The Sevan Podcast - Max Mormont | Seek Your Potential #947

Episode Date: June 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam, we're live. Omar, Heidi, Judy, Paulina, Jamie, Michelle, Kenneth, Jessica, Rambler. Rambler? Rambler, I hardly know her. Good morning, guys. Max Mormont coming on here any minute. I believe he's the owner of CrossFit Costa Mesa, although when you go to their website, all I see is his wife's name and not his name.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I don't see his picture as one of the staff, so I don't know if he's still there, actually, to be honest. But we shall find out very soon. I do this thing where I disconnect the phone and reconnect it every show now. I can't tell if it's OCD shit or if it's necessary either way uh jake from the isle of man uh eight hours ahead so for jake it is uh 3 p.m for me it is 7 a.m yash good morning tyler good morning alex good morning oh there he is there's max with a lion and an assistant helping him set up the show beards in full glory he's pulling the mic up to his face i see him i see him down there
Starting point is 00:02:10 uh good morning from norcal good morning yeah 7 a.m damn kenneth the ruck on ruck vest cop your cop oh shit oh shit look at that uh special guest this morning i just saw caleb pop on too everyone's getting their shit together wow hey good morning uh-oh coach max uh i can't hear you uh i heard something first there we go There we go. Hear me now. Oh. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Fuck the audio. Yeah, crazy fucked audio. Like, maybe the cable from that mic to wherever it's going is loose. Audrey, it's been a productive morning. Good. Oh, thanks, Donovan. Congrats to your daughter, too. Donovan Winters has a daughter. I see donovan
Starting point is 00:03:05 i don't know minimum minimum uh minimum two days a week usually probably four or five days a week our kids train at the same uh ejj academy and uh and our families mingle quite a bit and his daughter kicked ass in her first tournament this week it was actually kind of uh freaky um donovan donovan's daughter uh trains with my kids like i said and um oh uh in and out in and out buddy in and out yeah something's still wrong with the audio like like up and down up and down so donovan's um daughter trains with my um all three of my sons and she's right in between um my oldest son and my two youngest sons and then in class the other day she triangled my oldest son i'd never i had
Starting point is 00:03:56 never seen anyone do that to him outside of a uh outside of a tournament it was pretty crazy so she was ready to go she went to her first tournament i think she won the gold right donovan she won like i think she won three matches, which it's even more crazy because a lot of times, most of the time, your kids only get two matches. Anyway, that was really exciting. It elevates everyone in the academy when everyone goes to the tournaments. It's fucked up. Yeah, it's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:04:23 But I'm patient. Don't worry. Another crazy thing by the way um about about donovan and his daughters he wanted his daughter to enter a tournament for more than a year and she was hesitant and he was patient patient patient patient and he went to a big tournament san jose california some could argue it's the fight capital of the world and she won a gold definitely californ it's the fight capital of the world. And she won a gold. Definitely California is the fight capital of the world.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Damn, that's San Jose, 10th biggest city in the United States. Crazy jiu-jitsu tournaments there. Crazy, crazy, crazy. You got your jiu-jitsu. Still fucked up. But look it, people are still sending in money. That doesn't matter. Take your time.
Starting point is 00:05:09 They just like looking at you. $10 for's why i like your mind throw you save your money don't send it to max's only fans today we will be collecting here for him on the sebon podcast uh while we uh uh hi caleb so good morning what are you doing here here? Okay. It's a government holiday, Sevan. Is it really? Yes. Yes, it is. How do I not know this shit?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Please don't tell me it's something like Veterans Day I fucked up or something. What is it? No, it's a new government holiday, my friend. Oh, jeez. Is this your pride month?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Juneteenth. Oh, jeez. Yeah. Oh, jeez. So we get the day off. Off to do my research. God, I hope nothing's closed today that I'm doing. I hope nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Tennis and jiu-jitsu better be wide open. Just pretty much everything is open. Everything else is open. Except for the government. The government is closed. All right. We got a new CDC director. Oh, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:06:25 Mandy. You know what's's funny what I did do is before I did any research on her, I typed in her husband's name. Because I want to see her husband. If a chick's married to like just a dude who just comes off as beta to me, I fuck her. Like, it's sorry, just for a quick judgment. You know what I mean? Not what kind of car you drive, not what color skin you are, not whether you go to church on Sundays. I don't want, let me see your husband. Let me see your husband. And then her husband actually, he looked like he's put fucking guts and fucking titties on.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It looks like he does pushups and shit. He looks strong. My first. That does. I need to check that dude your audio is so fucking bad you are so lucky that you're fun to look at can you just unplug it and go straight to your computer yeah you'll go to the settings in stream yard you see that little gear down there and then click on that and then go to the audio button i know you're pissed too because obviously you have a podcast studio and you're like fuck i got all this fancy shit how come it's not working and then you go to the mic and then switch the mic go to the mic and then and then in the drop down
Starting point is 00:07:27 menu pick anything other than what you're using like maybe there's one that says mac or something maybe there's one that says your mom should say it's such a road mic your mom and mac be like i'll use it oh look you got an assistant even hang up i wouldn't mean hang up he's the main guest i can't hang up on him what are you talking about david uh these the uh this new cdc director um so then then the next thing i do after i check on her husband and see that he's he's kind of shoulders, looks like he works out a little bit. I typed in her name and then I typed in 49ers, right? See if she's a 49er fan.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And the first thing is that not only is she a huge 49er fan, but she's one of the first people to get her kids the injection. That right away makes me hate her. Yeah, right there. Thank you, Caleb. That right away makes me hate her. Yeah, right there. Thank you, Caleb. So she and and she she brought in speaking of Juneteenth, one of the first articles you bring up is she appointed someone in her group just based on the fact that of the color of her skin. So he picked a black woman to be her cohort. And that black woman, her kid was one of 3 000 kids who was first in the uh trials trials oh nice echo nice echo that's definitely uh max hey can you imagine using your kid in a trial a pfizer trial a pfizer trial oh this makes me sound like god with this echo
Starting point is 00:09:00 i imagine god talks in double talk like that double double echo seven seven seven no show has ever started quite like this and i like that um eaton beaver seven on the it guy when he was at hq he would have needed five people to help him oh what no what are you talking about oh i think i heard you set your coffee cup What are you talking about? Oh. I think I heard you set your coffee cup down. Are you all good, Max?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Maybe. Nope. Nope. Your ass. Your ass. Hey, it's a loose cable. It's a loose cable or something. Audrey, Pedro from Coffee Pods and Wads called you the lord of podcasting i like that that works what would that make caleb the jester the jester of podcasting what would that make max our guest today just he's an evil force trying to bring down the show that's high ratings did you that show yesterday i did with uh are you still working on it max
Starting point is 00:10:05 no bad kick you out and then okay we'll kick you out and then you come back in hi kid welcome to the show hi dude two years ago I'd be in a fucking sheer panic. I'm so inspired by that show yesterday that I did with Tyler James and John Young. Man, John Young is a shit. And James Townsend and who was the other one I said? John Young, James Townsend, and Tyler Wat other one I said John Young James Townsend and Tyler Watkins I want to do just a weekly show at night I want to do a night show what do you think about
Starting point is 00:10:51 Sunday nights that'd be cool instead of love lines we just we talk about game shit just anything and I was thinking about I was thinking about like it would be the I would have two regulars like me and Bill Grunler if he can do it and then just two people rotating in like it would be – I would have two regulars, like me and Bill Grunler, if he can do it, and then just two people rotating in. So it could be Brian Friend, Brian Spin, John Young, whoever, James Townsend, Tyler Watkins, Mike Halpin, just whoever, just people rotating in. That'd be dope.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That'd be dope. Seve, did you have a think about what Trish posed to you on Friday? Is it a nude in my DMs? Posted to me. Posted? Posted? Post? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I don't know what that means. Manny Spiegel. Seve is replacing BeFriendly. That's an interesting observation. I don't know if it... I wouldn't say it's accurate. Just adding to the stables. I wouldn't say it's accurate. Sabre, we missed the real Brian J.R. Taylor on the show.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Taylor and J.R. will definitely be. Everyone's invited. Everyone's invited. Ken Walters is be friendly, slowly slipping from the podcast after. After? Forever. Everyone is slowly slipping away forever.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Everyone. I wonder if I have more days ahead of me than behind me. Do you think you have more days ahead of you or behind you with the podcast caleb ahead of me oh good uh audrey don't replace brian friend uh just yet uh john doesn't even know half the answers it's okay no one knows half the answer no one's okay. No one knows half the answers. No one's replacing anyone. There's no one's replacing anyone. There's never a – it's not like that. The whole space is just really dynamic, right?
Starting point is 00:12:58 There's like three people who hold down the fort here, me, Sousa, and Mr. Beaver, and then everyone else is just rotating in and out based on other opportunities and um obligations they have so today uh kayla was relieved of some other obligations so we get them it's kind of it's really just like that okay let me see uh yeah so i like i like the show i like the idea of a show that's just every week and it's just about the games do anything about the games do anything and and and people would be calling in lots of people calling in like fighting hopefully like fighting with john like people like people like audrey like could call in and be like dude john you're not even half as good as brian why
Starting point is 00:13:44 do you think you're so what the fuck are you doing on here so much and then he would fight back and we would all fight with him like an like an am radio show oh sorry kayla yeah yeah yeah brian brian did great with that oh brian was on a semi-final podcast with chase recently there you go oh and bill nope no no no no no no no max i'm sorry buddy you could really just use the computer mic and it'd be okay yeah did you try using the computer it worked just fine when you had it on you guys want to see something funny i can only show you this. I'll actually show. I'll give this to Caleb. I can actually only. Caleb, I'm sending you something in the private chat.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I can only show you this, guys, in seven-second increments when I'm about to show you. I don't know if I've ever showed this on the. Have we ever put this on the show before? Oh, a long time ago. Okay. um oh a long time ago okay uh blade a sebon is giving tree of podcast tree of oh sebon is the giving tree of podcast well thank you oh we got we're getting blade scheduled here really soon he helps make motherfuckers big and doesn't take a personal one they get cool yeah thank you that's that is
Starting point is 00:15:01 exactly it that's part that's part of it. That's one branch. I think that would be the better way. That's funny how you've picked that up, Mr. Walker. Okay. That is on the ground there is Max Mormont, today's guest, which I have a feeling is not going to happen. Oh, I can tell Max we can reschedule too let me let me let me call max right now um oh let me see here um sorry guys let me see max uh hold on let me call max real quick
Starting point is 00:15:39 and then i'll and then i'll show you that video and then when he comes back on I'll show the video again oh Max we can reschedule too not a big deal at all uh
Starting point is 00:16:04 Savant's echo sounded perfect. He was on coffee pods and wads too. Oh, yeah. He's talking about Brian. Dude, he's everywhere right now. He's everywhere. Well, except here. Yeah, that's a prepubescent Savant.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Okay, back to, yes. And that's when I used to wear sleeveless shit. I'd probably just, I'd been doing CrossFit there for probably a year and a half. There's this weird muscle that men get in their triceps. And I never had that muscle in my tricep. You can't get it from tricep extensions. For some reason, I got it from doing deadlifts. Or maybe it's, I don't know, some muscle in my arm.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And I just started getting it. And I'm like, fuck, I'm going to start wearing sleeveless shirts. And what? Shut up, Caleb. So what? I'm going to start wearing sleeveless shirts and uh shut up so what that was the catalyst to wear sleeveless shirts yeah and uh I started wearing sleeveless shirts and
Starting point is 00:16:54 I was filming full time for CrossFit anyway I can't remember where this is I don't know if this is Brian McKenzie's gym or John Wellborn's gym but Max trained with both of them maybe he was with both of their coaches too. I can't remember. But here, we'll play this in seven seconds. Max said, curl up in a ball around my arm.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'll do a Turkish get up with you. That's a great still shot of Max with his just cock pointed right at us. Remember, we can only show this in seven seconds crossfit would love to fucking ask i mean carrie peterson filmed this by the way uh seven how much did you weigh back then i don't remember but i think i lied to him about my weight i was probably 20 pounds lighter 15 pounds lighter than i am now i was probably i probably told him i was 150 but i was probably 155 15 pounds lighter than I am now. I probably told them I was 150, but I was probably 155.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Look at it. That's crazy. That's a solid 125, asshole. God damn it. I never weighed 125. Never in my life. The first time I got on a scale, I ever sat on a scale, I probably weighed 145. That's crazy, though.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I was so afraid his arm was going to snap off. Did you play that in seven second increments? No, my cat was trying to bite my headphones off. So you just got us a strike because your cat. Sevan, why did the show get pulled down for a week? Because Caleb's cat needed to be pet pet it was less than seven seconds okay uh kenneth walters looks like the strong man and the midget act at the circus that's pretty intimate right there too to do with the strange man i mean that's the first day I ever met him. Ever?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, first time I'd ever met him, ever. That's the impression I live. I didn't think of it like this. I'm not going to like this next statement. That's the impression I leave with people. They see me, and I just look like a little bite-sized human. So they're like, oh, can I do a Turkish get-up with you? Another grown-ass man.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Can I throw you over this wall? And you get to the other side and unlock the door. Whatever happened to Christian Lucero? Fair question. When we have Max on the show, we can ask. I heard he... Excuse me. I heard he became a Navy SEAL or something.
