The Sevan Podcast - Miranda Alcaraz | Street Parking CEO | The Queen of Community Building

Episode Date: January 10, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more. That's I'm bam or live.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm freezing. You're cold. I am. Is it cold there? Dude, I guess not compared to where you're at. I don't know. I mean, Northern California gets pretty cold. I'm going to say 40.
Starting point is 00:01:02 It's probably the same. It's maybe it's actually it's gonna get down into like the low 20s here this week you got snow on the ground we usually get a big snowstorm like twice a year and i think it is supposed to snow on saturday and sunday i've put some like um uh whatever swolverine's like rehydration mixes. I just put a little tiny bit of that into a cup and then fill it with hot water. And it's like drinking tea. I've done that.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I've done that with some of those types of like salty. Is it salty? Is the one that you have salty? No, but it's supposed to be. I think it's supposed to be. But they've got like something like mango flavored or something. Nice. But anyway, I like i like it's my hot
Starting point is 00:01:45 drink at night because if i drink coffee now at 6 30 i'm a hosed no way yeah those days of being a young man and drinking coffee at late at night way over is it because you have to pee a lot or it'll keep you awake i have to pee a lot anyway but uh awake both very good great questions thanks uh elmer fudd as in Dennis the Menace. Yeah, I am Elmer Fudd with this hat on. Where's my hunting wabbit? Okay, go ahead. Is it just me and you? Yeah, it's just us. Well, Caleb's in the background in case you say something that needs a picture. Okay. Cool. I had a long time, no chat. Yeah. Hey, let's just dig in. First, where are you?
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm at our office because if I tried to do this at home, you gave me the option of either 6.30 in the morning or 6.30 at night. And both of those times were, as you know, very chaotic with little kids. Tell me your day today. Well, it's changed a little bit recently, but today I did more street parking stuff than I have for the last couple of weeks. I woke up. How did you wake up? Well, the one-year-old woke me up at six. Six?
Starting point is 00:02:52 There was a period of time where I was waking up at 5.30 and working out in the morning. And then it's like the baby knew that I was awake, so he just started waking up at 5.30 also. And so that got kind of ruined. So I just wake up with the baby. What the baby is. He'll be two in two months and like a month and a half. And that's your youngest of three. Yeah, man. You're doing it. So I'm still breastfeeding him though. Um, so he wakes up, he woke up.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I love breastfeeding. I love breastfeeding. It's so good. It's like, it's, it's the closest thing to like a miracle or magic i swear on this planet it's nuts do you do you put the breast milk on everything my my wife would do that like they got an ouchie put it on there their eye looks a little puffy scored a little yeah yeah yeah my wife does that too yeah yeah yeah make some like face cream out of it yes okay all right fair All right. Fair enough. Okay. And do you like it? I spoke to a lady today at the coffee shop. I was hanging out at the coffee shop today,
Starting point is 00:03:48 just my three boys and mom and her kid. And she's like, she did, she said she's the kid's seven months old and she doesn't like it. But I thought I need to double check with my wife. But my wife looked like she loved it. I mean, she didn't like staying up all night, but I think overall it was a net positive. It's like one of those things where there are times when you're doing it, where it's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:08 it's a, it's a commitment for sure. And, um, my first, so Knox and then crew is our youngest. They both were biters, like big time,
Starting point is 00:04:16 like, like draw blood, like biting. And it's a very big time commitment. Um, you hit the kids when they do that. Do you hit a baby when you did that? Just fucking smack the shit out of them. i mean i've like probably pushed him off
Starting point is 00:04:29 well i mean it's like a natural reaction right you like or but the funny thing is is you'll be like ah and you'll scream you're not expecting it and then they start crying like how dare you yeah i bite you yeah um but yeah the middle one didn't bite me at all, like ever. But the first one, the last one, but I would say now, because we don't plan on having any other kids, like it's definitely something that I'm trying to just really cherish. And the connection and the bond is, is very real. So yeah, that's what that my wife would use that narrative. Also, how many times are you going to be pregnant? How many times are you going to get a chance to do is very real. So, yeah, that's what that, my wife would use that narrative also. How many times are you going to be pregnant? How many times are you going to get a chance to do this? Like spin a, spin a good story around it. Make sure you got a good narrative around it.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Enjoy the experience and make sure it's an experience. And these are sensations. And I liked how she handled it like that. Yeah. It's very similar to the pregnancy journey itself. Right. Right. And then, um, uh, we're going to get back to your schedule in a second. But so don't you guys get some drugs or something pumped into your brain? Like you start breastfeeding and then you get like a dose of like fentanyl or something? Oh, oxytocin. I knew it was something. And fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I think that's where I put it. Are there comments on this thing? If people say comments, am I going to be able to see it? Oh yeah. You can't see. Oh, so go up into the right-hand corner and it should say private chat or comments. Oh, okay. I was only on private chat. Okay, cool. Careful though. This is a, you don't be like Jason Kalipa and you just fall into the pit. Oxytocin is a hormone that acts on organs in the body, including the breast and uterus, and as a chemical messenger in the brain, controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including childbirth and lactation and aspects of human behavior. It should say after
Starting point is 00:06:15 that, yum. What? It didn't say that. It's a feel-good hormone. Feel-good, okay. Yeah. Okay, so you get a 6 a.m., wakes you up at one year old. So, so you don't get a chance to work out and you just start breastfeeding right away. Yeah. I take him back into like my bed or I'll stay, we have a mattress on the floor in his room. Um, and I'll breastfeed him for like, I don't know, 30, 45 minutes. And then the other two will get up and Julian and all of us will go downstairs and then it's just chaos, chaos. So none of our kids go to school. Um, and then Julian left to come to the office at like eight 30. We do have somebody that comes in to help with the kids at nine 30. And today I needed to be at the office
Starting point is 00:06:57 around 1130 because I was recording a podcast and we had some meetings and stuff. Um, because I was recording a podcast and we had some meetings and stuff. Who did you do a podcast with? Myself. Okay. Just talking to myself. All right, good. I like it.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah, it was just one of our street parking podcasts I recorded earlier today. But for the last couple months, I haven't been coming into the office as much. I've transitioned into more of like taking care of the nice, taking care of our boys more. And we pulled our three year old was in a preschool and we pulled him out of it. So I'm usually for any reason, was it or just you wanted for any reason, like problem with the preschool or just you want to change it up? Our six year old went there for three years and there was no problem with the preschool. year old went there for three years and there was no problem with the preschool. It just, honestly, it felt like we were using that preschool as daycare. Cause I was, uh, I'm homeschooling our six year old with a couple of other families. We would get together a couple of days a week.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And other than that, I'm teaching him on my own. So he doesn't go to school. And then the one year old wasn't going to school. And so it felt like we were pawning him off and I felt like he was going to be able to pick up on that. And I was like, well, if we're just going to pull him out eventually. And I've, I have made a transition to be more at home. Um, it's just like something that I have wanted to do for a long time. And we're in a financial position and the business is doing well enough. And Julian's plugged in that like I can so why wouldn't I so I've been spending more time with our kids the last like six weeks maybe and um so we pulled the three-year-old out of school yeah so I was with the two older ones until
Starting point is 00:08:37 till like 11 when I came here and then I was here from like 11 till 3 then I was went home and I feel like you had another question. I do, but I'll come back to it. I took another. Do you, do you nap and have you napped yet? It's you got up at six and it's three. Have you napped yet? I didn't hear you say nap. Come on. Did your wife get to take naps? No, but I do. That's crazy. She doesn't nap. That's crazy. How does she do that? I got to ask her. No, she doesn't nap that's crazy how does she do that i gotta ask her no she doesn't nap that's weird no i know no so i was here from 11 till 3 doing some work stuff and then i was home from 3 to like 4 30 julian rolled up with a our accountant who is in town and one of our other
Starting point is 00:09:19 staff here and we worked out together and then i got ready and i came back here dang um what sex are the kids they're all boys all boys okay so yeah we hung we went to the we went to that um aquarium that's right that's right and when when boy like today a lot of times like i think i'm like i'm gonna finish the podcast and i'm gonna hang out for a minute in the house or i'm gonna do something at 9 a.m and i'm just like oh i have to it's like having dogs they have to be walked so like i just immediately get them dressed and i have it by 10 or so they do they do school in the morning and then the instructor comes to the house and they do martial arts for an hour and then immediately i have to take them out yeah they'll destroy the house and they're good kids but they'll i had to take them it was they'll destroy the house and they're good kids but i had to take
Starting point is 00:10:05 them it was raining hard but it's like if you don't get them outside before 10 a.m by the time 10 a.m rolls around like forget like they're going to be so mean to each other yeah and just like it's it's bad and so i mean it's good for all of us to get out in the morning we try to have a spot where you walk them like i got a you know like you have a spot where you walk your dog i got a spot it's a mile each direction it's along the beach you put you know it's by where the point market is okay yeah i park there and i just walk the kids two miles i mean they're on skateboards or one wheels or they do other stuff or i let them go down to the water but i'm just walking our neighborhood that we live in is beautiful and it has a really cool park and everything
Starting point is 00:10:42 um and it's super safe it's super safe as far as like, there's almost no traffic and everything. So the other place that we take them is, um, we are building a house like 10 minutes from us and it's on two acres. And so it's like, they're starting drywall this week, but right now it's just like a maze and like a playground for them. So they just go in the, and it's very hilly it's on a Hill hill so they go nuts over there and we'll take them there there's throw rocks for a couple hours and stuff so this mattress this auxiliary mattress oh we have auxiliary mattresses in like every oh okay okay wow okay so i never talked about my auxiliary mattress because i was too because i was i'm embarrassed but i had Rich Froning on and I said something about sleeping in bed. He said, I don't sleep in the bed with my wife. I sleep on
Starting point is 00:11:29 the mattress on the floor. I was like, oh fuck, we're going to talk about the mattress on the floor. Julian sleeps on the mattress on the floor. I mean, we always start out together, but one of us always ends up on a mattress on the floor somewhere. Yeah. Crazy. Okay. All right. And I told myself, I just got a single mattress at first and I'm like, Hey, the day that we need a bigger mattress on the floor is a time to put my foot down. But I ended up getting, now I got a queen size mattress. What's the biggest mattress floor mattress you have? Oh, in the baby's room. And so Knox and Banner share a room. They have bunk beds. There's bunk beds in there and a full size bed and a full-size mattress on
Starting point is 00:12:06 the floor and it's two little kids okay full size okay no king-size mattresses on the floor no no king-size mattresses on the floor there's a full-size mattress in the baby's room too though okay i just got one queen size in my bedroom and i'm always a little ashamed about it i've only talked about it on two episodes the one with rich and now with you but i heard you mentioned mattress so i felt like i should be vulnerable to and let you know we have a mattress also. Well, I mean, I feel like we're all supposed to be sleeping on the same mattress. Probably it's how we were designed and we just try to put everybody in their rooms and it doesn't work. Right. We're all doing it in nature.
