The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Day 3 | Pre show

Episode Date: October 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 What's up, man? Dude, I switched to 730. Bam, we're live. Taylor, what's up? Susan, what's up? Mr. Grundler. Are we down one? I don't think so. John. John.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Wow, John Young. Oh, my goodness. Old reliable. The official CrossFit Games analyst for the 7-On podcast, John Young. Must have stayed up too late last night on the barbell spin. You douche. I thought he'd be afraid to come on. He got so much, you know, love from Brian and all the fans out there.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Who's Johnny Young? Oh, I hate Johnny Young. I'm like, god dang. This poor guy. Johnny boy. We got your back, Johnny. Come hide behind us. This is your front four. Look at it. That's like a football talk, right? Your front four. Hey, do you get colonics?
Starting point is 00:01:48 No, but I did just wash my butt in the shower. I've been wanting to try one. Is that weird? A bar. So not for you. Not for you. Just listen to me. I feel like continuity. Is it not a really satisfying idea that you could get like three pounds of shit out of
Starting point is 00:02:01 your colon from just like hosing it out? All right. Yep. pounds of shit out of your colon from just like hosing it out all right yep and the verbiage of that in the visual description that is now spawned up into my brain having already seen some awesome pictures already like my mind dude do you know what i was gonna start i was gonna start the show this morning with boy it must be so weird weird working at CrossFit HQ right now. This is going to be a weird week with, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:28 with their new guy, but fuck you. You've, you wanted that mantle. You wanted it to be weird to be on the seven on podcast. I appreciate you, uh, setting the bar HQ ain't got nothing on us.
Starting point is 00:02:39 We're all thinking about them. Come on. Hey, what if we were all in four chairs adjacent to each other, holding hands as we got colonics? Is that how they do it? You sit in a chair? Yeah, you buddy colonic.
Starting point is 00:02:49 As long as you're not looking in eye to eye, you're fine, right? Right. Maybe there's some sort of buy one, get three free. We are so lucky to have Tia Toomey, Ur, Ur, two Rs,ura horvat uh competing against each other but what's even more lucky is we have a race and uh it was scary on day one um you know for people who want to see a race you just thought tia to me was going to blow this thing out of the water yes
Starting point is 00:03:20 or no uh mr grumler uh on the run well i mean i thought she'd be up there on the run i didn't but i mean after that were you like oh shit here we go again well i was no i wasn't like that i was more kind of like well all right that if she was gonna have one that would be one it would be these other things that i would want to see and it's way closer than i would have thought that i would have wanted it to be i guess so so uh grretler speaking like an athlete, as a former games athlete, he knows. As a fan, I was just like, oh shit, she's going to dominate. But instead, Taylor,
Starting point is 00:03:51 what do we have instead after three events? Do we have a runaway? No, we've got quite the race and I don't think Gabby Magala's out of it points-wise. It's just a matter of, is she going to be able to get top finishes like tia and laura points wise she still more than has a chance for the top spot um i was fully expecting
Starting point is 00:04:12 tia to just destroy everyone after the run like after the run workout i was like oh man it's not going to be close but lo and behold quite the race laura does what she needs to do doesn't get in her head about it and that's exciting and that's fun so i'm i'm pumped uh laura i'm guessing after the first event uh laura got spun up in her head a little bit then she wins the second event and she gets her confidence back and then the third event um the third event was the uh that was the circus event with the monkey bars and the in the heavy shoulder overhead. There was a third movement. The skier.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Do you think at this point, Laura's like, shit, no one's going to help me? Like, no one, Laura did what she had to do and no one helped her. By that, I mean, no one got between her and Miss Wood. And so now she knows, oh, shit, this is just going to, do these two women know hey this is gonna be a war between us i think it depends on the workout like i i i don't think it's going to be one two one two for the rest of the
Starting point is 00:05:15 events but i wouldn't be surprised if it's like they are both getting top fours in the rest of the events they can't rely on anyone getting in between them. They have to think, I have to win or I go home second. Right. I would think. And that's what we got into when we started talking about some of the deadlift stuff. I think one of the other shows you had, Sevan, where you're talking about, would Tia pull up a little light on a deadlift or would she go for broke? Just coming back from having a kid.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Does Laura have the ability to, or does any of the athletes, any of those two, either of those two, have the ability to protect anything that they have? Like, you saw everyone's hands yesterday. They were just shredded. So, like, they'll talk about, like, Tia's fifth place. Was that her protecting her hands? Was she trying to hang back a little bit?
Starting point is 00:06:04 Is that real conversation, or do we just say that to fill airtime? You think she could have really been protecting her hands? Was she trying to hang back a little bit? Is that real conversation or do we just say that to fill airtime? You think she could have really been protecting her hands? I don't think she does, but I do think that that is a conversation within some of the athletes, yeah. I mean, look at what they – I mean, me and Taylor were talking about this yesterday on the show. It was like, look at all of the things that they have to do with their hands. they have every single possible pull and gymnastic movement that we have in our sport in four days every single one bar ring the well it's not even a regular bar muscle-up it's that that wooden bar muscle-up rope climbs peg you know pegboards everything everything
Starting point is 00:06:40 and what about the water and the rain that that makes things worse i'm guessing or your hands are wet they're more they're way more susceptible to tear yeah also at the same time think about the potential knurling on that circus dumbbell whatever the deadlift bar is going to be i guess i heard from somebody they potentially was going to be the rogue aggro bar which has more aggressive knurling i don't know if that's true or not but potentially if you have a rip starting on day two or or day one even and or sorry starting on day two you're fucked for the weekend uh the the third event was a uh the skier it's called i think it's called the circus event they started off with the skiing, and then they went to this unique dumbbell, circus dumbbell, one-of-a-kind dumbbells that you can't buy.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Katie said it sounds like they're very expensive to make. And then they went to the killer cage, and the athletes did this for three rounds. Emma Carey was going to be like, yo, girls, don't forget there's something special about me that puts me in the tier with Tia and Laura that I can just turn it on to another gear. I'm not just good. I have another gear, and I can win it. That's what I saw. And then with one round left, Tia blows by her. Is Emma Carey the next Noah Olsen? Is it just – is it –
Starting point is 00:08:07 Fair? I mean, you put it that way. I mean, I was so excited about him. I'm like, yeah. She got it. Dude, JR called that one. He was like, I'm calling her to go big out of the gate, being able to hang in there. I just don't think she had the uh i think that the
Starting point is 00:08:25 cage for her did more damage than anything i think she would have done a lot better honestly if they would have had more dumbbell reps we've seen her work on the dumbbell we've seen what she can do on the dumbbell and go heavy for especially for her size and so i think if that would have helped her if there was a little bit more of that but i mean the the athletes that didn't struggle on the cage were the ones that did well in the event do we have glimmers of just world-class otherworldly potential in emma carry i mean i know we know emma lawson's like really good i think emma lawson has more potential than emma carry really okay all right she moves so much better emma lawson moves like a dream and you think it's you you would think as a coach as someone familiar surrounded by high level athletes that at that
Starting point is 00:09:12 level it's just okay they all have the fundamentals yeah you really watch their movement they don't all have the fundamentals they do not all move with virtuosity the best do matt does rich did still does ben smith did does uh guys like pat do um guys like justin do i will say this there um uh tia is extremely fluid like water and sometimes i see emma carry move like um uh like when she first starts running whenever she first starts like her first five or six paces she looks like she what she looks like a stick figure before she becomes fluid you know what i mean she starts she gets like this she has like this robotic i don't want to say goofy because it's not like a two-year-old yeah emma carry sometimes i see something in her that just makes it look like she's not an athlete. I see these glimmers of like just.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Unathleticism. Yeah, I'm not sure what it is. I wouldn't necessarily. Like the way Annie runs. Although Annie does great at runs. She does do. Well, I think it's because it's like it looks like she's cross-country skiing when she runs. So she just does that, you know, in the, in a background, in a backyard. I think with Emma Carey, I think with her, she, she isn't a smooth mover, but what's,
Starting point is 00:10:36 what's fun to watch about Emma is that she, man, she's just a put your head down buzzsaw and she just gets after it. Doesn't care if she has to move a particular way to, you know, I'm not trying to gain the most efficiency out of this particular movement. No, I got to get from here to there and I'm going to do everything I can to get from here to there. I don't give a shit what it looks like. I'm just going for it. She's got, I think, I think that's her, that's her deal.
