The Sevan Podcast - Rebecca Fuselier #892

Episode Date: April 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Hi. Hello. Thanks for doing this.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. Thank you for inviting me back. Oh, where are you again, Rebecca? Dallas or just north of Dallas. So are you two out? Is it 901 there? Mm- you, are you two hours? Is it nine Oh one there? Awesome. Thank you. Is this a good time for you? Uh, yeah, I just got my running workout done a little bit earlier already. Already. You're one in what to tell me, uh, that
Starting point is 00:00:59 kind of fucks up my opening line. I was going to say, I was hanging out with you last night in front of the TV and on my phone. And I was like, I can't say this about a lot of people, but it looks like it's fun to be you. You know, like there's some people on the internet. You're like, Oh, I want that person's body. Or I wish I had their car or I wish I had their girlfriend or I wish I had. And I was just like, fuck all that. It just looks like it's fun being Rebecca but then if you ran this morning maybe I gotta well that was that was less fun than the other things that I do but it's just it it makes all the other things that I do more fun let's put it in that that way you may you make a concerted effort to make life fun oh yeah yeah what's the point right what what's the point if it's not and you have to make an effort to make life fun it's
Starting point is 00:01:45 just it's it doesn't happen on its own i mean i feel like we all do right right right yeah that's what i meant sorry not not it was a rhetorical you not you and joe but there's some people who just like expect life to be fun and it's like clearly like you're going out of your way to make shit fun like i just go to your instagram and I'm like, Oh, this is a fun place to be. Yeah. I mean, the, the, the biggest thing is that I'm never bored. I think that's like the worst word I could ever use. I was like, I'm, I'm never bored. If I'm bored, I have, I have a serious problem on my hands. When my kids, one of my kids use that word just this morning, I go, Hey, why are you dressed? And he goes, cause I'm bored. And, uh, I go, you don't even know what that means. He goes, you're right. I go, so why are you dressed? he goes because i'm bored and uh i go you don't even know what that means he goes you're right i go so why are you dressed he goes i don't know i'm like better okay
Starting point is 00:02:30 oh look at barry already dollar 99 hi rebecca hello um sean wow hi rebecca i love you i love you too and no one's messing around even better better. Nothing to dislike about the person. Fusilier. No? Fusilier. Fusilier. Fusilier. Fusilier.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Actually, the correct pronunciation, the French pronunciation is Fusilier. Fusilier. How do you say it? Fusilier. Just simplify it fusillet okay uh fusillet is getting strong man good work on the gains is that true are you getting strong yeah yeah i think so definitely moving some weights that i couldn't move last year so that's exciting you were already strong basically what they're saying is you're getting strong relative to this crazy group of horses that you run with. It is,
Starting point is 00:03:30 it is a crazy group that you run with. I, you know, it was, it was fun having you at the games. There was a kind of a, every woman's kind of feel to you. Like, like, like you were the people's choice, right?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Oh. But there was kind of also like a Cody Anderson kind of piece to you. Like, will we ever see, you know, the crowd will stand up and cheer for you and go crazy or maybe a Chris Spieler, but that's it. She's done. But it doesn't, it actually doesn't look that way. It looks like people like me who just thought, oh, but, but that's it. She's done. But it doesn't, it actually doesn't look that way. It looks like people like me who just thought, Oh, how cute Rebecca made it. It
Starting point is 00:04:10 looks like we might eat our words. Like, like you're, you're going for it. I mean, that that's the plan. And it's, it's not only to prove like all those words from others wrong, but also I want to prove it to myself that, that I, I I'm getting back and I feel, I feel good. Like I think, and I was really trying to go through this in my head of like where I was last year compared to this year. And it's really, sorry, you mean at this time, you mean at this time outside from the games? Okay. Last year. Yeah. And it's actually, You mean at this time outside from the games? Okay. Last year.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah. And it's actually, actually really cool. I mean, we're a little bit sooner than where, um, kind of, we chatted, you and I chatted,
Starting point is 00:04:51 uh, from last year. It's a little bit earlier because we chatted after, after semifinals, after there was trash talk everywhere, you know, I haven't forgotten about that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:59 good. And, um, I would just kind of put myself like, where was Rebecca last year and I think we've always been on this upwards trajectory and I've always felt like I I've been steadily growing and then last year was just like the Mario mushroom power-up that is just like here we go like I feel like I'm I'm good to go and ready to,
Starting point is 00:05:25 like, I got that super boost and that confidence that I needed to go for it. There's this, not that this matters at all. I mean, obviously this is just, this is like eating cotton candy at the fair. Like we're going to eat some, but we're going to eat it in the quarter and hopefully no one sees us eating it, right?
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's just the lowest form of humanity eating cotton candy, but it has to be done once in a while. If you make it to the games this year, there does become something. There is something about you that people can like really get behind um big names to be up there with well you're you're you're such a you're such a unique athlete uh in in your in all your presentations your stature, your physique, your demeanor, your approach. It's all – it's fun. In that world of superficiality and money and fame and attention,
Starting point is 00:06:38 I mean, in the UFC, they call it the it factor. You have it. But then you still got to get in there. And it's, is it just nuts getting into the CrossFit games? Is it just. Yeah. And it's, it's funny. Cause we're getting up to like hype, the hype and everything leading up to semifinals and everything. And I'm like, I keep telling everyone and everybody likes to ask you making it back to the games. I'm like, that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And I'm sure like every competitor out there gets asked that but if you're like there is like maybe like a few people that can say yeah you'll see me again at the games like 100 certainty everything else is up in the air like it's fair game to everyone i think last year i was really like threw myself in in that pack of the cards of, I have a chance. I'm going to go for it. I have a chance. It's anyone's game.
Starting point is 00:07:32 The field is getting so freaking competitive that you have to go out there and execute perfectly to make it. Will you hold on one second? I apologize i apologize here jessica i i owe you an explanation uh jessica says jethro yeah looks like uh i'll be permanent detective which i wanted i was put on a list being cautiously optimistic by the way congratulations i want jessica valenzuela is a police officer jessica a few days ago i said something on the show and i've been thinking about you non-stop ever since I said it. And I said that – I think it could have come across that women – I said women shouldn't be police officers and they shouldn't be in the military.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I just want to refine to you more what I'm saying. I don't – first of all, if there's a role for something that's intrinsically women, they should absolutely do it no matter what, even if it's in the police force in the military. What I meant more was, is that there shouldn't, there's jobs out there that we shouldn't, um, lower the bar so that women can get in. Absolutely. If a woman wants to be a police officer and she can pass the test, she should be in there, but not at the cost of jeopardizing the public. Same with the firefighter. Same with a, um, uh, uh, a police officer, just in the same way that I don't, I think jeopardizes the public if a man puts on a fake pair of tits and tries to breastfeed a baby. Like, I think that that's not that men shouldn't be doing that either. So I just I just want to tell you that if it came across that I was saying that I don't think women should be cops.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It was out of context and it was too strong for another show. But but I've been thinking about you. OK, sorry. I know this is your show. It's your show, so I'm going to enjoy it. Fuseli. Thank you. Fuseli. Fuseli. What is the problem?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Fuseli. F-u-s-e-l-e. Let's put F-u-s-e-l-e. Fuseli. Here's the part. going back, Rebecca, do you fancy a bowl of cereal? Hold on, don't answer that yet. It's one short sentence that it seems unfair to ask because it's such an insurmountable task. Like, oh, are you going back to
Starting point is 00:09:45 the games it's like oh are you going to climb everest well i'm going to try but only three out of a hundred people who attempt it make it and it's like i i almost feel bad that when um people ask you that question or when i ask someone that question do you plan on going back to the games because the question is so easy to ask but the task is so monumental right i mean it's just yeah it it really is it's it's hard uh when you spend the hours that us athletes do in the gym and go through the training that that we do to just like you you would not be the that level competitor if you weren't like on the edge of your seat and like realizing that there's a big chance that you don't make it right and and if people like people are always and especially with my page being it like I try to keep it so positive and everything and everybody's
Starting point is 00:10:41 like it's it's so almost backwards like you want to be that optimistic but you also want to stay in reality of hey there's a very small number of athletes that that can do can do this and it just for for me that's motivating for me that's motivating because i want to be in that small pack for for you to go to the CrossFit games would for, would be for me to be like, get Tucker Carlson on or Don Lemon on today and ask him, Hey, I heard you got fired. Those are news anchors and ask them, Hey, I heard you got fired yesterday. It would be, or if I got like, I don't know the rock on my show. Like I, I don't, I don't even,
Starting point is 00:11:20 you know what I mean? I, that's how, that's, that's that that's the level I have another 10 years of interviewing before I'm gonna find someone some way of getting the rock on that's why it's just last year last year I told people I was like here here's where I look at year by year and um I hate I think people are starting to really understand that like if you look at social media like that's a very small like small thing of what I do and people don't realize how like methodical Matt and I are with my my training and how serious I am about my training and everything but last year the window for me or the percentage of me making it to the games, like that window started to open up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And I knew if I went in and executed everything perfectly, we'd be in. Now going into this year, my job and what I think we've done is made that crack a little bit bigger of how I'm going to, if I can get to the games just by getting a little bit stronger and more fit. What place did you end up taking at the games? 30th. I, my goal was to make that cut line. And I was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Wow. Crazy. Congratulations. Hung on by a thread. And you took 30th 30th with also having a last place finish in the capital workout yeah yeah crazy okay here uh philip uh i'm gonna guess the answer is yes uh do you fancy a bowl of cereal yeah like would you like to sit down with do you have a bowl and a spoon and milk in a box and the stuff falls out and you're like the carbs i i'm my my job is to eat right now yeah that's crazy how much do you weigh i have gained three pounds since last year 128 128 and uh at any at any price like um has it affected your gymnastics or at any cost? No.
Starting point is 00:13:25 No. You've distributed and allocated it nicely all over the physique. Yes. I hope some of it has gone to my arms, honestly. it affects like my huge gymnastics background and I don't think if I if I'm the way that I'm eating if I always eat clean and everything I'm gonna I just need to eat more of that I'm definitely gonna put on weight but it's gonna be good be good weight. That's muscle. That's only going to make my gymnastics stronger. I'd have to go so crazy to make it affect like the, my pulling on a rope climb or my pulling on, on pull-ups or anything like to be able to move that weight around. that I can't even understand that for, for you guys, you people, you know, your kind, um, that you have muscular fatigue before cardiovascular fatigue when you do burpees. Um, is that true with you? I've kind of broke through on that stage in the past year and a half, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And that's weird that you bring that up because it was a thought very recently. I'm very weird, and I appreciate you noticing that. Thank you. A couple of weirdos. But I was thinking about it on running the other day, and I've been upping my running volume. That's like that with running too with you? You'll get muscular fatigue in running before you get cardiovascular fatigue, depending on what it is. But I'll say my hamstrings will burn up before my lungs start to breathe too hard.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And I that used to be reversed. This is so bizarre. Yeah, it used to be reversed. Like and I think a lot of people have gotten really smart. And I don't know if you've done it. I think a lot of people have gotten really smart and I don't know if you've done it. I've recently this past season, Matt and I have, as have jumped into the the bucket of training zone to a little bit more and experimenting with that.
Starting point is 00:15:36 What does that mean? Zone two, like just somewhere you keep your heartbeat. Yeah. It's all a little less than as hard as you can go. One is like you're going balls to the wall and two is less than that. I do not like training zone two because I like because I like CrossFit. I like the feeling of feeling like you're you're dying on the floor and we just never get in that heart rate zone. And that was something that's a, that's a category that we don't hit a lot in the early season of being like 30 and 40 minute workouts. And when we get to semifinals, I'm thinking we're going to have, I I'm thinking we're going to have a longer piece for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:17 We haven't had that many long pieces through the open. You can't really program that much because people can't do like 40 minute videos on their, on their phones and everything, or you can't do program that much because people can't do like 40 minute videos on their on their phones and everything. Or you can't do a 40 minute open workout. So it's just a whole nother domain that you just got to kind of stretch into. But recently, I'll say that to a lot of people, like depending on the workout, obviously, but I'll be running and I'm like, I feel like I don't start breathing hard until I start feeling like, oh, shoot, my legs are burning. My legs are getting heavy. I can feel my hamstrings and my calves working.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So it's interesting. So along that same line, when you say it's your job to eat, is it really like that? Like you have to force yourself to eat? Because that's another thing I can't imagine. I can't – like for me, my whole day is like this don't eat that don't eat don't eat that don't eat that for yes for i mean any of us athletes were eating like so so much because you're doing these high intensity workouts multiple throughout the day and we know that the magic of these high intensity workouts is you continuously burn calories throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Now, for me, and especially when we get into the summer, a lot of people don't know like how much I was working and up on my feet, training and coaching, like even up to leading towards the games that I literally have to plan out eating windows or I'll, I won't eat. I'll be too busy. I'll be, I'll, um, be caught, caught up doing something. So I have to plan out my eating windows, but yes, my whole family laughs at me because training's the easy part for me going home and eating like my full plate of food. Yeah. That's challenging. Do you think you can be an athlete and have a – so there's words out there like eating disorder or bad relationship with food. Do you think there's some level of relationship between all athletes and food that is – I don't even know. I don't know what the word is. let me let me go ahead were you gonna say something that this is poor like no no not not even that it's unhealthy I don't want to categorize let me let me start here at some point when you're done competing at CrossFit
Starting point is 00:18:36 you're gonna have to lower the your food consumption right um will that be easy do you look forward to that or is that something or will it be fucked up or like basically every time i hear like an athlete be like yeah i got an eating disorder i'm like well of course you do like i can't imagine any athlete not having an eating disorder i just don't think that that's the right word some significantly high intense relationship with the consumption of fuel right i agree with you i think there's there's definitely parts that are that are uh deeper than just the food and i i've tried to put myself in what do you mean like how you look in your clothes like the paranoia of how you look in your clothes
Starting point is 00:19:18 yeah yeah it's it's more like all of that stems from insecurities, right? You want to look a specific way. The bottom line is, is you have to work in some way to, to, to create the body that, that you want. And I think a lot of people get caught up in actually getting overwhelmed with the, the work side of it. And it's, it's a really, it's a really touchy subject because I I mean, it's literally like a true relationship with another person is your relationship with food. And everybody grows up a different way in different households and you're constantly having to adjust and adapt. adjust and adapt but you don't want to know what the scary part of food is that i always tell people especially when work with people uh over here at at for nutrition is there's no escaping it it's lifelong yeah yeah yeah yeah like if you're a drug addict you can get away from coke you ain't getting away from food you have to eat right and the hard part is I feel like people get they they they have it flipped.
Starting point is 00:20:26 They can flip their mindset a different way that this is lifelong. It's not like it's not always going to be a constant struggle. It can be if you choose to make it that way. But you can also make it this lifelong adventure of I'm going to try this. It didn't work. Screw that. I'll go try something else. And you have all of these opportunities to go and fix that where people – I think where people get overwhelmed is just the work side of it.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You have to try different things. And then guess what? When you get old, your body is going to change, and you're going to have to figure it out all over again. Yeah. I guess you have to put the effort to tinker and experiment. But then you have to have the discipline to follow through. Right. And it's challenging.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's challenging. Tyler Mazzels. And then his question is on here. Thanks, Tyler, for the loot. Shit. Didn't attach a message. Oh, then you don't get a question. Could she speak on her instructional videos? We are trying to do something similar at my affiliate and would love some general perspective. Okay. I had a question no uh could she speak on her instructional videos we are trying
Starting point is 00:21:25 to do something similar at my affiliate and would love some general perspective okay i had a question about those two um let me start with this um thanks tyler um are those did you make were you like shit i gotta think of a way to make money so i'm gonna make these or are you like fuck this is something i really want to share this is kind of cool how I figured out how to handstand walk. I'm going to share this. No, I wanted to do those because I love to coach, and it's a way I can reach a broader audience. You do love to coach, huh?
