The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational & Charlotte Classic | Shut Up & Scribble Ep 19

Episode Date: October 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you uh we got a video in here somewhere is this it uh show 30 second countdown uh intro ladies and gentlemen this is so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and scribble so before we went live jr joined the stream and my camera was pointed right here except i wasn't wearing pants yet i was looking really hard for it good afternoon brother what's up what's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:01:45 You were saying something about larger egos? And small winkies? No. They go hand in hand. This is not the same. Oh, yeah, it's a different. What was Austin's last name? Stack?
Starting point is 00:02:02 No. The guy who won Crucible. Austin hatfield hatfield sorry it hartman looks really similar to that so we were talking about we were talking about og crossfitters that's why austin stack came to mind you were talking about og crossfitters and an og crossfitter who i sent a bit of a tactical nuke of a comment at. You know. Sounds like just an average Thursday for you. Probably unnecessarily.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Okay, stop that. I don't go as hard as some of our friend group does. But sometimes I, you know. Sometimes the paint gets chopped up. I chop the paint up a little bit. Oh, shit. How are you feeling after last week? Rogue is next thursday i feel like i got hit by a truck still the uh the inevitable reality of two human beings that rely on me a lot still to survive hit me uh at about 6 30 monday morning and i realized that i still have to take care of them I wish I could have just laid on the
Starting point is 00:03:06 couch all day and slept and responded to dms and reposted stuff but alas I took the kids to school uh took one of the kids to the gym started trying to put the pieces back together but yeah I've been like sleepwalking all week it's been tough to to, I've worked out every day, but I'm like slowly starting to sleep longer and longer each night. Cause like, I'm just coming down from the intense anxiety focus, whatever. So, yeah. I set the tone Monday by absolutely clapping my butt cheeks.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And I was probably the most sore. I've been in like a year yesterday and tuesday what was the workout give it to us i just did like a pretty nothing crazy wall ball biker workout 35 cowl biker 50 wall ball 30 cal 35 cowl biker 50 wall ball 35 cowl biker just like a little you know chipper um and then i did our class workout which was two rounds of 50 ghd's 50 bodyweight deadlifts and then i i rested like about one to one and then at the 15 minute mark i did that dot com dt piece that's like 95 pounder five rounds 24 deadlift double power clean yeah uh 12 short overhead um and some lifting and stuff and accessory in there
Starting point is 00:04:26 my quads and hamstrings were just annihilated quads i think from that wall ball and then going really hard on that 50 50 piece and then yeah it's quite what was the first workout of those three again 35 cal biker 50 wall ball 35 cal biker 50 wall ball 35 cal biker uh for the audience taylor knows that that is not delineated as a chipper he knows that okay he said chipper it's not really what he meant whatever he knows he knows that when you come back to a movement it's technically not a chipper okay guys chill where's that in the dictionary though that's what i find when we're talking about workout formats like especially like a couplet a triplet a chipper like because you could call a triplet a chipper a little mini
Starting point is 00:05:15 chipper like jackie like is jackie a triplet or is it a chipper i consider it a mini chipper but it's both i think that's that's such a weird thing where like i consider we need james on here for this topic like if we we just need to get into the to the minor nuances and some may say semantics of programming yeah do you think they've ever gone into the weeds like this like debated this i don't know but i bet james would like to come on and talk about stuff like that because like to me when you say and I say it all the time, if something is an up and back chipper, it's not a chipper,
Starting point is 00:05:48 a chipper by definition to me means you do a movement and then you don't come back to it again. Okay. Fuck nuts. What would you call your first workout of 2020? So then what do you call it? Exactly. Like I would,
Starting point is 00:05:59 I would still call it an up and back chipper or like a pyramid chipper or whatever, but it's just, it's a cool conversation to have because I think a lot of people, especially who are new in CrossFit and are really want to get like the methodology. They want to be able to like refer to workouts by that. They want to be able to say, this is a classic couplet.
Starting point is 00:06:21 This is one, this is a, is a interval um triplet or whatever you know it's just cool to like i've been doing any of ben smith's workouts i have not but i've actually like saved several of them i've been really impressed with his programming i did that creativity standpoint and i really like to see the high level of difficulty. I did. I did. I think people need to look at programmers in their gym. Like Ben, we know people doing his classes are like he and probably Laura and like Emily B. Roth and like Matthias Porter, like people who have been kind of there. Does he go there?
