The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR 06/10/24

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Prime Day is here. With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is amazing deals.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Bam, we're live. Oh, I'm home. I'm home. I'm home. I'm home. Good to see you guys back. Hunter, smartest $20 you ever spent.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Ashton, crab treat. Best $20 you ever spent what's up guys Sarah hey good evening everyone just did Kelly Brown legs are cooked what weight wall ball did you use Slater what's up Eric what's up Marissa and no you know hi what's up to you? We're here for the Dave Castro Week in Review.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I just got home today at 3 o'clock. Good to be back. The behind the scenes for Syndicate Crown episode 1 has been released Episode 1 from Carson What's that one called Oh the West Coast Classic why do I always forget that The West Coast Classic that one will be released
Starting point is 00:01:56 Very very Very shortly oh I wonder if Will sent um Wilson a link Did you send Wilson a link? for the video Big big show this week Thursday kill Taylor crazy big show Tyson Beijing will be back in the house
Starting point is 00:02:23 Tyson Bajan will be back in the house a Sevan Media LLC production yeah yeah Matuthian is ever ever ever so popular still that makes me happy just got the notice from Doc Spartan monthly sales skyrocketing thank you everyone for your purchases.
Starting point is 00:02:46 All that money is put back into making the show better. And you don't have to brush your teeth with poison. I'm not drinking coffee tonight. Sorry. Avery Street Coffee. I'm drinking some amino acids or some shit like that. Just something I had. tiny little bit in hot water keep me flowing keep me going what are we doing oh dave castro weekend review that's what we're
Starting point is 00:03:13 doing the dave castro i spent the last three days like a couple hours every day on a boat speeding through the pacific ocean high speed boat couple hours every day on a boat speeding through the Pacific Ocean. High speed boat. And then today I spent a little time on an airplane. I do not feel like myself. I don't even know what that means to say. I don't. But June 10th. Last week I did the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:03:38 June 10th, 2024. We can review semifinals LAPD SWAT team at the ranch. Oh, that's cool. A service cup, my results. Games programming indoors. Oh, this is going to be good. Oh, how long is this? 1930.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Damn it. Why doesn't he make these shorter? Welcome home. Thank you. Aaron Fraser, did you see Mammoth training semi-finals debrief it was questionable whether emma lawson is going to compete this year mammoth trainings mammoth train i don't know who that is oh is that is that where she does her training hold on let me ask the most knowledgeable group of people in the sport is emma pulling out or is that just what jack farlow does question mark god i'm so immature fuck
Starting point is 00:04:37 if you want to see uh the behind the scenes early like i don't know a month early you can go ahead and get a ceo membership now twenty dollars it's money well spent and you'll get early access to all of them and then not only do you get early access then you start talking about it and that makes it so more people want early access and that's good for me money makes the world go around sometimes uh augustus link judy i got juneteenth off of work great uh her coach's program okay that's what i thought okay i started putting that uh together so ash ashton crabtree and hunter elms you're the two smartest people in the room right now thank you we're running behind we are did i come on late ken walters great to be back on a live show
Starting point is 00:05:32 missed the last few mornings it's not the same watching the replay oh good was everyone uh loving their enemies today i hope so oh money also pays for jujitsu. Oh, yeah. So today was great. My kids are like. Today was the first day like they were. They're still man. They're still wounded. Still wounded. Everyone I'm talking to their kids had six weeks of coughs.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's crazy. Six, eight weeks of coughs. This one friend of mine has had coughs since December. What is going on? Mooney, seven looking gangster and all black this is actually like a camo filson waxed hat it's like a winter hat i don't know why i'm wearing it now i've had it for like five years i've never worn it and i just started wearing it eric cootley uh blasphemy i haven't been able to watch live much lately either. Disgusting. The channel's doing bigger and better and greater than ever.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So we don't need you, Eric. We don't need you. No, we need you, Eric. Zachary Kadat's daily training. What's up, everyone? I got to save for three minutes so it counts as a view before I go to bed. Then you get another view when I watch it tomorrow. Oh, you got to save for three minutes. Okay. Is a view before I go to bed. Then you get another view when I watch it tomorrow. Oh, you got to stay for three minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Okay. Is that how it works? Three minutes is a view? All right. No, I was not away from home for a month. I was away from home for three days. But my kids haven't been training. Like, my kids, that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Their whole life is training. They haven't they haven't they've they've just not been doing that lifestyle in a month. You know, it's weird, too, is, you know, I have three boys at home. So there's a lot of like fighting at home, not bad fighting, but just like, you know, ass grab. They chase each other around the house, pushing, shoving, crying, wrestling, a lot of games for three weeks. I can't remember one kid crying like there was just no like no one was getting like just putting a headlock and slam to the ground for three weeks it was nuts i i miss that shit uh curious uh i'm here for the blue light fix before bed smart nice arm geez
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah, boy shit Seven are you cured from lice yet? I actually I don't think I ever had lice personally I Just shaved my head I think my wife had it and one of my kids had it for sure and then just me and the boys just went out in the back and Shaved her head, so I don't I don't know and then just me and the boys just went out in the back and shaved our heads. So I don't know. But since that first day, we spotted it. Like there's been no sightings and no scratching.
Starting point is 00:08:15 No scratching. Thursday. No, Saturday, kill Taylor. Quarterback of the Chicago Bears will be here on the panel. Tyson Bajan. Can you believe it? Yeah, this show is cool. I know. Jordan Blunt, what shirt would you like to see your fans wearing at the games? Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You know what I'd really like to do? I'd like to spend fucking $10,000 on CEO shirts. I'd like to spend... I'd like to get... I don't know how much the cheapest you can get shirts for if you buy them for $10,000. But I'd like to spend $10,000 on CEO shirts and get 1,000 shirts, if that's doable.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I don't know if it is. And I'd like to have a sign out there that just says... with like a Venmo, and you just take a shirt says with like a Venmo and you just take a shirt. It's a large and you just take a shirt and and you Venmo the ten dollars cash. You know, I mean, just like there's just someone handing them out and then maybe they hand you a piece of paper with like the Venmo code or there's a piece of cardboard there and you just take a picture of it. That's what I would fucking love that. I would love that. No, Travis doesn't get a major boner because like he gives me such a great deal.
