The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR Jan 14th, 2024

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:05 you were sleeping four hours yeah wow uh bill grunler oh i can't believe i did that right you did that right look at that it's always the opposite brian spin barbell spin already spent a lot of time with uh brian virtually i actually am more than normal with Bill. That was cool. And then last night, totally out of character because normally Mr. Dave Castro releases these on a Monday. He releases the
Starting point is 00:01:37 January 14th, 2024 week in review. Oh, shit. The loss of two Navy SEALs overseas, programming the games, and answering comments. All right, so this is going to be a quick one. Oh, shit. The loss of two Navy SEALs overseas, programming the games, and answering comments. Alright, so this is going to be a quick one. Oh, good. What are you going to do when the show's over, Bill? In 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:01:52 when this shit's over. What are you doing? Going back to teaching? Yeah, I'm going to go try to work out and do some programming and then get ready for the classes tonight. Me too. You already know what you're going to do? Yeah, I'll do what I program. Brian, what are you going to do
Starting point is 00:02:07 today after the show's over? Hopefully get more rest. Oh, good. Yeah. I was thinking about I'll either sleep or work out. That's a good point. Alright, give this a thumbs up. Ladies and gentlemen, let the show begin. Week in review january 14th 2024 i just filmed this just had uh 15 minutes doing one and then i checked the audio and it was
Starting point is 00:02:35 shit this thing wasn't working so oh so he's bummed no one likes to do that shit twice right oh dude is so bad he said he did like 15 minutes of it too that sucks yeah he's bummed all right so expect low energy he's already bummed hi austin hey what's up dude how are you one are we doing 1.5 uh oh uh no one point uh 1.25 well he's not he's not pedro so you could probably do 1.5 i tried 1.5 last week it was i couldn't do it really okay you want to do 1.5 you in a hurry well i'm not hurt all right i'm good i'm good bill's good uh yeah failed to prepare prepare to fail i don't know if that's appropriate yeah uh episode four holy shit was so good yeah telling you telling you thank you I appreciate
Starting point is 00:03:28 it I humbly share with you I'm the greatest ever who did the behind the scenes humbly huh humbly thank you though I do appreciate you saying that Jess Pearson RN hope if I ever need a decatheter you're in the ER taking care of me always like a crossfitter
Starting point is 00:03:44 doing the tough shit to me okay here we go I hope if I ever need a decatheter, you're in the ER taking care of me. Always like a CrossFitter. Doing the tough shit to me. Okay, here we go. I'm going to have a mole looked at tomorrow. You guys ever had a mole looked at by a doctor? Yeah. No. I feel like I'm going like. Are you nervous?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, I feel like I'm getting an STD check or something. You know what I mean? I mean, it's not on my dick. It's on my back. But you know what I mean? It's the same kind of like. It's like I got AIDS tested once and I was a virgin, but I still thought I might have AIDS. You know what I mean? It's the same kind of like, like, it's like I got AIDS tested once and I hadn't, I was a virgin,
Starting point is 00:04:05 but I still thought I might have AIDS. You know what I mean? I'm just weird like that. Like, I don't want to do it. What? Yeah. Talking about you're a virgin.
Starting point is 00:04:11 You got an AIDS test. Yeah. Is it the drug use? Is that what it was? No, it was just, I was fucking, I was born in 72
Starting point is 00:04:17 and just like, that's just shit. Like, you know, the 80s and 90s were scary. I don't know. I just got an AIDS test. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:22 it was scary if you weren't a virgin and you were doing drugs. Let me tell you. Hey, dude, when I was like, i was in the same 80s too man come on now hey dude when i was 10 i found a condom in my dad's room and uh one day uh i i put it on in the morning when i woke up just in case i was gonna have sex i tried to keep it i keep it on all day i mean every time i went to the bathroom was just curled up in a ball on the bottom of my underwear but then i'd like try to pull it put it back on obviously you didn't get the sex ed class at that point i'm over prepared i'm over prepared i'm nervous how what did they say about your mole um i just asked if it was uh
Starting point is 00:04:58 you know cancerous and they're like oh let's look at the outsides of it and see what it looks like and if they're worried and they'd cut it and they'd do a biopsy on it. Otherwise, the doctor would be like, eh, no, it's fine. Quit being a pussy. Kind of. I would love it if my doctor said that to me. Seriously, that would make me feel so much better. They'd be like, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Let's just keep a close eye on it. I would so much rather hear, God, you're a pussy. I mean, it would be cool, but it would be a doctor that you would have to know. You know what I mean? They're not going to do that. I mean it would be cool but it would be a doctor that you would have to know you know what I mean they're not going to do that Austin Hartman my girlfriend is an ER nurse
Starting point is 00:05:30 she put a condom catheter on me a while ago terrible experience I think I'd prefer a straight catheter condom catheter ew I'd love to hear the details of that whoa damn
Starting point is 00:05:43 you ever had a catheter either of you no thank god fuck i've had one of those too for what seven i was in an accident i was because you were worried that maybe you were gonna have bad pee or something so you had to no i was in this bike accident when i was a little kid and i was in the hospital for two weeks. And I woke up. They kept me in a coma for three days and I woke up and, dude, it was horrible, dude. Okay. You have to let the pee out so slow or it hurts.
Starting point is 00:06:18 A bike accident? Yeah, bicycle, bicycle. A coma for three days? Yeah. What the fuck? You ever seen my scar? You ever seen my... Is it on this side or the other side i don't think so oh maybe there yeah yeah i'd have the horseshoe you know where they fucking cut a horseshoe in the side of your skull and open it up to let the pressure off your fucking big old arminian brain
Starting point is 00:06:41 damn that's a cool story well shit, shit. Let that shit out. No, I prefer to talk about penis stories. Okay. It is downstream. My penis was affected because I crashed on my bike. I was trying to figure out, trying to connect the dots.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I was having a hard time doing that. I almost died because I hit my head on the concrete in a bicycle accident. And, uh, but I'm just concerned about my penis, the trauma I have into my penis. Right. That's important stuff. I get it. Why not just put a diaper on me?
Starting point is 00:07:10 Why a catheter? Seriously. Maybe they had to see if you were pissing blood or something. They couldn't check it through a diaper. Now they got it all in a bag. Look at you. You're a captive of a fire department. Now you got all the answers.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I just pretend like I do. Okay, so what did they say? Did you have cancer? Did they have to lance your shit? No. I mean, I've had one that they did take off and ended up being benign. It was nothing. Were you scared when they called you?
