The Sevan Podcast - Rich Froning, Alex Gazan & Justin Cotler #955

Episode Date: June 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. A vehicle. I'm on a vehicle. Can you hear me? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I think something might be wrong with the audio. Look at that. Can you hear me? No? Good? Yeah. Damn, you're a lucky man. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:00:42 You got kids all over you and shit. Kids all over. Oh, something's jacked up, though're a lucky man. Look at you. You got kids all over you and shit. Kids all over. Oh, something's jacked up though, Rich. Okay. What is it? Just the audio. It's crinkly. Crinkly. All right. Hold on. Let me see. I'll get a different set of headphones. Two seconds. I'll interview your daughter. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Good morning, young lady. How are you? David Attaway. Oh, I'm early to the party. Sebi, don't go easy on Rich or Justin today. Always go easy. Always go easy on Rich. Always, always, always, always.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I am kind of tripping that I have Alex and Justin on. I've never had both of them. I've never had a coach and an athlete on at the same time. Robbie Myers, good morning. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Oh, that's nice. Is that better? Not crinkly anymore?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Hey, dude, are you selling those tank tops yet on your site? Yeah, they're basketball jerseys. We got new ones. These are the 22 versions. The 23 versions are – Dre did a cool job and made them look like the 90s Bulls uniforms. So they're those colors. But, yeah. And they're for sale on the website?
Starting point is 00:01:59 I think I just got the notification email. I saw them in the back. They'll be out. If they're not out right now, they're out soon. They're pretty cool. They're good summer wear. You didn't sell those ones though, right? Yeah, last year. These are the 22 ones.
Starting point is 00:02:13 They're awesome. Do you live in those now? Individual number on them. These jerseys? Yeah, I live in these jerseys. Summertime. Yeah, that's awesome. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:02:28 I'm fucking great. You good? Yeah, I mean, I'm so excited. I want to go to, where would I go? Do I go to, how do I go to the store? I think the store is on there. Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I ended up at Mayhem. I know they were dropping all the games gear. They may have dropped it to our Mayhem Athletes first. That's what they'll do sometimes. Give everybody a chance to buy it before everybody else. When I type in Mayhem Nation, the first Google suggestion is apparel. Oh, there you go. Dre must have Google optimized it over Jake with programming.
Starting point is 00:03:04 There you go. Okay, bitchin'. Those are t-shirts similar to it and then we're gonna allow we've got our athletes uh any athletes that made to the games can customize some jerseys and people can buy those off them too so help them make it to the games with some money holy shit this looks like a lot of work oh that's cool they get the money yeah yep that's nice you i never took that? Yeah. Yep. That's nice of you. I never took that picture in that tie-dye shirt, by the way. I'm suing Dre for defamation of character.
Starting point is 00:03:33 That's a, oh, that's a Photoshop? Yeah, I'm pretty upset about it, actually. It's not my style, you know? Coffee pods and wads. Fair question we'll start with uh something very difficult uh can rich compile his store so i can buy from mayhem frowning farms and buffalo brew in one shipment that would be easy right yeah we've we've talked about trying to figure out a way to do all that um yeah it's you would think since they're all technically, I mean, Buffalo Brew is owned by me completely, but then me and Matt and our wives own Froning Farms. And so that's the one, I guess, catchy one.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We couldn't even figure out when I worked at CrossFit, we couldn't even figure out how when people register for the open, they could also buy a shirt. It blows my mind, right? The internet's a crazy thing. Maybe if we plugged it into chat GPT, they'd tell us how. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You fuck with chat GPT, man. It's crazy, isn't it? I tell you, I don't mess with, I don't mess with it, but people send me stuff from it and I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:04:35 wow, I, uh, I had this weird dream, you know, I'm in those presidential biographies and, uh, I've had a dream that I had to write a,
Starting point is 00:04:44 uh, a paper. I've had a dream. So for some reason I was still a dream that i had to write a uh a paper i've had a dream so for some reason i was still in college i had to write a paper um and it was and i remember it vividly because when i woke up i was like i'm gonna try it write a paper it was a seven paragraph essay on uh james madison's opinions on federal government And it had to have two sources, like two bibliographies. And so I just typed that into the prompt. Two seconds later, spits out a seven-paragraph essay with a bibliography and all that. And I was just like, holy cow. I don't know why I thought of that in my dream, but I did.
Starting point is 00:05:19 How did you even know how to do that? Do you have a computer? You did that on your phone? I went to the office when I was at the office. Ben likes to mess around with chat GPT. I'm pretty sure if chat GPT ever becomes self-aware, the first person that's going to kill is Ben Davidson. Because he was just sitting there trying to annoy it, basically. And you could tell it did not like what Ben was trying to ask it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Just pestering it. It's crazy biased. It's crazy. Yeah, it is. It's funny that I've seen other ones that are like there's more liberal-leaning AI systems, and then there's more conservative-leaning AI systems. And I'm like, isn't the point of it for it to figure it out itself? Right.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And that's what kind of shows that it's not artificial intelligence. Exactly. It's being told something. Yeah. Like it has a favorite color. Yeah, yeah. So maybe it developed a favorite color, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I don't know. I've watched Terminator too many times. I don't like AI. It scares me. Somebody said, and I don't know how true this is, that there's multiple podcasts where people have done, say, 100 podcasts. And then now that they've said so many different words, they can actually cut up an AI,
Starting point is 00:06:47 a whole podcast or whatever without even having to do a new podcast. Yeah. There's an, there's entire, there is AI Joe Rogan. It's insane. Yeah. It's crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's scary to me. Podcast. Yeah. Hey, there's a girl, there's a girl who was, who made like a million dollars in a month. She had she was, you know, she was like some OnlyFans girl that turned herself into an A.I.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And each person could be like she so she could she can be whoever who for whoever she could have like a thousand boyfriends on. This is a terrifying world we live in. This is not a good. This is not good. This is not good. What's crazy, though, is all you have to do is put this down and it goes away. It goes away. It's gone. Yeah, it's gone gone it's gone you can live in real life you look outside there's trees blowing in the wind you know it's pretty cool trees what are those uh manny stiegel asked chat gpt the advantages of being a white male then work your way across the gender ethnicity spectrum very different responses i know i've done that and and like what drugs you should take and what you shouldn't it's it's basically owned by far it's owned by the i'm sure woke left i guarantee people yeah you could sponsor it you know from the back
Starting point is 00:07:56 end i'm guaranteed now that now that i think about that man people are so smart why am i so dumb i'm such a sheep uh trevorry, good morning, gentlemen. AI is the meaning of the end. It is. It is. I'm telling you. Not for me. Not for me. Until it gets a hold of those nuclear launch codes, then we're gone. Oh, there was a movie like that. Do you remember that movie?
Starting point is 00:08:19 There's several movies like that. Terminator 1 through 8. What was the one that I i robot terminator i robot um wasn't there one called war games with like um not matthew mcconaughey but the guy from um indiana jones harrison ford wasn't it no that's spy games no i guarantee it what's the movie with the kid who um uh he's old now but um he but he cut class and he went to a baseball game and he took his dad. Ferris Bueller. Ferris Bueller.
Starting point is 00:08:50 That guy was in a movie, I think, called War Games when I was a kid. He was also adult Simba in Lion King. Matthew Broderick? No. Oh, yeah. Matthew Broderick? Is that his name? War Games, 1983.
Starting point is 00:09:03 All right. War Games, 1983. A young man finds a backdoor into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game playing, possibly starting World War III. There it is, you know? It's almost like Hollywood predicted that, or maybe they're behind it all. Maybe we're in the Truman Show. Did you ever think that
Starting point is 00:09:22 when you were in the Truman Show? Did you ever watch that? Did I ever think that? Do I ever still think that? you were like the truman show did you ever watch that not do i did i ever think that do i ever still still think that you're like looking in the mirror you're like wait a minute yeah i may actually be living that actually we're being 100 on us scott's just peeking around here with a camera what did i uh the show is not off to this we derailed it we've already lost control of the show that's good i'm gonna this show is not off to – We derailed it. We derailed it. I've already lost control of the show. That's good. I'm going to – this is the – first, I'm going to talk about why I invited you on the show,
Starting point is 00:09:50 what inspired me to, like, grow some balls and invite you. Okay. This. Uh-oh. This. Oh, you probably can't see this because you're on your phone. Secret service. Yeah, I can see it.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh, you can't. So can you give me the juicy details of how this happened? is this you in front of air force one that's a mock air force one it is a training um tool yeah we uh i've got a friend that's secret service i'm not sure if i'm allowed to i don't know if i'm allowed to say his name or not but the whole secret thing and not secret thing throws me off um but we went to the Secret Service Training Center. Oh, man, it was awesome. We got to watch them. That first picture, we were at one of their shoot houses,
Starting point is 00:10:33 watched some of their recruits for a counter-assault team, breached some doors, cleared some rooms. It's kind of like SWAT for Secret Service. And it was awesome. It was cool. We got to do that. Then we got to go. That was just kind of a prop that they used or used to use for Air Force One. Did you go in there? No, it's old and rickety and kind of
Starting point is 00:10:54 infested with wasps, they said. There's that and then there's a Marine One replica there too that they can practice. Basically, they just pull up and where they're supposed to stand and how they're supposed to know basically they just pull up and you know what where they're supposed to stand and how they're supposed to protect uh when they go to air force one we got to see kind of their um museum of all the guns that they've either confiscated over the
Starting point is 00:11:17 years and do whatever um that was all at the secret service training center got to see the cars like the motorcade cars and tell me about the cars is that car or do they still use the same limo that all the presidents have used no no no but they have they have multiple of the different generations i think they're on like generation five or six and basically at this point it's a a mac truck with a cadillac over you know like skin over it it was It was cool. And then we got to drive with some of the guys that, you know, drive the president around or just are driving cars around the president. And so that was a ton of fun. Got to go to one of their simulation. They
Starting point is 00:11:58 have like a 300 degree video simulation with Glocks that have co2 in them so you can feel like what a gun actually feels like but you're shooting against a screen and they put you in all kind of different scenarios and like test you know your reactions and so they can do that with recruits and like just teach them different situations and scenarios and they're controlling kind of behind you like it's real it's real video of people but they can control what the people like which scenario comes at you so it's not with goggles on you look to your right no no it's panels it's panels of of video screen and you have these um the glocks and you're you're supposed to you know interact with the people you know the scenario has already been filmed so it's not like
Starting point is 00:12:41 they're reacting technically in real time but they have the person that's behind the controls has already like told it which scenario you're going to see. And so it was, it was cool. Uh, you got to do that. You had the gun, you stood in there and they're like, yeah, I mean, exactly. Hey, they're like, Hey, talk him down. You know, like, and if he, if he advances at you too fast, you know, what decision are you going to make? And so it was in no way – What was your scenario? Were you in there by yourself? No, usually you were with somebody else.
Starting point is 00:13:13 One of our scenarios was – Was it Hillary? Hillary was in there with you? Hillary wouldn't do it. Me and Matt were in there, and then Matt and his wife were in there. There was one that – there's like eight doors doors and people were just coming out of different doors and you were supposed to like, you know, analyze the threat if they were a threat or if they were a, you know, I guess to see if you were going to just shoot somebody that just walked right out. Um, that was kind of the first one to warm us up.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And then we did one, um, where you had a drunk driver and you're supposedly in the cop car, they pull over. And as you pull over, um, they get out of the car and then their spouse comes out of the house and she's got a baseball bat and she's yelling and he's yelling and he ends up shooting. And, um, it was, it was not funny, but kind of funny. Um, Matt's talking to the, um, the guy that was, was the driver and, um, the girlfriend or wife comes out with the baseball bat and the guy goes to pull a gun on Matt. Matt shoots and Kelly, his wife's in there with him and she just reactionary shoots
Starting point is 00:14:10 the girl with the baseball bat. No threat whatsoever. It was just complete reaction. We were giving her crap about that. In that moment, it's real for you. It's crazy to see how people react to that. I have a pretty strong... I always think this. in that moment, it's real for you. And so it's crazy to kind of just see how people react to that.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I have a pretty strong – I always think this. Like if a cop's got a gun, right? Yep. And you pull anything on him. Do not. If you do any threat – I know people are going to hate this, but I think you should get shot, and here's why. Because if she hits the cop with the bat by any chance or throws the bat and it hits him,
Starting point is 00:14:48 then she can go over and take his gun. And now she's a threat to everyone else. So I think that like once you show force, I'm just kind of like done with you. I'm like, it was, I mean, yeah, it was eye opening because you're already high strong and you're just in a simulator. You know, if it's real life, it's even worse. So, I mean, it was definitely eye-opening. I knew being a cop is hard, already hard enough, but that made it even more. You're like, oh, okay, yeah, this is real.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And so we did that the one day. That night we walked around a bunch of the monuments, went and saw Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, FDR Memorial, all those kind of at night, the monuments went and saw you know washington jefferson lincoln korean war memorial vietnam memorial fdr memorial all those kind of at night which was really cool and then the next day uh we went to the capitol let's not forget about him uh japanese internment camps uh gathered up the uh the uh oh japanese people took their property and And let's not also forget that FDR was kind enough to turn away Jews who were fleeing Europe from the Nazis and told them that they couldn't come through Ellis Island. But he started the New Deal. What's that?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, yeah. I am not. Oh, wow. Matt Sousa in the house. Thank you, Matt. I've been. Oh, we lost your audio, Rich. We lost Rich's audio. We lost your audio. I can't hear Rich. Can you hear Rich? No. Good. I can't hear you. Rich, I can't hear you. Son of a bitch. He's going to make me calm gonna make me calm eye contact eye contact rich look at me look he's figuring it out i can't hear you i can't hear you let me call him
Starting point is 00:16:36 what a show i wonder how many people have rich in their favorites rich is the kind of person who doesn't answer his phone, even if you have his phone number. How's that? There we go. Oh, better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So you said something about the New Deal. He did the New Deal? He did the New Deal. No, I said after that, we went to the Capitol building the next day, and that was awesome. Just where I'm at in history and learning and reading all those books, it was cool to see.
Starting point is 00:17:08 and learning and reading all those books it was cool to see like the we got to go in the house the where the house meets where it originally met where the Senate met where it then turned into the Supreme Court from oh my goodness rich Oh, that's bad. I'm going to have to mute, Rich. Something happened again. I don't know what's going on. Can you hear me still?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, now we're good. Now we're good. I don't know why the headphones keep doing that. Hey, Rich, is this the Capitol building you're on right now? Yeah, we're on top of the rotunda there at the Capitol building. It's crazy. Yeah, I mean, Frederico and Josh were awesome, and they took us around. And, man, it was a fun time. We were up on top, and they were there on January 6th,
Starting point is 00:17:58 and he's got some pictures. It was crazy. One of the guys is a sniper, and it was it was a cool like i said they i don't know if you guys heard me with my mic or my headphones but they built the capitol building yeah and then outgrew it instead of knocking it down they just built on the outside of it so it's like these kind of weird like rooms are kind of complex it's it was cool it was a that was a cool spot just to see all that stuff in the history of it. And then they have kind of a marker where they, I don't know if it's more ceremonial or what,
Starting point is 00:18:30 but they think George Washington laid the cornerstone for the Capitol building. And look, you're on the roof right there. We're on the roof. And then later on, the rotunda up there, Hillary was like, oh, what are those doors up there? He's like, I don't know. Let's go see if we can get up there. Sure enough, we got up there hillary was like oh uh what are those doors up there he's like i don't know let's go see if we can get up there sure enough we got up there it was awesome you went in that dome yes yeah it was that was really cool um what's the security like up there for you they pat you down pretty good they put their hand up hillary's dress or anything like anything
Starting point is 00:19:01 they didn't do that no i think we think we were pretty, pretty well cleared. You definitely had to, um, coming in, they, they made sure everything was on the up and up. But, um, after that, we were with, like I said, we were being escorted by Capitol police and they were, uh, they didn't bring out a special girl to feel those girls up to make sure they're not packing like one for the dudes and one for the girls. No, I guess they trusted them.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Wow. I don't know why. Talk about lack lax security now we know how jan 6 happened yeah yeah it was crazy he's got some pretty crazy pictures he said like i said he was up there as a sniper and he said it just kind of you know that's another that's another thing i have strong feelings about like if you if you approach the capitol building i kind of and and like our civil our civil servants are in there I kind of like yeah you you kind of take that right you start breaking things you know that's you know you're not supposed to and that was the executive building next to the White House we did a west wing tour and then got to go in the VP's office and hang out a little bit and see all that stuff. So executive building is insane too. It's well-built, super solid structure. So Rich, this is all the same day?
Starting point is 00:20:13 That was the next day. Okay. So you didn't have like a change of clothes with you and you changed your clothes to – did you meet with the senator or congressman? No, no. Like I said, I've got a really good friend that's a secret service and i've met a bunch of secret service um officers throughout the years and
Starting point is 00:20:31 they've come to the barn and trained and so uh it was really cool like i said to get to go up there it was just me matt and kelly and kind of more laid back it wasn't a a real work trip it was we were just tourists you know so it was it was cool. Hillary took this picture? I bet Hillary probably took that picture. She's a good photographer. She take all these? Hillary is an incredible photographer. She just doesn't ever do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, she probably took all those. If they're on hers, then she probably took them. I definitely am not the photographer in their group. Did you ask to go do this? Is this part your are you is this part of your whole prepping to run for office here in a few years reading reading uh federal papers reading biographies going to visit the capitol no no absolutely not i uh like i said i've got this good friend he's from here he's about to retire in a couple years and he's been begging us to come up there and then matt and kelly just talked about going on a trip and i'm like hey i've got these connections let's see see if this actually works
Starting point is 00:21:28 and sure enough man we got the full tour um got to do that and then on the last day like i said we went to the white house the executive building and then we man we went to the american history museum that was really cool um got to see the the flag that was flown um that the star spangled banner was written for and um it was just it was cool you went you went to the white house too huh yeah yeah we went to the west wing we saw uncle joe there he was walking through the rose garden no shit yeah yeah we were probably not supposed to be where we were because everybody started kind of moving and like i said my buddy um he's like we'll just stand right here. You know, just stand right here.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Something might happen. And sure enough, you see him kind of meander through the Rose Garden. Solo? Yeah, by himself. I mean, there were agents kind of at different areas while he was moving. So I think they said Dr. Jill was at the pool. There's a pool at the White House? Yeah, I didn't know that either at the pool there's the pool at the white house yeah i didn't know that either yeah there's a pool at the white house apparently there's a bowling alley downstairs um white house pool yeah there was a uh where the press where the
Starting point is 00:22:39 press meets there used to be a like a recovery or a rehab pool there where your boy fdr would do his rehab stuff oh yeah yeah yeah i forgot about his little mishap yeah the the south long is pretty nice i mean it's obviously that's where they do all their events and stuff um we just missed uh did you see where they had the the the trans influencer topless on the White House lawn? You're just like, yeah, we featured that on this show. Come on. That's what happens on this show when you're not here. When I'm not here. Yeah. We feature things like that. Feature things like that. Josh Lehrman, Rich is on.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So, you know, the deal. Yeah. Thanks, Josh. Thank you. Yeah. Josh, you know, the deal. Yeah. Thanks, Josh. Thank you. Yeah. Thanks, Josh. You're a good dude. This dude has a farm about 130 miles South of me. No, really? What kind? Yeah. Like, like cherries and. Oh, cool. And fruits and stuff. And he invited my family and I to come down there and watch the harvest. I need to actually go down there and do that. I wonder if I missed that window. That would be cool.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Cherries. I don't know. We used to have some some cherry trees i'm trying to remember what time of year it's about this time it's now it's now i have cherry trees they're full they're full about this time you're supposed to start getting rid of or harvesting um eric with a poignant question was joe lost was he did he appear to be lost when you saw him no comment it was not it was not what you would expect the leader of the free country to to be moving like it was oh man it was pretty eye-opening i yeah have you seen have you seen these videos rich of uh um uh robert kennedy doing push-ups robert f kennedy to the guild have you heard about it no i need to need to watch it. Dude, have you seen these, Sousa? He is definitely on the sauce. Oh, Sousa in the background?
