The Sevan Podcast - NEVER Give your Kids a Cell Phone | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Did you just wake up? No, I've been up for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:06 When I was a kid, my dad used to wear a cloth diaper on his head in the mornings. I should ask him about that. Was it like thin or thick? Just like a regular baby's cloth diaper. He would put it on his head. I think he did it to hold his hair in place. think it was like part of his like his hair styling you know what i mean like a do-rag yeah yeah exactly like a do-rag exactly like a do-rag it would be this white cloth diaper and he and i'd see him wearing it in the morning and then he would take it off
Starting point is 00:01:40 uh i mean like pretty quick you know what i mean like yeah he didn't go out with it but what made me think of it just now is i looked i i came on the show and i was looking at my hair i just washed it and i'm like god what a fucking shit show so i put this on to kind of to kind of pull it back and then when i take it off at least the rest of the that'll kind of keep it in place and then when i take it off the rest of the day hopefully stay out of my face resets it for the day I think I don't know
Starting point is 00:02:11 seems legit Corey thank you I should make a list right now I should make a list of the people like who's been I saw so Jason got paid. Fee got paid.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I'll make another list over here. Colton and Dallin of Nottingham got paid. How cool. There's a show. I get to do two things at once. You guys get to see me work in the morning. Oh, can we use this but um also see the
Starting point is 00:02:48 sponsors yeah I was trying to get back to it I think you can just edit that our shape right can't you just like hit edit and then it pulls us up a little bit okay who else needs money um oh Taylor hasn't been paid
Starting point is 00:03:10 um Who else needs money? Oh, Taylor hasn't been paid. And then there's this other list of people that have... Oh, Lindsay Lane hasn't been paid. Lindsay Lane. I haven't heard from her yet. She needs to get my... Maybe she feels so bad she doesn't want to get her $1,000. You think so? No.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I'm just wishful thinking. Okay. All right. That's kind of easy. I'm trying to think if there's anyone I'm forgetting. alright that's kind of easy I'm trying to think if there's anyone I'm forgetting how John's wife sold fucking 70 little Colton piggies or some shit 70 I think so
Starting point is 00:03:58 holy shit I think I saw on her Instagram 68 so I just rounded it up Sean what's up dude for the record we don't fucking kiss the Blarney stone it's only you Americans that fall into that trap oh I heard your chicks don't give head either is that true wow
Starting point is 00:04:17 Slater good morning it's weird to say good morning to someone with a fake name right it's like i'm no like you're talking to your imaginary friends kind of thing yeah kind of kenneth what's up dude oh shit kenneth i need to send you a slack box kenneth if it's easy for you would you text me again so it pushes your text like up to the top of the fucking how many texts do i have oh it's not that bad this morning i have 252 texts that's not bad that's it yeah do you feel lonely when it's under 300 yeah i feel like a loser
Starting point is 00:05:01 I feel like a loser. How about this? Fake Savant. Do I say good morning to fake Savant? Or is that weird? No, that's cool. Good morning, fake Savant. Here for a short time before I'm beaching it.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Morning, my sweetie. Sweetest Savvy. Yeah, I think I'm going to the beach today, too. I'm going to weed. I'm after the show i'm thinking about doing on um uh on some app out there i can't remember what it is i'm gonna say sugar wad but i don't think it's sugar wad on some app somewhere i mean i have videos of my kids doing 50 workouts and for like 35 bucks you can buy the 50 workouts and then a description of them. And then a little writeup.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I forget what the app is. I thought it was sugar one. That's that's a real, what a weird name for an app, but yeah, it's sugar one. So I'm thinking about, I'm going to do another 50.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I did this workout with my kid yesterday. I put him through this workout and the first time I did it, like I tried to like not use any equipment, but I was like, you know what? Oh yeah. Okay. There it is.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I'm going to just make it 50. Cause it's, it's just so fun making them. And yesterday I put my, two of my kids went to a tennis tournament and I put one of my other kids through this workout and I'm like, people should see this shit. What I do with my kids.
Starting point is 00:06:24 So I was like, you know what i'm just i'm just gonna like film their workouts every day for the next 50 days it sucks that that's the easy part plugging it all into this app was tedious really oh my god because you gotta do every single like movement and every all the rep counts and all that shit no well no it's just you have to just type oh you know what i It's just you have to just type. Oh. You know what I mean? And then you have to click over to another box
Starting point is 00:06:48 and type again and click over into it. It feels like secretarial work. That makes sense. Anyway, I did this really cool workout with my kid yesterday. I mean, I didn't do it. He did it. I made it for him.
Starting point is 00:07:01 But all the workouts require some... When I made those 50, I tried to do them without equipment and um this time i'm just gonna be like fuck it i'm just gonna make 50 workouts hey look this is the kind of shit i do with my kids if you want to see it i'll probably put it for free on youtube also um audrey uh audrey can uh, Audrey sent me a weird, uh, DM yesterday. I usually don't, um, talk about DMS without asking people. Sorry, Audrey in advance. I have to read you what she said.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Um, what'd she say? What's your, what's your Instagram? Oh, is it odd? She said, ha ha ha. it it's she said look at you repairing bridges because i reposted something brian friend posted you guys there's no there's no bridge i mean i mean there's no take two there's no broken bridge there's no it's not like it's it's it's really not what you think i don't know where you guys get your information but there's no
Starting point is 00:08:10 there's no um there's nothing to be repaired i think you guys have a misunderstanding on what happened if so i guess that's oh eric weiss it's sugar what good morning dan So. I guess that's. Oh Eric Weiss. It's Sugar Watt. Good morning Dan.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I say that painfully. To you. Slater is not fake. So good morning. Good morning to you too. The pain. The money out part. Anything that's left over from this weekend weekend is like just stresses me out oh like the thing like on the to-do list the last
Starting point is 00:08:53 yeah yeah just any any yeah like i just want it to go away now right like sending invoices like i think we have to send an invoice to born primitive so i'm sure susan will do that you have to send out all the gift cards pay people yeah yeah i hope no one really wants to collect that stuff or they i hope they bug you caleb yeah sure caleb has access to the uh sebon podcast instagram account we'll debug him over there give me two to three business days to respond and I'll get around to it. The two to three business days. Because he's so busy working at the Shattuck Inn. I wish I was working at the Shattuck Inn right now.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Monday through Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, he takes the day off at the Shattuck Inn. It's the day of rest. It's the Lord's day. You can just email gift cards now. It's super easy. I know. It's not actually the work of doing it.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's just it being on my mind. I don't want to think about it. I think I'm going to the beach today too. I'm going to finish here. Then I'm hopefully going to go in the backyard. Hopefully there's not too much moisture. The sun's out. I can see out the window and hopefully there's not too much moisture on the get grass. Can you weed whack when the grass is moist with morning dew on it? Yeah, you can. It just kind of like gets stuck everywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Oh, it does get stuck more. I noticed that. I noticed that. Okay. And I like it though. When the weed whacker starts steaming you know what i mean because the moist grass oh okay i see what you're saying yeah i thought you meant like overheating steaming okay that that is right i did notice that when the grass was moist it was getting stuck more yeah sometimes it'll get like clog up the weed eater the the mower if you mow it when it's wet that's kind of why you want to do it before it rains. But if it's just morning dew, it's probably okay. Yeah, just some morning dew.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You didn't watch the fights last night, did you? No, I didn't get a chance to. Were they good? I couldn't have been more wrong about Ryan Garcia. Really? I mean, he's weird, dude. Something's definitely up with him him is he in his villain era yeah maybe he just he did you ever have any friends and you're and they did too much acid
Starting point is 00:11:14 and like they can't close the doors they opened like they're just they're just really weird and their eyes got all big all of a sudden okay and they have they have no um they think that they are their thoughts and they're just spooing off everything they're saying and they have no like he just feels like he has no fucking inner peace okay at one point you the post fight the post fight uh interview was uh just absolutely bizarre at one point he argued that he had adhd the whole thing is weird he argued adhd yeah coke yeah it does seem like that or or maybe that's adderall i've never done adderall but maybe it's adderall i don't think adderall makes you that manic. It's, it's a different,
Starting point is 00:12:05 I, I, I know people who are on Adderall like every day and it's not like a, you don't get crazy. You don't have that urge to just lash out at every thought you have. It's not, it doesn't really do that. I was chatting with Dave about it and Dave just said,
Starting point is 00:12:23 it's just the Mike Tyson phenomenon. remember when Mike Tyson would be on stage be like oh fuck your mother that he's just yeah kind of like what you said he's in the villain stage like basically someone said that he got 60 million dollars for this fight and Dave's like dude just imagine being 25 and getting 60 million for the fight
Starting point is 00:12:40 and then I was just like wow good point just to show up to fight you get 60 million fuck it i think he was gonna get 30 million if he showed up and 60 if he won even then that's absurd crazy uh seven what do you think of the return of trish i think it's a farce tell me tell me you answer that question. I don't even know how to answer that. I don't think it's real.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'm pretty sure the profile picture is not the same as what it was before. And it's just, they created another Instagram account. Oh, can I see that? Yeah. And it's just not the same vibe. They talk too much. They say too many things. Is Trish and Braylon Tender the same person?
