The Sevan Podcast - Programming, Free Press & Sourdough | Ep. 3

Episode Date: March 7, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. One minute behind. Dang, almost got it. I was over here, like, rearranging my notes a little bit,
Starting point is 00:00:38 trying to get it in, like, the perfect order, which I probably won't even follow anyways. And then I looked up and I was like, no, a minute late. Welcome, everybody. Episode minute late. Welcome everybody. Episode number three, third one down. Every time I do one of these, I'm like, oh, I got a whole week to gather material, prepare some awesome stuff. And then each time the week just goes by faster and faster.
Starting point is 00:00:57 How's everybody doing? Rambler, what's up, my man? Hello. G. Reed. Hello. Slater. What's going on? Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Right back at you. Eric, what's up, brother? Sound is off. Sound is off. Can you hear me now? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Is it not working? Is it not working? Can you let me know if you can't hear it? It's kind of weird whenever you ask a question to the comments because it just, you have to wait. Okay, Sleeky, we could hear you. Eric, mic is off. What's happening? Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We hear you. All right. Okay, cool. Sounds good here. All right, cool. Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. It's so funny whenever you ask a question to the audience because, like, you guys are on a slight delay from what obviously is happening inside this room versus how long it takes you guys to get it.
Starting point is 00:01:45 We could hear you. Is Sevan coming? Does somebody want to fill Bailey in here? Huh? Huh? Bailey? Does anybody work? Not Savannah.
Starting point is 00:02:00 That's hilarious. It's also on my personal YouTube, so people from the gym are getting it. What's up, Nikola? Awesome time. Nikola, this guy right here, NotSavannah647 on 24.1. Incredible time. Okay, everybody, welcome. So here's what we got going down today.
Starting point is 00:02:20 We're going to get into a couple topics here. As always, I'm clearly up on all the uh newest tiktok trends and this week is no exception we're bringing you the strangest thing that's happening in the space only fan girls turned into sourdough mamas now what is that last time we talked about crunchy moms you guys know what it is now because you've been educated and uh now we're going to talk a little bit about this sourdough thing have you guys seen this like do any of you any moms out there you guys sourdough bakers too i um somebody sent me this and i thought it was hilarious. And it was like this whole thing where these women, mothers, I guess, used to be on OnlyFans. Let's zoom in here.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And now they're baking sourdough and living for God and speaking against modern feminism. Look at that. There isn't really much to this. It's one of those ones where it plays music and she does this like really weird and awkward thing. Do you guys like that type of content where it's just something that it's typing and then like it's just words you read? And then they kind of do this like, and it seems like there's like some flash. Do you think that's something like, oh, that was weird. See the glitch?
Starting point is 00:03:46 I thought it was one of those things where you like, they're like in lingerie or something, but it looks like she just screwed up in editing her video. So apparently, if you go the OnlyFans route, and then you find God, you're also going to find sourdough, sourdough bread. It's such a weird thing. Rambler, that's a milf.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Judy, I bake, but I don't make huge social media productions about it. Maybe I should. Absolutely, you should. How else would we know what was going on in your world? And how else would you brag about all the awesome things you do for your family that other people don't have time for? So then they feel bad about not being able to provide what you clearly are on social media. Isn't that how that works? Which brings me to our pondering section segment of the show today, which is it never ceases to amaze me.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own. more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own. I mean, isn't that incredibly true? Like how often is like, we're the center of our own world, but yet, yet we just, we go around seeking like approval all the time, consciously and subconsciously. I mean, the funniest part about it, and you guys are CrossFitters, you'll know this example exactly, right? Somebody comes into the gym, they're new to it, haven't really, you know, done CrossFit yet, maybe the first time in the gym. And the first thing they say is like, oh, well, I'll just kind of go to the back so nobody sees me. And you know, when you're in the middle of your workout and you're in the middle of 24.1
Starting point is 00:05:26 and you're dumbbell snatching and burping, do you give one shit about what's happening with any of the people around you? No, you do not. And you're trying to like express that to them. You're like, hey, believe me, everybody's got their own stuff going on. Everybody's, you know, going through their own thing and they're just here to work out. Nobody is going to look over and watch what you do or care or anything like that, by and large. Sometimes you get these like no repartee, but for the most part, as you guys know,
Starting point is 00:05:55 not a lot of people care what you're doing in life. And we all put way too much, myself included in this, way too much emphasis on like how other people are going to perceive what we're doing or why we're doing it. And so I like to just keep this quote, like just something that I think about often whenever I find myself in that situation and consciously I realize, oh dang, I'm feeling like super insecure because I think like I'm going to be judged for what I'm doing or this show or even the topics that I bring up. Fuck, if you guys could be inside my head when I'm trying to like decide about what like the topics of conversation and the content is going to be, it just goes through this circling of, like, okay, is there going to be something to take away from this? Is this, like, too preachy?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Does this even matter? You know what I mean? And at some point you just have to let it go and just do you. Do you. And if you have heard me talk about goal setting and things like that in the show, I'm a huge proponent of creating like a vision for yourself of like, where do you want to be? What's important to you in life? Why are those things important to you? Did you decide if they're important?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Did society decide them? Did something from your past decide that it's important or place some sort of like limiting belief or something on you. And being able to walk yourself through that process to decide what it is that you want to achieve, what it is that your vision for yourself, trying to unzoom out of this thing so I can show you this next picture, is probably one of the most important things that you could do and something that I spend a lot of my time on because it's a moving target. So you might create some sort of like, hey, this is where I want to be, or this is kind of the goals that I have. And then things change, life happens, circumstance happens, and maybe you have to adjust that. So it's always going to be a moving target. And that's why it's
