The Sevan Podcast - Official Rogue Invitational | Event 7 & 8 pre/post show

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 There it goes. And we're back. You've got the wrong hoodie on. I know. Shit. And I put one on too because it's cold over here. It's getting chilly. I missed the memo on the crash.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Welcome back, everybody. Well, it happened. We didn't think it was going to. Everybody said, no way a bunch of women are going to get in between Laura and Tia. And it happened. A bunch of women. so this should be interesting um hopefully we get a little uh backup here and caleb will come and save me but we'll bring up the uh um leaderboard here in just a minute jr any any hot takes on this event anything you saw that
Starting point is 00:01:39 uh stick out for you we'll start with the women's side and then uh move from there yeah i mean it it reminded me a lot of the alpaca and the way that they moved the fat bells um just like the kettlebells in that workout where like the women who looked really efficient and who we thought going into it would move them a lot easier did um and i would still say that those 40 reps were really what decided to work out. Like the lunges were pretty much done on broken for most people. The bike cadence was pretty similar. Like there are a few outliers there on the bike, but really at the end of the day, like how you got through those 20 and 20, especially on the back half really seemed
Starting point is 00:02:22 to be what mattered. And it wasn't like we talked about a little bit yesterday it wasn't like how big a set you could do it's just how little rest you were taking in between your sets so like if you did 10 6 4 or if you did like 15 and 5 it really didn't matter if you did that huge chunk if you rested a lot the people that were really disciplined in their rest seemed to get through those a lot faster how much do we think this event changed from how what how would it shake it out if they were still front racking with the uh with the barbell versus the in-place lunges with the uh with the fat bell because the loading was so similar and that axle if it was an axle i don't know i don't know if it was supposed to be a traditional barbell or if it was an axle uh front rack lunge which is traditionally what they do they did that last
Starting point is 00:03:08 year i really don't think it changed the stimulus very much i think it's always more aesthetic if you're actually covering ground when you're lunging but no i think this i think this modification is about as close to the original stimulus as you could ask for nice pedro any anything stand out to you for this event before we uh break into specifics with the women um no just that like beforehand i was predicting laura gabby and that was the first and second so i'm just chuffed with myself i'm just gonna go and suck my own dick after this okay that's why you got the hotel for the weekend. Nice. Caleb, was there a construction worker behind you, or is that a dude in a costume? Yeah, there's a
Starting point is 00:03:50 whole working team out here. They got their hard hats on and everything. Hey! Oh, man. That's incredible. I saw them combine the construction outfit, and I was thinking, like... Good look. Well played. all right i saw we're combining the construction uh outfit that was thinking like well played well he's even got the boots hold on let's check out his boots too
Starting point is 00:04:11 oh perfect perfect for the rain those look like a croc dish in there okay let's bring up the uh women's leaderboard here and let's um let's look over it how many women in total got in between laura and tia four yeah i think it was first and fifth okay so what are we looking at oh we got it by the uh event here yeah so we had this is the event the event uh event placements we have laura horvath first gabby Gala second, Alex Kazan third, Emma Carey fourth, then Tia Clara Toomey. Laura. So right now 15 points separating Laura and Tia.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Two events left. Dang. That is insane. I mean, this is what we want, isn't it? This is what we want from these kind of competitions. This is exactly it. Yes. Yeah, thank you for arranging it back.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, so like you said, JR, 15 points between Laura and Tia here, and Laura's pulled away. It's still just going to be the two of them in that spot, although some points were made up by Gab, but not nearly enough. I mean, almost back by 100 points now from second place. So it's still going to be that fight for third between kazan emma and uh and gabby but um it was good for laura she she was able to uh stack a few more points and and increase her odds of winning john anything uh stand out in that event we talked about it a little bit before but just
Starting point is 00:05:42 the event in general um yeah real quick real quick um they're doing away with the pegboards on this oh they are yeah um they're still it looks like they're still doing the box jumps which i kind of think is the more dangerous element of the two um with the rain but i don't know what they're substituting with they got lines in between the thing it might be bur Barbie box getovers or something like that, but they're doing away with the peg boards. We don't know what the, what the event is.