Starting point is 00:10:54 She's a savage and can hurt with the best of them without a doubt. Like a juggernaut. Right, right. Head down goes. But could imagine how good she could be if she mastered the fundamentals and she moved like emma lawson or she moved like mal o'brien or she moved like alora i just i think that's if if you're you know if you're looking for improvement with her you just you kind of have to take a couple steps back i think with emma there's some great mccary oh yeah there's some great comments in here uh let me read these um i think i agree with a lot of these emma uh
Starting point is 00:11:23 carrie needs to focus on basic playground skills bike ride monkey bars etc uh emma has the frame to tolerate the top end comparatively uh too i agree with all these emma carrie has some serious superpowers just doesn't know how to articulate them consistently yet yep i see i see the superpowers kenneth the lab today is the maker of the thumbnails for the Sebon podcast, Bruce Wayne. Bruce, thanks, brother. Happy birthday. Blink. She didn't get on the playground, though. She was homeschooled. And then Avocado Nut, Carrie needs to learn new sports.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Dude, there's something that hits a little different if you're homeschooled. Hey, you know what? I had this idea. CrossFits in any city could probably put a program out like a physical education program for kids that are homeschooled like a group pe class for homeschool kids i don't know if you're an affiliate that kind of stuff yeah yeah i don't know i just you know it for the affiliates it fits your it fits the middle of the day class that right are the hard classes to fill there are several non-athletes in crossfit that's a um a potent potent line it's such athlete is such a broad term i think what most people
Starting point is 00:12:33 think of as athletic is sports um but if you watch an olympian snatch that's athleticism in its purest form i mean that's crazy what they can do or like a gymnast but you ask them to kick a soccer ball and they look like they're fucking a paraplegic it's like i mean they're very good at their individual sports i mean we've seen that all over we've seen it we saw it with the softball throw back in the day you've seen it with swimming when they threw all these like badass athletes and i. I mean, that's what, to me, that's one of the funniest CrossFit scenarios of all time. The black and white shot of all of our superheroes up on the deck, three, two, one go, they all jump in the pool. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:13:14 it's like the YMCA just got let out for the first time, you know, public pool. So, you know, we've seen it on handstand walks when we first do handstand walks back in. So you see know, we've seen it on handstand walks when we first do handstand walks back in. So you see these these. Movements that if you have a kid that is an athletic kid, the kid that does well in football, baseball, basketball, track, it doesn't matter what you give them. They can like climb up over the fence or get a plane, you know, dodgeball and and capture the flag Like those are athletic kids. We have a lot of athletes here that are so, so CrossFit sports specific and they don't want to injure anything by going out and doing something different that they get very good at the barbell.
Starting point is 00:13:55 They get very good at the snap, the Olympic lifts. They get very good at the machines, but then that's it because they aren't outside living. So that is, it is tough. Bill is playing the mud. Bill has been completely frozen the entire show for me,
Starting point is 00:14:08 but his audio is so spot on. I don't even, I don't even, am I still frozen? Really? Yeah, but in a good position, not like John Young.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I give a banana. Not like my eyes are like half. No, no, you're frozen. Yeah. You have your hand out. You're gesticulating.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Like, listen to me, gentlemen. Do I need to go on and come back back in do i need to reset myself no i mean i'm on my good internet i don't understand you can you're good lte baby i'm getting cancer for this show. I do. I do want to go down to number 11. Good morning, Caleb. I do want to go down to number 11. Daniel Brandon, a seventh, a 17th and a 10. Um, this she's strong shoulders to overhead. She's got good positioning. As you guys mentioned, she has great engine, right?
Starting point is 00:15:07 The skier shouldn't have been much for her, although I think of her as petite. One of the smaller athletes, you guys laughed at me for that. And then the monkey bars, I think of her as a gymnast. This girl looks good hanging and upside down. But a 10th, is this, any thoughts on Daniel Brandon, how she might feel now, Taylor, uh, the camp she bombed, I mean, two caps. My, my perspective on her perception of her is that if she experiences adversity, she's not going to react well to it the way some of the better athletes or the more composed athletes why do you say that the crying at the games and the weightlifting comp or why do you say that
Starting point is 00:15:48 crying yelling at judges the throwing the temper tantrums i just there have been numerous experiences over competition seeing her encounter adversity and it holding her back her not like she is a freakazoid athletically like you would imagine yeah she's in terms of physical yeah athletic in terms of physical potential probably as gifted as anyone there yeah no goofball on her right i just think the mental aspect up composure holds her back and i would expect or i would suspect that if she has any severe rips in her hands that's going to be something that gives her a bit of an excuse to not do as well as she should in some of these workouts whereas an athlete who's a little more uh particularly um one of my absolute favorites i fucking love danielle i love
Starting point is 00:16:34 almost everything about her and the stuff that i don't like about her i'm glad i don't like about her because it makes me like her more um uh thoughts on bill on what's going on there 7 17 10 or are we being too hard is it like dude these are the fittest women in the world thoughts on Bill on what's going on there. Seven, 17, 10, or are we being too hard? Is it like, dude, these are the fittest women in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And dude, she's crushing. No, I know. I, there were one of the passes that she had on the, on the cage. The,
Starting point is 00:16:56 there just didn't look to be like she, she came off somewhere in the middle and she didn't look bothered by it. It didn't look like, ah, dang. All right. This was a planned, a planned uh planned
Starting point is 00:17:05 part it was just kind of like ah fell off and kind of this weird little like smile on her face and kind of hop back on i just i don't see the like the killer instinct of her isn't there and and chase chase said something in the comments about the fact of her feeding off her emotions if she would have had a good first event like better than, like if she would have been like in the top five, top three, that would have given her that like, oh, I'm in the game. And when she has that, she's she's wickedly dangerous. But if there's something that kind of stumps her and she's like, oh, I'm not going to be able to get that. I'm not going to be able to get that. And again, I'm not saying that's what she is thinking.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That's what it looks like from the outside. She just kind of goes into kind of cruise mode. And she's so athletic that she can be in kind of cruise mode and be right in the middle and i just think that that's right where she is i'm hearing taylor i'm hearing taylor say she throws temper tantrums and she's a head case and i'm hearing you say she's not throwing enough temper tantrums well no no she can't fuck you i no no i don't want to see fuck you i want to see like i want to win like right like i want to get in there like. No, no. I don't want to see fuck yous. I want to see like I want to win. Right. Like I want to get in there and like, no, you're not going to beat me on this pass. I know I'm gymnastic-y.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I can get across this bar. But no, she comes down in the middle and is like, oh, gosh, I came down again. I mean, when you are a very emotional athlete, this is one of the things that's hard is you are learning how to control those emotions. You kind of end up almost being like Noah. you're either all in or you're all out i'm competing at the games but i'm just here to have fun no you're not dude yeah you can't do that you have to be able to enjoy what you're doing but be all in going for it and i think that she's trying to figure that out i mean those emotions are big that she has and there's a lot of honing that has to be done. Uh,
Starting point is 00:18:46 Ariel Loewen, uh, crowd favorite took third place at the CrossFit CrossFit games this past year. Third fittest woman in the world. Uh, people love Ariel Loewen, uh, a 15th,
Starting point is 00:18:55 a 16th and a fifth. She's making the charge. Is she? Is she making the charge? Yeah, I want her to, I'm a fan. So I think she's going to come back.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And I think we'll see a couple more top 10 and maybe a couple more top 5 finishes, and that's going to put her in the conversation for the overall top 10 or higher. Danny Spiegel, same thing, 18th, 14th, a third. Danny Spiegel, is that – did you guys know that? Do you look at Danny Spiegel and be like, man, she's great at the skier, good gymnastics, and what was the other, um, Oh, the dumbbell and the dumbbell. We know she's strong, right? Shoulder overhead.
