The Sevan Podcast - Our Thoughts | CrossFit Games Releases TWO Events | Shut Up & Scribble Ep. 9

Episode Date: July 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Wow. Okay. First things first. Wow. Okay. First things first. I've got 30 seconds until I can say the F word. So just give me 30 seconds. And Will Branstetter is going to be on in one minute to fix our overlay and to play our sick new intro tunes. I haven't even listened to that yet. So it better be good.
Starting point is 00:01:21 new intro tunes. I haven't even, I haven't even listened to that yet. So it better be good. You're going to laugh. You're going to laugh. It's good. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:28 real quick, I can talk about this though. Coming up in October, crash crucible, the fourth iteration, the retour, savage event put on by Jr and CrossFit crash. When you want to talk a little bit about that?
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, we can. I mean, there's some announcements starting to be made now. Tomorrow, the equipment list for the online qualifier comes out. You can go to the Crucible or the CrossFit crash Instagram pages to click on the link to register for the online qualifier. Individual semifinalists and returning 2022 Crucible top five athletes are foregoing the online qualifier, but everyone else is doing that. Masters is invite only this year. So there's no online qualifier for that division, but I'm excited to even release the equipment list. I think there's some things that will be pretty cool that people probably have in
Starting point is 00:02:25 their gyms and have had in their gyms for years, but online qualifiers tend to stick to really basic equipment lists, but I'm going to branch out a little bit on the, on the needs and it gives everyone, you know, almost a full month to make sure that they have what they need for the qualifier. Can you hear me? Yep. Okay, word. My mic was all the way over there. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And then I unplugged it while you were talking. Okay, dope. So that's, and did you talk any, did you say anything about how the workouts are reprogrammed events from the games and regionals? No, I didn't. So even starting with the online qualifier, those will be reprogrammed versions of open workouts. And most people that know the sport and have been doing the sport a while will be able to see it
Starting point is 00:03:11 and automatically know, Oh, I know what, I know what open workout that's based off of, but the in-person events are going to be regionals and CrossFit games reprogrammed workouts. I know that's a big risk. I know people have tried to do it in the competition space before. Some have been really good with it. Some not so good. But I look forward to that challenge and kind of showing everyone that even though maybe I'm using the canvas of someone else's art,
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm kind of switching out the brush strokes and the colors to kind of make it my own. And I think it's going to be a really cool event. All right, we're three minutes in. I'm fucking excited, baby, for this because I do think it's a bold move. But I also think you're probably one of the most creative programming minds I've ever seen. And I get so pumped at seeing workouts you write. And I've seen some of these and they're savage. So that's JR's event. A month later, we have the Charlotte Classic at CrossFit Charlotte. This is my event. Me and Brian are putting this on, Brian Friend that is, putting this on this year. I posted, well, I guess that video is going to come out next week. Well, we talked a little bit about in a video that's going to come out in a week um the theme of our event this is the third iteration and we've got an elite rx masters
Starting point is 00:04:32 40 plus in a community division it's all individual november 17th and 19th um that video is going to come out but essentially you see Django Unchained on the cover one he's a fucking G so that's just cool two the event is my creative processes were sparked by this book series I'm reading called The Dark Tower by Stephen King and I'm on the last book
Starting point is 00:04:57 and Idris Elba plays the character in the TV series and so I kind of sent that idea to Will of like hey this is all the theme is going to be the dark tower, the gunslinger. And he sent me the poster art for Django. And I was like, Oh, holy shit. That's so cool. So, so I mean, kind of expound upon that a little bit. Did you take that even into how you wrote the workouts? Not like just the titles of the workouts, not knowing anything about the novel? Is it going like more than usual will there be workouts that you kind of have to like
Starting point is 00:05:30 call your shot and take risks to do well like oh there's a hundred percent gonna be yeah i i have such a weird creative process and i talked about this in the real too like i was like a couple weeks ago i was couldn't sleep i was reading this book and like one thing stuck out at me and i was like a couple weeks ago i was couldn't sleep i was reading this book and like one thing stuck out at me and i was like holy fuck that's the theme and it's just one piece um this evil implement in the storyline i'll say i can't give any away anything else other than that and i just like whoa that'd be a sick workout name. Whoa, I know how to make a really cool workout that fits that workout name perfectly. Then I already knew what movements I wanted to be in it. And then it just kind of blossomed from there. So I would say how, you
Starting point is 00:06:17 know, we've talked before about how you have like one workout that everything else is kind of built around. It started with that. they they all it's it's just the book series is perfect for the storyline of a crossfit competition the event names how they feel it just yeah i'm so pumped so pumped about it and i just really cool yeah you're letting your uh you're letting your kind of inner nerd come out which is cool yeah in the past two years it's been kind of loosely a similar theme based off like ready player one kind of like gaming retro pop culture type stuff which is like my favorite movie this year going forward i i hope that it continues to evolve and it's something different each year um this is going to be super cool.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But yeah, check those events out. They're sick. And then, of course, we're also, me, JR, and Brian Fender programming for Desert City Classic, which is a week before my event in November as well. So check that out too. But let's,
Starting point is 00:07:22 do you want to play our intro music real quick, dude? You got that uploaded just play it dude yeah i'll play it they better be good i didn't i didn't sign off no i haven't listened to it so keep the political commentary to yourself or Or as someone once said, shut up and dribble. It's time! There you go, the little remix. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Sevan's going to cum in his pants when he hears Bruce Buffer. Did you think about, did you think about like. Oh my, stop playing. You're on a loop, dude. Come on. So dumb. Did you think about when she says dribble, just, just having your voice say scribble over it?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Dude, change that. That'd be so cool. I don't know. I think, I think reminding people or at least like telling people where the show name comes from is pretty cool because i don't know how many people actually saw that the first time and went wait a minute is that an allusion to uh shut up and dribble yeah legendary this kind of also uh an homage to satan being so politically charged and we don't really go there, even though I am too personally. But all right,
Starting point is 00:08:49 Helen in the five K I predict a five K swim on a trail, like a fish on dry land, a five K crawl, a five K army crawl, dude. They should have bear crawls in the CrossFit games. Hot take? That's pretty hot.
