The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR Jan 8th, 2024

Episode Date: January 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam oh give me a break come on how can you you not pick Brent Fikowski to win this event? Are you kidding me? Don't you remember 2021? Oh, what do you mean? I literally did.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I picked him to win. He did not pick Brent Fikowski. Are you kidding me? You literally said Pat Downer. What? Do we need to watch the receipt back? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? Dude, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Can you not hear yourself talking right now, dude? Oh, my. These commentators are idiots, too. Gosh, I know more about CrossFit than all these people. I've been not even paid a picture for the last five years. You don't want to lose. You little crybaby. God.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Is this you or someone you love? Download the Heat One app on the App Store, Google Play Store, or by scanning the QR code on the screen. Heat One is going to the big leagues for 2024 Tier Wadapalooza. Pick your top 10 men, women, and teams, and play in a shot caller league where you can pick the winners for each event. Create a league with your friends, your gym, and also play in the World Wide League where you have a chance to win $14,000 in prizes.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Play now for free by scanning the code on the screen. Nice. So you want to go to the App store Type in Heat One Download the app We will all be playing I'm sure there will be a room where you can play against the greats Like myself, Grundler And Matusa Let's talk about this
Starting point is 00:02:37 This is all Wadapalooza talk for the next six days Maso Manos will be squeezing in everywhere Oh, did I mention it's the tier Tier Wadapalooza don't forget the tear without tear something wouldn't be happening um bill is danielle brandon competing as an individual at wadapalooza how come we can't get a fucking straight answer to this uh i i'm gonna say yeah because it's on the her name is at least on the leaderboard i mean we've seen that but um i'm not i'm gonna say that it's it's fairly regular that you have names that show up on the on the competition floor when you get to wadapalooza and people don't show.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I mean, as a commentator, we've commentated that thing so many years. And there's always- And vice versa, right? They're known to be very open. Last minute entries are cool with Guadalupalooza. They're known for that. I think because of the fact that people are always bowing out kind of at the last minute,
Starting point is 00:03:39 you're able to kind of throw people in there at the last minute. It's never been a case where someone was going to get in, then there wasn't room, like they overbooked an airplane or something like that, and they're looking for people to graciously step off their seat and get, I don't know, a free ride for next year or something. I don't know. I don't know how they do that.
Starting point is 00:03:58 The third greatest sponsor in the world, tier for Wadapalooza, the tier Wadapalooza, a distant third compared to Paper Street and CA Peptides and maybe even BirthFit fourth. But anyway, still a fantastic tier Wadapalooza. What about the fact that I hear there's 41 athletes and that there is absolute mayhem behind the scenes at Wadapalooza now. Like, how are we going to get Daniel Brandon in there with 41? It's such a weird number. Does that mean someone's got to get kicked off?
Starting point is 00:04:31 And if who, who should kick off? Yeah. Really? We're going to have to boot someone. I think that, like I just said. PFAA, blame them, Bill. Blame the PFAA. Only 40 athletes.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Can't make anything unsafe. Emily, do you really? They already have. It's Brent McCow's fault. If you've seen, if you've gone to Wadapalooza, if you have been there either on the floor or watched any of the broadcasts that they've had, it is crowded.
Starting point is 00:04:57 They don't have a lot of extra room. So to put an extra lane in there, I don't think it's going to happen. It would be easier to ask one of the athletes to stand down or go to a team or have something like that shuffle and i can very easily see that shuffle happening i see it happening and you know what i don't really want to compete this weekend it's fine it'll be fine i'll just jump over here to this to this team the senior out of west virginia noah is a listener to the Sevan podcast. Hey, Sevan friends.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Noah, you've made quite the stir on Instagram. All of a sudden, you are an Instagram legend. Respect. I hope your skill set can maintain with your popularity. Have you seen this going around on Instagram? I know. He's got a real account. That's a real dude, Noah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Really? Yeah. I already invited him on the podcast. Oh, and only a few sponsors have the balls to keep it real. And I don't know. I don't know if. I don't know. I was going to ask if that was birth fit i know
Starting point is 00:06:06 birth it keeps it real they bring babies straight out of the vaginal canal i know ca peptides keeps it real sarah says that shit can't be tested for that's real getting paper street coffee i'll make you say shit you wish you didn't say drink two cups of that shit your mouth does all sorts of crazy shit uh bill you've frozen did i freeze again yeah yeah but your audio is still kidding me i'm hopping out and hopping right back in his audio is so crisp how does he do it how does he do it i'm coming back okay bye-bye uh bill grundler but uh taking off you know daniel brandon is not responding to any of my texts or my DMs and there's a circle of people around me who
Starting point is 00:06:48 she is communicating with and I'm wondering if it's because I said that Sporty Beth's tits were better than hers. I don't know why that would upset her. Those are quite a set of hammers Sporty got. And then on top of that, maybe it's because I had Torres on. You think it's that?
Starting point is 00:07:04 You think I'm being punished for having the x on you know i was throwing the uh thumbs up to bill but i also yes i do think it was oh come on danielle i'm fucking a hardcore fan hey did you see her uh stories though that i brought up you were in it kind of yeah i'm gonna call her i might have to call her an apology um hey you know i'll do these bad boys one more time i'm in there yeah well she reposted mine which was cool oh wow and she tagged the real seven podcast and then we have this let me see oh yeah yeah yeah i love. I love Mean Girls. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I don't know what the implication of that is, but you're in the mix there. Ladies and gentlemen, I do want to tell you there's one thing more exciting than Danielle Brandon in the CrossFit space, and only one. And it's John Young talking about the motherfucking Bible. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:08:03 John, I feel so bad for not inviting you you and then all of a sudden i'm like wait this is we we need john on this show for the next three weeks if dave's gonna be slanging any bible i'm ready for it hey can you do me a favor can you rotate that phone for us though okay let me try i'm at my gym so i'm like i'm like a limited uh oh yeah there we go there we go i want to see those broad shoulders, baby. Give it to me all. Give it to me all. Really, real quick, John Young, did you see Taylor's performance this morning?
