The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of TDC WIR 07/15/2024

Episode Date: July 17, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what a world it's a saibam podcast show it's a saibam podcast show everybody's welcome peace and love it's a saibam podcast show bam we're live 40 off baby right over suzis uh right left shoulder uh yeah oh no he's dyslexic, ladies and gentlemen. It's mirrored. Very mirrored. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Look at this. Instead of blaming you, I could just do this. Look. I could just do that. Oh, yeah. Like, go ahead. Listen. Listen.
Starting point is 00:00:41 40% off. 40% off. If you're a gym owner, they got something good in there for you So I was working out This morning at the end of the show So I was having water issues And I called the Company in this little hamlet
Starting point is 00:00:58 That I live in Called Santa Cruz And I said hey can you have someone come out and fix my well And they're like it's going to be a couple days And then today Two vatos and and alcoholic rolled up to the house you know what i mean skinny skinny guy with the fucking big red nose like growth and two fucking dudes who looks like they've been rescued out of some gangbang fucking oh my gosh that's hilarious but they came yeah and they came and so and i didn't i didn't have
Starting point is 00:01:26 any cash to tip them so i each gave them each a uh case of uh fit aid they were ecstatic yeah they were yeah they were ecstatic like you know what i mean one of those big packs like 12 pack oh damn you hooked them up yeah they were ecstatic that's good i haven't called obby i was like obby was at my mom's house i'm like because I know he got a Hunji in his wallet. And I'm like, hey, is your wallet here? He's like, no, I got it with me. I'm like, fuck. Did you see Devin Lorette arm wrestling Donald Trump Jr.?
Starting point is 00:01:57 No. Yeah. There's a clip of that? Yeah, I just saw it on his Instagram. It's fucking awesome. I didn't know Devin has a million fucking followers. Yeah, I just saw it on his Instagram. It's fucking awesome. I didn't know Devin has a million fucking followers. Yeah, dude. And dude, those are legit, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Look at him with Junior. That's amazing. Right? Two, go. Two good dudes Yeah that's funny Two good dudes Heidi Kroom Sevan
Starting point is 00:02:37 Quarter chub already Before we start I wanted to ask that guy from this morning next time if he thinks that if alcoholics abstain and the next generation too can their DNA change fucked up not asking that
Starting point is 00:02:57 that's a good question he'll be on again yeah that's interesting she must be drinking fit aid uh yo suza look at my six-pack. Don't mind if I do, Hannah. Han. I like your hair bandana.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yo, Sousa, has been bringing some great videos to the channel lately. Love how you lift each other up to the spotlight. Word, mom. You mean how I follow Sevan's coattails? Magnus Holm, Sevi, your hair looks good tonight. I haven't showered. I've actually been using wet ones to wipe my butt lately. I haven't showered in like three days.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I'm a mess. Did they fix it? Is your water good to go? So, I have a – basically, the way it works is when you have a well,, the water goes into a tank and there's a bladder in there, a balloon in there. And when you turn on the water, the balloon pushes, fills up with air and pushes the water and then it distributes to whatever hose you want it to. And they said my, that it's old. It's like 10 years old.
Starting point is 00:03:58 So they filled it up with air. And then tomorrow they're coming out for like two grand. They're going to replace the whole, the whole tank. One of the bottles. Nice. The, the white guy, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:09 the white guy's like, uh, Hey, you're going to come out here tomorrow at eight 30 and change this tank. And the guy's like, okay, do I just cut here? And then,
Starting point is 00:04:16 and he starts giving instructions on how to do it. I'm like, I better walk away now. I don't want to hear this. You don't need that anxiety. No, no. Sevan special package was delivered today. Oh no. Seven w. No. Sevan's special package was delivered today.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Oh, no. Wadzombie. Sevan's special package was delivered today. You got to check your box. Yeah. Maybe I'll run an affiliate commercial at some point and run out and get it. Ooh. Jeremy, World sent me a shirt with a nice note, and I just left it in the garage.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I didn't read the note in the shirt. The shirt does look too small. I'm gonna tell you. And I was thinking about just bringing it in here and doing a bit. But, Jeremy, on the other side, like I said, if I had to choose a Secret Service agent, it would be you and Blaze. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So. Rolling off those two dudes? You can fucking do anything. we should go somewhere one time and just talk shit to people and hide behind them it's called the game Trump Trump Latinos have you seen this Instagram account the rap song
Starting point is 00:05:18 this is an Instagram account Trump Latinos it's got 200,000 followers this account is wild I think I Trump Latinos. It's got 200,000 followers. This account is wild. I think I have seen it. It just popped up in my thing. It's so good. Fuck Joe Biden, man. I'm voting for Trump.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Fuck Joe Biden, yeah, I'm voting for Trump. Fuck Joe Biden, yeah, I'm voting for Trump. Voting, voting for Trump. The whole hood's for Trump. Fuck Joe Biden, yeah, I'm voting for Trump. And we stand, and we standing with Trump. Dear white people, will you take our vote? What if Democrats always try to steal our hope?
Starting point is 00:05:50 I'd rather have a president with a mugshot than the president pedophile that we got. Damn! Damn! I love my country, cause I'm blessed with my freedom Ukraine got rich, but Hawaii really needs us Got a devil in the White House, but this country need Jesus Living in the new world One nation under God's divided, black, white, and brown united
Starting point is 00:06:22 Mandates no comply, And they done woke a giant She calls the border down Is the pandemic real? Two-tier justice system Political prosecution's real They'll take our polls down Labeling false information Exposing their agenda
Starting point is 00:06:36 It's what they're afraid of My president got a mugshot Red wave self-law Red, white, and blue The national anthem made for Jill Scott Back when I had an Obama phone God, I'm all propaganda, dude. I'm sold. I'm full. I'm like, the hairs on my balls are standing up. I'm just so, I'm in. I'm full. I'm like, the hairs on my balls are standing up.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I'm just so, I'm in. I'm in. I'm asleep at the wheel. Yeah. I'm a fucking, yeah, dude. I'm just like, I'm all proper. I'm full. Hey, and you know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:07:16 I want to be careful here because he is a friend. But what's really interesting is, do you remember how Justin Nunley just couldn't hang? I know exactly where you're going with this, and I was surprised by that, too. He couldn't hang. So let me tell you something, guys. So this account, Richard Dick Mardren, Rambler, Barry McCockiner, Pool Boy, Heidi Kroom, you guys are fucking gangsters. Austin Hartman, this is Kenneth DeLapp, Clock. This is a fucking army no one ever
Starting point is 00:07:46 sends me any negative shit i live in a complete fucking echo chamber of love and um and and it's been curated that way and it's like uh people who believe in personal accountability personal responsibility and uh and and i'm so i'm so happy to be part of this group. But this guy's been posting stuff. Finally, it's like he grew a set of balls, and he's probably terrified that he's doing it. But 2.8 million followers. He got a little freaked out by the show because we made tranny jokes and stuff. But I don't care which side of the aisle you're on politically.
