The Sevan Podcast - Riddles, Lies & Stories | Live Call In

Episode Date: December 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Barry Bruckheimer and director Yoakam Ronan comes the must see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Bam, we're live. Hey, I'm going to see if I can send uh tim murray a link this morning okay cool
Starting point is 00:01:10 oh yeah shit i could i could do that right now i just want to see how he's doing yeah i can do it too you want me to send it to him he's in the um oh yeah we don't start again until 11 eastern time oh yeah let's let, send it to him. Okay. Hey, guys. This is going to be a little cryptic. I'm trying to figure out how to share this. You'll send it to him?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, I'll send it right now. Okay. You're the man. Thanks, Susan. This is going to be a little cryptic what I'm about to say to you, but I think there's some value in it. I'm a crazy, crazy trusting guy. I don't even know if trusting is the right word. I don't even like – I don't – as I get older and older, I don't do the, for a long time, I don't really do the respect metric. Like I, I don't, I don't do respect or disrespect as a metric.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Like I don't, I'm not someone, I don't need respect. or disrespect as a metric like i don't i'm not someone i don't need respect um i'm in in it's kind of hard to get your head wrapped around that if you live in this world of duality where you think then the opposite is you think that without respect there has to be disrespect i also don't live in that world right so if you're not evolved enough as a human being to like not real to realize that you don't have to do one or the other, then what I'm saying isn't for you probably yet. Go get crackers or something. Now is the time to take a break. And the same thing with trust.
Starting point is 00:02:35 As I get older and older, trust becomes less and less important to me. That being said, if I'm the coach of the 49ers and you're the Chicago bears, no, I'll be the Chicago bears. That's better, right? If I'm the Chicago bears and you're the 49ers and a guy on my team is telling the 49ers our playbook,
Starting point is 00:03:01 you will not be on my team anymore. It's a bad look. It's a bad look. You know, it's a bad look you know it's a um just a bad look and i'm not i don't i don't i'm not worried about it because uh oh boy oh boy and i'm not worried about it um it's you it's it's your it's your reputation oh i think i saw dude i think i was watching was it joe rogan's podcast and i saw how they were doing their mics they because i'm always fiddling with my mic they have their mics so different than ours i'm gonna fuck with my shit after the show they the way they've chosen these angles on this thing is so different than the way i choose mine oh by, by the way, next time
Starting point is 00:04:06 you come here, I have so much shit to give you. If you want new mics and shit. Not that your shit sounds bad, but I kind of don't want that shit in my office anymore. Yeah, we'll appreciate it. It's not so much the mics, it's the arms and the configuration, Mr. Rambler. Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Hey, dude. What's up? Did you start Tim Murray at WheelWide Live? Oh, there he is. Hey Hey, dude, what's up? What's that? Did you um, you start Tim Murray at wheel wide live correspondent? Yeah, we Is that what what event number is that? Uh, this was not, uh, seven. It'll be no event number seven. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:47 So you've done six. What place are you in? I'm in first by one point going into after today or going after yesterday. What are your, um, what are your, uh, tell us how you did.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Like, can you tell us event one, two, three, four, five, six, how you did.
Starting point is 00:05:02 You got any first places? See, I got first in the swimming this morning that was the first event oh so we were talking about that right because you were like shit i haven't swam in a long time but you swam in high school so so you got riding a bike you got in you did good yeah it was i mean like 75 meters was a little long but i mean once i got to it it was fine so but uh then how close was second place how close was second place uh he's maybe half a length behind me so so what's that like half your body length like two feet behind you uh like half the pool length oh okay you kicked ass you kicked ass
Starting point is 00:05:41 yeah okay okay so So. Event two? Event two, I finished second. Event two was, what was two? Event two was a 300-meter row with 25 snatches, three rounds for time. I finished second by, like, three seconds. Who won? Mikey. Mikey Swooch. Keeping it close. Who, who won? Uh, Mikey, Mikey.
Starting point is 00:06:07 All right. And then, uh, he, I got second in the next event, which was, which one was that one? They're all starting to run together.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I can't remember exactly. After maybe Susan will find a, the third event at wheelbarrow somewhere. He's looking as he sips his, a foofy drink in his little tank. That's nice looking. A little espresso action here. Hey, so after the third event, you're saying you weren't in first place?
Starting point is 00:06:34 No, he had me by two points, I think. So you guys are clearly the number one and number two. Yeah. Okay. I have 11 points. He has 12. And then the next guy has i think 18 okay uh so uh wad two was randy plus and then wad three was um i think maybe you oh oh i think
Starting point is 00:06:56 maybe you passed it oh no you didn't oh yeah yeah yeah lower, upper back, upper something, lower something. Keep going to where it says short stature, neuro, short stature. A rep begins with bar on the ground in front of the athlete. Athlete will lift bar up. Front rack position rep is counted. Oh, it's a clean. Yeah, it was clean. So we picked a weight, our own weight, and then did as many reps as we could in like the three minutes, I think. Yeah, we had two minutes to figure out our weight and then three minutes to like start the competition. And what was your, was it for a max clean? Yeah, like I did, I did 110 for 36 reps.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Damn. Oh, because it's total pounds moved. Total moved yeah so i did 110 for 36 which was like 39 and change 39 60 i think did you get any no reps uh no uh maybe one but i knew it before i could before i did it so and he and he um and he beat you on that one he got you he took second yeah he did 105 for 40 reps nice so he can fight away for more reps so it was it's close okay uh four workout four four was a rope climb with a sled pull and double unders, I believe. How'd you do? I don't have it. I think that was four. We ended up tying
Starting point is 00:08:31 in that one. I had one more. If I would have gotten one more rope climb, I would have beat him. No shit. Yeah, it was... Event five, you crushed it. Yeah, it was. Okay. So event five, you crushed then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 What was that? Event five was, oh, it was basically four AMRAPs, four four-minute AMRAPs. It started with a max meter row. He ended up getting me by six meters on that. And the next one, so we had four minutes and a two-minute rest. And then he got four minutes on a push press, ten push press, five burpees, and then go as often as he could at 75 pounds. He got me on that one.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Then the next one was box getovers. I got him by one rep on that one then the next one was burpee or at box getovers i got him by one rep on that and then a max how high how high is the box please tell me 48 inches please tell me it was about 20 inches fuck those guys they need the boxes to be taller than the dudes okay go on i'll talk to them i'll talk to them for next year it needs to be a spectacle they talk to them for next year. All right. It needs to be a spectacle. They need to look at it, and the people need to be like, oh, that's fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And then you did event six, too? Yeah. Event six was – what was six? No, six was this morning. It was a, uh, where you have like rain going on. So they moved it inside. It was a run. So it was like a weighted carry. So we ran three rounds of 400 meters with a 25 pound plate for the first 400. Where do you put that? Um, I kind of, wherever I felt comfortable. I tried to carry it on the ride. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And then, like, off to the side. Like, I even put it on my shoulder for a bit. Just whatever was comfortable at that time. Yeah. And then what's your deadlift going to be, you think? Three reps. Like, maybe 275, I'm hoping. hoping okay i'm hoping to get that today and that in in mikey strong as shit right yeah so that'll be a good one
Starting point is 00:10:54 and then our last one is like a dry try of ski i did a dry try last night. My wife said, I'm not going to do it. But anyway. You did a what? A ski what? It'll be a ski. It's a 12-calorie ski, 15-calorie row, and then a 12-calorie bike for time with a seven-minute cap. Hey, when you do the deadlift comp, will you two be next to each other? And will the crowd see that? Will the crowd be like, oh, shit. I'm in lane one he's in lane two like all weekend and that's on uh i'm gonna go to wheelwod right now that's on their youtube yeah streamed uh live every
Starting point is 00:11:37 every event's been live so i wonder if wheelwod would if i came on live to watch that shit and streamed it on my channel if they'd be pissed or if they'd be like, hey, thank you. Interesting. You know what I mean? Wouldn't that be fun to come on today prior to the UFC fight and fucking cheer Mikey on? I mean, no, sorry, sorry, sorry. We're Tim. We're Tim.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Sorry. Fuck for a second. Let me see. Oh, so they're not live now because I'm on the – No, because they just ended. Like the last group just went. So we won't go live again until 11 Eastern. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I'm going to try it. David Attaway, for Tim's CEO shirt to wear on the podium. Okay, yeah. We got to send you some CEO shirts. Hey, will you text me your address when we're off? And then I'll send it to Travis and get you some CEO shirts. You're a large or tell me whatever size you are. I'm a medium, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Okay. I swim in larges now. All right. Hey dude, I know you're there by yourself. We'll be watching at 11. Kick ass. Love you, dude. Thanks for checking in.
