The Sevan Podcast - Politics & CrossFit | Colten for President

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I gonna go all in on the loaded taco? No, sir. I'm keeping it simple. Starting small. That's trading on Kraken. Pick from over 190 assets and start with the 10 bucks in your pocket.
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Starting point is 00:00:35 with up to 55 interest-free days. Redefine possible with Business Platinum. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slash business platinum. What you gotta do is you grab a, at the grocery store, grab a bag of frozen mixed berries. And I also get dark cherries. And you just take- And they're all the same.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I like- Hillary was having issues with it. Hold on. I'm talking to Colton about- Let's go live. We're live. We are live. So frozen berries and then heavy whipping cream.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And I like to get like grass fed cream. I don't know. It doesn't really fucking matter. I'm sure. And then just like some wildflower honey and you just put the frozen berries in a bowl. Heavy cream on top, honey. It's like ice.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Did you learn that from me? Heavy cream on berries? I learned from Hiller, but he said he learned it from you. That's good. I learned it from Greg. It's so fucking good. No, I learned it from him. It's fucking amazing. What is that other shit you have in there? No, you learned it from us. That's good. I learned it from Greg. It's so fucking
Starting point is 00:01:35 I just eat out Ben and Jerry's Commuse code word Hiller or seven to get your pre-peptide, not pre-peptides. You get peptides and then you get free bariostatic water. Bacteriostatic. One of those. You get the water that you need mixed with peptides. Sarcoccus has always been great to us. Fantastic. Also- What's Blair's name?
Starting point is 00:01:55 What's all of them? Blair Morrison. Crash Crucible. Will be the rematch of Colt Merton's and Taylor's self. An amazing battle. These guys walked around like gorillas all week. It was awesome, an honor and a pleasure for all of us to speak on behalf of Bryce and Del Monte. Lizzy.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It was such a sick week. How many times did we trade in and out of first place? Dude, all weekend. It was like all weekend, that's crazy. I mean, event one, I was in first, then. Oh, I think you gotta pull your mic down so people can hear you. Event one, I was in first.
Starting point is 00:02:35 You ever done podcasts? Then, we're just gonna ignore this fucker. Event one, I was in first. Then after the gymnastics complex, I think I was in third. Rivetingeting and you were in first, right? and then After about one on the second day. I was back in first. That's event for sorry Participating okay fuck. Yeah, I had to event for I was back in first and then what was the second event last night?
Starting point is 00:03:02 The two lifting running. Oh, yeah, what happened to the bucket the bucket hold? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. So humble. Not in that tone, dude. It's all about tone. You fucking asshole. I know. You were cool. You were cool because you knew that all those dudes ass would beat you. So they just icebreaker. So I was like, fuck you. That was my response. But anyway, that event got canceled. Now Taylor has five grand. And just as a reminder, you could win five grand with the affiliate video contest. Make sure that you submit your video by, well, hopefully they've been submitted by this weekend, but we'll let it
Starting point is 00:03:53 roll into tomorrow. And if you guys have any trouble submitting it, please just shoot me a DM or go to the platform on and you could get a hold me there. Also, please remember, please, please, please. We said it so many times. Do not call me a link. Oh, that's also important as well. Yes. Yes. Please use protection P F a approved condoms only. We need the actual video condoms. We need the actual video file, not a link to your YouTube or to your Instagram or any of that weird shit. So send the actual file. These condoms work underwater.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Ah, every condom has a built in lifeguard. One lifeguard, one, one, uh, one condom, uh, is equivalent to, uh, can, uh, stop up to a million swimmers, swimmers safe. I'm now on the board of directors at PFA. I had heard that. Yeah. Is that a political move on their part to get an asshole like you on the board? Well they just saw how full retard I can go and they wanted someone hands-on to tell other athletes not to do that. They're like we need the most fullest retard on our board of fucking panelists. Let me ask you this. Could you design a workout that design a workout that you, that I was like, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:05:07 I want to see you push so hard that you fucking black out. Yeah. That you get the waw, waw, waw, waw and go 100%. You gave sure as fuck can. He's really fucking really good at it. Oh no. And I'm not talking about the fuck dude. I'm not talking about the workout you're talking about. I'm talking about 19.5 at 24.1 20.1. I mean dude he is off 17.1 You talk about workouts that'll make you fucking just just just Colton do you ever think um, oh I could I could push even harder
Starting point is 00:05:39 I could push so hard that I go into like no man's land Past the unknown until just like yep, I'm going to turn off. Um, I don't know. It's like I might muscles just fail before you get there. He, he is. So I, and during that quarter final workout was in a very unique position where I was the movements, wall balls and box from burpee box from overs where I was fully fit enough
Starting point is 00:06:03 to go like metabolically to push as hard as I was pushing, but my legs had no ability to buffer the lactic acid that I was experiencing that workout. And it just put me in the ground. So I was like, there was this massive discrepancy between my metabolic fitness and what my muscles could handle. And Colton probably doesn't experience that. He has good muscular stamina. And so that's when you got the pudding brain.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Right. Pudding brain. Pudding brain. Not PFA approved. I'm not a fan of the I was like, dude, I can barely add three plus three together. It's still in the morning. Do you remember me say, I was just like, dude, I feel like I have a problem with my I was like, dude, the next morning we went to get breakfast. I was like, dude, I can barely add three plus three together. Still in the morning. Do you remember me say, I was just like, dude, I feel like I have a brain fog. It was crazy, dude. That's nuts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Let me ask you this. No, not you, uh, Colton, um, no one finished the workout in all the heats as you guys approached the floor? Did you at that point start having doubts? Because before you thought you could finish it, right? Yeah, I thought once I first saw the first round of the heat before it's go in, I knew none of them were gonna finish. I thought a few, I thought a handful of us would finish. But none of the women finished either or kids or anyone. Now the women was a little bit harder because of the muscle-ups. I thought a few, I thought a handful of us would finish. But none of the women finished either or kids or anyone. No, the women was a little bit harder because of the muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Took them a little longer than us. But I thought, I thought there would be like half a dozen of us that finished. Yeah, you thought that and then, and then how soon did you know that you were going to be the only one who finished? Like minute four or five. You did. And did you have concerns that you were going to finish? I knew I could stay at the place I was at and I would barely finish and finish with like 30 seconds left I think.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And did it not go as according to plan? Like did you think you were going to do more reps each round? I really didn't have a plan other than I was just going to go by feel and do try and do two sets per round That ended up changing to three smaller sets each round and I was trying to stay Above ten reps a minute and that's just so you guys know that was my game plan I told them before the work. I was like, hey, bro I'm going four three three and I went on the first minute I did four three three. I'm like, holy fuck
Starting point is 00:08:41 I'm not doing that again. I saw Colton on my peripheral do threes. I'm like, Holy fuck, I'm not doing that again. And then I saw Colton on my peripheral do threes. I'm like, God damn it. He's going to be able to do it. I was not able to, what'd you do? Like five, four, three or four, four, four. I did like eights and sevens for a few minutes. And then it was like, you were at 47 when he was at 32. I heard them say Taylor cell, I told Martin's 40.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I was like, Oh, I'm only 15 reps back. So wait, you did, you did, Colt Merton's 40. So I was like, Oh, I'm only 15 reps back. So wait, you didn't, you didn't eights and sevens each round, like for the first two or three minutes and then it'd be like four, four, three, four, three, three, then maybe I get another four, four, three. Did you ever do any sets of two? I don't think so. That's crazy. The water, when you would go out to the
Starting point is 00:09:23 thruster and you would bend over, it wasn't sweat dripping. It was, it was like a puddle was, would just pour off your head. Really? Yeah. It was nuts. Did you feel that? No. Yeah. It was like, just like, it was like someone, it was like it looked like someone turned a hose on it was hot. It was a hundred fucking degrees on the floor. Had to be. Oh, it was hot as fuck. And the warm up area, you guys couldn't, did you use the women's bar in the warm up area? I used the men's bar.
Starting point is 00:09:44 It was hot as fuck. It was burning me. Yeah. I've marked on my neck. I think. Yeah. Where it burnt you. Yeah. Yeah. Taylor poured water on his bar and then I still touched it and it was still too hot. I poured water on it and it dried off immediately. I was like, it would be interesting to find out how exactly how hot those bars were because that shit was roasting all day under the sun. That's part of why our hands ripped. Yeah, our hands, our hands got destroyed. Oh, I saw some dark, dark Spartan on my hands right now. So they look white. And by dark Spartan, I mean, if you guys have got a ball sack, if that thing ever gets sweaty, you got a ball sack and that sack ever gets moist or sweaty.
