The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR | 05/06/2024

Episode Date: May 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Good morning, Vietnam! Hey, Joe, what's up? How are you? Good to see you. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Dave Castro Week in Review. I'm ready to party. Solo. Solamente. Solo. Solo. Solamente. Solo. Solo. No one awake in the United States. No one awake in Europe. Maybe someone awake in Australia. Do they have YouTube in Australia? Mason Mitchell, what's up, buddy? How you doing? Excelente from the clock. What's up buddy How you doing Excelente from the clock What's up buddy how are you Good to see you dude
Starting point is 00:01:08 Let's go over to the The Dave Castro The Dave Castro YouTube station There it is Trusted source for all the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:01:24 The only CrossFit. The only CrossFit. The only CrossFit news. Holy shit, I looked away and here we go. What's happening, squad? What's up, Blade? Shadow, what's up, dude? Shadow. Awake in Canada. That's such an Australian name, Shadow. Miss Cooper, how are you? Mr. Hootley, Greg C., Melissa.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm awake in Cape Town. There, that a girl. Why do I always think you're in Dubai? United Arab Emirates. Rodrigo Molino. Good night, Sevan. Good night, buddy. Adios.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Adios, amigo. Hugo. Hugo Elander Froberg. How are you? 6.10 a.m. Good to see you. Brock Bassett. I've been waiting all night.
Starting point is 00:02:02 All right, here we go. We're about to do it. Rory Marlow. What up, Se sebi live from san francisco no shit what are you guarding your car you have to stay up all night in san francisco to guard your car rory rory you know rory i was in um san francisco the other day and uh for a jiu-jitsu tournament and uh i want to say it was over by ucsf university of san francisco and it was nice no signs of uh no signs of uh the shit you see on instagram uh chris giles what's up dude 2 10 p.m here in australia what's up all right uh you started super late to get uh to get same uh you started super uh greg c you started super late to get same Greg C. You started super late to get same audience size as the Lone
Starting point is 00:02:48 Ranger podcast. That's funny. I like that. Only a mere 11.15 p.m. in Minnesota. The great card man, Ken Walter says. Because I was in Dubai and I moved to Cape Town
Starting point is 00:03:03 last June. All right. Fine. Because I was in Dubai and I moved to Cape Town last June. All right. Fine. The Dave Castro Week in Review. This one was expected to be quite wild. I did put out the call to the homeboys to see if I could get anyone to join me and i was left solo we're playing the week in review at 1.25 speed you know what maybe i'll do even i will um i will leave up the uh i will leave should i Oh, I wonder if I could have both. Could I have CA peptides
Starting point is 00:03:45 and the phone number scrolling at the same time? Uh, if you want to get peptides, you use the email contact at I wonder if I can, um, oh shit, I can look at that and I can do the live calling number scrolling too. I've never done that. Cool. All right. Fine. So be it. See if I can get this phone working just in case anyone has any smart ass shit they want to chime in with. go uh the title is uh may 6 2024 semi-final workouts leaked or released as we like to say here on the sebon podcast age group workouts online quarterfinals service cup by the way next week uh on kill taylor time will be moved to 9 a.m pacific standard time and uh we will be booting people. Just booting them. No Dougie this week. Who's Dougie? Oh, so far, right.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Why are you up so late? I was out partying with the friends. No booze. I just ate a shitload of sausage. A shitload of sausage. Can you get Dave on? I will tell you this. I proposed to Dave that, uh, this week, uh, or, or some week
Starting point is 00:05:08 that if he would come in the studio and I could read him the questions and him answer them, if I could be a part of his week in review. Uh, I did watch the Hiller video on mayhem. I thought it was absolutely amazing. I thought the edit was fucking brilliant. I thought it was great. Pool boy, what's up, dude? Mr. Kadatz. Kadatz. Zachary Kadatz. What's up, everyone? How are you? Thanks for the shirt, Zachary. have with uh uh sort of the the the the man that's holding it all together more and more each day that goes on for some reason um i see the relevance of hq completely falling onto his lap every single day more and more obviously the affiliates are relevant the media is relevant the participants are relevant the practitioners are relevant. The media is relevant. The participants are relevant. The practitioners are relevant. But as far as HQ goes,
Starting point is 00:06:08 man, this is, uh, this is the guy. I hope they're paying him a shit ton of money. I can review Monday, May 6th, 2024 at BM Coughlin.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Hi Dave. Excited for master semifinals this week. Can you tell us who programmed the workouts? CF HQ legends or both? Thanks. There's definitely a, we work together on those. So collaboration between the two for this stage. So excited to see those hit and excited. That means the Masters programs them, they send it over to HQ, and then HQ says yay or nay. to see you guys tackle them. At Extremis 1978, what's up, Dave? Complete my level one online today.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Wanted to extend a thank you to you and HQ for still providing the flexibility to the athletes and be able to get it in. Shout out to Ricardo Rivas for taking time away from his family on a Sunday morning. The L1 online, cool course. We created it during the pandemic. Basically, as everything was shutting down, Greg said, hey,
Starting point is 00:07:04 let's stand up an online course. So a bunch of us went to the Santa Cruz office at the time, flew in some trainers, brought in our media team. And over the course of a few weeks, maybe even a week, filmed the lectures and then put it in a format to be able to disseminate it via an online platform. And it's been in place ever since. it's been in place ever since. And it is a really good option. If you're not able to go to a level one in person, which is still the better expression of the two clearly, because you get the hands on the work with a,
Starting point is 00:07:30 with a coach and they actually teach you the movement and give you feedback. But if you're not able to go to a level one for whatever reason, they're not in your area or the timing doesn't work out for you. The OL one, the online level one is a great option. I used to shit on the uh um level one online i have not taken it i have not seen it but i had to recalculate my shitting on it because um the
Starting point is 00:07:54 fact that it's presented still with a live presenter so i i thought it was just you just watch videos like and you know and and then get to the end take the test and you're done and uh the fact that they have a live presenter there someone that's interacting with the people excuse me makes it significantly uh more appealing uh but as long as as what dave said um the in person has to be better the whole thing about the level one is this the cult the crossfit cultures uh disseminated there or at least it used to be. I haven't been to a level one in a long time. I should probably I should probably ask them if I can go to one and make a shitload of content from there. But that's where the culture is disseminated and the culture is vital. the culture is vital vital what do i mean by the culture the camaraderie that people feel at the level one you go there and you show up and everyone's kind of just in their bubble and by the end of the first day those people are all your friends
Starting point is 00:08:57 and it's because the way the level one trainers the the red shirts, interact with the participants and the way they allow and facilitate the participants to engage with each other. FarmFit, good day. Late today, mates. Yeah, very late. Good to see you, buddy. BladeWalker, I'm down with that reconsideration. Great self-awareness, Sevan. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Mike Olivas, it's like porn sure it's fun and gets the job done but sex in person is so much more informative and exciting okay okay alright for the comment glad you enjoyed it at
Starting point is 00:09:39 Ali Schultz 3751 are you going to be doing Amanda this year at the games I'm pretty sure it was done the first year in Carson and the first year in Madison. Just curious if you're going to keep the tradition alive. That's a really good question. And Amanda was a games athlete here at the ranch and she ended up having cancer and passed away right before the games in Carson. So we decided to create a workout in honor of her. And Amanda was, it was the structural nature of that workout was inspired by Fran, but kind of this evolution of the movements and the weight, meaning instead of chest to power pull up or pull up, sorry, we wanted to go with a more
Starting point is 00:10:19 complex movement, the muscle up, and then instead of a thruster a little more complex movement again in the squat snatch with a with a heavier weight so really good question at goodwill racing hello dave thanks for taking the time to answer our question i want to show you amanda uh she was uh oh damn you can't find her. She was something else, man. She was something else. I was so intimidated by her and I never got to talk to her. And it's a shame. This, I mean, this, this, this is 2000. I don't know. Let me see what you're this. This picture I'm going to show you is probably from like 2006 or 2007.