Starting point is 00:12:40 A lot of athletes won't do that. I really appreciate you doing that. It's cool for you to let us talk to you in the middle of a competition. I appreciate it. Thank you. Yeah, for sure, brother. All right, dude. Good luck. Thanks, Tim. Tim Murray, fittest short stature athlete in the
Starting point is 00:12:56 2023 CrossFit Games. Going at it at Wheelwod today. 11 a.m. Let's try to do that. Yeah, I'll put a little... I'll remember. Okay, I'll remember, too. I'm going to at a wheel wad today 11 a.m wait let's try to do that yeah we'll put a little i'll remember okay i'll remember too i'm gonna do a note that your website was kind of screwed because i was like on their competition day and it had those first uh few descriptions of the workout and then it just ended with like heat times and then i go to the leaderboard and then the leaderboard
Starting point is 00:13:18 had a bunch of the stuff for the workouts at the end i have i think i have kevin ogar's phone number in my phone let me see man what is so important for these i do have his phone number okay i'll text him after the show and be like hey can we steal your stream yeah see see what he says like after we've done it or before good question um the the so um I wanted to let you guys know something this is just straight big dick stuff if you don't like bragging also now could be a time to take
Starting point is 00:13:54 a break I personally love bragging um we did we did two affiliate shows we did one two nights ago Matt Susan and I with Josh Honeycutt from Alien Species CrossFit mm-hmm Affiliate shows we would did one two to two nights ago Matt Susan and I with Josh honeycutt from Alien species CrossFit Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:14:10 No species CrossFit, it's two words Something anyway, it's a gym in Detroit, which is just kind of can't even believe a gym can succeed in Detroit and Jim in Detroit, which is just kind of can't even believe a gym can succeed in Detroit. And that show was massive for us. That show has over 20,000 views, over 10,000 on YouTube and over 10,000 on iTunes and Spotify. And when you think about why those shows are so big, those shows are just talking about affiliate fees and L2. Oh, you know we love – oh, New Species. New Species.
Starting point is 00:14:42 We know you love bragging. Okay, good. You're here for it. So those shows, you just have to imagine how many affiliates were listening. In hindsight, I wish we would have done a poll. Yeah. How many of you guys are here? Because you know, why would anyone who's not an affiliate listen to that unless you're already listening to the show?
Starting point is 00:15:01 So you have the regular listeners who just want to just like hear the crazy you know whatever they're just here for it and then those should another i don't know if there's 13 000 affiliates you think 5 000 of them listened to that show two nights ago and then again last night yeah a deal when we and when we did the show people were putting people around us in our circle were like, hey, you guys need, as soon as that announcement was made, you guys should go live. And I was like, no, we're good. We'll go at three or four. And Susan and I were totally calm. And everyone's like, no, no, you need to go now before anyone else goes.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And I'm like, dude, it does not matter. It does not matter when we go. Everyone can scoop us. I don't care who gets the story first. I don't care who gets the story first i don't care who gets to talk to don i don't give a fuck because i i'm so confident in this show as being the place where the real talk is and the fun talk you get a little you know like some penis jokes in there mixed in with some serious shit sprinkled in yeah everyone likes some boobs and we're judging that by the way
Starting point is 00:16:02 by the number of people that reached out to us who are affiliates through DM. Oh, yeah. That was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. So that's why when you were saying like, hey, do you think 5,000 people that watching that were affiliates?
Starting point is 00:16:13 And I was like, yeah, that's why too, because we have that huge sample size of people that wrote in that said they'd be watching everything else. Oh, let's see if the phone works. Oh, Hiller. This is Hiller calling. Not rushing is a power move. Oh, Oh, as I said. Okay. Yeah. Good. Thank you. I like a power move. Was that, I like a power move. Hiller said not rushing is a power move.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I like that. Oh, go ahead. What's a power move? Um, wearing a shirt that's too small what's up call the shots what's up man it's gabe i'm at a jethro's gym oh no shit yeah it's yeah man hey let us send you let us send you a link real quick speaking this is perfect timing all right go ahead go ahead okay uh bye you got it shit shit so as asusa is Susan's going to send Gabe from Paper Street Coffee a link so we can see Jethro's new gym. The thing is this, man, we are so, I'm just so proud.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I'm so humbled by the, so humbled by the, the role I play in the community. I'm so humbled by the The role I play in the community I'm so humbled by the role the podcast plays in the community So humbled I promise to use my platform wisely Only for good Unless Caleb's not here Then it's just all fucking hell The fuck is Caleb?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Can we just call Caleb? Like, dude, where the fuck are you? Maybe he's building his way out of the Shattuck in right now. I think he traveled. Didn't he travel? Here we go. Here we go. Oh, Philip.
Starting point is 00:17:58 So you saw the Seva Matosian account was back. Wait till you hear the drama behind that. Wait, what? Kind of. Kind of. Kind of. Oh, shit. Hey, what's up, dude? What's going on, guys? toasting account was back wait till you hear the drama behind that wait what kind of kind of oh shit hey what's up dude what's going on guys crazy look at you if i could do this does this work yeah yeah yeah yeah dang dude oh nice this is in long island new york this is a brand new affiliate uh jethro on our paper street coffee is a handing out affiliate. Jethro, owner of Paper Street Coffee, is handing out the coffee to Kevin. You can tell Jethro doesn't have the heat figured out yet.
Starting point is 00:18:28 That's for sure. By the way, people are dressed. Yeah, baby. What's up, Devon? Get your red hat on backwards. I'm not sure they can't do that. We're here. We did it.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Look at these guys. Yo, come on. They won. Thanks, man. Wow, Jethro. That's a real gym player. Holy smokes. Looks beautiful.
Starting point is 00:18:51 It was hard work, but we finally did it. Thanks, Gabe. Dude, that plate looks awesome. Your logo is so sick. The first thing I had to do was I had to get a CrossFit logo because a lot of, you know, gyms don't. So I had to do it. Cross to get a crossfit logo because a lot of you know gyms don't so i had to do it crossfit chief nation everything's brand new second thing you have to do is pay
Starting point is 00:19:09 4 500 bucks and the third thing is get your l2 that's fine everyone should get their l2 anyway but i'm gonna be doing it hey seban look look how look how racist we are we got a big chief head cultural appropriation man that is nice i have to have that shirt man yeah that's a dope logo i'll send it to you youtube man i'll just do one let me see it around real quick yeah let's see it i think those bay doors that face right out through the front there too yeah dude damn dude oh that's sick oh my goodness that, can we look out that window? Jethro, can you point the camera out the window? I'm curious what's out there.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Will people run out there? Yep. Oh, that is nice, dude. Look at that. I just took over Gabe's phone. Gabe, what a good dude. He came over today all the way from Jersey to be here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Dude, that's awesome. Oh, Jethro. Hey, dude. Thank you for all the support of the show always uh congratulations um anything you ever do in the gym that we can pump up obviously we will uh love you congratulations if i was closer i'd join that affiliate dude i mean oh thanks like i you're right i actually would congratulations like I said, everything you guys did, everyone in the podcast, even Gabe coming down, everything. You guys have been so positive and that's one of the, that's the main reason why I opened up the gym. And just so everyone knows, take your L1, join, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:37 join an affiliate and no matter what's going on, the noise in the CrossFit space, just remember, it's all about fitness, all about health. So. Awesome, brother. Hey, love you. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks. Bye. Ciao. Dang, dude, that place looks great. He looks like he got such a good location with the way the doors open and you can run out in the parking lot. Like the ceiling car lot, right?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Like you got a used car. It definitely looked like an old used car. Like, Oh, you know what? That was probably like an auto shop, but the way that was set up with all those bay doors in the ceiling height. Because usually there's like a car lift and what have you. Tom Walk, Seve, give a membership scholarship to his gym. Who would pay for that? I would love to do that.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Who's going to pay for that? How does that work, Tom? Yeah, tell me. Okay, scholarship. Yeah, that's awesome. So the affiliate thing, it's like I'm so proud of those two shows. I'm proud that it was a – that's the courtyard that everyone feels comfortable coming to. the court that's the courtyard that everyone feels comfortable coming to um you know someone called me but and specifically was like hey why did you go so easy on hq and like hey i didn't
Starting point is 00:21:51 go easy on hq um i didn't go hard on hq i knew before we did those two shows that i didn't want to alienate alienate anyone and i wanted it to be a place where people could process shit yeah and um go ahead go ahead no i'm just gonna say i don't think there was an intention to be like hard or not hard on hq i think it was just discussing openly what was happening right right yeah um and uh and take and take the polls i did express my opinion um lightly uh suza expressed his opinion a little i want to say well he. Sousa expressed his opinion a little. I want to say, well, he,
Starting point is 00:22:26 Sousa deserves to express his opinion a little harder because he's got skin in the game. And yeah, it's, I thought those shows were great. I say this with 100% zero humility. CrossFit HQ is so lucky to have us. You fucking guys are so fucking lucky you are so lucky
Starting point is 00:22:51 don you oh you're so lucky you should you next time you guys are even thinking about like inviting me or not inviting me to something uh you're you're fucking out of your mind you should fucking kick yourself in the fucking balls as hard as you can i'm so fucking good to you guys i'm so good to the space i say that with zero humility the complete objective uh with the presupposition that the success and flourishing of the community is important you should be fucking sucking my cock oh i, I got a little more passionate than I thought. Will Branstetter, we can take out small business
Starting point is 00:23:32 loans from your podcast. Thank you, Will. Solution-oriented. Bill thinks I should borrow money and give it to Jethro. That's very nice of you. Will will fill out the paperwork. It's a 23% interest rate, though. Vindicate, the shows were great i hope hq listens to them because there are positive and negatives that can be taken from yeah um i'm sure they did
Starting point is 00:23:53 just they they would be stupid if they didn't have the the if they didn't have the perspective like they shouldn't worry about someone should be big picture and be like wow uh that was really good that was a good form he helped the the pause the the net gain of those two shows was that people were allowed to process that basically hq stirred the hornet's nest and i don't mean that in a negative way they had to if they wanted to raise fees and that people got to come somewhere uh a safe space and process and that's it that's all i'm saying yeah that's the fact that's the facts yeah it's just the facts would have been smart for them if don was here with us yeah it just wouldn't have been as it would i mean i mean yeah you you if you and i were ceo we would have played it different for sure yeah it was kind of good to process it a couple times with with daddy not in the room so like we could
Starting point is 00:24:49 be honest we could be like you know what i mean like when he's not here i hate him and then you settle down and you're like you really don't hate daddy yeah we got to get some people got to get that off their chest um thoroughly impressed by the affiliate owners though. Like not, not one person was a scumbag, not, not, I didn't get one DM that was just completely the hardest thing I heard was these guys are corporate stooges. By the way, someone wrote in the comments,
Starting point is 00:25:14 someone wrote in the comments of the second show, um, uh, the Dave and Nicole and Don are just VC puppets and then he sees puppeteers. That is not true.'s no uh you will not i don't know i don't know don well enough but you will not uh puppet dave or nicole you may try to put your hand up their ass and get them to do a couple little tricks but you ain't puppeting them they're not like that they got they got the glassman disease greg got to them they know they're they they got it they're not like that they got the Glassman disease Greg got to them they got it
Starting point is 00:25:48 they're fully infected you know alright victim mentality I'll stop someone photoshopped me a picture of de coons wearing a sevenistas shirt that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:26:10 that was cool it's a good picture of de coons too don't you think you guys want to see it um where is it oh here oh it's so small Where is it? Oh, here. Oh, it's so small.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Is that something you can tell? I hear that echo. Yeah. Oh, damn. The picture quality on this is horrible, but I'll show you guys anyway. Let's see. That's pretty good, right? Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It got sharper. Yeah. That's great. Hey, what gym is that? What a good dude. I don't know. That's at one of the summits. That's the background that they bring with them all over to the place.