Starting point is 00:06:12 If it's getovers, it's probably safer than box jump overs. Don't you think? Yes. Yes. Well, that's why I said that. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:16 I can't imagine there do box jump, just box jumps, but yeah. So when we find out what the real event is, we'll let you know. But right now they're not doing the peg boards, but so. So when we find out what the real event is, we'll let you know. But, um, right now they're not doing the peg boards, but so back to the event. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So what, what'd you think? Anything, anything stand out to you to that with that event? I thought, uh, Emma Carey had a storm on the last, uh, 30 cows or 20 cows, however many they were doing. Um, cause I didn't, she wasn't really in the picture until she was and then she was um what'd she get fourth yes yeah yeah she came in before tia yeah and like she i think she made up the most ground in the last bike um tia actually i felt like paced it really really well for herself because she started in the back and ended up in the front.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And Alex Gazan made a little bit of a run in the front, too. Other than that, I mean, I feel like this event went kind of as expected. I don't know how you guys feel, but I thought Laura would dominate it, and she did.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah, that was pretty much the call. I was just surprised by the amount of women in between Tia and Laura in a good way. I like that. I want that race to be tight, and I want them to trade blows as they finish up this day. Power output on machines, Tia has never been like, and I'm not saying it came down to that, but that was a big factor in this workout. The fat bell clean and jerks slash lunges seemed like the hardest part of the workout but uh power output on machines has never been t as i wouldn't say a weakness i don't think she's
Starting point is 00:07:52 weak at it but she's not as strong as the strongest girls oh i knew the people pictures i knew yeah that's incredible yeah you saw that the heat of women really got the got the rain and you could tell when they picked those when they picked up those fat bells and turned them over and water would just dump out of them. That's where you could really tell how much it was raining. But yeah, amazing shots came out of that there. Yeah. Did you guys see Roman celebrating on the hill as Patrick was running past him?
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yes, I did. I thought that was going to be a little mistake. And we'll talk about that in just a moment. So we saw Tia with the belt on though. Was that a surprise? Yeah. We talked about it that she didn't have it on during the heavy deadlift. But it's like it's not as dangerous for her.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You'd imagine a one rep max heavy deadlift versus like multiple reps at a lighter weight. I'm assuming the belt is like that is more casual support on this rather than like potentially hiding damage on the deadlift but that's just me nailing myself to my original idea yeah well i think that i think it validates it a little bit because with this one that you know she's probably feeling the fatigue from yesterday for sure and like you said not much room for error here jr we're gonna say something about that i think one of you guys said this yes oh did you say jr yeah go for it go one of you guys said this yesterday that um
Starting point is 00:09:11 she wasn't wearing a belt on the deadlift maybe just make sure that as soon as she started feeling something going like she could she she knew it was over um instead of like hiding it with the belt where stuff could break and you might not know it yeah um so i i think that i think that's sound reasoning and then she's she's worn a belt for like most all of like a lot of events and then she just decided not to wear it on the deadlift i think i think that was the reasoning there and i i think it's kind of smart um but yeah it didn't surprise me it's a lot of hinging. And with our first estimate of they're going to drag the bag up the hill on the event one,
Starting point is 00:09:51 and then we said they called that back because of the rain. Clearly, that was not a factor at all. They drug that bag up the hill in the pouring rain. It didn't seem like it was too much of an issue. JR, any thoughts or comments on Tiaia the belt situation there or the event in general no i mean i i honestly thought it was really cool last night that she was the only one that didn't have one on regardless of what the reasons were it was just kind of cool that she was just doing it without it i didn't expect her to wear one in this workout so when she came out with it i was a
Starting point is 00:10:22 little surprised i want i really just want to one really am curious, like the top five males and females who did the majority of the heavy reps last night, what they're feeling like today and how much they think that played a factor, not so much the 120 snatches or the three to 15 sandbag loads, but more so the 10 to 15 heavy attempts that they took. I'm just curious like how their posteriors feel because there's a lot of glutes in the workout they just did, a lot of posterior chain. And then they're going to run and jump here in a little bit too. They may be doing getovers, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:57 I'm just curious what the recovery is like today. Yeah. People say in the comments that we need to read the comments from women about pelvic floor. That's literally what we said. That was our hypothesis before this, was that she didn't wear the belt to protect herself and to be aware of what was happening.
