The Sevan Podcast - Michal Wesolowski & Jake Douglas | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Sometimes the... Oh yeah, sweet. Bam. We're live. That's dope. Yeah. If the quality on the screen is a little fuzzy,
Starting point is 00:01:10 sometimes the Vindicate one doesn't work. But both of them should work. That one's cool because it says CEO in it. Oh, yeah. That one I couldn't... Oh, yeah. Well done. Your QR code is scannable. Click done button. I couldn't get the... I can't get that... Can you guys get that Vindicate one in the lower right-hand corner to work? i can't get that can you guys get that vindicate one in the lower right hand corner to work i can't get that one to work yeah i got the same thing you did the
Starting point is 00:01:31 information well done i could have scannable podcast apparel it would be cool can you tell it to make the dots in the shape of something like could you make that into a cock and balls or i was hoping to, and I couldn't find a girl or something. I couldn't find anything on camera that would allow me to do that. It's got the little logo in the center, but not exactly what we're looking for. Hey, what is, um, um, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I fucked up rumble this morning. What's cerebral palsy. Am I saying that right? Cerebral palsy. I used to take care of a guy who had cerebral palsy. I used to know all about that shit. I used to have to bathe this dude. I don't know. What is that?
Starting point is 00:02:09 And I remember Haley made a CrossFit video on some chick who had cerebral palsy and had to wear a helmet everywhere. And then she started doing CrossFit and it gave her like the dexterity strength and balance to not need it cp is the most common motor disability in children motors this thing just operating your shit uh cerebral palsy means having to do with the brain palsy means weakness or problems with the muscles uh cerebral cerebral i'm not even saying it right cerebral palsy cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain that affects a person's ability to control his or her muscles I really want to get
Starting point is 00:02:55 I want to get that chick on that J.R. Howells coaching what was her name again? Nicole? I wrote her name down here on my notes. Yeah, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:10 But it sounds like J.R. is going to get her number. Yeah, and get us in touch with her. I know we have like four athletes a day every day until the games, but we should try to get her in. Yeah. Especially if she's going to win. Definitely. Because we like winners
Starting point is 00:03:27 Wadzombie don't let the logo block your gorgeous face Sousa Roger that I thought he was talking about your gorgeous face Wadzombie I still didn't open your text I saw a text come in from you
Starting point is 00:03:44 yesterday saying you were in town but then still didn't open your text i saw a text come in from you yesterday saying you were in town but then i didn't open it will you text me again and if you're here yeah we should definitely hang out the fuck is that i can't tell if you come in by your name or i can't find it i've literally lost control of my text messages like I've lost control of my DMs. How are you doing? Your text must be worse than mine. Yeah, I'm trying to stay as much as I can. There he is.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Okay. Oh, so you've been here since yesterday. Yeah, we should get coffee or something oh look there he is Mikkel how would you pronounce that Mikkel or Michael Mikkel you like that
Starting point is 00:04:34 yeah Mikkel Mikkel the sweet bread is ready come inside why is this device not connected what's happening here I'm bringing i'll be shooting with a i think a 20 i'll bring a 20 and a 24 mil for the behind the scenes like the interviews uh a 1.8 and a 1.4 and I will bring a 70 to 200 for B-roll to capture B-roll.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, I'll shoot B-roll with the 24 wide establishing shit. But a 70 to 200, I'll have two little cameras on me with my leather straps. What's going on? I think he's having some issues. Let's see. Yeah, something went wrong. Give me two. You're backstage only.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Oh. Are you seeing the picture? Yeah, are you seeing the text? Yeah. He saw you for one minute. Then you vanished. We have Jake Douglas on after this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Isn't it weird that who's the lady we had on yesterday? Emily DeRoy. Isn't it weird that her connection in a hotel room in the United States of America is worse than Bronislawski sitting in a car in Poland. Yeah, it's a crapshoot, right? Or like Abigail, who's just in her house, who's done several podcasts and it didn't seem to work. Yeah. Bron could be in his car in Poland.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Crystal clear, streaming 4K. Hello, I'm Bronislaw. Yeah. I'm actually an undercover agent for the Polish army. That's why my internet is lightning quick. Yeah, total toss-up. I think a lot of these people are getting into Madison now. When do I get to see you guys? I land monday i i seriously think this is what's going to happen to me i'm going to land monday i'm going to go to hiller's house he's going to talk me into doing a workout i'm not going to want to do it but i'm going to do it anyway
Starting point is 00:06:55 because he's going to like give me some pre-workout or something some swolverine and then i'm going to go over to JR's house. I'll be there by 5 or 6. I think I'll work out with Taylor again. Then I'll go to my hotel room and I'll never come out unless it's to go for a walk because I'm like an old man. I'm a chronic walker. I have a walking problem.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And then I'll only leave the house to work. And then that's it. The hotel room. God, I hope I have a decent hotel room. You're getting in with that much time on Monday? Two workouts? I just kind of want to check off the box. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Go see Hiller's house make taylor happy get a workout in with him he's like he's like in a frenzy that we're gonna hang out i just feel like i should check the box everybody's excited to see you i think it's things like that i saw a comment on youtube yesterday that said that i'm a world-class arrogant douche and i was like i was like sitting with it for a second i don't know about the douche part could you be arrogant and cool all i heard was world-class you would thank you you know fill in the blank i'm thinking to myself do you have to be if you're if you're could you just be oh he's an arrogant nice guy or never it's just arrogant and then douche is just it just trails along like yeah just that yep that sucks it doesn't seem to go with something positive at the at the back end of that oh my
Starting point is 00:08:41 god he's so generous and giving and thoughtful arrogant man. He's I just fuck it's so cool There we go. Boom you can't stop michael you can't stop him Hi, sorry for for the troubles, ah, not a problem at all. Are you kidding me? Uh, we are hearing you Not a problem at all. Are you hearing me? We are hearing you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See you later.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Bye. Hey, is it Mikel or Michael? Yeah, you know in Polish, in Polish, Michal, but I think that the easiest version is Michael. But on the semi-finals she said Michel definitely not Michel Michel Wisorowski
Starting point is 00:09:32 hey so the C is silent in Poland I would say Michal yes Michal but Michael is ok it depends for the place on the world ok but I like Michal and then Michal, but Michael is okay, you know. Okay. It depends for the place on the world. Okay, but I like Michal.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And then, Michal, pronounce your last name. Wieselowski. You know, in Polish, Wieselowski. In English, I don't know. Maybe Wieselowski is okay because you don't know a Polish word like we and the other words. Wisolowski, so the W is pronounced with a V. Wisolowski. Wisolowski, yes. W.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Michal Wisolowski. Wisolowski, exactly. I feel like you're in a music video and that there's a really beautiful woman right next to you um part of your entourage there she is there she is she will she will help me sometimes for example when i will not understand your question or I will have problem with find a word. You know, we are either I'll do it because I can speak. She is perfect and listen. And sometimes she is listening.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I speak and we are perfect, perfect together. You know, that sounds like the perfect woman. One that listens good. I'm in big trouble for that. I'm in big trouble for that. I'm in big trouble for that. Yes, but she's perfect in everything. Me not. Hey, Mihal, how big is that baby?
Starting point is 00:11:17 That baby looks huge. How big is that baby? Is that a giant baby? Yes. This is a giant baby. He has five months. The most anabolic baby in the world. He has half here. On the gym is my second son. He has three and a half. So I have two sons.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Congratulations. Thank you very much. It's my biggest success. No CrossFit Games in this year. Yeah. Mihal, that is a nice thing to say. Your two sons are your biggest success. God,
Starting point is 00:11:59 I like that. That warms my heart. It should be that way. There's nothing better than a healthy baby, right? A healthy baby is like that. That warms my heart. It should be that way. And there's nothing better than a healthy baby, right? A healthy baby is like everything. Yes. Yes, it's true.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's true, but you don't know about it when you don't have any child. Right. Hey, when do you come to Madison? I think he froze. Mahal? I can't hear you. You froze.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Can you hear me? I am. Hmm. We were doing good there for a second I can see you I can't hear you hello oh better when do you come to Madison Madison Meh-meh-meh, and when you maybe the problem is with the connect but I
Starting point is 00:13:22 You know I can go inside to my gym and I have a Wi-Fi there Do you want to try that? Wiesz co, mogę iść do mojego gymu i mam tam WiFi. Chcesz to spróbować? Mogę spróbować. Okej, poczekaj, daj mi 15 sekund. Okej, nie ma problemu. Matt Burns, on jest z Polski. On jest w Polsce.
Starting point is 00:13:50 O, jaki ładny gym. Kasia, teraz jest najpiękniejszy miejsce w moim życiu, patrz. O tak, studio pole dancingu. Tak, dokładnie. Kasia, to się stanie tutaj, jak się, jak się dobrze przywieźli tamte sale na ćwiczenia? Tak. Super. Ok. Teraz mam...
Starting point is 00:14:14 Teraz mam WiFi, może dla Ciebie jest lepiej. O tak, dziękuję. Siedzisz w klasie pole dancing? Tak. Are you sitting in the pole dancing class? Yes. Wow. My woman's pole dance instructor. Who owns that gym? Do you own that gym or do you just train there?
Starting point is 00:14:40 We are together. Yes, we are together owners. Oh, so you own it with the pole dancing lady yes she is on the pole dance I am on the crossfit gym in what city in Poland are you in
Starting point is 00:14:57 you know it's good deal because we have the same entry to my gym and to the pole dance studio. Oh. Do the people mingle? Do they date? Mingle?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Mingle? Mingle? Do the CrossFit people date the pole dancing people? Sometimes, yes. Because a lot of women who train pole dance need a lot of strength, a lot of mobility, and CrossFit is good for it. What city are you in, Michal?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Sorry? What part of Poland are you in, Michal? Sorry? What part of Poland are you in? The east? The west? What part of Poland are you in? Sorry, it's the... It's the east. You know, I have 100 kilometers to Russia now. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Are you... Is it safe there? Yes, it's okay. It's okay. You know, I have a small, pretty city with a lot of yes, look, elk. Elk.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yes. North and east. I have a lot of lakes, a lot of forests, you know. It's a beautiful area. Poland, yes, but you have to enter elk. Oh, I see it. I see it. I see it. I see it. Yes. Okay. yes ok wow so you're on the opposite side of the country
Starting point is 00:16:49 from Bronislaw Bronislaw is on the other side yes I have 150 kilometers to his city oh that's it he is from Olsztyn Olsztyn is in the same state in Poland ok
Starting point is 00:17:04 I have less than two hours for him. Michal, how did your paths cross with CrossFit? What brought you to CrossFit or CrossFit into your life? It's a hard question. Maybe, you know, maybe I just wish to look. Find it? I searched a type of sport who give me a lot of, you know, a lot of disciplines like running like swimming like
Starting point is 00:17:47 like lifting and the first time the athletes and I saw wow it's a different sport like I saw before so maybe I will try it. Why not? I was fascinated in a mix of, for example, gymnastics, for example, weightlifting. I was very impressed in muscle-ups. And I said to me, I will do it. I will do it and I will be on the games in the future. From the beginning, that was your goal from the beginning oh it's my goal was first goal
Starting point is 00:18:56 I would like to do muscle up next I would like to go on the handstand world I would like to make 100 in snatch. And the goal next to, next to... Was the games. You know, yeah, it's a joke. You know, I didn't say
Starting point is 00:19:19 before I will be on the games. It was the biggest dream on the start. I was the biggest dream at the start. I know that CrossFit is my way, it's my way in my life, but the biggest goal, I think that I saw him daring my way, you know, because I didn't have before a goal on CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It's fun. Family. Yes. So that's interesting. So family and CrossFit, you're saying those two goals have come together, but family is your biggest goal? Is that what you're saying? Yes, I think it's very important for me.