Starting point is 00:07:38 They're like, Bill Grundler. You're like, this is Dr. Watson. You're like, okay. We have your mole here. Uh-huh. And there's some things I have to share with you about it. Go on. That's the most extended whatever conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I mean, yeah, I'd probably be a little nervous if they said, yeah, it's positive for cancer. I'd be like, okay. Now what? Why aren't you chiming in, Spin? Look at your white ass. You got to have some moles and shit and some skin scare. Nothing so far. Fucking white. You're better. I'm ignoring it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Totally. You were just in Miami. You got to get some bliss sometimes. You got some sunburns there. Not with all that rain, you can't get a sunburn. It was only sunny one day this week. All right. Well, bad for those guys with all that rain. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Okay, so Dave's pissed because this is the second time he has to record it. Okay, here we go. I'm refilming it now. It's Sunday. I am doing this today because tomorrow, tonight I'm leaving town and won't be around. So instead of skipping it, which I've done in the past because I'm out of town on a Monday, I'm going to try a new routine where I film them on Sundays if I have the time because I'm leaving town. Hey, Dave, random but important question for you. I know that CrossFit is involved with the Army, but there are plans to involve the Navy. I'm currently a flight student in the Navy and physical fitness is not taken seriously, but I feel that if CrossFit was implemented, it would benefit the entire military.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I've been a CrossFitter for 10 years and it's been a key element in my life, both mentally and physically. We're in talks with a handful of senior leaders in the Navy. I don't know if it's going to go anywhere, but I would love to expose it to the Navy, obviously any other branch that's interested. We're currently working with the Army. And even when we say we're working with the Army, we're working specifically with 18th Airborne Corps, which they're a large cohort of the army, but it's not the entire army we're working with. We'd love to get to a place where we are working with the entire army and other branches too. But sometimes if there is not an internal ambassador or someone who really wants the program to happen, it's hard to pitch and
Starting point is 00:09:43 penetrate places that don't have CrossFit or don't have an interest in CrossFit. Where I've seen success or where I see that we've gone in the past in terms of military organizations or even other types of organizations, again, there's always been this concept of an internal ambassador. So if you have any ideas on how to get more involved with any of the branches or if you're a senior leader at any of these branches who can who can make a difference and want to bring us in or not make a difference, but can make an impact on getting us involved. Reach out to me and I'd love to talk to you about what we're doing and how we can help relate to that question. Senior leader right there. All key.
Starting point is 00:10:21 All politics. And we have all I mean, I've done that so much with fire in all the years that I was in fire, trying to push it. And if the people above you aren't into it, then it just dies where you are. So I literally had to, the only way I could really push it was from my station
Starting point is 00:10:41 because at least I could control that. And so me and my guys were doing it out of my station house. But then even trying to do any sort of a physical fitness, honestly, when you get into a into a big system, whether public safety or military, it ends up being more of a like a CYA rather than you need to be a badass. Like you're you're you're a trained professional athlete to do physical things. And that's the part that gets really hard. I mean, even the stuff that like, you know, Sousa's working with, you know, a couple of fire departments and I've worked with a couple of fire departments, but the only way that that happens is when either one of the chiefs is into it. And so you have a high ranking officer that's like, Hey, okay, I'm into it. I need to bring someone else into to train anybody teach
Starting point is 00:11:25 everybody do the seminars keep everyone on track whatever um or you have some really good connection like with uh like you're really good friends with that officer that's the only way that it works otherwise they just they just downplay it and it is terrible it's it's a it is an uphill stream all the time life never changes after high school it's just a popular popularity contest you're like oh i can't wait to get out of high school it's not a popularity contest anymore uh no no nobody changes it's all who you know yeah 100 it's talking about the general that the general that's brought it into the army dave uh served um in in Delta Force with him.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Which that would make sense. I mean, it's like – They were close. And even the high ranking, if they don't do it, that's fine, but they have to buy off on it. Right. They have to want – they got to understand the benefits of it other than, well, we already do something. And there's morons in the military who say CrossFit's dangerous. A lot of morons.
Starting point is 00:12:25 There are, but I know that they just switched it. And I don't know if Austin put that up there, but I think that they just changed their entry-level test stuff for a lot of the militaries, going from the classic, how many push-ups can you do in two minutes, and how many sit-ups, and what's your wall sit, that kind of crap, to a little bit more of a dynamic movement based um i think they actually have one where like there's some deadlifts in there you know that type of thing or it's a little i don't remember what it is but
Starting point is 00:12:54 it's a little bit more realistic um rather than what it was and i mean they're getting there but it's like even with that to me you change your whole thing just they're getting there, but it's like, even with that, to me, you change your whole thing. Just they're just they don't want to say it's CrossFit. They don't want to say that this is the type of stuff that we're doing. They're trying to they're pretending. So they dance around it and it's just dumb that they'd have to do that. I don't know who this is. Dale Dobeck said it best.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It's all about who, you know. i agree dale yeah i mean i think the best way to get into the military is to work at the grassroots so work with the lower level military eventually they will be higher ups right so trying to convince long game long game that's what it's very long game yeah which isn't bad but again the the bigger the bigger the machine the more uh clogs there are in the machine to to deal with so like you could i mean like we're we're stoked because they're bringing their we're you know crossfit's working with the Army. But just like Dave said, they aren't working with the Army. They're working with one cohort in the Army, one battalion. And that, to me, that's shitty.
Starting point is 00:14:15 They bought off on it, cool, but they haven't spread it through. And I did the same type of thing. I was like, okay, well, I'll have all my guys doing CrossFit when I was there, you know, 10 years ago now. And those guys are now captains and chiefs and they do it, but even they will, it gets stuck it there at their station.
Starting point is 00:14:33 It does. It doesn't go up higher than that. And then, and when the dude, you know, quits the new dudes, that's it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:40 That's it. Yep. You're done. That's it. Now, what is a private seminar? Actually, a handful Someone else asked, what is a private seminar? Actually, a handful of people asked, what is a private seminar? And last week we were in San Diego on a Navy base doing a private seminar for Naval Special Warfare personnel.
