The Sevan Podcast - Prepping For BATTLE | EMILY KAPLAN, The CrossFit Book responds

Episode Date: December 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:10 You don't have to respond. You don't have to respond. You don't have to respond you don't have to respond you don't have to react damn wet hair day you don't have to you do not have to respond you do not have to respond. You do not have to react. There's this thing that parents do that people do around kids. It's fucking absolutely nuts. It's the sure telltale way to decide if you're hanging around insects. The unconscious. hanging around insects.
Starting point is 00:01:43 The unconscious. Parents do it to each other all the time. No shit, my mic's off. God damn it. My mic is off. You guys can't hear me? Ugh. Hold on, let me react to that. So sloppy, Sebi, so sloppy. It's because I don't even have my headphones on What a fucking mess
Starting point is 00:02:10 How's that better? How's that better? Mas bueno? Ah Thank you, Augustus When you say better, is it perfect? There, beautiful, thank you, Miss Scroom Chocolate cake for Heidi That's what I always tell my kids, chocolate cake Thank you, Augustus. When you say better, is it perfect? There, beautiful. Thank you, Miss Scroom.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Chocolate cake for Heidi. That's what I always tell my kids. Chocolate cake. You're hanging out with some kid, and you say to the kid, hey, is that your cat? And the parent answers, yeah, that's his cat. And you look at the kid again, and you're like, what's your cat's name?
Starting point is 00:02:59 And the parent answers again. And then you're like, do you have any other pets? And the parent answers again, yeah, we have a bird and a dog and a blah blah blah and at that point you're like i fucking hate you and i feel sorry for your fucking kid you are the fucking worst parent ever you're just a fucking horrible human being they're not horrible savvy they're just unconscious you're just reacting i know i know thank you thank you for reminding meering me to the land of positivity. I always know the days that I'm a little one step behind in the office because I bring stuff in here that's not needed. Like I brought my wallet in here.
Starting point is 00:03:36 By the way, it is the perfect wallet. I've never seen another perfect wallet besides this. But like why did I bring my wallet into the studio? I never bring my wallet into the studio. You want to see what's in here? A couple credit cards. Oh, there's a business card in here. What the fuck is this? Garage to Fitness. Greg Sharp, CEO.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I don't know where this came from. Swim card for the local swimming pool. When you're a baller like me, I bought like 300 passes on it. Just in advance, you know what I mean? I pay $7 every time I go in with my kids. Oh, card for the boardwalk for rides and video games. Boardwalk for rides and video games. When people talk to me, when I walk up to the front of the line at the local hamburger place,
Starting point is 00:04:33 and the lady says to me, what would you like? I just look at my kid. I'm not getting anything. I just look at him. And it just gets weird. And it should get weird. My kid needs to learn a fucking lesson. Time to fucking speak up.
Starting point is 00:04:48 When I come home and I walk in the door, I'm like, hey, kids, what'd you do today? My wife starts answering. I'm like, shh, shh, shh, shh. I didn't ask you. You would never do that shit to an adult either, by the way. If every time someone asked my wife a question, I answered, she slapped the shit out of me. Yeah, my wife's not violent.
Starting point is 00:05:11 She wouldn't do that. My wife's a horrible hitter. Anytime my wife has hit me, right before it makes contact, she opens her hand and it turns into a slap Fucking weak I tell her she's weak as shit. You want to see how much cash I have look at that a hunji I got a hunji I Got a 50 I Got a 20 and Four ones And four ones. That's good walking money.
Starting point is 00:05:50 174 bucks. Haley abuses you. It makes sense now. I beg her to hit me. I beg her. If I ask you a question, I want to know the answer from you oh triggered shit sorry heidi triggered sorry a little close to home sorry i had a hitter i've had a few hitters i had a girl uh when i lived in the motorhome, I had a girl push me.
Starting point is 00:06:26 They're steep stairs. I know Jake Chapman's going to love this one. A chick pushed me out of my motorhome down the stairs. It's like only two or three stairs, but they're steep. And I fell out onto the sidewalk. And you know like when you're so angry that you're laughing like a complete fucking lunatic. I landed, like right before I hit, I turned to my back and I landed and I was just laughing like a lunatic.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I was like, holy fuck. Am I going to jail now? She just pushed me downstairs. I had this other chick one time fucking attack me in the shower. I was showering at my mom's house she came over and attacked me in the shower I ended up bleeding from that one on my back
Starting point is 00:07:14 but I can't remember exactly how how the fuck did I end up bleeding maybe she scratched, I don't know. Haley's never hit me. No violence in an hour. No, none of that shit. Heidi Kroom, I'm not triggered yet, but I'm working on it. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:07:42 1.5. Oh, that's the lowest triggered yet you guys know that that's like the classic unconscious shit you just don't have to react when someone's talking to your kid and you start responding
Starting point is 00:07:58 for your kid like shut the fuck up let your kid talk if your wife is talking to your kid shut the fuck up if your husband's talking to your kids shut the fuck up if your husband's talking to kids shut the fuck up they're just trying to there's something so much deeper going on than just the love than the information that's being communicated like what are you a fucking robot when the lady at the restaurant asks your kid how he wants his hamburger cooked you don't be like you don't answer and then when the kid says i don't know you let them figure it out you let the kid
Starting point is 00:08:31 fucking use his tools to figure out what does that mean how to have the hamburger cooked you sit you're responding because you feel uncomfortable or you're in some sort of rush stop it stop that's why you never get the gold. That's why you don't have the good shit. You don't have the fucking awesome, exciting, amazing life with tons of stories because you're just forcing shit. You're like a robot. Let shit play out.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Cave Dastro. If your kid doesn't have one million in the bank By the time you're eleven You did something wrong I bet you one of Blade's greatest tools as a cop Is just staying quiet and letting people Fucking dig holes for themselves
Starting point is 00:09:22 Well no officer this isn't my crack pipe it's my wife's well thank you uh missing tooth man i appreciate you like kent the lap uh my kid is just is nonverbal there would just be awkward silence he had tons of you know what I used to do this thing
Starting point is 00:09:48 in college where every month I wouldn't talk for a day it was so fucking crazy people always thought I was on mushrooms that was like the go-to
Starting point is 00:09:56 it was in a college town just walk right up to the fucking cafe and try to order a cup of coffee just point at shit on the menu and then like they'd be like you want a latte but really i wanted a coffee and i would just be
Starting point is 00:10:09 like do it you don't have the willpower the balls the adventure the the attitude of the the the fortitude or the constitution for adventure to not talk for a day. Oh my god, Jake Chapman just said the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. You are so odd. That is so cool. I'm going to savor that. I'm going to savor that. Emily Kaplan's coming on today.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Some of the topics we'll be talking about are Dave's Week in Review, Licensure Bill, and of course, broken science stuff, including the new website. Dude, the Roman thing is fascinating, isn't it? There's this crazy rumor that is surfacing that if it's true, it is going to be so funny. It is going to have so much meat on the bone. Listen, and for all the people like for all you people in these camps where there's
Starting point is 00:11:35 like these like curse shuffles, like, um, Sealy or Charlesworth or, um, uh, um, the what's,
Starting point is 00:11:44 what's Roman's super hot translator agent's name now we're finding out it might be her agent his agent Rosa or this thing Lauren Khalil and Andrew Hiller Andrew Hiller like Neely thank you Neely
Starting point is 00:11:59 you guys are so fucking crazy if you think anyone like you're getting your panties in a twist like someone wrote on Andrew Hill hiller's post that he's bullying lauren khalil listen if you make a post where you're pouring powder on yourself you clearly have a good sense of humor it's it's ridiculous, right? It's like Red Bull gives you wings. Imagine if someone attacked Red Bull and they're like, there's no fucking way it gives you wings. You fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:12:31 That's horrible. They'd be like, yeah, okay. Okay, settle down. Someone get a straitjacket for that guy. How the fuck does anyone think that Andrew having having fun with lauren pouring powder out on herself is bullying let me tell you what i do if i'm if i'm at podium but i'm a world-class marketer i ain't no fucking chump uh i would fucking immediately uh lauren make another video challenging andrew i would send andrew some podium and challenge him to fucking dry scoop one.
Starting point is 00:13:06 But her I'd be like I ain't fucking dry scooping that. You're right. I've never done that shit. How the fuck is someone saying that she could be offended by that. My goodness. My goodness. my goodness my goodness we're just going to ignore them i i don't want to be bullied the best thing that ever happened to fucking lauren khalil's account by the way i don't know lauren's take on it maybe she is totally cool with it maybe she's having fun with it too but you idiots who's saying that andrew's bullying and you know what's probably crazy is
Starting point is 00:13:46 there's probably a whole crowd of people around lauren i'm guessing who are telling her she should be offended bully bully it's like no lauren you're not being bullied you're having fun that listen if you think that's bullying you should see inside the illuminati we fucking ass pound each other we got a gay dude in there what's his name taylor self he fucking gets destroyed imagine being the only gay dude in a group of just fucking dorks just looking to abuse someone bullying yeah bullying it's armenian word there it is bullying b. B-O-O-L-Y-I-A-N. Bullying. Lauren is pretty cool. Okay, yeah. So maybe she doesn't give a shit. Maybe she's having fun with it. You know what would be bullying? You know what would be bullying if Andrew would have said, holy shit, Lauren, is that the way you put on your makeup too?
Starting point is 00:14:43 But holy shit, Lauren, is that the way you put on your makeup, too? That I mean, it's funny. It's funny. But that actually that wouldn't be bullying. That would just be funny. Never mind. Two gay guys in the Illuminati thread. Sorry, two gay guys.
Starting point is 00:15:01 J.R. Howell offended. Oh, wow. Gaylor Taylor. That's good shit. The whole point of the post, you guys, is that she is being absurd by pouring powder on her. I don't know why I'm telling you guys. You guys are all cool. You guys get it but the demand but the demand everyone just go over to that andrew hiller thread and tell that
Starting point is 00:15:32 guy to go away just be like hey dude stop demanding she'd be bullied and she doesn't think it's bullying she's cool as shit she's in the entertainment space she knows it's funny. I don't know what the metrics is, but I'm going to tell you this. It's something like when she posted it, it got 3,000 to 5,000 views. When Andrew posted it, it got 20,000 to 40,000 views. Like, thank you, Andrew. Like, just send Andrew a check. Fucking reach out to him and tell him he should be sponsoring Podium. Get that c4 shit and someone getting a fucking podium sponsor it's fucking retardville we we live with retards mary mansoor mary mansoor but people took
Starting point is 00:16:19 the opportunity to be mean in the comments of the post, even if the post itself wasn't mean. I see. That's true. Maybe there was. What do you mean like, hey, that's over the top or that's so cheesy or shit like that? That shit's gonna be everywhere. I'm just saying what she I hear you. I hear you. But what she should do.
Starting point is 00:16:53 eating beaver blue looks good on you thanks you know it's crazy so this is what it's like working it with me i have been bitching i have been bitching to travis for three weeks now to get me this shirt but this shirt has been sitting on my dining room table for four weeks. So not only did he get me this shirt, but he got it to me before I even started bitching the first time. And yet I just still kept bitching. It's this one. And because I'm such a bitch, I'm'm gonna take a bite of this chocolate dick right now on the air
Starting point is 00:17:29 no I'm not thank you, thank you Eden Beaver my tag is out? oh, thank you, shit that's how you know someone cares take the whole thing in your mouth Heidi Kroom please bite the dick
Starting point is 00:18:02 Sean Lenderman Matt Burns deep throat um not a taxidermy uh i ain't queer babe but you look nice today blue oh so something's happening so today in the shower i look down and it's the flattest my stomach's been in god i sound like a woman who uses those words flat flat stomach it's the flattest my stomach's been in um as far back as i can remember this this uh this this you know you know the guy um spongebob who called in who's got me on back on the carnivore kick if this shit's really working yeah not all meat but pretty close i did have um when i was
Starting point is 00:18:56 in newport i did have i don't know while i was there i didn't want to tell you guys this but i don't know probably anywhere between five and 50 shots of tequila. But other than that, pretty much just all meat, you know, a couple of fuck ups, but nothing crazy, nothing crazy at all. You know, like at one time, maybe I had a piece of broccoli. Another time, maybe I had a handful of cashews. But I've been pretty like. Like yesterday, when I drove up the other day that was hard but all i but all i ate was meat carnivore is working it's crazy working it's crazy and here's
Starting point is 00:19:33 this other thing i'll be completely honest with you like i don't want to work out i have been working out but i went probably the longest i ever remember not working out when i was in newport i went like three days i mean i'm I'm, I'm crazy active, but wow. Hey, so, so I think it's been like three or four weeks of just meat and tequila and now I'm home. So I'm not like last night, I didn't drink tequila last and probably I won't drink any alcohol now for a long time. I have a feeling the next month is going to be crazy. So, and it's just tequila and water. You do know alcohol is a carcinogen. I, I, yeah, I don't, I didn't know that. I just know it's just tequila and water you do know alcohol is a carcinogen i i yeah i don't i didn't know that i just know it's bad for you i just know it's bad for you yeah meat and tequila diet um
Starting point is 00:20:16 um it's almost been exclusively cow 99 cow one time we went out to dinner, and when we go out to dinner, I don't eat anything. I just sit there. I just order tequila and water. But one night we went out to dinner, and they brought us a complimentary. What's that thing that's in the glass saucer with all the chopped up pieces of fish in it?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Ceviche or something? And there was a piece of fish in there, and it was the shape of a cube, and i took one cube out and i ate it and it tasted lemony so i probably got some lemon juice too alcohol uh it is sugar okay we're fine i'm just telling you i'm just just telling you what i'm doing buddy just telling you meeting tequila not even vodka
Starting point is 00:21:08 tequila I from a ceviche ceviche is Italian for pussy salad says not a taxidermy deer well it must be weird to listen to this show because Because you can't tell. Some of these names are so weird.
