The Sevan Podcast - Red Shirts, Giving A S*#T & Clout Chasers

Episode Date: May 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply starting early today two minutes early i'm always like playing with the microphone because i never pull it up like right until after i hit the button how is everybody doing welcome to the show tuesday 11 a.m just before 11 a.m i hope you all are doing well oh i suddenly zoomed in every now and then i'll hit a switch on like or not a switch but but I'll drag my mouse in a certain way and it zooms the screen all in. Back in the day,
Starting point is 00:01:27 I just used to panic because I thought I fucked up the show. You guys remember the news show with James Hobart and Kate? James Hobart and... Shoot, what was her last name? What was... What was Kate's... Why am I
Starting point is 00:01:44 drawing a blank on her last name? Do you guys remember James Hobart and Kate? Fuck. I would remember if I saw her thing. What's up, guys? Corey, how are you doing? Thanks for sponsoring the show. Sorry about the back and forth with trying to get you situated
Starting point is 00:01:59 and then ended up just having you Venmo the dude yourself. Carlos, what's up, man? It was great getting to spend some time with you venmo the dude yourself carlos what's up man it was great getting uh to spend some time with you last week dude um hope you had safe travels i hope you had a good time over at the uh broken science thing broken science event judy what's up judy how you doing is that your daughter that's cool you guys out like some sort of festival? I don't know why I thought it was a festival. Hi, how you doing? Jeez Louise, what's up? CrossFat.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Kate, the sex therapist in red shirt. Yeah. Oh, Gordon. Thank you, Paulina. Of course you would get it. Smartest one in the chat room right now. The chit chat. Mason, what's up?
Starting point is 00:02:41 The Sousa Show. Lots of people have called it that. I've thought about calling it that. It seemed a little like... Is it weird if I call it my own last name? I don't know. Everybody does that, right? Stephen Flores, what's up, dude? Ernie, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Hope you're well. Augustus, what's up? The Fittest Auditor. The Fittest Auditor. Okay. All right. You guys excited? We're going to talk a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:04 We're going to pick up on the thread that we talked about last week. Oh, by the way, this is kind of a cool shirt. You guys see it? It's a, whatchamacallit, I forget the name, shirt but works, shirt, over at the programming crew, the OG crew sent out a shirt. It's kind of cool. Fits good. Claire. Hi. How are you? Hey, I saw you were... Claire, I saw you were training Cody Sanchez. That's awesome. That's awesome. Those are the type of people that you want to either train with. I'm assuming you were training her, but maybe you guys were just working out together. But if you were training her, that's the perfect client. I had a couple of real high-level entrepreneur type clients. And it's funny because even though I'm training them the whole time, I'm milking them for information too. It's like a two-way street a little bit. So good for you. Cody Sanchez. I really like her stuff. If you guys haven't and don't know who I'm talking about, go check her out sanchez i really like her stuff if you guys haven't uh and don't know who i'm talking about go go check her out on uh instagram and claire too but you
Starting point is 00:04:09 guys know claire you remember her from being on the show earlier dan what's up what's up seth dude i haven't watched the whole thing yet but i was watching the uh show you did with uh jason kalipa oh man i was doing the clip you put when he was watching himself do it you could could tell he was having that secondhand embarrassment. He was like, why are we watching this? And you're like, we have to. Amanda, which was 2010 Friday night opening workout in the tennis stadium. I do believe it was the first opening workout in the tennis stadium. Um, period ever, I think. Uh, but yeah, it was cool. Cool story behind that workout too. If you guys don't know, it was, uh, named after Amanda Nunez, I think, um, was her last name. Cool story behind that workout. Uh, it was cool to name. Cool story behind that workout. It was cool to hear Dave's thoughts on that,
Starting point is 00:05:08 how it's like this evolution of Fran, a little bit of a higher skill. Anyways, go check that episode out. I think you guys will dig it. Claire, yep, that's my girl training her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mel Kerr. Ask lots of questions.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Amanda Miller, thank you. CrossFit, Amanda Miller. Yeah, that's who the workout was named Miller. Thank you. CrossFit. Amanda Miller. Yeah, that's who the workout was named after. Thank you, guys. Cody Sanchez, she just launched a pod. Big deal. It has an insanely badass channel. Yeah. I really like a lot of Cody Sanchez's
Starting point is 00:05:40 stuff. It's very practical entrepreneur business advice. And she was really cool. She was one of the people that I got to meet at the Forever Strong Summit event. She was a speaker there. I did that with Karin at... When was that?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Mid-January? Mid-January? And she was cool. She was one of the more down-to-earth people. I enjoyed the little bit of time that I got to spend with Cody. CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Jason has never lost his sense of humor. It's amazing. I know. It was so good. Froggy Will. Susan, my affiliate owner outsources his programming. I love to do it for him in-house. What's the best way to approach this?
Starting point is 00:06:25 I coach there, too Interesting. What's the best way to approach this? I mean, are you going to do it for him for free? You could always just start with that. Be like, hey, you're going to pay, I don't know how much that is, like 50 bucks a month. How about you just let me do it for a month and see if that works? That's the way that I would try it. I think if I was going to have the conversation about programming, I would say like, hey, I know you're looking to outsource a program. I would love to have a crack at it for the next month here. I could kind of come up with my theory about how I'm going to program, what's important to me when I program, how this will benefit the members more than buying it.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That's where I would start with the conversation. What's the benefit for the members and their experience as you programming for them as the coach at it at the gym, rather than just outsourcing it and buying it from somebody else? Typically, one of the objections that might come to mind is like, as the owner perspective, and I'm not saying this is true about you, but this is just some objections that you might start to have to overcome. This is what I would think about. is like as the owner perspective, and I'm not saying this is true about you, but this is just some objections that you might start to have to overcome. This is what I would think about. So I would say like, okay,
Starting point is 00:07:29 that's cool that you're gonna do it for a month. Are you comfortable doing it like for a year, two years? Am I gonna have to hunt you down for the programming each week? Or are you doing it two weeks at a time or a week at a time? Will this affect the experience of the coaches as far as how much time they have during class and that type of stuff?