Starting point is 00:19:23 He did. He did. Because I was trying to find out about that a while back. And then I dove into his wife's Instagram, and then I kind of surmised a few things. Oh, is he in the military? Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Someone on our thread just asked, why is it called a GHD? It's like, wow. Gluten hand developer. Come on, man. I know. Even I knew that. I don't want to say who it is. on our thread just asked why is it called the ghd it's like gluten developer come on man i know i even i knew that i don't want to say who it is savvy looks so tiny i do look tiny there he's huge max is huge you have to understand that i'm not that tiny all right uh so that was the cdc director uh mandy i don't i don't i don't know if she has to be approved or anything by the Senate or Congress or some committee.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But I know that she's going to be replacing Walensky. I know she's incredibly pro-49ers. She gave it to her kids. She had no problem with Pfizer doing a trial on 3,000 kids. Just nuts. 140?
Starting point is 00:20:30 I will tell you this. My partner at CrossFit at the time, his name was Kerry Peterson. We did everything together. And Lauren and Greg, the owners of CrossFit, referred to it as Sevan and his good-looking friend. There would be me, or they would always call it the good-looking guy, the good-looking one. That always kind of stung a little bit. It was a strong insinuation that I was not nice to look at.
Starting point is 00:20:57 No, I was never dumped in a trash can as a freshman, but I appreciate you asking, dick. as a freshman, but I appreciate you asking, dick. That's like asking one of those questions that like, it's not even a question. You know what I mean? It's a statement in the question. You were dumped in the trash can?
Starting point is 00:21:20 No, I was not. But they are just going to make that assumption. Look, there he is. Oh, shit. Wow, fancy. I don't know if we're allowed to make that assumption. Look, there he is. Oh, shit. Wow, fancy. I don't know if we're allowed to show that shot. It's them naked. Do you see it down there?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yeah, I think I see his coffin balls again. Wow, the camera is pointing down. I did not get a swirly. I did not get a swirly. You know what a swirly is, Caleb? Yeah. You get your head dunked in the toilet and flush the toilet on your head. Yeah, that would suck.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, rhetorical question. Thanks, Sonny. Thanks for the fucking grammar lesson. Syntax lesson. I know how the English language works. What's up, Max? Can't hear't hear you oh he's muted himself oh oh that would be awesome if that's the only problem yeah oh i will see you're good always humbled by electronics that is good i like that i like this shot uh yeah i'm fucking ready to break shit
Starting point is 00:22:24 hey can you bring the mic close to your mouth? Yeah. I'll put my thing next to your mouth. Thank you. I'll always love your thing next to my mouth. What's up, dude? Just fucking excited to be here with you, brother. Where are you right now?
Starting point is 00:22:39 I am actually at CrossFit Costa Mesa in our gym. I would call it a podcast but the bet the fact that it took a shit so bad um i don't know what the fuck it is at this point well you sound really good now everything's working hey um i when i go to the coaches uh page i see a picture of your wife but i don't see a picture of you you're welcome okay fine that's cool is that on purpose is that are you the owner and like you think it's it's uh you shouldn't put yourself front and center like you should glorify a little bit of both a little bit of both i don't actually coach as much as i used to i'm not a primary coach i'm
Starting point is 00:23:15 not the face of the gym um you know these kids these kids are holding it down more than anything else uh we had a remnants of 250 go down all the way down to 35 members and then we were like fucking hobos there in covid going to multiple locations we lost our our spot wait a sec oh shit you lost your location and 215 members during the pandemic so yeah it was you were damned if you do and you were damned if you don't at one point i just told everybody the fuck out of here you follow me if you want to and were damned if you don't. At one point, I just told everybody to get the fuck out of here. You follow me if you want to and you don't and you don't. I'm surprised you didn't go to jail. I've battled the cities for a year and a half just to get a permit for the gym.
Starting point is 00:23:56 On its inception? Yeah, when we tried to go back in. What year did you originally open the gym? They opened CrossFit Costa Mesa in 2009. Wow. I was with CrossFit Balboa in 2007, 2008 before John did some shady shit. That's when I met you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And then I was with CrossFit around 2005, 2004, 2006, somewhere around there. That video of you doing the Turkish getup with me, what gym is that? That would be CrossFit Balboa. Or maybe it was actually CrossFit Newport Beach. that video of you doing the Turkish getup with me, what gym is that? That would be CrossFit Balboa. Or maybe it was actually CrossFit Newport Beach. Yeah, with McKenzie. Yeah, McKenzie. Because CrossFit Balboa wasn't even really,
Starting point is 00:24:36 it was just under his house, right? Yeah, it was in the cannery lofts, yeah. That must be McKenzie's gym then. CrossFit Newport. Wow, crazy. That's fucking long time ago. What the fuck are those people doing in the background there? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Are they even doing CrossFit? I think they're personal training. I don't know. Not my responsibility. Wow. Oh, look at this. CrossFit Balboa was the first place I was ever charged a drop-in fee. That gym's not around anymore, it i think it is i think um in the same location no no not in the same location i think ben i think ben oliver owns it and i tried to acquire it from him at some
Starting point is 00:25:17 point uh but he didn't he there was rumors that he wanted to sell it and so i showed back up and was like hey i'll take this fucking thing back across the balboa yeah yeah i was gonna buy it back it was my original gym that i started absolutely oh you started across the balboa yeah i fucking trained john there were some shenanigans with him and fucking mckenzie john was trying to get back to baltimore um i was helping him out getting him ready before he went back and got cut. And we got approached. I got approached by CrossFit to start talking with him when I was up at Santa Cruz. And then we came home and I was like, nah, fuck that shit.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I don't want to mess around with these guys. And then more and more, McKenzie was kind of blowing him off. And they were kind of trying to figure it out. And then I started coaching him. And then he developed CrossFit football through us going to see Rip and another guy named, I can't think of his name, poor guy. There was a speed and agility guy that we used as well. And we just developed the program from there. But that was two years. And then two years of me really not getting paid. And then in the process, we were going to develop. This is actually pretty badass.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So this is before the actual CrossFit Games is in StubHub. And they're going to develop online. And they're going to do this shit and fucking at the stub hub center and we were talking to under armor in regards to developing a crossfit combine where joe schmoe would come out and we would be able to get a non-professional man to get to the nfl and that was that was the concept behind wow wow yeah a lot of money showed up and then shit got weird oh yeah that can happen so just to kind of go back for a second this is really old school shit uh they're talking about uh john wellborn was in the movie every second counts he was a football player in the nfl i don't
Starting point is 00:27:17 remember he played for a long fucking time he was a good dude he was on the line a giant he was good at uh football he's a giant dude and um really good at football and uh so he opened a gym called crossfit balboa he ended up being in the movie um every we opened the gym we opened sorry the max and him opened the gym and that's how originally i met max i believe right absolutely actually we probably met at santa cru Before then? When I was going up there, yeah. Okay. And that was when I met more Tony Budding and those guys. And the community was really small back then. There was like Max, John, Brian McKenzie, obviously the Glassmans.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Steve Serrano was down there too, right? The cop dude. Yeah. Yeah, Serrano. And it was really a tight group and uh max what max was saying is that he was working with john and mckenzie was working with john i think kelly starrett was probably in the mix somewhere there too um fuck even lauren cordain even lauren cordain was hanging out with us every once in a while no shit the the lady who's fucking all
Starting point is 00:28:22 over ig and the fucking jumbo the dude, the dude with the paleo diet. Oh, you know who I was thinking? I don't hang out with chicks, bro. You know, I'm talking about the chick, the Cordains, the woman and the man. They got the real estate empire. They got the big 747. That's what I'm talking about. Anyway, and shit was growing very fast back then.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And so that's what some of that stuff Max was talking about was in that space. And I didn't know that. I didn't know John was trying to go back to the NFL. Or if I did, I'd forgotten. Well, he was trying to go for, I think, his 10th or his 11th year. And then in the mix of it all, we were actually – Oh, I do remember that. He had a good chance.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Was he going to mix the Patriots or something uh yeah patriots i think even baltimore at one time yeah he had a good he had a good opportunity here at the end he was he was good and old so he did well i didn't um i i did i don't think i asked max to do that to me i think max just called me over and said hey grab my arm i need to hear how someone asked him to use him for a turkish getup i don't know it started it started with uh john john talking shit so one big thing with the football players is obviously i wasn't a football player but i was pretty fucking strong and um i would always teach them how to recover and stay longer like you know uh longer inside the league. Most of the guys that I got were in that like eighth,
Starting point is 00:29:45 10th year or fifth year to acquire longevity in the NFL. And so we were talking about shoulder strength and the ability to do that. And then in the process, John said, hey, do you think you can actually Turkish get up him? And then I asked you your weight. I think you were like a smooth 152. I think I lied to you also.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I think I told you five i think i was five pounds more than i really was like a well-muscled woman yeah i was probably 157 i told you 152 i didn't want anyone to know i mean that's a that's a full-on fight at 155 you meet a girl that's 175 that's a me and her can go toe-to-toe you're gonna have to close your hand man any judgment you get online will fuck it. You're going to have a choice. I mean, Gabby Garcia, Gabby Garcia walked into my gym one time and she trained out of here for a while. And she's such a big fucking girl that I immediately, she shadowed the door.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And I wasn't fucking around. I got scared. Sure. Do you have a lot of fighters at your gym? No, not anymore. No, I mean, I helped V helped vitor belfor i helped out the ruka guys uh the brazilian jiu-jitsu team yeah shit like that for a while did you have um uh was cyborg training there no no no no she's over i think at another crossfit gym or chalk or some shit she was fucking around with the neighborhood yeah who um how close are you to chalk is chalk a crossfit gym not anymore no i'm pretty i'm pretty close they're down
Starting point is 00:31:12 they're down in uh the other side of costa mesa on the other side of the tracks it's crazy because i was how far are you from newport beach a couple miles you know oh beach itself yeah so i've been going down there two or three times a year i need to visit you yeah what the fuck yeah and you have kids right you have a kid kid yeah i got two how old are they i got one that's seven and the other one is almost four he'll turn four in august the four-year-old is pissing vinegar and the older guy is is pretty pretty athletic pretty good mover yeah that's awesome and what do they do during the day um i'm i throw them in the school simon i like using the
Starting point is 00:31:52 government the government um you're not afraid of that you're not afraid of that you're not afraid of that but no i'm very good at uh framing my children and understanding that i'm in charge and that they come back and tell me what the fuck they learn. I'll come in hot and heavy whenever I have to. I'm not scared of it. Trish, this man is 99.9% Neanderthal. They're not talking about me or Caleb.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Fact. Whoever posted that, that's a fact. You're welcome. Thank you for that. Meaning, meaning, Fact. Whoever posted that, that's a fact. You're welcome. Thank you for that. Meaning you keep a close eye. You're heavily involved in their schooling. If some shit gets weird at school, you march down to the principal's office and have a little word with them. Absolutely. My wife is in there. I'm in there. Yeah. We're like the PTA parents that never existed. Do you remember the last time you were down there yeah just the other day and what did you have like a festival thing and
Starting point is 00:32:51 so we were in in there hanging out oh okay at the festival thing okay and you don't have any opportunity to go down there you go down yeah my wife's in there like twice a week teaching like um language and checking off like sight words and all that bullshit oh yeah sight words yeah but we also do at home um my mom is fluent in spanish my mom watches them twice a week she's uh she's actually an educator as well so she they hang out with her almost like eight hours a week and she speaks to them in spanish i am bilingual um first generation american so um no shit what are you you're you don't look argentino oh shit wow yeah your mom was born in and uh my mom and my dad were born in argentina and my they met here in the states and luckily
Starting point is 00:33:41 um they have a beautiful story on how they got here both of them separately but they met here and then you know they've been married 47 years did they meet in the church fuck no um how did two argentinians meet that's crazy argentinian contention one one met um came for the cousin and then the best friend kind of introduced them wow crazy and and um they both speak spanish was spanish your first language um no actually english was but then we went back to argentina when i was three years old and then i kind of forgot english and then learned spanish and i'm heavy dyslexic like i'm fucking like i can't figure out how to spell any of the theirs so um but i can spell super compensation and weird shit like that but i can't figure out how to spell any of the theirs. So, um, but I can spell super compensation and weird shit like that,
Starting point is 00:34:26 but I can't spell and mostly everything I spell is phonetically. And some of it is they say it's because I learned Spanish real young and it really is. So I'm just fucking dyslexic. If you're going to give me a label, I got, I got a learning disability, if you will. Yeah. How, um, how long were you in Argentina when you went down there when you were three uh three months three months oh wow and and that was just fucking hardcore uh spanish immersive yeah like dive in deep and then even when i went back when i was five supposedly i didn't want to
Starting point is 00:35:01 really speak spanish because i was scared to lose English again. Kenneth DeLapp, Sevan is getting a HUHE testosterone contact high from having Max on the show. I don't know what HUHE is, but the rest of the shit I agree with. I'm definitely getting testosterone high, I feel. Yeah, there's a lot of testosterone that flows inside the family
Starting point is 00:35:20 and inside the household for sure with all the boys. How old are you max i am 44 i turned 45 this year i technically can compete again as a 45 year old masters for weightlifting oh are you competing weightlifting thinking about it thinking about it i haven't competed since my 36 years when i won that silver medal in copenh as a masters. I'm going to drop that right there. Little plug. Silver medal in what organization? Masters USAW, but I represented us in the IWF because that's what they do. They don't have anything else besides that.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So International Weightlifting Federation. So it's a world. Is that the highest level that you can compete at? As an old man? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. that's what they do. They don't have anything else besides. So international weightlifting Federation. So it was, it's a world. It's a, is that the highest level that you can compete at as an old man? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're,
Starting point is 00:36:10 you're pretty much silver metal in that at 35. Yeah. I cut all the way down to the 94 kilos right before they actually changed the, the weight classes. Wow. No shit. Okay. Let's go back a little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So, um, uh, Argentinian parents, do you have siblings? I do. I have one fucking brother that hasn't talked to my dad. It's fucked up. Hasn't talked to his father in five plus years. Oh, he's got to fix that. He's got to fix that.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Well, he won't ever again. My dad lost his hearing last year. Oh, shit. Yeah, it's fucked up. He completely lost his hearing? Yeah, lost his hearing. Lost his hearing. He's 87 years old and just popped. He always had bad hearing.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Hey, why did they stop talking? You know, my brother was one of those guys that constantly has that victim mentality and pulls himself out and then comes back in, pulls himself out. He ran away from home at 18 and then came back. He struggles with the, my mom's his half mom. And he struggles with the fact that his real mom doesn't love him, but this other lady does, you know, that, that kind of story, which is a lot of the, what I'm doing now with men having baggage from the past or even now in their life and being able to give them an opportunity to move forward that's the warrior
