The Sevan Podcast - Review of The Dave Castro Week in Review - October 30, 2023

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:26 take the uh name mexican as as their new colonized name and they've owned it it's kind of weird but that's what happens when you get colonized it's like us with fucking dogs it's just something you just do yeah yeah the akc i don't know if the akc is american kennel club accepted pitbull as a purebred i don't think it has no i don't know if the akc is american kennel club accepted pitbull as a pure bread i don't think it has no i don't think so either yeah isn't that fascinating it's fascinating but a border collie is even though they're two different breeds mixed together as well oh is it oh yeah yeah yeah oh hold on one second hey i'm doing a podcast can i call you back yeah just a quick one.
Starting point is 00:02:07 That's what she said. Booyah, Kasha, welcome to what has become one of the most famous, interesting, exciting, infamous, notorious stops on the internet. The Dave Castro, the review of the Dave Castro weekend review.
Starting point is 00:02:28 With the regular. WWIR. Mr. Spin from the Barbell Spin. The place where you go to get your fastest. And most reliable news. About CrossFit on the internet. He is in the blue. And it says Brian Spin.
Starting point is 00:02:41 For those of you who are literate. Then down below. Is Pedro. Hola. We renamed him. the blue and it says brian spin for those of you who are literate then down below is pedro uh we renamed him can you imagine you like your friends and they rename you fucking weird uh he the weirdest thing now is when someone says my actual name i almost don't respond to it yeah mr white um uh like the guy um who is now running for office as cnn says um like the guy who's running for office against joe biden brandon phillips just another entitled white man but you should go easy on irish people they're um we've had we've had it rough they've had it rough
Starting point is 00:03:21 yeah yeah different breeding habits than the rest of us. And then also, Caleb Beaver, and he is actually in Ireland. He's over there. He's holding down the fort until the Israelis come and kick him out of his country. And then Caleb Beaver, live from the Chateau Con. live from the Chateau Con not to be confused with the Vatican which is
Starting point is 00:03:48 now the official Mexicans are now the official poster children for colonized people full circle what we're going to do today is we're going to watch the Dave Castro week in review and we're going to give you the deepest insights from anywhere in the community regarding
Starting point is 00:04:04 this fine piece of work. Oh, what I am going to do, someone said it didn't work last week. I don't believe them. And what we're going to do is we're going to edit all of our mics down so that you can turn your mics louder. Can you guys edit your, or I'm going to, oh, I already lower. I'm going to lower Pedro's to like 30. I'm going to lower Pedro's to 30. You want to try and you want to try lowering Mr.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Spins and yours to 32. Yep. And if you guys have issues with the, um, uh, volumes, just let us know in the comments, but we're lowering our mics so that you can turn your TV louder to hear Dave
Starting point is 00:04:41 because we can't raise Dave's mic. You get it. Get how that works. So do we have to shout then when we're talking? Uh, no, no, they just have to turn their TV louder to hear Dave because we can't raise Dave's mic. You get it? Get how that works. So do we have to shout then when we're talking? No, no, they just have to turn their TV louder. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Ready? And Oh, and we're going to watch this at 1.25 time. I'm altering his voice. Okay. Action. Monday, October 30th,
Starting point is 00:04:59 2023. Let's dive into comments at W Thibault. Dave, can you explain how CrossFit hiring J de coons is consistent with the affiliate culture he's a man who called crossfit affiliates unsafe places on industry panels this feels like a betrayal i'm gonna talk about jay for uh for those of you who don't know jay de coon is the new uh affiliate director uh originally i think it was i think maybe day i think the original affiliate director was maybe greg and la, I think it was, I think maybe Dave, I think the original affiliate director was maybe Greg and Lauren, and then it was Dave and Nicole, and then it was Lisa Lugo, and then it was Kathy Glassman.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And then it was, there's been like fucking four or five. I think that's, that's the history of it since 2000, for those who don't know. It's in my experience with him. So I met Jay several months ago when we were doing the interview process to hire someone for this role. Oh, then it was Gary Gaines. Also, sorry, after Kathy Glassman, it was Gary Gaines. And then I want to say maybe it was Austin Maliolo. Maybe there was a guy even before Gary Gaines.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Anyway, it's a tough position. For those of you who don't know, one of the things about CrossFit is that it is also a small business miracle. It's the fastest growing brick and mortar, for lack of a better word, chain in the history of the planet. It grew from 300 to 15,000 small mom and pop gyms with a $4 billion, $5 billion, $8 billion ecosystem around the world in less than 10 years. And so the position of being at the affiliate director is probably arguably the most important position you could have in the fucking company. People really, really are relying on you. He came across as a really genuine and great guy. And I was really impressed with his perspective and with his experience at that time with CrossFit. I had not seen this video, but he was someone who really had been involved with CrossFit at this point and had done it on an affiliate and saw how transformative it can be in his own life, but more importantly, in other people's lives too. Fast forward a few
Starting point is 00:07:01 months later, he ended up accepting the the job i met him at the all hands okay so what dave is saying is that either i didn't catch the beginning either he met him in like the interview process or he was introduced to the executive team he really liked them but he didn't he still hadn't seen the video so what dave is saying is he actually has seen the video for those of you haven't seen the video it's on the internet he was on a panel at south de coon was on a panel at South by Southwest in 2018 where he said some things that you would not want the affiliate director To say if you were one of these gym owners is basically saying CrossFit isn't safe Any comments so far you guys so Dave actually there when it sounds like Dave was part of the interview process
Starting point is 00:07:41 Know that we had here is what it sounds like no that we had here is what it sounds like um okay and then now dave's going to go on to say that he met him um now in aromas remember they had an all-hands meeting uh a couple weeks ago and he's going to talk about meeting him in aromas there in santa cruz about a month ago and spent some time with him there had really good interaction with him and since then have been on a number of calls with him had one had really good interaction with him. And since then, have been on a number of calls with him, had one-on-ones with him, spent a lot of time with him and genuinely impressed with and enjoy having him on the team as a contributor and as someone who's leading the affiliate team. I liked what I knew about him before he was hired. And now I've worked with him and I like him.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Is that what you guys are hearing? Yeah. It basically has not changed. It's just things that... Now it works. Yeah. Spin, is that what you've heard so far? Yeah. I mean, he liked
Starting point is 00:08:44 what he heard in the interview and all the times he's talked to him since it seems like he meshes well with them uh on what conversations i don't know what they you know i'm sure it's talking about how they want to kind of approach you know him taking over but uh sounds like he likes him yeah before and after okay a spin this is i don't know if you um smoke some fentanyl before the show but let's try to make this faster than the duel the rogue duel please thank you thank you did i get a laugh out of him i can't even tell her to giggle okay good He has a wide variety of life experiences. He's slow, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Ah, yes. Okay, good. Yes. Well, Rogue, what was your excuse for the duel? No, sorry, Katie. Sorry. Okay, so he just said something. How do I go back five seconds?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Arrow keys, left and right. I'm only going back seconds at a time okay I think he just said he has a lot of life experiences that that's interesting experiences outside of CrossFit in the business world and in the fitness world away from this ecosystem and
Starting point is 00:09:57 so he's saying he has a lot of life experiences I'm just going to call bullshit on that like in this ecosystem I don't think he has but maybe he has I just don't think he has I'm just going to call bullshit on that. In this ecosystem, out of this ecosystem, I don't think he has. But maybe he has. I just don't think he has. I'm not buying it. Maybe he just interviewed really well. Well, he did grow
Starting point is 00:10:15 a bar method. Okay. Did Ben say one sentence? He said he did grow the bar method yeah that's bankrupt now isn't it i grew probably like four or five hundred thousand dollars in wheat one year yeah i didn't see um no i mean i think he he grew which it is far so he was able to do that successfully another year I grew like probably $80,000 worth of weed and I didn't even sell it
