The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of Dave Castro's WIR | March 25, 2024

Episode Date: March 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Nighttime Caleb.
Starting point is 00:01:01 My goodness. It's a rare sighting, but a good one. What's up, dude? how did you pull this off like shouldn't she be like in your coffin or some shit right now usually yeah the wife decided to hit the sauna for an hour so nice you just said well i'm gonna hit the show for an hour dang i'm gonna hit that for an hour hey i've been setting up rumble i didn't do just now but i've been setting up rumble i've been getting emails about it oh good hey um we're having text issues with me you and russell oh no we're not well he said he also sent us a picture of the roadcaster he received, and I never received that. Yeah, we are then.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Susie, you're so easy. You're so easy. I just watched this thing about a Taiwanese millionaire who got a 12-inch black man's penis attached to him. And then later on it said that um they also cargo ship was uh pulled over and it had 7200 nigerian penises on it like a chinese cargo ship and i looked at both stories and the stories like aren't even like close to true oh man i know like it's just first of all they're from 2016 and it was donkey penises and i'm sure you know chinese people have all sorts of like crazy remedies and shit i was a nanny for these two chinese kids for a while and there was always like deer penises and like antlers and just weird
Starting point is 00:02:37 shit around the house they have uh i shouldn't say weird that's so that's so um yeah centric of me there were cures there were medical cures that i was unaware of that are still i'm uh but i was so bummed i mean i didn't want nigerian dudes being harvested but the uh nigerians die too you know gotta hey something I'm willing to bet two inches of my penis that no transplanted penis gets even to 50% of the, uh, hardness of my, of my penis. There's just no way.
Starting point is 00:03:14 There's no way transplanted penis works. Well, first off, you're not a medical professional, so I can't believe it. Sorry. All right. So coming from the medical,
Starting point is 00:03:23 sorry, they don't even like Kayla's speak. Please. They don't even use a real penis to transplant it. You know how that works, right? Do you use a piece of alloy? The same alloy that Iron Man's made of? No, they use flesh out of your own forearm. Oh, well, shit. My forearms are beastly.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It's just like the skin or the muscle, and then they use a artificial penis hey listen i would take some of alex kazan's uh forearm uh as part of my penis any day have you seen this video of her getting out of have you seen the movie crods I don't know but if I was Jake I would just like just be sitting around just staring all day she is it is I watched that video
Starting point is 00:04:14 like 10 times I don't have time to watch anything 10 times so why don't you pee as much during the shows these days I think it's because I I don't drink sparkling water really as much anymore. I used to drink a lot of sparkling water. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, look at this. She has a butt muscle. Did you see it? Rewind that. Like all the striations in her butt muscles and leg muscles are just showing. She has a butt muscle. I know everyone's going to be like, of course she has a butt muscle. It's called the glute.
Starting point is 00:04:45 But dude, I've seen some really big buff butts and I still don't see the muscle. And watch when she gets out here. Look at her arm. I swear to fucking God. Jeez. Hubba hubba.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh, Kenneth, I got your text message. Thank thank you i didn't open it because i i want to um make sure i see it tomorrow when i spend 62 to send you a 35 slack block block i can't wait for wad zombies remix of that you know you know how i know i have an eating disorder ask me what i did for my workout today throw up i'm a little slightly more nuanced than that okay on the assault bike yeah i did 100 calories on the assault bike to warm up for 300 calories on the air runner and i got off my god something's wrong with me zone two god the air runners god the air runner is hard yeah you run that barefoot it doesn't pinch your feet no yeah it's got like an inch of calluses on those feet yeah my feet pinch the air runner you start to wear down the rubber because of your feet it's just how i say my workout that,
Starting point is 00:06:05 that convinces me that I have an eating disorder. Hey, why was Caleb here before me? Or was I here before Caleb? Caleb was here before both of us. Oh, I want it to be like, why were you late?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Caleb? You knew exactly fucking a, he knew exactly where I was taking that. I was like, why were you late? Caleb? Should ask. Um the other day, though. If you're interested in taking fluoride out of your diet,
Starting point is 00:06:34 which I think you should be, and you're interested in something that will make your mouth feel great, you should try Metuthion. The reviews are in. The only negative review we got was this morning. Someone said their dentist said that they shouldn't use it. I personally think that that's more reason you should use it. Feel free to look up tooth powder.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Google all the ingredients. Look around. You will be very, very, very happy. It's crazy. The reviews are off the fucking chart. I love it. I have to like not brush my teeth as much as. And by the way, also,
Starting point is 00:07:11 don't let yourself run out of Paper Street Coffee. For fuck's sake, don't do what I do. It's not a good time. No, I just put in a subscription. I'm like, I'm getting a subscription. You're out? You're out of it right now? No, not now, but I was out. Yeah, I got a subscription. I love their can, that nitro can.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I wish I had a shitload of them at the gym. Do you know what I do, though? I was that kid that when I had stickers, I never stuck them because then they would be stuck. And I would end up with all these stickers, and then they would go bad. I was such an idiot. And I feel that way about the cans. I have six cans. I'm like, can't drink any
Starting point is 00:07:45 what because then you only have five mine go quick grace will drink all of them if i don't get to it so i gotta i gotta beat her to the punch or i do something stupid like take one somewhere for an emergency but then the whole time in the car not drink it and then it gets hot and then you gotta put it back in the fridge and wait until tomorrow. No, I usually I panic, throw it away. Or no, I take it in the backyard and let the kids shoot it with a BB gun. I know, horrible. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I know. Dentist created Coca-Cola. And guess who created the CDC? Coca-Cola. Does Matuthian sponsor any games athletes? No, but you know what, Johnny? I was thinking that some games athletes should sponsor this show That's innovative
Starting point is 00:08:36 Hey, dude Hey, you guys want to give us money? Make it look really fucking good Hey, listen I'll put a big huge fucking lab management see where it says the real savant podcast just right up top there lab management and just parade their athletes through here i'm already i guess they don't have to pay for that we already got fee dallin and jason just gonna say up on the pedestal
Starting point is 00:09:05 we talk about their agency every time they come on how excited how excited are you guys about uh the quarterfinals taylor self versus the world the seven podcast invitational where we alone have the power to put people into the semifinals i didn't realize that last part yeah exclusive spots huh look at fucking Caleb's lighting dude I know it kind of looks like he's sitting in like this big leather chair for some reason back there too I don't know why
Starting point is 00:09:37 he looks like a wizard yeah got a new camera or I set up the camera I had for that nice oh i wore my ceo shirt to my o1 this weekend that's awesome cool like it yeah did anyone say anything let me know maggot shirt of crossfit wow is this true mormons changed their caffeine rules after they invested in coca-cola for the salt lake city winter olympics is that true nobody's ever compromised their values for money that can't be true thank you oh i like you today especially when it comes to religion like we're dead that's never happened they don't just change
Starting point is 00:10:13 prayers for nothing they didn't go around and tell you that the second your coin hit the box your loved ones got sent to heaven that would be weird i want to tell you guys uh he was doing some math today back of the napkin back andrew hiller just had a record month dude he's a beast a record month and uh we also had a record month. Seven times in one day? Say it again. How many times in one day? Seven times in one day. Remind me to tell you a story about that.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It doesn't even feel good after like the fifth time. Well, it depends if you're alone if you're with someone it does if you're alone it doesn't it's horrible it's weird that's weird um i don't think even five percent of the crossfit population knows about who he is who he is I think NFL fans no that's how much potential this fucking guy has
Starting point is 00:11:29 yeah I agree with that hey he's not even close to like a tipping point he's still like just getting started has barely touched the tam yeah what's that mean total available market damn oh wow
Starting point is 00:11:44 so that way the the p people know what we're saying too the p values a total available market yeah the seos and shit and the posts and yeah seo yeah roi yeah yeah there it is his seo hasn't been optimized, and so his ROI definitely isn't optimized. But there's a ton of hope because his TAM is also not realized. Hiller's unrealized. I mean, dude, he's a seedling. But man, his taproot has sunk deep. Hey, you know what he would crush you?