Starting point is 00:20:05 For the start, you know, support for my Isabella, for my friend, and everything. Right? We have red alert. Yes. Mehel, where did you start CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Wait, wait, wait. Give me five seconds. Okay. Okay. When you started CrossFit, where were you doing it? When I started CrossFit. Could you repeat the last word? Where were you doing it when you started CrossFit. Could you repeat the last word? Where were you doing it when you started CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:20:49 Where did you train? Did you train at a CrossFit gym or at a regular gym? Okay, sorry. Yes, you know, I am a very lucky man because I had my gym. I started like a trainer, personal trainer, and I had a gym with my with my friend and I had bars I had kettlebells I had dumbbells and I had possibly possibly store possibly to possibly train in my gym so I started in my gym we don't have any other gyms like mine in my city
Starting point is 00:21:27 because other gyms are only for barbells, for kettlebells, and typical gyms like bodybuilding. Only my gym in my city is typical for CrossFit. Only me, Kasper, and other people from my gym in my city is typical for CrossFit. Only me, Kasper and other people from my gym train CrossFit in my city. So I started in my gym. So you owned a gym before you started CrossFit. You were the owner of a gym. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I have my gym for 2016 you know I had you know I wait give me one second I had a company with my friend. We have gym together. So I had a possibility to train in my private gym. I am lucky. How old are you? How old are you? I am 30 now.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Okay, so you had your own gym when you were 20, 22 years old. I am 30. Yeah. Got hit by incoming nuke. Listen, you guys in the comments, everyone chill'm chill this is fine everyone be cool everything's good i'm comfortable i haven't gotten all uncomfortable and weird yet it's chill i but we did lose him, right? He's frozen, solid. I can see Suze. Oh, we got the spin. Yeah, perfect. This is excellent. I'll show my second son.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Oh, good. Yeah, I love a second son. There he is. Hi. Yeah, what's up, boy? He is all the time on the podium with me, you know, he has only medal on his neck You're a proud dad, I love it Yes, and you know now I have my I have my Tessier Tessier Tessier Brick and I have a poka smina piece
Starting point is 00:24:06 And I have on my back I will show you later eat, train, family first hey when do you come to the states I will go in this Wednesday ok so that's soon that's today's money so in two days you'll come.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yes, exactly. I will have at 2 p.m. probably flight 2 p.m. Yes, 2 p.m. 25. So it's okay. Will you come with the whole family? No, I will not go with my family. It was a hard decision, you know, because less than one month ago, we were in Malta, and there were similar, like in Madison, for example, 35 degrees,
Starting point is 00:25:00 and a lot of sun, and really hard temperatures. So, for example, my son had a problem with his temperature, his fiber, and my wife said, I wouldn't like to go to the medicine because there is hotter hotel in Malta and I wouldn't like to have a problem. For example, I need a doctor, I need to go to the hospital because he needs help. And finally she said, I will go next year. Nice. So now I have a big challenge because I can't do last games now.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I have to be next year. It's true. Are you the fittest you've ever been in your whole life? Could you repeat? Are you the fittest you've ever been your entire life? Is this the fittest Mihal ever? Fittest? Sorry, I can't translate.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Are you the strongest you've ever been? Fittest. Yes, fittest. Yes, that one. Yes, I am now, like you said, I have the best time in my life. I think that now I have the best performance.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Maybe not strong because strong is not everything, but I think my performance now is the best. And for me me the most important is now my experience and my and my uh my you know it's uh clever in crossfit uh is uh for example make a good decision on the arena it It's a strategy. So now I feel like the best athlete in myself in my life. Yeah, good. Hey, I want to talk to you about the dark place. The place where it hurts really bad.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's a video of you after a workout. I don't know if you can see this. Ale to jest tak źle, że jest tam film z Tobą po treningu. Nie wiem czy to wiesz. Ale to jest tak źle, że nie możesz nawet wyciągnąć swój kwiat. O mój Boże, to było straszne. Mogę Ci powiedzieć o mojej najgorszej doświadczeniu w moim życiu, w treningu. Wiesz, Mieszko przeszkadzasz. You know, one time I ran 10 kilometers
Starting point is 00:27:52 in 40 minutes. It was my worst experience in my life because I had I work with my watch and i work with my um you know i don't know this word but heart rate for her trade yes exactly and i had uh 37 minutes red zone during this run. After this run I felt like I had problem with stay in my legs for 15 minutes so it was very similar like on the video but on the video, I woke up for five minutes and everything was okay. And did you throw up?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Did you vomit? No, no, no, never. You know, never in CrossFit. One time I had a very close situation, but finally no. Sometimes I had a problem with my stomach, but I would go to the toilet, and I don't have a problem with throw-up. Yeah, crazy. How about, did you ever pee your pants?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Sorry? Did you ever pee your pants? Sorry? Did you ever pee your pants? You know, yes, one time, but a little bit, only really little bit. You know, it was on the video, you saw it on the fitness manager's t-shirt, and I had brown shorts shorts yeah it was during second rope climbs in seconds in second sets uh during go down i keep the rope in my body and i had only two steps and totally i didn't have power you know it was terrible because I know that when I leave a rope I will lost had only one shot and uh and uh i had only two moves i
Starting point is 00:30:31 you know i did a big tension in my stomach i did a big tension in my legs and probably in everything in my in my neck in my in my uh ears and in my eyes and i keep my 100 my body and i na moją twarz, na moje oczy, i 100% mojego ciała, i po treningach czułem, że to zrobiłem. Ale nie za dużo, wiesz? To było bardzo... Jak to powiedzieć, kochanie? Bardzo proste doświadczenie. Ale ja to zrobiłem. Wiesz, to było... Workout z piłką i piłką i tym dalej.
Starting point is 00:31:13 To było... Zrobiłem to najgorsze z wszystkich moich workoutów. Bo ja byłem prawdopodobnie 25. Ale byłem... Najbogatszym. Najbogatszym po tym workoutu. I was probably 25th place, but I was the most happy. I was the happiest after this workout because this workout included a lot of my weakness. That's workout number six, Michal? That was six? Yes, the workout number six.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yes, exactly. I won with myself. I won with my weakness and it was the biggest success in this day for me. And after this workout, I know I will be in games. Wow. Wow. Hey, Mihal. I am. Hey. Mehal. I am. Why do you think you are so comfortable going to that dark place?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Why do you think you're so comfortable hurting? Hmm. You mean what I feel or? What in your life? Like a lot of people, they're not successful in CrossFit because they won't go to that place. Okay, now I understand. You know, where you have to lay on your side. What about you, Meg? Why do you think you're comfortable going there?
Starting point is 00:32:34 You know, I had the same question today, Marnie, because I had an interview with my sponsor for supplements. And I had a very similar question. with my sponsor for supplements and I had a very similar question. I think that a lot of people have problems not with going to the dark side, but in my opinion, the biggest problem is stay here, you know? Because, for example, you can everybody can go for the very hard zone,
Starting point is 00:33:10 very dark zone, yes. But success, I think that you can make success only if you can stay in this zone, in this dark side.
Starting point is 00:33:25 It's my opinion. Because, for example, I know a lot of great athletes. I know a lot of stronger athletes like me, a lot of better in gymnastics athletes like me. But during workout, I can lose, for example, in seven minute AMRAP, I can lose during six minute 30 seconds. But in last 30 seconds is the darkness side of the dark side. And I can win here and do you know why
Starting point is 00:34:08 do you tell yourself something is there a story you tell yourself because you're we're just going to get the secrets the Polish secrets I think that this problem is only in your head because everybody has a lot of muscles,
Starting point is 00:34:30 everybody has a lot of good performance, good endurance, good run, good swim, you know, and good everything. But I think that in this side, in CrossFit, the most important is your head is for example what do you about what you think during your workout in this dark zone so for example if everybody work for everybody it's very hard so why the people who want
Starting point is 00:35:12 why they want do you understand me? yeah, what's their motivation, what do they want yes, my motivation is my family very often I think about my son Yes. My motivation is my family, you know? Very often I think about my son, about my wife. I think about my second son on the podium.
Starting point is 00:35:38 You know, I would like to, for 10 years, I would like to be a father who had a lot of success in CrossFit when he was very young and he didn't remember it. I will show him, look, I won a semis. I was in the medicine. I was in the games. You had only half a year in this moment and I think that I will I Will you know I will increase his character. I will I will help make a
Starting point is 00:36:16 character for for my sense because Who like no mean that Who say it? That last part again? Who what? Sorry? Basically, you're saying it will show your son character, what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Sorry, on the photo? No, just what you were saying. Mihal, don't worry about what I'm saying. I'm not saying anything important. Listen, Mihal, you did – I what I'm saying I'm not saying anything important Mihal, you did I want to look at these two workouts You took fifth in Linda Yes
Starting point is 00:36:54 And you took third in the Snatch run Is that correct? Yes, but it was not a good position You know why? Why? I will tell you why. Before this workout, I said to my coach,
Starting point is 00:37:11 I will win it. It's not a problem for me. I will do snatches and I will run less than three minutes in kilometers. It's not a problem for me. But I did one no-rep on the snatches and I saw I lost seven seconds for last snatch
Starting point is 00:37:34 to this no-rep and one moment when I stopped on the top, judge told me and I continued and it was a seven second loss and during my running i had problem with stomach for you know i don't know why but during semis i had problem with my stomach like uh in in uh sometimes in workout i feel like uh i feel uh
Starting point is 00:38:08 work out i feel uh i feel uh you know like bubbles like oh yeah yeah i don't know why and and i i started run and i see okay i i saw uh okay i have uh three minutes and five seconds okay i will keep it i will increase this this this piece no problem for me. But during, when I tried it, I felt you know, it was a block in my stomach. My stomach said to Michael, don't do it because we will not finish this workout. Oh my god. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Who's your coach? Who's your coach? Yes, but of course it's only a joke. i'm really happy yes i finished on the third place and uh you know i visual and you know i don't know it's the word i visualize it i i uh imagine it imagine that it before yeah yeah imagine it yep yes because you know during my trainings in the in my gym when I did it for example in two minutes and 45 seconds two minutes and 50 seconds but it's I know I have Barbara very very close to
Starting point is 00:39:20 to the runner and it's not with judge and I know training is training competition is competition but during the run on the runner I saw myself who go
Starting point is 00:39:38 on the finish line first hey who who on the finish line first. Hey, who... Who's your coach, Michal? Who's your coach? Sorry, I'm trying to keep my shit together here. Yeah, who's your coach?
Starting point is 00:39:58 My coach is Mike from Training Cultures. That's the group out of Spain? Yes, exactly. Okay. Before, yes, he's my coach for four months. I started
Starting point is 00:40:13 to work with them four months ago, maybe. Four, maybe five. After Open. Hey, I can't wait to meet you in person I appreciate your time I apologize for the connection and
Starting point is 00:40:29 you're a cool dude I guess I'll see you in Madison Okay Alright, thank you for your time Tell your wife and your beautiful family thank you Thank you very much Alright brother, ciao See you in Madison
Starting point is 00:40:43 All the best Yep, same to you ciao holy shit dude you guys can't say fucking shit like someone wrote something crazy in here that i fucking got unhinged oh my god uh yeah he's totally but it was borat yeah can you have him say very nice yeah it got crazy oh my goodness what was there was one in here some comment in here i was dying um you guys it is too much what was it uh what was the word to use imaginate that's a fucking great word. I'm going to start using that word. How is that not a word?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Imaginate. I just love how he just hung in there. Like he wasn't even, he just kept rolling, you know? Yeah. He made me comfortable. I was like, fuck it. This could be really awkward, but I guess it doesn't have to be. Yeah. Sevan, you had one job. You didn't have him
Starting point is 00:41:44 say get to the chopper. I know. It was in my mind for a second. There was one, God, there was someone said something in here that was fucking broke me. Have you seen Hiller's recent video, his latest one? I did see it. When he clipped them all together, all to get to the choppers.
Starting point is 00:42:04 That was great. Where is it? Someone said, kick him out and force him to sign back in. Seve, can you have him say very nice? I love this interview. Where is that? There was one. Bubble gut.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Oh, here, this one. Juice Games. Oh, wow, wow. Will, wow. I will snatch and I will Games. Oh, wow, wow. Will, wow. I will snatch and I will run. Very nice. High five. He's like, I go to toilet, it's no problem.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I have a bubble in my stomach. Yeah, he killed it. Sabita, Sabita, Sabita. I think he's doing great. He barely knows the language, but decided to come on and let us know who he is anyways. Sabita, Sabita, Sabita. I think he's doing great. He barely knows the language, but decided to come on and let us know who he is anyways. Oh, yeah, fuck. He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I love him. He'll be good behind the scenes, I feel like. Yeah, for sure. For sure. God. Holy cow. That actually went by. That was pretty fast, 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah, he just kept rolling with it. That's what I loved about fast 40 minutes yeah he just he kept rolling with it that's what i loved about it like he just kept he just kept moving it moving it forward most people just kind of stop and get all awkward and then uh elise car rodow said she was going to use morning chalk up for her kid's sex ed hey why are people losing their shit over kate gordon the morning chalk of kate gordon post i can't figure out what's weird about it. I don't know. She's just on her journey. Isn't that just normal journey shit? I'm bringing it up here.