Starting point is 00:08:25 This right here, absolutely unacceptable and despicable. Don't know what I'm talking about. It appears that former President Donald Trump got shot in the stomach. Okay, so he says that, right? And then someone in the comments was like, I thought you were going to talk about you should have done this in Jan 6. And go. Weren't you Bay the One? Bay the one.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh, that's not it. But anyway, somewhere around here, he starts complaining that people are unfollowing him. And it's like, hey, dude, when you appeal to the masses, and then you fucking finally say something of any substance. That's why all those people don't say anything of substance. They're just fucking trying to just get everyone. Yeah. You think he built a hedge? He's okay i got 2.8 so if i lose like 800 000 i'm still i'm still good i could do this now i don't know i
Starting point is 00:09:13 know i just think he got pushed over the edge yeah i think a lot of people are huh yeah i just think he just it was like enough was enough like for loud. Hey, can you explain to me Hiller's take on the shooting? I just want to know it. Yeah, I mean. What's his take on it? Because I'm struggling to understand it, but I want to know it. I want to know how you're interpreting what he's saying. So the way that I interpret it, and i asked him in there but he
Starting point is 00:09:45 didn't respond to one of the things that i put but there was a bunch of stuff that was going that was going on in there and i said like like do you mean fake as in staged like and what i mean by staged is like that that shit was like rehearsed with trump right like so at this point in the speech this is gonna happen you're gonna hear these sounds here's what you're gonna do here's how we're gonna react like full-on fucking staged right wwe then you're gonna go down you're gonna slit your ear the blood packet's gonna open whatever you're gonna rip a little you're gonna rip a little hole in your chest so we can see where the bullet got shot in your jacket right and the problem that's followed with that is like people fucking died like there will be families
Starting point is 00:10:23 that are having funerals well maybe those are stage two that's fuck that's crazy that's followed with that is like people fucking died. Like there will be families that are having funerals. Well, maybe those are stage two. That's fuck. That's crazy. That's not, you think that his take, but then he also says, I don't know. But then he also,
Starting point is 00:10:35 okay. But then he also said he likes to just say, believes in flat earth just to get, see people's reaction. Yeah. He loves that. I can't tell if I can't, I just want to know.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I want to, I mean, I'm just curious. Well, here here's the situation i think that at this point we know that there's just a bunch of weird shit like how has always been surrounding all this stuff there's just kind of like weird things that have been happening right right like just things that people are like how the fuck did that happen there's cocaine in the white house and nobody knows whose it is like epstein hangs himself with this piece of cloth that doesn't even look distressed and we're like cool with that and there's no video evidence right like there's just all this weird stuff that's the guards took a break the video cameras were down the guards took a break and we still don't know who's on the list pretty much the impossible right
Starting point is 00:11:17 and that applies to this situation which has me which has i think everybody kind of scratching their head a little bit there is now a ton of video evidence of people sitting there being like, holy shit, there's a guy. Look, he's crawling. What the fuck? Hey, guys, there's a guy. Have you seen the ones where they have the timer going at the same time? Of how long?
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, of how long. They have side-by-side of people's iPhone and then the TV feed, and you can see how long they were pointing to. And you can hear Trump's speech is synced, right? So you know it's at the exact same time. Yeah. And you can see trump's speech shirt is synced right so you know it's at the exact same time yeah and you can see he's pointing it out forever and so that's already that in and of itself is already crazy right you have a presidential candidate a former president out there in an exposed area you're supposed to have the tightest security that you could imagine at that
Starting point is 00:12:00 at that facility or at that front runner the front runner for the next president of the United States. I haven't heard CNN say that today. They're like, how could there not be protection of the highest level for the front runner of the of the presidential election? And you would imagine that Secret Service is due diligence. Every single rooftop within a shooting distance chance has been covered to some degree. And you mean a high school kid up there in a yellow jacket right you know yeah some kid that's not very smart but has a heart of gold yeah that tears your movie ticket at the uh at the yeah yeah exactly that would even be better yeah couple that's what i was thinking sprinkle those guys around yeah fuck but the crazy part is is like you mean to tell me this day and age they don't have people like way off in the distance or even things that they could put up there that would
Starting point is 00:12:46 detect motion. Right. Like, how come there wasn't a drone up the other day? My kids and I put my kids and I put three drones up. We put up $12,000 worth of drones at the park. Me and my three boys and Colton. Crazy. One of the drones had three cameras.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Dude, when you saw the Google shots of it from above, there's only so many vantage points. And they're all right there. Like your cluster of roofs. And an expert would also be like, hey, that's an I don't know if you call it a frame or what, but that's a roof with a decline where we can't see it. That that roof's a problem, right? Because the guy from where they were seen, they couldn't see. So he could crawl up at the low point up to the high point. So as soon as like any expert, right, like you would know, like so if we were going to film something, we would be like, OK, the sun rises here and sets there. So we need to get most of our shots over here in the nighttime and during the daytime.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Like they have that's just got to be basic security knowledge. Okay, those are the slanted roofs. These are flat roofs. And they know where they're going ahead of time. So you mean to tell me that a week out from this, security detail wasn't already there and didn't run different scenarios? I imagine they have to run scenarios.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It doesn't necessarily mean Donald Trump needs to be in position. But you mean to tell me that I imagine they have to run scenarios. It doesn't necessarily mean Donald Trump needs to be in position. But you mean to tell me that they're not going to run a scenario at each event where they're ahead of time and they have somebody on the stage or mimicked where it's going to be. And they're going to say, okay, where can you see this person from? Let's pretend we have somebody over here. What's the protocol from the left? What's the protocol from the right? What happens if this happens here? They don't have all that planned out. And the fact that you have bystanders that spotted somebody climbing up a roof up a ladder and then getting on the roof and crawling that saw that before secret service or police did
Starting point is 00:14:34 is insane to me or you know what else i heard i heard that they bring everyone in everyone sets everything up including the media then they make everyone leave and you have to leave your shit there and then they take dogs and every and the secret service searches all the shit yeah and then you still have to come in again through the magnometer or whatever that thing is yeah it's crazy one of my buddies who was a marine recon and also did some time in uh oh i knew that dude had a hot chick oh that was the agent i knew that dude had a hot chick yep i knew that i had a hot chick krista welcome to the show so um he did some stuff with like black water and now he works for like private security groups and stuff out there and like
Starting point is 00:15:15 the type of buddy years yeah you met him once he was actually the the guy that when you showed up you're like oh matt has a friend shorter than me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah beer 30 yes yes yeah so that guy and he um i mean we've we've been buddies for a long time since middle school and stuff and his dad worked at the higher intelligence of the lab over here uh laurence limmermar and so even as young kids like middle school so that would have been like late 90s like early 2000s and stuff he had the whole entire street rigged with shit so we would lie and sneak out or do this or do that and he would know so you mean to tell me that guy in his part-time has his whole entire fucking thing bugged up like just because he's an intelligence and that's what they do and they got the front runner of the the presidency and some fucking ding dong
Starting point is 00:16:00 was able just to climb a ladder and get a shot off like that's nuts and you can see the snipers see him on the roof in that video what about the blackwater video have you seen that no hold on someone sent it to me today this is gonna fucking blow your mind uh who sent that to me below your mind. Who sent that to me? Let me see. Who sent that today? Oh, the Black Rock video?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Is it Black Rock? That's just what Dick Butter said, but I do remember seeing that. Didn't Caleb put that in there? Was it was it him i think it was a black yeah it was quick with that type of stuff was it in our big thread i think so you want me to check too both of us just shuffling around on our phone for a minute i'm looking um oh here it is oh no no it wasn't it is it is i got it i got it hold on hold on i'll play it uh this is fucking crazy so what is black rock they're the investment firm yeah between like black rock vanguard and state Street They own like eighty percent or something of the S&P 500 in the United States. Essentially they run the United States. Okay
Starting point is 00:17:30 Look at this shit Can't hear it. Oh wait was that him there he is. There's the shooter No, you're fucking shitting me no watch he's in it again that's not him right here just yeah look at that under but yeah dead center but the fucking crimson chin how the fuck dude that's weird as shit huh look at that guy there is again oh Dude. That's weird as shit, huh?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Look at that guy. There he is again. Oh, no way. How can we confirm that that's him? How can we confirm that that's him? How do we know? That's the high school he went to? That's the high school, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:20 No fucking shit, dude. Really? Wow. Look how this guy writes. this how dave cast we're doing the dave castor weekend review today by the way is this how dave writes look at how that guy writes whoa he's got the finger on yeah alien he's a reptile oh he's a left oh he's a lefty that's why he writes like that. So he doesn't have to turn this. So he doesn't have to drag his hand through the words,
Starting point is 00:18:48 the ink. He'll erase it. Wow, dude, that's crazy. Oh, BlackRock acknowledged it while it was zombie. Oh, did you see that? It said investing in the future assassins when it scrolled.
