The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | Nov 21, 2023

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah, I love the weekend review show. I get to hang out with my boy TDC. Susan in the house. Always need a strong affiliate on here. I went to CrossFit Livermore for the first time last week, last Saturday. Congratulations, Susan. I can't stop thinking about how fucking nice your gym is. It is so nice.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Tall ceilings, extraordinarily clean. It is so nice. Tall ceilings, extraordinarily clean, crazy, a pleasant crew of hundreds of people at your 10 year anniversary. All so cool. And I was watching the interaction between all the families and dude, you killed it. Congratulations, dude. You really built something great there. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:42 That's awesome. Thank you. Thank you. I went to either Grundler there. Thank you. That's awesome. Happy 10th, dude. Thank you. Thank you. I went to either Grundler's 10th or 15th. 10th. I went with Greg. Yeah, you went there with Greg. And then right after that, you got on the road. So it was sick.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Dude, it was so cool because we had Greg give a 3-2-1 go to do Fran as our first workout of 24 hours of workouts that we did for the 10th anniversary. Oh, wow. Yeah. It was really cool. It was really cool. And then after you guys hopped in the I think you rode in the Escalade I think after that actually, wasn't it? You took off in the Escalade?
Starting point is 00:02:21 We drove. You went out to Goodyear, out to CrossFit Fury for their tenure. Who's that? Who's CrossFit Fury? Uh, it was, it's not anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:31 He sold it. It was, um, um, no shit. Uh, yeah, Subaru.
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:39 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:39 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:40 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:42 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:42 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:02:42 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not That's 2009. Fuck, dude. Like 2009, 2010 games. I'm going to feel stupid for not remembering, too. I'm going to feel stupid for not remembering. We did go to Subaru's 10-year. Speaking of a big gym. Yeah, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:02:59 That's got to be the biggest gym, right? Dude, it's giant. Yeah. I mean, they have an indoor 200 meter track it's 50 000 square feet i think i'm not joking massive it's massive and by the way when when i say that i mean it's you walk into a room and there's the gym and it's one room and it's 50 000 square feet i don't mean it's 15 different rooms like someone's like after i have 8 500 square feet and you go to their fucking gym it's a puzzle right right listen motherfucker
Starting point is 00:03:32 it's a labyrinth like i lived in an 800 square foot house that was three bedroom once like come like come on it was it was massive they they did the NCC in there one year. Yeah, I'm trying to bring... Inside there. Like, they had a race inside. Like, they had the indoor track. The NorCal Classic. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Oh, wow. Is that it? Yeah, none of these pitchers, like, do it justice, though. Yeah, yeah. His gym is so big. Okay, here. I'm seriously going to say this. His gym is so big, you can't see across to the other side. Like, you can't
Starting point is 00:04:05 ID people. No, you cannot. Yep. That's how big it is. That's true, right? Oh, wait, we lost. Where did... We fucking lost. Oh, Bill. Bill, we may have booted you. I didn't boot him. Did I boot him? Oh, shit. Yeah, look, like,
Starting point is 00:04:21 if you guys look at this photo... Hey, did we boot you bill no no no i was i was trying to find uh cross at fury and then i oh peter edged yeah oh my god we're gonna burn in hell oh my god so bad i know look at that was cool good guess mr howell um uh bill gunner uh you know played some part in introducing me to crossfit i always tell the story that it was some other guy who introduced me to cross but the truth is that actually now that i think about it i've never thought about this until just now november 21st 2 14 p.m 2023 a bill actually introduced me to it, but I didn't listen. I was probably drunk.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Way, way, way back. Is that when you came back from doing the arm wrestling movie? Yeah, that's when I met you. I met you that night. I met you the same night that I met my youngest daughter's mom. What year do you think that was? You think that was 2004? 2005? 2003?
Starting point is 00:05:33 2002? That was probably 2005, somewhere around there. 2004, 2005. Yeah, crazy. I was a senior in high school. Dang. I woke up, me and Chad, because that's why you showed up there, because of Chad Winstrom, Captain Chad, as he is now.
Starting point is 00:05:56 We ended up, we had that party. It was for my birthday. Had a bunch of the firefighters, a bunch of people there. We ended up going to the little local dive bar, the Shell Beach little drinkery. And we ended up passing out. Me and Chad passed out in your little motorhome, your little Winnebago with your two great Danes in there. Woke up to your Danes licking me in the face in the morning. Three.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Three. Was it three of them? I think so. I had three. Crazy. Yeah. Holy shit. Dude, can you imagine how good it must have felt in there? Me, Grunler, another
Starting point is 00:06:36 grown-ass man, and three dogs and a motorhome on the side of the highway. Dude. Or frontage road. Oh my goodness. every week we are um granted the privilege and honor to get direct correspondence from one of the longest practitioners of crossfit still working at crossfit hq uh probably it's fair to say the second longest practitioner who's worked there definitely the second longest working person there, I think, after Nicole Carroll.
