The Sevan Podcast - Nathaniel Nolan | Mastering Human Movement

Episode Date: December 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:04 What did you say? I said, are you feeling okay? Feeling wonderful. said are you feeling okay feeling wonderful how are you feeling i'm great i'm concerned because you're sitting on a couch this is actually a stack of mats that i'm sitting on i went back and i uh last night I nine o'clock at night, I got on the, uh, old assault bike and, uh, at 1.5 time, watch some of our old, uh, our old podcast a year ago. God, what an inspiration you are. Yeah. You are killing it, dude. I think you're killing it.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You're, you're 28 months into your practice, a practice that you developed on your own. Yeah. So the, well, the, the walking on my hands every single day, that practice today is, it's like eight 70. Um, all fours practice is what you call it, right? All fours still. Yeah. So, well, sort of, um, that's how it kind of started was with specifically with bear crawl, but since the practice has evolved to more calisthenics, break dancing, including stuff from my jujitsu practice, some of the stuff that doesn't include being on all fours. Now it's just being on my hands. So I, at some point throughout the day, I'm going to spend, I'm going to try to accumulate a certain amount of time on my hands um and that's been true since the very beginning it's just the thing that's also remained
Starting point is 00:02:28 true up through day 870 the the account that you have a xp movement account and then you have the annual nathaniel account and those are the two on instagram and then i had i don't do tiktok but i had forgotten how popular you are on Tik TOK. I'm guessing you crossed over a million. Uh, yeah, we got over a million on Tik TOK. Um, I wanted to have XP movement actually be my handle on Instagram as well. But right after the first video went viral, somebody snagged that name up and I made a commitment to myself that I'm not going to like pay anybody for that name. So they, they get that, but it's got zero followers and zero posts. Yeah. That's interesting. The, someone snagged my Instagram account too.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I had the real, yeah, it was what the seven podcast was taken right away. Soon as I started. And so we had to switch to the real seven podcast. It's, it's kind of annoying. Yeah, that is annoying. That feels like my intellectual property. Right. Or just like, hey, it's a dickhead move. You're not even using it.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah, you jerk. Yeah. Do you know who it is? No, no. It's just some faceless internet person. And you'd be willing to do a five, three minute rounds of jujitsu against them to get it back. I would do that with a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I think that's actually the, where my career is heading is towards the, uh, the influencer fight game. Tell me, tell me serious. So are you telling me, let's go,
Starting point is 00:04:01 let's go back just a little bit more. So you have 870 days of a practice you've developed do you know who john hackleman is no um he was chuck liddell's coach and he was um glover to share his coach you know who those two guys are right oh yeah yeah so john hackleman's based out of san luis obispo california and uh he's been on the show and he uh he trained in um in hawaii with a guy a guy who had developed his own martial arts and he was also a collector for this guy so basically uh you know a loan shark guy you know what i mean he was a thug for this guy and he also took martial arts from this guy anyway when this guy had developed his own martial arts and hackleman became a 10th
Starting point is 00:04:43 degree black belt in this self-developed martial art. Then he came to San Luis Obispo, California and developed his another martial arts that he then mastered. And he became and his students gave him a 10th degree black belt in that. How he got Chuck Liddell as his first fighter is another dojo said, hey, your shit stinks. And so he goes, OK, I'll come over to your dojo and we'll settle it. And the guy goes, fine. So he goes over there to that dojo in San Luis Obispo, California. And the guy says, hey, my back's hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:10 The sensei says that. But you can fight one of my students. And guess who the student was? Chuck Liddell. So he beats up Chuck Liddell. And Chuck Liddell follows him out into the parking lot and goes, hey, I want to train with you. And he ends up turning Chuck Liddell into a world champion.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And then now he's also Glover Teixeira's coach, which is crazy, right? Glover Teixeira, what he's done is one of the most remarkable things ever. Go ahead. No, no. I mean, that's awesome. So when I hear all that and I'm like, hey, this is what Nathaniel's doing. It's not a martial art, but it is a form of training that you have completely and wholeheartedly stepped out onto your own and started doing. You're developing a practice.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I mean, do you know anyone else who's doing what you're doing? So, yes and no. I think – so, yes in the fact that like all the movements that I do are things that are within – like totally within the normal realm of the fitness community and what people use bear crawls, handstands, pushups. Like people do these things all the time. I think what I'm doing that, that, that I guess is a little bit unique is just the perspective of how I see organizing these things and how to approach when and where they happen. So that way most of it is
Starting point is 00:06:25 integrated into my daily lifestyle and, and not into like set aside sessions that, that make up most of my training. Um, and, and that's actually what kind of the main point of my walking on my hands thing was, was I want, I'm trying to accumulate more time doing this kind of normal thing. Like, like you would set aside time to do bear crawl at like a gym. Uh, a lot of people would, I'm just doing that. I'm just doing it in a way where I'm going to be able to accumulate all of that time all at once. Um, or, and then we'll actually now throughout the day, I usually will be able to kind of break that up and accumulate it. But, um, the, the, really the thing that's just different is just the way that I approach integrating my, my training into, into my day. I'm taking something that basically like my walking on my hands thing. That's, that's just
Starting point is 00:07:16 one aspect of my training. I'm going to make that an entire practice, but I do that with multiple things too. I don't know if you saw, but I did a hanging series not that long ago too. with multiple things too i don't know if you saw but i did a hanging series not that long ago too are you still doing the hanging series is that still by still doing it are you hanging every day still every single day yeah day what is it day two do 225 of hanging today i want to go back can you give me some examples integrating? Let's say you need to go to the store three blocks from your house and pick up a carton of milk. Will you go there on your, will you bear crawl there? No, no. Okay. So not integrated like that. No. So it's actually, it's, it's not, it's the point of it. And this is a concept
Starting point is 00:07:58 I've spoken about before, but it's I call it free XP or free training. It's basically, the concept is I'm going to take, I'm going to acknowledge all of my goals, everything that I want to be able to do, or the things I'd like to be able to fit in and work on. And I'm going to then, I'm going to audit my entire day, right? And then I'm just going to look for places to swap out things that I'm already doing with things that are more aligned with my goal. So walking to the store on all fours or in a bear crawl, that's going way out of my way. But if I, let's say I'm transitioning from standing to the floor, and then I do that by putting my hands on the floor and then lifting my legs up and doing like a little handstand.
Starting point is 00:08:46 That's what I would call free training. I didn't really set aside any additional time to make that transition, but I just fit it in. And then those accumulate very quickly throughout the day if you're just constantly looking for them. I guess if I was going to go from the couch to the fridge, I could do that. But it's just at this point really easy to find um kind of normal ways to to integrate it that i don't need to really go out of my way uh for example like being on my hands doesn't necessarily mean being in a bear crawl or even in a handstand i like to to grade things down to like the absolute lightest version of them uh so it might just be like in the morning while i'm
Starting point is 00:09:22 brushing my teeth i'm leaning on the wall at a steep angle with one hand. So that way I'm accumulating an extra two minutes on that hand before I even start my day. And then I can do the same thing with the other hand while I'm having a conversation waiting for my kettle to heat up in the morning. And just little things like that, you'd be surprised. But if you set aside, let's say an hour to go to the gym and a portion of that was, I'm going to spend some time on my hands now because I want to accumulate some time there. So to get better at the, either the skill or, uh, to build tolerance there, uh, the time that
Starting point is 00:09:56 you're setting aside at the gym, it's, it pales in comparison to what I can set aside in small one to two minute increments, um, where I'm just replacing an activity that I would already be doing. So again, I'm not setting aside any additional time. Well, would you ever, the only, the thing that I think of right away is two miles from my house is a Toyota dealership. And every, every time I, you know, Hey, my checkup light goes on, I get excited. Cause I know I'm going to drive there and I'm going to walk home and it's going to give me two hours to listen to an audio book. Right. So I can be like, Oh, that's sweet. I'm going to get just two hours of uninterrupted listening. Right. Is there anything that you do
Starting point is 00:10:34 like, would you, you would never watch TV unless you were, let's say you were watching something that you were interested in. Let's say you were watching some jujitsu matches for people who don't know your Brown belt belt in Brazilian jujitsu matches. For people who don't know, you're a brown belt in Brazilian jujitsu. And how long have you been practicing? Probably about 11 years now. Okay, so you're a real competent brown belt. Arguably. Okay, you are.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I watched a bunch of footage. I mean, as competent as someone as I could say is competent. Would you ever watch TV or be watching any computer stuff while you're also not practicing? Like, would you make sure that you're up on a bar like a parrot if you were watching TV? So I do a lot of that because it's just – it's so easy, right? Sitting is – I think sitting is one of the great untapped pools for developing for, for developing strength flexibility, because we do it so often and it's such a passive thing. Hell yeah. You're doing it right now, but even, even beyond that. And here's how, here's how I like to think about it. This is actually my, my perspective
Starting point is 00:11:35 that I'm trying to like kind of push on people. Um, just so that way it's easier for people to understand is that when you're sitting, you're already training, right? Like we're already training right now. The way that we're sitting is just training us to build tolerance to these ranges of motion, to these positions, right? So when you, if you sit at a desk in a comfortable chair for eight hours a day, your body will literally start to adapt to that setting, to that chair, to those positions, right? Your hamstrings will shorten and your hip flexors will get tighter, but those adaptations will happen because your body is trying to get better at that. It's trying to do you a favor. So whenever I'm sitting down, I'm trying to think about like, all right, my body's literally right now I'm spending a copious amount of time, an hour,
Starting point is 00:12:23 two hours, way longer than most people would go and spend at the gym sitting and doing this activity. Maybe I'm watching some jujitsu or something. What do I want my body to be adapting into in that time? So again, it goes back to, it's more of a perspective thing. A lot of people don't realize that the actions that you're doing throughout the day are informing your physicality, what you're, what you're capable of, um, more than anything else. And, and if you're not, if you just acknowledge that, if you just acknowledge, Hey, like what I'm doing throughout the day is, um, is effect is impacting what I can and can't do. Then like, it becomes really easy to, to start to, like I said, swap things out and, and to, to see like the game that you're actually playing. That's how I like to think about it.
