The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR 06/24/2024

Episode Date: June 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam We're live I think I'm losing my voice again I think we're live Are we live? There's no one watching Brandon Smith, what's up buddy?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Good to see you Thanks for the membership There we go, six viewers This is gonna be a wild one I hope there's only six. I haven't seen this. I haven't seen this show yet, but boy, so many people are talking. So many people are talking.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Holy shit. The chatter. Emma. Hi. Pink's a nice color. Ian, what's up, dude? Scott. Yo, this is going to be good.
Starting point is 00:01:45 This one's going to be wily, I think. It's 28 minutes, man. Let's go, Stefan. Almost got your voice back. I lost it again today. I got two fit aids for this show. It's been a long day. It's been a long, long day.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Doing daddy shit. long day doing daddy shit uh 28 minutes and 37 seconds i don't watch these beforehand beforehand but i've never gotten so many texts about a uh about a tdc weekend review this is gonna be wild brandon lecoq by the way thank Thank you Brandon Smith smart money. How are you not? How is anyone not a CEO member do it? I Can't wait to hear your reaction. Yeah, my DMS. I've already gotten 20 DMS and probably got 20 text messages It's gonna be tough because I don't want to Conflate I don't want to conflate. I don't want to conflate issues. I want to stay true to the point the entire time.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I almost feel like making a preemptive strike before I even see the Dave's Weekend Review. It's amazing the courage it takes to stand up for people who are part of a class where that class is being demanded to play victim, right? So whatever class you're in, you knowy cripple blackie just whatever jewy packy pally espanoli there's this demand somewhere always each class each group each demographic for whatever your shit is there's someone out there demanding you play the victim and the real courage and the people who really give a fuck and they're the only ones are a hillbilly i don't know any i don't know very much hill i don't know about the hillbilly my victim mindset but every every group um there's someone out there
Starting point is 00:04:01 demanding you play the victim there's some narrative and then there's fucking bad motherfuckers like me who are like, hey, I'll stand up for those people because I got a little means. I can cover my mortgage every month. It's like, okay, I'm not afraid to be canceled. I'll do the real courageous part. I'll give a place for black people who don't want to play the victim to just be themselves. Just believe in themselves. I'll give a place for fucking dwarfs to be themselves and not play the victim where you can just hang out. And just be you.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Just chill. No one's demanding you play the victim. I'll give a place for Jews to not have to hate. I'll give a place for Palestinians not to have to hate. I'll give a place for Palestinians not to have to hate. Yeah, CMO, bad motherfucker. Thank you. That's the courage. The courage is the fat people who stand up during the COVID and be like, hey, yo, it's us.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Old motherfuckers would be like, yo, it's us, who would stand up instead of play the victim. I don't think you can be in here for this show. I don't know. Yeah, you can, but, but I can't put your mic on. Okay. I love you. You, how, how was jujitsu kicked ass? Oh, you did. All right. You have a live audience today. All right. You got a live audience today. Okay. Anyway, that's just a little preemptive strike.
Starting point is 00:05:35 The gay community doesn't want the P attached to the LGB. LGB doesn't want the, the LGB community that doesn't want the TQP attached to it. Like, this is a place for you. this is this is not a place for uh pedos though sorry like i got my limits this is a place for trannies totally fine uh love love trannies um porn stars priests all of them but i do have my limits i'm not perfect sorry christians atheists all you motherfuckers love you guys okay but if you demand if you demand if you demand people play the victim then i and you're gonna like make claims of your personal own psychosis is feeling sorry for yourself someone cuts you off
Starting point is 00:06:25 and they think they did it to you. I used to think when I was a little kid, people didn't respect me because I was a little kid. Anyone who wants to play that victim role, I like you, but we're going to tussle. I'm going to call it out how it is. I don't think it's a big deal. I don't think it's a big deal that Greg Glassman says he doesn't mourn the death of George Floyd. I do think it's a big deal if you say, I don't hire people. I hire people based on their skin color, genitalia, and then preference of genitalia they'd like on their face. But I still don't dislike you, but we're going to have words. Hawk Tooey, girl, she's dope.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I bet you I could talk my wife into... I bet you... No, no, no. Big boy drink. You step off this. When I first started the podcast, I was desperate for a fide sponsorship now i'm so big it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:07:29 i got i got 100 live listeners look at me i'm the shit dave castro we can review june 24th oh it's summer started right june 21st of summer uh 2024 we can review athlete interview series uh rogan peds and crossfit nutrition crossfit documentary hillar hillar with one l what a douche canoe come on dave we can review june 24th i i lowered my mic so that Dave's will be louder, so you guys can turn up your TVs or computers or whatever you need to. Let's rock and roll.
Starting point is 00:08:13 2024, I am trying this new StreamYard setup that I'm using for these interviews I'm doing with the athletes. So that's why I'm looking around to see the time. I don't see where my time is on this to see how long I go. Listen, I'm putting up the phone number two for this one. Let's make this a, just a straight fucking party.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Where's, where's, where's the phone numbers, banners. Okay, here we go. Anyway, let's dive into it before I get into comments, a couple of points.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So I started this new series where I'm going to interview, I'm going to try to interview all the athletes, all 80 of them prior to the games. And it's going to be from five to 10 minutes long. And the point of this, especially the last, since probably 17 and on, maybe 18, after 18, 19 and on, I feel like I really have been disconnected from, and don't really know a lot of the athletes, especially last year when I went to the games, like I didn't know any of them. And I'm also, uh, not really, um, following on social media or, or, um, engage like that. So I figured, well, I might as well try to just briefly get to know some of the athletes and, um, why not record it and then put it out as i'm surprised
Starting point is 00:09:25 dave hasn't mentioned this before there used to be a series i don't know when it was but dave did it and i did it and it was called like the three minute interview or something now it could have been like back in 2010 or 11 12 13 14 something like there so he he did him and i dabbled in a show like that before it was like called the three minute interview or something a little video so this will give me an opportunity to touch base with talk to each athlete and most again most i don't know a few i know if you know i know really well like brooke and um so it'll be a fun and even with brooke i learned something new so it'll be a fun little drill fun little exercise and some cool content for the community.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So one down, 79 to go. I have a number of other ones set up. So I'll start cranking those out. And to be honest, throughout a day, I'm going to end up having to put out multiple clips of different athletes as I interview them. Again, and the point is really short, five to ten minutes long to the point. Specifically going to ask a lot about their crossfit experience benchmarks i want to i'm interested in knowing some of their benchmarks and what their thoughts are on the games for where we're at with the process and and what we've announced other i don't know if it was only the brook episode or somewhere else when i heard dave talking about this he seemed a little
Starting point is 00:10:36 like shy and like shoulders in when he talked about it and hands in front of him kind of like a little insecure about it and now like you can tell already he got the brook one out it's doing great it's approaching 10 000 views he feels confident so that's good he's uh he's leveling up and he's got his game face on as you saw last week we announced um as you might have seen we announced the uh are the athletes uh required to do this to go to the games i don't know don't know, James, but they should be. But they should be. If they want to go the professional route, if they want to professionalize themselves,
Starting point is 00:11:14 that would be something that they would have probably in a contract or if they want to do their part to level up the sport, yeah, they should get on there with Dave. level up the sport yeah they should get on there with dave the uh farrington field as an option for um or not as an option as a friday night lights event so basically from eight to ten we're going to have events out there and farrington field seats 18 000 people our stadium what we sold for dickies is around 9 000000. So the Farrington Field events team and individual is open to anyone. So it's, we're not going to ticket it. Anyone can show up. The 9,000 people who have tickets for the Coliseum, you will probably with no issue have a seat in the other venue. Because I've seen some
Starting point is 00:11:58 comments where people are asking if they have specific seating over in the other venue. It seats 18,000 people again. So there will be no issue with seating. I do not really see a scenario where 10,000 other people come just to check out that event. If it did, I mean, that'd be pretty cool. But every time we've done stuff like this, we've had free events,