Starting point is 00:08:32 I did. Doing the tier Wadapalooza workouts, the two-tier Wadapalooza workouts. Did you see them? Yeah, no tears were shed. And what do you think? Are you impressed? Is he games athlete material? We is he is he games athlete material i we've known he's games athlete material he just always finds a way to mess it up so hopefully this
Starting point is 00:08:51 year he can stay freaking healthy and do it okay so hats off to him that that was that was a boss move what he did yeah no i think the the first workout that he did i i think i think could be a top score the crazy thing was that he the crazy thing is that he did it you asked the question i i watched the show earlier um when you when it was like rebroadcast i watched it not live but one it was fucking done awesome you guys crushed it will and just smashed that that was fucking amazing but the fact the fact it was the same thing as like when hillar went out and did grace all by himself when everyone's watching it is different doing it that way than when you're on the floor with a with a whole group it's a lot of like i mean it's way more pressure to do what he did and he fucking did phenomenal. Over 700 live viewers, and I just looked over 4,500 now have seen it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So good. Yeah. Unless you're Vellner, Roman, or Ricky, that amount of people are not watching you. No way. Unless you're those top guys. Oh, no way. No way. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So what are you saying, that I should charge Taylor some money? 10% of any signups he got? It was good. So what are you saying that I should charge Taylor some money? 10% of any signups he got? It was good. This is the week in review show. Dave Castro does this show every Monday. We are, it's one of the highlights of what we have coming out of CrossFit these days. Dave's been there as long as anyone,
Starting point is 00:10:19 probably the most senior employee there. Maybe him and Nicole Carroll. We're stoked to have him. He runs the games. He runs the training department um he's a no uh bullshit guy um this is always cool we've been doing this now for weeks and weeks and weeks at any point he could easily just report us and stop us from doing this and he hasn't the whole thing is cool shit i love the guy uh but occasionally he does take an ass pounding on this show, actually every show. And we shall – he's good at taking an ass pounding. We shall begin.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Here we go. January 8, 2024 at Chester Springs CrossFit 1759. Hi, Dave. I love your weekend reviews and appreciate your perspective and your commitment to personal continuous improvement. Oh, he's reading a little weird, like English as a second language. Some ESL shit today. I'm surprised you're listening to like one speed.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You usually do 1.5. Oh, yes. Okay. Well, oh, that's why. I'm usually thinking. Sounded slow. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Fondle, this is the vampire show of the Dave Castro's Week in Review, where Seve sucks off a Dave. Sucks off Dave. Sucks off. How about a Dave? Okay. Thank you. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Sousa Bill wants your job. He pointed out the technical error. Oh, yeah. Here we go. That is what CrossFit is all about. And it's super cool to see you live by that credo yourself. Thank you for that. And I agree, CrossFit is about self-improvement
Starting point is 00:11:50 and making yourself better in many ways. And often we just focus on the physical side of it. And through reading and just continuing to self-educate, that's how I take it to a different place. But also using the discipline from what CrossFit builds in, in routine and in habit and in actual fortitude for doing hard things. Have you listened to Chase and Bill's podcast? He just sucked himself off.
Starting point is 00:12:17 He just like, he just read a compliment. I like it. I'm okay with it. Yeah. I think he was, it's the first time we always talk about just the workout. It's the first time. I mean, if you talk, if you talk CrossFit, it's a whole time we always talk about just the workout. It's the first time. I mean, if you talk about CrossFit, it's a whole prescription. It's not just a workout.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I mean, there's a lot of the nutrition part in there, all that. We I don't think we talk about that part enough. All of it, the full circle of CrossFit, not just the workout. I think I saw his breath. That means it's cold. It's cold in that. It was cold today, dude. That means it's cold. It's cold in that room. It was cold today, dude. Yeah. It's cold. I'm going to rewind this
Starting point is 00:12:49 back just 10 seconds because I think he said Bill's name. In routine and in habit and in actual fortitude for doing hard things. Have you listened to Chase and Bill's podcast on how to fix a team competition? Really cool ideas. Thank you again for all that you do. I have not listened to their podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'll ask Chase what he's talking about. And that's the end. Wow. Wow. Solid. Why does he have to ask Chase? Because Chase is on the payroll? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Well, it's just easier access. I mean, those guys are more ready. He's got your number in his phone. He could call you. But I think, I mean, what I like, and thanks for everyone giving those questions to him, because that's the only way that there's going to be a way to change that stuff. I think the HQ people get kind of stuck in a bubble,
Starting point is 00:13:36 and it's easy for them to just do what they do. I mean, we're all the same way. We do what we do until someone from the outside just says, hey, here's an idea, and you can kind of look at it and be like, oh, okay, I get it. But you don't know until you hear it so i hope he asks what did you guys suggest can you sum it up or is it an hour and a half talk no it's not an hour and a half talk it's basically uh forcing team people to join that that team track right away so um you have to at the beginning whether it's the beginning of the
Starting point is 00:14:03 open or beginning of the quarterfinals state that you were going team and then that takes you out of the individual scored points and all that kind of stuff so it just it forces you to go a certain way the other thing is it would be uh forming a team so you'd have a six-person team with two alternates um so you can actually use those people so in case like uh that team uh that lost the one athlete he fell on his face right before josh mantis yeah um to where you could actually have something like that happen uh the other thing that chase had brought up which was a really good idea it was the idea of scheduling the way the workouts would be so that all the athletes would be involved.
Starting point is 00:14:48 There'd be two basically where all of the athletes have to be involved. And then for regionals or for semis and quarterfinals at six events, games would be 12. And then that way you can kind of maneuver where the people would be and how that they need to be able to put in there. And then the last thing would be that if you have someone that gets hurt during the games, you could actually take a,
Starting point is 00:15:10 take a penalty and then bring another person in, but that removes the other person out. So just some couple of technicalities. That person would be fresh and you can't have like fake injuries. Right, right. The idea is that if you're going to, if you're going to try to fake someone in there
Starting point is 00:15:25 Put your beast in there who's gonna do the lifting And then say that they're hurt and not use them anymore And then use your little ninja after that What you do is you would lose a hundred points for Being able to stay in the game but you still be able to Compete it's not like hey you know random Blows on the out and then the team is out And then that's it bill you know what you could do to take that all
Starting point is 00:15:41 Out so people don't even lie just be like hey you can Swap a player out at any time cost you a hundred points Well that's what we were kind of know what you could do to take that all out. So people don't even lie. Just be like, Hey, you can swap a player out at any time. Cost you a hundred points. Well, that's what we were kind of going back and forth. We were kind of flushing that out on, on the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It would have to be that no matter what you do, it really, you are gonna have to pay to make that switch and that we want to make it so you can't game it. And that, that's what the hard part was. So we were kind of playing with that 100-point thing. Name maker. X is the place to be.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Sure is. Twitter. Prop to Elon. At Mitch Collins, 5840. Dave, you plan to read fewer books and think about them more. That is spot on. Well, even when I'm reading a lot of books, I do think about them. So I want to make that clear.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I am thinking about it and taking it in. Here's a thought. Read the Torah, then the Bible, then the Koran. I already started the Bible. I am planning on reading the Koran. You will be struck by the overlap. For example, Jesus is in the Koran. Understand the overlap and progression from oldest to newest of the three holy books of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions is eye-opening.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Good luck. Yes, I'm excited about this. John. John, I take it about this. John. John, it's here. Just say yay. Hallelujah. I don't give a fuck. Amen, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Something, something. That's you. That's how you're on the show. Muslims believe in Jesus. They believe in Jesus. They believe in Jesus way differently. But what about this order? This guy's suggesting Torah Which means Old Testament