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yes, Sousa's back here. Look at him. You got him hidden, right? I'm on timeout. That's a good question for me. Yeah, someone posted something I saw this morning on Instagram. He has his shirt off. He's a dude.
Starting point is 00:24:42 He is juice to the gills. TRT. It's fine trt testosterone placement he's medicated and uh yeah i think you'd be proud it's pretty and the comments are all positive it's got the thing i saw it's like 9 000 comments and it's like hey this is the first time i'm gonna vote democrat they said he uh i think he requested Secret Service protection already, which it kind of – it's weird. Like I was asking basically how they determine all that stuff, and it's almost case by case. And I think he wanted it because of his family's past, obviously, rightfully so I guess. His dad. His daddy got popped, right? His dad was the attorney general?
Starting point is 00:25:24 His dad and his uncle, right? got popped right his dad was the attorney general dad and his dad and his uncle right yeah and his uncle his uncle was the president yeah so i mean isn't it kind of weird he wants the guys who killed his family to protect him now so they say so they say so they say did you have you ever read uh killing killing kennedy by bill o'reilly good that's pretty good book i mean those books are the ones that kind of set me on this presidential biography thing that i'm on hey um where do you are you an audible guy are you getting are you listening on um on apple on apple so i yeah everybody's like you should have got audible you should go and i'm
Starting point is 00:26:03 like i yeah i should have you're right but now the fact that I've got all these books on apple I'm like I'm just gonna kind of stick on apple you know yeah I'm apple too I don't do audible I'm apple too yeah yeah where I've been doing all this biking I'm uh I just kind of put the headphones in and crank for an hour or two depending on the day and I've burned through like i said i'm i'm to james monroe right now oh in 1.25 speed or regular speed or 1.5 1.5 wow yeah i just i've noticed i've retained it better and i'm you know i'm just instead of like i tried one time i was like let me go back to one and just see what what it like. And I thought I was going to lose my mind. It literally sounds like slow motion. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah. Good question, Audrey. Rich, do you have a garden? We don't have a garden. I got too many. A couple years we've talked about having a garden, and we tried it. My chore as a child was to weed the flower beds or the garden when we had gardens and I absolutely disdain doing that. And so that's the one thing that prevents me from doing a garden.
Starting point is 00:27:13 The one thing I don't want to eat suck. I've heard that like if you do those raised gardens and stuff like that, it's better. But I also just, my kids would somehow ruin it. You know, like we'd do all the work and then I'd walk out and he tries just like a rabbit anyway. So he eats vegetables left and right. So somehow we wouldn't even be able to, you know, he'd gnaw on the leaves before they even became vegetables. Hey, when he came out, he was eating a cucumber and that's the go to snack with those Persian cucumbers. That's like the go to snack for my kids. Persian cucumbers. He loves some cucumber, any real vegetable i mean
Starting point is 00:27:46 pickles are did we have this conversation it is a vegetable but no it's a fruit cucumbers are fruit really do you know that yeah no oh so because seeds okay okay i'll take that vegetable yeah yeah um but yeah man those kids will just they eat anything. And so they love some vegetables. But our neighbor lives at the end of the driveway. And Laura works at Mayhem with us. They have kind of a raised garden. And then they have some chickens and stuff. So the kids go over there. They have kids that are the same age as our kids.
Starting point is 00:28:17 You don't have chickens? You don't have chickens? I told Hillary no more species of animals around here until we get everything kind of under control. It's been crazy. I'm assuming your family eats a shitload of eggs. I'm assuming you guys go through a dozen eggs a day. We go through a lot of eggs and a lot of chicken. I mean, we eat a lot of chicken, too.
Starting point is 00:28:37 What about the liver king says that you shouldn't eat chickens or pussies. So you shouldn't eat chickens. You should stick to, like, the bigger animals. I thought it was Jim Harbaugh, right? I don't know, but I've heard the Liver King say that too. Chickens are pussies. I think Jim Harbaugh told his recruits or something that they shouldn't eat chicken because they're a skittish animal and he doesn't want his players to be skittish.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Awesome. Wasn't Jim Harbaugh, he was a quarterback in the 70s, right? I think he was like 80s or 90s. He's a football coach now for the Michigan Wolverines. I would have guessed he's dead. Hey, you know, I tried. Last week, I had scheduled you and Tyson Bajan to be on. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I heard about it after. They were like, hey, you were supposed to be on this morning. I said, yeah, I know. We had a little sickness. Everything go through the house. Couldn't make it. And they were like, they had Tyson on there. And I was like, well, so funny.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I was kind of like trying to do the dating game, right? Have like your shows like cross. One of my the people that we went up there to hang out with that are Secret Service, Travis, they used to go to Travis's gym. Oh, and they know Tyson. And they were raving about how just a good kid he is, you know, like, um, solid. I mean, and that was, you know, off the record, they were like, he's awesome. And so I hated that. I missed that. So we'll do it. You give my number anytime. If he was ever passing through or something, wants to hang out, let me know. Cool. Absolutely. Thank you, Rich. Okay. Uh, onto more serious topics enough for enough foreplay.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Are you down to one 80? Are you biking 50 miles a day and you're in your are you are you getting weak i'm not 180 i am getting weak i'm like one i heard you say 180 i heard you say 182 on your podcast and i'm so i just rounded down i've been telling spreading rumors saying you're 180 oh hi rich he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't like that he didn't like that. He didn't like that. He didn't like that. He's like, fuck you. Fuck you. See what happened?
Starting point is 00:30:27 He's out of here. Oh, right. Are you frozen? No, there he is. Okay, I apologize. You don't have to hang up like that. I won't tell people you're 180 anymore. Fine.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I don't know what happened there. I'm not sure what happened. Yeah, I'm not 180. I'm not sure what happened. Um, yeah, the, uh, I'm not one 80. I I'm pretty sure the day that I weighed myself, I was like one 82 or 84. I think it was, I was very, uh, dehydrated at that time riding all that, those miles, but I'm, I'm one 90 consistently, which is pretty, pretty low. Um, I'm riding most days, at least an hour and then two or three days a week, I'm around two or three hours. And so, um, yeah, I'm, I'm, I started watching the documentary race across the sky where Lance Armstrong does the race that I'm going to do. And man, I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:18 I want to get out there and be overly prepared versus get out there and be underprepared. So, um, you know how I am. If I'm going to do anything, it's going to be to the excess. And so I've been riding a lot, but I'm enjoying it. It's been fun. It's been a different challenge and a different, I don't know, just a different, something different. You know, I've been doing what we've been doing.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And I'm still doing CrossFit, doing one CrossFit session a day. But, you know, kind of the second session that i would have been doing or have been doing for years is usually a bike and is it 50 miles a day not a day i did do a 50 mile or the other day usually you know so trail is a little bit different so if i'm on mostly trail i'm averaging probably 11 12 miles an hour so that's usually if i'm doing that hour ride that's where i'm at and then um i'll do a kind of like a mixed kind of hybrid i mean you know where my dad lives so i'll ride around here for an hour or so and then i'll climb the whole mountain just to get ready for for those climbs at leadville um and uh i just like i said i want to be overly prepared versus getting out there and being like, oh, I'm in over my head.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Sir Moose, Rich, next time you're in the Metro DC area, we'd be honored to have you drop in at Black Widow CrossFit in Sterling. That'd be great. Yeah, it's hard when you're on a couple's trip or a family trip. Oh, I see what this guy did here. He's making you feel bad. he's probably a mayhem gym he saw you in dc and now he's just kind of putting it putting a screw to you the uh the uh downstairs gym had like a a rack had not a rack but you know like a crossover machine but it had a uh pull-up bar and some kettlebells and stuff so uh one day i just walked downstairs hit the treadmill and hit a Murph.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Just, I was like, all right, here we go. Strict Murph and just did Murph took, you know, 30 minutes and went back upstairs. So I was like, Hey, did you, did you wing that? Were you just down? Did you know you were going to do Murph before you went down there? You went down there. I walked in and I was like, Hey, Murph's perfect. You know, that mile, first mile slowly ease into it um kick it
Starting point is 00:33:27 up start kicking the treadmill up as you go and then uh basically 20 rounds of strict cindy and then hit back get back on the runner and i mean heart rate gets up you get some um some strict pull-ups you push-ups and squats what else do you need so it was that's what i've been doing a lot when i travel and i'm not necessarily crunched for time but i don't want to think about anything i'm like all right to pull a bar. Let's just do Murph. I've done it probably four or five times in the last couple months. Hey, he probably needed it.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Did you call a mop in there to clean that place up? Yeah, I had to. I felt bad. I'm like, oh, man. I just grabbed eight different wipes, and I'm trying to sop up all the sweat. You know how much I sweat. You remember from the marathon row. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You're like, did you pee? No, I didn't pee. I just sweat that much. It literally looked like you'd peed under your rower. I'm the grossest person there is when it comes to sweating. Seve, how old were you when you first met Rich? 12 years ago, 13 years ago. Must have been 2010, right? Yeah. That must have been 2010, right?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, it would have been 2010. So was that 14 or 15 years ago, and I'm 51? So 35 or 36? About the same age I am now. I had heard about him before, though. He was at a sectional or something somewhere on the East Coast. I want to say like Virginia Beach or something and dave called me from there jacksonville yeah jacksonville was semi-finals okay and and i remember dave called me and goes hey dude there's
Starting point is 00:34:54 a there's a dude here who's gonna win the games and i'm and i he didn't say that shit lightly back then and i was like oh shit and that was you and then i didn't uh andrew hiller wow 180 i used to look up to frowning i know i'm just letting everybody down these days you know uh uh wad zombie rich needs to go back to eating peanut butter and jelly out of the tub hey hey don't you want to be 170 i'll get back to where i need to be yeah i want to be as light as I can just because it's less weight you have to carry across 104 miles. So, yeah, I'm not doing anything nutritionally to do that. It's just, you know, if I get down there, great. If I don't, I don't.
Starting point is 00:35:37 The lighter I am, the better off it will be for the overall race. Do you feel better? No. You don't? You don't feel better later endurance training sucks you know like it's fun for a little bit and then all of a sudden you're like man the only thing that's really honestly like as lame as it sounds the only thing that's really getting me through it all is listening to these presidential biographies because like i said i get in there and i'm like oh yeah i got an hour i got two hours to listen to you know get through this book so um yeah i don't know it's it's been good like i said i do enjoy getting out
Starting point is 00:36:10 getting into the woods um it's nice that you know i don't have to go roll around on a roller or stretch or anything right before i get on the bike literally the first 10 or 15 minutes you know getting my heart rate up and i'm good to go for the next hour or two. There's no, there's not a ton of warmup for it. You literally just hit the bike, you know, and go. And Murph seems like a perfect supplement to that. Yeah, it really is. It's a good, if I, if I'm not biking that day cause we're traveling, I'm like, all right, Murph, I'm, you know, getting, you know, a longer sustained effort.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Not, not nearly as long as like the bike, but still it's a, it's a good sub for it. Tell me about the race. What's 104 miles look like? Is that get on the bike and you don't get off until, unless you have to pee or until the race is over? So there's a couple aid stations. Um, I think at 25, maybe at 50, it's an out and back. Um, the problem, so we're doing it with a charity. It's called first descents and they take people basically that, um, have some type of, um, impairment and take them and do outdoor activity. So with may have mission, we're partnering with them. It's hard, kind of hard to get into the race. Um, you have to qualify and I just didn't have time to qualify.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So we're doing it through this charity, but you have to start at the very back of everybody. So if you've qualified, you get to start towards the front and so um are you chipped rich are you chipped uh yeah you're chipped and so uh only three people last year apparently uh made it from what they call the whites the charity and did it sub nine hours so my goal is sub nine hours um and then the more i've been doing i'm like man i should just do a qualifier and move up. But I want to see this first year if I can do it from the back and see what happens in the next year. If I don't get it sub-nine, I'm going to try to do a qualifier and do it.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But we'll see. So there's hundreds of people who started back there and only three have made it sub-nine. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're kind of marred in the back, so you have to kind of either cut through everybody or, you know, we'll see. So there's a group of – there'll be four of us, maybe five. We're trying to talk Rory into it.
Starting point is 00:38:12 There was a couple people that had to drop out from first ascent, so we're trying to talk Rory into doing it with us. But there's a couple guys, all remote. One of the guys, Michael, he was here the other day, a good friend of ours from Alabama. Another guy we've met in Amarillo, Spencer, then dave curtis who i elk on a bunch with we're all kind of um we're doing it together but not together and uh we you know share what we're doing training wise every day a little bit of group motivation and um so it'll be fun i'm looking forward to it
Starting point is 00:38:42 rich when you travel to when you travel like uh this trip to um how many days were you in dc four do you take anything fitness related do you take a jump rope or a ball to roll on or a vest do you take anything if i'm driving yes flying uh jump rope um jump rope and then i've got some bands and stuff that i need to use if i'm driving uh usually um something is taken depends It depends on what we're doing. We went to Tyler and Bailey's wedding last weekend, and it was in Missouri. Bailey's dad has an incredible setup. We call it the Rob Mahal. His name's Robert. It's impeccable. There's not a speck of chalk. There's not a speck of chalk in this entire place.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's a beautiful, beautiful, like workout facility, pool house thing. And so I didn't bring anything. I brought my bike that way. We found some trails. There was a, it was called Two Rivers Mountain Bike Park. And it was incredible. But at that time, all I brought was my bike because I knew we had a place to work out. And then what I've been doing, trying to do is when I travel um hit a mayhem affiliate close since we're doing all that and uh it's been
Starting point is 00:39:50 it's been fun it's been good to like you know because for years I was so hyper focused on just competing so I'm getting in just getting in whatever I need to get in but now it's like I get to work out for fun you know the biking has been my training, but everything else is fun working out, which has been a nice change of pace where I'm like, oh, I don't want to do that today. I'm not going to do that, you know. So it's been good for me mentally. You're taking your bike to Madison to keep the training going? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah, we're going to try to do – we're working on hopefully – stay tuned, but Mayhem Athlete kind of campground takeover, and then maybe try to do some morning rides from the campsite or we're going to do kind of a whole mayhem athlete activation out there. Bitching that's in cooperation with CrossFit. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, fair question. Jake, Jake Chapman. What's Rich's favorite George Michael album. Totally fair question.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Is this going to be bad that I don't know who George Michael is? No, that's the right answer. Alright, good. Has Rich looked into longevity supplements like Resveratrol? Resveratrol? And NMN.
Starting point is 00:40:59 No, never heard of her. Fair. Yesterday I shot I probably shouldn't talk about this with you on the show yesterday i shot uh um um not trt peptides uh there's this one called bpc 157 yep when you're when you're retired you can talk about it but yesterday i shot it into my bicep did it work i don't know but it was dude it's so easy that one used to be allowed i think and now yeah water band because it i mean it has to work then i guess right
Starting point is 00:41:32 that's a wow that's a good point i didn't think about that but i literally this it's it's the needle so tiny and i literally just put pushed it in i and i was gonna do it on the air but then i thought i bet you youtube fucking sends me into fucking a death spin. They'll put you into the timeout chair. Yeah, if I show myself putting an injection on my arm. Yeah, probably wouldn't like that.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I sent you, you did that podcast with Rory and Angelo, episode 9. Congratulations, by the way. Or is it episode 8? I don't even know. It's episode 8. Any episode could episode 8? I don't even know. It's episode 8. Any episode could be our last episode. You never know.
Starting point is 00:42:11 By the way, congratulations on the ad reads. Brilliant. Dude, so fucking good. It's so good. I didn't realize Scott put the where I'm, you know, everybody wants to complain about you know oh stupid ad reads or ads blah blah blah no they're so good we have to pay for this stuff
Starting point is 00:42:30 right somehow and uh scott dude everyone likes my rant as i'm in my rant scott puts it in there so hey everyone likes them and um even the people who don't like them like them they're they're absurd yeah they're absurd they're crazy they're so fun hey dude it's probably one of the only people who don't like them like them. They're absurd. Yeah. They're absurd. They're crazy. They're so funny. Hey, dude, it's probably one of the only ads I don't fast forward through. Right, because you want to just see what kind of how black emphasis I put in it.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And I'm just like, I just look at your face. I'm like, does he need glasses? Does someone need to move that thing closer? Is he like, is he going to. Who put a question mark on the teleprompter again? Yeah. Yeah. I'm rich, Froning. Who put a question mark on the teleprompter again?
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah. I'm Rich Froning. So in that episode, so you made that episode, and then I text you. I was like, oh, no, Rich, do we have to go to war? I know. I was like, man, I had to second guess. I'm like, did I say anything? I didn't think I did.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And then you're like, what's up? And I'm like, I heard you went after Dave. And you're like, no, give it a listen. So I listened. We definitely have to go to war. Alright, what's the war? I can't believe you. What about... Here's what I didn't like. You know I'm very sensitive to Daddy Dave.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I love myself some Dave. I love Dave too. I didn't want that to come across. I love Dave. And I think it's a net positive that Dave is back. 100%. You, you just said,
Starting point is 00:43:52 um, there, there's two, there's two, there's two things. Well, can I just play one thing for you really quick? And then,
Starting point is 00:44:02 and then, it's not so much what you say here. Well, no, hold on on before before i play it you basically say that hey he got power at one point and turned into a power tripper in less words or in more words i guess yeah not necessarily a power tripper i think just and then you hope that whatever he did doesn't happen again. What did he do? Can you tell us what he did? You know, I don't –
Starting point is 00:44:33 I asked him too. I'm like, hey, what's up? He goes, I don't really know. I go, come on. We've played phone tag a little bit. I'll talk to Dave about that. Okay, good. I'm not doing public beefs. Fair,'m not that's not my style good um i like i said i love dave and is there
Starting point is 00:44:51 something specific though that he the only thing specific i heard you say so so justin cotler would have expressed some pretty strong concerns about dave coming on and his and what he kind of slipped in there is dave blocked me from instagram and the only thing that i heard that you said yeah mine's more of a if somebody blocks me on instagram i don't care you know like i don't that's not has anyone ever blocked you on instagram just for the record i guarantee multiple people i get unfollowed a lot they tell me in the comments but so the only thing that you say in in there is that recently i think recently i think what you were allusioning to is that recently he visited tia uh that was more of like just a joke that was a product jade dave if you ever watched it which you probably won't but yeah
Starting point is 00:45:36 no that was more of a like you know because he texts rory he's like hey have rich text me and i'm like we have phones you know you know dave does he does his little slights that he wants to like you know hey uh manny spiegel hey whose side are you on minor riches what the fuck are you doing this is my show dave has been kind of a prick in the past that's the thing i don't think i i think minor mine like i said my grievances are are more personal grievances i think publicly for crossfit, Dave has been good. Dave was the villain that we needed. He stepped into that and does a good job with that. Behind the scenes, Dave's great.