Starting point is 00:13:10 It's like, we're all playing this game. We're constantly training. Your body is constantly adapting to the actions throughout your day. Like just open your eyes and see that that is the reality of it. And then, and then you can make some, some changes very easily. My whole goal now is to, now that I'm in my thirties and I'm a dad and everything is to just be as capable as possible while doing as little as possible. I was like trying to joke with people that like, I really don't train even though I'm constantly training because I put such, so much less effort than I did in like my twenties. How old's your kid? 13 months.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Wow. Congratulations. Thank you. Do you live with your kid? Oh yeah. Yeah. Good job. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Wow. You're doing a boy or a girl girl. Yeah. Wow. Congratulations. Are you absolutely loving it? I I've been loving it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 It's, it's, it's really been the very best part of my life so far. And it's funny because before, before meeting her mom, I, I didn't really want to have kids in the sense that like, I, I kind of was like, I'm not going to contribute to overpopulation, blah, blah, blah. I had all of these like reasons. And then I met her and it all just
Starting point is 00:14:25 like made sense all of a sudden. And, and since then it's just been, it's been the best part of my life. So going into like everything that I, all my priorities and my goals prior to her being born and everything is completely shifted and completely changed. And again, that's like part of it. It's like, I'm trying to do as little training right let's little as setting aside as little time for my for my uh my my physical goals so i can set aside more time for for you know my family and for her um uh in and when you're with her do you see her do you do that with her are you looking for ways to already train um her like i remember when my kid i'll give you a couple examples i thought crawling was the holy grail of fitness even even before i met you i thought crawling was like why as soon as you stand up you're done crawling why would
Starting point is 00:15:19 you ever encourage anyone to to walk so whenever my kids crawl and they were crawling proficiently and fast i'd be like dude beast and i would never give them those toys that they that encourage them to stand or walk or any of that but also when they would war to stand up and walk i would i would cheer them on you know what i mean oh great just talk to him like they were just one of the dudes yes do you see yourself start just integrating um what you know well i've always just known that kids are inherently better movers than adults because we because they don't have all of the same restrictions and um the i don't really need to like train her or coach her in any way she a she's like she's a little like freak of nature phenom like she was walking at nine months and by the time yeah by the time
Starting point is 00:16:14 she was 10 months 10 or 11 months we had to like take all of her pack and plays down because she would literally do a pull up and pull herself out of them. Yeah. Awesome. So yeah, she just sprints everywhere now, um, and has been for a few months, but, um, I mean, you don't have to teach her anything. If the thing I want the most is to just show her. So I think part of it is maybe just like seeing me doing handstands, crawling around, jumping up on things. Um, just, just seeing different options. She is such a little parrot so she'll like anything we say or do she's gonna copy so i don't really need to like coax her she is constantly trying to replicate what we're doing so i think just like giving her a little bit of an example some space and it's obviously like seems to be working um it's funny i didn't even think about this until just now i since my kids before
Starting point is 00:17:05 they were born i've always had wooden gymnastics rings hanging in the room and so every day since my kids have been born and now they're uh seven and nine they've done some sort of hanging every single day of their life they hang and their cores are so crazy strong right because as soon as you hang you know your feet kick in front of your frontal plane and so my kids have always been hanging i highly recommend hanging rings in a room somewhere just some rogue wooden rings i just mounted them to the ceiling i didn't i hired a handyman yeah and uh and he did the man yeah crazy yeah i mean i think that's great i think it just and that's actually something that it's some it's something that is more accessible as a kid because you're so light that you can kind of get away with hanging on things and climbing on things
Starting point is 00:17:48 and suspending from things. But as an adult, like they're, most people don't have access to something they can hang on in their own home. Right. I think just having that around and then, and then again, they need to put it in. They need to stop being pussies and put it in like, Hey, it's your living room. I know other people don't have rings hanging in their living room, but do it. Just do it. I'm just saying rhetorically. Yeah. No, I'm telling you, if you find somewhere to hang, I'm talking directly to the audience now. But yeah, that's really good advice. You should have some place to hang. Is your hobby turned into a profession? Let me rephrase that. Has your passion turned into a profession? Has your, let me rephrase that. Has your passion turned into a profession?
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's definitely, it's definitely the goal I think is for me just being able to do what I want and train the way that I want for that to be like my entire profession right now. I'm still coaching. But yeah, I mean, I'd love to just like, just do just the influencer thing. In fact, any, any businesses, any products, brands out there that are looking for somebody to promote their stuff. But the thing is, is that I'm just such a stickler with like, I can't, I can't fake. I'm not a good actor in any way. And I can't really kind of fake enjoying something or
Starting point is 00:19:05 using something that I I'm not behind. So, um, I, I need like basically to just constantly be reaching out to brands that are things that I use. So, so if you are a brand and you, you see something in the background of my videos, or you want to put something back there, send it to me and then we can talk. But that's basically all I'm trying to do right now. I'm trying to get away from, from having to do too much one-on-one coaching. That's, that's still what I'm doing. Kevin, I got a tumble track bar and mats that you have in your garage. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yep. My kids use those every day too. My four-year-old daughter came up to me yesterday. So proud of the calluses on her hands. Yeah. Highly recommend all, all all oh yeah so so this is those are the rings hanging in uh now i live in a different house but we still have rings that's uh i think that's obviate 10 months old and as you know as a parent that's really hard to watch i'm terrified right now but that's yeah yeah that's my oldest son at
Starting point is 00:20:01 10 months that's how he that was every day. And hey, and you think right there, right? It's scary because if he falls back, he's going to bang his head. His head can't reach. But I think he actually falls here and you'll see how quickly he rotates or maybe he doesn't. And I would dangle those rings just out of reach often. Also, by the way, if you do, oh, let's go. If you do have rings in your house that was a huge mistake right there having rings that your kid can put his head through because your kid will
Starting point is 00:20:30 stick his head through and he'll hang himself and die you have to the rings always have to be above his head and ideally now we have small rings that they can't put their head in so uh really important and tumble track also sells uh small plastic rings and you can use them too obviously yeah i probably could um yeah and then we we've got a setup in here we've got uh we've got some adjustable bars and and trx and and all of that so um honestly like i wish that i could switch over and start this i've kind of taken like, or slowed down the pace for my content creation and just been doing just like, just the things that I really, really want to.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Mostly because before, right? I was doing my daily posts. Like, here's what I'm doing. I'm hanging every day. I'm crawling every day. Now so much of my day includes my daughter. It's like, I feel like I have to exclude that because I'm still not sure how I feel about like having her on the internet. And I think that
Starting point is 00:21:30 it would be something that people would want to see. And it would be a good way for, uh, me to kind of share, share what's going on actually in my life, other than just like the small snippets of a session um at the beginning or the end of the day but uh i don't know how do you feel about that you're bringing back so many memories um so here's another thing i did i never uh picked my kid up um once they had a strong grip i can't remember how it was but so every and you have to be this isn't for everyone but this is for people like me and you who who are present i wouldn't and who understand grip and all that stuff every time i would pick my kids up i would put my two fingers out they would grab their fingers i would lift
Starting point is 00:22:18 them a little bit off the ground i would bring them close to me they and then we would switch positions every time for two reasons. It always made me present. It slowed me down. He got stronger. I got stronger. It did what you said. We were multitasking, right? I had to pick him up to take him.
Starting point is 00:22:33 The only time I would ever pick him up and grab him, it was like an emergency. And I can't even think of an example. You know what I mean? But like if he fell in, if we were crossing the street and he fell and there were cars coming. if we were crossing the street and he fell and there were cars coming but even then like i um i i realized that anytime my kid fell if i went over and picked him up i stole a burpee from him i stole a fucking burpee from him i got stronger and he and he lost an opportunity but all of those things and i showed all of that shit on the internet and a lot of my friends i got a lot of
Starting point is 00:23:03 uh flack from my friends my close friends said i was a share enter like i just had to share everything my kids were doing hey caleb will you go to the three maybe three plane brothers youtube station or instagram and just scroll back but um i uh maybe even scroll back like way back yes they have they have an instagram account oh so look at that pull-up bar right there so that bar uh and the and the yeah those gymnastics bars yeah my kids spend so much time i got that from tumble track they sponsored it by the way i'm sure they would sponsor you too they're a great company and my kids get on that thing every single day even today at seven and nine.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. This stuff. So yeah, we do tons of this, right? Oh yeah. This is a great practice. Just keep moving that thing a little further and further away. And, uh, I don't know how old they are here, three or four, but I got three of them too, which kind of helps because they all, they kind of are competing and mimicking each other. Yeah. That's the thing is that they're just going to copy what they see.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And then they're going to build on it a little bit. Kids are so good at taking literally like a mundane task and making it a game. And, and that just keeps you constantly progressing. It's, it's like, it must be like a survival trait. I mean, that our developmental trait that, you know, we have for our own good is to just keep trying things until we figure out what works. I feel like at a certain point, movement wise, we just completely stopped doing that. In fact, we start taking cues from people. People start, you know, like, I guess more metaphorically picking us up, you know, saying you have to sit in this chair for eight hours to do your job or whatever, like, and then, or you have to, you know, have to walk in a straight line whenever you're, you're going down the street. How, however, I feel like there's these very defined ways that
Starting point is 00:24:48 were told or at least shown to move. And, and look, kids don't follow any of those rules. If you've taken a kid to a store, you know, it's like complete chaos. I want to be that chaos. I feel like then I can have that mobility and strength. Look at i know i don't know very many adults that can do this yeah so if you just have that stuff around kids will just start doing that stuff they just know to do that you don't have to be like hey do the skin the cat this is how you do it you just be like hey hang there and then eventually your kid does that shit exactly and this is also another distinction i like to make is like the kids don't even see doing reps like this as training. Like this is just like this is currently their job is to just entertain themselves. as a coach, just seeing people earnestly come in and try week after week to, to try to unlock a skill like that. And then to see some kid being like, that seems like a really hilarious thing
Starting point is 00:25:51 to go do until I have my juice box that there's, it's like something that feels like there's kind of a missing link there. Like why at the age of 30, is it so challenging, so difficult to do that? And I don't think it's anything to do with like that we've deteriorated physically. It's just that we have literally like, A, we've completely limited all of our options and B, we've adapted into something that is far from that. And like I said, just changing some little, little perspective things about how you approach your day. You could, you can go back to being like a kid. And, and I think the biggest barrier for a lot of people is just like not having permission to do it or thinking they look
Starting point is 00:26:35 a little bit silly. Yeah, for sure. People are afraid. Um, we had a, a professional athlete on here, the court, uh, the backup quarterback for the Chicago bears, young man just made the team. And he was saying, yeah, that was interesting. interesting he brought that up i had forgotten about that now that i'm old people people are embarrassed people are embarrassed sometimes to try things or work hard you know what he said you can't you got to get over that shit you got to fucking like go until there's snot coming out of your nose i think it's funny because i think i look around gyms and if you were to like just take any any of that stuff out of context it's like it's super weird it's super super weird super goofy super cringy right see to see somebody grunting and and and screaming and it's like within the context of understanding that that person just lifted that
Starting point is 00:27:24 maybe the heaviest thing they've ever lifted that's badass right like you're seeing it from their the perspective of their movie but outside especially if you don't even understand the training process you're like what the fuck is this weirdo doing like this is super strange i that's how i see everything or i guess that's like I, I, it's easy for me to see that as being just as silly as taking a stroll down the street in a bear crawl, like, or, or whatever,
Starting point is 00:27:53 like, how about when the gardeners come to my house and I'm in the garage working out and there's a dude walking around with a gas powered blower that I know is heavy working out his forearms. There's another guy pushing a mower. There's another guy, uh, raking doing basically some sort of like a mock sled pool. And I'm in my garage, like a fucking jackass accomplished nothing. And they're out there and I'm like, I pay these guys to do what I'm doing in here. Like I, sometimes I trip on it. That's the only
Starting point is 00:28:22 time I feel like a fool. I'm like, God, I'm kind of weird yeah I think people take sometimes take fitness a little too seriously because they think of it this as this separate thing that they've got to like psych themselves up for or or some sort of like it's something that's going to to transform them and and it can physically can and mentally can transform you but it's, people have been gaining strength and skill and ability, like not doing that for a long time. So it's not like that is the norm. Like before physical training, people still had strength and ability, right? In fact, we simulated in the gym because we just don't encounter that in our daily lives. simulated in the gym because we just don't encounter that in our daily lives.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So I don't see how like doing what we did before, like just having a, just an integrated lifestyle, like a training integrated lifestyle where you don't have to set aside a bunch of time to go to a gym and to do, to do kind of out of context exercises to look like you can do things in a specific context. Like for example i mean um sorry give me one second my computer is unplugged we're back but uh you were going to give an example yeah like i mean like like seriously like we go to the gym we we do this
Starting point is 00:29:43 to to build our bodies to look a specific way, or maybe even to try to function a certain way. But for what task? What is the true task that you're doing? If you were to actually go do that task, you would build more strength and proficiency and your body would look more like what that task would demand. So that's generally how I try to approach my training. I get comments about how I look a lot of the times and how i look is is exactly what i feel like i should look like because it's it's exactly what my body looks like from being you have a fighter's you have a fighter's physique like a warrior's physique you know like i call it a dad mod it's my dad i think you look like a you look like a fighter you look like a professional fighter You look like a little more muscular
Starting point is 00:30:26 Than a professional fighter I think I look more muscular than a professional fighter Like when I think of Like boxers I guess I think Are you still around 150, 160 Yeah And I was tripping on how
Starting point is 00:30:44 In your 5'7 Yeah that's just and i was tripping on how in your five seven yeah that's just you're and look how thin you are you're just a fucking muscle you suck to roll with can you beat everyone at your gym uh i mean yeah i i try to think of myself as a as a fun role that's how i like to think about it but yeah no i try i literally do try to make it suck for everybody at all times. I try to make them uncomfortable as a way to make them grow. You wear headgear? I got a hematoma on my left ear from, I think it was from a knee, from an accidental knee strike.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And I didn't want to, I'm really trying to maintain my look since I'm going the influencer route. So I'm trying to avoid that turning into cauliflower here for right now. I've been in the game for 11 years and I've avoided cauliflower here pretty effectively. So trying to keep that going. Nathaniel, when you say influencer, what do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean by that? Well, I mean, I mean, just now I've got a platform, like we're sitting here having a conversation because of that right um yeah so i think well if you were some ding dong well if you
Starting point is 00:31:51 if you weren't do if you had didn't have a serious practice you have you have a serious practice that was presented to the world via media platforms and i saw it and i was like oh this is fucking great i want to talk to this guy. I think people will like, um, hearing from him, but it was still the hard work you put in, not just, it's all the hard work you put in for sure. Uh, I mean, dedication, commitment. I think that that's something, I think that that's the, the draw, right? That's the, that's what brings people to my channel is to see me doing something that they wouldn't do themselves. Um, which is the reason I watch other people's me doing something that they wouldn't do themselves, um, which is the reason I watch other people's videos is like, I wouldn't do that. So it's good
Starting point is 00:32:29 to be able to see it here. But, uh, but I mean, honestly, like if I were to try to pay a marketing company for the amount of reach that I have right now, like I wouldn't, it would, I mean, I wouldn't be able to afford it. Right. And, and so this feels like, like, this is my job. Like people, okay. People are interested in watching what I do. That's, that's really what I want to do with life. And so I want, I want to be able to train the way that I train to, to continue to basically study, study through practice and then, and then pass on my insights, be able to pass on, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:06 like seriously, I, I, I'm trying to embrace the, the, the cringiest thing possible, but yeah, I'm trying to basically just be able to be me in front of people in a tolerable way. And then that'd be mine. I guess I just hear that word influencer and I just think of um it being uh i'm taking it back okay you are taking it you're taking the word back right yeah it's okay so it's not it's not going to be like uh kim like you are influencing people in a truly positive way like last night when i was watching your stuff i got off the assault bike and i and i started doing practicing movements on my hands and i started practicing like compassion when i, and I started practicing compassion when I got tired. You would say, hey, don't get crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Don't hurt yourself. Just feel it. And you were definitely influencing me. But when I hear the word influencer, for some reason, I get triggered. I'm like, fuck that. I'm not buying lipstick from this motherfucker. You might buy my lipstick. Don't.