Starting point is 00:06:59 I think he was training there for a while. But like that's really cool. Like you program for people that are going to be challenged that have won the CrossFit Games like he and Laura. Other people just scale down from that which I think is really good. I did that power clean dumbbell bench double under workout and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:07:15 I'm going to do it at 205. 185 is a little unnecessary. I didn't need to. It was still a great workout. I don't think it was that much slower. I just probably could have done touch and go at 185. Maybe even would have been a good idea, but I did not at 205. This is, first off, I don't believe that to the degree that they expressed it at all,
Starting point is 00:07:47 that he does 85% of what's posted Because if he does, if that's true. Who are you talking about, Jeff? Jeff Adler. Okay. Yeah. Are you having a conversation in your head that we didn't know about? Yeah, Nicole Christensen.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Sorry, I was just going to call it up. Nicole Christensen goes up there, spends a couple days, and goes, Jeff Adler does 85% of dot-com workouts. He does three-on-one-off. He does the zone diet. I believe he does three-on-one-off. I don't believe for one second that he does 85% of what's posted on dot-com because if he does, then he's repeating a workout every three, four weeks even, which at his level is wildly unnecessary, maybe even detrimental.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I believe him. I think we should have his coach on, his girlfriend. I would love to because I don't think Jeff said that and I don't think his coach said that. I just know that we talked to her last year. God, it's crazy. It's been a year since we talked to her at Rogue and she was just awesome to talk to and she really knows her stuff programming-wise.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I would love to get as deep into the weeds as we wanted to as far as that kind of stuff goes. As much as I've enjoyed Ben's programming, the one thing that I wish he would do, and I wonder if it was something he thought about doing. Cause it's not anything main site ever does is to put like target times on stuff. Like let's just say he's tested all the workouts he's put out for main site and that dumbbell bench workout that he put out.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Like if you would just put at the bottom, you know, stimulus here should be sub 12 or whatever. And then maybe deep into the comments, I haven't looked at, read down on the emails that I get every day on stuff like that. But, you know, some people will just see it and be like, oh, Ben Smith wrote it. I can do this RX. I'm going to do it. It's going to be a grinder.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's not supposed to be a grinder. It's supposed to have a certain stimulus and you should be shooting for a target time of like 10 to 12 minutes or something like that. I wonder what main site has never really done that. They've put intended stimulus before, but I mean like with specific time domains. Do you remember seeing that often? I know when they do like little video blurbs, they talk about that a little bit. I find the time domains extremely helpful for our class goers. I give it to SMTP. I think it's a huge, like that's, you know, that's by
Starting point is 00:10:14 and large how you can adjust a task priority workout to your capability and your capacity is, is the intended time domain. Um, um you know if i give my mom fucking rx fran it's gonna take her 30 minutes to do it but that's not the intent of fran but just saying 21 15 9 thrusters pulls i don't know um i think that's been the biggest thing that i've changed since going to crossfit charlotte is i ever since i became strong enough to do RX workouts, I would just do RX because I could lift the weight. But I didn't ever scale. I hardly ever scaled in probably a year and a half before coming trying to do for the first time given the way that taylor and andy instruct the coaches instruct and also write the workouts like okay that makes more sense if
Starting point is 00:11:11 i'm trying to hit this then i know okay on this dumbbell workout i should use 35s instead of 50s even though in the past it's like 50s aren't crazy but they'll stop me in the tracks if it's a lot of volume and it just ends up taking forever i think that's the biggest thing I've trained recently to that note. One of the other things I like that Ben has done is he's given options for rest day and not just made it a blanket state like rest day has to be a rest day. And some people may not like that because they may think it encourages people who probably need a day to do more because the option is there. Like today, I think it was handstand walk, L pull-ups, and maybe running, which is not a workout. And if you look at the format of that workout, it's not going to be a ton of volume. You add, I think, 25 feet to the handstand walk every round.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's 15 minutes. But for a lot of people, just a dedicated skill day like that, strict upper body pulling day would be great. And it's not going to beat them up. And unless they're super sore from something else they've done earlier in the week, stuff like that could be a really viable option for people who maybe just want to move and practice some skills. But think that because they've trained hard for three days, they need to take a day off. What do you think about that? I think they have to decide what they want to do a program for anyone, anywhere that can work out and they can go and look at the workout and get an amazing
Starting point is 00:12:38 workout? Or the example and the dictionary definition of the CrossFit methodology of it's going to be three on one off. It's going to be one piece a day, prioritizing intensity over volume always, prioritizing minimum effective dose, etc., etc. effective dose um you know etc etc i don't it's like half the time i'm looking at dot com i'm like are they really expecting people to fucking join arms and actually get behind this workout and do it and like have fun because i don't think anyone wants to do that workout or nor are they going to or is this just the example of hey this is this is what CrossFit methodology is. Do you, you know, you got what I'm saying? Yeah. I don't know if they've,
