The Sevan Podcast - Only For The Enlightened | Live Call In #1019

Episode Date: September 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Welcome to BMO ETFs. Where do you get your insights? Volatility has continued to be a hot topic. I think the Fed does have other cards to play. Are these mega cap tech companies here to stay? Never before has there been a better time to be an ETF investor. BMO ETFs presents Views from the Desk, a show all about markets and investing with ETFs.
Starting point is 00:00:58 New episodes every Thursday morning. Yeah, that's nice. You guys spent some time getting it set. Bam, we're live. Is that a good mic too? Because I got an extra like crazy mic like this one, like this shirt. Oh, really? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It sounds good. Does it sound okay? Yeah, it sounds great. People really like that other mic on a Tuesday. You know what's crazy is John young was on the show last night the crossfit games update show which was fucking amazing by the way john young no john john young wasn't amazing he didn't show up yeah okay i was like did he come in super he felt really bad he came in um eventually i just kicked him out because his connection was so bad but um he um uh john young's mic was better just using his iphone oh really then
Starting point is 00:01:55 then uh the mic he uses at home the road mic that was disappointing it's got to be the way it's played in or something right something yeah makes no sense no sense it works really well for everybody else hi good morning everyone rambler good morning sabir and kelly good morning jeffrey good morning dick butter hi what's up guys asymmetric gears i know rep myself just to do the extra makeup reps me too i want to tell you guys something to do the extra makeup reps. Me too. I want to tell you guys something. So,
Starting point is 00:02:36 I was taking the BPC 157 and the TB500 for a couple months. And actually, I think I, I think I, I think I let this shit get old actually i think it has a shelf life the more and more i'm reading about it this stuff has a shelf life of and it's not very long everyone should look at it whoever buys this once you reconstitute it and add the
Starting point is 00:02:56 water like the clock starts ticking and the peptides the amino chain amino acids i guess start breaking down i have something crazy to tell you though. So, so I did that for a couple months and my bicep did get better, but I wasn't like a hundred percent certain that it was the BPC probably was. And then recently, whatever I had left over from my bicep, I shot into my toe and overnight my toe got better. Three of my toes were hurting. I think it actually honestly has something to do with a problem I'm having in my back that's causing some tingling in my toes. But anyway. Now, I'm not a fucking normal person. After I get up from here, I don't stop moving at all.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm in the gym at least twice a day working out. I don't do crazy workouts, but I'm always moving. I either have a leaf blower, I'm digging a hole in the backyard. I'm playing with my kids. I'm carrying a bag, you know, uh, 400 yards, a 20 pound bag, 400 yards, 20 times a day, moving my kids shit around. Basically I carry lift my kids up, but then I also spend at least two hours in the gym every day, one hour in the middle and one hour at night. And that can involve just riding the assault bike, doing strict pushups, strict pull-ups, uh, some high intensity, maybe hit 90, 80 or 90 RPMs on the assault bike on the minute for 20 minutes. But I am a moving machine and I'm always tinkering
Starting point is 00:04:15 with my diet and my diet's not like great by any means like this. Uh, yesterday I fasted. Then this morning I woke up and I ate five apples of dried fruit that I stole from my neighbor's yard yesterday and put in the dehydrator last night. And I woke up this morning and just porked out on a dried fruit. That being said, two, four days ago, I started this CJC 1295. I've only taken two injections of it. It says unlock. It's this is what it says. Enhanced growth hormone production in the body. Unlock the remarkable benefits of CJC-1295 peptide cutting edge compound
Starting point is 00:04:56 designed to enhance growth hormone production in the body. Increased growth hormone secretion. Muscle growth repair, fat loss, enhanced recovery, improved bone density density aging effects convenient and safe i don't know i don't know about that last one but all those other things dude in four days i've done two injections feeling better dude every just everywhere i'm stronger i'm sleeping better i'm more alert my dick's bigger like everything everything dude it's just it's fucking crazy i almost feel guilty just two
Starting point is 00:05:37 fucking injections when hooberman said he took the bpc he had like back pain in his back for years and he took two injections in his back and it got better i was like that's kind of weird and then i did the one injection because i did a shitload of injections in my bicep and to this day i still have some pain i mean at least now i can do pull-ups now before i couldn't even do pull-ups yeah but um i cannot believe this shit's powerful and and also remember this i'm fasting on the days that i'm the two days that i've injected it i've not eaten from morning till night not at all zero just like that is that recommended or is that just your your twist i thought i read somewhere that you're supposed to take it on an empty stomach jay hardell uh that's a little sketch I'm telling you it's fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:06:25 GP why not follow the main site and get fit for a month you're totally right why don't I I don't know I don't like to be told what to do I'm kind of stuck in my routine of the things I like to do you know
Starting point is 00:06:42 snatches jumping rope also I'm kind of stuck in the I like doing stuff, you know, snatches, jumping rope. Also, I'm kind of stuck in the, I like doing stuff where I can multitask. So I did this, I did this workout the other day where I, I hang from a pull-up bar in a bent arm position like this and an L-sit for 10 seconds with a 30 second rest, 20 rounds. L-sit hang for 10 seconds with bent arm, not straight arm. 10 seconds, rest 30 seconds. I did it 20 rounds. But that way I can be researching.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I can be watching Buttery Bros while I work out. So sweat my ass off on the assault bike and then do some shit like that. That's why I probably don't fuck around. Because if I went to an affiliate or I started following some main site, you're right. Would it be better for my fitness totally but um but i but i wouldn't be able to do multitask like a mofo like i do maximize your time hey gp the opposite of crossfit you're doing the known and knowable fine i don't care i mean quick question about the peptides my uh maintenance guy at the apartment
Starting point is 00:07:49 has been complaining about his shoulder and he's like oh now my doctor won't give me my cortisol shot is that right okay cortisone probably thank you and uh he was like do you know anybody who could give me that and i was like no but i know somebody's got you on some peptides you can fix that problem for good and so what does he do he just goes to ca and i've been code word sebon for free shipping and you recommend that bp7 i don't know if i if i recommend it but i'm telling you what i hear everyone else taking is they take the bpc 157 and they take the um tb 500 and hey and he should get this too if he wants to go big and he should get the curcumin
Starting point is 00:08:28 oh hold on a second hey hey I'm live on the air right now everyone can hear you nice what's up everybody welcome to the Travis unfiltered podcast I'll be your host all morning long send your donations directly Everybody, welcome to the Travis Bajan unfiltered podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I'll be your host all morning long. Send your donations directly to my bank account. No need to even super chat. Hey, by the way, tell me if my audio goes out, guys, because my Rodecaster is doing something weird. It's installing update software. Hey, Travis, did you hear the podcast with your son last night? I did not. Is that why you called? Oh, yeah. I wanted you to tell me how great I was.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm running an arm wrestling tournament this weekend, so I was up way in. That carries on to nothing until the middle of the night. I'm going to go watch it right now. You guys are crazy today. Good luck with everything.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Let me ask you one question. Is it true that John Brzezink... It's Ezra's birthday today, so shout out to Ezra Bajent, too. Happy birthday to the next Bajent who will be NFL quarterback. Hey, who's going to win in Alexi Vovoda and Travis Bajent today?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Sorry, Alexi Vovoda and John Brzezink today when they pool. Oh, man, I'm praying and wishing and hoping that my great friend and mentor and hero can somehow win, but he's probably going to get his ass handed to him pretty bad. Hey, you're selling out. There it is. Is your sound out? There it is. Can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:10:13 There it is. No, you can't hear me, son of a bitch. Hey, John's arm looks bigger, but Vovoda's forearm looks bigger. Yeah, John looks absolutely just swollen he looks amazing um so but I just don't know if he has enough time after the Toddzilla loss to really really get too much better in a month so yeah and now hopefully I'm hoping that Alexis not to do but if my memory serves me correct, he will be pretty awesome. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:49 All right, brother. All right. Thanks, dude. All right, I'm going to go check the podcast out later. Bye. Fuck, my mic stopped working. Can you guys hear me? We can.
