The Sevan Podcast - Official Rogue Invitational Day 4 | Pre show

Episode Date: October 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 It is early here on the West Coast. 6.30 a.m. Pedro's locked away in some creepy hotel. Yeah, Phil here. I think he got a pot of coffee he can brew behind him. Good morning, gentlemen. Sir. What do you guys got? So, quick. What was your costume?
Starting point is 00:01:24 What's that? What was your costume? What's that? What was your costume? Oh. For the very privileged few that follow my wife on Instagram, got a shot at it. But I went out to a Halloween party. Well, a Halloween gathering, I should say. And I was dicking a box.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, that's cool. That's a good one. He even had the gold chain on, which was amazing. That was so good. The goatee. No, I just... So good. I was the Justin Timberlake version. It was incredible. I was actually surprised with how many people noticed the costume.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Dude, that's a classic. Well, they had to look down at your package. They sure did, and that they did. They had to look down at your package. They sure did, and that they did. And I would just walk into places and people would just yell, Dick in a box! That's so good. Oh my goodness. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Let's get this bad boy on the road before I lose my job here. So where do we want to start? Let's first bring up the men's leaderboard. Let's take a peek. We'll just kind of refresh what's going on there. Do same with the ladies then we'll just uh bring up the event chat about it a little bit pedro look at that mini bar behind you i'm gonna start cracking into different drinks every time hey what's stupid what time it will get ready to drink what um well we actually our clocks changed last night.
Starting point is 00:02:46 They do that over there? Yeah, we do. You guys do it. I think that, oh, crazy. Just to confuse things
Starting point is 00:02:54 even further. Excellent. We do it because, we still do it because of farmers and children walking to school because that's still the thing that we worry about
Starting point is 00:03:03 and we don't have lights or anything. Oh, no, wait, we do, and it's just an arbitrary thing that we still do for no reason at all. You guys go an hour and 45 minutes, right? No, one. So Pat Vellner looks like he's running away with this thing. What do you guys think? He's 90 points out. We have Pat Vellner in first place, 490 points. Jeff Adler,
Starting point is 00:03:26 400 points. Roman Klinikov, 385 in third place. Brent Bukowski, fourth place, 385 points. Jason Hopper in the mix of the top five, 375 points. Tied with him in sixth place currently
Starting point is 00:03:42 right now, 375 points. A naked John Young. Welcome to the show, sir. I meant to hit the block, not the crickets. You're more... Crickets are more fitting. Oh, yeah, John. Nice.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Look at that thick rack. I think I need that, John. Nice. Look at that thick rack. I think I need that, Pedro. Let's see where the backwards way was. Eaton Beaver. Good morning. You're acknowledged. You are seen. You are heard. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Christine Young, good morning as well. Jedediah, good morning. Mad Marv, we couldn't have done it without you. Welcome. There you go, Eaton Beaver. You have been satisfied. Okay, so what do we look at this? Are we surprised by anybody in the top five? I mean, obviously
Starting point is 00:04:36 I could already find one name on there that we wouldn't have suspected to be there. I think what's surprising is cool and surprising is Pat's out there in the front. Not that I didn't think he wasn't going to be in. I think what's surprising is cool and surprising is Pat's out there in the front. Not that I didn't think he wasn't going to be in the mix, but he's hanging out
Starting point is 00:04:52 all by himself, and then you have a virtual five-way tie for third place. It's literally points. What's that? I said you clearly weren't listening to our prediction show, Bill. Did I think that he would do well? course i would but i mean 100 points i mean dude have we
Starting point is 00:05:11 ever seen him have a lead this this far out this early i mean start of sunday and he's already 90 points out right is it his can you drink a beer last night and just just hang it up and count his points and laugh at everybody else right now? Or is there still an opportunity for him to lose this thing? Lose first, obviously. I'm never going to say Pat Belder can't mess up. Pat doesn't
Starting point is 00:05:36 swim in there anywhere. What are you talking about? There's no bike. No paddleboard. He don't fall off the pegs and it's just going to be with his hair. There's no climbing net. He don't fall off the pegs and it's just going to be with his hair. There's no climbing net. He's going to crash his echo pipe.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I don't think he's going to be bad at anything that's left. It doesn't matter what the cleanup is. And for him, he'd have to like Jeff would have to have like a 1-2-1 and Vellner would have to have 3-7s. I, and Vellner would have to have three 7s. I just don't see it happening.
Starting point is 00:06:07 No way. No. Yeah, he's locked it up point-wise. He's got a very comfortable cushion. So it is. He's first place. Yeah. Bar any catastrophic thing, he crashes the echo bike or anything weird like that.
Starting point is 00:06:26 It's Pat Vellner first place. We could call it from here. Okay, so let's look down at it now. We got Jeffrey out there. Can you scroll down just a hair there, Caleb, so we could see seventh place? How far off the point? Oh, shit. Look at that. Two through
Starting point is 00:06:41 seven is up for grabs. But even BK is only like 10 points there. Right. It's tight. Like at third place, it's tight. You're looking at 10 points between five guys for third place. And then you go down another five points, there's two more guys. And another five points, there's two more guys.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Oh, wow. So basically 12th through second is up for grabs. Pretty legit. Yeah. Yeah. Exciting. It would take a lot for 12th. Wow, so basically 12 through second is up for grabs Ricky could break into the top five. Yeah. Yes, even with this events coming up here. I Think I think actually with the events, he's got a shot. I think he's an advantage.
Starting point is 00:07:31 If he stays where he is, so say he, because he finished 9th or 10th last year, didn't he? Is that a failure of a year? Or are you like, say like John Bell, no offense, or Caleb, but like are you that his, him 10th 11th 12th
Starting point is 00:07:48 somewhere around there you're like oh that's shit because that's where he was at are you like oh that's pretty good considering he made the season he was injured etc for for me i wouldn't say that it was a a failure i mean i wouldn't even put rogue as a failure on on anything it'd be like more of a okay where is he right now? Because there were a lot of factors. We know his shoulders coming back from a shoulder injury. We don't know what was going on with the hand thing all the way through. I mean, was there, like, when he was on the cage, was there a hand issue?