Starting point is 00:07:51 So just kind of be prepared for a little bit of those objections. The biggest thing that I think about is when people approach me with ideas for the gym is typically I let them run with any idea. The issue always becomes is like, who's going to continuously execute on it? So we'll put stuff up for our members like, hey, you want to host a book club or something. We have that at the gym. And it's like, what happens when you go on vacation
Starting point is 00:08:13 on that first week of the book club? If there's now 20 people involved in it, are you going to continue to do it? Or are you offloading that to somebody else? What's that going to look like in the long term? And so that's typically where I go. It's like ideas are... In my opinion, ideas can be a really high form of contribution, but typically are the lowest level contribution you can make. Just like, we've got this idea. It's like, well, cool. How are we going to execute on that?
Starting point is 00:08:39 And how is it going to play out over the long term? That's so. Just some things I would think about. I hope that helps. Howdy, Froggy. Most people outsource it now. It's kind of sad. Right? Like I thought that like... Okay, let me ask you guys a question.
Starting point is 00:08:57 This is totally derailing from some of the topics that I had. But let me ask you guys a question. I want to know your input on this. let me ask you guys a question i want to know your input on this is outsourcing your programming for the affiliate the same as um outsourcing the food that you serve in your restaurant meaning like somebody else cooks it and like brings it and hands it and then your business actually just hands it out to the people that are eating it um is it the same is that the same as buying it or do you think that it's uh that it's different than that is that like is that not is that analogy way off because to me it always feels like i would
Starting point is 00:09:31 want it to be done in-house like i've done the programming for the gym for a lot of years grace helps out a ton with the programming like she does it a lot as well um albert the head coach will also have input on it so like i don I don't know. Is it the same? Not the same? Kenna says not the same. Janelle says, yes, it is the same. Heidi, no, you still have to coach it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's true. And I suppose it's going to be more about how you deliver what it is that you're coaching than necessarily the programming in and of itself, right? It's like, you could make that argument. But the coaching of it's more important than the actual programming. Basically, that's what Starbucks and McDonald's do. Pretty much. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It's like another restaurant gave you the recipes, but you still have to cook it. You still have to present it. You still have to serve it. Okay. All right. All right. Good analogy, but not the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I think you guys sent me straight on that one. Coaches are the chefs who have made the programming, wrote the menu. AW racing. Well said. Kind of the same thing that Heidi was saying there too. Okay, cool. Fair enough. We'll get into some of this stuff here.
Starting point is 00:10:42 This one has nothing to do with anything. Really. I just thought Chand some of this stuff here. This one has nothing to do with anything, really. I just thought Chandler just looked jacked in this. There's not really nothing philosophical behind this. Homeboy just looks freaking great. Just looks like a Greek god. You know those statues that they just chisel out of marble? And you're like, nobody looks like that.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And then you see Chandler and you're like, okay, maybe somebody looks like that. Good dude too. You know, I will say he hasn't been on the show yet. He hasn't been on the show before. But I will say this. He was one of the very few people, of people that like i reached out to and like plightly was like declined and like hey it's not for me at least not right now and uh has since then um just always been super cool anytime i
Starting point is 00:11:37 see him in person or anything like that so i really like chandler got a lot of a lot of respect for chandler he just looks like a dude just chiseled out of granite. Okay, this is... It's funny. I don't typically watch back anything that I do on here at all. Extra sloppy. What's up, man? How you doing? Hope you're doing well. Chris, how you doing? Clone
Starting point is 00:11:58 him. Yeah. You imagine you have a whole security that looks like Chandler. Just like 10 dudes that look exactly like him. You can do anything you wanted. I was going to talk about this in the last show. And it was funny, like in the beginning of it, I was like, oh, we're going to talk about this, this, this, and this. And I never brought up this comment section of this Instagram post. And typically, I don't ever watch back anything I do.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'm just like, no, I don't want to. No, I'll just be upset. But I wanted to clip that portion of... I put it up on my Instagram and it was me talking about how coaches and gyms need to make money. First off, I apologize for how many swear words were in that. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I didn't realize until I listened to it back and I was like, Whoa, dude, could have probably used three less F words in there. I even edited it to post it on Instagram. But anyhow, when I listened to the first section of that show back, I was like, wait, I never even talked about this. I never brought this up. So this is from
Starting point is 00:12:50 last week's show. Chandler admitted it is his mom and grandma wouldn't like him to be on it because of the language. So sweet that he thinks of them. That's exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Heidi family show. Not really. So I'm going to actually not... yeah, Heidi family show. Not really. So,
Starting point is 00:13:05 um, I'm going to actually not like, try not to cuss as much. That'll be a start. And, uh, hopefully remember everything I promised to deliver. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So this is what I was going to talk about last week. I was actually just going to use this to like, look at the comment section to see how people are, are thinking, or at least some of the people that are vocal on the internet are thinking, because it just always fascinates me. Sometimes the way that some of these people think, I'm like, how do you get along in life and think like that? Anyhow, Canadians now have to pay 66% capital gains tax on all their profits over $250,000. So capital gains means I invested
Starting point is 00:13:40 into something. I put $100 down. I got $200. So I had $100 profit in return. If I were to take that money out, I would be taxed $66 out of the $100 that I earned on my capital gains. This is for anything over $250,000. And it's in Canada, by the way. But I just love the comments like, America has to do the same i bet you this chick koha has no idea about even the tax rate on capital gain tax right now or even probably knows what it is but just puts clapping hands and says america has to do the same um yeah and they have a health care system that works i can't tell if this is sarcasm because a lot of canadians come to the u.s for health healthcare because we know that that socialist
Starting point is 00:14:25 healthcare system doesn't work. Oh, I already swore. Well, it was good. It was a good 13 minutes without it. This is insane how they control the middle and lower class from getting rich. That was fun. They have free healthcare, right? Again, I can't tell if it's sarcasm. Canada is about to lose a lot of its citizens. Yeah, that's what happens. 100% communism. Yes. Taxes, theft.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yes. Sorry. I don't know why we're so close on anything. 250K is too low. Won't let the people at the bottom grow. 600K and over should be the number. Yeah, just go after the more rich people. That'll do it.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Perfect way to kill ambition and motivation. Empowered gets it. Terrible move. Where's the incentive? So it was just interesting because the first time I looked at this, these have changed a little bit, but penalizing successful people.