Starting point is 00:37:25 week thing yeah yeah a lot of alpha a lot of alpha men hanging out doing some alpha shit um uh and that's the guy um uh what's the guy's name who who runs that the reverend of truth what's oh yeah my man yeah i'm falsafi samafi. I'll put it in the, I put it as a link in the private chat. Is that the guy, is that the owner of Warrior Week? He is now, yes. Yes. It all started with Garrett J. White, which is interesting because they're all, they've all been influenced by CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:37:57 whether they want to admit it or not, they've all been influenced. Garrett J. White actually worked out down at Ethos under Jimmy Letchford for a while um before he really got into heavy heavy um warrior week and then is garrett j white the guy who has like the the the hot wife and like the the pompadoura and he's like the white guy he's like he's like the he kind of reminds me of the um Not Sheep or Sheep Not Lions guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:25 He even went through Garrett's program too. The Lions Not Sheep guy did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They all ripped it off from these guys. Yeah. These guys have been doing this for 10 plus years. Everything you're seeing online right now has been taken from the Wake Up Warrior and Warrior Week movement that started 10 plus years ago. Sorry, guys. I know this show's all over
Starting point is 00:38:46 the place. I've given up, though, on keeping you guys in the loop here. Hold on a second. What do you need? Let's get it. Let's go back to the kids and the family. Okay, we've got to come back to this Warrior Week. That's fascinating. So there's drama there in the whole Warrior Week. There's drama
Starting point is 00:39:04 everywhere. There's drama. Isn't there drama? Can I warrior week there's drama everywhere there's drama isn't there drama can i ask the same for you i mean isn't there drama there too well i've really tightened my there is but i've really tightened my loop down and since i had kids my shit's gotten like i'm a fucking van driver you know what i mean like amen i'm and i'm fucking good at it yeah van's a little dirty but i'm good at it. Yeah. Van's a little dirty, but I'm good at it. Yeah, I don't fuck around. I'm here for one reason only, to pass it on to my kids. What do you drive? I drive a Lesbrew. I drive a Subaru. Lesbrew.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Can I say that out loud? Oh, for sure. You're okay with that? One of my lesbian friends the other day was telling me that lesbians drive Jeeps. She says, oh, God. She's like, I'm so fucking textbook lesbian. I'm like, what do you mean? And she told me all the things. And one of the things she said she drives a jeep
Starting point is 00:39:47 i'm like really they drive so lesbians like subarus same thing subarus and jeeps yes how about dudes who drive subarus do they can we judge them categorize them that's a good question but you don't want to whatever they are you're one of them yeah i don't think i fit the type but i do now. Look at Audrey's claiming she's not a lesbian. Let me tell you something, Audrey. Thanks, Audrey. I got your back.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Let me tell you. You're an outlier then. Okay. So parents are still married. That's a good sign. Yeah. And how long have you been married? I've been married 10 10 years but we've been
Starting point is 00:40:27 together for 17 oh congratulations yeah i told her that i wouldn't marry her until i was retired from weightlifting poor girl uh that really is a crowning achievement to be with one person for 17 years uh yes and no because you know i was on the opposite spectrum of treating her like shit because I felt like I was owed something special because I wasn't a guy that cheated on her. I wasn't a guy that had been running around and fucking other women. And so that gave me like a card, if you will, to be like, well, you know, I i deserve more i deserve more um and there was a process inside there that created a lot of chaos just like all of us in our relationships oh i don't cheat on you so i gives me leeway to be a dick elsewhere yeah or not listen not not hold
Starting point is 00:41:17 space for you not listen to your feelings wow not hold space look at you you know that i hate that fucking word i hate that i knew you would understand though it's pretty important i like it holding space for women is important especially absolutely i would rather use the word intent listening um that's like the the bullshit that you're hearing now with vulnerability you know people talk about vulnerability fuck your vulnerability really vulnerability comes down to your ability to write shit down and give it to somebody as well you're only vulnerable to as much as you want to share. There's only one person that knows your true vulnerability.
Starting point is 00:41:49 In that same family of words, the ones I'm not a huge fan of is boundaries. Yeah, fuck. Boundaries. As soon as I hear someone has boundaries, I'm like, you have mental illness too. Why does boundaries trigger you? It's like full steam ahead, motherfucker. Full steam ahead. You have boundaries because you have fucking ego.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Full steam ahead. Just jump right in. But there's a place for boundaries. I get it. But just the word. When I hear all the people I know who use the word, I have boundaries. You've broken my boundaries.
Starting point is 00:42:24 So-and-so broke my boundaries my boundaries i'm like you fucking need to see three shrinks and fucking get on the pharmaceuticals there's a misunderstanding of how to say yes and no for sure for sure yeah how about that just learn how to say no yeah yeah yeah well well said yeah and that was huge for me learning to say no i wasn't i didn't know how to say no until i don't know i did credit credit Dave Castro with teaching me that in my late 40s. He definitely knows how to say yes or no, which is funny because people will call him a dick because of it, and yet he's just, again, good at his boundaries, if you will.
Starting point is 00:42:56 For sure. And people respect you for that too when you know how to say no. You think that they won't like you, but in the long run, they actually respect you. They start to respect you. Absolutely. And you don't build resentment from it, right? When you say yes and you go do something you don't want to do, then you build resentment, and then later that builds into something else.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Right. My favorite one is, can I borrow your car? Can I borrow your truck to move some shit? No. Why not? Because I don't lend my shit out. Leave a deposit, leave a deposit of 20, a briefcase full of $20,000 cash and you can just have my truck.
Starting point is 00:43:31 You can just have it. Fuck that. We loaned out the van one time and some asshole put gasoline in it and it's diesel. So you can only imagine what the process was there. Yeah. What do I do? Just the friendship's over because I lent you the car? No.
Starting point is 00:43:46 No, thank you. I'd rather keep you as a friend and you just think i'm an asshole doesn't want to share my car that's that's the best way to do it um so so you're right and where are you and so when you come back from um argentina as a as a four-year-old boy you're in uh los angeles yeah i raised born and raised in anaheim california basically wow okay so i was here up until my 17th year and then i graduated from high school a little early and then after that i went up to central washington university ellensburg washington and i worked with uh five chimpanzees that knew american sign language and i was there for about three and a half years that's true you're not fucking around no chimpanzee sign language up in washington state yeah i was in i was an intern there yes yes wow dude yes yeah
Starting point is 00:44:30 you can totally use the word lesbo if you spent five years in washington you get yeah met jane goodall yeah did you really yeah yeah what were you doing up there with um that was like your focus yeah i went to school for religious studies and experimental psychology no shit yeah and so um you were you were religious studies major by choice well no i actually went there specifically for experimental psychology and poli sci and i wanted to do campaign management bullshit and then i rolled rolled down a hill, 278 yards, two of us lived and two of us died. And then that turned me into the quest for God.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That changed me to find out what, hey, what's this religion all about and why the fuck did I live? Can I hear this story, the two rolling down 278 feet? Tell me this story. Yeah, the only reason why I know specifically still that number was because the cop, when I told him that i rolled about 300 yards he was like no you'd be dead and i was like yeah i ran i stopped i ran i stopped and i ran and we were at the top of the hill and the next day he called me personally and was like hey mr mormont you were right uh you did
Starting point is 00:45:38 roll about 300 yards it was actually 278 um we were leaving a party it was my birthday like literally midnight of my birthday 18th year and we were leaving like after school special style and we had an extra kid in the car and the driver started driving like shit to kind of get him out and he got out and you guys are drunk you guys are drunk he had been drinking a little bit yeah he had been drinking a little bit um but that i mean he was he was a shitty ass driver because later when i talked to his brother i went to go see his brother his brother immediately was like oh fuck he finally rolled and so that was what kind of car um it was like a it was some type of hatchback okay some type of hatchback collapsed collapsed as it was rolling you know it was fucking rolling oblong why did
Starting point is 00:46:25 it roll down a cliff down a down he was making a left-hand bank so we got the other kid out and i looked at him like hey man are you driving like shit what's the deal and he like winked at me like i'm just trying to get this other guy out um so then we we drove a couple more turns and then fucking right off the cliff caught the back end of the wheel off the, off the road, lifted the car up. And then it just started rolling up long and, um, four boys in the car, four boys in the car, two of us were wearing seatbelt, two of us were not wearing seatbelt. Um, and it was 50, 50 across the board, uh, two, you know, one kid with a seatbelt died. One kid without a seatbelt died. Oh shit. People died, Max. Oh yeah. One kid got shot out the back uh pat she got shot out the
Starting point is 00:47:07 back and he hit his head on a rock um or guy got hit and then phil as he was driving his his head his head hit a rock um he was holding onto the steering wheel and he hit his head and then he bled out on my leg on my leg hey did that roll seem like it went on forever? Yeah, so much so that I fucking prayed and was like, hey, can I just make this stop? And it actually got stopped by a boulder. We actually rolled on the bottom of the frame, got stuck to a boulder before we were almost into a ravine of water,
Starting point is 00:47:40 which probably would have took us all out. How many times did you think the car rolled? Fuck, I don't know, man. A lot, lot a lot so much so that i remember closing my eyes i had a concussion from the top of my head hitting hitting my head um and grabbing the oh shit bar on the side of the the car and the rocks hitting because i had heard stories of hey if you're off-roading if your hands and limbs go outside the window you're gonna lose shit and the window was compressed by the time we got out and then i jumped out tore my pants um and i got the other kid the other kid had the best ride because he had no seat belt on but he grabbed the bottom of the seat um and then just hunkered down never hit the top of the roof ryan hey so you're you're that's
Starting point is 00:48:23 22 years ago is that is that still fresh in your head like change your life kind of shit like uh yeah it was it moved it moved me to start to look into now i now i realize why that happened uh because it moved me to really investigate god inside of my life and then it also triggered me to question you know why i survived so then i started selling fucking marijuana traveling the whole west coast in my volkswagen microbus uh creating a muck really really selling a lot of fucking weed after that after oh yeah oh yeah i got twelve thousand dollars cash i started growing in seattle um i started creating a fucking muck and getting shot at stealing shit um yeah i was like my question was that so it's still illegal oh yeah yeah yeah it was it was illegal um up until yeah that was
Starting point is 00:49:15 very similar i didn't have a nice windows one but uh god that you know something like that now is like 100 grand have you seen i know that's i don't regret a lot savon and one thing i do regret is selling that volkswagen microbus like literally you can go online and find these buses with no engine completely rusted out barely even a car and it's like 56 000 no wheels no nothing just if you just want like a rusted out piece of shit with no engine in it mine was pretty tits it had uh it had some some rusting on the bottom but it was nice it was nice for an older car um so let me see if i can paint this story a little bit accident rocked you two guys died i'm guessing you didn't process that you just immediately took your money and started use that energy and started a small business basically and your business was going to be to grow marijuana and sell it yep yeah and i and i did that for a long while too and it was a good business were you growing indoors
Starting point is 00:50:11 indoors hydroponic yeah in an era that didn't exist right like it kind of did but it wasn't at the level um especially in industrial spaces to really increase the ability to produce yeah fuck yeah and um and then and then and shit got shady when you start dealing like in pounds and pounds of weed shit got shady and you started um on associating with unsavory characters people who are willing to shoot at you because a pound is you they bought five pounds and they claim you only gave them four and shit like that weird shit i got a buddy actually that got stabbed um for just like a quarter pound a week because i knew he always carried a backpack and so then it created this kind of like tug-of-war bullshit that starts happening in that world of like you fuck me i fuck you and then it just keeps escalating
Starting point is 00:51:00 until someone actually decides to fucking get killed or go down that road i remember talking to a counselor in regards to this and i said i never killed anybody and she was like well that's your justification i was like yeah because i could have i could have and i'm blessed that i never did that oh man that would be horrible yeah i don't know if you remember but do you remember in 2007 at the original crossfit Diablo Craig Howard's gym one of his coaches was selling weed and got stabbed and killed for
Starting point is 00:51:31 do you remember that? for a marijuana sale that went sideways something that you can just go in the store any store now and buy I almost got a fucking felony for two pounds of marijuana which I would have lost all my rights. And now I would have been asking the governor,
Starting point is 00:51:48 hey, man, this is legal now. I need to be pardoned for this shit, like full prohibition shit. Fucking nuts. Okay, so you're in that. And do you get out of that? So you're doing that and doing the Jane Goodall shit at the same time? I'm still, I'm traveling to colleges to sell weed and I'm, I'm up there until 1999.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And then it starts escalating too aggressively in early end of 1999, coming into 2000. So then I decided to come home to Anaheim, California and leave it all behind. So I sold, I sold it out, sold my business, sold my business to some friends out there, uh, and then came home and then moved completely away from it. What does that look like to sell any legal business? Well, I was blessed. I had some mentors in this process that were really good guys, which is weird inside that business, right. To find, find homies likeies like that um and there was four of us
Starting point is 00:52:45 that like fucking ran together and grew together and so i just cut my cut my shares out and said hey man if you guys want this because the way we operated is that if you didn't have contact with us within two weeks we wouldn't talk to you anymore so you lost everything oh okay so you know you had to be in close there were some rules each other yeah yeah so so basically they um when you say you sold the business meaning the equipment the maybe a lease to a location my book of knowledge my book of knowledge as well as my contacts do you miss i'm growing do you grow anything now do you grow like fruit trees or and do you grow anything do you have a flower bed or anything in your house no actually i don't at all i killed it all um i do miss it i do miss it my dad my dad grows really awesome roses and then he knows how to like
Starting point is 00:53:33 cross plan them and then also to like make different colors like we can make uh roses with like rings on them and you know different petal colors and all that kind of shit and when i used my dad's a really good green thumb and i would ask my dad questions and at one point when he found out that i was doing he's just like maxi just ask me how to grow marijuana stop beating around the bush asshole just tell me tell me what you know um you know we i came down here and and just like any kid that thinks they're going to get out of something um they really don't. They really don't. And so I got sucked right back into it. I had a buddy that got fucking robbed. And so I went and collected on what he got robbed, took it back to him and said, Hey man, if you need help to protect your shit, let me know. That's what I do. So then I got right back into it just like that. Just like an addict.