Starting point is 00:19:30 She has no peer, right? So, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that was prize there. Not, not really. I honestly, I wasn't expecting that high of a, of a finish, but I mean, she, she, she crushed, there was absolutely nothing in that particular workout that was even going to remotely slow her down.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Now, the the first event was called the Texas Heavy. What were the movements in that event? The heavy rock run. Oh, right. The run. OK. Alex Kazan, 12th. This is Alex Kazan. It has the most the widest range of scores. But I feel like this is this is, but I feel like this is her. I feel like this is what we've seen in her other competitions.
Starting point is 00:20:10 The run first event, she has a 12th. Then the second event, what was the second event? She got a first. Thank you, Caleb. Oh, no, not thank you, Caleb. Seat at the bar was the second event. Okay, yes. The muscle-up one. The The muscle up and the back squat
Starting point is 00:20:27 Oh great great okay so the muscle up back squat She gets a first and then back to The shouldered overhead she gets a 16th 12th first a 16th You know That's the kind of thing that makes someone a crowd favorite I think that's why Danny Spiegel is a crowd favorite Because she can get some first
Starting point is 00:20:43 That's why people like Guy Obviously that's why people like tia she gets lots of first um but uh but it's not going to be enough to keep you in the in the top tier of athletes right at 12th the first and the 16th another first need more consistency yeah i man and we talked about this at the end of last night's show. It's like, you almost need to take, uh, some sort of look at every single person's hands. It's on, it's going to be competing today because we saw a lot of people go down. Like I would have thought Alex would have done amazing in that event. I couldn't figure out why she couldn't get off that rig. Well, everyone's hands are shredded from, I mean, the, the, uh, the four inch log muscle up that did a lot of damage to a lot of people's hands are shredded from i mean the the uh the four inch log muscle up that
Starting point is 00:21:26 did a lot of damage to a lot of people's hands the wet bar uh and we saw um garrett couldn't even go like one one rung without coming back down because his hands were all shredded up let me ask this why does it matter that your hands are torn is you know like when you're you're so your back hurts a little bit and like when you go down to pick up the soap Is it, you know, like when you're, so your back hurts a little bit. And like, when you go down to pick up the soap in the shower, you flinch. But when you're out there competing, it doesn't go away. You're like, fuck it. I don't care how much it stings. It's not affecting your grip or your musculature or anything.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It's just pain. It is. Pain does. Pain shuts down. Yeah. Pain shuts down the muscles. So it's just straight burning it's this steel bar touching oh an open massive open wound with your bone of your hand that's 12 millimeters away from it that
Starting point is 00:22:13 i mean that it's wet it's your blood that's all over that thing and your hands are just sliding and moving all over the bar so it's not that's why everyone chalks up their hands because they don't want that you know hands to be sweaty so that they can kind of stick to the bar and they can actually move this isn't sweat this is rain and now it's blood too and you're trying to chalk it up and you can't and so you're just constantly sliding you get up on the bar and your hand slides down and it does it's like insult to injury i already have an open wound and i'm sliding this bar across that open wound putting more blood on the bar. Like it's, it's. So they actually are having a physical sensation
Starting point is 00:22:47 that's telling them to stop. Yeah. And Bill said it last night, they're going to adjust. So if you're, if you're ripped across here, you're going to adjust to your fingertips. That's going to burn your grip out more. You might change the way you're moving,
Starting point is 00:22:58 which might affect your shoulders and fatigue them in a way you're not used to. So it's not necessarily just the grip, but all the compensation too, that happens because you can't grip man i just i just want to say suck it up and go that's what you're supposed to do tape that shit up yeah tape that shit up you've never had a hand rip have you said one not in fucking okay first year then you have like you have that uh amnesia to that pain i've had really bad rips
Starting point is 00:23:26 i've never had horrible rips in competition i've had rips in competition yeah and i've never even competed so when i rip i can just quit it kept me out of the games that kept me out of the games wow the worst the worst i ever ripped was when i did 100 muscle-ups for time and i i felt like i trained relatively normally through the week and i ripped the whole pad of my palm off. Damn. On both hands. But at the same time, I wasn't competing. I was just training.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So maybe I'm a minute slower on a workout that I'm still like, I'm happy with that because my hands fucked up. But in competition, that's highlighted and I get a 20th. Yeah. So it's hard to say. I've had it where it was in that, the one with the 40 pull-ups. I think that Masters kind of did something like that. The back squat, 40 pull-ups, the overhead, the front squats, the overhead squats, one, that one. And I tore, like, and I'm good at pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:24:15 That's one of my best movements. And I could, in a competition, break off sets of 20, 25, not a problem. And I ended up doing sets of two because I couldn't hold on to the bar. I just was slipping off of it. You know, now that I think about it, I've never had my hands ripped from pull-ups It's only been deadlifts. It's always deadlifts. Really Wow Yeah, because you know the the bar gets behind the um, that's some beta cut shit is that Because I have such crazy calluses there Only on the one hand?
Starting point is 00:24:46 No, I'm both. Do you switch grip? No. Rarely, rarely. As I get older, I do some of that, but rarely. I don't like it. I feel like it's cheating. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:55 I know. I know. Dude, I have bruising on my thumbs, like perpetual bruising on my thumbs from hook grip. See that? It's called poop thumb. Is it really? It's a turd thumb. Is it really? Turd thumb. You don with shredded hands is going to be nasty uh says jason miller okay let's go over to the boys uh men's competition uh after three events we are
Starting point is 00:25:22 starting day three for the uh Invitational, 2023 Rogue Invitational. How many events today? Three? Two? It's 4-8-12, the duel and the deadlift, right? Yeah. So two events today. Oh my god. Really? Roman, we'll get to that very
Starting point is 00:25:42 shortly. Roman Krennikoff, 245. Jeffrey Ad adler 225 and second pat velner and third with 225 uh chandler smith 215 chandler still like hey dude i belong in the top five does chandler belong in this top five man does he stay in the top five took second at rogue last year it's so hard for me to say he does not belong in the top five a fourth uh sorry a fifth a fourth and an eleventh and look at brent come brent's right there too savage this is a fucking this is awesome i love the i love the the unpredictability of this yeah i love how tight those points are i know awesome awesome because every single point's gonna matter for these five roman's
Starting point is 00:26:25 whipping his dong out people always talk about how good roman is at uh the machines is that what won him this last event the uh skier the shouldered overhead and the um cage he said it was the cage that yeah he was smooth on all of it yeah i mean he he he had a great i mean he was skiing great but hopper did great on the ski too but where he just crushed hopper was on the, on the cage. He was just, he was great. No, I mean, it didn't, he looked like the cage was like, yeah, it looked almost as silly and almost as worthless as the, the dumbbell to overhead part. I mean, he made it look that easy. He transitioned the dumbbell so smoothly, just pull it between the legs,
Starting point is 00:27:05 switch back to the next arm, and then, yeah, like you said, he was smooth with athleticism and consistency on the killer cage. Let's do a comparison between Ricky Mack and Daniel Brandon. We know Ricky's a great athlete. We know he's a great mover. We know he's got grit. He took an 18th i mean that is really well this guy if you were to say who's going to be top five at the games next year you
Starting point is 00:27:32 would say this guy this guy should not have an 18th anywhere he or justin collar last night said that his and alex kazan's hands were fucking mangled and that's once again you're saying that's from the four inch bar from when they were doing the log bar. But at the same time, like you said, you typically imagine Ricky is the guy who's super fucking grindy and hard. And to me,
Starting point is 00:27:54 if anyone has, you know, if all the athletes have mangled hands, I would, I guess my perception is that it would affect Ricky the left, the least. Um, so interesting to hear that.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Come on. I want to go back to the mangled hand thing again so you're saying he goes into that workout possibly with mangled hands he grabs a skier he's hating it he can't squeeze it he can't he can't perform what he wants he goes to the to the um shoulder overhead he doesn't want to grab that he goes to the the monkey bars oh life sucks and he has to do that three rounds and each one of those is being impeded by torn hand all those and getting worse getting worse getting worse the workout goes well and then and having to deal with his shoulders the entire time
Starting point is 00:28:29 it's like i think i mean he said you know he said he was 100 every athlete's gonna say they're 100 because you have to mentally think you're 100 otherwise you're gonna be limping the whole time he might be he might be healthy but being% healthy and then prepared to compete against the best are two different things. And all difficult on the shoulder. The skier, not fun with the shoulder. Shouldered overhead, not fun with the shoulder. And monkey bar is absolutely disgusting if you have a fucked up shoulder. Yeah, and it kind of sucks because guess what's coming down that pipeline today?
