The Sevan Podcast - REVIEW of The Dave Castro's WIR | Nov. 27th, 2023

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:06 Mr. Brian Spin from the Barbell Spin. The fastest, most accurate, best news, all CrossFit shit, everything. What's up? He's 60 Minutes, TMZ, and what's another good one? All spectrums of media. What's the one that you introduced me to with Dave Portnoy? Oh, he's definitely on the spectrum. Oh, Brian Spinn's on the spectrum?
Starting point is 00:01:27 The media spectrum. There he is. As he's affectionately called the, what was he? He's the caricature of Ed Norton. If Ed Norton was an emoji. God, that's fucking so good. Ed Norton was an emoji.
Starting point is 00:01:44 What's up, Mr. Spinn? What do you know that no one else knows? What do you know that no one else knows that you can share on the show with us right now? Like something crazy. Anything? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I don't know. I don't hold things back. I just publish them right away. Oh, good. All right, good. That's why it's the fastest. If you don't know. I don't hold things back. I just publish them right away. Oh, good. All right. Good. That's why. That's why it's the fastest. If you don't subscribe, go over to the Instagram. It's the place to be. Unpredictable In his Speech Always predictable in his Programming His commitment to excellence High quality training He is if you cut him open instead of blood
Starting point is 00:02:35 He bleeds CrossFit self-made training program I don't say any of that stuff lightly I love Taylor I love hearing his thoughts and perspectives on All things CrossFit And he works with the great Andy Hendel One of the probably longest I love Taylor. I love hearing his thoughts and perspectives on all things CrossFit. Good dude. And he works with the great Andy Hendel, one of the probably longest, for sure the oldest tree in the forest on the L1 team.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Is Andy the oldest dude on the L1 team? I feel like if he was, he would brag about it, and I don't ever hear him say it. But he is 63, and he's on the all one team uh not humble but eminently capable he's not cocky either but he'd be like fuck i'm the oldest guy on staff he would say it all the time you know what i mean he would just throw it out there and uh and uh what the fuck is this and oh amazon delivery sorry sorry sorry shoot hey what's Sorry. Hey, what's going on, man? Yeah, this is Amazon.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I have your deliveries. I'm outside your gate, bud. Could you just, can you just set them outside the gate? Yeah, definitely. I don't know why I suddenly went to a receptionist, but I don't want to just leave them unattended, you know? Okay, there's a mail room right next to that first gate. It's like an invisible mail room that's built in. Yeah, it's the one with the lock code on it?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah, you can just yank that open and throw the packages in there. The code is 0000. Yeah, for some reason it's already open. Okay, yeah. Oh, it's because it's been kind of lost its shape. You can just throw the boxes in there and kind of slam the door shut. Sounds good. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. Thanks, brother brother Same to you Alright bye Thank you bud Peace Sounds like a nice dude What the fuck was that? Was that real?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah Dude Oh that's code With your mom I was talking to Dude Fucking voice changer I gotta
Starting point is 00:04:20 I'm with Taylor right now I don't want him to know What is that? I got one of those Amazon You got Char of those Amazon. You got charged $14.99 to your account for a new MacBook Pro laptop calls. And they left a voicemail. And I called them back.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And they're like, hello. And I was like, hey, is this Amazon? And they're like, yes. Who's asking? And I was like, you told me I spent $1,400. And they're like, yeah. And I was like, do you know you're a fucking scam and i just had like this two-minute conversation with them telling me it wasn't
Starting point is 00:04:49 a scam and me saying you're a piece of shit you know my friend my penis tastes like curry uh ladies and gentlemen and below in the lower right hand corner matthew suza owner of crossfit Livermore Massive, beautiful gym Insane community Been an affiliate for more than 10 years Executive producer of the Savant podcast And close friends with Greg Glassman
Starting point is 00:05:14 He has his hands in everything Sousa has more pizzas in the oven Than Chef Boyardee Than Domino's? Yeah, thank you. Than Domino's. Okay, this show is the Dave Castro Week in Review,
Starting point is 00:05:33 review of the Week in Review. I was told that we no longer need to pull up, change the audio levels because Dave's using his mic now. We will let him play at one and a quarter speed. And then we will pause periodically and give our 30-second takes. Spin talk's a little slow, so his will be 45, and Taylor doesn't know when to stop.
Starting point is 00:05:57 His will be 55. November 27, 2023, Week in Review at Cecilia Joyermo dave casho is going woke and sold his soul to the show wow coming in hot he is going woke dude whoever commented that i'm fucking with it unless he can defend himself here i agree bigger world we all needed you to be a stand-up guy but I guess money changes everything. She must've saw what I ate on Thanksgiving to know that I sold my soul to the sugar world. Other than that, I'm like a pretty vocal fasting keto, low carb, no sugar guy who speaks about it
Starting point is 00:06:41 on a regular basis. So not sure what you're talking about there. Yeah, listen. If you're going to fucking attack him, you passive-aggressive douchebag bitch, at least tell us what he did. I'll tell you. Moron. What? What? What? What'd he do? He's not speaking out against all these dumb fuck hires, dude. Whatever this... What's this? Growl?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Josh? Growl? Josh? You don't think that's a conflict of interest, my guy? I mean, it is. But I'm just saying, dude, you're either unviable or you're not, bro. No, no, listen, listen, listen. I want to say one thing. I totally hear you if yours was the only perspective and mine was the only perspective. I get it.
Starting point is 00:07:17 We don't know grouse. We don't know da coon. We don't know these people. But that's not – hi, what do you need? Hey, just seeing how you're doing okay i'm on the podcast i love you hey i got your amazon bye so so listen so there's another perspective that we don't know at all we're all just glued to andrew hiller's a fucking shit and being like oh andrew says this andrew says i'm i'm susceptible to hold on i got one of andrew's pubes in my mouth uh but he fucking works shoulder to shoulder with this dude taylor what the fuck do you want
Starting point is 00:07:50 him to do he fucking knows shit that we didn't we don't even know he interviewed these motherfuckers he interviewed them yeah well he was involved they still got hired he's involved in the interview process he said that i think on the show bro look at spin nodding with me that's the first time spence ever said anything nice you do not think that even makes my case even more or that person's case even more the fact that he was on the interview process so guy have you seen josh grouse instagram profile bro i know bro let me tell you listen you don't have to convince me of everything from what i've seen yes but i have I have not seen, I've seen zero from Dave's side. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Okay. And let me, let me just say this. Let me say this. Let's say Dave does completely agree with everything we're saying. Let's just say, and then he were to say something like that and then get fired. And we had no one,
Starting point is 00:08:38 no one on no one, uh, standing up for what's right. Right. That's the perspective that I see. Okay. So, so,
Starting point is 00:08:44 so, okay. I don't think that's it, but I'm just saying either way. Ben, would you like to, he's's right. Right. That's the perspective that I see. Okay. So, so, so, okay. I don't think that's it, but I'm just saying either way, Ben, would you like to, he's the mole. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Uh, uh, Ben, um, any thoughts on this? I mean, I, I don't, I think Taylor is drawing the conclusion though,
Starting point is 00:08:59 that he is, I don't know if he's siding with growl face and, uh, and, and our other affiliate manager guy um but i i have more side with what you're saying that he can't just go out and if even if he does disagree with those hires and he could have right like he could have been the one voice in the room that said i don't feel on this but at the end of the day, there's four or five other guys that are saying that they're going to go with them.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And you got up on a corporate face to say, you know, publicly. Then you're agreeing with Taylor. I'm not even saying he's putting on necessarily a corporate face. It's like, Hey, if you're,
Starting point is 00:09:40 you're on a football team and we're going to run, you're a wide receiver, but they're going to run the ball. And like, you have to do more than put on a corporate face. You have to support that decision, right? Yeah. I mean, he's not, he's not working against him. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But he's may not be speaking how he truly feels. His personal opinions on Grouse last Twitter post. Right. Susan, do you have, do you have any thoughts? I mean, the community in which Dave came from, he was a team guy. So I think that if he's on the team and that was what was decided, just like Brian's been said, whether he completely agrees with it or not, now that the decision's made, they're going to try to make the most of it.