Starting point is 00:13:37 I thought maybe they were. Ryan Sanson, people who don't need Adderall and take Adderall. People who don't need adderall and take adderall people who don't need adderall oh shit listen ryan i saw this story yesterday where there's a chick in um in the netherlands they've i guess they've euthanized 40 people they've euthanized 40 retards in the last 10 years. Can you imagine euthanizing someone because they're retarded? What the fuck is wrong with people? Hey, those are the same people who are upset about the use of the word retard. Do you know that? The same people who are proponents for euthanizing retards are upset at the use of the word retard. It's what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Starting point is 00:14:28 There there's a 28 year old girl who has autism and they told her it's incurable. And so now she wants to kill herself. I was and I was reading an interview. Trish the dish 2024. Season two. Oh. Here's my favorite pre-workout. Take one of these concentrates,
Starting point is 00:14:50 add three something packs, and dump it all in a Tupperware Global Pitcher. Easy, convenient, and delicious. What's your favorite pre-workout drink? I remember making those as a kid. A little bit over two and a half years. I know that guy in the middle, but I can't place him.
Starting point is 00:15:16 4,000. Oh, wow. That's a big jump. Cool. It was good. So here we are on a Friday night in Denver, Colorado, and it is currently just after 10 o'clock. We just finished a workout, 10 o'clock p.m., that is. Can you pause on that?
Starting point is 00:15:29 That guy, there's this girl that I talk about sometimes, guys, and I tell you about how I remember seeing her all the way back in 2009. I see her on teams sometimes. That was her coach back then. He owns some affiliate in Denver. That must be in Denver somewhere. Yeah. Look at the way that guy's facing Boz.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I don't really like his posture right there. Looks like he wants to fight him. Yeah, totally. They both look like they want to fight him. I remember we were at some sort of sectional or something, and the workout had 50 pull-ups in it, and one of his athletes did onesies and won it. It was pretty impressive with onesies. Onesies pull-ups in it and one of his athletes did onesies and won it it was pretty impressive with onesies onesies pull-ups yeah wow that's impressive yeah we had that shit when i was a kid
Starting point is 00:16:12 too uh ryan sansom people who don't need adderall and take adderall definitely are manic i know because that's me addicted to that shit for years yeah i know people like who were taking the bar exam and like had to have that shit to study no wow look at this did uh something red uh did you see jaco's thorough response to all the gossip and rumors people have been spreading no I'd like to see that people start sending me so much shit on Jocko wow and I was reading the comments man there's a lot of people out there who hate him
Starting point is 00:16:56 about being on steroids or no that was two years ago basically the you know that guy Chris Kyle yep so the story is is that that guy was just killing people murdering people and that basically his spotters were out there um and every time they went and took a piss he killed three people and um so in that in that he worked under jaco is the story and that jaco was telling him, Hey, we just need body count,
Starting point is 00:17:25 body count, body count. And that dude knew Chris Kyle that he wanted to set the world record for most sniper kills. And so, so, so that, that was the deal with that.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And then the deal with Jocko was that I think he led seal team four, but that basically there's stories that um he would send guys out to get like on heineken runs and uh people got killed doing beer runs and that he was sending guys on day missions when they should have been night missions and that he wasn't going out with his troops and that basically he was just uh not a good leader and now he's become like the leadership guy that's and that's the uh that's that's all the buzz right now yeah war crimes i think that kind of ebbs and flows with him normally like when he first shit stuff no like people shitting on jocko jake javan people hate success yeah it could be that too yeah when i when i first heard about
Starting point is 00:18:26 him it was like 2015 2014 yeah and he was like becoming a really big deal everybody was listening to their podcast like everybody in our dorm was listening to their pod his podcast and everything he invented the pop seal his day yeah yeah pretty much and then um uh people started shitting on him a couple years later and then like went away and now here we're back in the second cycle of people shitting on him again you think i mean obviously people wouldn't be shitting on him well we wouldn't hear people shitting on him if he wasn't successful yeah of course so that that's one thing whether it's because he's successful i don't know but we sure as hell wouldn't hear about it if it wasn't him yeah oh jocko podcast 434 covers everything wow i'm i'm surprised he's he faced that head on i don't know if he
Starting point is 00:19:15 suge knight was on patrick bett david is that true i thought suge knight was in jail. It's titled War Crimes, Murder, and Leadership. Wow. Hey, I don't think the Pentagon ended missions, ended night missions. I don't think that's true. They did for a little while.
Starting point is 00:19:38 They did? Yeah, for a little while during GWAT, Global War on Terror, they wouldn't let anybody go out at night at night because they can't remember the exact reasoning but it was something like well it was unfair to the enemy or something like that like well you don't it was so tarted for for those of you who
Starting point is 00:19:56 don't know that's the whole thing about the seals that's like one of their things they got these crazy night vision goggles and then they can go out at night and they can see in the dark and other dudes can't that's like if you talk to a seal and ask them about it they'll tell you all sorts of crazy shit about seeing in the night you can just walk right up next to someone they won't even see you there i don't think this is true either extra slobby night missions were a waste of time i don't think this is true either. Extra slobby night missions were a waste of time. I don't think that was true at all. Definitely not. I think we got, I think,
Starting point is 00:20:29 yeah, I think it's the opposite of that. Kenneth, the lab night missions are still a thing. Oh yeah. Kenneth labs, a special forces only operated night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:37 That's my understanding. I've never, I never deployed with the seals. It's hard for me to say that. Uh, deployed with the seals it's hard for me to say that night missions with foreign forces who do not have night vision make night missions impossible I had these I had these pair of night vision goggles you did yeah like this $10,000
Starting point is 00:21:07 pair it could use two different ways of seeing at night someone gave them to me and they came in the box and they said that it was illegal to send these out of the country yeah they were
Starting point is 00:21:23 fucking crazy, dude. You put on this helmet and then you pulled the goggles down. Yeah. They're sick. Huh? It was nuts. You can see everything.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Like it's really clear. Yeah. It was nuts. I don't have them anymore. I use them to pay my mortgage one month when I lost my job. Damn. Really? That's sad. Dave's incriminating himself and dave right now you're fucking retarded
Starting point is 00:21:50 i think he knows more people than dave who would give him night vision goggles yeah dave would never give me a pair of ten thousand dollar night vision go did you bang hayley in the dark with them on no but i but if i if you would have said that and I still had them, I would have. Dude, that's a genius idea. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Give me some night vision goggles. Well, that would be fucking fun. That would be amazing. Sold them on Facebook. No, you can't. People sell them on there and they're just shitty ones.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah. These were not, these were not shitty. There were two different ways you could see at night. One of them shot out a red light, but one of them you didn't need to do that. Like an IR strobe? For red?
Starting point is 00:22:35 No, there was a green and a red, I think. Oh, okay, yeah. And basically, in one of the modes, there's no way anyone could spot you. And it was just unbelievable what you could see in pitch black. It could just get light from anywhere. It's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:22:55 It was, it was, it was, it was so clear. It was so clear. It wasn't like Atari. Yeah. It was so clear.
Starting point is 00:23:04 There's like a little fuzz, but it's not enough to, I don't know, dude, It was so clear. There's like a little fuzz, but it's not enough to. I don't know, dude. It was so clear. It was like perfect. Night emissions. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I want to show you this I was at the beach the other day you know this term catfish yes we bring that up with that definition is I'll read it first for people who don't know what catfish is remember I told you about that dad I'll read it first for people who don't know what catfish is. Remember I told you about that dad at the, at this,
Starting point is 00:23:51 my kid was crying at the pool and I went over to go talk to him and dad put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. No. I tell you that story. No. What the hell? Like basically like, Hey, like he was in swim lessons and my kid started crying.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He had to swim a lap. It was like his first day and he grabbed the side and was crying. And I went over there and he said no and then like i realized yeah you're right this swim instructors had 10 000 crying kids right so i just went back down sat down now my kid loves swimming it's like two weeks later catfish a fake or stolen online identity created for use or created or used for the purpose of being deceptive in relationships true oh and here it is turns out the girl i thought i met online was just a catfish of a fat old man so pedophiles like are catfish like they can often be catfish in a way yeah yeah what so so i was with this guy
Starting point is 00:24:40 the other day the guy put his hand this other dad again and we were out in front front of a burrito place at the beach and we were getting our kids burritos. And there were these two boys talking and they were 12 years old at the oldest and they were sitting on their bikes, electric bikes, of course. And they were and they were both looking at one boy's phone. And I heard the other boy go, hey, how do you know she's real? You're probably being catfished. And the other boy's like, dude, she likes's real you're probably being catfished and the other boy's like dude she likes me oh and i'm like oh just fucking clean cut beautiful 12 year old boys you know what i mean like handsome as fuck perfect hair little justin biebers yeah looking at cell phones i'm just like you know, with their fucking really cool, trendy helmets on their fucking twenty hundred dollar electric fucking bikes with the fat tires.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It made my heart cry a little bit. I wanted to, like, figure out who their parents were and be like, dude, your kid's 12 and he knows the term catfish, maybe 11. The kid's fucked. I just couldn't believe, I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. So I told that dad, I was like, dude,
Starting point is 00:25:49 those boys are talking about being catfish. He didn't, he hadn't heard the term. I was kind of proud. I was like, well, here, look,
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'm teaching you something now, bitch. Some new research today. It made me feel kind of sick. So let's talk about it. This was a study by Ofcom on children in the UK, but we can assume similar results in the US. So here's what was found. A quarter of five to seven year olds now own their own smartphone. No way. No way. A quarter?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Fuck, that's a lot of kids no way dude how are you even giving your five year old a Nintendo Switch no way yikes that's so bad Kenneth DeLapp She's wearing a t-shirt Controlled ops
Starting point is 00:26:50 T-Swift t-shirt Interesting Seve, Jake Chapman Seve, our 16 year old Belinda did quarterfinals 2 in 16 minutes She's 42nd in the world individual so far She was crying during the workout Absolute savage
Starting point is 00:27:04 God, don't you love it when your kids cry during the workout My kid almost cried twice yesterday in the world individual so far she was crying during the workout absolute savage god don't you love it when your kids cry during the workout holy shit my kid almost cried twice yesterday in the workout i put him through wasn't even that hard i mean i couldn't do it it's not even that hard fuck he's a 50 pound kid i had a six pound weight vest on him two three pound wrist weights and made him hold a six pound d ball so he's holding 18 pounds of shit on him while he's doing a footwork a footwork workout hey dude that's awesome congrats jake you should be proud dude yeah that's dope uh red uh doesn't being so close with glassman and all that entailed give you any pause about hopping on rumor mills what's the positive outcome of fueling jocko kyle a dead guy gossip
Starting point is 00:27:56 uh okay first of all i don't know what Greg has anything to do with this and second of all there's a fucking movie about fucking Chris Kyle a Hollywood movie and Jocko has a fucking podcast all about it
Starting point is 00:28:16 and I was contextualizing it in relationship to the podcast I didn't fucking first of all no I don't care and second of all Jocko is the one who fucking is hopped on the gossip rumor mill by addressing it douche canoe okay douche canoe okay
Starting point is 00:28:48 and who cares about Jocko when 25% of 5 to 7 year olds have cell phones I don't believe that do you believe that I'm gonna call bullshit on that shit I don't know man I've seen a lot of kids that age with cell phones
Starting point is 00:29:06 no 32 i don't even understand this i don't even really understand what you're saying how about how about how about don't you aren't you concerned about thinking that it's bad to be on the gossip rumor mill and then bringing it up again in the comments. And a five to seven year olds now use social media completely unsupervised. So 25% of them have phones, but 32% of them use social media on super. First of all, I don't even know what that means. Unsupervised.