Starting point is 00:46:15 We've had our personal differences. Nothing like... It's like any friendship. So it's not crossfit related it's not like he he he went out of his way to raise your affiliate fees or he took level ones away from you it's personal it's like hey he looked you saw him staring at hillary's butt for too long no absolutely not no on the contrary i mean dave dave when we started when i started crossfit or when we had the gym and i won semi-finals he came up to me. My first interaction with Dave Castro was, hey, where do you train? We have a gym.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I can't afford to call it CrossFit. You know, he's like, email me on Monday. We'll waive your affiliation fee for a year. They did that. This is like 2010 or 11 or something. And so, no, I mean, it's more of a personal me and Dave thing. And I'm not going to get out and, like, bash Dave publicly. I think, like I said, for CrossFit, for where we're at,
Starting point is 00:47:06 I think it's a positive that Dave is back. I think he's fucking – here's the thing. Yep. Yep. Let me paint one more piece, me paint one more piece and then, and then, and then, and then we'll, and then we'll go on there. At one point, Rory says in the show, something along the lines of, um, maybe I even have a time code for it. One point during the show, Rory says something like, Hey, so many people came after Boz about his programming. Let's see if they come after Dave for his programming.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Right. And my thoughts were, first of all, shitloads of people. People. Yeah. People come after him every year for his programming. Right. And my thoughts were, first of all, shitloads of people. They come after him every year. Yeah, people come after him every year for the programming. But also, Dave is a – I can't think of a great metaphor, but Dave is a 10-bedroom house. So if I visit your house, Rich, and one room is dirty, I'm not like your whole fucking house is dirty. Dave brings so –
Starting point is 00:48:00 We're all people. Everybody is people. We're people. Dave brings so much to the table. Adrian is still only a one-bedroom house. Right. Dave's big picture on a lot of this stuff, which not to say Boz isn't, but Dave – But I just mean what he means to us as the community.
Starting point is 00:48:16 He can fuck up in ways. We're not all created equal, right? He can fuck up in ways that we forgive him that other people can't fuck up. Yeah. So if Dave does a bad workout It's not the same as if Boz does a bad workout It's the same with you
Starting point is 00:48:31 Once you have four fucking CrossFit Games victories And you shit the bed on one event Everyone's not like hey you suck at CrossFit But if you've only done He's got 13 years of us Looking at his programming We had one snapshot of Boz doing it. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Yeah, no, I'm – People are out there comparing apples to oranges and not viewing like, hey, this is fucking amazing that we have an alpha back in the scene. I don't care whether you like him or not. The ship's going to get organized, and we're going to get the mission accomplished. And I just felt like – I was like, hey – no, I felt like I was like, why doesn't rich just say, um, Holy fuck, this is fucking amazing. Dave is back. And then by the way, be like, Hey, you owe me one. You know, you know, you're really an asshole. Text him on the side in the back. Like that's more like what I did.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, but we're on the same team. I think it's, you are, you and Dave are on the same team. Yeah. I'm saying me and you too. I think it's a positive that Dave is back. I didn't want that to come across whatsoever. I'm on a podcast where we're trying to get views as well. So I'm trying to be and also give a subjective years of history analysis of it. So I think, like I said, I's it's for the better that he's
Starting point is 00:49:48 back i wish that you both you guys would have been like single and that it was a girl problem like you guys shared a girl or something oh yeah no no we didn't do that didn't do that hey and another thing that's interesting for to watch which i'm sure you know and i know is justin and rory have had a very full relationship yeah yeah yeah very full complex ups and downs and very very intimate they were very close and then they had some fucking just all out fucking breakups and so i was i was interested if rory was going to dabble in that too i think rory you know rory like when we talked about you know like still you've got the human element to all this. Like somebody lost their job that has kids and, you know, it's you don't want to dance on somebody's grave.
Starting point is 00:50:32 You know, like it's it is tough. Like everybody sees everybody sees, you know, like, oh, you know, they ruined, you know, CrossFit or whatever. And it's like there's still a human element to all this and families and stuff like that. So that's the hard part for a lot of it um i i have not it's funny you say that because i want i thought about i've been so harsh to justin on this show but i i was telling my wife i was like fuck i feel like sending justin a text because because the fact i know he's a husband and he has kids and i know this shit is fucking really really hard yeah but i've already been so much an asshole to him that i just thought well fuck that's not gonna that's not gonna come across sincere yeah but you you
Starting point is 00:51:13 mean it you know like and that's the hard part about all this is like in in if we're if crossfit is a sport wants to be a real sport you look at every other sport and you know the difference with crossfit is there's like there's a sport but there's this community side to the actual movement of what crossfit is but you know you can be critical of what's going on and question and we can still find some type of way to discuss it and you can still be sincere about um you know if you don't agree with something here's that and that's society it would have hurt your feelings though if dave said that about you publicly if he said well i'm glad rich is um uh having uh his his fifth kid but i hope he treats him better than that other one because he's kind of a power trip around his kids that'll fucking hurt you right dave said some stuff to me
Starting point is 00:52:00 or around me or about me that i'm okay you You know, like, and here's the deal. It's like, hey, you know, like in society today, we can love people, but we don't have to, you know, have to agree with them on everything. And so like, hey, let's have a discussion, you know, let's do it, so. Okay. There's a question in here. I don't get it. I don't get how
Starting point is 00:52:26 Dave is alpha just because he's arrogant. It was a Navy SEAL. How can you be a Navy SEAL and not be an alpha? I don't know if I can point to what exactly it is about him, but he's a man. He's very concise in what he says. He's very poignant in what he says. And for some reason, Dan, people want to work for him. When he worked at CrossFit, people go to him when they have questions. And so whether you were in accounting or in legal or in the games or in media, people go to him, including myself, to ask for his direction and his advice. Yeah, I think some people are just leaders.
Starting point is 00:53:00 You know, like I always, it's my wife, there's ever a a definition of an alpha as an alpha but she doesn't understand what that means she's like what do you mean that that hurts me that i'm an alpha and i'm like it's not a bad thing you're just you're gonna you're gonna get shit done and you're gonna be yeah you know like it is what it is and it's some people are just made like that you know like life's been giving them you know and i think they're more developed as it like you're developed that way um through experiences but yeah dave 100 as an alpha but david and the people who like most alphas are dicks at at some point you know like it is what it is and and people who like alphas you don't like them because of the reason why you like other people you like them because shit gets done.
Starting point is 00:53:45 So if you're with an alpha, you wake up at 6 and you're done at 4. If you're not – and you're happy that you're done with whatever the task is. If there's no alpha, you wake up at 6 and a week later, you're still not done. Yeah. Right? Yeah, that's a good way to put it. So I think that's why people like working out with you. They come in.
Starting point is 00:54:02 They know they're going to work. They can kind of turn their shit off, and they know that, okay, Rich has control of the workout today. I'm going to come in. We're going to get the work done, and we're going to be fitter when we leave. Maybe. Hey, what do you think about this theory that I have that training – would you consider what you have as a training camp? Training family. Training family.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I was thinking that only people who train by themselves win the games. And by themselves meaning that they don't belong to another camp. And they go, well, Rich belongs to a training camp. I go, no, he doesn't. Rich trained and those people came and trained with him. Well, Tia belonged to a training camp. No, Tia trained and those people came and trained with her. Matt had training camp.
Starting point is 00:54:57 No, Matt trained and those people came. Do you think that there's something, a character, do you think there's any validity to that? You know what I mean? Look at Ben Smith even, right? Look at graham holmberg they didn't go to fucking training camps those those guys all trained annie thor's daughter she didn't right she didn't belong to a training camp yeah i think a little bit of that has to be mentally in you you know like um and i think that's part of the hard part for me. Even where I'm at in my career with having athletes here,
Starting point is 00:55:29 I 100% if somebody – I don't want to be like the – I don't like to stand over people and I didn't need that. I didn't like that. I don't want to be like, hey, if you need something, you come to me, that type. But it is a, hey, if you need something you come to me that type but it's it is a hey if you need something I'm here but I don't want to overstep because I never needed that and yeah I think there's a special kind of you need a special something that I'm gonna get my shit done I don't really yeah you might need some help and have an outside somebody looking at it but you know And I don't really, you might need some help and have an outside somebody looking at it. But, you know, use a coach, for example.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Like I never needed a coach. I had Darren there that I would kind of bounce ideas off of. But Darren wasn't, you know, hey, you have to do this. You know, Darren would be like, hey, you might think about doing that or, you know, whatever it was. It was nice to have somebody to kind of bounce ideas off of. But I was very just self-motivated. And all those people that you've named, not to say people that go to training camps aren't self-motivated but we were I guess the ones so far have been just kind of anomalies that we're just kind of there you know like it's just
Starting point is 00:56:37 that's just what we do and don't need somebody to kind of stand over us and tell us hey you should be doing more of this or less of that or whatever and And I never, you know, I had it's funny. I had a couple of times I watched a video with Jason Kalipa and Austin Begeving. Is that his his name that was coaching him in the beginning? And I reached out to him. This is before I sectionals or semifinals reached out to him and asked him maybe to help coach me. And he said he even responded and then i met him later on he was like you know he remembered the email and then i actually um after the rogue again faster throwdown asked ben bergeron to help me and so ben um had me write down kind of everything that i was doing and then gave me a workout a day and i told sent it to him after and he's man, I can't give you enough stuff to do.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I can't, like, I can't come up with enough. He's like, I can't coach you. And so we always joke about that too. And so I think, yeah, I think it's just in you, you know, like it's, it's, it's a mental disorder and you just kind of, you know, just, it really is, you know, like it's a, you just, it's a, you know, I've, I've come to realize it's, you know like it's uh you just it's a you know i've i've come to realize it's um you know it's probably some type of substance abuse some type of mental disorder some type of all that kind of stuff um but it it all worked out i guess in the right direction parents upbringing and all that stuff uh adrian conway until madaris until madaris from the men they their training, had assistance in some areas, yet programmed by feel and design their own progress.
Starting point is 00:58:09 They had a thorough understanding of the methodology. Adrian, that being said, I would say that – Go wide, Conway. Always. As much as – I don't want to take anything away from Adam Neiffer, but I would also say that Medeiros trains alone, meaning there's – I mean he has Adam there, but Adam's his maybe a little more hands-on or even a lot more hands-on than Darren Hunsucker. But still it's just Justin. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? He's not joining – I wouldn't say Justin's in a camp.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Right. Yeah, he's got him and Ellie. Ellie, yeah. Yeah, honestly, yeah, that would make sense. It's not a big group. I, you know, what I guess I like about now, what we've got going on here is it reminds me a lot of what's great about CrossFit and about the community, of having that kind of like we've got our group and our kind of family
Starting point is 00:59:12 that you've got these different kind of training groups and everybody, depending on what they're working on at specific times. For me, selfishly now, individually, I don't think I could do it because it would be like hey i'm gonna get up and i'm not waiting for you to get here i'm gonna just go ahead and start doing what i need to start doing uh versus with the camp at times you know you're waiting on everybody else's schedule and you know um what they've got to do what they want to do working around all that and so for me at the time like i don't think if i was still an individual for the last six, seven years, I don't think mayhem would be what it is today because of, you know, the lack of community side of it.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Now, in the last couple of years, we've had a good community because I was a little less obsessed with myself training. Does that make sense? Because, you know, I didn't at the time, I don't give a shit if your fitness is good um towards the end the last couple years on the team well every year on the team i was more worried about you know i was getting my stuff done but i was also making sure everybody else was getting their stuff done because if they were fitter individually we were fitter as a team and so that's kind of where the camp here at mayhem developed along the years um i just want to do you follow your youtube channel very closely that the metrics of it and
Starting point is 01:00:33 all that like do you know what's going on over there not really it's a little bit you know like if i see a like i'll check the video scan the video and then look and see you know if people are commenting or if they give a crap about what that specific thing we're doing is but not you don't drop into the minutiae like do you know i'll tell you this and then you tell me if you know this so basically there's there's i i want to say i could be wrong but i want to say like matt has a million more instagram followers than you now and there's people who have more instagram followers than you but if you look at this whole landscape of youtube channels that are out there everyone in the crossfit space there's no one who's fucking doing it even close to as well as you so anywhere that anyone's beating you in any metric you're beating them in five other metrics
Starting point is 01:01:14 so the metrics might be number of subscribers so crossfit has more subscribers than you but you destroy them in minutes watched i mean do you know what i mean and someone else and um and in in your conversion the number of people who actually are subscribed to your show that actually watch your show it's it's fucking off the chart like you're you you in the crossfit space you guys own the youtube scene like in every scott and then man they do they do a good job scott is a one-of-a-kind worker like scott is an alpha when it comes to media you know vandersloot vandersloot vandersloot man he what what i love about scott is his and that's that's a hard part
Starting point is 01:01:54 for me right now where i'm trying to figure out where i fit into this whole like post you know me competing at a high level is like what is my leadership style now that i can't i'm not like when we're training you know like i i'm never going to ask somebody to do something that i wouldn't do myself or hadn't done to kind of get to this point and scott is that style of leader like like you know we've got we just brought on frank and frank's a little bit older he was retired from his last job and and frank is like you know i can't hang with these guys that are at one of the semifinals. He's like living on protein bars and energy drinks. And I'm like, man, sleep a little bit.
Starting point is 01:02:32 He's like, I can't. Scott's, you know, in there grinding and I can't, you know, can't not let Scott work. And which is great. You know, I love that. Yeah, that's the kind of people we have. But man, Scott is Scott's the G when it comes to that. And he's an alpha when it comes to camera stuff and work oh i didn't know scott was straight wow okay yeah oh maddie madeline yeah so it's congratulations on that it's crazy it's great people scott's fit too
Starting point is 01:02:58 dude like scott gets in there every morning at six and just grinds for an hour and a half and then sometimes in the afternoon if he's got time like scott like if we go on these elk hunts man scott is right there he's never once been like hey we gotta slow down hey i gotta do this i gotta do this whatever scott's like i'm like hey we're thinking about going up to that the top of that peak over there scott's like in so yeah i mean it's it's i think it's a product of the definitely what we have. And Scott, like I said, leading that ship on the media side is has done an incredible job. Yeah, it's you're killing it. And I and I do think that there's significantly more value in having a strong YouTube channel than any other. Yeah, I think you get more of a like the authenticity or like what people are really like.
Starting point is 01:03:44 It's hard on Instagram to get a, you know, from a snapshot of somebody, you know, whatever. And I think, you know, I was also just thinking on return of investment and influence. I think there's people who have two million followers on Instagram who have zero influence. No. Yeah. Because they're just getting click and, you know, and creepers behind the screen, which I'm sure we have some creepers behind the screen. and creepers behind the screen, which I'm sure we still have some creepers behind the screen. But, you know, and I feel like the older that I've gotten, the more authentic and more, more, more or less give a shit I have. And I'm like, all right, I'm going to say how I actually feel versus, you know, when you're young and you don't really know how people are going to respond to stuff. You're like, and now I'm to the point where I'm like, you know, for the most part, the people that like me are going to like me. And if you don't like me already, you're probably not going to like me anyway.
Starting point is 01:04:27 660 listeners. Rich equals a real needle mover. Dan Guerrero. Rich seems to manage to be a great leader without being arrogant. I think that's in reference to Dave being arrogant. I don't think Dave is arrogant. If you think he's arrogant, go watch his weekly reviews. He is so – that is really who Dave is right there.
Starting point is 01:04:46 He's very thought out. I wouldn't say he's arrogant. If you only see snapshots, I could see where you could think Dave was arrogant. Yeah. Knowing Dave, I know he's not – you know, Dave's just – he's – and I value that. He's got his – what he believes, and he's not going to waver off that. And, you know, the older you get, the more you can – and I know I sound like I'm – you know the older you get the more you can and i know i sound like i'm you
Starting point is 01:05:06 know i am getting older but it's like you can value where people hey you know i'm not not that i won't necessarily hear you out but i'm not going to waver my my thoughts on that because that's that's what i believe and you know that's where we're at so i wouldn't say dave's arrogant by any means let me tell you a defining characteristic of Dave. If you walk – if me and Rich and my kids all walked into – we were at lunch together and someone walked up to the table and said hi. Let's say it was the fucking mayor of Miami. Dave would say, Mr. Suarez or whatever the fuck that guy's name is. This is Rich Froning.
Starting point is 01:05:43 This is Sevan Matosian. This is Avi Matosian. They would introduce everyone. This motherfucker is a cool dude. He won't leave anyone out. I don't know. I think that's more indicative. I don't...
Starting point is 01:05:58 He's prickly. He's prickly. I've seen you in your videos, your training videos. You can be prickly too. I think that's the nature. I'm abras need that, though. And I've seen you in your videos, your training videos. You can be prickly, too. I think that's the nature. Yeah. I'm abrasive. I'm abrasive, for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Yeah. But I don't think of either of you guys as arrogant. In your podcast, you bring up something that was – you kind of tripped me out. I hadn't thought of it like this before. But you want to talk about maybe growing the sport for the athletes, right, professionalizing it, but you also would like to see the athletes be more community-oriented. And, boy, dude, I don't see those two fucking being bedfellows.
Starting point is 01:06:37 It's not been recently. I mean, when we were – when it was growing, when it was – Matt would never do something like the Tahoe Throwdown, dude. Do you know what I mean? And that's not a dig at Fraser, but like, no, absolutely not. It was a different time. Yeah. And I feel like that's what you're saying. You want to see more of, you want to see the athletes, you know, I would love it. I think more affiliates doing more fun stuff like that. Less more lighthearted stuff. Yep. Off season for sure. I think, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:04 it's, it's tough and it's easier me saying that now that I'm not competing and maybe it's, you know, as you get older, you, that's how the, you know, bring us back into it. Um, but I think it'll grow way faster. It'll be better for the athletes more or longevity wise. I mean, that's when you saw the most growth is when me,ipa dan those types of guys were around i'm speaking from the men's side because we were part of the community went to those things and as tough as they were at times and you know it is a lot of travel and whatever but if you really want to see and have some um some growth some real growth, like CrossFit games and CrossFit as a methodology or as a
Starting point is 01:07:47 affiliate group or whatever you want to define that as the community. They don't need to be at odds. It needs to be one cohesion. Like CrossFit games is one expression of CrossFit. It's what is possible, but it's still CrossFit. And like drag you guys out to like the Montana event when they would drag you out to the Montana event. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's, you know, I see it every day in the affiliate. Like it's easy for me. I'm like, I keep coming back to how old I am, but it's perspective and seeing that.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And, you know, you get so short-sighted and it's tough. Like I get it. When I was an individual, I was obsessed and that's all I thought about. And everything I wanted to do is obsessed and that's all i thought about and everything i wanted to do is compete and individually and all that and now it's like now that i have a little bit of perspective and see what you know what it is i'm like man those
Starting point is 01:08:34 those things were actually huge and um one i got to meet a bunch of cool people but also we got to grow the sport in a way that we haven't seen in a while because, you know, it's different. Zach Ritter. I interrupted David at dinner to say hello before an open announcement in Asheville, North Carolina, and he was extremely nice to me. You know what else is interesting? I was watching this video that Andrew Hiller made, and he was choosing the games winners by the number of instagram followers they have he did that last year and he did it this year too to see if like and then later on he'll show us like does the person with the most followers how do they place and i think that the man who had the most followers who's competing this year was
Starting point is 01:09:17 noah olsen at 840 and what's interesting is is that's close to what how many followers dave has and so it just it's just worth noting. I don't know if you can draw any conclusions, but it's worth noting where we are at the sport. When I watch the UFC weigh-ins, Rich, going back to the Dave thing, I won't watch them if Dana White's not there. One out of every 10, he won't be at the weigh-in. He'll have one of his other guys do it.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I don't know why, but I just don't want to watch it without dana yeah i mean it makes sense like i said dave was a you know crossfit does miss the villain side of it a little bit and dave whether he tried to be or not was a little bit of that you know mostly out of fun you know open announcements and whatever you're doing but um i think when dave was there it was better for like the open announcements i you watch the open announcement now just to see what the workout is real quick and then you go do go do the workout you know where it used to be kind of a a show and it's kind of funny and you were waiting to see what kind of horrible handwriting dave had or you know what kind of how his presentation god his handwriting was horrible
Starting point is 01:10:25 he writes from the him and angelo write very uh similarly actually and what were you going to say what was the nuance there that you were going to point out just you know how he did his hands or how he would you know deliver the workout at times and you know yeah it's kind of you know part one is you know with his hands and it was, you know, you'd always looking for that. I think Dave definitely has something that's like, could be clinically, um, diagnosed. I think we all have something now.