Starting point is 00:10:59 We can hear you. You can hear me. Because I can't hear you. Oh, really? And my roadcaster is doing something weird. Oh, shit. I think it'll get better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:10 You can't hear me, though? Is it through this mic or is it through the computer? Through your computer. Computer. The computer. Okay. It is rebooting. It's doing something.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Can you hear us? By the way, someone said you don't do intensity. Oh, now can you hear me? Now my earphones started working again. You can hear us? No, you still can't hear me. you don't do intensity oh now can you hear me now my earphones started working again you can hear us no you still hey i do intensity don't don't get it fucking twisted i do oh fuck i do intensity don't get it twisted i just don't i'm just i just uh it's varied my shit's more varied than your shit there we go that's better there we go roadcaster seven i do i
Starting point is 00:11:43 shut it shut it shut it back to sleep hang up no That's better. There we go. Roadcaster 7. I do. Shut it. Shut it. Shut it. Go back to sleep. Hang up. No. Hang up. 1999. I do intensity.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Anyway. I'm telling you, if you want to fuck around with some crazy shit, you want to see something weird happen. And like I said, I'm not a normal human. you want to see something weird happen and like i said i'm not a normal human like as much as i like poo-poo myself um i'm like the most active fucking 51 year old human being you guys have ever met i'm and i'm like so so i and i fuck around with my diet all the time and i'm so so i don't know if it'll have the same effects on you guys but it is it's like the most powerful thing i've done in terms of drugs it's like i would throw it in there like with nicotine or fucking marijuana or ecstasy like i cannot believe just two injections what's happened yeah
Starting point is 00:12:32 i don't even know if maybe you could tell i probably yeah for sure definitely can tell you're looking serious no yeah no yeah yeah you're giving me the scares i mean everything just feels different i just feel different like more do you have more energy and shit that was the one thing with the testosterone that i really was jealous of when like remember when hillar was like you would just wake up in the morning you're just ready to attack no i don't feel that i don't feel like i have more energy i still i still napped uh yesterday I still nap. I nap for 20 minutes. Old man nap. So good.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Enjoy the good nap. That's what I do after work. Nap? Yeah, just a good 20 minutes. Do you use an eye pillow? No, I literally just go into coffin mode. I just cross my arms like this, cross my legs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And then it's like 20 minutes. I wake up and then we're good to go until midnight i do i i put a eye pillow on and then i pushed a pillow on each side of my ears and i don't put a pillow behind my head so i'm laying perfectly flat i relax all my like my entire body and then just fucking out yep so nice anyway uh energy is down no my energy is not energy is not oh energy is down no and my energy is not down i'm just telling you um that's tjc 1295 i'm kind of excited for it to like to be done with it i don't want to get addicted to it i'm going to shoot the whole bottle in 10 days or i'm going to shoot it in 20 days in 10 different shots. Hiller's like, did you look into how to do it?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I'm like, no. I just came up with my own. And he said his energy's down. Oh. How many days is Hiller off the TRT now? I think it's like 40-some days. Yeah, it's been over a month. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 51 years old here definitely need two rest days per week. Yeah, I don't have any rest days either. I don't do rest days. But I don't do crazy shitty. I'm not doing, don't get me wrong, I'm not ever rarely do I let the wheels fall off the bus. You're like the ultra runner. You're just like
Starting point is 00:14:42 it's nothing crazy, but it's just continuous for forever. Yeah. It's nothing crazy, but it's just continuous for forever. Yeah. Not last night, but the night before. It was one of my fasting days. At 10 o'clock at night, I just ran a mile. I ran it on the air runner barefoot. I ran the first 800 at exactly a nine-minute pace,
Starting point is 00:15:03 and I ran the second 800 at a seven- minute pace and i ran the second 800 at a seven minute pace a little faster than a seven minute pace for and i had like like a little under an eight minute mile cruising yeah just at 10 o'clock you know what i mean just like and i know most you mortals aren't doing that shit you're fucking like i like chips eating chips and shit well you're already in fucking great shape so you already worked out so hard but uh sean sullivan dude it's terrible when you come off the juice i hope i'm not on the juice that's what i'm just worried about
Starting point is 00:15:35 uh how roberts i do i do doubles and volleyball one to two days per week usually a rest day in the next oh okay there okay. There you go. Well, yeah. If you're playing sports, yesterday I played fucking tennis as hard as I could for fucking an hour, and we play short court. So it's like pickleball, but it's with the tennis ball. Dude, I'm wounded.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I'm wounded. Really? Like the knees or what? No, hamstrings in the bottom of my feet from slapping the concrete so fucking hard so many fucking times the bottom my feet feels like i was it feels like i was barefoot like running on rocks yesterday barefoot even though i was wearing shoes when i played tennis the bottoms of my feet are destroyed just get hot spots out there no not like that just like like beat up you know from just shifting directions
Starting point is 00:16:26 yeah pedro great interview with shane orr and nick johnston holy shit dude you're a beast yeah you're you're a beast you're a beast beast beast and also someone said hey i said when i'm your age but i'm also little and that has uh i think that i think little people uh we can take a little bit more of a beating so it's like even like barefoot like remember like people will be like ask little kids doesn't that hurt your feet when they see them walking barefoot you have to remember they weigh 35 pounds i weigh 150 or 160 or 170 pounds. And then a dude who's 210 pounds, he's walking barefoot.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Those rocks on the bottom of his feet are going to hurt significantly more. They do. When he's barefoot. There you go. So all men are not created equal. If Caleb was at my house, he'd be like, could you get the paper towels down for me? I mean, it's like, and I'll get stuff in the backyard. I'll water the plants in the backyard barefoot thanks
Starting point is 00:17:27 Sevan when are you selling your programming that's a good idea don't you like our programming Andrew's rich yeah I do sell my kids programming are you playing brothers yeah I make about $35 a week that's true yeah I know yeah that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:17:44 yeah haters gonna hate alright here we go 136 is 136 even in there did that make it in there that was a last minute this one might offend some people
Starting point is 00:18:00 there's some cultural appropriation in here if you are of melanated skin, this one might bother you. I know it would bother me, but here we go. There's definitely some... Go ahead. This challenge, which
Starting point is 00:18:16 is to share racial slurs about white people. Take a listen. Hey, monkey. Snow bunny. Cracker. Beast demon. Snow roach. I don't know. Keep it going.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Discharge demon, yeast yeti, and glutam. No purpose flower. What was the first one they said? Something monkey? Honky, I thought it was oh can white people i did i broke that last week i showed a white monkey do you remember that we did yeah it's crazy nope fuck this clip this is horrible the audio on this is horrible this could be such a good bit they They've completely fucked this up.
Starting point is 00:19:05 There's not even any funny ones. Oh, you like Yeast Yeti? Why? Because yeast is white? Like the yeast that comes out of the pussy? Like yeast infections. Yeast Yeti? Snow Roach? Snow Roach?
Starting point is 00:19:22 I was not playing Pickleball, dude. I was playing with a fucking... no roach i was not playing pickleball dude did any of those offend you no but i just thought that some melanated people might be upset that now white people are or you can call white people monkeys now too and that they would feel like that was cultural appropriation and wait a second that's ours to be offended by how dare you how dare you you are not a monkey Choc Chihuahua is probably offensive to some CrossFitters out there Choc Chihuahua I don't get any of those
Starting point is 00:19:53 I don't even know what that means honestly the most offensive one is just Karen that one fucking annoys the fuck out of me just because I feel sorry for everyone who has the name Karen probably not even bad people. Yeah, and most of the things that they say,
Starting point is 00:20:08 they're like, that girl's a Karen. I'm like, I wish she'd have doubled down on that shit. Italian spaghetti is a spug-yetti. Spug-yetti? Spug-yetti? Spug-yetti? Snow Roach. This doesn't even, spaghetti. Snow Roach. This doesn't even make sense. Snow Roach.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah. Yeah, J. Harrell just making shit up. I know. The thing is, is if you had, first of all, those aren't even, like, every single person that they had saying those looks like they're on fucking medications or was born prematurely. Can you imagine if any of those people were your kids all those people look deformed in this tiktok video look at this chick yeah what the fuck is up with her oh that's great yeah okay uh 135 this dude
Starting point is 00:21:00 fucking cracked the code if there's any lesbians in the audience, please explain this to me. This guy fucking checkmated your asses. All lesbians should be put on notice here. This is crazy. This is nuts. Here we go. Such thing as a lesbian. Lesbians cheated being gay.
Starting point is 00:21:21 They use all kind of dildos and strap-ons and dick-like paraphernalia which mean they like dick, they just don't like my personality. Gay men are really gay. They don't substitute their gay shit. You'll never see two gay guys and one of them got a strap-on vagina over his ass. I ain't hit this.