Starting point is 00:19:05 That's crazy. Dude. Oh, my God. We live in a fucking simulation, bro. That's it. It's official. What's the significance of him being in this video? Judy Reed says,
Starting point is 00:19:24 basically, the theory is that BlackRock runs the United States of America, that they run everything that they own Disney. They own Pfizer. They, they have investments everywhere that they're buying up all the houses in the United States. So it's them and Vanguard and one other company between the three of them. They basically own the United States of America because everyone has their pension plans, their retirement plans, everyone's investing in them. And so the belief is, is that they basically pull all, all at some, well, not the belief, like we know it's true on some level, they pull all the strings, right? So if you piss someone off enough, high enough off at, uh, uh, BlackRock, um, you know, you may see a shift in a CEO of a company or something, a big company.
Starting point is 00:20:01 CEO of a company or something, a big company. And so it's bizarre that then the shooter, and you have to assume on some level, corporate America, you know, can't stand Donald Trump. He is, the Democrats had the biggest transfer of wealth to corporations in the history of the world during the pandemic. And I don't think Trump's down with that. I mean, essentially, they become like the gatekeepers too, right? Like if you own all the capital and the funding and like everything else and like you just own it and you pull all the strings at that level.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I mean, including too, people forget like military industrial complex stuff is owned by them as too so we're talking about weaponry we're talking about different funding for things like these guys have their hand in everything i mean that was where the um what was the esg scores came from and all the corporations all had to all of a sudden sync up and kind of toe the line in the same way and you're like where is this narrative fucking coming from well these are the guys behind it because they established whatever it was the environmental social and uh governmental things that they put up and if you weren't towing the line then they would just essentially start to roll back your funding or or pull you out of
Starting point is 00:21:13 the job and get somebody who would yeah that's a really good point susan said esg score is an objective evaluation of a company's funds or security performance on environmental social and governance. Yeah. And so they put all of this into place. This is all controlled by them. So if you don't have enough gay people or black people or women, then you're or you're not like pretending to be believing global warming or climate change or you're not playing the game and your score goes down, then you won't get loans and benefits benefits that black rock can provide and and a rock clock saying that they're fooled uh world uh economic forum people oh for sure yeah it's all it's all about the um the consolidation of power and funds you think they're going to try to get Trump again? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I mean, I like soon before the election again or the election. Yeah, I think it'd be hard now. Right. Because I think here's the deal. He has he has the power of the people in a lot of those mill guys and stuff. Like it would not surprise me if he had 30 retired sealed Delta force pair rescue jumper, you know, operators call him and are like, Hey, what do you need us for the next few months?
Starting point is 00:22:32 We're in. Oh, you know what I mean? So I think that he's able to pull strings to be like, Hey, fuck this government secret service. They, they failed. Like in my, so if that's, if that's you and I'm in charge of this campaign, everybody involved after we do our debrief is probably going to be fired
Starting point is 00:22:50 off that security team. Wouldn't you agree? Oh, God. I want to agree with you. If big holes... If some, if, if some do fist could climb a ladder with a gun strapped to a midday and people are going to film it and yell and everything else, and then they're not going to like, no action is taken. And then he gets shots off at the, at the front running candidate, former president of the United States. Like I'm sitting down and I'm watching that V that video with my head of security and the detail, and I'm getting three or four other private security guys. And they're all
Starting point is 00:23:28 going to analyze that. And then I'm going to sit down with all three of them. I'm going to watch them fucking talk to each other. And I'm going to say who failed here. Okay. They're gone. Everybody who's part of that is gone. And now these people are going to be in charge. Like I would just start outsourcing. Hey, I need two people who are very experienced with this, and I want them to review every tape. I want them to do their private investigation, not on the shooter, but on the failures of just my security team.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And we're going to beef this thing up and roll. And by the way, now I'm only dealing with ex-meal guys that I've vetted and that I've come through with other credible sources and different things like that. Like, I'm not taking on... I guess Biden approved extra security for him, whatever that means. Yeah yeah like the first security the same same guards that
Starting point is 00:24:09 guarded epstein he approved those dean batts too yeah they're holding down the fort look at this this is this is mind-boggling watch this this is a little long watch this history of u.s president nation attempts assassination attempt. Andrew Jackson was the first president to see an assassination attempt in 1835. I wish I could play this faster. A man aimed a pistol at him and he misfired. Apparently Jackson then hit him with his walking stick. Someone threw a
Starting point is 00:24:38 hand grenade at... Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. president to be assassinated. How the fuck did they shoot him in the back of the head? That means no one was guarding him, right? Yeah. How the fuck did they shoot him in the back of the head? That means no one was guarding him, right? Yeah. John Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head while he watched a comedy at the theater. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:53 President James Garfield was in office six months when he was killed by a Republican constituent. Willie McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was killed when he was shot in the chest at point blank range theodore roosevelt's campaigning when he was shot but uh but papers and glasses case in his pocket saved him wow photo franklin d roosevelt was taken just before an attempt on his life i didn't really this is dangerous job dude fuck yeah dude the president elect had given a speech when shots were fired hitting bystanders and killing the Chicago mayor. The attacker, Giuseppe Sangaro, was sentenced to death.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I'm fine with that. Harry Truman was staying here at Blair House while the White House was renovated when two gunmen broke in. The president escaped, but a policeman and one of the attackers were killed uh the other oscar colazzo was sentenced to death assassination of john f kennedy is perhaps the most famous of all time
Starting point is 00:25:59 he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald While traveling through Dallas with his wife That's crazy that they got him while the car was moving That's amazing Oswald was being taken to the county jail When a man fatally shot him on live TV Yeah, they mispronounced CIA there John F. Kennedy's brother Robert was also assassinated
Starting point is 00:26:21 That's RFK's dad He was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination when he was shot and killed just after winning the California primary. Nuts. So he would have been president. George C. Wallace was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination when he was shot. It left him paralyzed from the waist
Starting point is 00:26:40 down. Damn. Gerald Ford faced two assassination attempts within weeks and escaped uninjured Damn. Damn, two? They almost got him. The bullet just missed his heart and he survived. I think Hinckley might be out of jail. Damn. George W. Bush had a hand grenade thrown at him at a rally in wherever Georgia. The grenade did not explode and no one was hurt.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Vladimir Artunyan was sentenced to life in prison. I should get him on. Armenian dude, that sucks. Tunyan was sentenced to life in prison. I should get him on. Armenian, dude. That sucks. Have you ever seen all the stuff that when they tried to assassinate Hitler and they said that he was protected by the devil?
