The Sevan Podcast - Paige Powers on Another Level | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:52 Hey, good morning. No, take two. Hey, good evening. Paige Powers coming from CrossFit Mayhem. I sent her the link. What's up, Mike? Mikel. Mikel.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Foreigner for sure. Sean M. Future games champ. Yeah, you know, I... That's big words, but I kind of agree with you. The next games champ. Oh, shit. Dominique
Starting point is 00:01:21 Kane. Two years ago, you released a podcast with Dave Castro titled, I think, 10 Days Before the CrossFit Games. Will you do another one of those podcasts? Maybe you already did and I missed it. Oh, I could invite Dave on again. He's pretty squirrely right now, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He's pretty fucking squirrely. He's, but I've seen, I mean, I know I'm familiar with this. He's short with me and, I mean, shorter than normal. And he's not fooling around. Every second counts. So I'll text him. I should do that. What should I say?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Hey, dude, can you come on a podcast with me before the games? Hey, so here's a realization I had before Paige comes on. I was wondering yesterday if it's possible, like, someone in a post somewhere called me an arrogant douche. And I was wondering if it's possible to be anything but an arrogant douche. Because I totally understand the arrogant analysis, perception. I totally understand that. But I just don't think I'm a douche. But I also don't think, I was trying to think, well, fuck, how do you reconcile that arrogant douche?
Starting point is 00:02:43 Maybe I need to look up, maybe we need to look up arrogant but anyway i realized what it is like 15 people i don't know have given me like crazy oh that's nice douche ceo why is that funny that is funny though right just douche ceo having a revealing or exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities oh maybe i'm not maybe i'm not arrogant then maybe maybe that's not the right word i thought it was just you liked your i do like myself i'm having fun with my life even like the bad shit. Yeah, it's almost as aggressive as saying you're neurotic.
Starting point is 00:03:31 What about neurotic? Say it again. I would imagine arrogant and neurotic are like similar definitions. Oh, really? I would have never put those two together. Okay, good. This has helped me. That's a horrible definition. let me find a better one um the real like i'm the kind of person who will like uh like i never minded like falling in love with the girl even though i knew it was going to emotionally hurt me like i'm not like
Starting point is 00:03:59 that's what i mean by like i like my i like life not my life i like life, not my life. I like life. But so many people are telling me like, Hey, when you talk to athletes, you need to behave like this. Hey, you should be using this camera. You should be using this setting. And so many people are giving me advice. Like they forgot, like I have made 10 documentaries and five of them are on the all time bestsellers on Apple iTunes. And it's like, but, but I appreciate the advice. I don't take offense to it at all. I'm like, oh, thank you. Oh, thank you. And so if I think if I was an arrogant douche, I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:04:30 be able to take the advice. I'm just arrogant. But maybe I'm not even arrogant. Hi, Paige. Hello. I'm trying to understand myself. That's okay. I like it. For hugs from the front. For hug... Whoa. That's inappropriate. You, Siobhan? Someone wants to hug... You want to hug me or Paige from the front? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I guess hugs from the front is good. I was going to say, is that inappropriate? But what's the other option? Hugs from the back? I guess. I mean, hugs from the back i guess i mean hugs from the front is just a normal hug yeah yeah although i did i i worked in a home for five years uh home for developmentally disabled adults i actually lived there in the driveway i made a movie about it called our house oh anyway 130 film festival awards oh there you go there's the arrogance I made a movie about it called Our House. Anyway, 130 Film Festival Awards.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Oh, there you go. There's the arrogance. No, no, just bragging. Yeah, that's bragging. I got an award from Selma Hayek for best film and Forrest Whitaker. It's not bragging if it's facts. Yeah, facts. Talking to Paige Powers right now.
Starting point is 00:05:41 She's going to the CrossFit Games. I am. Trains of Mayhem. In a week. She's going to the CrossFit Games. I am. Trains of Mayhem. In a week. She's bragging. Coming up. What was I going to say about working at a home for developmentally disabled adults? Something about from the front.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Oh, thank you. Thank you. God, you should have your own podcast. We were only allowed to hug from the side. Oh, interesting. The awkward side hug. Classic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah. Hugging's a trippy activity. Is it? Kind of. It's nice, but there's so many different hugs. The fake hug's not so good. That's true. But there's so many different hugs. The fake hug's not so good. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah, I guess we'll pat on the back. What do you think about a society that kisses? The Italians, and the Greeks, they just smooch. They do. Yeah, I'm not too into that. No. They eat each their own. You ever been kissed by someone, a foreigner like that, where it's part of their culture and you didn't see it coming?