Starting point is 00:21:41 on the vagina of his ass. I hit the... There's no such thing as a lesbian. What? You got something? You got any pushback? You got any pushback? Makes sense to me. You got any pushback? God, I fucking love logic.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Pool Boy, I made love to a lesbian once. I had a girlfriend in college who was a lesbian she was fucking great every she was so nice to me i feel like every time she had sex with me it was just a mercy uh mercy fuck yeah she's a good dude and eventually i just i just started i just dry humped her i didn't even I just stopped having sex I just dry humped her and I was in college too I was a little old to be doing that but she was cool she had the full fucking super diet cut and the Karen cut what do you mean you dry humped her like she would just be walking down the hall and you know I just lay on like I stopped putting I stopped having intercourse with her
Starting point is 00:22:45 we didn't we didn't we didn't what did pool boy say make love we didn't make love just soaked for a little while yeah not even soaked just rubbed on her damn yeah do you guys jail pretend uh oh
Starting point is 00:23:00 do you guys in jail pretend oh oh I'm not familiar with that Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Can I use a jail pretend? Oh, oh. I'm not familiar with that. Rosie, please pray for me. Please pray for me. Please pray for me. Anyway, that's a pretty good one. That's some solid.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'd like to see some pushback on it. Okay, 134. Let's go over to the CDC website. This is going to be Matt Sousa's favorite bit here. I want you guys to tell me when you guys hear any information. This is nuts. I was reading this this morning. I'm like, how does anyone think this is information? There are many benefits to getting the injection against Floyd-19.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It prevents serious illness. Where? Show me. Show me where it does that. It protects people from getting seriously ill and being hospitalized and dying. No information. A safer way to build protection. Getting Floyd-19 injection is a safer and more reliable way to build protection than getting sick with C-19. That's just not even true. That's the first time I've ever heard that said. That is just 100% not true. By the way, that's not true about pretty much any sickness. I can't think of one. I know you're going to be like, what about the one that starts with a P? Nope, not that one either. I can't think of one.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I know you're going to be like, what about the one that starts with a P? Nope, not that one either. Offers added protection to people who've had C-19, including protection against being hospitalized from an infection. You still haven't told me shit. I don't believe any of that. How about link me to one study? You know what's funny is that the one link that they do have is to safe and effective and you know that's not going to take you anywhere it just loops you right back around yeah yeah right yeah look it just says that it just repeats that hey and and the fact that it's
Starting point is 00:25:01 safe and effective is the fact that millions of people in the United States have taken it. Under the most intense. Listen, listen, look at this. That's not true either. That's another lie. Under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history. That's not even true either. Hey, can we go back?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I want to read you. It gets worse. Can we go back to that other page? Keep scrolling down. He's monitoring when it shit is surveying. It recommends you stay up to date and everyone six years and older. And it's available for children six months to five years. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It's recommended for children six months to five years and six years and older. It's two different vaccines. It's like two different versions of the vaccine. So if you're between five and six, you're just fucked? No,ed into like if you're five you're five once you turn six then you're okay just then you get the six-year-old vaccine okay there's a year of no man's land in there hey mrna um 49ers are highly effective in preventing the most severe outcomes from c19 what does that mean highly effective compared to the most severe outcomes from C-19. What does that mean? Highly effective compared to what?
Starting point is 00:26:07 I mean, this means nothing. Myocarditis is a condition where the heart becomes inflamed in response to an infection or some other trigger. Some other trigger? The one we're trying to convince you to take. That's the trigger. Myocarditis after C...
Starting point is 00:26:23 By the way, this is chat GPT shit, people. This is exactly how chat GPT works. Just rephrasing the same sentences over and over and over. Myocarditis after 49ers injection is rare. Are you kidding me? Listen, I need to tell you something. Regardless of how you chop it up, regardless of how you chop it up no matter how you chop it up the vast majority of people who have heart attacks or myocarditis
Starting point is 00:26:55 are people who have injections in the united states and do you know why that is i'm not even implicating the injection i'm just telling you because more than half the people in the united states have gotten the injection it couldn't be any other way. Do you understand what I'm saying? If everyone is smoking weed, I can say that every car accident the person was stoned. And someone who doesn't know how to think is going to be like, well, oh, he's saying that weed causes that. No, I'm not. You have to think a little bit. How can you say myocarditis after C-19 vaccination is rare? Completely fucking rare compared to what? It's not more rare than people who didn't get it. Easy land. Don't forget. There's two things. Don't forget. Remember Gavin Newsom.
Starting point is 00:27:57 They found that correspondence between him and the other people saying, hey, we're not releasing all the information because we don't think the public is smart enough and it will just confuse them. That's almost verbatim. Injections will help you from being hospitalized if you do get it how will it do that tell me how it does that oh here we go death uh death uh 49ers injection can help prevent you from dying if you do get it covid 19 it's fucking just nuts i'd never quote movies but this reminds me of like the step brothers where they're trying to do the business like investment and they're just saying things like worldwide insurance investors possibly you like it reminds me of this exactly just like words uh lulu dallas covid cured the flu i mean there's strong i can't i know you mean, there's strong evidence that does show that.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Very strong. It's probably the most very strong evidence. Wow, look at this. Joe Neal. Oh, I've been calling him Joe Nels. It's Joe Neals. I think I have his website just saved up here. I thought I did.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Let me see where the hell is Joe. Where's Joe Nels? Joe Nels. Wait, was that the affiliate owner? Yeah, I found it. Joe, I love your bit, dude. Oh, 108 subscribers. Hey, dude, he's doubling every day.
Starting point is 00:29:22 There we go. Oh, he's doubling every day. There we go. Oh, he's... Oh. Episode 3. Yeah, episode 3 is up. Two views. Just up 12 minutes ago. That's awesome. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Oh, you're there. Let's play a few minutes of it. Oh, shit. Andrew Hiller's in this one. Don't copyright us, Joe. Please let us play a YouTube video. Yeah, Joe, don't report our ass. By the way, thank you for the money. It's the least you could do. Hey, you ready to rock?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Let's do this. Day three. Target. See if you can get another member. Keep the streak alive. Target. Pause this for a second. So those of you who don't know, Joe owns CrossFit Kenosha. Heading to Target. See if we can get another member. Keep the streak alive. Target. Good choice. Pause this for a second.
Starting point is 00:30:06 So those of you who don't know, Joe owns CrossFit Kenosha, and he's doing a 30 for 30. He's got kind of this mix of inspirations going on. Three things going on, and I'm sure there's more. But he spent the last two years perfecting the look and presentation of his gym, and he's so fucking excited to get people in there. Lifelong CrossFit. We're doing CrossFit forever gym owner, right? Two, he hears Don Falls say we need 30 million new CrossFitters. He's like, how the fuck is that going to happen?
Starting point is 00:30:33 And three, he hears Greg Glassman say, Hey, if you're not walking around as a coach, like looking for people to share your your recipe for health, then, then you're not really a coach. So he's taken all three of those things and mesh them together. And here we are in target. Bam. Let's go. Going to get out in the street. Honk. Do you want to try CrossFit? Oh, he's getting the material.
Starting point is 00:30:57 We'll buy this stuff and we'll get moving. This is day three, third time, fourth place. Time for arts and crafts. What's up? Hey, is that lady his filmmaker? Is the lady his filmmaker? Jess, is that? Because Hiller told me he got a filmmaker.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I think that might be her. Okay. I like how he's got the magnet on the truck, though. You see that? Oh, yeah. QR code. I need to witness the QR code. Scan that shit.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Does he? Does he? Oh, I want to see if I can scan it from my computer. Hold on. I want to see if I can scan it straight from my computer. Oh, interesting. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I got it. I got it. I got it. That's crazy. I'm surprised YouTube. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. That's crazy. I'm surprised YouTube doesn't have it. Okay, it takes you to CrossFit Kenosha. Wow. Let's go, Joe. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Oh, no, that's not Jess. That's not Jess. Okay, I'm going to watch this, and then we'll talk about it more tomorrow. And we got to get Joe on. I keep telling Joe I'm going to have him on and then keep dropping the ball about it more tomorrow uh and we got to get joe on i keep telling joe i'm gonna have him on and then keep dropping the ball uh if you have not subscribed do that the the the youtube page is joe j-o-e-n-e-h-l-s joe i would i would i would call this uh episode three um
Starting point is 00:32:23 and then i put at crossfit connoisseur you know how like if Eminem has a duet with like Kendrick Lamar, it'll say featuring Kendrick Lamar. I put like an FTR. Is it FTR? Andrew Hiller on there. FT. FT. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:36 FT Andrew Hiller. Yeah, for sure. Use his name in your title for those clicks. Yeah. I don't know if I told you guys, but I was the chief marketing officer for the fastest growing company in the history of planet Earth. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:49 What company? CrossFit. Yeah. I don't know if I ever told you that. No, sure. I started there and there were 300 gyms and when I left,
Starting point is 00:32:56 there were 15,000 gyms. I was in charge of everything forward facing. It's kind of crazy. Not a lot of people know about me. I don't talk about it much. I've never heard that come out of you. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So cool of you to tell us about that. Yeah, just a little something, something. On a side note, I'd like to play you a few minutes. I've often talked to you guys about my movie, Our House. Yes. about my movie uh our house and last and last night after the show last night after the show caleb and caleb was honored to do a uh screening um with uh sevan matosi and personal one-on-one screening caleb's a huge fan of the movie and uh I signed some paraphernalia for some Our House hats and bumper stickers and shit for Caleb. Then we watched a few minutes together.
Starting point is 00:33:51 God, I forgot how raw this is. Caleb was embarrassing the shit out of me last night. This is about three quarters of the way through the movie. The man in that chair, his name is Tim and the guy in the foreground is Nick.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Nick works at the house, and Tim is one of the clients in the Supported Living House. Okay, here we go. Action. I have tried. You've tried? Tried and tried. Nothing will be his fault. Hey, hey, hey, retard. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:34:19 See, look how quick you are to assault other people. No matter, if they say one thing, you call them a fucking retard. Yes, he is retarded. He's got Down syndrome. What are you guys arguing over? Do you have any idea? Because people like you, people with your disability.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So we got one person... Hey, that's the motorhome I lived in right there. You see in the driveway, you see at the cord running out? Do it on the left side. Oh my goodness. The good old days. And I planted all that shit in that garden. Some of the disability making fun of another
Starting point is 00:34:54 person with a disability. Scott! Come here. Scott! They're always blaming me for everything when they have so many delusional problems of their own. I have problems. You don't like me?