Starting point is 00:27:33 No. Oh, dude, there's a whole I think it was on the History Channel or something. But there's a whole like docuseries on like the amount of attempts on his life and just the weird shit that would allow him to escape it. Like one of them, I remember, was a suitcase, was a bomb in a suitcase, and he was meeting with a bunch of like the top tier generals at one of these whatever spots that they had. And they slid the suitcase underneath the table, and it was like positioned just wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And when the explosion went off, it like tipped the table the opposite way and like protected him. And there's just a bunch of weird shit. Like he was supposed to be at one place here, but car like you know would would this one i'm making up with like veer off to the left and he would be not be there by five seconds and the bridge would blow up and he would escape it again but there was like multiple attempts where he he just like barely escaped it and they that's a that's some good folklore protected by the devil Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:26 All right, ladies and gentlemen Dave Castro at regular speed today Yeah, I saw it was only like a couple minutes long, huh? Seven minutes and 41 seconds riveting All right Good to see you dude. It's been a minute. Yeah, I thought I was able to make this one All right. Good to see you, dude. It's been a minute.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah. I thought I was able to make this one. Usually training, but my guy's got some illness. Oh, good. The vid. Week in review, July 15th, 2024. Athlete interview series is going great. I have, I'm done with 68, 68 athlete interviews. So only 12 more to go.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And I'll probably aim to finish those for sure by this weekend, maybe by Thursday or Friday. Yesterday I was only able to get two in just because I had a shooting competition that I hosted at the ranch and competed in. And so I didn't, wasn't, I was busy most of the day, but two is better than zero. So the day before I did like seven or eight, um, today I'll only get a couple in cause I have some athlete testing going on this morning and then have some team meetings later in the afternoon. I've already done one this morning.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I should, I'm aiming to at least get one more in. And then, um, he's proud and obsessed or no, he's obsessed and he's proud. Very proud. Yeah. The rest of the week, I'll just start knocking them out in twos or threes. And again, should be done by Friday or Saturday. Really happy with the journey of doing that and, um, of getting in all interviews with all 80 athletes.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I think I can confidently say nobody else in the space is doing that this year or can do that or will do that. Is that a shot? Is that a challenge? How many did we get last year? More than half. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Cunt. Or maybe has ever done that. or maybe has ever done that. That's funny. They interview all 80 athletes, competing athletes, um, before the games. One of the reasons why I can do that is because of the format I'm doing this very condensed 10 to 15 minute interview format. And I think that, um, allows me to do 80. I think if you're trying to do like a full podcast, like some of these guys do like an hour or even half an hour, I mean, that's a significant amount of investment in time to pull off so really happy with that well that's one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:31:32 davey what about let me hear let me hear the second reason really happy with where it's going we announced the run this fucking guy i need a CBD gummy I need a CBD gummy my second one of the day your second one of the day you get nice and relaxed with those or what HGR CBD gummy
Starting point is 00:31:56 sponsored by Kill Taylor two weeks in a row or just two separate weeks um $3,000 this week you need a swimming pool. Damn. You need a swimming pool. Daniel Garrity.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Don't worry, Seve. Dave is the adaptive podcast division. I'll take it. I'll take it. Hi, Janelleelle How are you Sup Janelle Yeah he's taking shots That's just a direct shot
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's kind of funny But at least he backed it up by saying It's only because I'm in this 10 minute format I mean, Jesus Christ. He's like, he's like Brian friend. He can't just stop sucking his own dick.
Starting point is 00:32:50 He just like, it's also, it's also to does. I mean, he's got the wind at his back. Yeah. I've covered 35. I've covered 35 competitions.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I love traveling. Savon, this is Travis. Your jealousy is showing. Behave. All right. Thank you, Travis. I appreciate it. It's not even fair, though, because they can't even say no.
Starting point is 00:33:27 No one's going to say no to him. You can't invite everybody over to your house and throw a party and then be like, Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you grab those two soda cans and drop them in the trash? It'll just take you five minutes. Everybody's going to say, yeah. Right. And on top of that, with the format that he has with 10 minutes it's like that's easy they could do that in between stuff real quickly
Starting point is 00:33:50 you know after training before training they're not blocking out a set of time for it really half these fucking athletes can't even get more views on your show than Instagram followers they have what I mean to say is thank you, Dave. That's really cool that you're doing this.
Starting point is 00:34:06 This is awesome. Way to take charge and take the lead. Good, dude. You got a little jizz on your face, Dave. A little jizz. $3,000 next week. $3,000. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Oh, someone sent me a text just now on the work phone let me see what could you possibly testing okay testing tested okay on the work phone yeah um alright
Starting point is 00:34:39 looks like all of our uh kill taylor contestants should be getting their cases of fit aid very soon by the way thank you for doing that suza yeah my pleasure Looks like all of our kill Taylor contestants should be getting their cases of fit aid very soon By the way, thank you for doing that Susa. Yeah You think a girl could win this week this Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah you saw the female Secret Service agents There's no way you could redeem them Sarah you could be the one you could do it listen taylor would be like taylor would be like uh ladies you gotta swim the length of the pool and the girls would swim the width that's how confused you guys are did you watch the video will made uh with uh jason and brooke yeah with
Starting point is 00:35:19 jason and brooke no hgbpo uh no i watched a little tiny bit of one of the workout ones. I just wanted to see Brooke. Her body looks insane. Dude, he – She looks strong as fuck, dude. Yeah, she looks good. And her personality really showed through in that video. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, he did a great job of getting her talking,
Starting point is 00:35:44 and she was just like bullshit with Jason the whole time and job of like getting her like talking and, and she was just like, like bullshit with Jason the whole time and making fun of them and like razzing them and stuff. It was good. The dynamic was cool. Oh, okay. But,
Starting point is 00:35:52 uh, JR kept making her workouts harder. Oh, then, then, then hoppers. Yeah. JR was like programming everything for her while she was out there.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And, um, she kept like beefing up the weight. So if it'd be like 155 for hopper he would have her at 115 traditionally girls would be at 105 at that weight wow and she's like well why is mine stronger and then you know jr he's kind of just like like keeps going and like pushed her that so it was funny because they kept bantering back and forth but they're like well your workouts are all harder than mine or like they're making yours easier you didn't
Starting point is 00:36:22 have to go as me so it was kind of, it was a cool dynamic to watch them. I was a little annoyed that they didn't give Will credit on the video, at least for what I saw, like whatever I was looking at, like on Instagram or wherever. Yeah. I mean, I think it just was a hometown thing for him and he was, you know, they reached out and I think, uh, I think that's their MO. It's kind of like, it's an, it's an HWPL video, not an individual creator video, whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Will is on the, I was going to say the most, but he's on the Mount Rushmore of most talented anything in media in the CrossFit space, but people don't know it. And it's not even his job yeah yeah exactly well the rest of us are like full-timing this shit yeah he is he is by far the most talented uh i don't know what you call him content creator uh producer director editor all of it internet shredder youtube instagrammer yeah that he he kind of he kind i want to say the most but maybe there's someone else but i not that i know of i mean not as dynamic as he is yeah he's in a whole um yeah put like put like him and hiller kind of in the in their own special category
Starting point is 00:37:42 like it's like t and matt yeah i mean he could interview the athletes behind the camera great He could be in front of the camera and do the podcasts He can edit the whole entire thing. He come up with great graph graphics He comes up with really clever like branding things for the kill taylor show all the time titles everything Yeah, he can write. Yeah, he can do it all. Yeah We just we just need a couple hundred thousand lock him down Yeah, half million half million lock him down trying to get a half million a year for you will Okay, fuck okay, I'm over the Dave thing my ego is settled back down okay cool yeah swim last week people always get
Starting point is 00:38:24 Worried when we have outdoor swims. In California, they were worried about sharks. In Madison, they were worried about algae. Here, they're worried about alligators or snakes. This location hosts multiple triathlons and multiple water events, and recreationally, people swim in it. And the city and the area and the people in charge of the lake have no issue with us doing this event or see no issue with it we're doing it at we're going to start at 7 a.m so really early in the morning and the week we're there oh shit oh shit oh shit time drop oh shit Oh, shit. Time drop. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Okay. Let me see. Here we go. Barbell spin, the fastest news in the space. Most reliable news. The most news. I had Mr. Spin and John Young and I think Tyler Watkins on the show the other day. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:27 This is event one. So this would be a Thursday morning. Any estimates on the time they'd start this? Eight. No. No, I'd say probably nine. No. Let's not start sucking our own dick yet mr spin 7 a.m it's a typo oh look at that listen i listen i do not have inside information.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I do not. Come on, Dave. Give me one. Let me just show spit on faster. No. Come on. No. Something insignificant like the start time.
