The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | 01/29/24

Episode Date: January 30, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:00:39 Before unwinding on an outdoor patio. Oh. Then spending an evening on a cruise along the historic Rideau Canal. Ah. Exploration awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah. Plan your Ottawa itinerary at It's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Bam. We're live. Holy shit, I'm home. Scraggly. Scraggly. yeah, look at me. Look at me. Welcome, everyone. Holy shit, welcome back to the studio. Chase Ingram, his first Dave Castro Week in Review.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Andrew, good, smart, smart money, buddy. I'm nervous. Smart money. Luke, smart money. Very smart. Look at that stomach on Luke. Jeez, please. Someone sent me books to my house. I want to see. It's the German guy who lives in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Hey, Augustus, did you watch episode eight? I sent you a sneak, super sneak preview. How about I let Dave reviewed episode eight and told me that he'd like to hear less of my voice. That's funny. Hey, buddy. I ain't asking for feedback. I got my phone back. I wonder if that thing works
Starting point is 00:02:05 Chase Ingram's in the house Say that again So what happened to your phone? It's just been set on call forwarding Because it's been just going over to Suze's house Oh Okay Let me see if I can set my Bluetooth up
Starting point is 00:02:20 In case we get that Bold caller that feels like they have something That they have to contribute Search for all devices fergie what's up wanna love what's up heckler's at a comedy show oh magnus holmgren i did not send any books and it's a swede living in mexico whatever listen listen fucker they're all the same to us. Who was it? It was someone with a funky name that I recognize, like Marcus Graham or something. Is there a Marcus Graham in the house? Mark, Mr. Graham, are you there? like um if you would like how dare i not have if you would like uh og culture where you would go over to og culture yes and og isn't given it's earned it's not about the time served or status it's about having a mindset and attitude look at that looks like uh mike bergener's gym yeah is it which i'll bring him up on this episode oh interesting is is this mike bergener's gym bergener no this is just a garage
Starting point is 00:03:39 god um it's about getting back to our roots that made CrossFit, capital F please, and our community. Great to begin with. It's about showing up and putting in the work. Anyone can be an OG if they earn it. Yeah. New gear. Get with the pro community. Two definitely OGs.
Starting point is 00:04:02 No one will question Bill Grundler and Chase Ingram hey the the Wadapalooza doc it's getting I thought I maybe oversold it you know I was like hey dude this is innovative it's fucking groundbreaking it's the best behind the scenes in the world and
Starting point is 00:04:18 like the comments everyone agrees it's crazy that was so fun Hopper might become um the highest earning crossfit games athlete who never breaks the top 10 sorry top 20 yes no he's broken the top 10 i think he did it in 22 he was like seventh all right if you say so ruining a good joke he just had a rough year last year uh someone said hey seve why didn't you guys? Oh, Martin Graham.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Marty. Marty. Yeah, Marty. Marty sent me some books. Yeah, Marty Graham. I should give out my address so everyone can. Would you guys just start sending me all sorts of cool shit if I just gave out my address? I don't know if it'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I feel like that's debatable. It's a gamble. Oh, Jeremy World. Magnus can't read. it would be cool. I feel like that's debatable. It's a gamble. Oh, Jeremy World, Magnus Can't Read. Okay. All right. There was someone in here who said, why didn't episode – episode eight didn't come out today because it hadn't been approved by the Dave Castro yet. And it has since been approved. And so just to give the Wadapalooza doc some breathing room,
Starting point is 00:05:26 we're going to push episode eight to Friday and then episode nine will be Monday. So really you won't miss, you'll, you'll, we'll still be on schedule. They've been good. They've been fun to watch, man. Makes me happy to hear that. Very fun. I like the, um, the slow steady build through the episodes like one then like stuff starts getting real like the anticipation for the event to start through like one a one b and two like that's like after the first one i was like dang it like
Starting point is 00:06:00 i want something else to happen and then the second one, there's a little bit more. All foreplay, no ejaculation in the first three episodes. It was good. You got me. You got me hooked in. Patrick Clark. Wow, look at that. Some Illuminati shit. Look at that eye. The Adler clip was hilarious. Yeah, Patrick Rios killed it, man. Is my mic sounding okay? I feel like I'm hearing some
Starting point is 00:06:26 sort of weird feedback or something sound good all right sounds in the house good to see you great to see you okay uh it is the Dave Castro weekend review it's long one. We're going to go at one and a quarter speed today. Playback speed normal? No, I don't think so. 1.25. Chase Ingram in the house of Amatosean. Andrew Hiller will be joining us shortly. And here we go. Review, January 29th, 2024. Before I get into comments, a couple little updates on olive oil.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So I will have a new batch of olive oil in the next. Everyone's peddling their wares. I need some more. Yeah, me too. Me too. He needs it. Is there a subscription on the site? There needs to be a button just for a subscription. I don't know because they're like one
Starting point is 00:07:22 batch at a time. So I don't know. Maybe like every time it comes out, you would get one. So it's a little cheaper. I like automatically ship it to you. That's what I'm thinking. I'd do that. I'm on a TDC Mercantile site to purchase. And this time, so I only sold 250 milliliter tins before. But now I will also have a 500 milliliter option of organic California based extra virgin olive oil. And I have a new product that I'm going to put on the Mercantile site soon that I'm really excited about. Super limited quantity, but I think people will be really interested in it or I hope people will be really interested in it. I'm interested in it. All right. Any guesses on what that could be, Chase?