Starting point is 00:35:07 You don't listen. That's why they both have voices. That's why. And that's the truth. No, you can't handle the truth. There's your dog. Come on, come on. He's the line from fucking that movie, You Can't Handle the Truth.
Starting point is 00:35:27 You and I are alone over here. Come on. If you lie to me, I'll fucking do it. When Miles and I first lived here, we were the only two highest functioning people here. All of you guys were low-functioning people. He said, when I lived here with Miles, we were the highest-functioning people here, and all you other people were low people. Lower
Starting point is 00:35:52 fucking people. Well, I'm more functioning than Stobbs. He said, I'm more functioning than Stobbs. That was that guy's name. I'm more functioning than Stobbs. That was that guy's name. And then one of the staff jumps in. Are you guys arguing over who's more retarded? Oh my God, I'm an amazing filmmaker. Holy it's fucking dude people need to watch that movie
Starting point is 00:36:29 because if you want if you want like a master class and how to interact with anybody that's the that's the best fucking there's a scene in there it's probably closer to the beginning but you sevan is sitting in this room with this woman who has like wild Tourette's, like crazy Tourette's. You can't even like get out sentences without like having a tick or like something drastic happening. This woman starts having like suicidal ideations and like tendencies. So like she's trying to kill herself.
Starting point is 00:36:58 She wants to kill herself. She's like coming up with ways, has like the plan and everything. And Sevan is literally sitting there in this room, just having sober conversation with her. Oh, why is your bookshelf all over? Oh, where are all the magazines on the floor?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Oh, why? Like what's going on with, like, if you want to know how to talk to anybody who's just completely lost her fucking mind, then that's the way to do it. And then you know how to talk to anybody else.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Even like a normal sober person, you can have a better conversation with them. It's incredible. It's truly incredible. Caleb's telling me this last night i'm like so what are you saying i'm just really good at managing all the retards we parade through the podcast oh my gosh yes hey we really do need to upload that on the channel though i really i know i have it somewhere that i have it somewhere like like uh of the best coffee copy that exists somewhere and it's still not great but all because I mean the cameras back then weren't that good yeah that was like
Starting point is 00:37:50 high eight wasn't it like how'd you film that you remember yeah basically high eight yeah or mini dv but it's very similar to a high eight yeah probably started it on a high eight yeah did someone say this rated higher than the movie that won the Oscar that year I took it to 30 film festivals we or we won at least 30 film
Starting point is 00:38:10 festivals i think maybe i took it to 50 and we be every two at two film festivals we cross paths with a movie called spellbound and we beat them at both those film festivals no that shit's all subjective but i'm still pretty proud of it not pretty i'm very proud of it uh retards they just gravitate to you seven yeah i mean i understand i'm fun i'm fun okay uh so there's that stroke okay this was uh 135 stroke yourself got it um Got it. And I know that's like a little bit harsh to say. And I know that there's – it's not like sweet – it's not a truth. You know what I mean? Like this podcast is actually going on right now. That's the truth.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But like if you spend any time in your day scrolling through this kind of shit, like you're a loser. And I promise you that like – I don't like to use money as a metric. But I promise you that 99.9% of the guys who follow these kinds of girls, I make fucking 10x what they all make. Doing nothing except this fucking piddly podcast. This – what a colossal fucking waste of time to follow dump truck hotties or – what did I call them? Beaver bitches. Beaver bitches. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I wish I could. And it's nothing against them either, by the way. They're cool as shit. They're doing their thing. But if you're a dude and you follow them, what the fuck are you doing? Why? There's no good outcome. It's generating desire in you, and it's how you're spending your time. Something you've done in your karma you're being punished for to have to have these people you're you you've done something naughty and um i don't know what it is like maybe
Starting point is 00:40:10 you spit on the ground or you littered but you're being punished and you should you should stop it you should put an end to it but but if if that's not enough for you for me to explain that to you that it's completely stupid it will completely fuck up your calibration of how you see the world if you intake this information but anyway uh if that does if that's not enough for you i'm not even talking about porn i'm not even talking about porn like i'm titties yeah i'm just talking about just just hot chicks on Instagram should unfollow all that dumb shit Don't follow any of those unless I follow one and she's my friend to two cuz they're my friends Yeah It shows you who follows these people when it comes That's another reason have some fucking have some fucking pride have some dignity
Starting point is 00:41:01 But anyway, what a fucking joke it is to follow any. But wait till you see this. This is, these aren't even real bitches anymore. Yeah, it's crazy now. What's up everybody, it's over. The internet was fun while it lasted, but AI generated models are now taking over. Not only are they getting a ton of followers, they're taking the brand deals and the sponsorships with them. And these captions are as cringe as possible. And men are lining up to give them money. And I can't tell whether they don't know they're not
Starting point is 00:41:28 real or if they just don't care. Like I always say, this is the worst AI will ever be. We're going to soon get to the point where we can't really tell the difference. So prepare for an era where some awkward introvert in his basement creates an empire of extroverted super influencers. Oh, how the turns have tabled. i i guess it is true nerds always winning now we've had cgi influencers before right this is lil mckayla none of it's real stop following these fucking idiots it's just it's just stupid and if you are like if you are gonna follow i'm not saying you shouldn't follow someone just because they're fucking hot but they should have some other fucking attributes that you like.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I think being attractive is fucking great. I'm not hating on attractive. We follow the 80 most attractive people on the planet. This group that listens to this podcast. But those 80 people fucking earned it. And they're real. Yeah, and they're real. and they're real not ai generated yeah yeah some scary shit i there's there's um yeah trying to think of which girl i could use as an example who wouldn't be if who would be safe to say
Starting point is 00:42:42 can't think of any that i'm cool enough with would be safe to say. Can't think of any that I'm cool enough with. I don't know. I won't say it. But anyway. Word. Yeah, word. I agree. Word. Oh, shit. Is that true? Wittius is AI generated? that would be fucking crazy if he was I just got
Starting point is 00:43:10 hey that would be the ultimate I got played yeah that would be amazing if Wittius was AI oh my god by Rosa yeah yeah thank you Allison yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:43:24 thank you Allison here are the robots Yeah. Thank you, Allison. Here are the robots again taking jobs from the real people. AI is already stealing jobs. Yeah. If you need to follow someone who's just absolutely fucking insanely beautiful, follow Allison, for fuck's sake. Jesus Christ. Yeah, at least you know she's real. Yeah, if you have a – and she does some shit.
Starting point is 00:43:43 She gets upside down and shit she shows you the world and then you also get to see some gratuitous hotness i was thinking about the comment you made the other day that if women are more attractive like if they're not attractive but then if they go to a handstand walk are they more attractive yeah alison looks great upside down i wasn't talking about alison but she looks good standing she looks good standing too i. I saw a clip from like 2014 and I was like, wow, who was that chick? And then it was like Elizabeth Akinwale and she's climbing on her hands. And I was like, oh, someone was right. You thought she was more attractive upside down.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I'm going to tell you who I thought. The girl I thought was more attractive upside down. Not that she's not attractive standing. I'm going to put you in the In the private chat No one can see the private chat right I thought this chick was more attractive I don't know why it's offensive to say but you see that I put in the private chat
Starting point is 00:44:32 I couldn't believe how hot she was upside down Holy fuck Yeah Allison you're as good standing as you are upside down You have lots of Good angles Yeah you got angles Okay
Starting point is 00:44:50 Um 129 John Brzezink pulls Alexi Vovoda today I made a movie Oh it's fucking the Sevan movie show I made a movie called Pulling John At one point it was There was a I made a movie. Oh, it's fucking the Sevan movie show. I made a movie called Pulling John. At one point, it was – there was a – what was the movie stealing software that used to be around?