Starting point is 00:12:22 What? Sorry, what were you saying? No, no, you go ahead. I won't forget. I was just going to say, if he started veering off and did what he does in the CrossFit space, but in the bodybuilding world? I think he's talked about that a lot. Yeah. Booyah, kasha. They say that's a business term also. Tap root. The tap root's really important. Yeah. Taproot. The taproot's really important. When you plant seeds, you want to put them in a small container, but you don't want the container to be so shallow that when the taproot hits the bottom that it turns.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And so – oh, thank you. Yeah, the taproot. A taproot's a large central and dominant root from which the other roots sprout laterally. Typically, a taproot is somewhat straight and very thick. It's tapering in shape and grows directly downward. Yeah, Hiller's got a massive taproot. He's girthy. Yeah. You can see it through his shorts. He's all taproot. Yeah, he's better loosen up his shorts. He's going to fucking damage his taproot.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah, it's going to curve. It's going to be no good. He's going to put a little fucking kink in his taproot. Okay, 21 minutes at one and a quarter time. Every week I get more and more... Oh, I know why Caleb's here. Why? Because this is your big show to use all your buttons. You got new buttons?
Starting point is 00:13:39 No, not new ones. I do have buttons. I have one button that I like to press. I've just really realized in the last month or two that this is the authenticity of CrossFit. So think of how few brands, I said it before and people were like, well, what about Dave Portnoy and Dana White? Yeah, I think they're good examples too. This is our forward-facing guy um doesn't do talking points that shit's sticky okay uh tdc here we go we don't have all night what time time are you waking up tomorrow morning?
Starting point is 00:14:25 Susan? Yeah. 4.45 a.m. My God. Listen, when you see Susan do a show tomorrow at 11 a.m., like, he's at the end of his day already. In review,
Starting point is 00:14:36 March 25th, 2024. How is that one and a quarter time? What you talk any slower he did take a huge pause after that i will i watched this earlier he took a huge pause i've never heard him do that god gathering thought hey that i think that's because of me there's no coincidences that he's that's my I could say Yolanda Seve hi Hi dear Lucky camera straps as TDC the Dave Castro where we should drop in while in the
Starting point is 00:15:12 States and he said CrossFit teal or At least that's what we heard was that the affiliate Name can't find anywhere. Oh, no, I think I Said CrossFit Central. I don't think he said anything I said CrossFit Central in Austin That's Joe Jeremy feels Jim sorry Jeremy feels Jim And his and his sister's Jim maybe a sister I forget a sister anything. I said CrossFit Central in Austin. Oh, Jeremy Thiel's gym. Sorry, Jeremy Thiel's gym. And his sister's
Starting point is 00:15:27 gym. Maybe his sister. I forget his sister. Carrie. Carrie. She has a different last name because she's boning some dude. I forget. She's cool. They're cool-ass people. I mean, there's OGs you get. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:15:43 At Brian Clap CrossFitter4776. Dave, what is your vision for judging the elite athletes with more volunteer judges instead of the all-one staff? Last year, it seems the volunteer judges did equally well. The volunteer judges judge five to ten times a year, including the semifinals, quarterfinals, and rogue invitational. They have far more experience judging than the all-one staff. Thanks for your feedback. They did a great job. They do a really good, they did a good job last year. They do a good job when they've judged the other aspects of the competition, specifically the team and for all the other events they do too. I've always really enjoyed working with the seminar staff in that role because it's already such a tight and
Starting point is 00:16:28 cohesive team that knows each other all so well and that I know very well. And I know, they know what to expect from me in the heat of the moment. And I know what to expect from them in the same heat of the moment. So there's a level of team work, team camaraderie, team building, team trust that I have with the level one seminar staff. And in that environment, we'll call it maybe their lack of experience at other events. That statement is true. Some of the volunteer judges do have more experience because they get around to other events. It's not true for all of the level one seminar staff. Some of them do judge and get out there. But the team cohesion and the team familiarity of us working together and being on the same crew for so long means a lot to me and is important. And that's why
Starting point is 00:17:13 I really put a premium on having level one seminar staff in that role for those reasons I just stated. I'm going to guess that you can get a better continuity with the seminar staff For those reasons I just stated. think they do actually niceties with the volunteer too i don't know how i feel about that why would that person ask that question they just want to get some camera time with the elite yeah that's kind of an interesting question right but i agree i think that like if you already have a team like dave saying that works well together that you could just like look over like yeah and like do a grunt and they know what you're talking about that seems really valuable and something as high stakes as the games you can argue alternatively though when so when seminar staff is teaching movements they're teaching it in the sense of like okay functional like i but then when you have judges they're teaching and they're regularly looking things from the sense of range of
Starting point is 00:18:18 movement or the whatever it is you know the burpee at the games is different than the burpee at the l1 for sure right the clean at the at the l1 is different than the clean of the games because the clean at the l1 says oh we're not going to lift our heels off the ground thepee at the games is different than the burpee at the L1 for sure. Right. The clean at the L1 is different than the clean at the games because the clean at the L1 says, oh, we're not going to lift our heels off the ground. The clean at the games is we're going to lift our heels off the ground. But that's technique. I was just even thinking range of motion to legitimize a rep. Yeah, sure. I'm just trying to give you another example. It wasn't great.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Well, it made me look good. Thank you. You're welcome. Yeah, I don't know I also think it's good to It's a double it's a double double It's a double marketing thing too because Then you get those trainers out there On the floor for all eyes on them
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah and they They were in that I didn't even know that they were actually judges I didn't know that the L1 staff was judging at the games. I thought it was just people from semifinals. Hey, and the argument is like you should have to pay the judges. Well, those judges are all paid. It's true.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Did they get combat pay for being at the games? Probably not. And then they also get to keep their job. The one scary thing, though, is that if they do screw up, there's somebody lurking that'll definitely highlight that which might not be like the best look for the seminar staff that guy we talked about in the beginning yep keep it tight keep it it's okay only three percent of the population knows him um there's a slight plan again oh by the way two six eight seven hi dave i
Starting point is 00:19:43 recently enlisted for the Australian Army. Still. More specifically, the commandos. Wondering if you were ever involved with the Australian Defense Force while you were deployed and what you think of them. Thanks, mate. Well, I was deployed cross paths with, didn't work closely with a lot of people at the units or teams I have worked at, did work closely with them. I personally didn't. After I got out of doing that and was heavily involved with CrossFit, even while I was in teaching prior to getting out. I started working with the Australian SAS