Starting point is 00:13:27 I feel like with bringing these guests programmers in, they are for sure going the route of, we want more people consuming these workouts, like doing them rather than just looking at it and saying, this is the methodology because I'm sorry, I'm not doing five by five fucking deadlift every two weeks. I'm not going to lie. Like knowing that Dave wrote them, knowing that Boz wrote him, knowing that Ben has written
Starting point is 00:13:48 them has made me pay attention to them a lot more for sure. And I look at it every single day, but just like seeing the workout and thinking to myself, oh yeah, if I saw that workout, I could tell that would be a Boz workout. And likewise, some of the ones you see and you're like, ah, that just looks programming of old. It just looks like the same type thing. So far Ben's workouts have been very much so unique to his style, which I think has been really cool. I also like, like part of me cringes when people call that three day on period, a cycle. Do you know what I mean? When they're like, well, for this three day cycle, I don't i mean when they're like well for this three-day cycle i don't know i'm just like oh i guess it's a micro cycle but it's just so i don't know i feel
Starting point is 00:14:33 like there's too many options in terms of movement selection and modality selection to really look at a three-day period and and program three-day periods individually do you know what i mean like i feel like i have to look at a bigger picture to really have good variance me and andy program for the gym today i enjoy doing that i we're going to do an episode where me and jr go someone asked for this where we're going to do it yeah we're going to do it one episode part one will be jr programming for his affiliate and me being the assistant coach. And then part two will be me programming for my affiliate and him being the assistant coach. And just showing the process of how we go from nothing to something, which I think will be really cool. And people will enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:15:17 But today, we're going to talk about some of the Charlotte Classic workouts, some about Rogue. I don't know if you have anything to pull up, Will. Do you have any graphics or is that going to take you a second? Let's at least pull up the workouts that Charlotte Classic has released and let's talk about those. Because I want to get into a little bit of the inspiration. Not so much from the book per se, but your creative process, when you sit down to write a competition, do you have like these workouts that you know, are just like, this is firm. I'm not going to change it. The rest of the program needs to just be built around these couple workouts or do you really like to just have
Starting point is 00:16:05 all six and the ability to tweak them all together where do you start uh it depends i don't think i'm sold on one or the other i think this year the first workout that i came up with was the interval workout that's been announced and there were like a lot of several iterations to it um first iteration for elite was the same format as rx where it was two rounds of eight bar muscle ups and five sandbag burpee getovers but i i know with the implement that they're using like i did it with jerk blocks which is harder than what they're going to use because you have to plant a foot on top of the jerk block you have to plant the bag on top of the jerk block then push it over it's not just like a roll it over whatever etc then get over um and my time domains were pretty tight on the first two intervals
Starting point is 00:17:00 to where like i knew probably more than half the elite field would not have any time on the first two intervals um on the jerk blocks maybe they'd have a short time frame on the implement that we're going to use but then I was just like really in my head trying to figure out how to get that time down a little bit so that those first two intervals were still meaningful for the athletes that were going to win the workout and I think going 13 and 13 was appropriate. Just less transition time. You know what I mean? You don't have those same five to ten seconds each round
Starting point is 00:17:34 of walking from the block to the pull-up bar, block to the pull-up bar, et cetera, or to the bike erg. Then – so that workout came first, and that came, not this one, uh, the workout. I'm about to commit a crime trying to make this computer work for this. Oh, and, uh, what do you mean commit a crime? Oh, you know what that means? Get out a knife, commit a crime on myself. Oh, uh, something I know you were really firm about
Starting point is 00:18:06 though, was that was the, the time domain interval scheme. You were very hard about that. Like that was really important to you. And why, why, why were those numbers important? Well, that number was important to me because it came from the book, but also it's an, it was an interval that once I did it was like, it just is like two, two, two, three intervals is painful. I felt like this interval was a little more painful. And I'm very partial to workouts that stress the psychological tolerance of athletes in terms of how hard you want to push and how much you're willing to really go for it. I really like that. And I think it's something that people have never done before.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Like a lot of people have never done anything like this where you have such a long interval with short rest in a competition, and then you finish with a five-minute interval. There's a lot of time there to see who's really going to push hard. And I know when I tested it, I was in the gym by myself, but I had your scores. And as a competitor, you're going to be out there with five or six or seven other lanes. Everyone's finishing two minutes on the bike and just looking around like I have no clue where anyone is. So you have no choice but to truly empty it. let the light truly empty it yeah which and i think for my competition i rely less on spectator experience and more you know and this is not to say that you don't rely more on athlete