Starting point is 00:14:53 There were some SEALs there and non-SEALs. And what it is is units reach out to us and say, hey, we want to host a private level one for our crew. We do a number of private level ones. We did one for the Army recently, unrelated to the 18th Airborne Corps. We've done a handful. We did a handful in 2023 for different units. We do them internationally too. We used to do a ton of them. We haven't over the last several years done as many, but it's basically reaching out. And this is unrelated to the one day stuff we're doing with 18th Airborne Corps. You basically reach out and say, we'd like to host a level one course on our base. And then we send trainers out to you and conduct it while there so i was in san diego for a couple days went to the course because
Starting point is 00:15:30 of my background so that's what he was doing last week some teammates and friends last week they taught a level one at um at uh in coronado it sounds like yeah which is cool yeah which is totally cool so that means they do have some inroads into the Navy. Well, he said that they will have, if a group wants him to come in and do the, and that's what he was talking about, the private level one. It's like, okay, if your group wants us to come in, we'll come in and do it. That's cool. I didn't know that they did a lot of them before.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I mean, he said they used to do a lot of them. Well, dude, yeah. Back in the day, they did, I felt like greg was always doing those flying somewhere and doing them oh yeah yeah a long time ago they have a lot of new buildings and a lot of new fundamentally a base for the teams out there so that was a really good trip i'm actually heading back tomorrow to do some training with some guys unrelated to this, more just personal stuff and some of my shooting things that I like to do. And related, well, not related, but also of similar nature.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So yesterday I found out that someone hit me up and said, hey, check this story out. And it was a story saying a couple of sailors were missing off the coast of Somalia. And then find out today now it's hitting more mainstream press. It's not just a couple of sailors, it's a couple of SEALs. And it sounds like they were on a mission and something happened and they fell off the ship there in the water, missing and haven't been found for a few days. So it sounds like we lost a couple of guys.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Tragic day. You hate hearing that shit. It just hits close to home, especially with what I did for so long. I was a SEAL for 12 years. Obviously, I don't talk a lot about that. Yeah, that was crazy that he just said that. You don't hear him say that very often. Yeah. But when you see stuff like this, it makes you think about your time in. It makes me think about my time in. And I've done training my time in and and um i've done training like that i never did any real world missions any real world shipboarding missions but did a lot of training i actually broke my leg doing that training at one point and um just makes you
Starting point is 00:17:33 think about even the combat that i did eventually see and the things i did how lucky um i am to even still be here after all that time because you know i think, I think, I think I've said this before, Glassman saved my life. And what I mean when I say that is he gave me the opportunity to do something significant and profound in the world with CrossFit and step away from the thing I love doing, which was the military and being a SEAL. So at the 12 year mark, I was able to completely get out and work full time for CrossFit. If it wasn't for CrossFit, I would have done 20 years. And in that, that's eight more years of doing the things we did. And why I say he saved my life is who knows what would have happened in those eight years. Through that time period, I saw a lot of other
Starting point is 00:18:11 guys that I know not make it back from combat. So when things like this just happen or happen, it just makes you think about all of that stuff and how dangerous that job is. Obviously, it goes without saying how dangerous any military service is. And it makes me proud of what I did and also think how proud I am of those who are still serving our country and still doing those tough jobs or frankly, any job in the military. So keep a sad day. I'll be with a bunch of SEALs for the next couple of days. So I'll find out more about it. Won't talk about it more than this but um and i know that it's gonna be annoying there's gonna be a bunch of people talking about a bunch of guys um i hope i hope people don't publicly at least on the instagram sphere talk about the tactics or
Starting point is 00:18:54 talk about the missions or but they will or try to break it down because uh i i think that's why i don't talk about this stuff i think that stuff there's a realm and a place for it and it's not in the public domain um the special operations side of it the tactics the missions the details how you do it um and all of that at cedric okay so he's going back down to san diego he is in san diego it sounds like now that's why he released this yesterday he's going he was down last week for some seal shit but now he's going back down again to do some other SEAL shit that has to do with his shooting. And I would say for Dave, he's shaken.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Like we just saw a shaken Dave. He's bombed some homies. I don't think that anybody likes to hear that stuff. I mean, what's weird is from, I mean, not that I was running around with guns or anything, but like from even with my experience in fire, like you're doing your thing and you're just kind of in it. And even like with him being in the military, like you're just in it. And you don't think about all of the things that could happen until you're out until one of these things kind of hits you in the gut a little bit, you know, where you're like, oh. you're out until one of these things kind of comes to kind of hit you in the gut a little bit you know where you're like oh so i like i really liked his comment about how how he says that like greg
Starting point is 00:20:11 saved his life because otherwise he would have been in for another eight years and he's exactly right like anything can happen in those eight years it could be an accident it could be a mission it could be a whatever and that could have been it you know and that's the way that these guys you know and girls when they're in the military that's that's the role that they play you i mean you you don't know you might not be coming back that day it's just kind of how it runs officers fire same thing go ahead build it when something like that happens and it's similar to something that maybe maybe was a close call for you like but you came out on the good side but you know like these two you know didn't lost their life like does it remind you like how close you could have been to not where you are now yeah you can't do the job if
Starting point is 00:20:59 you're worried about like all the worst things happening so you kind of block it out but when it's these types of things that happen you know that like you're you're literally on the line so you're just barely on this side of the line or you're barely on that side of the line barely on that side of the line you're not what's that were you a firefighter 9-11 yeah wow so that fucking rocked you totally and i mean and that's in that's what everybody anything anything big like that that's you know what people think about it's like okay well what i have done you know how would it have been and that's the whole deal you know you watch regardless of what are the political part of that that whole thing is you watch the the video footage of those guys having to go up into the
Starting point is 00:21:42 towers they're just doing what they do. And that's the same thing that these guys do. They just, they do what they do. And the hope is you come back and sometimes you do. And sometimes you don't. And when you don't, you come back,
Starting point is 00:21:55 you're like, fuck. I mean, you really, I was walking that edge. I didn't even, didn't even really think about it because you get so used to not thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Cause you can't, you can't. Um, he said um i have actually seen some footage of dave doing some boat training and basically and i know what he's talking about he's talking about basically it sounds like these seals who died were basically pulling up in a boat next to a big another big boat think oil tanker that's that's how i'm imagining and they were going to board the boat for some mission kill somebody take the boat they were doing something and although dave says here he had never done that don't anyone get it twisted the guy went on shit tons of missions i remember when he worked at crossfit every night when i'd be chatting with him and we'd be doing work stuff