Starting point is 00:20:12 more with CrossFit than I did when I was out. We actually went to Perth, did a seminar for a group of those guys and really impressed with them. Great group of guys. I'm a big fan of all the special forces units out there and the history of them and specifically the British SAS and how they were kind of the founding fathers for so many of the other spec ops units out there. But a big fan of them and a majority of the special operations forces out there and what they do. do at skeeboard there was a guy at the very i don't know 2008 or 2009 games maybe both who is special force special forces in australia i can't remember his name steve smith i don't know but he he looked like he was juice to the gills but he was crazy popular those first two or three years of crossfit crazy crazy popular and actually at the 2009 games i think he started crying he was in the ice bath after the games and he's like i shouldn't be doing shit like this away oh commando steve yeah
Starting point is 00:21:14 yeah and i think he was a famous tv personality in australia too yep thank you wow look at you jack wow all right man this steve 407 on seven's podcast you almost talked about the second All right. Like I, like, here's what it is. I think I don't, I'm not ready to go have a deep dive conversation on that topic. And I felt like the, the amount I did try discussing it with someone, I wasn't, I should have just avoided the question. I'm really good at usually avoiding questions or pivoting. I did not do that there. And next time I will, but so enjoy the conversation, enjoyed the olive oil segment and sharing it, sharing the flavors with Savon. Enjoyed seeing Savon and talking to Savon.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But I definitely don't think it was one of the better podcasts we've done together. What? Huh? I disagree. Listen, Dave, it was fine. The Bible part was was great he doesn't like being feeling vulnerable one of the things you don't talk to people about is what money money religion and something else but but but but we didn't even really talk i mean we talked about it for where him and i are at with it i thought we like yeah i mean shit that's where that's where we're at with it i thought
Starting point is 00:22:51 it was great i thought it was cool i mean everyone knows he's reading it we want to see where he's at with it it was good he was a couple times i felt his energy drop like i don't normally feel it drop in the room but but we recovered and fucking we were drinking alcohol fermented grapes oh which is kind isn't that the blood of jesus or something why is that that's the blood of christ all right it's anointed all right at uh at jen sentaster so how do you handle how do we handle the God? Hey, so that person that's,
Starting point is 00:23:27 that's the hater dude. Oh yeah. That's the dude who always says abstract, uh, hateful comments. He did on my show, uh, last Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I'll be, that's all he does. Yeah. Abstract, uh, hateful comments. That's the dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Good dick. Good dude. Hi, uh, you do change your name to abstract, hateful comments? Trap put a trap between my ears and can't communicate. You leak Dave's workout.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Is this a line of the cases about mysterious ways or as then Taster? So how do you handle, how do we handle the God who leaked Dave's workout? Is this a line of the cases about mysterious ways or as normal people call it coincidences? I don't even know what to say to that. At burn 1808. Hey dude, if everyone thinks that your shit's fucking tarted, you're tarted or you're tarted. Or you're genius. Yeah, genius.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Hi, Dave. CrossFit maintains a strict policy for PEDs and has credibly upheld it when violations have been uncovered with controversies related to gambling involving athletes rocking other sports and considering online bookmakers and the rise of fantasy apps for CrossFit competition.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Beyond the general sportsmanship rules, has CrossFit considered explicitly addressing the issue of gambling for members of the organization, partners, and athletes? Is there a rise of fantasy apps for CrossFit competitions specifically for betting or gambling? If there are, tell them to link up with me and maybe we can work together, not in of setting outcomes but in terms of where gambling is legal and allowed for our fans for people is there any gambling in crossfit do you guys know of any gambling anywhere in the crossfit space i wish there was a cool app that you could do that with your friends and uh draft people and make bets on events that'd be dope yeah there's the g-rated version that we roll with the heat one app that's the version baby that's the precursor right he what yeah he won will be the official gambling
Starting point is 00:25:30 app for the uh quarterfinals taylor self versus the world but um hell yeah that's a weird question that's like um asking a six-year-old what kind of car they drive i mean cross it's not even close to that space yeah you mean because there's just not a lot of people that there's not a people that watch it quote unquote i mean i wish we yeah i just wish we had those problems we don't have any of those problems i could not find odds last year on the games i looked everywhere yes see i mean it's like dude you could get you could gamble on fucking anything this cross it still can't even hasn't broken that broken the hymen on that now you can think about all the things you can gamble on in a crossfit event it'd be a lot somebody got to
Starting point is 00:26:11 come out with mismatched shoes is somebody gonna have the wrong grip belt is somebody gonna pick up the wrong bag oh my god it's endless to be able to uh participate in in um betting on the sport if they want. So gambling is just like guns. They're legal. Well, let me rephrase that. Guns are legal in all 50 states. Gambling isn't legal everywhere. But gambling is a legal endeavor in a lot of places.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So where it's legal, I think it's totally fine if people want to gamble on it. The last sentence, though, might be the key sentence you have. Has CrossFit considered explicitly addressing the issues of gambling for members of the organization, partners, and athletes. So I don't think we have any issue for members of the organization, partners, or athletes gambling on CrossFit or fixing. I've heard nothing. It doesn't mean it hasn't happened, I guess I should say, but I don't even know where to gamble on CrossFit, or I don't even know if people in our community are gambling across it. So let's start there. Let's see that people are gambling on the sport.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Oh, let's wait until the person's 16 years old and has a car before we ask them what kind of car they drive. You don't ask them when they're four. Or on the competition. Let's see where that's happening. And if they are, yeah, we'll make sure that no one from the organizing body of whoever's putting on that competition or the athletes aren't betting on it. But, but this is like, so here's, I think what you're doing is you're taking, you're conflating this issue that's in the athletes aren't betting on it. But this is like, so here's, I think what you're doing is you're taking,
Starting point is 00:27:27 you're conflating this issue that's in the MLB and a huge sport where there's millions of dollars and a sport that's been around for over a century and saying, oh, that's- Is this a yearly show of all the worst questions? Is that what this show is? This is just like all the worst questions? Seems like, yeah. Worst of, the toilet bowl.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah. 2024 worst questions asked episode. Problem there. It's probably and must be a problem here. Here's the MLB. Here's the MLB. Here's us. Where?