Starting point is 00:29:40 How about just at all? Yeah. What would your kid need on social media there's nothing there for them there's nothing there for anybody honestly but yeah definitely don't need to be using that as a kid no they're mostly on whatsapp tiktok instagram and discord okay so the age limit for social media is 13 and that is too young. It should be 16 or 18. 18, 18. If you follow me, you know why it's unsafe.
Starting point is 00:30:09 There are predators, self-harm content, child sexual abusers, bullying, drug access, deadly challenges. But we need to reflect on this fact. Every year early... I wonder if this lady's life is just fucked because she's so steeped in this shit. Yeah, absolutely. She's probably just wildly neurotic about everything. Man. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Jeremy E. World, I fought to not let my 11-year-old daughter get a cell phone for Christmas. I lost the battle, so I'm definitely fighting an uphill battle. It is what it is. Man. That sucks. Probably fighting with the mom, is what it is. Man. That sucks. Probably fighting with the mom, right? For sure.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Well, I need to know where she is. Damn, that's tough. What's that painting behind her? Some weird sex thing? I don't know. I see it. It's like two kids playing on the ground. I thought it. It's like two kids playing on the ground.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Oh, I thought it was just like a mom and a daughter. Yeah, you're crazy if you give your kids a cell phone. Not you, Jeremy. You probably have some sort of circumstance. I'm assuming you didn't give it to her. I'm assuming when you say you lost the battle assuming you didn't give it to her. I'm assuming when you say you lost the battle, you didn't lose it with her. Cause then if you did, that would be idiocy.
Starting point is 00:31:37 A child gets a smartphone. There is a significant increase in mental health issues. So the younger you hand your child, you think smartphone, Significant increase in mental health issues. So the younger you hand your child. You think? Smartphone. The more you're going to see your child suffer with issues like anxiety, depression, self-harm, and even suicidal ideation. God, if any of my kids had that, I would be so sad if my kids had any of that shit. Any suicidal ideation?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Is that what you mean? Just any depression anything like i just like i would just be like hey go outside lay in the grass for 10 hours a day now there's a six-year-old down the street from me who has his own phone and computer even has his own youtube channel he's completely unhinged oh yeah have you read the you read that youtube that youtube book that hillary recommends no does it talk about that? Yeah, there's some examples of really successful YouTube channels that are basically just run by the parents of a 6-year-old or a 12-year-old. Quote-unquote run by.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I don't need... My kids have been... There's a skateboard YouTube channel. My kids go to this professional skater on been there's a um a skateboard youtube channel my kids go to this professional skater on Fridays and he has a big youtube channel and they're in a couple of his videos like learning tricks I don't even let my kids watch those videos of themselves why not I just don't want them like to um uh I was at the beach the other day and this even freaked me out I was at the beach the other day, and this even freaked me out. I was at the beach the other day, and this lady gets out of the water, and she looks at me, and she walks over to me jacked, right?
Starting point is 00:33:12 So like I know right away she's a CrossFitter. She's built like JR. Pretty lady. Like JR. She looked like the lesbian version of Gal Gadot. Okay. And she walks over to me, and she goes, hey, man, I really love your podcast. I just saw the video with Hayley Adams from Australia.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Man, you're so good or something like that. I introduced myself. We chatted it up for a second. And my kid goes, are you famous? And I just hated it that he even knew that word famous. And I'm like, no. Famous. Completely understand that every family has different circumstances.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Divorced parents or maybe your child takes long bus rides for school. You need to coordinate pickups. You want to know where they are. I get that. But there are safer options. Start the kids with a watch like a gizmo or a gab watch. Then when they need. Fuck, I hate solutions
Starting point is 00:34:09 Don't give them a watch don't give them anything Referring to your clip with the internet seal who doesn't know either of them why what's to gain and what why not address an informed? Source if you do care What's to gain? What's to gain? What's to gain? What's to gain? What's to gain?
Starting point is 00:34:50 Doesn't even sound like a word anymore i um i don't know if there's anything to gain i don't i don't know i don't know the answer to that i just heard the story and that guy was a and that guy steeped in um uh that guy steeped in sealAL shit he had that huge fun little back and forth with Sean Strickland he was led a group of 30 he was the lead commander for 30 Black Rock guys and he was a SEAL and he was a Marine
Starting point is 00:35:19 and he worked with McAfee who is a wild story I don't know why not ask him what's not to gain i have i don't even i don't understand the question what's to gain i don't even know why i'm weed whacking in the back because my dad bought me a weed whacker what's to gain uh why not address an informed source if you do care maybe he was an informed source how the fuck do i know he seems like one of those seals that's on the internet i don't know
Starting point is 00:35:56 who who cares i i like like you think it's to Jocko for me to ask about it? You think if Jocko posts something, it's mean to question it or talk about it? I don't know. Why not? What's not to gain? How about that? I don't know what you're saying. You have to tell me what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Why don't you think it's a good idea? What do you think is going to happen to me? Am I going to get to me? It's going to like, give me, am I going to get a cavity or cancer? An anal polyp? I don't, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Uh, all of my friends had phones when I was 12. I believe that's 25%. Wow. Yeah, it's nuts. When I used to teach some lessons lessons there was always like families of two with two kids and one of the kids would swim and the other one would be in the waiting room
Starting point is 00:36:53 or in that little like observation deck and i would venture a guess most of the time that they were hanging out in the observation deck they were on a phone or an ipad or watching tv like we had uh shelves of toys for them to play with and like eventually they just went untouched because they were all just sitting in their chairs scrolling through fucking candy crush or whatever kids show was on their ipads and when these kids have cell phones someone has to pay for the plan too right I sure as fuck don't want to pay for my you have to pay for your kid
Starting point is 00:37:30 that you pay the money you buy the cell phone and then predators have access to your kids yeah that seemed a little fucked up right Daniel Garrity I also know a 52 year old man I made that up I also know a 52 year old man oh i made that up i also know a 52 year old
Starting point is 00:37:48 with a cell phone a computer and a youtube channel completely unhinged i don't get it i get it i get they can't i get thank you you sure i get it okay um you you sure I get it okay Sarah Cooper speaking of unhinged will we get a good rant today too many episodes without one I don't know I'm burnt out I'm completely burnt out I didn't even think that was possible i'm burnt out from the weekend i talk too much what's up dude howdy fellas hey how are you i'm good how the hell i'm pretty excited i'm coming down off of a high yesterday I thought I was the shit and this morning I woke up and like I didn't think as highly of myself but yesterday
Starting point is 00:38:52 I was on fucking yesterday I was on cloud nine now I'm just like on cloud eight even though shit's good it's just like I was just so high yesterday okay now you talk you say something is he talking oh hold on i think it got disconnected hold on jeremy sorry something happened i think it was it was breaking up as soon as he answered you think that's his fault hello yeah okay here we go. Okay. There he is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Everything's great. Just normally I'm a 10 and today I'm a 9. So that's 10% less than I normally am. So it's just a hard day for me. Yeah, you're in recovery mode. You guys killed it. And you want to know what else? I think this is true.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'm not sure how to explain it. It's really unlikely for me to admit something like this. But I get anxiety now when I watch fights a little bit. Like you're nervous for the person? couple ufcs i watched and then ufc 300 i was like oh i'm like i'm kind of like getting a little too amped up here and then last night when the main event started i started getting anxious too i don't know what what i don't know what that is i don't know it's funny because i used to be that i used to get real anxious i can remember way back in the day when like the tito ortiz chocolate alphites i'd be like ready to go and then now I still get it my heart will get
Starting point is 00:40:27 a little elevated I'll feel it but like not as much I don't know it's just I think it's just a man thing I was actually thinking like maybe I need to stop watching fights maybe I need to stop watching men fucking beat the fuck out of each other maybe it's not good hey I did that you did I took
Starting point is 00:40:43 a break I did but uh who fought? I took a break. I did. Who fought yesterday? It was Ryan Garcia and Devin Haney. They've been rivals since they've been little kids. They've only fought in the amateurs. They fought their pro fight last night. What's crazy is Ryan Garcia
Starting point is 00:41:01 beat him. It was supposed to be a title fight, but he came in three pounds overweight. You can't win the title if you don't make oh damn i don't think he cares though i don't think he cares or maybe he just said screw it was it like a hard cut was it one of those guys that are gigantic but like no no down to 185 no he's supposed to make weight at 140 and he came in at 143 the dude is tiny oh yeah yeah what organization is that was that was a usc was it no it's it was just boxing um oh okay okay yeah ryan garcia is the guy and he's with he's with golden boy he looks like oscar de la jolla uh part do second second version of oscar de la jolla oh sweet that's that's awesome love it love it hey do
Starting point is 00:41:47 you think that guy that guy and never mind go ahead no go ahead no no you go ahead tell me about cell phones yeah i think you're you know i told you a while ago um mom and i were divorced and um i see you know so my daughter's around the age where you could start babysitting, you know, stuff like that. She's in school, duh, obviously all that. So would a cell phone be nice for communication purposes? Yeah, sure. So when she starts talking about cell phones, there's versions out there that only allow access to text message or phone. And I'm like, yeah, I mean, if we're going to do a cell phone, we'll introduce her to that. Let's call it the block or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:35 No, no, she needs a full thing. You know, she's old enough, blah, blah, blah. I'm thinking in my head, like, how is an 11-year-old old old old enough for that like to be opened up to the world of the internet that doesn't make any sense to me how can you justify that long story short christmas i lost that battle i kept saying no she said yes so i said all right go ahead a couple things you going to pay for it. And when she's with me, it's going to be limited as much as I can. And that's another uphill battle, obviously, an 11-year-old with technology.