Starting point is 00:34:03 All right. Never say never. Influencer, a might buy my lipstick. Don't never say never. Influencer, a person that influences another, I don't know. We all are influencers. I don't know. I I'm, I'm being petty, but, but I can't let it go. Okay. I I'm, I'm kind of trolling, but that's kind of, that's kind of what I like to do anyways. Like I, I, I kind kind of kind of like to troll people and just and and mess with people and and so i like to challenge what what people think about things and and why and yeah just like just like how how i approach training right it really rubs people the wrong way some people can rub some people the wrong way they They're like, why don't you just go press a bench? Like, just go do that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And like, and I'm like, why? Why would I do that here? No, I'm in fact, I'm not going to do that. And I did it before and I won't do it now because that's you demanded of me. And so, yeah, if being an influencer is cringy, then, you know, that's probably the actual word I want to use because I want to kind of challenge people's perception. I like it. Yeah, of what that is because it's honestly – Everything you're doing is challenging people.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So, yeah, okay, I get it. It's who you are. It's what people are doing anyway, so, like, why pretend to be something else? Like, it's what people are doing anyway so like why pretend to be something else if you're if like it's what we're doing right now we're in front of people and i don't know if i'm actually trying to influence people i'm really just trying to i mean i guess i guess in a way yes i am trying to influence people in some way or another i want people to see what i'm doing and then be able to make an informed decision based off of it we're able to see what i'm doing that's what i that's the reason i get on the internet. I want to see somebody else have got in the water first
Starting point is 00:35:48 to see how cold it is. And then I can decide if I want to get in. I want to do that for other people, but in with things that I truly believe in and things that I've actually been working on for years and, and, and, you know, not just random shit. I feel i definitely see that we're responsible and we should take a responsibility for everything we do so if you're out in public and you light up a cigarette you should be responsible and let every let everyone know you're letting everyone know that smoking's okay there's people around you who've tried to because we're just all mirroring each other out there so basically what you do or when i see uh someone put chewing tobacco in and i used to chew tobacco i think well that triggers me like it makes me want to put one in i'm not like mad at them for it but it makes me want to put one in right you think
Starting point is 00:36:32 people have any awareness that that they're doing that of their influence some people do some people some people do um like the whole tattoo thing and septum rings and all that shit. That's all just insanity mirroring insanity to me. It's just people running away from something and then other people seeing that that's what they did and then them mirroring that. I don't think that that's a phenomenon that would be as big. I don't think people crave that deep in their soul to put a a nose ring in or get a huge tattoo on their back i think that they're they're being heavily influenced by other people i mean yeah but i mean whereas on the other end it's craving their soul to do jujitsu either i saw some other people doing i thought it was cool
Starting point is 00:37:19 and i tried it and i liked it so i think that i think that we're all kind of copying people at all times right the other day i heard somebody else but i think that i think that we're all kind of copying people at all times right the other day i heard somebody else but i think that's a positive influence i think that's a positive influence i think that positive is just relative i agree i agree you can jiu-jitsu can definitely be a negative influence jiu-jitsu is terrible for you uh a i mean everything i do in my training is to allow me to do jjitsu. So the, the, the big, the best influence jujitsu has on my life is that it is so destructive that it forces me to have good habits in other aspects of my life. You mean on your joints and on your body,
Starting point is 00:37:55 the beat down you take? Yeah. I mean, you got to think about it. Like you have another human being and, and they're out there trying their hardest hardest not only to keep me from doing what i'm doing but they're trying to literally strangle me or break my arm or leg or something like that and with jiu-jitsu what makes this makes it a fun game is that you can go really close to the actual break and you can go all the way through the actual strangle before you have to stop playing the game under unlike other martial arts in their games, like they're sparring that, that where they,
Starting point is 00:38:29 you have to kind of like stop way closer to, or way further from the line. So yeah, you take, you take a lot of, I wouldn't say damage. You can, it really depends on like your maturity.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Like as you're rolling, just learning how to not push yourself and not how to, how to not like your maturity, like as you're rolling, just learning how to not push yourself and not how to, how to not like, um, let people get to a point where, where they're going to break you. Like if, if, if somebody were to get me into a fully locked out arm bar at this point, I'm just going to let them have it. I'm just gonna be like tap and let that ego go because, uh, it's just a game but yeah no it's it's i wouldn't say doing jujitsu is good for me it's good for my mental health in a way that it gives me something um something to like kind of focus on and build towards that's um that's really no pressure at all how long have you been doing jujitsu you You said 11 years, 11 years. And how often do you practice? I try to, I try to practice. I try to be on the mats at least twice a week. I try to
Starting point is 00:39:31 do two to four times a week. So I do usually also, uh, not, not really, not too often. So I basically spend all of my time just, you know, working on my business coaching and stuff. And then jujitsu doesn't really pay the bills. So if I'm coaching coaching a jiu-jitsu class it's like uh as a favor to somebody but um but yeah not too much and then i just teach my kid too what city are you in uh india or i'm in carmel so oh that's right that's right that's right in what state indiana okay okay carmel yeah so now like yeah that's my area so if i have like haters or anybody that just like wants to come you know challenge me that's that's my address i do get a lot of people online that are like sure that they could kill me um i don't even understand how you would even incite that
Starting point is 00:40:25 your your instagram account has got like a whole zen feel to it the way you talk that pisses people off they hate that really i mean you're part you're part monk the the the stuff that you're doing like this sort of um it's got this whole build the sand mandala feel to it all your stuff even the way you talk don't you think i hadn't thought of that but i do like to hear it um yeah you're just like perching and like you're swinging like from one arm i mean like today i did this for 15 seconds in 12 different sets trying to accumulate three minutes that's spot on i'm very compassionate towards myself if i have to put my foot down and i try
Starting point is 00:41:05 not to obsess on doing it perfectly it's just putting in the time and working hard and focusing go get your xp and you don't want to kick that guy's ass fuck no i'm fucking like next video show me in the mortar of his shit every time i watch your stuff i wanted like if i was a coach i would watch your stuff and i would make it part of my class's warm-up. I would integrate all the stuff you're saying into my classes. So I'd be like, okay, guys, while I'm talking to you – if I was at a CrossFit gym. While I'm talking to you today, we're going to be doing 15-second hangs, 30-second rest while I talk to you and prep you guys for the workout. I don't want to hear anyone talk.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Get up there and hang. Let's go. And then I would talk to the class for five minutes while they prepped on their hangs or they, you know what I mean? I would, I would even show them your videos. Hey guys, this is what we're going to do today. Yeah. I love that. I think that just giving people time to, to work and then a little, a little bit of demonstration can be frustrating for some people though. Some people really hate that. Hey, is there, is there that. Hey, is there a product that you use every single day? There's probably a lot of products I use every single day.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You thought about developing your own product? What's that? Have you thought about developing your own product? I'm coming out with a tooth powder. Tooth powder? What's that? Fluoride's and neurotoxin. Oh, okay. So it's for your teeth. Yeah, so basically it's a mixture of clay, crushed eggshells, baking soda, and a little bit of salt. It's going to be called – I don't know. I don't have a name for it yet.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Look, there it is. There's the the prototype the first batch is being made and uh but i i use toothpaste every day and i can and uh and i and i can't stand putting poison in my body unless it starts with the tea tequila um but i was thinking you need a product. Yeah, I have product ideas all the time. I literally, I have constantly have product ideas. It's just that the... Can I hear one? Do you want to share one? Share one?
Starting point is 00:43:14 I'm just at the top of my head. Nighttime toothpaste. There you go. And actually, that's a free one for you. Wait a second. You just stole my idea, Nathaniel. I'm a toothpaste guy guy what's a nighttime toothpaste so toothpaste is menti right men like wakes you up yeah you should have toothpaste flavors for
Starting point is 00:43:33 going to sleep oh oh oh nighttime toothpaste okay all right off the dome because you were talking toothpaste against me all right all right that's for that's for free for you all right thank you the next one i will invoice you for okay one idea per show lavender toothpaste no no i'm not doing any flavored toothpastes say that now what are you eating these days what's what's what's the diet to maintain the uh the the cat physique the agile cat physique yeah so a lot of people ask that um it's mostly just raw ginger whole no i'm kidding i i do try to eat some i don't think you eat very much at all i'm guessing you eat very little you don't like any much i eat um i i try to i to to make it sound very intentional. I call it intuitive eating.