Starting point is 00:07:05 He has done so much not only for this country, but for the sport, for the training methodology. Even, I don't know, just to throw a little bit of trivia in there, even when he got fired, when people would ask him what he misses, he wouldn't even mention the games. He would mention the training team. And you can see that in interviews. And although he truly loves the game and just a great dude.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And he does this thing every week. It's called the Week in Review. And it's the Dave Castro speaking. It's not even the, I don't even know if it's like the official word of CrossFit or what it is. We don't even know what it is, but it's just gangster shit. It's kind of one of the things that still makes me feel like this thing is mom and pop and still OG and gritty, right? Like it's hard shit.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You know, it's how he says it, though. It's how he says what he says. It's Dave talking. It's not an AI. It's not a glossed up, shined up corporate guy. It's you know corporate guy yeah piece from a third party it's not corporate talk yeah well it's no he's taught i mean he's talking his version his view from the corporation of but like it's not a uh it's just dave i mean it like, it's not a, uh, it's just Dave.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I mean, it's just, it's very, it's very, uh, matter of fact. Let me, let me tell you what,
Starting point is 00:08:33 what, what it sounds like when the people sound like who Dave probably works with. This is what I'm guessing. It's like, everyone's a robot. Everything they say, like, everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:08:41 let's get the ball rolling. Keep the ball rolling. We don't work at a bowling out. Like that's the only person. Get ready. Here we go's get the ball rolling keep the ball rolling we don't work at a bowling out like that's the only person get ready here we go watch this ball rolling dude it was it was it was it was tiresome yeah everyone listen who works in corporate america this guy's about to hit it out of the park these are the people this is what it's like working at most places and dave does not talk like this i think i I got a text message. I think I got a text message to say for my boss. Dude, actual text message from a former boss who shall be unnamed. Terrible human being.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Hey, team, let's touch base on deliverables for the upcoming project. We need to prioritize the low-hanging fruit first. Then let's take a deep dive to create innovative solutions. We need to make sure we leverage our core competencies and synergize with other departments. We need to be proactive, not reactive, but proactive when it comes to thinking outside the box to drive home our key results. Remember, we are aiming for maximum ROI
Starting point is 00:09:41 and seamless integration. Let's go ahead and circle back next week to ensure we're- I'm not joking. The three months before they fired me, it shifted from Greg Glassman to this. And I actually watched some of my peers adapt. I was like, wow, you're adapting to this. It was crazy. But that's the way they talk and dave doesn't
Starting point is 00:10:08 wouldn't you say that's fair do you know any people like this bill do i know people that like that talk like that yeah totally language that nothing it's just nothing talk right like those are those are the those are the meetings to have meetings about having meetings to have meetings meetings and i and dude i'm not good at those i used to think you had to talk that way to be taken seriously in business me too that's what i actually thought that for a minute too when when the greg sold the company and the people came in i'm like wow i don't understand what they're saying i'm then i'm like oh shit these motherfuckers are saying nothing no you are yeah yeah where where's the beehive
Starting point is 00:10:44 i want to get some honey. Well, let's talk about the deliverables. And before I give you that, it's like, Jesus Christ. Let's find the workflow in the system here, Sevan. Are you properly following it?
Starting point is 00:10:56 That sounded like, that literally was like if you were to use chat GBT and you were to write, okay, I need an intro email or message to my team to discuss how we're going to bring up topics about whatever and that's probably what it would kick out kenneth ai
Starting point is 00:11:10 wrote it heck yeah exactly exactly what it sounds like some people eat that shit up yeah it's crazy who oh did you see my my text to you and uh uh wiki oh yes. Yes, I did see that, and I will adjust his Wednesday. Probably keep it on the Wednesday and just move it out a week. Yeah, fuck. I feel so bad. I don't know if I feel bad that I moved the schedule with him. We had a podcast with Wykie tomorrow. I forgot it's my
Starting point is 00:11:37 son's birthday tonight and tomorrow night, because I got twins. Way to go, dude. Yeah, good job, Dad. What the hell? twins. Way to go, dude. Yeah, good job, Dad. All that three sons playing crap and you forget the birthday. But you got them doing
Starting point is 00:11:55 shoulder press on a wobble board. That's good. Which is sick, by the way. I like that. Okay, so as Bill was saying, it's Dave talk. And I'm saying it's not that talk. Mm-hmm. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Do you think that... That's the longest Bill and I have ever been quiet with both of us in the same room. I'm like, there's no fucking way I'm talking first. Vikey, I'm so sorry. Vikey, Vikey, Vakey, Vakey. So sorry. Such a douche. Sorry. I'm such a douche. Vicky, Vicky, Vicky, Vicky. So sorry. Such a douche. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I'm such a douche. Go ahead, Bill. I was just going to say it's for anyone that's been around a while. It's like, that's kind of that comforting. That's why I like listening to shows with glass. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Like Greg could be talking about nothing. I just like the way he sounds when he's talking. It's good with Dave. It's very matter of fact. And, and one of one of the things that you know a lot of people were always they would talk if they were talking bad about dave there's like he's a douchebag he's an asshole he's a this he's a that and it's like no he's just like matter of fact here's what it is here's what we're doing here's what's happening done not well i'm trying to make everybody feel better or is everyone going to
Starting point is 00:13:05 be okay with or i think we're going to try it's like no this is what we're doing because we have to go this way and you know with his positions um in the military like that's you had to be that way and he didn't accept a lot of you know uh questioning about it because in his world there weren't that you didn't have the you didn't have that that wasn't an option i'm gonna be the leader i'm gonna lead you down the course and you're gonna go you can't talk like that if you're fucking planning by the way i just lowered everyone's volume by the way so you guys can hear dave better i just lowered bill susan myself you you can't talk like that if you're fucking giving coordinates on how to fucking where someone is a target to kill there's no information in there none and
Starting point is 00:13:45 and none of those people all these people are carrying guns driving planes flying helicopters fucking packing parachutes like they actually can do shit the people who talk like that they're incapable of anything they can't even fucking blower their pants to pull their dick out they are completely incapable of doing shit they They are. They're incapable. They're not human. They're not men. What's the NPC? Non-playable character?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Non-player character? Damn fine. Yeah. Is it this guy? I used that the other day, and what's his name? Laughed at me. Branstetter. He's like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You're a Gen Z douche. Okay, here we go. At 1.25 speed, the Dave Castro Weekend Review. Thank you, Dave. He's muted. As always, we're going to start off with comments. Take it from there.
Starting point is 00:14:38 At Mike41. Hi, Dave. As an affiliate owner since 2008, I'm concerned about franchise talk going around. Hiller, any truth or insight on this? Thanks for all you do. Who said that? Hiller said that? Yeah, he had a whole video on it. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. But that wasn't Hiller who wrote it in.
Starting point is 00:14:58 No, the guy was like pointing a lot of franchise talk. Hiller's talking about it. It's all about control. Look for that. A, Hiller's wrong. It's all about control. Look for that. A, Hiller's wrong. This is not about control. The last thing we want to do is control any of or all of the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Do we want to have a business relationship with them that sets us all up for success? Absolutely. Do we want to control the affiliates? Not at all. Back to Mike41's question, concerned about all this franchise talk going around and then in parentheses you put Hiller. Any truth or insight on this? There is zero discussion or zero talk about using a franchise model or turning affiliates into franchisees. That would entirely modify the model and it would entirely upend our amazing community and affiliate owners who have
Starting point is 00:15:48 fostered this community over the years. So there are no near-term or long-term plans with this current leadership to do anything around affiliation. The reason I say near-term and then I add the long-term is because in several years, all of this could be somewhere else. In a decade, it's going to be somewhere else. And maybe someone else down the road has plans or not now, but someone else down the road turns it into wants to turn into a franchise. But now next several years, none of our team is talking about franchise using. OK, a couple of quick things I want to say. He says no one on our team is talking about that. Clearly, the people on the team are talking about it because even just how they I forget exactly what it was.