Starting point is 00:10:51 I just like bagged it up and just like I didn't even sell it I don't even smoke it I don't know if Spin can contribute to this show he looks the most mature out of all of us but Spin we can't hear you you're moving funny can you do something about your internet can you can you how come it never
Starting point is 00:11:12 does that on your show are you trying to sabotage my show i'm trying let me uh i love how he said i'm trying but he said are you trying to stop oh that's funny. The one thing he did here, you know, we heard that part, right? Spin. Okay. Here we go. Let's keep going. Now in the past few years, he has a lot of experiences within CrossFit specifically his own journey in
Starting point is 00:11:36 doing it. I think he has his. Okay. I don't think Dave said anything in the last 20 seconds. He has a lot of life experiences and he's got a CrossFit journey experience. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So do we. Jay is the right guy for this job and the right guy for this role. I'm really excited about working with him. And I believe he can do a tremendous amount to drive us forward and to help the affiliate community thrive and the global community of CrossFit thrive in that regard too. What he said. He said he's the right guy for the job that can help the affiliate community thrive. Dave is vouching for him.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Listen, I always said he was a great guy. Pedro loves them you did wow okay so Dave's vouching for him thoughts Mr. Spinn why is Dave using I think Dave has a lot of integrity I mean with me he has integrity trust honesty I always fucking
Starting point is 00:12:40 got Dave's back even when he's fucking ran me over with the bulldozer I fucking respect the dude to fucking the end of the world. And now Dave spending some of his, his reputational equity to get this guy saying he's got this guy's back. This guy's the right guy for the job. Thoughts on that? Mr.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Spin, you want to go first and see if you can even talk. If you're allowed, if the internet gods will let you. I feel like, I feel like he has to say this. You can't come out and say that he doesn't think he's the right person for the job. I think we talked about it, or you mentioned it. He could say nothing.
Starting point is 00:13:20 He could say nothing, though. He could say nothing. He could say nothing, though. Yeah, but he does a good job of answering most of the questions on here. He doesn't filter them and take the easy questions. And so he's taken this question. He's answering it in a way that is politically correct and that he's not going to knock the guy publicly. And we'll see if he's not going to knock the guy publicly and, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:46 we'll see if he's right or not. Unfortunately, CrossFit's been wrong in a lot of the hires they've had recently. Pedro, what do you think about Dave spending some of his, would you agree? I characterized Dave, right?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Like he has a lot of equity with the, with the CrossFit audience, whether you like him or not, people trust him. And he's spending some of that here? He's spending a lot of it because he's saying he was on the interview panel. He's saying he liked him during the interview. He's saying he liked him afterwards. He's saying he's the right guy for the job.
Starting point is 00:14:16 He's saying I vouch for him. I give him a chance. You guys should give him a chance. All that kind of stuff. And it's like Dave has a lot of respect and he holds a lot of weight and a lot of kudos with a lot of different people like basically everybody so it's like it's damaging for him if this goes badly because he's so firmly stood behind it like obviously if he's going to talk about it like spin saying he can't come out and say yeah i mean i guess we'll
Starting point is 00:14:43 see what happens i don't know maybe we fucked up maybe we did the right thing who knows like he if he's going to talk about it he has to kind of has to talk about it like this um four years ago i don't know i'll be very questionable if he if he didn't back it up like caleb do you have any thoughts on this what do you think about him spending his equity i mean it's a it's a it's a bold move you don't see i mean i i'm trying to think if i've ever seen dave do this that's what i was wondering too has he ever publicly come out about somebody that they've hired and said hey i'm gonna vouch for this guy which also makes me it leads me to believe that maybe dave is he's investing his own time and developing him maybe because like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna vouch for this guy i'm to make sure that he's the right person for the job.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Like, I mean, obviously he doesn't have the CrossFit experience. So maybe Dave's taking his own time out of his own schedule to give him the tools or give him what he needs to be a successful affiliate director. This is a hot take here. And I don't use that term very often. Heidi Kroom, Don fall says, quote, Dave,
Starting point is 00:15:45 you need to support and help a dude, help a brother out, help a player out. That would be interesting. I, I go ahead. I feel like if that was like, maybe I'm wrong about your relationship with him,
Starting point is 00:15:57 but I feel like if that was the case, he probably would have told you to shut up by now. If that was what he, if he was being told, Hey, we all need to like cut this out like and you know stamp it out i feel like he would have said hey can you lay off a bit if dave was told implicitly by oh that he would have said it to me would you lay off he would
Starting point is 00:16:16 have said to you by now hey can you just like turn it back a bit fair fair yeah and he and he might say that to me yeah uh he has not said that to me uh for the record he has not said to me hey um don't ask pound to coon uh martin graham tdc sadly bs through this entire explanation very uncharacteristic of him but when you gotta do it you gotta do it mainly because he's got a skin in it classic passiveness uh move on oh really is that what he's you mean just i don't know i'm not okay let's keep going i haven't i don't feel hey i well i don't know how much he rehearsed it i guess i guess i'm naive but i'm thinking he just opens these up and reads these but let's let's let's keep going oh shit look at this cave dastro dave must have updated to new firmware. Aye, aye, aye. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Community Thrive and the global community of CrossFit thrive in that regard too. What he said several years ago, I wish he didn't say that, but at the time, that was his perspective and that was his experience. Since then, he's had a change of heart and a change of perspective on CrossFit and the methodology
Starting point is 00:17:27 and the affiliates and what happens in there. And I don't mean even since getting the job, but I just mean after that. And it's totally understandable and totally okay for people to think one thing at one point and then change their mind years later through their own experiences, through growing and through trying something out and through just this self-realization of being wrong. And he went through that. And I think that's okay. I think it's okay for us to give him a chance. And that's what we should do. That's all I'm going to ask of anyone who's listening to me is just give him a chance and judge him off of what he does going forward oh let's okay uh uh heidi says um uh what what uh dave is um uh what do you say she said she said something
Starting point is 00:18:13 like this whole explanation is bullshit how do you think so now let me let me give you my perspective if he uh this explanation is pr bullshit really here's the thing where he kind of got me we all I'm not justifying him being I'm not justifying him being hired as affiliate director I wasn't part of the interview process anything I've seen so far he wouldn't be fucking hired in a million years I could name 20 people
Starting point is 00:18:38 better than him I guarantee that but how many of us I bet you if you wouldn't let anyone do CrossFit who first thought it was stupid our community would be half its size isn't this like the CrossFit version of counseling someone who did blackface yeah
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't want to cancel him because just because he said he didn't like it at one point that's just kind of one of the many elements that's not sitting well and Dave says he wishes he wouldn't have said it too but fuck which also makes you believe that there was a conversation which and i'd fuck imagine me in a fly on the wall for that conversation dave sitting you down say i'm like playing the clip back for you like in the office you imagine the coos be like oh fuck i knew this was coming like a bead of sweat down his back he probably doesn't even
Starting point is 00:19:22 remember he probably didn't say like, what did you mean by that? What was your intent when you said that? And then just like sit back and let him talk for like 10 minutes. No, they didn't know. They didn't vet him. They didn't vet him right. They didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:19:34 No, but they definitely, like based off that, they definitely had a conversation after like say last week or whatever. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They get to that, don't they? They talk about that. I think you're right, Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:19:45 They didn't know who they were hiring. If you're going to hire somebody at that level, you go back and research what they have on the internet. And it's very easy. You type his name in and it comes up as the number one search result. And so you watch that, see what he has to say. And then you either know if you're going to hire him that you have to approach this right away and not let somebody else find it or you