Starting point is 00:21:36 No, it's okay. I don't mind the haters. I shouldn't be drinking. I definitely shouldn't be. I definitely shouldn't be drinking. But, you know, I'm very compassionate with myself. I'm very accepting, gentle. Very compassionate.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Make sure you eat Oregon meat too. I haven't done any Oregon meat yet. More meat fat though than I've ever eaten in my life. The other time I went, I did this. I was basically just eating hamburger meat now i'm almost eating no hamburger meat eric utley helping me justify the tequila i hear tequila doesn't have the same effects on the bitty bitty body like other sugar-based alcohols i don't remember the
Starting point is 00:22:26 specifics yeah that's why i switched to tequila i heard that it was the best one if you're gonna do one so i was like okay i'll just have tequila and water uh caved astro get on 200 milligrams of trt while you're at it do you do that cave are you do you take some some some supplements like that dude i will not use nicotine jesus criminy emily will be on in seven minutes it looks like I just saw that the CrossFit Games athletes are getting jerseys
Starting point is 00:23:15 oh shit fuck damn it I wanted to have an affiliate on today Fuck. Damn it. I wanted to have an affiliate on today. This morning. We fucked that up. The show is getting way more flexible.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I don't know if you guys noticed. We have multiple guests on at the same time. I'll pull people on at the last minute and and so it requires more and more usually suza like exclusively does the scheduling for the show like 99.99 but all the stuff that's like last minute i do all the last minute scheduling so like um he doesn't know emily's coming on this morning or like when i had jetted eye on last minute or uh tater tot tim murray or um jethro who's had his grand opening those are all just last minute and i do those and i fucked up i put uh susan was at the gym late last night until like fuck, 10 o'clock. He's got so many fucking programs. It's amazing. He's got a kids program
Starting point is 00:24:30 that he's like so dedicated to. And then he's got the police. And he's got the firefighters. You could even say that this podcast is a program of his. He's got Help the Old Man with his podcast program.
Starting point is 00:24:41 that this podcast is a program of his. He's got to help the old man with his podcast program. Yesterday, Dave released a week in review. And he said that I was he suggested that I was encouraging Greg to start a competing program with CrossFit. Those rumors have started about a competitive program to CrossFit because Greg has mentioned that his non-compete is up in nine months. You have Emily out there making a lot of content.
Starting point is 00:25:25 You have that, whatever that affiliate Instagram account is that Caleb showed us yesterday. And so Dave talked about it. So I thought it would be cool to bring Emily on and hear her two tidbits about it. Keep the drama going. I tried to get Danielle Brandon on this morning. She told me she can't do between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m.,
Starting point is 00:25:50 so I said, okay, how about a nighttime show? So what's the deal? They were, what do you think we can bet the bank on? Her and Mr. Torres were doing it, and now they're not doing it? Is that the um it must be it must be weird right because like Cooper he uh Torres acts like Cooper Marsh is his friend
Starting point is 00:26:16 and then that that's the guy that's always stuck to Danielle's hip and then so he's like probably caught in between the two of them doing what oh Black John Young wants to know doing what And so he's like probably caught in between the two of them. Doing what? Oh, Black John Young wants to know doing what? You know, the sex. S-E-X. They're no longer doing it. I know, yeah, they're no longer.
Starting point is 00:26:37 A caved astro. You think they had mutual separation? Hey, Matt Burns, I bet she seduced him. Just because she seduced the rest of us, you bet she seduced him just because she seduced the rest of us you think she seduced him right solid solid thinking i wonder what that even means seduced is that just a displacement of responsibility what does that mean seduced like you wake up in the middle of the night and someone's rubbing your penis i think that's the only way you could be seduced is if you were sleeping. Seduced. Either that or it's just...
Starting point is 00:27:08 A seduced is... Attract someone to a belief or into a course of action. Oh, I'm a seducer. That's all I do is try to seduce people. Sway you to my beliefs. Attract to a belief or into a course of action. Yeah, she can't help it. When Danielle's in homeostasis, any healthy man is seduced by her.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Just like, you know what I mean? It's just like you're. Like if you exercise and eat food and then she walks into the room, you're, if you're healthy, you have eyes or a nose, she probably smells great too. Hey, that is a, you guys probably don't know this, but that is a huge disappointment to me when I ask him if she smells good and like, he can't just be like, I love every scent on her. Like, I think, I think something's wrong with you as a man.
Starting point is 00:28:05 If you don't love every natural scent on a woman, I think something's off. You're not functioning at maximum capacity. Maximum discernment, ability, sensation, appreciation clarity yeah exactly look at my fellow Armenian guy I hate perfume on women, me too hey, if I kiss a woman and I get like that bitter
Starting point is 00:28:40 thing, you know like you bit into a banana peel it's like what the fuck do you have on your face? Oh, whoa, whoa. Whoa, what's going on? Oh, oh, caller. Shit. Hold on, caller. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Hold on. Jeez. Bluetooth. Disengage. Disengage Bluetooth. Oh, that was crazy was crazy foodcaster 2 on hello caller hi hello hello hello hey hey what's up what's up well What's up, Will? This is Steve Blacksmith, actually.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Oh, you're related to Chandler Blacksmith? I wish. Oh. No. But I think he's just a Smith and I'm Blacksmith. Oh, shit, you guys got each other's names. Yeah. Are you black?
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm not. Oh, you fucking stole his name? Inside me, like you. Oh, okay. Yeah. No, I'm older than him. fucking stole his name Inside me like you Oh okay Yeah No I'm older than him He stole my name Steve Vaughn What's up Steve Vaughn
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yes Hey I don't want to get off the DBE talk But I wanted to know If you'd be willing to speculate wildly On whether or not Greg would end up with CrossFit again Yes
Starting point is 00:30:02 In the near future Yes Yeah I think he ends up getting it for like 50 bucks yeah right like they still don't know what they bought and so they'll just be like can you take this back please yeah yeah i don't i don't know finances i do have 174 dollars in my wallet but i think something happens where they're able to write it off and just give it back to them but hey that flies completely in the wind of the theory that it was just bought to kill anyway.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So, but I mean, I like, I completely, I do think at the end of the day, someone buys CrossFit back for $50 and just gives it to Greg and is like, here you go, sorry. That's what I think of the end game. Do you think he takes it? Because I know. Yeah, yeah know yeah yeah for 50 bucks for 50 bucks he totally takes it for 50 bucks he totally takes it and then and then and then half of the affiliates get put on a life raft and pushed out into the atlantic that part they have to deserve it yeah yeah and they deserve it the half of them get pushed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Okay. And the games only take place in fields of wild poison oak from now on. That is just one of the components of the games. It has every event that takes place in a field of poison oak. They're going to take them out to the ranch and release a whole bunch of wild dogs. They just, every, events are only done in 100 degree heat or more. That becomes the, there's going to be a new degree heat or more that becomes the there's going to be a new greg actually is working on it now a new facet of constantly varied or adaptation and it's to be able to work out on mars he's working on it with elon severe heat condition
Starting point is 00:31:34 yeah that's a great plan there is it'll bring back that lost grit hey here's here's what it took me a long time to uncover, but here are the two things. That thing that Greg did where he made CrossFit its brand doing the correction of the public health record, that really is what separates us from every – that's what separated us as a group from everyone else. We had just a fucking leader who would court Correct the public record on health and of course the public record wouldn't change. They hated him and feared him for it, right? I'm coca-cola doesn't want him saying you can't exercise away a can of coke people Don't want him saying a squat below parallel all that shit right proving them all wrong But he did that and no one else will ever do that
Starting point is 00:32:26 For three reasons they don't care. They don't know. And they're scared. And so in that respect, if yeah, it's gone, it's, I really, I have this epiphany once a month that CrossFit's gone. And then, and then I forget for 29 days and it comes back, but I'm kind of in that mode now CrossFit's gone. And when I hear people say it's not all about one man,'m like yeah it's gone those are the kind of things that or they start talking about the community and blah it's like like like like jedediah is still a man without legs right but if you chop off his head uh he's no longer a man and and we don't have the head
Starting point is 00:33:03 we don't have the head but it's still fun i still like it it's it's fun like watching it like i'm enjoying the whole process of watching it flounder around and like us try to figure out what we're doing and the drama and do you think there's a chance that somebody comes in and recognizes what's missing and and tries to stand in for greg in the same way. That would be cool, too. That would be fucking crazy to see that. That would be awesome. But you would have to be anybody with a business degree, obviously. But hey, do what Elon's doing at Twitter is like a one in a billion. Like, it's so fucking bizarre to see someone come in and read.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Who would have ever thought Twitter would be free again? I mean, that's. I don't know if anyone can do What Greg did Here's the thing That's kind of like saying The Beatles are the pinnacle of music Right like no they just hit it
Starting point is 00:33:57 At the right time somebody was going to come In and do that anyway they were just The first ones to get there so Greg You could make the argument that like Greg was the first one to get there but he's not the only person that would recognize something like this right he's definitely not the only person who would who recognized something like this but um the other people were taking these these roots of like writing books about it or getting up in front of speaking to people like i feel like most of the people who who stumbled upon what greg stumbled upon were like in a whole different realm you know what i mean like they were fucking buried
Starting point is 00:34:30 somewhere on the 18th floor of some building at stanford and and you get this guy who um used to do uh business with uh he you know it's funny this is totally off subject i've had this i've been using this hell's angels metaphor that keeps getting misconstrued for people who don't understand how metaphors work but um what's funny is greg used to work with the hell's angels very closely not my story to tell for many years and you get this guy who is affiliated with that kind of lifestyle who stumbles upon the truth and he's got some shit to say. And I just,
Starting point is 00:35:06 I hear you about the Beatles thing, but dude, I don't know, man, a lot of things had to align for this fucking cantankerous motherfucker to come out. I mean, even the thing going on with his leg and the fact that he got a fucking chip on his shoulder and something that proved to the world, like,
Starting point is 00:35:19 fuck you hold my beer. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. Like most people would crumble. Anyway, thank you for calling. Yeah, thanks for having me. Have a great day. Love you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Bye. Hi. Hi. hi hi every esc sound seven we would like to sign a one million dollar sponsorship agreement with you we will be dropping all of our athletes tomorrow and we've realized the power of your podcast like paper street coffee we know we will skyrocket to the top of audio performance tools in the space like paper street did with its coffee. Thank you for everything you do.
Starting point is 00:36:08 We will be contacting your lawyer shortly. Holy shit. Thank you. Oh my God. Uh, E S C sounds. Copper has an amazing ability to always do the right thing by everyone, even in the most complex of situations.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oh, Cooper. Oh, Cooper. Oh, some love for a cooper okay cooper's uh daniel brandon's a uh agent and josh bridge's whipping boy oh that's really cool okay fair enough love for cooper cooper marsh we just got married i was falsely accused of encouraging greg to by the dave castro i think we both were i mean not named but i feel like when you say inner circle i think that's just you and me sebi
Starting point is 00:36:56 i threw you under the bus on my review i'm like not me maybe that book lady i ain't doing that i ain't encouraging him i like it just the way he But if he did, it would be good for my podcast. Well, good. So I'm not opposed to it. I'm not opposed to it. Anytime your name is mentioned, it's good. I don't know if that's always true, but, you know, ride the wave. Super, super duper big picture. CrossFit's a good thing. If Greg were to start something, it would be a good thing. CrossFit is a good thing. If Greg were to start something, it would be a good thing. And society as a whole there, reached out to him over the weekend to sort of get some clarity on some of those things. Like, I was like, I wonder if they're going to come back to you now that. Who's Brett?
Starting point is 00:37:52 Brett, the lobbyist. Oh, oh, oh, he doesn't work there anymore? No, they laid him off. Oh, wow. They don't have anybody who's looking for state bills, problems with licensure stuff. So I feel like we've talked about this a little bit and Greg and I have certainly talked about it a lot, but like when they settled the NSCA case, it became just like a matter of time before those bills came back because no one's guarding the
Starting point is 00:38:16 watchtower is what I like to say, right? Like Brett spent every day looking at local bills. So like, that's not easy. You have to find like the state legislature, right? Or the community board that's going to say that you have to have some sort of, you know, certification run through the state. In California, it sounds like it's going to be under medical boards, which we know post COVID is hugely problematic.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And I know I'm jumping right into this. So you can- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I like this. Let's go. I mean, I think it's really important for people to, you know, that was not, you know, from if we look back and we do an autopsy on like things that were great under Greg and things that were not great under Greg, Greg spent so much time and effort and you
Starting point is 00:38:57 all did too, traveling the country, right? I mean, the whole Soto Tour, like tour, educating everybody on issues of who was coming after you, who was funding that, what that was all about. That was, I mean, legislate, litigate, educate, validate. That was what he thought his job was. I don't see that now. And I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but they got rid of the one person whose job it was, was to look out for those bills.