Starting point is 00:11:12 She was something else, man. Look at this. There was no one like this. Later, Christmas Abbott got a gun on her hip. But look at this. She had these two guns pointed down towards her vagina, like where fallopian tubes were. She was a bad bitch. I really liked her. I was mesmerized by her this was like this was this is before every tom dick and fucking harry
Starting point is 00:11:33 had a tattoo she was something else man god damn anyway i'mmed. I never got to meet her. Uh, that was that was a big deal that was a big deal when she passed guys that was like That that rocked the house That was uh, that sucked And I think she was doing workouts like just right up until the end Uh, chris giles, uh, sebon You're you were mesmerized by everyone, Sevan Yeah, that's kind of true
Starting point is 00:12:08 Alright, fine, fuck you I have a double for you How do you feel about the semi-final workouts being leaked? That would be cool though If they did do Amanda At Diggy's You know what, I can almost guarantee it Yeah, always the red hair for Seve.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, that's true. Cancer, I know. I was texting, speaking of cancer, I was texting with Brandon Waddell this afternoon. Hopefully I can call him tomorrow in the air when we get an update. What kind of cancer took her out so young? I don't remember. I think it was like pancreatic or something. It was something weird.
Starting point is 00:12:51 How did Hillary get the leak? Thank you. Well, that's A and B. So question A, how do you feel about the semi, the two of the semifinal workouts being leaked? Within 30 minutes of the workouts being leaked, our team had sent us a list of 51 people who up to that point had known the workout and the dates they were told the workout. And so you got to remember the semifinals start in a couple of weeks. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So question A, how do you feel about the two of the semifinal workouts being leaked? Within 30 minutes of the workouts being leaked, our team had sent us a list of 51 people who up to that point had known the workout and the i wonder if he knew that i wonder if that's part of the investigation because he knows exactly how
Starting point is 00:13:36 many people had received the workouts prior to the release dates they were told the workout like when I release, I never know how many strokes it takes. I just know I don't count them. And so you got to remember the semifinals start in a couple of weeks. And there's a point we had to pick to let semifinal organizers and their teams. And also some of our staff,
Starting point is 00:14:02 I'm sorry, not our staff, but some of our contractors who run other aspects of the event, media, et cetera, for us know. I was head of the media department. I had a fucking hundred people working for me. And I used to not know the workouts. I used to not know the workouts. A large cohort of those people.
Starting point is 00:14:27 know the workouts. A large cohort of those people. I would go to the places, whatever the, the weeks, the months, the years leading up to the, to the events, I would go to the ranch and I would film the workouts being tested. And I still wouldn't know the workouts. I still wouldn't know the workouts. The 51 people on that list were not CrossFit HU staff they were event organizers and they were also contractors and they all had all essentially of that 51 been read in within the last week or so of this of that date and I and I told you also after we had our first leak it was the year that Fraser and Froning and Dave and I think maybe Ben Smith or someone went head-to-head at the ranch after that leak that we had there there wasn't a big leak just a few people knew it like at a gym like
Starting point is 00:15:15 thinking Idaho or Montana and one in Texas we all we all had to sign some contract with CrossFit everyone who is affiliated with we all had to sign, um, some contract with CrossFit. Everyone who is, uh, affiliated with the games had to sign a contract. I personally never signed it. I threw mine away,
Starting point is 00:15:30 but in the contract, it said you would be fired and have to pay a fine of up to $300,000 of when it happened. So I'm not saying it's any of them, but I am saying there are a lot of people. There were a lot of people at that point due to the mechanism of how we're conducting this event they had to know these events how is he saying it's not one of them if it was given to 51 people oh sam briggs who was there with fraser and uh rich if if he gave it to 51 people then it has to be one of those people that leaked it who the leaked it who the fuck leaked it?
Starting point is 00:16:07 And it's coming up in a few weeks because they're running the events. So in that environment where a lot of people outside of our control, essentially at that point, even though they all send signed NDAs, et cetera, the chances for it leaking were way higher. And we knew that going in, we knew with this format and with this model where we're going to have a large amount of people being read into the workouts weeks ahead of time that it was a possibility for it to happen
Starting point is 00:16:28 so in the in the meetings that they have around games workouts at the start of the meeting they give you a stern warning what we were about to say here cannot be repeated anywhere if you do we'll buttfuck you then the meeting happens and at the end, they always say at the end also, hey, don't forget. Nothing here can get leaked. Kenny Anderson, where did you get that hat? Dave gave it to me. You want it? I'll mail it to you if you want.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And when I say that, I was supposed to send Kenneth DeLappa. Kenneth, will you bump that text message with your address i have that slack box just sitting on my dining room table to send you okay uh yeah i'll send if you if you text me your address and dms i'll send you send you this hat um uh yeah so so you would there's stern warnings that cap these meetings. Very stern. Not the end of the world, not ideal. Also, very much, it's another one of those things that's gone on this year where it's like, okay, think back to this next year when people see how things are playing out and the changes we're making.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And you'll even see some of what's going on now. It's like, well, yeah, now next year, because of the way they're doing things differently, potentially, these type of things are not a concern. So it's frustrating, this, and some of the other things that have gone on, but it'll all make sense in regards to decisions we make for the future,
Starting point is 00:18:01 having had this even happen, to why we've done stuff like that. So this is what I was saying last week all of these events that keep happening will be brought back up again by dave and he just said it next year for the format of the games as a justification why they're going to change things. And what does that mean? That HQ is going to run all the live events? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:18:37 There won't be any fucking live events. It'll just go whoever wins the opens, the fittest person in the world. Maybe. But no, it's not a nothing burger. I'm telling you. It's not a nothing burger. Marco Calderon.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Marco, how are you, Marco? Yes. Yes. It's a hint. It doesn't matter. Shit's getting switched up next year. That's right. Did Hiller get the league? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:10 He also didn't have it. He wasn't the first. I had an athlete text me and a few other people text me saying they had them. And so then athletes or people pushed it to him. And just like, you know, he likes to have a little Batman thing going on. He's more like the Joker. And that scene in Batman where he talks about, he's just like a dog chasing the car. That's Hiller.