Starting point is 00:45:12 Was it Napster? There was another one. Limewire? Limewire, yeah. No, that one was a good one too. Maybe it was Napster. There was a time when – it was when the first Avatar came out. Avatar was the number one stolen movie, and Pulling John was the tenth most stolen movie on this. And so that was kind of like my claim to fame for this movie. This movie didn't win a lot of film festival awards. This is a great movie. It took second place at South by Southwest. And it was a movie I made about John Brzezink, the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived. And he's repooling the guy 19 years later that he arm wrestles in the climax of the movie.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And that's going on today. But what's crazy about this post is they're advertising this match that's going to happen today. And they don't tell you when it is, like what time it is, where it is, or how to watch. Oh, click view all replies. Click that. Does someone tell you Dude Cow with the arms Shut the fuck up I don't mean how
Starting point is 00:46:10 Like how are they Like how are you supposed to read Through the guy's legs there Behind the heart That's how you're supposed to find out Pay-per-view available Maybe we can't See anything Looks like Frost wire no No. Pay-per-view available. Maybe. We can't see anything.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It looks like... Pirate Bay? Frostwire? No, none of those, but I appreciate the help. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you
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Starting point is 00:47:34 I'm going to Allison's house today. Cool. With a truck. Is she moving? No, she is moving. We're getting her couch. Oh, cool. We got a truck coming on Monday.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I'm 51. I still have the couch in my house that I had when I was in the eighth grade. Couch has got some history, man. Oh, my goodness. So, I don't know if you're interested in watching that match, which I am, but fuck them for not advertising it, and fuck John for not calling me and coming on the show. Okay, 128, Miss Zimbabwe.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Miss Zimbabwe has been crowned For the Miss Universe pageant And there she is Guess which one she is The song? Yeah They crowned a white girl Congratulations to Brooke Jackson
Starting point is 00:48:40 The stunning winner of the Miss Zimbabwe pageant We are thrilled to see you Represent our beautiful nation At the upcoming Miss Universe competition and the stunning winner of the Miss Zimbabwe pageant. We are thrilled to see you represent our beautiful nation at the upcoming Miss Universe competition. Your grace, poise, and intelligence will shine bright on the global stage. Let me see what other – were there any other white girls in the group? It's fucking amazing, right? That country's 95%
Starting point is 00:49:06 Oh, like there's a group picture in the middle, Caleb. 95% melanated. Oh, that girl in the middle is black, though. That white girl? That's an albino girl. That was a year ago, too.
Starting point is 00:49:23 They post about as often as I do. That is a legit albino. Wow. I wonder if I want to Google that. Albino wins Miss Zimbabwe. Albino. Please don't tell me that's derogatory. Am I going to get in trouble for that?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Albino. Can you use that term? Albino. Yep. They're already throttling the show back. Zimbabwe pageant. Lost 20 viewers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Viewers. Impressions are dropping. Oh, yeah, it is. It was right. That was from 2019. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Miss Albinism.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Oh, they have a Miss Albinism pageant for the hottest albino chick. Less than 1,000. Oh, shit. It must be pretty common in Zimbabwe Look at this shit They got a fucking Miss Albino pageant In Zimbabwe These are black chicks
Starting point is 00:50:13 Oh Every time I can't remember the last time I saw an albino In the United States I had a friend Almost a romantic interest I had a very close friend in college This girl who was an albino She lived united states i had i had a friend uh almost a romantic interest i had a very close friend in college this girl who was an albino she lived in a tree house she was cool
Starting point is 00:50:29 man she was a super dirt twirler crazy hippie chick house i'll never forget her i wish i could remember her name her eye did that she had one eye that wouldn't stay still it was always like bouncing around i always thought that it just happened around me because i fucking got her excited but um but every time i've been to africa i've seen at least one albino person I always thought that it would just happen around me because I fucking got her excited. But every time I've been to Africa, I've seen at least one albino person. Every time. It must be more common in black people than white people. This is in 2019.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I am black, that's what I thought, but that I'm always made to feel otherwise, said the 18-year-old who was crowned Miss Albanism. I love it. Everyone, no one feels like themselves. About 70,000 of Zimbabwe's estimated 16 million people are born with Albinism that's huge that's more
Starting point is 00:51:13 Tim Murray told us there's only 40,000 dwarfs in the United States and we have 350 million people they have 70,000 albinos with only 16 million people wow watch this how many hold my beer how many albinos with only 16 million people. Wow. Watch this. How many, hold my beer, how many albinos in the United States?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Less than Zimbabwe. Yeah, yeah. Good job. Yeah, in the U.S. approximately one in, oh, I don't, actually that's a good question. It just says one in 18 or one in 20,000. That's not even true. Oh, in other parts of the world, the occurrence can be as high as one in 3,000. In the U.S. it's one in 20 000 that's not even true oh in other parts of the world the
Starting point is 00:51:45 currents can be as high as one in 3 000 in the u.s it's one in 20 000 but hey oh what race is is albinism most common in african americans or just africans one in 10 000 versus one in 36 000 when's the last time either you've seen an albino never i see dwarfs really never seen one i don't think i've ever seen one No I mean it wasn't There was I had somebody in my high school Who had Who was an albino
Starting point is 00:52:10 But after that I haven't seen one in a while There you go So you used to see one every day You got your whole lifetime fuel Full Yep exactly Don't see another one again
Starting point is 00:52:19 Oh it's Greg Hey I'm Sweden I'm live on the podcast Can I give you a call when I'm done Oh, it's Greg. Hey. I'm Sweden. I'm live on the podcast. Can I give you a call when I'm done? Absolutely. I was just going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:52:35 You have 10 seconds. Yeah, don't say anything crazy because we're live on the air. Don't say anything crazy. Don't give me your credit card number or anything. I'm in Croatia. Walked by. Just like we're split. and see in the back alley and some guy runs out of a restaurant ready to knock over tables and uh he's a fan of the podcast and he knew i was in switzerland from your show yeah and uh he just wanted he just wanted to say hi and i think we're going out to dinner with him tonight.
Starting point is 00:53:06 God, I love you, Greg. He couldn't believe it. It was crazy. It was the funniest thing. He wanted me to tell you hi. His name is Francisco from Spain. Mallorca, I think is what I heard.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Hey, you sent me a text saying that this is the most beautiful place I've ever been. Are you standing by that? Is it that nice? Yeah. I mean, it's the food, the people, the atmosphere. It's just amazing. Just amazing. It's like one giant frat party or something of just reasonable-minded folks.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's cool. Awesome. Super cool. Super beautiful. All right. I love you. Thanks for calling in. Everyone in the chat's excited. reasonable minded folks it's cool super cool super beautiful alright I love you thanks for calling in everyone in the chat's excited people are saying hi to you hi everyone alright dude I'll talk to you soon
Starting point is 00:53:56 bye bye Greg Glassman from Croatia well that's cool were we talking about oh someone asked how did I meet the lesbian girl from Croatia. That's cool. Someone asked, how did I meet the lesbian girl? I just talked to everyone. Listen.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I would just talk to everyone and anyone in college. If a girl, like if you accidentally looked at me, I'd come talk to you. Make subtle eye contact. Oh great, he's coming over he's coming over i would this was just standard protocol for me i god i hope my mom doesn't hear this i would be in a class like anthropology 101 it'd be a class with 500 people i'd see a girl that i thought was attractive and i would start sitting by her and then I would start talking to her. And then literally one day in class, I would just like, if her hand was on like the arm or something, I would just put my hand on her hand and she'd look at me and I'd look at her. Yeah, just like that. Yeah, that was the move. And then, and then we
Starting point is 00:55:00 would laugh or something and giggle. And then I'd take my hand away. And then maybe the next day I'd try to do it again. And then someday I'd interlock my fingers between her fingers. And then in week nine, I would fucking have a backpack. And I would open it up and I'd be like, hey. And there'd be a fucking cardboard box of wine. And I'd be like, you want to go out to the field by the lagoon and drink this? And they'd say, yeah. It was, I can't tell you.