Starting point is 00:27:03 background that they bring with them all over to the place well that's interesting because you know all that writing behind that is um greg uh greg glassman's dad's that's jeff glassman's i don't know if that one i think that's affiliate owners no no that one see that right there's writing on the back of that it says crossfit and all of that writing is writing that greg's dad did are you sure that's the same one? Yeah. It's not the name of all the affiliates, or are you reading it? I read it. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I saw a video of this, and I zoomed in. Yeah. Oh, no way. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Travis, I did. Thank you. You got the Chicago Bears CEO ceo going today but it's
Starting point is 00:27:47 cold out here oh let me see that let me see this is chicago bears one oh that's nice or hey you should be happy i don't have that one i don't think i have that one you don't have this one you have this one i do yeah for sure and then i got the same one you the same one you did in my uh mug thank you travis oh hey travis um did you send travis bajan um uh tyson's dad a ceo sweatshirt he because he called me yesterday late at night and he said he was at a pool hall and uh wearing the ceo shirt and some fucking progressive fucking septum ring wearing fucking blue hair half cut got came up to him and was yelling at him for wearing it that's awesome yeah yeah wow the racist palestinian killers fuck dude oh jessica wants to make fun of me because it's california cold it's 50 degrees dude it's cold degrees it's freezing it is fucking cold uh and then finally um
Starting point is 00:28:48 and then and then i'll switch subjects uh to uh race relations and abortion and uh 13 year old humor there is a post that andrew Hiller made yesterday. It's a new post. It's his, it's his, it's his most recent post. And I want to show you, um,
Starting point is 00:29:17 you got it. Yeah. Thank you. I'm on a roll today. There's a comment in here that I want to show you guys um where is that anyway there's a comment in here that says um why are all these people who are games uh usually cover the games games talking about affiliate stuff. Oh, is it this one, Coach?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Here we go. Dude, I've been asking the same question. All these games pundits are all having emergency podcasts about affiliate-related stuff. It makes me think of Mean Girls. She don't even go there. God, I really like that movie Mean Girls. I hope that's not directed at us at all, right?
Starting point is 00:30:14 I got triggered by it. That's not directed at us at all, right? What do you mean? The Mean Girls thing? No, I don't care about that. All these game pundits are having emergency podcasts about affiliate-related stuff. Nah, dude. Okay. We're not a games pundit. i mean we are a games pundit but we're we do we cover the whole community right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay it's not our sole thing we're not just on here talking about athletes and crossfit games though okay so that's not directed at us no i don't think
Starting point is 00:30:41 so no you've always in allegra or no, you've always supported Affiliate. Supported or hated on or whatever, but we talk more like I just want to... We had a show when Rosa got let go, and we've always been doing this stuff. And I don't think Spin is all things CrossFit, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Morning Chalk Up's all things progressive. All things equity. Yeah, all things yeah. And Morning Chalk Up's all things progressive. All things equity. Yeah, all things unfactual.
Starting point is 00:31:09 To help the poor black man. Morning Chalk Up's all to help the poor black man. That's there. Plus, too, we came on with affiliate owners. Myself, Josh, like, you bring on affiliate owners. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you're gay. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:31:20 We got your back, Morning Chalk Up. I'll feel for you, CrossFit Equity. Tim Murray, I'm so sorry for you that you're gay don't worry we got your back morning choco i should i i'll feel for you crossfit equity timur i'm so sorry for you that you're uh a dwarf uh morning choco breaking breaking breaking news we feel bad again we really we really do own that um that space of just like bringing people on on a whim right like i will go you know who i also was gonna you know i tried to get on tim don't feel bad i was gonna get on uh casey acree before you want to do some like one arm talk you know what i mean yeah yeah i'll do some hand talk. Does it look like I only have one hand? One hand talk.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Hi, I'm Casey. Yeah. Yeah. It looks like it. I'm missing my hand and going and just destroying dudes with real disabilities. Now try to bite your elbow. He says he's going to water Palooza.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Well, make fun of them. Okay. Let me see if there's anything else. I hear it again. That fucking echo. You think it's when you get close to your mic? Hey.
Starting point is 00:32:38 No. I don't hear it anymore. One, two, three, four. Nope. I always think it's like someone trying to call in. Oh, when you hear it? Yeah. Should we put up the call-in number?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Oh, sure. That'd be great. I really do like the fact that Travis got stopped. This is a really old bit. They used to do this about politicians. This was a bit that was used to justify Bill Clinton's fondling the interns in the White House. They would say, well, of course you're pissed because no one. But anyway, it's kind of a cool bit. It's kind of old.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It keeps getting re rehashed but here's one for uh regarding tiger woods here we go it all comes down to opportunity man some guys are put to a position where they have to say no to beautiful women and that is hard to do and some guys are never put in that position and that's way fucking easier i see these big 350 pound guys all the time going i have never cheated on my wife. I'm like, I bet that was tough. Tiger doesn't get any credit for all that pussy he turned down, and that's the number you're looking for right there.
Starting point is 00:33:56 My wife's best friend, her husband cheated on her, and my wife hates Tiger's guts. And I'm like, well, what about that guy? You don't hate that guy. She goes, he did it one time. I said, he had one chance this guy had sex with a hundred percent of the women he possibly could his entire goddamn life tiger was 18 for 82,000 that takes a little goddamn discipline right there if 82 000 women want to have sex with you and you only fuck 18 of them that's love it all comes hey all i kept thinking was is it must be weird to be a woman
Starting point is 00:34:34 because because everyone wants to fuck you you it's like 99%. You walk outside and there's just someone. If you see a dude, there's someone who could get hard within 30 seconds and get you pregnant. You're 30 seconds away from pregnancy at all times. If you want it, if you want it. It's a wild world out there,
Starting point is 00:34:59 ladies. Yeah. Hashtag no joke. Not joking. Not joking. hashtag no joke not joking not joking don't send your kids to school man don't do it don't do it but if you do do it uh find this lady our children our four-year-olds our aim is to have them reading by christmas so we deal heavily on heavy doses of phonics we We start them with two times three. We teach them the multiplication tables of twos, threes, and fours.
Starting point is 00:35:28 By Christmas, they're dividing and doing simple multiplication. They are reading or they begin with Aesop's fables. Then they begin with the American folk rhymes where we read the English folk tales, a little red hint. We point out that the moral of that story is if you don't work, you don't eat. And that's the motto of our school. Near lunchtime, every child will say, if you don't work, you don't eat. And that's the motto of our school. Near lunchtime, every child will say, if you don't work, you don't eat. And I think really school should be a minute society where children learn to function in a larger world. It seems now that school becomes more or less just a bypassing thing that children have to go to until you're a certain age instead of really making them love school and love learning where
Starting point is 00:36:03 they become lifters and not leaners in the world because every man who lifts feels better than the man who leans well dude holy shit dude yeah she broke it down huh if you're not happy by the way that's a great place you know there's things that you can do you can exercise you can change your diet but i always feel the best when i'm a lifter i always feel the best when i'm a lifter i always feel the best when i'm contributing i always feel good when i'm doing selfless always dude you should think about that people you should think about that like that guy who just walks around in england he has an instagram account he just compliments people what a gig caller hi
Starting point is 00:36:53 how's it going guys good morning hey good morning so i watched the show last night and you actually read my comment hey will you hold on will you hold on one second you're popping you deserve better i it's it's not you it's me hold on i didn't really hear it pop so this is a uh you it's me hold on i didn't really hear it pop so this is a uh this is an affiliate calling about last night's show i'm telling you we have a fucking huge dick okay how's that hello caller hi there you go okay the pop is gone go ahead um not an affiliate a coach hopefully soon to be a affiliate sorry we just wanted to bye thank you for calling i i get it um you you read a comment last night that i had asked about if you've ever had a really really good coach who was just an l1 just i'm using air quotes there an l1 um and you said you guys both agreed yeah of course i had a really good coach who was just an L1. So my question
Starting point is 00:37:48 then is, have you had a not so great coach that had an L2? I can't think of one, but I'm sure it's happened, but I can't think of one. Yeah. I mean, nobody that I run across, I mean, I haven't even really had that many bad experiences with drop-ins as far as coaching is considered. And I't know their um certification level but no nothing that i could think of off the top of my head would you define a bad coach for me would you say tell me what you think maybe is some bad coaching great question uh i mean i would say not starting class on time not being engaged what engaged, watching warm-ups, just not actively engaging in the class.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Okay, so not necessarily giving bad coaching cues, just not doing their job. Correct. Yeah. Correct. There's got to be tons of those. That's a character flaw. That's not a – Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Right. You know what I mean? That's a character flaw. That person's got to fix something else that can't be taught, I think, at the L2 or the L1. Yeah, Ernie said it in the present. Yeah, that's for sure. My follow-up to that would be, my initial thought was, L2, great idea. I like that idea.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But then what is the difference between the last three years we've heard, we've got to trust the doctors, trust the experts because they have more formal training. How is this different? We're going to raise quality by having more formal training. I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around the difference between those two. You don't just blindly trust the doctor because they're wearing the white coat. We know that they went to school for 12 years and they still got shit all fucked up. 12 years in school, 24 years of continued education from Big Pharma,
Starting point is 00:39:30 and now they're fucking killing people. They're giving them drugs that kill them and venting them that kill them. And you're saying like, hey, in L2 – and to be honest, that's probably the majority. The fucking more education you have as a doctor, there's a very good chance the more fucked up you are as a doctor. And you're saying, hey, is there a parallel here? How can you then justify more education for CrossFit coaches makes a better CrossFit coach? Right. Damn. And I'm not saying it's bad. I hung up on you. I knew I should.