Starting point is 00:40:14 No. No. No. Everyone knows Sebon is the most knowledgeable overall in the CrossFit space. all things from financial to games to training. He has this 3 million foot view that no one else has. It pains me to say that, but it's true. Thank you. You know who Graham Stephan is, the finance guy?
Starting point is 00:40:39 He always did that voice and his whole screen turned black and white. It'd be cool if we could like tint your screen when you do that too. Really give it that full effect. Listen. I have no inside information. He purposely avoids talking. There's no... Where the fuck is my arrow?
Starting point is 00:40:56 I lost my arrow. Oh shit, my mouse died. You know what's crazy is I always keep a plug-in mouse. Like old school. You recognize this-in mouse. Like old school. You recognize this one? Like just so old school. Yeah, that happened after the first time it went dead on the podcast, right? And then you were like, I got to back it up from now on?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah, back up. Back up. Back up. I wonder if this one needs charging. Two is one. One is none. Anyway, I don't have uh god this mouth is mouse is ghetto i don't have um inside information it's just obvious what made you think about 7 a.m it's just gonna be hot
Starting point is 00:41:38 hot and the amount of bodies they have to get through that workout it's just gonna be hot yeah so it starts at seven they'll be done at uh eight or nine and then they got to pack all the shit up and they got to get back and um spin or john or tyler also said that there was a workout that night and so i i there's just no and i think that someone said there was going to be two or three workouts that day or something i just knew there's just no fucking way they're starting to swim yeah and someone else already said they're like at 10 a.m it's already 100 degrees yeah i think the sun just comes out there and it's like 87 yeah oh oh and on that show we were doing that show and it was like 10 o'clock at night in texas and someone looked up the time the weather at that creek or wherever it is and it's um it's like 110 yeah it was 87 degrees in the summer here's the thing also
Starting point is 00:42:30 too there is no difference between swimming in a pool and that lake people keep saying that there's different this is just a giant pool don't like no like and and and uh you you should not just because they do triathlons and shit there doesn't mean there's not shitloads of snakes and alligators in there. Like you should not believe anything. Like, so what if the city says like all the beaches in California, we, we have right now, right off the coast of my house, the largest school of great whites in the history of this cove, just in the shallow water here. And everyone's like, oh, it's safe.
Starting point is 00:43:03 It's fine. And, and the, the, and's safe. It's fine. And, and the, the, and the beach is full of surfers and swimmers. Don't get me wrong, but there's pictures just all over the internet. It's like a school of,
Starting point is 00:43:12 uh, of like 48 great whites that are all under 12 feet. Damn. Yeah. No, thank you. I know. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. Heidi crew and plan B mouse. Yeah. That was and plan B mouse. Yeah. That was hilarious. All right. All right. Here we go. My,
Starting point is 00:43:31 my, my mouse doesn't take batteries. It's charged. Okay, here we go. Leading up to the games. We'll take the demo team out there and test it at 7. AM just to see how the heats and what effect at all.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And if we have to, if it's too hot, we'll push it back, and we'll start it at 6 a.m. We are going to do it. It's just a matter of when. So we've announced that event. That's the opening event Thursday morning. The other outdoor event we've also announced is Farrington Field,
Starting point is 00:44:00 whatever's going to happen out there on the field. Hey, dude, people are going to go out there and swim it. For sure. Before. Yeah, absolutely. be whatever's going to happen out there on the field hey dude people are going to go out there and swim it for sure before yeah absolutely and um on the track if we do use both or if we just use one or if we don't use any of them we're using something obviously so those are the two outdoor events and uh first is on thursday that second one we announced is Friday night. At this point, that's it. That's the extent of the outdoor events. So we announced them both to get it out of the way. And a lot of times there's permitting we have to go through with venues like that.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And there's logistics and setup that if we didn't announce them, people might start pulling, you know, looking into it. They did this in Madison and they were able to determine that we had permits for the water. So logistically, it made sense to get them both out. And also, clearly, I really like launching some workouts early to build buzz and excitement and discussion. If you look, a lot of people are talking about, you know, what are we doing at Farrington Field? Talking about the Run Swim Run clearly. And the other thing we've announced, Chad, they're talking about Chad. So having these things out there,
Starting point is 00:45:19 give the people who cover the sport, the athletes, the fans, something to talk about, something to get excited about, something to build momentum. So this is part of the entertainment of the sport and of the CrossFit Games is announcing those early. But again, we're done. I'll say this. We're an outdoor event. So everyone can understand that's the extent of what we're doing outside.
Starting point is 00:45:50 The rest of all the other events are going to be in the stadium. Let's dive into comments. Vindicate 8363, love the content you're putting out. Vindicate, home of the CEO shirt. Scan the QR code. Get yours now. Before the games. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:46:12 We might be doing something in CEO shirts, and you might need to have yours before the games. Oh, good point. You mean like we might do a giveaway for anyone who's in CEO shirts? Probably. Maybe. Possibly. A standee. In the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Or publicly. Your choice. Freestandee. Freestandee. By these callous hands. in the bathroom a little or publicly your choice freestanding freestanding by these cows not being used or presented on the games podcast or the cross at youtube channel seems like a no-brainer for events are going to be in the stadium let's dive into comments please Please, let's do it. Vindicate 8363, love the content you're putting out. Why is it not being used or presented on the Games podcast or the CrossFit YouTube channel? Seems like a no-brainer for a company that needs media right now.
Starting point is 00:46:55 They're putting stuff out on both those channels with some of this stuff, and they're putting other stuff out too. I do think that if you go to CrossFit podcast, Spotify or iTunes audio channels, like where your favorite podcasts are, I think they do have them there just without video. Oh, really? That's cool.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That's cool that they did that. That they converted it all into audio. Yeah, I didn That's cool. That's cool that they did that, that they converted it all into audio. Yeah, I didn't know that. Gobruna-ci591. My only problem with these athlete interviews is now I have to find time to devote to watching every heat of every event as I am emotionally invested in every single athlete. Cool.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Thank you. Yes, but isn't it beautiful that we will be watching all the heats with the same interest and not only something's happening to be finished to get to the final heat i don't know if this said he thinks he's having a stroke he keeps looking up at his monitors oh because he can see his dog he's looking at his dog yeah something's happening like he's reading the comment but he keeps doing like this and then he's like... Seeing what his dog's doing, like chasing a chicken or something.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Hey, that is a really good point. All of a sudden, people will give a shit about the early heats that they never gave a shit about before because of these interviews. Dude, that's what it's all about. People want to go and watch people that they know and that they're invested in. Nobody just wants to watch a random person do a thruster because they could do it slightly faster
Starting point is 00:48:23 than the majority of the people that they know. Right. That's what this is all about. It's cool that he did it. You think his video is going to have a comment in the YouTube section that says, Weekend Review starts at 28 minutes? Weekend Review starts at 18 minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:39 It'll be like David Weed or something. If you don't want to listen to Sevan talk about the Trump shooting, the video starts at 22 minutes. No, thank you. Fuck you. Love helping. Yeah. Jake, just kidding, buddy.