Starting point is 00:07:34 important to constantly like check in with yourself. Because then you can start to decide like, hey, are these tasks or where my energy is being focused on right now? Because I'm just, am I being pulled these directions just because of the day-to-day to life that I'm trying to keep up with? Or am I like focused down on what I need to do to achieve the vision that I've created for myself? And we oftentimes like hear this come a lot from like CrossFit game champions.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Like if you guys remember Matt Fraser back in the day, he would say, oh, I only had one thing that I based all my questions off. Is this gonna hurt me going to the games or is this going to help me go into the games? And he used that as like a backstop to what happened? Hi, I'm back on my computer actually here now instead of just watching Sousa talk with no volume. It's probably better, I guess, is that there's a little bit of volume coming out of the voice rather than just me talking into nothing. volume coming out of the voice rather than just me talking into nothing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And they are the extreme version of that because everything in the world, in a Matt Frazier's world or the world of a champion is always going to come back to, is this making me work towards winning the CrossFit Games or is this moving me further away from it? And I think that there's a small piece of that that we should definitely be taking away there and saying, hey, this vision or direction that I created for myself, are these decisions, are the tasks that I'm working on moving me closer to that? Or are they moving me further away from that? But without first creating some sort of vision or direction for yourself, you'll have no idea. So there's another quote that I'll mess up.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I think it's also Marcus Aurelius. And it it says like, if a sailor doesn't know their directions, there are no favorable winds. And that's true because if you don't know which direction you're going and you put the sail up, like every single time the wind blows, it's blowing you in the wrong direction because you haven't set the path for yourself. So if you guys haven't already, spend a little time, maybe think about it through this year and saying, hey, if this year was a success in my eyes, according to me, whatever success means to you, what does that look like? And you can do it across multiple different buckets and kind of fill in like, hey, what is it that I want to achieve across these buckets? Because if you don't, which is going to lead me to my next point here, programming. I'm not talking about gym programming. We got Shut Up and Scramble for that and a million other different things you guys can
Starting point is 00:10:01 check into. I'm talking about human programming here. Because if you don't consciously decide what it is that you want to do and want to achieve, then the question then becomes who is deciding for you? Because ultimately you're working towards something, whether you like it or not. Right? So I found this cool chart here. And maybe you guys have seen it. I'll dig into it a little bit more over the time, but I liked it because we work in pyramids, right? Mechanics, intensity, I mean, excuse me, mechanics, consistency, intensity. So I saw the pyramid and obviously I just like gravitated towards this. But at the bottom, at the base here, we have universal and inherited common human nature. So this is just
Starting point is 00:10:41 things that we are as human beings naturally um and then the next uh uh rung up in the pyramid here is specific to a group or category and learned which is culture right culture why mike why is everybody saying this what is happening god that is a crazy picture. Is it working? Is it not working? Most people said it was working. I moved this whole setup yesterday to the gym so I could do the Dave Castro and review with seven. So I moved the whole thing to my gym and then set it all up, kind of ghetto, like the camera was on a box and some other shit.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And then my mic was low there. So I don't know what was happening with that. And then I shifted the whole thing, obviously back to my house and reset it up. And so now I'm super paranoid about if it's, uh, if you guys are hearing me okay or not. So then we move up all the way to the top of the pyramid, which is going to be individual characteristics, right? Individual characteristics. So the bottom portion by and large, there's not going to be much that we could do to change that except for become conscious of our behaviors. Hear a hollow sound?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Oh, maybe it's on. Wait for it, guys. How about now? How about now? That's what was happening. You sound fine, just no microphone. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Jeffrey, what's up, buddy? Okay. Now we got it figured out. Now it should sound much, much better.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Sorry about the first 11 minutes there. We got it figured out. Oh, the problem with the microphone is the dumb ass operating it, as per usual. So the bottom portion, common human nature, like are these things that we're aware of? Are we conscious of? If we become conscious of their actions or why did that make me jealous? Why does this make me feel insecure? Why does this make me angry? Why does this make me feel sad? And you kind of crack that nut. You're able to start to mold those a little bit and work with those natural things that occur to us as humans to guide it better, right? Culture is another thing because that's the pool of our group, of our people, of the people that were around us.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And these are all learned things, right? Because you get introduced to the group or your culture or whatever, just like we are in American culture versus other countries versus ethnic cultures, all these types of things. And so those are learned, those are kind of like inherited to a certain degree, but those are super malleable because if you could take any human being and place them into a different culture at a certain age, they're going to start to adopt whatever it is around them. It's just going to plug them in. And then the individual characteristics at the top are just going to be
Starting point is 00:13:30 personality traits and different things that we are exposed to with our environments and stuff like that. And so the more and more that we become conscious of these and of the beliefs that we have, the limiting beliefs or whatever else is going on, the more we're able to adjust and then attune them to ultimately the person that we want to become. But again, it's going to go one step further back to that whole entire creating a vision and direction for yourself.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Because if you're not able to first set that up, then the rest of this stuff won't really matter because you're not really sure what you're being programmed and attuned to. So with conclusion with this, I want to share something that I found on Instagram. So now that you guys kind of have this background information here, a little bit of a setup for like this two-second clip, but I think it'll provide an interesting thought here with this.