Starting point is 00:09:35 He probably didn't make a fucking cent off me. But I would really like that I just like seeing CEO shirts it's cool I get a little embarrassed when I'm in person when I see him but when I'm watching TV and I see him go across the screen I'm like hell yeah Kill Taylor shirts are awesome
Starting point is 00:09:58 got my preorder in yeah these shirts are cool I actually got a compliment on this today from just some stranger let's go get special ones for us going to the games for the seven east's gathering night Heidi did a great job organizing that last year You know what I you know what I want to do i'll tell you guys this really quick before I start the show Don't tell anyone this, okay? Please don't tell anyone this.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I don't even know if I'm allowed to. I don't know what Susan's going to think about me sharing this. And I probably shouldn't share it. I never had scabies. I had crabs In college So Greg has built this gym It's not done yet It's at the back of his house
Starting point is 00:11:02 You should get a Kill Taylor shirt If you participated You should it's not done yet. It's at the back of his house. You should get a kill Taylor shirt. If you participated, you should, but it's, it's not, I don't know. You should. Jamie,
Starting point is 00:11:17 text me, text me your address. You deserve a kill Taylor shirt and what size you are. So Greg, Greg is built this gym behind his house he's a broken science event there it's massive it's a basketball it's a basketball court and then with all these rooms around it right like just like a pottery room music room sound studio kitchen it's in the back of his uh new house it's massive and he he's putting in 12 ropes in there
Starting point is 00:11:46 and like 12 sets of rings and 12 squat racks and just the whole fucking thing, right? And I was thinking as more than thinking. I was planning. I was thinking as more than thinking. I was planning. I was planning.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Oh, you got a Kill Taylor shirt. That's awesome. I'm glad you got one, Pool Boy. Yeah, Sarah Cox and CA Peptides printed out 100 of them for us. That's cool. Heptides printed out a hundred of them for us. That's cool. So I want to do a,
Starting point is 00:12:29 uh, like a seven on podcast invitational and do it at, do it at Greg's gym. Just have it be a Saturday and Sunday and only let a hundred people come watch it at 500 bucks a pop. So you pay 500 bucks, you get to come there two days in a row. And then if we don't sell any tickets, it doesn't matter. I don't care either. You know?
Starting point is 00:12:56 But you get to hang out, and it's just dope. So that would be, like, what is that? 500 times 100 tickets. If we sold 100 tickets, that's $50,000. And then give that away as the prize money Ken Walters I'm in and there's a little bit more there would be a
Starting point is 00:13:17 Greg's house in Scottsdale the house is in Scottsdale in Arizona not sell tickets please no sell tickets because I really don't want anyone there unless they like like you got it I just want to be like like just complete cult members you know what I mean it's like a cult member uh it's it's a um yeah Cathedral of Broken Science that would be a great name for it oh that's a great name cathedral of broken science for the building yeah the broken science event inside the cathedral was amazing that's why i should start calling it a cathedral i'm going to text greg that uh cross fat came up with that
Starting point is 00:13:56 wow cathedral that's amazing uh greg i'm gonna text greg that you don't do you mind if i take credit for that cross that um uh your gym in scottsdale is the cathedral of bsi capital c right capital C, right? Church of Greg. So Dick Butter, cult member. Yeah, fine. And then, so then basically, and then we would have two qualifying events for the Savon Invitational.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And then we would set up, and then we would have the Kill Taylor crew there. Taylor would be there, Tyler, Pedro, and me. And we'd all be sitting on a bench with just like a sheet over it, like the Kill Taylor show. And we'd just talk shit during the entire fucking broadcast. And then all the athletes get like a thousand bucks stipend for coming. And then there's big prize money because we raised all this money. And you get to come to Greg's house,
Starting point is 00:15:05 which I'm telling you like, you'll be so stoked. It'll be such a wild party. It's such a, it's so fun. Ask anyone who's there, who've been to them. Ask Heidi. Heidi went to the last party.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Genius, thank you. Have a couple qualifying events at affiliates. J.R. Howell's event. Crash Crucible. J.R. Howell's event. Crash Crucible. Anyway. Podcast comments are your IP. Oh, thank you. God, I feel like I know who you are now.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Wow, I just figured out who CrossFat is. that's crazy you know what gave it away only one person would come up with the cathedral of BSI and your name CrossFat that's wild I normally don't try to figure out who anyone is
Starting point is 00:16:02 but that's crazy I just figured it out that's nuts alright good to have you here love you I normally don't try to figure out who anyone is, but that's crazy. I just figured it out. That's nuts. All right. Good to have you here. Love you. Absolutely bonkers.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Okay. Dave Castro Weekend Review. Let's get the show started. I'm going to lower my mic so his is a little louder. And. Oh, and then the IP comment. The IP comment ip comment i mean it was the triple that was the triple crown cross fat of things the name the knowing the knowledge about the ip and then calling it cathedral Anyway wouldn't that be cool Isn't that a cool idea
Starting point is 00:16:47 You qualify Crucible And then one more event Maybe in Livermore Hosted by the Broadcasted by the host of Kill Taylor Monday June 10th. I'm going to do this one a little differently.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Typically, when I do these, right before I do them, I skim through the comments and select some, isolate them, and then address them. The way I'm going to do it this time is I have over here on my other screen the last week's video and I have all the comments sorted by top comments and I'm just going to kind of spend a few minutes going through them so as I read them this cross fat is not rosemary I do I do not have airplane lung
Starting point is 00:17:37 although the airplane was what the ride today in this plane was wild it was wild. It was wild. It was like being on fucking Noah's Ark. This is definitely the first time I've seen most of these comments. First, before that, though, a couple quick little points. Last week, I trained LAPD SWAT snipers, a couple of them. Really honored to do that. LAPD SWAT snipers, a couple of them. Really honored to do that.
