The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | Jan 1, 2024

Episode Date: January 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Eww. Eww.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
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Starting point is 00:01:04 Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww like, I don't know about you guys. I don't know how it looked on your computer or on your phone,
Starting point is 00:01:06 but I was watching on like an 80 or an 85-inch TV. Bam, we're live. Let's get this shit over with. Ken, what's up, dude? Ken's here. Let's fucking party, Mr. Walters. Mr. Baseball Card. Hiller Fit from YouTube uh next generation of cool
Starting point is 00:01:28 videos mr jr howell from crossfit crash crash crucible and then some other thing that's supposed to happen that's just for teams it's crescendo oh thank you thank you uh tex heat one app uh blowing up big uh we'll get back to him in one second. We'll let him have the floor for one second before we start the Dave Castro review of the weekend review of reviews. We'll come back to Mr. Tyler Watkins. Cause he got something big going on for water blues.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And then J no, uh, B no. What? W W J Y white, John Young in the house. Uh, John Young barbell. If you want to get strong, strong, he's your guy. No one is denying that. No one can refute that. What's up, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:02:10 What's up? What's going on for Wadapalooza? The Heat One app, this is its biggest rollout, right? This is like it's like this is the – is it launched? Are we still in betas? What's going on? First of all, for anyone who doesn't know, it's a fantasy fitness app for CrossFit, and it's fun, and it's a fantasy fitness app for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:02:26 It's fun and it's easy to use. I think this is like a fourth or fifth tour that it's out. Now there's prizes and money. It's getting good. Yeah, it's getting better. We haven't officially announced anything for Waterpalooza, but we are doing games for Waterpalooza. If you go to the app, you might find some more information. For now, we'll we'll make some some announcements but please please go go download heat one heat one app in the apple
Starting point is 00:02:51 store in the google store and then where um where will you be making those um announcements will you tell me so i can announce it yeah yeah okay i'll follow up with you as soon as as soon as we go live with it so kind of the normal spots, barbell, spin, and here. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. All right. This is a Monday show.
Starting point is 00:03:10 It's weird, right? It's like the holidays. It's weird. Like JR's here and it's nighttime. You're here. I don't ever invite Tyler to anything. It's like weird. It's like the vampire.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's like the guy who goes to bed early and then the dude who doesn't get invited to shit. So here we are. What shows up? I thought I was in trouble. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What'd you say, John? I said I thought I was in trouble for some reason. Because you didn't get invited?
Starting point is 00:03:33 No, he said, who can do the show? And I go, I can if you need me. And then you go, Tyler? Question mark. Immediately after, I'm like, what? What a dickhead I am. Dude. Did any of you guys have a chance to watch the behind the scenes yet? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I've seen both. What did you think? They're awesome. Yeah, you did like it? Okay. I mean, you guys are easy to please. You guys are games fanatics. I mean, I text you all this.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Like, I love that they're back. It makes me reminiscent of the old days. It makes it feel like the old days again. But I also like having a job when I'm watching because Will sends us the links before, and we need a quality check. I appreciate doing that. Cool, and thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You know who he said was the best at that? He said Brian Spinn from the Barbell Spinn. He said he had tons of corrections. He said he was invaluable. So that's awesome. Who else got a link? Thanks. No, don't make Hiller feel horrible.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Everyone but you, Andrew. By the way, if you guys don't know, the founder of Kwanzaa, one of the things that he went to jail for was tying women down in the basement and beating them with toasters and he also tied hiller down and hit him with a toaster you can see hiller's face the left of his eye what happened you did you bump into something in your gym no what are you talking about this thing yeah yeah you guys that's a pimple oh all right oh never mind tr i'm back on the t, you know, TRT. Again, uh, testosterone, pimples,
Starting point is 00:05:09 and a hard on TR, uh, testosterone, pimples, and heart TP, TPH. Hard on is Alexis. One of those, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:16 strange females that love to, that's just a female land. She won't let you and squeeze. She won't let you touch them. That's part of her, her, her gig as an esthetician. I like that. She won't let you touch him. That's part of her gig as an esthetician. I like that. She hates when I pop them.
Starting point is 00:05:31 JR, why are you this is late for you. What's your deal? You got kids and shit. Why are you up so late? Because he tried to bail out and we wouldn't let him. That's a good question. Now my wife was off work today, so I saw her a lot more than usual. uh yeah i was like hey i need i'm getting on tonight she goes okay you want me to just chill and like while you get on i was like what what's wrong with you you
Starting point is 00:05:55 need to go back to work tomorrow so yeah is she asleep already no she's just in the bedroom though all right okay uh this is the Dave Castro Week in Review. Let's see. 14 comments already. Oh, look. There's someone in here for advice for Bible reading. Oh, shit. Is Dave about to read the New Testament?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Anyway, here we go. The Dave Castro, the voice of CrossFit. This is a show where we review his week in review. Here we go. First, 2024. Seven months behind the scenes, just launched. I think it's behind his YouTube paywall, and each episode will be behind the paywall. We don't like to use that word paywall.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You hypocrite. We call it, it's for members only. We call it for members only, and then eventually it will be free. He knows that i'm avoiding using that word paywall that's why he did that you dickhead one strike against the dave castro alexis kowalski scars and you push the bacteria further into the skin and you get more pimples i hear it all the time all right okay so let's not use the word paywall uh that triggers me okay here we go for two weeks if you want to it, you have to subscribe to his channel,
Starting point is 00:07:06 pay a monthly fee, and you can have early access to it. I think in two weeks, every episode is launched to the public for free. I think there's eight or nine episodes total. You dickhead. There's 15 episodes, and the two weeks prior to the open,
Starting point is 00:07:23 I don't know if he's doing that on purpose or not on february 15th we will start releasing them for free so it'll go february 15th and 16th and 17th and there'll be 15 uh daily releases as we go up to the open to promote the open um and if you want to see it early we put it behind a paywall i want want to be very, very clear. Some people don't understand this. I didn't make this to make money. I put up the paywall to make money. Some of you are, some of you are going to, some of you are going to have trouble understanding the difference in that, but I made this because I wanted to make it. That's it. That's the only reason why. And then afterwards I'm like, well, shit, if we can make some money, that's fine. But some afterwards we were talking, we were having some meetings and someone's like, well, shit, if we can make some money, that's fine. But afterwards, we were talking. We were having some meetings.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And someone's like, hey, what are we going to do next to keep the people paying? And I'm like, hey, if they want to keep paying, they can keep paying. I'm not doing stuff for money. I'm doing stuff I like. And then you guys have been exceedingly generous. And I really, really appreciate the people who appreciate it because it's going to allow us to do more. But there is a distinction. The first four.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I just liked it. Thank you. Four, five. Come over there and fucking pop your pimple. Please. I'm really enjoying it. It's just a behind-the-scenes peek at the CrossFit Games and the athletes and those involved.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So if you're a fan of the space, if you're a fan of the athletes, if you're a fan of the games, it's definitely worth checking out. Recently, over the vacation or the break, I was talking to Sebon, and I asked him if there was any guests he was excited about, any upcoming guests that he was really excited about having on. And he mentioned this lady named Jennifer Say. And so she used to work for Levi's, and she wrote a book called Levi's Unbuttoned, The Woke Mob Took My Job But Gave Me My Voice. And so I listened to it on audiobooks. And her story's pretty fascinating. It's a good book. It's a good listen. I didn't read it. I listened to it. It's a good listen. Wow. I'm listening to it too. I