Starting point is 00:12:16 you know, at most it's a couple thousand. But maybe here in Texas with the strong affiliate network, we'll be able to rally and have more. If you're in the area, you got to go to this. It's free. The games are not inexpensive. But if you're in the area, you should definitely go to this.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You should bring your mom, your dad, your kids. These events are awesome. They're so family friendly. The energy will be great. I'm not sure if they'll do like a vendor village or anything there but um they're they're they're great and i really do hope they sell all 18 000 or give away all 18 000 seats that'll be awesome it'll be great for the athletes too the roar will be insane if that place does fill up it'll become the most memorable moment and uh probably across the game's history outside of maybe a few things from carson
Starting point is 00:13:01 uh that being said i have engaged i am in full engagement with CrossFit now and in communications about getting all access pass so that I can go everywhere Dave goes so that I can replicate the behind the scenes like I did last year. So another thing I want to talk about related to the games, I saw that clip about Joe Rogan where he, and apparently the guy from this event where they don't test anyone
Starting point is 00:13:26 or they allow everything. We're talking about steroids or performance-enhancing drugs in the games. And the guy, the guest, made a comment about, oh, well, 22 and before, they probably weren't doing anything. And Rogan made some insinuations or some comments about that we don't test. But look, we've been testing from the second games on. And in the second game, I'll tell you this big lesson learned i did read the comments from this video already before watching the video i don't know if i read all of them but one of the comments in there is from
Starting point is 00:13:55 someone and it says hey someone came and tested my wife three days ago which is like pretty awesome that was just ridiculous what they said on rogan me Me in this role and for me, you know, kind of heading this sport up for almost the last two decades. In the second games, someone approached us and said they're willing to fund and test all of the athletes that were there. Actually, it was the third games, not the second. It was the third games. And it was the first year that we had actually qualifiers to get to the games. And so we were committed to doing the testing and all about it. And so at the games, they tested all the athletes and one athlete, one athlete of all the athletes that year failed the drug test. And this guy failed for like everything. Like he, he, he had the masking agents for the stuff he failed for. And so like, it was a plethora of things that
Starting point is 00:14:41 he popped on. And, um, this time and time only, that was the third year of the games. Because he was active duty military at the time, we decided to not publicize the results. And then, you know, months later after that, so we didn't tell the world he failed. We actually removed him, I think, from the leaderboard. He didn't he didn't do too hot anyway, so I don't think it mattered. But that was the only time we ever did anything like that. And it was a huge lesson learned. And basically, a few months later after that, I was like, we can never do that again.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Even active duty military or whatnot, we can't not publish the results. I say that because it's insinuated often. And we get accused of protecting athletes and or doing things like that where we don't tell the world the real test results. After that, once we did start testing, over the years and once we had to fund it, it's really expensive to test the entire field. So pretty much consistent from back then. We tested all the regional qualifiers and then a large number at the games. And then throughout the season, we'd have off-season tests.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And it's interesting because someone sent me that clip that Hiller put out where there's a froning line where he goes froning and Sherwood are talking and froning said something like surprise test or random test. What he meant there, and I think this has been misconstrued by a lot of people, people think or it sounds like he's saying random as if he knew it was coming that's not what he meant by that and that wasn't what he was talking about he meant random as if he was randomly selected no no no he wasn't randomly selected his his time was random when he got it but what i mean by that is of course rich had multiple random tests throughout
Starting point is 00:16:22 his competitive and fraser too, throughout their competitive. When they were competing and being dominant, we had a list of people. We said, test those guys and test them randomly. So they didn't know when the testers were coming, but they were definitely because of their success and because of how well they were doing.
Starting point is 00:16:41 They were targeted and tested in the offseason at much higher... Completely fucking normal. If you're gonna test people, you have to have a fucking list of people you're gonna test. So you have a tester, and I'm like, hey, these are the people you're gonna test. And you're gonna test Tia Toomey,
Starting point is 00:16:59 who's the guy at the top for the guys, Jeffrey Adler, Roman Krennikoff, Ariel Lowen,lex kazan, um Uh, who's some other good dudes justin madaris like you're gonna like here's the list and we're gonna test those people Makes complete fucking sense. I I don't even I don't even get it I Think that anyone could even ask greg this dave this anyone at crossfit this in my tenure there at crossfit i weaved in and out of more departments or i was as knowledgeable
Starting point is 00:17:39 about as anyone ever was about in in the breadth of what was going on at HQ. I was close friends with a lot of people. And I never, ever heard anything about anyone being gone after for vindictiveness or for letting someone cheat or letting someone get away with the test. Dave was absolutely very clear that he didn't care who popped or didn't pop. It's so weird to hear this discussion because I know the scene so intimately.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And yeah, anyone who thinks that's fucking crazy. Intervals and everyone else. So that wasn't. There was no one ever attached to HQ who were like, oh, my God, you brought in so much money for us. Some people would argue that Rich helped grow the sport, but there was no one ever that it was like, man, that person's our shining star. And like we have to protect them and we need to raise. There was never anything like that. Never.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Never, ever, ever. That wasn't an accident. And it wasn't random. It wasn't as if he had any advanced knowledge that he was going to be tested that day. As a matter of fact, it was probably harder on Rich. If you were to ask Rich, Hey, did they go easy? And you know, I not probably, I know he would say that. And so would Matt that they got, they got, they got less, less preferential treatment, but the fact that he was being tested, that part was totally set up. And so of course, I mean, we got less, less preferential treatment, but the fact that he was being tested, that part was totally set up. And so of course, I mean, we have to pick a number of people.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And so throughout the years, there was a list of, you know, several to over a dozen people that were getting tested. And, and yeah, you know, like you could guess who we were testing people like Dan Bailey and people who had a lot of, um, who were really good. And there were also a lot of questions and they were all coming back clean. And here's the other thing I'll tell you. And a lot of people close to me and a lot of people in the, um, in the sport know this. I would love to catch any of them. I don't fucking care. Like, I'm not like, Oh, we need to protect rich Froning or, Oh, we need to protect Matt Frazier. Oh, we need to protect Tia. No, no, no, no. Like if, if, if they're cheating and we have an opportunity to catch them, I would love for us to, uh, to catch them. And, and, and that,
Starting point is 00:19:44 I didn't want to say that, but that's the message Dave would give us consistently throughout the year. That's what you would hear from him to everyone, internally, externally. He was always open. I'd love to catch someone. So, and also now, so we use Drug Free Sport for our testing.
Starting point is 00:20:00 It's now also who the UFC uses. So I'm pretty sure the UFC uses. They left theirs, and now I'm pretty sure they use Drug Free Sport. But we also, it's a third party. So we're not the ones who are looking at the results and or taking the samples and then analyzing them. We have a third party who does it for us. And we tested every qualifier at semifinals. And we'll test a large number of the, we'll test all the podium at the games and then down the field a little. So we take it very seriously.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And we have since the earliest days. And that story I told you about 2009 was a huge lesson learned and a huge mistake on our part, on my part. And I mean, like, again, this was the infancy of the sport. And the reason was noble in intent. We were trying to protect this guy
Starting point is 00:20:43 from getting in trouble with the military. But after the fact, I regretted it. I didn't think for the sake of the sport and the future of the sport, we couldn't do that again. All right, enough on that. The guy was really cool who popped. And we made videos with him at Camp Pendleton. Pendleton? Pendleton. And he was a Cross him at Camp Pendleton. Pendleton? Pendleton?
Starting point is 00:21:06 And he was a CrossFitter through and through. And I don't have a problem protecting the dude in the military. Kick him out of the sport. Give him the ban. There's no reason to fuck his job at wherever the fuck he is. So there was one other thing I wanted to say about... Hold on. Okay. I'm going gonna jump into comments now it's not it's not that CrossFit doesn't test it's that it's subpar if you make
Starting point is 00:21:32 semi-finals you need to be entered into a year-round pool like the UFC does if you leave the pool or fail a test a lifetime ban you you don't get a lifetime ban in the UFC John's Jones I can't remember if it was John Jones or someone was supposed to get a two-year ban and it ended up only being one. They do do year-round tests. That's what he just said that they did. There's people who
Starting point is 00:21:55 never even made it to the semifinals. There was some lady who never made it out of the open who was tested one year. I don't know. i hear you mark mark mark queen yeah queen yeah but i don't agree and so remember the comments i have not looked at them and they're sorted from uh i'm going top to bottom and they're sorted by top comments so they become top comments by getting thumbs up. Peter Shaw, good friend.