Starting point is 00:10:21 You need dark Spartan balls powder, the best ball powder on the planet. There can see. We're on a podcast. And all the way, by the way, I tried to live stream that event. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast. I tried to do a podcast see. We're on a podcast. And all, by all the way, by the way, I tried to live stream that event and I think we only made it through the first like two minutes and I went back over to check my phone and it had overheated and it was like so hot. It like, it was like burning to the touch to grab. So sorry about that guys.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Tried to try to make it happen. You think that's bad for your phone? Oh dude, it's terrible for your phone. My phone's overheated three times this weekend since we've been here and it hasn't. Yeah. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not a pound of weight. Cause all the dick pics she gets.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Load up. She's the girl who needs like a month sabbatical from her phone. You know what I mean? I didn't see her on her phone at all. I didn't either. I was probably on my phone. Oh, I know the guy you were talking about. The Sean guy.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. He was in my division. Yeah. He's cool. Is that her boyfriend? I have no idea. I didn't like him though, cause he was six points behind me on the first day and you guys were like, hey Sean's gonna catch it buddy
Starting point is 00:11:48 Um at first I thought he was injured. I thought he was wearing a sling, but it was like some I don't know what he was wearing. He's wearing something weird on his arm or something. He was cool I stole a bag of ice for him. I stole a bag of ice for him and then uh, he got caught with it And then I took the blame for it like a big bad guys. You go in the ice bath today. Not after you told me that one saw what pissed in it. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:12:15 There's no, there's no evidence. Yeah, there's no evidence. She just told me she peed in the ice bath. I'm like, damn bro, you just out here snitching or what? Was that fucked up? Should I know? No, no, no, it's fine. Yeah, fuck you guys told all of us and it's a community ice bath Listen, I pissed in the public pool You don't think anyone if you don't think everyone pees in the pool and if you don't think like one out of four athletes pees in the uh,
Starting point is 00:12:38 Dude ice bath then you're crazy at Bryson's apartment complex. They caught a fat couple fucking in the pool. And I was like, damn, dude, I will not have it. They were fucking in the pool. Was it like a tsunami? Did the waves just start coming out, like taking chairs out and shit? You can hear their fat smack on the water. How did you catch them? Well, can Bryson tell a story about the couple he caught? Maris started screaming.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I like how all of the stories start with Maris. Yeah, because she's loved my life. So anyone in the comments talking about trying to objectify me, just don't even bother. Hide and relax. Hide and relax. Hide and relax. Dry it out. This muppet is taken. But I was in the bedroom. Maris was in like our living room sort of thing and she just starts screaming. She's like, Bryson, you need to come out here. And I walk out and she's like freaking out. I'm like, what? Like, chill out. What's going on? And she's like, look out the window. And if you look out the window, it's like this nasty pool. That's our apartment complex
Starting point is 00:13:36 pool. There's only two people in it. Two people in the back corner, like up into the corner, the guys got the girl in the back corner, like up into the corner, the guy's got the girl in the corner and he's facing her and it's just like, wow, wow, wow. Wow. And you know what else? Fat people get in hot tubs to clean themselves. Yeah. Like they'll wipe their ass in hot tubs with the jet. And then Maris eventually was like, asked me, she's like, should I say something? Should I say something? How fat is fat? Like a hundred over each. The dude wasn't fat. Oh, the girl though. She was like sporty Beth level. Yeah. Like it was crazy. And so Maris keeps asking me, she's like, I got to do something about it. Like just let them, like, I don't know. We don't go in the pool anyway. Like just let them be. And then she's like,
Starting point is 00:14:23 I can't. And then she did. You start jerking off. Did you get horny? I had already come at this point. Marissa opens the door and she screams out. She's like, there's kids here. You need to stop. Wow. Both our dogs go out and start freaking out and barking.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So they definitely know who it was. Like if we ever walked by on the street, they know who good with the one who yelled at her, but yeah, also my, my my one of my buddies is friends with the doctor and the doctor told him he has a bunch of obese patients and they say they can't clean themselves and stuff and they all go to public hot tubs and sit in front of the Jets and like let it get in between their butt crack and use it to wipe their Butt because they can't wipe their butt on their own because they're so fat or the underneath fat bowls and shit So so so this is not on something this is that what's worse that or? Stall with this in the well, that's what I'm saying when you when Hiller said that and she was Travis brawl was here
Starting point is 00:15:11 He would be drinking that fucking ice tub water. He loves her We should have said we should put a sign Hey, the other girl said hey Lauren you could sell a cup of this for a thousand bucks. Give Ben's kid to start selling Matt water. That's what I'm saying. Oh my God. You guys are sickos. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Well, I hope she takes that as a compliment. That was an amazing story. You're so hot that entrepreneurs want to get around to you. Shut the fuck up, Bryson. Hey, sign up for Sentinel Training. I'm not going to be a dick. Sign up for Sentinel Training. It will change your fitness.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Anyone watching the show. Yeah. I mean, if you do an actual rep to standard, if that means you're fitter because you actually get a score on the workout, then it will change your fitness. But no one's saying anyone's a bad person or anything like that. I think Maris is a bad person. And she knows people stop. Yeah, he's got to finish.
Starting point is 00:16:10 They did, I think. Maris, I'm going to I appreciate the sentiment of asking to stop, but I think you could have yelled last time, guys, we don't want to see this again. Go ahead and finish up. But last time. I'm a compassionate soul. What would Jesus do? I just want to hop right in there. And every brief I heard before the workout, they were talking about establishing a hang and not a lot of athletes did it.
Starting point is 00:16:39 So I sure, but she was the first one when came across my Instagram feed, saw her blatantly not establish a hang. So I made a comment about how'd you know it was her first rep? Cause across my Instagram feed, saw her blatantly not establish a hang. So I made a comment about it. How'd you know it was her first rep? Because she picked it up off the ground. OK. What Bryson's talking about is Bryson and the super hot chick from Invictus with the blonde hair, Stalwood.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Stalwood made a post, and she picks the kettlebell off the ground and snatches it. And you were supposed to pick it up, and that was your starting position, and then snatch it. You have to show hip extension first. You have to establish Jonathan or take us post. You have to establish a hang. I know, but I'm saying that for people who speak English, not people who speak cross Hey and Taylor only didn't win that event by six seconds.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And I don't know who won, but I'm just saying like if someone every single time they pick the kettlebell up, didn't establish a hang, that's way more than six seconds. So I don't even know. I'm just saying like if someone every single time they pick the kettlebell up didn't establish a hang, that's way more than six seconds. So I don't even know. I'm not, I'm just saying in that situation, like it could be possible that it could be important. And if you get briefed on that, you should just do it. Do you think less of Stallwood because she did that? Yes. Yes. I think less of everyone who doesn't move the stand. Hey, what would you rather, if you could, if you could remove one thing from her weekend, would it be the pee in the ice tub? Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I would want her to establish a hang and piss in every fucking ice tub. Yeah, I agree. Hey, listen, I used to do that too. And then the only time Andy never no rep me, judging me, and I got fucked for it, was during 2021 quarter finals workout three, the dumbbell hang power clean, in push-up double under workout
Starting point is 00:18:06 And I didn't fully establish a hang like I picked them up, but I was still flexed I paused but I paused in like a flexed chest forward position went to my reps and they fucked me on those And ever since then and he's like, yeah, you know, I kind of saw you didn't establish the hang But I didn't want to slow you down. Sorry bud. I love it when you imitate and every other workout He has a good Andy voice like like dude that on that same year than the nine six three power snatch burpee box jump over He's before I'm warming up. He's like, hey, make sure you extend your knees, bro. They're looking a little soft I'm like I got it three two one go. I do three snatches touch and go I was doing the whole set of nine touch and go he goes no rep. I look over do I second one?
Starting point is 00:18:44 He goes no rep. I look over, do I second one? He goes, no rep. I look over, do I throw one? He goes, no rep. I dropped the ball. I was like, what the fuck? And I yelled at him so hard, stopped the workout, redid it, but everybody needs that. That's all Bryson's trying to be.
Starting point is 00:18:55 That's all Bryson's trying to be for you. I don't actually think Lesserper for doing it. I think Lesserper for seeing the video and still like standing by the fact that hey She said looks like a hang the January six was an insurrection. I don't know what you say That's the thing that's the thing hey Hey, all all people are trying to do you become a better mover like my first coach in my first crossfit gym She used to always tell me she's like Taylor you fucking move like shit and I was like damn really
Starting point is 00:19:23 She's like, yeah, you move like and I was like damn really she's like, yeah you move like shit So like I was just obsessed with moving. Well, I went to Andy's gym same thing He's like not that I moved like shit at that point, but he was always like, hey, you know if if you get a penalty Are you gonna know up? It's always on you. It's always on you So just make sure you don't give the judge an opportunity to know rep you that's the as an athlete It should never be in the judges hands and then if the judge fucks up it's actually their fault it's not your fault you know what I mean? Well my judge fucked up tonight.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah and that's which one which happens. Restress. What happened? I did a perfect rep and I got no rep. How many times that happened? I think just once. But you know it's perfect. Yeah Andrew's got the video
Starting point is 00:20:06 the only post that I'm gonna try and find and see which one could have possibly been a no rep. They didn't want anyone to finish the workout and they saw that he was getting closer like fuck this we gotta no rep him. We gotta slow this man down. Did you ever have that judge before? I don't think so. You know well I guess everyone knew who you were there. You think they judge you harder because you're cold and learn? I think in our sport there are some judges who are not able to take their Personal feelings about athletes out of it. Oh 100 percent they will if they have an athlete they like there's zero chance they will ever know if that athletes and If they have an athlete that they don't like they're gonna make them hold them to a standard
Starting point is 00:20:45 that is not what the rest of the field is doing. Right. That's a fact. To help out an athlete that they like. Do you think that there's judges who don't like certain athletes? Oh, a hundred percent. Dude, I'm lucky that I don't get any of those. I bet there's a bunch of judges out there who would dick me down.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Look, I'm just saying this, that he's a hundred percent right. And it's not the event organizers fault. It's just the fact that, hey, when you're running a big event, you've got to get volunteers. And unfortunately, I don't think it's Stalwood's fault either. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. Hey, you fucking asshole. No, let me let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Who's a asshole right now? No, it's not. OK, so if I if I'm in the NFL and I step on the and I step on the line there and the judge in the referee doesn't call my shit, what am I supposed to do? Stop and go. Oh, sorry, guys. Let me run it back to the 20 yard line. I was out of bounds. So if she did what she did there and then was allowed to do the movement, how is it her fault? It's not an integrity competition. You have to find out who's talking about right now though right kind of is if you want to standard if you want to win just because your judge was lenient you want to win because you win because you found a shortcut on the chair that nobody else saw oh i did then get fucked i want because i'm fitter than you i don't want to win because i don't want to win just for the sake of winning i want to win because i'm fitter yeah and i 100 agree with that if you want like hey oh i want this call to go my way this call call to go that way. A hundred percent. That's bullshit. You know, I would, it would feel disgusting to sit on top of the podium and
Starting point is 00:22:11 know that you had blurred all those lines. But the problem is Golden, the people blurring those lines don't, they don't think the way we think. So when they're on top of the podium, they're not thinking, Ooh, I blurred all these lines, but here I lie. They're thinking, yeah, I fucking want, or they're also just justified by saying, well, the judge never called me on it, so I must have been fine. Right. And you weren't. Well, it's not it's not. If I could shoot somebody in the fucking head, but no one sees it's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:37 No, I'm not saying that's fine. I know, Suzy is what you're saying. That's fine. Of course, I'm saying it's fine. I'm. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. It's not her fault if she got a rep for it. We're not even talking about stallwood anymore. We're just talking about the sport. Yeah, we're not talking about it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 But I am. It's not her fault if she got a rep. It's just her fault that it wasn't a legal rep. The call isn't her fault. Right. Right. I'm not saying that. Debra Bryson made a good point.