Starting point is 00:09:10 While there are, like, Brinton, the hero workout, is bear crawl and broad jump for distance with a vest. I don't think they would ever do it at the games. So this is one of the hardest. Real quick, Will, what time tomorrow for testing with Brian? Like 9 a.m.? Yeah, that's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:33 The hardest workout, one of the hardest workouts I've ever done. I did one. I'll say it, that I did the other day. But the other one, Austin Maliolo and James Hobart hosted an iteration of the hero alvin cash and i don't think it made the cut but it was one mile run 400 meter bear crawl 100 burpees 400 meter bear crawl one mile run in a vest let me tell you brother shoulders were smoked the hardest workout i've done in recent memory I did the other day was in a vest for time, 50 chest of our pull-ups, 30 dumbbell box step overs with fifties,
Starting point is 00:10:12 20 devil's press, 35 dumbbell push press and 50 burpee pull-ups. And my vest was covered in snot. And I took a knee a couple of times, which is typically I'm, I'm really fast on burpee pull-ups but it smacked the shit out of me what was the worst movement 100% the burpee pull-ups I've never been in a set of burpees ever even seven minutes for time I think Dubai the online challenge during COVID it's like a 10 minute am rap of single arm devil's press so it's like a lot I think it was like 140 reps 139 reps or something I got never been in a set of burpees where i'm like i need to stop and i stopped a couple times and that to me signifies it was insanely brutal so if you're on smtp
Starting point is 00:10:57 take a look out for that in a couple weeks and enjoy all right Helen yeah so today we're just going to kind of um talk about the the hot topic which for right now is at least that there are two um clues released without the full details or for CrossFit Games workouts really for all the divisions um that everyone's going to do a version of Helen and everyone's going to do a 5k, a cross country 5k. We already know that one of the adaptive divisions are doing a 5k ski, but like Noel Henderson, who's competing at the games who I'll be there to coach. She's doing a run.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So like kind of like rinse and repeat last year, I think that was so well received. And because I think it sends a pretty cool message to the community that it doesn't matter what level you're at. We can go into all the implications of these to work out specifically. But like, hey, it doesn't have to be fancy. It doesn't have to be sexy. And it's things that everyone can do. Yeah, I think the other thing to note, just briefly, a brief history lesson on the 5K.
Starting point is 00:12:06 It's the most programmed workout I think, sure, a lot of our listeners probably know that. But if you don't, it's the most frequently programmed CrossFit main site workout of all time, the 5K run. Helen is a benchmark workout. It's a girl workout, and it's three rounds for time of a 400-meter run, 21 kettlebell swings. American, we're all the way overhead with a 53 pound kettlebell for men, 35 for women, and then 12 pull-ups. So it's quite the nut buster in terms of it's just gas pedal from the start.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's one of my favorite workouts. I think since having SMTP, I've programmed, I know I've programmed Helen as prescribed for the 60 track recently, maybe a month ago. So that's pretty cool. No, you know, not to suck me, suck my own wiener, but, um, and I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Helen or Cindy is the number two most frequently programmed workout ever, which sick and i programmed probably another five times or six times between compete and 60 over the past year and the helen rep scheme or format the three rounds 421 12 of just varying different movements and i've seen you do that too
Starting point is 00:13:17 i did it on monday and then that came and then it came out on monday which was pretty cool it was like uh it's a kind of that rep scheme is that 21 12 rep scheme and we even with the 400 is yeah it's just like uh 21 59 is the one everyone knows but i think outside of that 21 and 12 is a pretty cool beautiful yeah i did we hit 160 so i like maybe three months ago we did helen or two months and then last week or maybe it's this week can't remember this week or last week i i programmed the rep scheme and it was a 400 meter run 21 gsg sit-ups 12 hang squat cleans at 135 95 um it's a little potent nasty stinger but i am obsessed with that three round for time ellen the new girl snatches right yeah isn't it 20 burpees 21 dumbbell snatches 12 dumbbell thrusters i think it's
Starting point is 00:14:05 i think it's 20 burpees that sounds right um interesting iteration and also cool i wonder how outside the box they're going to get with helen do you think they're going to change the rep scheme at all do you think it stays 421 12 do you think it stays three21-12? Do you think it stays three rounds? I feel like they could go 100 different ways. So when they released that all the division is going to be doing a variation of Helen, there's a couple things that came to mind. One, just because I'm coaching an adaptive athlete, I thought to myself, okay, how could they do this where they don't change much but taking into consideration um amputees taking into consideration um uh people who are paralyzed below the hip you know all that kind of stuff how could they make it as helen like
Starting point is 00:14:54 as possible without just making all the divisions do different workouts yeah my gut reaction was Boz is kind of being well-known now for his like, hey, it's not enough to just be the strongest. It's not enough to just be the fastest. You need to be able to run fast, lift heavy. We saw it in the open. We saw it in shuttle to overhead. We saw it in the age group semifinals workout where they had to do snatches at 225 after that, like triple threes type variant.
Starting point is 00:15:30 We're just seeing that come up over and over again. We saw it at semifinals this year with the run into the max snatch and then the lighter snatch into the run. So the very first time this came out was in 2010. Pyramid double Helen into a max shoulder to overhead for load. And I saw that they were doing a version of Helen. I thought to myself, what a cool homage to just repeat that workout because it already fits Boz in that way. Hey, I don't care what you can lift. I want to know what you can lift when you've done 100 plus kettlebell swings.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I want to know what you can lift when you've done a hundred plus kettlebell swings. I want to know what you can lift when your heart rate's really high and shoulder to overhead max is not something we ever see. Like it's, it's one of those lifts. That's like, I think that's the only time it's ever been programmed in competition for the CrossFit Games. Which is crazy. You think they keep the 92nd time domain on that? I would love for them just to do it the way it was written. I think if you, I think if you're going to repeat something, you got to repeat it as written. I think if you, I think if you're going to repeat something, you, you got to repeat it as is.