Starting point is 00:08:03 If he's interested in it, I was like, are we going to sell a gun? Miniature condoms? I'm glad he's beefing up to the 500 milliliter. I went through 250 so fast. I got two of them. My wife's like, I'm like, hey, can I taste the TDC olive oil he gave us? She's like, I used it all. I'm like, when? She's like i'm like hey can i taste the um tdc olive oil he gave us she's like i used it all i'm like when she's like in the past week like listen you tell me i was eating the tdc oil i didn't even taste it i don't even know uh seve i need some of that tooth powder of yours i just
Starting point is 00:08:37 made the switch from fluoride yes smart very soon very very, very soon. I chose the packaging today. We're working on the label and it's unreal. It's unreal. Even my kids love it. Okay, here we go. 4671. Hey, Dave, my husband and I love watching old CrossFit games. We always say the old school CrossFit events were so much fun to watch and super relatable, which makes it even more fun. Do you ever think that you and Boz will bring any of the old games events back, but change the weights and make it up to par with the athletes now? I know you guys have redone some here and there, but it'd be so cool to see one event from each year of each games come back to see how athletes do with them now. I love your videos. Thanks for all the good content. Thanks. Even when you look at Helena from last year, we had done in the past,
Starting point is 00:09:30 we did the triple Helen. Different. I guess that's not exactly what you're saying. It's a similar bench. What's the difference between Helen and Helena? Do you know those? Yeah, Helen, three rounds for time, 40 meter run,
Starting point is 00:09:49 21 kettlebell swings at 53 and 35, 12 chin-over-bar pull-ups. Helena at the games was three rounds, 40-meter run, 12 bar muscle-ups, followed by 21 dumbbell snatch at 50 and 35. So no pull-up? No, I mean, they beefed up, that was, they're saying is like, they beefed up the pull up to a bar muscle. Oh, right,
Starting point is 00:10:08 right. Sorry. Okay. But the, the age groupers all did regular Helen, which I thought was pretty cool. And the, I think there was like a, like the,
Starting point is 00:10:17 a spectator five K. I think there was a, a Helen version of that as well that people could do on site. Hey, um, There's a Helen version of that as well that people could do on site. Hey, why did you call it a chin over bar pull-up when you just not just say pull-up? I guess. That comes from being the host of Get With The Programming, that type of precision? A little bit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Because you got like chin over bar, chest to strict pull up, right? So it's like I like it. I ain't judging. I mean, I ain't judging just details Yeah details, all right mark with a twist but over the years we have dabbled with pulling some forward and adjusting weights And some we've even done exactly. Um the same you look at the first ever crossfit games workout the um The row and then pull up and and push-jerk workout. We did that a few years later, several years later at the Games, exactly the same way. And like the fastest time, the second time we did it, or I should say the slowest time was almost faster than the fastest time the first year we did it. And then at the 2020 Games, we took that same workout and adjusted
Starting point is 00:11:22 it, made it heavier, made it more appropriate for the athletes here at the ranch. So we do play with stuff like that. How crazy is that? What workout was it that the fastest time, the slowest time in the future was almost faster than the fastest time? Yeah, so they called it 2007 redo or something like that. It was reloaded 2020. I think they just called it 2007 at the games when they repeated it i believe it was 2013. and it was thousand meter row five rounds of 25 chin over bar
Starting point is 00:11:53 pull-ups and seven shoulder overhead at 135 and maybe 85. i don't even know if they changed the weights um and yeah the slowest time that year would have beat or top the fastest time in 2007, which is what you hope would happen. Hey, what was the workout at the 2009 games? Okay. That had all the, it had snatches and wall balls, I think. And it had every athlete holding their back and collapsing. Oh, God. That is the worst.
Starting point is 00:12:28 What was that? What workout was that? It was three rounds for time, 25. Or no, maybe five rounds. Five rounds. J.R. is probably going to text in. Five rounds, 30 below-the-knee hang squat snatches at 75 and 55, and wall ball shots at 20 and 14 off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:12:52 That thing messed my back up. Oh, no, it was just three rounds. Three rounds of 30 and 30. Three rounds, 30 wall ball shots. God, I was close. 30 squat snatches from below the knee. It was the standard that they had at 75 and 45 pounds. Oh, hold on. We have a comment from the peanut gallery. Hold on. We have,
Starting point is 00:13:12 I got, I love it when people chat. I can't believe we have actually have someone in the chat. Let's pull this one up. Audrey, Brian would know this. Chasing your main O'Brien friend. Brian knows people, not events not like right right chasing your mate no brian friend hey yeah with all due respect hey um uh once i got it right so because the people because of the stimulus that we saw um what the stimulus did would that be inappropriate to program that again or no is that an inappropriate workout uh no actually i think it's much more doable now
Starting point is 00:13:56 than it not that it wasn't doable then it was just a uh it was a wake-up call i mean those guys warred yeah now the only thing that would be, I don't want to say like inappropriate, but challenging is that the athletes now would be so good at that, that the speed at which you execute that, not the matter of can you do 30, can you do 30 for three rounds without breaking,
Starting point is 00:14:18 or how many times do you have to break to get it? They would be so fast that the limiting factor would be, now, how do i move quicker in a confined range of motion standard which is always what you want to try to avoid when it comes to programming events at the cross at games with elite athletes that's why you can't do fran at the cross games anymore what did you mean by that confined range of motion what do you mean so a wall ball shot is like you have to break below parallel to get down there so now i'll be like how close can i get to parallel to save myself microseconds times 30 times three same thing for
Starting point is 00:14:50 the hang squat snatches right can i just barely receive the bar at depth and come up and try to put the bar down before my hips and knees or right when my hip like people there's there's no fitness separation in some of these older events because so you're saying that we couldn't do fran today because of the judging the issues it would be a disaster yeah uh jr howell the only time a hang movement has been programmed below the knee and not above except at 23.1 open announcement that if you had smaller plates for the lighter bars and the starting weight they allowed you to go just below the knee instead of a hang or uh touching the floor with the weights wow so but this would be accurate if gr was talking about the games
Starting point is 00:15:40 yes specifically yeah crazy all right yeah audrey would brian have known that yeah he would he will continue to look at other workouts that are worth pulling forward and actually when we pull them forward as a retest or um to be doing the games i think more often than not i would lean towards not modifying them or making them harder. I would lean towards keeping them the same. So we actually have a good apple-to-apples comparison instead of increasing the weight or making – I like that. I love that.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I love that. No need to increase the weight. Let's just see. No. Data points. Otherwise, what's this point? Oftentimes, that's what people do when they look back at old workouts, especially with really good athletes, they just increase the weights and then ironically,
Starting point is 00:16:35 potentially lowering the intensity because you're slowing, potentially slowing the overall effort down. So yes, to your question, but considering keeping them the same, considering modifying them a little there's a lot of thought that goes into how it actually shows up on the competition floor i love that what do you think about the fact that dave says he's not programming the games this year and that he's he's overseeing them it's almost the opposite role that he and boz had when dave was programming the games exclusively. I had a sounding board, someone to bounce ideas off of.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So now Dave is that sounding board himself. That is interesting. I never thought of it like that. He used to program it and then show Adrian, and then they would run the test, and Adrian would be there and be like, I think this, this, and this. And now Adrian's going to do it, and Dave's going to, oh, okay. All right. I like that. I like that perspective. Okay. It might actually open up some creativity a little bit more the opposite direction just because Dave did it so long himself.
Starting point is 00:17:34 And anytime you see someone else's workout program, like I'll have conversations with people about their programming, whether it's events or affiliate programming, and I'll be able to come to it with a different view because when you're programming something, you're married to that, right? It's so personal, at least for me. It's so personal. It's an art, right? It's something that you paint yourself and you hope that people would enjoy what you're painting is, but you're really doing it as an expression of yourself and how you believe it should be tested. So you do get attached to a lot of things. So to have someone with an outside view as good as dave's which i would argue there's nobody better to do it when it comes to the
Starting point is 00:18:10 games what a great basically like unhindered eye and and with no filter of personal attachment to what the events actually are so i like that and what else better to test your friendship? Also that. Coach Steve WB. I'm a CrossFit Level 2 coach currently living and working in the Philippines. The CrossFit community here is huge, but this is not represented in the number of affiliated gyms. The cost of affiliation should be scaled based on the economic situations of each region and country. This could take into consideration the average membership fees, average income levels, and ultimately the percentage of affiliation costs in the gym's overall revenue.