Starting point is 00:29:02 He did so well. He won seat at the bar. So when you're thinking shoulder, I'm thinking, well, those fucking log muscle ups, if anything's going to aggravate your shoulder, you would think that would. But then he takes an 18th on killer cage. So I don't know if it's the shoulder at all, more so his hand actually just being fucked up or his hands. I don't know. I mean, taking a first at seat at the bar to me is a strong indicator that his shoulder is good but then again i i don't know you have the shoulder overheads a little bit different unilateral who knows uh travis mayer a ninth
Starting point is 00:29:36 and a 14th um he missed the games last year although he was healthy for the games he had a i think a wrist injury during the qualifiers for the crossfit games in 2023 so he was healthy for the games he had a i think a wrist injury during the qualifiers for the crossfit games in 2023 so he didn't get to go um looking very good in all of the training videos over at training think tank mentally as sharp as is anyone and upbeat but man there's a lot of gray on the dude man there's a lot of gray on this motherfucker i think he's 11 i think he's 11th to 14th this weekend and i think that's solid for him middle of the pack but i thought he would come in here peaking dude that's he's all no no what's his best finish at the games? Like an eighth.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Can we look that up, Caleb? I think, I think with, I think even how I would look that up. I think, I think this competition for him is a, I mean, it's the perfect stage to see exactly where you are for him.
Starting point is 00:30:40 He, he, he missed the end of the season last year, you know, with, with his injury, wasn't able to hop in there. He's been obviously training the season last year with his injury. Wasn't able to hop in there. He's been obviously training with his guys
Starting point is 00:30:48 that he trains with, but this is a perfect place for him to be able to sit there and be like, where am I sitting with these guys? Where are my weaknesses against the field? Not where are my weaknesses personally, but against the field. He's a fucking veteran. He doesn't notice any of that. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, he does. The older you get, when you step out, when. Yeah, he does. Yeah, he does. The older you get, when you step out, when you step out for a little bit, it's hard to step right back in. You don't just step right back into your location. Of course, Tia may be trying to completely jack this whole story up. But generally speaking, you step out for even a season. It's very difficult to hop right back into step. And this is the other thing about Travis. He owns an affiliate. He has
Starting point is 00:31:27 like fucking 10 kids. I mean, the guy's got a whole baseball team. Holy shit, he's got a whole fucking bus full of kids. So the fact that he's even there competing against him is savage. He's a beast. Hilarious dude. He's a beast. But I think that this is not outside the realm
Starting point is 00:31:43 of what his previous history at the games has showed. So he's right where he should be. He's consistent. He's very consistent. 19th, Garrett Clark. 18th, Tudor Magda. Dallin. And Garrett Clark, I think, I don't know anything about him, so I'm just going to go with he should be happy he's here. Tudor Magda, no surprise there.
Starting point is 00:32:08 The really big surprise, I'm going to go with the biggest surprise of the Rogue Invitational up until this point is where the Mint trading card superstar, Dallin Pepper, is sitting in 17th place. He'll climb. Do I have to throw this card away? It's not over yet.
Starting point is 00:32:36 He'll climb. If any of these athletes can handle adversity, it's him. But we are in a shock, right? If it finishes the weekend this week, this is the story from Rogue, right? On the men's side. It's not who won. It becomes what happened to Dallin.
Starting point is 00:32:51 This guy is a stud. If he's not top 10, I would be surprised and disappointed. I think he'll make a climb into the top 10. Come on, weren't you just telling me he was fifth at the games? This guy was fifth at the games last year, right? And he's 100 and something points behind that top five. He's in the tier, dude. He's in the tier. A's in the tier a lot of a lot more events at the games and these were looked it's just so different it is it is different
Starting point is 00:33:14 yeah it is different how about so different like like taylor put a so in there well this is well because it's only been three events too right it's only been three events. And also a top five, like I just don't, I don't expect him to not climb into the top 10. And at the same time, being fourth through 10th at the games is so different than being first. Being top five at the games is wildly different than winning. So when you're saying, okay, the fittest on earth, the fittest will rise. I think generally speaking, a Matt Fraser, a Tia Toomey, a Laura Horvath, Justin Medeiros, they're going to win the competition they're at regardless of the programming. If they're in top form, they're fit enough to handle the programming. There are not other than the person who's fittest on earth. I don't think there are any other people who are fit enough to win regardless of the program. So for Dallin, maybe that top five at the games was, okay, that was good programming for him, and he's coming here this weekend, and it's bad programming for him. I know you guys are wondering, I can see it on Bill's face, how the fuck is Sevan in such a fired up good mood? And there's one answer for that question you got
Starting point is 00:34:26 fucked up last night i got my no no that was i i fasted yesterday wow crispy mango habanero and my wife last night put in a five pounder of brisket in the slow cooker and smeared mango habanero grill your ass off on both sides that sounds like a gross is like thank god is that a brisket seasoning he's like they i don't who gives a fuck i told my wife to use that one susan's like thank god we're taking it's like the name of it didn't come on never about it, but this is the truth. I got some jalapeno, some like pickled jalapenos too. My wife loves their pickled jalapenos, so I picked up some. Yo, they're so hot.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I have those too. They're so hot. My kids are like, can I have a bite? I'm like, if you fucking hate yourself. I'm going to start doing that. Make my kids take a bite of that every time they're bad uh but but when this show is over uh in in a few minutes here i'm gonna be eating just the craziest slow cooked brisket that tastes like a habanero i'm so excited the refeed is the best i'm so the what the refeed oh after a fast oh man yeah and and the fact that it's brisket dude it's
Starting point is 00:35:44 i'm i'm beside myself grill your ass off i think they're at rogue are they at rogue do they have a booth there yeah that's where i got the uh pickled jalapenos oh awesome oh yeah man i hope i hope whoever's down on uh like brian or whoever i hope that they can just go looking for people's hands i want to know i want to know where everyone's hands are. Where the fuck is John Young? He's having internet troubles. We'll know on the very first round, right? When they jump up on the ground.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yes, we will. We're going to see him do this. And all you have to do is watch for everybody to do this. Is this first event? This is the 4-8-12 is what's coming up first? Yeah. This is going to obliterate lower backs. Before we go to the next event, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I want to show you something that happened in Strongman yesterday that's just awesome. Oh, don't show that. It's gross. This guy, this is gross. So awesome. I just love this. I saw a girl tear her Achilles one time doing a rebounding box jump over, a 30-inch. She was really short, and I saw her calf muscle fucking curl up into her calf.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Dude, this is crazy. So this guy, speaking of unathletic, I really don't want to pick on these dudes, but these dudes seem like the most unathletic fucks ever. I don't know if it's the nature of their events, but, man, they do. They look like a big giant. Most of the events but man they do so they they look like a big giant most of the time i see these guys move they look like tunas they got big giant tunas they got pulled the side of a ship because they're hoping for that 3 000 pounds that they're pulling behind them dude yeah well either way they look like flopping fish on the deck of a boat
Starting point is 00:37:18 in most of their that's what their athleticism looks like to me but watch this dude's right um right foot yeah watch this dude's right foot. Yeah, watch this. This is, I don't think your ankle's supposed to do this. Look at this. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways,
Starting point is 00:37:44 which can actually be cheaper, more margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers. And yes, to Sunwing savings book with your local travel agent or when your celebration of life is prepaid in advance,
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Starting point is 00:38:34 Oh, my goodness. So bad. So bad. He has crazy flexibility now. Fuck, dude. So bad. Crazy ankle flexion now. You know what, dude? Tearing your ACL doesn't hurt that bad.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I bet tearing your Achilles hurts like a fucking car. No, you know what I... They don't say that it just feels like someone kicks them in the leg. They don't say that it hurts bad. Who hit me? They always do that. Who hit me?
