The Sevan Podcast - Mederios vs Hiller - Sevan vs Gazan #930

Episode Date: June 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman, and it's streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water.
Starting point is 00:00:39 From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Who's on there?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Uh, did you? Did you already go live? Yeah. No. Fuck. We missed it. I just got yelled at today by Jay for that. Bam! We're live. That sucks. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:01:13 My camera's all twisted up. I'm on there. No. No. No. Don't touch my shit. Wrong way. Wrong way. I didn't see YouTube on there at first and there's no rumble son of a bitch that's what happens streaming to your destination how do I get rid of this
Starting point is 00:01:32 freaking thing oh it's gone I got it bam we're live hey Mooney it's that Bergeron is a terrible coach that's the option you're looking for how do you even know that why do you know that? Why do you always say that? Let's start there.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Why do you always say that? I know, but I'm not buying it. I was legitimately looking up each and every athlete that's done better this year versus the athletes that have either left or done worse, and it's not in his favor. I haven't finished that. Did he ever? Did he ever used to be a good coach?
Starting point is 00:02:00 No. He got athletes that were going to be extremely talented no matter what and threw a bunch of work at them, and then they were spat out the other end. Amazing. Anthony Davis was a freaking freak in the year that he went team in Timberwolf. I think it was 2017. He finished top 10 in the Open. The dude's a freak.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Strong, clearly, right? And I think his biggest weakness is handstand, upside down handstand pushups, handstand walking. So he's been struggling with that sense but bergeron got him aboard the comp train program spat out the other end top 10 finish in the open and just yeah what's wrong with that there it is that's the argument of why he's good massive platform call 10 000 people you're gonna have some people that come out that are the best catrin matt leaves because it sucked you think that's why matt left the cheerleading comment where it's not a cheerleading camp and cole sager was the he did that top 10 thing right i know but you think first of all i didn't ever hear him say that i just heard matt say that so i don't know
Starting point is 00:03:01 if that's true but even if it is true i heard bergeron say that okay So I don't know if that's true. But even if it is true. I heard Bergeron say that. Okay, let's say it is true. That doesn't mean he's a shitty coach. That just means his priorities don't align with Matt's. Have you ever looked at his programming? Yes. Oh, okay. It's fantastic if you are.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It is fantastic. Cut that. Someone cut that. It's not fantastic if you're trying to win the crossfit games but then you have the first champions what comp train wasn't that like the first competitive site there was like outlaw by rudy there was comp train with ben bergeron and there was like invictus and those were like the three back 2012. Yeah, CJ's been around forever. Right? And so at some point, I think that he helped produce better athletes.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Hey, look at this. This looks like a little kid on the cover of Comp Train. Is that a little kid? No. Do you know who that is? No, it's not a little kid. That does not look it. She might be 20.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Oh, please, really? I'm not really certain about that. She looks 12. Did she just finish 40th in the East? I'm not sure what her name is. Someone's going to say it in the chat. Hey, have you checked out his podcast recently? No. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:04:27 I think the reason why I partly was defending him at the beginning was because just the views fell off a cliff. That's why you're defending him? His views fell off the cliff? Dude, I don't think any of his shows in the past month or so have broken 1,000 views. And he used to get hundreds of thousands. Because how many times can you hear the same thing over and over again i know that's why i got a switch from trannies
Starting point is 00:04:51 and abortion i need something new um uh and in racism uh uh sebon is wearing a pride shirt yeah you know what this is this is a fucking crossfit livermore shirt what is it on the back across the butt mad suza's gym community fitness love baby everybody's accepted at my gym on the back it says we don't care if you suck dick or eat twat it's not at all no that's a little bold for suza it is he's in the bay area uh hell geez why why extra sloppy andrew hiller would you i don't even know who these people are, but maybe you do. Mary Fuckkill Blair. Wait a minute. I know these people.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Rachel or Coley. This is someone I know because these are people that are in my circle. Yeah, like non-internet circle. And that's interesting because they're kind of not. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are those all girls or are there any boys in there? This is weird. This person's from Harbor Park CrossFit for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And Blair is a male. Rachel and Coley are women. Coley was one of the competitive gymnasts on my team. Oh, you've talked about her. Yeah. One of the like five of them. You enjoy coaching them. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:07 They were a pleasure to work with. They're very easy gymnasts. I mean, all you got to do is make them stronger for the most part because they've got the upper body endurance and strength from the years spent doing gymnastics. And then you just have to deal with all the injuries that were reoccurring because of the gymnastics training and Rachel
Starting point is 00:06:28 yes is a badass very strong Blair's the guy who popped his elbow at the Granite Games last year are they old now sorry I was texting I think Blair is 28
Starting point is 00:06:43 and Rachel's about that and Coley's got a couple kids now that wasn't even that was that text i just sent wasn't even like urgent it wasn't like my wife saying like i'm locked outside i'm sorry that's stupid that shows that's unprofessional disinterested oh no it shows a lack of um i'm not worried about professional or any of that stuff. A lack of, uh, like restraint,
Starting point is 00:07:06 like, you know, when you're just about to let one fly, but you could hold it back, but you're like, I'm ready for bed. Like, just like that.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It was like, it was a lag. It was, uh, seven. Please take it off. Take what off? Sousa too.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I think they want us all three of us to be sure someone dropped 5g i will not marry fuck kill these people oh nice good jobs i will if i don't know them that like that i know what's the other one especially former athletes there's no there's no none of that above the former athletes outlaw fitness is that the other one outlaw i don't even know if that's still around it might have converted to just strictly weight lifting what is outlaw way of fitness it was just outlaw way and his gym was crossfit outlaw or outlaw crossfit by uh okay i found it i found it hillar's drinking flavored water, it's my it's one of my favorite things to do is go to Costco and look for
Starting point is 00:08:08 stuff that I just haven't seen before and then try it. Oh, that's what that is? Yeah, they don't have that one. They don't have any of the cheeses that you have in the Santa Cruz Costco back in Chicago. So I got some cheese, cheese. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 00:08:24 God, this place is foofy but i like it that's all hey that's why you need a what's interesting because you're in chicago that's why you need a ton of liberals because they eat cool food and they do plays and drama and they do like fun stuff like shows but other than that they should be involved in no decision making shit ever anywhere anyhow they're evil people i got a whole log of slimy this is big yeah that's that's good liberal shit too they they don't normally eat that they do something else with it they don't know how to take that meat uh what is the outlaw way of fitness uh determined and motivated rewards results man this guy used to be huge and is this the same guy
Starting point is 00:09:02 let's go to about yeah really he's the guy who made my 12 days of christmas workout for the past eight years every year for i have the same workout and it's the outlaw way you know it susa then it started like a 225 squat clean it's a 225 clean and jerk i think yeah it's ridiculous with like the 12 at the end is front squats and i remember the first time I did it, there was handstand pushups at 10 and I did not a kip them. And that 12 front squats at 225 just was miserable. Mine's drink a beer. Can I ask you an honest question?
Starting point is 00:09:37 12 ounces of beer. Yeah. Either of you. Yeah. Who are you looking at right now? I don't find either of the, sorry, I was looking at right now i don't find either of these sorry i was looking at picture i don't find either of these women more attractive or less attractive than the other like i would bathe with either of them like i would if you were like seven which one do you want to shower with i
Starting point is 00:09:55 would be like you choose but the coin yeah i don't i do not find I don't find bodybuilding attractive at all. I mean, I, to be honest with you, I find the, the, the pre the frumpier one more attractive. Wait, is this true? It is true. I'm telling you the truth. No, he's talking about a comment that this is the wrong outlaw. I know. I know you were.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Oh, hold on this. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about in the comments well i'm gonna go to and also i can't i can't say that i agree with your bathing comment okay i i believe that you're telling me the truth okay fine and fuck you save your comments in youtube for someone who gives a shit because like don't don't i don't want to hear anything like i don't want to hear anything i i'm did you know that's the same person, by the way? Yeah, that's what I mean. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You're on the right, babe, with either of them. They're the same person. They are, but the one on the right, something happened. I don't find that. Yeah, she got on some anabolics, crazy bastard. I'm not enjoying that bathing suit, those earrings, that makeup, that smile, that emaciate. I guess I don't understand bodybuilding. I asked him to do some bicep curls today, and he immediately bowed out.
Starting point is 00:11:18 It's not that I'm philosophically against them. I just don't enjoy that movement. Have you seen Chris Bumstead? I want big arms like that, but I just don't enjoy that movement. Have you seen Chris Bumstead? I want big arms like that, but I just don't enjoy that movement. Do you know who Chris Bumstead is? No. I think you might be into male bodybuilding. No, I'm not into that either.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Have you seen Chris Bumstead, though? Because everybody's into male bodybuilding when you look at Chris Bumstead. This is the right website, too, by the way. The outlaw one is? The one I have now, yeah. Oh, okay. See if it's Rudy's. Scroll down and see if it's Rudy's.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I bought his merch. I remember that owl. Go to about. I want to see what it says about him. Can you go to about? Oh, there hasn't been an entry since 2021. Down at the bottom, does he have an about? Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:03 FAQ maybe? YouTube gym program shop. Let's go all the way down no uh barry mccalkin or uh hiller um talk about the fitness freedom it looks like you had a great time the steroid booth was hilarious you had a steroid booth didn't you see the steroid booth no i think miranda put it up on her Instagram. I'm bringing it up. It was awesome. Yeah. There's a giant line in the steroid booth. Talked to Blair the other day, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He's not doing a whole lot of CrossFit. Yes. He didn't blame me. That's sarcasm. But Blair is done with CrossFit. I did CrossFit for the first year after having seen the semifinals. He said, I did CrossFit for the first time in a year today.
Starting point is 00:12:45 How did that go? And that was because of Hiller. That's Hiller's fault. Intensity. He did a workout, and I was like, dude, I'd never do this if you weren't here. He was down for 20 minutes. 20? 40?
Starting point is 00:12:58 15 to an hour, somewhere between there. Okay, go ahead. Let me see the stereo booth. Let's see. Does it need volume oh wow wow holy shit holy shit so that's oh that's awesome with ec there there's a giant line for the steroids, and no one's in line for that challenge because everyone wants to get on.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Everyone's into it. That's awesome. Yeah, the stuff they make is so good. That whole event is crazy cool. Cornholio. Oh, Mary Sousa kills Savant Fuckkiller. Oh, that's a really big shocker. Me too. That's exactly Me too, me too.
Starting point is 00:13:46 That's exactly what I would do too. I'd kill myself, marry Susan, fuck Hiller. That's exactly. Smart. Yolanda Jennings, whatever time it is for you, this time is perfect for a live. Keep it up for a slow drip to Australia. Oh, for a slow drip of money to Australia.
Starting point is 00:14:02 All right, fine. 5.30. Nice tits, Hiller. Slow drip it. Yeah, I told Susan I was going to Australia. Alright, fine. 532 it is. Nice tits, Hiller. Slow drip it. Yeah, I told Suze I was going to sit here and do this every once in a while and just make my boobs bounce. Savon is wearing a pride shirt. We got that. Okay, I do want to make sure I didn't miss any. Alexis is here. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:14:20 What's up, Alexis? Yo. Okay. So there was no what about Rudy that you couldn't read about Rudy? No, there wasn't any like, hey, but didn't he catch a case for smacking around Elizabeth at Akamali? I don't know if he caught a...
Starting point is 00:14:37 Homeboy caught the case. Really? Charges were pressed to you? I don't know if she pressed charges, but there is some drama with that. He ended up getting aggressive. he left his gym in handcuffs i know that there was another girl too before him that he got he was he he made his way no i'm not i'm not into bumstead's body to believe it or not no no interesting no i don't believe you
Starting point is 00:15:00 no i'll show you um let me see i'm into uh she's gonna be a picture of suza i'm into uh suza signs i'm more into um uh uh brad pitt and troy okay so am i that was very specific you know what yeah top end is chris bumps and like troy any brad Brad Pitt where he's fighting love, Troy, anywhere between there, I'm kind of. Rich Froning, I would say, is right in the middle of those two. Yeah, yeah. Rich's body is perfect.