Starting point is 00:12:39 We have we. It sounds like you're doing the same thing we do. We put them in bed and then it's 59% of the nights. Uh, there's a mark. There's the, the traditional, the March where they March one by one. They March into the room. Some of them are runners cause they're scared. Some of them walk casually. My oldest is scared of the dark. So he runs, which always makes me nervous. You have anyone who runs into the room and you're like, dude, you're going to run into the wall. The most common occurrence for us is the oldest who shares his room with the middle. He'll walk in in his little underwear. It's like the cutest thing ever. And his hair's all messed up. And he's like, this guy will not let me sleep. He's like, this guy never lets me sleep. Is he awake when he says it or is he asleep? Mostly, kind of.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And it's because the middle one like wants something but he refuses to get out of bed and so he starts asking the older one for it and so he comes and gets us to complain about him perfect yeah my my wife uh got hit the other night uh pretty pretty good it was the first time she's been hit probably in four or five years, but I heard it. It woke me up. And then I heard one of my kids go, oh, I'm so, so sorry, mom. And he had a dream. He was in jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And he walked in and hit her. Was he sleeping? No, no, he was sleeping. He was sleeping. God, it was crazy. Didn't give her a shiner though. Oh, I've gotten shiners from the, from the boys. I've gotten like cuts on my face from toys hitting me and stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Haley, Haley got a really big shiner and a cut. A kid was breastfeeding and popped its head up on her while she was looking down. Yeah. That one was like the one where you go to whole foods and they're like, do you need someone to talk to? You know, like. Yeah. Seven on hitting you again. I. Is Sevan hitting you again?
Starting point is 00:14:26 I mean, is Sevan hitting you? CrossFit games are coming up. Remember those? Yeah, I do. And last year, street parking, the organization, the movement, the community, the empire, street parking empire, was intimately involved. They even had uh adrian
Starting point is 00:14:45 bosman former friend of yours maybe still a friend close yeah yeah still a friend um uh come out uh made some really a really cool video with him um and then uh sort of it was kind of interesting to see the two you know units come together right street parking and uh crossfit um what's the plan this year is the opens uh just around the corner are you guys uh are you guys holding hands with crossfit again or um not as uh we're not holding hands as tightly as we were last year not officially adrian's not coming so adrian's not coming out or Dave's not coming out for another video. No, no,
Starting point is 00:15:26 they're not coming out this year. And we've, I mean, we so obviously, I mean, it's no, it's no secret that a lot of our members
Starting point is 00:15:33 come from CrossFit. They're still very heavily involved, still love doing the open and we've always, and always, well, I shouldn't say we always will be because I don't want
Starting point is 00:15:41 to predict the future, but we've always been very supportive of that. We're going to allow them to log those workouts. We're going to make an extra program for them and put them so that they can log. Our members are very, um, attached to logging because they can earn gear and stuff like that if they log a certain number of workouts. And so we're going to make them loggable. We're going to give them tips on how to, you know, do it and everything like that. We're not, we have as um much of like an integrated plan with crossfit for all of that stuff this year though
Starting point is 00:16:11 you were basically allowing your community to be leveraged with cooperation from street parking before and now that cooperation is not there you're just facilitating it for your members not so much crossfit inc hq uh yeah i mean i guess you could say that all right yeah that's cool i mean i mean that that what would you say street parking is we call it a programming community and um i want to say this i knew this girl and she she worked at crossfit she wanted to start this program up and then she got knocked up like fuck i don't know if i should still do it or people's gonna still want to do it with some pregnant lady doing it and she did it anyway and she was a great speaker and she enjoyed people and she enjoyed helping people and interacting with people and she just kept going when she was
Starting point is 00:17:08 pregnant and that actually lent to the authenticity of her of her movement of her company of her programming and they got there was a probably like a it was supercharged with this kind of intimacy because she was going through that her first pregnancy and this community built and she there's a uh and this community is um people who want to move and be healthy and uh she has a tremendous background in in all of those things in people and movement and in being healthy and so uh and she wants to encourage people to do that. And she allows people to do it in their own home and everywhere. That's not nearly as smooth. I mean, yours is just like programming community. It's a pro.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, we call it a program. I mean, there's I could go more in depth like you did. It's it's for people originally. I'm a storyteller. So mine's always going to be a story like there's like there was babies and sex in my story and stuff like that. Originally in 2016, it was a program for those who don't have access to, can't afford, or don't enjoy going to a regular gym. It was a program.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And to be able to find people to like still commiserate with, um, about the workouts, but online from a safe distance or from the middle of nowhere in Montana or whatever, you know, um, or for people who aren't with limited time, space or equipment. So I guess that's, I mean, similar idea, but that was where, where the idea came from. And then the community just grew much bigger and much more tight knit than we could have even imagined. And so, um, do you ever feel like it was growing so fast that you couldn't, I don't know what the word is. I don't want to say support, but I'll think of a better word that you couldn't support the community. Like how, how long has
Starting point is 00:19:04 street parking been around? We are, we're in our eighth year now. So like, let's say around year two or one, were you like, Oh my God, there's like, so there's so many people here. How, how can I support them all? Like, I can't possibly talk to them all. I can't possibly respond to them all. I can't like, what can I do? What can I do? Yeah. You know where it got
Starting point is 00:19:26 tricky. So we used to, um, when we first started, it was just Julian and I, and we were committed to commenting on every Facebook post and every Instagram post from any member that used the hashtag street parking and from our street parking members, Instagram, which used to be private. We followed back anybody who joined. So we would ask every single member who joined who their or what their Instagram was. And we would follow them back. Even if they were private, we would follow them back. And we would comment on all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:57 What we didn't know when we started, well, A, we didn't know that we would ever have the number of members that we did. But B, we didn't know that there was a limit to how many people you can follow on Instagram. And that number is 7,500. And so we couldn't follow people back anymore. And many, many, many, many of our members are private. And so we were like, well, shoot, like we can't follow them. So we're not going to see their posts. How are we going to support them?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Because it was very important to us. You know, you talk about, you know, more than anyone, um, the importance of if somebody walks into your CrossFit gym or your gym and they take your class, they need to have some sort of coaching every single day and they need to hear good job or some sort of affirmation that you're here and we see you and we recognize that you're working hard or whatever. And so we were trying to recreate that. And after a few years, it wasn't just Julian and I, but we had hired people to help us with that. But once we couldn't follow people back anymore, we had to start getting creative and we created street parking members two and street parking members three. But eventually we had to start getting creative and we created street parking members too and street parking members three but eventually we had to just let that go because we're at 35 000 members now
Starting point is 00:21:09 and um we almost got our street parking members instagram shut down because they thought we were a bot because every time someone would join we would add them and every time someone we would cancel we would take them off and we were doing that daily and it just looked like we were you know it was fishy so um we met we ended up having that interesting so the the platform is not conducive to really running big flourishing communities yeah no i mean our and then i would say the other place is that's a trip that's a trip yeah our facebook imagine a,000 member CrossFit gym and like all the, all the drama and all the arguing about politics and all the, this person's jokes are way too inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And this person's way too sensitive. Like it all happens on our Facebook group. It's nuts. Hey, so do you ever feel like you should just, this is kind of a weird thing, but just ignore them.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Like I want to interact with the people who watch the show, but also part of me wants to just completely leave them alone. So like my life doesn't have, when I turn this off, my life doesn't have any of these people. Yeah. I don't see them. They don't live in my neighborhood, but in the morning I'm so excited to see them I get up, I turn it on, they're all there, I talk to them
Starting point is 00:22:27 now it's tiny, it's 1% the size of your community that's not true nah, nah, nah no, no and that might be a gross exaggeration but I don't want to like I don't want to fuck with them because i don't want to ruin their shit like my part like i feel like i'm just supposed to walk around and pick up the trash and like leave sandwiches out and like
Starting point is 00:22:54 you know what i mean like i'm just do you know what i mean like i just turn on my computer i hang out i bring some topics here i bring some people here but like i don't want to i don't know how to interact with them outside of that like i don't i don't i don't want to, I don't know how to interact with them outside of that. Like, I don't, I don't, I don't want to mess with it. Like, how do you know what to mess with? Well, so I've been on a, that's been a journey for me. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like what levers to pull? Should you not like leave a big bucket of water? And they're like, we hate water. You're like, fuck, sorry. Yeah. I didn't know. Well, so I would say that in the last year, I actually, it started in 2020 where it became very clear that I put, I wasn't trying to build a community.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Were you trying to build a community? Did you know, and you were, I know you were trying to sell workouts. Did you know that a community was going to grow? Um, I thought it would be more, you know what I thought it would be more like? I thought it would be more like 2007, 2008,, where people would post a score and a couple of memes here and there. But not like, hey, should I divorce my husband? Right, right, right. You're like, oh my God, this is so inappropriate. And please don't ask for advice from strangers. But it's that place. You can't control it. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. But in 2020, where people, I feel like got way more active on social media and were way more demanding of what they thought that just a person should give to them if they're part of their company got to a place where it was just nuts right and i was um with our second so our second was born may 3rd in 2020 so when it was when people were really starting to leave it hey caleb's going around caleb's uh i was i mean i was so i was early postpartum with uh banner our second and i was up to like two three in the morning like responding to people um who were upset about this social thing or this post or or what do you, and I let it get to me way too much. Cause I was so worried about wanting everybody to be heard and want, not wanting them to think that I didn't care about their thoughts and feelings about things. Um, and I let it get out of control. I've let my DMs get