Starting point is 00:10:14 That's a good perspective. All right, Susan. All right, chill. Chill with the logic. That was good. You're good, Taylor. Kent Sykes, $10. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Look at that gangster shit on the chest. You better not be afraid to fight when you got tattoos like that, right? Yeah. If you, it's either you're in prison and there's something getting up in there. Dude, I don't know what to say about that chest. Mason Mitchell. Hey, shut it. He gave 10 bucks. It's beautiful. Face chest. Mason Mitchell seven with the football analogy. Thank you. I needed a little love for that. Here we.
Starting point is 00:10:56 At Mr. Race car 23, you could think of CrossFit. You could think of the sport of CrossFit as already having four major championships, like with golf and tennis. There's the games, Rogue, Dubai, Guadalupalooza, all the majors, but the CrossFit games recognized as the most prestigious to win, just like Wimbledon is for tennis or the Open is for golf. True. I don't know if they're doing Dubai this year or not, but that's a good point. And that's kind of the whole concept of the Triple Crown and playing with tying them together.
Starting point is 00:11:21 playing with tying them together. At Jack's... No? I don't even know what the fuck that was. Is that a question or a comment? I got nothing to say. Okay. I was wearing a white hat. You got a mustache.
Starting point is 00:11:39 All right. I'm with you. Am I the only one who noticed this year Dubai's prize purse, I feel like, is much smaller than it typically is. No, it's actually, no, it's down from when it was years ago,
Starting point is 00:11:51 but it's back up to 50,000. What was it last year? I think it was 30. Oh really? I thought like years ago it was like 100 K for the winner. It was. Yeah. Years ago,
Starting point is 00:11:59 like in 2018. Really? It was much higher. When they came back, they had a lower price first. That's why everybody stopped going. I mean, fuck, that's a long travel. Better be worth it. Yeah, it's like a day's
Starting point is 00:12:14 travel. You lose a day of your life, dude. Yeah. But does anybody else wonder why Dave doesn't even know that Dubai exists? Because they don't market at all. I don't know. It's not part of a CrossFit thing. So why would he, I could,
Starting point is 00:12:27 I don't know the answer to that, but I think they used to be part of a CrossFit thing and they're not. Maybe, maybe he just kind of lets it just go out of his brain, but their marketing, I feel like does stink, but we're rogues. Rogue's not a CrossFit license to them,
Starting point is 00:12:40 but him and Bill and Katie are a lot closer. I would sense than him and the director of the work. He talks bill and katie once a week i mean they got shit to talk about listen to the dubai's guys don't promote at all do they spend i mean at all can you imagine not like sending it like why wouldn't they just reach out to me like hey can our director come on your podcast i would get him like 500 more views in there because they are the i mean i've chatted with them but they're of the opinion of a lot of these organizers where they think they can do it themselves. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And they think that, you know, well, we have our own platforms. Why would we farm that out to somebody else who can share that information? Regardless, I think in Dave's position, and especially if he's talking about triple crown they're talking about doing some type of season structure you at least need to know that dubai exists i'm not saying you need to know all the details and know what the prize purse is and who they selected and how they did it but just at least know yeah that the big competitions that are out there the problem with dubai is a big competition or it's just big for our like no it's not big at all dude i would say dubai stinks i would say it's gonna buy
Starting point is 00:13:49 the stands are empty stands are empty and this is why dude it's not miami dude you go to miami there's boobs out there's fucking ass out everywhere you go to dubai that shit's you can't see anything over there dude dude. You get some eyes. You can see some eyes. That's about it, dude. But it might have a front tail under there. Hey, you think people are scared to go to Dubai this year because of the – just the 1.8 billion angry folk?
Starting point is 00:14:20 If you're one of the 40 fittest dudes in the world and you're scared for that, I don't know. I mean, look at look at Elf. It didn't wasn't then a bunch of them withdraw from that. I think I think Kotler and underdogs was supposed to program with it. I don't know if they were still involved over the last month or not. Anyway, I kind of see what you're saying. Hey, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I kind of see what you're saying. Hey, I see what you're saying. Why doesn't he have a bigger perspective on the ecosystem of competitions? I don't think Greg – or Greg. I don't think Dave ever has. Like I bet you he doesn't even know the crash crucible happened. Look, pull my stuff. He don't even know who the bottom ten athletes are probably.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And I used to think it was a big deal, but now for some reason I don't. Ladies and gentlemen, all I care about is I wonder if I'm going to be one of the people Who's invited on the new Series That's coming out What new series? Oh so none of you guys have been invited to the new series? I have not been invited to the new series There's not room for everybody
Starting point is 00:15:23 You guys know about the new series. There's not room for everybody. You guys know about the new series? No. What are you talking about? Let's cut to Coffee Pods and Wads and see what Pedro has to say. One of the organizers came on mine, and it was trash, but that's probably on me. Or sure, it's on you. Speaking of Pedro, keep my name, keep my phone number at your fingertips.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I'm interested in, in, in the new show. Okay. Here we go. Doof5667. Dave, I really appreciate you
Starting point is 00:15:57 addressing the hot topics of CrossFit in an open, frank way. Many people have been criticizing HQ for not being transparent and I feel this is addressing
Starting point is 00:16:03 just that. Thanks for this. You're welcome. Fuck you. HQ's transparent enough. What do you fucking need to know? Fucking don't worry about anything. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Dave came to our local comp here at the Central Valley Throwdown. Here's – He's aware's do you remember what'd you say suza i said he's aware i think dave also likes to just kind of say i don't pay attention to that but i think he's i think dave is very aware of everything that happens in the ecosystem he just doesn't want us to like realize it as much he says things on purpose too yeah like when we were at the games checking things on purpose what do you mean like like he said he said oh dude like he said i don't even know if dubai is happening this year he said that on purpose like when i was at the games and we were checking michelle in he was checking
Starting point is 00:16:54 michelle and he's like oh what's up man are you are you competing this year like shut the fuck up you know i'm not you fucker oh you oh to you to me oh yeah yeah he definitely knew you weren't he finally better uh spin do you need more transparency from hq not in this regard i mean yeah again i think i may have said last time on the the week in review i think we need to have somebody actually speaking from crossfit about the methodology and why crossfit saves lives not just dave talking to us about the sport and a few personal things every week didn't nicole carroll do that in that is she gonna do more of what she did in that latest post or in that i think what spence talking about though specifically i hear you taylor but he
Starting point is 00:17:42 he's saying like we need someone doing five buckets of death once or twice or three or four times a year. I agree. Or we have a cure for the world's most vexing problem. We need like a new slogan that says the same thing every year that's dope. I don't need to hear from Don about the business plan of 30 million people. Tell me why CrossFit is great and why it's saving lives and how it can change people. Tell me about that and it'll get people to grow. Here's where we're going to grow affiliates
Starting point is 00:18:10 and all the corporate speak. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest promotion in the history for any sporting event from Mike Olivas, a.k.a. Pool Boy. He says, I had so much sexual intercourse last time I competed at water Palooza. Taylor is right.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It's amazing. Dude, I'm not even gay. And I'd probably fuck him in Miami. Get your tickets now for water. A Palooza. Right. Eyes.