Starting point is 00:14:21 ResearchGate, three levels to human mental programming adopted from... I don't know how to pronounce that. I just breathed into the mic weird, but we'll dive into that a little bit more next time. And that's where it's from. Um, looks like a good clue for 24, 4.1. I'll throw it in the, you know, what I'll do too, is I'll put anything that I use from this point forward guys into the show notes and, um, like as references and you could kind of dig into a little bit further if you care to you'll have some more information there so now where'd my where'd my thing now when we talk
Starting point is 00:14:59 about programming and culture and society things here we could see that we could do some weird things such as this. How old is she? They are 15 months old. We actually use they them pronouns for a grade until they tell us who they are. That's why you're like, who oh first off this woman's face here she goes oh you could tell she's like you're batshit crazy wow okay so they they uh-huh awesome well enjoy the pride parade how old is she um they are 15 months old we use they, them pronouns for a grade until they tell us who they are. That's why you were like, who, what? Oh, wow. Okay, so.
Starting point is 00:15:49 They. They. Uh-huh. Awesome. Well, enjoy the pride parade. Thank you. Hmm. Interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:15:58 So if you have a parent and they start programming certain societal or cultural or social social things that is happening here that child now that is like deep inside that child's brain and how do you think like savon talks about it all the time is like forming an identity for your child so you are the molder of that programming like we all are of ourselves but especially if you're a parent um and especially if you're like a coach in a CrossFit gym, like you're plugging in the, uh, uh, programming there. So now if you were to think like, Hey, how do you think that's going to turn out for, for that kid? It seems to me like she would be confused as to what was going on. And then the mother is kind of taking this confusion that she has in her
Starting point is 00:16:48 head. Now, whether that is also programmed by her wanting to be accepted by a certain group or be elite in that group, because she has the kid and they're not going to look the imposed gender on their child. They're going to wait for them to decide like that's nuts. And it, at some point becomes extremely harmful.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And so if you talk about mental health issues and stuff like that, if you have a situation where you have a parent that is bringing in really confusing things to a kid that is far too young to understand what the hell this even means, you know that that is going to be disaster later on down the road and so i just i just thought that the connection there was interesting as far as like the different things that we do in society and well especially in the us and all these different issues that we're like talking about and then just pushing it on to the younger generation and all this it's like it's dangerous because once you start getting into that realm too much, you, some of that programming can't be undone.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And then people wonder, Hey, why do we have such mental health problems? Why are suicide rates going through the roof? And it's like, well, fuck, look at the starting of that programming for that poor child. Like, it's just absurd. And even the other lady next door, it seemed like a nice lady was there at the pride parade and she was like confused. And when the mom was like, Oh, we call them or something she's like oh now that woman isn't gonna say like hey fuck that kid's way too young for this this shit's crazy she's just gonna kind
Starting point is 00:18:15 of agree because that's like doesn't want to be rude wants to be nice and they're kind of all playing nice there and stuff and i don't know i just thought that that parallel was like crazy interesting when you think about it in terms of all the stuff that we consume, the stuff that we like here, the stuff that we are eating, the stuff that we're watching all the time, like all that consumption is leaving impressions on us. And it's programming us to some degree. We're super lucky in this time period because we have so much information and everything in an abundance at our fingertips that we need to be really, really conscious of what
Starting point is 00:18:55 we're programming and what we're consuming. And if you want to become a mastermind at it, you could only consume and program yourself with things that are going to help you become a better person and work towards your vision and the direction you want to move in life and whatever that may be. Hell, I don't know. Maybe that is the ultimate goal with that parent. And I wish him luck, but that's going to definitely cause... And you guys are some parents. Can you imagine doing some of that weird shit like that to your kid and being like dead serious about it? Which kind of gets into the whole Santa Claus thing a little bit.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm not anti Santa Claus at all. I dig it. But to a certain degree, we do that regardless, right? To a certain degree. You guys are going to be super stoked. um you guys are going to be super stoked i know we've been anxiously awaiting the new uh guidelines for the flu try not to use the c word here it's it's happened we finally have enough information to say that the government 19 should be treated the same as the flu. Holy crap. So if you were dealing with a tragic situation, you had a loved one in the hospital, the CDC apologizes that you