Starting point is 00:09:14 have two hours left. After the show today, I'm going to listen to the next two hours. Great, fascinating book. She comes on tomorrow. Big deal. Big, big deal. President Levi Strauss. She had a thousand people working for her. She's a baller. She's a Forbes top 50 and a be forced to stay at home, specifically in San Francisco, California area. And she was getting pressure from within Levi's. She was the chief marketing officer, actually brand president. And she was getting pressure to not talk about it publicly because of her position within Levi's. And eventually they offered her a severance and they were going to let her go. But she decided just to quit instead, not take the severance, because if she took the severance, she wouldn't be able to tell her story.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And she really wanted to tell her story. Anyway, the book was really good. I enjoyed her perspective. I enjoyed kind of what she was talking about in regards to differing perspectives in that organization and very little tolerance for uh liberal yeah levi's the gene company based out of san francisco uh six seven billion dollar company she was next in line to be the ceo she's a liberal jew married a black dude had two black kids with them and she was pissed off that they were closing down the public schools because on one hand corporate america was saying hey we care about black and brown kids and then as we all know closing the schools schools because on one hand, corporate America was saying, Hey, we care about black and brown kids. And then as we all know, closing the schools only hurt dirt,
Starting point is 00:10:48 poor white people, black kids and brown kids, not because of their skin color, but because where they are socio and economically. And she's like, Hey, this is fucking bullshit. Why are the kids taking a disproportionate amount of the harm?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Uh, when, when they're not even susceptible to dying, why are all the rich executives and people like me wealthy motherfuckers whose kids get to keep getting an education go to private schools do homeschool why aren't they taking the brunt why open up the fucking public school she said and and her libtard friends are like nah nah we ain't doing that you can't say that that's that's not good meanwhile all the private schools were open we know the bars were open we know fucking baskin robbins was open and so uh it's pretty cool it's a cool story
Starting point is 00:11:30 of a fucking uh uh libtard standing up it's gonna be interesting to see where she stands on other issues uh tomorrow what happened to uh libtard being the new badassi but do i guess sometimes i i i don't say i haven't broken on that word that you said. I don't think you said it right by the way. But I've, but I've become a little more liberal in my use of libtard. John Young, do you think that the public school should have been kept open? I think if I think that the option should be there, like you shouldn't be forced to send your kids to school,
Starting point is 00:12:06 but you shouldn't be forced to keep them out of school too. Mr. Tyler Watkins, what did you think about the schools being closed for kids? I think all public schools should be closed. Yeah. I've come full circle. Me too. J.R., what did you think about the schools being closed,
Starting point is 00:12:21 public schools? Or did you even have schools in fucking Hickville where you live, One Toothville where you live? Yeah, yeah i mean there really wasn't a thing here uh being in south carolina i i i didn't know of any schools that closed that's awesome and uh andrew hiller uh uh who's a dink is Yeah. What's a dink? Definition. I think it takes two to be a dink. Can y'all correct me if I'm wrong? Colleges weren't closed, were they? Yeah, they were not only colleges closed,
Starting point is 00:12:53 but you weren't even allowed to go back unless you got the fucking... They closed first. My college wasn't closed. I was in nursing school all throughout COVID. Yeah, but did you get a nurse? Weren't you in Pikeville, Kentucky for that? No, that was opt nursing school all throughout COVID. Yeah, but did you take a nurse? Weren't you in Pikeville, Kentucky for that? No, that was optometry school. Oh, holy.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, I got 10 years of education that I don't use. Just so people know. Oh, dang. Ah, gotcha. No kids. Double income, no kids. Hiller, you lived in the hive, what do you think? Should the kids' schools have stayed open?
Starting point is 00:13:35 It just depends on how they were going to be staying open You know, stay open Like open the door, the kids come to school Fat lady yells at them, shit like that You know, stay open Yeah, I've got this buddy that's a teacher That pushes his political agenda on the kids, and I think that's pretty messed up. So I'm probably with Tyler on this one.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Shut them all down. Oh, just close them down altogether. All right, you guys really trumped that. They're doing no good. Okay, all right, cool. You know what it is? It's free daycare for parents. That's how I always think homeschool is.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Hey, we've got to put our kids. How dare you don't want my kids to go to high school? What'd you say, John? I said I plan on homeschooling my kids until high school what'd you say John? I said I plan on homeschooling my kids until high school and I want them to go to public high school alright that's my game plan fair enough different perspectives or having a different
Starting point is 00:14:19 way of thinking about some of the stuff going on during that period during the same period where i was listening to that book specifically on drives i listen to books when i'm driving i was also reading um my 54th and 55th book so why i say that is last year exactly he went camping with his daughter somewhere that was like two hours away i feel like like anytime I see stuff from him, he's driving. Oh, shit. Look it.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Raise your kids on the street. Black John Young, raise your kids on the streets like you're supposed to. This is my favorite character. One year ago, I decided my goal for the year, not a resolution, but a goal for the year was I was going to read 52 books. And my PR in 2017 was 50 books. I read 50 books that year. And in the past two or three years, past few years, I've read anywhere from 30 to 40 books. So not to that 50. And I decided I wanted to read 52. So one a week. And I actually finished 55 books. So during that, I was reading my 54th book, and I actually brought it with me. The 54th book of the year
Starting point is 00:15:30 was Upton Sinclair's book called Oil. And so why this relates to Jennifer Say and what she was talking about with different perspectives, et cetera. So Upton Sinclair, I've also read The Jungle, which I really liked, and this book Oil, which I also really enjoyed and really liked. He's a socialist, or he was a socialist for a period of time, especially when he was writing these books. And a lot of his perspective on society and capitalism is not in line with how I believe or think, but it was still a really entertaining book and something that I enjoyed reading and something I enjoyed seeing or reading about his view on things. Has anyone here read any Upton Sinclair? No, sir.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Nope. Chocolate Eclair. I ate one of those too. Vindicate. Danny Spiegel reads 50 books a month. Alright. Hey, did you hear him say that he doesn't have resolutions but he's got goals is he too cool
Starting point is 00:16:25 to have resolutions or what i don't know i'm that was pedro pedro has that pedro said the like the exact same thing on instagram today oh he just said it there too i i picked up on it i missed that do you do resolutions hill Hiller? No, I do goals. Oh. Does anyone here do resolutions? No, I think they're stupid. I'm sorry if you do it, but I think they're retarded. I'm sorry about that, but I think they're retarded. I do.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Devon, do you do resolutions? I don't. Are you still doing ribeyes? I'm trying. I've had a rough go, though. I had a rough go. What do you mean? It don't are you still doing ribeyes i'm trying i've had i've had a i've had a rough go though i had a rough go what do you mean it's one day in no no no no i mean but i started like a few like two months ago oh okay i'm doing the meat and fruit thing all year so the so the gathering we all get invited to that happened today at like 1 p.m you didn't just eat meat by the beach no no what an interesting beach trip no but it was it was a great trip i i oh i sent you guys a picture
Starting point is 00:17:34 under the table right i took a picture under the table yep table yeah you don't remember the picture i sent under the table to the chat why it was under the table eludes me but you're in the chat you didn't see what you don't know why it was under the table all i think is it's a picture of your penis i don't remember what are you meaning when you say under the table i put the camera under the table and snapped a picture and sent it to you guys to show you something i remember that all right jesus christ here we go. And I think that's lost. Like, just because it's lost in modern society where understanding the other side or consuming content from the other side or being willing to talk to people from the other side.