Starting point is 00:18:44 One zero one six. Please pardon my ignorance, but what is so bad about orange Theory? I've been following everything CrossFit since 2019. I was set to leave my global gym after more than a decade, then the pandemic hit, and then I had a significant family need to attend to. When I explored returning to a fitness routine, I stopped by a couple CrossFit gyms, but didn't feel confident in their professionalism or programming. So I've ended up at Orange Theory and I am getting fit and accomplishing new things. With that said, I still think CrossFit ideology is the gold standard. I don't trust, I just don't trust that it's being executed
Starting point is 00:19:10 consistently across affiliates. So first off, don't trust. What's so bad about Orange Theory? Personally, I don't think any fitness is a bad thing. So if you're just trying to get fit or you're trying to get off the couch. Okay, let's go back to the trust thing. Once again, like I, the, that fucking comment means nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Like, what did you see there? I walked in and the two coaches were fucking butt fucking each other. So I left like, what did you see that made it? So you didn't want to go in there and work out. I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. How's he supposed to answer that question? It's impossible. There's no context context you have no idea
Starting point is 00:19:46 well yeah i mean i uh what well that can mean 10 different things to 10 different people where you're not greeted at the door did nobody say hi did you not get coached was it an open gym format was the class tonight for you like what was the deal i wasn't confident in the programming so i went to arms theory that just says to me that those gyms were so fucking bad to me. How do you know? Listen to this. I was in the Susie's gym and I was like, and the coach was there. Uh, Albert was there and he said, Hey, you're gonna work out. And I said, no, I just been in the car for two hours. He goes, don't worry. I'm going to warm you up. He's I'll just do the warmup. I'm like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And I did the warmup. I'm like, like, like that's all I needed. He said, hi, he came over to me, hugged me, shook my hand. Um, I walked into another gym in Phoenix. One time I walked in, the guy was coaching. He walked right over and he's like, Hey, what's up? What are you doing? My God, just, uh, going to do a class, blah, blah, blah. I can't remember. And he talked to me and he said, yeah, this class already started to come back at this time. I'm like, okay, cool. I didn't, but my, but my wife came back. I walked into another gym in LA and the fucking coaches the girl coach was riding around on the shoulders of the male coach and they didn't say hi to us and when we came in with like 10 people i didn't even think they were the coaches
Starting point is 00:20:53 and then all of a sudden class started and we're all there and then he put the girl down and they're like here are the workouts on the board yeah that's a shitty gym but you could tell us exactly why it was shitty yeah now yeah yeah and that has nothing to do with crossfit or the l1 that just did albert gave me a solution my problem he's like hey just do the warm-up see what happens our uh our google review has the worst review somebody came in on a weekend where they were doing a seminar a level one like they came in on a saturday and so no one talked to them right they're doing this level one seminar yeah out in the gym and they were in the front room and waited around for like 20 minutes and no one talked to him. So they wrote a Google review about how bad our gym was. Oh yeah. I mean, it's just, yeah, no context. But orange theory sucks. I've never been to an orange theory. I
Starting point is 00:21:37 have no idea. Mr. Spin, do you have any thoughts on, on the question? Yeah, it's too vague. I've never been to orange theory. You ever been to a back-office affiliate? I have. Just in visiting, but it was again, it was just a feel of what I probably wouldn't want to be there, be a member there, but it wasn't something specific.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You could just tell they probably didn't have the community that you'd want. But did they address you? Did you get a good workout there? Did they take care of you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do something. Any fitness is better than no fitness.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So I don't have an issue with Orange Theory, especially if it's helping people get into CrossFit or get into fitness and then eventually maybe into a CrossFit gym. eventually maybe into a CrossFit gym. When we talk about, or last week when we criticized Orange Theory or talked about that model, it's more of in this perspective and sense of the franchise model, because that's a franchise model, and us going that route. And then if we did that, it would fundamentally turn our back on who we are with the open source nature of the affiliation model. So the criticisms that even I would say of Orange Theory, or that I think people in our community say, I can't speak for what they're saying in regards to Orange Theory. I can't for myself, but it's not about the fitness again. Like anything is better than nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And the fact that Orange Theory is helping people get fit is a good thing. Although if you really want to optimize and get the most out of your fitness or your time, obviously I believe CrossFit is a better gem or better option. Let me explain what Blade Walker Is saying here I'm going to explain it to Blade also Blade Walker says I did Orange Theory for a month To join a friend who is getting into fitness Meh not terrible
Starting point is 00:23:12 Here's the thing that's how horrible it is We're talking about a guy who is eminently capable Who brought and added more value to the class Than the class gave to him So if he says Because he knew every movement there there's nothing like they can't teach him shit right any of us crossfitters who go to an orange theory we destroy not meaning we destroy the workouts but we add value to the class we're we're capable
Starting point is 00:23:36 of all of this shit we don't need a lot of instructions we know how to be appropriate we got down the fucking that kind of classroom etiquette so for for blade to say it's not like fucking absolutely great means it's it's just shit horrible because you know he brought value do you guys see what my point no but we can move on i just and then she ends with um or they end with i just don't trust that it's being executed across executed consistently across affiliates it's definitely the open source nature of this and the model, the affiliate model, the licensing agreement model
Starting point is 00:24:08 does allow for very different expressions of it to exist. Sometimes people bias towards one direction with it. Sometimes people bias towards another. And in that, someone like yourself might not really see what they're looking for when they go into a gym. And so there is an aspect of, yes, they all can do it the way they want. So it does look different or can feel different
Starting point is 00:24:33 in the affiliates. And to this notion of it's not being executed consistently across affiliates, yes, it's not. And again, to kind of circle back on that, there's strength in that. And there's also some potential weakness. The potential weakness is exactly what you're saying is that you don't feel like you're getting a consistent experience across the affiliates or across different gyms. So that is something that I think needs some addressing in terms of the consistency you're talking about. I hope the consistency you're talking about. I hope the consistency you're
Starting point is 00:25:05 talking about is a high level of training, a high level of professionalism. That I think can and should be improved across all affiliates. The consistency, meaning them looking more like Orange Theory or them looking more like each other, I don't think should be improved. I think the way it operates now is, is some of the beauty in the whole system and should continue on where they do, where they do look different. They do operate different, but when it comes to training and professionalism, yes, that should be at a high level and there should be some consistency there. Let me say this because I went to a party yesterday, last night, up the hill from me on like a five-acre lot. And there's four generations of family living there, in-laws, the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And it was a party for my wife – for my mom's CrossFit class. And there were 50 people at the party, 25 of the members and then 25 of like their spouses or friends, right? 25 of the members and then 25 of like their spouses or friends, right? There are more CrossFit gym Thanksgiving parties, Christmas parties, birthday parties than any other fucking club or organization or gym anywhere in the world. Now just think about what the implications of that are. Think about that that should be fucking enough for you to know that that if that's what you're looking for a holistic good group of fucking amazing people to fucking grind with and make yourself better and live long that's what you do it's crossfit it's not orange theory it's not at