Starting point is 00:20:18 couldn't be there with your dying loved one on their last day because you were just following the science and doing what it's told. If your business shut down and you are out because you are just following the science and doing what it's told. If your business shut down and you are out and you are struggling to put food on the table and provide for your family, be happy to know that it's been reduced down to the flow and everything could go back to normal for you. Oh, wait, it can't. Because of the decisions that these people made in following the science harmed people a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And that's all we got to show for it now. They just adjusted it. Isn't that fucking crazy? And the funniest part of it is doctors and other people were all blacklisted and labeled as crazy and conspiracy theories and all that shit because they were saying this much earlier on. Freedom of press is an important, important thing. Austin Hartman, how many affiliates do you think shut down because they couldn't make it through the flu? Exactly. And I mean, restaurants, other businesses,
Starting point is 00:21:30 just imagine having to deal with a loved one or a situation where you lost them and you couldn't see them because of these rules and things that are being implemented which now we all at least are on the same uh same page here has that it was all bullshit the whole entire time and now why why was that right it's all because we fell down the rabbit hole of appealing to authority. Pull this back a little bit here. And we'll let good old Charlie Kirk talk about that one. Plenty. If you're going to argue from authority, that's a logical fallacy. Tell me why I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Don't tell me how many degrees you have. authority. That's a logical fallacy. Tell me why I'm wrong. Don't tell me how many degrees you have. I'm actually, I would, I would argue I'm more informed because I didn't go to college and I've traveled the world and I've met with world leaders and I've read many books. So tell me, how am I oppressive? Can you name one example of how I'm oppressive? Can you name one, name one example of how I'm oppressive? Cause you just said it. Well, no, they just don't have facts. Can you name one? Name one example of how I'm oppressive because you just said it. I'm literally here telling people that they are wrong about me. Well, no, they just don't have facts. Can you tell me one time that I've been wrong about anything I've said?
Starting point is 00:22:50 I had no idea. Thank you for informing me. Anytime. Maybe if you didn't go to college, you would learn more. Oh, you're so right. You're so right. What formal education do you have? Don't you love that? You go to make a statement about something or you inquire about it, and the first thing they say is, well, what formal education do you have? Are you a doctor?
Starting point is 00:23:09 How do you know? How do you know? And it's absolutely crazy, right? Because then what Charlie Kirk does there is he says, well, what does that have to do with my question of being right or wrong with how many degrees I do or I don't have? And so much of, especially the younger and younger generation, immediately go to that. You'll have an opinion on something or you'll give some sort of a suggestion. And the first thing they want to do is say like, well, how do you know? Are you educated in that?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Do you have a degree in that? Are you a doctor? Crazy. Crazy. Because what does that have to do with the question or answer or getting it down to the truth? Like, it doesn't. It absolutely doesn't. And if we go back to the truth. Like it doesn't, it absolutely doesn't. And, um, if we go back to the, and by the
Starting point is 00:23:49 way, that was all the press and everything else that, uh, they were doing at that time, because we had no freedom of press. You weren't allowed to say anything. Your information got suppressed and, um, you were told, Hey, you're not an authority on this subject. So therefore you can't talk about it. You can't talk about it. And that's just such a, that's not freedom of press. And it's a logical infallacy. It's a logical infallacy. If you haven't already gone over to broken and checked out Emily on, what was the name?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Ken Berry MD's YouTube channel. We talked a little bit about it when Greg was on. If you haven't watched her on that show yet, you're missing out. It was fantastic. Did so well. There were so many great insights on that. And I just wanted to follow up
Starting point is 00:24:39 kind of the freedom of press thing for something that Emily was saying here. And if you guys don't know, she was an investigative journalist, worked for the biggest news stations and stuff in the world you know all over she's been there done that investigate a lot of like murders and different stuff and she talks about as when she came from college she would go into these newsrooms and they would require sources from her multiple independent sources um her there was a lot of rigor of what she was writing.