Starting point is 00:18:14 For example, in Jennifer Say's case, one of the seminal moments, the turning points in her story was when she went on Fox News and like a lot of employees lost their shit over that and decided she was a traitor and betrayed fundamental principles that they believed in. And anyways, my point is reading perspectives that are different from where you have or what your views are is actually puts everyone in a stronger position and it gives them a stronger view on things. view on things. Finished this book, really liked it. And then I actually, my 55th book,
Starting point is 00:18:50 the final book of the year that I read was Che Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare. And so Che Guevara is a well-known communist and with Fidel Castro helped overthrow the Cuban government at the time and put Fidel Castro in a communist regime in power. I didn't really get into the book. It was okay. But again, this does not mean I'm a communist sympathizer or a Che Guevara fan. It just means I wanted to see things from his perspective, read his book. It's a very popular book and be open to seeing or consuming different ideas. I think there's a lot of people nowadays who are not open to seeing or consuming different viewpoints or ideas a couple years ago there was a phase where i was posting all the books i read he just we know it's crazy he just lectured me on that being open to new ideas yeah yeah he just he just he was lecturing me on that the other day basically he was saying that i was too judgmental about certain people and i should be open-minded and i was like what are you talking about i was trying to bury the hatchet with katrin like before i was even gonna do the behind the scenes i got all defensive and gave him a list of people
Starting point is 00:19:51 that like i wasn't holding a grudge against i wanted so bad to tell him a list of people he's holding a grudge against but i didn't because like because i didn't want to attack him you know what i mean like then it's like i'm his wife so i just defended myself and said i'm like well you do that so i just i stayed cool yeah i didn't see that part on behind the scenes say that again john i didn't see that part on behind the scenes when y'all had this conversation no this was he he he was just the other day i went to his house uh for um like a like just like a christmas dinner i i always buy him a bottle of Caymus. Very expensive bottle of wine. Once a year we go to his house and we drink it. I hang out in the kitchen mostly
Starting point is 00:20:29 with his wife and get drunk and eat her food. But we did... I sat on the couch with him, watched a little football, and we talked and he lectured me on what a closed-minded D-bag I am. Do you think somebody lectured him? What? No. He's just... Look at this fucking guy. He's reading... Greg lectured him? What? No, he's just, look at this fucking guy. He's reading.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Greg lectured him. He's reading books. I mean, I like this, what he's doing. What do you think, Hillary? You like this, that he's so open-minded? It reminds me of the people who watch the opposite news channel, and there aren't very many of them, but I always like it when it's like, hey, what's this on for?
Starting point is 00:21:01 He goes, oh, I just see what the other party's saying. I think Greg says he does that too. Yeah, Greg doesn't do that. He goes to his house and CNN's on. Yeah. And then there's also the people you know who have that little logo burned into the bottom of the screen of the news station they have on all day.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Right. They can't live without their Fox or CNN or whatever. JR, you ever get any vibe from Dave that he's a big reader, he's had this theme now for years that he's like showing off like something some people might say oh he's just doing that to show off to show you how smart he is you get any vibe like that um no not really the whole time he was talking about that and you were talking about how he's trying to get you to be more open-minded i was just thinking about the early years and all the descriptions that people would give like
Starting point is 00:21:41 any outside recommendations or ideas that you would give him, he'd just be like, yeah, we're not doing that. Yeah. Like anything, workouts, programming, anything like that. And now he's maybe kind of turned over a new leaf. Mr. Watkins, you like his book choice? Book choices? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I get why he's reading them. I think it's funny. The only thing i thought when i originally watched this was that he held up your book and then then described that he read books that he doesn't agree with to tell people to back off it seemed like a white flag to me explain that i'm not following you explain that he knew people if he had just put that levi's book out that he was going to get a shitload of bad comments oh the moment he used woke oh because because she was um against masks on kids and that okay okay you're saying he's soft i don't think he's soft but i thought it originally i was like like, if he doesn't pull the plane up, I'm going to think that was a soft move.
Starting point is 00:22:48 But he did well. Calculated. You thought it was calculated. Yeah, I thought it was calculated. Ryan Haskins can now watch the behind the scenes early. Hey, thank you, dude. I appreciate it. Hey, Sevan, like in a day when you're riding around with him at the games,
Starting point is 00:23:01 how many times does he say, all right, cut it for a second so he can tell you something that he doesn't? Most of the time it's because he's going to say something to someone else but i would say 10 times a day so and i'm with him for 10 days so 100 times but it's not because he wants to tell you something he wants off the record sometimes sometimes you know what i mean like i'd pick up like i picked up on that a more in one a, but it was just cool to see like every now and then he's like, all right, yeah. Kill it for a second. Can you give us an example of what he wouldn't want to say?
Starting point is 00:23:35 You know, I can't think of anything. I was going to, I was going to make a joke, but okay. I'll give you, I'll give you an example. He had a buddy there who was over 20 years in Delta Force, a senior operator in Delta Force, like as high as you could be in that. And he was there with Dave. And so every once in a while – and Dave told me, hey, don't get him on camera ever. And so he was always around near Dave, within a few feet of Dave. And so a few times if he was going to say something to him, he would look at me and be like,
Starting point is 00:24:05 cut this. And then he would look and he would talk to his friend or he would, you know, basically tell me, or I had to leave. He would be like, Hey, if you're going to keep filming, walk away.
Starting point is 00:24:12 But if I wanted to be privy to what they were going to say, um, it couldn't be on camera. Yeah. It couldn't be on camera. And it was never anything. I can't remember anything. It was never anything like,
Starting point is 00:24:21 Hey, I fucking hope Patrick Vellner loses like nothing. Like, you know what I mean? No, it was nothing, nothing crazy. Or, Hey, we lub brent fukowski's pull-up bar to fuck with them nothing like that 10 is really not a lot 10 a day like cut it no not very many no but what's crazy what's interesting is jr noticed that is right when the behind the scenes start i'm in his hotel room and he goes okay cut it let's talk like he wants to have a real conversation with me cut it and it's cool
Starting point is 00:24:50 that Will and Rios left that in like hey enough of this fake shit let's talk for a second Summer Hughes hey girl what's up thank you appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it hey Black John Young just want to say hi I don't even care what you're saying just want to say hi okay here we go not not a member no not a member he can't he can't afford that instagram account
Starting point is 00:25:12 does dave bring that um friend as a way to stop sebon no no no no and i actually posted some climate change books I was reading. Those close to me know climate change is a topic, is something I'm really passionate about and consume a lot of content on. And I read from all perspectives on the topic. And I post from different perspectives. And one of the books I posted was from one side. And the comments on that post were like, I can't believe you're supporting this.