Starting point is 00:43:24 But what I think is something like you've said before in the past, all problems must flourish, you know, before they get better. Yeah. So that's kind of how I'm looking at it is like, it's a problem. I can't stop right now, but I can do my best and I just have to let it play out. Um, while doing my part, but let it play out. And I think, I think there'll be a time I actually just asked her, it's funny. I got the pot on and then she's up in her room uh on her phone and i'm like hey what do you spend most of your time on that thing she's like oh i play games with my friend and and um any unlike any any weird stuff you get any messages anything
Starting point is 00:43:58 no nothing like that i would tell you so apparently i'm doing a good job in that realm i tell you it's it's tough dude listen dude i have two perfect i have three perfect boys i know yesterday or two days ago i said hey does someone want to cut my back and my boy said yeah we'll do it so i take my shirt off and i lay on the ground and they cut my back and and i go i pretend like i'm asleep right so that they'll stop talking to me and they they cut my back they take the cups off and i hear them tiptoe tiptoe out of the room and i hear a little snicker so i wait a couple minutes and i get up and i can't find the boys i look out the window out onto the three plane brothers of palatial estates
Starting point is 00:44:53 in my roundabout beautiful driveway and i look out there and i see the front door of my 2014 toyota 4runner open oh damn and i go in there and they have the center console open looking for gum oh damn so i go in there and my kids aren't allowed in the front of my car ever ever ever ever ever ever ever my mom was at a uh my mom was at a returning to library book one time and she witnessed a um 11 year old girl was sent to her parents car to get the cell phone charger and when she went in there she kicked the car into neutral on accident and the car rolled over and killed her baby brother holy shit yeah yeah this is in a small town my mom was there in the parking lot i know crazy right so i've told my
Starting point is 00:45:43 kids like hey you can never be in the front of the car and i let them go out there and start the car but i'm out there you know what i mean like i have to be out there and so and so if my kid's gonna do that dude you sure as fuck can't trust any fucking kid with a cell phone something's wrong with your kid if they're not going to weird sites all right you know what i mean i don't know i maybe girls are different maybe girls are different but girls are just a little better at hiding stuff boys like you just said they don't give them they don't give a crap they will just do it in front of you and be like oh i didn't know i couldn't do that or something you know like they just they just do it in front of you and be like, oh, I didn't know I couldn't do that or something. You know, they just they just do stuff. Girls are like a little bit more, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Greg explained this to me one time. I was like, man, kids uniforms are stupid. He goes, no, not at all. And I go, why do you say that? He goes, listen, wherever you draw the line, kids are going to get satisfaction breaking the rules. So you draw the line at like it has to be blue cords and a skirt that's past your knee blue cords for the boys so the boys start trying to wear black cords or cords that are um their pants that aren't cords and that's where the battle takes place for
Starting point is 00:46:57 the rebellion and girls try to make their shirts shorter and shorter till it comes above their knee and that's where you know what i mean like it's like jiu-jitsu like you pull their skirt down when you measure it and then they pull it up when it's um when they're walking around and that's where and that's where you draw the battle if you give them a cell phone like where the fuck is the battle where do you where i mean where do you draw that line and when i said that to me in the middle of right now when he said that to me it all made sense sense to me. Yeah, it does. It does make sense when you break it down like that. But again, it's a unique battle because I can say no all day, but then the days are with their mom.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'm like, you know, hey, can you not use your phone that much? And I know their mom is not monitoring that. Mom is not monitoring that. So it's one of those where I'm just trying to do the best that I can on my part when they're with me, keep them busy, keep them outside. And when they're with their mom, I can only cross my fingers and hope that there's some sort of order. Here's some good news for you. This is some hot chick who's a rower. That's two good signs.
Starting point is 00:48:05 And a redhead. That's a fucking triple crown. She says Brianna says I don't know personally I think that a kid is the product of their surroundings I had a phone and Instagram and snap all at 11 and 12, but all my friends were Mormon. I had a great and safe childhood Okay interesting all right if you say so All right Okay. Interesting. what the time domain is um youtube is the second most popular website on the internet with 23 billion views reddit is uh the third most popular 4.47 then facebook then amazon and then the number six most popular website on the internet is pornhubcom. And you want to hear something else. On mobile.
Starting point is 00:49:05 It's the number one most popular. That does not surprise me at all. That's sad. That's not true. I'm sorry. It is not number one most popular. On. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's number four most popular. On phones. And here's the thing also. You have to know also. And here's the thing also, you have to, you have to know also that that's really just dudes. It's like, it's like when they say it's like when anytime they tell you about violent crime,
Starting point is 00:49:32 it's like, it's just dudes. Yeah, it's just dudes. Absolutely. Which is even more important. And Pornhub has the most page, get anything like that.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And Pornhub has the most page views per visit out of all of them, 7.3. Wow. The average duration on Pornhub per visit is 11 minutes. Why would you need to be on there 11 minutes? Hell. That's a long time. Looking for the perfect video or what? That's a long time.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's crazy. I guess it's less than Amazon. And then the seventh most is Wikipedia. Wow, the eighth most visited website on the internet is Yahoo. Who the fuck goes to Yahoo? I didn't even know that still existed. And then Twitter. And then DuckDuckGo.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Oh, then Instagram. Wow, Instagram's 11th oh and here's where it gets scary the 16th most the most visited news site on the internet cnn yep yeah classic fuck that. Wow, that's really scary. Then it goes to TikTok, number 17. New York Times, 18. Microsoft Online. I don't fucking... I'm surprised TikTok is that low.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I feel like they'd be higher. Like, everyone's on that. There's so many of these sites that I would... Like, what's fandom? I've never heard of fandom. I've never heard of I've never what's Microsoft online Quora I don't know what I don't do
Starting point is 00:51:12 that I thought fandom was like a movie site or something no wrong I can't click it or else I would do I sound super choppy on your end you sound like a transformer on my end I don't know what the heck's going on. No phone sucks.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I'm going to borrow my, my daughter's cell phone and call you back. Okay. I'm just kidding. You sound great. Yeah. You sound great. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:36 All right. Yeah. I just figured I'd call in and get that, you know, a little bit of clarity, but yeah, I appreciate you as always. You guys crushed it.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you for your it thanks a lot yeah thank you thank you for your story uh absolutely peace out peace this is uh this is just absolutely bizarre listen to this story here here we go mayor mike johnson announcing new funding to help the migrant crisis shit ain't even funny when did our elected officials get so comfortable spending our tax money on those from another country? But it comes with cuts to many city services, including taking millions away from police. More illegal criminals in the streets, but we're making cuts to police. This should be interesting. Hi, good morning, Dana. Eight point four4 million will be taken from the Denver police budget.
Starting point is 00:52:27 This is to help fund a nearly $90 million aid package to address the city's migrant crisis. Oh, just $90 million here and hundreds of millions in other cities. I'm thinking Trump's wall might have saved us some costs. And as you mentioned, Denver Mike Johnson is trying to justify this plan, explaining it's a combination of capital cuts, like putting off buying new furniture for police, but it will restrict the department's ability to hire for open positions. No change in officers.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Look at this guy. You knew it was a cuck. Wait till you wiki this guy. Why is it always some bitch-ass dude? Deployed to the street. No changes in our plan on recruiting. And no changes in public-facing services. And if you can't tell by the facial expressions of the officers behind them, they seem pretty excited about it.