Starting point is 00:26:36 45 it's not a fucking gun club it's not the fucking juice gym it's not the martial arts studio i'm telling you there's no organization on planet earth. That's throwing more Thanksgiving parties, Christmas parties, birthday parties, moving parties than CrossFit. I, I feel like HQ could do a better job of drawing attention to the fact that if you go to different affiliates, they're not going to be the same and hyping that up in a sense of like, try several out. I feel like I look at CrossFit similar to like, oh man, I want this to be a compliment, but it's not going to be one. But I look at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I like to give a compliment. I see CrossFit as like America. Like you have CrossFit and any affiliate you go to could be different. And then you have like the 50 states and like you could go to South Carolina and there's not a paved road for fucking a miles and you go to california and there's seven dudes shooting fentanyl on the sidewalk in front of your house or you could go to a really nice state like north carolina and go to charlotte and everything's beautiful yeah yeah yeah but but i feel like crossfit should say i feel like people have the expectation when they try it
Starting point is 00:27:43 they're like like every new member that comes to us is like, okay, now when I sign up, can I go to any CrossFit in Charlotte? And I'm like, no, bitch. You can't go to any CrossFit in Charlotte. It's an affiliate. It's not a franchise. But that's like people don't know that, and that's not our fault as the affiliate. I think CrossFit needs to celebrate like, hey, you get individuality with your experience, and you get a chance to shop around and find what really fits you. And let me also tell you, there's more funeral receptions at CrossFit gyms than any other gym in the world either.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Holy shit. Rebecca Schindeldecker. Hey, that's not related to Schindeldecker, right? There's a Schindeldecker and a Schindeldecker. Yeah. Holy shit. One letter difference. related to shindoldecker right there's a shingle decker and a shindoldecker yeah holy shit one letter difference oh we had my husband's funeral reception at our box dude i rest my case we rule marriages at gyms yeah yeah it's at six of those not in the gym but yeah that's crazy hey one other thing i'll also say is that people don't
Starting point is 00:28:46 want the other side of this coin like everybody runs away from the scary franchise monster and that's exactly what this would be also too how many guys have been to starbucks everybody here how many have been to starbucks and had a great experience with an awesome barista and then you're like this place is awesome how many times have you gone there and it's looked like shit and there was a bunch of shit all over the trash. It's the same thing, man. So you're complaining about a no context problem that actually wouldn't like there's no right answer to solve that. And it's definitely not the answer that we want, which is a franchise model. So so so find a good one.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Find the one that's doing the the receptions, the birthday parties, has the good strong coaches, has the class times you want. Find a good one because the best gym in the world is going to be one of these CrossFit gyms. Yep. At Tyler Chang Garris. Dave, I've been on the fence about opening an affiliate for the last two years due to my concerns about the leadership's commitment to the methodology. There are a few exceptions, including you and NC and AB.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I'm assuming you mean Nicole Carroll and Adrian Bosman. Mission always came first, profits followed. The opposite seems true now. What would you say to someone on the fence about affiliation? Well, I would suggest if you're on the fence about affiliation, if you want to open a gym, a CrossFit gym, doing it with the CrossFit name will put you in a better position with this style of training. If you're doing CrossFit in your gym and you're opening up a gym, doing it with a CrossFit name will be advantageous versus doing it without the CrossFit name, especially for you starting or for new gyms starting. There's some gyms that have had the CrossFit name for a decade or so, and then they end up dropping the name. They already have their
Starting point is 00:30:19 clientele and they already have a community built off of years of being a CrossFit gym. So it's easier for someone who's been around to drop the name and continue on rather than when you're first starting. I think you have a, you're poised for more success with the name in terms of the map, in terms of brand recognition, et cetera, et cetera. All of that being said though, I'm old school. If I'm going to do something with a brand or associate and use their methodology, I would definitely wear the flag, fly the flag, associate with them. I also think being part of the community is not insignificant and it's a super powerful alignment to have as a CrossFit gym. You're not out there on your own, meaning there's other affiliates in your local area that
Starting point is 00:31:05 you can talk to or work with. There's people from HQ who can help you out. We have representatives around the world. So starting a gym with the CrossFit name and in this community, I think sets you up for success in the long run. Okay. So the question was, he's concerned about the leadership and never once did we hear Dave address that. He did say that he gave a bunch of good reasons to affiliate, but he didn't address the question. Mr. Spinn, any thoughts on that, what you just heard? You don't have to take it the way I took it either. You can go any way you want with it. I think that was on – I'm going to read into it and say it was on purpose.
Starting point is 00:31:44 He's going to walk himself into a corner if he goes down that path and may say things that may have to be backtracked down the road. So he focuses on the positive things that he can talk about, and that's exactly what he did. So let me try to see if I understand what you're saying. You're saying that there's a little bit of a dumpster fire going at hq so instead of pointing back no the team's great he kind of was like hey look over here i think well i don't know if i go that far but if he starts talking
Starting point is 00:32:17 i crossed the line i crossed the line if he starts speaking of specific examples of leadership or things change on the public face or you know something else happens like then he has that out there versus he can just focus on why you should affiliate right he took the political the politician route right like i'm going to kind of touch on it but i'm going to go around and talk about the things I want to related to why you should open a gym across the gym. Right. Should I get a Tesla? And then all you do is talk about how great a Toyota is.
Starting point is 00:32:52 You never even address the Tesla. Or, or just why electric vehicles are great. Right. Like, but you never talk about Tesla itself. Right. Even better.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Thank you for taking my metaphor and, and, uh, Mr. Uh, self made training program. Sousa, do you ever lean on the affiliates in your locale for help? Not in the same city, but to that regard, I mean, I did reach out to Craig Howard and Diablo and I have, you know, to some of these other affiliates.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I just thought that was an interesting statement. Here's how I'll tell you how all the affiliates lean on each other every time someone moves they look for another affiliate so my mom's moved three times and she's been to three different affiliates but the gym right down the street from us is not in competition with us
Starting point is 00:33:38 no it is and I agree with you there Taylor I think some of that shit is bullshit and they want everybody to work in harmony but someone's out there trying to steal your fucking lunch and so there is going Taylor. I think some of that shit is bullshit and they want everybody to work in harmony, but someone's out there trying to steal your fucking lunch. And so there is going to be a little bit of that. And that's why it's like, but choose your enemies wisely, right? Like, is it the gym up the street? Am I competing with it?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Is it the best one in my neighborhood? Am I competing with? And then outside of a certain bubble, like outside of a 15 mile radius, unless you're specifically going for like a gym, you're good. You can reach out to those affiliates. You could, you know, exchange ideas and stuff like that. But I do agree, too. It's within a certain radius. If you owned a CrossFit gym and there was this chick who was crazy fucking hot
Starting point is 00:34:17 who worked out at your gym and for some reason you found out she couldn't afford it, would you be more likely to give her a free membership uh because she's crazy hot no no that's bad you're a fucking horrible businessman mr spin listen there were three coffee shops by my house there were three coffee shops by my house guess which one i went to the one with the hot barista that's not what you want in your affiliate, you dumbass. If you said a coach, I might have agreed with you. You didn't say coach. You said a member.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Okay, fine. And that's not what you want in your affiliate. You don't want these grimy-ass, slimy dudes sneaking into your affiliate to stare at the women. Fuck no. Don't be judgmental just because someone appreciates the human body and you have to take it somewhere filthy. Everybody appreciates a human body, but if this dude's signing up because of tit...
