The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Day 2 Pre-Game Show

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. If there was ever a... Bam, we're live. If there was ever a time you should be away from the show, it should be only to take a pee or to spot someone.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Okay. Your wife's front squatting in the room with you? No, we have a garage gym she's going out to the garage and what would she do she would just be like hey can you spot me um well i mean i know what she's doing so she wouldn't need anybody to the last set and the last set is like kind of like the uh i might get it i might not So if you do go out to spot or I'm just going to take a break and go to and look for a job. I mean, that's what I'll be doing. So you just take your time and I'll be just looking for a job at barbells job. No,
Starting point is 00:01:18 God, I hope I have that spelled right on there. Is it barbells jobs or barbell jobs? And is that proper English? Don't you have to – wouldn't the barbells have to be plural if the jobs are plural? It doesn't sound good with the barbells plural. There's no S on there. Oh, the show can start. Brian's here. Enough of this nonsense.
Starting point is 00:01:43 How do you spot someone in a front squat john well i kind of just wait until she fails and i'll just pick up the bar off of her it's light enough i can just hold it but oh so so okay so when you say spotter she drops the bar and then you put it back on the rack no no like so she'll just sit so just sit uh because if you have a good front rack you don't fail in front of you so she can just sit so just sit uh because if you have a good front rack you don't fail in front of you so she can just sit there i mean you can just sit there forever um and it's just in the front rack at the bottom if you have good ankle mobility it doesn't hurt to do that so she'll just be stuck at the bottom you'll be like coming and then you just stand
Starting point is 00:02:18 behind her and lift her up yeah but like if i'm within five feet of her i can do it kind of immediately but yeah like just reach over with one hand and just be like let me see if we got like just be like okay i got it yep lateral raise all right what's your wife's max front squat i like 175 no shit yeah she's tiny too she weighs like like 115. Wow, that's crazy. Did you get her into CrossFit? Sort of, yeah. She had done CrossFit before I even knew what it was,
Starting point is 00:02:55 but only for like a month and then quit. And then I got real into it, and then she followed suit. Brian, please no pictures and no texting while we're live brian um there's only 20 people watching we gotta get some more in here so i'm gonna help you out good dude uh my wife thought i was crazy for doing crossfit fucking nuts and then uh she just thought it was dangerous and stupid and overboard and then and then after like a few months or a year, she got on the bandwagon. Now she's a better CrossFitter than me. My wife told me that I was fat and she didn't want to marry somebody who was fat.
Starting point is 00:03:31 So that's why I got into CrossFit. Your wife sounds honest. Yeah. And harsh. Why doesn't she want to marry someone who's fat? That doesn't make sense to me. Why? I don't know. That's what she said. Were you fat? I mean i was uh probably the same weight i am now but way different body fat percentage oh interesting the priest's arms priest's arms exactly brian friend uh any any shift in your thoughts last night any any like did you wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air with any revelations
Starting point is 00:04:06 where you're like, oh shit, I miscalculated this, or this is going to play out totally different than I thought, or any big shifts? Oh, someone's listening to the Rogue. Someone has to turn that shit off. This ain't the Sean Woodland show. I don't want to hear his voice on here. He got up and ran away.
Starting point is 00:04:26 How about you, John? Any, any, any shockers yesterday that we, we woke up this morning. You're like, well, shit, I guess. It is the best in the world. And he is just going to run away with this thing. I don't think Madero's is going to run away with it, but he did look, he does look very good. Like I think, um,
Starting point is 00:04:43 Vellner and Madero's have easily, it looks like they've separated themselves a little bit from the rest of He does look very good. I think Vellner and Medeiros have easily – it looks like they've separated themselves a little bit from the rest of the group. But there's a lot of events left. Would you say it's fair to say that we accepted Rich Froning and Matt Fraser as the champs to the point where they're the champs, they're the guy to beat beat and yet we haven't quite
Starting point is 00:05:05 got there with madaris yet we kind of are spoiled or jaded because we had these guys who put strung together so many victories and same with tia i mean t is kind of even pushed it into another kind of weird like a weird place like talking about waxing it's just gotten weird what well if you're if you watch this show you understand the inside jokes brian don't worry you're just Talking about waxing, it's just gotten weird. What? Well. If you watch this show, you understand the inside jokes, Brian. Don't worry. You're just a visitor. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Your dog just sleeps on the porch, not in the house. You're an outside dog. No, Medeiros has been really impressive over the last couple years, but the resume that he's put together is not in the same caliber as those other athletes you've mentioned yet. So he's got to consider continuing to do it consistently and he's making, you know, he's off to a great start this weekend. And things are,
Starting point is 00:05:55 you know, things are going well for him when they need to squeaking out, you know, again, and it's, and it's testament to him. Like he's doing enough to keep the gap close on the workouts where his biggest competition, Vellner, beats him.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Then when he has an opportunity to put some separation between him and Vellner, he's also taking advantage of that. Pat made the perfect play, I thought, last night going for the 342 so that if Justin missed, that he would actually – it might come down to that on the weekend. The fact that Justin hit that three 52 and got however many extra points, um, I had a Pat. It's not an easy competition with the way this points are only five points, every spot
Starting point is 00:06:35 to make up ground. So when you're trying to close 20 points today, um, those 20 points that he got last night go a long way. Yeah. I wonder if that's demoralizing for Pat or like if he sees he's in second and he's happy about it. I don't, I don't think so. I mean, I think he was happy with his three 42.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And then he couldn't have done any better on event one. I think he did. I think he had a good day for himself. So I don't think he's demoralized at all. I think he just needs to continue to execute. If he is the fittest man in the world, which I think he thinks he is, and I kind of think that as well,
Starting point is 00:07:14 then he will continue to beat Justin in these next events. You do think he's fitter than Medeiros? I picked him to win in this competition. I think he's better than Medeiros, but there is no swimming. There's no long running, which I know he's good at. But a lot of the events that Justin killed, there's not any of those here.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Gershwin says you can see how he looks over every time he talks. That's a scared man. He's afraid to say the wrong thing. They're talking about your relationship with your wife, John. People just judging you from the Internet. Before you came on, Brian, we were talking to John about his wife, and she was in the room about her CrossFit accolades. Nice.
