Episode Date: April 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bye. you Oh, wow. I'm so stupid. Okay. Yeah, I got it now. Uh, so workouts have just been sent out. They're in my email. Currently. I have not looked at the workouts. If anyone in the comments has looked at the workouts, keep your fricking mouth shut. Uh, we're going to wait until JR gets here. So
Starting point is 00:02:08 this is going to be a very agonizing 10 minutes. Oh, we're going to wait 10 minutes. Oh, I think we should, I don't know. Should I be waiting on JR or should I just talk about it? Probably wait about, I don't know. Should I just drop my own reactions? It's a post. I was on Instagram live and I told everybody to come here. No, it the same okay the workouts have been released early um yes i want to react to them with jr here i want you to react to them with jr here too let me can i pull up wait do you know the workouts yet did you look through i didn't look through them okay so then why don't you give like an estimate of what you think is gonna happen real quick um okay i'm gonna do a new window because i can share google chrome i'm just gonna to go games crossfit that way i can share
Starting point is 00:02:48 the screen when they come out yeah okay i'm estimating that they really suck to be honest i have a very very low bar for expectations um and that way, if they're good, I'll be surprised. I'll be happy. I'll be stoked. What qualifies it as sucks, though? Elaborate on that. I'm getting a little buzz. Are you hearing the buzz?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I'm hearing a little buzz, but I think it's the closer I get to your mic. Do you guys hear a buzz? If you guys hear a buzz, let me know. I'll call Will. Hey, CrossFact, shut up. I don't want to know what WAD2 looks like. Just stop. Get out of there.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Don't tell us what they are. I'm waiting for JR. Oh, interesting. Um, so them sucking basically is just, there's no variety in movements. They're repeating the same shit from the open. It's the same fucking workouts as last year. There's no creativity. They don't give a shit. And how are they possibly going to get the right 40 people to semifinals? That's my, uh, that's, that's kind of the metric that i'm using to measure creativity a good test will get the right 40 people to semifinals so that's are you worried about any of the workouts having um because they talked about making it easier for class logistics they talked about making it easier for affiliates to do it. Do you think that that's going to like damper the creativity that's going to
Starting point is 00:04:07 be? I think a lot of, I think a lot of the things that they've said have pitch and hold them to my expectation. Like they said, okay, they're going to be easier to run for affiliates. Uh,
Starting point is 00:04:17 so that's now you're putting yourself in one particular box then. Okay. It's going to be the same workouts for individuals as masters. You've just put yourself in another box. Uh, only four workouts and according to brian spin only four scores so now they all better be really fucking good yeah um so i just think they pigeonhole themselves in a lot am i using that term correctly yeah okay hey ho ho hey hey i haven't seen him yet so if you've seen him don't don't tell us. I just figured I was going to come on later,
Starting point is 00:04:49 but I figured since we're waiting for JR, might as well get it out of the way. Yeah. Okay. Are we just, oh, the. Yeah. Well, let's talk a little bit about what happened this morning. And then you guys were five minutes away from getting JR and Taylor's reaction to the quarterfinals workouts.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Taylor self. This is the shut Up and Scribble slash HGR CBD Athletics and State Farm Patrick Mitrovich. Oh, I got the wrong one up. Time out. Sorry, let me fix the brand. We've got one missing sponsor. Oh, we got another sponsor here. There we go.