Starting point is 00:15:16 A lot of people were first applauding the fact that they were taxing such a high rate of capital gains tax. And you know that that's going to affect the investor class of people anyways, the people that are buying businesses or heavily investing into stuff that they're making a return on their money on. And anytime you start to see the government taxing the people at the top really high, it completely kills incentive. It forces those businesses typically to pass those taxes on to the consumer, which at the end of the day, ends up hurting the people that are buying
Starting point is 00:15:53 the products from these rich people that own these businesses that are being taxed extra. This touting of, oh, we're just going to tax the rich because they're the evil people, it doesn't fucking solve anything. And it just puts more power into the government's hands in a way that you think that they're doing something for you, the lower, the middle class, and really it's not helping you at all. It's just taking incentives away from people that are actually contributing and building businesses.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Okay, I saw this. I just wanted to share this with you guys. I love this account here. It's called... Oh, I thought it was called Thundershots. But I guess this is his last name. Thurbershots? Anyways, he does these beautiful sweeping views of San Francisco. This is D daily city just outside of san francisco it just looks super nice the water the beach um and i really like a lot of his uh shots that he gets here like this is the bay bridge for those of you guys never been to california this connects oakland to uh san francisco another shot here of the uh the Bay Bridge. This is coming into the city. Really cool shots. And I was cracking up about it because Golden Gate Park right in the middle
Starting point is 00:17:16 of San Francisco. I was cracking up because I'm like, man, when you see it from this far, you're like, look how nice and beautiful this whole thing looks and then um and then you get down to street level you get down to street level and uh it has a different look and feel now granted this is um oh shoot this is la i'll show you guys the one in oakland next this is la so this isn't there. This looks apocalyptic. You got these random mini fires burning here. Check it out. They got this lady bent
Starting point is 00:17:51 over. Have you guys seen videos of this where it's called the fentanyl lean or something where they look like they're hunchbacks and they're folded over? She's just zombie in there. Dude. That's in a cop car, by the way, or at least a light like cop car. Crazy. Crazy, right? Which is now this one's Oakland here. This is the one I originally meant to click. This is like West Oakland. this is like west oakland so this would be um kind of by like going underneath if you were going out to the bay bridge this would be like underneath the 880 freeway so there's shots that we showed
Starting point is 00:18:29 you where it was commuting in this is what it looks like down at ground level here these dudes like walking to a sideshow you could hear it How's it going, big dog? How's it going? Oh, he's got a boner. Oh, he's got a boner. Anyways, crazy. Crazy. anyways crazy crazy i always like to give california a little love at the beginning of every show but it's just um just funny how you could see something from like far away in a nice sweeping shot you're like oh look how beautiful then you kind of get down down to the bottom into the nitty-gritty of the streets and you're like oh my gosh it reminds me of like a saying that used to go around it was mostly referring to uh females but you'd see somebody from far away and you'd be like oh man they look uh they look good from afar but far from good get it get it that was bad stupid joke okay i want to talk about the um
Starting point is 00:19:43 about our red shirts here. We talked a little bit about seminar staff last week and the type of people that they are. And I really want to just harp on the fact that these are the superheroes of CrossFit. The red shirts are the people that talk about and spread the methodology better than anybody else. They're the ones that are setting the seeds for the next set of L1 coaches that are going to go into the CrossFit gyms. They're going to set the seeds for the next set of L1 coaches that are going to be working out with their neighbors in their garage or collecting people and working out in the park and different stuff like that. And so they're the ones that really keep the kernel and the nugget and the seed alive of the methodology. And I just really
Starting point is 00:20:34 hope that as CrossFit is moving more to this direct consumer model, this is just my opinion, that they slowly don't weed that out. Because if you think about it in terms of cost, wouldn't it make so much more sense just to go to like a virtual L1 or something of that sort to where they could just lower their cost or only have a small spot that you could go when we don't really have as many red shirts
Starting point is 00:20:55 that are around anymore, maybe just a couple small groups of them that still run the certs. And I think like back in the day when I first started CrossFit and I went and got my L1, I was like, man, like I want to be like one of those red shirts. Like I want to be on seminar staff.