Starting point is 00:25:05 People would go over it in the newsroom, the higher-ups, and everybody else in the editors, and they would comb through it to make sure that there weren't any mistakes and that everything was solid. And you could tell that that does not happen at all anymore. I'm going to play just a little bit of this so you guys can hear it straight from her mouth. I'm going to have to stop it because this is on KemberryMD Berry MDs, um, uh, YouTube. Um, so again, I don't want him to ding a story.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And then I would have three weeks to work on a longer feature story. Now that was hard. It was actually quite something to talk to enough people feel like you got original sources. The rule when I was coming up with, so she's going to talk right now, the rule when I was coming up is that you had to have two independent sources for every fact you put out. So even if it was gas prices, right? Like a release comes out about how gas prices have increased. I've got to find two people who can say like, yep, that's right. So she has to verify. So back when she started, she was like, hey, for every fact you list, and you're listing it as a fact inside this article, you have to have two independent sources that verify your facts.
Starting point is 00:26:08 So that way we could make sure that there's credibility to what we're saying and what's coming out. Now, today, that doesn't happen. In fact, it used to be you were not allowed to report off of other news sources. So if the New York Times reported something, that could never be a source of mine. How often do you guys see now sources of information or stated as fact that's coming out of the media, especially the corporate media,
Starting point is 00:26:36 like the Fox News, MSNBC, the CNN, all that shit, where they also just cite where they got it from, like the New York Times, Forbes, or Washington Post, or one of these other things. So they're essentially like if CNN takes an article from the New York Times, reads it as fact, and then reports the New York Times as its source, it's basically saying that that information is verified and true. But the problem that is occurring is that the information that's being put out in the New York Times that the corporate media channels picked up to use as news isn't verifying their shit either.
Starting point is 00:27:09 In the New York Times, in the corporate news stations, all they're doing is struggling to keep up with the firehose of information that is social media. They need relevance. So they don't even take the time to fact check or do anything. They're just like, go, go, go. Next story, next story, next story. It's insane. I had to go find two people or documents that verified the information. That does not happen anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So yes, there are health. I mean, like the New York Times has health reporters. They have science reporters. Do they have the time? I don't think so. I think a lot of the reporters, especially younger reporters are... Crazy. So she...
Starting point is 00:27:48 And the reason why... I love the reason why she used just like gas prices is because that's kind of something like benign. Like, hey, we're reporting on a $1.50 increase in gas. Like, yeah, that sucks. Nobody wants to pay more for gas. But it's not like... It's not the information that's going to shape
Starting point is 00:28:02 the way that we're like living and make it so I can't go visit my loved one when they're on their deathbed. Right. And she was saying that even for something as simple as that, they still had to get that verified and fact checked from two separate sources. And so there was a, there was another piece. There's some crazy statistic about how salaries for journalists haven't gone up in 40 years. So you have, I mean, like Northwestern was the number one journalism school in the country when I was there.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I think there is one person from my graduating class who is still in a newsroom doing journalism. And there's no money in either. You guys should definitely go listen to this whole entire thing here. I just love to wrap it up. And I wanted to use this as, I know it's on an article from Broken Science, but I just thought, I listened to this, the whole thing, and I texted Emily right away. I was like, holy crap, this was incredible. And if you guys go look at the comments and stuff that are underneath it, people loved
Starting point is 00:28:59 it because she just very clearly articulates these really large problems that we're facing in society like like very simply and then uses um examples that are very easy to follow along with and uh so if you guys haven't already i'll put this in the show notes of the show as well you should definitely go check out emily on um kevin kennedy's uh uh youtube and i think he's got like millions of uh subscribers so this is big. This is big for Broken Science. This is big for Emily. Congrats, guys. Congrats, Broken Science team. And congrats, Emily, for just coming out swinging on a major platform like that and touching base on so many important issues
Starting point is 00:29:38 that we're facing. You see how I connect the dots there, guys? You followed along. I don't know why, but whenever I do the live call-ins where we're just shooting the shit, I never feel like we have to have this continuity or a thread of an idea across all of them. But for whatever reason, when I'm developing the content for this show, I'm like, well, how do these connect?