Starting point is 00:06:53 Like you're over in Italy and some dude just leans in for a little kiss on the cheek? Yeah, like the little two kisses, the smooch smooch. Oh, right. Yeah, that's how my mom kisses me. Yeah, it always catches me off guard. Hmm. All right. Let's begin the official podcast. Hey, what are you driving these days? I just watched the Mayhem video, Road to the Games. God, that's really good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Mayhem kicks ass. It's good. Really good. I drive a F-150. It's beefy. Yeah. Yeah. I put new tires new tires new wheels lift kit on it or sorry leveling kit not a lift kit um yeah i got it after wadapalooza how little cash to spend oh that's what i was gonna ask you i was gonna ask you something so personal i was gonna be like did you buy that yourself i did yeah i guess with like my parents help they let me use the trade-in value of my old jeep
Starting point is 00:07:51 compass so yeah hey um don't tell anyone this but um and i don't know what year it was right after i had my twin so it must have been six years ago, I went to the Toyota dealership to buy a minivan. It was the first time I'd ever gone to buy a car, and I still took my mom with me, so I was like 45. And I had her co-sign for me so that I could get a 0% interest loan. Oh, yeah. That's great. Mine was not anywhere close to 0%, and I had my mom co-sign me.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And you're not anywhere close to 45 years old. No. How old are you? 20. Hey, I'll tell you another cool story about that. Even though it was 0 zero percent loan i just paid a thousand dollars a month on it okay even though even though i didn't have to and everyone said it was stupid and the same day i got fired i paid off my my car oh wow so it was kind of cool that i paid it off yeah right yes yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:09:00 keep the minivan yeah got the minivan um Yeah. Got the minivan. You won Wadapalooza. I did. And how much money do you get for that? 75K. Holy shit. So is that like a crazy learning lesson too? You're like, oh shit, the government's going to take all that. Yeah. Yeah. It was my first time getting like that amount of money, especially in a lump sum. And I had to learn real quick what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And luckily, I had some good people around me to tell me to not waste it on a Bronco or to actually be smart with it. You mean like one of the new Broncos? I mean, i like those i do but i think my dream car would be an old restored bronco oh yeah someone talked you out of that that's smart very smart someone talked you out of that who talked you out of that uh robert rail bailey's dad oh he's so smart he is smart he's a really smart guy yeah how did he can you tell me what advice he told you um he well honestly most of it i don't know because i mean he was kind of just telling me about setting it up in like an ira i set that up um I ended up getting like a tax lady to help with kind of all the yeah tax stuff and I got one of those too yeah yeah he was um honestly I don't really know
Starting point is 00:10:35 a lot about money so he was kind of more explaining it to my parents and I was like trying to listen but it's kind of confusing to me. So yeah, you got shit to do. Me too. Hey, I don't, I don't, my wife does all that. I don't do, I don't do shit. Yeah. I'm like, here's my money. Do stuff with it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I just want to work out and have a good time and make some money. And you tell me what to do with it. But what advice did he give you to not buy the new Bronco? Was he like, Hey, don't do it. It'll be in the shop. You need a reliable car, blah, blah, blah. No, he just he was pretty firm on his answer of no. Oh, Bailey's dad.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Wow. He's even just like he reached over with the dad, dad voice. No, you're not my daughter, but no. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I'm like, I trust him. So, I mean, my daughter, but no. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I'm like, I trust him. So, I mean, my parents didn't think I was smart either. I wasn't going to actually do it, but I was tempted.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Hey, so he opened an IRA for you? I ended up opening it myself, but he suggested to do it. Yeah. Hey, you know, I opened something like that for my kids. Yeah. And every seven years on average, it will double. So I put $10,000 in there and when they're 77, it'll be $11 million. No kidding.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. And I'll be, cause every seven years it pretty much doubles. And so I'll be dead, but they'll be like, damn was my dad was dope he was the best yeah yeah that's smart that's really smart yeah thank you my mom told me to do it so so you bought the truck you look great in it it looks it looks awesome yeah i feel you know i feel like it fits me well i feel i'm i'm not gonna sit here and say i'm the best driver and that everybody else sucks but sometimes that's kind of how it is so it makes me feel like i have some authority over the road since i'm sitting a little higher up are you a good driver though you can brag a little bit i'm an amazing driver i like to think so
Starting point is 00:12:46 i parallel park easy like you have no problems like someone's like that spot's too small you're like don't worry i'll give it a try yeah i just back that thing right in yeah yep yeah and then i mean my family likes to drive fast i also think that's a michigan thing and people in cookville do not like to drive fast at all so oh there she is yep nice caleb hey have you learned to slow down slow down like because you're driving in cookville now like you drive slower now no i don't oh oh i just get mad at everybody else who drives 15 under the speed limit. Anyone give you – you exchange birds with anyone? No.
Starting point is 00:13:31 In Cookville? No. Too small to do that, right? Yeah. Yeah. And honestly, people don't get mad on the road here. And it's so opposite in Michigan. Everybody has road rage out there. But down here, people just sit at the intersection and block the light for
Starting point is 00:13:45 like two lights in a row and nobody's honking nobody's flipping each other off or yelling it's the weirdest thing ever and is it a big maybe they're all stoned is it a big marijuana smoking community is everyone just high off their rocker or what no it's illegal here so not that i know of crazy uh okay uh check uh let me look at my list okay talked about car check oh oh let's talk let's go back and talk about that piece to me does when you train at mayhem do they tell you that they're gonna do something like that and do you get excited is there's like scott walk in the room and he's like hey guys i want to do a road to the games with you and um samuel and a Roman page are you cool with that and you're like fuck yeah yeah yeah it's pretty amazing I'm grateful to be a part of it I'm grateful that they want me to be a part of the
Starting point is 00:14:37 episode um but yeah usually it's like hey do you mind if we film sometime this week we're gonna shoot some stuff for roadope to the Games. And then they kind of, I mean, they have like multiple days of footage that they put together for the video. But yeah, even like when they were filming stuff for Bailey and Luke, they're going to do another episode of like everybody at the end. gonna do um another episode of like everybody at the end so they're still like grabbing footage of me sam and uh roman and they're constantly grinding away whether it's shooting or editing so is darren your coach yeah yeah he's cool as shit i forgot how cool he is i love him he's so great um he'll in his little notebook oh yeah yep that was a hit for the weekend he'd like dre would walk in the room and he'd be like dre's here check or he'd like draw little diagrams whenever we had a briefing we always sat on the 13th row and he'd draw a diagram from there so oh what um what's the
Starting point is 00:15:49 relevance of being on the 13th row honestly i don't know it's kind of just where we ended up and you would choose that seat every time for your little briefing yeah oh you mean when the sorry sorry you when the the event organizers would give you the briefing, not Darren give you a briefing? Yeah. Okay, okay, okay. When we did, yeah, the big group briefing. That's where we ended up every time.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Darren's going to the games? He is. And he'll be back there with the coaches pass? Mm-hmm. Oh, shit, I can't wait. Wow. What a reunion that's going to be for me. I haven't seen him in forever.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He was in a shitload of the behind the scenes back in the day. Oh yeah. Yeah. He's a great person for behind the scenes. Hey, um, is rich, will rich have a coach's pass? Uh, where will rich go? I'm sure he will get one. I don't know who from. Honestly, I don't really know many of the details, but.