Starting point is 00:16:26 You change one thing, you change everything. But, um, that's the first thing that came to my mind. How cool would that be? And it would hold up as a game's test. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And maybe just with each division, maybe they don't do the triple, right? They don't do the pyramid scheme. They just kind of take it. They, they decrease the volume, but they,
Starting point is 00:16:42 they keep the loading the same. The other thing I thought of was it would make a lot of sense to just vary it a little bit and have it be a single arm kettlebell snatch whether you leave it at 53 and 35 because helen is supposed to hurt if you win helen in your class it's because usually at this point you were able to run the hardest when you didn't want to and go on broken. And Boz has talked about that on, on, um, very not random where like he has this affinity for Helen, but only because it's such classic CrossFit in the way of, yeah, I know you can go on broken. So so can everyone else i need you to show me how much you're willing to hurt on those runs to get it done so what do you what what was your initial reaction like you saw it what was the first thing that came to your head this is what i think they're
Starting point is 00:17:35 going to do well initial reaction was for and i was just solely thinking in terms of michelle and the elite division the individuals uh initial reaction was a dual kettlebell hank snatch and i initially was thinking 53s for men 35s for women you mentioned 35s for men 26s for women to keep it unbroken and bar muscle ups that was my initial thought um i had another thought of potentially the burpee pull-up or some very variation of that building off of the open um and then i had the thought of just same workout with a heavy kettlebell you mentioned a vest um i think i think i think a ruck ruck just doing helen in a ruck and just letting that be the only thing after we've kind of vetted people wearing rucks to do other body weight things and grinder type movements i
Starting point is 00:18:32 don't think it would take a lot away from the intensity what i think you have to be careful of with the loading whether it's body armor or ruck whether it's the kettlebell weight i don't think he's going to do anything to blunt the intensity. I think if he does that, then it's not Helen anymore. And it almost feels like, and we'll get to the 5k run. That's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:18:55 you guys have all done this, or you guys have all done something close to this. All you fans, all like a lot of competitors. I just don't see it being too crazy as far as the modifications go i i agree when the 5k run was announced i had the thought of when i was thinking about helen variations and how we were all talking about how you know the run still has to be important and then the 5k run got announced and i'm thinking if both these tests are before the cut and they keep helen very simple and the run is the lynchpin
Starting point is 00:19:31 then we have now two of potentially the six tests before cuts where it's the run the run is what matters and i and i had that thought i was like maybe maybe there's a way so they did i'm sorry for interrupting you they did release that the 5kk is on Saturday and it's event seven. Okay. Wow. I didn't see that. Okay. Um, then, then that changes things.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Um, but I think you mentioning that, like for me, what implications, well, that's two workouts already. If we're assuming that they're, they're running in both of them, that Well, that's two workouts already. If we're assuming that they're, they're running in both of them, that's, that's two running workouts. And I think they would change the run in Helen. I think if you change the run in Helen, you don't even call it Helen. You don't make that post. You don't do anything like that. I think if you run farther, fine. I think if you run it in shuttle runs, fine. I think if you, um, run it weighted fine, but I think if you take the in shuttle runs fine i think if you um run it weighted fine but i think if you
Starting point is 00:20:27 take the run out it's not and they're very clear on the 5k run if you go to the divisions breakdown like hey lower extremity adaptive is skiing a 5k and everyone else it just says 5k it just says 5k run so i i don't think there's a lot of gimmicks when it comes to the straightforwardness of that workout, go on a trail and run, whether that's loaded, whether it's not loaded, whether they're going to stop and do things in the middle, maybe like it could be some grunt work type stuff. But I think that like us realizing that Helen and 5k run are two of the top three most programmed workouts ever That's not a mistake. And that's like a, Hey, we're going to stay true to our roots. We're going to keep it classic CrossFit. But I think already having two out of 12 to 15 workouts with
Starting point is 00:21:18 running that we already know of that's big. Like you would think that maybe the last one is some kind of we would hope speed agility sprint type thing and it would kind of cover all the basis of of running in different modality or different time domains yeah i i also have the thought where you look at 2020 stage one programming and how you have all those girl workouts that are souped up and i would imagine helen is going to be some variation of that to a degree or something similar to that and i had the thought also is the likelihood of them switching the implement and it's not a kettlebell but instead it's a barbell a hang snatch for 21 reps um or yeah i don't know i mean how much where do they go and change it i think something that
Starting point is 00:22:06 would be cool i had this thought um kind of a throwback to the 2009 crossfit games which is another one of my favorite workouts and it's three rounds for time of 30 low hang squat snatches and 30 wall balls with 75 55 pound barbell and just a regular ball and that workout hurts so badly because you can go unbroken on everything and you can go fast and unbroken and it's oh man the low hang squat snatch has taken the barbell to below the kneecap is fucking disgusting and i wondered it would be cool if they did a low hang squat snatch in helen but i don't at that point how how different are you getting? Um, I think if you're testing it as one of the six tests, then putting something a little more, uh, dynamic and some
Starting point is 00:22:56 sort of degree of skill involved with a barbell I would like, but of course there's five other opportunities to do that outside of Helen. We don't know what they're going to do yet um I wouldn't be super thrilled with just a standard kettlebell swing that's what I was going to ask you so are you in the camp that the games is the only place to do a kettlebell swing are you in the camp of if they're going to do a kettlebell swing it should be done earlier in the season you know like is it to you a live judging like i think it's easier in live judging right but do you think that it's even like i'm actually working on something for the show on sunday for the games prediction show but let's just put it this way kettlebell swings have come up a crazy amount since the games last year a crazy amount and am I reading into it just because I know now that Helen's a workout maybe but they're
Starting point is 00:23:55 like sometimes you know things don't lie so I'm just wondering if like everyone says ah they wouldn't do swings they wouldn't do swings they wouldn't do swings like no no The games is the place where you do swings because it's the place where you can have the best judges possible. No, I don't think that the games is not where you do swings. I don't think it's a bad place to put swings. I just would prefer if it's going to be a movement prior to cuts, make it a little more meaningful than a swing. Everyone can do a swing, make it something where it's like, maybe not everyone can do this with efficiency and speed and intensity. I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:29 like you said, I want it to be Helen, but fuck the best in the field. If you put a 95 pound bar in their hand or even a 75, it made it a low hang squat snatch like that. That would be maybe that's maybe that's dumb. Maybe it's like a 95, 65 pound hang power snatch, or what I think would be the coolest is a double kettlebell snatch or even a single arm kettlebell snatch hang snatch. I like that more as it shows athleticism a little more. Um, I don't, I'm not sure that I like the idea of saying these tests to cut to 30 or to 20 are all about one thing and nobody has the opportunity to show separation with athleticism or movement efficiency or, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:14 skill capacity, whatever. Um, I think it should be pretty balanced. So I wouldn't hate a kettlebell swing. I just would think there are other things that I think would be cooler. Do you think that I'm just thinking of the order that things have happened, right? The first thing we really get this year to talk about at the games is the kind of grips, the kind of length that you use.