Starting point is 00:05:19 There it is. We got three of them. Sorry about that. And Reaction Gymnastics as well. Shout out Amy Britt. And Reaction Gymnastics. The first Shout out Amy Britt. And Reaction Gymnastics. The first thing is, guys, this morning on the show, Dylan Vowell called in and said, hey, I want to buy someone on the show a pair of Savage Ones. And then so we in turn, the thing was that you had to pay a dollar to get into the contest. And so after the contest was over well some somewhere during the show brandon waddell called in and brandon waddell is dealing with
Starting point is 00:05:51 some cancer issues and so uh after all that money came in we decided we would just pass it over to brandon so you see how that works one person that's amazing nice we i don't know how much we raised i estimated we raised three hundred dollars and so we had we had hayley send over three hundred dollars over to brandon so thank you for all of you who donated that money to the sebon podcast i know you wanted to pay for my kids jiu-jitsu lessons instead you're gonna it went over to brandon waddell i hope you guys are cool with that uh and then in turn the guy born primitive bear hanlon uh bear hanlon then um said that he would pay for both pairs of shoes and so it's just a yes it's just a uh it's just a cool thing uh we we have a an important interruption uh travis from vindicate get all your ceo gear over there what's up travis
Starting point is 00:06:41 good how are you guys we're doing great did you want to did you want to give something away before jr comes on like your virginity let's give some shit away all right we're gonna give away one thing so similar to this morning um donations only are the way to get entered um we are not doing like like 20 doesn't get you 20 entries. It's just one entry per donation because it makes it easier on the back end. This isn't something that benefits me. I wanted to do something that helped out one of the sponsors that is helping support this entire weekend. So I'm going to buy somebody a one-year premium access go on membership so it'll be a
Starting point is 00:07:29 gift card that gets sent to them from go on wow this is your purchase purchasing this travis yes wow so travis this isn't coming from go on i'm gonna buy it and it'll send you the gift card to set up your account. Wow. Crazy. Okay. So listen, and then the people that give a dollar to get in the contest, do you have any plans for that money? I don't know where it's going. Okay, cool. I guess. Listen, let's just shut up and scribble people. Perfect. Even better. Okay, great. Done. Okay, listen. so if you want to Win a year to GoWad
Starting point is 00:08:07 Mobility Travis from Vindicate Is going to give that away to someone In the show if you want to enter the contest put in a dollar We have a leeway of one penny So it can be 99 cents to a dollar One and just so you know GoWad is offering the
Starting point is 00:08:23 Largest prize ever on the Heat One app For the quarterfinals GoWOD is doing This $2,500 There's only four people you have to choose from Four workouts four people It's going to be money make sure you download The Heat One app and So basically all you do is download the Heat One app
Starting point is 00:08:40 We'll go over this again tonight and then you can play The game it's completely free they don't they don't Ask anything from you and GoWOD is putting up the money for the biggest prize ever. And if you think about how big that prize is for you, a couple of the athletes won't even make that much. Travis, thank you so much, dude. You bet. GoWOD just posted in the comments that they will put it up for me. No, they will not.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I will pay for it. Okay, and so then we will also stream the fight between go wad and travis uh later on let's go yeah god that's really cool all right all right cool god this is turning to a charity only during the show oh my god heidi i have crazy news for you i spoke with emily caplan and greg glassman they will be flying you out to the BSI event on May 9th, courtesy of Greg Glassman. And Emily Kaplan, you'll be coming out at Hotel Airfare.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I'll remind you of that. So congratulations on that, by the way. I don't know how we can deal with all this toxicity with this show. I gotta go. So much toxicity. JR, what's up, dude? What's up, man? Good to see you. Also, what's up, dude? What's up, man? Good to see you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Also, premier sponsor of the show, someone who's been around forever, great supporter of the Sevan podcast, HGR CBD also has a giveaway. We're going to do – yeah. Carl reached out to me, actually, when you guys were announcing all the giveaways on today's earlier show and wanted to get on the giveaways. And he said, hey, two to three people, I just made the executive decision that I think one of those giveaways should go to Brandon Waddell as well. And then we'll do a super scroll in the chat real quick. Uh, well, I'm just going to start at the very top of the live stream and I'm going to pick
Starting point is 00:10:17 one person. So Brandon Waddell, if you're listening, go ahead, go follow HGR athletics. Um, and DM Carl, he'll get you guys all set up with, go follow HGR athletics and DM Carl. He'll get you guys all set up with, I don't even know what he's given away. It could be sexual favors, could be product. Not sure. But if it's the product, it's the best product on the market and scroll. Boom. Oh, you're not going to like this.