Starting point is 00:25:19 out of control too, because if a member DMs me and a lot of our members will put a little key in their bio. So like, you know, it's like a little, you know, signal and I'll want to respond to them if they tag me in a story or, and I want to show them that love because they've taken the time and, and they trust us with their fitness and they're excited about it. And it, but it can just open up one response. And now this person is messaging you all the time um and i've created i got those that's what i am i have like 100 friends in my dm yeah it's crazy but then like you you start and that but then you like don't answer one and then you feel guilty so yeah i mean in this last year i've
Starting point is 00:25:58 really had to learn to when i'm on social media and i scroll if i see something i'll comment on it i'll like it. I'll reshare it in my story. I'll open up a couple of DMS and I'll do my best. Um, but I also feel like as a, as a, an quote unquote influencer that I was going against my actual beliefs in demonstrating that I was spending so much time on social media where I don I actually don't think that people should. Oh, right. You know, so I want to set an example of, Hey, I'm we,
Starting point is 00:26:31 we actually delete Instagram off of our phones now at like 6 PM when we're at home most nights. Wow. So that we can't scroll through it. Wow. You know, just cause it's such a second nature thing for us. Now we've been doing this for, for you know seven years and i was very active on social media when i was competing with norcal and the nc lab and all of that stuff too so do you like that are you glad you did that yes yeah especially with breastfeeding bringing back the breastfeeding like you end up just like doom scrolling and i was pregnant through all of the and or i was breastfeeding through all of the 2020 election year. And then, you know, I'm pregnant again in 2021. So you just end up reading the news and dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And like, it was, it's not having the phone by your baby's head too. That part sucks. Yeah. That's probably not good either. Um, I, the thing is too, though is too though also um i've never had anyone get upset for not responding no one ever gets pissed no one's ever like hey asshole you didn't respond to me i feel like everyone's like i want to say 99 but i feel like it's 100 i've never had anyone say hey i did have one person one time like accused me of like erasing our instagram messages
Starting point is 00:27:41 like that was that was really weird. I've had a few people, we've had a few like, you ever get dudes obsessing on you? Well, one recently I had a member who was really, really, really upset that I wasn't as involved in one of our challenges as she thought that I should be. Um, and that I wasn't interacting with the community on Facebook as much as she thought that I should be and was personally tagging me in, in Instagram stories, complaining about it. Um, trying to get fire that person. Do you just kick them out? You'll be like, Hey, you're a cancer. Bye. Uh, no, no. I mean, we have done that, but no, I just kind of just like said, Hey, like, I can't, you don't know what's going on. Like I'm a, I'm a real human being. Like I've got
Starting point is 00:28:31 stuff going on over here. Yeah. And we, there was one other time where there was a guy and Julian was responding to a question that he had on Facebook and it was on a Sunday and the guy kept going back and forth and Julian said, Hey man, like email me and I'll get back to you on Monday. Like I'm with my family. And the guy said, well, I pay you to answer my questions. Damn. No, he didn't fire him either. He's still, they're both still members. And, and I understand that people, they, they lose the concept of that. We are real humans. And we've got these other three little humans that we're
Starting point is 00:29:05 in charge of taking care of and um that they're they're one person in a group of 35 000 people and if we let every single person have that kind of access to us like we would do nothing else and you know but people uh you know they have a swarped view of what it is to be in that position and your whole life is street parking. I mean, it's in my family. Yeah. Well, but what I mean is like you're around it. Oh, yeah. It's like it's like you're around it at all times. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. So I just I just come here every morning at 7 a. or, and I sit down and then some days I do more than one podcast, but, um, recently I opened up memberships. Oh, what did they get? Like a signed photo?
Starting point is 00:29:57 I don't want them getting nothing. I don't want to give them nothing. So there's so many, there's so many, like, so basically i just want to open memberships so that the money would pour in so that because i did the behind the scenes and the behind the scenes let's say cost sixty thousand dollars to make and i would like to recoup that money and then if it does recoup that money be like because already when i did it i was like okay the sponsors will help pay for it and then it'll generate a lot of traffic to my site and a lot of eyeballs and it'll be cool plus i love doing it i love going there i I love doing it. I love going there. I just love doing it. So I opened up these memberships and now money's pouring in. I'm like, okay, cool. So the behind the scenes have almost
Starting point is 00:30:32 paid for themselves. Nice. But what, what about after that? I don't want to feel obligated to do it. I'm already do, I can't do anymore. I don't want to put any more shit behind the paywall. I want everything to be free. I'm still going to make the behind the scenes free i just charge the money so you can get early access but all of a sudden i have all these thoughts about like community and shit and like managing it i'm like i don't want to do that well i do want your money i do want to get rich off your money i do want to do the behind the scenes i like all that but i don't want to all of a sudden start putting shit behind the bay wall or doing juggling fucking like dildos for cash not that that's what you're doing you found it we're definitely that but but but you know what i mean like i like i don't want to do that yeah you know if i do i want it to be free
Starting point is 00:31:14 i just want to do it for free well that's the thing that i think people didn't understand originally at um the growth of street parking because when when, especially in 2020, when we saw a lot of games athletes or, you know, former games athletes who were like, I'm going to jump on this, like at home programming train, because it's like the hot thing, right. Because everybody's working out at home. What people didn't process is you don't just get to, if you want to grow a community, right. And following, you don't just get to throw up a workout and then go work out all day. Like there's, you gotta, you gotta talk to these people and make them feel special. It's not that they, something that we've said from the beginning, something that
Starting point is 00:31:54 I knew as a personal trainer, or when I owned my CrossFit gym, like it's easy to get people to join, especially when you have the following that I had or that Julian had, we could get people to join. It's getting them to stay and that you're not going to get them to stay, whether you're an in-person gym or an online program, unless they feel like they're a part of something. And so, you know, people will quit a program, but they're not going to quit a relationship. And on some level you have to develop a relationship. Now that doesn't,
Starting point is 00:32:22 and I don't think should be one-on-one DM conversations with 35,000 people, but they have, whether they're making those connections with each other somehow, which is why our Facebook group has always been very important to us, even though it's very hard to manage. And we've had some really, you know, uncomfortable situations, um, or just, you know, liking some posts here and there. And we encourage and ask all of our staff to do that because it doesn't need to come from me. It just needs to come from someone here.
Starting point is 00:32:49 They need to feel seen and like they're a part of it. So it's a lot more work. I had a call. I remember when Sherwood was going to create a Facebook group for Linchpin and he called me and he was like, should I create a Facebook group? And I'm like, I like i mean yes but also it's it's it's a lot of work to manage so i think there is a maybe a seven podcast facebook group i don't i have no idea if there is or isn't but i know that there are some groups but i just don't i don't want to go over there i don't want to go into the i don't because then i feel like that i
Starting point is 00:33:21 could fuck like i don't that's not what i do's not my, my job isn't to party in the park. My job is to make, to maintain the park. I think though, like with like what's happening here, like I see, okay. Hi, Christine is one of our members. She watches your show all the time. I know she does. Cause I see her on here and I talked to her about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 She's one of the people I'm excited to see in the morning. I met her, I met her at one of your events and I talked to her on here and I talked to her. She's one of the people that I, that I have actually become friends with from our community because she was one of our original members. And so when there was only 700 people, it was easier to DM with people when they would ask questions and now we're friends. But I think you have that with, with these comments and even if you just read a couple of them and you're interacting that way. So, yeah. And I like that. I like reading. I like, yeah. And I have the ones that are the go-to right. Like, so this lady, Judy Reed, like I trust her comments. So I bring up a lot of her comments. I don't even have to read them first. I can just bring them up. Do you see people when they, when they log on, you're like,
Starting point is 00:34:20 oh, this freaking guy again. Not when they log on, but there's a handful of people out there. A regular listener on the earlier podcast today completely flipped out on me. Oh, really? About what? I forget what it was. He wants me to just denounce Israel and see it as a genocide. He thinks if I don't den he thinks if I don't denounce Israel that I'm for the killing of people. And like my stance is like, dude, my relatives were
Starting point is 00:34:50 over there and they fled and I'm alive. I'm not, I don't think any Palestinians should stay there, open the border and run and come to America. That's what my family did. And I went back and visited the house that, that, that're still defending yourself. Yeah, exactly. Because he thinks I want people to be killed. No, I just have a different solution than you do. But anyway, he completely flipped out. Yeah, that's the type of stuff with all the stuff that was very real and very important that was going on in 2020. Where they wanted me with this like two week old to make a stance and talk to them about it.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And it was just, it was rough. They wanted to see your vaccine papers and a bandaid talk to them about it. And it was just, it was rough. They wanted to see your vaccine papers and a bandaid on your shoulder. Yeah. Yeah. How glad am I? I didn't get that shot now. The NFL just launched their cardiac awareness group earlier in December. That's weird. That's really weird. Why is the NFL long team the cardiac? Okay. What is the hardest thing? Eight years. What's the hardest thing?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Has there ever been a night where you went to bed and you're like, fuck, this is over. Like, I can't do this anymore. Like this is, this is. Yeah. I mean, probably those whenever I i i tend to take things too personally and so whenever i would get a member even this most recent one where the lady was like i'm probably gonna get a message from her after talking about it because she's gonna know but like what's her name miranda tell me her name you know putting in her story like you don't care about us like this is what i would do and um your personal it was i mean she didn't say this but your personal life basically doesn't matter and i paid to do this challenge and i wanted to chat with you on facebook and you don't care about