Starting point is 00:20:13 don't hire him in the first place in that level of a role right like you have to be understanding what who you're hiring and why and they were i think completely blindsided by this when when it came out if i 100 agree with you if i'm an affiliate what i want from an affiliate director is someone who's just fucking advocating 24 hours a day for more media and i will say this also their media team hasn't done shit in the last year two years and it and it's a – I don't even know how they have one. If I was Don, I would just save every cent I have and just fire fucking everyone, maybe keep one person who just pushes the button on the workouts and posts a social media every day. What a joke. And so I am concerned if they don't see the problem with whatever is running their media department or what they call a marketing officer what's this guy
Starting point is 00:21:06 going to do this affiliate director did you not see the video about the pumpkin dude Google is the largest YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world you better be fucking posting to it if you're trying to run a business every single fucking day
Starting point is 00:21:23 and it's a popularity search engine it's a popularity search engine okay let's let's go on i i don't i don't call bullshit on this i just don't think it's a good explanation for an excuse for hiring the wrong affiliate director or director i think he's like conflating issues here but but but but once again i like i i i entrust i in god we trust and dave we trust watch the work and the contribution he makes to cross at hq the affiliates okay and the community at large okay i will wait and see his contribution i agree but in the meantime okay cool can we then can we get rid of whatever's going on on the media team? We've been waiting for their contribution for a while. Going forward. Let's set aside what he said then and understand that he's in a different place in his life and a different person with a different perspective. And that's okay. If we don't, if you just want to listen to what he said in 18
Starting point is 00:22:18 and just hold them accountable for that and just think that that's how he thinks now and, and punish him for that, which I've seen some suggest, then we're essentially engaging in the ugliest nature of cancel culture, in the ugliest forms of cancel culture. And so personally, I refuse to do that. I think what he said was wrong. I think what he said, I'm not even going to say was irresponsible because when he said it, he believed it and that's okay. What he said was of that time in his life. I can tell you 100% where he is at now in his life is not there. And that is how I am going to work with him.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And that is how I respect him for who he is now and not what he said then. And that's all I can ask of you guys to do too, if you want my advice or if you want my perspective on that. of you guys to do too if you want my advice or if you want my perspective on that. He's pivoted this whole thing hinging on his credibility as the affiliate director on this video
Starting point is 00:23:14 and if we hold it against him from five years ago, we're part of cancel culture. Thoughts, Pedro? Yeah, I mean it's a clever way to spin it. It is. Well done. Most of the people who would be most annoyed at his hiring are the same people that were most
Starting point is 00:23:32 annoyed at what happened with Greg so like it's like well if you do this then you're okay with what happened you know what I mean like you can't complain about Greg being cancelled if you're going to do the same thing with someone who said something and it's you know I don't know yeah it's clever you know, I don't know. Yeah, it's clever. Greg said
Starting point is 00:23:48 Floyd 19, which basically meant don't use the same logic you did to fight COVID with the logic you used to use racism and 500 affiliates got pissed. Now they hired a dude to run their affiliates. He said affiliates are fucked up and dangerous. The process and the affiliates
Starting point is 00:24:04 aren't making an uproar. I'm out. Oh my God. We fucking are surrounded by dipshits. Mr. Spin, go ahead. I mean, you look at Mike's comment there that Dacoons is a venture capital boy.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I mean, you look at Dacoons on Instagram. He and Rosa are followers of each other and the Coons never is on Instagram. So he knows. Yeah, that is a trip, right? Okay. And so. So you think Rosa's still pulling the strings?
Starting point is 00:24:38 You think the Lone Ranger podcast was right? Wow. I think Rosa said, Hey, I got this guy who would be great. He ran the bar method. He knows how to grow a business and whatever. I think you guys should talk to him. When that happens from a board member,
Starting point is 00:24:56 you don't say no. Even if it's that board member? Is it irrelevant? It doesn't matter if it's that board member. He's still a board member? Is it irrelevant? It doesn't matter if it's that board member. He's still a board member. Jonathan Ortega named 20 people. I'll give you five.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Myself, but they probably couldn't afford me. Daniel Chafee. That's the most logic. The fact that he's overlooked and he's leaving, right? That is fucking nuts uh he is leaving that i heard he's leaving his he's like the international manager and he's leaving the role i've heard rumblings too um um uh um get bring gary gaines back uh the guy the black the guy that rosa called the black american uh bring that guy back um uh leave malleolo in there until you find someone uh who's capable um and uh or or hire from within someone who's already on the affiliate team what they've done is they've it's clear that someone thinks that it's important that you go to
Starting point is 00:25:57 harvard from uh who's running who's running crossfit and they're fucking idiots whoever's doing it is a retard. There's nothing that beats experience. And I'm guessing this guy doesn't have experience. Heidi Kroom, just give him a chance. Why wouldn't an affiliate owner with a shit ton of experience be promoted to that role? Why bring an outside source who has no clue about affiliates? Great question. Would they want it?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Is the thing. the great question would they want it is the thing like i remember when uh fuck ollie mansfield was it was a uk country manager and he was he i i asked carol stebman at the time like why are you not doing it like would you know he's like oh jesus i don't want that like people complain to you all the time no i can't handle that then ollie took over europe when daniel shavey took over international and Carol stepped into the UK thing and I was like what changed and he was like well I was needed he's like I still didn't particularly want to do it but someone had to do it so like if you have that on a global scale how many people would have the drive to want to do it like I can think of
Starting point is 00:27:01 five or six people that would be unbelievable at it but it's like would they actually want to take on that it's a bit of a poison chalice at the minute so would they want to take it on now or would they want to take it on after this tycoon's guy maybe they're only hiring people they think they can control and that's why it's kind of like the dei team was to so so that that um pfaa thing that fikowski's a part of and the DEI council, those types of things. Those are only those are just fake groups that are just used to appease people. So it doesn't matter who you put in there. They don't actually have any power and they can't do anything. So you let those be the really hardcore activist types.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But maybe maybe you can't let someone who who's a free thinker. Daniel Chavey is a pretty free thinker. Maybe you can't let someone who's a free thinker. Daniel Chavy's a pretty free thinker. Or someone like Rob Lawson. So much experience with CrossFit Aberdeen. How about Dale King? How about Craig Howard? How about Matt Shindle?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Craig's in the area, too. He's right there. Seve, you're not allowed back you have to stick with us dude i'm going don't worry i'm i'm gonna take over from my little seat here the the journey has begun i'm not going fucking anywhere i can't wait till all you guys are like holy shit he did it you'll see okay here we go i look at my own journey. And let me say this too. If we were, if people were to be critical of CrossFit and then we're not to let them into CrossFit or even to work for CrossFit, we wouldn't have anybody around even before my journey in, uh, before I started doing CrossFit, I was incredibly critical of it. I thought it looked ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I thought it looked stupid. I thought it was dangerous. Then I obviously, as I self-educated and got involved, I had a change of heart even more recently, I'll even take it to 2018, 2019, when Greg was really big on keto and fasting and bringing along a lot of the experts from those realms and really big on pushing that within the CrossFit community. for Greg running the games and running training. One of his senior generals, lieutenants, whatever you want to call it. And internally, I didn't ever said anything publicly, but internally, I was totally revolting against it. I thought keto was stupid. I thought fasting was dumb. I wanted nothing to do with it. It might've had just because of how much Greg was kind of bringing it in. And I don't want to say forcing on us, but just. This is kind of where I'm at. I love everything Dave's saying, but I where Asymmetric Ears is jeez Dave we're talking about a key
Starting point is 00:29:28 role here not a new member thoughts? yeah that's the thing isn't it he's also tripling down here so he's using his own experience to further get to further stand behind him.
