Episode Date: March 31, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show, we can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Eight different things that I was going to pull up on the show today.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And I forgot about all of them during my 15 minute non sleep, deep rest nap. And so you're going to talk for a little bit and I'm going to try to remember what I was going to pull up. Okay. Don't reveal anything cool yet. Maybe talk about, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:24 How was last week with will what's up everybody shut up and scribble oh thanks for your patience guys you're such a good guy such a good guy dude you like how you like how i think about the people who might actually be wanting to hear what we have to say yeah i wouldn't have been able to hear anybody but we're back it's been a month the open i was in virginia last week in taylor versus the world feels like it was two months ago wow dude it really does and you know what's crazy is it feels like a week ago when i was like oh i'm really nervous for the open and it just came and went and uh and it's gone how good did it make you feel that the show that me and Will are just on
Starting point is 00:02:08 and we're basically just talking about media the whole time just gets crazy views? Does that make you feel like it's because everyone wanted to see you and they're just like, ah, Taylor's not even on the show, Taylor versus the world? Or did it make you feel a bit insecure? It'll make me feel insecure if this show doesn't do better. It probably won't. It's all good brother i have a feeling that i'm about to just sit back and let you cook on what what the affiliate um town hall just brought
Starting point is 00:02:35 for quarterfinals so this workout is three minutes of work two minutes of rest for six sets me and bryson did like a month and a half ago maybe two two months ago. 18-cowl biker for guys, 15-cowl biker for the ladies, 16.5 cows for those in between. Nine squat snatches, 135, 95, max rep burpee pull-up in the remaining time. A stinker of a workout for sure. Do you like burpee pull-ups?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Hate them. I'm good at them. Are we going to see them in quarters? Are we going to get the trickle-up effect? Probably not. These guys are freaking wieners, dude. These guys are full-out wieners. Wieners, you say.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Expound upon. Yeah, these guys are weiners, dude. They're not going to program anything cool. It's going to be 500-meter row, 50 V-ups, 30 standing jerkies, whatever those are. They're going to come up with a new movement. It's going to be something totally dumb. Yeah, that's my prediction. I hate to say it.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Dude, I had some i like i'm glad so before we get into the affiliate town hall that just happened and a lot of information was given there that i didn't think we would get um but it's a lot to unpack and it's a lot to talk about i want to go ahead and give some love to the sponsors of the show looking for more sponsors anyone that wants to be involved to keep this thing going. We hopefully will be taking Shut Up and Scribble on the road again to the semifinals venues. So any kind of support you guys can give, we appreciate everyone watching, listening.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But Will's expensive breakfast and stuff aren't cheap. So any help we can get with that, the better. Patrick Mitrovich, State Farm, he actually just reached out to me said he's gonna sponsor a lane for crash crescendo which would be cool um hgr cbd go over and check them out guys recover better all one word for 15 off i know they are sponsoring taylor's team for crescendo, which is really cool. So we're getting some support from those that have kind of started this whole thing off. If you are in South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:04:54 North Carolina, Georgia, I'm looking for personal business insurance. Make sure to give Patrick a ring. So that's almost ready. Almost ready. I remembered what I was going to bring up. So we've got a couple of things here.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Got a couple of things. I don't, for the record, I have no idea what he's bringing up. He does. I cannot. The, the views of Taylor self do not reflect my own,
Starting point is 00:05:20 which is absolutely perfect. Whatever it is. I hope it's not the thing that i clicked earlier today bryson sends me a text last night and he goes they figured out what happened with the baltimore bridge and a link above it and every time in today's day and age if you're my age you get a link like that you're like oh we're about to see mandingo hog unzipped flapped out on the table like that's what we're getting and you know me i like that kind of stuff so i clicked on it it wasn't that but it was a camera filter and it puts a wiener as your nose damn that was funny dude i lost it the only thing that it could have been worse for me in that situation was for quinn or Lilia to be sitting right next to him like,
Starting point is 00:06:09 Dad, what is that on your nose? Oh, my God. Yeah, so earlier today, there was an affiliate. Hold on, hold on. Before we start that. I know we're going to drop it, but I'm going to share these couple things first. Just time out. First off, we've got to review this.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I don't know. Did Sevan talk about this, dude? Because if he didn't, first off, this freaking nerd. I commented, oh, yeah. Watch this crap right here. Watch this. Ready? No rep.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That would have been a no rep sir so not noah i know you're not going to be watching this um but delete your comment because that wasn't a nice job and he's not a big fella he's a dork to put it uh in colton merton's words full freaking dork what a douche canoe anyways i'm done with that uh the second thing this is going to be kind of cool i was talking with someone about it i called him earlier today i guess he was live and uh and we both found out at the same time that next week all colton mertens and old jeff berman are going to be performing 100 bar facing burpees for time against one another i corrected someone i said it's jake berman he said yeah that's what i said jeff berman jake's a good dude this is this is really funny the way it happened i was watching
Starting point is 00:07:39 peter's show yesterday when when colton did it and uh he was the only thing that kept that thing alive dude he ripped yesterday and uh you know i think he he kind of gets it right like this is the kind of stuff that everyone wants this kind of stuff that as a fan you want to hear like whether there's anything truly rooted in it or not we we like that wrestling but wrestling mentality of like call outs and personalities and all that kind of stuff and And what's funny is that I talked to Jake a lot. So I, so I heard Colton say it and I texted Jake like immediately. And I was like, Hey, what's your a hundred bar facing burpees for time? And he said, why are you about to do it? And I said, I said, no, I just know you have a fast time. He said three 52 or three 53. There's a YouTube video. I need to go find it. And like five minutes later, he responded what his time was.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And I was like, okay, cool. So, because in my head, I'm like, if they do 100 bar-facing burpees for time, that's actually going to be a good race for sure. It's for sure going to be a good race just because I know how fast Jake is at that specific burpee. He's great at all kinds of burpees. Colton's great at all kinds of burpees. Probably wouldn't matter what style they chose to do. Do you think a bar-facing? Colton's great at all kinds of burpees. Probably wouldn't matter what style they chose to do. But it's just really cool that he ended up like –
Starting point is 00:08:49 Jake ended up kind of getting involved with it, and then immediately they were just like, let's do it. Do you think bar-facing burpees definitely faster than a regular burpee? Yeah? Yeah, for sure. My regular burpee 100 for time is 409. So I think I might be able to unzip a little something myself on this workout, but barbell spin took all the wind out of my sails. Sevan was going to offer up 1K between
Starting point is 00:09:14 the three of us and I just get kicked to the freaking curb. So you ain't winning by 30 seconds, bro. Stop it. I'll punt myself into the stratosphere before i let that happen maybe 20 seconds at best so shut up all right um that's all for now on this topic oh wait go look at my comment on my zoom in uh what is what is zoom on shit i forget i'm just gonna have to uh damn we don't have this anyways if you're if you're going to read my comment, it says, this will be over before I climax, and that's saying a lot. And Barbell Spin should pin it because it's killing with the likes. Like and subscribe.