Starting point is 00:25:43 How could you think this way? Blah, blah, blah. How do you, and again, the consumption of content or the reading of a book of someone you might not necessarily agree with is not an endorsement of that side. And it was at that time, well, that was several years ago. And I was blown away by like this notion of just because I'm reading about, and even a post, fucking even a post, I post a lot of things that sometimes I don't agree with. I think it's okay to post something or post a book and talk about a book even if um it's not the stance you take on things he's got another note one other thing about Upton Sinclair that I wanted he's talking too much he feels uncomfortable um well he nobody asked Dave he talked about climate change and how he's read both sides
Starting point is 00:26:28 there was something i was going to ask you guys eight minute segment on how he reads both sides yeah what do you go ahead no you go ahead tyler does anybody know what post he's talking about when he started talking about climate change i was like please go deeper i knew he wasn't going to but it was a while back it was over a year ago he posted both he read a book that was like, please go deeper. I knew he wasn't going to, but it was a while back. It was over a year ago. He posted both. He read a book that was like, hey, there's no such thing as climate change. And then another book that was like, hey, hey, dude, could I call you back in 20 minutes? I'm just finishing podcast. he posted one that was like hey there's no such thing as climate change it's bullshit there's no proof of it and posted some stuff on it and then one that was like hey there's for sure climate change and he posted some stuff about it so everyone's like well what fucking side are you on and his point is is like hey like i can read i can read both sides i only know that because i remember that but here's my question for you uh john young all you will have a chance of this one
Starting point is 00:27:21 what do you think he started that tdc hunts account because he's really into guns. He's into making bullets. He's into guns. He's into gun competition. He's into hunting. He was obviously a former SEAL and he used guns to fight for the freedoms for those of us in this country. What do you think? Do you think that that's smart he did that? Or do you think that that's lame that he has to separate his gun life from the Dave Castro account? No, I think that's fine. I feel like a lot of people have their personal account and then they have an account of something like their hobby. Hiller's got eight different accounts for various reasons. John Young CrossFit is my personal account and then I have my,
Starting point is 00:28:08 my barbell account. It's just, I know it's a little bit different, but a lot of people have different accounts for their various hobbies. The barbell one's the one Hiller bought all the fake followers for you. Yes, it is. Thank you. Thank you for telling everybody that. Oh no, no, they're real. They're real guys in India. Hiller, what do you think about separating his guns from his real account? It's not like he's hiding it either, but just to keep the controversy down to a minimum.
Starting point is 00:28:36 See, what happens is, and you're well aware of this, is there's going to be people who don't like it, and then they're going to put his big account in danger, and he needs that thing. So I think it's intelligent. don't like it and then they're gonna put his big account in danger and he needs that thing so i think it's intelligent i mean i'm surprised that rich is putting his account in that sort of crosshair crossfire ah i don't know if he hunts enough though there's a big dead bear and everything all pissy and then instagram's gonna yank his account down boy that's that's a very interesting thing someone maybe so like hey no harm foul. You're not being a pussy, Rich. Just start Rich Froning Hunts.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Can you not show Instagram, like, the Instagram headquarter? No, no, I know, I know. But can you not show Instagram headquarters, like, a whole bunch of pictures of people with dead bears and be like, why are you retaking this guy's sound? No, no, there's no standing up. There's no, no. The appeals process is done completely in the dark like you don't know shit you're banged you're yeah hey dude i showed this totally just liberal the people who run it and then there's everybody else is hopeless i don't
Starting point is 00:29:37 know yeah well they are liberal but all the social media platforms are pretty much being run by liberals except for twitter but yeah basically it's, it's, um, it's at their discretion. There's some 27 year old girl and it's at her discretion. She likes bears. Uh, Jr. What do you think about separate accounts?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Do you think that's smart? I like what Hiller said. This is like turning to Pedro show. I should start giving points and shit. That's what I was thinking earlier. I'm not surprised that all these chosen to do it. One of the things you would always kind of commend dave on in the early years and it's really something i've i've tried to do in my life is compartmentalization of things so like i have my have my account and it's like who i am as a person maybe tied to my role at crossfit and then i have
Starting point is 00:30:22 this other part of me that's separate. And that's just this over here. And I don't mix the two. And there's no crossover between the two. And then I have this other thing that I do over here. So, like, I'm not surprised at all that he does that. I mean, Tyler's got the same thing with Heat One. Like, Heat One's its own app, and Texas is his personal account. That's for business reasons if dave started
Starting point is 00:30:46 an olive oil account i would know it but i'm just saying like i think he's doing he's not he's not trying to make money off the guns he's just doing it so he doesn't what what i think now i didn't understand before is what hillar's saying he didn't want to post a bunch of gun shit and lose his account with 750 000 and dave's followers are real they're not fucking danny spiegel's fucking hey i'm trying to look at someone's camel toe. His shit's like... I think that's ridiculous in that somebody's account can get pulled for that.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Why do you got pulled for that? No, I don't... For what? For having a camel toe or a dead bear? For which one? Camel toe or dead bear? All of the above. Yeah, okay. All right, here we go. That was kind of cool when i um
Starting point is 00:31:28 read this book and just started reading a little more about his history i found out that he had actually in 1911 wrote this book the fasting cure so over 100 years ago 110 12 13 years ago upton sinclair was writing about fasting i have not read oh shit you want to take that back what that book looks like it's brand new but no but that he was talking about it too much that's a really good tie-in because he's also has been talking about fasting too much and now he's reading this fucking random fucking upton sinclair dude and this dude knows about fasting and he kind of tied it up real nice you You want to say sorry to Dave Hiller? No.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh, okay. I will read it soon, but I'm kind of cool. Those of you who follow me know I'm dabbling and I'm really interested in fasting and see the benefits from it for health. And so over a hundred years ago, Upton Sinclair wrote a book called the fasting cure reset your body. Obviously this is a modern printing of it, but excited to read this. This year, I am changing perspectives or approaches with my reading. I am not going to try to read 60 books this year. I'm going to focus on a few books and really dive into them.