Starting point is 00:23:18 He was like, well, she posted it and then stood by it in the comments. I was like, well, I got nothing for that. Hey, we've all, we've all done fucking bad reps. Hey, with one only that that's not, that'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, it out. And I was like, that's weird. I had to tell the only thought in my head.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I just thought that's weird that they're telling Colt to lock it out. I was fucked up. My thirst was, I can't wait for anybody to post that video. He moves like a dream. Hey, well, I saw something that I, in the, I don't know, 18 or 20 years I've been filming in competitions that I'd never seen before.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Which was? You'll have to see the behind the scenes, but it's along these exact lines. I saw an interaction between a judge and an athlete that I cannot even fucking believe. Oh, yeah. I know what you're talking about. I cannot even believe. It's not bad. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:24:16 It's just, I just can't. Dude, this behind the scenes is going to be so cool. Yeah. It was wild. It's going to be interesting. I'm curious how people are gonna react But but it's along the lines of what colton said Did we get enough do we get any footage of like us just hanging around in the house? No, uh, we did little yeah I got that we got we got a couple conversations
Starting point is 00:24:35 It wasn't like it was rolling the whole time But like the car trips out once we got not enough to know that we're all gay We probably can't we probably can't do all of that because like I say things if they were on there You shit with the bathroom door open twice. I did not I did not I Pissed sitting down dude. You walked through the whole house naked or laundry. I pissed sitting down. I wasn't taking a shit really Okay, well that much I don't believe you That much the second time I was sitting down and you're a grown-ass man, and I walked by the bathroom and the door Getting the second time. I hope you are at least okay fine you pee with the door open while you're sitting down and you're a grown ass man and I walk by the bathroom and the doors open, you're kidding. The second time. We hope you are at least. Okay, fine. You pee with the door open
Starting point is 00:25:08 while you're sitting. Fine. How's that? Okay. Yeah, that's not a big deal. The earlier I went to, this is probably way, way worse. Earlier, I was like, all right, I'm doing laundry and I'm going to have to walk through naked because I didn't bring a towel with me. I had to throw my dirty. You gave a warning? That was before you took up any clothes though. Yeah. my dirty. You gave a warning. That was before you took up any class. Yeah. And so I just not even like I just I just took a box to see four in there and I fucking put my clothes in the wash and I walked out with the box over my cock and just walked through fully naked. It's a dick in a box. And I didn't know Colton was in there. I thought it was just my wife and Suza,
Starting point is 00:25:42 but it was. Oh, please. Dude, what? Oh, so Colton's different than your wife and Sousa? No, I just didn't want to fuck up. You didn't want any gay men in there? No, I didn't know. I'm not as comfortable being gay around Colton as I would be around Sousa and my wife. Hey. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:59 You took it to the next level. And then, so you guys do that that event and then did you guys know right away that Colton won and that you took second? I knew right away Colton won and I was thinking that I probably took third and Tudor passed me because he beat me by six reps. Colton didn't even look happy when he crossed the finish line. No, Colton looked pissed the whole weekend. They hit him 20 grand and got pissed up. Yesterday Colton's like, this is the most fun I've heard Colton laughs when Golden laughs out loud. Nothing makes me happier. It's like Hiller's laugh too. You jive up a little. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I love your shit. Hey, let's talk about Hiller a little bit. Dude, he was roided out. He was roiding. Last night, I couldn't believe how heated he got. I was like, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. Dude, he was roided out. He was roiding. Last night, I couldn't believe how heated he got. He stared at me from where Susa's sitting and seared a hole in my soul. Dude, this is how crazy Hiller is, dude. For 10 minutes last night, all Hiller did was mocked exactly what I said and tried to sound exactly like me. I was there for that. That was me. I was there for that.
Starting point is 00:27:05 That was crazy. I was there for that. That was crazy. He did that for 10 minutes. It was, I was, dude, I was, it was nuts. Oh my God. Oh Hill dog. I think that we, um, anyone else would need to be added to the house or that's it.
Starting point is 00:27:19 We found the perfect. JR would be really fun and Peter would be cool to have. Oh yeah. JR would be fun. Will is always a great touch. Will be cool to have. Oh, yeah, yeah will Zoe the great touch Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Peter. Well, yeah But the problem with will is like you could say something and he would make you feel a little bad about it The good thing about this group is we can say literally anything and no one's gonna make you feel bad about it But if you said well would give you one of these there are some things where well
Starting point is 00:27:38 There's something where we need them will does this he goes. Hey And he's kind of joking but he's also kind of being serious. Didn't Bryson, Bryson showed him. You showed him some dude getting his head popped off and you got reprimanded for that on Instagram. You should show them the video of those pit bulls. You know, that guy's cock. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Did you see that Colton? You do not want to see it. You do not. You know, Hilar showed it. It was a video where they caught a pedophile and he's in the street. You don't know that that's the story. Sevan's making this up.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It could be some totally- You're right, you're right. But that's what it says on there. That's what it says on there. But you're right. It could be just a fucking- Does it say that? Yeah, it says,
Starting point is 00:28:16 it says this is what they do with pedophiles in like Nicaragua. Oh, and it says dude tied with his hands tied behind his back in the street and people eat his penis And though it's like a video they they eat a hole into them. It's crazy This is we are like a group of middle schoolers who like get access to the dark web for the first time I wish I wouldn't have seen it. Yeah me too Bryson's entire discover feed on Instagram is people getting killed by like fucking to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm like, I'm man and no one wants to fuck with me. I don't know. I got, I only got harassed yesterday and it was just like over and over again, like are you official media or you fish me? And I was like, I'm a Sevan. They were like, who's Sevan? It's like, Oh, that hurts. I was like, I would just have a wristband. That's all I know.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But it was a bunch of times on the first day. I think you got a mess with a little bit too. Didn't you get off the floor? Oh no, maybe you did. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. Well, they were good. I mean, I thought they were great They told us when we got there that we weren't gonna have access to the floor and they gave us the best access I mean, yeah, I mean it was great. It was just you had to argue a little bit at least in my case Um Colton Merton's Colton some filmmaker there Colton. You don't even know the filmmaker, right? Not koala fit. Yeah koala fit or something like that Colton, some filmmaker there, Colton, you don't even know the filmmaker, right? Not Kuala Fit.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah. Kuala Fit or something like that. She took a bunch of footage of Colton and put it together and made a video of Colton. It was the snatch workout, right? And it's a sick video and she posted on her account. She offered a collab with Colton and he took it. And I'm just thinking to myself, why aren't all like, if you're a fucking 19
Starting point is 00:30:02 year old kid who wants to get in the video business, it doesn't even matter if you do CrossFit, come to some event like this, pick the best dude there and be like, Hey dude, I'm going to make a fucking montage for you for every single event. Pick the hottest chick and the best dude. Not the hottest dude, the best dude and the hottest chick, not the best chick, the hottest chick. Those are the two you pick. Do you know what the process was to get a media pass though? Like could you just be some random 19 year old and no but you but you could make what that you could an event like this you could just be in the in the bleacher seats. Yeah I think the one that was made of Colton though was pretty up close and personal. I think I saw her. Oh well you but you could even do that here you
Starting point is 00:30:40 could probably call these event organizers and be like hey I want to make free Instagram videos for the best athletes. Yeah yeah yeah I feel like it has, I want to make free Instagram videos for the best. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like it has to be easy. If you Jeanine, is that their media lady? I don't know if it's, I don't know if she's in charge of like everything.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You could just ask someone like her contact Blair Ben and tell them what you want to do. And it's a crazy ad value to the athletes and the event. But dude, if you got, if you would have made one of those for Colton for every Every event he to collab with you on all of them you'd have gotten fucking eight posts on a fucking account
Starting point is 00:31:12 That has a give a hundred thousand yet. Colton. I was getting closer by last a couple hundred this Hanging out with us. I didn't lose some that's awesome. That's amazing. That's good. Fuck those people. Anyways, cold, cold, the herd. Yeah, exactly. They don't have spending power. Anyway, that I did run into the qualifit chick. I wish I could. I should have got asked her for her name again, but I told her about the real and I was like, hey, that was really cool. We all were talking about and she was like, she was pumped. She was like, dude, that's so it reminds me of so much shit I would do. That's just that's the way you do it. That's how you break in. Imagine if you had done that for like, um, uh, Trista Smith all weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I mean, if you're willing to put in the work and you just show up and start doing it and start cladding with them, dude, you could bring a laptop and knock those out in no time for every event. You're real time. You can just sit under the shade, do it and just upload it right to your phone right there. Uh, Trista Smith had a Taylor self moment. Huh? What do you mean? I'm not going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm just going to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that. I'm just going to say that place. I was going to say she had an RPE three against Taylor's RPE 10 in the struggles. She did go down though. He didn't go down in the workout. Well, I saw her wobbling at rep 52. She was definitely wobbled legs and she had to be helped off the field. And just so anyone, if anyone wants to talk any shit, it was, I'm surprised that
Starting point is 00:32:40 there weren't that. Well, we saw, what was that? It was so hot. There was another, um, I think her name's Emily. She was another part of the Invictus girls that were there, but she came up and she was one that was like wobbling. Yeah. Yeah. We'll get her water chairs. Can I sit down and we're like, no, but just sit and she sat there and you went and grabbed her water. And then she was, it took her probably about five minutes to come to, Hey, none of her teammates were even around, right? She just kind of ran to a chair and it flopped down. Yeah. That's the super hot Asian girl. I ran to get her a water.
Starting point is 00:33:06 With the cameras bouncing around. You're a good dude. Well, she's hot. Literally, she was in that case. I am a good dude. Oh, Emily Rathwill? Chris Giles got it. Hot AF.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I spoke to her boyfriend quite a bit. Holden? a bit Holden Yeah, I'm holding wrathful. Yeah Well, they're not our boyfriend husband, huh husband Yeah, he's her husband. Yeah, I chatted with him a bit. He was in good mood He seemed I've chatted with him before I think I chatted with him a little bit at West Coast classic He was more tense. Everyone's more relaxed here. Wouldn't you say oh way more relaxed? You like it Colton more relaxed. I was trying to's more relaxed here. Wouldn't you say? Oh, way more relaxed. You like it? Colton? More relaxed? I was
Starting point is 00:33:46 trying to be more relaxed on purpose. Just to not have as much emotional stress and just because it really wears you out. Yeah, like I was making the big point this weekend to not let any of the other shit affects me. And like just be relaxed. And I don't want to say have fun, but just kind of enjoy it. And not put a lot of pressure on it and I think that helped my performance a ton. I mean, like it's weird, like Friday night
Starting point is 00:34:19 after I was in first, I was starting to feel it a little bit. Like starting, like Friday I felt really good as far as not feeling any pressure on any of the events. And after being in first I started to feel a little bit. So I just said before I go to bed, like, no God, just help me be relaxed. And then I had a dream that night. It was kind of weird. Like we're back at my mom's funeral. But my mom was there. And we're hanging out.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And then things are wrapping up. Everybody leaves. And then we're putting stuff away. And I'm talking to my mom. She's like, I just give this stuff away because I got to go. And then I'm like like why are you leaving? And I woke up and like well I guess I don't care about the comp now.
Starting point is 00:35:14 My god. Oh my god. You're making me cry. I know. Shit. It's as if God said oh your leg hurts let me punch me in the arm. You're not thinking about your leg now, but then um You guys just having that perspective kind of helped me start the weekend and today would actually be her birthday. Oh, man Hey, have you had a lot of dreams with her?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah like regularly Uh, yeah, pretty regularly when I'm thinking about it a lot to make it hurt worse Or do you like do you wish you keep having them or does it make it hurt like no, that's better. Yeah Did you dream about your dad? Yeah You still dreaming about now, but you wish you did Yeah more Damn that's wild
Starting point is 00:36:02 That's a crazy dream. Yeah, that is a crazy dream. Hey, it was a really relaxed weekend for me too. And I'm really happy. No one's asked you yet. I'm just saying I'm really happy that I hope your performance. It's like it was, this was so much fun. It was so much fun. It was the most fun I've had in a come.