Starting point is 00:21:11 That was kind of like an ultimate goal, right? And so every time I would like train a class or as I would prep for classes, I would think like, okay, if an L1 were to show up today, like what would this look like? Like would this be good? Would this be good enough to roll with that crew? Would this be good enough to do an L that crew would this be good enough to do uh you know an l1 on a weekend or something like that and we'll kind of scam the uh uh same and still yeah that's good ernie and i just wish and it seems like they are so i'll have to give a little a little credit here as we kind of look over the crossfit training uh instagram but it looks like they're
Starting point is 00:21:45 highlighting more and more of their red shirts you can see it here we got we got todd this looks like josh everett um and they're kind of talking about well crossfit really and what and what the importance of the l1 and and the education and the methodology and the more and more of this we we could have the better and better off we got. I loved this piece here. This is by, um, Daniel Chaffee. He's been on the show before as well. Longtime OG CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And, uh, and it's cool. Like the, the voiceover that what he's saying here is like, um, uh, you're like walking flames,
Starting point is 00:22:18 you know, your flames of CrossFit. You go and you talk to someone and you, you rub up against them and you set them on fire with CrossFit. And all of a sudden they're caught, you know, you guys are like these bushfires, right? And you're tired, right? and you talk to someone and you rub up against them and you set them on fire with CrossFit and all of a sudden they're caught. You guys are like these bushfires, right? And you're tired, right? You're like worn out and stuff. And then you lose your magic, you lose your enthusiasm and it's like, this is too tough. You meet a box owner and it's like, I don't know, it's like the flames gone out because his mentality
Starting point is 00:22:40 was buying himself a job. So he was working in the business instead of working on the business, right? I was coaching everything. And after about three, four months, I was tired and my shoulders were rounding and I was losing the spring in my step and the mojo was going and it's like, geez, I've got to get someone else into coach. And so naturally when your business grows, you need people to help you grow the business. And that is the moment that you need to realize that you have to become a leader and business owner, not the same thing. The leader develops people. And so those are skill sets you have to have. You have to have the business knowledge and you have to have the leadership knowledge as well. And to me, the people that are coming in to help that have the knowledge that are continuing
Starting point is 00:23:26 to spread the seed, not only for the individual gyms, but for the CrossFit community as a total, is the red shirts. And I really, really want to make sure that us within the community here, and hopefully CrossFit at some degree, just completely champions them
Starting point is 00:23:42 as the superheroes of CrossFit, as a methodology and continues to kind of give us that thought of ascension as coaches like oh I can't wait to get in there and get my own one and meet some of these red shirts because I've seen them all over social media I've watched the um you know day in the life with so-and-so flow master I watched them do the training seminar that they went to this other country and traveled to. And building media behind them starts to build their personalities. It builds a relationship with us and them as the audience.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And then it continues to attract us for that ascension as coaches. Like, I want to go get my O1. Then after I get my O1, man, I want to be a red shirt one day. So it allows you to continue to kind of build up as a coach. And so not only would this help affiliates because now you're bringing them
Starting point is 00:24:25 more qualified people that are hungry to coach and get inside of an affiliate, but we're just building more coaches in general. And as you guys know, I think that that is my biggest push as to how we continue to grow the CrossFit community is not by pushing more people into the affiliates, but by growing more coaches. And by making the L1 kind of this landmark health and fitness search that you go to take because you just need to know the information, that methodology, and you want to take your education one step further. So you're thinking, okay, if I'm in the health and fitness industry, I need to go get my L1 because I've seen so much media around the education. And I want to go meet some of these L1s who I've learned about, seen about, seen about, and seen on TV. TV. Yeah, seen on TV.
Starting point is 00:25:06 But if we start to build that within media, that becomes a culture of CrossFit, we could save the L1 red shirts. Because I honestly think that that cohort of people is going to continue to shrink. Whether it's just because shirts are no longer selling and they're contracted, so slowly they just die off because they have to get full-time jobs. Or is it because now CrossFit realized, Hey, we could actually do this L1. We're not worried about growing our coaches. We're just worried about making this the barrier to entry to affiliateship.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And then our job as HQ is just to push more people into the affiliates. I think that that's wrong. And we'll end up losing the methodology. We'll end up missing the kernel that helps spread the message. And this happens person to person, not by just pushing more people into the affiliates, but by growing more coaches in totality across the board. And Albert, Albert, what's up, man? It was cool getting to spend some time with you this weekend. Nicole Carroll called the motherfucking Jedi Knights, right? Was she referring to affiliate owners?
Starting point is 00:26:05 Nope. She was referring to the L1 seminar staff. You're absolutely right. Justin, going to get my L1 seminar in a month, in a month from now. Nice. Awesome. Awesome. Sounds like an intervention.