Starting point is 00:44:27 So that, but that is a real thing. But basically I just eat when I'm hungry and then I kind of stop eating when I'm not hungry. And I'm kind of a, I'm a very neurotic, introspective person. Like I'm just constantly in my own head. And when I am, it's hard for me to even think about food. So I will accidentally fast and I've done this my whole life. I'll just accidentally fast for like half, like a whole day. And then I'll have like a meal at the end of the day. And I don't do it again for any health reasons. It's just kind of how my body operates.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And I just try not to force myself to eat too much. That's always been kind of why my weights around the same. I don't, so I will, I will force myself to eat if it's like been been kind of why my weight's around the same i don't so i will i will force myself to eat if it's like been too long oh my god i'm getting sick but like uh but i don't like stuff myself and then also i don't have like nearly any restrictions on my diet either except for like just don't eat purely candy and ice cream and i'm also lactose intolerant which is kind of a nice like built-in restriction but but when you're in the checkout line at safeway you don't buy a um a packet of uh peanut butter m&ms uh peanut m&ms you don't i don't i i i don't stop myself if i want those well i will eat like i said i'll eat
Starting point is 00:45:40 i'll let myself eat whatever i want um because i'm i'm always kind of like i said, I'll eat, I'll eat, I'll let myself eat whatever I want. Um, because I'm, I'm always kind of, like I said, like the way that I eat, I feel like my body just, just finds homeostasis, like my natural maintenance without me having to like count calories. Um, that's why I don't give nutrition advice because I never have had to struggle with my weight. And so I try not to, I try not to talk about it with people or give people too much advice. Like just having become a personal trainer and done, you know, some study, uh, you know, I can give people, I can give people like the standard advice of, uh, you know, counting their calories, macronutrients, what, what, you know, but I try not to, to, to dip into that realm too
Starting point is 00:46:26 much because that's one of the things that actually has come easily to me, unfortunately. That's why I try to focus more on the movement realm just because it's, it's something that I've actually had to put in work to understanding. Are you more conservative since you had a kid? Politically? Yeah. No, I haven't had a chance to even think until this very moment. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. When you said earlier in the show, when you said something about not having kids because of overpopulation and now you have a kid and it's kind of like this perfect thing. and now you have a kid and it's kind of like this perfect thing and i was just wondering if you've uh if you've swung if you've gone from like yeah who cares if someone shits on the sidewalk to like fuck man we can't have all these people camping out on the sidewalks anymore i got a little girl walking around here yeah no i think as as i age and as and after becoming a parent i've just become i've become much more selfish i think before i was very live and let live let's burn the world down kind of not like that i didn't not like a manifesto way just sort of like a very apathetic good good good clarification not in the manifesto okay good clarification but but but now
Starting point is 00:47:39 it's kind of like now now basically now i have standards for myself and other people when it comes to like interacting around my kid and and state of the, at least my immediate environment. Right, right. Yeah. I mean, you think you'll send your kid to school or you'll homeschool? We'll just send her out into the woods to figure it out. With a loaf of bread so she can leave breadcrumbs? Yeah. I mean, if that's what she wants, if the animals, they can leave breadcrumbs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I mean, if that's what she wants, if the animals, they can follow her and teach her some lessons. Have you talked about that, whether you're going to homeschool? I guess it's a little early, 13 months. Yeah, no. We'll probably do public school. I just feel like it makes the socialization a lot easier. I feel like I don't really – I'm going'm gonna push back on that and then i'm gonna leave you alone and i'm gonna go back to talking all fours yeah no we can let's talk this let's
Starting point is 00:48:31 let's let's hear what you have to say okay um that is a uh and i mean this with as gently as i can that's a default answer about the socialization and that actually if you look at the who are like, if you looked at my kids who are homeschooled and then you looked at like when they go to like the jujitsu class or they go to their tennis class or they go to the skate park and you look at which kids are you would want more socialized better. You'll be like, oh, that's my kids. They trained at AOJ last week. You know that place? Oh, yeah. Yeah. They train there. that's my kids they trained at aoj last week you know that place oh yeah yeah they trained there
Starting point is 00:49:05 that's on the on the right the kid holding his chest like this uh 10 hours of training there two hours a day for five days undefeated like 15 sparring matches a day he's a little stud but um uh the kids that went to school you don't want that socialization i don't think i do get that yeah no i definitely they're not they're not socialized in a good way like people be like oh my god your kids are so good i'm like yeah they're not socialized you know what i mean it's like oh like they're they're not in a dick measuring contest with other kids they're not mean they're nice they haven't learned some of the shit that's like unnecessary the way kids treat each other no i totally get that i think that i definitely
Starting point is 00:49:45 wish that i would have been able to uh i guess like influencers homeschool their kids that's that's one of the benefits of being an influencer okay well i didn't know that so now you're teaching me i'm learning good good uh but yeah no i think one of the things, just from seeing those videos, you have multiple kids. Our kids' age ranges are so far apart that – You have other kids too? Yeah, I have stepkids. Oh, how many of those do you have? I have a 17-year-old and an 11-year-old.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Oh my – wait, how old are you? I'm 32, I think, 32. I'm 32 I think 32 Your Spouse Your lady I don't know if you're married
Starting point is 00:50:27 Your lady Has a child that's 17 So Yeah She's Adopted We're gonna tell her Next year
Starting point is 00:50:37 Oh No I'm kidding We shared She knows I thought I thought So she She had a kid really young or she's
Starting point is 00:50:46 significantly older than you no she had a kid kind of young early 20s okay okay hey where did you meet your lady uh at the gym at jujitsu no not at jujitsu uh i was a coach and then she was at she was at the gym where i just training and i i'm usually really good i usually have like a very i usually try to put put out a very non-sexual vibe for professionalism am i doing that right now yeah i haven't i haven't you haven't made me horny once well uh yeah so i i that's kind of my my standard and um because of that you know i ended up you know just i developed closer more intimate relationships with people because there's not that weird tension um but but yeah we just kind of ended up somehow ending up bumping into each
Starting point is 00:51:40 other outside of the gym so i'm not i'm not a predator but um but yeah we didn't meet uh there's people in my chat who are coaches who've slept with 11 different girls at their gym like you know what it's it's so common but i i still i still like to to to like i think it's better not to also i think it's at least try not to yeah yeah i feel like i feel like it's still like a smudge on my record oh yeah it's not i don't think it's a good idea in the workplace to vibe the chicks i always just try to not vibe any chicks yeah but the one time i did it it worked out so so you're one and oh i'm one and oh yeah and then i like to to stop while i'm ahead sean lenderman i do wish sebi could understand that not everywhere is like California.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Here in Arkansas, we have incredible public schools and teachers, no blue-haired ladies. All right. All right. Fine. I don't know why you got to bring the blue hair into it, but okay. Jake Chapman, this guy lives on the Isle of Man. They're socializing with adults more, not other kids. I think there's value in
Starting point is 00:52:45 knowing your peers and understanding other kids are shitty i i agree hey and my guest yesterday said that uh car saunders was on here and she said that um she liked it when other kids kids were mean to her kids that it helped her adapt in other situations all right um fine yeah good point fine look point point yeah yeah siding with the guest. I hate that. Don't ever do that. Uh, you, you know why it was necessary to bring blue hair into it. Okay, fine. Okay. Oh, it's a, it's a, it's a cantankerous crowd. Can you see the comments? Yeah. Yeah. They're popping up. up how about this one he's quirky with dry humor i'm quirky that's that's a quick that's i think that's a good assessment of you and just like a handful of words quirky with a dry humor i'll take it i'll take it i think you should um positive what what is in any um setback, quirky, characterized by peculiar, unexpected traits? Yeah, he's fucking been walking on his hands for 28 months.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Any unexpected benefits or downside to your practices, to the hands thing? Anything like you're like, yeah, I wish I would have known that, or I'm glad I discovered this? Yeah, no. Honestly, I set up the perfect parameters at the very beginning to to just make it automated and by that i mean like just stay present the entire time by automated i just mean never stop being present but yeah so i said i set up the parameters at the very beginning like i'm gonna spend x amount of time on my hands and i'm not i'm not gonna do anything that causes pain and within that like, I just haven't
Starting point is 00:54:25 had any negative effects at all. No negative impacts to report. It's literally just been anytime I get even close to something bad happening, I just change course. That's kind of my issue with selling programs. The reason I don't have a program to sell is that you need to have the ability to adapt. And that requires presence to, to be able to step away from something that's telling you to do something. You don't want to assign something and someone pushed through and hurt themselves. Exactly. I think of, here's how I, here's the metaphor here. I like to, how I like to think about it is that, uh, programs are like, it's like a roadmap, right? Or a GPS, right?
Starting point is 00:55:05 And then training, and again, you're always training. You're training right now. We're training right now. But let's say specifically in your sessions, it's like driving a car, right? If you were to just be holding your phone, just looking down at that, just looking down at the map the entire time, that's following the program. And you don't look up to see if there's a person in the road, if there's some sort of obstruction, if there's something that's not accounted for, then you're going to crash the car. A program can be nice to give you some direction,
Starting point is 00:55:35 but you still need to have enough knowledge, enough presence, the right parameters in place to where you can actually drive the car yourself. You can't just blindly follow a GPS or a map without looking up and expect, and expect that to not end in disaster. That's how I think if people throwing themselves into a program and not even questioning the how or why or what, and just, and just hoping that on the other end, they're going to pop out stronger. Like to me, that feels like driving a vehicle while just looking at the map and not looking at the windshield. And so what I've been trying to do recently is instead of writing maps, right. I'm trying to teach people how to navigate on their own and drive a car. And so that way, because the car in this metaphor, the car is always moving, right. Even as we sit. So how can we just start to make a little turn of the wheel to start to move that in a direction that we actually want to be in? We don't want to be out of shape and have very low mobility. I want to be strong and mobile. How can I slightly start to turn the car in small ways to become, to get closer to that direction? Right. That's, that's my whole thing.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So I don't, I'm, I'm trying to get away from, from teaching people exactly what to do. And it's good. We're good. Good kid friendly show. Kid friendly show. I'll stop using F bombs. We're good. Okay. You're fine. She doesn't understand the words yet. But yeah, I try to kind of steer away from programs in general, just because, not that I don't think they're a useful tool, but I think that it's just like how people, if you constantly use your GPS, you don't know how to get anywhere.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And again, if you take the analogy just a step further, if you don't even look to get anywhere and and again if you take the analogy of just a step further if you don't even look up from the gps you're literally going to crash the car and then in the analogy that would be a major setback like an injury or something like that hey go ahead i'm sorry yeah when when you think of this these two training things this uh uh you know the hanging and in the force practice the all force practice and the hands practice um we how would you sum up the greatest effect it's had on you uh the greatest add value like the most add value yeah it's been the lesson that the lessons that I've learned, honestly. So like the, the increase in my software. So I feel like, like how you operate.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Yeah. How I operate the, the, the, the changes in my conditioning, my flexibility, my strength. I know that all of those things are temporary, right? Well, we will always give back all the strength, flexibility, everything that we work for and gain. We will one day give are temporary, right? We will always give back all the strength, flexibility, everything that we work for and gain, we will one day give that back, right? That's inevitable. The balance. Balance. The ability to move, right? We're all on our way in that direction, right? So everything we work for is temporary just so we can hold it in this moment. And then we have to keep working for it to even maintain it. But the lessons that I've learned about how basically how to operate throughout
Starting point is 00:58:49 my life, how to integrate my training into my day, the importance of training daily and cutting down on periods of inactivity and really the basically opening my eyes. It's like, I really feel like I've, I've opened my eyes to a different way of viewing the world. And, and it's so, and it's so common sense. It's so easy. I, I want to give that to people. Like I want to, that's what I, that's the, what's the reason I want to be, you know, the, the influencer route is I honestly feel like I have a message. Maybe I should just start a cult. Like, I feel like trying to be as sincere, it's hard. I should, I think, I think just go the cult route and then get people seeing that way.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And then it'll be for their own good. I can have like a Lex Luthor arc or something or something like that. But yeah, the idea is like, I'm trying to get people to see things the way that I have started to see them since starting this practice. That's been the most powerful part of it. It's not any physical thing that I've gained from it, or even any like technical skills that I've gained from it. It's really just been this change in my perspective. And again, the Zen thing, I like hearing that
Starting point is 01:00:03 because that kind of is what it feels like. It feels like kind of ascending to a different way of seeing it. But at the same time, it's really just kind of removing layers that have been put in place because it's just like seeing how a kid operates. It's almost too simple. Like it's almost too much common sense for people to even consider. The things that I teach people, the message that I have, I feel like if it's not common sense, it should be. It's something that people have been steered away from somehow.