Starting point is 00:35:12 Come on, bro. Some people hate the female form okay one last point on this real quick about the affiliateship thing and all those girls oh sorry go ahead no is that if uh like taylor i'm assuming as people come in right one of the first questions you're like cool how'd you find out about us or how'd you find out about crossfit they're brand new to it and i would say at least it's true for us in our area like nine if it's not it's there's one of two ways my friend goes here and they've been trying to get me in for forever or i just looked up crossfit gym near me online it's i just looked up crossfit gym near me online so if that's the case at even like at 175 membership call it as like the average if two people come into your gym that you have and even if you have a really low ltv and you have three months with these people you're still making a return on that 250 a month you're spending the
Starting point is 00:35:57 license the crossfit name yeah yeah um uh olivia uh stop thinking with your pee-pee. I am not thinking with my pee-pee. Just so you know. I am not thinking with my pee-pee. Yeah, I'm not thinking. I'm not thinking with my pee-pee. Okay, here we go. At DaveHawks8633. Genuinely enjoyed reading Constructing CrossFit Games last year. Any chance
Starting point is 00:36:26 of putting a volume two in the future? It'd be good to see if or how the process has changed, especially the challenges of moving the games to a new location and under new leadership chairs. Every year I've thought about doing it again. I've never obviously executed on that. I've also thought about writing simple additional
Starting point is 00:36:41 chapters with a way more concise overview and call it a version two or addition two with some additional information. I don't know. I got to figure something out there, but I don't have a good answer for you at this point on that. At misdemeanor one. Anybody? Just pay Christine Bald to write it for him. Taylor, were you even listening to that question yes i was listening to the question but
Starting point is 00:37:09 then you're gonna get that nasty ass filter that she uses too that makes you look like you're you're in 300 and then you're i'm 13 year old dialed the saturation to a thousand you already get stuck yeah you already have hey do you guys read his first book i did not oh damn i thought i read it for sure i mean i haven't i bought it i just never read it i like the style of writing we did it in really yeah thank you uh mike see this is some this is some gandhi shit right here sebi mike i'll leave his pool boy you can think with my penis thank you god that's good mike. Mike, you should be a comedian and do your stand-up
Starting point is 00:37:47 with your shirt off, dude. You can see it, right? Yeah. It would kill. What do you make of Hiller actively trying to get people to unaffiliate? Is his criticism valid? Did he say Hiller?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Let's go. Let's fucking go baby where we go sword fight is his criticism of jay valid in your opinion so i i don't know that hillar is actively trying to get people to unaffiliate. He is. You think he is? I mean, dude, I don't know. The video dude is straight up, if you don't know why you're affiliated, de-affiliate. That's what it looks like on the surface.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I think he is. I agree. It doesn't look like that on the surface. What do you think the effect is, though? What do you think the effect is? He's trying to get the attention of CrossFit. Well, but let's say not even what his,
Starting point is 00:38:50 what his intention is. What do you think is really happening with Hiller's content? Like, let me throw out a possibility. I think it's putting a lot of energy into the system. That would be like the a hundred thousand foot view. If you're fucking to Coons at the 10 foot view, you're like,
Starting point is 00:39:03 fuck, he just character assassinated me. So I get the two different views, but at a hundred thousand thousand feet he's putting a lot of energy into the system right and if enough people jump on board of things need to change cross it will hear it so okay dave's hearing it this way if they're hearing it at the affiliate gatherings of why are you putting momentous on us? Like what, what is this franchise survey thing? They're hearing it. Right. And so he's forcing CrossFit to address it versus if everybody approached
Starting point is 00:39:34 them separately, they could ignore it. They can't ignore it. Now let me play a little devil's advocate and push back inside with Taylor now, but his, he's not just pointing it out. He's,
Starting point is 00:39:44 he's, he's screaming it pointing it out. He's, he's, he's screaming it from the, from his fucking as loud as he can. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:40:58 to run affiliates. It wasn't all casual like that. It was like, holy fuck! You know what I mean? Yeah, but he's an entertainer and he's making it also goes back to if you want to call it clickbait or not right like he gets you to watch the video he gets you fired up he gets you to understand the issues if you just went on there and spoke monotone and said i don't like this the guy is wrong you know and went on for 20 minutes you'd get bored you wouldn't listen to it.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You'd have no fire to actually speak up and want change. And I think Hiller is just like the main thing that's happening there is CrossFit has no defense mechanism. They have no media, so they have no means of responding. They have no means of controlling the narrative. They have nothing to push back against this. And they just seem like they're just fumbling over their feet as they try to announce stuff. And it's just, it, I i mean it also showcases hillar's hard work
Starting point is 00:41:49 and his talent because i mean he's just fucking crushing it like he makes the stuff so quickly that you would have to have an onboard media team that was almost anticipating this or they need to be more proactive in how they uh present stuff publicly so that way they could get out in front of it but that's what it needs to do. He's just filling a huge void in the space. Look at the people we've had on too just in the last week. We had two people who follow Hiller,
Starting point is 00:42:15 follow my shit like diehards and they both just opened affiliates. Both in tough areas. San Francisco and the one in Massachusetts, Jethro, No, Long Island. Sorry. Yeah. So in conjunction with Hiller, that one, too.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah. And right. And he's using Hiller's programming, using his programming. Yeah. And these are people who are entrenched in this little fucking corner of fucking intense media. These people don't give a fuck. They're like they're like they're like the they're still opening affiliates affiliates so basically stated that's why he opened it was part of the reason yeah so there you go so so so maybe this person making the comment is just looking at it uh
Starting point is 00:42:54 narrow-mindedly let's see if he is actively trying to get people to unaffiliate that's fucked up and that's cowardly i don't see how that's anything to aspire to, strive for, or to look up to, or to be like, I want to get people to de-affiliate from CrossFit. If that's truly what he's trying to do, he's fucking out of his mind. He needs to really think about his place in the world. And I said, I don't know if he's doing this. If he's trying to get people to un-affiliate, let me put it to you this way. That would be the same as what's he do for a living. He makes podcasts and let's say he's a trainer. That would be the same. That would be as if I were doing this and actively trying to get people not to watch his show, which I'm not doing or trying, it'll say he's a trainer. I don't think he is, or trying
Starting point is 00:43:38 to get people to stop training at his gym. Um, it would be the same as that. And like, that's, stop training at his gym. It would be the same as that. And like, that's, it's called sabotage. That's, that's, it's low in my opinion. I think, again, I don't know that he's doing that. I'm just going off of what you're saying. If he is doing that, he should rethink his, Doug just pulled my cord. He should rethink his purpose and intent of what he's trying to do with his podcast. Because I mean, what does he get out of that? Ooh, good. I got two or three people to de-affiliate. Awesome. I fucking, I'm crushing CrossFit one gym at a time. I mean, I wouldn't understand where his motivation or why he would do that. Once again, though, I'm going to say, I don't know that he's doing that. I'm just responding to this comment here.
Starting point is 00:44:20 comment here. Mr. Spin. He's I mean, again, I'm going with the same comment I had before is that's not what Hiller's intent was. It's hard to tell if Dave watched the latest videos or not.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Do you agree with Dave? Do you think that if hillar is doing that he's a fucking asshole or is that just dave's perspective i just don't see i just don't see hillar doing doing that okay he's not trying to kill cross he doesn't want crossfit to fail no no it's his ecosystem he lives in there right what would hillar do if he didn't have that he didn't have crossfitting around mr self uh what do you think about what that that whole exchange right there someone's saying hey what do you think about hillar trying to get people to de-affiliate and dave going if he is he's a douche nozzle i i do not think andrew's intention is to get people to de-affiliate
Starting point is 00:45:23 and i said what I said earlier, because what have you guys extrapolated on? Like it's very click baity and on the surface you're like, Ooh, he's trying to get people to de-affiliate or people should de-affiliate or for clicks and views, et cetera. When you watch it, he talks about how like he doesn't see the value or inside. I believe if I can remember his video with enough detail, I watched that one, that he talks about not seeing – if you don't see the value and you aren't fully committed to the CrossFit name, you shouldn't affiliate, de-affiliate.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I think he says that in there at one point. I think that while it's not his intention to get people to de-affiliate, it made a lot of people who watched it question whether or not they should affiliate or question whether or not they should de-affiliate if they are already affiliated. So while I don't think that was intention, I think that was maybe a side effect of his perspective. And I think I have a habit of saying things without fully reflecting on what's about to come out of my mouth and not being sure what the consequences of that might be. I think sometimes Hiller might do that in some of his videos where he's not sure what the damage is going to be. And to Dave's point, I think if you can zoom out and say, okay, if I make this video, is it going to make people question affiliating or if it's good or if they should, and do I want that? I don't know that he asked that question before he made
Starting point is 00:46:58 the video. I don't know. Do you think he did that? Did what? Say that again? The last part? Do you think before he made these videos that he, that he took a second and was like, okay, is this going to have the intended effect that I want? I think he's really well thought out, Hiller. I'm going to read what Hiller wrote in the comments here in a second. Here's the thing. Hiller has said this. I'm paraphrasing, but I think it's really close. He wants to have a voice in the ecosystem. I'm building this YouTube channel because I want to have a voice. He didn't say this ecosystem. I'm adding that. So he built,
Starting point is 00:47:30 he's building this YouTube channel because he wants to have a voice and, and, and, and by the way, this is what sets Hiller apart from a lot of people. He wants to amplify other people's voices. And he's honest. He wants to amplify other people's voices and he's honest he wants to amplify other people's voices so for example uh mr spin all mr spin does is amplify other people's voices he's just reporting the news he's just amplifying the news yeah he shared on my competition
Starting point is 00:47:57 that was crazy dude that was other people other people are just fucking completely amplifying themselves craig ritchie that's it's just all, even his agent when we were in the meeting said to, well, Greg, just Craig's a reaction video. He, he, when we were talking about getting access to the games,
Starting point is 00:48:11 he's a reaction. He does reaction videos. And then there's people who are like somewhere in the middle, like me. I think the best 99% all about me. 1% Amplify. I like the comment that says authentic. Cause that would be the best descriptor of Hiller.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And that's why I think I trust him is because I know that what he's saying, like he means that. And it's, you know, I just, anyways, let me read this Andrew Hiller writes in response to what we've, what we're watching now. I think Dave is 90% keto from what he said recently. I also don't see anything inherently wrong with orange theory depends on where you're starting your goals and it's only worse when comparing it to crossfit oh yeah that that i agree and i think people who go there from crossfit add so much more value than they get from it number two open an affiliate to help with marketing off the bat just ask it. 3K is worth it. I'd say it is. Okay. So he's saying here he does – he thinks it's – for what CrossFit is currently offering, we won't go into details, it is worth the 3K if you're just opening.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I am not trying to get people to de-affiliate. Dave is correct. That is cowardly. I've said I would not affiliate. And then I say why. That can change. I also just stated above that you should affiliate if you're thinking of spending three K years good on return investment. Um, and that was before
Starting point is 00:49:31 writing this. So now I'm not telling, um, I'm not telling you to de-affiliate and just because I wouldn't at the moment doesn't mean anything other than just that. Okay. So he walked in a fine line here. He's saying he wouldn't affiliate, but he thinks other people should that's the way i'm reading that and he says the value in it if you can get the value okay yes my criticism of jay that he openly hated crossfit he's being paid to do a job and then he changed his mind it's actually more to do with who vetted him because the first video i opened with searching for jay he spoke those words if crossfit didn't do the five seconds of work i did i just think that's crazy but like the affiliate statement that can change without
Starting point is 00:50:09 bringing that up it just goes away and that's not helping anyone wow but but that's a fucking so that's some sober shit right there i thought any any more any more responses asuza on this on this matter before we go on no i think it i think i the notes i hello there nailed it and that's kind of the same direction that i was actually going to go with it so i won't elaborate on that but one thing i will say is like oftentimes we don't see like um you know dave has a good poker face and when we see things like like how he was kind of triggered by that leak out i just like that a little bit where he gets a little frustrated he got his he got his uh he got his feathers ruffled and now he's kind of triggered by that leak out. I just liked that a little bit where he gets a little frustrated.