Starting point is 00:11:11 We're not going to rehash what we already hashed. It's been hashed. Get him, Peter. Barry McOchner with a very astute observation here. No one wore a white t-shirt. No one did. No one did.
Starting point is 00:11:25 No one did. No. Okay. No one really wore a t-shirt. He came out in the full leader costume for this. He dressed up for Halloween as the leader. Oh, my goodness. Have we talked about the men yet?
Starting point is 00:11:37 No. We were going to jump over to that. But anything else on the women so far? We're seeing the tight race. We're seeing T and Laura trade back and forth here. It's going to be the T andura show for the remaining of the events i mean it's definitely something worth mentioning and when you get even though it's only 10 pegboard ascents when you get something like that done at a really fast pace because that workout should be fast as originally written i think it was written to be like an unbroken who can run hard on the hill run and who can do the box jumps fast
Starting point is 00:12:05 when you remove an element like two peg boards whatever it gets replaced with sure it's gonna it's gonna affect who ends up doing well in the workout i think yeah and we'll break into that next event but real quickly jerry you had said something that you were surprised that they were still gonna have the peg boards does something happen to the peg board if it gets wet do those holes straight does it become harder to pull it out or were you simply just saying because of like a slipping issue yeah yeah yeah i was just saying i mean you know i imagine they're not gonna they weren't gonna mount any of the wooden ones up there that it was just gonna be you know the plexiglass so those are already pretty slick so if you if you have them wet it's probably impossible
Starting point is 00:12:43 yeah and i'm assuming they're expecting more rain. How is it there, Caleb? Has it lightened up at all? Is the rain still pretty hard? What's it look like? It's lightened up a little bit, but everything is drenched, entirely soaked. That was the hardest it's rained all weekend.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, when the athletes were setting the fat bills down on the grass, it was like making indents in the infield. So everything is soaked. It's kind of ironic that they stopped events, delayed events, changed events because of the rain. And then when the rain came the hardest, we just did the event as is. Yeah. And that'll be they'll be interested
Starting point is 00:13:27 to talk to katie about last night i mean i wonder if i wonder if this event was friday would they you know what i mean i wonder is it because they're the same sunday they're like oh fuck just do it who cares yeah yeah it feels like that i mean they changed the barbell to just the fat bells which i think was the right call uh yeah it was i'm sure it made so much sense it would have just been that transition on ice people got the opportunity to push that transition if you wanted to and i mean that's just leg destruction and you're saying that because they would have lunged to the rig which would have cut that whole 75 feet out or whatever and now that just becomes actually quite a little sprint as to who's going to push that little transition there and get back to the fat bills first.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Right. Yeah. I mean, I saw. So like Roman and Pat went right into the lunges after the cleaning jerks on the first the first go around. They went right into it. They did like three and then went right into it. What? Jake is an.