Starting point is 00:40:01 To what they learn in medical school. But that's just – to me, it's kind of the same thing. How do you guarantee the quality? Hey, you – hey, I don't – let me say this, and then I'll let Susie give you a smart answer. Here's the thing. So we were all worried about the franchise model, right? Everyone's like, oh my god, franchise, franchise, franchise. This is a way that they can exert some control that I don't think hurts in any way. I don't think making people give the L2, and it will be a net win on the whole.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But the big thing that I keep sticking on that Sousa pointed out, the value of it, is is it gives continuity. Because in the L2, they actually teach you how to teach classes. And if every, if all the coaches in, on all six continents are, have gone through this, then we'll get some continuity between the gym gyms, which will then change the perception of what CrossFit is from people who don't do CrossFit. That was my big takeaway. And I think what you're saying is a, is a possibility, but an unlikely one in this scenario for, for you, I think I like your metaphor. I like your, your, your, your parallels
Starting point is 00:41:10 you're drawing. I just think that there's, um, there's some differences in this circumstance. Go ahead, Susan. Uh, I was just going to say too, it's just a filter. So like, it doesn't necessarily mean that when you come out of the course, everybody's going to be the same standard and it's going to be great. But I do think that providing more of a barrier to entry will kind of weed out the people who don't really care, maybe just kind of laissez-faire doing it, not really like totally committed versus the person who is like committed and then will, you know, make the most out of it. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Good, good, good, good, good question thank you yeah great question all right yeah bye i don't say that very often i mean it makes sense though because you could compare it to that and i don't you know i don't think they're going to have that outcome just with those two courses but like i said if you put up a little bit of a barrier there even the doctor you could use that as a as you know they get you could say they get a lot wrong and all this other stuff but there's still a huge barrier to entry to become a doctor you got to dedicate 12 years of your life most of them go into pretty decent amount of debt like there's some hoops to jump through and you've bought into crossfit at this point and so some people have bought into medicine it doesn't it doesn't necessarily i
Starting point is 00:42:22 guess i guess where he's 100 right is if you take L2, it's not guaranteed you're going to be better. It's not. No, he's correct in that. Yep. Which you could also say is kind of a no-duh. Yeah. But just like if you eat perfectly healthy your whole life, it doesn't guarantee you're not going to get cancer, but it's probably the better way to go. Yes. Yeah, you're going to limit – you're going to definitely narrow your chances for it. I like it. I like Adam Blakeslee putting a,
Starting point is 00:42:52 like Adam Blakeslee doing this. It only gives continuity to people who want to take it and use it. So that argument is good. And only 30% gets it. That's an F a color high. Oh wait, hold on. Not color.
Starting point is 00:43:03 He's not. Beaver. Hey, what's up, Mr. Hold on. Not a color high. He's not. Eaton Beaver. What's up, Mr. Beaver? EB. I was listening to the podcast from last night, this morning. A lot of good content. I wanted to call in
Starting point is 00:43:19 specifically about the level 2. I don't know if you guys remember. I actually called you guys when I was driving to my level 2. I called in the show to let you guys know i was on my way yes i never really i never really called in and gave an update so it was my second time taking my level two so i've done my level one once i did my level two um obviously five years ago just renewed it um this last year our owner um signed up for Best Hour the other day. So we were participating in a coach's development course there. When I walked into that level two, I felt leaps and bounds above.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And it's obviously a little bit of a pitch because I believe in what the Best Hour crew is doing. But I was a little disappointed about the test part for the level two. Because there is no test anymore. there's no test in level two there's no test in level two anymore so you show up you go through it if you improve you're great but after those two days when you're done you know which people didn't improve at all and you walk away thinking those are going to be ambassadors for this brand and i am i am one of those part-time coaches you guys know i'm the hr guy that sends out the dick pics so i'm super busy but i'm passionate about it and i have a what do you mean you know the people who didn't improve like you just see them like you on day
Starting point is 00:44:40 one you're with them and you're like oh this guy this guy is like a C. And then day two, you see him do some shit, teach push press. And you're like, yep, he's still a C. No strong idea of how to teach the nine foundational movements. Hey, let me just ask you this real quick. When I would go to level twos, what I saw were a lot of people who were really scared. And usually I would just to be in all fairness i would usually just see day one i saw way more day ones of an l2 than i did see the second day so i would go there yeah i'd see dale what would they want and people would be scared
Starting point is 00:45:14 as shit and yeah and and and afterwards i i knew that they were way better coaches than what they were showing at the l2 do you think that maybe and would you give any of those people that leeway that like, Hey, they just, they were just nervous the whole time, but in their own gym, they're fucking great. Like I'm fucking amazing here in the podcast studio.
Starting point is 00:45:33 But if I went on stage, I would be, I was, I'm terrified in public. Absolutely. Absolutely. I think that that, that is for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I mean, again, you know, with my, I, the, the department that's not needed in most companies background, like I for sure see that, right? Like I have to, you have to recognize that part of it. You ever fire anyone just because you ever fire anyone just because they're white. I love it. I love it. You ever fire anyone just because they're black. You ever fire two Asian guys to make room for four black guys?