Starting point is 00:18:06 LAPD, that SWAT team is kind of known as the first ever SWAT team in the nation. And still to this day is highly regarded as one of the best tactical teams out there. So it was an incredible honor to support them and give back and share some of my knowledge. And I helped them become better at their job. So Dave got a second screen. We're watching this at 1.25 time. He did not print out the comments this week and he is
Starting point is 00:18:32 just reading them, I guess, for the first time from newest to oldest or most popular. He put them in some order. And I didn't know he had a second screen. I think he has an iMac. So now he's upped his game. His audio is good.
Starting point is 00:18:47 His complexion looks great. And whether he does it on purpose or not, that's quite the flex. The LA SWAT team is coming out to visit you. You're a boss. Like a real boss. So that was a big thing that meant a lot for me. And I do all of this. I train the LEO or the cops that you guys see me train or pretty much any of the military or LEO you see me train. I'm doing it for free. I'm doing it just to give back and to support them in the job and
Starting point is 00:19:16 support what they do for us, what they do for the local communities and in the military case, what they do for us as a nation. So I was really excited and happy about that one. Great group of guys. Had a lot of fun. Hope to work with them again in the future. Service Cup is also... Did he post any pictures on his Instagram? I want to see that.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Instagram. The Dave Castro. $758,000 Oh shit, he did. Wow. Okay. Let's take a look Here's Dave Castro with a couple guys from the LA SWAT team a service cup workout Number two Randy's 75 pound snatches for time. Randy was the LAPD SWAT officer who died in the line of duty over a decade of go I remember that a pretty cool to do the workout today alongside current LAPD SWAT officer who died in the line of duty over a decade ago. I remember that. Pretty cool to do the workout today alongside current LAPD SWAT officers.
Starting point is 00:20:10 The big guy beat me. The big guy beat me. And, oh, so he can't give his name. But ironically, for those of you in the woke racist crowd, I do believe Randy was black. He was not gay or a woman. So he checks one box. Or a tranny or a pedo. So that's cool.
Starting point is 00:20:36 All right. Taking care of that. Got in some political commentary and some attacks on the racist woke crowd. I always like to do that. Back to the show at hand. It's cool Dave does that for free too.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Crazy cool. Okay, where are we? Do you think they prayed before? Do you think they prayed before they did the workout? Oh, shit. I'm not sharing the right screen. Oh. Could you hear it? Could you hear the audio?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Thank you, Will. See, look at Will. That's why Will makes the big bucks. Could you talk about awkward pause? Could you guys hear the audio? Yes? No? No. Shit. Level one.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Big thing that meant a lot for me. And I do all of this. I train the LEO or the cops in the nation. And still to this day is highly regarded as one of the best tactical teams out there. So it was an incredible honor to support them and give back and share some of my knowledge and help them become better at their job. So that was a big thing that meant a lot for me. And I do all of this. I train the LEO or the cops that you guys see me train or pretty much any of the military or LEO you see me train, I'm doing it for free. I'm doing it just to give back
Starting point is 00:22:26 and to support them in their job and support what they do for us, what they do for the local communities and in the military case, what they do for us as a nation. So I was really excited and happy about that one. Great group of guys, had a lot of fun. Hope to work with them again in the future.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Service Cup is also going on. I got my Service Cup t-shirt on. I did all three workouts. So I finished Kelly yesterday and had a 25-minute time cap on it. Did not finish within the time cap. Really, that was a good one. It was tough. Randy, I did the day before. And what's cool about Randy is Randy is made for an LAPD SWAT officer. And what was super cool is I did that here at the ranch with those two SWAT operators side by side with them in doing a hero workout that was made for a fellow team member. That workout, I remember we were flying to a level one in Charlotte and Greg and I, Greg Glassman, were in the shuttle from the airport to the rental car place. And he was talking to me about Randy,
Starting point is 00:23:23 who had just been killed in the line of duty. And he said talking to me about Randy, who had just been killed in the line of duty. And he said he wanted to make a hero workout for him. And we started kind of going back and forth on potentials and anchored off of the idea of something like Isabel or Grace, but lighter weight and higher rep. And that's what took us to this place of Isabel 75 or not to Isabel to Randy from Isabel, but we wanted to go lighter and faster, especially because at the time there's even nowadays people always biased towards going heavier with weight and increasing, especially on the Olympic lifts, increasing the weight rather than reducing and increasing reps. So that's kind of the train of thought as we're
Starting point is 00:23:59 discussing it and how we got to 75 reps and then 75 pounds. And it's a cool workout. So anyways, I did that one in like 617. I'm actually thinking about redoing it today, this afternoon. The window is still open. So if you haven't signed up and you want to do it, the window is still open for another few days. And then I did the first one. The first one, the really good workout, a really good CrossFit workout, just kind of like pure classic CrossFit. I think I might work that one into my collection of workouts I'd like to repeat to kind of measure my fitness, or maybe a shorter variant of that one to measure my current fitness level. So I'm thinking about redoing that one too. The thrusters, I started off not aggressive enough.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I should have only broke them up once. I broke them up a few times. And actually, same thing on Kelly at the deadlift. I forgot how strong I have been. I forgot how strong I can be. And so I was afraid to be strong on Kelly with the T75 deadlifts. The first set I broke up three times. Then the second set I broke up twice. And then the third set I just did unbroken. I haven't repped out weight like that for a long time. So I kind of had to retell myself. I still have the ability to do that. So I'm really enjoying them. I really, I have no issue. This whole redo people like get all, have all this pride around doing the workout once and then not doing it again, especially during the open, but even during something like this, I have no issue repeating them. And honestly,