Starting point is 00:15:33 But even if Rich was 10 pounds leaner, hung, emaciated. Froning emaciated? Like a homeless Froning. You mean 35-year-old Froning this year? Oh. Froning in 2014. Rich, I didn't say it. Emaciated froning.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Oh, my God. I like froning with a little less of a beard, too. I agree with that. You know what's nuts is looking at him now versus looking at him back then, he is way smaller looking now. When I first saw this movie I thought he was huge Brad Pitt and Troy
Starting point is 00:16:09 but he's not huge in this and I thought he was big in Fight Club too and he's so small yeah lean just lean and I bet if he walked up to us in person you would think he was small too just shredded though yeah very good looking but I don't think he rolls around like this I think he's just I think he's really a regular dude like if you saw him at the beach like
Starting point is 00:16:28 you know what do you uh chris embers he's on roids for this right he's on roids for troy no no really maybe like an annavar but no way short no he's no way what suza you don't think so i don't think so no because they could do so much shit in post-production they could do some grading on the lighting, give a little more shadow to wherever they want. He doesn't even have to work as hard. What did you think of the bodies in 300? Even his legs are nice.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah, I mean, so Fight Club? What about Snatch? There you go. When he was the boxer in that movie, Snatch. That's a 100% natural. Just don't eat. Anyone can look like that if you don't eat for a year you know what i'm talking about though that movie snatch yeah i'm unfamiliar
Starting point is 00:17:10 i mean you you don't understand any of the dialogue zero yeah they have this like really thick like uh hillbilly irish trailer park accent yeah that's a great that's a great physique too go to the picture to the right. Not the one of him sitting there, but one of the ones of him standing. This one? For snatch boxing? Yeah. Whoa. Oh, those are tattoos. I thought there were veins
Starting point is 00:17:34 on his belly. That movie he was in. Or what's his name? The guy who played Bond. Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig. He's got a good physique, I think. Roy's done in any random YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah. Well, Roy's is huge. Yeah. He's too big for you? Yeah. I mean, or even like, what's the guy? Luke Parker. I mean, just for me.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Just like, I don't need to. I'm not craving that. I've never craved to be that fucking muscular ever. I feel too big as we speak. I just can't move around. Not the same. Just don't eat for a year. Just don't eat for a year.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You're like, do you feel like you're more fit? And I go, it depends on what I'm doing. If it's a solid black and deadlifts, I feel great. If I got to go do 100 pull-upsups it's not as good as it was 20 pounds ago what did you think of the street parking event what's your takeaway yeah i think big picture incredible big picture so i alexis i showed up we got there a little bit early actually this is the coolest thing about it which i asked who we want to get there he said 8 30 the team was getting there so we got there just a to get there he said 8 30 the team was
Starting point is 00:18:45 getting there so we got there just a little bit after we walked in on the team briefing there's 30 or 40 people they're all part of the street parking team or volunteering and there are seven camera people walking around recording the other people during the briefing what do you take camera people for the camera people no no no they're they were just kind of videotaping the entire event so that they started at that moment and they're chopping stuff up the entire time from the event yeah they want to show the community one percent of the community's there and the other 99 aren't there and they want to show the other they want to celebrate the ones who are there and show the other 99 like hey this is a cool event
Starting point is 00:19:24 you should come next time so that was the first thing that the first huge thing i noticed that was immediate i was just like whoa seven people all who are very high level videographers just getting stuff ready for the community outside of the event where there was like 400 people we walked so i think everyone started showing up around 10 and then this huge line just kind of walking in scanning the qr coders they showed up and towards the back of the line there were some people directing so we talked to them for a little bit and they were from australia and when you say talk to them are you rolling rolling they got drugs no i am you guys oh video camera yeah uh i i actually grabbed a video of the whole line so i kind of started at the beginning and i got everybody as i walked to the back and then i talked to the people at
Starting point is 00:20:11 the back who were volunteering and they were volunteering from australia and europe and i just thought that was cool too they came all the way to street parking and they were just having a good old time everybody was from everywhere and this has been something that they've been setting up for some time and did one last year and they actually limited it from hey why did they choose the same place i mean i like it i'm glad they chose the same place why did they choose the same for what i understand it's the only one that they've repeated so everything else is new they kind of jump around and i think who said they were in texas a couple weeks back and did something like a tough mutter he put up a video on that it was pretty
Starting point is 00:20:49 funny um did people stay the night at the ranch no why not they weren't allowed to i'm not sure if that's the case i just know nobody did because that's what you do there i didn't do that right i mean that i mean wouldn't it be cool like i mean if i if i was i was motivated when you, I was like, fuck, maybe we should do just like a weekend where we all get together, people who like the 7-1 podcast. We could go out to the ranch and just set up tents. I'm down. You said there's wolves out there, though. And do a bonfire. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It's chill. It's so chill. The wolves are chill. All that shit. Really, the only thing is there's mountain lions out there. Alexis said RVs. Yeah, all that. Stay up all night.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Blow. I mean. Oh, dude, Jacqueline. I talked to you. I had a huge conversation. This is funny. Jacqueline Robertson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Hey, girl. Her dad, his birthday was this week, and he turned 71. Happy birthday, Mr. Robertson. Mr. Robertson. Mrs. Robertson. Robertson. I'm sorry about Mrs. Robertson. She walked up, and she said, hey, I. Robinson? Mr. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson. I'm sorry about Mrs. Robinson. She walked up and she said, hey, I've seen your YouTube.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And I don't think she said that because later, I guess, her dad asked, who is that? And she goes, he has a YouTube channel. He goes, I just told him all about that bear that eats all the bread out of our freezer. And did he? Yeah. We had like a 10-minute conversation about this bear named boo-boo that hangs out in his backyard as i don't experience much stuff like wild animals in my backyard you live in a log cabin yeah but it's in suburbia there's no bears come inside come inside uh are
Starting point is 00:22:18 we trying to determine what kind of physique would make you would make you say my name yeah what's the name what's the deal there i don't know what the fuck is going on with this guy uh allegra um i love that hillar went to uh fitness freedom yeah it's cool right it was it was super cool i had a great time it's very um got lots of hill running which is cool how many times did you run the hill on the ranch? Four. No, so she came down from Canada. Yeah. Four is a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Did you run on – if you're facing the hill, did you run on the right or the left? Both. Wow. Wow. Went up the left twice, went up the right twice, went up the middle once. So I guess five. Up the middle? Yeah. That was the final one. Was there – the, went up the middle once. So I guess five. Up the middle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That was the final one. The middle doesn't really have – well, I guess the middle is more to the left. The middle is that one where you've seen at the games they've either carried up the rucksack or the one ball. So it's still a little to the left. Correct. I mean, in my mind. A little to the left. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Okay. So she came down from Canada. That's interesting. So that's a pretty – mind. A little to the left. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So she came down from Canada. That's interesting. So that's a pretty good one on the right. Yeah, that's right. It didn't look that smooth, though, when you were there. Right. It's all bumpy and shit. It's bumpy.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I was amazed no one rolled an ankle or anything. I think CrossFit by street parking. Good luck. You kidding? It's the other way around. Why? What are your freaking mind? It's the other way around. Why would you do that? Are you out of your freaking mind? Here's the thing, Barry.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I don't think you can sell street parking. You can't. It's like CrossFit. I mean, you could sell it, but it would be – Dude, they sold CrossFit. I know, but it would just end up the same. How did that work out so far? I'll just use Mirandaanda and julian as the example what they created you can't purchase meaning you can't purchase a real community it's it's
Starting point is 00:24:13 like those people online who have like a million followers on instagram and they get like 12 comments and you're like what the fuck is going on here what does it count that well you bought those right right street parking so i don't think i see the correlation that's the mirror that was the miracle of crossfit and street parking and certain communities um you know even facebook and instagram and like you can't buy the everyone just thinks of instagram as like the app but it's the whole fucking community there might be fucking a dozen apps out there better than Instagram we'll never know because 90%
Starting point is 00:24:48 of the reason why we're on Instagram probably is just because of all the other people who are there and so once something like street parking is formed are you trying to say you can't buy Instagram then too? there's way too much inflation of valuation and buying businesses no I think you could there because those
Starting point is 00:25:06 relationships are so much more superficial than the relationships that are at CrossFit or at street parking. Does anybody know anybody who works at CrossFit? Other than I don't know, Adrian? No, I know Dave.
Starting point is 00:25:22 No, no, no. You, Dave and Adrian. So the community though. I know Justin berg who owns instagram zuckerberg zucky i think zucky i don't know it's about the same number of people that we know who work at both you're not buying zucks 39 minute um nobody's buying that no really you're not buying it either i don't know video evidence or it doesn't count let's see let's just see a handful of his push-ups towards the end hey what if he would have done it with no vest then would you believe it he's probably got access to the best drugs on the planet not probably not yeah uh colin dwiggins uh found nine dollars in my gym bag thanks for all the laughs oh that's awesome thank you found ten dollars there's a lot of freaking change you found in your yeah thank you Found $9 in my gym bag. Thanks for all the laughs. Oh, that's awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Found $10. That's a lot of freaking change you found in your gym bag. Yeah, thank you. And the other thing with street parking is that the valuation would basically fall off a cliff if Miranda and Julian weren't attached to it anymore. And they didn't think about that when Greg left CrossFit. I was about to say that. There you go. So what happened?
Starting point is 00:26:24 As a matter of fact, they wanted him to go away well they as in the athletes maybe a handful of the people working there the thing is is i'm just trying to think of like something that like you might not like but if it went away um like no matter how much you don't like floyd mayweather if you don't like him he makes boxing it was the same with the games it was like it's i much you don't like Floyd Mayweather, if you don't like him, he makes boxing. It was the same with the games. It was like, I guarantee you that all the people who hated Dave, like 99% of people who hated Dave were disgusted by the fact that he,
Starting point is 00:26:53 he didn't run the games anymore. Like that was, that was half the fun was hating the guy who fucking made the workouts. Cause at least you still respected them. Come inside, come inside, come inside. Someone phonetically spelled that out for us. I know. Because at least you still respected them. Cumminside. Cumminside. Cumminside. Someone phonetically spelled that out for us.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I know. The thing is, is I want to say it. I know it's a joke name. I just don't get the joke. And so I'm trying to, like, work at Cummins. Maybe Cumminside. Cumminside. Cumminside.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, Cumminside. It's a spice. Rare spice. I cannot help what my parents name me i cannot help what i cannot help can people on the podcast hear your dog bark yeah because i can hear it i'm gonna fix that no really you're gonna no you don't you are you cold he just want to show up in six pack and no no fuck that don't worry don't worry you always yell at me for my dog barking are you kidding or like the chicken or the air or the roosters whatever less people know that i'm in the country i cannot help
Starting point is 00:27:52 my parents and i can't i don't even know what that means i cannot help you could not help i could not help i will not help i shall not help i my parents named me how about just that my parents named me i've considered legally changing my name i kept getting made fun of in school so i decided to run with it at this point in my life okay well that's all bullshit but you appreciate the 999 that's not real that's not a real fucking story isn't even a real who am i to judge hey we're having that guy you make the flat earth movie come on oh yeah and i'm so fucking excited it's flat right i i don't think it's flat i believe it's round but i'm so open to it being flat i'm so fucking open to it being flat it's flat but i'm not a flat earther i just think think it's flat. So it's just a floating like this.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Next subject is flat. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I mean, the fact that it's, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:56 but I'm just open to it. I'm just like, um, uh, so, oh yeah. So sorry, Mabel,
Starting point is 00:29:00 how are we getting into, uh, how are we getting into Tyson's pants? Is that who would, oh yeah. Uh, it's into Tyson's pants? Is that who? It's the redhead you were talking about. Look how she has her head tilted down, too. She's doing it for you, huh? Yeah, look at her.
Starting point is 00:29:14 She has the same name as my grandma, so that's going to be a little... How did Kelly feel the earthquake from Japan, Alexis? Because the earth is flat. I want... The other side of the table feels... Even if it was round you would still feel the earthquake because it's all in the same structure yeah right flat i i i
Starting point is 00:29:32 sorry sorry i didn't know you were still looking at the redhead we we will not get into tyson's pants but i i would love to if you could and then come on the show and talk about or just call in anonymously hey i fucked the guy who's who plays for the bears almost yeah the guy the best quarterback whoever high college quarterback who ever lived man he can really throw the balls dude he you dm him now before shit gets crazy and use that pic that pic is crazy that's a great picture just with your head down and your eyes up You DM him now before shit gets crazy and use that pic. That pic is crazy. That's a great picture just with your head down and your eyes up. Does this person have an Instagram, this redhead person?
Starting point is 00:30:12 I don't know, probably. Yeah, they're handling that. Really, her last name, McAnus? McManus. Oh, oh. You're trying too hard to make these names inappropriate. We're primed for it. We see it everywhere now. I wish it wasn't real, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Wow. More money. Wow. Who's Eddie Bravo? He started this organization called a bunch of organizations, but his big one, I think, is he started a jiu-jitsu club called Tenth Planet. They got a bunch of gy, but his big one, I think is he started a jujitsu club called 10th planet. They got a bunch of gyms,
Starting point is 00:30:48 I think around the, maybe around the world, definitely in California. And he's very well respected in the jujitsu community, but he got in and him and Joe Rogan are friends and he got in a fight with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan yelled at him. Oh,
Starting point is 00:31:02 about the bladder stuff. Yeah. It was crazy. Hey, but you know, it's crazy. Hey, but you know what's crazy? If you listen to that, if you go back and listen to that, and you listen to what Joe Rogan says about the earth not being flat, he yells at Eddie and appeals to authority instead of like,
Starting point is 00:31:19 hey, let's just talk about it. But Joe doesn't do that so much now. You can see after this whole 49ers incident, Joe's chilled. He's like's like let me see the evidence he's not believing in peer-reviewed he's like he wants to talk now i think that was old joe he talked about that transition on a strolts podcast play great oh we did yeah because they said oh i'd like to hear that it was brief but he was like hey when did you realize like how much uh influence the show was having and he was like when i started to like people started to get mobilized what we said so then he became very more like particular and articulate about who he had on and like how they discuss stuff if someone said dogs don't bite i'd be like you're full of shit
Starting point is 00:31:58 if someone said the earth is flat i wouldn't say say that. There you go. Elliot, she's followed by a... I don't know who's Instagram. Oh, shit. James Spragues follows her. Yeah, interesting. Careful, Tyson. You might lose out. Actually, James has a girlfriend, I believe.
Starting point is 00:32:18 All right. I think I'm on your Instagram, dude. I'll send it to him. You know what's funny? You mentioned Eddie Bravo, and I have his book. You have his what? His book. Hello? Hi.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Hey! Hey, what's up, man? It's Rosie Photography. Rosie, what's up, bro? What's up? Did you do the cheers? Yeah, let it play out, Susan. Let's hear it. You're going to the games with CrossFit uh Clydesdale Media yes I am how exciting dude I I honestly oh my gosh it uh has been a roller coaster um all because of your podcast dude no joke tell me tell me tell me dude i was in one of your live chats when you were going live you know just doing
Starting point is 00:33:15 your podcast and scott was in the comments and i was like yo if you ever need a photographer let me know and i get off the podcast when it was over and i go on instagram and he was like are you for real because i need a photographer for orlando so here we are cool hey so wouldn't that be awesome if like you got to go you got your dream to go to the games as a photographer and uh mabel got to fuck tyson vajan what if it was just like this like the seven podcasts is like to make a wish foundation that'd be cool you know what i and Mabel got to fuck Tyson Vajan. What if it was just like this? Like the Sevan podcast is like the Make-A-Wish Foundation. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:33:49 You know what I mean? It's just like, yeah. Oh, my God. Come. Hey, dude. You know that book, Indian in the Cupboard, where they put the little Indian, and then he comes like, well, here.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Great movie. Or Fantasy Island. Seriously. It's a good movie. I want to tell you guys something about the Sevan podcast. It's going to blow your fucking mind. All you have tell you guys something about the Sebon podcast that's going to blow your fucking mind. All you have to do is listen to the Sebon podcast and then write your wishes
Starting point is 00:34:10 in the chat and that shit will come true. Don't tell anyone. Oh my gosh. I'm just... This community has been incredibly insane and like I...'s just it's incredible i i can't even i can't even explain it i mean i got to meet hillary and suzo at the games last year
Starting point is 00:34:34 that was super awesome um hey dude it's you you're fucking cool i'm not just saying that like you're an upbeat cool charming individual and you're exuding love and uh and it's you it's not just uh this community is just a bunch of fucking knuckleheads i mean i am wisconsin farm girl so i mean you're cool look at yeah everyone loves you dude look at trish i love rosie yeah yeah oh look at kenneth delapsus says i just want to farm look at look you're bringing out the best in people. I just want to farm. That should be a song. Do it. It probably is.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Do it. When Cole Mertens, when he made it, I was like, yes, my man. I will farm her. I love it. I love it. Hey. Sorry I'm rambling. Everybody's probably complaining at me.