Starting point is 00:39:23 We know there's a huge interest in getting control over those bills because it does two things. It makes it very hard to be a CrossFit trainer, punishable by a year in prison, thousands of dollars in fines. I cannot say that enough. That was a bill that would have passed if you all hadn't challenged it and Greg hadn't paid millions of dollars to fight it. But it also is this whole registered dietitian thing that a lot of people don't understand. Many states have laws on the books that you have to be a registered dietitian in order to give any nutrition advice. And actually there are some of them are so crazy. I used to have a list of all of them. I could probably find,
Starting point is 00:39:59 but like it's either Maine or New Hampshire is so rigid that I remember reading the law and thinking so like a mom can't tell her kid what to eat. And those are all paid for because it's this whole, you know, I think sort of like shaming campaign. That's like if you just move more, you can eat whatever you want. Guess who that's paid for? And Greg saw through all of that and had an amazing team of really talented people who could fight that and call it out. And so these licensure bills that are coming back, like, I mean, they're coming back way worse, way more harsh than they were under Greg. The current regime has no interest in that. They're trying. I mean, they're claiming they didn't make a profit. They're not going to spend 40 million dollars fighting this. And the truth is, a lot of these bills that are going to pass the one in California looks like it goes into effect 2028.
Starting point is 00:40:58 The likelihood that Berkshire still owns CrossFit 2028, like it's not an invest. It's a long-term investment. They're not doing that. So, I mean, I think, you know, without getting into just like based on what, you know, Dave was saying, like Greg would never do this. Greg feels hugely responsible for the affiliates still, and very proud of the work that they do. I mean, I think he's pretty clear about like, even when we were at the games and you know, the line of people was hours long and he was exhausted. Dave did say that he did say Greg Greg does, I know Greg does care about the affiliates and does care about the people. He did say that at the, at the end. So, I mean, I think it's also important to remember that like, you know, when Greg started all of this,
Starting point is 00:41:37 he said he didn't want to do it. And he said he didn't want affiliate. Like he didn't want to have anything to do with that. And basically it was the affiliates that pushed it on him and said, look, we're using your methodology. We'd really like to be able to give you credit and call this something. And so like, you know, sorry, the non-competes up in August. And if there's enough pressure, I mean, Dave says there's pressure from us, right. Which there's not. And you and I both know that if Greg doesn't want to do something, he will not do it. So like that's and Dave knows that that's a throwaway comment. But I did. Greg has said, though, on the show that he would help someone if they decided to do something. He said, I'm not interested in running it. But if someone needed help, that he would help them.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Yeah, of course, because he wants to see this succeed. Right. Yeah. And it's failing specific, specifically the affiliates. He wants to see the affiliates be successful. I mean, I think Greg still believes that it's, you know, the solution to the world's most vexing problem. Yeah. Yeah, of course. You kind of have some integrity and you have a way of helping people get that message to more people you have a duty to do that right yeah 100 and and we know we know greg and dave knows greg greg's not going to stay still greg's not going to buy a fishing he's not going to buy a fishing pole and be like hey i'm pivoting to fucking um river fishing like this like he's going to do what Greg does. Yeah. Do you remember that when he went fishing and he called me and he's like, I'm now a certified fisherman. And I was like, great.
Starting point is 00:43:11 How's that for you? And he was like, I don't think I need to fish again. Right, right. He's on. I'm never fishing again. Anthony, a TPA option B from yesterday. Seve. Oh, I forget.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Oh, oh, oh, okay. That slogan will save CrossFit and reignite Greg's book. OK. Yesterday we did a poll. CrossFit put out this thing that loneliness causes sickness. Yeah, I saw that. CrossFit is more effective at curing loneliness or more effective at making your chick's tits small, exercising your tits away. And it was 70% of the people said it reduces breast size is more, uh, is a stronger quality or more likely to happen than reduce your loneliness. 30% thought loneliness. Yeah. Very scientific of you. I had 375 experts in the audience weigh in on it. I think we need to validate those results yeah i and obviously my point is being this is like i hate to see any of this dumb shit like the loneliness or the the breast size or it's like yeah crossfit kills cures all feelings you feeling happy let me give you 100 burpees it'll cure that too like come on man i got into a back and forth with somebody that Hiller had a post about it. Yeah. And there was somebody, I said something about how like, you know, loneliness doesn't make you sick, but being sick may make you lonely. Right. And so CrossFit cures for both
Starting point is 00:44:36 of those things. And then there was somebody who was basically trying to say to me that like the research, there's lots of research that like you can stress yourself out and your cortisol levels will increase. And I was like, there is absolutely no research of anybody who's eating a low carb diet, doing high intensity functional movements regularly, who's stressing themselves out. So much of their cortisol levels are up. If you're doing that protocol, if you're following methodology, your cortisol levels will not be stressed out. Right. Yeah. And you won't be lonely. So it's cause and effect kind of thing, right? Like go to the root cause. What's the root cause? Well, if you're metabolically deranged,
Starting point is 00:45:13 you're severely overweight, or you're in, let's say you're in good shape, but you're eating a high sugar diet and your body's super taxed and you're exhausted, you might feel really fucking lonely. And I don't, yeah, I'm with you a hundred percent and I don't mind anecdotal stuff. I don't mind like, Hey, um, uh, I'm 75 years old. My husband died and I started going to a CrossFit gym and I can't believe all the friends I've made. And I was so lonely sitting at home and now I've made the best friends in my life and I have, I feel like i have a second lease on life i fucking love that yeah got it but to present it in in the in a way that makes it so it's uh observable measurable repeatable and put it up there with what crossfit really is and the definition of fitness i i think you're watering down your shit if you think this bill is nothing remember what started as 15 days to the slow spread totally on a Graciano Rubio. You want to explain, expand on what he's saying there?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Yeah. So, I mean, I think he's talking about like COVID basically saying like, hey, just stay home for 15 days. We have a medical board in California that's going to regulate athletic training. Right. What does that mean? It's totally arbitrary. And through COVID, we saw this really interesting from a sort of political standpoint and certainly
Starting point is 00:46:24 from all the work that I'm doing on censorship. It's fascinating to see how local health departments were completely weaponized. Right. So local health departments are not elected officials. Those are people who are appointed. So they don't represent the populace, which is really important when you're thinking about who you're giving power and control to. It should be people that we have selected that represent us, right? So the local health departments became these, probably the most powerful local government agencies through COVID in ways that like they were never designed to be, right? To the point where like they could get the governor and the health department in some states had the right to shut off your electricity if you violated their protocols. Like that is in the United States. And so I think his point is like, we know how this
Starting point is 00:47:12 goes, right? That was all medical boards that are saying like for the safety of everybody. And I mean, they're criminalizing free speech in Europe right now. No one is talking about that. So it's not, these issues haven't gone away. I think they're really proof of concept of what the government can get away with. And we should absolutely expect them to come back. So something like this, licensure of personal trainers, like no one's going to give a shit. No one's going to care except for the people in the trenches and the people in the trenches are going to say like, oh, well, if you have a nationally accredited certification, like the NSCA or the ACSM, what you will approve you. But what is this CrossFit thing? It causes injuries. I'm a doctor. I don't know anything about that. I'm not going to approve that. You don't have an undergraduate degree in exercise
Starting point is 00:47:59 physiology. And you're out there telling people to lift really heavy weight and move their body fast, like that's a recipe. And not eat refined carbs. Right. And not eat, not follow the standard American diet, which is the whole registered dietitian thing that people don't seem to understand, which is that like to become a registered dietitian, you have to do an internship at a hospital. There's a lot of requirements. I mean, it's a multi-year program you have to do, but you have to prescribe that, you know, American guidelines that it's part of, you know, Nina Teicholz does a really good job of explaining how those guidelines are really the government telling us what to eat, but they're also like what the military is fed.
Starting point is 00:48:38 What if you're in a coma or a car accident or whatever, you go to the hospital, that's what you're getting. It's that breakdown of macronutrients, right? And if you're a dietician, that's what you have to prescribe. Or you risk losing your license. So for a medical board to say, hey, and this is happening in Canada, I now have two CrossFit, and actually, if there's more people, I would love to hear from you, affiliates who have gotten cease and desist letters. One's outside of Toronto and one is outside of Quebec or in Quebec. And they've gotten letters basically saying like, hey,
Starting point is 00:49:11 it appears as though you're giving nutrition advice. One of them had Jason Fung's book as a recommendation on his website. And the cease and desist letter said it looks like you're telling people to fast and giving nutrition advice. This is against the rules. Take that down right now. And like, just by the way, we're watching you. What's already happening, right? By the way, I was on a podcast two years ago, Coffee Pods and Wads. And I got a note from the owner of that podcast today that YouTube, someone's scouring his work.
Starting point is 00:49:44 owner of that podcast today that YouTube, someone's scouring his work and someone went and pointed out, Hey, at 2259, uh, the person you had on the podcast said something that's against WHO guidelines. And we pulled down your podcast. That's from two years ago. They pulled down my podcast with a guy. And what you're saying in Canada is gyms are being threatened because they're suggesting a book that suggests fasting. Right. Like you have a book club, right? And you say, people should read this book. Yeah. So anybody who thinks this isn't like very closely down the line is totally missing the boat. And the fact that, I mean, so to go back to the week in review stuff, I feel like this idea of like a blaming Greg, which I think is just like total entitlement and weird cop out and also not at all in line with the sort of ethos of crossfit like take personal responsibility yes yes have ownership over your own yes yes work hard leave the place better than you found it all that shit is like
Starting point is 00:50:39 oh well daddy left and so you know like let's all blame him and not those of us who are still working here yes that was a weird weird line but i will say as somebody who you know has helped a lot of people who have been canceled and has become somewhat sophisticated in campaigns there that was a talking point that somebody else was pushing around two weeks ago. What talking point? The one that Dave used? Greg abandoned us. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We should blame him for the situation we're in right now. Can you tell me who? I'd rather not because I don't want to dig into a bigger thing. But there's three people now who I've heard who are – and didn't you tell me that – I've talked about that honestly i'm like really into what how greg invested his money he was oh oh yeah that guy andrew charlesworth is a fucking nutter so if you have three people that's a power yeah that guy was demanding that guy was demanding to know how greg spent his money after he sold it's like dude what the
Starting point is 00:51:41 fuck are you talking about mind your own fucking business well like you talk about entitlement we're gonna share with you greg's investment strategy like yeah so weird um i want to find this uh post um uh it's from nicole carroll And it says, here it goes. This is from CrossFit 19 hours ago. Okay. The people attracted to CrossFit understood the uncompromising work hard and be better values. We signaled, they understood that the best thing in life comes from deep accountability. And it's interesting. Right. So that's what we are. We're, we're an organization. We're a group of people who believe in deep accountability and personal responsibility. And so that was, I see what you're saying. It is weird to be like, Hey, I don't mind Greg. I don't mind Dave correcting the record. I do think it's very
Starting point is 00:52:39 important to say that Greg did make the decision to sell the company. Okay. But can I blame him for, yeah, please go ahead. Okay. So yes, of course he decision to sell the company okay but can i blame him for yeah please go ahead okay so yes of course he decided to sell the company and of course he made a lot of money and like that's all there's nothing wrong with that right he should have made more yeah but i think you have to go back a little bit and like remember what that was like so you had most people in his i hear you but now you're just, I hear you. I hear you. I'm wondering if anybody, Dave is accused of rape, sexual harassment, like criminal
Starting point is 00:53:12 charges that you go to prison for. Right. Okay. Right. Your inner circle isn't standing up for you. In fact, people in the executive team are quitting and trying to get other employees to walk out and calling them racist. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:25 They don't walk out like you're. And there was a piece of shit out there. There was a piece of shit out there. That was that had hired a lawyer and was going around calling people being like, do you want to start a class action lawsuit against Greg? It doesn't even matter if you have a story or not. Let's just come up with some shit. Yeah. There were people.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah. Yeah. if you have a story or not let's just come up with some shit yeah there were people like yeah down yeah there's a piece of shit out there that fucking i hope his karma fucking gets him big time so people are doing some really bad shit like greg would fight the everybody and i mean i said this okay you're right i forget you're right world sure but like when the people who are you know and i don't think that greg would expect anybody to like truly put their neck out for them. But let's be honest, you and I were talking all the time. You were getting slammed in the media, too. And you were willing to be a source for me when I was saying, like, I need a couple employees who are willing to counter some of these claims.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Or it does sound weird, right? Like it sounds like no one's going to get his back. And there were five female employees and you and that was it. And there were five female employees and you and that was it. So I can't I have very low tolerance for this idea of like, oh, we would have been fine and we were through it. I was working to protect you. A lot of people who are still at the company who I'm not going to name. Right. And Greg, from being in those stories through February of the next year.
Starting point is 00:54:46 So we were not out of the woods. When the sale closed, those stories were still, people were still trying to push those stories because they got a lot, look at the CrossFit audience. Any story you write about CrossFit gets a lot of clicks. Stories were still coming. And the people who were the sources behind it had basically burned their relationship with a lot of the big media, like the New York Times, because we'd proven that they were lying. And so then they were going to shittier publications. And it actually made it harder because those places have even worse standards. So I would call and say like, hey, guys got this wrong. These other call the New York Times. They decided not to run these stories because they know it's all false. And they would say like, well, you know, it's your job to say that. And I would say it sure is, but let me provide you with some proof. Right. And we had all the pictures and we had all the stuff
Starting point is 00:55:29 and it's like, they didn't run because they would have gotten sued and they would have lost. And somebody higher up basically said like, this is, we cannot do this. Like they're on top of this. They're going to prove that we knowingly published something that was false, which is defamation. Right. And also not woman, not one woman came forward or man came forward to that attorney, by the way, even, even with them calling shitloads of people, no one came forward. I just want to reiterate that no one came forward and was like, Greg did this. That's why there are no stories. Cause there, cause there were no stories. And for anyone who's like, well, I want to see the NDAs or all that stuff. Hey, you can't fucking have someone sign an NDA and shut them up if
Starting point is 00:56:06 something fucking horrible happened to them. No, I hate that. And I think that's horrible. When people say that, it makes me so upset because somebody who is raped, right, or is sexually harassed, here's that. And they think, oh my God, I signed an NDA. I shouldn't come forward. I'll be in trouble. That's not how this works. And it's really, really important to clarify that. If you sign an NDA, it's a contract, it's a private contract, right? With a company that is never going to be more powerful than the law of the land. If you commit a criminal act, that is going to supersede any personal contract. So like I can't hire somebody to be, or like put somebody as a slave in my basement and make them sign a contract saying that they're never going to say that I had labor violations.