Starting point is 00:08:02 There's a question here. What's going on with Chandler smith the way he looks his background why do you think he always falls short well i yeah i see the question and i think it's um you know i don't think it's an accurate question really he doesn't always fall short he's got two top five finishes at the rogue invitational he got second place at the granite games he hasn't done great at the games and what you have to what you have to recognize is that the games is very different than almost every other competition it's twice as long they test things in a in a very different environment um and i spent a lot
Starting point is 00:08:38 of time actually this kind of past three months thinking about how Dave approaches programming for the games. And the thing, like people like to be critical of him, but he's always kind of pushing forward and he's, and he's forcing the athletes therefore to never be complacent. And, you know, a guy like Chandler Smith can probably continue to show up to event like this rogue invitation on do pretty well. I mean, sixth and ninth yesterday is fine. Those are good finishes. I think that the biggest disappointment, if there was one from Chandler Smith, is that his Olympic lifting still is lacking in the technique. And you
Starting point is 00:09:13 look at Amanda Barnhart, so strong, but what's her limiter? It's the technique. And then you look at Katrin David's daughter. We've always known that she's, you know, she's incredibly tough, but her technique's not perfect in her olympic lifting and then you start to wonder now that they're all working with bergeron and they all have this deficiency and in technique why is that the case for someone who's who has such a good track record as a coach um i haven't explored this before and this is along that chandler smith thing tell me what you guys think about this um there's something really objective about crossfit so like at the we when we at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:09:51 when there's a football game we know who wins and the objective part is the score right but getting into the nfl is completely subjective right not completely but there's a huge subjective opponent a component same with the n, same with the NHL, same with like to qualify to play on the big stage. That's not here in CrossFit. And so to piggyback on what Brian said is it might not be the right question is we're really splitting hairs at this point. It's just kind of a miracle.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Miracle is not the right word. It's just a testament to his hard work that he can show up to the games every year, right? I mean, we're really splitting hairs when we take these 40 people and start trying to determine who the top, the fittest guy in the world is. I had a question for Brian about the technique aspect of it. Do you think they, as far as Barnhart and Chandlerler go like they're strong enough so they don't work technique because it would take training time to work that whenever they're weak in other areas or do you think it's just a fault in the uh bergeron the whole fitness
Starting point is 00:10:58 program i you know i don't know and it could, it could be like neat, like not yes to the first one and therefore no to the second one. Right. So he might say, you guys are strong enough as it is. There's other areas that we can improve and maximize the points. Whereas the time that's going to take to invest to do that. I mean, look, Barnard still was third place yesterday. Like that's obviously an incredible finish in any lifting event but when you look at her doing it you're like man she's she's of all the athletes that are choosing to split jerk she's definitely not getting the least low or not getting under the bar worse than all of the other women you know i'm just saying i feel like barnhart should be right there with laura as far as how sure sure yeah 20 pounds behind is probably all attributable to technique not strength that's my point that's my point i don't i don't understand why that's not worked on year after year because it seems very simple to me but i mean i i weight lift a lot and and way too much than i should um so maybe that's my problem. But I think it's an easy fix, the fix technique.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's just working on it. So whenever they don't look better, you know, Chandler got ninth. And we always say he's one of the strongest people. Not as strong as Guy, but he's naturally just one of the strongest people as far as brute strength goes. And he looks atrocious when he lifts and he's always looked like that i don't i just don't understand why it's not even improving a little bit at least it doesn't seem like it is when they step out there do they have a mantra like when i see my kid practicing tennis that there's this in in the warm-up the teacher and
Starting point is 00:12:44 i'm gonna say it wrong but the teacher's like okay everyone get in your positions and then he goes step back dip roll step back or whatever his the five or six words are and it's the it's the it's the um it is uh to use um it's the kind of the pose method for tennis i'm trying to remember his name um romanoff you know there's these positions where where there's like a transfer in gravity or energy and those are the pose positions like right before annie lifts does she tell herself um pull um shrug dip and and like kind of remind herself because you would think that like referring to amanda barnhart like does you would think that someone tells her hey before every lift you have to remind yourself to push yourself under or, or whatever the fucking cue is because she's missing it.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You're right. Like, like, isn't there like three words you should be saying to yourself right before you let every lift to remind yourself, Hey, you have to hit this position. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:37 do you want to Brian? I mean, does Bergner teach that? But, uh, Bergner and Bergeron are different people. Right. I just throw it. Right.geron is the gentleman in California. Bergeron is the guy in Wokeville. In training, you have cues that you think of when you're working on something, but you should do it enough where it's second nature.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You don't think like Matt Fraser doesn't think anything when he lifts enough or it's second nature but you don't think like matt fraser doesn't think anything when he lifts it's just second nature because he's done so much repetition not when he lifts i mean just prior to going up just prior you know like that moment that annie does every single time annie definitely has movements that are part of her zen tea party there's the same thing she does every time she approaches the bar like and it's and it's a protocol that like sets the whole cascade of it's it's unnecessary movement she makes but that are necessary to her because it starts the cascade of movements that that allow the motor recruitment pattern that makes the lift good for her do you