Starting point is 00:32:38 The first book I'm going to start with is the Bible. I have never read the Bible, and I'm very interested in reading it and understanding some of the themes, some of the stories. What? This makes me happy. Yeah, wait until he continues. What are you happy about? Yeah, let him speak. Everyone knows who's supposed to speak now.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Go ahead. What, me or Dave? No, you, motherfucker, Mr mr bible up there what let's see let's let's let's see how much he wants to get deeper into it when he gets into leviticus oh he says no no i think i think you should start with the new testament and then understand what do you you think dave would do that well if you're going to read the bible you should read it how somebody who reads the bible is going to read it you can't just start at the old testament why there's no way it doesn't he doesn't start with in the beginning there's no way in the beginning those of us who don't know shit why wouldn't you start at the
Starting point is 00:33:32 beginning someone explain it to me why wouldn't you the old testament does not apply to living day christians if you're what the fuck does that mean except for it's all the history of the jews right right yes yes but what if he's not reading it? This is not a fight about the Bible right now. The New Testament is what applies to Christians nowadays. The New Testament is what we live by. We live by Jesus Christ is God, and
Starting point is 00:33:55 that's your Savior, and it's all in one. He's the Son of Man. You believe in Him, you're saved. That's the New Testament, and it tells what Jesus did in His life, and what He preaches, and what the disciples did afterwards that's all that applies to christians in the right now but the old testament is is basically the torah the old testament is uh what the jews lived by before jesus and what they live by today it It's Jewish. The Old Testament is Jewish. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:27 But it's important to know the history. It's important. The Old Testament actually proves the New Testament because like you could read stuff in Isaiah and Jeremiah and they predict that a Messiah will come and exactly how it comes like a donkey in Jerusalem. It can they say that it's like like 3000 years before Jesus even came to be, and it's like word for word exactly what they said. It happens in the New Testament. The Old Testament proves the New Testament, but I agree with JR. I don't think he's going to go that deep into it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 If you start in the beginning, you have to understand that does not apply to Christians today. That's Jewish law. Stand by. I mean, I mean, hold on. Hold on, Joe. And then you go. So will he read both sides? The Koran is next.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You're fucking damn right. He will go ahead. Yeah. No, just saying. I mean, if he's if he's diving into books for knowledge and he's just reading it because he's interested in it, reading it start to finish is the way that he probably should read it. And yeah, I mean, the amount of questions along the way that I'm sure, depending on the version that he reads, especially, would be really interesting to see kind of he's
Starting point is 00:35:38 following, he's following, he's following, and then he gets into these books and it's a little bit muggy. And then he sees crossover between this book and this book. And then obviously when he gets into the New Testament, things kind of coincide a little bit more. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery becomes a gift from you to your family later. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Hiller, do you have any Bible, Bible, Bible, Bible? I went to Catholic school, homie. I know all about the Bible.
Starting point is 00:37:00 What do you think about Dave doing Bible, Bible? I never read the Bible. Clip it. Clip it. That's gold. What do you think about Dave doing Bible Bible? I never read the Bible. Clip it. Clip it. That's gold. Mr. Watkins, Bible Bible. John, do you have anything to say first?
Starting point is 00:37:19 I got on a rant there. That taxidermy deer has spoken. Bible Bible, Tyler, Mr. Watkins. Yeah. I i mean john's coming at it from a savior point of view if you want to save someone you start in the new testament he's coming at it from an education standpoint which obviously you would start in the old testament uh based on what he says next i think i think it it's just there's just a hilarious joke. Tell us. Go ahead. Play it and you'll see. Oh, you've seen this already?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. Oh, son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. Here we go. Has anyone else seen this? I don't know. The Week in Review? Go ahead. I always watch it before.
Starting point is 00:38:03 All right. Here we go. The big thing that is driving me to the Bible is the fact that I really do consume a lot of fiction, classics specifically, and so many of them refer to the Bible or have themes inspired by the Bible or tie back to the Bible because of its significance in history.
Starting point is 00:38:22 But I just want to have more awareness of these stories and of the different themes within that text. After that, I want to- I think he's saying, I think there's a joke that he thinks that the Bible is a work of fiction. He's reading it because he reads all fiction. I think he's trying to understand
Starting point is 00:38:41 the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. Like every once in a month- It's also history. You know, it's also history. Maybe he's reading it for that fact. Just when he said it to understand the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I mean, it's also history. You know, it's also history. Maybe he's reading it for that fact. Just when he said it, I was like, someone could take it that you think the Bible is fiction, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Oh, I see what you're saying. People are ripping me apart about the Old Testament. Guys, I understand that the Old Testament is important, but if you've never read anything and you're trying to understand what the Bible is, then the New Testament's where to start. There's plenty of stories, plenty of history, blah, blah, blah, in the Old Testament, but the New Testament
Starting point is 00:39:14 is more important is all I'm saying. How long does it take you to read the Bible, John? How long does it take? If you're really trying to read it? What the fuck does that mean? Would you half-ass it reading the Bible? Yeah, if you're really trying to read it What the fuck does that mean? Yeah, would you half-ass reading the Bible? Yeah, if you're reading it Um
Starting point is 00:39:28 Maybe Three weeks Okay I wrote Harry Potter in 48 hours The final book What is that now? Yeah, that's good for you When you say the Bible, you're saying Old Testament, New Testament,
Starting point is 00:39:46 you could do it in three weeks, an hour a day? Yeah, I think so. But the thing about the Bible is you're trying to understand everything, and you're trying to tie, well, why did they say this? Why is this prophet, like he's prophesying at this point? What does he mean? And then you correlate it back to a different book. Like Harry Potter is not like that.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It reads much better. I think if he's going to put time and effort in to read the Bible, he should have someone who knows the Bible so he can talk to about it. I really do think that. That's my two cents. If you're going to go out of the way,
Starting point is 00:40:18 if you're going to read that fucking book, have someone to talk to about it who's a self-professed expert. You think he'll call rich no john okay i will read the bible walk dave through a bible a bible study we can we can do once a week we'll just go through whatever he's read and we'll talk about it and what it means and all that stuff helping i'll give him helping's number okay here we go and probably um a few other religious texts just out of curiosity and wanting to understand
Starting point is 00:40:47 the different perspectives from some of the different seminal books in religion. Seminal. Okay. Comments. At night code 7681. Dave, the open is coming up again. From my perspective,
Starting point is 00:41:03 the enthusiasm from the community for the open has waned in recent years, especially when compared to years in the mid 2010s. There are likely many reasons for this. One area that I felt could always be improved and foster more community interest is the experience of the online leaderboard. your friends, especially if you are a different affiliate, et cetera. I don't care if I got 80,000, 120 third place. I care about how I performed in comparison to my friends. The open score participant data is public, would CrossFit be antagonistic to someone creating another free leaderboard experience to help encourage more open engagement? Do you feel like this is an area of the open that could be improved? Asking for a friend. I do feel like our leaderboard is a big area that can be improved and should be improved and we're actually looking at ways to Improve it in the future because fundamentally all in the future fuck some of the things you're talking about Comparison nature of it is where a lot of the fun are we gonna have occupational games this year?