Starting point is 00:35:18 How, I have, I'm having a dilemma today. Oh boy. I feel, I feel like I'm alienating people with this show and i and i don't know he's done lying and i don't know if it uh i want to it's gonna be a little abstract i normally don't talk about things that's this abstract but i'm not ready to like to pin it yet but i'm feeling like i'm alienating people and i don't want to do it and i'll tell you a story so i always poo-pooed marriage and and then i didn't get invited invited to like my best friend's wedding and because he thought because i poo-pooed marriage and like i get it like i get why he didn't invite me right huh because i alienated him by poo-pooing it it's like if i said like if when i
Starting point is 00:36:04 say um people who get their kids uh vaccinated hey like you're fucking up that like i think that that alienates people and i don't want to do that and so i'm struggling with the expressing myself honestly and like but not because i don't because i don't care if like i'm not mad at you or judging you if you right if you did get your kids and i'll say some crazy shit like hey you're a dipshit if you if you put a you know put a mask on your kid and then i mean you sound just like my dad so but i don't want to alienate those people i don't and it sucks i'm not sure i'm just i'm uh doubled down i know double down. I know. No. You're pretty open and honest about everything though, Stavon. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:36:51 There's so many things that you talk about that you're so real about and people just want to hear that. People just want to hear that. The thing is, I'm not upset. I'm not upset. So,
Starting point is 00:37:02 marry, kill, fuck, me, Sousa, Hiller. Like, I totally get it. Of course you fuck Hiller. He's full of fucking testosterone. He's got a great body, and he's a giver. He's gorgeous. Yeah, of course you marry Sousa because he's fucking young and fucking business-oriented. He needs to grow his hair back out.
Starting point is 00:37:20 You did like the fro, the Fonzie look? Yeah, I liked it too. Yeah. It was giving him that ethnic fucking uh yeah 50s Italian yeah he was John Travolta it's coming back he needs a switchblade
Starting point is 00:37:34 and then and that doesn't hurt my feelings at all like I fucking get it I'm not in fucking denial I'm very happy with who I am um but yeah but but other people but so it doesn't alienate me from my own anyway
Starting point is 00:37:50 I'm just I'm strong I'm struggling with it a little bit today I'm like like a lot not not I mean in a fun way I enjoy I even enjoy that talking about it all day I have we'll be talking about something it'll bring it right back i am genuine but i but
Starting point is 00:38:10 here's the thing i don't really think you're a piece of shit if you put a mask on your kid like even change the delivery dude change the packaging okay like i have the same message but change the packaging change it from you should to you oughta you should consider have you processed not deeply about what would you consider if you could go back ought to you should consider have you processed not deeply about what would you consider if you could go back and do it differently how would you do it right so there's a difference between you should yeah no room they're saying well are you fucking idiot like you fucking idiot that's double down as i don't want to do that but you could also say you ought to do or i understand some of this had happened you should
Starting point is 00:38:45 change this or you should like there's a way to keep doing it till you're still authentic and true about it but you don't need to you it doesn't need to be as harsh in the delivery as to talk down to yeah cold right that's what it's like um that like that sean pastuch guy had on he does it good yeah he's mastered like delivering shit what is he a gps driver no he has that active life he has the active life program oh okay yo bitch you're fat get in here and work out that's not his approach oh this is what i do because yeah who's that josh sometimes people need the cold hard truth it did am i right you're 100% correct, but you could still be nuanced and tactful in your delivery.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Hey, you don't squat low enough. That's a piece of shit. Anybody who squats above parallel step. Yeah, yeah. You're moving really fast. You should try to get a little bit lower so that way that hip crease goes below the knee line. Same message, packaged and delivered in a different way. That is right, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:39:43 You are true on that one. So why do you think that your kids should be wearing a mask? Why are you not squatting parallel? And then situationally, the answer slowly go away when it's in a competition. You're like, well, the judge gave it to you and you also always do it. And if you always do it,
Starting point is 00:40:00 then you're putting the judge in a bad position. It makes for good content in real life situational too for sure why is your kid wearing a mask well maybe they need to go to school listen to this look at look at this uh this honey he says stefan's brain is smoking hot. I'll take it. That's cool. Fuck me. You know, when people smoke too much weed, I think they say their brain is fried. Maybe that's what she meant.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Your brain is so hot. This is what Sean Sullivan says. Listen to this, Rosie. If you're still putting a mask on today, you're a fucking idiot. If you put a mask on your kid, you're a fucking idiot. It's you're a fucking idiot if you put a mask on your kid you're a fucking idiot and like it's it's uh i i just think they haven't woken up that's my that's my perspective on it i mean i live in the middle of nowhere in wisconsin surrounded by farms you know like i go into the city and there's still people that are driving around with masks on so i mean it's just i just those people have not woken up that's just my
Starting point is 00:41:11 thing that's my thing but yeah those people also are movers and shakers they're not going to do anything they're not going to contribute i hope that you seven i hope that maybe you can come to the game sometime so i can actually meet you in person or you know i'm gonna be um fly out to california i'm gonna be um what's his name's uh coach colton colton's coach i'm gonna have his coaches pass oh savage oh crazy right are you are you for real i don't know i just said it out loud to try it out i don't know it'll pay off if there's strict muscle ups you're gonna have to know farmer terms so i'll have to teach you some stuff. Yes. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Great hearing your voice. Thank you. Congrats on the game. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Talk to you guys later. Bye.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Bye, Rosie. Bye. This is a perfect example. Hey, by the way. Yeah. I've never heard a caller that clear before. Usually I'm struggling so hard to listen, but the way that it's set up with the roadcaster it's so much better oh the roadcaster too that's and that's why i got it
Starting point is 00:42:11 because people were saying suze's audio was better than mine he had the roadcaster too do you guys all agree that that audio was better anyway before you chime in i want um will pointed something out hiller had amazing tack with the lady in the hotel hallway yeah you have to this is my problem if someone would have approached me like this i would never have you seen this suza no no play it i want to see it now this is fucking incredible yeah 45 000 in one day come on get out did stop stop but the video is exploding, but this – he's making a video in the hallway of a hotel. He's sitting on the floor because he's got shit to do. He's got work to do, and this chick is fucking –
Starting point is 00:42:53 Sleeping. Rubbing one out. Sleeping. No, not at that time. No. No, this is so crazy right here. Hell no. Absolutely freaking not. Two in the morning. I don't know what I'm going to be done. Hell no. Absolutely freaking not.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Two in the morning. I don't know what I'm going to be done. Email arrows. It's kind of creepy, isn't it? You just look down that hallway. Definitely. Cutaways are awesome. Hi.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Hey. Hello? Hello. Hi. Is this the podcast? I don't know Tell me who you are first My mom told me not to tell people my name Until they tell their name She's like this is the podcast
Starting point is 00:43:38 Oh this is like Gazan Alex Gazan Well hello Yeah Holy shit I recognize your voice i fucking recognize her i'm checking my other phone this is alex gazan what did you snatch this past weekend she'll know that right away uh that's why i'm calling my husband's like you better get your ass on the swamp it is it's her awesome we have not well yes okay so tell me i i i did
Starting point is 00:44:07 talk some shit but since then since then i've learned the truth i've started i've started uh backing you up a little bit but go ahead i said wow she's fucked if she only snatches 165 no you can talk shit because i performed like shit that was not good tell so walk us through that event this is crazy i can't believe we have you this is fucking nuts okay so tell us tell us what happened in that event do you want long story or short story long story underwear was too tight okay no long story i've always had issues with snatches like when i first started crossfit i could not overhead squat the barbell like at all at all. Okay. It's all that bench press, dude. Yeah, no, it actually was.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Like, I couldn't get in that position whatsoever. But no one, like, made me do the work for a while. So everyone was just like, oh, like, just keep snatching. You'll get better. And I just power snatched for two years and didn't get better. So, like, When I started working with Kotler, I think my snatch was 155, which would
Starting point is 00:45:10 have been two years ago. It's definitely gone a lot better. I snatched 192 last week, testing the event, but it's just a big hit or miss list for me right now. It's a mental block list. What is your max snatch? 192.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Oh, shit. You're a beast. And what's your max overhead squat? Like, 230, 240. Holy shit. Hiller, are you happy with Miss Kazan? I know there's a female there named Carson Wolf who can hit 200 pounds, and she's a little bit younger.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I know. She's a stud. She's a who can hit 200 pounds, and she's a little bit younger. I know. She's a stud. She's a stud. You know her, Gazan? Yeah. Yeah, I love her. She competed with her, I believe, right? Or amongst her?
Starting point is 00:45:54 Wait, hold on. London, you want to say hi? No, I'm with my brother right now. He's six. Oh, you know what's funny? When you first called, did he say something? It sounded like a little kid. He's chilling with me right now. I know, but when you called just now and you said called, did he say something? It sounded like a little kid. He's chilling with me right now.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I know, but when you called just now and you said hello, was that you saying hello or was that him? It was me. Oh, you sounded like you were eight. That's awesome. I was really intimidated. Oh, fuck no. You're the shit.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You're always welcome here. I fucking love you. Fergie says, Alex, you need a shampoo sponsor. Oh, yeah, your hair was wild in the interview i fucking loved it thank you it was great hey um you won i won yeah are you tripping uh yeah honestly like it kind of hasn't sunk in yet i had some like family stuff going so i've been dealing with that and that's kind of like i don't want to say clouded my moment but it has seemed less important than what i'm dealing with currently um do you do uh do you think you know how to leverage,
Starting point is 00:47:05 was that before the event, the family stuff or after? Right after. Okay. I was going to say, I wonder if you, if you've learned through your hardships, how to leverage those things. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, in order to excel. But I'm stoked. I'm super excited. I feel like it'll, it'll kick in like when training starts again, you know, like it'll be that extra motivation and I'm stoked I'm super excited I feel like it'll it'll kick in like when training starts again you know like it'll be that extra motivation and I'm excited um you you mentioned um it's
Starting point is 00:47:34 interesting that you mentioned one of the workouts I don't remember which one but you won a workout and then you said in the interview that um Kotler put the pressure on you saying uh you can win this one Jesus are you not listening to the show? I'm talking to Alex Kazan. How could someone call in now? Are you smoking crack? Disrespectful. You said that Kotler said to you,
Starting point is 00:47:56 hey, you can win this. I think a couple of people thought so, right? How well does he know you that he can say that to you and put that pressure on you because that that seems to be like the um uh like the hot button now right don't put too much pressure on the athlete you might break i mean i mean he just fucking stuck it right to you he just he just like threw 100 pounds of bricks on you no i mean like that's who he is as a coach and that's like a lot of what i love about him is like he's gonna tell you point blank what he's thinking good or bad like after the snatch event simone yeah i was a
Starting point is 00:48:29 mess right not happy like i wanted to hit like 185 or like at least 180 and that obviously didn't happen so like i was upset and we didn't see the leaderboard right away and so he was like i was crying and he was like fired up and he's like you know what like we're gonna have to fucking fight like you're probably in like eighth or ninth right now and I was like oh my gosh like just like gutted because I had a pretty decent like point spread I guess going into that event so like I was scared like oh no like I'm gonna have to fight for my game spot tomorrow like this is gonna suck um but he's super blunt. He's not going to tell you good job unless he means it. So when he tells me I can win an event, I
Starting point is 00:49:09 really value those things because he wouldn't tell me if he really didn't think so. You won event two and you won event six. Yeah. It wouldn't have been necessarily close had you hit that heavier snatch too. You would have been way ahead of Katrin.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Very nicely done. Dude, listen to these girls that you're with. Olivia Kerstetter, Emily Rolfe, Bethany Shadburn, Christine Kolenbrander, Ariel Lowen, Katrin Tanya David's daughter, and Alex Gazan. Thank you. Hey, did you meet Abigail Donut? I actually didn't
Starting point is 00:49:49 talk to her this weekend. I should have. I guess I just didn't really run into her. Did you meet anyone new? Hannah Black. I met her. She was really nice. Oh, yeah. What was she like? Is she pretty intimidating in person?
Starting point is 00:50:04 I don't mean like getting her head intimidating, but is she is she pretty intimidating in person like like i don't mean like like getting your head intimidating but she big big girl like like killer all buff and shit crazy oh she looks super fit and like i saw that she snatched a brick shit house so that's cool i think she's a witch she put a spell on you and stole all your snatching power no it's my own fault that's never happening again that was not fun that's right um alex uh um like her or not like her i would say that it was um sad or emotional that danny didn't make it because she's a staple right and as much as like i love danny yeah how hard was that to be up there her not making it i figured that must have been really emotional for
Starting point is 00:50:50 the girls because she's kind of a staple yeah no she is and also i like almost run to her defense on your post hillar because i love her so much good you should all of them what do you mean she gets ass pounded on in your fucking account your account is dude how did you know the LLC my company's under no but did you I mean is that
Starting point is 00:51:15 are you just like fuck it I won I don't care like that's how sometimes like when I would interview Josh and Rich and those guys that would be like hey do you kind of want Josh to go to the game so you have someone to hang out it's like I don't give a fuck I'm going you know what I mean That's how sometimes like when I would interview Josh and Rich and those guys, that would be like, Hey, do you kind of want Josh to go to the game? So you have someone to hang out with? It's like, I don't give a fuck. I'm going, you know what I mean? Danny was like such a good, like at the games last year,
Starting point is 00:51:35 I was really nervous. It was my first year. Right. Like, I don't know what to expect. And like, Danny, like took me under her wing. Like she was like, Hey, we're ice bathing tonight. Like get your butt over here. Like she was so awesome. Any competition I've ever seen her at, she's just super real. She's not one of those girls that's trying to fake you out by telling you they're not sore. No, I'm kidding. Don't answer that question. Did you say that um took you over to the uh ice baths
Starting point is 00:52:08 oh yeah like during the game shake invited me to her hotel we did ice baths like she's just like super cool you're gonna i don't know if you can see the screen right now but you're gonna find this fucking really hard to believe but danny uh i i made a wish for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Oh, no. What is this, Danny? What is this? You can't see your screen. Well, Danny and I took a bath once. Have you put this up anywhere? Is this the first time?