Starting point is 00:16:27 But when they when Dacoon sent that thing out to the the affiliates or that letter went out, it talked about what he was going to help the affiliates do. And it sounded like a franchise. It was like to me, he's going to make sure that things are kept up to standards. It was words that we don't use. It was like, whoa, shit, that's like stuff you would say to a franchise. We're going to make sure that you're kept up to your standards or your quality. It was weird. The second thing is, I love hearing Dave say this. I believe Dave and I fucking love it. And it's great. Good job. I think he believes it. I trust him. I have a ranch and I tell you, Hey, that horse is you come to buy the horse and you're like, how much for the horse? I'm like, it's $10. And they said, why is it so cheap? I said, cause it's a wild stallion and it's out there somewhere on my 50,000 acres. You're like, okay, $10. Good deal. But if I can bring that horse within five acres, I can now charge you 50 bucks. If I can now get even more control over that horse and I can show you that it's in this stable and you can get on it. Now I can charge you $2,000. If I can show you that a's in this stable and you can get on it now i can charge you two thousand dollars if i can show you that a kid can ride it as a professional riding horse now i got a horse that's
Starting point is 00:17:28 twenty thousand dollars do i think that the people who own hq want to have more control over the horse so that they can increase its value they'd be stupid not to and like greg says i think they have a fiduciary duty so a lot lot of i but i'm glad d's saying that. Any thoughts, Mr. Grundler, on what he just said? I think CrossFit has been in a weird place in general with all the switching that's had. But one of the – and Susie, you probably heard a lot of this stuff too – is you have affiliate owners on both sides of the fence. One of what is HU going to do for me? Like why am I paying this affiliate fee? What are they doing for me?
Starting point is 00:18:05 They're not doing anything for me. I should be able to have this and they should be doing these things and those things and that thing and this thing and those things. And then the other side of the fence is the original setup that like Greg wanted, which is, okay, you're licensing the name,
Starting point is 00:18:19 go make great things happen. Go make, you know, go do good CrossFit and make people's lives better. And where we we that's kind of where i i sit on that side is i don't want anyone telling me anything to do i i don't necessarily want to pay a lot of extra money for nothing you know i don't want to do that either um but that's where it's that's where it gets really weird it's like okay so then where where do you where do you put that mark then if you're're not, I don't think it has to be either licensing the name affiliate and then full-blown McDonald's franchise where everything is the same color.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You wear the same shirts. You have the same menu. You coach the same way, same hourly classes, whatever. I think that there are some things that maybe they could do to assist. Cool. But I think that's where it gets really weird and because no one is saying exactly what it looks like everyone's filling in the gaps and that's that's one of the problems the survey people yeah well i mean it totally i mean if on the survey it says
Starting point is 00:19:17 franchisee affiliate or or franchisor and the affiliate or whatever the names are okay well you're only giving us two options. So what else would it be? Either we are what we are now, which are affiliates, or it's something else, which is franchising. Everyone knows franchising is this. So if that's not the case, I mean, I think David even says it in there, that he's like, maybe we should have vetted the words on there a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Well, yeah, or just have you guys write it and send it to us. So I know it's coming from you instead of Mustafa or whatever the guy's name was. You're not stupid if you think, oh, they're thinking about doing a franchise is our point. It's not like you're, oh, my God, you're way out there. Right. No, I mean, it says. If it says. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:59 If the word is on there, why would I not think that that's a possibility? And new owners and private equity and all that stuff. Yeah. I mean, it's, I get it. It's not a big leap. I was going to say, I agree with Olivia here. That horse analogy was fantastic. That was really good.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And I think the difference that we're all thinking about here is like whenever a licensed model inserts any control, any level of control. Hey, we saw that you didn't have the proper safety thing out when people ran, right? Even something as small as that changes that model legally. It's now would be documented as a franchise as opposed to a licensed model. So I think in terms when we think franchise, we think they're going to immediately come in and say,
Starting point is 00:20:42 hey, your front desk has to be here. You have to wear this polo that says this and have to operate by a certain way. And it doesn't necessarily mean that it has to immediately go to McDonald's. It could just say that they're going to start to implement some sort of operational standard. And the reason why I use that word operational standard is because that was the word that was directly in DeCoon's LinkedIn bio as to what his job and position was at CrossFit. So again, we're not used to hearing,
Starting point is 00:21:07 we're not used to hearing that at all. So I'm just kind of connecting the dots between what is being put out right now. And if it wasn't for Dave, I believe he's the last line of defense against the, the media space, um, CrossFit in the community,
Starting point is 00:21:21 because without Dave's week and reviews right now, CrossFit would have no means to answer these questions or defend themselves as a company um so i just wanted to point that out but the big question begs is um using seven's analogy is okay so when do they start training the horse and how do they start training the horse you got to bring them to bring them up against hq first right they got to bring them home they got to get them out of the field point they have to do something. And if that's not it, I would rather see us be reactive here or proactive rather than reactive with our messaging
Starting point is 00:21:54 to increase our ROI. I would think that if CrossFit has to stop saying, we're not doing, we're not doing, we're not doing, and just lay out the fucking plan already. Let's keep going. We got a lot of show to watch. I do want to say say this one thing if you want to go with the horse analogy the big call to dinner for all the horses out there the stallions on the 50 acres to always come back to hq is the open uh which is interesting it's it's nothing else it's just the open anti-stock now
Starting point is 00:22:21 this is coming from that survey that went out that we use a third party. We didn't we didn't write the survey or send a survey out a third party who was doing work with us to kind of collect information to advise us on business strategies in relation to a little disingenuous there, Dave. I know you're talking fast and I know that it's just off the cuff, but you're saying you didn't send it out when you, when you hire someone to send it out, you, you did send it out, but we'll let that slide. We know we get it. The affiliate model and affiliate relationship with us. They sent that survey out and yes, they use word franchise word. And so maybe you can make an argument. We should have vetted that or probably take that,
Starting point is 00:23:01 Maybe you can make an argument. We should have vetted that or probably taken that word out or not allow them to send it with that language. But again, third party, they did it the way they needed to, to collect the information they wanted. Another thing we've never been used to, Greg would have never let a third party ever spam the affiliates, ever. It went out like that. But, again, I will say this. Hiller's wrong. This Haka franchise is wrong. There is no intent to do anything with affiliates