Starting point is 00:18:54 We are missing an opportunity to continue to grow the brand and the sport by limiting affiliation to the wealthy elite in developing nations such as the Philippines. Well, I don't have a good understanding of what other than what you just said. I don't have awareness of where the gyms are, how much they charge, etc. Understanding on our side, the affiliate team and with these changes recently, there are different levels to the affiliate fee for different countries. I don't know the answer to what it is in the Philippines, but you can definitely email the affiliate team and they will give you all the information on what it is there. And they are, so what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is they are taking into consideration some of the realities of the localities or the affiliation fee. Didn't we just go through this? That was like one of the big things. There were adjustments to
Starting point is 00:19:31 based on. And do you know if it's been off the top of your head? Do you know if the Philippines had those adjusted? I'm looking that up. Off the top of my head no but i know that they are doing that exact thing they're looking at uh a country's economy relative to maybe what the the value of the dollar is relative to the united states like there was a huge huge problem with that in south america like the the three thousand dollar affiliate fee as it went to let's just say brazil was on average like people's annual salaries for for you know like your average household income which is wild right but there's affiliates have like three or four hundred people in their in the gyms like south american brazil is crazy so same with that yeah they made a a point to that exact thing to um offset that and look into those things hey i get yeah this calm
Starting point is 00:20:27 this wealthy elite comment uh like come on yeah i didn't like that yeah stop just stop hey listen anyone who thinks that think about that and i don't live in the philippines but if you live in the united states of america and you think that a gym is too expensive. You need to make more money. You need to make more money. Make more fucking money. That's the personal beliefs of Sevan Matosian and not that of the entire Sevan podcast crew. Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Sorry, Andrew. I fucked you. No, I agree with that. Yeah, you did fuck me. Sorry. You haven't missed anything. You haven't missed anything. You haven't missed anything. I't missed anything you haven't missed anything you missed okay i don't know i like that i think i would like that all right hi jace at jamie andrew hiller from hiller fit putting out fresh content
Starting point is 00:21:17 almost every day don't get on his bad side I'll make you famous underscore Weston would CrossFit HQ be interested in doing a Killing the Fat Man UK edition 41 years old and 330 pounds ready to get to work with the aim of smashing the 2025 open I love your attitude I love your drive I would definitely
Starting point is 00:21:42 not reignite the Killing the Fat Man franchise ever, independent of Sevan, meaning I'm not going to hijack that and take that. He and Gary Roberts really led that, so we'll CrossFit re-stand that up.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, I believe it wouldn't be right to him. If he gave us permission, maybe, I think he should do it. He does a little review of these weekend reviews uh so why don't you contact this guy and talk to him about a potential killing the fat man uk edition a little trivia question for you guys do you know what the most minutes watched of any non-games content in the history of the CrossFit media empire.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, I feel like it's loaded, but it's probably killing the fat man. Killing the fat man part one. Andrew wins the prize! That was the easiest prize ever. Yeah, crazy. Killing the fat man. Gary Roberts gave me
Starting point is 00:22:42 a call and said, hey, I'm looking for a job. said okay do you do crossfit he said no i said okay um i'll uh can i film you for a little while learning how to do crossfit and he said yeah and he goes but i'm like almost 300 pounds and he goes i'd rather like i want to do some marathon training first to lose weight and get ready for crossfit i'm like nah you don't need to do that and we did killing the fat man and uh no he can't win the andrew can't win the chocolate dick he gave me the chocolate one chocolate dick oh i was like white chocolate dick it reminds me of that poop from the from uh
Starting point is 00:23:18 mr hanky no no the one with will ferrell stepbrothers why is my black penis turning white i don't know reminds me of the white dog shit from stepbrothers dude i can't tell you how No, the one with Will Ferrell. Step Brothers. Why is my black penis turning white? I don't know. It reminds me of the white dog shit from Step Brothers. Dude, I can't tell you how good this smells. God. Like chocolate, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Stop. I'm going to put it away now, guys. I'm putting the... You're doing it all wrong. I'm putting the... Listen, listen. I'm putting the penis away now Okay Poor Chase Everyone loves to see my face next to a cock
Starting point is 00:23:57 Okay Yeah I think I was making an obscene Amount of money back then And I, um, and so get me up on the payroll, get me making that fire, like 10 employees. So you can pay me my wage that I was making when I was there and I'll make killing the fat man UK edition. But anyways, Jamie, uh, super excited to have you in the open. Um. Very cool that you are approaching it with such a positive attitude and ready to get to work. At chrcampagna, I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Seems like all of the semifinal events ought to have community competitions as well, like the Granite Games did up until 2022. Has that been discussed or considered? With the way we're running them now this year they have the option to if they want to so what i mean by the way we're running them now like independently owned and operated they can run community events if they want to i don't know which ones are and which ones are not but they can if they choose to uh two things here gregory coleman best 20 bucks you ever spent Smart move buddy Smart move Chase community events I mean of course right at every
Starting point is 00:25:10 Wouldn't you guess that there'll be one at every I think it's great Like I said Granite Games did it in 2022 When they were independently run And managed and then Lowlands Throwdown that was in Copenhagen No not Copenhagen.
Starting point is 00:25:26 What is it? It's like the 5K run they did at the games last year, right? No, like, or it's like, hey, you know, like running a whole side competition, like a scaled division, an intermediate division. Like Guadalupalooza. Like Guadalupalooza, exactly. Okay. And it's actually a really good way for these events
Starting point is 00:25:41 to make a little bit more money because you can get a, and it's great for the fans right uh with lowland's throwdown is that uh it was in amsterdam there we go sorry um there were so many people there competing on every different stage that they had available and then those fans would basically they would stop those competitions for the elite heats to go and then the heats will done and then to be break time. And then these other events would be going on. I think it's,
Starting point is 00:26:08 it's awesome. I mean, especially like think of the, uh, uh, the West coast one, that's going to be at the step up center or whatever it's called now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's like, guess what guys, we're going to have a tennis stadium available to compete in. Like who wouldn't want to sign up for that in whatever division? Bring your own judge. Or that. Or do an online qualifier for it outside of the Games Club. There's just a lot of things these events can do.