Starting point is 00:22:31 At Peter Shaw 4, always fires me up to hear your enthusiasm for the games, Dave. Thanks. I've commented something similar in the past, but jumping in on the convo again. I qualified for the games in 2020 and on a team in 2022, so I can attest to the amount of training that it takes to get there. Certainly conducive to burnout. Towards the end, as I age, I would consistently take one month off completely from training. My last year is less for the body and more for the mind. I didn't want anything to do with it. Currently following a combination of CAP, Proven, and my own stuff. One workout per day with intensity, just as you described, is the way to sustainably train for
Starting point is 00:22:56 the rest of your life for most people. Heck, many times nowadays, I'm only spending 30 to 40 minutes max in the garage. I do the same. If you want to get more bang for your buck, I always encourage people to make changes in the kitchen instead of adding volume to training. Most are blown away with how fit they can get with one workout per day when they follow something like the zone diet. Second place to tell them to look is in the intensity. Can you go 1% harder in your workout? Do that before adding volume and you will reap the benefits. It takes enormous psychological capacity to go harder compared to simply walking through more volume. Have a great day. Great comment, Peter. Thank you. Thank you for supporting and validating some of the points I was talking about. And you hit something that it's funny because actually when I finished this last week,
Starting point is 00:23:31 I walked away and went, damn, I didn't talk about one of the most important pieces. In all of this, nutrition is like the most important piece in results and or intensity, or you not feeling like you're making progress. So oftentimes people look at programming and say, oh, I'm not making the results I need, or I'm not making the progress I need with my body or with my times or loads. So I need to switch programmers or I need to chase the flavor of the day in that world. And really a good coach and a good trainer will actually look at someone's diet first. That's the first place. If you're not seeing the results you need or want, that's the first place you need to look at is nutrition and then tighten nutrition up. And then you can start looking at the other things. Thanks a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:14 At Austin Fairbanks. Greg would stand up in front of crowds all the time and be like, Hey man, I know you guys see me as the fitness guy and I want to tell you fitness is the magic bullet, but the truth is it's nutrition. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. If you could only keep one fitness or nutrition, you keep nutrition every day, 10 out of 10 times. I really like what Marcus Philly is doing, but also love CrossFit. At Mitch Collins 5840, Dave, your counsel about the risks of movement is medicine or spot on. This is conceptually similar to the issue CF has had fighting off nutritionists. Yeah. So it ultimately can lead to a negative legislation. So pay attention to that at X ropey six, four. It's funny. All of them. Do you guys get that? That's from last week.
Starting point is 00:24:55 There's this, uh, under the guise of exercises medicine, you have to be careful because usually behind organizations like that, it's a big pharma, big food. And, uh, what they're basically trying to do is put legislation and licensure around exercise so they can control that too. And they, they want to try to claim that you can exercise away a bad diet.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You cannot, uh, Darren Coughlin, the most important aspect of testing process is proper intelligence of potential testing targets. Oh, okay. There you go. I think that kind of
Starting point is 00:25:35 coincides with what Dave is saying. We make the list. Bullshit Dave has to deal with. It's funny how anything a person will do can be found to be insulting by another human job. Human. Good job, Dave, and always pay attention to that. Let's listen to this very quickly, and we'll bring this comment up later on today. Xropey64, it's funny all the bullshit Dave has to deal with. It's funny how anything a person will do can be found to be insulting by another human job. Human. Good job, Dave, and always
Starting point is 00:26:00 smiling. People can always find what you're saying as insulting. Thank you. At Simone Simon, eyes 5277. Hi, Dave. Thanks for the weekly updates. I really enjoy your interaction with our community. A few weeks back, you challenged Andrew Hiller to make a video with all the positive things he's done for CrossFit. Did you manage to watch his video, and what was your impression of it? Also, how's your journey reading the Bible progressing? Finished with the Bible. Really enjoyed it. I don't think I'm ready to talk about it. I just don't think, or I want to. Let me say something about that. I think, especially when people get platforms like this, I think they feel like they have
Starting point is 00:26:32 to spew everything out about their personal lives, about their journeys. And, and Hey, there's a lot of stuff that I'm going to keep to myself and I don't want to share with the world or don't feel comfortable. That is one of them, but I highly recommend it. I'm also, yeah, you don't feel comfortable. You don't feel comfortable. That is one of them, but I highly recommend it. I'm also- Yeah, you don't feel comfortable. You don't feel comfortable. Watching The Chosen right now. That's really good.
Starting point is 00:26:49 If you haven't seen the series, The Chosen, check it out. It was nice to, someone recommended that once I told him I was reading the Bible. Nice to watch after having read the Bible. I don't know. Did he make one about being positive
Starting point is 00:26:59 or about the positive things? I did not watch it. I'll get to the rest in a second. Andrew did make a video of the positive things. And one of the things that he said in there was, he pointed out it was a list of 10 things he's done positive or 13. And one of them is how many times he stood up to fight off outside interests or outside forces that try to uh interfere with the crossfit ecosystem and beat them down
Starting point is 00:27:33 and he gave some examples and i thought that was very very poignant at whitney dav 1344, with keeping the athlete's safety in mind, why did you not all make them come down the rope to a certain line before jumping off? Love these weekend reviews. Keep it up. You can't wait for the games. At least they cut the rope to avoid feet, ankle injuries. That one we've gone back and forth on, and the speed at which they're descending down the rope is so hard to judge and make the call with they're above the line or they're both
Starting point is 00:28:05 below the line. So that's a tough one. Could have, did not in this environment. And that being said, I don't know if there was the amount of injury injuries for that movement to were pretty, I think I heard someone might've had it.
Starting point is 00:28:17 One person might've got injured in Europe coming down from the rope, but there's some level of self-preservation in all of this that the athletes need to take accountability for. Those of you who are worried about injury shit and like saying it's like paramount like if you're you don't know what the word paramount means if you think safety is paramount then you would never even do crossfit you would never do anything you would fucking get up in the morning and just stay perfectly still still you wouldn't even use a fork or a knife. It's fucking idiocy.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And just put things in context. CrossFit is not safe or dangerous unless you put it in context. Put it to the injuries that have occurred in Olympic trials around the world. Heat stroke in Mecca. Deaths in Mecca. Injuries in Pop Warner football in mecca injuries in pop warner football injuries in running you injury people are twats there's some things yeah to learn from like cutting the rope there's no point in having the excess rope down there it's not needed it's not a part of the game
Starting point is 00:29:20 but the point is it's about speed and intensity and let them come down the fucking rope as fast as they want. And again, so sliding, coming down the rope quickly, under enough control to not break a leg or hurt something. One second. One second.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Time for a Sibafit aid. Versus something like a rebound box jump or event everyone will have to do it because for the speed um i view a little differently how about this for the first event of the crossfit games a thousand burpees for time this is justin uh or just three one i would watch every second thank you for all you do for the community and someone said uh one time miko salo 2009 CrossFit Games champion, told me he did 1,000 burpees for time. I go, what about it? He goes, that was just stupid.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It's stupid programming. It's just dumb, dumb, dumb. Mikko Salo. Insanity. And then Burn1808. Hi, Dave. Recently, U.S. Army revised its general physical fitness test, the Army Combat Fitness Test, ACFT 4.0, to establish new combat readiness standards with scales based on gender and age.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Standards have been modified to promote and reflect what the Army terms holistic health domains and inclusivity. Minimum requirements have been made more lenient. Based on sex and age. Gender's imagination made up shit. It's based on sex and age. Healthy 17 to 21-year-old males, presumably the fittest physical cohort can now receive a passing grade by competing, completing a two mile run in 22 minutes or less, a three rep max headlift of 140 pounds, 10 pushups, two minutes requirements of further scale based on
Starting point is 00:30:54 age and gender characteristics. Yeah, there's a lot. And then there's a lot of comments on this. I'm going to move to the next one. Yeah, we're doing a lot of work with the army. So here's the deal testing. And this is the beauty of CrossFit testing annually or once every six months is an approach to poor levels of fitness and actually prioritizing and looking at results on a weekly basis, or even on a daily basis, as we do in CrossFit is actually going to give you more results and give you more feedback to your protocol than once every year or once every six months. So that's the, I think the ACFT is good in concept, but really all the services need to move away from like that