Starting point is 00:46:09 I did my DNA, the 23 and me or whatever. Please tell me you're black. Please tell me you're black. I have 1% black, dude. So I can now say that you don't know what it feels like to be looking at a white man with 1% black and not be able to exercise that part of your culture. with 1% black and not being able to exercise that part of your culture. Hey, true story. When the Nazis were formulating their fucking charter, they studied the Ku Klux Klan.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And the Ku Klux Klan had a 1% rule. If you had 1% black, fuck you. You're a dirtbag. The Nazis thought it was too harsh, and they gave 30%. So if you were 29% Jew, no oven for you. 30% Jew, you crossed the line. You were out. You were out. The 1% rule.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Hey, and the 1% rule is still alive in this country, by the way. So if you are 1% black, you get to say you're black. You don't say I'm part white, I'm part black. You say I'm black. Like Obama's black. All right. I got it. Yeah, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I mean, that's the common – that's the conventional wisdom in this country. That's the socially accepted norm. I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm giving you – that's it. Okay, so what do you think a test would have done? So you're not – okay, hey, that's a great fucking critique that doesn't mean shit, right? Because still, in the sense you're upset because you're fucking good. But it keeps the barrier of entry still low because if you fail the test,
Starting point is 00:47:30 you still get your L2. It keeps the barrier of entry low. You're just pissed because like, hey, I'm better than these motherfuckers and I deserve the – they didn't do as good as me and I want something for it. No, honestly, for me, I wanted – for me personally, I wanted to have that nervousness on day two i wanted to know that hey motherfucker if you didn't prepare for this you're about to hold yourself accountable and you know again i guess i use the other people that i've seen like i guess that's probably wasn't the best the best example but if we look at level one level two which i'm sure dave had a big part of and nicole
Starting point is 00:48:05 had a big part of it that maybe seals have that saying you don't rise to the level you don't rise the occasion you rise to the level of your your training right like i i think that that you know if you're going to go into a level two like you should have opened up the manual and you could clearly tell those that doing those that don't right and let me ask you this can you open an affiliate if you take your level one but you don't pass the test no are you sure no i think you don't have your you don't have your really yeah l1 in good standing i thought yeah but um you still get something if you take your l1 and then you get something different if you take your L1. Like an attendance thing.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Yeah. Like an attendance certificate. Yeah, I don't think you need to pass the test. Who knows? Who knows the answer to that? I think you do. Well, that's weird because I might have to ask Dave. Let me see if I'll text Dave and ask him right now and see what he says.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Okay, go ahead, Beaver. Go ahead. Okay, go ahead, Beaver. Go ahead. Well, so the last thing is, you know, I love Dave, and, you know, I throw my $1.99 consistently whenever Coach is on. So I was on his last update show when it came to the Hiller portion about the de-affiliation. I was a little disappointed in his response to that. And maybe it's because he knew this was coming and he's human too. So, you know, I feel like there's there.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I watched the Mark Bell podcast. I'm dump around just a little bit. I watched the Mark Bell podcast with, with coach Glassman on there. And is it SEMA? Not SEMA, SEMA beavers or see my boobs, but SEMA. Yeah. The big coach, the big yoke, black, the big, the big, my, my, my brother, I can say that now. With an A with an A. With an A. He asked coach, do you think it's reasonable for people to go in and hit a hundred percent every time? Right. And coach said, you
Starting point is 00:50:06 know, he gave the story of like on Thursday, I see everybody is about knowing your athlete and those kinds of things. But he said 50 to 70% is pretty sustainable. Right. I took his words. I went right into my gym to an athlete that I see that's running to his own death because every day he wants to just hit the wall. And I said, Hey, I watched this podcast with coach Glassman. hit the wall. And I said, Hey, I watched this podcast with coach Glassman. Not only is he like looking at the intent of the workout now, now he's also telling other people about it. And I don't give a crap if it was me or our coach that got that, but we need to have those like people that have their feet rooted in that concrete with the purpose and the mission that we can reflect back on and use their words to help us in our field in the affiliate. If that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah. Like it takes a, it takes a village to raise, raise a kid. It takes a village to maintain a culture, you know, that kind of thing. Wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure. We'll help you breeze through security, meeting friends, a world away. You can use your travel credit, We'll be right back. American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your
Starting point is 00:51:31 family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so if you go back and watch that. Hey, it would be weird if you had to take your L2 and pass a test in order to keep your gym open. Cause then if you failed your test, you'd lose your gym. I mean, I just can't get on with the board with that.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I mean, I can't. And it's, and it's a subjective test, dude. It's a subjective test. It's not even objective, right? Well, there was the test that I did the first time I took my L2. There was a test. It was kind of like passing the open test. Blade Walker says he's 4% black, dude. You're dude you're 400 black dude i saw you four black dudes in one
Starting point is 00:52:29 you have fucking eaten beaver's other 99 yeah i was gonna say beaver when you went into the first when you went into the first one i remember i walked in the l1 or l2 they they checked my laptop to make sure i could like work for the test and everything else right away when you walked in the first day because it was such a big deal that when you took the test, they locked everything down. Your laptop became immobile until you finished the test.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Exactly. That's what I thought was going to happen. I was nervous as shit and I was disappointed that I didn't get that feeling. When I do Fran now, I'm not as nervous as I was because I know I control it. Then i slap myself in the face and like you need to make this hurt you know like maybe then maybe then we you we we meet halfway and they give a test but you don't need to pass it in order to keep your gym open but but but people who passed it got the
Starting point is 00:53:20 or how about you just you take it as many times as needed until you pass the damn thing. Well, hey, okay. How about that? How about you take it, you fail, you get another year to take it, and it's free. Yep. But you got to take it. Okay. You got to take it.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I'll meet you there. I'll meet you there. Come back in a year, but you better fucking come back in the next year and take it again, and it's free. Okay. I'm with you. Yeah. Or maybe a 10% service charge or something you read that you read a comment about somebody saying like listen listen these are all the things the cap programming all the things that that um hq's been throwing
Starting point is 00:53:55 they have been adding layers and layers and layers and the last thing before i go in and kill myself look at we went from complaining about them requiring the l2 they're like we're we're fucking ratcheting it up the requirements yeah we're making it harder to charge five grand on this show we're gonna be like don five grand five grand i really think they should have focused more on the training and the education of affiliate than the affiliate cost itself which even our box owner sent out a thing right away saying hey there's an increase you're gonna hear a lot of chatter we are not de-affiliating. Not, I don't necessarily agree with it, but we're sticking with, with the brand.
Starting point is 00:54:27 So I don't think affiliates should be sending out that shit to their clients, by the way. To our owners. Yeah. They should do it. Tell them they're stupid. Tell them they should. Tell them to ask me. Oh, to the coaches. Just the coaches. Yeah. Just the coaches. Okay. Okay. We're back on board with that. Okay. Last thing, last thing, and I'm walking out.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Cause I do think there's something. You have to pass your L1. You guys are right right you do have to pass it that's fucked up yeah no no i'm not for that who cares if that's just test taking shit what's the point that's testing hey listen there's this thing there's this thing there's this thing in crossfit that if it's not measurable uh it's not it's not uh functional fitness you know that you know the d ball d ball slams is not a crossfit doesn't really approve of that move that's fucking bullshit because it's not fucking measurable that's fucking idiocy i love it it's fine i've had gotten that fight so many times with these fucking knuckleheads in training and
Starting point is 00:55:21 with greg i got in fights with him about it it's fucking stupid 2013 2013 with your uh and so if you're taking the test and there there's a question there about what's a crossfit it's measurable and repeatable and it says is a d-ball slam crossfit and you say no you fucking get dinged a point because the fucking test is bullshit i fucked that test so last thing 2013 when media was killing it, I do agree. 2017, 2018 was the best years, but 2013, I was, I had done insanity six times in a row and I was bored of sweating in my
Starting point is 00:55:52 living room. And I wanted somebody to tell me about the black dude workout, by the way, another correlate that you're black dude insanity was for black dudes, black athletes. Some dude told me about CrossFit. There was no lack of watching again, faster versus rogue and
Starting point is 00:56:06 all the stuff. I mean, I just got consumed by it. I went to a, what I thought was going to be a local affiliate, walked in there. They were just in the process of becoming an affiliate, but they weren't yet. They had degrees in kinesiology and physical science, but because they weren't affiliate, I, I went to another affiliate for a guy that was a CEO of Sammy Woodfire Pizza. And the other one was a retired pastor because of the brand that that was so important to me at the time. And I've stuck with it ever since. So, you know, for affiliates that think that the website doesn't drive that, maybe it has to do a little bit with location, but the brand itself is
Starting point is 00:56:45 super, super important to me. I have a home garage gym that I could work out every day in. The community, the people, and the brand. If this gym was to de-affiliate, I would leave this gym and go find an affiliate. Even if it meant I drove 12 miles farther. You would? Are you
Starting point is 00:57:00 fucking kidding me? I want to participate in the Open. I want to participate in the open. I want to participate. Oh, oh, oh. There we go. There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I've said it. There we go. The fucking open. You could still participate in the open and not be an affiliate. Not with the homies. But you're exactly right, Sousa. But then it requires videoing, right? It requires, you know, like I like to walk in know that the the judge is
Starting point is 00:57:26 there that the box is there i'm not going to make it to the games i almost wrecked myself trying to do that one year that that is not happening ever so i i like the brand i like being part of that community so and and lastly i would pay a monthly subscription savan and still donate i know i know i throw that out there sometimes. You're covering all the bases. Get in there with you, man. I'm just saying. You guys are great. I will call back about the small town strong and my father-in-law's
Starting point is 00:57:53 issue with the overdose. Do you have a sequence scene that you go down on the pussy? Would you go down on it after you put the penis in? No. Never. Never? Up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right. Up, down, left, right. Up, down, left, right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Talk to you guys later. Later. Thank you. That's my sequence. You taught me about sequencing. You and Patrick Bet David taught me about sequencing. I never knew. I love that. Wicked Olivia. She comes hard with some of these guys. Hold sequencing. I never knew. And I love that. I mean, we could Olivia, she comes hard with some of these.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Hold on. I'm not there yet. Fuck. Yeah. So Melanie. Oh my God. Damn. uh damn i'd like to see more pictures from that shoot as soon as thank you for your comment about health professionals what did you say about health professionals that's part of my america's
Starting point is 00:58:57 campaign for crossfit oh oh right right yesterday as the cmo yeah okay fine okay um that was off say it again i said we get weekends off you took your cmo hat off you no you don't not a good one um hey that's uh melanie that's kind of like he's piggy he plagiarized that that's occupational game shit he just rebranded it that's that's not no that has nothing to do with the competition oh tell me what were you talking about my um my america's heroes campaign i think that america's lacking heroes i think that we don't as a country and i think that our heroes are the everyday contributors our community the people that contribute and don't just take and crossfit should celebrate that and crossfit should absolutely celebrate that okay i like that so the same way they kind okay let me, let me finish. Melanie, hot Melanie.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Azusa, thank you for your comment about health professionals. I'm in Pennsylvania and CrossFit saved me during COVID. I wonder what she means it saved her. Coming home from the hospital and doing, oh, okay, I see. Coming home from the hospital and doing a WOD was everything. Hey, and so what's crazy is Melanie was getting that same campaign from the people who ended up then fucking her. Because remember, it was like, our health professionals are health professionals and the second they wouldn't take
Starting point is 01:00:08 the shot they fired these fuckers yeah yeah wow that's crazy that you said something like that that touched her that's awesome yeah thanks for your donation melanie in your photo yeah that's god imagine if she's your nurse i am nurse melanie you're like yeah i've seen this in a movie somewhere am i dead did i die already there's no way oh wait well that's not really her? No. This. I'm in Pennsylvania. I think she meant Oh. Detail shmeetails. I think she meant physician's assistant.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Ah! Oh. Oh, yeah. Even better, I'm your physician's assistant. Oh, great. Whatever. Whatever. Good, so maybe you're in California, because my dream would never fucking, no dream of mine would ever be
Starting point is 01:01:09 in Pennsylvania. Thank you, Melanie. P90X, that's insanity. Kenneth DeLapp, P90X was for white dudes and insanity was for black dudes. What was the guy's name? horton was something yeah it was yeah yeah yeah yeah adriperax you remember they'd like come out like
Starting point is 01:01:32 that guy was scary he was intimidating they needed to rebrand insanity and make it more friendly it was too scary uh blade walker i have a dope ass i have a dope ass probably a pretty nice ass i'm guessing who we with a capable home gym but i still wake my black ass up at 4 30 a.m to work out with the uh dad bads dad bod squad at saturday mornings that's interesting so so blade's jumping on top of the fact that like well i don't know if he is but eat wants to work out at across the gym and so is blade Eaton wants to work out at a CrossFit gym And so does Blade Oh yeah here he goes Here's the second attempt at it Yeah Community
Starting point is 01:02:14 The first one was one handed typing While he had some bad guy in a headlock While typing that out on his phone With the other hand Daniel Garrity I thought sumo deadlift high pull Was the most worthless movement ever While typing that out on his phone with the other hand Um Daniel Garrity, I thought sumo deadlift high pull was the most worthless movement ever then one day in my lab I had to get a Carboy of water on top of a fridge. I don't know what carboy is
Starting point is 01:02:36 Let's say a case a case and I did sumo deadlift high pull and I was pissed. That's good. That's funny. That is funny. Going back to this lady here, this school teacher. There were two lines in there, she said. Basically, work hard or don't eat. You don't get fed. And you'll be happy. I wish so many people realize that man hard work being being um dude color a page in a coloring book and do it well and you will have a significant bump in your happiness we we are creatures of when we accomplish shit
Starting point is 01:03:19 shit gets good yeah it's good for us focus on productivity not happiness and you'll find the happiness right those those i apologize but those women who are married to really wealthy men who just sit around and don't do anything but go from waxing appointment to nail to gym repeat those are fucking psycho bitches if any of you know any of them looking for that fulfillment dude dude it's the quickest with all those bitches i know who who stepped into that lifestyle of they're in they're nuts their life sucks they're in perpetual unhappiness that's why academic that's why so many academics are unhappy that's why so many liberals are unhappy. They're just accomplishing nothing with their life. Yeah. It's like a mental circle jerk. Dude, you go out, you get a BB gun, and you spend 15 minutes on it every day target practicing.