Starting point is 00:25:13 the next two days of workouts, if I feel physically, like I've recovered enough from the others, we'll probably just be those again. So I did my last three workouts were Daniel, which was the first one, Randy, which was the second one, Kelly, which was the third one. I might do Randy again today and then maybe Daniel. I don't know if I'll redo Kelly, but I like to – I want to see my own improvement. I, of course, want to climb up the leaderboard, but if I do something and see areas where I can improve on it, like Randy, I think I should be under six minutes. I did it in like 6.17, so I'd like to try it with a different strategy break up earlier and and get under six being the high fives so in that in that regard i'm competing against myself and i want to push myself to do
Starting point is 00:25:52 better than i did in the first time so uh the institutional knowledge that he brings when he tells us the history of randy and being in the car with greg and coming up to work out. Those stories, each time we lose someone who was at CrossFit when Greg was there, will vanish. And the value in those stories is massive. Massive, massive, massive. We don't want to lose those stories. We don't want to lose those people in the community
Starting point is 00:26:25 who have those stories. Institutional knowledge is huge. No issue with repeats. And I don't think in our community, people should get all have so much pride around not repeating some of these tests, especially on the online environment. That's the format we create. And that's the luxury you have with the online. It's interesting because when you look at even the progression down to the games, you have this online where you can do as many times as you want in the open. Then you have semifinals, which are regionals in years past, which we put out the workouts ahead of time and give them an ability to repeat those a few times. But then they can only perform it on game day once.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And so it's going from you have as many opportunities as you want to on game day once with a little rehearsal. Then at the games, a majority of them are unknown and you have one shot at them without having practiced or rehearsed anything. Okay, so let's jump into comments in this new format where I'm just reading them from top to bottom. We are cruising through this show. Haven't seen them before. I am Fanny Spiegel. PDC, always appreciate weekend reviews and review of the weekend review on the Savant Podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Thank you. At Bern1808, Hi Dave, I want to discuss the coverage of CrossFit as a sport. While we are passionate fans here and enjoy delving into all aspects of the sport,
Starting point is 00:27:39 it is evident that the general public struggles to connect with it. Although you've emphasized the importance of making events exciting to watch, the current coverage can sometimes be hard to follow and lacks the informative graphics, discussion of metrics, and broad perspective found in other sports
Starting point is 00:27:50 broadcasting. Have you considered looking at how other sports handle their coverage for inspiration, improving understanding, and promoting the appeal of individual athletes, events, and CrossFit's unique methodology and history could significantly boost interest and growth? If you build it, they will come, but no pressure, Dave. Thank you for your continued dedication to our sport. Yeah, absolutely. Everything you're saying is spot on. But graphics, it's crazy. At the games, you'll see more built-out graphics than we do at the semi-final level,
Starting point is 00:28:12 but it's really wild how expensive that stuff is. And so doing more of that, of course, is something we've thought about and should be doing. Some of the other things you're talking about are lower-hanging fruit, and we should be able to execute on in a more nimble way. But we as much as we can, we will keep attempting to drive the coverage forward and make it better.
Starting point is 00:28:36 We're always thinking about ways and so are the Hamilton Roads, the people we contract with, our team, our media marketing team, everybody is thinking about ways to move it forward but again you know there's a some of the stuff doesn't come um it's not free that's for sure so we will continue i don't think any of those things are important man i don't think any of those things are important it's like it's like picking a wife based on her fake eyelashes and the way she looks when you met her at the bar. I don't think any of those things are important. How about we distill down exactly what the definition of sport is and what the definition of competition is and just right there, just try to show that it's a competition and what does that mean that means there's one no two or more people racing and we know who's in first place and by how much
Starting point is 00:29:37 that's it how about we just execute on that how about you show us the people who are racing and where they are in perspective to the people they're racing against? And then you have the commentators talk about that so that we just know where they are. Nothing doesn't even have to be fancy. Lane number two with the black shirt and thong on is in second place right behind first place who's wearing the white hat and in purple. They're one second apart. This workout should take them 10 minutes. In the last three workouts, the guy in purple has won two of them. They're neck and neck. Third place is two minutes behind and has no chance of winning it unless the first two have a catastrophic mistake.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That's it. That's it. Like, how about just start there? Just one nice wide angle shot where we can like follow the fucking horses. That's it. I don't need, I don't need fancy graphics i haven't watched high rocks in a long time but i watched it a couple years ago it is substantially worse its coverage than even crossfit it's so it was it was so bad the fix the fix the the the fix just to show it's a race
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like when I used to watch strongman, it was so easy and granted there were only like, you know, two lanes And guys would go into a hollowed out car and pick it up and walk with it and you knew who was in first And then they had a little clock on the bottom with the record time and what these guys time was and that's it So if there were guys in different heats, you knew what the fucking' time was. And that's it. So if there were guys in different heats, you knew what the fucking winning time was. That's it. It's that simple. I don't need anything else. You need to look at it.
Starting point is 00:31:36 At Brad Anderson, 3241. Good evening, Dave. Thank you so much for the Service Cup. It has been an amazing community event and hope it continues. Right on your heels with one more to go. I started with Randy, then Kelly Brown. So just need to do three pull-ups at the end of Daniel to pass you. Let me know how you do. Uh, Enrique three, one, three, two Wilson. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:31:52 That's super cool. So someone in the comments is like, dude, I'm going to beat you. And it's this close. That's that's the competition. Now we know guy in comments next workout. I just need three reps to beat you. There you go. There's some competition description.
Starting point is 00:32:07 We can follow that. Now we want to know next week. Did the guy get the three reps? Wilson is a great team leader. He makes volunteers feel special. Randy, then Kelly Brown. So just need to do three pull-ups at the end of Daniel to pass you. Let me know how you do.