Starting point is 00:10:42 It landed on Trish. I swear to God. Oh my goodness. I took too much of the CBD and i can't stop listening to the three dog night wow i can i it literally landed on that that's crazy i don't think trish picks up i don't think trish picks up prizes trish if you want a deep i'm gonna pick another i'm gonna pick a backup trish trish you get first dibs to car Uh, if you follow homegrown relief, send him a DM. And if not, we're sending it to Matt C, Matt C, Matt C free giveaway, homegrown relief. You got to follow them and send them a DM. So those are our two winners. Brandon Waddell, Matt C, unless Trish takes the dibs, but I think you're right. I don't think she's going to give away her identity
Starting point is 00:11:25 Now listen this prize giveaway thing is a bit of a Shit show so what you have to do Is you have to DM HGR CBD if they don't respond to you Start bugging Sousa So Matt you're the winner And then If you are interested
Starting point is 00:11:42 In John George hi how are you If you're interested in John George, hi, how are you? If you're interested in trying some California peptides, the company that's putting up the $5,000 for first place for Taylor Self vs. the World, which begins tomorrow morning. John, send a note to Matt Souza, and we will get you a free sample of research only BPC 157
Starting point is 00:12:09 John George you there you there buddy okay so that's the other giveaway wow so okay we got the California peptides we got the GoWOD $2500 given away on the Heat One app Doc Spartan will be giving away a Matoothian
Starting point is 00:12:24 and some ball powder you okay with some ball powder in the name of taylor self we'll pick the winner for that now also uh michael shanks oh michelle michelle shanks let's fucking go taylor we gotta go my anxiety's through the roof okay hold on we're almost done We're almost done. Please, Michelle, send Sousa a DM. You guys, we won't remember who you are, so Michelle, you have to say, hey, I won the Matuthian and the ball powder and then put
Starting point is 00:12:53 your address in there. And when you text someone your address, you have to put your name and your address all in one text, so it's easy for them to copy and paste. Don't make work for them. Be cool. Okay, so we got CBD Carl. We got the Matuthian. We told you guys that the money from the last show went to Brandon Waddell.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then we just need to make sure we thank State Farm with Patrick Mitrovich and Reaction Gymnastics. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Taylor Self, J.R. Howell, Shut Up and Scribble. Here we go. Quarterfinal J.R. Howell, Shut Up and Scribble. Here we go. Quarterfinal videos. Okay. Live reaction. You guys.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Shit, I keep doing this. All right. You guys can see me fully. You can see me and J.R. fully. We're off to the left. You guys will have to pick the Go Odd winner at the end of the show. Okay. We're picking the Go Odd winner?
Starting point is 00:13:43 At the end of the show from people who donated 99 cents or a dollar a dollar one okay here we go this is team i'm going to go to individuals i'm going to skip on over are you ready yeah i'm already i'm already i'm already working go for it have you already seen them i have okay jr seen them i haven't workout one four rounds for max reps one minute of snatching one minute of rowing for calories one minute of dumbbell box step ups one minute of rest yeah so a lot of us were talking about what the game's app has right and we're thinking like would they ever do a fight gone bad for the open would they ever do a fight gone bad at a quarterfinals or a semi-final stage just to get more of that app filled up well here's kind of your fight gone bad format
Starting point is 00:14:34 which i think is really cool something to note really important right off the bat 20 inches across the board so 20 inches for the ladies and for the men wow 50s and 35s 135 and 85 on the barbell and then cows for rowing taylor first no we're gonna move we're gonna move on we're gonna first reaction i like the workout a lot okay i'm really whoa is those snatches anyhow or they squat i haven't looked at the details but i assume they're anyhow uh I haven't looked at the details, but I assume they're anyhow. One of the snatch each rep starts. The barbell must be lifted overhead. And once any style snatch is permitted, except the hang snatch,
Starting point is 00:15:13 I can split snatch. Okay. I like the workout. That's going to hurt a lot, but I do a lot of workouts like this. This format is good for me. Good workout. I like it so far. workouts like this. This format is good for me. Good workout. I like it so far.