Starting point is 00:56:49 The labor violations of the state that I live in and the country that I live in will supersede any agreement that I force or have or willingly have somebody sign. So that's total bullshit. I'm going to read this to you. The bill is for California who is the only state without these regulations on athletic trainers. So saying it's a stepping stone when it's the 50th state to do it is disingenuous at best. I don't agree with that last line. But I wonder if that is true. I wonder if it is the last state to get this. But it doesn't discredit anything you're saying. I wonder if that is true. I wonder if it is the last state to get this, but it doesn't discredit anything you're saying.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I don't think I don't think. No, because what they do is they make these bills and then they add in little things afterwards. Right. So the California bill is written. I mean, we've gone through it. It's pretty vague in some of the language. Very vague. Not defining an athletic trainer as like only people who work for professional sports teams or high school sports teams. It's really broad. And so that will allow them to then create all kinds of caveats and carve outs really easily. It's far harder to get the first bill done. And I asked Brett about the California bill. And he said, he actually said to me, I'm sort of surprised that they haven't gotten it to the personal trainer level all the way through already,
Starting point is 00:58:02 because they've been working on it for a long time. Who's behind it? Just someone who's behind it. Well, I don't know. I mean, in the past, we know it was SOTA and NSCA. I wouldn't I haven't done enough research to know that. I don't know why it wouldn't be. And whoever gets behind it, it's a it's a thirty four million dollar windfall. And how I came up with that number is you make every trainer in the United States, 340,000 of them register at a hundred bucks a pop. And right away you got 34
Starting point is 00:58:31 million bucks. Yeah. But that's nothing compared to the advantage that you'll get from being able to control what people can give for nutrition advice. And that's part of it really. Sean Sullivan, Mr. Mike Albinbin the government is always incremental in taking control of things the slippery slope is undefeated uh high carb diet uh causes loneliness you know what's funny about that too is saying that crossfit cures loneliness is the same way saying a six-pack of beer cures loneliness and it does just you just need one a night, one a night. Much easier than going to your CrossFit gym. Halpin, Sean, it's the 50th state. The bill is a catch up on other states and has nothing to do with CrossFit. It's for medical athletic trainers that work with school sports. OK, so we're on different pages than Mike.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Well, I think he's just looking at it on the surface. He maybe doesn't have the institutional knowledge to know that like that's how these things start. And then they progress to include more and more things. Right. So oftentimes these licensure bills come through on the athletic trainer boat or they come in through like massage therapists and acupuncturists and people who are touching people's bodies. So there's sort of these two camps of ways of getting it in there and a list of people that need to be regulated more. What, what happened? Wasn't there something in Michigan going down right now also? Yeah. So there's a, there's some stuff in Michigan that looks very similar to what they had. And like, I think it was like 2013 or 2010. It was a while ago and CrossFit successfully knocked it down. And it looks like it's basically the same thing, like copy paste. And they're going to try and push it through again.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I don't, I don't understand the Seve getting slammed or was he doing the slamming? I can't remember what that was in reference to. Sorry. I'm behind on the comments. I think it's your media coverage. Maybe I think Seve got slammed a lot, but I think,
Starting point is 01:00:24 or was he doing this now i'm doing now i'm doing the slamming thank you uh halpin is not buying the uh slippery slope says a fawn doll it's a beautiful name what's the slippery slope is that asian he's not buying the slippery slope that like hey it starts off with the athletic trainers and then it moves to the gym trainers and then next thing you know we're all drinking gatorade and not squatting below parallel i fully believe the slippery slope good luck to you yeah um i mean you can go back and look there's time i don't know if russ has taken it down but all the battle stuff that the russes did pretty well documents all of that. If anybody's interested in reading like what was on the docket and what was taken apart by CrossFit and CrossFit affiliates.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I mean, there was a Massachusetts, there was a huge contingent of CrossFit affiliates that went to the Capitol to protest the bills. And it was huge. I mean, there was a lot of community involvement around all of that, but it was a long time ago. And I think people, I don't know, in the more recent years, people don't talk about it so much. Did you see the state of the industry report? Only the part you sent me. Okay. I want to um there's a page in here and it's page um 58 i apologize that i'm not pulling it up for you to see and um it says in here that um there was a question and it was was regarding CrossFit's approval rating.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And this was done right around games time, this survey. Things were pretty hot. They conducted the survey around that time? Yeah. Okay. And it's done by Two Brain Business, and it's the biggest survey of sorts in the world by far. There's not even a close. And it's all gyms, not just a fortune. It's all gyms,
Starting point is 01:02:25 not just CrossFit. Yeah. All gyms. I think let's say let's for rough numbers, it's 15,000 gyms and half of them are CrossFit. Let's say, okay. 89.7% of gym owners in the CrossFit category who are currently affiliated, feel confident about the future of the brand.
Starting point is 01:02:39 That was one of the choices. Is this after Greg went to the games? That's a good question. I don the games? That's a good question. I don't know. That's a good question. I think so. Yes. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Because I heard from a lot of people that that was the best indicator that they had that CrossFit was going to be okay. 28% of formally affiliated gym owners are confident in the future of the brand. That was also a choice. 1% of respondents said they do not feel confident in the future of the brand. That was also a choice. 1% of respondents said they do not feel confident about the future of the brand. And 1%. And 23.6% strength and conditioning gyms had the highest rate of former CrossFit affiliation. So I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think that that, what that saying is, is that, um, 23% of currently running strength and conditioning gyms were formerly CrossFit gyms, but this is the part that really trips me. That's market segment, right? So, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:37 like the total population of all strength and conditioning outlets, and they're saying 23% of them used to be. Yeah, I think so. Strength and conditioning gyms had the highest rate of former CrossFit affiliation. So of all the gyms out there that aren't CrossFit affiliates now, the highest rate that used to be CrossFit gyms were strength and conditioning gyms. I don't even, that's a weird stat, but here's the one that I want to get. I want to read to you. 9% of the respondents were hopeful for the return of Greg Glassman. Now, here's what's weird. That wasn't a choice. Those people had to write that in. In this entire survey, Greg Glassman's name was never mentioned once in the state of the- You mean like when you vote for president and you write like- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes yes yes yes well that's powerful that's fucking nuts
Starting point is 01:04:30 yeah i mean it's hard to understand because you think if it had been a question what would the percentage have been right like most people fill those surveys out really fast and don't think much of them to take the time to write something in as very significant. I mean, I don't know enough about surveys, but I would think that that's something to take seriously. Dildo watching this podcast should make you CFL one certified. Paul Peters.
Starting point is 01:05:01 I think Emily has bigger nuts than you seven. I don't think so metaphorically speaking she for sure does are you fucking kidding me twice everything i have oh stop uh surveys aren't science of course thank you that's true thank you i i was telling you i was explaining that to my friend Travis the other day. We were fighting. The surveys are great jumping off points for doing research. I think that needs to be said, right? They're indications of something. They're not conclusive in any way, but they give you a temperature read that allows you to generate a hypothesis and then actually test it. So you would say from something like this, that's a huge indicator. How would we test it? Well, we'd go back out and we'd say, you know, we'd interview people or we'd say like, Greg's starting a new thing.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Would you jump ship? Would you join both? What would you do? And you'd get data on that and figure out how reliable the indicator was. Do you think there's two organizations like CrossFit could exist? Sure. I mean, I think the other thing that bothers me is this whole idea of like, I'd be disappointed if when, and again, like, just to be clear, like I have, I'm the only full-time employee. I have my hands full with broken science stuff. Like I'm not pushing Greg to do anything he doesn't want to do like i don't want to like i definitely took that as a shot and i want to clarify that but i also explain that explain that
Starting point is 01:06:31 to me you think you know there's a lot of davis very smart and strategic yeah and when he is saying things like i love greg he's my like my best friend. But like he left us and he we all blame him for the problems like people should see through that. Yeah. Right. But I also think things like blaming you and I. I mean, I wasn't named. Maybe I'm now throwing myself in the fire. And maybe he was talking about Maggie or somebody. I don't know. Right. But like Maggie fit, Maggie fit that many of us. know right but like maggie fit maggie fit there aren't that many of us in that circle but i think um in terms of this idea of like you know greg signed a contract that got him 200 million dollars
Starting point is 01:07:17 and for four years he had to not be part of fitness but he was allowed to be part of health so like we had a carve out, which also was always interesting to me. Like they don't think fitness is a part of health anyway. So you sell your company. It doesn't mean like you can never do that thing that you're an expert in again. They give you the terms of your non-compete for a very specific reason. Four years was super short. And maybe that's because they thought he was toast, right? And that he was, nobody would ever be interested in him again, because there was a misunderstanding with the new owners of, you know, how serious and how many people were
Starting point is 01:07:55 actually against Greg versus the reality of wasn't that many. So maybe they think they didn't think they needed a longer non-compete, but like 10 years, like you have a $200 million investment. Like I'd say slap 10 years, try to get 20. Like I would get as much as I could. They didn't do that. The onus isn't on Greg to be like, I'm out of integrity. I know I could create something better, but I'm not going to because I have friends that work at the company. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's driving, you know, like the Titanic is going down. BSI. Should I use them? Oh, no, I shouldn't because it might look like I'm trying to compete. It's like that non-compete is there to hold you to that.
Starting point is 01:08:40 The duration of time is a part of what you pay for. Right. You want a longer non-compete, you get more money. I'll send Dave an email right now, a BSI forward slash job application. He could work at both. You think Dave would like it if I was his boss? He would love that. Someone said you use a strap on in here. Dave would love that. I love that. Someone said you use a strap on in here. Dave would love that. You should have brought that comment. Hey, tell me what is going on with BSI. opportunity to film um in march the first test run bsi seminar and then i spoke to you and you were like you i think you were course correcting me on what that is actually going to be can you tell me and this thing in march isn't open for the public right it's not i thought it was not
Starting point is 01:09:38 open for small yeah we're inviting i mean it's really it's it's a test run. Okay. So there's this guy, Gerd Gigerenzer, that we're kind of obsessed with, who I had dinner with at Princeton last year, last spring. And he's amazing. I mean, he's at the Max Planck Institute. He's probably the best communicator on a lot of this stuff that I've ever heard. His background is in psychology, and he has spent a lot of time, his most recent book, which I'm like halfway through, it was all about risk and how our brains get like sort of triggered to be emotional, but that you have to really find ways of extricating the emotion and looking at data and reminding yourself of like, what is the real risk?
Starting point is 01:10:21 So, but he also has three papers that we push on everybody that are on P values, which nobody wants to talk about, but because they think they're boring, but he actually does a really good job explaining that. So we're thrilled that he's going to come and be a speaker. There's someone in the world that's good at explaining P values. I'd love to hear this. Yeah, he is. I mean, he calls them rituals. And so he basically, he talks a lot about statistically, you know, they're supposed to be this measure of certainty, he calls them rituals. And so he basically, he talks a lot about statistically, you know, they're supposed to be this measure of certainty, but they're not. I mean, we, on a high level, that's what they do, right? You have the null hypothesis and then you have the intervention and you're supposed to be saying, is there a significant difference between these two?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Null just means none, right? So it means like there's no change, but there, I mean, part of the problem is that like, you're not measuring the null hypothesis. You're assuming the null hypothesis is true. So you're going from a flawed basis on that. But in this sort of comparative analysis, we have in medicine pervasively said that this is a, we're validating that this intervention works. That's not what it does. It's just looking at, is there a difference between this group and this group? The difference could be anything, right? And so it's a statistical tool that was designed for a certain thing. And it's basically been like appropriated into medicine. And people think it like it determines like if something can be replicated, it has nothing
Starting point is 01:11:36 to do with that. And so Gigerenzer calls it a ritual, which I love because it's basically, it's a ritual, right? Like if you think about some sort of like religious ritual or right, it means like we've all we've all believed that like when it rains, the gods are mad at us. It's a superstition even. Right. And so it only has the power of the belief that we're putting into it. It has none of that if you dispel that and you look at it for what it actually is. But he's also just a great storyteller.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I mean, he's a lot like Greg in that way. He can take really complex information and make it accessible to people. And then we have Anton Cumming, Anton Garrett, who is also, I would say, a great communicator, very high level physicist, new David Stove and E.T. Janes, which was kind of amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:23 This is sort of a funny story. When we had our event in March last year, which was great, you know, and we like sold out really fast and it was a lot of management on the event side. And Haley was hugely helpful with all of that too. But I got this email from this guy who, you know, went on our website and he emails me and he's like, Hey, this is a really interesting project. I knew David Stove and I was very close with E.T. Janes. Now Stove lived in Australia. Janes was at Oxford and, you know, and then in the United States, but we didn't know anybody who knew both of them, right? Like Greg sort of made this connection between both of them. And then that's how he
Starting point is 01:13:01 found Briggs because he Googled David Stove, some line from Stove, and he found that Briggs had written about them both. And so that was really exciting because we didn't even know that anybody had intellectually connected the two of them. And so I was like, is somebody pranking me? Like, nobody knew both of these men who are both dead in real life. knew both of these men who are both dead in real life. And so James Franklin, who's Stove's literary executor, who I've gotten to know really well, I emailed him and I was like, have you ever heard of this guy before? Because he's emailing me. And I don't know if it's like some friend with a silly sense of humor trying to pretend that there's somebody out there. And he was like, oh yeah, he does know both of them. And so we flew him out really last minute to Arizona and met with him. And I interviewed him for a show that I'm going
Starting point is 01:13:49 to be launching probably end of January. How old is that guy? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
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Starting point is 01:14:48 We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I'm bad with men and age, but I was like maybe 70s. Crazy, crazy that he knew both of them. Crazy and great stories and his own work is pretty fantastic. So he's going to do a talk also. And Greg's going to do a talk. And then Sunday, I think the plan is we're going to have like grills and breakfast and then do a workout and then have like this sort of like open discussion, which I think
Starting point is 01:15:17 I'm leading on like sort of what do we know and what do we not know? I want to get into the Dahlberg case, which I'm really interested in, which sort of defined science, but it has a lot of tests of consensus. But I think it's also an opportunity for us to learn what we don't know. And so I think we're at the point where. So it's not a it's not a test run on the seminar. Well, it is in the day of speakers is now we're not going to be able to get Anton and Giger answer to come. Right. That's not feasible to every single one. Like if they start to do the material, we'll be able to use Anton and Gigerentzer to come, right? That's not feasible. To every single one. Like if they start, start duplicating.
