the only things you would even think about wanting to do. And then also, too, like if you did Tommy V, right, if you did something shorter, row climb thruster. Yeah, you did something shorter on the first day. rope climb thruster. Yeah. Yeah. You did something shorter on the first day. Um, again, I think the, the way that the two single modality days are put back to back and after a day where you're not really sure what people are going to get themselves into is a perfect call. Now, after this rest day, anything goes, you do, you shouldn't have to worry about anything else. Two days ago,
Starting point is 00:28:41 you just sat on the rower. You went hard, you buried yourself, but there's not a lot of repercussion. There's not a lot of loading on the body. Um, all that stuff you can recover from. So going into Friday, like I said, it's almost like a, uh, a new week in the same week. Yep. Thursday rest day three on one off. And then following that up with a twist on a crossfit classic um this i think is cool it's a death by burpee but you're going every two minutes and you're buying in with a 200 meter run and you're adding two burpees every round so i suspect a great score on this workout. Like 33 maybe. You think that's possible? 31?
Starting point is 00:29:28 This is one of the ones that I feel like I would need to feel. And I think if I had to guess, I would either go way under or way over. I would either underestimate it or really overestimate it. Now, I think I watched the video of boz talking about this this is also like classic boz from what we've seen from a programming standpoint we know that he's he loves to he loves to govern your intensity by making you go harder than you want to go and he said something about this he was like you know what there's a couple different ways you can do this and one of them i'm not as fond of you can run the 200. You can do the burpees slowly and just kind of game it. He's like,
Starting point is 00:30:10 what I would recommend you do is you run hard and you go right to the five burpees and you're doing fast and then you rest and you run hard again and you go right into the seven. You run hard again, you go right into the nine and you see how long you can hold that intensity versus just gaming it. You see what I'm saying? I think 33 is off. I think 23 to 27 would be nuts. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure?
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Starting point is 00:31:26 Find us at Hey, fuck off, Tank. I'm going to go do this workout and I'll do 33 tomorrow. I'll video it. One thing about this workout. I need to be told, my members need to be told, you need to be told what kind of burpee to do. Do I? So, if you are going to extend arms straight overhead and clap.
Starting point is 00:32:02 No, you have to extend your arms. Well, listen, back in the day day that was what you had to do you couldn't just you couldn't just do this or you couldn't clap behind your head or whatever you extended the arms you clapped overhead full range of motion do you do them that like that would you would you tell your people they could do line facing burpees would you tell them they could do bar facing would you tell them they could do lateral hop burpees would you tell them like on this workout i would tell everyone no jump burpees. So they had to open the hip at the top.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Um, I think, well, for scoring, I think I'm not really analyzing this through a scoring perspective. I don't give a fuck. No matter what burpee you do, you could do bar facing and do way more rounds.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. Like traditional burpees. No matter what you do. I think this is an amazing stimulus uh man what type of burpee i'm just telling my members you have to touch your hands over top of your head at the top and open the hip at the same time that your feet leave the ground and your chest and thighs need to touch the bottom most people can't do that correctly just classic burpee yeah classic burpee and most people can't do that correctly. So just classic burpee. Yeah, classic burpee, and most people can't do it right. Love it. Next day, love it.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Did this workout. Sick workout. Five rounds for time, two-mile bike ride. Not in the gym. Go for a bike ride. Then do 10 muscle-ups and then 10 moderate to heavy deadlifts, 275, 185. 50 muscle-ups, 50 deadlifts, 10 miles of biking, long, long workout, but an awesome workout. And for people that are watching this that are like wondering, well, when is a workout a class workout? When is a workout a quarterfinals or a semifinals or a games-level workout?