Starting point is 00:39:01 But then you go to take a step and it's like, oh, fuck. I'd want to throw up if that happened to me. I've thrown my hamstring and that hurts like fuck. I'd rather be circumcised than have that happen to me. I'll circumcise you, dude. Yeah, you will. Hey, we can get a two for one from the doctor.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You're getting a colonic. I'm getting circumcised. Wow. Like a butter knife? If you get cold, I can throw the foreskin over your shoulder like a shark. Like a burka? Wear it like a beanie.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Wear his forehead like a beanie. Or like a hot jeep. Hot day. Holy shit. Play that. This show is disgusting This is just a boy show We know
Starting point is 00:39:48 Okay Thank you Okay the next event This will be event number four Will this put us at the halfway point? When this is done? Nine events Okay good lot of time for Down Pepper It's called 10th inning it's 10 rounds When this is done? Well, there's nine events. Nine events. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:40:05 A lot of time for down pepper. It's called 10th inning. It's 10 rounds. Four ring muscle-ups. So us CrossFitters do regular gym goers. We use false grip. I'm assuming these guys aren't. We'll get to that in a second.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Then eight handstand push-ups. God, more grinding on the hands. And then 12 power snatches. Let's just talk about that first before we go anywhere. Are you guys going to be using Taylor? Are you going to be like, oh, they're poor hands? Is everyone going to be using hands as an excuse for this one too? No, I think what I would expect out of this workout is you look at people
Starting point is 00:40:39 with any prior history of back issues, and they are going to suffer the most. I think this workout is going to obliterate people in why what combination what combination of the handstand push-up in the 120 power snatch after after the heavy uh rucking and after the heavy back squatting i just expect like this combination of hip flexion going into a hyper extension in the arch of the ring muscle up and then 120 power snatches at speed i i just think it would be super surprising um to people who haven't done a workout like this how much it's like, oh, my lower back is inflated with blood. I want to slow down. I want Bethany Flores to just completely rock your whole description.
Starting point is 00:41:32 She's going to be moving in her very controlled, very meticulous, and I'm going to protect my back the whole time. And honestly, I bet she does really well in this. I think that's the way to win this workout is to go so meticulous and move so efficiently for sure. So, you know, does really well in this. I think that's the way to win this workout is to go so meticulous and move so efficiently for sure. So, you know, there's a potential her, but I think like someone like an Emma Carey, a Daniel Brandon, I think they're going to struggle a ton on a workout like this. Though those two, like, well, Emma Carey, especially when we talked about like getting out there and just like, just throttle down and going for it. She will be really fun to watch the first three rounds, but it'll be really fun to watch the first three rounds
Starting point is 00:42:06 But it'll be really interesting to watch the last three rounds What about Bethany floor is not doing the basically the bar the bar muscle-up back squat event Is she fresher than the rest of the group? 100% Mm-hmm Yeah, that maybe her hands are still in good shape, too Well in the way she went on the on the cage is she would go one at a time so she would come out and go you know to the oh yeah why did you do that that was bizarre so again you know saving her hands i don't i don't know if she was specifically thinking i don't want my hands to rip on to do that i think it's like how can i do this without
Starting point is 00:42:42 winging myself all over the place every movement that she had in that particular event even the one before that um she doesn't want a lot of whipping she wants she wants her core midline to be completely controlled and contained so she wants to have as little movement as possible that's why her skier looks so for lack of a better word unique um there wasn't any like hips dropping in a flexion of her upper threat of her upper ribcage as she was going down to pull the cables down she kept everything really tight it was all pulling with her arm so i'm a i'm thinking and you know even in her semi event uh she did really well in that in the ring uh complex and uh uh the pistols and all that. So I think this is, could be a really good event for, but I don't know what it looked like with the way she moves.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I think that will save her back. Let me throw this out here. Uh, uh, Mason Mitchell. Uh, I spoke with Carolyn Prevo yesterday. For those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:43:37 Carolyn Prevo may be the most athletic person ever to step on the game field in the women's side. Arguably for sure. You could make the argument for a crazy athlete on top of that crazy good at high rep deadlift deadlifting yeah crazy good so you have to imagine her back her pull off the ground's got to be like she can tolerate a lot and yet she did this workout mason mitchell's claiming that carolyn prevo did this workout fresh and ann has no back issues and it wrecked her back as a testament to what Taylor's saying. If that's true, ooh.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Well, think about Diane. I mean, Diane, if you're doing kipping handstand pushups more than any other workout, throttles your midline, just the hip extension, hip – just kipping, all that, stabilizing over in the handstand pushup, and going fast on the deadlifts. And I think a 95- pound snatch for volume is worse on your low back than a 225 deadlift for volume oh man so much worse yeah so much worse which is it's going to obliterate yeah uh bruce wayne happy birthday buddy thanks for all the great thumbnails for the past couple years you are the man uh working always at midnight one in the morning two in the morning getting his thumbnails hey um Hey, what about grip? Is grip an issue? It'll be an issue for sure.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It's just a compound. I think it's going to be slower than they wanted it to be in testing because of the hands and because of the back. Yeah, I think halfway through, people are going to be going really slow and taking some time between those movements. Is this a tall man's, short man's, strong man's? Can you categorize this? Can you judge this workout and put it in a box?
Starting point is 00:45:08 Short guy. Short guy for sure. Will Morad, Colton would kill this workout. Dude, Noah's going to do great on the short arms. John, good to see you, buddy. Your connection looks great too, by the way. Thank you for getting a good connection. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So what's crazy is they have this workout, which we've heard is brutal on the back, which I suspect is going to be disgusting on the back. Then a 1RM deadlift. Then the sandbag loads in the dual. So yesterday, so day two and half of day three, fuck your hands. Then fuck your back. Let's blow it out. And on the last day go fuck yourself guys congratulations
Starting point is 00:45:46 what about what about the 40 muscle-ups and um uh sometimes i'll feel if i've done a lot of like something that really works the core and the next day i'm doing muscle-ups i'll feel them i'll be like wow i didn't realize muscles were such a core workout is that is that gonna will those 40 muscles play a role i don't think at this level they're not an old little armenian man not near as much as the grip is going to affect i know what you're saying savon i think for these athletes to feel that on a muscle up there's got to be like 150 plus ghd's pair to feel it but but that's not here i don't think they will does anyone use false grip who's a competitor am i the only person who uses false grip on muscle ups you're you're strict because you do strict muscle-ups. None of them doing kipping muscle-ups will use a fall script.