Starting point is 00:08:17 I mean, he looked great on the deadlifts yesterday. So, I mean, I don't know if that's still an issue. But I think it's more of a, if he's right there in the mix, okay, cool. I think it was way early to say like games champ or that's a failure. I don't see it that way anyway. Deirdre has some medical bills. I think he's got to get in that top 10 so he can make a good payout so he can pay off all of his medical bills.
Starting point is 00:08:40 He's got an incentive there is what you're saying. Yeah, exactly. I don't see it as a failure either. I highly doubt he stays 12th. We don't have a ton of stuff with our hands left. I know the peg boards, but you're cupping those anyway. You're not ripping yourself up on those. Then we have a chipper that's super fitness-y.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I don't think he stays 12th. I think he ends up sixth or seventh to eight yeah um and uh and and even if he does stay there like no he's coming back from shoulder surgery like i don't i mean what tia is doing is is amazing and we'll probably talk about her later but he has kind of a built-in excuse i right now, I'm borrowing semifinals, and he looks really bad. I'm going to pick him second at the games. I think he's that fit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah, Kotler even said we came off this vicious squat cycle, and now he can't run as fast, which means what? He's less fit right now, but he's a lot stronger. And that fitness is going to come like that in just one month of training it as far as his cardiovascular, I'm not worried about him at all. Yeah. Even, even with the 18th,
Starting point is 00:09:51 it's on there. I don't think that's in, I don't think that that's showcasing that he has a hole somewhere. Necessarily. He's just working. You can tell you, he's just working through the different pieces to get himself to where he needs to be.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Um, I I'm in the same camp as you, John. Like I, I mean, I, me personally, personally, I say he wins the games. I think that by the time, if he can keep, if he can not, if he can not. Well, I mean, you said second. I'm right in there with you, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:20 Like, barring he does something dumb like trips on the sidewalk or, you know, decides to go skateboarding or picks up roller hockey or something like that where he's not going to break himself doing something dumb, man, he's going to be good. And he looks fit as hell. God, he looks like a damn just machine physically. More ripped out than 2017.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Oh, yeah. We talked a lot about the hands, but did you guys see that? Did it actually take effect like we thought it would? Like, I mean, clearly they had issues with it. Their hands were taped up, everything else. But we made a lot of predictions with the ring muscle-ups. Obviously, the rope climb was left out of the last event due to the weather. But do we think that it affected them as much as we here on the show thought it would?
Starting point is 00:11:03 I think there was a lot of tape. There was a lot of there's a lot of tape there was a lot of tape and what are their athletes they're not going to say anything i mean they they have to at some point put that stuff out of their head otherwise you might as well just pack it up and go home i mean they have to think that way like everything's fine i'm sure their hands are just hamburgered 100 percent uh but if you watch the hands when they were doing the dead lift there was a shit ton of tape on their hands and even pat said you know i mean that's why he he had that lift he literally only had to go another inch and a half up and he let it go because he said his hands he's like ah i felt it pulling so why would he let go of that if he's
Starting point is 00:11:42 that close like to me it was like okay well, okay, well, that's a pretty bad. That's some pain on the hands. I bet after Rogue is done, we get a lot of hand pictures. Hand shots. On Instagram. Just mangled hands. Okay, hold on one second, guys. We have from Paper Street Coffee here.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Hey, brother. How you doing, man? What's going's going on guys i don't know if you can hear me or not you can hear you perfectly actually you're coming in great oh that's interesting yeah my airpods like that soaked on the first day here and they were not working well we got you a lot of clear hey what are you wearing a jersey what's going on oh yeah not just not just myself oh let's go hey how's it been for you how's it been for you there is it good to produce the same way wadapalooza these other events do as well i mean you normally got a line at your spot is that we're seeing that same thing there i dude i i'm pretty sure it's because of you guys
Starting point is 00:12:45 in the community uh every single event we go to is better than the last i can't even say that you know one previous event was better like every the most recent event has been the best and it's because of you guys because everyone coming to the booth is because of the awesome people that i have supporting me uh you know like people like you guys already know paulina uh me for time and the rest of like the crew around me it's been awesome so every event that we go to it's always better than than the last and it's thanks to you guys honestly no dude thanks to you and this awesome uh paper street coffee brew head on over to and we'll get your brew hey what do you how do they have this set up there can you pan us around so what is that that's vendor
Starting point is 00:13:22 village and you guys they stuffed everybody underneath that tent there? Can I turn the camera around? I don't think I turned the camera around. But anyway, basically, it's this tent right here, right? This is for everyone. We're right next to the Border Patrol, so a lot of miles. Oh, shit. Hey, did that make you nervous?
Starting point is 00:13:38 It made me extremely nervous. You got Mayhem. You got a bunch of other people right over there. Oh, yeah. Some people are complaining about the setup. I mean, I like it. I like the chaos, and I like the gritty factor of it. You know, we're stuck under a tent sweating our
Starting point is 00:13:55 balls off, and it's totally fine. That's awesome. Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, hey, how's it going, brother? Going good. Gabe, owner of Bigger Street. Nice to meet you, man.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's right. Good luck. That's Jake. He's killing it, man. Mr. Jake Gazan, husband of Alex Gazan. He introduced himself as Alex's coach, though. He didn't say Alex's husband. He said it was Alex's husband.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He said that. Hey, yo, John, how about you stop by the booth at least once? I've seen you walking around. I'm like, I've never met this motherfucker. Get him. Get him. This motherfucker just walks by like he doesn't fucking want to introduce himself. If you're scared, it's all good, man.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I'll come by today. If you guys sold some food, he would stop by right before he has to be on the show to pick it up before he jumps on here. I don't eat for like 10 hours. I'm going to eat eight waffles. No, I know. Boo-hoo.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I have it right for the show. We get it. It's awesome. Boo-hoo. Good timing, man. I saw it. I could kind of see the booth there. You got T-shirts and stuff?