Starting point is 00:17:06 Then he's suggesting New Testament And then he's suggesting Quran Yeah I mean it's like reading the Bible And then reading the Quran It's just the Torah The Torah is in Hebrew So they'd have to have a translator version of the Torah I've not actually read a straight Torah
Starting point is 00:17:24 But It's the first five books of the Torah. I've not actually read a straight Torah, but it's the first five books of the Bible can do that justice. But I know how people climbing in the comments telling me how retarded I am for thinking that. But you're the expert on this show. Yeah. So the reason why he says that is as Jewish people read the Torah, Christians read the Bible and Muslims read the Koran, you get a full scope of all the three big religions if you read them all like that Torah is the Old Testament
Starting point is 00:17:54 right? Yeah, for the most part but they have their own it's worded a little bit differently but the first five books you might want to frame this comment. You might want to frame this comment. John Young is correct. The first five books is essentially
Starting point is 00:18:11 Jewish law, and that's where you get you can't eat certain meats, you can't sleep with another guy, stuff like that. It's all the Jewish commandments. I don't know how many there are, but they basically have to memorize all of them and then after that it's a Old Story Testament old stories like back in the Old Testament
Starting point is 00:18:36 like David and Goliath stuff like that Elijah getting carried up with chariots that's a fun story. Just different Old Testament stories that are in the Jewish, I don't know if you will, history. And then the New Testament's Jesus. And I mean, the Old Testament's full of prophecy too, which is in Torah as well. And that, essentially, that's why they believe what they believe. So like for Jews, they believe that the Messiah has not come yet and they're waiting on him, right? They're still waiting right now. And then for Christians, Jesus was the Messiah and the Jews have condemned their
Starting point is 00:19:22 own. But there are books, the books, which is Jesus. They put them on a cross and crucified him. Right. But there's like Jeremiah and Isaiah and Daniel, they all tell about the Messiah that's coming. And like, they're talking, it proves Jesus is real essentially, but that's in Torah, but it's worded, it's worded a little bit differently. And I don't differently And I don't know the specifics So I'm not going to talk about Torah like I know it Because I don't But for a layman, yes, Old Testament and Torah
Starting point is 00:19:51 Are very similar Devesh Maharaj The hammer, not the three big religions Just the three with the same background He's talking about the Chinese and the Indians And the Pakis, they have their own shit Going on, you know, with like guys Riding chariots and elephants with eight arms and shit like that. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to talk about Hindu. Yeah, that one. Krishna. At the Noble Savage, I think it's brave for you to admit that you're reading the Koran, being a revered figure within CrossFit, and how they've taken such a staunch approach to the Israel-Gaza issue. I understand that Palestinians aren't just Muslim, but Orthodox Catholic too. Will the choice to read this book and be so open about it not affect your standing with CFHQ? Well, I'm not reading it yet. I'm planning on reading it. And this is the fucking shit I'm talking about. Like this person is basically suggesting that I can't read that book for whatever reason with whatever's happening in society. There is no book that I can't read that book for whatever reason with whatever's happening in society. There is no book that I can or cannot read. I can read whatever the fuck I want. And
Starting point is 00:20:49 that doesn't mean I'm going to get punished for it. That's the whole, um, Oh, we'll see, Davey. We'll see. I can't wait to see a mind comp sitting on your bookshelf back there. Last week is a, just cause you're consuming content from a particular side or reading a certain perspective does not mean you endorse it. And I'm not even saying there's nothing not to endorse with the Koran. But in general, my point is self-education comes from taking in all different perspectives. And that's why I'm reading a multitude of these religious texts to just see from different views and different perspectives and different beliefs. Will it affect your standing with CFHQ? Yes, I'm going to get fired for a fucking second time from CrossFit for reading the Koran.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Okay. I just want to say this. We have a crazy movement going on in this country. The question is completely absurd except for the fact we have a crazy movement going on in this country where you could be fired for the fucking craziest shit wrong skin color wrong genitalia thinking that it's gross to put a dick in your mouth you could say anything like there are places all over the bay area where you could say it's gross to put a dick in your mouth and you'd be fired for that and and there's tons of people including people who work at hq and work all over fucking within 100 miles of where d and I live, who strictly hire people on nothing having to do with merit.
Starting point is 00:22:11 So in that regard, if you're in one of those hives, which Dave is not, he's a bad motherfucker who lives out in Watsonville and Vottoville, maybe he doesn't feel it. But for a lot of people living in major metropolises, San Jose, San Francisco, Portland, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Los Angeles, these are true facts. We are surrounded by people who will – if you don't perfectly line up with them, they'll crush you. John Young, will you – would you read the Koran or would that be against your, are you allowed to read the Quran? Yeah. Why would it be a problem if you read it, read the Quran? I don't know. Maybe your book says that you can't read, learn about other gods or something. You shouldn't worship other gods for sure. But it's, I find any time that I read something that's different than what I believe, it just solidifies my beliefs even more. I mean, like, well, you can poke holes in this for sure.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And like it just in my for me, it proves it proves that Jesus is my savior again and again and again. Anything that I read, that's not that. Does that make any sense or no yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm glad to hear that i thought you would say that you couldn't you wouldn't be allowed to read the quram i'm glad to hear you say you can actually the the if the fact that you do shows that you're not afraid like i think that a lot of people whatever their one belief is and you can use this on all of the things that have been happening over the last whatever years. The second someone is completely shut off to you, there is no way I will even look at the other side. Now it's not a faith thing. It's like just an ignorance thing.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I don't want to hear it. I mean, the vax, I mean, you pick it. Whatever you want to talk about, if you only look at one side, how can you come up with any sort of idea? How can you come up with any sort of, you know, whatever your reasoning that makes sense to you. Unless you have to look all the way around. Look all the way around. Is that if you're only limited to have one side, and if you choose to even look at information,
Starting point is 00:24:27 process it, or discuss information, that you are somehow evil or need to be fired from your job. I don't remember it being this crazy 10 years ago. Do any of you guys? No. No. Not even close. Then the real question is,
Starting point is 00:24:40 is anybody who goes into this, regardless of where you land in your beliefs or your thoughts, political, religion, whatever, if you are somebody who is with the narrative that things shouldn't be discussed and processes and debated, you are the enemy. 100%. I agree with that. The debate part has to be there. The discussion part, not even the debate part, the discussion part. The discussion, the open processing of ideas.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Everything is everything is fair game. In my 51 years being on planet Earth, I'd never seen anyone. I can't remember seeing anyone being chased in the United States because of their religion and like in like being threatened. And now I've seen a dozen in the last two months of people chasing Jews down in places. And it's fucking crazy. I seriously didn't think I would see that shit in my lifetime. But've seen it here now in the states i can't even believe that shit dude i'm telling you the i mean there's always been weird stupid shit that's going on but once the whole quarantine thing started and everybody really started looking at everybody weird and now all of a sudden it's just like here's whatever