Starting point is 00:26:33 EYOJ. Are you saying that FitFest UK wasn't the next coming of greatness in the CrossFit space? What was FitFest? That was basically all elite people. No. And then there was some sideshow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Community events. Okay. Yeah. What was that? What happened this weekend? That was a little ranger podcast. You'll hear Lauren Khalil's event of the year that nobody could see. Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:01 Oh, yeah. And that was part of like a bigger fitness. There it is. She knows. Yeah. Yeah. The best stuff in the world.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's because it was only for the CrossFit elite, the wealthy, which is different than what we're talking about right now. O W S I N T seven, nine, seven, two Dave, come on.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's time. Tell me the functional carryover For a freaking pistol squat Beyond what an air squat can achieve So Here's the deal Who wants to take a shot at that first? You want to talk about that, Chase, at all?
Starting point is 00:27:38 What did they say? The functional carryover? Yeah, why do pistols? Why do pistols? Why do pistols? I would say the question is, why train to do a pistol? For the same reason I would say, learning how to do a muscle-up, learning how to do a handstand walk,
Starting point is 00:27:55 and learning how to do a pistol, the end result is really not the thing that is the most important. It's everything you have to learn, adapt, and develop to possibly get there. So for example, if I program ring muscle-ups in my affiliate, everyone is doing the basic level of that, which is low ring transfers that you learn at the level one, have them hang from the pull-up bar. And so what it is is, and I've actually said this on our podcast in the past, is that the
Starting point is 00:28:24 collateral fitness you gain across the board in all 10 general physical skills to achieve something that's high skilled like that is the most benefit you'll get when it comes to your training. So when you think about a pistol, the ankle mobility, the hip mobility, the hamstrings, like all the mobility things that you would need, right? Think of all the benefits you're going to get from that that you don't necessarily get at its potency in an air squat. You still get it, but not as important in potency. The, the bilateral strengthening you get when it's just one way. By the way,
Starting point is 00:28:53 that's what I was thinking right there for every sport, whether you're a skier, an MMA fighter, a baseball player, like if to not do pistols and be an MMA fighter is fucking would be, is, would be batshit crazy to me like damn that's insanely the fact that she's already doing that by the way six months later
Starting point is 00:29:11 ca peptides wow wow she had reconstructive hip surgery and everything chase saying about range of motion and it's crazy yeah the strength hey and that's not twiggy either that's a big girl that's what is she five eight five nine she's five six and a half one fifty yeah that's not that's not twiggy that's a crossfit chick that's crazy she can do that dude yeah dude she just kind of popped out of bed one day and say i'm doing a pistol wacko yeah sorry sorry i'll say so so bilateral go keep going do you have more do you have more uh that well the strength development it comes to learning that but it's outside like i said the main purpose of that is outside actually getting to do that like no one's gonna like what alexis just said was insane and like if you can do that great but getting your way there
Starting point is 00:30:01 yeah jr's nailing it is like you think about the flexibility you need. Okay, that's in the 10 general physical skills, the coordination, the strength that you're going to have to develop to support your body weight on one leg. The strength is extremely underrated on that, I believe. Would you agree? Yeah, 100%. And so what it is is, okay, if you're still learning… You've got one or the other.
Starting point is 00:30:25 One or the other. You either have the flexibility or the strength, and it takes quite a bit to have both. Yeah, and who knew that having one of both or all of everything is kind of what CrossFit's really all about. I would have liked to have seen a Tennyson try a pistol. There's no way in shit that guy can do a pistol. I would like to have seen him try i would have liked to have seen him try i don't wonder how fraser would have scaled it for him yeah that's the things you gain it's the things you gain on the journey to try to get that that is more
Starting point is 00:30:53 important than the actual pistol itself the same for a muscle-up the same for something like a handstand one hey um i took my mom my mom went to a sign up for her first CrossFit gym at 69. I don't remember how old she was, but she was in her 70s and she signed up for a competition at the gym. I want to say it's CrossFit 707 or CrossFit Vallejo or CrossFit Benicia, something like that. and my mom's like i can't do a pistol and i'm like hey and don't and i was i i went around to every workout and i think i was her judge i think i counted for her i'm like hey all you have to do is do the negative and then stand up and i'll count your reps so just do negative switching legs doing negatives well somewhere in there she stood up nice she got her first pistol yeah and she ended up getting like how old set in 70s. Jeez. Crazy, right? Right. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:47 People are usually written off at that age. And my mom's not an athlete. My mom doesn't have any background. Say that again? People usually write themselves off at that age, so that's crazy. And I'll say this, too, after seeing Tennyson try to do the handstand push-ups. try to do the handstand push-ups um we like i feel like i'm really critical of crossfit athletes who don't have a lot of athleticism and i see it and i'm like kind of like embarrassed for some of them right like when i see them riding a bike or stuff but when you see tennyson try to do the
Starting point is 00:32:18 handstand push-ups um like uh all of a sudden i was like wow we're different like we're different like that that shouldn't a guy that buff should not have any issues going upside down and doing one even if he's never done one before in my mind and i guess i don't give us enough credit for what we can do right like i don't do pistols but if someone put a gun to my head, I'm going to do one. That guy's shoulders, he should be able to knock off five no problem. Was he not able to do one? No. Planning for a summer road trip? Check.