Starting point is 00:19:29 So someone else ended up texting me and asking if I was upset that Hiller leaked him or posted it, and no, at that point, by the time he did it, a lot of people, it had already really been leaked. So Hiller wasn't the leak, but he did amplify it, which, whatever, I don't care. That's his job. That's his role. He's the dog chasing the car. Roger Hill. Why not allow these judges or these options in the
Starting point is 00:19:50 quarterfinal next year? Independent judge can validate scores just like the affiliate manager does in the open. Cannot be from the same. Like a like a like a dog like a dog chasing
Starting point is 00:20:04 like a dog chasing a car. the fuck is dave talking about what's he talking about this is batman by the way batman by the way and that's the joker i think maybe he's about to drop the line here hi how cool did dave use the line from one of a batman movie to talk about hillar that's pretty cool you know i don't want there to be any hard feelings between us, Harvey. No hard feelings. When you and Rachel were being abducted, I was sitting in Gordon's cage. I don't think I saw this movie.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Absolutely amazing scene, says Pool Boy. this movie um absolutely amazing scene says pool boy i didn't read those charges your man your plan do i really look like a guy with a plan yes he does look like a guy with the plan you know what i am i'm a dog chasing cars i wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. Oh, there it is. Okay. All right. Good job, Dave.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Shit. All right. TDC with the Batman reference for Hiller knows his audience. Philly. Camp, et cetera. No video review required in this state in this option. I think stage one of the 2020 games.
Starting point is 00:21:39 This will negate the need for video review for a large number of top qualifiers straight up to that. Affiliate manager validates, cannot qualify for semifinals unless accompanied by video. Video submissions, if you're in a qualifying or backfield position, all videos will be reviewed by same association of judges using part one. Yeah, those are both good ideas. They're both good systems that we're definitely exploring and thinking about or versions of that.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Not necessarily exactly what you said, but some version of that for the future. That being said, with what we did this year, I looked back at the rule book and we said, we're going to judge one video. We said, we're going to collect videos. We're going to collect them all. We did everything that we said we were going to do. And we had a system in place that we've run for the last few years and we executed on it. Clearly some of the results from that were incredibly controversial, but at the end of the day, we executed on the system. Is that the system that we should use going forward? We're definitely evaluating that and seeing if we even wanna be in the game of doing that.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And some of the things you just suggested in that comment, take us out of the game of video reviewing, but there has to be some tighter parameters for how the judging is executed on scene with some of the examples you mentioned. What'd he say? We want to take ourselves out of the game for video reviewing next year. Did he say that?
Starting point is 00:22:58 Jake Chapman. Hi, welcome. You think Dave gets angry receiving feedback as Seve does for Kill Taylor? It's not feedback, dude. And yeah, of course, he fucking, let me tell you what he really thinks. Shut the fuck up. I take the feedback great.
Starting point is 00:23:22 It's just the fucking dumb ideas. I don't take great. great actually i take them all great i just use them as content the same way dave does just mine's more exciting mason mitchell said he'd get mad about kill taylor like i just don't want to hear your fucking ideas like uh just dumb shit i can't think of anything right now but i just don't want to hear any dumb shit like you like you don't get you don't get what I can't think of anything right now. But I just don't want to hear any dumb shit. Like you don't get what the fucking point of the show is.
Starting point is 00:23:53 With some of the ideas. That's all that that tells me. Shut the fuck up is a fair response. Thank you. shut the fuck up is a fair response thank you uh chris giles uh so we shouldn't call in with ideas for kill taylor no you should but just prepared to just get a big old dosage shut the fuck up okay here we go dave have you ever considered in light of the leaks releasing the workouts but not releasing the weights heights or style of movements that could be done? For example, you could release it. There are 10 rope climbs, 10 clean and jerk, 10 rope climbs, 10 squats, snatches, but not reveal
Starting point is 00:24:30 anything about the weights to be used, whether they're ascending or whether legless or not. That way it alleviates the leaks, but you save the actual weights and such for the athlete briefing. Well, so from a practical point of view, there's three weeks of semifinals. So by week one, then the other two have an advantage in theory because they week one people are at a disadvantage. Well, they find out they do do that. The handstand walk. They haven't. There's going to probably be an element to the handstand walk that they haven't released yet. Right. There's an element, right? Like they're going to have to traverse something or another. So so there are things that they
Starting point is 00:25:04 don't release. CBD Athletics. High as fuck. Hi, Carl. Hoping Kill Taylor gets up to 10 G's. Me too. Oh, hey, man, you know what I hope what I think is going to happen? I think it's going to be 10 G's a week soon. I think it's going to be 10 G's a week soon. I think it's going to be 10 Gs a week soon. Right at the brief, whereas weeks two and three could then also prepare for it better. But from a more logistical point of view, taking weights on and off the floor and staging stuff and for these event organizers understanding how things are going to move is a major concern and something that requires a lot of planning. things are going to move is a major concern and something that requires a lot of planning. So there's a nature of it that we have to read a large number of people in on these workouts and all the details of them so they can express them correctly at the semifinals.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And so not telling event organizers what weights they're using, et cetera, it is possible, but it would just make it really more difficult for them to run on scene at the actual event at img mark ronfeld six set one seven four uh ken walters was it true in hillar mayhem show rich may sub in for taylor i mean uh i could see a circumstance where we would need a sub and rich would be a great choice a great choice.