Starting point is 00:36:22 So when you woke up, I'm trying to remember. So when you go up yesterday morning, that's what you woke up to. Like you woke up, I'm trying to remember, so when you go up yesterday morning that's what you woke up to like you woke up and the dream stopped and and then we we left late yesterday right? We had a late day, late morning. And then you had those, did you see, Colton did you see Taylor before the final event? Did you look over at him? We fist bumped at the starting line but what about did you see him in the corral um not a lot in the corral he was absolutely coming unhinged no i wasn't dude bryson was he coming unhinged in the corral what are you talking about i mean you and you and you and tutor look like your dad was about to come home and spank you. Both of you guys were standing next to each other freaking out.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Well, because I knew this. You look like you were a space shuttle. Hold the one in the final and there's no fucking way I'm going to be within two places of him because I knew he was going to murder it. And my hope was like, you know, okay, just honestly. You look like you had already started the workout while you were in the corral. I don't know. It went good for me.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It did go good, but you guys were fucking like intense in there. You and Tudor, you think it's a worst feeling to be in what you were in where it's like, oh, I have to stay away from Tudor. Like I'm doing damage control. I need to stay in second. Yeah. Or would you rather have been in like a spot where you like could have beaten Colton and then it's like, and it kind of gets you amped up. It's like, all right, I'm going to fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Well, that's like the difference between the first and the last event. In the first event, I'm really nervous because I know I can do really well. And I know how bad it will hurt if I do really well. The last event, I'm like, man, I don't want to get hurt. I still need to do really well. I need to keep that person in. I don't know how my game plan is going to work. They're they're both. it's kind of like equal. And what I would say is like,
Starting point is 00:38:08 I still get super, I get a ton of like angst, anxiety right before the event. Not like, not like, oh, I need a Xanax anxiety, but just like you get the fucking nerves are going. So maybe get that word out of here. It's not anxiety. I get pre-event nerves where like you're excited, you're scared. Yeah, that's what you look like. You looked excited would be better. I mean, you look really alert. Like you were about to get in a fight. Yeah. Aggressive. The only event this weekend that you looked that nervous. I mean, I think you walk around and your eyes start getting squinty and you get tense and like you start filling up a little bit with blood, but that event you were fucking like get a little that event was like most Events at semi-finals. Yeah, I get that I get that way when it's like it but
Starting point is 00:38:50 what I've learned over the semi-finals this most recent time was the first competition where I was like, I What I was super at ease is that I don't need to be at that level of it of Emotion when I'm'm at home with everyone. So this is why I love a weekend like this, because hey, when you get there to start warming up, you're going to have all those nerves. For me, there's no way I'm going to get rid of them unless I just don't care. And I'll never not care. But I don't need to take this space and turn it into that. Right. It's almost better and more potent if you wait. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:25 And then turn it on when you need to. So learning to just, hey, just don't think about it, thinking about it and getting worked up over here. Well, like there's some benefit to visualization. There's some benefit to thinking every last thing through, but there's also some benefit to having no cortisol in your body. Feeling those things is really draining, especially over a multi-day comp. Super draining, super draining. And like, man, having you and Bryson and you and fucking Colton and
Starting point is 00:39:49 Hillary here and my wife, which is like, you know, making, making you laugh. Dude, it's like, it was just the best. Yeah. So Susa. No, he said, I said all of us. Susan, just didn't get a name mentioned, but Hey, Sue, Matt, fucking Susan, Matthew, Susan Matt fucking Suze. Matthew, Suze, king of Livermore.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Colton put his stepson, Taylor, in place, Ironhawk. I thought I was his mini-me. Colton, when you. Dude, a lady came up to me and had a whole conversation with me thinking I was Colton. Yeah, I'm not fucking kidding. I got it on film. That'll definitely be in the video.
Starting point is 00:40:24 She was like 100, so I don't blame her, dude. She was all, did you have a color? Yeah, I was like, I'm not colton. Yeah, i'm not fucking kidding. It was awesome. I got it on film. That'll definitely be in the video. She was like 100. So I don't blame her dude. Did you ever film her? Yeah, I was like, uh, i'm not colton. That's colton. Oh, it runs back to colton. She's like fuck you dude, idiot. That was amazing. Yeah, it was so funny. Um, oh, I've done uh, crossfit for 12 years. Never looked at the men. But now now as I'm older I realize I only want a man who crossfits Yeah, how could you not? Colton when we were talking about game plans I'm paraphrasing but Taylor and you were talking he goes. Yeah, what do you think about this number? You're like, that's good He's like, what do you think about this number? And he's and you're like, that's good
Starting point is 00:41:01 You guys were like brainstorming and I think maybe he said something to you like, what are you going to do? He's like, I'm just going to go for it. Like, I'm not going to even make a plan. I'm just going to fucking like try to finish it. Even if it means you fucked up. Yeah. I mean, I wasn't going to try and like find who's in second and then beat them. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I wanted to win it and win it dominantly. I was happy as the only person who finished just from my ego sake that's all good And finishing the weekend with an event when deals good like a lot of times it's hard to game plan for events because it's better to kind of become intuitive with your body and You're gonna want to you can be aggressive but also do it out for the first couple minutes in an event like that You can be aggressive, but also do it out for the first couple minutes in an event like that. Did you talk to Ben and Blair about the workout? Did they think anyone would finish? Did they plan that no one would finish?
Starting point is 00:41:55 I'm not sure if they planned no one to finish. I think they were okay with it. Like sometimes you have an event where basically no one finishes. It just shakes out to be hard. Well, it's cool. It's a cool event if no one finished because someone got 97 reps is that what we heard? 93 was Ilya the Ukrainian kid. And what place did he take over? You know? Second I thought. Oh over the weekend. Yeah. Let me pull this up. Ilya seventh and he got. He took seventh overall. 92 reps on the thrust to work out. Okay so so everyone was that would have needed at least one more round To get to near him to finish. Yeah, I would have needed three more rounds Or no fuck you all right just saying Whose feet are closer to touching the ground on the couch Sevan or Colton?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Colton's. All right. Keep mine bent then. Please get it off the screen. He was talking about the comment you left up there because he said it was an embarrassing comment. And yeah, you can submit the video submissions through a Google drive. That's perfectly fine. I had a line about politics that I wanted to share. Can I ask one question before you do that?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah, because I can't even remember the question. Does it when you were getting towards the end of the workout and you knew your rep count was pretty high and you still had some time on there when you looked left and right to the field and you saw pretty much everybody bent over hands on these just suffering and you were still standing up. Does that give you a mental edge? Yeah, all the time for sure. I mean, I was definitely feeling it too. I was getting like you get down with your thrusters, you're heading back to the muscle ups. You just can't catch your breath and you have that pit in your stomach Like you want to puke But I wasn't gonna let those pussies see that There so well I mean I was super close to the three of them like getting the shots like running up after they'd finish the muscle ups and Every time I turn and Cole would be walking back to the muscle ups his poker face was insane I was like is this good you doing the fucking hurting right now?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Like it doesn't look hard when you finish a workout and you're hurting a lot, but you don't show it and somebody else is rolling around next to you. That's better than sex. Hey, you know, my, hold on. I gotta tell a story about that. That's the best experience I had with that was the first year crash ever happened. It was the first event and Jr. Put me in his fucking bitchy and the first workouts to this day
Starting point is 00:44:25 One of the most painful workouts I've ever done. It was a 1k run on the runner 75 wall balls 50 GHDs 25 muscle-ups 50 GHD 75 wall balls 1k run and The time cap was so fucking aggressive and I fucking going to that workout I was like a fuck like you have none of you have ever seen me this fucking pissed for being the fucking bitchy and I murdered fucking everyone and I finished the workout and just fucking walked out and was like fine and then every he went after that and they were all walking on the runner for the last one k and it's like no one was even within a minute it was such a good feeling better than sex it was such a good fucking feeling I was like I just fucking came all over all these dudes and they have no idea who I am Hey, so so um
Starting point is 00:45:06 So you can get a second win if you look if you're tired But you look over and you see someone else is more tired than you can get like a burst of energy from that Yeah, it's this sport is incredibly mental even on the field Yeah, you don't want to show any weakness and you don't want anybody to think that oh I should have a chance of catching them Just like even on the run. I'm sure Taylor can tell this better than anybody Yeah, you don't want to show any weakness and you don't want anybody to think that, oh, I should have a chance of catching them. Just like, even on the run, I'm sure Taylor can tell this better than anybody. Like when you're passing somebody, you're focusing on like, what does their breathing sound like?
Starting point is 00:45:35 And you know, based on that, like, are they going to respond to me passing them or not? Do I have to worry about them later? You can know, you can compare their breathing to yours. And you're like, I know if I pass them right now They're done or you know, like oh this guy's still breathing pretty good. Mm-hmm Yeah on shorter races for sure like that like the squat clean 400 I passed Sean Sweeney Hans and a couple other guys in the run and I could just knew I was like they don't have what I have right now on the on that five and a half mile
Starting point is 00:46:02 Dude, I race on runs like that. I race like a fucking Dick that guy, that wrestler or I mean, his name was Hunter. He was one of the guys who ran off into the woods and took us off course. And when we were coming back, so you know how we ran up the beach and we went left and out around that loop. We were coming back. Me and Sean had pulled the head a bit in front because we were the people in the back of the line who went off course.