Starting point is 00:54:19 You get addicted to the money. You get, you get addicted to the lifestyle and you get addicted to the process. And it wasn't like I was, and I was like you, I was a guy that liked to stay in the van. I didn't really like, it wasn't flashy. I didn't spend a lot of money. I saved, I did really well. But then at some point I had to realize that there's not a lot of retired drug dealers. And so you have to write, right. Yeah. It kind of has the same, uh, uh, uh, injury, death or jail or kind of the end up being the, the outcomes. Oh, and then, and then finally they made it, um,
Starting point is 00:54:52 you know, they legalized it and it became so fucking competitive. It just put everyone out of business anyway. Well, the good thing here, what I did in Southern California was, um, I made safety deposit boxes.
Starting point is 00:55:02 So you couldn't really deposit it into the bank. And so we just made little, little banks to put your money in. That's right. Yeah, it's not federally insured. So they had to put it somewhere and they had to put it into a safety deposit box. What do you mean you made those? We made like, so we would get a location,
Starting point is 00:55:21 I know how to get gym locations, right? So we just got an industrial location made it fucking secured put safety deposit box in there put a 24-hour guard and then offer the ability to house your money holy shit i i'm a fucking entrepreneur i'm like a jamaican i got multiple fucking jobs i sold all that when i went to work for warrior week i moved myself completely out of anything that has to do with affecting kids and drugs and all that bullshit. Right. So because I couldn't continuously be inside that world knowing what I have with my kids.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Right. So. And for maybe preaching what you preach at Warrior Week? Correct. 100%. When did you get into fitness and sports? Did you ever – were you working out this whole time? Yeah, I was a soccer player in college and I was a soccer player all my life. Like real soccer player?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Like you played on the school team in college? I didn't make the team. No, I tried. I walked on and then they actually turned the team into Title IXed it. And so it went from actually a division sport to a club sport and that was kind of part of me wanting to quit school and then the chimps too so that was there was and the amount of money i was making from selling dope there was no reason to stay in school so it was just like a pinnacle of shit that happened so i walked away in 2000 came home started fucking around again
Starting point is 00:56:42 still doing fitness got into bodybuilding did a couple competitions cut down on you when you played soccer were you like a a metabolic fucking freak 185 pounds oh and how tall are you i'm like five nine okay so not skinny no i was a bigger soccer player soccer player yeah i was a bigger soccer player most of the time i wouldn't get on a team or they would like judge me because of how big I was, but I was a hard worker and I was always happy, happy. You know, I hate to say happy go lucky, but I was always, you know, never, never bummed to work out, never bummed to train, never bummed the practice. I love the fucking journey of, of the practice. Right. So
Starting point is 00:57:18 coaches liked me for that. And so they would keep me around in that for sure. And then in 2000 to 2004, I was doing some bodybuilding. And then I realized that that was just the sport of aesthetics and also to posing. And it just wasn't for me. And so I met this guy, Skip Benzing and Skip and I started talking. Up north in Washington. No, we're down here in California. Actually. He's, he's an assistant strength coach at Cal state Fullerton, and I'm working at a 24 hour fitness and he's trying to make some extra cash. And he just kind of gets inside this 24 hour fitness. Um, and we start talking in regards to the Olympic lifts and how to train athletes in Olympic lifting. Had you ever heard of the Olympic lifts at that point?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Yes. And I was always told that they were bad for you. And so I was never taught them, but I was working with soccer kids and knowing that if they were going to go to college, they were going to have to know how to do Olympic lifts. They're going to have to do a power clean. And so I wanted to develop that skill. I also got into kettlebells and then I started realizing there's a lot there's a lot of cool shit out there did you did you know you were strong then yeah i was squatting like 500 pounds to parallel i was still running shit running like a 630 mile like we fucked around with all that shit prior to going and seeing you know glassman because uh mike bergner and
Starting point is 00:58:41 josh everett is who introduced us to coach glassman so how did you how did you meet josh everett and mike bergner the first okay through through skip benzine because skip was a strength coach at cal state fullerton and then we went to go get our usa w in 2004 from mike from mike in 2004 yeah when he would just teach them like at high school and you pay like 50 bucks a week or something. Right. At high school. Yeah. I went to go hang out with him.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Oh my God. So I remember you from back then. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So it was just you and a bunch of height. You just, you and a bunch of high school kids,
Starting point is 00:59:21 like every, I would, you just, at some point, all the kids left the house and it was like just me and amy and naya um hanging out at the house or you know a lot of a lot of the kids were moving on and so i was local so i would still drive down there a couple times a week to go and see them especially on saturday or wednesday wow you were part of that scene that's fucking crazy how was that scene for those of you don't
Starting point is 00:59:45 know um um mike bergener maybe arguably one of the most successful olympic lifting coaches in the world made a shitload of money went from being um just a dude who fucking taught high school kids how to olympic lift and ran into coach glassman and they built a great friendship and mike ran with the opportunity to teach olymp Olympic lifting all over the world. Maybe one of the most influential people in the history of Olympic lifting. You could make that argument, right? For wheels, people that have spun off them.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I would make that argument. And maybe one of the most generous people you could ever meet, right? This fucking guy lets anyone come up to his house and work out anytime, it seems like. Yeah, he's a sweetheart of a man. You were part of that crew? You would just roll in the garage and just... 13 hours house and hey mike and just get at
Starting point is 01:00:30 it yeah oh mike that is not safe oh yeah yeah that's safe man i mean if you're that fucking flaily you need to figure it out man maybe don't lift that weight because if you're running with your weight or that's like it's like a crossfitter that says, hey, man, I got a new PR. I got a new PR. And you're like, all right, sweet. Well, how many times did you attempt it? And they're like six times. And you're like, no, you got a one in six PR.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It's very different. Very different. Well said. Okay. God, I didn't know you had those roots. And so you're rolling with those guys pre-CrossFit. It's just dirty back down and dirty yeah he's already kind of involved in crossfit this is the three-day cert where you
Starting point is 01:01:11 know you have dan he was in 2004 he already was yeah or 2005 yeah he already was rolling with them he he already had the part of the three-day cert where he was teaching it with uh he taught his in the morning i think on like saturday and right even um fucking ripto taught uh dan john taught uh fucking what did dan john teach what did dan dan john teach um i don't know some shit about power or something i don't remember um dan dan taught uh he had john hackleman teaching fighting yes on uh sunday um i remember it was a good crew of three three days three days and i would go up there quite a bit to go and visit them um yeah it was good times and so and so they basically so you met mike and josh and they're like hey you should check out this crossfit shit yeah they were like hey you guys are doing a lot of crazy shit um but you don't have anything to quantify it by so you guys
Starting point is 01:02:09 should go check out this crossfit thing because they take everything that you're doing and they have a quantification for it like they have the ability to to take times reps like there's there's beauty inside of what you're doing you just don't realize that you're doing it and so and at that time we were getting ran out of gyms ranms, ran out of colleges. Um, you know, not very socially acceptable to do what we were doing, which was, you know, CrossFit. Isn't that crazy? Like overhead squats. I remember like being at UC Berkeley doing overhead squats or deadlifts and people would be like, are you like the fucking gym director coming over and being like, dude, you can't do that shit. Well, let's just understand. Let's just understand something
Starting point is 01:02:47 right now. There's no such thing as a stupid exercise. It's just a stupid exerciser. Sure. Let's let's fucking let's. So the snatch is not bad. You are bad for the snatch. Like let's, let's, let's fucking put that out there right away. Um, and, um, when is you, when do you think that, Hey, you're going to do this Olympic lifting thing at a competitive level? So Skip talks me into being his test subject and he's writing a senior thesis on Olympic weightlifting for, you know, general population and college kids. And so he said like, Hey, you got to give me eight months of it. And then you got to go get your USAW. You got to help me do some of the research. And I said, sure, I'll help you with that.
Starting point is 01:03:23 So we go through the process of this. And then i compete eight months later and i qualify for american opens and kiss me florida um and i like fuck it i might as well go and do this like what what what year is that uh it's 2004 2005 maybe fuck crazy dude five 2006 five and are you loving it yeah yeah i mean it's keeping me out of jail it's moving it's removing me from the process of doing what i was doing it's giving me a new a newfound you know ability to train multiple times a day i was already training multiple times a day as a bodybuilder but now i was actually getting athletic again you know i'm fucking running fast 40s i'm doing fucking you know 60 50 something reps at 225 like i'm doing combine shit and then now i'm snatching you know snatching over my body weight i'm cleaning jerking one and a half times i'm squatting you know 550 below parallel and then there's this this whole process
Starting point is 01:04:23 that starts coming from it you know so i started with only being able to snatch the barbell and i started with mesh fucking gloves clean clean and press so to see myself change and develop yeah i fell in love with the sport um kissed me florida i think i ended up 13 out of 13 and um was like fuck i want to move up and see what I can do with this. And I trained for 2008 Olympic trials and trained for 2012. No shit. Are you teaching at this point too? Is that how you're making money? manager teaching, teaching trainers how to sell and train other people like program, um, you know, periodization, all that kind of stuff, which in turn teaches them how to sell prescription sales instead of actually just arbitrary sales. Um, and I would save, I would save like a hundred grand or more and then use what I used to have.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And then I wouldn't work for two years. So I trained, I would work full time, train full time for two years. Cause remember there's, there's not fucking sponsorships like there are now. There's not, I mean, fuck, even when I was doing bodybuilding, I had to go and answer like penny saver ads to go and fucking pose for some weirdo that was like, you put the lotion on the skin, you know, like if I drank any water, I was going to fucking end up dead. Like if I drank any water, I was going to fucking end up dead. So, you know, that was the passion. So I did that for eight years and I would work full time for two years and then I would stop fucking working, quit my job and then just train full time, train full time. And so 2008, you said you tried out to go to the Olympics. Olympic trials. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:03 And how was that? What's that like? It was it was good. you tried out to go to the Olympics. Olympic trials. Yeah. Yeah. And how was that? What's that like? Um, it was, it was good. I mean, they, they changed the QT total to a standard of the top three in the world.