Starting point is 00:43:33 She likes working out and food and fucking. It's like, I don't know. Was she getting married to that guy she was dating? And she's a she's on the training staff. She's someone like a big shot in the community uh you may know her as crossfitter with sorry that's okay it's more important that it says california pep oh oh you already fixed the ca you did that while the show is going you're multitasking yeah okay well i'll
Starting point is 00:44:07 give you some can we make it a little smaller this yeah yeah yeah yeah a little bit abhd did you want to read this or oh sure you may know her as a crossfitter with whoa something weird happened oh a crossfitter with or maybe you know her as Iconic Chick with Energize the stands of the 2021 Touring Pro before hitting Massive Snatch. That's funny. Massive Snatch. Maybe you're a longtime fan of the sport, but Kate Gordon, better known, it should be and Kate Gordon, better known as CrossFit Kate, does far more than just lift heavy. heavy in addition to uh being on the seminar staff she runs a nutrition company and um she's stepping into a leadership position that of a sexologist a pleasure advocate and sex and relationship podcast host um but the comments people are coming unhinged dude let's let's uh isn't that one of our listeners denise yeah so many more empowering heroic
Starting point is 00:45:06 stories out there to tell this and the one you choose i couldn't unfollow you any faster dude you listen to the sebon podcast denise i don't understand i don't i don't under you listen to a 51 year old man i like you den Denise, by the way. Don't get it wrong. But you listen to a 51-year-old man trapped in a 7-year-old – wait, 7-year-old trapped in a 51-year-old man's body. I don't get what the – No, everybody's losing their shit. Sexologist sounds made up. Trust me, I'm a sexologist. It is made up up but I like her like I just seems it seems so
Starting point is 00:45:49 normal like this is what you're supposed to do she's this is like this is textbook like the evolution it's like what Mal and Haley are going through like part of it is like scary but it's like everyone it's just the journey you just go through shit you know you know what i
Starting point is 00:46:10 mean like everyone wants to know about like at some point in your life you become very curious about fucking like everyone that's just normal sorry are you have kids in there? I'm sorry, Jake. That was a tough one. That was a tough one. I'm sorry. Right. I came into this at an interesting time. Right. I mean, that's just a normal part of human development, right? Like, at some point, you're like, oh, shit. I'm, wow.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I thought I was here just to hang out and just hang out. But really, there's a huge sex component and procreation component to this whole being a human thing, taking care of the offspring and all that. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:53 it sounds good. Yeah. I mean, you're born and then all of a sudden one day, like at least for me, like all of a sudden it's just like, it becomes like 99% of the gig is just like, either boning or the repercussions of boning
Starting point is 00:47:06 oh my goodness i'm glad you speak english that's kind of cool yeah it's good it's very good yeah makes it better to um have a conversation hey i know this i know this girl um and she's the most beautiful woman on the planet like it's just like just her she's just stupid hot and her body's crazy i don't really know her know her like i know her through uh instagram we're friends right and um uh um she told me she's like hey you got to get jake douglas on he's the hottest dude and crawl at the crossfit games it's like yeah no problem whatever whatever you want whatever whatever you need i got it i appreciate that are you um are are you a um are you like
Starting point is 00:48:03 quite the looker like when you go places, if you're walking around in the mall, do you see girls looking at you and shit? Is it like that going out with you? No, I don't think so, man. I think it's like people look at me like I'm going to rob them. I'm the guy that gets stopped at every security check. First question is like, are you a fighter? What do you do? Yeah, you do have a little bit of a um a snatch vibe to you like like you
Starting point is 00:48:30 look you look scottish and you look like maybe you could collect money for a living for people who are late on their payments yeah yeah i get that a bit yeah not the scottish thing but uh yeah the standover guy i get that that a little bit. What are you? Why do you look like that? What ethnicity are you? Like, where are your – I mean, you live in Australia, but do you know, like, before that where your people come from? No idea, man.
Starting point is 00:48:56 No, our family tree is, like, completely lost. We've got nothing, really, to be honest. Do you look like your mom or your dad? Probably a decent mix. Probably more so. All my cousins are built similar to me. So I'm assuming that's probably from my dad's side. But I mean, even your face, you got a unique look.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I'm trying to think who you look like. You look like you're famous already., you got a unique look. Like, I'm trying to think who you look like. You look like you're famous already. Like, you just got a unique face. Not enough, man. Adam, or Jake, someone said, God, the chat is brutal. Which one of his parents is a gorilla? That's a good one. Jeez, Louise.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah, he is Scottish. Yeah, I'm telling you. You look so Scottish. You look like you could be in Star Trek. You could be the new 21st century version of the Scottish guy on there. Yeah, I lived in Scotland for a few years. So I know Douglas, the last name is like a Scottish thing. Douglas is
Starting point is 00:50:05 Indian there you go uh that man dude you what what a um explosion even you've been doing CrossFit uh for for how long for 10 years at least earlier 2006 you're a 2006 guy yeah yeah yeah end of six start of seven we uh one of my teachers showed me He's one of my best mates now, but he was my school teacher at the time. I think it was his way of keeping me out of trouble. How old are you? 32. Around 17 years old, you crossfit yep and then all of a sudden this year you've kind of at least from where i'm sitting you've exploded onto the scene you know you even got a nickname people are calling you trap daddy yeah yeah i don't know i um the the
Starting point is 00:50:59 explosion sort of happened i've been on the scene for a lot for a while like my first regionals was 2018 um before that i was playing like high level rugby and then um yeah i sort of was always always finishing mid-pack at these like regional semis events i'd have either a top 10 finish or a bottom 10 finish i just didn't have any um real endurance or or high capacity of skill for a few years. And then I sort of was progressing along pretty well, had a couple of bad injuries a couple of years out of the game and came back last year, so 2022, finished fifth, and then this year qualified through. And Jake, when you say high level rugby does that i right away go that means
Starting point is 00:51:48 that you can um uh buy a car and pay your rent and also i guess have a savings account like is that what that means like you made money doing it yeah i got paid to play but um not didn't really make massive income like it was just more like i would always have i think there was only one period for a year where i wasn't really working i was just playing football but um but the rest of the time always had a job like it just allowed me to travel basically so so i lived in scotland for a while lived in sydney for a little while are why do countries um import so many rugby players like that? Like, is there really a – there's a shortage of good guys, and I guess when I think of Scotland, I'll just say the UK,
Starting point is 00:52:33 that they bring guys in from Australia? Yeah, I think it's because of the level difference. Like, our semi-professional scene is probably pretty close to their professional level. So it's like if you get a mid-range Aussie player, he's probably going to be like a higher level. And we just play different styles of football. We're a little bit more free-flowing.
Starting point is 00:52:57 We have probably more ball skills than what they do overseas. So, yeah, they just bring us in for a different different component to their team and and you loved it you loved rugby loved it yeah loved it and and then why why transition out of it did you feel like you hit a glass ceiling um i feel like i'd nearly bottomed out as the level i could play and um we moved back back my hometown, which is in the country, in Australia, like in the country area, like rural. And my wife was just starting her nursing degree, so she was about to start university or college.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And it was sort of like if I wanted to play any higher, I would have had to move or go back overseas and we didn't want to sort of uproot again. So I just, I'd found CrossFit as well. I was like, I'll try this. Like this seems like a good competitive outlet. Where did you meet your wife? I met her in our hometown. So I, it was by coincidence.
Starting point is 00:53:57 So I actually broke my hand playing rugby and I moved back to Australia to get a surgery. And I met her that weekend that I came back. So if it wasn't for me breaking my hand, I wouldn't have met her. She was working at the hospital, you said? No, no, no. I just met her through like a mutual friend when I got home. Wow. And how old were you? At that time, I was 23, I think, or 22, somewhere around there. No, 20, 21, yeah. So you've been together for 11 years? Yep, long time.
Starting point is 00:54:34 We've got two kids now. Oh, congratulations. 11 years, that's a good relationship. Yeah, man. She's worth all of it. She's my everything everything she's my sweetheart and um so so you come home and what's the town you live in in australia it's called tamworth can you show can you spell that for me where is that suza
Starting point is 00:55:00 tam w-o-r-T-H we're sort of if you look at a map of Australia you would see like Sydney and Brisbane on the coast and we're sort of a little bit inland between those two places you have a stoplight in your town?
Starting point is 00:55:19 yes, yeah we've got a few is it country living? yeah it's pretty country we're the biggest city in the rural area if that makes sense Yeah, we've got a few. Is it country living? Yeah, it's pretty country. Yeah, we're the biggest city in the rural area, if that makes sense, probably, in New South Wales anyway. You have like a feed store there? Like you know where the feed store is, like a place where you can go buy roosters and like – is it like that? Are there cows?
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah, yeah, there's farming all around like big big farming mining community so so you're there jake and you realize oh your wife you prioritize your wife's nursing over your uh rugby and then and then what do you start doing there um so at that time i had so there was no affiliate in in my town and, and I wanted to do the open, so we started an affiliate. And I was – like I'm a plumber by trade, so I was plumbing, and then a little shed came open where my plumbing store was. So I would train – open up the gym basically and train people in the morning, and then that's how my affiliate started. Hey, isn't Jay Crouch's dad a plumber?
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yeah, I believe so, yeah. And then I think he was going to become an electrician, or he did become an electrician. Yeah, Jay's a sparky, yep. A sparky? Sparky, yeah. That's really interesting and cool to hear. So basically you affiliated so that you had a place to do the Open because you had to be an affiliate to get judged for the Open.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Yep, by necessity, yeah. When I affiliated, I was only training out of my garage. So I was like an affiliate in my garage for nearly a year, I think. And what's the name of your affiliate? Snake Athletic now. So Snake Athletic, Snake CrossFit by CrossFits. And did you know that it would grow into a full-fledged affiliate? No, no.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I didn't even – when we rented the shed, I still wasn't charging people. I only started charging people because there were too many coming in at the time, and I was like, fuck. I need to make some money here. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. And what's your location like now? Can you describe your gym to me now? Yeah, it's huge. So we've been through three facilities.
Starting point is 00:57:47 We're just over 1,000 square meters in size. Yeah, we've got like 40-odd cardio machines. Like it's a big space. It's really cool. Holy cow. So is it kind of a mix between a Globo gym and a CrossFit gym? Like you said, you had cardio machines. Do you have other stuff too?
Starting point is 00:58:05 Do you have like lap pull-down machine and stuff like that? Yeah, we've got a little bodybuilding area, but no, it's pretty much a full-fledged affiliate. Like we basically just focus on like Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit. And this open that you wanted to do that you affiliated for, why did you want to do the open? Did you have games aspirations already yeah i was i had seen the games um like just by watching it on youtube or whatever it
Starting point is 00:58:31 was on at the time espn or whatever and uh and i just thought fuck like i wanted to try it out and then i'd heard watching the games that they're that it all starts at the open so i was like ah i'll give that a go so i just fucked around with it in 14 without having an affiliate or anything and just tried the workouts and i was like oh so then in 2015 we um or the end of 14 i affiliated so we could try the opening 15 and has it been serious for you ever since um 15 was a little bit of a like i was still playing footy at the time. So it was, that was pretty hard. But then after 15, yeah, from 2016 onwards, it was like, I really want to try and do this.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I want to see how far I can get. You know, it's, um, looking back on it now, I think I would have progressed much quicker if I had have just tried to find some guys that were at that level as well. See, when I started, I didn't know anyone that was at regionals level. I didn't know a games guy. You just don't know what you don't know. Nine years is a long time to pursue a goal like this.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah, a long time. And you finally made it. This is your first CrossFit Games, right? Yeah. Yeah, crazy. long time yeah and and you finally made it this is your first crossfit games right yeah yeah crazy and you're coming in with um uh quite the slash uh splash uh lady 2742 seven uh fun time seven uh well i panicked a bit but then i handled it in a british accent it's from iron man three fun time to i well well i panicked a bit but then i handled it okay well thank you iron man 3 i stopped watching iron man after iron man 1 i try i couldn't get i couldn't i couldn't but thank you did i say thank you thank you okay back to the show
Starting point is 01:00:21 um and so now you're coming to the games with quite the splash. There's some hype around you. Why did you choose to go HWPO? When did that happen? So I met, and another reason why I really decided to dig in on the games was that I met Matt Frazier and Matt O'Keefe in Australia in 2016. Matt came for a training camp, and my wife had bought it for me she's like well go and see go and see what you think so I went and did it and uh and I got along
Starting point is 01:00:51 with Frasier really well and sort of kept in contact with O'Keefe and yeah I just um I guess I went on my own little journey and then I had like my Instagram was blowing up and I started getting some good results. And yeah, I guess I just recontacted with O'Keefe and we sort of spoke about it and yeah, I ended up, ended up coming over to HWPO and yeah, those guys feel like family now. What a trip.