Starting point is 00:53:23 There's been a clear war on police hundreds dying in our streets and we have illegal immigrants on the increase by the way you know the only people who suffer from that are blacks mexicans blacks mexicans that's it no no one else uh the repercut the well the fatal repercussions are all absorbed by people of color and messicans that might be redundant I don't know I don't even know who falls under that category anymore look up look up that guy look up type
Starting point is 00:53:55 in mayor of Denver mayor of Denver Mike Johnston oh my god wait till you see this fucking picture why he doesn't even look like a man he looks like a
Starting point is 00:54:11 they them he's gotta be a democrat right he's gotta be a democrat please don't tell me that's a republican democratic party took office last oh and he's an educator so he's fully indoctrinated incredible dude incredible from yale from yale incredible
Starting point is 00:54:35 remember the video we played the other day of sheila jackson saying that the moon was made of gas yeah she's that was a texas uh u.s congresswoman she also graduated from yale fucking genius is coming out of there jake chapman he 100 gets pegged yeah for sure he looks like jay de coons his brother that's right damn that's pretty fucked i mean he does he kind of does um sorry jay that's i mean it just is what it is is what it is. Holy shit, dude. Imagine fucking cutting your police funding in this
Starting point is 00:55:30 day and age. You'd have to be fucking retarded to do that. What a mess. It's not going to change anything that's going on in the streets except for the fact that we won't have anybody patrolling the streets that's fucking insane
Starting point is 00:55:51 for those of you who think that skin color has anything to do with anything I say this with peace and love you are a world-class imbecile. Just a moron. And unfortunately, I'm complicit in not making that more clear more often there are definitely stereotypes but if you think that you're born black and somehow that's going to make you a certain way in terms of your personality you are an imbecile
Starting point is 00:56:37 you are you are the product of your environment and your culture do you think that you're born white or you're born Asian or you're born Mexican? You know, maybe, maybe it'll be easier to get stuff out of the top shelf or maybe if you're, it'll be easier to crawl into a tunnel with certain genetics, the way your body's built.
Starting point is 00:57:02 But if you think that it has anything to do with anything, that's if you think that it has anything to do with anything, that's if you, if you think for some reason, because you're born black, you're born more violent, or if you're born white, you're more likely to be gay. I mean, you're tardy.
Starting point is 00:57:20 So, and so I present to you this, the real correlate. Here it comes. East Indian median household income is $124,000 a year. What is the marriage rate in the East Indian culture? 94%. Chinese Asian household income, that's $109,000 a year. What is the marriage rate in the Chinese Asian culture? 61%. White people are number three at $81,000 a year, and the marriage rate in the white household today is 57%. Hispanics at $63,000 a year, and the marriage rate in the Hispanic community is 67%. At the bottom of the list are Black people. Median household income Does anyone need that explained?
Starting point is 00:58:40 They get married and make more money than... And East Indian people make more money and get married at a higher rate than everybody else? Say that again? East Indian people make more money and get married at a greater rate than everybody else. Having a father in your household is important. For sure. The couple staying together and getting along is the strongest correlate for fucking everything. Dan Guerrero, if you don't know this, you're an imbecile. the couple staying together and getting along is the strongest correlate for fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Dan Guerrero, if you don't know this, you're an imbecile. Maybe you're uneducated or young or don't give a fuck. Listen, if you think that you need to be educated, I don't know what you mean by educated, but if you think you need to be educated to know the difference between correlate and cause, you're a fucking moron too. Maybe you need it explained to you, but you don't need it to be educated.
Starting point is 00:59:34 The most sophisticated fucking people I know who have the greatest analytical minds are fucking the least educated people I've known. And it still, and listen, it still doesn't make Listen so wait a second If you don't know this you're an imbecile Or maybe you're uneducated Yeah that makes you a fucking imbecile Or if you're young
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah maybe that makes you an imbecile Or maybe you don't give a fuck Well maybe that's the implication of being an imbecile Speaking of imbeciles You're a fucking imbecile I'm not simple minded I speak well I am simple minded but I'm also speak with clarity you didn't care about this four years ago and anytime before that fucking irrelevant
Starting point is 01:00:24 dipshit I also didn't care about this four years ago and any time before that fucking irrelevant dipshit. I also didn't care about it before I was born, you fucked hard. Just pointless shit you're saying now, Dan. Fuck man Just trying to imagine what it's like fucking dating you Just spewing garbage all day I bet you your fucking wife or girlfriend doesn't listen to 80% of what you say. Pecker. I was very clear. I was very clear
Starting point is 01:01:25 I was very clear on the on the difference between sex and gender very clear sex is real it points to your fucking cock and balls and the vagina points to the fallopian tubes points to the testicles
Starting point is 01:01:41 that's sex points to the chromosomes real shit I've been very clear points to the testicles, that's sex, points to the chromosomes, real shit. I've been very clear. Very, very clear. Just use the words like they're supposed to be used. And gender is just made up shit.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Any of you fucking douche canoes that have a fucking gender you're fucking morons why the fuck do you need a gender you need a gender like you fucking need a Halloween costume you don't fucking need a fucking gender stop fucking interchanging the words like a fucking moron. ...have against high school girls and college women. For that matter, what do they have against high school boys and college men?
Starting point is 01:02:41 Let's start with females and how a celebrated law meant to promote opportunities for girls and women has, thanks to progressives, been turned against them. The law is Title IX. It was passed over 50 years ago. It's only 37 words. That's kind of cool, right? Wow, yeah. It's very concise, actually. Surprising. As a quick aside, the bill was signed into law by... I like her suit. I like this lady. I like her look. A Republican president, Richard Nixon. He was all for it. So were most Americans.
Starting point is 01:03:39 For decades, there was little confusion about what those simple words meant. there was little confusion about what those simple words meant. Women get the same opportunities as men. But today, those words are being twisted to mean something entirely different. In 2016, the Obama-Biden administration decided that the word sex in Title IX didn't mean sex as in male and female. It meant gender identity. Consider what this means. A woman is no longer a woman as defined by science
Starting point is 01:04:09 and as defined by humanity since the beginning. So what does she mean by science? Something that's observable and measurable. My dick is measurable. Thank you, Caleb. A woman is now also a man who claims to be a woman. Thank you, Caleb. matters is that he says he is a woman. Then he can compete with women in women's sports, use the women's locker room, and receive scholarships reserved for women. To deny any of that was now sex discrimination and therefore violated Title IX.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They fucking interchange the use of the word fucking gender and sex. Hey, it's exactly what fucking happened to the Palestinians. It's what happened to the palestinians it's what happened to the fucking mexicans they started interchanging the word nationalism and ethnicity it's all just mind fuckery for the morons sorry sorry uh dan for the uneducated because i'm so smart. I'm proud to say I put a stop to this nonsense while I was Secretary of Education, returning Title IX to its obvious meaning. But President Biden, on the first day of his new administration, reversed my policy and reinstated the policy of President Obama.
Starting point is 01:05:44 The Biden administration is currently rewriting Title IX Holy shit. Oh my gosh. Holy shit. Holy shit. holy shit they're so fucking dumb hey dude if you wanna be like like at least be honest about it like if you're like fuck it trannies get the same
Starting point is 01:06:16 right as fucking men and women and trannies can do just say what you want like hey trannies can do whatever they want fuck you i'd be like okay we're not we're not even we can't communicate with these fucking people because they're our realities are different they're not even using the words the way they're supposed to be used and our realities are just different they it's just so dishonest it's so dishonest to get what they want there's no
Starting point is 01:06:46 there's no uh shit extra sloppy i i think even the original title nine sucks somehow they made it worse but democrats never cease to amaze me uh yeah crazy right reilly gains yeah i posted this one the other day the biden administration just officially abolished tax uh abolished uh title nine as we know it now sex equals gender identity in a nutshell the new rewrite means men can take academic and athletic scholarships from women men will have full access to bathrooms locker rooms etc men could be housed in dorms with women students and faculty must compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns that part's fucking wild that last part if you just want to be like yeah dudes can go in and fucking slap their dong around the women's locker room like that
Starting point is 01:07:45 i can get my head wrapped around like all right it's up but like i i know what it means but you have to the that comes out of your mouth is now has to be is being policed that's thought police if the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then you can be charged with harassment. Wow. Hey, Sebon, this is called complaining. What are we gonna do about it? Keep complaining. You could say this is called education. You can call this as having a fucking backbone
Starting point is 01:08:24 and talking about it publicly while other people are running away from the issue you can call it i'm sharing the truth so that the people who don't who aren't sure what's going on don't think that they're crazy maybe you think it's complaining because you're a fucking whiny bitch i'm gonna support the people who stand up against it oh dan grow it's also called whining and bitching. Ah, okay. Just like imbecile is also meaning uneducated. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 01:09:12 If everyone complained about it, it would fucking go away. If everyone fucking complained about it, it would go away. Like those five high school girls recently who wouldn't fucking compete because there was a fucking tranny in their high school shot put event. They complained about it. It would go away. Like those five high school girls recently. Who wouldn't fucking compete. Because there was a fucking tranny. In their high school shot put event. They complained about it. If everyone complains about it. It'll go away.
Starting point is 01:09:32 If everyone on the fucking airplane. Complained that they had to wear masks. We wouldn't have worn masks. If everyone complained. It would go away but people are fucking too scared to fucking complain about it yeah it's the same thing dude women have to stand up for women yeah it's the same thing with the black folk it's the same thing with the fatties they have to stand up for women. Yeah, it's the same thing with the black folk. It's the same thing with the fatties. They have to stand up.