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Starting point is 00:33:13 Play at or at participating Circle K stores. This episode is brought to you by New Balance Running. New Balance believes if you run, you're a runner. Whether you're going for your first ever run around the park or going for your personal best in a marathon. Speed, strength, stamina. Whatever goal you're working toward, New Balance has the running shoes, clothes, and accessories
Starting point is 00:33:37 to push your run further and help you run your way. Find yours at slash running. New Balance. Run your way. No, you couldn't even get upside down. Okay. Well, there you go. Right. Kinesthetic awareness being inverted that all, all that plays into that. Part of this. Yeah. This was weird.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Interesting. The best part about this is Fraser's like yeah just push up dude yeah just push up use those big freaking shoulders are we dead lifting just pull it rip it and rip it he couldn't kick up on the wall so he's
Starting point is 00:34:20 gonna have him kick up on the parallax so that's so wait so that's another thing too that's one thing too like like even the crossfitter even the crossfitters i know a lot of the people i know who maybe couldn't do a parallel uh handstand uh push-up they could still at least get up there and then get down safely like they like we're like they we have a little all of us have a little bit of that little kid still left in us so we can kick up and, you know, and fall over. But he didn't even, he didn't even want to be go upside down. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, you get kind of scared of it, no? The further away you get from ever trying, it gets terrifying from what I've seen. Right. All right, here we go. Dave's answer. The strength, it does develop, obviously, in a single leg application. The balance that is necessary there in performing that move. The coordination is incredible.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And really, often not mentioned with this movement, but the flexibility. J.R. Howell! I wonder if you watched it. No, he doesn't got time for that. He's too busy fucking shuttling kids around. A pistol squat in competition or in training, all of those factors are why the pistol is an incredibly valuable training tool
Starting point is 00:35:42 to help with all your functional movements. And as I said, as I have said before, not all functional movements fit that one of our describing characteristics is that they're found in nature. That's a describing characteristic. It's not a, I call it a law, but so not all of them are perfectly found in nature. That being said, there are times when you get up, when getting up from a single leg position, especially if your right leg is forward, can simulate what's happening in a squat. But the demands on flexibility, coordination, balance, strength, all of those are a significant reason why it has a place in the CrossFit methodology. And if you take a look at what our defining definition of functional movements are,
Starting point is 00:36:19 movements that are able to move a large load long distance quickly, it actually hits that parameter very well. Meaning you can rep out squats, single leg squats quickly, and that then you're moving a large load, your entire body, a long range of motion from arguably lower than even how far we squat to a full standing position. So it hits those parameters appropriately. So the pistol squat does have a place in the methodology for the reasons I just
Starting point is 00:36:46 stated above. I want to say it's a huge confidence builder too. When you know, when you know, like, like I was doing this thing the other day with my kids where we were jumping laterally back and forth, trying to cross some stones and we kept doing it over and over. When you know, you can do pistols, you'll commit to just pushing off really hard with your one leg. The confidence is crazy. It's same with the muscle up. If you have a muscle up and then you're somewhere and you're in your, and there's a fence you have to climb, you don't even think twice about it,
Starting point is 00:37:10 but people who don't have muscle ups, it really does change your perspective on the whole fucking world. When you have these skills, go ahead, Hiller. Can you get up from the floor without using your arms from a seated position? With,
Starting point is 00:37:23 with, yeah. I mean, like, yeah, cross my leg i mean you can do it super easy if you just cross your legs no momentum you just gotta stand up from your butt uh can you do it jace you mean like my kids can do you mean like where you scoot your heels like to your hip to your like you pull your heels in and then you kind of lean forward and stand up yeah i don't know if i can do that i can cross my legs and do it of course you went that way with
Starting point is 00:37:45 the the getting over a fence but that's one that most people you ask them they'd be like shit no can't do that yeah interesting but you were just like yeah but it's the same thing as the fence i believe i'll try to make that video i haven't worked out today i just sat in a car all day i'll make that video in my garage. So this weekend, I went to a little course we're testing. We're currently internally calling it the 1.5. And it's basically, it's like a level two. It's a single day course, but only with the breakouts.
Starting point is 00:38:19 So small number of people, seven to 14 people sign up in theory. They go to a single day of several hours, not as long as a level two day or a level one day, but call it from nine to two or three. And all they do is training drills. So it's like what you see in the level two, but not the full commitment to day commitment of level two. So anyway, so we're testing that out. We did one this weekend in a West Pieds gym, coast range CrossFit and, um, Bill Grundler was there and we were chatting and he's really big into bow and arrow shooting now recurve shooting so recurve bow is just like what you'd imagine Robin Hood shoots
Starting point is 00:38:51 is all this true Chase yeah it's true and a compound bow is really complex bows that you see people like Joe Rogan shooting and it has mechanical advantage on the pool so it's in theory a little easier to shoot whatever he's – that wasn't the point. He's shooting – Yes, Mr. Hiller? It's a wuss. That's what Dave's saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He definitely likes Bill's, like, old-school Pocahontas Tarzan shit. He's a rocker, though. And he's talking about the accuracy that he's training through that. And he's actually also doing CrossFit and then shooting arrows. Rich Froning is also getting really big into that. He's been doing a lot of getting his heart rate up and shooting a lot of arrows. And Heppner is also doing that with arrow stuff. Obviously, he does it with tactical game stuff, getting your heart rate high and then shooting a gun.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But these guys are also incorporating bows into that. And so Bill mentioned accuracy and where the accuracy components are found in CrossFit or where they're lacking. I actually think the accuracy we are talking about in the context of CrossFit and the 10 general physical skills is less about that type of accuracy and more about the type of accuracy that's developed in the precision of some of the movements. So meaning, is there incredible accuracy required in catching a snatch, especially as the weights get higher, the right movement pattern in the right position? You want to run that back five seconds? Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Did you hear it, Hiller? Accuracy in the snatch? The accuracy we are talking about in the context of CrossFit and the 10 general physical skills is less about that type of accuracy and more about the type of accuracy that's developed in the precision of some of the movements. So meaning is there incredible accuracy required in catching a snatch, especially as the weights get higher. Do you catch snatches? Somewhere Mike, Coach B, somewhere Coach B is punching his computer screen. You don't catch a think that you actively receive.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Receive. I only said that because that guy roasted me on a live broadcast for the Rogue Invitational in 2020 for saying catch. Hey, and have you used receive ever since? Ever. And I use it before, but like speaking fast and I said catch, and dude, just roasted me live. Just, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:13 So I will always say receive, and I'm always listening for it. So that's really funny. Oh, boy. Receive, catch, same fucking shit, man. No, it's not are they nfl people are they catchers or are they receivers wide catchers no they're wide receivers wide receivers because they're catching things with their hands they're not receiving it with their body they're not they're not getting things chucked at them and getting it by the grace of God. Like, oh, got it. I caught it. Some of them do body catches.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Not the good ones. Magnus Holmgren, you receive a standee. You don't catch a standee. Like fishing. You catch a venereal disease. You don't receive a fish. You catch a fish. You receive a standee.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You catch a fish. Catch these hands. You don't receive a fish you catch a fish there you receive a standee you catch a fish catch these hands you don't receive them uh pool boy they are wide receivers who catch the ball jeez jeez pool boy boy i pull your shit up before i read it brother up you're not watching the show you don't get to hear the rest of pool boys. All right, here we go. With the right movement pattern in the right position. Yes, absolutely. Same thing with, with a lot of the fast movements. There is an element of accuracy that requires a lot of training, a lot of coordination, a lot of repetition to hit. And so when I see accuracy
Starting point is 00:42:47 in the 10 general physical skills, that's where I take it is more in line of this accuracy and execution of these movements and of these skills that is incredibly fundamental to you being successful in these movements or skills. Fergie show, you take a deuce.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Oh no, sorry. You do not take a deuce. You give a deuce. Oh, no, sorry. You do not take a deuce. You give a deuce. Yeah, man, our language is all fucked up. English language is so backwards. What a mess up. I take a deuce. I'm lost.
Starting point is 00:43:20 So it was a fun discussion. Bill's a great guy. I've known him for a very long time. Always enjoy hanging out with him and chatting with him. So what's the deal? Bill was asked to just be like a dummy for this practice run? Yeah, a little test athlete. Gabe Espy, you do not take dick, you receive. I don't know if that's true either.