Starting point is 00:15:35 A workout to three rounds for time, 50 wall ball shots, 50 lateral burpee box jump overs. Oh, boom. My God. 24 and 20. Definitely not a movement that a lot of people practice. I kind of thought it would be really cool if they brought back the 12-inch wall burpee because not a lot of people train that. I would say probably less people train this style. I want to say last year in the age group semis, they had lateral burpee box jump overs maybe, or if it was facing, but it was 20 inches. It was a shorter box height for the men, and it really sped everybody up.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But in a workout like this dude that's it almost becomes a grinder with 150 and 150 right a fucking blood bath that does not look like a workout you want to repeat neither does the first one really but off the bat i know you don't really want to talk about it. Talk about an equalizer and a wall ball workout with 150. It's all about the burpees. Yeah, this is a lot. This is 150 burpee boxing burpees. I mean, jeez.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Okay, workout three. Oh, my God. Taylor just saw the picture of Tola climbing the rope. He didn't even see the workout, and he could already see what it was let's fucking go this is disgusting oh I'm gonna put wieners and butts
Starting point is 00:16:54 on this alright alright I'm gonna read this one for time three rounds ten handstand pushups twenty toes to bar into two rounds ten strict five rope climbs at fifteen feet into one round of 10 wall facing or chest to wall handstand pushups, 20 muscle ups. Can I go for a second? Yeah. This is a really, really, really cool workout. I think it's awesome that they did a g g g g g g right it's it is all gymnastics i
Starting point is 00:17:28 think that is super cool not even seeing the last workout and i assume that it's something with all barbell i'm really scared but let me just say whoever has a set of rings a a rig, a rope, and a wall all within like five feet of each other, you have no excuse already. You should already be crushing a lot of people simply because of gym layout. Because I'm looking at my gym right now and I know for a fact that these guys are going to be going in the warmup room, AKA 1.0, AKA auxiliary gym, because the rig is really close to the wall in there and i can just move ropes and hang it next to rings in there so like i'm thinking to myself how important setup is for this one oh my gosh like there are going to be people who can push the pace on this
Starting point is 00:18:17 and having your stuff really tight is really going to make a huge difference okay i'm done now go a lot of people are going to explode on this. What's up, Law? Okay, I'm nervous about four after seeing that. I haven't seen four yet. This is awesome. That's too much of a toss-up. I haven't seen four yet, but it's all gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Too much of a fastball down the middle for me. Now I'm going to get dicked down. There it is. All barbell. This is just like the 2021 online semifinals workout. It's just with clean and jerks, which was originally, I think, a age group workout. God damn, this is going to hurt so badly. All right, so go ahead and read the workout for people listening.
Starting point is 00:18:59 With a continuous clock, as many rounds and reps as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of 10 cleaning jerks at weight one mandatory one minute rest 10 cleaning jerks weight two mandatory one minute rest 10 cleaning jerks weight three mandatory one minute rest max rep cleaning jerks in the remaining time at weight four weights for guys 135 185 225 245 weights for ladies 85 125 155 165 oh i mean to be honest initial reaction i think i think that's initial reactions are i don't think i want to do any of these on the same day as another one. I feel like I only want to do them one a day. I definitely feel like workout two is, this is a bloodbath without a doubt, just an absolute bloodbath. Wow. All right. So I'm feeding all three of them before you, before you, before you put on like, all right,
Starting point is 00:20:07 I'm an athlete now. It doesn't matter what they are. It matters what the task at hand is from a programming standpoint, looking through them once or scores, sending 40 people to semis in a lot of regions. I don't think the barbell is heavy enough. Okay. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And you don't, you don't think that after 30 cleaning jerks even at that load it's gonna show who's strong and who's not because i push back and i disagree i think it's heavy enough yeah i guess maybe it will i guess it will i guess i guess it will and it will also show who's fit enough rather than guys you can just skirt by on strength alone so i suppose in that regard it is it is uh enough oh man i'm really nervous now surprised to see two weightlifting movements in the four so one snatch and one clean and jerk or is that about what you expected no i i mean we have a uh we you know the first really we have a couplet of weightlifting and gymnastics,