Starting point is 00:25:45 the thing is boom palestine or boom vaccinations or boom whatever it is it's like you're not doing it you're evil we're taking you out and that that is shocking to me i think you're right i think the quarantine i think that was you that that was like destabilized a lot of shit yep and then all of a sudden it's like now that's where i i mean for me i mean i've always felt like personally like i i don't care what anyone believes they believe whatever you want that's fine that's your deal but don't mine is mine so go fuck yourself on whatever you think that's cool this is what i this is what i think but um to for me to say for me to get into any argument, like half the time, I'd listen to some of the shows that you would have on, and you'd be saying things, and I'd be like, man, I don't even – like I couldn't even jump in because I don't even know what I would say to that. I have to go and look at whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And so I have to go and look at the information to find out for myself, like, all right, well, let me think. What makes sense to me because I'm the one that's living in my skin anyway. So I really don't care what if it makes sense to you or not. I need to know that if it makes sense to me so that I can function in my world. I like that. I don't think anybody should impose any kind of views
Starting point is 00:27:00 on anybody regardless of any belief. I think you should be able to shout your belief as loud as you want to. And like, obviously I would love it if Savant like got saved by Jesus legitimately and not baptized twice to claim he is, but it's not my right to claim, like I have no claim over him at all. And I should, and you shouldn't and nobody should especially the government especially the government over anybody to where they can impose views in any kind of a fashion 100 man 100 and what what is great about um like even our even like our little group that
Starting point is 00:27:40 we have a lot of different a lot of different personalities a lot of different, a lot of different personalities, a lot of different ideals, a lot of different beliefs. And I haven't seen anybody be like, I'm out. Screw you guys. Cause you don't believe whatever everyone just, everyone's cool. And it's like, okay, you believe that way. Fine. I'll tease you about it, whatever. And you'll tease back. And that's cool. But everyone, everyone is able to discuss. And it's like, okay, if you want to have a discussion, then we'll discuss. Otherwise, I'm not going to hate you because of how you believe or what you believe or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I mean, listen to how you've talked about the VACs. And look at the people that you've had on your show. You haven't been like, you think that we are not putting you on this show because you did that. I mean, no way. You haven't done that. I had my Flat Earther guys on, two of my Flat Earther guysther guys homies some of the best shows you've had on yeah flat earth till i die hey very entertaining um uh very good there are boundaries that people need to have um or that i think i think value it's i think it's important to have values but let's get back to
Starting point is 00:28:42 dave okay here we go thank you bill thank you john thank you suza oh boy at the real kevin 87 oh he started this one saying oh boy yeah it's gonna be good i'm not judging bill for just swigging a coca-cola not that much bubbly thank you very much darn it come on the bts was 15 episodes and won't be available to the public until february uh i don't. Sevan does his little review of these things. He can let you know. At JerWallet. I thought the BTS was 15 episodes and we're ending with CFHQ. Yes, I'm going to get fired for a fucking second time from CrossFit
Starting point is 00:29:14 for reading the Koran. Oh, boy. At TheRealKevin87. I thought the BTS was 15 episodes and won't be available to the public until February. I don't know. Sevan does his little review of these things. He can let you know.
Starting point is 00:29:27 At JerWallCM. Listen, sign up for the membership now. Support it. It's a fucking no-brainer. You'll get to see all of them ahead of time. But if you don't like the fact that I have John Young on and you want to punish me for that, then fine. Then just wait until February 15th and we'll start
Starting point is 00:29:45 releasing them one at a time for two weeks leading up to the open where I will be joining this year and kicking ass. I'll be joining. All juiced up. And I'm not in the behind the scenes at all. So you're not punishing him by not going and seeing it early.
Starting point is 00:30:05 We've only gotten screeners up until episode 8. Maybe you're in the last 7. Be cool. Maybe you are. Don't misrepresent. Maybe you are in there. I don't think I saw you and your camera until the last day of the game. We had lots of cameras. We had lots of cameras.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah, but you gotta sign up. Someone sign up right now. I'm too poor to afford it. Okay, I hear you. No problem. We'll see you on the 15th. All right, here we go. Well, that's good because I'm getting fucking rich by other people supporting it. So one of us. Where's the barn? Where's the barn?
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, here we go. Jeff Actis. Hi, Dave. What is your position on affiliates branding themselves as performance or health and fitness gyms instead of branding as a CrossFit gym? So if you're a CrossFit gym and you skew more towards performance, that's fine. I think that's the beauty of the model that you can kind of pick the direction you're going to go and same like some lean more towards the regular athlete and the health and fitness. So as a CrossFit gym, choosing different routes to go
Starting point is 00:31:01 in regards to what is important to you or what you want your community to be about is awesome and totally expected and totally celebrated. But if you're a CrossFit gym doing CrossFit and you're dropping the CrossFit name and you're dropping the mark and you're just branding yourself as a performance or health and fitness gym and using our methodology, well, that's another thing. Then at that point, you're just choosing to use our methods, choosing to use our style of training without branding, without using the name, without giving attribution, which a lot of people are doing. And that puts you in a kind of different camp.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And that's an individual professional choice of the person who runs that gym going in that route and using a methodology to their advantage without giving attribution to the methodology. Get to know yourself and your roots better in 2024 with Ancestry DNA. Want to know where your family comes from in Northern France? Maybe you'd like to see how your genes influence certain traits like diet, fitness and allergies. There's so much of you and your heritage to discover. Visit and get started with an Ancestry DNA kit today.
Starting point is 00:32:16 How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So Sensible Me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila! I won't be getting carried away and staying out till 2. That's stop-loss orders on Kraken. An easy way to plan ahead. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss.
Starting point is 00:32:40 See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Do what you need to do, but it's not the highest standards of living that I would put myself out. It's not how I would handle the situation. At Oh, he censored himself. He's like one. He's reading the Quran. He don't want to get too squirrely. That's enough for this show.
Starting point is 00:33:04 He censored himself. He was about to say you're a punk ass bitch with no integrity. Sousa, thoughts on this one? Yeah, I mean, I feel I feel that same way. Like if you're using it and you want to be a part of the community, like pay the affiliate fee, be a CrossFit gym, make it official. Grunler is another affiliate owner. Thoughts? Yeah, I wish he would have come out swinging and said, no, fuck you guys. We're coming at you. If you use CrossFit methodology, if you use obviously what we're doing or some sort of X fit or anything where you're trying to bite off and ride the coattails of what we are paying for, that's what I want. That right there is what I want HQ to do. Chop down all the motherfuckers that are trying to do what we do and say that they're, oh, we were CrossFit like.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Yeah. All the things they say, hey, what's HQ doing for me? What's the value proposition? That's it. That's the biggest value proposition that you could possibly have. Protect your affiliates. Yeah, your affiliates. How do you come after?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Dude, they used to do that all the time. I got the playbook right here. If your neighbors aren't wearing a mask, you need to make sure that they get reported for your safety. Right? So you just do the same playbook. Hey, if the dude up the street for me is doing CrossFit, it's branded on CrossFit. There's a spot on CrossFit
Starting point is 00:34:14 dot com that you could go and you could report those affiliates. Where's David Weed with the call the cops button and you report the affiliate because guess what? They're not a CrossFit gym. They're not part of the community and technically they're stealing the name. So they should be shut down. They used to hunt people down.