Starting point is 00:32:20 At Enrique3132, Wilson is a great team leader. He makes volunteers feel special. Awesome. Talking about Wilson and Pac out at Syndicate Throwdown. At SayWordsForest. At Enrique3132, Wilson is a great team leader, he makes volunteers feel special. Awesome. Talking about Wilson Pak out at Syndicate Throwdown. At SayWordsForest, Dave, great to meet you this weekend in Knoxville. Thanks for taking time for a picture. This is my first time attending semis and I'm headed to Fort Worth.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I sat on the first row behind the staff tables and it was super interesting to watch the staff and VODs deeply involved in reviewing standards and some of the tough judging decisions that were made. Even though there were some missed calls, there was also a lot of tough calls that were spot on, although devastating to watch. Watching the team work provided greater context to all the behind the scene attention and diligence in running the event. Boz was taking a ton of notes, which I'm sure will be provided for better improvements.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Thanks all. Love my EVOO and the weekend review. Well, thank you for the response. What's an EVVO? What's an EVVO? Anyway, maybe it's a gun. Hey, that is the thing. If you go to the event, the energy is so good and it's so hard to be negative there.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Like being at the games is so amazing. Being at the West Coast Classic was so amazing. It's such a great event. The vibe there is so good. The people are so good. It's such a warm, healthy environment. So this guy felt the CrossFit love, the community love. Sponsor.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So my EVOO, Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can pick up some there. My personal stash. Damn, I'm going to finish this bottle soon. Just from drinking it on shows.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Comes in different flavors. I highly recommend the garlic. So I have some leather products that I built yesterday or put together yesterday. New keychains. And they're on the site available for purchase and still have some belts available. So if you want any of that stuff,
Starting point is 00:34:11 At Polga 90P. Hi, Dave. Is there any status update on the old CrossFit Journal webpage status? It's been broken for years. I believe the CrossFit Journal is HQ's crown jewel. It should be a priority to have it up and running and promoting it everywhere. Working on it, I agree. It should be up and running or some form of it or something like that.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Hopefully we can get something similar, if not that, out there again. The CrossFit Journal. The preeminent guide in how to operate your fucking body. More valuable than the fucking L1 or any affiliate or any games or anything. The Guide of Guides. Everything in there that you need valuable than the fucking L1 or any affiliate or any games or anything the guide of guides
Starting point is 00:34:45 everything in there that you need to know about the world's curing the world's most vaccine problem we used to have an app and every time something was posted in there you'd get a fucking notification
Starting point is 00:35:01 it was crazy what it did to our search engine optimization having the fucking journal it was nuts it was a compilation of everything when it was free everything was for free and when when there was a paywall a couple times in its iterations there were paywall 95 of the stuff was free and only five percent i was behind a paywall it's mostly game shit candy how in the fuck is there a link on 10 000 websites websites for the 10,000 CrossFit affiliates around the world that sends you to a journal? Do you want to know what the last thing is? Do you know if you click on the journal, a journal link? Here, let me make up a CrossFit gym's name. Let me type in,
Starting point is 00:36:02 I'm just making this up, CrossFit Love. I wonder if there's a CrossFit Love. CrossFit gym's name. Let me type in. I'm just making this up. CrossFit Love. I wonder if there's a CrossFit Love. I just typed it in. Oh, shit. I lost my... Oh, no. There it is. Okay. Look, look, look, look, look. Look at this. So I just made this up. There's actually a CrossFit Love. Okay. So I typed that in. CrossFit Love. And they're supposed to have a journal link here let's see if they have one they don't have a journal link they don't even have a journal link nutrition crossfit recipes fitness it's a lifestyle wow the journal's fucking not even on theirs. They have a fucking COVID-19 button? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Is there any risk for exercising after COVID vaccination? Oh, shit. What happened here? Please tap the allow button to continue. Please tap the allow button. I. Please tap the allow button. I don't see an allow button. Where did you guys see? Wow. Please tap the allow button to continue.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Oh. Uh, block. I don't want notifications from your fucking gym. God damn. fucking gym god damn what the fuck happened here okay let me type in another let me type in a different name uh cross fit uh new york let's try that i wonder if there's still crossfit new york crossfit new york crossfit new york dot com oh shit uh oh yeah there's so there's a crossfit nyc okay i clicked on the uh link let me bring this up on the screen so this is crossfit uh let's choose a location. Let's choose Upper West Side. Scroll down. Fuck, no journal here either.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Oh, Forging Elite Fitness. CrossFit Forging Elite Fitness. I'm going to click this in the lower right-hand corner. Let's see if this is the journal. Oh, shit. It takes you to Wow. It used to be part of the affiliate agreement. You had to have a link for the journal on there. Maybe they don't have that anymore. know when i worked there they had it as crossfit we didn't own we owned we had