Starting point is 00:26:49 But I can't, but I mean, I mean, Taylor's the man right now. I mean, he's just the fucking man. See, here's these fucking dumb ideas. Does 10 G's move Kill Taylor to Saturday night event, possibly with an undercard? It's a fucking stupid idea. Not bad, though.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I like it. Let me think about that. No. The thing is, the premise for the show, I mean, the show will evolve. It's already evolved. It started. It was just going to be $500 a week. Then the money was going to be rolled over uh then we weren't going to allow girls
Starting point is 00:27:26 in then now we are going to allow girls in i'm just joking we were always going to allow girls in and but they're this week the evolution of the show will be we're not i'm the the guys all told me hey seve just do all the pleasantries before the person starts to work out like hey how old are you what's your name when's the last time you ejaculated all that stuff right what gym do you belong to and then and then that way most no one's ever going to make it to the end and beat taylor and that way when they lift if the taylor does the workout in three minutes and 12 seconds when we get to three minutes and 14 seconds i can just kick the guy off and get the new person on right that's it so that's that but i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:28:08 understand the undercard thing uh i may need to shut the fuck up but the jersey boys lack of burpees could have been an unwelcome distraction if they i don't know what that means uh clock uh look we need to work out so we can organize our people ahead of time. Well, okay, ha, ha, ha, we leaked them. The unknown and unknowable sucks. Oh, that's in response to Dave. Yeah, that's fair. Fair criticism. If 35% gets penalties, there's obviously a problem with how the standards have been presented.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yes, it sucks. No, it is not just correct because some did not get penalties. No serious sport would end up with this kind of problem. You should obviously take responsibility for the mistake in setting up the competition and not let the athletes suffer this would have been ridiculous but with the suffering it obviously causes is it is rather devastating and really sad it is very clearly shames crossfit just tell someone on the street about this hold on uh let me say this it's 35 on that one workout and if there were six workouts then it would mean six percent and that means that if it were a football game there would be a penalty every 16 downs damn my math is fucking tight ken walters is like is that right oh interesting my math is tight
Starting point is 00:29:23 and there's all sorts of fuck ups and fuck ups in sports all the time Oh, interesting. My math is tight. And there's all sorts of fuck ups and fuck ups in sports all the time. I just saw on the UFC, Michael Pereira did a backflip onto a guy. And in the backflip, he fucking knee the guy in the fucking head. And you're not allowed to knee a guy in the head when he's on the ground, and yet they gave him the win. Thank you, Barclay Dale. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I did the math. It checks out. Yeah, equals 96, right? It's a little more than every 16 downs, but thank you. See, Ken? See? You know me. I know you. See, Ken, see? You know me, I know you. Simpatico. Chris Giles, no way does it mean 6% is they didn't review all the workouts to the extent
Starting point is 00:30:13 they did with the step-ups. Correct. Right, but it still doesn't mean it's not true. I agree. I agree with what you're saying. Okay, here we go. Just tell someone on the street about this where am I and ask what they think about it
Starting point is 00:30:34 I really like CrossFit but not this these are so rigid and fixed and final penalties crushing down on very very unexpected athletes destroying so much for them and giving us less good games as a further consequence so frustrating I might of course be uninformed, wrong and emotional and whatnot and totally wrong. But it really makes me uncomfortable to see this happening. So sad.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Well, you're definitely emotional. That's for sure. The. Let me take a look. I only just answer some of these specifically one off. OK, no serious sport would end up with this kind of problem. There's always problems in serious sports and professional sports with judging. That's clear.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I mean, there's been a super bowls and playoff hopes lost because of calls right or wrong. There's also, um, that is the thing though. That is the thing, right? We don't leak.
Starting point is 00:31:15 We, the thing is, is it's just really, as far as I know, it's just page page powers and, um, page power, Sydney Wells and Nick Matthew, right? And really you could just i don't know i
Starting point is 00:31:29 guess you could throw sydney wells out but but it's really just page powers and nick matthew i don't you could keep sydney wells i don't care either way uh but um they're obviously games caliber athletes and we hate to see judges making the decision that ends someone's chances and yeah but who the fuck is Kel Stone right like who the who the fuck is that like no one even knows who that is is my point it uh page and Nick it's like watching a team I guess I don't want to say lose the Super Bowl how about that playoff how about that playoff game where that dude Denar Hamlin
Starting point is 00:32:20 had the fucking cardiac arrest on the field the the vaccine injury on the field. And that was a fucking playoff game. It was the biggest game of the year. And they stopped the game. So, I don't know. I mean, what would you say? I think I heard Rich on that show that Hiller put out today, which is just absolutely amazing. I heard Rich say something like,
Starting point is 00:32:46 what about allowing the athletes 24 hours if they want to redo the workout and show that they can do it with the same score? Asymmetric ears, crying should be a four-year ban. Judging error, I'm a big boxing fan you see judging uh mistakes all the time in boxing where oh yeah yeah yeah boxing's fucked all fighting sports are fucked into the wrong person i'm not saying that that's making this um i'm just saying this notion of no serious sport would end up with this kind of problem every serious sport always has problems related to the execution of the sport and or judging. Not always, but they're there. They're they happen.
Starting point is 00:33:31 You should obviously take responsibility for a mistake in setting up the competition and not let the athlete suffer. Here's the other thing. Let the athlete suffer. There's this weird mentality with a lot of this that like we're the aggressor and they're the victim. Oh, Dave's getting fired up. This is listen. I mean,ave have like fought like i really know what it's like a lot a lot when i worked at crossfit we we fought once a
Starting point is 00:33:51 month like you know hanging up on each other and fucking like not talking and like we fought a lot and um and we were both good fighters it was fun uh but this this is he hides that shit from you guys on this show but uh he this he's fired up like he well let's rewind that 10 seconds he he's he's fired up here we go they happen you should obviously take responsibility for mistake and setting up the competition not let the athlete suffer here's the other thing let the athlete suffer there's this weird mentality with a lot of this that like we're the aggressor and they're the victim and and i didn't talk about this much in the last time but there is some amount of accountability and responsibility for the athlete.
Starting point is 00:34:28 See his lips? That's how you know he's starting to get mad. His lips will start to narrow out. That is also in this. Meaning we're not targeting these athletes and we're not just picking on them. A large number of them that were penalized, I would say all of them that were penalized,
Starting point is 00:34:43 didn't do the standard as required. And a massive amount of athletes did the workout completely fine with no errors. And even of the, so the 35% who had an error, there were a fuck ton of people who had minor penalties to include even, well, let's even back, I was gonna say Justin Medeiros had a minor penalty and he still won and finished first in his semifinal area or his region who still advanced. So there were a ton of athletes who had minor penalties and still advanced. And there were some athletes who haven't even had major penalties like Valner, like Tia and still advanced.