Starting point is 00:52:35 No, that's it. That's the first time. I'm not on the YouTube. I'm just like on my phone, so I can't see anything. Oh, we'll go back to the 5140 mark. Yeah. And look at the photo that popped up and yeah that was um yeah anyway but uh wait i got one question alex would when uh i mean
Starting point is 00:52:53 obviously you said there's some stuff going on with the family that kind of like clouded what was going on but like is there anything you do to kind of celebrate or to like transition like do you ever like just like kick open the hotel door room you're like i'm a fucking savage and like crack two sodas over the head and like spray it around or anything like that to celebrate oh my gosh that's hilarious um honestly i'm so boring i feel like i'm not i'm pretty even keel i don't like i was excited don't get me wrong but like yeah i didn't do anything that cool uh jake wore my medal and we blasted some music like the we are the champion song driving down the road here we go that's what i'm talking about but like i mean i don't drink or anything so we just hung
Starting point is 00:53:37 out we went to the um brazilian steakhouse that was pretty good. I didn't have an appetite all weekend, so I ate probably all my protein macros then. Do you not have a regimented food intake over the course of the weekend? I normally do, and I normally don't have a problem eating, but this weekend was different. I couldn't eat that great,
Starting point is 00:54:00 so I drank a lot of Gatorade. I am so happy for you. I'm so happy for you but i'm happy for more happy for myself that you called in like this is i can't tell you like i'm gonna be like yeah i'm gonna afterwards in the shows i'm gonna be like hillars you see that thank you alex thank you hey uh call in anytime i tell tell Jake he's a fucking genius keep doing whatever he's doing tell Kotler we gotta have mom before the games we love
Starting point is 00:54:32 Mr. Kotler too what a stud yeah I just had to defend my honor I promise I don't always snatch like an idiot just a lot of the time you were great it was great we were all everyone's excited about you you are a you're turning into just a darling. Keep having fun out there. Don't, you know, whatever you're doing,
Starting point is 00:54:52 just keep doing it war girl. I appreciate it. Thank you. All right. Talk to you soon. I get back to my little bro. Okay. Thank you. Bye guys. Bye. Why didn't Alex get any sound effects
Starting point is 00:55:07 she could hear my heart beating out of my chest maybe I was too nervous to press any sound effects I didn't want to screw it up uh there you go that's nice uh Barry McOchner now we need Kelly Baker to call in after her post hey so
Starting point is 00:55:23 uh yeah I think we got Kelly on the hook. Now I just have to, like, be very calm and not fuck that up when she comes on. Yeah, I'm going to be chill. Bam, we're live. You have an amazing body. Did you see your most recent post? My God. How are you at Wine country wearing that dress?
Starting point is 00:55:45 It's so tight. What the fuck? Oh, my God. We are having a slumber party. It's crazy. Look at this fucking brick shithouse on the beach. My God. Are you holding your breath?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Look how fucking huge that guy looks. I'm going to make a picture of an actual brick shithouse. I like it. Good. That'll be cool looking. Yeah, no nipple ring talk. Nope, I won't do that. Okay, sorry. We've got to go back to this.
Starting point is 00:56:13 So Hiller's in the hallway. I'm in your office, man. No, no, no. Hiller's in the hallway at a hotel. Did you say you like Beavis and Butthead? Can we watch that this weekend? Totally. The boys will love it. Hey, I really want you to at a hotel. Did you say you like Divas and Butthead? Can we watch that this weekend? Totally. All right. Totally. The boys will love it.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Let's totally do it. Hey, I really want you to do the video where you teach them. No. Yes. Okay. I can do that. Yeah. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:56:37 They're good at it now. Okay. Thanks, cool boy. So this is on, this is, celebrate Hiller. This has 45,000 views in a day, this video. on um this is uh this celebrate this has 45 000 views in a day this this video and it's hillar discussing um why his thoughts on uh gee and danny and and it's not i don't think it's mean at all not zero meanness but anyway in the intro of the video he's trying to fucking make the video in the hallway to get it out to us and and this happens while he's making the video. And I forget how Will Branstetter said it, but maybe he used the word poise, but Hiller's poise is crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:11 That's weird. I just didn't want to get out of the hallway. You're so chill. It's crazy. You never get anywhere by being angry. He walks up behind me, and it's going to freak me out. It's probably the perfect time for me to tell everybody that I am nothing more than a keen observer of the human nature.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I think that I always have been. I think it's actually what made me a decent or good or whatever you want to call me, CrossFit coach. Anybody can say, hey, go do 50, 40, 30. I'm good. Oh, shit. It's like a gay man's sexual fantasy right there. Just come down.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Oh, there's just some really sprawled out shirtless. I'm coming. Hey, you all right? Yeah, I'm good. Okay. Why? You're supposed not to be allowed to be in the hallway. You're supposed to be in the room. It's a lady with an Asian accent
Starting point is 00:57:57 and she's basically saying, Hiller, what's up? She's supposed to be in your room, she says. Is she right there? Hold on. All right She's supposed to be in your room, she says. Is she right there? Is she right there? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Alright, alright, alright. Supposed to be? Yeah. I don't know if that's a rule. What's the room number?
Starting point is 00:58:13 Are you in? 432. Why? You're supposed not to be, like, laid out or, like... Says who? Me. Are you in charge? Yes. Oh, okay. Did somebody call? okay did somebody call what did they say well that was the fire alarm is she walking towards you uh-huh she starts walking towards me
Starting point is 00:58:39 ah she got some love so um this fucking juiced up dude on your carpet in the hotel clearly he's not she goes i heard a loud noise and i go dude the fire alarm was going off for the past hour why that was a loud noise you have to know something about hillar i'm going to describe Hiller to you in one word oh boy sober oh this motherfucker is like if he didn't if he he's like almost like flatlined around you there's no vibe coming off of Hiller there's no there's no uh I don't know how he does it with drinking 64s there's no jitteriness there's no there's no like anger theres. There's no jitteriness. There's no anger. There's no vibe coming off him. He's so sober.
Starting point is 00:59:31 That's interesting. It's like he's just like a gentle wind, not quite enough to make heavy wind chimes move. That's it. And so it's crazy that I kind of – like part of me is like, is this lady fucking crazy approaching you? But he's also – he's so chill.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah, he's a vegetable. He's just like a like a cucumber on a vine growing. Just serene. This is so. Yeah, he's like Dexter. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's just self-aware. That's my favorite show and it points in my life.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I'm like, dude, I'm just like this freaking guy. This is bad. He's just so it's crazy. OK, OK, here we go. Here go so much there right there oh okay yeah nobody called you yeah i just because i heard the they noticed that uh you said to her nobody called you yeah because there's no way because i was whispering that door to the right that's a hallway the door to the left is the janitor's closet and the next closest room was mine and alexis's and i go i know i'm not talking loud enough to wake her up i know better by the way she's even like responding that she's got nothing to stand on called you no they didn't
Starting point is 01:00:40 you were right hello housekeeping are you liking her right now are you angry at her no i just know that she's gonna eventually back down if i just can't yeah look at you she's about doing anything wrong so after i watched it did i tell you that we found out that the person who set off the fire alarm was a homeless man he ran in there pulled the fire alarm yeah and then left and like that's annoying as hell but i eventually thought thank you mr homeless man because this video did fantastic and then two before i knew about the homeless man the next day i re-watched it i go oh this woman probably thought i set off the fire alarm and i'm some dude who's just ran like setting up a video
Starting point is 01:01:21 and doing some tiktok crap who could be pulling fire alarms in hotels but now i don't know what she was doing why she wanted me to go in my room you're not supposed to be here so you're a homeless dude sleeping in the hall until she got closer and realized you're just a chiseled youtuber killing it imagine i do youtube videos we'll get we'll get to that and though think of how many people would be pissed that the homeless guy pulled the alarm and and hiller's parlaying it into fucking his best video of all time you should have seen alexis roll her eyes when i said that so someone from like the street parking community wisdom said that she goes yeah i guess some homeless man ran here and i was like that's so cool because it gave me this video that's got 10 000 views in one hour i thought like and alexis i felt the world spin with her eyeballs uh uh shannon madera's uh i'm more concerned that he's laying on the carpet in the hallway of a hotel the hotel was built two
Starting point is 01:02:16 years ago it's cool what do you mean like the carpet's like gross like there's semen on it or something ejaculate trust me i thought about it okay all right here we go so so jedi mind he's like nobody called you okay here we go we'll get back onto this nobody called you how are you doing suzy you hanging in there yeah i'm good okay nothing i just i thought i saw you grab your mic like you were about to feel like you're getting a little woozy no no no i'm no. I'm good. You got water? You got electrolytes and shit? I got my little napkin. You like to do to artists put spittle?
Starting point is 01:02:51 You old fucker. Speaking of that, there you go. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Okay. Here we go. Thank you, Will, by the way. Will Branstetter. This is inspired by Will because this is incredible. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Yeah, there's a fire alarm. Yeah. So the alarm's clear. Yeah. Nobody called on me, though. I'm being quiet. No one called on me and she's like, oh, okay. Someone called on him. Oh, Judy. Judy coming to defense of her on him. Oh, Judy.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Judy coming to defense of her people. Come on, Judy. She's not even close enough to know if she's Chinese, Judy. It's her job, though, if she saw you on camera to investigate and see why half-naked guy is hanging. Come on, Judy. Nobody came to the laundromat the other day when I was doing one at 2 a.m.
Starting point is 01:03:42 the last weekend. Come on, Judy, half-naked. Oh, yeah, he is half-naked. the laundromat the other day when i was doing one at 2 a.m with the last weekend come on judy half naked oh yeah he is naked hey face down ass up talking to himself too i got those pants at the lululemon outlet earlier that day it looked good on you i saw in some photos thanks they're real weird looking but i like them no you pull them off well okay uh um okay here we go uh action this i was doing on the camera it was just like oh what are you doing oh it's okay yeah i'm just i'm making i do youtube videos so i'm just trying i mean my fiancee's in there so i'm being quiet i'm not bothering anybody okay that's good okay yeah and it's the ecological. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:25 So as I said, I think that I am. This is, it was so perfect. Did you break a sweat? Did your heartbeat get going? Anything? You don't seem aggro at all.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I would be, I would, I would have gotten a little wound up. Angry? Something. I would have been, I just feel like I would have come across more defensive. No,
Starting point is 01:04:41 I was getting excited because I just, I knew she was, had nothing. Yeah. I couldn't for the second she said that i can't be there i was just like ed i didn't sign anything no no no no no no there's no rule are you the boss like even if you are you there's no you just gotta know your stuff right what what about um uh continuing to record did you consider stopping recording oh i knew i knew about halfway through that i was putting it in the video you're like and it was oh you did you're like this is because in the beginning i was like i really hope
Starting point is 01:05:14 somebody walks up to the camera so she walked up and i go this is it don't mess it up oh that's awesome dude it's gold and and then through, I was also thinking right before she walked up, I said that I'm a keen observer of human nature. So anyway, I'm a keen observer of human nature. Will Branstetter, I would have went back to my room immediately. Yeah, me too. I'd have rolled over like a fucking, oh, sorry. You just picked up and gone.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Here's the thing. This is my thing with this. And I think if Alexis told somebody this week that I'm an introvert, a fucking uh just oh sorry you just picked up here's the thing this is my thing with this yeah and i think i if alexis told somebody this week and then i'm an introvert which do you believe that uh i because the person and she knows it oh i wouldn't guess you're an introvert but if you told me you were and that you're just constantly always fighting it i would believe you well i convince myself there's situations where I'm just ready to roll. Like this, we're on the show, I'm in your place.