Starting point is 00:38:46 to go to the journal you had to type in crossfit forward slash it was so fucking retarded and then finally i'm like hey dude let's get crossfit fucking journal and then just point to the fucking journal looks like this domain isn't connected to a website. CrossFit. CrossFit. CrossFit. Forward slash journal. Dot com. Wow. This is wild.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Anyway, the last time I clicked on it I don't know Oh here what's this What's this Oh CrossFat This is like watching my dad At a printer browser Alright Fine This is like watching my dad at a printer browser.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Alright. Fine. Savon is really shitting the bed with the screen sharing. No, I was fine with it. I'm good with it. Anyway, if you go to it, the last thing you'll see posted in the journal is... Killing the Fat Man Season 2. If anyone can even find the journal uh jake felton are our affiliate used to have it on our page but it's no longer there either that's so interesting click on it turd click on what on this i can't how the fuck can i click on it i did click on it.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I don't know what you're talking about. I can't copy and paste that even. Oh, my brother is a 10-year affiliate, has a journal link. What's the name of his gym? Oh, click on the actual turd? Oh, click on the actual turd. Oh, really? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Anyway. There's just the journal. The whole journal situation is just tragic. Tragic. It's such an easy. I think we were making $2 million a year in memberships. So easy. And it's a great just repository of everything you talk about CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So then you don't have to go to fucking Barbell Spin for all the fucking real information. Austin Hartman, I love this show. Yeah, who doesn't? the show's awesome thank you oh shit pool boy what's crazy is pornhub has a link to the journal huh fair enough one-stop shop okay i'm over the journal thank you jeffrey i appreciate your uh oh oh oh oh hold on what is this a journal dot oh yeah maybe that's what it used to be oh yeah there it is okay here it is thank you jeffrey what a stud see old people can
Starting point is 00:42:00 do things okay look at this this is the last thing in the journal. And I remember when they got rid of the whole entire media team, I was racing to finish Killing the Fat Man Season 2. God, this is so sad. Here it is, the journal. Look at the day Fat Justin died. Breaking the nutrition barrier. Diabetic dad levels up. I think this dude died.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Junior Smithens. Obese to level one. What exercise the science can learn from CrossFit? Chuck Carswell. Chuck Carswell. Amazing, right? Look at all this fucking content. Guy holding a girl's butt.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I remember filming this with Tyson Aldroyd. Look at me and Gary. Look at me looking at Gary like I'm in love with him. Breaking the nutrition barrier. I wonder if these links work. Stand by. Oh, yeah. The links still work. Until I started gaining weight again
Starting point is 00:43:26 I went Jasmine Zaid Weighed 436 pounds when his thoughts turned towards The macabre Look at a mental health Mental health piece So sad So easy to get back
Starting point is 00:43:44 So fucking easy to get back So easy to get back so fucking easy to get back so easy to get back how do i get this screen back uh there we go okay here we go we can review at station fitness gym 916 just a thought all those games phone boxes at semi-final could possibly have a games or sponsored logo on them. Yeah, so they have – that's an interesting suggestion, but I don't think – so Bill supplies the equipment. So the only sponsors that are going to – Bill and Rogue – that like they're going to be on there is either Rogue or CrossFit. So I don't think we or Rogue necessarily view putting more sponsors on their equipment as a way to go. Cause then also it then muddies.
Starting point is 00:44:31 So then does that sponsor have to also support Rogue or we definitely couldn't do it without Rogue's permission. So a lot more to it than just like, yeah, it'd be cool to slap on some logos there. Chris Bonkovic, always appreciate the insight in the community. Keep up the good work. Thank you. Mitch Collins, 2947. These are excellent. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for these updates. Laura Beningo, 5720.
Starting point is 00:44:50 John Goldbeck, 5346. Thanks for making the time. Chris Stolbaca, 1495. Hey, Dave. Thank for all you do. Love the olive oil. Another one. Thank you. And love the key chain I purchased. The leather work is fantastic, and it means more because we know you made it.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Get your olive oil and leather goods. So all that stuff I talked about earlier, I make. The olive oil, I buy from a local olive oil producer 30 minutes down the road. His orchard is 30 minutes from the ranch. And then I take it and have it bottled about an hour south of here. He has his process. So when he picks it, he has it processed about 45 hour south of here. He has his process. So when he picks it, he has it processed
Starting point is 00:45:26 about 45 minutes south of here. So the entire process of the olive oil, the chain of custody is all local. And which is pretty cool because olive oil, the olive oil industry is incredibly corrupt. And often when you think you're buying extra virgin olive oil, it's been cut with other oils. So they get more yield out of the given amount that they have, the given existing amount that they have. There was a comment in here. Uh, not this one. Uh, fit comedy.
Starting point is 00:45:50 The show reminds me of the internet for seniors class. I would volunteer for, uh, the DEI council would have to spend too much time looking over all the articles to remove things that are offensive. Uh, are offensive they don't require a link to the journal anymore i made an affiliate website like a year ago just to cross the mark with a link to the main page damn that's ridiculous um That's ridiculous. Savon, what are you wearing?
Starting point is 00:46:36 What do you mean? I'm wearing a Kill Taylor shirt and a Filson winter hat. Someone said in here, is Kill Taylor going to be at the games? How fucking, I mean, that would be so smart of them, right? Brandon Gomez, Sevan, Sevan, Sevan, Sevan, Sevan, Sevan. Yeah, that would be fucking genius. Heidi Kroom, oh good. I can fall asleep to your beautiful voice, Sevy.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Good night, Heidi. Good night, Heidi. Fall asleep to your beautiful voice, Seve. Good night, Heidi. Seve, I'm getting a cut of the olive oil sales. No. That is 100% not true. I have nothing to do with the olive oil. Although, I did make him a...
Starting point is 00:47:25 offer to be in business with him. He told me to eat a dick. This person's still sorry. I got sidetracked. One question for you. He didn't say eat a dick. But you know what Dave did do today? He hung up on me today.