Starting point is 00:35:16 So what I'm saying is when someone fucking gets a brain at HQ, sorry, No one has a brain at HQ. When someone gets a brain who owns this company, when someone who owns this fucking company, CrossFit, gets a brain, look at my finger. That happened today. I was at Greg's house. I started up a wood splitter. We were splitting
Starting point is 00:35:41 these huge logs today for like 40 minutes, Greg and I I on a wood splitter. I should have taken video of it. It was cool. It's massive. It had dragged the thing out into the driveway. It's on wheels. And then I had to start it up. It's a gas powered wood splitter. And when I was starting it, I returned the cord and fucking bang my finger on the, on the, on the wood splitter and throw up my finger it was cool when someone who owns this company gets a brain this is this is proof by the way that they're going to sell this thing like any minute by the
Starting point is 00:36:18 way you don't think like if you're an affiliate owner and you don't realize that like like this is just the this thing's going to be sold any minute. There's going to be a huge shakeup. This whole thing is going to be sold any minute. It's coming. And all we can hope for, all we can hope for is whoever buys it puts Dave in charge and takes the reins off of him and says fucking just save the brand we don't give a fuck what happens to the affiliates we don't give a fuck what happens to the training we don't give a fuck what happens to the games just save the brand and just unleash dave so that
Starting point is 00:36:56 he can talk to the community the same way that dana white talks to the UFC crowd. That's our only hope. He just needs to be un-fucking-leashed. That's it. And the brand will be saved. So fucking annoying. A couple points to this. This notion of letting the athletes suffer.
Starting point is 00:37:24 This is a two-way street. If I was an athlete in their situation or other athletes in this situation, I would be really preparing the outcome for whatever I'm going to send to CrossFit to really benefit my position in terms of setting myself up for success. So it's not just this notion of we're just coming in and and there's a reason athletes were getting penalties hold on okay these are rigid these are so rigid and fixed and final penalties that was the rules that's how it was going down crushing down on very very unexpecting athletes destroying so much for them and giving us a less good games as a further consequence so frustrating that was his words not mine mine. All right, I'm moving on.
Starting point is 00:38:08 At Shuey134, enough with all this. For those of you who want to know what it looks like, I'll never forget. There's tons of examples, but the one that pops to my head, we were at the 2009 CrossFit Games, and one of the sponsors was Balance Board, and Dave held up the Balance Board at the event, and he's like okay and um uh some of you are going to win this piece of plywood that you stand on and then he just threw it off to the side and then he held up and uh um panda express was a sponsor and he's like and some of you are going to get junk food a 500 gift certificate for junk food and just kind of threw the gift certificate out there and and when matt merski was was bouncing the weights dave got on the microphone and said take his reps away that's not legit just fucking yelled it at him just like writing the thing during the event
Starting point is 00:38:58 it was so gangster it was the games were so gangster. The games were so gangster. We don't want anyone to get hurt from the heat. Fine, then don't fucking come. That's the kind of shit we would get, and then we'd be like, oh, fuck. Games are going to be good. CrossFit stuff. How's your reading of the Bible going? Any new insights? Been thinking of reading it myself. I just finished the Old Testament and I'm starting the New Testament this week. So now I finished it this morning. I'm still really
Starting point is 00:39:40 enjoying it. I'm glad I went on this path. Definitely super, there's so much more to learn about it or to understand and comprehend. Clearly, it's like an initial surface level review. I have a couple other books that I'm reading along with it to help understand a little better, but I, and people do this, but I can see understanding and this journey could last a lifetime. Next, when I finish this, which should be in the next month or so, I'm still undecided which religious text I'm going to read next, if it's going to be the Book of Mormon or the Quran. I'll probably do the Quran and take it from there.
Starting point is 00:40:14 The Quran. Service Cup. The Quran. He's reading the Quran next. The registration for that just launched. We're hosting that with Rogue and Beyond the Whiteboard. So if you want another opportunity to compete against me, I'll be signing up in the Veterans Division,
Starting point is 00:40:28 Military Veterans Division. And for all of those who beat me in the Open and reposted the Beat Dave thing, you have another chance to compete with me in this. You don't need, you didn't need to have done the Open to sign up for this event. So if you want to compete on this, go to our site, check out Rogue's site. They'll have a link to sign up for this event. So if you want to compete on this, go to the, go to our site, check out rogue site.
Starting point is 00:40:45 They'll have a link to sign up for the service cup. When you did the open, didn't you check a box? If you were a cop or a fighter fighter or a doctor or a marine or army dude or air force dude is there a box to do that like can you go to the game site and just see who is the fittest cop i don't understand the service game sounds cool I'm glad they're doing stuff for the base. Sounds cool.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Chris Giles, Rogue is running that and doing all the judging, so it'll be super harsh. All right. My sister just bought me a Bible, Ken. A Bible showed up to my house. I must have said something on the show. Like, oh, I need to read the Bible, and then one showed up at my house. I must have said something on the show like, oh, I need to read the Bible. And then one showed up at my house. As far as the Beat Dave thing goes, I'll tell you what. So this year, I've told this story before, but I'll hit it again. Going into the Open, I had trained just
Starting point is 00:41:58 kind of casually, not with any close attention to performance as I have in the past. Once I was in the Open and realized I might make quarterfinals, I got really excited about training hard for the rest of the Open, so I could make quarterfinals. Once I made quarterfinals, I continued to train hard, and I went into quarterfinals pretty much at a disadvantage from where I'm normally at because I wasn't well-rounded to what I should be. I had some big gaps that I know I have because I don't train like this as much anymore. I'm not as concerned with some of the pure crossfit performance because I'm kind of biased towards longer distance stuff. But I will say this through all of this.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I am going to really prepare for the Open next year. And so for those of you who did beat me this year, be prepared for a different outcome next year because I'm coming in ready to rock and roll in the Open next year and then quarters and beyond. Not beyond. Wait, quarters. So is there going to and roll in the open next year and then quarters and beyond, not beyond wait quarters. So is there going to be a quarter finals next year? I was starting to think there wasn't going to be a quarter finals next year.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So confused. I'm like actually advancing, but just doing much better compared to myself and some of you who meet me semifinal tickets. So go out, go ahead and try to get out to one of our semi-final events here in North America or around the world. If you, if you can check it out and then age group semis are starting this week. I'm going to Carson a hundred percent. Started setting up all my camera gear, getting my shit ready. I'm going to take a couple roadcasters and shitloads of headsets. I'm going to set up a Sarah Cox contact at
Starting point is 00:43:35 Rented us a huge house. It has like 13 beds in it. I'm going to be there with all the boys. And we're going to podcast every day from the house at least once a day. I'm going to film the behind the scenes there. It's going to be fucking crazy. And then most of the team, and we're also doing a live show, at least one live show from the venue.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Will Branstetter, J.R. Howell, and Taylor Self will be doing one live show minimum from the venue every day. So it's going to be, um, it's going to be wild. Chris Giles, Torian pro is nearly sold out already. Crazy. Man,
Starting point is 00:44:11 Australia holds it down. Excuse me. So, um, so yeah, I hope I'll see a bunch of you guys there. and all of that, there was a lot of pressure around that time for CrossFit to donate money or to do something to give large amounts of money to any, you name it, one of these organizations to show that we supported kind of what was going on in the world at the time.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And so when we thought of- You mean that George Floyd overdosed conclusively, conclusively, no question he overdosed. Conclusively. Conclusively. No question. He overdosed. If you. If he was found at home. Dead. With the amount of.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Fentanyl he had in his bloodstream. He would have been. It would have been considered a suicide, OD suicide. He had three times the dose. He had three NGs. Three NGs is overdosing, and he had 11 in his body, almost four times. It was his third time being arrested when he was in the car screaming i can't breathe they pulled him out of the car uh because he said i can't breathe and within 30 seconds of 36 seconds of pulling him out of the car they called the emts the emts went to the wrong location
Starting point is 00:46:00 he was told at his previous arrest that when he swallowed the fentanyl packet when he saw the cops the the doctor at the hospital told floyd hey if you keep doing that you're going to have a heart attack one of his arteries had a 75 percent uh in uh occlusion meaning it was it was it only had 25 of the opening for his blood to go through. He was near just having a heart attack anyway. He ignored the commands about 250,000 times. Yeah, that's correct. He should have been shot right away when they asked to see his hands and he kept reaching back into his fucking car.