Starting point is 00:14:23 OK, this is uh he said i'm so upset they're doing handstand walking instead of pegboard well i think it was caleb that said there are lines on the field or is that you john that said there are lines on the i said yeah there yeah you see that you can see the white lines on the so maybe that's that's what they're for would it not be like mad slippy doing yeah i feel like that would be just as dangerous. Well, in the grass, it kind of
Starting point is 00:14:48 squishes in. I don't think. I don't think. No, I don't think that'll be an issue. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Women's leaderboard one more time. Let's just look at the top top 10. Danny Spiegel ran our top 10 at 375 points. Ariel Olin climbs in at top 10 at 375 points. Ariel Olin climbs in at ninth place at 385 points. Kristen Kohlbrander, eighth place at 395. That's tight between those two. Lauren Fisher on the outside
Starting point is 00:15:14 of that top 10 looking in at 365 points. Manon. That was me pronouncing her name. It's not that hard. Dude, it's fucking hard, John. It's an easier one than Christine Kolenbrander. Yeah, but I'm used to saying that.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Emma Carey in sixth place, 425 points. Alex Kazan, fifth place, 465 points. Emma Lawson, 485 in fourth. Gabby at 490 to round out the third place. We already know who one and two is lower
Starting point is 00:15:46 and first here and second so are we surprised by these women is this pretty much going to hold the rest of time or do you think we'll still see a lot of shifting with this with three through ten to pay oh sorry to tend to run no go Peter you're good and I was just going to say that
Starting point is 00:16:01 the pegboard would have suited Laura better but like depending on Alex Kazan Alex Kaz pegboard would have suited laura better but like depending on alex kazan alex kazan it would have suited way better like i just got between those two i just meant between like laura and tia like the climbing and shit like but it depends on that if that's been replaced by a pure sprint like it's anybody's yeah it'd be interesting to see the volume of handstand walking like if they'll if they'll keep it relatively low to kind of mimic the same effect as just going up and down, up and down on the pegboard, which is like, I mean, for most people, 30 seconds to 45 seconds at the most.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You'd be able to go up and down for two, touch and go. So I don't imagine that the amount of handstand walking is going to be huge. I want to say it was Friday, though. These same five were the top five. And I remember Se i remember seven asking like how does the leaderboard look and i think we were all like it's probably who we all have in our top five at the end of the weekend yep and check out that way i think um gabby magawa benefits the most out of this that it's handstand walking um not not because the other, that it's handstand walking. Not because the other girls are bad at handstand walking,
Starting point is 00:17:11 but Alex Kazan and Emma Lawson are both pretty elite pullers. And I think they would get through those pegboards much faster than Gabby. And now it's going to be just a race on your hands. Who can handstand walk out of breath. Jay, if Jake is still listening, can you say the whole workout on the chat so we know like if you've been briefed on it. Jake was in this room a little bit ago. I don't know where he went. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance,
Starting point is 00:17:38 it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion we are your local dignity memorial provider find us at with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 00:18:32 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Come back. We do have the layout. I mean, you can see the tall boxes there. It looks like they have the floor hash lined out with some numbers. So I'm sure that'll probably have something to do with the layout. I mean, you can see the tall boxes there. It looks like they have the floor hash lined out with some numbers. So I'm sure that'll probably have something to do with the handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Can you see the mats, John? The number markers out there? I was going to see what the distance was just to have an idea. Our on-site correspondent. Okay, so while he does that, I am going to plug an idea. Our on-site correspondent. Okay, so while he does that, I am going to plug a sponsor. That's what I do here. We'll plug regular Swolvering.