Starting point is 00:25:39 We know that Dave went on and was like, yeah, it's actually the picture. It's actually the middle finger rule. That's what we're going to go off of and then helen gets released yeah and you immediately think okay well there's pull-up variation it's a very grippy workout right it's a very grippy workout just as written for a lot of people even for 12 pull-ups especially in like a typical class but if they're going to do something like a chest of bar if they're going to just put a thick pull-up bar up there and just say hey we're not changing the workout you're just doing it on this pull-up bar that's fatter do you think that like to me there was a reason they made the big deal
Starting point is 00:26:18 out of the grips there's a reason for that i don't care if it's if it's doesn't have anything to do with this workout, but they're going to be, you're going to, they're going to be hanging at the games in a capacity at some point where a longer grip is going to put you in an advantage. So I, my mind just goes right to Helen. Was this the reason? Is it going to be just, Hey, yeah, you guys always do a pull-up bar on a regular pull-up bar, but you never do it on a bar that's thicker. That's all we're going to change. And you're doing chest to bar. And now people aren't going to be able to do it on broken. Like it could just be that simple. Like, is it, it, is there a flow to the, to this announcement
Starting point is 00:27:00 where, Hey, we're letting you know, now you need to make sure your grips are this length and oh by the way you're going to do helen i i think one what made the grip thing such a big deal is because the pictures were fucking stupid okay you also have to take into account the 11 other standards however many other standards were in that post you had the belt which has been an issue in in the past the knee wraps, you know, whatever, et cetera, et cetera. I wouldn't be surprised. I think before they go to a fat bar, I could see them introducing kipping pull-ups. Like, you can't butterfly. You have to do a gymnastic kip or a kipping chest-to-bar.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And I think that would light a lot of people up and catch a lot of people off guard. And that was one of my initial thoughts as well was a kipping pull-up would be cool. And I'd like to see that. I think one, I think there's a strong likelihood that this is the last test before the cuts, the nature of Helen, it being how bad do you want it? How much are you willing to hurt? I wouldn't be surprised if that's the test on Friday night before they cut to 30. If it's kipping pull-ups and kettlebell swings i'll love it i'm
Starting point is 00:28:06 fine with kettlebell swing if it's if it's just like helen with a heavier kettlebell uh i think still that's potentially nasty or at least a chest to bar pull-up i just don't know that just the one change of a heavy kettlebell swing or just adding a ruck is enough even i don't like the idea of just 36 regular pull-ups um i just and i also think there's so many different places they could go with this it's so fucking hard to just pin it down which is to their benefit um do you think it's appropriate to have helen in games? If the first reaction of everyone is how are we going to change it to make it appropriate for the games? No. Yes, I still think it's appropriate.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I think if 2020 would have never happened and we didn't get those benchmark girl workouts that were like in the same way they did the thruster double under right in the same way they made that heavier and just did it the exact same way only with a heavier load I think if there hadn't been things like that happened in the past everyone would be looking around like you don't do Helen at the games like you can't do that but I think because they've already taken girl workouts and they've amped them up a little bit to a game's level, it is appropriate. I do wonder, though, are they going to continue to? Because we saw Linda with dumbbells and now we're seeing Helen and we don't know how it's kind of changed. But what if this is something that what if the 5k run that we see programmed all the time
Starting point is 00:29:45 if there's a little twist to it and do it again and we get that same we get that same hey we're going to go back to the roots but in the same way they had to do it with like gym limitations in 2020 are we doing that now but in live person so are we going to see a press to handstand diane are we going to see a um like um one of the new girls come out like lila right right like with cleaning jerks and muscle-ups like are we going to kind of see some of these named workouts at the games this year more than just helen i think it'd be really cool yeah i do too and it's it's something they've done for a long time yeah i mean they did it last year with elizabeth elevated they did it with
Starting point is 00:30:35 double grace they did it with double dt heavy dt um there are a lot of twists so i don't think yeah you put you put the field of your top 40 people in the world and you say, Hey, do grace. No, I don't think that's really appropriate. Um, but I think the test to a degree needs to reflect the level of fitness. And so I expect some changes. I don't expect it to just be regular Helen. Um, and I do think it's appropriate and I love the workout. I love the rep scheme. I just think it's so freaking difficult to nail to even begin to nail down what i think is most likely like they changed like you said they changed the implements on semi-final linda they changed the implements on elizabeth elevated so
Starting point is 00:31:17 are we certain they're going to use the kettlebell are we certain they're going to use a pull-up bar i mean what's not to say they're going to use a ring muscle-up? Yeah, like to me, if you're just like, hey, turn Helen into a games workout, but change as little as possible. I say, okay, cool. Three rounds per time, 400-meter run, 21 swings with a 70, 12-bar muscle-up. Done. Like that's the first thing that comes to my mind.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And maybe it is because all those – everyone's going to go unbroken, but who's going to take a three, two, one break before the third set of bar muscle ups. There's a few of you. Okay. You're out now of the people who are going to do it unbroken and transition fast, who's willing to run harder. So you still get that classic Helen stimulus of, for the people that are going to do it unbroken and fast, it's going to come down to who can run the hardest.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And I think your point about doing it right before the cuts would fit perfectly. Who wants to sell their soul and take a chance and come out too hot on the first run and pray they can hold on just to make it to the weekend? I think that would be an incredible show. Yeah, without a doubt. Chase mentioned this. Chase Ingram, that is. This is to your point. Chase mentioned this.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Chase Ingram, that is. This is to your point. What if we're going to start seeing the girls, but odd object versions of the girls? Oh, man. The crazy thing about Helen is, other than Karen, you can correct me if I'm wrong, I guess you still have Eva, right?