Starting point is 00:36:36 me and the i just because i do care so much yeah and i have poured so much into it and it's like you know you have those moments where you're like, if they can't see that and like, see me as a real person, like, what am I doing this for still? Like people don't people, there's just no, um, I don't know if respect is the right word, but no understanding or no affirmation that people can see that we, but I, you know, then our members are always really quick to. 35,000 is nuts though. How are you supposed to do that? Right. Here's the thing. Here's the truth. You couldn't even call. If you called every single person who was a member of street parking,
Starting point is 00:37:14 who had, let's say cancer at some point in their life, you'd be on the phone 365 days a year, consoling your, your, the members, the five members to get cancer every month. Right. And it's the same thing when I had my gym. I mean, we only had like 125 members, but everybody's, you know, if you feel like you need to be 125 people's friend to the point where you're helping a move and you're going to the birthday party and all this stuff, because those relationships feel even more real because they're a person right um it ends up yeah it ends up becoming feeling impossible and then you know if you miss somebody's birthday party and then it's like the gossip about it or whatever and they feel left out and then you're just like i can't even i should never have gone to anyone's birthday party in the first
Starting point is 00:38:00 place um these these things as they come up over the horizon over the years have you developed tools to to manage these things obviously like erasing instagram but any like like i know i know our community probably you and i both we um exercise is part of our therapy right um so erase instagram do you still see exercises therapy? Oh, yeah. Yeah, me too. I'm okay with that, too. And anything else? I also go to actual therapy, but I do see it as a form of I've always seen exercise as a form of meditation, specifically CrossFit, like high intensity, because you can't think about anything else. intensity because you can't think about anything else while you're doing it it's similar to like the ice bath too right like you're not going to be like thinking about what you're having for dinner while you're doing fran you're just you're so in it and you're so it it's something that brings you to the present moment and then it takes a while for that to go away afterwards any when
Starting point is 00:39:03 you say you go to therapy is it uh just like a uh do therapists have like different methods like a jungian therapist or like a freudian therapist or like you know what i mean like or like as a buddhist therapist you have a certain kind of therapist uh i think it's just like cognitive behavior like talk therapy i have done some emdr Have you heard of that? No. What does the EMDR stand for? Is this all to manage the stress of life, of feeling the pressure of running the business, three kids? Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy is a mental health treatment technique. This method involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, and I don't do the eye one. I think the eye one is like you follow this laser or something like that. The one that I've gone to, I haven't done it a ton of times, maybe like four or five. I hold in my hand these little almost like paddles that vibrate one at a time that gets your brain to move from left to right and you close your eyes and you yeah you think about stuff that you're you know trying to reprocess and get over i guess uh emdr is a
Starting point is 00:40:19 game changer in therapy process did you like it i mean i don't know if like is the word because they basically it it's weird right so there was a i'm not going to talk specifically about what it was but there was a memory that i was it was pretty traumatic that was about i don't know honestly right before we started street parking there was something and um i thought i was over it like oh like because they said like go back to you, something that was one of the original issues. I know what it is. It's when Dave wouldn't let you compete, right? I should do it with that.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It was when I tore my ACL. I could do it with when I tore my ACL. That was pretty traumatic because of other factors. But I thought it was over it. And then they have you picture it. So the EMDR specialist, she doesn't have me tell her even necessarily all the details about it. She's just like, Hey, just picture where you were or what was going on. And I like immediately got crazy emotional. And it felt like I was back in it, like in that moment. And so they guide you in it. They ask you
Starting point is 00:41:22 like, okay, like they'll, they'll do the little back and forth thing for like 15, 20 seconds or something like that. And she's like, okay, what, what were you thinking about? What were you feeling? And you tell her and she's like, okay, just go with that. And they help you to reprocess it and reframe what was actually real in that moment. What was actually happening? What was actually in your control versus out of control? in that moment, what was actually happening, what was actually in your control versus out of control. And where are you now? And because people can get stuck in stuff, you know? Are you religious?
Starting point is 00:42:00 So I grew up Mormon. I grew up in a Mormon family. I have five siblings and grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. When Tyson and I were together, especially early in our relationship, we were active in the Mormon church and then kind of, I wouldn't say fell away from it in that we had anything against it. But when we started working, you know, when we moved to California and I was traveling all the time, we just weren't active in the church anymore. But in the last couple months, Julian and I have started going to a local church here. Actually one of the women in a Mormon church. No, no, it's just a Christian. It's a Christian church. It's called crossroads here in, um, Vancouver, Washington. And one of the girls who works for us and who has worked for us for a long time, her husband is a pastor there
Starting point is 00:42:39 and he's just awesome. So we've been going and cause Julian grew up Jehovah's witness. So we have these like two very strict, I always call Mormonism, the paleo of religions. Um, but I think Jehovah's witness is even more so that. Yeah. They don't even get birthdays and shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 He didn't as a child. Um, so we've been going, it was something that was hard for both of us. Cause we come from two religions that were so very strict and at least my understanding of it or what I got from it. And this is probably not what I was supposed to get from it, but it's what I got was just a list of rules.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And if you mess up, you're like bad, you know? And so, um, yeah, but we've, we've been really enjoying it actually. And it's the first time we've ever done anything like that together. Um, how old were you the very first time you did therapy? When did I, Julian and I went to therapy together in our relationship. Did I ever go to therapy before that? I don't know if I did maybe so uh 34 okay that's when i found crossfit 34 i was 34 therapy there you go um 34 you need therapy do you think there's some um um
Starting point is 00:43:58 there's something in that trauma or whatever it that's somewhere in your life that the reason why you are so amazing at who you are like it's like like an integral ingredient to like you cannot have chocolate chip cookies without chocolate chips no matter what you could change a bunch of other shit you think that there's something to that that's made you like so good at the things you do? So, okay. So I know,
Starting point is 00:44:29 you know, when you originally reached out to have me on the podcast, you said that you had read my email about how I went just recently, actually in October. Um, I went to the same, it's not a, who was that letter to,
Starting point is 00:44:43 who was that letter to anyway? Who was that? It was just like a random newsletter. It was a place to all 35,000 members. No, no, no. It wasn't a street parking. It's just me. Um, I wanted a place to share stuff that's going on without a comment section. How many people does that go to? I'm just curious if you find it weird that it ended up in my lap. Um, well, and it was like a, hey, if you want to hear what's going on with me, that this is not a street parking. I'm going to be talking about random homeschool stuff and all this other, like, who knows what it's going to be about. I think there's like something like 10,000 people on the list right now.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. So, yeah, you had reached out to me because I had gone to this. It's not a treatment. Treatment facility sounds like I was in a mental hospital, not that there's anything wrong with that. But I went to this place.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Patient Trauma Resource Center called, can I say the name of it? Sure. The Bridge to Recovery. Yeah, and it was actually recommended to me by Bill and Kariana Entheis, who also used to work for CrossFit and owned CrossFit Morristown. Kariana is a good friend. And it's the same place that Peter Atiyah has gone like twice, which I didn't know until I was there, actually. They got a big poster of him up there. No, I think when they were asking, like, how did you hear about this? Some of the people that were
Starting point is 00:46:03 there said that they had read about it in his book because he talks about it in his book. Wow. OK. And what is that? So I was there for two weeks and it was OK. I was going to answer your question about like, do you think these traumatic events made you good at what you're doing? That was the original question. Yeah. Um, for me, it was, I needed to pull myself out of our environment, which is very chaotic with the little kids and the, and the demanding business and our staff and the members. And so you go and they take your phone and they take your computer. And for the first week you have no contact with the outside world whatsoever. Um, and I promised them that I wouldn't tell too much of what they do there because they don't, you know, it's not that it's weird or anything, but it's their method,
Starting point is 00:46:50 you know? So, um, so yeah, I couldn't talk to Julian for the first week or anyone at all. And it, it, I just needed a break from, I needed to actually separate myself from all of that. And it just brought my nervous system back down. And what we were doing there was like digging into like inner child stuff and telling our life story and trying to figure out like what makes us deal with stress or pressure the way that we do, like what causes us to react to hard situations the way that we do, What kind of pressures are we putting on ourselves or what kind of like stories have we spun up about who we are based on our life experience? So yeah, I mean, one of the things
Starting point is 00:47:33 that I talked about there was as a child, I have three older brothers. I have a little brother and I have a little sister. And my three older brothers were always in trouble, always. And so early like i'm talking like seven years old i decided that i was going to do everything perfectly and i was going to be like the perfect grades all the extracurriculars everything so that i could be like i could help my parents because they were they were harder to handle okay you
Starting point is 00:48:04 wanted to be the easy child you didn't want to burden your parents. You took the burden of your brothers onto you. Yeah, maybe a little bit. And then, and I mean, they were just, they were just teenage boys and stuff, you know, and then I did, I was also in child, like I did child acting, which, you know, I look at my little six year old, I started doing it when I was seven and I look at my little six year old and I started doing it when I was seven. And I look at my little six year old, and I started going to auditions and stuff like that when I was seven, just a year older than him, hearing like, no, like, you're not who we want, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:34 I just don't, I don't know that. It's, it is probably why I push myself so hard. And I'm so driven. And I, you know, but also there's like the, there's the, there's pros and cons of every, every thing. Yeah. Do you think that it was that, I mean, going away for two weeks, I know you probably didn't like that. You probably did not like leaving your business. You probably have never even left your business for two minutes, let alone two weeks. And you probably hated leaving your kids. Yeah. You probably have never even left your business for two minutes, let alone two weeks. And you probably hated leaving your kids. Yeah, it was, it was really hard to leave the kids.