Starting point is 00:47:37 We were having a discussion about something. And he basically said he's sick of my shit and hung up on me. Then I text him and I said, are we fighting? He said, no, not at all. Okay, good. I hear you speak on all the work you do with the military, but I was wondering, the United States Border Patrol is a sponsor and I don't hear much when it comes to them. Do you work with them as you do with the military? Just curious. Thanks again, Dave. Yes, we've done a few seminars for them. We've done a one day. We're looking at doing more courses for them. I've offered up to their tactical team to come up and train we're trying to work on some dates uh their poor tech team is really highly respected and um they've done a lot of great
Starting point is 00:48:08 things so it would be an honor to work with them when i was at crossfit the head of the one of the division the head of i don't know it wasn't the head of homeland security but it was the head of all the the basically the police chief of all the guys, the Border Patrol officers, the very main guy. It was a Mexican name. He was a CrossFitter. I'd see him around or
Starting point is 00:48:35 talked about or something. I remember somehow we were cozy, cozy with him. At Extremist 1978, hi Dave, for whatever it's worth, I for one, and I feel i speak for the many really enjoy your week in review please keep them up please keep them up and edit it unedited raw and transparent a non-crossfit question i saw a leather band on your apple watch not this one your app ultra watch is that one you made is it available for purchase so yeah the leather band
Starting point is 00:48:58 i was wearing last week on this watch is one that i made i've made a handful of bands i do not currently sell them uh i switch it out because I've been doing a little swimming lately. So I went back with the band. The other band wouldn't be good for swimming. But it is one I made. I have made and not currently available for purchase. Damn, how does he do that? Steven Miller, 7412. Sunny Reveal
Starting point is 00:49:18 at 709. Someone else, I thought the same thing. And someone else said, little love. I don't know what they're talking about. I don't remember what happened at 709. Rich Froning Sr. Build it and they will come. I do think we have some background stuff to do. Sorry I missed you yesterday. Sorry I missed you, Sr. I was in and out.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So I went into that semifinal for a few hours and then I was gone. At JB1108, thank you for the review. Helps to stay connected to CrossFit. YouTube America, East cameras and content was really good. Better still than the others. Enjoyed to watch. Someone else at Mike B. KTM
Starting point is 00:49:48 Love the Weekend Reviews at B. McLaughlin. There's so many reasons to be optimistic. So it's crazy. Think of all the positive comments he's getting when he just reads them without picking them. I never even go look at the comments. I had no idea this many people loved them. Fucking people love these
Starting point is 00:50:04 shows. But when he presents them usually when i watch him he picks the hard questions where people are being assholes or attacking this is cool i like this i like this way it's about the future of crossfit as a brand as long as we remain rooted in the methodology we can survive trends ups downs mistakes as long as we pull in the same direction for sure and the methodology and crossfit it's um it's never going anywhere. We're in this unique position of you look at other fitness brands or fitness things. They're usually, usually tied to a gimmick or something, uh, they're selling, but we're a way of thinking a methodology that's based in a style of training that doesn't.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Isn't this ironic that it comes coupled on the same show where someone asked about the journal? on the same show where someone asked about the journal I mean it all resides in the journal and yet there's no journal and yet you say it won't go away well sure the fuck go away if you fucking lose the core tenants of it the core tenants are all fucking found in the journal
Starting point is 00:50:59 require any gimmicks and because of that we're poised because of that, because of the fact that it's a way of thinking and a way of training and the results that come with it and the results that come with it in a community environment, those things make it so powerful and definitely here to stay. And as you said, as long as we, as long as we remain rooted in the methodology. As long as we remain rooted in the methodology. Good comment.
Starting point is 00:51:29 At Ben Tanner 8797. Hey, Dave, thanks for all you do. I really admire what you said about leaving a legacy when it comes to being a father. I guess you could say I'm a young father looking for some direction. Would you have any good book recommendations that impacted the way you viewed life? Anne Rand. I mean, that's my most recent read it's pretty powerful definitely recommend that damn damn it'll it'll make you view things uh differently it's a it's a powerful book for a reason definitely check it out i recommend it at row rowan mac hey dave i really look forward to the games i thought semis were great. Programming setup was awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:05 The Bible. He just recommended the Bible. Jeremy E. World, send that guy my way. Father of the year, Jeremy E. World. Oh, there's a Bryson's shirt. Jeez. That's cool. Bryson's shirt? Jeez. That's cool. Bryson's arrived.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yes, TDC coming around to the big guy. 10% for the big guy. What is this? 1999 emoji. What are you, commenting from a fucking droid? Some races on Sunday. I'm really hoping for a swimming event this year at the Games. Swimming stuff was awesome as the swimming actually mattered
Starting point is 00:52:53 and made a difference to event placement. Unlike rinse and repeat where subpar swimmers could outpace great swimmers on the ski, a repeat of swimming stuff would be meant just saying. Okay, final one. I'm going to go into this one. Actually, I see one more. So, hey, Dave, will the games in Texas look different than a semifinal if the majority of events are inside? The best part of the games is the creativity of the outside event.
Starting point is 00:53:13 It will absolutely look different than the semifinals. One of the reasons, one of the things we do at the games every year, and so here, understand also, the statement being said is the majority of the events will be inside. So understand what that represents. And the second piece, the second thing that happens at semifinals that will not happen here at the games is there's one floor, and it's the same one we're working off of for three days. So think about what I'm saying there and the flexibility we have because of Rogue and their involvement if every day the floor was to be redesigned or look different. At Kbearden8881, Dave, will you ever get the media? That's fun. That's always fun, right?
Starting point is 00:53:53 Every day you go to the games and the floor is different. That shit's cool. Seeing all the new shit the Rogue people built, you walk in there. I wonder if they'll cover anything with a sheet like they did that one year. Coverage of athletes in the offseason approaching the games like we did. It's the same one we're working off of for three days. So think about what I'm saying there and the flexibility we have because of rogue and their involvement. If every day the forward was to be redesigned or look different at K
Starting point is 00:54:19 Bearden, eight, eight, eight, one Dave, we ever get the media coverage of athletes in the off season, approaching the games like we did in 15 and 18? I feel like the game's popularity has tapered since then.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Thanks for everything. And then Hiller responded, I got you. And then Sevan responded, at HillerFit, hashtag me too. So those guys, they're doing their own thing and covering it in the way that supports the community with their unique flair. So nice to see them doing that. It would also be good to see us get to a point where we can do more of that too. I don't think there can be too much coverage, but supporting those guys continuing to do their thing
Starting point is 00:54:55 and us trying to do some of those things that we did in 15 and 18, that would help drive the sport forward. But that can't happen, and here's the big thing. I talk a lot about this with our team, in isolation of the other things that matter. Meaning, so let's say we got to the point where we're doing the game stuff, we're doing 15 to 18, all these videos, and then we're not doing affiliate stuff, or we're not doing training and education stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:17 We need to be doing training and education stuff. We need to be doing affiliate community stuff, stories, transformational stuff, all of that, and game stuff. So it's not just one at the expense of the others there needs to be a plan to get them all out there all right i just got a phone with andrew hiller i hadn't talked to him probably in two days and uh he has some really exciting stuff for you uh he's got something fucking super cool coming down the pipe you guys are all going to be tickled by it i I know I was super excited.