Starting point is 00:22:39 he'd be like okay i'm going on a job i'm going on a job he never told me what they were anything but then as the years went by that I knew Dave, I met other SEALs and Delta Force guys that were deployed with him. And even as recent as this last games I was at, there was a Delta Force guy there who's still in, and he whispered in my ear. I can't even tell you exactly what he whispered in my ear, but Dave was a busy man.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Like he did a shitload of nightly stuff. Sounds like on and off for years. 60 days in a row of nightly activities, going out in helicopters and dropping into people's villages. You know what's crazy? He's been crazy shit, I think. That's the most disturbed I've ever seen him, by the way. He looks really moved right there.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I agree. I agree, too. What's crazy is that he know he always gets like labeled he's like oh he's such a douchebag he's a this he's that and it's like dude you have to understand what the dude has been through right right like it's kind of it's kind of like with cops like why are all cops assholes well i mean in all reality they kind of have to be 90 of the interactions in the morning before they saw you at the fucking dentist office with scumbags right totally fucking box cutter in their pocket written getting ready to slit their throat or some drunk some drunk lady yeah yeah that's right they get trained to deal with the people that they hang out with Dave thoughts on bringing the back team series absolutely I we're definitely thinking
Starting point is 00:23:57 about bringing back the team series uh it was a great event it maybe not even the same way but conceptually online team competition in the off season. I'd love to do something like that because it was fun. It was cool. People enjoyed it. It was growing before we stopped doing it. And so definitely considering. Nick.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I don't even remember what the team series was. What was that? Is he talking like the invitational? No, it was like the, it was like around september time frame october where they had teams of four two men two women and oh was there a location that we did it i barely remember that was like the online thing wasn't it it was online like rogue fitness
Starting point is 00:24:38 sponsored a couple teams um oh yeah over one or two weekends you have to go and do a handful of workouts there's no live final event no it's like an online version of Wadapalooza I don't think it was at least from what I saw it wasn't as popular as what Dave was saying
Starting point is 00:25:01 same I mean unless he was talking about the Invitational which I think the Invitational team series would be awesome and have that competition. Oh, I also think that one of the things I didn't think I mentioned about the team thing
Starting point is 00:25:16 that we were talking about, me and Chase, was... Oh, what's up, Joe? What's up, man? Was having the top three teams at the games that were on the podium that they get to compete at the team invitational. So you have your North American team, your Canadian team,
Starting point is 00:25:31 your whatever team, and then you have the three podium teams that they get to compete against, and that'd be badass. That would be badass. Right? They would just embarrass the teams. The podium teams? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But it'd still be fun. all right here we go alt gilbert 612 okay folks i'm here to reignite the idea of castro versus bridges boxing match we all know josh bridges was dodging the fight what do you think dave could you still beat him so i've definitely aged significantly since then. I feel like I'm slowing down. Do I think I can beat Josh? Technically, for sure. Physically, at this point, he's way stronger. He's got way more endurance.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He's way fitter than I am. So it would be tough. I mean, he's like over a decade, maybe even 15 years younger than I am. So that imbalance would put me at a disadvantage. Although Jacob Heppner, who could barely string together a one-two punch or any sort of combinations, was able to beat Josh Bridges. So that gives me some hope. But no, I'm not going to step
Starting point is 00:26:34 into a ring with him. I'm too old for that shit. At Thomas... It'd be so fun to watch. How about just get them drunk and see what happens? Do you think they'd fight if they were drunk?
Starting point is 00:26:50 I don't know, but how about just get a bunch of these dudes together and get them drinking, and if a fight breaks out, we win. If not, we just charge money. But you're not even sure if a fight's gonna break out. So part of the bet is just if they fight. Sure, yeah. Julia, how the fuck old is Dave?
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'm 51. He's younger than me, but not much younger. Yeah, I think he's in the mid-40s. And Bridges is 41. I think he just turned 40, didn't he? Bridges? What year did Dave cornrows his hair? Because he said he'll never do that when he's 40,
Starting point is 00:27:22 so he must have been 39, or he turned 40 or something that year. Was that 15? 16? Something around there. Dave was born in 77. 46. Look at this person. What's his social security number?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Alright, here we go. Am I frozen again? Am I? Yeah, yeah, you've been frozen. I didn't want to tell you. What the fuck? Tell me. I'll leave and come right back.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Okay, fine. Go ahead. Go ahead. We'll wait for you. Go ahead. We won't do anything. Rosie. Rosie. Rosie. Go ahead. Go ahead. We'll wait for you. Go ahead. We won't do anything Rosie Rosie Rosie John young yellow corn rose fit 2015
Starting point is 00:28:13 Dude, you guys don't tell fucking bill. He's frozen Okay, do not listen Christopher do not tell oh it's Christopher in the military Listen, Christopher, do not tell. Oh, is Christopher in the military? Listen, do not tell Bill he's frozen. We don't need him coming and going. Just let him be frozen. Hi, Bill.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Fuck up, I heard that, bitch. Thanks, Chris. No, Chris. Bad Chris. Okay, here we go. E9348, will you do a live announcement for the open? They are awesome. I've said this in other locations or maybe even on this. Definitely considering.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Likely. Haven't committed yet, but very likely. And thank you. He needs to do all the open announcements. To his first year back. Quit being fucking fake humble. Fake whatever. Just do them all.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Just do them all. Like, come on. It's only three weeks. Yeah, just do it, dude. Just do it for us. Like, what do you... I don't want to see anyone else do it. Bill disag weeks yeah just do it dude just do it for us like what do you i don't want to see anyone else do it bill disagrees what do you think bill oh let's have someone from the adaptive division and the ages division champion i'm bill and i'm inclusive first of all okay why would you use that voice on me second of all when have i ever sorry do i have a god voice
Starting point is 00:29:21 when have i ever jumped on that side of the fence? No. All day. Shouldn't be anybody else. At all. Okay, okay. Let me see. Yeah. Cool if I knew how to use this roadcaster.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I could have done a God voice. What was your favorite antic that he did at the Open? I like all of them. I just like watching him. I like people making fun of him and thinking he gives a fuck. They're like, this is so stupid. He's so dramatic. His writing sucks.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That's the part I like. I just like all the people just tearing into him. What about you, Brian? My favorite was just the whiteboard and how he would write it in a different order than you expected. Start with the third movement first. I agree with Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:30:08 If we're talking about it, it's a good thing. If we only talk about it for an hour on the announcement show, that's not enough. We want that continuing on and the build up to it of what he's going to do. What was he thinking? What's his hair doing?