Starting point is 00:29:45 He's really getting by Dacoons. And Dave's a loyal guy too, by the way. We're going to be about halfway through the week in review and all he's talked about is I vouch for this guy, basically, in multiple different ways. Mr. Spinn, do you have anything? You don't have to bring in the top.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You don't have to bring him as a head of affiliates. John, I mean, bring people in at a lower level and let the people work up. Let Austin move into that role or keep that role from being interim and bring other people in and work their way up. You don't bring somebody in who doesn't understand the methodology who's spoken badly about it without having a reason for it as the head of affiliates unless they want to bring him in to make some radical change and then sack him as a scapegoat someone that theyat. Someone that they're not loyal to,
Starting point is 00:30:46 someone that they owe nothing to. Yeah, and by the way, if they do raise the affiliate fees like everyone's saying they're going to, that decision won't be his anyway. That decision doesn't... Even when I worked at CrossFit, that was one where Greg would...
Starting point is 00:31:01 A lot of times, Greg ran the ship like a fucking strong captain, but that one was like... He got a lot of input on that one. Because that one rocks the boat. Every single affiliate owner in the community is going to have an opinion on that, especially if they don't grandfather in the old ones, which I'm hearing they're not going to. But I don't have any good sources for that, by the way. Mr. Beaver, thoughts on Dave going all in?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, I agree. I don't really think that bringing him in as the head of affiliates is probably the best idea. I like the idea of bringing somebody in maybe two or three steps down and letting them work their way up. Actually like proving themselves, doing his L1, maybe coaching some classes, working at the HQ affiliate or whatever it is, and learning the methodology from the ground up first and then being like okay this is adequate i think you're ready for this position kind of thing the thing about all the people who've done seminar staff are the people who've mentored people who are going for their level three or their level four or whatever like
Starting point is 00:31:58 affiliate owners who mentor other affiliate owners and they've all been overlooked for a guy who doesn't have a level one you know it's just oh yeah how are they not qualified enough to do that um let me let me say two things real quick this is very interesting point craig for those of you who don't know craig howard was a country manager and he was told not by the current regime but the previous regime that um he needs to close his doors during covid and craig said fuck you i'm keeping my doors open and he kept taking the fines from the county, the city and the state. And he was told by Rose's team, hey, you need to close your fucking doors or else we're not going to let you be a country manager anymore. And Craig said, well, I'm keeping my doors open.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And they took away his country manager position. Fucking nuts. And Mike Pullboy saying that's why that's why he should be the affiliate director, because he's shown that he stands by affiliates. That's better than any Harvard MBA. I'll tell you fucking that. Not that it's hard to be better than a Harvard douchebag. I'd also like to say this. This is, I think, the first time I've seen Hillers launch many torpedoes at the mothership. I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen one hit. Would you guys first let me ask you this question. Are you agreeing that this is all in regards to the videos that hillers made around de coons the the youtube and the instagram is that what dave's responding to what's what's it we don't believe we don't believe in coincidences isn't it
Starting point is 00:33:16 yeah and what did you say and doesn't didn't dave say that he watched it or saw all the news come out when they were all together in Austin? Yeah. Word that came out on Hiller. Were they all sitting there watching Hiller's video in a bedroom somewhere? Yeah. Usually they ignore him.
Starting point is 00:33:40 That's usually the best thing to do if you are the mother shit. They couldn't ignore this one. I think they're aware of it. Right into the hole. Let it go by. Yeah. Caleb, is this a right caricature portrayal?
Starting point is 00:33:57 This is a Hiller fucking launch. Finally launched a torpedo that was a direct hit on the fucking mothership. They're having to defend one of their own now. They're like, hey, we made our bed, now we have to lie in it kind of thing. Yeah, they were chumming the waters with Tia and others
Starting point is 00:34:11 and Bill Poore ending no-repper, Dave and Hip at Steel, but now one fucking made it past the athletes and hit the mothership. And them taking down their video definitely shows that they were rocked by this. Just to be honest, they didn't take it down. Just to be clear, they made it unlisted so that the people who got the original newsletter could still see it.
Starting point is 00:34:37 They just – it wasn't open to the public. They didn't want the public. That's an important – right, right, and that is an important distinction. Okay, here we go. right right and that is important distinction okay uh here we go um i don't really want that you want to i'm going to tell you guys something that i don't really i'm not i haven't really said this publicly i think my show is just for the fucking cool kids i want to cook it kind of yeah i don't want to like give anyone like uh yeah i don't want to have anyone on my show that i like i think my show makes people look good i think that's all it
Starting point is 00:35:14 does if you come on my show no matter who you are you leave here and people are like oh i like you more bryce right well that would have been fine. That was Hiller. Yeah, that was Hiller. That one wasn't my fault. That one wasn't my doing. So I don't want to bring him on. I'm not ready to massage. I'm a masseuse.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'm not ready to give him a massage. I don't think I did that to Bryce. I was cool to Bryce. Hiller just fucking... Bryce did that to himself. Hiller didn't do it to him. You didn't do it to him. He did that to Bryce. I was cool to Bryce. Hiller just fucking Bryce had like. Bryce did that to himself. He didn't do it to him. You didn't do it to him. He did it to himself.