Starting point is 00:21:07 and then we have a triplet of weightlifting, monostructural weightlifting. We have all gymnastics and then all with a good, nice medley of movements and then all weightlifting to finish. I think it's to me, initial reactions are it's extremely well balanced with the exception of I think there might be opportunity for a little more squatting. It doesn't necessarily. But without they do have the box step ups. It is 150 wall balls. So maybe there doesn't need to be squatting. It's reminiscent of 2021 quarterfinals in terms of the the dose on the legs that 120 120 workout really
Starting point is 00:21:48 right made me extremely sore so i'm expecting to feel exactly the same on this it's going to be really fucking horrible uh yeah when i look at this i look at them kind of as one two and then three four so i look at one and two and think legs yeah and then i look at three and four and think upper body push pull density density. And that's kind of like just where I go with it. The limiter is going to be the overhead in limiter is going to be the pressing in the gymnastics workout. Sure. There, there are going to be, there's going to be an opportunity for a lot of speed on the rope climbs because you're doing sets of five. But I, at the end of the day, I think it comes down to pressing fatigue. And then on the last one,
Starting point is 00:22:24 no one's failing cleans at that weight. The jerk is just going to become difficult for some people. So it seems like it's like from that standpoint, I think it's pretty creative in that you get a lot of legs on the first two, you get a lot of upper body on the second two. God, this is, I mean, initial, first off, I'm really glad I set my expectations as low as I did because I'm blown away by the formats, the creativity, the programming. I think they killed it. Um, and I don't, my tune wouldn't change much, but my attitude would be different if there were
Starting point is 00:22:55 workouts in here that I thought I was going to do really poorly at. I don't want to set myself up for like failure, but none of these workouts, am I looking at something and I'm like, man, I'm not going to be able to race in that. And I was really nervous and scared of that coming into quarterfinals saying, okay, there's going to be a movement that comes out that I'm just not ready to compete in, but I can still do it. Um, all of these workouts I can compete in. Uh, and so I'm almost more nervous because I know how bad each of these can hurt. Um, sorry, I'm going to get out of here and come back to the stream. Okay, here we're back to the stream.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Now I can look at the comments. I, we can see comments now. I think if there's any room for like, okay, there's something that's not, they could have dosed a little more of this. It's they're pulling off the floor a lot with the snatches and the clean and jerks. They could squat in two workouts, but they might, they might be looking at the dumbbell box, step ups and saying that's enough. That's enough legs. We couldn't get that.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So just, yeah, so you've got a little bit, you got a little bit of a sneaky low back action too, with the row, the step up and the pull from the floor. And then you already said you got the pull from the floor for the last workout.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Um, I'm surprised to see one workout with squatting right but that's my surprise but while like what if you know what if on the first workout you have um dumbbell squats with 50s right it's probably gonna do it's probably gonna it's probably gonna the same thing though, that the step-ups are going to do. So I think we're probably mincing that a little bit. Like I think them having 150 wall balls with all the jumping is pretty, is pretty aggressive on the legs. Um, but having two barbells and not squatting either one of them, I wouldn't have guessed that. I'm not saying it's bad. I just wouldn't have guessed that from a programming standpoint at all. I agree with you. think i'm surprised at not seeing more squatting but like you said if they would have put dumbbell squats in the first workout i would have looked at it and thought
Starting point is 00:24:50 it was too much squatting um almost i don't think it's truly too much pulling from the floor um no i don't think so this is going to be extremely painful and that's really all i can think about right now so for anyone watching or listening i would say these six but really these four guys they have until 6 p.m tonight to decide what the game plan is and we're done with it we're just going to set it and go um as far as what time they're going to go if they're going to go multiple times a day just from hearing taylor's initial reaction it sounds like it could be 2-1-1 i think yeah it sounds like it's probably going to go, if they're going to go multiple times a day, just from hearing Taylor's initial reaction, it sounds like it could be two one one, I think. Yeah, it sounds like it's probably going to be two one one. I'm not an athlete anywhere close to their caliber, but when I look at the