Starting point is 00:27:51 We're so fucking small and so new in our sport development that we don't have the issues that the MLB has at this point. We don't have the money in terms of an organization, in terms of what players make, in terms of broadcast, in terms of a lot of areas. Hey, so I haven't looked at the story yet, but what he's referencing is there's a player who makes $700 million. He's in the Major League Baseball. He has some crazy contract. And I guess – Who is it? Shohei Otani.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Okay. And I guess he has a cook or a chauffeur or someone in his – Translator. Okay, and I guess he has a cook or a chauffeur or someone in his translator, and he was caught doing some bets that were like $2-4 million, but the guy only makes $2 million a year, so they're suggesting that maybe the baseball player was giving him money to bet for him. Okay. I don't know. The ecosystem for all of CrossFit is smaller than the worst baseball team in the league. The entire CrossFit ecosystem, including Rogue and Lab Management and the Sebon Podcast and Matuthian and RX Gear. And like Like This one player This one that dude could buy CrossFit
Starting point is 00:29:08 And still have and still be one of the Richest men in the world that one This one baseball player franchise with the Lowest value in Major League Baseball is nine Nine hundred ninety million in U.S. dollars oh the value of the Marlins Was estimated at one billion U.S. dollars In that year
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah Ways to go huh was estimated at $1 billion in that year. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of ways to go, huh? Listen, people, what kind of questions are you asking? How are you on your fifth booster? And so we're not going to have the same gambling problems. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:29:39 No problem. Take your time, Dave. So I don't think it's a problem. Tell me if I'm wrong, please. I'd like to know that there's a gambling problem in the sport of CrossFit. Me too. At TheRealKevin87, what's your take on quarterfinals being the worst event in CrossFit as stated on Coffee, Pods, and Waz? How can CrossFit improve engagement for quarterfinals and make the 75% of people in the Open that didn't qualify interested or the 100% of CrossFitters that didn't sign up for the Open interested in following it? Quarterfinals being the worst event in CrossFit. I don't think it's the worst event in crossfit um did pedro really say that no i think somebody
Starting point is 00:30:13 on around the whiteboard said it oh okay so not pedro no it was on his show some he asked the question what people thought of quarterfinals and and then somebody, I don't remember exactly who, said quarterfinals is gay. Wow, that was the term they used? Yeah, I'm pretty sure, verbatim, they said quarterfinals is gay. That's not even the right use of the word. That's okay. It doesn't matter. People get the term. Fine, thank you. You and Suze are just helping the show flow today.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Anytime I try to throw up a roadblock, you guys are like, nope, we'll just drive right around that. No problem. I don't know who Coffee Pods and Wads is, but that's a pretty bold statement to say it's the worst event in CrossFit. Maybe here, this is that thing I talked about a few weeks ago where people say really big
Starting point is 00:30:57 statements or sensationalize things to get attention, and it's kind of working here. How can CrossFit improve engagement in quarterfinals and make the 75% of the people in the open that didn't qualify interested for the 100% of CrossFitters that didn't sign up for the open interested in following? So do people need to be interested in following it? I don't think that's the goal. Meaning, so the 100%, everyone else, I think this is what you're saying, who didn't qualify for the quarterfinals, should we drive interest to make them follow it? You can follow it via the leaderboard. I know
Starting point is 00:31:28 Sebon's planning on following some of his athletes or athletes that he's friends with and their journey through it. And I know a lot of other athletes don't want to chronicle their journey real time through it, which is understandable. And that's the unique stage there. So the way that stage is set up, basically it's not as easy or intuitive to follow as some of the other stages down the road, especially because it's done at home and especially because it's online. I also think how can CrossFit improve engagement for quarterfinals? Make the 75%… Okay, I see what you're saying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Here's what I think. um here's what i think i think that um if you go from the open to the games you have a community participation event that then transfers to a community party right that's the games right celebration right so it goes from a community event in the affiliates to a community event in a festival atmosphere let's just say and so that's just a really simple way of of looking at it and then now with the corner final quarterfinals we have sort of this hybrid thing we have something that's um taking us walking us to the festival but it still takes place in the affiliates i don't know if it's good or bad i know for us it's going to be fucking amazing yeah it creates a great opportunity for us to create some logistical nightmares for affiliates
Starting point is 00:32:43 with a lot of people going through it creates a nice revenue stream for cross great opportunity for us to create some logistical nightmares for affiliates with a lot of people going through it and creates a nice revenue stream for CrossFit. And for us. Yeah, we're going to get, we're, our numbers are going to go through the roof when we have Dallin, Jason Colton and Taylor fucking go six days in a row.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It's going to be nuts. Oh yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. It's what I was just saying. Um, I'm gonna throw this in the pile with shit questions.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah, it wasn't great. The quarterfinals aren't the spectacle that I think people might want them to be or expect them to be. Maybe they can be in the future, but as they are now, they are not that. Really, with the quarterfinals, the intent of them was we had five-week open prior to COVID. Once COVID happened, we reduced it to a three-week open. And then the three-week open actually really made a lot of sense for affiliate owners and for the everyday men or the average person. And so then from there, pre-Semi-Finals, to have a little more tests, a little more rigor in the advancement stage, we added the quarterfinals, which you can scale
Starting point is 00:33:39 things up and you can make them a little more difficult or specific to top athletes, where in the open, it's made for everyone. And so that was the point of the quarterfinals. And even then it wasn't saying, hey, we're going to make it this much. Let me go one step further and put on my greatest CMO in the world hat on. There's no tension in the quarterfinals. There's no tension. So in the Open there's not a lot of tension.