Starting point is 00:09:55 All right, Affiliate Town Hall. It's probably going to be a hidden comment on some people's Instagrams. You should go back and change it to until I reach completion or something like that. Completion. Gosh. Affiliate town hall. Hiller said that one day and I was like, that's incredible. Dude, I can't believe what I'm hearing. Affiliate town hall.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Affiliate town hall. They basically were, you know, they had a call about quarterfinals. Affiliate Town Hall. Affiliate Town Hall. They basically were, you know, they had a call about quarterfinals. The affiliate owners are like me are all kind of wondering like, you know, this is coming up. Team comes up soon, like next week. And then individuals following in the past, it's been the other way around. Individuals first, then team. And, you know, in the past three years, we've gotten things pretty consistently. Equipment lists sometimes have been released as early as the rule book. You'll have different
Starting point is 00:10:52 equipment lists for different stages of competitions when they were doing quarterfinals and then semifinals for age groups. We have gotten the floor plans typically on the Monday of the week of competition. And we're all kind of wondering, hey, is that going to be the same? Are they going to change things? Are they going to release them earlier, later, less details, more details? And then today we get some bombs. One being there will be no floor plans or equipment lists released until you basically get the competition events given to you that's Wednesday
Starting point is 00:11:28 that will all be on Wednesday and that will be for workouts is the way that they describe it for workouts so whether there are two parters whether there's a three-parter whether they're more than one that have two scores four workouts no floor no floor plan prior to no equipment list prior to what say you initial gut reaction no not as not not as an affiliate owner all right no floor plan no equipment list everything's getting released wednesday first same workouts from 18 to 54 six day window first thing i'm saying is these workouts are going to blow wieners. Unfortunately for everyone, they're like, Oh, this better be great programming. And I'm like, Hey, it's not going to be, don't worry. Why do you immediately, I'm not saying I agree or disagree
Starting point is 00:12:15 with you. Why do you immediately go there because of just the number four, because like why? Uh, because if you're not releasing any equipment list or any floor plans prior to i think chances of there being anything cool or fun a rope to climb a ghd a bench dumbbells no just i don't know you would expect they released an equipment list for the open did they not no wow well maybe they're they're either making the assumption that everyone's going to have the necessary equipment to perform the workouts or they know everyone will and if they know everyone will the workouts are going to suck so and by saying they're going to be good or they're going to be bad they're going to suck
Starting point is 00:13:01 they're not going to suck we should probably put it out there that like most workouts are good workouts. You either like them or you don't. That's not true for this in this in this situation. They need to be good as you're describing it as in, hey, we're taking it down to like 40 people in a lot of regions from 15, 16,000 people. So if the test is not legitimate, it doesn't matter who's taking it. If it's someone that barely got into 25% or someone that's trying to qualify for the games, it needs to be a really well-written overall test for sure. I'll speak on the affiliate owner side first.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Boz went on a show with Chase really early on, previewing kind of the season. It was like, hey, we listened to the affiliate owners that said, hey, the floor plans were tough. It was really hard on us to measure all this stuff and get it to where people had an equal chance to qualify based on how close together all the equipment was, all that kind of stuff, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So for the open, there's not going to be a whole lot of floor plans. That was definitely the case, right? Logistically, we want to make sure you guys can do it. Okay, cool. So in saying that, and in saying there are not going to be any floor plans, well, maybe because there's really not going to be. There's not going to be a lot of implements per workout that need to be a certain distance. It's going to be like, hey, you need your rings and you need a barbell and you just need them to be at least five feet apart. Put a line. Okay, cool. But my question is this. We all want something to get excited about and talk about. We also, as affiliate owners,
Starting point is 00:14:41 want to still be able to plan our week's programming around what the possible layouts can be. Why? Maybe you don't have a ton of people that are actually going to sign up for quarterfinals, but maybe you want to do the quarterfinals workouts as your weekly workouts. So what's the harm in on Monday giving us four sheets of paper? On one of them, there's just a picture of a rower. That is it. So there may be, of a rower. That is it. So there may be, you may do pistols next to it. You may do double unders. That's not pictured. You may have a dumbbell, whatever, but it's just a picture of a rower. And then on another page,
Starting point is 00:15:19 you have a barbell and a pull-up rig. And on the other page, you have a dumbbell in the middle of the floor. Think about how many hundreds of workouts you could come up with just seeing those pictures. What's the harm in giving that? Like you still, okay, so if there's going to be a row or maybe I won't program running on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and I'll just let everyone do the quarterfinals workout on Friday. That's the rowing workout. I just don't understand the thought process of we want it to be more doable for the affiliates. We want more people to want to participate into it, but we're not going to give you anything until the day of. Yeah, that's classic. To me, that's a big step back in terms of communicating to affiliates to step back. It's a step back in the sanctity of the competition in my opinion if they don't release floor plans and it's just hey this goes as close to here as
Starting point is 00:16:12 possible um because then you give people the opportunity to gain workouts transition wise when it's i just it may just be something as simple as like i said like there's there there are three implements and like, it kind of like the workout in the second week of the open, you could only get them, but so close, like everyone, everyone pretty much had the same setup.