Starting point is 01:10:52 We all have something that could be clinically, uh, he's got some, something in the, that they do in the yellow bus. Yeah. Uh, is rich on TRT.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Are you fucking kidding me? Look, he's a pinner he weighs 180 i wish i wish maybe one day when i'm done competing i'm not opposed to it make sure um you get a piece of that company piece of that company yeah you definitely need a piece of that company um thanks for all the content savvy greg rich players, coaches, nonstop great quality. Thank you. Great quality. Thank you, Rich. Hey, what do you think? Is California money different than regular money or is that Canada money? Oh, yeah, that's Canada money. Good question. $6.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yes, thank you. Just kidding. Conversion. I don't even know what it is. What do you think about Justin Medeiros' body, his frame, his build? Is he a different shape is he like broader you think than um than your average than your average crossfitter um you see you see anything about his physique that you're like okay yeah that's that's a winning body or that's a different body that's won in the past look out look how thick this dude is. You just haven't, you know, just being stronger is better.
Starting point is 01:12:06 And just, no, looks like a normal dude. Okay. And then what do you think about his finish in the semifinals? I think he took like fifth or seventh. Does that concern you? Are you like, oh, shit, something's wrong? No, absolutely not. I mean, he's a game champion.
Starting point is 01:12:26 He knows what he's got to do. He knows where he's at. And I'm sure, I'm sure he'll be just fine in a couple of weeks. You don't think it's playing tricks on his head? No. I mean, I hope not. You know, like I I've been there, you know, I think me and Matt Tia, a couple of us have been there and we know, and you me and Matt, Tia, a couple of us have been there, and we know, and you know what they're going through. And it's not an easy, mentally, it's not easy when you have the target
Starting point is 01:12:53 on your back, and it's way less fun as well, you know, like when it's expected, and then you've got people always second-guessing what you're doing. So, hopefully he's, you know, disconnected from, luckily for me, you know, social media was starting to come around, but it wasn't, you know, the main thing. I think that's a big problem with a lot of these younger athletes is there's so much self-worth and so much of their who they are is in that phone and what they see on comments and who they are digitally that it really really, it can mess with you, you know, and you can start down a dark hole. And then luckily I've got kids that they could care less who I am.
Starting point is 01:13:31 You know, they see stuff and they, you know, they, they're starting to kind of understand, like, you know, if we go somewhere and people were asking, they're like, my oldest is starting to grasp it a little bit, but, and they've been to the games a couple of times now and they see a little bit of it, but they don't care. I'm dad. As long as I show up and play baseball in the yard or push them on the swing or jump on the trampoline or whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:13:54 that's all they really care about. They'd probably actually like me to do less training at times. So I've got that perspective of, hey, it's going to be okay. And it's tough. It's tough when you're in it, though. know, it's, it's, you put, you put so much time into this and it's, it's kind of who you are. And so you want to make sure that, um, you don't read too much into that. You know, that's the hard part with, with, I think with what athletes,
Starting point is 01:14:16 with the younger athletes you're going through right now. Um, uh, rich, are your nipples pierced? No, they're just regular old nipples. Oh, all right. Hey, that is interesting what you said about the kids, that they ground you. That is, I didn't think about that. They really ground, yeah, they're really grounding. They're really grounding and really infuriating. I got one that just walked out, and she's...
Starting point is 01:14:39 Like, you can just be all lost up in your fucking life, and then someone's like, hey, from the bathroom yells, I'm done. I'm done, hey, I need help, come wipe me. Yeah, you're just be just all lost up in your fucking life. And then someone's like, Hey, from the bathroom yells, I'm done. I'm done. Hey, I need help. Come on. Yeah. You're just like, you know, like you just like, I just snatch, you know, a good way to snatch in a while. And then, Hey dad, I just, you know, I just dumped over this bucket of paint, you know, something like that. You're just trying to have a minute to wipe your own ass. And someone's yelling at you from the next bathroom over.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Can you come wipe my ass? W man that's the that's the best um you'll do this you'll go to the games then you'll do the leadville and then um do you have a um a plan after that i'll be out west hunting quite a bit this fall we've got a couple hunts lined up um that's something that i've really gotten into the last little bit and then um after that you know i think you're probably asking athletically what i'll do uh yeah like are you going to be addicted to biking after that are you going to be frustrated with your finish at leadville and start training for it the following year who knows you know we'll see i'm at the point like i said in career-wise like I'll probably do open if I make the quarters do the quarters if I do make semis I'll do semis and if I feel like I want to compete at the games that
Starting point is 01:15:53 year I will if I don't I don't I won't you know I'm I'm in a good spot with where I'm at and I like kind of finding these new challenges so you know something else comes up that I'm like hey I want to give that a shot I'm going to do it um i just like i said this year i thought hey maybe i'll go do masters i got to semi-finals and um did that and didn't really enjoy doing it you know and so i i i realized i do enjoy the team side of stuff so hey hey maybe if we find some two-man competitions and do some local stuff somewhere and have some fun i i do enjoy doing crossfit but um you know i don't i'm i've been there done that kind of thing so so you you kind of swerved over into the team like saying so are you saying that there won't be back as on the four-person team of the games i will not
Starting point is 01:16:42 do that but i would i would do like a two-man competition somewhere you know if it was i'm doing one a three-person in michigan in a couple weeks so is that a conversation you've had with hillary about not doing the games anymore individual or or or team i think she kind of knows i think you know this year when i was doing uh the open quarters and semis she was like getting a little fidgety and nervous. Like, you know, like, oh, no. You know, like, this is going to be – and so I don't think she believed me when I said I declined my invite to the games.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Like, she's like, yeah, right, I'm sure, you know, something's going to happen. So it's been good. It's been good. The kids, like I said, they're going to go to school this year the little twos and um so we've had a good summer move loop um doing some travel and like i said i got to go on a little trip to dc and then this weekend we got we were at nascar racing nashville last night for dad's birthday he's sick he's 16 a couple weeks and then we got monster jam in nashville the world finals on uh monster is that monster trucks yeah have you done that with the Monster Jam in Nashville, the World Finals. Is that Monster Trucks? Yeah. Have you done that with the boys yet?
Starting point is 01:17:47 No. Oh, bro. They would love that. They will love it. I love it. You know, like, it is awesome. The Nationals Monster Truck. Yeah, it's in Nashville. So, like, it's like the World Finals.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Oh, man. Man, nothing will make you feel like a kid again like going to Monster Trucks. It's awesome. I did go as a kid. Andrew Hiller, do the open division for the sheer fact that you were willing to try at the age of 36 would forever make you better than Fraser. Andrew Hiller. Andrew Hiller, everybody.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Always thinking ahead. Hey, how often do you get ticks, Rich? On the regular, man. This year's been bad. Daily? Not daily. I'd say weekly. Is Hillary worried about your kids?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yeah. And ticks? Trice had one on his balls the other day. Was it dug in yet? Was it dug in yet? It was dug in, but it wasn't like full of anything yet. So, right. Man, they're everywhere right now. I don't know if we, we had a pretty mild winter and so it didn't kill off a lot of that. And so it's like, I'll be right, I'll come back
Starting point is 01:18:53 from riding and you know, you'll, the one day I was sitting, I had one dug into the back of my leg. It's been about two months ago. I was getting some PT done and the guy's like, Oh, you got an ingrown hair on the back of your knee. And so I turn over and I'm looking at it. There's a freaking tick dug in there. It's been on there for a while. It left a huge bruise. Are they those little tiny black ones that look like fleas or you have the legit big ones? The tiny ones are scary because you can't
Starting point is 01:19:15 see those. We've got little seed ticks. We've got all kinds of ticks. We've got seed ticks and we have those. The problem is you've got that Lone Star tick now that apparently makes you allergic to meat or whatever. No shit dot allergic to red meat or something yeah i like those kind right there because you you can spot them bottom yeah they're big um you know you got me like checking because i'm in the woods every day riding so who spotted the one on his uh ball sack did he tell you he did he's like dad hey dad i got something i got
Starting point is 01:19:46 something on my nuts and so i'm like uh what you know so i'm like all right let's you know because it's still kind of weird you know you should have pulled out the cigarette lighter i know smashed its head through the toilet because we were at a restaurant too he's like he's like itching his balls and he's like dad something, there's something black on my balls, on my nuts. I'm like, all right, let's go. And so one minute you're pulling a tick off of some dude's nuts, and then the next minute you're using those same hands to eat a hamburger. Isn't life great?
Starting point is 01:20:18 I didn't even wash my hands. Oh, I know. I know. I know. Sometimes before 9 a.m. I've touched fucking four cocks. I'm like, wow, what is my life? What has happened? Yeah, it's happened.
Starting point is 01:20:31 I've wiped four asses and in touch more dick than I've touched in my whole life. It's crazy. One of them is not even your own, you know, three of them aren't even my own. I told you my fear, like how long I want to live, right? I want to live. I want to live just long enough for somebody to have to wipe my ass one time. I don't want to be a burden on anybody, but I want one time. Just one time, and then I'm done.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Careful what you wish for. Yep. I appreciate you coming on. Absolutely. Yeah, you're the man. Stay clear of ticks. Stay clear of ticks. Oh, wait, What is this?
Starting point is 01:21:06 One more. Jake Carter. Seve must be allergic to meat. Smoker. Been on video all interview and didn't ask a single smoking question. Oh, I did see that thing in the background. Oh, yeah. Pit boss.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah. You know what? I thought it was a dehydrator or something. Oh, yeah. No, it's a tall smoker what did you put what did you my go-to i love some beef ribs and you sits right there by the window as a smoker oh i'll kind of pull i'll pull it out here i'm on the back patio of the house so it's kind of like i'll bring it out here or it isn't just pluming smoke on the ceiling there. I've never seen one of those. I couldn't recognize a smoker.
Starting point is 01:21:47 So you're right, Jake. It's not that I'm allergic to meat. I'm in California. I'm just in California. Like I just, I just don't eat meat in California. Still.
Starting point is 01:21:54 We do. Is that allowed? Can you farm out there? Isn't there too much methane or something from cows? It's, it's, it's frowned upon. He's going to be able to wipe his own ass until he's 132?
Starting point is 01:22:09 Thoracic mobility. That's the thing that keeps you out of the nursing home. All right, brother. Thank you very much. Awesome. Appreciate it. I appreciate the honest talk. Say hi to Mr. Angelo for me, please.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Will do. You coming to Madison? No. No. All right. Even though Dave's there now? Maybe. Yeah, that you coming to Madison? No, no. All right. Now, not even though Dave's there now. Uh,
Starting point is 01:22:27 maybe. Yeah. That's what I thought. Yeah. Maybe. Come see us. All right. Love you.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Bye. Bye. All right. All right. I'm like, I'm just slowly slides in. You're going to be able to do two shows after rich you need like your 20 minute like downtime like a deregulation off that i i need a cigarette yeah i know
Starting point is 01:22:55 that's what i'm saying i like how a lot of times too people see dave when he's like in the heart of the competition at the games in the past and like trying to run that whole event and keep everything together and like you know because you've been behind their shits just like falling apart like he's just putting out fires left and right and then they'll see like one clip of him like acting in a certain way and then people are like dave's arrogant yeah there's no that's just that's a mischaracterization that's like going to every wedding and then looking at the bride and being like wow she's all she's all stressed out or like the wedding planner and being like wow that wedding
Starting point is 01:23:33 planner is all stressed out that's crazy why would you act that way and it's like this is the event this is the time like this shit it falls on his back to get off without a hinge and that was back when you guys had espn so it's like making times for like live. Dude, the stress was crazy. Holy crap. It's nuts. And the politics, the politics that would go on during the games and the attention that
Starting point is 01:23:53 everyone needed and how many big people were in the house. Yeah. Hey, Rich said some powerful stuff there when he was talking about like the athletes being included. I was, cause you obviously know, I think that same way. And I realized that like the events that he's doing at mayhem getting
Starting point is 01:24:09 involved with the charities and like that constant stuff that they're doing there really allows like that connection between all the other you know crossfitters and the games used to be that like it was just a big festival of all the old affiliate owners you know all the people that you would see once a year but you finally get out of your bubble and like you get into this big like festival, right? Like the Woodstock of like what Greg called it, the Woodstock of fitness. And it like revitalizes you and you take all that energy like with you. And so it really did have this really cool effect of like, you know, you go to the festival, you get fired up to do what you can do. You go back to your back to your own um gym and
Starting point is 01:24:46 you get to keep keep like pushing on you know what i mean and uh the more and more of those that were done where the the athletes were actually doing their own thing and circulating and approachable and stuff like that tied the thread together from affiliate to event well said um okay let me get through a couple comments here and then and then and then i want to address uh something um thanks rich the goat uh um rich is now playing with house money okay good um someone said it must feel good to have rich oh told uh rich told you he loved you and you didn't say it back i'm sorry rich i love you Okay, good. Someone said it must feel good to have Rich. Rich told you he loved you and you didn't say it back. Sorry, Rich, I love you.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Sorry, you're right. That was stupid. It's a new commenter. It's got to feel good to have Rich say I love you. For sure. Rich said I love you. I love you too, Rich. Get Seve on to Madison.
Starting point is 01:25:42 What is it? Seve would definitely help Rich if he had a tick on his balls in a restaurant. Pull it out with my mouth. Pull it off with my teeth. Philip Kelly, go rub one out, Seve. A post-clarity nut. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Who talks like that? Jesus Christ. Someone put a ring on it. there was uh olivia i'm a cigarette uh yeah i will call andrew after the show he usually is my cigarette i usually call him after the show uh or suza good conversation chat with rich seve thanks dude thanks george i um oh uh richard uh garcia sebon congrats love your show this chat was interesting have you talked to dave and when is the behind the scenes coming back? Something happened in CrossFit in the past few years.
Starting point is 01:26:28 You guys pointed out stuff, but for whatever reason, I lost interest. Bring us back. I am talking to Dave. I'm being very gentle. I'm not like, holy shit, I'm your buddy. Hook me up. I'm like, you have to understand the massive amount of laundry list of shit. I don't want to say stress or pressure. I don't want to speak for him.
Starting point is 01:26:58 But running the training department and the games now, it's uh he's so forward-facing he and yet he has to do so much stuff behind the scenes too it's um i'm just trying to be cool i'm just trying to be good friend and be there for him i don't want to put the number of requests that must be pouring in for him must be just out of control i just want to add value so that's kind of where i'm at uh seven um judy reed seven would have to get in line for a tick removal judy we could do it together you pull the tick off his nuts together teamwork uh so here's the thing i wanted to come at rich harder but he fucking kind of he being the fucking study is he kind of um disarmed you yeah he disarmed me with that deep voice and that
Starting point is 01:27:47 those arms but uh i was still was going to come at him hard but basically he said this he said hey dude that's between me and dave i'm not bringing that out publicly and like i i don't want him to bring it out publicly and so he had me kind of cornered like that like i didn't i wasn't asking um i wasn't asking for him to like give me the dirt the dirt dirty details between him and dave i just yeah so he at that point it was like yeah i agree i don't want to push you and be like hey what are the dirty details i just wanted details? I just wanted to hear him say – I just wanted to see if I interpreted it correctly, and I hadn't. And so I guess I feel better about that.
Starting point is 01:28:33 I mean I enjoyed hanging with him. In my opinion, getting fired checked Dave a bit, and with his new Dave, with the new Dave that does WIR and stuff, it seems he's more humble. Definitely getting fired, I think, put him in check. That's the, I will definitely say that. Yeah, I think he opened up after that. What's WIR? Weekend Review.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Oh, yeah, the Weekend Review is great. Yeah, I would agree with that statement, too. I feel like after that, he was changing a little bit of the character. The Weekend Review is good. Yeah. I would agree with that statement, too. I feel like after that, he was, like, changing a little bit of the character. The weekend review is good. Wow. Good morning. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 01:29:11 What's up, buddy? Good to see you guys. Hey, Matty. How are you, bud? I'm great. How are you guys? You're tan, Alex. Running outside.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Yeah. You are tan. You know, I was thinking today, I have never had a coach and the athlete on at the same time together. This is a first for me. Wow. Well, I feel honored. How did that even happen, Sousa? I mean, I like it.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm happy. Was it your idea, Sousa? How did that happen? He's like, fuck Kotler. Why don't we just get his hair done? Screw this old guy. What the fuck? Hey, Kotler, you know I love you, buddy, but they actually made a thumbnail with you on it.
Starting point is 01:29:53 And I was like, no, no, body shot of Gazan, please. Don't blame me at all. Yeah, what the fuck? Kotler will get his time on the show. He does not need to be in the thumbnail. 100%. There you go. Running outside, that's why you're dark? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:11 In Vegas? Yeah, it's hot. It's like in the hundreds now. Crazy. A good, you like that? You're like, do you ever just be like, are you ever like, okay, instead of it's going to be the hottest part of the day, that's when we're going to get out there and run and acclimate?
Starting point is 01:30:29 Is it shit like that going on absolutely not oh okay i run it like right when i wake up so it's not awful mr kotler yeah buddy you told her um god you're amazing you told did you tell um miss kazan that she could win the semi-finals yes how do you know to say that she's just a little kid i know um i don't know man i i i just do you ever second guess yourself does that come out of your mouth you're like oh i wouldn't say it okay honestly i i i think at this point you just get a feeling about these things you know and you've been doing it for a little while. And I would never say that to her if I didn't really truly believe it.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Of course. My being. And at the end of the day, when the workouts came out and, you know, I just had this feeling like, well, fuck it. You know, why just qualify? I mean, you know, I was like, I think we can win. I think we can make a statement. And for her maturation process, I think the way she did it too, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:30 bombing the snatch, having to come back and crush the final day, I actually think like that that was even more impactful the way that it ended up happening. It was pretty cool, man. But yeah, no, I said it. I believed it. So look at these people know my style already. Yeah. Disarm him and then fucking go after him later on for attacking my boy Dave, right?
Starting point is 01:31:51 Yeah. You see it. You see it. You see it. You see it. All right. All right. It was coming at some point.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Yeah. Just really disarm him. Fucking give him a shot of whiskey and then just fucking put my hand in his pants. Oh, good. You know how it works. My wife's listening too, bro. If you get too bad, she's going to hear fucking Ashley. You know how bad she could be.
Starting point is 01:32:14 The two of you guys went ham sandwiches on somebody together. That would be fun. There is this – I'll use my kids as the example there's this i post stuff about my kids and people will be like oh my god they're so talented or oh my god this and that and like they're prodigies and it's like dude they're they you have no it's every fucking day every day they play tennis every day they play skateboard every day they're doing the martial arts there was nothing given to them there's no talent it's fucking incrementally been put together there's no overnight success that being said um i'll start with you alex there is this kind of feel
Starting point is 01:32:56 that you're like skyrocketing and i heard you kind of um allude to it on um uh the talking elite fitness podcast that you're 21 now and um there's a maturation to you obviously we we know from previous interviews that the mental game is you've been building your whole life you've been put in situations where you had to fucking work on your you you either had to work on your mental game or you were going to um perish um so so you've had opportunities to work on your mental game or you were going to perish. So you've had opportunities to work on your mental game your whole life, but this whole physical capacity, is this – is there a little bit of overnight success coming in,
Starting point is 01:33:38 or what's going on with you? Does this seem fast to you? Well, actually, let's start with Kotler first. Does this seem fast to you, what's happening to her, to be winning events and winning semifinals I mean if you want me to be honest yeah um you know I I didn't really know the first uh you know you get a feeling generally for athletes like the athletes that I've worked with in the past, you get this feeling. And there's very few athletes that you work with that you feel can do incredibly special things, right?