Starting point is 00:23:33 transitioning them to or making them into a franchisee of us. Anyone? You want to go first, Bill? Or should I? Yeah, I'll go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Obviously, we know that they're looking at some sort of a price increase. And I think they're circling around ways of how they can make that justifiable. um and i think that's where everyone's getting lost because there's this wishy-washy of all these questions it i mean it makes everybody uneasy obviously because everyone's going to think the worst and then you know then then you then you everyone is then backed up against the wall about like, OK, well, then where are the loyalties now? What are we trying to do? Are we in this group together or am I going to have to fend for myself? I mean, I think and that's something that we've always had. We've always as affiliated owners, we always have dealt with that. when things get really gnarly is it crossfit at crossfit livermore or crossfit inferno or is it matt's you know suza's crossfit at crossfit livermore and my crossfit here at crossfit
Starting point is 00:24:53 inferno when we're doing that you know and do we kind of you know double down on our on the way we do it on our stuff because there's all this other noise that's going on in the background uh but i think because of all the questions of all that, it's just swirling. And because it swirls so much, that this, the swirl is the same thing as that one dude's text message that he got. All the words are there, but nothing is being said. And it forces us to fill in the blanks.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And whenever that happens, that's when things get bad. Mr. Sousa. Yeah, well, I appreciate Dave doing these. Last time somebody left a comment and said, Dave and Sousa. community do you have to be to realize that this is going to raise a lot of red flags, especially with your seasoned affiliate owners, and we're going to create a stink out of it. So that just kind of scares me. It's like, who vetted it? Why didn't it get vetted? How would you just allow this to spam the affiliates without knowing what that would do with the community? Just seems a little out of touch. And one last thing I'll say is as far as Dave doing this, and I appreciate it, is because he's walking a fine line.
Starting point is 00:26:06 You know, we don't really know, and this isn't the place for, but we don't really know his personal opinions on these. He has to kind of defend the company in a sense. That's his job. That's who he's hired there. And he's obviously trying to make things right there as much as he can within his control. But he's also trying to manage these questions that are coming in. And that's a really tough position and i hope it doesn't uh it doesn't in turn you know damage any of his straightforwardness in terms of the reputation i think that's one of the things he's
Starting point is 00:26:33 always been good at though is walking that line and he hasn't dumped on before and never once at least publicly has he ever said fuck that place no no and he doesn't even when he got fired he hung in there and what did he do yeah he just went into he started posting all the shooting stuff it's like you would have never thought that anything was wrong yeah and I just I appreciate that but I just hope it doesn't backfire
Starting point is 00:26:58 in terms of public relations between the community and Dave and the community and CrossFit Sebi I got my Slack block yesterday. Excellent piece of equipment. Awesome. That's good to hear, dude. I still got to send out all those free ones that are sitting on my kitchen table.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Thanks, dude, for the feedback. Yeah, I like it too. I spend a lot of time on it. Okay. Mike Albin says he later goes on to say he wouldn't work at CrossFit if they did this model. Well, here we go. Here we go. Oh, shit. Plastic
Starting point is 00:27:27 Topo Chico. Never forgive you for that. There's been other discussions on that lately at the Dallas Fort Worth Affiliate Gathering. They talked about that. So, I just want to help you guys understand that that's not the case. Okay, let's move on
Starting point is 00:27:43 to the next one. We don't understand, but we believe you. We still don't understand. We don't understand anything, but we believe you. Like the way the minions would believe they're king. Don't worry. We're building a wall around the castle to keep the dragon out. Okay, we believe dave
Starting point is 00:28:05 right but but no one understands if it was if it was anybody else saying it well yeah i mean it would just be a yeah i mean that's the thing like when dave talks it's like i mean here we are it's like fed up with road rage gaszzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or... When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion.
Starting point is 00:29:11 We're your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Okay, man, I don't know what the heck's going on right now, but all right, Okay, man, I don't know what the heck's going on right now, but all right, Cap, tell me where to go. We'll go. He's telling us you didn't see the boogeyman. We're like, all right. You didn't. Hope you're not lying to me.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And that's why I was going back to your comment of writing that line and hope it doesn't do anything to the reputation there. Yeah. Hey, Dave, thanks for doing these. What do you think will come first, Seve's behind the scenes or the next Ice Age? Definitely the next Ice Age. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. That's not true. They always come out between January and the open. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:29:58 At SergioBriceno95, are you programming semifinal workouts for 2024 or is it a group of people and you guys discussed it boz leads that effort he and he will do it with his team i will look at them i will get feedback um ultimately though boz is programming the semifinal boz and team his team are programming the semifinal workouts adrian bosman is programming the semifinal workouts uh has anyone ever programmed semifinal workouts or the regional workouts or that section of the year?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Has he ever said that before? I know that I think he said Pat Sherwood at one point was programming the Masters. But have we ever known, Dave, to say that, to say someone else is programming the semifinals or the regionals? Well, last year. Well, I'm sorry, besides that, besides when he wasn't there. No, no.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And what about this continuity that's needed between the open, the quarterfinals, the regionals and the games? Oh, sorry. The court, the, the open,
Starting point is 00:30:57 the quarterfinals, the semifinals and the games. What about this continuity that's needed? Didn't, wasn't he, didn't the question say, would you be programming the semis like specifically yeah and he said no adrian is okay so maybe he was just answering
Starting point is 00:31:11 that so it's not like who's going to be programming the different stages of so you think adrian's program at all they open the quarterfinals the semifinals and the games dude the way it has to be is that the team has to go all the way through. If you split it up, then you get the chunky brokenness that's been going on the last handful of times. So I'm hoping that it's, that's the way they now. And that's what I brought up on the get with the programming. I was there.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah. You almost had my back. At demo thesis. I'm a huge Dave Castro fan, but your answer to unknown and unknowable is completely divorced from the original meaning of that phrase the original intent was to prepare you for the unknown and unknowable i.e pursuing a criminal on foot running into a burning building lifting a car off of a train track etc it has become a gimmick gimmick a shtick a crutch there's no reasons why the game has to operate games has to operate the way it
Starting point is 00:32:01 does do we really need to redefine burpee and hands and pushups with no definitions every year? Why can't we define the sport with some consistency and allow for some elements without completely redoing every year? You're totally missing the point here. You kind of were right on the right. Yeah, yeah. That guy was on the right track and he fucked up. He bent Dave over and then let Dave back up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:19 A hundred percent. Yep. He got greedy. He wanted to fuck Dave up. He was like not happy enough just punching Dave. That He got greedy. He wanted to fuck Dave up. He was like not happy enough just punching Dave. That dude got greedy. Track. And then you took it to thinking that the unknown and unknowable is only about new objects.