Starting point is 00:21:55 I just was looking at your rowing coaching video. I'm like, this girl loves what she's doing. Yeah, so it's a way for me to, one, She loves what she's doing. I'm just like, when like, I work with my athletes really in depth in class, but it's literally my schedule goes from right when I finished class, I'm going to take like a five minute break, and then I'm on to my next workout, like training. So I'll work with people a little bit in, and, or as much as I can in class in depth, chat with them for a few seconds. With right after class, if they have any questions i'm like hey if you really want this skill i have a video series i need you to go watch it come back to me with any
Starting point is 00:22:51 questions but we got to go like there's a lot of reps like online a lot of coaching tips online that i've made just for you guys and anyone who who wants to dig deeper into so so basically it was a coaching tool whose idea was it to just put it online so people can buy it in a cart who don't go to your gym um i recently did this um on on my website is just i had pdf programs already written out and i was was like, you know what, this is me trying to be a better business woman too, because this is my living. And I am trying to, to make something off of this with, without letting it, letting it taint like my love for, um, doing all of this. But I mean, basically that PDF is just like the, it's super cheap. And then the time that it takes to put together, I just throw it up on the website and be like hey people have asked how to support my page and my channel so i
Starting point is 00:23:50 keep making those videos i'm like guys as long as i love to do it i'm going to keep doing it but if you want to support it like go get you something out of it go get the pdf like follow the pdf makes it even better yeah that's cool and are people doing that yeah yeah and um gotten some good feedback from them i'm really proud of it um and in your you are uh from our first interview first time we talked you have a what is it nine years ten years of gymnastics background yeah and not just dabbling not just a one day a week thing but go till the wheels fall off the bus yeah I was full time and that's pretty much all I know how to do up to this point I laugh at myself like all I know how to do is train that's all I've been doing my my whole life so
Starting point is 00:24:34 I um hey do you think that you learned how to coach because just watching so many other coaches did it just come naturally to you because one of my sons is like a coach already oh yeah and he just yeah and he coaches and it's just it's you know like anything so I think I've I really found what I love to do and and when you do when you're doing what you love to do you pour a lot of effort into it right and I think I got so so lucky with with opportunities from um being coached by Matt. He's such a gifted coach and programmer. So I, I learned everything from him. Matt's your husband.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Okay. We'll get to that in a minute. Uh, Rebecca. Oh, when Andrew Hiller says something like this, I feel like there's accusations attached to it. Uh, seven, uh, Rebecca has gained 12 pounds this month. That's that that's there's no way that's not true is it what have you been eating can i get on that no he says you have oh seven has oh oh oh oh oh yeah i you know i i got this stuff called no explode that um i saw hillar was taking and i took that and a bunch of extra
Starting point is 00:25:46 creatine and i put on 12 pounds probably like right away but i stopped like no but i stopped in like uh four or five days four or five days ago and i'm already lost like six pounds uh jonathan ortega uh my left leg is 128 pounds fair enough oh okay uh jessica yes we shall circle back around jessica i missed it but jessica's the police officer i was uh talking to earlier uh five you're you're five two yes okay to put that in perspective everyone wants to know how tall i am i am a whopping five five i stand when i would talk to uh rebecca i look down a little bit uh yon clark zone two is the soaking of fornication wow no shit are you familiar with the term soaking do i need to be i don't know supposedly it's what the mormons do because they're not allowed to like
Starting point is 00:26:38 thrust and so you just soak can't you see the picture there? You're too young for me to talk about stuff like that. Okay. But you are married. That opens that. That's. Okay. I want to play a little bit of this. And this is pretty intense.
Starting point is 00:26:56 And then stop and ask you some questions about some little tidbits in here. Okay. Here we go. Whose idea was it to film this? Yours? Yep. Is this part of the day in the and do you edit all your own videos uh most of the things you guys see on instagram i edit the professional like looking vlogs and the short uh trailers and edits that go with that that are sometimes posted on instagram that's my media person gerard um but all the reels and everything that's all me
Starting point is 00:27:31 and and the day in the life um that you talked about uh you put up on youtube yesterday that you talked about you're planning on doing a day in the life it sounds like you plan on filming and editing that um what are you shooting what kind of iphone are you shooting on i don't even know what this is the 13 and are you shooting in in 4k i don't even know you don't know i don't even know i'm not i just make do with what i have i understand there's a um there's a setting on here you you may want to shoot in 4K. You go to the camera setting, and then you go to video. Can you do it straight from there?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Oh, yeah. Is it the cinematic? No. Well, that's smart to film in that too. See in the upper right-hand corner, there should be some numbers. Like it should say HD or 4K. Upper right-hand corner in really small writing when you turn the camera on and switch to video mode oh
Starting point is 00:28:29 what do you have it in so if I click it it has HD 30 and 60 ok so put it can you click it again and push 4K no you can't push that HD I only have those is it my phone Okay, so can you click it again and push 4K? No. You can't push that HD? I only have those.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Is it my phone? But it looks like way better in 60. Somewhere. Oh, there we go. You got 4K? I don't know what I did. Yes. Okay, and now that will suck up a shitload of your storage
Starting point is 00:29:02 if you didn't get the big phone. I have a pretty decent amount of storage. I use all my family's storage, so I need to work on that. It will. Anyway, you want to shoot in 4K if you're going to do a blog. Okay. Thank you. For YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:17 There you go. All right. I'm learning so much. Here we go. ...various moment I think I've ever been in, and I was like, no regrets. I said that right before that last event at semifinals, is no regrets.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I will leave every ounce of my heart and soul on this floor. And whatever happens, happens. And I'm going to be proud of it, because I'm getting emotional right now thinking about it. That makes me so proud and happy. This is the talk that you had at semifinals 2022. Is it a pretty organic talk or are you just there and then you just hear the conversation start up in your head or was it a plan?
Starting point is 00:30:04 No, 100%. These are the – on my YouTube page, I do what's called move mindset talks on monday every monday we kick off the week with with one of those videos i'm not kidding i try to keep things as real as as possible i literally set up my phone camera pick a topic and then talk about it. Dude, it's so obvious you're real, by the way. It's like, don't edit any of those unless something like cuts out with the mic that I just need to chop out. Like, like you can't hear anything. I don't edit those.
Starting point is 00:30:37 They go straight from my phone up to YouTube. No edits or anything. And that one I just talked about, it was really just like a general topic of like, how, how I changed my mindset. And really what shifted, like, really propelled me forward last year. But I didn't realize it was going to make me that that emotional. And I was like, dang, I, like, that's how important all of this is to me. I get completely changed my life. I like that's how important all of this is to me. I get completely changed my life. I don't mean I don't mean this particular instance, but I mean, the the instance that you're referring that you were having that self-talk.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Was that all was that did you create that original new content for yourself? I'm kind of being cheeky, but when you hear this voice start up in your head Rebecca no regrets are you like oh that's some good shit okay I'm fucking giving myself a pep talk here no I mean I remember I literally said that out loud on the floor right before they said go I said no regrets I could see like that that lane like at regionals it's so it's so fun and cutthroat at the same time you're in a lane you got like and in that situation you got literally the people that you're competing with right next to you and the lanes right next to you it's it's it's a scary situation to be in and especially since like people that have been
Starting point is 00:32:00 following me since the beginning like since my teenage years and everything, no, like how I've just been there like consistently throughout the years. And there was a point like building up to the, to wanting to make it back to the games. This was when they started changing the structure of the season, like over and over that I was like, I feel like they still do that. They still do. I mean, yeah. I mean, I was like, I feel like they still do that. They still do. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I was like, I feel like, I don't know if it's ever, there was a part of me
Starting point is 00:32:29 that was like, I don't know if it's actually ever going to happen, but I mean, I don't know anything other than training and working hard. And I said, if I want this, like, I just got to stay at it. And then the last season in that moment, you're, you're just kind of like, your goal is literally on that finish platform and I can see it. I'm like, Oh, that's scary. Are you going to North? Are you going to North America, East or West? West. I'm in the West. Man, savage. Okay. Let's play. Let's play a little bit more here.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I remember looking at Matt's face and everything. Let's play a little bit more here. I remember looking at Matt's face and everything. But yeah, the difference was in how I qualified to the CrossFit Games and made my dreams and made my goals is I freaking believed in myself. What does that mean? I believed in myself. I could see it. I could see it. Like I could see me being at the games and that's,
Starting point is 00:33:29 that's plain and simple. I can see it again. Yeah. That's crazy. It's so weird. I'm 51 years old and I still don't know how to visualize that. This is such a good video. So you,
Starting point is 00:33:40 you see it. And I'm, I'm always that person. Like I'm so with my creativity and making videos and everything. And with some of like the community events, community events that we do here at the gym, people, I'll joke like halfway joke about it all the time. Like if I have a vision for how I want to set up the gym for this community event, I'm like, don't mess with my vision. I can see it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's going to get done. If I could see it, it's going to get done. So it's like joking little things like that. But when it comes to like this and I say I can see it, I'm like, oh, I like it makes sense. The pieces are here. Like we just got to go do it now. You obviously when you say you say I believe it that i can like there's things that i believe right like i believe if i walk out that door over there i'll be outside and i believe my kids are in the kitchen right now doing their schoolwork but when you say you can see it it's not where where do you see it is it like where do you see it between your ears or do you see it kind of like where do you see it so there was there was something I never really and I don't expect anyone like that super young and you got
Starting point is 00:34:50 to realize like in I've talked about it in the past like I I the sport of the the type of athletics that I've done in the past has made me grow up really really really fast and I think it's just my personality of I was I've always been the one like, if I'm going to do something, I'm going all in on it. And there were so many times in the past that I was like, okay, I can tell you I want this thing. But do I truly can I truly see myself or, or believe that I can actually get there? Or maybe I didn't have the right tools or right people around me to help me like make this possible like here and that's why I'm so feel so incredibly blessed and thankful the pieces are here I just have to work hard and work smart and then if if I don't like i feel like if i if i can't do that with what i have like right now
Starting point is 00:35:47 it'll it's not meant to be um let me i i i hear you sorry i'm gonna beat a dead horse though when you say you see it so a lot of ufc fighters say that they visualize stuff um and i and i watch so many interviews with those guys or just you know little sound bites um do you remember the first time you saw something the first time you could visualize something do you remember like were you just a little kid and like you're like man i want to do a backflip and then you kind of saw yourself doing it in your head first or do you remember is everything like that to this day like if you're gonna jerk jerk like 200 pounds, will you see it first? I don't think everything is like that, but I'll go on the opposite end of the spectrum for you.
Starting point is 00:36:43 When I was competing in the teenage divisions, when I was a competitor in gymnastics before that, I could see me failing. And I couldn't see me succeeding. Oh, that's some scary shit. Yeah. And I could never see me succeeding. Oh, wow. That's fascinating. If I.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's just like cloudy. It's like cloudy and I couldn't overlook failing. That's good shit, Rebecca. Rebecca fussele fussele fussele i had to look down my notes fussele so fucking lame supposed to be good at interviewing people i have to look down to remember how to say your last name i i that's crazy that sounds terrifying to see yourself failing that I kind of get because if I have thoughts of like failing I don't um I do my best not to indulge those at all what do you do with those when you get those well I think I think that's the the hard part is like a lot of people don't know what to do with them and sometimes I mean I don't
Starting point is 00:37:44 know what to do with them sometimes I feel like mean, I don't know what to do with them. Sometimes I feel like they're almost crippling. But and I talk about it a lot with the mindset training that I do is I was like, if you could just recognize like, hey, this is negative right now. This is this is what I have in my brain right now. What do you what are you going to do with it? Do you back away from whatever the task is at hand or do you figure out a way to shift and move around that, that, that negativity. But I just remember there was a shift last year and, um, building up to last year, I just, there was something that I finally I felt like my hard work. I was accepting that my hard work was enough and it would get me to where I needed to be. And I knew it would be right on that cut line if we did everything right.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So I think I'm starting to piece this together. I'm going to make a leap here. The more you believe in yourself, the, although, although that there is some, you're describing believing in yourself is the same as being able to see it. But the more you believe in yourself, the clearer pick your picture gets, you get a higher fidelity. You go from HD to 4k of being able to see it. Boom, full circle. But let's, let's say this. I think people look, I don't like I don't want to be that cheesy. Believe in yourself. Follow your heart type person. Let's let's just say this. Be real with practical. Yes. OK. Be real with yourself. Yeah. This is either going to happen or it's not going to happen. And you you're going to. Attempt it one way or the other, and hopefully you put your full effort into it. tempt it one way or the other and hopefully you put your full effort into it okay um do you prefer bagels trish hi trish good morning $1.99 this is really a $13 question but do you prefer bagels or donuts i prefer donuts but actually i eat bagels for the carbs okay good stuff yeah um uh cream cheese no no okay i just i eat for the carbs really okay
Starting point is 00:39:50 here we go and i could see little becca so what happens there your tear ducts just turned on and you're and you're noticing that yeah i don't i'm for some you're like a robot and it's like tear ducts on you're like iron man tear ducts on you're like wait i didn't say tear ducts on why are they turning on unfortunately yes i was like i i was debating whether to stop the video too at that point but i didn't hey what ethnicity are you i'm a quarter japanese oh okay and what else yeah that's i mean nothing really your eye your eye your eye sockets are so unique like the shape like the shape of them like you know like like that thing that the eyeball looks out of? Mm-hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Oh, that lip bite thing. One time, this is so fucking off subject. One time I saw this montage of women who um it was like women who obviously are like it was women being interviewed by men and it should or women interviewing men like women interviewers of men and it said these women are obviously smitten over the men and the one um continuity that all these women did was they bought, they bit their lip. Like that was like a telling sign when the girls in love with a man, but that's a flirty thing. I wasn't, I mean, there was just a camera in front of me. There was the, no one else there. Right. That was, but yeah, but you were probably,
Starting point is 00:41:37 that's like some form of like holding back emotion, right? Like you bit your lip, like you were. Yeah. Just trying not to look like a complete weirdo, crying by myself in a room. Not too late. I could see little Becca who's always told she's too small. That she's too small for this. Isn't that weird? I never thought girls ever did that, never had that, the too small thing. I hear so many guys talk about it somehow, even though I'm small, I never went through that. I never had any small issue. I never thought that didn't stick to me, but that was, that was a thought to you that you're too small. Like you, but you've had some like, yeah, I mean, it's, it's, it's clear in it. And that was something that was that I crippled myself on is like the first time I went to semifinals, I'm, it's clear. And that was something that I crippled myself on.
Starting point is 00:42:26 It's like the first time I went to semifinals, I'm standing next to Brooke Wells and Amanda Barnhart, and I'm like half of their size. I'm like, okay, this is... And it's intimidating for sure. And yeah, people tell me that all the time. You do want... I think I'm in the best sport possible for me and to be able to prove like I
Starting point is 00:42:51 believe in hard work. If there's one, one big thing I believe in is hard work and you can make whatever you want and whatever you tell yourself and how you it's, it's, you'll, you'll become what you tell yourself. And as long as you put in, put in the effort and everything, but yeah it's plain it's you'll, you'll become what you tell yourself. And as long as you put in, put in the effort and everything, but yeah, um, it's plain and simple.
Starting point is 00:43:08 It, we can't overlook mass moves mass and there, I will never weigh one, one 50. I will never weigh one 45, but the size thing is, so it's new to CrossFit. You didn't grow up thinking,
Starting point is 00:43:20 Oh my God, I'm small because in gymnastics, it was all good, right? No. Yeah. You can be small in that sport all the hard training days all the all the blood sweat and tears it came down to that moment
Starting point is 00:43:40 so yeah so told you guys i'm an open book man i've never talked this out like that before what's crazy too is is you have three times the amount of followers as jason hopper and i could argue that you have no thirst picks on your Instagram account, and you're a 30th place finisher, and it's because – But maybe if I take advantage of my unique eye sockets, maybe I could. Just an eye socket series? But I'll never forget that because it wasn't the moment of hearing your name called. It was like,
Starting point is 00:44:33 holy crap. I've done all the physical reps for so many years and I just kept putting in the mental reps. Okay, here it is again. I kept putting in the mental reps. What is that? Is that going back to this scene and believing thing? I don't put in the mental reps okay here it is again i kept putting in the mental reps what is that is that going back to this scene and believing thing i don't put in any mental reps that that's the when you a lot of people ask this question too i train the majority of the time i'm training
Starting point is 00:44:58 alone in there and i prefer you say great question savon that's the first i've heard of it not i get that question a lot but anyway that's just hard okay um but i i train alone most of the time and that's not i've always kind of been that way i i'm pretty like intrinsically motivated i i train by myself most of the time and most of that's because i'm my schedule. I've put, I've said this in the past, like I've put all my eggs in this basket. I, I'm making a living off of coaching and I'm kind of creeping my way into pro athlete now. Okay. But that's not, I mean, the, it's, that's still very small. So my schedule goes from coach to train, coach, train, coach, train all day. It's hard to, to, um, and I do have some, some buddies here that, that I'll train with, but they're, they're like quarterfinals, uh, level. I will in the, in the future, I do want to like reach out to, um, I have chatted with a few other athletes, like maybe possibly training with them leading up to some bigger competitions and everything just to see where we're at.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And it's always good to get that push from someone else. But it's hard to go in the gym and question whether you're giving 100% when it's just you in there. But by the mental, is that what you mean by the mental reps just all of the the questioning yourself or yeah it's it's a mental fight every single day every single day in there i was just i before i hopped on i was well i'm on um deload week right now and i asked matt it's it's a little bit it's that those are the weeks that get confusing to me because we're trying to get my body kind of recovered and um still getting in some work but the next few weeks after this week are going to be like very hard challenging we're pushing the pace leading up to semifinals and i just asked him i was like it's kind of hard right now because I'm supposedly on this deload week and I'm trying to do these workouts to where I'm like getting work in, but still recovering.