Starting point is 00:19:14 If you guys want to get jacked and lift a shitload of weight without a belt, then buy this supplement. You'll crush it. Peter, which one do you take? The whey protein isolate? Good choice. I can tell you're looking really good these days and that is brought to you by swolverine use code sebon and if it works let me know this is the one you inject right i've been injecting
Starting point is 00:19:36 this is this the injection one yep yep yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the one you can butt chug it too okay let's head over and uh i gotta do my own let's head over grab the men's leaderboard now let's bring that up and check out what's going on over there i think this next event will be starting in about 17 minutes too i don't think they've updated the this one yet but i can give you the results of that last event from the top 10. Dallin Pepper holding on from heat one. It's a huge mistake that
Starting point is 00:20:16 somebody should have been telling Roman that this is the time to beat because he definitely could have sprinted and beaten Dallin in this workout and he didn't and I think that's a big mistake I mean those five points might really matter on the podium for him yeah and I mean that's potentially $30,000
Starting point is 00:20:35 maybe $40,000 because seeing where Jeff finished that's 30 points that Roman could have made up on Jeff had he finished first he could have also just done the bike as fast as Chandler did. Then he would have won by 30 seconds. You say that, but I don't see Chandler's name up here.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So I don't know if his strategy was the best. No, because Chandler did fucking 60 seconds on his second set of 30 calories, even though it's like basically physiologically impossible that he did that compared to the rest of the field. But they just let him do 60 seconds and then said,
Starting point is 00:21:03 yeah, fuck it, you're good. You can go. If they did that to Roman, he would have set a world record on it. Yeah. But Dallin, so this is the third bike workout that Dallin has beaten Roman and Jason at.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Dallin, fittest American male, yeah? Did you hear him make that announcement there? Is he? That's what they said. Announcement. I like that, John. Go ahead, JR.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I was going to say I like that, though. I like that conversation because we always think of Jason and Roman when we're looking at like echo bike workouts, maybe even like rowing workouts. I mean, most machines. But I think you have to put down in into the conversation and maybe just say hey if if there's a biker workout that's not just like a 40 cal echo bike 20 thruster for time like between them three it but if it's not something that short and sprinty like dylan might be the best in the world right now on that bike the impressive thing was after out of all the athletes in both heats he was the one who pushed the hardest when he got to the bike so like when he
Starting point is 00:22:14 sat on the bike he gunned it straight away the rest of like he's in the first and ramped up yeah like roman did not go hard he was like i. Because I didn't watch. Yes, I didn't watch. I know. Yeah, like, so, like, I get what you're saying, JR. Like, Dallin might be the best. I would just say it's between them three because I do think Roman would have won this. Have they been in the same heat? Sure. What I think is really impressive about Dallin,
Starting point is 00:22:40 and because people forget how young he is, is, you know, we actually saw jason do this on the monkey bar event he was the product of heat one he was in the lead he could take some breaks that he probably didn't need to take thinking about the next heat that's coming and you know we see down and not do that do exactly the opposite get on the bike and act like there's three or four guys to his left and his right that he's racing in the next heat. That's just a lot of maturity. It's really professional of him to do that.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah, that's awesome. Jason Hopper moved into fourth. We'll give you the rundown here. First place, Pat Vellner at 550. At this point, just cut him the check and send him home early so he could get on the earliest flight out.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Roman Klinikoff, second place at 480 points. Jeff Adler at 475 and third. Jason Hopper, fourth at 465. Brent Bukowski, 450 in fifth place, and that'll round out our top five. The points are tight. The points are tight, Second through fifth here, there could still be quite a bit of shuffling. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:48 relative, especially to the women's field within that. How, what do you guys think about this? Is this going to be that top five or, or do you think we'll see quite a bit more swings in the next couple of events? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And I mean, we probably won't find out what the finale is until maybe even after this next workout, but if it's something like it was last year, that's just kind of beefy. Like some of the same guys that maybe we don't think of as super strong athletes could take another big hit and the leaderboard could shuffle a lot. Like,
Starting point is 00:24:19 does anyone remember what place I'm drawing a blank now uh kerstetter was in last year before heavy grace before she did so well at that does anyone remember what place she was in like you'll like there's potential for you to see people toward the bottom of both leaderboards really shake up the leaderboard depending on what that final workout is yeah um she would have been in 19th place and then she ended up getting second on that uh she got she got second she got second in the workout and then she's uh 16th place there was a bit of a tear drop after that she'd be she went from last in her tier to to the first