Starting point is 00:32:32 That is not what the unknown and unknowable is about. The unknown and unknowable is about having a task that you did not specifically train for or prepare for coming up. That with your training of constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity, you will be able to excel. Why I say that is we are not trying to every year redefine burpees and handstand pushups with no definition. For the most part, the standards for those movements have been pretty consistent across the years. Recently, there's been some tweaks, but that's not like every year we're trying to change the standards on how to do those movements. Every year, we're not even trying to
Starting point is 00:33:08 introduce new things. If you look at the programming, some of the programming over a season, or I'm sorry, even over the games event, often there are a handful of things introduced. It's not like 100% or 80% of what you see at the games is new. And that's one of the things I really strive for when I was programming. and now that I'm overseeing it again is essentially that it's not just trying or forcing new things for the sake of new things. There's a lot of core movements, movements that move large loads, long distances and quickly
Starting point is 00:33:36 that we anchor off of and use for the test. And so we don't, it's not just about introducing new things for this aspect of the unknown and unknowable. And the unknown and unknowable aspect is more along the lines of not knowing in a year, a year out, you're going to do Fran, Cindy, Murph, the CrossFit total. Because if you knew the games are going to be Fran, Cindy, Murph,
Starting point is 00:33:58 the CrossFit total, you could literally start just specializing for those events. So the unknown and unknowable is more about within the realm of constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity with movements that moves large loads, long distances and quickly. That's kind of what we're constrained to throw at you in the unknown and unknowable. That ultimately is core CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And that is what we're testing at the CrossFit Games. So why can't we? Damn. And yes. Right. I agree. Yes. So why can't we define the sport with some consistency and allow for some new elements without completely doing it every year? We are. That's what we're doing. Why can't we define the sport with some consistency and allow for some new elements without completely redoing it every year? We're basically saying the same thing when we get to that statement. The consistency is constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity using movements that move large loads,
Starting point is 00:34:52 long distances quickly. From there, we have a lot to work with. Feel good with that answer? I do. I do. I do too, Dave. Clip it. Taylor, you need that instead of
Starting point is 00:35:05 it doesn't matter. You need that line in there. You know about that answer? I do. That's a good one. What's the time code on that? 740. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Then he laughed. Unfucking. Yeah, Dave did some unfucking. Yeah. Mike Halpin. Boz is programming all portions. Thank you, Mr. Halpin. At Beach House CrossFit, the recent franchise survey, we actually did not receive it.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Objective, a third party collecting information for us, for our team to basically understand the, to guide us on, to inform us on future decisions or potential decisions around the affiliate model, not related to franchising, to becoming a franchisor or franchisee relationship. I think I covered that in the beginning a lot. So kind of listen to the that one at oh and seven you know the answer i wish he didn't say that like we sent this thing out or we hired this company to send this out and then we may or may not use the information that we get from it because all you did is usually like the pot was really stirred and you freaked everybody out about what's happening
Starting point is 00:36:25 and they're like we're not gonna use it it's like it's like no you gotta be using it for something you're not gonna not use you paid for it and you kicked out 60 for every single survey that you kicked out come on that's a lot of money just tossed out and not used one year we made these three affiliate commercials or four i can't remember i can't believe i'm telling this story we sent out a survey to the affiliates me and leaf did saying which commercial do you like the best gif goes greg finds out about it and goes what the fuck are you guys doing start screaming at us i go hey dude we're using all four of them it doesn't matter what they say we're just building it's just propaganda it's just hype we're just letting them see him and get excited about him oh that's that's funny. I don't think anybody here got hyped or excited about him.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He did not like that. They were great commercials. Of course you got hype. What are you talking about? No, I'm talking about the survey. Yeah, I don't even know if affiliate responded to it. Like six affiliates probably responded to it. Dave, bring back long socks, long shorts, gym boss timers,
Starting point is 00:37:45 Johnny G jump ropes. Oh, that is a good question. Sorry. That is an interesting question. That was sidestepped to question why didn't my affiliate get the survey? I am curious about that. Did either of you get the survey? Nope, I didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It might have just been certain regions. Okay. Back your long hair suit combo. Got it. At 85 Transim, CrossFit will be Orange Theory before we know it. And then Jeff Howard AFK said, Orange Theory is ridiculous. Even a franchise version of CrossFit would be 100% better than Orange Theory. Of course, franchising would be a terrible idea,
Starting point is 00:38:21 but you think we're going to turn into Orange Theory is absurd. Andrew Hiller, come on. That's what he said. I'm not saying that CrossFit would have to ditch the methodology to truly become part of what is the current wasteland of junk fitness gyms. I'm not ditching the methodology and I don't see HQ doing that anytime soon. When that happens, we are in trouble for sure. Until then, dot, dot, dot. Yeah. I mean, couldn't have said it better. Jeff Howard. That's where all those people are wrong. They're not going to make a move that they don't think they can make money on. So don't get fucking confused, people.