Starting point is 00:47:11 But I don't want to feel like I'm half assing it. And it's always it's just as much mental training as it is. Physical. A deloading means basically still training, but resting. Yeah. I'm basically, my lifts are going to be lighter. We're still getting a, um, a good bit of work in, but we're not beating my body. Won't get beat up this week. Will you feel recovered? Does it feel better? At the end of the week, I should feel pretty recovered. So physically you feel better, but mentally you start questioning yourself like, Hey, is this stupid to take your foot off the gas?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah. I don't, I don't want to waste a single day when, if I were to get in a situation where I'm like, I know I didn't put my, my work in to this workout the way I should have. And I don't make the games. I'll go back and blame myself for that specific moment.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Like I should have trained harder that day. Wow. Scott Switzer, Clydesdale media was dropping the overhead bar, just deploy to add to drama in that final. What event is he talking about? The, the last event of semifinals last year,
Starting point is 00:48:20 that was literally my body failing. Oh, that's right. I saw the finish line and I took that last step and my body just crumbled it was terrible and I think I don't know if I've said this before I rolled onto the finish line after cleaning making the last lunge and the first thing I said to Matt because he was sitting right there I said, oh, no, I missed it. I missed it. I said, oh, no, was the first words. Sorry, I wish Kayla was here. He would he would pull that shit up in a second. We could all stare at it. But but you ended up but that ended up someone else dropped it, too, or something happened. Right right and you ended up what ended up happening no um so i was in a foot race with kelly right beside me and she ended up passing me kelly kelly now kelly clark yes yes and she ended up passing me but as long as we were so close in
Starting point is 00:49:20 points as long as no one got between us i had um a point cushion i think that's how it worked out i don't do any of the math at my events oh shit that's mad did you take fifth there yes well overall and that that was the that so you and kelly and someone else were all one point apart yeah we were the points were so close yeah it was like two yeah that was crazy uh trish um 499 thank you excuse me i struggle with invasive negative thoughts to the point when i walk by a mirror i say you're an idiot out loud i'm glad to hear this topic i've never done that i've gone walked by a mirror and been like man someone should clean that mirror um so this kind of brings I've gone walk by a mirror and been like, man, someone should clean that mirror.
Starting point is 00:50:07 So this kind of brings. This whole like kind of conversation full circle, because we talked about a little bit about nutrition and we when I coach or try to encourage someone nutrition wise, which why we kind of like dug deeper into like your nutrition and your relationship with food has to do with your insecurities and the way you want to look. And it's a whole, it's a whole circle of like what we're trying to figure out in this crazy life. It is so, you'll know you're making progress when you can start envisioning, when you can look yourself in the mirror and start envisioning the healthier version of you, whether that's weight gain, weight loss, whatever you want to look like. If you can start looking at yourself in the mirror and envisioning that you've won half the battle,
Starting point is 00:50:59 then you just got to go put in the work. So full circle on all this, especially when it comes to like nutrition clients here, I'm like, start envisioning that because it's encouraging. If you can start visualizing that it's encouraging. So I walk by the mirror and I'm like, I'm smart as fuck. I have crazy potential. I'm ready. I'm ready for algebra too. I should go start get, get, break out the math book. Yeah. You're doing good. I like this, this, I think this is a joke, but this is, I've known people like this. My problem is that I have too much confidence, but no physical tools, genetics, or work ethic. I feel like I've known people like that who are
Starting point is 00:51:32 just crazy confident when they're younger, but they're just, they just don't have the discipline or the, to do it. It's crazy. Okay. I've been that. I mean, I'm sure if you've been an athlete or you've been in a like a that I'm just gonna I I know the world of athletics I've been through around so many people and I joke about this in my family too that I am the least athletic one but my older sister my older sister's super athletic and she's super talented at everything she does, but she'll straight up admit to you, she goes, Becca will work harder.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And it is kind of like how you, how you, what you truly want and how you grow up. I mean, it is, what's the word? What did you just use? It starts. Confidence? No, the physical diligence and like oh discipline the discipline discipline sorry blanking on that um but like discipline it's like a whole skill in
Starting point is 00:52:33 itself yeah yeah you um it's uh i have these three boys and they i watch them bill earn every single thing that they have two six-yearolds and an eight-year-old. Nothing was fucking given to them. And then now they have proficiency in tennis and jiu-jitsu and striking and skateboarding. But nothing was given. But we go places and people will be thinking, oh, they're so talented. I'm like, dude, every fucking thing was like you were saying earlier in the show. Reps. Reps. Nobody that that competes a turntable um uh turntableable turntableable a nobody that competes at this level is the guy who bullied you in high school it takes a certain humbleness to make it at a high level
Starting point is 00:53:21 you don't have to respond. I just thought that was an interesting comment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, be real with yourself. Like the asshole in school doesn't do good. Be real with yourself. I mean, that's what I try to encourage on a lot of people. It checks you hard when you're really real with yourself. But in the sport specifically,
Starting point is 00:53:42 like you just got to be willing to work and hurt uh that little becca moment spoke to me much starting to coach and she inspired me so much watching that oh yeah so odd videos out and it's so obvious um you love uh you love coaching it's pretty cool i I wonder, you know, there's Rebecca Fusile. There's these athletes who have been in the spotlight for five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten years, and when you talk to them, they can't converse. because they've been in that for 10 years, right? Do you ever – and it's really rare and special when you come across someone like Rich Froning and you're interviewing him and then you end up having a conversation with him, right? Because for 20 years, people have just been asking him questions. So you think that we've trained them to be like these monkeys that just we ask, they respond.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And there's a certain arrogance that starts coming across when they get like that. And there's a certain arrogance that starts coming across when they get like that. I wonder if your continued coaching will help you so that those skills don't erode, so that you can converse instead of – you know what I mean? Because so much attention will just train you just to be a certain way. I hope so too, and I really do think it will. so too and um I really do think it it will like coaching is anything from uh group leadership to organization to like literally public speaking at the board that was something it's so funny when I used to do board talks this was like the whole first year of coaching I would get nervous before board talks and you could hear my voice like trembling because I'm pretty quiet as it is. And I think that trips people up sometimes. I look pretty loud and outgoing on my social media.
Starting point is 00:55:31 But that's my creative outlet. Like I can kind of be a little bit louder out there. But when it comes to training and other things, I'm pretty quiet. And I think coaching and just this world of being involved in the community, it, it, it brings out a lot of life skills that I'm hoping keeps taking me somewhere. I think it will. Um, this is off subject a little bit. Uh, so Homer Simpson, seven, do you think that the punches to the head are harmful to your boys? I would love to hear your opinion on that Homer that we'll do that for a different show. My, I, when I see them sparring, they're sparring so gently compared to what they're capable of.
Starting point is 00:56:10 So I just I've never thought I've never once thought, oh, that looks like that could be rattling his brain and not be healthy for him. But if you think different, I'm open for anyone who has like true insight, not just on unsubstantiated fear. You know what I mean? I'm sure it scares some people to death. Probably Rebecca's mom this year put 200 pounds overhead, but it's, you know, for those of us who, if you're in the gym with her every day and you see that she's put in the work, you know that's unsubstantiated. Okay. Back to the creation of Rebecca Fusile. Rebecca Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Like fuse.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Fusile. Fusile. Are you going to change your last name to Matt's last name? um we've talked about it a little bit i think everything in the cross i do want to legally change my name it's matt mccraney um but i do want all the things as of right now in in the crossfit world to stay fusile fusile okay here we are um that could be like you could have two names like you know like eminem or marshall mathers or you could you could have two i don't want to i don't want to hyphenate it and be that person With the jersey with the text that's that small Yeah I'm not a fan of the hyphenated either Not for any
Starting point is 00:57:31 Not for any ideological reason I just don't like it I don't like underscores and emails I don't like any of that shit Or Instagram names Okay where is this before I play this video That's at our same gym it's both it's just a few doors down from where we are right now look you look like uh do you look tall here
Starting point is 00:57:51 you look like you're 5'10 i was like a floppy fish how tall how tall are you there i don't know i think i was i was definitely I was probably more around like 4'9 or 4'10, probably 4'10 coming out of gymnastics, but I weighed like 70 pounds. No shit. Look at your shoulders and your arms and your thigh. I mean they're starting – they look developed. I mean you don't look like a stick. Well, I mean I was just lean, incredibly lean. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Here we go. A little audio to this. Here we go. little audio to this here we go so that uh how old were you there in 2013 13 okay so that's 30 that's convenient that's 13 uh so you're born let me do the math so if you were 13 in 2013 2000 you were born in 2000 got them good okay 14 years old. Look at, like, your shoes. Your weights are all fucked up, too.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Different color weights. Okay, those are the same weights. That's a competition. I understand what you're saying. I wanted to address someone on that. They were like, no, don't mix match the plates. I was like, I would never do that. I would never do that.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Okay. 15, 16. Where's this? Is that the games? Carson. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:12 You don't even look like you there. Look at you. 17 years old. Still a kid. Kid games. 18. Teenager. Holy shit. Crazy. Getting there. 18 teenager holy shit crazy getting there
Starting point is 00:59:29 19 no games no games yeah 20 no games nope nice shoes 21 20, no games. Nope. Nice shoes. 21.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Semifinals. Semifinals. But no games. So I, leading up to, so I obviously finished the teenage division when it was in 2017. That was my last year I was eligible to compete. And then in 2018 that's that's regionals was still around original regionals and I missed it by by a it wasn't like a ton but it wasn't like I was on the cut line and missed it and then 19 is when they started switching up the structure so I was really disheartened when they switched up the structure because i felt like 19 was going to be my regionals debut and it never then we went
Starting point is 01:00:30 through 2019 and i don't even remember the whole structure that i guess that was 2020 was the sanctionals i don't even remember how all this worked and then 2021 was made to semifinals which was essentially my regionals debut uh and then 2022 games okay so so but so this 2021 no um who took this photo do you know i don't know it's a pretty cool photo yeah it's really cool uh and and then and then there it is. You dyed your hair. And God, look at those bruises on your hips. What happened?
Starting point is 01:01:10 We trained in a vest a lot that week leading up to that. And then this is it. You made it. God, what a long journey. What year did you stop doing gymnastics? 2013. So 13 years old. Yeah, and then it was a few months until my mom took me to CrossFit for the first time.
Starting point is 01:01:33 And if you want to hear all that in detail, by the way, the other podcast I did, Rebecca and I did, is awesome. I highly recommend it if you want to get on the Rebecca Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Fusile. Oh, Fusile.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I'm going to do F-E-W. Fusile. That's better, right? I'm doing it now. Fusile. Yes. Holy shit. Fucking good.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And this is you've just competed some of the finished event, and you're looking at Matt. No, that was one of our gym members that was in that side of the arena. Okay. Sharing the love, like giving him some of the energy. Happy. Sandbag. Holy shit, what a cool.
Starting point is 01:02:24 You got to do the sandbag hey what's the deal isn't that um there's no uh thank you heidi yeah if you say lay oh god you're good if you say oh damn heidi i'm right if you i'm gonna do s-a-y say lay if you say no wait if you say lay oh if you. Oh, fuse, okay, okay, okay. Fuse, say. We're getting closer, though. Okay. So what's the deal here?
Starting point is 01:02:53 You, did they really tell you that there's no, isn't it weird, like, that they didn't tell you how many lifts you get? Yeah, and there's still a part of me. Or what the time domain is? So I was a little bit upset about that actually let's talk um and i think just because in the past we've competed so many like heavy lifts that you're like you get 20 seconds bar is on the ground it's all or it's off the ground you completed the lift give us the standards on that and they literally explained it like um we're not gonna give you a certain amount of lifts we're gonna
Starting point is 01:03:26 be really like easy going with how much time you guys have to lift so that being the next sandbag that i didn't make i feel like i kind of looked back at that and i was like should i try it again i don't i don't really know right so that's a little bit wishy-washy but I mean that was just weird but it was a fun event it's so weird and I don't know if it's because who I I the posse I hang with but that seems to be more of a theme now than ever before that the the bump that the things on the on the um edges it's a little blurry what the where your lane is and where the other person's lane is. There's things have gotten a little gray. And I feel I feel like that's a slippery slope.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So let's hope it goes in the right direction. Because in the sport you come from has some of that also. Right. There's a subjective component from the sport you come from has some of that also, right? There's a subjective component from the sport you come from. Yeah, it's one of the most. But there are very few, and we've talked about this before and just around here. There are very few sports that are, there's a clear black and white side. Golf, the ball is in the hole or it's not. It's out of bounds. side golf the ball is in the hole or it's not there was not enough yeah there's there's no like most sports do have like a judging component and we are in in one of those sports i mean i i'm
Starting point is 01:04:56 there are still a lot of situ every competition you go to and that's something like i've grown into under a better understanding as a competitor is like you will with the amount of events we compete, you will get a crappy judge on one of those events or a judge that miscounts or a judge that doesn't hold this standard or something. Something goes wrong. You just got to be fit enough to cover for it and smart enough to adapt with it. smart enough to adapt with it. Well, that's, that's smart. So I've told the story a bunch, but my, my buddy, Travis Bajan, who is a professional arm wrestler said, Hey, there's always two people you have to beat. And I'm like, really who? And he goes, your opponent and the judge. It's like, you always have to be aware. The judge is one of the players. It's not a judge. They are, they're a player too. Hey, do you think it's important to be really nice to your judge then too not not to not that you're being fake but that you address them as human beings you
Starting point is 01:05:49 let them know you're a human being hi how are you hey what's up maybe slap them on the ass it's important not to be an a-hole not to be an a-hole to your judge yeah don't do that yeah um i don't like if a cop pulls you over don't be like what the fuck exactly okay i mean they literally have your reps in your workout in their hand right there they have control right so i wouldn't be an a-hole to them but i always try to be courteous and introduce myself it's like because i feel like with the judges out there especially since it's like such it's a community right uh and such a big part of our sport is like i'm like hey you and me we a team we a team let's do this thing yeah okay yeah i i i i like that um so sandbag okay so so a little bit uh good that makes me
Starting point is 01:06:41 hear because i because i was uncertain too i'm like why not just stay out there forever like just stay out there until adrian has to come out there and be like okay you you're taking advantage i don't know 2023 is that just after the games yeah that that's um quarterfinals this year crazy and that's it. Easy to put that video together? Yeah, that one's super easy. Easy. This is a few clips I had saved. This is the,
Starting point is 01:07:18 and then this has become the, this has really become a moment. This is that, and you know, there's that, this is going to become one of those top 10 iconic moments um in the sport very smart of the um crossfit games the organizers especially adrian adrian actually is down there telling the people that they can come in around you did that bother you at all or did you like it? I was so delirious at that point.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Oblivious to it. You don't know that there's an iconic moment happening. What the fuck is this man? And that's what's, it's still like, I'm so, here's, it's all about like the different perspectives, right? have the one perspective that oh I mean you can kind of understand because it's replicated in our community in workouts in your community and in your boxes and everything but to that degree it's crazy and I never really truly understood it I got done carrying the bag tried to make my way off to, um, back to the, to where the bus and where we were getting bused back to like, so embarrassed and from being finished last. And I went up to, I remember walking into Matt and I was like hobbling because my body was just wrecked at that point. Um, just like saying,
Starting point is 01:08:43 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That's not what we wanted. That's not what we were here to do. That's not the finish I wanted. So there is that perspective of it. So you think you shit the bed. Well, you did shit the bed, I guess, to be honest. Yeah, as a competitor.
Starting point is 01:09:06 But all these spectators are seeing a world-class battle, and they can't even believe they're witnessing. They're watching a warrior. I mean, you're ready to die on your shield there. Right, right. And so they're all fucking excited. They can't believe they're witnessing this shit. It took me a long time to come around to the other perspectives.