Starting point is 00:43:46 That's wrong. It's getting out of hand. Always. Always. Okay, did Bill give you any feedback on it? What did Bill say? He like it? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah, I haven't heard. We're going to talk about it on the show on Wednesday. Maybe he had to sign something. Could be. top secret. He's doing his Oliver queen training. Oh, the green arrow. Oh,
Starting point is 00:44:15 I thought you were talking to, Oh, I thought you were talking about the guy who signed up for the open last year. That's him. Same guy. Yeah. Curtis Bowler.
Starting point is 00:44:23 One of our staff, one of our longtime affiliate owners, affiliate owners. He was, and it's great. Same guy. Curtis Bowler, one of our staff, one of our long-time affiliate owners. One of the first affiliate owners. He was running it, and it's great seeing him coaching. Really solid coach, really knowledgeable trainer, and a wealth of knowledge. Wow. Curtis Bowler, I don't know if he still has an affiliate, but if he does, it's the longest open affiliate, that's for sure. Longest running affiliate.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And then he is also the drug guy. He's the drug test guy for the CrossFit Games. Still, Chase? I think he stepped out of that. Oh, they some chick that was good they did you didn't see that spin posted about it posted it some chick out of brazil like almost a year later tested or test came out god i don't know trying to plead innocent and she's all juiced up to wait did you look at pictures of her would you have known i i put it together on my instagram it was like dude she wouldn't have fooled you like that she had a vein running from her hair line down to her toe what hairline okay it's like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Secret of the Youth transformation?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. Super Shredder? Super Shredder. You look like she was smuggling a roll of dimes in her pants. Oh, no. No, it's not the chick that tried to intimidate me at the games. It's a different chick, same country. Same drug.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Same drug. At BMC Cloughlin. have fun at shot shows still hoping to attend someday i ended up not going i had some other stuff so at the last minute canceled the trip and i'm really glad i did a shot show is a mess i don't enjoy that scene i go to meet with some people who some friends and some people i work with but in general i don't enjoy vegas or that scene so i'm glad i didn't go to the SHOT Show. I don't understand how he could not enjoy that show. What's that electronic show that happens every year, CES? Do you see all the videos that come out of there?
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's always like they have robots or just all sorts of weird shit. It's where all the new cameras are and new lights and new microphones. Do you don't know that show? It's like CES. What is it is it like a tech summit or something yeah and it's it looks so fun how could he not like going to a place that's just all guns and ammo and um scopes and in gun clothes and it just sounds like it sounds awesome it also sounds like an opportunity for like cosplay
Starting point is 00:46:46 of like people who wish they joined the military but yes do everything they can to act like they did a consumer electric show okay and that's probably i remember for a long time when uh dave when dave got out of the military he was disgusted by even camo. Like he wanted nothing to do with camo. He's kind of lightened up a little bit on that. It's nice jacket. He's got on. Oh God. That thing could compete with Taylor's hunk of junk.
Starting point is 00:47:12 You don't like Taylor's, uh, get Caleb's. No, dude. That thing looks like some Eddie Murphy would wear in the fucking eighties. Dude, you like that?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Eddie Murphy would wear a red leather jumpsuit that thing is ridiculous that he's wearing that is hot garbage you don't like that no you guys like that it looks like every vest you've ever worn oh maybe that's like look at how that would explain a lot right now and how dissimilar is that from what Dave is currently doing? I mean, look at that. And you know what's crazy? That's some sort of weird mill shit. Because look, it has Velcro for patches and shit. It's Go-Ruck.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Oh, that is? I don't like the patches thing. Patches are overdone. It looks quilted to me. Look at the texture of the hood and the arms. What is that called, that pattern? Gay. Gay?
Starting point is 00:48:01 What is that called? That pattern? Gay. Hey, listen, Dave. You're more of a man than me. Good on you for wearing that. And I like it. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Oh, it's called waffle. Thank you, Mr. Ortega. Waffle. Yeah. That's what I said. I want to put syrup on them. I should preface all that with saying, yeah, I liked it. Oh, look it. Look it. The Dave Castro is in the house. I'm too pure
Starting point is 00:48:29 for a shot show. Oh my God, Dave watching. Oh my God. That's not him. No, it's not him. What'd you say, Hiller? That's how much that cost. Now that I know it's GORUCK, $349. No, and it's also just a hoodie it's 125 oh shit that's not bad you can you that's like a pair of socks at noble dude imagine if this this was i don't know 15 years ago 125 hoodie you'd die yeah true easy and now it's not bad and hey they also have your vest
Starting point is 00:49:08 here 175 let me see the vest can you pull it up is 175 but the hoodie's 125 with arms it's it's there it is let me oh i would rock the shit out of that vest weather vest yeah that's a dope vest let me see here's the hoodie yeah that thing is ridiculous. Yeah, that's a dope vest. Let me see that. Here's the hoodie. Yeah, that thing is ridiculous, that hoodie. No, that's not what he's wearing. Dude, you said pull up the vest. No, no, but even the other thing next to it. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Well, this is what he's wearing. No, that's not what he's wearing. Oh, it's not. You're right. What is he wearing then? Oh, that makes me feel better. 349, 349. Where do you see that? I don't know. Oh, I'm just guessing.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, it's that. It is that. How much? Oh, $165. Same as your vest. Okay. I like it still. Hey, Hiller, I could see you wearing that. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:50:02 That's nice. No, that other just straight color one is nice. That wasn't a compliment. Hey, what's up with the diagonal zipper? What's the function of that? For your patches. Oh, maybe it's for this so you can get in there with the backpack. I'm guessing it's just not underneath the strap. I was guessing so stuff doesn't fall out.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Could be. I don't know. Features. the strap i was guessing so stuff doesn't fall out could be i don't know features sideways pocket wow what do you know i'm lying i made that up all right back to uh the dave castro wow 12 13 minutes in we're doing good d900 dave do you know d dave dave do you know there is scientific evidence women can handle a little more volume as in reps in training no i don't know that and then he says will you adjust program and i know no i don't know that and i know and i don't know if i believe that will you adjust programming for general population second have you thought about making tweaks to semi and games event wads so when you say say that, will you just program Don't say event wads.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Why don't you like that? What's the event workout of the day? I'm taking a deuce. No, you're giving a deuce. Yeah, to hold the condoms. You're not doing a, what did you say? What do you call it? A wad workout workout event wads it's a test event wad i don't know i think wad is true can't you just use wad in replacement of workout they do and if it's the