Starting point is 00:30:24 What the fuck is that suit? Who made that for him? He practiced all of that shit too. Oh yeah. He'd be there getting ready for the broadcast and he'd be going all the hand gestures like when he did the time isn't going to save you and he'd take his watch off and he'd throw his watch like he would try, he would do that time after time after time
Starting point is 00:30:39 and he would take 20 watches. He even had to pick which watch to use. Yes. Totally. His fingers and movement. All that. It's so funny. It was awesome. Dan Guerrero. Savon getting checked by Jack Savon. It should be the frozen Savon. Frozen Savon was fucking
Starting point is 00:30:59 unfrozen Savon. At West Bowman 5, are you programming the games this year? I'm not programming them like I have in the past. the past when i programmed them i did it completely alone i was obsessed with it from top to bottom this year uh boz and our team the programming team they're leading the effort on it but i will be heavily involved i'll be giving feedback i'll be giving input i'll even maybe have a few workouts that i program and i'll be steering it uh directionally steering it and and and it'll have it'll be a collaborative effort between all of us so but it's not like it used to be and nor should it be at this point I have a
Starting point is 00:31:34 lot of other responsibilities with CrossFit and so saying higher level and out of that to the degree that like it would consume me for months on end so I'm heavily involved, but I would not say specifically I am programmed, but I will be heavily involved. Jesus. Grunler. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. I put no F in way in the comments. Oh, I appreciate it. If someone's got to attack Grunler, whenever Grunler's on, I always get beat up as the old ugly week version of him. At Fon doll.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So this is someone who's calling themselves at Fon doll. F O N T A U L. Dave long time viewer. Oh, he doesn't get it either. It took me five months to figure it out. That's awesome. He didn't got it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I'm commenting on the weekend review what is it yep i answered that and what does an affiliate need to get to have dave castro on site well if you're local if you're in the area uh it's not too hard if you happen to be somewhere where i'm traveling i drop into a lot of affiliates so maybe i happen to be somewhere else for work and i'll stop in but i really don't like traveling so i typically don't travel just for the sake of traveling It's one of the reasons why I'm not at Waterpalooza. Someone was asking me yesterday at an event why I wasn't there. And my idea of a good time isn't vacationing to CrossFit workouts or when I want to do something with my weekends or personal time, I'm not going to CrossFit events like that. I will go to local throwdowns and local affiliate
Starting point is 00:33:01 things, but not a major competition like that. Yeah, that's, he's doing himself, he's not telling the truth there. Are you leaving savings behind at the gas pump? Get up to 7 cents per liter in value every time you fill up at Petro Canada gas station. When you link an eligible RBC card to your PetroPoints account, you instantly save 3 cents per liter at the pump and you earn 20% bonus PetroPoints. That's like 1.2 cents per liter plus 20% bonus Avion reward points. That's like 2.8 cents per liter at the pump and you earn 20 bonus petro points that's like 1.2 cents per liter plus 20 bonus avion reward points that's like 2.8 cents per liter for a total value of 7 cents per liter don't leave these savings behind find out more at slash petro dash canada conditions apply at this exact moment you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering golden french fries
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Starting point is 00:34:00 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish farms made our way enjoyed your way available right away also a little bit because like if you invited him to your gym for your 10th year anniversary and he was in town he would drive three hours to your gym bill if yeah um he called me you know a couple months ago he goes hey i'm going to sacramento to visit uh um uh what's uh who are the guys blair morrison and who's the other cat um oh ben ben alderman he's like hey let's go up
Starting point is 00:34:30 there and say hi to them he goes on his free time and does lots of crossfit shit tons but just loses too far that's that's relatively new though i mean he never went the only crossfit competitions he would go to were the regionals and he would do the open things and he would do the games he never went. The only CrossFit competitions he would go to were the regionals. And he would do the open things and he would do the games. He never went to any other competition ever. He would go to gyms. How about OC Throwdown? Didn't Pocus head into?
Starting point is 00:34:55 No, I guess not. No, I don't think he did. I think the first one I think I saw him go to was the Central Valley Throwdown in Reedley, California. That was the first one. Matt Souza, I invited him to my tenure. He must have forgotten to drive to my gym. Spencer Davis, Devon, you look like Grunler and Fikowski
Starting point is 00:35:16 Lovechild. I'll take it. Speaking of CrossFit's presence at Waterpalooza, tear Waterpalooza. Thank you. There was Jada Coons. He was there. Austin was there.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And then a few of the media team was there as well. But not much of a presence as usual. They were there. Their booth was kind of tucked away in the corner there were decent amount of people there most of the time but it definitely wasn't front and center like it was last year why why does the media team go there i had to post like two or three clips they did they do post stuff um that woman that was interviewing or the
Starting point is 00:36:07 games athletes at check-in uh did like the superhero questions she made a meme there oh wow oh nelly where would i go crossfit games the cross Games Instagram. And I have a little bit of a... more to the story of it after you watch it. Okay. So I'm going to... Sorry, Dave. We'll take a break from you, and we'll go over to the CrossFit Games Instagram.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Oh, wait. The fun starts here? No. This kid competing? No, the second row on the right. That woman there. Oh, okay. Oh, that's not a good picture.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Someone doesn't like her. That's the woman that made the post. Oh, well, that was a bad pre-stream. Okay, sorry, hold on. Oh, I think she used to do stuff occasionally back in the day, like way back in the day. Okay, here we go. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:37:02 Curry. I can't remember her first name. Okay, here we go. Of course i've been working on muscle-ups before the open yeah i've had recrossed athletes of course i listen to my coach when he tells me to modify we're crossing of course if someone does better than me in the open i'm gonna redo it recrossed athletes we're crossed of course i've been working on muscle-ups before the open CrossFit athletes. We're CrossFit athletes.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Of course I've been working on muscle-ups before the Open. This has nothing to do with Tier Wadapalooza. No. But there was somebody that was supposed to be in that meme that was cut out. Who?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Colton Mertens. No shit. They recorded him. Roderick is the meme for time guy. You know, he was hanging out with us. He was actually in our Airbnb. And so we were spending a lot of time together and Roderick got a hold of