Starting point is 01:06:11 If you walked up to me in like a Target, I would be so out of place. I'd probably not even recognize you. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Oh, no. Wait a minute. Where do I know him from? Okay. This is Stefan. I see him almost every day on the internet. My neighbor rolled up to me the other day in the supermarket i was buying eggs and she said hey you don't need to buy eggs yes and i and i can't even believe she was able to sneak up to me holy shit what up what's up dude yeah dude thank you so much your mom's in the chat, too. This is fucking nuts. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Oh, shoot. Darn it. Why does Hiller have his shirt off? What do you mean? No, Justin, why do you have your shirt on? That's what I was going to say. Hey, Justin, the thing is, if I have it on, there's a comment every time. Whoa, whoa. Yeah, we ought to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Mason Mitchell, the champ, is in the house. Robbie Myers, this is crazy. I know. I broke a sweat when I saw Justin. Hey, where are you? How the fuck did Ellie get here? You're with Ellie? I mean, she just went to bed.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I mean, she's been up for like almost 30 hours now. Congratulations. That's awesome. So she finished and and just jumped on a plane and came home and came uh she left it was crazy so very day ahead of us technically so she left tuesday morning which was like monday for us but she left um at 10 30 and then landed in boise at 10 45 same day she left tuesday at 10 30 landed in boise at 10 45 and it's a 17 hour like time change oh shit that is crazy how's she doing is she asleep well yeah we've just been trying to do things all day to like keep her awake because like you want
Starting point is 01:08:00 to go to bed right when you get here but like then like tomorrow like it's just hard to get back on that schedule so So we like, it's made sure we were doing a bunch of things today so she could stay awake. And then her goal is to make it to seven. So she could then hit the hay. And then she'll sleep probably all night and then hopefully start getting working out more. Yeah. Go to the store. Just don't sit down. Cause when you sit down, you're dead. You're down. Yeah. No, dude,
Starting point is 01:08:23 we were like driving to go get dinner and she's sitting there to like get quiet for a second she's going like there's a scene where this chick has narcolepsy thank you justin good you're smarter for not seeing it go on hillary sorry go on it takes 15 seconds this chick he's dating has narcolepsy so she falls asleep when randomly she can't eat soup so he figures out a way he ties her braids never mind hey everyone people will know um how funny how how stoked is she uh with her performance she won she pretty pumped oh yeah she's pumped i mean i think just like training wasn't going like the most consistent for her and i think like the team around her like me adam like jesse we're all like so confident that she could go out there and did and like do
Starting point is 01:09:07 what she did. And I think just like for her, it was just like proving it to herself, which is like so cool. It's going to make this like game season for training, like so much better. I mean, it's, it's so much mindset, like what we do. So I'm just like, it was pumped for her to go out there and do like what we knew she could do. Um, Wad zombie, the only extra weight Justin carries is in his pants. Spoken with –
Starting point is 01:09:32 They're called ankle weights, guys. Assertiveness. Justin, there's been this back and forth. I guess you said on a vlog somewhere that you put on 10 pounds. I don't know when, the in the last year in the last six months or and then people have been putting up side by side pictures and we can't tell whether you did put on weight or not put on weight did you put on weight yeah no i'm i'm not 10 pounds but uh i'm heavier than i was last year not by much i honestly i mean honestly i mean
Starting point is 01:10:02 who knows like i wrestled my weight fluctuates honestly a decent amount um i like don't really hop on the scale ever and then i kind of just do my i like do my routine and then if like i have like a week period where like things just aren't going well i'll like use the scale to kind of like check in and be like, okay, like let's see. Normally it's to see if I'm too light and I'm under eating, you know? But that's kind of the only time I really check. And I checked like a month ago and I was like, Oh shoot. I thought I was like maybe a little light and heavy. I wasn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:40 It was heavier than I thought. So when you wrestled, were you a frequent wear or no? And did you have to check your weight? How much did you have to drop back then, if any? My freshman, sophomore, junior year, I cut a pretty good amount of weight. And then my senior year, I just kind of like, I was starting to get pretty burnt out. And then like that junior year is kind of where, you know, if you're going to like get like a scholarship to like a P1 school you know um and like i had like offers to like a little bit of smaller schools so i was like okay well i'm not going anywhere crazy i'll probably
Starting point is 01:11:12 just pick a school that i want to go to but i i wrestled 182s my senior year oh in high school yeah really cool yeah so i didn't i was like probably like i would have guessed later like mid mid to high 180s i probably was like my senior year my freshman year i was 145 then i was 152 and then 172 180 182 or 170 then 182 your your mom is saying be in all caps be honest seven you said he looks chunky i honestly do not remember saying he looks chunky if i said that you guys say a lot of things about me hillary called me a liar on one of his freaking that was because of the garment get him put me right in my place get him right away get him get him yeah yeah i never said you were chunky what's your mom saying hey let the man speak go
Starting point is 01:12:01 ahead oh yeah beat up on me go ahead i don't watch too many of your guys' videos, to be honest, but I had a bunch of people sending me this one, and the title of it is, Justin Medeiros and Brooke Wells are lying to you. And I was like, oh, really? The person who I was less certain of lying told me that they weren't lying. Hey, did he fix it? Did he fix it? I thought he fixed that one.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I didn't go back to look. Don't worry. The following video, I cleared that up. He said he wrote in the comments or something, like the description that, I don't know. You remember. Yeah. He's good. And then the next video, I started it off with, just so you know.
Starting point is 01:12:43 The description. They look at the freaking. Just the headline. The picture the headline hey can i follow this up with something justin i i made a video about a month ago on jason kalipa and i said jason kalipa gets destroyed on the internet and he said he clicked on it and he was just like ready to get all angry and then he watched it and he was thinking oh okay i'm not that angry but yours was a little different than his and that's admitted and i tried to clear that thing up i think he made one right after saying sorry basically okay all right nobody remembers the apology hey justin justin i may have said this by the way i'm in no means am i calling your mom a liar
Starting point is 01:13:23 i believe if someone she remembers if i said something like that about her son, of course she fucking remembers it accurately. But here's the thing. If we were speculating on your performance there because we thought you were going to win, and so we were trying to come up with excuses for why you took seventh, and so I could easily see myself saying, oh, look, maybe he put on some weight,
Starting point is 01:13:42 and he's going to lose that weight for the games, and that extra five or ten pounds will help him. Maybe that sounds like something I would say. Is there any truth to that? That is what you said. Perfect. Is there any truth to that, you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:13:58 Can you tell me what you think about your performance this weekend? Are you happy? Are you frustrated? Are you where you want to be? weekend like are you are you happy are you frustrated are you where are you where you want to be i mean i'm disappointed 100 on the performance um and like i don't know if you guys like saw any interviews but i was just it's just hard when you work hard training's going well like i know i'm moving in the right direction and then you compete and like the leaderboard doesn't reflect what my my fitness was yeah i heard you very articulate and confident by the way in that and like that's like the most frustrating thing like coming off
Starting point is 01:14:36 the competition floor like just like when you know that like that's not what i'm capable of and there's a variety of factors that I think played into that this weekend but um I think everything happens for a reason nonetheless and there's still plenty of things to learn I've always said I think competition's way more mental than it is physical and you given you calling me chunky and stuff I think there's a lot of uh I think there's a lot of other athletes out there that I mean you look at me at me, and you're like – you don't be like, oh, that's for sure the fittest guy in the world. I'm watching that on the competition floor. You look at –
Starting point is 01:15:11 Does someone find that fucking clip? I can't imagine calling you chunky. You have a beautiful physique. You want me to find it because I remember it. I did. I also remember it. Oh, God. And Justin's mom remembers it.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Oh, my God. Now I'm sweating. Fat shaming works, Ryan. So you showed up there feeling 100%. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think there's no excuse. I think when any time steps out on the competition floor, I think you got to, no matter what circumstances there are,
Starting point is 01:15:44 you got to find a way to rise to the occasion like competition is what it is you know when it is you got to be prepared for it and i think i mean i think you could talk to a bunch of athletes and they can say this or that nobody's training goes absolutely perfect with no hiccups you know so another thing that i've speculated on many times is that the fact of that you had this relationship with your coach, the amazing Adam, Adam Knifer. And and that you added a piece to it with a new athlete who also happens to be you're in a close relationship with Ellie, that that was going to be something to watch to see if that complicates anything. that that was going to be something to watch to see if that complicates anything. Yeah. I mean, I think that kind of was proven,
Starting point is 01:16:30 not true last year. I think, I mean, me and Ellie have been like, I mean, we were dating before the CrossFit games last year, you know? It's not like we're coming out and telling everybody about it. Cause guys like you guys will be out there being like, oh, he doesn't. He didn't win the CrossFit Games. He's dating this new girl. It's like.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Totally. You're right. So I'm just like, yeah, it doesn't matter. I want her to get blamed for my lack of performance if there was going to be. So in my head, I was like, I just there's no point in telling anybody until after the games for, I guess both of our sakes. And obviously she won Australia. Yeah, no, she won Australia this year. I mean, I think if anything, it's going, it's going really, really well. I mean, I won the games last year.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I did rogue last year. Like I can still perform if, if I'm ever not performing, it's nobody's fault but my own. I'm not trying to blame anybody else. Event number – so in event number five, you took your worst finish, a very short workout, be it 24th. And you – event five was the snatches and then the treadmill. And then you get to go home, right? And then you come back the next day, Sunday, and you do event six. And, I mean, I'm just going to see what – yeah, you demolished it.
Starting point is 01:18:00 You beat the second-place dude by – A minute, damn near. A minute and two seconds um what can you tell us what that was like can you give us a little what was that like taking 24th in that workout were you hurting could you have pushed harder and then kind of walk us through the end of that how you felt to going back to coming back and crushing that can you walk us through some of that i know for sure no 100 i think just it was a build-up from workout number one through five of just like frustration um this thing's not going the way
Starting point is 01:18:33 i wanted to some things out of my control some things in my control um and i think every time i step out in the competition floor the reason why i'm the two-time fitness man on earth is that like i don't make those mistakes and every time i do a in the competition floor, the reason why I'm the two-time fitness man on earth is that like, I don't make those mistakes. And every time I do a workout, it's a true reflection of how my fitness is maybe even higher than what I think my fitness level is. And I think on those work, every single workout one through five, that's just not how it was. And I know that you can't win with those kinds of performances and going
Starting point is 01:19:04 into the final day. I mean, that was kind of just the goal of like making sure that, Hey, like this is still in my control. Like even when like my back's up against the wall, like I still know how to execute. And I think on workout six and seven, that was my goal to have like good execution. I mean, I can't tell you how many no reps I had and workouts one through five and just going into the final day, just like both, both workouts, like clean run through,
Starting point is 01:19:31 no hiccups, just like a reflection of my fitness is what, is what I felt like. Um, uh, workout number five. Uh, I actually thought you were going to win that one. And you took 24th. Did you get any no reps on that? I'm just looking for an example of something where you, I was going to ask about that too. Yeah. Did you, what, what happened in that workout? I thought you were, I mean, I, I just think of you as just, well, that's the snatch run. We're snatch run. Yeah. Reps you could have been no rep Don was, did that happen or no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:20:00 no, uh, honestly, no, no reps in that workout. I mean, I, I honestly, yeah, I don't know. I think, honestly, no reps in that workout. I mean, I honestly – yeah, I don't know. I think – Is it a muscle-up box jump over? Where were those getting hit, and do you think that they were justified or mis-execution on your end? I think there's a miscommunication. I mean, workout number one, I think everybody had a shit show with their sleds.
Starting point is 01:20:23 So that's – I i think you faced a bit of that my first pull the front of my sled tucked right under like my first my first tug so i did the first round with my sled tucked under and right before i got on my runner i untucked it and then ran and like grabbed my rope ran the other side my first tug flipped it right back under i'm pretty sure like in the previous heat it tucked under and then they did the whole workout with it tucked and that's like it's like natural it's as if they needed a new slip so like so then i just did the rest of the rounds with it tucked and like i mean it just is what it is i think you go back and watch that event
Starting point is 01:21:05 there's tons of there's probably tons of that going on i doubt that i was the only one there are i mean cole grease shaver was right next to me and his last round his sled was completely out like not even oh yeah yeah i saw a video of a sled just being drug on the ground yeah i mean it was yeah so there's like a bunch of things happened in that one workout. Number two, I got a no rep on like rep two or three of a dip, um, for my depth, they said. And by the time it registered, I already did the toes to bar, but the standard is you have to do your muscle up and a dip is from top to
Starting point is 01:21:44 top. So I pretty much had to do a whole extra complex um so i did six and then i only got 15 my first round and then i had a five four or five way tie in that workout um and the tie break is the burpees on the first round oh boy but i was late but i was late on that first round because i had a no rep so then i lost the tie break so instead of getting fifth or sixth or whatever it was i got 10th even though i did the same amount of work as all those guys like right that that was frustrating um workout number three linda i got the head judge came up and said that my butt was coming up off of the bench or my hips are rising. That was his words. And like, this is round like seven or six.
Starting point is 01:22:36 And I was in a pretty good position. And then I got like two no reps on the round of seven. So I had to do nine bench press, still did it on a broken like huh like i feel like my hips weren't coming up whatever and then going into the round six i probably got like four no reps oh shit i had to drop my dumbbells and i was like what am i doing wrong because like i know my butt's not leaving the bench did you get an answer um he just said hips and i kept going um but i went back and watched the video and like i definitely like contract my glutes and my hips rise but my butt never left the um bench i don't know i there wasn't a clear answer to that in the um briefing i just just made an assumption i should have clarified like as far as where your hips are allowed to be
Starting point is 01:23:22 I just made an assumption I should have clarified. As far as where your hips are allowed to be? Yeah. I mean, I always just thought like if your butt left the bench, that would be a no rep. But I'm definitely like engaging my hips when I bench. I think if you are good at benching, like it's a full body like brace. Any good bencher does that, yes.
Starting point is 01:23:47 So, and I honestly, I do a lot of benching and dumbbell bench I know you guys know my coach Jesse with a powerlifting background like I work on it a lot um so that was really frustrating um in that workout and then I think workouts four and five was more so a lack of execution on my side and I think i don't know what the cause was i was really frustrated after that workout number three i mean you for one you do a bunch of no reps um so you're more tired then it put me out of the race for the lead and then like the game plan changes of like instead of attacking like i have to make these reps like absolutely perfect because who tells you do you decide that with adam or you you know that at some point you come up with that in your own head i mean i came up with that like in my own head on the competition floor but like
Starting point is 01:24:37 it comes from adam i mean we train every day and talk about all that stuff like all the time of like making those game time decisions because he's not going to be out there you know um he definitely prepares me for the and i think i did the best i could in the moment but like being like i think workouts number one and two were both little things like the sled out of my control is what it is uh workout number two with the dips um like hey like i don't want to have to make a judge make a judgment call and that means my reps need to be crystal clear and i'm like okay like i can be better and then going into linda like that was in the back of my mind and i got all these no reps and i i had to talk with adam i'm like man like i feel like i'm not the person that moves bad, but like if three workouts in a row,
Starting point is 01:25:26 it goes wrong. Like it's probably me and not the judge is kind of what I was going on. And I was just, I didn't know what to think. Cause that's just not how it normally, that normally what happens in competition. You can't appeal no reps. Got it.