Starting point is 00:26:20 That clip? Yeah, that clip kind of was. Janelle, we're spreading seeds now sound sketch yes we are cloud seeding cloud seeding l1s uh dan suze are you going to west coast classic yes i will be there i'll be at the west coast classic and i'll be at the um knoxville uh semi-final while i'll be down there um and here's one more i was an early games athlete and if you think about how much the sport this is uh josh everett um crossfit og or does evolve how much the athletes how much better the athletes are now than when i was competing um the training staff has evolved
Starting point is 00:27:00 in that same way as well like as coaches. And I think the programming that CrossFit offers and what happens in the affiliates has evolved as well. It's a program in a community that isn't satisfied with status quo. There's always the pursuit of excellence. I think the people that join this community aren't afraid of the truth. The workouts are giving you feedback.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You get feedback as a coach. You get feedback as a person. We love everybody. Everybody's welcome to come join us in CrossFit, but we love you so much. We're going to push you to get better. I think that resonates throughout the community. It's kind of why maybe the magic of CrossFit and what that is. the magic of CrossFit and what that is. And I don't think anybody, you'd be hard-pressed to find people that care more about the methodology and the person in front of them that are coaching than CrossFit coaches, whether that's seminar
Starting point is 00:27:58 staff or whether that's like a newly minted L1 that's like back in the gym on their first day, like in front of a class. And this ethos of care, it's been said many ways, right? Just care, give a shit. Greg used to really, really push that in the early stages of chasing the standard of excellent. And it just started with really caring, really giving a shit about the person in front of you that you're training, really giving a shit about the person in front of you that you're training, and really investing yourself in them.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And I think this was sent to me from a friend. And I was having this conversation with him earlier. And he was like, CrossFit currently prioritizes exchange and value, meaning selling you something. And he put, CrossFit used to prioritize relational value, meaning just caring and giving. If you think about the CrossFit Journal, that was all completely free.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I mean, Greg even wrote the garage affiliate or like the garage gym and how you could have world-class fitness just with a few things in your gym, as long as you have the knowledge and the methodology to program that fitness for you, which was CrossFit. And that was more or less the priority was just continuing to push the professionalization of the trainer and just really like caring like nobody else about the person in front of you in that you're training. And that's definitely been lost from the messaging from the mothership. And it's sad because you could start to see it slowly fading away from the whole entire redshirt community. I used to like this because in sales, you could either have really good sales, like the kind of the sly ball, sleazy sales tactics. Like, oh, and then I did this and I pulled a fast one and did these guarantees.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And you know, the used carsman type sleazy salesperson, right? So those are what I think about in terms of sales skills. And then on the other end of that spectrum, you just have conviction. You're like, I don't know how to sell anything, but I fucking know that this is right for you and this is going to make you a better person and a better human. And I think what we all had as CrossFitters, CrossFit coaches, and then eventually affiliate owners was like, we might not have possessed the sales skill. In fact, we might have been allergic to it, not like that person. But we were super high in our conviction that if you came into the CrossFit gym, your life will get better. You're going to start to take care of yourself. Your relationships will start to get better. Everything around you will start to improve. the L1s, like the seminar staff or us as CrossFitters anymore, because we know that HQ is kind of built on this exchange of like, hey, we're just going to go ahead and push people into
Starting point is 00:30:51 the gyms and bring you more members. And here's this value exchange. And we need to have this value exchange. So that way you keep paying us because we need to essentially increase our bottom line. And so that messaging of like just care first and care forward is slowly slipping away from the ethos. And I think the only thing with Inside the Mothership that could save it now is our red shirts, is the seminar staff and those amazing people that are continuing to spread the message, not the seed.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I don't know how you guys get... Why does my camera keep pulling focus weird? So that brings me to my next point here here which i got a little something for you guys i kind of pitched it like jokingly with that picture of uh rosa that i put up and i was like i'm ceo crossfit and i now own it and then just copy pasted his captions by the way uh side note on that it was pretty funny because one of the members of my gym came up and congratulated me on my new role and didn't realize that I was joking. They didn't read all the way through. And I was like, well, thank you for thinking so highly of me.
Starting point is 00:31:52 But that was a joke. They're like, oh, never mind. Anyhow, I wanted to reestablish a place that had some of that care first and that community forward. And I wanted to do it in the sense of media because I always talk about and harp out how CrossFit needs more media. We need to spread the message of our coaches inside of our gyms, of the stories, the testimony that are coming out of our gyms, and be able to take the messaging and make it our own rather than just relying on the marketing or lack thereof marketing that's coming from the CrossFit HQ, which is mostly just focused around the games. And so what I did is I got together with a couple of partners here.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You guys know them. Jay Vera, who used to work inside of CrossFit Media for 10 years. Keith Knapp contributed to this as well and will continue to contribute. A couple of other names that you guys might not have known, but have been around the CrossFit space is Ryan Haskin. He's helped them out for the last couple of years as a consultant for them. And basically, we built something up here that we could all help each other out to level up our media, whether it's these modules that we created that hopefully provide some sort of value for you guys, or whether it's like you have a better idea and want to contribute, then you could throw it on here, message us, create your own module, and we'll load it up here. The whole thing with this is... Oh, it's completely free too, by the way. And let me show you. It's on this platform called School. And so you come in here, you go to the classroom. We have different stuff that's up here. This is good. And Jay basically shows you how to do like an audio setup a cheap audio setup how to light it how to get the best uh quality out of your phone how to create a shared album
Starting point is 00:33:31 with like you and your coaches to usually share um different media back and forth so you could post it up uh also to like just how to do different slow-mo shots different things like that um i put some stuff up here as well about just a mindset around it, branding and the way that I see it, some sales process stuff, nothing hokey, but just things that I've done. Our hope is that we get more and more contributors into here. So that way, you guys could all put some stuff in here if you want to contribute. Like I said, it's free. I talked a little bit about corporate outreach that I've done. We'll talk a little bit about getting a fire-to-fire department and the different things that I've done with that. I'm also going to be sharing
Starting point is 00:34:15 each month my actual numbers of leads that come into the gym, what those conversion rates look like, what we've done to actually bring them in. We have some more marketing stuff here. This one's more about how to get your business on Google upright. How do you use those analytics? That's Ryan Haskin. Getting started setting it up. Anyhow, like I said, the whole entire thing is completely free. You guys can go in there and check it out. You could become a member. I'll put this link in there. And all you have to do is just fill the thing out and you're in. There's nothing else.