Starting point is 01:09:22 It was hard. Yeah, isn't that nuts? Yeah, it's true. Wow. So two totally different things here you're fighting for your fucking life and watching a shitty performance and these people are like wow this is the greatest performance we've ever seen at the games we can't believe we're witnessing this yeah it's crazy it's a weird it's a weird moment but here's here's where i'm at with it at the moment because i'm so proud that that's a part of my story and our story as a community yeah and let's go make something of it now uh ken walters um and non-crossfit communities that
Starting point is 01:09:54 tuned in are seeing what our sport is all about yeah it kind wow it kind of is i'm trying to think if there's ever been another moment in all of crossfit games history where an outsider could really see what our sport's about that's stronger than this in one shot because it is weird that's like what are the fans doing you know what i mean it's almost like it's some sort of sick ritual like you're being punished yes she stole from the store now she must carry the rock up the stairs and then we throw tomatoes at her it's fucking crazy i'm sure some people that don't know crossfit thought it was that yeah how cool uh there is um i wonder if i have uh easy access to it um there is uh where is that oh this is crazy ab ab matt made this for you it you? I had to watch this three times to understand what the fuck this is.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Yeah, and kind of trippy looking. Dude. And trippy. So what you're looking at here, people, is a jump box, right? Yeah. Do you use that or is that just for show? Do people actually jump on that? The very first day I had it at the gym I took it out because we had
Starting point is 01:11:05 the class was so big we needed an extra box but um I told people there they can't use it on the 20 inch side and it's kind of in our front room as like an extra an extra box so I did I did give everybody full permission if you're like extremely upset with me for any reason you can go jump on my my face or kick my face on that box so why would ab mat make are they sponsor of yours yeah i've been working with them for a little while now but i think they were experimenting with their new like image on the box they've done like logos before which is really sick like to get your gym's logo customized on them but i think they were experimenting with like a picture and what
Starting point is 01:11:49 better picture to use dude that that's really cool i thought i thought it was a pic i thought it was a picture frame yeah that's super cool well congratulations that's uh that's awesome yeah okay back to enough of this wishy-washy shit let's go back to this where are we um where are we capital workout okay here we go this i i like this this is uh back to the heady shit here Here we go. Rebecca Fusile. Listen up. Damn, I tried to say it with confidence too. I was like, Rebecca Fusile.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Rebecca Fusile. Oh, I posted this yesterday. Yep, you got it. Rebecca Fusile. Here she is, ladies and gentlemen. Here we go. Talk about this all the time too. If you're going to work and you don't like your work, go do something else.
Starting point is 01:12:52 You have that power. But if you are not going to go try something else, guess what? You signed up for that job. You signed up for what you did today, and you need to make the best of it. That's personal responsibility and accountability? Mm-hmm. And who do you think taught you that? How do you know that?
Starting point is 01:13:13 Sports and athletics. I don't really. I mean, I've always grown. I mean, my parents are hard workers. Like, my household is full of hard workers, and I'm in a community of hard workers, people that want to get fit, and they come and do it. And if you don't like it, you better sign up for something else tomorrow and stop. We need to stop playing victim and feeling sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Okay. I want to talk about that, stop playing victim or feeling sorry for yourself. How does someone know do you think someone can know this um whether you should quit or or or push through the hard times like if you're feeling sorry for yourself do you quit or push through the hard times i knew when i right when i said, isn't it funny how a play on words can spark interest or make people snap? Like playing victim. I knew right when I said that. I was like, wait for this.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Other people are going to respond to this. I really like it, by the way. It's one of my favorite lines. Don't play the victim. I love it. People need to be real with themselves and then call out their bullshit. If you can't start doing that, then you're not where you need to be. And you could be better.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Be better. And that's the hard truth is stop making excuses. If it's truly something that's not working, like you've tried different things. I don't care if this is in reference to your job, working out, a project you've been working on, right? I don't know. Whatever it is you're doing, you got to try the different things things first and that's the work. And if it's not working, you're in the wrong spot. You got to go do something else with your effort. Okay. But what happens is people try one thing and they're like, Oh, it's just this situation, this situation
Starting point is 01:15:19 popped up or this, if they're trying to blame things, you can't control trying to blame things you can't control and i think i think that's that's it you just have to focus on what you can control and your effort towards that and if it if it does if it works awesome you're in the right spot if it doesn't work you need to move and that's why that whole that whole section is called move if you don't like where you're at move because you can do that for for raising kids there's people there's parents all around me all the time that let their kids quit things all the time like i see it everywhere you know what i mean i mean all honestly besides me and my wife i don't see any other parents who, who they all let their kids quit. I don't let, I do not let my, I do not let my kids quit. It's not, it's even, it's even gnarlier than that. There's no, but only if it's surmountable. Do you know
Starting point is 01:16:19 what I mean? I'm not going to put them in an algebra two class at six years old and say, you're not going to quit. It's insurmountable. But if the goal is to, um, all you have to do is go to tennis class and you're the worst person in the class. It doesn't matter. You don't get to quit because we're never going to put you ahead of what you're capable of. Yeah. I'm right there with you because they were, um, I, I have coached some kids too, and this is a whole different world. This is not like traditional sports is strength and conditioning. I'm training these kids to hopefully make their other other sports better that they're doing right now, or to help supplement whatever they're doing right now. And there is something I've come across. And I was like what is it what's the difference and I was like
Starting point is 01:17:06 I've never and I know it like I'm getting old I'm turning old I guess I guess I'm just getting old because I'm that old person that's like where's the effort these days where can I find a kid that wants to do work because I always wanted to do the work in gymnastics and when it got hard I I hope my I don't know if my mom or my dad, or maybe both of them are watching it right now. We've talked about this before. I went through some shit in gymnastics and there was times after my career that mom was like, she even told me like, if I would have known, or if I'm sorry, I wouldn't have put you through that. I'm like, no, like you didn't let me quit. were always there for me you were always
Starting point is 01:17:46 there but when I needed the push like no you're gonna go we're gonna go drop you off and part of that was that's a really good point I'm always there for my kids too to make sure if you're going to in order to make it so your kid doesn't quit you have to always be there for him you have that is true yeah you do and they were always asking me they were always asking me how was your day what did you do today and i used to fight like every kid does i said good yeah it's fine that and i was that that kid and they're like is that it and is there anything other than good and like the classic like i'm fine it's the same thing like training and everything um but I to this I you don't appreciate it until later when you grow up and I guess you get old and I'm like
Starting point is 01:18:32 thanks mom for always pushing me thanks dad for always being there for me um but yeah I developed some just that discipline through sports and through them and not quitting. I'm crazy now. Like if I feel an ounce of, I'm not finished with this project yet, or am I quitting because it's easy? I'll just sit there and beat myself up. Like, nah, you got to finish it now. I'm stubborn. Can you give me an example of something you have? Um, well, I guess gymnastics, but something you did part ways with, like you did quit that you were like okay my time here is done yes i do i forget that i pole vaulted for three years in high school wow yeah i was on the track and field team and you were and you were happy to say forgot about that and and you were and when it was
Starting point is 01:19:22 over you were happy you were like okay i'm hanging my stick up i'm done yeah there is nothing i couldn't see myself going anywhere with that and you know what oh there it is again i couldn't see myself this is when the crossroads hit and i was like what am i gonna do with my crossfit career i was like i loveFit. I love this community. And I still 100% like nothing gets me pulls at my heartstrings like this place like Bolt in our community, and everything. And I told my high school track and field and pole vault coach. I was like, I'm not gonna jump my senior year. I was like, because I'm, I'm not gonna go to college for year. I was like, cause I'm, I'm not going to go to college for it. I don't, I don't want to go to college for it.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I'm putting my eggs into CrossFit and I made that decision. I did a couple, couple semesters, like three semesters of community college. And I was like, I'm not going to use this. Why? Cause I'm, I'm going to hustle. I'm going to work hard and put effort into what I love to do. That's a whole other story that I have that I've fought battles with people trying to tell me what to do. And I'm a little bit of a rebel in that sense. I'm like, don't tell me what to do.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I'm very methodical in how I do everything. It's not like I'm just sitting on the couch eating Cheetos and then telling you what I'm going to do. But I told them. And I got a lot of pushback. They're like, you're not going to use this. You're so talented. And I was just talented because I was a gymnast. I know how to run, jump, and flip upside down. So I'm decent at that sport.
Starting point is 01:20:57 But I was like, I don't want to do this. I'm not going to use it. It seems so smart. This was just a topic we had on the show the other day. No one asked me growing up, what do you want to do? And so they just basically told – so they would tell you – and what I wanted to do from a young age is I wanted to know what happened, where you were before you were born, and what happens when you die. I wanted girls to find me attractive. So I kind of wanted to know God. I wanted girls to find me attractive and I, and I, and I loved money.
Starting point is 01:21:32 And I like spending money. It's fun. And, but, but no one ever asked me that. And so, and so there, there was no, there was no plan. No one was like, Oh, you want to get girls? You should probably read a book uh and smarten up and you should probably work out every day and you should probably like watch less tv and make yourself more more appealing to the opposite sex do some shit that like makes you more manly learn how to use a chainsaw you know build a birdhouse some shit right invent a light bulb uh and and so people were trying to tell you what they wanted you to do like they tried to tell tell me what I – but probably no one even asked you what you wanted to do, right?
Starting point is 01:22:09 What's your goal in life? What do you want? Well, it's such a broad picture, right? No one – I say this all the time too. No one actually knows what they're doing. Do we know what we're doing? No one has this whole thing figured out. But as long as you start figuring yourself out, then you're doing do we know what we're doing no no one has this whole thing figured out but as long as you start figuring yourself out then you're you're doing something right that's well yeah that's huge right yeah i i i to this day like i know what i'm i'm starting to figure
Starting point is 01:22:38 out what i'm really good at and where my my talents are up, and what I personally enjoy doing, where I want all of this to go, still not exactly sure, but I know what I want to put my time and my effort into. Kyle Landis, did Thomas Edison get all the chicks? Dude, slayed. Savage. I believe it. Three bedrooms in his house, All of them filled with women. There's something else you say.
Starting point is 01:23:08 That's pretty crazy in this video that I love the perspective of it. I want to play a little bit more. Maybe you'll say it here. We got too many things to do in this crazy life, in this crazy world. We don't got enough time. So we need to keep moving and putting our best foot. And make every okay that's what i got for you guys oh maybe i missed it maybe you said it earlier but basically
Starting point is 01:23:35 it's this you basically say people say stuff and and and you let it stick so if someone calls you fat you say you're responsible for that as much as they are i'm paraphrasing why are you catching that and holding on to that like they call you fat and like right if like if i threw a ball if i threw a paper bag that was on fire at you you wouldn't catch it you'd move to the side but how come when i call someone fat they catch it and they hold it close to their heart and like you, you were kind of explaining this idea, like you don't have to do that. That was like, holy shit. I've never fucked. Oh, that wasn't that video. I was like, wow. I've never heard it. I've never heard it explained like that. That's some pretty good shit.
Starting point is 01:24:14 That was yesterday's, uh, mindset video. Um, I didn't post about it. It's on my, on my YouTube channel and it's, it's, it's true. Uh, that was was that was kind of a deep conversation because I can use my myself as an example. I've gotten comments on Instagram that I'm inappropriate or and you can tell like my Instagram is not a thirst trap or anything. No, no. Maybe it soon will be with my eyes like we talked about. But just a whole eye series rebecca's eyes but some people like just with the nastiness of social media will come on or slide into dm with a nasty comment that has no relation like i know i'm not that so what does that dm do go straight to the trash.
Starting point is 01:25:05 It literally gets trashed from my brain. But if someone in the past, and it could still affect me a little bit to this day, be like, come in and comment. She's too small. She's not strong enough. She'll never make it back to the games. That'll touch me. I've said this. I've said all that on this show by the
Starting point is 01:25:25 way not it'll touch me and i reacted last year that's how i met you savannah so our relationship at this point and oh socket girl that's a good sock ice socket girl wow i like it. Wow. At socket Okay. Okay. But so I think if you were to tell me that same thing this year, I've grown in like, that literally wouldn't affect me. If you told me like I was too small and not strong enough, that doesn't affect me. Last year, I was still feeling that little bit of insecurity. And I went into the games like, dang, i'm like the smallest one by like 10 pounds in here so is there is there i gotta get past is there a way is are there any tools how i'm sensitive to that too like someone i'm sensitive to things that people say all the time is are there tools that um how do we besides hiding and staying in our own little safe echo chamber how do we, besides hiding and staying in our own little safe echo chamber,
Starting point is 01:26:27 how do we not, are there any like practices or practical tools? I mean, that's everyone's problem, right? Someone says something to, someone cuts you off and you get fucking pissed. Like you take it personally. Like they went out of their way to fuck your world up. Yeah. And I mean, everybody has insecurities that did just hit you a little bit differently but i think if there's something you truly don't like about yourself you
Starting point is 01:26:49 better work to fix it right when someone calls me fat it hurts me and so if someone calls you fat and it hurts you or if someone calls you dumb and it hurts you and you you get mad at them you're missing an opportunity to be like why did that hurt me i i should i i you're missing an opportunity you're playing the victim spot on and we're not suggesting that everyone should be perfect and not nothing hurts you but these are opportunities spot on yeah that's where i was i was scared uh not not scared but that's the wrong word um a little bit all over the place in yesterday's. That's exactly what yesterday's like what I was talking about on my YouTube channel. And I was like, I hope that came across in the right way. like you say that i see that you know where um freedom and happiness is yeah because you're only free and happy when that shit when you can get past all that shit in my mind i think that's like the yeah it's especially sad when i see people who are my age and older rebecca who still get
Starting point is 01:27:57 bothered by shit that like when you're a kid you think oh old people have it so easy they'll get over all that shit and then now that i'm older i'm like wow most of the old people i know aren't even wise like they still letting that shit bother them yeah and i mean it is it for it does i can recognize it a little bit more in some people but you know what what really gets me to change is like it's so exhausting to hang on to those feelings of just like being hurt or being insecure. It's so exhausting. I'm like, I don't, I don't want to feel like that. I don't, I, why do I feel like that? I don't want to feel like that. And I don't, I simply don't want it to like weigh down every single day that I have. Like, I want to take advantage of every single day that, that we have.
Starting point is 01:28:41 So I don't want to feel like crap i don't yeah it's like leaving your car running in your driveway while you sleep at night it's just burning fuel for no reason like why are you feeling that why are you burning that it's exhausting running that program uh ladies and gentlemen i present to you uh rebecca few sedley few selena yeah this is holy shit man you're fucking savage this is crazy so i can make this bigger look at this people so this is this is where we get to where do standards come into play okay let me play this and then i want you to explain what i what i mean because that went to where do standards come into play? Okay, let me play this, and then I want you to explain what I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:28 because that went over my head. Let me play this, and then we'll talk about where standards come into play. Look at this, ladies and gentlemen. Pay attention closely. Have your feelings get hurt or maybe find some new goals. Here we go. This is truly remarkable right here. Crazy. crazy all the way all the way open at the bottom all the way down right okay
Starting point is 01:29:58 no kip right no kip people have been playing around those, so I jumped on the bandwagon. All the way at the top. This is nuts, man. This is – yeah, look at Alyssa. Yeah, this is crazy. Okay, what do you mean by standards? This is where standards come in. So everybody – so they're trying to make a push, right? It looks like between the Open and quarterfinals of just introducing new movements,
Starting point is 01:30:24 and we want to see that keeps things fresh it keeps things exciting and everything but you you i think you guys talked about it too i think i saw some clips and a little bit of some previous podcasts of like some controversy with some new standards what's wishy-washy where's the gray area you can't present gray area so i would love love love to see them introduce like some higher skilled gymnastics and keep it strict i am all about like some challenging strict movements but how do you judge that and i know people are playing around with this because it was on main site what if you were to program a strict uh bar muscle up would you have to just do like a one
Starting point is 01:31:05 would it be like a shuttle run uh like like how how would you do that i mean we we try to play i mean you did three and that's it you're toast you need a break oh yeah right yeah like how would you what would you like how would you do that in the CrossFit Games? Like how what would be like? You would do like a 200, 100 meter run. One of those 10 rounds. I think it would have to be something simple like that. And you'd only be doing like one or two at a time. The last time they. I mean, I would like to see it. It's a crazy photo op. I mean, your your body looks insane, right? Because everything gets all tense and shit. The men would look insane doing it too.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I mean, I think I'm thinking all the way back to regionals when they did regional Nate and they did this strict ring muscle ups. And they tried to put a standard on those. I think the standard was you put your you keep your feet in front of your hips. To designate that you're in a hollow position the whole time, but even that got wishy washy, so. That's the kind of the strict standard that I follow, but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my movement, too. I'm going to make it look pretty. To. God, it's crazy. It's, it's, it's so nuts. How smooth you do those. It's absolutely nuts. Hey, are those done now? Like how long before
Starting point is 01:32:34 you rest before you could do one more? Uh, I, I did two sets of three just because I was, I was, that was the first time I practiced them and um that was actually my second set I got a little bit better as I went on because I was learning the technique a little bit uh but after that totally smoked I think I could have gotten like maybe singles after that and what's getting blown up that's your that's your lats are just getting just your lats yeah yeah and just how fun general pulling. How many of the women do you think who go to the CrossFit games could do one of these strict of like we woke them up at three in the morning? We're like, excuse me, can you come outside?
Starting point is 01:33:21 I don't think very many could do it. I don't think very many either. Say that again. I don't think very many could do it to that standard. I think they can get away with some like throwing one elbow up and over too oh right um but i just say like top half oh that many oh that many you think 20 can i think they can get away with getting on top of the bar in a like chicken winging it you know how many do you think can do this right here watch this hands on the bar a full dangle you're just dangling is that is that a fitness term you're dangling you're you're you're you're you're you're you're calling that you got to be 99 i'm gonna put that in my next coaching video video. So you dangle from the pull up bar, but there's tension everywhere, right?