Starting point is 01:00:41 All I'm saying to people is, look, what you're doing throughout your day is creating you. It's creating what you're capable of, all the things that you're capable of. Why not consider that? Why not change your daily activities before starting to pile more actions on top of that with an additional additional workout instead go through the, the full list, like say an hour of your day is training 23 hours of your, the other 23 hours of your day are, are informing who you are just as much,
Starting point is 01:01:13 but obviously more 23 times the amount that you had spent training. Like, so an example would be how about, uh, if you're an arm wrestler or if you're a rock climber, uh, integrate that everything you pick up on Wednesdays, you only use your thumb and your index finger.
Starting point is 01:01:28 How about every day? And okay. Every day. Well, you know, on Tuesdays you do your middle finger and your thumb. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Fridays you do your ring. That's what you're saying, right? Be conscious. Yeah. Integrate your training. Yeah. You can set little,
Starting point is 01:01:41 little parameters and goals like that to make it, to make it really easy to, to, to, to figure out like the, the parameters and goals like that to make it, to make it really easy to, to, to, to figure out like the, the why and the how it's like, Oh, I'm trying to do this. I'm trying to improve my grip strength and I always pick things up. So making a small adjustment. Yeah. It's a perfect example. Another one that I give to people a lot is whenever they have trouble, like finding a place to hang, especially because hanging is physically demanding on a lot of people. A lot of people like, you know, you, you go to a gym, you know, that if somebody shows up day one, they've never hung before,
Starting point is 01:02:11 then it's going to be really challenging for them. They might not even be able to hang their full body weight from the bar without falling. Right. So I just tell people like, like when you're, when you're standing near a doorframe, just like suspend, grab your fingers like this on there and suspend. That is a scaled down version of it. If you do that all the time, the way that kids are always climbing and hanging on things, when you go to perform the action, like how your daughter was doing that skin, the cat back and forth over and over, you don't even have to think about the
Starting point is 01:02:39 skill itself. You're like, this is a familiar activity. Right. Because it's something that I do. Even – well, I have an air runner, and some people can't even – do you know what that is, an air runner? What is that? It's a treadmill without a motor. Oh, yeah. I've seen those. And some people can't – they freak out when they stand on it, and some people can't even – a lot of people can't walk on it, and they especially can't walk backwards on it, which is, it's that thing, yeah. What's the trick?
Starting point is 01:03:08 Which is a trick to me. Just having a good balance? Yeah, shit, I don't even know how to articulate it. Maybe it's to lean forward. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 01:04:19 But it's not like normal walking. It's a little bit different because the ground's moving underneath you, right? But it's not like normal walking. It's a little bit different because the ground is moving underneath you, right? As you move on that thing because of the way it's shaped, that's what causes the – I don't know if the word is inertia or the mechanism to start rolling forward or backward. Can your kids do it? Yeah, so easy. My kid can run on it and do a 360 on it while he's running, which is a trip a self-propelled that doesn't even make sense for a self-propelled um runner yeah my kids my i make my kids walk backwards on that in the fighting position while i throw balls at them and they catch them and throw them back at me that's hilarious yeah yeah yeah i think about that i'm surprised you haven't gotten into that by the way uh a tennis balls into tennis balls.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I've used them in training. I do all sorts of little games and things, but what I found is that when I'm training by myself, like less is usually more like I can, what I like to do is I like to start with like completely empty space. And then when I run, I don't add any equipment until I run into a problem that needs solved. Generally.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Sometimes I'll see a piece of equipment. I'll be inspired. I'll be inspired by it. I'm like, I want to climb on that thing. I want to jump on it. I want to balance on it. My inner child,
Starting point is 01:05:34 it's really not even your inner child. It's like, have you ever woke up? Have you ever, have you ever woke up in the morning when you wake up in the morning and you just, you're, you're compelled to stretch and move around,
Starting point is 01:05:45 right? Yeah. That's called somatic stretching. It's like, it's, it's stretching just based on like feeling, right? It's like, it's a, it's a compulsion you have. Your muscles crave that when you move all the time, you have that same thing for movement. I want to do a handstand. I, when I wake up in the morning, I crave putting my hands down on the floor. I can't wait to get some weight in them. The same way that you, if you sat in bed until like 1 PM and you woke up at like eight, right? You'd feel weird. Like you're probably, you'd probably feel antsy. You'd have nervous energy because you are used to getting up and walking around and
Starting point is 01:06:20 operating throughout your day. I have that with like all parts of my body and with skills beyond just walking. So I just, I just want to, and it makes it so easy. Like I see some things. So in that way I'll be inspired, but I usually like to just start with just my floor, right? Just a bare space. And then I'll run into like, Oh, I really need to integrate some hanging. So then I'll, I'll integrate some, some equipment that, that uses hanging. Uh, or it's, I need like, I need to be elevated a little bit to be able to, to get some more range of motion on this, this particular skill. I'll add something in. Um, but I usually don't like present myself with a full room of things and then try to use them all or figure
Starting point is 01:06:58 out what I'm going to use. I, I let my, my, my objective for that day inform like what I'm going to end up using. And then I'll go and pull from that. But I feel like less is more like not having a bunch of options up front that are all right in front of me, but instead thinking about what I need and then having them nearby that I can go grab. I have a pretty, listen to this, listen to this, listen to this, a Sean Lenderman. God, you're a douche Sean. If this guy can bench press his own body weight, I'll send everyone in the chat a nude. Bench press my own body weight. Of course he can bench press his own body weight.
Starting point is 01:07:33 When's the last time you did bench? Have you done bench in the last year? Do you fuck around with bench? No, it's been a few years for sure. I didn't bench for a few years either. And then I started benching a little bit again when I was hurt. And I enjoyed it. It's one of those weird activities though you're right like if you didn't if you saw it from like far away and you didn't know what it was you'd be like what is that person
Starting point is 01:07:51 doing yeah it does seem a little bit weird uh you ever what do you know what your max bench ever is all-time life uh not high it's low it's uh 205 210 or something like that i really just do not did you ever try to bench 225 i i took as much creatine as i could one time i got up to 182 because i wanted to bench 225 and i still never got it even though i could do 135 for 20 no problem i never got to put the 245s on yeah no i mean i think i think that window closed for me unless I do drugs. No, you could totally do it. I think the, what I do like about weights and I think that I did 220 though. So I did beat you by a few pounds. Oh, for sure. Yeah. You're, you're definitely the alpha in this. Thank you. Even though I think you could tie me, you could tie me into a pretzel. Yeah, no, I just, I think of it as a skill power lifting and, and, and, and honestly you could just brute force it, but I, I just have never really invested much time in bench press because it's just not a skill that I'm that interested in.
Starting point is 01:08:55 What about a max weighted pull up? Do you know what your max weighted pull up is? Uh, it's also been a few years for that. I think it was like 91 pounds or something like that. also been a few years for that and i think it was like 91 pounds or something like that uh and you have you have pretty long arms for your size you know what you do you know what your your spread is my my yeah so i think uh fingertip uh-huh uh so i'm five seven what is that that's 67 i think i've got a 70 okay 70 on the dot for wingspan. Hey, there was this girl I think we talked about on the last show. I remember I was probably 25 years old driving in my Toyota truck, and I heard the story on NPR of this girl whose parents were –
Starting point is 01:09:37 her parents got her an orangutan when she was little, a monkey, some sort of monkey, and she would follow the monkey everywhere. And she ended up by the time she was like 12 being like one of the best climbers in the world and her reach was like ridiculously long and her parents didn't have that and so as i'm listening to that i'm like holy shit did she go through that adaptation from having a monkey as a pet that's's wild. I wouldn't think so. I wouldn't think so either, but imagine if your monkey's your only friend from when you're born to when you're 15.
Starting point is 01:10:11 You're going to do some weird shit. That's true. That's true. You probably would do some weird shit. Yeah, I don't know what to think about that, but that is interesting. Your kid will be doing some weird shit, and it won't seem weird to you. My kids do some weird shit, but it doesn't seem weird to me,
Starting point is 01:10:29 but it will seem weird to other people. Yeah, I think all kids do weird shit. It's just getting them to not do the weird shit you don't want them to do, I guess. Like vape. Like vape. Yeah, I guess no vaping. Not for my baby. Do you vape? i guess no vaping not for not for my baby anyways yeah do you vape no nope yeah it's bad yeah shortens your life vaping shortens your life i think i haven't done the research on
Starting point is 01:11:02 it i just just in like you said, you eat intuitively. I intuitively, I being should do and realize that we're constantly training ourselves in the moment. There's a, we're training others around us. And so we have to be a good example and we're always training ourselves. And I appreciate you sharing that. That's a consistent message between both shows. And I look forward to finding what you're doing in, in, in the next 12 months. Yeah, me too. I will have to stay in touch. And I've got a book in the works right now, basically just kind of summarizing more of a
Starting point is 01:11:50 field guide of what I've learned over the last two years with all of these practices. And I'm trying to kind of, like I said, summarize it up in a way that's easy for people to adopt my perspective and see it this way to make it simpler on themselves. So I don't have, I don't have a date yet, but it will be soon. So people can just continue following my socials and you'll see a pop up. Hey, I know, I know that. I don't want you to think I wasn't listening to you because I did hear you loud and clear about a training program,
Starting point is 01:12:22 but I do think that you could put together a training program for walking on hands that coaches could integrate and people could integrate and kids, parents can integrate with their kids. That would be fantastic. I think so too. And I think, I think that the analogy of it being a roadmap that, you know, that's, that's, that falls apart whenever you start to really integrate like more uh more resources like like one-on-one interactions where you can actually explain the concepts task-based games um we didn't really get into it but like ecological approach is
Starting point is 01:12:58 kind of a big part of my uh my my training style and how i develop kind of my different objectives whenever it comes to like setting off on a bigger endeavor, like hanging for an additional minute on every day for 30 days or something like that. So yeah, you can definitely sort of sit in the passenger seat with somebody and help them to figure out how to drive the car. Uh, so I, I definitely could, could put together something. I'm not, I'm not trying to demonize programs altogether. I think it's just the way that like, like me putting like a list of exercises down is what I was more referring to, but yeah, there might be something like that right now. Like I said, like everything is one-on-one coaching because that's, that's how I comfortable getting it across i'm the kind of person where it's either i just want to put it
Starting point is 01:13:48 out into the world and you interpret it how you will or if we're working together i want to make sure that you like fully grasp everything and we're going to like pump the brakes until you do uh so it's hard to kind of find like a middle ground there where it's like i am putting something out there with moving parts elements where maybe you get to interact with me on like a discord or some sort of group or something like that. And, and then not have the control to keep people from like misinterpreting things or, or, so I want to make sure everything's like super duper clear, concise, and that's really what the book is meant to be. So, and then that comes out, that'll sort of be, I don't want to call it a program, but like I said, kind of a field guide of how to, how to integrate this stuff, how to, how to, how coaches could use this stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:28 These, these concepts to be able to, to get more out of what they're doing or to give more direction to what they're doing. Awesome. All right, brother. Hey, when that book comes out, please reach out to me. I'd love to have you back on. I'd love to get a copy and talk to you about it. Yeah, we'll do. You'll be one of the first. Thanks, Nathaniel. All right. Have a good day, dude. Bye. You too. Nathaniel Nolan. The guy who walks on his hands.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It's a great Instagram account. Has anyone had a handy standy? Hand standy. Oh, wow. All sorts of great questions. A little late. Should have asked that earlier. I do think that if I was proficient at walking on my hands,
Starting point is 01:15:09 I would try to pee into a urinal standing on my hands. But I would have my wife there to hold it. You know what I mean? Like, at least for the first few attempts, like direct it. Yeah. I feel like I'd just end up peeing on my face. Yeah, that's why you can't have that. You can't let that happen.