Starting point is 00:29:57 How do the dots here? As I go through this, am I going to be able to take the listener through something that formulates this big idea. So hopefully that, uh, got put together here. Um, at least car right now, this reminds me of some registered dietitian arguing about eating, uh, off the food pyramid. Still sometimes having the schooling makes you less informed a hundred percent, a hundred percent. And, um, I have another, uh another clip here that Greg sent me. This one, you guys, I'm sure you probably have seen in the past. It got really popular back in 2021 or something, but it
Starting point is 00:30:33 perfectly illustrates the appeal to authority point and the same exact thing that Elyse just said in her comment here. I'll bring that up in a second. Corey Leonard, I have no degree and I feel like something weird is going on because there is no way that people are this much dumber than I am. Dude, they're just indoctrinated and they want to follow the group. Nobody wants to be the one person within their core of colleagues or professors or anything to raise their hand and be like, hey, that seems weird and I disagree because you would immediately become outcasted. Immediately become outcasted. Immediately become outcasted. Jake Chapman, they both look Russian. And you look yoked.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Is that the same photo you had from before? Do you do, like, updates on that? Looking good, dude. Damn. Need to do some more setups. Okay, so the piece here that was sent that I want to share with you guys as far as like where oh weird the page does not exist okay maybe we won't maybe we won't
Starting point is 00:31:36 yeah we definitely won't all right link's Man, that was such a great illustration. This is what I'm getting on my end, guys. Sorry about that. It was this. Yeah, that's it. It was a person explaining how science has never moved forward in the center of academia. It always comes from the fringe, from the outside, from the people that are pushing the limits, the skeptics, the ones that are really questioning, why do we believe what we believe and how do we know it to be true? And it was a great example. He articulated it much better than I did there, but it just kind of tied the whole thing in a knot that like, if we only stay with inside the knowledge that we, that we know, and you get casted, like you get ostracized for, for going outside of that and questioning and being a skeptic, then man, like it'll never advance. Science would never advance. Things would never evolve. Society would never evolve evolve it would just sit kind of a dog chasing its tail swirling around the toilet bowl until we all went down the drain steve-o it's heartwarming to spread your wings solo you're smashing it in the legend thank you i do appreciate
Starting point is 00:32:59 um the nice comments as i'm trying to still like get into a group with this and get more comfortable with it does help. I ignore the mean ones. Pick and choose, pick and choose. All right, let's go and get into this other piece here. Okay. Loyalty. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. Uh, we watched Dave's weekend review yesterday. Um, we saw him talk about being loyal to the team and everything else. And, um, you're asking kind of where I'm going to this. And, and I wonder sometimes if being loyal to the wrong things, uh, is going to do more, more harm than it is good. It's going to do more harm than it is good.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And whenever, sometimes we're blindly loyal to something without questioning it, it gets us into a, an, into a bunch of trouble. Yeah. Corey, these hoes ain't loyal,
Starting point is 00:34:00 but this hoe is here. We have Gavin Newsom on Joee biden uh and they're asking him who would he vote for for president do you guys guess who he's loyal to fine would want to run when you have someone of such esteem as our incumbent president of the united states with a record of accomplishments and a man of character, a man of decency. I'm old school. Talk about loyalty.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'll go to ends of the earth for this guy. I really would. Who in their mind would want to run when you have someone of such esteem as our incumbent president of the United States with a record of accomplishments and a man of character? Oh, a man of character. And look, look at fucking Gavin.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You know what? Say what you will about him. But this dude knows how to work a camera. Like he's got so much emotion in his face when he says a man of character that I bet he almost believes the own bullshit coming out of his mouth. Like that photo right there. Like he is like some man like it's a man of character a man of decency decency old school talk about loyalty i'll go to ends of the earth for this guy i really would well you're about to if he stays in charge some of the shit that's going down um
Starting point is 00:35:21 i just thought that that was funny because obviously loyalty is a good trait, but at what cost and to what ends? Now, clearly, if you guys want to go down the rabbit hole with the Gavin thing, you're going to just say, hey, he's just positioning himself to be president. He's going to ride right under Joe Biden's coattails till right towards the end. And then they'll say something happened medically with Joe and he's unfit to run. But hey, guess what? We got Gavin because he's campaigning right now in pretending he's not campaigning and campaigning for Joe. So he's saying certain things inside there that are planting seeds. So then that way,
Starting point is 00:35:56 when they usher Mr. Biden out and say he's unfit or whatever health thing came up or something, you guys know eventually something is going to come up there. Then, hey, Gavin is like, I didn't want to do it under these circumstances, but I will step up to run for president of the United States. You could see the initiatives and how well things went in California. And guess what? I'm going to be bringing this to you guys all the way across the U.S. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Watch. That's going to be the... That's my official bet there. That's how that plays out. That's how that plays out. What do you guys think? Do you think it's going to be Michelle Obama? Do you think so?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Vegas betting odds. Presidential election. I'm going to go to Vegas Insider. betting odds presidential election. I can go to Vegas Insider. We're going to check out the betting odds. You know why? Because whenever it comes to Vegas and whenever it comes to money, they don't like to lose.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And if you could check this out, you could go. Okay, so 2024 U..s presidential betting odds donald trump is clearly the favorite out front then joe biden and right underneath them michelle obama judy uh-oh i think you're right here uh-oh that's interesting then underneath her gavin newsom kamala harris you haven't really heard much of her i think the democratic party just wants her to slowly like exit without making too much of a scene nikki haley she's a democrat as well like none of these people are really thinking outside the box and then down here robert uh kennedy jr which he could be a strong independent run um i think we're definitely in the need