Starting point is 00:19:35 experience but i care more about the feel of the workout more so than i do about okay are all the spectators going to be able to see who's in first place in this workout, et cetera. So that was the one I came up with first. I think in years past, there have been workouts that I've been really, really set on and like building around it. This year, I knew that I wanted this workout and an offsite workout. And then I knew that I wanted a handful of movements that I programmed in other workouts. And aside from that, it was kind of like a blank slate. Like I knew I wanted what is in our finale,
Starting point is 00:20:15 which hasn't been announced. I knew I wanted L-sits, and that came from a workout that me and you talked about a long time ago, that 60-second L-sit, 30 snatch, or was it 15 power snatch, 15? That sounds right. Yeah, it was like – I can't remember. Unbroken designation.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Well, it's something that – Finishing with the bike. Even earlier, though, when we were talking about semifinals in the games, you and I were both pretty firm that we thought the lsit was going to return and we were kind of wondering based on the things that boz had said about thinking there's going to be some things in the workout that some people really want to do and some people really don't want to do and it was like what if they did something where it was like you know you had a buy-in of an lsit into a max lift and it would be like hey the really strong people that don't have that midline integrity just aren't going to be able to keep
Starting point is 00:21:11 lifting and we were trying to come up with any obviously it ended up being the max snatch into the basically max effort run and that being something that a lot of people probably don't want to do after they snatch heavy but yeah i'm so glad you put the L-sit in. I think it's really cool. You would see it back in the day, maybe like 2011, 12 or 13, but it would usually be like part of some floater or some skills thing. But the fact that you're putting it in a workout and putting it in a workout that's like really creative and is not going to decide who does well is really cool. Yeah, I think it's going to highlight who is good at them and who has really good static strength in that trunk flexion position. So I wanted those, and then I wanted ring dips on the high rings.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I wanted to put ring dips in a competition for a couple years, and I just couldn't figure out what i was comfortable with standards wise because i knew there was like not a real way for me to replicate that regional standard with the red strap and then semi-finals posted the complex and i was like ah fuck it i'll just put them on the high rings and make sure that their top of their shoulder touches the ring at the bottom and then at the top they reach full extension of the elbow obviously yeah and i think there's is there is there something about about the hip has to move up and down or is that the hip can't come like above the bottom of the ring?
Starting point is 00:22:31 There was some standard about the hip position. I don't know if it was that it had to move vertically or that it – Inline with the shoulder. Right. But either way, I mean it seemed to work out great. So, yeah, I don't think a standard is going to be an issue here. No. Either way, I mean, it seemed to work out great.
Starting point is 00:22:43 So, yeah, I don't think a standard is going to be an issue here. No. So this workout, I knew kind of – I had the bones structure of this one for a while, and I was kind of just on the fence about what order of the squats, what weight on the squats, and then had Hunter test it, and she did it really fast at a particular weight, so I made it a little bit heavier. I think it will still be a relatively fast workout. Um, or all these, are all these bars going to be from the floor and are they going to be stripping weight or are they going to, no, it'll be three different barbells from the floor
Starting point is 00:23:13 and it'll be laid out. Like if you can see the gym back here, like they'll start, uh, all the way towards the back where those GHDs are and they'll do 15 back squats and they'll come forward and their parallettes will be in the middle and they'll do their 60 second L said, and they'll come forward. They'll do their, uh, 15 front squats. They'll come forward to the rings that she's on. They'll do the 30 ring dips and they'll finish just beyond the rings and do their 15 overhead squats. Um, and that'll be, that'll be cool. Yeah. I think it's gonna be a great finish. There'll be some good races and then there's gonna be some people that are just way behind and i think a lot of it's gonna be because of the gymnastics
Starting point is 00:23:49 movements which is why i think it's such a cool blend because everyone wants to play with the weight and throw it around but not everybody um can stay up on the rings for one or two sets and they're you know every time you come off that's just another muscle up you have to do so yeah i think oh wow gallon pepper like this workout i think um more i think yeah more than anything at those weights it's going to be who is strong enough to go unbroken while still being able to finish the l-sit and two three sets at most for the winners and then the ring dips i think are you're going to need to finish them in two sets and then go ring dips i think are you're going to need to finish them in two sets and then go and broke on the last set of overhead squats but i think it's a cool workout as well what's your standard for the l set they're going to have their heels over
Starting point is 00:24:34 an elevated target and aside from their heels can't touch the target and they have to stay over the target that's the only standard and obviously they cannot rest like they can't squeeze the parallettes so tight that like they're basically sitting on their hands for support you know what i mean right um so like your wrist can't touch your legs but there's no like knee bend standard aside from your feet have to stay over the parallettes sure yeah the less is more type thing when it comes to the standards on that. Cool. What else has come out? Then the sixth workout.