Starting point is 00:14:40 know what i'm saying what i'm referencing and what'm saying is, is can there be some words that, that also, um, or do, do these top level coaches tell them, Hey, have these words go with it in the beginning that start, start this transfer from mind to no mind to movement. I mean, cause they're missing the same things over and over and over and over. Right. I'm guessing if we look back at Barnhart's movements, it's like, I'm guessing it's the same thing problem every single time. Yeah, but like John said a while ago, you know, she's still scoring well on these events relative to some other ones. And maybe they're choosing to work on those other ones. Okay. And that, you know, it's one, you know, it is, it is a, she's not the youngest. She's in the, you know, kind of middle, late twenties, I think at this point. So if you got to choose something to work on, maybe they think there's more points to gain by working on other things.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Chandler, a few years ago, deadlifted 500 pounds by 10, someone just said. Sorry, go ahead, John. I said with Barnhart, I would agree with that. But I feel like Chandler has improved a lot of his weaknesses, and he can capitalize on strengths that he does not capitalize on uh yeah i i yeah i agree i would agree uh what what have you guys uh heard anything about what the fans are thinking about the show up until this point are people what's the world about the rogue invitational yeah about the rogue invitational are they liking it who do they think is going to
Starting point is 00:16:01 win are there any surprises out there in the internet world? I put a couple of questions up on Instagram this morning, got a lot of feedback. The first question I asked was who was most impressive on day one. And it was like pretty much four people that got almost all the votes, which were for the men, it was Jason Hopper got a ton of votes. And then I would say Guy probably got the second most recognition. And then for the women, it was Emma Carey was probably the most popular answer, followed by Gabby and Annie. Yeah. Just to circle back on what John said yesterday,
Starting point is 00:16:42 I do think he is right in a very bizarre way that Annie's best performance in her entire career was her third place win at the games this year. And for some reason, it's another one. We just, for whatever judgment we have of her as fans, we cannot fucking believe how good she's doing. Even though she's proven, all of us are like, wow. I mean, maybe it's the pregnancy, maybe it's the age, maybe it's the longevity in the sport, But we're all tripping on her.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Well, John thinks after the end of today, she's going to be in first place on the leaderboard. He said it's a possibility. And look, the events today are very good for her. The events today are kind of, it's kind of, i'm pretty intrigued by the the events today like uh the first event is a power output event that's going to be a five minutes or less well we heard valner say last night that the last event tonight has a six minute time cap on it so you're talking about two events just one to start one to end the day that are four to six minute workouts. Uh, and then in the middle, you have a test that there's like a lot of times, you know, event one, there was clear limiter rope climb event two. There was
Starting point is 00:17:52 a clear limiter for most people as a jerk for a couple athletes. It was a front squat for event five. We know that the, um, either the muscle ups or strict handstand pushups are going to limit people. The bike might be something that causes separation in event three. In the middle workout today, I don't think there's really anything that's going to slow anyone down. Like you're going to be able to ski, the med ball sit-ups are going to be, GHG sit-ups are going to be fine, and you run up and down this hill. So that workout to me is the big question mark today. And the athletes that can do well in that workout, that's where I think you have an opportunity to create some separation. So if you're talking about what's Annie's potential today, I think she could be top
Starting point is 00:18:30 three on both the first and last workout, possibly even win one or both of them. But in that middle workout, I think that there are a lot of athletes that maybe won't do great on the first and second one relative to Annie, that if she doesn't have a good performance there, because Tia is so consistent, she's probably going to be top. I'd say she'd be a top five worst finish on all three workouts today. So if Annie wants to make up any ground on her, not only does she have to beat her on one and five, she also can't give away points or three and five.
Starting point is 00:18:59 She can't give away any points on four. For people who are listening, event four that Brian's referencing is four rounds for time 21 calorie skier 21 med ball ghd sit-ups and a hill run and we don't know how far that hill run is i like event number three uh velner sold me on it i had no interest in it and after interviewing him last night he he makes it sound like it's going to be a fucking complete train wreck we're going to see just carnage and i and and I, and who doesn't love some carnage? Which John and I both talked about three days ago, but, but you know,
Starting point is 00:19:30 when Velner says it, it, it hits home with you. I guess, I guess. I just like the fact that he's kind of, he was kind of like liking the fact that people, it's going to be a mess. I just realized why you brought John onto the show, Brian. It's like just shit rolls downhill. Now I flog you. Now you flog John.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Now I sometimes flog John. So you take less flogging. I mean, it's very tactically very brilliant move. Yeah, it was all planned that way. I didn't want you to have an extra resource in the times that I wasn't available. I just wanted to take less of the criticism off of me. You don't really think when you say that Annie, when you say that, I don't know exactly how you said it,
Starting point is 00:20:15 but something about Tia making sure she's in the top five for event three, four and five, you're, you're, you're really just entertaining something that's really, you don't believe, right? I mean, you know she's going to finish one or two and all those events, right? No, no. Um, I think that the first workout this morning, she has like, I think that it could be her worst finish of the weekend and it could be a fourth.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I'm talking about Tia, right? Tia. Yeah. Yeah. This workout is so, you know, you look at the people in the field like Annie and Laura and Barnhart and Gabby that all have. I don't you know, I don't know. I really don't know how much some of these women weigh at this point, but they all have 15 to maybe 25 pounds on her. And in the thrusters, so light 80 pounds is going to be totally irrelevant, I think, for the women that it just comes down to that bike. And I don't, you know, I don't think a lot of the second, I'll tell you this. The second question I asked on Instagram today was which man or woman could give me multiple answers. If you want, it is going to finish top five in all three events. And someone said, Haley Adams, because there's nothing to stop her today. A bunch of people said Haley Adams, and I couldn't disagree more with