Starting point is 01:15:47 The material, we'll be able to use the material. And I mean, part of the reason I want you filming is because I think we'll be able to use the video and courses online as well as sort of trying to distill down what are the most important points? Because, you know, this is really about critical thinking. It's about understanding science, but it's also about like, how do you decipher bullshit from real stuff? And these are the best people in the world to explain that to people. So we're keeping it really small in part because we're really, the people who are coming are very high level and knowledgeable in part so that they can give us feedback on like, well, guys, you got that wrong. Or like, this is a better way to communicate it. Or here's another example. And so it's sort of going to be like a workshop in that way. But the goal certainly is to develop all of that into a sort of, you know, seminar core one day weekend course, where people can
Starting point is 01:16:38 come and really learn what science is and what it isn't and how that's applicable to everything in your life. I was describing it as a discernment seminar. Hold on one second. Paul, I think Sebi has checked out and is thinking of eating pasta while she talks. Listen, you can say all the crazy shit you want. You can have fun. But if you start doing like personal attacks and shit, like some of the shit you're saying is just over the top.
Starting point is 01:17:02 So be cool. Like you can make fun of stuff and like joke. But if start getting too crazy dude like stuff that you wouldn't say to someone's face in the in the living room of their house um you got to go dude so just about me i'll fucking find you in the living room of your house so say it's i i appreciate i appreciate the the the the the i appreciate the humor in the text yeah of course i'd say it good okay good fucking pussy uh uh the commenters over on facebook are getting out of hand yeah it's just like hey dude like we allow a um we allow a lot of shit here but you gotta be you gotta be semi-chill use some use some discernment i think of it when i describe what a bsi is doing
Starting point is 01:17:44 i think of it as giving the people what did you call i give it i think of it when i describe what a bsi is doing i think of it as giving the people what did you call i give it i talked about it as giving people the tools to discern on their own whether something passes like the sniff test like is it true like if someone's like hey you should take this injection if you that you can take this seminar and be like okay these are the questions you should be asking in order to decide whether you should do it. Or if someone says, Hey, or even just how to read stuff. Right. I mean, I think like I've been doing all these sort of silly little explainer videos. I think we have a couple of them up on YouTube, which are going to be available in five languages, right? Like, so our new website, everything is available in five
Starting point is 01:18:21 languages. There are summaries of everything at two different levels. So you can kind of really get in, learn the overview of something very simply, and then dive in as deep as you want to go. But what I've been trying to do in part is think of it from the perspective of reading the news. So most people may not feel comfortable or have any interest in going and reading medical journal studies. But even things like, and one of my favorites is like correlation studies or observational studies, which cannot tell you anything about cause.
Starting point is 01:18:51 And yet, like we see headlines all the time that say like drinking coffee is linked to early death. Well, linked, associated, those are all clues that should set you up to say, hold on, you're making something sound causal, but the word linked means it cannot be causal. You don't have any proof of cause. You found some relationship between these things, but it's not enough to say anything about cause. Propaganda. Yeah. And headlines are crazy. I mean, they'll say, like, coffee kills, right? It's like, you read on, and it was some observational study that certainly didn't make that conclusion. Tomorrow's show, I will be answering this question.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Dude, why are you such a sensitive bitch, Savant? That will be in tomorrow's show. I will give a full-length answer. Paulina, and then you can also find a study that says this is the complete opposite totally like she went to paper street coffee she got she got all the fences she's doing tons of stuff for us she helps me with social media she's like my go-to for a lot of stuff pauline is amazing uh david weed uh there is a strong correlation between my hair and why I'm a sensitive bitch, according to Chase Ingram. When will the public be able to attend its next event?
Starting point is 01:20:14 I'm not sure. I think once we get the seminar nailed down, that will probably be offered in a lot of places, I would hope, by the summer. But I don't know. So March, the summer being June or July. Yeah, probably. In person. I think it has to be in person. I mean, I think there's a lot of sort of, you want to be able to ask questions and do
Starting point is 01:20:37 all this stuff. I think we're going to make a lot of the stuff available online. Like I have this healthcare class that needs to be finished, but that's all online. And that's sort of an entry point for people of like, you're going to the doctor, you're helping a sick parent or something like that. But you need to understand what these statistical measurements or, you know, data analysis or test results or what do they mean? And what are the questions that you should ask?
Starting point is 01:20:58 Because I really think people lose all agency when they go to the doctor, when they're sick or, and I think that's part of the reason it's so important to have somebody, if you feel like you don't have the power or authority, or you just want to get along with your doctors, which is totally normal, having somebody who can go and ask the hard questions and not even hard. Like it's not, it shouldn't be that you're being aggressive or challenging, but I mean, my big thing is like, if you ask one question, it should be what's all cause mortality on this treatment intervention thing, because doctors become so hyper-focused on curing what you came there for. They're not thinking about your long-term health. And all cause mortality will tell you if people who do this intervention
Starting point is 01:21:39 live longer or shorter than people who don't. And so there's things like that that just, you know, or even things like one of my favorite tricks is, you know, doctors have to tell you standard of care. Again, licensing, that's what they have to do. They have to say, this is the American Medical Association, you know, says if you get cancer, you go get chemo and radiation and that's what you do. But you can get around that by saying to your doctor, what would you do if it was you? But you can get around that by saying to your doctor, what would you do if it was you? And that's super easy. And it like alleviates any liability for them.
Starting point is 01:22:11 It's anecdotal, right? But very often you will get a totally different answer than you what standard of care is, especially because doctors are far less likely to go to the doctor than the average person, which I think is also telling. But it gives you another thing to think about. And I think having options is really great because people will say, oh, go get a second opinion. But the second opinion, if you've been basically diagnosed with something and there's a standard of care for that thing, second doctor is highly likely to tell you the same thing. You're not really getting a second opinion. How's your audio so good? I don't know. I actually have my little mic that I think you recommended.
Starting point is 01:22:45 It's not plugged in. Yeah, that's not. Wow. You picked this computer for me. So it's just the mic on your computer right now? Just your app? Oh, it sounds great. So I just thought of a small business I could start.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I could take the BSI seminar, and then I could hire out my services. you're going to the doctor i'll come with you there you go people that's that's huge i could be your docent there you go going for a checkup let me come with you i promise if they're like if they're if you're naked i'll try not to look um does it um uh two two questions first um has maxim called emily yet and does it bother you that people think you're extraordinarily beautiful are you are you offended by the fact that um that some people's optics enjoy we don't actually see anything right i don't know does it bother you that people find you pleasant to look at no it doesn't bother me yeah but i'm not sure i agree but that's another that's another counseling session maybe um uh uh paul paul peters paul's very hostile this could be very bad holy smokes this woman has
Starting point is 01:24:08 everything going she must be single i can't see a guy intentionally wanting to be with her oh like she's just got too much going on a lot to handle that's true yeah crazy paul's excited paul must have done a big fat line of meth this morning. I love your audience. So the other thing that I'll plug while I'm here is that I'm doing a show. Yeah. Which I think you know about called Emily Unleashed for Broken Science. And it's really because I feel like this idea. Is it up yet? Can I find it?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Nope. Middle of January. Okay. You can follow on Emily underscore Unleashed on Instagram. And I've interviewed Anton, one of the speakers who's coming in March, and James Franklin, who is a very famous, serious mathematician and also David Stove's literary executor, and then Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. Oh, wow. And James Bhattacharya. Oh, wow. He's having me on his show, I think the 28th. Of this month? Of December. And then again in February.
Starting point is 01:25:14 We have a lot to talk about. So he wants me to come on there, which is great because his audience. Where is his show? In LA, but this is remote. I interviewed him in LA. I interviewed both him and Adam at Adam's studio. But no, no, no. Sorry, I'm doing multitasking. When you when you go on this show on December 28th, where will that be? I will be on physically or where does it run? Yeah, both. Where does it run? Where can we see it? I will be here
Starting point is 01:25:46 in my office. And will it be live? I think it's on YouTube. Will it be live? I don't think so. Oh, will you? I want to watch that show and then have you back and then have you on after I watch it and talk about it. Yeah, I think I'll start doing some more of that stuff to promote it because the goal for this Emily Unleashed project is to talk to people who have challenged the status quo or changed a paradigm. And they've either been canceled and, you know, nobody really wanted to hear from them. And we have some really interesting, controversial people on our list to talk to. Or they've been hugely successful and made a lot of money and people have adopted their ideas. But I felt really struck through COVID with the idea that, and so I'm calling it
Starting point is 01:26:32 the art and science of paradigm shifting because it's not just scientists. I think a lot of what we're doing at Broken Science, people find to be really technical and, you know, sort of challenging, but really it's a blueprint for thinking. And I think we have, we all need a heavy dose of critical thinking in order to save our public and being able to recognize when, you know, you're being silenced or pushed aside. And so I wanted to talk to people. I mean, through COVID, I was really shocked that there weren't more rock stars, right. And graffiti artists and filmmakers going crazy saying like, we're not going to just swallow this. You know, we're going to pose a challenge to this authoritative regime or, and you have like rage against the machine telling you to like line up and get your shot. I couldn't believe it. So I really want to inspire specifically younger people to realize
Starting point is 01:27:26 that no progress ever happens in science, in anything, unless somebody challenges the conventional wisdom. And so if we're all just, as Adam has said to me, we're crate training kids. So we're telling them to wear masks for no reason. We're telling them to stay six feet apart for no reason. And why? Because then when they get to be grownups and we tell them to do whatever we want, they'll do it. don't, and it's not that I want kids to be so rebellious that they're like getting in trouble, but it's a part of natural growth to challenge authority. And we just didn't seem to do that very well through COVID. So I thought, wouldn't it be interesting to go talk to people who have done this and learn from them? Like, was this a choice? Did you feel like you had any choice when you put yourself on the line and you said what you felt you needed to
Starting point is 01:28:25 say, or you introduced some novel treatment or experiment that was going to upset everybody that you'd ever learned from or every mentor you'd ever had, but you realized they were wrong and you couldn't remain silent. And one of the interesting things that came out of the interview with Adam was he was basically like, and you have to remember that like, you can do that at the lowest end of sort of the society, societal spectrum, because you've got nothing to lose and you can do it at the highest. It was really hard if you're just like showing up for your job to like tell your boss to go fuck off. And I realized that like, that's true. But I think as citizens, we all have a responsibility to challenge the government.