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Starting point is 00:26:03 Add coffee to your list? Then swap it for one that's cheaper craving chips the app will suggest some on sale to get started just open the app it's as easy as that see the pc optimum app for details and i would say like you can correct me if I'm wrong, but the intervals, the offsite and this, so these are the three, like if you're fit enough, especially on something like this, if you have enough upper body pulling stamina and pushing stamina are going to hurt really, really bad. Like those three. And then the rest of them probably limited by something else.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I mean, you did this one. You told me about it when you did it. And I was like, dude, that is awful. Like that's, it was too much. I had to shorten it. I remember, um, the switching back and forth between chest to bar and toast. I don't know if I've ever seen that before. What made you want to do that in this workout? I want, I, I needed more, like I wanted more trunk flexion. Like I, like analysis, just not enough. I didn't want to do GHDs this year.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Um, and I also needed some upper body pulling in addition to the bar muscle up. I mean, I, the bar muscle up, I just feel is like, so not necessarily pure upper body pulling. Like it's a lot of press too. Um, and I just thought it was a cool concept i was like uh you know i played back and forth between chest to bar and a thruster here rx got the thruster version um because the elite has some more squatting elsewhere that rx doesn't have. Um, yeah, I, I, I've seen this format in other places, so it's not like I'm the first one to coin it. Um, but I just like the fact of going back and forth. And I think starting and finishing with the toaster bar is a little bit easier than starting
Starting point is 00:27:57 and finishing with a chest to bar. In my opinion, I think you're more likely to get right to toast a bar and go like, it's not as much of a high heart rate. Like you can, you can keep your heart rate lower on a toast to bar, in my opinion. Whereas if you jump up for 22 toes to bar and go like it's not as much of a high heart rate like you can you can keep your heart rate lower on a toes to bar in my opinion whereas if you jump up for 22 chest to bar your heart rate's gonna spike yeah dude i would say it's almost two to one like it's close cycle rate like if you get up and do 30 chest to bar to 30 toes to bar it's gonna be close to two to one yeah it was and i yeah and i just think the chest to bar like really blow you up heart rate wise whereas the toes to bar if I'm fucking hurting, there's not a level of hurt for me that is so bad
Starting point is 00:28:31 that I can't jump up and do a couple toes-to-bar. But if I'm hurting that bad, I'm going to wait longer to jump up for the chest-to-bar. So I wanted to finish on the toes-to-bar to give athletes something they could get right to and race a bit more on. And then some heavy barbell, moderate barbell overhead and i think 55 reps is pretty pretty substantial there with the 165 bar it's good and it just really you know it's it will come down to gymnastics capacity and like how good you are on a barbell but also like that's a substantial amount of rowing and if you're a bad rower or if you're bad on machines or if you have bad general metabolic conditioning, you're not going to do well in this workout at all.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah. And this is one that like I look at and the time domain is tough to figure out until you do it because some people it's going to hit them on round three some people are going to be able to hold on and they're going to be like hey how hard i can row is going to be what determines my time on this what do you think good times are going to be here i don't uh it's i don't think how hard you can row that's not the entire workout um at least not how i felt it no i mean like on on like the last round or two are you going to be able to actually maintain your row pace or is it just going to become a recovery for some people no for a lot of people in this field for sure going to become a recovery but the best should be pulling probably pretty consistent the entire
Starting point is 00:30:04 time i don't think it's going to get to a point to where that last round is like a, a wicked hard push. I think the people who pace this workout, the best are going to be hurting to their capacity, trying to hold what they opened up with on the rower. And that probably for the best guys is I would be, I would be shocked if it's over 1400 for all five rounds. That's kind of what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah. So do you think like holding three-minute – like holding an average of three-minute rounds is going to be a pretty good score? That's kind of what I was thinking. I think that will be a very good score. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense too. And I think you can do that even with like a strategic break
Starting point is 00:30:43 on the Toaster Bar, Chester Bar, and just being able to do the 11 unbroken every time. It's cool. I think there's a lot of volume here, but I think there's a lot of area for people to separate. I think there's going to be like a lot of people that come out way too hot as usual. And then there are going to be some people that kind of slow play it a
Starting point is 00:31:04 little bit and they know that, you know, breaking early might be the way to go. And then on that last round, if they can hold on for unbroken, that's the play. So I'm, I'm excited to see it. Yeah. I think this, it's funny that you mentioned the offsite, the interval and this workout as the ones that hurt the most. Cause I also believe those three workouts are the most, most likely places where people are going to go out hot and the most likely places where if you do that, you're fucked. Absolutely blasted if you go out hot on those three workouts. Why didn't you want to do GHDs?