Starting point is 00:35:49 He had 35 loose strings on his sweater and fucking Hiller pulled them all off until he was naked. Really, we went from one perspective. We were always low carb, but then kind of really pushing this. I didn't want to have anything to do with it. And I thought it was ridiculous. And I thought it was the wrong way of eating. Several years later, here we are. I found it on my own.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I kind of decided at a point to dive into it, to self-educate. And I've had a complete change of heart. Keto for me and fasting for me works really well. And I see the benefits and I am a big fan. And I think they can benefit a lot of people. So there's an example actually within the same timeframe of Jay's example of where I've had a change of heart and a change of perspective from something that I thought was really dumb. And actually I did think it was dangerous. There's something now that I see as really effective
Starting point is 00:36:36 and potentially life-changing for those who use same thing could be said happened to him. And the same thing actually did happen to him. So let's just give him a chance and let's move forward and support him and enable him to do, the only way he's gonna do that job effectively is if people in the community work with him and support him and give him advice, give him, tell him what,
Starting point is 00:37:03 our affiliate community should be in constant communication with someone in his role to set him up for success. So feel free to reach out to him. Feel free to give him a chance and show him some support. All right. Thanks for listening to me rant on that. It was obviously something that we had to deal with in the last few weeks. Hal Roberts, your show is more about the guests. Most of the time, your guests are likable to begin with.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Sevan, I think your argument is exactly the reason to get him on. Let's see if we like him more afterwards or not. Here's the thing. I've had probably 20 people on that are world-class pieces of shit that you guys end up loving, and I just have to bite my tongue. I don't come back and be like, let me tell you about this person. Let me tell you about this,
Starting point is 00:37:50 what I saw them do one time. And so I'm not every, like, I really do think like, that's why someone sent me a DM the other day. And they're like, Hey dude, T will never come on your show because of this.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And I'm thinking to myself, I say this with all humility, with all humility. Someone let me juxtapose this humility with another word. And I am not humble, but I say this with all humility and peace and love. It is only her loss. It is not my loss if someone doesn't want to come on my podcast. It is only their loss. And I say that with all humility. someone doesn't want to come on my podcast It is only their loss And I say that with all humility No one's going to come on here And it's going to damage their career
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah Tia's missing out It's all on her Do I want her on? Of course Do I care? Zero Does that make sense? Okay here we go. So, okay, so anyway, so I accept him.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Fine, I accept him. Dear Dave, I fully accept this dude, Dacoons. I'll completely leave him alone. I'll give him a chance. I respect the fuck out of you for vouching for him. And Jay, good luck, buddy. I hope that you kill it. I want you to do the best. I
Starting point is 00:39:05 hope the affiliates thrive under your, um, your guidance and tutelage. And I, and I hope you get up to speed on the CrossFit culture. It is, um, it's a fucking, there's no pussies here, dude. We weed out all the pussies. They tried to come in, they stormed the castle, the pussies, but we're weeding them out. Uh spin thought final thoughts before we shift uh subjects on you know when they say that if you're you're lying you go into more detail oh i haven't heard that but this is yeah so like if you're if you're lying you give out way too many details and you kind of over explain have you ever heard dave rant and ramble on for this long on a certain topic no he no he is a man a few words that's a good point he's a man a few words yes so
Starting point is 00:39:53 does it feel like he's trying to say more to make it more convincing that he is behind this guy fed up with road rage gas gu guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less
Starting point is 00:40:18 mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman NSC, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I don't know if that's the case or if he's just fired up about the topic itself. I don't have the answer to that, but the answer is 100% correct. And even if I did have an answer, to be honest with you, I don't know if I would say it. Part of me never wants to undermine Dave. But I also don't want him i also like as a friend of dave's i don't want him hurting his own personal stock by having homeboys back if homeboy's a d-bag you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:41:33 but then again you could say that about me too he's had my back and i've fucked all sorts of things up for him imagine imagine like he's like hey can you guys bring step on to do behind the scenes and next thing you know fucking me and hill are ass pounding their new affiliate director fuck that's not that's not a good look so you're not buying it is that what you're saying mr spin or you're just you're suspicious no i think i think there's no way you could go like i said earlier he can't come out and say this was a bad hire i was forced to do it rosa pushed it down on us so he has to make it sound good and my interpretation is he spoke for so long which is so far out of context that he's trying to overcompensate and and convince us otherwise.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Why not just not say anything? I mean, he's kind of gotten himself into it. He just reads the comments as they are. Oh, right, right, the comments. Okay, okay, good point. Okay, the comments. He doesn't want to duck the comment. Okay, Pedro.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I kind of think maybe I'm dumb, but I kind of think the opposite. I think because he never speaks like this, the fact that he is speaking like this means it holds more weight because he never does it like he never talks he is like i said he quadrupled down he's like sextupled down like he like said the same thing and thank god you came back with this i like this because uh spin had me one wow i was starting to sweat okay yeah okay he he told us he was on the interview panel that's once right so he said i vouch for him he's told us that he spoke he us he was on the interview panel that's once right so he said i vouch for him he's told us that he spoke he well he alluded to the fact that he's spoken to him
Starting point is 00:43:10 about this clip and stuff and that he's changed his mind that's two he's asked he's given an own like his own detailed life example um about something that he disagreed with greg on and has talked about it in detail like that's three and then there was three others in between the interview and the you need you guys need to give him a chance he had three of those please in the middle of that as well like that's about six times he said hey guys come on like we get behind him and like he never does that kind of thing he usually just says no i'm not gonna answer that or like you guys just need to trust us and then move on to the next thing but the fact he's gone on about and so much means that one he feels the outcry or the annoyance or whatever from the
Starting point is 00:43:50 affiliates and the community and he feels that it deserves an actual thoughtful response like a detailed response and he's given us that and the other thing i wanted to say is nothing to do with this but hal is like half correct when he says that we already knew all the people that come on your show. We like them beforehand. I disagree with that because I would say maybe 15 to 20 people that I now really love in the CrossFit space. I first heard speak with you or first heard say things that they've never said before with you compared to others. But I'll just take your dick out of my mouth now. So I'm too much of a pussy
Starting point is 00:44:25 to really say how I feel, because I just want to believe Dave. Mr. Spin is like, this is uncharacteristic, it's got my fucking spidey senses going. Pedro is like, this is uncharacteristic, wow, Dave must really have his side of the back. And Caleb,