Starting point is 00:41:57 That's just a bleeder board phenomenon, right? That's a leaderboard phenomenon He doesn't take a rich will Fucking knee doc. I'm pumped a leaderboard phenomenon? If he doesn't take a rich will. Fucking knee dock. I'm pumped. I think the games are going to... I think the Open is going to be huge this year, and I hope the Sevan podcast can take credit for it. Hey, can I pull something up real quick? Please, please. Alright, alright, alright. Your favorite
Starting point is 00:42:15 website. Will you be registering for the Open in 2024? It's a Reddit thread. Uh-huh. Yeah, 312 votes these are rather unbiased 128 said that they will register 50 said 55 said no hashtag i am out 89 said i will do the workouts but i'm not giving cross for 20 bucks and 40 are undecided i'm giving 50 bucks i'm getting the shirt i mean wait that's a thing i don't going to be. Oh, didn't someone say that in our thread?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Was I not supposed to say that? $30, are you sure? Sorry, I just saw that. Or was that just made up? I think it was Sousa that said he thinks that might be what it is. Well, great. Now you've given the name of the person who leaked it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:00 He's not the one who leaked it. Now everyone knows Sousa's in it. he's not the one who leaked it. Now everyone knows Suze's in it. Anyway, I hope that I'm doing it. I'm pumped. I'm registering. How do you read this chart though?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Because I read as 128 say yes and then there's basically 140 that say no. Is that right? You're way trying to look at it pessimistically. Yeah, yeah, 140 say no. I'm not trying to look at it. There's numbers, homie.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I get you. I bet half the people that say they're not paying for it end up paying for it. It's 50% say no, 50% say yes, and 50% are undecided. John, you know it all depends on whether or not they can crush the first workout. You just gave me a fucking aneurysm. Not 50. I don't know. It's been so long since I've done the Open.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I don't have any issues with the leaderboard. I just want there to be occupational games. I think the occupational games speak directly to our base. And I think we should just constantly be jerking off first responders, law enforcement, military, ambulance drivers, firefighters. The CrossFit should never lose. It should just be pumping that. And it makes us hard.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Those are the tough guys. And that's who we should be affiliated with. CrossFit doesn't have tough guys anymore. Are you kidding me? It's the opposite. It's Sporty Beth and Company. Who was the tough guy in the past? The Spears is not sharp. sharp this year is fucking dull like uh rob orlando is that what you're talking about no look at just at
Starting point is 00:44:33 just any just anyone uh greg amundsen josh everett josh bridges uh rich froning i mean they're all these are all fucking tough guys. Brian McDonald. Oh yeah. Um, AFT, Brett Marshall was a firefighter. Yeah. It's a whole, it's a whole army.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Uh, Rich Froney was a firefighter. Angelo DeChico is a firefighter. A blade. Our own blade is a bad motherfucker. Uh, naming people that do CrossFit now. I'll bet Dominique and Bruce.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Sam Briggs is a... That's a great one. Sam Briggs. What do you mean? Those are all people... What do you mean? But that's the past and the present. Amundsen and...
Starting point is 00:45:13 You said there was no tough guys now. And I'm trying to get a definition of what you're talking about from before that we don't have now. It was just you could go into any gym, and I still think you can do it today and there's a shitload there'll be police officers who are in the gym and i just think that we should recognize that and the brand should affiliate as closely as it can
Starting point is 00:45:34 we should highlight those people i agree but not only high not even highlight them explicitly but just like the occupational games like there should be a place where police officers can go and click and see who the fittest police officer is even if it's not like gonna make them the most money it's just good for the brand we should know who the no i agree uh guy in the air force is we need to fucking that should be searchable okay yes but what have they been doing instead i don't know getting rid of it i don't know but i'm gonna get rich off this fucking behind the scenes jr were you ever the fittest nurse i wasn't applying at all to the conversation i was just getting excited i'm just watching the memberships come in i'm just like holy fuck what did you say john i said were you ever the fittest nurse did they have the occupate like have you ever looked yourself by yeah yeah where? Where did you rank as nurses, Jared?
Starting point is 00:46:26 2018, I was the fittest nurse on Earth. Holy shit. That's a pretty awesome title to have. It is cool. You know who else had that? The blonde chick who's coaching the... Jessica.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Jessica Griffith. It was Griffith. She was the fittest nurse, right? Yeah, Jessica. Jessica Griffin. It was Griffin. Yeah. What year was she? She was fitness nurse, right? Yeah, I'm sure. That was probably, what, 17 or 18? I think her three years running, though.
Starting point is 00:46:57 It was kind of her back when she was making the games. How many semifinal athletes are there? I don't know. It depends on years. How many were there last year? Were there 1,800? No, no, no. If you're counting all the regions, I think...
Starting point is 00:47:13 500, 600, 300? Yeah. Oh, all right. If you count all the regions, are those semifinalists from Africa and Asia, we're really going to count them as semifinalists? I was just thinking of my bank account. I was like every semi-final athlete needs to get a membership to see the behind the scenes i got you i got sorry i'm just counting my benjamins over here you got
Starting point is 00:47:32 a one-tripe mine homie yeah i'm just excited look at this look at the i just so excited shirtless guys with balloons and shit fire fighters cop. Behind the scenes. I'm rolling. Okay, back to Dave. Okay, Bible. We're in the open. We left the Bible. You think they would have a YouTuber category? Like there's a fittest nurse?