Starting point is 00:31:39 I just have done them two years in a row. And like we just got one new rogue ghd and i'm like ah we have these like pro max ghd's like made by this company in texas which are like they've we've had them for like 10 years so as durable of a ghd you could possibly buy outside of a rogue you can't you can't adjust the leg rollers but besides that they're great i'm just yeah right it's really hard like like exactly i just don't want to use them um so maybe we'll get i think like just that point that you let off with though and i'm finding myself doing this because next year will be the fifth year i have tendencies i have have bias. I have movements
Starting point is 00:32:25 that I've programmed every single year. And I also have movements and you have movements that are kind of like staples for your competitions, or they just fit really well with your layout. Like that outdoor run. You guys have that parking lot. It's like a perfect rectangle. You have a place that you can do out and back for like shuttle runs or sleds. So there are things from a programming standpoint and we're not limited. We're not just like, oh yeah, different venue every single year. We can go off the landscape. There are going to be things that I know for me for next year, like I cannot program because they're going to be way too predictable moving forward. Like if there's always pegboard, then it's, there's nothing
Starting point is 00:33:10 like it doesn't add anything. There's no level of like, well, I don't know if, is it going to be rope climb is going to be pegboard is going to be hand over hand sled. So like, I think your point just about, Oh, I've done GHD every year. Like that's something good for people to take note of is that just because you have, it doesn't mean you have to use it. Yeah. I, each year I hope to put something in like the competition that not a lot of people do a lot of, um, or use or like something that kind of surprises them or a movement that's like damn i have access to this but i don't ever do it this way why um like the first year when we had you you know uh i can't remember how that went down i think either you had the idea or we did a workout
Starting point is 00:34:01 together with the ballistic block with that run and i I knew like right when I did it, I was like, man, I'd have to use this. Where we ran for a mile and I ran for 400 meters and you ran for 1200 with it. Like that's not an exaggeration, guys. I have not been a coward very often in my life on workouts. And I just remember on that workout, I wanted none of it. Wanted none of the discomfort. And like, it was at the end of a workout that I'd already pushed pretty hard
Starting point is 00:34:30 to stay with Taylor on. And then I was just like, hey, like, that's fine. No ego. You're going to be able to carry it. And like me running with you carrying a 70 pound ballistic block is going to be pretty comparable.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So yeah, I was going to use it for the belt and run, but you had this idea to use it in that GHG row workout that I actually like even more. So I was like, hey, I'll just use the feed bags and you use the blocks. And it was awesome because it was raining too. And it just made that workout way more gritty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So like that last year, we had like the jerry cans. Like we had these military jerry cans filled with like wet sand. They were like 90 pounds for farmers carry and they just looked cool as fuck. And the go-ruck bag. It was like a little military workout with like med ball, GHD sit-ups and a go-ruck like squat handstand walk. It was awesome. And then this year there's the lsit um which people train
Starting point is 00:35:27 but again in this format it's a little bit different and then they're that the interval format like that interval time domain is something that like not a lot of people have done um i'd venture to say maybe even no one has done until seeing it, which is cool. Maybe I'll be corrected on that. And then a couple other things that will come out that I know for a fact that people don't train a lot of and are going to get – going to have some trouble with. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah, and we got like 10 more minutes to talk about Rogue. Oh, my God. It was kind of a good segue. You had mentioned that workout with the Jerry cans and the go rocks bags, but then what did it have with it? It had handstand walk. It had med ball GHD. So to me this is a really cool like way to start talking about rogue and what we assume is going to be the idea.
Starting point is 00:36:24 You just described a workout that sounded very rogue until you got to the handstand walk. They've never programmed it in an in-person competition, that movement, which is crazy. Are we going to get that this year? Are we going to get maybe like a wall walk variation? Like we had the wall facing handstand pushups. Wall walks are like a really, really good good grinder if you haven't done them with a vest or a ruck they work fine with that like to make them weighted um yeah i mean what what do we think about rogue what do you think's coming we've gotten a little some some teasers here and there with that strongman dumbbell and kind of the size of it compared to a regular 50 pound dumbbell that Katie posted. I think there was a picture posted with the log, you know, that the log bar is coming back. We can
Starting point is 00:37:11 talk about maybe what we think that's going to be. So yeah, I mean, let's start like long and hard, like endurance. There's usually something like that. Last year they did that run on the ranch. What do you, are you thinking there's gonna be a workout like that off-site or do you think everything's just gonna be at del don can you pull up their instagram will with us on the side i see you i see you clicking through it over there yeah i mean which one what do you want just pull that instagram up i want you to pull that picture of the bull up oh that's sick oh of the bull sled I think they're gonna put fucking Jason sitting right
Starting point is 00:37:50 down on one horn and then another athlete sitting right on that other horn and they're gonna play seesaw dude that is sick look at the welds on that thing make me full of wet dude I love a good weld and i love welding dude it's so i might i might buy a welder just for my backyard don't see anything i know how to
Starting point is 00:38:14 weld do you have it up on your screen will i don't see anything yeah oh do you see it do i see it what are you talking about it's in the middle of our... I've got nothing on my end, but our silhouettes of mustaches and eyebrows. Really? That's odd. How about now? Nope. Wow. Picture this, JR. There's a big iron bull with juicy horns. Amazing weld. Got it. A beautiful geometry of a precious Texas cow.