Starting point is 00:49:10 It was really hard to leave the business. Um, and, and Julian and our home and just, yeah, everything. I mean, cause we do everything together. Our, our business and our family are like so tied. So was he supportive or was he like, no, you can't go. Julian. Yeah. He called them. Oh oh oh he he he found them for you no he didn't find them it was um Bill and Kariana helped me to find them and I was just uh I had gotten to the point where I was just like I mean I was kind of losing I was losing it a little and there there was some other personal stuff going on that had nothing to do with the business or my
Starting point is 00:49:48 childhood or anything. And I just, um, had maybe pushed too hard for too long or, um, and then we added this kind of, you know, other stuff into it that was stressful. And yeah, he was like, you need to go take care of yourself. You have taken care of us. You have carried these three, like to this point, cause I told you I'm still breastfeeding. I have been pregnant or breastfeeding since 2016, like straight this whole time. So yeah. One thing I heard, and I know you don't want to say, but, but I heard that this isn't true. So I want to bring it up. One thing I heard is that you had cancer. I don't have cancer.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay, good. I mean, people definitely have been trying to figure it out. And that's one of those things where I know everybody is like, what is it? You have to tell us. No, I don't. I just don't want you to die. No, I'm not dying. No one in our family is dying.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Okay, good. But it's also like I've seen people overshare. And what my opinion of oversharing is on social media, whether it's in our Facebook group or on their own personal. And I think that people we've maybe taken that too far in our society, where things should be dealt with like privately. And so I'm trying to lead by example of like saying hey we've got some stuff going on because I don't I also don't think people should hide it if they're going through a hard time but like maybe you don't need to tell everyone everything so what how do you two things two things um how do you decide put your hands together for lady raven dad thank you this is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside?
Starting point is 00:51:27 You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven. This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. What's 2FA security on Kraken?
Starting point is 00:51:51 Let's say I'm captaining my soccer team, and we're up by a goal against, I don't know, the Burlington Bulldogs. Do we relax? No way. Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. What to share and what not to share. And does it ever trip you out when you can't share something? Because I'm like pretty comfortable sharing stuff. But there are things that I'm like hey i'm not i'm not sharing that and but but i like to examine those things and i almost feel yeah i like to examine those things but it is some sort of weird reason when i don't want to share it's it's like maybe i don't want
Starting point is 00:52:41 to be judged on that level i'm always surprised when there's something i don't want to be judged on that level. I'm always surprised when there's something I don't want to share. Because my whole thing is I'm an alchemist. Just bring any kind of energy and I'll turn it into positive. You know what it is? Send me your hate and I'll make it good. You know what it is, Sevan? It's my kids. Because I'm the same way.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Even what we have going on, if it was just me that it would impact. But there's family stuff involved and there's also like how people speak to and about their mom or their dad or whatever. And, and, and the sensitivity that I know about if people took it a certain way, what we have going on. And, um, my kids are way too young for me to ask their permission. Hey, do you mind if we share this stuff about our family? Right. Right. And so there's, there's repercussions. I, I just think about it as we protect our family. That's funny. All the things I share, the only criticism my wife ever has. And I share,
Starting point is 00:53:39 share some wild shit is, Hey, uh, it's kid stuff. It's all, you're right. It's just all kid stuff. That's interesting. You know, actually, and I hope Julian doesn't mind me sharing this. He had shared something, um, maybe a month ago, uh, where he was doing a workout and banner, our middle son was having like a full on meltdown. Like this wasn't like he was just being a whiny toddler. Like he was actually really emotionally struggling. And it was a really cool post because it showed parents that that's normal. But I asked him to take it down and we had a discussion about it because Banner's a person.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And that was a real, like he was actually really struggling and he's not old enough for us to ask him, Hey buddy, is it okay if strangers watch you having this like real emotional meltdown moment? Right. And so it not old enough for us to ask him, Hey buddy, is it okay if strangers watch you having this like real emotional meltdown moment? Right. And so it's things like that where we're just trying to protect our family. And, and I think there's, it's a fine line to walk though. And I, I don't have like a formula for it. I just, we just go by how it feels to us.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Um, when, um, could, could, could street parking exist without um you would street parking exist without you yeah like if you walked away from it you're like hey i'm joining a a nunnery uh yeah i think the message message is strong enough to stand on its own for sure. Do you think that ā€“ let me back up a step. I know that was a pretty aggressive question. There were values that Greg had that a group of people can't have. There was this thing I read one time that Mahatma Gandhi said that you never have any friends because all friends will do is make it so that one time you compromise yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:30 You'll let loyalty come in front of your own values. And some people ā€“ it's so funny. Some people are going to hear that and they're going to get all defensive about friends or not. Don't worry about that. Just see the message. It's an equation. It's not something you have to decide on. I'm getting in all my friends tomorrow, you fucking wackadoodles. It It's an equation. It's not something you have to decide on. I'm getting in all my friends tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You fucking wackadoodles. Just an equation. It's just an interesting thought. But, but, but great. I, the more and more as we get further away from the Greg era, I realized that it was his values and his, what he kept on target. That was CrossFit. And even when I was there, Greg would deny that. And all the employees would say, it's not a cult of one man and it's the community and all this but more and more as we get away i'm like no no didn't matter if you knew who the man was or didn't know or whatever people would be like well they don't even know who he is doesn't matter you can be at the back of the bus and never see the bus driver doesn't make him any less important do you do you first of all does it make you
Starting point is 00:56:22 uncomfortable to talk about this um well i so i what what I would say is, well, I agree with you. I agree that CrossFit as the, as the way that it was and what it felt like and what, I don't want to say what it stood for, but just what it, what it felt like, I guess I'm like a very feelings person is different now. It is different without him. It's not quite it's like a william wallace braveheart thing um i never heard that said that i can't believe i've never heard that that is what it was yeah fuck you we'll swap a little parallel and we won't yeah yeah and i mean it's why i i mean i talk about my time on the seminar staff here in our business all the time.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I talk about it to Julian constantly because we would, I mean, there's a video of me literally in 2012 in my freaking neck brace where I'm like telling people what's going on with Anthos on YouTube. It's still there. Like we would have done anything to further that message and we were going we were flying to freaking australia one weekend in korea the next weekend and he told me i told him i was getting on the show with you today he told me to say hi to you he said he's totally like he's not he's totally blown away with what you've done he's not surprised at all he always remembers you as being
Starting point is 00:57:41 just fucking amazing and he said that one time he flew on a big uh uh um uh it was like a military plane like a military cargo carrier and you and dave and him were watching a movie sharing one set of earphones with bulletproof hats and flak jackets and the whole fucking thing he said it was the greatest trip ever he said it was crazy but he said he has just mad respect for you. Just, he was just talking you up like crazy. Yeah, exactly. We flew into Iraq in 2009 to go teach people. And, um, we just never would say no. Like we were, we were just so, and we, um, we took it so seriously. I worked 300 seminars and I was still studying my notes for the lecture the night before because I wanted to get it right. And quite honestly, I believe that street parking is an extension of that.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I'm passionate about it because I am so passionate about what Greg taught us. And, um, but now you're bringing this other stuff. Now there's Miranda, uh, the mother of three, a wife. Um, I see you balancing like see you balancing like hey recognize me as a strong um a businesswoman um hey i'm just a regular person hey i have kids like now you're balancing all these things but but the people in your community are there for it right they're there they're there for that i mean that the 10 000 subscribers speak to it if they just want to just yeah they're there for it yeah i think so i guess to answer your question crossfit still exists it feels different so i think street parking could definitely exist for
Starting point is 00:59:21 a very long time it might feel different and. And I don't think that the message would change, but maybe the way that it feels in the delivery, or maybe, you know, they would do things that I wouldn't have done exactly the same way. But I do think that the community and the people here, we have people working here who are just as passionate about it maybe not just as but very passionate about it the same way that william and i are um so i think that it could continue it might not just be exactly the same do you think that this podcast could never continue without me no one get fucking any crazy ideas um this this bridge to recovery thing that you shared is it to ā€“ why did you share it? I know that you were saying that you shared it because you think people should know, like, hey, there's hard things that happen in people's lives, even my life.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I'm not perfect. I tried to be when I was seven, but I want you to know I'm fucking not. But is any part of it like a ā€“ do you feel better that you shared it or does part of you, or is it just not better or is it worse that you shared it? Um, no. So, I mean, I think you've known me for a very long time. Like I've always tried to be very authentic in who I am. Um, and to the point where like, you know, I know you guys make jokes about this and Hiller jokes about this. Like I wouldn't I would never have even when I worked for Progenix, I'm not going to post a product that I don't personally take. Even if it's like a brand that I love or I'm not going to wear a pair of shoes that I wouldn't buy with my own money.