Starting point is 00:16:34 No, I think a lot of people put their barbell to like, when I saw the guys who went fastest, they had rower jump rope and then behind them barbell, which shortened the transition time. And it just frustrates me that now an added element of the competition is who can fucking come up with, oh, this is going to be the fastest transition from here to here. This is going to be the niftiest way to stage my equipment. It's just not that way in competition. And it shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:17:00 that way to take 15,000 people to 40. I don't think so at all. So anyone who says, oh, the floor plans are stupid anyways. Well, yeah, it's stupid if you're taking a class, but who gives a shit if you're taking class to do the workout, screw the floor plans. But if you expect to make semifinals, you better adhere to the floor plans and everybody better be doing the exact same thing, in my opinion. And it's really ironic that this information came out today because tyler last night on spin show if you guys haven't watched it go check it out it's always entertaining john brian tyler tyler kind of went out on the limb and kind of got verbally chastised about it that he didn't think there would be rope climbs and ghds this year probably not at this point and
Starting point is 00:17:42 well so that was before this information came out. I texted him this morning and said, hey dude, I'm actually on board with you. They've been in every quarterfinals so far that's been programmed. Everyone assumes they're going to be in quarterfinals. I like to see regular chunk volume
Starting point is 00:17:59 rope climbs in a semifinal level. You don't have to put on a ruck to do them, but if you want to, whatever. Same with GHDs. A super iconic workout to me is that first true form runner workout with the sets of 40 GHDs and the four or five deadlifts. I think having something like that, the semifinal level holds up and you should throw them in. Is it redundant if you put them in quarterfinals every year and then you're like, okay, yeah, we did them in quarters, but we're still going to do them in semis. Yeah, it is a little bit redundant. So I expect that to be true. I expect
Starting point is 00:18:34 them to be, they didn't have toaster bar in the open. I expect them to test trunk flexion in some other way in quarters. And then at semis, that's when you see the GHD and it kind of gets moved out of the quarterfinal stage. You're in the camp that if you program a workout with high volume GHD and you program a workout with high volume, let's just say toes to bar. You think that the wrong people will move on because you're not testing something like that. Or you test a workout with 200 chin over the bar pull-ups or chest to bar pull-up, you think that the wrong people get through versus if you programmed a high volume rope climb workout? No, I think you can accomplish enough with toes to bar and chest to bar. I think you can accomplish a lot with just a regular pull-up bar. It doesn't have to be chest to bar. It could
Starting point is 00:19:20 be burpee chest to bar, burpee bar muscle up. Um, there's a lot you could do with the pull up bar. There's a lot you could do with plenty of equipment. I just don't have any faith in them being creative. I mean, you ha I had faith in them being creative in the open and I love the first workout and I love the last workout. I hated this, the middle workout. I just thought it was a dumb workout. Um, it's just too boring and monotonous, nothing new about it, nothing exciting about it, nothing. It just was lazy to me. That's lazy. Um, again, my whole shtick about CrossFit is that your workout should, or a good workout on paper gets you excited to do it or scared a little bit. There was nothing in that workout. Um, I don't see them doing that for quarterfinals. It's gotta be the same from 18 to 54. Like we said, they're going to be able to run it in a class. I said, everyone's going to be able to
Starting point is 00:20:16 structure this in a class. Your class is going to be able to do this. Um, and they're not releasing floor plans and they're not releasing an equipment list with all of these chains and handcuffs and balls they've tied to themselves. Creativity wise, programming wise. I don't think the workouts are going to look exciting. I hate being so fucking pessimist pessimist. Do you though? Do you hate being that? Yeah, I hate it dude. Cause I got to do them in three weeks and I don't want to be thinking like this, man. I want to just work out and have fun. And if I didn't have this analytical lens to look through now, which I just do on this show, owning the company, owning the company. God, you sounded so lame just now.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's not a good headspace as an athlete because I shouldn't be thinking this. You don't want to think this way as an athlete because I shouldn't be thinking this. You don't want to think this way as an athlete, but I just can't help but not be pessimistic. And also the main thing is how in God's name, are they going to get the right 40 people to semifinals with all of those constraints? And I don't, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:21 That's how I see it. I know that's how you see it. I don't think they give a shit about the right 40 people to semifinals they give about the right they care about the right five or three people to semifinals shit even if just roman and ricky and jeff and pat and brent made it through and everyone else was new they wouldn't give a fuck because those are the guys who are going to be on the podium anyways they don't care right yeah i i i don't think it's wise to dismiss that mindset might not be like as cut and dry as the way you just described it
Starting point is 00:21:51 but they know that the cream will rise right and that the people who are just trying to make breakthrough and make a semi-final or make it back to semis because that's a lifelong goal and it's a it's quite frankly to me an admirable goal lifelong goal for a lot of people especially that aren't paid to work out every day uh i think they are like hey it really doesn't matter what we put out there the best are the best and they're going to move on regardless i would agree with that um but second, they want quarterfinals to be an extension of the open in that, Hey, it's just another opportunity to talk trash to your friends, to compete. So we wind it to 25%.