Starting point is 01:15:24 That's why you have an assistant. Oh, what if you had a string? So you're on your, can you show me a picture of someone on their hands real quick? I'm trying to think. What if you had someone on their hand? What if you had a string tied around your penis? How do you get it tied around your penis? Just like, just a little.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Before you pick up? Okay. Yeah. tie it on your penis just like just a little or you pick up okay yeah and then you have a string in your mouth that runs up your back like i guess over your butthole or over your feet depending on how and then and then it's tied to the it's tied to the your penis and then you move your head to to raise or lower your penis do you know what i'm saying can you picture that yep like a lever system pulley system. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Let me see. I have a piece of dental floss here. So let's say this is your, tie it around this. You could do it like this. You could just hold that position. Oh, kind of like, yeah, okay. Into a toilet maybe. I was thinking like if this is, if this is your penis, and then this is the string that's tied to it.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Yeah. Right? And then this thing wraps up and loops back down and comes back down, like, and it's in your mouth. Right. And so you control your penis like this. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. mouth right and so you control your penis like this oh yeah okay yeah that might be a better way than the leaning tower oh this this dental floss is good or the siska pizza the siska pizza the leaning tower god well i wasn't i didn't even i didn't even drink yesterday And I shared the
Starting point is 01:17:06 I shared the trailer I can't even believe it What was I thinking So yesterday Caleb pointed out to me that we had show 199 pulled down 98 Thank you 198
Starting point is 01:17:22 And so I went through And they actually sent me the clip that got the show pulled down. Really? Yeah. Okay. Can't wait to see that. Yeah, it's crazy. So first of all, what I'm going to say in here, immediately after I heard why they pulled it down, I Googled. So this is YouTube pulled it down for misinformation.
Starting point is 01:17:47 So I went to their other search engine and I Googled is, is what I said true. And what I said is exactly true. And what I said on here on this show, here it is. Here it is. And what's crazy is that means someone's going back and listening to my shows and trying to get me fucking canceled.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Isn't that crazy? Yeah. Okay. So I appealed it too, by the way. I'm pretty sure that, um, the,
Starting point is 01:18:13 the, um, the effectiveness for infection from the injection is 0%. The effectiveness for the injection is 0%. Meaning if you get the injection, it has zero effect on you getting the infection. Okay, yes. And that's
Starting point is 01:18:32 conclusive. So now if you Google, does the, does this, does the DVOC vaccine, does the 49er vaccines stop infection? You will see, no, it does not. It does not stop infection it's the first it's the first thing that pops up in google the very first thing
Starting point is 01:18:48 it does not stop and and yet and yet someone reported that and ding and i got a ding for it yesterday and it's like how if I'm using their own search engine, but they're dinging me for reporting what they report, Google should get shut down for a day. Do you see that? I took a screenshot of what I Googled and what the first thing that came up. Do you see it, Caleb, what the first thing that comes up? I didn't type in exactly what you were what you typed in but okay i typed in um uh does covid vaccine stop infection and the very thing that the very first thing that pops up on google is covid 19 jabs save millions
Starting point is 01:19:37 of lives during the pandemic there's the propaganda and continue to do good job of keeping at risk individuals out of the hospital. But even updated versions of existing injection vaccines offer scant and short-lived protection against infection. That means zero. Scant. Scientific.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Insane. So someone's going through my shows and looking for that shit. And that was cool. At least YouTube didn't give me a strike for that or suspend my account. What the fuck comment is this?
Starting point is 01:20:21 I'm so, I was reading those too. These are, there is orange, red, and only the lower half of the dark green leaves of the palm trees on the right. Straight branchless trees in a row on the left. I wonder if we have any Jewish users. He is the man of the earth. If you are Jewishish you did not blend
Starting point is 01:20:45 i don't know if i'm a lot um oh here um oh uh chris chris bieferfeld and uh wow chris bieferfeld and um And, wow, Chris Biestrefeld and... Judy? Judy got their level ones. Holy shit, Nicole Carroll signs the... It says, Nicole Carroll, General Manager, CrossFit Training and Education. I thought Dave was the... What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:21:17 Is this... What? Oh, my God. You know what? Someone... Oh, shit, I lost you. Can you see me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I can't see you anymore something that oh, um, I Don't I don't get how why it says Nicole Carroll God someone told me something and then Judy Reed there it is Asian Judy as we call her in the hood not J, the cabinet lady. Yeah, not Jody. Fuck that up. Whatever. I did know there's another Greg Glasson in the world. Anyway, so there's that.
Starting point is 01:22:06 No surprise to you guys, I know, about YouTube and Google. What douchebags. You guys in the audience were calling this guy a soy boy and making fun of his bench press. I'm telling you, this guy's a fucking bad dude. His jiu-jitsu is fucking wicked. I'm telling you. It'll fucking mash you. Yeah, I think it's funny that people will just find anything to hate on.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Not to say he's not a soy boy, but I'm just saying. Stupid. not to say he's not a soy boy but I'm just saying stupid I don't think you can you be one eighth Jew I think if your mom's a Jew you're a Jew I think the way that it works that's how they commandeer people does that mean your like grandparents were Jewish and that's how that works
Starting point is 01:23:02 I think it's just if the chick's Jewish or something hey don't the Mormons just go through and like find everyone who's dead and like say a prayer for them so that they go to heaven. Don't they have like something like where the church is or something like they don't only do it for their people, but they're trying to save everyone. Maybe. I know they've done it.
Starting point is 01:23:21 I've, I've seen it done at like Catholic churches too we'll just go through and pray for people who have died recently it doesn't matter like what they are what their denomination it used to have Don's signature I wonder
Starting point is 01:23:44 when it went to Nicole no shit it had Don's signature that makes wonder when it went to Nicole. No shit, it had Don's signature? That makes no sense. That seems strange. Sorry. God, that's kind of a weird thing, right? You get an L1 certificate from the program that Greg developed, but it would have someone else.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yeah, I don't know. I live in Arkansas, and my kid's indoctrination camp is fine, Sevan. It's not taught by blue-haired people. It's a different kind of indoctrination camp is fine, Sevan. It's not taught by blue-haired people. It's a different kind of indoctrination camp. Oh, okay. Cool. I went to school.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I turned out just fine. All right. That's cool. Cool with that. Jesus told me in my sleep last night that I should never send my kids to school. What can I do? Arkansas is beautiful. Dude, I'll tell you where it's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Fucking California is beautiful. Nebraska's looking pretty good right now, too. I'm going to walk outside now, and the whole ground in front of my podcast office is going to be littered with passion fruit. Oh, shit, I'm going to play tennis today. Shit, it rained here three days in a row. Three fucking days of rain.
Starting point is 01:25:23 When it rained? Property tax I pay can't rain that many days in a row here. I pay rained? The property tax I pay? It can't rain that many days in a row here. I pay way too much property tax for that shit. Motherfucker. Someone forgot to tell God my zip code. When you say it's beautiful, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:25:42 What's much? Oh. Is that ejaculate no that's rain oh shit is that new pretty new yeah we had same thing it rained for three days straight and then it just kind of piled up and leaked through the roof a little bit. But no, it's not beautiful here. It is completely gray.
Starting point is 01:26:08 The grass is dead. The trees are dead. Everything is dead. No snow yet, which means it looks like just deserted. Do you have woodpeckers? Yeah, we have woodpeckers. I have woodpeckers i saw a woodpecker yesterday in your trees yeah i mean we have lots of woodpeckers around here but it's always kind of fun seeing them i still like seeing them i still get excited i don't wear i don't wear
Starting point is 01:26:36 the toe spacers daily i was wearing them a lot a lot like a lot a lot a lot and my big toe started having like i don't know i just i just needed to take a break from him but but in in the toe spacers defense oh shit wesley curry got suspended did you see that he's he's a bot he's starting to piss me off wow he got tossed um i don't I don't see that very often Someone get kicked out You booted him? Yeah Wow damn Caleb Are you on testosterone?
Starting point is 01:27:11 Yeah I'm feeling feisty I think you're only supposed to I was wearing them for hours at a time Hours? Hours Holy shit I would put them on and just wear them for the entire show. Two hours.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Oh, that's interesting. Jedediah Snelson. That's why Caleb has that jacket to bring some color into his life. Because it's just so dark. That's fair. Jedediah's just been shitting on my jacket. Ever since. It's a well of great content, your jacket.
Starting point is 01:27:47 It's a nice jacket. It's really warm. Wesley is a friend of mayhem. Oh, you think so, huh? I don't even know what that means. The guy that I just blocked. I know, but what does it mean he's a friend of mayhem? He's just been preaching in the chat.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Oh. But it's just incomprehensible and doesn't none of it make sense did you see the did you see the link that someone sent this morning and this guy's playing a uh it's an instagram account of a first person shooter game uh yeah did you watch that video yes did you think that did that resonate at all with you did you think that was like everyone's like oh my god that's so funny. Oh wow. Cool.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And I'm like, what the fuck? I don't even like that. I don't even, I watched it twice. Oh, you don't. I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:28:32 I'll pull it up right now. I think it's, it's super fucking morbid, but it's great. I can't, it does, it does zero for me. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:28:41 wow, I'm just so out of touch with like, have you ever played a game like this? Oh yeah. All the time. Okay. I've ever played a game like this? Oh, yeah. All the time. Okay. I've never played a game like this. Maybe that's why I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Okay. Here we go. This every once in a while, something like this comes across my desk, but this is completely over my head. I have no fucking idea why this is why this is the third time I'm going to watch this night and I could have gone. Never seen it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Here we go. You guys be there for me if I was going through something. No, no, absolutely not. I hope it sucks. never seen it. Okay, here we go. Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? No. Nope. Absolutely not. I hope it sucks. I hope it sucks. What the fuck? I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest
Starting point is 01:29:16 of your life. I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing that I could have changed that outcome. How is that funny? What am I missing? Someone explain that to me. Like somebody's suicidal and then they reach out to you and then you ignore them. And then you say, I'll be at your funeral.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah, and then you're like, I can't wait to be at your funeral knowing that I could have changed that you were suicidal. I could have answered the question. Do I have to understand the kind of the scene around this game to get this joke? No, no. That's just a... Oh, it's lad banter. Just shitting on each other.
Starting point is 01:30:08 I get, yeah. I do lad banter. I just... I'm one of the lads. I just don't think that's very good lad banter. I don't know. I don't get it. Lately, in the past probably three or four years,
Starting point is 01:30:24 like, suicide jokes and jokes and like shit like that has been going out a lot of people making suicide jokes it's kind of fucked up look that up in google trends google do you know how to do google trends no i'll figure it out let's see Google trends suicide humor Sue is oh yeah really it's it's way up the past month it's like skyrocketed I think that's of what I'm looking at. Let me see. Wow. Wow. Suicide humor.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Yeah. Yeah, look at that. I don't know what it is. How the fuck are you on the pulse like that? I't know it's i think it started as like a military thing people just joking on each other for it has completely skyrocketed yeah um uh uh what about um uh uh how about uh dick jokes dick jokes in google trends uh past oh the past day uh past uh 12 months i see no dick jokes have taken a fucking serious fall they've been replaced wow look wesley's back look at how uh um
Starting point is 01:32:01 um when you say that's a bot that's like really not a person I don't yet know that's definitely not a person but they just keep coming back so I have no idea I put them in timeout it was like a five minute timeout I didn't think they would come back I could just block them all together though jake jokes are only funny
Starting point is 01:32:21 in this bubble I think you need a bigger bubble Mason Joke jokes are only funny in this bubble. I think. You need a bigger bubble Mason. I want to see if it's. What the. I want to see. I can't see outside right now. Oh so we don't even have a guest tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:32:44 We had the lady, uh, who directed the George Floyd movie or produced the George Floyd movie. I wonder what happened to her. She must've rescheduled. And then we have a CrossFit, the owner of CrossFit overload on Saturday morning. John Lavelle used to be on the affiliate team. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:59 that's going to be interesting. Who are we getting tomorrow there was someone we might get tomorrow oh uh Dylan oh shit Ariel Lowen's husband loose cannon people he could say anything
Starting point is 01:33:16 he really is Dylan Lowen's coming on listen that could be the best athlete interview show of all time. He might say some crazy shit. Like, we might find out she beats him or something. She probably runs that asshole. She's, like, really dominant.