Starting point is 01:29:05 So it doesn't have to be at work. Right. But it has to be that you have some agency within yourself that you your contribution matters and your voice matters. And so use it for the things that you think are powerful and important and down the line, not just for tomorrow. not just for tomorrow. So Adam and I had a tough, I mean, we get along pretty well, but like I challenged him on his relationship with Jimmy Kimmel because they don't agree at all on the COVID stuff. And I, they had had dinner the night before together. So that's an interesting part of the interview because I. Oh, I can't wait to see that. Jimmy Kimmel is like,
Starting point is 01:29:39 it's not that he had a different opinion. He got people killed he was one degree of separation away from getting people killed with with the advice and the propaganda he was pushing he's he's um and he rolls with howard stern who did exactly the same and so it's funny because adam brings up in the example of howard stern as like people think he's this motorcycle riding leather blah blah he's like you go out to dinner with howard you're eating at like five o'clock or four o'clock he doesn't drink like he is not the guy that you see on tv like that's a fallacy he's a coward he's a fucking coward you know celebrities or entertainers to some standard. Like he was,
Starting point is 01:30:25 I mean, and it's, he's right. There's a machine of people who are dependent on those people doing what they're supposed to do for their job. Right. And it's a different calculation, but my pushback to him was,
Starting point is 01:30:37 yeah. Well, what, what fucking happened at dinner last night? Do you bring this up with him privately? Because I think you have a responsibility. And what did he say? Does he,
Starting point is 01:30:45 does he watch the show? When does that come out? I haven't scheduled the ones yet, but it'll be probably January, February. Yeah. That's awesome. God.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Hey, did Dr. Drew get canceled? Did he, did he suffer repercussions from his position? He has been canceled. I think more than once they tried to cancel him way back when he was doing love line at K rock and he wanted to talk about AIDS and they had a friend at K rock who
Starting point is 01:31:11 got AIDS and died and realized people weren't getting good information about the disease or the transmission or anything very early. And he was told that he was going to lose his medical license if he talked about it on air. Wow. And so he went by Dr. Drew because he didn't want to use his full name on air, which was, is Penske or something. He also got walked out of CNN because he, when Hillary Clinton was running for president,
Starting point is 01:31:39 her doctor came out with some report that said that she was like totally fine. And she had had some concussion earlier. And he basically like evaluated her and said like she is not okay right paused a major thing and he got removed from his job at cnn although in the interview he clarified for me that like that show had actually been canceled beforehand and so that was sort of a misunderstanding that he was canceled for it but it definitely was a big public backlash was it something about the way she was holding her hand? I don't know. Like it had a showed a neurological.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Maybe. And also I think she'd fallen down several times. Like there was enough of an indication. I mean, and he's a doctor, right? So like he can give his medical opinion. It doesn't mean it's right. He hasn't seen her as a patient. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:23 To be penalized for that seemed pretty stark. And then I think with covid, you know, he started he said to me like Fauci was a hero of his because he thought he did a good job with AIDS. And now he recognizes that there was a real playbook with AIDS that he used on, you know, and actually when I interviewed Jay Bhattacharya, interviewed Jay Bhattacharya, he was talking a lot about how there was some guy who was at some school in California that was, he was maybe like the most well-regarded bio, whatever virologist. And he didn't, he wasn't sure that HIV progressed to AIDS. Now that's pretty conclusive now, but Fauci was pushing out this line that that's how it goes. And everybody needs to be vaccinated for it. Sound familiar. And this guy got, became very public against it. And Fauci literally burned his house down, got him fired from his job. And he, I mean,
Starting point is 01:33:16 Badattori told me that like, this guy should have won the Nobel prize. Like he was so good and so smart. He at least deserved to be listened to. Even though he was wrong. Even though he's wrong. I mean, you can be like the thing with science, right? Is that it's not, we don't have absolute certainty. Right. This is why Greg and I like probability theory because it gives you a range and nothing is absolutely certain. So, but you can't say to any, like every dissenting opinion, I'm not going to listen to you. And if you're the, you know, somebody who has a history of being really thoughtful and critical on work and you have an objection, like I wouldn't want to hear from you. We might be wrong. What is it? Now, the other thing I've heard from both Jay and Scott Atlas.
Starting point is 01:33:58 So remember, Scott was at Stanford and then left and went to the White House to serve under Trump. He did not vote for Trump. He was not a huge, obviously, Trump fan, but he felt he was called to, you know, serve his country. Stanford treated him beyond horribly, right? Circulated a petition about how he should be fired. His wife was, this is a little personal, but like all her, they lived on campus, all her friends on campus wouldn't talk to her. I mean, horrible. He would call Jay every day and basically say like, I'm out of here. No one's even listening to me. I bring all this data to Fauci and he won't look at it. And so it became, I mean, there's a real picture that these guys paint on that they're, this is politics. This wasn't about science and it wasn't about medicine and it wasn't about what is the risk or not.
Starting point is 01:34:51 It was we have made a decision politically about how to handle this. And anybody who speaks up against it is we're going to you know, you're dead. Do you do you remember what Dr. Fauci's wife's position was? She's an AIDS researcher, right? During COVID, Dr. Fauci's wife, Christine Grady. You're not even going to fucking believe this. Hold on. I'm on Wiki looking it up.
Starting point is 01:35:20 A career. She was the head. Oh, here it goes. First of all, she, okay. She was a commissioner of the presidential commission for the study of bioethical issues from 2010 and 2017. But during COVID, she was at the CDC. She was head of their bioethics department.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Are you fucking Fauci's wife? Well, that's really convenient. I I mean that's a power couple right crazy power couple dude he needs the moral sign off on doing something immoral and he's got the person to do it it's crazy god I wish I could find that
Starting point is 01:36:00 the exact dates on that yeah she's a... I just hope this all really comes to light because I feel like people just want to move on and we can't because it's going to come back if it's not really well explained how this all happened and what happened. Oh, here it is. Sorry, not CDC.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Here it is. Okay, ready? Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady, is the chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health, the NIH, December 30th, 2022. Elon Musk claims Dr. Fauci's wife oversees him ethically. Yeah, of course. As all wives do, but that's just a little bit more. That is true. My wife oversees me ethically. That is, that is true. I say something she thinks was like, she's actually overseeing the whole country ethically. It's a little, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Holy. So I feel like back to the broken. So Emily unleashed was going to be really fun and I'm hoping that that's really like a popular gateway into all of our other material. So I don't want it to just be scientists. If people have people that they think I should talk to, definitely like send me DMS.
Starting point is 01:37:10 If you know people that you can introduce me to that you think fit the criteria of having changed a paradigm or conversation, let me know. I have over 150 people on my list to talk to. So it should be a fun thing, Greg. I'm just going to go. I'm just going to watch your show and interview. Just cherry pick all the people you interview. I'm going to do it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:27 After you have Jay, I want to have Jay on. That's awesome. He's amazing. Yeah. Can't wait. Yeah. Those are amazing people, by the way. Any like those are those you can't miss any of those.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Those are so awesome. Those people you got. Hey, what about getting I can't get this guy, but I bet you you could get him. But ghost Bogosian. Who's that eric eric bogosian he was the columbia ethics professor um if you see his face you'll know who he is he's so fucking cool let me see uh someone will say it in the comments i think it's i think it's eric bogosian how do you spell the last name b- B-O-G-H-A-S-I-A-N. Let me see. Oh, no. That's the wrong guy.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Sorry. Nope. I have the wrong guy. Shit. Not that Boghossian. Let me see. Oh, Peter. Peter Boghossian. He is an American philosopher. Let me see. Born in Boston. Right. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Let's see if I can find him. Shit, everything's jacked up here. He's Armenian. Yeah, my power went out at my house. Yeah. So all my shit's all up oh wait you know who he sort of looks like is the um who's the guy who killed himself who had that awesome travel show yes yes uh bourdain yes yes yes yes yes peter bugg yeah I want to show everyone at home what he looks like.
Starting point is 01:39:11 But this guy's great. This guy is absolutely amazing. You got to get this guy on. You would love him. He's in Boston. That's great. Yeah, and he's just a great thinker. He just knows how to think. Oh, that's a different guy. I was looking up Eric. No, no, sorry. Yeah, forget Eric. Sorry. Forget Eric. This is who you want, Peter Boghossian. He's the author of two books, American Philosopher, Born in Boston, non-tenured track assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University for 10 years, academic focus on atheism, critical thinking, pedagogy, scientific skepticism, and Socratic method. He's the author of A Manual for Creating Atheists, How to Have Impossible Conversations, very practical guide. He's great author of a manual for creating atheists, how to have impossible conversations. Very practical guide. He's great. Cool.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Thank you. Yeah. And he's made the rounds. I'm pretty sure he's been on Bill Maher. He's sweet. Oh, 2015 interview with Dave Rubin. He ended up getting fired from somewhere. I want to say Boston University for not taking the injection okay he gave a conference on wokeism wokeism geez louise
Starting point is 01:40:15 yeah he's a cool dude yeah that's interesting i have definitely i feel like there are some people who are going to be great and then there's some people who are just sort of like interesting to me like i mean even like james watson it's on my list because i think who's that how do i know that name he discovered the structure of dna watson and crick oh oh you're gonna have him on he is he still alive you know like the whole genetic theory of cancer yeah is based on that work and he has come out and said like you guys this is not genetic you don't use my work for that and like three weeks later he's a hundred years old he was accused of sexual harassment which i'm not saying that like old men can't sexually harass people.
Starting point is 01:41:08 But like that, that does not seem like a coincidence to me. Right, right. I'm really I mean, if he came, you better hurry up. You better hurry up. I know. I know. I found his secretary's phone number from but he got fired from where he was. So I've got to find him at home. But, you know, I interviewed Mark Hegstead a long time ago. You know who that is? He developed the dietary guidelines. No. Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:30 really? I was the last person. The ones that fucked up the world. I interviewed him at a nursing home. He was on oxygen and I was the last person interview him alive. And he admitted to me that they totally fucked up. So I should run that interview too. Although it was before I worked in TV, I was like a newspaper reporter. It's like, it's not well produced at all. But the audio is amazing. And he basically says things
Starting point is 01:41:56 like, if you conduct a scientific study and the results don't seem as you had predicted, they would be chances are you didn't do your work properly, meaning like you already knew what you wanted the answer to be. Right. You didn't get that answer. Do it again. Right. But he also said that he had no idea that removing fat from the diet would be replaced with carbohydrates and that that was a huge. It was the first time he ever admitted that they got that all wrong. And so for people who don't know. I like interviewing men at the end of their lives. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Emily, I interview old dudes. Hey, the thing there for people who don't know the conventional wisdom is this. They took the fat out of food thinking that fat was bad. And we started getting just aisles and aisles of nonfat shit. And to help with the lack of taste when you remove the fat they inserted sugar and that became the immediate cascade if you look at the graphs i don't know what year it was it was in the 70s just an immediate fucking skyrocketing of chronic disease everywhere it's pretty fucking obvious i've is does anyone
Starting point is 01:43:02 even dispute that anymore i don't think so. Yeah, that's it's crazy. But I also you know, there's actually an interesting other tie in that I feel like your audience might be into, which is that it's, you know, the farm bill, which is like the huge subsidy that goes out to farmers for crops. Yeah, McGovern Commission at that time was really trying to solve for starvation. The country was prosperous. You know, things were pretty good. Why did we have all these malnutrition issues, you know, especially in rural areas? And they kind of figured out, we've got all this corn, we've got all this soy. We can make this really cheap, especially by
Starting point is 01:43:36 dumping some surplus money into it from the government. And then we can feed all these people. It's a win-win, right? So as much as it sounds like it was, you know, totally nefarious, and there were parts, right? Like the School of Public Health at Harvard was funded by Kellogg, and it was out of the School of Education. it was a there was sort of like this confluence of things. Right. So the American Heart Association comes about. They push the agriculture department to come up with guidelines. Mark Hegstead and then this guy, Nick, something who I found who was in Rhode Island. They start working on this and they're basically rushed to come up with these guidelines. And at the press release for the dietary guidelines, they say, we just want to be really clear. There is no science. There is no research really behind what we're telling people. This needs to be followed up with rigorous research. Is there a video of that? I don't think so, but there's, there's a transcript. Um, but you know, we've been pushed to do this because we want to save American lives. And so
Starting point is 01:44:40 this is our best guess. And then it was never researched. I mean, it's a great story. Holy shit, dude. Hey, that's what the two weeks to flatten the curve is. That was exactly what there was. There was no research. That was the release of the injection. There was no research. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:56 It was like, this is our best guess. This is our best guess. Anytime people use fear to take away your freedom or your ability to make decisions you're out or lap dances or lap there was one member of congress who stood up to the patriot act and she got a ton of shit because people thought like you're not being patriotic we've just had right terrorist attack she was absolutely right for all of her reservations about violation of civil liberties down the road and when are we retracting this
Starting point is 01:45:27 and enemy- You know, Greg stood up to the Patriot Act on the front end and got so much shit for it. He what? He stood up against the Patriot Act on the front end at
Starting point is 01:45:37 and got so much shit for it. I didn't know that. Well, he was absolutely right. Yeah. I mean, like, look at all the January 6th stuff. That would not- You'd never be able to hold people without due process.
Starting point is 01:45:49 If we hadn't done that to enemy combatants, that's absolutely against the way the justice system is set up. So it was really, really I want to talk to her really badly because I feel like she was super brave and she got, you know, death threats and all that stuff for doing what I think was really her duty. Um, the, uh, you, you and I are on text threads where we see people dropping healthy young men. Unfortunately, it seems to be the, the, it always seems to be healthy young men. You and I are in some text threads where we see healthy young men dropping like flies. And it's all from myocarditis. Do you have any thoughts on when you see someone like, did you follow the thing with this guy, Travis Kelsey in the NFL? Remind me of that.