Starting point is 00:46:27 No one. But do you think we'll see it adjusted for that because of the tear in their hands? Because if you're in the middle of the ring, you're sitting there like dead center. That's a lot of turnover. But if they do choke up and get that fall script, it'll be less turnover for them. It's just really hard to keep a muscle-up and maintain a fall script. It's just really hard to keep a muscle up and maintain a false grip. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And the other thing is you're doing the jumping into the rings and then trying to adjust your hands is a pain in the ass. Yeah. You might have an athlete that goes like, hey, I'm going to be smart, and I'm going to try to keep it off of the tear. And then after you jump up and you try and do the hiking thing, you're like, ah, screw it. I'm just going to go. I could see people getting extra risers where they can kind of just reach it and then try to kip that way they're not i bet they won't let them do that you don't think so i mean it would be great if they did so you could set your hands but i don't i don't think they would let them do that what about that stuff that um i don't think they're that nice john what about that stuff that's like fake skin or something like
Starting point is 00:47:22 some sort of like what is it i bet every cds and fucking austin is sold out of super glue really are you are you joking are you serious you think i mean i bet people went out and looked for some shit for sure yeah is that effective does that work can you can you just paint on a layer of skin is there a product out there it works to a point ah there's nothing that's gonna hold up like fucking callus so like whatever you put on your hand is gonna come off but i'm sure there's stuff that can help yeah there's stuff that's out there but it doesn't i mean it will help you for a handful of reps right basically that stuff is designed so that like okay you can go about your normal day not so that you can go
Starting point is 00:48:00 up and do another 40 ring muscle-ups after you just shredded your palms on the last two workouts. What they all need are gloves. Do they allow gloves? I mean, you allow gymnastic grips. You're telling me a glove is more advantageous on a ring muscle-up than a gymnastic grip? No fucking way. No, no, I'm just asking. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:19 They may not. He's stepping on your dick. No, I would be shocked if they don't allow him to wear gloves. But if I'm an athlete and my hands are destroyed, I'm just going to wear gloves for everything. Fuck it. It makes it a little bit better, a little more protection. You can hook grip with gloves.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Blinding them from the wound is probably the most important piece there because I think you see them every movement. You watch them make tears of hands and just come back down. They look at the hands. so as it gets worse and worse and worse they get further and further in their head if the competition's moving on they say fuck it but if you have a pair of gloves you can't see it so yeah you could probably put seven's foreskin on your hand just let just like a transplant uh john uh katie katie henninger came on the show last night and i want you to know that it wasn't you personally. She ass pounded Taylor a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:49:06 So she's, I love that. I didn't even know she knew my name. I was like, ah, what do you mean? I want you to shrink to about this big on that. My dick fell out of my butt,
Starting point is 00:49:17 dude. That's how far in my belly it went. It's just the, it's the unexpectedness that gets you. If I came on and they're like, listen, Katie's going to get on you. I'm like, all right, you know, I'm mentally ready for it. Right. It's just the unexpectedness that gets you. If I came on and they're like, listen, Katie's going to get on you. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I'm mentally ready for it, right? It's just, oh, we're just throwing you under the bus. You don't know what's coming. Hey, don't forget, man, that's not a normal human being that comes on the show. That is a former CrossFit Games champion, and that is a powerful, powerful human being. He's a boss. Yeah, who has – CrossFit Games champion, and that is a powerful, powerful human being. He's a boss. Imagine the stress on her shoulders running rogue.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I can imagine. The greatest website on the planet. Amazon for fucking non-obese people. I mean, it is awesome. She looks so chill. When the timers went out, she was just cool as a cucumber. I couldn't even tell.
Starting point is 00:50:03 They started selling rogue gloves. They just gave rogue rogue gloves to everybody and then they started selling them i bet they would sell really hot oh yeah didn't i say that yesterday i mean they're they're a very smart group you know and they probably we've seen it at the games get as many trash bags as you can slap a rogue sticker on and sell it for 45 bucks how uh what time does next event start uh 55 11 okay 11 55 eastern yeah oh we have a long time yeah i don't know why it came on so early i was like no i need breakfast we don't have a long time okay uh okay let's um oh thank you let's see. We will talk about the Duel 3 in just a minute. It has been announced.
Starting point is 00:50:47 The athletes were briefed on the Duel 3. The Duel 3 will be after this event. And in general, the duels are my favorite events. I really enjoy watching them. I like the stress of it. I like the story, the narrative behind it that people are getting cut. I love that part. Hey, it says 10.30, by the way,
Starting point is 00:51:05 so they must have changed the schedule a little bit. Oh, it's up 10.30 Central or Eastern? 10.30 Central. Central, yeah, that's how it is. 15 minutes. Okay, good. Let's make some picks real quick in the next 10 minutes, and then we'll cut Taylor loose.
Starting point is 00:51:18 The event is event number four. It is called... 10th inning. 10th inning, and it's called 10th inning because it's 10 rounds and a baseball game has nine innings so i don't know what trainings baby you're going four ring muscle-ups eight hands any the 10th round you have to take off all of your gloves just barehanded perfect bare knuckle fighting tell me are these handstand push-ups anything we need to know or just you're just traditional basic handstand push-ups dipping handstand push-ups yep any way you can from upside down to full extension basically uh any distance from the wall any
Starting point is 00:51:51 crap like that 10 inches 10 inch line open standard open standard meaning the crossfit game's open standard yep so you have to be 10 inches away and 10 inches away from the wall that's the standard that's the standard love it why do you like it because just the consistency from event to event i like that a lot i love that and handstand push-ups has been something they've never been consistent with can you face what can you face the wall or have your back to the wall either way uh i figure they will all go back that would be awesome like if you want to do wall facing, go for it. That's not advantageous at all. What if they just said wall facing, and if you want to kip them, you can?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh, I think you'd see a lot of stupid shit. That's my point. I think you'd see some fat booties falling over. I say do it. It's not a showcase. Starts in 15. You're giving the field a quick blow. Okay, so it's four ring muscle-ups, eight handstand push-ups, nothing fancy, and 15, they're giving the field a quick blow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:45 So it's four ring muscle-ups, eight handstand push-ups, nothing fancy, and then 12 power snatches. Regular bar, short bar, anything that we need to know about that? I would assume regular bar out there. Yeah, probably regular bar. Somebody said the numbers seem low, and I'm thinking you are not reading
Starting point is 00:53:04 10 rounds. 40 muscle ups 80 handstand push-ups 120 power snatches yeah that's low volume is this is this what loses the let's go to the women's list first laura horvat currently sitting in first place five points above tia to me uh is she is this where she loses? Is this where we look back the whole weekend and we're like, yep, she lost it there? Nope. This is where Tia will make ground on Laura. I think Tia will be ahead of Laura after this event, but not by a lot. I think Emma Lawson, as long as she can put out with her hands, I think this is her event to win.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Emma Lawson. But we will see. Okay. Taylor has Lawson for the females. Oh, who do you got for second, Taylor? Give me a second. Tia. Tia, okay. Mr. Grundler. I want to go Gazan on this one. Ooh, why?