Starting point is 00:46:23 So when we turned around, we were in front. He started to try to, this one guy started to try to pull ahead on that nice wide path when we're running past the beach and he would step up to the side of me. I knew he was trying to pull off and I'd step right in front of him and he'd step up to the side of me. I'd step right in front of him and he goes, I hear him laugh. And I was like, man, I'm being such a Dick right now, but he wanted to go faster than me. And I knew in my head, I was like, you're being such a dick right now But he wanted to go faster than me and I knew in my head
Starting point is 00:46:45 I was like you're not fit enough to fucking pass me and hold in front of me in the race I'm not letting you pass me and I just fucking pushed him basically off I'm passing people quiet my breath on purpose. Yeah, they don't hear you. Yeah. Yeah, because if they hear that i'm tired they go fuck I can Yeah, break if I keep for them merton self 2024. Hope to see you boys at socal tier. Wadaplooza. I'll be there to MC. Are you going to that Colton? Are you going to that Taylor? No. Oh, Ryan, good luck. Uh, emceeing. Hey Pat, Pat and Brent will be there, dude. You got all the, you got all the, what you got all you need. If either way it still feels that great passing a mom's at the nine AM class at
Starting point is 00:47:23 my gym too. So I know exactly what you guys are talking about. For all of you who. Support for today's episode comes from one skin. Do you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what I mean? A little too much time in the sun. It's no secret that UV rays can take a toll on our skin, leaving it dry, tired and less vibrant. If you want to hit that undo button on UV induced aging, say hello to one skin, your secret weapon against the summer's toll
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Starting point is 00:50:21 sent you. Okay. You made it. There was a post today that we put up on the Savon podcast and it's you. Colton and Tudor. Podium. And you're wearing your Trump Vance 2024 hat. Correct. And some lady commented. She goes, uh, thought CrossFit would really keep politics out of it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 But then this face, which face that's a pretty good impression of that emoji. Yeah. Wiggly mouth like, so she was being critical of the fact of wearing a Trump Vance hat. Yeah. I think it shouldn't be should politics not be in CrossFit. I don't think there's any space for people with sanity in this country to keep their opinions quiet because we've let the fucking retards drive the school bus for way too fucking long and I'm so fucking sick of woke people. I'm sick of fucking mentally deranged people
Starting point is 00:51:17 who think they can fucking change the whole world to their fucking worldview and I'm sick of fucking communism. I'm sick of fucking socialists. I'm sick of fucking people trying to hijack our fucking constitution. Get the fuck out of here and I'm not going to fucking be quiet anymore. I just don't fucking care. Can you tell me one of the things that these people do that makes you so, um, feel so passionate like that? No, no, they mutilate fucking genitalia of kids. They trying to fucking groom our fucking kids. They're trying to fucking kill our second amendment, right? They're trying to censor free speech. Oh, we're gonna Kamala Harris going live and say or honor fucking speech saying we're gonna fucking hold these big tech companies accountable for misinformation on their platform. Like that. Hey, that's what Brazil's doing. Do we want to be a fucking country where you have fucking thought police?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Fuck you, you dumb bitch. This is what this fucking asshole lady said to me. And I fucking gave it to her, dude. Let me ask you this before you read it. So, the points that make you so adamant about wearing the Trump Vance hat is that you don't want kids like it's happening around the country now already where kids at 12 years old can build a relationship with their teacher that ends up with them getting their penises chopped off and that and that the teachers are fine $5,000 if they tell
Starting point is 00:52:30 the parents about that fucking ridiculous you don't like a pre-speech oh and what was even if it's hate speech even if it's speech I disagree with Wow potent I agree with both of those. And, and let's clear things out. Someone comments on your YouTube. He deleted comment. That's not censoring free speech. It's your fucking comment.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Right. Your pay. Yeah, it's your plot. But for the government to fucking cancel people. Oh my God. So, so you're saying like the Russian lab, the, the Hunter Biden's laptop. Everyone knew that was real and 50 And they basically that anyone who said it was real on Facebook or Instagram or on Twitter before the last election
Starting point is 00:53:11 They pulled them off and they deleted hundreds of thousands of accounts of people who were trying to say it and it ended up even being true Yes, I said they were pressured by the government. Yep. It's crazy That's fucking craziness If you're not fucking shocked out of your mind over some shit, like that should scare you more than anything. Trump being, Trump saying a fucking racial slur, saying something that's misogynistic or whatever. Nice titties.
Starting point is 00:53:36 That should worry you. I'm offended. That should be so irrelevant to you. It's like words, hey people, listen, this is the crazy thing. You make the decision on whether or not someone else's words offend you. It's like words. Hey people, listen, this is the crazy thing. You make the decision on whether or not someone else's words offend you. That's your fucking choice. It's not your choice if the government starts making fucking laws that put you in a box, you stupid bucks. And to everyone who knows this, you're not a stupid fuck, obviously. I, at times,
Starting point is 00:54:02 have been a stupid fuck and I'm glad that I have experienced seeing a bit of the light to this point. But that's just all to say, if I call you a stupid fuck, it's your decision if you want to get mad at it. Because I'm a nobody. But if I'm the government and I'm making a rule now that I can call you a stupid fuck whenever I want, or you can never say stupid fuck, that is so fucking dangerous. And for you, if you can't comprehend how dangerous that is, I mean, and by the way, just all the stuff we're seeing on Alexa and all the stuff we're seeing on Google in regards to the fact that you can't search Trump and Kamala dictates all the fucking social media platforms, except Twitter.
Starting point is 00:54:38 It's pretty fucking scary. People are making many plastic penises for five-year-olds. I think all that shit's a distraction. The, the, the five-year-old penis. I think the five-year-olds. I think all that shit's a distraction. The five-year-old penis? I think the five-year-old penis, I think these social issues are a massive distraction from the fact that we are massively in debt as individuals and as a country, our purchasing power is going down, we have no manufacturing like we used to, there's no ramp up for manufacturing.
Starting point is 00:55:00 The only presidential candidate talking about bringing manufacturing back to America is Trump And I mean furthermore have the power to do that who knows but I tell you this dude He's well you look at regulations and you give people incentives regulations every right, but every Republican president fucking Look dick Cheney Bush all these cocksuckers are endorsing Kamala Harris. I fucking wonder why. It's because Trump is not a fucking part of the deep state. And that's fucking real. 100%. Yeah, he's definitely an outsider. But when you think about the heart of the matter of the issues is we have $852 billion that left our country. Those are all dollars. We could use a lot of that money in here. And then they, meaning mainstream corporate media and a lot of that money in here and then they, they, meaning, you know, mainstream
Starting point is 00:55:45 corporate media and a lot of the politicians that we see a lot on TV will focus on these issues saying, hey, we need to help the, these certain communities or we need to put certain people in positions of power. But yet they provide no education in those communities. There's no financial literacy and the biggest asset that the United States government holds on its balance sheet is student loan debt. Or sick kids, or sick fat kids. Well, I mean, that's the most profitable thing for the corporations which feed the lobbying
Starting point is 00:56:11 to the politicians. But if you really want to make a change, it's going to have to start at an education level. And I really believe that if you do not have control of your personal finances or your personal health, I think the two are tied together relatively closely. And here's the reason why. It's because most of them, you have to do a lot of work for a very little result upfront. You have to do a lot of work for almost no result, whether you're trying to lose weight, whether you're trying to save money, it seems almost meaningless at first. But once you get it going and you understand it, then it really
Starting point is 00:56:39 starts to build on it. And if you take away the people's ability power, so we've taken away their health, we glorify people being sick. We don't have a healthcare system. We have a sick management system. And we don't have, I mean, if you look at the personal finances of all of the young people that are coming out of college, they're all extremely in debt. None of us could afford to buy or purchase homes. So if we talk about ownership and that being the major thing to all of us being able to live a better life and, and have better local communities. That's what we should mostly be focused on.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And the rest of it will cascade down the social stuff later. I feel real quick, real quick. What's the reason why, what's right? I don't know. But real, what I want to say to you is, and the reason I'm so passionate about this is because if you, as a person are never aware of you are financially illiterate or you have zero health Like how can you ever make a change if you're not aware that it's a problem? Do you know what I mean? So people who have awareness or understand that hey, that's a problem or hey once that was a problem for me And now it's not a problem for me or hey
Starting point is 00:57:37 It is a problem for me and I'm aware of it now and I'm trying to fix it if you are staying quiet and you're allowing all these other fucking assholes to continue preaching that being fat and diabetic is okay and And not to say that you should be shamed like hey like everybody fucks up But it's not ideal your drag on the system you can you can fix it though You can't fix it you can fix it and but for people to not even be aware of that Before you eviscerate this guy for this next comment can I respond to him once and then you can eviscerate him? What a guy.
Starting point is 00:58:09 OK, this guy says Trump doesn't even make his own shit in the United States, you bald idiot. Now, here's the thing, Eric, I want to tell you something. Fine. But just open your fucking small little brain just just for a second what Taylor's saying is you're you You can't even say that to him, dude on Instagram or on are on meta or on fucking any of these platforms because they would censor you you couldn't call him a bald Idiot on those platforms. So whatever your problems fucking are Put them aside for a second and keep freedom of speech for us, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So you can keep calling him a bald idiot. He probably sides with you too, dude, but you're a fucking snail looking at the fucking ground. Pick your head up. Taylor probably doesn't like him making his shirts in China either. Right. But here's the thing, Trump uses the system to his fucking advantage and he's talked extensively about, hey, we need to bring manufacturing back to the United States.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And the way we do that is to deregulate a lot of things. And that's look, we, we have fucking 3 million federal employees. What the fuck that's one in a hundred. What the fuck are we doing, dude? We have so many bureaucratic agencies. We're at a fucking administrative state of these people have been hired into positions to make decisions that we Didn't fucking elect and it's bog the fuck down and people like that fucking cocksucker probably part of those three million I bet he will I bet you is I bet it's a di IRS Eric Are you work for the government just tell us like are you work for the post office or something?
Starting point is 00:59:43 I'll send you a fucking postcard. I'll take a dump in a fucking envelope. Are you able for the government? Just tell us like, or do you work for the post office or something? I'll send you a fucking a postcard. I'll take a dump in a fucking envelope. Are you able to your house? Is it clerk at the DMV for sure? Are you in local politics? I don't look down at clerks on the DMV. We need those. But I think, I don't know, maybe we don't, maybe we don't need an inverse of DMV.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Let's go all online. Fuck them. Maybe Colin just lost another 200 followers. Hey Trish, go fuck yourself. Trish, get the fuck out of here. What did Trish say? 1999. 1999, now it's like second. Listen to what this lady said on the art post.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So this is about the Trump hat. Fucking slut. This is about the Trump hat. This girl's username, dogmomofhowmany. All one word, if you wanna go to her profile, give her a follow, shout out. Hey dogmom, that's a red flag. Her name's Lacey.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Real quick, all girls, when you start talking about your dogs to other people That means you need dick and you need sperm. No one cares about your dog No one wants to hear about your fucking dog. It's worth to hear much kids Anyone who has dog mom or anything in there stop sucking dick and start riding it. Okay. Go ahead. Check this out Lacey She her hers I responded she goes she goes I was hopeful that CrossFit would keep politics out. Then this or first off, first off, you dumb fucking idiot. You think you think CrossFit can control what I fucking wear?
Starting point is 01:00:54 You stupid idiot. That's why we're in America because they fucking can't dog mom of many. Hey, they, them dot dot dot. If Trump doesn't get elected, We don't fucking have a crossfit Also, it's not crossfit keeping politics out. It's a free country and I can wear whatever hat I want crazy Not a single fucking person at the venue said dumb hat Everyone that talked to me about it loved it Except for you dog mom
Starting point is 01:01:21 So go cast your vote for communism and the mutilation of child genitalia and Sevan wants to anal you And oh, did you write that? Yeah, I did. Thank you And check this out every response to my comment is like Loved the cap cry laugh face one. You're the man bro to F all these crybaby socialist lib dorks Next comment now take off your three masks and face shield and say it again to dog mom of how many? Taylor mitself, this is the way Wow, you have a lot of fans out there. I love calling people dorks By the way all of you haters out there you would not like live events
Starting point is 01:02:02 Do not go to live events. They are so much fun. There's no complaining. There's no people feeling sorry for themselves. There's no one worried about fucking the bald dude wearing the Trump hat. These are great events. Do not come to them. You will hate it. This event this weekend was a perfect example of why the CrossFit actually needs a reduction for growth. So we can have more events like this? I mean, yeah. I just think this was just, it was, it was more local.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It was on a smaller level. It was ran really smooth. And it was great. So good. You could have brought your kids here in a fucking, uh, one of those beach tents or a beach thing and sat at the beach and your kids could have swam in crystal clear water all. And just watch people fucking get out.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Yeah. And watch the super hot chicks get after it. Dude, it was the coolest fucking thing ever. Blair, Ben, you guys knocked it out of the park. And Ben's wife is cool as shit. Stacey, Stephanie? Cool as fuck, Stephanie. Stephanie.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Super cool. Yeah, he had his kids there the whole time. Three kids there. Dude, he had a kid that made 1,500. He's selling fucking sparkling water. Yeah, that was so pumped about that. I think he made 1,500 at the end of Saturday. He probably made three grand after today.