Starting point is 00:14:57 What do they allow you? Do they allow you to throw some T-shirts up? Yeah, no. We're selling everything, to be honest with you. We're selling CEO shirts. We're almost out of a lot of stuff, to be honest with you. We have a few of Andrew's shirts as well, a few of our shirts. But we're pretty much almost sold out of everything.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Damn, that's awesome. I mean, this event has been an awesome event. I don't know how it's been on the inside. Whenever we're here as vendors, we have no idea what's going on when it comes to the sport, right? We're just doing our thing, making sure that we're selling what we're selling and making sure that obviously you guys are front and center you guys probably saw like adrian stop by chris cooper was here like everyone just loves you guys and like supports you guys um and obviously we're just trying to spread the word here as well that's awesome hey how's the crowd compared to the crowd at the
Starting point is 00:15:43 games i mean normally that's like like a fit really nice good looking audience they do it the same over at rogue or or they oh exactly no no exactly the same exactly exactly the same the same people you see some of the same people like they they make the trips out right all the way from south texas all the way all the way up to like madison wisconsin so you have the same awesome individuals here supporting us supporting you guys supporting the community and the space um and it's really really cool and all the way up to like Madison, Wisconsin. So you have the same awesome individuals here supporting us, supporting you guys, supporting the community and the space. And it's really, really cool. And then you have Mayhem is doing right back there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They're doing their workouts every 30, 45 minutes or so. It's really, really cool. So you can come here and you can spend all day here. You can work out here. You can get good food. You can get good coffee. You get good apparel. It's really, oh dude that is awesome well hey brother thanks for uh jumping in and uh joining us um before we uh get to let you go here any any departing words uh just again thanks uh
Starting point is 00:16:38 thanks to you guys uh let's go thanks invasion slash the bears even though i'm still a jets fan but uh you know gotta got to support and represent. And, yeah, thank you guys. And you guys are killing it. And I'll see you guys at the next one. Hey, thank you, brother. We appreciate you. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Go down there and get your paper straight. Okay. That was cool. They're rocking the Tyson Bajan jersey. For those of you guys that don't know, Sebon is on a G5 on his way there right now. Really? Yeah, fucking G5, John.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I think we fucking ran all that, though. I got that over at the SpinCast. You got G5 at the SpinCast, baby? No, they fly economy. Okay, so let's just... You know what's funny? It was so late last night. Spoon was like, hey, do you just want to cancel this one and we'll go tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:17:33 I'm like, sure, man. And I was like, we've had two podcasts this whole time. Samon's done like 19 or whatever he's done. Don't cancel, baby. That's how you get that g5 all right let's pick up the men real quick i just wanted to just re-address the because it's fucking it's anybody's game and this is exactly what i wanted coming into this was just some with just a tight race make it exciting i mean although it looks like uh velner's got first place locked up i don't
Starting point is 00:18:00 think anybody's mad about that but second through seventh i mean it is anybody's game right now every point is gonna matter in these next coming events pedro anything on these guys before we swap over to the ladies here i think what's really good about this is because it matters for so many people the other way sometimes you have those scenarios at the games or whatever where maybe justin needs to beat someone and needs two or three people to come between him and someone else and you're kind of like well really going to happen here but like say brent beats jeff there's every possibility that like chandler will come off brent or you know that they're all fighting for points that actually really do matter here that will make a massive difference any one of these guys could finish
Starting point is 00:18:42 second third or fourth and there's a big payout all the way down but like it's a unique time where they will kill each other for points because everybody wants the points as opposed to well like the best i can fit like night so who really cares through the motions yeah great the paycheck is way more per placing once you get through the pod 10 like it's like another $10,000 every place you make it. When I saw the check that they gave Mitchell Hooper, I just about shit myself. It was huge.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like in size? Size and monetarily, it was massive. How much was it for Strongman? It's only like $50,000. To win it? For World's Strongest Man, yeah. For them to win this event man it's only like fifty thousand dollars world strong yeah no there's no money in oh for world's strongest man yeah for for them to win this event it's like three or four
Starting point is 00:19:30 times that it's so this is probably their biggest competition massive massive so okay so that just ups the stake on on all these these 10 guys that are all sitting there because one there's big paycheck so that could be that could be their season, which is great. And then two, hold on one quick, go. I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:19:49 Bill for interrupting, but this is, if Pat doesn't mess up, this will be the biggest paycheck he makes by like twice. Easily. Easily. It's his next biggest three season second last year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah. Which is 125. Like it's over twice the times he's made in every year he's ever done i bet he gets fat after this i bet he like he's he does like vegas this is my my send-off uh i'm i'm the fittest man in the world clearly and then uh i'm not gonna do it anymore. He rolls out of bed the second week in February.
Starting point is 00:20:28 All right. Better get going, I guess. Next, some maple syrup and hops on the roller. Oh, man. But I think that you're going to see not just a battle because it is expensive. I mean, there's a lot riding on those points. But you can see all of the guys are up and down in their placings all through. It's not like everyone's like, oh, yeah, top five and everything.