Starting point is 00:44:53 and Caleb, Caleb, and caleb uh and in caleb uh caleb what do you got for the tiebreaker uh uh do you lean towards pedro or do you lean towards uh mr spin i was on i was on uh spin side until pedro mentioned that where he david he doesn't say any really any good thing about anybody specifically he'll just kind of talk in vagaries all the time but so I agree I think him saying something at all is telling that he's one going to put his effort and time into making sure that Jay is ready for the job and capable to do the job but also that he's putting some trust in him to be a good fit for the company itself uh wad zombie the big problem with this is there isn't any way for us outside of hq to keep our finger on the pulse of whether this guy is doing a good job or not we don't know until it's too late uh really in my in my mind also the well i don't have time for that we'll maybe we'll do one more
Starting point is 00:45:43 show on what the what the affiliate director should really be doing. Caleb is a delegate appointed by Seve. He parrots with Seve by default. That is not true. You don't pay attention to those shows very often, do you, Bernie? That is not cool, Bernie. Jesus criminy.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Jesus. Does that one sting a little bit, Caleb? Yeah, I feel offended. I feel like you and I get at odds like regularly. And Bernie's a, and Bernie's, man, he's, do you think Bernie's been drinking? He must be.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I mean, it's almost five o'clock, so. Out of character for him. All right. And people who were angry were rightfully angry, but I wanted to give a perspective from my position Out of character form. I was able to see it for the first time. I was able to talk to him about it. We talked as a leadership team with him about it. I do know that how he felt then is not how he feels now. That's cool. Dave's not alienating the affiliates
Starting point is 00:46:56 being like, fuck you. You guys are being assholes. He's tying it together and being like, hey, whatever you guys felt was appropriate. Thoughts, Ben? How uncomfortable do you think that room was when that came out you would learn so much about tycoons in that five minutes when you like say hey what's this hillary thing about and then you'd learn everything you need to know about that man inside those first especially someone like dave like you'd learn everything you need to know about them right there do you do you think that his reaction to that solidified that dave he's is is backing him like
Starting point is 00:47:30 the reasoning that hey hey well what made what spin just said just made me really think something crazy i thought this before but it hadn't come out quite like this I don't think That means that the I'm guessing when that came out Everyone on the affiliate team saw that And I'm guessing everyone at HQ saw that That fucking That made them second guess Dacoons I'm guessing maybe it even made
Starting point is 00:47:59 Don second guess Dacoons it probably Like just everyone was like And so they have to either figure out at this moment do we get rid of this guy right now or try to shore it up and now I am thinking that like okay
Starting point is 00:48:15 I mean who's the most influential person in all of CrossFit we're looking at him we're watching him and so he's saying so that means they're going to try to shore this up that means they're not going to fire him they're going to try to shore him up not right away yeah no but i also think that's why it's dave's defending him so hard on this because he's the only one that could yeah exactly i mean
Starting point is 00:48:42 other otherwise he would just he was he i mean we put him on the spit roaster we were gonna start turning the pig I mean he did probably he probably got a few rotations Hiller spun him around a few times oh my goodness next comment how happy is Gary Gary Gaines probably
Starting point is 00:49:01 the old affiliate director you guys should have kept me. At BrandonPastorik9728. Hi, Dave. Thanks for the shout out. Are you going to be at Legends in December this year? Yes, I will go to Legends. I don't know how many days I'll be there,
Starting point is 00:49:16 but I'm going to go to Legends, check them out, see how they run the event and to show support and give them feedback and set them up for success for the following year. Also, BrandonPastorik. Another thing, in the future, are you going to have input on the programming for masters, teens, and adaptive divisions, or are you going to give the organizer free range? We are going to give them mostly free range, but I think we will work with them and give them guidance and lessons learned and set them up for success with some of our experience as much as they want it. We'll see and reevaluate off of this first year,
Starting point is 00:49:46 but the attempt or the intent for the first year is to give them a lot of creative freedom. And I think they'll all do fine with it, but just so people don't know the legends competition he's referencing is an event that's in December. That's for a master's athletes. And I think it actually starts at a 30 years old. Jake Chapman,
Starting point is 00:50:05 Seve, what would Dave have to do for him to lose your trust? Have not been a seal and lied about it. No, even then I would trust him. I don't know. That's a good question. I don't think he could,
Starting point is 00:50:21 I would be really hard for him to lose my trust. Um, I've chosen my trust on him. I've chosen that it's, I'm not like other people where their trust in other people is anchored in those other people. My trust in people's anchored in myself and it's fucking anchored deep. I know some people aren't even going to understand what I just said, but it would be really fucking hard for him to break my trust like if he came over to my house and like stole
Starting point is 00:50:49 my car and said he didn't do it i don't know if they would break my trust yeah yeah heidi's kind of like more closer to that it's more i don't seve doesn't believe in that he trusts everyone it's kind of like that yeah but i just make sure that I don't know everyone. So everyone that I know I trust, but I try not to know too many people. I try not to let people in. And then once you're on the trust side, I won't ever kick you out. Oh, that sucks. I wish you wouldn't have brought that up.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Okay, here we go. Masters, so he's's gonna let them program i i heard that and i also heard that he wants to go see how they run the the event which and i'm thinking i think that's a lie i don't think i don't think dave wants to go anywhere he just wants to hang out at the ranch well there's more about so we picked a partner to run an event that CrossFit doesn't know anything about. Like who made the decision to go with Legends?
Starting point is 00:51:52 And why? It was kind of 50-50 really, wasn't it? Who made the decision to go with Legends? What do you mean? As the one to run? What do you mean? Yeah as the one to run as what do you mean? Yeah. So he's going, he's going to legends in a month and he's going to go see how they run the
Starting point is 00:52:13 event. Right. Well, you're, you're pushing off the masters games experience to the legends and you don't know how they run the competition. Oh, why has he never been why
Starting point is 00:52:26 it doesn't sound like it oh and so you think that was a mistake you think that was like similar to like bringing this guy on board de coons like hey you never worked this guy doesn't know what he's doing i don't i'm just wondering what what how they're making their decisions well he probably to be honest with you this this pool of people who runs events is so incestuous like if when i was watching rogue and i'm looking at the staff running it i'm like oh those are all the people who weren't working the fucking games so legends is probably the same way they probably have their staff probably works to get excuse me works the games right maybe i mean it just kind of had a red flag like what
Starting point is 00:53:05 do you mean you don't know how they run it okay good point yeah right well so I guess he's gonna see it now but that's a good point valid point valid point maybe he hasn't ever been to any Masters competitions outside of CrossFit
Starting point is 00:53:22 I mean I don't think he's going to competitions that he doesn't have to go to. No, right. They can lean into us as much as we want, as they want, but we will have awareness. We will have some general view of the programming before it's put in play. At CF underscore Steven.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Dave, let me know. Oh, here's the interesting. Joe from Legend said Dave used to show up at their gym a lot when he lived nearby. I have heard amazing things about Legends, and it sounds like they have a fucking pretty amazing, I don't know if bored is the right word, but the people behind the event are are very strong i hear like very very
Starting point is 00:54:08 strong very eminently capable and my comment wasn't to say that they're not it was just more about crossfit's not how does crossfit know anything or you know that comment just kind of felt weird that they didn't know don Don't you love Dave's little slips? He said, like, they can lean into us as much as you want, as much as they want. It's like, you mean as much as you want. Like, you couldn't give a fuck how much they want to lean into you.