Starting point is 01:06:11 So like the one Oh five, now it's a different weight class, but at my time it was one Oh five, one Oh five plus we were never going to be able to go because that was the most competitive weight class in the world. So, um, and women are going to actually,
Starting point is 01:06:24 meaning if you get people who weigh 105 kilograms yeah yeah 231 231 that's like cloak off and shit right so names that you would know um just the most competitive like again absolute weight is much more exciting to watch than relative weight being lifted but you still even even though it's that competitive you still went through the process you're're like, hey, I'm still going to give it a shot. I'm going to be fine. Yeah, I ranked – I was a bridesmaid, never a bride. So I've come close at Americans and nationals and the Arnold Classic to podium but never podium. And then why try again in 2012? Why try again in 2012? Because I said I would do two cycles, right? I said I would do two cycles of Olympic weightlifting and training for it.
Starting point is 01:07:10 No matter what, I would put in the two cycles. And I got hit by a drunk driver in 2007 and just demolished. Leading up to the trials. Leading up to the trials. Just demolished my shoulder. Nobody could guarantee that they would actually be able to repair it in time to lift at the trials in 2008 so then i just went up to the super heavyweight class and qualified for uh the trials in 2008 for a heavier weight class yeah so i just went i bumped it and um and during this time um that you're doing all this olympic lifting are you are you
Starting point is 01:07:44 still doing dabbling in CrossFit also? Yeah, I'm fucking around with, you know, CrossFitters. I'm messing around with teaching it. I'm 100% passionate about it. I'm passionate about fitness. I'm passionate about community. And I have been. I'm never going to get rid of the CrossFit name no matter what.
Starting point is 01:08:03 I don't care who comes to get it or what they want or where I'm going to go to court for it. I don't give a fuck. It's ingrained on me. I'm surprised I don't have a fucking CrossFit tattoo if I was one of those douchebags I would. That's interesting. Why are you still affiliated? Just because of loyalty? Because what you're doing is CrossFit to you?
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, man. I love coach glassman i love what we've been able to do inside of spreading it from what i've seen to where it's at now the sport the community the generalization the fights the you know there's there's been a process inside there that you know greg wasn't the only one fighting those fights right like you know right we were fighting them at like universities you know i was fighting them throughout the world i was you know there was a there was a huge process for me for sure and um uh so what year did you buy across the coast to maista i just bought it uh during the pandemic 2020 2021 did you buy before the pandemic no okay okay so basically the people who had it were like this is fucked and they needed to offload it and you're like okay i'll step in yep wow and you had been working there yeah i've
Starting point is 01:09:21 been working there for eight or nine years who were the owners did i know them uh alec hansen alec hansen uh they they also were part of grid they were also part of grid okay so i would for sure recognize the guy if i saw him yeah they knew the they they actually made the la rain team okay um which in turn should have been done at a later time um and it would have done well but they were eager to do it then. Were you, did you compete in grid? No, I coached it.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I had the worst team in grid. I inherited. I inherited it. I got like the bad news, fucking bears of a grid. And then I did a draft and my draft would have been bad-ass if it would have, if the league would have sustained itself, I would have had a winning team for sure now they're still around but they're just in florida right it's just got more localized yes and i think that's the only place they are and
Starting point is 01:10:14 were you friends with dusty highland yes i i am friends with him yeah yeah absolutely yeah what a cool dude yeah he's a sweetheart of a man good good good dude we co-did that team for a while and then actually i inherited the team um they fired him it wasn't the it wasn't the point of firing him i didn't i didn't come on board for him to get fired so i don't think he has any uh anger towards it but if he does i apologize that wasn't my intent oh he's a great guy yeah he's a good uh games level level caliber coach right oh yeah 100 he has games athletes multiple like females males yeah he's done very well lindsey valenzuela right yeah very well um and uh sam briggs right yeah he's developed a lot of i mean he's good fucking good lifter he's a good gymnast did he ever win's a good gymnast. Did he ever win the games?
Starting point is 01:11:05 Did he ever win Masters? He went his Masters also. Yeah, I don't think so. I mean, he had Kenny Leverage in there. I think he helped Noah for a while. So he helped some big fucking names. Yeah, that guy's legit. And that's the crappy thing about our industry, right? Like, you'll help out a kid through his development process,
Starting point is 01:11:21 and then he'll jump in with another coach, and people will actually think that that's the coach. Like, no no that's not the fucking coach that's just the babysitter right now i should i should have him on i text with dusty i don't know like two or three times a year like something will happen and we'll just start texting for a day or two you know i should i should have him on absolutely he's got what and he doesn't have his crossfit gym anymore i don't know yeah i don't think so the la got real funky so i wouldn't i wouldn't doubt it if if he wanted to get out of it la got real weird was his dog town yeah yeah yeah dog town oh shit i can't believe i remember that dog town absolutely yeah i wonder if that jay caleb can you see if that gym is still around dogtown crossfit holy shit we were
Starting point is 01:12:06 all we were all so uh young back then so so that's 20 that was 20 years ago so you were basically 21 22 when you first crossed that sucks crossfit what's it say does it say closed oh okay yeah all right i think he sold it though i i think it was on it was good for him i think i don't know yeah no my my owner actually hooked us up he did he did us he did us a solid uh we had a location that was 22 000 a month in the middle of covet and we weren't using any type of morgatorium or anything like that we were paying the bills and then we subleased it out the rent was 22 000 22k yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah big crossfit gym yeah 11 000 square feet standalone building that's crazy stress crazy stress and i was helped managing that shit for nine years
Starting point is 01:12:57 what happens when you get three months behind on your rent you're like oh my god sixty thousand dollars you don't you don't you know even in covid we weren't so you don't um so in that gym had 250 members and went down to what 30 35 the remnant and where did they all go that was just people basically trying to survive their their incomes were all fucked up too and everyone just either incomes were fucked up they didn't want to deal with the bullshit of going in and out outside they didn't want to deal with the mask or no mask they didn't want to you know some of them too had been around for so long they've been around for like eight or nine years that it was an opportunity to leave without having to say goodbye right like it was a it was a good way to kind of get a new gym for yourself also you know we're good at what we do
Starting point is 01:13:42 um you know you just hang out at this gym you're gonna get fucking fit through osmosis and you go to another gym you're a top dog i mean you leave fucking crossfit costa mesa and you hang out here for five years you're a top dog somewhere else that's just the way it is like and it's hard to come back to be a fucking low low on the totem pole after you become a top dog okay uh fair enough and and and now the gym's back open and where's your location now uh costa mesa and what what street where we're on um fucking adams adams and harbor and how far is it from your house um like three miles two miles i live in huntington beach okay so you got you're you're doing it oh yeah and then and then how do you cross paths with're, you're, you're doing it. Oh yeah. And then, and then how do you cross paths with warrior week? You're a participant at first.
Starting point is 01:14:27 I'm a participant. I'm part of warrior X. Um, in 2015, when I retired from weightlifting, I was struggling, um, with not understanding who I was and what I was going to do also to like business wise. I didn't really know how I was going to crank up my business. And so I had a really good friend of mine that I was coaching, which was Sam Falsoffi. And he was a coach there. He was the lead coach, head coach, and was like, hey, man, you should come try this out. You've done this survival shit. You'll be fine. You were coaching him at your gym? Yeah. Oh, okay. Wow. Wow. Yeah.
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Starting point is 01:16:09 And he was like, hey, you should try this out. And I came out and did it. And I fell in love with it. Drago just dropped a new book as well. We donate money to the Navy SEAL Fund, which is another one that we help out. A good friend of ours just passed away, Dan Cirillo. He's part of it as well. Dan was part of Warrior Week?
Starting point is 01:16:37 He was really good friends with Sam. And they worked together in regards to developing things and helping each other out and talking with each other. Yeah, that's crazy that Dan passed. I remember Dan was up at like a Trident CrossFit or something like that, Frogman CrossFit or something up in Washington. I remember visiting his gym like way back in the day. Way back, yeah. Yeah, friends with Dave. He was a SEAL, right?
Starting point is 01:17:01 Yeah. One of the best SEAL seals has a high body count one of the highest fuck man one of the highest he's fucking taco is no joke taco yeah that's right taco that's what they call them taco and then and then so so tell me what is what so he says hey you should come check it out and you go check it out and what is it is hey you should come check it out and you go check it out and what is it uh that's a great question um you know it's a it's a it's an experience that's what it is it's an experience that's that's about as much as i can say about it it's an experience and how many days uh now it's four days now it's a four-day experience and you sleep there? Yeah. Sleep there, eat there, shit there, piss there.
Starting point is 01:17:45 You got to be willing to check your ego, check your, yourself, check yourself in, you know, be present, be, you know, be able to be humble and go through the process, trust the process, you know, details, understanding details. And it's not, it's not like Navy SEAL bullshit. It's not military bullshit. It's real,'s not like navy seal bullshit it's not military bullshit it's um real real and raw and relevant bullshit like it's it's heavy um going back to um uh the car rolling um and you said it it puts you on a pursuit of god. Is that fair? Did you ever find God? Yeah. How did you do that? Not through hallucinogenics. Let me tell you that. I know some people say that,
Starting point is 01:18:33 but whenever you pre-frame the ability to see God with drugs, then you don't really see God, right? Let's understand that. And I've done shamans. I've gone with a shaman. I've done spiritual trips. I've done, I've just done drugs too in general. But I was born Roman Catholic. I've always believed in Jesus Christ as my savior. You know, I, I, I just don't like talking about God to other people because I'm very selfish about it. Right. It's my connection with my God. And it's never been something that I wanted to put out there. This is probably the first time in my life that I've just said it like that openly. And mostly because I don't want to get lumped up with the fucking crazies on the fucking street holding a sign that the end of days are coming. You know, right. Right. I don't want to be associated with that.