Starting point is 00:37:55 CrossFit. They made that meme, had Colton have a line and it got edited out. Wow. Do you know what the line was? I can't remember. It was about chalk using chalk somehow hey isn't it funny he's the most he would be the most famous and well received and they cut him out do you think it's because of who he's aligned with i i i didn't even think of that for i didn't even think about that but hey so this is the only athlete is this from wadapalooza yeah yeah they don't even have wadapalooza tagged in
Starting point is 00:38:35 this dude this is from this year's wadapalooza? Yep. Yeah. That's it. Am I tripping or is that completely inappropriate not to tag Wadapalooza? And why would it be the only guy? And someone who's like not even like... Imagine spending... I don't know how many people in the media team. It's at least two.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I think more. I heard six. I heard six. To go down there and you post a meme in this photo? Jonathan Ortega. This is totally self-serving here, by the way. We're crossing. This is nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Of course I've been working on muscle. This is about whoever those two people here, by the way. We're CrossFit now. This is nothing. Of course I've been working on muscle. This is about whoever those two people are, this guy and that girl, or this girl and that guy. This is totally self-serving. This is just like, look, I work at CrossFit. Yeah, this is nothing. That's too bad, man. That's so too bad. What's this?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Here we go. Here we go. James Sprague, this is Wadapalooza. No fucking tag at Wadapalooza again. If you click on that little icon down at the bottom left of the picture, is it tagged? No. Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's terrible. There are multiple reasons I walk in the gym after missing 2020 CrossFit Games by one point straight. Not even in the caption. Nothing. Wow. Oh my god. What the fuck is going
Starting point is 00:40:17 on, dude? What the fuck is going on? That right there is the lack of support. Don't even be there. I don't want to see Jay DeCoon's just cruising around. If CrossFit is going to show up in an event, whether it's a licensed event or not, they're there because they know a shit ton of people are going to be there.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Then the goal would be to support our community, which is that. They took pictures from Wadapalooza. This is one, too. And they took pictures from Wadapalooza. This is one, too. And they didn't give Wadapalooza credit. They didn't give tier Wadapalooza credit. This is fascinating. No, it's fucked up. This is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Hey, by the way, so this is just so you know. So this is why. The the the team of outside media is so much stronger than the internal team. This is why we've just completely taken over because we don't we never do this to each other. We do not. We all of the people on the external team, all the external media trips over itself to give everyone else credit and to help other people. Yeah, we trip over each other to help each other yeah fucking insane hey dude you're not fooling anybody by doing this i'm that's so sad hey that's for any for anyone who wants to say any here's another one by the way from wadapalooza
Starting point is 00:41:43 for anyone who ever wants to say any dumb shit like anybody who wants to say any... Here's another one, by the way, from Wadapalooza. For anyone who ever wants to say any dumb shit, like anybody who wants to say dumb negative shit about Andrew Hiller, listen, if you work at CrossFit HQ, if you have anything negative to ever say about CrossFit HQ, you've done more dumb shit here than he's done in his fucking two or three years. This is fucking maddening. Five photos from Wadapalooza, not one fucking recognition of the tier Wadapalooza crew.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Thank you, Wadapalooza, for being a valuable part of the fucking fitness community, CrossFit family. Right. Our lawyers wouldn't let us. Fuck, dude. We stomp on your dick every day because of that. Hey, you guys just you you only are hurting yourself you're only hurting yourself fucking a well thanks spin this is we were on a roll here thanks for bringing us back to reality
Starting point is 00:42:35 is that tag that big of a deal yeah it's huge dude listen this is the... Go ahead, Spin. Go ahead. Everybody is looking at Wadapalooza, right? And so even just using a hashtag Wadapalooza, if somebody else liked my post that had a hashtag Wadapalooza, it shows up in your insights, right? Like by you liking stuff that's Wadapalooza, that CrossFit shows up in your feed. So you have to play that game you have to be in people aren't always searching out crossfit but how do you get
Starting point is 00:43:12 others to see it right in all my posts i had significant traction on those who don't follow me it doesn't matter if anyone else does it crossfit has to do it so here's the thing they don says he wants to lead and change the culture of CrossFit. You can't if the media is not tagging people. Everything in your character is contagious. This is the exact opposite of the culture that's taught in the level one. This is the exact opposite. CrossFit should be cheering on and commending Wadapalooza endlessly, just like you do the people in your gym. Character is contagious. If I smoke cigarettes, you know what? It's contagious. If I'm fat,
Starting point is 00:43:50 you know what? It's contagious. If I'm fit, it's fucking contagious. This kind of behavior, and I'm glad you asked Matt Burns because it's good to explain because some people might get it. This is all contagious. This is what can I get from it? These are all what can i get from it this is these are all what can i get from it not what can i do to build up wadapalooza so that they too can succeed this isn't the rising tides float all ships this is the exact opposite of it yeah this is it's this is this is really embarrassing they are supposed to be setting the tempo of the culture and the character of how everyone acts not just the athletes the coaches the media the affiliates the gym everyone and they're they failed this is a uh a monstrous failure and hey and don't think that like dylan
Starting point is 00:44:38 and those guys won't end up seeing this either like everyone's gonna see this yeah it's horrible horrible horrible horrible I'm embarrassed I'm embarrassed for them to be honest go ahead what were you gonna say Wilfred's comment there about would the tag be Wadapalooza or Tier Wadapalooza look Wadapalooza
Starting point is 00:45:01 without Tier Wadapalooza's not there I know there's a lot of jokes about tier but they're dropping hundreds of thousands if not a million plus dollars to help that thing be there like if it's not if they didn't have tier there may not be a wadapalooza they'd'd have to find somebody else. So it's important. And we can joke about, well, you have to say to your Wadapalooza. But again, without them, they need to have some type of. And Dylan's putting on a semifinal for them.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And they're having Loud and Live put on a semifinal for them. It's like, hey, dude, I sell shirts and Grundler sells shirts. I'm not worried about someone buying his shirts and not buying my shirts. That's not the way we're working. No one's not going to the games because they spent all their money at Guadalupalooza. It's not like that. Yeah, that's a, it's a, yeah, Omar Caneo.
Starting point is 00:46:01 HQ will look at it as a nothing burger. Yeah. It's just sad. It's so sad. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Here we go. Back to the Castro.