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah. Okay. And then, let's see. Okay. And then this, this is fucking nuts. This,
Starting point is 01:34:15 this transition is just, it's like magic right there. So I need to take advantage of my smallness. Yeah. And say like, I'm one of the best in the world at gymnastics when it comes to CrossFit. Because I need to be. I'm one of the smallest. There's no reason for me not to be with my background and for me being one of the smallest. That is hard for me.
Starting point is 01:34:40 So I know it's very hard for a lot of athletes that are heavier than me. How's your handstand walking oh we see danielle brandon like running on her hands can you do that shit getting better i'm more of like i've been working on my speed she's like someone like that definitely faster on their hands but i have more like stamina like i could like i can handstand walk when you when you see or do that are you like fuck that's dope i'm gonna start running i need to run for real yes yes yes i i've been working on like hey i can walk on my hands all day but i need to be faster about it yeah it's bizarre it's almost bizarre what she does who's the guy there's a guy too that runs on his hands
Starting point is 01:35:20 his is really weird his is like a jesus lizard he's even faster than her someone will say it in the comments i think is it will morat who the fuck is that someone will say it i mean any of those guys that are i mean oh tutor magda yeah wow it is tutor yeah it's weird it's weird it doesn't even seem uh doable amazing it's weird. It doesn't even seem doable. It's amazing. It's amazing. How about this right here? This is very, very quick. Listen carefully, people, what she's about to say here. I'm embarrassed to say I immediately tried this with no hesitation. You can lick your elbow out there. I'll send you guys a T-shirt. If you can lick your elbow out there, I'll send you guys a t-shirt. If you can lick your elbow, I'll send you a t-shirt. Is there anyone in the world who can lick their elbow?
Starting point is 01:36:11 Yes. There is? And I sent out two t-shirts. I don't mean like over here. I'm talking here. You're telling me there's someone who can – Yeah, the tip of your elbow. That's the only thing that I sent out t-shirts to. But once it it later on
Starting point is 01:36:26 like oh i hurt my neck doing that once that post was old i i did too like my trap cramped up and everything it was terrible i did i did i did not try it again after that uh i had like two people send it to me and then all of a sudden like more and more people were getting like pretty close but there was a lot of people that were pretty close to licking their elbows. I was impressed. I was like, I cannot – I was trying all different ways, and I was like, mm-mm. Yeah, that's crazy. Someone wanted to know, are you familiar with the Jesus lizard? Yeah, it runs super fast. I don't know if it runs on two feet, or I think I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:37:00 I'm an animal person. I will watch any animal videos. Yeah. I'll show you uh i have a feeling i'm gonna get in trouble for this someone in the comments has said jesus lizard question mark i think it was uh oh they're they're like yeah they do some crazy like touch the ground yeah i think they they can run on water okay here we go here we go there he is see him that's what tutor magda looks like when he's uh and daniel brandon looks like when their hands Okay, here we go. There he is. See him?
Starting point is 01:37:26 That's what Tudor Magda looks like and Daniel Branagh looks like when their hands down walking. And they can blow their head up real big like this, like a big fan around their head. And so they kind of look like Jesus with his long hair and shit and they run on water.
Starting point is 01:37:43 I'm going to get to Jesusesus lizard status soon so they got the um yeah they got the they got the um jesus name uh finally my final tidbit for miss how are you on time are you good good okay you are a tier athlete yes and i watched watched several videos. There was like this whole push all of a sudden where all the tier athletes were having these videos come out. And I want to say they triggered me. And as we know from this show, if they triggered me, that means I need to look at myself. But yours did not trigger me. And I just want to congratulate you on it.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Why did it trigger you? Was it the fact that everybody was coming out with videos at the same time? No. Or the message? The message. Okay. I hate ambiguity, pity party. Right there with you like like if you need if you if you're inside yourself
Starting point is 01:38:47 and you're like okay motherfuckers you think i'm too short for this i'll handle that shit or okay you say a girl can't do this i'll show you a girl can't do this or you say a black guy can't do this i'll show you a black guy can do this like i get that as internal fuel when you view the whole world like that like that person treated me like that chick don't want to fuck me because I'm short. That guy crossed the street because I'm black. Those people don't respect me because I'm a woman. When you just go there and you don't have any evidence of it, fuck you. I'm so irritated by that. I'm there with you. Like sack it up. And I think when people send out that message who have big platforms, they're basically demanding the sack it up and and i and i and i think when people send out that message
Starting point is 01:39:25 who have big platforms they're basically demanding the world play the victim like they because then people think it's cool to do that and so i just fucking love this message that that you give and um and uh and so i just i wanted to play it I just love this message. This gets me fired up. Here we go. Know this. You are in control. Look right there. You're just empowering people. Hey, and fuck you.
Starting point is 01:39:53 I'll stop the video whenever I want. It's my show. People will be like, why you stop the video so much and talk over it? This is my show. No, no, that's just know this. She got your attention. You're in control. Did you write this?
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yes. Yeah, you're dope. In fact, you are the only thing you can control. You decide what you do and how you do it. Let them assume. When they tell you what you can or cannot have, realize they don't know you. can or cannot have realize they don't know you when they question you realize they don't know you this journey is long it will test you so show your patience and your grit promise yourself this when it gets tough you will own. You'll own the hard work, the long days. I'm not going to tell you that I'm a role model for young girls. I'm not going to tell you how
Starting point is 01:40:55 important it is that I'm a role model for young girls. I'm going to fucking show you. I'm going to show you that I'm a role model for young girls. I not gonna tell you, I'm not gonna blab my fucking lip and fucking get on all fours and tell you what a great role model I am for girls I'm gonna fucking show you Rebecca Fusile in your effort and you will never ever
Starting point is 01:41:18 take no for an answer the heaviest weight you will ever carry is the weight of regret. So for that, leave no doubt. Work hard. Be persistent. Own who you are.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Live with no regrets. Dude, it's so fucking good. It's so good. You're so smart. Thank you. You're a wise woman, and you're a – I hate the term mentor, but you are made for mentor material. Lamp, look at – man, she's a star.
Starting point is 01:41:59 I know a thing or two about bright lights. See, look at – yeah, a lamp looks – Fucking A. Coming from lamp, I like it. Yeah, own yeah own who you are yeah it's so good and and this isn't like um this is this is like that's the message i want to see from stars like lebron like hey fucking work hard like work hard know who you are believe in yourself you have control like empower people don't give people like you're not giving people excuses yeah i just i just you're awesome thank you yeah you're so fun you're so cool i said that was last question but let me let me let me feel around and get one more in here
Starting point is 01:42:37 um so these other athletes they do train with other people like that's the whole thing right you see it everywhere on the internet you know what i mean someone's at the proven camp someone's at hwpo someone's at mayhem someone's like they're they're doing their stuff someone's at training think tank but you're just here cranking away with your uh your new husband just in your gym teaching people how to row and and doing your shit um do you think that that maybe just the grass is greener on the other side and that it's you know i mean like that shit looks fun on instagram maybe but that it's not really it's it's not what it's cut out to be what if i mean you have no experience with that at all right grass is greener like in a training camp yeah
Starting point is 01:43:22 or just like it looks fun on instagram to walk in the gym and oh look there's brooke wells there's t.o my god there's spencer panchick and and like you guys get at it and like they make it they make that shit look fun and powerful and intimidating and like ferocious and like wow but do you think that um where you're just in the lab um solo there's there's a couple ways to look at that. One is this is the only way I know how to train. Okay. It's like in the dungeon.
Starting point is 01:43:52 But really, when you were in track, it wasn't like that. And when you're in gymnastics, it's not like that. Like you're with your crew. So I'm an individual competitor, and we joke about this all the time. In gymnastics, yeah, you have your teammates and everything, but it's an individual competitor and we joke about this all the time in gymnastics. Yeah. You have your teammates and everything, but it's an individual sport. And I wasn't being a pole vaulter in track. I was like more or less in that very tight knit pole vault team.
Starting point is 01:44:16 We're very separated from the track and field team, but that was very nice. It was like, you felt like you were a part of the team and everything, but I didn't spend that much time in here. Now I got almost 10 years in CrossFit training, very traditional, like a very traditional way in that I go in, I coach, help take care of the gym, and train the on the hours that I'm not taking care of the gym. And I've just fallen in love with that. But I'm not oblivious to like in the future when I want I like this season, actually, and then seasons leading up to it as I want to be more competitive, it is good for me to reach out to other athletes and kind of benchmark where we're at through the season and get a solid push from athletes on the same level. Like we,
Starting point is 01:45:04 this past Saturday, we set up our quarterfinalists to literally race me on a workout, like they did a team version of it to help push me. And I love that too, because I know them and it's super fun for all of us in that sense. But also, I love for my personality, I know if I was in a training camp next to Brooke Wells and all of these other big name athletes every single day, I would personally like be beating myself like like I'm already the toughest competitor on myself. But the stress of having my other competitors in that comparison game right next to me every day might not be the greatest thing for me.
Starting point is 01:45:47 It might not be the greatest thing. It would be a good tool. I don't think I would benefit from having it every single day. Plus, I love getting to know myself better through a workout that I don't want to do that day and just having to grind through it by myself and see how much I have in the tank that day. I don't know if that, did that make sense? Well, you know, it's interesting what I started focusing on. I started focusing on the tone of your voice. Like you changed.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Like when we talk about competition, you changed. You got a little more. Yeah. You turn from Bill Bixby into the Incredible Hulk a little bit. You get a little more, you get a little puffy-chested on me. Listen, listen. Okay, sorry, one more, one more. Why did you get married?
Starting point is 01:46:34 I got married when I was – my wife had – I already had a kid. I had a kid that was two, and I was 45 when I got married. Why not just wait 10 more years until you get married? Oh, man, I found someone who can put up with me. I totally understand, but he's not going anywhere. He's not going anywhere. People change so much. Or maybe why not do it when like okay let me let me pose this to you this way i'll ask i don't want to give you an out
Starting point is 01:47:12 but well i was thinking why did she get married why not wait until the crossfit's over you know what i mean and she can do that later you know what i mean it's like it's like i'm waiting till i'm 70 before i get a tattoo like i can do it later. It's fine. It's something that can wait. I approve of that one. Okay. Well, I approve of that one. You love your dog. Why not just – is it so that you can – does it help you let go of something?
Starting point is 01:47:37 I hate the thought of you picking up baggage while you're trying to – I feel like you should be letting things go so that you have more energy to focus on your on the games and not pick things up but i'm wondering maybe getting married let her like let go of something and i but i don't want to give you an out you come up with your own shit like i just think no it's not an out it's actually making me making me think a little bit more because i'll get into like wedding talk. And so many people ask me, like, why would you plan a wedding midseason? I'll get to that in a second. First of all, think about the entire conversation we've had this whole time.
Starting point is 01:48:16 I am proud to say that I think I am the oldest 23 year old. Yeah, for sure. For sure. For sure. And you're, you're an adult for sure. I feel like I'm talking to a full blown adult and I do know what I want. And also Matt and I, I cannot do, and I will not be the person I am without Matt by my side and 100% y'all, y'all think I have confidence in all these other things. 100%. That is my person. We are the, there is no better teammate for me. And I, I just, I just know that the things we've done for bolt together, the things he's helped me like accomplish in, in, in my career.
Starting point is 01:49:04 And it never ever this relationship is never a task as it is just like extra fuel and then hey wait okay go ahead go ahead go ahead planning the wedding and everything we got married at the time that we did so we could put all of our focus on the rest of the season. Yeah, and I wasn't so much thinking about the time and the season. I was thinking the time in your life. Jodi Lynn, one of my favorite listeners. Geez, Sevan, give her a break if she wants to get married.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Let her. No, I will not. Now, listen, here's the thing. What if in three years a Scientologist comes to her door and she fucking embraces Scientology and it's a deal breaker? She's at a very porous age. Do you know what I mean by porous? Like you're absorbing still. You haven't become a closed-minded old fuck yet.
Starting point is 01:49:57 And so like maybe Jehovah Witness would come by. Maybe in a couple years you're going to realize you're a dyke. There's – anything can – and I mean that with love and peace. I love myself a lesbian. Anything can happen still. Her brain isn't even fully developed. She's 23. Like maybe she's going to become a vegan.
Starting point is 01:50:15 She's going to see something that's going to influence her, and she's never going to eat meat again. Like anything is possible. She is – as much as we see how advanced she is, don't forget, she hasn't even, her big flower hasn't come out. She's a sunflower, and it doesn't even have the seed. She hasn't even opened that big, massive thing yet. Beautiful picture. Thank you. With the eyes on the sunflower.
Starting point is 01:50:35 Yeah, big old fucking eye sockets on the Japanese eye sockets on the sunflower. Or, here's the other scenario. What if I die tomorrow? Yeah, yeah. And I'd play that game too yeah exactly so right right so i know what i want at the moment right yeah fair enough okay fair enough i mean divorce sounds horrible horrible yeah do you remember what happened last time you talked to me no what happened was right in the beginning stages of my parents' divorce. Oh, that's right. I do remember that.
Starting point is 01:51:09 It was very awkward and sensitive at the time. Yeah. Well, you handled it. So how are they doing? Great. Great. The family, we are still intact. We're one big family still.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Oh, really? Love them to death. Oh, good. Mm-hmm. Okay. You know know i want to have you on um more i just get i get nervous having um uh people on i get nervous having everyone on but like i'm always like what are we going to talk about what are we going to talk about i i so enjoy all of these conversations and i think it's it's a little bit weird. I feel almost pressure sometimes when I go on a podcast to be like this, I'm just a comedy freak out here and
Starting point is 01:51:51 doing all these crazy things, but I really love and enjoy having these like deep conversations and how we can like improve and be better. So I've, I've enjoyed it and yeah, anytime happy to chat. I liked how complimentary you were about you. Also your experience on the Clydesdale podcast. Oh yeah. Those are good peeps. Yeah. That was really, that was, uh, that was really cool.
Starting point is 01:52:18 I was, I was one out of like, however many athletes that they, they interviewed and they video, they interview every single athlete and i was just a rando at the time right that just happened to have their breakthrough and they had that material ready to go like that that's like that's i can't thank them enough for that and started help painting the picture of like the story and everything so uh by the way that's another quality uh josh bridges has uh right there that um he is very thankful of the media he's all he's always like hey thanks for the attention you guys give us thank you he never never never misses a beat on that not all the people do that most don't uh stephen flores um between team sports or individual sports, which one is more valuable outside in the real world?
Starting point is 01:53:07 Miss Fusile. Fusile. There you go. There you go. They both have their sides. I mean, look, I feel like I'm in the most magical sport there is. It's like an individual sport as I wanted, but I got teammates around me. I can't pick one side because individual sports helps you build discipline.
Starting point is 01:53:37 And then team sports is just like you're interacting with people the way you would in the normal world. You're interacting with people the way you would in the normal world. Honestly, the more I get into what people need more, it's probably – I'd probably lean towards team. It teaches you how to work with others in a way that you still have to carry your own weight. There you go. In real time, she worked it out for you. Kazavi on Joyner. I got married at 23. The agreement is that the other person is willing to love even the person you become in the future. So, um, 100%. And Matt and I have been together for a while now. And there is, um, we do have a pretty significant age gap. And he kept letting me know that and I kept letting him know that as I was like, we're just going to grow for a few years and decide that if we if, if he never, ever, ever wanted to stop me from an opportunity. And he was always very clear on that. Like he's like, I know, I remember where I was at, at 23.
Starting point is 01:54:49 So that's an honest talk. Yeah, always. So how I just, how I do it, I do it. I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I personally want things taken out of my life. I think maybe you meant you thought it as a negative thing. I see it as a positive thing. He's saying marriage doesn't take away. It adds 23 is only young in America in 2023. I was married at 21 and I've been married for 35 years. Wouldn't change a thing. We
Starting point is 01:55:15 grew together and kudos to you for that. I also have been with my wife for almost 30 years and it's the crowning achievement of my life i truly mean that but that that relationship is the crowning achievement of my life but um by takeaway i mean i don't want things on my mind i want to be free for things i want free from things i want less things in my garage i want less clothes to choose from that i have to wear oh we need to talk about that real quick too uh and i i i want to be free from things so i'm guessing by free from things i mean did she marry from that I have to wear. Oh, we need to talk about that real quick too. Uh, and I, I, I, I, I want to be free from things. So I'm guessing by free from things, I mean, did she marry Matt and then she doesn't have to worry about that. Does it help somehow solidify the relationship
Starting point is 01:55:55 in the most superficial sense that he isn't going to date another woman? But, but, but that's what I meant. Does it free her? Does it, does it free her from any concerns? Does it does it lighten her load, her burden of thought? That's what I meant. I totally understand. I totally understand what you're saying. But I, I mean, I guess in a sense, I mean, I never felt like we were at a situation where that was ever a concern for me and part of that is like we're literally around each other 24 7 working here at at the gym and everything um but i think what i felt when we got married which things aren't like much different at this point besides the fact that we're that we're legally married um the only thing i felt boom next chapter we open the book let's go run with this thing now like there's no no other things to worry about like i i guess that i do kind of feel that in in a sense like it lifted a burden. Yeah, it was just like we checkmarked this thing, and it's going to be amazing.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Jeffrey Birchfield, I was 26. My wife was 22 when we married. Everything's hunky-dory. Susan Krikava, I was married at 17. 23 isn't too young. Here we go. Yanni divorced at 30. All right. Good way to fuck that up, Yanni. Thank you. We were on a roll. I appreciate it. Um, Corey Leonard, a team sports teach you to get along with everyone, even people you may not like.