Starting point is 00:32:46 That's the one with kettlebell swings and pull-ups and running, correct? Five rounds per time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you count those as odd objects, right? Kettlebells and wall balls. All the rest of them have barbells.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. So will we just see like – will we see a variation of Diane but with kettlebell deadlifts? And for Helen, we don't see kettlebells like you're talking about. We see something different. I think it would be really cool if the strongman influence just trickles in and we get all these different girl variants, but with odd objects instead of barbells. Do you think they'd do a D-ball ground overhead for Helen? I think what people think traditionally of as a ball slam but i just
Starting point is 00:33:27 like to call it the uh i just like to call it the uh the swimming stuff movement right yeah ground overhead that is as close to a kettlebell swing kettlebell swing like to me maybe as you can get i think that would be fucking super cool because that introduces an element that probably not a lot of people train it's a lot of grip a ton of grip ton of grip i love i love ball slams you can't really call them ball slams because yeah when you're going fast you're touching going yeah just a d ball ground overhead and i love it too because there's no subjectivity of like well how hard are you like you have to catch it on the bounce well you can still just kind of drop it and catch it on the balance. Like whatever. It's just D ball ground to overhead.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's like doing singles on a dumbbell snatch with two hands. I think it's a really, I, I think the movement for what Helen is would be a, would be a legitimate substitute for a ball swing. And what way do you think 50, 35 or 50, 50, 35 or 60, 40, 60, 40. I would say. I heard a Sean Woodland on Talking Elite, his proposition kind of the same strain of strongman. Helen was strongman throwing bags over a bar
Starting point is 00:34:33 instead of kettlebell swings. Stupid. All right, so, well. You're going to do singles for 63 reps? Well, this is going to come on Sunday, but I do think that we're going to see throwing this year at the games. Yeah. I think we're going to see throwing in some capacity,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and I don't think it's going to be a med ball GHD toss, and I don't think it's – don't say a wall ball is throwing. I get it. But Rogue makes a sandbag right with a handle to to kind of simulate that highlands games um basically explosive hip opening throwing it up and everything what if they use like the red strap that they use for chaos to do the burpees and just said hey you run in you throw this bag but you have to do it like will is saying, right? From between your legs with this handle, like you're not going to be able to, it's going to be high enough where you're not going to
Starting point is 00:35:29 be able to shot put it. You're going to actually have to do it backwards over your shoulder. Like I think something like that actually sounds really cool. It's kind of clunky because you can only do it in singles. Yeah. So I don't think it's a plug-in for Helen in any way, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that. I just wouldn't be surprised to see that as a movement like that. Like, hey, weightlifting and throwing is in the pyramid, but when do we ever throw?
Starting point is 00:35:55 What about a shot put? Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or... Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you.
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Starting point is 00:37:14 Like what you would think of as a traditional shot put or just, hey, here's this round thing, and you got to throw it as far as you can, but it's too heavy to throw it like a baseball. Like that. Yeah, sure. So you're probably going to have to shot put it because that's the likelihood of seeing that out of 10 yeah probably a three two yeah i would say two or three like but i think throwing is at the games eight or nine out of ten this year likelihood of some
Starting point is 00:37:37 sort of climbing not on a rope or a cargo net nine Nine out of ten. Rock climbing-ish-esque. You're making me, trying to get me to talk about all these Sunday night things. Yeah, fuck Sebon for having you on for that one. I have good ideas too. I'm pissed off right now, dude. You come on too then. And he tried to boot me off Friday's show too.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So look out, man. I'm coming in hot Friday. Keg toss. Look at Mike Halpinpins is that your single thought mike keg toss what do you think do you i think when we see kegs i don't think like i think kegs could come to the games right um but when we see it happen i don't think it's gonna be um i don't think – I think kegs could come to the games, right? But when we see it happen, I don't think it's going to be – I don't think they're going to be thrown.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I would think that they're just going to be carried or taken from ground to overhead, which is a lot of times what they're used for in strongman competition. Do you think there's going to be a workout longer than the 5K run at the games? Longer than the 5k run at the games longer than the 5k so that time cap if correct me if i'm wrong it's online it's 30 minutes okay all right so whether or not it's just like hey i want to make sure well all if all the divisions are doing it right yeah okay they just want to make sure that everyone finishes it do you do you think that let's just say someone does it in you know 18 or whatever i would imagine a couple people maybe go sub 18 sure if it's just
Starting point is 00:39:13 a traditional like not knowing the course not knowing how hilly it is not knowing what the terrain is like you think then for sure we're gonna have something else longer i would probably say nine out of 10. You? Okay. Yeah, I would think so. I still think that they'll get into that mid 20s, 30 minute time domain. You don't think they'll go longer than that? Longer than 30? No.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Really? This year at the games, why? Budget constraints? It seemed like a trick question you were asking me. I was like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, they're going to go longer than the 5K. Well. If they don't, that's a huge miss if they put on if they put on a heavy rucker they're
Starting point is 00:39:48 they're somewhere in the mountains and they end up pushing that 30 minute cap are you gonna say the same thing no but they're not going to be so you don't think no they're not i mean i'm just i'm just you really don't think they're going longer than 30 minutes this year? I think about 30 is the longest they'll go. Really? In years past, they've done events up to three hours. Yeah. Do you think that's appropriate not to test over 30? I think 30 is fine.