Starting point is 00:25:05 in her tier yeah so having a having a second yeah i mean that's just like you may see some outliers like that depending on what the last workout is and it could end up deciding who's on the podium at the end we saw roman clinical slide down the hill and give like a russian calabunga i'm bringing it back r Russian calabunga as he went down. What do you guys think of that? Is he not taking this seriously? Is he like fuck it? Or what do you think that was there, John? Dude, he's having a good time.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Leave him alone. I don't think it was any slower than if he would have ran down the hill. Well, Pat beat him down the hill and he ran down the hill. Yeah, but he still beat him back to the calabunga. Yeah, I think if you win the workout, and I know he got Yeah, but he still beat him back to the kettlebell, so it didn't really matter. Yeah, I think if you win the workout, and I know he got second, but if you win the heat,
Starting point is 00:25:48 it don't matter what you did. You did it right. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I think it was awesome. I don't know. Did you guys see Pat when he ran by him in that section? Mm-hmm. I think that's actually Carla Kalabonski bunsky i think when uh but look pat seemed like
Starting point is 00:26:08 he picked it up almost like he's like okay you're gonna just slide down this i'm gonna i'm gonna turn on the boosters here a little bit and i bet it's pretty sketchy running down that hill though yeah how much of it was that and how much it was just gravity of like my legs need to move fast so i don't fall over basically well it, it was an awesome. My favorite was Emma Lawson trying to slide down on her ass. She literally just like sat down and stood back up again and then ran.
Starting point is 00:26:33 That didn't work. Phil's not super slick. Okay, so what do you think went on with Chandler's bike? Pedro, you mentioned it. You said he was done in like one minute he sat down straight away pointed like jet like put his hand out jested at it the judge kept saying just said like yeah keep going and then he pointed out again then she put her fist up which is the universal like
Starting point is 00:26:55 fuck to the head judge uh head judge came over she just kept saying keep going keep going head judge came over and it was too far away but it looked like he said yeah just keep going, keep going. Head judge came over and it was too far away, but it looked like he said, yeah, just keep going. And then I assumed there was some kind of conversation of, Oh, time it based off like whatever the fuck he told her to base off. Cause his first run was like,
Starting point is 00:27:16 you can possibly do here. Like his first split was about 90 seconds or 95 seconds. And that last split was 60. And he like at the start you can imagine you know how slow you go when you're in the gym and the bike doesn't turn on you do that kind of slowed down confused not really sure what's happening like he was doing that so add an extra 10 seconds on if nothing if nothing else but they shaved 30 seconds off his original time if i was jay crouch i'd be like definitely you know questioning that call yeah yeah you could
Starting point is 00:27:47 see right there in the uh clip that caleb just pulled up he's kind of like pointing at it that's the whole fuck yep yeah yeah that's it right and anytime you see a look on a judge's face like that where they got the hand up and they're like searching around for somebody to help him out there you know that there's some issue with the equipment yeah it wouldn't be a big deal if there wasn't so much money involved like if this if he wins thirty one thousand dollars by five points it's it's kind of a big deal now was there do they give out money cash prizes for one through three per event as well too no i don't think so okay so you that your only cash is the final placings yeah okay okay but it gets significantly more as you get closer to that top five top ten do we know where that
Starting point is 00:28:33 cutoff was because so uh 11 through 20 is 6 000 or 10 through 20 10 through 20 is 6 6500. Number nine is 13,000. And then it goes up a lot from there. Yeah. So all this points matter. Chase will give you the program. It says a minute 35 for Chandler's first cow bike, 30 cow bike, 59 seconds for his last cow bike. Way slower as well.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Like just like for a Sunday cycle, just like this is nice. Nice weather. Yeah. With not even the hands. Chase is probably right as well like just like for a sunday cycle just like this is nice nice weather yeah with not even the hands james is probably right as well though he said which is probably why the leaderboard isn't updated remember caleb said that he didn't have the updated one so they're probably jay crouch is probably like sorry what the fuck happened there what i pulled up earlier was the updated uh leaderboard so they've i think they've added everything on there can we see it one more time and then can you arrange it to just the event for us real quick? Let's see what ended up happening with
Starting point is 00:29:27 that position there. So, Dallin got first. Roman was in second. Jason Hopper was in third. I mean, everybody picked the Roman or the Hopper train. Did anybody pick Dallin? No. You said Dallin would be good at this one, but nobody picked him. Yeah, because you guys hate America,