Starting point is 00:16:51 You're just there to kick ass. Yeah, I guess. Hey, any talk about Rich having, what's that called? FOMO. What's FOMO stand for? Caleb, what's FOMO stand for? Feeling left out? Fear of missing out.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Fear of missing out. Is Rich tripping at all that he's going on a bike ride instead of the CrossFit Games? I don't think so. No. He's honestly been grinding away at the bike rides. He goes out there for like hours a day so i think well he just competed in fresh coast as well up in michigan i think that was like a good little itch the scratch of anything that he had for competing but he's definitely focused on mountain
Starting point is 00:17:38 biking and it seems to be what what's making him happy at the moment. Yeah, that was a cool video too to see, the Michigan one. When they go and do stuff, you weren't there. You didn't go to that. No. No, I really like that competition, but just bad timing with the games. Like, do you say, hey, can I incorporate that into my training or something? And Darren's like, no. Or everyone just knows, hey, that wouldn't be smart to get on a team and incorporate that into your training yeah i
Starting point is 00:18:08 think it's kind of unspoken darren actually earlier this year when he found out rich was doing it he was like hey you should do it as well i was like yeah that'd be great if it wasn't like three weeks before the games and he's like yeah you're right that's that wouldn't be too smart so um bernie gannon uh in crossfit competitions fomo man fomo means fear of mayhem organization that's good i like that uh i can't you won't want to palooza you got the loot does that take stress off you um and not really no you're not like oh okay there's my rent for the year i don't got to One Guadalupalooza, you got the loot. Does that take stress off you? Not really. No?
Starting point is 00:18:49 You're not like, oh, okay, there's my rent for the year. I don't got to worry about that shit. Well, I guess, yeah, a little bit. It takes a little bit of the financial pressure of, like, I have sponsorships, but I don't need to be signing anybody else to, you know, just get by, which is nice. So I can really, it gives me the else to just get by, which is nice. So it gives me the freedom to work with brands that I really want to and I'd like to represent. So it's taking pressure off of that and just being able to go out and compete and not worry about the prize fund and competing for money. Mayhem's your home right it is like home like home home like you probably park in the same spot every day you get there at the same time
Starting point is 00:19:34 the person when you walk in is sitting there you've seen that one cobweb that no one can reach that's been there for fucking on the 30 foot ceiling for it's your home you know it yeah yep um you can leave your purse there and come back and it would be there the next day you're not tripping nothing yeah you have a purse i do it's like a little crossbody oh nice and like a man purse um it's like a uh like a fanny pack that goes like this yeah Yeah, goes to the side. Diagonal fanny. Oh, I need to write that down. Get fanny pack.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I need fanny pack for the game. They come in clutch, and they carry a lot. Now that the season's coming to a climax, a bunch of athletes are rolling in, and does that annoy you? No. No one's listening. Go ahead ahead tell me the truth it's okay no it would annoy the fuck out of me i'd be like this is my house find your own fucking gym no we did actually we haven't had as many athletes coming in this year as we have like last year um so it's kind of nice to have you know everybody has equipment we can work out at the same time if we want or not and then um right now we have some
Starting point is 00:20:55 guys who came in and then the team from Australia and then one of the or two of the individuals from Australia and they're all really cool so So they've taught me some Aussie lingo, which is fun, but we always love having new people here, making new friends. What about girls like trying to get in the workouts with you and Bailey? Um, well, there's one of the Australians, Emily DeRoy. Yep. I hope I didn't butcher her name. No, no, you got it right you got it right she's been hopping in with us and she's great uh we love training with her so so that was good yeah for sure uh seven she's cool and christian mellow oh and and a christian mellow on the f-bombs i don't
Starting point is 00:21:41 even okay thank you for the uh see that's caleb see what i mean like i'm not i'm like i can take the i can handle that i think if i was truly arrogant i wouldn't be able to take the uh feedback that's but i do think i'm so great because i do take the feedback so that makes me arrogant again i think i'm so home I'm so arrogant about my humility. That doesn't bug you? That would bug me, someone. How are you so cool about it? You and Bailey have put in all this time together.
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's the end of the year. It's time to really tighten up and make everything perfect. And now you have this other emotional, intellectual component. It's like, dude, shut up. What are you doing here? Go work out in the gym with the fucking reggies. No, I mean, honestly, we all like to just accept people with open arms here. I think that's kind of just the environment that's been set, especially because that's what Rich has done for all of us.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And technically it's Rich's place. So I wouldn't even feel comfortable, you know, trying to kick somebody out of the group but um it helps when everybody's super nice and we all get along but as far as competing during training that doesn't really happen too much for us I mean we all have that competitive edge but we know that now is not the time to take that out, and it's out on the competition floor at the game. Well, kudos to you. I mean, I can understand that mentality 48 weeks of the year,
Starting point is 00:23:11 but like four weeks of the year, I'm just kind of like, but kudos to you. Oh, Cave Dastro, this is good. She knows she's the top dog around there. Okay. So what you're saying is if she wasn't so confident, it would bother her. She'd like peacocks and stretch their shit around there. Okay. So what you're saying is, is if she wasn't so confident, it would bother her. She stretched, she like peacocks and stretched her shit around there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'll buy that. Is that directed at me? Oh yeah. That my analysis of you, like you're so confident around there. It doesn't matter. I mean, I wouldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I don't know. I mean, I guess I have a little bit of confidence and it's like it's my home turf but I have a little bit of confidence I just watched the road to the games piece you have a fucking this much
Starting point is 00:23:53 oh sorry sorry I said that word again this much that's good yeah is Geese back in the house Paige? he is finally what's he doing there?