Starting point is 01:04:14 You will get more fulfillment and enjoyment and applicable success in your life than someone who's sitting around trying to uh uh studying fucking uh cubism yeah who cubism or someone who's outside chanting free palestine that no one no one's getting uh only in that moment are you getting the benefits of that activity the free you don't take you don't go home and sleep better because you did that but you do believe it or not uh getting pew pew uh for happiness yeah you're a better shooter i forget where i heard it but somebody said like one of the fastest cures for uh depression or getting yourself out of a slump is just find somebody else in need and start helping them and don't think about yourself,
Starting point is 01:05:05 just kind of make yourself accountable to helping that person or the situation. And then slowly, you kind of pull yourself out of it because you're being productive and you're contributing. I mean, what more can you do as a human besides being a productive contributor? You go to church and you pray for God and you pray to God and you love jesus and you sing all the songs you feel great in church but you walk around in your daily life and you work hard to apply that vision of what the bible wants you to how it wants you to behave you will have fucking a happiness it goes way beyond those fucking three seconds of fucking jerk off joy you got in the church because then you're putting in the work yeah especially when especially when it comes to business or people doing shit for their dreams. I mean, so many people spend time just pontificating on the next plan or organization or designing something.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Or we're going to do this for the business. And you're like, dude, go outside, knock on a fucking door, and sell something. Yeah, oh yeah, how happy is Joe Neils? Yeah, exactly. Satisfied at the end of the day. Producing, doing something and those are skills that it's like this it's like those are skills that he takes forward all those are reps he's getting in to approach the next person there what is it in business that's called leveraging you know what i mean like you like like you buy the bar and the first
Starting point is 01:06:23 day someone uses it it costs 400 the second day it's 200 the third day it's You know what I mean? Like you buy the bar and the first day someone uses it, it costs $400. The second day, it's $200. The third day, it's – you know what I mean? You're leveraging the value of that product. You get to leverage your practice. Yeah, and there's no – like communication is a linchpin skill. So it's like the more you can develop and study and get your reps in on how to be a good communicator, exciting communicator, and a better communicator, anything else that you want is going to be that much easier to obtain.
Starting point is 01:06:49 If you can't communicate very well or articulate your vision or kind of relate to others and be able to give a message that they're receiving really well, everything else becomes a little bit harder. Word. Oh, we got it. We're playing off each other. So this is a dude with, I don't know who this is, but this is a dude with one arm
Starting point is 01:07:10 You can get her sneezy so I don't want to hear that oh that was a bad way here back Can they sure are they heck no did he Did he not get a rep for that? No, that was a no rep. That's impressive. God, I hope we don't get in trouble. That was Kevin and Ogar in one. I called them egging. I should text them. Oh, but the other guy didn't use a strap like that.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Is there a strap class and a no strap class or it's up to whoever gets to lift? That's a great question. I'll call Kevin and ask him. Shit, I wonder if I'm allowed to. I'll ask. I'm going to text Kevin right now. Maybe they got to choose can we can we play your stream? This guy's got the strap tail
Starting point is 01:08:24 Nice. Strap on, strap on. Oh, there's Kevin right there. You see him? Let's see if he answers his phone. I just texted him. You see him right there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Baby. Hey, if he checks his phone right now and puts it down, you know he dissed me. Hey, I don't even know if he has his phone. Oh, I was going to say he has his phone on, but you see it in his lap? You see it in his lap? Oh, God oh god oh god all right fuck it cameraman follow that guy hey there's uh there's rick jones oh really yeah he was on that screen you just paused oh yeah that's jr's dude right yeah he's a good dude okay hey, I'm just going to play this over here. And if we see short stature roll up, we'll just fucking do it.
Starting point is 01:09:13 We'll just play it. I have to imagine they don't give a shit. Maybe even be thankful. I hope so. How many people were watching that? I can't tell. Oh, I can't tell. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I can't. Oh, 35, 35. Okay. We quadrupled there. Maybe they don't want views. Oh, Kevin's back in the picture. Come on, Kevin. Pick up your phone, buddy. Oh, Kevin's back in the picture. Come on, Kevin. Pick up your phone, buddy.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Oh, hey, I'm going to call his phone. I'm going to call his phone. You guys want to see this? God, this is fucking hilarious. Oh, Whitney Davis hooking us up. God, this is fucking great content. Look at this. I'm going to call his phone.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Let me see. Shit, let's see. Kevin. Shit, I want to hurry up and get this while he's on the screen you see him on the screen there he's on screen it keeps saying mevin kevin kevin just be smooth just be smooth i cool smooth is fast fast is slow okay his phone's ringing let's see if he looks at it oh damn he's focused oh look, look. He's Apple Watch.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Oh, no. He's checking the time. He's checking the time. Okay. He's checking the time. I'm not buying it. I'm going Apple Watch check. Oh. Damn. He done got his phone with him. He's so focused.
Starting point is 01:10:42 That's it on his lap. That's it on his lap. his phone is on his lap oh he checked it should I call him again he tucked it let me call him again come on Kevin come on baby
Starting point is 01:10:57 I ain't answering that shit right now very unprofessional should I call Rick Jones Iones i was gonna say the answer is that rick jones right there with his back to us no all right oh wait maybe that's not rick jones in the right hand corner all right fuck no maybe that wasn't him. Damn. I thought that was him.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Look at even the judges. Oh, no. Oh, no. Sorry. As I say, even the judges are missing body parts, but that's one of the athletes missing a leg. Emergency text in all caps. Damn.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Damn. As soon as I saw a black guy with a camera and said, it looks like Rick. Damn. Damn. As soon as I saw a black guy with a camera and said it looks like Rick. It was actually the double strap deal that made me realize it wasn't him because I don't think he carries one of those. I think he just rocks. Strapless. Rick Jones. Rick Jones.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Yeah. Saw the beard. Oh. Haley just said congratulations on the 25K. Alright. Let me know. I'm going to roll this
Starting point is 01:12:15 on the side monitor. Is my pitch? It wasn't? It wasn't Rick Jones? No. When we saw more of it, was like ah damn i don't think that is him yeah other black photographer in the crossfit space baw media okay um if my stream gets weird tell me because now i'm running two streams i don't want it to ruin my picture so you guys can't see every single gray hair on my face uh but if um but if it pops up it pops up uh who's this this uh 366 uh
Starting point is 01:12:49 says this guy oh oh uh i saw this this morning i thought this was pretty cool um a scene malhotra we got to get him back on the show this guy i think this guy may have been on the show twice if you follow him you can follow him at the Lifestyle Medicine Doctor. He's friends with RFK and Jay Bhattacharya and the guy we had on the show, Kui, Jake Kui. Anyway, breaking news, the UK's most decorated oncologist and immunologist. UK is the United Kingdom. A place where people are not known to step out on a limb pussies the uk's united kingdom's most decorated oncologist and immunologist tells cancer specialists that rad 51 conference at the rad 51 conference that the covid mrna injection safe and
Starting point is 01:13:42 effective mantra is a big lie. Professor Angus Dalgalish presents data exposing that the boosters are accelerating cancer. Damn. Now, on behalf of everyone here at YouTube, that's got to be bullshit. That guy should be disbarred or whatever doctors. Shadow band. Oh my goodness. Hey, if you want to look into that more and you want to
Starting point is 01:14:17 completely understand the mechanism that's going there, it's not complicated, by the way. Everyone in the chat in the CrossFit space can understand it. It's, it's everyone in the chat, um, in, in the CrossFit space can understand it. It's all basically around inflammation. You can, you can dig and read and learn about it. You might not retain it, but you can learn about it and be like, Oh shit, this, I don't need to take this dude's word for it. Like I understand the basic mechanisms of cancer and inflammation and their relationship. and you can start to figure it out
Starting point is 01:14:45 all sorts of and and there's tons of correlates right there's all sorts of people getting cancers liver and kidney cancers at really young ages that's never been seen before never been seen before not like hey um uh rare but like never seen before shit probably just a coincidence yeah just a coincidence did you see a 22 year old football player died on the field recently
Starting point is 01:15:15 yeah yesterday or the day before and they're saying it's a heart defect like oh damn okay here we go this this is the kind of shit that might be right up your alley susan i'm curious what you think about this okay here we go yes conversation technique ever yes and is when no matter what somebody says to you even if it's negative someone says to you look your product is too expensive.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah. And the reason why that is, is because we put more into L and D. Anytime you use yes and in a negative situation, it steers the conversation in a positive direction. Most people say yes, but. And when you say yes, but you negate their thought. When you say yes and you're building on their thoughts. Always in a positive direction, no matter what you say to me. It doesn't matter how negative it is.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Then we decided not to go with you. Yes, and I'd love to know why. Always positive. Otherwise people go, yeah, but what happened? Now you seem less. Instead of yeah, but you should go with me. Yeah, and I'd love to know why. I'd love to know what you can do to make it better.