Starting point is 00:54:35 You're drawn to mine. Cave Dastard, when is Stacey Tovar OnlyFans dropping? We will be announcing that on tomorrow's morning show. I don't know about when the bottles go online for sale because I can't make Dawson for Rogue. So we sold them at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I think they sold out. I actually didn't check with anyone. Someone told me they sold out. Someone who was there, but pretty soon I will put them online. Just working out the e-com store. Finalizing that. Shoot the club up is Josh Bridges. Well, that would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Do you guys know who shoot the club up? Do you guys know about him? Is that to be aggressive commentary? Yeah. I don't think that that's Josh bridges. It will be funny. Anybody. Does anyone else think that,
Starting point is 00:55:18 or is that a joke? There's no way. I wonder if that's true. I should have asked Josh. I spent a lot of time with Josh. I'll cover that in a. I should have asked Josh. I spent a lot of time with Josh. I'll cover that in a minute. Ben Tilly, 3529.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Could the open go back to five weeks? Oh, and it sounds like Dave's olive oil sold out. So congratulations to Dave on that. Hopefully, I'd like to see some media on the process of it being made. There's so much fucking shenanigans going on in olive oil. And Dave has told me that he's followed the whole fucking process and he's so proud of it so hopefully we'll get some content on that if only he knew someone that could create some content for around there yeah weird he can't three weeks feels like it's over before it started there's always a repeat so only leaves two new
Starting point is 00:55:59 workouts i don't know if the open should go back to five weeks. Five weeks feels like it's, five weeks is a really long, almost burden on the affiliates and those who had to conduct it for their affiliates. I think three weeks is this nice spot for the community. It's the right amount of high level focus and attention can be given to it. So I'm a huge fan of the three weeks,
Starting point is 00:56:21 staying three weeks for this year. Also in years past when we did, when it was five weeks, one of the reasons we went to the three weeks, we look at the data of the engagement. And so obviously week one has the most submissions every week, the submissions dwindle or go down a little. And by four and five, the amount of submissions really trail off. So that alone, why is that an argument? I don't get that. First of all, I like five weeks, so I'm'm biased but who cares if the submissions trail off how is that a justification for not making it five weeks
Starting point is 00:56:49 it's about the fucking games it's about making the fucking open relevant again do any of you think it should be five weeks like I do I like having five weeks because a lot I liked having five weeks because a lot I liked having five weeks because I don't make it past the open. I straight just an open guy. So I'll just do the,
Starting point is 00:57:15 I liked having five weeks of competition, like one workout every week that I could compete with. And that was like all I did because I wasn't going to get any further, but I got my money's worth out of the five weeks. So I liked it. Hey, I'm a Mason Mitchell. Um,
Starting point is 00:57:33 seven likes five weeks so much that he's never done once done the open. Um, I'm pretty sure that's not true. I'm pretty sure Dave made me sign up like three years in a row. Just so you know, right. Someone could go check in the thing, but,
Starting point is 00:57:47 but who cares? I like covering it for five weeks. Oh, uh, I mean, Philip, you have to have to CrossFit to have an opinion on the open. I,
Starting point is 00:58:01 I think they, I mean, they're, they're kind of their intent is the quarterfinals is kind of the extension of the open it's just that 90% of us don't get to do it and so
Starting point is 00:58:16 I mean either you do five weeks and you get rid of quarterfinals or you keep it this way and the 90% of quarterfinals or you keep it this way and the 90 of us or 80 because the other 10 are still fighting for that 10 just live with three weeks in a limited test so do you like three weeks let's vote can we start a poll sure the fuck cares what pedro and spin you think let's do a poll five weeks or three weeks what good spin my guess is most are gonna like the three weeks
Starting point is 00:58:52 fuck that let me argue this i'm not talking about for yourself i'm talking about for for i like five weeks because i like what it does to the athletes and and what it does to the importance of it. And it allows them with more. Is this fair? Would you guys agree with this statement? With more workouts in the open allows them to put more pressure on the athletes to do better because you can make it more carry more weight because you can get a more balanced test. Yeah, that's my argument.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Do you like that spin? I mean, I'm not saying that you like a reason to fight. That doesn't I'm not trying to convince you that five weeks is better. I'm just trying to convince you that if you wanted it to carry more weight, one of the ways to do it would be to make it five weeks. You could lean on it more. I think if you went back to – if you would go back to 2017, 2018, where it goes open to, in this year, semifinals, I think the five weeks is the right thing to do
Starting point is 00:59:44 because the open would matter again and now could you make it so that there's two tracks right your competitive track and the rest of us track um or something of that nature a part b is competitive or something like that that's an extra for those that want to actually go for it how about this Jamie Latimer two competitions a week for two weeks that's not bad but then
Starting point is 01:00:14 just do five weeks like if people have a thing of oh it puts too much pressure on the affiliates and oh like too much stress on organized like two a week is the same problem now they just run into each other so you have like the window for submission closed on a wednesday and the window for submission opens on a you know a thursday or whatever like it's too like doesn't it doesn't fix the problem that i think they're trying to fix by making it three weeks i reckon that's why they're saying
Starting point is 01:00:36 three weeks really is because it puts too much pressure on the affiliates if it's five weeks to kind of map out their floor space and all that shit like. But the other argument is it gives the affiliate something to work around for five weeks and it gives like a community thing for five weeks that they don't really have to put any planning behind because the idea is there.
Starting point is 01:00:55 They just have to like make a thing around it. So it's kind of like an alley-oop. Pedro, Blade says faux weeks. Now, let me, that faux is an urban American vernacular for four Oh, right Just so you know
Starting point is 01:01:11 I don't want you to feel left out Makes sense Okay, we'll come back to the poll Keep voting Here we go Supports this notion of probably a three-week open is a better expression of the open. Last week, as I mentioned, I was in Austin at leadership meetings. During those, we went to Jeremy Thiel's gym, did a workout there. And then the next day,
Starting point is 01:01:37 we went to another CrossFit gym where we did a, we worked out at two gyms. Hold on, I'm drawing a blank on the name. Let me try to pull it up. The second gym was Kawi CrossFit. That's right. So we went to Kawi, K-A-W-I CrossFit the second day. The first day we went to Central CrossFit, Central. And the second day we went to Kawi CrossFit. On the first day we had rope climbs and I haven't climbed a rope in a while. It's been several months, four or five months. And the last time I climbed, it actually was at Roots, Nicole Christensen's gym. I thought I did just okay. I didn't feel like it was a really good rope climb session for me, but I still thought I did just okay. Well, this time we had rope climbs again and it was legless rope climbs. And I felt really good on the rope climbs. And from a seated position, we did like five rounds of legless rope climbs. I was doing them on a 12 foot rope because
Starting point is 01:02:22 that's what's in a rig. And then I moved over to a 15 foot rope and did it there and had no issue with it. So I felt like my rope climbing is somewhere it hasn't been in a really long time. I think for two reasons. One, because I am doing so much keto and fasting, I'm leaner and lighter than I have been in a while right now. And two, when I'm doing calls and these things, I'm always manipulating these grip strength things. And so between the combination of just inadvertently training my grip via these things and being a little leaner and because I do so much keto and fasting right now, it translated to some good success on the rope. So then after, of course, after I got back from that trip and came home this weekend, I did another rope climb workout running and legless rope climb. And again, it felt really great. Felt good on that.
Starting point is 01:02:59 So that's something I'm going to try to keep up on because rope climbing is something near and dear to me. It goes all the way back to my Navy days. There's been points where I have not been good at rope climbs. Whenever I'm not good at rope climbs, I don't feel good about it. I'm good at them right now. I'm going to try to maintain that and keep that up. Final day there in Austin, I went to the first night of...
Starting point is 01:03:17 Thoughts on Dave's rope climbing? Anyone? Who gives a fuck? First workout of the open, running in rope climbs. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah, regional throwback. Wow. I would do wall walks in rope climbs, first workout.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Mr. Spin, any thoughts on his gripper strength and anything? No. Good to know. Nice little tip if you can't do rope climbs. Just squeeze those little manipulator things. Jerk off instead. Great. Mr. Beaver.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Cool. Rogue Invitational. It was really cool for someone who had never been there. Spent a lot of time with Bill Henninger. He showed me around. I watched the first event. Spent some time with Josh Bridges. We talked a lot about the event and the programming. He helped program it. And then that evening went to a little mixer for the Legends athletes. So the athletes who are old school athletes who compete through the weekend in the Legends division. So it was a really good time. Hung out with a lot of people, met a lot of fans
Starting point is 01:04:17 of CrossFit. Saw a lot of athletes I hadn't seen in a long time to include Miko Salo. Haven't seen him in like over a decade, I think. And so really enjoyed the event. Wasn't able to stay for the whole weekend. Left the next morning, flew back Friday morning. But it looks like they had a really successful competition, even with all of the rain and all of the obstacles they had to deal with. So congrats to Bill and Katie on a great event. And hey, that's uncharacteristic of Dave too.
Starting point is 01:04:41 To go to an event Weird Very weird And then also to give love to it like that Like usually he just stays quiet Like you wouldn't say anything at all about it Nothing dude Nothing He don't give a Like he don't give a
Starting point is 01:04:57 Well But I did go to that event I did also go to that event with him in Northern California Maybe he's just a changed man A few months ago He called me and said Hey come up to this event with him in Northern California. Maybe he's just a changed man. A few months ago, he called me and said, hey, come up to this event with me in Northern California. We drive three hours up there, stayed for two hours, and drove back for three hours.