Starting point is 00:53:52 I just, because she has, she's not a an overly heavy athlete. She's very strong. She's great going with these movements, I think, and she'll have a great engine for it, So I think she'll be good For the 10 round
Starting point is 00:54:07 Wow look at John stop I didn't stop like that did I Oh that was good John always stops with his mouth open And Mr. Young Do you have a second place Bill I'm not going to pick Tia I'll go Lawson Okay
Starting point is 00:54:23 Mr. Young who do you got I think Tia's going to go Lawson. Lawson. Okay. Mr. Young, who do you got? I think Tia's going to win this one. No. I do. She won't. Hey, why not Bethany Flores because of the snatches? Is that all? I think she's going to do great. I don't think she'll win it.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I think, yeah. I agree with Bill. I think she'll be fine. I just think she's not as fit as... Why not Paige Powers? God, John. Somebody screenshot that. You could just superimpose an eggplant right on his face every single time.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah, we got you. You fucked the show up, dude. How good is Roguegues leaderboard just clean simple they even got a refresh button okay that's what he looks like when you insult them john where are you okay it should work now the the wi-fi went from the good wi-fi to the dell diamond wi-fi oh thank you that's And that's why it was cutting out. But I have it back on the VIP Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Who do you pick for the women? Who do you pick for the women? I think Tia's going to win this one. I think Emma Carey is going to make a run at it. I feel like she might go too hot and then burn out. And then I will say Alex Kazan second. Okay. And, Sousa, do you have a pick? Yeah, I got say Alex Kazan second. Okay. And, Sousa, do you have a pick?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah, I got Ariel Lohan. And if I pick a second one, I'm going to go with Emma Lawson. Now, you guys are all fucked up here. Daniel Brandon wins this. You're fucked. Yes. But guess what? She will win the duel. Yes. Yes. Daniel Brandon wins this you're fucked yes but guess what she will win the duel yes yes daniel daniel brandon
Starting point is 00:56:07 wins this and i don't even need a second place because it doesn't matter right caleb i think you're right thank you okay let's go over to the boys let's go over to the boys boys boys boys boys boys boys everyone knows everyone in the chat's like, oh, my God, Sevan's right again. Look at him pouring in. Come on. Give me one. You have to be upside down, and you have to do some muscle-ups, and you have to fucking bend over and pull a bar over your head for 10 rounds. It's a lot of movements.
Starting point is 00:56:38 It ends up being 40 muscle-ups, 80 handstand push-ups, and 120 snatches. My God. I got Pat. Okay. Taylor gets Patrick. Who do you got for second? Chandler. No way. The power snatch.
Starting point is 00:57:00 No way. What are you guys doing? He's got a point. He's got a point. Mr. No way. Hey, make it a safe space for Taylor. What are you guys doing? Safe space. He's got a point. He's got a point. Mr. Grundler. Yeah, why Chandler? We can't let him off the hook. Because he won or took second or third in Echo Snatch at the games 2021.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You don't think he's going to blow up? He's just got a transition thing, Taylor. It's a very fast transition thing. The ring muscle-ups and handstand push-ups. It's not very fast. It's a transition thing, Taylor. It's a very fast transition thing. The ring muscle-ups and handstand push-ups. It's not very fast. It's 10 rounds. Watch. I know he's not going to be on the level of the guys that are going to win, though.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Okay, watch. I think he's got a fucking bulletproof back. I think no one can blow Chandler Smith's back out. His back is unblowable. Oh, well. He also has like a 700-pound fucking deadlift. I think he's going to obliterate this workout. Watch. We'll see. Damn. obliterate this workout. Watch.
Starting point is 00:57:45 We'll see. Damn. Calling it. Grundler. Mr. Grundler from CrossFit Inferno. I'm going to call Noah on this one because Noah, he's got a lot of momentum, and this is a great event for him. Zero fucks, though.
Starting point is 00:57:59 He doesn't want to win. Maybe not. He doesn't want to win. But I think with this particular one, he doesn't have to want to win. Wow, he's that good. But I think Adler will be second. Oh, I like it. I like it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Mr. Young. I got Noah too. I think this is the only workout that Noah could win. So I think he'll want to. I wouldn't be shocked if ricky garard comes out hot in this um and if he can hold on we'll see but uh i got noah uh i think pat velner will do really good in this workout but i just don't think he'll move as fast as noah will i know why
Starting point is 00:58:38 not victor hoffer why aren't you guys choosing hoffer because he's got a midline of a 13 year old female dude and he's not as fit as the other guys. But he should be able to do the handstand push-ups. He's going to take an enormous advantage there. He's on a whole other level. But he'll have an enormous advantage until fatigue sets in
Starting point is 00:58:57 and his back gets lit on fire. Just look at him physically. He hasn't taken that leap. Look at someone like Noah or Pat or Chandler or even Brent. Just look at him physically. He hasn't taken that leap. Look at someone like Noah or Pat or Chandler or even Brent. Just look at Ricky, for example. Look at their stature through the trunk, and then look at Victor's. He just hasn't taken that leap yet, and that's not a knock to him. He's young, and that takes time to develop.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Your core musculature through the trunk arguably takes the longest to develop. I never developed just underdeveloped you look at all the top guys like they have this thick midline and it's it's and you can tell who's got it and who doesn't have it and victor doesn't have it not yet not yet you know what i'm saying though? Yeah, there's still a chance. Does – Sousa, does Jason Hopper finish the workout? No. And my picks for this is Belner and Morad.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah, Morad's a great pick. Yeah, Belner and Morad. If it was strict handstand push-ups, I think Morad would have it. Morad. This workout can defeat them mentally halfway through. If their hands are shredded and they got that doubt in their mind, they're going to start pulling back, and they're going to start making excuses like,
Starting point is 01:00:04 I'm going to save my hands for the rest of the weekend. Wow, Jason and 10th. Caleb, do you think that someone else is going to pull out besides, we already have Yonikoski out. Do you think anyone else is going to not make it the whole weekend? Yeah, I feel like somebody's going to, they're going to collapse with their hands. I feel like it could be like a Garrett Clark type situation where his hands are just so fucked.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I don't think anyone's pulling out. If you pull out, do you still get paid for your placing? That's a great question. Because they pay out through 20th, and I don't give a fuck what's going on with me. What would you do if you were Bill and Katie? If I were Bill and Katie? No, if I were Bill and Katie? I would say you have to finish.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You have to finish. No, if I were Bill and Katie, I'd say, look, I said I'd pay out one through 20th. You pulled out and you finished 20th. I'm still going to pay you the 20th purse. So Janikowski got his check already. He got his check. I don't think he got it. It's the same money, though. It's the same money through 10th.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Like 10th through 20th, all $6,000. I think that you, as an event organizer, have an obligation to stay true to your word. And you said if you would pay 20th place this amount of money, they took 20th place. Regardless of how they took it, they get that amount of money. Okay. I don't know. I mean, look, an NFL player gets injured in a game. They don't just automatically lose their check.
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, you're right. It looks like what's happening By the way we pick men and women Right I'm going to go with Ricky by the way I'm going to go with Ricky It looks like The judges Have all taken the field or some sort of
Starting point is 01:01:39 Rogue staff the field looks set up all the bars Are out on the field and There are judges out there with towels and hats. Everyone's wearing hats. It's interesting. I wonder if it's raining. I think Go Ruck gave them all hats and shoes. Oh, is that what's going on? Okay. And so they're out there drying the bars. It's extremely overcast. The sky is white.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Yeah, it looks pretty gloomy over here. And it looks like it's women's event four. The women are going first. The stadium is filling up. Hey, Caleb, are those seats wet out there? Like if someone wants to sit down, do you get your ass wet? Yeah, I tried to sit in one of the seats. I had to wipe it down before I sat down.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And even then, it was still pretty wet. So, yeah, it's still kind of wet out here. It's not raining, but definitely wet from last night this is supposed to start in four minutes is that what's going on yep yeah yeah so so whoever that was those weren't judges i was i was wrong those were clearly just um like worker bees and they've now left the field they dried the bars and left the field and now there's just no one out there. Yeah. I think they're all over here signing up for the Swell Ring Collective. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Wow. There's three different tiers, people. Sign your friends up. Go over there and do it now. Get some free product. Sell it to your friends. They're taking it anyways. Who should really do this?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Is this for affiliates? Yeah. So if you're using Swell Ring product for affiliates yeah so if you're if you're using swolverine product and you're a coach or you're an affiliate owner or just somebody who is known as an influencer on the internet you could sign up for this as well and then you get some uh free stuff uh for promoting the product advertising the product and um and why are there different tiers do you have to pay to do it or just how much you sell no i think it's just how much you sell so you get how much products you get 20 commission yeah so if i'm an affiliate owner and i put this stuff on the shelves and i sell a shitload i get three complimentary
Starting point is 01:03:35 products is that per month you get 20 commission 50 personal discount 10 follower discount what's that follower discount for your followers on Instagram or something like that if they come to your channel. All right. Anyone can sign up for this? Yeah. I do believe you got to apply. You got to apply.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Apply. Let me see. Click that button. Let me see what it looks like. Don't put MBA in your application. Good point. Good point. Oh, man, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:04 It's going to be a, dude. What, dude? What? Hey, were you here yesterday when Taylor and Chase had the discussion? We didn't have a discussion. Chase dressed me down and set me straight. I don't think so. I don't know. What did he say?