Starting point is 00:31:34 once every six months to a year. If you care about performance and improvement and seeing performance improvement, you need to measure it on a daily and weekly basis. And the army, the efforts we're doing with 3 ID and 18th airborne Corps in general Donahue, we are doing stuff where we're measuring on a daily and weekly basis and seeing tremendous results from constantly varied function movements at high intensity with. Those headphones,
Starting point is 00:31:56 this guy's fucking wearing our headphones more specifically. They're over the ear at headphones. How do I know that? Because I'm using my senses to see it. I'm using my senses to see it. I'm using my eyes and I'm making my own discernment based on my five senses. Sex is the same way. I see your cock dangling between your legs.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I see your chromosomes and I know you're a man. I use it on my senses. Gender is just that shit between your ears that you make up. During Halloween, you're Batman. During fucking, when you're on five hits of ecstasy,'re you you turn into a woman like i don't fucking know but uh i'm just telling you yeah i i hear you bernie that's what they say in the army but they're fucking stupid sex is something that's out here in the world that you use your sources your senses to make discernment and the other shit gender is just imagination i don't have anything problem i don't have anything problem with gender but just use the fucking word right
Starting point is 00:32:49 fucktards that's what that that's what that's like one of the cornerstones of insanity not knowing the difference between what your thoughts are and and what's going on in the outside fucking world in reality anyway we'll get into that more later. The soldiers. Been loving these weekly videos and can't wait to order the EVO this Friday. Thanks, Dave. That's MikeB6530.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I just threw a bunch of stuff on there, too. I just made some new little keepers, cable keepers for your cords when you're traveling. Some new key chains. I made a couple little bookcases. Still olive oil. So three different flavors. I'm coming out with the fourth flavor soon. So TDC Mercantile, check it out.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I see. Let's take our weekly perusing of the site. We just finished our, my wife just, my wife asked me if I want to keep this can. We just finished the big can at my house. I want to keep it. I don just finished the big can at my house. I want to keep it. I don't know what to do with it. I was thinking about like filling it up with something and using it as like a gym equipment. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Key chains, belts. Where's the shirts? Oh, look at this. This is new. A cord keeper. Hand sewn notebook book sleeve. You know, I have one of these.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Wow. I forgot. I have one of these that he made me like probably, I don't know, 10 years ago. That's crazy. Damn. He's getting into it. All by uh dave no slave labor actually i don't know if
Starting point is 00:34:30 these patches are made by him for sure that is that is that is that is is there more stuff where's the t-shirts oh view all products and he got a he got a sewing room at his house oh there's the shirts oh someone was saying that you can't pick a size but I think if you go to once you add it to the cart you can pick a size they're soft shirts I wear mine all the time
Starting point is 00:34:59 anyway Dave's got this sewing room and I remember like before he turned it into a sewing room It would just been sitting empty. It's like it's not attached to his house And uh He came to work one day and he had this fucking crazy. He lifted up his shirt and he had this crazy like necrotic Black thing on his back with a hole in it And I go what happened dude and he goes i got
Starting point is 00:35:26 bit by a spider i think it fucked him up someone should ask him to tell the story i think he was sick like for two weeks i think he had to be taken to the emergency room he got bit by some wicked spider in there when he's cleaning it out probably like a a black brown brown recluse black recluse i don't know i don't know what color it is or what its gender is or its sex at shannon schleifler 8602 hang on to your abilities use it or lose it i am star appreciate your videos and insights that being said i believe the crossfit game should allow crossfit games athletes compete as they seek to fit. Don't bump the stuff down. Go back to allowing the rebounds. I don't agree. At Michelle Fogarty, 65, 60, 55,
Starting point is 00:36:11 I found the vast improvements with MS system. At Gomez Marion 1, what are your thoughts about women's sports? Few people enjoy them, while female CrossFit competitions are as exciting as male comps, sometimes even more. Why do you think this is? Oh, I like that question. Yeah, let them rebound, Daveave don't be a dipshit and um i don't know what ms systems is but uh oh andrew hiller hi my dear friend andrew hiller mason you only know that because you watch it uh what it may say dan maybe uh too smart to watch that i don't even know what you're talking about. Okay. Um, what's Mason's beef with
Starting point is 00:36:50 Hiller? Do they have a beef? Okay. Anyway. Uh, the question is, is why are other women's sports, uh, lame and CrossFit school? Um, what, what, what are the women's sports that aren't lame? CrossFit school. What are the women's sports that aren't lame? Gymnastics. And by lame, I don't mean lame for them to play. They're all cool for them to play, but just that no one wants to watch them do it.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Women's fighting. Women's UFC is crazy. It's at such a high level. Oh, women's tennis is dope. Yep. Women's tennis is fucking wild uh you know what else is wild is wheelchair tennis i watched that the other day just on accident it's fucking nuts they allow two bounces um basketball is lame
Starting point is 00:37:43 i'm not interested in women's football softball not so much but the truth is I don't I haven't given any of them the chance yeah two bounces it's wild oh track and field yeah track and field is cool
Starting point is 00:37:59 okay maybe it's a misnomer to say that women's sports are lame maybe I have to strike that from the record which ones are better than men's sports gymnastics is eat definitely as good women's track and field is crazy probably as good as good all right here we go and we'll hear Dave's answer what what why is women's oh that's a tough freeze frame I put Dave on why is women's a CrossFit just I mean it's just as good if not better I think I agree and I love women competition especially in our sport and I think we've been not I don't say ater, but we've been a very, we've led from the beginning with paying equal amounts to both genders at our level. What I mean by that is we're not saying, you know, men get more than the women.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And since the beginning of the CrossFit Games, we've been that way. So, and I think our sport, you know, the women have a. Yeah. And so what? So what? I mean, cool. I mean, I'm not saying like, so so what? So what? I mean, cool. I mean, I'm not saying like, so what today? But yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Of course. Visual appeal? Why are Trump's always Trump's head lawyers women? Do you think he hires them because they're women? Or do you think he hires them because they're good? Do you think he hires them because they're women? Or do you think he hires them because they're good? The men do too, but the women have a visual appeal that makes it compelling.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Now we're talking. And I think our sport, the women have a visual appeal. The men do too, but more than the women. Since the beginning of the CrossFit Games, we've been that way. And I think our sport, the women have a visual appeal. The men do too, but the women have a visual appeal that makes it compelling for people to watch. That's why I think it can be so popular. Let me just explain that so it doesn't get written off
Starting point is 00:40:01 as like a T&A comment. It is, I guess, apparently less common to see a woman's DNA expressed in its full form when they train like with the ultimate training system, GPP, General Physical Prep general physical preparedness training system which is crossfit with the greatest nutrition program and then you see their dna express itself in all its glory with the huge asses and the fucking shoulders and just in the one turns out like alex kazan and you're just like my fucking And then, so there's that piece that like, maybe it's, we're just, we're not as used to it.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Cause you've seen a bunch of, you've seen a ton of fucking monkey head, gym rat guys already doing that. And so, yeah. Maybe that's what he means. It's just, it's just exciting to see a woman in all her form, all her glory. Kind of like a pregnant woman.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Can't take your eyes off. A healthy pregnant woman is crazy to look at. Dave Ton. In that respect, same with animals too. Pregnant female animals are crazy too. All of them, you're kind of like, what am i looking
Starting point is 00:41:25 at how are they doing that uh dave taun uh although although i have a hummingbird in my yard that's sitting on eggs and even like hummingbirds like i don't they're not uh they're impressive but not not in the fact not when they're pregnant so hummingbirds an outlier okay uh trump dave taun trump hires women because he likes to look at them. B he feels more in control of women than men because he feels, uh, they talk back less. Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:52 geez. Are you projecting Dave? Dave, are you projecting? Uh, Trump recognizes that hot women just immediately command attention dave talk to me dave are you projecting hot women work harder i don't know if that's true in ours and what the women are doing in fitness,
Starting point is 00:42:26 more common now for people to see than it was in our early days, in the early days of CrossFit and women doing this stuff for a lot of people was foreign. And so it was really impressive. Now this stuff's becoming more common. So it's not as, as much of a wow that the women are doing some of these things, but, but yeah, I think it's a, I love it. And I love the women's side of the competition for us. We're exposing the potential of what female athletes can do and inspiring some of these things. But yeah, I think it's, I love it. And I love the women's side of the competition for us.
Starting point is 00:42:46 We're exposing the potential of what female athletes can do and inspiring women and young women and others to... Shut the fuck up. I watched... God damn it, Dave. Listen, the women in this sport inspire men and women equally.