Starting point is 00:34:49 You can contribute here writing something out. We will have some Q&As and some stuff on the calendar. So that way we could have some general discussion. There'll be some webinar stuff. If you want to contribute and you have some stuff that you think would bring value to other people, we'd love to have you in here to talk about it. And we might even put some old collections of the journal in here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Maybe we'll revive some few things from the journal back in the day. But anyhow, go in and check it out. There's a couple members already. A few of them have worked for CrossFit in the past in different ways. We even have a little copy right in there. So go in, fill it out. I'll drop it in the chat and then it'll be in the description of the show below. But oh, membership pending. Approved. There you go. That's easy. Dan, you're in. So this will kind of be potentially the revival of a journal. I don't know. Can I legally say that? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But what it will be is a collection of stuff that we'll put together and I'll continue to put a bunch of stuff in there about running an affiliate. This is also for coaches too. So if you want to just up your media on your coaching game with your personal brand or whatever, we will have different doctors that I've talked to that will start to contribute into the space. And so anyways, I thought this would be a cool solution to some of the stuff that I've talked about. We know we need media. We know we need it from the community. If you're a creator, if you enjoy being behind the camera, definitely go in there and let me know because we will be
Starting point is 00:36:19 having some gyms that we will work with and actually do their media for them. We're already in discussion with a few. And I'm going to need some creators to get behind the camera and go there and check it out and film for us perhaps and help out. Jay's on it. Oh, leaderboard. Yes. He's giving me direction from the production studio. There's a leaderboard thing in here, guys. So if you go in, it'll ask you to do certain things like just write your name throw some stuff interact with other people and then you get rewarded it like unlocks all these things it basically just gamifies the process so we could continue to have like interaction and uh it unlocks like cool things as you build up
Starting point is 00:36:59 and as you can see we kind of put some fun fun names in there. You can work your way up to be a red shirt. Red shirt. But yeah, so go ahead and check that out. I'll drop it in the comments right now. And we hope to see you guys in there. And like I said, it's more or less a collection of stuff that we hope to build together, not just necessarily something that I have. And yes, Chris, there is a chat room.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Holy shit, I didn't think about that. You guys are going to take that over and destroy the chat. Be nice to new people, okay? So anyhow, there's the link. Go in and check it out. Homage to the journal. Kind of catching my drift there a little bit now, right?
Starting point is 00:37:43 And hopefully you guys get something from it. Hopefully it adds some value. Hopefully we could put out kind of like media for us, by us and be able to use this as a collection of stuff that we could share and help continue to level up and make each other better. If you guys have any questions about it, you could always just like hit me up on Instagram
Starting point is 00:38:01 or whatever as well too. And I'll send it over direct. It'll also be in the show notes there for you at the end. So go check that out. What do you guys want? Oh, I wanted to show you guys this. This shit I thought was crazy. This might not be new to you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:19 This might not. But I just thought like the fact that like people would pay for this is insane. Check this out. So this is an advertisement here. And this guy is using it, right? The app. And what this app does is it fakes that you're on a live with thousands of people. And then it interacts with you through this AI chat bot at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Can you believe that? And it shows this dude pulling this chick. Watch, check this out. This is absurd. Guys, this is the craziest experience I've ever had. Let's take it from the top. I'm live with 20,000 people! I downloaded this app called Parallel Live that makes it look like you have tens of thousands of people watching.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And instantly, I became the life of the party. You have to see what happens next. This is me! You guys think Emily's cute? The audience is AI generated which can hear you and respond which is hilarious. She couldn't get enough. Thank you! Woo!
Starting point is 00:39:24 Here we go! I'm homo kid. I'm homo kid. You're cute, you're hot. Thank you. I think I'm your kid too. Oh my god, donate! The audience started donating and I've never experienced anything like that. Come on guys!
Starting point is 00:39:40 Can you please take a photo? Yes! Are you good? Yes! You wanna come with me? This day was crazy. I've never experienced this level of tension before. If you want to be the life of the party, check out this app called Parallel Live. Can you freaking believe that? Holy crap. Like people would like pay for that and then walk around somewhere with their phone pointing at them
Starting point is 00:40:05 just to get attention of somebody else. And then that way, that person now by association of all those people that are watching you, quote unquote, now all of a sudden it somehow gives you some credibility and this chick is into it. By the way, can you imagine the type of person that you just attracted? If somebody is legitimately like, oh my God, I wasn't going to give you the time of day, but now that 20,000 people are watching you live and you're getting $10 donations, like, holy shit. And the only thing funnier than this
Starting point is 00:40:33 was the fact that the dude who they have advertising this, this It's Polo Kid or whatever, already has a large following, almost like 900,000 people. So you know for sure that this other chick, he just basically grabbed to do the advertisement. So it's just totally... The whole thing's totally fake.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But it's just nuts that this is what's happened in society. It's like, oh, I have no validity or anything. But you know what I'm going to use to hide my insecurities is a fake 20,000 people that are watching me on my phone and these fake chatbots that are now interacting. Like, holy shit. And you already know you could buy followers and buy likes and buy comments and all that stuff. But this is just wild because that's in real time mixing it right it's like you buy the
Starting point is 00:41:25 fake stuff to get the attention of some actual person in real life then just fake that whole thing wow that's nuts right oh i believe that i'm sure it works amazingly on the i bet it does dude that's the crazy part right seth Seth? Holy shit. It's nuts. Carlos, bro, the stuff we can't believe is becoming mainstream. I just couldn't believe that. That would feel so weird. Like, oh, look at me, 20,000. Be my friend? And then she's like, let's go. You're rich.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I go, what? Holy crap. I mean, guys, lie. you're rich what holy crap i mean guys lie yeah chris is that just like the modern day like like lying before you had to make stuff up now you have to have like a little proof of concept so you bust out the phone just to like you know give a little credibility to the lie. Holy crap. It's nuts. It's nuts. Wait, we're not getting paid to be in this chat? You guys are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Pay you guys to come here and hang out with us. Wad zombie. Susie, can I buy you a beer and a car, sir? Absolutely. I'm excited to see you, dude. Get to hang out a little bit. We will definitely be in full effect at the West Coast Classic, the California semifinal, along with the Knoxville semifinal. I think that kind of brings me to the end of my, end of my material today,
Starting point is 00:43:05 guys. Oh, this is the other thing that I was going to talk about. Now that I've officially passed, uh, 10 shows, um, I'm going to be,
Starting point is 00:43:13 uh, bringing on some guests to the show, not in the sense of like a full, long, like 90 minute interview, like Seban does. Um, that's,
Starting point is 00:43:23 there's no way I can compete with that. That's, he's a fucking man at that. But what I want to do is bring on people for small segments that might have some sort of like, uh, information that would be cool for us. So one of the people that I was thinking about is a Dr. Sean rocket.