Starting point is 00:46:44 So fucking annoyed. So fucking annoyed so fucking annoyed and and the outcome the outcome of of all the protests has just led to the collapse of many big cities because of cops being afraid to engage people crime rooms rampant because uh police officers don't't want to arrest people who are robbing stores. Things are locked up like fucking crazy in the state of California. Greg said he didn't honor George Floyd's death. I don't honor George Floyd's death either. I don't even know what that means to honor his death. But I honor George Floyd's death more than I honor the people who posted the black squares and reacted the way they did.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And yet I've only heard one person ever apologize to Greg for taking the wrong stance. Only one. only one and now so many of these fucktards parade around like they're not woke no chris uh our country is getting fucked your country is fucked slight slight nuance there about who we are and chris if we fall you're fucked and what we represent we decided we were not going to contribute money to these organizations, but we were going to take control of an outcome or give back in a way that we could. And the way we chose to do that was we were going to start this program called the scholarship
Starting point is 00:48:37 program. And it was essentially giving level ones to areas where people typically couldn't afford them specifically for youth. So underprivileged youth and conducting courses for them for free and working with local communities to determine local CrossFit gyms or other people in the community who have worked with underprivileged youth and identifying where to go. So the first one we ever did was for a group of kids in Atlanta. And I went out for the course. Chuck was there and a few other trainers.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And the course was great. He said he went out for the course. Dave did. And Chuck Carswell was there. And do you know who the CEO was at the time? Anyone? Go ahead. Go ahead. Anyone? Does anyone know who the fucking the CEO who bought the company with this fucking virtue signaling punk ass bitch ass
Starting point is 00:49:29 You know who bought the company the guy who fired me. Do you guys know who bought it? Enemy number one. Do you guys know who bought it? Mr fucking moron himself eric rosa And you know what he did that weekend that they put on the scholarship fucking moron himself, Eric Rosa. And do you know what he did that weekend that they put on the scholarship? Do you guys know what he did? What's up, Barry? How you doing, buddy? Good to see you. Yeah, our
Starting point is 00:49:56 savior, exactly. You know what he did? Do you know what Eric Rosa did? Mentally ill Eric. Yeah. Cowardly pussy Eric Rosa. Do you know what he did? Do you know what he did the week of the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:11 scholarship event in Atlanta? Anyone? Does anyone know what he did? Did he go with Dave and Chuck? Anybody? I'll tell you He did the same fucking thing That Andrew Hiller did last weekend He went to fucking CrossFit Mayhem And worked out with Rich
Starting point is 00:50:35 And from right then you knew Thank you Zachary Zachary Kadatz from Daily Training He went to fucking Mayhem And right then you knew thank you Zachary Zachary cadets from daily training he went to fucking mayhem and right then you knew you know what this fucking douche canoe did when the when the when the games were going on at the ranch he asked the athletes and people to come up and watch him work out and they they were they'd set up the equipment at the ranch and
Starting point is 00:51:04 rogue was about to pull it down when the athletes were done and he's like no no i want to do a workout and he went up there and did a workout and made some of the athletes and people come up and watch him he wasn't like hey if you don't come up there i'll fire you he just didn't understand that like hey people people are fucking scared and people perceive you as the new leader and you went up there and you fucking worked out and made people fucking sit around on a day that are horribly long days, game days. When people just want to finish what they're doing, go home and get in their hotel and prepare for the next day. And they had to watch your dumb ass workout. You fake ass bitch.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Virtue signaling douchebag. virtue signaling douchebag bought the company from Greg and now can't fucking wait to sell it to turn fucking a coin on it left it worse than what leaving it worse than when he got it leaving it worse than when he got it much worse the only thing better about crossfit now than back then is me
Starting point is 00:52:31 kids really enjoyed it. And it was pretty cool to see, to be able to give back in that way. And again, instead of just giving money to X cause, we were able to plant the seeds for the program to help these kids become trainers maybe in the future and eventually have a profession as a CrossFit trainer. Well, we just found out. Chuck just let me know. One of the kids in the first course we ever put on in Atlanta was just shot and killed this weekend. So Chuck sent me a note and sent me a photo of the young man. And tragic. It's a...