Starting point is 01:57:44 that answer when it made me really think about it just because I've been in individual sports my whole life but I think so many people especially in this day and age where we're not around as people we can get away with a lot of technology and everything and not be around as people as much but team sports do make you learn how to communicate with others but you do end up like still having to pull your own weight if it's a successful team you know like i like where that question went hey isn't this a fucking cool show yeah look at this watch this this guy howie we were just talking to him and now he gets to contribute back again he says get being married adds stability like kind of he i just got schooled a little bit in real time like i'm thinking like i'm all wise because i'm getting rid of shit and he's like but it adds stability and that's huge he's right
Starting point is 01:58:28 it does and and you know what puts a beautiful beautiful three words it's cool thank you howie what puts the most confidence in me and matt and our relationship is matt is just as hard of a worker if not a a harder worker than me. And I'm like, that's, Oh yeah. I like that. You got a little competition. Yeah. I like that. I like that. Yeah. We're always busting our butts over here. Hey, that's how I feel about my coaches. I want to, I'm in competition with my kids' coaches. And if I ever feel like I'm beating them, they're done. Yeah. Like if I feel like, do you know what I mean by that? Like I do like that.
Starting point is 01:59:08 I want to feel uncomfortable when I want to feel bad when I don't bring my kid to class. I want to know that my coach kind of, even though I'm paying them, I want them to be like, like the other day, the tennis coach was like, Hey, it would be nice if you could get a steady flow of not missing a class, any of your kids for a few weeks because we had all the rain and shit. And I'm like, wow. Like, okay. I like just putting that pressure on me. He's winning. He's showing me he's more committed than I am. I don't like that. I like that. Uh, David, we, you all need to relax and mind your own business, dude. We didn't, we didn't ask her the last time
Starting point is 01:59:38 she fucked. Like we're just chilling. We're just, just relationship talk you chill david and smoke a blunt and chill chill we're just uh hi david look at yeah hi david david's a very aggressive man he a regular listener of the show okay ken walters i've been married 32 years and i still am shirtless uh i've been married 32 years with my wife, 35 years. Sometimes it adds, sometimes it subtracts to my day. David says he's in Spain. David says hi. Oh, I feel like if you guys can recognize like the way it adds and subtracts. I mean, you guys are winning, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:22 I love it. I love it. This is all part of my life right now like recently married getting into the games we've covered covered all the bases yeah thank you you're fantastic human uh good luck we will be watching um i'm probably going to talk less shit less shit about you than ever before uh i'm a believer okay good but i'm a believer you made me a believer i'm i'm a fool rebecca fusile fan yeah what about hey what about a um has that guy a wad zombie ever reached out to you about doing a rebecca card he did a long time ago and he recently followed up that
Starting point is 02:01:01 he was switching over some things but i'll i'd like to have a rebecca back here i'll squeeze you i'll squeeze you in between daniel brandon and patrick velner oh and colton merton oh look i keep colton right here i keep colton on the desk next next to me yeah i have chatted with him a couple times okay those are very cool all right uh tell the team over at bolt um thank you very much tell matt thank you for letting us borrow his amazing wife for the morning and um we'll be in touch if there's ever anything i can do for you um okay one last question uh yawn clark how long has matt coached rebecca my whole crossfit career it's almost 10 years yeah awesome all right
Starting point is 02:01:49 10 years yeah awesome all right ciao girl thank you yeah bye have a good have a good day you too bye rebecca fusile fusile like few like not a lot fusile thank you yon for the loop fusile uh trevor see you at 405 rebecca she was 13. Trevor, see you at 4.05, Rebecca. She was 13. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 02:02:14 Seve, is that a man bun? Yeah, I know. Oh, Jesus. Do you guys really want to do it do you really do you really want to do the fucking talk about her and her fucking husband's age difference do you really want to do it i don't want to do it it came up on the last show i don't want to it. I don't want to beat a dead horse. I. You're. I'm torn between having confidence in her decision and confidence in who she is and. Yeah, it's I don't know if I want to talk about it. Let's keep it real, Seve. I love you too. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Can't wait to have you back on, actually. Listen, I don't know anything about their fucking I don't know anything about their relationship She's fucking, she got married when she's fucking 22 or 23 You're not allowed to marry someone if you knew them before that they were 18 Like, I don't know what the fuck As a parent, listen As a parent, you'd be mortified I can tell you a circumstance I don't know what the fuck. As a parent, listen, as a parent, you'd be mortified. I can tell you a circumstance.
Starting point is 02:03:51 I don't know how old her husband is, but I can tell you a circumstance right now where you wouldn't be mortified. If your daughter was 22 years old, she married a guy who was worth $300 million, and he was 44, you wouldn't give a fuck. So. I don't know. I don't know how old he is.
Starting point is 02:04:20 I don't know how old he is. I don't know that. She said there was a significant age difference. Okay. She left the room and now we're all like, okay, let's talk. Let's figure this shit out. Morning Savant finally caught a live show weekly dues thanks man thanks brother
Starting point is 02:04:50 appreciate it i do uh jethro uh cardona uh my neighbor is 24 she married a 53 year old last year uh can one of the uh boys uh marry a 50 year old woman in 12 years if they knew her present day I think so can she be 40 50 seems a little old can she be 40 good question
Starting point is 02:05:24 and how much does she got in the bank 50 seems a little old. Can she be 40? Good question. And how much does she got in the bank? Trish, that's why you talk about it when they are in the room, meaning I fucked up the interview by not bringing it up. Thank you. Yeah, does she have $4 million, Hillary? Yeah, exactly. $400 million, Hillary? Yeah, exactly. $400 million. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Mike McCassey. Hello, Mom, Dad. It's me. It's me. Cheryl. I want to marry my counselor-minister-therapist. He's only 17. God, I saw something so fucked up yesterday
Starting point is 02:06:09 you guys want to see it where the fuck is it I saw someone sent me a clip of this show that's on Disney it is fucking wild I saw someone sent me a clip of this show that's on Disney. It is fucking wild. I cannot believe this is a real show. You guys want to see it?
Starting point is 02:06:38 You guys ready? This is... Yeah, she just seems very happy. She seems very happy. What am I avoiding? What do you want to talk about? Tell me. I'm not avoiding anything. I'm looking at the comments.
Starting point is 02:06:53 I see some of you guys are fucking flipping out because her coach was coaching her when she was 13, and now she's married to him. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you. I don't. I don't know what to tell you. I don't, I don't know what to tell you. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 02:07:14 I mean, you, uh, uh, Rebecca, um, when was the first time you guys were naked together? I mean,
Starting point is 02:07:21 I'm not going to ask her that. I'm not. I mean, I'm not going to ask her that. I'm not. I mean, maybe some... That's her parents' job to ask her that. Kazavion, this may be the first time I've actually seen Sevan avoid a subject. Like, he's growing.
Starting point is 02:07:39 I like it. He's growing. I'd like to get Hayley on again too so okay here we go he was watching her as a child for a long time then as soon as it was legal he fucked her oh my god that's like the cliff notes version that's like okay um oh here we go
Starting point is 02:08:12 uh hi thank you fuck yeah you don't i didn't know you had controversial opinions like this are you gonna weigh in on this one second i have you on in the background you can hear me yeah you sound and look great. Thank you for saving me. You're just floundering. You saw me? You saw fire all around me? You're like, fuck, you put on your fire suit and came in to get me?
Starting point is 02:08:34 You're freaking out over here about this whole thing. Hey, that other camera angle, you look like you're 50 pounds heavier. In that one? Yeah, because you're on the edge. Yeah, you look you look like you're 50 pounds heavier and that that one yeah because because you're on the edge yeah you look all just like you look like like you look like i just worked out do i look huge huge huge yeah i'm i'm i'm leaning out a little bit like you hey when i see hillar wear street parking clothes someone said nice shirt hillar i you know what i see i see that
Starting point is 02:09:04 it's just i see that it's just i see that he's running out of clothes that he hasn't done the wash but he's at the bottom of the barrel i don't mean that as a dig to street parking i'm just telling you that's what i think there's another one that i really like it's black on black it would be a cool ceo shirt actually if it was a black shirt with a lighter black ceo i like it i like it yes yes uh travis you get on that please okay do you are you gonna weigh in or do you want to weigh in on are you okay she was 13 she had a coach um uh no he could why couldn't he have been why couldn't he have been subtly why couldn't he have been um like liked or liked her and then he saw her blossom into a woman and then and then it
Starting point is 02:09:45 and then it changed why can't why can't that be um eric weiss i don't have a chest vein right now oh yeah i saw that video yesterday with his chest vein the uh eubanks video okay go ahead what do you what do you want to know about um well i asked you a couple of questions you wouldn't mind if one of the boys ended up marrying one of their present day? No, I wouldn't mind. But for some reason, I think it's different with boys. Well, should it be? It's like Nilfmanor again, isn't it?
Starting point is 02:10:15 I just think. Could there be a Nilf dungeon? Is that something that society would be cool with? Yeah. I don't think it's as cool as everyone thinks i don't think your for your 15 year old boy should be fucking his 26 year old teacher i do think that that damages boys as fun as us like boys like as much as us boys think oh that sounds fun fucking your drama teacher right getting a blow job from the 26 year old hot chick at the high school i i still think it fucks your kid up but if my son is 20 years old and he married a uh a 45 year old woman who's known him since he's been five um i i don't know
Starting point is 02:10:56 i guess i just trust how a woman's brain works more i'm really my only concern is the fact that he could change like what's going to happen when he wants to become a monk in five years or or like do some weird shit right you know that's probably the biggest thing is a lot of the angry comments in here they they kind of think that who you are is who you always are there is no changing you once you've done something you're kind of done so they're assuming that he's been this way forever which is what i've seen is what they're saying is a grooming comment i can't possibly imagine though i see ellis and nyc and you're freaking out can we send her a link so so as philip kelly sebon with this is outspoken as you are on the live show about these topics such as grooming it's not unreasonable to ask the dynamic of their relationship she's prepared
Starting point is 02:11:40 to answer those questions uh i i guess so i don't even – to be honest with you, I don't even know what grooming is. When I think of grooming, I have to make up – like I don't have any experience with it, but what I think it is is like – Right. I think grooming is like someone – a little kid comes to your house, and you start offering them candy, and then somehow you lure them into your – like I don't understand the psychological dynamics of disarming a child. Is this urban dictionary-able? I don't want to taint the show with Rebecca. That's what I don't want to do. I think maybe grooming – I've never thought about this clearly, but it's some convoluted courtship, right?
Starting point is 02:12:20 It's basically courtship for a child. I'm just saying that. There we go. You want me to pull it up? It's like once she's that old, how is it any of our business? Unless you think she's being held hostage. I think that they're saying that because she was so young, this guy's had an agenda for an amount of time. That's the way that i view it and if the agenda has been this entire time and the the brain was kind of wiring its way in a certain way the entire time then she's just stuck that way yeah it's
Starting point is 02:12:55 almost like you train a dog to not pee in the house and how do you do that well when it's a puppy you do things that make it go outside i definitely i definitely think that uh i'm 100% for dogs not peeing in the house just like i'm 100 there's no exception there's no exception just like i'm i'm 100% against um uh a 19 year old being with a 13 year old like i like even if there was some circumstance where this 13-year-old was fucking developed like a 25-year-old, I don't give a fuck. I think we need to have those laws. Oh, here we go. Someone's going to tell me what grooming is.
Starting point is 02:13:32 Sean Lenderman, years of emotional manipulation, but really it's unfair to be just like, oh, she walked in at 13 and this guy was like, yep, that's my wife in 10 years' time to groom. But let me ask you this. let's say he did think that wow this i'm not sexually attracted to this girl but i could see myself marrying her in 10 years then i i i and he didn't act on i don't know i just i i it here's the deal he didn't i don't i mean the whole thing why you're not supposed to have sex with kids is you don't want to harm them and sexualize them at a young age. There's like a predatorial aspect to it. You don't want to sexualize kids. It will fuck them up forever. It's like giving them a fucking eating disorder that they'll be stuck with their whole life.
Starting point is 02:14:20 And there's no escaping once you have that. There's no escaping it. You can't get like to years and years of therapy. there's shit that can happen to us that you don't escape till you die sorry go ahead hillary what what perspective are you looking at this as are you looking at as i don't even know how to look at him because i'm stuck on the her to him perspective i mean what do you mean by that what do you mean what do you mean i just see it as a 23 year old married to a 40 year old she just got married like come on happy. I just see it as a 23-year-old married to a 40-year-old. She just got married.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Like, come on. I think I just saw her on a post somewhere on her Instagram. What was it, months ago? They just got married? It's like a happy time of her life. I know you've never seen the movie Shallow Hell. I know you've never seen it. What's his face?
Starting point is 02:15:01 The premise of the movie is the dude is super shallow he only likes skinny girls big tits blonde the whole shebang and then i have seen that movie you see he gets stuck in the elevator with the dude with giant hands and and i don't remember that watches him and yeah though the chicks that he would have never talked to before he sees is super attractive yes yes and he meets this chick and he's in love with her and he's gonna get married and then his buddy unbrainwashes him and he says this quote which is if everyone tried to tell you that the woman you were dating didn't look like wonder woman but you still saw her as wonder woman would it matter and he goes that's
Starting point is 02:15:40 what i had with rosemary because he saw her and it didn't matter what everyone else said. So at this point, even if these people are – Well, age is different. It's different finding – Even if these people are – We have to protect our young people. That's the premise. We don't have to protect fat people.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Okay. Right, right? Okay, okay. We just have to protect young people. Here's the thing, dude. I'm just saying, for anyone who knows, if you fast forward 20 years and she's just as happy as she is today and they lived a happy life and this entire argument is pointless.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Well, I think in the big picture, I'm going to go with the assumption that everything's perfect there. Yeah. Oh, here we go. You're lying to yourself, Savant. Okay, hold on. About what? What did we mention? I'm not sure but i'm i'm open
Starting point is 02:16:27 to that i've been known to do that um uh and melissa let's be clear uh grooming is not courtship it's manipulation brainwashing into improper relationships okay okay i'm with you guys we don't even have the fucking facts. I just, I, I'm trying to think if there's any, any, any,
Starting point is 02:16:57 I don't know. I, I, I look at my three boys and, and I, I would think you're fucking crazy if you're, if you're a female and don't see them and think, Oh shit, these are probably going to be great husbands when they get older regardless of how old you are. I don't think that there's any – I just – I think you can see her and not be – I think you can see – I mean they obviously had a relationship, right? She was there
Starting point is 02:17:25 um she he coached her he's coached her for 10 years since she's been 13 why can't it have been something that just developed i think it could have been yeah i mean i mean here's the other thing let's just say that they they now trust me i'm the first one not to trust fucking guys. So if you think I'm lying to myself, I'm open to that. I'm open to that. Everyone who's all angry, imagine everything is, let's just say, by the book, whatever that book might be. Yeah, like he didn't actually –
Starting point is 02:17:59 Well, he can't – Hey, when she was – Let me tell you something. There's no man on the planet who sees a hot 17-year-old girl and doesn't think, well, that's a hot 17-year-old girl. The thing is you just don't act on it. I'm guessing what you guys are thinking is like, hey, there might be something wrong with a man who finds a 13-year-old girl attractive. But if you're a fucking 25-year-old man and a fucking 17-year-old girl fucking walks into your gym and she's a fucking brick shithouse that looks like a fucking blossoming woman.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Like every dude's like trying to like not stare at her to be respectful. The healthy guys are trying not to stare at her. Wouldn't you say? Yeah. Yeah. Like one of my friends comes over to my house and all of a sudden I haven't seen his daughter in two years and all of a sudden she's fucking got giant D tits and she walks in the house and says, hi, someone tries to come hug me. I ain't hugging her. I'm being cool.