Starting point is 00:24:06 just working out. Is he there? Kind of a weird time to come since he didn't qualify for the games. Is he just spreading the love? Did he come just to give love on you guys and, like, show support for the team? Yeah. Yeah, between that, like, working out with – he worked out with Luke. I think this was his first day back at the gym. But, yeah, he's kind of just working out with he worked out with luke i think this was his first day back at the gym
Starting point is 00:24:25 um but yeah he's kind of just working out with random people and he's always a joy to have around so yeah um i take it he's going to the games too like to work a booth or fulfill some sort of sponsorship obligations um i would assume so if he's gonna be there um but yeah he's he's going to support all of us which is really kind do you have with your sponsors do you have to fulfill any obligations while you're there uh none that i know of which is nice um like to keep the plate as empty as possible during the week of the game so do people say any crazy shit to you like um sorry uh take two do people say any crazy stuff to you like um hey uh like maybe your mom might say this to you uh page just so you know your cousins are
Starting point is 00:25:18 going to be in thursday night and so we'll be having dinner together and we'd like to see you at the restaurant and you're like no no she knows that that's not how i operate we set some ground rules before and she's been doing this with me for the past like this is my sixth year now and i was the same back in gymnastics she knows the least distractions as possible and is better for me. And also I have a hard time dealing with other people's like emotional roller coaster when I'm already peaking stress at that moment. So she knows that like a more quiet environment environment for me is better. So no, no one in your family is like your dad won't be like uh page um your sister's gonna be there and last year you know she didn't think you gave her enough attention so after you finish one of the workouts i want you to come over and hug her none of everyone
Starting point is 00:26:14 knows like don't be crazy okay good yeah wow how nice you know there's athletes dealing with that stuff yeah i blow my brains out but my parents are kind of on board as well like yeah my grandparents will be there and they're my parents are the ones that'll be like hey she cannot engage in like big social situations not we're not going out to dinner until sunday after the games then we can do yeah all the catching up and whatnot. Savon, what rating do you give the head size? Oh, Paige's head's huge. She's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Big, beautiful head, yes. I'm sort of a head size expert. Yeah, and smart. And I think larger head people are generally more attractive. Oh, interesting. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I mean't know. That's, I mean, that's just what I say. Like, like, uh, it's a bit, well, I'm not getting into it. Don't
Starting point is 00:27:11 distract me again, Ken. Thank you. Stick with giving me advice on swearing. This is the same guy told me not to swear around you. Now he's asking me to judge your head. Hmm. I wonder what his, uh, rating is. Yeah. What's your, Kim, what's your rating of her head size? He might not even be an expert like me. Yeah. Yeah. Basically, if you're not going to add value,
Starting point is 00:27:31 don't mess with the athletes like at all. Like if you're a family member or anything, if you're not going to add value, do not, um, do not mess with them. Right. That's good advice for the family.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah. At least. Yeah. I mean, personally, I would say yes. But, I mean, everybody's different. You know, there's some people like Rich who likes to go back to his campground with all of his family, big group of people there. And that's what works well for him.
Starting point is 00:28:03 But that would be exhausting for me so will you are you staying at a hotel or airbnb staying at a hotel yeah your own room uh i'm sharing a room with my mom oh oh so are you are you are you pretty close with your mom i am yeah oh so that's gonna be a huge support for you okay so she does have you figured out yes she's been yeah she's been doing this for years with me so she knows what I need she packs me my pb and j's feel like I'm back in elementary school packs my lunch box um keeps keeps me accountable for times when I have to wake up when I have to leave so she's a huge help to out there dude that's awesome you gave her so she's a huge help to have there. Dude, that's awesome. You gave her, so she has a job there.
Starting point is 00:28:47 So she feels fulfilled. No one, yeah, awesome. Dude, well played. Yeah, give her a job. Wake me up, feed me. Mom will love that. Yes, I think it gets her nervous energy out too. For sure.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Awesome. Wow. Yeah. Dude, that's genius. And what about yours and Bailey'siley's relationship is it as close as it appears on from afar yeah absolutely i mean probably even closer um she's i mean she's like my number one training partner so we do everything together in the gym and then she's also such a joy to be around outside of the gym and we get along really well and we're similar but like different in good ways um and I think we
Starting point is 00:29:34 our personalities benefit each other so she's my partner in crime and what happens to the relationship during the games? I mean, it kind of stays the same. We're there for each other whenever we need it, supporting each other. You know, it's kind of like you get on the competition floor and obviously you have to get your business done, but whenever you're off of it, you're straight back to friends. Is she at your hotel? that i know of oh okay i was wondering like will you guys like have a uh and do you think you'll talk to her on the phone every night probably if i had to go yeah
Starting point is 00:30:18 uh any um how is everything going with the training everything uh going according to plan yeah yep it's going good we uh we've done lots of skill work to make sure we don't get caught off guard with anything that might show up this year um yeah lots of lots of running for me which is good staying on the running grind um every tuesday every tuesday every saturday and then sometimes they sprinkle in a thirst or a friday so hey when you train that hard at something or then and then they announce the 5k are you kind of excited like the oh i put in all that work. Okay, it's gonna pay off. I get to actually use it. Yeah, for sure. And also like for semifinals with three of the workouts having a running component in it. I was a little bit nervous. But it also proves to me that what I've
Starting point is 00:31:19 been doing has been working for me. So I'm excited to see how that transfers into the games as well. has been working for me so i'm excited to see how that transfers into the games as well which uh i know the two that that had the snatch what was the third one oh the final workout was would you is that the running one um the oh the first one the first one okay so the first one and then the two snatch one is what you're referring to yeah three okay i need those things explained to me and how's the how's the sleep going any crazy uh games dreams like you had any dreams like you show up to the games and you're on the floor and you're fucking naked or like you're not yet no usually like the the week of or one week before i start to get bad nervous anticipation yeah sleep will get a little bit crazy i'll start having those like