Starting point is 01:46:39 So a few weeks ago, and I wouldn't expect you to know this. It's like crazy pop culture shit. But basically this guy, he's a very popular football player, and he's dating Taylor Swift. I just went to that game. Oh, you did? Okay. And he made a – Pfizer paid him some huge chunk of money to do – it's called a twofer commercial, get both your shots in one day. Really? Yes. to do it's called a twofer commercial get both your shots in one day you're yes yes and he made that video and the irony is is that he's he's his audience is the men who are susceptible to it do you have any thoughts on that like um do you think people do you think he knows do you think
Starting point is 01:47:21 he he does the research do you think he no no i mean think he does the research? Do you think he? No, no. I mean, I think people at that level of sort of celebrity or whatever. Again, like they they may just think it's a bunch of crazies out there like flat earthers and may not even think that far. He may have his manager saying, like, this is amazing. We just signed this big deal with Pfizer. This is more money than you've ever gotten before. You're at the top of your career. He doesn't say he doesn't say what he doesn't say, hey, is anyone going to die from this or what are the implications? No, he doesn't care. Like Michael Phelps selling Reese's or any of that. Just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:47:57 LeBron selling Sprite. Just don't give a fuck. Remind ourselves that we're in a weird echo chamber. We think about all these things anytime. I mean, Greg and I joke, we probably would have gotten the vaccine if the government hadn't told us we had to. Right. If you had to break people down by the color of their skin, would you say that the leading issue for people with melanated skin right now is their consumption, their dietary dietary consumption just roughly off the top of your head would you guess that is their their biggest health concern bleeding cause of death for black people is diabetically related so yeah probably yeah and
Starting point is 01:48:35 so you don't think lebron when he sells sprite is like holy shit i'm fucking sending my people to the death troughs no i don't think he thinks about it i don't think he knows i i mean like again i think he's a big black guy right he's it's not it's just not he identifies with being a big powerful black man like he does i wrote a column for boston magazine about um verda and in it i made the analogy of like when we tell diabetic people that it's okay for them to eat sugar just take more insulin it's akin to telling kids that have a peanut allergy it's okay for them to eat sugar, just take more insulin. It's akin to telling kids that have a peanut allergy. It's okay. Eat your peanut butter and jelly sandwich and just take an EpiPen. Like it's batshit crazy. Right. Right. And I got so much pushback for saying that
Starting point is 01:49:18 people were furious at me. And so I don't think most people are awake. I don't think they're aware. I think CrossFit did an incredible job. I mean, you've been talking about this, the public, like challenging the public health record, holding things accountable. There aren't really that many big collective organizations doing that other than CrossFit and CrossFit's not doing it anymore. So you can't fairly assume that the average person knows what you know, you know, far more because you've been exposed to all of this stuff for years and intimately involved in it in the sense of like having world experts come and speak to you, being friends with Greg and learning from him. Most people don't have that. I mean, that's part of what I think
Starting point is 01:50:00 we're hoping to do with broken science is turn that back on and be even louder about it. Jonathan Ortega, nobody, literally nobody thinks about the shit they endorse. I mean, I don't know. Remember who was it like Bob Dole or somebody did a depends like the adult diaper commercial. I feel like I think he did dick pills too pills or something yeah yeah yeah pills is cool i don't know but i feel like some of these things have you ever taken a dick pill no i haven't oh it's crazy it's crazy did you take one this morning no but i've taken them before a few times if fucking they're crazy does it make your heart go crazy no fuck with my
Starting point is 01:50:45 fuck with my vision a little bit but like it's fucking nuts fucking nuts absolutely nuts i don't recommend it i don't think it can't be good for you it's not it wasn't it's not good no i don't recommend thank you really a drug for something else I thought it was like a heart drug or something. And then in the study, they, all the guys started reporting. I don't know. I've taken a few times,
Starting point is 01:51:10 probably like 10 or 15 years ago. I popped like, I don't know. I had like probably 20 of them. And when I would get too drunk, I would pop one. And not, not even cause my dick was,
Starting point is 01:51:19 my dick never had any issues. It's just recreationally. But fuck dude, what a disaster. It's, it's like acid you're like fuck this what is this gonna stop like this thing gotta go away was it scary as something no not that bad but like you can't imagine it's just too it's just too much it's just too much it's
Starting point is 01:51:43 too too sensitive you just be you just can just come on attention like you know what i mean like someone shuts the door and you're ready to fuck you know what i mean like the wind blows you know what i mean like anything and you're just you stand at attention yeah it's a very powerful drug very very powerful drug no one needs to be at that kind of attention oh half a pill next time it was for chest pains no shit yeah i think that's right it was like and then they basically they found this other indicator sort of like um what's that non-smoking drug that's for depression and everybody like quit smoking and they realized that they could prescribe it off label to help people quit smoking oh i heard ozempic uh is now people are all sorts
Starting point is 01:52:21 of shit people just don't want to do shit They don't want to put anything in their mouth. Well, you know, there was something interesting I saw about Ozempic. I think this was last summer where it was approved as a heart medication. And that's really interesting because it probably is beneficial if you're morbidly obese or obese. Yeah. You can lose 100 pounds. It's definitely better for your heart. But is it better for your heart or is it just that you've gotten the weight off?
Starting point is 01:52:45 Right. Right? Right. Right. Right. Well, I, I'm a huge proponent of anything. If they really found a way to help people quit smoking, like that was like, like really effective. I'm all for it. Smoking is quitting smoking is fucking crazy, but not to supplement it with it forever. You know what I mean? Like, like giving people fentanyl to get off of heroin is fucking nuts. it with it forever you know what i mean like like giving people fentanyl to get off of heroin is fucking nuts right or even just like the opioid crisis with the pain medication i'd rather be in pain than be addicted to something i think that's you know risk reward calculation we now know that people weren't talking about before savon did you prank someone with viagra no that would be fucking nuts excuse me we might have to do that next time i see you
Starting point is 01:53:26 dude i mean how are you supposed to even enjoy that prank you know what i mean yeah i've got some funny ideas but all right hey thank you for coming on uh anytime and any uh so the other thing i wanted to mention is that so we have been working for like six months on our new website and it is hopefully going to be amazing. I keep waiting to release it because I just want to beta test a little bit more. It's not released. It's not released. So, I mean, it's important to say that like this current website was really a repository of articles that Greg and I were reading and we wanted to be able to share with other people. So it's not easy to navigate. It has tons of stuff. There was a lot of stuff that I had stolen, so we couldn't put it on the website. So we had it behind a password thing for
Starting point is 01:54:14 a while and we got rid of that. And so all the stuff on there now you can access, but it's the new site is all AI based. So it will learn from you and it'll learn like what you're interested in. So if you're interested in fitness or nutrition, it'll steer you towards that sort of catalog of articles and videos and classes and other things that we're offering. And it'll learn as you go. So it'll sort of evaluate like Sebi has a really hard time with this stuff, or he seems to start reading and then move away. Let's offer him something else that's similar, but at a different level, or you've shared a bunch of stuff. And so it's kind of cool in that it will really hopefully interact with you. And it's going to, everything's available in all these different languages so that people all over the world will be able to do you sort of use this
Starting point is 01:55:05 stuff and access it um and we'll have those classes and then we have like five books coming out so it's been very busy and exciting books uh you guys have books that were retired or not in print that you guys purchased and have started reprinting? So we purchased the Rights to David Stove's book and we're reprinting Greg's dad's book. And then we have Bobby's been working on a cancer guide for patients, which will have like that. When is that coming out? I don't know, because now I think we're going to have Seyfried. He and Seyfried are working on a journal thing that's 70 pages. So I'm sort of putting a hold on that.
Starting point is 01:55:48 But it's great because it has. I would really like to push that when that comes out. Will you tell me when that comes out? Yeah, definitely. I mean, and I think, you know, that's like I get contacted once a week by somebody who's been diagnosed with cancer looking for help. Yes. So that will be a great tool for people who want to just and Bob is such an incredible
Starting point is 01:56:04 researcher that he's, I've told him to basically do it so that you can access everything. So like that book that we love about the COVID deaths cause unknown that has QR codes, this is going to be like that. So it's going to have all, he created a database of every metabolic trial ever done on cancer. So you'll be able to go to all that primary research. Um, so that's part of this sort of like patient caregiver guide series that we're doing. I want to do one on kids and, um, antidepressants and anxiety meds, because I feel like so many people are being told like by their pediatricians to be putting their kids on this stuff without realizing that those trials
Starting point is 01:56:40 were awful. Just to recap some of that bad research, this wasn't- Can you imagine giving your kid- I can. If my kid was really depressed or anxious, and the doctor's saying, this is horrible, you have to do this. I just want to give people an alternative so that they understand what they're getting into when they do that. So when they did those trials, there were a bunch of kids who killed themselves right they removed them from the data because they didn't finish the trial imagine this imagine your kids 16 years old suicidal but they have an iphone yeah now you have now they got an iphone and they're on
Starting point is 01:57:17 antidepressants i think you're a fucking shit parent sorry i think i think that you're a codependent to your kids's fucking miserable life take the fucking phone away first do do some shit get your kid fucking away from the fucking stimuli i mean i can't argue with that i think in some ways that's very similar to the argument greg made when people would say like i don't have enough money to buy a pull-up bar and he'd be like you know how much money did you spend on your tv when when i when i first bought my first um uh set of rings when i did cross started crossfit um there were three places i always hung the rings and i always had taken out i hung them
Starting point is 01:57:56 underneath a stairwell that i knew where there was some outside stairs there was a tree and then i would go and basketball hoop and like yeah you do that you go over there and you spend 15 minutes every day you want to work out at the basketball courts throwing the fucking rope up over the basketball hoop to hang your rings yeah people are full of excuses it's crazy uh uh heidi krim well people will were killing themselves before iphones that's true my thing with that is like i don't want to get into the realm of telling people how to parent or not, but I want to be educated on what is what their doctors are telling them or not. And I don't think honestly, I would be surprised if most
Starting point is 01:58:37 doctors knew that it wasn't, they did not publicize that all these kids died and we didn't include them in the study right and heavily buried but it's the most important thing that i want to know as a parent if i give my kid this drug are they more likely to kill themselves or not if the answer is yes how like how in your right mind can you give them the drug and also how as a researcher are you taking that out that's what you should be looking for so uh same same with the uh ventilators you think about there's a lot of data out there that the ventilators were actually killing people right because it was stuffing the virus deeper into your lungs and
Starting point is 01:59:14 causing all kinds of what did they call that i can't remember all that stuff now but yeah getting killed by your doctor uh courtney olson uh don't worry emily that's what seve's here for to tell people i think being a mom is like one of the hardest i mean by far the hardest job i've ever your doctor. Courtney Olson, don't worry, Emily, that's what Seve's here for, to tell people. I think being a mom is like one of the hardest, I mean, by far the hardest job I've ever had. And I've had some really hard jobs. So I don't want to be in a position of judging other people. I think it's sort of like, you know, somebody weighing in on somebody else's marriage. Like you never really know what's going on with people. You have to believe your friend for what they're saying because you want to support them. And it doesn't really matter what the reality is. Right. I think throwing stones at people about being parents, there's probably a better avenue to
Starting point is 01:59:53 attack them on or to encourage them to do more research or think about things a little differently. I just think that I don't take it as judging. If I'm – yesterday I went to the movies and I saw Trolls, right? And I got my – it was – actually, it was great. I really enjoyed it. I don't even remember what the movie was about. I just couldn't – the stimuli was outstanding. Just the colors.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Loud, bright. Yeah, loud, bright, the colors. it was fucking wild and and i was just saying earlier and go back and watch it again i i was i was like talking to the screen i was acting like a culturally appropriated black culture because i was like yelling at the screen the last 20 minutes i was like just hooting and hollering i was so excited because you're used to watching at home i don't know i just got completely just like you excited. Because you're used to watching at home? I don't know. I just got completely just like, you know, like when you're petting a cat and it bites you?
Starting point is 02:00:49 It was like that. The movie over-petted me. Like I understood, yeah, I understood black culture. I got over-petted and I was just screaming like, yeah, fuck yeah, you know, just like singing along and my kids are like. But I bought my kids a box of uh hot tamales
Starting point is 02:01:07 now that's just shitty parenting that is just and listen i i'm just not a bitch like the rest of like the rest of people out there who just can't handle being called on being shitty parent i know it's sensitive for you just accept it just shitty fucking parenting that here and here's why i think you should say like it was a moment of weakness or something but it's not that's not you're not pervasive you know that's like your entire body of work as a parent is shitty because you gave your kids a hot tamale not my entire body but hey and not only that not only is she i actually enjoyed watching my kids enjoy them. That's life, right?
Starting point is 02:01:47 Yeah. And I really, and you know, it took them, they didn't even, after the three boys didn't finish a whole box of hot tamales during a two hour movie. If I personally would have got a box of hot tamales, I'd eaten the whole box before all the previews were done. Yeah. were done yeah i think one of the problems that we have is we kept our son off of sugar like nothing other than berries yeah for the first two and a half years of his life and now he's like really like we joke that he's gonna be like a whore like he can't handle it at all yeah my kids can't handle it at all either isn't that interesting my kids would get sick if they eat a whole slice of cake they get sick he's sick and he's like give me more it's like there's no off switch i mean i don't keep anything in the house
Starting point is 02:02:28 because i feel like he'll find it and eat it all oh interesting yeah whereas i feel like i don't know maybe if we had not been so restrictive he was so little what was actually really interesting about that was how upset other people would get do you get that a lot like people in our extended family would think that we were like child abusers because he didn't have cake on his birthday. He had like cream berries, which he thought was a huge treat and was thrilled by, but people would sneak him, like try to sneak him bites of cake. And it was like, this is so your issue. I've told this story before on the show show a bunch of times we had some friends over and we served dessert and they had two kids and the dessert my wife served was a flourless like
Starting point is 02:03:12 banana cake or something right and uh there's no sugar added sugar in it and the kids just straight up said this is gross can you heat it so my wife the lady said hey can you heat this for my kids they don't like it it's like if my kids said that, I'd be like, no, fuck you. Go outside and play like this is what you get. So my wife heats it for them. Then there was something else that, well, can you put butter on it? Then they tried it. So then eventually the kids just left their plates with it.