Starting point is 02:18:53 Yeah, am I hugging a 17? I'm just cool. I'm like, hey, girl, what's up? Nice to see you. There's just like a modicum of fucking like – but I don't know the details of their relationship so you guys are suggesting that she could have been groomed and that she's still brainwashed and doesn't know it Barry McCockner has Rebecca only dated Matt that's the question call her hi
Starting point is 02:19:17 hey Shetro so like I said in the comments my neighbor's 24 she married a 53 year old the 53 year old is just as old as her dad. And he has kids her age. And I got to preface it as I thought it was so weird because I'm 49 myself. And I couldn't even imagine her even looking at a 53 year old, but the dad was devastated. Her dad was totally devastated. Her brother didn't speak
Starting point is 02:19:45 to her for two years. Fast forward, they have a baby. The dad isn't accepting. The mom loves it. The brother's talking to her and everything is fine now. So unless we know about every situation with Rebecca and her husband, which we don't, of course, every situation is different. I think we turned this pretty good podcast from a great athlete who worked hard to talking about her unusual marriage, as we're thinking it. That's just what I'm saying. We've brought our own fucking twisted fucking bullshit to it.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Agreed. Yeah. All right, good. I think... What if we're wrong? What if we're wrong and it's like, yeah, fuck you. You guys are fucking naive. She was. Agreed. Yeah. All right, good. I think, I think, dude. What if we're wrong? What if we're wrong and it's like, yeah, fuck you. You guys are fucking naive.
Starting point is 02:20:28 She was fucking groomed. But like Andrew said, we don't know it until it lays out. Okay. 20 years from now. All right, all right. But aren't we supposed
Starting point is 02:20:35 to be protecting kids or it's too late? She's 22. It's like, fuck it. She's good, dude. Is she 23? Yeah, she is good. Or 23.
Starting point is 02:20:43 Right, we're not going to go back and unfuck this one. We'll just watch very closely from afar. All right, later. All right, thank you. Jethro, just be insane. Well, here's the thing. I came on because...
Starting point is 02:20:56 What if the couple was gay? Definitely not okay if it's gay. All right, all right. I'm going to talk. I'm going to talk. Okay. I came on because I was looking at the comments and Rebecca's on the show. And I think that it's ridiculous that there's people who are just like
Starting point is 02:21:12 throwing this stuff at an amazing, like seemingly super happy athlete. And it's, it's just nuts to me. Like she's probably looking at those comments, like, come on guys. And I don't,
Starting point is 02:21:23 I don't know. I just put myself into her position. And if she's sitting here and she's doing one of these it's like guys she just got married she's getting ready for semi-finals like chill out all right yeah we think she's she's good she's good and if she's not good then that's on her too she's living her life let it go let it be it's all good it's all good god i love you andrew thank you i i came out on my dude she's oh my god savon no what no what tell me tell me let me know uh jeremy garcia let's just be happy for in her marriage respect the concept marriage i mean dude i i'm i think i love her i
Starting point is 02:22:00 think she's awesome dude me too she's cool i can't she said she weighed 128 yeah that's nuts right hey she's so strong i didn't know she was that light um when i was in the shower this morning and that's where i do my best thinking i was thinking like she makes it look like it's fun to be her like all these other people you might be like oh hey i want to fuck that person i want that's body. I wish I had that person's money. Like, she actually looks like it's fun being her. Like, fuck, that would be cool to be her. She's free. She has fun.
Starting point is 02:22:32 She's deep and she's funny. I don't know. I think she. Imagine if someone. I think she's fucking. Like Hopper. Sort of a personality. Oh, Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 02:22:43 Yeah. Right. You know, I think. Yeah yeah she feels like she's 200 years older than jason right which is okay it's not a dig at jason she's just hopper admit that he says he feels or acts as if he's younger i don't i don't i don't uh remember mr kelly hi hey what's up dude okay i just i'm over here like chomping at the bit i just need to say look hillary everybody i think in the chat agrees that rebecca is great everybody sees how mature she is and what a great mindset she has now with that being said on a show like this where topics like
Starting point is 02:23:21 this are discussed it's not unreasonable for the viewers to also question some of the behavior and the dynamic in their relationship. Now, I understand wanting to respect her as a guest, and I think Trish did the best at respecting and asking questions. But just like Trish said, she's married the guy. She's prepared to answer these things right she made the decision like I don't care this is what I want she's already ready to answer those questions it's not unreasonable to ask wow he's been your coach for this long
Starting point is 02:23:54 yada yada yada is that hard for you to defend defend it or when you see comments from people something along those lines so it's easy to speak out about something when it's not facing you. And then it's also easy to turn a blind eye when it is facing you. I'm just saying it's not unreasonable to question any of it, which I think is what the chat was doing. Like, okay, fair enough. I get it. Let me just, let me, let me put some context to it.
Starting point is 02:24:22 Hold on, Philip. I want you to hear one thing. Sevan, would you let Avi marry his tennis coach in 12 years? It's a dude, so I don't really trust dudes too much. Let me say this about Allison real quick. Let me come to Allison's, not defense, but put some perspective on Allison and other super hot chicks in the world. First of all, Allison writes,
Starting point is 02:24:45 you'd be voicing a very different opinion if you had daughters in gymnastics instead of boys. The thing, the perspective that Allison has that I have fucking no perspective on is that ever since Allison's been 13, every dude in the fucking world's been fucking when he sees her, his tongue falls out of his fucking mouth. Like she's a very powerful woman with a shitload of fucking presence. And I see her all the time so that i mean i i can't know that yeah exactly matt burns seven
Starting point is 02:25:12 what if you had uh three girls and not boys yeah i don't fucking know it's so i i'm i plead fucking complete ignorance on that these i i only i don't know i didn't most of the dudes i hang around are really cool, fucking respectable gentlemen. Hiller said he'd stay with his wife if he found out she was a dude. I was going to say that, right. We have a fucking pretty good group of guys. So, yeah, I mean it's two very different perspectives, right? Someone like Allison knows men way differently than we know men.
Starting point is 02:25:47 Well, I also found that interesting, too, that in the chat, it was mostly men questioning any of it until Allison turned the podcast on. And I was even wondering, where are the women? If things like this are happening, why is it just men that are willing to say, hey, what, if things like this, um, are happening, why is it just men that are willing to say, Hey, what's up with that? And like, just maybe like raise an eyebrow at something that looks like it could potentially be fishy. We aren't saying that there is, but it isn't unreasonable to ask and question it. So kids that are having like that are going through some shit and being molested, if we all just pretend like it's not happening, it does no good,
Starting point is 02:26:25 but it also doesn't hurt to ask like, Hey, are you good? Like, you know what I mean? I'm just trying to show you like from a different perspective with all of that said, I understand it's a guest on your show and it is hard to maybe navigate
Starting point is 02:26:37 through some of that. You don't want to, I just brought it up last. Well, no, I would have brought it up to tell the truth about this particular circumstance. I wasn't afraid to bring it up i just felt like it came up last time and she's
Starting point is 02:26:49 married now and i thought now it just seemed like uh gossip which i still do and look even elise carver dow well yeah elise carver dow saying something like my mom would say to me a seven if you didn't want to talk about it with her on then you should shut the fuck up until she's back on or drop it and you you know what? She's probably right. Well, and Hiller's right, too. I don't want to ruin her. All of this is like part two to the episode. You should maybe just cut this and make it a different one. But I don't think anybody wants to ruin her interview on there.
Starting point is 02:27:20 She was great. I was like, damn, this girl is great. Also, Trish made some good points, too. Trish was like, I don't really know that I made some good points too she just Trish is like I don't I don't really know that I'm going to take advice from a 23 year old even though she is saying some good things you know but
Starting point is 02:27:33 anyways I think that's why it is hard like everybody's hyped up about it because it was never brought up in the interview and now we are all talking about it Trish said that that's why you bring it up when they're on so it's too easy to just throw words out in a chat and it just have no context um so anyways hillary i don't think anybody's angry but you were making me angry by saying i was
Starting point is 02:27:56 capital letters you know i read them and i go that's shouty that's all i know thank you all right guys all right later uh two two of california hormones finest having a discussion That's shouty. That's all. Thank you, Phil. All right, guys. All right, later. Two of California Hormones Finest having a discussion here on the Sevan podcast, Philip Kelly and Andrew Hiller. Use code word SEVAN. Get your free blood work. And maybe you could win a free dinner with me. Jessica Valenzuela.
Starting point is 02:28:21 Oh, peptides. Jessica Valenzuela, I'm concerned that Rebecca won't come back on because of this topic and i let no she i promise you should come back to be honest she's a link and she can come right back in well i have a i have a me and her uh i think me and her are so fucking good maybe i'm just um maybe i think too highly of myself. We were chilling. She don't give a fuck. She'll be back on, trust me. She's so cool. I feel her deeply.
Starting point is 02:28:55 She's one of the homies. That might as well have been this is kind of sacrilege to say that might as well have just been like Rich Froney. That fucking chick is cool. She's easy. Agre fucking chick is cool. She's easy. Agreed. Good episode.
Starting point is 02:29:09 She's not watching now. She's working out. She's not watching now. All right. I feel her eye sockets, yeah. Like what? No, because I was cracking jokes about her eye sockets. She's very unique.
Starting point is 02:29:24 The shape of her eyes, this thing, the shape that her eyes sit in are very unique i'm a fan of her comedy you guys could start a club the weird eye socket club you hillary you could be the vice president i got a weird this eye is different than the other well no just you bedroom eyes your eyes are fucking always 50 closed are. I don't know what that is. People just think I was high all the time. And then I go, bro, I never smoked. But the thing is, is you can still see as much as your eyeball as you can see of my eyeball,
Starting point is 02:29:54 even though your eyelids are closed halfway. Do you know what I mean by that? Like, if I close my eyelids halfway, you'd never see my eyes. But your eyelids are closed, but I can still see your eyes because your eye socket is so big. Yeah, he has sexy eyes. Yeah, he has sexy eyes.
Starting point is 02:30:10 Interesting. Thanks, Rose. Did you see the comment in here? I don't know if you want to bring up any Zach Tillander. Oh. He was comparing. He said that Frazier is the best male CrossFitter of all time, bringing him up against LeBron, and how the same people who say LeBron is the
Starting point is 02:30:28 best of all time are the same people who say Frazier is the best of all time, completely disregarding froning and the Jordan. He's just, he just is completely lost. Glassman. And he has proximity bias. It's because he was with matt it was because he went to matt's house he got some of matt's pheromones on him uh matt o'keefe schmoozed him the greatest schmooze in the world matt o'keefe fucking loved up on him um he ate some of sammy's fucking home
Starting point is 02:30:58 cooking um they they they worked him over but truth is, and we all know this, the greatest male CrossFitter in the history of fucking planet earth is Rich Froning. Is he the fittest man for the longest amount of time ever? I don't know. But is he? Well, yeah. And he's the, and let me tell you what, what, what Matt Fraser has six individual titles, right? Five, five. He has five individual titles. has six individual titles right five five he has five individual titles rich froning has rich froning has four rich froning also beat matt when they went head to head oh well matt was young in his career i don't care i'm just i'm just just stating the stats rich has fucking endless amount of fucking team wins and if we called them out today, Rich would fucking – Rich could compete against Matt with Matt on his shoulders for every workout and still beat fucking Matt today. That's how fit Rich still is. Well, Matt's got a bum knee. Even if Matt didn't have a bum knee.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Whatever. I know, I know, I know. I agree with you. It's like the fittest man who's ever walked on planet fucking earth, hands fucking down, that we know that we have metrics on based on the CrossFit methodology of time, domains, age, all that is Rich Froning. There's no question.
Starting point is 02:32:14 He's even better than Tia. Like, there's not – when you look at the big picture, he's just the shit. What do you think this comment means? Look at Rich when – look at what when uh rich look what at what rich did with mayhem versus what matt did with hwpo yeah yeah i would i mean i have a bias to it hwpo is like strictly a fucking business and um uh what you might call it is more like a church mayhem is is is just so crazy value-driven fucking... It's more of a cult or a church or a...
Starting point is 02:32:49 Yeah, that's the way I take it. And that's not a dig. There's different strokes for different folks. I also agree with this. It goes Froning, Tia, Fraser. He's the number three crossfitter. I think so too. I think so too. Pretty soon it's going to be Froning,
Starting point is 02:33:08 Tia, Medeiros, Frazier. And Mal O'Brien might fucking squeeze in there too. Yeah, pretty soon he's going to be the fifth best crossfitter of all time. He should have stuck in the game a little longer. If Mal beats Tia in 2024, I'm going to give her like an extra bonus.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Well, wait a minute. Then the tie always goes to the winner. What if Tia comes back and beats Mal? Horrible for Mal. It would never be better. This is the exact same example as Froning and Fraser though because yeah, oh baby.
Starting point is 02:33:44 That would be an exciting time. I hope Tia comes back and lays waste to the competition. I hope Mal fucking destroys the pack this year. I hope she makes it all fucked up. Oh, I hope she does this year, and I hope Tia beats her in the ensuing year, and then wins the next 10 years, and everyone's going to go, wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Yeah, but remember that one year where Tia came back after a year off and still beat her? She had a kid. Grew a human in her. Tillander is just a kid who got home from summer camp, and all of his friends from camp are his best friends ever. Trish is so spot on with everything she says. Clock, Froning lost to Holmberg when they were like 20 guys competing.
Starting point is 02:34:28 Well, and then got beaten multiple times, if I'm not mistaken, right? Even in the regional. From Rich? Correct. I don't think Froning ever got beaten by Fraser, ever, anywhere. Maybe in the open? No, this is, this is, Froning is the OG GOAT.
Starting point is 02:34:49 Fraser is the greatest, most well-rounded competitor ever. No, it's actually, it's actually Froning is the OG GOAT and Froning is the greatest, most well-rounded competitor ever. I mean, that, you just said he's number three.
Starting point is 02:35:02 Fraser's number three. Yeah. You have it all confused. 12 daily doses is confused about a lot of things. Oh, David, Jesus, are you kidding me? Someone in the comments earlier said 12 daily doses doesn't come in on your shows with athletes. I read that comment, and I was like, oh, interesting.
Starting point is 02:35:20 People are paying attention to who is and is not in the comments section based upon what the show is about. interesting people are paying attention to who is and is not in the comment section based upon what the show is about uh amanda stack uh tillander is jumping on whatever bandwagon will get him more views i used to like his content what about what about uh um tucker carlson getting fired from fox i thought he was the only reason people watched fox as in i'd go over to a house and that was on the tv and that's all i would ever see on fox news fox news has 92 of the top 100 shows on cable period well now 91 people need to get a life. That's crazy, isn't it? That one network had fucking 90?
Starting point is 02:36:11 How about that dude Don Lemon got fired? That racist dude that they had over at CNN got fired finally. What's crazy is they have so many fucking racists over there. I don't know what's taking so long. And then did you see what happened? Do you know what they're saying? they fired fucking uh tucker carlson he said something in a group chat right no that was originally what it is now it's something else i actually looked into this because i don't like to be completely out of the loop what was it so i wonder if i can find the
Starting point is 02:36:43 article so basically what happened is uh rupert murdoch and the Fox News people wanted to get rid of Trump. And they did not want Trump running for reelection in 2024. And so when January 6th happened, they wanted to tell the spin. Fox wanted to spin the same story as CNN about Januaryuary 6th that it was some sort of massive riot right and that it was this crazy takeover of the capital and that the u.s government was almost overthrown it's crazy right like these dudes i mean you've seen the footage right it's just like dudes with cops walking around people smoking weed yeah yeah so um but um but tucker carlson knew that that wasn't true and wanted to report the true story about it. He – but they wanted Trump out, and they wanted a different Republican, and Fox News did.
Starting point is 02:37:33 And so – and Tucker Carlson wanted to tell the truth about January 6th, and so they whacked him because he wanted to tell the truth that's why? I mean that's they have an email now they have emails going back with they have emails going back and forth that have been revealed
Starting point is 02:38:00 god I wish I could fucking pull them with the guy who used to be head of the senate I'm trying to fucking remember his name. Does anyone know his name? Who is the guy who used to be, um, Paul Ryan? There it is. Thank you. Damn, Eric, you're on top of that shit. Yeah. This is the shit that's probably not going to come out to Paul Ryan. Former speaker of the house is on the board with Fox. Yes. Maybe even the chairman. So Paul Ryan is the former speaker of the house is now a consult. Yes, maybe even the chairman. So Paul Ryan, who's the former speaker of the House, is now a consultant.
Starting point is 02:38:26 He's basically like the number three guy in line for the presidency behind the vice president. Where are you in line for that? 17. No, good question, fair question. Basically, he's now a consultant with Fox, and they got some correspondence between Paul Ryan and people on Fox,
Starting point is 02:38:45 and basically the whole thing was because they didn't want Tucker to tell the truth. And Tucker's been saying that now for about a year, that he's tired of being played. You know he used to be on CNN. Did you know that? Absolutely not. Yeah, he used to bat for the other team. So what's going to happen next? Where's he going? YouTube? YouTube? so what's going to happen next? Where's he going? Um, YouTube.