Starting point is 01:01:18 You made the connection in 2016 and kept the connection. That's another, that's a long time, seven years. It's so random too like every every couple of years i just like get a message or i'd message him or if i had a question about something because again like i didn't know anyone in the space i didn't know a coach at a regionals level let alone games you know and just we kept crossing paths so when so i had a teenager
Starting point is 01:01:42 make the games in 2017 so my first crossfit comp that i ever went to was coaching a teenager at the games wow yeah so so and then i ran in i ran into o'keefe at the games then and you know say good day and whatever and sort of kept kept going that way so yeah why did your um tell me about your wife buying you the um the training camp was that just a surprise did she buy it and then tell you or she told you hey do you want me to buy this for you no so she bought it and then told me and she's like if you want to do it i think you should go see us and i was like i can't be that guy like you know a bit of an ego whatever but honestly it was the best thing that i did. Went there, threw down with him. We, you know, shared a barbell with some Olympic lifting and stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And it was really good. Oh, so how many people were at the camp? It might have been like 15 maybe. And you got to share the bar with Matt. Yeah. So when you paired up, you got Matt. That's kind of exciting. Yeah, it was awesome, man.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Yeah, we just sort of like we're similar age. We're similar people, like similar sense of humor, I guess. yeah we just um sort of like we're similar age we're similar people like similar sense of humor i guess like we just sort of clicked that's like in the um fifth grade when you get to sit by the pretty girl like when they do the seat assignment yeah and they put you by the pretty girl you're like oh shit all year i get to sit here you got matt at the training camp that's really cool yeah it was good it's funny it's probably it's probably little things like that that are like that people don't realize the impact of and look here you are i remember anything you learned from that day from lifting with him anything that stuck out i remember the first thing he ever said to me was like if you fucking lift with if you bend
Starting point is 01:03:17 those arms on your clean again you're off the bar oh i'd like an early arm. And I was like, yes, sir. And, uh, yeah, just, just little things like, um, you know, it was funny. Actually, I was so raw in a crossfit. I hadn't had any, like I had no grips, no knee sleeves. I didn't even own crossfit shoes. And I went to this camp and, um, and I remember we did a workout and, and I had a pretty good time on it. And he's like, fuck, if you had some grips and shit, like you would, you know, I had to come off the box.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I tore my hands like I was bleeding. And then I get to, I'm like, fuck yeah, I'm going to do that. So after the camp, I went and bought all my fucking CrossFit stuff. I come over, one of the first workouts he gives us here was like, had chest about pull-ups, but he's like, you can't, you're not allowed to wear grips. I was like, you fucking told me like, get my grips grips and now you're telling me i can't wear them anymore so wow man yeah good mental training right yeah hey um uh yesterday it's um uh three o'clock in
Starting point is 01:04:21 the afternoon and i know i have a podcast with you so So I drink a shitload of pre-workout from Swolverine. I go into the garage and I'm going to start a workout while I watch a couple podcasts you're on. And I'm going to do 10 reps with a 60-pound D-ball, just squats. And then I'm going to do five bench press at um uh 150 and then i'm gonna be on this salt bike for 10 calories hard and i'm just gonna keep cycling that as i while i watch podcasts of you right i get everything set up and my kid walks out there and he's got his tennis racket and then my other kid walks out there and my other kid
Starting point is 01:05:02 walks out there and they got tennis rackets and they're looking at me they're like hey throw us some balls i'm like all right i put everything away fucking a pre-workout coursing through my veins and i throw balls at them for fucking an hour and a half it's now 4 30 and i'm fucking panicking right i just lost an hour and a half but i gotta do it because it's really what i want to do what do you do i like every interview that you're in you talk about your kids your kids your kids your family your family what do you you i'm assuming you can't do that i'm assuming like as you leave the house and someone's like hey daddy come come here i want to show you I can read this page in this book. And you're like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yeah, that's a tricky one. But yeah, we try and schedule it in as best we can. So it's like as soon as dad's finished training at that time slot. So when we decided I was completely all in, we just made a schedule. So me and my wife sat down. It's like, right, I train from this time to this time. I've got this amount of time between.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I go this time to this time. And then if we can keep that schedule, then it's like, right, Frank, at 4.30, Daddy's home, and he's ready to rock. All right, so that's my time to sort of shine then, and then Ellen would go and do her training or whatever. And we just sort of switch over that way. So discipline schedule, strict schedule. Yeah. Yeah. We try and keep it as, as best we can. Obviously things still, you know, come up, pop up and things like that.
Starting point is 01:06:38 But it's like, if I can stick to that. And I used to have like just a daily, a daily to-do list. And on that to-do list was like I needed one hour of uninterrupted play and that made me feel like a better dad you know like and it just felt like I was still doing things that were that I was supposed to be doing outside of the sport when you say one hour of uninterrupted play you mean with yourself or with your kids yeah no with the kids with the kids okay okay yeah like cell phone down like no no distractions and so you can't fuck around like so if you're if your wife says okay you have 3 30 to 5 30 when you get to the
Starting point is 01:07:20 gym at 3 30 because it's your gym one of the managers of your gym might come over to you and be like hey the plumber's here and he says we need a new toilet do you want to talk to him you're like hey i can't fucking do that i need these two hours to train you figure it out yep that's exactly what it's like so like i will have a meeting on so monday's the rest day for us so i'll have a meeting with all our staff on um mondays and then we do the week we sort of like a front load the week that way it's like here's everything like anyone have any problems whatever it might be let's figure it out now and then yeah my the guy who like manages my gym he's like one of if not my best mate um and he's awesome like he won't even bring something to
Starting point is 01:08:04 me unless i need to know about it like we have a saying between us and it's awesome. Like he, he won't even bring something to me unless I need to know about it. Like we have a saying between us and it's like, if, uh, don't tell me just the problem, like tell me how you're going to fix it as well. You know? Right. Right. You don't have time for that right now. And you have the trust and faith in him. Yeah. Yeah. Wholeheartedly. Um, in that, in the interview you did, uh, over there in Australia too, you said that you haven't But yeah, I drank wholeheartedly. In the interview you did over there in Australia too, you said that you haven't had a drink since 2012. Yep. And that you basically had a moment where you were just thinking back.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Basically, you heard something come out of your mouth that said, hey, if I wouldn't have been drunk that night, I probably could have won that game. And then you heard yourself say that. And you're like, well, that's kind of a douchebag thing to say. I, I did drink and the other guy probably didn't drink and he beat me. And now I have an excuse. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, um, I feel like I would always set myself up with an excuse up my sleeve, you know, if I had a failure or things like that, it's just probably, um, not, not even on purpose. It was just what i guess i used to do like that self-sabotage so i sort of looked at myself one
Starting point is 01:09:13 day and i was like well you gotta fuck fuck that off you know no no excuses to you it just seems like um probably um just normal do you have any examples before that in your life where you had enough self-awareness to make change i guess basically what i'm saying is or what i'm noticing is is you had enough self-awareness to see something and then course correct right so you know someone who's driving down the road and they're not paying attention and they run over something in the road. Yeah. You were paying attention. You saw something in the road and you switched lanes. Do you remember having any other experiences like that in life where you had enough self-awareness to change your own course? Yeah, definitely. There was even as I remember, like as an early teenager, it was right as I'd met this teacher that I spoke about that I'd met,
Starting point is 01:10:07 that had introduced me to CrossFit as well. Like the sort of crowd I was with and the people I was hanging around weren't necessarily into sport and all that sort of thing. So I'd stopped playing sport for a year or two. And then I was like, oh, fuck, I actually really enjoy playing sport and shit like that. And I just probably stopped because it was more of a delinquent thing to do than, you know, actually keep going. So as I sort of noticed that and then I went back to sport, I still kept those, like, I guess, party boy aspects for a little while. But, yeah, again, I had another little realization again as I got older.
Starting point is 01:10:42 And then, again, finally it was like, all right, I just can't't do this I'm just not a guy that goes for two drinks you know I would just if uh if we were drinking we were drinking it might have you know might have been a couple of days like not that I was an alcoholic by any means but it would just be like it wouldn't be weird to to go missing for a week um having a good time you know and and you didn't have any catastrophic shit happen you didn't end up in jail or naked with an apple in your mouth face down like no not really man like just uh i guess it's just yeah one of those things that when you look back on it's like it's things that like probably realistically could have happened you know could have yeah put in some real trouble and things like that but um just just lucky i guess but
Starting point is 01:11:29 yeah i think um yeah never i was never really a really bad guy i was just didn't didn't mind a drink and um didn't want the good times to stop sometimes and what's what's obvious to most but i think needs to be said is you don't regret quitting either. You're not like – there's never any regret like, oh, fuck, I should have been drinking the last 10 years. No, not even a little bit. The only thing is like my – I lost some friends from that, you know, like, and it's weird. You stop doing something like that and then all of a sudden you don't necessarily have anything in common with someone anymore. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:12:03 And all of a sudden you don't necessarily have anything in common with someone anymore. So it's hard to catch up or it's hard to do anything because some people just want to catch up over this over the social moments. It's kind of like having a drug dealer, like the guy I used to buy weed from in college, like he was my friend. And then I stopped smoking weed and like I don't go over to his house anymore. It's nothing personal. I'm just not going to like, why would I go over there? Yeah, exactly. That's exactly exactly what it's nothing personal i'm just not gonna like why would i go over there yeah exactly that's exactly exactly what it's like yeah and in someone like you who has kids and who is training at the highest level also this is gonna sound bad but um it's the truth you can't there's a you have limited time so for you get rid of two friends and that's the only way you can't, there's a, you have limited time. So for you get rid of two friends and that's the only way you can pick up two new ones. Like your shit is full. Yeah. So I guess
Starting point is 01:12:51 when you lose those two, it does actually open room for other people. Right. Yeah. A hundred percent. And even, um, I think like I'm very time, I guess like aware of where my time and energy is being spent. And like, we won't, we won't go a lot of places because it's like if I'm not training towards trying to do this goal, then I need to make sure it's time with my kids. So if we get invited to a party or something like that, we're probably not going to go, like, realistically. And our friends that are really tight to us just understand that because, like, they know the journey we're on and what I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And they know that the time away from the journey we're on and and what i'm trying to do and they know that that the time away from the gym is super valuable to us so like the last thing i want to do is go go and spend it with i guess more people away from i feel like i'm away from my kids enough of the time as it is that make yeah yeah yeah i love a wedding when they invite me and kids aren't invited because then i know I'm not going. Yeah, and that's – I'm like, thank you. Like, how can we possibly do that? We don't have the luxury of dropping our kids away for three or four days, and we don't do it.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah, you don't want to do it. Yeah, sorry, but I actually want them around me. Yeah. Andrew Hiller, old friends are crazy when you pivot in life but but what is interesting is like i had old friends and then um that maybe i didn't see and then i had kids and then i had they had kids but then we all we came back together yeah right now we had something in common again we had our we needed our kids to play with each other yep yeah that's happened with us as well somebody didn't necessarily speak to for a couple of years,
Starting point is 01:14:25 and then all of a sudden, oh, you've got kids similar age, and here we are at the park. Right. Or I might not like you at all, but you're nice to my kid. Yeah, or my kid likes your kid, so guess what? Right, right, right. And then you know what? I'll fake it until I actually really like you.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Oh, shit, I misjudged you. I like you. I don't care that you smell like dog poop. How's the affiliate doing? Is it doing well? Yeah, we're going all right. It supports me for my ventures. Not a lot of businesses could probably – business owners could not really work in their business at all and still collect a full-time wage.
Starting point is 01:15:11 You know what else is interesting too about not drinking is when you drink, you're influencing other people around you because you're drinking, they're drinking. It's like smoking cigarettes. It's contagious. And when you don't drink, it's the same thing yeah so so so people see that and they like people are looking for formulas for success and then they're like oh i like what jake douglas is doing i like the trajectory of his life what are some of the things he's doing okay he puts his cell phone down an hour a day oh shit he doesn't drink alcohol fed up with road rage guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check.