Starting point is 02:03:36 And the mom pulled out a bag of Oreo cookies. At your house? Yeah. And my wife said, or no, I no i said hey you travel with oreo cookies she goes yeah i want my kids to have a regular amount of stuff like this so that they um when they get older they'll they'll be uh um accustomed to sugar i'm like inoculating them from sugar by giving them sugar it's amazing it's like wow okay i don't think that most people understand again this is one of those things that like you're metabolically damaging your system over time
Starting point is 02:04:09 it's your shitty parent you're poisoning your fucking kid you are shitty friends of yours or hayley's like how does that they're friends of ours they're friends of wow yeah yeah very tolerant far more than i would have hey going going to that thing going back to that thing just real quick about the parenting thing um let's say that you have this list of the top 100 best moments in your life you know and it's like like fucking on ecstasy at the top at the summit of some mountain when you were 20 years old right i was gonna say okay but when you have kids that top 100 starts like every moment starts becoming a kid moment. They just start like they just start fucking pushing out all those other moments. You're like, wow, this is watching my kid throw a soccer ball is better than fucking that girl when I was 19.
Starting point is 02:04:56 It's crazy. Like you're just watching the shit, the top 100 get reworked. but the top 100 most challenging moments or moments where you hate yourself because of shit you've done to your kids like yelling at them or breaking their spirit those are in the top 100 too so now you got this relationship where it's your top 100 moments and your top like 100 like what the fuck did i do moments right yeah it's a crazy relationship yeah Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. I fucking raised my voice at Avi yesterday and he started fucking crying. I was like, holy shit. Not even yelling, but just like one of those ones.
Starting point is 02:05:35 It's like, I'm not asking you again. Something bad's going to happen. Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, when you start to feel like you're losing control, at least for me. And it's interesting because like my older sister was saying to me, do you remember how mom and dad used to say, you're being impudent or I'm the grown-up, you're the child? And my sister was saying, that's such an indication that they were out of control. You don't need to say that. It obviously knows you're the grown-up. Just authority.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Yeah. If I ever say that, it's a joke. But my parents definitely would remind us of their authority and i think i do that and i didn't realize that i was doing it until she pointed out that my parents did it and how like stupid that is the kids know that they don't need to be told that you're the grown-up yeah just show them that you're in control that's what my wife always says like cb that's right yeah just be show them that you're in control. That's what my wife always says. Like CB. That's right. Yeah. Just be in control and you're in control and yelling at your kids is showing you're not in control.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Absolutely. Yeah. Hey, when you, and then, and then I go back and say, try to say sorry to him. And he's like,
Starting point is 02:06:37 ah, I'm like, Oh fuck. I've done fucked up. And he's in control. Yeah. Fuck that all up. Guilt. Uh uh my three-year-old um um is saying fucking sentences already bad parent no not if it's um here's the thing a great answer for this
Starting point is 02:06:57 if he's using it in the proper context you're a good parent and so if he's socially responsible with it like if it's just you guys in the car he's like damn look at them fat old titties as you drive by some shit cool but if your mom well my mom's in the car if my kids do that i'll be like are you out of your fucking mind your grandma's in the car and they know they just have to be socially responsible thank you that's a good one. I used to always say it was okay for swears if they were in songs. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:28 My kids. Yeah. My kids. Although, yeah, my kids do that, too. Man, the songs are crazy, though. Crazy. Totally. Do you have an Alexa?
Starting point is 02:07:39 No. I don't like surveillance in my house. Yeah. I got surveillance going on 24-7. So the kids call out what they want to listen to? Yeah, it's fucking nuts. That's funny. Yesterday, I'd just go in and be like, no, okay, no, Alexa, for an hour.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Your kids are all old enough now that they know all the words. I mean, I feel like there was a period of time where my kids were young enough that Bob and I could say stuff and they didn't know. And then there's a turning point where you're like, oh shit, they're listening. Like Bob has this playlist that he calls Boner Jams. And they're like, it's a great party playlist, right? So when we have parties, that's always what we play. And when we would have family cookouts or, you know, whatever, with lots of people, that's what we would play.
Starting point is 02:08:21 And every, like all of our friends know it's like kind of a funny thing. But then Millie started saying like can we play boner jams wow we got a rename yeah yes she didn't know what it meant yeah but she associated it with this great music yeah my kid my kids ask me what words mean I'm like uh-uh some there's some words that they want to know yeah that's a tough one because you can't say them anymore once you tell them what they mean yeah you shouldn't say yeah all right i'm gonna run this was fun bye thank you anytime emily caplan saves the show again you're fucking mine no they don't get an n-word pass Are you fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:09:07 I That word Is never ever ever okay To say until you have your own podcast Dildo I can't wait to hear One of Sebi's kids yell semen magnet From down the hall on a live pod one day. Jesus, what's wrong with that Paul guy from Facebook?
Starting point is 02:09:39 Can the wrenches do anything to him? Like, he needs to be put on a five-minute timeout. You can't just be, like like calling the guest a tranny. I don't use the words. The standee is only a podcast. Vindicate asks, how many times have the kids asked what a standee is? A standee is just a podcast word. There's words I just use only on the podcast. I don't think it's a podcast word.
Starting point is 02:10:08 Audrey, his name is Paul. That's where the problem starts. She got a... Here, I'll show you. Hold on. You only see her sitting down too too so you really can't tell but you guys saw in this picture her body's pretty crazy too so you guys are all getting excited by looking at her face like if you see me in person you'll be like oh i'll disappoint you emily will
Starting point is 02:10:45 not disappoint you karen thompson will not disappoint you you'll be like oh shit all right man uh her and greg it's pretty crazy that they um oh you touched emily audrey touched emily oh oh you touched her and greg at the same time like god in between them hi crew me and audrey made love to emily and greg at the crossfit games god i really want to know what the fuck's going on with um i wonder if it's raining i really want to know what's going on with roman what what is going on here i have to hold on do you guys care what's going on with that um oh shit
Starting point is 02:11:52 going back to that Lauren Khalil thing it looks like John Wooley's like see here's the thing there's nothing to defend why do they feel like they have to defend the Khalisi wow so this is what a fun little community of drama we live in There's nothing to defend. Why do they feel like they have to defend the Khaleesi? Wow. So this is what a fun little community of drama we live in. I can't tell if I'm allowed to read you guys this stuff.
Starting point is 02:12:30 I can't tell if this is from someone's DMs or if this is text messaging. Hmm. Alright. all right sorry i'm going through my um this the illuminati thread someone's gonna release this stuff. It's good stuff. I think I... Okay. Here we go. Maybe I should get Hiller on here. Hiller's probably up to speed on this.
Starting point is 02:13:16 Should I see if I can get Hiller on to update us on what the fuck is going on here? Oh. Andrew's already posted something on Instagram. Okay, let's see this oh okay here hold on it's probably one of you guys already told me in the chat I'm just over here working so I know it's gone okay let's let's play with uh Hiller has here we go okay uh this is uh this looks like it was posted 43 minutes ago on Andrew Hiller's Instagram.
Starting point is 02:13:52 He has a bunch of notes here, but we'll read the notes after we play this. Let's go ahead and just play. But he's not a games athlete anymore. I'm telling you, they're dropping him. It may look that way to you from the outside but if he goes on like that for another year the subscribers won't save him because there are new people new budgets being allocated what's the point of sponsoring someone who doesn't perform at the games i mean yeah he posts his lifts on instagram but what's the point of that at the
Starting point is 02:14:22 games people talk about that between the games between competitions but all the hype goes on at the competitions mostly during the competitions i agree uh we just think from here that the guy has subscribers and that's it that means he's got more expensive contracts and everything no if he's not an athlete what good is he i get that he will advertise some brands and they will stay with him, but still people are interested in you showing the brand at competitions. The whole world isn't watching your IG. You still got to bring something to the competition.
Starting point is 02:14:57 And when you're not there and you're slowly starting to fade away, nobody's talking about you. That's why I have to write these moron comments. I just created a media frenzy so they'd start talking about you that's why i have to write these comments i just created the media frenzy so they'd start talking about me okay it's like with dogs you walk down the street look the dogs are sitting behind the fence you throw a stone they start barking and you go on your way and they bark something to themselves and he he's well, he doesn't have to do anything, I think. He'll make money. He doesn't give a damn. But he's not a games athlete anymore. I'm telling you,
Starting point is 02:15:31 they're dropping him. It may look that way to you from the outside. Damn. Damn. So Hiller writes, yes, this is transcribed. There is a sense that every single thing said in this interview needs context. Roman goes hard in this interview in his native language, Russian. In my opinion, this is amazing and I have breath of fresh air.
Starting point is 02:15:49 That is if you believe the Google, YouTube, and AI translation along with the multiple internet commentators stating that the translation is correct. Number two, I have multiple sources informing me that Rosa is not just Roman's translator, but also his agent manager. By the way, this is really weird if this is true. This is really weird. If two is indeed true, I would certainly accept what he actually said word to word translation versus what he meant, which he himself can't tell us
Starting point is 02:16:16 in English. Again, I personally love the interview. If it's indeed true that, yeah, I have no, I have no problem with what Roman said. I'm not like, I don't think he said anything mean or wrong. I don't think he said anything bad. It's his assessment of how sponsorships work. It's like, it's kind of cool, right? But what is interesting is if he has his agent down by his side, none of the other athletes get that.
Starting point is 02:16:48 That would be fucking a trip. ESC sounds guaranteed. Guy has miles bigger sponsorship deals than Roman. I'll tell you this. You fucking put Guy on. when Guy comes on this show the fucking viewers pile in he's definitely a fucking needle mover but when Roman came on the show fucking the
Starting point is 02:17:12 views fucking were massive too but I do think I do think the next time if he ever comes on the show again I need a different translator I think it was pretty fucking clear that she was she was fucking with the translation she was not it was not accurate what is this man what a busy morning
Starting point is 02:17:53 God I need someone just to come in here and tell me everything that I missed this morning fucking around with you guys God, I need someone just to come in here and tell me everything that I missed this morning. We're fucking around with you guys. Wow. Okay, so that is his agent. So when she says she's not paid a cent to translate, that might be a little manipulative or disingenuous. She's so close to him.
Starting point is 02:18:29 And some of the stories she just told herself. Yeah. I think you're right. Eric Weiss. I'm on Guy's side. You don't mess with the cheeses. The cheeses. No. Roman has a big mushroom slab. I think rich probably likes it he don't care uh so long we need a few non-crossfit shows that's what drew me into the show
Starting point is 02:18:59 all right fine I agree I know I was trying to get away from it I'm completely sucked in now huh guilty let me see oh tomorrow I have Greg Glassman and Kara Saunders oh on Thursday I have Nathaniel Nolan on do you remember the guy that walked on his hands
Starting point is 02:19:20 for a year he got some other shit he did now too that's gonna be good that's on thursday that's not crossfit oh my goodness on friday okay you guys ready you guys ready you're gonna love this you ready on friday we have the producer of the minneapolis movie that's the george floyd documentary uh minneapolis am i saying that city right minneapolis george uh murder of george Floyd documentary. Minneapolis. Am I saying that city, right?
Starting point is 02:19:48 George Floyd. Murder of George Floyd. What's the name of the movie? Someone tell me. What happened in Minneapolis? Is that the name of it? God, it's crazy that I can't. Minneapolis movie.
Starting point is 02:20:06 The fall of Minneapolis. The fall of Minneapolis. The fall of Minneapolis. There it is. I wonder if I can play the trailer for you guys. I wonder what happens if I do that. You guys ready? Let's see. Follow me now.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Trailer. Oh, okay. Shit. Here we go. You want something? Oh, wow. It says that this content may be... Here we go. So the producer of this movie is coming on...
Starting point is 02:20:42 Friday. George Floyd. Peaceful protest overnight in the Twin Cities. They've been very peaceful. The crowd continues to be peaceful. 8.46, 8 minutes and 46 seconds. 9 minutes and 29 seconds. Actually, 8 minutes and 46 seconds. By the way, that particular technique is not authorized by the NMPD. Is this a trained Minneapolis Police Department technique? It is not.
Starting point is 02:21:30 When I heard that, I really wanted to get up off my chair and yell, bullshit. From what I've seen of the videotape and the photograph in the police training manual, they look pretty identical. Were you trained in MRT, the maximal restraint technique? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. All the police officers were trained in the MRT. George Floyd says, I got shot last time. I got shot the same way as I was before. Did you shoot him? No, I didn't shoot him. No. You helped to train Officer Alex King. What did you think of him?
Starting point is 02:22:05 I probably trained a few thousand people. He was probably one of the top two. Give me a minute. This call is from a federal prison. Hi, Derek. It's Liz. shit i'm muted pretty good huh oh yeah could you guys hear that I muted my mic could you guys hear
Starting point is 02:22:52 what I was playing I'm here for the pronunciation of Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis can we have a gay on sure okay Association of Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Mini apple tits. Mini apple tits. Can we have a gay on? Sure.
Starting point is 02:23:08 Give a gay on. Anyway, that's going to be a great show Friday, right? It's a good watch. Marissa Hinojosa. All right. I'm pretty. I'm pretty i'm pretty i'm impressed with myself kenneth you asked and and this friday we got it heard it great it was louder than your mic okay good uh we'll see you guys on rumble next week. Really? Hey, dude, it is pretty crazy what happened. It's crazy that someone went
Starting point is 02:23:47 over to Pedro's YouTube station and listened to the video that the podcast Pedro did with me and got it pulled down. That shit's crazy. Jethro Cardona missed y'all. Jethro's been
Starting point is 02:24:03 busy running Chieftain CrossFit on Long Island One of the newest affiliates In the CrossFit ecosystem Congrats Jethro Alright guys love y'all See you Tomorrow Greg Glassman on the morning
Starting point is 02:24:24 Carl Saunders in the evening. Bye-bye.

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