Starting point is 00:43:37 He's like a, uh, usually the head, like orthopedic at the CrossFit games. He's also an orthopedic surgeon and stuff is is a CrossFitter, has a CrossFit affiliate. So different things like that. So we could bring him in maybe for like 30 minutes and just be like,
Starting point is 00:43:51 hey, what are some of the most common things you see in CrossFit? How do we prevent this? Why is we getting this bad rap as far as like shoulder or hip injuries? What can we do to prevent this? What should coaches look out for? So we kind of bring them in just for like 30 minutes,
Starting point is 00:44:09 extract some of the cool stuff that they know that we don't, and then we move on. And so I got a couple people in mind for that already. But if you guys have anybody in mind or anything that you would want to offer, let me know. Shoot me a DM. Or better yet, go to school and put it in the message board. Go over to the school platform. And Dr. Rockets. Yes, Dr. Rockets. And different people like that. So if you guys have any input on who you think would be cool to have on to extract some information, there is this one lady that I wanted to have on that teaches personal finance to children. And it's for ages 4 to 13 or something. And she has all these books and workbooks that she does.
Starting point is 00:44:50 It follows Dave Ramsey's theory a little bit about personal finance. But I think about getting her on. That way we could share that with you guys. I know a lot of you guys have kids that are right around that age. That would be cool. Remember that first chick that I featured, like the crunchy mom or whatever,
Starting point is 00:45:08 crunchy mom, Kate. We could bring her on a little bit and talk about, you know, what stuff does she naturally like avoid for the kids in the grocery store and like how she films her content, has she ever been kicked out of Costco, something like that. So if you guys have any input on that or any ideas, I'd love to hear it. And we'll start bringing people on for short little segments. And then if they're fun and they're cool we want to hear more we'll schedule them for seven we could get like an in-depth like 90 minute interview and you could
Starting point is 00:45:33 find out about their lives bart k who's bart k anthony schaefer yeah so dm though, because I won't remember him here. I won't remember him here. So anyhow, game, that's basically it. We'll end on this because you know how much I love Mr. Gavin Newsom. And if we could talk about him on every show, I will. Oh, this is another thing that was nuts. Actually, I had these kind of like queued up for all three of them here i'm gonna go ahead and end on these here i loved this because there's just this total
Starting point is 00:46:13 lack of accountability in politics just like i mean just in the u.s in general but um this is uh gavin newsom gets savagely called out by a journalist after two solid minutes of dodging her question. Do you acknowledge, Governor, is your administration doing enough to determine whether the money that's being plowed into homelessness is being well spent? And do you worry? I'm curious. Do you worry that the appetite is souring among the public for for spending more more given the lack of progress that's happening? I appreciate the question in the frame. It's the right questions I want to ask myself all the time. And so that's another tool we hope we are able to have if the legislature embraces it in the next few weeks. I'm sorry, Governor. I didn't hear responses to either of those questions about whether this is state money.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Ultimately, I understand it goes to the counties. But do you acknowledge whether the money that the state isn't doing enough to ensure that the money is being well spent? I also didn't hear a response to whether you think that there's any I mean, is the public appetite? Do you think I'm hearing this like souring towards putting more money into the credit? I didn't hear responses to either of those. Well, and forgive me if I appear to repeat the first spot. And then he was going to go into more filibuster and rambling. And essentially, no. Nobody's fucking happy with what he's doing because it's just such a waste.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Like, think about it. If you were going to get some sort of government contract to build something, and you're like, I typically sell this cup for $10, but since we're going to do the government contract, now it's $100. And you could just inflate the price. And since there's no accountability anywhere for any of this government spending, no follow-up, no deadlines, no deliverables, just throwing your money into a pit, then he could just come up there and filibuster for two minutes. And we all kind of go back and we're like, oh, well, okay, I guess. So let's talk about the two things that were most recently spent on. This is amazing here. So the California bridge costs $11 billion and took three years to complete and it goes nowhere.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Cost $11 billion and took three years to complete, and it goes nowhere. Perfect. California has been criticized for celebrating the completion of a high-speed rail bridge, the Fresno River, which is seen going nowhere and part of a costly potential potentially facing cancellation. Yeah, the project, of course, is going to face cancellation because it was already like the whole bullet train from Fresno to Bakersfield, like two places nobody fucking goes in California.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And you're going to spend billions of dollars on that. And then you have to ask yourself, okay, where'd all the money go? Where'd it go? How much do you really think that cost? And it's not even attached to anything it's basically like oh shit we need something to show for for the money like okay let's just slap together this real quick so we could be like here's your 11 billion well worth it the other thing which is
Starting point is 00:49:38 actually just right up the street from me cost 400 million dollars for a high school a school which is opening in dublin california has unveiled the first new high school in alameda county in 50 years with a construction cost of nearly 400 million dollars whoa this place is like you know obviously they can't see it now but when we play the reel of this this place is insane okay insane so the school is set on 23 and a half acres boasts a sprawling library 137 seat lecture hall three-story academic tower there's a lot of words in here and a student union with soaring ceilings it's designed to serve up to 2,500 students so if you didn't know if you guys didn't know Dublin is the fastest growing city I think here in the Bay Area Area. It might be in California.