Starting point is 02:39:09 Isn't it so funny? Fox news just admitted to the world. They lied to you for months. And my guess is people will continue to do. Dude, what? I, I mean,
Starting point is 02:39:23 it's, it's one, there were some, uh, there were some election, there were some election machines, right, made by a company called Dominion. And everyone, everyone has accused these Dominion machines of being fucked up. Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris. There's video of everyone accusing these machines of being fucked up. Everyone accusing these machines of being fucked up. Everyone accusing these machines of being fucked up. And Fox reported that these machines were fucked up, knowing that the evidence showed that they
Starting point is 02:39:53 weren't fucked up. Even though even though they really are fucked up, you know, I mean, it's kind of hard to get your head wrapped around, right? Like everyone knows these machines are have been compromised. Everyone knows that no one no one's in denial of it. All the Democrats know it. All the Republicans know it. But Fox got some report basically saying that the machines weren't compromised, but they reported saying that they were compromised. And so they lied based on the facts that they knew were wrong, even though they were right. But it's really convoluted. And so they lost the lawsuit for like $780 million. They had to pay damages. And so he's saying that because Fox lied about these fucking machines, that you shouldn't believe anything that they say.
Starting point is 02:40:34 I mean it's retard talk. It's like such small picture talk. Whereas just last week the fucking former director of the CIA came out and said that they were completely trying to manipulate the um uh election to get joe biden biden to win he's testified in the house saying that who's this black rock yeah but so black rock's the fucking company that fucking owns everything yeah i mean this is now scott perkins is like saying really smart shit what do you mean what they so there's these three or four companies out there that fucking own everything meaning um meaning uh let's say there's fox news and then there's abc and that there's nbc and these are all and then there's
Starting point is 02:41:17 toyota and then there's boeing and they're all publicly traded companies these companies have so much money invested into all of them through the stock market that they basically put people on the boards of those companies and then those companies then collaborate together to make the most amount of money that's the what the illuminati is and all that shit you know what i mean got it okay so so yeah so so base yeah okay so so so there's that and because it's so massive, the thing moves slowly. But it is private equity. Thank you. Look at Paulina.
Starting point is 02:41:52 This girl is only fucking 23. She can explain it better than me. Paulina. I guess what I need to know now is – This may be true what Doses is saying. Fox settled the case because if it went to trial, the extent of the lies was going to be at the forefront. It doesn't even matter he's like stuck he's like he's like stuck so small picture it's crazy but i appreciate it and you're doing that by the way you're getting stuck at small pictures so you can continue to lie to yourself but it's fine i'm sorry which tv
Starting point is 02:42:22 show do you watch then i don't watch any tv i just watch clips on youtube but i really enjoyed and i would go back and forth between clips on cnn and and tucker uh quite a bit but but even but the other shows on fox like i like do you watch any fox i don't watch tv but on youtube exclusively movies oh you don't watch any YouTube clips? Like, oh, you're 21? God damn. Paulina. Paulina. Did you meet her?
Starting point is 02:42:56 She was at the Broken Science thing. I don't remember. Don't remember. Don't remember. I'm waiting for where the conversation's going because I just want to know where Tucker's going. And Don, I think they're going to open their own news station. That'd be sick. I would love it if Tucker went to CNN.
Starting point is 02:43:18 It'd be cool if they had their own thing and they were still doing their own stuff just with one another in the same room fighting one another. You met her i i wonder if was she with her boyfriend or husband because then i do remember no she was solo she was solo you can't talk about um dominion you can't you i think you can talk about this stuff i don't think i think it's just the 49ers you're not allowed to talk about Oh you want to talk about something crazy Yeah Okay
Starting point is 02:43:50 So I've had this kid on the show Who I'm in love with He's Tyson Bajan Did he get drafted? Well here we go Thursday the draft starts And all these fucking assholes Who are my friends in the comments here
Starting point is 02:44:05 always make fun of me. Like, he ain't getting drafted. He ain't getting drafted, right? Well. The teams that are interested in you before the draft send you t-shirts and hats so when they draft you, you can put it on and they can get the photo op. So he got some t-shirts and hats. A they draft you you can put it on and they can get the photo off so he got some t-shirts and hats a bunch of them a bunch of them i'm so excited for tyson i'm so excited for
Starting point is 02:44:34 travis i'm more excited for travis than tyson cool yeah my friend travis is like so fucking in love with his kids and i just like i'm just tickled that uh that's interesting yeah it's so yeah isn't it i didn't know that part of the draft that they get the apparel before yeah i didn't know either he sent me a picture the other yesterday of like um uh of uh some of that shit with like some handwritten letters from the teams and i was like i don't get it and he called me he's like listen ding dong and he explained it to me i was like, I don't get it. And he called me. He's like, listen, ding-dong, and he explained it to me. I was like, holy shit. Holy shit. Did he tell you the teams or no?
Starting point is 02:45:09 It doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter. Yeah, he did. He did tell me. I kind of don't want to – I don't know how much I'm supposed to say or not say. I wouldn't say anything. I've spoke with you. I'll tell you.
Starting point is 02:45:19 I'll tell you. This team said that they're going to pick him in the third round. Look at this. He just sent it to you in the private chat. Oh. That'd be sick. Oh, my God. If that happened, that would be crazy.
Starting point is 02:45:37 I'll tell you one more team that said that they were also interested in the third round. Here. More than interested. Interesting. Right? in the third round here more than interested interesting right uh-huh i'm so but it is unheard of i mean it's it's it's crazy town banana pants but i'm uh but they've they reached out and tell everybody that this is happening on thursday right uh thursday is the first 32 pick i guess there's 32 teams and each of them gets one pick on thursday right uh thursday is the first 32 pick i guess there's 32 teams and each of them gets one pick on thursday and then on friday something else happens then on saturdays i guess it's a three-day event i meant the comment that i pulled up but the draft is also happening on thursday
Starting point is 02:46:16 right yeah what else is happening on thursday our show state of the union show yeah cornolio oh that's good oh you're not to want to miss Thursday's show. Listen, listen. If you like CrossFit, I'm just going to tell you this. Thursday night show with me and Hillary, you do not want to miss. Can we send Bajan a link and just have him walk around to the cell phone the day of the draft? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:44 I mean, I'll try to get him on the second I find out what team he gets. I didn't mean to bounce back and forth between topics there, but I just thought it'd be cool. Thursday's show is going to be dope, though. Thursday evening's show with me and Hiller is going to be fucking wild. Did you watch the
Starting point is 02:47:00 Eubanks video I made? You might see me get really fired up. Yeah. Oh, I mean, do you want feedback on that? Yeah. Is it trash? No, I think you cut the eubanks video i made you might see me get really fired up yeah oh i mean you want feedback on that yeah is it trash no i think you cut the first three minutes i just like i just it just turns into basically it's just like it goes from just like okay um he's just getting kind of like just pelted with pebbles to holy fuck he shit the bed i mean the last 10 minutes is a fucking train wreck where i'm getting all naked and stuff yeah i mean that's i so i watched two minutes of it and i was like oh this is like whatever and then so then i i left and then i came back and i watched another three minutes i'm like whatever and then all of a sudden in the sixth minute i was like oh shit then the i think it's a 15 minute long video and the last 10.5 oh is it yeah and then the last fucking 10 minutes i'm like wow eubanks is a fucking tool how does he keep his job after this
Starting point is 02:47:56 i mean you fucking demolish him well he demolishes himself you don't think that it needed any sort of premise like you kind of need to know the beginning of the book in order to get to the climax, or you don't know what's going on? Or no, you don't think it needed that? I don't know. I don't know because I'm in that thread, and I have such perspective on the whole thing. You guys keep me in the know, so that's a good point. Rolling the ring into the fires of Mordor doesn't mean anything
Starting point is 02:48:23 if you didn't watch the first two movies. Okay, okay. I know what you're talking about, but i hear the spirit of what you're saying yeah okay um he yeah that was uh yeah i i the thing is too is i can't believe that video and oh the intro is dope so that was good yeah the intro is dope. So that was good. Yeah, the intro is dope. But the part before it says Hiller Fit? Yeah, that was otherworldly. I love that techno shit. But that video should have 20,000 views. I think it's at 10. And so I just feel like if you went straight to the train wreck...
Starting point is 02:49:04 Maybe we get 20,000? um do you have 20 000 also i brought this up in the middle of the show you know who this guy is this is your freaking lizard man that you don't know about he's up here and saying walking oh tutor magda no this is matt rate not this guy. Oh, it's Matt Routte. Oh. Wow. Yeah, he's quick. This is 2015. Don't get me. Seven seconds, seven seconds.
Starting point is 02:49:35 CrossFit hates me. Seven seconds. Hey, do you – What? CrossFit hates me. Scotty Perkins, the podcast is working through Spotify perfectly. Thank you guys for helping me find the episodes. My drives back are,
Starting point is 02:49:51 are back to being fantastic with you guys. No problem. Thank you. I don't know what we did. Hey, does that guy games? Does that guy have games potential? He's,
Starting point is 02:49:59 he's the guy who won the liftoff every year. Wadapalooza. They would have it over at Bayside. He would just, he's incredibly strong and his shoulder strength is crazy. He's the guy who won the liftoff every year at Wadapalooza. They would have it over at Bayside. He's incredibly strong, and his shoulder strength is crazy, so he's very good on his hands like that. But he can clean and injure something like 405, and he's like your body weight. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:50:18 And not game's potential. I don't know what he – I think the engine was missing. What's up with Fit Wars? I haven't talked to Wadzom. I think it's the season kind of got in the way. So the opener rolled around, and then now we're in quarterfinals, semifinals, swing. And we had a couple of female athletes lined up, but one of them fell through, and then it got too close to the season. Today's a tough day for me.
Starting point is 02:50:46 Why? Because, no, we have family from out of town. We have very close friends from out of town coming who I'm very excited to see, which means that we're not going to do any of the normal stuff we normally do on a day today. So today, normally I would leave here and I would immediately you know
Starting point is 02:51:05 start my parade that i do with the kids parade the kids around town to all their shit and instead we're just going to go to the beach and hang out and that's going to be hard for me you're out of your circle yeah uh-oh 12 daily doses is angry today dude dude this dude's angry all the time and now someone's gonna get angry at me for saying angry yeah well this is new for him he's coming with facts
Starting point is 02:51:35 Fraser won the games by an average of over 200 points every year great point great point damn Fraser was dominant great fucking point or the field was weak but man he and not only that daily doses I'll give you this
Starting point is 02:51:50 he wanted to put it to people he wanted to win all three podium spots that one year or some shit he said so that's I feel you only one time was he challenged he could have taken the last day off four or five years for only one by 100 or more one time Fraser go I hear you thank you for putting that together um fair enough it's a good argument
Starting point is 02:52:14 i mean i still disagree with you but you i've heard i've laid out the froning argument but man it's good shit phil not angry someone says he's angry. He says he's never angry. I knew when I said that. He's always angry. Asevi, does the Marine layer ever leave the beaches there? Yes. All the time. I agree. It's stronger every year.
Starting point is 02:52:36 Okay. Oh, he's the most positive guy ever. You know, I'll buy that too. I'll believe you. I'm going to let that in there. The most positive guy ever has a comment. Maybe that's what I'll start calling you. Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 02:52:45 Oh, no. This comment messed me up because I'm a strong advocate that Babe Ruth sucks. There's people I know who swear that if Babe Ruth played in today's game of baseball, he'd keep up. Hey, but this is the thing. Stephen Flores,
Starting point is 02:53:02 this is such a great... I'm so glad you brought this up. Dude, this guy dominates the teams. This holds no water. He's fucking Babe Ruth and fucking, I don't know, any other baseball players. LeBron James. Yeah, he's Babe Ruth and your mom James. It's like, dude, he – I love you all too.
Starting point is 02:53:24 Thank you. Positive. And now he's giving you money yeah this dude always gives money this is the richest dude in the podcast all right cool hey uh that that's not even true though what steven flores says froning froning that one individual and then went over to teams and cleaned house and i don't i can't put him in the bucket of like a team player he brings validity to the team's competitions he's the shit man you guys are tripping there's no babe ruth at all the only component that we'd be curious about rich not being able to do is just a recovery from individual event after individual event after individual went. You're wrong. By staying in teams, he's proven that he's the best ever.
Starting point is 02:54:09 That's how he did it. They can't be used against him. That's how he did it. Here's the thing. Here's the thing, and I'll address this too. The teams are full of amateurs. Now, here's the thing. They are full of amateurs, but at the very top, they're not full of amateurs. Now, here's the thing. They are full of amateurs, but at the very top, they're not full of amateurs.
Starting point is 02:54:28 They're with people who are actually outliers, who are actually better than the best individual games athletes in certain domains. They're the strongest people on the teams, the fastest people on the teams. There's some outlier weirdos in there. And so to win the teams At that top level Those top three or four teams are out of this world And so It's filled with amateurs
Starting point is 02:54:54 But They're just fluff At the very top They're the shit I just pulled this up The teams is full of amateurs? Oh They're the shit. I just pulled this up. The team, what? The team's full of amateurs? Oh.
Starting point is 02:55:07 Froding, Steele, and Frazier's jock. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's good stuff. He stole his jock, too. Yeah. That's what he thinks about your claim that he's better, because I'm going to steal your jock and your championship. See you later, dude.
Starting point is 02:55:22 There was a good comment in here. your championship. See you later, dude. There was a good comment in here. But however, he is going to get smoked by Sam Dancer in the CrossFit Games this year. And maybe in the one event that Sam competes in, but that's it.
Starting point is 02:55:37 Well, if Dancer makes it through, Froning's done. He's now winning. Mason is just on my jock today when you can pull best three teammates every year and provides best team training atmosphere it's not then Jesus Christ
Starting point is 02:55:53 that's harsh that doesn't even make sense well you can't apply that to the year when he had with Dre and Tasia and yeah he won with a fucking cameraman right well was Dre the cameraman at one point and Tasia. He won with a fucking cameraman. Right. Well, was Dre the cameraman at one point?
Starting point is 02:56:10 Who's his cousin? Hewitt? No, Hewitt's not his cousin. The other dude. Oh, the Hudsucker? Yeah, Darren. Yeah, he won with a bunch of random people. Eric, why is Sam Dancer will break in the second event if he doesn't i hope it when he does break i hope it's like during an
Starting point is 02:56:33 event so we can see it it doesn't happen in the back like that run last year yeah i'm just telling you i said this in a video that i put out today with the way the programming's going it's looking awfully good for dancer that's that's all i gotta say uh philip kelly uh kalipa would have won team against froning if miranda didn't injure her knee mid-competition yeah i i agree with that too oh is extra sloppy trying to say Noah's the third best crossfitter ever? Men, men. Extra sloppy. Mary, fuck or kill? Rich, Matt, or Noah? Oh, that's what that means.
Starting point is 02:57:19 I'd probably kill Fraser. I would marry Froning and bang Noah. How about you? Yeah, that's good. I like that. I don't know. I just don't think,
Starting point is 02:57:33 no, I like that. That's really good. That's good. Froning is just a good dude. I'm not saying Matt's not, but I just watched that tellender video, but no, it looks like he made it through the tellender video with them on there.
Starting point is 02:57:44 So I can't marry him. And Noah's way better looking than him so i did yeah nothing nice to say okay uh razor let's put that like a different person like frikowski fraser i probably banged fraser then i don't know uh know. I just want to thank Rebecca a few Soleil for coming on the show. What a fantastic guest. Loved her. Oh, wow. Noah. Yeah, she'd like to bang Noah too. He seems generous.
Starting point is 02:58:16 That's so funny. Girls are so nice. Instead of like, he'd eat that pussy for a month. It's like, he seems like a very generous man. That's how I read it too. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 02:58:30 Thank you, Andrew, for coming on and saving me. I don't think I did. I don't think I saved you. Oh, okay. Thank you, Hiller, for being a witness as I got. I don't think you died either. I just came on here and hung out. As I took an ass whooping.
Starting point is 02:58:42 Okay. Allison, thank you for your great contribution doses thank you Brandon Waddell thank you Dilberry thank you Olivia thank you Bailey Walker thank you thank you to all of you Sloppy Trish the Clock Eric Wise oh my god Watkins even thrown in
Starting point is 02:58:57 Jethro Cardona thank you for calling into the show Chelsea Miller Katie talking please don't use that word around here Hunsucker but thank you for calling into the show, Chelsea Miller. Katie, please don't use that word around here, hunsucker, but thank you for your comment. Okay. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 02:59:13 Q Johnson, I'm behind, but they definitely made a movie about a teacher sleeping with a student and the effects of it. Okay. Love you guys. Bye. Hiller and I, Thursday night. You don't want to miss it. Bye-bye.

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