Starting point is 00:25:38 workouts, the two that I think you can do early and repeat and still improve on are the gymnastics one and the barbell one at the end. I would be surprised unless you make a major strategic mistake that you can improve that much on one or two. I believe that we need clean and jerk first, then wall ball burpee box jump over to finish the day, Clean and jerk first, then wall ball burpee box jump over to finish the day, and then gymnastic the following day, and potentially the row snatch workout the final day. Or maybe flip those. I just don't think. I think that, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Your thoughts, or do you think clean and jerk and then the snatch workout? Yeah, I was just going to say, I think if you go from heavier to lighter you're probably gonna feel better i i personally wouldn't want to do anything with the 150 150 i'd want to do that one by itself the three rounds of 50 and okay um but i think from a like a soreness standpoint like most sore from that workout 100 me at least yeah i think the gymnastics workout is is going to be for most people such little um dependent upon capacity and just on muscular stamina that you're going to get done with that one and just be like you know there's not gonna be a lot of wear and tear from that one i don't think at all i've to me it's the workout that you do last because my upper body's least likely to be sore after those first three. My upper body is most likely to be relatively fresh after those.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I mean, I think there's going to be a lot of people out there that do four first. I'm sorry that do three first. The gymnastic workout first. I would call that a mistake. But I think there's going to be a lot of people that do that aren't a semifinal caliber athlete because they want to come into all that skill fresh, fresh copy. They don't want any interference from the burpee they don't i mean that's still 150 presses off the floor they don't want any
Starting point is 00:27:29 interference from the jerks they don't want any um interference because you know you look at the first workout and a lot of people just see pain but you look at the first workout is all grip too it snatches it's pulling hard on the row and it's dumbbell step ups like there's still a lot of grip. And if you think about a lot of people going from that workout into a gymnastics hanging and pressing workout, that's going to mess them up. I would expect you to recover quicker from workout one than you could from workout three,
Starting point is 00:27:58 meaning if you do workout one first the next day, you can do workout three. If you do workout three first and you reach failure anywhere in there, you are going to be very sore from that if you're not good at high volume gymnastics. Yeah, I'm going to be really interested to hear what you guys come up with because personally, I'm going to be staying out of that conversation about when you guys are doing what, because the only thing on my mind right now is getting that room in there set up for you guys to be able to do um and and honestly for you guys to be able to go two people at a time because here's the deal in here guys you can't see it but the rig is about 10 feet away from the wall
Starting point is 00:28:38 so even if i moved ropes i still don't think that they would want to be that far away. And where the rings are in here, not very close to a wall at all. There's going to be a lot of moving around for them so that we can give you guys the best viewing experience, but more so for them, my priority is to make sure they can get the fastest times possible. All right, we're going to take a pause. I'm picking the winner of the GOWOD Premium Membership, and we've got Augustus Link A. Not really sure how to pronounce that last part, but Augustus, I can pronounce pretty well, I think. CPA, you've just won one free year of GOWAD. Shoot, vindicate, or Travis Bellenhausen a message and claim your prize.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Okay, so relieved that the workouts aren't super dumb. I think they're good. I think they're really good. And now I just am, you know, anxiety is coursing through my veins. So that's about all I have to say. It's going to hurt. All of them are going to hurt a ton. Yeah, Colton's here now. Dallin and Fee get here in about 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Jason's already around, obviously. Jason's here? No, he's around. Colton went to the grocery store. Me and Colton worked out. I did a two-a-day today, so I'm ready to rumble. Let's get ready to rumble.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You're going to definitely influence which ones we pick and when. Jason has no fucking say because he's an idiot. That's not true. Jason's a lot better at looking at workouts and kind of knowing feel a lot better than he used to be at it. I'm really just going to let you guys kind of try to discuss it. i don't think you guys are going to be really disagreeing too much if anything i could see there being just a disagreement on how many each day versus um in what order you guys doing then i think the consensus will be two one one probably and the first two being i don't