Starting point is 00:47:58 No, no, no. No? Fuck. Speak to the base, buddy. Speak to the base. Maybe influencer. Fittest influencer? No, no. Here we go. No, he doesn't. No, no. Listen, it's for the base buddy speak to the base maybe maybe influencer fittest influencer no no no here we go no he doesn't and value no no listen it's for the base it's to speak to the base
Starting point is 00:48:10 you can't happen in doing the open it's actually um you know i should be able to search within like who's it would be cool if i could search within five miles who's the fittest within 10 miles within 50 miles within my city or how i rank to those even within rings and then obviously facilitating intramural leaderboards and facilitating, just competing and comparing against friends, groups or others is definitely something we need to up our ability with the leaderboard to facilitate those things in. So I do agree with you. I think we're definitely going to look at that realm and hopefully we can
Starting point is 00:48:42 invest in making it, but it's not gonna happen this year, but in the next few years, next, the team is small, several years. At racer zero one four slash WB nine GC. It's great. Okay. There is, there's just so much stuff that just needs to be done, dude. It is his first year back, right? Full year, full year. Yeah. Okay. And what's he doing reading the bible get to fucking work dave yeah hey this is that is work that's spiritual work i'm having the next three weeks are going to be interesting i'm having john on all these because we're going to get into the bible fault
Starting point is 00:49:19 cross it has gone downhill dude when did you become a victim it's greg's fault cross it has gone downhill dude when did you become a victim with It's Greg's fault. CrossFit has gone downhill. Dude, when did you become a victim with no accountability? I did not say it was Greg's fault that CrossFit has gone downhill. That's you twisting my words. I actually said one perspective that could be had in this is anything that is happening now is because Greg sold the company. I said, that's a perspective. I didn't say it was mine. I just said, it's a specific, say it was mine i just said it's a specific it's a potential way of thinking about things so pay attention and don't um don't act like i'm playing the victim with no accountability because i'm not what do you guys think about that just the fact that he's taking that i just love it that he takes those questions you know it would have been so awesome he'd have just been like shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:50:06 as if as he was reading that he just like unzipped his shirt and then when he got done it was that vindicate shirt which would have been good with victim with a line through it yeah oh man
Starting point is 00:50:22 missed opportunity and I would have sold a bunch of those, too. It all ties back. It all ties back. Seve should have a prize for the fittest CEO member, the Seve Games. Oh, that might be an idea. Have a leaderboard for all the members and have the fittest dude on the podcast. I'd for sure do that.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Shrinknack. i didn't take down a video so i don't know what you're talking about i sent out like three slack box to people in the audience and it fucking cost a hundred dollars one of one of the ladies i sent it to it was like 38 dollars to mail it to her i'm like where the fuck she live he's like alabama he's like dude she's on a dirt road or something that's why it's so expensive what the fuck yeah that thing have you ever showed one of these on the show not in a long time but i have yeah abstractly what is it it's like a foam pad that you balance on tyson beijing uses these dude hey i do think that dave was trying to say hey i think he was trying i don't think he was playing the victim but i do think he was saying hey don't forget
Starting point is 00:51:30 greg sold the company like hey keep things in perspective he was pretty clear about that to be fair dave was last time he was yeah someone was all pissy but yeah well it's like when when it's like when you if you watch like right wing instagram accounts like they'll say a bunch of stuff that contradicts himself and no one brings them in and it's like hey guys like you're being hypocritical like your side does this too and he was, Hey, all you guys who are just fervent Greg backers, like he could have played this a different way. You're being a hypocrite to yourself, like back off for a second and just think about this.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He was just holding people accountable for their thoughts. And I appreciated that. Word. Uh, Cordelia glass. Thank you. Uh, we'll,
Starting point is 00:52:23 a brand setter. We didn't have time for leaderboard where you can see who's the fittest nurse, but you will be able to see if you're the fittest of your skin color. They're not going to have that, are they? Do they have that? Which John Young is fitter? Harry Jager. Wow. If that's really your name, you're a beast. If I had to guess, I'd say yes. That's a real person.
Starting point is 00:52:46 So T-H-I-B-E-A-U. Dave, what is CrossFit doing right now to fight against spreading occupational licensing reform that would end CrossFit, would end life as a CrossFit trainer as we know it? So our team, Marshall Brenner, our legal team, they're staying on top of it. There's one in particular that I think you might be talking about. They're staying on top of it. There's one in particular that I think you might be talking about. It's the Athletic Trainer Registration Committee, summary of AB 796, is this committee will be responsible for registering, licensing athletic trainers, investigating complaints, and taking disciplinary action against those who violate the law. It requires athletic trainers to be supervised by a licensed physician or surgeon. This means that athletic trainers can only practice under the direction of a doctor, ensuring patient safety and appropriate care. In California, people cannot use a paddle of athletic trainer unless they are
Starting point is 00:53:32 licensed by the state. It broadly defines the practice of athletic training to include things like injury prevention, evaluation, and diagnosis of injuries, rehabilitation, and providing education on exercise and health to athletes. Starting in 2028, people cannot engage in athletic training unless certified by the state. So this seems to be exempted under section 2529.8.13 for CrossFitters because of personal training services. So CrossFit would fall under personal training services of this law. And it seems that CrossFit gyms in California are exempt from this. This is obviously an incredible, so we're saying this doesn't apply to CrossFit trainers. We are watching, and this
Starting point is 00:54:12 obviously is an incredibly slippery slope. So we are paying attention to some of these licensure proposals or laws or things that are popping up. At this point, this one doesn't affect CrossFit trainers, but could that morph in several years into something that is more oversight for CrossFit trainers? Yes, it could. And would we fight it? I sure the fuck hope so. So we have an obligation to, if it were to go that route, but at this point it doesn't seem to. So we are paying attention. It is something that is a concern. Dude, I love what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Glenn McAleen, thank you, dude. You're a beast. Taylor, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you love the show. What do you love? I just love it that they're joining up to be members and supporting me and the team for making these projects. It's a shitload of work.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Alex Kowalski, not a fucking medical doctor needed for another industry. I second that. Yeah, she's all triggered because it happens in her skincare stuff. She can't get certain things that she'd like to get unless she has a medical director. Yeah, which is crazy. Stuff that she's eminently capable of probably doing better than even a doctor. Right. Like injecting TRT.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Who needs a doctor for that? Right. Ha ha. Uh, ha ha. And it is something that we should watch. All right. As always post thoughts to comments and,
Starting point is 00:55:42 um, I will respond to those next week. And if you're interested in the games, go watch Sevan's behind the scenes and check that out. Alright, thanks. What about... Fuck. Get your...
Starting point is 00:55:58 Extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil. Any final thoughts, John? You must be titillated that our boy TDC is reading the Bible. Well, I mean, according to Tyler, he's reading the Bible to make fun of the Bible, so I'm not titillated
Starting point is 00:56:16 by that. You know what? Mr. Castro, if you have any questions, you don't understand something, why would they write this? Who wrote this? You go ahead and give me a call and we'll talk it through. I would love nothing more. And then I can talk to Stefan afterwards. School me up too.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Hiller, thoughts on this week's? I enjoy his shows better when he does more in the comment sections and less about the books that he's reading and why he's reading them. And it seemed like he was just going a little bit too deep on all that. But it is his own little show. This wasn't one of your more favorite ones? I also want to know why he didn't put one out last week. Right?
Starting point is 00:57:02 Christmas? So? Yeah, right. He put one out the week of the game starting in the freaking coliseum uh last monday was oh yeah last monday was christmas the 25th yeah who gives a fuck work buddy work okay you missed him we did a show yeah yeah you missed him all right uh jr thoughts on this week's uh dave castro weekend review it was okay. I think him digging as deeply as he dug. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:27 What? With that Greg question, like from now on, that's the new bar. So if I don't get that much passion and that much monologue, I feel like it's not nearly as good. You liked it last time when he went six or seven minutes into it. It was incredible. I don't think I've ever seen him get that passion and emotion about any topic publicly before.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Mr. Watkins. It is funny to me that he continues to bring that up. I don't know. To me, it's like if you weren't smart enough to realize what he was saying, I don't understand why he would answer to someone like that. He picks these questions, right? He doesn't answer all of them. Yeah, he picked.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I mean, I assume he picks them. So he chose that one to pick. Overall, I thought it was good. I would like to know something more tangible about the leaderboard. I would actually like to see changes on that. I think it could be way more useful. But I do think it's cool he's reading the bible i think it's great too um it'd be cool too like if he from like a full transparency point of view i don't know if he'd ever do it but
Starting point is 00:58:35 open registration is already live correct on the first didn't it didn't start today every week in review just like tell us how many people are signed up for the open oh 20, 30, 40 like I wonder how many people signed up today 40, 55 there is a QR code at the end of every behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:58:58 to sign up for the open wow look at this Courtney hey what's up? Julian. Julian Ferreira. Ferreira. Hi. AJ.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Partanillo. Partanillo. It opens January 9th, Will Branstetter. Thanks, Will. Finally, we will be going to Wadapalooza. J.R. Howell will be going to Wadapalooza. JR Howell will be there. Tyler.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Taylor? Taylor. Taylor Self will be there. Oh, yeah. Both. Doing the podcast. And then also the editor Patrick Rios and one of our camera operators Bella will both be there with a Colton cam. That Colton cam is sponsored by
Starting point is 00:59:43 CA Peptides. If you use the word code SEVON, you will get free shipping, I think. Is that true? Or Hiller? Or Hiller. Andrew. Yo. You want to do peptides and you want to get a little pep in your step.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Which one would you try? CJC-1295. CJC-1295. He he just knows it off the top yeah here's the thing i want to ask you do you take this one that's five milligrams with the dac or this one that's five milligrams without the dac i've never taken the one with the dac but the one without the DAC worked just fine. What does it do? I looked into it once and it
Starting point is 01:00:29 helps bind to something and I don't know enough to speak on it. Maybe JR knows. DAC is an acronym for something and it helps bind to something. It's supposed to make it work better. What does it do? It helps you pump more growth hormone, essentially.