Starting point is 00:34:31 We would do that. We would do that and send names in and they would go looking or we would hear. I mean, if you had anything, anything that was cutting into the CrossFit space. Who is it? I thought you were talking about about F45 or Orange Theory. James Hobart started in that group too. All the lawyers that would come after you. You couldn't even call your gym XFit.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. Sleeky, that's all the affiliate team and legal team used to do was go after gyms using the name illegally. It was badass. Clear understanding of socialism. Give me a second, guys.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Oh, this is going to be good. 1984 and socialism. This is going to be fun. Here we go. It's not how I would handle the situation. At White Rabbit 09. For a clear understanding of socialism, read 1984 by George Orwell. I have read it. Great book. Really enjoyed it. At TempestMia, I consume content from the other side.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Susie, you just read 1984, right? Yeah. It scared the shit out of you? You're like, holy shit, it's actually here? Yeah, and for those of you guys that didn't read it, you don't have to. You're living through it right i mean there's one part in the book where they talk about hey you have to hate and war with this person and it's the northeast and then uh uh the next day you wake up and the the banners have changed and now we're friends with the
Starting point is 00:35:58 northeast and now we hate the now we hate the west and we're warring with the west i mean the fact that we're changing speech we're changing definitions of words or we're warring with the West. I mean, the fact that we're changing speech, we're changing definitions of words, or we're losing definitions of words that are descending us into chaos. Those types of things are living through it. If you listen to the book, especially or read the book, especially as you just apply it to some of the stuff that you're hearing now and just sit as an observer, like as if you're plucked from earth and you're just watching everything that's happened in the last three years and you're listening or reading the book as you do it, then that's, it's a hundred percent. It's what's happening. I mean, there's new speak. There's new, there's new ways of social crediting. There's a lot of, if you think differently and
Starting point is 00:36:39 you voice that you are instantly labeled the enemy or vicious other names. And so, yeah, we're living through it. And if you don't have time to read the book, watch the movie. Because it's, I mean, if you need that quick fix to see actually what it looks like. And I would never in most cases say watch the movie, not the book. But if you need to sit down for two hours and get it all in, dude, it's disturbing. How close it is? If you need something even quicker, then just watch the Apple commercial
Starting point is 00:37:11 because it's one of the most famous commercials in all of TV. The irony there. Sleeky, I tried reading it in 2020. Had to put it down because it freaked me the fuck out. Asymmetric ears. 1984 was much better when it wasn't happening sean sullivan we are living it yeah oh yo yo it's so scary man it's so that's what's weird is that we've been so numb to that it's like oh it's not real we're
Starting point is 00:37:36 not really living it you really pick it up and it is like like act for act for act for it's like a handbook hey here's the biggest thing is we're we're in this i'm taking this directly from the uh cat williams the viral cat williams interview if you guys check that out you definitely should but what he said is we're allowing losers to rewrite history for winners and it's about time that uh people started speaking up and quit being so fucking afraid especially like if we want to break into the the parties right here in my opinion the the republican party are cowardice conservative businessmen have been cowardice there is no reason why the democratic party should own washington post should own forbes there is no reason why
Starting point is 00:38:13 that they've been afraid they've been afraid with their money they've been afraid to speak up and it is no longer time to be afraid i'm only afraid that it's too late thank you zuza i second it i out of a couple cups of coffee today. Sorry, I'm all fired up. LOL. Fired up is good. And then someone else says, yes, I have to really bite my tongue watching that guy, so do I.
Starting point is 00:38:33 But the CrossFit content and guests is good. What the fuck? I consume content from the other side. I listen to Sevan. Rabbit 09. For a clear understanding of socialism, read 1984 by George Orwell. I have read it. Great book.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Really enjoyed it. At Tempest, Mia. I consume content from the Orwell. I have read it. Great book. Really enjoyed it. At Tempest Media, I consume content from the other side. I listen to Sevan, LOL. And then someone else says, yes, I have to really bite my tongue watching that guy. So do I. But the CrossFit content and guests is good. From a perspective from the other side, this leads to another comment. This guy, Dan8712, said, let me read between the lines for everyone.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Dave's speech on books and consuming content from other viewpoints is ultimately saying, just because you may not agree with Sevan's politics, don't miss out on the BTS. Get off your virtue signaling and enjoy some quality CrossFit content. Have a great day. That was not what I was saying with that discussion last week or even now. It had nothing to do with Sevan's behind the scenes. I don't even think, in my opinion, his shit is an issue in terms of not watching his content because of his political beliefs. Like that's like I if people aren't watching his content because they don't like his political briefs.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Here we go again. That's exactly the fucking shit I'm talking about. Like, I don't think it's a political belief to be like, hey, if you kill a baby in the mom's stomach, that that's murdering a baby. That's like I'm just trying to understand basic biology. I don't think making it so that men who have an unquenchable desire to dress as women and read to little kids in a library is a political belief. I think it's – I just – I'm protecting kids. I don't even know i don't even know if i have any what what are my political beliefs i think it's just you're very
Starting point is 00:40:10 uh vocal about your personal opinions which may be viewed by a lot of people or agreed with by a lot of people and maybe some but are those opinions or are those facts like is like i want to get down to the facts like i like like i'm trying to, like, what my opinion is versus what a fact is. I think some people confuse facts and opinions. Well, right, because the titles, dude, this is the weirdest thing that's, I think, happened in, I mean, I've been on this planet longer than you have. And I think the weirdest thing that's happened in my time is that we go from knowing what words mean to we just straight up change definitions to fit whatever the direction that the powers are trying to do are trying to guide that's that's the hard part so even when you're talking about facts and opinions i mean i think i hear the word you know
Starting point is 00:40:56 fake news false news more often than i hear the facts's the facts. Everything has a twist to it. So, you know, facts, I think, are a lot of times going to be the perception of. Whereas our opinion is like, well, what do we think? What do I think the facts are? So that's my opinion versus what are the actual. I think it's I think it's tough to just to say it. actual, I think it's, I think it's tough to just to say it. The opinions are that you should read the, John's opinion is that you should read the Bible starting with the new Testament. The facts are that the new Testament is Jesus. No, sorry. Sorry. That's his opinion is that you should start with the new Testament.