Starting point is 00:53:00 And you know what? That won't affect Rose at all cause he was too busy he's fucking balls deep had his mouth balls deep around fucking Rich's cock balls fucking deep around fucking Rich's cock now i don't blame him who wouldn't want to go fucking balls deep around fucking rich's cock but on the same weekend that you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:53:36 fucking be uh on the same weekend when you're supposed to be doing something you you came here like a virtue signaling cuck i talked about this in the weekend review atlanta leadership club uh jor-el you'll be missed fuck fuck fuck fuck that's the dude who got capped the dude with the light like light colored fro. Between Mario and Antoine. And then they post some Super Beaver. Jesus. Definitely not a CrossFitter. Still got her tits.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Crazy. Let's go see what the fuck is going on here. fuck is going on here. Anyway. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. The gift that keeps giving. Private equity.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Sad to see that happen. It's a simple reminder of just the craziness and the rough circumstance that some people are in and wish we could do more. Whenever you hear that, you think, well, could we have done more from the moment we had with that person to help get them out of that situation or to help steer them in a different path. But we were not able to. Yeah, we could have done more. We could have done more. We could have told everyone, like, listen, motherfuckers, if you resist arrest and you do drugs,
Starting point is 00:55:18 cops are going to fucking cap your ass. That's what they're fucking supposed to do. Because this is a civilization And humanity needs to move forward And it can't cater to every fucking Drug addict pussy out there And dear black kids Don't get it fucking confused
Starting point is 00:55:38 George Floyd's not your fucking hero Lil Wayne's your hero Denzel Washington's your hero Malcolm X is your hero Martin Luther Wayne's your hero Denzel Washington's your hero Malcolm X is your hero Martin Luther King's your hero not fucking George Floyd dude can you fucking imagine this fucking society
Starting point is 00:55:56 we live in murals murals that say black lives matter and George Floyd? What the fuck is wrong with this fucking world? Two. Clearly tragic. Thomas Sowell lives right up the street.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Thomas Sowell lives right up the street Make every kid Every adult Every black kid for sure read Thomas Sowell There's no victim shit in there at all There's some crazy stats in his book Man And just wanted to There's some crazy stats in his book, man. And just wanted to one of those stats is I can't I can't remember the year.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I'll tell you two stats. One of the crazy stats was is the way the media was. The media was presenting at one point that the average Jew in New York City made one hundred thousand dollars a year and that the average puerto rican made twenty five thousand dollars a year and they never mentioned that the average age of the fucking puerto rican in new york was 25 and the average age of the jew was 52 how the fuck can you represent that there was another stat in there that showed i can't remember exactly a stat but it was basically comparing comparing single black women who were 35 years old who did not have kids to single white women who were 35 years old who did not have kids. And the black woman made more money. I'm going to share the story of that story for no other reason than not trying to get any reaction out of it, but it's just something I was thinking about this weekend of, you
Starting point is 00:57:54 know, an effort we are contributing to and to find out in here that we lost one of those kids it was just interesting and again no there's nothing not even asking for anything out of this like sympathy or anything just sharing a story that's what I do on these weekend reviews so just sharing a story and processing it as I talk to it
Starting point is 00:58:19 so thanks for listening that's it talk to you guys next week you'd never hear any of this shit if it wasn't for Dave. None of this shit. Nothing. Thumb in our ass. We would hear nothing. We would hear nothing.
Starting point is 00:58:38 We wouldn't know about any of this shit. At least know, at least know that Dave heard you. All you people, anyone out there who's complaining or frustrated about the games, the judging this or that you're still upset that CrossFit hasn't lowered prices and started a gym for, I don't know, for a lesbian somewhere.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Sorry. I shouldn't say lesbians, trannies in Boston. Like, at least know he hears you. At least know that you're part of an organization that's willing to fucking just like straight up talk to you. One guy. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Hey, tomorrow, Paige Powers. Holy shit. I'm so stoked she's going to be on. Paige Powers, I expressed some, I don't know, just sadness as a fan that she's not going to the games. I really like Paige. She's coming on the show tomorrow. I don't know if she's done an interview yet.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I'm going to get off here and go dig through her Instagram. I did want to show you guys this. I wanted to show myself this. We can do it together. I started thinking that I should probably look at the leaderboard. I should probably look at the leaderboard for 2024 quarterfinal, no, semifinals. 2024 quarterfinal, uh, no semifinals And I should do north america west I guess I should start like considering getting some of these guys on the podcast I should try to invite justin back on
Starting point is 01:00:16 Will lahey sam dancer brent fukowski scott tetlow Uh, daniel cook um Brent Fikowski, Scott Tetlow, Daniel Cook, James Sprague, Samuel Quant, Patrick Vellner, Brandon Luckett, Cole Grayshaver, Colton Mertens, Cole Sager. Oh, I wonder if I can get, I've never had Cole on. Tudor Magda. Any of the people I should, really, you know, really what I want to have on are the bubble athletes. I need to have the guys on who are going to be between like eighth and 16th place because that's who I'm going to cover.
Starting point is 01:00:53 And then and then I should do the same for the women. I'm probably going to start reaching out to them tomorrow. If you're if you're. Oh, yeah. Wow. Jamie Higaya. I already had. Maybe I could have Trista Smith on again Sydney McAulish in Kyra Milligan Danny Spiegel Devin Kim Allison Scuds
Starting point is 01:01:12 Maybe this Hattie can yo chick Abigail Domet Alex Guzz and Emily Rolfe. I can't believe I haven't had Emily back on Olivia Kerstetter Aaliyah Miller Emily Rolfe. I can't believe I haven't had Emily back on. Olivia Kerstetter. Aaliyah Miller. Kelsey Keel. Ariel Lowen. I should have the mom because I should get to know them, right?
Starting point is 01:01:40 So that when I go there. Oh, Trayvon Benton would be a good one. Is he a bubble athlete Patrick I want it Because that's where the show's at right That's what the behind the scenes really needs to be Just around the fucking intense Stress of the bubble athletes I don't
Starting point is 01:01:58 The east I'll do the east too But the east I don't know if I'm going to go to I think Patrick Rios and Will Branstad Are going to do the East too, but the East, uh, I don't know if I'm going to go to, I think, uh, Patrick Rios and Will Brands that are going to do the East. Yes. Okay. Yes. Hannah B. Want to join?