Starting point is 00:32:06 weird game streams of like some i don't know some weird event showing up or something like that that just goes awful like i end up showing up naked or something so yeah yeah i always had that dream in elementary school that i either showed up to school naked or I had this other one that was I was going to say the F word messed up. See that. Thank you. That that I was that I went to school in my Halloween costume and it wasn't Halloween and I just look like a jackass. I hate that. Yeah, that's the worst. I used to always second guess whenever it was like pajama day at school or Halloween party. I'd always be like, Mom, are you absolutely sure it's today? Going up to school if it's not. Being a kid is weird. The stuff that matters to you yeah how old are you page 20 i see these i see these girls they're like 16 years old buzzing all over my town riding those uh 73s do you know what those are 73 i think they're called 73s is that what those are things are called caleb they're so popular in my town they're everywhere they're like they're like bicycle motorcycles they're electric and they kind of
Starting point is 00:33:25 look retro i don't think i've ever seen those they're all over i live in a beach town they're so popular here and there'll be two kids on it three kids on it and it's basically kids driving before they should be driving yeah uh yeah it's like it's like those oh Oh, okay. Those aren't all over Cookville? They are not. No. Okay. We don't get those, but I've seen them before. And I see the girls riding the bikes and the boys. For some reason, it bums me out more for some reason when I see girls doing it,
Starting point is 00:34:00 but I'd be devastated if my boys did it. And they're riding these, and they're going 20 miles an hour down the road and they have their helmet like tied to the side of their bike instead of on their head. And I'm just like, I remember. Yeah, they are fast. Yeah. And it just reminds me of like how dumb you are when you're a kid.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Like you think like someone cares if you're wearing your helmet or not or if you have your backpack on the right side or left side or two. No one gives a shit. Yeah, nobody cares. I never made or two, no one gives a shit. Yeah. Nobody cares. I never made fun of some kid for wearing a helmet. Yeah. I wish I could go back and tell myself that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Did you worry about wearing a helmet too? Did you ride a bike? Yeah. I mean, my mom forced me to, so it wasn't really a question, but I always feel like, well,
Starting point is 00:34:43 I don't want to look stupid. I'm just riding my bike around the neighborhood. And she's like, I don't care. Still got to put it on. You only get one head. It's going to mess my hair up. Shut up. No one cares. No one's looking at your hair. Yep. 12. Like if you were a boy and someone took the hat off your head, you'd panic because someone saw you had a hat head. And it's like, dude, no one, no one, no, you never made made you never made fun of someone for having a hat head
Starting point is 00:35:07 okay go ahead hat head that one's real i still kind of do that you put your hat on your legs if someone touched this you're dead yeah and usually the person that will is gee gee or tyler i'm like you guys suck so if i'm around them and I have a hat on just have to hold it down the whole time or he'll like take the like claw clip gee will and he'll just undo it I'm like do you understand that that took me 10 minutes to get every hair perfectly in place and now you just undid it in two seconds wow oh and what do you do to rectify it do you just use a rubber band and put it in a ball no i just throw it back up oh just but the sloppy 30 second version yeah exactly yep uh rb oh that's cookville outlaws electric transportation he's joking but maybe he's not joking. I mean, I haven't seen it, so.
Starting point is 00:36:08 You went into the final event knowing you'd already qualified? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then did you handle the final event appropriately? I think that I was excited to be done with the final event. I'll say that. Um, I don't think that I did a terrible job, but I also don't think that going into the event, I trusted myself or my pacing that I was going to do.
Starting point is 00:36:39 And I kind of sent it a little too early and too early as in the first echo bike like you went too hard like you told yourself relax and you didn't listen to yourself you didn't relax yeah so but you know what that's just a learning curve and i know that if we have a sprint event like that not to do that um you you are in a region with some uh powerhouses yeah were you did you have any concerns about making it to the games uh not really with like where my fitness level was at i felt confident and comfortable with making the games uh you never really know, like, you know, something horrible could go on during semifinals. But, I mean, going into the weekend, you can't really think about that.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So, I never really felt like my game spot was in jeopardy. And, like, I was really glad to get the first two events out of the way because those kind of had a little bump in the road in both of those but um i knew it was only upwards from there so hey have you have you done the math on this uh event one have you you took 20th fed up with road rage gas guzzling and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways,
Starting point is 00:38:14 which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones
Starting point is 00:38:45 and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I mean, that's your whole, do you know that – like I'm looking at Emma Carey. She won the event, and she has two 10th place finishes. You don't have anything.
Starting point is 00:39:12 You have a 20th, a 9th, a 3rd, a 4th, an 8th, and a 5th, and an 8th. I mean, you kind of kicked ass except for that first event. Yeah. What happened? What happened? Just not your thing, machines, or – No, I was actually really excited for that event. But the slide kind of stopped me dead in my tracks.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I mean, not that it's like an excuse at all, but. Oh, yeah. I saw you in that video fail a pool. Yeah. It kept like folding over on me and getting stuck in my lane. Yeah, it kept like folding over on me and getting stuck in my lane. So there was times where I was literally. And I think that I held my composure nicely during it. But it was definitely a little bit frustrating. Paige, when I think of you, I think of you as an explosive, strong athlete.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I mean, I think of you as a crazy, well-rounded athlete, but definitely no shortage of explosiveness and powerful. I mean, you got 200 pounds, right? I mean, that's nuts on the snatch. So that is really weird.'s something's up right i mean and you guys do sleds at mayhem right that's a kind of a staple there yeah yeah practicing that event um we we did go a bit lighter than i thought it was actually going to be. But it also went so smoothly. The sled was no problem at all for me. I think that, you know, even if that sled was that weight
Starting point is 00:40:53 and I kind of had to yank on it that whole workout, I think it kind of just, you know, kept getting stuck in my lane. So that was kind of a problem. Yeah, they show that in that mayhem video it's it is kind of crazy you actually pull it and it goes nowhere and you fall down i was like holy shit like basically like you were pulling something that like a car yeah it had its emergency brake on exactly yeah so that doesn't freak you out that you take 20th in that and you're like, oh, my God, the weekend's ruined. I'm digging out of a hole the whole weekend.