Starting point is 00:21:20 that. This first workout is too short for pain tolerance to overcome power output the bike you're gonna just you're not gonna be able to make up any ground with only 20 thrusters after you get off that bike so even someone as good as tia i don't think she's gonna finish top three on this workout because there's enough women that are good enough on the bike or better enough than her on the bike and won't have enough time to chase them down on what comes after uh but but event four that that's a hard one to argue in event four right no no yeah hailey oh yeah event four but i think top three in event four for hailey yes event three will be her probably her i mean other than the bella complex her worst one um what do you think about this this is a little bit of a stretch what do you think about hailey
Starting point is 00:22:04 adams and just the strength differential um between her and the other athletes and the chance of her getting an injury um the same way you could kind of argue about chandler smith about him having the form he's having because they're trying to keep up with these savages um i i don't want to say anything sometimes when like when hayaley front squats, I mean, it almost looks like a giraffe standing up. Yeah, it's not pretty. But honestly, even watching Tia squat, it's not that pretty. They just have this technique that kind of makes you cringe, but they've been doing it for so long and they haven't gotten hurt. Both of them have actually had really resiliency in their career with lack of injuries so far.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I thought actually that Haley made a responsible decision last night because in order to get any more points in that event, she would have had to lift 215. But she went for 212, which I think for her was important because she's been working on her lifting and she wants to showcase. You know, we were talking about it just via text last night that she has gotten stronger. It might not be a huge progress, but considering a short time domain from the games, she did. She seems to have gone through a successful strength cycle in the last three or four months. And so that was probably a win for her. And she posted on Instagram. She said that's it's not much, but it's progress basically is what she said.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And I think that that's huge for her mentally. She's only 21. I mean, we know that you can 20 or 21 i think she's 20 whatever annie's 33 or something like that and just took third place at the game so she's potentially got 10 to 12 more years if she's able to improve her lifting by 5 to 10 pounds um over even if it's two years at a time that she's able to make 10 pound jumps, by the time she's 28, she's going to, you know, the numbers will continue to improve, but she'll continue to jump up and up on the strength events. And as long as she's able to continue to be dominant in the things that she's already dominant in, meaning top three finishes and slew of events where she's
Starting point is 00:23:59 really good, you know, it's, it's, I still think that she is a good candidate eventually to win the games um as she gets stronger and when tia retires it's just gonna take time but you gotta you gotta think tia's gonna be gone in one or two years however many you know i doubt she's gonna compete past that carrie's retiring kristen holt he's going is about to leave these are three women that have beaten hayley consistently in the three years that Haley's been at the games. Nobody else has beaten her consistently. Laura's beaten her once and Haley's beaten Laura once. And then Annie is also 33, like Brian said. The top people that are ahead of Haley right now, except for Laura and Gabby, I guess i guess ascending are all kind of on their way out
Starting point is 00:24:45 around the last years how old is tia tia's not she's not gonna retire because of her age i think she's 27 or 28 um i don't the reason the reason we don't i can't remember when their birthdays are and so it only lists usually their age at the games so she's she's in her late 20s she could continue to do this for five five years, probably. But, you know, same thing that happened with Fraser. Like at some point, it's like, man, I have to give up so much. I've already achieved so much. And there's maybe so much else that I want to do that's less of a commitment in terms of giving up other things. but who knows because Tia's found a different balance in terms of, of athletic pursuit than Fraser ever did while he was competing in CrossFit, but she's still pursuing Olympic lifting. She's now pursuing bobsledding. And if those things kind of on the side are just like preventing her from
Starting point is 00:25:36 being bored or bogged down or just overwhelmed with the consistency of a season after season, after season of completely investing in CrossFit, then maybe if her career can extend a little longer, but it's. The way she said, I'm coming back next year after the final event at the game made me feel like she's never quitting. Right. And that's what I'm saying is, you know, we don't know. And she's,
Starting point is 00:25:59 maybe she is creating these environments for herself where it will allow her to, to extend that career longer than, you know, Fraser, for example. That's a great observation, what you said about the balance in the sport. That's a really someone here. I know both of you guys have told me this ad nauseum, but I want to pound it in one more time. Colin Lawrence says it. Vellner hasn't been beaten on been beaten by anyone on land except matt and the professor what's he have to do to win this money i mean i know you guys have
Starting point is 00:26:30 told me that i mean it's like just just looking at the data the guy's a fucking winner he is he's he's uh incredible and his track record in weekend long competitions that aren't the games is is unmatched and even in the at the games only, is unmatched. And even in the, at the games, only in those two years that you have relatively poor finishes where the competition was structured very differently than what we're used to seeing. But Medeiros is not like, it's not going to be easy to beat him.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You've already, you're already 20 points behind. And when you think about like founders should be great on every workout that's remaining, but so should Justin. And so in order to beat him, he needs some of these other guys. He talked about it last night.