Starting point is 01:34:10 Like there's athletes you say, okay, yes, they'll be able to make the games, et cetera. You know, obviously there was Carrie, but Carrie had some physical limitations. She had no mental limitations and she was the toughest athlete right you mean just her size her stature yes absolutely yeah the rebecca fusli acres yeah i mean i i just but but but carrie had this this dog in her that you know like she could get out there and and and and
Starting point is 01:34:38 hurt with the best of them but honestly in my career there have been three athletes that I felt could eventually win the games. Ricky, Danielle, and Alex. Alex, though, it didn't come, not initially. Like, Ricky and Danielle, yes. Like, I was like, they have all the stuff. The Ferrari pulls in your lot, and you're like, this thing can win the race. Alex, when I first met her, I didn't know. There were a lot of limitations as far as her mobility there were certain things she's so nice
Starting point is 01:35:08 like i thought yeah she's not lackadaisical she's but but she's a little carefree right she got a little like just she's carefree right like she's so nice you don't sense the pressure around gotta have a fucking killer in you right like there's gotta be a killer and uh but there were these things that like how is she so good at legless rope climbs like how is she getting so strong like what are these things that we're doing that are working but it the trajectory that norm for normal people goes like this like went like this you know what i mean and she's a good year or two ahead of schedule of where i thought and the truth is like even better than what I thought, you know, where,
Starting point is 01:35:48 where it's just like, Holy shit. Like this is legit. This is realistic. And I know that I'm putting a little bit more pressure, but that's because it's warranted. Like she has the capability, I think to have a, an incredible career and not just a career, but like a legacy, but like a legacy, like leave a legacy, you know what I mean? And there are not a lot of athletes that do this sport that are able to
Starting point is 01:36:10 leave a legacy. She's kind of already doing it. There's like already like a legend building around her, like, like, like a little bit of folklore. That's kind of like already like too soon. Another thing is she doesn't wear her pathology on her.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Like you can kind of see, you can kind of make up a story why Danielle is going to be good. You can make up a story why Ricky is going to be good about their mental space, right? Danielle said she wears her pathology, her kind of like her edge on her shoulder. Ricky kind of has got this Cro-Magnum fucking alligator. I'll just chew my own leg off to get out of this trap. Yeah, and then and then alex is just alex but clearly she's she even said it in the in also i think i heard it on the talking elite podcast um uh she's she's learned to um uh her endurance is growing she's learning to um
Starting point is 01:36:55 realize she can hurt more than she thought she could hurt yeah and what's so cool is she's just like unabashedly her right like when you're when you're here like when she's on with you or when she's on with talking to me fitness, what's really cool is that like, that's her, like what you see is what you get, you know, it's not, there's no, there's no act at all. I just don't think she knows how to do that. So it's, it's pretty cool. But yeah, I, I don't know, man, I, I, I do agree with you in a sense though, that, that, that, that the trajectory is, has been skyrocketing and i think it's faster than any of us thought in in our camp and and i think it's faster than she thought i mean she can answer it obviously but yeah man i'm i'm uh plus the fact that like i always say i love when good
Starting point is 01:37:35 things happen to good people and and yeah you just don't get much better than alex man um thoughts alex on on the on your improvements yeah i think I kind of mentioned this on like talking late fitness. Like, I think there's like this, like thing that's been created, like, Oh, she doesn't believe in herself. And I think like to clarify that it's not that I don't believe in myself. It's like, because things are happening so fast, it's like catching up to like the physical side. So like, it's not that I didn't think I could make the games at some point it's just like I didn't expect it to be last year and it's not that I
Starting point is 01:38:08 didn't think I could eventually win a semi-final just like the speed of things is kind of like what keeps the mental side from like being there as fast um but obviously like now I'm kind of just starting to learn to roll with it like all right maybe it is possible or things are possible but yeah i'm excited um when you when you when he says stuff to you um before before the semifinals hey you can win the semifinals or there's this story going around that even actually before you took the floor on one of the events, he said to you, hey, you can win this event. What do you do with those statements? Usually they scare me in a good way.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Sorry, my dog's chewing on a bone. I'm going to have to take it. Is it like just that someone believes in you and you want to live up to their expectations? You harness it? Yeah, I'd say I'm like a people pleaser like i don't like to let people down so of course like that's an element but like i also want to win like personally like when that's i'm like okay like if he thinks i can and i can and like i want to i love being around people who believe in me i want to believe in people totally is that is that is there is there one is that you kotler do you think that that's the kind of athlete is that indicative of who you are like it like um that's the kind of coach you are like hey if you want someone to believe in
Starting point is 01:39:38 you come to justin kotler underdogs athletics is that that's kind of their their their shtick there i think so i mean i i think that i i think that's my i think i do that well you know i think i find what what motivates you know um and i think i find uh because you have to be a chameleon as a coach you can't treat everybody the same way there's certain people that if you if you try tough love with one person you'll break them right if you if you don't if you're not compassionate with another person and that doesn't work with everyone, man, listen, I've been doing this a long fucking time. You know what I mean? Like, like I said, I've had been coaching games athletes for, this is 14 years, you know, so it's been a long time. And so I've, I feel like I've learned over the years, I don't know everything and I listen a lot more and I, and I, you know, I try to, I try to be more understanding in certain circumstances, but at the same time, like, I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass either.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Like at the end of the day, you know, I think it's important to be, to be honest with an athlete and you just have to find a way to say that, right? Like you can't, you can't be incredibly forceful with one and with others, you can say whatever. But yeah, I, I do, I do believe that, that on game day under intense pressure situations, I feel confident in my ability to bring the most out of an athlete. And, you know, Alex played sports in the past, which I think is also really, it's a, you know, I know Rich has talked about this before, like the athletes who have played sports, played organized sports, who have been in stressful situations, whether it's in high school, whether it's in college, whether they play, whether they were gymnasts, whether they
Starting point is 01:41:20 were, you know, dealing with that and dealing with coaches and not being as fragile, I think emotionally, um, is important. And I think, um, I think with Alex, the fact that she's had that before in the past, um, we can relate because I, I played, you know, high school and college athletics. And so I just felt like I have this ability to be able to, to correspond. And I think our vibe is, is really strong. I, you know, I just think there are certain people you have, you have incredibly tight bonds with me and it doesn't happen as, you know, like as often as people think, you know,
Starting point is 01:41:59 like you can still coach someone and, and yes, you love them. And yes, it's a great relationship relationship but there are very few that are just like you know you just feel this special thing with and you know carrie and i had it and ricky and i have it and and obviously alex and i have it and i think it's wow it's very special when it happens um uh alex when that was the photo that they tried to use as the thumbnail i was like fuck that that's a good more flesh more flesh please um alex it um when if if let's say let's say um uh kotler and suza and i all went out one night and then when we came back um uh i told the guys hey i'm divorcing my wife then suza and kotler would tell their wives that and there's a chance it would put ripples
Starting point is 01:42:48 in their relationship. It plants seeds of Kotler's wife might be like, oh shit. Do I need to check my relationship? Or Susan might be like, oh fuck, he's brave enough to get a divorce. Maybe I should get a divorce. It can put in God forbid any of us get a divorce, by the way. What a fucking horrible thing
Starting point is 01:43:03 to ever have to go through. When you see but that's the nature of it like I worked at a place and there was a guy there cheating on his wife and it fucked up I could see it set ripples through all the other married couples in the place because people start wondering well what were they doing when they were going out with them
Starting point is 01:43:20 it's just it's a fucked up scene it's a plant seeds when you see what happens to Mal or Hley or even even right in your own backyard to matt delugos which i'd like to talk about a second uh and i need to have him on the show to ask what's going on with him but these are does that um cause you any insecurity or seismic activity like be like oh shit have i fallen into like being over influenced by by things like yeah uh no i feel like if anything it just kind of like reassures that what i'm doing is like the right thing like i feel like okay i started the sport with a really healthy um introduction into it like i didn't have pressure I didn't Justin was my first like coach
Starting point is 01:44:05 like up until Justin I kind of just did what I wanted like I eventually followed like a template program but um I feel like like my dedication has like increased over time and so like it's not like I started at 14 and I skipped sports I skipped prom I skipped all this stuff, like, it slowly kind of, like, dove into the deep end, and so now, like, I'm ready to make those commitments, and I don't feel like I'm missing out, like, I'm okay with the fact that the next few years are going to look different than other people my age, and I'm okay with the fact that, like, date night with Jake means being home by eight, like, I'm okay with that stuff. And it just makes me more aware. Like the fact that people like Mal and Haley,
Starting point is 01:44:49 that seems so happy and so good on the outside, like you never know what people are going through behind Instagram or behind closed doors. And just makes me more conscious of like, if I need a day to go do something like with Jake or go out on a hike, like Justin's understanding. And like knows that like and I feel like I feel confident to like tell him if I need time off you know um this uh that sounds like the the definitive characteristic of your relationship with your current uh career is that you can is that you kind of stepped into it on accident, right? You were on the treadmill. It started going faster and you just, you've kept up.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Kind of. Yeah. You weren't like, okay, I want to be a CrossFit Games athlete. And you were just basically, it evolved very slowly or naturally. Yeah. I mean, I'm like, it's not forced. Being an athlete, like once I found out I could compete, like that was like immediate. I was like, oh, I want to make it as a teenager. I just didn't understand like the commitment level of that at the time. And I wasn't like, I didn't go all in and no one like let me quit lacrosse. So like, it was kind of like, okay, like I missed the teenage thing.
Starting point is 01:46:02 I want to make it as an individual, but I i just like didn't put a timeline on it like i just kind of started working out and and then obviously like things kind of started speeding up go ahead justin i i think i think one of the differences with alex which is interesting is that i think Alex loves being an athlete. And I think Alex loves training and I think the way it makes her feel and she loves the community and the camaraderie. I don't think Alex is obsessed with CrossFit. I don't, maybe I'm wrong and I'm maybe I'm putting words in your mouth, Alex,
Starting point is 01:46:40 but I think that there is actually a balance there that I'm not sure that I even felt could, it could, could happen to be honest. Meaning you couldn't be, have the balance she has and be as good as she is. Correct. Yeah. I think she has, I think she has found a really good balance that even like, so we had this conversation prior to this year, like after last season, we, I sat down with her and I said, said listen what do you want to be right uh here's the deal you're good enough in my opinion to be a perennial top 10 crossfit athlete okay if you want to be that we have to take a look at your life because if you want to know what that's like go go out with carrie for lunch and she and carrie are incredibly close and carrie's been a mentor to her. I said, but go out every, every decision that you make has to be geared around. Is this helping my, my, you know, my journey to be a top 10 games athlete or a podium
Starting point is 01:47:38 games athlete. Every decision I make, every time I go out to dinner, every time I do this, every time I do that, there's a lack of balance there that you see with the, with most of the great, great, great athletes. Right. And yes, I think there's been a shift there, but like, I, I still think more so than anyone I've ever worked with before, I, Alex has more balance and it's, it's actually changed a little bit, my thought of what's possible as an athlete. You know, and I think with, like you said, like we've seen what's happened with, you know, some of the elite, especially elite, you know, female, but even on the male side to elite athletes this year, with burnout, and, you know, with this pressure that's been put on them. And I'm not sure that I felt like it couldn't be like that.
Starting point is 01:48:35 I felt like it has to be – you see the greatest – Almost like it's an enemy in the room, huh, Justin, that had to be – like you have to watch the pressure, like make sure it doesn't take over. Yeah, and I think there can be a level of, of balance more so than even I was willing to admit. I still think there has to obviously be, um, you know, you have to be devoted, right? You have to be devoted. You have to be disciplined. Um, you have to be disciplined more than motivated because motivation goes out the window sometimes
Starting point is 01:49:01 like you've got to be disciplined. Um, and I think there's a level of that but i don't think that you have to turn it into this this 400 pound elephant on your shoulder you know that's like fuck if i don't do this today i'm not going to be the best fuck if i don't do this today i'm not going to be the best i think sometimes you're like you know what i need to go on a fucking hike and i need to tell coach today i need to go on a hike and you know what i'm going to be back in it tomorrow and that's cool and i think that there's i think that i think that there's something to it you know and uh it's it's i don't know that i would have said that you know eight months ago what happened
Starting point is 01:49:35 is did delugos get stressed out can you talk about him at all al i mean you you you probably i can chime in yeah I mean like I'll let him tell his own story right like I'm sure you want to have him on um but from like a friend perspective I think like I think maybe he he obviously like the games is a big goal right like you want to make it to the games and there's a ton of roadblocks on the along the way like maybe you don't do as well in a competition or training feels like hit or miss and I think with Matt like some of those things happened and then you start to question like am I doing the right things am I in the right place so I think for him it's just been like a big year of like kind of reevaluating everything that he's doing and deciding like
Starting point is 01:50:20 what he wants like I don't know if he knows exactly what he wants or like where he wants to be and is he still training I think so I mean I haven't trained with him in a long time but he said he's working out at a gym a different gym and just kind of going back to the basics and um yeah like he sounds like he wants to come back and compete obviously like maybe next season but um he's kind of like a lone wolf right now like it's hard to keep up a little bit um is the wound from um danielle or or maybe wounds not even the right word but from dan is the danielle whole saga behind you guys is that all has the gym completely gotten past that i mean yeah i i think it's in the past for sure i think we i think it was relatively quick uh honestly i mean i you know
Starting point is 01:51:15 i think it was a good i think it was a good separation for both parties and i think for us there was this like we felt like we could breathe a little bit better when when the whole thing happened i think same same for her. And obviously she's going to be, listen, she's a fucking great athlete. She's going to be successful for our culture and for what, you know, we, we want to build in the gym and, and, and what works for us. It was a, it was a good separation. Alex, do you feel like you're getting more out of a Kotler with Danielle gone? More adjusted?
Starting point is 01:51:44 Is it bad to say yes? No, not at all. Not at all. Yeah. I mean like, and Justin, I had this conversation the other day and like, I was always okay with like, like when Carrie and Danielle and Bethany were all there, like I understood like they were at the top of the totem pole and like, I was there to soak up what I could and just kind of like follow them around like puppy dogs.
Starting point is 01:52:04 And like, so I understood if Justin wasn of like follow them around like puppy dogs. And like, so I understood if Justin wasn't like watching me 24 seven, right? Like that's kind of just the way it is. And so, right. Right. I don't, I don't want to say like I paid my dues, but I feel like I spent a lot of time just like being okay with that. And so like now that like, I do get that time to like have more one-on-one time adjusted and like, I kind of get the priority like that's a cool feeling and um it is you paid your dues and there is a hierarchy and there is a and life
Starting point is 01:52:31 is not fair absolutely and you know we had tyson bajan on here the greatest maybe quarterback ever in high school and college history and now he's on the chicago bears and no one even fucking looks at him there's a fucking legitimate nfl quarterback in the room and they and he's like wow i've never been like that where i'm usually the whole team was focused on me and now i'm just the dude just another dude in the room and it's like hey you kind of have to pay your dues maybe you don't even get good if you don't start with that humility right yeah and like like i said it wasn't a bad thing like it just was more like i don't expect him to see every lift i do especially if i'm lifting at the same time as Carrie and Bethany and Danielle and like um especially like
Starting point is 01:53:09 leading up to the games like when I first asked to work with Justin it was after semifinals and um he was like sorry like I can't take anyone on right now like I'm I have these three athletes and like we got a year was that what year was that Alex uh 2021 okay and like I understand that I understand that. Like, it's like, it is what it is, you know? And I think coming from sports, like you understand more of the like business side of it rather than like taking it personal. And I think we see that right. And in professional sports, like you just said that, you know, but what I,
Starting point is 01:53:39 what I applaud Alex for is the fact that there are a lot of athletes that wouldn't have been able to deal with that. There were a lot, there are a lot of athletes that would have been like, oh, fuck, he's not paying attention to me. You know, I'm going somewhere else. And I think she, yeah, she felt like this was the right place and that she was in the right, this, you know, the right situation. And, you know, she did wait her turn and, and I feel like now it's, it's paid off. And, and obviously, you know I think our relationship is, is fantastic and has grown into this really special bond and, you know and, you know, I'm, I feel very blessed obviously. And I feel honored to, to, to be her coach. And, but at
Starting point is 01:54:19 the same time, I feel like, you know, it, what happened in the way that it happened, I think was the correct way. Like it was the proper path. Me telling her initially, listen, I can't take you on right now. I have to wait till after the, you know, the games 2021, I'm focusing on these athletes. Not fair to you, but come and train. You know what I mean? You're going to soak up so much from these fucking monsters.
Starting point is 01:54:40 You know what I mean? Like come and train. Don't worry about whether you and i have that thing yet come and train the environment is going to level you up and it did and then eventually you know we are where we are which is do you think alex would be where she's at today if those so all those girls are gone ironically right danielle's gone bethany's gone and carrie's gone um do you it's kind of weird you would think that that would make it the conventional wisdom might be, well, Alex would suffer because of that, because she has no one to compete against, but she's actually flourishing. Right. But I think having them to
Starting point is 01:55:13 go against for that period of time, right now, she's now she's on that level and, and we've got others behind her that are, that are coming up, you know, and we've got, and we've got, you know, foreign athletes that come in to be able to, to level up. So it's, it's, um, it's the, I think it was the environment initially. And now I think she's reached a level where, you know, now you can speak about her in those, you know, with, with that level of athlete. I mean, I mean, she just won a fucking North America semifinal. I mean, that's pretty big time. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Yeah. I mean, it's crazy. Siobhan, do you want to know why I really wanted to win? Tell me. Because I was promised a steak dinner. That's true. By Justin? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:59 Yeah. Have you collected? No, not yet. No, whenever she wants, I'm making it. So I like to cook. It's one of my things. Suzette got to come and have some steaks. Delicious. Yes.
Starting point is 01:56:10 So I said to her, if you win, I was like, I'll take you. We'll go to any steakhouse in the city. And she was like, no, I want you to cook. Oh, jeez, my little guy is here. That's fine. She was just like, say what's up. What's up, buddy? guy's here. That's fine. She was just like, you know, say what's up. What's up, buddy? Hi, Jackie.
Starting point is 01:56:27 Hi, Ryan. So I said, but then she was like, no, I want you to cook tomahawks. I was like, okay, I'll cook some tomahawks. I saw Cutler at semifinals. He is intense during competition, says Wad Zombie, the creator of the Colton Mertens card. Fair enough. He is intense, right, Alex?
Starting point is 01:56:49 Yeah. You like that? His intensity? Yeah. I mean, it makes me nervous. I'm alive, but yeah. I apologize for the audience. We have a pretty superficial group of guys here, but Jake Gazan, Alex is hot as fuck. I apologize for the audience. We have a pretty superficial group of guys here.
Starting point is 01:57:06 But Jake Gazan, Alex is hot as fuck. I apologize, Alex. But how we roll on the show. It's okay. He already told me. He's like, I'm going to comment and stuff. I was like, okay. It's just a bunch of dudes here just checking out chicks and Kotler.