Starting point is 00:55:23 It was sure. I never won rejection the worst thing that ever happened is one time i got a girl like we went out there to the field and we got drunk and i thought like oh this is going to go down like like it's supposed to and she starts telling me about her boyfriend but i still made it like you know i was circling i almost made it to first base i got thrown out you know ty should have gone to the runner but it was just a just in one of those fuck i don't know how many of those maybe i turned her lesbian oh that's amazing i like how you're like a week nine yeah i mean it was just chill process yeah and people would just
Starting point is 00:55:58 be like think i was crazy that story but i would do that i did that over and over sometimes i'd have like three going on in three different classes at the same time you know what i mean and i loved school but it would always that moment that you grab someone's hand that's just some girl sits next to you in class after it's like you just kind of rest your hand on her hand she looks and you look and you're just like that's but i never got pushed away nothing it always i always somehow timed it right and yeah if that happened today somebody's hands yeah yeah really you don't think like you can sweet talk a girl and just like no it's not conceptual hand why people are afraid or dude i don't know what it is but whenever i try to have like whenever i used to just be able to acknowledge people and like say hello and like as you walk by i don't
Starting point is 00:56:41 know what happened but ever since probably 20 ever ever since I moved out here, probably nobody will look. Nobody looks at you. Neighbors don't look at me. Anybody in the hospital doesn't look at me. Like you can't you can't like initiate a conversation. What state are you in? Virginia. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I don't know. It's weird. Dude, yesterday I'm in front of my fucking house. And there's a lady who owns like five of the houses up the street from me, right? And she's probably 75 years old, and she's like the best looking you could be for a 75-year-old woman. She pulls up in her brand new convertible bug, and she gets out, and she's wearing these high heels. And she stands really straight, and she has this crazy long gray hair and she's wearing this skirt that's really tight and this really small top she's 75 and she's skinny and she got these like push-up bra on
Starting point is 00:57:35 and she gets out of the car and she walks over to me and she's 5'9 or 5'10 but with these heels on she's six feet she's really fucking tall and she comes over to me and she goes my neighbors up the street want us to build a bridge and they want everyone in the neighborhood to pay for it but we're the but there's a bunch of us who are below the bridge and there's people above the bridge so there's a fight brewing right like who's gonna pay for it anyway so she's a below the bridge person so she comes over to me and she gets right in my fucking face hi and she's just like i thought she wanted to kiss or something and at one point during the conversation caleb she goes oh my god i'm so sorry and she squats down like i couldn't tell if it was like i'm sorry you're so short can you imagine talking
Starting point is 00:58:23 to someone and being like oh like a mexican person like oh i'm sorry you're mexican it was like that she's scratching she goes oh i'm so sorry oh my god it's like talking so i would never do that to like another to an adult because i i know i'm tall but i'm just gonna look down at you the whole time but if i would i never even thought of it i just kept looking at her being thinking like damn damn, this is a fucking this. This is fucking a vibrant 75 year old woman. This woman's on fire. And then she just basically apologized to me for being short.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Wow. I'm so sorry. I'm like, well, let me get down on your level. Yeah. So once you kneel down, did she like continue to talk after that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's just she didn't like a curtsy. And then she went back up. She talked to me for like eight seconds down there and she was in some crazy high heels and then she's like
Starting point is 00:59:08 oh shit this hurts my knees so i gotta say yeah my back hurts i feel like people are always in my i i feel like people will just get in my in my space i i don't mind it i'm a pretty handsy person but where i live in california like you can i feel like i don't have any of that maybe i don't know maybe because i'm old and little but people will get all up in my space talk to me i could talk to anyone yeah you're kind of like approachable in that way though too and caleb's just a giant yeah yeah people don't like approaching me yeah he's intimidating just standing there then you talk to him for like two seconds you're like oh you're actually really nice which is why i try to like
Starting point is 00:59:48 go out of my way and like smile at people and like be inviting but then they're all like you're fucking you think that is like that you think like if you're like a big tall you're six foot four black dude like you overcompensate and be extra nice probably probably yeah people approach you right yeah for sure you smile more you're trying to like i mean hey i'm not blaming anyone for being like a little more concerned about someone who's like six four concerned but just like they could just fall on you or something or step on you or turn around and bump you with their ass or something right not even like not even like some seven foot1 Native American dude
Starting point is 01:00:25 with the fucking head the size of a fucking safety, uh, safe. One of those big old safes. Blockhead. Okay. Anyway, I don't know where I was going with that old lady story. Oh, touch, close to people. I can't imagine, so you can't just walk up to a girl and just hit on a girl.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You can. I don't know. There's like new rules now, dude. It's weird. It's like all DMs and like Snapchat. Yeah. No, Marv is not extra nice because he's tall and black. 6'2", 212, all white town. They love town they love me yeah well look at marv's energy he's like vacation like just look at that icon you know like if i saw that he's smiling get out of here look at that
Starting point is 01:01:16 i think he looks approachable i'd swim up next to him also accents help too yeah like like if you if you i mean just you know i think that americans i think we're more susceptible or we think people like when we hear someone speaking english or french or australian accent it kind of disarms us just like if you see you know jamaican accents disarm us kenyan accents disarm us like there are accents that disarm us and there's accents that fucking put us on you hear some dude motherfucker like iced tea goes, goes. And you're like, oh shit. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Oh, it's because you're fit. Yeah. And fit people. Yeah, I agree. But maybe it is because you're fit. If you have a nice body, I think probably people. I guess it's like walking into someone's house that's clean. You see someone has a nice body and they take care of their shit.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Okay. This one says, says oh this one's bizarre look at this 131 what's her face doing do you guys remember jessica simpson yes yeah a celebrity person right she was a reality star i think or a singer yes bull this is the this is the trippiest thing. What the fuck happened to her face? Watch this. Watch her face. I really don't even know what I'm doing to maintain anything. I'm just kind of going with the flow.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And I try to not have my kids see any sort of like diet. Nothing moves on her face. Like her cheeks, her forehead, up by her eyes. Nothing's moving, yeah. It's a Chuck E. Cheese doll. It's like a really, you know like those dolls that don't have a lot of motors in them and you're like, yeah, that thing kind of sucks. It's like that.
Starting point is 01:03:00 It's like a saltwater fish. You know, like they don't do a lot of facial gestures. Yeah. Yeah, this is not moving even when she tries to like open her eyes wider and her talk there like nothing really changes you can't even there's no wrinkles in her cheek or anything like when she like the only thing she has are like those dimples that's it maybe she had a cavity that that's how my face feels after i've like had a novocaine injection or an injection or something like if i'm getting a filling or something yeah maybe she just had a filling done that day on her forehead too animatronic yeah is that what that's called yeah she's an animatronic
Starting point is 01:03:38 like a shitty one well we could do better yeah we need a couple more engines and motors in the face. Yeah. Oh, howdy doody. Yeah. Yeah, she's like a marionette. Is she embarrassed or does she know? Hmm. I would be so embarrassed if I looked in the mirror and I saw that.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I'd be like, oh, fuck. No, she probably thinks she's beautiful. Because she did that to herself, right? Absolutely. Oh, yeah, Disneyland. Is that at Disneyland, the Hall of Presidents? Yeah. That's Botox. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Looks like a quagmire's dad. Dude, girls, you don't want to, um, you don't want to attract guys who find that attractive. You do not want to, you do not want to attract guys who find that attractive. Uh, you guys are being mean. No. She's gorgeous, it's hard to be a woman when everyone picks you apart. No, she's gorgeous. It's hard to be a woman when everyone picks you apart You think it would pick everyone apart and dude, I'm telling you that we're not being mean I'm trying to understand what the fuck is going on And I'm telling you I don't she is not attractive
Starting point is 01:04:58 If you do find that attractive I would go as far as to say something's wrong with you You have an un like you need to recalibrate that attractive i would go as far as to say something's wrong with you you have an un like you need to recalibrate you need to recalibrate it's like yeah you need to recalibrate uh she's loved she's loved her whole life oh she lived her whole life with everyone scrutinizing her appearance all right well yeah i mean I appreciate the context of it. That's fair. But still, yeah, it's good context. I'm sure they're not confused about beauty standards at all.
Starting point is 01:05:32 While mommy explains it all, she can't even move her mouth. Yeah, there is some. We didn't even play what she was saying, but there is some irony there that she's trying to protect her kids. And yet then she's showing her kids that's the behavior of a grown-ass woman. Dude, if he – her husband – is she married? Does she have a husband? Yeah, it was like Nick – He should tell her. Oh, someone put this comment section is ruthless. She looks beautiful.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Click on that link. I want to see what that person's like. Let me see that. Let me see what that, uh, that person's in the plants. I wouldn't petunias plants. I wouldn't have ever thought of that. Crazy. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Make succulents. That's cool. Yeah. I like succulents, but succulents are like her face. Her face is like a succulent. No wonder this person likes her. You know what I mean? Just kind of like rigid
Starting point is 01:06:25 Doesn't blow around in the wind Succulents are kind of a boring plant They're cool in someone else's garden If you can't take care of plants You get succulents Right That's us We do that
Starting point is 01:06:39 Jeez Louise Okay I don't mean to be mean to her but I also don't think Miss Allison that just because she's been scrutinized her whole life that us commenting on her face not moving
Starting point is 01:06:54 is unfair it just doesn't move not a cliche apparently that ended say it with a hard R what Marv's trying to bait me into something I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:14 oh thank you Daniel Garrity I think what Savannah Struglin says that she doesn't need all of that to look beautiful well that's for sure yeah that's fucking for sure I find what she did to herself very unattractive. I'm proud that I don't find that attractive. I'm proud of myself for that.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah, I feel for her. I feel for her, too. You're right. You're right. And that's healthy, too. You should feel for her. Like, I stepped on a yellow jacket the other day, and I felt bad. I think you're right. You should feel. Yeah, that's i stepped on a yellow jacket the other day and i felt bad i think you're right you should yeah that's healthy too i think okay a 120
Starting point is 01:07:50 florida has 69 school districts and 2.8 million kids uh california has um 5.6 million kids how many school districts do you think it has double no not double here we go 939 it's a bureaucratic nightmare go ahead and play this fuck california man we are fucked florida has 69 school districts in the entire state do you know how many school districts california has how many39. That's 939 superintendents who make between two, three, $400,000. That's 939 assistant superintendents, school boards, purchasing agents, administrative facilities, facilities for the offices, facilities to hold school board meetings. That's where all the money is. That's what I was wondering where all this money going because the teachers are not making
Starting point is 01:08:43 a lot of money. So that's why you've got so much bureaucracy, so much money going towards the school system that's not making it down to educate the students. You've got one school district for every 6,000 plus students in California. You've got one school district for every 40,000 students in Florida. And Florida has significantly better test scores than California does. We've got this state of California with all these geniuses in it. They can't look at that and bring it down to a reasonable number where that money is actually making it to the students. It goes into the classroom. It goes into the classroom.