Starting point is 01:16:28 You like that? Or is this just fucking Instagram bullshit? No, makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. You think in the background here of this clip, you hear how it's like they're trying to make it seem like they're at a party? Listen. Very powerful language model.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Best, best conversation technique ever. Yes, and is when no matter what somebody says to you. He's talking like it's really loud in the room. You think that's just bullshit? No, I think they bought VIP tickets to the Health for Summit conference and they got to go inside the room with the speakers and all hang out and have a little cocktail and get a little conversation. Yeah. These speaking things happen like this. Usually there's one of those available. And so that's what they're probably in.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Let's see if there's a, what is that? The health for what summit? CrossFit for health summit. I just put CrossFit health summit. Oh, CrossFit for health summit. Look at,
Starting point is 01:17:21 here we go. You can work out with Dave Castro at the CrossFit. Yes, you can. Health Summit. Look at that. Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. Location, Hotel Van Zandt, Austin, Texas. Continuing education, six credits.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Lots of good speakers there. We just, yep, we did. Oh yep nicole carroll yeah she got officially added and um i do believe the panel speakers which is different than these speakers because they'll have a panel up there for like q a and having conversation i do believe we're adding quite a few people to that and i think dave will is one of them oh that's cool so he'll be up there and yeah ask him some questions stuff like that hey guys this lady here uh nicole carroll might be i hate to split the world up by sex but she might be the truly the largest influencer ever uh in the uh health space female ever ever ever ever
Starting point is 01:18:27 oh she's a great fucking speaker she fucking brings it live i'm telling you she is great and hopefully we see more stuff like this so people talk about the value increase of the you know the affiliate fee if they do more things like that where they're bringing all those type of people like high profile people that are more or less on the same uh mission we are um then that's that's definitely going to be an added value especially uh when crossfit decides to let all those speakers have all the content that they developed at the summit for free. So they, the speakers, they, the speakers can take all that content distributed on their own platforms. CrossFit, you don't, you don't need it. You don't need the rights to it. Just go ahead, let them have it. Let them distribute it. Wait, you're saying you're recommending that?
Starting point is 01:19:16 I'm absolutely recommending it. But is that, it's not a fact? It's not a fact what? Is that a fact what you're saying or you're just recommending it? I'm strongly recommending it. Oh, but it might be a fact. What is that a fact? What you're saying? Or you're just recommending it. I'm strongly recommending it. Oh, but it might be a fact already. Might be, might be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:31 You'd be fucking stupid not to let them share it. Exactly. And if you want to control a little bit, you could just take the best, what you thought were the best clips representing CrossFit in the speaker. And then just give all those to the speaker. Like each speaker should go home with like 10 or 15 clips. Yeah. Well, that's true. And, and have a branded CrossFit behind the speaker and then just give all those to the speaker. Like each speaker should go home with like 10 or 15 clips. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Well, that's true. And have a branded CrossFit behind them everywhere. Exactly. Yeah. Steal their mojo. God, you sound smart.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Are you a real CMO? I'm working on it. Hey, but did you like how we took the, you asked me about what that guy's communication skill was. And then I spun that into a pitch point for the health. Yes, yes, and I really appreciated it. Yes, and I'm endlessly impressed by you.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yes, but never do that again. You put the end yes or the end no. Then you do know when to use that, right? Then there is also a place, yes, but then you start making a shit sandwich. Yep. Yes, but you motherfucker, I'm not trying to sell health summit tickets I'm so distracted by the one legged dudes hey wheel
Starting point is 01:20:33 I just ran a fucking awesome commercial too for what for what like just for I didn't hear it but it was just a montage of just athletes with missing parts doing cool shit. God, I was so I have this. I so don't want the show to be negative anymore.
Starting point is 01:20:55 And I'm so happy that this show is so positive right now. And it's almost over. Hey, and I also thought the other shows that we did as far as the affiliate stuff was all positive. So positive. I agree. I just mean in general, just like. Oh, here's another kid on a soccer field because. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I love this shit, by the way. I don't think that this is someone wrote. This is what happens when you hire based on skin color. I don't agree with that. I don't.
Starting point is 01:21:23 I don't. I did not. I do not know um if this lady was hired because she was black i have no idea so that's not the part of this i like i just like the fact that this chick does not know sign language but she got the job and you know people yes this happened when this happened one time when obama was i remember that yeah this is so funny. And people get in trouble for this.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I do not think you should get in trouble for this. I do not think you should get in trouble for telling someone you know sign language and you don't. That's not like, fuck you. Okay, watch. It's so good. And another sign language interpreter accused of signing total gibberish.
Starting point is 01:22:07 This time it was at the police news conference announcing an arrest in the Tampa serial killings. We will be charging four counts of first degree murder. Standing off to the side. Hey, that looks good to me. She's like four. Murder. Yeah, yeah. She went.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Looks good to me. Currently translating every word, this woman. We received over five thousand. Look how she moves her lips, too. Like, she's in it. Tips in this case. But it turns out much of what she was signing was nonsense. She waved her arms around like she was singing Jingle Bells,
Starting point is 01:22:45 says one outraged sign language expert. The woman, identified as Derlin Roberts, has a string of arrests for fraud. So how did she come to be translating at last week's high-profile police news conference? Dude, I want to see a montage of all the other fraud shit she did. I'm so fucking impressed impressed i just didn't ask enough questions it's happening you did you just asked him in the wrong language so good holy shit i'd so throw that on my resume god what is your acting chops i mean those are some great acting chops aren't they I'd so throw that on my resume. God. Your acting chops.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I mean, those are some great acting chops, aren't they? That's what I was going to say. What do you think she has to like, how lucrative is the sign language job right there? That's probably 200 bucks an hour or some shit, I'm guessing. Right. So maybe she was there for like, you know, they paid her for like two or three hours.
Starting point is 01:23:41 So it's like 600 bucks. So like, that's some confidence for 600600, knowing that you don't know shit. I'll figure it out. It's like not only is she not going to know anything and is just going to hide inside of a cubicle and pretend for a little bit, but she doesn't know anything, and you're going to be on the main stage. Here's the thing. It's so stupid that they even have those sign language people anyway because like what there's one person one fucking person that we're trying to figure that's gonna that's deaf
Starting point is 01:24:15 that's watching it i mean it's just dumb but but also like that one person is going to know you're full of shit. It was like when I went and saw Borat. And that guy that was like the fat guy who was like his counterpart in the movie, who he was like fighting naked with on the bed. That guy was supposed to be talking some weird like language. I forget what it was, but he was speaking Armenian the whole time. So if you're Armenian, that was part of the comedy. If you're Armenian, you got that joke. No one else got it. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Throughout the whole movie, that dude was just talking Armenian, but it was supposed to be like Kazaka crap. Right. But it was Armenian. That's funny. Hey,
Starting point is 01:24:56 once again, we started the show with zero humility. Let's keep that going. Look at fucking his shirt. Oh, shit. Look at fucking his shirt. Oh, shit. Look at his shirt. You're like CrossFit's E40.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I am? Yeah. Thank you. Just kind of like so bad, want to break into the mainstream, but I can't? No. Like you just are the inventor of all the nicknames and the slang and everything. Good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I appreciate that. What are you talking about? E-40 is rich as fuck, dude. He's got his tequila brand. Talk about mainstream. For a while, he was on every main single, like in 2005, 2006. And he was around in the early 80s, killing it out here in the Bay Area. Good. And he was around in like the early 80s killing it out here in the Bay Area. Yeah, I remember him from the early 80s, and he just couldn't like –
Starting point is 01:25:50 They have this list of like – Oh, yeah. Yeah, we just got the thumbs up. Oh, you da man. You da man. Oh, cool. Oh, you da man. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Shit. We'll finish the show watching some of this. Cool. God, I hope they bring out the short stature, dudes. Okay. Shit. We'll finish the show. Watching some of this. Cool. God. I hope, I hope they bring out the short stature dudes. They have so many fucking classes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:11 There was a lot of them, right? Yeah. Hey, maybe we just do it. Hey, maybe we just do it later today. Just 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Just, we just find it and just replay it and talk about it. We get John Young on. John Young on John Young Tell us Tim Murray or Mikey Swoosh Oh Oh
Starting point is 01:26:29 Oh that would be good They're neck and neck They see eye to eye on this one When I was a kid I had this buddy They see eye to eye on this one. When I was a kid, I had this buddy who was way into meth. When I was a kid, I was like 25.