Starting point is 01:57:22 There is a – so Dave Castro is coming back, and you did the podcast with Lauren Khalil, and you expressed some concerns about Dave being back. Did he block you on Instagram? Yeah, like five years ago. Still been blocked. Yeah. It's hilarious. It's not about that and i think people misunderstood not not misunderstood i think okay let me just say this real quick you know i love dave to death right he's my ride or die yeah and i get it and that's totally cool and listen when i first heard you i was like
Starting point is 01:58:01 pissed a lot of people off oh my god a lot of A lot of people. I was like, God damn it. Fucking Kotler. Yeah. I'm so defensive. People are so mad at me. I was pissed at Rich, too. A lot of people are mad at me. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Here's the deal. And I think like because then I listen to Get With The Programming and I love those guys. Listen, Chase and Bill are my dudes. But I think they misinterpreted. I don't know whether it was me because they never said me per se. But I felt like they were like, I want this kumbaya thing where everyone gets along and i mean you know my personality that's not the case i don't give two shits about whether the athletes like dave or not okay that's not my concern what i want is i want for people to be
Starting point is 01:58:38 able to express and when i say people how dave runs here's the deal when i used to coach classes okay back in my affiliate, and I would run, and it's a very different situation, obviously, what he's doing running the CrossFit Games. But, you know, I would say to people, this is not a democracy. This is a dictatorship. The way that I run my class, the way that I want things done, okay, and I get that we need somebody with a strong hand,
Starting point is 01:59:02 and I understand that about Dave, okay? What I am concerned about and in the past what I have had issues with is that if an athlete or a coach or a manager or someone who loves the sport, who's close to the sport, expresses an opinion, you want to be able to express the opinion without feeling like you're going to be blacklisted or disrespected. Oh, Alex has fucked at the games this year. She's probably going to fuck her. Her locker is probably going to be like a bathroom. You know what? And listen, you block me on Instagram. I wear it with a badge of honor.
Starting point is 01:59:35 But my thing was like I expressed an opinion about how shitty the appeals process is, which it still is. It's fucking terrible. Okay? And I got blocked. And I was like, really? Like we can't have a – here's the terrible. Okay. And I got blocked and I was like, really? Like we can't have a, here's the deal. I root for the Miami hurricanes. You root for the Florida Gators. I fucking want to kill you on the day that they're playing. You and I can get on a
Starting point is 01:59:54 soapbox and say different things, but you know what? At the end of the day, we could still go out and get a beer and disagree about 97 things. Okay. But I want to, but, but we both love the sport. We both want to see the sport take off. We want to see the methodology continue to grow. I want more opportunities for athletes and coaches and managers and bigger sponsors in the sport. I want people to make fucking millions of dollars so that in 20 years, this thing is flourishing. Okay. That's my thing. If Dave can do that for us. Amazing. All right. I hope so. I hope that's the case. Even if he pisses you off along the way. If he pisses me off, it's fine. But I still want to be able to express my opinion without
Starting point is 02:00:28 feeling like, you know, like I'm going to get blocked or I'm not going to get a, you know, be able to watch somebody at the games or I'm going to have, you know, like just, just let's have a fucking, you know, let's talk. That's all I care about. You can say I'm an asshole. You can disagree with me at the top vehemently. I'm fine with that. I have no issues with that. But at the same time, there should still be, we should all still be able to express the people who've been with this sport for a long fucking time have value to bring. Okay. And, and he doesn't necessarily have to agree with it, but in my opinion, there should still be a vehicle to listen. And in the past, I have felt like that wasn't the case. And that is what I was concerned about. But here's the deal. I don't, if, if there
Starting point is 02:01:11 have been many people who I've listened to, including you and including Chase, including Bill, including, you know, others who have said that, yeah, there are, there are stories and there are people who have said that in the past, but that they think that there has probably been a bit of softening or a little bit of a change with what's happened over the years with Dave. And I hope that's the case. And here's the deal. I'm going to, while I have my opinions, I hope he succeeds. If he succeeds, we all succeed. Right, right.
Starting point is 02:01:40 What the fuck? People think I'm against Dave. I'm not against Dave. Are you glad he's back? Let me ask you this. Are you glad he's back? What the fuck? People think I'm against Dave. I'm not against Dave. I have concerns. Let me ask you this. Are you glad he's back? I think there's part of me that's concerned about it because I believe that over the last year, year and a half, we've had more – an open line of communication that we've never had before. You and him personally? No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:02:01 Dave and I got – like we dap it up when we see each other and things like that. But I don't even think Dave has any fucking clue about what happened five years ago with me. I'm insignificant compared to this shit. Of course he doesn't. Probably because he's blocked 5,000 people. Of course he has. Of course he has. And I don't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 02:02:23 So I think that there's a part of us, a part of this that needs, and like Jason said in talking Elite Fitness, I get it. There's a part of this that needs like that Dana White figure, right? Who like, you're like, this fucking guy's an asshole, or I love to hate this guy, or this and that. Like, that's fine. Or just so we know that someone's in control. Yes, I understand that.
Starting point is 02:02:44 It's like being around your kids. It's, it really is. Okay. If you fuck up as a parent, you don't want your kids to see you out of control. Kids feel safe when fucking someone's in control and that's what keeps them free. And I think that's a perspective that maybe I didn't think of. And when I initially said what I said in the sense of, um, you know, the actual business side, the people behind the scenes, the whole CrossFit HQ crew, right? Like you're bringing up an important point, which is essentially like they have a leader that they will follow, that they respect, and they also fear, which in a lot of ways is okay. Like that's okay to have that. But from my perspective,
Starting point is 02:03:22 at the end of the season, if there's a bunch of fucked up shit, right? And the PFAA wants to have that. But from my perspective, at the end of the season, if there's a bunch of fucked up shit, right. And the PFAA wants to have a meeting where I, you know, like we want to come and say, Hey, listen, these are our opinions, this and that. I also want there to be an open line of communication where we feel like we can come and say, Hey, this was fucked up. This was fucked up. This was fucked up without the fear of being like, you know what? Fuck you. I don't want to listen to you block. You know what I mean? Or I don't want to listen hey and you know what and that is that is um that is fair thank you that that is fair and there and there was some of that going on um definitely for there was that going on we were we were uh when i worked at hq we were a
Starting point is 02:04:01 fucking gang right yeah we were a fucking gang. Right. Yeah, we were a fucking gang, for sure. And I fucking loved it. With us. We were a fucking gang. With us or against us. That being said, it would, and I pose this to Rich too, it would hurt your feelings if Dave said to you, if Dave said to Alex what you said to the community about him, meaning if he said to Alex, hey, I'm concerned with you going with Kotler because X, Y, and Z.
Starting point is 02:04:35 You know what I mean? Just like if he would have picked some shit. It would have fucking hurt you. For sure. And so just me just being just a huge fucking diehard ride-or-die with Dave, it just hurt me. I don't know if that's the right way to word it. I felt like my vagina quiver. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:04:51 It's not. It's not. Felt my labia majora kind of twitch a little bit when I said that. That's the thing. It's not personal. Maybe it felt personal. Yeah, totally felt personal. It's not personal.
Starting point is 02:05:02 My concern was that for the growth of the sport, I think there has to be open communication between HQ and between the leaders of the coaches and the athletes. So not even like do what we want, but just at least listen. Fuck no. He's not going to do what we want the majority of the time. And that's fine. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Okay. Listen, you know, but in any other sport, right? I mean, and people are going to say, oh okay listen uh you know but in any other sport right i mean and people are going to say oh well you know like the players association ruined this thing and ruined that thing yeah you know what did it because all those fun guys are making a shit ton of money and they're and they can and the person who's 40th or 50th in the world's a millionaire in basketball and baseball and football and this and that i hope that we get to that point one day where where we get the the person who's the 40th 50th ranked CrossFitter in the world who doesn't have to
Starting point is 02:05:48 fucking coach 25 classes. And that's my personal belief. That doesn't have to be somebody else's. I want to see the sport grow. I don't want it to be a niche. I want it to be a fucking household name. That's my, that's my, that's my hope, you know? But, and, and so my thing with the whole thing was I just hope that there is that open line of communication. That to me and that I never felt like was there when Dave was in power. And it had nothing to do with Dave personally. I'll be honest with you. There's a lot that Dave doesn't let us know about him personally, his family and those things. And that's fine. He has a persona. I got no problems with that. I want to make sure that at the end of the day, that, that the athletes, the coaches, the people who are also influential in the sport can feel like they can say something without fear of, of repercussion only for expressing opinions. This is America. Like I should be able to say what the fuck I want to say you know what i mean without fear of repercussions now of course we know that's not realistic right now in this culture but like you know i just feel like you know at the end of the day um i express concerns and i'm not gonna
Starting point is 02:06:56 be like this is a kumbaya dave's coming back everything's fucking great like no that's not what i you know i i have concerns about it. But do I think he can succeed? Of course, I think he can succeed. I would say that in CrossFit's the heyday of the sport, Dave was the guy. Like, I think if you go back and you look at when the heyday was really in popularity and that stuff, Dave was the guy. He was the guy he was the guy but i also feel like with that being said that we can get there and beyond with a little bit with a little bit softer level of of understanding with people that's all i'm saying to put it in perspective too just so people know and i say this
Starting point is 02:07:39 i i think with uh not as a metaphor but literally he was on the battlefield with guns, possibly killing people weeks and months between also dealing with the athletes. And he is a hardened man with, without a fucking doubt who takes things very, very seriously. So, and now,
Starting point is 02:08:03 and now, you know, we're, we're 15 years from those daily activities that he was involved in while he was also running the crossfit game it was it was actually quite crazy um what do you think about let me ask alex alex what do you ever watch dave's week in review dave's what week in review you ever watch that that's a hard no i don't like i feel like i kind of came into the sport.
Starting point is 02:08:27 I mean, obviously I know who he is. I've seen him in the stuff, but I've never really talked to him. I don't have any sort of personal – I just don't really know him. Oh, you don't? Okay. So what do you think about this? What do you think about the fact that his – one of the complaints back in the day was the fact that like, hey, why do we have to follow Dave on Instagram to get information? Why do we – but you know that's going to come back.
Starting point is 02:08:52 It's going to come back to his Instagram and now his YouTube. I like the hints. Well, I won't be able to follow. So you'll have to let me know what he says. I'm going to text Dave right now. Keep this man unblocked. I'm going to text Dave right now. Keep this man unblocked.
Starting point is 02:09:08 One of my first favorite memories when I first started CrossFit and I had a fat crush on Jake was the hints would come out for the open, and that would be my excuse to text him, like, oh, what do you think this is? And, of course, it didn't mean anything, but that was every week during the open. I would use that as my excuse to text Jake. Oh, awesome. So you used as my excuse to text Jake. Oh, awesome. So you use Dave in order to get Jake.
Starting point is 02:09:30 Perfect. Wadzombie, the creator of the... Is Alex on the phone? Yeah. Alex, you have a card, right? Thank you, Wadzombie. No, I don't. Oh, well, then we need to get you a card.
Starting point is 02:09:48 Creator of the Ben Smith collector's card, Wad Zombie. I'm happy Dave is coming back. I understand Justin Kotler. He should be concerned about whoever they put in that position. Ooh, that's a fucking great point. Especially someone with history. If he isn't, then he's not doing his job. Fuck.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Hard to argue with that. Jeff Gassick, great show from everyone today always rooting for you alex uh justin underdogs thanks um thanks uh seven you're welcome um does any of the drama last question about the drama and then back to some uh other stuff back to talking about your body a Alex, does any of the drama bother, does any of the drama bother you that when, when this happens surrounding like, you know, your coach, is any of it a distraction or bother you? Yeah. No, I mean, I feel like Justin can handle himself.
Starting point is 02:10:41 It's fine. I'm not like, I don't know. I don't really care what a lot of people think. Like I know Justin and I know he's not an asshole. So like it's fine. You win semifinals. Does that affect anything? Do you do any of your sponsors? Like if one of you spend you like a special, like a bouquet of roses or a new sponsor,
Starting point is 02:11:01 reach out to you or Jake get out of bed when he farts now like anything change um yeah yeah he keeps the cover he doesn't touch up in you anymore yeah yeah he fans it from the bottom instead of the top sorry i'm waiting to like see him chime in like i still do that yeah that's funny uh nothing immediate like nothing that crazy a couple of my contracts like my clothing sponsor like qualifying to the games like re um it essentially is like secured for another year um so that means like i'm with them for another year and a half and um there was like a couple podium bonuses which i didn't know so that was cool um but like in your like in your contracts oh that's awesome um but nothing catastrophic like it
Starting point is 02:11:51 wasn't like i woke up on monday morning with like five messages like we want to sign you just like that stuff takes time and unfortunately like because our sport is small a lot of it's based off social media and i don't really have a big one. So just taking my time with it and I'm not stressed about it. It'll come eventually. Yeah, totally. But, but, but the truth is, is that people want to be around winners, right? And, and, and not only winners, but people who have kind of this, it, it quality, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:12:21 So even though maybe the greatest example in our sport, I think is Josh Bridosh bridges right um maybe he didn't win the games but he had it and and i feel like you're starting to cultivate that like there is a um i mean just to keep talking about the bench press but the bench press is like is is now fun a fun alex gazan uh folklore same with you know like colton merton's whole thing. You know what I mean? You get these people and there's these anomalies. Ideally, you want to be in it. Or Jason Kaliba's arms, right? Obviously, Jason Kaliba also won the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 02:12:52 But there are these characteristics about certain of the athletes that they can parlay into more than – they get so much out of themselves more than just winning, right? The audience really – they become endearing to you. Totally. And you got it. She it right kotler what i love is it like they she just yeah she's like yeah i guess i mean yeah i think i think so like that's just alex like she's yeah you know and yeah i mean i don't think there's any question um you know's, I think people are also really amazed by, uh, by incredibly superhuman things, right? Like when people get outliers that can do, like you talked about Colton, there are certain
Starting point is 02:13:36 things that Colton does, like what he did with Linda at, um, at semis, which you just watch and you're like, oh my God, like this guy, he broke the workout, right? Like this guy, he broke and Alex has those things, you know, she has a few of them and, and it's not normal, you know, where you see people who are like really good at a bunch of stuff, but they're not necessarily just like incredible at one. There's people love when someone's just like, just, it doesn't. And that's when you get like, oh, she must be on steroids because she's, you know, she no, no girl can bench press 270. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:14:09 Okay. Like, that's fine. But if you knew back in the day, she fucking bench press 225 in high school. She just can bench. Like, that's the way it is. Or like you watch her legless road climbs and they're faster than the guys. Like she just has the best legless road climbs in the world. Like, that's just the way it is.
Starting point is 02:14:24 I don't know why I can't take credit for it. I mean, I remember the first training session she ever did with Carrie, where they both did Legless rope climbs and all. And I, that was the one thing where I like looked over and I was like, what the fuck? I was like, I think her Legless rope climbs are actually faster than Carrie's. And she was, you know, I think 18 or 19 at the time. And I was like, who the fuck is this? You know? But everything else was not very good, you know i think 18 or 19 at the time and and i was like who the fuck is this you know um but everything else was not very good you know so it's like okay i didn't think that much about it but i was like wow that's pretty amazing and they've just continued to get better there are certain things that i think we as fans like love about the the person who is the king at something
Starting point is 02:15:00 right like you're running a you know low nines in the 100 meters or this person is really good. Or Danny Spiegel or Guy. Correct. Yeah, we all get excited when they take the floor. Yeah, we geek out about that stuff. Yeah. 100%. Alex, the snatch event at semifinals is not indicative of your snatching ability, right?
Starting point is 02:15:19 Although it's not your strongest suit, 165 is not an appropriate lift for you and and you could have gotten 185 right yes yeah is that a correct characterization color yeah her snatch is much better than that but i also think that if we're being honest you know if we want to talk about you know that would definitely be a weakness right now. You know, I mean, she snatches 192, but I think consistency and confidence with that lift right now are probably still something that's not, but you know, we're talking about, she came when she started
Starting point is 02:15:56 with us, it was at 155, I think the mat, her max, and now at 192 and less than two years. And I would assume in the next two years that it will be a strength and she'll be, you know, you'll, you'll probably see that she'll snap, you know, snatch two 10 to 15. She has that capability. I just think we've got to get there. And I think what happened there was, you know, she freaked out, she missed the first lift. She freaked out. It was a little bit of a sign of immaturity and,
Starting point is 02:16:23 and a little bit of sign of, of lack of confidence with the lift um you know what's that look like she freaked out what's that look like oh i know it i see it i see it weekly what is that what's that look like alex what does that mean you freaked out uh it's not like i guess maybe what it sounds like i'm not like oh fuck like i'm like you don't run and like, you don't run out to that. You don't run out to exit screaming. Throw your belt. It's probably more like a look of panic and like, Oh yeah. So, so you were panicked when you missed the lift.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Yeah. Well also like warmup wasn't like the best in the back. Like I felt like I had a lot more misses than normal and I was like, okay, like whatever. And then we went to the, um misses than normal and I was like okay like whatever and then we went to the um corral and I hit my opener like three times so I hit like 165 like back back back and no misses I was like okay like we reeled it back in like it's okay and then I missed it and then I was like and I think my problem was I didn't think of like one thing to like calm myself down or like okay just think of like finishing your pole or think of staying over the bar like i think my brain just started going like
Starting point is 02:17:28 scatterbrain and so then i was just like yanking the bar off the floor and not even really thinking very much just throwing the weight around and it was not very successful let me let me contextualize your snatch to see uh if if this is correct. There's people who just – they're just fucked. Like Colton's always going to need five pulls to get to the top of the fucking rope climb. Sam Briggs is just not built to fucking be strong. The Laura Horvat is – the upside-down thing is just – in deficit is just like, hey, dude, that's going to be your issue. The snatch is not that for alex kazan no the snatch it's it's totally like that's not there's no roadblock there there's just work that needs to
Starting point is 02:18:11 be done there's no like like and like physical like hey it just colton is five four it's just the way it's not like that it's like alex has everything she needs she just needs to go practice snatching yeah yeah that's awesome god that's awesome does she have any holes like that she have any like oh she's fuck she sinks to the bottom no no and and i think what's interesting is so she could be games champ alex can be games i think so yeah i mean i you know listen you can say so hard it's really fucking hard i mean i could say that about i could say that probably about you know eight maybe it maybe eight five to eight girls right now and then i mean obviously throwing tia back in the mix throwing mal back in the mix um you know but i would say that about
Starting point is 02:18:57 five to eight girls right now that i could probably say that over the years the thing about alex is she's only 21 and I think we're not trying to rush that. You know, I, there, I have like this definitive, you know, plan in my mind of like, okay, we, we've, we're covering certain things. You can't do it all at once. You know what I mean? Like this year, her running has gotten much, much better. She's got a sub six mile now, right? That wasn't, that wasn't the case. You know, um, her swimming is getting a lot better. You know, now we've got to work more on like classic CrossFit stuff. She's not great at classic CrossFit, you know, classic culpase triplets, Fran type workouts, right. That, that people, I think just most, like even everyday CrossFitters are like, Oh, I'm really love Fran.
Starting point is 02:19:41 I love this. Like she likes the heavier, harder skill type things you see at the games. But the one or two workouts that come out at the games that are like that are probably still not great. So these are things we've got to work on and that takes time. So you look at those things and over the next season, we'll start to fix those things. And then two seasons, we'll fix those things until you become bulletproof they're not there haven't been a bunch of bulletproof athletes in this sport in my opinion there have been two where you look at them and you're like they don't have any weaknesses matt and t are the only two in the history of the sport um and and you know, I think. What was Rich's weakness?
Starting point is 02:20:26 Well, when Rich was an individual running and swimming, now he's much better at swimming. He's an incredible swimmer now. His knees aren't great. So, you know, I would say running is probably still not that fun for him. But those were the big two, you know, for Rich. I mean, think about like triple threes back in the day and, you know, but, but, but rich was, it was interesting. Cause rich was like that guy that fell from the top of the rope.