Starting point is 00:20:50 You got ups and downs and ups and downs. So you have a lot of opportunities for, again, not against Pat, but for those other guys. You get three people in between you. That's the five points that you need to jump to make a jump over somebody. between you, that's the five points that you need to jump to make a jump over somebody. So like, it's going to be one who can be, who can end up at the front, you know, of the, of the, of the race who can be in the top five, top four, whatever. But not only that, but where is everybody going to shuffle in those last three events? Like, I mean, you could have a massive shuffle in the leaderboard event to event to event
Starting point is 00:21:26 today. The lunges had at the games where people stumbled or faltered or whatever. An expensive step. How many times have we seen one step is worth $20,000? It's heavy to put it that way, but we could definitely see that.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You're right. That, like two cleaner jerks was like $200,000. Right. That's right. It was the money bar. Hey, look at this too. There's two people in, and we're just going to call it that top five because Travis Mayer, Chandler, and Jason all are tied for points at 375. Two people with the 19th finish inside that group.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Right. That's crazy. Why have we, I mean, within this tide of a race and stuff like that, do we normally see swings that big within this group and still these point groupings that close together? Like, why, why are we seeing this, John? Is it because of the programming here or what? Why do you have a, I think, I think even for rogue, it's been more niche than normal.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Like, like rogue, we always see big swings with the pendulum, and that's why it's fun because you can have a really bad even whole day, like two events, and it doesn't matter. I mean, look at Hopper. Hopper, everybody was so down on Hopper. Like what's wrong with him? Oh, yeah, we wrote him off. And he's in place to have his best finish ever.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Right. He's in place to have his best finish ever. Right. But I think the deadlift is like the most niche thing there is, as far as what can happen. And I just think there's been two or three workouts that are just very specific to one movement or one crux of the movement. So even for Rogue, rogue i'm saying it's
Starting point is 00:23:05 been a little bit more niche than normal but the last day i i don't know how you guys feel uh bill you probably speak to this um the last day for me kind of feels like a last day of the crossfit games it's very like you got a crossfitty chipper You got a CrossFit-y just rounds for time. And then the last workout will be some sprinty clean workout, right? Yeah. That sounds like the last day of the CrossFit Games. It's not niche is what I'm saying. So it wouldn't surprise me if whoever rises to the top here has like the last day. What I'm saying is like I don't think ricky's gonna have like
Starting point is 00:23:45 two three third places and everybody shifts real hard because everybody had a really bad event i think it's just the fittest guys at the competition will have a very consistent last day there's not going to be like a home run hit that got that person into the podium or anything does that make sense yeah totally the today is today's crossfit day is what you're basically saying it's not it's not like all right where's the strong man where's the gymnastic kid where's the little ninja that does this where's the range of motion it's like all that stuff all that stuff is tossed in the bucket at one time and john that's what you meant by niche right when you were talking about the workouts being it's like the deadlift guy we basically everybody here
Starting point is 00:24:24 called who was going to win that right when you see something a the workouts being it's just like the deadlift guy, we basically, everybody here called who was going to win that. Right. When you see something a little bit heavier on the gymnastics with the longer, you know, time domain, we're like, okay, we, we pretty much could call these things, but in these next upcoming events, CrossFit. So it's anybody's game at that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I think it'll make you prefer a more exciting race. Okay. So before we jump over to the ladies and make some, let's get some hot takes. Let's get some predictions on this next event. Kayla, can we bring up the event real quick just so everybody can see it while we... Just while Kayla's bringing that up, if I just... Oh, please, Pedro, please.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Niche. Actually pronounced niche. I just... Niche. I just really wanted to confirm that for myself. I think because John was pronouncing it one way, you were pronounced it another pronounced it the same way as you and I was like, am I dumb? Is it niche?
Starting point is 00:25:11 I just don't realize that I've been Maybe it's niche in Europe and it's niche in America No, that's actually the American one because it's the American one and they're both niche Oh, he's been hitting that minibar hard okay so we got individual event seven whole cans 30 calories on the echo bike 20 double fat bell ground overhead 70 50 have we seen that yet
Starting point is 00:25:38 so we know what they are um i i don't caleb maybe you can pull them up they're not if you just type in rogue fat bell it'll pop up on google uh it's basically you hold it like a dumbbell but it just encases your hands take your hands inside the kettlebell yeah your hands inside of the kettlebell and it's 70 pounds so it probably feels different as far as like how you're holding it but you hold it like a dumbbell they got like a dumbbell handle inside there. Yeah. Does that, will that hit your wrist then when you, I don't think so. No.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Cause like you've got this, it's part of your hand. You want to know, you want to know what would be interesting? Like, okay. Like when they did that big, heavy dumbbell,
Starting point is 00:26:17 you could tell where people were positioning the dumbbell to where it would sit. And now you don't have that. Now you, now you're right here. Yeah. You can't, you can't dip the head of the dumbbell, come down and shorten
Starting point is 00:26:27 up that range of motion. You're right down to the shoulder. No, but the lunge? Is that what you guys are talking about? Oh, no, no, no. I was talking about the... Oh, yeah, because it's a double. There may be a try. There may be an attempt to that.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I mean, I've seen it like in, I think, Wadapalooza, did they have two of them? 70s? Maybe it was 50s. I didn't think the lunch was with the fat bells. No, it's 135. I think that's got to be with the bar or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So they take one, shuts the ground. Okay. Okay. Okay. I thought for some reason that they were holding that when I first looked at it. It would be, I think it would be cooler if they used the bell. Just keep them with that thing.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Overhead. Dude. Wow. So gnarly. Okay, hold on. Let's keep the lights on real quick. Jeremy World. $5.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Thank you, brother. Katie did say that they're not going to try to find the fittest, but rather showcase the athletes. Yeah, and I mean, that that's what rogue is it's what it always has been i'm not complaining about the programming i'm just explaining like that's why we're seeing the swing and i don't think as much swings on the last day so like rogues always done that and that's why it's fun it's not necessarily who i'm not gonna pick patrick melner to win the crossfit games in 2024 i promised it to myself that i would not do it um you sweet sweet boy and you know what he's gonna he's gonna run away with rogue it's gonna be awesome okay we got alex has been extremely concerned about the weather there was like six comments in there that kept
Starting point is 00:28:03 popping up about the weather and i was gonna bring it up and then she said go chargers and i was like i'm bringing that up that's enough of that but but alex bridgeforth with the uh dollar 99 here thank you guys what do they do what oh excuse me what do they change because of the weather what does it look gloomy there caleb when we know it's absolutely beautiful it's actually supposed to be cooler today than it is than it has been all weekend and uh i mean there's like a slight chance of rain between now and noon but it's nothing crazy the rest of the day will be super beautiful yeah alex what do you know that we don't hear like part of the darpa program or something okay so all right so it's basically it's a mirrored workout so you got the 30 cal echo bike we got the 20 uh dumbbell or the double fat bell ground to overhead 70 pounds 50 for the ladies 75 foot front
Starting point is 00:28:59 rack lunge we concluded that that's just going to be a barbell do you think there's going to be a twist with that just a normal barbell i think so they're not going to pull anything weird axle bar throw it back to 2013 or something if that i don't think that affects them at all like no in my opinion that's not weird that's just okay yeah i don't know why everyone makes it why does everyone make a big deal about that i mean i get the way it's been but it's not that it's nothing. If anything, it's more to hold. Right. Less hard on your wrist. I think.