Starting point is 00:27:10 He needs to be KG to beat Medeiros when Valner wins an event, he needs whoever it is to beat Medeiros. Like he needs, and it's not happening. Like Justin is regularly doing what, like maximizing his performance on every workout. And there's not enough guys coming in between Pat and Justin. So I think, I mean, he's on 20 points.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Vellner could win the next four workouts. And if Medeiros takes second in every one, then they're tied going into the final. Like if other athletes don't step up and also beat Justin, then it's, it might not even be a question of, uh, of how good Pat has to be. It's like he, you know, and he used to talk about this with Fraser. He's like i can beat him on this workout but if no one else beats him it doesn't matter right right you know how we say bkg is kind of like a better scott panchuk even though that's kind of mean to say but true okay i feel like madero is his fraser light like he just doesn't have weaknesses and he doesn't make mistakes. He always executes workouts to his usual full potential.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And even if Vellner is hitter than Medeiros, it just takes one workout for Vellner to falter because Medeiros doesn't falter. I mean, damn, it's hard to argue with you. I just keep thinking of those last three workouts of the game. That was Fraser-esque. That was, that was a Fraser ask. I was frowning. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. You say that you say that, but think about workouts, 11, 12, 13 and 14. We've talked about it before. Velner was three,
Starting point is 00:28:36 two, three, two, one on those. Madero's just happened to be three, two, one on 13, 14,
Starting point is 00:28:40 15. So they're both, they're both like excelling when it matters most. It's just that like John said earlier in the week, Vellner took a couple of hits and Justin didn't. Are you saying, let's just be clear. Are you saying that like, if we just drug drug those two out to the desert and been like, Hey, only one of you guys are coming out of here alive. Here's 15 events. Vellner would beat him. I think Vellner would have a better chance beating him in a competition and a head to head competition than in a competition where,
Starting point is 00:29:08 where he's depending on other people to help him out. Because is there that law in every games? I've never thought of it quite like that. Is that, are we, I don't know. Crowning the fittest man in a competition. Are we crowning the fittest man,
Starting point is 00:29:23 man? I hate scoring. I don't know if I want to go down this route. No, but it is a valuable question. Would you rather have the guy win who can beat the whole field in whatever the scoring system is or even if the guy who got second can beat him in more events head-to-head? I mean, I think the second you'd rather have the guy who can i mean it just seems more true it seems more true to the title yeah and i mean we pointed that out right after the games right velner had to get what he got him eight to seven at the games in terms of events head-to-head finishes but the events that just Justin beat him on, he beat him by more. And I know that our friend Tyler Watkins is doing an analysis of Rogue based
Starting point is 00:30:10 on his own scoring system this weekend. But we've talked about it. I've written about it. The scoring systems matter and all the athletes know what the scoring systems are. And even last night, I don't think anyone who is watching really realized this. I didn't even know it till Pat told us, uh, late last night, but there was a tie break for the lifting event. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 So when we looked on the scoreboard, we saw three people with two 52, but Justin ends up getting third place. And we're like, well, why is that? Well, it turns out there was a tie break and it was the opening lift and
Starting point is 00:30:41 Medeiros decided to go for it. And, and this is so fascinating to me. I hit. And so his opening lift was heavier than who days and heavier than Travis Mayer. So he took those extra points away from those guys, but I don't like the tie break at all in that situation because I don't
Starting point is 00:30:57 think it was a uniform playing field for the first lift. If you were the first guy to lift compared to the last person to lift, there was a long amount of time. And I don't like that tie break either that we talked about with annie thor's daughter because that's because annie thor's daughter lifted late in the lineup she opened light and we weren't sure how she'd stack up to some of the girls that lifted five seven and ten pounds more than her on the opening lift but she used that as a warm-up lift she made a big jump and lift two and ended up tying or beating all those girls come the final lift. But the ones that she tied, like Gabby Magawa, who had a lift earlier than her, ends up scoring more points because it went to the opening lift.
Starting point is 00:31:34 The fact that Rogue has those fractionals out there and the fact that people should be seated in the order by their previous events is enough for me. I think they deserve that advantage. And then the fact that there's fractionals, there should be no tiebreakers. If it's a fucking 18-way tie, then it's a fucking 18-way tie. I'm sorry? They only had – you could only do it in increments of five or two. So you couldn't lift 218 pounds. You could only do 215, 21 217 or you had to jump to 220
Starting point is 00:32:06 so they were limited fractionals but either way i agree with you and they and then you know pat said oh it didn't end up mattering in the end but to me that's a pretty like it did that wasn't oversight by them and it and it potentially i mean we don't know this for sure but it potentially like this could be a really really competitive race for the men's title here at Rogue. And there's a huge difference in both payout and, you know, respect and the way that it sets up this next season if Justin wins or if Pat wins. So making an error like that, you know, it's kind of, you know, in a way it seems inexcusable for an event that's that's so well organized. It's so well thought out. That's so professional to make that kind of blunder um let me see uh there was a question in here
Starting point is 00:32:52 about katrin doter do you guys think she's holy shit mitch hidden just gave a hundred dollars the work you guys do for the community is amazing. Sevan, don't stop at 500 episodes. Thanks, Mitch. That is really, really kind of you. I'm not sharing any of that with Brian and John. Thank you. Tell me about Katrin. 16th place. Someone is saying, I don't recall saying, maybe in jest I said it was because she found love and so her skills have gone down. I don't think that's what we're seeing.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I think it's a whole combination of things. Someone said Katrin has been doter at this point. Brian commented that David's doter was going downhill after falling in love. Someone, what do you say? I think it's just a whole combination. I think she's been in the field a long fucking time. I think there's a lot of fucking new people. I think it's falling in love someone what do you say i think it's just a whole combination i think it's um she's been in the field a long fucking time i think there's a lot of fucking new people i think it's falling in love i think it's the the woke evangelism she's doing i think she's just she's just caught up in maybe the two million or whatever instagram followers she has i think it's