Starting point is 01:01:00 And here at street parking, we're not going to put out a program that we wouldn't do. Um, and so there's a level of realness that I've always tried to showcase. And that's just a part of it. Um, because like what you're saying, like, I think people need to maybe, maybe there was somebody that needs to hear like, Hey, it's okay to like ask for help. And yeah, I look like I've got my whole life together. Cause I've got this beautiful husband and these three beautiful children and successful business and I'm fit and all of this stuff. But like, I'm over here in the trauma center because you pay a price to have a life like this. And everybody has gone through stuff and it's okay to like own up to that and, and take some time for yourself, especially moms, you know? So, so, and, and you're glad you did the two week, uh, course two week vacation. You know, it's really cool. Yeah. I'm so, I'm so glad I did it. It was a really good reset. It brought my, you know, my nervous system down. I haven't put Facebook back on my phone. Um, so I'll interact with people on my computer through Facebook and
Starting point is 01:02:05 I'll, like I said, I take Instagram off my phone at night. Um, did they recommend that at the place? Um, well, I mean, my situation with social media was different than at least the people in my group. Like I had to really explain like, Hey, this is cause I have on my personal Instagram, I have 280,000 followers or something like that. And it's been like that for, this is cause I have on my personal Instagram, I have 280,000 followers or something like that. And it's been like that for, since for 10 years. Um, and so that's, that's a different thing that most people will never understand what it's like to have 300,000 people have a, an opinion about everything. Um, so no, it was more like, like i just i needed a more healthy relationship with it and it felt good like my stress levels and my um insecurities and everything were just so much
Starting point is 01:02:53 more improved just from two weeks the coolest thing that happened though is um so there was a group of 12 of us that were all together at the same time and we have this group text that just it's people you know what it is oh Oh, who went, who went to the recovery place? Well, it was strangers. They were just strangers. Yeah. So you roll up and everybody starts and they get, you get there on the same day and we're all there at the same time. And the cool thing about it was none of these people had any idea who I was and they couldn't grab their phone to look it up. Oh yeah. That's cool. Wow. Yeah. The only things they knew about me was what they saw in person. So there was no, because when was the last time I entered a space because we go to meetups and stuff and all the members, they,
Starting point is 01:03:38 they look at us already a certain way. Or if I, if I go to the CrossFit games, everyone knows you. Yeah. I mean, not like freaking Leonardo DiCaprio or something. When i go to the crossfit everyone knows you yeah i mean not like freaking leonardo dicaprio or something when i go to the coffee no i get it but you live in you i was thinking well think of there's people who just live in the bubble think of a games athlete who has 800 000 followers and all they do is go from affiliate to affiliate or gym to work out and everywhere they go they're just fucking famous right everywhere they go they're just the man yeah that's fucking great that i was're just the man yeah that's fucking great that's that i was just realizing the other day that's just wild yeah it's weird yeah and so
Starting point is 01:04:12 so and here's what i really think happens to those people this is off subject i think those people start to believe their own shit like that they are leonardo dicaprio or that they really or that they really are famous there's some girl on Instagram who has a million followers and she thinks she's famous. Like, yo, ding dong. Nobody knows who you are. The reason why is because you just travel in our cult. You know what? When we started street parking the very first year,
Starting point is 01:04:36 we called it CrossFit Games Rehab. Oh, I like that. Because what I realized, so we competed in 2015 and it was my whole life. Like we were going to win and all this stuff. And then the next year I wasn't competing, but Julian still was. And we were together now. And so we were still kind of in it.
Starting point is 01:04:54 But like when you stop competing, you realize how few people give a shit about it. Right. And it's not to say that it's not super. I am. I love that I did it. And I love that I say that it's not super i am i love that i did it and i love that i was super into it and i think the people that are doing it there's a cool season of life to do that but when you get out of it you're like oh no one cares what have you done for me lately that's what sports is yeah uh miranda's one of my favorite humans
Starting point is 01:05:21 chris frank chris frank was. Chris Frank is one of Julian's close friends, and he lived with us for a while. Oh, wow. That was nice of you. Yeah. Hi, Frank. All right. Are you going to be doing the Open? Maybe. I did it last year.
Starting point is 01:05:41 I'm doing it for the first time in like 75 years. You didn't do it? No, I never did it. I was I'm doing it for the first time in like 75 years. You didn't do it? No, I never did it. I was opposed to doing it. Why? I don't know. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I just was just like, fuck it. It's not my thing. But now I'm trying to get in the good graces of like Dave and Don. And like, I'm trying to be cool. Why are you trying to get in their good graces? Because I got to do the behind the scenes. Well, let me say this first. You're sucking up to them. Yeah, sucking up to them. well let me say this first you're sucking up to them
Starting point is 01:06:05 but let me say this in all fairness the two or three times that I've done it in my life I was so proud of myself I was so fucking proud of myself and there were always five workouts when I did it I was so proud of myself so I know I'll be happy that I did it but part of me is like
Starting point is 01:06:21 just dreading it and terrified and like all that shit you know what I will probably do it maybe it depends on the workouts like if there's one where it's like i'm gonna f myself up if i even try to do this then i'm not gonna like try to be a hero um but i did them all i did them all last year the other other couple years i was like super pregnant always so i wasn't really doing it um, have you heard of what we do over at street parking called the vault? I mean, I got to share this with you cause I know you're all about the affiliate. Someone was just completely explaining the vault to me. Like, like give me just a
Starting point is 01:06:55 complete lowdown. Explain it to me. Yes. Oh, that's nice. Wow. Look at that set. Some good graphics. Yeah, that's crazy. Okay. Go on. some good graphics. Yeah, that's crazy. Okay. Go on. So the vault, the first year of the vault was in 2020. This is our fifth year of the vault. And we got together in 2019 in the spring of 2019. And we were like, how can we take the, I, and I'll just be honest about what the conversation was. We were like the opens awesome. And there's so much energy around it,
Starting point is 01:07:22 but we hate the scores. We hate the no reps. We hate the judging. Like that's just not our vibe. But we are, our, our core, like core, core, core value is consistency. Like how can we take that concept and help build it into consistency? And so what the vault is, is it's one workout a week for 25 weeks. Wow. But there's no, like, you don't have to film yourself. There's no, you know, judging, there's no leaderboard. You just have to log it within the time window, but you got to do all 25 to be a vault finisher. And every year we've had a cool,
Starting point is 01:07:57 like this year's theme obviously is the pirate theme. And, um, for the first time last year, we were like, Hey, like if you have a CrossFit gym, or just any type of gym, if you're a personal trainer, it doesn't matter, you're more than welcome to join us and use the vault with your members, because it's a consistency challenge is really what it is, and ultimately, that's what these, you know, if I'm a trainer, I want people coming back and sticking to it. And so the vault is one workout a week for 25 weeks. We have, we have close to a hundred gyms participating with us this year.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Holy shit. Yeah. Last year was the first time. I think we only had like 15 or something like that last year. It was kind of last minute, but we, we invited gyms to participate and they don't, they don't have to pay anything.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Just one, one coach or the gym owner needs to be a member right is all they ask and they can participate and their members are not going to log on our app or anything like that they can do their wadify or their sugar wad or whatever is out there these days um but yeah they're getting lesson plans carlene matthews works for us now and she lives with us actually and she's doing the lesson plans because she's been doing the vault at her gym for a few years we're a games athlete that went to diet street parking carly and molly and a lot of our members are former like maybe not the the big big name athletes but we have i mean carly fuhrer you remember her, she's a member that's very active.
Starting point is 01:09:33 So, yeah, we're really excited about the gyms because I know like, you know, gym owners could be like, well, I don't want my members to get stolen by street parking. So the fact that they trust us and we're not trying to steal your members, we're just trying to give you another tool because I, you know, I come from that. And I we just want to help people be consistent. So we're super pumped about it. Savon, I will uh seven and i will see you miranda at the health summit oh you're speaking that's right i am coming to the health summit i i think i'm on a panel you know miranda i had this um i had this uh guest on the other day, Jennifer Say. She won the ā€“ she was U.S. national champion in gymnastics in 1986 and then worked at Levi Strauss and became the president of Levi Strauss. And then she ā€“ they're based out of San Francisco, extremely liberal company, like extremely liberal, like very. extremely liberal, you know, like very and opposite. But their consumer what's interesting is their consumer base is pushed her too far she's she's a white she's white jew lady and she but she got black husband with two black kids and they pushed her too far and
Starting point is 01:10:49 she didn't she sent her kids to public school while the other executives and bigwigs were sending their kids to private school and during covid they wanted the kids to wear masks and shut the school down and she's like nah i'm not doing that that's gonna hurt black kids and brown kids more than white kids i'm not doing that like she really was towing the line she she was next in line to be ceo that's a pretty the ceo was making like 40 million dollars a year then and she was very close to being ceo and they told her stop posting on instagram and she wouldn't and she ends up losing her job she was in she was forbes top 50 uh like best cmos and when i was interviewing her i was like holy shit i wonder if uh does this forbes ever reached out to you like has anyone ever reached out to you and just been like a top female entrepreneur in the world top uh thinker top mind uh top uh
Starting point is 01:11:41 leader community leader top um you know um like there's like this didn't happen to you on accident. Only you, Simon. This is it? Has Joe Rogan ever reached out to you? No. No. It's kind of wild, isn't it? What what other sorry, I told you I'd only keep you for six minutes.
Starting point is 01:12:03 What other organizations are there like yours? Are there any? You know, okay, in the vein of authenticity, I'll see somebody like a Kalipa on ā€“ who was he on recently? On the Jocko podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And obviously, I mean, Jason has more in common with Jocko, with the jujitsu and all of that.
Starting point is 01:12:24 But I'm just like, why is Jason on? Where's my Jocko, but there are a lot of people who work for those companies who go out and seek those things. Like there's somebody that maybe works for this company that's reaching out to Rogan and saying, Hey, I've got a guest that I think that you would be interested in talking to. And I've just never, um, and maybe this is bad business on my part, but I've just never, that feels weird to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't, yeah, okay, okay. Yeah, a lot of these people are promoting. It's just really, and here's the other thing that I know, your community is truly ravenous.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Yeah. It's not a normal community. You're 35,000 strong or stronger than the millions of people that might be following another community. Like it is a it's you. It's a powerhouse of a community. Yeah, it's just it's fascinating to me. It's fascinating to me that you haven't been you haven't grown. Well, I'm glad I hope when you do eventually you're going to get shot into the stratosphere. You're going to be asked to be on some like presidential council or maybe you'll end up running for, would you ever run for politics? Congress? No way. Not with the, not with all my like, no. Do you have an agent?