Starting point is 00:29:29 More surface. And then they're going to run. Then they're going to bag drag up a hill. Do we think that's the backwards drag that we saw Katie post on the Instagram that we thought or I thought was going to be in the first place? I'd say so. Where the run is. Like, how far away is Zeus from? It's not very far from Zeus to the bag.
Starting point is 00:29:46 No, it's like the rig is probably at second base. So what is that? 120 feet from home plate. And then I'm giving you references. 120 feet. Baseball references, Caleb. Hey, I gave you a numerical value. 120 feet.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Pedro. 40 meters. Figure it value. 120 feet. He doesn't go by feet. It doesn't matter. Figure it out. 120 feet and then you go from the end of the rig to the ramp is probably another 50 meters. It's basically just like a transit.
Starting point is 00:30:20 It's not actually a road. It is a bit of a run though. You can sprint it. You sprint to the hill itself, but the berm itself is going to be tough. I don't expect people to make passes on it. No. You could sprint to the hill and then just get stuck on the hill.
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's definitely going to be a run. Okay, with the programming here. Okay, Bill's counterpart, says it's a transition. I get it. Yes, technically it is a transition, but also it's like a good run. I love how
Starting point is 00:30:56 Caleb's picked this to really argue about. I'll die on this hill, John. Literally. I will literally die on this hill. This is not a transition. This is a run. This is a run.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's my fault for losing his baseball. Katie said it's a run, so it's a run. Whatever Katie says goes. For the men, who do we got? Pedro, we'll start with you. You could pick one. You could pick two. I felt really bad about the last place thing.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I was telling Grace on the show afterwards i was like yeah i just kind of mumbled a few athletes names and she's like what you thought you were going to get away for that you're speaking in front of a bunch of people into a microphone and you were just going to mumble it away no one's going to know i mentioned page simenza's name and then i saw her dad later and i was like i hope you didn't hear that. So I got, I don't know. I've been having that all weekend. Uh, Bakundo like went out of his way to say, to say hi to me. He was like, why do you hate me?
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm so much. I'm not. Oh, dude. Wow. I don't know, but I do. I don't really had nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Uh, I was like, man, I've met a lot of people that I've spoken poorly about. Next thing I know, I'm going to walk into Tia in the parking lot after Rogue and be like, hey, Tia, you're so good. I don't know what to say to you. You're like the Heisman in your ass, John. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Okay, so what – Caleb, have you watched any of the behind the scenes rough cuts yet have you yeah a little bit of it not very much oh they are they are insane but anyways after we picked page and i just kind of jumped out of the bandwagon with whoever you picked for the last place i watched it and she's got a bunch of uh stuff in the behind the scenes of this last rough cut i instantly felt really bad i don! I just, I don't even know why I said that. I love you. Actually, you're great. You're amazing. You're a phenomenal athlete. You're very athletic. And a scholar.
Starting point is 00:32:53 The highest values. Pedro, Min, who are we going with on this for you? Fikowski. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items.
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Starting point is 00:34:01 Just silence after it. I just think it's deeper and i think he's gonna he's gonna be looking for a bit of redemption on the launch because he fucked it so badly in madison i think he's like that's his thing and i mean he's in the running to podium and i don't think anybody thought saw that coming all right that's great that he was frozen that way now he's back you're back now you're back bill who do you got uh honestly i'm a little torn between uh roman and hopper i'll go with roman though all right roman i'm gonna write these down so we could remind you guys of how good or bad you are later roman no page i already forgot who you said. Who did you say again?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, that's right. Fikowski. I got it. Brent. John, who do you got? I think Roman's going to smash this. I don't think it will be particularly close. Why do you think that? Because of the starting with the bike
Starting point is 00:35:04 and kind of the run in the bag up the hill like those kind of like just grunt work things which we know roman is good great at yeah it's not a ton of there's not like a ton of skill this is just go and uh and i feel like roman will take it out hotter than everybody else and then i just think he'll be able to hold on better than everybody else and then it ends on a 30 count bike you're really gonna close harder than anybody else like i just think there's no where roman will slow and maybe it's true for the other guys too i think he's better uh and this i just think he'll take it out hot and hold on and i just think this screams to me that roman's just going to, it's going to be something he leads from start to finish. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Hmm. Okay. Caleb, what do you think? Who you got? I'm going to go with Jason Hopper on this one. I like it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Machines as well. You see, you can think of the same thing. Yeah. And then I just see him as a football player. So I just imagined him doing a lot of hill sprints or a lot of just pulling things up hills or just doing stupid football conditioning that I remember doing in high school.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I could see Roman snatching the fat bells when everybody else is clean and jerking the fat bells. Something like that. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but when it comes to cycling things, like mid-weight, dude, he doesn't stop he's freaking he's crazy with it i don't mind the hopper and fikowski picks at all though i like those guys are going to be great too okay caleb with hopper i well i was i was either going to pick roman or
Starting point is 00:36:40 hopper and i was just going to be contrarian to what everybody else picked and uh but yeah the difference on you yeah when i saw when i saw this the first the first thing i thought it was roman just because of the bike the sandwich in the middle with that run or the transition the bag drag and then the cap at the bike i immediately i forget which one it was but it was a semi-final where he just absolutely dominated on the machines and i wish i had more information on that to uh anchor that down for you guys but i don't but i just remember thinking he was super impressive there i'm gonna go with roman as well too so that'll be uh three three for the roman one for bakowski and then uh one for are you thinking of dubai when he did acid bath is that what you're thinking about no it was um no i i wish i think it was like there there's some totobar in it
Starting point is 00:37:25 and in multiple uh uh rounds on the on the on the bike sam briggs was in the same semi-final too it was one of those oh you're you're in way back when okay yeah yeah yeah pedro was probably there lurking around with his many bottles of alcohol okay so let's bring up the woman here. Anything else on the guys before we move on? Dude, Travis Mayer, man. Travis Mayer. Travis Mayer, yeah. He's in there. He's still in the mix.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And I still think that this will be an event. I mean, I don't think he'll win it. I think he can hang in, like, the top five, six in that one, which would be great for him. It'd just hold him in that position. It'd be a big payoff for him, too. Oh, Joshua Woods. I think this would be biggest payoff yeah in his career if he ends up seventh place yeah oh no shit so alex uh another alex with the weather update a different damn you alex's are on top