Starting point is 01:10:05 That's what's happening now, man. The trannies are standing up for themselves. I'm mentally ill and I want it to be fucking. I want to be instead of me becoming fucking healthy. I want the rest of you to be crazy, too. Mr. Butter, he's not bitching and whining. Well, no, we've already established I am. But that's just one portion of it. He's having a conversation. I agree with that. So more people think about this shit and vote accordingly. Thank you. That too. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Get their crochet dolls from John Young's wife. They're crocheted Colton's piggies. She's going to get a flood of pictures of crocheted pigs. I hope she gets reviews. What if everyone's like, these suck? How could you say that sucks though? I don't even, I wouldn't even – how could you say that? They're just little cute little crochet pigs. I'm marching down to Sacramento today to talk to my congressman.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I'm going to run for office. Crochet pigs? No, referencing like bitching versus doing something. I don't know. You tell me what I should do besides bitch. Mine this. Yesterday, President Biden's Department of Education announced its new Title IX regulations, which redefines sex-based discrimination to include gender identity. So any schools that receive federal funding must now use someone's preferred pronouns
Starting point is 01:11:42 and agree to ignore biological realities. Although this does seem to violate spaces for women, on the positive side, if you have a son that's just mediocre at sports, but you wish he was the best, the door is wide open. And I mean literally. He can walk right in.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Later, bitches. Jeez. Wild. later bitches wild did you see that guy who I can't remember where it was but he went and talked to some council somewhere and he says I've made $500,000 betting
Starting point is 01:12:22 on sports with transgender athletes oh yeah is it the black guy i don't know i played that on the i played that on the show it's so good all right yeah i thought that was a trip oh so good he's like why do you think i've made so much money yeah yeah that shit was so funny and the two guys in the front row were loving it. The council members. Usually council members are offended. These two are just dying laughing. It's amazing. It's so it's fucking genius, though.
Starting point is 01:12:51 You just pay attention close enough. You know who the transgender athletes are and you just fucking make money off them. Did I see did I see Jim Broski in here? I guess I'm sheltered, but I haven't met a single person who's OK with tranny shit. That's the thing. You're only going to see them online. That's the thing. No one's okay with tranny shit that's the thing you're only gonna see them online that's the thing no one's okay with it but if you but but still no one's talking about it i i talked to one of my libtard buddies the other day and he's like oh it's isolated incident isolated incident there's it's so rare when i show you the video from this story, you guys are going to – if you haven't seen this story, this is the craziest shit ever.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I'm concerned showing you guys this video that I'm about to show you, but first I'm going to read you the story. Brazilian woman arrested after taking corpse to sign bank loan. She knew he was dead. When Erica D'Souza wheeled her lethargic-looking uncle into a Brazilian bank, clerks quickly sensed something was amiss. I don't think he's well. He doesn't look well at all, remarked one distrustful employee. As Vera tried to get her elderly relative to sign off on $3,200 in loans. Paulo Roberto Braga was indeed indisposed. In fact, the 60-year-old appears to have been dead. Shortly after entering the lender in Rio late on Tuesday with her late uncle, Vera was arrested and charged with violating corpse and attempted theft fraud. She knew was dead he had been dead for at least two hours oh my god i've
Starting point is 01:14:09 never come across a story like this in 22 years said the cop added suza who said visible signs of livor mortis left no doubt as to braga state footage of vera's surreal macabre alleged attempt to cash in on a relative's corpse has gone viral on social media with Brazilians voicing stupefaction at the scene. At one point, the images, which bank workers began filming after smelling a rat, one suspicious employee comments on Braga's pallid complexion. That's just what he's like, Vera replies, before trying to place a pen in his limp hand once again. It is just inevitable. It seems like a wind-up but this is serious the news uh uh she she has gone into the bank with a cadaver and has tried to get money with a human being who's dead is that illegal yeah yeah i would imagine so the facts did not occur as he occur as has been
Starting point is 01:15:01 narrated paulo was alive when he arrived at the bank she told reporters are you guys ready for this shit have you have you seen this yet caleb no i haven't sounds fucking hilarious dude brace yourself dude you are gonna fuck fucking trip dude Jim Jimbo real-life weekend of Bernie's exactly you are gonna trip ready okay here we go no way yeah dude here we go Oh, he's looking down at the paper. He's fine. I don't know, man. He's fine. He's fine. oh my god that is fucking nasty that's fucked up oh my god oh man oh that that's you know there were other there were other stories saying that that was taylor self and his wife right after the event that she took Taylor to the bank and tried to get him to sign off on a, uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:56 It's probably why his ass hurts so much. Oh, that didn't sit well with me. God, I'm glad that story's over. Oh my goodness did you see the story this about the this is completely off topic about the dead people trying to uh get money at the bank yeah okay fine go ahead about uh we're done with that story go ahead kev shift the the police officer like some police officers that did a sting on a, on a pedophile, supposed pedophile. He,
Starting point is 01:17:29 Oh, I saw it. They were in the, they were in a hotel room and the guy like knocked on the door. The police officers answered the hotel room door. And as soon as they opened, he like was already pulling out a gun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:43 And then, the police officers like wrestled him for it and ended up killing him. Why would you bring a, I have that, that clip somewhere. Someone sent it to me. Why would you bring a gun? What were you going to do to those kids?
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah, exactly. Where the fuck is that clip? Let's see. Man, that was insane. Oh, here it is. I have it. God, this is nuts. This is nuts.
Starting point is 01:18:19 So these are two cops. They're inside the hotel room, and they were pretending to be a seven-year-old girl and an 11-year-old girl or something like that. And the pedophile shows up, and this is what ensues. Hey, this is like a – this looks like something like fucking Holiday – no, not Holiday. In Hyatt or Hilton, like in Kansas or something that I've been in. You know where all the rooms surround themselves and down at the bottom is the little restaurant. It's kind of like the Orlando airport.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Anyway, here we go. Hey, you know, it's your time in Seattle. Damn! Hey, did he take the gun? Did he shoot him with his own gun? No, I think he grabbed it from him Uh-huh and then he Tried to push it away
Starting point is 01:19:10 Then as he was pushing it away The dude fired And then his part the police Officer's partner fired on The pedophile and then He fell to the ground and then they just kept firing One of those cops got hit by A ricochet
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah I think they shot him in the leg friendly fire yeah I don't know that's pretty tight let me see that again I don't know let me see that again maybe you're not supposed to back away from the dude you're just supposed to just stay point blank and shoot him I don't know what the tactics are
Starting point is 01:19:41 on that what the so he grabs it I don't know what the tactics are on that. What the. So he grabs it. He turns it around on the guy. Yeah, he does. God, what a scary situation fighting over a gun with someone. Oh, look, look, look, look, look, look, pause. And someone is that the other cop has the gun just right down there that's the other cop yeah has his gun right there ready to fire
Starting point is 01:20:10 wow okay so that guy rolls in close i think that is the guy's gun i think he he got it from him. Oh, shit. He gets shot from three different directions. Yeah, you're right. He does. Yeah, he does take that gun from him. He pulls it off of him right out of his jacket. I think he got shot 41 times or something. Yeah, they unloaded on him pretty good.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Damn. I don't know if he... I don't think... He shot an officer in the leg. I think one of the officers shot the other officer. The way I heard the story. I don't know. Either way, that guy's fucking dead.
Starting point is 01:21:01 It's good. Man. Nothing I hate more... The only thing I hate more than a pedophile is a pedophile shows up with a gun fucking idiot crazy racist not well maybe I don't know I think everyone was those all look like black guys to me the pedophile and the cops were all black it's fine I don't know. I think everyone was... Those all look like black guys to me.
Starting point is 01:21:27 The pedophile and the cops were all black. It's fine. Jake Chapman doing a synopsis of the show. UFC chat, training chat, moron chat, gun chat. Looks like we've ticked all the boxes. Just a Jew chat now. And we've got a full house. Thank you. Hmm. I want to show you what happens if you receive a government check,
Starting point is 01:21:55 if you receive money from the U.S. government, you have a 50% chance to turn out like this. This is what happens when you just give people money. This is how they end up. Right here. Only in South Central. Only in South Central. Yes. Is that Ryan Garcia? They did have a security guard.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Oh, what's going on with the security guard? This is what happens. The night. The day. Fuck the day, bro. The night is when it's needed. You think that guy has a job? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Oh my god. Get that guy to sign the bank loan. Did he say pussy and peaches? Because pussy and peaches. It sounded like it. Oh, did you see his car? Uh-uh. Oh, hell. There's a shopping Uh-uh. Oh, hell.
Starting point is 01:22:47 It was a shopping cart that was knocked over. Oh. There you go. That's what happens if you give someone a government check. Fuck. Jeez Louise. Frick James, bitch. He works for the government.
Starting point is 01:23:00 You're right. You're right, Victoria. Government employee. And you want universal basic income. Just makes sense, right? Please. Please. Everybody needs to make enough money to sustain themselves.
Starting point is 01:23:20 We'll just go through all the fun stuff today. Elon Musk. Wow, this is insane. Here we go, guys. Senator Hawley talking to the head of Homeland Security. Expunged. Nothing is done to this guy. He had a criminal record to start with.
Starting point is 01:23:40 He's in the country on the illegal grounds. You have falsely and illegally allowed him in. He commits a crime against a child. He's not prosecuted. It's expunged. In November, get this, in November, Ibarra files an application for employment authorization. And unbelievably, on December the 9th, 2023, it's approved. So this is your policies in action, Mr. Secretary. A criminal is permitted into this country on grounds flatly not permitted, flatly contradictory to the statute. He commits a crime against a child,
Starting point is 01:24:10 and then he gets a work permit. He gets a work permit. You want to know why all of the jobs in the last two or three years have gone to illegal... You've seen these stories of, like, pedophiles getting caught at Disney and then getting jobs at Nickelodeon
Starting point is 01:24:22 and pedophiles at Nickelodeon getting caught and getting jobs at Disney, like going back and forth between the two fucking kiddie factories. The migrants working people in this country can't get a job. Their unemployment rates high. Why? Because of things like this. And then what's he do? Well, we all know that in February, he commits the heinous crime against Lake and Riley. Is this a record that you are proud of?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Senator, you've misstated some facts. I have read. I want to see that dude in a fight. I would pay $79.99 to see Mayorkas fight. Is Pee Wee Herman still alive? I want to see Mayorkas fight Ron Jeremy or Pee Wee Herman. No, he actually died last year. God, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:25:17 That's sad. God, I want to see that dude fight. Kevin will fight him. God, I want to see that dude fight. Kevin will fight him. I want to see that dude fight like Richard Simmons in a cage match. Five five-minute rounds. In the fifth round, they each get bats.