Starting point is 02:20:52 He had this human thing about him that made, I think people love him. And, and Matt was a cyborg. He got to the point where Matt won just one by hundreds of points, you know, and Tia too, where it was like, ah, fuck this thing's over, you know, but, but before it even started, it was over. Um, and I, and I think, um, but I do think like, you know, and it's a lot, and I'm not trying to put a lot of pressure on Alex. I'm just being honest. I just think she has the ability to be bulletproof eventually where there's just no, there's no holes. She'll still have her home runs home runs and but then the things that used to be
Starting point is 02:21:25 holes will now just be she'll be good you know she'll be good yeah it's all accessible to her she you don't you don't see any limitations correct um alex exam first place katrin david's daughter uh second place ariel lowen third christine colin brander uh bethany flora shadburn emily rolf olivia kerstetter ab Abigail Donut, Bailey Rail, Kelly Baker. Donut. Donut. I just like saying the word donut. Have you met her?
Starting point is 02:21:52 Have you met this girl, either of you, this Abigail girl? I haven't met Abigail. I know her coach. He's great. But I don't know. I don't know her. But obviously, hey, she qualified for the game. She must be a fucking beast.
Starting point is 02:22:06 Yeah, crazy. You have this list printed out at your house, like in your bedroom, and you're just like staring at all those girls each day and just being like, I'm going to do it again. No. What does it mean to you, Alex, to win, to ask the cheesiest question I've ever asked on the show? What's it mean to you to win?
Starting point is 02:22:27 Nothing. It's fine mean to you to win? Nothing. It's fine. If it's nothing, it's like, fuck you. Nothing. No, like competitive was like,
Starting point is 02:22:32 it's like, yeah, you were $18,000, whatever they paid me. That's what it means. No, they didn't pay you that much. Um,
Starting point is 02:22:39 44 to $4,400. But then it starts over. Like you enjoy a couple of days of like being excited and then the work, like you're back to work, like winning semifinals doesn't mean you automatically get a spot at the game. It's like, that means you made it to the games and now you have to work hard to like do well at the game. So, um, I was excited about it and now it's just like motivation for training. Is your, is your life partitioned at all alex like i don't have there's saturdays and sundays and none of that shit matters to me like it's just the days just
Starting point is 02:23:11 go for me there's no yeah you know like when you're in school there's a saturday and sunday or is your life partitioned at all or no it's just every day is just another day yeah i don't the days of the week get jumbled up for me i mean like jake sometimes comes home on like a sunday and that's like exciting um then he'll come to the gym for a while, but like, otherwise I couldn't tell you if it's Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll tell you if it's like snatch day or clean and jerk day. Um, basically there's no, your, your life's not compartmentalized, right? Your life is just one whole, you're like, you know what I mean? Like someone who works at seven 11, they probably like Monday through Friday,
Starting point is 02:23:45 they work, and then there's the weekend where they get drunk and watch football. Your life's not like that. It's not compartmentalized. On the balance side of things, like what we were talking about earlier, it's not like I have the balance where I'm like, oh, I'm going to stay up until 12 because it's Friday night. It's not like that. It's like I think it's the mental side of things.
Starting point is 02:24:04 Like I still put in all the physical, like things that have to be done. Like you eat the food, you avoid like donuts all day, whatever the case, but like, it's like having the mental balance of knowing, like, if I couldn't do CrossFit in two years, like I'm going to be okay. Like if I got hurt, like as much as I'd be devastated, like I have, um, at least like relationships and things to fall back on where like, I'm not like, Oh fuck, I'm not a CrossFit games athlete. Like what am I? Does that make sense? A hundred percent. You know, it's funny. Rich was saying, uh, on some podcasts, don't get it twisted. Any CrossFit games athlete who thinks they're going to become rich doing
Starting point is 02:24:44 CrossFit and then sail into the sunset,'re totally wrong and i remember that was matt frazier's plan and he's done the exact opposite of that his plan was to win a bunch of games and vanish and never be seen and now look at him now he's fucking selling protein powder to the fucking company and fucking coaching fucking champions it's like he he did everything the opposite of what he thought because you have to if you're gonna if you uh i mean maybe he loves it too but you have to it's not like that you're not in the nba right yeah and i think you have to love it right because it's not like a cash cow it's not an automatic ticket to success so you have to like it if you don't like then you're
Starting point is 02:25:21 wasting years of your life like suffering and training being miserable outside of training because you're not happy like it just that doesn't sound fun no i i agree alex show us your guns top five at the game seven said so yeah i didn't see that was jake and i was like what the heck jake i know I owe you a phone call too, by the way. You're still my – you're top on my list to call. Jake and I have been texting. That's awesome. Yeah, do you have a – either of you have a plan for where you'd like to finish the games?
Starting point is 02:26:01 Do you even think like that? I want to finish in the top ten. You do? Justin, do you even think like that? I want to finish in the top 10. You do? Justin, do you even think like that? No, because I think I'm not, you know, again, I think with Alex, I think at semifinals, it was easy for me to say,
Starting point is 02:26:17 not easy for me to say, but I truly believe Tay can win. And I don't necessarily want to put a number there because I actually don't want to create limitations for her at the games I just think she goes and you know I think she can do incredibly well and and the most important thing for me is to is to get after it and execute and you know maximize what we can do on every single event and see where it falls because i think if we do that she's gonna do really fucking well you know um but i you know do i do i think right now
Starting point is 02:26:50 this year she's gonna win the games no i don't think so but do i think she can go there and do some serious damage yeah i do yeah is crying at the games just normal will you just is it like will there be just some like you'll eat you'll work out you'll poop and you'll cry like is there is there just like is crying just part of the um i didn't cry last year i cried at semifinals but i didn't cry at the game this year you cried at semifinals yeah after the snatch of it oh awesome wow like you, do you make like just tears come out or like, like sounds and shit too? Like, I don't know. I think it's both. Wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:27:32 Where'd you cry at? Like right there at the venue, like leaving or did you, the warmup area? Like once I found Jess, I was like, can I be upset? Okay. I'm going to cry. Do you start laughing Justin or what what do you do or do you like try to like make it serious no i was pretty pissed off yeah i was pretty irritated no i wasn't crying but i was just like oh fuck because i you know like you're mad at her like you're not i wasn't mad at her but i you know like i it wasn't a it wasn't mad at her but i was like what the fuck you know like we practiced this a bunch of times and you hit 180 plus every time and you know it was just one of those things where you know it was
Starting point is 02:28:12 it was more frustration but then it was like okay like but but she will also tell you that i was you know when once the points had kind of fallen you know into place and we knew where she was i also looked at her i was like put your big girl pants on because we're winning this fucking thing. That was it. Do you say stuff to her like that? That's exactly what I said. I have the text. It said, go to bed, get ready.
Starting point is 02:28:36 We're winning tomorrow. Hey, do you like it? Would you prefer he squashed his feelings? You're okay. You're okay with the the coach some people might not like that some people might not like that i like it yeah you're like okay i guess that for sure there's clarification that he's invested in you yeah and like obviously like when it's like a shitty situation like the snatch like you're
Starting point is 02:29:04 bummed but then like when it's like a good like the snatch, you're bummed. But then when it's a good situation and you get the let's fucking go, that makes it way more exciting because then it's not like, oh, he says that to everyone, cool, nice. It's different. Alex, do you use toe spacers? Every once in a while. She smells her toe spacers. Does's smelling her toe spacers. Does Alex smell her toe spacers?
Starting point is 02:29:28 Wait, do I smell? Oh, no, I don't. Devon smells his toe spacers and we get updates on how they smell. I'm definitely smelling like yeast again. That was the... How are they smelling today?
Starting point is 02:29:42 How do they smell, bro? Ripe. Pretty good, huh? how are they smelling today how they smell bro ripe pretty good huh dude they smell like fucking cheese i was gonna say you're gonna hit one of those like right before a set of something they smell like they smell like cheese they smell like cam and beer breed you know are you familiar with those cheeses very very aggressive cheese yeah like you open the fridge and you're like, I'm about to eat some crackers and dog shit.
Starting point is 02:30:11 Gross. Thank you so much, both of you guys, for coming on. I appreciate it. I should change this because I had Rich on before. I should change the title of this episode to People Who Hate Dave. I didn't listen to it before. I was like, your children. But did Rich have an issue?
Starting point is 02:30:32 I didn't. He basically had to. He just came out kind of hard. I think he came out kind of hard on Dave, too, the same way you did. And so it's kind of funny. It wasn't planned to have both of you guys on the show at the same time it just worked out that way with scheduling and so i i was like concerned i was like fuck do i have to like not be friends with rich and collar that sucks sorry bro i'm sorry
Starting point is 02:30:56 you had so much stress to deal with hey man it's just fucking just a life of a 51 year old dude with daddy issues i think it worked out well, though. No, it worked out great. I fucking love you guys. I fucking love you guys. And we'll get you on block, too. At the end of the day, I mean this from the fucking bottom of my fucking heart. It's an honor
Starting point is 02:31:18 and my privilege, and I'm so lucky that you guys will take time out of your day to come on my show. You guys make my show. Without me, it's me and Susie here, like talking about boobs. So I, I really appreciate you guys coming and adding value to my life, my family and into the show. So thank you. Anytime. It's always fun.
Starting point is 02:31:39 All right, guys. We're rooting for both of you. A huge fan. The show is a huge fan of Alex Kazan and underdogs athletics. Tell Matt DeLugos. I said, hi, I've been thinking about him. And, and I,
Starting point is 02:31:50 and I wish all you guys the best. Thanks bro. You should reach out. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I will. Absolutely. I will. And tell Jake,
Starting point is 02:31:56 I'm definitely, I owe him a call and to keep bugging me. I do want to work with him at the games. Just give him my number. Okay. Yeah, I should do that. Just give him Susan's number.
Starting point is 02:32:04 All right. See you, Madison, guys. Bye, guys. The great Alex Gazan and Justin Collar. They definitely don't smell like smelling salts.
Starting point is 02:32:17 They definitely don't. Man. Sebon has huge daddy issues. I really't just fucking i'm pretty i'm i mean maybe i do but i'm pretty loyal i'm pretty uh pretty i i saw i saw what he's capable of and i just see hate it i hate to see it misrepresented a club i hate to see it misrepresented i did text dave i said can you unblock justin collar at justin collar hey you really think that though like oh oh what the farm people said i didn't miss the window to come see their farm you have until the end of aug. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. You think that Dave, after he got fired from CrossFit and stuff like that, when he came back, there was like an intentional, for lack of better words,
Starting point is 02:33:13 like softening of his image? I feel like he's more open. No, I do. Hey, I do think this. Am I wrong? I have no proof of this, but i do think that when he was fired it came i totally out of left field and he didn't see it happening yeah like he just got and so yeah and i and i do think it fucking uh
Starting point is 02:33:31 i don't know what the word is i hate to use the word humbled because the haters say he's arrogant so i don't want to say it humbled him but i think it humbled him but i I do think he's a very intense character. He's been through fucking a lot of shit. I hope one day he comes out. Even his childhood is fucking nuts, dude, that no one ever talks about. Nuts. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:33:57 There's so much, Dave, that we don't actually know, right? He's done so much, yeah. And we really flourished as a team with him him there with greg with the vision and dave with the fucking leadership i mean we fucking flourished yeah i mean he fucking taught me so much it's like he's he has there here it is slinky says and slinky knows too slinky has a lot of experience with hq i don't think it was intentional but i think it happened naturally. Yeah. That's a fair response. Seems like it has, but he has this allure
Starting point is 02:34:27 like you don't want to let him down. Like when we were at the ranch the other weekend and I went to take out the trash. I'm like, alright, so where does this go? And he's like, in that truck, but the truck's leaving. And it was like way past the parking lot on the other side. And I was like, fuck it, I'm going to make it to the truck. And so I
Starting point is 02:34:43 hucked the big ass bag of that trash over and I huffed it out there like yeah and he's like give me this like what the fuck and it was funny because i came back and i was talking to jay about and i was like yeah there's two things that are either gonna happen i was either gonna catch that truck the the truck and throw it in there or i was gonna put this in the trunk of my car either way i wasn't gonna come back to dave and be like i still have the trash i fucked up did you make it i made it yeah yeah yeah oh dave has chimed in uh i have no oh that's a great photo of you dave good job uh i have no recollection of blocking kotler don't care if i did honestly it's time to move forward let's focus on the games uh that would be fucking hilarious dave i dave talk to me I have some better pictures
Starting point is 02:35:28 of you that you can use alright I have to pee yeah that was a good run this morning kicked off this week strong is is that today's monday today is monday i shot up the bb bpc uh 157 with uh andrew last night we facetimed what's the short-term uh result
Starting point is 02:35:58 i sat on the floor um any difference yeah no no he said it might feel bruised there I'm telling you dude you know what is kind of scary that's the first I've never injected myself with anything yeah you guys know what happens with me dude you would have no issue with this dude you think so dude I cannot fucking believe how tiny
Starting point is 02:36:23 the needle is I pushed it in all the way I pushed it into I pushed it until it fucking hit the hit the plastic thing until it hit the no I mean it's the smallest prick
Starting point is 02:36:38 it's the smallest prick probably Eric Rose's prick I mean it is, it is tiny. It is tiny. Yeah, look at those insulin needles are nothing. Yeah. And he told me to use 25 or 15, whatever.
Starting point is 02:37:01 The dose was 15 and I plunged it to 25. I put in almost double and just came in hot huh yeah fuck it yeah tiny i don't even know if a pinch is the right word but but basically this is what i can tell you but basically it makes me want to just like start shooting up everything now like you did that was the very end yeah yeah like i was like wow that's easy i want to get all the peptides now i've been deep let's go i know it was it was kind of crazy it's it's not it wasn't a um yeah it wasn't it wasn't cool it wasn't like it's kind of weird how i realized how easy it is. And I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Wait, Dana M has video footage of me taking out the trash. Oh shit. So they were there and they filmed it from there. That's awesome. Send it over, send it over. That kind of,
Starting point is 02:37:58 Hey, I was going to do it live. And then Susan and I had a talk and we decided not to. Yeah. I'm afraid. I'm afraid even just showing these needles or talking about it, I don't even know what happened to it, but even showing the needle could get me kicked off of YouTube.
Starting point is 02:38:14 I really don't want to get kicked off of YouTube. And for the record, you were totally game for it, but after we talked you could totally put that on me. I was like, no, no, no. Sorry. Cannot risk it, guys guys and i really don't want to get kicked off yeah uh philip the first time is hot uh is hot trt in my ass my palms are all sweaty and took me a half hour to build up the courage then it was the most anticlimactic
Starting point is 02:38:39 thing ever well that's funny because i was facetiming with um hillar and so i kind of had this um pressured like to act cool you know what i mean like yeah yeah you didn't want to end up like me on footage about to pass out and having to give up with letting everybody down yeah exactly geez louise yeah i don't want to be stuck on rumble forever not yet i thought about that too do it live on your ig live but you know what it was probably good i didn't the first time either because there were there were some like mishaps like the there's this special water i forget what it's called antistatic bacterial water or something, but there's a special water you have to put in to the peptides in order to like make it so you could shoot it
Starting point is 02:39:31 because the peptides come to you dry. And when you drip the water into that jar with the peptides, you're supposed to do it really slow, but the plunger wants to shoot the water in there. And so I had some issues, some water shot out on the floor and it's like
Starting point is 02:39:45 anyway it was it wasn't like i was a little sloppy so it's better i i do another you do another time um someone is like i'm getting all the peps so i can get back uh on top in tennis i mean shit i'm all juiced up so i could be an eight-year-old so why are you doing this i'm gonna beat my son in tennis damn it um it was it was interesting though that um the peptides were are were legal a couple years ago like in sports and stuff you're saying yeah like even as a crossfitter like you could have taken like like probably all the crossfitters were probably taking bpc up until a year ago hey this is why we need to talk to
Starting point is 02:40:32 sarah what's this picture all about yeah i'd like to have a little continuity between the website like us hillar some clips on there is that what you're is that what you're referring to or you just think like the picture should be different in general i just don't understand it's it's a bunch of people it looks like like it's a dating look at boy girl boy girl boy girl boy like what what and then she's like laughing it looks like it's a dating website photo not a i don't know maybe maybe it's inaccessible these are like the people who can take peptides supposed to just feel accessible i'm not sure and they make you feel safe. I don't think you could show either like you can't show like a buff dude
Starting point is 02:41:11 or something, I don't think, because then it's like insinuating you're getting that for this. I remember there was some sort of discussion around that. I could be wrong here, but I think that there's a reason why the pictures are the way they are. Okay. All these look amazing yum juice peptides it'd be cool to know what all these are it looks like an apartment complex ad did someone say that yeah kind of like that yeah come live here in los angeles meet other cool
Starting point is 02:41:45 people yeah that's uh she's cute as fuck seeing her face hella makes me want to shoot up thinking i could get a girl like her if i use trt pool boy all right there you go mike approved she kind of looks like the incredible hulk uh lou ferigno like the like like the incredible hulk's daughter wow all those stock photos i always like wonder who those people are and what they're doing robbie myers can i please redo their website sure get in there robbie um olivia i don't know pk he just pk especially his friend philip kelly oh i don't know PK. He just PK. He's actually a friend of Philip Kelly. Oh, I don't know Philip Kelly.
Starting point is 02:42:27 He just hands it to me and starts sweating. It's huge compared to my insulin needle. I don't know what you're talking about, but I like it. Why did I ruin what? Why did I ruin what? Oh, you mean how cute she is? She was cute and I said she looks like Lou Ferrigno. You kind of see it, right?
Starting point is 02:42:48 Incredible Hulk had the same nose as her. I think he was Italian. I don't know. She's still cute. I need to do a CA Peptides ad read. Maddy Serrano. Amazing show, gentlemen. gentlemen rich always very cool and inspirational hey i'll tell you what having having a kotler and gazan scored you know why why because they came on after rich oh you're saying yes yeah yeah yeah and the numbers
Starting point is 02:43:24 kept going up they didn't go down no it's you're saying yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the numbers kept going up. They didn't go down. No, it's going to be a huge show. And he comes first, yeah. You think it's been flagged for anything? I want to say no, but we always do, and I don't know why. No? No?
Starting point is 02:43:39 No flags? No flags. No, we're good. We're good. I'm looking hey did you see this short did you see this short that um uh we put up that kind of makes fun of uh talking elite fitness no it kind of made me feel is it the newest one that's up right there yeah kind of kind of made me feel bad it's doing well yeah if you go to the home page you can see it it kind of i'm gonna play it for you
Starting point is 02:44:12 i didn't realize i'm such a dick listen listen those those people there aren't designed to speculate. That's the Sevan Matosian show. That's the Sevan podcast. They got Sean and Tommy and Lauren and Brian's a little more flexible, but they kind of got their notes in the air. They're the journalists, and they must do the adequate investigating and curating and aggregating and vetting. So they put themselves in a situation where they couldn't succeed like just like me john tyler suza and i feel bad like i dragged tyler and um do you remember that i was basically just do you remember that yeah yeah yeah i was just talking about how like brian spins the fastest and and talking like fitness i thought i actually said
Starting point is 02:45:03 something in my memory i thought i actually said something positive and talking like fitness i thought i actually said something in my memory i thought i actually said something positive about talking like fitness like i was saying oh i did that's that whoever made that clip just made me seem like an asshole i don't you think it makes you seem like an asshole i don't make it well i'm kind of making fun of them but really all i was trying to say is is that they're not organized they're they're overly organized that they're not flexible and nimble and quick yeah like. Like the rest of the organizations are. And Spinn's the fastest. And this one's kind of supposed to be the funniest and the most intimate, the deepest.