Starting point is 00:33:58 a whole combination i think her life is probably really good. And this is just one of the pieces. You know, if you just look back at her career, and you really have to say she took advantage of the opportunities when they were available for her. In 2015, you go back and watch that. It would have been very easy for Sarah Sigmundsdottir to win. It would have been very easy for Tia to win. And it was kind of like a toss-up. And it just fell Katrin's way. it would have been very easy for Sarah Sigmundsdottir to win. It would have been very easy for Tia to win.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And it was kind of like a toss-up, and it just fell Katrin's way. She leveraged that, came back with a lot of confidence the next year, and still is the same people there, and she just did enough to win. And those two years, I think, set her up for what was to come. She is one of the most consistent and best women to ever compete in the sport, but I'm completely agree with what you said. There's a lot of younger women that are coming up right now that have potential. And I think that, um, the depth that we're used to seeing on the men's side is going to start to happen on the women's side over the next five years where you cannot get complacent. Like if you want to continue to be relevant, even if you are Haley Adams, Gabby McGowan, Laura Horvath, like there's going to be women that are consistently pushing
Starting point is 00:35:09 up to challenge those, those spots. And, um, and, and, and it's already happening in the case of where she's just sliding back down. Now, the other thing is that if she was going to be bad at any two things, it's upper body pulling and one rep max lifting. And those were basically the things that were tested yesterday. So it's not a surprise that those were bad events for her. I think she'll do a lot better relative to the field on today's events where neither of those things really exist. Yeah, I agree with Brian. I also think the field is getting a little bit stronger, not a lot stronger, but the average games woman competitor is getting a little bit stronger not a lot stronger but the average games woman competitor is getting stronger we're in 2015-2016 katrin's barbell events she would be middle of the pack or upper middle of the pack and now she's always lower middle of the pack so instead of like 8 through 12 she's 16 through 18 and i think that makes a
Starting point is 00:36:10 big difference uh on a personal note if if for those of you who've never met her she's probably one of the most charming people you could ever meet uh if she looked in the mirror she would charm herself i mean the the this this lady has insane presence i'm not fucking around like so um yeah she's figured out i mean she is uh she's extremely intense she gives every person she interacts with while she's out there her undivided attention she she's definitely a special person but as as far as CrossFit goes, toast. She is toast. And either she's not putting her heart into it or the field got too good or some combination thereof.
Starting point is 00:36:52 But I think that those – I think she is wilted. She's gone. She might not even qualify next year for the Games. Savant. Yes. We got – your picks are doing very well after day one. Emma Carey sitting fifth. Travis Mayer sitting sixth.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I go by heart. I go by heart. Do you think both of them are going to move up in the rankings today? Do you know why I like Emma Carey so much? Tell us, please. Because her fucking dad DM'd me. That easy. Her dad's like, and's that's why like justin madaris justin madaris's dad dm me hey i like the show i listen to the show hey thanks for being cool to my son emma carrie's dad's like hey uh thanks for some love for emma
Starting point is 00:37:36 carrie and i was like i don't even remember giving it but fucking now me and you are bros and she's my number one and travis mayer just because i don't know because he's hot no because travis mayer not because he's hot um because he was nice to me at the um um when i was filming the behind the scenes him and el haj and so it's like shit so i just want to just yeah yeah that same with rich that's why i like rich rich was nice to me there it is that easy i'm glad emma carrie is doing so well she looked really pumped uh yeah i mean that is taking fourth place in a lifting event like that at 17 years old 237 pounds that complex that's like incredibly impressive and isn't mal supposed to be the strong one of the two young ones i mean no it was they're both about the same but emma's usually
Starting point is 00:38:25 like five pounds stronger if they're both like exactly alike but emma's beating her by like five she beat her by five pounds in the snatch or two she got 200 in the snatch and granite games and mal almost got 200 like they're both very similar but emma usually is a little bit stronger and you know it's it's it was nice for for Emma yesterday because um she definitely fell into Mal's shadow at the games you know Mal had such an incredible weekend but right now they're sitting fifth and sixth on the points neither one of them's had a finish worse than eighth so it's it's it's good for people to be reminded that Mal is not the only relevant 17 year old woman in this field.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I'm looking down here. No surprise down at the bottom, right? Carolyn Prevost, Emily Rolfe, Sam Briggs. Are you surprised with Daniel Brandon at 17th? You know, I, Daniel Brandon's one of, she's one of these athletes, like it, it seems like she should be unstoppable. Like she has this unique combination of skills and abilities and movements and body and strength, but something's just missing. And I'm not sure what it is when it comes to the, the execution or the intensity of a workout where she finishes the workouts. And I see when she crosses the finish line and I'm just, it's just like, like something's not there. I I'm trying to figure out what it is. She's, she's like you said earlier, all of these people are incredible and we're splitting hairs with them, but to be great, to be relevant for a top five or a podium finish at this, you got to have that killer instinct on workout after workout after workout and that ability to just get them like find a way to get it done.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And she's just to me, I just see like she's she's just middle of the road on most things at best. And there's no you know, the handstand walk event at the games is the only time where we really and maybe the sprint where we really saw her excel. And those are specialty things. They're not like go deep in the pain cave or hold on or fight or or you know what we see from almost every other woman that's that's up here in the top 10 we'll see in event three event three she should theoretically do well everyone thought that about the wall walk thruster workout at the games and she just said the same thing it was just like it fell flat so i hope so um for her sake i hope so but um you know if if she comes out and doesn't beat these uh mal or emma on this workout then it's like well what workout are you going to beat