Starting point is 00:38:51 There's fucking 29 SoulCycle fucking locations, and they're valued at multi-billions of dollars. If they can get control of fucking 1,000 of you, which they can, there's 1,000 targeted affiliates out there. Easy. And they get control of you and get the valuation at $5 billion. What do they give a fuck? Don't think it can't happen. Just because 13,000 of you or 12,000 of you are going to give the middle finger. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Any thoughts on that, guys? They peel off 1,000 and they keep them as franchises. Fucking they're good to go. Boss. Yeah. they peel off a thousand and they keep them as franchises. Fucking they're good to go boss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's hard to tell. Cause there's two big pieces of information that are missing as far as like, what's the burn rate at the company? Like how much money are they spending? How much money do they have to invest into different ideas or, because anytime they, they do any one of these things, they're investing human resources in dollars into,
Starting point is 00:39:43 into this. Right. So like how much money do they have to burn on certain initiatives or to figure out what their plan is? How much money are they burning each month? How much money is coming in? Because if we knew those numbers or had some ballpark idea, we could give you a timeline of their runway, right? Like they have this much time to figure something out, to implement it. They have this much time to add value to the company. But at the end of the day, I think we're all saying the same thing. It's like, we know it's going to happen. They're going to train the horse. So that way the kid could write
Starting point is 00:40:12 it and they can maximize the value using that analogy. The question just is how, and what's the timeline. And to your point, you're right. I don't know if they're going to do this, but you could essentially take some money. You could buy CrossFit gyms for pennies on the dollar. You could take that owner and operator that was fueled by passion, has been working nonstop and hasn't made shit. And you could offer them $65,000 to $85,000 a year to do the same thing they're doing,
Starting point is 00:40:36 but with the support of HQ. And now they no longer own their gym. Support of HQ is code for franchise. Is code for franchise. But you could tap into resources. They would pay the expenses. They would pay you. You would just become a general manager of that store.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And then to your point, Savan, you could get a thousand of them. And we could say, hey, you could go to a CrossFit corporate store and receive this type of value and stuff. And then remodel. Thank you for that. So, again, that's just speculation on what could be done. I'm not saying that that's the idea, but that's an option. It could be an option. 65,000 times 1,000.
Starting point is 00:41:17 If they bought 1,000 affiliates at $65,000 a pop is $65 million. And so now you have 1,000 locations worldwide. Right. That you could control, manipulate, do whatever, have the data. It's probably less money than they got from the NSCA case. Which would be crazy because what happens then legally with what I coach, what Matt coaches, versus what all these other CrossFit gyms coach? I think we would have probably your lease somewhere.
Starting point is 00:41:46 They can terminate the relationship at any time or in your, uh, that's for sure built into the license model, but here's the deal. And even with this survey, with a little bit of information that we've got, they might be suggesting tiered options. Hey, you just want to use CrossFit name and do whatever you want. You're going to have minimal support from HQ. Here's a license model. It's this fee. If you want to come into it and be part of a corporate store or something like that, it's this fee. It's
Starting point is 00:42:09 going to be more because we're going to do a profit share or whatever. So there could be different options outside of the box, which we're thinking of, which is binary A or B. There could be A, B, C, D, and a bunch of different options or tiers that you could associate with CrossFit. a bunch of different options or tiers that you could associate with CrossFit. Dude, the hard thing that I have so much difficulty trying to wrap my head around is I watch the blundering go on with programming, the blundering go on with broadcasting, the blundering go on with media, the blundering go on with how they bring new people in and who they kick out. And then all the things that you just talked about were very high end, like business,
Starting point is 00:42:48 like mogul type stuff where you have to come in and like, like you're, you're a, you're a business machine and you come in and you're going to start wrecking shop. Well, it's business. Are they just going to like,
Starting point is 00:42:59 yeah, they're just not competent at what we know is business. They're totally good at the other stuff. Are they? Dude, I think they are. I think they murder. Murdering dude.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Everything they've done has been a trip. No person that they've hired. These types of M&Ms. I think I really do. Yeah. If you give them a widget to sell and just put whatever product is, is in front of them, they could run it through their systems and sell more of them.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'm not saying that they're good at it, but can convert it they know how to get it up and running quick okay but they've had i mean i i believe me i i mean i see all the machines i i get the stuff i get it how about this i'm waiting for them i'm like it just seems to me you have all you look at the resumes of all the people of all the players It's like, why hasn't it already happened the way that they, like, were they afraid of losing half of us? Well, you just said they could, like, smash it by getting 1,000. I have a slight theory on that. His name is Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And us here. Well, then that may be. The three of us, especially Hiller and the tear that he's been on recently if we didn't exist as the media group here who would voice issue with it nobody think talking link fitness is gonna fucking say that there's a problem and and speculate on any of this you think what are you talking about the lone ranger podcast yeah sorry the lone ranger podcast like if you think any one of them is gonna push back or speculate or or talk in the same manner that we do or especially that hillary does like we're the
Starting point is 00:44:32 thorn in the side all of this would kind of just go and know it like we're the joe rogan and they're and they're just mainstream media corporate mainstream media yeah true true and and now especially with hillary like he, he's rallied everybody. He's cultivated this mob against him, right? Let me throw this out there, too. Every single gym is owned by someone who fucking really wants it to succeed. And it's their fucking money they're playing with. Up until four years ago, the owner of the money, the owner of the money,
Starting point is 00:45:02 the owner of the company was playing with his money, that's a huge cultural shift yeah that's yeah i've never heard anyone say that but but it's got there's i'm not sure what the implications are i haven't thought it out but there's got to be something massive there it's like the difference between like um uh well you see it you see it i see people every day walking down along the beach front with dog poop and they'll walk around it instead of pick it up even though they have 25 dog bags hanging from their chest because it's not their sidewalk but they would never tolerate that poop on their sidewalk damn i'm like owner of this earth dude i pick up all that poop i'm a fucking i i think that the
Starting point is 00:45:46 difference is in chase has brought this up a lot you know especially sitting where he's sitting now is it's hard to go back to when it was just greg because it was just greg right he could make the decision he the money decided he decided to go where the money went it wasn't filtered off into into all these other tendrils it was his money it was him chartered the southwest jet that took the athletes from fucking uh from los angeles to the ranch it was greg's like right like the same way you pull out five bucks to buy your kid a fucking soda it's that big money yeah and you know and that that makes and i i mean and i and i understand that i get it like but that's the thing. Everyone now is playing.