Starting point is 01:13:56 No. And I never have. That's what I'm saying. Cause when I worked for Progenix, I was the athlete manager. And so we had athletes like Lauren Fisher and Stacey Tovar and all this and all at toward the end, because this was like 2015, 16, they all had agents, all of them. And I just, again, it was like, do you really need an agent? Like you're not Leonardo DiCaprio, but I get it. And a lot of these deals that people get in the shows that they're on are because
Starting point is 01:14:26 their agents and people like that are reaching out for them. It's just never, I guess maybe I don't like that form of self-promotion. I shouldn't say I don't like self-promotion because I'm big on social media and I post all the time, but I don't know that side of it's always been weird to me. Okay. Last question. But there, but I'm going to have you back on again, and we need to talk about that. When you, you started going to church again. Yeah. What are you learning in that environment? Can you actually go there and like commune with God or the whole time? Are you just like, is it CEO Miranda? Okay. What are they doing here? That's working so well. Oh, what are they doing? Not working so well. Oh, I really like this about the, like, are you like, oh, maybe I need a robe like the priest up there.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Maybe I should be a high priest. Like, are you like, maybe we need incense. Well, the church that we go to doesn't have robes, but they do have a very cool vibe and a very cool community. And I learned this past Sunday that it is one of the largest churches in the country, if not the Pacific, and for sure in the Pacific Northwest, because I guess large churches just aren't very common up here. And I didn't know that before this past Sunday,
Starting point is 01:15:32 because I, this is a new experience for me. And this past Sunday. Are you in a room with like thousands of people and shit? I don't know how many members they have. And I don't know how they quantify. Are there big screens when you go in? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:47 So they have like live music and they have a screen and they've got like screens on the side and they make cool like content and stuff. Yeah. They do a really good job. And so this past Sunday they did like a 2023 recap and a 2024, like what our message is going to be for this year and what our focus is going to be. And I came in here today because of the experience yesterday and recorded a podcast for our
Starting point is 01:16:09 community that was the same thing. So I definitely can see like value in that, but no, like when I'm there, um, I just, you know, it's, it's very peaceful. This past Sunday, we didn't take our kids. We had Julian's mom watch them so that we could just go just the two of us. And no, it's I'm a I don't see myself. See, that's the thing is like CEO Miranda. When I when you say that, I picture this like super professional, super dialed in. And that's just actually not who I am. Like, I'm a very emotional. I think that street parking is the way that it is because I'm very in tune with my own intuition and I pay attention and I feel other people and I feel what's going on and I see what's going to be needed.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Not in like a strategic mastermind way, but in like a human connection way. I think the biggest benefit of us being more religious has been praying together and just prayer again, because whether or not you believe in God or Buddha or whatever, I think prayer is a form of meditation and slowing down and being present in the moment and thinking about what am I struggling with? What do I need? What do I need to surrender and just realize that I'm out of, this is out of my control. And so that has been a huge benefit for us. Time with your husband. That's what, it's kind of interesting. That's what I thought about birthing class.
Starting point is 01:17:33 We did three hour birthing class once a week for like whatever it is, 10 weeks. And I thought, oh, I can't believe I'm spending three hours just sitting next to her on a couch with no phone one day a week for it. It was so great for our relationship even though the games and shit we played were i thought they were silly but whatever it was great hey hey dude thank you thank you yeah if you were a man i'd say you'd a
Starting point is 01:17:58 man but since you're a woman i say you'd a woman you can say you're the man it's okay all right you'd a man yeah thank you you'd a man uh thank's okay. All right. You demand. Yeah. Thank you. You demand. Thank you for being there. Always. Whenever I reach out to you, text you, call you. I appreciate your support. You are a diamond in the rough and it's fun being your friend and watching you.
Starting point is 01:18:14 You're like one of those people. Like when I was little, I never thought I'd know someone as successful as you. And now you're one of, you're one of a cast of characters that I'm, that I'm stoked to know. You're going to be at the Health Summit. Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:18:27 No? You don't go anywhere. No, no, ma'am. Okay, well, I'll be there. All right. Susan will be there. Yeah, but I'm promoting the shit out of it, and I love Karin Thompson, and I love that you're going there, and I think it's going to be an absolute blast. I think you're smart for going.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I think it's going to be a cool event. Cool. Yeah, of course. Thank you. You're on the panel.'re on the panel all right all right good night see you later miranda alcarez kayla beaver i could probably that could probably be a four-hour podcast I could probably that could probably be a four hour podcast easily yeah I could I was just like I was just like settling in yeah I felt like as soon as you got going it was time for her to go she's so fun to talk to well man I just feel like that there's something under there that's like like a like a like she's got like this knowledge like hey here's
Starting point is 01:19:27 the code spin the safe this way this way this way and you're good to go like she knows like there's something in there she's got it she's got it figured out i'll tell you that yeah intuitive fuck that intuitive shit sounds like my fucking wife. I had a dream. I'm like, oh, fuck. Here we go. Does your wife dream a lot, Caleb? Yeah, she does. Way more than I do. I never dream. And then does that shit come true?
Starting point is 01:19:55 Does it ever come true, her dreams? No, absolutely not. My wife's dreams come true like 50% of the time. And I don't want to hear that shit because some of the times it's like some scary shit happens. Yeah. I dreamt this. We were at the skate park and there's a shooter I'm like what all of my dreams usually come true but all of her dreams don't
Starting point is 01:20:13 come true oh that's why you're you're restricted on how many dreams you can have like the other night I had one that I was in a helicopter crash so eventually that'll happen uh mister oh what say that again seriously yeah when was that last night yeah last night i i don't i dream like once a week so when i do have them they're like pretty violent and that one was like a helicopter crash were you in fatigues were you were you uh
Starting point is 01:20:42 with the crew with the boys yeah? Yeah, I think so. It was very fast. It was like jolting me awake. Before you were dead, you woke up? No, I hit the ground. Like I could, yeah, it was weird. But yeah, that'll probably happen. Shit, did this guy give $2 and I not read his shit?
Starting point is 01:21:02 The beaver dude? The taxidermy dude? No, I think he's probably saying $2 to paint the underside of the shelf, and I still haven't done it. Oh, he didn't get that money. He didn't get that money. Oh, Caleb, do you sleep paralysis too? Ooh, I forgot all about that.
Starting point is 01:21:18 I used to have that when I was younger. Really? I had that a few times. That's when you wake up and you can't move? Yeah, I've never had that. Ooh, that shit's scary. I usually can move, though, pretty quickly, like within a few times that's when you wake up and you can't move yeah yeah that's just oh that shit's scary i usually can move though pretty quickly like within a few seconds but it's fucking scary i do not like the thought of that that's fucking terrifying uh mason mitchell my girlfriend dreams that she's doing clean and jerks and launches herself into the air
Starting point is 01:21:41 she probably could do she's strong as fuck. My girlfriend, my wife, dreams that she is a cross-country skier with only one arm. Jeffrey Birchfield, thank you for recognizing the hat. It's been a while since I've worn it, but I knew it was going to be cold in here tonight.
Starting point is 01:22:05 It's the old Phil's. Oh, speaking, but I knew it was going to be cold in here tonight. See old Filson? Oh, speaking of hats, this just came in the mail today. Oh, shit. Wow. Yeah, there it is. Oh, that's nice, dude. Yeah. Gray on gray.
Starting point is 01:22:17 I want the yellow one. Holy shit. Vindicate. It's the least I could do is bring that up. Vindicate. V-N-D-K-A. And my other friend is now president of GORUCK. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Jason McCarthy? No, Jimmy Letchford. Jason McCarthy's the owner. Did we have Jason McCarthy on this show? We did. Long time ago. It'd be cool to get him back on. Okay. Oh, he's got joggers.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I'm so into joggers right now. It's nice. Tomorrow, oh, here's the hats. God, I hope you're not selling any Vindicate hats. And only CEO hats. There is a, look at, that's a scarcity mindset, right? God, I hope you're selling a lot of Vindicate hats. Look it, that's a scarcity mindset, right? God, I hope you're selling a lot of Vindicate hats.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Oh, for every four I sell, you sell one. They're nice, though. This is warm. It's good for right now. It's snowing like crazy. Oh, you have to say that. Because I pay you all that money. It is snowing pretty great. This is like perfect timing.
Starting point is 01:23:25 No, not the snowing part. Not the snowing part. The part where you said it's warm. Oh, well, it is warm. Okay. Tomorrow, I saw this, and I know Travis is all excited about it, but I have no fucking idea what it's about.
Starting point is 01:23:37 So I told him to call in tomorrow morning and explain this to me. I think this will be cool. I want him to explain it though. Hey. You ready for this? Check this out. We did a show this morning.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Have you fucking seen it yet? Yeah. Okay. That. That was the cleanest. That's one of the cleanest. Things I've ever seen in the CrossFit space period. ESPN.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Anywhere. That was nuts. Taylor is a fucking god, and Will Branstetter is a fucking genius. Absolutely. What do you think about this? They announced the Open on Thursday night.
Starting point is 01:24:20 On Friday night, every Friday night for the Open, we do a show that's like that, and we fly in athletes to go against Taylor, Taylor against Hopper, Taylor against Colton, Taylor against Haley Adams. You would have to be, if you're an athlete, you'd have to be, we'll promote whatever sponsor you want.
Starting point is 01:24:40 California Peptides in conjunction with. Do you think the athletes want to do more for their sponsors? Like imagine like, um, like we had, um, uh, Spencer Panchick come in.
Starting point is 01:24:52 I don't know who, what one of his sponsors are, but he'd be like just a bonus for a sponsor. Let's say a sponsor is, um, barbell cartel. We just put their logo up there big. And the whole time we're pumping them up.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Fly me out. I'll get my ass absolutely smashed but fuck I'll be shirtless alright no they gotta be big names pool boy big names to go against Taylor that would be so cool to watch
Starting point is 01:25:24 I think tons of people would watch it. It'd be really fun to get the commentary. Dude, I think it would be bigger than CrossFit's open on Thursday. Fuck yeah, it would be. The thing that they have is they have the announcement that everyone wants to see, but this shit would be fucking wild. Sure, but I don't give a fuck about any of the athletes they bring onto their show. It's not even like good rivalries.
Starting point is 01:25:44 It's not even like they donries. It's not even like, like they don't hype up anything about it. They're like, Oh look, we're going to have Camila Blanc, as in a, and any Thor's daughter complete this workout. Like,
Starting point is 01:25:52 no, I want two people who are going to fucking trash talk the entire time. Oh yeah. Just Taylor, just Taylor and Jason would be crazy. I want to see a war. I want to see them warming up, just throwing insults the whole time.