Starting point is 01:03:04 No, no, no, he made, so when we were chatting about it, he made 15 grand gross net profit. $1,500. Sorry, not 15 grand. You talked to him on Sunday? No, today. Yeah, right before we left. And so, and it was funny because I was going to ask him, I was going to, before he just give the information on his own, I was going to say, well, do you have all your expenses
Starting point is 01:03:20 in order? And right before we said that, he was like, yeah, and my overhead was like, you know, whatever, $200 something. And then Taylor asked him a great my overhead was like, you know, whatever, $200 something. And then Taylor asked him a great question was like, you know, how many hours were you back there for and stuff? And you could see he was, he already had like all those different little calculations. It was like, yeah, I made $150 and 53 cents an hour. I was like, pretty good weekend, bro.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Dude, it was great. Yeah. He's 14. Yeah. It was an awesome weekend. And he got to talk to Danny Spiegel. He dude, he got paid 50 bucks to talk to Danny Spiegel and he didn't have to listen to her fart through her 14 inches of butt. So Colton tomorrow you um, how do you think that sounds coming out of that? Do you think it's like really long? No,
Starting point is 01:04:08 you think it's like air coming out of a fucking pile of mud? What if it's the opposite? It's like a filtration system. So by the time it comes out, it's just like nothing. No, it's like so much deeper than it smacks a hundred more times. Like, like I like to reverberate and oscillate, dude. It's like sonar for fucking orca whales, dude. She can work at SeaWorld, dude
Starting point is 01:04:29 She just sticks her ass in the water and farts and the whales come swimming up If anyone would like to make fun of Taylor's butt, there's a picture of it on my Instagram. It's my most. It's nowhere near as not, you know, it's. We spent all morning making fun of Taylor's butt and how tight it is. I don't know why I clench all the time. You and Danny could do an orchestra party. If anyone wants to make fun of Taylor's butt, Taylor's the only person I've ever admit or I've ever heard admit that they didn't wipe
Starting point is 01:05:07 well enough the first time. We'll be training, we'll finish the whole workout. It'll take a shit when we get to the gym. We'll do a whole workout and I gotta go wipe again. He's told you that multiple times. Multiple times. You fucking asshole. If you condition you gotta be able to take it, bro.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Hey, how do you know after the workout? It's not that I didn't wipe well enough the first time. It just leaks out a little bit. You don't have to tell them that you're going back to Rewide because I'm going to the bathroom again. That was always the option. Yeah. And he, I walked into the water, we were, me, him and Will were in the house at Wadapalooza. And Taylor came out of the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:05:59 He was the first person to use it. And the whole back of the toilet was just fucking painted with shit. Oh my God. Oh my God. I always wondered how that happens. Do you have any idea how that happened? Explosives. Pain of Jackson Pollock on the back of your toilet. I just don't understand.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I always picture that my anus is pointing down, but you know, every 100 days I'll look back at the back of the toilet scene. I'll be like, wow, I should do it. I'm like every third day. You keep like a bottle of spray in there. It's because I am on such like a crazy like rhythm where I wake up and as soon as coffee hits my like it's not even that sometimes I don't, I can't even make the coffee. Like I'm squeezing my butt cheeks together, trying to make it crowded when you come back because I want, cause I want to drink coffee while I'm taking a shit. It's an amazing feeling. And sometimes you bring your coffee in.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I can't even get a coffee. I can't even get a coffee. I can't even get a coffee I want because I want to drink coffee while I'm taking a shit It's an amazing feeling and sometimes you bring your coffee in Shut the fuck up no food or drink in the bathroom. Oh, you can drink coffee Battery that was here with your backsplash bro, you got backdrop coming out of that toilet I wish we could make a pole. Do you know how to make a poll Bryson? Who drinks coffee? Okay, go on you take your coffee into the bathroom and you drop a deuce Please don't stop
Starting point is 01:07:14 All right So I take my coffee like i'm clenching because of how bad I have to shit while i'm making coffee And i'm like pacing too So like pace back and forth like waiting for the boiler to fucking heat up and i'm like damn i'm not gonna make it get to the bathroom as soon as I sit down. It's like, and that's typically how that. And there's no logs in there. No, it's just like shrapnel. Dude, I could take somebody's leg off with my fucking.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I wonder what kind of fish you could call if you, if you went to SeaWorld, what tank you call fucking like the fucking, what are those little things called the fucking Toronto? Yeah, I can't remember. I wonder what kind of fish you could call if you went to SeaWorld. What tank you'd call? I'd call the fucking, what are those little things called? The fucking piranhas. Yeah, I'd call some piranhas. What poll do you want to make, Selen? It has a moment passed.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Do you drink coffee in the bathroom? Okay. Do you drink coffee? I consume anything in the bathroom. It's like, jeez Louise. I don't think anyone does that. Maybe you don't know, to make a point, maybe I think maybe a few times in my life, I've walked into the bathroom with my morning coffee and then realized it
Starting point is 01:08:10 and taking it back out. Oh, well, let me do it on the phone, apparently. Taylor, can you tell my bud Sam to fuck off? He's he's a pussy. Who's Sam? I just say, Sam, you're a fucking pussy. Sam, you're a fucking pussy. Sam, you're a fucking pussy. Fuck off.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I like the way you read that. Hey, you know the guy who calls in to kill Taylor from Krypton, Sam Biano? Yeah. Yeah. He has an OnlyFans, I'm pretty sure. Or an Instagram subscribe. He has an Instagram subscribe. Let Instagram subscribe.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Dude, he's always in a speedo. I think he's milks the shit out of his fucking, his fucking Italian dick. Get your money boo. Subscribe everybody. Hey That was the guy asked about Gabby and Kristoff. He said it wasn't appropriate Yeah, but he's got a he's got a scribe only he helped me out in Italy He found me some gyms to go to he did. Yeah, he's cool, dude. Oh go subscribe Do you think so? Do you know if he has an only fans? No, but I bet if you do subscribe You'll probably see some some ween
Starting point is 01:09:05 Or some peen probably only like five bucks find out by five bucks Five bucks for some italian eyes pernigana. Uh, poor colton hemorrhaging followers with each word of his combo now listen For all the live cards out there. They can't unsubscribe now because he told that story about his mom So they're torn they're like how is this man who has so much empathy and depth? And heart. Oh shit hanging out with these guys I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, fights. Oh, I mean who you want to say their name? You had a trans person to your house. Dude, I live in the fucking Bay area. Yeah. Bunch of them. I got a trans family member. Stop it. Dude, I used to go to all the gay. I don't even know. I didn't ask him. I used to go to all the gay pride parades and the love fest. I used to rate. Hey, love. What happened? Did they get it? Did it happen? It was exactly
Starting point is 01:10:04 like a normal wedding. No shit. Yeah. Mind blown. It was happen? It was exactly like a normal wedding No shit. Yeah mind-blowing. It was fucking it was the same that they were It's up there what? Trans correct one of my both of them One of them it was a dude. It was a girl who switched to a dude, correct? Yeah, a girl who switched to a dude marrying a girl the good the trans and why I watch your lesbian Yeah, the training that I want you to make The trans- And was the other girl lesbian? Yeah. The trans- So that doesn't make sense though.
Starting point is 01:10:28 The algebra gets a little confusing, yes. Wait, so she's not lesbian anymore? Because if he's the man now, she can't be lesbian anymore. By biological definition, no, I still think they're both- This is the fucking crazy part. I would have never gone to that wedding. I would have fucking taken a sign. I would have said fake news. Wait, why wouldn't you go to that wedding. I would have fucking taken a sign. I would have said fake news. Why wouldn't you go to that wedding?
Starting point is 01:10:45 They were great people. I like him. Bryson has not met a trans person. Dude at the skate park. I take my kids. There's all sorts of dudes there with tits. Finally, one of my boys said, if that a boy or girl, I said, I have no idea. Feel free to ask.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Oh my God. He did not. I did say that. Did he ask? No. Good fucking. Thank God. Why?
Starting point is 01:11:07 I just think that would fucking make me feel super awkward. He did not I did say that did he ask no good fucking thank god. Why I Just think that would fucking make me feel super awkward if I was that kid or the guy with fucking tits Oh, hey, dude, let me tell you it's awkward being in the skate park with men who have tits. It is awkward This is what I think and I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this But I'm gonna fucking say it right here. None of these guys are attached to this opinion. Let me just single myself out. Look right at me. I'm going to hold on to all.
Starting point is 01:11:31 If I hold my phone, none of my followers leave. Guys, don't unfollow these guys. This is all me. Freedom of speech. But I very much so view trans as being a drug addict. It's definitely not normal. It's not okay. Hey, they all, hey, I think they all are drug addicts. It's definitely not normal. It's not okay. It's not for the good.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Hey, I think they all are drug addicts. It's not something that's good for you. There's not one trans person that's not a drug addict. I'm sober. I'm in sobriety. And thanks fucking- You're talking about hormones and shit even, right? They're all on drugs.
Starting point is 01:11:56 No, I'm viewing it as it's a fucking mental illness. Yes, I agree. And it should be this thing where everyone's like, celebrating, like, yay, you're addicted to heroin, so brave, so powerful. Under the premise that you can't accept yourself. Yeah, like, no, dude. If you wanna see that, you should have gone
Starting point is 01:12:12 to San Francisco while you were out here, dude. Fucking thank God I didn't. Wait, but what do you think a mental illness is? Like, you just can't accept yourself? You can't come to terms with your own, with your God? No, I'm not saying you should be punished by society for it. So I'm saying- I didn't say that either. I'm just saying, you said that you view it as mental illness.
Starting point is 01:12:26 So do I. The reason why I view it as a mental illness is because any problems that I have, I would hope that I wouldn't get a tattoo or a piercing or chop my penis off to fix it or buy a Ferrari, that I would take some deep breaths and be like. Or drink a fucking beer to fix it or take a shot of fentanyl. Oh, yeah, Bryson's saying you wouldn't give an anorexic ozempix to help them along and
Starting point is 01:12:48 get skinnier faster. Right, right. Yeah. So my point is- I agree with you. Right. It's like this- Why wouldn't you go to a drug addict's wedding?