Starting point is 00:46:16 At Bobby Sandez. Hi, Dave. What is the benefit of handstand pushups in real life? A handstand pushup is incredibly developmental for obviously being inverted, but for balance, for just total kinesthetic awareness and just the transfer from being inverted, I wouldn't say is going to make you specifically better at certain things in life, but it's going to make your fitness journey and your overall strength and fitness or your overall potential, your overall ability much better from spending time in the inverted position.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Not everything we do has a straight one-for-one transfer to things in life, but a lot of those things do have a transfer to making other things that are relevant in life much better. much better. For example, in CrossFit with a lot of people I've trained or seen or been involved with over almost two decades, you hardly ever see someone who just spends a lot of time doing presses and strict press, who also is very good at being inverted or handstand pressing or handstand walking. But almost always when you see someone who spends a lot of time inverted and does a lot of handstand presses, handstand pushups, handstand walk, they also have a really good press, overhead press. So I feel like it translates in that regard, one direction, but in the other regard, not from just not inverting over. So again, really good skills to develop, staying, getting, kicking up, getting upside down, spending time in that position
Starting point is 00:47:43 translates to other things we do and just helps with the overall fitness and overall complete package that is ultimately what CrossFit is about. The open is here. So if you haven't. I have a baseball kids that I coach. I have a 11 and under group and I have a 12 to 14 year old group. And both of those groups i have them do cartwheels and handstand walking not that they can do it very well at all but just because the point of getting them better like i don't make them better baseball players i make them more fit and more athletic and so i see that handstand walking as a an athletic skill it's kind of like the muscle up as an athletic skill i mean is that really going to trend me i could find places where it would but you know how many times am i going to
Starting point is 00:48:32 have to do 30 get up out of the pools you know or climb up over a fence 30 times or whatever it's a it's a it's a technique that i think is good for athleticism. I think that it's the same idea as doing a shoulder-to-overhead press with a tight midline stability because now you're pushing your body weight instead of just pushing whatever weight up overhead. Does it have to be done all the time? I don't think it does. But is it important to do? Absolutely, because we should be good at everything or have a level of um skill a you know appropriate skill level at
Starting point is 00:49:12 everything we touch so i think it's important that way what do you think about what clock said uh its primary benefit is shoulder stability i don't think it's its primary but what do you think about just shoulder stability? Um, I mean, it is, there is shoulder stability to it for sure, but it's shoulder strength. I mean, think about if you're doing your body weight,
Starting point is 00:49:31 like what would you equate? When was the last time you did a handstand pushup? Um, two to three days ago. Okay. How heavy are you? Uh, one 65,
Starting point is 00:49:42 one 65. Okay. How many of those handstand pushups did you do? Seven. Okay. So if you look at that and you turn yourself the other way around, you're looking at doing like a push press at probably close to the same weight. And it's the same type of idea. But there is a different stimulus when you go upside down.
Starting point is 00:50:01 It's just as far as I wouldn't say a muscle stimulus necessarily, but, uh, well, I can't do one 35 for seven. Really? No, no. Oh, push up. Oh yeah. Yeah. Push press. Sorry. Well, you gotta figure the range of motion isn't as far either from like top of your head. Right. Okay. You're right. You're right. I'm not sure if I could, you're right. Definitely not press. Okay. Sorry. I was thinking press. You're right. You're right. I'm not sure if I could. You're definitely not press. Okay. Sorry. I was thinking press. You're right. But I think that anything, anything athletic is in the realm of usable. Again, like I think that when you're programming for general GPP stuff, you've got to prioritize from your, the types of movements that you do most of the time. And then scroll in, scroll down and throw in these other things you're going to do occasionally. Like I'm going to do way more pressing than I'm going to do handstand push-upping just for our,
Starting point is 00:50:51 for our class. Yeah. But I'm going to have it in there. Yeah, for sure. You know, cause again, not everyone can do handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Well, maybe it ends up being, um, you know, a pike handstand push-up off a box, or maybe it's a hand release push-up or maybe it's a weighted push-up or depending. So. you know, a pike handstand pushup off a box, or maybe it's a hand release pushup, or maybe it's a weighted pushup or depending. Seven, I'm making it up now.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Making it up your mama's butt. Okay. Signed up already. Sign up. I'm really excited. It's going to be a great event. Great three weeks. We have a couple,
Starting point is 00:51:23 we have some cool things in store for the actual announcements and also specifically for the workouts. So don't forget to dive in. It's going to be a great year. Yesterday, I went to CrossFit Brethren's 15-year anniversary party while there. Lee Pappas owns CrossFit Brethren while there. Someone also mentioned that I was there with Greg and Savon for their 10-year. So pretty cool. I went there for their 10-year, went there yesterday for the 15, and hopefully in five years, I'llan for their tenure. So pretty cool. Went there for their tenure. Went there yesterday for the 15. And hopefully in five years, I'll go for their 20. And finally, the French Throwdown and NorCal Classic.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I think they have their qualifiers going on right now. Do you know who that is, Lee Pappas, CrossFit Brethren? Yeah. We're doing a little engagement with them where we're partnering with them and calling them a CrossFit community event. So it's, um,
Starting point is 00:52:06 it's an experiment. It's a, it's a way of working with, um, events that we haven't done before like this. So we're excited about that. They have online qualifiers going on right now prior to the open. So if you want to try to qualify, who does,
Starting point is 00:52:17 who's he talking about? Uh, NCC. Yeah. Is that the event that I saw you at? Yeah. Yeah. They're having online qualifiers for that now? Right now. Yeah. This week. Is that the event that I saw you at? Yeah. Yeah. They're having online qualifiers for that now?
Starting point is 00:52:27 Right now, yeah. This week. When's the event? Uh, September? September? Yeah. Holy shit. Um, hey, real fast.
Starting point is 00:52:38 The, I believe, Lee Pappas, um, his daughter was Calista Pappas that was at the 2008 games that you shot. No, no, no, no, no. Different. You sure? Different Pappas. You sure? I think Lee Pappas is like, yeah, Lee Pappas is he rides a motorcycle. He's tall. He's crazy good looking.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I mean, literally, he looks like he fell out of a like a like he looks like he could be James Bond, like a six foot four. Is it not in the family somewhere? I don't think so. I think it's a different dude. Crazy. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Anyway, but NCC, the Northern California, the NorCal Championships. Yeah, that's when... Okay, go ahead. Sorry. That was... I think it's cool that they want to get together, but I want to see... He says that he's going to be doing some experiment...
Starting point is 00:53:29 experimenting with the... Not licensing. What did he say? Oh, this is a funny picture of Lee. Let me see if I can... Being friends with? Who? What? For NorCal. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Like how they're joining up. How they're joining up. It's not like a licensed event, but they're. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is Lee Pappas. It's not who you're thinking, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Okay. No, you're right. Do you know him, though? I've seen him. Okay. Just around. Yeah. I've had people that have come from Brethren.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Okay. Down here. Okay. Sorry. So it's a sister of this NorCal. This is the event we were talking about earlier. That's the Ben Alderman, Blair Morrison event. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I just can't believe they're having their qualifier already. And the French throwdown qualifier doesn't start yet. I think it's in April. And they haven't even had their qualifier. No. It's later. I don't know what he's talking about who
Starting point is 00:54:26 Dave it's only the NorCal is on right now yeah Hannah Essin that's cool hair you look like you smoke weed if you do quit no more weed for you yeah I did NorCal Classic qualifiers last year
Starting point is 00:54:43 and it was kind of wild having them in January and not competing until September. So much changes in that amount of time. Yeah, you could go through fucking puberty. Yeah, I have a couple athletes that are going to be doing it this week. Okay, here we go. Apply for an in-person community event.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Check out their qualifiers and hit them up. Alright, that's it. We can review for January 14, 2024. Leave any comments or thoughts in the comments. What do you think this container is here under the table here?