Starting point is 00:46:26 And I will say that Hiller, I mean, I appreciate Dave saying that Hiller's wrong on a lot of these things. Because I'll be straight honest, man. I sit right in the middle of that. I hear Hiller's stuff, and I'm like, God, he's got some really very good points to make that if you're an affiliate owner you have to sit there you got to go like wow let me look at those things and then i see dave too and it's like okay of all of all the people that that are within crossfit if dave is going to say something i'm going to be like okay all right even if even if i'm like i don't think it sounds like a good idea there cap but okay yeah yeah so it makes it it makes it very tough makes it very tough you know and i'm and
Starting point is 00:47:15 i'm all like as far as what crossfit is the methodology and all that like i i told i told chase this on our show i'm like man i have been waving the flag since i picked it up you know whatever 18 years ago of what it is and how it works and everything i'm all in but i have been tripped up and dropped that flag a shit ton of times my knees are fucking scraped and i'm getting tired of having to get back off the ground every motherfucking time explaining this to everybody so i think just that's what i want i don't want the right color polo shirt to wear when i'm coaching i want to not to be tripped up again and have to explain all over again what the fuck is going on there it's nice to know not everybody out there is um but there's some people out there who see the bigger picture, like he's stating. And so
Starting point is 00:48:05 we are not turning into Orange Theory. If we turn into Orange Theory, I will be doing these weekly reviews from a different perspective and from a different role at a different job. So I have no doubt that we're not going to compromise the methodology or who we are. There's people here that still care immensely about the methodology and not compromising where we came from and what we are. Now, does that mean we're not going to evolve? Or does that mean the business isn't going to change? Or does that mean we're not going to do things differently that are going to potentially make people uncomfortable, especially those of us who have been around for a long time? Absolutely. We're going to do things. We're going to evolve. We're going to do things
Starting point is 00:48:39 differently. We are going to do things that make long-time prospectors uncomfortable. We're going to do things that make me uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't mean it's wrong. And it doesn't mean it can't be done in the right way without really taking into consideration our past and thinking about the future.
Starting point is 00:48:58 All right. That's it for... I just wish I knew what he was talking about. I just don't know what he's talking about. Or comments. This weekend had a couple shooting comps. I did a 22 match here at the ranch, and it was pouring rain. We only had seven people show up, but it was a great time. Really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's fun doing stuff like that in the rain, although it sucks in the moment, and then having to clear all your gear up afterwards, especially when you're shooting six, $7,000 guns that are getting soaked. But it was a good time. Then the next weekend or the next day, then I went to Sacramento for a shooting comp, had fun,
Starting point is 00:49:31 didn't do great there, but it was a good comp. I saw a lot of guys I know and really enjoyed it. Last piece I want to talk about. The guy, the guy's obsessed with shooting. He really likes shooting. That's his sport.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Topo Chica is um there's a triple crown concept i've been talking about for several years a few years now and um nothing formal but we you know there's there's the games and there's the rogue invitational a recent event you know it's only been around for three or four years maybe four or five i'm not sure exactly then there's Wadapalooza and there was Dubai Fitness Challenge. I don't know if they're still running, but those two, Dubai Fitness Challenge and Wadapalooza have been around for a very long time. So a few years ago, I was playing around this concept of triple crown points for all three. What happens if you were to collect points for those three events and then basically have a champion out of it. So this year, at this point, unofficially,
Starting point is 00:50:28 started playing around with Had Our Team, had Eubanks on the team, start crunching some numbers and playing around with what a triple crown at this stage would look like. Triple crown being the games, the Invitational, and then the third event will be Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I don't even know if all the the invitational meaning rogue yeah i think so these athletes that enter this triple crown format that i've kind of started playing with are going to end up doing waterpalooza but there's a good number at this point that have done both and so what we've done is the top 20 from the games become buy-in into the triple crown. And they, as long as they do all three stages are the, are the pool of athletes who get points for this. And for this initial go at it, this initial swing, this could be wrong. This could, there could be better ways to do it. Someone out there will talk about how the way we structured it is wrong, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:51:20 The way we're using it is the lowest points win, kind of like we do in the open. So playing that out, we have two of the three events. We have the games, which essentially becomes the feeder for the rest of it. To be in the Triple Crown points running, you have to have been in the top 20 of the game. So the top 20, those athletes enter the Triple Crown. So in this case, Tia, who did the Invitational, she's not going to be entered into this Triple Crown this year, this game I'm playing, we're playing. But after two events, here's how it shakes out. So we have a handful of women athletes.