Starting point is 01:25:41 So I didn't, so I didn't appeal. Some people were though though and they were getting some time back so that's interesting yeah i've heard of a lot of appeals on that sort of thing so they told us in the briefing that um you can't appeal no reps so i and i didn't think i would get it on the bench anyways because the head judge was the one that came up and told me I would I was trying to look for him after the weekend because I was more so just curious but uh and frustrated I would say it was all curiosity I wanted to get clarity I had videos of it on my phone I went back and looked
Starting point is 01:26:17 was it clear as day my butt's not leaving but my hips are like moving and that's what he said so yeah justin when you when you go out there for event six it's uh sunday morning um and you take the floor event six was the chipper right yeah um do you what what do you tell yourself are you planning on winning that what's the game or are you still in mode like fuck i just better make sure every rep is perfect or are you are you throwing that to the wayside now and you're back to justin fucking attack mode i mean i don't get me wrong like i'm i'm realistic of uh my capabilities i know what workouts are good or like i do have a potential to win on i know workouts that hey like this is going to be a battle but like I expect to win every workout like in my head and if it doesn't happen it's like okay like I can be better you know um and I think just doing that one
Starting point is 01:27:12 like I expected it and just like when I crossed the finish line it's like yep that's what's supposed to happen you know and it's more that like reassurance I was not trying to like it wasn't like a surprise like oh my gosh I'm I'm in the lead like this is crazy you know like I'm I'm crushing it it was just like freaking finally like just executed it well no no reps clean run through like felt like though obviously I mean it's easy to talk about the workouts that you win but like my leader like the leaderboard reflected how my fitness was in that workout. Um, so yeah. Um, will you, will you, will Adam talk to you? Will you talk to Adam? Will you, how will this performance here at this semifinals affect you going to the games? Will it be in your head at
Starting point is 01:27:57 all or will it be something that you'll leverage to learn from? How does, how does this affect how you go into the game? No, 100%. I mean, I think that's, that's why we compete is like to learn from how does how does this affect how you go into the game no 100 i mean i think that's that's why we compete is like to learn like like i i hope that i get stumped on something that's like a weakness you know like i hope when the open something comes up that i just suck at same thing quarterfinals semifinals at road like wherever it is because now i have time to work on it like you don't want that to happen at the games. So, just, like, in competition, that's how it is. We haven't had an event debrief yet. We will this week and kind of talk about, go through each workout, what went good, what went bad, like,
Starting point is 01:28:35 and then have, like, a solid, like, lead up and plan about the rest of the season. But, no, I think it's hard because like I honestly was feeling really really fit this season I mean the open didn't finish where I wanted to which is fine quarterfinals I was like okay like you just felt like I all of a sudden got really fit from the three weeks in between the open and quarterfinals you know like this is not how fitness works so it was nice to be like oh okay no like i'm i'm fit still like this is good and honestly from quarterfinals i feel like i just i just built um like really steadily and felt really good about my fitness and then it was i was pretty shocked to see the leaderboard, I think, during the competition.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Day one was rough, but I was like, I'm in the fight. And then after day two, I was just like, I don't know what's happening. It's just really frustrating. And in Linda, I felt like I had the same mindset in Linda that I did in event six. And I think that's why it was so frustrating after event number three, because I was in a race, like I think through around seven or six, like it was me, Pat and Colton. And like, I could hear you, hear the announcers like start announcing like the leaders, who they were.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I knew I was in the race and that's just where you want to be. It's just in that race, how that fight like that fighting chance to like make that push in the end of the workout. And then just all those no reps just completely took me out of it. Like it wasn't a fitness thing. It was, I was getting no reps for like movement quality or whatever it may be, but that's what took me out of it.
Starting point is 01:30:19 It wasn't like my fitness wasn't there. And I hit a. Well, thank you. It was a pleasure having you on phone call you got a text or a phone call I got a phone call hey here's a crazy question Justin bear with me this is just fucking
Starting point is 01:30:35 by the way you come on a show with a guy who calls you a liar a guy who calls you chunky a bunch of name callers you're fucking such a, such a fucking awesome dude. Uh, coming on here, slapping us around.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Let me ask you this. Will you, um, uh, um, or do you do this in the day to day? Will you punish yourself at all for this performance? Like,
Starting point is 01:30:56 do like, okay, I'm going to go to, because of that, uh, I'm no, no longer watching this series anymore on TV until after the games or okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Uh, those jelly bellies that I had on Friday, I'm never eating those again until after the games will you do any like thing that's like superstitious or maybe inconsequential or maybe like will you make a tweak like that anything like that um no shit i should have never changed my mattress go back to your old shitty mattress that you threw outside but you know and then you put it back in and get rid of your new one yeah will there be anything like weird you do there'll definitely be an evaluation of everything um like i said i was honestly really happy with my fitness going into semi-finals okay so i don't i think what i'm doing is going well um but like after every competition like you analyze see what's going well see what's
Starting point is 01:31:41 going bad and like hopefully make make changes make changes. But like, honestly, like two months, obviously the long time you can tweak a lot of things, but like, if you started training right now, you can't make these huge gains in two months, you know, like I started training for the games last year, you know? Well, well, here's the thing, here's the things, you know? Well, here's the thing. Here's the things you know. You know it's not that all of a sudden all the other guys
Starting point is 01:32:10 just got better than you. So you can kind of rule that out. So then the only two things left really are you or the programming, right? I mean, it's not just like all of a sudden everyone got better but me. That would be weird. It doesn't really sound like it was all that much the programming. Unless you've just been just sitting around doing a sudden everyone got better, but me, it's like, that would be weird. It doesn't really sound like it was all that much of the programming.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Unless you've just, unless you've been just sitting around doing a bunch of blow and you're not telling us. No, it's definitely not. All right. Just checking. Yeah, no, I mean, it's, it's something that like, we were shocked and we're like, definitely going to have to go back to the drawing board and kind of make
Starting point is 01:32:44 sure that we're prepared, but it's is it fun kind of fire yeah is it fun kind of like it reinvigorates you it's like okay i'm up for this motherfucker i'll get to let's do this i'm up for fun i definitely i'm really happy that like i like i said everything happens for a reason i think i learned a lot i think it was just so cool even in the competition that like i wasn't winning and i wasn't really in the race to win and like seeing like all the fans and everybody still be like dude you're crushing it this weekend it's so awesome to see you out there meanwhile i'm just like livid walking back to like the warm-up area and i'm calling you fat on the show it's uh it's really cool to see like the community support like behind me i i've obviously been very
Starting point is 01:33:35 fortunate um i've been to the games three times this will be my fourth season and like i haven't had to face too many too much adversity and I think it was pretty cool to like see things not go well but still see like I mean obviously I know like my family and my team is behind me no matter what never doubted that but like it was really cool to see like the fans still cheer for me I don't know why I think it was something that just like in my head that people like me because I'm winning like like everybody likes the guy that's winning. Um, so it was really cool. And especially after event number six, I think everybody was fired up to see that.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Well, I'll tell you this. No, I don't know. No one has had, there's some people when they don't do well, some people are happy. And I will say this. I didn't see, no one's happy that you're not doing well. Not that you're doing bad, but you know what I mean? So you can't take that out of sport. Everyone's going to love the winner. But I didn't hear anyone be like, yeah, I'm glad Justin's an asshole. I'm glad he's, but you do hear that about some people.
Starting point is 01:34:37 No, I'm not saying any names. Eric Wise, Justin's hair looked great this weekend. I don't think his hair looked great this weekend. Can we confirm you used conditioner? I think you used conditioner and your hair got great this weekend. I don't think his hair looked great this weekend. Can we confirm you used conditioner? I think you used conditioner and your hair got a little flat. Is that true? Dude, I can't even tell you. I wash my hair when I feel like it needs to be washed.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Okay. Did you wash it this weekend during comp? I washed it just now, like 30 minutes ago. Okay. Because normally it's more like a mohawk pulled back, like you're moving fast. And it was off to the side a little bit. Yeah. I think it's just long on the top compared to what it normally is.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Okay. So you don't know if you use – do you use conditioner? When I wash my hair, yeah, I just use shampoo and conditioner. A one-two? Yeah. All right. I'm surprised. I didn't think people in Lodi used conditioner.
Starting point is 01:35:26 I grew up with two sisters. All right. There was a guy, or maybe I've seen a couple of them, actually. I've actually had a couple of thoughts while I was listening. Number one, while I thought you looked a little bit chunkier, I thought it was planned, and I thought that it was one of those things where it was actually going to
Starting point is 01:35:41 benefit you this weekend, considering that from what I've heard, a lot of people think that it's just a little bit of a bigger person's competition. As you were talking about Linda, I was curious about if you had practiced it and if you had had a time that you would have thought you would have hit in comparison to what you hit this weekend. Maybe you added a minute because of what had happened to you on the floor. Do you have something there? Maybe I would have gone 1230 instead of of do you guys know what my time was for for what workout look at that he doesn't even know his time so furious it's blacked out don't pull it up he doesn't want to know uh 130 1309 that's still pretty freaking good i mean mean, Colton was 11. 11.06. So something happened.
Starting point is 01:36:25 You got stopped somewhere. Yeah. Because you were winning. A lot of people thought you were going to take second to Colton. Yeah, I honestly felt like I was in the race. Like, I definitely would have made a push at the end. I mean, I think if anybody's done Linda, the rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7 are the bulk of the work.
Starting point is 01:36:40 And once you, like, get through that, it's pretty downhill. You see those guys and on six and five they still stay consistent but like or like even like starting round five it's more of a sprint into round four you see guys doing touch and go like it's all a downhill push um from there and like that's honestly close to the time they did in training but for me like I think I was at what was I at maybe the six but I was at the seven minute mark just over the seven minute mark finishing round seven in training cool and in that competition I was just over six at that passing round seven but then i finished the workout in the same time that i did so like okay i was i was in a position to do a lot better
Starting point is 01:37:34 and just didn't happen uh extra sloppy my fiance is wearing the champs tank top as we speak yeah when you see other people having a mullet what do you think you're like cool i started that mullet when i when i see competitors having a rock and a mullet i go you know that means you're never going to be as good as that guy right like you're trying to copy justin i bet you think it's cool because i would if i were you but when i see other people i'm like it's like when you would see people in the past with the fronting tattoo on their side like yeah you didn't that wasn't original dude that was because you saw him with it and you were basically telling him that that guy is he's your boss uh dude honestly it's it's super cool seeing it like it is cool it's it's a
Starting point is 01:38:21 similar feeling of just like seeing people wearing my shirt like i i'll never get over how cool that is or like people even recognizing me like when i'm out somewhere like i just like that idea hey just wild to me i i heard that you after the tournament you walked up to uh um colton mertens and tapped him on the head and said good job little guy is that true no that was no and Spieler, dude. I know. I'm just fucking with, I'm just pulling the champs. Hey, I will say I cut a mullet for a day and I did a workout.
Starting point is 01:38:53 I definitely went faster. So I think there's something to it. Dude, you're having fun when you got that haircut. You're always going to work out faster when you're having a good time. That's right. That's right. Justin, thanks for coming on, dude. You're a fucking fucking gentleman thanks for getting back to us i really appreciate it um uh love your family love everything you're doing i'll try to i'll try to keep your name out of my fucking mouth but it's gonna be hard hey no i appreciate it if you guys ever have questions
Starting point is 01:39:20 just reach out you know i just want to be looking online being like hey justin madaris is a liar it was one what a dude i wait for ben hurst to call me a tabloid run he goes back like a year in my instagram feed finds me wearing a whoop once at wadapalooza and the picture that i posted wasn't even a sponsored picture i just happened to be wearing a whoop at wadapalooza because i wanted to try it out what were you wearing that whoop for. I just happened to be wearing a whoop at Wadapalooza because I wanted to try it out. What were you wearing that whoop for, Justin? Oh, yeah. He was wearing a whoop, so he was sponsored by him, and now he's with Samsung.
Starting point is 01:39:51 I've never had a sponsorship by a wearable. It's my first one. I heard it here first. Hey, what's your... Do you have a newest sponsor? Is Toastbaster one of your sponsors? Nope. Podium and Galaxy. Live Samsung.
Starting point is 01:40:08 I'm not with Samsung anymore right now. Okay. No, it was like a... A whoop. What about Snicker? Are they going to come after you, Snicker? Dude, I love Snickers. Twizzler?
Starting point is 01:40:18 Twizzler? I also love Snickers. Yeah. Hey, who's your agent? Daniel Robbins. Oh, okay. i don't know who that is all right hey you demand uh thank you uh for coming on it really uh maybe you do know maybe you don't know but it's like people are losing their shit in the chat and it adds a lot of validity to my fucking little podunk show here having a shirtless man and you on. So thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Yep. Appreciate it, guys. All right, brother. Thank you. Hey, and tell Ellie congratulations, please. Oh, I will. I will. Yeah, she's badass.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Whenever she wakes up. All right. I didn't say anything bad about her. Okay. Okay. Bye. Thanks, Justin. See you, guys.
Starting point is 01:40:58 See you, Justin. Now what, motherfuckers? Humble. Except I'm being humbled. humbled are you kidding i'm humble at all gazan madaris hiller suza so i should have jumped in i make a wish foundation everyone's on board with this shit except i'm being humbled hiller shirtless suza on an evening show and now the champ damn we were spoiled trish justin fucking the boys up a little bit he did fuck us up a little and then the mom came in and spanked me around a little yeah that was cool dude i wanted to know more about the like way him and adam kind of reviewed the stuff afterwards like do they sit
Starting point is 01:41:39 down and review tape like how meticulous is that like let's have him back on and ask him all that i felt bad i just i just want him to come pee on our show yeah to show off that like that that he would call adam or justin no justin i didn't want to actually i feel bad keeping him that long that's what i was thinking but he was rocking he was doing good yeah tearing it up i'm telling you his hair looks a little flat dude he says because short his hair looks a little flat i think it's short did you how'd you like that question like basically you're just everyone's daddy when they've had a mullet it looks fair right on the competition floor it's like yeah he coined it for sure no chance that it's coined look at this one hillar literally just runs the tabloids for crossfit acting all self-righteous but carrying no responsibility for the false narrative.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Number one, it's as if he didn't hear the part where I try to tell everybody that there was a false truth to that. Number two. Yeah. I run the tabloids for CrossFit. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Yeah. Look at that. I like that. When you look right at the camera and do that. What? Ben Hirsch. You think that's anything new? Hey,
Starting point is 01:42:40 is that that? That's a fucking hard name. Hirsch? Ben Hirsch. I like that name. Like it's bent over? Ben Hirsch. I like that name. Like it's bent over? No, it just sounds like it's presidential and shit. Ben Hirsch.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yeah, I do run the tabloids. Ben is right. Ben is right. Yeah, sure. Is that a tabloid? I'll take it. I'll take it. Look at this fucking beast.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Let me see that guy. Let me see that guy. Greg Mountain? Yeah. That's a cool name. me see that guy. Greg Mountain? That's a cool name. My God. Is that a black dude? Is he wearing a... What's that called?