Starting point is 00:43:09 The women in this sport, I bet you the women in this sport actually inspire the men more than they inspire the fucking women. The whole, the whole, everyone and their mom, regardless of what they have dangling or not dangling between their legs, saw nasty girls and was like, shit, I want to do that. And so I doubt Dave meant it like that, but like, let's not go back to 2006. Those of us who are around women, like good, strong, healthy women, it's like there's no difference. We don't look at them like no one's like, oh, my God, you did this because you're a woman. Oh, my God, you did so great. You have Down syndrome. Oh, my God, you did so good for a guy who only has one leg.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like, shut the fuck up. I expect all the women to be fucking great. I hear you, Dave. I love the women in this sport. Good. All right. You asked why Trump hires them. But do you love the women in this sport yeah good all right you asked why trump hires them but do you love the women in this sport dave because um uh you you you feel more in control of those women and they talk back less
Starting point is 00:44:12 is that why you like them dave women in this sport dave talk to me davey uh sc fitness i agree with you yeah once again there's there's this kind of like this demand i'm telling you the other day my son is like my son heard that fucking um that female skater sky brown started doing the man woman thing and my son's seven years old he'd never heard that shit before and it's like all of a sudden he's like what do you mean there's women's sports and men's sports Like where'd you hear that? He's like sky brown told me that they're gonna go play men's sports and then and then she yelled girl power It's like yeah, good job. That's what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:44:57 That is demanding people to play the victim Under the guise of trying to help them Just go play the victim under the guise of trying to help them just go play the sport you want a ribbon because you're playing fucking baseball instead of softball the first one I'm okay with
Starting point is 00:45:18 the first one I'm okay with Carolyn Lambre first black coach of a female black coach of a CrossFit Games athlete cool then that's it I'm okay with, Carolyn Lambre, first black coach of a female black coach of a CrossFit Games athlete. Cool. Then that's it. I'm done. One. You get one. To do a methodology like this to get results like that. All right, let me see. And of course, they're examples. It's redundant. We're all examples for each other. That's all we are is examples for each other. Dallas Cannon, I'll die on this hill. The more attractive women work harder.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Oh, shut your pie hole. You think more attractive women fuck better? I bet you that's not true. And what good is an attractive woman that doesn't make sweet love? Good, sweet love good sweet love It's like a lamborghini without an engine Okay back what were we doing? Oh dave castro we can review almost got almost got sidetracked here we go, uh, you know, that's true You know apples and oranges fine. I know but I took it there
Starting point is 00:46:23 Just saying I'm programming question. Hey Dave. Enjoy the weekly videos and getting some insight from you directly keep keep them up This is a specific specific programming question. It's quite long But if you don't have a chance to hold me the whole section to love to get your thoughts I don't see it. I think he's mad. I think he might be fucking with me. You mean me me me me me me Okay, that's it last thing I want to cover is two things I heard Andrew said killer Keep talking about attractive women and sporty Beth is gonna make another video about you watch out. Yeah, you know, it's funny I was thinking about that the actually today
Starting point is 00:47:05 Isn't it amazing that sporty beth made an entire video about me as the most toxic man in crossfit Just ass pounding me I didn't even know who she was. I never even heard of her And just fucking destroys me in this fucking video, manipulating the audio and the clips. And then later on, I ran across her on Instagram and she was saying some delusional shit. And I said,
Starting point is 00:47:36 sporty Beth, we need to have a baseline. And that baseline is I have a big nose and you're fat. We have to agree on some aspects of reality. Can we agree on that? And then she ran and Wooley ran and tattled to Don that I said that. And then Don writes a four-page letter to CrossFit Inc. to the employees there, letting them know that I'm coming to the games,
Starting point is 00:47:59 but I don't work for CrossFit and they don't condone what I'm saying or some shit. And it's like, you should have written that letter defending me. Saying, guys, don't worry. We stand by Sevan. He loves women. He loves trannies and he loves dwarves. And she totally took that shit out of context. It shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:48:21 But that wouldn't be the popular thing to do. That would have taken courage. I'm not the one fucking hating on her. I think she's got great tits and I don't even care that she's fat. I'm just telling you what my senses are seeing. Oh, shit. What happened to Dave? Okay, here we go. This is going to be good. Let me rewind this. Here we go. Here's the part I'm terrified of. Listen, I saw Philip Kelly make a post somewhere. as the show i think or used to and he made a comment and he said how come we haven't been talking about this all along referencing annette hiring people not based on merit but based on the
Starting point is 00:49:09 color of their skin um and uh why has this been hidden are people just trying to get media access yeah motherfucker i've been telling you that the whole fucking time of course it's a fucking delicate game I'm not lying to you But yeah I'm trying to fucking Bob and weave and fucking Surf the fucking political Fucking landscape here And yet keep it real
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah of course If you know that they fucking hate you because of the fucking color of your skin or that they they're not inclusive and they fucking ax anyone who doesn't think like them then you got it but you want to fucking play ball then you're you're you're trying to figure that shit out now i'm not saying you got to sell out by the way all the people that do end up selling out, Greg Howard, don't forget they eat their own, dude. At the end, they eat their own. Always remember that. That's not the winning team.
Starting point is 00:50:15 It's a cancer. They die. They eat themselves. They implode. All right, Here we go. Here we go. I really want to film at the games this year. I really want to do behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I'm so good at it. I'm so fucking good at it. I really love hanging with the athletes. I like glorifying CrossFit. I made those L1 videos. I love supporting the affiliates. That's all real. I was thinking on the movie that we're making last year,
Starting point is 00:51:01 and someone told me that he made this statement that we're using affiliate money to fund the documentary, the games documentary. And then we're, um, and then it's not even being released till after the games. And he's super critical of that. So there is not a single amount of affiliate money that is being used to fund the documentary, the documentary. We're not even funding. We partnered with the relationship we have through WME IMG. They linked this up with a documentary company, David Check. They self-funded. We gave them the access.
Starting point is 00:51:28 They could then take that documentary and sell it and or find a partner to distribute it on. And once it starts making and then they make their money back on the production that they funded, then everyone, as it's more successful, them and us included, can make some money off of it. But we didn't fund it, one. And we didn't fund it with affiliate off of it but we didn't fund it one and we didn't fund it with affiliate money for sure because we didn't fund it so if we didn't fund it there's no affiliate money that funded it okay a crash uh um uh correction on andrew hiller's video uh crossfit did not fund the documentary and it was not paid for by crossfit they used a third party who wanted to partner and take the upfront cost of it. And then, and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:52:08 So Andrew made an error there. But I think it was a safe assumption. He was wrong. Thank you for the correction. And in years past, CrossFit has always paid for the documentaries as far as I know. And so I think it was a fair assumption the other 18 or 17 years he would have been right. So detail corrected. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 The thing about so that's like just a number of things where I feel like I'm hearing Andrew saying things without having any knowledge to what he's saying. And so what I'm cautious, what I'm going to, I really don't want my friends to fight. Caution the community and people who listen to him is um understand he's not speaking as an authority and he's also usually not correct with a lot of his um uh that's not true that's not true would usually be less than 51 of the time that's not true i think andrew's correct 51% of the time. Caleb, make a poll.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Oh, Caleb's not here. Info, and there's been a number of other things on that one I did a few weeks ago where I pointed out a handful, like the Greg and Nicole thing that we're trying to make. So the problem is people hear this shit and people think it's true. Hear it. He'll say it. And then question it. Ask, well, where's his source? Does he really have knowledge or does he really know what he's saying or is he'll say it and then question it ask well where's his source does he really have does he really have knowledge or does he really know what he's saying or is he just
Starting point is 00:53:48 trying to stir shit and then the second thing i'll talk about there's something else i want to say about andrew he doesn't make stuff up and you don't quote me on this but he always requires more than one source so he never run you You only think Andrew's right 48% of the time. Dude, I think it's like 89% of the time. I'll go with 84. I want to flip that. I think, and he said he's usually wrong. Dave did, which would make it 49%. And I think it's more like 49, 94%.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I think, wait, yeah, 94%. Wait. Yeah, 94%. Yeah, outspeak him then. Well, that would require media. You think he's right 69% of the time. 88.7% of the time for sure. 90.2. Is 50% plus or minus the approval line? That's a split decision in fighting Mr. Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:54:48 50-50. That's what medical journals are batting about right now. 50-50 if the studies are correct. That's true. 85% clock. But I don't think that's true what Dave said usually. Okay. Where were we?