Starting point is 01:26:56 He was an older dude, like 40. He was way into meth. I hung out with him. Haley knew him too. I hung out with him every single day. God, he was so methed out of his brain. But I hung out with him every day for years we played frisbee together
Starting point is 01:27:06 and he used to call me Seve Mac I just remembered that Seve Mac because I was such a pimp I was such a ladies man a little like dwarf ladies man you know what to your kids like you're gonna be
Starting point is 01:27:22 so stoked when they like go past their teenage dark years god you know what to your kids like you're gonna be so stoked when they like go past their teenage dark years and like get into their 20s and they're like a little bit more you know like you go from like right now you're the hero then you're gonna be the enemy for them and then you're gonna be like a buddy right yeah yeah you swap over to that like buddy stage and you start just all your stories that you have like it think they're gonna like them oh they Oh, they're going to love them, dude, and they're going to repeat them. I mean, that's legendary. My grandpa had a few that are like that,
Starting point is 01:27:51 where all of a sudden he just comes way out of left field with something. Just like, yeah, I had this buddy once. I was a crazy meth head. Then all of a sudden you go to this crazy story. You got so many of those that that's really cool that you'll have that to share with them, and they'll have it to share with their kids off in the distant future's that's really cool that you'll have that to like share with them and they'll have it to share with you know their kids and off in the distant future it's really i i i'm and they're really into rap music which really makes me happy they're really into all
Starting point is 01:28:13 kinds of music but they but they love uh they are really into all kind of music i mean um yeah like there's been multiple times obby's like sung all sorts of genre when i'm over there he really lives in shit dude yeah his first rap music he liked was colors hey we're live on the There's been multiple times Avi's sung all sorts of genre when I'm over there. He really lives in shit, dude. Yeah. His first rap music he liked was Colors. Hey, we're live on the air. Okay, what's up?
Starting point is 01:28:36 Hey, do you think you can come on for 20 or 30 minutes later and we could stream Wheelwad on my show? Because Mikey Swoosh is going to do a deadlift off against Tim Murray. They're the two CrossFit Games champions in short stature. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know them both. Okay. So don't watch it. Don't watch it and don't know who's going to win, and then I'll pull it up later and maybe get you on
Starting point is 01:28:55 and a couple guys on and we'll watch it. Okay, sounds good. I got to go ahead to stream it. No, I'm going to go probably in a few hours, in between now and when the UFC fight starts And hey dude if this works We should do tomorrow's Maybe we do tomorrow's final
Starting point is 01:29:10 With um Tim versus Or we could do Jedediah too But we do a couple finals tomorrow I'll bug you but you're game for it if the time works for you Yeah I'm down Alright thanks dude Alright have a good one later all right
Starting point is 01:29:26 shit that'll be cool that'll be cool deadlifts will be a fun one to watch uh tim and mikey do yeah all right shit okay uh i'm gonna go take my kids to tennis but i just love this i just fucking love this so much there's a couple things i don't like about this what i'm about to show you it's the fact that like i i don't want people to like trump because for the reasons that they say they like him i want them to like trump because um you realize that he believes in people and he wants people to succeed. And he, and he,
Starting point is 01:30:06 and he's not doing handouts. He's not, he's not a, he's not woke. He's not, he's not doing the, the woke thing is, is every time your child falls,
Starting point is 01:30:14 you go over and pick them up. And the, the healthy parent thing is, is every time your child falls, make sure they're in a safe environment to stand up. And I, and I, and I want people who are fall under this marginalized class to realize like, Hey, these people who are helping us are actually
Starting point is 01:30:29 making us fucking codependent. They're actually rotting our fucking soul. It goes back to that teacher that we saw at the beginning of the show who was saying, Hey, if you want to be happy, you have to work hard. But, but, but I'll take what wins I can get. Um, but, but here we go. But I'll take what wins I can get. But here we go. BLM co-founder endorses Trump for president. And it's like, fuck, this is what we need. The healing, this is going to suck to say this.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Black people probably don't want to hear this. But the healing of white America needs black people. I know you're like, what the fuck? Do you know what they did to us? But I'm telling you, that's where we're at black people are in control and they're driving but not for the reasons that the fucking left is telling them because they have to fucking be the bigger
Starting point is 01:31:15 people it's the same way old people and fat people should have stood up during COVID they should have been like nah fuck it we'll quarantine you guys are good like they need to like straight up anyway here we go They should have been like, nah, fuck it, we'll quarantine. You guys are good. Like, they need to, like, straight up just... Anyway, here we go. Oh, hold on. Where's the...
Starting point is 01:31:33 Here we go. Rhode Island is endorsing former President Trump. And co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Rhode Island, is endorsing former President Trump. And calling out the Democrats for what he calls years of racist policies. Watch. You know, we've been used and abused for so long. That party, they don't value our vote. Their policies are basically racist policies.
Starting point is 01:31:58 I believe it's a racist party. Donald Trump is like, I'd like him to go into that. Explain. I want to explain to your brothers why his the left's policies are racist. Yeah, yeah, that's it. The opposite, he's gonna tell you how it is, he's gonna give it to you straight. Trump has done more for the black community than I can, any president I can think of in my lifetime. And he's not alone in his criticism. President Biden faces dismal approval numbers among black voters in key swing states. You know, this is my favorite story of the day.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Look how relieved this is, because just imagine being a black person and understanding and watching your whole tribe. Fuck. It's like my it's like those of us who have families where 80 percent of your family got the injection. It's just fucking painful to watch. families where 80 of your family got the injection it's just fucking painful to watch so imagine being someone with melanated skin and finally being like oh shit my fucking posse's figuring it out it must be such a fucking relief you can see it on this dude's face it's like fuck i'm tired of hanging out with all these white motherfuckers at fox thank god someone's getting it dude it can't be easy to be black and be against black lives matter getting it dude it can't be easy to be black and be against black lives matter no it cannot be there's no way yeah because because because the words are like of course black lives matter
Starting point is 01:33:12 so that goes even deeper than just black lives matter that goes to a lot of like any political view that you would say like leaning towards conservative republican usually it becomes in like now you start getting called like whitewashed or like all those different names for it. Or every white person who sees you thinks that you're a fucking Democrat. Thinks that you need a handout. God, it must be such a fucking relief
Starting point is 01:33:36 to see the tide turning. Because it identifies with what I've seen in the barbershop. All the brothers, for some reason right now, are turning tides right now. And I just wonder, what is the big reason? I think personally, it's the duplicity of the Democrats. What is it going to take for him to sure up this support amongst black voters? A lot of people are misinformed. They don't really understand because they don't educate
Starting point is 01:34:02 themselves on Donald Trump as a person and his history. but if they do that and it's going to take you know leaders educated leaders getting the word out there um i think that it'll happen on its own and it'll be organic because um personally i love the man i mean how could you not like if a real man of how could you not relate to someone like that yeah he watches every morning so i'm sure he's cheering as you're saying this co-founder black lives matter um fantastic hey is it raining at your house calling out the nope huh that's weird my kid's tennis was just canceled great great bit right mm-hmm fuck dude i'm stoked okay hey guys girl, I don't know her name, but I see her all over Instagram. This is, uh, people love this chick.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Oh, not her. Fuck. She's, uh, let's watch her lift. I wish I could remember her name. Um, what the fuck is going on here? What is this? Um, give me one second. This is the chick with one leg. She's all over Instagram.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Does anyone know her name? No, not Maddie Rogers. But she's deadlifting here at Wheelwod. She's at Wheelwod. Looks like Amy. Amy. It's about to go for it. Here she is Games athlete even better person Just chatting with her this week so far. It's been a pleasure You can hear the crowd behind her
Starting point is 01:35:42 Knocking those three reps out That was awesome Oh that's a bad sign Look at that girl holding her back Oh You don't want to see that In the deadlift One minute left Alright guys
Starting point is 01:35:56 I guess I'm off to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tennis cancelled Courts are wet I will try to come back later on today uh with john young and a couple of the gangsters from our uh super elite crossfit thread he calls the crossfit illuminati i think it's true i think it's fair what are the illuminati yeah i think i think that that posse is the crossfit illuminati we'reati We're gangsters, we run that shit
Starting point is 01:36:26 We run that shit 13 strong What can I do to get in that thread? Nothing You can do fucking nothing to get in And then there were 13 Love you guys, see you later Tomorrow morning
Starting point is 01:36:44 We have The free set And then there were 13. Love you guys. See you later. Tomorrow morning, we have... The free set. Yeah, I like it. Oh, we don't have a guest tomorrow morning either. I've been bugging Tyson Bajent a little bit. I spoke to his dad last night, and they said they had a bye this week. So maybe we can... We'll see what's up.
Starting point is 01:37:02 See if we can get him tomorrow. Nobody asked. Nobody asked. Matt Burns, love you guys. Love you too. Sabbath essentials to get all your special, healthy, feminine products. Talk to you guys soon. Serious, thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Bye-bye. Adios.

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