Starting point is 01:25:42 From the parole file, which you have said you don't recall. Because they don't have the fitness to fight five rounds. You know what I mean? Right. So at some point, you got to give them like a weapon right right right don't have you miscited i'm reading from it it is right here and i've just that's the head of homeland security guys that he's talking to suing to the speech and debate clause, I have just read it into the record. And the reason is, you have lied repeatedly to Congress and to the American people about this. They deserve to know.
Starting point is 01:26:13 And the only way they're going to know is if I tell them. I've just... That dude committed a crime against a child in New York City. Wasn't prosecuted, probably because they can't because it's a sanctuary city. Then he got a work permit and then he killed Lakin lakin riley her parents must be fucking told them it's in the record now i've read it verbatim from the parole file verbatim i just want to know why did you change your story so often why didn't you just answer honestly to congressman bishop and senator
Starting point is 01:26:42 brett senator i am i am confident that justice will be vindicated in the criminal prosecution. Someone's daughter was killed and he's talking about justice? Oh, man. Well, hopefully he'll get more of a trial than you got. Otherwise, there'll be no justice for anyone at all. Hey, who prepares this this how does this work how do him and the other guys just like every day just know all these facts and just go hard at people is someone preparing this for them or is it just like a crazy drama and they're just so on top of it kind of like like we are in the crossfit world they're just so steep top of it, kind of like we are in the CrossFit world. They're just so steeped in it that they know every day.
Starting point is 01:27:27 You know what I mean? Like their life is like a soap opera. And every time you see this guy, Holly, talks, he just fucking knows like everything, all the nuances, all the details. Is he just just it's just like one crazy storybook they're living in. Yeah, I would imagine that they probably have a team like building all that information up for them. I would imagine that they probably have a team like building all that information up for them. And then they probably go in and talk it out. Like they'll have like a, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:50 You're just like how you would have an attorney talk to their client about what the questions are going to be asked and how the story should play or how they should. But this guy's a highlight reel destroying someone every day. I mean, they, I know they have all the staffers and they got a team of Calebaleb's and they rehearse but more so than that he's just he's just on top of it there's a couple of the guys who's the other guy the guy who is the wrestler um that senator's fucking a savage it's a wrestler uh the gray-haired dude i don't know what know I don't understand why he doesn't run for president someone will say his name
Starting point is 01:28:27 in a second Mark Wayne Mullen no it's more than the staff you couldn't just oh Jim Jordan thank you representative yeah Jim Jordan thank you clock man it's
Starting point is 01:28:40 they I mean I guess there's people like that in the CrossFit space who just like, they follow the games, just, they know all the details. Yeah, Rand Paul too. Damn, he's fucking, it's just wild how much they know and how much they can draw from to tell these stories constantly. I mean, yeah, it's. constantly i mean you yeah it even even uh even i've seen aoc a few times now i'm like man she's getting up to speed she's like become a full-blown character like she knows her shit even though she doesn't make any sense she never she has never made sense This guy here. On Saturday morning in New York City, a disturbing incident unfolded at the bustling Grand Central Terminal.
Starting point is 01:29:40 For those of you who haven't been there, it's a big train station in New York City. A nine-year-old girl who was standing near her mother in the dining concourse was suddenly approached and punched in the face. Listen, an unprovoked attack. Like, oh, the nine-year-old didn't provoke him? Okay, that's good to know. Leaving the young victim in pain and disorientation.
Starting point is 01:30:00 According to reports, a nine-year-old girl suffered dizziness, pain, and a result of the assault. ...a suspect who they say punched a nine-year-old girl suffered dizziness pain as a result of the assault. A suspect, they say, punched a nine-year-old girl in the face and completely unprovoked. This happened just before noon today at the Grand Central Terminal dining concourse. Officers say that... Do you have any doubt that New York City is just full of just nothing but pussies? No, I have no doubts. no i have no doubts like if you live in new york city how do you punch a nine-year-old and get away with it
Starting point is 01:30:30 i thought new york city used to be where if that happened like the whole city would come after you you know what i mean like they kept each other in check kind of thing now it's just everybody's out for themselves. Yo, witch hunts. Get the Jew, you mean. Get the Jew days. Yeah, sure. Get the black guy. Oh, look, he's running.
Starting point is 01:30:57 That's a run, right? That's a pose. He's in a pose. That means he knows what he did was wrong. Because he's running away? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. The NYPD says the suspect you just saw there is known to them as 30-year-old Jean-Carlo. Of course he's known to you.
Starting point is 01:31:17 He fucking lives in the fucking terminal. Oh, yeah, I'd like to see Rick Moranis Fight Mayorkas that would be cool Total pay per view event I would host that on the Sevan podcast I bet you I could get Grundler and John Cheap to do that We don't know much about fighting but
Starting point is 01:31:38 Figure it out That's a trend that's going on right now in new york city by the way just to um punch people in the face i don't know if i got another pedo story i probably should lay off the pedo stories we're a little heavy on the pedo stories yeah yeah All right. Are you okay? Oh, I'm feeling better than ever. You all right?
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yes, I'm all right. Are you racist? Am I what? Why do you stay here? You said, are you racist? Am I racist? No, I'm not a racist. Why do you ask that?
Starting point is 01:32:24 Well, why is it that people who stand up for America and who want to protect our own borders, Why you stay here? He said, are you racist? Am I racist? No, I'm not a racist. Why do you ask that? Well, why is it that people who stand up for America and who want to protect our own borders, why are we always trying to be backed up with the racist thing? I'm standing here with a black man. If I was a racist, this is my brother right here. If I'm standing with him, how can I be a racist? Are you a racist? No.
Starting point is 01:32:41 So why would you ask him if he's a racist? Well, let me see. Why would you ask that question? Why you stay here? I don't know would you ask him if he's racist? Let me see. Why would you ask that question? Why you standing here? I don't know why you're asking him because he's white and you want to get away with this racist remark. Are you a racist?
Starting point is 01:32:53 No, I'm not. So why is it that he's a racist because he's standing up for the country? Do you like the people, the Latin people? Do you like them? Do you like them? No, no, no. Do you like them? Do you like America?
Starting point is 01:33:03 I like them people. Do you like America? And what's your problem? You should be out here picking it with us. That's a dumb question to ask. You're asking that question so you can use it on your program to make him look like a racist. Why don't you ask me if I'm racist? Because I'm black, right? I love America too, and I think these illegal aliens need to be shipped back to their country. Why is that racist? You're racist for asking him that question. I would love to have a friend who talked like that i've been accused of just liking people like just collecting friends you know like just because like
Starting point is 01:33:33 for whatever like because you're bald and you're in the military yeah i'm accused of having like super but it's true i guess it's true i would love to have a friend who talked like that i could listen to that guy talk all day. Yeah, I like that. Thank you, Jesse. And you all are doing it because he's white. And that's what you're going to show on your report tonight. You shouldn't play that kind of game.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Are you all right? I'll take Jeffrey Birchfield, but that guy's... Fuck, what a great voice. Are you all right? fuck what a great voice are you alright that's stupid are you okay also are you a racist I see your face got beat in are you a racist
Starting point is 01:34:18 fucking Telemundo her hair's incredible. It's like fucking wild Lego hair. Her hair's amazing. Dude, my grandma used to have hair. She had hair like that. Just a straight helmet. She's a very Mexican woman.
Starting point is 01:34:37 She had just red, curly, short hair like that. And she would always do it up, like every day, no matter what. Seve's only friends with me because I'm mexican and handsome like jorge fernandez there's some truth to that for sure and lou diamond phillips i mean there's some truth to that i do i do enjoy being around attractive people. That's why I feel bad weed whacking in the backyard. There's some beautiful grass back there. I was just staring at it yesterday as I'm weed whacking it.
Starting point is 01:35:14 You don't want to get rid of all the nice grass you see? I mean, it's beautiful, but it's just got to go so I can get access to all the fruit trees. It's just fucking chaos back there. I have one Ryobi battery and a Ryobi weed whacker do you know how do you know do you know ryobi is like the shit brand at home depot yes i'm aware do you own any ryobi shit no i don't and what's crazy is is
Starting point is 01:35:39 my friends are assholes dave's always letting me know that he has a... Milwaukee? No, no, no, no. It's some fucking... What's that company called? The motorcycle company Husqvarna? Husqvarna, yeah. And what's their sister company?
Starting point is 01:36:00 They own another company that makes power tools and shit. I think Husqvarna is the power tool company and they make motorcycles yeah i know and dan i have no fight back for you ryobi super beta i i know i know i know trust me i know i built my fence an extra three feet higher around my yard to no one see me wearing. I spent $30,000 on extra fencing to no one see me use my Ryobi. It's probably just cheaper to get better equipment. No. What is the sister?