Starting point is 01:33:38 She always has to be on top. Yeah, something crazy is going to happen. Some crazy story. And he's in love with her. can I do anything to this guy oh uh put user in timeout okay I did that sorry Wesley I just wanted to see my powers can you tell I put him in timeout uh yeah it did it pop up as saying this user's been put on timeout and you're oh that's cool he's gone i mean they kind of have like a real page but who this guy wesley curry too oh you googled him no i just pulled up the his profile that he's been commenting from. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:26 A lot of preaching. Oh, that's cool. All right. Sorry, shit. I feel bad taking him out then. Sorry, Wesley. Can you hear me? He'll come back in like five, ten minutes.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Oh, you guys are going to love this guy. It's all sorts of Jesus talk. Screwing him over. We didn't screw him over. Just practicing banning people. He's helping us. I've never put anyone on timeout or I can't remember. How about you just stop
Starting point is 01:34:59 censoring people? Listen, it was like he was yelling in the room. He just needed to be muted for a second. Invite the dude back. Don't tell me what to do, motherfucker. Yeah, Wesley, call in.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Yeah, sorry. You get an apology if you call in yeah sorry if you get a an apology if you call in Oh did he call it says someone called and I missed the call. Maybe. Oh no, that was yesterday. Oh. Alright, I think the show's over. Oh, what's today? Thursday? Shut Up and Scribbles on? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:36:06 How about Pedro's Game Show? Is that on? that on that was yesterday actually it was pretty good Lucy Campbell Chase and Hiller was that like some was that a final or something I think it was a semi-final okay so whoever won that gets to go to the final hey and did Hiller like win at the last minute like what happened there yeah he did he's kind of uh i think he won by half a point or something but yeah he ended up winning uh seven you were there no not really i wasn't i just like logged in i tried to call hiller while he was on the show and he said i'm live on the show so then i logged in and just gave a comment like just so like Pedro would feel like I liked them. Oh, you think Pedro was terrified not to pick Hiller? He was intimidated.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Wow. I don't know about that. Hiller was on one, though, for sure. He had taken like 20 scoops of pre-workout and drank a C4. I saw that. I saw the I saw the. Hey, will you Google a woman pouring milk on her okay like you want that in google trends or i know i want images. I got it for you. Woman pouring.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Like this? Yeah. Wow. So what is the point of that? What is the sole and only point of a woman pouring something into her mouth or on her body? What is the only, someone please write it in the chat what is the like what like there's only one thing going on there that's it one thing and if you're a woman i maybe you didn't understand it but every man knows what it is skincare Skincare Bukkake
Starting point is 01:38:06 Simulates male ejaculate Yeah That's all it is Anytime you see Anyone pour something on themselves Like that like in that sense In that like sexy sense That's what that is
Starting point is 01:38:22 Maybe you didn't mean it that way But it's just like like sexy sense. That's what that is. It's the, maybe you didn't mean it that way, but, but, um, it's just like, um, uh, when I go like this 99% of the time, it signifies to you that I'm pointing at something. That's what that is. If I go like that, you know, like when, uh, Nate Diaz was fighting Leon Edwards and he punched him in the fifth round and he stunned him and he starts pointing at him. Everyone knew he's like, oh shit, oh shit. Like everyone knows that. Now you could be like, hey, you're just making that up. Okay, I'm just making that up.
Starting point is 01:38:49 But there is a, God, I hate using this word, a consensus. So if you're a woman and you're pouring something on you into your mouth, on you into your mouth, you're signaling every man out there to think about ejaculating in your mouth. Am I even off a little bit there?
Starting point is 01:39:16 Anyone? I'm totally open to be like, hey, Stefan, you're totally wrong. I'll be like, okay. Oh, wait. Can anyone, can anyone, should we do a poll? Just pouring white stuff into a woman's mouth, whether it be milk or whether whatever it be. You're 100% not off even a little bit.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah. And let me tell you, Dan's my harshest critic. That's true. I don't think it's even subconscious. It's not even subconscious. It's a reenactment.
Starting point is 01:39:56 It's a reenactment. So, yeah, sex appeal. So that's a woman's way of saying it's sex appeal because they've turned it down from a 10 to like a 2. Okay, yeah. Subliminal suggestive. Not subliminal. Let's look up subliminal. Not subliminal.
Starting point is 01:40:16 It's not like when they flashed across the screen. Subliminal. Below the threshold sensation or consciousness perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it. Okay, maybe. Maybe for women, not for guy. Overtly suggestive, but yeah, I'm more on that. I'm more on overtly suggestive. Can you please give context? There's this video that's, yeah, who cares? I agree. I agree with that, too. Ooh, I almost accidentally put David Weed on timeout. I clicked the three hamburger, the three dots.
Starting point is 01:40:52 You've never been more correct in your life. Yeah. Who cares? And I've never been more correct. Yeah, I agree with all that. Who cares? Yeah, yeah, who cares? I agree.
Starting point is 01:40:59 So when you see Lauren Khalil pouring powder into her mouth, that's a, she's simulating, she's triggering all the dudes out there of thinking about ejaculating in her mouth. That's what she's doing. I don't understand why someone just doesn't say it. So no matter what Hiller does or doesn't do or what anyone says it,
Starting point is 01:41:20 they can't beat what she's already done. Like, she can't be offended by any of it. Dusty come. Yeah. Who is Lauren Khalil? This person. Water is wet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:34 No. No. What? I'm wrong. Tell me. No, I'm wrong. Oh, so Dan said I was 100% right, but now I'm wrong because it's white powder. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:43 So you tell me me then tell me what is that signaling if you're if someone's opening their mouth and pouring something into it like that and you're a woman you tell me i'm i'm curious what is the what is the suggestive nature of it yeah i agree like i totally agree it's like an sn skit. Like the cork soaker skit that Mrs. Jackson did. Do you guys remember that? Cork soakers? The cork soakers. But we all knew what it was.
Starting point is 01:42:13 It was cocksuckers. That's subliminal. Zach Jones, he knows. Someone, you always say the silent part. Yeah. Lauren was a guest on the show she was great she's awesome courts oh so you don't think okay so when she's pouring the white powder in her mouth that wasn't simulation of that it was just retarded shit just being retarded
Starting point is 01:42:42 like like oh I think it was Like someone trying to eat a hot dog and they shove it in their eye. You think it was just being retarded. It was a really poor attempt to Pouring powder, that's different for sure. I hope you're joking. Is that facetious? I think he's being serious.
Starting point is 01:43:02 You can't be serious. Sean Lenderman, I can't have her back on now. We'll just sit here daydreaming about jizzing all over. Full mouth, as you've said it, yes. Oh, shit, she's had an OnlyFans for a while now. I've been subbed for a few months. No shit, does she really. I'm so confused.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Do you guys agree with me or not. Do you think it's a leap. From the milk. To the powder. I think all of that shit. Whenever you see women doing that. That's the. What did Audrey call it called the seductive part Uh if she poured a protein
Starting point is 01:43:56 Shake down her shirt that would be waved How about how about this there's a picture of Danny Spiegel shaking A A drink shaker right and there's something white in it and she's shaking it down by her crotch and it's shooting out what do you think that's what do you think that's inferring what do you think
Starting point is 01:44:11 that's signaling to half the population a bust yeah I don't know about the powder thing but I can see it with it liquid for sure well then what do you think that powder thing is that she's doing? I didn't see it when I saw the powder. When I saw powder, I was just like, God, you suck at that.
Starting point is 01:44:30 That's what I saw. So you think she was actually really trying to get in her mouth, or she was just partying with it like confetti? You thought it was just confetti? That's what I thought, yeah. It was just like really poor advertising. Dear women, when you open your mouth and you pour something into it i don't know how to even finish that sentence if i wasn't such a nice wholesome man i would
Starting point is 01:44:53 finish that sentence uh uh the same thing thank you audrey thank you and poor khalil is awesome she just needs someone around her saying don't don't go down that route yeah or if she does just be cool with it i'm not saying she shouldn't go down that route, by the way. And thank you. By the way, there's one fucking honest person in the chat. Oh, cocaine. All right. I see that, too. Audrey, just one of you douche nozzles. yeah, I don't think that matters. Intent and perception are not always aligned. I hear you. I hear you. My point is this. I don't care that she did it. I thought it was fine, but like you really like if you're putting yourself out there like that, you got
Starting point is 01:45:32 to be ready for it all at that point. I'm not like, hey, I'm going to work out my long johns and someone's going to make fun of me and it's going to hurt my feelings. It's like, no, I know. I know. I know. I know. I know I look like a fucking just a tranny. I know. It's like I'm not a tranny.
Starting point is 01:45:52 I mean, or I'm in denial. I'm a tranny. But I know it's like every time I wear this sweater, I know somebody's going to shit on me for it. Yeah, but it's like I just wear it all the time now. Yeah, it's just fuck you. Yeah, you're not going to come on tomorrow wearing and someone's going to make a joke And you're going to have your feelings hurt
Starting point is 01:46:06 Oh my god somebody didn't like my sweater Yeah own that shit Thank you yeah just own it Yeah So let me ask you this You're telling What if she would have done this What if Lauren would have put the
Starting point is 01:46:21 What if she would have put the powder in a shaker Shook it up And then poured it on her then I would have perceived it that way change the viscosity yeah it's all about viscosity I just so many of you need to be schooled
Starting point is 01:46:56 you can buy Lauren's used workout clothes on her IG oh that's cool too maybe I should do more workout videos I can't believe how many views that video i did got yeah you should i didn't even i didn't even like i didn't i put i mic myself up i didn't even really know what i was doing i should have talked about talked more holy shit there's 45 comments on that? What? What? Yeah, someone wrote a video saying I'm working out gets 4,000 views. Oh, God. Wow. It's like a unicorn.
Starting point is 01:47:40 They just can't believe that you actually work out. Man. They just can't believe that you actually work out. Man, that's 45 comments without any replies. Hey, hey, it went from it went from I was doing the dips to like, man, my chest is already like feeling sore to like in the fifth round. All of a sudden, I guess I just I guess I wasn't paying attention to my triceps. I was just like squeezing in the front to all of a sudden in the fifth round i was like oh shit my triceps have just turned off i didn't even like i mean obviously if you're you doing dips you're using tricep but they just all of a sudden were just toast no i didn't i couldn't even did you beat craig richie's time i couldn't even do the workout dude that was the that's the thing and the people in the in the
Starting point is 01:48:21 comments are nice about it like they get i scaled but the people in the comments are nice about it. Like, they get I scaled. But the people in the live chat were just douchebags. No, after the, I think maybe I kipped a few in the first five rounds, one or two pull-ups. And then in the sixth round, I just started getting stopped. Not in the pull-ups so much, but in the dips. Like, I only do, like, four or, or five, or like, you know. And in the 10th round, my, and you're not even supposed to do it in rounds. I kind of changed the workout a little bit.