Starting point is 01:00:50 You should take some, John. Yeah, but don't tell anybody because they won't be able to test you for it. How long before it gets out of your system? Like 48 hours at the most. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. I've taken two bottles in the last six months. I could only imagine hearing that when I was a competitive athlete
Starting point is 01:01:09 on a podcast like this. Oh, alright. 48 hours. Andrew, you going to walk? Hey, is that cheating? Sorry, go ahead, JR. Leaning in that direction at the moment. Alright. Is it cheating? Yes, go ahead, JR. Leaning in that direction at the moment. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Is it cheating? Yes, it's cheating. I don't think that's cheating. It's not in your system when you do it, when you go. Yeah, and if I didn't start taking tests again, then it would be... So wait a second. So if you've ever taken any peptides, you shouldn't be allowed to do the open? You shouldn't be allowed to do the open?
Starting point is 01:01:44 That's the law of the land, dude. You sign up for the open open you shouldn't be able to do all of the land dude you sign up for the open you're on the you're in the competition i know but let's say i did peptides like 15 years ago i shouldn't be allowed to be in the cross the games look at it this way if uh fraser wins five years in a row and he's taking it in the off season but it's out by the time it's in season is that fair yeah good to go okay good to go not agrees with that now now i'm just tripping i've never thought of that question before but when are you supposed like how can you how can you hold something against someone that they did 20 years ago like well then it just becomes who can take the most stuff without getting caught yeah well that is what it is it is what it is that's
Starting point is 01:02:25 what it was for cycling though like i i don't i don't agree with that hillary we were uh my gym was talking about something you got brought up and uh and i was somebody asked me when it when you got off of it what what happened to you i was like he lost like 20 pounds in three weeks. It was something crazy. But now he's back on it. I was close to 60 the other day, so I put on a lot, almost 20. And then they asked, what would be the greatest cocktail for you to get to the games? And then I was like, that's an interesting question. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:03:05 And then I thought I would ask you. For a male or a female? And what are they not so great at? That's the question. No, no, no. Me. Talk about me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 They were genuinely curious because I was like, I mean, probably Enduraball. What's the, whatever the hell Elie Kapoor got caught taking, The bronchial dilator. You take those three substances and you'd be good to go. And like a TRT replacement to make sure that the equipoise didn't crush you. What do you mean with that? It increases your red blood cell count. They give it to horses, makes them all jacked and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:40 EPO? No, that's equipoise, but EPO does that as well. Sorry. and stuff but it also no uh no that's equipoise but epo does that as well sorry anyone taking notes oh shit oh shit my goal my goal is for somewhere somehow somebody tries to drug test me and then uh it'll just make me feel really fit that's that's all my goal is clen clen is it that's. Not taxidermy, dear. It says have a promo code. Click here to enter your code. Why'd you pull it down?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Because my address popped in there. All right. I don't... I'm just... Have a promo code. Click here. Enter your code. Shit. Well, fuck. Enter your code. Shit. Well, fuck. You can't.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Here we go. I just placed my order. A billing name is required. I got my billing name in there. What are you talking about? Did you use your discount code, Tevon? No, I didn't use it. Ship to different address? No. Ship to same address. Oh, there.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Checkout. Oh, order details. Did I get it? I heard something. Thank you. Your order has been received. Look at... Fuck, am I going to get screwed? Should I not share this? Do you believe the same thing, JR? No, it's a party.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Order received. I was just thinking about how I've been around Hiller in person, maybe four or five times. I ordered the monthly. I'm on the monthly. I just ordered 12 bottles of the CJC. Look how small this is now. Were you that small when you got it?
Starting point is 01:05:25 That's a $1,000 t-shirt, dude. This used to fit perfect, and now it's snug. Is that a $1,000 t-shirt? Why is that? That's right. It's your L1 shirt. Oh. I love that shirt.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I still have mine. $1,000 t-shirt. And it used to fit perfect. I put it on today, and I'm thinking, holy shit, this is tight. I haven't worn it in a little while. But what's crazy about Hillerar he was here for crucible he had not been taking trt he came when he drove to florida he was i think he's tried to describe it before and i noticed this and it was really cool as i'm never around him in person so i could really like compare whatever your personality is when you're on testosterone
Starting point is 01:06:06 it is just that but a bigger personality so if you're a super dry humored guy i would imagine you would just be that much drier and you're you would just be that much woodier like the way is on trt is what you're telling me the way that the way that andrew was almost um sobered like he was more sobered down um just a more mellow version of himself like that's the best way i can describe it a little less energy a little less talkative um a little less demonstrative like yeah just everything was just a little bit lower. You felt muted a little bit. And he even said that, that he thought that's what would happen if you just stopped taking it.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And then when I was around him at Crucible, sure enough, that's how it was compared to when I was hanging out with him for the online qualifier. That's cool. It was noticeable. That's interesting because when I met you, I mean, maybe you were just busy through the wazoo because i've only i've only been with i've only been with hillary at the games and uh you didn't seem very talkative then was that working yeah no i mean you were busy all day so uh so i mean that
Starting point is 01:07:17 was probably it but i haven't gotten a chance it's pretty hard to get a read on anyone in that environment yeah yeah you think stefan just read on anyone in that environment. Yeah. Yeah, you'd think Stefan just lives on mushrooms if that's your baseline. What's up with this dude? He's all happy and shit. God, I was fucking through there. Blake Johnson, thank you. Big stick.
Starting point is 01:07:36 You and I have something in common. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. It's going to be an amazing show. Jennifer Say oh is that the person Dave was just talking about yeah alright guys thank you JR thank you for staying up late
Starting point is 01:07:53 John Young, Tyler thank you guys for staying up late thank you I did only an hour yeah I gotta go it's a weekend review show I gotta take Greg's son back to his dad back to Greg alright bye bye

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