Starting point is 00:38:50 The comment section doesn't see it either. Taylor, what do you think they're going to use the log bar for this year? Last year was you. She posted it, right? Yeah, she posted it. I mean, they posted a picture of it um do you think it's gonna be used for a hanging gymnastics movement i can see it now um like last year they did for bar muscle-ups do you think they're going to use it for something
Starting point is 00:39:16 hanging or do you think it might just be lowered on the rig to be used for something else um man i hope they use it for toes to bar i kind of i kind of think they might bring the mule back and they'll do like something could be like a burpee pull-up could be a burpee chest of our pull-up i think um if they kept the theme of like something having something really grip intensive maybe they could do a axle bar deadlift or like kettlebell deadlift. And it would just be another iteration of that 21, 15, nine workout. I hope they don't do another iteration of that. I hope it's different because I think if you do one thing too many times, I'm just like, ah, they've already done the mule twice. And I know a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 00:40:01 they did like some over unders right with a log. I think it would be cool if they did, maybe they had it kind of low, like a 30 inch, like think happy star. ago they did like some over-unders, right, with a log. I think it would be cool if they did. Maybe they had it kind of low, like a 30-inch, like think Happy Star, and they did like burpee getovers over the log like that where it was low enough to where you could really keep the speed and it wouldn't be really dependent upon, you know, how tall you are to be able to do a getover on a really high one. At the games, we saw the logs for like, you know, get over and then put the
Starting point is 00:40:26 sandbag over uh i'm with you though i i kind of hope that it is as a gymnastics element i i would be willing to bet it's a total bar or like you said a burpee pull-up burpee chest bar um i have a hard time seeing them lowering that and using that thin log as something to get over. Like I would imagine like, like in happy starts quite a bit thicker. Right. And that over under log is quite a bit thicker. Like that's probably a four inch diameter or three and a half inch
Starting point is 00:40:54 diameter. I believe happy star and that over under workout or like an eight or a 10 inch like utility pole diameter. Yeah. I think happy star was just basically like a monster light rig but it was like a beige color like it wasn't it was just like oh it wasn't even a log right it was just like a yeah it was just like an attachment like an upright kind of um yeah or they could just do bar muscle-ups again because everybody's you know did them last year so i hope they have the hill like i would be
Starting point is 00:41:23 disappointed if the hill wasn't in there i feel like that's a staple of rogue now and it's something super unique and it adds a stimulus there's so much you can do with it you know they did that turtle hand over hand pull up the hill last year and we talked about like could you get some feed bags and tell them they have to reverse like backpedal up the hill dragging something like dragging a person like a dummy in front of them that would be really cool to see um yeah if they ran to the hill sure if they ran to the top of the hill and did something up there like they got up there and then they squatted or did burpees or did thrust you know something like that and then
Starting point is 00:42:01 ran back down the hill and it's not just like a run up and then run right back down could you see them changing the surface of the hill into a stair that would be so cool dude do you think they'd be reluctant to do that for safety i think it would depend on how uh deep each step is like if someone took a step backwards are they immediately gonna have to you know but that would be so fucking cool wouldn't i just think yeah it would be really cool that'd be awesome i thought about this too from like where the lanes start i guess it's it's probably somewhere in between what the pitcher's mound and home plate, maybe I can't remember the dimensions. I think it's right. I think it's right at the pitcher's mound. Like that distance.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like, so there, so there to the Hill, do you think like, I'm pretty sure Katie's a pretty avid biker. Do you think they would do like a bike repeater style workout where they got bikes out there and like biked on the field? I don't think they'd bike just because of them using them at the games this year.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Just not biking at all. Yeah, I don't see them using a cycle, a bicycle. What about Echo? You think Echo is still there? I could for sure see an Echo. What about Echo? Do you think Echo is still there? I could for sure see an Echo.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I could – oh, man. How many times has a biker been used in – So a biker has never, ever been used in individual CrossFit Games competition. Not once. Right, right. And I think the only other events relevant to use it are Dubai. Dubai. They've used it for age groups and they've used it maybe for teams oh yeah i mean some other some other competitions have have definitely used them um you just haven't seen them at crossfit games competitions and a lot of people rogue doesn't shy away from monostructural like a lot of people
Starting point is 00:44:05 think of rogue as being a just a really heavy robust test with more of a weightlifting feel but like they did ski and echo last year they ran twice they did the long run on thursday and then they did the run with the goblet squat and the muscle up like they don't they don't shy away at all from monostructural stuff um i don't i think the first year maybe when like berman was there do you remember that chipper with rowing wall balls i think it had kettlebell lunges box jump overs that's the last time i remember them rowing at rogue um but didn't they row didn't they row one year here at dell diamond the first year they had dell diamond they did a row workout in bkg it had like handstand push-ups and i uh the chipper that had the jerry can maybe yeah and the gymnastics was