Starting point is 00:50:26 They got a great roller rink there. Yeah. Emerald High features. I got kicked out of that roller rink. Actually, I wasn't let into that roller rink because I didn't have a vaccination card. Golden skate. A little tidbit for you guys. There's modern facilities, including a performing arts center, kinesiology lab, ceramic studio,
Starting point is 00:50:46 upcoming additions like a 600-seat theater, and a large swimming pool. Damn, dude. This place sounds incredible. Yeah. So this is almost like, I mean, I went to Solano Community College and this is- I went to DVC for half a semester. This is wildly better than that. Emerald High School.
Starting point is 00:51:06 $374 million to build that high school. Now think about that. I wonder how much the actual cost of that would be. Because I started for Hayward Fire right when they started building the regional training center. Now this regional training center has like makeshift BART,
Starting point is 00:51:23 which is like our rail transit system, like makeshift components to where if there's an emergency underground, they already have a replica built up in a small section so they know how to train for it. There's one that's elevated. So when the train's up at a higher point, they have a section of it that's rebuilt so they can train at the higher point. They have houses that are typical buildouts that are there, multiple of them, two stories, one stories. They have makeshift office buildings, makeshift elevator shafts, all this stuff. So that way they could train in multitude of different scenarios depending on the situation inside of Hayward in the city. Not to mention, they have a really big lecture hall because they do a lot of the EMT training out of there now.
Starting point is 00:52:07 They do a lot of the fire academy out of there. They use it for the Chabot, which is the local college fire as well. So this is a really solid built, top of the line training center. They could turn the heat up in the buildings crazy hot. They could smoke the whole thing out, do a bunch of different stuff
Starting point is 00:52:23 for different training scenarios. And I think that sucker was somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 million. So it's like, okay, that regional training center costs you $20 million. It has all this sophisticated stuff, all these makeshift replicas of houses, office buildings, hospitals, BART trains, all of this. Yet they go over to build this high school, and it costs $375 million. And right up the street, just head right over the hill in 580, and where do you go?
Starting point is 00:53:01 You go to Oakland, shutting down schools, businesses are leaving, just insane crime rates. You see it starting to happen over in Hayward, trickling into Castro Valley a little bit. These are the towns that are pushing further east, closer towards Livermore. And yet, we just dumped a cool $375 million into one high school here at Dublin.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Dublin doesn't even have a downtown. Dublin's not even a real city. Crazy. And yeah, Shooter McGavin, 100%. Multi-million dollar facilities and still have shit teachers. And even worse, they don't even pay their teachers.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Crazy, right? Crazy. They don't care about Oakland. geez louise yeah you're right yeah one-third of the cowboy stadium cost and that's going to generate revenue oh cole what's up man welcome anyhow jump ship suzy you should run for local office i don't think i would do well in politics. Although I do a podcast out here locally in Livermore called Through the Grapevine Podcast, Wine Town, Livermore. And
Starting point is 00:54:13 we've talked to the city planner. I interviewed the mayor on there, interviewed the city planner. We interviewed the downtown association, the lady who helps out with businesses downtown and economic planning um and then we've had a lot of small business owners on there as well but the more i learn about politics especially even like local community politics the further away i want to get from it how many podcasts per week for what that ttg one or me on this show ttg one i do once a week and i'm not always on every show because i travel and stuff like that um it's with two other co-hosts jeremy and savannah and um i like to make as many of them as i can but uh when i travel and stuff i'm not on all of them
Starting point is 00:55:03 no you personally over all platforms. I don't know. Once a week? Twice a week? Anyhow, thanks for hanging out, guys. I know that Chase and Bill were doing probably some cool programming stuff. We're talking about semifinals.
Starting point is 00:55:22 So you guys go head over there if they're still live now. Thank you for you guys that have joined me. If you haven't already, please go check out that school platform. I'd love for you guys to get in there and contribute because essentially, if we don't take over CrossFit Media as the coaches, as the gym owners, if we don't produce our own
Starting point is 00:55:39 CrossFit Media... Hey, my Amazon package just got delivered. If we don't produce our own... It's like looking at me like I'm delivered. If we don't produce our own... It's looking at me like I'm crazy. If we don't produce our own stuff, if we don't carry our own message, the methodology which HQ is slowly just letting lie down, then it will disappear for forever. And my hope is that we're able to revitalize it,
Starting point is 00:56:00 maybe pay some homage to the CrossFit journal in there as well. And so I hope to see you guys over there. And hopefully it provides some sort of value for you. Or you can contribute and provide some sort of value for somebody else. As always, guys, thank you so much for hanging out. I will see you next week. Maybe come on with a... Maybe come on with a guest.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I don't know. CrossFit. Grab that box before someone in Oakland does. Yeah. No. Shit. Bigger. I'll hide you with the weird-ass questions. Yeah, I think it's just like two podcasts a week.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I probably am on two. If you count T to G, and then you count this one. Okay, adios, guys. Thank you very much. Be good to each other out there. See you next week. Bye-bye.

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