Starting point is 01:19:15 But I do want to be associated with God and the word and understanding the truth. And that's where I'm at. Let me ask you this. truth and that's where i'm at let me ask you this um while i believe respecting what you just said your pursuit was um what's that call when when you um something's fruitful your pursuit was bountiful oh thank you kevin bountiful uh that was like god speaking to me i don't know where that voice yeah yes yes it was bountiful you you you're the pursuit was a good pursuit absolutely it was a long pursuit and it was investigative and i you know i went through the seven religions of the world i i've read bhagavad-gita's a punishes fucking you know you name it i've you know, you name it, I've, you know, I've, I've been involved with it, read it.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I still read it. I still investigate it. You know, the Quran, I have all seven major tattoos tattooed on my back to remind me of it. You know, I'm, I'm very, very investigative of God and wanting to know really why and why am I here? And why is that? Why is this relationship matter what does
Starting point is 01:20:26 it matter for me to have relationships with others what's the what's the purpose right and most of it it's just not going to ever be known um but I'm still I'm still curious right right I think that uh I think that's kind of the noble path right to pursue the unknown but what about so then bringing you back up to this warrior week thing why do that if you've already taken the journey on your own like what do they what does he say to you that so i'm gonna fuck you up right now so um so the covid hits covid hits and i'm going online um me and you were talking on and off um you're fucking keeping me alive actually you were a big part of me making it through covid um with the kids understandings yeah you man me yeah our little text messages at night me fucking yelling at you talking to you um wow you kept me
Starting point is 01:21:18 in the fight kept me in the the investigation you kept me in the the love of helping the kids and yeah, fuck man. I owe you a lot for it. Wow. Crazy. Thank you. I had no idea. So, so I get into this thing and we get out of the gym. I'm looking for a new location. I'm working online and I decide, you know what? I only want to work with men. I only want to work with men. I don't really want to work with women online. I want to develop men. And who else do I know that can do that besides Sam? And so I'm like, oh, I got to reach out to Sam, but I'm humble, but I'm not, my ego's in it. I'm like, you know what? Fuck it. I don't need a handout. I can make it through fucking COVID without a handout. So I'm like, okay, fuck it. I'm going to go get some food one night and I go and get food. And as I'm walking out, it's full COVID,
Starting point is 01:22:03 right? I got a fucking mask on, like everywhere I going it's it's locked down um i'm walking out and there's a homeless man sitting there and asked me for my food and immediately i'm like ah you know what fuck fuck this guy i want to keep my food i just waited for this um and it's like hey give him your food so i'm like all right fuck i give him my food and i'm like you hear the two voices one's like give me your food and the other one is like fuck this guy yeah eat your food you're a fucking fatty man eat your own shit man you're like who knows what he's gonna do he's probably gonna sell my food and buy drugs with it you know right like all that shit and so i'm like no i give him my food i go back inside and i order some more food so i go back out while i'm waiting because you can't
Starting point is 01:22:41 even wait inside the fucking restaurant right he's gotta wait outside i go back out while I'm waiting because you can't even wait inside the fucking restaurant. Right. He's got to wait outside. I go back out and he says, hey, sit with me and eat with me. I'm like, no, I don't want to get COVID. I don't want to get sick. Guaranteed you're fucking sick. I don't know. Flu or not. You're going to kill me. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I'm going to step on one of your needles. Yeah. Yeah. You got heroin in your pocket for all I know. Yeah. And then I sit down and he takes his mask off. And again, I panic. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:02 And so I take mine off and I have this full on conversation with him. And in this process, I ask him, Hey man, what got you on the streets and what kept you in the streets? Like, why didn't you get help to get out? And he said, you know, in this process of being on the street, I never asked for help. I had friends, I had people, I had ability to get help. And yet I just refused to take it. And that was kind of a eye opener for me to ask for help because again, I was not being humble enough and my ego wasn't in check. And I had a job in San Diego because at that time I'm fucking like a bag of on just trying to get cash in the house. So I'm driving down there to get some work done, help out some people, physical fitness and stuff. And I go past Sam's exit. And so I call him and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:23:46 Hey man, what's, what's the deal with helping out men? And he says, well, come down here, let's chat. So I go down there and we start talking about, you know, helping men online and all that stuff. We come up with a beautiful mind situation of what we need to do. And he knew that I had done logistics for certifications before, and he knew I knew how to run, you know, two day certs. And so he said, Hey, would you want to do my logistics for certifications before and he knew i knew how to run you know two-day certs and so he said hey would you want to do my logistics for warrior week when we turn this back on so what did you do that for originally like crossfit football or something yeah crossfit football okay um even even like uh hanging out with the l1s i understood flow master i understand
Starting point is 01:24:19 all that bitch that shit right i'm a glorified wedding planner now so okay um uh we we went through the process and we turned it on early and i became logistics and then he's like hey do you want to coach here too and i was like absolutely and here we are but first you went through the program yes in 2015 and and did that oh right right okay okay. Wow. So the program, even after going through the program, you were still hesitant to ask for help. Yes. But did you love the program when you went through it? Yes. I love the actual movement of, I don't really like what Garrett's doing now, but I really like, and I never really had been very enthralled. Who's Garrett? That's the guy who's running it now? Yeah, he's the guy that does Wake Up Warrior. Like, I've never been enthralled with Garrett J. White.
Starting point is 01:25:06 I mean, he never actually kind of – a lot of guys want to go and swing off his dick. I've never been one that wanted to swing off his cock. Like, it's not – it's nothing for me. It's not – he's like a Wolf of Wall Street kind of vibe. You know, he's a guy that pivots a lot. I just don't trust guys like that. I don't. I can trust Gregreg glassman because
Starting point is 01:25:25 i know greg glassman is going to preach crossfit and has for a long time he hasn't fucking pivoted you know yeah um so that's the but the wake up warrior movement and what they do for men in the essence of like developing them and understanding what the importance of your body your being your balance and your business, those core four is essential. It's very rare that you meet an entrepreneur that's doing well for himself that puts self-love into himself and not being able to develop. You do work on yourself, shit fucking happens. So let me – because you kind of lost me here. Wake Up Warrior and Warrior Week are two different things.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Yes. Okay, okay, okay. Because their YouTube channels are kind of all twisted up. Correct. We were ran and operated by Wake Up Warrior, and then Sam Falsoffi took Warrior Week, and now we're kind of – we were like a brother company, and now we're our own company.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Okay. Yeah. I don't know this guy either. This is – I probably shouldn't say any of this shit I'm about to say. But the guy with the Lamborghini and the chick with the fake tits and the fake wife and all that shit and all the tattoos and – I'll eat that lunch. If we're in a room together, I don't care how much money he has. I'll eat his lunch.
Starting point is 01:26:43 So we're good. lunch i would if we're in a room together i don't care how much money he has i'll eat his lunch so we're good i i i don't know i don't know the guy but the whole there there is a um yeah i don't know maybe it's just my hippie roots i i like a simple life like that like i like my toe spacers i like to go barefoot i like to dig a hole and plant a fruit tree i i'm happy for a guy who has a ferrari but there becomes a a point where I watched some of his stuff with him and his wife as I was digging through doing research on you. It's it looks hard. I want me,
Starting point is 01:27:16 I want me to be easy and simple me. You know what I mean? I don't mind life being hard, but being him looks hard. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I just want to go out to my yeah i just want to go out to
Starting point is 01:27:26 my car i want to go out to my car and get in it i don't want to be like have to dust it off first i mean you do a lot of good work right like you're doing the same thing where you're putting yourself out there you're fucking talking on podcasts yeah putting out content um but if if anything you're not running you're not running a front right you're not trying to, you're not running, you're not running a front, right? You're not trying to be, you're not trying to sell yourself through what you have. You're selling yourself through you. That's very different for me personally. Some guys really get attracted to it, right? So some guys really don't understand like, oh, there's no way Max is an entrepreneur and has money because, you know, he doesn't live on the beach. He has a house in Huntington beach and he
Starting point is 01:28:03 has a Subaru where it's like, well, you don't know my bank account you don't really know right i've dealt with a lot of money and a lot of cash that had to be used and moved around quickly so i'm very good at understanding money i the happiest people i know the happiest i've ever been is when i was homeless and the happiest version of myself is the version of me that doesn't have to worry about anything. So like I can park anywhere and I'm not worried about someone opening their car door and hitting my car door. I'm not worried about the price of avocados. I'm not worried about the price of gas. I'm not worried about any like I can go.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I'm not sure I can walk anywhere barefoot. Like I'm just not I don't not worried. I'm free. Fucking head cartoli over here yeah yeah exactly and so if I and so for me that's um that the the only aspect of this other life I'd like is I do think that and I'm I'm late to the party but that boys should know how to shoot guns and beat people up and and and you so it's like I'm i'm like uh i i'm okay with the more of the um uh like the bruce lee type you know just fucking no shirt just fucking chill you know what
Starting point is 01:29:14 i mean like walk around barefoot be cool but someone needs an ass whooping like they gotta take an ass yeah most most people that know how to operate a gun and know martial arts have discipline the sooner we can teach our children discipline the better off we are and i know that we live in a world that's like oh no discipline's bad don't go fuck yourself it's not they need it like you know they need to know what they can and cannot do early they need to know or they want to know it they they they thrive to be taught right like your kids thrive to learn And so why not teach them all the skills that they can have? I mean, most grown men don't even want to learn and develop skills.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Like, think about it. Like, right. Right. You need a 35 year old man. And you ask me, what was the last skill you developed? And they're like, what do you mean? What was the last book that you read? What was the last thing that you write?
Starting point is 01:29:59 I go on an airplane. I start writing in a fucking notebook and reading a paperback book. People look at me like I'm fucking terrorist like what the fuck is that and the 60 year old guy next to you is playing video games on his iphone yeah hey and and i i love a lamborghini i i think a lamborghini is a fucking amazing piece of equipment amazing piece of art everyone should have opportunity at some point in their life to drive one own one whatever but if it's not adding if it if it's complicating your life and taking freedom from you, save the cash, put the $1 million in your pocket,
Starting point is 01:30:29 and then just buy a Honda Civic or a bicycle. You'll be so much happier. I guess that's where I'm at. That shit looks hard, the shit he's doing. Like hard in a way that's not fruitful, free, fruitful and free. I doubt that, I don't think those people are happy. You sound like someone like trolloping in the forest right there. That was full Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 01:30:52 But I mean, you're right, though, because the house income in California, right? Let's say you buy a $10 million, $15 million home. Who wants to pay $300,000 or 30K or 50K a month for your mortgage? Like that's, that's fucking ridiculous. Like if you really buy multiple houses, if that's the case, why not buy multiple houses, have multiple assets instead of just putting it all into one nut. I don't understand that one. That's, that's hard for me. Yeah. It's, it's the same thing with, um, I've had friends who've gotten all brand new teeth, right? Like they just didn't like their teeth, so they got all brand new teeth.
Starting point is 01:31:27 And now two days a year they have to fucking deal with their new teeth. And then every five years they got to like deal with it for like a month. I'm like, fuck that. I'm happy with the teeth that I have, and I want all those days. I'm happy with the teeth that I have, and I want all those days. I don't want to have to like – I don't want my wife to go away for a week and have to have her fucking implants redone and then put her unconscious. It's just not – I'm just not into it. I like a simple life.
Starting point is 01:32:07 So going back to Warrior Week, so that's – is that – would you say that's where your primary focus is these days 100 my primary focus is on helping men and the fellowship of warrior week and developing that fellowship in that community yeah that's fucking cool who should do it do you what what if shit's good for you you should do it what if shit's rock bottom for you you should do it? What if shit's good for you? You should do it. What if shit's rock bottom for you? You should do it. Yeah. Why if shit's good for you, should you do it? Well, why not give? You know, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:32:33 It's hard for a man to give, right? Like it's easy for someone to take. So if you're at rock bottom, it's easy to be like, fuck, my life is fucked. I need to fucking fix what I'm doing. So then you get into this thing. And then all of a sudden you're like, oh, great again and then now you start moving forward and then you're just a taker well if everything is going well why not investigate if it truly is because there is a story inside there because even when you're saying it's going well it's really not going well because
Starting point is 01:32:59 that's where i was in 2015. i wasn't going well. I thought it was going well. I thought I had everything, but I didn't realize that I was missing some really key components in my life. One of them was a really good relationship with my wife. The other one was a really good developed business and understanding it. If I don't have that business, I don't make it through fucking COVID. So there's stuff inside there where the more you start to investigate yourself and you investigate the stories the less and less you become a victim the less and less you become full of shit i mean even if things are going well what does that look like for you to give that to somebody else because it's easy to take it's hard to serve especially serve another man um uh one of the things that said in there was purpose. So is that the takeaway
Starting point is 01:33:48 for people? Is that the primary thing? You go in there and four days later, you either find your purpose or solidify your purpose or have a better understanding of your purpose? Yes. You find a better reason of your why. And for you, it helped you in your relationship with your wife yes absolutely it actually allowed me to suddenly when covet hit and everything kind of became chaos to be able to check back into almost a mini warrior week and put myself in the garage and rebuild myself right it allowed me to have tools and an avenue to be like okay hey this is an opportunity when everybody's running one way i'm going to run the other way so how do i attack this and so i got to restructure my lifestyle my morning routines my nighttime routines you know my life in general um because i was kind
Starting point is 01:34:36 of in a prison in myself uh sorry one second hey caleb are we having issues with the stream right now the live chat is not updating I don't know what it is I tried refreshing I have to like get out and open it back up and then it will refresh to the most recent but I can see it on YouTube that's crazy
Starting point is 01:35:00 have we ever had this problem no never did I say anything crazy no That's crazy. Have we ever had this problem? No, never. Did I say anything crazy? No, it's not like maybe me. That's fucking nuts. That's so weird that I can't – because I'm like, wow, this is so weird. I'm not seeing any movement.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what it is. Okay, now I see it. Now I saw DeWitt Mahari just put testing the chat. Okay. And Kenneth DeLapp just said it's good for all the viewers. What a trip. You can see that on YouTube, but you can't see that on StreamYard. Yeah, I just opened up YouTube. I can't see it.
Starting point is 01:35:34 I can't pull up comments or anything. I see Kenneth Walters. I prefer the Bruce Lee no shirt. Yeah, okay. All right. I just want to make sure I'm not. Yeah, I was tripping a little bit. I didn't lose you.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Okay. I scared everybody away. You're little bit. I didn't lose you. Okay. I scared everybody away. You're like, oh, fuck this Max guy. He fucked up, really fucked up my feed. No, they're all here. Oh, Allison NYC asked a really good question. How does someone with children read books and write on a plane? That's a fucking great question.
Starting point is 01:35:59 I feel like every last time I was on a plane, I was just making trips to the bathroom. You ever fly with both your kids? No, not yet. Oh, good luck. Not yet. Dude, it's one fucking – I have three kids, and it's just like every eight minutes, it's either someone's crying or has to go to the bathroom or is hungry or is – it's crazy. But it makes the trip go by fast.