Starting point is 00:40:52 do you find her less attractive as she as she when she does doesn't do well brian no i don't want to beat a dead horse about Katrin Doder, but look at the people who are beating her. Kristen Holton, who's fucking amazing, but she's retiring. Carrie Pierce, who's amazing, but retiring. Ariel Lowen, she's a fucking – she's a weekend warrior. I know that's not true. She's underrated. I know she is.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I'm starting not to believe the story about the about her just going to the semi-finals for a sign dude she's a freak yeah um but it's not fun to watch but it's not good it's not good that those people are ahead of you um and you want to be considered a legitimate contender um for the top it's um yeah by the way i've i've i've i've texted gabriella magawa twice the good news is she didn't respond the way laura horvat did to me laura horvat responded when i texted her how did you get my number that's not a good sign um but but uh but i but i would like to get gab gabriella on i'm guessing in my, I'm just telling myself she's just not looking at her phone. I also hit up this morning.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I hit up a bunch of the dudes to see if they would come on. I've got a question for John. Okay, go ahead. Come the end of the day today, will BKG be ahead of Guy Mayeros? He's 30 points behind him right now. Yes. I'm going to say yes. Yes. Where do you think Guy gives away points? he's 30 points behind him right now yes I'm going to say yes where do you think Guy
Starting point is 00:42:28 gives away points today everywhere I think event 3 will be interesting and my answer will change after event 3 I would like to reevaluate after event 3 I don't think it's a given that he does
Starting point is 00:42:44 well at event 3 I don't think it's a given that he does well at event three. I don't know, though. He could do well, but I don't think it's a given. Event four, I think BKG will have more lung. I think event four is who has the best lungs. And I think BKG has him by a good amount there. So we'll see. He could crash and burn in event four.
Starting point is 00:43:07 He might not, but he could for Guillermo. I'm just thinking of options why BKG would be ahead of him. And then in event five, Guillermo should do pretty good in event five. The interesting thing to me about Guy is you know at the games his success there like like the the place that he finished was bolstered by those event wins and he's already got one event win under his belt again here but do any of these other events lend to his specialties the way that those event wins at the games and the event when yesterday did and if he's not getting event wins what are his other placements whereas bkg doesn't rely on winning events he's just always up there in the top five besides he
Starting point is 00:43:49 didn't he did not have a good finish in the lifting workout 13th you it's really hard to imagine him not like that's got to be his worst finish for the weekend and it's probably not even going to be close he's probably going to be six or better on everything here on out yet. Right? Yeah. No. So like Guillermo had his best event finish and we know that that's going to, like, he probably will not win another event. I don't think he will. And there's other. Forget about Lazar.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Lazar is going to. I think Lazar is in position to make the biggest move up the leaderboard today or from now. That four is going to tell us a lot about Lazar. Like, is he just a runner or is that does he have a just a long engine period? Lazar will struggle in event five. But I think I don't know. Do you think 315, 350? Is that too heavy?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Is that you're talking about the weight of the deadlift? Him compared to the other competitors. I think it will just go a little bit slower. It seems like he was the only guy yesterday who was limited by the clean. Yeah. Whereas almost everyone was limited by the jerk, a couple by the front squat, but his first clean, even after the first rep. I kind of like that too.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Will, okay. Saxon's going to keep the pressure on for event four and five on people too he is gonna be moving i don't think i think he looks small but he's strong i don't think i i mean we know he's strong i don't think those deadlifts are gonna mess with saxon i think he's gonna push through it gamo got ninth in the go rruck, and I feel like that's probably around where he'll get with all the rest of the events today. I think he'll get around six to ten in between there. And I see BKG
Starting point is 00:45:32 getting top six in all of them. So, we'll see. Man, Houdet took 19th in the first event. Event three is a big make or break for a lot of people. All right, Seven, what do you want to know? I got to go on about five minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Would you say no to that question, Brian? I should look at the girls real quick. I think BKG will be ahead of Gi after the end of event five. Okay. I mean, the women's leaderboard looks just like the the only person that i think we're going to see climb that board is uh hayley adams i think everyone else is kind of at home where they're at and she's just going to hop through those people and climb and everyone else is going to kind of stay the same what are you guys saying
Starting point is 00:46:21 i'm watching really closely uh turi helga daughter and Emma McQuaid. They're currently sitting seventh and eighth. Not a lot of people in general talking about either one of them. I kind of was joking with people on Instagram today. Everyone kept saying, Emma, Emma, Emma has the most impressive day one. And I was like, McQuaid or Carrie? No one, no one talks about this girl. Emma McQuaid is incredibly consistent. She's really good at CrossFit style events. I don't think that event three fit is going to be great for her, but I think event four will be, I think event five will be, I think event six will be. So I'm curious to see how well she can do. She's in a decent position, I think after day one. Eighth is a pretty respectable on the lift for one of the smaller
Starting point is 00:47:00 athletes there. So those are kind of two of the women i'm watching to see if they can hold or even move up from where they're at i'm watching mal o'brien i think today is going to be a hard day for her i think event three is going to be probably her worst event and then she should do really well in event four and then i think event five will be not a great finish either luke i luke dunn i am the worst picker of winners for any sport ever but fucking islam makachev is going to fucking throw dan hooker out of the fucking ring he's gonna fold them up into a little piece of like wad of paper and toss them out and i really like dan hooker but islam makachev guys if you're, if you have even a tiny bit of fight fan in you, you have to watch these two Russians who are fighting today in UFC 267. One of the guys has only been hit twice in his last three fights.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Kazmat Chemenev or something like that. He's fighting 171. He looks just completely unstoppable. He looks like the greatest fighter who ever lived. I mean, it's absolutely nuts. So if someone's asking in the comments, it's going to be hard. Today's going to be hard with the UFC and the Rogue Invitational. The Rogue Invitational is my bread and butter.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But UFC is my side piece. What are we doing? What are we doing again? What are we doing today? Let's let people know what we're doing today. So the event starts at 1025 a.m. That's Pacific Standard Time. That's in 20, 21 minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Are we going to come back for a recap, do a recap show after that? An event three recap show? I, an Event 3 recap show. I'm game. I think John's game. It should be a pretty quick event, too. I'm more likely to come on after Event 4 than Event 3. I'm not sure. I need to go outside.