Starting point is 00:55:16 Back over here. Hear it. He'll say it. And then question it. Ask, well, where... Oh, so the Andrew I know always has at least two sources. So here's something, and then he'll make sure he gets another source, and then he'll make sure to the best of his ability that those two sources didn't get it from the same spot,
Starting point is 00:55:33 so it's just an echo chamber. Where's his source? Does he really have knowledge, or does he really know what he's saying, or is he just trying to stir shit? Oh, and the clickbait thing. So Andrew always says he does shit for clicks and views. And then Don said in the interview today that people do stuff to be contentious or stir the pot. And they do that for views and that's how they make their money on YouTube. And that couldn't be more inaccurate about me, like crazy inaccurate about me, uh, like crazy inaccurate about me,
Starting point is 00:56:06 like crazy, crazy, crazy. As a matter of fact, my team makes fun of me that I do UFC shows or non CrossFit shows, or that I do shows that cause they just, they see how low my views go. And, uh, and they make fun of me. I don't do anything for views. I do exactly what I fucking want to do. I do nothing for views. That being said, the paradox is if I didn't get any views, I would not do this. Like if there were four of you watching right now, I'd be like, fuck this, I'm out. But I also question Andrew. I don't believe he does stuff for just clicks and views. And he's been saying that a long time.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And today, I really started thinking that it's not true, even though he says that. And I think he says that in a way because he doesn't want to dive into the minutia and the psychology of what makes him tick. He rather, he's not like there in his life. He'd rather just run because he has such a, he's tapped into such a source of fuel for creativity. It's like what Mike Tyson said. Why would I go see a psychologist to fix my anger, man, to fix my anger issues when it's the key to my success? Because think what would, why would Andrew, if he had all of this talent, why would he be in the CrossFit space?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Why isn't he just posting? Why isn't he just reposting pictures of Danny Spiegel? Yeah, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. I think that that's just an easy way out. I think that's a justification that other people say about him or other people because they don't want to look at the issue. I think that that's – the nuance there is that's a form of ad hominem. Instead of looking at the issue, you attack the person. So like my house, let's say I'm standing in front of my house and my house is on fire and my neighbor goes, your house is on fire. And I'm like, you're just saying that because you're a fireman and you want to put it out. But really, my fucking house is on fire. Bring Hiller on to defend himself? No, fuck that. This is my time to beat Hiller's ass a little bit. And it really, it's a backhanded compliment.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Anyway, okay. Here we go. And then the second thing I'll talk about is the stuff he did with Annette. And I saw a comment. Let me see if I could find this one. Come through. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Oh, here we go. One of your bosses made it clear CrossFit has racial quotas to place, ensure diversity. Have you met the racial quotas for the games team? What are your thoughts on the reality of CrossFit? It's now a company that hires people based on the color of a person's skin. So that's 100% coming from this Hiller piece, which I did not watch. So I don't know if-
Starting point is 00:59:08 That is true. It's coming from that Hiller piece, but it's coming from Annette's mouth. He played a podcast of her. It's coming from her mouth. There's all sorts of videos of her on the internet. I'm celebrating the fact that her greatest achievement at Facebook
Starting point is 00:59:23 is diversity hires, that she's made it very clear. She's never spoke about merit hiring anywhere I've ever seen. It's very clear that skin color, sex, and sexual preference is a hierarchy before merit. merit and the premise of this company and what this company is selling is personal accountability and personal responsibility and merit that's the stopwatch and if she's the people person and she's in charge of the culture but that's not a core tenant of hers a core tenant of hers is to hire based on color or to play victim that is not that is not at its foundation that is never what we're doing here at crossfit and that's all that hillar was pointing out using her own words he didn't i i i me personally i thought it was so tempered because there's words for people like her there's words that involve concepts and theories for people like her and he didn't use any of those words that would have been derogatory that would have been attacking her he did not do
Starting point is 01:00:30 that he used her own words she's not in compliance she's not she doesn't have continuity with the core tenets of what the people here in this company or in this uh lifestyle protocol are about that's what he's pointing out that's how i took it and how is it that when how is it that when da coon said something stupid about i forget what he say across it crossfit's dangerous or he doesn't have his level one or whatever the fuck he said he came out publicly and walked it back. And maybe she is going to walk it back. Maybe she's going to be like, you know what? I'm tired of looking at the world like it's, I mean, any, every interview, she brings it up because she's a DEI person, right?
Starting point is 01:01:18 I'm tired of looking at the world and searching for people who don't like me because of my skin color and my sex. I'm going to, now that I'm with you guys, I realize that there's a different way to look at the world. Yeah, and you could flip the script on Don too and be like, hey man, victimhood sells. When Don says clickbait and blah, blah, blah, you could so flip the script on him and be like, yo, Don, victimhood sells.
Starting point is 01:01:48 What Hiller's doing is like real courageous. The most marginalized community in fucking the United States right now are the people who are standing up against the people who are demanding everyone else play victim. That's fucking hard, man. You have to be really fucking secure with yourself to fucking do that can't we all just get along we are the
Starting point is 01:02:19 world they are our children Jonathan Ortega, that's what happens when you get a free documentary You don't have control of it or when it gets released Also, it may not get any money So it may never be released because platforms may not want it Yeah, that's okay though I don't even care about that If they didn't even release it, I wouldn't care Well said or whatever
Starting point is 01:02:42 And I did, I always Dear Annette, Dawn, Jenna, Dave, Nicole, Dacoon if they didn't even release it i wouldn't care well said or whatever and i did i always uh dear uh dear annette dawn jenna dave nicole the coons i always the the i glorified the athletes i glorified crossfit i glorified dawn i gave you guys the final edit i made the l1 commercials i made the uh um affiliate commercials um all I asked for is complete access like you gave me last year. Let me go everywhere Dave goes. Not because Dave's the star of these pieces, but just the underpinning of what is the CrossFit Games is the anchor to these behind the scenes. It's what gives it a texture and depth. It's not just about the athletes.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Thank you. I say that with peace and love all of these things like victimhood cells or clickbait or anytime anyone says something like that or um uh on both sides whether you say victimhood cells or being aggressive or negative cells like that's just justification to not look at yourself if it if it just ignore it then like that's just justification to not look at yourself if it if it just ignore it then i ignored all that shit when i was at crossfit i never looked at reddit never listened to one thing arm and hammer ever posted i was i was like fuck y'all i got my own shit to do i don't give a fuck like never watched it uh and alexander cle Clement, I completely agree.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I've been watching Andrew from the beginning. He is in the most neutral of terms, self-denying, self-defeating even. Yeah. Man, he's a lovely man. It is... But he puts himself out there. But the guy doesn't... it's a, it's a, um, but, but he puts himself out there, but,
Starting point is 01:04:27 uh, uh, the, the guy doesn't, the guy fucking accepts everybody. Like if you're in his presence, uh, yeah, he's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I'm telling you, he rubbed me, rubbed, rubbed me down with fucking lotion and a butter knife on my skate ramp on a sunny day shirtless. Facts. Hiller said that we have quotas but and i'd never even met him before he just came over uh seven giving him the hard hack toey right now i'm just saying having worked here again. So that's 100% coming from this Hiller piece, which I did not watch. So I don't know if Hiller said that we have quotas, but having worked here now for over a year with Annette, I will tell you, I've interviewed a lot of people. I've had to make a lot of hires. I've had team members and seen other teams make a lot of hires and this notion.
Starting point is 01:05:26 So if Hiller's saying this, this guy said it, but he's wrong. I don't know if Hiller's saying this, but this notion that we have quotas or there's any pressure to hire anyone for any other reason than that, they're the best qualified for the job is complete fucking bullshit. Well, Hiller didn't say it and that guy didn't say it, Dave. Annette said it in many different podcasts she celebrated it dude that's it it's okay you don't have to do like i get it so you don't do that okay cool
Starting point is 01:06:00 all right peace and love to you buddy good job good job not hiring chicks just because they're hot or dudes because they're brown or i've seen a lot of lesbians hanging around you good job i'm assuming they're all hired based on merit i really mean that but she said it dude the month before she was hired on a podcast and then going back podcast fucking five years she said it over and over and over it gets it's in every one of her podcasts she somehow squeezes it in dude what do you want him to make a video on every podcast she's ever done he's just going off of what she said, dude. That's it. And just imagine you're part of this community. And then all of a sudden you got someone in here saying that shit.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Meanwhile, the shit's fucking everything's in tumult. Is that a word tumult? Like tumultuous. Everything's in tumult. And the person who's in charge of your culture is hiring not based on merit. who's in charge of your culture is hiring not based on merit? I was in a meeting. Thank you. Tumult is a word. Thank you, Bernie. I knew I knew I was really actually talking to you. I should have just said Bernie. I was in a meeting with the CEO that Greg hired to replace himself before Dave was CEO. And I was in that meeting with Dave and Nicole and Bruce Edwards, head of training,
Starting point is 01:07:24 Dave was CEO. And I was in that meeting with Dave and Nicole and Bruce Edwards, head of training, head of the games and chief operations officer and the new CEO. And he said, the new CEO said, I can hire people from New York city who are better than every single person who works here at CrossFit for 20% less. And I stood up and fucking started yelling I was fucking pissed I think the first words out of my mouth I stood up and I'm like that's fucking bullshit you can't find anyone anywhere on planet earth that's better than the people on my fucking team you fucking asshole I didn't say that I was pissed on my fucking team. Fucking asshole. I didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I was pissed. I think one of the reasons I heard one of the reasons I got fired that in my file when Rose bought the company there was a note in there that I called the HR lady
Starting point is 01:08:18 a cunt one time. And I don't know if I did or didn't I don't and I don't even know if that's true But I heard that but I will say this she was only one of two employees there She would grab me and hug me and push her pelvis up against mine. It was weird. Did you I don't know I may have I may have she was so fucking. She was so fucking inappropriate. She was physically inappropriate. She would leave me the craziest notes on my desk. It's just like so inappropriate.