Starting point is 00:38:18 of that okay schedule has moved up one hour due to weather starting in 24 minutes there so there's a there's a there is a threat of rain it's like 30 chance over the next three or four hours starting at i think actually at 10 o'clock so i think that's what they're talking about it didn't look like it was going to be much of anything well not nearly as much as it was yesterday and the day before but it's probably a good call to move it up if they can. Well, this Alex said that 14 minutes away from the venue and it's a dumping rain. Awesome. It'll stop in 20 minutes and it'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:38:53 That's exactly how it's been all weekend. It started dumping rain for like 30 minutes and then it stops and then clears up and everything's fine the rest of the day. They're saying that Rogue posted on IG. Okay, so let's bring up the women real quick well i didn't even know i texted it like that
Starting point is 00:39:08 you're just now getting it just now seeing that yeah well obviously you do a lot of sexting dude obviously sexting, dude. Obviously. No, what's funny is I really don't feel like I don't know why that happened. Uh-huh. Yes, of course. Okay, so let's bring up the women. Let's do it. Oh, we know, John. Everybody knows.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Okay, so we got THX movie. She's not Middle Eastern dude it's hey you know what I hosted she is what I say she is okay so we got Tia at first at 505 points we have Laura Horvath with 500 points in second place
Starting point is 00:40:00 and then where's the let's see if I have this okay I fucked it up because I don't want the sound I was going to make the sound and then where's the see if I have this okay I fucked it up because I don't have the sound I was going to make the sound of the bomb dropping as we go to third place all right we got Emma Lawson at 415 points on the outside of
Starting point is 00:40:16 those two looking in and then we have Gabriel Gabby Magala at 395 points in fourth place Alex Kazan a show favorite here. We just saw her husband Jake Kazan moments earlier. 375 points. Christine Colabano rounds off sixth place in 360 plays.
Starting point is 00:40:34 So this is it. It's the T and Laura show, just like we thought it was going to be. Yeah. Totally. Yeah, I do think three through. I mean, keep going through Christine. Seventh place. I'll say three through six.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Three through six. I mean, really probably just three through five because I kind of think Christine ain't going to hold up on this chipper. But maybe she proved me wrong. I got to go because we're at the hotel, so I got to get to the venue. My pick for this is Laura Horvath. I think she'll be in first place after this event. Although, going to my head
Starting point is 00:41:10 that JR did last night, I would have died. Tia's freaking... I did not see Tia deadlifting that much. I thought... That's one of the most insane things I've seen for her to keep on deadlifting. Like for her to deadlift 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I just, I, without a belt, it's pretty darn unfathomable. I think she talked about, but I got to go so I can make it to the venue. Okay guys. Bye John.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Bye. Thank you. Thank you, John. John Young, ladies and gentlemen. The second time it's on purpose. gentlemen okay so i mean this is just a completely different story than the men when you look at the top two and then no one's cracking that night we're just basically going to watch them go back
Starting point is 00:41:58 and forth and then like john was just saying there is a chance with that five through three for some shuffle in there he thinks kristin kohlbre is going to drop off of that top six there. Bill, do you agree with that? What do you think when you see these women here? Yeah, totally. It's the Laura Tia show. I'm picking Laura too. What I really like about this competition is,
Starting point is 00:42:20 and I don't know if it's because she's coming in after being the champ, but it used to be that Laura was always smiling with everyone and always everybody's friend and now it looks like she's there for business you know and and I as much as I was not as much as I was bored out of my mind with the dead lifting that took like an hour and almost two hours i loved watching the um the body language in the faces between her and tia which is basically like not looking at each other at all like they would all kind of talk to the the girls that were left um but they would they barely i mean i saw one fist bump one out of the of the entire thing. I really like that Laura, she's like there on business now, which is cool. But you're right, it's that show.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And then the other, I think that it's amazing and super cool that Emma Lawson is in that third place position. But I feel like, you know, and watching Alex do what she she's doing i feel like that's almost i don't think anyone is expecting them in that top one or two and they're like the cool undercards that we're watching like oh wow that's a great event cool yeah you're third no one's really thinking about that like third is fucking amazing and gigantic one a gigantic payout two look at the field of these women that you're dealing with and then be able to do that. I think it's cooler almost as an exhibition
Starting point is 00:43:52 than it is a race. But this is the Tia and Laura show and come on, Laura. She's going to get this next one. It's going to be close. Pedro, any comments on our top six women here? My wife referred to Christine Columran
Starting point is 00:44:07 as brown pants yesterday. I thought that was absolutely ill. Say that again? What did you refer to her as? She referred to Christine Columran as brown pants during one of the events. Who's brown pants? And I said, oh, that's Christine Columran. I just thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I think someone said so I predicted the other day about Lauren Fisher making she did make an individual and I want to retract that and say she's impressive and if she's gone I'd say she could have a good run next year
Starting point is 00:44:38 someone there said performance is Lauren Fisher I think performance of Rogue is T. Pel pelvic floor because the the other night and then like it's nuts that she was dead lifting and you know people are talking about her not using a belt and stuff i think for her own to preserve her own body awareness and everything like because you know the belted kind of cover over some cracks and stuff and she could actually do some damage
Starting point is 00:45:07 but yeah insane like I think Laura will win I hope Laura will win and I'm actually it's something worth talking about when there's more time like another time cultural shift towards Tia of like oh she's incredible and like you know like everyone
Starting point is 00:45:24 like on the Tia bandwagon and was it when she said she was retiring or what changed but now it's well i hope laura wins and i hope doesn't win that seems to be the mood from like more people that i've heard talk about it is that like sudden sick of her and like sick well and even though people are like incredible but it's all my butt now whereas before it was he is amazing like full stop yeah i'm just curious like where that shift come from hey to quote the dark knight here you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain yeah that's that's what that's the same thing that happened in formula one when Lewis Hamilton won his 7th
Starting point is 00:46:05 world championship as soon as he hit his 7th they're like alright we're sick of this let's do something else people want to see a race but really good observation with Tia with the belt so you're saying she didn't wear the belt so she could stay more in tune with her body and if something feels off or wrong she's done maybe or it was just
Starting point is 00:46:21 when she's competing against if she if she wears it she blows her back out and she never has children against you want to know what's crazy uh before the event not not yesterday before the event but as the you guys were doing your shows i think it was uh i think it was taylor that was saying it when they were talking about the deadlifts like all right well what's the standard on the belt because t Tia always has, per years, has worn this belt that's, you know, extra large in the front side. And so I was waiting to see that. But it was shocking that she didn't have a belt.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And that's a good idea that if that was, okay, hey, you can lift as heavy as you want, but I need it to be natural so you can actually feel what's going on. I mean, I like the idea of that. Can someone just clip that? Because it actually says a legend. That was a smart call, dude. I like that. The craziest thing, Pedro, it's your worst internet ever.