Starting point is 00:48:59 If you don't want answers to the questions, don't ask them. I need to see if the Frisbee golf course is available because I've scheduled the time there. Okay. That's good to know you're practicing. Maybe when we get together, we can play. I will be bugging you guys. I will also try to find someone to – an athlete, John, that we can get live so we can entice Brian.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Like we don't really want the athlete but it's just chum in the water for brian you can only get velner so much uh he he brian brian had his fill of velner he he i saw when brian busted his nut last night was ready to roll over in his pillow and go to bed he saw velner got all excited and then curled up into a little ball and went to sleep seven what competitor has the tiniest nipples and how do you feel about small nipples i like all nipples there's there's almost nothing in a human body that i find disgusting or bad i find almost every human body man woman um hybrid this is a skill actually to be able to appreciate the beauty that is the human body. Yeah, I like dudes, people who have preferences. I feel sorry for you.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You're missing out. Get Facundo with Guy, with Guy and Lazar. I'm trying, I'm trying. I hit everyone up this morning to get them on the show, and they're like, oh. Maybe we should hit up Seven. Maybe we should ask like Snorri or O'Keefe, like the managers, someone like that, if they're more likely to come on. Okay. There was something going on today.
Starting point is 00:50:34 They were doing a briefing while we were doing this show. Everyone was like, hey, eat a dick. And I was like, all right. Well, this is, yeah. Well, we knew that. This is their last briefing for the weekend. So now they just have the events. Do you think Shane would come on, Seven? Well, we knew that. This is their last briefing for the weekend. So now they just have the events.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Do you think Shane would come on, Seth? I bug Shane and Tia, and they're very nice to me. I haven't bugged them this in the last couple of days. But whenever I do bug them, they're like, oh, yes, we'll come on. And then I see them always on some other podcast. I mean, I can only imagine how busy they are. Right? I mean, everyone. Better day two. Adler or mayor.
Starting point is 00:51:07 They're tied right now. Travis mayor. Ooh. Okay. What do you say? I became an Adler fan yesterday. I hate to make another handstand pushup bet. You're already 25 in the hole.
Starting point is 00:51:25 I am. Hey, the problem on the vela complex gershwin the problem is this i i think gabby likes us i think gabby likes me but the fact that she's dating laura's brother and laura finds me um uh putrid i think that there could be some cross-contamination. I don't think so. I did actually a quick interaction with Christoph this morning. Hey, we'll settle for him. This show is desperate. If we can't get Laura
Starting point is 00:51:56 or Gabby, we'll take the brother-boyfriend combo. He's awesome. I would love to have Christoph on. You could probably even entice me with him. Okay, let's with him. Okay. Let's do it. Okay. Are you going to ask him?
Starting point is 00:52:08 And he makes up points on Tia. Send me his phone number. Oh, what's his, what's his Instagram, Brian? I'll, I'll,
Starting point is 00:52:14 I'll DM him right now. I don't know. Christophe H or something. And he's down by 15 points. Not now, not get ahead, but make up points. And he's down by 15 points. Now, not get ahead, but make up points. Annie's down by 15 points.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Oh, I found him. Annie, Laura, and Gabby are tied, all with 175. Okay, let me re-splay. Do you think Tia's lead will be over 15 points or under? Come the end of the day? Yeah. Shit. I accidentally followed people I didn't want to follow. Over.
Starting point is 00:52:44 More than 15. You think it'll be more than 15? I hope it's not. I think you're I didn't want to follow. Over. More than 15. Can you give me more than 15? I hope it's not. I think you're right, but I hope it's not. I would love a race. Just curious about that middle event today. Adams, Kristen Holta, Christy Aramo could sneak ahead of Annie and Gabby to the point
Starting point is 00:53:10 where that gap will grow. Oh, I've DM'd with Christoph before. Alright, I'll see you guys in a couple hours. He's a nice guy. Bye, Brian. Christoph, would you please come on our podcast?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Thank you. All right. All right, Sevan. I'll see you after event three. All right. Sounds good, guys. Sounds good, John. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Thanks for doing this. Bye. Oh, guys, thanks for tuning in. We are at the end. Get Delstermon. $25 to the show if i'm wrong how about 25 to the show if you're right uh we are the ufc starts today at 10 30 a.m it's the early prelims which is free and when i say free that means if you're paying money to um have cable
Starting point is 00:53:59 or espn plus um so i guess it's not free and uh, let me look over here on the rogue, see what's going on at rogue. I think what I see, I see Pat Sherwood and some guy I don't recognize who shirt. Oh no. Shit. We got Spieler, Sherwood and Froning and, uh, it looks like Jason Kalipa, um, sitting at the rogue booth. Wow. Look at Jason's wearing the NC fit shirt and everyone else is wearing the rogue shirt. Very interesting. Okay guys okay guys uh i'll see you guys in an hour after the event thanks everyone for tuning in peace

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