Starting point is 00:40:16 But I know that – I know like Brian for sure feels more strongly about that. At the games. I so disagree. I so disagree. I think – Okay. sure feels feels more at the games i so disagree i so disagree i think yeah i think okay so okay so if they do how is it going to be presented you think it's just going to be the old same old same old monostructural monostructural monostructural type or you think it's going to be something more like the capital but without running i think it should be something more similar to the capital
Starting point is 00:40:42 similar to murph-esque type thing maybe a battleground style of event that's a bit longer than the battleground. I don't think I'll look at the weekend and be like, oh, that was a complete test if there's not anything between 40 and 60 minutes. I don't think it has to be longer than 60 minutes. Like I don't want to see a marathon row. I think that's fucking dumb. But I definitely think between 40 and 60 is still quite a bit different than just up to 30 minutes right so we got two workouts with running what's more likely that they don't bike on a bicycle or that they don't swim this year
Starting point is 00:41:19 more like swimming is more expensive so if you had to guess you would guess no swimming at the games i would guess no swimming first before no biking you okay yeah i actually think the only machine that's never been used at the crossfit games for individual competition has been biker and i think this year they used the biker. Whether they do it in a sprint-type workout, whether they do it – like imagine if they just did, you know, like a 10-minute max cal test, you know, something like that. But either way, I think the biking at the Games this year is done on a stationary bike. If they did a killer cage reboot, something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:04 They used a watt bike before, but they used a killer cage re reboot something like that would they use the watt bike before but they use a concept to bike i think they i think there's a chance they don't swim or bike yeah i think i i agree with that i also someone put in the comments about the paddleboard i do not want to see a paddleboard or a fucking kayak um do you think that kayaking stand up paddle boarding? Do you think that skill wise is as nuanced as someone who grew up swimming? Do I think kayaking and paddle boarding is, is nuanced skill wise? Yes. Um, it for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:43 If you have years and years of kayak and paddleboard experience, absolutely a massive advantage. And I don't think that's the reason it's dumb. I just think you could do so many other things. I just don't like the look of it. Put them on a fucking surfboard in a lake. Like make them go surf a fucking wave before you do that. I mean, that's a hot take, but I don't know. There's just nothing really athletic about seeing the top 40 people in the world who can't even stand up on a paddleboard or kayaking like they're fucking churning butter. I just think that's kind of like the softball throw. Let me ask you this. 2K row for time at the games, but on the water. Oh, that would be cool. So you think that would be cool if it's in an actual rowboat like a single person like not a kayak yeah yeah yeah a rowboat yeah i think that'd be cool i think it's i think it's a good twist on rowing well i was talking to someone
Starting point is 00:43:37 about like if we're if we're just going along with but i don't think they're doing that like classic theme yeah to me like if they do a 5k run for them to do another monostructural single modality i think is probably not going to happen but i'm just thinking about how could they get on the water without getting in the water if the water is really dirty or whatever like like could they do something like that like give each athlete a bottle of zyrtec and tell them don't drink the fucking water that's how i grew up swimming but whatever um and ponds i got a leech inside my butt crack once and my grandma had to pull it out i was like six or five it's crazy dude i was in the bathtub
Starting point is 00:44:13 she was like you got another one i was like where she was like don't worry about it all right so more more likely helen still keeps the kettlebell or less likely? If you had to guess, would you keep the kettlebell in some capacity in Helen? One or two or whatever? If I had to guess, I'm on the fence, man. In the center of the fence.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I thought about the track triplet when you said the thing about the hang snatch and how they did the split snatches with the barbell with the running and bar muscle ups. And just thinking like a hang snatch with a barbell is extremely similar, especially if it's light and you're really changing and there's no re-dip. It's very similar to a kettlebell. And it's more grippy. And I would say more grippy.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So, yeah, I mean, I kind of like that idea. I don't know if they'll do it, but I kind of like that idea. Dude, someone said that you are making some, some commenter. I just had to address this. It's completely outrageous. It says Jr making us miss John Young. Hey dude, go watch a different show then. But everybody else, we love you.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Um, all right. I, man, I'm really on the fence with the kettlebell. I think kettlebells probably stay. I think it's probably a heavier swing, a single arm hang snatch or a dual arm hang snatch. I had the idea of a double kettlebell. It popped into my head just because of alpaca last year, the double kettlebell hankling jerk, but that's too much of a cycle. It takes too long to cycle those, so I don't think that would be the case. I think odds are it's a kettlebell.
Starting point is 00:45:50 If it's not, then I think probably, man, I would like to see, I think the coolest would be the D-ball ground to overhead, but I think if it's not a kettlebell, it's probably some sort of barbell hang snatch. Do you think they'd change the movement at all? ball it's probably some sort of arbel hang snatch do you think they changed the movement at all do you think they would get away from it being a swing or a hinge to support so to speak i think it's still got to be some kind of hinged overhead okay yeah no squat you remember the how fit are you article way back in the day one of the first general articles what do you think they keep the rep scheme and do l pull-ups oh man standard what's the standard there right people are fucking wrecked there's no way anybody does 12 unbroken there's no way
Starting point is 00:46:36 anybody does even fucking eight unbroken l pull-ups yeah i had someone ask me that and i just think that it probably blunts the intensity way too much yeah it destroys the intensity and i wouldn't like that i think strict pull-ups would be cool because the most the fuel can still probably do 12 unbroken strict pull-ups um but then how do you standardize that when they're going so fast i think that becomes tough when you think of l you think just you know they were supposed to do L standard with the alpaca on the way up and the way down. So does the heel stay above the butt? Like whatever. Does it stay above the heel, above the hip crease?