Starting point is 00:29:44 you communists. And then we're going to who we have in fourth place. Yellow Host Day. Ricky Garrard in fifth. Jeffrey Adler in seventh. This is per the event. Lazar Dukic in seventh. Brent Fikowski in eighth.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Pat Belner in ninth. And then Travis Mayer around at the top ten for event number seven. Yeah, he's still in 13th. Like, that's fucking bullshit. And then scroll down. Let's find. Oh, number 7. Yeah, he's still in 13th. That's fucking bullshit. And then scroll down, let's find, oh Chandler, yeah 13th. Beating Jay Crouch. Okay. It was like, it was almost like she saw Jay get off the
Starting point is 00:30:16 bike and told him to go as well. Because there was no, there's no logic to when he went. Like it didn't make any sense. And it was like you could hear her shout go when Jay, like it was like, you could hear her shout go when Jay, like it was like Jay stood up off his bike and she shouted go and Chandler ran. And it was like,
Starting point is 00:30:30 she just said like, cause Jay was last, wasn't he on, on the field in that heat. So it was like, she just said, Oh fuck. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Go like everyone else. God, just go. And he just went. Fuck everybody in that first heat. Oh, it's strange. Oh,
Starting point is 00:30:44 is this the clip of Chandler's bike here yeah they just let him off and then it's a foot race with Jake Crouch oh my goodness okay so the next event is about to start in six minutes anything else on the men
Starting point is 00:30:58 what we see did you guys talk last sorry I didn't watch back the deadlift show did you guys talk about Bailey Martin teabagging the deadlift bar when he didn't lift it no no what i was waiting for someone i was waiting for someone in the group to talk about it because i saw it and i was like yeah that's classic bailey martin is so funny that's classic bailey martin he just walked up straddled the bar like dipped his balls onto it and then like waved and walked off the platform do we know do we know what the workout is like specifically yet that's what i was about to ask straddled the bar, dipped his balls onto it, and then waved and walked off the platform.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Do we know what the workout is specifically yet? That's what I was about to ask you. Yeah, let's see. So nothing else on the men. Patty V running away with it. It's any man's game. Fit through. Second.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Okay, let's bring up the next event. Let's just bring up what they have, and then we'll try to dissect it and see what they're switching. We know the pig board at this point is out. We know the handstand walk seems to be in. So the original event, individual event, eight big cats, six box jumps, 42 inches for the guys, 36 for the females, two pig board climbs, and one hill run. So for five rounds, is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah, it's five rounds, is that what you said? Yeah, it's five rounds of that. Um, so I don't really think we can pick because it's not that. That's true. Um, if you want to know right now, so Jake Kazan said in the comments that it was a handstand walk instead of
Starting point is 00:32:21 the pegboard. Um, right now it looks like they have a pylon that they have to go run around like they do their box jump overs or get overs or burpee bot whatever that box thing is and then they're going to handstand walk this gap and then they're going to run around the pylon or run up the hill do y'all want to see like my viewpoint because i have kind of like a side i can go out there and like show it you you want to or no yeah give it a try we'll see what happens if it's good we'll blow you up if it's bad we'll just drop you from the
Starting point is 00:32:47 stream okay like he's got a private box in there damn living the life that's why nobody sees him because he just parks himself in the box all day you see it or no yeah yeah i wouldn't see it okay so like the hill and the pylons and then the boxes yep can you point five rounds where's the pylons the pylons are over there where the hill is and then in front of the big uh boxes and i i wonder if they're gonna move that per round are those round markers can you see john are those yes yeah they're round markers right here around one through five one through five oh so it's not like a distance marker yeah no no so like like they're gonna be in a different spot round one yeah i kind of think they're gonna move their checkered piece yeah like yeah if i would have to make a guess i'm thinking it's gonna be the box uh jump overs and then you could see the
Starting point is 00:33:40 two white lines one just past that zeus rig and then one right before the hill. Maybe handstand walk between that gap, run up the hill, run back, move their chest piece, come back to the block. Handstand walk and then burpee box jump overs, and then they'll go. Oh, I switched it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. You're right. Yeah. Okay. Because that makes the run longer too. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And then you're going to see some trading back and forth, especially at that hill, which will make it a little bit more aerobic coming into those box jump overs with that higher rate. JR, any thoughts on it? I think initially when you looked at the workout with pegboard, it's a little bit different when you're trying to figure out what females are going to excel.