Starting point is 00:22:34 If you want to pay the money, pay it. If you don't want to don't, we're going to let you see the workouts ahead of time. But I would imagine, and Dave has even said on a week in review, I could, I can, I'm going to be able to start all the quarterfinals workouts. That's before he made it to quarterfinals. And he told someone that wrote in and was reluctant about signing up for quarterfinals because they work out in the garage. His, his words were, if they have the right equipment, they have the access to the right stuff. I for sure think they're going to be able to do their workout in the garage. have access to the right stuff, I for sure think they're going to be able to do their workout in the garage. So does that mean he knows most people don't have 15 foot to hang a rope and climb to?
Starting point is 00:23:11 I don't know. Maybe. Does that mean he knows a lot of people don't have a GHD in their garage? I don't know. Maybe. Does everyone probably have grass or a sidewall that they can mark out 25 feet and do shuttle runs and handstand walks. Maybe he does think that way. But what I will say, and I told you this, I think last week, the way that strength is going to be tested here is not going to be in a gated format. I would put a lot of money on it or in just the latter format. It's going to be, hey, we want you to go hard
Starting point is 00:23:44 and not be able to slow down for six to 12 minutes. And then you're going to get a lifting window of five to seven minutes, and you're going to max out a lift and it's all relative. It doesn't matter. 24th percentile person can do it. It doesn't matter if someone like you, it's all relative. You're just going to hit what you can hit. That's going to be the way the strength is tested probably under fatigue probably not rested probably as a part of a two-part scored workout i and that's going to be your five scores i pray that these four workouts maybe four scores maybe five scores are there's not a single repeated movement from the open they've already put so many handcuffs on themselves if they repeat anything they did in the open in my opinion it's
Starting point is 00:24:32 a wash they've done a poor job what do you think oh i mean just from a programming standpoint yeah no dude i i so i'll back up and saying that i'm in the camp that shuttle runs has been uh such a polarizing movement and while i know that running is really really important to test and i think in some ways it's important to test before even a semi-final level if the only monostructural movement in quarterfinals is a shuttle run and we don't have either a jump rope or row, I think it's a mistake. So in that respect,
Starting point is 00:25:12 I will say yes, either double unders or whatever jump rope variation or rowing will still come up or some form of burpee. Those are the only things I'm, I don't know, dude. I just, it's a slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It's a slippery slope. I think it's more likely you get a monostructural element repeated from the open than you do a burpee. They're going to repeat the deadlift, I would assume. Why would you assume that? Because they're stupid. It's Murphy's Law, bro. That's what I assume with these guys, Murphy's Law. They're not stupid. Let me – this is – when I say they're stupid, it's Murphy's Law bro that's what I assume with these guys Murphy's Law
Starting point is 00:25:46 they're not stupid let me this is when I say they're stupid it's just pure frustration oozing out of every pore I don't think they're stupid I don't think Boz is stupid
Starting point is 00:25:54 I don't think Dave's stupid they're incredibly smart sometimes it just you can't help as a fan feel like they don't give a fuck though I don't know what to say other than that. I think that the chances of them doing a barbell snatch is extremely, extremely high. I think the chance of them doing a wall ball is extremely high.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I think the chances of them doing a wall ball instead of another thruster is very, very high. But there's like, do I think they're going to use a wall to do handstand pushup variation or a wall walk? Absolutely. But then some of those other movements do like if they did bar muscle ups again, fine, especially if there's not a climbing rope and they need a way to test grip endurance or upper body pulling stamina. Like, I think you probably need to have that in there. If they have ring muscle up and I'm just kind of in the camp that you don't. Most people, especially at a high level, don't fail a ring muscle up because of the pull. They fail it because of the dip gets tired.
Starting point is 00:26:57 So to me, that's still more of a pressing stamina limiter. It's not a pulling. So like when I think about some movements like that. And then repeating them, I think some of them probably will be repeated. I would not think we're going to get a high volume pulling from the floor, light rep workout. I do not think we'll get that. The closest exercise to a rope climb that you can possibly do in a gym without a rope is a burpee chest to bar pull-up, and it's not even close. a burpee chest to bar pull-up and it's not even close. And if they did that and it was for volume, that would be enough pulling for me because it rewards people's body weight, which a rope climb for the most part does as well. It can reward height, which a rope climb sometimes can do as
Starting point is 00:27:34 well. But what it rewards more than anything is good metabolic conditioning and your ability to pull athletically. You say it can, it can help you if you're a taller athlete. I'm going to push back on that. If they set a standard pull-up bar height, which they wouldn't do, then you could say, yeah, it actually does help you to be a little taller. Fired.