Starting point is 00:47:12 I don't know that regular strict is going to be any easier to judge than L. No, I mean, I think regular strict may be a little, might not be easier to judge than that. But I definitely think for the sake of the workout, regular strict is better. If you go and try to do a strict L pull up and keep your heels above your butt, I'd venture to say for, you know, 98.9% of our audience right now can't do that. And I would venture to say 50% of the games field would flap around looking like idiots trying to do that. It is super hard. Yeah. Your idea about taking, taking a skill away, like the butterfly technique and making people use a standard kip, I think would, would be something that would catch a lot of people off guard, maybe in the same way that doing single unders would, it would have that same
Starting point is 00:47:56 effect. Yeah. And there's, and there's so much more fatiguing than a butterfly pull-up. You go do a max set of unbroken butterfly pull-ups and then a week later, try to do that same number of kipping. Good luck. And just so grippy, so much worse on the shoulders. I do them quite a bit. It's a really good, and they're great for pulling endurance and grip and good to translate to the bar muscle up. Um, and I think that would be cool making them do that, but who knows what do you
Starting point is 00:48:25 think you think they're going to be any twists on the 5k ideas there i want to think that it's just straight up find this trail and just run it as fast as you can i like that too um i don't like a vest i don't like a ruck just make it i don't think i don't think messing with it would be would would be nearly as good as just going and doing it what are the times you think for 5k in the games field top time oh i think for sure top times under 1730 for the men for all the top five men yeah i don't know about all top five that's good 1730 is good i mean that's a good that's a good over under my pr 5k from like six years ago is 1823 and i think i probably shaved quite a bit of time off of that ah man maybe maybe all five are sub 1730 ah i think at that point really it just depends on the trail itself for sure um that that post that barbell spin made the grass course
Starting point is 00:49:31 how much of an effect does running in grass have versus running a 5k on a track minutes a minute added to your time yeah that's definitely not that's definitely a question for someone that runs track or that is runs cross country but also runs track because i would have no idea how to i think it probably adds at least a minute to your time with the force absorption of like soil and soft grass whereas the rebound you get from a track you can just carry so much momentum and good track shoes i think a grass course would be nasty, and if it's a grass course, I don't think maybe one person goes sub-17. I don't know. I don't think on a grass course anyone goes sub-1730.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That would be cool. A little hitch, not a lot of people running grass. A lot of people run trails. A lot of people run on the track. I mean, dude, running in grass takes me back to baseball when I was fat, and I used to have to take my cleats off in the dugout at the change of every inning and rub them with Icy Hot. Based on where the 5K is put,
Starting point is 00:50:31 do you think that it was put there with a smaller feel because there is a twist to it, or just because they don't want to do anything single modality until at least the bottom five, the bottom 10 have proven that they need to just do classic CrossFit first. I would err on the side of that first than to say it's, than to say it's to have a twist. I think of all the workouts you could plug in that everyone could do that you don't need a twist on.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I think a 5k is it. So I would be a little. Yeah. So why is it after that's be a little yeah so why is it after that's my why i think because it's so single modality potentially i think maybe they have a real strong eye towards making these first six tests pretty classic crossfit which i would love um i i also wouldn't be upset with the 5k prior to the cut i just think if the 5k was prior to the cut helen would need to be a little beefier and not as solely about the run.
Starting point is 00:51:27 But with it after the cut, I think it's fine as is. Yeah. To me, like from a programming standpoint, looking at Thursday and Friday as its own competition, so to speak, and how it needs to stand alone as that and knowing the 5k is not on Thursday or Friday. I think that they go they go long on thursday or friday and they make everyone in the field go long so your idea about the 30 plus 30 to 40 or the 40 plus maybe that happens on thursday and they don't do the 5k run until saturday morning Yeah, that would be – I would like them to go long.
Starting point is 00:52:06 And what – that's another point of speculation. Something like the Capitol, but are you going to – I think like to what you pointed to earlier, it's more likely that the third run, assuming there's not four. Do you think four is too much? I think four is too much if there's only – 14. I don't know. If there's 15 scored events, I guess four is too much i think four is too much if there's only 14 i don't know if there's 15 scored events i guess four is fine but i think just in general if you run three times that's enough
Starting point is 00:52:31 yeah i think three runs is enough and i think if you have it in a workout like helen you have it in a workout like a 5k um then the other workout it's like you said likely to be some sort of really short sprint um sled sprint sled type of thing or sprint sled sprint not taking into consideration you know people always want to talk about the possibilities of torn hamstrings or achilles or whatever what if they did an elimination style workout in north park that was just a down and back sprint and they just kept whittling the field down until there was two people left i like that sprinting is like a is a pretty basic and fundamental and foundational human movement straight up foot sprint yeah just to do it just back it just keep keep decreasing the field down until you have two people i would you think you think you think something like that like someone
Starting point is 00:53:22 who only has to do it once versus someone who has to do it four or five times, do you think that really affects the rest of the weekend? Do you think if they do something like that, they got to do it on Sunday? Yeah, I think it does affect the rest of the weekend. If you have to do a sprint like that four times even versus one time, and if it's over 40 meters, it definitely affects you. I mean, CrossFitters don't sprint a lot, like sprint, sprint a lot. And that shit makes you fucking sore.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I think that would be awesome. If they did 5k run the 400 meter repeats in Helen. And then they did a straight up, like, you know, 20 seconds or less type sprint. Yeah. I like that. I would also think it'd be cool to involve the hurdle.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I think hurdles would be cool to involve the hurdle. I think hurdles would be cool bringing that back. I like jumping and sprinting more than I like making them run around pylons. Like some like some ugly fucking version of an NFL combine. She's people just looking like idiots trying to get around pylons. Beep test that's in the comments. beep test that's in the comments yeah i mean i think something like that something really simple that like everyone has done at some point in their life whether it's like playing basketball and running five and sixties like that's something we had to do we had to start on one baseline and go five down and backs and you had to do it in 60 seconds everyone on the team had to do it or you had to do it again you had to do it again you had to do it again so it's just longer shuttle runs i think something like that is super relatable but i also think it's like really
Starting point is 00:54:54 like a test of grit and then it probably becomes a test of capacity for other people cool you think you think we'll get any more of these hints dropped do you think they'll just keep coming out or you think it's just those two and that's it i think they've been very intentional about the two they've released in terms of in two weeks you're not going to really improve your 5k time and in two weeks you can probably murder yourself in as many variations as you could imagine on Helen to a detriment. I think they're going to release something similarly to last year where they just say big lifts return on Saturday night. And everyone, you know, they just showed highlights of snatching,