Starting point is 00:41:29 No. And I knew like the rest of the events were really good for me if I could just execute them. But I mean, I think I was sitting in like eighth place after the first day. And that was with a 20th place and a ninth place which was my worst two finishes so I was pretty confident going into the rest of the weekend with how the events were looking and how they'd stack up for me if you take first place in that event you you you win that semi-final you'd have 607 points you'd be tied with emma carrie but it would have pushed her down a place so you would have beat her just one of them just one of that
Starting point is 00:42:12 i mean your finishes are your finishes are outstanding i mean even when you look at daniel brandon's finishes she got a first to 16th to 12th to 6th to 3rd and first but when like you go through yours like yours are all really high too and danielle took second yeah i was i mean i was really happy with how consistent i was over that weekend yeah it's boss i definitely don't think that i would have won that first event even if my sled was sliding great um it's like not a wheelhouse event per se but i did see a lot of improvement on my cardio and on the machines and that so i was happy with that yeah man you had you had a you had a uh you had a great semi-final and you weren't and you and you weren't worried it's kind of it was a good mental test for you you weren't worried even with a jacked up first event you're like all right i'll pull this off yeah for sure yeah i think that
Starting point is 00:43:05 was kind of like a big proving point to me in the past i would have freaked out about even mid workout i probably would have freaked out and wanted to quit pulling the sweat pulling the slide but kind of just persevered and didn't didn't lose my crap at all. Kind of held my composure throughout the whole competition. So the mental side is definitely catching up to the physical. So I'm happy with that. Did you have any first place finishes last year at the semifinals? Yes, I think I had one. I i for sure had one the first event um maybe two i don't know i it was like most of the weekend was between i'm a lost and and i
Starting point is 00:43:58 we kind of flip flop back and forth first and second do you ever go into when you went to this semifinal where you're like hey i'm going to take a first place in one of these events um last year this year this year not really there was no event in there with like the field that was there i was like wow this is a perfect event for me um but going into it i was like none of these are perfect but none of them are bad for me so yeah i think the one that i was kind of looking forward to was the blinda i believe with the deadlifts bench and cleans i really like that one so i think that was the one that i was like maybe but you got you got third place in that yep wow manna barnhart destroyed that she did yeah
Starting point is 00:44:48 she's so strong and what's interesting is you're in a category all by yourself too first is in its own category second and third are in their own category and then fourth is in its own category like it quickly there's just like levels yeah yeah you did great i could see why you thought there was a chance you could win that yeah um case indeed what's your favorite mayhem related story good luck in madison your favorite mayhem related story oh man um honestly man putting me on the spot yeah that's what this show's about putting people on the spot yeah um gosh i don't know it doesn't even have to be your favorite tell me about the time you ran over one of rich's dogs you ever kill you ever kill one of rich's dogs on accident does anyone anyone ever run over a dog at mayhem? Bill really pushes the limits with that.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Bill who? His dog, Bill. Oh. Like a year or so ago. He got shot? No. But he like runs right into your tires when you're coming down the driveway. God, that would ruin your day of training if you killed a dog.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. Yeah. way god that would ruin your day of training if you killed a dog yeah yeah whenever he was a puppy gee was lifting some obnoxious weight and he was doing like clean and jerks and bill ran straight under the bar and as soon as gee well gee almost dropped it and then tyler shooed bill out of the way but he was almost a goner then. What kind of dog? He's a lab. I think like an English lab. Kacen, I hope you got your money's worth. It's not a funny story, but.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Brandon Gomez, what do I got to do to get a signed Page Power shirt? Are there Page Power shirts? Yes. Oh, nice. It's my shirt, actually. My wife loves her. Will those be for sale at the games? Can someone buy that at a Mayhem booth and then
Starting point is 00:46:51 I guess you're okay. You can do that, right? Like, events over and you're walking down the railing and someone hands you a shirt and a sharpie? Yep. That's not like your mom asking you to come to dinner, right? That's totally different yeah totally different okay just a quick little signature it's perfect happy to do it maybe
Starting point is 00:47:12 even a quick selfie yeah shit there you go brandon shirt and a selfie now if you didn't buy the shirt don't ask for the selfie no you can still ask for a selfie all right fine i'll let slide page is nice to me do not ask me for a selfie i'm so arrogant um uh sebon how do you not know what kind of dog rich has and you call him okay stop page powers you cross the finish line at the semi-finals and all you gals are lined up there can you feel the emotion now um from all like that's just going on there like is there like from the other girls like you're looking at them and they're about to announce who's going who's not going like can you feel it yeah for sure especially um i had fee sagafi to my left
Starting point is 00:48:07 and i i've been following along with her since the 2020 mayhem classic um she is one of the sweetest competitors there is and so i was really pulling for her to qualify to the games. And when they announced her name, it was pretty emotional. Like literally you feel it. Yeah. You're like, shit, keep your emotions over on your side. Like, yo, your shit's like leaning and coming over onto my side. Like someone parked in your spot. Like they crossed the line.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. And it's really cool. It's just balls of energy up there. Like you can't even explain it, each of the awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So it's just balls of energy up there. Like you can't even explain it. Each of the ladies.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Yeah. I think especially with like so many rookies qualifying games this year, it was at least for the North America East on my final, it was pretty emotional whenever they were doing the announcements of who qualified. It was really cool. I want to pull this up uh northeast and were you emotional about your own qualifying or you're like now i got this i'm good um a little bit of both i'd say like it was bittersweet um because i i wanted to podium
Starting point is 00:49:21 at semifinals so i was a little bit bitter about not podiuming. But then also, you know, a sweet part of qualifying to the games again and that opportunity doesn't, you can't take that for granted. So I was super grateful, but definitely fueled my training for the rest of the summer to work a little bit harder. How many people were taken? Was it 10? I think it was 10 or 11. Maybe 11. Is Paige Semenza going?
Starting point is 00:50:00 Paige Semenza is going. So do you – oh, I think we have her scheduled do you what happens with annika greer do you go over and give her a hug do people avoid making eye contact with her how intense is that oh and jordan look at their their three points away oh my goodness yeah oh brooke wells do you go over and talk to her oh what do you do with these oh carolyn prevo geez yeah yeah it's really hard because it's like on one end you're really happy and accomplished for yourself and all the other girls who qualify but then also heartbroken for all those girls that didn't qualify and the ones that were so close and like annika she's been riding that cusp for the last couple years and to see her be so
Starting point is 00:50:48 close to qualifying again it was it was really hard and i mean i don't think that words really do any justice in that moment it's like you can't really you can apologize and you know, feel sorry. But it's tough. I mean, it sucks. Are you tripping kind of that Brooke Wells made it or Sydney Wells made it and Brooke Wells didn't? That's kind of a head-scratcher, isn't it? Well, you know what, Brooke, I didn't really know much of what went on with her during semifinals
Starting point is 00:51:24 until I got to catch up with her afterwards and the way that she gutted through the rest of the weekend with her um i think it was her torn achilles oh um maybe i'd forgotten that that sounds kind of familiar that happened early Yes, to both her and Saxon. Oh, I didn't know that about Saxon. Sorry, not torn Achilles, torn plantar fascia. That's the thing on the bottom of your foot that feels like a nail. Yep. You ever had that?