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Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah. Yeah. And I think, and the cool thing is that over time now, like we'll do social things or whatever. And most of the time it's away from alcohol and things like that. Because people just know like, A, I don't drink. And B, if you're drunk, I'm probably not going to talk to you. Like I just can't fucking stand it. I don't enjoy being around drunk people.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So, you know, if we've got, it's awesome. Like, we do a social function at the gym, and there's a definite time there where it's like this is like a sober time. You know, kids could be here. Jake's going to be here. And I feel like I let their hair down once I'm out the building. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Do they start partying when you leave? They're like, okay, Jake's gone. Roll the coolers out yeah i would assume that that happens oh good good on them yeah don't let jake influence you too much yeah um you know what's uh going back to your wife buying you that hwpo thing so um i i guess um she believes in you yep she does she believes in you. Yep, she does. She believes in me more than I do. Like I've probably, you know, considered stopping this pursuit
Starting point is 01:17:51 or, you know, pivoting focus a couple of times just through injury or through guilt that I wasn't spending enough time with the family or whatever. And, you know, she's always brought me back and said, like, look, whatever you want to do, but also don't stop because of any other reason than you just want to stop. Like, don't let it be an excuse. And that's, like, I'm so grateful for her to, you know, continue to push. And even now, I'm in the States alone, like, my family's back home.
Starting point is 01:18:24 And firstly, I was like, fuck, I might not take this games ticket if we can't all go together. Like I want them with me. And then she's like, no, you're going and you have to go and you're going early. Like you are going to go no matter what happens. If we all can't go for whatever reason, then you're going no matter what happens if we if we all can't go for whatever reason and you're going no matter what so yeah here we are is she's awesome can you believe that there's people in relationships whose
Starting point is 01:18:55 spouses don't believe in them i i couldn't i couldn't function with that kind of shit you know like I just she's 98 of my success right there I know it's it's it's crazy I I harp on this a lot in the podcast because I'm not sure if I if people realize I mean for me for me I feel so fucking secure as a human being but the one place that I'm a complete, open, vulnerable, sore is my, is my wife. Like if she said something to me that didn't believe in me, it would rock me. Oh yeah. Rock me. Yeah. A hundred percent. Or I would, um, you know, there, it would, it would take some amount of circumstance for me to stand down to another human. You know, if they were,
Starting point is 01:19:45 if they were threatening you and you were, you know, they were threatening your family, whatever, but I am petrified of my wife at the same time. Like she, like she would stand up, like I got no,
Starting point is 01:19:55 no problems. She could do anything. And you know, it doesn't make sense. Like I expect to have for her versus the whole world. Yeah. Um, I, in, in, in that, The love and respect I have for her versus the whole world. In that moment that she bought you that HWPO thing, did you have kids at the time? No, not.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I mean, it's such a huge statement that she did that, especially without even asking you. Yeah. Oh man. Even when we, um, like when she found out that I wanted to do the CrossFit thing, she actually, she bought the majority of the gym stuff initially that we set up. So one Christmas she like bought me like a barbell bumpers parallettes. Cause I was just training with fucking anything I'd get my hands on. So like she's, she's a massive reason that we even opened an affiliate cause she, she bought half the
Starting point is 01:20:45 shit for it more than half the stuff yeah what a cool thing you have this loving partner that made you kids and has your back and believes in you on this journey dude you're you're you're a blessed man um do you take her for granted uh you probably sometimes yeah yeah yeah i take my wife for granted too that's the weird part yeah yeah yeah i do try and i really try and not to though you know i try and reflect on it and let her know that like fuck if it wasn't for you like you like you understand this yeah you know because i think also that it's um it's hard for you know anyone that's that in in that supporter role like you know they sort of also that it's um it's hard for you know anyone that's that in in that supporter role like you know they sort of stand there in the in the crowds when the 5 000
Starting point is 01:21:31 people are chanting lower cheering for for me and then she's saying like i feel like that that applaud needs to be going to her you know i feel like she deserves that more than more than i deserve that let's say um yeah i think that the supporter roles fuck man you gotta you gotta be you gotta be wired a certain way to to be that supportive of someone else's success yeah i i'm gonna guess also that she fully enjoys it yeah she's good at it and like when you succeed i bet you she she might even enjoy it more than you do. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Like, she's like, yeah. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, we did it. Like, she probably loves it. Yeah. Yeah. She cry at the semifinal? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Yeah. I can't tell you the last time I cried and i i was fucking crying you know awesome weight off the shoulders you know yeah that is what that is huh it's like an emotional discharge yeah yeah and just a couple little things from the weekend like a few times crossfit let frankie come down onto the floor and little things like that i just thought fuck this is a really cool moment in time that i get to spend with my family and you know she's out on the floor and she gets to see the crowd and she calls it the big stage and things like that and i get to make you know i was just standing on the podium the whole time i was just staring at ellen like fuck can you believe that we actually did this
Starting point is 01:22:59 there are some great um obviously you got tia to me over there in in car saunders amazing there's some also some amazing um men over there who are like really um unfortunately i don't know them better than i wish i knew you guys better but rob forte chad mckay uh r Garrard. You have some people like some tremendous, I want to say role models for the little bit. I know them all. Just outstanding human beings. And I definitely throw Ricky in there. How he's handled himself, the way he carries himself. I fucking love the guy.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Do you feel that in australia like now that like you're going there and you're you're kind of adding to this uh jay crouch what a what a stud what a awesome young man right yeah is it fun being a part of that kind of that that group yeah it is um i obviously i don't have any experience in any other region but like our region feels very i guess guess, just supportive, you know, like there's no real clickiness or bitterness or anything like you can just sort of roll in and the warm up areas. You know, there's never anyone being a dickhead. Most people are, you know, genuine and they'll share a bar or just always some banter going on. It's like the Oceania, it reeks.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Fuck, man. The Torre in itself is crazy. And then the athletes are supportive. Yeah, it's... It is crazy, right? I don't think the Americans know how crazy it is. The video, it's like a triple-decker indoor place, and it looks completely packed.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yep, completely sold out. It's got fucking fireworks and confetti that goes off every night right djs it's um yeah it's next level man it's like it's waterpalooza but like a street fight version because it's so compact yeah and bigger significantly bigger than waterpalooza in terms of just the vent how many people that venue holds right yeah that's right more people yeah i think there's um i think inside has a capacity of five or six thousand from what is it deafening in there when everyone gets all hummed up yeah like when uh in the semis when i hit that snatch it fucking erupted like it was wild i don't think i've heard a louder like moment. Yeah. Yeah. Almost like where are my kids?
Starting point is 01:25:25 Is someone covering their ears? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, and then Baden Brown, you got the family man, and then you have Royce Dunn. Yep. Yeah, what a great group of gentlemen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:42 You train with any of those guys? No, I don't. I mean't I'm pretty far away from most To be honest like I've really done Any training with any high level guys My whole career What um So how long have you been doing HWPO? I only jumped over to
Starting point is 01:25:58 HWPO officially in I think it was December And You show up there you're in vermont now yep and you show up there and it's uh jason hopper and katrin yep and christine colin brander uh christine wasn't here it was just uh jay and kat and uh and you now yep anyone else coming up there? We've got Vic in town at the moment, Victor Hopper. And we've got Jacqueline Dahlstrom here as well, just throwing down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:26:32 So that's cool. We've got Rogan Dean, the adaptive guy from Oceana. Yeah, so we've got a good crew actually at the moment. And is every part of you like – how long did it take uh when you got there to adapt with not being with your family have you been able to like slowly let that go uh honestly man i struggle with it a bit hey like most days it's like you know like this is not how i wanted it to play out um but like the the hvk guys have been really supportive as well like you know matt will ask me
Starting point is 01:27:07 most of the time like how you doing how's your family you know so it's just yeah they're just really supportive is this the first time you've ever been away from them like this long yeah i think i did i've done a week before when it was just um but now we've got the two of them so this is by far like i'm at triple the uh the amount of time I've ever been away for now. Will they come to the games? No, I don't think so. It's just a little bit too far. Like Johnny's two.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yeah, yeah. And just that trip, we just, you know, Ellen will probably realistically be able to see more if she watches the stream versus chasing two kids around the stadium yeah i i i i agree um so then when you're when it's over um on sunday do you have do you already know when you're going back to australia yep i'm uh at the moment i think it's like a 6 a.m flight on monday no shit out of chicago uh no out of madison oh that's nice that's better yeah and then you'll go there and you'll be in quarantine for seven years and then you'll get to see your kids when they're nine yeah no sorry
Starting point is 01:28:19 sorry i'm just saying sorry sorry that shit's all done there, right? Yep. Yeah, it's all done. As long as you got your jabs, you're all good. Yeah, all right. Yeah. Oh, wow. And how is the HWPO thing going? Is this the first time you've had a coach? Pretty much, yeah. No, not really.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I was with Raw Strength and Conditioning for a while, like Big Bad Bobby D. Remember, he was Brent Fikowski's coach? I don't remember. What year was he your coach? Like 18, 19. Did he ever have eyes on you the way Matt has eyes on you? A little bit. I trained at his house a few times.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Rob would more so like jump in train with you things like that but the way matt coaches i've never had had a coach like like matt's very hands-on invested and you know there's always like i guess people don't think of it but like hwp they've got matt in the building all the time jake marconi in the building all the time and at the moment steve fossett's in the in the house um Josh as well. So it's like there's four coaches always rolling around the place watching. They watch every workout we do. Bit of feedback, bit of technique.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Like it's, yeah, first time really having that. Yeah, it's interesting. I was talking to Fi Sagafi yesterday, and this is her first time being in training with a coach. Like eyeballs on her. She got Matt Torresres and she's loving it are you loving it oh man i love it even uh even when i made you know like international teams with weightlifting i would get told some numbers you know here's what we here's what we're hitting today here's our lifts like go hit it like i never got technical feedback because i was just lifting decent weight but here it's like Matt spoke to me about some snatches immediately
Starting point is 01:30:07 first day here. You think you're coming back with your family before the Games next year to train there? Yeah, that would be the plan for sure. Like, yeah, I won't do this again without the family. And now that I've scoped it out and i know how how welcoming it is here and i know the area a little bit better um yeah we i'd love to do like a six months in the states uh eaton beaver i don't know if we have time for that today but um i re-enlisted i
Starting point is 01:30:38 re-listened to saturday's podcast how lucky we are to have access to coach glassman oh thanks you know this isn't Coach Glassman, though. This is Jake Douglas. But thank you. You can say whatever you want if you give me my money. Heidi, sorry to put you on the spot. Heidi, is this guy Jake Chapman? No, no, this is Jake Douglas, though.
Starting point is 01:31:03 No, no, sorry. I'm pretty sure it's Roy Dunman? No, no, this is Jake Douglas, though. No, no, sorry. I'm pretty sure it's Roy Dunce. No, no. Close, lady. No. The format of the games, do you think about that at all? Do you have any time to think about things like cuts or what the workouts are when they give the clues do you try
Starting point is 01:31:26 to process any of that um a little bit i think it's just more just what you said like process it you know like it's something that's there and it is what it is and you know for me like um i'm pretty aware of like i'm gonna have some really good events i'm gonna have some really bad events as well so i just um it's just one at a time, you know, like fucking 5K gets announced and you see it's like, all right, here's what it is. And then the Oli total gets announced and fuckers send me DMs for days. It's like I'm as excited or concerned about the 5K as I am the Oli listing at this stage.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Like for me, it's event one, day one, and then it's got to be event two, day two. If I get too far ahead of myself, I'll get cut. there it is that's what i was looking for uh such a beautiful man yeah that's what my friend was telling me they were saying that jake douglas is the most beautiful man at the crossfit games this year jeez i don't know about that is this the first you're hearing this yeah it's the first i'm hearing it wow all right well i'm it's kind of that's what we do on the show we kind of break break big stories like that empirically driven um uh did you do you just do you um use the word values do you um yep yeah all values yep yeah what does that mean to you um i think it's like a checklist to live by.
Starting point is 01:32:49 That's how I think about it. You know, like does it align with my values? Does it align with the things that I, you know, at the very core of who I am? That's how I think about that. Can you give me an example? So a checklist, what did you call it? A checklist of what? Yeah, just like a daily checklist, if nothing else.