Starting point is 02:45:34 And they kind of all have their space, right? Spinn gives you the nuts and bolts. Those guys give it fast. Those guys try to give you, you know, the sports center look. And this one is like supposed to be the dr uh drew show i mean when they go out bike riding got the fancy super like e-bike and like you and i come through and like you're pedaling and like i'm on the handlebars right you know and it's like drinking a budweiser drinking a budweiser like we got the bike out of like the
Starting point is 02:46:00 junkyard or something you know and then we catch up to him somehow and like what the fuck are you guys doing over here you know just different uh oh my gosh tell me you're not using the same needle to draw as you used to inject on him oh oh you're talking about those big needles yeah that would be fucking crazy that big needle is scary the one that you mix the water with oh there's two separate ones yeah sounds complicated but i don't think you um i don't think you sounded like an asshole and if you watch the context of the whole clip you definitely give them a credit for a nod in the space when they do yeah yeah no nod yeah, yeah. So no guests tomorrow. Well, as of now, we could have some. Tomorrow and Wednesday.
Starting point is 02:46:52 And then Wednesday, Greg was supposed to come on the show, but I don't think he can. And then on Thursday, Mariah Moore. I haven't spoke to her in years. I mean, I've occasionally texted with her. But Mariah Moore and I used to work at Cross crossfit together and she is the creator of the newest documentary that comes out on june 30th the crossfit games doc i'm going to actually watch that today and screen it i'm excited nice and then on friday we have uh um josh perrette the fluffy duck, yep. The only other guy I feel like in the space besides the Sevan podcast
Starting point is 02:47:26 that kind of embraces homosexuality and cock and balls. I feel like we're like the only two that have like… Ventured into that space? Yeah, we're just homo-friendly. It's kind of cool. We're open. We're inclusive. You know what i mean that's right like the like like nobles like straight just just has stepped over the line it's like hey dude you're some you're supporting like pride shit which has no place in schools right like they've they're it's encroached
Starting point is 02:48:00 in this world of pedophilia and i'm being very gentle when i say pedophilia and then there's other organizations that just won't touch the the going back talking fitness the politics and then there's me and josh are just like yeah i can whatever take a hot tub with a bunch of homos have a good time three beers away from doing an elephant walk at two and a half no big deal just a friday all right so i'm glad to have him on the show big meme account it's a big meme account right over 100 000 followers big he's funny creative puts what work in effort yes yeah for sure and then um and then uh friday uh the crossfit games um that video is getting flagged now for sure fuck because i said homo isn't that i should get a bonus i should get pushed for that yeah i
Starting point is 02:48:53 think oh because i said pedo shoot no that's okay i think that's not what he's doing refresh the page and it's flagged no i'm I'm just kidding. And then Friday night, it looks like we have confirmed Hiller and John Young, and I'm just waiting to hear from Grundler for the CrossFit News Update show. So Brian Spinn will be dropping out this week, and Tyler Watkins will be dropping out. Well, if Grundler doesn't, don't tell Tyler this, if Grundler doesn't come on this Friday. Then Tyler's in.
Starting point is 02:49:31 Then I'll swing to the third tier and I'll get Tyler. The creator of the fantasy fitness app. What are you thinking about getting some athletes lined up for these shows in the future too, you think? Or are we keeping it just a... Yeah, totally. Like everybody who just barely missed the cut, we could be like, hey, you guys aren't doing shit.
Starting point is 02:49:50 Come on our show. Right, right. Even – I would love to have Vellner on just even for a few minutes just to come say hi. It's been a while, a minute. Ricky Garrard, whoever. Vellner is pretty usually like as far as his schedule and stuff like he's he's got the time he'll jump on with us good dude uh pool boy y'all should have
Starting point is 02:50:11 a show like that seven podcast i shut up and scribble in the hot tub with homos oh fuck god dude if i had more if i had more resources maybe i would do a show like that, Hot Tub with Homos. That would be cool. It's just me and four lesbians. That's amazing. I'll come on and host it for my parents' hot tub.
Starting point is 02:50:35 We can have Alex Smith and the Fittest Wizard. Oh, shit. That show would actually be awesome. It would be. All right. Pass on Ricky. No, but I know he's – but that's the fun part about him. He's dry, but we just have him on for a few minutes, like 10 or 15 minutes.
Starting point is 02:51:01 I like Ricky. Yeah, just a little catch up and then send him on his way. Oh, oh, Cutler has sent the obligatory. Thanks for having me on. That was sweet. Oh,
Starting point is 02:51:11 so is Alex. Shit. Obligatory. I'm just joking. You know what I mean? Like, you know, whenever someone comes on,
Starting point is 02:51:17 then they have to send you a text afterwards saying, thanks for coming on. Oh yeah. I'll write back. Anytime. You two are. Oh. I'll write back anytime you two are oh oh what's this the football podcast is only about a month
Starting point is 02:51:42 from needing to fire up but you still haven't even DM me about it. Oh, that's funny you say that, especially right. Well, you know what I'm just going to do? I haven't told Sousa this either. Sean doesn't know either, but Sousa probably suspects this. If and when Travis makes it onto the Chicago Bears, I will get the NFL Network network uh package deal i'll
Starting point is 02:52:05 figure out how to watch and i still will watch all the chicago bears games and my friend travis says uh bayton tyson's dad said that you can even they have a show where it just shows you the highlights so you can watch the whole game like in 20 minutes nfl red zone i think it's called or something like that yeah that would be cool and then every week have tyson on and be like so what happened on the sidelines oh that'd be awesome wouldn't that be crazy yeah that would be cool and then every week have tyson on and be like so what happened on the sidelines oh that'd be awesome wouldn't that be crazy yeah that'd be real cool yeah any of the toilets in the chicago bears locker room like overflow who has the biggest dong in the locker room i wanted to ask so bad yeah that's cool he think he'll still be allowed to do all that stuff like once season starts
Starting point is 02:52:48 I think they're media contracted oh like he can't go on podcasts yeah like there's like a certain thing for them I don't know maybe I hope not hey do you read all of these texts in the semifinal thread? Yes.
Starting point is 02:53:10 Sometimes it takes me a little bit. I usually just let it pile up, and then when I have a time, I'll scroll up to what I last remember and then read through. Say that one more time. I said I'll let it pile up for a while sometimes, and then I'll go to the very top where I last read, and then I'll make my way through. Which I have to do now because there's a shitload of them
Starting point is 02:53:29 that came in starting at 3 in the morning our time. So those haven't been touched yet. Someone in the thread gave us a compliment on the podcast. Oh, awesome. Oh, yeah. Okay, guys. See you tomorrow for the live calling show good um trying to think if there's anything i want to finish with here i have to pee so i can't kind of can't get settled yeah i gotta pee too let me see if this is you want to finish with something crazy no that's tomorrow
Starting point is 02:54:06 california peptides transplant mainstream media helmet men if you date a woman like this she's psycho oh. Oh, let's see what this is. Oh boy. Oh, okay. Okay. This is fun. This is, this is kind of cool. Okay. We'll talk about this really quick. Okay. So I think Jeremy world talked about this. There is a website. So when you date a guy, no, no, there's a Facebook page. When you date a guy, you can go on there and find out what other people who've dated him in the past say about him. Yeah, are we dating the same guy?
Starting point is 02:54:48 Is that what it's called? Yeah, yes. Yeah. Grace does all that and reads all this stuff all the time. Hey, if you have a – who does? Grace. Oh, I apologize, Grace. Well, at least she's married to you first, so maybe she gets an exemption.
Starting point is 02:55:02 If you have a girlfriend who vets you on Facebook, she's a fucking psycho. Wait, why do you say that? If you're a single guy in the dating market, stop scrolling. There's a secret group amongst women, and they're talking about you. It's a Facebook group called Are We Dating the Same Guy? Basically, every
Starting point is 02:55:20 major city has one. Girls will post a photo of you and say something along the lines of, does anyone have tea? Right there one girls will post a photo of you and say something along the lines of does anyone have tea right there? They'll be a photo of you. Yeah. Yeah, bitch I like if any bitches fucking posting a photo of me on a website to fucking collect the dirt on me She can go fuck off. I Hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest her armpits and her fucking labia majora tears on her fucking birth infest her armpits and her fucking labia majora tears on her fucking birth.
Starting point is 02:55:46 Fucking bitch. Don't insert name here. And the comment section is essentially a smear campaign. I found this out through a male friend whose name was dragged in one of these groups. He even has receipts to disprove the things that were being said about him. A couple of reviews were from women he hasn't even met. And he has a voice in none of it. And the best part is women will be kicked out of the group if they defend the man.
Starting point is 02:56:08 So even though the intent is to protect girls from getting into potential toxic relationships the fact that women can just completely lie to ruin the reputation and jeremy's chick was on that fucking site the man that they just like yeah it's it's got it must be all libtards oh this is it that's fourth yes yes i don't know why austin but this you fucking nail it that's 430 credit score behavior yes yes yes yes heidi krum weighs in with uh heidi krum spiking like Spoken, take three Heidi Krum Spoken like a dude who has never had to be Scared of domestic abuse, that's true Sorry, Sevan
Starting point is 02:56:51 You're wrong here, okay Fair enough Back to my rant, this is fucking bullshit Guys, if you were dating a bitch Who fucking does this, run for the Fucking hills, why does she have to Be a bitch, Sevan? Well, the fucking hills why does she have to be a bitch well because i'm black and i can say that
Starting point is 02:57:07 i speak in the rap vernacular motherfuckers most toxically feminine thing out there today just imagine if men had a group like this if you're a single guy in the dating market stop scrolling there's a secret oh my goodness. Oh shit. But you're absolutely right, dude. They throw a photo up there and literally... Yeah, Jeremy's on there. Jeremy is on there. She fucking vetted him. She vetted him on that site.
Starting point is 02:57:38 Dude, it's literally like... Black man with giant cock fucks liberal bitches. Now that's his fucking reputation on there. Dude, it's open season. They just post it on there and they say, does anybody, has anybody dated this guy? Or like, blah, blah, blah. And it's just a photo of you.
Starting point is 02:57:53 And then a bunch of people will like chime in. Like, no, I didn't date him. Or like my friend did or whatever. It's, it's fucking hilarious. Dude, you are never going to find a good guy unless he's gay. Meaning there's dirt on all of us. There's dirt on every single one of us as a boy has done something to some fucking degree. all of us snapped a girl's bra in the eighth grade now forever because i snapped a girl's bra in the eighth grade i'm fucking doomed on on what's the name of this it's a it's a facebook group are we dating the same guy are you are we dating the same guy yeah just want to see if you're dating the same guy uh heidi krum uh that being said i'm not in a
Starting point is 02:58:43 group but like that but i always do a background check fair enough i love you heidi krum uh that being said i'm not in a group but like that but i always do a background check fair enough i love you heidi now back to what i was saying fuck that's it you don't think it's hilarious i think it's hilarious it's kind of hilarious but it just it just kind of bums me out that people have to be alive like that today uh seven if you're if you're black then i'm armenian yeah fair yeah depends on how you feel if you were raised then i'm armenian yeah fair yeah it depends on how you feel if you were raised on fucking tabouleh and shish kebab and and you have fucking uh six uncles that fucking pinched your cheek so hard you fucking ran for the hills when you saw them but yeah you're armenian that was my culture it's like glass door you know what glass door is no it's like um so i could go on there let's say
Starting point is 02:59:29 i was gonna work for you oh no am i gonna hate the oh yes yes and then i could type in like your name and like crossfit and then people who have but it's it's hilarious because it's people who have either like no longer work there have been fired so it's like what do you think their fucking opinion is gonna be right yes but i guess you can go on there and like rate your boss like rate rate what you worked and all that stuff so it just reminds me of that but like for dating i just typed in glass door oh glass door glass door uh crossfit i remember that's how i found out about it like of course we fired like a hundred people and fucking our Glassdoor rating went fucking. Dropped.
Starting point is 03:00:06 Yeah. Yeah. Layoffs are a mass firing and your shit's fucked. Oh, working at CrossFit. Oh, that's not bad. Like a four star review. Hey, but know what's crazy about the Facebook? Oh, but this is for different CrossFit gyms. This isn't.
Starting point is 03:00:21 OK, sorry. Go ahead. Oh, they have the like, are we dating the same guy? And there's a photo up there. But the dude's version is, are we dating the same guy? And there's a photo up there. But the dude's version is, are we banging the same chick? Oh, is it really? No. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 03:00:35 The guy's like, yeah, I took her out to dinner. And it's like, whoa, you spent that much on dinner? She would have done it regardless. Oh, man. Dating these days is wild you got all these apps and these social medias and shit like that remember you still had to call the house line and be like hi um mr matosian is it seven on there can i talk to him on the phone like you had to get over that hump like there was that like a huge barrier to entry back then yeah nothing it's frictionless dating frictionless
Starting point is 03:01:06 you just uh you just uh swipe and 30 minutes later you have your penis balls deep in her yep and she's posting pictures of you on uh facebook asking if anybody anyone else has been ball you've been ballsy uh i know i'm not supposed to say the word liberal and retarded into one conjugation. Is that – did I use conjugation right? But this is crazy. This is – look at these stalls. Look at these stalls. This is to prevent – look at these stalls.
Starting point is 03:01:37 Are those viewing stalls? Not the sticky shoes, which is absolutely disgusting. But what are – I don't get this the rest of us have to suffer because of drug addicts they cut these holes in here so that people wouldn't shoot drugs in there help anybody men's bathroom seattle convention center I need somebody to explain this to me, please. God, Seattle is such a shit roll. How? For anyone that like, how do you not, how many
Starting point is 03:02:18 things do you have to see before you're like, alright, fine, I'm going to vote for Donald Trump? How many things do you have to see? It's all compassion hey you know what what if i could what if i could prove to you that um the the democrats are an undercover operation for pedophilia would that i'm not saying that they are but what if i could prove that to you would that be enough like whoa what would it take i just want to know what it would take hey most people wouldn't matter. They're like matter in their identity. Like, where do you where do you draw the line? Like, where are you like?
Starting point is 03:02:55 What what if what if seven Venezuelan immigrants came across the border and raped your wife and your daughter because the border was open under the democratic party would would that um would that uh you know 12 haitians uh raped your kids who came across the open border would that would that then you'd be like okay fine uh i'm gonna vote for trump like what what what has to happen what do you need to see that makes you be like okay i'm gonna put all that shit i hate about trump aside and like and get some fucking control back in here yeah that's how i kind of that's how i kind of feel about dave like how much bullshit do you need to see before you're just like okay we need some fucking control i i just think that it you have to know like you have to kind of study the context of everything because even if that situation someone broke in they'd be like well we're blaming the local cops
Starting point is 03:03:41 or like we're blaming the the manufacturer of the locks that were on our door or something it would take it would take a lot you mean like seattle's blaming toyota and kia they're suing toyota and kia for the cars being too easy to steal exactly as opposed to oh yes yeah oh shit so it's like double down on double down on retarded right rather than admit admit fault hey uh what if why Trump is on the Epstein client list but Biden isn't? Is it? Show me the list. I'm open. I'm open.
Starting point is 03:04:15 I'm totally open. I'm open. I'm open. I'm also not a huge Trump guy either. I'm not a huge Trump guy either. I think he was just but the difference between between um manufacturing the injection versus forcing people to take it is huge to me yeah but he would have been on that same fucking list dude the only reason that got him out is he
Starting point is 03:04:35 was no longer president he was mr warp speed and the one that put that in i don't i don't well he well we don't know that for sure you don't know for sure so it's all speculation but i guarantee he says he wouldn't have forced it he says yeah easy when you're not in charge sure you know i would have left i would have left the rope climbs in alpaca well you didn't you weren't there to make the call can you explain alpaca to me that's why i brought that one hey it's like uh you know um heyvan, you are a victim at stadiums. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 03:05:10 Sorry. When you go to the stadium, it's harder for you to see, right? Because if you sit down, you know, it's just you're a victim of that. So you just stand up. Because I'm shorter, it's harder for me to see. Yeah, yeah. So because you're shorter, you just get to stand up at the stadium. Because you're a victim so then we just find everybody else and well what happens if we're all victims and we all stand up then we're right back where we were everybody is now
Starting point is 03:05:34 worse off for you having to have stood up i suppose when you said sitting down and nobody else stood up 99 of everybody could still see the game okay but yeah sure you got fucked but life's not fair right right right but what all these policies are doing is just basically saying yeah this group could stand up oh you guys okay this group could stand up too okay this group can stand up and then it just fucks everybody right right is what's happening that's why they're cutting the fucking hole the viewing holes in the stalls now it's on rotten apple a cornholio trump facilitated the 49er tickets and did not fire fauci he he completely facilitated them and him and fauci hated each other i i i i hear you that doesn't that's not a
Starting point is 03:06:13 um it's not a deal breaker for me uh trump took a flight with epstein um from florida to new york that's it he's on the flight list that's I mean, all the rich fucking people rolled together. I'm sure you could find photos of me with someone who's killed someone or molested someone or something somewhere. Who's the anti-cop activist that got killed in California and her estate is asking for her murderer
Starting point is 03:06:40 not to be jailed? I don't know who that is. for her murderer not to be jailed. I don't know who that is. I don't think it just, I think you have to just reach a limit to where you're like, okay, I'm going to have to weigh the pros and cons here. Do you think that this uh teacher is a uh democrat or a conservative do you think this teacher votes for uh biden or for trump watch this these are kids with um on campus at a high
Starting point is 03:07:18 school they go to the school they're actually students at the school who are talking about abortion this is a professor oh no sorry it's anti-trans stuff supposedly i don't even know what that means anti-trans by the way does it mean if you say that uh being a tranny is a mental disorder? Is that anti-trans? So if you say you're if you think anorexia is a sickness, you're anti-anorexia? This is bulls**t. This is violent. You're triggering my students. She just said, this is violent and you're triggering my students. Now watch what happens next. Polite. F watch what happens next. Polite.
Starting point is 03:08:06 Ferocious. Cool. So you don't even know what that is. You don't even know what this is. Get this out of here. Oh, no, it is abortion stuff. It is abortion stuff. Get the f*** away from my door. Get the f*** away from my door.
Starting point is 03:08:19 Let's get out of here. Wow. Get through that. Okay, so this professor should be held accountable for. Yeah. So typical liberal shit says that it's violent and triggering and then she's violent and triggered. Wow.
Starting point is 03:08:40 It's crazy. Yeah, it is crazy. Yeah, it is crazy. Hey, if you haven't seen my most recent post on my Instagram account, you got to see it. You absolutely fucking have to see it. It will completely arm you for what is and what isn't science oh i did i saw that it will arm you no one will ever be like you you will be armed to the gills is it to the gills yeah no i refuse to pee ryan i refuse to pee i know i had to refuse to pee we're both hanging in here i'm cotton a couple of days ago uh spouting a conspiracy theory that the chinese
Starting point is 03:09:32 made this virus up don't try to spool up uh some of whoever was wearing 10 tinfoil hats in your audience i remember tom Cotton got attacked by some newspaper. I forget if maybe it was the Times. I forget who it was for talking about the possibility of a lab leak. And we said on the show, we don't know. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. The problem here is the Chinese, and you can talk to Matt Pottinger about this if anybody has any questions, the Chinese haven't been cooperating since December of 2019.
Starting point is 03:10:06 Everything is politics. Tom Cotton a couple of days ago. Three – this guy is basically saying that you're a complete fucking crackpot if you basically question where the virus came from. And then three years later he's saying we were open to where it came from. Yeah, of course. Yeah. We don't have real opinions. Just whatever the screen says.
Starting point is 03:10:31 Isn't that enough for you? Isn't that just enough for you? OK, I'm not voting Democrat. They just they completely lied that their three mouthpieces completely lied to the country nonstop for two years. Do you think that anything was worse than what what the um the rules were around the pandemic no for what's happened anytime in in in my lifetime i don't i think it's the worst fucking it's the worst fucking thing that ever happened in my lifetime yeah worse than the trade center bombing by far not even close
Starting point is 03:11:02 other than that i think that's probably probably the worst thing that's that happened it's crazy yeah seven won't leave and pee because there's too many people watching buh-bye

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