Starting point is 00:51:58 No. It is the most bizarre thing ever because when you walk, it feels like there's a tack in your foot. And then you pick your foot up and you push on it with your hand and you look around and there's nothing there and then you start to walk again and there's like attack and you're like this doesn't even make any fucking sense oops sorry darn it this doesn't even make any freaking sense swear jar swear yep i'd be good um yeah but no honestly i i didn't realize how early on that happened in semifinals and for her to go through like the eight to 800 meter runs after that and the rest of the competition i was super impressed by that alone but oh that's interesting what cave dastro is saying a two from the same camp no coincidences meaning like it has something to do with their training,
Starting point is 00:52:46 too much running or something? I'm not sure. Yeah, you don't have to bash them. We'll leave that to us. Okay, well, that's good to know about Brooke. So Brooke was in fantastic shape. She represented amazing last year at the game. She just had an unfortunate injury. It wasn like she wasn't okay yeah crazy all right hey i'm
Starting point is 00:53:13 excited to uh see you at the games thanks for taking time i know this is a crazy time to ask for an interview i really really appreciate you doing it yeah of course i appreciate you having me back on yeah always and good luck charm luck, Charm, before a while it blows us. Oh, good. Good, yeah. Good. Tell Darren I can't wait to see him. Give him a big old hug.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I can't wait to see him. Yeah, I can't wait to see both you guys back there. I'll give him a heads up. All right, dear. I'll see you in a couple weeks. Safe travels. Yep, you too. Ciao.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Bye. I'm better without notes i was getting all derailed by my notes derailed can you get derailed if you've already been railed they say you can be you can deload. She's cool as shit. She's awesome. You can tell she's a little bit more confident than she was before, I think. In the Mayhem video, she seems like a rock. She seems so confident.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Absolutely. Yeah, they portray her so good. You watched it? Yeah, I watched a little bit of it. Jeez, look at you. Did you watch it because you watched that kind of stuff or because she was coming on the show? Both. Oh, damn, look at you.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Eaton Beaver, you know, you might have to change your name when Caleb's on the show. Great interview except for the cussing. All right, all right, back to the cussing thing. You want to see something cool please oh oh wow uh sub-amortization behind the scenes the crossfit games is back that's at the crossfit podcast yeah i'm gonna be on wednesday that's super exciting dude i'm pumped
Starting point is 00:55:16 um i the schedule's crazy God that's so cool It's come full circle Oh someone's oh wow you sent Oh wow this is great Yeah we uh We do need to get Darren on Did you see the text from We do need to get Darren Hunsucker on
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah that would be amazing Yeah that It's kind of stupid i'm kind of embarrassed uh and i don't get embarrassed that um we haven't had him on wow this is nuts i can't believe i'm going to be on the crossfit games podcast what an amazing thing i'm excited for you yeah i'm gonna be on my best behavior do you see chase's tech no you can read it later um uh it's and i'm gonna be i'll be on my best behavior. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I'm going to try not to swear on that one, too. Thanks, Gabe. I appreciate it. Dude, well-deserved, Seb. Congrats. Yeah, it's funny. Thank you. My mom's not going to like this part, but I do deserve it, and thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I earned it. Yeah, this is cool. Ian Beaver, you will be back running media soon and you will forget about us as you should. When I do run media again, I will still do the podcast. Just so you know. When? I don't know. Ten years. Well, hiring me back when I was years. When the world flips all the definitions back to what they used to be. That's a good question. Are they actually going live?
Starting point is 00:57:15 Can you check again, Caleb, and see if we're going live? It says live in 38 hours. I don't know if that means it's set for a premiere or what. No, that's live in 38 hours. don't know if that means it's set for a premiere or what no that's live in 38 hours wow that's a lot that's yeah notify me yeah there you go you can give that a thumbs up too absolutely thank you look at you i'm gonna go over there and give that a thumbs up myself it's gonna be cool it's gonna going to be live. I was actually, I was actually thinking of, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:48 this is so embarrassing. I was actually thinking about asking Pedro to have me on his podcast so I can talk about it. I mean, that'd be cool too. Is there nothing that I, that I, I,
Starting point is 00:58:00 there's things I just shouldn't say, but they still come out of my mouth. I should have kept that to myself. that I, there's things I just shouldn't say. But they still come out of my mouth. I should have kept that to myself. I have this thread. Oh, hide alert. Okay. I had the alerts hidden.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Logan just sent me a text that says congratulations for what? My wife's pregnant. Jethro Cardona, the chat is going to be fire. You guys better be on your best behavior too. No jibber jabbering. Okay. Let's, I have to,
Starting point is 00:58:47 well, let's talk about tomorrow. What is going on? I'm a little, so, so this is crazy what I'm about to share with you guys. Ready for this?
Starting point is 00:58:56 So tomorrow we're starting the show 45 minutes early. Did you see this Caleb? I noticed you muted me the other day. That was a good move when the dog was barking at my door. You're a good dude. Nick Matthew at 6.15 a.m.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Olivia Kerstetter at 7 a.m. Kaikei Cervini. Then there's a break. Okay. So a break at 7.45. Then Kaikei Cervini at 9 a.m. And Kaikei Cerveni at 9 a.m. Then Emily Rolfe at 6.30 p.m.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'm really – the evening is going to be interesting because I've never really spoken with Emily, and I'm very curious how that's going to go. I am really excited to speak with her. I have great respect for her as a games athlete. She's a savage. I think she's probably one of the most underrated. I think so too. Like I think she's a threat to win at least two events at the games every
Starting point is 00:59:56 year. And people forget that. Definitely. I was disappointed when she got injured last year. And then, and then Jay Crouch, which is always interesting or not so interesting. Not so,
Starting point is 01:00:09 I mean, he's one of my favorites, but it could, I need to, I need to text him ahead of time. Be like, dude, you got it.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Every, no matter what I asked you say three sentences. So how old are you? I'm 22 and I'm really enjoying being 22. And you know what? I could be 22 for another four months and be happy with it. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:26 Like just tell them to just elaborate, please. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. I don't know what's going on here. Do you, can you see the schedule?