Starting point is 00:34:04 In the quarterfinals there's definitely not tension. In the semifinals there's a tension so in the open there's there's no there's not a lot of tension the quarterfinals there's definitely not tension in the semifinals there's a shitload of tension because especially if you're an avid fan because the bubble athletes get whacked and so there's just that's another thing in terms of the net how the narrative goes there's just no tension in the um quarterfinals yeah because you know all the every the vast majority of the people you know are going to the semifinals but the semifinals it starts getting a little weird that's why cuts at the games are so gnarly there's so much fucking tension whether you like them or not you like them as to the narrative yeah yeah massive really uh viewer friendly event and raising it 25 from 10 was just to uh, more people an ability to compete
Starting point is 00:34:45 if they want to compete. And like, you look at my story and you know, I, um, after week one, I had not even thought about quarter. Did you post that video? No, he never said the air and a, oh, I, I sent him. I said, Hey, Sousa is going to post that video. Sousa has this awesome video. Did, did he say, yeah, he didn't answer i was hoping if i just threatened him to post it he would like fight with me um suza has this awesome video you'll see it soon but suza caught the moment that dave's dave's in the state assembly at the capitol in sacramento wearing his suit like he's supposed to be listening to the guy talking instead he's fucking refreshing the leaderboard and sees that he makes quarterfinals and you see dave chubb up it's a really cool moment yeah finals all year i mean i
Starting point is 00:35:31 obviously knew we were doing it but i didn't think i would make it or it didn't even have any aspirations to make it but after week one i looked at the app and i i was like 50 or 60 percent 50 something in um just the open division and then when i swiped over and looked at my 40 to 45, nine division, 40 to 49 division, I was at 68%. And I was like, Oh shit, I'm close. I can pull this off. And then, so the next two weeks I took the quarterfinal or the open really, I think seriously because I wanted at that point to make it to the next stage to make it into quarterfinals. And because I redid, I ended up redoing 24.3. And that was enough to get me barely into quarterfinals because I had a really good 24.2.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And so that, um, that to me was motivation enough and, and what I felt there and the journey I had and how I enjoyed that, um, I'm really competitive and there's a lot of other people who are really competitive and there's a lot of other people who probably had a similar journey. And so quarterfinals is to, um, is for, for that aspect, for those people who want to try to advance and then want to try to continue on to another level of competition. At Red Leaf Fitness, around the 17-minute mark, I was so impressed in his poise and managing stress from being on a high-profile podcast with Rich to finding out about the workout league.
Starting point is 00:36:41 People have never led anything in any capacity, small or large, have no idea what it's like to make the decision that he has to make and still leave. Castro is the one thing holding CrossFit together. Well, thank you for that. There's a lot of things holding CrossFit together. I'm not the one thing, but I'm part of a team of people, premium on having level one seminars. Shit, sorry. What'd I do? Fuck. What'd I do? Oh, you kicked us all the way back.
Starting point is 00:36:58 So I don't think it's a problem. Tell me if I'm wrong. Please. I'd like to know that there's a gambling problem in the sport across here. Shit. At the real game, so the 100% to everyone else, I think this is what you're saying, who didn't qualify for the quarterfinal, 75% every day, man, or the average person. And so then from all year, I mean, I obviously knew we were doing it, but I didn't think
Starting point is 00:37:18 I would make it. Or it didn't even have any at 68%. And I was like, oh, shit, I'm redoing 24.2 for that aspect. For those people who at anything, in any capacity, small or large, have no idea what it's like to make the decision that yes, you make and still lead. Castro is the one thing holding CrossFit together. Well, thank you for that. There's a lot of things holding CrossFit together. I'm not the one thing, but I'm part of a team of people and a movement and a methodology that is incredibly powerful. And I'm one small part of that and and really it's it's many things that
Starting point is 00:37:45 are holding CrossFit together in terms of people have never led anything in any capacity have no idea what it's like to make decisions that has let me see well thank you thank you for acknowledging the poise I had there and managing that stress and being on that podcast there's other points or manage stress as well but I've had plenty of training and opportunities to deal with chaotic situations throughout the year. That was something we talked about on the show. That's something I didn't even imagine. He's supposed to release the workout, and he's in a room, and everyone there already knows the workout, and he's releasing it to the world, and everyone knows it, and that's a fucking downer. knows it and that's a fucking downer yeah probably not as crazy as breaching a door going into a room where you know people are waiting for you with guns on the other side and having the responsibility
Starting point is 00:38:32 of completing the mission and not dying i mean might be close i don't know i've never been in the latter situation so if you're like you're reaching for that level of excellence and you're like this fucking idiot decided to release the workout, I would be absolutely insanely pissed. That guy's fine, for sure. Yeah. Whoever it was, see ya. That's not stupid. Context by Matt Souza and Caleb Beaver.
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's kind of just the norm. It's just what it is. For me, especially at this point, almost two decades here, people attacking us, people saying stuff, things going wrong. Um, it's, it's, I feel like, um, it's been years of just dealing with things and training. So when they happen, it's pretty easy to not lose your cool. And especially even back from my military time, again, managing stress and managing chaotic environments and keeping your cool all was important through those moments. So in the in the when Greg sold the company and Rosa bought it and some just and I still work there, there were some discussions that Greg Dave and I had that were pretty funny because we knew that the oncoming people were going to have no idea what it's like working for crossfit like we already had these crazy thick calluses and we knew that and especially if you have woke people right
Starting point is 00:39:50 because they just go by the whim of popular opinion what did you call it teach me that who's a populist or something yeah yep so they take the temperature of the room and then make their decision and we were dying we were like oh shit, shit. They're going to come in here, and the community is going to haze the fuck out of them, and they're going to trip. Yep. Some of them might not even make it. Hey, welcome to CrossFit. It's your first day. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Sorry it didn't work out. Right. In the same breath. Dude. That's how that works, though. You have to do that. You have to test them. It's the same thing in every other, any occupation in the base. We'll talk about the military law enforcement fire. You have to just beat the shit out of them until they, anybody who doesn't want to be there leaves. They're going to, they're going to weed themselves out. They don't deserve to be there.