Starting point is 00:47:18 So even if you clip it, it's going to be choppy. And we can still hear you fine, by the way. So don't let that comment uh throw you off there okay so yeah i mean just to echo your guys's words here it's like it's the it's the t and laura show this is what we talked about someone put up in his comments hill isn't that sorry hillar i meant raw yeah well like i said you either uh die the hero live long enough to end up on hillary's youtube channel so that's okay so anything else we want to talk about our uh top five can we scroll down just a little bit more caleb i want to see where lauren fisher has uh
Starting point is 00:47:59 shaken out eighth place i've just kind of been oh and danny spiegel in the top 10 okay ariel lowen and 11th page simenda it's going to be a battle of the best friends for that 10th place spot wow yeah because they're only separated by 10 points between 12th and uh 10th there interesting and then we have basically a tie at seventh and eighth as well so these points are tight as we talk about from like 10 to what was it fourth or so it's a lot much it's a lot tighter of a race as it pairs to the uh third to whatever first and second which are running away with it i i really really hope that ariel is up i really just hope that danny spiegel a few places because like the 18th the 20th and the fourth to me than the first the second and the third like it's it's ahead like
Starting point is 00:48:54 i could be totally wrong but i think she's turned up for her annual photo shoot of like hey look like clean and jerk this log and i'm gonna use it for inspirational content and sell some teats and stuff and like she's not from the sandbag workout it's cherry picking like it's like it's the gym and she says oh it's running on versus coming in saying like oh snatch i love snatch i'm gonna stay for this work and like she's doing that petition like we've talked about how much the payouts is and matters and there's people that are giving their all in every single workout and maybe not doing well in the ones that she's doing well in her wheelhouse workouts. And they're only being kept from them
Starting point is 00:49:33 because basically using this media so that she can get some contacts in 12 months and another trip to Arabia or wherever. Well, it's freaking genius because when it's her event to win or to knock out the park she does and i mean i think all of us were surprised by what she was capable of doing during that uh the dual three two as well which showcased uh some athleticism that i don't think any of us would have talked about prior to that event yeah that was that i mean okay we know that she's a home run hitter on
Starting point is 00:50:06 her events but that particular event still is i think one of the best uh one of the best finishes i've ever seen her do the way she's executed and i like i don't give a shit how much how much she lifts like i don't care it's like you're the biggest girl out there of course you're supposed to be lifting heavier than everyone else but the way she moved like i'll give give a shit how much how much she lifts like i don't care it's like you're the biggest girl out there of course you're supposed to be lifting heavier than everyone else but the way she moved like i'll give i'll give her all the credit on that one like that was a very athletic very powerful very very uh agile event that and she's looked amazing on that i i do i do agree with you um pedro that she's not here to win. She's just here to showcase. You know what I mean? And she'll get her cash on as she gets her events. And
Starting point is 00:50:55 I think she just wants to kind of hang in that 10 position. I don't think she's gunning for 10th place, but she knows that if she's up in that top tier, there's going to be a lot more money. And that's going to be able to sustain her for a while. So it'll be interesting to see where she ends up on the events. Whoa. You all right? That was an aggressive handshake. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:22 No, he owes me money. Barkley. But it'll be interesting to see what she does on the next two events because I think that they're going to be, I mean, three in the top five,
Starting point is 00:51:35 three in the bottom five. You know what I mean? And I think that we're going to see some more bottom fives unless that, depending on what the cleanup is going to be.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah, yeah yeah i mean we wouldn't nobody nobody here would have picked her first for the duel so i think that that was like you said that was just an awesome showcase for and to echo kind of what uh pedro was saying it's like yeah she's here she's gonna she's gonna do well in the event she's gonna get a lot of great media coverage she's gonna renew all those sponsorships for another year and do exactly what she has to do to also stay relevant and stay in the conversation, which typically that wouldn't have happened for somebody who lands where she lands on the leaderboard over time, right?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Think about how many times that obstacle course race is going to get reposted. Oh, a lot. A lot. A lot. Just that alone, that'll cycle through for another year. Someone said, Kevin said, the confidence to speak in the majority of committees is always to really high i'm not even talking about as i don't
Starting point is 00:52:28 care like none of this has to do with her personality no she's a nice person yeah application to the competition i know the application to the competition income and whether or not um i would like to see her maybe just get trounced in a way coming up, like just to, you know, be like, Hey here, like maybe just try it all the workouts,
Starting point is 00:52:50 your best all the time. But like Susan, she's doing her own thing. And for her own reason, all power to her. I'm not commenting on her as a doll, like not for a second. Well,
Starting point is 00:52:58 again, in, in, in every single athlete has, it's completely up to them on what they want to do. Like if she, if she's not in this to be the best athlete. OK. I mean, no one says you have to be. And I mean, of course, you want everyone to go ahead and try. But like everyone's coming in with an agenda to compete, to do whatever it is that they want to do, whether it's they need money for the rest of the season or they really want to to showcase you know and and compete against the rest to be like okay where do i fit right now compared to the games or if i need instagram content i mean in reality who cares that's
Starting point is 00:53:36 totally up to them to do whatever so if she's going to cherry pick fine like i don't care um she's doing her thing personally she's just doing her thing. But again, the competition, like if she had to qualify to get into it or she went through the steps of whatever it is to whether it's an whether it's an invite or you get through the qualifier, then it's like. I mean, it's up to you what you want to do. We can't hate on her for that. It just it's hard because you see all the other athletes that like everyone's competing and then here's this other person who it feels like they're not competing i'm just here to i'm here to showcase i'm not competing i'm just here to showcase do i think