Starting point is 01:26:04 And then I want to see them go up just throwing insults the whole time and then i want to see them go at it and just wreck each other um uh um no no no we're not going to offer them any money uh we're going to have to offer them no no we're just going to offer them just the publicity here's the thing here's the thing i don't know if people realize this yet but you would rather have the 10 000 you'd rather have 10 000 people who watch this podcast to be your fans than 100 000 people who are who don't watch this podcast facts i'm just telling you these motherfuckers will follow you all over the internet they'll be like your personal bodyguards 100%
Starting point is 01:26:48 Yeah yeah yeah Anyway well if they don't want to do it I don't even think Patrick Mr. Clark I don't even think half the I wonder if even half the athletes even Fucking 5% of the athletes even want to do anything For their sponsors like if they love them And want to blow them up
Starting point is 01:27:02 I bet you Colton will do it Pay for Colton's air ticket Colton will do it pay for Colton's air ticket and a fucking Armenian Uber driver and get him in there to go fucking go to war with Taylor hell yeah you want to do more for your sponsors yeah just blow that shit
Starting point is 01:27:18 up god that'll be so fun maybe but maybe Patrick's right maybe maybe Patrick's right. Tell him, Caleb. Yeah. Facts. Facts.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Oh, yeah. I'm so excited. I wonder if Taylor was pretty high today after that. I was higher watching that. It was so fun to watch. Ariel Lowen's a sponsor's dream. Yeah, maybe we give Taylor a week off and bring in ariel and someone although it's so it was so fun watching taylor go i really enjoyed that
Starting point is 01:27:50 he came out after the second workout just shitting on himself oh fucking that was awesome he was beating on himself too yeah i loved it i just loved it yeah it was i think i i think i might i like him like five percent more than i did before which is crazy because i already like him we all like him so much anyway yeah right and i think he he did a lot for himself because i think people think he's just gonna shit on everybody he talks to i don't think sailor is that no he has that personality sure like you can go at anybody in the world just talking trash to him. But in reality, one, he's a CrossFit coach, so he has to have some level of personable relationship
Starting point is 01:28:30 with all of his athletes. He's going to beat on himself more than anybody else he talks to. I think he's got more... He put it on the line. He basically opened himself up to total criticism. Anus was fully loose. Yeah, his anus was fully loose today exactly double cheeked up and it's loose yeah oh look savon's barn god you it's so funny you don't realize how much you actually motivate me savon's barn i'm just so ready for a barn build a barn on the property
Starting point is 01:29:02 i want all that money that miranda has Remember, it's so ready for a barn. Build a barn on the property. I want all that money that Miranda has. 10,000 members at $35 a piece? It's $35,000. Oh, right. Got the numbers mixed up. The thing is, though, man, they really do invest all that shit.
Starting point is 01:29:35 They invest so much money fucking back into the community, is so smart oh what is this shut up and scribble scribble live from miami tier tier wadapalooza miami game day wow have you seen those graphics will's working on holy shit they're awesome. No mames, wey. EspaƱol. All right. Remember, rumor has it peptides can't be tested for. God, I can't wait to get my peptides soon. On the show the other day, I ordered a whole year's worth i still have one they only mail out every friday yeah okay that's cool um oh someone said what happened your sponsor swolverine and um um toe spacers uh
Starting point is 01:30:20 a seasonal seasonal i've only done, I've done two bottles of BPC-157 and two bottles of CJC-1295. And they were kind of spread out. I think the CJC-1295 did something to me. I think my hair, my nails, my dick, everything just got stimulated.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I was telling, I was telling Hiller that I bought a year's worth and he's like, he's like, you should do two bottles every other month instead of one bottle a month. He's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I'm joking. Oh yeah. Your quads are still sore. I know. Right. Jeez Louise. Still sore? I know, right? Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 01:31:10 I'm not paying $70 a week to think something is happening. No, the jar lasts a year. Hey, dude, something happened. Something happened. I'm telling you. Ken Walters is doing the math on how much uh street parking um uh makes hey what's your what if i told you ken walters that they make most of their money from um apparel sales i mean i don't know that but i wouldn't be surprised if it's true so you're not even scratching the surface andrew hiller i wasn't joking okay all right think about those partnerships with go ruck
Starting point is 01:31:42 oh yeah i bet you they blew go i bet you they changed Goruck's world. That's what I mean. That community she has is powerful. If you can get them... If I could get her to use my toothpaste and talk about my toothpaste... Oh, Matuthian. It's here.
Starting point is 01:32:01 It came today. HRs of it came. The Matuthian. It's here. Two flavors. If I can get Miranda to fucking brush with my powder fuck did I talk to her about that damn shit she changed my world she's like she's like Oprah
Starting point is 01:32:19 she's like Oprah oh shit that hurts yeah is that yeah someone on the show named it matuthian someone hashtag matuthian i was like yep that's it thank you what's the other flavor you said you have two flavors there's that one that's just in the peppermint there's just peppermint and just dirt dirt flavor i prefer dirt i'm not so good at selling stuff dirt i just prefer dirt you know what's crazy though is it's way less the stuff that i'm using now is by a company called van man and his shit is like brushing with like a big mouthful of like rocks and dirt but i've gotten kind of used to it what the fuck don't talk shit about miranda who
Starting point is 01:33:08 who's talking shit about miranda who where let's see i want to find it um uh Fuck I don't see it Let's bring them out To the courtyard and throw tomatoes at them Oh you said she's like Oprah That's what's Okay Alright
Starting point is 01:33:41 She's a real influencer. Yeah. All right. All right. Fine. Okay. Point Audrey. All right.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Point Audrey. Should have asked her what she's reading. All right. That's like the time. And one of the behind the scenes, one year I asked Rich Froney, I said, Hey, what do you, what kind of suntan lotion do you use? He said, I don a rich frowning. I said, Hey, what do you, what kind of suntan lotion you use? He said, I don't use suntan lotion.
Starting point is 01:34:06 And then I panned over to James Hobart and he goes, uh, every suntan lotion company in the United States just went out of business. And I thought it was so funny. Do you remember that? I do. That was good.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah. That was so good. It was so, so quick with it too. Uh, I called it my toothy and, but I saw it on a post. I think wad zombie. Oh, no but I saw it on a post. I think Wad Zombie.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Oh, no shit, so it was a joke? Fuck. And Andrew Hiller would say, lean into that shit. Yeah, I loved it. Matoothian. Hey, and I'm going to come out with a tan. I swear to God. I swear to you.
Starting point is 01:34:39 What are those things that girls stick in their vagina that has the string hanging out of it? Tampon. And that versus, versus. No, I think it's. that girls stick in their vagina that has the string hanging out of it? Tampon. Versus No, I think the tampon might be the pad. Let me Google tampon. Tampon is the one that gets inserted with
Starting point is 01:34:56 the string hanging out. You're sure? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So someone said I should come out with an all-natural tampon and call it Matussi. What the fuck? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. In partnership with Doc Spartan, Matussi.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Pad is a pad. Oh, wow. You need a new R&D department. Oh, my goodness. All right. I have to pee. I got to, I,
Starting point is 01:35:28 I was listening to it. Listen, how imperfect I am. I have a mattress on the floor in my bedroom, but also I was fasting today. And then my sister's over at my house and she made a shitload of steaks. She goes, do you want one?
Starting point is 01:35:39 I'm like, yeah. So I haven't eaten today, but I'm, but I'm, but I'm, I'm going to go eat a steak. All right.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Oh, tampons are dirty. Just make a cup. Oh, yeah, like those. Kate Gordon showed us the cup. Yeah. Look at Janelle Winston. I'd buy it. I'd buy it.
Starting point is 01:35:58 I'd buy it. Yeah, thank you. Very supportive. Very supportive. Did I tell you the tampon story? I don't know. You might have. So the other day, it was actually last Thursday because the garbage man came on Thursday, last Thursday.
Starting point is 01:36:16 And I went out into the street to bring in the trash cans, and there was a row of trash from my neighbor's yard to my yard. And there was a litter, a row of trash from my neighbor's yard to my yard. And there was stuff that I knew that wasn't mine. Cause there was like a Skittles wrapper and like Colgate, a Colgate box and just shit that wasn't mine, but I didn't care. Like I'm an adult now, you know what I mean? I'm old. I go over and I'm starting to pick all this stuff up and there's a Kleenex and I pick up the Kleenex.
Starting point is 01:36:37 And right when I pick it up, there's a live tampon in there. You know, you know, they look like you're seeing, they look like dead mice. You ever seen like your, your, your, your wife walked to like the the the trash can with it and she's holding it by the tail it's like a mouse that got drilled in i picked it up and there it is my neighbor's fucking tampon i so wanted to take a picture of it yeah a live one i so wanted to take a picture of it. Yeah, a live one. I so wanted to take a picture of it and be like, send it to my neighbor.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Have you flown this time around? Hey, listen. I threw it in the trash. I walked in the house. I told my wife, she goes, are you going to wash your hands? I go, nope. No. house i told my wife she goes are you gonna wash your hands i go nope no oh uh all right okay uh love you guys uh see you tomorrow morning no guests no guests everyone's training suza was working like a madman trying to get some big uh athletes on i couldn't do it uh but i'll be here i got a bunch of, like, shit that's going to make it
Starting point is 01:37:47 so people cancel their memberships to talk about. Are you here in the morning? I should be here tomorrow morning, yeah. All right. I got a great list of shit. All right. Love you guys. Well, not buying your tooth powder.
Starting point is 01:38:01 I'm not the one that mixes the tooth powder. It's not these filthy hands that makes it. The Matuthian is done by kids in China with very clean hands. Uh, Oh yeah. You were me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yeah. Don't send it to the neighbor. Nothing ever gets fixed. You're right. He's great at fixing shit. All right. Love you guys. Uh,
Starting point is 01:38:21 bye-bye.

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