Starting point is 00:44:53 like strict handstand push-up ring muscle up yep so i mean yeah they've they've used they've used ski they've used the row they've used echo bike i think would be cool if they put the biker in there especially if it was like like to me, when I think of Rogue, I think the duel. I just think of that elimination style format, which is really cool. They did it one year with the drag rope squat snatch and the sandbag to the pedestal.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And then last year they did it with the legless rope climb, overhead squat, the sandbag carry. I think when you put a bike erg in that setting where you just have to make people sprint at the very beginning of some kind of one-minute that just makes it nasty dubai did that too though didn't they do that with the overhead squat workout it was like maybe handstand walk and overhead squat maybe yeah yeah so uh i i agree i like that i hope they use the d ball as well this year i just love the d ball like yeah you don't see that come up as much. I think because they did the online qualifier,
Starting point is 00:45:47 had Sandbag over the shoulder with dumbbell step over. I think it would be really cool to see the return of the year they did the online rogue when they did the D ball step over. That's just a gnarly movement. Or squat clean. The squat clean. That would be awesome. Yeah, and we're like right at a week out.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I haven't seen anything. Do we have a roster you can pull up at all? Probably Barbell Spin probably has one. The latest addition, Shelby Neal is in the field, which is pretty cool that she got in.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Not sure who is out because of that addition, but it's cool to see someone locally that we know kind of break into that echelon of super high status. I mean, it's the most prestigious competition to go to for sure. Isn't that interesting how Rogue Invitational is considered more prestigious than the games yeah it's like you gotta you know you gotta you gotta go to the games to perform to even get there so all right guys i gotta pick up lilia from school i'm just gonna listen in the car
Starting point is 00:46:56 keep going all right we'll run through we'll run through this roster real quick and then all right cool off wow okay so Wow. Okay. So, gosh, look at that men's field. Ricky Garrard. Crazy. Travis Mayer. Meh. Hopper. BKG.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Galehoste. Lazar Djukic. Wow. Jeff, Pat, Roman, Brent. Goodness gracious. That's going to be insane chandler yeah chandler noah dallin yeah i mean there's really it's like like pick a pick a top 10 jeff pat roman brent noah dallin yana chandler jay lazar yella bkg bailey martin jason hopper travis mayor ricky garrard like you you can't pick a top 10 you could pick a top 17 oh man it's it's nuts the men's field is crazy crazy
Starting point is 00:47:55 crazy stack yeah ladies not quite so deep but the star power of tia Toomey and Laura going head to head. Gotta imagine that's going to be quite the battle. Kind of carries the show. Who carries the show? The Laura versus Tia. Yeah, Laura versus Tia battle. That's such a big matchup that it doesn't really matter. Well, it matters, but as far as the storyline.
Starting point is 00:48:25 a big matchup that it's it doesn't really matter well it matters but as far as the storyline but the other thing is dude emma lawson emma carrie ariel lowen alex kazan alexis raptus those ladies also pulled out alexis raptus did pull out yeah why because of her uh colitis oh didn't know what's that it's like uh i think it's a like stomach autoimmune disease and i think she just had a huge flare-up and couldn't train or eat for a long time and so she decided not to do it but yeah it would be funny if everyone talks about laura tia and then someone else middles or has a show okay if i can do whatever the fuck i want asshole okay so katrin pulled out yeah do we know why that happened i don't remember i don't know if we know or yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:49:19 that's crazy okay bethany flores so her back must be feeling like way, way, way better, which is great. Awesome for her. Interesting. And we now know that Shelby Neal is in and that one other person is out. So is that Alexis Raptus that is out and Shelby Neal is in? Who's in in place of? I don't know who's in place of Alexis.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Okay. But then someone else is out and Shelby's in. Crazy. Crazy. Catch all the live action next week on the Savant Podcast. Are they going to be jocking that stream?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Oh, yeah. No. What do you mean, jacking? I mean, is Ro going to allow them to jock the stream and commentate over it or are they just gonna do recaps i don't think they asked so i don't know if rogue's not allowing it but i think they're just doing i think the i think they're just gonna do previews and recaps probably you're gonna do them uh previews and recaps are you gonna watch the rogue maybe my plan was to do every workout they announced in my own gym and beat everyone's times and then call everybody cunts on instagram like
Starting point is 00:50:33 really keith was at the gym monday and he was like you should 100 do that it would be so funny honestly i mean i kind of like that huh i kind of like it just and then you just randomly don't post the workouts that you can't do or we don't have the ability to exactly just one workout i would have won and it's just like two of the workouts just be doing one oh fuck that's hilarious. You should do that. Choose women's bars.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Fake weights. Yeah, I would need to do that. Well, cool. Good episode. Thanks, everyone, for watching. Bye-bye. Got anything else? Sign up for self-made training program.
Starting point is 00:51:24 14-day free trial do this you want 60 minute track we got you you're trying to compete you got aspirations you didn't win anything as a high schooler in sports and you want to have a go at qualifying to sports as an adult strap into that compete program so

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