Starting point is 01:33:07 That's how I would describe myself and if I could live by those actions or those key principles, I guess. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And who introduced that idea to you, values? I don't know, actually, to be honest. I think it's just something I started thinking about over time. And it's like, if I start to question a decision or if I'm a little bit lost as to where I'm heading,
Starting point is 01:33:38 does it just fit with my values? Does it meet my checklist of who I am? And then if it does, then it meet my checklist of who i am you know and then if it does then it's a if it does then it's an easy decision if it doesn't then it's also an easy decision so i guess it's just taking the guesswork out of out of choices and you know like like yeah how did you learn that did you read that in a book or are you religious or did that come after you had kids or did your wife teach you that or i don't know, man. I think it's just something that I started thinking about. And it was like, so, because you know how you just have these things that pop up and
Starting point is 01:34:10 it's, you just have to make a decision if you're going to do it or not do it. Yeah. But well, the easiest way for me to figure something out is that if it fits in with who I am or it doesn't. And then if I've got that shit in my head like um then just makes it easier for me to make the choice on it so it was just like i guess it was something that i came up with to dumb down decisions so i don't i don't even have to think about it away from does it just line up like does it fit in one column or the other and then there's a decision made so as a kid um i if i was walking
Starting point is 01:34:44 down the street and i saw a wallet, I would open the wallet. I would take the money out, and then I'd throw the wallet in the public mailbox. Right, yeah. You know what I mean? So I could get back to them, and I would just take the money, and then I would go buy candy for my friends or video games. And I never would think twice about it. Yeah. for my friends or video games and i never would think twice about it yeah and now i wouldn't do that because one of my values is treat people the way you would want to be treated but it wasn't that
Starting point is 01:35:12 i was a bad person i just didn't have any values yeah it wasn't or if it's like if you if i if you and i were walking and we and we saw some eggs and then we saw cars driving by we would just start throwing the eggs at the cars i wouldn't even think about the repercussions. I wouldn't even think we were doing anything wrong. I wouldn't think. But somewhere along the line, you start to get – I don't know what the fuck it is. Yeah, maybe a conscience. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:35:51 You stop acting like a donkey yeah i'm the same and i even think about you know things that fit in with me and then i have to keep that um that going through my actions as well it's like you can't just say what your values are you have to you know you have to live by them and then make sure that even when no one's watching those things are happening yeah yeah i talked to our kids about that stuff as well and then i walked past a bit of rubbish the other day and i fucking took a step past it and i saw it on the ground i was like fuck yeah yeah pick it up now because like i i talked to frankie about that like what it's you know do the right thing even when no one's watching that's what's important yeah yeah now i've got to do it you know and like even if you don't want to do it if it's within your values and if i can do it otherwise take it out of values you know right i guess it's that thing and be the change you want to see in the world too you have to you want to live in a civilized society
Starting point is 01:36:41 where people return wallets and you got to fucking return wallets. Yep. Yeah, if you want your wallet returned when you lose it, you best be handing one back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's a trip. You think that having – it sounds like having kids really affected that for you too. Like maybe you care more. You want a safer, cleaner, healthier environment.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Yeah, I think so. And you want your kids to be a good human you know so don't like they'll fucking copy what you do before they listen to what you say so yeah they're your legacy right yep um uh uh here we go here we go. Here we go. Now they're such a beautiful man. Here's a heart. Dan Guerrero, Jake, has anyone told you of the build of Drax the Destroyer? I don't know who that is. Yeah, of Guardians of the Galaxy, I think.
Starting point is 01:37:39 No, that's the first time hearing that. Thanks, man, I guess. His eyes. Corey, this dude's a unit. Oh, Blade Walker. It's the baby face with the Hulk body. Yeah. Korg from Thor.
Starting point is 01:37:57 I don't remember that. Yeah, I get that one a little bit. Wow. Okay. All right. What will happen now today? I'm assuming it's 11 30 have you trained already no rest day today and so what will you do the rest of the is that hard for you it is now like usually rest days are good like i'll live for him because i know that's the day that i've got that's like family day meeting day ourself up, don't have to be in the gym. Over here, it's hard because it's like, well, fuck, I'm here to train. Got to sit on my hands a little bit, you know.
Starting point is 01:38:34 What will you do? Will you watch a movie or will you go for a walk? No, I will go get some shopping, do my laundry and probably have a sauna and ice bath combo. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. That's nice. All right, brother. Thank you so much for doing this interview.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Great to meet you. You too, man. Yeah, thank you so much. Appreciate it. And I look forward to seeing you in Madison. You too. You'll be there, right? I am going to be there.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Yes, sir. Very cool. And say hi to the gang for me. Say hi to Katrin and Mr. Fraser to uh katrin and uh mr frazier and o'keefe and mr marconi and uh and give jason hopper all my love uh thanks brother i appreciate that all right dude thank you thanks man bye bye what are you laughing at nothing everybody wants me to like pull up pictures of marvel character he looks like i don't know if that's appropriate when he's on
Starting point is 01:39:31 oh shit dude that's a rip-off of the thing from fantastic four that's just a complete ripoff, that character. I've never heard of these characters. How do people have time to watch these movies? I'm assuming you all have kids. That's probably why. I see that movie pop up every once in a while trying to get me to watch it, Guardian of the Galaxies.
Starting point is 01:39:57 It looks fucking stupid. I think that they have a raccoon superhero, if it's what I think it is. Yeah. No fucking thank you one time i said go ahead sorry no you go ahead i just say one time you said something about those movies that like completely explained it for me you're like i can't spend my belief my disbelief for like that long yeah i can't spend my belief and it was like yeah i i think that that that that uh spongebob
Starting point is 01:40:22 they have the one-eyed pickle they have the villain that's the penis is more realistic than the shit going on at Marvel. Marvel is horrible. I don't know how anyone watches 80% of that shit. It's seriously like watching someone play a video game. I guess Twitch is huge, right? There's millions of people who – Dude, I would rather be a drunk than be addicted to watching people play video games yeah it's great you guys are sour pusses
Starting point is 01:40:53 is that it i don't know what it is but i just you want so much i would so much rather go in my backyard and watch the robins and Blue Jays fight over mulberries. Look at, look at, look at. Kind of huge. From Paper Street Coffee over on Twitch. Damn, Gabe. Damn, Gabe. You know, Hiller's got the biggest heart on right now because that dude doesn't drink.
Starting point is 01:41:22 And Hiller don't drink. He's like, like well you see that validates my uh proof that concept that uh if you don't drink you uh look at uh me and jake douglas we are both um he's definitely falls in that uh one's too many tens not enough category uh jake yeah he's like it wasn't that big of a deal i would just disappear for a week uh clive mclaughlin seven seven seve seve seve seve seve seve nitis uh i know your dms are full i'll do it for you clive i love you let's see what's going on what do you got for me about camera gear dude i was a way too last night fucking around with camera gear
Starting point is 01:42:05 look i just followed you back clive too oh wow can i put oh shit i opened this uh oh not sure if the wireless go battery life through the shotgun mic probably best for long day uh oh shit that's interesting uh oh uh what the oh okay great i'm texting with uh mariah um but um he sent something interesting. I better text Dave right now too. We'll call you in a minute. I need to figure out how to apply for another access wow holy shit
Starting point is 01:43:16 did you see this fucking text message that just came in? On the big thread? Or maybe I'm not on that. Oh, you're not on this thread. No, left out of the thread. Dun, dun, dun. Well, it brings a smile to my heart.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Okay, that's a good sign. I'll give you one guess who it's from. They're an HWPO athlete. um they're an hwpo athlete o'keefe no wait you said athlete you said athlete but but o'keefe is on the thread um hopper oh catrin yeah yeah yeah it's good it's good yeah it's good news hey we have like a couple people that are um in the pipeline that need to be scheduled
Starting point is 01:44:32 we're just like out of slots huh uh I'm a bit late looking forward to watching the Jake Douglas interview hey Allegra it could have been better I need like four hours with the dude I really fucking liked him. I wish he was my neighbor. Him and my wife would be great friends.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Excuse me. Yeah, like Aunt Haynes. JR's the adaptive athlete. Did you see I stuck Jedediah snelson into the fridays of crossfit games update show oh yeah that'll be cool yeah that's cool jedediah's a good dude so that'll be a fun show i didn't want to do it wait but um that i got a call from di council i had to have a guy uh black guy or a guy in a wheelchair on the show get out i was like i am the black guy then they're like well then you get out of well then we've already checked that box again what are you talking about we can't check it anymore
Starting point is 01:45:28 yeah that's shelby neal on we're good fine yeah oh oh box checked shit dude i've told a hundred people about the shelby neal podcast anyone who will listen to me i cannot fucking believe it i cannot fucking believe it how do you got uh seven you would let him be friends no not him i thought that's what you said too what do you know her his wife his his listen the charity show with jedediah. Oh, there he is. See, he told you he's going to fit right in. Right into that show. We just need more. I just love you in the comments.
Starting point is 01:46:16 So that's it. I just recruited you. The show last Friday was so funny. Look at it. Look at it. Look at it. Gazabi on Shelby. Look at, look at, look at Kazabi on Shelby. Stefan's show is so racist
Starting point is 01:46:29 that they even got a white red-headed girl to represent the black people. That piece of shit. I guarantee you there's people like that. Yeah, haters gonna hate, bro. Friday's show is gonna be fun with Jedediah. We got Jedediah, Brian Friend.
Starting point is 01:46:51 Been a while since he's been on um uh jr howell uh tyler watkins yep yeah that that's gonna anyone else is it and me and you and caleb will all be hanging around yeah and then we're gonna go through the app that'll be cool have you messed around on the app yet are you signing up no I'll do it in real time. So there's one dipshit who doesn't know what's going on, but I really don't want that to be the whole show though. We can come out hard with it. Like for 15 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:14 I don't think it'd be the whole show. I just think a nice explanation and kind of walk you through it and you could see what it's about and everybody else will too. I think it'd be cool. I don't think Jedediah gets to, I was texting with him. He doesn't get to compete at the games they only have like limited adaptive classes yeah but casey acrey does right when he was on he told us he's competing yeah and then someone else was telling me as i was digging into the adaptive stuff i'm trying
Starting point is 01:47:42 to remember who it was if it was jedediah but i spoke to someone on the phone well did jed did we interview jedediah um when he was in hawaii i think he was in mexico but yeah he's on vacation okay and someone was saying that they're the actual is it the wheel wad event is more is the more prestigious adaptive event? Oh, you got kicked out what? You tried to come in the back end and you got kicked out? Again? Do you want me to send him a link?
Starting point is 01:48:18 Yeah. Sousa will send you a link. I didn't know you were trying to get in the back end. Yeah, Hillary. You're trying to get in our back end. I kind of... Oh, he's too disabled? Maybe Jedediah is too disabled for the games. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:48:34 But what is interesting is that JR's girl – I kind of want to understand the adapt – dude, this is a perfect example why I like the cuts. I'm so much more interested, this is going to be fucked up to say in the adaptive classes when there's fewer you know what i mean if there's like these are dudes with no legs these are dudes with no arms these are people with cerebral palsy those are the three categories yeah just less to like focus on yeah yeah yeah it's i'm not saying it's right i'm just saying right uh yeah jedediah was saying that okay so bailey agrees with me that i was saying that okay so bailey agrees with me oh no friday show oh no you're on it too hey but hillar you're you're on friday show too you didn't get kicked out again
Starting point is 01:49:13 but i'm telling you tyler is only having you there for your star power you are fucking you have turned yourself into nothing but a piece of fucking you. You're a YouTuber eye candy. That's it. That's the truth. Just a shirtless fucking guy killing it on YouTube. So he wants you on there to help promote his... I don't think there's any problem with using you like that either, but I guarantee Tyler's just using you.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Like, like... Oh, there he is. Here here he is let him defend himself andrew hill are you okay getting used i got kicked out of friday's show no no you're back in you're back in i just forgot about you i forget about you it's okay forgettable look at watkins says that's a lie that's not a lie it's a damn lie he's nothing but a fucking good body and a fucking strong youtube following that's it hillary what is going on with your look yeah what do you mean i don't know i don't even i recognize you you got this little hair hanging down and your beard's going up to your ears and i just worked out sometimes it all flip and flop around I did Helen how was it hard
Starting point is 01:50:29 no grip regular Helen regular old Helen yeah yeah we're doing that today at the gym yeah I'm more afraid of working out at your house uh Monday morning than I am then to film the behind the scenes. I was curious if you were actually going to let me make you work out. Yeah, I'm going to. And, hey, I'm going to take a big-ass scoop of whatever fucking pre-workout you have. I'm going to work out with you. Then we're going to get into the car all sweaty. And then I'm going to go to J.R. and Taylor's, and I'm going to work out with them.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Oh, you're going to do twice? Yeah, and then I'm going to check all my boxes of social engagements. Done. Yeah, and also, too, you want to do a heavy deadlift and GHD couplet at Hillers, right? That was something good. Maybe like 50 and 50 for three rounds. From what I understand, Stefan's back is really good with the deadlift.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Yeah, it'll be solid. Wait, what's that? I'm 739. I will do. I haven't done a GHD in years. I will, when I'm there at your house, do like five GHD, and I'll probably be sore the whole week.
Starting point is 01:51:38 I'll just do five. Seriously, I'm not joking. I'll probably be sore forever. It's been a while since you've done one. Dude. Years. Five years. Does that mess with while since you've done one? Dude. Years. Five years. Does that mess with your back?