Starting point is 01:08:51 One time, I've never had a woman do this to me. One time at a dinner right in front of my fucking wife. She came up to me and she put her hands like here on my neck and rubbed them down my titties. Now, listen, I didn't care that she left those notes or rubbed my titties or pushed her pussy up against me but like in hindsight i'm like man i got tossed out for fucking calling her a cunt no i didn't know i never cheated on my wife ever i don't even jerk off to anyone but my wife. That's true. Those are facts. I do have big old titties. They're not like droopy, but I got a fucking big, big meat sickles, pectorals.
Starting point is 01:09:39 We do not have any. I have to do a lot of pushups. Quotas where there's any pressure to hire anyone for any other reason than that they're the best qualified for the job. By the way, that's not true. That may be true now. That wasn't true when Rosa was here. There is significant evidence that when Rosa was here that they were openly hiring based on a color of skin and a sexual preference and a matter of fact uh if they i don't know there's things that i know that i don't want
Starting point is 01:10:13 to open the door about but like there's fucking crazy shit that happened and crazy shit that happened to me and crazy people who sued the company dei motherfuckers you hired who then you tried to get rid of and then sued Isn't it ironic you hired someone based on some characteristic that falls under dei? And then when you got rid of them, they sued you because they said they didn't feel welcome there because of that That's what I mean. The woke eat their own And I can tell you some crazy shit that if I can happen to me sooner or later, but not now. Probably not under this administration. And everyone knows it. Maybe he'll make a video on it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 It's complete fucking. But Philip Kelly, I'm trying to be cool because I'm trying to get access to the games. That's right. You're right. That's right. That's right. You're correct on that. That's right.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Bullshit. games that's right you're right that's right that's right you're correct on that that's right bullshit we do not have any quotas to hire uh people of any color skin and there has been zero pressure to do any of that that i have seen at all throughout the company i think he's telling the truth but I think he's walking a fine line so to your comment to this dude who just said this you're fucking wrong so don't try to spin that or perpetuate if Hiller is saying that and if Hiller is putting that out he's fucking wrong
Starting point is 01:11:36 what about Annette is she wrong the person the chief people's officer who's controlling your company's culture and who all hires have to go through and who interviewed every employee when she first got there. Masel Manos. Is she wrong? That's the thing, because because he hasn't watched the video, he doesn't have to actually address the real issue. He just addressed address some fucking ding dong in the comments.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Hello. It's not about her color it's about the person 100% 100% try to explain that to them them over there Annette I think it's
Starting point is 01:12:23 people don't come here people don't come to CrossFit to get at any level at an executive level or at, um, all the way down the team to have people like Hiller, um, come at them and attack them and, um, try to, um, you know, make them do whatever Hiller's trying to do. People come here to actually try to contribute and to make CrossFit a better place for the community, for the affiliates, for the company. Fair enough. People don't come there to get attacked by Hiller. Cool. Makes sense. People come to contribute. I hope so. I hope so. Do you think people like working there, Dave?
Starting point is 01:13:05 If you were to ask people at a McDonald's, do you like working at McDonald's? How many people do you think would say yes? Like, would you rather be somewhere else or do you like your job? I pay the same amount of money to do anything you want. Would you rather be here or McDonald's? And if we ask people at CrossFit HQ that, what would it be? Would it be double McDonald's triple half And
Starting point is 01:13:29 And it sucks to see people like Annette get attacked by someone like him Because it's fair he works with her. Yeah, I think it sucks too if I were if I work with someone I Think it sucks, too It's but but he didn't I don't it God it's such a weird thing to say he attacked her man if I see you have cancer and I
Starting point is 01:13:53 point at it and you're like motherfucker you're attacking me he's not attacking her he sees her as not fitting suited to fucking be there with the fucking company with the with this with the beliefs in the in the momentum what the company's supposed to be what he wants it to be and he used her own words unfair to them now there i could say there
Starting point is 01:14:16 could be you could take it to this another i can get attacked by someone who care unfair fair more i think dave's just defending her because he works with her. To quote Hiller in the comments, I don't blame Dave for defending her. I don't. One like him because it's unfair to them.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I could say there could be you could take it to this place of, well, if you're going to get a job at CrossFit, you should know that you're going to be in the crosshairs. And I will say that's still not fair. And that's still, if, if you,
Starting point is 01:14:54 if people like Hiller are going to drag, it's not that you, it's not that you work at CrossFit. Don't get it twisted. It's because you said something on a podcast repeatedly on many podcasts that say you hire people based on their skin color and then hillar was already here and and this person came into his purview and now he's commenting on it man dude he's in the space it listen there's no difference between yes and no
Starting point is 01:15:28 i used to smoke cigarettes and someone come up to me and be like do you have an extra cigarette and i would be like no and they would get pissed it's like motherfucker you asked me you weren't ready for yes and no you weren't ready for both answers why'd you ask me you set yourself up he's here holding a magnifying glass looking at crossfit and she walks in stage right what what do you what what do you what do you want what do you want he saw cancer what he what you want he saw a cancer
Starting point is 01:16:05 what he what he diagnoses as a cancer i i i i don't think it's fair that like you're saying that people come here to be attacked i i don't i don't i think you're spinning this a little my boy my my essay my choro my chicano my chicanoito and i will say that's still not fair and that's still if if you if people like hillar are going to drag people into the crosshairs that's unfair to people she she he didn't drag her in dude people who want to work here and who want to contribute and that's a great person. I've worked with her for over a year.
Starting point is 01:16:47 She's been nothing but respectful and honest and worked with me with a high level of integrity and consistency. And we've had epic discussions on a wide variety of things. And we've challenged each other. each other. And, but never again, to reiterate, never have I felt any pressure to do anything in a certain direction or to do anything that is not to support the company at its highest levels to reach all of its goals. She's great to work with. You get along with her. You've had some great discussions and you guys made some great media together. No, not that. And you guys, okay, cool. So you like her, you enjoy working with her i value that i loved working with you too i value that okay so you like working with her great uh fondall i don't
Starting point is 01:17:33 think sebi will be filming behind the scenes at dickies oh fuck really all right well this show's over so i was disappointed in hillary that he did that i'm disappointed in this realm of um hey i would love this i so a lot of these people don't sign up for that or sign up for people to come at them i'm here for that fucking come at me i'd challenge hillary or any of these other guys out there. Instead of coming at any of those individuals, I came back two, three years ago whenever I came back after being fired. And I knew what I was signing up for. I was signing up for it to get punched. I was signing up for it to get attacked.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I know. I've been doing this for almost two decades. That's how it's been. And I get a lot of support. But that's how it's been for a very long time. So I'm good. You can come at me. You can make fun of me.
Starting point is 01:18:23 You can talk shit about me. You can say whatever you want about me. I'm fine. Here's here's what I want to know Why is he why what does he feel obligated to stand up for her? Does he think this is a good thing when I worked at crossfit in the beginning in the early years? At some point and I think it was rob wolf put up a website and it was a fire And it was trying to collect signatures to get Dave fired. That's like some OG woke shit. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:51 And so people like Dave have crazy thick skin. We all love TDC. I know. We all have. He has crazy thick skin. I mean, the hatred has been real towards him. has crazy thick skin i mean the hatred has been real towards him and now andrew makes a video showing one of her old podcasts i just don't i'm just tripping on i'm tripping why not just let it go whatever like like does that really affect her go put my name in reddit
Starting point is 01:19:28 you can get a whole fucking dissertation on how I'm a pedophile she's a fucking grown ass adult short to facebook she's probably rich as shit I don't think it's right for that to be put on a lot of other people. I don't think a lot of other people want to deal with that and, or should deal with that. So.