Starting point is 01:48:54 But I honestly did think I was going to beat Craig Ritchie. And I thought there was a chance I could beat Hiller. It wasn't even close. If I were to try to do the whole workout, I'd probably still be in there still doing it. So out of touch with I'm so overly confident It's crazy
Starting point is 01:49:09 I think I'm so much more capable Than I really am But whatever Are you sure your head close to that garage door? Yeah not as close as it looks But it? Yeah, not as close as it looks, but it's close, but not as close as it looks. Dang. Yeah, that would be toast. Philip Kelly.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Yeah, that would be fucked up. Try not making an email. Then I'd be dead. I'd make it like two rounds. That's the thing. I was like, OK, I'm just going to do it on the minute every minute and it'll be easy. And I could at least say I beat Craig. I couldn't even come close to beating him.
Starting point is 01:49:49 There was a point where I was going to get stopped or I was going to get injured maybe even. Hey, I tried to do two dips just cold, like not even working out. And I thought my shoulder was going to explode. So I rode the assault bike for 10 minutes. I got a quick hundred calories on it. a quick hundred calories on it if i do any sort of like pressing push-ups dips and i just cold start it i can't do it yeah pop something that's probably because you're so big though tons of range of motion right yeah there's a long way to go for me
Starting point is 01:50:27 but once i warmed up it was cool once you're warmed up are you good yeah absolutely yeah as soon as i'm warmed up like i can whip them out pretty easy uh where why do you wear uh long layers to work out? So Just to stay warm The warmer I stay I just try to stay warm I'm just always trying to stay As sweaty As fucking super sweaty as I can
Starting point is 01:50:55 Alright Looks like the behind the scenes is moving along Let's pull up a calendar You want to do some work right now Just real quick Sure What's the first day of the open Oh
Starting point is 01:51:16 Let's find out So this is what I'm proposing To CrossFit Caleb can we see your nipples let's i've never seen anyone post anything like that whatever what oh my god and just read i'm just reading it just read oh february 26 cave dastro okay thank you no no no it can't be February 26th That's a Monday Okay 29th He got his 6's and his 9's backwards
Starting point is 01:51:49 Not bad Okay so if we do I need pens on paper If we do A show on the I want to show the final episode On the 28th So that would be the 28th and then
Starting point is 01:52:10 and then what should we do let's say we do Mondays and Wednesdays release the show every The 28th, the 26th, the 21st, the 19th, the 14th, and the 12th, the 7th, and the 5th, the 7th, and the 5th, and then the 30, oh shit, is that, oh January. And then the 31st, I'll tell you guys what I'm doing here in a second. 31st and the 29th. So how many episodes is that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And then the 24th and the 22nd. And the 17th and the 15th
Starting point is 01:53:06 how many shows is that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 so that's 14 so that means the first show would air on January 15th for free what I want to do in a perfect world oh shit is it December 15th yet?
Starting point is 01:53:24 wow we're way behind. What I want to do is I want to release them all for $20 before and give me a chance to recoup some of the cost and pay people and then save money to do Waterpalooza and the games and all that shit. So I wanted to release it behind a paywall for a month and then
Starting point is 01:53:47 start releasing them. You could do it for four weeks. Well, yeah, that's a month. Yeah, but I would have had to start it on to have them all ready christmas day yeah i guess i could do that
Starting point is 01:54:10 release them all on christmas day and then don't start releasing them and then till january 15th for free yeah uh fifty dollars surprise all your fans sign up for the open i i probably i'm gonna sign up for the open i don't know i probably i'm gonna sign up for the open i don't know where i would do the workouts i'm not i'm not going anywhere to get them like certified do mitsuzo the gym at who no fuck the two out two three hours there and back. Oh, you're right. 14 or 15 episodes. The first episode is so long.
Starting point is 01:54:51 It's an hour and seven minutes. We've been debating whether we should cut it in half or not. I could put up... You always want me to put up episode one. Just send you guys all a link right now. Just everyone who's watching. Dude, honestly, it's probably cost the the behind the scenes probably gonna cost sixty thousand dollars i bet at least and that's with like no one even making any like real money off it that's like people slaving
Starting point is 01:55:15 those thousand dollar a night steak dinners we do aren't cheap i thought you could still do home videos. Oh, can you do that? I could sign up for the open? Okay. Hey, I do want to do this. What do you guys think about this? I do want to make it so that the top, I don't know, five or ten affiliates that have the most people sign up, I'll do a podcast with for next year for my affiliate series. Part of me is like, well, that's kind of douchey. I'm acting like it's a big deal to be on
Starting point is 01:55:49 this show, but I do think it's a big deal to be on this show. And then the number one, the affiliate that has the most open signups, I was thinking, Hey, I'll invite them on the show once a month, even if it's like just for 10 or 15 minutes, just to shoot the shit. Hey, what's up? once a month, even if it's like just for 10 or 15 minutes just to shoot the shit. Hey, what's up? You guys like that? I want to do my part to help people to contribute to people signing up for the open.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I have anyone who wants a copy of every second counts. I'll mail it to you. I shouldn't say that. I still haven't mailed out the free slack boxes. They're still sitting on my dining room table he's got a message about one the other day about slack box if somebody wanted somebody wanted to get one from you oh send me their address okay uh whitney davis i need to send whitney one too i have her address lauren was trying to be sexy and it just didn't work so then one got called out she and everyone else got offended like just be cool and lean into it when you do dumb shit yeah yes sexy that's a that's you mean by simulating having semen sprayed on you
Starting point is 01:56:54 which i understand all like i i understand the the probably the largest consumer of podium is men and like i get it and maybe some people still did think it was sexy. I didn't think it was, I didn't think it was dumb. Like anyone even thought it was. I just think it's pretty wild to do that. Like I'm not, I'll do some crazy shit. I ain't making a video of shit being poured into my mouth.
Starting point is 01:57:24 But thank you. I'm glad to see there's people uh being honest thank you whitney i was supposed to send you one no so i have three addresses okay you know what my wife said she'd mail them out i have the addresses in my notes here and i'm it's a blade it's whitney and it's someone else um oh slack box okay here it is these are the three people it's joe neils i have joe neils address blades address and uh whitney davis address i'm gonna copy this right now and i'm gonna send it to my wife for the another one for you as well i'll forward it to you okay there was a guy is it a guy in germany there was a guy in germany i was supposed to send one too okay i just sent it to my wife she's been telling me she'll mail him forever look at we're getting i'm doing like work
Starting point is 01:58:17 you guys you guys are watching my youtube station when i do work scheduled behind the scenes i don't think you're on the list mr. Kelly let me see let me double-check a Joe blade Whitney nope I never I never uh in the old days I used to turn her down all the time now never never ever ever Used to turn her down all the time. Now, never. Never, ever, ever. She was unsatiable. I probably shouldn't go into that. It's kind of private.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Unsatiable. Fucking nuts. Oh, a little heart from Mr. Kelly. Oh, my gardener just chimed in. I'll pick one up next time you're mowing my lawn, Stephen. Stephen Flores. Get it? Racist humor. Get it?
Starting point is 01:59:16 Good one. He doesn't have many boners left. He can't let any go to waste. What's the list? People that have done your mom. Where did you go? What do you mean? What's the list?
Starting point is 01:59:37 Where have you been? Can I call in? Sure. Yeah. Call it. Call it. Go ahead. Last thing.
Starting point is 01:59:42 And then I got to go. I'm going to play tennis. Tennis. I can't believe I play tennis. Gay! Oh, that's so funny. My phone rang, but it's the wrong phone. Okay. if anybody has any plumbing advice I'd appreciate some information on
Starting point is 02:00:24 how to set up a the water for a washing machine that'd be cool also if you guys have any roofing knowledge take some roofing advice that's pretty much it. Also, if anybody knows how do I tell if it's a load-bearing wall or not, that'd be cool. Because I'm going to tear out a wall.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Not a very big wall. More like a doorway. But the wall next to it is load bearing probably what else let's see no I'm not going to hire a plumber are you high
Starting point is 02:01:13 fucking crazy header in the openings okay get a pro to make sure about the wall hell no I'm not hiring anybody to do this. You know how much money that costs? I'm going to do it all myself. Kalen getting Shadakan.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Why does Cave Dastro want to do membership so bad? Does he know something? I don't know. I don't know. I think people want to use the emojis. If we throw them up there, he'll probably like it. Okay, fine. How much should we charge, Cave?
Starting point is 02:01:47 $75? That's crazy. $100. That's crazy. $100? There should be an emoji with me pouring milk on myself into my mouth from a two-story building. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Yes, please. Who wants to do that? Make a video of me standing underneath a two-story building and you pour a gallon of milk into my mouth. What is that? Was that movie Dirty Dancers? Where she goes and pulls the chain and it yeah dumps water on her can we do that with you but with milk instead yes all right cool i'm not lactose intolerant and one of my friends invited me over to their house for christmas why for dinner that's weird. You know where I'm going for Christmas? Where?
Starting point is 02:02:46 Disney World. Are you really? Yeah. Down to Florida? Yep. Just you and your wife? No. Who?
Starting point is 02:02:54 Both sides. Oh, is someone, are they paying? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. That is awesome. God, I love that shit. Hey, you need a flask, dude. Yeah, we're going to Epcot.
Starting point is 02:03:11 We're going to Epcot. Dude, you need a flask. Oh, that's awesome, dude. God. How fun. I love it when fucking family members take you to just fucking places like that and you don't have to pay. Then you're just totally chill yeah if you paid you'd be like what the fuck am i doing with my money yeah no i'm when they're paying you're just like yeah you just can like help people move
Starting point is 02:03:34 their luggage and be all smiley and shit and yeah i'll carry your your uh baby seat no problem yeah Baby seat? No problem. Yeah, I love that shit. Oh, shit. All right. I'm late to tennis. Memberships. So how much for the memberships did we decide? They must be riches. What's the membership? How much? What do I charge?
Starting point is 02:04:01 Someone tell Sousa. $10? Is that what I charge? And what does that get people? They can, like like do something? Use like emojis and shit that we post on there, I guess. Do I have to read their shit then? I think it highlights their comments. Are people going to get upset if they have a monthly subscription but I don't read their shit? Probably.
Starting point is 02:04:29 They get upset already. $69. yeah nice okay that's good god you'd suffocate under sleaky in the 69 you could you could not be you could not you'd have to be on top that's real real. I think that's real. It's kind of is real. That's, that's not hers, but she has one like it. Whoa. Yeah. Nice. All right. Uh,
Starting point is 02:04:53 see you guys. Oh, shut up and scribble is today at, uh, 11 a.m. Pacific standard time. I believe show is just murdering. They just got their second sponsor.
Starting point is 02:05:00 People love that shit. The numbers are off the hook. Uh, congrats to, um, what are their names? Mr. Howell and Mr. Self. Oh, here we go. I pay for...
Starting point is 02:05:17 Hiller has a membership too. He doesn't even go live. I pay for Hillers and Pedro's. I don't expect them to read anything. I just like supporting. Brandon Waddell what's up buddy good to see you we don't have a guest tomorrow we were supposed to have Dylan Ariel Lohan's husband
Starting point is 02:05:47 so So Are you around tomorrow? Probably not I got a pack We're flying out mid-morning I don't know if I just want to be on here by myself tomorrow If you want to be on the show, send me a DM. Just kidding. Do not do that.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Do not do that. Do not send me DMs. Did you see what happened? Someone left a comment on my Instagram account or something. Or no, someone tried to tag me in something, and they got a notice. Like, hey, this guy's not cool. He just created his account. You can't DM him.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Brandon, I have a treatment tomorrow. I can be the guest while I sit there getting poked and prodded. Oh, that's interesting. Okay. What time is your, what time is that? Text me, would you? That might be good for some tears. Cool.
Starting point is 02:06:43 Oh, Whitney Davis is in there too Jake Chapman What do you call a man with no limbs And a pile of leaves? Russell Bye bye

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