Starting point is 01:36:24 It makes the trip go by crazy fast the trip go by crazy but you never get settled holy shit you're worked when you're done it's so weird just i've flown to hawaii with them a couple times i think okay um still a long flight yeah that's the only place that's the only place i can remember but i just it's like and it's been years it's probably been over three years so now probably they could go to the bathroom and do that shit themselves and and and the only time the crying part happens during landing because of the ear popping yeah my kids hadn't figured that shit out and you feel so fucking helpless you're like hey swallow hey chew this dude try this and they're fucking holding their heads like their head's gonna explode i mean that's got to be pretty humbling too. I mean, that's the,
Starting point is 01:37:05 the one thing that all of us parents hate, right. Is not being able to help our kids when they're in that kind of sad state or that needy state. Like if you have to take them to the hospital and you can't have no control of a way to help your child, it's fucked up. That's a, that's when you realize what a parent's being like being a parent is. Max, you've had a lot of um business ventures yeah in some in in some very high profile uh situations just like again and by high profile i mean with
Starting point is 01:37:35 people like um crossfit or um training professional athletes and then now warrior week is obviously high profile you got a shitload of people coming in and out of there you think you're getting better at it each time the relationships like you're like the mistakes you've made in the past with other people or people have made with you like you're like okay i need to make sure that i don't repeat this like life just keeps handing me the same lessons over and over like i've been noticing that with some friends i'm like okay how can i not recently recently someone did to me something that someone else has done to me in the past. They kind of undermined something I was working on. They got upset with me, and so then they attacked and undermined.
Starting point is 01:38:14 And in the past, I had been aggressive and open about it. And it didn't work out well. Yeah, absolutely. And so, so I'm trying to think now I have another opportunity and I'm like, how, how, how can I handle this one differently? I look for that. I want to take, I want to take a different path. I look for that as, as long as I've been in this game, I've been coaching for 20 plus years. I've been involved with business for 20 plus years. The more and more that that kind of shit happens, the better I get at it. But I also look for it look for it right like the the gamification of life so i look for okay hey
Starting point is 01:38:50 this is the situation i had before this is where i fucked it up how could i have done it better what do i want for me what do i want for them and what do i want for us and then i go through that in real time yeah like um even even things that you know that you're right about right like um yeah i want to just make something up um someone's in my yard stealing fruit that hasn't happened and the first time i run out there i'm like hey what the fuck are you doing let's say right and then i get into a confrontation with them and then that night when i'm going to sleep at night i'm thinking fuck is this person going to come back to my house and do something fucked up so then the next time they come and steal food from my house i'm like hey dude what's up did you need some fruit here i'm running aside and get you a bag pick all you want
Starting point is 01:39:31 dude maybe it's not the right thing to do maybe that guy did something wrong but i want to try something different because when i go to bed at night i don't want to be worried about them fucking coming back and fucking my shit up right like like literally like just reworking i just want to try sometimes i just need to just try something new you know trying a new a new interaction trying to see how that would work and you know even if it doesn't feel right it's like dude i'm i need to i need a better outcome yeah that's the that's the beauty of life right because if not then you're doing the same thing over and over again which is what that's the that's the beauty of life, right? Because if not, then you're doing the same thing over and over again, which is what that's fucking the definition of insanity. So why why get stuck in that fucking loop? Where you imagine that in that same scenario, right? The first one, you run the guy off, you're like, what the fuck? Get out of here. Don't don't take my fruit. The next one, you hand him the fruit and the guy becomes lazy. So then you're fucking not really helping them out either. Then the next one comes and you're like, hey, man, what's the deal? And i'm fucking real hungry and i'm fucking homeless like okay cool can you clean my yard and actually i'll give you fruit if you clean my yard and then he cleans your yard and takes the fruit and now you're
Starting point is 01:40:32 also enabling you're not enabling him in a in a negative way but unless you have those other two interactions you don't fucking learn that and and um when you when you're working with sam do you guys have a good relationship oh Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it hot? Is it hot? And we fucking battle and shit? Because, I mean, we've known each other for 10 plus years. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:40:53 But is it a real man relationship? Like we have love for each other? 100%. Yeah, that's awesome. I trust him. That's the first man that I've been able to trust in a very, very long time that won't leave me because of the economy. He won't leave me because of money. He won't leave me. I mean, again, we've been together coaching and working with each other for 10 plus years. And then now I am actually working for him and being able to have very honest, open conversations is what moves us forward, right? Because if I lie or if I hide something from him or I don't take ownership, and not like the shit you hear online ownership, like truly, hey, man, I fucked up because of this. And I don't have resources because of this. Then we can move forward.
Starting point is 01:41:37 But unless we have conversations like that, then we're just fucking each other. Judy in the comments says something pretty good. Sevan, you can't control him coming into your yard, but you can control your reaction. And I guess that sums it up at the fucking end of the day, what she said. You need to control what you can control. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:02 But if you don't know how to control your feelings and you don't understand your feelings, you're fucked. Yeah. But if you don't know how to control your feelings and you don't understand your feelings, you're fucked. You're fucked. So if you don't understand what anger is and rage is, cause you're going to tell me, well, I don't have anger. I don't have rage. I'm going to tell you, Siobhan, you do, you do. You just don't know yet. Same thing. If you tell me all I am is rage and I don't have any peace or love. Well, that's bullshit too. You know, we're just never told in society to start to investigate those feelings because understanding how you feel versus your feelings are very
Starting point is 01:42:30 different and getting getting in tune with those is crucial for a man explain that to me the understanding how you feel versus understanding your feelings yeah so so how you feel can be your story versus your feelings is your emotions. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, so that's the shit we do. Yeah, that's cool. So that must be really – how many times a year do you do Warrior Week? We only offer four of them a year. That Week? We only offer four of them a year.
Starting point is 01:43:06 That's it. We offer four of them a year. We have a cap and we sell them out. We don't really advertise much. We're probably going to start doing some shit online, but for the most part, it's really underground. We only have 15 seats. August is already sold out. We have one in November and then we do only four of them a year but we have 20 events a year
Starting point is 01:43:26 through the fellowship and the the process as it moves forward so so basically after you go through the four-day uh event you you belong to a there's a group of alumni so those alumni have things that go on year round but but the actual to get the gateway the gateway only happens four times a year opens up four times a year correct yeah you have to you have to be willing to truly share some stuff open up and put yourself at that rock bottom no matter whether you're there or not understanding when people fail the course max um people quit yeah people quit people drop out they they don't they don't make it through they get to they don't have the humility to make it through um the days there is a process there um sam wrote the course uh for the most part yes
Starting point is 01:44:20 he wasn't the originator but he developed it after he took it from garrett i mean he's been running them since i think warrior week like fucking eight or nine and we're at 74 73 have you ever put one on and then you see someone you know there and like they didn't know you were going to be there and you didn't know they were going to be there old old warrior week men like somebody that that has been from the past, yeah. But nothing. Do some people, so some people do it more than once? Yes, because the old version is very different than the new version. So in the past, the problem was the inability to stay together, right?
Starting point is 01:44:58 So they couldn't figure out how to build the community and build the fellowship. And Sam figured it out. He has the magic. He cracked the code and sam figured it out he has he has the the magic he cracked the code on it yeah he cracked the code on it well technically god being the center is the code but there's there's a lot to it what what if someone smokes cigarettes and they go to it how do they make it through they have to quit during those four days no we make them smoke oh they get to smoke while they're there and they get to smoke a lot
Starting point is 01:45:32 hey i appreciate you coming on good uh good catching up with you again you're doing fun shit absolutely hey don't be shy to get me on these fucking chats with these crossfit stuff i mean these these workouts we have to talk about these workouts. We have to talk about these regionals or whatever the fuck it's all about. Are you staying up to speed on that kind of stuff? Fuck yeah. What do you mean? Am I?
Starting point is 01:45:54 Well, I don't know. I don't know who keeps up with you. So you paid attention to semifinals? Yeah. They were slow. They were slow. Okay. They were slow.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Oh, what do you mean by that? They were real slow workouts. Even the fast workouts were slow they were slow okay they were slow oh what do you mean by that they're real slow workouts even the fast workouts were slow workouts oh okay okay oh i like what you're saying already um i'm going to i haven't told anyone this except for a few people through text message i want to start i'm going to start a weekly show okay it's going to be at night i think like on sunday nights or on thursday nights where I just rotate people in and, um, and talk about CrossFit shit. Yeah. Game shit with, with, with, with a, a phone line that opens up so people can call in. Right. And, and just basically started an AM radio show. Just, it just needs to be done. I was just thinking, you know what? There just isn't one. There needs to be just a weekly show. That's every fucking week at fucking seven o'clock on sunday night and we just fucking just talk shit yeah long time listener first time caller i mean yeah yeah i'm in for sure yeah do you do you think in a fight you know people can ask questions do you think in a fight uh who would win jason kaliba or josh everett from back well have you seen jason kaliba throw a baseball i mean that was a long time i know but now his jiu-jitsu is looking crazy
Starting point is 01:47:02 yeah his grappling is good, yeah. Holy shit. Striking is different than rolling, so. Yeah. Absolutely. That ball throw thing was weird. It was weird. But even Spieler had something wrong with his ball throw.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Spieler couldn't do the quarter extremity. Yeah. Isn't that weird that a fighter wouldn't be able to do it? I mean, he was a wrestler. Isn't it weird that he couldn't do that? But again, no, because being able to have that hand-eye coordination versus grabbing coordination is different, right? That striking and reaching and tapping versus actually pulling and grabbing and rolling is very different. Why do you think, why do women do softball underhand and men do well why don't they just throw the ball overhand what are the origins of that that one i don't know i do know that there's
Starting point is 01:47:50 a there's a mathematic equation that says if they can throw underhand at like 60 it's equal to like a 90 mile an hour overhand pitch there's some some fucking weird math that's done there it seems significantly harder to throw a ball underhand than overhand doesn't it yeah and maybe the height of the where they're at with the mound i don't know that would be an interesting conversation in itself i came out of the wound i came out of the wound knowing how to skip a rock 20 video on that 20 skips at seven years old probably no fucking way you got you got 20 skips come on ocean water or lake water lake water bathtub water
Starting point is 01:48:31 i got two skips in the ocean i'm calling bullshit right away on this i'm telling you lake water skip it you just call a number i'll make it skip that many times you have your own rocks i'll hunt my own rocks awesome uh good having you on brother and okay so uh i'll stay in touch i'd love to have you on i'd love to i'd love to uh test you out i'm looking for a new a fresh face a fresh mouth yeah you're not going to hear the shit that i'm going to tell you um from any other the crossfit coaches okay good it's a cantankerous bunch you're going to have to like interrupt and shit and like you fight your way in you can do that elbow yeah yeah i sleep fine at night all right sweet i love you man max mormont uh max fit usa and crossfit coast and
Starting point is 01:49:21 mesa good having you on brother and uh i will talk to you soon. I'm serious. Yeah, I love you, man. Thank you. Love you, too. Bye-bye. I had no idea where that show was going to go. God, I'm so bummed without the chat. It's like my friends are gone. Me, too. You're bummed without the chat, too?
Starting point is 01:49:43 Yeah, I noticed after a while i wasn't seeing it anymore i wondered if everybody left us all right uh max is legit great guest i need a dick in me all right cool have we gone no we haven't gone uh you'd wreck your shoulder throwing a softball overhand yeah probably right it's back now well hey oh it is back is it yes oh that is so weird so max was fucking it up i don't know how yeah i don't know how either hey it's funny you say that my buddy john berzink uh who is the greatest arm wrestler of all time, I made a movie about him called Pulling John.
Starting point is 01:50:28 When he was in his 30s, he threw a softball from outfield to home plate and fucking got a stinger in his – is that what those are called? Stinger. A stinger in his shoulder. Really? It never went away, you know, throwing a softball overhand. David Weed says, cool dude. I don't know if that's a good, if you want David saying you're a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:50:55 I'm really excited about this show that we're going to launch. I'm really excited about J.R. and Taylor's show too. Their show's on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. I think so whatever we posted on instagram was wrong i think bruce is fixing that now uh judy says i thought travis bajan was travis was you know john was legitimately the best arm wrestler who ever lived basically i mean there's guys now who could probably beat him, but he was, he, for like 20 years, he was unbeatable.