Starting point is 00:33:43 This workout can check all of those boxes like this is one of those examples of just a workout that holds up and there's so many levels to fitness that there are people who sure you're gonna have to scale the muscle up or scale the deadlift though but the deadlift load isn't super inaccessible and there's gonna be most people who are gonna be able to rx that weight a lot of people have stationary bikes in their gym or have a bike that they can get outside and ride you could see a workout like this being done at a major competition put on by by the crossfit games like it's in a it's an incredible workout super cool and the muscle
Starting point is 00:34:20 up volume is such that coming off the hard bike ride, it's still, I mean, how did you feel on it coming off a hard bike? Did the 10 feel hard? Yes. Hard. And then going right into the deadlifts hard, the nuts thing, like the craziest stimulus is getting on the bike with your heart rate exploded. And like your first 400 meters on the bike, just being like, oh my God, I hope I don't
Starting point is 00:34:43 fall over and wreck this thing. It's just, yeah, it's just such a weird it's like okay i can do 10 muscle-ups 10 deadlifts and then jog slow and recover but like getting on and like having the proprioception to like balance and recover it's just such a weird it's crazy and my forearms a lot as well it's like already when i mountain bike i like put way too much weight into my handlebars. My hands go numb. Just an awesome, love it. I'm going to do some mindless nerd out type stuff with bike and how it's been programmed over the years, but really, really early days, like 2001, two, three, and four, you would see bike hard and fast for two minutes, or you
Starting point is 00:35:25 would see bike a mile in workouts all the time. And then for the longest time, biking went away. And then the echo bike became the official buyer CrossFit. You started seeing echo bike three or four years ago, come up on main side. It came up with triple unders one year and everyone thought, Oh, maybe this is the year. 21, 18, 15, 12, nine, six, three, right? Echo bike calories, triple unders. Yeah. Now you're seeing biking come up a lot. This is really cool that he even says, you know, get outside. But if you can't use a biker or an echo bike. So it's just cool.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It's just really one of my favorite workouts this year on the inside. Yeah, I love this. Holy fuck. Sick workout. Another rest day. So following Dave's theme, that's kind of cool. I think they're trying to accommodate in this sense to like, hey, we understand that it's really fucking hard to work out on a different day and rest on a different day every week. And most people need routine to a degree in their life.
Starting point is 00:36:20 So three on one off, two on one off is appropriate. That's cool. I like that. um so three on one off two on one off is appropriate that's cool i like that um coming up next monday nancy this used to be for the longest time this is my favorite uh crossfit workout ever uh great workout holds up man this is one of the ones it's like you know you can your friend was programmed recently and you know a lot of people will just be like you know fran there's just that that terminal speed that if you've been doing crossfit a long time it's it's really hard to get faster you can only cycle but so fast blah blah blah but like this workout you have five rounds of
Starting point is 00:36:56 opportunity to run harder yeah and for a lot of people yeah like you can continue to get better at nancy for years and years and years. It hurts so nicely too. It has such a, uh, just unique. You, I don't know. Mason,
Starting point is 00:37:11 Nancy is probably one of my most wheelhouse workouts. Mason's a great runner. Look, you're a fan of saying this Jr that anybody on any given day can beat you. Mason's one person that I'll say probably has some workouts where he can beat probably just about anybody but i don't know dude nancy is up is a homer set it up uh next day you live it this inverse or kind of to the other end we had that five three one squat progression now we've got the 5-3-1 overhead progression
Starting point is 00:37:45 5-5-5 strict press 3-3-3 push press 1-1-1 push jerk same flip-flop pattern where i think typically dot com would go 5-5-5 push jerk 3-3-3 push press 1-1-1 strict press now it's just flopped and and hearing your take on it, I like that. But let's not – yeah, and let's make sure that we don't shortchange the – what I really, really love about this. L-sit pull-ups. And that's what the pull-ups are after each movement. That's – you know, the only thing about this is I wish that were highlighted here. Like – Well, it's in bold, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I know, but like 5-5-5 dash L pull-ups. I don't know. Um, or just write five, five, five, and then asterisk after each set, perform a max, max set of L pull-ups. We did these on Monday. I haven't programmed them in the gym in a really long time. Um, we do a lot of strict pulling work, hand over hand sled, legless rope climb, just strict pull up weighted pull up stuff like that. But I haven't programmed L in a long time. And I programmed with running and lunging with a kettlebell front rack. So a lot of midline fatigue went into it.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It was an awesome stimulus. I kind of forgot how much more challenging L pull ups are than strict pull ups. It's probably like i would say it's probably three to one i did we had last week on smtp we did uh dt 1296 and then three l pull-ups after each round just uh it was a deload week so it was a way to modulate the intensity so to speak one of the only things boss has said about as far as like hints or anything about next year's programming 2024 programming was when we're talking about inverted medley and how initially that the pullovers were going to be l pull-ups but they couldn't they couldn't really