Starting point is 00:40:38 The problem is, is that. You told me some stories too, Caleb, about when you were deployed and you first got there. Like they just treat you like, fuck you, figure it out, right? Yeah, absolutely. You show up and they're like, it's your problem. This is your problem now. You got to sort this out for yourself. And so you do that. You guys are talking about like military people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:56 These are like C-suite execs that grew up through the tech bubble and just were fucking had their MBAs. Like they've never like had a hard day in their life. They didn't know that they were going will find people even in those worlds who will figure out how to how to thrive in those in that atmosphere you know what i mean jay de coons uh there you go exactly yeah jay don don's made it well don got a nice don got a really fucking easy welcome because dave introduced him and we brought out the bells and the whistles and somebody made sure his instagram bio looked good and um but jada coons did not jada coons is now a meme oh well like right right right you know what and have me having met him personally like at the health summit and have him like come through this
Starting point is 00:41:43 crowd of people and all of a sudden i turned and he's like standing there and he's like hi matt i'm jay de coons well he said i'm jay not jay de coons but i was like oh and like you say oh well no but i was just like wow and he handled himself very well there and he was really good and pleasant in person and he definitely took a beating coming into this community a beating yeah so to caleb's point you're actually you know that validates what caleb's saying even more because like he said it's like hey this is it now figure it out this is kind of this is the situation and uh the one guy i forgot his name josh something he he didn't figure it out he was
Starting point is 00:42:19 like get me the hell out of here media jada coons took the punches right on the chin and kept moving forward so kudos made him a hallmark card and then hq raised affiliate fees to just he came in hot kudos to jada coons yeah actually yeah hats off hey uh sebi did you hear about p diddy i read the articles and they don't say anything it's just slander to me like i like i read i just read the articles and it says that i'm sex trafficking i want to fucking like don't tell me that i want to know what he did show me the fucking picture of the recording or the like i or i don't fucking believe it like fuck you like i'm not i it's so crazy it's so crazy that it's okay to just do these superficial pieces like i so they raided his place and and and like but what did you find coke and marijuana
Starting point is 00:43:12 yeah i don't like yeah i want to know show me have someone come speak up i don't like that's it it's the same it's the same thing with that nickelodeon dude like i read the articles and i and i just did i didn't i didn't see anything like i need to know uh did you enjoy the audio clip of him supposedly ass pounding meek mills did you send me that i haven't heard that but oh oh oh, oh, here it is. Oh. Let me see. Let me hear this.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Hold on. Let me listen before I share with you guys. Okay. Oh, I don't know. That's not real. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know that's not real yeah thank you yeah i don't know i don't know and next thing you know uh um hillar's gonna make an audio clip of me getting ass pounded by sporty beth um i don't know i'm not
Starting point is 00:44:21 damn wad zombie hit one out of the park didn't he which one awesome just the one with who which table would you like to have dinner at oh yeah that was some cool combos he put some thought into that huh damn yeah yeah that was cool
Starting point is 00:44:40 oh oh yeah look at that I'm with Laura and Sporty and greg then there's hopper dallin dave and rich i'd rule out b immediately yep i'm not so interested in b if emily rolf would let me sit on her lap i'd do d it's all it's all about c clearly it would be so inappropriate if i said it would be so inappropriate if i said if she sat on my lap good cover i would so trip on c i would so sees where it's at that would be a crazy table oh man imagine imagine how cool it would be if
Starting point is 00:45:23 those people actually would do that like killer would host that yeah he would like all those people all those people have to do is be like hey andrew fly us out to your garage and we'll come eat eat with you let's hang out go have a deep dish pizza a the chart dude i would man and and hey and pretty much everyone would come out looking better well unless you fucked yourself right all you have to do is be nice and be cool and you come out like you come everyone gets a gets a 10% bonus, like just fat bonus. You know what I mean? Uh-huh. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Sponsored by CA Peptides. Yeah. Everyone would, everyone's stock would skyrocket. All right, here we go. A lot of ego there. At Mass Media Critic. Ooh, this is going to be good. Hello, Dave.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Being one that usually comes from a place of criticism toward yourself and your perspectives in the CrossFit space, I signed up this is going to be good. Hello, Dave. Being one that usually comes from a place of criticism towards yourself and your perspectives in the CrossFit space, I signed up this year for my first Open. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Just want to say thanks to you and your team. I'm going to be signing up next season to see if I can crack into the 25% for quarters. And that's exactly what I was fucking talking about a minute ago, is this notion of people really caring about and wanting to advance. And I was in that camp. And next year, next year, I'm actually going to train leading up to the open so I can do well going into quarterfinals and place high in my quest to make it in quarterfinals thanks for
Starting point is 00:46:52 the praise Brad Anderson three two four one good evening Dave crap up front kudos in the rear did having prior knowledge of the open workouts change how you train or did you stick to your normal training plan? I totally sucked my normal training plan, which is chaotic and unpredictable and just on a whim. I normally just program for myself like five minutes before I work out. I'll go in the gym, warm up. Sometimes I've even started something. And then as I'm doing that, something create a workout. So sometimes I've just started rowing and I'm like, okay, I'm going to row. I'll go to 500 and then I'll add some pull-ups and maybe I'll do this. So I do that a lot. But anyways, did you
Starting point is 00:47:29 stick to your normal training plan? My gut instinct on the person you are tells me you didn't tailor your training to the open. Didn't tailor it to the open. Thank you. Let's just pull all those conspiracy theories in their place with your response and congratulate you on a quarter's worth. Thank you. I'm proud of it. I didn't make it through in 40 to 45, but in five years, if you're still 45 to 50, I'm going to be dogging you rubber ducky. Cool. I'll hit you up at Highway Chatter 9309. Who cares if he games it? Right? Yeah, I don't
Starting point is 00:47:52 care. Yeah, like whatever. Yeah. What are your thoughts on Chase and Bill's take on their performance-based structure for spots at the games? I don't know what it is, but I mean, it's performance-based now, meaning you have to perform at different stages and then ultimately at semifinals to make it to I mean, it's performance-based now, meaning you have to perform at different stages and then ultimately at semifinals to make it to the games.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It is performance-based with some area and regional spots to include global representation and participation. At OSINT79. God, this really is a highlight of just horrible questions. Yeah, it's not his best one. Oh, Sint79. God, this really is a highlight of just horrible questions. Yeah. It's not his best one. Americans still impressed by religion. LOL.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I don't think just fuck. What the fuck? And then ultimately at semifinals to make it to the games. It is performance-based with some area and regional spots to include global representation and participation. At OSINT7972, Americans still impressed by religion, LOL. I don't think just fucking America is impressed by religion.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I think religion is a global phenomenon. So I don't know where you're coming from. That was so stupid. So that's the problem right there. Everybody has a religion. That was so stupid. or your core principles that allow you to make critical decisions throughout your day. They are the essence of your character, something that only you can change, that no amount of defamation or there's two things about you. There's what people think about you, and then there's your own character, which you have complete control over, and that is your religion.