Starting point is 00:27:56 That ain't close, dude. Stop it. That's not closer than a burpee chest to bar. Love you, though. What do you think? Toes to bar or burpee chest to bar closer to a rope climb probably burpee chest to bar just because you have that you have that massive hip hip closing and i know toes bar too does too but you get the pull with the hip closing the burpee which is i would say probably more so burpee pull up uh so let's just assume that there is some sort of max lift tested, whether it's a one rep, three rep, four rep, five rep, whatever, following some sort of conditioning workout.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And that's how the strength is tested. Weightlifting, whatever, dumbbell, medicine ball, barbell. If there's four scored workouts other than a single modality weightlifting workout, assuming there is one, what kind of weightlifting movements do you think that are going to be there? I think a barbell snatch, like you said, makes sense. I could also see an overhead squat. Um, I could see a heavier clean and jerk again, or just a heavier clean. No specification on squat or power, which would benefit me. I would like to see that.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I could see a wall ball shot. Did I already say that? So wall ball, barbell snatch, overhead squat, maybe in the same workout as a barbell snatch potentially uh heavy clean power so do you think we'll see dumbbells at all in quarters i think we'd probably see some lunging so i think if we saw wall balls um i think that you know i wrote this workout for central that's coming out and i'm not going to say it live because it's such a sick workout but i'll tell you afterwards.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I can't give it away. It's for only people in the program. I'm putting that shit behind a paywall. I saw some dude in the – there's only one person. If they showed up in the comments today, I would absolutely eviscerate you and kick you out of the comments. But this isn't that guy. This guy like, oh, I switched back to Proven because all my training partners train Proven, and my first thought was, well, bro, you're you out of the comments. But this isn't that guy, this guy like, Oh, I switched back to proven because all my training partners train proven. And my first thought was, well, bro, you're succumbing to group. Think, I wonder if you got the shot too. No offense, but,
Starting point is 00:30:11 uh, yes, I think a wall ball, I think a barbell power snatch overhead squat potentially in a workout, man, it'd be cool to have kind of an Olympic weightlifting mashup of a workout where you have some snatches and clean and jerks. Um, standard esque, maybe not with ring muscle ups, but, um, a gymnastic movement, but you have heavy snatch, heavy clean and jerk. I mean, I don't know if they would do something like that with an ascending weight or if it started with clean and jerks and finished with snatches. I'm thinking 185, 135, and Dave saying that he could start all the workouts. I bet Dave Skinny asked a clean and jerk 185 at least one time. I don't know. I could see something like that happening,
Starting point is 00:30:57 and then I could see lunges with dumbbells, but maybe not with the dumbbells. They're not releasing an equipment list, and I remember in 2017 when they came out with that, it's like everybody freaked out going to the dumbbells. They're not releasing an equipment list. And I remember in 2017 when they came out with that, it's like everybody freaked out going to buy dumbbells. So maybe it's just barbell, wall ball, jump rope, rower. Yeah. And again, the whole prediction of them doing lift under fatigue,
Starting point is 00:31:18 18.2, 18.2A, 15.1, 15.1A style, I hope it's not that because I still think that a single modality weightlifting test, if you have five scored or really less than eight, I don't think it's appropriate at all. I only appropriate at all, unless you have something to balance it out. So if they're going to do something like, that's a good question. Let's get back to sex. If they do, let's just say right you're like hey guys here's the workout you have an hour clock at the zero you're going to row a 5k and then at the 30 minute mark you're going to match your snatch for 10 minutes and then at the whatever minute mark you're going to do 30 ring muscles for time and that's what everyone says oh that's so awesome
Starting point is 00:32:00 they did an mwg single modality they're all balanced the same 300 okay fine let's say they do that they're not doing that you gotta be able to do it in class i know so so let's just say they're doing that um and then the other the other three because that would be one workout in quotation marks that's three scores was just mwg uh was just couplets or triplets or whatever then would you look at that and be like okay that's the only way a single modality weight lifting test should be presented in a like four workout qualified as semifinals it goes against everything crossfit stand not everything but it really does though i'm not a scared to use freaking trigger words buzzwords it goes against everything you say a scared a scared
Starting point is 00:32:46 i think you did i think you did i didn't fucking say that dude we're demonetized at this point because i'm being racist and i'm freaking saying the f word no dude i didn't say s scared um programming weightlifting a single modality like they did in 2021 quarterfinals as 20% of the score and then weightlifting elements throughout the rest of the workouts, how they did in the last chance in 2021 too, where they fricking bent me over and buried it deep in my butt with that. Like, yeah, I hate to say it, but that doesn't align in any way with what the fitness pyramid at all. You're prioritizing something that's midway to the top over all this other shit. And, uh, it's 100% just a personal preference thing. And that's the shame. And this is why someone in the comments goes, why doesn't CrossFit contract
Starting point is 00:33:39 Jr for programming? We won't, we know why they won't with Taylor. Well, they won't with me because I never shut the hell up. Um, they would with Jr, but I don't think Jr would ever take that opportunity, but I'm not speaking for him. Jr. Maybe if you guys are working for CrossFit and you want him to contract for you, you should reach out. Um, but this is the thing you go to work for CrossFit and your creativity and your say, and your ability to give feedback. It all dies. It withers away. It dies. And you're just under the umbrella of the status quo, what they've always done. And they're never going to change until there's a regime change, dude. It's like Kim Jong-un over there. It's North Korea. And you can't argue with me on that.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Change my mind. It's North Korea. Will you pull up Seth's comment again? Let's talk about that. And then I also want to know if he thinks the answer is yes or no. And if he thinks it's yes, what the movement will be, do you think quarters is the right time at all for a new movement? I'll lobby up. They're not doing anything cool, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I didn't say cool. I just said new. And, and, and let's just, let's, let's be a little bit more specific. Let's be a little bit more specific.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I think that they will do a stationary lunge in quarterfinals. Your camera is set up right in front of your face, and it's like a front rack or whatever back rack. We can see your hips. We can see your knees, dude. If you're not opening up, it doesn't matter if you're walking away from the camera or walking toward the camera. We're going to take that out of the equation. We're going to do a stationary lunge.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I think they will do a stationary lunge. Is that a new movement? I guess it is technically in like CrossFit competition, right? They haven't programmed that before. But a lunge is not a new movement. The only thing that I think would be really cool to see come back, you may disagree, because it was part of that year that the deadlift met you over is the 12 inch target wall bird. I would like to see that in like,
Starting point is 00:35:30 because I don't think people train it. And because I think it does take a little bit more out of your legs. It takes a little bit more athleticism. It's easy to judge, blah, blah, blah. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:37 What do you, what do you think? It's a stinky stimulus. I love the 12 inch burpee. Um, I, I think, I think it's appropriate i think it's fine to introduce a new movement at quarterfinals i think even regardless of what the movement is it makes it cool because
Starting point is 00:35:56 you see something new and you're like oh i've never seen that before and when i say i don't think they're doing anything cool that's what i mean they're not gonna i just don't man so you don't think they're gonna do like a burpee bar muscle up or a burpee chest bar is that new to competition that's what i'm asking like is that is it just oh it's new for an online format but it's not really a new movement or it's like hey they're gonna do shoulder taps at quarters i don't know what's That's what I think Seth is talking about. Would they do something like draw a box and you're not going to hold, you're just going to do shoulder taps. Talk about not being able to see.