Starting point is 00:39:38 decide on a standard so they chose to go with pullovers instead so he had said you know if there if there is one little nugget for next year, like people make sure you're working on your old pull-ups because you, you'd have to think that eventually they, they will probably come to a, come to a standard that they want to try. What, what, with that movement, what do you think is the hardest part about standardizing? Do you think it's the start position? Like, Hey, there can be no movement of the arms until your heels are above your butt. Then you can start your pull. No, because then you can just swing your feet up and then pull.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Right, right, right, right. Do you think it's on the way down? So you come up, is the rep over when your chin is over the bar? So if you want to just drop off every time you can, or do you have to control back to extension with your heels still above your butt? Yeah, I think you have to show an L position with your heels above the height of your butt show that like for like i don't know a second or show show an l position then initiate the pull-up then show an l position then you can then your rep is done i i don't know i mean it's yeah how do you how do you you know you know what it looks like when somebody does it right and you know what it looks like when somebody does it right,
Starting point is 00:40:46 and you know what it looks like when somebody does it wrong, but how do you standardize that for competition and stuff? And, like, can you supinate? Do you have to pronate? Because supinated position from people that don't have great elbows, being able to, like, see a full lockout holding a supinated position for a lot of people is just super challenging. So do you make everyone do a pronated grip, all that kind of stuff? Um, next day games, test intervals. I think a good, easily modifiable workout to a class. We go
Starting point is 00:41:14 right from a heavy day to something super, super high intensity. I think if there's anything to note here, it's that typical, this is CrossFit methodology of breaking up your days of metabolic intensity where you're feeling that super, super dark place. We can go back to this heavy day. So hey, a lot of intensity on a hero, break it up with a heavy day. Ton of intensity on the row right after that now we come back here horrible amounts of intensity on nancy break it up with a heavy day follow it up with some more intensity um i like that a ton i think it's cool anytime you can feasibly program a crossfit games workout and do it in your affiliate. Most everybody can stack a couple
Starting point is 00:42:06 boxes, and whether you feel like you need to use bands to hold them together or sandbags or whatever, chances are you can get this stimulus, and it's really cool to be able to compare to people like Pat, who even in a games field really stood out with everyone else to kind of appreciate their level of fitness. One of the things I really like in the scaling on this one and something that I like the coaches to tell the classes, sometimes I'll put target times and time caps in the post every day, but Hey, if you can't finish the first segment in 90 seconds, like modify it. Like you need to be chasing a certain stimulus and it doesn't need to just be well i can do the game's version so i'm gonna do it well like just because you can doesn't mean you should maybe you
Starting point is 00:42:50 should decrease all the numbers by three so that you can find that same stimulus that they have good workout followed up another thursday rest day good good friday squat clean wall facing handstand push-ups i i like this skill work too though first for 15 minutes handstand skills here's a i think people were like oh ben smith has the first two session um no there's i think you can see throughout main site days where there are two elements. I think a classic is like deadlift five by five, 1K row. Today, handstand skills for 15 minutes, then a workout. And I like this if you own an affiliate or run an affiliate. That's one of my favorite ways to fill a class is give like a 10 to 15 minute workout
Starting point is 00:43:41 of just destructive intensity, but start it or follow it up with like something that peep everybody in your affiliate needs to practice. Like if you notice a trend in your affiliate, okay, most, most of my affiliate sucks at handstand pushups, or I only have six people that can do ring muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:43:57 whatever, practice that and teach people that we did that yesterday. And I think like three or four people got their first trick muscle up ever. Awesome. Big fan. Let's go again then we see uh we see the classic weight that boz tends to go with a lot in competition we see that 185 125 a ton we see we saw it in the open on the snatch ladder it was the middleweight we saw it on um the bench press workout with the rope climbs and shuttle runs in the quarterfinals for age groups.