Starting point is 01:02:16 Are you, uh, are you, uh, are you in the West? I don't see you. And I don't see you. Hannah, I don't see you. Hannah B.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Sorry, not you. Oh, Rebecca Fuselier. Bethany Flores. Oh, is this you, Hannah Erickson? If it is, you have no chance. You only weigh 135 pounds. Emily White's coached by Taylor Self, but does she have a chance? You got to be like just like barely have a chance.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Mr. Giles, I don't know. I don't know why i'm not going like maybe there's still like a small chance i'll go i don't know yeah i definitely don't want to fly but that's not i don't think that's why okay so there's that uh so tomorrow page powers I feel like there's something else going on tomorrow, too. I don't know what. Some changes that you might want to know about. The CA Peptides website is still down. So if you want to get peptides, you can go to the website. You can go there. You just can't order from there, I think. But you can see the peptides you want. If you want BPC-157 or CJC twelve nine five, just use the email contact at see a peptides. Tell them someone sent you and you'll get 10 percent off.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Also. The Kill Taylor show has been switched to nine a.m. this Saturday, and that'll be I think that'll be the final time that it stays at. And the prize versus fifteen hundred dollars. that it stays at, and the prize purse is $1,500. And during semifinals, we will be doing the show, but when Taylor's competing in the East, the show is going to be moved to Thursday. The show will be moved to Thursday. All right. all right um i think that's it trying to think if there's anything down here um um you want to see this chick you guys want to see this chick that um was just this chick should have offered up should i show you this
Starting point is 01:04:56 you guys want to see a chick who should have given someone a blowjob but didn't want to see a chick who should have given someone a blowjob but didn't. It's 10.17, Chris. 10.17 p.m. I'm in. You want to see the blowjob chick? The chick who should have... One blowjob could have fixed everything.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I'll tell you a story. Or do you want to hear the story about how I got one of the parents at the event I was at tonight had to have a talk with me. Which would you rather hear? One of the parents pulled me aside for the way my kids were behaving. You guys want to hear that or you want to
Starting point is 01:05:33 watch a video with the chick who eventually I'm going to tell you both. You'll hear both stories. Eventually you'll hear about the parent who had to pull me aside and have a talk to me at the party at Greg's. Parent story? You want to hear the parent who had to pull me aside never talked to me at the party at greg's parent story you want to hear the parent story okay uh both i'll show you the blowjob one tomorrow after uh hi chrissy uh i'll show you the blowjob one's good i'll do the um i'll do the blowjob one for sure i got got it in my show notes. It's great.
Starting point is 01:06:05 This chick should have just offered up to suck this guy's dick and she didn't and shit went sideways. So I was at Greg's house tonight for this party and there was another parent there who's a dear friend of mine and they have two girls and
Starting point is 01:06:23 she came up to me and she said, hey, just so you know, your son, your son, the kids were getting ice cream. And your son, my son's nine, said in front of all the other kids, ice cream is for pussies. And I said, yeah, and she said, well, now I have to explain that to my kid what that word pussy means, and I was like, okay, but I still kind of didn't get it, like, I don't, like, what the fuck do I care, like, if you got it, then she said this to me, she said, hey, you really have amazing kids, I said, yeah, thank you, and she goes, and so it really hey you really have amazing kids i said yeah thank you and she goes and so it really doesn't bother me that your kid said that but if i didn't know you and i didn't know what gentlemen your boys were uh i it could turn me off and then um no not the half asian
Starting point is 01:07:21 girls these are these are jews Jew, Jew kids like my kids. I think these kids might be full Jews. And so she said, hey, it might turn it might turn off parent if parents heard that or if people hear your son talking like that, it'll close doors for him. I said, oh, that's a good point. That point will take him. And I go, she said, well, then I called your son out on it. And he said, oh, I didn't say pussy. I said pussy. And then started laughing like he like not that he was trying to get out of it, but that he was cracking a joke. Right. And I was like, oh, I was pretty proud at that point. so then I turned around like well you know where you got that from and she goes yeah you and I go yeah I'm sure I've told them before that people who eat dessert are pussies or I told them tattoos are for people with pussies or not people with pussies people who are pussies and then she started lecturing me on how what's your son actually going to think of vagina don't you think that that maybe demeans the the labia majora labia minora, the man in the boat and things like that. I mean, that's she didn't say it like that.
Starting point is 01:08:28 That's but that's how I took it. And I was like, I don't know. Like, I don't think I think the pussy is wonderful. And I use the word all the time. And she's like, yeah, but he might not know that. And then, you know, and then she went back to and now I have to explain it to my kids. And so she had three arguments one that um one that it would it could uh give my son a uh like a bad impression like the pussy's something bad two that it could leave a bad
Starting point is 01:08:59 impression on other people that he speaks like that he's only nine i fucking i respect that like um and uh three now she has to explain the word pussy to um the kid so then i got in the car and i'm like hey dude i was in the car with my boys and i was like hey dude and obvi is like what and i'm like um hey be socially like aware and he goes yeah and he goes i am what did i do and i said yeah you said ice creams for pussies and like some of the adults heard you i'm like you got to be cool and he's like well that's not really true she she didn't hear me i'm like what And she goes, one of the other boys at the party told the lady that he said it. And my kids are weird like that. Like, like they're not like me. Like for me, I don't care about the truth of the story.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I just need the spirit of the story. I've told you guys this before. Like, I don't, if the guy drove by in a red Lamborghini and you said it was red ferrari i don't give a fuck i get it my kids aren't like that they're like they're very specific and i go so what are you saying he goes well i did say ice creams for pussies and then um and then the the lady came over and somehow it came up again. And my buddy told her, yeah, and Avi said ice creams for pussies. So I didn't really say in front of her. So now I was just like, well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Now I'm kind of in a pinch, right? I'm like, well, that means he was because my explanation for him not to say it wasn't like, hey, don't say it. Just be careful who you say it in front of, you know. I don't know. Maybe I'll tomorrow morning, I'll tell I'll be like, hey, you know, the pussy is something wonderful, right? Anyway, and then then i had to i the late i i really like this lady um and she thought she like i think she thought like maybe she overstepped her bounds but i was just kind of tired it was the end of the night but i i like made sure i told her like hey dude i'm cool like just so you know i'm like I'm like, I'm not even like, I appreciate it. Like, I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Ironically
Starting point is 01:11:30 too, when they showed up at the house, um, at the party I was at, at Greg's house, I told, I pulled my boys aside and I said, Hey, you know, these girls don't hang out as much as the rest of the kids. You guys hang out here together. Make sure you be like extra nice and gentlemanly to them and be sweet to them and cater to, you know, be cool with them. Show them around. Make sure they got food and drink that shit. My boys are like, yeah, duh. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Anyway, so that's the parent story. I just got schooled a little bit. I'm up for a school which brings us full circle Chris or or I don't know if it's Chris Giles or Mason Mitchell whoever said that uh I get pissed off when I get feedback about the Kill Taylor
Starting point is 01:12:17 show oh ideas I don't want to hear ideas oh Darren hello from I-5 wow long night drive What's up dude What are you moving drugs across the state Alright tomorrow morning 7am pacific standard time Page powers love you guys thanks for joining me I should probably do more shows at night
Starting point is 01:12:44 So that an audience, a different audience can hear the show live. Darren, I just finished watching the Hiller Froning video. Yeah, it was good, right? Do you have it like, do you have one of those things that sticks on your windshield and you put your phone in it and watched it? Mary Mansour, 8 a.m. for me.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Dang. Don't forget to get your toe spacers. Yeah, sorry, dude. I gotta go. All right. Peace. Peace out. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Bye-bye.

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