Starting point is 00:50:45 He got his, he got his, uh, he got his feathers ruffled and now he's kind of like, and he also set the box too, to where like, if he didn't know that Hiller was saying that or not saying that he basically like box them in at that point to where if Hiller did make a
Starting point is 00:50:56 video saying that Dave's already has a statement about that, which is like a strategic point on Dave, but no, that's all I got. Um, I don't remember when it was but i think it was when dave got fired i i fucking raz suza on the show regularly like why the fuck would you affiliate yeah and uh he stood by his ground he said it's you know all i can tell you
Starting point is 00:51:16 right now is it's i'm staying because of emotion i don't really have an answer for you i'm staying because of emotion yeah like us in california well it seems like three thousand dollars it's pretty worth it but if they're gonna raise that to five thousand dollars or forty five hundred and i think the context of his video is with that mass email that was sent out it's like what are we doing here and also hillary is your uncle that tells you your girlfriend is ugly that's so accurate i like her but I'm just saying you're in a second he's a douche nozzle should be a no-brainer
Starting point is 00:51:52 he is just pointing out that HQ needs to do what at HQ needs listen let me read this again sorry you paid $4.99 you deserve a good reading of this. Affiliating should be a no-brainer. He is just pointing out what at HQ needs to do to make it a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. Got it. Thank you, Mr. Zombie. Oh, and Wadzombie, you can't get this card anymore. This is the Colton Mertens card from Mint Training. You cannot get this
Starting point is 00:52:25 but you can get other cards you can get a alex gazan all supplies last okay here we go is this criticism of jay valid in your opinion i don't know what his specific criticism of jay was because i didn't watch the video i did talk about this a few weeks ago about basically um you know we got to give this guy a chance and um judge him for what he's doing going forward. And so I still mean that I still think he's Jay's a really good guy. I've enjoyed working with him. I think he's going to contribute to the, to the team and community. Well, but, um, yeah, don't know. Don't know. Hiller's criticism of Jay. Um, uh, 1623 views in three hours. That's pretty good for one of these, uh, thought thoughts. I Yeah, don't know Hiller's criticism of Jay.
Starting point is 00:53:06 1623 views in three hours. That's pretty good for one of these. Thoughts? I believe Dave. I don't know Dave as someone who watches a lot of content. That's all I got. Any thoughts? Spin, you don't buy it?
Starting point is 00:53:19 You got a little smirk on your face? We need to give Dacoons a chance to see what he does. If he was responsible for that survey that went out, that's strike one. Oh, yeah. 100%. Now, if it was already in the works before he came on, fine. But it's bad timing. Yeah, I think you can attribute to him. Let's give him a strike. Strike one.
Starting point is 00:53:38 That's fair. You got it. How long was he on before that went out? It doesn't matter. I just want to know. It doesn't matter. Three weeks or so. He was on for three weeks before that went out.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I think so. Hey, media department too. I don't know how their structure, but that would have for sure fallen on my department. No matter who sent it out, even if Greg, if it was a fuck up,
Starting point is 00:54:02 it'd be like, Hey dude, you had last eyes on that. Why didn't you say something uh Philip Kelly Dave said the same thing about Rosa shots fired Rosex
Starting point is 00:54:12 let me ask you guys this real quick do you think that Dave has kicked someone wrote in the comments do you think Dave has kicked I think it was RB said it do you think Dave has kicked the hornet's nest by even talking about Hiller now two weeks in a row? How long before Hiller starts? We haven't seen him circle Dave.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I don't think he has a reason why. Hiller just likes it. His name was said. He might just make some content. Positive, negative, neither. I could just see him responding to this one for sure. I don't think Dave's given him anything to make a specific video on of something he's done at this point. He's commented on challenging Hiller.
Starting point is 00:54:56 He might make a video on, on Dave, on this video. That's what we're doing right now. Dave, on this video. That's what we're doing right now. Hiller was pretty clear about Dagoons. If TDC is going to do these weekend reviews and pick the questions, shouldn't he do a little bit of research instead of being lazy? No, that no,
Starting point is 00:55:15 no, no, no. He's not obligated to watch the Dagoons video based on that. I don't think. Fuck that. Because we're learning about Dave. You're coming to this with a presupposition that Dave needs to fucking have some sort of response just because someone asked a question about it. It's like when someone calls me on my cell phone. I look. It's Taylor.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I fucking put my phone down. This ain't for fucking Taylor to call me. This is so I can booty call his wife. All right, Taylor. I may cross the line. Sorry. Yeah, you cross the line, bro. But listen, this isn't this isn't this is so I can. Yeah, something. My may have crossed the line. Sorry. Yeah, you crossed the line, bro. But listen, this is so I can yell something.
Starting point is 00:55:47 My phone isn't for you. It's for me. This show is for Dave to do stuff, not so other people can be like, go watch my video and comment on it. Sorry, I love the asymmetric ears, but you got it all wrong. Yeah, I don't want Dave to do the research and create a narrative ahead of time. I want to hear what he's going to say. Even if it is walking around it or getting fired up, I just want to hear what he's going to say. Even if it is walking around it or getting fired up,
Starting point is 00:56:08 I just want to hear what he has to say about it. Then we can interpret it from there. Geet Shah for, thank you, Dave. When it comes to the affiliates, they hold all the control. Years ago, I remember when there were what seemed like a minority of affiliates asking for more support and communication from HQ.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Much of the incredible support through litigation and fighting legislation went unnoticed, it seems. Since then, HQ has increased the number of forward-facing and hands-on service for affiliates, mostly because that's what they were asking for. The surveys are a good sign that HQ is willing to understand what is happening at the affiliate level. HQ has always operated on feedback from the community, and all signs point to this continuing to be the case. If affiliates are concerned about something, put it in survey or send that dave an email i'm pretty sure he's giving it to you all yep david you don't see dave chug his own
Starting point is 00:56:56 cock on the show too often oh that's good i couldn't have an email everybody spam his email the only the only thing i agree about is that there's always going to be complainers they I couldn't have an email. Everybody spam is email. The only, the only thing I agree about is that there's always going to be complainers. They used to complain because Greg never sent an email. Now they're complaining. They're sending emails. There's always going to be something complaining, complaining.