Starting point is 00:44:27 We see it in the semifinals last year online. It was like the DT, the chief type intervals with barbell only, like that 185, 125. For people that are going to compete at any age group, you need to be good with this weight. going to compete at any age group you need to be good with this weight next 10 rounds each for time hill sprint or stairs love it that's really cool it's not it's not something you would see as much on main side if we were just looking at main site programming for like 10 or 15 years kind of like the biking in a workout but super true to the methodology boz has said many times before i'm a huge fan of hills and stairs we saw the capital
Starting point is 00:45:16 right that's the first time we've seen displacement up something and not just across a field or something like that and no i just think it's it's it's so creative also this is something that's maybe a little contentious for some people when you see programmed like 10 by 100 meter sprint all-out effort and people like man like you're asking like 30 40 50 60 year olds to do that like someone at your gym is either popping an Achilles or a hamstring. When you have a hill run. Safer, so much safer. Way more, way more. So just super clever.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I mean, as far from a programming standpoint and things and having someone do clever things, I think Boz is kind of an elite. Yep, yep, absolutely. Man, he is – I mean, him and Dave both, they have a capacity to come up with just beautiful workouts and ben too i've loved his i loved his two weeks um last day of boss this is like the you know awesome awesome uh skill heavy high output day a weighted pull-up and five by five way to pull up five by three broad jump.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Love it. Thoughts triple jump. You know, I like the establish a max during your warmup and take a slight distance off and complete the broad jump three times after each set of pull-ups I think is cool. Yeah. I really liked that instruction.
Starting point is 00:46:40 That's what I'm going to say. I think it'd be easy for people to think, well, what is, what does a set of three mean? Is it mean like do one and rest 10 seconds and then load up and then do another one? But this is supposed to be like, like a triple jump. Like you jump land, gather yourself, but don't move the feet, jump again. And then out of the distance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I think it's great. And I think seeing weighted pulling, um, is super old and it's maybe not something a ton of affiliates do. I've talked about this so many times before the nature of CrossFit. There's so many planes of pressing. There's so much loaded pressing on the body. And we don't get that a lot with pulling right upper body pulling. And it's something that I mean, hold a med ball, hold a five pound dumbbell, like do do something where you're loading that musculature in a way that you don't typically do it like with kipping. Cool. Great. Uh, this to me felt like, uh, I think more so with Boz than even with Dave,
Starting point is 00:47:42 this felt more like, okay, this is feels like, but I can 100% see the elements of Boz in it. And I think that is really cool. And that's what I was expecting or hoping for out or these new guest programmers. Like I still want it to look because that's why we love it when it's, you know, done, I guess guess well um but i want the theme of each person to shine through or the essence we'll say this is dot com with an essence of boz um i like that no that was good that was a good variety um not a ton of redundancy and movement patterns like not a ton of squatting not a ton of hinging from the floor not a ton of push or pull, not too much monostructural. There was a lot.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah, I think this was I think this flowed about like any really good two weeks of dot com that I've ever seen. All right. Well, this is dope. Dope. We'll potentially be back next Thursday. Maybe, maybe not. We're going to have to have a talk about that early next week because I have a competition coming up at our affiliate.
Starting point is 00:48:49 We're going to be prepping for. And, yeah, thanks, everybody, for tuning in. Have a great day. Peace out.

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