Starting point is 01:12:56 They have this cognitive dissonance. I just wouldn't want to be around an active drug addict. Oh, okay. I understand. So I wouldn't want to be around an active person who is so fucking delusional that they think that cutting their dick off and putting titties on their chest when they have fucking male DNA is going to fix them. Well, it's not just so you know, it's not my first choice to hang out with drug addicts. I'm at a point where I let you go to a wedding. Double whammy. Yeah, I'm at a point
Starting point is 01:13:16 in my life where I do not enable or co-sign anything like that with people that I love and surround myself with. And if that ruins a relationship, I'm not going to be dishonest with that person. I fucking made my mom cry on the phone when we were talking about the COVID vaccine. And I love her to death. And I felt really fucking bad about that. But I'll say it now. I was right. You were right. I mean, I think there's a difference and there might be some conflation between somebody just doing like any sort of body modification on themselves or for the general public to change. Adhere to their ideology.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Right. But most of that part I'm not I'm not in agreeance with. I don't think we should be changing our the way we live for anyone set group. I feel like and maybe this is wrong and it's just because of everything I see on Instagram and my like, you know, fucking bubble of social feed. But the perception that I have is that a majority of trans people are trying to shove their ideology on others. And I could be completely wrong.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I think we are too, though. We're pushing our ideology. Yeah. Yeah. My ideology is right. Let me say that. Let me say this, though, because Sarah says something interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Sarah says something here. She says our brains are full are also different. It would be wild if people fell into exactly two boxes. But let me, I want to explain something to you. This isn't a, we all fall into one block. Dick pussy. That's two. But wait a second. We all fall into one box when it comes to our happiness and our psychology. If you cannot accept who you are and accept your thoughts, that is the way to happiness. There's no other fucking way.
Starting point is 01:14:46 You have to, it doesn't matter if you're a man or if you're a woman, if you're going out here in the world to get fulfillment, whether it's to chop off your penis, what you have to do is you have to accept the fact that you're a man who wants to be a woman. If you can't accept that, then you have to accept the fact that you can't accept the fact that you want to be a man when you're a woman. That's the only way. You're talking about
Starting point is 01:15:09 something so superficial, Sarah, that's out here. We're talking about what is the solution? And I'll bring Luca up in this, or Taylor, someone who had someone close to them die, or Colton who had someone close to them die or Colton who had someone close to them die. There's going to be a process, but the journey isn't, there's no end if you go the anger route or the bitter route. I'm not saying that these aren't part of the process, but that's not going to, there's no end. You're not going to kill like so many people who killed your mom or your dad that eventually you're going to be happy. That's not how it works for no human being. It's just the journey of working on the acceptance of it. So if you're a dude and you want to be happy. That's not how it works for no human being. It's just the journey of working on the acceptance of it. So if you're a dude and you want to be a woman, then you need to accept that.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You need to accept that. Chopping off your penis will take you off on a journey that's even more fucked up. It's so fucked up. Addicted to drugs your whole life. What I want to address is our brains are all so different. It would be wild. If people fell exactly into two boxes. I think where the misunderstanding comes from is that you don't have to believe every thought or feeling that enters your brain.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Like that thought that's always telling you to quit when a workout gets hard, Colton said something really great today. He was like, hey, your brain's gonna tell you some shit that's just not true and that you don't need to fucking listen to. You tell it to shut the fuck up. Like and Savon and Susa were talking about cues giving athletes in a workout. It's like,
Starting point is 01:16:30 Hey guys, today when you're working out, I want you to take inventory of your thoughts. And when you hear yourself quit the first time, I want you to ignore it. When you hear your brain tell you to quit the second time, I want you to ignore it. And the third time, I want you to ignore it. Then the fourth time, maybe you can quit. But when you ignore it that third time, every rep that comes after that, you're exponentially getting fitter and fitter and fitter. And that's really cool.
Starting point is 01:16:51 So when my brain tells me as a 12 year old, I wanna try my sister's bra on and I want fucking titties, you know, I can do that. And then the next day, I don't have to be trans. But today, if I do that, they're gonna cut my fucking dick off and give me puberty blockers. and then I'm a fucking girl for life Do you have any sisters home? Do you ever try on their clothes?
Starting point is 01:17:16 I did it full. I did it full free will Did you did you wear the dress in the in the no? I just put a bra and and then... And panties? Maybe. I can't, I've put Lizzie's panties on before. Oh my God. Bronson's done it too. Hey, hey. Why are you guys getting ahold of Lizzie's panties? This is the thing. She goes, our brains are also different.
Starting point is 01:17:38 While the people fell into exactly two boxes. Here's the thing, Sarah. There are two boxes. There is male and female. There is penis and there is vagina. There is you. That's the outside world. You shoot the seed of life. You receive the seed of life and make life. She's talking about the inside world though. Right. But that's, that's what I'm trying to say is not all thoughts are good thoughts. And for us to act like every thought a human has is a good thought as an end is an acceptable thought is that's what's wild. Your brain is a liar and it's not always on your team. Thank you. Your brain is a liar and it's not always on your team.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Your brain goes into self-preservation and for you as a human being, if you want to grow, I always heard this saying in AA, pain is the touchstone to spiritual growth. Pain is the touchstone. I find that true in the spiritual aspect of life, but also in fitness. If you're not willing to go to that next level, you're not going to reap the exponential reward. So pain is the touchstone of fitness, so to speak. Or intensity is the touchstone of fitness. Or how much you suffer is directly correlated to how much you're going to improve. But your brain, when you start to step out of what you are able to endure, or what you're comfortable tolerating, you're stepping outside of like your adaptation and your brain's like, holy
Starting point is 01:18:51 fuck, self-preserve. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. I'm not prepared to do that. But if you ever want to be prepared to do that, you have to fucking do it. And that's when you tell your brain to shut the fuck up. This is a great Sarah. Sarah says no, sorry. Sarah, Sarah Buckman, another is a great, uh, Sarah, uh, Sarah says, no, sorry. Uh, Sarah, Sarah Buckman, another Sarah. Oh, I gained three followers. Let's go. You. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Uh, Sarah Buckman, you won't be a girl for life. You'll be a dude without a dick for life. Exactly. Which fucking that would be crazy. And that should be the con like a conversation that needs to be had because like, you know, how you feel inside that's honest versus acting on those things. There was something I read for a while back. It was called like emotional intelligence. But the whole thing was like watching the thought.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Understanding the thought, understanding the thought, feeling the thought, and then letting the thought go. So it was like a very, you know, a very dialed in process. And sometimes you have to do it all the time. It's like to witness the thought, interdict the thought, redirect the thought, maintain the thought. What's interdict? So, so like, if you have a party, you, huh, that thought doesn't have to be a
Starting point is 01:20:00 part, right? So like, if you're having a bad thought, this is how this whole premise, it's from like Mark Devine on beatable mind. But if you're having a bad thought, this is how this whole premise, it's from like Mark Devine, unbeatable mind. But if you're having a thought of quit quitting, like the first, what you need to train your brain to do is be able to witness when you have that thought. So, so many people are such fucking quitters and pussies. They'll tell themselves to quit
Starting point is 01:20:16 and they don't even know they told themselves to quit. They just fucking quit. And it's like, oh, that's good. Yeah, they didn't even know they told them. They're not even aware that you made the decision to quit. You're just like, I can't do it. I quit. But you're not not aware that you told yourself that so the first step is you being aware enough to say holy shit I'm telling myself to quit right now and that's witnessing the thoughts you witnessed thought Uh-oh, I'm telling myself to quit then you need some sort of power statement to interdict that thought like stop or you fucking pussy
Starting point is 01:20:40 I don't know. I you don't have to be that doesn't work for a lot to be self degrading. It works on my kids. It works for me. So you witness that. Oh, I want to quit. Then I interdicted it. You fucking pussy. And then you redirect the thought and say, you're not fucking quitting. And then you have to pick a new train of thought to maintain that. And then, you know, I want to say something else. I have to fart so badly.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Thank you. What a good dude. No, no, no. Let's let him think about that. Now he's acting on this thought in an appropriate manner. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm else. I have to fart so badly. Oh, thank you. What a good dude. No, no, no Let's let him think about that now. He's acting on this thought in an appropriate manner He's gonna have to wipe again I ruin this show not what only There's more. Well I can taste this Mike. Oh god, it's frozen berries. I gotta pee, I gotta pee.
Starting point is 01:21:36 So Sarah says, so this is interesting too, Sarah says, people just want to exist and not get yelled at for being who they want to be. Okay, so now you're pivoting, just so you know you're pivoting pivoting I'm not sure what we said to you sunk in you're pivoting But here's the thing no one's so as human beings We're just all mirrors here and we're all searching for validation If you don't believe me do one of those retreats where you have to stay quiet and they not make eye contact with another person For 10 days. It's a vipassana class and you'll realize that's all you're doing here You're looking at people you're looking for subtle cues and you're trying to just get validation for your existence so you can hold together the person that is Sevan. Okay? Take me on that premise, that presupposition. No one's yelling at these people for being trans. They can be trans all they want. What they were doing and what they are doing is they're searching for validation now, and they're trying to recruit more people and they're trying to recruit our
Starting point is 01:22:26 kids. And so those of us who don't want them getting validation from our kids, for their transformation from, for their, they're trying to get validation for their mental illness. And a bunch of us don't want to give it to them, but no one's yelling at them. You have to, you have to, you have to be careful how you're saying that. No one's, no one's saying that they can't exist and be free but what they're doing is they're trying to get between parents and their kids and you can't do that you can't do that you know how many times you've told me i could fart into the mic and i've never had the balls
Starting point is 01:22:53 to do it dude daniel they said i got pink eye is probably right okay i saw david weeds here okay that's nice. Hi David. Storm Williams, I haven't read anything from you today. But will without a doubt yell at a person for misgendering or dead naming. Yeah, exactly. You'll yell at people. That's a perfect example Storm. No one's yelling at... I would never yell at someone if they called me a she. Whoops. I guess I look like a fucking girl today. Is that what someone said? No, I'm just saying. Like if someone called me a she, I'd be like, damn, and thank you for the conversation point, Sarah. Someone needs to yell at Taylor for those gross ass feet.
Starting point is 01:23:26 He doesn't have gross feet. The bottoms of them are all dirty. So when he pops up, it's like right in front of the camera. They're weird a little sideways, but they're not gross. They're clean. They're, they almost look soft. I can't believe they're clean. They're clean.
Starting point is 01:23:39 They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're clean. They're weird a little they're all sideways, but they're not gross. They're clean. They're they almost look soft I can't believe you did the farmers carry barefoot. Hey, I got actually Maris texted me this morning that she went to Starbucks and the barista called her he
Starting point is 01:23:54 and she was like Like kind of pumped because she did like a push-up and pull-up workout. She's like, maybe I look really jacked today No, you know, he that was a foreigner foreigners do that. It was a foreigner Probably ask her foreigner Like kind of pumped because she did like a push-up and pull-up workout. She's like, Oh, maybe I look really Jack today. No, you're that. He that was a foreigner. Foreigners do that. It was a foreigner. Probably ask her foreigners get their pronouns fucked up all the time.