Starting point is 00:49:43 The scariest people in the world are not the Scientologists. They're not there, at least in this country. They're not the fucking Christians. They're not the Mormons. They're the people who don't know that they have a religion. If you fucking took the fucking vaccine willingly and then went and got boosters. That is your religion. Pfizer is your if you the U.S. government told you to put a mask on and you did it.
Starting point is 00:50:14 We know we know who your daddy is. We know who your God is. And that's the fucking scary part that people don't realize that and hey I don't blame you it took me fucking 47 years to figure that out but you have a bucket inside of you that you operate off of and once you become
Starting point is 00:50:35 conscious of it that's your religion well said you know who's still impressed by religion europeans middle easterners russians chinese like their whole their whole shtick is based on religion every all of the terrorists in the world religion all the europeans and of all of the european countries why do you think they still keep their churches in really nice shape yeah the same shit it's not just us hey at this point it's a no-brainer to fucking follow the rules that jesus laid out over the rules that kaiser permanente laid out i mean like don't be stupid no shit don't be stupid
Starting point is 00:51:21 here's the thing though asymmetric ears you're saying not everyone can see that perspective i hear you because i couldn't see it either but it's so once you start getting a modicum of self-awareness and in consciousness if someone presents this idea to you you can see it inside of you you're like oh shit we all have this bucket it's like a sex drive everyone has it everyone everyone has it it's it's it's objective everyone has it and in religion is the same thing everyone has a religion if you don't know what yours is fine then just be like hey i don't know what mine is and start cultivating enough awareness or developing one if you don't like the ones that are out there don't be like what's this obsession with religion because you just make yourself look like you're a zombie at that point you're a what you're an npc dude no operating system yeah thank you thank you yeah npc non-playable character no no i i know
Starting point is 00:52:20 i wasn't saying no hey this motherfucker brought us brought us Tam. How dare you? Yeah. It was, yeah. I know what an NPC is. All right. All right. I know you do the acronyms and shit, but I just want to make sure. It's not in the business. Is NPC in one of your business books? No.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It's a video game. They play GTA. Everybody but you as an NPC. If you're in your world, everybody else is an NPC. There was a mountain lion attack in California a couple days ago. And killed a guy near Sacramento, a 21-year-old, and attacked his brother. And his brother was 18. They ended up finding the mountain lion, and they ended up killing the mountain lion. And if you guys follow my hunting stuff, you'll see we have a mountain lion in these hills back here that pops up on the camera every few months every few weeks it seems like and so um and hey
Starting point is 00:53:15 when dave says it's in the hills like he doesn't live on 10 000 acres i think that's i think it's a 60 i mean i mean he's surrounded by 10 000 of wide open acres but he um yeah like that's I think it's a 60. I mean, I mean, he's surrounded by 10,000 of wide open acres, but he. Yeah, like that's that's 100 yards from where he's sitting right now. Right. That's to say the hills he's referring to is the top of the 2009 sprint. Yeah. I mean, that's that's close. Yeah. If you are wondering why I always have a gun on or why I'm always carrying a gun here, and I always have Doug, a big dogo, it's for shit like that. It's not really that big of a dogo.
Starting point is 00:53:53 No? As far as dogos go. I don't think so. It's a girl. It's only 10 pounds. It's a girl. I have never seen the mountain lion in my life here at the ranch. Never seen it.
Starting point is 00:54:05 It's pretty wooded back there. Clearly, it's probably seen us 100 times. But having her up there, at least it's like a first line of defense. She might be able to sniff it out or see it before I do. And then if it were to attack us, which I don't think is going to happen, but I have to process this because it just attacked someone and killed someone a few hours away. Hopefully, she'd slow it down prior to it coming to me.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And then of course I have a weapon. So if I have to protect myself, yes, I would shoot the mountain lion clearly, but crazy. The mountain lion thing in California is wild. So they've been protected for a couple of decades now and in a protected environment where hunters aren't able to kind of help control the population, they've really, they're kind of out of control.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And that's why you see a lot of them going into neighborhoods. And that's why you see the more there are the scarcity of food. And so they start pushing into communities. And then this extreme example, I don't know the details, but this one attacked a couple of people. So wild stuff. I live, I don't know, let's say 15 miles from where he is and we have mountain line sightings around my house all the time at least at least I've been here nine years and at least we've had at least one a year within a half mile my house and then Greg's house at the top
Starting point is 00:55:14 of Greg's driveway we saw completely just a deer that was just ripped to shreds like just pieces everywhere I have that house is tucked back up there pretty pretty good it's more humane for animals to kill animals. It's not humane for us to be doing it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Right now. Thank you, Caleb, on behalf of. Rich's comment section. Yes. Yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:55:36 it's pretty wild when I am at Greg's house and I, and you know where all those all, you know, the driveway, how you can just go out there and just pee on that grass there behind the chimineas. I, I, and when my kids are playing there at night i always like i'm pissing i'm like am i gonna get eaten right now with my dick in my hand you're just gonna be ripped off real quick yeah glad i have a big 110 pound dogo to to help me go up in those hills and protect me
Starting point is 00:56:02 there's a new educators course that we launched for. And when he means protect him, he means be bait. He means to slow it down. He already said that. Yeah. Small delay so he can pull his gun out. Teachers and people in the education field, it's an online course. Check it out where our online courses are found.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And there's a new affiliate on the affiliate map. What online courses are there? People in the education field, big 110 pound dogo to help me go up in those hills and protect me. There's a new educators course that we launched for teachers and people in the education field. It's an online course. Check it out where our online courses are found. And there's a new affiliate on the affiliate map there's a new feature so affiliate owners if you're watching this go into your i guess it's in your profile in your affiliate toolkit and on the map that people view it now where it has your um so here's your gym so here's crossfit