Starting point is 00:36:34 That's the same as a GHD, I think. You can see a shoulder tap just as easily as you can see hands touching the floor and the foot pads when we talked about this. I don't know. I don't think they'll introduce anything brand spanking new. Never seen before. I could see them introducing a barbell front rack lunge in place. I could see them doing a burpee chest to bar or a burpee bar muscle up like a
Starting point is 00:36:55 progressive workout, burpee pull up, burpee chest to bar, burpee bar muscle up. And then Dave's out. Um, he shouldn't even be able to sign up for quarterfinals knowing the workouts in advance and i can't change my mind on that either i'm going off today um yeah so he said
Starting point is 00:37:12 never hold on brian friend or or a movement variation first off brian the eye should be capitalized right here i think if they were going to consider a lunge in place with dumbbells they would just do the weighted box step up from a few years back. Instead that was 2019 and it was a single dumbbell, one dumbbell. That's a bit easier to standardize than two though. I don't know. Um,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I think a double dumbbell step up or step over would be a really good thing to put in. I'd love a double dumbbell step up. Damn. I love, Hey, Hey dude, give me,
Starting point is 00:37:43 uh, give me two minutes. Quinn standing up in her crib crying. Yeah, I got you. All right. Damn. I love, Hey, Hey dude, give me, uh, give me two minutes. Quinn standing up in her crib crying. Yeah, I got you. All right. Free for all in the comments. You guys post a question.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I'm going to answer it even if it contains a nude image. So, uh, drop it, drop it. Ooh, one, two,
Starting point is 00:37:58 but not overs. I like this. I like step ups one or two dumbbells, but I would like to most not overs. I'm okay with overs too, but I agree. I think step ups with two dumbbells would be cool rather than a lunch agreed. Um, do, do, do, do, Ooh, pull over. I don't think we'd see a bar pull over and quarterfinals. Don't just don't think so. Um, why am I such a baby? I don't have a fully developed frontal lobe because I used to smoke an eighth of weed every day, um, drink alcohol copious amounts
Starting point is 00:38:34 before developing. And that's why I am the way I am. Oh, this would be awesome. Toes to ring. I would like that a lot. I think it's a cool movement. I've trained a bit of them. Well, Sentinel do a deload. Yes. So the deload will essentially be the Friday and Saturday before the week, the 12th and the 13th will be full training days, but the overall volume of training will be a little bit lower.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Sunday is always a rest day. Monday and Tuesday will be super light or complete rest, um, for some. And then Wednesday will be something really short to just turn your body on. That's when everything's getting announced and we're going to essentially program so that Thursday, Friday, Saturday are the workouts Sunday is retest. If you want it Mondays retest, if you want it. Um, so you'll essentially have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday as a full deload, which will be enough of a deload for pretty much anyone.
Starting point is 00:39:29 If anyone here has ever taken three full days off in a row, you're probably like a caged animal. And we won't do that, but we will deload properly. Taper, so to speak. Repeat. Bryson said it earlier. I think a repeat of an old open workout would be super cool. Um, but I don't know that they're going to do anything cool like that. I'm just being pessimistic.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Can't help it. And let me be super clear when I say I'm being pessimistic. I mean, for anyone watching that works for CrossFit, if you think I'm just straight talking shit about you, I am. Um, but I do this about everyone and I'm being a pessimist. So hate me all you want. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, and I consider building a team for the games. No, I don't even know how to do a worm cleaning jerk.