Starting point is 00:54:16 she's not trying i don't think it's that she's not trying but if she's gonna get crushed in a particular event anyway it's like man why kill myself on that i don't care yeah yeah into the place like what you were saying pedro about the uh uh not talking about her about the person but about the competitor that's the interesting thing about the seats that we sit in right because when we talk about these individuals it's themselves they're we're talking about them but we're separating it so like if you talk about nascar we talk about the car we want to talk about the driver and you can separate those two i talk about the athletes as if they're a football team. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Right. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. All. I mean, have you guys ever, have you guys ever met Danny?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Have you guys ever met her? Just online. Super briefly. And I don't mean, I'm not talking, I'm talking like face to face. I mean like real life. She's super nice.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Yeah. I mean, she's always smiling. I mean, she's life, she's super nice. Yeah. I mean, she's always smiling. I mean, she's like she's a she's a nice person. But I mean, you know, again, we're not talking about personalities and are they nice or not nice or whatever? Like that's that's none of that. This isn't about personality. It's about the machine of the athlete that we're talking about. Do they have the do they have the capacity? What are the wheels that they have on their car when they're getting out there to race yep well that's it speaking of what the hell is going on with karen free over because i was like she has had no call out again she's bombed like every workout that you taught you do that i thought she'd do well in she's been like right at the bottom is she sick is she injured? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Because she had a really good offseason up until this. She's won podium at pretty much every competition in the games that she's entered. And now she's into the top 10 in a single workout. She's in 20th place with a 14th, 18th, 11th. I had her third. Big, powerful athlete.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Really strong. She'll do really well at this. Damn. Well, you know what would help her out is the rock bat by Toe Spacer. like big powerful athlete like really really strong she'll do really well at this damn well you know what would help her out is the rock bat by toe spacer xl i chose the feet pick okay whether you're stomping around at the gym the rock mat x XL is for you. Go to with the Rockmat XL. If you're here, you can get one too. You're there.
Starting point is 00:56:33 ToastBaser is here at the Rogue Invitational out in Vendor Village, right next to Paper Street, actually. Perfect lineup. Go get your coffee, and then you can stand just like this chick in an oversized t-shirt maybe with pants on maybe with without pants on okay here we go all right so um let's uh let's wrap up and go over our picks for the event um caleb can we bring up the event one more time here thank you sir and then we'll go through this anyway Anyway, there it is. Perfect. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:06 All right. So, Pedro, we'll start back at the top with you. Who you got from the females for this? Had Karen Frey over, but I've changed that after her last couple of days performance. So I've gone, I kind of toyed between, I think it'll be Gabby or Laura. I'm for Laura because I just think it matters to her today. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:28 So Laura for Peter bill, who you got? This is Laura's. Yeah. Okay. And John Young picked Laura too, as well. Didn't he?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So Caleb, I'm going to go with Lauren Fisher because I think that the people who didn't deadlift 16 times last night will probably be better off with these, like the lunges and just having to do that ground to overhead movement. I just feel like the less fatigue they have on their back, the better off they're going to be this morning. There's a lot of transitions and a lot of moving parts on this one, though, for Lauren. A lot of opportunities for her to drop something or
Starting point is 00:58:05 forget to pick something up. Dude, Lauren Fisher is doing so damn good this weekend. So damn good. It's incredible. She's crushing it. She stayed relevant in that top 10. I think this is great for her. I hope it builds a top 10 in the season.
Starting point is 00:58:21 It's the start of our next individual run. I said the opposite of that the other day, but now I'm saying it. I think it's a pretty good indicator for her. Yes. Okay, and I will take Tia. Get the hell out of here.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Womp, womp, womp, womp. There you go. Cricket, cricket, cricket. That's not it. Well, it was funny too because I don't know if you guys went back and checked out some of the comments. Everybody's like, yeah, no one picked Tia. You guys are high. Like, Tia hit her.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I'm like, was my fucking mic muted? I picked her right off the bat. I don't know. I'm not doubting her. Never doubt her. Your picks don't matter, Cesar. That's also very true, Ken. Where the hell is Garrett Fisher?
Starting point is 00:59:11 I'll tell you where he's at. I'll tell you exactly where he's at. He's in Miami with Ross, the boss. Still training him. Is he still doing that? No, I totally made that up, but I just thought it would be cool. I was like, wow. He's training Rick Ross.
Starting point is 00:59:24 He's got the longest CrossFitter job of all time, if that's the case. Lifetime value of that customer is insane. Wait, Garrett Fisher is a realtor in Tennessee? Sad. I hope so. Somewhere up here, we got our official weather update from Alex. He said, she said, the family said, okay said okay at the venue super gloomy but no rain yet thank you alex for our weather update at the rogue invitational uh oh i guess he is a realtor
Starting point is 00:59:55 in tennessee crazy he's a good looking dude so i will perfect poster boy for realty yeah absolutely let me find this we're going to be out on this note here. Our newest partner in crime, grill your ass off. They're there as well. Caleb, right? You said you went there and bought some really hot.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Yep. They're from, they're like literally two vendors down from, or actually right next to Toastbacers. So paper street, Toastbacers and grill your ass off right next to each spacers so paper street toe spacers and grill your ass off right next to each other damn look at that you could go through the whole entire toe spacers and then a meat rub yeah baby kind of a weird just put that hot jalapenos on my toes
Starting point is 01:00:36 do you guys recognize the continuity between the sponsors i mean you get your toast in the morning you're rubbing some meat halfway through the day it's a blast love it john john was wrote for this show yeah we could tell what it's uh what he was typing there all righty guys so we will be back with you guys shortly after the event ends we got word that they moved it up a little bit it sounds like so you know we'll be back right after that ends there. Bill, thank you very much. Pedro, thank you. Caleb, thank you guys for carrying me as I host the show. And if you're expecting Sevan back, don't come back until Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Okay. Goodbye.

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