Starting point is 00:48:56 That was intended by Dave, but it for sure is an awesome side effect. I love it. Number one workout from the game, workout number one from the games was speaking with Dave online. That's at 77. Do you rock? I don't understand that. At Nick Freige, very simple. Just want to thank you for the athlete interviews and all you're doing for
Starting point is 00:49:15 CrossFit. Your care is clear and is helping the community as a sport as a whole, as well as having trickle down impact to a fill individual affiliates and owners like me. Hold up. I'll be right out. Aha! Can anybody hear him? Is he, like, mic'd up to outdoor PA?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Like, can anybody hear him? I don't know. Who is he yelling at? But you really predicted that. Give me two minutes. I'll be right out. um we walked in at travis jones 22 dave bringing that smackdown on high rocks also dave versus boz the debate series um would be epic yes uh i wasn't bringing the smackdown on high rocks i was just talking about the difference um the dave versus
Starting point is 00:50:02 boz the debate series would be epic. We've had epic debates. At MattMoyer2319. Oh, that's why it's so short. Like, on Jenna Haka's Instagram today, she was cruising around the ranch. I'm going to guess that was her. She just rolled up. Oh.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Also, dude, he did go hard at High Rocks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why is he saying that he didn't? He 100% took a shot at that. Fuck you. We can do what you can do and we put you out of business. But we're not going hard at you.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Yeah, that's exactly what it was. That's hilarious. Go back down, Davey. Interviews at Steel Rain 202. I love the interviews. It brings a human element to it at avra 9636 joe de gains needs to be a part of your interview agenda been with crossfit as an affiliate owner uh ever since outset been a judge at every crossfit games and now lead judge probably done more seminars than anyone in the space would be great to hear his perspective on how crossfit
Starting point is 00:51:04 evolved over the years amazing dude led my level one Jody Gaines great guy I've known him for a very long time been friends with him he's an amazing trainer an amazing human he wrestled at Michigan so he's also an amazing athlete among all the other things uh so this goes back to something Susan and I have talked about ad nauseum. The fact that they don't put out a video every single day, 365 days a year, that's a clip from a level one, which shows a level one trainer of Joe Degain's caliber and just the star power and the way he carries himself is, is mind boggling to me. It is so cheap. It is so cheap. It's what we used to do in the early days, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, all you just blow the fucking red shirts the fuck up and Hey, and then you'll get better people and hotter chicks and hotter dudes that can better articulate the level one. I honestly think the red shirts have slid in their – in all those places.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Hey, if you imagine you have the world's strictest parents and then all of a sudden they just kind of left you tell me you wouldn't you wouldn't drop it down a few notches right right you know what i mean like you're like oh shit they're not coming back yeah all right well we can't put our classes here guys and yeah we could leave a dish or two in the sink that's fine no one's gonna notice they they need to really glorify that's all media should be doing that listen fuck the games and fuck everything else glorify the red shirts and it will trickle down to everywhere else just glorify the red shirts it doesn't have to be anything advanced it's just a fucking camera pointed joe to gains when he tells someone hey um this is squat therapy face the wall uh six inches from the
Starting point is 00:53:01 wall with your hands up over your head squat good get an inch closer squat good and then cut and then it's like yep and then people will see joe de gains and they'll be like oh they'll see jenny or oh i want to go to i want to go to a fucking level one and then eventually it's like hey i want to be one of them yeah absolutely and one a day is like nothing too nothing nothing because you can go to a seminar and make 55 of those. Yeah. You got a shirtless dude in his garage. You do one video a day on an array of subjects. Imagine if you had a mountain of content every single weekend.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah. Adrian Conway should be on every level one picture and video. Yeah. Conway. Destroy. No doubt. Someone else at 3R123, please do mass participation events. I would love to. We're not there yet, though. It would definitely be a splash in the scene if we were to do an in-person mass participation event. At ManlynTheobald598, I've always loved your programming. At Justin1, a good series of interviews. mass participation event at man, Lynn, Theo, bald five, nine,
Starting point is 00:54:05 eight. I've always loved your programming at Justin one, a good series of interviews. Okay. Um, I think that's it. I'm good. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Uh, keep it short. I have people here. I got stuff going on. So I have my team here and testers. I will have people here. I got stuff going on. I have my team here and testers here. I will see you guys next week. If you have any comments, post them in the – if you have any thoughts, post them in the comments, and I'll try to address them next week. Please purchase olive oil from
Starting point is 00:54:42 Get your keychain. Do I have a keychain? Get your keychain Keychain somewhere I used to have one here Oh here it is Get your keychain Nice He brought this to me as a gift
Starting point is 00:55:02 It's a heavy duty keychain And all kidding aside if you are going to go to Use code 720 Yeah use code 720 That's right and this is the one you want If you want to This garlic infused olive oil If you want to
Starting point is 00:55:20 What I recommend is you take You chop up garlic You pour this into a plate You put the garlic garlic in it, and you put in some vinegar, and then just chop up some bread and dip it in there. And blow your mind. This one's insane. I actually should take this one in the house and eat this with my kids. My kids love that shit. Kids love that shit.
Starting point is 00:55:47 And like Dave likes to say, he keeps the olives in his custody the entire time from picking to bottling. Custody? Yeah, that's his favorite word. All right. We should have more announcements coming soon, too. Thanks a lot. Bye.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Okay, week in review. There's only one thing that bothered me with that one it's the same thing that bothered me that he did with the last one which is if we would if we were going to do one of those type of uh high rocks events we'd crush it and blah blah if we did a mass participation event it would make a huge splash in the scene blah blah it's like dude when are you gonna wait like if you have the ability and think you could do that i don, blah. It's like, dude, when are you going to wait? If you have the ability and think you could do that, I don't know if he's like, it's going to pull us too far out of our scope, but it's one of
Starting point is 00:56:31 the situations like you need something like that at this time. It's shrinking. The ecosystem and the attention of the CrossFit Games is shrinking. So to find some, if he has some sort of trick up his sleeve that he thinks would make some sort of big impact or would revive stuff or would give it a facelelift or bring some new energy or would have something to it like please do it Hey, and here's how you cover it, too
Starting point is 00:56:53 um Hey, uh, i'm gonna do this event. It's gonna be at a blah blah blah get a venue get the porta potties and then invite Heber mars craig richieie hiller um you know uh clydesdale media jason cf media find out all the media guys pedro uh whoever and invite them all and just have them let them cover it super cheap just let them cover it yep and let us run it and if you want it live let us do it yeah we'll stream it live for you we'll stream it live just get us good internet connection we'll do the rest don't make it stupid yeah don't make it stupid
Starting point is 00:57:33 oh we heard back from justin kotler oh we did did we ever hear back from uh about bruno oh is he he's coming on tomorrow, right? He was supposed to, but on Thursday, I hit him back up and was like, hey, we're all settled, blah, blah, blah. And then didn't hear anything back. And then I texted him again and was like, hey, we're on for tomorrow. Didn't hear anything back. Okay, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Frank Bruno? I thought it was Bruno, and then that was his first name. Hey, when you see two check marks, that means he saw it, right? Or no, that means you saw it. That means, yeah, it could be just me and you saw it. What's his first name? Bruno. Oh, what's his last name?
Starting point is 00:58:22 Miranda Marins? Bruno Marins. Bruno! I heard good things about this dude. Bruno Marins Bruno Marins I heard good things about this dude Bruno Marins Oh this dude's a G Oh and we gotta get Lazar I just saw his This dude's cool looking
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah Third place men Yeah alright What you at dog So this dude's coming on tomorrow Wow look at those lats Jesus Third place men. Yeah, all right. What you at, dog? So this dude's coming on tomorrow. Wow, look at those lats. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Damn. Yeah, look at those lats. Bob was cool today, huh? Yeah, wild. Yeah. Yeah, I'm really happy with how the channel's going and the interviews. I'm pretty stoked. I was a little – you want to know what happened with Bob today that was weird?