Starting point is 00:51:42 workout of the day and you say what's's the wad, that's fine. But if you're talking about a competition and ask me what the wads are. Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. Now I feel you on that.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Hey, do you ever like, Hey, that's as dumb as saying that girls can do more reps. Like, like how, like show me that study. This is a wad.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah. W a D. That's every time i hear wad that's what i think i do not think of that when i hear wad will brandstetter yes you can't say wad in any circumstance banned i definitely have have not liked that word over the years you ever heard the saying you're a dick wad i think you ever heard the saying, you're a dickwad? A dickwad's good. That's old school. You're a dick workout of the day. Gotta bring that way.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Gotta bring that way. By the way, this is a class in marketing right here. I said nothing nice about the jacket, and we sold one for them. Ordering a jacket unless they only have petite sizes like Noble. Any attention is good attention. I was trying to tell it to Alexis the other day. And we sold one for them ordering the jacket unless they only have petite sizes like noble people don't all, any attention is good attention. I was trying to tell it to Alexis. She didn't believe me, but I believe you.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Any attention is good attention. Jacket sold. You're saying that in relation to the first statement, which do you know there is scientific evidence? Women can handle a little more volume as in reps and training? I will 100% call out that scientific evidence and say it's probably not repeatable. It's probably not been done on a large scale. And even if it has, it probably can't be replicated with our athletes or the people that we are testing at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:53:24 So the whole science scene and all of these studies, people will see a single study. Women are weaker than men and should not be doing more reps. That is not what he said. Listen, the CrossFit program is the other way. You'll see that. You'll see the men doing more reps. On only certain specific movements. Like rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Muscle up. reps on only certain specific movements like rope climbs muscle up climbs machine work high volume say like high skill upper body pulling and pressing gymnastics and push-ups yeah not as much anymore though not as much anymore yeah but to have them do more like what i don't understand what this question or point is coming from from this person. Why did they read this one? Where maybe there was 50, 100 less people who were engaged in the study and then repeat it as if it's law, which is it's entirely not scientific law at that point. at that point or it's it's it's not nothing it's nothing more than a single study that someone did that that points to some potential learnings but until it's proven over and over and replicated i don't think there's much value in that and i don't know anything about this study i am skeptical
Starting point is 00:54:35 of most studies i hear about especially most of the i'll tell you where girls can do more comment what's the handler's comment apparently the one he's comment? What's Rambler's comment? Apparently the one he's reading is one of Rambler's. Oh, I didn't hear that. Oh, shit. Rambler. Listen, I do know, I have seen anecdotally with a few hundred girls that they are better
Starting point is 00:54:59 at deep squats with short range of motion. Like pulse squats yeah that's what they're called sometimes i could probably add like at least one person to that study good okay here we go save it some of these experts are talking about on on instagram and uh and in the fitness world you see a lot of shit you see a lot of stuff that really just supports your narrative or your position and hardly ever look at the other side or look for stuff that does not support your assertion he's talking about himself there french throwdown uh because he does that no because he thinks everyone's the same but maybe women can handle
Starting point is 00:55:46 more deep squats yeah deep squats deep i just don't know a scenario that's widely skewed of volume other than say like muscle-ups or machine work for cows or distance everything else situation yeah i with you on that situation. Yeah. I don't understand that. Women are just weaker than men. That's all. Well, no, that's accurate. They are. Oh, my God. I'm panicking.
Starting point is 00:56:16 What? You can't even tell. What? It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh, God. I straight almost had a panic attack. What? He thought, like, my porn hub had, like, jumped on. It's like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And then I realized that was Daniel Brandon talking about that squirmer. Jeez. I was like, I started sweating immediately. Just like all my tabs opened up at once. I think it's still going on. If it is, sign up. NorCal Classic, their qualifier just ended. And so next is their event in, I think it's September.
Starting point is 00:57:00 So if you can, come check that out. They run a great community event. Also, of course, sign up for the open, the open we're in, we're in the season. The workouts are going to be really challenging. I'm incredibly excited about them. So love to see you guys sign up and tackle the, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:57:19 The open workouts are going to be incredibly challenging. Like last year they weren't. Did you see Chase's eyes right there? He had to blink like six times to bring last year's open workouts into his vision. He was filtering through the files in his head. Yeah, downloading from the Matrix. Oh, what does that mean? What does it mean?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Which part? What I said. That's what I i think that they're really going to be really challenging and they also usually are or always are i hope challenging from an intensity perspective unlike last year for sure yes i mean i'm gonna measure up again sorry jace go ahead no it's like if you're an elite athlete I mean, sorry, no, it's like if you're an elite athlete, everything they put out there is intense no matter what, because you can fly through that. But for those that not so much like a snatch workout, it's getting stuck on a handstand pushup.
Starting point is 00:58:17 You can't do, or a snatch weight. You can't lift muscle ups. You can't do when you get there. If, or a run that you walk. Yeah. So great video. Or, uh, that you walk. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Great video, Hiller. That was a great video. Thank you. Against your local community and your box, measure up against the community in your area and measure up against
Starting point is 00:58:36 the global community of CrossFit. YOLO. That's it for the standard weekend review. I'm going to dive into a little tangent.
Starting point is 00:58:43 If you're not into firearms, you can sign off at this point. If you are, stay on because I'm going to dive into a little tangent if you're not into firearms you can sign off at this point if you are stay on because i'm going to read some comments i put up a uh funny video of a uh from a pistol or from a rifle competition i did this weekend at my ranch here and um i banged the gun all around and it was really loud and noisy and it was embarrassing i laughed about it during the stage i didn't mean to bang it around. I took that clip and I put it on my YouTube channel as a short. I put it up. Where would I find that?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Click on Dave Castro. I'm going to open up another window. Dave Castro YouTube. Go to his shorts. Yes, YouTube. Go to his shorts? Yes, sir. Oh, okay. I see it.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Oh, shit. This thing's got a lot of fucking views. Like 14? This thing's got, yeah, like 14,000. Oh, 15,000. Oh. Share. Share. okay, here we go and the title of the video is how not to handle a 5k five thousand dollar plus 22 precision rifle. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Okay. So, so he put that up and okay. So now he's going to reference that video. That's great. Good job, Dave. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Shit. Okay, here we go. YouTube short. And I put, I called it how not to handle a 5,000 plus 22 precision fire rifle. And so tons of comments on it. Well,
Starting point is 01:00:42 first thing is not even to pick up a 22 in the first place i'm also positive these little tabs in that thing it's a tool not a price of shim that's actually spot on you couldn't buy you could buy an mnt 22 i have one and 75 000 rounds 5k i also have more than 75 000 rounds um i've had people sometimes i treat it like princesses it's like you've never seen it yet that's supportive of what's going on oh here's another one i don't know why you'd spend 5k on 22 lr it's not going to make you a better shooter it actually does make you a better shooter and it's actually a lot of fun and the diminishing returns quickly negate any reasons to buy it this guy just doesn't know what he's talking about other than he had the money wasn't
Starting point is 01:01:15 giving it which i also respect well thank you for respecting that but uh i will say this these guns are incredibly accurate and they're not your your family's 10-22 Ruger So this is a precision rifle and there's a whole sport and series of events built around this and then some another comment And there's a lot more than these guys for them I cannot even begin to fathom why you drop that much on a 22 the gun is 5k or ammo that's five cents around The reason why I want to cover this is because I actually made a mistake. So I'm going to go through the cost. Oh, shit. That thing's heavy. Did you see him pick that up?