Starting point is 00:55:14 You see this? It looks like some sort of bug spray container. I hope it's not. I hope he's not spraying poison there. That's what it looks like. Yeah, I don't really like that. And I'll try to address him next week any final thoughts Mr. Spinn nah
Starting point is 00:55:35 it was a little uneventful this time I think it was interesting to hear what Dave had to say about the Seals news and kind of his thoughts around that we kind of come to expect something uh games related or something breaking kind of that standpoint of uh from dave but it was good i'm sorry i judged you wrong hannah i've never smoked weed in my life she says all right fine all right good to go uh yeah what did, no books either, Spin.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Did you miss the book talk? No Bible talk. He's been reading the Bible, and we didn't get any fucking Bible references. He knew John wasn't available today, so he wanted to give a week off. Mr. Bill. I thought it was a mellow one for sure. Easy way for him to get out. I wonder how much emotion was dropped since he had to do that the second time.
Starting point is 00:56:29 You know, if you forgot anything, if you just kind of want to put it up. But it was a big weekend this weekend with, you know, with Wadapalooza going on and all of us being around. And I didn't hear anything anywhere else other than Wadapalooza stuff. So I could see it being a mellow one which by the way it's been you fucking killed it steve on i don't know how you're still awake and everybody else hill or everybody yeah it was on fire this weekend it was good thanks for getting all those interviews spin yeah you carry you carry the the heavy load for all of us he did say he's not programming the games alone. It's a team. He dances on that, I think, all the time
Starting point is 00:57:07 because I think the appropriate comment would be that it's him and his team and the team is going to be doing whatever and I think that he's saying it right. You do? I want him to take more credit. I want it to be like, I don't want,
Starting point is 00:57:21 do you know how like we just, that lady who tweets for Joe Biden accidentally tweeted his shit on her account the other day? So now, now, I mean, it's not like we didn't know someone was tweeting for him, but now like we know. Like, why can't he just say, yeah, I'm working on the, I program the games and I have great support for my team. That's like, I just want to know that he did it. Because he has the team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And that's not his role to program so he needs to be involved and i think it's good that he is involved but what it does being vague is it allows him to be as involved or not as involved as he needs to be wants to be you don't think he's you don't think it's like some like corporate shit where he has to soften his how much how much credit he takes so that everyone feels included and patted on the back uh i don't think it's a corporate setup where he's thinking that way but i think that he definitely wants i mean i don't i don't see him as a uh he's not taking credit for everything he's not taking credit for everything danny quit being a pussy he's not taking credit for everything i just want to know he's setting up his crew he's
Starting point is 00:58:26 setting up his team right now is what i think he's doing i don't want i don't want to pay fucking uh uh the world's greatest photographer to come out and film me and then his fucking assistant comes out holding the camera and the photographer's like point it there point it there no i want that motherfucker uh annie lebowitz holding the fucking camera and pulling the fucking trigger. I'll tell you what, as a programmer... I'm saying he's being a good leader by not taking care of... I know what you're saying, you jackass. You fucking giant pussy.
Starting point is 00:58:54 You should go fucking 69 David Weed. It's not undercutting, Boz. That's not what I'm suggesting. I'm just saying hey are you doing the programming yeah and I got a great team by me Boz is amazing it's his brand it's his I think it would be very hard to not
Starting point is 00:59:13 be involved as a programmer like that being how he's been yeah I think he's kind of maybe he's putting the reins on himself yeah because otherwise he's going to be all in I mean I'm an all or nothing kind of guy too. Either I want to be doing it or send me out because I don't really want to be like halfway doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Maybe he's that way. Dan Guerrero, nah, he's doing the right thing. You're being a fanboy. What's a poo seal? What is that? I don't know. How about when he called Jocko a pop seal?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Put Jocko and David Goggins as pop seals. I know, Bernie. I know he's telling it like it is. I don't give a shit. Lie to me. I don't think he is telling it like it is. I don't give a shit. Lie to me. I don't think he is telling it like it is. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, okay. Talk to me. I think that he's protecting his brand. He's protecting his group. He's protecting his crew. Yeah. The programming crew. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:19 That way, if anything goes down, he can take the brunt of it. Instead of going like, like yeah you're right boss fucked up or you know we got this new guy in and i don't know what the heck he's doing as the leader he can protect his group the group is doing it but maybe it is all boss but he's not saying who's doing anything he's saying i'll be involved that's all all right that's what i think yeah okay i like that. Somebody needs a nap. No, I'm just... David and Dan have changed the landscape of the show. And I'm willing...
Starting point is 01:00:52 I'm allowing them to curate their little corner, their little role. More to come on that. All right. Thanks, guys. Spin, thanks for coming on. Bill, thanks for coming on. bill thanks for coming on i'll see you guys tomorrow tyson bay agent 7 a.m pacific standard time it's going to be blast we're going
Starting point is 01:01:09 to find out what an nfl quarterback does in the offseason if you aren't going to be nice or you don't love the chicago bears go fuck yourself and don't tune in tomorrow don't turn in tomorrow don't don't don't tune in tomorrow by the way uh episode four is amazing. If you are not a member yet, you're stoked because in two months you're going to get to see it. And if you are a member, you're even more stoked because it's fucking dope and it only gets better from here. All right. And we are going to show you all the Colton stuff, Ricky Mack and Jason Hopper and down pepper stuff before everyone else, too. So I appreciate all your guys support. Every single member matters that that this has been a great uh a great run on memberships and i really appreciate it it's gonna it's you're gonna change the landscape of what we can provide for you guys
Starting point is 01:01:53 all right talk to you guys later oh oh oh oh oh one more thing wow that was close, right? Wow. Yeah. That was just the tip right there. Yeah. Oh, wow. Hold on. Hold on. How can I forget? By the way, if you want to know everything that happened at Wadapalooza and you want to see who gets credit for it, go to the barbell spin. He is sharing credit with everyone, tagging everyone, giving you everything that everyone needs.
Starting point is 01:02:25 It's the fastest and most reliable place to get news in the space and the most complete. But also, if you would like to buy the shirt that Bill Grundler is wearing and be a part of the OG culture, don't forget OG culture. It's the OG culture. And you go there and it'll populate and there's four pages of great shit. But you can't have this. Oh, yeah, the socks are dope too. Am I wearing the socks? No, not today.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I wore them last night. But I don't think you can get this. Look at this OG coin I got. No, you can't. Yeah. You can't. All right. For you specifically.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Thank you. Specifically. Specifically. Talk to you guys later. Bye. Poof.

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