Starting point is 01:51:48 I don't think so. I used to be great at them. I used to be able to fucking destroy those. Did you notice any sort of... And Susan, maybe you can talk to this. There's the members of the affiliate who just kind of finish off their day with a set of 50 GHD sit-ups because they thought it would make them have abs. Because of how devastatingly sore you'll get from it so i was wondering if one savant had crazy abs from
Starting point is 01:52:10 being good at that one too if you have those people suza no i never i i had never have had abs in my life the ghd did nothing to me i could do fucking 100 i feel like i've seen you have like those top two abs yeah it's just i have nothing yeah i definitely got the hd years after the uh after the class although they tend to fall off pretty quickly especially the first time because one guy will have been doing it for like a while so he's conditioned to it and then somebody else be like hey what do you do over there like oh well come try out we're just gonna do five sets of ten they're like okay then they're right for a week and they're like fuck that yeah i won't hurt my i won't hurt myself five i think i could do five without but but i do think i'll be sore from it for the whole week i'll do five i do i do seriously think that's how potent that
Starting point is 01:52:59 movement is he had an ab he had the top abs popping out last time I saw him in California. Yeah, he's got that HWPO filter on there. You're solid. Hey, what did you think? Did you watch Jake Douglas, Hiller? 50%. It's weird. I watch certain parts whenever I can, and then I go watch the rest later. I suspect you really –
Starting point is 01:53:24 I've been trying to do a couple of all of it. You're a fan of his i like his state of mind oh yeah i like you said i i enjoy the fact that he sees how bad drinking can be for you and he just completely avoids it and people will make him do that or put him in that position. But, yeah. What do you think about his body? What do you think about his body? Let's start there. Let's be gentle.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Because he looks like he'd be tall, but then I also saw him next to Frazier the other day, and he didn't look too tall, at which rate that kind of distorts reality. And I saw a picture of catcher next to the other day and she's freezing yeah now she is in the foreground she is in the foreground and she is on the edge of the picture but she does look like she could eat matt in that picture she
Starting point is 01:54:20 makes matt look like a little like like he's just a coach. He does not look like an athlete next to her. And Jake's seven foot tall. Jake Douglas. He is? There's no way he's not. And if he's seven feet tall. No, no, he's six feet tall. Yeah, six feet.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Hey, he's a trippy looking dude. Scan my face for peptides. Oh, he's a trippy looking dude. Scan my face for peptides. Oh, that's awesome, Sousa. It looks like a little tiara with the Fix your shit, get it right at Use code SEVON for free shipping. Don't be a little bitch.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Thank you. How are your peptides coming along? Biceps all good? Yeah, you want to know something fucked up dude so yesterday i picked up the 100 pound d ball and i was doing some front squats with it i did i did i did one front squat with it and i was just warming up for a workout and then and then i was it just had one eight i was going to do this workout with a 60 pound d ball and a uh 150 pounds on the bench so i did i did one to warm up i did i think i'm stupid i did one front squat with 100 pound d ball
Starting point is 01:55:32 one bench at 180 two two front squats with 100 pound d ball two bench with 180 and i went all the way up to five five and five and then i and then i dropped down the D-ball weight down to 60 and the bench down to 150 and I got at it doing sets of 10 with the 60 and sets of 5 with the 150 and then working in an assault bike and I do that so I can watch the podcast and I did that for 45 minutes
Starting point is 01:55:57 but picking up that 100 pound D-ball injured my fucking bicep again just holding it like this you really like that's one of them yeah you mean front squats with a d ball yeah i love it yeah and then that clean and press yeah you hate that i hate that i hate that that's i hear you do that every three days at least with a slow controlled eccentric yeah yeah i wouldn't even say it's a clean it's a i just a curl and press girl you're just disguising a bicep curl i've been doing these two
Starting point is 01:56:34 i'll never forget the asian man stretch that you did the one day looking out the window in newport you turned around you looked out the window you did one of these looking out the window in Newport. You turned around, you looked out the window, and you did one of these. I can't even do it with my shoulders. Anyway, I fucked my bicep up just picking up a 100-pound D-ball because you know you have to go like this, and you have to roll it up there. And just while I was holding it, I was like,
Starting point is 01:56:59 ooh, I fucked that thing up again. I've never benched 225. One of the best benches I've ever done was recently. I think I did like five sets of five with 180 when Hiller was at my house or something like that. Sousa was there too. Yeah, that's probably the most impressive thing I've ever done with a bench. I suck at bench.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Bench press. You can bench when you're here. It would be good on a real-sized bench press when you're here it'll be good on a real size bench press yeah that would not on a jazzercise step-up bench with a the kid squat rack from rogue held together with guys 20 20 your bench will go up not using that setup i swear to god i love bench press too even though i suck at it i really like it you agree susa what's that like just him using a legitimate bench press setup is going to make it go up 20 it's undoubtedly dude that's set up a sketch yeah yeah it works it works but it works but yeah i agree that getting yourself in a a better setup from the
Starting point is 01:57:59 start is going to help significantly i guarantee five more pounds on that bench press. Easy. That would be cool. I did Helen one time. The video is somewhere I did Helen against an athlete. That's probably 2007.
Starting point is 01:58:20 Some girl who is an ultra marathon runner. Hey. Is it? No. I did it against a girl with this really skinny chick with huge fake tits. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Was it in Los Angeles? And she was really skinny. No, I did it in Santa Cruz. Yeah, okay. Interesting. I did this whole series of videos where I would compete against females in the CrossFit space. It was Tony's idea. It was actually pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:58:57 Hey, Clive, can I play this text message you sent me on the air? Can I listen to this? I'm afraid if I close it, I'll never go back to it. Is this it? No. Damn. But that's the girl. I think that might be the girl I did it against, though.
Starting point is 01:59:15 See that girl right there? No, that's Nicole. That's Annie. That one right there. Push play on this a second. That might be the girl I did it against. One in the orange top? Yeah, that is the girl. Ah, that's hilarious. might be the girl I did it against. One in the orange top? Yeah, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:59:26 That's the girl I did it against. What are the odds there's another Helen workout from Santa Cruz around the same time period without you in it? Maybe you imagined you were in this video because you watched it so much. And that guy with the hat on backwards, that's Allison NYC's husband now. Oh, I know him. Yeah. There we go.
Starting point is 01:59:51 This is what the swings are going to look like at the games. Dude, am I going to get in trouble for how long you're playing this? Michael Banyan. Muted, dude. Oh. Yeah, that's the girl I did it against. Michael Banyan, 1999. Bench is a little overrated.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Agreed. If I like it, it must be overrated. What? I love these pull-up bars in the garage doors. Whenever I see one, I really like it. This is the same video. I'm not going to find it it now i thought that was it though suza what's your hell in time we'll find out today yeah i don't remember what my last one was i i
Starting point is 02:00:36 think my goal is always trying to get for sure like sub nine so hopefully i'll hit that today maybe she does have she does have huge fake tits what are you talking about she does not have huge fake tits she had huge fake tits did you see her huge fake tits in that video sema will be into the judge of that they weren't huge they were fake though you guys have just been desensitized over the years at the 50 yard line what uh have you ever seen a sub-7 helen in person suza no have you seen a video of one maybe spieler back in the day on the track okay is that one maybe how does it look good legit not this like we call it the like uh harley davison uh low low rider handlebars
Starting point is 02:01:27 are the really high handlebars and the guys are sitting like like don't let your kettlebell swings look like this the other thing i normally do too is i'll have people grab a lighter kettlebell and then pause and hold it like this with the top of the kettlebell facing the ceiling arms locked out for like a two or three count and then come back down. So that way when they get the heavier kettlebell, they know what that extension and what it actually looks like at the full range of motion. It's a completely different movement when you lock the kettlebell out like
Starting point is 02:01:57 that overhead. Well, yeah. Cause if you come here, you could do this and then you could pull it back down. Right. And then if you like lean into it and do like the head the head like throw and lean into it then you're selling that last bit of range of motion short which over the course of 63 reps matters a lot seven how much grip talk did you have with jr last night i haven't finished that one yet either. I can't even remember. It was a fucking whirlwind.
Starting point is 02:02:25 But hey, dude, he was good. He was just rolling. Yeah, he was just rolling. He's real good. I wonder if there was more money in this sport, he could be rich as a consultant. That show last night would cost you like you like thousand dollars just to have him on yeah we'd all be rich if i if i'm an athlete i if i'm an athlete
Starting point is 02:02:54 and i have a coach i still consult with jr fuck let me if i'm a coach like if i'm max el haj or if i'm matt fraser or if i'm rich froning or if i'm any or jake jake locker or whatever i i i asked to pay jr 100 bucks a week to to listen to him talk for an hour there's nothing to lose more than that that, too. The thing is, is he's just seen so much fucking shit. He just keeps looking and looking. He's like that dog that keeps digging holes in the front yard. His notes last night were pretty extensive, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:38 I printed out 55 pages of notes. Yeah, dude. All that stuff that he had. 55 pages. That's a book yeah dude all those like screen shares and stuff that caleb was showing like jr toad like had the whole thing yeah look at that yeah you're yeah you can tell that right and so so if you're a coach and you just consult with them for an hour a week then basically what
Starting point is 02:04:06 you could then you can disseminate what you want to your athletes or just even compare it against like hey what in this have we like totally not even trained at all that we might just want to include just to get you acclimated to so you could you could have some experience with it and you could bounce ideas off him and he's fun to work with that that's kind of the cool thing he's really fun to work with i'm jr of the cool thing. He's really fun to work with. I'm JR's manager, so if anybody wants to hire him, please contact me. No, Patrick Clark's his manager. Not no more.
Starting point is 02:04:32 Oh. Like Suge Knight, you just came in and just fucking got him. No, I only know that he's got the swinging pull-up bar. I think that was really good and would be awesome. I just made that up about Patrick Clark too. Sousa is actually his manager. JL will find out when he watches this episode that I'm his manager. What did you say? What did you say about that swinging bar,
Starting point is 02:04:56 Hiller? I think that that would be one, a great call if he found it and it happened this year. And two, if it was implemented, be an incredible thing to see the athletes do. Yeah. I think that one's in,
Starting point is 02:05:08 I think that's in. I mean, I, I remember we had him in the wrestling room way back when, and I did a bar muscle up on one. I just smacked my face on, on the way down because when you push away, it doesn't push away.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Oh, that was gnarly. Wow. Everywhere. He, I don't even think he mentioned doing a bar. Hey, that was gnarly. Wow. Everywhere. He, I don't even think he mentioned doing a bar. Hey, so that's the thing.
Starting point is 02:05:29 You introduce that thing this year and you do pull-ups next year. You do chest of our pull-ups the next year, 2027, you're doing bar muscle-ups on it. You get three years of. Yeah. Cause everyone would knock themselves out if they just threw in bar muscle-ups this year.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Man. Did you figure out your camera debacle? No. I mean, that's why I'm so fucking tired right now because I was up so late last night fucking the cameras. I really like cameras. What do you like about them? They're just fun.
Starting point is 02:06:04 I don't think I'm getting good enough audio. I want better audio is the problem. I don't think I'm getting loud enough audio. I better take some better headphones. What do you mean? What do I mean? What do I mean? Why don't you think you're getting good audio?
Starting point is 02:06:20 You've done it all in the past. Wouldn't you just use the same setup? No, no, no. I've never done it with cameras this good before I've never done the behind the scenes But I have a shotgun mic on there and then I put the DJI mic facing me on The other channel and the DJI mic is so quiet compared to the shotgun mic. What if you 18 games? What did you shoot that in? I just watched that look great I'm guessing I used if I use it sony i don't know what i used
Starting point is 02:06:46 shit that's a good question that was the one maybe it was 17 i was watching even then it was great i was a hardcore canon guy and what if you just clip the dji to your collar uh i don't think i would like that. Do you need good audio on you? No. Possibly. It helps, though. It helps, though. Yeah. I thought the DJI mics were so great.
Starting point is 02:07:10 Everyone talks about how great they are, and I'm just not getting that. It's good when it's lapeled to you. Yeah. I'm thinking it's just too far away in the angle. In some video, I saw someone had it clipped to their hat dude yeah that was me that was you zach tillander and uh dylan cooper thing i see it in their lift companion videos all the time they've like talked to me and stuff have you talked to zach lately yesterday how is he he's
Starting point is 02:07:41 gonna be there he's at the games i think he's gonna reach out to be there. He's at the games. What's he doing there? I think he's going to reach out to you, too. What's he doing there? Not wearing double headphones. That's the John Young setup. Looks good. Hey, dude. I think he's just trying to grab some interviews.