Starting point is 01:43:16 A headband? A do-rag? Did you hear about the dude who got fired from broadcasting the MLB for saying something racial in relation to a do-rag? No, no. He called – No, this is – I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:43:31 You're probably thinking about the other one. Oh, oh. You got to be careful out there these days in the MLB. Ask Justin about the roll of pennies. God, extra sloppy. I so want to do all that for you, but I just – it's like – I called him chunky, and he called me on it, and his mom's in the comments. It's like, dude.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Greg said it's a headband, Greg Mountain. It's a headband. I was right. I just – I guess I'm a pussy, and I'm fine with it. No, dude. I get it. He's here. You got like – for every like five you roll out there with,
Starting point is 01:44:01 there's one where it's a roll of pennies. It's better than talking to a fitness. It's zero one where it's a roll of pennies uh i that's better than talking we fit as it's zero out of five or a roll hey here's the here's the thing here's why i chose 100 pennies instead of putting the whole roll up there i figured i could just slide the penny in sideways without fucking like widening my butthole too big i got in trouble because everyone's saying that like it was gay to put the pennies in one at a time as opposed to put the whole roll in i don't know i disagree with you and i don't think just because 100 guys gay to put the pennies in one at a time as opposed to put the whole roll in. I don't know. I disagree with you. And I don't think just because 100 guys chose to shove the whole roll up there at once and I chose one at a time makes me wrong.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I love Would You Rather games. I don't. I really do. Yolanda Jennings, $2 for Justin to buy Ellie a linebacker when she wakes up. A linebacker? LB. LB. Justin to buy Ellie a linebacker when she wakes up. A linebacker? LB. LB. She doesn't need a linebacker.
Starting point is 01:44:49 She's got the fittest dude in the world. I don't know what an LB is. A pound? B. It's some sort of cate. Coffee? Coffee. Latte.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Brewski? Latte. Latte brew. Yeah. Just make that up. Mary, Sousa, as pound hiller. and Sebi, well, you're a goner. I'm just outside with the dog. No, you've had people on at their show before, right?
Starting point is 01:45:15 That other YouTube guy that you had on. I had, no, no, I had Liver King. Liver King. My boy, Liver King. Paul Saladino. Oh, Liver King. Liver King. My boy, Liver King. Paul Saladino. Oh, Hiller. Hiller, Nicky Rod. That's quite a few.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Okay. This is a good option too. Like next time you guys will be wearing one. You know if we just snapped and then you guys had your shirts off and mine was on, that'd be sick. We need a TikTok account to do that. i feel like you look natural with it though like without just natural it would be fucking weird and there'd be this like white light coming off my chest that's i'm way too white for that right now caller hi hey what's going on man hey what's up dude oh if this isn't matt fraser we gotta go
Starting point is 01:46:06 hey wait hold on a second i'm going to hold on one second i'm gonna disconnect the phone i don't know this i really apologize i'm gonna disconnect you oh boy so no that's a polite way to hang up on no no no i didn't hang up on him i didn't hang i didn't hang up on you i'm gonna bring you back give me a second give. Look at this one, dude. Give me a second. Josh. Yeah, that dude's fucking That dude loads me up. Oh, that dude usually doesn't leave a message.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Josh Lehrman. He usually just gives the money. I like the word loot. More loot for the best entertainment crossword. Thank you. That's really sweet to say that. Okay. Call or hi. Are you there? Yeah, what's up, man? Miller, what's up? Just before before you go let me just say this before i get josh um uh the only thing i talk about more about feeling feeling sorry for myself about that i alienate
Starting point is 01:46:58 innate people is um when i talk to these guys about how thankful I am that you guys give money, just so you know. Like, it's... You mean in real life? Yeah. Yeah, he does that. I'm... I can't believe it. I'm very touched by it. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:47:17 And anyway, you guys know how I spend my money. And I know I have some strong views. And so when you give that money, you're sort of supporting those views also and anyway I just appreciate it okay caller enough of that mushy shit thank you Josh I see you okay go ahead caller hi I see you I don't want you to cry on the air again
Starting point is 01:47:35 alright fine thank you alright so we're all I don't know if a lot of people are bummed out that Spiegel didn't make the games but for a lot of us degenerates, my buddy Huey and I, who's a caller on the show every once in a while, we were discussing the potential that she might start in OnlyFans, and I'm sure the chat would go crazy about that.
Starting point is 01:47:58 But the question is, do you guys subscribe or not? I subscribed with one of her firsts on Instagram. I'll tell you this. Of course, Hiller would because it's fucking tax deductible. Instantly. Here's the thing. I subscribed to one of her first on Instagram. I'll tell you this. Of course, Hiller would, cause it's fucking tax deductible instantly. Yeah. For him,
Starting point is 01:48:09 it's a business expense. Um, I don't even, I've never, um, I opened an only fans account. Um, I don't know why there's a few people that I probably could like,
Starting point is 01:48:19 I've never, you're only fans. No, but I'm like, I don't have the app or like, I'd like, I've clicked on someone's OnlyFans before. And then that Ty Emery girl we had on, she had an OnlyFans.
Starting point is 01:48:29 And then you could subscribe to her for free, and I just didn't. Even though I was going to have her on, I kind of wanted to see it before she came on, but I didn't. I don't know. Wait a minute. I do think she could make a million bucks on it. But it could also fumble, though, too. Do you know what I mean? She could be one of those girls that only makes $900,000.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead. I think it's a legit possibility because she's not going to the games this year, and she's probably going to lose out on some serious sponsorship money. What is on there? Is it like, is it like girls like blowing guys or like, is it like the guy that we had, the guy we know who-
Starting point is 01:49:12 You know who you could pay for, baby. Whatever you could pay for. That's what's on there. So it's just like solicit, like the guy I know who has an OnlyFans account, it's like a menu. And like you pay like whatever, like $250 for his underwear
Starting point is 01:49:25 and $12 for him to do the splits and $300 for him to masturbate while he's doing the splits. You know what I mean? Or $500 if he puts his dick in his mouth. That's how it works. Is that how it works for girls too? I couldn't tell you. I've never subbed, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:49:40 So I don't know. But I've also heard of women who go on there and basically they don't do anything risque like they don't do any like they don't have any dick anywhere near them they just maybe like shake their butt at the camera or something no nudity yeah it's like instagram plus yeah yeah like yeah exactly or like eats a banana on like so basically you see you won't want to watch me eat a banana, click here.
Starting point is 01:50:06 And then you pay $7 and you get to watch the person eat a banana. Instagram. There's Instagram plus there's Pornhub minus. And then there's Pornhub. Yeah. It's the tears of. So I don't know, but it is,
Starting point is 01:50:18 it is. And there's all of them and they all make a buttload of money. Oh, here are people who take Instagram content, repost it and make money on it. I did OnlyFans and made 5K. It was just pictures and solo stuff, no videos. And how long?
Starting point is 01:50:31 How long did it take you to make 5K, Aaron? That's good. Okay. Someone asked me to rate their dick, but I declined. Dick ratings are like a huge thing on there. That's a thing. Dude, I would open an OnlyFans and rate dicks all day Oh shit
Starting point is 01:50:48 Hillary you should so do that I have no problem looking at dicks I've looked at so many dicks Why have you looked at so many dicks I wrestled dude You should walk around in the showers with everybody It's not like we said hey nice dick But you see everybody's
Starting point is 01:51:03 Any dudes bricked up in the shower you in there one one one time ever that guy ended up showering by himself at one point anyway what do you think what do you what do you think do you think she kills it on there you think she makes a lot of money oh 100 there's there's dudes that are simps on instagram you already know that half of her instagram following is because she shows her ass right yeah for sure more than half do you want to clarify what you're talking about 80 percent 80 percent of the people that follow her are there for the uh the pay this dude this dude right here this i was actually check this out caller i don't know if you can see the screen but this dude right
Starting point is 01:51:43 here he says seven saw my dick mold the other day. I did see his dick mold. He had this fucking awesome fucking rogue coffee mug, and he used it. He put the stuff in there and then put the coffee mold, the rogue coffee mug or giant cup, thermos, whatever it is, on his cock and pulled it off and used that to make the mold and he's like hey i bet you bill and katie never thought their cups would be used to make cog molds it's the rogue echo they sell it on rogue now the cog he should you should sell that at rogue it could be something star at cells it's like some like some sort of device you rub on you to fucking make you feel better.
Starting point is 01:52:28 It's mobilizing. Roll on Cameron's penis to mobilize, yes. That would blow up on road, 100%. You think that the Paper Street booth can sell Savant Podcast dick molding? Gabe's open. Hey, no one will make me a floyd 19 shirt i want to sell floyd 19 shirts so bad who are you selling that to whoever just make people fun no one's buying that shirt i well even it doesn't matter if they buy it you just want it for sale yeah yeah fair enough fair enough it's a principle yes hey if anyone will buy those sleds they'll buy a fucking floyd 192 dude dude dude a dick bath bomb you ever see
Starting point is 01:53:15 those things no you can make it out of the shape of your talking balls and you turn into a bath bomb oh you just throw it in the bath with you and it turns into a bubbly concoction of cool colors. I don't know. Killer's playing 3D chess right now. Damn. But you can also do it with coffee. Just like a chocolate marshmallow thing and a hot chocolate dick bomb. Will Branstetter. I start the show with I don't want to alienate people
Starting point is 01:53:38 and then I end it with I want to make a Floyd 19 shirt. I don't want to alienate people. Feel sorry for me. But I do want a Floyd 19 shirt. God, I don't want to alienate people. Feel sorry for me. But I do want a Void 19 shirt. God, I don't want scumbag. I have issues. I have dilemmas.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I have internal demons. Tension. There's tension in me. Caller, thank you. Good news for you, Sivan. Yeah, no problem, man. It's good to talk to you guys. Have a good night.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Yeah, thanks for calling. Thank you. Thank you. That was pretty classy, the way he brought that up. That wasn't like slimy. That ended up being an amazing conversation. I didn't know Spiegel OnlyFans into dick bombs. Bernie Gannon, in all seriousness, how about the Instagram and OnlyFan models
Starting point is 01:54:19 posting thirst content and collecting revenue and then complaining about misogyny and patriarchy? How about the fact that if you find a woman attractive it's considered misogyny when it's the exact opposite um what how about the fact that if you consider i heard what you said but the fact that you find the female form uh absolutely stunning and beautiful and one of the greatest things to see on planet earth if not the, but yet you're misogynist if you comment, if you say that. It's the exact opposite. You're not a misogynist.
Starting point is 01:54:49 You're a... Oh, okay. I get it now. You know what I mean? It's like... It took me a minute, but I get it. You're a connoisseur at worst. Yeah, don't get someone started yet.
Starting point is 01:54:59 Thank you. Judy, we all have demons. This is starting to feel like the view I'll tell you another one of my demons is there's an avocado in the fridge and guacamole and it's soft but I'm not hungry but I suspect if I don't
Starting point is 01:55:19 eat it in the morning it's going to be too soft that's a demon of yours eh? fuck it's the tension in my life that just struggles the strife i eat it nine out of ten times i eat it what is it does keeping in the fridge keep it longer maybe last longer i don't know i think hey you know what i heard i heard you i i saw i don't i saw this on instagram it was true you can just take an avocado and just float it in water and it'll stay good for fucking like six months.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Dude, just try it. Is that real? I saw a post on it. I don't know. If you buy those avocados, Bill Gates is making them last for a year. Tell me what that means. Sounds made up. Is that made up? I'm cancerous.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Sevan is a Colton connoisseur. I am. Is the picture of him and scott on the internet that is an awesome picture they're stacked they look normal that's fucking they are normal no they are not normal i mean those dudes are not their forearms are a little shorter than mine those dudes are not normal um couldn forearms are a little shorter than mine. Those dudes are not normal. Couldn't tell by looking at that picture. Caller, hi. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Hold on. Mr. Jeremy, hi. Hello? Hey, buddy. Hey. It's Jeremy. What's up? What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:56:40 Jeremy. Hey, what's going on, buddy? Hey, man. You totally did steal Blair and Rachel away from me, man. That wasn't cool. I took Blair and Rachel away from you? No, I'm lucky. And then to be with you.
Starting point is 01:57:04 And then your elbow didn't allow you to compete. Yeah, they were my teammates. They were supposed to be my teammates last year. And then we did the whole thing. Yeah, it was exciting. We lined up for the quarterfinal and it wasn't going to work. Yeah. I'm just giving you grief. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:57:20 I'm still in. Hey, what's going on? You guys are killing it. All right. So, Siobhan, this will probably be the last update for the girlfriend. You might need to hang on to this thought for a minute. Siobhan is peeing, and I have a feeling that you're not. He does.
Starting point is 01:57:39 You are calling in. Yeah, he'll be back in a second. He'll be. He does. All right, Colin. He's just right there. He does that when I call him. He's right there. He's waving. He still has his dick out?