Starting point is 00:55:39 cleaning jerk, and then they ended up doing the sandbag. Like I think for the second year in a row, they do a non-traditional barbell lift as the strength test of the games so i wonder if they'll release they release something longer monostructural classic crossfit and i wonder if they'll just release some kind of teaser that says you know max lift returns you know on saturday or whatever everyone's going to do a max lift at the games they have kind of all three of those bases covered and that's all you get before the games yeah i don't know i mean this is last year they didn't really announce anything until really close
Starting point is 00:56:22 up yeah yeah like big difference boz is like yeah, he had said before too, like, you know, even when he coaches classes, he would wait until after the warmup and everything to even tell the class what they're doing. Like he loves the waiting as long as possible. And do you think that's Dave's influence this year? Him announcing early? I don't know. Maybe he's just come around to the idea that, Hey, if you get people more excited and get people talking more, it just adds to it. Yeah. Oh yeah. Cause I think, I think Dave releasing little hints on his notepad and just writing sandbags, ski rope climb and not knowing anything else. I mean, yeah, it gets, it gets athletes, it gets coaches. It just gets everyone kind of in a frenzy and it gives people something to talk about
Starting point is 00:57:05 because right now is kind of dead. It's dead time. If they include, so they've had a kayak and a paddleboard at the games. Do you think a shooting should be at the games? Like in a biathlon type setting yeah like rogue did it's tough huh yeah i don't dave said recently that it's completely inappropriate for the games to shoot so then why the fuck would they be on a kayak and a paddleboard? Didn't Dave say last year,
Starting point is 00:57:45 the year before, like that he thinks specifically stand up paddleboard doesn't have a place at the games because it's too skill niche oriented. I think being accurate like that at a high heart rate is, is cool, but I don't know that I would call that fitness. Right. I just, is is cool but i don't know that i would call that fitness right i just i that i just had that thought because i don't like the idea of the kayak and the paddleboard even if it's kneeling just
Starting point is 00:58:12 make them swim at that point um i think you involve an implement that some people have a lot of history of using other people have never touched it before it involves knowing your way around the implement rather than just test of fitness um that's so outside the realm of crossfit i don't i guess you know the biathlon is an event in the olympics i don't see how shooting is so different from a kayak or a fucking baseball throw even yeah it's a gun and people are going to get their panties in a wad but aside from that and i shoot a lot i love to shoot yeah it opens up a big conversation about like well what things are so specific culturally to where it puts people from different parts of the world at a disadvantage i mean i think a lot of people can argue that for swimming though. Like if you're, you know, a lot of people just assume that Australians all can, can swim. And
Starting point is 00:59:10 I think a lot of them do kind of grow up in the water. Likewise, the people from maybe from Scandinavia, it's just kind of a way of life. They just grow up in the pool. They learn how to swim at a young age. They, they swim in school or kids in America play other sports, like whatever. But how, how is that any different than what's a softball? I've never even held a softball before. But if you're a kid and grew up in the United States, you've probably thrown a baseball or softball at some point. I I love to swim, too. And I like to kayak and I like to paddleboard and I do all those things and I like to shoot. I just don't know. It's like, where do you draw the line? I guess is where my mind goes. Where
Starting point is 00:59:43 do you draw the line? When does it become? This is just kind of gimmicky. It's boring to shoot. I just don't know. It's like, where do you draw the line? I guess is where my mind goes. Where do you draw the line? When does it become? This is just kind of gimmicky. It's boring to watch. It's not as much of a test of fitness. Yeah. I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:58 So one more announcement, you think? I would say we get something that has to do with going heavy. And that would make sense. Yeah. I would say we get something that has to do with going heavy. Mono, CrossFit, heavy. Yeah. Or, based on the Venn diagram that they posted, we need the gymnastics one. Yeah. Because we have the monostructural,
Starting point is 01:00:19 we have the CrossFit being in the middle. We don't really have the weightlifting test or the gymnastics bias test i think in that line of thinking they probably make two more announcements i think that would be really cool yeah it would belong with that venn diagram a lot which would be cool what do you think was the point of that venn diagram hosting it with the 5k run just saying that hey the 5k run is crossfit you think that was their intent behind it yeah like just showing this idea that where all the intersections meet in the middle is crossfit
Starting point is 01:00:51 but that you can still be on the outsides of those circles too in your training yeah but where they all intersect is like your fitness and i think with dave his emphasis on making sure there's continuity between all the programming coming from the company. That was my thought when I saw that. It's like they're going to make a bigger effort of saying, you know, explaining CrossFit methodology through the games. And so that was my first thought. Tyler Watkins last night said that, I think it was Tyler, or John, sorry, John Young said that he was confident that it was a hint of what's to come. To me, when I saw it, I was just like, oh, they're just trying to say like, hey, the CrossFit Games is CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And here's how this ties in to the general methodology. And what was John's take saying it's a hint at what's to come? A hint towards what? Maybe like 30 muscle-ups per time or 50 muscle-ups per time or something would be coming next, something like that. Which it could be. Yeah. No, I think think that's a i think it's a great point i think that maybe more so than in recent years and you guys are in affiliates all the time like i am what's something that everyone's been doing since the games last year people take their lead from what adrian programs at the games.
Starting point is 01:02:08 A lot of people have turned everyone around and said, face the wall when you do your handstand pushups. How many people have learned crossover single unders or crossover double unders, or just taking a jump rope and done something with it more so than just double unders? Almost everybody. So there's that, like whether people want to admit it or not, like how many people are practicing pirouettes now there's such an influence on the affiliate from the top that I think to Will's point, Dave sees that. And he's like, Hey, I want it to, I want to be clear that like what we're doing at the games, we know you guys watch and we know you want to try to do. So because of that,
Starting point is 01:02:42 we're going to make sure you're going in the right direction. Adrian had a huge emphasis on mastering the basics, getting back to do. So because of that, we're going to make sure you're going in the right direction. Adrian had a huge emphasis on mastering the basics, getting back to basics. So if that holds true, then I think that Venn diagram being a prediction of what's to come. I mean, I think it's like a extremely loud hint. Cool. Wrap it up. Yeah, let's do it cool thanks everyone for joining in uh jr is doing his prediction show
Starting point is 01:03:11 with sevan on sunday oh yeah i think that's the plan so sunday night jr's predictions for the games programming check that out check out his online qualifier signups signups for the
Starting point is 01:03:23 charlotte classic opening on monday self-made training get a free trial of programming and that's it see you guys uh probably next week yeah sweet

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