Starting point is 01:00:36 Let's call Sousa really quick before we end the show. Cause I think, um, he's the 925 number. I think he has down pepper scheduled on Wednesday, but I don't think that's right. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Hi. Hey, I'm looking at Wednesday's schedule. I can't hear anything. You're breaking up. I'm looking at Wednesday's schedule. I can't hear anything. You're breaking up. I'm looking at Wednesday's schedule. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah. And I see Dallin Pepper at 6.15 a.m. Is that off? What do you mean that's off? Oh, did he? I thought he canceled or something. No, no, no. I already rescheduled, but that's his new time.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Oh, oh, shit. Wow. Good job. Okay. Okay. Okay. And then, and that's his new time oh oh shit wow good job okay okay okay and then and then so that's all up to date then luke parker at seven and then page cements at 745 yeah oh i'm gonna do it i'm gonna start a line of something before page comes on i'm gonna be she deserves better than better than that okay yeah you're gonna need a couple cups of coffee there and then I go to oh how am I gonna not pee
Starting point is 01:01:47 for that long well that's why I was gonna set it originally a little bit later and I don't really like to pee I don't like to take pee breaks when there's female guests it's
Starting point is 01:01:59 I don't know why seems rude more rude or during Luke or something you'll pee during Luke Parker? Yeah. Okay. Hey, just when one comes on, just click the other one on.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Click yourself off. Go pee and just see what happens with the two of them in the same spot. Oh, leave Luke and Paige on to just run the show while I pee? 100%. Yeah. Just for like the weirdest 90 seconds of their life. Okay. I like that.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I don't know. And then Wednesday. And then so then we go off the air and then I go over and do the CrossFit Games podcast. Oh, my God. And then do you know who we have that night? And then Wednesday night's just a cakewalk. James Sprague. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Just me and him just being Duncan. Yeah. Easy money with him that night easy money oh i forgot to ask uh page about god speaking of james pregg page was saying that she kind of has new orders from god to be courageous and shoot i screwed that up Shoot, I screwed that up. Strong and courageous. A message from the Lord to her. I will. And then Thursday, Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 01:03:14 6-15 again. Jack Farlow. Will Morad. Yeah. Dang, some OG shit. What day is that and then that's Thursday and then Taylor and JR
Starting point is 01:03:27 I think they have a big show coming this week yep I think they know some stuff hey there's someone in the comments named Dump Truck Hottie that says Seve you need Jesus Dump Truck Hottie is telling me I need Jesus douche got a good dude you need Jesus. Dump truck hotties telling me I need Jesus?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Douche. Douche. Got a good dude. And then oldest Upenex at night. Hey, you've trained me. Where are you? Are you at the gym? No, I was actually outside trying to reset the code on
Starting point is 01:04:02 the Garage for Grace because I thought I was going to be cool and get her this little garage door opener that goes on her keychain and when i went to go program it i fucked the whole thing up and canceled out all our codes so now we can't get into the garage oh back to square one hey you can't swear you can't say the f word on this show page was on it page is gone oh aunt haynes jamie simmons and then the crossfit games update show on friday jamie simmons how have I never interviewed her? What a joke. Hey, I don't think we should do a live call-in show Saturday morning.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Do you know why? Okay. Because we could get more athletes in? No, because I think I shouldn't talk about anything real before the games. Because if I talk about stuff that's real, people will complain. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. before the games because if i talk about stuff that's real people will complain do you know what i mean yeah yeah like oh my god someone asked for proof of climate change or um he doesn't think that you should be allowed to steal stuff from a cvs and it'd be okay and that the earth is flat yeah yeah and i shouldn't be able to i shouldn't even be able to ask if the earth is flat or else
Starting point is 01:05:02 i'm an idiot or i can't um i can't say a woman is beautiful because that's derogatory. So if I avoid doing a Saturday show, I won't do anything like that. Yeah, then it's probably our best bet. Do we want to schedule some athletes in? Yeah, let's schedule some athletes or coaches. Can we get Max Elhaz or something? It's kind of weird talking to him. Yeah, Darren?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Darren, yes. something that's it's kind of weird talking to him yeah darren darren yes i will try to use darren and max like i will milk them like cows back there for behind the scenes content if i see them so i should brush up on my relationships with them milk them like cow i love that visual is there going to be a place for beaver when Seve gets back on the top? Yeah, right there. He's going to be right there. I'm going to be right here. Right in this chair.
Starting point is 01:05:48 He has his place. Yeah. What are you talking about? Fergie showed Jamie Simmons is a goddess. That is how rude. Is that the right answer? How dare you? How dare you see elevate a woman to that?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Be so derogatory. You sexist pig. Is that right? That's good, right? Got him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sunday morning. You guys are all going to meet a previous guest of the show
Starting point is 01:06:20 and my partner in the behind the scenes this year. She will be back on mariah moore we will also be joined with uh andrew hiller who will be doing helping doing amazing work the lord's work as they say in the hood uh we invited patrick rios on who will also be doing the lord's work with behind the scenes caleb will be here. Suze will be here. Who else? Is that the team besides Grace and Isabel?
Starting point is 01:06:51 That's the team. Okay. Yeah. Mariah and I will be the ones doing the deep behind the scenes. You know, like walking into the bathroom and stuff or things like that. The deep, deep, deep behind the scenes when they're fighting with their coaches, when they're crying, when they're vomiting, that stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:16 And then Hiller will do the next ring outside of that ring. Yeah, especially the vomiting. That stuff's going gonna be awesome all right thanks susan i'll let you go thank you i appreciate you getting down back in the groove all right bye guys bye chat are they behaving they're being good dude they're so good yeah Yeah, they're awesome. Okay, bye. Okay, later. Eric Wise, hell yeah, so stoked for this. Thanks, dude. What do you think, Caleb? Greg Glass wants to know if Hiller will wear jorts.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Like, duh. Absolutely. All right. Dick Butter. If anyone says that to you, eat it, Sousa. It's okay unless the guy's name is Dick Butter. Dump Truck Hottie, good night. Thank you, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:08:18 See you tomorrow. Later.

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