Starting point is 01:57:51 Right there. Can you rate it for us, Taylor? Can you rate it for us? Scale of 7.6. 7.6. That's pretty good. What, out of 20? He has to give you an update on his girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:58:09 He said, oh. He doesn't care. He could care less. She's a 10 for sure. Here he is. He's back. She's a 10 for sure. All right, carry on, Jeremy. Tell us about the female.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Oh, good Lord. Yeah, last one. Saturday, Savan, we go hiking, okay? So this whole weekend, you guys, and the weekend before, and coming up, have been crushing the coverage. You know, semifinals, the games, all this stuff only happens once a year, you know? And she's very aware how into CrossFit i am so i'm gonna turn it on
Starting point is 01:58:48 sorry jimmy hold on a second are you sorry sorry hold on jim are you cold do you want to turn the heater on hello no okay okay go ahead jeremy okay so so she so she knows nipples getting harder they're always hard um so okay sorry so she knows how much you love crossfit sorry go on They're always hard So okay sorry So she knows how much you love CrossFit Sorry go on Yeah She's a F45er
Starting point is 01:59:07 She does her thing But she knows how I've taken her to a comp And you know all this stuff Anyways You've taken her to heaven The semifinals are going on To conservative heaven
Starting point is 01:59:16 Oh I've taken her Oh god yeah So I We go We go on this hike And it's like an hour and a half away So I'm listening to the broadcast listening to you guys back forth you know and um still chatting with her a little
Starting point is 01:59:32 bit and then we get there we go on this hike drive back same thing get back to her place long story short she leaves she kind of erupted on me oh what'd she do yeah she like she like erupted on me because i'm listening to at this point it's the post uh the the last recap yeah i got it on i got it kind of quiet you know not not too loud i mean we're having dinner and whatever like nothing like not like out on a date we're just fucking we're just hanging out you know and uh she kind of like loses her mind that you weren't giving her enough attention that you were she was competing yes yes and i'm like hold on a second like i'm just getting you know uh i'm getting out of a marriage of a long time i'm trying to get my toes in the dating game here and you know there's
Starting point is 02:00:27 already these things that kind of get on my nerves a little i guess you could say like that was the camel that broke the straws back and when you're gonna get that was the camel that broke the straws back that's awesome i've been keeping up with this relationship dude i appreciate can you tell can you tell me what it looked like when she exploded on you? She's like, excuse me, we're on a hike together and you've been giving this CrossFit thing your attention all day.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Yeah. We're sitting in her dining room and just grabbing on some food. What were you eating? Do you have to have that on? Do you have to? It was on that on you have to it was on your phone yeah it's on my phone hey you know what's crazy too she doesn't really know how that like that you're part of the show that's what's even crazier she thinks you're just watching
Starting point is 02:01:16 but she doesn't know that like you're a part of the show that like all the people in the comments know who you are they know who she is. You're not just listening to it. You're fucking keeping up with a part of your life. She's a character in this show. Yeah, you're like a character in this show. And she's like, why do you have to listen to this? It's like, well, because tomorrow I'm going to have to talk about this tomorrow. Are you still with her?
Starting point is 02:01:37 How are you, babe? No, I actually, I was going to. This is fucking nuts, dude. I cannot believe what we've done ourselves. Dude, after this episode, like, this is going to sound bad. Does she watch the show? No, she doesn't. There's this part of me that, she's watched clips here and there,
Starting point is 02:02:01 but there's this part of me that wants, this is going to sound terrible, but there's this part of me that wants it to continue just to see how much more you know user like yeah jeremy i don't know what you were just about to say you broke up your connection but if you break up with your value oh hold on sorry hello jeremy can you hear me yeah you broke up i don't know what you're about to say but yes if you do break out with her your value to the show will go down no doubt i know if you just start dating a regular conservative chick your shit sucks now we see it so like i you know there's that part that's like like do i just keep it going so i can keep calling it and giving wild stories or how long have you been do i just do
Starting point is 02:02:51 oh shit i don't know what's going on i don't know i think i've heard him talk about her no less than three times so i knew they were hiking i knew everything oh my god it's so good wait at one point it's almost like he's cheating on her by the way it's not that but but there's this he's got a secret yeah he's got a secret from her yeah yeah it's kind of like that right and she's the only one that does it holy moly you're seeing how to lose the guy in 10 days matthew mcconaughey and that blonde chick it's just like that because she's writing an article on the guy in 10 days, Matthew McConaughey and that blonde chick. It's just like that because she's writing an article on the guy and she's trying to make him break up with her and he's trying to get her to fall
Starting point is 02:03:29 in love with him. They're both basically calling him back up. Hey, I didn't want you to think I hung up on you. I don't know what happened. I don't know what it is. So how did it end? How did the fight end? Did you,
Starting point is 02:03:45 did you guys kiss or did you hold her? Yeah. Yeah. How did it end? Do you come up, go over and put your arm, big old strong arms around her and she started, you know,
Starting point is 02:03:53 I bent her over. No, she storms outside. And, uh, I'm like, I'm sitting there kind of in like this disbelief. If you guys,
Starting point is 02:04:00 you know, I'm sure you guys have been in that situation. Like what the hell just happened? Like, right. You would have thought I was sitting here watching porn like what's going on she's like she knows like you know anyways so i'm like i got my gym bag i had my gym i'm just gonna go like because that's what's gonna end like you know i'm just gonna take my stuff and go so i pack my bag up and i'm about to head out she comes back in the house don't leave i'm sorry
Starting point is 02:04:32 i'm like okay well so by her ceo you end up you know i've ordered around here a few times. She's like, what does that mean? We don't know what it means, but it's provocative. Yes. Yes. Gets the people going. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:52 No. So, so I, and we ended up hanging out, talking a little bit, but the rest of the night in my, the back of my head, I'm like that,
Starting point is 02:05:01 that on top of other things, wasn't cool. Like at all. And I'm just not about to top of other things wasn't cool at all. And I'm just not about to be in another relationship where she's freaking out over nothing. So I'm like, yeah, that's it. I don't think I want to do this anymore. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:05:19 That's too soon. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? That's not. I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Do I hang on? Hey, dude, I know you weren't here when I was talking about this,
Starting point is 02:05:28 but have you seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Because if not, you could make this into a real thing. It'd be awesome. Go watch that movie and reconsider. Was that Heath Ledger? No, that's, I mean, very similar. Matthew McConaughey, long hair. Okay.
Starting point is 02:05:43 Same thing. Very similar. Same thing, but different. And you could make this into an awesome saga of trying to make this woman similar matthew mcconaughey long hair okay yeah same same but very similar yeah different and you could make this into an awesome saga of trying to make this woman fall in love with you jeremy there's this guy there's a guy who just posted in the comments i can't make this shit up i'm sitting outside my girlfriend's house watching the show before we have dinner She didn't yell at you, did she? Oh, good Lord. Okay, so I should hang on. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Yeah, I do for us. I don't know if you got into this. Hey, at least hang on through the election. And watch. God. I can't believe you got ahead of me for blurring the CrossFit podcast on our height together. That's hilarious. I mean, yeah, it's just wild.
Starting point is 02:06:26 I mean, there's other things too that just drive you local. You're like, is she being serious right now? Some of the things she said or behaviors. And I'm like, dude, how can someone so cool be so not cool? What kind of car does she drive? Good question. What kind of car does she drive? A Honda Accord?
Starting point is 02:06:47 Yeah, there's hope. There's hope. She's not in a Subaru. There's hope. Okay, I didn't mean to alienate anyone. I like Subaru Outbacks. They're fine. They're fine.
Starting point is 02:06:57 They're fine. Are you going to sponsor the podcast? Oh, fuck. No, but I'm trying not to alienate people. Yeah. I think you're doing a good job. Trish doesn't like the Honda. Thank you. We're in progress.
Starting point is 02:07:08 No, what do you drive, Trish? Come on the podcast, Trish. What do you drive? It might be a Volkswagen, like that long-ass old one with the wood-paneled sides. Trish doesn't drive. She calls it the pedestrian of the old house. No, Mooney, she's not Asian. She's a whitey. Blonde hair hottie.
Starting point is 02:07:27 She's white. Total. Total. Would you say she's a spinner? Excuse me? A what? A spinner. I have a visual of what you're talking about.
Starting point is 02:07:43 How much does she weigh? She's about I have a visual of what you're talking about. How much does she weigh? How much does she weigh? Oh, uh, she's about, she's taller, like five, seven,
Starting point is 02:07:54 probably like one 30. You know, she's in shape, but you're really strong. So that might, you might have higher limits of what you're capable. Your gymnastic skills may be higher than most. Oh yeah. We do a lot of,
Starting point is 02:08:05 you've done a lot of standing stuff. Hiking. Aaron, $10 Australia. Well, thank you. Dude, the next show he's going to call in and he'll be like, we're in the middle of doing stuff and she may be turning the podcast on. I mean, come on. It was only
Starting point is 02:08:24 30 seconds. I had to get the... Yeah, so... All right, brother. Well, thank you. Always fun. Good update. Can't wait for the next... I'll talk to you guys later.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Okay. Bye. Peace. Thomas Fish, Shattering My Dreams, not a spinner, 5'7". I know. I just... I know.
Starting point is 02:08:44 I was trying to force of i was trying to force i was trying to force a square square square what how's that go around a dowel into a peg peg into a dowel square into a circle i was trying i was forcing it um bernie gannon i saw someone's recent fun ig post featuring his kids and uncle hillar i wonder if seve's kids are having influence on andrew maybe reconsidering becoming a dad our world needs great dads you know what's funny is i i thought that and i was like you know i'm not even going to bring that up to him for like 10 more years gonna be grandpa savan at that point hillar yeah being around kids does that um your clock tick no how what am i going
Starting point is 02:09:27 to make videos man i had to like squirrel myself away into your studio to try to shoot something today and now we gotta figure out what i'm gonna edit it i um i base i have to like keep the kids off of hillar like they like literally it has to be i have to be like okay guys you can't jump on them It's now past 8 o'clock it's crazy They just gravitate to them It's truly bonkers We're sitting there watching John Someone asked me how it's going here too It's great I basically
Starting point is 02:09:56 Ignored him all day I went out and partied with friends And then came back home I went to Costco Drunk and then he went to Costco And then I made him work out Yeah and then I worked out work out. Yeah, he's sick. Yeah, and then he worked out and I almost fucking threw up. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Hello? Yes. How are you guys? We're having a blast. We should have got off 15 minutes ago. Hey, we've had some good callers. I'm at my best. I really am gripping this mic now. Suza. Take us out on a bang. Are you sleeping with a liberal girl?
Starting point is 02:10:26 This better be fucking good. No, I'm sleeping by myself. Oh, that's good. I'm going to get all riled up on the shoulder. I'm conservative. Here we go. Matt's on the show. Colin, what do you got? What's your name? Where are you calling from?
Starting point is 02:10:40 Go. I'm Zach. I'm calling from Florida. What's going down? right are we talking crossfit or are we not talking about question baby what is it hit us okay i've got one word or i guess three words yep atlantic coast classic killer look at the programming and let me know what you think because it's fucking brutal, bro. Okay, next call. Hang up. This is lame. It's hard. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:11:11 I just want you to know, on behalf of the Semon Podcast, Mr. Susan is feeling under the weather. What's the name of the gym? Atlantic? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all I gotta say. That's all I gotta say. I'm out. Okay, you want me to go look at the programming? Yes. Right? The programming? Yes, right?
Starting point is 02:11:26 The programming? That'd be a good video. Atlantic Clothes. It's a big competition. No, no, tell me why. Maybe I don't want to be biased when I look at it. It's lame as fuck. You see it already?
Starting point is 02:11:40 Yeah, I've seen it. It's all the same. There's going to be some squat. There's going to be some pull. There's going to be some pushing. Are you just naming every CrossFit competition? What are you, Julian Michaels? I'm getting spicy. You guys ever seen me like this before?
Starting point is 02:11:51 This is how it is. If you really came to the gym and you saw me fired up and coached in a class, it's a whole different ballgame. Usually, I'm just supporting actor. Hang out, react, laugh, but I can't really go on if I want to. Please. What is this? This is the Atlantic classic that
Starting point is 02:12:07 I wanted to see. Would you take a bath with any of these people? Yeah. Okay, bye, Carl. Thank you. I'd bathe with all of them except for that girl on the far right. How come? I don't know. I don't find her
Starting point is 02:12:23 attractive. And that dude on the far right. I'll cut him off too. You've got an amazing bath though, by the way. So this girl with the 69, she's definitely jumping in the bath. Which one is that? Right here. Old lady. I don't see any... The site kicked you off.
Starting point is 02:12:39 Stop talking about her people like that. All right, guys. Oh, look at this. Yeah, it's a weird haircut she likes it i knew people would like it when i turn it on suza's mad uh that he's not uh with the boys well he's he's just he literally is under the weather he we get you know uh hillar said the same thing you did he goes fuck am i getting allergies or what's going on he got hit with something too. Dude, I got fucked up yesterday.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Alexis thought there were hotel and mold in it. There's a lot of shit blowing around in the air right now. All right, guys. Tomorrow morning – oh, I got to prepare for tomorrow morning still. Tomorrow morning we have Aaron Ginn coming on 7 a.m. Aaron Ginn is a – he's been around the tech world. He knows the guys. He's been around the guys. He is – he's been around the tech world. He knows the guys. He's been around the guys.
Starting point is 02:13:26 He is, he's young. He's ambitious. He's a CrossFitter. He done some shit. I don't know. I don't know how to, I don't know how to,
Starting point is 02:13:40 it's just, we're stoked to have him. It's the second time he's been on the show. He's very knowledgeable. He's brainiac, quirky, and he'll be on here tomorrow. He wrote an essay on what is friendship and, um, what else did he write? Uh, and he has a lot of opinions on AI and, uh, he started a lot of small businesses, big tech companies. Uh, anyway,
Starting point is 02:13:59 it's going to be a good show. Come on, check it out. You won't miss out. What are we looking at? Sorry. Someone said that suza being all like and it was turning them on and then alexis just goes it does but she was responding to the the mold in the hotel not suza getting aggressive turning her on i was like no no nothing nothing nothing like young dong fall no dong fall she changes him to dong dong dong fall no not dong fall he changes his name to dong dong dong fall wad zombie get on that dong fall oh my goodness he could be uh with danny's first post on only fans okay guys see you tomorrow 7 a.m hillary thanks for coming on suza thanks for doing this good show oh the
Starting point is 02:14:41 champ thank you fuck man thank you to the champ and thank you. Fuck, man. Thank you to the champ. And thank you to Gazan, man. You guys are the shit. Awesome. All right. And you're not and you're not. I don't think you're chunky. I'd have to go back and hear that. I don't care how many people tell me. I'd never call you chunky. Thanks, Spiegel, for calling in.

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