Starting point is 00:59:21 I really – I was torn because I wanted to just interview him like – I know exactly what you're going to say. You do? Tell me. Yeah, you wanted to interview him and just like get to know him and his story but at the same time you wanted to talk about the yeah testing thing and i saw you trying to like let him go and then when you'd find a spot you would try to bring it back to that conversation which you did a good job of it was really balanced and you kept him in order to like talk about that because i know that that was one of the main things that we wanted to chat with him about yeah and, and because I want to start a new show.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I don't know how I'm going to have the bandwidth to do it, but I'd like to get people out of the CrossFit space. I just want to interview people, and they open the test, and like, oh my God, I am predisposed to addiction, or I'm not, and then just have Bob talk to them, and it'd be like a 20-minute show. I think that'd be awesome now I probably can't do all 80 athletes like Dave can
Starting point is 01:00:10 at least not in that format I'm gonna do all 80 with one minute interviews you think how do you think Daniel Brandon would test on that what is it test for again what would we find out uh can my answer just be yes yeah yes no uh that new jump ship seth seth a jump ship. Wow, look at that logo. Are those dudes standing on top?
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh, no, those are birds. What are those on top? It looks like just flags. Like the ship sinking. And rocky seas. That dude had a lot of energy for an old guy. It's the paper street coffee. The test is $300 a pop, so you need sponsors or Sarahx generosity. Yeah that I wouldn't get that that company to sponsor it
Starting point is 01:01:09 dna for addiction Oh, what about your media pass for the games? What about it? Mr. Dick Dick lube Dick lube Oh that is a good question How's he gonna do all 80 if there's so many people who popped in Asia Um okay Uh Bruno tomorrow Uh Sousa's show tomorrow
Starting point is 01:01:53 Um Bruno tomorrow Sousa's show tomorrow I'm going to run to the mailbox real quick Oh fuck it I'll do it in tomorrow morning's show Alright you can play the commercial again if you want to No it's okay I suspect I suspect mint trading cards. Suspect mint trading cards. Ooh, that feels good on my nose. You're in the mix.
Starting point is 01:02:15 What do you mean? You see the post that Wazzami put out today? Oh, no. There's a whole new batch, a whole new trading card division, if you will. Let me see. Oh, wow. Wow, I got my own trading card? Damn.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Now, I'll need 5% of that. I'll need 5% of that. Wow. Yeah, it looks like they got the broadcast the lone ranger Jason Kalipa Enola Kai oh this is just all low rent motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:02:55 look at all this is just low rent motherfuckers the washed up series everyone whose fran time is slower than seven minutes The Washed Up Series Everyone Whose Frantime Is Slower Than 7 Minutes The Has Bids Chase Ingram I got some rookies in there We got
Starting point is 01:03:16 Hattie Can You Yeah Hattie she's cool She's cool but she'll be retired next year She can get pregnant She's cool, but she'll be retired next year. That's what it's called. She can get pregnant. She's at that age. Yeah. Sevan Matosian. Welcome to the stage.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Kyra Milligan. Adrian Conway. And some guy, Bill Grunler. Fucking no one knows who he is. Because he's...'s it's what have you done for me lately it's you can kind of put a chase and bill's photo back to back you know and they'd be like cross-armed back to back they should just put a noose around fucking sean woodland's head gone or just like or like someone pushing him in the back
Starting point is 01:04:03 yeah some a big knife headed towards his back it just says hq that's a joke guys please nobody get offended uh uh don't worry chris it's it's it's it's private data you don't need to oh no i'm not i'm not even going there that's good we're good hi sir Sada. Every single one of those tests that are done, I will be keeping your DNA for my personal usage. I, um... What were we talking
Starting point is 01:04:35 about? Um... DNA for addiction. Mint trading cards. Has-beens. Has-beens. Has-beens. I had something. Oh, oh. So I had a friend over a couple days ago.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And they were like, hey, man, I really like Kill Taylor. I'm like, oh, that's cool. And I'm like, do you know the show? Do you know the origins of the show? And they're like, no. I'm like, there's a show, Kill Tony so i showed them uh an episode of kill tony and i'm watching that show and that show is so fucking ruthless
Starting point is 01:05:17 i mean that show is ruthless and it is the most popular show live broad. It's the most popular podcast on YouTube. YouTube is the largest search engine in the world. YouTube is just like it is. It's a fucking king. It's the king of kings of video streaming. king of kings of video streaming. And so when people tell me,
Starting point is 01:05:54 when you have any opinions about Kill Taylor, just look what Kill Tony's doing and absolutely murdering it. And I'm not saying that you should do things just because someone else is doing it and successful. But if you're criticizing the show for going too hard, like you're out of your fucking like you are fucking out of your mind. Yeah, I remember. The show is so fucking fun and we're still not even like we're still not even a tenth as good as kill Tony Look at yak vindicate kill Tony's on right now with 140,000 3,000 people watching live. Yeah, that's insane Yeah, a jr. How they don't get the show. Yeah, it's like you're you're tardy. Sorry. Go ahead Sousa. Um
Starting point is 01:06:40 Shit I lost my train of thought now But but basically like just keep your mouth shut like there's people like you trying to hold people back everywhere just shut the fuck up get out of here move stations like if we don't have complaints then we're not doing our job yeah i was gonna say we always like reference like the howard surge show and i was like just thinking back the other day like dude remember when he would like literally just bring the chicks in and be like okay so you're gonna get topless for us over here okay let's go ahead and get that shirt off okay remember and the chicks would shirt topless or
Starting point is 01:07:07 they would ride that thing remember you talked about it last time yeah on on howard's turn they would ride a vibrator yeah they would just get fucked by a vibrator yeah on the show the horse and they would go like hard on those shows and here's another misunderstanding here's another misunderstanding um uh kill taylor relies heavily on chance of people calling in no you have to understand no dude you have to understand if no if nobody called in it's totally fine no you can give me ideas i'm not saying don't give me ideas i'm just responding to some of the ideas now fuck it don't give me any ideas fuck you like you the the there is no it does not matter if anyone calls in or not like if you don't call in and we close down shop at the 40 minute mark
Starting point is 01:07:57 we still had a blast and the price purse just goes up 500 bucks. Like it's not, I have no, there's nothing. I'm not relying on anyone except HGR CBD and Taylor self and my internet connection. Like I'm not, I'm not, don't, there is no, it doesn't matter. God, seven. I love you so much. When I go up. I want to be just like you Sarah said she's calling Oh Sarah depends on what you're wearing We can't be mean to girls though you and I were on that same show we both both of us instantly felt bad You got a big old caboose we'll say you're one of the dump truck hotties that's it like listen it's just uh uh i um oh oh oh don't give seven
Starting point is 01:08:58 ideas oh i meant from the howard stern show oh yeah i wish listen a part of me is always like my mom's watching i don't think i can bring someone in here and have them just get sit on my couch and get railed by a fucking dildo i just don't think i can oh i can't do that with you i can stick my butt out of the water just do the the thing, Sarah, when you get out of the pool where you flick your hair back. That'll work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Cross back to comment. That strong man girl was something to watch. Yeah, that was fun. That thing was, that caboose was crazy. The one where he said you're gonna make me sit on something i'm not careful uh seve have you listened to the uh uh death of slim shady album you know it's funny you say that because i used to be a huge eminem fan i mean i would listen to his albums over and over and over. And he's just turned into such a woke cuck.