Starting point is 00:57:16 But after that, I can't support the survey at all. You can't send something out asking, Hey, so, uh, and spook the affiliates without telling them the reason you're sending it out. That was sorry. There's no, there's no excuse for that. Didn't Dave call Hiller Stephen A. Smith at one point? Yeah. Well, that was when his, a lot of his stuff was focused on
Starting point is 00:57:37 the games content. Awesome. I was just reading the comment about at least he acknowledges Hiller and he's not like Richie, your buttery bros who just never say his name. And I agree with that. I think Hiller's established his place, and I think it's really cool that Dave acknowledges that and feeds into it. Oh, I like that. Yeah, I don't think – Do you think Hiller respects it or do you think Hiller will bite on it? Or do you think he respects it?
Starting point is 00:58:00 I don't think there's anything for Hiller to bite on here. I think Dave was here to make anything out of anything. Yeah, but I don't think he wants to bite on – I don't think there's anything for Hiller to bite on here. I think Dave was here. That guy can make anything out of anything. Yeah, but I don't think he wants to bite on – I don't know. I wouldn't want to bite on Dave. Take your hat and turn it into a fucking airplane, dude. I wouldn't want to bite on Dave. That pussy bites back, dude. Grabs back.
Starting point is 00:58:17 That grabs back, dude. Dave grabs back. I'm good. Mr. Brian Spin from the Barbell Spin, Mr. Brian Spin from the Barbell Spin what do you think about Dave's this person writing to Dave
Starting point is 00:58:30 saying that they like the newsletter or not the newsletter the survey the survey I don't know that makes one person I think I don't think you put out a survey to Mama Deer and say, just go ask questions.
Starting point is 00:58:49 If what they've said is true and that they just wanted to get insight, let Mama Deer ask the questions. That's the wrong way to do it. And there's a much better way of asking the affiliates what they need or want or how they can support them than those questions and they're just weird questions about how much would you be willing to pay for it etc that comes off strange for anyone who doesn't know who mama deer is the guy who sent out the survey the email some fucked up arab name it would be like if some if it would be like if hillar went after me, he would just call me seven and it would be a number seven.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Instead of Hiller trying to say this dude's name from a fucking foreign land, he just calls him Mamadir because it looks like this guy is fucking brilliant. Like Mamadir Barbargaban? Yeah, it's brilliant. Mamadir's brilliant. It's my kind
Starting point is 00:59:43 of racism. Here we go. Thanks, Pete. Good, good additive comment. At full skip chain, CrossFit has had difficulty evolving with the demands of consumers. Most gyms these days are segregated
Starting point is 00:59:55 into the CrossFit militants, CrossFit militants, and those who understand nuanced empathy and intuitive training. This is the rift that led to the post-Glassman era. Those affiliates are still holding onto the ideology of the old guard will be limited in prosperity. The complexity of comorbidities in a post-COVID era and a shift in value has increased the
Starting point is 01:00:11 need for trainers with more clinical, medical, psychological knowledge and decreased the need for the old school. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Cross it. So you want a doctor? Really? Who wrote that? You are a world class.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Right. I'm sorry if you're one of my friends. You are a pussy. It sounds like an undergrad social worker, dude. That's the people I went to school with and that's why I fucking dropped out of college. That person has a septum ring for sure. Mr. Spence, thoughts on that?
Starting point is 01:00:41 Taylor started out by saying the first question was if Dave was woke that was the first that was that was a woke question right like we should coddle these everybody to help them along their fitness journey instead of getting to actually be fit post-covid era um suzy you you know this suza you go to the gym you write 10 things you want better to go in your life you lick it shut you put it in an envelope six months later without even working on those things. You see how many of them are better after you've gone to the gym three on one off for six months. You don't have to worry about quitting smoking. Just come to the gym. You don't have to worry
Starting point is 01:01:18 about your wife being more attracted to you. Just come to the gym. This is bullshit. This person is a fucking idiot. they've fucking fallen into the weeds go ahead susan yeah they also have never taken the l1 and they've especially never taken the l2 it's been a while since i've taken my l1 but it hasn't been too incredibly long since i've taken my l2 and they teach this it's about meeting people where they're at it's about giving them the right dose of crossfit if that's not talking about being empathetic and understanding somebody's needs when they walk into the gym and then prescribing them the workout of the day that's not talking about being empathetic and understanding somebody's needs when they walk into the gym and then prescribing them the workout of the day that's on the board to meet their needs, I don't even understand it. They literally teach these in the circuits to do that.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, that's a swing and a miss. And it's funny how they say the old guard and the new guard. No, you're out of your fucking mind. You missed a fucking day, went to school. Now, there's some of us who are playing checkers, and there's some of us who are playing chess. That survey was to validate a decision that was already made by someone. Kevin, Kevin knows.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I heard from somewhere that there was going to be a fucking affiliate increase announcement on November 30th. And I can't remember where I heard that. About time. I thought it was Jan 1. I don't fucking know, dude. But anyways. Here's the thing. Who cares if there's a cost and affiliate increase?
Starting point is 01:02:38 No one gives two fucks. Here's the real question. Are the old affiliates grandfathered in? That's a good question. If they did it for a year, I think it would go a long way. What do you mean? If they grandfathered you in for a year? For one year.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Oh, to help. Yes, because to help fight the sting. Go ahead, spin. I think it would hurt a lot of people that were told they would never have it raised. Like that would be a tough pill to swallow. You mean if you were told that by... That's what Glassman always said, right? Once you're in, you're in.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Bro, Glassman don't work here. He also said he would never sell it. He also said he would never sell it. Well, he was fucking kind of forced out. Bruh. Bruh. Well, he was fucking kind of forced out. It's just a bad look at this point where everything is CrossFit's doing it for money.
Starting point is 01:03:38 CrossFit's doing it for money. Right. Hey, what hasn't increased in price over the last three years? That's fine, dude. But from $3,000 to $5,000? Hey, to 5,000? What if I come to you and I say, Taylor, you raised my rates by $7 this year, or whatever the percentage equal would be, or $20. Why would you do that? And you say, dude, I want to provide a better product. I want to provide a better service. And we can't do that with branding and expenses. Well, we hope so.
Starting point is 01:04:01 But they aren't. They hired Grau and Dagoons, and so after those two dickhead decisions, and you're going to raise the price? To me, that's the issue. If it's like, boom, they've made good move after good move after good move, all right, raise it to $3,500 or $3,750. But hire Woke Fuck and some guy who's a robot and raise it to $5,000? I'm like, like dude they're nice brother i don't actually i actually have no challenge for that whatsoever that's the only
Starting point is 01:04:30 that's my perspective i don't disagree with the price increase it's just what actions lead to justifying a price increase look at week level uh an eighth level uh sorcerer elf just jumped into the chat oh hi friends i just watching Weekend Review while doing magic spells. Stoked to jump into this live. Magic spells. She just came out of – where do those guys live, the midgets in Lord of the Rings? They live in a – Oh, fucking Mordor.