Starting point is 00:37:45 for a third-party system. I mean, we have a third-party system, but to actually have a strong independent candidate for once that isn't just filling in fucking Kanye West's name on the ballot. Hoping that we get it. Okay, Judy, Vegas agrees with you. I still think that obviously
Starting point is 00:38:01 they just have Joe Biden up there because he is the sitting president and naturally they they run again. But I'm telling you, I think there's going to be some sort of issue with him and they're going to say he can no longer run. And then they'll for sure bring in Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. The reason why I don't think it's going to be Michelle Obama is just because I don't think she's been very active, which could be a good play because there's not a lot of stuff on her. She kind of comes in with not a lot of filth and shit on her. Right. And then like, she could kind of slide in and hopefully get some votes as opposed to, um, Gavin Newsom. We could point to
Starting point is 00:38:33 California and multiple failures that are happening here. Um, which could be an issue. Oh, Cam Rogers. Okay. Article out today. Michelle is not running. Okay. Okay. So depending on the article and where you got that information from, could be interesting. Yeah, asymmetric ears. This is to you, Captain Rogers. Look under big mic instead of Michelle. You guys are crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Do you guys really think that? You guys really think that? Can you guys see when you're talking about think that you guys really think that you can't see when you're talking about michelle obama uh you really shouldn't oh man you guys think so i've watched some of the stuff on that too i don't know where i fall on that i don't know i haven't spent like a ton of time um looking into it too much but shit's's weird, man. And unfortunately, a lot of these conspiracy theories are turning out to be true as time goes on. So who knows here? I have no reason to believe that a representative of the United States would ever lie to me. Oh, no shit, right, Sean? Yeah, no way. They're the ones in charge, the authority. Cam Rogers said the New York Times post
Starting point is 00:39:47 was about Michelle Obama not running. Okay. Okay. Hold on, Jake Chapman, what do you got here? If Obama made the transition, would he be able to run again as a female? I mean, you say it kind of as a joke, but I wonder what that would turn into. I mean you say it kind of as a joke but like
Starting point is 00:40:05 I wonder what I wonder what that would turn into that's funny oh Jeffrey, Jeffrey Birchville here to save the day no Jake Jeffrey's the voice of reason, he's pretty smart okay, after all we talk about CrossFit a lot on this show
Starting point is 00:40:20 so we'll kind of end today's session with that, have you guys seen this yet? this yet? This clean? Oh, it was a New York post, not the times. Thank you. New York post had the article, not the times. Sorry about that. Screwed that up. Um, okay. There's a lot of weight on this bar. I think, uh, if it's the clip that I remember, it's like the 235 is on this bar for her. She's rocking a pair of Vans. That's awesome. But yes, I guess she's got the reverse grip. Yeah, she's got the mixed grip on the bar. So this hand here, you can see me kind of circulating. right hand is uh facing the palm up or palm out towards us
Starting point is 00:41:07 like supernated grip on it so she's got one as the normal clean one is a mixed grip as if she was going to set up for a uh deadlift and we'll watch this go down here i love like all the younger chicks just in the back and just everybody just like watching her too that's kind of cool jay chan what could possibly go wrong? What could possibly go wrong? I guess it's the reach around. It's the reach around grip. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Esa Lopez. Now, you might have seen this video. It went a little bit viral in the niche community, but this is a mix. Switched it. Did you guys see that? When she popped it up, she rotated her hand back around. Mixed grip power clean.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So, Manessa is a crossfitter in vans as well no less at 235 pounds which is about 105 kilos which is a very very impressive way to be power cleaning and jerking for any female grass or any female weightlifter in general most notably is with a mixed grip if we take the mixed grip out of it it's it's good movement right yeah nice lock it overhead for sure not a mass of momentum what we're pulling on the bar very very nice fast powerful clean and jerk or power clean and jerk even to be honest this is the closest to a standard looking clean i've ever seen with a mixed grip i suppose what's going on here is that she obviously feels stronger with the mixed grip but that's what the hook grip is for in general for pulling from the floor i assume
Starting point is 00:42:21 this happened where she did a couple of sessions and it just felt really good immediately then ended up doing a big training block with it and now we're at a point where it's really hard to go back vanessa yeah i agree with uh everything those guys said um who was this i want to give them credit this uh seeka strength go check this stuff out they analyze a lot of stuff it was pretty cool but i just thought that that was nuts to watch her do that mix clean or the mixed grip clean like that at that weight is insane. But I totally agree that it should, uh, she should probably work that like hook grip because at some point that might become limiting and I just feel like it's setting up for injury at some point,
Starting point is 00:42:59 but she does it really well. So it is what it is. Oh, it's a great YouTube channel cool yeah you could go and check that out um so going talk to talk oh am i sussing with suze going cock to cock with a live rich phoning podcast oh shit they're live let's go see let's go see shall we do this and end it oh it's a premiere oh we have like the same number of people watching that's crazy we both have just over 700 people cool call it a success oh my goodness okay we um uh let's talk lift predictions in the open format type etc okay we'll end on that. What do you guys have?