Starting point is 01:36:39 Husqvarna makes motorcycles too. It starts with an S. Still. Thank you, Susie. There you go. just still are they related yeah my husband says still is the best yeah your husband probably fucking has calluses on his penis he's so manly yeah dave's like dave's like i got a still weed whacker fuck you I would be hey Dan you want to know how beta I am
Starting point is 01:37:08 I wouldn't if like if I had something gas powered I wouldn't even like know I have a Ryobi pole saw and you have to put oil in it every time you use it and like so I don't use it my neighbor who's a contractor came over the other day I was like hey i want to paint my skateboard ramp can you tell me how to do it you guys tell you how to do what i'm like paint
Starting point is 01:37:30 no way yeah he's like i'm with my three boys oh by my side got my CEO's around he's like you never painted before i'm like uh uh he's like come on dude Like nope I know there's a technique to it but I mean really you just Get the brush Lather it on the thing We used rollers little four inch rollers So
Starting point is 01:37:56 I went down to Home Depot Not on the like Around the structure that Oh okay well I mean like I would get a bigger roller. Yeah, I probably should have. But the railing is so narrow. Yeah. So – but I probably should get bigger rollers for like the sides and all that.
Starting point is 01:38:16 That's cool. Makes sense. But I went into Home Depot, and the lady there who sells paint she's like I don't know she's probably my age but she looks like she's 20 years older than me she's probably 52 but looks like she's 72 yeah and her tits are so huge she's probably like 60 pounds overweight and like 20 of its inner tits yeah god her tits are amazing if i showed her to you you guys would be like seve what's wrong with you but i i just i guess something is wrong with me and then there's this skinny old guy who works in the paint section with her who's just a trip like i don't even like him like really getting close to my kids like i'm so glad he stays behind the counter but there's a
Starting point is 01:39:06 the same the lows that i go to there's this one really really really old woman i'm talking like probably 75 80 years old and she always does her makeup like full-blown like lipstick uh foundation like the whole thing does her hair curl like has puts her hair in curls and all that shit well my dad had never seen her before oh i love your dad i love your dad my parents never act like they see anything i love your dad my kids are so lucky they got a dad like your dad this is gonna be good here we go so he she like she runs like the self-checkout line like the like she just stands there and like you know like goes up to the checkout thing and um so i was going i was getting there with my dad one day and we went to go get like drywall screws or something to put up drywall yeah and uh they needed like a pin number
Starting point is 01:40:08 for the self-checkout so we could finish our thing and she comes up and like starts punching in a thing my dad looks over and he goes oh my god are you okay oh shit oh shit and like half of so he only saw like the right probably the right side of her face and her she had just eye shadow or whatever the fuck just blue fucking blue and black eye shadow covering her eyes on purpose or it's smeared on purpose my dad thought that she had gotten beaten or something like she had a black eye so my he goes oh my god are you okay and she just looks at him just with the most disgusting old woman look i've ever seen like like you like you called a tranny the wrong sex excuse me sir and it's like no i'm a woman exactly and my dad and i'm like dad just shut the fuck up oh that's awesome aren't you glad
Starting point is 01:41:05 you witnessed that i'm so glad that is the i can't believe you did that but it was amazing so she looked like she'd been punched in the face yeah it looked like she had just been like it was like elder abuse or something like she just left the home and that she just somebody had beaten her in the in the elder home it's fucking amazing so so from the this this this lady this lady this old lady's tits are so big that like she has an apron on and they're like hanging out the sides but they're all touching in the middle and it's just like and i just want to hang out there and just drag out the paint thing so i can just watch the boobs move around and she's got a big smile and she's wrinkled to death she looks like she like she looks like she drinks a quart of fucking
Starting point is 01:41:56 uh jack daniels fucking on the hour it's crazy anyway so we get the paint and the the guy shakes the paint we get two gallons of paint 55 a gallon or something stupid absurd uh we get the paint we get the brushes and um and and they shake the can they put the can in hey hey what's up hold on one second hold on hold on like why it's always it's always i can't get two fucking phone calls in a row without some sort of weird popping i hate it when you listen back to the show and it's popping what i think it's fine i think there's just background noise on his phone. Hi. Hi. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 01:42:46 Yeah. Oh, hey. I wanted to call in. I'm not watching the show or anything right now. By the way, this is Jeeves Louise. Oh, hey. What's up, dude? What's up, dude? I'm actually in the middle of running a half marathon. Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Good on you. Wow. So I wanted to call in just to distract me a little bit um good job dude on taylor versus the world that was the most entertaining stuff i've seen in a long time thank you i i think i'm the greatest in the world because of that i think me and the network uh absolutely killed it and um i continue to uh i continue to show why I'm the greatest at what I do. Thank you. I say that with peace and love and humility.
Starting point is 01:43:32 I hope so because it was pretty good, dude. I had people at the gym watching Taylor die on Burpee jumpovers, Fox jumpovers on Saturday, and they were just laughing at him. But it was pretty cool to watch. How about all those guys? All those guys did fucking amazing promotion, completely organic. Like we didn't ask him to talk any shit.
Starting point is 01:43:51 They promoted it. They came there. They fucking, they put it all on the line. You've never seen anyone get more fucking love for taking last place. I mean, I mean, I,
Starting point is 01:44:06 that, that's a, I would put that even higher than rebecca fusli's capital walk wouldn't you i mean that motherfucker talks so much shit about kicking people's asses and we watch him kick his own ass i mean he is fucking he's he's he's perfect yeah dude um it's the only difference is that rebecca this day had a full audience behind her that you could visibly see right and we had 15 16 1700 people watching online i mean that was pretty cool dude hey dude if that would have been in the tennis stadium at carson people would have screamed so loud you would have fucking had ear damage yeah it was it was absolutely it was it was it was ridiculous and and all of them want to work out all of them won a workout. All of them lost a workout.
Starting point is 01:44:48 We saw them go through the emotional ups and downs. I mean, how humble was Jason at the very end? I mean, that was like the most real I've ever seen him. Did anyone say they were going to redo the test or anything like that? Or that was it? A couple of them talked about redoing, but i just i just nodded and pretended like i cared uh well all right man i'll let you go just how far into the half marathon are you how far into the half i i think i'm like five miles and a quarter in something like that good job dude i'm really impressed i've never run 13 miles. That's really cool. Oh, I did want to say
Starting point is 01:45:25 I saw some dude who looked just like you. Beard, short, kind of stocky. Big fucking lump in his pants. Oh, no, no, no. Big nose. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, man. Thank you for ruining my day.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Thank you. Thank you for my day. You're welcome. You're welcome, man. Hope to see you at Carson, man. Love you, too. I'll be there, day. Thank you. Thank you for my day. You're welcome. You're welcome, man. I hope, uh, hope to see you at Carson, man. Love you too. I'll be there, buddy.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I'll be there. I'll see you there. All right. See ya later, dude. So the fucking weird show this is. So the cans of paint are shaken.
Starting point is 01:45:59 They're getting all fucking crazy. They're shaking them. We're watching them. They put them in this thing that looks like a microwave, right? But it's big or like a half refrigerator. It's got a glass thing and it's shaking the paint. And then
Starting point is 01:46:09 the guy gives me these two sticks and he's like, you got to stir it when you get home. And even the next day when I painted, I didn't even stir it. I didn't stir the paint. Anyway, we've been painting the ramp. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:46:32 The kids doing it too? The kids are doing it. They do most of it. I just kind of sit out there and pretend like I'm listening, but just really just looking at shit for the show on my phone. That's a simple task too. It's not hard for them to figure it out out and they can just do it at their own pace. And it's cool.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Yeah. I like it. Paintings fun. All right. Thanks guys. It's a pretty slow week. There's not much going on. Till the end of the week,
Starting point is 01:47:06 the end of the week, it's the week gets kind of crazy let me see so Thursday we have this guy named Rolando on he is a friend of Jorge Ventura's and he's an immigration attorney specifically focused on Venezuelans and helping Venezuelans and I think he's been having some huge problems with the
Starting point is 01:47:22 Venezuelan gangs so it's going to be pretty cool to hear his story. And then Friday, Russell Berger. Sick. And then on Saturday, we have this guy named Tom Daley coming on. He's the guy who introduced me to, well, him not directly, but one of his business associates introduced me to do the software me prism i should see how that's going for me me prism is um is helping me pull down all my um you know all these sites you know like when you search someone's name it's like hey do you want their criminal history where the previous address is all that shit and like 50 sites pop up yeah you basically um
Starting point is 01:48:06 you sign up through them a sign in uh yeah just get sign in jesus christ sign in and basically you just oh okay so basically you just put in your name and then they start putting in requests to all of these companies for you to pull down your shit. And I did mine. I put mine in a month ago. I think I showed you guys this. And so they've removed there. They've removed 23 and they're removing 30 more.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Oh, wow. There's more now. It used to say remove 23 and removing 23. Now it says they're removing 30. Look at all these fucking sites that fucking gather your data so that other people can buy it. It's wild.,, You're on people You're on people, people,
Starting point is 01:49:07 search people Yeah. Anyway. So they, they, they put in requests and you know, what's crazy is, is it California is trying to pass a bill to put companies like this out of business so that they can't put in the requests for you.
Starting point is 01:49:31 You have to do it all yourself? Yeah. So you have to just scour the internet for every website that could possibly have your information and request for them to take it down? That's just lobbying bullshit. That's insane. Bullshit. Anyway, if I was a cop or a first responder or fucking anything in the public eye, I'd fucking get on this site right away. I'm not worried.
Starting point is 01:49:52 I just thought I'd try it out. I'm worried. When are you getting Alex Stein on? I don't know. We could invite him back on. That'd be cool. I haven't talked to him in a while. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:23 I'll see you guys tomorrow. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Standard Time thanks for joining me this morning have a good weekend that was talking to you bye buh-bye yeah

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