Starting point is 00:40:18 So I know that me, Bryson and Travis Brault's team at Crescendo is going to get wildly exposed on the worm. We're looking for a fourth male. Could be a female that identifies as a male if you're fit enough. But we do need a fourth teammate. Jason backed out. He had his transitioning surgery appointment that weekend. So we're missing a guy.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Do we think Dave assumes high rings are a common piece of equipment in garage gyms? Yes. If you can have a rower, you should have high rings. Quinn's in here with me. She knew we were deep in the weeds of nerd programming talk and it never happens and she's potty training so she kind of knew that she needed all she needed to do is like tell me she need to go to the bathroom yes we are preparing currently for quarterfinals and there will be prep specific workouts so to speak on the 12th and 13th this is a great question that one that i
Starting point is 00:41:22 hate taylor will you do a discounted year subscription no it's 20 bucks a month if you can't afford that sorry um you got to have rings for muscle ups in a crossfit gym right you think ring muscle ups coming quarters yeah I do think high rings. For sure. Let's see. Oh, here we go. Can I talk about this? What we're doing? Is it common knowledge? Yeah, you can talk about it. Dude, do you have a Mac desktop?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, it's really old. Stop that. It looks brand new. Dude, I just bought this spaceship let me just show everybody how rich i am check it out look at me dude pay me pay attention to me just bought this oh nice it looks like one and a half shut up i'm serious yeah i know that's why i'm telling you to shut up i'm trying to toot my own horn and you just kick me down in the dirt anyways will you will you and Bryson do the workouts
Starting point is 00:42:26 together or will the iron winky join you guys? Yes. And yes. And two other yeses. We're going to be doing the workouts in Spartanburg, uh, in Jr's bathroom and down pepper Colton Mertens, Jason Hopper and me, I think we're going to be all going head to head on every workout just all four of us it's going to be like whoever's best at the front, whoever's second best in the middle, third best will be third
Starting point is 00:42:56 and the person who sucks will be last it'll be just like human centipede but CrossFit quarterfinal edition gotcha damn so we're doing that i don't think ring complexes will come out in quarterfin muscle up i think that's more likely than like a ring complex but i'm i'm not really in the camp that a toast ring should be should be put in a competition format like that right i can't do this sorry that's uh impossible for me um next question oh this is a good one. What's your definition of cool? Entirely subjective. Probably doesn't relate to anyone else's definition of cool. What's your definition of cool? Subjective, JR?
Starting point is 00:44:06 that just all has to do with your personal bias like uh i'm a big fan of workouts that have really clean number structures that are a little bit on the longer side that a little bit more on the gymnastics heavy side between um capacity based and not like short fast heavy kind of thing so i think it's just all i think it all really has to do with what what your biases are here's a perfect this is an awesome image of what i think would be super cool at the games a standardized bouldering section or like a speed rock climbing wall it's like 15 to 18 feet you fall you fall on a mat just like a pegboard um but you climb up touch the top climb back down and it's like three rounds one wall ascent which would be just be so freaking cool um a weightlifting movement and some sort of maybe a run in there um or like a rescue randy drag like i just think that would be super cool they will say it's too niche they're going to be people
Starting point is 00:44:56 who have too much of an advantage because they have a history of climbing i disagree it's the same thing as a bicycle i think or swimming You have massive advantages in those things too. But that would be something that I think would be super cool. Annual price for my program is $240. You can pay that. A guy asked the other day, and that's fine. What are you thinking about over there? Who are you texting?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Nothing, just doing some homework, that's all. Oh, on who? No, but yeah, it is definitely going to happen. I was sent Colton's itinerary for flight, so I mean, it's going down for sure. I think down's driving up from Jacksonville, and then obviously Jason's here, and you're here. So yeah, if everything's here and you're here. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:45 it, if everything's up to you getting the information we got today, just assuming there's probably going to be a multi scored workout, but you're going to have to take the floor four times. What's an ideal situation for you? Like for you guys to do two workouts, Thursday, two workouts, Friday,
Starting point is 00:46:03 and just one on Saturdayurday done like i think that makes sense two two one and then if you guys want to redo something on sunday you can how are we going to do two two one it's only four workouts okay i'm sorry i'm so like the right one of the twos is the let's just say that um let's say that you choose to do the heavy workout on thursday and it's part of a back-to-back so you you would just do one workout Thursday and then maybe you actually do two workouts on Friday and then one on Saturday. That's still spread out so much. And what I hate more than anything is just the anxiety of it all. It would kind of be fun to just – I mean we don't know what it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Depending on the workouts, I'd be fine to get them all done in two days, not three. Um, I don't want to drag it out over six days. That's for damn sure. I don't want to drag it out over four days, three max two at the shortest, unless I was forced into doing them,
Starting point is 00:47:00 you know, in a different way. But I think two to three days would be good what you said uh that's fine will can just buy me a new laptop wow she knocked the laptop over she did wow screen's okay i guess so let's see We got three more minutes to answer questions. Oh, Fisa Goffey. Yeah, allegedly. Allegedly, Fisa's coming.
Starting point is 00:47:34 No, I think that's – yeah, that's like – I mean, Lindsey's in. She's like super grateful for the opportunity to be able to go against someone like Fee. And yeah, Fee trains with Allen every day, gets coached by Matt, and I think the whole crew is coming up. super grateful for the opportunity to be able to go against someone like fee and uh yeah fee um you know trains with alan every day gets coached by matt and i think the whole crew is coming up so that'll be really really fun to either have them go prior to you guys going or right after you guys go that'll be fun i wonder if either of them will go hard enough to throw up after a workout um and like taking off my affiliate hat now and obviously selfishly wanting something like a floor plan early so that i can maybe say yeah like let's do these for our class workouts from the organizational standpoint of taylor versus
Starting point is 00:48:18 the world quarterfinals you know my where my ropes hang you know where my walls are for the dolomers and handstand push-ups if i need to have if i need something less than ideal for my gym layout just knowing it a couple days ahead of time helps a ton like hey i know my wall is like eight feet away from the pull-up rig so do i need to game plan some like individual mats to move closer do i need to clear out the side room like just and set it up in that small room because that's a wall-mounted rig and it's not a standalone rig you know little things like that you know you can give information without giving all the information. And just from a, just from something to talk about standpoint, like imagine for the open Taylor, they released floor plans for the open and it's just a picture with a dumbbell
Starting point is 00:49:16 in the middle. Can you imagine how many workouts we could have came up with with just a dumbbell in the middle of the floor? That would have been awesome. I mean, that kind of stuff's just fun to talk about it doesn't give anything away like i i think some would push back and say hey if we give you if we give you the equipment or we give you the layouts then a little bit of the fun is taken out of it of not knowing okay i get that that's cool you tell us though which one is more important that you don't, that it's unknown
Starting point is 00:49:45 and unknowable or that it's, um, we want to inspire the affiliate owners to, to, to kind of have fun with it and to get more people to sign up for it. Yeah. I think if they were to do something like that, it would just be insanely beneficial for them because just pull the popcorn buckets out everybody's freaking out about it um i don't see why they wouldn't other than they didn't have anyone worth a shit as cmo yet i hear jenna huaca is fantastic i don't know if i'm saying her last name correctly but that seems like something that she would probably think would be a good idea. Hey, like sprinkle a little, you know, sprinkle some crumbs out there. Let the mice attack. Um, where's this question? Oh, only lifestyles of the rich and the famous. So that's a yes to that question, but less frequently than you probably would assume.