Starting point is 01:05:02 No, it's the mines of fucking – No, that village's uh fuck it it's the the the mines of uh fucking no that village it's all beautiful where the homes are underground oh oh the shire dude oh yeah she just came out of the shire what is the the mines of moria where the dwarves live oh my gosh have you ever watched that seven which watch what lord of the rings oh yeah i have not in a long time i like it Like one of you could be like, you could be in there. Some sort of like a creature. I can't wait to God.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I love seeing how, but in the comments, Hobbit. No, it's the Shire, bro. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Thoughtful comment that I think is an oversimplification of what's going on. The, this notion that there's these two camps, these clean two camps of the old school and the old school is a certain way that hasn't evolved. I just don't agree with. I've seen plenty of old school gyms who still with the methodology kind of have a traditional approach, but really have evolved in how they approach training, how they approach their clients, how, how with everything in society that's gone on,
Starting point is 01:06:08 they've adapted. So where I appreciate the attention to detail and thoughtfulness with your comment, I don't agree with it. Oh, please. Oh, please. Dave and I are going to come over to your house and fucking curb stomp your
Starting point is 01:06:24 ass. You fucking dork. The problem with that comment is— I'm going to take that person out and make them run a marathon and see what kind of—or fucking 100-miler. You're going to go 100 miles until you stop. Oh, no, let's see. Do you have any—mile 80. How are your problems doing?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Do you need to shrink right now? It's like those fucking people that want to get rid of cops and have psychologists go out to domestic violent calls. Go fuck yourself. The problem with that comment bitch coming with the fucking uh a clipboard and a pencil so your husband's beating you huh okay fuck it off sorry taylor go ahead the problem with the question is in fucking 78 words that no one gives a fuck about and wants to hear they just said i want trainers with common sense but they outlined it in a way that made it sound like it's this fucking thing that you'll never get from a CrossFit trainer.
Starting point is 01:07:10 And I think the problem is most of America right now doesn't have a lot of common sense or they're starting to come around to gaining common sense. And I feel like every profession, every business, for the most part, is a general reflection of our public on a larger scale. So there are going to be a lot of gyms you go into and there's going to be a lot of people in there that don't have a lot of common sense. for the most part is a general reflection of like our public on a larger scale. So like, there are going to be a lot of gyms you go into and there's going to be a lot of people in there that don't have a lot of common sense, but that's everywhere you go.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I just, that question was like, Oh, be under, be able to understand people's psychosymptomatic, uh, inner family circle relationships. It's like,
Starting point is 01:07:41 what if somebody's having a hard day, you tell them to lay back on the intensity. It's just common sense. It's like people who if somebody's having a hard day you tell them to lay back on the intensity it's just common sense people who freaked out when when the when the og movement showed up on the scene all of a sudden they thought like it was too aggressive or something people freak out about that oh fuck yeah fucking pussies clock that person is likely only trying to table the idea that old school crossfit must be abandoned yep totally probably a redditor totally redditor type thing yeah these things scared people oh look it's got p oh no it's got pukey on it they bring pukey back dude you know in my grandma's house on in the office like you know you have like wall art
Starting point is 01:08:16 there's this fucking like paddle from the 40s that my grandmother my dad's grandma she was a school teacher and it was the paddle that they used in fucking to smack kids dude is that not crazy that was the wall art you ever been hit with it dude i've been hit with much worse my grandpa used to use a switch oh shit like a fucking tree limb that's long and fresh and green and limber that just fucking leaves you welts on the back of your hamstrings dude dude i would dude i was fucking in Africa in the fucking middle of nowhere. Nowhere, dude. On this fucking dirt road. And it was fucking pitch dark and all we had was fucking light.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Like from the car's headlights. And we're going really slow. And all of a sudden in the middle, the car stops. And right in the middle of the road The giant puff adder Probably like four and a half feet long Thicker than my cock dude like this Dude fucking comes out with a fucking
Starting point is 01:09:14 Loincloth and what did you call that thing A switch A switch Just out of nowhere out of from the side Loincloth and a switch And he fucking hits it Once and just splits it right open right in front of our car headlight Oh out of nowhere, out from the side. Loincloth and a switch. He fucking hits it once and just splits it right open, right in front of our car headlight.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Oh! Damn, dude. The driver's not out. I'm like, can I get out? He's like, no, you cannot get out. No, you cannot. No, you cannot. Holy shit. That's funny. Thicker than my cock.
Starting point is 01:09:43 So is a baby snake. Nuanced empathy and intuitive training Gems Or affiliates I think it's I'm going to open up a gym and call it CrossFit Empathy If you don't want to work out you don't have to And I'll feel for you And I'll feel for you
Starting point is 01:10:01 This is CrossFit equity. You do 20 burpees, I'll do 180, and I'll give you 80. CrossFit equity. Oh, my gosh. And so there's a lot of complexity and a lot of varying different expressions and a lot of different perspectives. And, again, as I talked about earlier, different perspectives and different approach, that's all a positive.
Starting point is 01:10:26 All right. Uh, finally traveling this week, going to Fort Worth, going to check out the venue, do some, uh, spend a day there. Do some testing maybe. Oh, I'm going to call Dave. I'm going to call Dave. He's going to, he's going to Dickies. I'm going to call Dave. He's going to Dickies? Mm-hmm. Looking at layout, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:10:52 And then I'm also going to Fort Bragg for some check-in with some of the Army stuff we're doing. And then should be back by the end of the week. They should invite me on this and let me audit Dave. The CrossFit is brilliant. So big week, a lot of travel. It's good excited to uh to go to fort worth and and see see lay the foundations for what the what the events are gonna look like there in the near future all right thanks for watching oh i like that ending oh was he about to salute see lay the foundations for what the what the events are gonna look like there
Starting point is 01:11:27 slow this down near future 0.75 all right thanks for watching oh he did salute wow i think he was saluting me wow he forgot his audience i like it uh Great ending to the show. I'm excited. Any final thoughts, Mr. Smith? No. I mean, it was definitely more focused on the affiliates this go-around, which I think we should get some more news, I think, next week or the week after on Rulebook Comes Out. Do you know something? Well, Bosman told us on our show that Real Book comes out early December. No, but I mean about affiliates.
Starting point is 01:12:10 You were going to say something about affiliates. We should get more news about affiliates. No, no, no. More news on the game season in the next week or so. People send you rumors and shit. Occasionally. Occasionally. Look, dude, it's Mama Deer. Hey, you
Starting point is 01:12:24 get more rumors than fucking taylor gets hairs on his head uh taylor any um any thoughts uh final thoughts no i'm good that was that was an amazing show fun show i'm loving dave castro uh mr suza any thoughts no i just appreciate him doing that because without that like i said last time we would have nothing he really is what i feel like is he's one of the last people there that you feel like okay we can trust this person or you want to trust this person he's a you know gangster oh i just want to say that i've created the sevon podcast not giving a fuck about any of you guys i did it all for me thank you hey one last thing before we jump off but you guys need to go right now to paper street,
Starting point is 01:13:05 They're having the cyber Monday sale. So if you buy $50 in a gift card, you actually get 150 bucks worth of the gift card, dude. And then go to my website right now. You got to, you got to sell too.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah. Well, no, it's not a sale. If you want a fucking hat, you're going to pay full price for it. But these are sick, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:22 So if you like, hold on, hold on hold on uh you see in all seriousness you guys don't be fucking stupid look at this this is like a no fucking brainer if you drink coffee yeah this is only going to be today that's it code cm23 to get 150 gift card for just $50. So basically you're getting $150 worth of coffee for $50. That's right. It's going to 3X your money. That's an ROI for you.
Starting point is 01:13:53 ROI. Return on investment. Thank you. That's how the bills get paid with Susan. God, I didn't even... Did I mention this this morning? What a douche-knocker I am. We got to post that little clap post
Starting point is 01:14:06 this last been listening to jaco motivation for like 20 minutes ready to go to a 14 minute story of my life baby all right mr spin from the barbell spin self-made training program taylor self thank you guys for your time sus, thank you for taking a break from helping people fight the world's most vexing problem. Halpin, always great to see you. Limit Two did it in a heartbeat for $300 worth, $100 a copy. Wow. Wow. Halpin with the numbers.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Wow. All right. Love you guys. Bye, Halpin. Bye-bye.

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