Starting point is 00:57:04 tubor one of our seminar staff andrew charlesworth owns it so it has a gym location it has your um so here's your gym so here's crossfit two more one of our seminar staff andrew charlesworth owns it so it has a gym location oh that dude got ass pounded by hiller andrew that's a couple join a class options and then so now you can upload your trainers and it tells you uh you can upload photos so it tells you who the trainers are so andrew charlesworth level three um they don't have a photo photo for this trainer, but level two, Jen Charlesworth, his wife,
Starting point is 00:57:27 level three. Um, Oh, he got a pretty wife, Jordan level two. So you can upload photos of your trainers. Oh, that's cool as shit,
Starting point is 00:57:35 dude. Wow. Look at that. Hey, did you get an email notifying you about that are you learning it from the dave the dave cassidy learning it from right now and like scrolling through it as we speak feel free if you think it'll help your business you can put a picture of me and caleb as your trainers oh it will i think it will all right i will there you go that'll be good
Starting point is 00:58:01 yeah coaches and staff in an interesting invite pending okay cool that's the first thing i go to when i go to affiliate websites their coaches page and there's almost probably 80 of the time there's nobody on there really you go to the coaches page i never thought that that mattered i don't know i go to that page too i go to that page too i want to see i want to see what they look like i i mean i don't the certificates don't really matter to me but i if they have like a story i'd like to read their story like oh really i played soccer in college or i look for buff dudes and hot chicks and like older i like older fit people too and and that that would actually matter in terms of decision to the no probably over other metrics i just like reading it i just like looking at them so i should just like come
Starting point is 00:58:46 up with like just have ai generate some crazy awesome stories for each one of my coaches and like plug it in there and like hell yeah yeah whenever i go to drop in any affiliates that's what that's what i look at interesting we used to have them and then uh when we switched the website over a while back i did all those and it'll display your trainers with their quals when the crossfit website you know like most corporations would have like hey these are our staff yeah like we never got that shit at crossfit and then you know it's crazy when we did finally get that in the last maybe couple years i was there it was weird the staff they chose to show i never got one of those pictures it was like the hr staff or something something was weird. The staff, they chose to show. I never got one of those pictures. It was like the HR staff or something.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Something was weird. I remember thinking like, what the fuck is going on here? Yeah. Well, that's what I'm doing for mine for sure. In California, it's going to be every color of the rainbow.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And so just go to Getty and get a, a, like a, a black dwarf stock photos. Yeah. I stock photos, California, Google search.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Fair. And when you think about people who are looking for a gym or using the map or even CrossFitters who are looking for a gym to go drop in on the road, you go to this map, you scroll through, you find a gym. And then a gym who has trainers actually posted and visible. I personally would rather see who the coach is, see them by name, see who they are, click on their link and find out some info. So cool little feature, check it out. And finally, last week I made a bunch of leather, basically key chains like this, but not in red, I did brown and black and posted them on my page and in about 24 hours, a little
Starting point is 01:00:19 more than 24 hours, sold them out. So it was cool. Made a lot over the course of like four or five weeks each evening or every other evening for about 20 or 30 minutes i'd go to my little sewing room and put them out what is that suza he made that for you yeah it's a little tdc mini clothes pin are you kidding me what the fuck no he didn't make that for you it's got his logo on the side oh jeez i'll be doing more leather products and of course there's olive oil still in the site or on the page so if you want to get olive oil and leather products which i'll continually put on there but in uh
Starting point is 01:01:00 in waves when i have the time or when I put some effort into, into making the thing. I say this with peace and love. If you're going to buy the, the olive oil, you have to just get this one. At least start with this. No, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'd like the garlic one, the best. The garlic. Yeah, you're right. The garlic's the garlic's off the hook. I drink this one straight. The garlic's off the hook I drink this one straight
Starting point is 01:01:23 I drink this one straight That's the lemon or is that a regular? That's the regular isn't it? Just a regular and it's good it's smooth It almost even tastes green It's weird it's almost like I'm taking a shot of What are those little Trendy grass shots you take?
Starting point is 01:01:42 Like grass root shot or whatever it is Yeah wheatgrass or... Yeah, wheatgrass. Someone will say in the comments. But get the garlic. The garlic's crazy. I mean, and get a loaf of bread and just get crazy. Treat yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Mm. Interesting. You heard it here. I do have this from Dave. Oh, a bullet. That you killed that Cougar with? When did he give you a bullet? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Whenever we're at the ranch. I picked one up and I was like, oh, you collect these? And he's like, yeah, that's a souvenir. Damn. Nine millimeter. Nice. No, not spirulina. Something else.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Just a shell. I don't think it's spirulina. Alright, here we go. Thanks. Alright, thanks for tuning in. I'm out. Bye, Dave. Please answer my text.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Alright. That's good. Wow, that took a long time. Wheatgrass. I think it's just wheatgrass. All right, thank you. Tomorrow at 11 a.m. Is it 11 a.m.?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yep. Tomorrow at 11 a.m., Sousa's show will be live. There is a small chance my live calling notes are just getting absolutely fucking wild. Maybe I have to go through for a half. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 01:03:08 We'll talk tonight. Okay. And then Wednesday is Greg Glassman. I told you he's trying to switch to afternoons, right? Yeah. Are you going to be able to do that? I don't want to. He's like, well, the one thing he said is he said why does will your audience
Starting point is 01:03:26 not tune in at noon i'm like no i actually i think that it would be fun to i like the idea of switching hours to cultivate audiences at different hours it's just that i want to hang out with my kids all day yep what would be afternoon for him like what is that i don't know i didn't i didn't ask i didn't want to go too far You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. Yep. I didn't want to give him a handy and next thing, you know, he wants to bone me Thank you All right guys See you guys tomorrow Tomorrow's Tuesday keep forgetting about Pedro show. Okay. That's okay. Yeah, it's Wednesday. All right. Bye

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