Starting point is 01:05:12 That was weird. Wow. That's more weird than going to Rogue. He was already in there, in Austin for the leadership meetings. Fuck, I didn't realize Romer was a monkey. in Austin for the leadership meetings. Fuck. I didn't realize Romer was a monkey.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Looking forward to some of the other events coming up that I might pop into like legends, for example, that one in December in Arizona. So that's it for comments. Oh, and Travis, last thing,
Starting point is 01:05:43 Travis Bajan was just here, and he had something he wanted to show me, but he was just at his son's game last night in LA, so he brought me a signed jersey from Tyson Bajan. So pretty cool. Tyson, it was cool watching him. He's a really good quarterback. I mean, he has, obviously, it's the second game ever in the NFL, but he looks really poised out there, and I'm excited to watch his journey
Starting point is 01:05:59 and to see where he goes with all of this. That's it. Thanks for tuning in. Next week, or drop comments into the comment section and I'll address them next week. Any final thoughts? By the way, thank you so much, Dave. Overall, I want to say thank you very much. Fucking awesome that you do this week
Starting point is 01:06:15 in reviews. It is the most powerful thing coming out of HQ. Thoughts, Mr. Sven? Completely agree. I mean, he is right now the face of really crossfit um that's what he provides his answers yeah but you don't see don you don't see anybody else you only see dave and i do respect that he does go through the questions and kind of just reads them and doesn't he kind of just reads them on the fly and then answers
Starting point is 01:06:47 versus picking through them so I do respect that piece of it and like Apple just released a bunch of new computers and it took them fucking an hour to say fucking nothing there's no corporate I feel like for the most part there's no corporate bullshit from Dave it's like hey
Starting point is 01:07:04 like okay he may have pivoted in that argument I feel like for the most part, there's no corporate bullshit from Dave. It's like, hey, like, okay. He may have pivoted in that argument, but he wasn't bullshitting you. You know what I mean? Like he was still at least like, hey, let me tell you this story. He talks about stuff you can touch. You know what I mean? It's not bullshit talk.
Starting point is 01:07:24 It's not fluff talk. I don't think. Except for the Dacoons rant, but that's another topic. You know what I mean? It's not bullshit talk. It's not fluff talk. I don't think. Except for the Dacoons rant. Tell me which part of the Dacoons rant. They give him a chance. Well, he had a story. Yeah, I think he just.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I've never heard him talk five minutes for one topic in that kind of rambling. But what I mean is it wasn't like – it wasn't corporate bullshit. It wasn't like he's a fantastic – well, there were maybe a few things like this, but it wasn't like he has a fantastic mind that's able to work through obstacles and problems. And I've noticed in the corporate setting when we're sitting at the desk, he's very attentive with a wise mind and his agility with difficult tasks. Like he actually – he did say he had a lot of – the only thing that difficult tasks like he actually he did say he had a lot of the only thing that i heard like that is when he said he had a lot of life experiences like well tell me what they are i want to be able to touch them tell me what they fucking are you know what i mean i guess he said examples too yeah i guess he said he went to school okay i just don't have put any validity on that but what i mean by he gave you stuff to touch on he talked about um
Starting point is 01:08:21 a relationship to how he's he how he's accepting to Coons because he also has gone through a journey, and then he told us what that journey was. So that's the respect that I mean that it was actually something I could touch. Savon, it was – it actually was support him, support him, support him, and if you don't, you're part of cancel culture. Fair. Yeah, I heard that too. Okay, I heard that too. Okay, listen. Anything else you guys want to say? I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That's it. Listen, this is going to happen really quick here. And I'm going to do this for a lot of shows. This slack block right here is one of the tools that Tyson Bajent uses. The slack block that he swears changed his game, gave him that extra 1%. That basically you can only throw a ball as hard as you can stay balanced. You can only swing a bat as hard as you can stay balanced. That balance is such an important component.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Jocko for CEO. How how about jocko suck this dick uh what i'm gonna say about the slack block is this speaking of tools by the way jesus christ i hope you're joking jake i can't wait he makes a really shit energy drink though i can't wait to make an energy drink. Oh, shit. Tyson doesn't need a slack block. He needs an actual blocking. Now, listen. Here. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Facts. You, the fifth affiliate owner who's in the chat, who writes the name of their CrossFit gym in the chat right now, I'm going to send one of these to you. So just write the name of your CrossFit gym in the chat right now, I'm going to send one of these too. So just write the name of your CrossFit gym down in here. Go ahead. Oh, and if you're the fifth. And if you're the fifth owner of that CrossFit gym, to write your name in this chat, you'll get the –
Starting point is 01:10:17 should I make it the fifth or the first one? Because now people are just going to wait for four others to pop up. Yeah. CrossFit Mike Sauer. Don't be, Oh, there it is. Are you the owner of CrossFit Vacaville,
Starting point is 01:10:29 Phillip Kelly? Are you the owner? No, Mike's CrossFit Mike Sauer doesn't count. Those don't count. Let me, let me count them. CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:10:38 CrossFit, CrossFit. You got it. No, listen, you got, listen, listen,
Starting point is 01:10:42 listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen,
Starting point is 01:10:42 listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen,
Starting point is 01:10:43 listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen,
Starting point is 01:10:43 listen, listen, God damn it. You have to be the fucking owner. Oh, fine. I'm giving it to's start over. God damn it. You have to be the fucking owner. Oh, fine. I'm giving it to Joe Neils. That's it. Fuck you guys. There it is. Joe, text me your address.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I'm going to be giving away a bunch of these. The blue thing is like malleable, is it? Yeah, yeah. Okay, squishy. There you go. Only affiliates can win this. The blue thing is like malleable, is it? Yeah, yeah. Okay, squishy. Yeah, yeah. There you go. Only affiliates can win this. Jackasses.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Congrats, Joe. Timo, are you the owner of that gym? Are you the owner of CF CrossFit Elmhorn? Fuck, my CD was skipping. Are you the owner of that you gotta be the owner is he is he is Timo the owner of that
Starting point is 01:11:32 Timo are you the owner yes he is okay Timo send me your DM me your address too and if I don't respond yes Germany fine
Starting point is 01:11:40 keep DMing me I'm gonna send you one too so DM me like until until I see it because you're gonna be in my uh oh fuck you're gonna be in my guest box dm caleb no one fucking dms him dm caleb perfect your fucking address and i'll send you one too caleb order that one from the store if you do think i if you do no just send me his address i got a ton of in my garage i'll
Starting point is 01:12:04 mail it to him uh steve flores if you really do think i had a you do, no, just send me his address. I got a ton of them in my garage. I'll mail it to him. Steve Flores, if you really do think I had a stroke, please text my wife and let her know so she can get me treated. All right. Barbell Spin, the fastest, most accurate, best place to get your information regarding all things CrossFit. Kayla Beaver from the Shattuckin. Go to YouTube to learn everything you need to know about the Shattuckin. And Coffee Pods and Wads, the only podcast that's deep the Shattuck and go to the YouTube to learn everything you need to know about the Shattuck and, and coffee pods in wads.
Starting point is 01:12:26 The only podcast that's deep and lets its guests talk in the crossroads space. Talk to you guys later. Bye. Bye.

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