Starting point is 00:50:51 would assume uh hey when i stepped away when brian asked that question about the dumbbell box step up what conclusion did you come to with that oh i he said step up with one or two dumbbells but not overs and i said i would prefer over all of the variations to see a step up with two dumbbells um i like step overs. Just like in the hang position where you can just see clear opening, clear hip opening at the top. Absolutely. Yep. Well, I think we covered it all.
Starting point is 00:51:17 We solved quarterfinals for them. Boss Dave, if you guys ever watch this, they won't. Well, again, I'm not really in the camp as you where i just automatically think they're not going to be cool at all um however i look at it more so for sure through a competition lens and i think that as long as there are areas within the workout to clearly separate the cream um from the cock yeah something like that i think it's fine they don't have to be super sexy they don't have to be chippers they don't have to be um back-to-back formats they don't have to be like death by they don't have to be anything like that but like i take the first workout of the open, for example, you flip that workout and you have it ascending 9, 9, 9, 9, 15, 15, 15, 15, 21, 21, 21, 21.
Starting point is 00:52:13 All the log jams at the top automatically spread out a little bit just because you made the rep scheme ascending. So I feel like as long as the workouts give opportunity for separation, I'm already happy there. And then we can get into the nuances of how much monostructural, how much gymnastics, how much weightlifting. If there was a bias with four-scored workouts, there's more than likely going to be some kind of bias. It would be hard for there not to be. but the thought process and the worry that the thought process and of just, Hey, there's only going to be four.
Starting point is 00:52:51 So there's no way they're going to be, it's going to be a balanced test. I think you probably have to wait to say until you see me making Jr. Laugh is 100% harder to do than winning a workout against anyone in the world. Making Jr. Laugh is like, ah, dude,
Starting point is 00:53:05 there's euphoric. It gives me chills. I will say this. Will, you're correct. I fear that redoing quarterfinals workouts is going to be part of the competition this year. Um, so I'm glad we have six days. I think there'll be workouts where it's like, God, we're going to need to redo this one. There's a chance you could be a second or two faster. You just have to take it. Um, yes, Peter, Peter, how do I Peter? I was pumped with that joke. Um, and to finish, I do think that boss and Dave care more than anything about the community. So I think with that in mind, these are going to be a very sufficient set of workouts to get everybody together galvanized. Um,
Starting point is 00:53:51 I'm taking a different tact right now. You shifted my perspective at heart. I can be a pessimist in some ways, but I do have faith that dumbbell snatch burpee workout was awesome. The thruster chest to bar workout was awesome. Middle workout. I can forgive. They care a lot. And gosh, you talk about two absolute titans of programming.
Starting point is 00:54:15 They've done a lot of amazing things over the years. So to think that they can't do something amazing is obviously just me being a dick. So I believe in that. Look at you, dude. Look at how much you're growing just in 53 minutes, how you've come full circle. I believe. Good thing is they're just going to listen to the first five or 10 minutes,
Starting point is 00:54:35 clip that, make a reel out of it, and then we're going to be able to get Dave on our show, and he's going to be pointing and saying, and then he started saying that. Funny. All right. Yeah, so I would like to say that we're going to start some new and really interesting series leading up to quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:54:58 but let's be honest. We're probably just going to talk about quarterfinals until they happen. Team workouts will be out i think next wednesday i would assume and our show's thursday so we get to talk about that it'll be cool to if we see some callbacks from the individual quarterfinals last year you got all the teams scrambling trying to learn crossover double unders and v-ups and they didn't have to do them so i wonder if they'll bring back any of that stuff um and then obviously whatever does come out, if they, if there aren't pistols, if there aren't GHDs, if there aren't whatever, then of course,
Starting point is 00:55:30 all the semifinal individual, all the quarterfinals individuals start thinking, okay, so teams didn't have to do them. Does that mean we're not going to have to do them? Does that mean it's going to be the same equipment, different equipment, all that kind of stuff. So there'll be nothing short of things to talk about and guys don't forget to like and subscribe if you want us to ever grow to the point to where he feels like we have enough of an impact on the community to ever address us on his week in review you will go like and subscribe and lastly
Starting point is 00:56:00 tonight on the train sentinel youtube channel i'm going to put this bad boy in the comments. At Train Sentinel, that's our YouTube channel. We are going to, let me just present this. Share screen. Be going live. I got to greet Lilia. All right, see you, dude. We're going to be going live.
Starting point is 00:56:22 We're revealing my prediction for event one of semifinals this year. And a demo video of me doing it against a previous games athlete who we have blacked out. We put a black square over the athlete. So you guys won't know who they are for their own benefit because I clapped the shit out of them that badly. So with that, see you guys tonight at probably 845 p.m. We're going to go a little early. And thank you guys for watching. Peace.

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