Starting point is 01:10:07 First, he went full Eddie Murphy with all the fucking face work. And then he just started being woke. And he loves playing the victim. And he demands other people play victim. And he wants to keep Blackie on the plantation. And I just, I just, I'm struggling, man. I know it's supposed to be love, peace, and unity, but I'm struggling. I listened to, I watched a video and I was just like blown away at his, just his rapping skills.
Starting point is 01:10:35 But he's, just take a listen. Okay, I will. I will. I'm sure I'm going to like it. I like him as an artist. But it's like Neil Young. I love Neil Young. and he went full fucking Bat shit crazy during COVID right
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah and like Rage against the machine these people like They profess freedom And they're just Not at all they're just fucking Liars Ryan Holiday Yeah Ryan Holiday that stoic fuck a depak chopra all
Starting point is 01:11:08 those fucking wannabe guru dudes it's like hey it's like hey if you're gonna say stuff like i don't care if you're like hey i took the vaccine let me reflect it live for you and tell you why i took it but the second you're you're projecting it and trying to make other people feel bad it's like you're just trapped between your ears and i just know yep yeah you just you're just in the um you're just in the zombie land you're insecure about your own stance on something so you want to project it onto other people what's that called uh bob said it or someone said the other day transference saw rage on tour even the crowd was mostly dads and boat shoes driving crossovers so like like
Starting point is 01:11:53 what's a crossover like a hybrid thing Camry's rage on behalf of the machine did someone write that yeah sir trolls a lot oh that's amazing yeah like i like i really don't care like if you're for if you're for biden like i'm i'm cool with you like but you gotta i need to know why well unfortunately they can't tell you outside of, well, the other guy is mean and hostile.
Starting point is 01:12:27 You're like, have you seen what this guy's done? Come on now. Yeah, I just. It's what's it called? Like the gaslighting thing. That's when, like, you make people feel bad or you make them try to feel crazy about their decision. Yeah. Like, I don't like, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Uh, Sandy, Randy, did you ever see what Jack black said on stage at tenacious D concert? I guess he lost sponsors. I didn't. Uh, the other crazy thing too, is,
Starting point is 01:12:56 is like, there's these people walking that line, like Woody Harrelson. Once one minute, he's doing the thing that he did on Saturday night live, where he basically says, you know, he goes hard at the vaccine companies. And then the next minute, he's doing the thing that he did on Saturday Night Live where he basically says, you know, he goes hard at the vaccine companies. And then the next minute he's just being, he just goes back to full cuck mode,
Starting point is 01:13:10 just sucking Disney's cock. And it's just like, dude. So. I mean, no one's perfect, right? Yeah. Someone told me The other day That the reason why I don't believe in God Is because I think I am God
Starting point is 01:13:34 Someone told you that? Yeah How'd you react to that? Said you're right Did you tell them that they're god too i did yeah that's the best response said don't outsource that shit all right i just lost that half my half the half the listeners hate how how is it that people are like god save trump i just don't get that that um asian magic here's god only has 30 000
Starting point is 01:14:19 yeah but they're all real all right how about that like i'm okay i'm okay i could agree with you that god said uh god if you want to say god saves trump but you have to be like god also shot trump shot at trump that's the only way i can go there then i'm then i'm like okay I'm with you speaking of God you know I think Jared Ellis I'm trying to get this guy on um
Starting point is 01:14:58 Jared Ellis uh this dude this David Beckham looking pastor dude I think he's a pastor oh great guy he is a great guy yep yeah him and his wife him and his wife dropped into the uh gym uh yeah yeah i've heard he's a pastor with an earring now it's funny you picked that up i didn't even remember him having an earring i talked to him i talked to him for like an hour yeah he's cool man oh he has a book how to become a prayer warrior oh i'm buying that right now yeah obviously purchasing that yeah both of them were great uh how to become oh i wonder if there's an audio version To become... Oh.
Starting point is 01:15:46 I wonder if there's an audio version. Oh, shit. I don't see the audio version. It takes a lot to get an audio version. There might not be one. I had to buy... I want an audio version of this book, and I thought this was a pretty popular one. There was no audio version.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Oh, wow. Keep cutting him. How to become a prayer warrior. Oh Shit, oh, okay I'm just buying it then TDC already owns it How do you know that's what just Ken Walter said said it oh i think he's friends with dave pretty sure they're gonna stop by the ranch when they're out here okay ordered
Starting point is 01:16:36 arriving july 17th wednesday okay let me go back to this guy's IG Let's see, uh, oh Stop fighting battles that belong to the Lord. Okay area and in order to release that sound That touches the heart of God. I came to tell you today something Has my wife makes that sound. If you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Okay. Right when it goes just past the six inch mark, I got a little line on my penis. You know what I mean? You know, like people tape ropes. You know, like there's tape on the rope. I have a tattoo on my line. I was going to say it's your only tattoo. I've been lying to you guys.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I have a tattoo on my penis for the six inch mark. And, uh, and, um, yeah. Anyway, and she makes that, that's whenever I want to hear the sound of the Lord, I just go past the six inch mark. Release that sound that touches the heart of God. I came to tell you today, something has to break. Oh, yeah, that's the part where I think I'm God. That part has to break if I want to touch God.
Starting point is 01:18:00 That's what that person was saying. That's what they were suggesting. That's what that person was saying. That's what they were suggesting. And in this story, a woman known for her sexual promiscuity. If you study the scriptures, this most likely was Mary Magdalene, a woman who was caught in the act of adultery, a past of fornication and shame yet this woman not the religious leader not the pastor not the prophet this woman walked into a room and moved to the heart of
Starting point is 01:18:36 God in such a way that her story will be told for the rest of his story. I came to tell you that this woman teaches us that true worship must require that something breaks in your life. I feel it. I feel it. I feel it. It resonates with me. Yeah. I feel it. I feel it. It resonates with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I feel it. He's got that speaking power for sure. He did a little MC Hammer-like thing. He slid across the stage. Yeah, he's got some swagger for sure. Yeah. Yeah, he's got that swagger. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Chris Beesterfield, hallelujah. Ken Walters, bad seve uh taylor self follows him oh he does oh so followed by tdc hunts and matthew souza he does the uh he does sent programming. He does. Yeah. When he came to the gym, he crushed the workout. And I was talking, I was sitting there with Albert and I was like, Hey, check out, check out the rip dude at the end. That's already done with the workout. And he was like, damn, that was a good time.
Starting point is 01:19:54 And I was like, yeah, he doesn't even go here. He follows Sentinel programming. We both had a laugh about it. Actually streamed the class that he was in live. Let's look at the people who follow him. Kiefer. Okay. Strike one.
Starting point is 01:20:08 No, I'm just kidding. No, just joking, Kiefer. Wadzombie. TDC Hunts. Adam Klink. Daniel Brandon's bag holder. James Sprague. The legend.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Taylor Self. The god of crossfit matt stuza judy reed some chick who wears too much makeup in the rest i don't know any of these other people oh my god dude how many girls follow this guy well I mean look at him come on look now you're getting harassed for not following judy uh taylor self-help i follow him now i follow i'm a follower this guy better not show up on goop oh god forgives This guy better not show up on Goop. Cross that.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Oh, God forgives. For $20 a month, you should be forced to follow us. Fine. So be it. Let me see. Do I follow you? Let me see. Chris, get the beverage.
Starting point is 01:21:42 You know what? No protest. Now we're following nobody. Everybody's accounts. Done. You now have 302 followers, Chris. Chris. You know what? Now protest. Now we're following nobody. Everybody's accounts. Done. You now have 302 followers, Chris. Congratulations. Damn, Chris. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Oh, gotta go. Alright. Love you guys. See you tomorrow morning. Suze at 11 me at 7 buh bye

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