Starting point is 00:51:54 And it goes all the way down to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 14 athletes on the women's leaderboard for the Triple Crown. Actually, I'll just go down it. So Neil, she has 38 points. Samenza has 32. Flores has 31. Freya has 31 points. Rolf has 27 powers as 23.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Danielle Brandon has 16. Carrie has 14. Lowen has 11. Lowen has 11 at five fifth place overall. So far after two events, Kazan has 10. Megala is currently in third with eight total points. Remember lowest points is,
Starting point is 00:52:23 um, is the goal here. Emma Lawson has five points and she's currently in third with eight total points. Remember, lowest points is the goal here. Emma Lawson has five points, and she's currently in second, five from a second at the Games and a third at the Rogue Invitational. And then Laura Horvath is in first overall in this triple crown concept. She has two points. Obviously, she won the Games, and she won Rogue. So if those athletes, especially Horvath, Lawum and Magala, Kazan, Lowen,
Starting point is 00:52:46 Kerry, Brandon, call it the top 10, do the Rogan, or I'm sorry, Wadapalooza, we'll have a cool little unofficial point series to point to the talk about where we'll have a triple crown champion. On the men's side, so we have Morad with 32, Olsen with 26, Koski with 26, BKG with 23, We have Morad with 32, Olsen with 26, Koski with 26, BKG with 23, Dukic with 23, Hoste with 21, Crouch 17. Then we work into the top five. Dallin Pepper's at 13, Fikowski's at fourth with eight points. Roman is in third with six points. And this is where it gets cool.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Adler and Vellner are both tied with three points at this stage. Adler won the games. Vellner took second. Vellner won Rogue. Adler won the games. Vellner took second. Vellner won rogue. Adler took second. Although in this case, the tiebreaker for this scenario, and I'm just making this up right now, but it's a good tiebreaker, would be the guy who won the game. So if they both end up with three and three, Adler wins because he won the games,
Starting point is 00:53:37 and that trumps the rogue invitational in this system that I'm playing with. So I'm having fun playing through this. I hope these athletes who are on this list continue on and do the Waterpalooza and then I'll be able to play with these numbers some more and we'll be able to look at them and have fun with it. I know there's gonna be a lot of people who criticize or come after this model, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's just a fun little game playing with some of these numbers. That's it. Thanks for tuning into the Week in Review and have a good Thanksgiving. See you next week. He saluted me. Wow. I like the idea. Should I start working on sponsors
Starting point is 00:54:19 to raise $30,000 to call the Sebon Podcast CrossFit Games Triple Crown And raise like two or three sponsors To give $10,000 each And we just take that from them Is that only for the winner? Sure
Starting point is 00:54:36 I like the idea of the Triple Crown It's fun They've been talking about that for longer than three years They've been talking about it for a long time But here's the thing, too. It's been going every year. Just know this is just something you just this is like just putting a lens on something that's been happening every year. We could go back the last 10 years and find out who's won the Triple Crown.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He's talking about formalizing and giving an acknowledgement from Dave in the game. Well, he wanted to get some numbers. We could just do it. He wanted to get some numbers. That's why he started in the games. He wanted to get some numbers, too. He wanted to get some numbers. That's why he started with the games. I don't think the Triple Crown should start with, you're only allowed to be in it for the top 20 in the games. I don't think it should be that at all. I think the Triple Crown should be a whole
Starting point is 00:55:14 other race. Then how would it work? Well, let's omit that part, but let's say would those be the three events you would choose? Waterpalooza, Rogue, and... I think if you're going to do, I mean, if you're going to go something like a triple crown and you're only going to
Starting point is 00:55:27 go to the big three. Yeah. But I think like an off season event like that, you should have more points that are available. Like if you're doing something like the, you know, grand Prix and that type of thing, there's more than just three races.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Why not? On all those first year, just keep it super simple. I'm just thinking of something that you don't know if you'd have enough points activate on really easy. I don't know if you'd have enough points activate on really easy i don't know if you'd have enough points it's like trying to crown a winner out of three events oh meaning that you might only get three men and five women who actually do all three and it's like that's kind of a dud wow wow wow well or yeah or you have you know if like let's say you have like how much movement is there going to be between the top five that are at the games.
Starting point is 00:56:06 If you're looking at like Tia, Laura, Emma, Daniel, Brandon in there. I mean, throw five in there. And you have to go to at least three.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah. Or you pick your best, your best. I think, I think the numbers, the numbers aren't moving around all that much is what I think. I don't think there's enough variance in the numbers. I mean, that's why you have like Pat and Jeff are tied.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And then you have to give Jeff the winner because he's got the game. So he's using that as a trump card kind of. I mean, it's easy numbers. So I see how he's doing it. I'm not saying that I have the best. I mean, like, you know, this is like we're helping in those guys and Tyler and those guys all hop in and they come up with all the numbers of how many you actually need to get like a fair, a fair run. But I think it's fun.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I think the idea of it's really, really cool. It definitely would keep people involved all the way through the season for sure. But I, I don't, I don't think that you should take any hype away from the CrossFit Games. I think it needs to be its own standalone. You got the Open, you got the Quarters, you got the Semis, you got the Games because that's our sport right there. The Triple Crown is an offshoot of that.
Starting point is 00:57:16 It's an outside competition, I would think, of that. I think it's a great opportunity for the Heat One app. Absolutely. I think that there could be lots of games that are played within that and then you do a triple crown winner and you know you can find other ways to accumulate the points so that way you just don't have three separate um entities like the games invitational and uh wadapalooza because it does i mean like you're not going to have a big enough play a field for it to shift around probably enough but i think that um tyler watkins probably some come up with something relatively like cool to work in there and then i also think that if you do have a wide enough spread like a big enough field just outside of
Starting point is 00:57:53 those three events but a way to kind of do the same thing with a big spread that would be a cool opportunity for the person who gets it right the year out you could put a relatively big prize purse on that and tie the community into it a little bit more so rather than pay the athletes for winning the triple crown you actually pay the community that's invested uh their time to track it and play along with the he won app and give them the money instead well then the other thing if tyler was to do uh put his z score rather than just a point and he could do that because then it's like okay now you're really looking at the numbers that are on there. I think that would be,
Starting point is 00:58:28 that would be a great place to put something like that. Yeah. So I think that would be, I think something like that should probably live with something like this with, with the heat. You better believe we are. You and Watkins get a room. And then another hot take here.
Starting point is 00:58:44 The other hot take here. And helping are already in there. The other hot take is that I think CrossFit should get completely out of the business of sport. Oh, wow. Okay. I'm not doing that. I do want to do that, but I don't want to work out. I got to take the kids to somewhere at four o'clock. I do want to just say one more thing.
Starting point is 00:59:03 work out i gotta take the kids to uh somewhere at four o'clock i do want to just say one more thing um some of the stuff we talked about today um regarding the triple crown is on um mike albin's always so generous in the comments we were supposed to do the show yesterday at six o'clock and he was going to come on here i just want to tell you if you want to see more uh written down of what dave was saying you can come over here The Instagram account is called known Underscore knowable And uh and you can Dig in here and Mike's already put them on charts For you and it's good shit junk food Uh for the game geeks
Starting point is 00:59:33 Um uh Thank you for making it uh such short notice Uh CrossFit Inferno if anyone's ever in San Luis Obispo and you want to work out with the OGs In a fantastic gym uh Matt Souza executive producer of the 7-1 podcast, owner of CrossFit Livermore. If anyone's ever out there, I don't know why you would be.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And I love you guys. See you tomorrow morning with Greg Glassman. Bye.

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