Starting point is 01:01:50 I saw him try to recover from whacking it on the metal pole. It pulled him forward. I knew it was heavy then. Okay. So that thing's like at least 10 pounds. Okay. Rifle that I said is a $5,000.22, and I had to write everything down. So first of all, we have the chassis.
Starting point is 01:02:04 The chassis is by MBT. It's this green piece here. It's where the barrel of action fits in. That's the $1,300. The trigger, just the trigger here is by trigger tech. It's a diamond. That's $315. The barrel of action. So just this barrel and this action of the gun, just that alone, is $1,900. And that's by Voodoo. Holy shit! He's just flexing his ass off right now. Gangsta shit. This little plate that's resting on my hand right there by GrayOps, that's $85.
Starting point is 01:02:40 These Baker wings by MDT, they are $200. The MDT weights on it are a couple hundred dollars. Oh, I forgot about this too. The level, this level alone, which tells me if the gun is level before I take my shot, that is $230. This Leopold Mark V with the Tremor III reticle, 7x35, is $2,800. These scope rings. $2,800? And look it, he's going to tell us that doesn't
Starting point is 01:03:06 even come with the mount. Hey, the olive oil business is good. This optic is another $200. I also forgot this card, which is probably, I forgot this card, which is probably $75 to $100. And I forgot this this OBI
Starting point is 01:03:24 hookup, which is probably $50. So, no, actually, let's include the things I forgot. But this gun is actually $7,520 as is. So, I said it was a $5,000 gun. It's actually a $7,000 gun. And I fucking love it, and I would
Starting point is 01:03:40 buy another one if this one ever didn't work. So, for all of you wondering why i would get a gun like that um because it's a great tool for the things i like to do hey listen he shoots every day i like how people come to the comments and act like he doesn't know what he's talking about right right they just need to watch that portion right there where he goes over it and they'd be like, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:08 You could ask some chick about her Gucci bag and she doesn't know shit about it. She doesn't know what the pattern represents. She doesn't know the actual designer of that purse. She doesn't know where the zipper was made. She doesn't know about the kind of stitching that it was used. I mean, that was fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Good on him. Agreed. Good on him. Look at him smile like a four-year-old. My God. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's so happy. Hey, great for the brand.
Starting point is 01:04:39 This is the guy I want programming. This is the guy I want programming or overseeing the CrossFit Games. I want them to give out guns again this year to the participants oh man when they give out glocks so awesome very cool you think anyone turned that down yeah they they didn't want it foreigners couldn't take it foreigners couldn't take it why it was too much for him because they don't allow guns in fucking socialist totalitarian yeah you're not allowed to oh oh how do you think the government keeps him in check they have no second amendments interesting yes i'll leave that at that i'll leave that at that since chase is here okay here we go so that's the weekend review. As always, post thoughts in the comment section.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That was a good one. Yeah, he's, that's the first, he's kind of a sultry a little bit. That's like sexy Dave we saw this week. Look at him. The gun did that to him, right? Like chubbed him up a little bit. He was looking forward to that the whole time.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He knew where the whole show was going. Nice. Okay, that's the end of the show. Now we're going to get to work. Yeah. It's like dessert.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yeah. And he probably doesn't get that in a lot of shows. No, he's got to look forward to answering all these dipshits in the comment section. Talk about my stupid video. Okay. What do you got coming out Hiller What's your next video My next video It's got to be in relation to the open
Starting point is 01:06:13 It is okay And I got to react To my video my own video from last year Saying that you shouldn't sign up For this And now you're Signed up and you're pumping it up to no end. Oh, yeah. Look at you.
Starting point is 01:06:31 What's your shirt about, buddy? You don't like the rainbow or the street parking? I actually do like it. I'm not a tie-dye fan at all, but I actually like that. I got a couple of these, and I really just like the size it fits you good makes you look extra large makes your titties look nice it's not fits you good yeah it's great you signed up yet uh chase oh yeah i've got a last top 50 for uh five seconds
Starting point is 01:07:00 i signed up as soon as i can oh you're one of the first okay how many are signed up at the moment do we know good question i want to say we i mean you or i don't know like helping as you've done recently hey is that is that information i know i know usually at the end of the year they give it out like they'll be like okay this year was 252 000 or 420 000 and when i worked there chase Chase, it was a pretty, it was like a thing that like a lot of us watch. There was like, you would go into the IT department and you'd look on the wall and they would have all the lines
Starting point is 01:07:32 and we would see where it was pacing. Are you part of that group? Like, or is anyone part of that group anymore? Yeah. Yeah. Something we talk about weekly. We'll see how things are going. Can you give us a, are things going good?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Last I heard. So the. Like Dave said, Dave said in a weekend review or something, he said somewhere that they were pacing at the fastest pace ever in the, or the first week or something. The first day was the most signups they'd ever had in the history of the open. God,
Starting point is 01:08:09 that's, I think some people said since 2018 and it was since 2018 cause 18 was the most in 24 hours and it smashed it by almost 10,000 in the first day. So it is the hottest start they'd ever had. Hey, and that shit usually paces. Well, wouldn't that be fucking crazy if this was the hottest start they'd ever had. Hey, and that shit usually paces well. Wouldn't that be fucking crazy if this was the biggest year of the year? I would love that.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Me too. Right now, they're pacing well. All right. Chase has averted his eyes. That means it's time to go. I was just looking at the numbers. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Hey, press that button where it shares his screen. Yeah. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Nick, your rain car will be coming on. For those of you that know, you know. And for those of you who don't know, you will know. See you guys. The dude who snatched 300 pounds after he tore his packet at the 2018 regional?
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yes. Yes. Wow, Hiller, you know that kind of stuff? One. I know everything from 2014 forward and nothing from before. Yeah, that was. There was a chase for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:23 That was crazy. He did that in like in Vendor Village. Yeah, that's right. I did that in like in vendor village. Yeah, that's right. I got a fun story about that. Does it have to do with Dave's book on it? Yes. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Okay. All right. Watch, get with the programming to hear the fun story. I'll see you guys tomorrow. He is not more beautiful than Street Horner. That is rude, Kelly Gibbons. Love you guys. How dare you.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Bye-bye.

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