Starting point is 02:08:01 He said he was doing something with Craig, I believe. Richie? Yeah. They're the megastar YouTubers in this space, dude. Megastar. They don't even do stuff to highlight the athletes. All they do is reaction videos. Like, Craig Richie stuff is just about watching him watch athletes.
Starting point is 02:08:21 It is. Hey, I just learned that term from pedro i didn't even know reaction like i've heard of reaction videos but i thought reaction videos were like something like you just did on a real like some chick comes running like you show someone like a really hot chick with a penis and then you show their reaction it's a 20 second clifford instagram but craig ritchie stuff is like 30 minutes it's it's aminute reaction video, like him reacting to his new sauna, him reacting to his wife's body, him reacting to someone doing a snatch. I didn't know that, but that's how – and I heard his agent describe it as that.
Starting point is 02:08:56 That's what his – that's all genre. But I thought it was for short content. I'm so – CrossFit, do not hire me to be a media director. I'm so out of the loop. I'm such a dinosaur. Well, we'll just make reaction videos with you, Savon. Should we make a reaction video to his reactions? Oh, Inception.
Starting point is 02:09:20 What is your goal here? It's like, well, we're here to react to Craig's reactions, and that's it. We're going to follow Craig around. I'll just hold the camera tight on you, Hiller, and anything you do, you just react. Look at the nice. Dude, dude, I thought the behind the scenes were going to be awesome. You've been talking it up for five years now. What's going on?
Starting point is 02:09:37 What is this crap? Well, you know, I thought I was out of the loop, so I tried to do a new angle and react to the react. It didn't work. You want to see something crazy sure yeah whip it out just just a good shot his penis i'm like leaning a different way for this we need a bottom corner now that's what i need can't you just switch it to like one of these yeah i'm about to oh yeah well no then it'll you just switch it to like one of these? Yeah, I'm about to. Does that work? Oh yeah, well no, then it'll cover you. No, it looks like it's floating.
Starting point is 02:10:10 No, put it back. I want the hat. Put it back. You want to wear the peptides crown? I look like a superhero. I have to go after this. After you show us? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:28 You guys, I know this won't surprise you, but this will surprise the listeners. So these are all the headphones I have just like lurking in my office. And I've gotten rid of like 80% of my headphones. Okay. Okay. Wireless. Okay. And yet he always gives you the ones that kind of shed on your ears. Never mind.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Studio. Sony. Okay, Sony's. Check. And the best one are the Apple plugins. Another one of these. Oh, but in white. Yeah, in white.
Starting point is 02:10:58 These are for kids. I have a green and white one. Oh. Hey, I need you to decipher Avi's message yesterday, by the way. He said you're too buff to be good at filmmaking. There was a comment in there. I'm not sure who it was, but I thought it was funny. It was low-key that it was a dig at you, Sevan,
Starting point is 02:11:16 considering you're the only filmmaker he knows. That's a good point. That's a good point. Are we still on the headphones? How many pairs is this now? Eight? Seven? Okay. Red and black. Number eight.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Dude, what the hell? You only have two ears. These ones got a case. Some bows or something. Wow. This is a reaction video. I'm reacting to these. It is a reaction video. I'm reacting to these. It is a reaction video.
Starting point is 02:11:46 Some old-ass beats. Wow. The viewership just picked up by time. Some other beats. Whoa. I have those pair. Damn, I really enjoy those. Oh, look.
Starting point is 02:12:01 These same ones in blue. No, no. They're different. Those ones are... That's like three pair those ones are that's like three pair in one 2008 hey hey just that's it headphones i have some some apple airpods oh and a leather case first time i ever met you new point another apple airpods you had no less than six pairs of those sitting on your debt. Some other Apple AirPods.
Starting point is 02:12:26 Coin purse case. Six. Some other Apple AirPods. Nice. Four. Those are old school. You bring them all with you everywhere you go. This is why I don't believe you when you said you're only bringing two suitcases with.
Starting point is 02:12:39 What are those? Oh, inside the... These are old school. These are wired. Damn. So what are we at? 12, 14 now? I don't know. Just a single air.
Starting point is 02:12:49 No, I think I showed you at least 20 pairs of headphones. It's just. And this isn't dumb. There's no rules. There's no rules. And I think that to be honest with you, I think in my office elsewhere, I have another 20 pair. I need to fucking clean up and i need help dude hoarder status i am it is hoarder status it is it is the kids are just stretching through knee-high
Starting point is 02:13:11 piles of headphones everywhere and people thought i was joking when it said like your studio looks like a radio shack did you see the video i put up yesterday seven yeah that one's cool i like anything with me in it did you like the thumbnail i thought the thumbnail was cool with you in the background all kind of edm'd out no i didn't see the thumbnail but i i was in i was embarrassed at how bad your quality is well that no thanks hey you know what i'll tell you the truth it made me kind of, it made me miss Matt and Josh. Dude, that was a great pod. I listened to what?
Starting point is 02:13:51 28 hours of that podcast. Yeah. To find those clips. No, I was looking for something else, but I found that and I thought it would make a good video. Look at that. That's kind of cool about your genre of content. You could be looking for one thing and then you could make three videos at the same time if you put that much effort into it you'll like this
Starting point is 02:14:09 alexis is huge on raves like edm stuff yeah and i'm not but i went with her because she wanted something to go with so while we were there i was listening to the music and i picked out a song and i go you know this would go really good with a bunch of the video I pulled with one of my clients the other day. And I turned it into an Instagram reel. And I go, now it was worth it to go to this. Other than the fact that I work with Alexis, I kind of turned it into a purposeful work piece. And then we can write off the tickets to the festival.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Oh, that's nice hey hillar yesterday when yesterday um jr was uh playing some video footage from and it was adrian bosman talking and he was stopping it every seven seconds and i was like hey dude let it go every 14 seconds this is too crazy from the crossfit podcast where did he play it from? He played it from some CrossFit YouTube station onto my YouTube station, but in 14-second chunks. There's nothing wrong with it? So far, no complaints. It's a case-by-case basis, and you're just playing with fire.
Starting point is 02:15:18 I actually heard him say that. It's because he's kind of talking so loud where it probably chops up the background music. It's more Adrian than it is music there wasn't that there i don't remember any music but i was just thinking it is okay i just remember thinking fuck this is like is crossfit really going to report me for this for fucking fort using a 14 second clip of fucking adrian no promote to promote the games well yes they would yeah, yes, they would. Yeah. The first thing they would need to do is get the alert from YouTube,
Starting point is 02:15:51 and that's the only thing you're trying to mitigate. You don't want them to send it over. And there's – like, I pulled all that stuff from your Josh, Matt, and Zevon podcast, and you didn't get anything from that, did you? No, I wouldn't even know where to look. There you go. That's because you didn't. there's just like certain things where you won't get anything it is the pausing work like when you let it play for seven seconds and we
Starting point is 02:16:10 just pause it super briefly then play it again because to me i feel like we might want to talk or add some sort of filler to throw it off no say that's what that's kind of what uh who does it? The pause is talk over Adrian. Alexis, when I think of going somewhere with someone and they're on Molly, what do you think? You think? Yeah, I'm
Starting point is 02:16:44 completely taking advantage of them. barry mccawkner uh send beaver his pod set up get a little handsy yeah yeah it's completely uh yeah whose traps are bigger mine are jake's wait jake you don't even have traps compared to him are you putting these headphones in the new l-shaped desk yeah i don't know hopefully not where is that desk it's in my entryway of my house it's been there for a month dude i have an l-shaped desk i have everything we need now i've all i have everything yeah new computer i just need someone you to come over are are you not going to um are either you guys coming to um i got a new computer too are either of you guys going to um newport beach yeah how'd you know because i was asked oh are you coming you want to come susa
Starting point is 02:17:39 what i don't know what it is what's's going on? This is the first time I'm hearing of it. Oh, sorry. Sarah told me to tell you, Sousa. It's my fault. Sure. She's trying to make me feel better. No, she actually did. She told me to tell you and someone. She told me to. And to tell Hiller and someone else that I shouldn't say their name. August 21st.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Yeah. To September 1st. Yeah. To September 1st. Correct. Alexis is having her hip surgery the week after the games. It'll depend on what that all looks like. I'm pretty sure it's not the games right now. Like if she recovers enough to get on a plane?
Starting point is 02:18:20 She's going to be all fucked up. I showed you the surgery, right? They got to take a chunk out of her fucking hip. The bone, they cut it. They cut it. Yeah, you showed me. It's a fucking nightmare, dude.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Enormous tits. You bought a new computer right before the games. You have like four days of downloading and synapse. No, it's not like that. Plus, I'll bring my... I won't bring that. I mean, I will bring that computer too plus i'll bring my i won't bring that i mean i will bring that computer too i'll bring two two laptops to the so that we can work extra hard twice as hard so we can work
Starting point is 02:18:54 extra hard what kind of way you have a new computer and you're just letting it sit in your hallway with your desk waiting on my bpc 157 and tb 500 yeah basically i. Yeah. Basically I got a, um, uh, I got a new laptop juiced up laptop so that if someone's in here with me, they can run the backend and I got them a standing desk and then I got the couch and the new microphones. And the only thing missing is lights. And probably there's going to be some wires and nuances. I got all the carpets I ordered.
Starting point is 02:19:24 I need to take everything out of here and clean the floor. I ordered shag carpet that fits in here wall to wall. Shag carpet? Yeah. He's going to change the audio. It's going to be sick. Oh, my God. Shag carpet.
Starting point is 02:19:36 Oh, shit. It's my wife. Hi. Did you get lost? No. Okay. I'm coming now. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:19:43 Okay. I love you. Bye. We're busy. Haley, we're busy. Now you see how it's done. You get lost? No, okay. I'm coming now. Sorry. Okay, I love you. Bye. We're busy. Haley, we're busy. Now you see how it's done. You get lost? Motherfucker, you get lost?
Starting point is 02:19:51 All right. Do we have a podcast tonight? Yes. Hey, quick question. Oh, Paige Powers. I love her. Yep, 6.30. That's easy.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Okay, what were you going to say, Haley? Are you trying to set the podcast studio up the way it was set up at hq back when you know i'm gonna set up the way like basically the way howard i saw howard stern studio it's basically an l desk so i can look at my computers and then there's a couch there to my right or to my left either way and that that there's two two people can sit there with two fucking really nice mics in their face and headphones and then a stand-up desk or a desk somewhere else so if suze is here he can run the show live from that uh desk and i got uh three huge monitors for it in a new computer it's so awesome there was an angle in here where i got the idea of it you showed me the howard stern one now i remember yeah and i know you know what this
Starting point is 02:20:44 looks like yeah but yeah and i'll you know what this looks like yeah but yeah and i'll have a big and i'll have a big tv like that that the people on the couch can stare at okay there's you yeah in one of these podcasts phrase that i listen fraser brings up the fact that you used to dress up for these things yeah and he asked when you're going to start doing this again wearing the sweater vests and cleaning up your facial hair. And you've done the facial hair part. Yeah. I can start wearing the vest again, but I'm trying to sell pedal T-shirts
Starting point is 02:21:11 or else I would wear the vest. This one, there's the angle. Oh, yeah. And I kind of saw that. There's a Beaver down to the bottom right with the headphones. Yeah, that's Eric. Yeah, that's cool. I need to take a picture of that.
Starting point is 02:21:27 Yeah. I love the little school desk Sammy's in. She's just over on the side. Yeah. I did like this camera angle, and I thought it was cool that you can see all the stuff you've got going in here. I asked Matt a crazy question there. I said, hey, you're all famous and shit, and it's going to rain pussy on you,
Starting point is 02:21:45 and yet you got a wife. Is that fucked up? And someone said this to me. This is what's the difference between me and other people. If you want to be like, hey, that's a fucked up question to ask, I'm on board with you. But if you're saying that's a fucked up question to ask because Sammy's there, which is what people said said you're a fucking pussy
Starting point is 02:22:05 and a coward and that's what separates me from you thank you thank you very much like i totally get it being like hey that you cross the line but not you cross the line because sammy's there's like dude keep it real keep that shit real she knows don't be a douche yeah she knows that's when the show is sponsored by she's not stupid no one's with someone is like uh i'm gonna date this guy because no one else in the world is gonna want to fuck him that's my criteria i picked my wife because i know no guy will ever want to fuck her ever again and so it's all safe no no one does that good point you think everyone wants to fuck him yeah uh your wife, did you get lost?
Starting point is 02:22:46 You got to go, Sebi. You got like one minute before she blows the lid. That's a good point. Okay, love you guys. See you tonight with Paige Powers. Hiller, thanks for coming on, dude. Always love seeing you. Suza, thanks. Bye.

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