Starting point is 01:24:11 You know, when they do that, they say everything key or everything. She you see that like you talk to like someone off the boat. No, no, they do that. Well, it's like when I speak Spanish and I get the masculine or feminine ending wrong. Yeah. Non-binary or non-binary. I commented, wow, after I farted. I mean, that sounded pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:32 You got that thing deep up and we don't have to like mark that. I did not get it. That's hilarious. That's it. That one. Oh, he's listening to this on the plane like, fuck you guys. Tape it tape it for Will. He'll fucking suck on it, dude'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like my fault one of my favorite review shows. I have to pee too. How's that bathroom? I was can you write that today 90 minutes on the mark, huh? Always about one fitting easy. Oh Hiller made a post called the Gotham benchmarks. I didn't watch those are they cool
Starting point is 01:25:24 Yeah, the the workouts are dope. What? No, there's no are they? Yeah. Have you even seen them all? No Got a youtube video on him Did he and he like went over each one of them, right? Yeah, he went over some of them in depth and then kind of breeze through Most of them second look. There's quite a bit. I think there's like 10 of them. Yeah, like a dozen or something. Yeah, it's crazy They look good though classic crossmate Crazy weekend
Starting point is 01:25:57 David is back on Instagram Dude how about how many followers you just gained? Dude, how about uh fuck that beach was so cool we did our first workout of the day today I that one was like the one of the easiest workouts like when I like I finished it and I was like damn I feel good we got home I was like I feel good and then the last workout today I was like way opposite but yeah you guys both finished the first break out of the event like today's and then just basically just like you were like
Starting point is 01:26:28 I'm gonna go get in the water and colons. Okay I was pointing at water. I was like water. Yeah, you both were just like aerobically painful. Yeah for me it was just Muscle your grip gets to a point. I go. Okay. I gotta slow down. Yeah, um, so we uh We were doing burpees in the fucking sand over a kettlebell and fucking road climbs on a rig right next to a lake. It was sick. That was cool. Do you, how hard is it to qualify for the road qualifier? In the past it's been crazy hard. Yeah, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:26:57 It ain't easy. And if you didn't, if you thought that you didn't, if you thought that you had a, if you didn't think you had a chance, you probably wouldn't do it. And do you like the workouts? Yeah, they're pretty good. Yeah, just with training's gone the last few months, and what I'm usually good at, I think these will be really good workouts for me. And what you can do, you can go to Suze's gym, CrossFit Livermore, set up an iPhone.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Will you set up two cameras just in case. I'll probably just do one. Do you know how to do all that to make sure like it doesn't get interrupted and turn off all that shit? Like, well, I'll also be there. So I'll help them out. Okay. So we'll be there and I can even, I'll probably pop up my camera and film all of
Starting point is 01:27:38 them so that way if he wants them, we could probably get some good shots. I adjusted the schedule a little bit. So I actually don't coach all the way till the afternoon now as well too. And do you have them laid out in which order you're going to do them? I talked about with Joey a little bit. I don't remember off the top of my head. But you do know that you have a plan. And what time will you do your first one? We'll stay here tonight and I'll probably get some breakfast and drive over there and
Starting point is 01:28:04 hopefully start right around Nine ish and then when will you do your last one? They've got to be submitted by five So I'll have to finish up or like by four to get uploaded to YouTube and get it submitted on time And then what time is your flight? Tuesday morning like 6 a.m. Oh, okay. Okay, so you can kind of decompress just okay. Yeah, that'll be good. Shit. Go to my hotel room, eat dinner naked on my bed. Okay, I always do. That sounds like the bonhigh. That's the best thing after the comp if you're by yourself. Just a hot shower and then fucking naked on your bed. Yeah. If you guys want to come on selling tickets for 500 bucks a pop,
Starting point is 01:28:44 all proceeds go to my bank account. Someone said my fart was Taylor's mating call for spiel. Did Hiller buy one of Sporty Beth's vibrate? Dude, he bought like $250 worth of shit. A vibrator from her? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:28:59 He went in, unintended. They look like hearing aids to me. I don't know shit about vibratorsras. I didn't know fiber. It looked like a C and you haven't lived because, because apparently the top one massages the clitoris and the bottom one goes inside the vulva or whatever that hole is. And that's the, is that the G spots like this? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:21 It goes like you rub the G spot Bryson. How do you do that? Do you hook up or hook down? It's like this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It goes like you rub the g-spot Bryson How do you do that you hook up or hook down oh You said you did it do don't bring her into this you sicko. How was how was Han a hon cool dude ever? This cool stews. Oh Every every guy there is the it is the biggest fucking troll ever He told Hillary eight horse meat. No, he told Bryson. Oh Bryson Yeah, Bryson believed him Bryson was like, holy shit. This guy fucking it's horse meat. I believe I believe them I believe it with a completely straight face and when he was not hooker me
Starting point is 01:30:00 He's like I got away a little bit and he just says it was completely straight face. I'm like he is such a troll He's hilarious. We love that guy. Yeah, I fucking believe them. Oh Someone with an Asian name said wow Steven Flores said be I'll send you the link to the V town. I think that's something that you can use for your sphincter. Oh No, no, no, oh shit Graciano Rubio first cross with Jim Hanz went to was mine Oh, that's cool. That's cool as fuck. I wonder he's so strong Steven Flores told me that there's a something called the V tone and it's the
Starting point is 01:30:35 somehow the Sister product to the exerciser. Yeah, it's a pelvic floor Strengtheners strengthener so it tightens that that way it's that straw in a cup and you practice sucking water up through the straw. It tightens that up. Do you just have a stroke right there? I just didn't want to say pussy, but okay. Yeah, there it is. We got, I'm, we got there. I'm the worst of the, of all these listeners, how many of you do you think are just in there? They're, they're like on a long, like two or three or four hour drive back to their house after the comp and they're just like, fuck, they got stuck listening
Starting point is 01:31:09 to this. They turned it off when I farted. It'll be me when I watch it back. Would I listen to it back when I drive home? Oh shit. Greg Seed said he's watching it naked on his bed. Greg Seed. Oh my God. You guys are wild with these names. naked on his bed. Greg's see. You guys are wild with these names. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Great show. Colton, thanks for letting us hang with you, Taylor. Thanks for letting us hang with you. The doc is going to be absolutely fantastic. It's going to be really good. Um, there's, there's some cool shit in it. Uh, we'll send over the hard drive over to the great Patrick Rios. Uh, I don't know tomorrow when I get home, I'll go over to FedEx and FedEx it to him. He's also working on the behind the scenes. 2024 across the game is the one that James Bragg
Starting point is 01:31:53 won and Tia Toomey. And Andrew Hiller was here all week. He was a fucking gem. What a cool dude. Bryson was here. Lizzie was here. Did I miss anyone? That's the gang. Yeah, really cool. Um, miss the rest of the guys, uh, miss doing the cross the games update show with John Young and Tyler and Jr. And those guys, Bill Grunler was here. It was really nice seeing his face around. He's a stud. Yeah, he's a big dude. Shout out Bill. Uh, September 19th to the 22nd of the adaptive games are going on. I believe chase Ingram might be, I think it's going to be a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big dude. Shout out Bill. September 19th to the 22nd of the adaptive games are going on. I believe Chase Ingram might be broadcasting those. If not, I think he might be go to them because he lives in
Starting point is 01:32:34 San Antonio too. That's the what? Wheel wide? Oh the wheel wide, the adaptive games. That's what you're talking about? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, standing in turn. 19 to the 22nd. That's the same week as a Tierwater Palooza and SoCal. I will be headed to Boston that week with Matt and Greg. Matt and Greg and I are doing a quick run over there to record some conversations between Greg and Thomas Seyfried, the guy who wrote cancer as a metabolic disease. And tomorrow morning show, are you doing show tomorrow morning? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Cause what time do you say you're going to get up and try to get there to the gym? What time around nine? Yeah. Yeah. And I'll do it. Okay. If you want to hang out with Susan around 7am tomorrow morning, W show scheduled. And then let me see who's on next week
Starting point is 01:33:28 Tuesday oh Oh shit, so so Tuesday Bruce Lowe's gonna be on he's running against Nancy Pelosi for the Senate seat Mm-hmm Senate. Yep Senate seat in California. That'll be fucking awesome. That's all shit. That's at night How the fuck has she been elected for 150 years? She got a huge set of titties, dude, and that's why I mean That's why I voted for you fucking asshole Greg Glassman on Wednesday 7 a.m. They'll be oh Greg has a new podcast out on you have to go to find Todd Herman TODD
Starting point is 01:34:04 Last name Herman, H-E-R-M-A-N. If you want to hear Greg on a different podcast in the Sevan podcast, it's an amazing podcast. He also does address the Lazar Jukic situation. And then Chris Christina, is she a affiliate owner? I think she's- She's an affiliate owner or adaptive athlete? Adaptive athlete, yeah, we had a bunch of the, I think she's part she's an affiliate owner, adaptive adaptive athlete. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:27 We had a bunch of the, I think she's part of the adaptive athlete, but I can't remember. Sorry. We had a bunch of them coming through and then we have blaze coming on. Blaze will be competing against Tim Murray at the, um, at wheel wild, the adaptive games. Blaze is coming on the show Friday. I'm excited to meet blaze is in the short stature division. And then of course, Saturday, I'm really sorry. We missed kill Taylor this week, Saturday the 14th, uh, back to kill Taylor.
Starting point is 01:34:48 I'm competing next weekend. Oh, okay. So Friday. Okay. So Friday will be killed. Taylor will figure that out. Uh, and then, okay. So we got some good stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Oh, Adrian Bosman's birthday is coming up. Oh shit. Oh shit. It's a September 16th. Uh, we have a world-class triathlete, Heyko Sepp coming on. He got the injection and his whole fucking life got turned upside down. We'll be having hearing his story. Rachel Hives from Wheelwad 2 will be coming on. Russell Berger will be coming up. Oh yeah, Russell Berger. Oh yeah, that's gonna be great.
Starting point is 01:35:26 That'll be a good show. Every show with Russell's great. Yeah. All right, remember. In October, you'll see us at Crash. Oh yeah, October. Right. Crash Crucible.
Starting point is 01:35:39 And if Hatfield grows a set of balls, he'll be there too. Hey, if you're out and if you if anybody out there watching or who will watch this, you love training. If you guys know anyone who does sell or breed raccoons, please send me a message. No, listen, his wife never allowed me to read raccoon. I want a fucking raccoon. No, you want a crow. We talked about. No, I don't want to. What is happening? I want a raccoon because they
Starting point is 01:36:07 have human hands. That's cool. How about a bat? Oh, I don't want a bat, dude. I want a little coo. I want a handy from a bat. Dude, I want a raccoon that just fucking opens the drawer and sits in it. That's what all my Instagram fucking discover pages is like a kitchen drawers open the raccoon just sitting in it and fucking chilling. God your explore page is so different than mine. Yeah yours is just fucking whatever beaver animal you always talk about. I love you guys. Good night. Bye bye.

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