Starting point is 01:51:31 And then Travis, Travis's claim to fame is that he was the best ever left-handed, but now he's, I don't think that's true. It will be very hard for someone to get the accolades in arm wrestling that John had. Especially, there was a point where it was kind of in its heyday. I don't know if it's ever made it back to that. We're going to have, so I'm trying to organize a show in the next week or two. I haven't told anyone this either.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Susan knows it, but I want, um, I want to try to get Tyson Bajan and Rich Froning both on the same show together. And Tyson is finishing his first, uh, so, so basically 105 guys are in the training camp for the Chicago bears. And then they cut it down when the season starts down to 53 and it gets cut down, I think like every month. So he just went to his second training camp there and he finishes in um oh he's he's home i think he came home on the 15th of june so i'm trying to get tyson on for like the first 45 minutes of a show and then rich on the second or vice versa vice versa vice versa and then and then their paths will cross oh there he is oh what a great year my faith my
Starting point is 01:52:47 friends my family make it so easy for me to do good even the bears commented themselves wow holy shit that's a good sign right i think so uh oh uh oh what's this uh shut up and scribble uh is thursdays at 11 a.m pacific standard time oh shit looks so i don't know shit okay no is it it's on thursdays what the fuck it's thursday um is it really on thursdays is it really on Thursdays? Yes. Okay. Oh, so it can't be on Thursdays.
Starting point is 01:53:29 My show can't be on Thursdays, so it'd have to be on Wednesdays or Sundays. Wednesdays or Sundays. It can't be Wednesday either. Too busy for me. Friday or Sunday. Has to be Friday or Sunday. Hey, Sevan, off the subject, but when you were on with Dave Castro,
Starting point is 01:53:43 you said you fast for two sleeps how often do you uh every week every week and actually so it's funny you asked that uh gary i stop eating saturday night every saturday night and i don't start again until monday morning and i've done that pretty much for three years but actually yesterday i fucking ate like a pig. So I'm actually – last night I stopped eating, I don't know, at like 5 p.m. probably. And I won't eat again until tomorrow morning. So I won't eat today. But I drink black coffee. It's basically – there's one shot of espresso in here and a Paper Street Coffee espresso.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Use code word SEVON to get your shipping free, I think. And the rest is filled with hot water. That's an Americano. Oh, is that what that's called? Yeah, so I have an Americano. Super diluted. My wife won't even sip this shit because it's so diluted. But that's what I do.
Starting point is 01:54:44 I try it one day. Stop eating Saturday night. Start again Monday morning. I think one time I needed Dick and me, I did a fat, a 10 day fast of where, but I did drink a broth vegetable broth. And it was so long ago that I feel like if I tell you I did that, I'm lying, but I've done, I did a five-day water fast twice a couple years ago. Nothing but water for five days both times.
Starting point is 01:55:12 It did not do me well. The first time I got really fucked up. The last day something was wrong with my heart and shit. I could hear my heart beating like it was dry firing or some shit. It was not good. hear my heart beating like it was dry firing or some shit it was not good and the second time the second time i did it i took a bunch of like potassium pills and salt pills and shit and i didn't get that weird like i didn't get that weird shit but my it took a year for my eating to get back to normal like i was just i feel like when i came off of my second five day fast i put on 10 pounds so fucking quickly over my normal walking weight, and I just have never lost it.
Starting point is 01:55:49 So I don't know. Take that for what it's worth. Christian Kettler. What is all that shit on your back, by the way? Can we make it a rule that only JR can wear wife beaters during Shut Up and Scribble? Taylor looks like he needs a leather hat and chaps. Yeah, that's true. That would be awesome. All right.
Starting point is 01:56:30 So, yeah. Excited to have Tyson Bajan on. Excited to have Rich Froning on. I was texting with Sarah Sigmund's daughter. She'll be coming on. Remember we had her before semifinals and then we lost her? That was sad. I was looking forward to having her on we have tommy g tomorrow tommy g's uh yeah his youtube channel has exploded put on another
Starting point is 01:56:53 200 000 subscribers since last time we had him on dude wednesday wednesday is going to be crazy again we're having seth gruber on for those of you don't know who seth gruber is we had him on once already he's the guy who's made it his fucking life goal to not let babies get killed. They call him pro-life. And as you all know, I'm pro-choice. And I love having him on. I saw this fucking skit he did. It was so fucking good. He's so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:57:21 A CEO, founder of the White Rose Resistance. Host of the Unaborted. Unaborted? I'm unaborted. You're unaborted. Yeah. Unaborted. What a weird word.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I don't like that word. Unaborted. Oh, he did a show with Jordan Peterson listen to his podcast with Jordan Peterson the two most annoying voices in one show oh with RFK oh oh not with uh Seth Gruber I hate this voice too
Starting point is 01:58:04 who RFKs yeah it's tough right it's like he's talking through a stoma what's a stoma oh this thing yeah yeah oh good we can hear someone talk about how he's pro-choice and then they did the pinocchio symbol i am pro-choice and then uh but but he's fun he's fun he makes talking about dead babies fun i really like him uh and then on thursday morning uh greg glassman's coming on and then oh and then shut up andcribble at 11 a.m.
Starting point is 01:58:47 Okay, yeah, I see it. As soon as I got it on the schedule. Okay. And then Friday morning, a live call-in show. God, I need a live call-in show so bad. So, fuck, there's so much shit I just want to show you guys. Let me see if I can find something fun. Let me see. I can find something fun. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:59:08 There is something here. Cursive. Fake tits. Oh, I got this thing. You want to see something about fake tits? Boy, do I. That tranny. Did you see the video going around with the tranny with the fake tits on the lawn of the White House?
Starting point is 01:59:25 Yeah. Oh. Oh. No? I just invited me to his house for breakfast. Greg? Yeah, I just said now? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:41 That would be cool. There was a train a say that again his lecture is up on youtube now Greg's Christian Kettler I missed Caleb everyone misses Caleb I know me too more holidays please hey so they had a
Starting point is 01:59:57 they had a tranny on the lawn of the white house with their tits out and they were fucking the nicest tits out and they were fucking the nicest tits i thought you hated fake tits i'm i'm i philosophically i fucking i'm 100 against them emotionally intellectually and visually i'm 100 for them i mean there's tension in my being. I'm not a – I'm not on one team between my – I mean, the thought of just fucking running full speed with my face into a set of giant fake tits sounds fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:00:37 But, I mean, I don't know. But I just find it weird that, like, a dude – that's the thing that's weird. Look at Allison NYC. Fake tits are pure poison. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Says the girl with the fucking,
Starting point is 02:00:50 God gave her three women's tits. Oh, good. They apologized for doing that. For doing what? Going topless on the White House lawn. Why? Why would they apologize for that? Disrespect. Transgender activists apologize for that? Disrespectful.
Starting point is 02:01:06 Transgender activists apologized for going topless on the White House lawn. There were... I don't know. It's fine. But what I think is funny is those are the same tits that so many guys like. Like, you could take those tits and just crop them and hand them to dudes and dudes would jerk off to them but they but they belong to a dude people look at look at pool boy poison look at pool boy poison me then it's it's a it is a um yeah, it's a... All right, so they said sorry.
Starting point is 02:01:48 I don't know why they would say sorry. Oh, this is what I wanted to show you guys. Oh, okay. Okay. This is what I wanted to show you guys here this i saw this the other day so i have this i have this issue um i have this issue of people that i hang out with because i'm always it will let me play this for you guys first okay you guys ready uh Here we go. Here we go. Never not working on material. Every second of my existence, I'm thinking,
Starting point is 02:02:30 could I do something with that? That to me sounds torturous. Like you cannot let go. Why? So if I came over to your house and we were hanging out, you're kind of really looking for material. Not kind of, I'm looking for material. Yeah, that's me. I'm constantly, there's no time when I'm not looking for material. That's all the time. Making jokes is not work. It's a gift. Yeah, and I don't even care if it's like,
Starting point is 02:03:01 I'm just looking for material for the show constantly. And it's causing some conflict in my life it's not not it's not i can't even tell you guys the story because then it would cause more conflict do you know what i mean they'd be mad that you told the story about the time you were that they got mad yeah but but now there's there's there's multiple people i'm losing friends i'm losing friends and they'll be like hey that story wasn't even true i'm like it doesn't matter if it's true i'm trying to share a message you know what i mean yeah like i'll be like yo so and so was um uh drinking coke and they'll be like but i was drinking pepsi i don't say their names like you know what i mean let's say you were at my house, Caleb, and I saw you drinking Coke.
Starting point is 02:03:47 I might be like, yeah, there was this girl, Cynthia, and she was at my house drinking Pepsi. I would change the name and the drink. That doesn't matter. I would have corrected you saying that I was drinking RC Cola. Right, right. It doesn't. See, look at Allison. Yeah, she knows because she hangs out with me.
Starting point is 02:04:03 I haven't lost her as a friend yet. She says, yes, it makes me super paranoid. She's asked me, like, hey, was that story about me? And I lied to her. I said no. Seven, I get up at 4 a.m. and it shows that you are on Instagram already. uh seven i get up at 4 a.m and it shows that you are on instagram already what what what um i usually turn uh open my instagram for the first time around 6 15 a.m pacific standard time not before that i'm not the kind when i wake up in the middle of the night do here's a question for you caleb if you wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss hi cat look at dude that thing is fucking mad dogging you all the time um i um it almost attacked your eyebrows i thought it was a mouse it does sometimes when you wake up in the middle
Starting point is 02:04:53 of the night do you check the clock um i used to but then i realized it would like kind of disrupt my sleep so then i just stopped looking at it yeah me too like i i now like everything's on do not disturb my room is completely black oh i i will only look at the clock if if i see that it's light outside oh yeah yeah if it's light if i woke up and it's like but if it's dark and sometimes but my wife checks the clock every time she gets up. And I don't know. I'm mad at her for that. It used to like change my mood. Does that make me a control freak?
Starting point is 02:05:32 What? It used to like change my mood when I would see what time it was. Yes. If I knew I only had like 30 more minutes of sleep, then I would just be pissed and be like, damn it, I have to wake up soon. Yes. But then now that I don't look at it, I have no concept of time in the middle of the night. I can just sleep pissed. I'd be like, damn it, I have to wake up soon. Yes. But then now that I don't look at it, I have no concept of time in the middle of the night. I can just sleep and then wake up and then go back to sleep.
Starting point is 02:05:51 And I will have thought that I had slept two hours and it could have been like 30 minutes. That's exactly why. And I don't know why, but it upsets me. And sometimes she'll even say to me sometimes, did you see what time it is? I just grunt at her. Oh, Christian Kettler
Starting point is 02:06:09 is a cat whisperer. He said, your cat just said, pet me, asshole. Yeah. Now she's on my lap. Yeah, why do you care if she checks the clock? I don't want anyone to know what time it is. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Fuck, I don't know. What are you, my fucking therapist, Heidi? If she's telling you what time it is, then it's like the whole reason I don't check the time is because I don't want to know. Well, she doesn't. She doesn't. I just hate it. Like, if she gets up, it'll wake me up.
Starting point is 02:06:40 And then if I see her, like, pick up her phone and look what time it is, I just get pissed. I think that she'd be an old man. Yeah, she doesn't even tell me. She doesn't even tell me. She doesn't tell me what time it is. Heidi, yes, I'm your therapist. Okay, that was kind of a weird show today.
Starting point is 02:07:07 A little bit. I just couldn't get on track with him. I didn't know what I wanted to talk about. You guys have known each other for a while, though. Yeah. So many stories. I didn't know that I affected him. It sounded like he was tripped out by the 49ers shit.
Starting point is 02:07:30 And while watching my Instagram or texting with me, he realized that it's no big deal. And that kind of made him feel sane. That's really cool. Is that what you got from his kind of what he was saying? Yeah, absolutely. You changed his mentality a little bit. I enjoyed the show,
Starting point is 02:07:49 but it kind of dragged there for a bit, to be honest. He told some cool stories. That car wreck story was crazy. Three, 278 yards rolled down the hill. I wish he would have stretched that out into detail so it could have been like a good 15 minute story. That reminds me of the story from the Panter brothers.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Yeah. I should have asked him if he went to the funerals of both the guys in the car. Yeah, the dude does have a great name. Max Mormont. Maximilian. Maximilian. Argentinian chicks are hot.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Did you know that? Like really hot. Yeah, like crazy hot. All right. Oh, I was going over the calendar. So, okay. Oh, I went over it. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Did you watch the fights this weekend no I was watching the college world series that guy that we had on the show that Armenian guy Armand yeah he was in the co-main event it was fucking awesome oh shit we have Alex Kazan coming on
Starting point is 02:08:59 and Justin Kotler that'll be exciting together or separate together oh nice And Justin Collar. Ooh, that'll be exciting. Together or separate? Together. Oh, nice. Oh, shit. There's a new CrossFit Games documentary coming out on June 30th.
Starting point is 02:09:15 Yeah, yeah. And we have the director coming on on the 29th, Mariah Moore. Ooh. Oh, and then we have the Fluffy Duck guy coming on the 30th. Wow, this calendar is really quite extensive. What's his name? Josh Pert, I think. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:40 We need to check to see how Gary Roberts is doing. Good question. How's Darian doing? I know I need to have Darian back on too. He's a great guest. All right. How's Darian doing? I know I need to have Darian back on too. He's a great guest. Well, enjoy your holiday. Thanks. I'll celebrate it responsibly. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:02 You know, you know. Bye, Asim and Jan.

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