Starting point is 01:19:53 But then, then don't do podcasts. That's ain't the space for you. And this ain't the space for you. Especially. There are some crazy crime for that to be put on a lot of other people i don't think a lot of other people want to deal with that and or should deal with that so bring it bring it on me um i'll deal with it i just ask if uh people could chill out on our team people could chill out on
Starting point is 01:20:22 just like doing this to people who have good intentions and want to contribute to CrossFit and the community and advance it forward. And there's no. Wasn't the podcast before her CrossFit position. Yeah, it was. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Trish. The one that I think Hiller showed was like a month before she got hired. So it was the one with the Coons. He didn't work at CrossFit when he said what he said either. People could chill out on just like doing this to people who have good intentions and want
Starting point is 01:21:03 to contribute to CrossFit and the community and advance it forward. And there's no fucking hidden agenda or there's no like people trying to get one over on the community. And I don't think Hiller's contributing well now. I mean, people have been telling me that for a long time. And I've been saying, hey, there's a lot of what he does that is good. And I like criticism. But then there's a lot where you're crossing that is good. And I like criticism,
Starting point is 01:21:25 but then there's a lot where you're crossing these lines and really just fucking hammering individuals, especially individuals that you don't even know that that's just not cool. All right. That was a long rant. He can't, Hillary can't make videos on everyone. He knows he'd run out of fucking people.
Starting point is 01:21:41 This is just crazy talk. Anyway. Love you, Dave. Let's let's let him sign out recording. So again, I'm using the stream yard thing. So this is the first time I think this was long.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Well, I didn't see my timer. So I think I went for 30 minutes. All right. See you next week. All righty. There's a comment down here That I want to address And it's a listener of the podcast
Starting point is 01:22:07 And I've always liked her contribution to the podcast Oh fuck I don't Oh here it is The Julie Jones She says Thank you for addressing the comments made about Annette by Hiller I watched his video and felt like he took her words out of context. No, go watch all her podcasts.
Starting point is 01:22:32 He also tried to negate her experience as a black woman. I don't even know what that means. Negate her experience as a black woman who's experienced racism. She didn't even actually i think the story that i remember that she told is that she smiled and someone accused her of that being some sort of black trait she was very vague about whatever it was but at the level that she explained her story we've all been through crazy shit like really crazy shit I don't think I don't I don't even think I don't even think Hiller is examining her as a black woman I don't Julie I don't even know why you're going there as a no one no one's addressing Annette as a black woman
Starting point is 01:23:19 that matter of fact like nobody she's being addressed as someone that hires based on skin color. Let's just call her a white supremacist. Would that help? Let's pretend like we don't even know what she looks like. No one's addressing her as a black woman. He tried to equate the racism she said she experienced to his friend who is
Starting point is 01:23:43 fat as a white man. No. He tried to equate the racism she said she experienced to his friend who is fat as a white man. No, it wasn't that. He was saying that you can't judge a book by its cover. That's what he was saying. And that's what she's doing. She was judging a book by its cover. That's what he was saying. He purposely took it out of the uh the the color realm
Starting point is 01:24:06 he's not he's not he's not arguing about anyone's experience or anything like that if i'm walking towards you down the street and you cross the street and i think it's because i'm a scary looking armenian. That's my experience. Yeah, you, you, I, I, I'd like you, Julie, but you're like, you've added some story to this. That's, that's not the story you're, you're reading into it. You're bringing some of your story into it. You're in it. You are negating Hiller's experience description. I don't think he meant this, but as by the way, this is a very tempered, beautiful post,'s experience description. I don't think he meant this but by the way This is a very tempered beautiful post by the way
Starting point is 01:24:47 I don't think I don't think I he meant this but his assessment of her came off as a bit racist Dude, julie. I beg of you You are the one who's bringing color to this That's the thing a bit racist there's a bit too much of diminishing people's lives experiences from a very small but loud contingent I'm looking at Sevan too in the sea of space
Starting point is 01:25:21 there's a bit too much of diminishing people's lives here's the thing man and maybe you're right there And the sea of space, there's a bit too much of diminishing people's lives. Here's the thing, man. And maybe you're right there. Maybe I am diminishing people's life experiences. Because when you finally get over your own story, you're free. And no matter how true your story is to you, when you can get over your own fucking narrative,
Starting point is 01:25:48 and you can say to yourself, who would I be without this story? You're free, and sitting there open arms is just happiness, ready to fondle your balls. So you got to get over your own story, but there's no component of this story that involves color other than what annette said and if her story is that she experienced racism and so therefore she's going to pay it back to
Starting point is 01:26:18 the towards black people and she's going to pay it back toward to by not hiring white people or she's going to hire more black people okay that's all hillar's saying but we don't even know what the fuck her story is she didn't even say it we have to take her on her word that she wasn't um given a promotion because uh she was black i wasn't i was told i wasn't going to get a promotion because i came to work barefoot once. Facts. Okay. But I don't want to diminish. I'm not trying to diminish your life experience.
Starting point is 01:26:58 I'm creating a space where it's just okay. It's just okay. Like just let it go. It's okay. It's fine. Except for the pedos. It's okay. It's okay It's fine except for the pedos It's okay It's okay, it's okay that you're short it's okay you're tall it's okay you're black it's okay you got a tooth missing It's okay if you stutter like just come here
Starting point is 01:27:16 Let us let us let us let us let us work with what you got playa Um that make it feel comfortable for marginalized folks in the space There you go again marginalized folks in the space Man listen The most marginalized person walking In the United States today Is a black man who doesn't want to play the victim anymore Just imagine that Imagine not towing the line for your people
Starting point is 01:27:40 And be like I don't want to do that game Imagine how marginalizedary is for speaking up what fucking i guarantee you more than 51 of the people at fucking crossfit hq are thinking they're thinking what what what exactly what hillary thinks imagine how marginalized that makes him feel but he just rolls with it imagine how that makes all the people who work there feel just imagine working there knowing that the fucking one of the top executives who's controlling the culture of the company has a uh i get a a hierarchy and your skin color puts you at the bottom of it.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Anyway, I like seeing you in the comments, Julie. I appreciate your comment. You're always welcome here. But we make fun and we take things lightly because we don't want the stories to carry weight. We don't want stories and narratives to bog people down. We want people just to feel free from their shit That's the premise Maybe maybe touch a little glimpse of where we came from and where we're going All right, guys, love you dave. Thanks for the weekend review. I heard dave has a video out with uh, justin Madaris, I got two big shows tomorrow, man
Starting point is 01:29:02 I know you fuckers aren't going to watch this one tomorrow morning either but the great Devin Lorette's coming on what a stud he was a what is it Bernie what was Devin he was a JTF JT JT he was whatever highest level special forces you could be in Canada he's
Starting point is 01:29:19 you know maybe the second best arm wrestler whoever walked the planet I mean I guess you could say the best um a right and left-handed monster a jtf2 thank you dallas yeah that thing uh so uh we'll see him tomorrow morning at 7 a.m he's a dear friend love the guy and then um uh after that at 11 a.m i'm gonna go on with get with the programming uh i don't think i've ever been on that show. So I'm pretty excited. I love myself some Bill and Chase.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Bill's so fun. Chase is great. And, um, then, uh, I have something else. Oh, and then Dave's releasing all these videos and I haven't sure I have, I'm not sure if I'm going to review all the athlete videos. Anyway, thanks again, Dave, for doing what you're doing. Thanks for being forward-facing. Thanks for your leadership.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Thanks for being a good teammate to Annette. That's cool of you. Those of you who haven't seen the podcast that Pedro White did with Don Fogg over to Coffee Pods and Wads, it's a tremendous fucking interview. I've said this before about Pedro. I could not have done what he did so kudos to him no I'm done I gotta I gotta get I gotta still try to
Starting point is 01:30:38 keep in the dream alive doing the behind the scenes there's no way I'm reviewing that anyway Annette I hope you get through this. I hope that you can set yourself free and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 01:30:51 you know, come, come to the light and see the CrossFit way and drop some of these stories you got. And, and, and, and just roll with it,
Starting point is 01:31:01 man. It's like, it's not a big deal that Hiller made a video and it, if it'll make you feel better, go over and watch Sporty Beth's video, The Most Toxic Man in CrossFit About Me. That'll be fun for you. All righty. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:31:13 See you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Want to know what I'm going to go do right now? It's really kind of gross. I'm going to go watch the show. Boys, for today, thanks for getting me through the show. Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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