Starting point is 00:34:15 But with the males specifically, you just look for who you think is going to be able to deal with the 30 box jumps the fastest. And I think that's still what you do as far as picking someone yeah i think for the women uh danielle brandon has never been bad at a hand stand walk workout ever so she's probably the safest pick and she's and she's very athletic so i can see her handling the high box just fine perfect okay well let's do that let's go ahead and announce events it looks like the they're getting ready for to take the field right now so um okay john is that who you're getting ready to take the field right now. Okay, John, is that who you're going to go with for the women? Danielle Brandon?
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, I'm going to pick Danielle Brandon. I don't think it's a clear giveaway that she's going to win. I think a lot of girls could win. Tia might win. Danielle Brandon is the best handstand walker of all of the females, and she is athletic. That's who I pick.
Starting point is 00:35:03 JR? Yeah, I like that pick. I'll go with Danielle, too. Danielle? Okay. Mr. Pedro? I don't know what the workout is, so I'm just going to go Emma Carey just because if there's a lot of burpee box jumps,
Starting point is 00:35:20 she'll be good. That's all I'm going to. Okay, I'm going to go with Emma Lawson. Also a great pick. Yeah, I think she's she's gonna do well there's a weird delay there when john said that he said that after susan spoke but i think it was supposed to be after i spoke yeah i think it's the internet that is moving around probably i i was watching her again not to uh not to plug it too much here but i was watching the rough cuts of the behind the scenes and some of the b-roll footage of her and one of the box jump over events, that race one that they did. And she just moves so freaking hard.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So the event is five rounds, six box jumps at the really high box and the 50-foot handstand walk unbroken, and then a run. Oh, I changed it. All right. The girls are coming out right now, so do we want to pick our guys real quick and then cut it. I changed it. The girls are coming out right now. Do we want to pick our guys real quick and then cut it? Yeah. Victor Hoffer. I'm going to say Errol Owen and Tudor Magna.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Ooh, and Tudor Magna. John, for the guys, who you got? Patrick Browner. I'll stick with that too. Okay. Two, please. That's how. Okay. Two, please. That's how that works. Bye, JR.
Starting point is 00:36:30 So, hey, we were pretty good at predicting the event. Yeah, yeah. It sounds like that was it. I mean, it made sense with the layout on the field there. Pedro, who you got for the guys as our Heat 1 ladies take the field right now? I went for Victor Hoffer. Oh, you said Victor Hoffer. Okay. And John got patty v uh i'm i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with roman i think he's in a stride now i think he'll do well on this and caleb who'd you say tutor magna tutor
Starting point is 00:36:55 walker in the group i just i just don't think he is he is the fastest i just don't think he's fit enough i don't think i don't know if the handstand's enough. Okay, we will be back at the end of this event. Looks like the women are going to start right now. Drink your paper street coffee. Buy some CA peptides. Put on your freaking toe spacers while you're grilling with your grill your ass off. Rubs.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And drink a little Swolverine pre-workout to get you revved up okay we'll be back after this event thank you guys john thank you pedro thank you caleb thank you and we will see you guys bye

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