Starting point is 01:04:20 Well, he just said, hey, shut the fuck up. Give him a chance. He didn't say the F word, but he very sternly was like, stop. Well, okay. We shut the fuck up. Give him a chance. He didn't say the F word, but he very sternly was like, stop. Well, we're a welcoming community. Give him a chance. And what really rung true to me was when he said we are supposed to be a welcoming community. I was like, damn. Oh, let me recharacterize it.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I had my mindset. I knew what I wanted to say. Chase changed my mind. And then didn't you say you changed it back, though? No, I didn't change it back. Someone said someone else. He said he loved Mike Halpin. Let me say this. Everything that Taylor said was true.
Starting point is 01:04:54 They put someone into a position that makes absolutely zero sense, and then they set him up for failure. They have a new affiliate director, and he hasn't even ever taken the L1. So clearly he doesn't even know the culture. He should have been like, I'm taking my 30th L1, or they should have kept he hasn't even ever taken the L1. So clearly he doesn't even know the culture. He should have been like, I'm taking my 30th L1, or they should have kept their mouth shut and given him 10 L. He should have gone to an L1 every weekend for the last two months.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And so Taylor's like, hey, what the fuck? This guy doesn't fit, along with a bunch of other shit. I would bet you could blame the director of marketing operations more than him. We need, and then did you, I don't know if you guys saw the letter they sent out to affiliates. I saw it. It literally looks, you did. It literally you guys saw the letter they sent out to affiliates. I saw literally look, you did. It literally looks like chat GPT sent it out.
Starting point is 01:05:30 It's like whoever sent that letter out to the affiliates has no idea who they're talking to. Like if anyone with the tiniest bit of pride would not want to be part of a company that sends out a letter like that. But that being said, Chase said, Hey dude, Taylor, this is the line that pushed Chase over the edge.
Starting point is 01:05:40 He said, he's not, I go, well, maybe he'll get it. And Taylor said, he'll never get it that's what i said exactly and chase goes whoa whoa whoa and and it was good it was good i think
Starting point is 01:05:50 that was like taylor's like me he gets a little black and white and uh and i'm passionate the i don't think i'll ever get it either but it's the better respect the better call uh for crossfit if they were going to do that how could they think? How could they think that that would not come out? What he should have done is this. It looks like, hey, you wanted this guy to fail. Totally. But when they did the
Starting point is 01:06:16 intro of Dacoons, what he should have said was, I hated CrossFit. I thought it was unsafe. I was wrong. Here it is. I thought it was unsafe. I was wrong. Right. I agree with that. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I said it. I did this thing and this thing and this thing. Here I am. Yes. I have now drank Kool-Aid, and then I'm – now I get it, you guys. I'm here. That's half of CrossFitters. He would have touched their hearts right there.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Right. For sure. Right. Because I never thought it was dangerous. I just thought it was dumb. I made fun of it. I was like, this is stupid. That's dumb. I'm not going to wear toe shoes. just thought it was dumb. I made fun of it. I was like, this is stupid. That's dumb.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I'm not going to wear toe shoes. I thought you had to wear toe shoes to do it. And then my sister took me, and I got mangled in a rope climb deadlift. I was like, fuck, I'm going back. Hey, let it be known, this is more of a fault of CrossFit leadership 100% than it is him personally. But is it the leadership, or is it marketing? No, this isn't marketing.
Starting point is 01:07:02 This is leadership, dude. He was chosen by the board right so those of you guys think that don falls choosing shit you're fucking blind seriously you don't think don chose this dude you think well that makes me feel better because whoever chose this guy i like don and this is a fucking bizarre choice but again it's how you're gonna say it you gotta how are you gonna put this guy out there you can't you there's no way. You don't do it on a list in the backyard like, hi, friends. I do this now. Like, that doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:07:29 And they're completely out of touch with the community because they should have done everything Savon said prior to them releasing it. They could have said, hey, this guy's going to be here. He's doing this. Look at all he did. And they did exactly what you said, Bill, as far as like stepping into the fact that he said that in the past and that now his mind has changed. Has the event started? No. it's about to okay so i don't see anybody going out there yet i think don in the the time that he's been with crossfit now understands the community enough to know that that that would have been a mistake not necessarily maybe in the higher but in the way
Starting point is 01:07:59 that it was presented and that tells me that he didn't hire him i think it was definitely the board that brought him in well even even still even still as as the lead guy as the commander it's like okay here's what we had to deal with how do we make this how do we get this to set right with everybody right you don't just put them out and go hey guys i'm happy to be here we're gonna make you guys great i mean cool that they're coming up with all these great things for us as the affiliates. Awesome. But again, I want to know who's doing that because if it, and this is, we don't want it to look like the same issue with it was when Rosa came in when it was like, but we got the ways person and we got the orange theory person and we got the Starbucks person and we got the, yeah, this is what I guess what I like least about it is not Jay DeCoon's himself. But what I like
Starting point is 01:08:44 least about it is I've heard rumblings of raising the affiliate fee, and then you make a decision like this, and I'm like, wow, seriously? I don't know. Hey, they said he's from Seattle. They should have 100% left that out. I know people are going to be like, hey, no, that's just you, Sevan. No, sorry. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:09:04 What about this? what about this what about this yeah have you guys do any of you guys or had a coach that could not do a muscle up but they had to show ring muscle ups in the class there are coaches in my gym that are like that okay can that coach still coach effectively the class and get everybody moving even though they don't know how to do yes it depends on the coach it depends on the coach but yes yes okay so then what what hopefully with de coons with his thing is like okay no i'm not a level one no i don't own an affiliate but what i do have is i have these other things that i can give you guys so that you can run these things well i mean there are so many ways that it could have been painted more correctly i i dude i agree with you dude but i'm believe me i i need this shit everyone yeah i hear it like i
Starting point is 01:09:51 get it i get it i saw all this stuff i got that viller i thought hillar's video was like spot motherfucking on and i mean i'm like shit why why do they do this to us because we have to keep trying to come around and pick up the flag that just got knocked out of our hands again and try to figure it out. And that makes it really, really difficult. Which is fine But like this isn't a family This is a fucking business There's mom and dads out there trying to put their fucking kids Through fucking school put dinner on the table And you've brought a guy in Who we have to fucking cater to
Starting point is 01:10:34 The ladies are coming out right now We'll continue this later I love you guys we will see you guys in an hour Thanks again to I want to keep Thanking Bill and Katie for putting on this wonderful event and tia and laura for giving us a reason to make this what i consider the most exciting event uh in crossfit history because of the competition thank you ladies for putting
Starting point is 01:10:55 your championship uh um i don't know medals caliber on the line and uh invigorating the sport john young thanks for coming on sort of the rest you guys uh full thank you bye

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