Starting point is 00:55:45 And of course, I'm going to try to piggyback off of his success when he makes that content that's coming out. And of course we'll be, we'll be having between now and the games, I bet you will interview all invite. Last year, I invited every single athlete onto the show before the games. I will do the same this year.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Every single athlete who's going as the show before the games. I will do the same this year. Every single athlete who's going as an individual to the CrossFit Games will get an invitation to come on the show at some point or another, even if they've been on the show before. Whether it's the 45-minute shows with, let's say, Shelby Neal comes on, it'll be a short show. Or someone brand new that I've never had, or Enola Kai, it'll be 45 minutes. Or if it's someone new like Hattie Kanyu, it'll be a full 90 minutes or longer. So I will be going full steam ahead there. Of course, I think Kill Taylor will be fucking amazing for the games also because it's going to build a shitload of just fucking excitement around competition and as we saw last week uh we saw yonakoski yellow host uh um eric hapalainen and victor hoffer uh call in that that kind of shit is great uh synergy with the games we see
Starting point is 00:56:56 alex kazan in the comments dylan lowe and shit like that so there'll be so much stuff for sure coming out uh and then i'm sure coffee pods and wads will be doing a ton of stuff. Barbell spin will be the place to get all your up fastest and quickest updates. I get with the programming. We'll have tons of programming shows and prediction shows. I mean, there's just going to be endless stuff out there.
Starting point is 00:57:17 The heat one app will be firing on all cylinders, bringing a whole new dimension to the watching so that, you know, you can compete against your friends, picking people. Yeah. Eric Lee, that means you too, Danielle. Yes, that's true. Even Danielle Brandon will get, she'll maybe get three invites. And so there's all of that. And then of course, we have the hype of the behind the scenes from the two semifinals.
Starting point is 00:57:41 We went to Rio Sousa and brands that are fucking killed it and Knoxville so there's all that stuff coming out and then of course you should buy some a tooth Ian and At Doc Spartan calm and then of course the behind the scenes I'll be going to I have to assume I'm going to Dickie's and Doing the best behind the scenes I've ever done. And on top of that, with the film contest, I will be doing the biggest promotion in the history of CrossFit promotional campaign ever with the help of people who enter the contest for affiliates.
Starting point is 00:58:17 The biggest ever. There will never been a bigger promotional push and love put on the affiliates after if i predict the outcome of this uh campaign contest so i guess there's only i guess the only place we haven't dipped into is uh training i guess that's the only place we haven't made content maybe that's next who knows all righty here we go that was a in review where I read them for the first time and just went from the top to the bottom of filtered by top comments. So I'll try this again next week. So if you see comments that you really want me to read, like it or whatever to put it at the top.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Thanks a lot. Okay. Wow. Wow. Okay. Okay Wow Uh Wow Okay Uh Let's see let's sort of from top comments Uh, I think I just watched a 20 minute olive oil commercial and liked it me too I competed this whack that past weekend at gauntlet. Love the service cup. Hey dave
Starting point is 00:59:20 Have you thought about charging people for better coverage of the games? Uh, thanks for sharing your knowledge Hey dave, what are your thoughts on people that are programming for burnout crossfitters like matt chan marcus philly james brown who's james brown um what was the main reason for the step down at semi-finals oh yeah shit he forgot to say that excuse me uh dave appreciate the weekly updates such a wide variety of topics uh what do you think about john woolley's uh oh can you give us a background on possible beef between you and woolley hey dave what do you think about the overuse of machines and crossfit specifically the last few years compare oh yep yes uh hey dave i heard a rumor at the games you're headed back to carson for 2025 can
Starting point is 01:00:00 confirm this thumbs up dave come to down to miami fake and open workout league next year great idea hey dave please do the first day podcast shows during semis we miss a ton of team events and are not turning in to watch people talk we want to see the athletes hey dave please never do first day i shut up thumbs down uh dave in retrospect do you think the semifinals test being leaked turned out to be a positive or negative it's good too okay all right tomorrow morning guys Dalton Rasta is gonna be on the show that's gonna be an amazing show Dalton's fucking a savage he's eight and one in Bellator 185 pound class been on the show several times and then in the
Starting point is 01:00:43 evening if you do not know who this guy is let's see if i can uh find his instagram instagram in the evening we have uh uh norbert norbert on uh norbert the dog no not norbert the dog Shit, where's Norbert? Damn Norbert the dog is eight hundred and twenty four thousand Instagram followers magic Norby This guy's coming on in the evening This dude is a savage look at Bellator championship series so the both these guys are gonna be on tomorrow and they fight Saturday, June 22nd Norbert Jovini enters Bellator Dublin with the perfect record of 7 and 0 five of those coming by first round stoppages
Starting point is 01:01:36 This is gonna be a nutty fight guys This shit is gonna be nutty He's got the Steven Wonderboy stands Nutty fight, guys. This shit is gonna be nutty. He's got the Stephen Wonderboy stance. He's got, like, that karate stance. Boom. Look at him training with just two boys trying to smash training with Hamzat crazy
Starting point is 01:02:12 yeah this one's gonna be wild oh look can you see his junk in this yeah you can kind of see his junk in that one. Anyway, both these guys could be the future of the 185-pound class. Both of them coming on tomorrow. Norbert, dog sounds way cooler.
Starting point is 01:02:45 No, he's not. Alright. Love you guys. See you tomorrow morning, 7am Pacific Standard Time. Also be around at 6.30pm. Also tomorrow, Sousa has his show. Greg never responded to my Cathedral of BSI.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Oh, what's this guy's name? That's Michael Fitzgerald, OPT's brother. All right. Great show, guys. Thank you. Thank you for saving the show. Once again, Will Branstetter. See you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Bye-bye.

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