Starting point is 00:41:36 You shouldn't start with the old Testament. The facts are is that the new Testament is Jesus's story. Is that right, John? Yeah. Yeah. That was really. That was really good. Really well put. Thank you. Hey, but if you start to change the words of definitions and all that, and you could easily mislabel or call things misinformation, then you eradicate journalism. And once you've eradicated journalism and you no longer have an informed public,
Starting point is 00:42:02 then you just have a control, a people that's being controlled. So in order for us to actually be a really free and informed societies, you have to have the freedom of press. And that's what's being eliminated. Totally. And I think the opinion is, OK, like, what do you think is fact, Sevan? What do you think is fact, John? What do you think is fact, Susan? When I look at that, those are all your opinions. And then I get to choose where do I want to run or which one makes most sense to me. And if we don't have, just like what you're saying, Matt, if we don't have independent journalism out there where it's not directed or forced or pushed or bought or directed by
Starting point is 00:42:39 a political party or a particular group, then I don't get to know what else is out there i mean i dude i don't i don't even watch it i haven't watched the news for a long time but when i do like if i'm at my mom's house or whatever it is shocking what is said and it's like wow they're they're just saying it like that's like that is the end all be all like that's the word of god coming down that's straight out of the Bible that that's actually what it is. And it's like, well, I was actually there and none of that happened. Like what the heck? So that's what makes it tough.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I just realized here's the political part. Here's the political part. I just figured it out. The political part is, is that the people on the left, me just saying that, the people on the left think that abortion is a woman's reproductive rights. And I think we can all agree with that. Abortion is reproductive rights. The people on the right think that it's killing a baby. Now, here's where it's political. The people on the right know it's both.
Starting point is 00:43:41 They know that they have to make a decision between saving a baby's life and a woman's reproductive rights. We can see both. We're like the people on the left refused to say, hey, you're also killing a baby. They'd rather lie to themselves and to us. And I'm a pro choice guy. I'm like, I choose I choose I choose the women's rights over the over the baby's life. Might be wrong, but I don't see anyone on the left seeing both sides and i think people on the right are like yeah it's both and that that's where it gets frustrating i feel like and that's the political part that's my opinion and i guess that's what makes me political the fact that i do believe that the people the republicans can't see
Starting point is 00:44:17 both sides and people on the left can't yeah it's killing a baby for sure but it is also women's reproductive rights we are going into her body. And it's her body. But you got to make a decision. It's a hard decision. Instead of making the hard decision, which probably isn't hard for John Young, he's like, save the baby.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You refuse to see both sides if you're on the left. Yeah. Isn't it? John's like, fuck, I work with crazy people. Do you mean some of you guys don't want to save the baby? Yeah, it's fucked up, John. I know. Yeah, and you have to change. I was born in Berkeley, dude. I work with crazy people. Do you mean some of you guys don't want to save the baby? Yeah, it's fucked up, John. I know. Yeah, and you have to change words. I was born in Berkeley, dude. I was born in Berkeley.
Starting point is 00:44:49 No, it's not your fault. I feel you. Thank you. Have you seen Bill Burr's... It's a clump of cells, says Judy Reid. They have to start changing words to make it more comfortable because otherwise if you just use the truth, it's very uncomfortable and then you're forced with the reality of your decisions right oh i passed what are you talking about that's passing okay well maybe i was wrong maybe there are some retarded republicans here we go
Starting point is 00:45:13 vittorio sorry vittorio i like you but you're about to get torn up abortion isn't reproductive rights oh of course it is how is it not how could how is it not I'm with you Yeah it's a woman's body man Fuck Have you seen Bill Burr's Comedy skit on abortion It's great It is so funny
Starting point is 00:45:39 It is so good Not a taxidermy I was aborted so i definitely have a bias here hey there are some of us who know people who were attempted abortions and they thought that they were aborted and then they ended up being born and if you don't know someone like that you should know someone like that it's it's uh it's a trip okay here we go it's okay to hear or to consume content crossfit so let me say this the behind the scenes is crossfit content unrelated to all of his other perspectives if you want to
Starting point is 00:46:13 judge and call it protest that crossfit content because of his personal beliefs we're just spinning in circles here but the point why i said that last week wasn't about that. It had nothing to do with that. God forbid you support the behind the scenes. Ding dong. It wasn't a message to encourage people to watch his content. Although I do concede, I can see why you could tie those things together. Oh, he's a Republican. He can
Starting point is 00:46:40 see both sides. Okay, one last comment. At dropped out of school, while you're reading the Bible, you should check out Father Mike Schmitz's Bible in a Year podcast. 365 episodes, one for each day, reading through the entire Bible. Each episode, he gives a little context commentary to the section that he reads. And he also said he does CrossFit too. So, Father Mike Schmitz, I've known his brother for the last 20 years. I'm actually picking his brother. I'm going to San Diego tonight for private level one tomorrow and Wednesday. And I'm picking up his brother from the airport tonight. And I've been close friends with his
Starting point is 00:47:14 brother for the previous 20 years. We actually did a deployment back together way back in the day. And a few weeks ago, I went to his retirement in Fort Bragg and I briefly met father Mike Schmitz. So funny that you should mention that. He's father for those of you who don't know who father Mike Schmitz is. Google him. He is a massive Catholic YouTuber. And so he has a really big channel and he seems like a very nice guy. His brother is a great guy.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Okay. John hates him because he's Catholic. John Mike Schmitz. Have any thoughts on him? No, I've heard the name. I heard the name I don't know him though I would suggest John MacArthur personally but you know I think they'd all be good
Starting point is 00:47:54 just reading the bible is great Dave you keep it up oh there we go fuck what is a private level one we'll get to that in one second Black John Young. Dave needs to change the name of his show to Dave's Book Club. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:09 What is? You know exactly where I thought, but I wasn't going to say it. But now that you asked, it's the one Dacoons goes to. Not nice. Be cool, Seve. Be cool. I don't know what that is. Maybe it's for CIA, FBI, fucking ATF, the NSA.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I mean, I could see maybe it's not on the list, but you know you're going to have a group of people or a person or something like that, a high name that you want to get into CrossFit or at least get their level one so they have whatever. I think they'll run it if you're a gym owner. I think I saw something on this before where if you own a gym and you want to do a private l1 with just your coaches or just your people that you could do it like that i'm not there
Starting point is 00:48:52 for next week look i don't know everyone give it a everyone give it a thumbs up what's a private level one yeah i thought i saw something like that because while back i tried to see if katie hogan would come in and evaluate all my coaches. And she was like, we're going to have something of the sort similar. And that's when I saw some of the stuff about the private one. I could be wrong now, but I think that's what it was. John, there's going to be so much Bible talk in the next month. Are you excited?
Starting point is 00:49:19 Everywhere you go, people are going to be like, John, you had that wrong. Good job, John. Good job supporting the Bible. be like john you had that wrong good job john good job supporting the bible oh you didn't get just john would you ever go to seminary school and become a uh uh uh whatever with a preacher pastor uh preacher deacon no i'm i'm not i'm not i'm not called to that i feel like you gotta be really uh just really really called to do that and it doesn't um and i just never have been i could i get really passionate when i talk though i feel like i talk like a preacher sometimes but like when we're doing our rankings or pick shows if that just was split in the bible talk you know what i mean like yeah i could see myself getting
Starting point is 00:49:58 fired up but it's more more about like debating though and not preaching to people. So no, short answer. Amen. Go Ruck sponsorship, partnership, however you want to refer to it. Super cool. Really excited about that. Go Ruck has been around. I've known those guys for a very long time. Jimmy Letchford, who's the president of Go Ruck, I've known him for
Starting point is 00:50:20 almost two decades. He worked across it for over a decade. And so Marine went to the Naval Academy, really good guy, hard charger, likes to make shit happen. And we have a great relationship. So I'm excited about that. Jason, I've known Jason for several years, not quite a decade, but he probably, whichever, whatever year it was that we had the Rucks in the games, he flew out here. We met up, we talked. And we talked about the packs. We talked about Go Ruck.