Starting point is 00:30:41 know that's that's what i don't know i don't know what people agree i think we should do the clean and jerk one first because that one's going to take the most like i think you should do the clean and jerk one when you're 100 fresh right you should rest three or four hours you should come back and hit the gymnastics one and then i think you should do the wall ball one by itself and the rowing one by itself but that that's that's the hard part about that is the wall ball one and the rowing one are both due Saturday. Okay. So to me, it would be better to get both one and two out of the way by Friday. Do you see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah, but if they're both due on Saturday, you do one Friday, one Saturday. What's the point? You want an opportunity to redo one or two? No, I don't want an opportunity to redo. I just don't want any room for fuck-ups, meaning you get done Saturday. What happens if something with your camera went wrong? What happens with something with the wifi? If your video upload is not going well, what happens, et cetera. I get really fearful of small things like that. So I'm thinking, okay, clean and jerk workout first, second workout. You come back, you either do probably at that point, the, the, the snatch wall ball, or sorry, the snatch row step up workout.
Starting point is 00:31:44 the snatch wall ball or sorry, the snatch row step up workout. And then the, ah, man, the next day, it's, it's like, you know, six, one way, half dozen, the other, you're picking your poison. You're either going to be a little more sore for one. You might not want to be that sore for, or you're playing the fucking, you're playing with fire, doing a workout Saturday. That's due Saturday. That, that makes me, I don't like that. I don't like doing a workout Saturday. That's due Saturday. That makes me – I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I don't like doing a workout Saturday that's due Saturday. You get what I'm saying? Yeah, and again, I can't really relate to that anxiety, so that will just kind of be up to you guys. I know – Oh, it's not due until 5 p.m. So 8 p.m. I still – okay.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Okay, maybe. Okay. Maybe. Uh, okay. All right. Well, TBD, we're going to catch you guys live. We got a ton of live viewers. You guys go follow CrossFit crash on Instagram. That's a JR's Instagram handle. You can see a picture of him shirtless. You can count his abs, even though the picture is that small. That's how shredded he is. You'll be, you'll have a nice time looking at that. And also the workouts he posts on a daily basis. Pretty cool. Also go follow Patrick Mitrovich with state farm, great and powerful sponsor of the show. Awesome dude. Uh, if you want a $10 million life insurance policy for free, he's doing a giveaway. Just kidding. Uh, that's only he's, he's doing that giveaway, but not for Colton down and Jason, cause he knows I'm about to murder these girls. Uh, and then HGR CBD,
Starting point is 00:33:10 go follow home grown relief. I'm going to be using them all weekend. Um, mostly on Jason Dallin and Colton cause they're going to need it the most. Uh, and then if you're looking at a workout three and thinking it's going to give you a ton of issues, Amy Fritt with reaction gymnastics can help you. So, uh, she is the body weight whisperer. Do not hesitate to reach out. She does on site sessions as well as remote video review,
Starting point is 00:33:37 which I think is like the most valuable thing, especially for competitors that cannot make the trip to South Carolina. Give her a shooter, DM shooter, an email, give her a call, and she'll get you right. And if you guys are looking for the best programming in the game, the best programming in the game, whether you are a quarterfinal athlete looking to be competitive
Starting point is 00:34:01 or one day make a semifinal, that's Sentinel Compete. Or if you just love CrossFit and you got an hour to work out a day and you want to be fit, you want to be healthy, you want to be ready for life, Sentinel 60. It's $20 for the same subscription. The most detail, the most care. We love all of you who do this. I'm putting a user in timeout currently.
Starting point is 00:34:25 You know who you are. See you, buddy. And to the rest of you who do this. I'm putting a user in timeout currently. You know who you are. See you, buddy. And to the rest of you, we love you. And we're out.

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