Starting point is 01:09:14 It's not going to the classroom right now. I can guarantee you that. Florida. Hey, that's the Vivek Ramaswamy. He just wants to just start destroying the fucking management. When I worked at CrossFit and we would interact with Apple, that's what it felt like. That's why I was so excited when Elon fired 75% of the staff at Twitter. Apple was just all middle management.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Everyone we dealt with over there had no power. Zero power. It was a joke. As Hiller says, they're just people with push brooms pushing shit around. No one has a dust pan no one has a place to push the shit it's just it's fucking gross crazy no one wants to lose their job i hmm are you watching what's happening at the border too no i want to get i want to get a room full of democrats and have them watch what's happening at the border too no i want to get i want to get a room full of democrats and
Starting point is 01:10:05 have them watch what's happening at the border and and and see if it scares them it's really bad they just round up one rounded up a bunch of people didn't they dude there's like uh 10 000 new people coming in every day now it's it's it's absolutely nuts and there do you know that there's an app if you want to come into this country illegally there's an app i think it's called the biden immigration app or something and you can download it on your phone and you can actually fly into the country illegally now i know yes using an app you can fly into the country illegally so that you don't have to cross at the border because they don't like the so many people coming in at the border because it's bad optics so that they're making it
Starting point is 01:10:48 so you can fly in illegally i know that it sounds like that there's a paradox there well how hey someone how is it illegal if they're letting you fly in yeah great fucking question remember all those people that that like the people who worked at noble or nike who had to get the injection to keep their job or the tennis player they wouldn't let come in novak jokovic because he wasn't injected none of these people are injected or coming into the country they're not being vetted for that they're not being checked they aren't it's so bad it's such a fucking disaster that interesting. I don't know if we talked about it, but the, the fence that they have built,
Starting point is 01:11:27 like the, the wall that they have built across the border is like, it's like open. So you can see like, you can, uh, like water can pass through it because they have that monsoon season or the rain season that gets really bad.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah. Well, some weather reports said that they were going to get higher than normal rainfall. So they decided, the Border Patrol decided to open all of the doors through the wall and weld them open. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The wall wouldn't be impeded or whatever. So people are just obviously walking through those doors.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Yeah. We built this wall so that it would be able to pass water in and out, but we're going to open these doors because it might get damaged more and weld them open and weld them open. So everybody can walk through them. Wow. And they were, they didn't have anybody watching the wall or like watching those doors or
Starting point is 01:12:22 anything. Um, uh, Samantha H it it all it all feels like like you never know what's actually true i watch the news through a lens that everything is massively exaggerated um go watch um uh i hear i hear you watch go to um jorge ventura's um instagram account that's a good place to kind of like, and there's like four or five guys now like him who are like watching all of this
Starting point is 01:12:49 and you can just see raw footage of like people lining up at the border. The real trip for me is looking at what these people look like. There's no, I haven't seen, I can't remember the last time I saw a Mexican cross the fucking border where they're like, hey, these people are Mexican.
Starting point is 01:13:04 He talks about it in these like, when you see these lines of people he'll start asking like where are you from where are you from yeah china india afghanistan iraq yeah africa africa south america not tons of venezuelans tons of venez. Yeah, that was what the big one was last time. Yeah. What do you think the advantage is to letting all the people in? Like just having an open borders policy. That's essentially what we have right now, right? Anybody could just come through and... Well, the
Starting point is 01:13:45 right is saying that they're doing it just to affect voting. That basically these people will get voting rights quickly and that they'll all start voting Democrat. How could they vote if they're illegal? It's a great question. I have no idea. They don't need an ID to vote. It's a great
Starting point is 01:14:02 question. So they're not citizens of the country, but they're going to bring them in in hopes that all these people show up at the polls i mean that that's the that's the story you keep hearing over and over and over what do you think what do you think do you have a hypothesis i don't i just i'm confused as to where the where the incentive lies and for who and i mean i think the voting one's kind of low-hanging fruit well not that i'm saying i don't buy that but like how do all these people come through they can't track them and now they just hope that they show up at the
Starting point is 01:14:32 polls well that's another crazy thing they're not tracking how many bad people have been let in fuck we have no idea and what happened to young and innocent people? Hey, dude, if I'm a bad person, right? I'm a 22-year-old boy, and I'm in a gang in Ecuador, and I think I can get to the United States, I'm coming. Fuck yeah. I'm coming. You're going to take over your neighborhood. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Hey, money's easy in the U.S. compared to, like, Venezuela. Money's easy, bro. Here's Samantha. I think easy bro here's Samantha I think unfortunately Samantha I think this is the truth which is even scarier Emma Wayne's my parents have been missionaries at the border for the last year or two it's worse than people think yeah
Starting point is 01:15:15 I have a feeling yeah we're gonna see in our lifetime very soon I think we're gonna see some really weird expressions of the mass immigration that's occurred. Yeah. I mean everybody keeps saying votes, but is it that answer? Is the obvious answer the most obvious answer? Is it the correct answer? What is happening that we're not seeing uh jay chapman who touches women's hands in classes listen after talking sitting next to him and talking to him for nine weeks you jackass
Starting point is 01:15:54 you live on a fucking island what the fuck do you know in the middle of nowhere and you're english you've been inbred for a thousand years you only sleep with people in your family. I get it. I'm branching out. Emma, I'd love to listen to them on the show. Me too. I'd love to have them on the show and hear what they see. Mm-hmm. I mean, to the person asking about the truth,
Starting point is 01:16:20 those are the people who you need to talk to, right? Like the people who are actually like Jorge Ventura that are there filming there filming hey i'm here and this is what's happening here in real time without like the propaganda spin on it from fox news or cnn uh 113 allison maybe it's now a good time for you to go to the bathroom or something. Or check on the couch. You might not like this one. 113. This one's nuts. This one's going to make some people feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:16:55 That's my favorite part. Okay, here we go. Hola. Hola. He's excited to be here. Marshall, do you want to do a week four on testosterone? How are you feeling? Same. Any effects? Anything changing? Not really. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Any high points? Any good things? Not really. Any bad points? um not really any bad points this is a mom who's transitioning her daughter to a boy and parading her on social media
Starting point is 01:17:58 okay here we go not really are we struggle busting a little bit with the injection? To like the anxiety of doing it. A little bit of a struggle bus. Don't want to talk about it. But you start school next week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:35 High school with testosterone. So you're going to be like on equal playing field with all the other like QSM boys. Yeah. That's exciting. Yeah. Things to look forward to with that? No.
Starting point is 01:18:56 No. What's the one thing you are really looking forward to with your testosterone? Like the impacts. Voice change and more studly beard like your dad yeah you're gonna be so much hotter than him i think oh i'm gonna keep it like shorter so What the fuck? I know. Not a parody?
Starting point is 01:19:34 Yeah, no. This is not a parody. This is just fucking... Yeah, painful. Yeah. I could go off on how the mother presents herself, too, and what she's doing. But I'll leave her alone. Why? She's responsible for all that. All the affects the mother has, the outfit she chose to wear.
Starting point is 01:19:54 It's just fucking crazy. I know. It just screams fucking insanity. Whoa, dude. How the fuck could you do that to your kid dick butter this is the matriarchy folks judy reed republican or democrat good question what more do you need what more do you need people
Starting point is 01:20:21 you brought your daughter let's say it is a good thing to do why that kid clearly should not be being paraded on fucking social media yeah that's what i would say regardless of like the situation or like the context of it like any video with this is crazy like what is that mom doing you're using your kid as a fucking prop for a social media video so you could get likes and attention from people like imagine using your child's like situation that they're struggling with as a way for you to just put yourself front and center and make social media videos about it people do that with their regular children too like with like they'll just take their whole social media
Starting point is 01:21:07 just turns into their children. Yeah, that's a trip, huh? Have you seen the one lady who does all these, like, Disney hacks? And she's got, like, four or five boys, and then her and her husband do these, like, how to get into the park early. I think I might have sent it to you, Savon, one of the times. Are the whole family just, like, unhealthy as're massive the dad's huge no no no quite the opposite they're actually really fit and like each one of their videos
Starting point is 01:21:33 start with like them exercising and stuff and doing a bunch of like really high level exercising stuff as a family but uh it just it just it's similar to that where the mom is clearly corralling them for the videos. Who can blame the kid for not wanting to be like her mom? Yeah, that's fair. Good point. All right. Vote Democrat. Transitioning daughter, 113.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Jason Bajent on yesterday. Holy shit. He looked comfortable on the show. And then when you're like, I will keep you for long, and he's like, no, I got the day. So you're like, oh, you can stay as long as you want. Good morning, Chicago.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Here's a film breakdown of Bears Backup QB, Tyson Bajent. What number was this so I can erase it? 112. Damn, I this so I can erase it? 1-12. Damn, I have so many Tyson. The film breakdown of Justin Fields versus the Packers will give you the big time scaries.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Uh-oh. Is he not doing well? This film breakdown of Justin Fields versus the Packers will give you the big time scaries. I don't know. I'm depressed. I don't know what is going on with the Bears and Justin Fields. I believed I made excuses. I can't believe we are sitting here. I'm not calling for a change at this point, but I don't think it can get much worse.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I mean, just look at some of these scenes out there. Let's go ahead and play one of these. Can we play one of these? Is Justin Fields is the quarterback in the red in the back there? Yeah. Why are the Chicago Bears wearing red? that oh oh it's what it's orange it's like just a shitty color that's not a video that's a picture um another picture oh yeah there you can see the orange okay let's play that the ball downfield let's see that let's see
Starting point is 01:23:22 what this guy has to say here we go but i But I watched a good chunk of the Colts game, and I watched a good chunk of that Panthers-Falcons game. Basically, every team with a young quarterback makes throwing the ball downfield look easier than the Bears. It's been that our whole lives, and I just don't – it's never made sense. I hope that they just kind of go back to the drawing board and two targets at DJ Moore. And even Field said that today is like,
Starting point is 01:23:46 I hope I get, I hope to get those guys involved downfield a little bit more. And it's like, yeah, you think are they, have they lost their first two games? Um, I think so.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Damn. Yeah. They're owing to their bottom of the league right now or bottom of the division yikes uh 103 i just want to pull this up for uh real quick just so you guys i know you guys already know this but just another example of the fucking insanity you're not allowed to say anything against american the disagrees with the american medalist medical association on youtube you're not allowed to do anything that's against the world health organization and here is a video we won't play it but removing butt hairs using nair cream a visual guide and this video hillar showed me this it has 44 million views and it has this guy's anus and penis in it. And it's not blocked at all.