Starting point is 00:50:46 We talked about his background. And then I said, hey, can you outfit every athlete at the games with a pack? And he said, how many is that? I said, like, 500 or 600. He said, yeah, I can do that. And I said, okay, done. I'm going to put rucking in the games this year. And so that was the beginning of the ruck being in the games.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And we played around. See, for the years prior to that we had done vest stuff uh weighted vest 511 vest but we hadn't introduced a ruck and the event we did had these little weight bags that rogue made and every lap you ran you'd add another weight to the pack and the packs got progressively heavier and and interestingly um some athletes their backs got tore up by, by abrasion from the back of the, um, the, I think it was a thousand denier Cordura that they used on the back panel. So from that, Jason, uh, wasn't pleased with that and then made some improvements. And I think now
Starting point is 00:51:36 on their Rutgers, they might have dropped it down to like 200 denier Cordura, or maybe they're using something different, but they, they addressed and attack the, um, abrasion issue on the lower back. And so that's just one example of the innovation and just always trying to make his product or maybe they're using something different, but they addressed and attacked the abrasion issue on the lower back. And so that's just one example of the innovation and just always trying to make his product better that Jason and Go Ruck, how they perceive running their company and always striving for excellence and innovation and moving forward.
Starting point is 00:51:58 So really happy about that. Pick up a pair of Go Rucks if you don't. I think if you don't have it set for crossfitting, I'm talking about the shoes, or a pack, or anything you don't i think you'll if you don't have it set for uh for crossfitting i'm talking about the shoes or a pack or anything to make um i think you'll really you'll really like them i also like the super clean simple designs obviously i like their background and how they support the military they came from the military so really happy about that the open's coming up oh shit we lost john young oh damn he's out hashtag he's out he's got a square and everything
Starting point is 00:52:27 um yeah where'd he go I just I just boot him uh thoughts on GORUCK anyone uh Sousa thoughts on GORUCK yeah I think it's cool I think it's a cool a cool fit for uh what they have going the shoe thing kind of throws me off I always thought that they were just like the
Starting point is 00:52:43 backpack thing but I've never tried a pair of their shoes, so it'll be interesting to see. Grundler, any thoughts on GoRug? I think it's cool that Jimmy Letchford was, you know, that he's the president. I didn't realize he was the president of the company. I knew he was doing some work with them, but I think that's cool that he was
Starting point is 00:53:00 able to pull them in, and it's nice to be able to see it's a gritty OG feel of a brand coming back in. I hope that they have the size and the capacity to be able to push across where it needs to go. And I hope they have a lot more colors other than just tan, light tan. Everyone should be very – oh, upside down. Oh, I loved upside down, John.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Everyone should be very patient with this next year. These types of switches are going to be difficult. Wrong names on shirt, shirt showing up late, wrong shoe size. I mean, this is a massive undertaking. I wish them the best. I know Jimmy for a long time, too. He's coming on the show soon. them the best i know jimmy for a long time too he's coming on the show soon um i've talked about uh you know experiences i've had with jimmy on the show um it's gonna be wild i wish them the best of luck obviously gorucks gear is dope everyone loves it it's it's pretty um it's pretty premium uh but but but everyone should be um you know what's funny is that people are i see people in the comments talking about how expensive the backpacks are. It's just an expensive backpack. Have you guys shopped at Rogue at all recently for anything? Like, we don't worry about, like, cheap stuff. It's not, it's not, like, Big Five rock packs or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:54:21 So, it is what it is, you guys. Tank Reeves, a funny thing. The Zionist regime look at Sevan like a goyim and a piece of garbage, meaning like a non-Jew. First of all, you have to understand. I'm never nice to someone because they're nice to me. I'm never mean to someone because they're mean to me. I'm never – I am in control of me. Me.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I am like – I am the walking epitome of what Jocko Willick wishes he was when it comes to personal accountability and personal responsibility. I am the extreme of that. I don't smoke weed. Nice. Omar Lozano. Fasting today. I'm a bad dude. I am fasting
Starting point is 00:55:04 today too. Thank you. Hey. I am fasting today, too. Thank you. Hey, I have like 10 minutes left, Salon. Just letting you know. Okay, sorry. Omar Lozano, Seve grabbed a CEO t-shirt from Vindicate, best money you could ever spend, and loving them, supporting the cause to have the best coverage of Water Polo. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I appreciate it. I appreciate it, appreciate it, appreciate it. The media team's kicking fucking ass. We're on a... We're rebranding ourselves for 2024. We have so many cool things to roll out. Don't forget to sign up. It's going to be a really good three weeks.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I'm excited about what we have in store for you guys. Can't say much, obviously, but I think you will enjoy it in a very painful way. NorCal Classic is also coming up, and they have their NorCal Classic and the French Throwdown. They're both coming up and they have, well, French Throwdown's later, but they both have an online qualifier for their community events that are later in the year happening, I think soon for about a month. And so if you're looking for something to kind of tune up or prepare for the Open or something that you have a shot to go to a community event, actually qualify for an in-person event.
Starting point is 00:56:05 They both have a lot of divisions. They both take a lot of athletes. I went to NorCal Classic last year. They do a great job, a lot of community. It was just a really good feeling, really good vibe. So sign up for their events if you are interested in possibly advancing to an in-person community event. We hope to do more with those guys and align more with them
Starting point is 00:56:24 and be more formally associated with their community events. We hope to do more with those guys and more, um, align more with them and be more formally associated with their community events. So more to follow on that. What's he saying there? He's setting something up. What's this NorCal classic. What's the fuck did he just say? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:35 He said he wants to do, he wants to have some sort of, um, increase their connection between CrossFit and what either, I don't know if he was talking NorCal specifically, that's what he's talking about, or if he's talking about other events. That event's amazing. It's got 2008 game vibes. It's a pretty amazing event.