Starting point is 00:43:46 You guys got any predictions for 24.2? It is a premiere, Judy, you're right. Yeah, we just went and checked it. They're just premiering. The name of it, though, is pretty good. It's Rich versus Dave open 24.1 recap. And then at the top, it's got like a photo of Dave and Rich doing like a fist
Starting point is 00:44:05 bump and then it said we checked our tone so i bet you that is going to be uh great it'll be a good podcast um judy reed 55 of us are loyal to you and i i can't tell you how much i uh appreciate that guys it was funny too i used to way back before I started helping out with the podcast with Sivan, I had my own podcast. It was called shooting the fit. I did it once a week in that little eyeball number up in the screen there held strong, baby held strong every now and then there would be like, it'd just be a zero on the screen every now and then like one person would pop in and I would like freeze and I'm like, hi, don don't go and they would like go back to zero and i'd be like no so i appreciate the hell out of you guys for coming in and hanging out with me on tuesdays at 11 um especially with
Starting point is 00:44:54 like how crazy my schedule is and and everything else um sent you the linked ring muscle up the leaked ring muscle up oh interesting something was leaked here um what happened ernie ernie what's up dude uh the barbell company that the sponsors that sponsors colton put up a posting right on time for 14.2 so they made me think they know something we don't hmm hmm interesting uh i guess that ernie i think it was a typo because i saw 24 for two when i looked at it oh yeah they probably just screwed it up did it olivia we love you matt thank you i really seriously appreciate you guys and hanging out and um chill with me on tuesday uh, go over and check out the Rich Froning podcast and listen to all the
Starting point is 00:45:48 beautiful drama that's unfolding. I know they already talked about it on today's show, but how weird is it to get the Dave Cashow Weekend Review. It says he's never going to repost Hiller stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then literally they collab on the Hayley Adams reel that he set up on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Like, crazy. This whole drama and all this stuff as it unfolds is just hilarious to me. We'll be back tomorrow morning. I'm sorry about the confusion. That was on me. We were supposed to have Andrew from Mark Bell's podcast. As you guys know, it was a live call-in, which was awesome because we got to chat with Hillary. We got to check in with Colton
Starting point is 00:46:22 in the airport, which was really cool. Tomorrow, we will have Andrew on the producer of the Mark Bell podcast. That should be a great episode. Thursday morning, 7 a.m., we're going to have Hayley Adams on. And then, of course, we'll have the open announcement recap Thursday night. I will be in Arizona with Sevan then. And then Friday, we have our open announcement show. It's going to be crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I'm also, and keep this between, just between us and the 59 people that are on here, I'm pushing hard to find a way for us to film like a behind the scenes of the Broken Science event. Similar to what we did with the CrossFit for Health Summit, but just maybe a little bit different i think we could put some really cool stuff in the group of people that's going to be out there is going to be awesome and of course the talk and everything else is going to be amazing so hopefully uh when i meet
Starting point is 00:47:15 up with mitch mr patrick rios and uh sebon and stuff we could start to um uh film some of the behind the scenes because i would love for you guys to be able to see kind of all that stuff and how it works and get a chance to and i know that greg's talks and what have you will be on the broken science channel but just kind of like the the behind like the behind the scenes look everybody likes to see everybody like hanging out and all the different stuff that's going on and the different roles and jobs and things that we all do. Um, I do have the CrossFit for health, uh, behind the scenes. It did get posted up. Um, now I think Siobhan's going to talk about it like a little bit more here. Um, but I'll show you guys some of this. I know he wanted to go through it with you. And, uh, yeah, to go through it with you. We got the whole
Starting point is 00:48:06 workout. We got to have a little focus. Here's what's going to happen now that we got sticks. When it's time to focus, we got the workout. We got some stuff on the talk. We got Will and us filming a bunch of cool stuff,
Starting point is 00:48:24 kind of like all the who's who of there that were CrossFit. So you guys can go over to Karin's channel and check that out. It should look cool. I was going to try to, I'll put the link here and you guys could go watch that in case you don't want to immediately go follow up on all the drama that's happening
Starting point is 00:48:41 on the Rich Ronin podcast. So you guys go check that out. The rest of it will also be on the, in the show notes. If you guys want to go check out, um, is Will Mackinac on Karin? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Hell yeah. You know, he is. Will's a player. Don't let the innocence in the comment section, uh, fool you there. Did Karin.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Oh, Christian, your comments have been like fire lately, dude. You've really... Maybe it's just you've like tapped into like the same sense of humor I have. So you guys go check that video out. Then definitely go check out broken See all the awesome articles that are coming out over there. Especially, especially, especially Emily with Ken on his um, talking about all the problems in the world and how to solve them. Thanks again, guys. We will see you tomorrow morning and we will see you over the weekend. It's going to be fun. It's going to be action packed. I'm super stoked for it. Um, you
Starting point is 00:49:39 guys have a great, wonderful day. And again, thank you for your time. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for being awesome. We'll see you later. Bye-bye.

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