Starting point is 01:24:45 What? Yeah. See the whole butthole. So there you go. Make sure you bring that up at the dinner table this Thanksgiving when you're with your liberal friends. He's got a link to his educational bottoming course. Don't worry, though. It's age-restricted, too. My education. Meaning how to be on the bottom and take
Starting point is 01:25:07 cock in your ass? Yep. My discreet premium douche kits. My Nair apology. My stretch kits. My club for all my other links. Nair cream. Nair wax strips.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Wow. Jake Chapman, gay or straight? air cream air wax strips wow Jake Chapman gay or straight Buddha 44 million clean assholes why so negative fair enough alright Samantha H please don't play this oh dude if I played that my sister would
Starting point is 01:25:42 fucking call me and fucking slap me around I'll probably get in trouble even for mentioning it from her there's 44 million views that means instagram populated the shit out of that video yes yes well said is a good point yeah it's not like that was like a super searched popular subject it's like it just put it in front of everybody tons of impressions tons of impressions i mean to get 44 million impressions what do you how many what's that 320 million impressions to get 400 or to get 44 million views fuck maybe a billion impressions dude yeah like it would be way up there right yeah yeah Yeah. Only have 320 subscribers. Think about that. How many of them do you think were under the age
Starting point is 01:26:28 of 18? It's age-restricted video. More than half. More than half. Pay attention to your kids when they're watching YouTube. 102. This is me in an alternate universe. I found this the other day.
Starting point is 01:26:43 This is the second time I found me in an alternate universe. It's you finding yourself. It's meant to be. Yeah, Rambler, that guy made $210,000 on that video. Yeah, not to mention that near enforcement. Play this. This is me if I stay on the CJC 1295. Damn.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Fucking Italian model version of Seve. Is that James Bond? Oh, yeah. There you go. Dude, we need to get you a white button-up shirt. That would change everything for you. Jeez Louise. I'm bringing you one.
Starting point is 01:27:28 That's who my mom wished I would have turned into. Oh, look, he's going to do whatever that is. Kite surfing. He's going to do whatever that is. Oh, shit, that's your mom. That was good, Sousa. Oh, shit, he's going to do whatever that is. Oh, shit, that's your mom. That was good, Sousa. Oh, shit, he's going to do whatever that is. He just looked in stream.
Starting point is 01:27:51 He had a parachute, a board. Hey, I invited that dude on the show. Really? Yeah, there's a version of me in France, too, that someone sent me. He kind of looks like this is like the model version of me. Then there's like a more homeless looking version of me in France too that someone sent me. He kind of looks like – this is like the model version of me. Then there's like a more homeless-looking version of me in France. That one's actually Armenian. His name is like Minosian or something.
Starting point is 01:28:11 No shit. And I invited him on the show too. What if you had all of them at the same time on the same show? Yeah, dude. All the versions of you? Dude, I want to have someone who looks like me to be a regular on the show you know what i mean like they come on for five minutes every just on just like i'm interviewing just like like like katrin david's daughter and he pops on hey what's up oh sorry this is my buddy
Starting point is 01:28:35 uh uh minosian you know what i mean uh shit yeah just like I just want okay oh we got a lot of shit to do number 90 what's this do the right thing what's this auto response can I get through four and four minutes that would be awesome e-mom we got to e-mom it this is actually Can I get through four in four minutes? That would be awesome. E-mom.
Starting point is 01:29:06 We got to e-mom it. This is actually disgusting. Agree or disagree with Marlon. Okay, here we go. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like this. What's the deal with that?
Starting point is 01:29:21 It's okay to help a player, right? So this is a player, he's injured, and the opposing team helps him off. And someone's saying, hey, it's disgusting. You gotta do that, right? Yeah, well, what's disgusting about that? Just because you're helping the other team. Yeah, but it's like
Starting point is 01:29:41 you're injured now. You're not helping him win the game. You're helping an injured human being. Yeah good okay right yeah does anyone disagree with that that's just a bad take on that guy right yeah it's not war okay like step on his injury to make it worse i'm not gonna apply this tourniquet because i want you dead yeah let him bleed out on the field uh number uh 86 uh enforcing racism oh this is on youtube i don't even know what this is gonna be let me see this this is great this one's always scaring me you never know how many drinks i've had when i fucking put this in the notes oh boy oh oh oh this is just a great interview. You guys have to see this. Tucker, I'm not a Dave Portnoy fan at all.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I cannot recommend this enough. I haven't watched it yet. It's the importance of why we need to protect people even we don't like. People need to stay fucking free. Did you watch that interaction yeah it was great yeah i like how quick dave just turns up the heat the guy says something and then dave's just like fuck you yeah it's yeah this is good you gotta watch you gotta watch this dave portnoy and tuckle carlson if you want to hear a really good interview um and be inspired on why you shouldn't
Starting point is 01:31:03 roll over and why you should fight back when there's assholes um yeah portnoy is a good good example of that my mom and i got into an argument about dave portnoy one time it's really funny she was like i think that i like that business owner i feel bad i feel bad that dave portnoy and ripped him apart what are you talking about well I get that I get what your mom's saying but that dude chose that path he didn't have to do that absolutely
Starting point is 01:31:32 so someone yesterday said to me hey when Blair Morrison started talking about the reason why he painted put the black square up why didn't you go at him and fucking tear him up? Not everyone needs to be torn up. I wanted to just create space for him to talk about his shit.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Yeah, well, without having to solve their duddy. It's okay. Yeah, it's okay. Just let some things. And he could have just let Dave Portnoy be. Instead, he went out there. And like Dave Portnoy said, he gave Dave the most uh and like dave portnoy said he gave dave the most viral video he's ever had this is dave's biggest pizza review video ever
Starting point is 01:32:09 yeah he should have left dave alone he did a pizza review one time and kind of carjacking in chicago oh he did yeah uh last one 67 i'm i'm not dumb what's this fuck i wanted to get through like 30 of these today you can get through shit i'm gonna do another show tonight after the fight just to get through more of them late night yeah yeah i'm not dumb what is 67 is this one good oh yeah this is good yeah yeah okay Yeah. Okay, here we go. Oh yeah, this is great. Trying to lose weight right now. I like hate telling people that I'm trying to lose weight because as soon as you say that people give you advice, which is an insane move.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Like I have friends who are like, you know what it is. You just need to exercise a little more and then eat like a little less. I'm like, yeah, I'm not fat. Cause I'm stupid. i hope you get that that i didn't wake up one morning like i didn't know cake would do this to me like i get it
Starting point is 01:33:17 i'm shaped like a baby but i thought it out like i figured it out i'm like trying to lose weight you're fucking telling me you don't think i can hold her hand in class if that bitch is sick? I would fucking hold the shit out of that girl's hand, and she'll look at me and be happy as shit. You see that, Jake Chapman? Me and that girl are fucking... Homies. Oh, my God. I'd see that girl.
Starting point is 01:33:44 She'd be sitting in the front row fucking have her in nine weeks out in the field with a bottle of jug wine give me a handy i love you guys maybe i'll see you tonight don't forget a main card for ufc starts at 4 p.m tonight and um uh and then maybe maybe i can talk caleb and Sousa to come on after me. We just have shit we have to get through. So my list, I'm so disappointed my list is getting too big. Alright, peace and love. Love you guys. Caleb, thanks for coming on. Sousa, thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:34:15 See you guys soon. Get your peptides. CJC1295 if you want to live life on the edge. Be careful. Big old.

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