Starting point is 00:56:52 No, it's fun. I've been there all the years they've had it. Blair and Ben do a great job, for sure. You commentate that one? You do that one? I was commentating for it, and then when they dropped their live feed, then I was on the floor. I was doing MC for them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah, it was fun. Oh, and I saw you there this year. That's right, briefly. Yeah, that was a shock. Yeah, you were chasing Dave down, so you couldn't stay long. Always. What did you hear, Sousa? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:57:17 Are the games expanding? I don't know. That's interesting. But I think CrossFit would be smart to get involved with some of these more localized community events to have some sort of impact there. I mean, I don't really know offhand what that would look like, but I do think that that would be a good play for them. In terms of money or programming? localized uh you know affiliate gathering community type thing like sevens that have 2008 vibes like i remember the regionals from back in the day it was more localized so you would you know go there and and see all your uh other affiliate owners and coaches and other people and i think this is just another opportunity for another one of those and it would be smart for
Starting point is 00:57:58 crossfit to have some either more visibility there or to elevate it in the sense that they might bring their own media people or something like that. Oh, hype it up media wise. Yeah, I could see that. Like, I mean, other, they'd have to do something other than like the licensing thing, like the licensing thing to me, I still don't really understand what that is doing. I mean, you get to put the name on there. Cool. I get that. But I don't really see any connection with CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:58:22 What do you get? Do you get a shitload of social media? Do you get some sort of push? Does Dave go like, what do you get you get a shitload of social media do you get some sort of push does dave go like what do you get yeah i don't i don't think they're in fact i think that there was some discussion even about the fact that dave showed showed up i think there's that actually on one of his uh we can review like two weeks ago something like that how he showed up to one but not to another one i think it was uh he showed up at legends and didn't show up at the wheel wad and they were wondering like well that you know is that a bad look and he's like why not to another one. I think he showed up at Legends and didn't show up at the Wheelwod. And they were wondering,
Starting point is 00:58:48 is that a bad look? And he's like, I can't go to all the places all the time. Which is true. And so I like the idea. As soon as you're saying having some sort of a connection, I just don't know what that would look like other than either they're in the semis
Starting point is 00:59:00 or they're just slapping the name on it like the licensing of the other events i don't know what it would look like be interesting to see i'm surprised he's saying it and the fact that he's saying it with norcal uh with the norcal classic and connecting that together like do blair blair and ben like their idea was they were just going to do it regardless of if anyone was attached to him or not so I like that they've grown what they've grown. And it's turned into kind of a woodstocky version of Wadapalooza. It's not as pretty yet as something like that,
Starting point is 00:59:33 but it's definitely turning in and growing every year. So they're doing a good job over there. Yeah, I think a media component would be cool. And then I just think you just need presence. I don't think it needs to involve any name on it or anything. I think it's still be NorCal classic, but what I'd like to see is like Dave and these people out there, maybe at a CrossFit booth where they're able to have a discussion. It would be cool if it was called the CrossFit NorCal classic.
Starting point is 00:59:53 It would be, but you know, what type of implications would that have on the, you know, the regular sports season? I don't know. But yeah, that would definitely be cool. But I just think presence would need to, I mean, presence matters so much. I mean, you went to the Legends, right, Savan? You should have been like Dave. And then you went with Dave with the NorCal Classic.
Starting point is 01:00:12 And how much did that mean to everybody that was there? Everybody loves that. So just having a presence goes a long ways. And then if you do that and put some sort of media behind it or even just elevate what they're doing at the NorCal Classic and the French Throwdowns and these things. And again, I don't know what elevation would look like, whether that's media produced on their end or them sending out emails just to highlight it more. But I think any times that they could have a more connection to the community and make more of a
Starting point is 01:00:36 presence at those things is going to be beneficial for them and for themselves. I agree. And finally, the reason why I say if you want to go to a an event our open you do the open you can qualify for the quarterfinals and then from the quarterfinals the in-person aspect out of that is the semi-finals and so i'm sorry yeah the semi-finals and just the best and the best make it to that not trying to say you shouldn't do the open or the quarterfinals not saying that at all definitely do that measure yourself up against the world compete in our awesome events that we're going to put out there but if you are like i could probably even qualify for one of the events of the norcal classic so my point is it's a little more uh accessible to all for an in-person
Starting point is 01:01:14 can dave really qualify for norcal classic you think he checks himself here in a second actually i probably couldn't qualify all right cool um well maybe one of the scale divisions that's good that's good oh shit but could you imagine that'd be awesome dude one of their events planned and he's thinking oh i'd be awesome, dude. It would be awesome to see him. There's one of their events planned, and he's thinking, oh, I'd be good at that one, and then just thinking he's qualified.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Always drop a comment. It's cold here, and it's been raining, and it's wet, so it was like 30, 35 degrees this morning here at the ranch. It's probably low 40s right now, so that's cold for us. That's why I'm all bundled up, and I'm in a tin shed. The shop isn't exactly an insulated office, but anyways, thanks for tuning in. I want to say this real quick. Great show, Dave. Um, I want you guys to hear me loud and clear.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Uh, Athena Perez basically told Andrew Hiller, I'll be your canvas for a year. Now, uh, Dave reposted and be in his like posted something like, Hey Hiller, she's checking your shit. Meaning that,, meaning that Dave wants in the mix. This is where I think Hiller should challenge Dave. Be like, hey, you talk about CrossFit as having a vulnerability component. How about you fucking enter the scale division at NorCal Classic and show us that proof? Because we'll love him no matter how he does.
Starting point is 01:02:40 We don't care if he finishes last, but it's going to put his ego on the line. A hundred percent. You know what I mean? He's going to have to hear people cracking jokes for the next 20 years. Oh, I get to call his name on the floor? Yeah, yeah. How about TDC? Oh my, I'll say his name wrong. I'll make sure I say his name wrong.
Starting point is 01:02:58 How about K-Stro? He's got a note read from Dave Castro. K-Stro. How about TDC go to the NorCal Classic The CrossFit NorCal Classic And do the scale division We'll all pour out there and support them Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:12 It would be great if one of the events Was a one rep max deadlift And then Bill can just bring up the 30 second deadlift clip We have a rep clock You have to get it done within 30 seconds there's a time gap there's any any final thoughts on this week's uh week in review by the dave castro i like it if you remember a couple of uh ones back that i said i was like ah he seems like he's playing the fence a little bit and he's like kind of not really speaking i love that this one
Starting point is 01:03:42 seemed raw it seemed real and he definitely seemed back to himself here. I dug it a lot. John Young, I know you have to go. Any final words? No. Thanks for having me. People in the comments, be easy on me. I'm just the most knowledgeable one throughout the
Starting point is 01:04:00 Bible on here. I'm no preacher or anything. I do my best. Treat John the way God would want you to treat john not the way satan would bill do you have any final thoughts uh i think that dave's doing a great job it is nice um i see him being more real while still walking the line and you can see him like you said checking himself so he's not trying to say what he doesn't leak out enough but he's still saying what is true to him so i always get happy when he drops a couple fucks in there anyway it makes it it's like okay that's you okay good yeah i think uh being a
Starting point is 01:04:37 little more vulnerable i don't know how you guys feel but it feels like that to me i agree vulnerable man you were vulnerable saying the word vulnerable tank. Uh, remember if everyone was like you, the world would be a perfect place and there wouldn't be a place for you to teach people like me. So, um,
Starting point is 01:04:52 appreciate you being here, buddy. You're a good dude. So all of you, peace and love. See you tonight. Miranda Alcarez. We could all only be as rich and six as successful as her mobile.

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